1 value
PAC/STAC code requested in VADR. The code is not shown to agent after 60 days of the code generation.LeaveRequest_P ACNotificationRecen cy60 LeaveRequest_P ACNotificationSubTy peLeave
3423 LeaveRequest_S TACNotificationDispla yMessageSTAC Code Requested LeaveRequest_S TACNotificationRecen cy60 LeaveRequest_S TACNotificationSubTy peLeave MaxRecord MaxRecordForTa riff100 397874 2.7 In order to avoid performance impact while calculating Max Discount for the tariffs this config has been created. As per this configuration, max discount will be calculated only for 1st 100 tariffs SecuredNetServi ceIdentifierSecuredNetServi ceIdentifierS_109908 406028 2.7 Identify the secured net addon OneNumberProd uctListPrimary 110957 App 496362/478111 2.9 To be able to identify if a Service is Primary or Secondary to support the Upgrades of Secondary Lines.OneNumberProd uctListSecondary 110958 ChildProductType sAddOn Sharer Parent, Sharer Child, Secure Network526159/524274 2.1 To be able to control the FIC Codes shown on UI under Add Ons and Discounts of Existing DealChildProductType sDeletableAddOn Add On, Data Add On, Post- Pay Roaming Add On ChildProductType sDeletableDiscoun tDiscount ChildProductType sDiscount VEA_Discount, Add On Discount DiscardProductLi stChildProduct 106265 593337 2.11 Store the expired product codes and discard it in GPSL parsing
3424 Note: The config values are configured by business.DiscardProductLi stRootProduct 100000 App 1347204 4.5 To discard RootProducts with specified RootProductId from GPSLResponse page DiscardProductLi stPromotion 102216, 102217, 105586, 105587, 105588App 1347204 4.5 To discard RootProducts with specified PromotionId from GPSLResponse page
3425 Microsite Configuration Microsite Configuration Below are the configuration steps that need to be followed as part of microsite implementation. Create operator with name Microsite and add Unauthenticated Access Group: Add below DSS entries in Dynamic System Settings 1. URL needs to be updated with the environment where it is deployed. 2. "skin name" is specific to Vodafone. If we implemented any custom skin, then only this entry is needed 3. Make sure URL encryption/default is set to false or remove this entry. Check prconfig has below entry, yes then either make it false or remove entry <env name="initialization/urlencryption" value="true" /> Any custom Skin Rule – AOMFW in VF case
3426 Make sure you have checked the "Include legacy CSS for applications built prior to Pega 7" checkbox
3427 AOM Utilities AOM Utilities is a container for a set of custom function rules and consists of a wide range of functions. You can reference AOM Utilities function rules in expressions and in Java code which can be used in multiple custom rules such as strategy, data transform and activities. Function List Functions Packages Below is the list for included java packages for AOM Utilities Library* java.util.* org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat org.joda.time.DateTime org.joda.time.LocalTime org.joda.time.Days org.joda.time.LocalDate org.joda.time.LocalDateTime java.util.regex.* io.github.bucket4j.* io.github.bucket4j.grid.* com.hazelcast.config.* com.hazelcast.core.* com.hazelcast.client.config.* io.github.bucket4j.grid.jcache.* org.quartz.CronExpression Static Variables Below are the static variables, type of variables and values that used in the functions and the constants are available to all functions in the library. DEFAULT_PEGA_DTF DateTimeFormatt erDateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSS 'GMT'") DD_MM_YYYY_DTF DateTimeFormatt erDateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd-MM-yyyy") ISO_DTF DateTimeFormatt erISODateTimeFormat.dateTime();Name Data Type Value
3428 ISONM_DTF DateTimeFormatt erISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis(); ISO_DF DateTimeFormatt; YYYYMMDD_DF DateTimeFormatt erDateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyyMMdd") YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ DFDateTimeFormatt erDateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyyMMddHHmmss") DTF DateTimeFormatt erDateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss-SSS") TF DateTimeFormatt erDateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm") YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM _SS_DFDateTimeFormatt erDateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") YYYY_MM_DD_DTF DateTimeFormatt erDateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd") STR_TIL_SMS Pattern Pattern.compile("[^@£èéùìòÇ\nØø\rÅå_ÆæßÉ\s!"#¤%&\()*+,-.\/0-9:;<=>?¡A-ZÄÖÑܧ¿a- zäöñüà]") STR_ALPHA_NUM Pattern Pattern.compile("[\W]") STR_SPACE_ALPHANU MPattern Pattern.compile("[^\w\s]") STR_PRICE Pattern Pattern.compile("[^\w\s.£]") STR_MERGE_FIELD Pattern Pattern.compile("(\[[a-zA-Z]*])") STR_PHONE_NUM Pattern Pattern.compile("^\+?(?:[0-9] ?){10,11}[0-9]$") PAGE_TOKEN Pattern Pattern.compile("\$\[(\S*?)\.(\S*)\]", Pattern.MULTILINE) HTML_TOKEN Pattern Pattern.compile("\$\{(.*?)\}", Pattern.MULTILINE) SERVICE_NUMBER_PA TTERN_1Pattern Pattern.compile("^\+44[1-2][0-9]{8,9}$") SERVICE_NUMBER_PA
SERVICE_NUMBER_PA TTERN_2Pattern Pattern.compile("^\+447[0-9]{9}$") SERVICE_NUMBER_PA TTERN_3Pattern Pattern.compile("^07[0-9]{9}$") SERVICE_NUMBER_PA TTERN_4Pattern Pattern.compile("^0[1-2][0-9]{8,9}$") TAG_ADD_EVENT_PAT TERNPattern Pattern.compile("AOM_[^"]*") HYPHEN_PATTERN Pattern Pattern.compile("-") PROPERTY_TOKEN Pattern Pattern.compile("\[(.*?)\]")
3429 HAZELCAST_INSTANC EString "AOM_HZ" COMMA_PATTERN Pattern Pattern.compile(",")
3430 Functions String AddDateToTime(String inputTime)The function takes an input string in hh:mm format and appends it with the date- time of the current day and returns the appended date-time as a string if no exception occurs String AdhocSQLRunner(String jndiName, String sqlQuery)The function takes a data source and sql query, connects the data source and returns the result of the query execution. void AdoptJSON(String json, ClipboardPage page)The function takes a string input with json format and converts it to ClipboardPage object. void AdoptJSON(String json, ClipboardPage page, boolean merge)The function takes a string input with JSON format and converts it to ClipboardPage object. If merge is true, all properties on the source page are copied to the target page(If property exists in the target page, it is overridden). Else, target page is cleared and json String is adopted void AdoptJSONIntoProperty(String json, ClipboardProperty property)The function takes a string input with json format and converts it to ClipboardProperty object. String Base64Encode(String inputStr, boolean includeLineBreaks)The function takes a string input and converts encodes it in Base64 format int CalculateNumberOfDaysFromTo day(String inputDateTime)The function calculates the day difference between current day and input day void ConcatenateFiles(String workarea, String filePattern, String targetFile)The function concatenate files in the workarea with respect to the file pattern and extracts file in the target file location and files in the source location are deleted String ConvertDDMMYYYYToPegaDate
String ConvertDDMMYYYYToPegaDate Time(String date)The function will convert date time("04-02-2019") to a Pega DateTime value(“20190204T000000.000 GMT”) String ConvertEpochToPegaDateTime( String epoch)The function will convert date time("1545152470") to a Pega DateTime value(“20190204T000000.000 GMT”) String ConvertUnixTimestampInMillisec onds(String timestamp)The function will convert milliseconds format timestamp (e.g. “1674133783123“) to Pega DateTime value (e.g. “20230119T130943.123 GMT“)R3.06 String ConvertISODateTimeToPegaDatThe function will convert date time("1545152470") to a Pega DateTime value(“20190204T000000.000 GMT”) Function Description Release
3431 eTime(String dateTime) String ConvertPegaDateTimeToISODat eTime(String dateTime)The function will convert Pega DateTime value(“20190204T000000.000 GMT”) to ISO date time("2019-04-05T14:51:40.622") String ConvertYYYYMMDDHHMMSSTo PegaDateTime(String dateTime)The function will convert Pega DateTime value(“20190204T000000.000 GMT”) to date time("2019-04-05T14:51:40") void CreateDirectories(String path)The function creates a directory by creating all nonexistent parent directories first String CreateWatchDogCSVAttachment (String listSeparator)The function uses the header properties Report Definition results and sets it to a CSVstring by using a listSeparator to separate each property. void CreateHazelcastInstance(String path)Creates HazlecastInstance using getOrCreateHazelcastInstance using the input configuration. String Decompress(String filePath, String outputPath)The function unzips an input file into the output path String Decompress(String filePath, String outputPath, String compressionType, ClipboardProperty output)The function unzips/untars zip/tgz files respectively into a given outputPath directory and populates all the absolute paths of the decompressed files into the output clipboard property void Decrypt(String filePath, String outputFilePath, String gnupgHome, String passphrase, boolean decompress)The function decrypts an input file into the output path and decompresses the file if the flag enabled void Decrypt(String filePath, String outputFilePath, String
the flag enabled void Decrypt(String filePath, String outputFilePath, String gnupgHome, String passphrase)The function decrypts an input file into the output path void DecryptQueryParameters(String queryParams, ClipboardProperty requestParameters)Decrypts parameter elements and places results on the context parameter page. Assumes key-value pair is encrypted to be remapped onto parameter page. String DecryptUsingAES(String initializationVector, String encryptionKey, String dataToDecrypt)Decrypts the input data using AES algorithm String DecryptUsingRWA(String dataToDecrypt)Decrypts the input data using a custom algorithm void DeleteFiles(String directoryPath, String filePattern, int retentionPeriod)The function removes the files with the specified pattern from the directory path which are older than the specified number of days boolean FlushDataPage--(String dataPageName)Clears cache for a given datapage from every nodes
3432 boolean FileExists(String filePath)This function checks if the input file exists void GNUmv(String option, String source, String destination)This function move the mv options from source to destination long HTSL(String jndiName, String filePath, String tableName, String encoding)This function stream records in CSV mentions in the filepath for the specified tables. void Encrypt--(String workarea,String file,String recepient,String gnupgHome)This function encrypt the file String LogClipboardPage(String caller, String pageReference)This function logs the clipboard page boolean IsCurrentTimeWithinRange(Strin g start,String end)This function returns true if the current time is within start and end time provided boolean IsLong--(String input) This function returns whether the input value provided is long data type or not void JSONToValueGroup(String inputStr,ClipboardProperty output)This functions take string value and assign it to the clipboard property variable boolean IsValidPhoneNumber(String,bool ean)This function returns true if the provided input is phone number otherwise returns false boolean IsNullOrEmpty(Object input)This function returns true if the passed input Object is null or empty, otherwise false void ProcessEventFile(String filePath,String type,String delimiter,boolean hasHeader)This function processes the data in csv file by using the provided inputs like type, delimiter and header information boolean IsSMSCharacterSetString(String input,boolean useFind)This function returns true if the provided input is of SMS character set. boolean IsNullOrEmpty(String input)This function returns true if the passed input String is null or empty, otherwise false boolean IsCurrentTimeBefore(String
boolean IsCurrentTimeBefore(String timeToCheck)This function returns true if the timeToCheck is Before or After. void PackageFiles--(String workarea,String filePattern,String targetFileSuffix,String recipient,String gnupgHome)This function packages the files as per the provided input criteria and zip them. String ProbeRLB--(String instanceName,String mapName,String bucketName)This function verifies whether the bucket is available within hazle cast instance for the provided Map Name and append all available tokens from the bucket
3433 void SplitStringWithLimit(String input,String regex, ClipboardProperty output, int limit)This function splits the input string using regular expression for limit no of occurrences specified in input. String LogPrimary(String caller) This function returns empty string and logs the caller identifier String LogPrimary() This function returns primaryXML String Proper(String input) This function returns a placeholder. boolean RDBOpenStatusNotFound()This function return true if severity text is FAIL and messageName is file not found. void RDBSave(String className, String requestType, String access)This functions saves the record in to RDB with className, requestType, access. void GNUcp--(String option,String source,String destination)This function copies the options from source to destination String GetTimestamp() This function returns the timestamp String GetPropertyValue(page ClipboardPage, String propertyName )This function returns the property value for the provided property in clipboard page void ReturnToRLB(String instanceName,String mapName,String bucketName)This returns 1 token back to the bucket identified by instanceName, mapName, bucketName. void ReturnToRLB(String instanceName,String mapName,String bucketName, int tokensToAdd)This returns tokensToAdd back to the bucket identified by instanceName, mapName, bucketName. void SetAOMConfigValue--(String type,String name,String value)This function sets AOMConfig value for specified parameters void SetupRLB(String instanceName, String mapName, String bucketName, int capacity, int minutes)This function setup the bucket within hazle cast instance for the provided Map Name using the specified capacity & refill amount
Name using the specified capacity & refill amount void SetupRLB(String mapName, String bucketName, int capacity, int minutes)This function setup the bucket within hazle cast instance (set using static variable HAZELCAST_INSTANCE) for the provided Map Name using the specified capacity & refill amount void SplitString(String input,String regex,ClipboardProperty output)This function splits the string using regular expression and assign it to output String StringReplaceAll(String input,String regex,String replacement)Replaces each substring of the input that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. String SubstitutePageTokens(String This function substitute the page tokens provided in Input String with an Handle to the current thread's PublicAPI object
3434 input,PublicAPI tools) ToDecimal(String inputString)Converts a string to a BigDecimal; returns exception if number is improperly formatted int ToInt(String input) Converts a string to an integer; returns exception if number is improperly formatted. boolean TryConsumeFromRLB(String instanceName,String mapName,String bucketName)This function consumes the available tokens from the bucket provided for the hazle cast instance & mapName boolean TryConsumeFromRLB(String mapName,String bucketName)This function consumes the available tokens from the bucket & mapName provided for the Hazelcast instance defined by static variable HAZELCAST_INSTANCE String ValidateChecksum(String file,String ckFile)Validate CheckSum for the input file against the file passed checksum file. String ReformatServiceNumber(String serviceNumber)Reformat the customer subscription number to prefix with 44 uk isd code. String EncryptUsingAES(String initializationVector,String encryptionKey,String dataToEncrypt)This function encrypts the input data using AES algorithm long TryConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleF romRLB--(String instanceName,String mapName,String bucketName)Tries to consume as much tokens from this bucket as available at the moment of invocation. boolean ValidateDateDDMMYYYY(String date)Validate Date Format - String String - used to pass String input and validate appropriate date format. Returns true on valid date. String GetOldestFile(String folderPath,String filePattern)This functions finds the oldest file in folderPath using the file pattern boolean GetListOfFiles--(String folderPath,String filePattern,ClipboardProperty
boolean GetListOfFiles--(String folderPath,String filePattern,ClipboardProperty fileListProperty)This function gets the lis of files from the folder for the specified file pattern and adds to the file list property. returns true if the filelist property is not empty, otherwise false void ProcessTagAddEvent-- (String tagAddEvent,ClipboardProperty payload)It will look input tagAddEvent for "AOM_[^"]" format. Then Splits the String into 4 parts using underscore and places InteractionId, SubChannel & Tag on the payload. boolean GetListOfFiles--(String folderPath,ClipboardProperty fileListProperty)This function adds to the file list property from the folder path mentioned String GetJSONOfPage-- (ClipboardPage page)Returns a JSON representation of input page which uses property names as JSON identifiers.
3435 void MoveFile--(String sourceFile,String targetFile)This functions moves the source file to target file. boolean ValidateDateTimeISO-- (String dateTime)This function returns if the input date time is in ISO format. void InvokeActivity--(String className,String name,String parameters)Invokes an activity with the current parameter page boolean IsCurrentTimeAfter(String timeToCheck)This function returns true if the input time if after the current time. boolean IsCronExpressionTimeSatisfied-- (String cronExpression,String compareDateTime)Cron Expression is Satisfied - used to pass String input and checks the input compareDateTime is satisfied Returns true if the Cron Expression is satisfied by compareDateTime boolean IsValidCronExpression-- (String cronExpression)Validate Cron Expression - used to pass String input and validate appropriate Cron Expression format. Returns true on valid Cron Expression boolean IsBoolean--(String input)This function checks whether the input provided is boolean type. boolean IsAlphaNumericString-- (String input,boolean useFind)Is Alpha Numeric String - used to determine if input string contains any other string other than Alpha Numeric Characters String ValidateHTMLTokens-- (String html)This function validates the HTML elements in provided string input. String ValidateMandatory--(String inputName,String inputValue,String errorPrefix)This function does mandatory (null/empty) input validation and throws a RuntimeException if its fails void ZipFiles--(String zipFileName,String sourcePath,String files)This function zip the files specified sourcepath & files void InputValidation--(String inputName,String inputValue,String errorPrefix)This function does mandatory (null/empty) input validation and throws a RuntimeException if its fails
RuntimeException if its fails String GetCurrentDateAs_YYYY_MM_ DD_HH_MM_SS--()Returns the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format. For example: 2019-04-05 boolean ValidateDateYYYYMMDD (String date)Validate Date Format - String String - used to pass String input and validate appropriate date format. Returns true on valid date. String GetInstantTimeDuration-- (Object instantStart)Get Time Duration between the Instantstart time and the current time void PopulateFileInToTextValueList-Populate the file that is available in particular location in to clipboard value list
3436 (String filePath,ClipboardProperty textValueListName) instant StartInstantTimer() Start the timer String AdhocSQLRunner--(String jndiName,String sqlQuery)AdhocSQLRunner is used to execute SQL Query String ValidateMandatory--(String inputName,String inputValue)This function is a shortcut to the 3 parameter ValidateMandatory function with a standard errorPrefix of "Mandatory Input Validation Failed" String ConvertISODateTimeToPegaDat eTimeV2(String dateTime)The input date is expected in yyyy-DDD'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, It will throw a RuntimeException if the input date is empty/null or invalid format or unable to parse String GetCachedAOMConfigValue-- (String type,String name,String valueIfNotPresent)Gets the cached AOM Config value for the specified type & name. String ProcessAppPushResponsesFile- -(String filePath,String delimiter,boolean hasHeader)Processes the response file for App Push event String Dycrypt--(String filePath,String workareaPath,String gnupgHome)Decrypts the files from the filePath, workareaPath String Dycrypt--(String filePath,String workareaPath,String gnupgHome,String passphrase)Decrypts the files from the filePath, workareaPath String Dycrypt--(String filePath,String workareaPath,String gnupgHome,String passphrase,boolean decompress)Decrypts the files from the filePath, workareaPath long HTSL(String jndiName, String filePath, String tableName)This function will stream records in CSV mentions in the filepath for the specified tables.
tables. String EncryptUsingRWA--(String dataToEncrypt)Encrypt Using Russell Welton's Custom Algorithm ClipboardPage ExecuteSystemProcess--(String workingDir,String[] cmd,PublicAPI tools)This function executes array of program commands with specified arguments from the Path of the working directory by implementing Public API String GetAOMConfigValue-- (String type,String name,boolean ignore404)Gets the AOM Config value for the specified type & name.
3437 String Genie--(String cmd) This function runs the command passed in the input string. String GetCurrentDateAsYYYYMMDD()Returns the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format. For example: 2019-04-05 String GetCurrentDateAsYYYYMMDDH HMMSS()Returns the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format. For example: 2019-04-05 String GetErrorDetails--(boolean)Returns the error details on specified verbose indicator String GetAOMConfigValue-- (String type,String name,boolean valueIfNotPresent)Gets the AOM Config value for the specified type & name. String GetFileName--(String filePath)Gets the file name String GetGPGPassphrase(String secretsManagerRegion,String secretsManagerId)This function returns the GPG pass phrase for the provided secret keys. String GetISOTimestamp--() Get's the current time stamp in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ format. For example: 2019-04-05T14:51:40.622 String GetISODate--() Returns the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format. For example: 2019-04-05 String ExtractJSONField--(String Input,String Path)Returns a value by using JSON data in Input parameter and key fields separated by comma in Path parameter Int GetFileLineCount--(String filePath) Returns a line count value using wc -l command from input filePath parameter String GetBDCModelAttributeValueRetrieves the Model Attribute value from the ValueGroup of the respective model data for the given serviceNumber int RDBList--(String className,String requestType,String
int RDBList--(String className,String requestType,String access,ClipboardPage browsePage,String maxRecords)This functions lists the records in from RDB with className, requestType, access into browsePage page String ReplaceHyphenWithUnderscoreReplaces each substring of the input that matches the given regular expression (HYPHEN) with the given replacement(UNDERSCORE) String GetValueFromJSONObject-- (String json,String key)Returns a value from the given key in JSON Object String GetValueFromJSONNameValue Array--(String json,String name)Returns a value from the given name in JSON Array List void GetCombiBundleForRecoTar-- (String,String,String,ClipboardPa ge)This function returns the list of eligible combi bundles for given department, channel and recommended list of tariffs
3438 String GetNextSeedTestDataSampleId-- (String key,String sampleSize)Generates a distributed fixed size (identified by sampleSize) sequential cyclic counter for a given key combination String DestroySeedTestDataSampleIdC ounters--()Destroys all the Seed Test Data Sample Id Group (STDSIG) IAtomic instances generated so far and returns String which contains IAtomic instances information String SubstitutePropertyTokens- -(ClipboardPage page,String input)Substitutes square bracket [] property tokens provided in input String with the property token values present in the page and returns the substituted input string boolean S3TransferIfExists-- (String s3bucket,String filename,String destinationPath,String options,String transferMode)Copies or Moves (based on the transferMode) a S3 file to a destination locally if the source S3 file exists. Returns true if the source s3 file exists and was successfully copied/moved to destination, false otherwise. void S3Transfer--(String source,String destination,String options,String transferMode)Copies a local file or S3 object to another location locally or in S3. boolean S3cpIfExists--(String s3bucket,String filename,String destinationPath,String options)Copies a S3 file to a destination locally if the source S3 file exists. Returns true if the source s3 file exists and was successfully copied to destination, false otherwise. boolean S3FileExists--(String s3bucket,String filename)This function checks if the input file exists in the specified S3 path boolean GetListOfFilesFromS3-- (String folderPath,String filePattern,ClipboardProperty
boolean GetListOfFilesFromS3-- (String folderPath,String filePattern,ClipboardProperty fileListProperty)This function gets the list of files from the folder for the specified file pattern in S3 and adds to the file list property. It returns true if the filelist property is not empty else false String GetOldestS3Filename-- (String path,String pattern)This functions finds the oldest filename in the S3 location specified by path using the specified pattern void S3mv--(String source,String destination,String options)Moves a local file or S3 object to another location locally or in S3. void S3cp--(String source,String destination,String options)Copies a local file or S3 object to another location locally or in S3. boolean DoesStringExistsInList-- (String input,String search,String delimiter)This function splits the input string using the delimiter in to an array of strings. Then checks if search string exists in the array. boolean DoesStringListExistsInList-- (String input,String search,String delimiter)This function splits both the input and search strings using the delimiter in to an array of strings. Then checks if any of the search string exists in the input array, If exists functions returns true. boolean StringMatches--(String input,String regex)Tells whether or not the input string matches the given regular expression. void SplitString--(String input,String This function splits the input string using the delimiting regular expression and appended to the Clipboard Property
3439 regex,ClipboardProperty output) String ProcessBDCModelFile-- (String filePath ,boolean hasHeader,String className,String dataset)Reads the file line by line and calls LoadIntoDataset activity to populate corresponding decision data stores. The data lives in the corresponding data set until the given VALIDITY_TS in the first line of the file Updated in R3.01 String GetCachedAlertConfigEmail-- (String alert,String process,String severity,boolean ignore404)Gets the cached Alert Config value for the specified alert, process and severity String GetCachedAOMConfigValue-- (String ConfigType,String ConfigName,boolean ignore404)Gets the cached AOM Config value for the specified configtype, configname String GetCachedAOMBusinessConfig Value--(String ConfigType,String ConfigName,boolean ignore404)Gets the cached AOM Business Config value for the specified configtype, configname boolean ValidateMSISDN--(String msisdn)This function validates MSISDN with format expected as 447xxxxxxxxx( 12 digits including 447) and returns true/false String ConvertYYYYMMDDHHMMSSN oSpaceToPegaDateTime--(String dateTime)This function converts YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss date time format into Pega date time format yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSS ‘GMT’ and returns it String [ ] SplitStringByComma-- (String)This function splits the input string using the comma(,) regular expression and returning the String Array String GetCurrentPegaTimestamp--()This function returns the current timestamp in "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSS 'GMT'" format.
format. For example: 20210409T044356.193 GMT String GetJSONOfParameterPage--()This function returns JSON of current parameter page. long GetAvailableTokens(String mapName, String bucketName)This function returns the available tokens from the bucket & mapName provided for the Hazelcast instance defined by static variable HAZELCAST_INSTANCE int GetAvailableTokensInt(String mapName, String bucketName)This function returns the available tokens from the bucket & mapName provided for the Hazelcast instance defined by static variable HAZELCAST_INSTANCE. This was created as logic require the function to return type int. void RemoveRLBMap(String mapName)This function deletes the map specified within hazle cast instance (set using static variable HAZELCAST_INSTANCE). All buckets within the map will be deleted. void SplitStringByUnderscore-- (String,ClipboardProperty)This function splits the input string using the Underscode (_) regular expression and appends the data to the Clipboard Property passed String MakeStringJavaIdentifierSafe-- (String)This function converts the specified string into a valid Java identifier by removing all illegal characters and returns valid JavaIdentifier
3440 boolean HasFixedLineOnAccount-- (String)This function calls activity HasFixedLineOnAccount which returns true if the customer account has fixed line in current product holding boolean HasVFTQualifierOnAccount -- (String)This function calls activity HasVFTQualifierOnAccount which returns true if the customer account has VFT Qualifier in current product holding void SplitStringByComma-- (String,ClipboardProperty)This function splits the input string using the comma (,) regular expression and appends the data to the Clipboard Property passed void IsPageListEmpty-- (ClipboardProperty)This function checks if a page list property has no element void PreparePredictiveModelGroup-- (ClipboardPage subscription)Prepares PredictiveModelGroup page group data from ModelScore dataset. void PreparePredictiveModelGroup-- (String datasetName, ClipboardPage subscription)Prepares PredictiveModelGroup page group data from given dataset on predictive class. String SaveOffersMetadata-- (String subscriptionId, String properties, ClipboardPage page)This function converts input parameters to ClipboardPage object. It invokes the activity SaveOffersMetadata to store prepared page in the data set OffersMetadata, and returns Metadata Id as String type. String ConvertValueListToCSV-- (ClipboardProperty valueList)This function converts converts the valuelist clipboard property to comma separated string(CSV) String GenerateUniqueId() This function converts returns the generated new unique Id String BuildNameValueJSONArrayThis function returns an array of JSON based on input parameters String AmendJSONString This function returns JSON representation of a string and also removes any properties beginning with px,py or pz String GetJSONOfPage This function returns JSON representation of a page
String GetJSONOfPage This function returns JSON representation of a page String GetJSONOfProperty This function returns JSON representation of string property String ProcessDiallerOutcomesFile-- (String filePath,String delimiter,boolean hasHeader)Processes the response file for Dialler Outcomes event by reading file in filePath and it will ignore 1st record based on hasHeader. For each record it will call DiallerOutcomesPreProcessor for creating a record in Event_Status table. void SaveToDDS-- (ClipboardPage page, String dataSetClass, String dataSetName, int ttl)Save and store data from clipboard page in a dataset within the specified class for a duration of ttlR3.01 void PopulateFactIds-- (ClipboardProperty,ClipboardPro perty)The function takes an uploaded csv/txt file and populates the specified value list FactIds with Double records from each line in the file. Accepts a maximum of 100,000 records.R3.03 int GetAOSThrottleBucketRateLimit-Function that returns the rate limit of a bucket determined by which one in the Throttle Config DB table has a time-frame that includes the current timeR4.05
3441 -() String GetAOSThrottleBucketName--()Function that returns the bucket name determined by which one in the Throttle Config DB table has a time-frame that includes the current timeR4.05 String ProcessAOSFile(String filePath, String delimiter, boolean hasHeader, String source, String taskTimestamp)Processes the AOS files by reading the file in filePath and it will ignore 1st record based on hasHeaderR4.06 Boolean ValidateDateTimeYYYYMMDDH HMMSS(String datetime)Validates whether the input date time is in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format R4.06The function takes an input string in hh:mm format and appends it with the date-time of the current day and returns the appended date-time as a string if no exception occurs Paramet ersinputTime Time in hh:mm format Returns Value of current datetime after appending the input datetimeString AddDateToTime(String inputTime) The function takes a data source and sql query, connects the data source and returns the result of the query execution. Paramet ersJndiName Name of the Java Naming and Directory Interface sqlQuery SQL query to execute Returns Query result in a string, each column separated with ‘|' and each row is separated with '\n’ Throws Exception An error that indicates there was a problem while rolling back the SQL connection SQLException This is thrown if any SQL connection error occurs String AdhocSQLRunner(String jndiName, String sqlQuery) The function takes a string input with json format and converts it to ClipboardPage object. Paramet ersjson The JSON String that requires the adoption page The ClipboardPage in which the JSON will be adopted Returns - Throws Exception An error that indicates the failure whilst adopting jsonvoid AdoptJSON(String json, ClipboardPage page)
Throws Exception An error that indicates the failure whilst adopting jsonvoid AdoptJSON(String json, ClipboardPage page) The function takes a string input with JSON format and converts it to ClipboardPage object. If merge is true, all properties on the source page are copied to the target page(If property exists in the target page, it is overridden). Else, target page is cleared and json String is adopted Paramet ersjson The JSON String that requires the adoption page The ClipboardPage in which the JSON will be adopted merge Flag to indicate if page will be merged with existing properties Returns -void AdoptJSON(String json, ClipboardPage page, boolean merge)
3442 Throws Exception An error that indicates the failure whilst adopting json The function takes a string input with json format and converts it to ClipboardProperty object. Paramet ersjson The JSON String that requires the adoption property The ClipboardProperty in which the JSON will be adopted Returns - Throws InvalidStreamErro r AdoptJSONIntoProperty: Failure whilst adopting json Exception Error in AdoptJSONIntoPropertyvoid AdoptJSONIntoProperty(String json, ClipboardProperty property) The function takes a string input and converts encodes it in Base64 format Paramet ersinputStr The String that requires to be encoded includeLineBreaksinclude line breaks to be encoded ReturnsBase 64 format encoded valueString Base64Encode(String inputStr, boolean includeLineBreaks) The function calculates the day difference between current day and input day Paramet ersinputDateTime The String that requires to be encoded ReturnsThe integer value of the difference between daysint CalculateNumberOfDaysFromToday(String inputDateTime) The function concatenate files in the workarea with respect to the file pattern and extracts file in the target file location and files in the source location are deleted Paramet ersworkarea The full path of the folder which has the files to concatenate filePattern Pattern of filenames to concatenate targetFile The full path of the destination target file Returns- ThrowsIOException Error thrown if there is an issue while reading the file from source path Exception Error while concatenating filesvoid ConcatenateFiles(String workarea, String filePattern, String targetFile) The function will convert date time("04-02-2019") to a Pega DateTime value(“20190204T000000.000 GMT”)String ConvertDDMMYYYYToPegaDateTime(String date)
3443 Paramet ersdate Input Date in DD-MM-YYYY format Returnsreturns a string of Pega DateTime value ThrowsUnsupportedOper ationExceptionError thrown if parsing is not supported which most likely be due to invalid DD_MM_YYYY_DTF static variable in the library definition IllegalArgumentEx ceptionError thrown if the text to parse is invalid The function will convert date time("1545152470") to a Pega DateTime value(“20190204T000000.000 GMT”) Paramet ersepoch Input Date in epoch format Returnsreturns a string of Pega Date Time Stamp value ThrowsIllegalArgumentEx ceptionError thrown if the text to parse is invalidString ConvertEpochToPegaDateTime(String epoch) The function will convert date time("1545152470") to a Pega DateTime value(“20190204T000000.000 GMT”) Paramet erstimestamp Input Date in milliseconds format Returnsreturns a string of Pega Date Time Stamp value ThrowsIllegalArgumentEx ceptionError thrown if the text to parse is invalidString ConvertUnixTimestampInMilliseconds(String timestamp) The function will convert date time("1674133783123") to a Pega DateTime value(“20230119T130943.123 GMT”) Paramet ersdateTime Input Date in Date Time format Returnsreturns a string of Pega Date Time Stamp value ThrowsUnsupportedOper ationExceptionError thrown if parsing is not supported which most likely be due to invalid DD_MM_YYYY_DTF static variable in the library definition IllegalArgumentEx ceptionError thrown if the text to parse is invalidString ConvertISODateTimeToPegaDateTime(String dateTime) The function will convert Pega DateTime value(“20190204T000000.000 GMT”) to ISO date time("2019-04-05T14:51:40.622") Paramet
Paramet ersdateTime Input Date in Pega Date Time formatString ConvertPegaDateTimeToISODateTime(String dateTime)
3444 Returnsreturns a string of ISO Date Time Stamp value ThrowsUnsupportedOper ationExceptionThis is thrown if parsing is not supported which most likely be due to invalid DEFAULT_PEGA_DTF static variable in the library definition IllegalArgumentEx ceptionError thrown if the text to parse is invalid The function will convert Pega DateTime value(“20190204T000000.000 GMT”) to date time("2019-04-05T14:51:40") Paramet ersdateTime Input Date in Pega DateTime format Returnsreturns a string of ISO Date Time Stamp value without Milliseconds ThrowsUnsupportedOper ationExceptionThis is thrown if parsing is not supported which most likely be due to invalid DEFAULT_PEGA_DTF static variable in the library definition IllegalArgumentEx ceptionError thrown if the text to parse is invalidString ConvertPegaDateTimeToISODateTimeNoMillis(String dateTime) The function will convert Pega DateTime value(“20190204T000000.000 GMT”) to date time("2019-04-05T14:51:40") Paramet ersdateTime Input DateTime in ISO format Returnsreturns a string of ISO Date Time Stamp value without Milliseconds ThrowsUnsupportedOper ationExceptionThis is thrown if parsing is not supported which most likely be due to invalid DEFAULT_PEGA_DTF static variable in the library definition IllegalArgumentEx ceptionError thrown if the text to parse is invalidString ConvertYYYYMMDDHHMMSSToPegaDateTime(String dateTime) The function creates a directory by creating all nonexistent parent directories first Paramet erspath Path of the directory to create Returns- ThrowsException Error While Creating Directoryvoid CreateDirectories(String path) The function uses the header properties Report Definition results and sets it to a CSV string by using a listSeparator to separate each property. Paramet
property. Paramet erslistSeparator Separates the properties with token passed from the pzGetLocaleListSeperator Decision tableString CreateWatchDogCSVAttachment(String listSeparator)
3445 Returnsreturns CSV text value with passed listSeparator Creates HazlecastInstance using getOrCreateHazelcastInstance using the input configuration. Paramet ersinstanceName Hazelcast Instance Name groupName Hazelcast Group Name groupPassword Hazelcast Group Password licensekey License key for this hazelcast instance. members Comma separated list of members IP addresses , e..g ',' Returns-void CreateHazelcastInstance(String instanceName,String groupName, String groupPassword, String members,String licensekey) The function unzips an input file into the output path Paramet ersfilePath Full path of the file to be decompressed outputPath Full path of directory to extract files Returns Returns a string of unzip command output Throws Exception Error in Decompressing the file pathString Decompress(String filePath, String outputPath) The function unzips/untars zip/tgz files respectively into a given outputPath directory and populates all the absolute paths of the decompressed files into the output clipboard property Paramet ersfilePath Full path of the file to be decompressed outputPath Full path of directory to extract files compressionTypeFile compression type output ClipboardProperty which the command outputs will be populated Returns - Throws Exception Error in Decompressvoid Decompress(String filePath, String outputPath, String compressionType, ClipboardProperty output ) The function decrypts an input file into the output path and decompresses the file if the flag enabled Paramet ersfilePath Full path of the file to be dycrypted/unzippedvoid Decrypt(String filePath, String outputFilePath, String gnupgHome, String passphrase, boolean decompress)
3446 outputFilePath Full path of the output file gnupgHome GNU PG Home Directory passphrase GPG Passphrase (Optional) decompress Flag to specify if the file needs to be decompressed as well Returns - Throws Exception Error in Decrypting file path The function decrypts an input file into the output path Paramet ersfilePath Full path of the file to be dycrypted outputFilePath Full path of the output file gnupgHome GNU PG Home Directory passphrase GPG Passphrase (Optional) Returns - Throws Exception Error in Decryptvoid Decrypt(String filePath, String outputFilePath, String gnupgHome, String passphrase) Decrypts parameter elements and places results on the context parameter page. Assumes key-value pair is encrypted to be remapped onto parameter page. Paramet ersqueryParams Parameters to decrypt requestParameter sValueGroup to hold the decrypted query parameters Returns - Throws Exception Error in Decrypting Query Parametersvoid DecryptQueryParameters(String queryParams, ClipboardProperty requestParameters) Decrypts the input data using AES algorithm Paramet ersinitializationVectorInitialization vector value for decryption encryptionKey Secret encryption key dataToDecrypt Data to be decrypted Returns The decrypted string Throws Exception Error in DecryptUsingAESString DecryptUsingAES(String initializationVector, String encryptionKey, String dataToDecrypt)
3447 Decrypts the input data using a custom algorithm Paramet ersdataToDecrypt Data to be decrypted Returns The decrypted string String DecryptUsingRWA(String dataToDecrypt) The function removes the files with the specified pattern from the directory path which are older than the specified number of days Paramet ersdirectoryPath The full path of the folder to clean filePattern Pattern of file to delete retentionPeriod No Days to delete older than Returns - Throws Exception Error while deleting filesvoid DeleteFiles(String directoryPath, String filePattern, int retentionPeriod) Clears cache for a given datapage from every nodes Paramet ersdataPageName Data Page Name Returns True if the caches are cleared successfullyboolean FlushDataPage--(String dataPageName) This function checks if the input file exists Paramet ersfilePath Full path of the file that needs to be checked if it exists Returns True if the file exists, else falseboolean FileExists(String filePath) This function will move the mv options from source to destination Paramet ersoption mv options source source file/folder/pattern to move destination destination path Returns - Throws Exception Error while moving from source to destinationvoid GNUmv(String option, String source, String destination)
3448 This function will stream records in CSV mentions in the filepath for the specified tables. Paramet ersjndiName JNDI Name of the Pooled DataSource filePath Full file path of the input file that needs to be loaded tableName Name of the table into which the file needs be loaded encoding Specify the encoding of the file. If this option is omitted, the current client encoding is used. Returns value of record count Throws Exception Error while moving from source to destinationlong HTSL(String jndiName, String filePath, String tableName, String encoding) This function will encrypt the file Paramet ersworkarea Path of the directory where the file exists file File to be encrypted recipient Recipient's User Id/email gnupgHome GNU PG Home Directory Returns - Throws RuntimeExceptio nError while encrypting using cmdvoid Encrypt--(String workarea,String file,String recepient,String gnupgHome) This function will log the clipboard page Paramet erscaller Caller Identifier pageReference Name of a top-level page, or reference to an embedded page Returns Return empty string upon successfull log of clipboard pageString LogClipboardPage(String caller, String pageReference) This function will return true if the current time is within start and end time provided Paramet ersstart Path of the directory where the file exists end File to be encrypted Returns return true if the current timestamp is within start & end, otherwise false Throws RuntimeExceptio Error in IsCurrentTimeWithinRangeboolean IsCurrentTimeWithinRange(String start,String end)
3449 n this function take string value and assign it to the clipboard property variable Paramet ersinputStr Input string value output ClipboardProperty type Returns -void JSONToValueGroup(String inputStr,ClipboardProperty output) this function takes string input and returns true if its valid phone number, otherwise false Paramet ersinput Input string value useFind true/false - if this is true the function uses find method Returns booleanboolean IsValidPhoneNumber(String input,boolean useFind) This function returns true if the passed input Object is null or empty, otherwise false Paramet ersinput Input Object value to check whether null or empty Returns booleanboolean IsNullOrEmpty(Object input) Invokes an activity with the given parameters json Paramet ersclassName Activity Class name Activity Name parameters Activity Parameters in JSON format Returns -void InvokeActivity--(String className,String name,String parameters) This function will encrypt the file Paramet ersfilePath The full path of the Event file type Event Type delimiter Delimiter used in the Event file hasHeader Does the Event file have a header?void ProcessEventFile(String filePath,String type,String delimiter,boolean hasHeader)
3450 Returns - Throws RuntimeExceptio nIOException Error in ProcessEventFile this function takes string input and returns true if its valid SMS character set string. Paramet ersinput Input string value useFind true/false - if this is true the function uses find method Returns booleanboolean IsSMSCharacterSetString(String input,boolean useFind) This function returns true if the passed input String is null or empty, otherwise false Paramet ersinput Input String value to check whether null or empty Returns booleanboolean IsNullOrEmpty(String input) This function returns true if the timeToCheck is Before or After. Paramet erstimeToCheck value of timetocheck in string type Returns boolean Throws RuntimeExceptio nException Error when checking the timestamp whether its before.boolean IsCurrentTimeBefore(String timeToCheck) This function packages the files as per the provided input criteria and zip them. Paramet ersworkarea Path of the folder which contains the files to be packaged filePattern Pattern of the files to be packaged targetFileSuffix File name suffix of the target packaged file(s) recipient GPG Recipient's User Id/email gnupgHome GNU PG Home Directory Returns -void PackageFiles(String workarea,String filePattern,String targetFileSuffix,String recipient,String gnupgHome)
3451 Throws RuntimeExceptio nError while packaging the files from workarea. this function verifies whether the bucket is available within hazle cast instance for the provided Map Name and append all available tokens from the bucket Paramet ersinstanceName Hazelcast Instance Name mapName Hazelcast Distributed Map Name bucketName Bucket Name Returns StringString ProbeRLB(String instanceName, String mapName, String bucketName) This function splits the input string by delimiting using the regular expression with number of times limit and assign it to the clipboard property output. Paramet ersinput The string to split regex The delimiting regular expression output The ClipboardProperty in which the split string will be appended limit The Number of times the pattern needs to apply Returns -void SplitStringWithLimit(String input,String regex, ClipboardProperty output, int limit) This function returns primaryXML Returns StringString LogPrimary() This function returns empty string and logs the caller identifier Paramet ersinput input string Returns A placeholder of String typeString Proper(String input) this function return true if severity text is FAIL and messageName is file not found. Returns Stringboolean RDBOpenStatusNotFound()
3452 this functions saves the record in to RDB with className, requestType, access. Paramet ersclassName Class name of the RDB rule requestType Request type of the RDB rule access Request type of the RDB rule Returns -void RDBSave(String className, String requestType, String access) this function copies the options from source to destination Paramet ersoption cp options source source file/folder/pattern to copy destination destination path Returns Throws RuntimeExceptio nthrows error while copying source to destinationvoid GNUcp(String option,String source,String destination) This function returns the timestamp Returns StringString GetTimestamp() this function returns the property value for the provided property in clipboard page Paramet erspage A clipboard page propertyName Name of the property Returns return property value as String Throws RuntimeExceptio nError in IsCurrentTimeWithinRangeString GetPropertyValue(page ClipboardPage, String propertyName ) This returns 1 token back to the bucket identified by instanceName, mapName, bucketName. Paramet ersinstanceName Hazelcast Instance Name mapName Hazelcast Distributed Map Name bucketName Bucket Namevoid ReturnToRLB(String instanceName, String mapName, String bucketName)
3453 Returns - This returns tokensToAdd back to the bucket identified by instanceName, mapName, bucketName. Paramet ersinstanceName Hazelcast Instance Name mapName Hazelcast Distributed Map Name bucketName Bucket Name tokensToAdd Number of tokens to add back to the bucket Returns -void ReturnToRLB(String instanceName, String mapName, String bucketName) this function sets AOMConfig value for specified parameters Paramet erstype AOMConfig Type name AOMConfig Name value AOMConfig value Returns -void SetAOMConfigValue--(String type,String name,String value) Paramet ersinstanceName Hazelcast Instance Name mapName Hazelcast Distributed Map Name bucketName Bucket Name capacity Bucket Capacity minutes Refill Duration in Minutes Returns -void SetupRLB(String instanceName, String mapName, String bucketName, int capacity, int minutes) Paramete rsmapName Hazelcast Distributed Map Name bucketName Bucket Name void SetupRLB(String mapName, String bucketName, int capacity, int minutes)
3454 capacity Bucket Capacity minutes Refill Duration in Minutes Returns - This function splits the input string using the delimiting regular expression and appended to The ClipboardProperty Paramet ersinput The string to split regex The delimiting regular expression output The ClipboardProperty in which the split string will be appended Returns -void SplitString(String input,String regex,ClipboardProperty output) Replaces each substring of the input that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. Paramet ersinput The input string which needs replacements regex The regular expression to which this string is to be matched output The string to be substituted for each match Returns StringString StringReplaceAll(String input,String regex,String replacement) This function substitute the page tokens provided in Input String with an Handle to the current thread's PublicAPI object Paramet ersinput The input string which needs replacements tools The regular expression to which this string is to be matched Returns String Throws RuntimeExceptio nError in SubstitutePageTokens: Unable to find page RuntimeExceptio nError in SubstitutePageTokens: Unable to get the value for propertyString SubstitutePageTokens(String input,PublicAPI tools) Converts a string to a BigDecimal; returns exception if number is improperly formatted Paramet ersinputString The input string with date & time Returns ToDecimal(String inputString)
3455 Converts a string to an integer; returns exception if number is improperly formatted. Paramet ersinput The input string which needs replacements Returns int Throws RuntimeExceptio nError in converting the input to Intint ToInt(String input) This function consumes the available tokens from the bucket provided for and hazle cast instance & mapName. Paramet ersinstanceName Hazelcast Instance Name mapName Hazelcast Distributed Map Name bucketName Bucket Name Returns booleanboolean TryConsumeFromRLB(String instanceName,String mapName,String bucketName) This function consumes the available tokens from the bucket provided & mapName for the Hazelcast instance defined by static variable HAZELCAST_INSTANCE Paramete rsmapName Hazelcast Distributed Map Name bucketName Bucket Name Returns booleanboolean TryConsumeFromRLB(String mapName,String bucketName) Validate CheckSum for the input file against the file passed checksum file. Paramet ersfile File name including full path ckFile The checksum file to validate against Returns String Throws RuntimeException - Error in ValidateChecksumString ValidateChecksum(String file,String ckFile) Reformat the customer subscription number to prefix with 44 uk isd code. Paramet ersserviceNumber Customer Service Number or Subscription NumberString ReformatServiceNumber(String serviceNumber)
3456 Returns String This function encrypts the input data using AES algorithm Paramet ersinitializationVectorInitialization vector value for encryption encryptionKey Secret encryption key dataToEncrypt Data to be encrypted Returns String - Returns the encrypted text Throws RuntimeException - Error in EncryptUsingAES String EncryptUsingAES(String initializationVector,String encryptionKey,String dataToEncrypt) Tries to consume as much tokens from this bucket as available at the moment of invocation. Paramet ersinstanceName Hazelcast Instance Name mapName Hazelcast Distributed Map Name bucketName Bucket Name Returns long - number of tokens which has been consumed, or zero if was consumed nothing.long TryConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleFromRLB--(String instanceName,String mapName,String bucketName) ValidateDateDDMMYYYY - String - used to pass String input and validate appropriate date format. Returns true on valid date Paramet ersdate date value to validate Returns boolean- returns truw if the value provided is valid date format Throws RuntimeException - Error while parsing in ValidateDateDDMMYYYYboolean ValidateDateDDMMYYYY(String date) This functions finds the oldest file in folderPath using the file pattern Paramet ersfolderPath The full path of the folder in which to search for the oldest file filePattern Pattern of the file to search Returns String - returns the file name Throws RuntimeException - Error while finding oldest fileString GetOldestFile(String folderPath,String filePattern)
3457 this function gets the lis of files from the folder for the specified file pattern and adds to the file list property. returns true if the filelist property is not empty, otherwise false Paramet ersfolderPath Path of the folder for which the list is desired filePattern Pattern of the file to match fileListProperty Text Value List ClipboardProperty in which the list needs to be populated Returns boolean- returns the true if the file list property is not empty, otherwise false if empty Throws RuntimeException - GetListOfFiles: Error while reading from the source folder with file patternboolean GetListOfFiles--(String folderPath,String filePattern,ClipboardProperty fileListProperty) It will look input tagAddEvent for "AOM_[^"]" format. Then Splits the String(AOM_) and places InteractionId, SubChannel & Tag on the payload. Paramet erstagAddEvent Input to look for "AOM_[^"]*" format payload ValueGroup to hold the payload values Returns -String GetOldestFile(String folderPath,String filePattern) this function adds to the file list property from the folder path mentioned Paramet ersfolderPath Path of the folder for which the list is desired fileListProperty Text Value List ClipboardProperty in which the list needs to be populated Returns boolean- returns the true if the file list property is not empty, otherwise false if empty Throws RuntimeException - GetListOfFiles: Error while reading from the source folderboolean GetListOfFiles--(String folderPath,ClipboardProperty fileListProperty) this function adds to the file list property from the folder path mentioned Paramet erspage The page whose JSON representation is required Returns String- returns the JSON text of the page requestedString GetJSONOfPage--(ClipboardPage page) This functions moves the source file to target file with specified absolute path locations. Paramet
This functions moves the source file to target file with specified absolute path locations. Paramet erssourceFile Filename along with full absolute path of the source file to be move targetFile Full absolute path of the target file or foldervoid MoveFile--(String sourceFile,String targetFile)
3458 Returns This functions moves the source file to target file. this function returns if the input date time is in ISO format. Paramet ersdateTime date value to validate Returns boolean- returns truw if the value provided is valid date of ISO format Throws RuntimeException - Error while parsing in ValidateDateTimeISOboolean ValidateDateTimeISO--(String dateTime) this function returns true if the input time if after the current time. Paramet erstimeToCheck value of timetocheck in string type Returns boolean Throws RuntimeExceptio nException Error when checking the timestamp whether its after.boolean IsCurrentTimeAfter(String timeToCheck) Cron Expression is Satisfied - used to pass String input and checks the input compareDateTime is satisfied Returns true if the Cron Expression is satisfied by compareDateTime For Example: Below expression returns true as the current date is satisfied: compareDateTime : Thu Oct 08 00:00:00 UTC 2020 cronExpression: * 0 0,10 ? * SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU * Paramet erscronExpression The Cron Expression to check with current time compareDateTim eThe date time to compare with cron expression Returns boolean Throws RuntimeExceptio nError in IsCronExpressionTimeSatisfiedboolean IsCronExpressionTimeSatisfied(String cronExpression,String compareDateTime) Validate Cron Expression - used to pass String input and validate appropriate Cron Expression format. Returns true on valid Cron Expression For Example: Below expression returns true as the cron expression format is valid cronExpression: * 0 0,10 ? * SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU *boolean IsValidCronExpression(String cronExpression)
3459 Paramet erscronExpression The Cron Expression to Validate Returns boolean Throws RuntimeExceptio nIsValidCronExpression : Exception this function returns true if the input time if after the current time. Paramet ersinput input value Returns booleanboolean IsBoolean--(String input) Is Alpha Numeric String - used to determine if input string contains any other string other than Alpha Numeric Characters Paramet ersinput input string value useFind indicates to use find method Returns booleanboolean IsAlphaNumericString--(String input,boolean useFind) Validate HTML tokens for the specified input. Paramet ershtml input html string Returns StringString ValidateHTMLTokens(String input) This function does mandatory (null/empty) input validation and throws a RuntimeException if its fails Paramet ersinputName The name of the input inputValue The value of the input errorPrefix The error prefix that will be attached when throwing the error Returns StringString ValidateMandatory--(String inputName,String inputValue,String errorPrefix)
3460 void ZipFiles--(String zipFileName,String sourcePath,String files) This function packages the files as per the provided input criteria and zip them. Paramet ersworkarea Path of the folder which contains the files to be packaged filePattern Pattern of the files to be packaged recipient GPG Recipient's User Id/email gnupgHome GNU PG Home Directory Returns Throws RuntimeExceptio nError while packaging the files from workarea.void PackageFiles(String workarea,String filePattern,String recipient,String gnupgHome) This function does mandatory (null/empty) input validation and throws a RuntimeException if its fails Paramet ersinputName Filename for the Zip file along with the full path inputValue Path of the folder containing the files to be zipped errorPrefix Space separated files to include into the ZIP Returns -void InputValidation--(String inputName,String inputValue,String errorPrefix) Returns the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format. For example: 2019-04-05 Paramet ers- Returns String - Returns the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format.String GetCurrentDateAs_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS--() This function does mandatory (null/empty) input validation and throws a RuntimeException if its failsboolean ValidateDateYYYYMMDD--(String date)
3461 This function zips the files from source path and file names specified and creates the file with sipFileName Paramet erszipFileName Filename for the Zip file along with the full path sourcePath Path of the folder containing the files to be zipped files Space separated files to include into the ZIP Returns - Throws RuntimeException - zipFiles FailedParamet ersdate The date value for Validation Returns boolean Throws Runtimeexception - Error while parsing in ValidateDateYYYYMMDD Get Time Duration between the Instantstart time and the current time Paramet ersinstantStart Start timer value to get the duration Returns Stringboolean GetInstantTimeDuration--(Object instantStart) Populate the file that is available in particular location in to clipboard value list Paramet ersfilePath The date value for Validation textValueListNam eName of CLipboard page to populate the file Returns String Throws Runtimeexception - PopulateFileInToTextValueList: Error while reading the readme fileString PopulateFileInToTextValueList-(String filePath,ClipboardProperty textValueListName) Start the timer Paramet ersinstantStart Start timer value to get the duration Returns InstantInstant StartInstantTimer--() AdhocSQLRunner is used to execute SQL Query Paramet ersjndiName Name of the Java Naming and Directory Interface sqlQuery SQL query to execute Returns String - Update count result Throws Runtimeexception - AdhocSQLRunner Error while executing sql and AdhocSQLRunner Error while rolling backString AdhocSQLRunner--(String jndiName,String sqlQuery) This function is a shortcut to the 3 parameter ValidateMandatory function with a standard errorPrefix of "Mandatory Input Validation Failed"String ValidateMandatory--(String inputName,String inputValue)
3462 Paramet ersinputName The name of the input inputValue The value of the input Returns String The input date is expected in yyyy-DDD'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ. It will throw a RuntimeException if the input date is empty/null or invalid format or unable to parse Paramet ersdateTime Input DateTime in ISO format Returns String Throws RuntimeException - Error in ConvertISODateTimeToPegaDateTimeString ConvertISODateTimeToPegaDateTimeV2(String dateTime) Gets the cached AOM Config value for the specified type & name. Paramet erstype AOM Config Type name AOM Config Name valueIfNotPresentValue to return if the AOM Config identified by the specified Type+Name is not found Returns StringString GetCachedAOMConfigValue--(String type,String name,String valueIfNotPresent) Processes the response file for App Push event Paramet ersfilePath The full path of the Event file delimiter Delimiter used in the Event file hasHeader Does the Event file have a header? Returns Duration of the process as String Throws RuntimeException - Error in ProcessAppPushResponsesFileString ProcessAppPushResponsesFile--(String filePath,String delimiter,boolean hasHeader) Decrypts the files from the filePath, workareaPath Paramet ersfilePath Full path of the file to be dycrypted, unzipped and moved workareaPath Workarea for processing files gnupgHome GNU PG Home Directoryvoid Dycrypt--(String filePath,String workareaPath,String gnupgHome)
3463 Returns String Throws RuntimeException - Error while dycrypting using cmd Decrypts the files from the filePath, workareaPath Paramet ersfilePath Full path of the file to be dycrypted, unzipped and moved workareaPath Workarea for processing files gnupgHome GNU PG Home Directory passphrase GPG Passphrase Returns String Throws RuntimeException - Error while dycrypting using cmdvoid Dycrypt--(String filePath,String workareaPath,String gnupgHome,String passphrase) Decrypts the files from the filePath, workareaPath Paramet ersfilePath Full path of the file to be dycrypted, unzipped and moved workareaPath Workarea for processing files gnupgHome GNU PG Home Directory passphrase GPG Passphrase decompress Flag to specify if the file needs to be decompressed as well Returns String Throws RuntimeException - Error while dycrypting using cmdvoid Dycrypt--(String filePath,String workareaPath,String gnupgHome,String passphrase,boolean decompress) This function will stream records in CSV mentions in the filepath for the specified tables. Paramet ersjndiName JNDI Name of the Pooled DataSource filePath Full file path of the input file that needs to be loaded tableName Name of the table into which the file needs be loaded Returns long - value of record count Throws Exception Error in HTSLlong HTSL(String jndiName, String filePath, String tableName)
3464 This function will encrypt the file Paramet ersworkarea Path of the directory where the file exists file File to be encrypted recipient Recipient's User Id/email Returns - Throws RuntimeExceptio nError while encrypting using cmdvoid Encrypt--(String workarea,String file,String recepient) This function will encrypt the file Paramet ersdataToEncrypt Data to be encrypted Returns String - encrypted DataString EncryptUsingRWA--(String dataToEncrypt) This function will stream records in CSV mentions in the filepath for the specified tables. Paramet ersworkingDir JNDI Name of the Pooled DataSource cmd Full file path of the input file that needs to be loaded tools Name of the table into which the file needs be loaded ReturnsClipboardPageClipboardPage ExecuteSystemProcess--(String workingDir,String[] cmd,PublicAPI tools) Gets the AOM Config value for the specified type & name. Paramet erstype AOM Config Type name AOM Config Name valueIfNotPresentignore if 404 error occurs Returns StringString GetAOMConfigValue--(String type,String name,boolean ignore404) Gets the AOM Config value for the specified type & name. Paramet erscmd Command to run Returns StringString Genie--(String cmd)
3465 Throws RuntimeException - Error while performing command Returns the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format. For example: 2019-04-05 Paramet ers- Returns String - Returns the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format.String GetCurrentDateAsYYYYMMDD() Returns the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format. For example: 2019-04-05 Paramet ers- Returns String - Returns the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format.String GetCurrentDateAsYYYYMMDDHHMMSS() Returns the error details on specified verbose indicator Paramet ersverbose Flag to indicate all details like Stracktrace to be included Returns String - Returns the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format.String GetErrorDetails--(boolean) Gets the AOM Config value for the specified type & name. Paramet erstype AOM Config Type name AOM Config Name valueIfNotPresentspecifies the default value Returns StringString GetAOMConfigValue--(String type,String name,boolean valueIfNotPresent) Returns the name of the file without the path Paramet ersfilePath file location Returns String - Returns the file name String GetFileName--(String filePath) This function returns the GPG pass phrase for the provided secret keys.String GetGPGPassphrase(String secretsManagerRegion,String secretsManagerId)
3466 Paramet erssecretsManagerR egionSecrets Manager Region secretsManagerIdSecrets Manager Secret Id Returns String - returns the passphrase Throws Exception Error in GetGPGPassphrase: secretsManagerRegion Get's the current time stamp in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ format. For example: 2019-04-05T14:51:40.622 Paramet ers- Returns String - Get's the current time stamp in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZString GetISOTimestamp() Get's the current time stamp in yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSS 'GMT' format. For example: 20210409T044356.193 GMT Paramet ers- Returns String - Get's the current time stamp in yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSS 'GMT'String GetCurrentPegaTimestamp() Returns the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format. For example: 2019-04-05 Paramet ers- Returns String - Get's the current date in yyyy-MM-ddString GetISODate() This is an SQL function alias rule on Embed-UserFunction class which returns a value by using JSON data in Input parameter and key fields separated by comma in Path parameter. For example, Input = {“a“:{“b“:{“c“:”123”}}} and Path = a,b,c then this function returns 123 Paramet ersInput Inputs a JSON structure Path Keys in a JSON separated by comma Returns String - Returns a valueString ExtractJSONField--(String Input,String Path) Returns a line count value using wc -l command from input filePath parameterInt GetFileLineCount--(String filePath)
3467 Paramet ersfilePath Full path of the file Returns Int - Returns line count of a file Returns a value from given key in JSON Object. For example, json : "{"AppTagIntent":"enquire-vodafone_spendmanager","Reason":"SM limit £0","MSG_ID":"2001012"}" and name : "Reason" then this function returns "SM limit £0" Paramet ersjson Inputs a JSON object key The key in JSON object for which value to be identified Returns String - Returns a valueString GetValueFromJSONObject--(String json,String key) Returns a value from given name in JSON Array List For example, json : "[{ "Name": "RecommendedRouting", "Value": "webchat" }, { "Name": "DeflectionType", "Value": "Hard" }]" and name : "RecommendedRouting" then this function returns "webchat" Paramet ersjson Inputs a JSON array list name The name in JSON array list for which value to be identified Returns String - Returns a valueString GetValueFromJSONNameValueArray--(String json,String name) This function returns the list of eligible combi bundles for given department, channel and recommended list of tariffs Paramet ersString Department String Channel String TariffIds in comma seperated string ClipboardPage Output page to store the list of eligible combi bundles for given tariffid's Returns voidvoid GetCombiBundleForRecoTar--(String,String,String,ClipboardPage) Generates a distributed fixed size (identified by sampleSize) sequential cyclic counter (Sample Id) for a given key combination For example, key = “AddMobilewithhandset_Email_AdConsAndroidLow_OfferVariantDefault” , sampleSize = 5 then function returns 1 to 5 in
first to fifth invocations and in sixth invocation, returns 1 again Paramet erskey Key for the Counter for which the Sample Id needs to be generatedString GetNextSeedTestDataSampleId--(String key,String sampleSize)
3468 sampleSize Sample Counter Size Returns String - Returns Sample Id This functions lists the records in from RDB with className, requestType, access into browsePage page Paramet ersclassName Class name of the RDB rule requestType Request type of the RDB rule access Access method of the RDB rule browsePage The page in which to place the results maxRecords Maximum number of rows to return Returns int- Returns the number of instances foundint RDBList--(String className,String requestType,String access,ClipboardPage browsePage,String maxRecords) Destroys all the Seed Test Data Sample Id Group (STDSIG) IAtomic instances generated so far and returns String which contains IAtomic instances information For example, this function destroys six IAtomic instances generated so far and returns their information as below: The following Seed Test Data Sample Id Counters were destroyed: [Name: AddMobilewithhandset_Email_AdConsAndroidLow_OfferVariantDefault@STDSIG; Value: 1] [Name: AddSmartwatch_Email_AdConsGalaxyWatch_Android@STDSIG; Value: 1] [Name: AddMobileSIMO_Email_AdCons_OfferVariantDefault@STDSIG; Value: 1] [Name: MobileAddmobile_Email_AdCons_SIMO@STDSIG; Value: 1] [Name: MobileAddmobile_OutboundCC_AdCons_SIMO@STDSIG; Value: 2] [Name: AddTablet_Email_AdConsGalaxyTab_OfferVariantDefault@STDSIG; Value: 1] Paramet ers- Returns String - Returns IAtomic instances informationString DestroySeedTestDataSampleIdCounters--() Substitutes square bracket [] property tokens provided in input String with the property token values present in the page and returns the
substituted input string For example, page = FirstName : Bruce, SecondName : Wayne, City : Gotham and input = Hi [FirstName] [SecondName], welcome to the [City], then function returns Hi Bruce Wayne, welcome to the Gotham Paramet erspage Input Page for property token values input Input String which has square bracket [] property tokens that needs substitution Returns String - Returns substituted input stringString SubstitutePropertyTokens--(ClipboardPage page,String input)
3469 Copies or Moves (based on the transferMode) a S3 file to a destination locally if the source S3 file exists. Returns true if the source s3 file exists and was successfully copied/moved to destination, false otherwise. Paramet erss3bucket Full S3 bucket path where the filename that needs to be checked if it exists filename Filename in the s3bucket to copy destinationPath Local unix destination path options S3 copy Options transferMode Transfer Mode - move OR copy Returns Returns true or falseboolean S3TransferIfExists--(String s3bucket,String filename,String destinationPath,String options,String transferMode) Copies a local file or S3 object to another location locally or in S3. Paramet erssource Source file/folder/pattern to copy destination Destination path options S3 copy Options transferMode Transfer Mode - move OR copy Returns -void S3Transfer--(String source,String destination,String options,String transferMode) Copies a S3 file to a destination locally if the source S3 file exists. Returns true if the source s3 file exists and was successfully copied to destination, false otherwise. Paramet erss3bucket Full S3 bucket path where the filename that needs to be checked if it exists filename Filename in the s3bucket to copy destinationPath Local unix destination path options S3 copy Options Returns Returns true or falseboolean S3cpIfExists--(String s3bucket,String filename,String destinationPath,String options) This function checks if the input file exists in the specified S3 pathboolean S3FileExists--(String s3bucket,String filename)
3470 Paramet erss3bucket Full S3 bucket path where the filename that needs to be checked if it exists filename FIlename to search Returns Returns true or false This function gets the list of files from the folder for the specified file pattern in S3 and adds to the file list property. It returns true if the filelist property is not empty else false Paramet ersfolderPath Path of the folder for which the list is desired filePattern Pattern of the file to match fileListProperty Text Value List ClipboardProperty in which the list needs to be populated Returns Returns true or falseboolean GetListOfFilesFromS3--(String folderPath,String filePattern,ClipboardProperty fileListProperty) This functions finds the oldest filename in the S3 location specified by path using the specified pattern Paramet erspath The full S3 URI path of the location in which to search for the oldest file pattern Pattern of the file to search Returns String - Returns oldest file nameString GetOldestS3Filename--(String path,String pattern) Moves a local file or S3 object to another location locally or in S3. Paramet erssource Source file/folder/pattern to move destination Destination path options S3 move Options Returns -void S3mv--(String source,String destination,String options) Copies a local file or S3 object to another location locally or in S3. Paramet erssource Source file/folder/pattern to copyvoid S3cp--(String source,String destination,String options)
3471 destination Destination path options S3 copy Options Returns - This function splits the input string using the delimiter in to array of strings. And then checks if search string exists in the array. For Example, input : "10234,10567,10678", search : "10678" and delimiter : "," then Output is true. Paramet ersinput Delimited seperated string search String to search delimiter Delimiter character e.g. "," , "-","|" Returns Returns true or falseboolean DoesStringExistsInList--(String input,String search,String delimiter) This function splits both the input and search strings using the delimiter in to an array of strings. Then checks if any of the search string exists in the input array, If exists functions returns true. For Example, input : "10234,10567,10678", search : "10678,10456" and delimiter : "," then Output is true. Paramet ersinput Delimited seperated string search Delimited seperated search strings delimiter Delimiter character e.g. "," , "-","|" Returns Returns true or falseboolean DoesStringListExistsInList--(String input,String search,String delimiter) Tells whether or not the input string matches the given regular expression. Returns true if, and only if, this string matches the given regular expression Paramet ersinput Input String regex Regular expression to which the input string is to be matched Returns Returns true or falseboolean StringMatches--(String input,String regex) This function splits the input string using the delimiting regular expression and appended to the ClipboardProperty Paramet ersinput The string to splitvoid SplitString--(String input,String regex,ClipboardProperty output)
3472 regex The delimiting regular expression output The ClipboardProperty in which the split string will be appended Returns - Reads the file line by line and calls the SaveToDDS function to populate corresponding decision data stores. The data lives in the corresponding data set until the given VALIDITY_TS in the first line of the file Paramet ersfilePath The full path of the BDC file hasHeader Does the BDC file have a header? className Class of the Data Set to be executed dataset Name of the Data Set to be executed Returns Total function run time duration Throws Exception RuntimeException – Error in ProcessBDCModelFileString ProcessBDCModelFile--(String filePath ,boolean hasHeader,String className,String dataset) Gets the cached Alert Config value for the specified alert, process and severity. When there is an error in D_AlertConfig data page calling if ignore404 flag is specified as true, it returns a null value. Else, it throws a runtime exception Paramet ersalert Alert Name process Alert Process severity Alert Severity ignore404 Flag to indicate if the config not found should be suppressed. Pass true to ignore error. Returns Email value(s) String GetCachedAlertConfigEmail--(String alert,String process,String severity,boolean ignore404) This function returns whether the input value provided is long data type or not Paramet ersinput Input String Returns Returns true or false boolean IsLong--(String input) This function will look into input tagAddEvent for "AOM_[^"]" format. Then Splits the String into 4 parts using underscore and places InteractionId, SubChannel & Tag on the payload.void ProcessTagAddEvent--(String tagAddEvent,ClipboardProperty payload)
3473 For Example, tagAddEvent contains AOM_I_-5646893061246923172_CLICKED_BUTTON then split the string and adds to the payload as {"InteractionId":"-5646893061246923172","SubChannel":"Inbox","Tag":"CLICKED_BUTTON"} Paramet erstagAddEvent Input to look for "AOM_[^"]*" format payload ValueGroup to hold the payload values Returns - This function validates MSISDN with format expected as 447xxxxxxxxx(12 digits including 447) in SERVICE_NUMBER_PATTERN static variable in library and returns true/false For Example, if input msisdn is “447123456789” then returns true, if input msisdn is "007123456789" then function returns false Paramet ersmsisdn Input MSISDN string Returns Returns true or false Throws PatternSyntaxExc eption Error thrown if the input is invalid or unable to parseboolean ValidateMSISDN--(String msisdn) This function converts YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS date time format to a Pega DateTime format yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSS 'GMT' For Example, input dateTime is "20200329 00:45:00" and returns a string of Pega DateTime value “20200329T004500.000 GMT” Paramet ersdateTime Input Date Time in YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS format ReturnsReturns a string of Pega DateTime value ThrowsUnsupportedOper ationExceptionError thrown if parsing is not supported which most likely be due to invalid DEFAULT_PEGA_DTF static variable in the library definition IllegalArgumentEx ceptionError thrown if the text to parse is invalidString ConvertYYYYMMDDHHMMSSNoSpaceToPegaDateTime--(String dateTime)
This function splits the input string using the comma(,) regular expression and returning List For Example, If the input string is ab,xy,pq it returns string array str[0]=ab, str[1]=xy, str[2]=pq Paramet ersString Input String (Comma Seperated) ReturnsReturns a string array with list of stringsString [] SplitStringByComma--(String)
3474 This function returns JSON of current parameter page For Example, Current Parameter Page : a=1,b=2 Output from this function will be {"a":"1","b":"2"} Paramet ers- Returns Returns a JSON stringString GetJSONOfParameterPage--() This function returns the available tokens from the bucket & mapName provided for the Hazelcast instance defined by static variable HAZELCAST_INSTANCE Paramet ersmapName Hazelcast Distributed Map Name bucketName Bucket Name Returns long long GetAvailableTokens(String mapName, String bucketName) This function returns the available tokens from the bucket & mapName provided for the Hazelcast instance defined by static variable HAZELCAST_INSTANCE. This was created as logic require the function to return type int. Paramete rsmapName Hazelcast Distributed Map Name bucketName Bucket Name Returns int int GetAvailableTokensInt(String mapName, String bucketName) This function deletes the map specified within hazle cast instance (set using static variable HAZELCAST_INSTANCE). All buckets within the map will be deleted. Parameter smapName Hazelcast Distributed Map Name Returns - void RemoveRLBMap(String mapName) This function splits the input string using the Underscode (_) regular expression and appends the data to the Clipboard Property passed Example input String : P_1_23854_23459 Parameter sinput outputUnderscore seperated string data Text Value List ClipboardProperty in which the list needs to be populated Returns - void SplitStringByUnderscore(String input,ClipboardProperty output)
3475 This function converts the specified string into a valid Java identifier by removing all illegal characters and returns valid JavaIdentifier Paramet ersidentifierName The string which will be converted to Java Identifier Returns String Throws RuntimeExceptio n Throws RuntimeException if all characters in the input string are illegalString MakeStringJavaIdentifierSafe(String identifierName) This function calls activity HasFixedLineOnAccount which returns true if the customer account has fixed line in current product holding Paramet ersAccountNumber Customer account number Returns boolean Throws RuntimeExceptio n Throws RuntimeException if any failure in invoking the activity boolean HasFixedLineOnAccount--(String) This function calls activity HasVFTQualifierOnAccount which returns true if the customer account has VFT Qualifier in current product holding Paramet ersAccountNumber Customer account number Returns boolean Throws RuntimeExceptio n Throws RuntimeException if any failure in invoking the activity boolean HasVFTQualifierOnAccount--(String) This function splits the input string using the Comma (,) regular expression and appends the data to the Clipboard Property passed Example input String : 23854,23459 Parameter sinput outputComma seperated string data Text Value List ClipboardProperty in which the list needs to be populated Returns - void SplitStringByComma(String input,ClipboardProperty output) This function checks if a page list property has no element Paramet erspageListName Page List Name to check Returns boolean boolean IsPageListEmpty--(ClipboardProperty)
3476 This function prepares PredictiveModelGroup page group data from ModelScore dataset. This function is invoked in PreparePredicitiveModelGroupFromMS data transform. Paramet erssubscription Subscription Page Returns -void PreparePredictiveModelGroup--(ClipboardPage subscription) This function prepares PredictiveModelGroup page group data from a given dataset on predictive class. This function is invoked in PreparePredicitiveModelGroup data transform. Paramete rsdatasetName Name of the dataset subscription Subscription Page Returns - void PreparePredictiveModelGroup--(String datasetName, ClipboardPage subscription) This function converts input parameters to ClipboardPage object. It invokes the activity SaveOffersMetadata to store prepared page in the data set OffersMetadata, and returns Metadata Id as String type. Paramet erssubscription Subscription Id properties List of Clipboard page property names separated by comma page Clipboard page Returns String Metadata Id Throws Exception Throws RuntimeException if any failure in invoking the activity, implementation of Public API, preparing metadata (TextValueGroup) property, getting properties or setting values to propertiesString SaveOffersMetadata--(String subscriptionId,String properties,ClipboardPage page) This function converts converts the valuelist clipboard property to comma separated string(CSV). Paramet ersvalueList Clipboard Property Returns String comma seperated string (CSV) Throws Exception NAString ConvertValueListToCSV(ClipboardProperty valueList)
3477 GenerateUniqueId This function converts returns the generated new unique Id Paramet ersNA No Input Paramters Returns String returns Unique Identifiation Throws Exception NAString GenerateUniqueId() This function returns JSON representation of a string and also removes any properties beginning with px,py or pz Paramet ersjson skipPegaProps prettyPrintString in JSON format Boolean property to choose if we need to remove px,py,pz properties from output Boolean property to format string ReturnsString Returns a JSON representation of string without px,py,pz properties in output Throws Exception Throw exception if json is empty String AmendJSONString(String json, Boolean skipPegaProps, Boolean prettyPrint) This function returns JSON representation of a given property and also removes any properties beginning with px,py or pz Paramet erspage property skipPegaProps prettyPrintString in JSON format String property Boolean property to choose if we need to remove px,py,pz properties from output Boolean property to format string ReturnsString Returns JSON representation of property within a page without px,py,pz properties Throws Exception Throw exception if page and property is empty String GetJSONOfProperty(ClipboardPage page, String property , Boolean skipPegaProps, Boolean prettyPrint) This function returns JSON representation of a given property and also removes any properties beginning with px,py or pz Paramet erspage skipPegaProps prettyPrintString in JSON format Boolean property to choose if we need to remove px,py,pz properties from output Boolean property to format string ReturnsString Returns JSON representation of a page without px,py,pz properties Throws Exception Throw exception if page is empty String GetJSONOfPage(ClipboardPage page, Boolean skipPegaProps, Boolean prettyPrint)
3478 This function concatenates input parameters to produce a repeating block of JSON Paramet ersAppend To Name ValueEmpty or block of repeating string String to capture Name String to capture value ReturnsString Returns JSON repeating block Throws Exception Throw exception if Name is empty String BuildNameValueArray(String AppendTo, String Name, String Value) Processes the response file for Dialler Outcomes event by reading file in filePath and it will ignore 1st record based on hasHeader. For each record it will call DiallerOutcomesPreProcessor for creating a record in Event_Status table. Paramet ersfilePath The full path of the Event file delimiter Delimiter used in the Event file hasHeader Does the Event file have a header? Returns Duration of the process as String Throws RuntimeException - Error in ProcessDiallerOutcomesFile while reading the fileString ProcessDiallerOutcomesFile--(String filePath,String delimiter,boolean hasHeader) Save and store data from clipboard page in a dataset within the specified class for a duration of ttl. Paramet erspage The Clipboard Page to Save into the DDS dataSetClass Dataset Class dataSetName Dataset Name ttl Time to Live in Seconds (optional) Returns - Throws void SaveToDDS--(ClipboardPage page, String dataSetClass, String dataSetName, int ttl) The function takes an uploaded csv/txt file and populates the specified value list FactIds with Double records from each line in the file. Accepts a maximum of 100,000 records. Paramet ersuploadedFile Data-WorkAttach-File attachment property factIds Value list to be populated Returns-void PopulateFactIds--(ClipboardProperty uploadedFile, ClipboardProperty factIds)
3479 ThrowsRuntimeExceptionError in PopulateFactIds validating the file Function that returns the rate limit of a bucket determined by which one in the Throttle Config DB table has a time-frame that includes the current time Paramet ersNA No Input Paramters Returnsint Returns rate limit for bucket in current time-frame ThrowsRuntimeExceptionError in GetAOSThrottleBucketRateLimit with data retrieved from data pageint GetAOSThrottleBucketRateLimit--() Function that returns the bucket name determined by which one in the Throttle Config DB table has a time-frame that includes the current time Paramet ersNA No Input Paramters ReturnsString Returns bucket name in current time-frame ThrowsRuntimeExceptionError in GetAOSThrottleBucketName with data retrieved from data pageString GetAOSThrottleBucketName--() Processes the AOS files by reading the file in filePath and it will ignore 1st record based on hasHeader. For each record it will invoke AOSHandlerPreProcessor activity for creating records in aos_staging table Parameters filePath The full path of the Event file delimiter Delimiter used in the Event file hasHeader Does the Event file have a header? source Source name of the Event taskTimestamp Timestamp when the task is initialized Returns Duration of the process as String Throws RuntimeException - Error in ProcessAOSFile while reading the fileString ProcessAOSFile--(String filePath, String delimiter, boolean hasHeader, String source, String taskTimestamp) Validates whether the input date time is in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format by using existing YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS_DF static var on the library Parameters datetime datetime value to validate against Returns Returns true on valid input date time. Otherwise, returns false
Parameters datetime datetime value to validate against Returns Returns true on valid input date time. Otherwise, returns false Throws RuntimeException - Error in ValidateDateTimeYYYYMMDDHHMMSS while parsingBoolean ValidateDateTimeYYYYMMDDHHMMSS--(String datetime)
3480 TemplateConfig BASE_TEMPLA TE_NH_NEW<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user- scalable=no" name="viewport"> <style type="text/css"> html { height: 100%; } body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; height: 100%; } [office365] button, div { margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; display:block !important; } img { display: block; ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; } a img { border: none !important; } p { margin: 0px; padding:0px; } body { webkit-text-size-adjust: none; ms-text-size-adjust: none; } a[x-apple-data-detectors] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important;HTMLApp BASE_TEMPL ATE_NH_NEWT e m p l a t e I d C o n t e n t T y p e C h a n n e lD e s c r i p t i o n
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3491 Scheduler Config As the AOMScheduler job scheduler is run for every 1 minute, setting a specified Seconds for a cron expression is not valid. The Seconds character for the cron expression must be like every second (*) for each record in Scheduler Config data type. 037805e0-4b78- 4f2d-bb7a- da16b2802c06CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Disconn ectionsEventInactivity"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog 120dbd78-c35b- 423a-a064- 9a0ee1cf5098CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"FailedS MSEventsDaily"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 0 ? * * * TRUE WatchDog 2a94d6d6-0f38-4ac3- b812-cfc74d3a2a77CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"LeaveRe questEventInactivity"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog 2bf4d0d6-f047-4a30- 80ce-918dba51a2daCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"TriggerE ventVolume"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 * ? * * * TRUE WatchDog 2c20fe4b-f703-4b6b- a913-90750a29104fCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Process SMSOrderProcessingTime "}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog 31ee53fc-ca0f-4795- 832a-30a814cc017fCaseIgni
832a-30a814cc017fCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"BundleE ventProcessingTime"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 * ? * * * TRUE WatchDog 4beae0c1-944c- 43e9-b667- d4030083872cCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Delayed EmailEvents"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 * ? * * * TRUE WatchDog 55e13b5c-d7b7- 47ad-9190- ddf3a91068d1CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"BundleE ventInactivity"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0/15 * ? * * *TRUE WatchDog 5906bb13-7e34- 4188-a5eb- c19cf89cd29dCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Empty12 PACEventFiles"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 0 ? * * * TRUE WatchDog 7be6bbb6-6f85- 4167-a8e2- 23956d287531CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"GetNBAI nvalidRequests"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 0 ? * * * FALSE WatchDog 8285ce4c-4504-4f77- b354-5eff5663ce39CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"FailedE mailEvents"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 0 ? * * * TRUE WatchDog 832d9f0b-c0fd-44ed-
832d9f0b-c0fd-44ed- bcd8-243f3bcf28eaCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Unproce ssedSMSRecordsBatch"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 * ? * * * TRUE WatchDog 8effff6d-dd97-47ab- 92f2-97f01e0e7cc5CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"DailySu mmaryOfEmailEvents"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 0 ? * * * TRUE WatchDogpyGUID Activity NameActivityParameters ClassName CronExpress ionEnabled Type
3492 9f1aba34-424f-4347- a117-1926f79b44d5CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"GetNBA BusinessLogicErrors"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 0 ? * * * FALSE WatchDog 9f3703c8-45f1-4f52- 83d2-5c3030f21a91CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Connect QueueStatusRetry"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 0 ? * * * TRUE WatchDog aa911abd-1f5f-4ae5- a1a6-d9b94fd17c43CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"FailedS MSEvents"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0/15 * ? * * *TRUE WatchDog b096998b-6732- 41d4-88e8- 73907e14887cCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"GetNBA ProcessingTime"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 * ? * * * FALSE WatchDog b6c8ff8f-dc94-44aa- a474-9a0c28649d5dCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Empty24 PACEventFiles"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 0 ? * * * TRUE WatchDog ba5b866e-aaf8- 4b1b-951b- bbe212947e5dCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"EventPro cessErrors"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog
cessErrors"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog c64f3653-eaa9-414c- aba7-fea1ec900e20CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"EventInv alidParameterRecords"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 * ? * * * TRUE WatchDog cb424c2b-d5ab- 4111-a2b0- 42da0144773cCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Unproce ssedSMSRecordsRealTim e"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0/15 * ? * * *TRUE WatchDog d0f42c99-539d-4f6d- bdd9-f3344b83fb89CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Business LogicErrors"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 0 ? * * * TRUE WatchDog f63e644e-21ea- 44de-b1d9- 4b31fbe119c7CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Process SMSOrderInactivity"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 0 ? * * * TRUE WatchDog fb3aa3d6-9378-4ccc- abdd-6ace96190a94CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Connect QueueStatusError"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0/15 * ? * * *TRUE WatchDog 2e464c94-9135- 4a44-8e59- 3b79355d8e55CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"BDCMod
3b79355d8e55CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"BDCMod elInactivity"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog 4f9635bb-6a00- 46ae-8768- 3994c899a339CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"DeviceR ecommendationInactivity"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog 550db42d-aaf0- 4093-a416- 5d90a05d73d2CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Universa lTariffInactivity"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog 4391d0b9-20a9- 4846-a35a- 650a191b00eaCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"BDCFail edRecords"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog 769c22ef-8e0d-4f65- b604-fd3bfbb4f131CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"SetNBAI nvalidRequests"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog 8ea81732-b197- 4ef1-9d3f-CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"SetNBA BusinessLogicErrors"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog
3493 989ef30ff76b ae9115c6-7bbc- 43d2-b7a4- 5be4f06998dfCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"DailyBD CLoadCounts"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog f486a37e-9f0e-4e7e- afd8-d9e51de9dd29CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"SetNBA ProcessingTime"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog FALSE WatchDog acfe6e3f-b8c3-412c- 916f-0c54e25b5a18CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Assisted RecommendationErrors"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog* 0 * ? * * * FALSE WatchDog fac3e057-5e4f-44b9- a21e-d8cae243902eCaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"SMSFail ureThreshold"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog*/30 * * * * FALSE WatchDog 01ec35e0-42a1- 417d-8b31- d256c9cfe4f1CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Missing1 2PACEventFiles"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog0 0 9 * * ? TRUE WatchDog 347b44e1-5a5f-4cb6- 9c2e-c9febb7e0d22CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Missing3 UAEventFiles"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-