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Praise be to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds | Yebo kpata ajin tabbata ya Soko Etsu nae kpa alittazhi kpata na |
Most Gracious Most Merciful | Estu na niimau ke ke yiba to mumini to kafiri emi izheo na Etsu na ada yegun kpe muminizhi ri ke kafirizhi lugwa efo alkiyami na |
Master of the Day of Judgment | Etsu na wun mulki efo egagbaena |
Thee do we worship and Thine aid we seek | Wyo gbaogi ga yi-ejin bauta yao be wyo gbaogi ma yib -ewa taimako |
Show us the straight way | Soko wu yi ba eko natso yi gboro na |
The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace those whose portion is not wrath and who go not astray | Eko yan za nazhi wyo la niima wyoe twarya ya na Ujin yan za nazhi wyo zhe wun zhen wun be yin naa umajin yan zanazhia gbin eko gboro lugwa naa |
ALR These are the ayats of the Book of Wisdom | Alif Lam Ra Wuncinzhi aya yan litafi Alkuranu ayio na yi be hikimae na |
Is it a matter of wonderment to men that We have sent Our inspiration to a man from among themselves- that he should warn mankind of their danger and give the good news to the Believers that they have before their Lord the lofty rank of truth But say the Unbelievers This is indeed an evident sorcerer! | Kashi wunafe eyan mamaki fe ya zawangizhi na Yi yaa wahayi jin ya eza bagi miniabo na kede jin zawangizhi gangba wyo mao ya zanazhia imani jin na labari yangbanfa kede ade kinigiba wanciko yan dzoshi dan eba Tsociabo na Kafirizhi cigan hakika za na na eyan-maci naa tu la na uyio |
Verily your Lord is Allah who created the heavens and the earth in six days and is firmly established on the throne of authority regulating and governing all things No intercessor can plead with Him except after His leave hath been obtained This is Allah your Lord Him therefore serve ye will ye not receive admonition | Hakika Tsoci ye uga yi Sokoo Etsu najin alita sanmazhi to kin dan mini eka yan fo gutsunayino na gancin ucia jin daidai ta eti Alarashio Ucie jin shiri alamarizhi kendoe ga ba una Zandondo danbo naa tangwa wo naa saide be iziniUyin Soko wuncin ga danonao Wyun ga yi Tsoci ye-yeo Ebo acino efe jin bauta yau Kashi ye ewo sinsantu woa |
To Him will be your return- of all of you The promise of Allah is true and sure It is He Who beginneth the process of creation and repeateth it that He may reward with justice those who believe and work righteousness but those who reject Him will have draughts of boiling fluids and a penalty grievous because they did reject Him | Ebau gabo ezhe keba ye dan baeni bo alkawali Soko ma gaskiya uyio Hakika Wyun ga yi Etsu nae ca jin jin alitta nao gancin Ucia kezhe u laazheban zhin Efo Alkiyami ebo u la egagbau ya zanazhia imani jin aci lo tun wan gi zhi na be adalinci zanazhi maajin kafirinci na yi be eyan finci na wona sarauyin na be azaba na tan nae ebo kafirinci nazhi afe jin na |
It is He Who made the sun to be a shining glory and the moon to be a light of beauty and measured out stages for her that ye might know the number of years and the count of time Nowise did Allah create this but in truth and righteousness Thus doth He explain His Signs in detail for those who understand | Wyun ga la igidi cie ban-nao to etswa nae ya haske na ucia jin be ecin ba zhi ebo yede bae de kpikpe yan lisafi yandondo Soko jin wuncin zhi jina sai de eti gaskiyao Umae kpe ayazhi ye kpe ya zanazhi ga yi eza kpikpe zhi na |
Verily in the alternation of the night and the day and in all that Allah hath created in the heavens and the earth are signs for those who fear Him | Hakika mini cice le ba yan yeshi to igidi to yannazhi Soko jin fi sanmazhio to kin bo na ayazhi danbo ya jamaa nazhi gae sundan Soko acie tswau na |
Those who rest not their hope on their meeting with Us but are pleased and satisfied with the life of the present and those who heed not Our Signs- | Hakika zanazhie sundan yan gun-gun be yi yina na acia yeda jin be emawo izhe na yangbanazhi maashi be uyin na to to zanazhia ya ye ke aya Yizhi lugwa na |
Their abode is the Fire because of the evil they earned | Za wuncinzhi kpata ezhe ke baa uga yi enao ebo iri etun dede nazhi afe lo na |
Those who believe and work righteousness- their Lord will guide them because of their faith beneath them will flow rivers in gardens of bliss | Hakika zanazhia imani jin na aci lo tun wangizhi na Tsocia wyuna bea bawu be imania yin nuwan jijecizhiafe je fi takoabo fi mini Aljannazhio nazhi yi emi niima na |
This will be their cry therein Glory to Thee O Allah! And Peace will be their greeting therein! and the close of their cry will be Praise be to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds! | Aduwa na afe ba fi miniubo na Lili kpata ajin tabbata ya wyoe Soko emi saama miniubo uga yi SALAMUO Aduwa yan zobaama uga yi yebo kpataa jin tabbata ya Soko Etsu nae kpa alittazhi kpata na |
If Allah were to hasten for men the ill they have earned as they would fain hasten on the good- then would their respite be settled at once But We leave those who rest not their hope on their meeting with Us in their trespasses wandering in distraction to and fro | Da aci gan Sokoe din ye din be gwigwo aduwa dede zazhii kendoe wyune dinye be alherii yaana hakika da aga hukunci ba eti ajaliazhi boa ni ebo acino Yi ela zanazhie jin kauna yan gun-gun wangi be Yi yina na ya fi ragbanzhiazhio aci gaazhi fi bo |
When trouble toucheth a man He crieth unto Us in all postures- lying down on his side or sitting or standing But when We have solved his trouble he passeth on his way as if he had never cried to Us for a trouble that touched him! thus do the deeds of transgressors seem fair in their eyes! | Kamina egun gaa to za na wyua fe yi Yi ye ci elelebaubo koma edun feubo koma gbaroo Gancin kamina Yi bea egunu laake yabo yau na ufe jin bojin ke wyoa gangan uyi Yi le lo eba egun na tougwa naa na Acinga ga Sokoe la nin pa dan etun nazhi eyan nyincizhi elo nao |
Generations before you We destroyed when they did wrong their messengers came to them with clear-signs but they would not believe! thus do We requite those who sin! | Hakika Yi jin alumma nazhi shiyedzo na hallaka lokacina afe jin zwalunci na Tucia zhi ma br yaa be bayanizhi nazhia tu la na amaade ajin imania Acinga ga Yie la egagba ya jamaa nazhi yi le fi jinci zhi nao |
Then We made you heirs in the land after them to see how ye would behave | Gancin Yicia ye laafe khalifazhi kinigici yan alamari Soko zhi dan kin bo zunma yan zanazhi shidzo nao ebo Yii cin ye yele be kendoe ye gaajin jin nae |
But when Our Clear Signs are rehearsed unto them those who rest not their hope on their meeting with Us Say Bring us a reading other than this or change this Say It is not for me of my own accord to change it I follow naught but what is revealed unto me if I were to disobey my Lord I should myself fear the penalty of a Great Day to come | Ama gae gba aya Yi nazhia tula na yaa za nazhie jin kauna gungun wangi be Yi yinana ajin agangan La kuranu ndoci beyn najin nanaana koma usangwa Gangan U-- yin ya mi yina umajin kagbo mi yina na mia sanugwa wo be ti mi yin naa Mi mae la mi tu yandondoa sai de natso aga jin wahayiu be yami na Hakika mie sundan migaalr Tsoci mi ba na yan azaba Efo na gbota na |
Say If Allah had so willed I should not have rehearsed it to you nor would He have made it known to you A whole life-time before this have I tarried amongst you will ye not then understandGangan | Wunaba Soko ba da mia gbau wo ya ye yea da mimaala kpikpeu wu ye woa hakika mi fedun dan tacin yebo eya nazhi dokun na shidzo be dzo kafi wahayiu be na Kashi yeela hankali yezhi la tu alamarizhia |
Who doth more wrong than such as forge a lie against Allah or deny His Signs But never will prosper those who sin | Ngba zii wuye gan za nae tswa ganmana ta Soko nao koma ucia ayauzhi yi ganmana nao Hakika le fi jin ci zhiatso guria |
They serve besides Allah things that hurt them not nor profit them and they say These are our intercessors with Allah Say Do ye indeed inform Allah of something He knows not in the heavens or on earth- Glory to Him! and far is He above the partners they ascribe to Him! | Acie jin bauta ya yandocizhi ke Soko lugwa yannazhi la egun tsoa woa ama la yandoci anfani jina woa na acie gangan Nanazhi gatangwa yayi eba Soko bo Gangan Beke ye ya Soko labari ya yan yannazhi ukpe yea fi mini sanmazhio to kin bo na Lili kpata ajin tabbata yau be elatui ke yannazhie la pau baci na lugwa |
Mankind was but one nation but differed later Had it not been for a word that went forth before from thy Lord their differences would have been settled between them | Zawangizhi kpata ma fea saide alumma nini gancin acia cedozhi le ba kaujin ebo egan naashidzo dagan eba Tsoci wyo bo naa da aga hukunci ba tsakaniabo eti yanazhie ce dozhi leba fi minubo na |
They say Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord Say The Unseen is only for Allah to know then wait ye I too will wait with you | Acia jin afe gangan kii la aci cin aya zankpe ndoci be yau dagan eba Tsoci u boa yino Gangan Hakika de kpikpe yanna swo kpata na be Soko yinudano Ebo acino efe tu ye mitso dan mini zanazhie tu ye be ye yin na |
When We make mankind taste of some mercy after adversity hath touched them behold! they take to plotting against Our Signs! Say Swifter to plan is Allah! Verily Our messengers record all the plots that ye make! | Yi ma ga ema yegun laadan zawangio daa emi baci egun na toagwa na kanga wyoa tsuna afe jin makirinci be aya yi yin Gangan Soko din ye gan eba egagba la ya makirinci jincizhi Hakika Tuci yizhi danbo nahzie ka makirinci nazhi ye jin na |
He it is Who enableth you to traverse through land and sea so that ye even board ships- they sail with them with a favourable wind and they rejoice thereat then comes a stormy wind and the waves come to them from all sides and they think they are being overwhelmed they cry unto Allah sincerely offering their duty unto Him saying If thou dost deliver us from this we shall truly show our gratitude! | Wyun ga yi Etsu nae yaye iko zand ta kinbo nao to eti eduzhio na har da kaminaye gaafe mini eya nuwanzhio na acie dazan be ye yin ganni be efe managi acia fe fa yangban beuyin gancin dundufeko ndoci cia be tsun eya wuncin egban yan nuwaanzhi ce fe dina dagan egwa ndondo atso ci ga hakika ya kede hallaka aama kezheani na gancin acia fe yi Soko ye aci ga adinijin tadzu ya Soko gbaugi acia fe gangan Hakika Soko wyo de ga yi wadzun dagan masiba nanao hakika yi gafe dan mini zanazhie jin yebo ya wyo nao |
But when he delivereth them behold! they transgress insolently through the earth in defiance of right! O mankind! your insolence is against your own souls- an enjoyment of the life of the present in the end to Us is your return and We shall show you the truth of all that ye did | Gancin kamina U bea wadzun zo na acia fe za nazhie jin zwalunci dan kinbo na uma jin be haki ndondo yina Ya ye zawangizhi! Hakika zwalunci na ye jin na eti tacin yetso ga ye jin guno ema edun fe izhema degi uyio Yi cia yae labari etun nazhi ye fe lo kpata na |
The likeness of the life of the present is as the rain which We send down from the skies by its mingling arises the produce of the earth- which provides food for men and animals It grows till the earth is clad with its golden ornaments and is decked out in beauty the people to whom it belongs think they have all powers of disposal over it There reaches it Our command by night or by day and We make it like a harvest clean-mown as if it had not flourished only the day before! thus do We explain the Signs in detail for those who reflect | Hakika de kotonci yan edunfe izhe ke nuwan na uyio na Yi duzhin dagan sanmaona gancin yandzo yan kinzhi cia zhinkeba be uyin eyandzo na zwangizhie gi to dabbazhi na harda kamina kin ga eyan wangiuzhi wan sungwa wangi na ucia pa nin na gancin zanazhi wun latina cia fe kpaye gan aga wun iko ta etiubo alaali ma foro yi gae dazan ta etiubo yeshii ko igidi yino gancin Yi ci gau laazhe kin na a yandondou kuani na ke wyoa gan gan ujin wyun ga she be yangici zhi tsuwoanao Acinga ga Yia jin Yi kpe aya zhi ye ya zanazhi gae kpa ye nao |
But Allah doth call to the Home of Peace He doth guide whom He pleaseth to a way that is straight | Soko mae yi ye lo emi yan aminciUmae wu zana gaba Una ba lo eko natso yi gboro na |
To those who do right is a goodly reward- Yea more than in measure! No darkness nor shame shall cover their faces! they are companions of the garden they will abide therein for aye! | Zana zhi gajin bolobolo na egagba yan bolobolo gaajin tabbata yaa be bibe ta etiubo rungba ndondo maa lakpea fuska boa egba be zun yesuny maade aa Zawun ci zhi gayi zaba Aljannazhio amaa fibo fi tutun yin |
But those who have earned evil will have a reward of like evil ignominy will cover their faces No defender will they have from the wrath of Allah Their faces will be covered as it were with pieces from the depth of the darkness of night they are companions of the Fire they will abide therein for aye! | Zanazhi ma da cewo etun dedezhi na egagba dede kotonci naace na uga a deo zunyesun be egbae ma gaawangi A de zandondo naa -- a tswa ke azaba Soko lugwa naawyoa ye ganko aba bazhiko yan yeshi ba cia kpea fuskaazhio Zawuncinzhi ga yi zaba enazhio baga bo afi tutun yino |
One day shall We gather them all together Then shall We say to those who joined gods with Us To your place! ye and those ye joined as ´partners´ We shall separate them and their Partners shall say It was not us that ye worshipped! | Efo na ma Yigaa kua yekan baenio na gancin Yicia gan be zanazhi layan pa Soko baci nae gan Egikini dannaebo to ye to zanazhi ye la pa Soko baci naGancin Tici gaa gan be dozhi gancin zanazhi afe wun ke Soko lugwa na cia gangan Ujin yi ga ye fe jin bauta yaa |
Enough is Allah for a witness between us and you we certainly knew nothing of your worship of us! | To Soko dea kun eri tsakani yibo be yeyin Hakika yikpe yandondo eti bauta na yegan ye fe jin ya yi naa |
There will every soul prove the fruits of the deeds it sent before they will be brought back to Allah their rightful Lord and their invented falsehoods will leave them in the lurch | Kanga rayi ndondo otsoa kpe egagba etun nazhi ula shidzo nao aci gaa ku da tsun Soko nayi Ndakataa yan gaskiya na yannazhi ma afe tswa kpata na ci gaa gbinayeo |
Say Who is it that sustains you in life from the sky and from the earth or who is it that has power over hearing and sight And who is it that brings out the living from the dead and the dead from the living and who is it that rules and regulates all affairs They will soon say Allah Say will ye not then show piety to Him | Gangan Ngba Zie yaye arziki dagan sanmao to kinbo Kashi Zie jin mulki ta eti eganwo yebo to bacin le zhi bo zi maewa eyan be rayi tinya dagan eyan tsutsuci bo umae wa eyan tsutsuci tinya dagan eyan be rayi yino Zi mae jin shiri alamari ndondoo To a gangan Soko To gangan Ngba yega sundan Sokoa |
Such is Allah your real Cherisher and Sustainer apart from truth what remains but error How then are ye turned away | To Soko gadan o nao namayi Tsoci ye yan gaskiya na Kashi kii kedan zunma gaskiyabo Saide egbin Keu be da da acie la ye pan ke gaskiya lugwa nao |
Thus is the word of thy Lord proved true against those who rebel Verily they will not believe | Acinga ga gaskiya bo yan egan Soko bea tula ta eti fasikizhi bo hakika afe zanazhi jin imania na |
Say Of your ´partners´ can any originate creation and repeat it Say It is Allah Who originates creation and repeats it then how are ye deluded away from the truth | Gangan Ngba ade dan mini zanazhi ye la pa Soko bacina na ca jin-jin halitta wo na gancin Uciu la wyunyeujin ba ci ajalio na Gangan Soko gayi Etsu na ca jin jin halitta wo cike ye u jin wo baci ajalionao To kii la acie pan ye ke Soko lugwao |
Say Of your ´partners´ is there any that can give any guidance towards truth Say It is Allah Who gives guidance towards truth is then He Who gives guidance to truth more worthy to be followed or he who finds not guidance himself unless he is guided what then is the matter with you How judge yeGangan | Kashi ade mini yannazhi ye jin bauta ya ke Soko lugwa na nae laza ke eko gaskiya wo na Gangan Soko ga yi Etsu nae laza ke eko gaskiya nao To ngba Etsu nae laza ke eko gaskiya na ga -- yin yin naa gba nao kashi zana laza ke eko woa na sai de aga la wuntso ke eko na To kii dan be ye yino Ke ma ye jin hukunci jin nao |
But most of them follow nothing but fancy truly fancy can be of no avail against truth Verily Allah is well aware of all that they do | Ekun dondoazhi ma ade yandocie la mi tua sai de egan tizhi zatozhi egan ti ma zato u kunke wo ya gaskiya be yandondo yina Hakika Soko yi be kpikpe yandondo naafe jin na |
This Qur´an is not such as can be produced by other than Allah on the contrary it is a confirmation of revelations that went before it and a fuller explanation of the Book - wherein there is no doubt - from the Lord of the worlds | Alkuranu na na ma wunaye jin naagau tswa wo umaajin Sokoa naa yina ammade litafi uyio nae wu gaskiya yabo yan litafi nazhi shidzona umae jin bayani hukunci nazhi fi litafio na kelokezhin ndondo danboa dagan eba Etsu nae kpa alitta zhi kpata na bo ufebo |
Or do they say He forged it say Bring then a Sura like unto it and call to your aid anyone you can besides Allah if it be ye speak the truth!Kashi e gan gan wyuntso ga tswa wuno Gan gan Ela sura ni ni kotonci dozhinu beyn ye mae yi zandondo na ye ga de kagbo ayi zunma yan Soko na u beu jin ri wuna yi eza gaskiya ye yio na | null |
Nay they charge with falsehood that whose knowledge they cannot compass even before the elucidation thereof hath reached them thus did those before them make charges of falsehood but see what was the end of those who did wrong!Aa ade a yanna kpikpea makezhea na yi ganmana bayanizhi ma laa be ya a Acinga ga zanazhi shiadzo na yiu ganmanao Gancin cinle kendoe zoba azwalumi zhi ajin ube yi-yi na | null |
Of them there are some who believe therein and some who do not and thy Lord knoweth best those who are out for mischief | Ama de dan miniabo nazhie jin imani beu yinna amade dan miniabo nazhi jin imani beu yinana Soko ma de kpikpe gan yan yanna eyan-nyinci zhi dany ninbo na |
If they charge thee with falsehood say My work to me and yours to you! ye are free from responsibility for what I do and I for what ye do! | Ama ga egan wyo yi ganmana to gangan Mi yi be etun mi yin yetso mayi be etunye yin Ye ya egwa wa be etun na miyinr lo na mitso ma egwa mi wa be etun nazhi ye lo na |
Among them are some who pretend to listen to thee But canst thou make the deaf to hear- even though they are without understanding | Ama de dan miniabo nazhie shi tukpa ya wyo na Kashi wyo la tukpa tenci wo gan wo ka daama agafe zanazhi de ankalia na |
Among them are some who pretend to listen to thee But canst thou make the deaf to hear- even though they are without understanding | Ama de dan miniabo nazhie shi tukpa ya wyo na Kashi wyo la tukpa tenci wo gan wo ka daama agafe zanazhi de ankalia na |
And among them are some who look at thee but canst thou guide the blind- even though they will not see | Ama de dan miniabo naajin ufe cin wyoe le na Kashi wyo la yebonci ke eko wo ka da ma agaafe zanazhie leba yea na |
Verily Allah will not deal unjustly with man in aught It is man that wrongs his own soul | Hakika Sokoe jin zawan gi zhi zwalunci be yandondo yina ammade zawangizhiotso gaejin eti tacina zwaluncio |
One day He will gather them together It will be as if they had tarried but an hour of a day they will recognise each other assuredly those will be lost who denied the meeting with Allah and refused to receive true guidance | Fona ma uga kuaa yekan na ugafe ke a fedun izhe lea sai de ke yan lokaci ndoci degi igidio na acia kpe dozhi ye kanga Hakika zanazhie gungun be Sokoe yi ganmana na ajin hasara amafe eza bawuzhi |
Whether We show thee realised in thy life-time some part of what We promise them- or We take thy soul to Our Mercy Before that- in any case to Us is their return ultimately Allah is witness to all that they do | Ujin-wo ma Yi la sashi yan nazhi Yi jina alkawali na-y- wu wyoe ko ma Yi la rayi wyo yi---to ezhekebaa kpata eba Yibo udano Gancin ma Soko ga yi erio eti yannazhie jin na bo |
To every people was sent a messenger when their messenger comes before them the matter will be judged between them with justice and they will not be wronged | Alumma ndondo ma yi be Tuci Kamina Tucia ga be yaa na aga hukunci jin tsakaniabo be adalinciy amaa jina zwaluncia |
They say When will this promise come to pass- if ye speak the truth | Amaajin afe gangan focio tso alkawali yan Alkiyamia beo wunayi eza gaskiya zhi ye yio nao |
Say I have no power over any harm or profit to myself except as Allah willeth To every people is a term appointed when their term is reached not an hour can they cause delay nor an hour can they advance it in anticipation | Gangan Mi jin mulki wo ya eti tacin mi yan egun naga de mi naa mi made mulki eti eyan anfani boa sai de yanna ga ba Soko ci jin yanuna Alumma ndondo yi be eka ajaliuyin kamina eka ajalia ga kun naa pata yaa yan lokaci ninia amaa la a shidzoa |
Say Do ye see- if His punishment should come to you by night or by day- what portion of it would the sinners wish to hasten | Gan gan kashi ye leyea azabau ga dabe ya ye be yeshi ko be yigidi ki ye yea jino Ki ma lefi jinci zhie laa din yeo |
Would ye then believe in it at last when it actually cometh to pass It will then be said ´Ah! now and ye wanted aforetime to hasten it on!´ | Kanga gancinma kamina uga bea cin na yeci ga imani jin Sai gbani ga yeajin imanio alali ma ye yea fe shidzo kafi ube na ye fe dinye bebi beuyin |
At length will be said to the wrong-doers ´Taste ye the enduring punishment! ye get but the recompense of what ye earned!´ | Gancin acia gan be zanazhia etia jin zwalunci na gan Efe fin azaba yan gbengbena! Kashi egagba ndoci danbo naala yaye na ngaa saide egagba etun nazhi ye fe lo na |
They seek to be informed by thee Is that true Say Aye! by my Lord! it is the very truth! and ye cannot frustrate it! | Amaajin afe gbin wyo gan Ngba gaskiya uyio Gangan E Mizhikuti be Tsoci miyin Hakika gaskiya uyio ye majin zanazhia gan Soko gwa naa |
Every soul that hath sinned if it possessed all that is on earth would fain give it in ransom They would declare their repentance when they see the penalty but the judgment between them will be with justice and no wrong will be done unto them | Daaci gan rayi ndondo na jin zwaluncina uga de mulki yanna fi kinbo kpatana to da ugaa laa wa sisa ke azaba lugwa A cia fe ti ro-- nkpe kamina aga azaba le ye na A ci ga hukunci ba tsakaniabo be dozhi amaajina zwaluncia |
Is it not the case that to Allah belongeth whatever is in the heavens and on earth Is it not the case that Allah´s promise is assuredly true Yet most of them understand not | To! Eshi tukpa hakika yannazhi fi sanmazhio to kinbo na Soko wuno Eshi tukpa! Hakika alkawali Soko gaskiya uyio ammade ekun dondo zawangizhi akpea |
It is He Who giveth life and who taketh it and to Him shall ye all be brought back | Wyun ga yi Etsu nae dan rayi nao wyun ga mayi Etsu nae wu rayi nao Ebau gama a kuye zheban lo |
O mankind! there hath come to you a direction from your Lord and a healing for the diseases in your hearts- and for those who believe a guidance and a Mercy | Ya ye zawangizhi! Hakika waazi be yaye dagan eba Tsoci yebo be egunsa yan batan yangbanzhi be bawui be ye guny ya muminizhi |
Say In the bounty of Allah And in His Mercy- in that let them rejoice that is better than the wealth they hoard | Gangan Be falala Sokoe to be yegunuyin be wuncinzhi ga -- yin a fa yangbano Wuncin ma de alheri gan yannazhi e ku yekan na |
Say See ye what things Allah hath sent down to you for sustenance Yet ye hold forbidden some things thereof and some things lawful Say Hath Allah indeed permitted you or do ye invent things to attribute to Allah | Gangan kashi ye le yea yannazhi Soko cin be yaye yan arzikizhi yecia ndociazhi laazhe haramu ndocizhi ma yea lazhe halali naa Gangan Ngba Soko ga yaye izini wuncino kashi yede tswa ganmana tswa ta Soko |
And what think those who invent lies against Allah of the Day of Judgment Verily Allah is full of bounty to mankind but most of them are ungrateful | Kii mayi yekpa yan zanazhie tswa ganmana ta Soko Efo alkiyamio nao Hakika Soko Etsu bagwo uyio ta eti zawangi zhibo ammade ekundondoazhi ejin yeboa |
In whatever business thou mayest be and whatever portion thou mayest be reciting from the Qur´an- and whatever deed ye mankind may be doing- We are witnesses thereof when ye are deeply engrossed therein Nor is hidden from thy Lord so much as the weight of an atom on the earth or in heaven And not the least and not the greatest of these things but are recorded in a clear record | Be ma kamina wyogafe dan shaani ndondoona to kamin wyo gae gba yandoci dagan mini Alkuranuona ye maa lo dan luilo etundoci boa sai de yi gaafe Erizhi ta eti yebo kamina ye gae lo dan jin jinubo na Tsuwan yan yandoci nayi ke Zarra na na dan kinbo na to na dan sanmaona wuna fangwa ko gbinye ke kpikpe Tsoci wyoe lugwaa To na ga gbagba ganacin na to na ga wancin ganacin na sai de ndondoadan Litafi natsoa tula nao |
Behold! verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear nor shall they grieve | To hakika masoyi Soko zhi waliyzhi dansun ndondo danbo ya aa amaa nyin yangbana |
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For them are glad tidings in the life of the present and in the Hereafter no change can there be in the words of Allah This is indeed the supreme felicity | Ade bushara yangbanfa dan edunfe izheo to Emi zobao Egwasan be egbazhe ndondo ma dan egan misun Soko zhi boa Wuncin ga mayi rabo na wancin nao |
Let not their speech grieve thee for all power and honour belong to Allah It is He Who heareth and knoweth all thingsEganazhi ma uga nyin wyoe yangban ma | Hakika zankpe kpata yan Soko uyio Wyun gayi Etsu nae wo yandondo nao Etsu kpikpe |
Behold! verily to Allah belong all creatures in the heavens and on earth What do they follow who worship as His partners other than Allah They follow nothing but fancy and they do nothing but lie | To! Eshi tukpa Hakika Soko ga wun mulki ta eti zandondo na dan sanmazhio to zanazhi fi kinbo nao zanazhi mae da lamitu acie jin bauta ya yandoci najin Sokoana za nazhi e la pa Soko baci na ajin mulki yandondo sanmao to kinboa Hakika a lamitu yandondoa sai de zato eganti ama fea sai de za nazhie wan gan da gan na |
He it is That hath made you the night that ye may rest therein and the day to make things visible to you Verily in this are signs for those who listen to His Message | Wyun gayi Etsu na la yeshi cici yaye ebo ye debae shi-yangbatae dan miniubo to batin ebo ye de bae le bazhi ye Hakika mini wuncino egwa wu zankpe Soko zhi danbo ya jamaa nazhi gae wo gan na |
They say Allah hath begotten a son! - Glory be to Him! He is self-sufficient! His are all things in the heavens and on earth! No warrant have ye for this! say ye about Allah what ye know not | Acigan Soko yi be gi Li li kpataajin tabbata ya Soko! Wyun gayi Etsu ba-- Wyun ga wun yannazhi fi sanmazhio to nazhi fi kinbo nao Kashi eba yebo yede dalili ndondo eti iri zankpe nanao Ngba ye yeafe gangan eti Soko yan yannazhi yede kpikpea na |
Say Those who invent a lie against Allah will never prosper | Gangan Hakika zanazhie tswa ganmana ta Soko na atso guria |
A little enjoyment in this world!- and then to Us will be their return then shall We make them taste the severest penalty for their blasphemies | Ema degi ga yea wo dan izhe bo gancin ma ezhekeba eba Yi bo udano gancin Yicia yaa azaba na tan sarauyin na fin ebo kafirinci naafe jin na |
Relate to them the story of Noah Behold! he said to his people O my people if it be hard on your mind that I should stay with you and commemorate the signs of Allah- yet I put my trust in Allah Get ye then an agreement about your plan and among your partners so your plan be on to you dark and dubious Then pass your sentence on me and give me no respite | Wyo mao gba labari Nuhuo yaa kamina u gan be jamaa yanuzhi gan Ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! Kinigiba mi be sinsantu mizhi be aya Soko zhi na mie jin ye na uga gbota fi ye to Soko tsa mi yakpeo To yea zankpe alamari yezhi kpata ku dandozhi to yan zanazhi ye gae la pa Soko baci na ye mae ga lugwa alamari yezhia zhe kpe yetso ma gancin yecie la mi yine wu ye mae ga pata ya mi ma |
But if ye turn back consider no reward have I asked of you my reward is only due from Allah and I have been commanded to be of those who submit to Allah´s will in Islam | Ye ma ga zunma zheta yeci wo gan Sokoa to mi de ba egagba arziki ndondo be ye yina Egagba arziki mi be Soko yinudano ama jin mi foro gan minlan fendan mini musulumizhio za nazhia kpatsun ta ya foro Sokona |
They rejected Him but We delivered him and those with him in the Ark and We made them inherit the earth while We overwhelmed in the flood those who rejected Our Signs Then see what was the end of those who were warned but heeded not! | Acia eganu yi ganmana gancin Yiciu wadzun to zanzhi dan beuyin fi mini eyao na Yi cia la afe khalifazhi kinigibacizhi Yicia zanazhi yi aya Yizhi ganmana na jin hallaka fi eduo Sai de wyo yo cin zoba zanazhi ajin gangba acia -- a nao le |
They rejected Him but We delivered him and those with him in the Ark and We made them inherit the earth while We overwhelmed in the flood those who rejected Our Signs Then see what was the end of those who were warned but heeded not! | Acia eganu yi ganmana gancin Yiciu wadzun to zanzhi dan beuyin fi mini eyao na Yi cia la afe khalifazhi kinigibacizhi Yicia zanazhi yi aya Yizhi ganmana na jin hallaka fi eduo Sai de wyo yo cin zoba zanazhi ajin gangba acia -- a nao le |
Then after him We sent many messengers to their peoples they brought them Clear Signs but they would not believe what they had already rejected beforehand Thus do We seal the hearts of the transgressors | Gancin Yici tun Tuci ndocizhi zunmaubo fi jamaa yanazhi a ci be yaa be hujjazhi nazhia tula na afe zanazhia ya gaskiya be yanna ayi ganmana shidzo batsozhio naa Acinga ga Yie la yan te yangban zanazhie gbin iyaka Soko tu nao |
Then after them sent We Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs with Our Signs But they were arrogant they were a people in sin | Gancin zunma yanabo Yici tun Musa be Harunae tun lo eba Firauna to wancinyanuzhi nazhie yau shawara na be aya Yizhi acia gbotika acia fe jamaa nazhi yi lefi jincizhi na |
When the Truth did come to them from Us they said This is indeed evident sorcery! | Kamina gaskiya be be yaa dagan eba Yibo na a gan Hakika de nana eyan-ma uyio na yi gbangba na |
Said Moses Say ye this about the truth when it hath actually reached you Is sorcery like this But sorcerers will not prosper | Musa ci gan Ye ye gan ya gaskiya kamina ube ebayena gan eyan ma uyio Ngba eyanma ga dan nao Ngan eyan-macizhi maa tso guria |
They said Hast thou come to us to turn us away from the ways we found our fathers following- in order that thou and thy brother may have greatness in the land But not we shall believe in you! | Aci gan wyo be eba yi be ebo wyo la yiyio pano ke yanna yitsun yanmanci yizhi kpe tiu bo na y lugwa gancin cinwan ciu lauzhe yan ye zagubaaba kpe eti kinbo Yi de ma yia jin imani be egan ye yina |
Said Pharaoh Bring me every sorcerer well versed | Firauna ma cigan E be yami be eyanmanci ndondo naga kpe yan ye na |
When the sorcerers came Moses said to them Throw ye what ye wish to throw! | Kamina eyan mancizhi da be zo na Musa cia gan beayin gan E fe ce yandondo yan eyan ma na yegace na |
When they had had their throw Moses said What ye have brought is sorcery Allah will surely make it of no effect for Allah prospereth not the work of those who make mischief | To lokaci naa sa ce zo na Musa ci gan yannazhi yebe beyin kpata na eyanma uyio Hakika ma Soko gau nyin ya Hakika Sokoe ye etun zanazhie nyin yan na jina |
And Allah by His words doth prove and establish His truth however much the sinners may hate it! | Soko mae la gaskiya gboka be egan misunuzhi kada ma lefi jincizhi ga navo |
But none believed in Moses except some children of his people because of the fear of Pharaoh and his chiefs lest they should persecute them and certainly Pharaoh was mighty on the earth and one who transgressed all bounds | Gancin ade zanazhi jin imani be egan Musae naa sai de zuriya ndoci dagan mini jamaa yanuzhio ebo dansuno ebo Firauna be wancin yanuzhi be la fitina tswana ma Hakika Firauna wuna gbota dan kinbo umaafe dan mini zanazhi -- iyaka gan be nyin nyin yea na |
Moses said O my people! If ye do really believe in Allah then in Him put your trust if ye submit your will to His | Musa ci gan ya ye jamaa yan mizhi! U ga fe gan ye yea imani jin jin ga be Sokoe to yea yakpeu baenio wuna yi musulumizhi yan gaskiya ga yeyio na |
They said In Allah do we put out trust Our Lord! make us not a trial for those who practise oppression | Gancin aci gan Soko tsa yi yakpeo Tsoci yan yi! Ga lugwa yi yiafe fitina ya jamaa yan azwalumizhi ma |
And deliver us by Thy Mercy from those who reject Thee | Wyo mao la yi yio gan gwa be yegun wyo yin dagan egun jamaa nazhi yi kafirizhi nao |
We inspired Moses and his brother with this Message Provide dwellings for your people in Egypt make your dwellings into places of worship and establish regular prayers and give glad tidings to those who believe! | Yici jin wahayi ya musa be yegiu yin kede zagubaba ye e wa edunfeba ya jamaa yan yezhi misrao emi ndocizhio Yemae la emi yezhie zhe ye wu Alkibla yemae la sallae kue gikini wyo mao la labari yangbanfao ya muminizhi |
Moses prayed Our Lord! Thou hast indeed bestowed on Pharaoh and his chiefs splendour and wealth in the life of the present and so Our Lord they mislead men from Thy Path Deface our Lord the features of their wealth and send hardness to their hearts so they will not believe until they see the grievous penalty | Musa cigan Ya wyoe Tsoci yi! Hakika wyoga la ninpa izhe be dukyae cia ya Firauna be majalisauzhi dan izhe nanabo ya wyoe Tsoci yi acie lau gbin zawangizhi ke eko wyoe lugwao Ya wyoe Tsoci yi! A finfin ya laadan dukiyaazhio wyo mao la azabao gbotao dan yangbanazhio ebo na aajin imania sai de aga azaba na tan na leye |
Allah said Accepted is your prayer O Moses and Aaron! So stand ye straight and follow not the path of those who know not | Soko ci gan Hakika a aduwa yezhi gwo eboacino yea ku gikini be gaskiyae Ye mae ga lamitu eko yan zanazhi de kpikpea na ma |
nce and spite At length when overwhelmed with the flood he said I believe that there is no god except Him Whom the Children of Israel believe in I am of those who submit to Allah in Islam | Yicia Banu Israilazhi patu eduo Firauna be ekun gunciuzhi cia mi tua eti zwaluncio be gbingbintu iyakae har sai na nuwanu wangi na uci gan Mia imani jin kede ade yandondo na ezaawun naa saide Soko na Banu Israilazhi jin imani beyinnae mi maafe dan mini musulumizhio |
We took the Children of Israel across the sea Pharaoh and his hosts followed them in insolence and spite At length when overwhelmed with the flood he said I believe that there is no god except Him Whom the Children of Israel believe in I am of those who submit to Allah in Islam | Yicia Banu Israilazhi patu eduo Firauna be ekun gunciuzhi cia mi tua eti zwaluncio be gbingbintu iyakae har sai na nuwanu wangi na uci gan Mia imani jin kede ade yandondo na ezaawun naa saide Soko na Banu Israilazhi jin imani beyinnae mi maafe dan mini musulumizhio |
It was said to him Ah now!- But a little while before wast thou in rebellion!- and thou didst mischief and violence! | Sai gbani! Alalima hakika wyoa le Soko ba leani wyo maafe dan mini zanazhie nyin yan nao |
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