How Does Type Of Car Affect Insurance?
Each automobile is assigned a symbol based upon its year , make and model . The symbol reflects the anticipated cost of paying claims on that vehicle . Vehicles with a high horsepower to weight ratio tend to have a higher incident of claims than 4 door sedans with 4 cylinder automatic engines . This approach tries to make the collection of premium reflect the actual cost of insuring a particular car .
If you have $500,000 in jewelry (through inheritance) and art and you live in a $500,000 house, can you insure all the jewelry and art?
Yes , of course , but there are some things an insurer may require . You stated through inheritance . That is good because an insurer would be curious how someone with a 500,000 house can afford to purchase 500,000 in jewelry Many states , do not require companies to file rates on what the industry refers to as `` Inland Marine '' coverage.So , there is often a willingness to insure a schedule of jewelry at a specific price point the insurer deems adequate.Lastly , many insurers have multiple rates for jewelry if yours will to put the carrier on notice of an item being put in a bank vault and then taken out , then an insurer will use what are referred to as `` Bank Vault rates '' while the property is in the Bank 's Vault and charge another rate if the item is out
Why Should I Get Term Life Insurance?
Most people choose term life because they get a higher coverage amount for each premium dollar spent . The other time when term is used most efficiently would be to ensure financial stability . For example , let 's say you have 10 years left before you and your spouse retire . In that time , you plan to be heavily funding your savings and retirement plans to meet your needs in your later years . If you pass away before that happens , your spouse might be left with minimal funds to live on . A 10 year term policy would ensure that the funding is completed whether you live or not . Another example is when your kids are approaching college age and you do not have a large amount of savings set aside already . Many people plan to ` pay as they go ' with the college expenses , but what would happen if you passed away before that ? Term insurance could make sure the financial obligations for their education could be met .
Does Health Insurance Cover CBT?
I am assuming when you say CBT you are referring to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which most of the companies provide reimbrusement for which means you will have to pay the bill and then submit the bill to the insurance company unless the therapist agrees to bill the insurance for you . Have you found this coverage in your policy ? Have you called the `` customer serivice '' number and ask them ?
Does State Farm Auto Insurance Cover Rental Cars?
State Farm auto insurance policies will provide a substitute transportation benefit -LRB- rental cars -RRB- in the event of an accident or covered claim . You may have to add a rider to the policy to obtain that coverage . When you are driving that replacement vehicle , many of the benefits of your own State Farm vehicle transfer to the vehicle you are renting . Of course , you should always check with an experienced car insurance broker for specific information , and you wish , free quotes from multiple carriers .
What Happens To My 401K If I Die?
You company should have on file a beneficiary form from you . The money will be sent to the appropriate beneficiary . If your beneficiary does not survive you the money will revert to your estate and potential probate . Keeping the beneficiary designation current is often overlooked and many people have been shocked when the pension they expected to come to them goes to a former spouse .
Who Can Get Long Term Care Insurance?
Anyone can apply to get long term insurance , however there is underwriting involved . Unlike with life insurance , where the insurance companies figures out how long before you die . With LTC insurance , the insurance company figures out how long you will live . Underwriting can be difficult to pass if you have a history of health problems . Many Annuities now come with Long Term Care riders , in the event you need to go into a nursing home , where the account value doubles , or triples . Also a new type of life insurance policy allows an accelerated death benefit , in the event you have a critical illness , or need to go into a nursing home . This policy allows you to take part of your death benefit , while leaving something to your beneficiaries .
Does Medicare Cover Cymbalta?
Cymbalta is a prescription drug so it would not generally be covered under Original Medicare -LRB- Parts A & B -RRB- - you can use the plan finder tool on the website to see what prescription plans will cover the medication as well as enroll in a plan -LRB- if an available time to - e.g. having a special enrollment period or it 's the annual enrollment period -RRB- .
Can Minors Be Beneficiaries On Life Insurance?
Minors can be beneficiaries on a life insurance policy . Most of the time minor children are contingent beneficiaries as a backup to their parents if both were to die . But just because you can do it doesnt mean you should it . When minors receive death benefit proceeds after both parents have died custodial control and/or guardianship can arise . The creation of a trust could be a better alternative . Consult with an attorney before placing minor children as beneficiaries on your policy .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Attic Mold?
Generally NO . Property insurance does not cover problems that occur over time . And mold in the attic or anywhere is the result of long term unremediated moisture exposure and considered a maintenance issue . Some insurers provide limited mold remediation subsequent to a covered water claim but no stand alone coverage for the mold issue itself . Check with your insurance professional for a detailed explanation .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Electrical Wiring?
The key word to remember in connection with a homeowners policy is damage . The policy is not designed to correct deficiencies or pay for routine maintenance . Wiring does have a special place in a homeowners policy in that when there has been damage from a covered source the work of restoring the property might include changes in the wiring and plumbing to meet the requirements of the current building code . Additional coverage to pay for that expense can be added to your homeowners policy .
Does Term Life Insurance Have A Surrender Value?
That is a great question ! Term life insurance policies are cheap because they have no extra 's and a definite point on the calendar where they end . Whole life policies have more moving parts , and an indefinite end point , so are more expensive . One of those moving parts is the cash value aspect . Since term policies do not have this aspect , they have no surrenderable value . The premium that you pay for your term policy pays only for the cost of your insurance . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
Which Health Insurance Covers Hearing Aids?
It is best to approach the need for hearing aidsbeing covered byhealth insurance coverage with very low expectations . While there are variations from state to state and from one health insurance carrier to the next , asa general rule it is probably best to start out with the assumption that hearing aids will not be covered . Then do your homework on your policy or the ones you are considering when it comes to coverage or non-coverage for such devices . In my experience , coverage for hearing aids in individual major medical plans has been and still is an excluded coverage . The same is true for fully insured group policies that I have been familiar with . Sometimes , a self-insured employer may include coverage for hearing aids in their plan designs but even this is rare in my experience . Oddly enough , this appears to have been a coverage area overlooked by the Affordable Care Act as well -LRB- a head scratcher when you consider all the other things they mandated coverage for -RRB- . There are stand alone specialty insurance products that individuals and groups can purchase that provide some coverage for hearing aids so it is possible that some people can address their needs in this manner . I am responding with just ordinary hearing loss and hearing aid issues in mind . The issues can get much more complicated in the cases of infants with issues from birth and the growing use of cochlear implants where arguments over medical necessity are much easier to get into .
Who Is The Beneficiary In Life Insurance?
The beneficiary in a life insurance policy is the person or entity that will receive the death benefit when the insured person passes away . The primary beneficiary is the first person in line for the death benefit . The contingent beneficiary would receive the life insurance proceeds if the primary beneficiary is not alive .
When Are Annuities Paid?
With the exception of single premium immediate annuities and deferred annuities that are annuitized for the life of the annuitant , annuities generally have maturity contract dates or time certain periods . Annuities contracts that mature can either rollover to another contract period , 1035 exchange to another annuity or take some form of distributions .
How Is A Roth IRA Better Than A 401K?
How is a Roth better than a 401k ? Well it 's not a matter of better , it 's a matter of different . Both a Roth and 401k give you tax deferred savings , they just differ on when taxes are applied . A 401k allows contributions to go in pre-tax and grow tax deferred . When those funds are withdrawn they are income and subject to taxes in what ever bracket you 're in . A Roth does the opposite , you pay taxes on your contribution and it grows tax deferred , then distributions from your Roth are done without any tax implication . So the question of one over the other is do you think taxes will be higher or lower when you begin to withdraw funds ?
Will Home Insurance Pay For Tree Removal?
Homeowners insurance will not typically pay for removal of trees . This is normally considered a maintainance issure for the homeowner . Please read your policy completely to understand what coverage is provided and what exclusions it may contain or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
What Qualifications Does Someone Have To Meet To Receive Disability Coverage?
The basic rule of thumb to qualify for a disability benefit has more to do with your physician than the disability insurance company . A licensed medical physician must diagnosis you with an injury or illness so severe that you can not perform the duties of your current occupation . At that point the clock is running on the disability claim and once the elimination period is satisfied , benefits are paid .
Is Life Insurance Considered An Asset?
When calculating your net worth , you look at the net cash value of each permanent policy and denote it as an asset . The net cash value is the amount that you would receive if you were to cash in the policy today . You can find that by ordering a current illustration from the insurance company .
Who Should Buy Long Term Health Care Insurance?
Long Term Health Care Insurance is called , simply , Long Term Care Insurance . It covers the cost of living in a nursing home , assisted living home , or receiving other types of services when the insured person is unable to take care of themselves . Among those who should buy Long Term Care Insurance are those who have many assets and feel strongly that they do not want their assets to go toward paying long term care expenses . People who want to have many choices in how and where they are cared for , should they be unable to care for themselves , are also people who would benefit from Long Term Care insurance , if they can afford it . Finally , persons whose families want the security of knowing that their parents will not rely on them for long term care , if needed , are those who should considering buying Long Term Care insurance .
Do Any Insurance Companies Cover Medical Marijuana?
This is a very new treatment that does n't have much support . You may have to just wait it out until new regulations are in place .
How Much Does Employee Health Insurance Cost?
There is no set answer to this question as it will depend upon the size of the employer group and the funding mechanism the employer group uses . After January 1 , 2014 for employer groups with less than 50 employees who are fully insured in many cases the answer will largely depend upon the age of the employee as many insurance carriers have gone to an age banded rating approach -LRB- for example , the employee only rate for a 25 year old will be different than the employee only rate for a 55 year old -RRB- . The rates will also vary significantly depending upon the state where the employer is domiciled -LRB- headquartered -RRB- . And rates will vary depending upon the level of benefits in a given employer 's health plan design . There are also other factors that can effect what a specific group 's employee rate will be . In the Tennessee , Mississippi and Arkansas region in early 2014 employee only rates for group health insurance can range from $ 200 to $ 500 or more per month when you take into account the variables I have listed in the previous paragraph . If you are an employer looking for a definitive answer to this question for your workforce you need to seek out the services of an experienced , qualified health insurance broker who can obtain quotes from a range of health insurance carriers covering a variety of health plan designs . I would be honored to offer my 30 years of industry experience to assist in answering this question for your company .
What Can The Average Person Expect To Pay For Disability Insurance?
Who is the average person and how much of their compensation does average person want to protect ? Long term disability insurance is paycheck insurance . First determine if your tax bracket warrants deducting the disability insurance premium as a legitimate business . If the answer is yes , apply for 80 % of your compensation . Keep in mind that the benefits will be taxable as ordinary income . If the answer is no , apply for 60 % of your compensation , your benefits will be tax free . Whats the cost ? Whats your gender , age , smoking status , health history , current medical condition ? Whats the amount you want to cover ? How long do you want coverage to last ? What elimination period do you require based on your current cash reserves ? It is possible that you may pay between 3-5 % of the compensation youre attempting to indemnify .
How Does Cash Value Of Life Insurance Work?
In simple terms , permanent life insurance requires premiums higher than what it takes to cover the cost of the death benefit . The surplus premium creates a `` cash value '' that grows over time . The cash value can be comprised of a guaranteed value plus a non-guaranteed component such as excess interest or dividends . The best way to see how cash value might work for you is to ask an agent for an `` illustration '' showing how the policy might work on a year by year schedule .
What Are Some Life Insurance Companies?
There are literally hundreds of life insurance companies in the United States alone and hundreds more abroad . Some of the more well known companies are Metlife , Genworth , NY Life , Prudential , American General , ING , Transamerica and Northwestern Mutual . You know these companies because of their marketing budgets . In most cases these companies have higher premiums because they must of set their advertising budgets . There are several other lesser known life insurance companies like SBLI , Banner Life , Assurity , North American , Fidelity Security and AXA Equitible that usually a life insurance broker would know . These companies are just as good and financially sound as the more well known companies , they just do n't have the larger marketing budgets and rely on brokers to sell their policies . This usually translates into more affordable premiums to the consumer . I recommend contacting an independent broker to professionally shop for the best polices at the best rates for your unique situation .
Why Do You Need A Medicare Supplement?
Medicare Supplements pay the coinsurance and deductibles you would have under original Medicare.On day in the hospital with original Medicare nearly $ 1200 in deductible under part A. Any part B expense is covered at 80 % . The part A deductible is not calender year , it is best on coverage periods . You could conceivable have to pay this up to four times per year . There is no ceiling on the amount you would have to pay under part B so if your health condition is serious you could conceivably be responsible for over $ 10,000 in medical costs . Medicare Supplements will pay those costs .
How To Accept Long Term Care Insurance?
When you are applying for Long Term Care Insurance and are approved , the company will send you a copy of your policy . There is usually some delivery paperwork to sign , including any amendments made to your policy . By signing the delivery paperwork and paying the first premium , that is usually how you accept a long term care insurance policy .
How Does A Stay At Home Mom Save For Retirement?
A stay at home mom can have an IRA or a Roth IRA . The payments to an IRA are deductible from current income tax ; those for the Roth IRA are not . The benefits from the IRA at retirement are taxed as ordinary income while those from the Roth IRA are not taxed at all . There is n't any current taxation for money held in either plan during accumulation .
Does Rmd Apply To Annuities?
RMDs are required minimum distributions fro a qualified plan that must be generated at age 70 1/2 . All qualified retirement accounts are subject to the RMD regulation . This includes annuities in a qualified plan . Tax deferred annuities outside a qualified plan are not subject to the RMD distribution rules .
Does Medicare Cover Januvia?
Medicare covers Januvia by Medicare Part D , the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan . Januvia is an oral medication that helps lower blood sugar and prevent diabetic complications in people with type 2 diabetes . It is not indicated for persons with type 1 diabetes or those with diabetic ketoacidosis . The generic name for Januvia is sitagliptin .
What Is Guaranteed Renewable Disability Insurance?
Guaranteed renewable disability insurance is a policy that is guaranteed to be renewed as long as premiums are paid . However , having a guaranteed renewable disability insurance policy does not guarantee that the premiums will not go up . In order to lock in the premiums for a disability policy , it must be both non-cancellable and non-renewable .
How Do I Contact Medicare?
To contact Medicare , you can call 1-800-MEDICARE -LRB- 1-800-633-4227 -RRB- . The TTY phone number is 1-877-486-2048 . Or you can write Medicare atCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services ,7500 Security Boulevard , Baltimore , Maryland 21244-1850 .
Why Do People Hate Annuities?
People do n't hate annuities . But certain sectors of the financial community dislike annuities because of it 's tax deferral and longer term commitment , i.e. they ca n't move it . Product competitors like mutual fund purveyors , promote the so called negative aspect of annuities to prop up their own product line .
Does Car Insurance Build Your Credit?
Generally no . Insurance companies do not report the payment of your insurance premiums to credit bureaus . One caveat however to be aware of . If you lapse or cancel a policy and earned premium is due the insurance company for coverage provided and yoo do n't pay it , the earned premium may be turned over to collection and the unpaid debt reported to the credit bureaus .
How Much Is Renters Insurance From Allstate?
Renters insurance coverage from Allstate depends on a number of different factors . Of course , the amount of coverage on your personal contents is one of the biggest variables along with what other limits you elect . Where you live and what type of claims history may also play a role in the rate . A licensed Allstate broker can provide the exact rate ... probably in the $ 100 - $ 300 per year range .
Does Medicare D Cover Shingles Shot?
Some vaccines are covered by Medicare , some are not . The herpes zoster -LRB- chicken pox -RRB- vaccine is one that is covered and is not . If the vaccine is administered in your doctors office , Medicare will not cover the actual cost of the vaccine if billed by your doctor . You must purchase the vaccine under Part D at a pharmacy . You can then transport the vaccine to your doctor so they can inject you . Makes complete sense , right ?
Can I Claim Car Insurance As A Business Expense?
If you look at schedule C of Internal Revenue Code form 1040 you will see a place to enter insurance . An accountant would be the best person to ask about this , but most insurance agents deduct their own auto insurance every year unless they use mileage calculations to deduct auto expenses . Anything that is a cost of doing business is deductible .
Where Is Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Incorporated?
MetLife is domiciled in New York . They are the largest life insurance company in the US and were , many decades ago , the largest company in the world . MetLife Inc. the ultimate parent of many insurance companies associated with it . The headquarters is in New York City . They are a public company now having demutualized in 2000 .
Where To Start Looking For Health Insurance?
The best place to find health insurance is from an experienced broker . Because of the complexities of the new Affordable Care Act -LRB- ACA -RRB- , it 's important to maximize subsidies , apply for the best plan with the available funds you have , understand Metal plans and enroll in a timely manner . LIVE answer is provided by : Ed Harris - Premier national health insurance broker for more than 33 years and owner of several top-rated healthcare websites that provide the lowest available prices .
When Can You Sign Up For Medicare Part A?
You can sign up for Medicare Part A in the three months before your 65th birthday , the month of your 65th birthday , or the three months after your 65th birthday . if you are receiving Social Security benefits when you turn 65 , you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and B .
How Does Long Term Care Insurance Work?
Most Long Term Care Insurance policies pay the insured person a set amount of money , as dictated by the policy they purchased , when the need for long term care arises . There are triggers that determine when payments will start . These include the inability to independently do to or more ADL 's -LRB- activities of daily living such as bathing or dressing -RRB- . Some policies pay the institution providing the care rather than the person receiving the care . Payments are made until the funds or years in the policy run out .
Where Can I Get Medigap Insurance In Georgia?
The best place to get a Medigap plan in Georgia is through an Agent that is Independent and working for you . A great benefit of a Medigap plan is that the level of coverage is standardized by the government . Every Insurance Company is offering the same level of coverage using letters A through N . The major difference being the price of the plan as each company offer a different price for the same amount of coverage . A good Independent Agent will have many companies to look at and be able to discuss the best price offer . This best price is not always based on the current rates for your age . They need to be able to discuss the company 's pricing history at ages down the road . You do not want a company that lures you in with a low initial premium and then historically raises it as you get older . You should consider the Customer Service of the Insurance Company and look for a responsive company that answers your questions and can work with your agent . Your agent should be able to help over the phone or be there in person if needed .
Who Can I Buy Life Insurance On?
To purchase a life insurance policy on someone , you must have what is deemed to be an insurable interest . This means that you would incur a financial loss or harm if the insured was to pass away prior to you . This could include purchasing coverage on your spouse , children -LRB- though normally at a reduced amount of coverage , though it does come at a very low cost -RRB- , your parents , and , in some circumstances , a key person in a company which you may own or operate .
What Is Birla Sun Life Insurance?
Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited -LRB- BSLI -RRB- is a joint venture between Aditya Birla Group of India and Sun Life Financial Inc of Canada . Birla Sun Life Insurance Company provides life insurance products to the residents of India . The life insurance sold by this company is not sold in the US .
Is Landlord Insurance More Expensive Than Homeowners?
The answer here is `` maybe '' . It really depends upon the situation and the coverage . In general , if you consider the same house and the same coverage , the homeowners coverage will cost you less . let 's start with some terms . In the industry , we usually call landlord insurance either dwelling fire , or a dwelling policy . It points to the difference between this and a homeowners policy . A homeowners policy has 6 coverages : A. Dwelling - the structure B . Other Structures - detached garages , shed 's , pole barns , etc. . C. Personal Property - Your stuff D. Loss of Use - The extra costs you 'll incur if you have to live somewhere while your home is repaired E. Personal Liability - Protects you from being sued F. Medical Payments - Pays for injuries that happen on your property without having to be sued . A Dwelling Policy , in general does n't have any coverage C , Personal Property . As a landlord , you 're worried about the building and your liability . Your tenant 's personal property is their responsibility to insure . Dwelling policies are more complicated to put together than homeowners policies but I 'll leave that discussion for another time . Lets talk about why Dwelling Policy usually costs more than a Homeowners policy . With a homeowners policy the insurance company has a greater sense of security because they only have one entity to worry about , the homeowners and their family . They have a financial interest in keeping their home safe , secure , and in good repair . With a rental property , you may have many different tenants occupy that home and they have no financial interest in the home itself . A tenant is much more likely to let things go that may eventually cause a claim . Additionally , with a homeowners policy , the liability is protecting the insured from others , with a dwelling policy , you 're also being protected from the people that actually occupy the home . Now , one last thing to mention . If you 're renting your home and it 's insured on a homeowners policy , change it now . If there 's a claim on the home and the insurance company finds out it 's being rented , they may refuse to pay your claim . Most homeowners policies require the home to be occupied by the owner for coverage to apply . Find a good agent that knows how this works and how to put this coverage together for your situation . It 's much better to know what your coverage is and make choices rather then to think you have coverage you really do n't
Does Costco Offer Health Insurance?
I do n't work for Costco , but I imagine they offer group health insurance to their employees . Costco is not an insurance company and therefore does not openly sell individual health insurance policies to their customers . If you 're an individual looking for health insurance , you should consult with an independent insurance broker to find a health plan that 's right for you .
What Is The Average Homeowners Insurance Cost Per Month?
Your cost for homeowners insurance is as unique as the home that you own . There are many factors that are taken into consideration when your premium is determined from an insurance carrier . Based on my experience within my geographic area I would say the average homeowners insurance cost is about eight hundred to fifteen hundred dollars per year . Call a local agent a quote will cost you nothing butyour time .
What To Do With Universal Life Insurance?
That is a great question ! And an interesting one . I guess the answer depends upon how long you 've had the policy , and how well you 've kept track of it ; or whether it is a good policy to get at all , if I 'm reading into your question rightly . Here 's what I advise people . A UL policy can be a good thing if you are somebody that keeps an eye on everything , and has extra money lying around . You also have to have a healthy risk tolerance . Agents will rightly tell you that this type of policy can bring great returns , but press them hard , and make them tell you exactly what stars and moons need to align for that to happen . What is the actual performance of the policy over time , not the best case scenario printed in the sales brochure ? How much over the minimum payment is required to achieve that performance ? That 's what you need to know if you are thinking of purchasing one . If you already have one , are you paying attention to how well it is still funded ? You could be in for a surprise if you have n't . Call your agent , and get an idea of how it 's doing for you , and how long you can expect it to be in force . Functionally , you can use the proceeds for everything that you would any other whole life insurance policy . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
Does Mercury Insurance Do SR22?
Yes Mercury Insurance does offer SR-22 's when you purchase an auto policy providing you are eligible to obtain a policy through Mercury . Mercury will have guidelines as to who will qualify for their auto product based on your driving record . I recommend you speak with a local Mercury agent if you are interested in a Mercury policy .
How Much Does A Claim Affect Car Insurance?
It depends on the amount of the claim , the type of claim , and your driving record . A minor glass claim generally will not have a big impact . An at fault accident with bodily injury could have a larger effect , especially if alcohol is involved . There is no way to answer this question definitively .
Why Is It Important To Plan For Retirement Early?
Why is it important to plan for retirement early ? Well the most important thing involved in retirement planning is something that if you fail to use , you never get back again , and that would be Time . Time in retirement planning allows you to get more for less and heals all wounds -LRB- mistakes , downturns , markets -RRB- . The earlier you start , the more time you have , the less money you 'll need and the more mistakes you 'll recover from .
How Long Does It Take To Collect A Life Insurance Payment?
How long does it take to collect proceeds from a life policy ? Not all that long . Most of the time is spent getting the information together . You are going to need a certified copy of the certificate of death . Actually you should have 5 or 6 made as you will need them for other things besides insurance . When you have the paperwork together and submit , usually it does n't take long for payment to be sent to the beneficiaries . Usually about 5 working days or so with the companies I have worked with . You also will receive interest on the money held while the paperwork is being put together as part of the claim .
Can I Get Health Insurance If I Have A Preexisting Condition?
You can get health insurance if you have a pre-existing condition . Many policies are approved when applicants are being treated for illness or sickness and are taking medications . Extremely serious conditions such as heart disease or cancer present a bolder challenge . However , in October , Open Enrollment begins for 2014 effective dates when all pre-existing conditions will be covered and no medical questions will be answered . `` Exchange '' plans will be sold with brokers and reputable websites helping consumers navigate through a new way of buying health insurance . You may also qualify for a federal tax subsidy . As an experienced broker myself , we realize that due to the complexity of the changes in healthcare , our expertise and help will be utilized . Naturally , there are never any broker fees .
Does AARP Offer Term Life Insurance?
AARP offers term life insurance from New York Life . Rates start out low and increase over time . In that type of situation , where premiums are not locked in , you can never be sure if you will be able to afford to keep the life insurance at the time you need it most . Shopping with an independent life insurance broker -LRB- most of us agents answering these questions fall in that category -RRB- will help ensure you get best policy features at the lowest price .
Which Auto Insurance Company Is The Best?
If you are looking for the best insurance company for you , I would suggest speaking with friends and family about their experiences with various companies and agents . Remember the insurance company is only one part of the equation , the agent is the other part . It is important that you have an agent that you trust and that you feel has your best interest in mind when it comes to your insurance coverage .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Watches?
A watch would be considered personal property . A renters policy covers personal property . There is an internal limit to the recovery available on a watch . Please check with your policy or the agent to determine the amount of coverage you have available . The settlement will be reduced by the deductible on the policy .
Where To Buy Cheap Life Insurance?
Life insurance is priced the same for everyone . You can not get a discount on life insurance , and the discount store mentality does not work well with life insurance . You need to work with a knowledgeable agent to get your cheapest price . Getting a low quote from someone who knows little about life insurance does not mean you will get that price . I feel that the best way to buy cheap life insurance is to use an agency who can take your health information and match you up with the company that has your best rates . Some , like mine , can be found online . But wherever you go , the place to buy cheap life insurance is where the agent is valuable .
What Is A Deductible On Health Insurance?
A health insurance deductible is the amount you must pay before your benefits `` kick in '' and begin paying -LRB- for most services - some benefits , such as preventive care , provide coverageimmediately -RRB- . The deductible amount varies by plan . For example , under the new Affordable CareAct , a catastrophic plan may feature a $ 6,350 deductible , a bronze plan may feature a $ 5,000 deductible , a silver plan may feature a $ 3,000 deductible , a gold plan may feature a $ 2,000 deductible , and a platinum plan may feature a $ 0 deductible . These figures are not the same for all plans on each metal level .
Can I Sell My Life Insurance?
We need to be clear here about if you really mean selling or surrendering your Life Insurance . Please look at my other answers regarding surrendering a policy which I recently addressed . Can you `` Sell '' your Life Insurance : Maybe ! We do work with a company that will give lump sums of money for life insurance policies which are no longer wanted or needed . Simply , you turn the ownership over to this company , they continue paying the premiums until death . Of course , you have to qualify before anything will happen . Seek me out if you would like to review the possibilities on your life insurance policy .
What Does A Health Insurance Statement Look Like?
A health insurance statement will have many looks , since each insurer has a different way of billing and contacting their customers . If it is a bill for past services , it will show the amount that is owed , the date of treatment , a description of treatment and any Network discounts applied to the bill . And there will be other items on the statement as well .
Who Are Annuities Best For?
Tax deferred annuities are suitable for mid to long term savers or investors , those with high tax brackets or fixed interest rate seekers who desire more returns than traditional bank CDs . Interest rates are only on crediting method available with tax deferred annuities . Other crediting methods use indices in indexed annuities as well as separate sub accounts in variable annuities . To determine the crediting method most suitable for you , consider establishing a personal financial profile that includes a risk tolerance assessment before purchasing a tax deferred annuity .
Can Roth IRA Be Used As Collateral?
I have not heard of a ROTH IRA being used as Collateral however , I suppose you might be able to put together a `` collateral assignment '' which means upon death , the unpaid collateral will be taken out of the value the ROTH is as the time of death with the remaining balance going to your heirs . I would have to do more research to be sure this would hold up as a contract however . You might be better off getting a small life insurance policy to cover that debt if that is indeed what you are covering .
How To Get Health Insurance Quickly?
The quickest way to get health insurance is to find an independent agent that can show you quotes from the major insurance carriers and match a plan to your needs . Many people prefer to start by running a health insurance quote online and then ask questions after they have reviewed the information . You can go to our website to run a quote and in the `` other '' section you will be able to run a quote for the under age 65 market . If you are turning 65 or older you can run a medicare supplement quote from our home page . Either way , it will give you an instant snap shot of what plans are available to you . The key is to follow up with an agent to save you time trying to figure out which plan might work better for your specific family situation .
How Long Does Universal Life Insurance Last?
The length of time that a universal life policy is in force is determined by the payment pattern of the owner of the policy . If the policy is continuously underfunded , it will lapse at a relatively early age , sometimes in the early 50s . However , if guidelines and targets are followed a universal life plan can last up to the time of death .
How Lucrative Is Life Insurance Sales?
Life insurance sales can be as lucrative as you make it . For myself , as a broker with 32 years of experience in the business , I was always a `` first in the office , last one to leave '' person . Typically , I have always been a good listener and make certain I know the products from the top insurers . Always explain details to customers and never ask them to buy a product . If they like your offer , they 'll let you know . Will this work for you ? Try it .
Is It Legal To Not Have Homeowners Insurance?
Yes it is legal not to have homeowners insurance . If you have no lender to satisfy then it is in within your right to self insurance your property . If you feel you can handle any potential loss on your home by all means feel free . Keep in mind should you decide down the road to get insurance again and you have gone without referred to as a lapse or gap in coverage you will find potential challenges in obtaining coverage 's again as insurance carriers use this as part of their underwriting criteria .
Can A 403B Be Rolled Into A 401K?
As long as your company allows roll overs into their retirement plan , you can roll your 403b money into that 401k plan . One exception may be if you have previously comingled your 403b funds with another IRA . Your company 401k plan administrator should be able to answer your specific questions . You can also roll your 403b into a traditional IRA or Roth IRA . Here is a link to an IRS rollover chart which shows all the directions retirement money can move . WEBSITELINK
Can Life Insurance Companies Cancel Your Policy If You Get Kidney Failure?
One of the benefits of life insurance is that you do not have to keep qualifying for it over and over again . Once you have the policy , it is yours to keep , and as long as you keep paying premiums , no one can take it away from you for any reason .
How does a claim work when a driver hits a person in a parking lot walking?
The injury , if any , caused by the driver of the car to the pedestrian would be covered under the Bodily Injury Liability portion of your auto policy . This is the portion that protects you for any neglegent action for which you are held legally responsible while you are drving your car .
Can You Switch Homeowners Insurance At Any Time?
Switching homeowner 's insurance is relatively easy to do and most times , you can change at a date that is suitable to you . The biggestconcernis whether the new company will accept your application . Assuming you have few or no claims , and meet their underwriting guidelines , you should be able to switch . Just as importantly is the issue of whether it is a good idea to change . As an independentbroker , that 's part of our job is todetermineif making a change makes good financial sense for you . If not , you should stay put .
Does Farmers Insurance Have Renters Insurance?
Farmers Insurance does have renters insurance . I would recommend you contact your local Farmers Insurance agent to discuss the renters insurance options available . You can find your local agent by going to WEBSITELINK . Your local agent will be able to find you the best options for your policy .
Where Can I Get Individual Health Insurance?
You can get individual health insurance through an independent health insurance agent . They will be able to run quotes for you from all the major carriers and help match a plan to meet your needs . You can also get individual health insurance on our website . If you are under 65 you can click on `` other '' to compare plans instantly . If you are 65 or over and have Medicare , you can run a Medicare supplement quote on our website also . You can also give us a call at 1-888-407-8664 .
What Car Insurance Is Good For Young Drivers?
There is not any absolute answer to this question . Rates for auto insurance coverage can vary greatly from carrier to carrier and from area to area . Contact local agents in your area to find out about coverage availablity and pricing within your area . Look for an agent that you are comfortable working with as they will be the first and last point of contact in most instances .
Is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Covered By Medicare?
Transcranial magnetic stimulation -LRB- TMS -RRB- initial consultation should be covered by Medicare . TMS is typically used to treat some forms of depression . TMS treatment may be covered by Medicare in some situations . Check with your medical provider for details . In some cases your provider will agree to file your claim with Medicare with the understanding the claim may be denied .
Why Are Womens Car Insurance Cheaper?
Insurance companies analyze the data on millions of automobile claims . In that process they identify significant differences in experience . If women are charged less in your state than men , you can be assured that insurance companies can detect a difference between the two and that they have convinced the insurance commissioner that this is in the best interest of the drivers in that state . California doesnt discriminate based upon sex .
How Good Is Primerica Life Insurance?
How good is Primerica Life ? Well , they are a decently rated company with premiums charged falling about mid-range on the pricing scale . That is you can find quite a few good companies whose pricing of term insurance is better and you can find other good companies whose pricing is worse . Primerica has a limited product selection and offers no conversion options for the insured if they want to maintain a level cost for coverage for a longer period of time . The biggest knock against Primerica is their field force . They attempt to have their company stand out by disparaging all other companies out there . Which if true , would mean a financial disaster for the country and possibly the world . There are many many very good companies out there and it 's good that there are .
What Is The Cheapest Health Insurance In Georgia?
The cheapest health insurance in Georgia will vary , depending on which part of the state you live in , and other additional factors . As an experienced broker , we search and find the lowest rates from top-rated companies . Keep in mind that if you qualify for a subsidy , your premium will reduce ... perhaps substantially .
Where Can I Find Cheap Renters Insurance?
Shop your coverage with local agents in your area . Renters insurance is normally inexpensive . If you are looking to cut the cost some consider having your auto and renters coverage with the same carrier this will typically get you a discount on both policies . Find yourself an agent that you are comfortable working with as they will be the person that will assist you when you have a question or concern about coverage or a claim .
Can I Be Denied Health Insurance Coverage For A Pre Existing Condition?
I assume you are looking for a policy that will be effective after 01/01/2014 when the Affordable Health Care Act begins to dictate that `` pre-existing conditions '' can not prevent you from obtaining coverage . If you get a policy prior to that date the insurance companies can and will underwrite the application and if your condition prevents them issuing the policy they will refuyse to write the policy
When Was Universal Life Insurance Created?
Although there were similar products introduced in the 1970 's , most life insurance companies started carrying Universal Life as a part of their portfolio by the early to mid 1980 's . The high interest rates offered at that time made them very popular to consumers looking for a return on their life insurance premiums .
Will Medicare Pay For CT Scan?
In order for the CT scan to be covered by Medicare , it must be deemed medically necessary via doctor 's orders , and Medicare must agree with the order . The Computerized Axial Tomography -LRB- CT -RRB- scan must be performed by a health care provider who participates in Medicare . Medicare Part A covers CT scans performed in a hospital or skilled nursing facility ; Medicare Part B covers CT scans performed as an outpatient .
What Is Life Insurance Brokerage?
A life insurance brokerage is an entity that contracts with multiple life insurance companies in order to sell their products directly to consumers , or to consumers through other agents . In contract to captive agents , who predominately sell for one company , brokers are able to shop many companies to find the best rate for their clients .
What Can I Do To Plan For Retirement?
Sit down with an advisor and get a game plan . Every person 's situation is different so you need an advisor that is going to take the time to look at the entire picture . I would recommend someone that has knowledge of how to file when it comes to Social Security , as this can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars if done incorrectly . Advisors who offer this as a service will be few and far between , but they are out there . A good advisor will help with understanding your risk tolerance and place you in the correct investments to ensure the money you have lasts . This could be made up of stocks , bonds , mutual funds , annuities and life insurance . Yes , life insurance . Take the time to interview a few advisors in your area and make sure the appointment is about you and not the advisor .
Does Aflac Sell Auto Insurance?
No , Aflac is a life & health carrier , offering supplemental policies , that pay you not the doctor or hospital . If you have an injury for example , Aflac would pay you for sickness or injury . Auto , home owners , liability , & commercial insurance , would be considered property & causality insurance . Think of it as P&C covers your property , & any liability for causality or risk you would incur .
Does Medicare Cover CPAP Machines?
Medicare will cover a three month trial for a Cpap machine for those on Medicare who are diagnosed with sleep apnea . It is covered under Medicare Part B . If the machine works to alleviate signs and symptoms of sleep apnea , Medicare may cover the Cpap machine rental for a longer period of time . Once you have rented the machine for 13 months , you own it .
What Can I Do If My Car Was Hit In A Hit And Run And The Owner Of The Other Vehicle Denies Responsibility?
Repair of your car is normally covered by the collision coverage contained in your auto policy . If your car does not have collision coverage you may have exhausted your insurance options . You can litigate directly against the other vehicle owner . An attorney can advise you on the possibility of prevailing in a lawsuit .
Does Auto Insurance Cover A Stolen Car?
If you bought just liability coverage it will not pay if your car is stolen . It just depends what you selected when you bought your coverage . All states require at least a minimum amount of liability coverage before you can legally drive a car . You do not have to have insurance coverage that will pay to repair or replace your own car but you do have to protect other people 's property that you might damage with your auto .
My Partner Had A Wreck In My Car & the officer was inappropriate on top of things.
I am very sorry to hear about your partners rough morning ! I am glad that she and her passengers are ok . Unfortunately , I 'm sure that you have a pretty good idea of what the worst case scenario will be - she is an at fault motorist involved in an accident , she is not an insured in your car , your insurance company refuses to pay , and you are stuck with the repair bill , and she gets a ticket . It may work out that if you go to court , and she is able to prove that the other driver was at fault , that you may be able to file a claim against them , and maybe recoup some of your losses . Your best bet is to contact your agent , explain what happened , and ask for their advice on how to proceed . Good luck ! If there is any way that I can help , please feel free to contact me . Thanks for asking !
How Do I Contact Medicare As A Provider?
For specific billing questions , questions about claims , or your patience 's medical history , Medical providers can contact Medicare in a number of different ways : Online at ; By phone , calling 1-800-MEDICARE , or TTY1-877-486-2048 ; or by mail , sentto the following address : Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore , Maryland 21244-1850
What Is The Best Long Term Care Insurance In Arizona?
The best long term care insurance in Arizona can come from any of the highly rated companies that offer long term care insurance in this state . It just depends on which company has the best rate and features for your age and health . With all the wonderful levels of care offered in AZ , you would definitely want to get a policy that offers the option to use the benefit to pay for any type of care .
What Is The Best Health Insurance For Small Business Owners?
The best health insurance for small business owners will vary , depending on many factors . Finding the best rates and coverages are the first step and utilizing an experienced health insurance broker is critical . For example , my 33 years of experience in the business helps customers save thousands of dollars . The type of business you have , number of employees , where you live and claims experience are just some of the factors that will influence the cost .
What Does Medigap Mean?
Medigap is another name for Medicare Supplement plans . Original Medicare -LRB- Parts A & B -RRB- only cover about 80 % of a senior 's health care expenses , leaving the insured responsible for the other 20 % . While 20 % does n't sound like a very big figure , it can add up to a nice big medical bill really fast . For example , if you had a procedure done that cost $ 10,000 and Medicare paid for 80 % -LRB- $ 8,000 -RRB- , you would be responsible for the other $ 2,000 of the bill - how many people can just get out their checkbook and write a check for that amount ? That number can be a lot higher too . The idea of a Medigap plan is to cover the gaps in coverage that Medicare does n't pay for -LRB- e.g. that other 20 % -RRB- . You pay a monthly premium to get these gaps covered so you 're not hit with large bills . The resulting major advantage is it allows a senior to create a much , much more predictable health care expense structure - and when you 're on a fixed income , this is vital . A plan F is the most comprehensive Medicare supplement plan available in the marketplace today - plans C , G , and N are very competitive as well .
Will Health Insurance Cover A Breast Pump?
The answer to your question may vary from company to company . Some companies may pay in full while some will only cover a portion . On your membership card there should be a `` customer service '' number . You should call them and ask them . You will need to give them your identifying information and your policy number as they have to make sure you have the right to request information
What Does Medicare Approved Mean?
Any time you have a claim , Medicare must approve the medical necessity of that claim and the amount they will pay . If a claim is not approved Medicare will not pay . Medicare when paying claims has a set payment they will approve for a specific procedure based on how that procedure is billed . Medicare will only pay 80 % of that approved amount for Part B covered charges . A doctor can not bill for more than 15 % of the Medicare approved charges . Some states like Ohio do not allow the 15 % excess charges . A doctor who accepts Medicare can not balance bill for more than the approved amount .
How Much Will Whole Life Insurance Cost Me?
The cost of any life insurance policy depends on factors such as age of the person being insured , whether the applicant has health problems or other risk factors , tobacco use , and amount of coverage desired . That being said , Whole Life insurance usually costs considerably more than Term insurance because it is designed to last until death and to create some cash value . In some situations involving very poor health , advanced age , or when a very small face amount is desired , Whole Life can cost less than Term -LRB- if Term is available at all in that situation -RRB- . It is imperative to use a reputable agent or agency who will show you what you can get in your price range and help you weigh out the type and amount of coverage to get to best suit your needs .
How Long Does It Take For A Car Insurance Claim?
According to JD Power and Associates the average time to process an auto insurance claim is 14 days . Keep in mind that this is the average and certain circumstances regarding any specific claim may cause the claim to take less or more time .
Which Individual Health Insurance Covers Pregnancy?
Under the affordable care act , every health insurance plan must cover the 10 essential health benefits - maternity care -LRB- including pregnancy -RRB- is one of the essential health benefits . Therefore every individual plan will provide some form of coverage for that type of benefit . How much a plan will pay when that benefit is used will vary from plan to plan . It 's always helpful to consult with an experienced health insurance broker to determine which plan will be most suitable for your specific needs and budget . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
When Do You Pay Auto Insurance?
In California , in order to issue a policy a payment must be made . You will be given payment options going forward for you to chose from . Anywhere from pay in full to monthly payments . You can also set up for automatic deductions from a credit card or checking account .
Is Medicare The Same As Health Insurance?
Yes , Medicare is health insurance . It has some differences from privately purchased health insurance , or health insurance provided through an employer . The contractual coverages all depend on the plan , and the same is true with Medicare coverage . There are copays and deductibles , just like with health insurance . The biggest difference is the cost .
Will We Be Required To Have Health Insurance?
You will be required to have health insurance in 2014 . Oh , that pesky government ! As part of the Affordable Care Act , you will be taxed if you do n't have qualified coverage . Federal tax subsidies will be available and as mentioned below , full-time experienced brokers are the best resources to discuss the topic . Here 's what to do . As experienced brokers , our job is to shop the best carriers in your area , and show you the lowest rates for the coverage you need . It may not be as expensive as you think and you may qualify for a big federal tax subsidy !