And moreover We have guarded them from every cursed devil
Yi mau tswa dagan egun shetan na yi eza cice yaci na
But any that gains a hearing by stealth is pursued by a flaming fire bright to see
Saide za na ga yi gan-wo miniabo na to ena sisaci ci ga emi tuu gancin
And the earth We have spread out like a carpet set thereon mountains firm and immovable and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance
Kin ma yiu ta cici Yicia takun wancikozhi ce ta eti ubo Yicia yangici sunsun iri ndondo laatinya na ma yibe tsunwane na
And We have provided therein means of subsistence- for you and for those for whose sustenance ye are not responsible
Yi cia kaya nazhi yega wo ma izhe na laadanbo yaye to yan zanazhi ujin ye ye yaa arziki na
And there is not a thing but its sources and treasures inexhaustible are with Us but We only send down thereof in due and ascertainable measures
Amade yandocia saide na edzunba arzikiu be yi yin udanona Yimae cinubea sai de be gwargwado tsunwan nayi kpikpeci na
And We send the fecundating winds then cause the rain to descend from the sky therewith providing you with water in abundance though ye are not the guardians of its stores
Yi ma kezhea efezhi tun acie la wan-nuwan ya girgijezhi gancin yicie du le zhin dagan sanmao Yiciu laaya ye fin ye made edzunba wuna
And verily it is We Who give life and Who give death it is We Who remain inheritors after all else passes away
Hakika ma Yi gae dan yan rayio Yi ga mae wu rayio Yiga maa gi gun yandondoSurah And verily it is We Who give life and Who give death it is We Who remain inheritors after all else passes awayHakika ma Yi gae dan yan rayio Yi ga mae wu rayio Yiga maa gi gun yandondo
To Us are known those of you who hasten forward and those who lag behindHakika ma yikpe zanazhi -- ganani mini yebo na ye
Hakika ma yikpe to zanazhia be gbaa zunma na ye
Assuredly it is thy Lord Who will gather them together for He is perfect in Wisdom and Knowledge
Hakika Tsoci wyoe wyun gaa sana kabario ci kua ye kano Hakika Soko Etsu hikima uyio etsu ilimi uyio
We created man from sounding clay from mud moulded into shape
Hakika ma Yi jin alitta zawangi dagan eguno dagan edo-zhiko naa zhegba cie mantswan na
And the Jinn race We had created before from the fire of a scorching wind
Aljani ma Yi jin alittau jin shi jinjin zawangi dzo dagan ena na yi pipoci nao
Behold! thy Lord said to the angels I am about to create man from sounding clay from mud moulded into shape
Wyo mao pa lokaci na Tsoci wyoe gan be malaikazhi gan Hakika miajin alitta zawangi dagan edo nayi mantswanna
When I have fashioned him in due proportion and breathed into him of My spirit fall ye down in obeisance unto him
To miga beujin ucia jin daidai Micia efe be fiu dagan rayi Mibo to yea nikin zhizhi ye jin sujadae yau
So the angels prostrated themselves all of them together
Malaikazhi kpata cia sujada jin bae nio
Not so Iblis he refused to be among those who prostrated themselves
Sai de Iblisu! Wyuna navo na wyunajin sujada be zanazhie jin sujada nae
Allah said O Iblis! what is your reason for not being among those who prostrated themselves
Soko gan ya wyoe Iblisu! Kila wyo ci lo sujada-be zanazhie jin sujada naa yino
Iblis said I am not one to prostrate myself to man whom Thou didst create from sounding clay from mud moulded into shape
Iblisu ci gan u-- yin ya mi na miajin sujada ya zawangi na wyo jin alittu dagan eguno dagan edo nae zhegba naa
Allah said Then get thee out from here for thou art rejected accursed
Soko gan Tinya dagan miniubo Aljannao hakika eza cice yaci wyo yio
And the curse shall be on thee till the day of Judgment
Hakika ma emibo Soko ta eti wyo bo har da Efo Alkiyami
And the curse shall be on thee till the day of Judgment
Hakika ma emibo Soko ta eti wyo bo har da Efo Alkiyami
Iblis said O my Lord! give me then respite till the Day the dead are raised
Iblisu gan Tsoci mi! pata ya mi har da fo na agaa san zazhi kabario na
Allah said Respite is granted thee
Soko Ugan To hakika ma wyo dan mini za nazhi a pata ya na
Till the Day of the Time appointed
Har da Efo na yi be lokaci kpikpeci na
Iblis said O my Lord! because Thou hast put me in the wrong I will make wrong fair-seeming to them on the earth and I will put them all in the wrong-
Iblisu ci gan Tsoci mi! Dagan na wyoa mi gbinani na mi ga etu dedezhi laa panini fia kinbo hakika ma migagbin bae nio
Except Thy servants among them sincere and purified by Thy Grace
Sai de mini wuzhi wyozhio nazhi yi lilicizhi na
Except Thy servants among them sincere and purified by Thy Grace
Sai de mini wuzhi wyozhio nazhi yi lilicizhi na
Allah said This way of My sincere servants is indeed a way that leads straight to Me
Soko gan Nana ekpa uyio natso yi gboro na tswitswa uma eti mi bo utao
For over My servants no authority shalt thou have except such as put themselves in the wrong and follow thee
Hakika wuzhi Mizhi wyo de iko ndondo ta etiaboa sai de na ga mi tu wyoe mini wawazhio na
And verily Hell is the promised abode for them all!
Hakika ma jahannama ga yi ezhe kebaa baeni boSurah And verily Hell is the promised abode for them all!Hakika ma jahannama ga yi ezhe kebaa baeni bo
To it are seven gates for each of those gates is a special class of sinners assigned
Uyi be kpako gutwabae kpako ndondo ma yi be kansan ginganci na kafirizhia fi na
The righteous will be amid gardens and fountains of clear-flowing water
Hakika zanazhie sundan Soko cie tswau na afi miniAljannazhio be eye nuwan managizhi
Their greeting will be Enter ye here in peace and security
Egan dan bo be aminciy eza tswitswaci zhi
And We shall remove from their hearts any lurking sense of injury they will be brothers joyfully facing each other on thrones of dignity
Yi cia yannazhi fi yangbanazhio yan nanvo na wa ya acia zhe yegi dozhi nazhi kpe ti gadoazhio cie baza na
There no sense of fatigue shall touch them nor shall they ever be asked to leave
Egun yan ebo ndondo maa tswana miniuboa amaa kuatinya boa
Tell My servants that I am indeed the Oft-forgiving Most Merciful
Ya wuzhi Mizhi labari kede hakika Mi Etsu gafara Mi yio na Etsu yegun Mi yio na
Tell My servants that I am indeed the Oft-forgiving Most Merciful
Ya wuzhi Mizhi labari kede hakika Mi Etsu gafara Mi yio na Etsu yegun Mi yio na
And that My Penalty will be indeed the most grievous Penalty
Hakika ma azaba Mi gayi azaba natan nao
Tell them about the guests of Abraham
Wyo mao yaa labari eti ega Ibrahimuo
When they entered his presence and said Peace! He said We feel afraid of you!
Kamina agandan ebaubo na aci gan Salamu aminci ulau jin tabbatauya wyoe uci gan Hakika yiye sundan ye
They said Fear not! We give thee glad tidings of a son endowed with wisdom
Aci gan Ga sundan ma hakika yie ya wyoe labari yangban fa be mima egi naa yi kpikpe deci na
He said Do ye give me glad tidings that old age has seized me Of what then is your good news
Ugan Gbani yea ya mi bushara yangban fa be dide egi alaali ma eku kua lomi yina ni To kici ye gaa ya mi busharao
They said We give thee glad tidings in truth be not then in despair!
Agan yidea wyo ya bushara yan gaskiyaa ni wyo mao gaafe dan mini zanazhie ba kauna be yegun Sokoe na ma
They said We give thee glad tidings in truth be not then in despair!Agan
yidea wyo ya bushara yan gaskiyaa ni wyo mao gaafe dan mini zanazhie ba kauna be yegun Sokoe na ma
He said And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord but such as go astray
Ugan A ma de za naa ba kauna be yegun Tsoci u yin naa sai de eza gbin gbin cizhi
Abraham said What then is the business on which ye have come O ye messengers of Allah
Ugan kici ma ye be be yino ya ye Tucizhio
They said We have been sent to a people deep in sin
Agan hakika a tun yi tun-tun lo eba jamaa nazhi yi lefi jincizhi na
Excepting the adherents of Lut them we are certainly charged to save from harm- All -
Ban be iyali yan Annabi Lutuzhi Hakika Yigaa wadzun bae nio
Except his wife who We have ascertained will be among those who will lag behind
Sai de yin miu Hakika yia tsunwan alamariu laa ni hakika udan mini zanazhia jin hallaka na
At length when the messengers arrived among the adherents of Lut
Kamina Tuciuzhi lo eba iyali Annabi Lutu na
He said Ye appear to be uncommon folk
Ugan yede jamaazhi yeyio na yi kpea yea na
They said Yea we have come to thee to accomplish that of which they doubt
Agan Aa yi be be ya wyoe be yan na jamaa yan wyo zhie jin kelo kezhin etiu bo na
We have brought to thee that which is inevitably due and assuredly we tell the truth
Yi ma be be ya wyoe be gaskiyae hakika ma eza gaskiyazhi Yi yio
Then travel by night with thy household when a portion of the night yet remains and do thou bring up the rear let no one amongst you look back but pass on whither ye are ordered
Ebo acino a tinya dan zano be iyali wyozhi dan mini yeshio wyo mao la mio tua zunmao zaenindondo mau ga zhe ye lo zunma ma ye mae da bana Soko jin ye foro be yin na
And We made known this decree to him that the last remnants of those sinners should be cut off by the morning
Yimaa hukunci jin yau gan u la mi-u-tu alamari wuncin zo ba zanazhi ma wunada zoba be asuba yin
And We made known this decree to him that the last remnants of those sinners should be cut off by the morning
Yimaa hukunci jin yau gan u la mi-u-tu alamari wuncin zo ba zanazhi ma wunada zoba be asuba yin
The inhabitants of the city came in mad joy at news of the young men
Jamaa yan zhinin zhi cia tinya aci fe manin be egazhi
The inhabitants of the city came in mad joy at news of the young men
Jamaa yan zhinin zhi cia tinya aci fe manin be egazhi
Lut said These are my guests disgrace me not
Ugan Hakika za nanazhi ega mizhi ayio ebo acino ega sun-mi zunye dan alamariabo ma
But fear Allah and shame me not
Ye mae sundan Soko ye mae ga nyin mi yangban ma
They said Did we not forbid thee to speak for all and sundryAgan Asha yi kan wyoe gan wyo ga fe -- ega zawangizhi be maa
Ugan Egi yinzagi mizhi dan na ebe jina yawo ye gaa jin jin na
He said There are my daughters to marry if ye must act so
Ugan Egi yinzagi mizhi dan na ebe jina yawo ye gaa jin jin na
Verily by thy life O Prophet in their wild intoxication they wander in distraction to and fro
Malaikazhi gan Yie zhi kuti be rayi wyo tsoe hakika afi mini pipeazhio acie ce za
But the mighty Blast overtook them before morning
Gancin kabara cia wan be hallakae kamina igidiela tinya na
But the mighty Blast overtook them before morning
Gancin kabara cia wan be hallakae kamina igidiela tinya na
And We turned the cities upside down and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay
Yicia fitia zhegba ci daa kin Yici dule takunzhi fia dagan ezun pipocizhio
Behold! in this are Signs for those who by tokens do understand
Hakika mini wuncino ayazhi danbo ya zanazhie la hankali tu yanzhi na
And the cities were right on the high-road
Hakika alkarya wuncin ma u tati ekpa ndocio nayi tiyaci na
Behold! in this is a sign for those who believed
Hakika mini wuncino ayazhi danbo ya zanazhi yi muminizhi na
And the Companions of the Wood were also wrong-doers
Hakikama jamaa yan kin yan Aikata atso azwalumizhi ayio jamaa yan Annabi Shuaybu zhi
So We exacted retribution from them They were both on an open highway plain to see
Yicia jin azaba Hakika ma kin gubaba wuncinzhi a kpe eti ekpa ndocio naa tula na
So We exacted retribution from them They were both on an open highway plain to see
Yicia jin azaba Hakika ma kin gubaba wuncinzhi a kpe eti ekpa ndocio naa tula na
The Companions of the Rocky Tract also rejected the messengers
Hakika jamaa yan Hijruzhi Samuduzhi atsoa Tuciazhi yi ganmana
We sent them Our Signs but they persisted in turning away from them
Yima be yaa be aya Yizhi acia pan ya ke aya Yizhi lugwa
Out of the mountains did they hew their edifices feeling themselves secure
Amaa fe zanazhie ka patizhi yan cie laa jin emizhi na nazhima e leyanafi be aminci na
But the mighty Blast seized them of a morning
Kabara cia wan be hallakae lokaci asubaa yin
And of no avail to them was all that they did with such art and care!
Yan nazhi afe cewou na ma kunke yaa be yandondo yina
We created not the heavens the earth and all between them but for just ends And the Hour is surely coming when this will be manifest So overlook any human faults with gracious forgivenessYi majin alitta sanmazhi to kin to yannazhi fi tacinabo na jina saide be gaskiyae Hakika Alkiyami maa dabe ebo acino efa bedozhi fifa nayi wangi na
Inevitable cometh to pass the Command of Allah seek ye not then to hasten it Glory to Him and far is He above having the partners they ascribe unto Him!
Alamari Soko Alkiyami da beani ebo acino ega din bibeu ye ma Lili kpataajin tabbata ya Soko umaa latu ke yannazhie la pau baci na lugwa
He doth send down His angels with inspiration of His Command to such of His servants as He pleaseth saying Warn Man that there is no god but I so do your duty unto Me
Wyune cin malaikazhi be be wahayi ndoci dagan mini foro ubo ya zana ga bau mini wuzhiu zhio na kede Ejin gangba kede hakika ade Tsoci ndoci naa wun naa sai de Mi na Ebo acino ye afe zanazhie sundan Mi na
He has created the heavens and the earth for just ends Far is He above having the partners they ascribe to Him!
Wyuna alitta sanmazhi to kinzhi jin be gaskiyae Sokoa latu ke yannazhie la pau baci na lugwa
He has created man from a sperm-drop and behold this same man becomes an open disputer!
Wyuna alitta zawangi jin dagan maniy bo gancin ucia zhe emigboci ewun sunci gbangba be alamari yi yin
And cattle He has created for you men from them ye derive warmth and numerous benefits and of their meat ye eat
Dabba yan niimazhi ma wyuna jin yaye ye mae de yanna ye laa kanfe na dagan miniubo to eyan anfani na dokun na ye mae kezhe de nakanuzhi gi
And ye have a sense of pride and beauty in them as ye drive them home in the evening and as ye lead them forth to pasture in the morning
Ye mae kezhe de eyan ninpazhi dagan miniubo Wyune laazhe esa yaye kamina ye gae kua zhin mi lozuny-na to kamina yegae kua tinya laazhin-y-na
And they carry your heavy loads to lands that ye could not otherwise reach except with souls distressed for your Lord is indeed Most Kind Most Merciful
Amae la karayezhi yaye lo ezhi nazhi yea lo woa sai de be wanalae na Hakika Tsuci ye Etsu tosayi uyio Etsu yegun ma uyio