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Or they may say He forged it Say Bring ye then ten suras forged like unto it and call to your aid whomsoever ye can other than Allah!- If ye speak the truth! | Kashi e gangan gan u tswau tswa Gan yaa gan yetsoe la sura guwoe be iriuzhi nazhi yi tswitswacizhi na ye mae yi zandondo na yega yiwo zunma yan Soko nae be eboajin ri a maajin ye taimako wunayi eza gaskiyazhi ye yio na |
If then they your false gods answer not your call know ye that this revelation is sent down replete with the knowledge of Allah and that there is no god but He! will ye even then submit to Islam | To kama azhe ye gan woa to ye kpeewo danona ke de acin Alkuranu cin be kpikpe Sokoe be ma ade yandoci naajin bauta ya naa sai Soko Ngba ye ga kpatsun ta ya foro Sokoa |
Those who desire the life of the present and its glitter- to them we shall pay the price of their deeds therein- without diminution | Zaenindondo na gafe gan ema izhe be ninpauzhi ga wyune waza izhe bo na Yi ga egagba yan etunazhi la yaa izheo amaa ke a yandondo danboa |
They are those for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter but the Fire vain are the designs they frame therein and of no effect and the deeds that they do! | Zawuncinzhi agayi zanazhiade rabo ndondo Alkiyami boa nao sai de azaba ena Etun guru nazhi aga lo kpatana ga gbin ya etunazhi kpata maanyin ya |
Can they be like those who accept a Clear Sign from their Lord and whom a witness from Himself doth teach as did the Book of Moses before it- a guide and a mercy They believe therein but those of the Sects that reject it- the Fire will be their promised meeting-place Be not then in doubt thereon for it is the truth from thy Lord yet many among men do not believe! | Ngba za naafe ta eti hujja nayi gbangba dagan eba Tsociubo na eri madanbo Alkuranu nakezhea emitu wuncin dagan ebaubona shidzo ubo ma Litafi Annabi Musa danbo dzoshi uyio be yeguny ngba uga zhe ye ni be zana de hujja ndociana Za wuncinzhi e la imani jin beu yin Zandondo na ma ga jin kafirinci beuyin mini ena kungiya zhio na to ena gayi ezhekeba wyuno Ebo acino gaafe dan mini kelokezhino be uyin ma Hakika Alkuranu gaskiya uyio dagan eba Tsoci wyobo amaade ekun dondo zawangizhi kpea |
Who doth more wrong than those who invent a life against Allah They will be turned back to the presence of their Lord and the witnesses will say These are the ones who lied against their Lord! Behold! the Curse of Allah is on those who do wrong!- | Zi ma jin zwalunci kun zana tswa ganmana ta Soko nao za wuncinzhi a kuaku be zhi yegboro Tsociabo erizhi malaikazhi gancin cia gangan Zananazhi ga zunwan ta Tsociaao To emibo yan Soko ajin tabbata ta eti azwalumi zhio |
Those who would hinder men from the path of Allah and would seek in it something crooked these were they who denied the Hereafter!Zanazhie te eko Sokona acia wa kinkan yau na amaa fe zanazhia jin kafirinci be efo zobaena | null |
They will in no wise frustrate His design on earth nor have they protectors besides Allah! Their penalty will be doubled! They lost the power to hear and they did not see!Zawuncinzhi afe zanazhia gangwa kinbo naa amaade Ndakata ndocizhi zunma Soko boa ama ga azaba kpe ba dozhi yaa Afe zanazhie wo gan gaskiyaa na amae leu yea | null |
They are the ones who have lost their own souls and the fancies they invented have left them in the lurch! | Zawuncinzhi ga yi zanazhia eti tacinazhi jin hasara nao yannazhi ma afe tswa kpata yan gan-ma-nana cia gbina yeo |
Without a doubt these are the very ones who will lose most in the Hereafter! | Kelo kezhin ndondo danboa hakika agaajin hasara gan Efo zoba bo |
But those who believe and work righteousness and humble themselves before their Lord- They will be companions of the gardens to dwell therein for aye!Hakika zanazhi jin imani cia gaskiya ya na aci lo tun wangi wangizhi na acikezhe da kpya ya Tsocia na Zawuncin zhi ga yi egi Aljannazhio Amafi bo fi tutun yin | null |
These two kinds of men may be compared to the blind and deaf and those who can see and hear well Are they equal when compared Will ye not then take heed | Misali jamaa gubaba nana mumini be kafiri ayi ke yebon ci be tukpa tenci ganni be zanae lebaye na be zanae wo gan nae Ngba misali gubaba nana gaazhe nini To kila ye cie -- sin san tua yino |
We sent Noah to his people with a mission I have come to you with a Clear WarningHakika ma Yi tun Annabi Nuhu tun lo eba jamaa yanuzhi uci gan yaa gan Hakika mi de gangba jinci na yi gbangba na mi yi be eba ye yeo | null |
That ye serve none but Allah Verily I do fear for you the penalty of a grievous day | Kede ye ga jin bauta ya yandondo ma hakika mie sundan ya ye yan azaba Efo na yi tin tanci na |
But the chiefs of the Unbelievers among his people said We see in thee nothing but a man like ourselves Nor do we see that any follow thee but the meanest among us in judgment immature Nor do we see in you all any merit above us in fact we thing ye are liars! | Wancinzhi nazhia jin kafirinci na mini jamaa yanuzhio na cigan yi de eba yibo zawangi tsa wyo yi dozhin yi yio yi ma le zan do ye na la mitu wyo naa sai de eza gbagban gizhi mini yibo nazhi de rayi ti tacina na yima le ye ye be daraja ndoci-ta ti yiboa yi ye cin le ke ganmana zunci-zhi ye yio na |
He said O my people! See ye if it be that I have a Clear Sign from my Lord and that He hath sent Mercy unto me from His own presence but that the Mercy hath been obscured from your sight shall we compel you to accept it when ye are averse to it | Annabi Nuhu cigan ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Kashi ye le yea migafe gan mi yi be hujjae dagan eba Tsoci mibo uci kezhe twa mi rya be yeguny dagan ebaubo mi cia zhe Annabi acia wuncin kpata laa kan ye eyeo ye ye leuyea ngba yia jin ye kpaka beuyin alali ma ye yea fe zanazhie nau vo na |
And O my people! I ask you for no wealth in return my reward is from none but Allah But I will not drive away in contempt those who believe for verily they are to meet their Lord and ye I see are the ignorant ones! | Ya ye jama yan mizhi! Mi maa gbin ye gan dukiya ndondo eti yi yi na mie yi ye naboa Hakika de egagba yan mi eba Soko boudano mi maanyan za nazhia imani jin cia gaskiya ya naa Hakika atsoa be dagun be Tsociayin Amaade mi de mie le ye ye le ke jamaa nazhi fi bazhiko gaskiyao na |
And O my people! who would help me against Allah if I drove them away Will ye not then take heed | Ya ye jamaa yan mizhi!zia kangwa wo ya mi be Sokoyino miga-ayan nao Kii-la yecia -- sinsantua yino |
I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah nor do I know what is hidden nor claim I to be an angel Nor yet do I say of those whom your eyes do despise that Allah will not grant them all that is good Allah knoweth best what is in their souls I should if I did indeed be a wrong-doer | Mi maa gan yaye gan edzunba arziki Soko be mi yin udana mi ma de kpikpe yanna Sokoa swo naa mi ma gan ye gan malaika miyia mi maa gan ya zanazhi yegba ye na gan Sokoa la alheri ndoci twarya yaa-woa yina Soko kpe gan be iri yannazhi fi yangbanazhio nao Migajin acin jin da migaafe dan mini azwalumizhio |
They said O Noah! thou hast disputed with us and much hast thou prolonged the dispute with us now bring upon us what thou threatenest us with if thou speakest the truth! | Agan ya wyoe Nuhu! Hakika wyo dingan be yi yin wyo ma dokun be mi gboe be yi yin to be yayi be yanna wyoe laajin yi alkawali na wyo ga afe dan mini eza gaskiyazhiona |
He said Truly Allah will bring it on you if He wills- and then ye will not be able to frustrate it! | Ugan hakika Soko ga lau be ya ye yeo Uga bau na ye maa gan gwaa yemaa zanu kpea |
Of no profit will be my counsel to you much as I desire to give you good counsel if it be that Allah willeth to leave you astray He is your Lord! and to Him will ye return! | Gangba mi ma wunajin ye anfani ndondoa ka miga kpa gan mia jin ye gangba naa ugafe gantun shidzo batsozhio Soko a kpa shibo gan wyun ga ye gbin na wyun ga yi Tsoci ye yeo ebau gama ala ye zheban lo |
Of no profit will be my counsel to you much as I desire to give you good counsel if it be that Allah willeth to leave you astray He is your Lord! and to Him will ye return! | Gangba mi ma wunajin ye anfani ndondoa ka miga kpa gan mia jin ye gangba naa ugafe gantun shidzo batsozhio Soko a kpa shibo gan wyun ga ye gbin na wyun ga yi Tsoci ye yeo ebau gama ala ye zheban lo |
Or do they say He has forged it Say If I had forged it on me were my sin! and I am free of the sins of which ye are guilty! | Kashi egangan gan wyuntso tswau tswa Gangan ka wun ayi gan mi tswau tswa ngan lefi wuncin eti mitso bo wunatao mi ma egwa mi wa be etun lefi nazhi yetsoe lo na |
It was revealed to Noah None of thy people will believe except those who have believed already! So grieve no longer over their evil deeds | Ama jin wahayi ya Annabi Nuhu kede ade zandondo naajin imani mini jamaa yan wyozhio be naa sai de nazhi ga imani jin leani na Ebo acino wyo ga nyin yangban be iri etun nazhi agae lo na ma |
But construct an Ark under Our eyes and Our inspiration and address Me no further on behalf of those who are in sin for they are about to be overwhelmed in the Flood | Wyo mao la eya nuwano kan be ye Yi yin be wahayi Yi yin wyo mao ga gan yandondo be mi yin eti kafirizhio ma Hakika agbina gbin fi nuwano |
Forthwith he starts constructing the Ark Every time that the chiefs of his people passed by him they threw ridicule on him He said If ye ridicule us now we in our turn can look down on you with ridicule likewise! | Ucia ca eya nuwan-yn kan kandondo na ma wancin zhi mini jamaa yanuzhio gabe -- gan na ajin afe lau mi Uci gan ye ga la yi mi to yitsoa be lae mi kendoe yee la yi mi na |
But soon will ye know who it is on whom will descend a penalty that will cover them with shame- on whom will be unloosed a penalty lasting | Bele yin yea be kpe zana azaba yan zunyesun gaa be ya na to za na azaba na ga fedun na cia gaa ta na |
At length behold! there came Our command and the fountains of the earth gushed forth! We said Embark therein of each kind two male and female and your family - except those against whom the word has already gone forth- and the Believers but only a few believed with him | Har da kamina foro Yi da be na Misun nuwan eduzhi cia la Yici gan A eba be yiwoe dagan mini alitta ndondo ku fi bo ganni be iyali wyozhi sai de zana hukunci Soko gaa shidzo ta eti ubo to zana ga gaskiya yana to atso alaaku ama jin imani beuyina sai eza degi |
So he said Embark ye on the Ark In the name of Allah whether it move or be at rest! For my Lord is be sure Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful! | Uci gan Egandan miniubo be sunna Sokoe Bismillahi ga yi ezanda wuno wyun ga ma yi kinigi wuno Hakika Tsoci mi Etsu gafara uyio Etsu yegun uyio |
So the Ark floated with them on the waves towering like mountains and Noah called out to his son who had separated himself from the rest O my son! embark with us and be not with the unbelievers! | Uci fe dazan bea yin dan mini edu nae je cia fe ke pati na Nuhu ci fe ta midan egiu kananu kan-ga ma wyuna kpe ya ci dagi bandocio uci gan ya wyoe egi mi! Gandan wyo lao feo dan gan-ni be yi yin wyo mao ga fe dan ganni be kafirizhi ma |
The son replied I will betake myself to some mountain it will save me from the water Noah said This day nothing can save from the command of Allah any but those on whom He hath mercy! And the waves came between them and the son was among those overwhelmed in the Flood | Egi cigan Ngan mi ga gadan nin yan pati ndocio naa kan gwa ya mi be nuwane na Annabi Nuhu ci gan yandondo danbo yinna naa kangwa ya za dagan alamari Sokoo naaa sai de zana Sokoa gunyeu na egban nuwan cia fe dan tsakaniabo be dozhi ucia fe dan mini zanazhia gbin fi nuwano na |
Then the word went forth O earth! swallow up thy water and O sky! Withhold thy rain! and the water abated and the matter was ended The Ark rested on Mount Judi and the word went forth Away with those who do wrong!Aci gan ya wyoe kin! Anuwan wyo nyin to wyo tso sanma anuwao kanfi Nuwan ma cia kan ta hukunci na Soko bana cia jin tabbata eya cia kan gikini pati ndocio ucia jin daidai ta pati nae yigan JUDIYU na aci gan kpikpeya be rahma Sokoe wunajin tabbata ya azwalumizhi | null |
And Noah called upon his Lord and said O my Lord! surely my son is of my family! and Thy promise is true and Thou art the justest of Judges! | Nuhu ci yi Tsociuye uci gan ya wyoe Tsoci mi! hakika egi mi dan mini iyali mizhio hakika ma alkawali wyo ma gaskiyauyio wyo ga ma man hukunci jin gan zandondo |
He said O Noah! He is not of thy family For his conduct is unrighteous So ask not of Me that of which thou hast no knowledge! I give thee counsel lest thou act like the ignorant! | Soko ci gan Ya wyoe Nuhu! Hakika egi wuncin ufe dan mini iyali wyozhi boa hakika aduwa wyoe etun uyio najin wangia na wyo mao ga kara gbin mi gan eti yanna wyo kpe hakika wuna na ma hakika Mie jin wyoe gangba wyo mao ga lugwa wyoa fe dan mini jahilizhio ma |
Noah said O my Lord! I do seek refuge with Thee lest I ask Thee for that of which I have no knowledge And unless thou forgive me and have Mercy on me I should indeed be lost! | U gan Tsoci mi hakika mie ba tswitswa be wyo yin na mia gbin wyo gan yan na mide hakika wuna be na kagan wyo fa be mi yin wyoci gun mi yea to migafedan mini hasara jinci zhio |
The word came O Noah! Come down from the Ark with peace from Us and blessing on thee and on some of the peoples who will spring from those with thee but there will be other peoples to whom We shall grant their pleasures for a time but in the end will a grievous penalty reach them from Us | Acigan ya wyoe Nuhu acin be aminci dagan eba yibo be albarkazhi ta eti wyobo be alumma nazhi dan ganni be wyo yin nae Alumma ndocizhi ma danbo yia yaa emanwo degi gancin azaba na tan sarauyin na dagan eba Yibo cia toa gwa |
Such are some of the stories of the unseen which We have revealed unto thee before this neither thou nor thy people knew them So persevere patiently for the End is for those who are righteous | Wuncizhi dan mini labari gaibuzhi swiswocizhi na yiejin wahayia ya wyo na Ebona to wyoe to jamaa yan wyozhi a kpeuye shiboa ebo acino a hankuri jin hakika zoba wangi gajin tabbata ya za nazhie sundan Soko acie tswau na |
To the ´Ad People We sent Hud one of their own brethren He said O my people! worship Allah! ye have no other god but Him Your other gods ye do nothing but invent! | Be ma Yitun zafi aduzhi yegiatso nae ye Hudu na uci gan ya ye jama yan mizhi! Ejin bauta ya Soko yede Tsoci ndoci zunmauboa yede fea saide za nazhie tswa ganmana zhina |
O my people! I ask of you no reward for this Message My reward is from none but Him who created me Will ye not then understand | Ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Mi gbinye gan egagba ndondo eti etun na mielo na boa egagba mide udan be Etsu na ca jin jin alitta mi na kashi yede hankali de a |
And O my people! Ask forgiveness of your Lord and turn to Him in repentance He will send you the skies pouring abundant rain and add strength to your strength so turn ye not back in sin! | Ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Ewa gafara be Tsoci ye yin gancin yemae jin tubae lo ebau wyuna dule nadokun na be yaye dagan sanmao umaa kezhe be kagbo ta eti kagbo yebo yemae ga zhe zunma tayea zhe leifi jincizhi na ma |
They said O Hud! No Clear Sign that hast thou brought us and we are not the ones to desert our gods on thy word! Nor shall we believe in thee! | Aci gan ya wyoe Hudu! Wyo be ya yi be hujja ndondo yina yi maa lu kutiyizhi gwa ebo egan wyoboa Yimaa ya gaskiya be wyo yina |
We say nothing but that perhaps some of our gods may have seized thee with imbecility He said I call Allah to witness and do ye bear witness that I am free from the sin of ascribing to Him | Yide de yandociagana saide yie leye gan sashi yan kuti yizhi dea wyo togwa be egun ndoci-ebo toko na wyoe gia na Ugan Mie yi Soko Eri yetso mae jin ri kede hakika mia egwa mi wa be yannazhi ye laapa Soko baci nae |
Other gods as partners! so scheme your worst against me all of you and give me no respite | Yandoci na jin Sokoa na ye mae la makirinci yezhie pa eti mibo ye mae ga pata ya mi ma |
I put my trust in Allah My Lord and your Lord! There is not a moving creature but He hath grasp of its fore-lock Verily it is my Lord that is on a straight Path | Hakika mia yakpe Soko nayi Tsoci mi Uma yi Tsoci ye na ade yandoci nae dazan ta eti kinbo naa sai de kokontsoko alamariu kpata dan egwa zankpe Soko Hakika Tsoci mi ta eti ekpa natso yi gboro na |
If ye turn away- I at least have conveyed the Message with which I was sent to you My Lord will make another people to succeed you and you will not harm Him in the least For my Lord hath care and watch over all things | To ye ma ga zunma zhe ta hakika de mia yan wu ya ye yan yanna a tun mi fi ye naTsoci mima san ye gwa wo be jamaa ndocizhi kayin ye ma la egun ndondo tswanu woa Hakika Tsoci mi Etsu uyio nae tswa yandondo na |
So when Our decree issued We saved Hud and those who believed with him by special Grace from Ourselves We saved them from a severe penalty | Kamina foro yi da be na yia Annabi Hudu gangwa to zanazhi jin imani beu yin na wuncin ma yi yegun dagan eba yi bo Yicia gangwa dagan azaba na lekpan na |
Such were the ´Ad People they rejected the Signs of their Lord and Cherisher disobeyed His messengers And followed the command of every powerful obstinate transgressor | Zawuncinzhi ma agayi Aduzhio nazhi gbomi be aya Tsocia zhi na acia le Tuciuzhi ba na acia mi tu foro zadondo na yi eti kagbo ci naakan ke eko guru lugwa na |
And they were pursued by a Curse in this life- and on the Day of Judgment Ah! Behold! for the ´Ad rejected their Lord and Cherisher! Ah! Behold! removed from sight were ´Ad the people of Hud! | Acia mi tua izhe nanao be emiboe to Alkiyamio Acinga gao! Hakika aduzhia ajin kafirinci be Tsocia yin Hakika emibo ajin tabbata ya Adu jamaa yan Hudu zhi |
To the Thamud People We sent Salih one of their own brethren He said O my people! Worship Allah ye have no other god but Him It is He Who hath produced you from the earth and settled you therein then ask forgiveness of Him and turn to Him in repentance for my Lord is always near ready to answer | Acinga ma yi tun Tuci fi samudawa zhi Salihu na yi yegiatso na Ugan ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Ejin bauta ya Soko ye de Tsoci ndoci zunma uboa Wyun ga yi Etsu na ca jin jin ye dagan kinbo nao uci yaye kagbo yan edunfe ta etiubo Ebo acino ewa gafara be uyin ye mae jin tubae lo ebau Hakika Tsoci mi Etsu na mae -- aduwa na uyio |
They said O Salih! thou hast been of us! a centre of our hopes hitherto! dost thou now forbid us the worship of what our fathers worshipped But we are really in suspicious disquieting doubt as to that to which thou invitest us | Aci gan ya wyoe Salihu! Hakika pa yin na wyo afe eza na zandondo jin kaunau dan tacin yibo na kafi wyo-be be egan nanae na wyoe wa gan wyoa kan yi wun-wun kuti nazhi yanmanci yizhie wun yana shibo le na Hakika ma yi de jin kelo kezhin be yanna wyoe yi yi lo ebau naa yangban yi ma shia |
He said O my people! do ye see if I have a Clear Sign from my Lord and He hath sent Mercy unto me from Himself- who then can help me against Allah if I were to disobey Him What then would ye add to my portion but perdition | Ugan ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Yeleyea migaa fe taeti hujjao eba Tsoci mi bo ucikezhe twa mi rya be yeguny dagan ebau bo zii danbo naajin mi taimako be Sokoe migaale Soko ba nao Amade yandoci na yea labe mi naa sai de zun-zun ya |
And O my people! This she-camel of Allah is a symbol to you leave her to feed on Allah´s free earth and inflict no harm on her or a swift penalty will seize you! | Ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Na na ma rakum yan Soko uyio aya ma uyio nae wu zankpe Soko ya ye na eboacino yeuya ufe ugi yanuza eti kin yan Soko ye mae ga la egun ndondo tswou ma kacina azaba na tsoba na ga ye de |
But they did ham-string her So he said Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three days Then will be your ruin Behold there a promise not to be belied! | Aciu wan ucigan Ewoman degi fi emie zhio yan foguta kawanyin wuncin ma alkawali uyio naa yedza ganmanaa na |
When Our Decree issued We saved Salih and those who believed with him by special Grace from Ourselves - and from the Ignominy of that day For thy Lord - He is the Strong One and able to enforce His Will | Kamina foro azaba yi da be na yia Annabi Salihu wadzun to zanazhia imani jin beuyin na be yegun dagan eba Yibo yia wadzun dagan zun ye sun yan fowuncino Hakika Tsoci wyoe wyun ga yi Etsu kagbo wyun gayi Etsu zankpeo |
The mighty Blast overtook the wrong-doers and they lay prostrate in their homes before the morning- | Kabara-ko ndoci cia zanazhi yi azwalumizhi na wan Gancin acia tinba fi emiazhio kpata cia jin hallaka kpe vopkaazhioSurah As if they had never dwelt and flourished there Ah! Behold! for the Thamud rejected their Lord and Cherisher! Ah! Behold! removed from sight were the Thamud!Wyo a ye gan ko a fedun le fi mini emiazhi boa Acin gao hakika Samuduzhi ajin kafirinci be Tsocia yin Acin ga gao emibo Soko ajin tabbata ya Samuduzhi |
There came Our messengers to Abraham with glad tidings They said Peace! He answered Peace! and hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf | Hakika ma Tuci Yizhi be eba Ibrahima be bushara yangbanfae aci gan Aminci ulaujin tabbatau ya wyoe uci gan Aminci ulaujin tabbatau ya yetso Ufeduna sai na ube yaa be so ya nakan nankoe na |
There came Our messengers to Abraham with glad tidings They said Peace! He answered Peace! and hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf | Hakika ma Tuci Yizhi be eba Ibrahima be bushara yangbanfae aci gan Aminci ulaujin tabbatau ya wyoe uci gan Aminci ulaujin tabbatau ya yetso Ufeduna sai na ube yaa be so ya nakan nankoe na |
But when he saw their hands went not towards the meal he felt some mistrust of them and conceived a fear of them They said Fear not We have been sent against the people of Lut | To kamina u leye gan egwaazhi tun evo soyaa na fe naa vo uci fe wo dansuna dan yanbgano aci gan Ga sundan ma hakika yi a tun yi tunfi jamaa yan Annabi Lutuzhi |
And his wife was standing there and she laughed But we gave her glad tidings of Isaac and after him of Jacob | Yinmiu magi gbaro kanga uci matsan Yici fau yangban be egi mae Ishakuy zunma Ishakuo be wyunama Yaakubu |
She said Alas for me! shall I bear a child seeing I am an old woman and my husband here is an old man That would indeed be a wonderful thing! | Yinmiu ci gan kasa mi re Ngba mia magi mi maa kuku eba mitso ma dan na wyuntsoa kuku ma Hakika nana eyan mamaki uyio |
They said Dost thou wonder at Allah´s decree The grace of Allah and His blessings on you o ye people of the house! for He is indeed worthy of all praise full of all glory! | Aci gan Wyoajin mamaki alamari nayi yan Soko na Yegun Soko be albarkauzhi alaajin tabbataaya ye ye zanbabo zhi Hakika Soko Etsu na zandondoajin yebo yana uyio Etsu cinwan uyio |
When fear had passed from the mind of Abraham and the glad tidings had reached him he began to plead with us for Lut´s people | Kamina dansun be a la ke yabo ya Ibrahim na labari yangban fa cida be yau na ufe dingan be Yi yin eti alamari jamaa yan Lutuzhio |
For Abraham was without doubt forbearing of faults compassionate and given to look to Allah | Hakika Ibrahima eza hakuri uyio zanae dokun be ekpedae na uyio zana mae dokun be ezheban lo eba Soko na uyio |
O Abraham! Seek not this The decree of thy Lord hath gone forth for them there cometh a penalty that cannot be turned back! | Ya wyoe Ibrahima a pan-ya ke nana lugwa Hakika alamari Tsoci wyoe da bea ni Hakika ma azaba naa ye dagwa yaa na a da be yaa |
When Our messengers came to Lut he was grieved on their account and felt himself powerless to protect them He said This is a distressful day | Kamina Tuci Yizhi tun eba Lutu na uu nyin yangban eboabo yangbana cia yiku uci gan Nana efo uyio nade ezo sarauyin na |
And his people came rushing towards him and they had been long in the habit of practising abominations He said O my people! Here are my daughters they are purer for you if ye marry! Now fear Allah and cover me not with shame about my guests! Is there not among you a single right-minded man | Jamaa yanuzhi ci dabe ebau a fe dinye shidzo batso zhio a fe zanazhi fe lo tun dedezhi na Ugan ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Egi mi yinzagizhi danona a fe edzuta yaye gan ega keba be bagizhi bema ye mae sundan Soko ye mae ga sun mi zunye be ye ega mizhi ma Kashi ade eza hankali de dan mini yeboa |
They said Well dost thou know we have no need of thy daughters indeed thou knowest quite well what we want! | Acigan Hakika wyotso kpegan yide egan ndondo be egi yinzagi wyozhi yina hakikama wyotso kpe yanna yie wa na |
He said Would that I had power to suppress you or that I could betake myself to some powerful support | Ugan E gangan mide kagbo ndoci na mi ga ye kan etun nna yin lonaa ko ma minde ekpe tsoba ndoci na gboka na na mia kpetso eti zunma tuo naa |
The Messengers said O Lut! We are Messengers from thy Lord! By no means shall they reach thee! now travel with thy family while yet a part of the night remains and let not any of you look back but thy wife will remain behind To her will happen what happens to the people Morning is their time appointed Is not the morning nigh | Egauzhi ci gan ya wyoe Lutu! Hakika Tuci wyo zhi yi yio a tsoba wyo wo gbani eboajin eyan dede be yiyina wyo dea tin ya be iyali wyozhi mini kansan yeshi ndoci zaeni ndondo mini yebo mauga zheye ban zhin zunma ma sai de nyinmi wyoe gbuugi Hakika wyiny yanna ga tswana na gaa tswan wyun tso Hakika lokaci naaba yaa na asuba boudano ngba asuba ma ujin yan na tsoba na uyia |
When Our Decree issued We turned the cities upside down and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay spread layer on layer- | Kamina alamari Yi be dabe na Yicia fiti yan kin wuncin laazhin kin yi ci dule takunzhi kpeu iri yan ezun pipocizhi nazhi la mitu dozhi na |
Marked as from thy Lord Nor are they ever far from those who do wrong! | Nazhi ma a jin alama dagan eba Tsoci wyo bona Kin wuncin ma u kpeya ndoci be azwalumizhi yina |
To the Madyan People We sent Shu´aib one of their own brethren he said O my people! worship Allah Ye have no other god but Him And give not short measure or weight I see you in prosperity but I fear for you the penalty of a day that will compass you all round | Yima tun Tuci fi jamaa yan Madyanazhi ugayi yegiatso Annabi Shuaybuo ugan ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Ejin bauta ya Soko ye de Tsoci ndoci zunmauboa ye mae ga ke tsunwan eyandan to eyan-ma tukun ma hakika mie le ye be alheri dukiya na dokun na mi mae sundan ya ye yan azaba Efo na yandondo ma kezhe na |
And O my people! give just measure and weight nor withhold from the people the things that are their due commit not evil in the land with intent to do mischief | Ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Yea tsunwan eyan dabzhi to yan enyanma zhi she be adalinci ye mae ga ke zawangi zhi eyanazhi ma ye mae gaafe zanazhie nyin yan kpe kin bo na ma |
That which is left you by Allah is best for you if ye but believed! but I am not set over you to keep watch! | Yannazhia be ke ya ye dan eba Soko na ude alheri yaye gan ye gaafe zanazhia imani jin na Mi majin zanaa fe tswa ye za naa |
They said O Shu´aib! Does thy religion of prayer command thee that we leave off the worship which our fathers practised or that we leave off doing what we like with our property truly thou art the one that forbeareth with faults and is right-minded! | Acigan ya wyoe Shuaybu! Afe sallah wyoe tsae jin wyo foro gan yiila yannazhi yanmanci yizhie wun nay-lugwae yi may ga jin yana bayi na be dukiya yi mae Hakika wyo gayi Etsu hakurio Oku Etsu bawu! |
He said O my people! see ye whether I have a Clear Sign from my Lord and He hath given me sustenance pure and good as from Himself I wish not in opposition to you to do that which I forbid you to do I only desire your betterment to the best of my power and my success in my task can only come from Allah In Him I trust and unto Him I look | Ugan ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Kashi ye le yea migaafe ta eti hujjao dagan eba Tsoci mibo u ma ci twamirya be arziki dagan ebau bo arziki nama yi wangi nake ye a be data Alkiyamio nao Mi mae wa gan min lenba be ye yin lo eba yannazhi mie kan ye yinjin naa mi ma kpa yandondoa sai de gyara gwargwado na mi b ga labe wo na gangani jin ma yan mi be Soko-yn udano wyun ga mi yakpeo ebau gabo ma mia zheban lo |
And O my people! let not my dissent from you cause you to sin lest ye suffer a fate similar to that of the people of Noah or of Hud or of Salih nor are the people of Lut far off from you! | Be-ma ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Ega lugwa lile ba ye be mi yin be din yandoci be yaye iri natso tswan jamaa yan Nuhuzhi ko jamaa yan Hudu zhi koma jamaa yan Salihuzhi na ma yanna ma tswan jamaa yan Lutu zhi na ma ukpeya be yetso yina |
But ask forgiveness of your Lord and turn unto Him in repentance For my Lord is indeed full of mercy and loving-kindness | Ye mae wa gafara Tsoci ye gancin ye mae jin tubae lo ebau Hakika Tsoci mi Etsu yegun uyio Etsu boye uyio |
They said O Shu´aib! much of what thou sayest we do not understand! In fact among us we see that thou hast no strength! Were it not for thy family we should certainly have stoned thee! for thou hast among us no great position! | Agan ya wyoe Shuaybu! Ekudondo egan nazhi wyoe gan nae ye yi yia hakika ma yi yie le wyo leye dan mini yibo eza gbogun kau majin ebo dangio zhiboa da yi gao ce yanani wyo ma zanyi kpe woa |
He said O my people! is then my family of more consideration with you than Allah For ye cast Him away behind your backs with contempt But verily my Lord encompasseth on all sides all that ye do! | Ugan ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Afe dangimizhi tsa zankpe gan Soko eba yebo Ye ciu la daa ceya ci zunma ye bo Hakika Tsoci mi Etsu uyio naa man kezhe be kpikpe uzhi eti etun nazhi ye lo kpata na |
And O my people! Do whatever ye can I will do my part Soon will ye know who it is on whom descends the penalty of ignominy and who is a liar! and watch ye! for I too am watching with you! | Ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Efe lo tun eti yannazhi yega gikini tiubo na hakika mitsoe lo tun lo taeti yanna mi gikini tiubo na bele yin ma yea be de kpikpe yan zana azaba zunyesun gaa be ya na be zana gayi ganmana zunci nae Efe tu ye mitso hakika mie tuye ma gannibe ye yin |
When Our decree issued We saved Shu´aib and those who believed with him by special mercy from Ourselves But the mighty blast did seize the wrong-doers and they lay prostrate in their homes by the morning- | Kamina foro Yi be na Yia Shuaybu gangwa be zanazhi jin imani ganna beu uyin na be yegun ndoci dagan eba yibo kabara ko ndoci cia zanazhi jin zwalunci na wan acia tinba fi emiazhio ajin hallaka kpe eti vokpaazhio |
As if they had never dwelt and flourished there! Ah! Behold! How the Madyan were removed from sight as were removed the Thamud! | Wyoa ye gan ko alafedun fi emiazhio lea Acinga gao kpikpe ya be yegun Sokoe wunajin tabbata ya Madyana cizhi kendoe Samuduzhi kpeya be yegun Sokoe na |
And we sent Moses with Our Clear Signs and an authority manifest | Hakika ma yi tun Musa tun be aya Yizhi ganni be hujjazhi nazhi yi gbangba na |
Unto Pharaoh and his chiefs but they followed the command of Pharaoh and the command of Pharaoh was no right guide | Lo eba Firauna be waziriuzhi acia mitu foro Firauna foro Firauna kpata ma ta eti ekpa gboro boa |
He will go before his people on the Day of Judgment and lead them into the Fire as cattle are led to water But woeful indeed will be the place to which they are led! | Wyuna shi jamaa yanuzhidzo Efo Alkiyamio ucia kpana ya da fi enao Kpinkpan fi danna iri nanao ma wuna bi ye |
And they are followed by a curse in this life and on the Day of Judgment and woeful is the gift which shall be given unto them! | Acia mi tua izhe nanao be laanae emiboe to Alkiyamio Iri eryatwa nana naa twaana maa bi ye |
These are some of the stories of communities which We relate unto thee of them some are standing and some have been mown down by the sickle of time | Wuncinzhi kpata dan mini etan alkaryazhio na yie gba ya wyo na Miniabo ade nazhi yi gi gbaro na amade nazhia gbin yaa ni na |
It was not We that wronged them They wronged their own souls the deities other than Allah whom they invoked profited them no whit when there issued the decree of thy Lord Nor did they add aught to their lot but perdition! | Yima jina zwaluncia amaade atso tsa jin ti tacina zwaluncio Tsociazhi nazhi ma ejin bauta ya na ma kunke yaa wo be yandondoe kamina alamari azaba Soko be yaa naa Abea yandondo-otsoa sai de hallaka |
Such is the chastisement of thy Lord when He chastises communities in the midst of their wrong grievous indeed and severe is His chastisement | Acinga ga ma winwan yan Tsoci wyo yio kamina uga Alkarya ndoci wan kamina agajin kafirinci acie jin zwalunci na Hakika win wan yan Soko yanna tan na uyi sarauyino |
In that is a Sign for those who fear the penalty of the Hereafter that is a Day for which mankind will be gathered together that will be a Day of Testimony | Hakika mini wuncino aya danbo nae wugwa zankpe Soko na ya zandondo na gae sundan azaba Efo zoba na Fo wuncin ma Efo uyio naaga zandondo kuyekan na Efo ma uyio na zandondo a jin ri na |
Nor shall We delay it but for a term appointed | Yima pauta paa sai de ebo lokaci na yi bibaci na |
The day it arrives no soul shall speak except by His leave of those gathered some will be wretched and some will be blessed | Efo na ugaa be na ade rayi naa gan gan naa sai de be izini Sokoe To ade dan mini zawangizhio foga nazhi yi shakizhi na amade nazhi yi eza ti manaci zhi na |
Those who are wretched shall be in the Fire There will be for them therein nothing but the heaving of sighs and sobs | Amaade zanazhi yi shakki-zhi na to a yea fi enao yanna a fe jin fi bo na uga yi kabara yi elo be zhin yino |
They will dwell therein for all the time that the heavens and the earth endure except as thy Lord willeth for thy Lord is the sure accomplisher of what He planneth | Amaa fi bo tutun yin gwargwado yan dindanbo yan sanmazhi be kinyin sai de yanna ga ke be ba Tsoci wyoe ci jin yanuna Hakika Tsoci wyoe yanna ga bauna wunejino |
And those who are blessed shall be in the Garden They will dwell therein for all the time that the heavens and the earth endure except as thy Lord willeth a gift without break | Amaade zanazhi yi eza ti manancizhi na to a fi mini Aljannao tutunyin matuka yan dindanbo sanmazhi to kin sai de yanna ga be ba Soko na Nanama eryatwa uyio naa baa na |
Be not then in doubt as to what these men worship They worship nothing but what their fathers worshipped before them but verily We shall pay them back in full their portion without the least abatement | Wyo mao gaa fedan mini kelo kezhino eti yannazhi za nanazhie jin bauta ya na ma Ajin bauta ya yandondoa sai de yanna yanma ciazhi fe jin bauta ya shidzo batsozhio na Yimaga egagbaazhi shekpan yaa yan azaba naa dina na |
We certainly gave the Book to Moses but differences arose therein had it not been that a word had gone forth before from thy Lord the matter would have been decided between them but they are in suspicious doubt concerning it | Hakika ma Yila Litafi ya Musa acia ce le ba dan mini ubo kagan umajin ebo kalma ndoci naashi dzo dagan eba Tsoci wyo na boa da hakika aga hukunci jin tsakaniabo a ni Hakika ma afe dan mini kelokezhin nae la yangbanazhi cie ceka za na |
And of a surety to all will your Lord pay back in full the recompense of their deeds for He knoweth well all that they do | Hakika ma zaeni ndondo miniabo sai de Tsoci wyoe gaa gagba yan etun nazhi a lona Hakika Soko yi be labari etun nazhia lo kpata na |