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This day shall We save thee in the body that thou mayest be a sign to those who come after thee! but verily many among mankind are heedless of Our Signs! | To nyin-na Yi ga nakan kpace ekun wyoe gangwa ebo wyo laofe aya ya zanazhi ga dan zunma wyobona Hakika ma ekundondo zawangizhi e laa yaye ke aya yi zhi lugwa |
We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling-place and provided for them sustenance of the best it was after knowledge had been granted to them that they fell into schisms Verily Allah will judge between them as to the schisms amongst them on the Day of Judgment | Hakika ma yia Banu Israilazhi ya edunfeba edunfeba yan gaskiya Yici yaa arziki dagan mini eyan managizhio Gancin ma a ce lebaa har she na kpikpe dabe yaana Hakika Tsoci wyoe wyunajin hukunci tsakaniabo Efo Alkiyami dan mini yannazhi afe ce dozhi leba etiubo nao |
If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord so be in no wise of those in doubt | Wyo ma gae jin kelo kezhin jin dan mini yanna Yicinbe ya wyoe nao to gbin zanazhi fe gba Litafi shi wyo dzo na gan Hakika gaskiya da be ya wyoe dagan eba Tsoci wyo bo ebo acino gaafe dan mini zanazhie jin kelokezhin na mao |
Nor be of those who reject the signs of Allah or thou shalt be of those who perish | Wyo mao gaafe dan mini zanazhia aya Soko zhi yi ganmana na ma kacana wyo gaafe dan mini eza hasara zhio |
Nor be of those who reject the signs of Allah or thou shalt be of those who perish | Wyo mao gaafe dan mini zanazhia aya Soko zhi yi ganmana na ma kacana wyo gaafe dan mini eza hasara zhio |
Those against whom the word of thy Lord hath been verified would not believe- | Hakika zanazhi egan Sokoajin tabbata ta etiabo naaajin imania |
Even if every Sign was brought unto them- until they see for themselves the penalty grievous | Ka da ma aya ndondo gadabe yaa a jin imania har sai aga azaba tintanci le ye |
Why was there not a single township among those We warned which believed- so its faith should have profited it- except the people of Jonah When they believed We removed from them the penalty of ignominy in the life of the present and permitted them to enjoy their life for a while | To ki la acide alkarya ndoci najin imani har imani u ci jinu anfani naa yino sai de jamaa yan yunusao Kamina ajin imani na yia azaba zunyesun yan izhe la keyabo yaa Yici yaa emawo da lokaci ndoci |
If it had been thy Lord´s will they would all have believed- all who are on earth! wilt thou then compel mankind against their will to believe! | Daa cigan uba Tsoci wyo ba da zanazhi dan kinbo kpata na ga imani jin kpataa baenio Kashi wyoa jin zawangizhi kpaka jin na she aga zhe muminizhi na |
No soul can believe except by the will of Allah and He will place doubt or obscurity on those who will not understand | U ma jin kagbo yan rayi ndondo na wyuna jin imani naa sai de be izini Sokoe Soko maajin ula shikan a kpe yangban zanazhi de ankalia na |
Say Behold all that is in the heavens and on earth but neither Signs nor Warners profit those who believe not | Gangan E cin le lo eba yannazhi fi sanmazhio to kin bo na Ayazhi ma to gangbazhi a kun-ke ya zanazhi jin imani naa yana |
Do they then expect any thing but what happened in the days of the men who passed away before them Say Wait ye then for I too will wait with you | Kashi yandoci danbo nae tuye na ngan sai de iri efo dede yan zanazhi -- gan shidzo na Gangan E fe tuye! Hakika mitso be ye yin midan mini zanazhie tuye na |
In the end We deliver Our messengers and those who believe Thus is it fitting on Our part that We should deliver those who believe! | GancinYiciga Tuci Yizhi gangwa to zanzhia imani jin na acinga gao wunazhe hakki ta eti Yibo na Yi ga muminizhi gangwa na |
In the end We deliver Our messengers and those who believe Thus is it fitting on Our part that We should deliver those who believe! | GancinYiciga Tuci Yizhi gangwa to zanzhia imani jin na acinga gao wunazhe hakki ta eti Yibo na Yi ga muminizhi gangwa na |
Say O ye men! If ye are in doubt as to my religion behold! I worship not what ye worship other than Allah! But I worship Allah - Who will take your souls at death I am commanded to be in the ranks of the Believers | Gangan Ya ye zawangizhi! Ye gae jin kelokezhin jin dan mini adini mi boto mia jin bauta ya yannazhi ye jin bauta ya ke Soko lugwa naa ammaa de miajin bauta jin ya Soko Etsu nae -- rayi ye na Ama jin mi foro gan min lan fendan mini muminizhio |
And further thus ´set thy face towards religion with true piety and never in any wise be of the Unbelievers | A ma ke gan mi gan wyo mao la mini wyo yo ku ogikini be jin jin adini be gaskiyae wyo mao gaafe dan mini zanazhie la yan pa Soko baci naoma |
´Nor call on any other than Allah- Such will neither profit thee nor hurt thee if thou dost behold! thou shalt certainly be of those who do wrong´ | Wyo mao ga fe yi yandoci ye baci Soko ma yan naajin wye anfani woa u ma la gun tso wyo woa na ma To wyoga kara jinacin to hakika wyo gaafe dan mini azwalumizhio |
If Allah do touch thee with hurt there is none can remove it but He if He do design some benefit for thee there is none can keep back His favour He causeth it to reach whomsoever of His servants He pleaseth And He is the Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful | Soko ma ga wyo wan be egun ndoci to ade zandondo na lau keya bo na woa sai de wyu tso Soko U ma ga wyo kpa be alheri ndoci zandondo danbo na da eryatwa gwa wo naa Wyune la yan de zana ga bauna mini wuzhiuzhio Wyun ga ma yi Etsu gafarao Etsu yeguno |
Say O ye men! Now Truth hath reached you from your Lord! those who receive guidance do so for the good of their own souls those who stray do so to their own loss and I am not set over you to arrange your affairs | Gangan Ya ye zawangizhi! Hakika gaskiya dabe yaye dagan eba Tsoci yebo Ebo acino zana gaa ke eko na to hakika uke eko ya eti tacinu zana ma ga gbin na to hakika ugbingbin ya eti tacinu Mi majin wakili ta eti yeboa |
Follow thou the inspiration sent unto thee and be patient and constant till Allah do decide for He is the best to decideWyo mao la mio tu yanna aga jin wahayiu be ya wyona wyo mao la hakurio jin har da kamina Soko gaajin hukunci na Soko ga ma de alheri gan eba hukunci jin bo | null |
By the Token of Time through the ages | Sokoe zhi kuti be lokaci-i |
Verily Man is in loss | Akika zawangi ta eti hasarao ganni be robonkpe tiy |
Except such as have Faith and do righteous deeds and join together in the mutual teaching of Truth and of Patience and Constancy | Sai dai zanazhi ga imani jin nan acie lotun wangi wangizhi nan acie jin dozhi gangba ganni be gaskiyae nan acie jin dozhi gangba ganni be hakuri nan |
Woe to every kind of scandal-monger and-backbiter | Azaba yan zunyesun Gushe yan ena wuna jin tabbata ya zanazhie nyinza be misunyna to zanazhie nyinza be eye ko tikpa ko be alama ndociina |
Who pileth up wealth and layeth it by | Azaba yan zunyesun wunajin tabbata ya zanae ku dukiyazhi yekan cia jin u fe jinu lisafi kandondo nan |
Thinking that his wealth would make him last for ever! | Ucie kpaye gan dukiya wuncin ugayi kagbo edunfe izheo na |
By no means! He will be sure to be thrown into That which Breaks to Pieces | Akika alamari Soko ujin kendoe zawangie kpaye naa wallahi aga zawuncin cegun enan yan hutammao Enan nae ban tsukun za ruku na |
And what will explain to thee That which Breaks to Pieces | Kiimaa ya wye kpikpe yan ena nae ye hutamma nano |
It is the Fire of the Wrath of Allah kindled to a blaze | Enan uyio nan Soko jin shiri ka egi azaba zhi nan |
The which doth mount Right to the Hearts | Enan wuncin wune lodan nin yan yangban zawangio |
It shall be made into a vault over them | Enan wuncin gaa makezhe bandorooSurah In columns outstretchedAmaafi bo lokaci na lokpa sarauyin nan |
Seest thou not how thy Lord dealt with the Companions of the Elephant | Annabi wyo de labari kendoe Soko jin be zaba dagbazhiinaa |
Did He not make their treacherous plan go astray | Asha ula tanadiazhi kpaata zo fi egbin boa |
And He sent against them Flights of Birds | Soko ci tun jammaa yan elugi nazhi dokun nan fia ganni be azaabae |
Striking them with stones of baked clay | Elugi wuncinzhi cie cea takun be enan nana jin be ezun pipoci nan |
Then did He make them like an empty field of stalks and straw of which the corn has been eaten up | Kpaata acia jin hallaka acia fe ke kotonkoci yandzo naagi acia kparau ceya nan |
For the covenants of security and safeguard enjoyed by the Quraish | Ebo yeda yan quraishawa zhio |
Their covenants covering journeys by winter and summer- | Ebo yedaa nan ada be ezandae dan lokaci zunzunkae be gban fere nan |
Let them adore the Lord of this House | Ebo acinO wunagoyin nan quaraishawazhi-a jin bawta nyan Tsoci kata kaaba nan-nan nan wato quraishawazhi afede tswitswa lazhin to lozun bandondoO ebo albarkaci kata kaab nagi kinyinabo na |
Seest thou one who denies the Judgment to come | Ngba wyo le za nae yi adini egba ga yan alkiyami ganmana na ye |
Then such is the man who repulses the orphan with harshness | Za wuncin gayi zanae yi ba ba ekungizhi nao |
And encourages not the feeding of the indigent | Umae din zawangizhi yangban eti yangici laya talakazhi boa |
So woe to the worshippers | Azaba yan robonkpe ti wunajin tabbata ya salla jinci ndocizhi |
Who are neglectful of their prayers | Za nazhie jin sallah kendoe baa nan kamina ga baa nan |
Those who want but to be seen of men | Za nanzhie lotun guru ebo zawangizhia leye na |
But refuse to supply even neighbourly needs | A mae la eyan taimakozhi kan zawangizhi na |
To thee have We granted the Fount of Abundance | Akika ya Annabi yi twarya edu nyan alkawsara ya wyoe |
Therefore to thy Lord turn in Prayer and Sacrifice | Ebo acino jin sallah ebo Tsoci wyo bo wyo mao zun dabbazhi efo layyae |
For he who hateth thee he will be cut off from Future Hope | Akika zanazhie na wyo vo nan a ga yi zanazhi de egungicizhia nao |
For he who hateth thee he will be cut off from Future Hope | Akika zanazhie na wyo vo nan a ga yi zanazhi de egungicizhia nao |
Say O ye that reject Faith! | Annabi gangan ya ye kafirinn zhii |
I worship not that which ye worship | Akika miajin bauta yan kuti nazhi ye ye jin bauta ya naa |
Nor will ye worship that which I worship | Yetso kafirizhi maajin bauta yan Soko na mie jin bauta ya naa |
Nor will ye worship that which I worship | Yetso kafirizhi maajin bauta yan Soko na mie jin bauta ya naa |
And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship | Mi tso maajin bauta ya yanazhi yejin bauta ya naa |
Nor will ye worship that which I worship | Yetso maajin bauta ya Soko na mie jin bautan ya naa |
To you be your Way and to me mine | Ye kafirizhi ye yi be addini ye yin mitso ma yibe addini mi yin |
When comes the Help of Allah and Victory | kakunna taimako Soko ga dabe gani be eko-kpe nan |
And thou dost see the people enter Allah´s Religion in crowds | Kanga wyoale zawangizhiye afe gandan addini yan Sokoo jamaa jamaazhi |
Celebrate the praises of thy Lord and pray for His Forgiveness For He is Oft-Returning in Grace and Mercy | BoacinO fe-liSoko tsa-tsa yin womao dokun be yebo jinu-yin akika Soko Etsu nae fa be wuzhiina uyio |
When comes the Help of Allah and Victory | kakunna taimako Soko ga dabe gani be eko-kpe nan |
And thou dost see the people enter Allah´s Religion in crowds | Kanga wyoale zawangizhiye afe gandan addini yan Sokoo jamaa jamaazhi |
Celebrate the praises of thy Lord and pray for His Forgiveness For He is Oft-Returning in Grace and Mercy | BoacinO fe-liSoko tsa-tsa yin womao dokun be yebo jinu-yin akika Soko Etsu nae fa be wuzhiina uyio |
Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he! | Egwa gubaba yan Abu Lahabi wuna jin hallaka wuntso maajin hallaka |
No profit to him from all his wealth and all his gains! | Dukiya nauku yekan nan be yan nazhi ude izheo kpaata na wuna ganu gwa be azaaba Soko yana |
Burnt soon will he be in a Fire of Blazing Flame! | U ma gaa gandan ena nae ke be kagboe nan |
His wife shall carry the crackling wood - As fuel!- | Ganganni be nyinmiuyin nae ku cigban be ekanzhii cielauzhi eko na Annabie da nan |
A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her own neck! | Aga egban yan cigban -- u koro aci gbau da dan enano |
A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her own neck! | Aga egban yan cigban -- u koro aci gbau da dan enano |
Say He is Allah the One and Only | Annabi gan yaa gan Soko nini kete uyio |
Allah the Eternal Absolute | Wun ga mayi Etsu na yandoro to zandoro yakpe nao |
He begetteth not nor is He begotten | Soko wuncin u magia zaeni ndoro ma man wuna |
And there is none like unto Him | Amade yandondo ko zandondo na agaa san Soko naa na a gaa san tatu beuyin naa |
Say He is Allah the One and Only | Annabi gan yaa gan Soko nini kete uyio |
Allah the Eternal Absolute | Wun ga mayi Etsu na yandoro to zandoro yakpe nao |
He begetteth not nor is He begotten | Soko wuncin u magia zaeni ndoro ma man wuna |
And there is none like unto Him | Amade yandondo ko zandondo na agaa san Soko naa na a gaa san tatu beuyin naa |
Say I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn | Annabi Gangan mie wa egwagan be Tsoci nawun batin nae |
From the mischief of created things | Tsawmi be egun yan nan Soko jin halitta kpaata nae |
From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads | Tswami be egun yan yeshii kamina ugaa shi zhiko sarauyin nan |
From the mischief of those who practise secret arts | Soko tswami be egun yan za nanzhie pa yan egun zhi kpan koro acie be efe fiu nan |
And from the mischief of the envious one as he practises envy | Wyo mao tswa mi be egun yan hasada jinci lokacina agaaca hassada yin jin nan |
Say I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind | Annabi Gangan Mie wa egwa gan dagan eba Tsoci nae kpa zawangizhi kpata na |
The King or Ruler of Mankind | Etsu nawun mulki zawangizhi kpaata nan |
The god or judge of Mankind- | Etsu na zawangizhi kpaatae jin bauta ya nan |
From the mischief of the Whisperer of Evil who withdraws after his whisper- | Sokou tswa yi ganni be egun shetan nae jin kelo kezhin cie laa swo na |
The same who whispers into the hearts of Mankind- | Shetan Naejin kelo kezhin dan yangban zawangi zhio nan |
Among Jinns and among men | Soko tswayi be egun yan Aljanizhii to zawangzhi |
A L R This is a Book with verses basic or fundamental of established meaning further explained in detail- from One Who is Wise and Well-acquainted with all things | Alif Lam Ra Alkuranu Litafi uyio na a ayauzhi she be hikimazhi na gancin acia eganuzhi kpe ye ka ka yin dagan eba Etsu nayi Etsu hikima na Etsu nayi be labari yandondoe na |
It teacheth that ye should worship none but Allah Say Verily I am sent unto you from Him to warn and to bring glad tidings | Ke de ye ga jin bauta ya yandondoma sai de Soko Hakika mi de gangba jin ci miyi yaye yeo dagan eba ubo mi mae ya ye labari yangban fa |
And to preach thus ´Seek ye the forgiveness of your Lord and turn to Him in repentance that He may grant you enjoyment good and true for a term appointed and bestow His abounding grace on all who abound in merit! But if ye turn away then I fear for you the penalty of a great day | Ye mae wa gafara be Tsoci yeyin gancin yemae jin tubae lo ebau wyuna yae emawo nayi wangi na har da lokaci ndoci nayi kpikpeci na uma ga cinwan yan cinwanci ndondo laayau Ye ma ga zunma zheta to hakika mie sundan yaye yan azaba Efo na wancinna |
´To Allah is your return and He hath power over all things´ | Ezhe keba ye eba Soko bo udano Soko ma Etsu uyio nade iko ta eti yan dondo na |
Behold! they fold up their hearts that they may lie hid from Him! Ah even when they cover themselves with their garments He knoweth what they conceal and what they reveal for He knoweth well the inmost secrets of the hearts | Eshi tukpa hakika ajin afe pan yangbanazhi ebo adebaa la yanaswo Soko Kasa! Ngan kamina e la edeazhi kpe ba na Soko de kpikpe yanna zhie swo na to nazhie latu na Hakika Soko Etsu kpikpe uyio be iri yannazhi ga fi yangbanzhio na |
There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance dependeth on Allah He knoweth the time and place of its definite abode and its temporary deposit All is in a clear Record | A ma de dabba ndondo na dan kinbo naa sia de arzikiuzhi kpata wunedan be Sokoe Uma yi be kpikpe edun febauyin be ecinbauyin Kpata fi mini Litafi naatula na lauhi mahfuz |
He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days - and His Throne was over the waters - that He might try you which of you is best in conduct But if thou wert to say to them Ye shall indeed be raised up after death the Unbelievers would be sure to say This is nothing but obvious sorcery! | Wyun ga majin alitta sanmazhi be kin-yin dan mini gwargwado fo gutsunayin bo Alarashiu ma wunafe ta eti nuwano ebo ma udebau ma ye yeucinule zii mini yebo e lo tun wangi gano Hakika ma wyo ga gan gan Hakika a gae san baci ajalio hakika zanazhi jin kafirinci na a gangan Nana de ufea sai de eyanma naatula na |
If We delay the penalty for them for a definite term they are sure to say What keeps it back Ah! On the day it actually reaches them nothing will turn it away from them and they will be completely encircled by that which they used to mock at! | Ka da ma yiga azaba pata yaa harda lokacindoci nayi bibaci na hakika a gangan ki kan azaba ci be a yino To fona azaba gaa be yaana wuna pan kea lugwaa Yanna a fe la mi na cia jin tabbata ta etiabo |
If We give man a taste of Mercy from Ourselves and then withdraw it from him behold! he is in despair and falls into blasphemy | Yi ma ga ema yan yegun yi laaya zawangi da misun gancin yi ci kezheu wa dagan ebaubo hakika wyunajin wyune la kauna ba be Sokoe ucie laajin kafirinci |
But if We give him a taste of Our favours after adversity hath touched him he is sure to say All evil has departed from me Behold! he falls into exultation and pride | Yi ma ga niima laayau baci egun na tougwa na hakika wyuna gangan eyan dedezhi kpata da loani Hakika wyuna fe manin ucia fe-jin alfahri |
Not so do those who show patience and constancy and work righteousness for them is forgiveness of sins and a great reward | Sai de zanazhi ga hakuri jin na aci lo tun wangi wangizhi na Zawuncinzhi gafara be egagba na wancin na gaajin tabatta yaa |
Perchance thou mayest feel the inclination to give up a part of what is revealed unto thee and thy heart feeleth straitened lest they say Why is not a treasure sent down unto him or why does not an angel come down with him But thou art there only to warn! It is Allah that arrangeth all affairs! | To ujin-yiwawo wyo la sashi yannazhi ajin wahayia ya wyo nao lugwa yangban wyo maulau nyin wuna yi-ku ebo egan naagan gan kiila aci cin edzunba arzikin ndoci koma a la malaika alaa pa beuyina yino Hakika de gangba jinci tsa wyo yio Soko ma Etsu uyio nae la yedan yandondo na |