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summarize: "Astronomy" (from the Greek ἀστρονομία from ἄστρον "astron", "star" and -νομία "-nomia" from νόμος "nomos", "law" or "culture") means "law of the stars" (or "culture of the stars" depending on the translation). Astronomy should not be confused with astrology, the belief system which claims that human affairs are correlated with the positions of celestial objects. Although the two fields share a common origin, they are now entirely distinct. "Astronomy" and "astrophysics" are synonyms. Based on strict dictionary definitions, "astronomy" refers to "the study of objects and matter outside the Earth's atmosphere and of their physical and chemical properties," while "astrophysics" refers to the branch of astronomy dealing with "the behavior, physical properties, and dynamic processes of celestial objects and phenomena". In some cases, as in the introduction of the introductory textbook "The Physical Universe" by Frank Shu, "astronomy" may be used to In early historic times, astronomy only consisted of the observation and predictions of the motions of objects visible to the naked eye. In some locations, early cultures assembled massive artifacts that possibly had some astronomical purpose. In addition to their ceremonial uses, these observatories could be employed to determine the seasons, an important factor in knowing when to plant crops and in understanding the length of the year. Before tools such as the telescope were invented, early study of the stars was conducted using the naked eye. As civilizations developed, most notably in Mesopotamia, Greece, Persia, India, China, Egypt, and Central America, astronomical observatories were assembled and ideas on the nature of the Universe began to develop. Most early astronomy consisted of mapping the positions of the stars and planets, a science now referred to as astrometry. From these observations, early ideas about the motions of the planets were formed, and the nature of the Sun, Moon and the Earth in the Universe were explored philosophically. The Earth Medieval Europe housed a number of important astronomers. Richard of Wallingford (1292–1336) made major contributions to astronomy and horology, including the invention of the first astronomical clock, the Rectangulus which allowed for the measurement of angles between planets and other astronomical bodies, as well as an equatorium called the "Albion" which could be used for astronomical calculations such as lunar, solar and planetary longitudes and could predict eclipses. Nicole Oresme (1320–1382) and Jean Buridan (1300–1361) first discussed evidence for the rotation of the Earth, furthermore, Buridan also developed the theory of impetus (predecessor of the modern scientific theory of inertia) which was able to show planets were capable of motion without the intervention of angels. Georg von Peuerbach (1423–1461) and Regiomontanus (1436–1476) helped make astronomical progress instrumental to Copernicus's development of the heliocentric model decades later. Astronomy flourished in the Islamic world and other parts During the Renaissance, Nicolaus Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model of the solar system. His work was defended by Galileo Galilei and expanded upon by Johannes Kepler. Kepler was the first to devise a system that correctly described the details of the motion of the planets around the Sun. However, Kepler did not succeed in formulating a theory behind the laws he wrote down. It was Isaac Newton, with his invention of celestial dynamics and his law of gravitation, who finally explained the motions of the planets. Newton also developed the reflecting telescope. Improvements in the size and quality of the telescope led to further discoveries. The English astronomer John Flamsteed catalogued over 3000 stars, More extensive star catalogues were produced by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille. The astronomer William Herschel made a detailed catalog of nebulosity and clusters, and in 1781 discovered the planet Uranus, the first new planet found. During the 18–19th centuries, the study of the three-body problem by Leonhard Euler, Alexis Claude Clairaut, and Jean le Rond d'Alembert The main source of information about celestial bodies and other objects is visible light, or more generally electromagnetic radiation. Observational astronomy may be categorized according to the corresponding region of the electromagnetic spectrum on which the observations are made. Some parts of the spectrum can be observed from the Earth's surface, while other parts are only observable from either high altitudes or outside the Earth's atmosphere. Specific information on these subfields is given below. Radio astronomy uses radiation with wavelengths greater than approximately one millimeter, outside the visible range. Radio astronomy is different from most other forms of observational astronomy in that the observed radio waves can be treated as waves rather than as discrete photons. Hence, it is relatively easier to measure both the amplitude and phase of radio waves, whereas this is Infrared astronomy is founded on the detection and analysis of infrared radiation, wavelengths longer than red light and outside the range of our vision. The infrared spectrum is useful for studying objects that are too cold to radiate visible light, such as planets, circumstellar disks or nebulae whose light is blocked by dust. The longer wavelengths of infrared can penetrate clouds of dust that block visible light, allowing the Historically, optical astronomy, also called visible light astronomy, is the oldest form of astronomy. Images of observations were originally drawn by hand. In the late 19th century and most of the 20th century, images Ultraviolet astronomy employs ultraviolet wavelengths between approximately 100 and 3200 Å (10 to 320 nm). Light at those wavelengths is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, requiring observations at these wavelengths to be performed from the upper atmosphere or from space. Ultraviolet astronomy is best suited to the study X-ray astronomy uses X-ray wavelengths. Typically, X-ray radiation is produced by synchrotron emission (the result of electrons orbiting magnetic field lines), thermal emission from thin gases above 10 (10 million) kelvins, and Gamma ray astronomy observes astronomical objects at the shortest wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma rays may be observed directly by satellites such as the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory or by specialized telescopes called atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The Cherenkov telescopes do not detect the gamma rays In addition to electromagnetic radiation, a few other events originating from great distances may be observed from the Earth. In neutrino astronomy, astronomers use heavily shielded underground facilities such as SAGE, GALLEX, and Kamioka II/III for the detection of neutrinos. The vast majority of the neutrinos streaming through the Earth originate from the Sun, but 24 neutrinos were also detected from supernova 1987A. Cosmic rays, which consist of very high energy particles (atomic nuclei) that can decay or be absorbed when they enter the Earth's One of the oldest fields in astronomy, and in all of science, is the measurement of the positions of celestial objects. Historically, accurate knowledge of the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets and stars has been essential in celestial navigation (the use of celestial objects to guide navigation) and in the making of calendars. Careful measurement of the positions of the planets has led to a solid understanding of gravitational perturbations, and an ability to determine past and future positions of the planets with great accuracy, a field known as celestial Theoretical astronomers use several tools including analytical models and computational numerical simulations; each has its particular advantages. Analytical models of a process are better for giving broader insight into the heart of what is going on. Numerical models reveal the existence of phenomena and effects otherwise unobserved. Theorists in astronomy endeavor to create theoretical models and from the results predict observational consequences of those models. The observation of a phenomenon predicted by a model allows astronomers to select between several alternate or conflicting models as the one best able to describe the phenomena. Theorists also try to generate or modify models to take into account new data. In the case of an inconsistency between the data and model's Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that employs the principles of physics and chemistry "to ascertain the nature of the astronomical objects, rather than their positions or motions in space". Among the objects studied are the Sun, other stars, galaxies, extrasolar planets, the interstellar medium and the cosmic microwave background. Their emissions are examined across all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the properties examined include luminosity, density, temperature, and chemical composition. Because astrophysics is a very broad subject, "astrophysicists" typically apply many disciplines of Astrochemistry is the study of the abundance and reactions of molecules in the Universe, and their interaction with radiation. The discipline is an overlap of astronomy and chemistry. The word "astrochemistry" may be applied to both the Solar System and the interstellar medium. The study of the abundance of elements and isotope ratios in Solar Astrobiology is an interdisciplinary scientific field concerned with the origins, early evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe. Astrobiology considers the question of whether extraterrestrial life exists, and how humans can detect it if it does. The term exobiology is similar. Astrobiology makes use of molecular biology, biophysics, biochemistry, chemistry, astronomy, physical cosmology, exoplanetology and geology to investigate the possibility of life on other worlds and help Cosmology (from the Greek κόσμος ("kosmos") "world, universe" and λόγος ("logos") "word, study" or literally "logic") could be considered the study of the Universe as a whole. Observations of the large-scale structure of the Universe, a branch known as physical cosmology, have provided a deep understanding of the formation and evolution of the cosmos. Fundamental to modern cosmology is the well-accepted theory of the Big Bang, wherein our Universe began at a single point in time, and thereafter expanded over the course of 13.8 billion years to its present condition. The concept of the Big Bang can be traced back to the discovery of the microwave background radiation in 1965. In the course of this expansion, the Universe underwent several evolutionary stages. In the very early moments, it is theorized that the Universe experienced a very rapid cosmic inflation, which homogenized the starting conditions. Thereafter, nucleosynthesis produced the elemental abundance of the early Universe. (See also nucleocosmochronology.) When the The study of objects outside our galaxy is a branch of astronomy concerned with the formation and evolution of Galaxies, their morphology (description) and classification, the observation of active galaxies, and at a larger scale, the groups and clusters of galaxies. Finally, the latter is important for the understanding of the large-scale structure of the cosmos. Most galaxies are organized into distinct shapes that allow for classification schemes. They are commonly divided into spiral, elliptical and Irregular galaxies. As the name suggests, an elliptical galaxy has the cross-sectional shape of an ellipse. The stars move along random orbits with no preferred direction. These galaxies contain little or no interstellar dust, few star-forming regions, and older stars. Elliptical galaxies are more commonly found at the core of galactic clusters, and may have been formed through mergers of large galaxies. A spiral galaxy is organized into a flat, rotating disk, usually with a prominent bulge or bar The Solar System orbits within the Milky Way, a barred spiral galaxy that is a prominent member of the Local Group of galaxies. It is a rotating mass of gas, dust, stars and other objects, held together by mutual gravitational attraction. As the Earth is located within the dusty outer arms, there are large portions of the Milky Way that are obscured from view. In the center of the Milky Way is the core, a bar-shaped bulge with what is believed to be a supermassive black hole at its center. This is surrounded by four primary arms that spiral from the core. This is a region of active star formation that contains many younger, population I stars. The disk is surrounded The study of stars and stellar evolution is fundamental to our understanding of the Universe. The astrophysics of stars has been determined through observation and theoretical understanding; and from computer simulations of the interior. Star formation occurs in dense regions of dust and gas, known as giant molecular clouds. When destabilized, cloud fragments can collapse under the influence of gravity, to form a protostar. A sufficiently dense, and hot, core region will trigger nuclear fusion, thus creating a main-sequence star. Almost all elements heavier than hydrogen and helium were created inside the cores of stars. The characteristics of the resulting star depend primarily upon its starting mass. The more massive the star, the greater its luminosity, and the more rapidly it fuses its hydrogen fuel into helium in its core. Over time, this hydrogen fuel is completely converted into helium, and the star At a distance of about eight light-minutes, the most frequently studied star is the Sun, a typical main-sequence dwarf star of stellar class G2 V, and about 4.6 billion years (Gyr) old. The Sun is not considered a variable star, but it does undergo periodic changes in activity known as the sunspot cycle. This is an 11-year oscillation in sunspot number. Sunspots are regions of lower-than- average temperatures that are associated with intense magnetic activity. The Sun has steadily increased in luminosity by 40% since it first became a main-sequence star. The Sun has also undergone periodic changes in luminosity that can have a significant impact on the Earth. The Maunder minimum, for example, is believed to have caused the Little Ice Age phenomenon during the Middle Ages. The visible outer surface of Planetary science is the study of the assemblage of planets, moons, dwarf planets, comets, asteroids, and other bodies orbiting the Sun, as well as extrasolar planets. The Solar System has been relatively well-studied, initially through telescopes and then later by spacecraft. This has provided a good overall understanding of the formation and evolution of the Sun's planetary system, although many new discoveries are still being made. The Solar System is subdivided into the inner planets, the asteroid belt, and the outer planets. The inner terrestrial planets consist of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The outer gas giant planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Beyond Neptune lies the Kuiper belt, and finally the Oort Cloud, which may extend as far as a light-year. The planets were formed 4.6 billion years ago in the protoplanetary disk that surrounded the early Sun. Through a process that included gravitational attraction, collision, and accretion, Astronomy and astrophysics have developed significant interdisciplinary links with other major scientific fields. Archaeoastronomy is the study of ancient or traditional astronomies in their cultural context, utilizing archaeological and anthropological evidence. Astrobiology is the study of the advent and evolution of biological systems in the Universe, with particular emphasis on the possibility of non-terrestrial life. Astrostatistics is the application of statistics to astrophysics to the analysis Astronomy is one of the sciences to which amateurs can contribute the most. Collectively, amateur astronomers observe a variety of celestial objects and phenomena sometimes with equipment that they build themselves. Common targets of amateur astronomers include the Sun, the Moon, planets, stars, comets, meteor showers, and a variety of deep-sky objects such as star clusters, galaxies, and nebulae. Astronomy clubs are located throughout the world and many have programs to help their members set up and complete observational programs including those to observe all the objects in the Messier (110 objects) or Herschel 400 catalogues of points of interest in the night sky. One branch of amateur astronomy, amateur astrophotography, involves the taking of photos of the night Although the scientific discipline of astronomy has made tremendous strides in understanding the nature of the Universe and its contents, there remain some important unanswered questions. Answers to these may require the construction of new ground- and space-based instruments, and possibly new developments in theoretical and experimental physics.
Astronomy (from ) is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It uses mathematics, physics, and chemistry in order to explain their origin and evolution. Objects of interest include planets, moons, stars, nebulae, galaxies, and comets. Relevant phenomena include supernova explosions, gamma ray bursts, quasars, blazars, pulsars, and cosmic microwave background radiation. More generally, astronomy studies everything that originates outside Earth's atmosphere. Cosmology is a branch of astronomy. It studies the Universe as a whole.
[ 250004, 250054, 44, 284, 6639, 1687, 53, 58, 15, 161063, 70, 160600, 6, 195682, 59608, 237401, 1295, 6, 245343, 112057, 1598, 44, 11, 85355, 830, 44, 5613, 58, 136, 20, 19749, 3420, 44, 9, 1687, 399, 58, 1295, 119597, 235, 44, 157, 840, 830, 44, 19729, 58, 707, 44, 88528, 18939, 26950, 44, 19729, 111, 70, 6057, 7, 58, 15, 748, 44, 88528, 111, 70, 6057, 7, 58, 8, 96819, 98, 70, 153648, 194, 85303, 1687, 53, 5608, 959, 186, 55681, 5281, 678, 10, 9297, 25443, 4, 70, 144239, 5426, 3129, 140526, 450, 14135, 103086, 7, 621, 8231, 174822, 678, 70, 19069, 7, 111, 4157, 1084, 289, 36746, 7, 5, 106073, 70, 6626, 44457, 7, 12008, 10, 39210, 59665, 4, 1836, 621, 5036, 167969, 117781, 5, 44, 284, 6639, 1687, 53, 58, 136, 44, 103202, 34053, 27744, 7, 58, 621, 164661, 7, 5, 44978, 71, 98, 81113, 45, 10763, 6635, 80934, 7, 4, 44, 103202, 1687, 53, 58, 15005, 7, 47, 44, 2347, 35187, 111, 36746, 7, 136, 26866, 50782, 70, 64883, 25, 7, 225748, 136, 111, 2363, 72761, 136, 165045, 183871, 4, 58, 12960, 44, 103202, 34053, 27744, 7, 58, 15005, 7, 47, 70, 32845, 206, 111, 124931, 53, 184017, 678, 44, 2347, 123166, 4, 72761, 183871, 4, 136, 84079, 9433, 90, 111, 4157, 1084, 289, 36746, 7, 136, 11521, 21004, 12470, 740, 360, 3060, 50218, 4, 237, 23, 70, 39864, 1363, 111, 70, 39864, 31667, 7986, 14137, 44, 3957, 165712, 289, 153543, 58, 390, 17819, 13684, 4, 44, 103202, 1687, 53, 58, 1543, 186, 11814, 47, 360, 39395, 105719, 20028, 4, 124931, 53, 4734, 35060, 71, 111, 70, 150556, 136, 92054, 17514, 111, 70, 78112, 7, 111, 36746, 7, 75693, 47, 70, 24, 12225, 36298, 5, 360, 3060, 31913, 7, 4, 39395, 29394, 7, 6, 93457, 71, 106750, 17662, 114700, 7, 450, 144681, 1902, 3060, 116920, 6827, 60042, 5, 360, 66044, 47, 2363, 52446, 289, 4527, 7, 4, 6097, 22046, 3826, 90, 5809, 186, 6, 212423, 47, 83324, 70, 34003, 7, 4, 142, 5526, 31461, 23, 141956, 3229, 47, 18153, 13081, 6423, 136, 23, 100094, 70, 140909, 111, 70, 6602, 5, 117371, 72977, 6044, 237, 70, 5501, 70820, 3542, 26868, 297, 4, 39395, 35187, 111, 70, 6057, 7, 509, 55080, 297, 17368, 70, 24, 12225, 36298, 5, 1301, 91944, 5256, 126809, 4, 2684, 959, 78458, 23, 12021, 36400, 102, 7605, 4, 200955, 4, 57309, 11, 4, 5596, 4, 9098, 4, 61527, 4, 136, 15881, 21629, 4, 116920, 6827, 22046, 3826, 90, 3542, 6, 93457, 71, 136, 25647, 98, 70, 31425, 111, 70, 153543, 80723, 47, 85493, 5, 17006, 39395, 124931, 53, 35060, 71, 111, 291, 26783, 70, 19069, 7, 111, 70, 6057, 7, 136, 23208, 7, 4, 10, 41664, 5036, 15005, 2822, 47, 237, 72513, 1928, 1294, 5, 28090, 6097, 150556, 7, 4, 39395, 25647, 1672, 70, 78112, 7, 111, 70, 23208, 7, 3542, 100, 4806, 4, 136, 70, 31425, 111, 70, 7550, 4, 55583, 136, 70, 64883, 23, 70, 153543, 3542, 88898, 71, 6, 119598, 71407, 5, 581, 64883, 11214, 13, 1405, 14713, 18276, 71, 10, 14012, 111, 5526, 124931, 1314, 5, 22758, 111, 23706, 214, 13534, 21204, 12231, 1104, 2681, 101807, 7228, 13036, 127752, 7, 47, 124931, 53, 136, 3328, 25443, 4, 26719, 70, 23, 57241, 111, 70, 5117, 116920, 6827, 501, 21135, 4, 70, 48224, 14525, 67478, 3129, 107003, 100, 70, 72350, 674, 111, 55291, 7, 17721, 23208, 7, 136, 3789, 116920, 6827, 337, 34204, 4, 237, 5299, 237, 142, 28, 13722, 97857, 35839, 70, 44, 116317, 1830, 58, 3129, 5809, 186, 11814, 100, 116920, 6827, 74481, 5256, 6044, 237, 145796, 4, 38549, 136, 33910, 1294, 152050, 90, 136, 5809, 92054, 28, 106371, 5908, 5, 121220, 86380, 12746, 24462, 1549, 1104, 2681, 121694, 136, 16162, 7362, 12667, 15, 178028, 104279, 135765, 16, 5117, 45252, 297, 77950, 100, 70, 2062, 22062, 111, 70, 64883, 4, 53333, 17678, 4, 7362, 12667, 2843, 126809, 70, 154453, 111, 180770, 223, 15, 19714, 13, 26531, 748, 111, 70, 5744, 57456, 154453, 111, 23, 56, 4526, 16, 3129, 509, 19048, 47, 7639, 23208, 7, 3542, 87709, 111, 78112, 15490, 70, 113449, 111, 61909, 7, 5, 80450, 542, 1460, 16763, 31731, 26205, 3742, 104279, 162044, 16, 136, 31951, 31, 122071, 7851, 26205, 8659, 1104, 2592, 83904, 104902, 3249, 116920, 6827, 42658, 150222, 47, 1311, 1264, 35723, 7, 25, 7, 34754, 111, 70, 50651, 31, 46899, 1771, 3299, 8, 23662, 7, 14432, 5, 85303, 1687, 53, 21917, 1162, 67175, 23, 70, 116625, 8999, 136, 3789, 63920, 133698, 70, 231119, 4, 78905, 223, 1311, 1264, 35723, 7, 26171, 71, 10, 50651, 31, 46899, 1771, 3299, 111, 70, 38549, 5426, 5, 18763, 4488, 509, 123823, 71, 390, 229284, 30888, 12365, 136, 71062, 297, 54799, 390, 43041, 46964, 603, 5, 46964, 603, 509, 70, 5117, 47, 8, 41079, 10, 5426, 450, 26785, 538, 151552, 70, 41653, 111, 70, 78112, 111, 70, 23208, 7, 10932, 70, 7550, 5, 33306, 4, 46964, 603, 6777, 959, 214493, 23, 26168, 1916, 10, 154453, 50155, 70, 131703, 764, 54397, 7565, 5, 1650, 509, 114636, 145076, 4, 678, 1919, 23, 57241, 111, 4157, 1084, 289, 84079, 7, 136, 1919, 27165, 111, 137352, 1363, 4, 2750, 77681, 189050, 70, 78112, 7, 111, 70, 23208, 7, 5, 145076, 2843, 126809, 70, 44961, 214, 5501, 70820, 5, 3370, 66187, 9035, 23, 70, 13267, 136, 31897, 111, 70, 5501, 70820, 12441, 47, 53333, 103882, 3387, 5, 581, 14941, 124931, 56, 4939, 91354, 824, 297, 221636, 71, 645, 17287, 6057, 7, 4, 5455, 1119, 41745, 272, 6057, 221636, 7, 3542, 181653, 390, 115963, 37405, 8, 239, 408, 2186, 5, 581, 124931, 56, 25031, 1840, 7, 47515, 7228, 10, 185688, 71426, 111, 108, 49204, 7, 2481, 136, 234737, 7, 4, 136, 23, 729, 13556, 134053, 70, 23208, 4143, 66, 223, 4, 70, 5117, 3525, 23208, 14037, 5, 133698, 70, 543, 74668, 927, 202032, 90, 4, 70, 35187, 111, 70, 17262, 9, 37873, 2967, 390, 31746, 25612, 5177, 603, 4, 20984, 164, 6, 101956, 33198, 2634, 1003, 4, 136, 16162, 95, 125201, 104, 25, 6210, 27417, 18, 581, 5201, 31344, 111, 4677, 1672, 4157, 1084, 289, 337, 34204, 136, 3789, 36746, 7, 83, 75693, 22729, 4, 707, 1286, 137567, 77556, 155116, 1771, 4567, 2320, 5, 87652, 43315, 124931, 53, 1543, 186, 149133, 64807, 59499, 47, 70, 42518, 214, 10776, 111, 70, 77556, 155116, 1771, 235079, 98, 3129, 70, 150556, 7, 621, 7228, 5, 31384, 63920, 111, 70, 235079, 831, 186, 139999, 71, 1295, 70, 64883, 25, 7, 71579, 4, 12960, 3789, 63920, 621, 4734, 22046, 2661, 1295, 40101, 11192, 144, 35810, 7, 707, 50782, 70, 64883, 25, 7, 225748, 5, 209052, 4677, 98, 6097, 1614, 28394, 7, 83, 34475, 35064, 5, 6436, 124931, 53, 4527, 7, 4567, 2320, 678, 259, 272, 23986, 927, 7, 117396, 3501, 189275, 1632, 8877, 29089, 4, 50782, 70, 75693, 37457, 5, 6436, 124931, 53, 83, 12921, 1295, 2684, 3789, 3173, 7, 111, 150556, 289, 124931, 53, 23, 450, 70, 139999, 71, 5977, 259, 3132, 831, 186, 191607, 237, 259, 3132, 43257, 3501, 237, 81604, 13, 16186, 1779, 5, 572, 6620, 4, 442, 83, 35845, 538, 99156, 47, 72350, 15044, 70, 217269, 13, 136, 93402, 111, 5977, 259, 3132, 4, 7440, 162, 903, 83, 83589, 2822, 124931, 53, 83, 14037, 297, 98, 70, 149, 58994, 136, 114137, 111, 20100, 2822, 4567, 2320, 4, 259, 272, 23986, 927, 7, 51713, 3501, 4842, 22729, 136, 50782, 70, 37457, 111, 2446, 37831, 5, 581, 20100, 2822, 235079, 83, 80234, 100, 35187, 214, 36746, 7, 450, 621, 5792, 91097, 47, 4567, 2182, 75693, 22729, 4, 6044, 237, 23208, 7, 4, 75723, 9235, 320, 28338, 7, 707, 108, 32262, 13, 124901, 22729, 83, 46389, 297, 390, 115, 271, 5, 581, 51713, 259, 272, 23986, 927, 7, 111, 20100, 2822, 831, 75076, 67, 76746, 7, 111, 115, 271, 450, 46389, 75693, 22729, 4, 6, 190358, 70, 165837, 25958, 4, 233, 70760, 124931, 53, 4, 2843, 35839, 75693, 22729, 124931, 53, 4, 83, 70, 10332, 525, 3173, 111, 124931, 53, 5, 133885, 111, 150556, 7, 3542, 7311, 538, 79442, 19, 390, 3535, 5, 360, 70, 72399, 953, 927, 142642, 136, 2684, 111, 70, 387, 927, 142642, 4, 43079, 35958, 10023, 1974, 124931, 53, 187016, 7, 227899, 259, 272, 23986, 927, 7, 17721, 189275, 805, 136, 138, 5955, 8839, 15094, 47, 40566, 653, 39, 194, 30948, 99, 8382, 259, 272, 23986, 927, 7, 83, 57622, 297, 390, 70, 64883, 25, 7, 225748, 4, 186607, 449, 150556, 7, 99, 6097, 259, 272, 23986, 927, 7, 47, 186, 51339, 297, 1295, 70, 1407, 56, 225748, 707, 1295, 32628, 5, 35958, 10023, 1974, 124931, 53, 83, 2965, 14947, 71, 47, 70, 35187, 1193, 9, 7092, 124931, 53, 4527, 7, 1193, 9, 7092, 259, 272, 23986, 927, 7, 5, 33417, 71407, 4, 1193, 9, 7092, 4567, 2320, 83, 181653, 390, 6002, 206, 516, 36867, 28, 21150, 15, 2347, 16750, 111, 77556, 1779, 103173, 214, 214706, 44457, 124519, 247, 70, 42, 2749, 28, 21150, 1295, 6117, 19, 106500, 36917, 209, 15094, 19879, 16, 10839, 2082, 7, 4, 136, 21413, 192, 62656, 124931, 53, 139999, 7, 116920, 6827, 36746, 7, 99, 70, 16610, 525, 259, 272, 23986, 927, 7, 111, 70, 77556, 155116, 1771, 235079, 5, 21413, 192, 62656, 7, 1543, 186, 139999, 71, 105237, 390, 99675, 90, 6044, 237, 70, 15612, 1507, 21413, 192, 31681, 87652, 31667, 707, 390, 5361, 29367, 5501, 70820, 7, 35839, 99, 840, 94266, 1771, 70535, 33, 2810, 5501, 70820, 7, 5, 581, 70535, 33, 2810, 5501, 70820, 7, 54, 959, 96391, 70, 87506, 62656, 7, 360, 66044, 47, 77556, 155116, 1771, 4567, 2320, 4, 10, 10846, 3789, 47353, 62038, 1916, 1295, 6782, 62488, 7, 1543, 186, 139999, 71, 1295, 70, 64883, 5, 360, 3717, 3996, 157, 124931, 53, 4, 124931, 1314, 4527, 17305, 5115, 53, 6, 221292, 297, 1379, 64330, 135094, 6044, 237, 159, 75930, 4, 82521, 88233, 4, 136, 8322, 19945, 1995, 64, 33747, 100, 70, 149, 58994, 111, 3717, 33310, 232, 5, 581, 18410, 144732, 111, 70, 3717, 33310, 232, 65296, 8305, 70, 64883, 62038, 67, 1295, 70, 7550, 4, 1284, 744, 3717, 33310, 232, 3542, 2843, 96391, 297, 1295, 1601, 10167, 22059, 284, 5, 50939, 21068, 62656, 7, 4, 3129, 58055, 111, 4552, 11192, 48302, 2878, 66695, 15, 2832, 21068, 315, 11030, 14, 16, 450, 831, 8, 408, 53, 707, 186, 57622, 297, 3229, 1836, 30957, 70, 64883, 25, 7, 6561, 111, 70, 10332, 525, 44457, 7, 23, 124931, 53, 4, 136, 23, 756, 111, 41664, 4, 83, 70, 72350, 674, 111, 70, 19069, 7, 111, 4157, 1084, 289, 36746, 7, 5, 165837, 25958, 4, 152018, 51359, 111, 70, 19069, 7, 111, 70, 7550, 4, 55583, 4, 23208, 7, 136, 6057, 7, 1556, 2809, 85590, 23, 4157, 1084, 289, 134470, 15, 2347, 4527, 111, 4157, 1084, 289, 36746, 7, 47, 17997, 134470, 16, 136, 23, 70, 20662, 111, 87939, 7, 5, 20731, 7844, 72350, 674, 111, 70, 19069, 7, 111, 70, 23208, 7, 1556, 12441, 47, 10, 18652, 100094, 111, 137352, 43315, 170950, 5256, 4, 136, 142, 81273, 47, 83324, 11015, 136, 22690, 19069, 7, 111, 70, 23208, 7, 678, 6782, 61689, 219, 2408, 4, 10, 44457, 51529, 237, 4157, 1084, 289, 19635, 107, 70760, 124931, 1314, 4527, 40368, 72977, 26719, 6, 140815, 289, 115774, 136, 181135, 43315, 54744, 6827, 40226, 5256, 74, 12638, 1556, 6863, 17311, 92940, 7, 5, 232248, 289, 115774, 111, 10, 9433, 621, 11522, 100, 68772, 134744, 56, 149201, 3934, 70, 26498, 111, 2367, 83, 7730, 98, 5, 93511, 21533, 115774, 122273, 70, 6, 116311, 111, 11521, 21004, 12470, 136, 93425, 120262, 51, 3522, 86687, 71, 5, 19635, 24816, 7, 23, 124931, 53, 28117, 11, 3104, 47, 28282, 70, 4524, 70760, 115774, 136, 1295, 70, 50339, 92054, 150556, 289, 212678, 111, 8382, 115774, 5, 581, 150556, 111, 10, 6, 88322, 13450, 6431, 92054, 297, 390, 10, 3299, 114864, 124931, 1314, 47, 36849, 17721, 40368, 75939, 13, 707, 79612, 214, 115774, 237, 70, 1632, 2965, 19048, 47, 98363, 70, 11521, 21004, 12470, 5, 19635, 24816, 7, 2843, 9790, 47, 139392, 707, 2811, 40383, 115774, 47, 5646, 3934, 15426, 3525, 2053, 5, 360, 70, 7225, 111, 142, 23, 25553, 6892, 2408, 17721, 70, 2053, 136, 3299, 25, 7, 85303, 34053, 27744, 7, 83, 70, 32845, 206, 111, 124931, 53, 450, 187016, 7, 70, 24702, 1577, 111, 6, 34053, 27744, 7, 136, 290, 6133, 1294, 44, 188, 237, 106290, 73, 70, 31425, 111, 70, 116920, 6827, 36746, 7, 4, 43257, 3501, 2363, 19069, 7, 707, 78112, 7, 23, 32628, 740, 2022, 4021, 70, 36746, 7, 22282, 71, 621, 70, 7550, 4, 3789, 6057, 7, 4, 22703, 5134, 90, 4, 4173, 991, 320, 23208, 7, 4, 70, 1940, 9235, 320, 57646, 136, 70, 9545, 21068, 11948, 634, 272, 76615, 5, 581, 481, 28, 54916, 621, 160477, 71, 36880, 756, 63920, 111, 70, 77556, 155116, 1771, 235079, 4, 136, 70, 183871, 160477, 71, 26698, 84901, 2481, 4, 168, 7, 2481, 4, 52768, 4, 136, 165045, 166577, 5, 88949, 72513, 34053, 27744, 7, 83, 10, 4552, 134744, 28368, 4, 44, 103202, 34053, 27744, 64370, 58, 205794, 59911, 5941, 80244, 7, 111, 85303, 1430, 6133, 1294, 83, 70, 35187, 111, 70, 130807, 3956, 136, 132539, 7, 111, 49711, 70838, 23, 70, 153543, 4, 136, 2363, 182809, 678, 4567, 2320, 5, 581, 80244, 83, 142, 645, 6324, 111, 124931, 53, 136, 290, 6133, 1294, 5, 581, 2565, 44, 103202, 1430, 6133, 1294, 58, 1543, 186, 190659, 47, 15044, 70, 56944, 12353, 136, 70, 1940, 9235, 320, 57646, 5, 581, 35187, 111, 70, 130807, 3956, 111, 80854, 136, 83, 15894, 1081, 70460, 7, 23, 56944, 85303, 964, 25443, 83, 142, 6, 207098, 53, 57456, 44457, 142837, 678, 70, 59665, 7, 4, 39395, 28, 137089, 4, 113068, 4, 136, 22690, 111, 6897, 23, 70, 14997, 13, 5, 85303, 964, 25443, 16916, 7, 70, 9655, 111, 36766, 4173, 720, 56644, 51626, 6897, 32316, 7, 4, 136, 3642, 118103, 831, 96391, 442, 2174, 442, 14602, 5, 581, 13579, 1119, 29959, 25443, 83, 21373, 5, 85303, 964, 25443, 30482, 4527, 111, 233239, 333, 25443, 4, 3530, 34053, 27744, 7, 4, 3530, 1430, 6133, 1294, 4, 290, 6133, 1294, 4, 124931, 53, 4, 72761, 9545, 39, 25443, 4, 1119, 31, 141265, 25443, 136, 700, 25443, 47, 32603, 67, 70, 207116, 111, 6897, 98, 3789, 8999, 7, 136, 4358, 50939, 39, 25443, 15, 161063, 70, 160600, 109576, 24073, 7998, 840, 18939, 44, 32554, 4, 14997, 13, 58, 136, 120326, 24073, 26989, 7, 18939, 44, 47416, 4, 35187, 58, 707, 218500, 44, 137043, 18939, 5809, 186, 90698, 70, 35187, 111, 70, 153543, 237, 10, 28271, 5, 87652, 5256, 111, 70, 21334, 9, 7, 57965, 45646, 111, 70, 153543, 4, 10, 32845, 206, 51529, 237, 72761, 9545, 39, 25443, 4, 765, 62952, 10, 53894, 100094, 111, 70, 27643, 136, 28, 137089, 111, 70, 191725, 7, 5, 202483, 47, 5744, 9545, 39, 25443, 83, 70, 5299, 9, 185685, 71, 154453, 111, 70, 14195, 26387, 4, 7440, 73, 2446, 153543, 80723, 99, 10, 11001, 6275, 23, 1733, 4, 136, 2685, 11, 46327, 71062, 297, 645, 70, 15411, 111, 5847, 1019, 96090, 5369, 47, 6863, 13379, 35431, 5, 581, 23755, 111, 70, 14195, 26387, 831, 186, 144851, 71, 4420, 47, 70, 103882, 53, 111, 70, 11948, 634, 272, 76615, 4567, 2320, 23, 31017, 5, 360, 70, 15411, 111, 903, 14700, 66, 6889, 4, 70, 153543, 1379, 74797, 40368, 28, 137089, 6635, 36541, 7, 5, 360, 70, 4552, 39395, 53189, 4, 442, 83, 70, 748, 29367, 450, 70, 153543, 122446, 10, 4552, 25545, 9545, 21068, 41036, 1363, 4, 3129, 12840, 1409, 29367, 70, 72134, 27289, 5, 8622, 11, 46327, 4, 241454, 12654, 2347, 6023, 181653, 70, 12830, 289, 130807, 3956, 111, 70, 39395, 153543, 5, 15, 81779, 2843, 241454, 7840, 432, 101966, 25443, 5, 16, 14847, 70, 581, 35187, 111, 36746, 7, 50782, 2446, 225495, 83, 10, 32845, 206, 111, 124931, 53, 142837, 678, 70, 27643, 136, 28, 137089, 111, 30733, 5134, 90, 4, 2363, 6, 178851, 25443, 15, 112, 59478, 16, 136, 40865, 1363, 4, 70, 150556, 111, 36457, 22703, 5134, 90, 4, 136, 99, 10, 150679, 105994, 4, 70, 94407, 136, 234737, 7, 111, 22703, 5134, 90, 5, 201106, 4, 70, 21, 3055, 83, 5526, 100, 70, 100094, 111, 70, 21334, 9, 7, 57965, 45646, 111, 70, 191725, 7, 5, 17006, 22703, 5134, 90, 621, 5808, 297, 3934, 117781, 115700, 7, 450, 63769, 100, 40865, 1363, 150370, 7, 5, 10660, 621, 39210, 538, 101637, 71, 3934, 144252, 4, 88, 21392, 70760, 136, 6921, 144867, 42, 22703, 5134, 90, 5, 1301, 70, 9351, 42459, 7, 4, 142, 88, 21392, 70760, 225495, 1556, 70, 41421, 9, 39797, 43315, 115700, 111, 142, 88, 95680, 13, 5, 581, 6057, 7, 25813, 33233, 96759, 103173, 7, 678, 110, 12601, 2822, 48225, 5, 32255, 22703, 5134, 90, 70541, 10176, 707, 110, 1940, 9235, 320, 115, 271, 4, 10846, 6057, 9, 5037, 214, 10776, 7, 4, 136, 114210, 6057, 7, 5, 540, 21392, 70760, 22703, 5134, 90, 621, 1286, 39210, 538, 14037, 99, 70, 56458, 111, 22703, 49086, 234737, 7, 4, 136, 1543, 765, 2809, 100, 4806, 8305, 1143, 26255, 111, 21334, 22703, 5134, 90, 5, 62, 144252, 225495, 83, 5808, 297, 3934, 10, 49878, 4, 47014, 1916, 28338, 4, 56104, 678, 10, 197097, 11876, 429, 707, 1909, 581, 56944, 12353, 103173, 7, 28032, 70, 10663, 1002, 42261, 4, 10, 35781, 71, 144252, 225495, 450, 83, 10, 197097, 32786, 111, 70, 24172, 10760, 111, 22703, 5134, 90, 5, 1650, 83, 10, 47014, 1916, 46889, 111, 9060, 4, 115, 271, 4, 6057, 7, 136, 3789, 36746, 7, 4, 34658, 25842, 390, 199849, 137352, 43315, 99, 117474, 5, 1301, 70, 64883, 83, 105866, 28032, 70, 115, 8946, 1810, 56, 121641, 4, 2685, 621, 21334, 126826, 7, 111, 70, 10663, 1002, 42261, 450, 621, 160608, 297, 1295, 21455, 5, 360, 70, 27585, 111, 70, 10663, 1002, 42261, 83, 70, 56458, 4, 10, 1909, 9, 2420, 20051, 11876, 429, 678, 2367, 83, 18822, 71, 47, 186, 10, 1601, 1510, 29888, 22556, 108564, 99, 6863, 27585, 5, 3293, 83, 613, 42, 167457, 390, 22759, 158978, 121641, 450, 144252, 1295, 70, 56458, 5, 3293, 83, 10, 10776, 111, 36457, 6057, 27643, 450, 70541, 7, 5941, 27150, 56, 4, 43904, 87, 6057, 7, 5, 581, 28338, 83, 613, 42, 167457, 581, 35187, 111, 6057, 7, 136, 29486, 320, 28, 137089, 83, 20531, 47, 2446, 100094, 111, 70, 153543, 5, 581, 72513, 34053, 27744, 7, 111, 6057, 7, 1556, 2809, 83324, 71, 8305, 150556, 136, 70, 4524, 70760, 100094, 74, 136, 1295, 13909, 40226, 5256, 111, 70, 14566, 5, 4612, 27643, 74918, 7, 23, 168, 184, 10776, 7, 111, 115, 271, 136, 9060, 4, 51529, 237, 6051, 18, 233239, 76746, 7, 5, 14847, 232929, 297, 4, 76746, 38551, 7, 831, 3365, 127966, 1379, 70, 79507, 111, 64002, 939, 4, 47, 3173, 10, 22664, 5613, 5, 62, 6, 129980, 538, 168, 184, 4, 136, 8010, 4, 56458, 10776, 1221, 185553, 72249, 119485, 4, 4911, 7, 105233, 10, 5201, 9, 184, 944, 3956, 6057, 5, 78289, 5510, 756, 80854, 17305, 22023, 3501, 64707, 1409, 136, 50651, 316, 3542, 75935, 46132, 70, 48052, 111, 6057, 7, 5, 581, 62816, 48242, 7, 111, 70, 16750, 214, 6057, 56566, 102917, 538, 54799, 6863, 72134, 46889, 5, 581, 1286, 106750, 70, 6057, 4, 70, 117396, 6863, 84901, 2481, 4, 136, 70, 1286, 25545, 538, 442, 57574, 90, 6863, 64707, 1409, 160692, 3934, 50651, 316, 23, 6863, 56458, 5, 9578, 1733, 4, 903, 64707, 1409, 160692, 83, 64557, 117176, 71, 3934, 50651, 316, 4, 136, 70, 6057, 1913, 10, 62488, 111, 1672, 136659, 22729, 9, 67403, 90, 4, 70, 2684, 195409, 22282, 71, 6057, 83, 70, 7550, 4, 10, 222201, 5201, 9, 184, 944, 3956, 23403, 22206, 6057, 111, 29486, 320, 18507, 527, 304, 310, 4, 136, 1672, 6, 115459, 96090, 5369, 15, 724, 12271, 16, 10332, 5, 581, 7550, 83, 959, 90698, 10, 77336, 6057, 4, 1284, 442, 14602, 1379, 519, 120164, 65572, 23, 103488, 51529, 237, 70, 4262, 53370, 105823, 5, 3293, 83, 142, 19586, 46799, 362, 121226, 1363, 23, 4262, 53370, 14012, 5, 7550, 53370, 7, 621, 10776, 7, 111, 92319, 9, 21732, 9, 83080, 52768, 7, 450, 621, 137272, 678, 108938, 214706, 103488, 5, 581, 7550, 1556, 2288, 3938, 538, 124735, 23, 84901, 2481, 390, 24051, 16792, 442, 5117, 100512, 10, 5201, 9, 184, 944, 3956, 6057, 5, 581, 7550, 1556, 2843, 1379, 519, 86, 120164, 65572, 23, 84901, 2481, 450, 831, 765, 10, 88551, 24725, 98, 70, 64883, 5, 581, 911, 24658, 15440, 4, 100, 27781, 4, 83, 18822, 71, 47, 765, 143434, 70, 59784, 65058, 72944, 6, 88322, 13450, 6431, 20271, 70, 102256, 62, 4188, 5, 581, 75693, 1810, 56, 71579, 111, 40357, 6635, 41664, 83, 70, 35187, 111, 70, 6, 219822, 429, 111, 23208, 7, 4, 931, 5245, 4, 23403, 22206, 23208, 7, 4, 1380, 933, 4, 135815, 7, 4, 136, 3789, 337, 34204, 103173, 214, 70, 7550, 4, 237, 5299, 237, 4173, 991, 320, 23208, 7, 5, 581, 56944, 12353, 1556, 2809, 35845, 538, 5299, 9, 104410, 71, 4, 61475, 538, 8305, 5501, 70820, 7, 136, 7068, 14432, 390, 32628, 56379, 5, 3293, 1556, 62952, 10, 4127, 128512, 100094, 111, 70, 27643, 136, 28, 137089, 111, 70, 7550, 25, 7, 33910, 1294, 5426, 4, 102971, 5941, 3525, 103882, 3387, 621, 7464, 8035, 7228, 5, 581, 56944, 12353, 83, 1614, 97368, 48141, 3934, 70, 75414, 23208, 7, 4, 70, 135815, 6, 75696, 4, 136, 70, 1810, 56, 23208, 7, 5, 581, 75414, 18930, 7655, 289, 23208, 7, 58055, 111, 123106, 53, 4, 133484, 4, 64883, 4, 136, 23342, 5, 581, 1810, 56, 9060, 6051, 18, 23208, 7, 621, 145255, 4, 118651, 4, 4143, 66, 223, 4, 136, 199204, 13, 5, 113837, 199204, 13, 400, 90, 70, 8179, 1264, 6, 75696, 4, 136, 77681, 70, 100888, 18, 48316, 4, 3129, 1543, 65042, 237, 2060, 237, 10, 22729, 9, 46799, 5, 581, 23208, 7, 3542, 100, 4806, 6, 115459, 96090, 5369, 6650, 23, 70, 22664, 141265, 6635, 28338, 450, 613, 42, 167457, 70, 39395, 7550, 5, 194397, 10, 9433, 450, 99201, 137352, 43315, 99, 117474, 4, 61770, 6889, 4, 136, 50015, 107, 1363, 4, 85303, 1687, 53, 136, 72513, 34053, 27744, 7, 765, 126809, 88551, 6, 207098, 53, 22317, 678, 3789, 13036, 57456, 44457, 7, 5, 63590, 11, 20756, 103202, 1687, 53, 83, 70, 35187, 111, 142, 45964, 707, 89160, 116920, 90, 23, 2363, 15380, 43701, 4, 19537, 35401, 6, 227780, 109622, 136, 142, 42294, 254, 109622, 77950, 5, 85303, 964, 25443, 83, 70, 35187, 111, 70, 68451, 136, 28, 137089, 111, 333, 109622, 76519, 23, 70, 153543, 4, 678, 17311, 242661, 98, 70, 207116, 111, 351, 9, 720, 56644, 51626, 6897, 5, 85303, 17346, 48242, 7, 83, 70, 38415, 111, 80835, 7, 47, 72513, 34053, 27744, 7, 47, 70, 114137, 85303, 1687, 53, 83, 1632, 111, 70, 41664, 7, 47, 3129, 79775, 7, 831, 162466, 70, 2684, 5, 138521, 5844, 538, 4, 79775, 124931, 1314, 139999, 10, 96551, 111, 4157, 1084, 289, 36746, 7, 136, 11521, 21004, 12470, 68018, 678, 98154, 450, 1836, 45367, 61261, 5, 151301, 30388, 7, 111, 79775, 124931, 1314, 26698, 70, 7550, 4, 70, 55583, 4, 23208, 7, 4, 6057, 7, 4, 1380, 933, 4, 63934, 147568, 7, 4, 136, 10, 96551, 111, 53894, 9, 4922, 36746, 7, 6044, 237, 6057, 234737, 7, 4, 22703, 5134, 90, 4, 136, 108, 32262, 13, 5, 85303, 1687, 53, 117406, 621, 105866, 87420, 70, 8999, 136, 5941, 765, 103391, 47, 4358, 2363, 43032, 5423, 1257, 136, 28484, 150556, 289, 103391, 26719, 8382, 47, 139999, 756, 70, 36746, 7, 23, 70, 33024, 56, 15, 36053, 36746, 7, 16, 707, 1840, 7, 47515, 4082, 221636, 7, 111, 26847, 111, 33946, 23, 70, 17431, 20704, 5, 6561, 32845, 206, 111, 79775, 124931, 53, 4, 79775, 72513, 110092, 4, 83687, 7, 70, 35971, 111, 20929, 111, 70, 17431, 106073, 70, 57456, 80244, 111, 124931, 53, 1556, 7228, 59897, 4017, 223, 104310, 90, 23, 100094, 70, 31425, 111, 70, 153543, 136, 6863, 10941, 7, 4, 2685, 47143, 3060, 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[ 250004, 85303, 1687, 53, 15, 161063, 1388, 83, 10, 6083, 41664, 450, 96335, 4157, 1084, 289, 36746, 7, 136, 11521, 21004, 12470, 5, 1650, 4527, 7, 291, 140363, 41637, 4, 6, 34053, 27744, 7, 4, 136, 290, 6133, 1294, 23, 12989, 47, 73342, 2363, 59665, 136, 28, 137089, 5, 134549, 7, 111, 33946, 26698, 23208, 7, 4, 931, 5245, 4, 6057, 7, 4, 108, 32262, 13, 4, 22703, 5134, 90, 4, 136, 1380, 933, 5, 853, 133, 30624, 11521, 21004, 12470, 26698, 1601, 10167, 24649, 63239, 4, 87506, 62656, 6818, 271, 7, 4, 68521, 21816, 4, 9932, 6383, 7, 4, 93628, 4295, 4, 136, 9545, 21068, 11948, 634, 272, 76615, 4567, 2320, 5, 5455, 137567, 4, 124931, 53, 96335, 26818, 450, 62038, 1636, 50782, 64883, 25, 7, 225748, 5, 50939, 39, 25443, 83, 10, 32845, 206, 111, 124931, 53, 5, 1650, 96335, 70, 153543, 237, 10, 28271, 5, 2 ]
summarize: A delineation of moral realism into a minimal form, a moderate form, and a robust form has been put forward in the literature. The robust model of moral realism commits moral realists to three theses: The minimal model, i.e. moral universalism, leaves off the metaphysical thesis, treating it as matter of contention "among" moral realists (as opposed to "between" moral realists and moral anti-realists). This dispute is not insignificant, as acceptance or rejection of the metaphysical thesis is taken by those employing the robust model as the key difference between moral realism and moral anti-realism. Indeed, the question of how to classify certain logically possible (if eccentric) views—such as the rejection of the semantic and alethic theses in conjunction with the acceptance of the metaphysical thesis—turns on which model we accept. Someone employing the robust model might call such a view "realist non-cognitivism," while someone employing the minimal model might simply place such a view alongside other, more traditional, forms of non-cognitivism. The robust model and the minimal model also disagree over how to classify moral subjectivism (roughly, the view that moral facts are not mind-independent in the relevant sense, but that moral statements may still be true). The historical association of subjectivism with moral anti-realism in large part explains why the robust model of moral realism has been dominant—even if only implicitly—both in the traditional and contemporary philosophical literature on metaethics. In the minimal sense of realism, R. M. Hare could be considered a realist in his later works, as he is committed to the objectivity of value judgments, even though he denies that moral statements express propositions with truth-values per se. Moral constructivists like John Rawls and Christine Korsgaard may also be realists in this minimalist sense; the latter describes her own position as procedural realism. Some readings of evolutionary science such as those of Charles Darwin and James Mark Baldwin have suggested that in so far as an ethics may be associated with survival strategies and natural selection then such behavior may be associated with a moderate position of moral realism equivalent to an ethics of survival. Moral realism allows the ordinary rules of logic (modus ponens, etc.) to be applied straightforwardly to moral statements. We can say that a moral belief is "false" or "unjustified" or "contradictory" in the same way we would about a factual belief. This is a problem for expressivism, as shown by the Frege–Geach problem. Another advantage of moral realism is its capacity to resolve moral disagreements: if two moral beliefs contradict one another, realism says that they cannot both be right, and therefore everyone involved ought to be seeking out the right answer to resolve the disagreement. Contrary theories of meta-ethics have trouble even formulating the statement "this moral belief is wrong," and so they cannot resolve disagreements in this way. Philippa Foot adopts a moral realist position, criticizing Stevenson's idea that when evaluation is superposed on fact there has been a "committal in a new dimension." She introduces, by analogy, the practical implications of using the word "injury." Not just anything counts as an injury. There must be some impairment. When we suppose a man wants the things the injury prevents him from obtaining, haven’t we fallen into the old naturalistic fallacy? Foot argues that the virtues, like hands and eyes in the analogy, play so large a part in so many operations that it is implausible to suppose that a committal in a non-naturalist dimension is necessary to demonstrate their goodness. Several criticisms have been raised against moral realism. The first is that, while realism can explain how to resolve moral conflicts, it does not explain how these conflicts arose in the first place. The widespread disagreement about what is right and wrong is puzzling if humans are assumed to have access to moral facts. The evolutionary debunking argument suggests that because human psychology is primarily produced by evolutionary processes which do not seem to have a reason to be sensitive to moral facts, taking a moral realist stance can only lead to moral skepticism. This undercuts the motivations for taking a moral realist stance, namely to be able to assert there are reliable moral standards. Others are critical of moral realism because it postulates the existence of a kind of "moral fact" which is nonmaterial and does not appear to be accessible to empirical investigation. Moral truths cannot be observed in the same way as material facts (which are objective), so it seems odd to count them in the same category. However, such an argument may be applicable to our concepts of epistemic justification as well, possibly leading to radical skepticism and thus threatening to undercut the moral anti-realist's argument. This criticism is also not applicable to ethical naturalism, a form of moral realism which suggests the possibility of a science of morality by considering moral claims to be referring to observable entities (such as wellbeing).
Moral realism (also ethical realism or moral Platonism) is the position that ethical sentences express propositions that refer to objective features of the world (that is, features independent of subjective opinion), some of which may be true to the extent that they report those features accurately. This makes moral realism a non-nihilist form of ethical cognitivism (which accepts that ethical sentences express propositions and can therefore be evaluated as true or false) with an ontological orientation, standing in opposition to all forms of moral anti-realism and moral skepticism, including ethical subjectivism (which denies that moral propositions refer to objective facts), error theory (which denies that any moral propositions are true); and non-cognitivism (which denies that moral sentences express propositions at all). Within moral realism, the two main subdivisions are ethical naturalism and ethical non-naturalism.
[ 250004, 250054, 62, 8, 2256, 2320, 111, 14392, 2773, 8780, 3934, 10, 20187, 3173, 4, 10, 71644, 13, 3173, 4, 136, 10, 60627, 3173, 1556, 2809, 3884, 40225, 23, 70, 163136, 5, 581, 60627, 3299, 111, 14392, 2773, 8780, 375, 4007, 7, 14392, 61207, 7, 47, 17262, 6097, 7, 12, 581, 20187, 3299, 4, 17, 5, 13, 5, 14392, 32813, 8780, 4, 31358, 7, 5773, 70, 23550, 34053, 7, 21533, 159688, 4, 85689, 214, 442, 237, 26866, 111, 158, 62500, 44, 302, 4021, 58, 14392, 61207, 7, 15, 162, 233, 144429, 47, 44, 4626, 1177, 33, 58, 14392, 61207, 7, 136, 14392, 2874, 9, 187466, 7, 194, 3293, 167956, 83, 959, 194242, 22346, 660, 4, 237, 26946, 7154, 707, 6, 34590, 10763, 111, 70, 23550, 34053, 7, 21533, 159688, 83, 39958, 390, 8382, 187016, 214, 70, 60627, 3299, 237, 70, 22799, 60212, 17721, 14392, 2773, 8780, 136, 14392, 2874, 9, 30544, 8780, 5, 102627, 297, 4, 70, 9655, 111, 3642, 47, 18507, 40383, 24233, 12684, 71407, 7722, 15, 3190, 66110, 19, 62233, 16, 16912, 2451, 7, 12665, 237, 70, 6, 34590, 10763, 111, 70, 484, 109109, 136, 662, 4450, 238, 6097, 7, 23, 158, 17043, 10763, 678, 70, 26946, 7154, 111, 70, 23550, 34053, 7, 21533, 159688, 2451, 987, 1779, 98, 3129, 3299, 642, 26946, 5, 31384, 3630, 187016, 214, 70, 60627, 3299, 13648, 11782, 6044, 10, 21455, 44, 187466, 351, 9, 115558, 13122, 8780, 4, 58, 12960, 22008, 187016, 214, 70, 20187, 3299, 13648, 42856, 3687, 6044, 10, 21455, 33233, 8752, 3789, 4, 1286, 89160, 4, 3173, 7, 111, 351, 9, 115558, 13122, 8780, 5, 581, 60627, 3299, 136, 70, 20187, 3299, 2843, 217573, 645, 3642, 47, 18507, 40383, 14392, 28368, 4371, 8780, 15, 42, 72089, 538, 4, 70, 21455, 450, 14392, 15824, 7, 621, 959, 7086, 9, 73, 181063, 23, 70, 29191, 10422, 4, 1284, 450, 14392, 63805, 7, 1543, 7464, 186, 29568, 194, 581, 186768, 125413, 111, 28368, 4371, 8780, 678, 14392, 2874, 9, 30544, 8780, 23, 21334, 2831, 73342, 7, 15400, 70, 60627, 3299, 111, 14392, 2773, 8780, 1556, 2809, 73944, 2451, 26301, 2174, 4734, 165164, 538, 2451, 837, 927, 23, 70, 89160, 136, 158, 99736, 6635, 99644, 6827, 163136, 98, 435, 18115, 28021, 5, 360, 70, 20187, 10422, 111, 2773, 8780, 4, 627, 5, 276, 5, 1950, 13, 5809, 186, 90698, 10, 61207, 23, 1919, 14432, 43240, 4, 237, 764, 83, 174176, 47, 70, 36746, 54613, 53, 111, 34292, 240713, 7, 4, 3853, 21208, 764, 8, 70142, 450, 14392, 63805, 7, 36510, 89261, 7, 678, 85027, 9, 27494, 90, 117, 40, 5, 124984, 198870, 64370, 1884, 4939, 109997, 8080, 136, 161055, 122050, 30719, 1543, 2843, 186, 61207, 7, 23, 903, 163504, 10422, 74, 70, 21, 3055, 98363, 7, 604, 10002, 19069, 237, 59158, 141, 2773, 8780, 5, 31384, 16454, 7, 111, 28, 137089, 6635, 41664, 6044, 237, 8382, 111, 28166, 131455, 136, 14631, 7880, 77462, 9494, 765, 42459, 297, 450, 23, 221, 2060, 237, 142, 82, 75708, 7, 1543, 186, 137272, 678, 218018, 50531, 7, 136, 6083, 132216, 7068, 6044, 123166, 1543, 186, 137272, 678, 10, 71644, 13, 19069, 111, 14392, 2773, 8780, 183234, 47, 142, 82, 75708, 7, 111, 218018, 5, 124984, 2773, 8780, 114864, 70, 23335, 1294, 91736, 111, 62775, 15, 432, 6862, 15266, 1755, 4, 3021, 5, 16, 47, 186, 190659, 80560, 2472, 19364, 538, 47, 14392, 63805, 7, 5, 1401, 831, 5154, 450, 10, 14392, 144239, 83, 44, 8710, 184, 58, 707, 44, 309, 20314, 47314, 58, 707, 44, 57361, 18403, 31667, 58, 23, 70, 5701, 3917, 642, 2806, 1672, 10, 1238, 112302, 144239, 5, 3293, 83, 10, 2967, 100, 36510, 4371, 8780, 4, 237, 127887, 390, 70, 21612, 429, 1104, 10429, 934, 2967, 5, 116267, 92940, 111, 14392, 2773, 8780, 83, 6863, 177399, 47, 103608, 14392, 217573, 9035, 12, 2174, 6626, 14392, 144239, 7, 2304, 61669, 1632, 15700, 4, 2773, 8780, 17378, 450, 1836, 53418, 15044, 186, 7108, 4, 136, 127298, 30309, 75412, 36, 46526, 47, 186, 191618, 1810, 70, 7108, 35166, 47, 103608, 70, 217573, 674, 5, 45380, 1294, 3790, 10484, 111, 23550, 9, 12421, 28021, 765, 63134, 3853, 26168, 1916, 70, 63805, 44, 100231, 14392, 144239, 83, 44691, 4, 58, 136, 221, 1836, 53418, 103608, 217573, 9035, 23, 903, 3917, 5, 123850, 11, 159020, 30666, 7, 10, 14392, 61207, 19069, 4, 35778, 84382, 66663, 1681, 25, 7, 6528, 450, 3229, 219836, 83, 1601, 144429, 98, 15824, 2685, 1556, 2809, 10, 44, 277, 4007, 1803, 23, 10, 3525, 6, 91403, 1242, 4687, 65508, 7, 4, 390, 60223, 53, 4, 70, 138155, 17914, 5256, 111, 17368, 70, 2565, 44, 73, 461, 1294, 1242, 11205, 1660, 23937, 54529, 7, 237, 142, 182260, 5, 8622, 8110, 186, 3060, 566, 109637, 674, 5, 14847, 642, 139124, 10, 332, 86171, 70, 8966, 70, 182260, 56282, 7, 4049, 1295, 113054, 214, 4, 38246, 26, 18, 642, 91148, 3934, 70, 10332, 6083, 48242, 81255, 2408, 32, 159020, 187, 21325, 450, 70, 19492, 90, 4, 1884, 44540, 136, 46223, 23, 70, 60223, 53, 4, 11301, 221, 21334, 10, 2831, 23, 221, 5941, 41018, 7, 450, 442, 83, 566, 130770, 55356, 47, 139124, 450, 10, 375, 4007, 1803, 23, 10, 351, 9, 84832, 1419, 6, 91403, 83, 63559, 47, 106804, 13, 2363, 4127, 7432, 5, 48752, 289, 35778, 8780, 7, 765, 2809, 165249, 26548, 14392, 2773, 8780, 5, 581, 5117, 83, 450, 4, 12960, 2773, 8780, 831, 73342, 3642, 47, 103608, 14392, 79612, 7, 4, 442, 14602, 959, 73342, 3642, 6097, 79612, 7, 10, 75287, 23, 70, 5117, 3687, 5, 581, 38134, 21329, 712, 217573, 674, 1672, 2367, 83, 7108, 136, 44691, 83, 2638, 13894, 2069, 2174, 118103, 621, 41591, 71, 47, 765, 17203, 47, 14392, 15824, 7, 5, 581, 28, 137089, 6635, 8, 17643, 6048, 10750, 42459, 7, 450, 6637, 14135, 55182, 53, 83, 102917, 538, 181653, 390, 28, 137089, 6635, 9433, 90, 3129, 54, 959, 48903, 47, 765, 10, 31635, 47, 186, 191125, 47, 14392, 15824, 7, 4, 35971, 10, 14392, 61207, 6, 116071, 831, 4734, 37105, 47, 14392, 49242, 9523, 8780, 5, 3293, 1379, 19774, 7, 70, 98365, 7, 100, 35971, 10, 14392, 61207, 6, 116071, 4, 24, 110987, 47, 186, 19048, 47, 237, 33657, 2685, 621, 215543, 14392, 5570, 7, 5, 64511, 7, 621, 130306, 111, 14392, 2773, 8780, 6637, 442, 49489, 63614, 70, 6, 116311, 111, 10, 8562, 111, 44, 113180, 15824, 58, 3129, 83, 351, 39886, 136, 14602, 959, 108975, 47, 186, 81522, 47, 156002, 6827, 145456, 5, 124984, 85027, 7, 53418, 186, 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summarize: The word "tourist" was used in 1772 and "tourism" in 1811. It is formed from the word "tour", The economic foundations of tourism are essentially the cultural assets, the cultural property and the nature of the travel location. The World Heritage Sites are particularly worth mentioning today because they are real tourism magnets. But even a country's current or former form of The tourism industry, as part of the service sector, has become an important source of income for many regions and even for entire countries. The "Manila Declaration on World Tourism of 1980" recognized its importance as "an activity essential to the life of nations because of its direct effects on the social, cultural, educational, and economic sectors of national societies, and on their international relations." Tourism brings large amounts of income into a local economy in the form In 1936, the League of Nations defined a "foreign tourist" as "someone traveling abroad for at least twenty-four hours". Its successor, the United Nations, amended this definition in 1945, by including a maximum stay of six months. In 1941, Hunziker and Kraft defined tourism as "the sum of the phenomena and relationships arising from the travel and stay of non-residents, insofar as they do not lead to permanent residence and are not connected with any earning activity." In 1976, the Tourism Society of England's definition was: "Tourism is the temporary, short-term movement of International tourist arrivals reached 1.035 billion in 2012, up from over 996 million in 2011, and 952 million in 2010. In 2011 and 2012, international travel demand continued to recover from the losses resulting from the late-2000s recession, where tourism suffered a strong slowdown from the second half of 2008 through the end of 2009. The World Tourism Organization reports the following ten destinations The World Tourism Organization reports that international tourism receipts were US$1.7 trillion The World Tourism Organization reports the following countries Euromonitor International rated these the world's Travel outside a person's local area for leisure was largely confined to wealthy classes, who at times traveled to distant parts of the world, to see great buildings and works of art, learn new languages, experience new cultures, enjoy pristine scenery and to taste different cuisines. As early as Shulgi, however, kings praised themselves for protecting roads and building way stations for travelers. Travelling for pleasure can By the Middle Ages, Christianity and Buddhism and Islam had traditions of pilgrimage. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Wu Cheng'en's "Journey to the West" remain classics of English and Chinese literature. The 10th- to 13th-century Song dynasty also saw secular travel writers such as Su Modern tourism can be traced to what was known as the Grand Tour, which was a traditional trip around Europe (especially Germany and Italy), undertaken by mainly upper-class European young men of means, mainly from Western and Northern European countries. In 1624, young Prince of Poland, Ladislaus Sigismund Vasa, the eldest son of Sigismund III, embarked for a journey across Europe, as was in custom among Polish nobility. He travelled through territories of today's Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, where he admired the Siege of Breda by Spanish forces, France, Switzerland to Italy, Austria, and the Czech Republic. It was an educational journey and one of the outcomes was introduction of Italian opera in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. The custom flourished from about 1660 until the advent of large-scale rail transit in the 1840s and generally followed a standard itinerary. It was an educational opportunity Leisure travel was associated with the Industrial Revolution in the United Kingdomthe first European country to promote leisure time to the increasing industrial population. Initially, this applied to the owners of the machinery of production, the economic oligarchy, factory owners and traders. These comprised the new middle class. Cox & Kings was the first official travel company to be formed in 1758. The British origin of this new industry is reflected in many place names. In Nice, France, one of the first and best-established holiday resorts on the French Riviera, the long esplanade along the seafront is known to this day as the "Promenade des Anglais"; in many other historic resorts in continental Europe, old, well-established palace hotels have names like the "Hotel Bristol", "Hotel Carlton", or "Hotel Majestic"reflecting the dominance of English customers. A pioneer of the travel agency business, Thomas Cook's idea to offer excursions came to him while waiting for the stagecoach on the London Road at Kibworth. With the opening of the extended Midland Counties Railway, he arranged Cultural and natural heritage are in many cases the absolute basis for worldwide tourism. Cultural tourism is one of the megatrends that is reflected in massive numbers of overnight stays and sales. As UNESCO is increasingly observing, the cultural heritage is needed for tourism, but also endangered by it. The "ICOMOS - International Cultural Tourism Charter" from 1999 is already dealing with all of these problems. As a result of the tourist hazard, for example, the Lascaux cave was rebuilt for tourists. Overtourism is Cruising is a popular form of water tourism. Leisure cruise ships were introduced by the "Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company" (P&O) in 1844, sailing from Southampton to destinations such Many leisure-oriented tourists travel to seaside resorts on their nearest coast or further afield. Coastal areas in the tropics are popular in both summer and winter. Academics have defined mass tourism as travel by groups on pre-scheduled tours, usually under the organization of tourism professionals. This form of tourism developed during the second half of the 19th century in the United Kingdom and was pioneered by Thomas Cook. Cook took advantage of Europe's rapidly expanding railway network and established a company that offered affordable day trip excursions to the masses, in addition to longer holidays to Continental Europe, India, Asia and the Western Hemisphere which attracted wealthier customers. By the 1890s over 20,000 tourists per year used Thomas Cook & Son. The relationship between tourism companies, transportation operators and hotels is a central feature of mass tourism. Cook was able to Niche tourism refers to the numerous specialty forms of tourism that have emerged over the years, each with its own adjective. Many of these terms have come into common use by the tourism industry St. Moritz, Switzerland became the cradle of the developing winter tourism in the 1860s: hotel manager Johannes Badrutt invited some summer guests from England to return in the winter to see the snowy landscape, thereby inaugurating a popular trend. It was, however, only in the 1970s when winter tourism took over the lead from summer tourism in There has been an up-trend in tourism over the last few decades, especially in Europe, where international travel for short breaks is common. Tourists have a wide range of budgets and tastes, and a wide variety of resorts and hotels have developed to cater for them. For example, some people prefer simple beach vacations, while others want more specialized holidays, quieter resorts, family-oriented holidays, or niche market-targeted destination hotels. The developments in air transport infrastructure, such as jumbo jets, low-cost airlines, and more accessible airports have made many types of tourism more affordable. The WHO estimated in 2009 that there are around half a million people on board aircraft at any given time. There have also been changes in lifestyle, for example, some retirement-age people sustain year-round tourism. This is facilitated by internet sales of tourist services. Some sites have now started to offer dynamic packaging, in which an inclusive price is quoted for a tailor-made package requested by the customer upon impulse. There have been a few setbacks in tourism, such as the September 11 attacks and terrorist threats to tourist destinations, such as in Bali and several European cities. Also, on 26 December 2004, a tsunami, caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, hit the Asian countries on the Indian Ocean, including the Maldives. Thousands of lives were lost including many tourists. This, together with the vast clean-up operations, stopped or severely hampered tourism in the area for a time. Individual low-price or even zero-price overnight stays have become more popular in the 2000s, especially with a strong growth in the hostel market and services like CouchSurfing and airbnb being established. There has also been examples of jurisdictions wherein a significant portion of GDP is being spent on altering the primary sources of revenue towards tourism, as has occurred for instance in Dubai. "Sustainable tourism is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and life support systems." (World Tourism Organization) Sustainable development implies "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987) An important part of sustainable tourism is something known as the three pillars of sustainability which include Economic, Environmental/Ecological and Socio-cultural. For a destination to be truly sustainable it must have an equal balance among the three pillars. Economic is in relation to money and making and maintaining a certain amount of cash. Environmental is of course in relation to the environment it looks into whether the local ecosystems can support the influx of visitors and also how these visitors affect the ecosystem. Then Textile tourism refers to people traveling to experience the places related to textile, and are provided knowledge on different fabrics, process, practice Ecotourism, also known as ecological tourism, is responsible travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected areas that strives to be low-impact and (often) small-scale. It helps educate the traveler; provides funds for conservation; directly benefits the The movie tourism is a form of tourism for those who visit the film and television locations, i.e. the places used for filming a film or a television The Dizionario del Turismo Cinematografico is an artistic costume movement originally born as a journalistic column on various online and paper publications officially in 2012 (with a genesis formed in the previous decade) but, in the following years, it has become a real costume fashion popularized in sites, associations, institutions, municipal administrations, political parties, movements and television listings all over the world. It also includes Museums and Sports Groups linked to its brand. The purpose of the work is varied: from the redevelopment of Volunteer tourism (or voluntourism) is growing as a largely Western phenomenon, with volunteers traveling to aid those less fortunate than themselves in order to counter global inequalities. Wearing (2001) defines volunteer tourism as applying "to those tourists who, for various reasons, volunteer in an organised way to undertake holidays that might involve aiding or alleviating the material poverty of some groups in society". VSO was founded in the UK in 1958 and the US Peace Corps was subsequently founded in 1960. These were the first large scale voluntary Pro-poor tourism, which seeks to help the poorest people in developing countries, has been receiving increasing attention by those involved in development; the issue has been addressed through small-scale projects in local communities and through attempts by Ministries of Tourism to attract large numbers of tourists. Research by Recession tourism is a travel trend which evolved by way of the world economic crisis. Recession tourism is defined by low-cost and high-value experiences taking place of once-popular generic retreats. Various recession tourism hotspots have When there is a significant price difference between countries for a given medical procedure, particularly in Southeast Asia, India, Eastern Europe, Cuba Educational tourism is developed because of the growing popularity of teaching and learning of knowledge and the enhancing of technical competency outside of the classroom environment. In educational This type of tourism is focused on tourists coming into a region to either participate in an event or to see an organized event put on by the city/region. This type of tourism can also fall under sustainable tourism as well and companies that create a sustainable event to attend open up a chance to not only the consumer but their workers to learn and develop Creative tourism has existed as a form of cultural tourism, since the early beginnings of tourism itself. Its European roots date back to the time of the Grand Tour, which saw the sons of aristocratic families traveling for the purpose of mostly interactive, educational experiences. More recently, creative tourism has been given its own name by Crispin Raymond and Greg Richards, who as members of the Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS), have directed a number of projects for the European Commission, including cultural and crafts tourism, known as sustainable tourism. They have defined "creative tourism" as tourism related to the active participation of travelers in the culture of the host community, through interactive workshops and informal learning experiences. Meanwhile, the concept of creative tourism has been picked up by high-profile organizations such Experiential travel (or "immersion travel") is one of the major market trends in the modern tourism industry. It is an approach to travelling which focuses on One emerging area of special interest has been identified by Lennon and Foley (2000) as "dark" tourism. This type of tourism involves visits to "dark" sites, such as battlegrounds, scenes of horrific crimes or acts of genocide, for example concentration camps. Its origins are rooted in fairgrounds and medieval fairs. Philip Stone argues that dark tourism is a way of imagining one's own death through the real death of others. Erik H Cohen introduces the term "populo sites" to evidence the educational character of dark tourism. Popular sites transmit the story of victimized people to visitors. Based on a study at Social tourism is making tourism available to poor people who otherwise could not afford to travel for their education or recreation. It includes youth hostels and low-priced holiday accommodation run by church and voluntary organisations, Also known as "Tourism of Doom," or "Last Chance Tourism" this emerging trend involves traveling to places that are environmentally or otherwise threatened (such as the ice caps of Mount Kilimanjaro, the melting glaciers of Patagonia, or the coral of the Great Barrier Reef) before it is too late. Identified by travel trade magazine Travel Age Religious tourism, in particular pilgrimage, can serve to strengthen faith and to demonstrate devotion - both of which are central tenets of many major religions. Religious tourists may seek destinations DNA tourism, also called "ancestry tourism" or "heritage travel", is tourism based on DNA testing. DNA tourists visit their remote relatives Excessive hordes of visitors (or of the wrong Negative environmental consequences related to tourism activities, such as Tourism is sometimes associated with export or theft of In the last years, there are many places in the world that the local population develops an anti-tourism sentiment and protests against tourists. One of the most prominent examples of such a mobilization was the so-called "Tourists go home" movement, which emerged in 2014 in Spain due to the slogans and mottos calling the tourists to go back to their homes. Barcelona, as one of the most visited cities of the globe, has millions of tourists per year. The irresponsible behavior of the tourists in association with the overpopulation, usually The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) forecasts that international tourism will continue growing at the average annual rate of 4%. With the advent of e-commerce, tourism products have become prominent traded items on the internet. Tourism products and services have been made available through intermediaries, although tourism providers (hotels, airlines, etc.), including small-scale operators, can sell their services directly. This has put pressure on intermediaries from both on-line and traditional shops. It has been suggested there is a strong correlation between tourism expenditure per capita and the degree to which countries play in the global context. Not only as a result of the important economic contribution of the tourism industry, but also as an indicator of the degree of confidence with which global citizens leverage the resources of the globe for the benefit of their local economies. This is why any projections of growth in tourism may serve as an indication of the relative influence that each country will exercise in the future. There has been a limited amount of orbital space tourism, with only the Russian Since the late 1980s, sports tourism has become increasingly popular. Events such as rugby, Olympics, Commonwealth Games, As a result of the late-2000s recession, international arrivals experienced a strong slowdown beginning in June 2008. Growth from 2007 to 2008 was only 3.7% during the first eight months of 2008. This slowdown on international tourism demand was also reflected in the air transport industry, with negative growth in September 2008 and a 3.3% growth in passenger traffic through September. The hotel industry also reported a slowdown, with room occupancy declining. In 2009 worldwide tourism arrivals decreased by 3.8%. By the first quarter of 2009, real travel demand in the
Tourism is travel for pleasure or business; also the theory and practice of touring, the business of attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and the business of operating tours. The World Tourism Organization defines tourism more generally, in terms which go "beyond the common perception of tourism as being limited to holiday activity only", as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure and not less than 24 hours, business and other purposes".
[ 250004, 250054, 581, 2565, 44, 28889, 1419, 58, 509, 11814, 23, 729, 12825, 136, 44, 177133, 58, 23, 543, 1662, 5, 1650, 83, 100, 4806, 1295, 70, 2565, 44, 28889, 830, 581, 25313, 137374, 7, 111, 6, 177133, 621, 85590, 538, 70, 15380, 181079, 4, 70, 15380, 57266, 136, 70, 31425, 111, 70, 26983, 31913, 5, 581, 6661, 182999, 20897, 7, 621, 106480, 41965, 41392, 214, 18925, 6637, 1836, 621, 2773, 6, 177133, 39411, 7, 5, 4966, 3853, 10, 23295, 25, 7, 43581, 707, 36770, 3173, 111, 581, 6, 177133, 53099, 4, 237, 2831, 111, 70, 4516, 8916, 4, 1556, 24209, 142, 5526, 31344, 111, 91763, 100, 5941, 10776, 7, 136, 3853, 100, 64194, 76726, 5, 581, 44, 12662, 2439, 98501, 1363, 98, 6661, 125965, 111, 15643, 58, 125296, 71, 6863, 131011, 237, 44, 66, 103488, 85590, 47, 70, 6897, 111, 24, 5256, 6637, 111, 6863, 8951, 93425, 98, 70, 2265, 4, 15380, 4, 162807, 4, 136, 25313, 8916, 7, 111, 15889, 38887, 68794, 4, 136, 98, 2363, 21640, 91582, 1242, 125965, 19095, 7, 21334, 41170, 7, 111, 91763, 3934, 10, 4000, 111503, 23, 70, 3173, 360, 44500, 4, 70, 19175, 111, 145704, 61924, 71, 10, 44, 2472, 38529, 135474, 58, 237, 44, 43452, 3630, 26983, 214, 1563, 52562, 100, 99, 19713, 214075, 9, 160018, 21974, 740, 1650, 7, 39457, 42, 4, 70, 14098, 145704, 4, 37938, 48141, 903, 80934, 23, 18608, 4, 390, 26719, 10, 38132, 24765, 111, 37195, 21775, 5, 360, 24644, 4, 10453, 9012, 56, 136, 48112, 61924, 71, 6, 177133, 237, 44, 2347, 10554, 111, 70, 11521, 21004, 12470, 136, 151618, 187, 72219, 1295, 70, 26983, 136, 24765, 111, 351, 9, 2109, 52128, 7, 4, 23, 991, 3814, 237, 1836, 54, 959, 37105, 47, 28123, 45606, 329, 136, 621, 959, 162711, 678, 2499, 85168, 214, 103488, 1242, 360, 28506, 4, 70, 125965, 67081, 111, 30715, 25, 7, 80934, 509, 12, 44, 153639, 8780, 83, 70, 142458, 53, 4, 16610, 9, 32166, 112664, 111, 8357, 135474, 30780, 8080, 157578, 53855, 5843, 96090, 23, 27997, 1257, 1295, 645, 6, 185245, 19879, 23, 34975, 136, 9199, 304, 19879, 23, 15431, 360, 1392, 136, 27997, 21640, 26983, 35968, 136475, 47, 192026, 1295, 70, 388, 5908, 16750, 214, 1295, 70, 72399, 106364, 7, 456, 141840, 4, 7440, 6, 177133, 134729, 297, 10, 37515, 72803, 34695, 1295, 70, 17932, 23552, 111, 2021, 8305, 70, 3564, 111, 20938, 581, 6661, 125965, 173101, 117729, 70, 25632, 1492, 78869, 7, 581, 6661, 125965, 173101, 117729, 450, 21640, 6, 177133, 27747, 3442, 933, 3542, 7082, 4369, 133760, 4307, 96222, 581, 6661, 125965, 173101, 117729, 70, 25632, 76726, 3939, 167277, 8357, 673, 3674, 6097, 70, 8999, 25, 7, 30720, 50782, 10, 3445, 25, 7, 4000, 16128, 100, 5637, 3408, 509, 21334, 538, 17438, 14534, 47, 180187, 53, 61112, 4, 2750, 99, 20028, 26983, 297, 47, 95534, 63920, 111, 70, 8999, 4, 47, 1957, 6782, 33976, 7, 136, 43240, 111, 4927, 4, 30698, 3525, 46876, 7, 4, 16981, 3525, 29394, 7, 4, 25225, 4067, 10325, 28302, 1294, 136, 47, 90365, 12921, 57409, 7, 5, 1301, 39395, 237, 13684, 48679, 4, 49903, 4, 60097, 7, 1645, 52021, 61261, 100, 59959, 214, 33816, 7, 136, 33976, 3917, 29398, 7, 100, 26983, 1314, 5, 30720, 2069, 100, 147643, 831, 3311, 70, 102256, 62, 4188, 4, 14949, 2481, 136, 131007, 31047, 39, 136, 3726, 1902, 40250, 7, 111, 8111, 3964, 37926, 5, 133271, 3443, 25, 7, 4171, 720, 87180, 59144, 7, 136, 51438, 5024, 449, 25, 33, 25, 7, 44, 16604, 474, 10186, 47, 70, 10542, 58, 47143, 54704, 7, 111, 14941, 136, 76438, 163136, 5, 581, 209, 927, 9, 47, 702, 927, 9, 16797, 44616, 5986, 68728, 8946, 2843, 24124, 40, 25667, 26983, 6, 70035, 7, 6044, 237, 1832, 18799, 6, 177133, 831, 186, 144851, 71, 47, 2367, 509, 51529, 237, 70, 12801, 11330, 4, 3129, 509, 10, 89160, 24745, 10932, 14713, 15, 157225, 538, 102126, 136, 98848, 247, 1379, 1865, 33, 390, 5201, 538, 1407, 56, 9, 67413, 28811, 27150, 453, 111, 26950, 4, 5201, 538, 1295, 65925, 136, 182688, 28811, 76726, 5, 360, 611, 2357, 4, 27150, 54041, 111, 164111, 4, 239, 3827, 26253, 26729, 164, 26770, 13769, 11, 4, 70, 88, 18557, 775, 111, 26729, 164, 26770, 4830, 4, 352, 1299, 12225, 100, 10, 120696, 36880, 14713, 4, 237, 509, 23, 114122, 54940, 28820, 127, 110, 83259, 5, 1529, 26983, 6259, 8305, 43396, 90, 111, 18925, 25, 7, 102126, 4, 199458, 4, 70, 231118, 4, 7440, 764, 73275, 297, 70, 727, 429, 111, 6499, 85, 390, 195374, 84616, 4, 9942, 4, 236386, 47, 98848, 4, 66724, 4, 136, 70, 103655, 47806, 5, 1650, 509, 142, 162807, 120696, 136, 1632, 111, 70, 184345, 7, 509, 39864, 1363, 111, 89176, 6264, 23, 70, 28820, 127, 1104, 9506, 8805, 7925, 19, 151301, 1177, 289, 927, 5, 581, 114122, 21917, 1162, 67175, 1295, 1672, 611, 4598, 24189, 70, 68451, 111, 21334, 9, 7, 57965, 6, 68823, 62621, 23, 70, 167777, 7, 136, 137567, 134629, 10, 5570, 43841, 56, 6635, 5, 1650, 509, 142, 162807, 54591, 9335, 56851, 26983, 509, 137272, 678, 70, 81207, 135555, 23, 70, 14098, 117604, 2347, 5117, 28811, 23295, 47, 125568, 5637, 3408, 1733, 47, 70, 118055, 25297, 43904, 5, 360, 1890, 25958, 4, 903, 190659, 47, 70, 144044, 111, 70, 36279, 1294, 111, 36049, 4, 70, 25313, 1194, 1970, 7668, 4, 31461, 53, 144044, 136, 188535, 7, 5, 32255, 48402, 297, 70, 3525, 86991, 18507, 5, 1311, 425, 619, 87703, 509, 70, 5117, 51521, 26983, 14380, 47, 186, 100, 4806, 23, 729, 10057, 5, 581, 56101, 59665, 111, 903, 3525, 53099, 83, 44961, 297, 23, 5941, 3687, 123055, 5, 360, 73398, 4, 9942, 4, 1632, 111, 70, 5117, 136, 2965, 9, 7752, 7121, 67175, 65006, 70634, 7, 98, 70, 92265, 211937, 4, 70, 4989, 28, 32311, 2873, 33233, 70, 15520, 20549, 83, 51529, 47, 903, 5155, 237, 70, 44, 10752, 12470, 112, 224, 2393, 19164, 56128, 23, 5941, 3789, 105719, 70634, 7, 23, 72852, 289, 14713, 4, 10332, 4, 5299, 9, 7752, 7121, 67175, 5381, 329, 86943, 765, 123055, 1884, 70, 44, 68381, 194510, 830, 44, 68381, 25075, 1507, 830, 707, 44, 68381, 194322, 1771, 58, 29087, 8996, 1916, 70, 139887, 329, 111, 14941, 59463, 5, 62, 53918, 11226, 111, 70, 26983, 122921, 8063, 4, 14978, 79479, 25, 7, 6528, 47, 18645, 6, 180976, 7, 21449, 47, 4049, 12960, 89289, 100, 70, 36541, 146600, 98, 70, 9020, 17119, 99, 1519, 275, 93017, 5, 17106, 70, 73432, 111, 70, 65042, 297, 23166, 1760, 6, 108210, 3387, 85736, 7514, 4, 764, 137356, 71, 38128, 136, 6083, 604, 14, 16852, 621, 23, 5941, 50218, 70, 89931, 18231, 100, 214574, 6, 177133, 5, 38128, 6, 177133, 83, 1632, 111, 70, 31534, 90522, 7, 450, 83, 44961, 297, 23, 106750, 101935, 111, 645, 54350, 24765, 7, 136, 40575, 5, 1301, 46015, 83, 118055, 538, 66339, 214, 4, 70, 15380, 604, 14, 16852, 83, 44841, 100, 6, 177133, 4, 1284, 2843, 9667, 12060, 297, 390, 442, 5, 581, 44, 33028, 61611, 20, 8357, 38128, 125965, 110373, 56, 58, 1295, 8272, 83, 21771, 184017, 678, 756, 111, 6097, 44402, 5, 1301, 10, 16750, 111, 70, 135474, 141033, 4, 100, 27781, 4, 70, 5599, 408, 6077, 143383, 509, 456, 978, 24908, 100, 135474, 7, 5, 9578, 177133, 83, 41649, 72219, 83, 10, 5700, 3173, 111, 7401, 6, 177133, 5, 9335, 56851, 149509, 109923, 7, 3542, 65508, 71, 390, 70, 44, 76114, 99076, 320, 619, 141483, 101059, 201940, 33734, 58, 15, 683, 1230, 670, 16, 23, 543, 12465, 4, 57, 49725, 1295, 234995, 47, 78869, 7, 6044, 52455, 5637, 3408, 9, 49133, 297, 135474, 7, 26983, 47, 15520, 8752, 70634, 7, 98, 2363, 43573, 525, 184085, 707, 53333, 10, 28394, 5, 106294, 289, 58555, 23, 70, 9044, 28021, 621, 5700, 23, 15044, 51065, 136, 41710, 5, 198919, 7, 765, 61924, 71, 46889, 6, 177133, 237, 26983, 390, 94407, 98, 479, 9, 7560, 10360, 297, 9742, 7, 4, 56104, 1379, 70, 53702, 111, 6, 177133, 50582, 5, 3293, 3173, 111, 6, 177133, 126809, 20271, 70, 17932, 23552, 111, 70, 953, 927, 142642, 23, 70, 14098, 117604, 136, 509, 53918, 11226, 297, 390, 14978, 79479, 5, 79479, 34739, 92940, 111, 14713, 25, 7, 25545, 538, 71062, 214, 6, 68823, 7514, 33120, 136, 170920, 10, 14380, 450, 122399, 202703, 5155, 24745, 6, 180976, 7, 47, 70, 23860, 7, 4, 23, 66044, 47, 51713, 65006, 7, 47, 185827, 14713, 4, 5596, 4, 14237, 136, 70, 65925, 14313, 14, 157695, 3129, 110281, 297, 180187, 6815, 59463, 5, 3311, 70, 100439, 7, 645, 6, 91578, 135474, 7, 117, 6602, 11814, 14978, 79479, 619, 4815, 5, 581, 76755, 17721, 6, 177133, 53095, 4, 6181, 2320, 39933, 7, 136, 86943, 83, 10, 9879, 60213, 111, 46889, 6, 177133, 5, 79479, 509, 19048, 47, 1520, 1430, 6, 177133, 15005, 7, 47, 70, 183851, 5361, 939, 3173, 7, 111, 6, 177133, 450, 765, 74216, 71, 645, 70, 5369, 4, 12638, 678, 6863, 10002, 606, 170, 100034, 5, 52455, 111, 6097, 69407, 765, 1380, 3934, 39210, 4527, 390, 70, 6, 177133, 53099, 2907, 5, 5919, 24374, 4, 236386, 100512, 70, 501, 5589, 133, 111, 70, 168698, 41710, 6, 177133, 23, 70, 128136, 7, 12, 3018, 31095, 43041, 12745, 16014, 18, 77049, 71, 3060, 51065, 138931, 1295, 30715, 47, 30646, 23, 70, 41710, 47, 1957, 70, 108203, 53, 212790, 4, 2685, 1272, 33428, 1916, 10, 5700, 12768, 5, 1650, 509, 4, 49903, 4, 4734, 23, 70, 19340, 7, 3229, 41710, 6, 177133, 34739, 645, 70, 37105, 1295, 51065, 6, 177133, 23, 8622, 1556, 2809, 142, 1257, 9, 90522, 23, 6, 177133, 645, 70, 4568, 10846, 8, 23662, 7, 4, 41866, 23, 14713, 4, 7440, 21640, 26983, 100, 16610, 36356, 7, 83, 39210, 5, 165422, 7, 765, 10, 38134, 37457, 111, 20334, 7, 136, 90365, 7, 4, 136, 10, 38134, 96551, 111, 70634, 7, 136, 86943, 765, 126809, 47, 377, 720, 100, 2856, 5, 1326, 27781, 4, 3060, 3395, 12601, 8781, 46520, 166021, 7, 4, 12960, 27060, 3444, 1286, 5361, 29367, 65006, 7, 4, 92136, 56, 70634, 7, 4, 14449, 9, 49133, 297, 65006, 7, 4, 707, 6445, 13, 16839, 9, 867, 3794, 297, 78869, 86943, 5, 581, 34754, 7, 23, 1831, 6181, 150449, 4, 6044, 237, 1129, 7567, 55, 933, 4, 27226, 9, 587, 271, 1831, 59801, 4, 136, 1286, 81522, 146619, 7, 765, 7228, 5941, 52895, 111, 6, 177133, 1286, 202703, 5, 581, 125253, 25902, 3674, 23, 1877, 450, 2685, 621, 10932, 23552, 10, 19879, 3395, 98, 45443, 1831, 56379, 99, 2499, 34475, 1733, 5, 8622, 765, 2843, 2809, 65572, 23, 101906, 4, 100, 27781, 4, 3060, 90223, 674, 9, 4588, 3395, 205027, 6602, 9, 67688, 6, 177133, 5, 3293, 83, 33493, 3674, 390, 1820, 40575, 111, 135474, 11374, 5, 31384, 15271, 765, 5036, 26859, 47, 18645, 84079, 196163, 4, 23, 3129, 142, 55128, 27167, 83, 66747, 71, 100, 10, 308, 3632, 9, 42424, 98169, 50336, 297, 390, 70, 43373, 54799, 50159, 13, 5, 8622, 765, 2809, 10, 10846, 5423, 12620, 7, 23, 6, 177133, 4, 6044, 237, 70, 6088, 534, 52875, 7, 136, 42998, 120332, 7, 47, 135474, 78869, 7, 4, 6044, 237, 23, 27937, 136, 40368, 28811, 162708, 5, 22376, 4, 98, 1381, 14487, 86097, 10, 150100, 4, 143434, 390, 70, 4821, 42878, 55609, 109270, 13722, 350, 4, 5962, 70, 67009, 76726, 98, 70, 42878, 55609, 4, 26719, 70, 3658, 428, 3132, 5, 32238, 38504, 6468, 111, 60742, 3542, 72856, 26719, 5941, 135474, 7, 5, 3293, 4, 25842, 678, 70, 18410, 46622, 9, 2037, 41018, 7, 4, 118066, 707, 141591, 538, 2057, 1264, 297, 6, 177133, 23, 70, 16128, 100, 10, 1733, 5, 154966, 27226, 9, 5293, 329, 707, 3853, 45234, 9, 5293, 329, 645, 54350, 24765, 7, 765, 24209, 1286, 5700, 23, 70, 3576, 7, 4, 41866, 678, 10, 37515, 75678, 23, 70, 142398, 16839, 136, 11374, 1884, 1311, 12665, 84041, 420, 214, 136, 1831, 61320, 275, 8035, 170920, 5, 8622, 1556, 2843, 2809, 27781, 7, 111, 100491, 18403, 5256, 7440, 73, 10, 88551, 126826, 111, 6, 69731, 83, 8035, 66933, 98, 144, 33558, 70, 158978, 97264, 111, 146295, 98186, 6, 177133, 4, 237, 1556, 74918, 2822, 100, 110527, 23, 61069, 5, 44, 294, 5394, 73, 2886, 6, 177133, 83, 6, 191195, 71, 237, 105207, 47, 24365, 111, 756, 65514, 23, 6044, 10, 3917, 450, 25313, 4, 2265, 136, 10, 13, 237398, 27117, 831, 186, 211394, 297, 12960, 76104, 214, 15380, 9114, 2481, 4, 85590, 162145, 289, 9433, 90, 4, 333, 109622, 18595, 939, 136, 6897, 8060, 76519, 1242, 15, 70646, 125965, 173101, 16, 26832, 25500, 2886, 34754, 35388, 90, 44, 106252, 214, 70, 27117, 111, 70, 13379, 15490, 134454, 214, 70, 81273, 111, 22690, 58093, 7, 47, 23356, 2363, 10002, 27117, 1242, 15, 70646, 63871, 98, 357, 686, 1900, 674, 136, 55441, 4, 22059, 16, 893, 5526, 2831, 111, 227234, 6, 177133, 83, 9844, 51529, 237, 70, 17262, 34777, 21816, 111, 205027, 41159, 3129, 26698, 79048, 4, 231527, 64, 647, 238, 109622, 136, 45988, 31, 9, 93782, 5, 1326, 10, 78869, 47, 186, 87607, 227234, 442, 8110, 765, 142, 105950, 40197, 54940, 70, 17262, 34777, 21816, 5, 79048, 83, 23, 41911, 47, 17265, 136, 20662, 136, 76104, 214, 10, 24233, 41170, 111, 49456, 5, 231527, 83, 111, 15411, 23, 41911, 47, 70, 65998, 442, 33342, 3934, 36766, 70, 4000, 49347, 16751, 7, 831, 8060, 70, 26794, 425, 111, 144994, 136, 2843, 3642, 6097, 144994, 52490, 70, 49347, 16751, 5, 47009, 194207, 13, 6, 177133, 15005, 7, 47, 3395, 26983, 214, 47, 16981, 70, 44677, 62548, 47, 67773, 13, 4, 136, 621, 62952, 51359, 98, 12921, 109379, 7, 4, 9433, 4, 41361, 31332, 177133, 4, 2843, 51529, 237, 162145, 289, 6, 177133, 4, 83, 102778, 26983, 47, 119371, 13, 4, 4067, 10325, 4, 136, 56104, 30312, 58555, 450, 22223, 3132, 47, 186, 27226, 9, 154028, 136, 15, 31, 60441, 16, 19336, 9, 7, 57965, 5, 1650, 112397, 29574, 67, 70, 26983, 56, 74, 87344, 9458, 7, 100, 17467, 1363, 74, 105237, 72382, 70, 581, 14277, 6, 177133, 83, 10, 3173, 111, 6, 177133, 100, 8382, 2750, 19922, 70, 1346, 136, 113976, 31913, 7, 4, 17, 5, 13, 5, 70, 44677, 11814, 100, 1346, 214, 10, 1346, 707, 10, 113976, 581, 803, 35599, 4726, 146, 62693, 40572, 18, 25262, 587, 83, 142, 84172, 84659, 112664, 7311, 538, 103122, 237, 10, 32485, 1771, 3365, 316, 19, 98, 67842, 1118, 136, 15122, 104345, 7, 51521, 538, 23, 1324, 15, 76228, 10, 22293, 6023, 100, 4806, 23, 70, 96362, 8, 23662, 16, 1284, 4, 23, 70, 25632, 5369, 4, 442, 1556, 24209, 10, 2773, 84659, 54543, 5700, 29367, 23, 15271, 4, 151747, 4, 38016, 7, 4, 14834, 86052, 7, 4, 68894, 68036, 4, 112664, 7, 136, 113976, 5303, 5180, 756, 645, 70, 8999, 5, 1650, 2843, 96853, 25946, 7, 136, 39170, 10760, 7, 3126, 297, 47, 6863, 8796, 5, 581, 60042, 111, 70, 4488, 83, 10861, 297, 12, 1295, 70, 456, 229815, 674, 111, 5976, 309, 67, 56, 6, 177133, 15, 748, 2741, 309, 177133, 16, 83, 105925, 237, 10, 21334, 538, 65925, 6, 88322, 13450, 6431, 4, 678, 149849, 7, 26983, 214, 47, 36442, 8382, 40715, 50612, 67, 3501, 61261, 23, 12989, 47, 105416, 7964, 23, 13, 71723, 31075, 5, 1401, 101098, 133206, 61924, 7, 149849, 6, 177133, 237, 59911, 214, 44, 188, 8382, 135474, 7, 2750, 4, 100, 67842, 89397, 4, 149849, 23, 142, 131168, 71, 3917, 47, 1379, 78219, 65006, 7, 450, 13648, 83687, 10, 86675, 707, 747, 3459, 1916, 70, 4912, 234694, 111, 3060, 94407, 23, 100510, 740, 310, 13055, 509, 14037, 297, 23, 70, 17274, 23, 42610, 136, 70, 7082, 126609, 89499, 7, 509, 221419, 538, 14037, 297, 23, 23936, 5, 32255, 3542, 70, 5117, 21334, 105994, 87093, 6635, 1250, 9, 771, 748, 6, 177133, 4, 3129, 40, 5447, 47, 4358, 70, 70425, 525, 3395, 23, 168698, 76726, 4, 1556, 2809, 217063, 118055, 35743, 390, 8382, 75412, 23, 34754, 74, 70, 31089, 1556, 2809, 29823, 297, 8305, 19336, 9, 7, 57965, 77635, 23, 4000, 142080, 136, 8305, 81887, 7, 390, 73333, 90, 111, 125965, 47, 110281, 21334, 101935, 111, 135474, 7, 5, 42477, 390, 853, 141840, 6, 177133, 83, 10, 26983, 12768, 3129, 216479, 71, 390, 3917, 111, 70, 8999, 25313, 52028, 5, 853, 141840, 6, 177133, 83, 61924, 71, 390, 27226, 9, 587, 271, 136, 11192, 9, 27494, 13, 134858, 35971, 3687, 111, 24145, 9, 114366, 189534, 10267, 107, 9821, 5, 179117, 223, 456, 141840, 6, 177133, 8010, 53370, 7, 765, 14847, 2685, 83, 10, 88551, 27167, 60212, 17721, 76726, 100, 10, 34475, 29874, 50491, 4, 106480, 23, 25134, 13, 4438, 14237, 4, 5596, 4, 24453, 9022, 14713, 4, 39485, 43154, 289, 6, 177133, 83, 126809, 6637, 111, 70, 105925, 5700, 2481, 111, 128169, 136, 52080, 111, 51359, 136, 70, 22, 1121, 21896, 111, 121392, 98438, 27771, 50782, 111, 70, 217212, 65998, 5, 360, 162807, 3293, 10644, 111, 6, 177133, 83, 162393, 98, 135474, 7, 38162, 3934, 10, 10776, 47, 40101, 42938, 13, 23, 142, 19732, 707, 47, 1957, 142, 5808, 297, 19732, 3884, 98, 390, 70, 26349, 64, 80938, 5, 3293, 10644, 111, 6, 177133, 831, 2843, 6817, 1379, 227234, 6, 177133, 237, 5299, 136, 53095, 450, 28282, 10, 227234, 19732, 47, 29966, 9803, 1257, 10, 18227, 47, 959, 4734, 70, 107222, 1284, 2363, 133325, 47, 30698, 136, 85493, 9066, 6, 177133, 1556, 13835, 71, 237, 10, 3173, 111, 15380, 6, 177133, 4, 16792, 70, 39395, 86595, 7, 111, 6, 177133, 68034, 5, 1650, 7, 28811, 74855, 7, 5622, 4420, 47, 70, 1733, 111, 70, 12801, 11330, 4, 3129, 24124, 70, 775, 7, 111, 187, 5176, 15182, 9523, 87143, 26983, 214, 100, 70, 60042, 111, 153161, 212398, 4, 162807, 134858, 5, 5455, 78684, 4, 85403, 6, 177133, 1556, 2809, 34475, 6863, 10002, 9351, 390, 26315, 70956, 161597, 136, 119587, 22758, 7, 4, 2750, 237, 43032, 111, 70, 56187, 100, 125965, 136, 9335, 56851, 43154, 15, 14609, 46705, 247, 765, 8951, 297, 10, 14012, 111, 77635, 100, 70, 28811, 63871, 4, 26719, 15380, 136, 131346, 7, 6, 177133, 4, 51529, 237, 227234, 6, 177133, 5, 10660, 765, 61924, 71, 44, 129147, 272, 6, 177133, 58, 237, 6, 177133, 62548, 47, 70, 36457, 105226, 111, 26983, 1314, 23, 70, 29394, 111, 70, 27980, 26908, 4, 8305, 212398, 117528, 136, 152701, 52080, 134858, 5, 1215, 66, 204610, 4, 70, 23755, 111, 85403, 6, 177133, 1556, 2809, 171739, 1257, 390, 11192, 9, 58395, 13, 53702, 7, 6044, 163368, 80973, 26983, 15, 748, 44, 14, 6947, 6889, 26983, 18939, 83, 1632, 111, 70, 13036, 16839, 12768, 7, 23, 70, 5744, 6, 177133, 53099, 5, 1650, 83, 142, 51515, 47, 26983, 2069, 3129, 32153, 90, 98, 6561, 50419, 9966, 16128, 111, 5361, 33946, 1556, 2809, 207487, 390, 18226, 6431, 136, 9572, 4293, 138660, 237, 44, 1506, 92, 58, 6, 177133, 5, 3293, 10644, 111, 6, 177133, 83687, 7, 19922, 7, 47, 44, 1506, 92, 58, 15271, 4, 6044, 237, 133868, 64330, 7, 4, 28302, 7, 111, 152240, 20941, 138379, 707, 27992, 7, 111, 159372, 13, 4, 100, 27781, 202104, 11491, 7, 5, 1650, 7, 59665, 7, 621, 74855, 297, 23, 44075, 64330, 7, 136, 92264, 44075, 7, 5, 90452, 47002, 187, 21325, 450, 43334, 6, 177133, 83, 10, 3917, 111, 86898, 214, 1632, 25, 7, 10002, 47219, 8305, 70, 2773, 47219, 111, 27060, 5, 27303, 572, 168720, 65508, 7, 70, 13579, 44, 33554, 10391, 15271, 58, 47, 77950, 70, 162807, 62816, 111, 43334, 6, 177133, 5, 37197, 15271, 71872, 70, 13765, 111, 91519, 29367, 3395, 47, 144994, 5, 44978, 71, 98, 10, 35187, 99, 7142, 6, 177133, 83, 20662, 6, 177133, 19882, 47, 70425, 3395, 2750, 120262, 5809, 959, 180863, 47, 26983, 100, 2363, 53019, 707, 89011, 1363, 5, 1650, 96853, 156206, 142398, 7, 136, 27226, 9, 5293, 37534, 65006, 216417, 11675, 390, 106820, 136, 87093, 6635, 139240, 4, 22376, 51529, 237, 44, 153639, 8780, 111, 984, 306, 4, 58, 707, 44, 2729, 271, 76710, 125965, 58, 903, 50419, 9966, 12768, 83687, 7, 26983, 214, 47, 44677, 450, 621, 156444, 538, 707, 120262, 120332, 33, 297, 15, 7, 12665, 237, 70, 6, 2980, 3540, 7, 111, 101057, 180088, 4, 70, 21501, 1916, 169783, 1314, 111, 57407, 519, 1174, 4, 707, 70, 184518, 111, 70, 32774, 73412, 56, 853, 4240, 16, 8108, 442, 83, 5792, 72399, 5, 189543, 297, 390, 26983, 52350, 41260, 30720, 72944, 112869, 10821, 6, 177133, 4, 23, 17311, 8111, 3964, 37926, 4, 831, 21265, 47, 90254, 33, 109208, 136, 47, 106804, 13, 30396, 1363, 20, 15044, 111, 3129, 621, 9879, 1492, 7831, 111, 5941, 13036, 42615, 7, 5, 112869, 10821, 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summarize: Initially, the term 'philosophy' referred to any body of knowledge. In this sense, philosophy is closely related to religion, mathematics, natural science, education, and politics. Though as of the 2000s it has been classified as a book of physics, Newton's "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" (1687) uses the term "natural philosophy" as it was understood at the time to encompass disciplines, such as astronomy, medicine and physics, that later became associated with sciences. In the first part of his "Academica" 1, Cicero introduced the division of philosophy into logic, physics, and ethics, emulating Epicurus' division of his doctrine into canon, physics, and ethics. In section thirteen of his "Lives and Opinions of the Eminent Philosophers" 1, Diogenes Laërtius (3rd century), the first historian of philosophy, established the traditional division of philosophical inquiry into three parts: This division is not obsolete but has changed: "natural philosophy" has split into the various natural sciences, especially physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, and cosmology; "moral philosophy" has birthed the social sciences, while still including value theory (e.g. ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy, etc.); and "metaphysical philosophy" has given way to formal sciences such as logic, mathematics and philosophy of science, while still including epistemology, cosmology, etc. Many philosophical debates that began in ancient times are still debated today. McGinn (1993) and others claim that no philosophical progress has occurred during that interval. Chalmers (2013) and others, by contrast, see progress in philosophy similar to that in science, while Brewer (2011) argued that "progress" is the wrong standard by which to judge philosophical activity. In one general sense, philosophy is associated with wisdom, intellectual culture, and a search for knowledge. In this sense, all cultures and literate societies ask philosophical questions, such as "how are we to live" and "what is the nature of reality." A broad and impartial conception of philosophy, then, finds a reasoned inquiry into such matters as reality, morality, and life in all world civilizations. Western philosophy is the philosophical tradition of the Western world, dating back to pre-Socratic thinkers who were active in 6th-century Greece (BCE), such as Thales ( – 546 BCE) and Pythagoras ( – 495 BCE) who practiced a 'love of wisdom' () and were also termed'students of nature' (). Socrates was a very influential philosopher, who insisted that he possessed no "wisdom", but rather, he was a "pursuer of" wisdom. Western philosophy can be divided into three eras: The ancient era was dominated by Greek philosophical schools which arose out of the various pupils of Socrates, such as Plato, who founded the Platonic Academy and his student Aristotle, founding the Peripatetic school, who were both extremely influential in Western tradition. Other traditions include Cynicism, Stoicism, Skepticism and Epicureanism. Important topics covered by the Greeks included metaphysics (with competing theories such as atomism and monism), cosmology, the nature of the well-lived life ("eudaimonia"), the possibility of knowledge and the nature of reason (logos). With the rise of the Roman empire, Greek philosophy was also increasingly discussed in Latin by Romans such as Cicero and Seneca (see Roman philosophy). Medieval philosophy (5th–16th centuries) is the period following the fall of the Western Roman Empire and was dominated by the rise of Christianity and hence reflects Judeo-Christian theological concerns as well as retaining a continuity with Greco-Roman thought. Problems such as the existence and nature of God, the nature of faith and reason, metaphysics, the problem of evil were discussed in this period. Some key Medieval thinkers include St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Boethius, Anselm and Roger Bacon. Philosophy for these thinkers was viewed as an aid to Theology () and hence they sought to align their philosophy with their interpretation of sacred scripture. This period saw the development of Scholasticism, a text critical method developed in medieval universities based on close reading and disputation on key texts. The Renaissance period saw increasing focus on classic Greco-Roman thought and on a robust Humanism. Early modern philosophy in the Western world begins with thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes and René Descartes (1596–1650). Following the rise of natural science, modern philosophy was concerned with developing a secular and rational foundation for knowledge and moved away from traditional structures of authority such as religion, scholastic thought and the Church. Major modern philosophers include Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant. 19th-century philosophy (late modern philosophy) is influenced by the wider movement termed the Enlightenment, and includes figures such as Hegel a key figure in German idealism, Kierkegaard who developed the foundations for existentialism, Nietzsche a famed anti-Christian, John Stuart Mill who promoted utilitarianism, Karl Marx who developed the foundations for communism and the American William James. The 20th century saw the split between analytic philosophy and continental philosophy, as well as philosophical trends such as phenomenology, existentialism, logical positivism, pragmatism and the linguistic turn (see Contemporary philosophy). The regions of the fertile Crescent, Iran and Arabia are home to the earliest known philosophical Wisdom literature and is today mostly dominated by Islamic culture. Early wisdom literature from the fertile crescent was a genre which sought to instruct people on ethical action, practical living and virtue through stories and proverbs. In Ancient Egypt, these texts were known as "sebayt" ('teachings') and they are central to our understandings of Ancient Egyptian philosophy. Babylonian astronomy also included much philosophical speculations about cosmology which may have influenced the Ancient Greeks. Jewish philosophy and Christian philosophy are religio-philosophical traditions that developed both in the Middle East and in Europe, which both share certain early Judaic texts (mainly the Tanakh) and monotheistic beliefs. Jewish thinkers such as the Geonim of the Talmudic Academies in Babylonia and Maimonides engaged with Greek and Islamic philosophy. Later Jewish philosophy came under strong Western intellectual influences and includes the works of Moses Mendelssohn who ushered in the Haskalah (the Jewish Enlightenment), Jewish existentialism, and Reform Judaism. Pre-Islamic Iranian philosophy begins with the work of Zoroaster, one of the first promoters of monotheism and of the dualism between good and evil. This dualistic cosmogony influenced later Iranian developments such as Manichaeism, Mazdakism, and Zurvanism. After the Muslim conquests, Early Islamic philosophy developed the Greek philosophical traditions in new innovative directions. This Islamic Golden Age influenced European intellectual developments. The two main currents of early Islamic thought are Kalam which focuses on Islamic theology and Falsafa which was based on Aristotelianism and Neoplatonism. The work of Aristotle was very influential among the falsafa such as al-Kindi (9th century), Avicenna (980 – June 1037) and Averroes (12th century). Others such as Al-Ghazali were highly critical of the methods of the Aristotelian falsafa. Islamic thinkers also developed a scientific method, experimental medicine, a theory of optics and a legal philosophy. Ibn Khaldun was an influential thinker in philosophy of history. In Iran, several schools of Islamic philosophy continued to flourish after the Golden Age and include currents such as Illuminationist philosophy, Sufi philosophy, and Transcendent theosophy. The 19th- and 20th-century Arab world saw the "Nahda" ('awakening'; aka the 'Arab Renaissance') movement which influenced contemporary Islamic philosophy. Indian philosophy () refers to the diverse philosophical traditions that emerged since the ancient times on the Indian subcontinent. Jainism and Buddhism originated at the end of the Vedic period, while Hinduism emerged after the period as a fusion of diverse traditions. Hindus generally classify these traditions as either orthodox ("āstika") or heterodox ("nāstika") depending on whether they accept the authority of the Vedas and the theories of "brahman" ('eternal', 'conscious', 'irreducible') and "ātman" ('soul','self', 'breathe') therein. The orthodox schools include the Hindu traditions of thought, while the heterodox schools include the Buddhist and the Jain traditions. Other schools include the Ajñana, Ājīvika, and Cārvāka which became extinct over their history. Important Indian philosophical concepts shared by the Indian philosophies and virtues include: Jain philosophy accepts the concept of a permanent soul ("jiva") as one of the five "astikayas" (eternal, infinite categories that make up the substance of existence). The other four being "dhárma", "adharma", "ākāśa" ('space'), and "pudgala" ('matter'). The Jain thought separates matter from the soul completely, with two major subtraditions: "Digambara" ('sky dressed', 'naked') and "Śvētāmbara" ('white dressed'), along with several more minor traditions such as "Terapanthi". Asceticism is a major monastic virtue in Jainism. Jain texts such as the "Tattvartha Sutra" state that right faith, right knowledge and right conduct is the path to liberation. The Jain thought holds that all existence is cyclic, eternal and uncreated. The "Tattvartha Sutra" is the earliest known, most comprehensive and authoritative compilation of Jain philosophy. Buddhist philosophy begins with the thought of Gautama Buddha (fl. between 6th and 4th century BCE) and is preserved in the early Buddhist texts. It originated in India and later spread to East Asia, Tibet, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, developing various traditions in these regions. Mahayana forms are the dominant Buddhist philosophical traditions in East Asian regions such as China, Korea and Japan. The Theravada forms are dominant in Southeast Asian countries, such as Sri Lanka, Burma and Thailand. Because ignorance to the true nature of things is considered one of the roots of suffering ("dukkha"), Buddhist philosophy is concerned with epistemology, metaphysics, ethics and psychology. Buddhist philosophical texts must also be understood within the context of meditative practices which are supposed to bring about certain cognitive shifts. Key innovative concepts include the four noble truths as an analysis of "dukkha", "anicca" (impermanence), and "anatta" (non-self). After the death of the Buddha, various groups began to systematize his main teachings, eventually developing comprehensive philosophical systems termed "Abhidharma". Following the Abhidharma schools, Mahayana philosophers such as Nagarjuna and Vasubandhu developed the theories of "śūnyatā" ('emptiness of all phenomena') and "vijñapti-matra" ('appearance only'), a form of phenomenology or transcendental idealism. The Dignāga school of "pramāṇa" ('means of knowledge') promoted a sophisticated form of Buddhist logico-epistemology. There were numerous schools, sub-schools and traditions of Buddhist philosophy in India. According to Oxford professor of Buddhist philosophy Jan Westerhoff, the major Indian schools from 300 BCE to 1000 CE were: After the disappearance of Buddhism from India, some of these philosophical traditions continued to develop in the Tibetan Buddhist, East Asian Buddhist and Theravada Buddhist traditions. The Vedas-based orthodox schools are a part of the Hindu traditions and they are traditionally classified into six "darśanas": Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mīmāṃsā, and Vedanta. The Vedas as a knowledge source were interpreted differently by these six schools of Hindu philosophy, with varying degrees of overlap. They represent a "collection of philosophical views that share a textual connection," according to Chadha (2015). They also reflect a tolerance for a diversity of philosophical interpretations within Hinduism while sharing the same foundation. Some of the earliest surviving Hindu mystical and philosophical texts are the Upanishads of the later Vedic period (1000–500 BCE). Hindu philosophers of the six schools developed systems of epistemology ("pramana") and investigated topics such as metaphysics, ethics, psychology ("guṇa"), hermeneutics, and soteriology within the framework of the Vedic knowledge, while presenting a diverse collection of interpretations. These schools of philosophy accepted the Vedas and the Vedic concept of "Ātman" and "Brahman", differed from the following Indian religions that rejected the authority of the Vedas: The commonly named six orthodox schools over time led to what has been called the "Hindu synthesis" as exemplified by its scripture the "Bhagavad Gita". East Asian philosophical thought began in Ancient China, and Chinese philosophy begins during the Western Zhou Dynasty and the following periods after its fall when the "Hundred Schools of Thought" flourished (6th century to 221 BCE). This period was characterized by significant intellectual and cultural developments and saw the rise of the major philosophical schools of China, Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism as well as numerous other less influential schools. These philosophical traditions developed metaphysical, political and ethical theories such Tao, Yin and yang, Ren and Li which, along with Chinese Buddhism, directly influenced Korean philosophy, Vietnamese philosophy and Japanese philosophy (which also includes the native Shinto tradition). Buddhism began arriving in China during the Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE), through a gradual Silk road transmission and through native influences developed distinct Chinese forms (such as Chan/Zen) which spread throughout the East Asian cultural sphere. During later Chinese dynasties like the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) as well as in the Korean Joseon dynasty (1392–1897) a resurgent Neo-Confucianism led by thinkers such as Wang Yangming (1472–1529) became the dominant school of thought, and was promoted by the imperial state. In the Modern era, Chinese thinkers incorporated ideas from Western philosophy. Chinese Marxist philosophy developed under the influence of Mao Zedong, while a Chinese pragmatism under Hu Shih and New Confucianism's rise was influenced by Xiong Shili. Modern Japanese thought meanwhile developed under strong Western influences such as the study of Western Sciences (Rangaku) and the modernist Meirokusha intellectual society which drew from European enlightenment thought. The 20th century saw the rise of State Shinto and also Japanese nationalism. The Kyoto School, an influential and unique Japanese philosophical school developed from Western phenomenology and Medieval Japanese Buddhist philosophy such as that of Dogen. African philosophy is philosophy produced by African people, philosophy that presents African worldviews, ideas and themes, or philosophy that uses distinct African philosophical methods. Modern African thought has been occupied with Ethnophilosophy, with defining the very meaning of African philosophy and its unique characteristics and what it means to be African. During the 17th century, Ethiopian philosophy developed a robust literary tradition as exemplified by Zera Yacob. Another early African philosopher was Anton Wilhelm Amo (c. 1703–1759) who became a respected philosopher in Germany. Distinct African philosophical ideas include Ujamaa, the Bantu idea of 'Force', Négritude, Pan-Africanism and Ubuntu. Contemporary African thought has also seen the development of Professional philosophy and of Africana philosophy, the philosophical literature of the African diaspora which includes currents such as black existentialism by African-Americans. Some modern African thinkers have been influenced by Marxism, African-American literature, Critical theory, Critical race theory, Postcolonialism and Feminism. Indigenous-American philosophical thought consists of a wide variety of beliefs and traditions among different American cultures. Among some of U.S. Native American communities, there is a belief in a metaphysical principle called the 'Great Spirit' (Siouan: "wakȟáŋ tȟáŋka"; Algonquian: "gitche manitou"). Another widely shared concept was that of "orenda" ('spiritual power'). According to Whiteley (1998), for the Native Americans, "mind is critically informed by transcendental experience (dreams, visions and so on) as well as by reason." The practices to access these transcendental experiences are termed "shamanism". Another feature of the indigenous American worldviews was their extension of ethics to non-human animals and plants. In Mesoamerica, Aztec philosophy was an intellectual tradition developed by individuals called "Tlamatini" ('those who know something') and its ideas are preserved in various Aztec codices. The Aztec worldview posited the concept of an ultimate universal energy or force called "Ōmeteōtl" ('Dual Cosmic Energy') which sought a way to live in balance with a constantly changing, "slippery" world. The theory of "Teotl" can be seen as a form of Pantheism. Aztec philosophers developed theories of metaphysics, epistemology, values, and aesthetics. Aztec ethics was focused on seeking "tlamatiliztli" ('knowledge', 'wisdom') which was based on moderation and balance in all actions as in the Nahua proverb "the middle good is necessary." The Inca civilization also had an elite class of philosopher-scholars termed the "Amawtakuna" who were important in the Inca education system as teachers of religion, tradition, history and ethics. Key concepts of Andean thought are Yanantin and Masintin which involve a theory of “complementary opposites” that sees polarities (such as male/female, dark/light) as interdependent parts of a harmonious whole. Philosophical questions can be grouped into categories. These groupings allow philosophers to focus on a set of similar topics and interact with other thinkers who are interested in the same questions. The groupings also make philosophy easier for students to approach. Students can learn the basic principles involved in one aspect of the field without being overwhelmed with the entire set of philosophical theories. Various sources present different categorical schemes. The categories adopted in this article aim for breadth and simplicity. These five major branches can be separated into sub-branches and each sub-branch contains many specific fields of study: These divisions are neither exhaustive, nor mutually exclusive. (A philosopher might specialize in Kantian epistemology, or Platonic aesthetics, or modern political philosophy). Furthermore, these philosophical inquiries sometimes overlap with each other and with other inquiries such as science, religion or mathematics. Metaphysics is the study of the most general features of reality, such as existence, time, objects and their properties, wholes and their parts, events, processes and causation and the relationship between mind and body. Metaphysics includes cosmology, the study of the world in its entirety and ontology, the study of being. A major point of debate is between realism, which holds that there are entities that exist independently of their mental perception and idealism, which holds that reality is mentally constructed or otherwise immaterial. Metaphysics deals with the topic of identity. Essence is the set of attributes that make an object what it fundamentally is and without which it loses its identity while accident is a property that the object has, without which the object can still retain its identity. Particulars are objects that are said to exist in space and time, as opposed to abstract objects, such as numbers, and universals, which are properties held by multiple particulars, such as redness or a gender. The type of existence, if any, of universals and abstract objects is an issue of debate. Epistemology is the study of knowledge (). Epistemologists study the putative sources of knowledge, including intuition, a priori reason, memory, perceptual knowledge, self-knowledge and testimony. They also ask: What is truth? Is knowledge justified true belief? Are any beliefs justified? Putative knowledge includes propositional knowledge (knowledge that something is the case), know-how (knowledge of how to do something) and acquaintance (familiarity with someone or something). Epistemologists examine these and ask whether knowledge is really possible. Skepticism is the position which doubts claims to knowledge. The regress argument, a fundamental problem in epistemology, occurs when, in order to completely prove any statement, its justification itself needs to be supported by another justification. This chain can go on forever, called infinitism, it can eventually rely on basic beliefs that are left unproven, called foundationalism, or it can go in a circle so that a statement is included in its own chain of justification, called coherentism. Rationalism is the emphasis on reasoning as a source of knowledge. It is associated with a priori knowledge, which is independent of experience, such as math and logical deduction. Empiricism is the emphasis on observational evidence via sensory experience as the source of knowledge. Among the numerous topics within metaphysics and epistemology, broadly construed, are: Value theory (or axiology) is the major branch of philosophy that addresses topics such as goodness, beauty and justice. Value theory includes ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy, feminist philosophy, philosophy of law and more. Ethics, or'moral philosophy', studies and considers what is good and bad conduct, right and wrong values, and good and evil. Its primary investigations include how to live a good life and identifying standards of morality. It also includes meta-investigations about whether a best way to live or related standards exists. The main branches of ethics are normative ethics, meta-ethics and applied ethics. A major area of debate involves consequentialism, in which actions are judged by the potential results of the act, such as to maximize happiness, called utilitarianism, and deontology, in which actions are judged by how they adhere to principles, irrespective of negative ends. Aesthetics is the "critical reflection on art, culture and nature." It addresses the nature of art, beauty and taste, enjoyment, emotional values, perception and with the creation and appreciation of beauty. It is more precisely defined as the study of sensory or sensori-emotional values, sometimes called judgments of sentiment and taste. Its major divisions are art theory, literary theory, film theory and music theory. An example from art theory is to discern the set of principles underlying the work of a particular artist or artistic movement such as the Cubist aesthetic. The philosophy of film analyzes films and filmmakers for their philosophical content and explores film (images, cinema, etc.) as a medium for philosophical reflection and expression. Political philosophy is the study of government and the relationship of individuals (or families and clans) to communities including the state. It includes questions about justice, law, property and the rights and obligations of the citizen. Politics and ethics are traditionally linked subjects, as both discuss the question of how people should live together. Other branches of value theory: Many academic disciplines generated philosophical inquiry. The relationship between "X" and the "philosophy of X" is debated. Richard Feynman argued that the philosophy of a topic is irrelevant to its primary study, saying that "philosophy of science is as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds." Curtis White (2014), by contrast, argued that philosophical tools are essential to humanities, sciences and social sciences. The topics of philosophy of science are numbers, symbols and the formal methods of reasoning as employed in the social sciences and natural sciences. Logic is the study of reasoning and argument. An argument is ""a" "connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition"." The connected series of statements are "premises" and the proposition is the conclusion. For example: Deductive reasoning is when, given certain premises, conclusions are unavoidably implied. Rules of inference are used to infer conclusions such as, modus ponens, where given “A” and “If A then B”, then “B” must be concluded. Because sound reasoning is an essential element of all sciences, social sciences and humanities disciplines, logic became a formal science. Sub-fields include mathematical logic, philosophical logic, Modal logic, computational logic and non-classical logics. A major question in the philosophy of mathematics is whether mathematical entities are objective and discovered, called mathematical realism, or invented, called mathematical antirealism. This branch explores the foundations, methods, history, implications and purpose of science. Many of its sub-divisions correspond to a specific branch of science. For example, philosophy of biology deals specifically with the metaphysical, epistemological and ethical issues in the biomedical and life sciences. The philosophy of mathematics studies the philosophical assumptions, foundations and implications of mathematics. Some philosophers specialize in one or more historical periods. The history of philosophy (study of a specific period, individual or school) is related to but not the same as the philosophy of history (the theoretical aspect of history, which deals with questions such as the nature of historical evidence and the possibility of objectivity). Hegel's "Lectures on the Philosophy of History" influenced many philosophers to interpret truth in light of history, a view called historicism. Philosophy of religion deals with questions that involve religion and religious ideas from a philosophically neutral perspective (as opposed to theology which begins from religious convictions). Traditionally, religious questions were not seen as a separate field from philosophy proper, the idea of a separate field only arose in the 19th century. Issues include the existence of God, the relationship between reason and faith, questions of religious epistemology, the relationship between religion and science, how to interpret religious experiences, questions about the possibility of an afterlife, the problem of religious language and the existence of souls and responses to religious pluralism and diversity. Some philosophers specialize in one or more of the major philosophical schools, such as Continental philosophy, Analytical philosophy, Thomism, Asian philosophy or African philosophy. A variety of other academic and non-academic approaches have been explored. The ideas conceived by a society have profound repercussions on what actions the society performs. Weaver argued that ideas have consequences. Philosophy yields applications such as those in ethics—applied ethics in particular—and political philosophy. The political and economic philosophies of Confucius, Sun Tzu, Chanakya, Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Taymiyyah, Machiavelli, Leibniz, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Marx, Tolstoy, Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. have been used to shape and justify governments and their actions. Progressive education as championed by Dewey had a profound impact on 20th-century US educational practices. Descendants of this movement include efforts in philosophy for children, which are part of philosophy education. Clausewitz's political philosophy of war has had a profound effect on statecraft, international politics and military strategy in the 20th century, especially around World War II. Logic is important in mathematics, linguistics, psychology, computer science and computer engineering. Other important applications can be found in epistemology, which aid in understanding the requisites for knowledge, sound evidence and justified belief (important in law, economics, decision theory and a number of other disciplines). The philosophy of science discusses the underpinnings of the scientific method and has affected the nature of scientific investigation and argumentation. Philosophy thus has fundamental implications for science as a whole. For example, the strictly empirical approach of B.F. Skinner's behaviorism affected for decades the approach of the American psychological establishment. Deep ecology and animal rights examine the moral situation of humans as occupants of a world that has non-human occupants to consider also. Aesthetics can help to interpret discussions of music, literature, the plastic arts and the whole artistic dimension of life. In general, the various philosophies strive to provide practical activities with a deeper understanding of the theoretical or conceptual underpinnings of their fields. Many inquiries outside of academia are philosophical in the broad sense. Novelists, playwrights, filmmakers, and musicians, as well as scientists and others engage in recognizably philosophical activity. Some of those who study philosophy become professional philosophers, typically by working as professors who teach, research and write in academic institutions. However, most students of academic philosophy later contribute to law, journalism, religion, sciences, politics, business, or various arts. For example, public figures who have degrees in philosophy include comedians Steve Martin and Ricky Gervais, filmmaker Terrence Malick, Pope John Paul II, Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger, technology entrepreneur Peter Thiel, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Bryer and vice presidential candidate Carly Fiorina. Recent efforts to avail the general public to the work and relevance of philosophers include the million-dollar Berggruen Prize, first awarded to Charles Taylor in 2016. Germany was the first country to professionalize philosophy. The doctorate of philosophy (PhD) developed in Germany as the terminal Teacher's credential in the mid 17th century. At the end of 1817, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was the first philosopher to be appointed Professor by the State, namely by the Prussian Minister of Education, as an effect of Napoleonic reform in Prussia. In the United States, the professionalization grew out of reforms to the American higher-education system largely based on the German model. Within the last century, philosophy has increasingly become a professional discipline practiced within universities, like other academic disciplines. Accordingly, it has become less general and more specialized. In the view of one prominent recent historian: "Philosophy has become a highly organized discipline, done by specialists primarily for other specialists. The number of philosophers has exploded, the volume of publication has swelled, and the subfields of serious philosophical investigation have multiplied. Not only is the broad field of philosophy today far too vast to be embraced by one mind, something similar is true even of many highly specialized subfields." Some philosophers argue that this professionalization has negatively affected the discipline. The end result of professionalization for philosophy has meant that work being done in the field is now almost exclusively done by university professors holding a doctorate in the field publishing in highly technical, peer-reviewed journals. While it remains common among the population at large for a person to have a set of religious, political or philosophical views that they consider their "philosophy", these views are rarely informed by or connected to the work being done in professional philosophy today. Furthermore, unlike many of the sciences for which there has come to be a healthy industry of books, magazines, and television shows meant to popularize science and communicate the technical results of a scientific field to the general populace, works by professional philosophers directed at an audience outside the profession remain rare. Philosopher Michael Sandel's book "Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?" and Harry Frankfurt's "On Bullshit" are examples of works that hold the uncommon distinction of having been written by professional philosophers but directed at and ultimately popular among a broader audience of non-philosophers. Both works became "New York Times" best sellers.
Philosophy (from, ) is the study of general and fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Such questions are often posed as problems to be studied or resolved. The term was probably coined by Pythagoras (c. 570 – 495 BCE). Philosophical methods include questioning, critical discussion, rational argument, and systematic presentation.
[ 250004, 250054, 360, 1890, 25958, 4, 70, 13579, 242, 119598, 53, 25, 15005, 2822, 47, 2499, 14361, 111, 51359, 5, 360, 903, 10422, 4, 6, 119598, 53, 83, 20903, 538, 62548, 47, 42615, 4, 291, 140363, 41637, 4, 6083, 41664, 4, 53019, 4, 136, 44951, 7, 5, 145733, 237, 111, 70, 3576, 7, 442, 1556, 2809, 18507, 47314, 237, 10, 12877, 111, 6, 34053, 27744, 7, 4, 145076, 25, 7, 44, 4613, 140363, 70760, 79680, 1577, 111, 24955, 6, 197652, 53, 58, 23175, 125868, 4527, 7, 70, 13579, 44, 84832, 6, 119598, 53, 58, 237, 442, 509, 217064, 99, 70, 1733, 47, 22, 277, 13409, 80244, 7, 4, 6044, 237, 124931, 53, 4, 54411, 136, 6, 34053, 27744, 7, 4, 450, 14432, 100512, 137272, 678, 41664, 7, 5, 360, 70, 5117, 2831, 111, 1919, 44, 284, 23662, 16409, 58, 106, 4, 185571, 65508, 71, 70, 91853, 111, 6, 119598, 53, 3934, 62775, 4, 6, 34053, 27744, 7, 4, 136, 82, 75708, 7, 4, 28, 19908, 1916, 181482, 26890, 25, 91853, 111, 1919, 51584, 3996, 86, 3934, 74413, 4, 6, 34053, 27744, 7, 4, 136, 82, 75708, 7, 5, 360, 40059, 6, 95037, 8927, 111, 1919, 44, 70567, 7, 136, 188683, 7, 111, 70, 121057, 2517, 6, 197652, 1314, 58, 106, 4, 17893, 15292, 7, 239, 10170, 26766, 6896, 4216, 142642, 247, 70, 5117, 4816, 19, 111, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 170920, 70, 89160, 91853, 111, 99644, 6827, 23, 3181, 1294, 3934, 17262, 63920, 12, 3293, 91853, 83, 959, 228908, 13, 1284, 1556, 98816, 12, 44, 84832, 6, 119598, 53, 58, 1556, 65450, 3934, 70, 67842, 6083, 41664, 7, 4, 41866, 6, 34053, 27744, 7, 4, 124931, 53, 4, 290, 6133, 1294, 4, 333, 25443, 4, 136, 9545, 39, 25443, 74, 44, 113180, 6, 119598, 53, 58, 1556, 127319, 297, 70, 2265, 41664, 7, 4, 12960, 7464, 26719, 34292, 154453, 15, 13, 5, 177, 5, 82, 75708, 7, 4, 10, 13, 237398, 7, 4, 68894, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 3021, 5, 3142, 136, 44, 35273, 34053, 7, 21533, 6, 119598, 53, 58, 1556, 34475, 3917, 47, 23113, 41664, 7, 6044, 237, 62775, 4, 291, 140363, 41637, 136, 6, 119598, 53, 111, 41664, 4, 12960, 7464, 26719, 25277, 48567, 25443, 4, 9545, 39, 25443, 4, 3021, 5, 52455, 99644, 6827, 29865, 7, 450, 80723, 23, 142, 45964, 20028, 621, 7464, 29865, 71, 18925, 5, 157580, 2230, 202727, 136, 27060, 63043, 450, 110, 99644, 6827, 42658, 1556, 74918, 2822, 20271, 450, 51514, 5, 56645, 31648, 72153, 136, 27060, 4, 390, 69822, 4, 1957, 42658, 23, 6, 119598, 53, 21373, 47, 450, 23, 41664, 4, 12960, 6499, 6488, 81757, 106926, 297, 450, 44, 3454, 19623, 58, 83, 70, 44691, 5570, 390, 3129, 47, 116983, 99644, 6827, 103488, 5, 360, 1632, 4537, 10422, 4, 6, 119598, 53, 83, 137272, 678, 218963, 4, 91768, 289, 29394, 4, 136, 10, 33938, 100, 51359, 5, 360, 903, 10422, 4, 756, 29394, 7, 136, 80109, 13, 38887, 68794, 26458, 99644, 6827, 17582, 4, 6044, 237, 44, 47251, 621, 642, 47, 6867, 58, 136, 44, 124409, 83, 70, 31425, 111, 50081, 1242, 62, 134744, 136, 82791, 289, 145520, 111, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 7068, 4, 7413, 7, 10, 31635, 297, 23, 3181, 1294, 3934, 6044, 26866, 7, 237, 50081, 4, 14392, 2481, 4, 136, 6897, 23, 756, 8999, 91944, 5256, 5, 65925, 6, 119598, 53, 83, 70, 99644, 6827, 40250, 111, 70, 65925, 8999, 4, 1740, 4420, 47, 479, 9, 8912, 15182, 9523, 5351, 1314, 2750, 3542, 36457, 23, 305, 927, 9, 16797, 44616, 200955, 15, 571, 10854, 247, 6044, 237, 5971, 1577, 15, 46, 6, 155670, 335, 10854, 16, 136, 27512, 3238, 76312, 7, 15, 46, 6, 127351, 335, 10854, 16, 2750, 41361, 71, 10, 242, 25003, 111, 218963, 25, 15, 16, 136, 3542, 2843, 24117, 71, 25, 96610, 7, 111, 31425, 25, 15, 194, 1061, 187906, 509, 10, 4552, 26794, 80973, 6, 119598, 56, 4, 2750, 51636, 297, 450, 764, 158566, 297, 110, 44, 16196, 3815, 830, 1284, 43257, 4, 764, 509, 10, 44, 4717, 1159, 56, 111, 58, 218963, 5, 65925, 6, 119598, 53, 831, 186, 101637, 71, 3934, 17262, 1615, 7, 12, 581, 142, 45964, 1615, 509, 35462, 3674, 390, 160600, 99644, 6827, 115215, 3129, 10, 75287, 1810, 111, 70, 67842, 166733, 7, 111, 1061, 187906, 4, 6044, 237, 22387, 31, 4, 2750, 14037, 297, 70, 163334, 1771, 62903, 136, 1919, 9836, 126562, 17991, 4, 14037, 214, 70, 50246, 106154, 9523, 10696, 4, 2750, 3542, 15044, 111531, 26794, 80973, 23, 65925, 40250, 5, 64511, 40250, 7, 26698, 49715, 70775, 39, 4, 18343, 70775, 39, 4, 56901, 112569, 8780, 136, 181482, 3408, 66, 8780, 5, 162054, 28451, 7, 127918, 390, 70, 160600, 7, 99201, 23550, 34053, 27744, 7, 15, 76228, 28813, 449, 3790, 10484, 6044, 237, 34627, 8780, 136, 2667, 8780, 247, 9545, 39, 25443, 4, 70, 31425, 111, 70, 5299, 9, 150, 4126, 6897, 24073, 4615, 14093, 59248, 74054, 70, 207116, 111, 51359, 136, 70, 31425, 111, 31635, 15, 26989, 7, 194, 17106, 70, 6, 58944, 111, 70, 12610, 352, 95972, 4, 160600, 6, 119598, 53, 509, 2843, 118055, 538, 45252, 297, 23, 42845, 390, 12610, 7, 6044, 237, 185571, 136, 4311, 45857, 15, 21231, 12610, 6, 119598, 53, 194, 11214, 13, 1405, 6, 119598, 53, 11516, 927, 1104, 2485, 927, 202032, 90, 16, 83, 70, 14922, 25632, 70, 6817, 111, 70, 65925, 12610, 145359, 136, 509, 35462, 3674, 390, 70, 6, 58944, 111, 14949, 2481, 136, 8311, 329, 44961, 7, 78182, 31, 9, 225635, 70, 109622, 50509, 7, 237, 5299, 237, 112033, 14653, 10, 19686, 2481, 678, 10255, 587, 9, 158271, 17569, 5, 15649, 7, 6044, 237, 70, 6, 116311, 136, 31425, 111, 3430, 4, 70, 31425, 111, 109208, 136, 31635, 4, 23550, 34053, 27744, 7, 4, 70, 2967, 111, 28, 5115, 3542, 45252, 297, 23, 903, 14922, 5, 31384, 22799, 11214, 13, 1405, 5351, 1314, 26698, 2907, 5, 104734, 13, 4, 14978, 55382, 2658, 4, 2460, 12421, 3834, 4, 893, 1428, 39, 136, 48861, 1853, 2271, 5, 6, 197652, 53, 100, 6097, 5351, 1314, 509, 21455, 297, 237, 142, 36442, 47, 581, 25443, 15, 16, 136, 8311, 329, 1836, 221, 46526, 47, 6, 143420, 2363, 6, 119598, 53, 678, 2363, 206019, 111, 57, 89921, 26499, 3408, 5, 3293, 14922, 24124, 70, 34754, 111, 126093, 11, 28692, 8780, 4, 10, 7986, 130306, 55300, 126809, 23, 92264, 141626, 90, 35509, 98, 20903, 16454, 136, 31671, 1363, 98, 22799, 7986, 7, 5, 581, 231119, 14922, 24124, 118055, 32153, 98, 54704, 10255, 587, 9, 158271, 17569, 136, 98, 10, 60627, 28076, 8780, 5, 241, 147, 538, 5744, 6, 119598, 53, 23, 70, 65925, 8999, 9842, 7, 678, 5351, 1314, 6044, 237, 14978, 2291, 40307, 7, 136, 157370, 68320, 10845, 7, 20808, 11648, 104279, 85399, 194, 77168, 214, 70, 6, 58944, 111, 6083, 41664, 4, 5744, 6, 119598, 53, 509, 142837, 678, 168698, 10, 40, 25667, 136, 168487, 137374, 100, 51359, 136, 109133, 16065, 1295, 89160, 45646, 7, 111, 180210, 6044, 237, 42615, 4, 38925, 143, 28692, 17569, 136, 70, 84084, 5, 49953, 5744, 6, 119598, 1314, 26698, 58383, 35634, 4, 636, 2566, 16523, 4, 80002, 13, 4, 2076, 350, 4293, 4, 19210, 13, 4, 136, 2734, 18, 5, 953, 927, 9, 16797, 44616, 6, 119598, 53, 15, 19309, 5744, 6, 119598, 53, 16, 83, 79507, 71, 390, 70, 91257, 112664, 24117, 71, 70, 357, 20016, 33, 674, 4, 136, 96853, 26366, 7, 6044, 237, 1529, 2679, 10, 22799, 26366, 23, 30839, 6397, 8780, 4, 108003, 350, 30719, 2750, 126809, 70, 137374, 7, 100, 99707, 15403, 8780, 4, 223490, 10, 65536, 71, 2874, 9, 225635, 4, 4939, 211524, 37837, 2750, 125568, 71, 19537, 92812, 8780, 4, 17038, 66128, 2750, 126809, 70, 137374, 7, 100, 60013, 8780, 136, 70, 15672, 25031, 14631, 5, 581, 387, 927, 142642, 24124, 70, 65450, 17721, 6, 140815, 6, 119598, 53, 136, 72852, 289, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 237, 5299, 237, 99644, 6827, 12768, 7, 6044, 237, 6, 88322, 306, 33, 25443, 4, 99707, 15403, 8780, 4, 62775, 289, 40523, 8780, 4, 147118, 8780, 136, 70, 147158, 9523, 15504, 15, 21231, 1657, 99736, 6635, 6, 119598, 53, 194, 581, 10776, 7, 111, 70, 92895, 13, 41802, 150506, 4, 18721, 136, 88172, 621, 5368, 47, 70, 67896, 150, 525, 51529, 99644, 6827, 74403, 3815, 163136, 136, 83, 18925, 153161, 35462, 3674, 390, 116625, 29394, 5, 241, 147, 538, 218963, 163136, 1295, 70, 92895, 13, 100104, 660, 509, 10, 30773, 3129, 221, 46526, 47, 23, 36716, 3395, 98, 82, 127, 21533, 22631, 4, 138155, 38043, 136, 19492, 13, 8305, 43515, 136, 211544, 7, 5, 360, 893, 45964, 61527, 4, 6097, 7986, 7, 3542, 51529, 237, 44, 184, 14089, 18, 58, 15, 25, 67, 934, 5180, 25, 16, 136, 1836, 621, 9879, 47, 2446, 100094, 7, 111, 893, 45964, 61527, 3378, 6, 119598, 53, 5, 214733, 3378, 124931, 53, 2843, 99201, 5045, 99644, 6827, 149575, 5256, 1672, 9545, 39, 25443, 3129, 1543, 765, 79507, 71, 70, 893, 45964, 160600, 7, 5, 845, 114686, 6, 119598, 53, 136, 14949, 6, 119598, 53, 621, 63518, 9, 119598, 21533, 40250, 7, 450, 126809, 15044, 23, 70, 102256, 24453, 136, 23, 14713, 4, 3129, 15044, 12008, 24233, 39395, 91852, 1771, 7986, 7, 15, 24931, 538, 70, 1218, 1141, 127, 16, 136, 22460, 2347, 48242, 144239, 7, 5, 845, 114686, 5351, 1314, 6044, 237, 70, 30152, 1956, 111, 70, 10656, 561, 18403, 165931, 90, 23, 214733, 399, 136, 3596, 28153, 988, 81810, 71, 678, 160600, 136, 116625, 6, 119598, 53, 5, 147466, 845, 114686, 6, 119598, 53, 21449, 1379, 37515, 65925, 91768, 289, 79507, 7, 136, 96853, 70, 43240, 111, 112440, 1111, 1743, 10798, 127, 19, 2750, 75, 42687, 297, 23, 70, 1391, 937, 1566, 15, 2347, 845, 114686, 357, 20016, 33, 674, 247, 845, 114686, 99707, 15403, 8780, 4, 136, 72159, 91852, 8780, 5, 1914, 9, 100520, 1771, 18721, 3378, 6, 119598, 53, 9842, 7, 678, 70, 4488, 111, 58562, 31, 11, 1515, 4, 1632, 111, 70, 5117, 8891, 23962, 111, 22460, 2347, 8780, 136, 111, 70, 87758, 8780, 17721, 4127, 136, 28, 5115, 5, 3293, 87758, 48242, 191725, 519, 299, 79507, 71, 14432, 18721, 3378, 34754, 7, 6044, 237, 49377, 1436, 13, 8780, 4, 125691, 9637, 39, 4, 136, 47426, 2187, 8780, 5, 24372, 70, 22458, 158, 75616, 7, 4, 241, 147, 538, 116625, 6, 119598, 53, 126809, 70, 160600, 99644, 6827, 40250, 7, 23, 3525, 80343, 48225, 7, 5, 3293, 116625, 43114, 72944, 79507, 71, 28811, 91768, 289, 34754, 7, 5, 581, 6626, 5201, 43581, 7, 111, 39395, 116625, 17569, 621, 176869, 3129, 32153, 90, 98, 116625, 70, 25443, 136, 22225, 7, 45895, 3129, 509, 35509, 98, 126562, 67693, 2706, 39, 136, 54311, 9189, 39122, 39, 5, 581, 4488, 111, 126562, 17991, 509, 4552, 26794, 80973, 54940, 70, 75806, 1021, 6044, 237, 144, 9, 605, 19904, 23817, 927, 142642, 247, 62, 20375, 11089, 15, 105028, 46, 18237, 209, 118628, 136, 40168, 18304, 90, 21204, 927, 142642, 194, 64511, 7, 6044, 237, 884, 9, 724, 528, 63373, 3542, 103210, 130306, 111, 70, 150624, 111, 70, 126562, 17954, 66, 75806, 1021, 5, 116625, 5351, 1314, 2843, 126809, 10, 57456, 55300, 4, 195935, 54411, 4, 10, 154453, 111, 233, 41637, 136, 10, 8437, 6, 119598, 53, 5, 96599, 138266, 20380, 509, 142, 26794, 80973, 5351, 56, 23, 6, 119598, 53, 111, 32692, 5, 360, 18721, 4, 40368, 115215, 111, 116625, 6, 119598, 53, 136475, 47, 21917, 34, 16507, 7103, 70, 43114, 72944, 136, 26698, 43581, 7, 6044, 237, 891, 98523, 56068, 18, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 1832, 1029, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 136, 11062, 13844, 37379, 70, 6781, 34053, 5, 581, 953, 927, 9, 136, 387, 927, 9, 16797, 44616, 19128, 8999, 24124, 70, 44, 4645, 127, 85, 58, 15, 25, 7978, 350, 592, 25, 74, 15623, 70, 242, 284, 16977, 231119, 25, 16, 112664, 3129, 79507, 71, 158, 99736, 6635, 116625, 6, 119598, 53, 5, 42878, 6, 119598, 53, 15, 16, 15005, 7, 47, 70, 9789, 99644, 6827, 40250, 7, 450, 74216, 71, 16792, 70, 142, 45964, 20028, 98, 70, 42878, 1614, 216118, 5, 823, 7952, 39, 136, 131007, 31047, 39, 62038, 3674, 99, 70, 3564, 111, 70, 8115, 1771, 14922, 4, 12960, 83009, 8780, 74216, 71, 7103, 70, 14922, 237, 10, 119485, 111, 9789, 40250, 7, 5, 83009, 7, 137567, 18507, 40383, 6097, 40250, 7, 237, 40101, 6, 236479, 24073, 4123, 8193, 18939, 707, 77099, 246, 425, 24073, 19, 4123, 8193, 18939, 8, 96819, 98, 36766, 1836, 26946, 70, 180210, 111, 70, 8115, 162, 136, 70, 3790, 10484, 111, 44, 275, 143872, 58, 15, 25, 45673, 6236, 25, 4, 242, 144729, 25, 4, 242, 481, 107, 101345, 2661, 25, 16, 136, 44, 13781, 669, 58, 15, 25, 991, 202, 25, 4, 25, 39379, 25, 4, 242, 4134, 11, 2347, 25, 16, 2685, 73, 5, 581, 6, 236479, 115215, 26698, 70, 83009, 40250, 7, 111, 17569, 4, 12960, 70, 77099, 246, 425, 115215, 26698, 70, 131007, 49063, 136, 70, 823, 73, 40250, 7, 5, 64511, 115215, 26698, 70, 19560, 5708, 76, 4, 91360, 170, 64622, 161, 4, 136, 313, 57746, 181285, 11, 3129, 100512, 1119, 2311, 15390, 645, 2363, 32692, 5, 162054, 42878, 99644, 6827, 23755, 7, 99764, 390, 70, 42878, 99644, 90, 136, 19492, 90, 26698, 12, 823, 73, 6, 119598, 53, 26946, 7, 70, 23755, 111, 10, 28123, 57289, 24073, 658, 330, 18939, 237, 1632, 111, 70, 43606, 44, 17886, 41918, 7, 58, 15, 45673, 6236, 4, 54241, 13, 39283, 7, 450, 3249, 1257, 70, 161451, 111, 6, 116311, 194, 581, 3789, 22759, 8035, 44, 71, 111114, 192, 830, 44, 5667, 25271, 830, 44, 109041, 3124, 11, 58, 15, 25, 65421, 25, 247, 136, 44, 1766, 71, 20646, 58, 15, 25, 192, 3055, 25, 194, 581, 823, 73, 17569, 84797, 7, 26866, 1295, 70, 57289, 64557, 4, 678, 6626, 13036, 1614, 209990, 7, 12, 44, 14055, 71689, 11, 58, 15, 25, 4922, 40989, 297, 25, 4, 242, 1141, 297, 25, 16, 136, 44, 78709, 334, 38890, 82849, 58, 15, 25, 148477, 40989, 297, 25, 247, 33233, 678, 40368, 1286, 43967, 40250, 7, 6044, 237, 44, 10476, 95871, 4450, 740, 1301, 329, 9523, 8780, 83, 10, 13036, 2667, 11, 28692, 19492, 13, 23, 823, 7952, 39, 5, 823, 73, 7986, 7, 6044, 237, 70, 44, 618, 257, 48471, 3238, 1832, 1517, 58, 11341, 450, 7108, 109208, 4, 7108, 51359, 136, 7108, 55080, 83, 70, 60875, 47, 16177, 1363, 5, 581, 823, 73, 17569, 16401, 7, 450, 756, 6, 116311, 83, 6, 187830, 238, 4, 136568, 141, 136, 51, 7612, 27686, 5, 581, 44, 618, 257, 48471, 3238, 1832, 1517, 58, 83, 70, 67896, 150, 525, 51529, 4, 2684, 199083, 136, 42179, 913, 4935, 98352, 1363, 111, 823, 73, 6, 119598, 53, 5, 131007, 49063, 6, 119598, 53, 9842, 7, 678, 70, 17569, 111, 2902, 73673, 132564, 15, 15991, 5, 17721, 305, 927, 136, 201, 927, 142642, 335, 10854, 16, 136, 83, 9498, 56, 4126, 23, 70, 39395, 131007, 49063, 7986, 7, 5, 1650, 62038, 3674, 23, 5596, 136, 14432, 93403, 47, 24453, 14237, 4, 138485, 4, 15881, 14237, 4, 136, 25134, 13, 4438, 14237, 4, 168698, 67842, 40250, 7, 23, 6097, 10776, 7, 5, 15571, 28477, 3173, 7, 621, 70, 73944, 131007, 49063, 99644, 6827, 40250, 7, 23, 24453, 67009, 10776, 7, 6044, 237, 9098, 4, 26320, 136, 15758, 5, 581, 581, 32082, 85, 3173, 7, 621, 73944, 23, 25134, 13, 4438, 67009, 76726, 4, 6044, 237, 9292, 38148, 4, 7362, 192, 136, 33020, 5, 88949, 80523, 3956, 47, 70, 29568, 31425, 111, 8966, 83, 90698, 1632, 111, 70, 74855, 7, 111, 178707, 24073, 11941, 11395, 74054, 131007, 49063, 6, 119598, 53, 83, 142837, 678, 25277, 48567, 25443, 4, 23550, 34053, 27744, 7, 4, 82, 75708, 7, 136, 55182, 53, 5, 131007, 49063, 99644, 6827, 7986, 7, 8110, 2843, 186, 217064, 28032, 70, 43701, 111, 67822, 4935, 41361, 7, 3129, 621, 134598, 47, 19095, 1672, 24233, 241761, 122925, 7, 5, 26824, 80343, 23755, 7, 26698, 70, 22759, 110, 2661, 85027, 7, 237, 142, 114137, 111, 44, 11941, 11395, 830, 44, 2628, 11210, 58, 15, 142864, 669, 6620, 247, 136, 44, 1500, 2310, 58, 15, 6431, 9, 39379, 194, 24372, 70, 47219, 111, 70, 132564, 4, 67842, 94407, 80723, 47, 5426, 1888, 731, 1919, 5201, 128169, 7, 4, 155605, 168698, 199083, 99644, 6827, 76519, 24117, 71, 44, 284, 39036, 50675, 192, 740, 77168, 214, 70, 164216, 50675, 192, 115215, 4, 15571, 28477, 6, 119598, 1314, 6044, 237, 35271, 96482, 136, 13769, 37843, 104414, 126809, 70, 3790, 10484, 111, 44, 3124, 6355, 273, 5804, 58, 15, 25, 195, 17332, 7432, 111, 756, 11521, 21004, 12470, 25, 16, 136, 44, 686, 170, 5708, 17332, 9, 192, 1517, 58, 15, 25, 9007, 28575, 7154, 4734, 25, 247, 10, 3173, 111, 6, 88322, 306, 33, 25443, 707, 159527, 33, 1803, 6397, 8780, 5, 581, 49688, 15281, 208, 10696, 111, 44, 6471, 14092, 86903, 58, 15, 25, 282, 10133, 111, 51359, 25, 16, 125568, 71, 10, 221, 11727, 71412, 3674, 3173, 111, 131007, 49063, 62775, 31, 9, 13, 56183, 39, 25443, 5, 8622, 3542, 183851, 115215, 4, 1614, 9, 48738, 7, 136, 40250, 7, 111, 131007, 49063, 6, 119598, 53, 23, 5596, 5, 129551, 47, 42673, 16030, 111, 131007, 49063, 6, 119598, 53, 3342, 125647, 124839, 4, 70, 13036, 42878, 115215, 1295, 2668, 335, 10854, 47, 4382, 18471, 3542, 12, 24372, 70, 213566, 7154, 111, 131007, 31047, 39, 1295, 5596, 4, 3060, 111, 6097, 99644, 6827, 40250, 7, 136475, 47, 85493, 23, 70, 138485, 66, 131007, 49063, 4, 24453, 67009, 131007, 49063, 136, 581, 32082, 85, 131007, 49063, 40250, 7, 5, 581, 8115, 162, 9, 77007, 6, 236479, 115215, 621, 10, 2831, 111, 70, 83009, 40250, 7, 136, 1836, 621, 89160, 538, 18507, 47314, 3934, 37195, 44, 1506, 3124, 1500, 7, 58, 12, 35173, 395, 4, 9079, 7816, 110162, 4, 3362, 10684, 395, 4, 55384, 4, 276, 72538, 134728, 7, 1292, 4, 136, 8115, 4119, 5, 581, 8115, 162, 237, 10, 51359, 31344, 3542, 29481, 297, 12921, 538, 390, 6097, 37195, 115215, 111, 83009, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 678, 285, 38543, 79385, 7, 111, 645, 6324, 5, 10660, 33636, 10, 44, 196352, 1830, 111, 99644, 6827, 16912, 450, 12008, 10, 90426, 289, 94878, 4, 58, 59499, 47, 4841, 5236, 65537, 5, 10660, 2843, 44961, 10, 6, 217784, 100, 10, 18595, 939, 111, 99644, 6827, 206019, 7, 28032, 83009, 8780, 12960, 53371, 70, 5701, 137374, 5, 31384, 111, 70, 67896, 150, 525, 613, 686, 6496, 83009, 759, 7, 70760, 136, 99644, 6827, 7986, 7, 621, 70, 10091, 145701, 6468, 111, 70, 14432, 8115, 1771, 14922, 15, 14105, 1104, 4283, 335, 10854, 194, 83009, 6, 119598, 1314, 111, 70, 37195, 115215, 126809, 76519, 111, 25277, 48567, 25443, 24073, 6471, 4707, 18939, 136, 32603, 3674, 28451, 7, 6044, 237, 23550, 34053, 27744, 7, 4, 82, 75708, 7, 4, 55182, 53, 24073, 1234, 86903, 74054, 604, 13616, 34, 41637, 4, 136, 221, 14465, 25443, 28032, 70, 170846, 111, 70, 8115, 1771, 51359, 4, 12960, 13379, 214, 10, 9789, 42486, 111, 206019, 7, 5, 32255, 115215, 111, 6, 119598, 53, 68186, 71, 70, 8115, 162, 136, 70, 8115, 1771, 23755, 111, 44, 25162, 18, 669, 58, 136, 44, 571, 143872, 830, 129927, 297, 1295, 70, 25632, 42878, 42615, 7, 450, 6, 34590, 89829, 70, 180210, 111, 70, 8115, 162, 12, 581, 39210, 538, 24, 4806, 37195, 6, 236479, 115215, 645, 1733, 12441, 47, 2367, 1556, 2809, 35839, 70, 44, 841, 18442, 142518, 90, 164, 58, 237, 218094, 1029, 297, 390, 6863, 26499, 3408, 70, 44, 571, 94562, 2113, 527, 913, 740, 24453, 67009, 99644, 6827, 17569, 80723, 23, 893, 45964, 9098, 4, 136, 76438, 6, 119598, 53, 9842, 7, 20271, 70, 65925, 567, 13885, 73327, 8946, 136, 70, 25632, 14922, 7, 7103, 6863, 6817, 3229, 70, 44, 841, 7030, 2822, 19188, 7, 111, 145733, 18, 58, 21917, 1162, 67175, 16156, 927, 142642, 47, 128811, 335, 10854, 194, 3293, 14922, 509, 62816, 29367, 390, 88551, 91768, 289, 136, 15380, 34754, 7, 136, 24124, 70, 6, 58944, 111, 70, 13036, 99644, 6827, 115215, 111, 9098, 4, 106161, 34, 69438, 8780, 4, 51825, 8780, 4, 136, 930, 31, 8780, 237, 5299, 237, 183851, 3789, 40715, 26794, 80973, 115215, 5, 32255, 99644, 6827, 40250, 7, 126809, 23550, 34053, 7, 21533, 4, 68894, 136, 82, 127, 21533, 3790, 10484, 6044, 52299, 4, 990, 73, 136, 119, 4, 15790, 136, 1261, 3129, 4, 33233, 678, 76438, 131007, 31047, 39, 4, 105237, 79507, 71, 133915, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 39272, 7717, 6, 119598, 53, 136, 148926, 6, 119598, 53, 15, 143321, 2843, 96853, 70, 24, 4935, 49819, 188, 40250, 194, 131007, 31047, 39, 80723, 24387, 6496, 23, 9098, 20271, 70, 2548, 73327, 8946, 15, 139652, 335, 10854, 46, 23336, 18471, 247, 8305, 10, 128839, 173288, 33816, 179965, 136, 8305, 24, 4935, 79507, 7, 126809, 117781, 76438, 3173, 7, 15, 7, 12665, 237, 30448, 64, 1511, 33, 16, 3129, 93403, 87420, 70, 24453, 67009, 15380, 6, 157695, 5, 133698, 14432, 76438, 68728, 7, 2449, 1884, 70, 276, 214, 73327, 8946, 24462, 16028, 1104, 2485, 116553, 237, 5299, 237, 23, 70, 133915, 39869, 191, 68728, 8946, 24462, 12231, 132869, 116354, 10, 3332, 474, 46825, 54311, 9, 11935, 3125, 69438, 8780, 12441, 390, 5351, 1314, 6044, 237, 59246, 4954, 14578, 26205, 12825, 1104, 1837, 83679, 100512, 70, 73944, 10696, 111, 17569, 4, 136, 509, 125568, 71, 390, 70, 109343, 11341, 5, 360, 70, 18799, 1615, 4, 76438, 5351, 1314, 49504, 3674, 25647, 1295, 65925, 6, 119598, 53, 5, 76438, 66128, 1419, 6, 119598, 53, 126809, 1379, 70, 79507, 111, 106685, 3786, 40235, 4, 12960, 10, 76438, 147118, 8780, 1379, 7674, 8294, 127, 136, 2356, 106161, 34, 69438, 8780, 25, 7, 6, 58944, 509, 79507, 71, 390, 25356, 4021, 8294, 150, 5, 18799, 148926, 17569, 29459, 204610, 126809, 1379, 37515, 65925, 79507, 7, 6044, 237, 70, 35187, 111, 65925, 28745, 7, 15, 1052, 14201, 319, 16, 136, 70, 5744, 1419, 11204, 114196, 2420, 91768, 289, 100510, 3129, 169361, 1295, 28811, 22, 20016, 33, 674, 17569, 5, 581, 387, 927, 142642, 24124, 70, 6, 58944, 111, 22836, 49819, 188, 136, 2843, 148926, 15889, 8780, 5, 581, 217267, 19188, 4, 142, 26794, 80973, 136, 36998, 148926, 99644, 6827, 10696, 126809, 1295, 65925, 6, 88322, 306, 33, 25443, 136, 11214, 13, 1405, 148926, 131007, 49063, 6, 119598, 53, 6044, 237, 450, 111, 41129, 33, 5, 101334, 6, 119598, 53, 83, 6, 119598, 53, 181653, 390, 101334, 3395, 4, 6, 119598, 53, 450, 13379, 7, 101334, 8999, 22751, 7, 4, 25647, 136, 2856, 90, 4, 707, 6, 119598, 53, 450, 4527, 7, 117781, 101334, 99644, 6827, 150624, 5, 18799, 101334, 17569, 1556, 2809, 95699, 34, 138518, 678, 241, 927, 157, 119598, 53, 4, 678, 13204, 449, 70, 4552, 91084, 111, 101334, 6, 119598, 53, 136, 6863, 36998, 62816, 48242, 7, 136, 2367, 442, 26950, 47, 186, 101334, 5, 133698, 70, 729, 927, 142642, 4, 125921, 6, 119598, 53, 126809, 10, 60627, 82575, 53, 40250, 237, 218094, 1029, 297, 390, 32123, 11, 2369, 587, 275, 5, 116267, 39395, 101334, 6, 119598, 56, 509, 33263, 96513, 62, 432, 15, 238, 5, 20390, 363, 1104, 2489, 78255, 2750, 100512, 10, 15072, 297, 6, 119598, 56, 23, 102126, 5, 803, 12729, 15390, 101334, 99644, 6827, 25647, 26698, 345, 19616, 11, 4, 70, 5458, 458, 6528, 111, 242, 18537, 329, 25, 4, 51136, 12196, 3506, 13, 4, 4378, 9, 284, 72428, 2706, 39, 136, 116890, 5, 1657, 99736, 6635, 101334, 17569, 1556, 2843, 51592, 70, 34754, 111, 61928, 6, 119598, 53, 136, 111, 101334, 11, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 70, 99644, 6827, 163136, 111, 70, 101334, 117174, 11, 3129, 96853, 43581, 7, 6044, 237, 22556, 99707, 15403, 8780, 390, 101334, 9, 127345, 7, 5, 31384, 5744, 101334, 5351, 1314, 765, 2809, 79507, 71, 390, 66128, 8780, 4, 101334, 9, 127345, 163136, 4, 180423, 289, 154453, 4, 180423, 289, 45712, 154453, 4, 2795, 22796, 93, 10836, 39, 136, 4221, 65015, 39, 5, 22420, 61065, 223, 9, 127345, 99644, 6827, 17569, 58055, 7, 111, 10, 38134, 96551, 111, 144239, 7, 136, 40250, 7, 54940, 12921, 15672, 29394, 7, 5, 2022, 4021, 3060, 111, 345, 5, 294, 5, 353, 4935, 15672, 142080, 4, 2685, 83, 10, 144239, 23, 10, 23550, 34053, 7, 21533, 24702, 133, 35839, 70, 242, 91127, 257, 74522, 25, 15, 8859, 796, 66, 12, 44, 16304, 3, 709, 232287, 808, 3, 709, 232287, 161, 56128, 109847, 19, 3181, 66, 12, 44, 15769, 1430, 332, 86464, 51029, 116267, 38134, 538, 99764, 23755, 509, 450, 111, 44, 38688, 85, 58, 15, 25, 154336, 20605, 14537, 25, 194, 129551, 47, 22392, 4293, 153314, 4, 100, 70, 353, 4935, 15672, 7, 4, 44, 36904, 83, 130306, 538, 27257, 71, 390, 159527, 33, 1803, 16981, 15, 7090, 8256, 4, 37831, 7, 136, 221, 98, 16, 237, 5299, 237, 390, 31635, 1242, 581, 41361, 7, 47, 17203, 6097, 159527, 33, 1803, 134858, 621, 24117, 71, 44, 2420, 669, 8780, 740, 116267, 60213, 111, 70, 23, 15386, 79357, 15672, 8999, 22751, 7, 509, 2363, 111938, 111, 82, 75708, 7, 47, 351, 9, 69790, 85825, 136, 18153, 7, 5, 360, 12021, 31, 152644, 4, 1155, 14656, 6, 119598, 53, 509, 142, 91768, 289, 40250, 126809, 390, 79165, 35839, 44, 618, 4580, 30786, 58, 15, 25, 24948, 184, 2750, 3714, 9844, 25, 16, 136, 6863, 25647, 621, 9498, 56, 4126, 23, 67842, 1155, 14656, 102370, 7, 5, 581, 1155, 14656, 8999, 22751, 29691, 3674, 70, 23755, 111, 142, 20654, 67, 32813, 48302, 707, 37772, 35839, 44, 245338, 32539, 69376, 18, 141, 58, 15, 25, 17726, 289, 50939, 21068, 67005, 25, 16, 3129, 221, 46526, 10, 3917, 47, 6867, 23, 40197, 678, 10, 178308, 151134, 4, 44, 133558, 26976, 58, 8999, 5, 581, 154453, 111, 44, 10476, 818, 141, 58, 831, 186, 51592, 237, 10, 3173, 111, 4378, 2347, 8780, 5, 1155, 14656, 6, 119598, 1314, 126809, 3790, 10484, 111, 23550, 34053, 27744, 7, 4, 25277, 48567, 25443, 4, 142424, 4, 136, 10, 13, 237398, 7, 5, 1155, 14656, 82, 75708, 7, 509, 162393, 98, 191618, 44, 18, 4580, 118, 24707, 35196, 58, 15, 25, 69723, 181606, 25, 4, 242, 16196, 3815, 25, 16, 3129, 509, 35509, 98, 32610, 2320, 136, 40197, 23, 756, 61972, 237, 23, 70, 353, 39608, 211544, 44, 2347, 86991, 4127, 83, 63559, 1242, 581, 8942, 11, 91944, 1363, 2843, 1902, 142, 100307, 18507, 111, 6, 119598, 56, 9, 7, 3089, 320, 7, 24117, 71, 70, 44, 23135, 15519, 1865, 1946, 58, 2750, 3542, 5526, 23, 70, 8942, 11, 53019, 5426, 237, 148729, 111, 42615, 4, 40250, 4, 32692, 136, 82, 75708, 7, 5, 26824, 23755, 7, 111, 3493, 5073, 17569, 621, 25970, 1236, 73, 136, 3010, 73, 2311, 3129, 83687, 10, 154453, 111, 52, 58875, 19929, 6635, 198274, 7, 63, 450, 40, 90, 160, 1703, 2449, 15, 7, 12665, 237, 11280, 64, 2242, 49100, 4, 43334, 64, 20016, 16, 237, 1940, 181063, 63920, 111, 10, 22313, 10821, 28271, 5, 161752, 6827, 17582, 831, 186, 37769, 71, 3934, 39283, 7, 5, 32255, 21115, 5180, 63769, 6, 119598, 1314, 47, 32153, 98, 10, 5423, 111, 21373, 28451, 7, 136, 78974, 678, 3789, 5351, 1314, 2750, 621, 60892, 23, 70, 5701, 17582, 5, 581, 21115, 5180, 2843, 3249, 6, 119598, 53, 99156, 100, 25921, 47, 51515, 5, 26696, 7, 831, 30698, 70, 62822, 24702, 1577, 75412, 23, 1632, 43585, 111, 70, 44457, 15490, 8035, 645, 434, 6865, 4806, 678, 70, 64194, 5423, 111, 99644, 6827, 3790, 10484, 5, 179117, 223, 97264, 13379, 12921, 149133, 6827, 150370, 7, 5, 581, 39283, 7, 30666, 297, 23, 903, 5582, 10, 464, 100, 179967, 927, 136, 134381, 939, 5, 32255, 43606, 13036, 90356, 7, 831, 186, 84797, 71, 3934, 1614, 9, 169074, 7, 136, 12638, 1614, 9, 21684, 206, 70541, 7, 5941, 29458, 44457, 7, 111, 35187, 12, 32255, 91853, 7, 621, 2725, 9319, 146353, 5844, 4, 12488, 199849, 538, 97629, 5, 15, 284, 6, 119598, 56, 13648, 26341, 731, 23, 2734, 55283, 25277, 48567, 25443, 4, 707, 163334, 1771, 10, 13, 237398, 7, 4, 707, 5744, 68894, 6, 119598, 53, 194, 27766, 9319, 17678, 4, 6097, 99644, 6827, 23, 3181, 10484, 68018, 645, 6324, 678, 12638, 3789, 136, 678, 3789, 23, 3181, 10484, 6044, 237, 41664, 4, 42615, 707, 291, 140363, 41637, 5, 36939, 34053, 27744, 7, 83, 70, 35187, 111, 70, 2684, 4537, 66139, 111, 50081, 4, 6044, 237, 6, 116311, 4, 1733, 4, 36746, 7, 136, 2363, 183871, 4, 28271, 7, 136, 2363, 63920, 4, 47353, 4, 9433, 90, 136, 7278, 1363, 136, 70, 76755, 17721, 7086, 136, 14361, 5, 36939, 34053, 27744, 7, 96853, 9545, 39, 25443, 4, 70, 35187, 111, 70, 8999, 23, 6863, 64194, 939, 136, 3283, 25443, 4, 70, 35187, 111, 8035, 5, 62, 13036, 6275, 111, 29865, 83, 17721, 2773, 8780, 4, 3129, 16401, 7, 450, 2685, 621, 77630, 2449, 450, 32316, 41371, 538, 111, 2363, 13893, 117, 63928, 136, 6397, 8780, 4, 3129, 16401, 7, 450, 50081, 83, 13893, 538, 64549, 297, 707, 120262, 566, 39886, 5, 36939, 34053, 27744, 7, 8, 16765, 678, 70, 28451, 111, 182324, 5, 44581, 329, 83, 70, 5423, 111, 150380, 90, 450, 3249, 142, 36746, 2367, 442, 20531, 538, 83, 136, 15490, 3129, 442, 388, 90, 6863, 182324, 12960, 27998, 83, 10, 57266, 450, 70, 36746, 1556, 4, 15490, 3129, 70, 36746, 831, 7464, 112033, 73, 6863, 182324, 5, 9148, 25667, 7, 621, 36746, 7, 450, 621, 2804, 47, 32316, 23, 32628, 136, 1733, 4, 237, 233, 144429, 47, 164789, 36746, 7, 4, 6044, 237, 101935, 4, 136, 32813, 7, 4, 3129, 621, 183871, 34658, 390, 48716, 17311, 7, 4, 6044, 237, 4842, 7432, 707, 10, 127501, 5, 581, 10644, 111, 6, 116311, 4, 2174, 2499, 4, 111, 32813, 7, 136, 164789, 36746, 7, 83, 142, 31089, 111, 29865, 5, 56273, 48567, 25443, 83, 70, 35187, 111, 51359, 15, 194, 241, 56183, 432, 106622, 7, 35187, 70, 19983, 4935, 97264, 111, 51359, 4, 26719, 58868, 1363, 4, 10, 116121, 31635, 4, 98323, 4, 34564, 39181, 51359, 4, 15970, 9, 69723, 181606, 136, 3034, 2414, 299, 5, 10660, 2843, 26458, 12, 4865, 83, 85027, 32, 2071, 51359, 105506, 297, 29568, 144239, 32, 15901, 2499, 144239, 7, 105506, 297, 32, 19577, 45023, 51359, 96853, 89261, 289, 51359, 15, 69723, 181606, 450, 9844, 83, 70, 7225, 247, 3714, 9, 47251, 15, 69723, 181606, 111, 3642, 47, 54, 9844, 16, 136, 54639, 7351, 3956, 15, 1021, 69211, 42, 2481, 678, 22008, 707, 9844, 194, 241, 56183, 432, 106622, 7, 160477, 6097, 136, 26458, 36766, 51359, 83, 6183, 7722, 5, 56901, 112569, 8780, 83, 70, 19069, 3129, 92814, 7, 140526, 47, 51359, 5, 581, 45167, 7, 10750, 4, 10, 20531, 2967, 23, 25277, 48567, 25443, 4, 74918, 7, 3229, 4, 23, 12989, 47, 64557, 23534, 2499, 63805, 4, 6863, 1660, 41274, 68034, 27117, 47, 186, 8060, 297, 390, 15700, 1660, 41274, 5, 3293, 121293, 831, 738, 98, 136993, 4, 35839, 54241, 8780, 4, 442, 831, 155605, 456, 538, 98, 62822, 144239, 7, 450, 621, 25737, 51, 66187, 19, 4, 35839, 137374, 10836, 39, 4, 707, 442, 831, 738, 23, 10, 42154, 133, 221, 450, 10, 63805, 83, 99201, 23, 6863, 10002, 121293, 111, 1660, 41274, 4, 35839, 241463, 8780, 5, 2552, 43315, 8780, 83, 70, 242661, 98, 31635, 214, 237, 10, 31344, 111, 51359, 5, 1650, 83, 137272, 678, 10, 116121, 51359, 4, 3129, 83, 41371, 111, 16981, 4, 6044, 237, 48909, 136, 62775, 289, 8, 77391, 5, 31678, 481, 70775, 39, 83, 70, 242661, 98, 150556, 289, 77950, 1829, 43111, 53, 16981, 237, 70, 31344, 111, 51359, 5, 2022, 4021, 70, 183851, 28451, 7, 28032, 23550, 34053, 27744, 7, 136, 25277, 48567, 25443, 4, 134744, 538, 38783, 297, 4, 621, 12, 190060, 154453, 15, 748, 10, 5134, 25443, 16, 83, 70, 13036, 32845, 206, 111, 6, 119598, 53, 450, 29823, 90, 28451, 7, 6044, 237, 4127, 7432, 4, 62607, 136, 87338, 5, 190060, 154453, 96853, 82, 75708, 7, 4, 10, 13, 237398, 7, 4, 68894, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 105595, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 6, 119598, 53, 111, 27165, 136, 1286, 5, 1775, 75708, 7, 4, 707, 25, 113180, 6, 119598, 53, 25, 4, 96335, 136, 16916, 7, 2367, 83, 4127, 136, 6494, 55080, 4, 7108, 136, 44691, 142424, 4, 136, 4127, 136, 28, 5115, 5, 1650, 7, 158978, 145456, 7, 26698, 3642, 47, 6867, 10, 4127, 6897, 136, 135812, 214, 5570, 7, 111, 14392, 2481, 5, 1650, 2843, 96853, 23550, 9, 42232, 1758, 5256, 1672, 36766, 10, 2965, 3917, 47, 6867, 707, 62548, 5570, 7, 32316, 7, 5, 581, 5201, 90356, 7, 111, 82, 75708, 7, 621, 62943, 13, 82, 75708, 7, 4, 23550, 9, 12421, 28021, 136, 190659, 82, 75708, 7, 5, 62, 13036, 16128, 111, 29865, 83687, 7, 210435, 15403, 8780, 4, 23, 3129, 61972, 621, 116983, 71, 390, 70, 38516, 50339, 111, 70, 27992, 4, 6044, 237, 47, 39771, 20650, 221791, 4, 35839, 19537, 92812, 8780, 4, 136, 8, 7934, 25443, 4, 23, 3129, 61972, 621, 116983, 71, 390, 3642, 1836, 606, 35593, 47, 24702, 1577, 4, 193, 177981, 5844, 111, 40907, 3564, 7, 5, 62, 13, 237398, 7, 83, 70, 44, 59869, 21533, 44961, 1830, 98, 4927, 4, 29394, 136, 31425, 1242, 1650, 29823, 90, 70, 31425, 111, 4927, 4, 62607, 136, 90365, 4, 25225, 674, 4, 88965, 142424, 4, 117, 63928, 136, 678, 70, 166635, 136, 1747, 51606, 2320, 111, 62607, 5, 1650, 83, 1286, 134995, 538, 61924, 71, 237, 70, 35187, 111, 43111, 53, 707, 43111, 14, 9, 23800, 43315, 142424, 4, 68018, 35839, 240713, 7, 111, 37022, 136, 90365, 5, 1650, 7, 13036, 91853, 7, 621, 4927, 154453, 4, 82575, 53, 154453, 4, 1346, 154453, 136, 19612, 154453, 5, 893, 27781, 1295, 4927, 154453, 83, 47, 205556, 70, 5423, 111, 24702, 1577, 1379, 538, 214, 70, 4488, 111, 10, 17311, 22104, 707, 84172, 112664, 6044, 237, 70, 3003, 6454, 18, 10, 13, 237398, 5, 581, 6, 119598, 53, 111, 1346, 7968, 53, 13105, 54180, 136, 1346, 114014, 100, 2363, 99644, 6827, 10941, 136, 88898, 7, 1346, 15, 37926, 7, 4, 27076, 4, 3021, 5, 16, 237, 10, 57646, 100, 99644, 6827, 44961, 1830, 136, 125195, 5, 200541, 6, 119598, 53, 83, 70, 35187, 111, 27759, 136, 70, 76755, 111, 79165, 15, 748, 87143, 136, 118820, 7, 16, 47, 142080, 26719, 70, 11341, 5, 1650, 96853, 17582, 1672, 87338, 4, 27165, 4, 57266, 136, 70, 38109, 136, 17808, 5256, 111, 70, 130367, 5, 73826, 7, 136, 82, 75708, 7, 621, 89160, 538, 3126, 297, 28368, 7, 4, 237, 15044, 45252, 70, 9655, 111, 3642, 3395, 5608, 6867, 25842, 5, 64511, 90356, 7, 111, 34292, 154453, 12, 52455, 108858, 80244, 7, 139392, 71, 99644, 6827, 23, 3181, 1294, 5, 581, 76755, 17721, 44, 1542, 58, 136, 70, 44, 119598, 53, 111, 1193, 58, 83, 29865, 71, 5, 22758, 563, 28950, 669, 106926, 297, 450, 70, 6, 119598, 53, 111, 10, 28451, 83, 193, 169429, 47, 6863, 158978, 35187, 4, 54433, 450, 44, 119598, 53, 111, 41664, 83, 237, 80234, 47, 172647, 7, 237, 707, 93, 927, 25443, 83, 47, 263, 6468, 1242, 17065, 1814, 22392, 73858, 4, 390, 69822, 4, 106926, 297, 450, 99644, 6827, 72977, 621, 85590, 47, 80267, 3387, 4, 41664, 7, 136, 2265, 41664, 7, 5, 581, 28451, 7, 111, 6, 119598, 53, 111, 41664, 621, 101935, 4, 26582, 7, 136, 70, 23113, 150624, 111, 31635, 214, 237, 6, 212423, 23, 70, 2265, 41664, 7, 136, 6083, 41664, 7, 5, 50592, 238, 83, 70, 35187, 111, 31635, 214, 136, 10750, 5, 893, 10750, 83, 44, 58, 11, 58, 44, 135457, 297, 36549, 111, 63805, 7, 179140, 47, 137633, 10, 89261, 740, 58, 581, 162711, 36549, 111, 63805, 7, 621, 44, 41707, 5908, 58, 136, 70, 89261, 83, 70, 93192, 5, 1326, 27781, 12, 262, 39367, 4935, 31635, 214, 83, 3229, 4, 34475, 24233, 64881, 90, 4, 93192, 7, 621, 220, 965, 532, 78458, 35388, 297, 5, 139118, 7, 111, 53498, 6620, 621, 11814, 47, 53498, 93192, 7, 6044, 237, 4, 42475, 15266, 1755, 4, 7440, 34475, 52, 284, 63, 136, 52, 91306, 62, 7068, 335, 633, 7068, 52, 571, 63, 8110, 186, 103876, 71, 5, 88949, 45730, 31635, 214, 83, 142, 85590, 12830, 111, 756, 41664, 7, 4, 2265, 41664, 7, 136, 80267, 3387, 80244, 7, 4, 62775, 100512, 10, 23113, 41664, 5, 8273, 9, 28394, 7, 26698, 291, 140363, 70760, 62775, 4, 99644, 6827, 62775, 4, 147414, 62775, 4, 181135, 43315, 62775, 136, 351, 9, 67413, 21533, 62775, 7, 5, 62, 13036, 9655, 23, 70, 6, 119598, 53, 111, 291, 140363, 41637, 83, 36766, 291, 140363, 70760, 77630, 2449, 621, 151814, 136, 134053, 4, 35839, 291, 140363, 70760, 2773, 8780, 4, 707, 26868, 297, 4, 35839, 291, 140363, 70760, 2874, 30544, 8780, 5, 3293, 32845, 206, 88898, 7, 70, 137374, 7, 4, 150624, 4, 32692, 4, 17914, 5256, 136, 60042, 111, 41664, 5, 52455, 111, 6863, 1614, 9, 428, 25826, 7, 42518, 47, 10, 29458, 32845, 206, 111, 41664, 5, 1326, 27781, 4, 6, 119598, 53, 111, 333, 25443, 8, 16765, 183037, 678, 70, 23550, 34053, 7, 21533, 4, 25277, 48567, 109622, 136, 82, 127, 21533, 37348, 23, 70, 3530, 167455, 289, 136, 6897, 41664, 7, 5, 581, 6, 119598, 53, 111, 291, 140363, 41637, 96335, 70, 99644, 6827, 237259, 7, 4, 137374, 7, 136, 17914, 5256, 111, 291, 140363, 41637, 5, 31384, 6, 119598, 1314, 26341, 731, 23, 1632, 707, 1286, 186768, 14922, 7, 5, 581, 32692, 111, 6, 119598, 53, 15, 4313, 1459, 111, 10, 29458, 14922, 4, 11651, 707, 10696, 16, 83, 62548, 47, 1284, 959, 70, 5701, 237, 70, 6, 119598, 53, 111, 32692, 15, 2347, 70, 4524, 70760, 43585, 111, 32692, 4, 3129, 8, 16765, 678, 17582, 6044, 237, 70, 31425, 111, 186768, 77950, 136, 70, 207116, 111, 36746, 54613, 53, 194, 1529, 2679, 25, 7, 44, 5267, 238, 54889, 98, 70, 6, 197652, 53, 111, 65786, 58, 79507, 71, 5941, 6, 119598, 1314, 47, 29481, 85027, 23, 22729, 111, 32692, 4, 10, 21455, 35839, 105719, 8780, 5, 6, 197652, 53, 111, 42615, 8, 16765, 678, 17582, 450, 83687, 42615, 136, 167821, 25647, 1295, 10, 6, 119598, 71407, 62276, 80280, 15, 162, 233, 144429, 47, 70, 25443, 3129, 9842, 7, 1295, 167821, 158, 21605, 5256, 194, 97299, 25958, 4, 167821, 17582, 3542, 959, 51592, 237, 10, 84797, 44457, 1295, 6, 119598, 53, 27798, 4, 70, 6528, 111, 10, 84797, 44457, 4734, 10, 75287, 23, 70, 953, 927, 142642, 5, 223317, 7, 26698, 70, 6, 116311, 111, 3430, 4, 70, 76755, 17721, 31635, 136, 109208, 4, 17582, 111, 167821, 25277, 48567, 25443, 4, 70, 76755, 17721, 42615, 136, 41664, 4, 3642, 47, 29481, 167821, 134858, 4, 17582, 1672, 70, 207116, 111, 142, 7103, 24804, 4, 70, 2967, 111, 167821, 46876, 136, 70, 6, 116311, 111, 57289, 7, 136, 57553, 7, 47, 167821, 97308, 8780, 136, 18595, 939, 5, 31384, 6, 119598, 1314, 26341, 731, 23, 1632, 707, 1286, 111, 70, 13036, 99644, 6827, 115215, 4, 6044, 237, 185827, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 232248, 289, 6, 119598, 53, 4, 112074, 8780, 4, 67009, 6, 119598, 53, 707, 101334, 6, 119598, 53, 5, 62, 96551, 111, 3789, 108858, 136, 351, 9, 11, 23662, 21068, 51515, 90, 765, 2809, 88898, 71, 5, 581, 25647, 29024, 14, 4126, 390, 10, 100510, 765, 502, 151645, 28926, 11680, 63239, 98, 2367, 61972, 70, 100510, 51339, 7, 5, 1401, 11, 814, 106926, 297, 450, 25647, 765, 212678, 5, 6, 197652, 53, 11180, 19388, 7, 86685, 6044, 237, 8382, 23, 82, 75708, 7, 2451, 9007, 71516, 82, 75708, 7, 23, 17311, 2451, 2940, 68894, 6, 119598, 53, 5, 581, 68894, 136, 25313, 99644, 90, 111, 106161, 34, 82389, 4, 7550, 384, 1667, 4, 4841, 1141, 395, 4, 96599, 138266, 20380, 4, 96599, 142220, 71, 4, 96599, 51843, 39, 176342, 4, 131489, 11, 62764, 4, 636, 2566, 16523, 4, 2291, 40307, 7, 4, 80002, 13, 4, 56709, 2619, 916, 4, 16173, 37700, 4, 4939, 211524, 37837, 4, 66128, 4, 41089, 2785, 53, 4, 139274, 136, 6470, 90205, 18813, 89596, 5, 765, 2809, 11814, 47, 115700, 136, 1660, 40383, 27759, 7, 136, 2363, 61972, 5, 109816, 29888, 53019, 237, 102995, 297, 390, 262, 1177, 53, 1902, 10, 502, 151645, 24725, 98, 387, 927, 9, 16797, 44616, 7082, 162807, 41361, 7, 5, 68320, 3611, 10840, 111, 903, 112664, 26698, 79825, 23, 6, 119598, 53, 100, 20020, 4, 3129, 621, 2831, 111, 6, 119598, 53, 53019, 5, 100700, 13, 147595, 25, 7, 68894, 6, 119598, 53, 111, 1631, 1556, 1902, 10, 502, 151645, 21543, 98, 11341, 56379, 4, 21640, 44951, 7, 136, 116338, 113857, 23, 70, 387, 927, 142642, 4, 41866, 10932, 6661, 5550, 1995, 5, 50592, 238, 83, 5526, 23, 291, 140363, 41637, 4, 147158, 41637, 4, 55182, 53, 4, 13909, 41664, 136, 13909, 177907, 5, 64511, 5526, 86685, 831, 186, 14037, 23, 25277, 48567, 25443, 4, 3129, 36442, 23, 100094, 70, 87103, 90, 100, 51359, 4, 45730, 77950, 136, 105506, 297, 144239, 15, 60270, 1236, 23, 27165, 4, 25313, 7, 4, 51957, 154453, 136, 10, 14012, 111, 3789, 80244, 7, 194, 581, 6, 119598, 53, 111, 41664, 45252, 90, 70, 1379, 5128, 6977, 111, 70, 57456, 55300, 136, 1556, 195052, 70, 31425, 111, 57456, 145456, 136, 10750, 2320, 5, 6, 197652, 53, 4911, 7, 1556, 20531, 17914, 5256, 100, 41664, 237, 10, 28271, 5, 1326, 27781, 4, 70, 81113, 538, 156002, 6827, 51515, 111, 335, 5, 919, 5, 68761, 1679, 25, 7, 123166, 8780, 195052, 100, 8, 23662, 7, 70, 51515, 111, 70, 15672, 55182, 21533, 137633, 674, 5, 62723, 50061, 25443, 136, 26249, 38109, 160477, 70, 14392, 16648, 111, 118103, 237, 45519, 16037, 111, 10, 8999, 450, 1556, 351, 9, 69790, 45519, 16037, 47, 16916, 2843, 5, 62, 13, 237398, 7, 831, 4358, 47, 29481, 35107, 7, 111, 19612, 4, 163136, 4, 70, 32204, 81693, 136, 70, 28271, 84172, 6, 91403, 111, 6897, 5, 360, 4537, 4, 70, 67842, 99644, 90, 22223, 272, 47, 22691, 138155, 69924, 678, 10, 53894, 56, 100094, 111, 70, 70, 4524, 70760, 707, 228113, 1379, 5128, 6977, 111, 2363, 44457, 7, 5, 52455, 23, 3181, 10484, 50782, 111, 171890, 621, 99644, 6827, 23, 70, 134744, 10422, 5, 119037, 64370, 4, 11301, 434, 54969, 7, 4, 1346, 114014, 4, 136, 19612, 72004, 4, 237, 5299, 237, 172647, 7, 136, 27060, 81810, 23, 75530, 16523, 78458, 99644, 6827, 103488, 5, 31384, 111, 8382, 2750, 35187, 6, 119598, 53, 24209, 23182, 6, 119598, 1314, 4, 205794, 390, 20697, 237, 16030, 7, 2750, 94957, 4, 25188, 136, 33022, 23, 108858, 38016, 7, 5, 33306, 4, 2684, 25921, 111, 108858, 6, 119598, 53, 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[ 250004, 6, 197652, 53, 15, 161063, 4, 1388, 83, 70, 35187, 111, 4537, 136, 20531, 17582, 1672, 6, 116311, 4, 51359, 4, 142424, 4, 31635, 4, 7086, 4, 136, 46876, 5, 62771, 17582, 621, 27983, 87279, 237, 44402, 47, 186, 22282, 71, 707, 103608, 71, 5, 581, 13579, 509, 31895, 43780, 297, 390, 27512, 3238, 76312, 7, 15, 238, 5, 190, 5757, 46, 6, 127351, 335, 10854, 194, 161752, 6827, 150624, 26698, 9655, 214, 4, 130306, 35107, 4, 168487, 10750, 4, 136, 242161, 92252, 5, 2 ]
"summarize: Biology derives from the Ancient Greek words of βίος; romanized bíos meaning \"life(...TRUNCATED)
"Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their physical str(...TRUNCATED)
"summarize: The word \"chemistry\" comes from \"alchemy,\" which referred to an earlier set of pract(...TRUNCATED)
"Chemistry is the scientific discipline involved with elements and compounds composed of atoms, mole(...TRUNCATED)
"summarize: \nAstronomy is one of the oldest natural sciences. Early civilizations dating back befor(...TRUNCATED)
"Physics (from, from \"phýsis\" 'nature') is the natural science that studies matter, its motion an(...TRUNCATED)
"summarize: \nHistorical linguistics is the study of language change over time particularly with reg(...TRUNCATED)
"Linguistics is the scientific study of language. It involves the analysis of language form, languag(...TRUNCATED)
"summarize: \nMetals are shiny and lustrous, at least when freshly prepared, polished, or fractured.(...TRUNCATED)
"A metal (from Greek μέταλλον \"métallon\", \"mine, quarry, metal\") is a material that, wh(...TRUNCATED)
"summarize: The history of mathematics can be seen as an ever-increasing series of abstractions. The(...TRUNCATED)
"Mathematics (from Greek: ) includes the study of such topics as quantity (number theory), structure(...TRUNCATED)

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