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END POVERTY IN ALL ITS FORMS EVERYWHERE 22 Poverty can be understood as a phenomenon that goes beyond monetary insu!ciency. A multidimensional conception of poverty takes into consideration minimum consumption of essential basic goods and services “as part of the set of opportunities that any society should o"er its members”. This set includes access to basic levels of education, health, housing and other services (Gasparini, 2012). In addition, the services that transform cities into opportunities and innovation hubs -such as sustainable mobility, formalization of employment and access to digital services, among others- require a comprehensive approach to ensure the sustainable development of the most vulnerable communities. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 exposed the inequality gaps that still persist in our cities, and the need to continue the processes of social and urban integration of low-income neighborhoods. In Buenos Aires City, 97.29% of households have access to basic services (INDEC, 2010), including waste collection and public transportation services, phone service, the presence of storm drains or sewers, pavement, public lighting, electricity supply, access to clean fuel for cooking and water supply. Nevertheless, as mentioned above, a sustainable approach to these issues requires going beyond infrastructural solutions and including a holistic perspective that cuts across the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and involves the active participation of residents of low-income neighborhoods. There are 57 low-income neighborhoods in the city, home to 73,673 families. PRIORITIZED TARGETS 1.4 By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance 23 The integration of the Barrio 31 neighborhood and the promotion of equal opportunities Integration within Buenos Aires City implies: the improvement and construction of housing and infrastructure, the economic development of the neighborhoods, the promotion of employment, the relocation and construction of educational and health centers, the enhancement and construction of public spaces, and the development of infrastructure for mobility and connection with the rest of the city. In the last five years, the Buenos Aires City Government has transformed Barrio 31 through the construction and improvement of housing, the creation of parks and squares, the provision of public transportation (with three bus lines), the construction and operation of three new health centers and two educational centers, and the construction of the new Ministry of Education in the neighborhood. Thus, more than 1,000 families were relocated to new homes and the City Government began the process of regularization of their property titles deeds as well as the connection to basic services: water, gas and electricit LINKING CITIES 2021 In May 2021, UNESCO awarded Buenos Aires City for its urbanization and integration process in the Barrio 31 neighborhood, with the Linking Cities 2021 recognition. The results of the project include more than 1,000 new homes and the improvement of existing homes, the construction of more than 17,000 linear meters of infrastructure and new public spaces, schools and health centers. In addition, 970 families living under the Illia Highway were relocated to new housing, and, once the resettlement process has finished, this area under the highway will be transformed into a new public space that will connect all sectors of the neighborhood. The project also includes the promotion of the neighborhood economy and support for entrepreneurs. 24 • 12.000 families with new or improved housing (2023) Integration policies in the face of COVID-19 One of the great challenges at the beginning of the pandemic to combat the virus in low-income neighborhoods was to immediately deploy new strategies to deal with the emergency. To this end, the Buenos Aires City Government acted jointly with the social organizations of each neighborhood and the National Ministry of Health. Part of this work was possible thanks to the progress made by the local government in infrastructure in previous years, for instance: the opening of streets in low-income neighborhoods to allow emergency services to have access to them, and the construction of health centers. • 180.000 people with urban infrastructure and public services (2023) The first Operation DetectAr in the country was launched in the Barrio 31 neighborhood for the screening, testing and isolation of positive cases. In less than a month, the infection curve was reversed. Then, the operation was extended to other 28 points of the City, including the neighborhoods 1.11.14, 21.24, 15, 20, Rodrigo Bueno and Carrillo. In the same way, an operation was launched to accompany the homeless population: Buenos Aires Presente (“Buenos Aires is present”), a program that seeks to assist people and families in a condition of social risk. This involves people with violated rights and, in general, the homeless population in need of guidance, information and advice on social services. Within this framework, the City opened Social Inclusion Centers, where people in vulnerable situations could spend the isolation period. Educational and economic development promotion policies The fundamental tool to achieve inclusion throughout Buenos Aires City is education. According to the United Nations, the closure of schools due to the health crisis a"ected 1.6 billion students, of which 24 million could drop out of school (UN, 2020). In this regard, Buenos Aires is strongly committed to continuing face-to-face classes in the 2021 school year and to leave no student behind. Regarding class attendance and policies to reverse the increase in dropouts, the City identified 6,500 primary school children who dropped out of school and 9,000 secondary school children who did not achieve the expected learning. In this sense, the education strategy has a double objective: on the one hand, to ensure students’ access and attendance to school and, on the other hand, to guarantee quality learning that will provide them with long-term tools. ESCUELA ABIERTA (OPEN SCHOOL) It is a meeting place for children, families and the school community that seeks to strengthen school trajectories in order to contribute to the development of learning and cultivate citizenship values through cultural, artistic, sports and recreational activities. It is aimed at children from kindergarten, primary and secondary school, taking into account the curricular designs in force for each level. 25 Finally, another essential component for achieving sustainable social and urban integration is economic development. The head of government pledged to promote labor formalization and to support entrepreneurs as a key strategy for integrating the economy and the growth of low-income neighborhoods with the rest of the city. • 75.000 workers in the people-based economy with access to financing, training and formalization (2023) In 2020, the Buenos Aires legislature passed the Law for the Promotion of the Social and People￾based Economy, which allows strengthening and encouraging the productive value of workers in low￾income neighborhoods. The regulation implies a progress towards the expansion of the network of formal businesses and the creation of formal production spaces, with the necessary qualifications for the safety of workers, and towards the economic development of all citizens, regardless of their neighborhood of residence. The law includes a system for access to credit, participation in public procurement and certain tax benefits, impacting 500,000 people who used to work in the informal sector. FOOD COURTYARD IN THE RODRIGO BUENO NEIGHBORHOOD The social and urban integration of neighborhoods implies the analysis of their economic potential and productive identity. The Food Courtyard in the Rodrigo Bueno Neighborhood, which is part of the tourism strategy “BA Capital Gastronómica” (“BA Gastronomic Capital”), seeks to welcome citizens and visitors to the City and promote the main activity of the neighborhood’s residents. The containers, transformed into food and beverage stalls, are served by both neighborhood residents and private stakeholders who decided to invest in the new space. 26 Another initiative under the umbrella of promoting entrepreneurship and vocational training is the Center for Entrepreneurial and Labor Development of Barrio 31 (CeDEL, for its initials in Spanish): a space that centralizes economic integration policies and has classrooms, o!ces and a help desk, so that neighbors can approach and receive advice, learn about formal job o"ers, take employment guidance workshops and entrepreneurship training. In this way, the aim is to help them strengthen their business model. CeDEL is a versatile social and economic integration initiative that can be replicated in other neighborhoods and contexts, and aims to be a link between the community, job o"ers and the private sector. 27 CITY INDICATORS FOR MONITORING THE SDG TARGETS The following is a selection of the indicators defined for monitoring SDG 1. The complete list can be found in the Annex to this document. TARGET 1.4 By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance
[ -0.0066694277, -0.0135167073, 0.0032988016000000003, -0.0156919658, -0.0215337016, 0.0016186188000000001, -0.0020196396, -0.001542519, -0.0335181504, -0.0411794409, 0.00009587300000000001, 0.0012295689, -0.0035672889, 0.0017990354, -0.0177851412, 0.0022111719, 0.0240646638, -0.024584537400000002, 0.0005245762, -0.0014706943000000001, -0.0271975845, 0.0303441864, 0.0041453061, -0.0085984319, 0.0066694277, 0.0170600545, 0.029523333500000002, -0.0180450771, 0.022970194000000003, 0.013468824300000001, 0.004162407, -0.009692901700000001, 0.0001132948, -0.0079143876, -0.0111499149, 0.0033791768, 0.0024488771, -0.014597496000000001, 0.0104658715, -0.022532405300000002, 0.0063000442, -0.0221082978, -0.0103632649, -0.002153028, -0.022422958200000002, 0.025665326000000002, -0.0017434568, -0.00483619, -0.020357145, 0.0134619838, 0.0213284884, 0.029578058, -0.0234216619, -0.008789964, -0.011437214000000001, -0.002214592, -0.029523333500000002, -0.0002984141, -0.0105205951, -0.0160476696, -0.0159108602, -0.0025600342, -0.0207538903, 0.027115499600000002, -0.028784565600000003, -0.0247623883, -0.0388536938, 0.0109789046, -0.0001647049, 0.0111293942, 0.038279093800000004, 0.0396471843, 0.0251864959, -0.0070046093, 0.030781975000000003, 0.0008653155, 0.0070866947, -0.0018212668, 0.0160339884, 0.0114303734, 0.0209864657, -0.0114303734, -0.026828201500000003, -0.0089336131, 0.012107576200000001, -0.0018520488, -0.0041692476, 0.0248718355, 0.0223271921, -0.0121896621, 0.0103837857, 0.0065223584, 0.027115499600000002, 0.005660463100000001, -0.0088925706, 0.024420365700000002, 0.0075244824, 0.007934909300000001, 0.0098023489, 0.0004916565, -0.012736897, 0.0067891353000000005, -0.0344484486, -0.0091798687, -0.015432030000000001, -0.0099801999, -0.0103153819, 0.0058896178, 0.0241604298, 0.0073945145, -0.0106916055, 0.0219988506, 0.0157740526, -0.0427390598, 0.032888829700000004, -0.0036254325000000002, 0.0111088725, -0.0045181098000000005, 0.0043231575, 0.0103017008, 0.0017434568, 0.021985169500000002, 0.0301526543, 0.0111499149, 0.014789029, -0.0158834979, -0.0212190412, -0.01278478, -0.0186607167, -0.0205760393, -0.0226281714, 0.0294959713, 0.0227512997, 0.0167864375, -0.020261379000000003, 0.0354061127, -0.0061769164, 0.0037485603000000003, -0.0318217203, -0.036828924, 0.0151310507, 0.0243519619, -0.0101580517, -0.0005267138, 0.0126206093, 0.0165128186, 0.0117450338, -0.007093534800000001, 0.0037280391000000003, 0.0107189678, 0.0373761579, -0.0076749721, -0.0104453498, -0.0200698469, -0.0084889848, -0.0136056328, 0.0091661876, 0.0334634259, -0.017484162, 0.0017391816, 0.0033808867000000003, -0.0195636544, -0.0260757525, 0.0026369891, 0.0184828658, 0.035433471200000004, -0.0051371697, 0.009426124400000001, -0.0124906413, 0.0022522144, 0.0095013697, 0.0343937278, -0.025309624200000002, 0.0271018185, 0.0195362922, 0.0275122449, 0.028401501500000002, 0.0299884826, -0.0355702825, 0.00031850790000000003, 0.0168548413, 0.016923245, -0.0042171306000000006, 0.0373214334, -0.0269239675, 0.0169916507, 0.035433471200000004, 0.0127710989, 0.0169506073, 0.0231754072, -0.0038135445, -0.0000240217, 0.0054552499, -0.0023171986, -0.6199079156, 0.0014852303, 0.0008995177, -0.0024488771, -0.0084889848, 0.0015322582, 0.0022778660000000004, 0.0026780318000000003, -0.0156919658, 0.038114924, -0.0055407556, -0.022997554400000002, -0.0281552467, -0.0098844338, 0.0056741438, -0.0068541197, -0.005188472600000001, -0.0186607167, -0.0075518442, 0.007476599400000001, -0.0073261098, -0.0016964289000000001, 0.0015758661, 0.0205076355, -0.0045796735, 0.0058280537, 0.01185448, -0.0089746555, -0.0063684485, -0.0104658715, -0.012989993200000001, 0.0088310065, -0.0079075471, -0.0121965026, 0.0538479351, -0.0065941829, -0.00981603, 0.0208496582, 0.0172515865, -0.0016263144000000002, -0.0120391725, -0.0014399124000000001, 0.0155825196, -0.024406684600000002, 0.0122785876, 0.0076339296000000004, 0.0211916789, -0.0155141149, -0.00265067, -0.013530387500000001, 0.0042786943, -0.0135030262, -0.009583454600000001, 0.0030166334, 0.015760371500000002, 0.0022539245, -0.0027737978, -0.0464055352, -0.0065736617, -0.0160476696, 0.0164444149, -0.0185239073, -0.0135509092, -0.0456120446, -0.0017785141000000002, 0.0475547314, 0.0004010207, 0.0050516641000000004, -0.0039024702, -0.0031517323, 0.0081264414, 0.0292223543, -0.0066831089, -0.0094056036, 0.0196594205, 0.012928429100000001, 0.0263767317, -0.0101648923, -0.0104727121, 0.012586407400000001, -0.0118339593, -0.0119160442, -0.0227239374, -0.0335181504, 0.0164170526, -0.015801413, -0.0175525658, 0.009022538600000001, -0.0056844046, 0.0197415054, 0.0028798247000000003, 0.0148984753, -0.0067480928, -0.0288392901, -0.0049011745, 0.0233532581, -0.0155825196, 0.0157877319, 0.0120323319, -0.0159245413, -0.032888829700000004, -0.0319585316, 0.017593609200000002, -0.0016810378, 0.0241604298, -0.0015878369000000001, 0.0095697735, 0.0075176423, 0.0503729917, -0.0429853164, -0.0210548714, -0.0044189235000000006, -0.0069088433, -0.0151036885, 0.014570134700000001, -0.0321774222, 0.0363911353, -0.0166633092, 0.0015519245, -0.0052705579, 0.0025720049, 0.0005664738, 0.0174157564, -0.0076612914, 0.0002374915, 0.0245982185, 0.0161297545, -0.0013663777, -0.0252275374, -0.0306451656, -0.014419645100000001, -0.0228607468, 0.049114350200000004, -0.0058006919, 0.0563104935, -0.0056091598, 0.007476599400000001, -0.0025275422, -0.0012834374, -0.0345305353, 0.0142007507, -0.0030730672, 0.0174157564, -0.028100522200000002, 0.009131985700000001, -0.0374308825, 0.0068062367, -0.0072713862, -0.0023736323, -0.0030012424, -0.02556956, -0.0166222658, -0.033764407, 0.0013706529, 0.0141049847, -0.011909203600000001, -0.0281552467, -0.0071072159, -0.0031158198, -0.0007742522000000001, -0.0110883508, 0.0108968187, -0.0336275958, -0.0015989526, -0.0204802733, -0.0194542073, 0.0147206243, 0.0275943298, 0.0050140414000000005, -0.0137287602, -0.0185375884, -0.0164033715, -0.016280245000000002, 0.026540901500000002, -0.003351815, 0.0313565694, -0.0271018185, 0.0055578565000000005, -0.0057767504, 0.019125867600000002, 0.0128189819, -0.025747411, -0.0348041542, -0.007346631, 0.0181955677, 0.0031534422000000003, 0.0016468356000000001, 0.0031756738000000002, 0.018127162000000002, 0.0232301299, 0.009809189500000001, 0.0094740074, -0.0043676202, 0.021766277, 0.0085095055, 0.0254874751, 0.005551016000000001, 0.018291333700000002, 0.0010688185, 0.0265545826, 0.019331079, -0.0067651938, 0.0042137103, 0.004723323000000001, 0.022573448700000002, -0.021396892100000002, 0.0071414178, -0.0114440536, 0.006159815000000001, 0.0027652474, 0.016184479, -0.0258705392, -0.0246118978, -0.024557175100000002, -0.0100280829, 0.038552712600000004, -0.0053218612, 0.0012039172, -0.0231070016, -0.0015681706, -0.0060811499, -0.014187069600000001, 0.0051063877, -0.0123469923, -0.0133935791, 0.0029482292, -0.0010217906, 0.0169095639, 0.0018434982000000001, -0.0130925998, -0.0113277668, 0.022121978900000002, 0.0053971061, 0.0169369262, -0.0153499441, 0.0071072159, 0.0216568299, -0.0198919959, 0.0294686109, -0.0093987631, -0.0049319565, 0.0200698469, 0.0104521904, 0.0045044287, -0.0049216957, -0.0283467788, 0.0230522789, 0.032615210900000004, 0.010219615900000001, 0.0164717771, 0.0070114499, 0.0072098225, -0.0221356601, -0.001122687, -0.01106783, -0.0327246599, -0.0046857004, 0.0031705434, 0.0326699354, 0.02306596, 0.0145838158, 0.0047199028, 0.013858729, -0.0034167992, 0.0022778660000000004, -0.0143101979, 0.022409277000000002, -0.0339012146, -0.012066533800000001, 0.0011928015, -0.0113140857, -0.0033244533000000003, -0.0141733894, -0.0039742948, -0.0005250036, 0.0064163315000000005, -0.0060195862000000004, 0.000950821, 0.0294959713, 0.0118202781, -0.022422958200000002, -0.014529092200000001, 0.0157466903, 0.014392282800000001, -0.009740784800000001, 0.0038067042000000002, -0.0257747732, 0.008659995200000001, -0.0227512997, -0.0139955375, -0.0052910792, -0.0108147338, -0.0136535158, 0.0170737356, -0.0044633863, -0.0067309919, 0.0030559660000000002, -0.0107531697, 0.0006780585, 0.013154164000000001, 0.0183870997, -0.0112183196, -0.0257884543, -0.0134619838, 0.0127710989, 0.0077160150000000005, -0.0023394302, -0.0068438589, -0.0335181504, -0.0080101537, 0.006046948000000001, -0.0299884826, -0.011211479100000001, -0.0116219055, 0.018127162000000002, 0.0011671499, 0.0036322731, 0.0156646054, 0.0257747732, -0.0030200537, -0.0047951476, -0.0345031731, -0.00639239, 0.0427937843, 0.09904955330000001, 0.0069327848, 0.011806597, 0.0103906263, 0.0004989245, 0.0136329941, -0.0123948753, -0.0203297846, -0.0064539541, 0.00701829, 0.0006652327, -0.0176346507, 0.0484850295, -0.008201685700000001, 0.0162118394, 0.0088104848, 0.0161023922, -0.004983259800000001, 0.008523186700000001, -0.0014279416, -0.0019358442, -0.0004908015, 0.0164033715, 0.033654958, 0.006395810300000001, 0.0190437809, 0.0273480732, 0.0186196752, 0.0068849018, -0.028401501500000002, 0.0048806532000000005, 0.02306596, 0.0012535104000000001, 0.0126479715, -0.0043573594, -0.0115603413, -0.000996994, 0.0029584898, 0.024242514700000002, -0.0006673703, 0.014351240400000001, 0.0014082753, 0.0071687796, -0.0166085847, 0.0055681174, -0.010876298000000001, -0.0093371989, 0.0276627336, -0.0055304947, -0.0131746847, 0.0252275374, -0.0207538903, -0.024406684600000002, -0.036911007, 0.0149258375, -0.0014382022, -0.0031585726000000003, -0.008694198, -0.0132772913, -0.021383211000000003, -0.0350230448, -0.0148300715, 0.017880907300000002, -0.0219988506, -0.0031466018, -0.0249265581, 0.0074287164, 0.0330803618, -0.0386895202, 0.0049285362, 0.0275669675, -0.0195226129, -0.026103114700000003, 0.0037827627, 0.017101096, 0.0201108903, 0.0146659007, 0.010411148, -0.0152404979, 0.0159519035, 0.0063889697, -0.0402491428, 0.0031534422000000003, -0.0260210298, 0.020261379000000003, 0.0044770674000000005, -0.0061221928000000005, -0.0238731317, -0.0154867535, 0.0232027676, -0.0025514837, 0.0114235329, 0.010506914000000001, 0.0016938637000000001, -0.0121417791, 0.0055544362, 0.0064368527000000005, -0.0254464317, 0.0063342461000000004, -0.034858875000000004, 0.013530387500000001, -0.022395595900000002, -0.0251317713, -0.008789964, 0.018441822400000002, -0.0166769903, -0.026800839200000003, -0.0054962924, -0.0158424564, -0.0299884826, 0.0221082978, -0.026280965700000002, 0.022299829900000002, 0.0106300414, -0.027142861900000002, 0.020261379000000003, 0.0020726530000000003, 0.0071414178, 0.0285656713, -0.0243519619, -0.0024249356000000002, -0.0128737055, 0.0131746847, 0.0201108903, 0.0099596791, 0.0170463733, 0.0002704111, -0.014843751700000001, -0.008201685700000001, 0.0056194202, -0.0002280859, 0.0358712599, -0.0145564536, -0.0233532581, -0.0054997127, -0.0058759367, -0.026390412800000002, -0.0215473827, -0.0179356299, -0.0083179735, 0.0044155032, -0.0270744562, -0.0127779394, -0.0163349677, 0.0144333262, -0.0344484486, -0.0156509243, 0.0116219055, 0.0074492376, 0.020411869500000002, -0.0042308113, 0.020562358200000002, -0.0042171306000000006, -0.0056228405, -0.0102059348, -0.0029550695, -0.0129079083, -0.0222451072, 0.015295221500000001, 0.0218757223, 0.043997701300000004, 0.0073808334, 0.0195362922, 0.0012560756000000001, -0.0029277077, 0.0056741438, -0.0016340098000000001, 0.0125522055, -0.0229154695, 0.0221903827, 0.032451041, 0.024297239300000002, -0.027047094, -0.0182776526, 0.0055783777000000005, 0.0177988224, -0.0000738554, -0.024297239300000002, -0.0235037468, -0.0345852599, -0.0108831385, -0.00047840320000000003, -0.0091388263, 0.0342842788, -0.0626036972, -0.0214379355, 0.012627449800000001, 0.0141597083, 0.008701038500000001, 0.0091798687, 0.0025172816, -0.0002150463, 0.027142861900000002, 0.012415396, -0.0024745287, -0.0015467942, -0.0174157564, -0.0272112656, -0.0096313376, 0.0165128186, -0.0071345777, 0.0055578565000000005, -0.008454782000000001, -0.012723215900000001, 0.0091661876, 0.0260210298, -0.0154457111, -0.0319311693, 0.014597496000000001, -0.037978116400000005, -0.0048977542, -0.0120049696, -0.0054073669, -0.0271291807, 0.0131610045, -0.0014997663000000001, -0.017429437500000002, 0.0057083461, -0.0138450479, 0.0023873132, 0.0012116127, -0.0063616079, 0.0037280391000000003, -0.00483619, 0.0208633374, -0.0023240391, -0.0073192692, -0.0313839316, 0.020452911, 0.009993881000000001, -0.0057493886000000004, 0.044791191800000005, -0.0097339442, -0.0110541489, -0.017128458200000002, 0.036281686300000004, 0.00022616200000000002, -0.0201929752, -0.0301800165, 0.0325057656, 0.012367513, 0.0019119027, -0.0134072602, 0.0020846238, 0.0008281206, 0.0056844046, -0.0114166923, 0.0010046895, -0.0030987188, -0.0107668508, 0.0032834106000000003, 0.0184965469, -0.0249812827, 0.030125292, 0.021834680800000002, -0.039099946600000005, -0.0082632499, -0.0179082695, -0.0234900676, 0.0170737356, -0.0098639131, 0.0200424846, -0.0085847508, 0.0012877126, 0.0167590752, 0.0000473487, 0.0081743244, 0.008297451800000001, -0.0015707357, 0.0240646638, -0.0358165391, -0.0235584714, 0.010575318700000001, -0.0121828215, -0.0014732595000000002, 0.0067993961000000006, -0.0227239374, -0.020138252500000002, -0.024406684600000002, -0.010151211200000001, -0.0198919959, 0.0198919959, -0.0133046536, 0.0006990074, 0.0014159709, -0.0218894035, -0.0102538178, 0.0038169648000000002, 0.0360354297, 0.020138252500000002, -0.027389116600000003, 0.0045899344000000005, 0.008044355500000001, 0.0211232752, 0.0136193139, 0.0115398206, -0.0064847358, 0.0203297846, 0.0002094884, 0.0209317431, 0.0032782804000000003, 0.0060845702, -0.0181955677, -0.0079554301, -0.022121978900000002, -0.012832663000000001, 0.0216568299, 0.0007169635, -0.028264692100000002, 0.0077365362000000005, -0.0014330719, 0.0306178033, -0.0124769602, -0.0021632886, 0.024543494000000003, 0.0056091598, 0.009945998000000001, -0.020562358200000002, -0.0076407702, 0.054203636900000005, -0.0028935056, -0.0011201218, 0.0353240259, -0.0159519035, 0.0341474712, -0.0259252638, 0.0079691112, 0.0019426846, -0.0551065728, -0.025665326000000002, -0.0119228847, 0.007750216900000001, -0.0197962299, -0.0099117961, -0.0087078782, -0.0082358886, -0.0035262462000000003, 0.001014095, 0.0067891353000000005, 0.015733009200000002, 0.0170874167, 0.0124769602, -0.0005852850000000001, 0.004128204700000001, 0.008160643300000001, -0.0150763271, -0.0016288795000000001, -0.0032474983000000002, -0.029687503400000002, -0.0231890865, -0.0109994253, 0.0180040356, 0.0073124291, -0.0093235178, 0.0027105238, 0.0242151525, -0.0526987389, -0.008523186700000001, -0.0012552205, 0.031794358, 0.0210685506, 0.0130310357, 0.0066147042, 0.0097818272, 0.0046583386, 0.0397566296, -0.008270090400000001, -0.000052024700000000004, -0.0007208113, -0.0263630506, 0.0221630223, -0.0030063728, -0.0297422279, 0.0067754546, 0.0007413325, 0.009515049900000001, 0.0114166923, 0.0393735655, -0.024516131700000002, -0.0184007809, -0.0109515423, -0.0048019881000000006, 0.0244340468, -0.012586407400000001, 0.0241604298, -0.022682894000000002, -0.023093320400000002, 0.015541477100000001, 0.015432030000000001, -0.0136329941, -0.0116971498, 0.006046948000000001, -0.0200151242, 0.0046891207, -0.0201245714, -0.005486032, 0.006135873500000001, -0.0007669842, 0.0342295542, 0.0288940128, -0.0101580517, 0.0341474712, 0.008728399900000001, 0.0026062073000000002, -0.0377318598, -0.00022637580000000002, -0.0161160734, 0.016321286600000002, 0.0250770487, 0.0090977838, 0.0148711139, -0.0430674031, 0.0070593329000000005, -0.0136124734, 0.0056878249, -0.0015177224000000001, -0.012736897, -0.0044086627000000005, 0.010917340400000001, 0.0374308825, -0.021766277, 0.0268829241, -0.0128463442, -0.0103153819, -0.0199467186, -0.0062761027, 0.016827479, -0.021383211000000003, 0.0017494422, -0.011389331, -0.004873812700000001, -0.0144880489, -0.0154867535, 0.006159815000000001, 0.0115945432, 0.0229017884, 0.2037903517, 0.0032252669, 0.0137424413, 0.013892930900000001, -0.0242014732, 0.0202340186, 0.0081743244, 0.0052226749, -0.0026900026, 0.0162665639, -0.0340927467, -0.0013296102, -0.0132909724, 0.0100280829, -0.0168001167, -0.025829495900000003, -0.0355429202, -0.0250086449, -0.0084684631, 0.007531323, -0.0184965469, -0.013783483800000001, -0.0069909282000000005, -0.0150079224, 0.012586407400000001, 0.0336002335, -0.015705646900000002, 0.0009234592, 0.0412341654, -0.0028182608000000002, -0.0040461197, -0.0065257787, 0.0135372281, -0.0012064824, -0.0099528385, 0.0046822801, 0.028538310900000002, -0.0270060524, 0.0089472942, 0.0318490826, 0.0243245997, 0.0236679185, -0.010103328200000001, -0.0110336281, 0.016430733700000002, 0.0183597375, -0.022012531800000002, -0.0084889848, -0.0021171158, 0.0060708895, -0.0274575204, -0.0015083167, 0.0289760977, 0.0127984611, -0.015295221500000001, 0.0015322582, -0.0051303292, 0.0212053601, -0.0104932329, 0.025720050600000002, 0.0147343054, 0.030234739200000003, 0.0118818423, 0.023996260000000002, -0.0297695901, 0.026540901500000002, 0.0034800733000000003, -0.0000504482, 0.030946144800000002, -0.0322321467, -0.0034236396000000002, -0.0083590159, 0.0055954787, 0.0059614424, -0.0273070317, -0.0073192692, 0.0377865843, 0.0219304468, 0.008475303600000001, 0.0297695901, -0.0036869964000000002, -0.0049490575, -0.0130925998, -0.005075605600000001, -0.0063650282, -0.0319585316, 0.0057083461, -0.0053936858, -0.0286477581, -0.008030675400000001, 0.0027943193, -0.014706943200000001, -0.0095560933, -0.0131404828, 0.0016887333, 0.013940814000000001, 0.0327246599, 0.0007071304000000001, 0.0030935884, -0.0084274206, -0.022409277000000002, 0.0681854934, -0.0053150207, -0.000058891900000000004, -0.0056570428, -0.0196731016, 0.0043676202, 0.023695278900000002, -0.0141597083, -0.0129352696, 0.0130789187, -0.028811927900000003, 0.0010645433000000001, -0.019166909200000002, 0.0108215744, 0.0069772475, 0.0105889989, -0.0010833545, 0.0165128186, -0.0064949966000000005, -0.021424254400000002, -0.0317396373, -0.0181408431, -0.000249676, -0.0038511669, -0.0021478978, -0.0159519035, 0.0264588166, -0.005551016000000001, -0.0182502903, 0.029550695800000002, -0.0467065163, 0.0007186736000000001, -0.0005391121, -0.0066489065, 0.020247697800000002, 0.0012671913, -0.0090772621, -0.0051645311000000005, -0.0020641023, -0.0011842509, -0.0201519318, 0.0025634544000000003, -0.0077091744, 0.0001427942, -0.0253233034, 0.0075039612, -0.030426271300000002, 0.0109789046, -0.0261304751, -0.0102743395, -0.0007806651000000001, 0.0174978431, -0.0299884826, 0.0207675714, -0.0197688676, -0.0360080712, -0.0322047845, 0.0146659007, 0.005773330100000001, -0.006012745700000001, -0.022970194000000003, 0.0197962299, 0.0022744460000000003, -0.0241877921, 0.0058827773, -0.17456799750000002, 0.0267871581, 0.019016420500000002, -0.0008909671, 0.009651859300000001, -0.0075244824, -0.0153773064, 0.00592724, -0.0236542374, 0.009220911200000001, 0.0344758108, -0.0090567404, -0.023134363800000002, -0.0033911476, 0.0102538178, -0.0066420659, -0.0005083301, 0.029523333500000002, 0.0037861830000000003, 0.0300432071, 0.015226816800000001, -0.0286477581, -0.008769442300000001, 0.0048806532000000005, 0.0061461343, -0.004955898, -0.0025566139, 0.043669361600000005, 0.0041760877, -0.0232164487, -0.0062419004, -0.0200698469, 0.032888829700000004, -0.0029858516, 0.0047780466, 0.0362269618, 0.022532405300000002, -0.0076407702, 0.0076065678, 0.0117997564, 0.0321227014, 0.025282261900000002, 0.000569894, 0.014214431900000001, -0.0094192838, 0.0051474301, 0.0310008675, -0.0125795668, 0.0086805169, -0.0086257933, 0.006556560800000001, -0.0219714884, 0.0151447318, 0.014501730000000001, 0.0120391725, 0.0127710989, -0.0083795376, -0.0045146896, -0.003240658, 0.0015844166000000002, 0.0036356931, -0.0079212282, 0.0213011261, 0.0027190745000000003, 0.0130447168, -0.0072577056, -0.0108831385, -0.0131336423, -0.0296054184, -0.0021701292, -0.0206581242, 0.0124564385, 0.009624497000000001, -0.026404094000000003, 0.0018691499000000002, 0.0158150941, -0.019153228, -0.000052692800000000005, -0.0065428796, 0.0196457393, -0.0003024756, 0.011840799800000001, -0.023134363800000002, -0.0021068552, -0.0072713862, 0.0000820318, -0.0097271036, 0.0036562146000000003, -0.0065873424000000005, -0.0067138905, 0.007811781, -0.0166359469, 0.0232985336, -0.0074492376, 0.0122375451, 0.036172241, 0.0143101979, -0.0041247844, 0.0005707491, -0.0358712599, -0.0004480487, -0.024912877, -0.0361175165, 0.0056741438, 0.030398909, 0.030207376900000003, -0.0132157281, 0.0071893013, 0.02306596, -0.0029174471, 0.0028114202000000003, -0.009015698, 0.0009285896, 0.020918062, -0.0195226129, 0.000552793, 0.0152815403, -0.0124564385, 0.0057801707, -0.008967815, 0.0286477581, -0.0207128488, -0.0392641202, 0.0061221928000000005, 0.0056296811000000006, -0.0216568299, -0.1082978249, 0.0234900676, 0.0028199709, 0.019331079, -0.0047609452, 0.0253917091, -0.0154593913, 0.0065805023, -0.0095902951, 0.030973507100000002, -0.0199603997, -0.0359807089, -0.0001737899, 0.0072440244, 0.0354061127, 0.0019067723, -0.0025429332, -0.0005929805000000001, -0.0170600545, 0.021013828000000002, -0.0005891328, -0.024584537400000002, 0.0084205801, 0.0009653569, -0.048238772900000004, 0.0183734186, -0.0224776808, 0.0180177148, -0.007052492400000001, 0.0079622706, -0.02463926, -0.012996833800000001, 0.023120682700000002, -0.018989058200000002, 0.0207538903, 0.0243519619, -0.0102469772, -0.0253917091, 0.0063205655, -0.009200390400000001, 0.0020418710000000002, 0.0288392901, -0.0044941683, -0.0143101979, 0.0065805023, -0.0184828658, 0.0128189819, 0.010575318700000001, -0.0052260952, -0.0222314261, -0.0311376769, -0.007093534800000001, -0.016280245000000002, -0.0208222959, 0.0032970915, -0.0077844192, -0.0092482734, 0.01013753, -0.006064049, 0.0261304751, -0.0034458709, 0.0255148374, -0.0005126054, 0.0222040638, 0.0132567706, -0.0123948753, -0.0181408431, 0.0043436787, 0.0229017884, -0.0154867535, -0.0243793242, -0.023695278900000002, -0.013810846000000002, -0.0019478149, -0.0244614091, -0.0031209502, -0.0053834254, -0.0174020771, 0.0291676316, -0.0071893013, -0.024174111, -0.0176209696, 0.0153089017, -0.0192626752, -0.0032269771000000003, 0.01153298, 0.0352966636, -0.0035057249000000003, 0.0168001167, -0.0218894035, 0.0048019881000000006, 0.0086394744, 0.0421918258, -0.033654958, 0.0050243023, 0.0148574328, 0.0135030262, -0.0216568299, 0.0129352696, 0.022682894000000002, -0.028784565600000003, -0.0220262129, -0.0500172898, 0.032587848600000004, -0.00038605730000000003, -0.0128531847, -0.0181682054, -0.028374139200000002, -0.0080238348, -0.0136193139, -0.001684458, 0.0384159051, -0.046296089900000004, 0.0461866409, 0.0110336281, -0.0157740526, -0.044627022, -0.0067857155, 0.0281552467, 0.0166633092, 0.006881481500000001, 0.017292629900000002, 0.0016322997, -0.0004976419, 0.010055445100000001, 0.0224503204, -0.0221767016, -0.0012124678000000001, -0.0197551865, 0.0096313376, -0.0030970087000000003, -0.012175981, 0.018989058200000002, -0.0326699354, -0.0062761027, 0.0120802149, -0.0015194324, -0.020726529900000002, 0.0138450479, 0.0087147187, 0.0111909574, 0.037704497600000005, -0.0298790373, -0.0164033715, -0.0162392017, -0.025720050600000002, 0.0088036442, 0.0055202339, 0.0030508356, 0.0020299002, 0.017019011100000002, 0.0145838158, 0.0281552467, 0.0088036442, -0.0031551523, -0.0180998016, 0.0056809844, -0.0200151242, -0.0091046244, 0.0310829543, -0.0050619245, -0.023257492100000002, 0.028675118500000003, 0.0181682054, 0.0136535158, -0.0053355424000000005, 0.0171968639, -0.0105684781, -0.014775347900000001, 0.011245681, 0.013694558300000001, -0.047992520000000004, -0.0187701639, -0.020548678900000002, 0.0023804726, 0.009426124400000001, -0.0042444924, -0.019577335600000002, 0.0003426632, -0.0151720932, 0.0148574328, 0.038580074900000004, -0.0032594691, 0.0091730282, -0.022532405300000002, 0.02370896, 0.0238731317, -0.0020760731, -0.0142691555, 0.0051679513, -0.0102743395, -0.014392282800000001, -0.0043744608, 0.0194952507, -0.0039435131000000005, -0.0036698955, -0.0109857442, 0.0193584412, 0.023243811000000003, -0.0006618124, -0.0040324386, -0.0016023727000000001, 0.0005305615, -0.0023428502, -0.0121007366, -0.0332171693, -0.0081469622, 0.0106574036, -0.0385253504, -0.0039093108, 0.0059580221, 0.0201245714, 0.014009218700000001, 0.0104453498, 0.017703056300000002, -0.0040598004, -0.0024180950000000003, 0.027621692000000003, 0.014953198800000001, 0.0069191037, -0.0346126184, 0.0237773657, 0.00013937390000000002, 0.0105684781, -0.0088310065, 0.017703056300000002, 0.0192079525, 0.0041692476, -0.0071414178, -0.0117792357, 0.0144880489, 0.0120186508, 0.008140122500000001, -0.0147616668, -0.0364184976, -0.0184555035, -0.0051645311000000005, -0.045940388000000006, 0.042520165400000004, 0.0108078932, 0.0365005806, 0.06386233870000001, 0.024584537400000002, -0.0013526968, 0.016841160100000002, 0.0211779978, 0.0196731016, 0.0068199174, 0.0057938518, 0.0027498563000000003, -0.0081743244, 0.0212464035, -0.0100280829, -0.006737832, -0.0335181504, -0.0028302316, 0.0136056328, -0.028374139200000002, 0.0182092488, -0.0392367579, 0.0016870232, 0.0421644635, -0.0238047261, 0.0085368678, 0.0213558506, -0.0281826071, 0.012203342300000001, 0.0164991375, 0.020275060100000002, -0.0261988807, -0.0478009842, -0.011163596100000001, -0.0014373471, -0.0163076054, -0.032259509, 0.0139271338, -0.014255474300000001, 0.0001440767, 0.0091525074, 0.0240236204, -0.0055099735, 0.018263971400000002, 0.0048464509, -0.0366647504, -0.0381970108, 0.0027293351000000003, -0.028784565600000003, -0.0176209696, -0.014597496000000001, -0.0200972091 ]
[ 1 ]
{ "country": "arg", "file_id": "sdg-01/vlr-report-arg-buenos_aires-2021-en-1.pdf", "language": "en", "locality": "buenos_aires", "size": "m", "type": "vlr", "year": 2021 }
PONER FIN A LA POBREZA EN TODAS SUS FORMAS EN TODO EL MUNDO 22 La pobreza puede ser entendida como un fenómeno que va más allá de la insuficiencia monetaria. Una concepción multidimensional de la pobreza toma en consideración consumos mínimos de bienes y ser￾vicios básicos esenciales “como parte del conjunto de oportunidades que toda sociedad debe ofrecer a sus integrantes”. Este conjunto incluye acceso a niveles básicos de educación, salud, vivienda y otros servicios (Gasparini, 2012). Además, los servicios que transforman a las ciudades en centros de innovación y de oportunidades -como la movilidad sostenible, la formalización del empleo y el acceso a servicios digitales, entre otros- demandan un abordaje integral para asegurar el desarrollo sostenible de las comunidades más vulnerables. La pandemia originada por el COVID-19 expuso las brechas de desigualdad que aún persisten en nuestras ciudades, y la necesidad de continuar los procesos de integración social y urbana de los barrios popu￾lares. En la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, el 97.29% de los hogares tiene acceso a servicios básicos (INDEC, 2010), entre los que se incluyen los servicios de recolección de residuos y de transporte público, telefo￾nía, la presencia de bocas de tormenta o alcantarillas, de pavimento, alumbrado público, la tenencia de electricidad por red, el acceso a combustibles limpios para cocción y la provisión y procedencia del agua. Sin embargo, y como se mencionó, el abordaje sostenible a estas cuestiones requiere ir más allá de las soluciones infraestructurales e incluir una perspectiva holística que transversaliza la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, y que implica la participación activa de vecinos y vecinas de los barrios populares. En la Ciudad los barrios populares albergan a 73.673 familias. METAS PRIORIZADAS 1.4 Para 2030, garantizar que todos los hombres y mujeres, en particular los pobres y los más vulnerables, tengan los mismos derechos a los recursos económicos, así como acceso a los servicios básicos, la propiedad y el control de las tierras y otros bienes, la herencia, los recursos naturales, las nuevas tecnologías y los servicios económicos, in￾cluida la microfinanciación. 23 La integración del Barrio 31 y promoción de igualdad de oportunidades Integrar en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires implica: la mejora y construcción de viviendas e infraestructura, el desarrollo económico de los barrios, la promoción del empleo, la reubicación y construcción de centros educativos y de salud, la puesta en valor y construcción de espacios públicos, y el desarrollo de infraes￾tructura para la movilidad y conexión con el resto de la ciudad. En los últimos cinco años, el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires transformó el Barrio 31 a partir de la construcción y mejora de viviendas; creación de parques y plazas; habilitación para el ingreso del trans￾porte público -con tres líneas de colectivos-; construcción, puesta en funcionamiento de tres nuevos centros de salud y dos polos educativos; por último, la construcción del nuevo Ministerio de Educación en el barrio. Así, más de 1.000 familias se reubicaron en nuevas viviendas e iniciaron los procesos de regularización dominial para contar con su título de propiedad y conexión a servicios básicos: agua, gas y electricidad. LINKING CITIES 2021 En mayo de 2021, la UNESCO premió a la Ciudad de Buenos Aires por su proceso de urbanización e integración del Barrio 31, con el reconocimiento Linking Cities 2021. Los resultados del proyecto incluyen más de 1.000 viviendas nuevas y el mejoramiento de viviendas existentes, la construcción de más de 17.000 metros lineales de infraestructura y de nuevos espacios públicos, nuevas escuelas y centros de salud. Además, 970 familias que vivían debajo de la Autopista Illia se reubicaron en nuevas viviendas, que al finalizar el proceso de reasentamiento será un nuevo espacio público que conectará a todos los sectores del barrio. El proyecto, a su vez, contempla la promoción de la economía barrial y el acompañamiento a em￾prendedores y emprendedoras. 24 • 12.000 familias con vivienda nueva o mejorada (2023) Políticas de integración frente al COVID-19 Uno de los grandes desafíos al inicio de la pandemia para combatir el virus en los barrios populares, fue desplegar de manera inmediata nuevas estrategias abocadas a la emergencia. Para ello, el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires actuó en conjunto con las organizaciones sociales de cada barrio y el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. Parte de este trabajo fue posible gracias a los avances que el gobierno local había realizado en infraes￾tructura años anteriores, por ejemplo: la apertura de calles en barrios populares para permitir el paso de servicios de emergencia y la construcción de centros de salud. • 180.000 personas con infraestructura urbana y servicios públicos (2023) En el Barrio 31 se puso en marcha el primer Operativo DetectAr del país para el rastreo, testeo y aisla￾miento de casos positivos. En menos de un mes se logró revertir la curva de contagios. Luego, se exten￾dió el operativo a otros 28 puntos de la Ciudad, incluyendo los barrios 1.11.14, 21.24, 15, 20, Rodrigo Bueno y Carrillo. De la misma manera, se puso en marcha un operativo para acompañar a personas en situación de calle: Buenos Aires Presente, un programa que busca atender a personas y familias en condición de riesgo social. Esto implica personas con derechos vulnerados y, en general, a población en situación de calle con necesidad de orientación, información y asesoramiento sobre servicios sociales. En este marco, la Ciudad puso a disposición Centros de Inclusión Social para que las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad pu￾dieran pasar el período de aislamiento. Políticas educativas y de promoción del desarrollo económico La herramienta fundamental para lograr la inclusión en toda la Ciudad de Buenos Aires es la educación. Según las Naciones Unidas, el cierre de escuelas por la crisis sanitaria afectó a 1.600 millones de estudian￾tes, de los cuales 24 millones podrían abandonar las aulas (ONU, 2020). En este sentido, Buenos Aires está fuertemente comprometida en continuar con las clases presenciales en el ciclo lectivo 2021 y en no dejar a ningún estudiante atrás. Con respecto a la asistencia a clases y a las políticas para revertir el aumento del abandono de estas, la Ciudad identificó a 6.500 chicos de primaria que dejaron sus estudios y a 9.000 del nivel secundario que no alcanzaron los aprendizajes esperados. En este sentido, la estrategia frente a la educación tiene un doble objetivo: asegurar el acceso y asistencia de los estudiantes a la escuela por un lado y, por el otro, garantizar un aprendizaje de calidad que le brinde herramientas a largo plazo. ESCUELA ABIERTA Es un espacio de encuentro entre chicos/as, familias y la comunidad de la escuela que busca forta￾lecer las trayectorias escolares para contribuir al desarrollo del aprendizaje y cultivar valores ciuda￾danos por medio de actividades culturales, artísticas, deportivas y recreativas. Está destinado a niños y niñas de nivel inicial, primario y jóvenes del nivel secundario, teniendo en cuenta los diseños curriculares vigentes para cada nivel. 25 Por último, otro de los componentes esenciales para lograr una integración social y urbana sostenible, es el desarrollo económico. El jefe de gobierno se comprometió a impulsar la formalización laboral y a acompañar a emprendedores y emprendedoras, como estrategia clave para integrar la economía y el crecimiento de los barrios populares al resto de la ciudad. • 75.000 trabajadores de la economía popular con acceso a financiamiento, capacitación y formalización (2023) En 2020, la legislatura porteña sancionó la Ley de Impulso a la Economía Social y Popular que permite potenciar e incentivar el valor productivo de las trabajadoras y trabajadores de los barrios populares. La normativa es un avance hacia la ampliación de la red de comercios formales y la creación de espacios de producción formales, con las habilitaciones necesarias para la seguridad de los trabajadores y traba￾jadoras, y hacia el desarrollo económico de todos los vecinos y vecinas, independientemente del barrio de residencia. La ley supone un sistema de acceso a créditos, la participación en compras públicas y ciertos beneficios impositivos, impactando en 500.000 personas que trabajaban en la informalidad. PATIO GASTRONÓMICO EN EL BARRIO RODRIGO BUENO La integración social y urbana de los barrios implica el análisis de su potencial económico e identi￾dad productiva. El Patio Gastronómico del Barrio Rodrigo Bueno, que se enmarca en la estrategia turística de BA Capital Gastronómica, busca recibir vecinos, vecinas y visitantes de la Ciudad y promover la princi￾pal actividad de los residentes del barrio. Los contenedores, transformados en puestos de comida y bebida, son atendidos tanto por habitantes del barrio, como por inversores privados que decidieron apostar por el nuevo espacio. 26 Otra de las iniciativas bajo el paraguas del fomento del emprendedurismo y la formación profesional, es el Centro de Desarrollo Emprendedor y Laboral del Barrio 31 (CeDEL): un espacio que centraliza las polí￾ticas de integración económica y que cuenta con aulas, oficinas y un espacio de atención al público, para que vecinos y vecinas puedan acercarse, recibir asesoramiento, conocer las ofertas de empleo formal, tomar talleres de orientación laboral y capacitaciones de emprendedurismo. De esta manera, se pretende colaborar para que fortalezcan su modelo de negocios. El CeDEL es una iniciativa de integración social y económica versátil, que puede ser replicada en otros barrios y contextos, y que apunta a ser un nexo entre la comunidad, las ofertas de empleo y el sector privado. 27 INDICADORES DE LA CIUDAD PARA EL MONITOREO DE LAS METAS ODS A continuación, se presenta una selección de los indicadores definidos para el monitoreo del ODS 1. El listado completo se encuentra en el Anexo del presente documento. META 1.4 Para 2030, garantizar que todos los hombres y mujeres, en particular los pobres y los más vulnerables, tengan los mismos derechos a los recursos económicos, así como acceso a los servicios básicos, la propiedad y el control de las tierras y otros bienes, la herencia, los recursos naturales, las nuevas tecnologías y los servicios económicos, incluida la microfinanciación.
[ -0.0120671522, -0.0182979926, 0.012937837300000001, -0.0193863492, -0.0193047225, -0.0028059192, -0.01001288, 0.0118290745, -0.0366776139, -0.041303128, 0.006118604000000001, 0.0153458267, 0.001715862, 0.0015849192, -0.0199577361, 0.004319415, 0.0060369773, -0.0267191511, 0.0122304056, -0.0071559437, -0.0213045776, 0.014026193900000001, -0.002195419, -0.0062308409, 0.0007937350000000001, 0.0162709299, 0.0279435534, -0.0059791584, 0.0187605452, 0.0067818211, 0.0195496026, -0.0035609663, 0.0012694658, 0.007013096900000001, -0.0230459478, -0.0028875459, -0.0091898097, -0.0200665724, 0.0099856704, -0.0235221051, 0.0053295456, -0.0127881886, -0.0040167156, -0.0079041887, -0.0205291249, 0.022488165600000002, -0.0098496266, -0.006601562300000001, -0.029276790100000002, 0.0136316651, 0.0089449296, 0.0259164888, -0.024800922700000002, -0.0077069243, -0.0030542004, -0.004710543, -0.035317167600000005, -0.0004685035, -0.0035099497000000003, -0.0123800552, -0.0150601324, -0.0088973138, -0.0251274295, 0.0324330218, -0.026787173, -0.0055642226, -0.0221208446, 0.007353208500000001, 0.0062920609, 0.0047003394000000006, 0.031290248, 0.0401059352, 0.0188149624, -0.0187877528, 0.0312630385, 0.007632099999999999, 0.0031052171, -0.0029317602, 0.0124004614, 0.0102169467, 0.0121759884, -0.0204747058, -0.0319160521, -0.0028586362, 0.013141904000000001, 0.0016699469000000002, 0.0137745114, 0.028188433500000002, 0.0118766902, -0.014026193900000001, -0.0019029232, 0.0206787735, 0.0403236076, 0.017318472300000002, -0.0105298487, 0.030610026800000002, 0.0025916488, 0.0044690636, 0.0074552419, 0.0005484296, -0.014910483700000001, 0.0001113865, -0.0353443772, -0.0102441553, -0.0005110174, -0.0075844843, -0.0017167123000000001, 0.009196612100000001, 0.026936823500000002, -0.0016002242, -0.017576957100000002, 0.0173048675, 0.011795063500000001, -0.0333037078, 0.0309093241, -0.0011903899000000001, 0.0020253633, -0.0077341334, 0.0037514288, -0.0060675875, 0.0016929045, 0.0182163659, 0.0224337485, -0.0052547213, 0.0117542502, -0.0256307945, -0.018719730900000002, -0.0041187489, -0.0264198538, -0.0134275984, -0.024991385600000002, 0.028351686900000003, 0.0151281552, 0.014420723500000001, -0.0097884061, 0.0262293909, -0.0196312293, 0.0032956793000000002, -0.024828132200000002, -0.0500916056, 0.0200121552, 0.0192639101, -0.0121895922, 0.0075028576, 0.022365726500000002, 0.019685648400000002, 0.016434183300000002, -0.0132031245, 0.0035779718, 0.0183252022, 0.029712131200000002, -0.0023127575, -0.0078021553, -0.0019658438, -0.0195496026, -0.0142438654, 0.0183524117, 0.0304467715, -0.0193319321, 0.0006793725, 0.0181619488, -0.0201754086, -0.0061764228, -0.0007597238000000001, 0.0189101938, 0.0388271175, -0.006914464800000001, 0.007312395100000001, -0.0099652642, -0.0046561249, 0.0083463341, 0.025658004, -0.0321337245, 0.0229371134, 0.0253042877, 0.0155498935, 0.0121895922, 0.0299025942, -0.0416568443, 0.0020185611, 0.0070947236, 0.0063260719, -0.0050336486, 0.0320793055, -0.0344192721, 0.014651998900000001, 0.039861057000000005, 0.019821692300000002, 0.0175633524, 0.0242567454, -0.0037786376000000003, 0.011074027, 0.0301746838, 0.0064587155, -0.6190571785, 0.0071219327, -0.0021597075, -0.010645486400000001, -0.0000588818, 0.004537086, 0.0137745114, 0.007298790800000001, -0.0203250572, -0.0157947727, -0.0053567546, -0.0227466505, -0.0169511531, -0.0165974367, 0.0023722770000000003, -0.0172912627, -0.0035949775000000002, -0.0172776598, 0.0007473948, 0.0151145505, -0.0057818936, -0.010965191800000001, -0.000067544, 0.0266239196, 0.0025389316, -0.0007507959, 0.0130534759, -0.0151553638, -0.0075164619, -0.0114685567, -0.012760980100000001, 0.0116726235, 0.0032106517, -0.0059825596, 0.0579549819, -0.0245152302, -0.0027566028, 0.028596567000000003, 0.0049826321, -0.0031715387, -0.0020440696, 0.0013306858000000001, 0.0196992531, -0.0300114304, 0.0151145505, 0.012468484200000001, 0.022651419000000002, -0.0225833971, 0.0010696504, -0.0003943167, 0.0008069143, -0.0194543712, -0.0090877768, 0.0005084666, 0.0210052803, 0.014883275100000001, 0.0066933925, -0.0462551489, -0.0038262533, -0.0177402105, 0.0098088123, -0.0239846557, -0.013196322100000001, -0.039398506300000004, -0.0068464424000000005, 0.0501460247, -0.023426873600000002, 0.007666111000000001, 0.0060267742000000004, -0.0047581587, 0.0079313982, 0.0156995431, -0.0079381997, -0.0006772468, 0.0127473753, 0.005224111, 0.0348001979, -0.0102373529, -0.0094891079, 0.010148923800000001, -0.010985598000000001, -0.0088360943, -0.0274401885, -0.0193183273, 0.016964756, -0.0324330218, -0.0279435534, 0.015277803900000001, -0.0002890947, 0.0196312293, -0.0103870025, 0.011869887800000001, -0.0076457043, -0.0096591637, -0.004771763, 0.0120195365, -0.0103529906, 0.0087816762, 0.014203052, -0.0196176246, -0.027331352200000002, -0.0291951634, 0.0232636202, 0.0029453647, 0.0060947961, 0.00506766, 0.0085163899, 0.007856573, 0.0490848757, -0.044813077900000005, -0.0169919655, -0.0015823683000000001, 0.001462479, -0.0161348842, 0.0193863492, -0.026841592, 0.030392354400000002, -0.0013060278, 0.0030065847000000003, 0.000254871, -0.0046527241, 0.002299153, 0.016488600500000002, -0.0063430774, 0.00035541640000000003, 0.0112916986, 0.008802083300000001, 0.0027481001000000003, -0.0094823055, -0.0276850685, -0.0272361208, -0.020651564, 0.0453844666, -0.0110196089, 0.061056800200000004, -0.0128494082, 0.0076116929000000005, -0.0034827408, -0.0063294731, -0.0359973907, 0.0115365786, -0.0037072143, 0.0074892528, -0.0188149624, 0.0065199356, -0.051914602500000004, 0.013012662500000001, -0.014203052, -0.0042207823, 0.0014675807, -0.017345681800000002, -0.0313446671, -0.0261477642, 0.013563642300000001, 0.0130058601, -0.0024522031, -0.0345281102, -0.0116182053, -0.015196177200000001, 0.0064213034, -0.0154682668, 0.0125841219, -0.0284877308, -0.0066083646000000005, -0.024800922700000002, -0.016406973800000002, 0.0245560426, 0.0364327319, 0.0011852882000000001, -0.008074244500000001, -0.0086524338, -0.013645269000000002, -0.0153186172, 0.0179986954, -0.0031613354, 0.0353443772, -0.021114116500000002, -0.0012533105, -0.0072919885, 0.022460956100000002, 0.009223821600000001, -0.0179306734, -0.0304467715, -0.0101829357, 0.020828422200000002, -0.007795353400000001, -0.011012807500000001, 0.0018093926000000001, 0.014026193900000001, 0.0210460927, 0.0163117424, 0.010625080200000001, -0.0029402631000000003, 0.0236173347, 0.0117270406, 0.0251138266, 0.00038538870000000004, 0.0102237491, -0.0045200805, 0.0207195859, 0.0179170687, 0.0006372837, 0.0052513201, -0.0064110998, 0.0165974367, -0.018461246, 0.011189664700000001, -0.0093394592, 0.0031035165, 0.014203052, 0.025739630700000002, -0.0256852135, -0.0299025942, -0.0194135588, -0.0021052896, 0.0484862812, -0.0035949775000000002, 0.0031987478000000003, -0.008074244500000001, -0.0078089577, -0.017468120900000002, -0.0050030388, 0.011665821100000001, -0.0158491917, -0.0142982835, -0.012516099000000001, 0.005193501200000001, 0.0190462377, 0.01126449, -0.0048227794, -0.0115229739, 0.0094959103, 0.0040235179, 0.0193591416, -0.023481290800000002, -0.0028620374, 0.0203794744, -0.0200801771, 0.030419563900000002, -0.0011682827000000001, -0.009713581800000001, 0.017209636, 0.0024675082000000003, -0.0033381933000000003, 0.0023127575, -0.0251138266, 0.0144751407, 0.0320520997, 0.0067274035000000005, 0.018665313700000002, 0.0033415945, -0.0022311308000000003, -0.0337118432, -0.001349392, -0.0073328018, -0.0384461917, 0.0026902813, -0.0056832614, 0.028623774600000002, 0.0132371355, 0.0177946277, -0.0003484016, 0.0183115974, 0.0012499094000000001, 0.0024981182, -0.018855776600000002, 0.016325347100000002, -0.035126704700000004, -0.018461246, -0.0007320898000000001, -0.012754177700000001, 0.0020712784, -0.0082511026, 0.014026193900000001, 0.0098632304, -0.0088701053, -0.0038126488000000004, 0.0003386234, 0.0266239196, 0.0122304056, -0.0241070967, -0.0047275485, 0.0157811698, 0.0188149624, -0.0030422965, -0.0024232937, -0.017713001000000003, 0.0153730353, -0.0338750966, -0.017631374300000002, -0.0083531355, -0.021154929000000003, -0.0148016484, 0.0129582444, -0.0110264113, 0.0009684672, 0.0145839769, -0.0068532447, -0.022651419000000002, 0.0107475203, 0.010019681400000001, -0.017400099000000002, -0.0250185952, -0.014937692300000001, 0.0029470653, 0.0173728894, -0.0066457768, -0.006883854500000001, -0.0241343044, -0.0038398576, 0.0034113172, -0.0307188611, -0.0177266058, -0.0067750192, 0.0177538153, -0.0020270639000000003, 0.0121487789, 0.014339096800000001, 0.032351397000000004, 0.0043568271, 0.0050438521, -0.0309093241, -0.0048363842, 0.035072285700000004, 0.0486495346, -0.0005667106, 0.0070879217, 0.0081626736, 0.0021154929, 0.0118290745, -0.016434183300000002, -0.0151417591, 0.0054519856000000005, 0.013896951500000001, 0.0013026267000000001, -0.0058737239, 0.0559959412, 0.0030712059, 0.017549747600000002, 0.0067274035000000005, 0.0083123222, -0.013692884700000001, 0.0107475203, 0.0058193062, -0.011944712100000001, -0.0097679989, 0.0142166568, 0.0389359519, -0.004380635, 0.009944857100000001, 0.0251954533, 0.0194135588, 0.0108019384, -0.0205427278, 0.005611838300000001, 0.022229680800000002, 0.0030797087000000003, 0.021250160400000002, -0.0018212965, -0.0150737371, 0.0027804107, 0.003550763, 0.0220392179, 0.010284968700000001, 0.0074144285, -0.003324589, 0.0022889497, -0.0144887455, 0.0140397986, -0.0120399436, -0.0063906931, 0.023712566100000002, -0.0009285041000000001, -0.016284534700000002, 0.0215766672, -0.030746070700000003, -0.0400787257, -0.031290248, 0.011815469700000001, 0.0046969382, 0.013352773200000001, 0.0030831099, -0.0253723096, -0.007183152700000001, -0.0296849236, -0.0203794744, 0.0142982835, -0.021590272, 0.0068736514, -0.0261069518, 0.0106522888, 0.0334669612, -0.032378606500000004, -0.0018723132, 0.0322425589, -0.0231819935, -0.0355076306, -0.0023552715, 0.0166790634, 0.0167878978, 0.0055812281, 0.0060403785000000005, -0.020910048900000002, 0.016352556600000002, 0.004928214, -0.0239846557, -0.0069042612, -0.0361334346, 0.0274946056, -0.0005178196, -0.0023739776, -0.0203658715, -0.0154138487, 0.0199305285, -0.0064417101, -0.0042717992, 0.0032021487, 0.016080467, -0.0159852356, 0.0099584619, 0.0023756782, -0.019740065600000002, 0.002268543, -0.038228523, 0.0201618038, -0.026991240700000002, -0.0239846557, -0.008917721, 0.022719441, -0.0230595525, -0.0301202647, -0.0075776819, -0.0275898371, -0.0158083774, 0.0176449791, -0.0220120102, 0.0300930571, 0.007298790800000001, -0.0253995191, 0.0303107277, 0.0029300598000000003, 0.0095503284, 0.0204883106, -0.0234948955, 0.000030902300000000004, -0.009543526, 0.0171960331, 0.024365581600000002, 0.0031069177, 0.012420868500000001, 0.0026120555, -0.018461246, -0.0044962727, 0.005377161300000001, 0.0046051084, 0.039588965500000003, -0.0115705896, -0.015019319000000001, -0.0127133643, 0.0045847017, -0.0319432616, -0.0083939489, -0.0218623616, -0.0011793362, -0.0090605672, -0.029494460700000003, -0.019087052, -0.009733988, 0.0096727684, -0.030582817300000002, -0.014992110400000001, 0.015536288700000001, -0.0015568599000000002, 0.0205971468, -0.0094823055, 0.0189918205, 0.0017923871000000001, -0.0101149129, -0.0081218602, 0.0084279608, -0.0067240023, -0.0382013135, 0.0217943378, 0.0230051354, 0.033739049, 0.011108038, 0.0240390729, -0.0051764953, -0.008203486900000001, 0.0067580133, -0.0205971468, 0.0027736085, -0.0221344493, 0.025712421200000002, 0.028351686900000003, 0.022488165600000002, -0.0290863272, -0.022569792300000002, 0.0041017435, 0.0160532575, -0.0157539602, -0.0156723335, -0.0172912627, -0.0262974128, -0.012155581300000001, 0.0016325347, -0.0058669215, 0.0217127111, -0.0558871068, -0.028324477400000003, 0.0065811556, 0.0016274330000000002, 0.0110808294, 0.0098632304, 0.0138357319, -0.0020814817000000003, 0.0383101478, 0.0181891583, -0.0071763503, 0.0112304781, -0.0200665724, -0.0447314531, -0.0041595623, 0.0238758195, -0.014107820600000001, -0.0002727268, -0.0080538383, -0.0116522163, 0.007162746, 0.0273721647, -0.0038704677, -0.0205971468, 0.025535563, -0.0319976807, -0.012781386300000001, -0.0222977027, -0.0080674421, -0.0366231948, 0.012366450400000001, 0.0070403060000000005, -0.016325347100000002, 0.0063498798, -0.0100604948, -0.0036698021000000003, 0.0055812281, -0.009298645900000001, 0.0075776819, -0.0154002439, 0.0228554867, 0.0055642226, -0.011577392, -0.0252090562, 0.0314535014, 0.0175905619, -0.0045506903, 0.0416024253, -0.0063328743, -0.0082715089, -0.0129174311, 0.030419563900000002, 0.0091489963, -0.029576087400000003, -0.0413847566, 0.030963741200000002, 0.0102713639, 0.0086320275, -0.0072171637, 0.005883927000000001, 0.0049350164000000005, -0.0024283954, -0.0202434305, -0.0037548298, -0.0057172724, -0.0178082325, 0.0056764591000000005, 0.0162437204, -0.0138085224, 0.0243247673, 0.0076865177, -0.049493011100000005, -0.008598016600000001, -0.0219711959, -0.020338662, 0.0236853585, -0.0121283727, 0.0299298037, -0.0102645624, 0.0019199288, 0.0142302606, -0.0018672115, 0.0127065619, 0.0124276709, 0.0065913587, 0.0182163659, -0.0200121552, -0.022188868400000002, 0.0030286920000000004, -0.0189918205, 0.0011461754, 0.0074076261, -0.0191822834, -0.0214950405, -0.0243519768, -0.0103121772, -0.015359430600000001, 0.028787028000000003, -0.021195743200000002, -0.0055710245000000005, 0.0026545695, -0.0403508171, -0.0226922333, 0.0016172297, 0.0254539363, 0.06421303, -0.0152914086, -0.0089857429, 0.0015866196, 0.0386910737, 0.007013096900000001, 0.0016554922, 0.007074317, 0.0054689911, -0.001441222, 0.023903029000000003, -0.016026049900000002, 0.0030354941, -0.0120807569, -0.010645486400000001, -0.017318472300000002, -0.0136180604, 0.0288686547, 0.0146656036, -0.029712131200000002, 0.0133323669, 0.00044257, 0.0306372344, -0.007135537000000001, 0.00035180270000000004, 0.023658148900000002, 0.0202434305, 0.0069212671000000005, -0.028324477400000003, -0.0061934288, 0.0487855785, -0.0033500972000000003, -0.0036800054000000002, 0.037929222000000005, -0.012135175100000001, 0.0279435534, -0.0104278158, -0.005520008000000001, 0.0039827046, -0.044840287400000005, -0.0278075077, -0.0157267507, 0.0105298487, -0.0240662824, -0.0087816762, -0.0027055861000000003, -0.014393514000000001, -0.0006058234, 0.006611765800000001, 0.0050744619000000005, 0.0117542502, 0.0033211878, 0.0114889629, -0.0014760834000000001, -0.005730877200000001, -0.0002151205, -0.0150601324, 0.0008162673000000001, 0.0101897372, -0.0238622166, -0.0240662824, -0.0123800552, 0.0279163439, 0.0174409132, -0.0109311808, -0.0105638597, 0.030038638000000003, -0.039861057000000005, 0.0000279529, 0.0021205945, 0.034854617000000004, 0.0187061261, -0.0010279868, 0.013094289200000001, 0.0092170192, 0.011114840400000001, 0.0449491218, -0.0199577361, 0.0037208188, -0.0053499523, -0.0251682438, 0.0149240885, -0.0088088857, -0.0405956954, 0.0228826944, 0.0005692614, -0.0070471084, 0.0125501109, 0.0478060581, -0.0193863492, -0.0191550739, -0.0083395317, 0.007604891000000001, 0.0148424618, -0.019399954, 0.0272089113, -0.014883275100000001, -0.0262021814, 0.0180939268, 0.0213862043, -0.009972066600000001, -0.0083463341, -0.0043976405, -0.0230187401, 0.0182027612, -0.0102577601, -0.0062512476, 0.0044248495, -0.0033160863000000003, 0.025535563, 0.0169511531, -0.008257905000000001, 0.0414935909, 0.0066627823000000004, 0.0037038131000000003, -0.028161224000000002, 0.002494717, -0.0194271635, 0.0211277194, 0.022447353200000002, 0.00016399750000000002, 0.0137541052, -0.0377115533, 0.008101453100000001, -0.0206379592, -0.0083803451, 0.0000022303, -0.0104550244, -0.0216718987, 0.012863013000000001, 0.0367048234, -0.0046085096, 0.023277225000000002, -0.0057410803000000005, 0.0007729031000000001, -0.0137541052, -0.0139581719, 0.008598016600000001, -0.0087272581, 0.0008817388, -0.0179306734, -0.0013791517000000001, -0.0035575652, -0.0059519494, 0.0109243784, 0.0092782388, 0.0138085224, 0.2112499923, -0.0042173811000000005, 0.011767854000000001, 0.0314262919, -0.0231275745, 0.0250730123, 0.0174545161, 0.0056492505, 0.0028977492000000003, 0.0256988164, -0.0291679539, -0.020964466, -0.0145159541, 0.0072851861, -0.003089912, -0.0245560426, -0.0333309174, -0.024419998800000002, -0.0139445672, -0.0058635203, -0.0225833971, -0.0214406233, 0.007972211600000001, -0.0114889629, 0.0130534759, 0.0204611011, -0.00387727, -0.0076525067000000006, 0.0432077534, -0.0042445902, -0.0069926903, 0.0027600040000000004, 0.018801357600000002, -0.00332799, -0.013264345, 0.0050880667, 0.023399664100000002, -0.0195904169, 0.0160124451, 0.0367864482, 0.0262974128, 0.029249580600000002, -0.0062682531, -0.0115229739, 0.0196176246, 0.019835297, -0.0192911178, -0.0107067069, 0.0028824441, 0.0029912798, -0.0158083774, 0.0036970109, 0.017427308500000002, 0.013298356, -0.0092374254, -0.0008179679, -0.0032157532, 0.0116590187, -0.0213453919, 0.016488600500000002, 0.0148016484, 0.023794192800000002, 0.009475504000000001, 0.0135024227, -0.0241206996, 0.0075164619, 0.0025151237, 0.0023127575, 0.012366450400000001, -0.037657134200000004, -0.0036766042, -0.016896734, 0.0027157895000000003, 0.0013077284000000001, -0.0248689447, -0.0106794983, 0.0251954533, 0.032949991500000005, 0.010965191800000001, 0.029385624500000002, -0.0011402235, -0.0019335333, -0.012890222500000001, -0.0057104705, 0.0064076986, -0.030963741200000002, -0.0031035165, -0.0090809744, -0.0184748508, -0.0091762058, 0.0000308757, -0.0138833476, -0.0076729134, -0.0004096217, -0.006683189000000001, 0.0067478102, 0.0268960092, -0.00043045350000000003, -0.004084738, -0.010883565100000001, -0.0319432616, 0.0586079955, 0.00769332, 0.0078905849, -0.0037174176, -0.0158627965, 0.0071559437, 0.020120989500000002, -0.0079586068, -0.0132575426, 0.0154410573, -0.0317527987, -0.0029589692, -0.0200665724, 0.0171008017, -0.0058431136, 0.0161620937, 0.011454951900000001, 0.0151689686, 0.0001473108, -0.0156043107, -0.037248998900000004, -0.0229643211, -0.0109924003, -0.0026120555, -0.0092850411, -0.011318907100000001, 0.0253314972, 0.00008975750000000001, -0.0118222721, 0.022188868400000002, -0.042364276900000004, 0.010414211100000001, -0.0051662922, -0.0154954754, 0.0193863492, 0.0022464357, -0.0096251527, -0.0136248628, -0.015250595300000001, -0.009114985400000001, -0.0147472303, 0.0030695053000000003, 0.0007869328, -0.0026477673, -0.023658148900000002, 0.0137541052, -0.0266375244, 0.0150329238, -0.0117814587, -0.014937692300000001, 0.016148489000000002, 0.0165430177, -0.0402963981, 0.013434399900000001, -0.011699832, -0.0342016034, -0.0210324898, 0.0218895692, 0.0037922421, -0.0116318101, -0.016406973800000002, 0.0242159311, 0.0061866264, -0.0192639101, 0.0132575426, -0.1731575131, 0.0208148174, 0.0166518539, -0.0007346406, 0.0034334245, -0.0052343146000000005, -0.0023705764000000002, 0.012053548400000001, -0.0200937819, -0.0083055208, 0.0194407683, -0.0200529676, -0.0263790395, 0.0007490953000000001, 0.0007401675000000001, -0.011400533800000001, 0.0026936822000000003, 0.0316167548, 0.0122984285, 0.025848466900000002, 0.011400533800000001, -0.0272633303, 0.0012932736000000002, -0.0021018884000000002, -0.0026103549, -0.013720094200000001, -0.0014828857, 0.0458198078, 0.0006304815000000001, -0.031126994600000003, -0.017631374300000002, -0.026936823500000002, 0.0272089113, -0.0015228488, 0.007053910300000001, 0.0275626276, 0.0198761094, -0.0023433676, 0.006013169400000001, 0.014284678700000001, 0.0264606662, 0.0200801771, 0.0010500939, 0.0177266058, -0.0043976405, 0.0276850685, 0.02402547, -0.0134003889, -0.0005314241, -0.018719730900000002, 0.0045813005000000006, -0.015536288700000001, 0.0091013806, 0.0162165109, -0.0075096595, 0.0106590912, -0.008700049500000001, -0.0183796193, 0.0033960124, 0.0101829357, 0.0109107736, -0.0050778631, 0.0240798872, -0.00009023580000000001, 0.007067515000000001, 0.010754322600000001, -0.0063396767000000005, -0.012890222500000001, -0.037575505700000005, -0.0028569358, -0.0061866264, 0.013482015600000001, 0.0191958882, -0.025780445000000003, 0.0050234455, 0.015590706800000001, -0.0126317376, -0.0009829219, -0.0039622979, 0.029222371100000002, -0.014203052, 0.0102985734, -0.025998115500000002, -0.0115297763, -0.011216874200000001, 0.0029623704, -0.0065301387, 0.007788551, 0.0040711337, 0.0045336848, 0.0118630854, -0.0177538153, 0.0341199748, -0.022379329400000002, 0.0011691329000000001, 0.034718573100000004, 0.0069416738, -0.0191278644, 0.0127405729, -0.0427724086, -0.0031987478000000003, -0.0158219822, -0.0253314972, 0.0151825724, 0.0215630624, 0.022488165600000002, -0.0116454139, 0.0125092976, 0.0265831072, -0.0029742741000000003, 0.0065879580000000005, -0.0081422674, -0.0006389843, 0.0237669852, -0.0192639101, -0.0021256963, 0.0018519065000000001, -0.0034232212000000002, -0.0071899551, -0.0141214253, 0.039833847400000004, -0.0194951855, -0.0277530905, 0.0139173586, 0.0159988403, -0.0255083553, -0.09430608900000001, 0.0214542262, 0.0066287713, 0.0163661614, 0.0002950466, 0.029385624500000002, -0.0084619718, 0.0119107012, -0.0109924003, 0.028161224000000002, -0.0238622166, -0.0451667942, 0.0046765315, 0.0018808161, 0.0359157622, 0.0044520581000000005, 0.0053057377, -0.019848901800000002, -0.0062580495000000005, 0.014910483700000001, 0.0106794983, -0.014080612000000001, 0.013563642300000001, -0.0008052138, -0.049302548200000004, 0.0032684705, -0.0191822834, 0.022256890300000002, -0.0030099859, -0.0017838842, -0.0183932241, -0.0109107736, 0.0183252022, -0.0268687997, 0.0246920884, 0.0227602553, -0.017114406500000002, -0.016080467, 0.0049010054, 0.0037854398, 0.0054043699, 0.024283953, -0.0103870025, -0.0195496026, 0.0071219327, -0.019685648400000002, 0.017495330400000002, 0.0036357909, -0.0194135588, -0.0156043107, -0.0232636202, -0.0074280328000000005, -0.015713146, -0.0302018914, 0.0017082095, -0.018515665100000002, -0.0180939268, 0.0084959827, -0.0128017934, 0.0107339155, 0.0069858884, 0.014624790300000001, 0.0023892827, 0.0214950405, 0.0062036319, -0.0119175036, -0.0171008017, 0.010625080200000001, 0.024283953, -0.0139445672, -0.0220392179, -0.008951732, -0.006700194400000001, 0.0053465511, -0.02027064, 0.00042173810000000004, -0.0085640047, -0.0166110415, 0.029222371100000002, -0.0044928715000000004, -0.0148696704, -0.0185020603, 0.006948475700000001, -0.0164749958, -0.0061390107, 0.0109243784, 0.042255438900000004, 0.0005824408, 0.0222432856, -0.0141894473, 0.0073940218, 0.0090265563, 0.0335485898, -0.013141904000000001, 0.00769332, 0.0139853805, 0.0204066839, -0.0138017209, 0.0121487789, 0.0350450799, -0.0390992053, -0.022406538900000002, -0.056703373800000005, 0.030229101, -0.0017906865, -0.0149240885, -0.0122984285, -0.0246376693, -0.0118630854, -0.0129174311, -0.0020508717, 0.034854617000000004, -0.0436703041, 0.037929222000000005, 0.015019319000000001, -0.0259164888, -0.0419017226, -0.0006934021, 0.029222371100000002, 0.013822127100000001, 0.0018127938, 0.0043330193, 0.0015177471, 0.0012082458, 0.0089245234, 0.0159580261, -0.031126994600000003, -0.0035779718, -0.027344957000000003, 0.011611403000000001, -0.0030337938, -0.0175905619, 0.0069212671000000005, -0.0306372344, -0.0018502061, 0.012890222500000001, -0.0010109812, -0.0079245958, 0.0137541052, 0.0089245234, 0.0202842429, 0.0553429276, -0.028977491, -0.0193591416, -0.0139581719, -0.0240390729, 0.004989434, -0.0022430348, 0.0072579770000000005, -0.0022447351, 0.0181619488, 0.0053907656, 0.02402547, 0.012325637, 0.0046629272, -0.0228146724, 0.0101421215, -0.0324330218, -0.0129038263, 0.021209346100000002, 0.0086524338, -0.0227874629, 0.030664444000000003, 0.0218895692, 0.0047445539, -0.0138153248, 0.0156859383, -0.0097543951, -0.0098768352, 0.0084007513, 0.0121623836, -0.0486223251, -0.019808087500000002, -0.0071151303, 0.007604891000000001, 0.0207195859, -0.0057818936, -0.017427308500000002, 0.0058805263, -0.018828567100000002, 0.0159036089, 0.0422282331, -0.000114575, 0.0159308184, -0.0276034418, 0.034990660800000004, 0.0261069518, 0.010291771, -0.0114277434, -0.0116318101, -0.0075640776, -0.0087204566, -0.002771908, 0.0064076986, -0.0036970109, 0.00045489900000000004, -0.022080032200000002, 0.009944857100000001, 0.0220936369, -0.0022277297, 0.0007439937, 0.0069586793, 0.0046357182000000005, -0.0074620442, -0.0137336981, -0.034609735, -0.0081694759, 0.013121497800000001, -0.0310181603, -0.0057682893, 0.0123732528, 0.0205427278, -0.0012014435000000001, 0.0010943084000000001, 0.012794991, 0.0009302047, -0.0086796433, 0.032541859900000004, 0.0066695847, -0.0091013806, -0.0328955762, 0.023590127000000002, 0.0158083774, 0.0121623836, -0.0109039713, 0.0170327798, 0.0104754306, 0.0043058102, 0.0059247408, -0.0252634753, 0.016298137600000002, 0.0131078931, 0.0027753089, -0.0067069968, -0.0316167548, -0.0173592865, -0.0086388299, -0.034664154100000004, 0.0319704711, 0.014284678700000001, 0.0456293449, 0.09147635850000001, 0.0393440872, 0.0042990083000000005, 0.0138153248, 0.0180259049, 0.009448294500000001, 0.0041561611, 0.0075164619, 0.0032157532, 0.0012380055, 0.0296849236, -0.0099312533, -0.0066695847, -0.028596567000000003, -0.0053261444, 0.019998550400000002, -0.0249369685, 0.018828567100000002, -0.0478332676, 0.0024964176, 0.0429628715, -0.0228282772, 0.010618277800000001, 0.0195359979, -0.0337118432, 0.0079586068, 0.007972211600000001, 0.024841737000000003, -0.0205835421, -0.0365959853, -0.0085163899, 0.0015628119, -0.0114073362, -0.0262021814, 0.0210460927, -0.0078905849, 0.0083667403, -0.0009412583, 0.0194679759, -0.0044622617, 0.021318182300000002, 0.0035541642, -0.0345825255, -0.0377931781, 0.0027736085, -0.0144615369, -0.0131555088, -0.0208692346, -0.0075980886000000004 ]
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{ "country": "arg", "file_id": "sdg-01/vlr-report-arg-buenos_aires-2021-es-1.pdf", "language": "es", "locality": "buenos_aires", "size": "l", "type": "vlr", "year": 2021 }
End poverty in all its forms everywhere SDG 1 22 SDG 1 NO POVERTY PRIORITIZED TARGET 1.4 Access to basic services Access to basic services is understood as part of people’s right to satisfy their vital needs. In Buenos Aires City, 97.29% of households have access to basic services (INDEC, 2010), including waste collection and public transportation services, telephony, the presence of rainwater drains or sewers, pavement, public lighting, access to the electrical grid, to clean fuel for cooking and water supply. For more than a decade, Buenos Aires City Government has been working to achieve the social and urban integration of low-income neighborhoods based on a comprehensive perspective. 23 In this sense, the work approach was divided into three central areas: 1. Housing, 2. Urban and 3. Socioeconomic Integration. Housing Solutions and Improvements The frst area implies that each family lives in decent housing with access to all basic services. To this end, infrastructure and service works were carried out for all housing units. Within this framework, the City proposed to strengthen and deepen the integration process of the low-income districts. In the neighborhoods Barrio Mugica, Barrio 20, Rodrigo Bueno, Camino de Sirga, Ricciardelli, 21- 24 and Barrio 15, new houses were built, and existing ones were refurbished to provide families with a safe place to live. Thus, the commitment to bring urban infrastructure and public services to 80,000 inhabitants in low-income districts was fulflled. Subsequently, this commitment was extended to 180,000 residents, of whom we have already reached more than 131,400. To achieve this goal, we used a holistic approach of social, urban, and economic integration from within the neighborhood to the rest of the city. Thus, we sought to equalize rights and responsibilities with the inhabitants of the neighborhood and continued working to reach the goal of 180,000 integrated people. The process was participatory in nature, as it included meetings with the residents in which the design was agreed upon according to their needs. In line with the Housing Improvement Program, the sub-program Manos a la Obra (Let’s do it) was created to ensure that all dwellings are safe, accessible, SDG 1 NO POVERTY 24 and adequate. In these cases, residents carry out the improvement works with their own hands, while the government is responsible for monitoring the work and for the progressive material provision. Thanks to this urbanization and integration initiative that connects the joint work between the City and its inhabitants, Barrio Mugica was granted an award in Poland at the World Urban Forum for its innovative, inclusive and sustainable approach. All these works are essential for Barrio Mugica to have access to utilities so that its residents can have the same standard of service as any other citizen of Buenos Aires City, with the corresponding payment responsibilities that this entails. For its part, intervention for socio-urban integration in Barrio Rodrigo Bueno also achieved excellent results and improved the quality of life of the City’s residents. In this way, quality, comprehensive, affordable, and sustainable housing solutions were promoted, enhancing the productive activity of the neighborhood. Finally, in Barrio Fraga an urbanization process was carried out, with the construction of 678 new housing units distributed in 4 building blocks that are divided into condominiums. In addition, another 230 families in the neighborhood had their homes refurbished with new electricity, gas, and water supply connections. Other works included: 11 new streets, docks, public spaces refurbishment, LED lighting, construction of rainwater drains, sewers, ramps, signage, and 17,350 meters of laid infrastructure pipes. Today, 100% of the neighborhood has a formal address. Urban Transformation The second area involves connecting the neighborhoods to the rest of the City. In Barrio Mugica we reached 17 km of infrastructure, revamped 19 pre-existing public spaces, and created 15 new ones; public transportation started running again in the area and we installed many of the frst formal home connections for electricity and water supply. In addition, in the process of government decentralization, the Ministry of Education was relocated to Barrio Mugica, where the María Elena Walsh Education Center was built. Along the same line, the Ministry of Human Development and Habitat was established in Barrio 15, in the building known as “Elefante Blanco” (White Elephant), which was refurbished and revamped, since it had been abandoned in the 1920s. Likewise, a new waste collection and urban sanitation system is being implemented, while paving, sewage, rainwater, lighting, and electrical works are being carried out. SDG 1 NO POVERTY 25 SDG 1 NO POVERTY Social and Economic Development In accordance with the idea of bringing neighborhoods closer to the City, the third area consists of strengthening the productive activity in each neighborhood, respecting its identity, training its residents, and promoting work. Considering this context, the City promoted the Law for the Promotion of Social Economy and the Law for Productive Integration. Therefore, it seeks to promote local development, the creation and sustainability of self-managed jobs, and access to new markets for productive units. It also facilitates tools aimed at improving the production and commercialization of goods and services, with the purpose of reducing the economic and social gaps among citizens. In addition, to promote the economic inclusion of its inhabitants, in Barrio Rodrigo Bueno new ventures such as the “Patio Gastronómico” (Food Courtyard) and 57 new premises for local stores were opened, and the “Vivera Orgánica” (Organic Vegetable Garden) was encouraged. Finally, an Environmental Health Board was made based on the interest of the residents in order to promote, discuss and propose environmental initiatives. On the other hand, we promoted the Fair for Entrepreneurs in Barrio Fraga (Chacarita Fair) and created the Single Registry of Productive Units of the Popular and Social Economy (RUPEPyS, for its acronym in Spanish). Finally, in line with the educational and economic development promotion policies, courses and entrepreneurship training were delivered. In addition, educational practices were offered, in which at least 450 students undergo pedagogical experiences in areas related to their educational orientation or training path. In addition, with the Youth Employment Plan, 10,000 residents between WORK IS THE BEST SOCIAL POLICY At Buenos Aires City Government, we are convinced that work is the best social policy. This is why we are working to facilitate access to funding, training, and the formalization of 75,000 workers of the popular economy in the City. We also pledged that, by 2023 40 new companies will be established in Barrio Mugica to create new jobs and enhance the productive value and economic development of the neighborhood. We encourage this policy by granting several benefts and providing support from the City. Each new company that settles in the area implies that more people are working, consuming, and invigorating the economy of Barrio Mugica. 26 SDG 1 NO POVERTY 18 and 24 years of age will be inserted into the labor market, since this age group experiences the greatest diffculties in accessing a job. The aim is to provide more and better opportunities and reduce the unemployment rate. CENTER FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL AND LABOR DEVELOPMENT FOR BARRIO MUGICA (CEDEL, FOR ITS ACRONYM IN SPANISH) CeDEL is a public building in Barrio Mugica aimed at promoting the economic development of its residents. It offers trades training, personalized advice to entrepreneurs and a Job Bank that provides more opportunities for accessing a formally registered job, by means of a Labor Integration Program. • 3,588 people registered in the Job Bank • 296 residents obtained job interviews with companies • 1,712 hired people • 5,721 residents graduated from courses and 311 are undergoing training • 659 residents were assisted in their entrepreneurial path
[ -0.0063659865, -0.0047052945, 0.0053374511000000005, -0.013142020400000001, -0.0209807605, 0.0042029861, -0.0027558606, -0.0002164495, -0.0418521762, -0.0356741287, -0.0042508254, -0.005498053, 0.016907623, 0.0097864652, -0.0196959451, -0.0031624909000000003, 0.017221992800000002, -0.0241791308, 0.0047257966, 0.0159918498, -0.0178097282, 0.035264078500000004, 0.012151072700000001, -0.0121647408, 0.0014300405, 0.0223339181, 0.0246848557, -0.0014872763000000002, 0.013312873400000001, 0.0171673205, 0.0031847018, -0.0079959249, -0.0061438777000000005, -0.008009593, -0.0178917367, -0.010797916000000001, 0.0015607431, 0.0022996827, 0.026666753, -0.0157868266, 0.0138459355, -0.0180557556, -0.0062293042, -0.0067521147, -0.0212267898, 0.026817102000000002, -0.012718305000000001, -0.0056073987, -0.0348813683, 0.015363111200000001, 0.015144418900000001, 0.0257099755, -0.0190398693, -0.0167436041, -0.0147753758, -0.0113583142, -0.0344439857, 0.0007782359, -0.0025764648, -0.0149804, 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0.0038886166000000003, 0.0187801737, -0.0048248917, -0.019149215900000002, -0.009895811800000001, -0.026530070200000002, -0.011987053800000001, -0.0204887036, 0.0257099755, 0.0194909219, 0.0168939549, -0.0100461626, 0.0179737471, -0.0011840120000000001, 0.0162788834, -0.0346080028, -0.045378584400000005, 0.0161558688, 0.0154451206, -0.0173723437, -0.0132787032, 0.0119050443, 0.0193542391, 0.0126772998, -0.008945868400000001, 0.0134973954, 0.0211721156, 0.037478335200000004, -0.0092875743, -0.0090347119, -0.0172083247, -0.0066632708, 0.0032274150000000004, 0.014461007000000001, 0.0399932936, -0.0242338032, 0.0182607789, -0.0010755203, -0.0275005158, -0.014761707700000001, -0.0080916025, 0.0254639462, 0.0328858048, -0.0084196413, 0.0049991617, -0.0130736791, -0.0041722329, 0.022279243900000002, 0.033951927, -0.0285393018, 0.027869558000000003, 0.0161832049, 0.0238920972, 0.0195866004, 0.0192448925, -0.0323937498, 0.0031026923000000003, 0.0050982567000000005, 0.008727176100000001, 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0.023987775700000002, 0.017591035, -0.0034666094, 0.013053176900000001, 0.0471827909, -0.0333505273, -0.027746543300000003, 0.0049752425, -0.012103233500000001, -0.010271688900000001, 0.0157184862, -0.0254639462, 0.0205023717, -0.0020997846, 0.0047326307000000005, 0.0009695914, -0.0037143463, -0.011727357300000001, 0.0209260881, -0.0181651022, -0.00011788860000000001, 0.0230309982, 0.0188895185, 0.003439273, -0.0253409315, -0.020078657200000002, -0.012745641200000001, -0.0161148645, 0.0436837226, -0.0201606657, 0.0516386405, -0.0040526357, 0.0139006088, 0.0063762376, 0.0013386341, -0.032421086, 0.0074150246, 0.0027199814, 0.0185614806, -0.025135908300000002, 0.0021066188, -0.041770167600000005, 0.0033692231000000002, -0.0166342575, -0.0050059957, 0.0035947491, -0.022812306900000003, -0.01201439, -0.0376150198, -0.0030309341, -0.0013377798000000002, -0.016128532600000002, -0.0401026383, -0.0171946567, -0.0080574322, -0.0061233751, -0.0023150595, 0.0184111297, -0.0349633805, 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-0.004900067100000001, -0.0254912823, -0.00034234690000000003, 0.0007244172000000001, 0.012793480400000001, -0.0043943417, -0.006584678300000001, -0.0048146406000000004, 0.0180420876, 0.004083389000000001, 0.022921651600000002, -0.014078295800000001, 0.0062395553000000005, 0.016128532600000002, -0.0139006088, 0.042508252, -0.0069913091, 0.0015786827000000001, 0.0151307508, 0.0185341444, 0.0018674243, -0.015308437900000001, -0.0110644465, 0.0219648741, 0.0246438514, -0.0018913439, 0.0270904675, -0.0025593794000000002, 0.0150077362, -0.020721064900000002, -0.00018110430000000001, 0.0000956243, -0.0285393018, 0.0058090053000000004, 0.0086930059, 0.0193679072, 0.028566638000000002, 0.0093354136, 0.021541159600000002, 0.0185204763, -0.0031454056, -0.0168529507, -0.011843537000000001, 0.021117443200000002, -0.037587683600000005, -0.019026201200000002, -0.0139006088, -0.0003408519, 0.001901595, -0.0170306377, -0.0158551671, 0.0033333441000000003, 0.0089800386, 0.0007709746, -0.006987891600000001, 0.0146523621, 0.0093285795, -0.0187118314, -0.0071553281, 0.016483906700000002, 0.0126567977, -0.0031556569, 0.0030155573, -0.0253545996, 0.010176010400000001, -0.0255049504, -0.015322106, -0.0013386341, -0.00045361500000000004, -0.014119300100000001, 0.0235913955, -0.0033965597, -0.0094310911, 0.006540256600000001, -0.0107159065, -0.011057612500000001, 0.0045686117, 0.0145156793, 0.0004894941, -0.0246848557, -0.0124176033, 0.0228943154, 0.0024585761, -0.0086246645, -0.011173793100000001, -0.0182471108, -0.007667887000000001, 0.0052861948, -0.0249035489, -0.0055356403, -0.0021886283000000003, 0.009369583800000001, 0.0070254793, 0.011057612500000001, 0.0035674127, 0.0255186185, 0.0000790196, -0.0008875818000000001, -0.0460619964, -0.0046574557, 0.0475381687, 0.10191045700000001, 0.016702599800000002, 0.0043704226, 0.0029813866, 0.004920569200000001, 0.014461007000000001, -0.018219774600000002, -0.028730657000000003, -0.0072646737, -0.0007004977, -0.0025166662, -0.0022979742, 0.0470734462, -0.0164565705, 0.0136272432, 0.0144883431, 0.0186571591, -0.0117751956, 0.0030480193, 0.0015556174000000002, -0.0211584475, -0.0004920569, 0.0048112231, 0.0312729515, 0.0059046834, 0.024097122300000003, 0.0371502973, 0.0206527226, 0.0105723897, -0.0181240961, 0.0119938878, 0.0345533304, 0.0115428353, 0.0051563466, -0.0162242111, -0.0101418402, 0.0014274777000000002, 0.0008188135, 0.029441407000000003, 0.0019853131, 0.0237417463, 0.0045788633, -0.0007163016, -0.021773519, 0.0095472718, -0.017823396300000002, -0.0162378792, 0.0257509798, -0.004360171, 0.0017153651, 0.026817102000000002, -0.031190943000000002, -0.023564059300000002, -0.0327764601, 0.014789044900000001, 0.0091508925, -0.0034649009000000002, -0.0083376318, -0.012192077, -0.019914638300000002, -0.026065349600000003, -0.0111259539, 0.0174680203, -0.0279515665, 0.0004651476, -0.0240287799, 0.0078592431, 0.0282932743, -0.0276645347, -0.0021134529, -0.0018178771000000001, -0.0210080966, -0.0323390737, 0.0050982567000000005, 0.015021404300000001, 0.0170989782, 0.0216505043, 0.010100835, -0.0105655557, 0.0096976217, 0.0017290334, -0.045979987800000004, -0.0012984836, -0.008043764200000001, 0.01080475, 0.0044011758000000005, -0.0005787649, -0.016579585100000002, -0.017768722, 0.0247668661, 0.0041448963, 0.0048385598, 0.013401716900000001, -0.0016820488, -0.008945868400000001, -0.0030719389, 0.0258603264, -0.0262157004, 0.0029523417, -0.0133265415, 0.009239736, -0.016579585100000002, -0.0216231681, -0.0017059682, 0.0300974827, -0.0189168546, -0.018821178, -0.0115154991, -0.0176047031, -0.0213224664, 0.0217188466, -0.0301521551, 0.020598050200000002, 0.009608778200000001, -0.0225389414, 0.026461727900000002, 0.0049239863000000005, 0.0224432629, 0.023495718800000003, -0.0158278309, 0.0114471577, -0.013456390200000001, 0.0264890641, 0.01950459, -0.0013984327, 0.017577366900000002, 0.0010695404, -0.011700020200000001, -0.0057885032000000005, 0.0108252522, -0.0045549436, 0.0316009894, -0.0136887506, -0.0147343716, -0.007585877600000001, -0.0050982567000000005, -0.0208577458, -0.0176867135, -0.024274809300000002, -0.0073330151000000005, -0.0012190369, -0.0189578608, -0.0095472718, -0.011850371, 0.0058465931, -0.0315189809, -0.023564059300000002, 0.0037895218, 0.0062156357, 0.0197232813, -0.0014701909, 0.0154314525, -0.0078729112, -0.0102921911, -0.0093627498, 0.003358972, -0.018479472, -0.0213498045, 0.0177277178, 0.0283752829, 0.0421528779, 0.0034700264000000003, 0.0092670722, 0.0044285124, 0.0082487874, 0.0043704226, -0.0131625226, 0.0156638119, -0.034307301000000005, 0.0203520209, 0.0249992255, 0.032475758300000004, -0.0311362687, -0.012198911000000002, 0.0027216899, 0.0159508456, -0.0057919202, -0.0227849688, -0.0101896785, -0.0358381458, -0.0065026688, -0.0003451233, -0.0007098946000000001, 0.033459872, -0.0576253347, -0.0084538115, 0.021240457900000002, 0.0196139365, 0.005187100300000001, 0.0031573654000000002, 0.011700020200000001, -0.0057680006, 0.0301794913, 0.0309722498, -0.010251185900000001, 0.0082692904, -0.0184658039, -0.02232025, 0.0109824371, 0.014597688800000001, 0.0120417261, 0.00006577840000000001, -0.0022569695, -0.0135589018, 0.0074218586, 0.0063489014, -0.0099368161, -0.029851453400000002, 0.0154587887, -0.033405199600000005, -0.0122740865, -0.0196139365, -0.0139894523, -0.027104135600000002, 0.0140919639, -0.0031300287, -0.022402258600000002, 0.0062566404, 0.0033982683, -0.0046574557, -0.0044011758000000005, -0.0028002823, 0.0149120586, 0.00030967120000000004, 0.0102238497, 0.0127798123, -0.0021493321, -0.030070146500000002, 0.0210627709, 0.0055834795, -0.009055214, 0.030835567, -0.0005304989, -0.0118913762, -0.0159781817, 0.0220332164, 0.0078729112, -0.0119255465, -0.029277388, 0.025272591, 0.0226209499, -0.007825071900000001, 0.0041175596, 0.0091713946, -0.0004677104, 0.0007069047, -0.0108115841, 0.0061472948000000005, -0.004790721, 0.0034836947, 0.0074286927, 0.019914638300000002, -0.026120021900000002, 0.0363028683, 0.012226248200000001, -0.0345259942, -0.0119938878, -0.0199693106, -0.0159235094, 0.0110234423, -0.023796420500000002, 0.0189578608, -0.010449376, -0.002925005, 0.0105655557, 0.0103468634, 0.012622627400000001, 0.0069058822, 0.0185204763, 0.025559624700000002, -0.0178370643, -0.0156091396, 0.016538580900000002, -0.0164702386, -0.0018025002000000001, 0.008364968, -0.0227166284, -0.0017632040000000002, -0.0402393229, -0.0251632445, -0.017071642, 0.0159781817, -0.006304479700000001, 0.0019767703, -0.010702238400000001, -0.0243431497, -0.0030377682000000002, 0.0017990832, 0.033459872, 0.0138185993, -0.013005337700000001, 0.00783874, 0.012055395200000001, 0.023331699900000002, 0.0162242111, 0.0115975086, -0.0015812455, 0.0125884563, -0.013784428100000001, 0.0304528568, -0.0013967241, 0.0098069683, 0.0045105219, -0.006875129000000001, -0.0178097282, -0.0136819165, 0.0160738602, 0.0019067206, -0.0208577458, -0.006615432, 0.0014992360000000001, 0.0176457092, -0.020734733, -0.006417242300000001, 0.011037110400000001, 0.0110507784, 0.0115906745, -0.0170306377, -0.0044285124, 0.0456519499, -0.0085221529, -0.008303460700000001, 0.0284846295, -0.0096019441, 0.0287853312, -0.025532286600000002, -0.00012258710000000002, 0.0051187589, -0.064459458, -0.016415566200000002, -0.0052041854, 0.0142013095, -0.0380797386, 0.006516337400000001, -0.0086451666, -0.0071553281, -0.0113378121, 0.0030206828, -0.0104903802, 0.0006432619, 0.0160738602, 0.017221992800000002, -0.0008162507, 0.0077157263000000005, -0.0084743137, -0.025368267700000002, -0.014502011200000001, -0.0111259539, -0.034690015000000005, -0.0195866004, -0.0086725038, 0.0125816222, 0.0040594698, -0.0089390343, 0.0147343716, 0.0180557556, -0.047948215200000005, -0.0128754899, -0.0200649891, 0.027705539, 0.0217461828, 0.010654399200000001, 0.0008696423, -0.0027233984000000003, 0.0112694707, 0.031901691100000004, -0.0047531333, 0.0007884871000000001, 0.0027934483, -0.0259013306, 0.0314643085, -0.0043670051, -0.0401846506, -0.0045822803, 0.0004425095, 0.0204203632, 0.0185888167, 0.0292227138, -0.0284846295, -0.008590494300000001, 0.0002930131, -0.0100529967, 0.0195182581, -0.0139826182, 0.0222382396, -0.0177140497, -0.0339792632, 0.0106407311, 0.0180420876, -0.016251547300000002, -0.013415386000000001, 0.006133626200000001, -0.0246438514, 0.006444579000000001, -0.020393027, -0.0145840207, 0.0072920104, -0.0021185784, 0.0405400246, 0.0256416332, -0.0109961061, 0.029851453400000002, 0.0182334427, 0.0161968749, -0.0322023928, 0.013907442800000001, -0.024138126500000003, 0.0072920104, 0.0241107903, 0.0029437989, 0.020242676100000002, -0.053333506, 0.0078592431, -0.0176047031, 0.007585877600000001, 0.0030240999, -0.0093149114, -0.0014531056, 0.0109072616, 0.0325851031, -0.0314916447, 0.020543377800000002, -0.0047257966, -0.0066871904, -0.0164975747, -0.006967389500000001, 0.013572569900000001, -0.0212677941, -0.005542474800000001, -0.013784428100000001, -0.0110302763, -0.022402258600000002, -0.0093422476, 0.0056894082, 0.015048741400000001, 0.0166615937, 0.2041489482, -0.0017444101, -0.0000586774, 0.0188485142, -0.0176457092, 0.0142969871, 0.0149804, 0.005040166400000001, 0.0041551474, 0.0211994536, -0.0407587141, 0.0137229208, -0.0175090265, 0.0068580434000000004, -0.018219774600000002, -0.027691870900000002, -0.0403213315, -0.0323937498, -0.0014556685, 0.0043704226, -0.0110439444, -0.0172629971, -0.0094720963, -0.012602124400000001, -0.0021630002, 0.020598050200000002, -0.015595471500000001, -0.0011096909, 0.0396652557, -0.002702896, -0.0124996128, 0.0071143233, 0.0243978221, 0.0004425095, -0.0084128063, -0.0062566404, 0.0203656889, -0.021254126, 0.0109072616, 0.0309175774, 0.018137766, 0.0142969871, -0.0212131217, -0.002706313, 0.0028002823, 0.0242338032, -0.0264890641, -0.0010746660000000002, 0.0176730454, 0.0175226945, -0.028429955200000002, 0.002178377, 0.0274321735, 0.0117615275, 0.0052451901, -0.0124654425, 0.005395541, 0.0184247978, -0.0133948829, 0.0390091799, 0.010285357, 0.0355374441, 0.0177277178, 0.017427016, -0.025094904, 0.013839101400000001, -0.0063078967, 0.006003778, 0.054563645300000005, -0.029796781, 0.0015000902, -0.0082624564, -0.0037245976000000003, 0.0069366358, -0.0354280993, -0.0073945224, 0.033077161800000004, 0.0221562311, 0.016005517900000002, 0.0366855785, -0.0133333765, -0.0222519077, -0.0034153536, -0.0031710335, -0.0150760775, -0.022115225000000002, 0.0059388536, 0.0059730243, -0.0205570459, -0.0212677941, 0.0027404837, -0.010681736300000001, -0.0075517069, -0.0071211574000000005, -0.0066701053000000005, 0.011843537000000001, 0.0362481922, 0.00042158, 0.0055083041, 0.00023001100000000002, -0.0296874344, 0.0774716288, -0.0076132142, 0.00024111640000000001, -0.0117956977, -0.014242314700000001, 0.0092807403, 0.0266257469, -0.02091242, -0.0039808773, 0.013743423900000001, -0.0414147936, -0.0079344176, -0.0230309982, 0.015595471500000001, 0.0035127397, 0.0042029861, -0.0116316788, 0.0203383528, -0.0041483133, -0.009533602700000001, -0.0208577458, -0.025176912500000002, -0.0015718485, -0.0077635651000000005, -0.002258678, -0.0109824371, 0.02232025, -0.0024380737, -0.031190943000000002, 0.015117082700000001, -0.052376728500000004, 0.0061404603, -0.013032674800000001, -0.0103263613, 0.0275415201, 0.0057167448000000004, 0.0007551707, 0.0053442852, 0.0043465029, 0.0044216784, -0.004377256600000001, 0.0067828679000000005, -0.009349081700000001, 0.0074560293, -0.032229729, 0.009533602700000001, -0.0195182581, 0.011494997, -0.027268154500000003, -0.0093354136, 0.0104698781, 0.0261883643, -0.0426175967, 0.029550751700000003, -0.0298241172, -0.038407776500000004, -0.0347173512, 0.028457293300000002, 0.0077772331, -0.0195182581, -0.01045621, 0.0260516815, -0.0041414793000000005, -0.036658242300000005, 0.009875309700000001, -0.1746255308, 0.0231950171, 0.0241107903, -0.0049308203, 0.0019989812, 0.0001540881, -0.0016982799000000001, 0.0157048162, -0.034115947800000004, 0.0088365227, 0.026338713200000002, 0.0008841648000000001, -0.0303708483, -0.010845755200000001, -0.0039296215, 0.0010063248000000001, -0.0078797452, 0.0325304307, -0.0005172578, 0.0302341655, 0.018110428, -0.0293867327, -0.019381575300000002, 0.0058465931, 0.0152264284, -0.014283319000000001, -0.0019699363, 0.0369316079, -0.0011438616000000001, -0.013415386000000001, -0.0178917367, -0.0091440585, 0.034115947800000004, -0.016647925600000002, -0.0051221759, 0.033186506500000004, 0.0147343716, -0.0030958583, 0.0009354207, 0.0168392826, 0.0213498045, 0.0283479467, -0.005258858700000001, 0.0107159065, -0.0166889317, 0.0157184862, 0.0419888571, -0.0124722766, 0.0089800386, -0.0185614806, 0.014283319000000001, -0.018137766, 0.011460825800000001, 0.016292551500000002, 0.0104972143, 0.0114471577, -0.0084059723, -0.0145430164, -0.0056928252, 0.0057406644000000005, 0.0093832519, -0.0099436501, 0.034115947800000004, -0.0027968653, 0.014310656100000001, -0.0040389672, -0.0045822803, -0.0169759635, -0.021363472600000002, -0.0012549161, -0.021240457900000002, 0.0187254995, 0.0026909364000000002, -0.0114676598, -0.0077977357, 0.012246750300000001, -0.011317309000000001, -0.002007524, 0.0047121285, 0.0159098413, 0.0067350292, 0.0124927787, -0.0142696509, -0.0053579533, 0.0033384697, -0.0006778597000000001, -0.0055356403, 0.0082487874, -0.0080300961, -0.0075585414, 0.014884722400000001, -0.0226072818, 0.0279652365, -0.0112626366, 0.0049171522, 0.0213361345, -0.003001889, -0.0085836602, -0.0113514801, -0.0416881554, 0.0096839536, -0.0246438514, -0.0410047434, 0.0067931195, 0.025081235900000002, 0.0413874537, -0.0190535374, 0.0215001535, 0.0248352066, 0.0045822803, -0.004900067100000001, 0.0007043419, -0.0030428937000000003, 0.012198911000000002, -0.0179190729, -0.0000341706, 0.0067213611, -0.0151717551, 0.0109824371, -0.0010319527, 0.027363833, -0.027869558000000003, -0.0223065801, 0.0023526473, 0.0129985036, -0.0232360214, -0.0968258679, 0.0235913955, -0.0007846429, 0.0276371986, -0.0098548066, 0.0095404368, -0.018342789300000002, 0.0076200482, -0.0124517744, 0.024657519500000002, -0.0154861249, -0.039473902400000004, 0.003388017, 0.0131898597, 0.038517125, -0.0019784789, -0.0168666188, -0.0060003609000000005, -0.0158825051, 0.023331699900000002, -0.0168802869, -0.0220332164, 0.0095609399, 0.00033038720000000003, -0.0536888801, 0.0239604395, -0.0252452549, 0.0151717551, -0.0042371568, 0.0092602381, -0.0091235554, -0.011672684000000001, 0.023085670500000002, -0.0202700123, 0.0134973954, 0.0187254995, -0.008706674000000001, -0.0304528568, 0.020734733, -0.0064582471, 0.0030633961, 0.014884722400000001, -0.013743423900000001, -0.0048624794, 0.0035161569, -0.0176183712, 0.0189578608, 0.0117341913, -0.0057611666, -0.024015111800000002, -0.0391185246, -0.01342222, -0.0116931861, -0.0079959249, 0.0140919639, -0.0045549436, -0.0070254793, 0.0142013095, -0.0078797452, 0.030070146500000002, 0.0009166269, 0.0092465701, -0.0017939575, 0.011583840500000001, 0.014830049100000001, -0.014078295800000001, -0.0345259942, 0.0063318158000000005, 0.0200103149, -0.015622807700000001, -0.0191355478, -0.0225526094, -0.012479110600000001, -0.0047052945, -0.024015111800000002, -0.0022398841, 0.0035776640000000004, -0.0192995667, 0.0177960582, -0.014857385300000001, -0.0233590361, -0.0189715289, 0.008371802000000001, -0.02020167, -0.0028207847, 0.0048043891000000005, 0.0264480598, -0.0076747215, 0.0272544865, -0.0200649891, 0.0056244843000000004, 0.0143243242, 0.0338972546, -0.0359201543, 0.0042542424, 0.0237417463, 0.0029574672, -0.0142559828, 0.0166752636, 0.022470599, -0.0269537847, -0.0347446874, -0.052923455800000005, 0.023728078200000002, 0.0093012424, -0.0084538115, -0.0166889317, -0.0317103341, -0.0141329682, 0.0004252107, -0.000214741, 0.030890241300000003, -0.030835567, 0.0307535585, -0.0032445004, -0.01638823, -0.0452145636, -0.0164018981, 0.028812667400000002, 0.015896173200000002, 0.0012190369, 0.0100803329, -0.0097112907, -0.00187255, -0.0039467067, 0.0221288931, -0.0177277178, -0.0006372821, -0.0359201543, 0.010920930700000001, -0.0078182379, -0.0042303228, 0.0145566845, -0.0477841944, -0.0004055625, 0.0206253864, 0.0051802662, -0.0265437383, 0.0123219257, 0.0189305227, 0.0146523621, 0.0312729515, -0.025299927200000003, -0.0143926656, -0.015568134400000001, -0.0268034339, 0.0186024848, 0.007948086600000001, -0.0019255144, -0.0169759635, 0.021882865600000002, 0.0104220388, 0.0135178976, 0.0058773467, 0.001502653, -0.0033743489, 0.0125611201, -0.0347720236, -0.009608778200000001, 0.0357014649, 0.0019579765, -0.0206117183, 0.0238374248, 0.0082624564, 0.013237698, -0.0139757833, 0.0106885703, 0.0033299269000000003, 0.0009080842, 0.0145156793, 0.0079959249, -0.0344166495, -0.021377140700000002, -0.029714770600000003, 0.0144200018, 0.0229353197, -0.011624844700000001, -0.014023622500000001, -0.0044182613, -0.0180830918, 0.0086451666, 0.0317376703, 0.0014513971000000001, 0.0055219722, -0.0043806736, 0.029441407000000003, 0.0129916696, -0.00048351430000000004, -0.0048795645, 0.0075653754, -0.013292371300000001, -0.0095609399, -0.0066291005, 0.0146113569, -0.0003333771, 0.0008226577, -0.0176183712, 0.0254776143, 0.0226209499, -0.0043362519, 0.0023030997, 0.0039877114, -0.0022022964, -0.0032718368, -0.0167436041, -0.0262567047, -0.012725139000000002, 0.0118025327, -0.0248078704, -0.0062258872, 0.0073398491, 0.0220878888, 0.0179190729, -0.0052007684, 0.0189441927, 0.0040458012, -0.009588276, 0.029796781, 0.0173040014, -0.0001130834, -0.0333778635, 0.0239604395, -0.0021903368, 0.0137297548, 0.006270309000000001, 0.016647925600000002, 0.0165249128, 0.0051802662, 0.0043396689, -0.0101965135, 0.0120895654, -0.0008393159000000001, 0.0013984327, -0.0076952237, -0.030890241300000003, -0.0143516604, -0.0147343716, -0.0425355881, 0.027760211400000002, 0.013230864, 0.021472817300000002, 0.0806973353, 0.031163604900000003, 0.0117820296, 0.0026909364000000002, 0.016538580900000002, 0.021377140700000002, 0.003439273, 0.0129506653, 0.0129985036, -0.0208577458, 0.0356741287, -0.0114813289, -0.0062258872, -0.0372049697, -0.0042337398000000005, 0.0037553511, -0.025614297, 0.022661956, -0.042836289900000005, 0.002313351, 0.0491783582, -0.0176047031, 0.0229353197, 0.0138322674, -0.016770940300000002, 0.007749896500000001, 0.0180147514, 0.014502011200000001, -0.0400479659, -0.0425629243, -0.012602124400000001, -0.0045378585, -0.0113036409, -0.0285119656, 0.0116111767, -0.0021903368, -0.0092602381, 0.0056689060000000005, 0.029441407000000003, 0.0066803563, 0.017741385800000002, 0.0084811477, -0.0456519499, -0.0423989072, 0.0050709201, -0.0215684958, -0.0259696711, -0.029031358700000003, -0.027227150300000003 ]
[ 1 ]
{ "country": "arg", "file_id": "sdg-01/vlr-report-arg-buenos_aires-2023-en-1.pdf", "language": "en", "locality": "buenos_aires", "size": "m", "type": "vlr", "year": 2023 }
Poner fin a la pobreza en todas sus formas en todo el mundo ODS 1 22 ODS 1: FIN DE LA POBREZA METAS PRIORIZADAS 1.4 Acceso a servicios básicos El acceso a los servicios básicos es entendido como parte del derecho de las personas de satisfacer sus necesidades vitales. En la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, el 97.29% de los hogares tiene acceso a servicios básicos (INDEC, 2010), entre los que se incluyen los servicios de recolección de residuos y de transporte público, telefonía, la presencia de bocas de tormenta o alcantarillas, de pavimento, alumbrado público, la tenencia de electricidad por red, el acceso a combustibles limpios para cocción y la provisión y procedencia del agua. Desde hace más de una década, en el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires trabajamos para lograr la integración social y urbana de barrios populares desde una perspectiva integral. 23 En este sentido, el enfoque de trabajo hacia la integración urbana, económica y social se dividió en tres ejes centrales: 1. Habitacional, 2. Urbano y 3. Socioeconómico. Soluciones y mejoras habitacionales El primer eje implica que cada familia viva en una vivienda digna con acceso a todos los servicios básicos. Para ello se realizaron obras de infraestructura y de servicios para todas las viviendas. Dentro de este marco, la Ciudad se propuso fortalecer y ahondar en el proceso de integración de los barrios populares. En el Barrio Mugica, en el Barrio 20, en Rodrigo Bueno, en el Camino de Sirga, en el Barrio Ricciardelli, 21-24 y en el Barrio 15 se construyeron casas nuevas y se reacondicionaron las existentes para que las familias tengan un lugar seguro para vivir. Así, se cumplió con el compromiso de llevar infraestructura urbana y servicios públicos a 80.000 personas de barrios populares. Luego, se extendió este compromiso a 180.000 vecinos y vecinas, de los cuales ya alcanzamos a más de 131.400. Para alcanzar este logro utilizamos un enfoque holístico, de integración social, urbana y económica desde el barrio hacia el resto de la Ciudad. Así, se buscó igualar derechos y responsabilidades con los habitantes del barrio, y se continuó trabajando para alcanzar el objetivo de 180.000 personas integradas. El proceso fue de carácter participativo, ya que incluyó reuniones con los vecinos en las que se logró consensuar el diseño de acuerdo a sus necesidades. En línea con el Programa de Mejoramiento de Vivienda, para que todas ODS 1: FIN DE LA POBREZA 24 las viviendas sean seguras, accesibles y adecuadas, se creó el subplan Manos a la Obra. En estos casos, los vecinos y vecinas realizan las obras de mejoramiento con sus propias manos, mientras que el seguimiento de la obra y la provisión progresiva de materiales queda a cargo del gobierno. Gracias a esta iniciativa de urbanización e integración que vincula el trabajo en conjunto entre la Ciudad y sus habitantes, el Barrio Mugica fue premiado en Polonia durante el World Urban Forum por tomar un enfoque innovador, inclusivo y sustentable. Todas estas obras resultan fundamentales para que el Barrio Mugica tenga acceso a los servicios públicos y, así, sus vecinos y vecinas puedan contar con el mismo estándar de servicio que cualquier otro porteño, con las responsabilidades de pago que eso conlleva. Por su parte, la intervención para la integración socio-urbana en el Barrio Rodrigo Bueno, también alcanzó excelentes resultados y mejora en la calidad de vida los vecinos y vecinas de la Ciudad. De esta manera, se promovieron soluciones habitacionales de calidad, integrales, asequibles y sostenibles, potenciando la actividad productiva del barrio. Finalmente, en el Barrio Fraga, se llevó a cabo un proceso de urbanización, con la construcción de 678 viviendas nuevas distribuidas en 4 bloques de edifcios divididos en consorcios. Además, a otras 230 familias del barrio se les remodeló sus hogares con instalaciones nuevas de luz, gas y agua. Entre otras obras, en el barrio se realizaron 11 aperturas de calles, dársenas, renovación del espacio público, alumbrado LED, construcción de pluviales y bocas de tormenta, cloacas, rampas, señalética y se han tendido 17.350 metros de caños de infraestructura. Hoy, el 100% del barrio posee dirección formal. Transformación urbana El segundo eje involucra la conexión de los barrios con el resto de la Ciudad. En el Barrio Mugica alcanzamos los 17 km de infraestructura en todo el barrio, pusimos en valor 19 espacios públicos preexistentes y 15 fueron creados, volvió a circular el transporte público e instalamos muchas de las primeras conexiones domiciliarias formales de agua y de electricidad. Además, en el proceso de descentralización del gobierno, se trasladó el edifcio del Ministerio de Educación al Barrio Mugica, como también se construyó el Polo Educativo María Elena Walsh. En esta línea es que se instaló el Ministerio de Desarrollo Humano y Hábitat en el Barrio 15, en el edifcio conocido como “Elefante Blanco”, el cual fue reacondicionado y puesto en valor, debido a que el mismo se encontraba en situación de abandono desde los años 20´. Asimismo, se está implementando un nuevo sistema de recolección de ODS 1: FIN DE LA POBREZA 25 ODS 1: FIN DE LA POBREZA basura e higiene urbana, y realizando obras de pavimentación, cloacas, pluviales, iluminación e instalación eléctrica. Desarrollo social y económico Por último, y en concordancia con el acercamiento del barrio a la Ciudad, el tercer eje consiste en potenciar la actividad productiva de cada barrio, respetando su identidad, mediante la capacitación de vecinos y vecinas o la promoción del trabajo. Considerando este contexto, es que la Ciudad impulsó la Ley de Promoción a la Economía Social y la de Integración Productiva. De esta manera, se busca promover el desarrollo local, la generación y sostenibilidad de puestos de trabajo autogestivos y el acceso a nuevos mercados de las unidades productivas. Como también facilitar herramientas destinadas a mejorar la producción y comercialización de los bienes y servicios, con vistas a disminuir las brechas económicas y sociales entre las y los ciudadanos. Además, a fn de propiciar la inclusión económica de sus pobladores, en el Barrio Rodrigo Bueno, se iniciaron también nuevos emprendimientos como el Patio Gastronómico y 57 nuevos locales para comercios barriales, y se potenció la huerta “Vivera Orgánica”. Finalmente, fue conformada una Mesa de Salud Ambiental a partir del interés de los propios habitantes, para promover, discutir y proponer iniciativas ambientales. EL TRABAJO ES LA MEJOR POLÍTICA SOCIAL En el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, estamos convencidos de que el trabajo es la mejor política social. Por eso, trabajamos para facilitar el acceso a fnanciamiento, capacitación y formalización para 75.000 trabajadores y trabajadoras de la economía popular en la Ciudad. Y, nos comprometimos a que, para 2023, 40 nuevas empresas se radiquen en el Barrio Mugica, con el objetivo de generar nuevas fuentes de empleo y potenciar el valor productivo y el desarrollo económico del barrio. Incentivamos esta política mediante el otorgamiento de diversos benefcios y el acompañamiento de la Ciudad. Cada nueva empresa que se radica en la zona signifca más personas trabajando, consumiendo y dinamizando la economía del Barrio Mugica. Por otro lado, impulsamos la Feria de Emprendedores en el Barrio Fraga (Feria Chacarita) y se creó el Registro Único de Unidades Productivas de la Economía Popular y Social (RUPEPyS). Finalmente, en línea con las políticas educativas y de promoción del desarrollo económico, se dictaron cursos y brindaron capacitaciones de emprendedurismo. Como también se ofrecieron prácticas educativas en 26 ODS 1: FIN DE LA POBREZA las que al menos 450 estudiantes desarrollan experiencias pedagógicas en ámbitos vinculados con la orientación o trayecto formativo que transitan. Además, con el Plan Empleo Jóven, 10.000 vecinos y vecinas de entre 18 y 24 años se insertarán en el mundo laboral a través de la contratación de este grupo que enfrenta las mayores difcultades para acceder a un trabajo. De esta manera, se busca brindar más y mejores oportunidades y disminuir la tasa de desempleo. CENTRO DE DESARROLLO EMPRENDEDOR Y LABORAL DEL BARRIO MUGICA (CEDEL) El CeDEL es un edifcio público dentro del Barrio Mugica destinado a potenciar el desarrollo económico de los vecinos. Allí se ofrecen capacitaciones en ofcios, asesoramiento personalizado a los emprendedores y hay una bolsa de empleo que, a través de un Programa de Integración Laboral, acerca más oportunidades de acceder a un trabajo en blanco. • 3588 personas se inscribieron en la Bolsa de Empleo, • 296 vecinos consiguieron entrevistas con empresas • 1712 fueron contratados. • 5721 vecinos se graduaron de cursos, y 311 se están capacitando • Acompañamos a 659 vecinos en su camino emprendedor.
[ -0.012985382200000001, -0.0147539768, 0.00048081560000000004, -0.0144715393, -0.0270332657, 0.0047207344, -0.014014259900000001, 0.0101206629, -0.0396756902, -0.0323861204, 0.0040852511, 0.0004551777, 0.0095221652, 0.014780875300000001, -0.0250158589, -0.0042365566, 0.005682365500000001, -0.017726291, 0.0158299282, -0.0005959759, -0.0175783485, 0.0092935255, -0.0020359007, -0.0054671755, 0.0001448961, 0.0151978061, 0.0277057346, 0.0019905092, 0.021989746, 0.014780875300000001, 0.017847335000000002, 0.0000370383, -0.0053461310000000005, -0.0008624419, -0.0266028866, -0.005359580300000001, -0.008560534600000001, -0.0060992967, 0.0213576257, -0.0169731248, 0.014686729800000001, -0.0187618937, -0.0068121143, -0.0124205081, -0.0224604756, 0.0229043048, -0.0223932285, -0.008849696300000001, -0.038841828700000004, 0.0183315128, 0.0047812569, 0.0307990946, -0.023106046, -0.0174169559, -0.0082242992, -0.0153054018, -0.0331930853, -0.0020695243, -0.0070878263, -0.0091254087, -0.0130795278, 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0.0099592702, 0.0358022675, 0.0172421131, -0.0098449504, 0.013281269, -0.018304614400000002, -0.0165696442, -0.0032480268, -0.0272081085, -0.0025469775, -0.0125079295, 0.0275981408, 0.0111428164, 0.009824777, -0.0025167165, 0.0236305706, -0.013960463000000001, 0.0111966142, -0.0338655561, -0.056864004600000004, 0.0239533558, 0.0103694769, -0.0162334088, 0.0015365924, 0.0161258131, 0.016757935300000002, 0.0104165496, -0.0139335636, 0.014646381100000001, 0.0192460716, 0.030153524100000002, -0.021088637400000002, -0.0040818886, -0.0069398833000000005, -0.015291951600000001, 0.001372678, 0.0243030414, 0.0264683925, -0.026428043800000002, 0.0065633003, 0.0160451178, -0.0281092171, 0.00007575790000000001, -0.011822010400000001, 0.0221914873, 0.0422579721, -0.0082108499, 0.0086076073, -0.008728651300000001, 0.0035069275, 0.0277864318, 0.0293196626, -0.0303418152, 0.0277326349, 0.0277326349, 0.024222344200000002, 0.016488947, 0.0250293072, -0.0355601758, 0.0002162409, -0.007074377000000001, 0.008520185900000001, -0.0009691964, 0.0259035174, -0.0366092287, 0.0187618937, 0.02038927, 0.012037200900000001, 0.0059917015, 0.0126558719, 0.0008641231, 0.0010692262, 0.0185736027, 0.0046265889, -0.613722384, -0.002842864, -0.0029655898, -0.0114521524, 0.0008515143, 0.0063548349, 0.0096768336, 0.0014769107000000001, -0.0186139513, -0.029050674300000003, -0.0099256467, -0.0175379999, -0.0127432933, -0.029588649, 0.0009515441000000001, -0.0181163233, -0.0068827234000000004, -0.010544318700000001, -0.0041087875, 0.0020224515, -0.0144042922, -0.006025325000000001, 0.0119497795, 0.0271274112, -0.0066507217, -0.0090043638, 0.0228774063, -0.017793538, -0.0122389412, -0.0121313464, 0.0046501253, 0.0043340647, -0.0112033384, -0.0029336473000000003, 0.0534209609, -0.0264683925, -0.011183165, 0.0283513051, 0.0010221533000000001, -0.00700713, -0.016865531, 0.0034010136000000002, 0.0181297716, -0.035882961000000005, 0.0202278774, 0.0157357827, 0.0416930988, -0.020685154900000002, 0.0097171813, -0.0064691547, 0.012467580800000001, -0.0138932159, -0.0203623697, 0.0060925721000000006, 0.0205775611, 0.0149826165, 0.0011129366000000001, -0.0280823186, 0.0004833373, -0.0141218556, 0.0102080842, -0.0169596765, -0.0054503637, -0.0310142841, -0.0059782523, 0.0435222127, -0.023348134000000003, 0.0069667818, 0.007619077300000001, -0.0040852511, -0.0005783236, 0.0101744607, -0.0144446408, 0.0040650768, 0.0127701918, 0.0097709792, 0.0300459284, -0.0088295219, -0.0032127220000000003, 0.0209675934, 0.0015668535, -0.0087219272, -0.025419339500000002, -0.0161796119, 0.0245047808, -0.027423298000000002, -0.0238995589, 0.0046064146, 0.0010313998, 0.0250024088, -0.0108536547, 0.015870275, -0.0038263504, -0.0035304639, -0.0028075594, 0.0057596997, -0.011183165, 0.0249755103, 0.0134964585, -0.0195957553, -0.0215324666, -0.0382500552, 0.0187753439, -0.0067986646000000005, 0.0171479676, 0.0113176582, -0.0028815309, 0.019985787600000002, 0.044302277300000005, -0.0332468823, -0.0278133303, 0.0106586386, -0.0023502803000000003, -0.021088637400000002, 0.023348134000000003, -0.0249486119, 0.0214114226, 0.0065633003, 0.005036795, 0.00216367, -0.0111697149, -0.0062842257, 0.012359986100000001, -0.0136645762, 0.0038196256000000003, 0.0063312985000000006, 0.003890235, -0.0053562182, -0.0161930602, -0.022097341700000002, -0.0183315128, -0.010793132700000001, 0.0352911875, -0.014014259900000001, 0.0525064021, -0.0068928106, 0.0050199833, -0.0003290897, 0.0032244902, -0.0342152379, -0.00011474010000000001, 0.0069735069, 0.0165427458, -0.020053034600000002, 0.0114454273, -0.0555728637, 0.0105913915, -0.0129450345, -0.0201202817, -0.0006190921, -0.0128845116, -0.0321171358, -0.0370396078, 0.0090648858, 0.0080427332, -0.013402313, -0.0468307622, -0.0236709192, -0.0150902113, 0.005359580300000001, -0.007598903000000001, 0.011250411200000001, -0.0252579469, 0.0006510344, -0.0217342079, -0.0118085612, 0.0157761294, 0.034403529, -0.0030126625000000003, -0.0149288187, 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0.0012146477000000001, -0.0026596161, 0.012541553, 0.0001385917, 0.0237112679, -0.0153457494, 0.0090985093, 0.0157357827, -0.016219960500000002, 0.038788028100000004, -0.0028092405, -0.0006363241, 0.0181970187, 0.0118354596, -0.0039305831, -0.0181297716, -0.017860785100000002, 0.018533254000000002, 0.0287547875, 0.0049426495, 0.0196092054, -0.0062506022, 0.0047005606000000005, -0.030530106300000002, 0.0021418147, -0.0011045309000000001, -0.0522374175, 0.0026781091, 0.0044349353, 0.021599713700000002, 0.0287547875, 0.014242899600000001, 0.0121784192, 0.027503995200000003, 0.0079754861, -0.0123263625, -0.0110890185, 0.017860785100000002, -0.027920926000000002, -0.0163948014, -0.0147270774, -0.0045358054000000005, 0.009992893800000001, -0.0084865624, -0.0042264694, 0.0097306306, -0.0124810301, 0.0035607249000000002, -0.0034733040000000004, 0.0075585549, 0.0128239896, -0.0228505079, 0.0095961373, 0.019999237700000002, 0.0175783485, -0.0024477884, -0.0045021819, -0.026374246900000002, 0.011593370700000001, -0.027974722900000002, -0.0207120553, 0.00028411830000000003, -0.012164969900000001, -0.0161930602, 0.0166906882, -0.0059816143, -0.0009338917000000001, 0.0169596765, -0.011822010400000001, -0.0228639562, 0.0036615953000000002, 0.0064052702, -0.011613545000000001, -0.02915827, -0.0188291408, 0.0117614884, 0.0053898413, 0.008587433, -0.017228663, -0.0241685472, -0.0060320497, 0.0019467986, -0.0205641109, -0.0059110052000000005, -0.009777703300000001, 0.0027957913000000003, -0.0012558365000000001, 0.0181835704, 0.0005699177, 0.0387073345, 0.0044551091, 0.0061060213, -0.0324130207, -0.014996065800000001, 0.046427279700000004, 0.0544162169, 0.0012726481, -0.0063043996, 0.017793538, 0.007498032900000001, 0.0201202817, -0.0211693347, -0.0242088959, -0.0031740551000000003, 0.0041558603000000005, -0.0003129084, -0.0030765471000000003, 0.0512690581, -0.004693836000000001, 0.008083080900000001, 0.0104972459, 0.0115664722, -0.0182508174, 0.0001184176, 0.0110352216, -0.0248006675, -0.0049998094, 0.0107326098, 0.034618720400000004, 0.00010680700000000001, 0.0124608567, 0.0396756902, 0.021989746, 0.017269011600000002, -0.0280823186, 0.0038532491, 0.0309604872, 0.0085336352, 0.014511887900000001, -0.0095423395, -0.0052687968, 0.009972719500000001, 0.0002786545, 0.0343228318, 0.0064052702, 0.0181163233, -0.0075182067, -0.0015416358, -0.0217880048, 0.023348134000000003, -0.0080965301, -0.0100534158, 0.0303149167, 0.0066339099, -0.0098920232, 0.0222990829, -0.0317674503, -0.0368244201, -0.0253924411, 0.0029470967, 0.014498438700000001, 0.013536807100000001, -0.0003164809, -0.0201471802, -0.0174304042, -0.025836270300000002, -0.0175917968, 0.0192998685, -0.0230791457, 0.0050536068, -0.033623464400000004, -0.000212143, 0.030610803500000002, -0.0256479792, -0.0092599019, 0.0056890901, -0.0246258266, -0.038841828700000004, 0.0004173513, 0.010450173200000001, 0.0185063556, 0.0173766073, -0.0042029331, -0.0099121975, 0.0017719566, 0.0070205797000000006, -0.0287547875, -0.0125012044, -0.0203489214, 0.0230656974, 0.0078880647, 0.0052418984, -0.0011289079, -0.0204699654, 0.019985787600000002, -0.0004062135, -0.0110486709, 0.0028226899, 0.0086883036, -0.001163372, 0.0033808395000000002, 0.0122792898, -0.0211558845, 0.0088227969, -0.0208868962, 0.0048989388000000005, -0.0152650531, -0.0168251824, -0.0031219388, 0.0265894365, -0.021182782900000002, -0.0174573027, -0.0038767855, -0.0238188636, -0.0053394064, 0.0200664848, -0.0230253488, 0.0161796119, 0.0065061403, -0.020752402, 0.0299921315, 0.0070340289, 0.0273426026, 0.0086143315, -0.0273963995, 0.006953332600000001, -0.0080225589, 0.019649554, 0.025863168800000003, -0.0032698819, 0.014834673100000001, -0.004128961400000001, -0.0232001916, 0.0035170144000000003, 0.0096163107, -0.0012650829000000001, 0.0396487899, -0.0055983071, -0.0112369619, -0.0180759747, 0.0013819244, -0.0238592103, -0.014780875300000001, -0.0131333256, 0.0073500895, -0.0100197922, -0.024276141100000002, -0.013193847600000001, -0.0204161685, 0.008977465300000001, -0.034538023200000004, -0.0159644205, 0.0119296052, 0.0020661619000000003, 0.0309604872, 0.00039612640000000004, 0.0152516039, -0.0124003338, -0.0183180645, -0.0024292953000000003, 0.0179549307, -0.016206510400000002, -0.032574411500000004, 0.013281269, 0.0286202934, 0.0390570164, 0.0112840347, 0.0135569815, -0.00013554460000000002, 0.0017551449, -0.0053461310000000005, -0.0196630023, 0.0096768336, -0.0411013253, 0.0147136282, 0.025231048500000002, 0.0278133303, -0.0302880183, -0.025795921700000002, -0.0084932875, 0.0090043638, -0.0230119005, -0.0176993925, -0.0059076427, -0.0241281986, -0.0070407535, 0.0043038037, 0.0063413857, 0.0320902355, -0.0490364619, -0.0141487541, 0.0194209144, 0.0177397411, 0.0095961373, 0.010793132700000001, 0.015762681100000002, -0.0015987958000000001, 0.0319557413, 0.0281092171, -0.016246859000000002, 0.0108603789, -0.0165561941, -0.0398908779, 0.0044853701, 0.0245182309, 0.0026713843000000003, 0.003890235, -0.0053831167, -0.0115261236, 0.0069735069, 0.0172421131, -0.0006279182000000001, -0.0187753439, 0.017901133700000002, -0.034672517300000004, -0.0069869561, -0.020053034600000002, -0.0045358054000000005, -0.033542767200000004, 0.013617503500000001, 0.0090110889, -0.0154264458, 0.0119766779, 0.0038734232, -0.0034127817, -0.0051881005, -0.0194209144, 0.0179280322, -0.0079149641, 0.0116538927, 0.0088900439, -0.0024746871, -0.0271543097, 0.0277595334, 0.019367115600000002, -0.0032564327000000003, 0.0406978428, 0.0028731250000000002, -0.006351472800000001, -0.0117614884, 0.0111697149, 0.0086412309, -0.0209810417, -0.033731062, 0.0243702885, 0.012965207900000001, 0.0006111065, 0.00014636720000000002, 0.0064792419, -0.0031471564, 0.0032749255000000003, -0.017228663, 0.0016416657, -0.0028764876000000003, -0.005161202, 0.0060623107, 0.0235498752, -0.0176724941, 0.0297231432, 0.00336739, -0.0477722213, -0.0170941707, -0.0239399076, -0.026454942300000003, 0.0159644205, -0.0219493974, 0.027060164100000002, -0.015144009100000001, 0.0046265889, 0.0230253488, 0.0099592702, 0.0052687968, 0.0105779422, 0.0170000233, 0.0197436996, -0.0062606893, -0.017793538, 0.0029370098000000002, -0.005406653, 0.0051410277, -0.0020005961, -0.0219493974, -0.0029689521, -0.0298038404, -0.0194747113, -0.021599713700000002, 0.0146060335, -0.0102349827, -0.0013264457000000001, -0.0102618812, -0.0406709425, -0.0169193279, 0.0075585549, 0.0299383327, 0.052587099400000004, -0.0099861696, 0.0014668236000000001, 0.011922881000000001, 0.0264683925, 0.018412210000000002, 0.0098449504, 0.0104905209, 0.0057630618, -0.0105913915, 0.0229850002, -0.028163014, 0.006496053700000001, 0.0025688328, -0.0108603789, -0.0213979725, -0.0127634676, 0.0224066768, 0.005648742, -0.025876618900000002, 0.008385691800000001, 0.0010129069000000001, 0.0179952793, -0.0135637056, -0.010793132700000001, 0.010967974600000001, 0.0248006675, 0.011916155900000001, -0.0320633352, -0.012931584400000001, 0.055088684000000006, -0.018533254000000002, -0.0004358442, 0.0349684022, -0.0057529751, 0.036743722900000005, -0.010544318700000001, -0.0029908072, 0.0208599977, -0.057025395300000004, -0.0164754987, -0.0113176582, 0.015238154700000001, -0.0245316811, -0.0012272565, -0.0096230358, -0.0043004411, -0.0069600572000000005, 0.0094818175, 0.0021468583000000003, 0.0044551091, 0.0031740551000000003, 0.019999237700000002, 0.0013373733, 0.0011675748, -0.0131131513, -0.0271946583, -0.0058807442, -0.0010440086000000001, -0.0266163349, -0.0232539885, -0.009636485, 0.019985787600000002, 0.009945821, -0.0081637772, 0.0022863958, 0.0188829377, -0.0408861339, 0.0010179504, -0.0131131513, 0.0256479792, 0.025231048500000002, 0.006179993000000001, 0.0021956123, -0.005557959, 0.011115917900000001, 0.0372816995, -0.018291166100000002, 0.0075182067, 0.0003246766, -0.0282706097, 0.0092868013, -0.009206105000000001, -0.045270633000000005, 0.0127836419, -0.0080763567, 0.0039843805, 0.015332300200000001, 0.035640873, -0.0203085728, -0.0080561824, 0.0129786571, -0.009360772600000001, 0.007760295600000001, -0.014821223900000001, 0.026414593700000003, -0.0175648984, -0.041020628100000005, 0.0090716109, 0.0219628476, -0.0043374272000000005, -0.016905877700000002, -0.0114656016, -0.029023775800000002, 0.0153995473, -0.0139873615, -0.0093136998, -0.0014676643000000001, 0.0000788575, 0.024141648800000002, 0.0170000233, -0.0165023971, 0.031094981400000003, 0.009945821, 0.013590605, -0.024195445700000002, 0.0165696442, -0.0384652428, 0.0098987482, 0.023186741400000002, -0.0089505669, 0.0188425891, -0.0360443555, 0.014323595900000001, -0.0288085844, -0.0047644451, 0.0070542032, -0.0020409443, -0.0116269942, 0.010026517300000001, 0.0352642909, -0.010026517300000001, 0.019891642, -0.0006153094, -0.0002376759, -0.0127298441, -0.016609991, -0.0005787439, -0.0090447124, -0.0053999284, -0.016905877700000002, 0.0047711697, -0.015144009100000001, -0.0108334804, -0.000020922700000000002, 0.0120842736, 0.0156550854, 0.2112091631, -0.0011448790000000001, -0.0011768213, 0.030019030000000002, -0.0134224873, 0.0266701318, 0.0198781919, 0.0129517587, 0.0144715393, 0.0260245614, -0.0353180878, -0.0216535125, -0.0229043048, 0.007538381, -0.0019619293, -0.0266297851, -0.0361519493, -0.0189232863, -0.004199571, 0.00778047, -0.0072088712000000004, -0.0175245497, 0.0014239538, -0.0026259928, 0.0140680578, 0.0164082516, -0.0093540484, -0.0109209018, 0.0448671505, -0.0114857759, -0.0054369145, 0.0029470967, 0.0301266257, 0.0001149502, 0.0031168952000000002, -0.0028680817, 0.0133619653, -0.0174707528, 0.0169731248, 0.0334351733, 0.0358022675, 0.0230522472, -0.017255563300000002, -0.0099054733, 0.0128845116, 0.0371472053, -0.007383713, -0.0104232747, 0.0090110889, 0.011613545000000001, -0.019649554, 0.0050132587, 0.0265894365, 0.0048350543, 0.0124944793, -0.009246452700000001, 0.0041356864000000005, 0.0067381426, -0.0174976513, 0.0310142841, 0.017726291, 0.030825993000000003, 0.0152112553, 0.0035640872, -0.0165561941, 0.0025301657000000003, -0.008634505800000001, -0.008674854400000001, 0.0325475149, -0.0268180761, 0.0044282102, -0.0117009655, -0.0044013117000000004, -0.0031034457, -0.0242626928, -0.0119027067, 0.0167444851, 0.0372279026, 0.0080158338, 0.037954166500000004, -0.0081906766, -0.0140411593, 0.0036649578, 0.0024242518, -0.0119632287, -0.0239802562, -0.00031816200000000003, 0.0074509601, -0.014417742400000001, -0.0098651247, -0.0049661859000000004, -0.0173766073, -0.0091792056, 0.0106720878, 0.0043004411, 0.0089303926, 0.0293196626, 0.010295504700000001, -0.0059513533, 0.0063178493, -0.0356946699, 0.0606298335, -0.00048543880000000004, 0.0036515084, -0.009246452700000001, -0.010887278200000001, 0.0162872057, 0.022729462000000002, -0.0069869561, -0.0142025519, 0.024276141100000002, -0.0435760096, -0.0121918684, -0.0214383211, 0.0118489088, -0.0113781802, 0.0148077738, -0.0051107667, 0.0137990704, 0.0049661859000000004, -0.0019333493, -0.0250427574, -0.022083891600000002, -0.0043441518, -0.0007401365, -0.0052654347, -0.0140277101, 0.0266701318, 0.0103358533, -0.0178876836, 0.0122725647, -0.031229475500000003, 0.0090850601, -0.0110083222, -0.0194209144, 0.0220435429, 0.0031454752, 0.0091993799, -0.0024494694000000003, -0.0133350659, -0.010221533500000001, -0.006179993000000001, 0.0078678913, -0.0029235603, 0.008957291000000001, -0.036851316700000004, 0.0227025636, -0.0232943371, 0.0116673429, -0.0197302494, -0.018654298, 0.0239937045, 0.0236171223, -0.0406978428, 0.021061739000000003, -0.015318851000000001, -0.0372010022, -0.0277326349, 0.0244778823, -0.0035203767, -0.0200933833, -0.0150229642, 0.0294541549, -0.0033068678, -0.0203085728, 0.019030882000000002, -0.1705382168, 0.024141648800000002, 0.0185736027, -0.0098382263, 0.0052923337, -0.00042176430000000003, -0.0012869381, 0.016354452800000002, -0.0219359491, -0.0019518422000000001, 0.011633719300000001, -0.0037691905, -0.029642447800000003, -0.0011465602, -0.012353261, 0.0049796351, 0.0032581137000000002, 0.0252579469, 0.0181566719, 0.026966018600000002, 0.0069197090000000004, -0.0391377136, -0.0051309406, 0.0034598545000000002, 0.0027319065000000003, -0.0260245614, 0.0078947898, 0.0361519493, 0.0024612376, -0.019151926, -0.022581519600000002, -0.0129046859, 0.0266297851, -0.0040247287, -0.0001414287, 0.0284589007, 0.023738166300000002, 0.0087555507, -0.0034144628000000003, 0.0029874449, 0.0187484436, 0.017766639600000002, -0.0082444735, 0.016757935300000002, -0.0063750092, 0.0288623832, 0.035210494, -0.0165561941, 0.0030395612, -0.018398759900000002, 0.0075316564, -0.0191115774, 0.0084125912, 0.021048288800000002, 0.0031858233, 0.0011255455, -0.0086412309, -0.0180221777, 0.0024225707, 0.009703732100000001, 0.014996065800000001, -0.0047947061, 0.033919353, 0.0005791642, 0.0019652916, 0.0122725647, -0.0023855849, -0.0099861696, -0.033515870600000004, 0.0033690713, -0.0118489088, 0.0095221652, 0.0116068199, -0.0175917968, -0.0028714440000000003, 0.021505568200000002, -0.014458090100000001, 0.0004534965, 0.0012827351, 0.024719972200000002, -0.011304209, 0.0051006796000000005, -0.0309604872, -0.0038835101, 0.006334661, 0.0099861696, -0.0033539406000000003, 0.0138528673, -0.0000526943, -0.0033539406000000003, 0.0180759747, -0.0256479792, 0.042015884100000005, -0.0124944793, 0.0048249671, 0.0259035174, 0.007968761000000001, -0.0156550854, 0.0020896983, -0.0401598662, 0.0053528557, -0.0215728153, -0.0313639678, 0.0209675934, 0.0313639678, 0.022097341700000002, -0.021586265400000002, 0.0236574709, 0.0149422679, 0.007800643800000001, 0.0015214618, 0.0115597472, -0.0063245739, 0.0176859424, -0.015749231000000002, -0.0108603789, 0.0007460206, -0.0086815786, -0.0058370335, 0.0001460519, 0.0372816995, -0.0243030414, -0.0320364386, 0.005319232100000001, 0.0079620369, -0.0373354964, -0.09801912310000001, 0.0180221777, 0.0108065819, 0.0112302378, -0.00044761240000000004, 0.0229446534, -0.0088227969, 0.0137452725, -0.0157357827, 0.0262666512, -0.0191115774, -0.0434684157, 0.007840992, 0.0112235127, 0.0338386558, 0.0078073689, -0.0075114821, -0.0212096814, -0.0029824013, 0.015318851000000001, -0.0125550022, -0.0185601525, 0.0122389412, 0.0024763683, -0.0534478612, 0.0115059502, -0.0197436996, 0.0219359491, -0.0072828424000000004, -0.0066641709, -0.0189770833, -0.0141622033, 0.0183853116, -0.025930415800000002, 0.020053034600000002, 0.0202951245, -0.016219960500000002, -0.0167848337, 0.0156819839, -0.011687516200000001, 0.0020207702, 0.019958889100000002, -0.0093473233, -0.0169462264, 0.005406653, -0.0278133303, 0.0222990829, -0.0006329617, -0.0160316676, -0.0241147485, -0.034618720400000004, -0.0085067367, -0.0120170265, -0.0236574709, 0.0130862528, -0.0219090506, -0.009206105000000001, 0.0049796351, -0.018439108500000002, 0.012393609600000001, 0.0102349827, 0.0015895494000000001, -0.00700713, 0.0150902113, 0.013523357900000001, -0.008352069200000001, -0.0261994042, -0.000020371100000000002, 0.0232539885, -0.0141756525, -0.0137452725, -0.0078611663, -0.012891236700000001, 0.0106720878, -0.0129988315, 0.0038028138, -0.006169905900000001, -0.019313318700000002, 0.0193805657, -0.018909836200000002, -0.0142025519, -0.020456517100000002, 0.0076123527, -0.0169462264, -0.0044618337, 0.0004787141, 0.0385459401, 0.0125079295, 0.0203085728, -0.014565684800000001, 0.0071348995, 0.0176186953, 0.0227563605, -0.0139335636, 0.0099861696, 0.0292120669, 0.0087622749, -0.0187618937, 0.0170403719, 0.0315522589, -0.032493718000000005, -0.0324668176, -0.057509575, 0.0222856328, -0.0007577888000000001, -0.0098449504, -0.0127096698, -0.031337071200000004, -0.0130526293, -0.0019837844, -0.0043441518, 0.037954166500000004, -0.0265221894, 0.0250427574, 0.0070273043, -0.015668535600000002, -0.0316060558, -0.012299463200000001, 0.0314715654, 0.011788386900000001, 0.0059042806, 0.006210254, -0.0016408251, -0.0034901157, -0.0002124583, 0.0139873615, -0.019326767, -0.012299463200000001, -0.036743722900000005, 0.0110822944, -0.0052418984, -0.0112840347, 0.0071954215, -0.0383307487, 0.008526911, 0.016677238, -0.0079553118, -0.0127432933, 0.007619077300000001, 0.0052990583, 0.0182777159, 0.0391108133, -0.0296693463, -0.015238154700000001, -0.008426040400000001, -0.0240340531, 0.019891642, 0.001960248, 0.006264051400000001, -0.0142966975, 0.0114185289, 0.0027722546000000002, 0.0103829261, 0.0070878263, 0.0027487183, -0.0224470254, 0.0242626928, -0.0341345407, -0.0029941695000000003, 0.0249351617, 0.0071281744, -0.031928841, 0.028566496400000002, 0.007471134000000001, 0.0032564327000000003, -0.0154264458, 0.007255944, 0.0087219272, 0.0148615716, 0.0062741386000000005, 0.0045593418, -0.0409937277, -0.0218149051, -0.0094616432, 0.0119497795, 0.0307990946, -0.0066910698, -0.007094551300000001, -0.0064926911000000006, -0.0204699654, 0.014242899600000001, 0.0321171358, 0.003365709, 0.0109209018, -0.0161258131, 0.0397832841, 0.019891642, 0.0124406824, -0.016367903, -0.0045593418, -0.0022208299, -0.0109612495, -0.0078813406, 0.0018795517000000002, -0.0034497676, 0.0014247943, -0.0233212356, 0.010678812900000001, 0.0248006675, -0.00700713, -0.0039642067, 0.0133350659, 0.0087891743, -0.0084798383, -0.0191922747, -0.0255269352, -0.0075585549, 0.0112302378, -0.0251638014, -0.0060017887, -0.0003227853, 0.027920926000000002, 0.015009515000000001, 0.0022948014, 0.009824777, 0.0038061764000000002, -0.019810946700000002, 0.028512697700000002, 0.0127634676, -0.0154129965, -0.035882961000000005, 0.028485799200000002, 0.0176859424, 0.016367903, -0.0058773817, 0.020456517100000002, 0.0108603789, 0.0076527009, 0.0121985935, -0.0230387989, 0.017322808500000002, 0.0053326818, 0.0074845832000000004, -0.0056756409, -0.029400358, -0.0127836419, -0.005500799000000001, -0.0331930853, 0.0222990829, 0.007235769600000001, 0.0294541549, 0.1096931919, 0.039837081, 0.0055814954, 0.006607011, 0.0128777875, 0.0078073689, -0.0059076427, 0.0063144867, 0.0067011565, -0.0103963753, 0.0284589007, -0.0066944319000000006, -0.005655467, -0.035640873, -0.0010431680000000001, 0.0115597472, -0.0180087276, 0.0238995589, -0.0528022908, -0.0001209394, 0.0384652428, -0.021182782900000002, 0.0159509722, 0.0093540484, -0.0213845242, 0.0037322047, 0.016852080800000002, 0.0169462264, -0.0349684022, -0.0416930988, -0.0128643382, -0.0091926558, -0.015049862700000001, -0.018802242400000002, 0.0096633835, -0.0080091096, 0.0082310243, -0.0006232950000000001, 0.022594967900000002, 0.0032799691000000002, 0.0121918684, -0.0020073210000000003, -0.0541472286, -0.0488212705, 0.0052755219, -0.008560534600000001, -0.0084125912, -0.026414593700000003, -0.0153995473 ]
[ 1 ]
{ "country": "arg", "file_id": "sdg-01/vlr-report-arg-buenos_aires-2023-es-1.pdf", "language": "es", "locality": "buenos_aires", "size": "l", "type": "vlr", "year": 2023 }
15 With regard to this SDG in particular, it is understood within a framework of profound integrality with the rest of the Sustainable Development Goals oriented towards people. In this sense, the actions and strategies identified for the subsequent SDGs, i.e., SDGs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10, are also understood as actions that directly contribute to the reduction of multidimensional poverty, understood not only in terms of the income that people receive, but also as the accumulation of various deprivations, which together or individually, prevent them from leading a full life. Thus, the actions listed under SDG 1 must necessarily be read as fundamental to address them, but they are complemented by the actions of SDGs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. Actions aimed at providing housing solutions With regard to the provincial programs developed to address multidimensional poverty, the housing dimension stands out, which involves increasing access to housing and promoting good housing for the citizens of the Province. Within this framework, the Ministry for the Promotion of Employment and Family Economy is the main governmental actor in charge of these objectives. In this sense, the housing strategy of the Province seeks to respond to the provisions of Article 58 of the Provincial Constitution of Córdoba, in reference to "Housing", which states that "all inhabitants have the right to enjoy decent housing, which, together with the related services and the land necessary for its setlement, has a fundamental social value". In this way, the single dwelling is immune to seizure, under the conditions established by law. To this end, the Government of the Province of Córdoba promotes the necessary conditions to make this right efective. To this end, it plans and implements the current housing policy, acts to coordinate with other jurisdictional levels and relevant social institutions specific actions to achieve this objective. It is important to note that the housing policy of the Province of Córdoba is governed by the following principles: 1. To use land rationally and preserve the quality of life, in accordance with the general interest and the cultural and regional paterns of the community. 2. To prevent speculation. 3. To assist families without resources in order to facilitate their access to home ownership. At the same time, the provincial housing policy seeks to provide a solution to what was detected in the statistical studies carried out by the Government of the Province with the 2008 Population Census, which shows that many families with structural housing problems, such as overcrowding, lack of access to housing, lack of urbanization, etc., are unable to reverse this situation by their own means. Among the main programs that respond to the housing policy of the Province of Córdoba are the following: Voluntary Local Review CÓRDOBA 2022 | Province of Córdoba | ARG. Transport benefits to provide equality of opportunities The Department of Transport of the Province of Córdoba seeks to develop transport policies that seek to respond to this multidimensional view of poverty. In this sense, two main strategies are developed: on the one hand, one oriented to the demand of transport, and on the other hand, one oriented to the supply of transport. With respect to the strategy focused on the demand that citizens make for transport services, the first step is to clearly identify the target population, i.e., which sectors require greater accessibility to public transport. Thus, one of the axes of this demand is aimed at strengthening access to transport for students in the Province of Córdoba. To this end, the Free Educational Ticket program is being implemented, seeking to ensure that the school population has the tools to participate in schools, and that transport is not a 16 DIGNIFIED LIFE PROGRAM This program provides families in Córdoba with a financial contribution to enable them to refurbish their homes and thus improve their quality of life. This initiative is from the Ministry of Employment Promotion and Family Economy and has 14,000 beneficiaries for the year 2021. OWNER PROGRAM Allocation of plots with infrastructure (water, energy, lighting and curbs and guters) to families residing in the province with demonstrable income and without title to plots or homes. This program is an initiative of the Ministry of Public Works in coordination with the Ministry of Employment Promotion and Family Economy, which implied the delivery of 1,400 lots by 2021. SEED HOUSING PROGRAM This program seeks to reduce the housing deficit in the vulnerable population and consists of the delivery of materials for the construction of housing modules. Each one has 36.2 square meters of covered surface area organized into a kitchen-dining room, bedroom, bathroom and a design that can be extended in the future. It is an initiative of the Ministry of Employment Promotion and Family Economy. In 2021, 1,056 kits of construction materials were delivered. It should be noted that at the beginning of 2022, the Province launched the 10,000 Homes program, an initiative that will provide housing solutions to families in Córdoba, through two zero-rate mortgage loans. The first line belongs to Seed Housing scheme (6,500 beneficiaries) and is intended for the construction of a single, permanent home. The second line (3,500 beneficiaries) is aimed at the purchase or construction of housing, financed by Córdoba Bank. YOUR HOUSE, YOUR TITLE DEED PROGRAM This initiative seeks to provide legal security of ownership of real estate to vulnerable groups who do not own another home and do not have the resources to pay for the process. In total, 6,076 deeds were processed through this initiative. BENEFITS ON UTILITY BILLS Reductions in electricity and water services and in the provincial property tax for the most vulnerable families in the province of Córdoba. The benefit is extended to pensioners' centers, neighborhood centers and non-profit organizations that work with socially vulnerable members of the community. It is an action of the Ministry of Social Development that will reach 260,000 beneficiaries by 2021. limitation for people to be able to study at any level: preschool, primary, secondary and university. In addition, other plans are implemented to respond to the demand of certain population groups that need this support, such as the Social Bus Tickets for Factory Workers, for people who - although they are employed - earn less than two minimum wages, in order to achieve a higher income for these workers through this transport benefit. Similarly, there is also Córdoba Social Ticket for people in precarious situations. In relation to the strategy focused on the supply of transport, where the approach is more global, fare compensations are carried out within the public transport of passengers that include both urban transport, which covers the city limits of a city, and interurban transport, which connects the municipalities of the Province. The objective of this second strategy seeks to atenuate the cost that the user has to confront of the total fare, reason why part of this cost is aforded by the governments in its three levels, national, provincial and municipal, who work in an articulated manner. In this way, by mitigating this cost, transport accessibility is extended to all citizens and productive mobility is also promoted. Finally, it is important to highlight the way in which these strategies are implemented. In the case of the demand-oriented strategy, the aim is to correctly identify the citizens who need these programs. For example, in relation to the Free Educational Ticket, we work together with the educational management systems of state-run and private schools, as well as with university systems. In addition, web-based student registration is implemented, which facilitates access and minimizes processing time. In relation to the implementation of the supply-side strategy, regulatory cost analyses are carried out, and the proportions of fees to be provided by the state are identified. The main programs that respond to the transport policy of the Province of Córdoba include the following: Voluntary Local Review CÓRDOBA 2022 | Province of Córdoba | ARG. Transport benefits to provide equality of opportunities The Department of Transport of the Province of Córdoba seeks to develop transport policies that seek to respond to this multidimensional view of poverty. In this sense, two main strategies are developed: on the one hand, one oriented to the demand of transport, and on the other hand, one oriented to the supply of transport. With respect to the strategy focused on the demand that citizens make for transport services, the first step is to clearly identify the target population, i.e., which sectors require greater accessibility to public transport. Thus, one of the axes of this demand is aimed at strengthening access to transport for students in the Province of Córdoba. To this end, the Free Educational Ticket program is being implemented, seeking to ensure that the school population has the tools to participate in schools, and that transport is not a limitation for people to be able to study at any level: preschool, primary, secondary and university. In addition, other plans are implemented to respond to the demand of certain population groups that need this support, such as the Social Bus Tickets for Factory Workers, for people who - although they are employed - earn less than two minimum wages, in order to achieve a higher income for these workers through this transport benefit. Similarly, there is also Córdoba Social Ticket for people in precarious situations. In relation to the strategy focused on the supply of transport, where the approach is more global, fare compensations are carried out within the public transport of passengers that include both urban transport, which covers the city limits of a city, and interurban transport, which connects the municipalities of the Province. The objective of this second strategy seeks to atenuate the cost that the user has to confront of the total fare, reason why part of this cost is aforded by the governments in its three levels, national, provincial and municipal, who work in an articulated manner. In this way, by mitigating this cost, transport accessibility is extended to all citizens and productive mobility is also promoted. Finally, it is important to highlight the way in which these strategies are implemented. In the case of the demand-oriented strategy, the aim is to correctly identify the citizens who need these programs. For example, in relation to the Free Educational Ticket, we work together with the educational management systems of state-run and private schools, as well as with university systems. In addition, web-based student registration is implemented, which facilitates access and minimizes processing time. In relation to the implementation of the supply-side strategy, regulatory cost analyses are carried out, and the proportions of fees to be provided by the state are identified. The main programs that respond to the transport policy of the Province of Córdoba include the following: 17 FREE EDUCATIONAL TICKETS Benefit intended for regular students, teachers and non-teaching staf of state-run educational institutions and private educational institutions with state contribution, from the initial level to higher education, including regular students of public universities located in the province. In total, this program will reach 125,505 beneficiaries by 2021. BUS TICKETS FOR THE ELDERLY A benefit designed for older adults, with which they have free access to urban and interurban public transport services. It covers men over 65 years of age and women over 60 years of age who are registered residents in the province. This initiative had 89,007 beneficiaries during the year 2021. SOCIAL BUS TICKETS Aimed at heads of household who are beneficiaries of the Social Card. It enables free urban trips per month, with free availability at any time and in any urban transport service company. The program benefited 16,371 heads of household in 2021. SOCIAL BUS TICKETS FOR FACTORY WORKERS Benefits workers in public or private employment who live in the province of Córdoba. This initiative reached 17,129 beneficiaries in 2021. Voluntary Local Review CÓRDOBA 2022 | Province of Córdoba | ARG.
[ -0.007488854200000001, -0.0136874933, 0.0281603355, -0.034274831400000004, -0.0232659336, -0.0003810603, -0.0082671903, -0.0211482998, -0.0381454751, -0.0282024071, 0.0034376506, 0.0010798535000000001, -0.0185257979, 0.0010833595, -0.0197599158, 0.0047787023, 0.0173618011, -0.0311895348, 0.0198440608, 0.0257341713, -0.0185257979, 0.0222842488, -0.000974673, -0.0034797227, -0.0010316458000000001, 0.0090455264, 0.0282585043, -0.010651282000000001, 0.011822292600000001, 0.0127338571, 0.0153984306, 0.0081059132, 0.0160996336, -0.0098589221, -0.015019781000000001, -0.007411721600000001, 0.0016855181, -0.0119555211, 0.0164221879, -0.008435479400000001, 0.0189605448, -0.0047716904000000004, -0.0051328102, -0.0034271325, -0.0032483255, 0.0312456321, 0.0064125066, -0.0062161698, -0.0215129256, 0.0176002104, 0.0105250655, 0.0424087904, -0.024892726900000002, -0.0080077453, 0.0068682889, 0.0028398745, -0.0132106757, 0.0093540559, -0.0061320253, -0.0283847209, -0.0025138147000000003, 0.010475981, -0.014865515800000001, 0.0294225011, -0.030488330900000003, -0.0262250137, -0.028553009, 0.004280848, -0.0090946099, 0.0010500523, 0.034471169100000004, 0.038790579900000004, 0.0246543176, -0.0105811618, 0.0241354275, -0.0158191528, 0.009978126700000001, -0.0166325495, 0.014038095300000001, 0.0076361070000000005, 0.0087089483, -0.021554997200000002, -0.0275152288, -0.0098028257, 0.015005756200000001, 0.0084424913, -0.0061986395, 0.025495762, 0.008701936300000001, 0.0072364206000000006, 0.0093750916, 0.017347777300000002, 0.038678389, 0.010328728700000001, 0.0009781789, 0.0028363685000000003, 0.010623234300000001, 0.0083092619, 0.0040739928000000005, 0.0028889587000000003, -0.025762219000000003, 0.0114927264, -0.0453538485, -0.0105390893, -0.0104128728, -0.0227470435, -0.0102936681, 0.0139890108, 0.0254536904, -0.030488330900000003, -0.0163240191, 0.040361277800000005, 0.0020247253, -0.0277957097, 0.013098483000000001, -0.0018196233000000001, 0.0176422819, 0.0008624804, 0.007509890500000001, -0.0031186028, 0.0002166062, 0.027683517, 0.028048142800000002, 0.0025015438, 0.0092348512, -0.006188121600000001, -0.0162959713, -0.014066143900000001, -0.016660597200000002, -0.0291139726, -0.0206714813, 0.0213025641, 0.0303200427, 0.0198019892, -0.0045788595, 0.0162538979, -0.0027206698, 0.020166615000000002, -0.0328163281, -0.0447367877, 0.0164221879, 0.0183575097, -0.022059865300000002, -0.0099360542, 0.0095293568, 0.015636839, 0.015482574700000001, 0.0023858452000000002, 0.0033868132000000003, -0.0025401099, 0.0387064368, -0.014837468000000001, 0.010623234300000001, -0.0038601256, -0.0021263999, 0.0022701465, 0.011899424700000001, 0.0196617488, -0.0022298275, -0.0003657215, 0.0058725798000000004, -0.0150618525, -0.0134631088, 0.0057603875, 0.030123705, 0.0289737321, -0.008302249900000001, -0.0043299319, 0.0073976978, -0.0095293568, 0.0091577191, 0.0259024594, -0.0249488223, 0.015426478300000001, 0.0242476203, 0.021583046800000002, 0.0176422819, 0.0066579278, -0.036069911, 0.0014961931, 0.009206802600000001, 0.0032237833, 0.0080989012, 0.0316663533, -0.02741706, 0.011513763100000001, 0.008821141000000001, 0.0243457872, 0.0175300892, 0.0049890634, 0.0007415228, 0.0016653584000000002, 0.0018809786000000002, -0.0059041339000000005, -0.6202005148, -0.0034656986000000003, -0.0017144427, -0.0158752482, -0.0199562535, -0.0113104135, 0.0103708012, 0.013792674100000001, -0.0287072752, 0.0232378859, -0.0017451204, -0.0125375194, -0.026365254100000002, -0.0147112506, -0.0063669286, -0.0109387757, 0.0043614861, -0.013967975, 0.0185678713, 0.0038986919, -0.0222001057, 0.0040494506, 0.0178806912, 0.0247244388, 0.0171654634, 0.022550707700000002, 0.024415908400000002, -0.0167026687, -0.0061425432, -0.0083583463, -0.0142765045, -0.0042037154, 0.0177404508, 0.0040038726000000005, 0.0424087904, -0.0023034536, -0.0096275248, 0.0100762956, -0.0040599685, 0.007916588300000001, -0.0165484045, -0.0141713237, 0.0359296724, -0.0307127163, 0.0131615913, 0.0063493983000000006, 0.0257481951, -0.0160856098, 0.0062687597, -0.0059462064, 0.0029941392, -0.000016174200000000002, -0.0080007324, -0.0083583463, 0.0126356883, 0.0023139718, -0.0012385008, -0.0534317121, 0.0003516974, -0.0178666674, 0.0080147572, -0.0110439565, -0.0197879653, -0.0390710644, -0.004017896500000001, 0.0317504965, -0.0205312409, 0.0010342753, -0.0162679236, 0.0002370945, 0.0035603612000000002, 0.0288334917, -0.00037580130000000004, -0.022045839600000002, 0.026070749400000003, 0.0139819989, 0.0304602832, -0.0055360021, -0.0110579804, 0.0232799593, -0.0211623237, 0.0020615384, -0.0169270542, -0.0027662481000000003, 0.0222141296, -0.0171794873, -0.017614234200000002, 0.0190587137, -0.0025120617, 0.0107564628, -0.0063388804, 0.0173618011, 0.0012945971, -0.0265896395, 0.0064440607, 0.0270384103, -0.013091471, 0.0130493985, 0.003751439, -0.0277816858, -0.0183855575, -0.034274831400000004, 0.0161837786, 0.0113244373, 0.0137506025, 0.0175160654, -0.0167868137, 0.013589325400000001, 0.052309785000000004, -0.0220177919, -0.021540973300000002, -0.0124253277, -0.0171935111, -0.0125866039, 0.0025979592, -0.0288615394, 0.020292831600000002, -0.0070435898000000005, 0.012004605500000001, -0.0129862903, 0.0044491366000000004, -0.0022280742, 0.0029766092, -0.0247524865, -0.0054167975, 0.0207556263, 0.0150478287, -0.005241496500000001, -0.0192690734, -0.0263792779, -0.0093750916, -0.021078178700000002, 0.0424368419, -0.011345474000000001, 0.0516085811, -0.015805129, -0.0059111463000000005, -0.0094101522, -0.014143276000000001, -0.025551857400000003, 0.00026645740000000003, -0.0003321952, 0.0124673992, -0.0357333347, 0.0080568288, -0.031077342100000002, -0.0122009423, -0.0103427526, -0.0131405545, -0.0066228677, -0.0136734694, -0.0057393513, -0.0246402938, 0.0033622712, 0.0089333337, -0.0017661565, -0.0271085296, -0.0002881509, 0.014837468000000001, -0.0177124031, 0.0057849293, 0.0160996336, -0.0306566209, -0.0046034013000000006, -0.0353126116, -0.008701936300000001, -0.0062301937, 0.0408941917, -0.0032132654, -0.0304322354, -0.0135192052, -0.0055815806, 0.0012034406, 0.0344992168, -0.0200403985, 0.0116820512, -0.0343309268, -0.0044000526, 0.0008449503, 0.0156648885, -0.0013752355, -0.0179928839, -0.0418758765, -0.0187501833, 0.021428780600000003, 0.0008852695, 0.009269910900000001, 0.0090174777, -0.0116259549, 0.0366869718, 0.0051468341, 0.0112473052, -0.0066263736, 0.016660597200000002, -0.0042072213, 0.0236726329, 0.0053221351, 0.007502878100000001, 0.0090104658, 0.030179802300000003, 0.043109994400000004, -0.0196617488, 0.0121097853, 0.0066649402, 0.0100552589, -0.018329462, 0.010777498600000001, -0.0121799065, 0.0035095238000000003, -0.0104619572, 0.0287773944, -0.031526111100000004, -0.0181471482, -0.0096415495, -0.0045227632, 0.0359857678, -0.0131054949, 0.0015242413, -0.0035831502000000003, -0.0010404108000000001, -0.0092628989, -0.0118713761, 0.035845525600000004, -0.0053747254000000005, -0.0372759812, 0.0064440607, 0.0025593929, 0.0112052327, -0.0015373889, 0.011268341000000001, -0.0000590545, 0.020292831600000002, 0.0004051642, 0.008821141000000001, -0.0054027736, 0.0072364206000000006, 0.0179648362, -0.0283145998, 0.0371076949, 0.0084635271, 0.0005408032, 0.020292831600000002, 0.0191849303, 0.0090034539, 0.0039021978000000003, -0.0092278393, 0.0323114619, 0.024794558100000003, 0.0177544747, 0.0267859772, 0.0013279043, 0.0155386711, -0.0157069601, -0.0207556263, -0.0017582680000000001, -0.0119695449, -0.0081690215, 0.0166325495, 0.042689275000000006, 0.0329004712, 0.0257762428, 0.0088491887, 0.0108125592, -0.0182593409, 0.0091436943, -0.0124603873, 0.0095433807, -0.0373320766, -0.0184556786, 0.0031291209000000003, 0.0018529304000000002, 0.0111351125, -0.023840921, -0.0132878078, 0.005283569, -0.0012902146, 0.0035077708, 0.0089263218, 0.0168990064, 0.0119695449, -0.0213726852, 0.0022420983, 0.02008247, 0.0295346938, -0.0163941402, -0.012285086300000001, -0.0098308744, 0.0172636323, -0.0437270552, -0.0104128728, 0.0057568816, -0.0031378861, -0.01370853, 0.012390267100000001, -0.0042843539, 0.0026382785, 0.0129021453, -0.0145990588, -0.0149075883, 0.0052204607, 0.0106162224, -0.0066263736, -0.018918473300000002, -0.0164782833, 0.0304602832, 0.0050556776, -0.0078675039, -0.0183715336, -0.0280060712, -0.0004627944, 0.0138978548, -0.021554997200000002, 0.0106933545, -0.0212184209, 0.0144728413, 0.0109808482, -0.0024682365, 0.010518053500000001, 0.026281109100000002, -0.0068297228, 0.002140424, -0.038678389, 0.0067981686000000005, 0.0302358977, 0.0845371038, 0.003751439, 0.0026277604, 0.0053326529, -0.0060338569000000005, 0.0015847201, -0.0178105701, -0.0327602327, 0.0079516489, 0.0025085558000000003, -0.0068332287, -0.0013051152, 0.0296749361, -0.0157069601, 0.019521508400000002, 0.0050416538, 0.0283706971, 0.0017381083, 0.0260146521, 0.010497017800000001, -0.0022087912, 0.0045473049, 0.0154124545, 0.0329565667, 0.0083934069, 0.0053992677, 0.0418478288, 0.0191428568, 0.0132036628, -0.0217653587, 0.0059076403, 0.0271365792, 0.0153984306, 0.0127338571, -0.0134771327, -0.0104479333, 0.0051678703, -0.0038250654, 0.0115347989, -0.004498221, 0.014851491900000001, -0.0022824176, 0.0023735741000000003, -0.0075379382, 0.008729984100000001, -0.0103988489, -0.0012595369, 0.0302358977, 0.0074257459, -0.0036322344, 0.0305163786, -0.029618838800000002, -0.025495762, -0.035368707, 0.009192778700000001, -0.0160856098, -0.009080586, 0.007117216500000001, -0.0020545265000000003, -0.0318907388, -0.0230976455, -0.037219885700000004, 0.023911042100000002, -0.0147953955, 0.0073556253, -0.0237287283, -0.0161697548, 0.0162398741, -0.024612246100000002, 0.0015321298, 0.0127689168, -0.019002616400000002, -0.036406491, 0.005066196, 0.0120466771, 0.026800001, 0.018722135600000002, 0.0214989018, -0.0029029828, 0.014150288, -0.0078184195, -0.040164940100000004, -0.0070786499, -0.0090244897, 0.0104268976, -0.0004421965, -0.0117311357, -0.0017004187, -0.029983464600000002, 0.0318907388, -0.0102726324, -0.0042142333, -0.0020247253, -0.006864782900000001, -0.0045823655, 0.0027276820000000004, 0.015608791300000001, -0.024191523000000003, 0.0023735741000000003, -0.0317504965, 0.0176703297, -0.016057562100000002, -0.0057884357, -0.0086949244, 0.0280902144, -0.036041863300000004, -0.0075589744000000006, -0.0027574832000000003, -0.005280063000000001, -0.0077132392, 0.012144845900000001, -0.030179802300000003, 0.0223824177, 0.018680064, -0.0352284685, 0.011794243900000001, 0.0074047097000000004, 0.007804395600000001, 0.028328623600000002, -0.0129722664, 0.015482574700000001, -0.012193930300000001, 0.0251591839, 0.015286237900000001, -0.0167727899, 0.0190867614, 0.0015628075, -0.032535847300000004, -0.017950812400000002, 0.0131405545, -0.0032886448, 0.0295627434, -0.0085967556, -0.005108268, -0.009347043900000001, 0.0024349294, -0.0299554169, -0.0055360021, -0.018680064, -0.0021947671000000003, 0.0125375194, -0.0164642595, -0.0082321297, -0.0211903714, 0.016814861400000002, -0.035256516200000004, -0.0307688136, 0.010791523400000001, 0.0022841706, 0.023602511700000002, -0.0092418632, 0.0165764522, -0.0079726847, -0.012397279, -0.009164731, -0.015468550800000001, -0.0256219786, -0.0260987971, 0.011268341000000001, 0.0320870765, 0.0540207215, 0.0011929226000000001, 0.015131972700000001, 0.0049610152, 0.0104409214, 0.0054904241, -0.0117311357, 0.0031764521, -0.0367430672, 0.0104409214, 0.031077342100000002, 0.0203349032, -0.011422606200000001, -0.0215269495, 0.0015820905000000001, 0.0178245939, -0.0000944434, -0.0102866562, -0.0161837786, -0.0321992673, -0.0014216902, 0.005108268, -0.019970277300000002, 0.0214989018, -0.0625473559, -0.0030467296, -0.0002587879, 0.0106442701, 0.0015917321, 0.015496598600000001, 0.012221978000000001, -0.0028679227, 0.026800001, 0.0260987971, -0.0015531660000000001, -0.0049434854, -0.0159734171, -0.0236866567, -0.012067713800000001, 0.0052344846, 0.0049645212000000005, -0.0028626635000000003, 0.0013375458000000002, -0.021947672600000002, -0.012944217800000001, -0.0006569401, -0.0186099429, -0.0384820513, 0.013820722700000001, -0.0334333852, -0.012530507500000001, -0.025706123600000002, -0.0039653061000000005, -0.020587336300000002, 0.0094802724, 0.0200964939, -0.0232799593, 0.0017924516, 0.0108616436, -0.0101394039, -0.0008900903000000001, -0.0065913135, 0.0089333337, -0.022718995800000003, 0.012004605500000001, 0.00040538330000000004, -0.0071417582, -0.0251591839, 0.0108546317, 0.0036988489, -0.0041441130000000005, 0.0359016247, 0.0163099952, -0.0242195707, -0.020475143600000002, 0.0183575097, -0.0024927787, -0.0218635276, -0.0355650447, 0.0128460499, 0.024415908400000002, 0.0080778655, 0.0108967032, 0.0020843276, -0.0006749085000000001, -0.0085055996, 0.0021860022, -0.0178245939, -0.00021058020000000002, -0.005500942, -0.0034499215, 0.0234622713, -0.009950079, 0.023995187100000002, 0.007187336700000001, -0.0329004712, -0.0209940355, 0.0075239143, -0.013715541900000001, 0.0115418108, -0.0231677666, 0.0266176872, 0.008021769100000001, -0.0111701731, 0.0057954476, 0.014585034, 0.004102041, 0.011808267800000001, 0.0009562664, 0.0224946104, -0.0193672422, -0.013575301500000001, 0.0219616964, 0.0002888082, -0.0022806646, 0.0066894819000000005, -0.0130423866, -0.0117311357, -0.057021874900000005, -0.0206013601, -0.0000290616, 0.0234061759, -0.0199422296, 0.0162258502, -0.0003970565, -0.0171935111, 0.0012209708, 0.005550026400000001, 0.0295907911, 0.0201105177, -0.024009211000000003, 0.0127128204, 0.012004605500000001, 0.0304322354, 0.0070225536, -0.0019738881, 0.007685191, 0.022270225, -0.007509890500000001, 0.0241354275, -0.0048593408000000005, 0.00864584, -0.018722135600000002, 0.0047331243000000005, -0.0166325495, -0.012488436, 0.0203629509, -0.007418734000000001, -0.0330407135, 0.0142905284, -0.0029362899000000002, 0.0299554169, -0.0076080589, -0.0041300892, 0.012944217800000001, 0.0057884357, 0.013421036300000001, -0.0160715859, -0.007250445, 0.0446245968, 0.0017083072000000001, -0.0087369969, 0.0348918885, -0.011759184300000001, 0.0304322354, -0.020292831600000002, 0.0038566196, -0.0020685506, -0.0517768711, -0.019016640300000002, -0.0057919417, 0.0234201998, -0.0223964415, 0.0037479331, -0.0115979072, -0.018918473300000002, -0.0062512299, 0.0097537413, -0.0203068554, 0.0070786499, 0.0122710625, 0.0166044999, -0.0048944009, 0.0130423866, -0.0101534277, -0.0259164833, -0.0057673994000000004, -0.0123411827, -0.0504025109, -0.0079726847, -0.0073205652, 0.0234061759, -0.0067210360000000005, 0.0040880167000000005, 0.0099711148, 0.0232378859, -0.0551987439, -0.0123552065, -0.014346624700000001, 0.030095657300000002, 0.0190867614, 0.006717530100000001, 0.0034814756, 0.0135472529, 0.0032535845, 0.0343028791, -0.0159453694, -0.0033727891, 0.0117241237, -0.0283706971, 0.0217092633, 0.0109878602, -0.0466160141, -0.0095854532, -0.0053992677, 0.0072083729, 0.0178806912, 0.0249207746, -0.0233641025, -0.0041721612, -0.0081479857, 0.0005333530000000001, 0.0145569863, -0.0095293568, 0.010651282000000001, -0.0083443224, -0.043923392900000004, 0.0092979595, 0.0047962326, -0.0102445846, -0.0098238625, -0.0030239404000000003, -0.0102586085, 0.0280200951, -0.0288054422, -0.009255887, 0.0036778126, 0.0012236002, 0.0206153858, 0.0241774991, -0.009872946, 0.019900158, 0.0064370488, 0.0190587137, -0.0204470959, 0.0034429096000000003, -0.0223964415, -0.009206802600000001, 0.0080638407, 0.0038986919, 0.0144027211, -0.0227891169, 0.0030975668000000002, -0.022073889200000002, 0.0144868661, -0.0026821038, -0.01370853, -0.012207954200000001, 0.014143276000000001, 0.025930509, -0.026954265300000002, 0.0027539770000000003, -0.0080568288, -0.0055885925000000005, -0.0180209316, -0.0005364207, 0.012593615800000001, 0.00029603940000000003, -0.0034516745000000002, 0.0044210884, -0.006507169, -0.0180770289, -0.0020878336, 0.0026908687, -0.0014444793000000001, 0.0074257459, 0.2027319819, -0.0011403323, 0.0071768188, 0.0132597592, -0.0089824181, 0.0096275248, 0.020657457400000002, -0.0054308218, 0.0020738095, 0.0213306118, -0.031918786500000004, 0.0024629775, -0.0162959713, 0.0060619051, -0.0214848779, -0.0244720038, -0.0160154905, -0.0268981699, -0.0088772373, 0.0111210886, -0.0162959713, -0.0303480905, -0.0073836735, -0.0045928834, 0.0058305077, 0.029226165300000002, -0.0094802724, -0.0117100999, 0.0418758765, 0.0038916799, -0.0116329668, 0.003341235, 0.00628629, -0.0090104658, -0.0016083857, 0.0040249084, 0.0064090006, -0.0115768714, 0.021569021, 0.0096205128, 0.0063178441, 0.0153844068, -0.017922762800000002, -0.0099080065, 0.022999476600000002, 0.0253134482, -0.0320590287, 0.0034060962, -0.0050381478, 0.0066263736, -0.0351443216, -0.007292517, 0.0178245939, 0.0258183163, -0.0191849303, -0.016941078000000002, -0.0144588174, 0.0087720565, -0.0180069078, 0.0483549982, -0.0004386905, 0.0083863949, 0.0057323393, 0.0209940355, -0.026028676, 0.0095363688, -0.011513763100000001, 0.011913448600000001, 0.0417075902, -0.0244720038, -0.0167447422, -0.01222899, -0.007110204100000001, 0.0016793825, -0.014500889900000001, -0.0152301416, 0.029029827600000002, 0.012621664400000001, 0.016955101900000002, 0.0235604402, -0.0015295002000000001, -0.0224525388, -0.0104900058, -0.0221159607, -0.0098869707, -0.029983464600000002, -0.0021597070000000003, -0.0030923078, -0.008176033400000001, -0.014066143900000001, 0.0035533491, -0.0100201992, -0.0186940879, -0.0202227104, -0.0027206698, 0.0119274724, 0.0221860819, 0.0127408691, -0.0032395604, 0.0058620619, -0.0376406088, 0.0792640522, -0.0084565151, 0.010482993000000001, 0.0127689168, -0.0127829416, 0.0011648744000000001, 0.0164923072, -0.0134631088, 0.000543871, 0.0222842488, -0.0355089493, 0.0050942441, -0.028426792500000003, 0.023308007000000002, 0.0041090529, 0.0011727629, -0.0139329154, 0.0162118264, -0.0028994768, -0.0040003662, -0.0333772898, -0.0069384095, 0.0131195188, -0.009697645000000001, -0.012761904900000001, -0.026659760600000002, 0.0078324443, -0.0136874933, -0.0288054422, 0.0059952904000000005, -0.041931971900000004, 0.016842909200000002, -0.014655154200000001, -0.0063003139, 0.010728415100000001, -0.0064405547, -0.008379383, -0.0160996336, 0.0036918367000000002, -0.0038986919, 0.0048207748, 0.006633386000000001, 0.0100342231, 0.015286237900000001, -0.0310212467, 0.004017896500000001, -0.0037093670000000003, 0.0042247516, -0.0426331758, -0.00127882, 0.0093189953, 0.0339663029, -0.047036737200000005, 0.0371357426, -0.0059532183, -0.0311895348, -0.0514963903, 0.0240793303, -0.0041125589, -0.0153844068, -0.006724542500000001, 0.009606489000000001, 0.0036602826, -0.0249347985, 0.0121238101, -0.1804056615, 0.027655469300000003, 0.0136804814, -0.0103076929, 0.0052134488, -0.0122500267, 0.0045262692, 0.0139399273, -0.024359813, -0.0031080849, 0.0300115123, -0.008204082, -0.0344992168, -0.0081690215, 0.008316274700000001, -0.0085196234, -0.0112613291, 0.0395198315, 0.0049154372, 0.0303480905, 0.0159173217, -0.0292822607, -0.0011166667000000001, -0.0027592361, 0.0133509161, -0.0100482469, 0.0065282052000000005, 0.0353967547, -0.0054904241, -0.0170953423, -0.0139539512, 0.0035253009, 0.0217793826, -0.0118924128, 0.0001734383, 0.0289456826, 0.0022841706, 0.0005679749, 0.013224699500000001, 0.0165764522, 0.0021982731, 0.0217092633, -0.0109808482, 0.0119835688, -0.0313858725, 0.0343589745, 0.0314139202, -0.0145990588, 0.0209239144, -0.015720984, 0.0082321297, -0.009080586, 0.0087369969, 0.011822292600000001, 0.0135121932, 0.007825431400000001, -0.0031764521, -0.011794243900000001, -0.020348927000000003, -0.0024734957000000003, 0.0040634745, -0.0136945061, 0.0251591839, 0.0030502356000000003, 0.0218354799, -0.0034253795000000003, -0.0192410257, -0.0097958138, -0.0401929878, -0.0044316067, -0.018946521, 0.0100482469, 0.0095363688, -0.017137415700000002, 0.0104549453, 0.0227610674, -0.0059637362, -0.0063213501, 0.0014769101000000001, 0.0009247122, 0.0038776558, 0.0161557309, -0.014297541200000001, -0.0021474359, 0.0009299712, -0.0025348510000000003, -0.0078815278, 0.024612246100000002, 0.0316944011, 0.0041581374, 0.0041721612, -0.013084459100000001, 0.0165624283, -0.0134280482, 0.0195495561, 0.0208257455, 0.0135262171, -0.0088421768, -0.0065702773, -0.0324236527, 0.0050767139, -0.027599372, -0.0491122976, -0.003341235, 0.0278237574, 0.0352004208, -0.0210220832, 0.0365467295, 0.0372759812, 0.0130283628, 0.0013734825, 0.0014173078, 0.0110299326, 0.008547671100000001, -0.0221299846, 0.006724542500000001, 0.0066123498, -0.0230836216, 0.0011578624, -0.0077833598, 0.0351443216, -0.0136804814, -0.0114646787, 0.0012832026, 0.0120817376, -0.0214989018, -0.1149973869, 0.0265896395, 0.0070085297, 0.013610361100000001, -0.008947357500000001, 0.0158331767, -0.0137646263, 0.008330298600000001, -0.0015654369, 0.0156929363, -0.0362662487, -0.0364906341, 0.0098448982, 0.0218354799, 0.0314419679, -0.0174038727, -0.0064966511000000005, -0.0075309263, -0.0090315016, 0.008021769100000001, -0.006188121600000001, -0.034863840800000004, 0.011254317100000001, 0.0026733386, -0.036069911, 0.007250445, -0.0241494514, 0.005111774, -0.0053396653, 0.0109317638, -0.0069945054, -0.014024071400000001, 0.0390430167, -0.0111841969, 0.011913448600000001, 0.011282365800000001, -0.0038425955, -0.0212184209, 0.0120466771, -0.0017363554000000001, 0.0052169547, 0.0135051804, -0.026982313, -0.0098939827, 0.0183855575, -0.0143536376, 0.013175615100000001, 0.0079095764, 0.0071803248, -0.0201385673, -0.0283847209, 0.003341235, -0.0227470435, -0.0135121932, 0.0122009423, 0.00118854, 0.0039547882, 0.0175300892, -0.008807117100000001, 0.0282865521, -0.013806697900000001, 0.008575719800000001, -0.0048067505, 0.0179648362, 0.028917634900000003, -0.008126949000000001, -0.0267018322, 0.0065387231, 0.0272066984, -0.0172636323, -0.011352486, -0.0150758764, -0.0145569863, 0.0055850865, -0.0082461536, 0.0116750393, -0.023798849400000002, -0.0147813717, 0.0169130303, -0.0095503926, -0.0189605448, -0.0120186293, 0.025874411700000002, -0.0313017257, -0.0089263218, 0.0287493467, 0.0311895348, -0.0054308218, 0.0146130826, -0.0078394562, 0.0004627944, 0.0211623237, 0.0311614871, -0.033882156000000004, 0.010475981, -0.0028013082000000003, 0.0062196758, -0.009220827400000001, 0.0099290423, 0.0322834142, -0.0382576659, -0.0126146525, -0.0418197811, 0.0291420203, 0.0044000526, -0.0047331243000000005, -0.009206802600000001, -0.0278658308, 0.0078815278, -0.0014567504, -0.0125234956, 0.0370796435, -0.0273188911, 0.051356148000000004, -0.0159032978, -0.0164362118, -0.0382857136, -0.0129091581, 0.0320870765, 0.0007638736000000001, 0.0093680797, 0.013189639000000001, -0.0090315016, 0.0041090529, 0.0068682889, 0.0103848251, -0.0284969136, -0.0025260858000000002, -0.019689796500000002, 0.0276694931, -0.0025769232, 0.0110930409, 0.0217232872, -0.0444002114, 0.0033868132000000003, 0.0030151755000000003, -0.0186239667, -0.0139329154, 0.0091577191, -0.0016171507000000002, 0.0079586608, 0.0422685519, -0.0105040297, -0.015440502200000001, -0.0053642076, -0.0260987971, 0.0153563581, 0.0139259025, -0.0147392992, 0.0053642076, 0.013084459100000001, 0.0102726324, 0.0072855051, 0.0003343865, 0.0136874933, -0.0211763475, 0.0051363162, -0.0306285713, 0.0140451072, 0.0177264269, -0.014655154200000001, -0.0161978025, 0.0121728936, 0.014234433000000001, 0.012747881, -0.0234061759, 0.023911042100000002, -0.0191849303, -0.0093260072, 0.0156648885, 0.0094452119, -0.026477446800000002, -0.020475143600000002, -0.0185678713, 0.0141713237, 0.0179367866, -0.0162538979, -0.006843746600000001, -0.0009773024000000001, -0.0194513872, 0.0029099949000000003, 0.0385381468, 0.0150478287, -0.011513763100000001, -0.008961381400000001, 0.0090735741, 0.0010859891000000001, 0.001581214, -0.014991732300000001, 0.014683202800000001, -0.0150478287, -0.0088351648, 0.0099080065, 0.0228031408, -0.0094942963, -0.0292822607, -0.014823443300000001, 0.0379210897, 0.0190867614, 0.0069419155000000005, -0.0083373105, 0.022242177300000002, -0.0168990064, 0.0273188911, -0.0134560969, -0.032115124200000005, -0.014024071400000001, 0.0118293045, -0.0221440084, 0.0047857142, 0.0048838831, 0.0160154905, 0.0017985872, 0.0045157508, 0.019493458800000002, 0.0021228939, -0.0016197802, 0.0270945057, 0.0262530614, -0.0116820512, -0.031077342100000002, 0.0353126116, -0.0030099163, 0.0113384621, 0.0082882261, 0.0006223182, 0.0309931971, 0.012803977400000001, 0.0094592366, -0.0106021976, 0.010237571800000001, 0.0052239667, 0.013806697900000001, -0.0024068812, -0.0107494509, -0.0173197277, -0.0088562015, -0.0418197811, 0.0250469912, 0.0004251047, 0.0201385673, 0.057442598000000004, 0.028426792500000003, -0.0027820251, 0.0056902668000000005, 0.0253414977, 0.0085126115, -0.011696076000000001, 0.0063038203000000004, 0.01370853, -0.0176002104, 0.0164502356, -0.0073275771000000005, 0.0050346418000000006, -0.0424087904, -0.0174739938, 0.0245000534, -0.0316102579, 0.0162819475, -0.0290859248, 0.0040459447, 0.0431660935, -0.0232799593, 0.0007143511, 0.017922762800000002, -0.0108125592, -0.0006941915, 0.012698796600000001, 0.015131972700000001, -0.0301517528, -0.0349199362, -0.010973836300000001, 0.015160021400000001, -0.015005756200000001, -0.0338541083, 0.0094592366, -0.0071803248, -0.009164731, 0.0005210819, 0.0055885925000000005, 0.0033342231, 0.010328728700000001, 0.0191568807, -0.0266176872, -0.0321992673, 0.0005517596000000001, -0.028693249400000002, -0.010146415800000001, -0.0346394554, -0.0355650447 ]
[ 1 ]
{ "country": "arg", "file_id": "sdg-01/vlr-report-arg-cordoba-2022-en-2.pdf", "language": "en", "locality": "cordoba", "size": "l", "type": "vlr", "year": 2022 }
"Informe Voluntario Local CÓRDOBA 2022 | Provincia de Córdoba | ARG.\r\n15\r\nRespecto a este ODS (...TRUNCATED)
[ 1 ]
"9\r\n4. PROGRESO DE LOS OBJETIVOS\r\n \r\n1. FIN DE LA POBREZA\r\nImplementación del ODS. \r\n \r\(...TRUNCATED)
[ 1 ]
"ODS 1. Poner fin a la pobreza en todas sus formas en todo el mundo.\r\nĀ.ā Para āÿĂÿ, reducir(...TRUNCATED)
[ 1 ]
"ࠀ߿ |Fin de la pobreza\r\nࠀ.ࠃ De aquí a ߿ࠂ߿ࠁ, garantizar que todos los hombres y mujer(...TRUNCATED)
[ 1 ]
"22\r\nContext\r\nPoverty is a complex issue everywhere. The likelihood \r\nof (...TRUNCATED)
[ 1 ]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Card for SDGi Corpus

SDGi Corpus is a curated dataset for text classification by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

SDG Integration Corpus (SDGi Corpus) is the most comprehensive multilingual collection of texts labelled by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to date. Designed for multi-label multilingual classification, SDGi Corpus contains over 7,000 examples in English, French and Spanish. Leveraging years of international SDG reporting on the national and subnational levels, we hand-picked texts from Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) from more than 180 countries to create an inclusive dataset that provides both focused and broad perspectives on the SDGs. The dataset comes with a predefined train/test split.

  • Curated by: United Nations Development Programme
  • Language(s): English, French and Spanish
  • License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Dataset Sources [optional]


The dataset is designed primarily for text classification tasks – including binary, multiclass and multi-label classification – in one or more of the three supported languages. The dataset includes rich metadata with provenance information and can be used for other text mining tasks like topic modelling or quantitative text analysis with a focus on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Direct Use

The dataset can be directly used for training machine learning models for text classification tasks. It can also be used for topic modelling to identify the main themes that occur in the corpus or a specific subset of it. The rich metadata provided makes it possible to conduct both a trageted or comparative analyses along linguistic, geographic (country and/or locality) and temporal dimensions.

Out-of-Scope Use

The dataset is not suitable for tasks that require information not included in the dataset, such as image analysis or audio processing. It cannot be used for predicting future trends or patterns in the SDGs and is not linked to SDG indicator data directly.

Dataset Structure

The dataset consists of 7350 examples, with 5880 in the training set and 1470 in the test set. Each example includes the following fields:

  • text: str – the text of the example in the original language.
  • embedding: list[float] – 1536-dimensional embedding from OpenAI's text-embedding-ada-002 model.
  • labels: list[int] – one or more integer labels corresponding to SDGs. About 89% of the examples have just one label.
  • metadata: dict – a dictionary containing metadata information, including:
    • country: str – ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code.
    • file_id: str – internal ID of the original file. Used for provenance and troubleshooting only.
    • language: str – one of the three supported languages, i.e., en (English), fr (French), es (Spanish).
    • locality: str – name of the locality within country for examples from VLRs, e.g., city, province or region name.
    • size: str – the size group of the example in terms of tokens, i.e., s (small, approx. < 512 tokens), m (medium, approx. 512-2048 tokens), l (large, approx. > 2048 tokens).
    • type: str – one of the two document types, i.e., vnr (Voluntary National Review) or vlr (Voluntary Local Review).
    • year: int – year of the publication.
re.sub(r'(\b\d+[\.\,]?\d*\b)', 'NUM', text)

The dataset comes with a predefined train/test split. The examples for the test set were not sampled at random. Instead, they were sampled in a stratified fashion using weights proportional to the cross-entropy loss of a simple classifier fitted on the full dataset. For details on the sampling process, refer to the paper.

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

The dataset was created to facilitate automated analysis of large corpora with respect to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The dataset comprises texts from Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) which are arguably the most authoritative sources of SDG-related texts. The dataset is a collection of texts labelled by the source data producets, the curators have not labelled any data themselves.

Source Data

All examples were collected from one of the two sources:

Only Reviews in English, French and Spanish published between January 2016 and December 2023 were included.

Data Collection and Processing

To create SDGi Corpus, we manually analysed each document, searching and extracting specific parts clearly linked to SDGs. Our curation process can be summarised in 4 steps as follows:

  1. Manually examine a given document to identify SDG-labelled content.
  2. Extract pages containing relevant content to SDG-specific folders.
  3. Edit extracted pages to redact (mask) irrelevant content before and after the relevant content.
  4. For content linked to multiple SDGs, fill out a metadata sheet.

For details on the curation process, refer to the paper.

Who are the source data producers?

Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) are typically produced by government agencies, national statistical offices, and other relevant national and subnational institutions within each country. These entities are responsible for collecting, analysing, and reporting on the progress of their respective countries towards the SDGs. In addition, international organisations, civil society organisations, academia, and other stakeholders may also contribute to the data collection and reporting process for VNRs and VLRs.


The labels in the dataset come directly from the source documents. No label annotation has been performed to produce SDGi Corpus.

Annotation process

Not applicable.

Who are the annotators?

Not applicable.

Personal and Sensitive Information

While VNR and VLR texts are unlikely to contain any sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) due to their public nature and intented use, users should adhere to ethical standards and best practices when handling the dataset. Should sensitive PII information be found in the dataset, you are strongly encouraged to notify the curators.

Bias, Risks, and Limitations

  • Language Bias: The dataset includes texts in three languages, with English (71.9%) examples dominating the dataset, followed by examples in Spanish (15.9%) and French (12.2%). The performance of models trained on this dataset may be biased towards these languages and may not generalise well to texts in other languages. Multilingual classifiers should ensure consistent performance across the languages of interest.

  • Geographical Bias: The dataset includes data from various countries. However, because VNRs and VLRs are self-reported documents, some countries have produced more reports than others and are therfore overrepresented while some others are underrepresented in the dataset. This could lead to geographical bias in the models trained on this dataset.

  • Temporal Limitations: The dataset includes data from reports published between 2016 and 2023. Some earlier reports did not have the right structure to derive SDG labels and were not included in the dataset. As a text corpus, the dataset does not lend itself for predictive modelling to determine future trends or patterns in the SDGs.

  • Labelling Bias: While the labels in the dataset come from the source documents directly, they may not be entirely bias-free. The biases of the authors of the source documents might be reflected in the content of the section or the labels they assigned to it.

  • Domain Bias: VNRs and VLRs are formal public documents. Models trained on the data form these sources may not generalise well to other types of documents or contexts.

  • Sociotechnical Risks: The use of this dataset for decision-making in policy or other areas related to the SDGs should be done with caution, considering all the potential biases and limitations of the dataset. Misinterpretation or misuse of the data could lead to unfair or ineffective decisions.

  • Corrupted texts: A small fraction of texts in the dataset were not properly extracted from source PDFs and is corrupted. Affected examples will be removed from the dataset in the next version.


Users should be made aware of the risks, biases and limitations of the dataset.

Concerning the existence of corrupted texts, users are advised to remove them early on in the processing/training pipeline. To identify such examples, one can look for a large share of non-alphanumeric or special characters as well as the number of single character tokens.



  author    = {Mykola Skrynnyk and Gedion Disassa and Andrey Krachkov and Janine DeVera},
  title     = {SDGi Corpus: A Comprehensive Multilingual Dataset for Text Classification by Sustainable Development Goals},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on NLP for Social Good},
  year      = {2024},
  editor    = {Procheta Sen and Tulika Saha and Danushka Bollegala},
  volume    = {3764},
  series    = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
  pages     = {32--42},
  publisher = {},
  series    = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
  address   = {Aachen},
  venue     = {Liverpool, United Kingdom},
  issn      = {1613-0073},
  url       = {},
  eventdate = {2024-04-25},


Skrynnyk, M., Disassa, G., Krachkov, A., & DeVera, J. (2024). SDGi Corpus: A Comprehensive Multilingual Dataset for Text Classification by Sustainable Development Goals. In P. Sen, T. Saha, & D. Bollegala (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on NLP for Social Good (Vol. 3764, pp. 32–42).


  • SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) : A collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030. They cover social and economic development issues including poverty, hunger, health, education, climate change, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, urbanization, environment and social justice.
  • VLR (Voluntary Local Review): A process undertaken by local and regional governments to evaluate their progress towards the 2030 Agenda. Note that unlike VNRs, VLRs were not originally envisioned in the 2030 Agenda but emerged as a popular means of communication about SDG localisation.
  • VNR (Voluntary National Review): A process undertaken by national governments to evaluate their progress towards the 2030 Agenda.

More Information

The dataset is a product of the DFx. Data Futures Platform (DFx) is an open-source, central hub for data innovation for development impact. Guided by UNDP’s thematic focus areas, we use a systems approach and advanced analytics to identify actions to accelerate sustainable development around the world.

Dataset Card Contact

For inquiries regarding data sources, technical assistance, or general information, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

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