Does Globe Life Insurance Work?
If the Globe Life Insurance Company is admitted in your state it falls under the supervision of your insurance commissioner . One of the commissioners responsibilities is to make sure that insurance companies keep their promises . The Commissioner has several methods of achieving that but the bottom line is that promises are routinely kept .
When To Purchase Annuities?
You should purchase an annuity when you need a lifetime stream of income . That is what only an annuity can provide . There are other times to purchase an annuity . You need to save towards retirement or some other long term goal and want the earnings of the savings to be tax deferred . An annuity is your solution . You might buy an annuity to realize a greater profit as compared with other long term savings vehicles .
What Is The Cost Of Part D Medicare?
Medicare Part D , the prescription drug coverage , is a privately insured plan offered by insurance carriers that offer Medicare approved plans . Each plan is different . Some have deductibles others do not . All have copay 's and coinsurance . The price varies by the number of drugs covered and the amount you are expected to pay for the drug .
How Much Does Auto Insurance Agent Make Per Policy?
Well it all depends on the company they work for . But most agents make a small amount of money selling an auto policy . They count on the Renewals to run there agency . you can always ask your agent how much he will make selling your auto insurance . But typically its betten % 5 - % 10 of the policy premium .
Why Do Health Insurance Rates Increase?
Health insurance rates increase because the underlying cost of health care services increases every year and our population 's average consumption of health care services has been increasing for many years . If the cost of gasoline steadily rises and at the same time you are driving more miles each year then you understand it costs you more to operate your car . Health care services are the gasoline and using more health care per person is the increased miles driven part of the analogy above . That addresses the basic economic factors that have been happening for decades . Now add to those the impacts of the Affordable Care Act -LRB- ObamaCare -RRB- and you have a whole new set of cost drivers being added to the equation . For example , ObamaCare does add taxes and fees to insurance plan costs and medical devices - these costs are passed on to the consumer . The law mandates that a wide range of preventive health care services must be covered at 100 % , all policies must cover maternity -LRB- many individual policies did n't -RRB- , no medical underwriting is allowed , polices must be guaranteed to be issued and pre-existing conditions must be covered immediately , and these are just some highpoints of the coverage changes now required . While all of these requirements may sound good , and they do benefit many people , there is no way around the fact that such changes will increase health care consumption even further . More demand for a finite resource equals higher costs . An aging American population is also a driver of increased health care consumption and , with the Baby Boom generation entering their retirement years , will be for years to come . This gives you a generaloutline of why your health insurance rates have been increasing and will continue to be increasing for the foreseeable future . As I described above , our nation has many structural issues that drive health insurance rates higher . Despite its name , the Affordable Care Act serves mainly to expand access to health insurance and health care but does very little to address any of the underlying factors that lead to higher health insurance rates .
When Will An Insurance Company Total Your Car?
An auto insurance carrier will typically consider your vehicle totaled when the cost to repair the vehicle would be greater than the valuation of the vehicle at the time of the accident . Insurance carriers have a standardized table that is typically used to determine the valuation of the vehicle or in some cases you may have the vehicle covered at a stated or agreed value at the inception of the policy .
What Does Ownership Of A Life Insurance Policy Mean?
In addition to Peggy Maces comments , ownership is like title . There are legal issues involved and sometimes it is important to correctly title a life insurance policy . At a minimum the values of the insurance policy are the property of the owner neither the insured nor the beneficiary .
Can I Get Long Term Care Insurance For My Parents?
Yes you can obtain long term care insurance for your parents and it is a really good idea and a loving thing to do . Of course they will need to participate in the process including submitting to the medical underwriting requirements . You might want to purchase whole life policies for them and add LTC as a rider . In some cases taking that route may save you money over buying LTC by itself .
What Is Direct Auto Insurance?
Direct auto insurance is not a type of auto insurance , but a way to buy or method of selling auto insurance . Some auto insurance companies , like USAA & Amica , do not have insurance agents representing them , and sell auto insurance -LRB- and other types of insurance -RRB- direct to the public only . Auto insurance companies selling direct to the public staff call centers with licensed insurance representatives employed by the company , to sell and service the company 's insurance products . Although I think most people benefit from receiving the personal service of an agent , accountable to the customer for providing customer service , advice , and assistance , both USAA & Amica have excellent reputations for claims & customer service . Companies like GEICO & Progressive are known for selling direct to the public , though GEICO has agents available in many large metropolitan areas , and Progressive also sells through independent insurance agents , though the products and rates will be different than buying direct . When you call a company selling direct for an auto insurance quote , you speak with a company employee licensed to sell insurance , working from a call center , most likely out-of state -LRB- but not outside of the USA -RRB- . If you buy the auto insurance policy , there is no one person at the company responsible for your account , as there would be , if you purchased a policy through an agent . So , a company employee sells you the auto insurance policy , but if you call back with a question , or to make a policy change liking adding or removing a car , whichever employee answering the phone will help you , much like you receive help when you call your cable TV company . GEICO & Progressive seem to compete on price more than other companies , but buying direct does not always mean a better price . Selling direct mean no agent commissions to pay , but selling direct has other costs , like more marketing costs for TV & media ads , employee salaries and benefits . A wise auto insurance shopper decides on the coverage they need , then check the rates of all the major auto insurance companies in their state , regardless of whether the company sells direct , through their own local agents , or through independent insurance agents .
What Happens When Term Life Insurance Is Paid Up?
Actually term life insurance can not be paid up . It just expires or has a steep premium increase many times 1,000 % . The cash value policies such as whole life , universal life , indexed universal life or variable universal life do endow or are `` paid up '' plans in which you are asking . Sorry !
What Is Voluntary Term Life Insurance?
Voluntary Term Life Insurance is offered to employees who have some life insurance provided to them by their employers , and their employers are giving them the opportunity to purchase additional life insurance coverage at group rates . Employer provided life insurance is not taxable to $ 50,000 whereas voluntary life insurance purchased beyond that amount will be a taxable to the employee .
When Can I Change My Medicare HMO?
You can change Medicare Plans and prescription drug plans every year from October 7 to December 15th . You can also change plans if you move out of the service area or lose your coverage . If you qualify for Extra Help with prescriptions or are on Medicaid you can change anytime during the year . These are called Special Election Periods .
When Do I Need To Buy Home Insurance?
If you are a homeowner you need homeowners insurance . If you are a first time buyer then escrow and the lender will make sure you have homeowners insurance in place at the close of the home sale . If you are already a homeowner then I recommend you maintain a homeowners policy . If your home is paid in full you do have the option of letting the policy go but I would advise against this unless you believe you can afford the replace your home in the event of a total loss .
How Much Is Home Insurance Yearly?
Annual #HomeInsurance rates are different for each home ; homeowners insurance premium is based on the coverage afforded , details of the risk and deductible chosen by the insured . There islink providing an online format to obtain a quote and buy home insurance online in multiple States ; may be used by Escrow/Closing Professionals , Mortgage Professionals , Real Estate Agents and directly by Consumers . An exemplary online experience for all ! WEBSITELINK
Who Is Covered By Life Insurance?
The insured and any persons listed as additional insured or riders are covered under a life insurance policy . Many people have life insurance policies including adults and children . The younger the person applying , the least expensive the rate will be . And of course , there are many types of policies that can be purchased .
How Much Can You Make Selling Life Insurance?
The average life insurance agent makes be around $ 50,000 on life insurance sales a year . There are a segment of the sales force that makes between $ 75,000 and $ 100,000 a year . Less than 1 % make over those numbers day in and day out . Selling life insurance successfully is based on the law of large numbers .
Is Voluntary Life Insurance A Pretax Deduction?
Ifyou own and pay for the voluntary life plan you do not want it to ba taken pre-tax unless you absolutely hate your beneficiary as by taking a tax deduction for your life insurance , that action makes the benefit a taxable occurance . Currently employers can deduct the expense of life insurance up to 50,000 face amount as a busines expense and the outcome to the employee is not taxed . The employee never paid the premium , the employer did as a benefit . It is much different if the employee pays . There may be some very rare situations where you can deduct the premium , but that is very rare .
Is Paid Family Leave Disability Insurance?
You may be referring to Paid Family Leave offered by the state of California . Workers who contribute to the State Disability Insurance fund are entitled to 6 weeks of family leave to bond with a new baby or child joining the family , or to care for an ailing family member . During this time , part of their wages will be paid to them . While California 's Disability Insurance is also funded by paying into SDI , it is different from Paid Family Leave in that it provides partial payment of wages in case of disability from a non-work related cause , or due to pregnancy or childbirth .
Does A Non-Working Spouse Need Life Insurance?
Yes , if there were a financial hardship if they died . Let 's say the wife has a very demanding and high income career . The husband stays home to raise the kids and take care of the house . The husband suddenly dies . Now the wife has to hire a nanny , a house keeper and possibly a personal assistant to replace the work that was being done .
How To File A Renters Insurance Claim?
It is very easy to file a renter 's insurance claim . You should call/contact the broker/agent that is servicing your policy . If you do not know who it is , then call the insurer directly . You will be asked some questions regarding the items that were damaged , stolen etc. . . so be prepared to provide information . If it is a liability claim , more extensive information may be needed .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover TV Damage?
It may if the damage was caused by a covered peril within your policy . Some of the perils typically covered under a homeowners policy are fire , smoke , explosion , wind . If you want to know what is covered , I would recommend that you read your policy completely for coverage and exclusion information or call your local agent and them tell you what is covered or excluded .
Can I Sell Annuities With A Life License?
Yes , you can sell fixed and indexed annuities with a Life license . If you sell variable annuities you need a securities license . In addition , if your client is funding their fixed annuity with money from stocks , bonds , or mutual funds , you must have a series 6 , 7 , or 63 license in order to liquidate those funds and put them into the fixed annuity .
Which Homeowners Insurance Company Is Best?
The best insurance company is the company that pays the most when you have a loss . All insurance companies are companies that manage a pool of similar risks . Every insurance company is regulated by the insurance commissioner in the state where the company is organized and the state where the company is allowed to transact business . This combination of state supervision is designed to make sure that each company keeps their promises . There are rating bureaus that offer information concerning various insurance companies . These bureaus generally give higher ratings to larger companies with longer histories . They are rating the financial capacity of the companies . While this is a good indicator of which insurance company to choose it is far from the only criteria . Ultimately most people buy homeowners insurance from an agent . That agent might represent one company or one hundred companies . The point is that the relationship is not with the company as much as it is with the agent . People buy insurance from people that they trust . A good agent will listen to you , provide sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company . The agent will propose a company . Few reject the company selected by the agent . The role of the company is to keep the promises that it makes . There are a wide range of homes for insurance companies to insure . Some companies have an appetite for homes that are in the mountains or heavily wooded areas . Other companies will not even consider such a risk . Some companies will insure homes on bluffs overlooking the ocean while others wont consider such a risk . Underwriting will often have special rules regarding roof type , location of an evaporative cooler , presence of certain pets and presence of certain types of recreational equipment . There are many reasons for some of these underwriting decisions but the agent will be able to identify the best company for you . The underwriter will try to suggest appropriate coverages . Even if you had the most highly rated company if the limits selected are not adequate , you could be left with a large loss in the event of a disaster . For example , you might have a significant amount of jewelry , photographic equipment , or musical instruments . If these are not insured correctly their loss could represent a significant financial loss for you . The most significant area of underinsuring is liability . Your agent should let you know the highest amount that the company will provide . If you choose less coverage , any loss in excess to the limit in the policy will come out of your assets . Your agent should tell you about the availability of umbrella liability coverage . A lawsuit can make havoc out of the best financial plan . Finally the way that the company pays the loss when you have a claim is the most critical factor . Homeowners claims are infrequent but tend to be severe . It is important that the agent you have selected assists you during this critical period . Maintaining communications with you during a claim is an identification of a really good insurance company .
What To Look For In A Term Life Insurance Policy?
The most important thing to look for in a term policy is convertability . Convertability is the ability to go to a permanent policy without having to proove `` insurability '' from the term policy company . Why is this so important ? Term is for a temporary need . Term covers a piece of time and what happens inside that period of time . If you live past that period of time , and still need insurance you will be faced with a great increased cost that will rise every year there after , so conversion gives you the opportunity to continue you coverage at a rate class you may never qualify again for .
How Long Does It Take To Process A Renters Insurance Claim?
The insurance company wants to settle the claim as quickly as you . The holdup is always determining the amount of loss . The claim is completed when you and the insurance company agree on that figure . Then the company can pay you what is owed . Of course , you understand that there is sometime difficulty in establishing those amounts .
Will My Homeowners Insurance Cover Asbestos Removal?
Homeowners insurance protects the owner for damages that come from specified perils One peril is fire . If the home is damaged in a fire and asbestos removal is required to repair the home , it would be considered in the claim . There is an additional coverage available on a homeowners policy that provides additional money if repairs require adjustments to meet building codes . That coverage would be helpful under these circumstances . However , removal of asbestos for personal reasons would not be a covered peril .
How Can I Sign Up For Medicare?
You will automatically be enrolled as soon as you qualify due to age or disability . If you do not receive your Medicare card by your 65th birthday you need to contact Social Security or call 1-800-Medicare . Make sure you are enrolled in both part A and B unless you are still under a group plan . Also be sure to select your Prescription Drug Plan -LRB- part D -RRB- even if you do not have prescriptions .
Can A Landlord Require Renters Insurance In New Hampshire?
A Landlord can require Renters Insurance in any State as a condition of the Lease Agreement . Renters Insurance is an increasingly more valuable commodity for both home owners and renters in a very litigious society . Renters Insurance provides the Landlord peace of mind in the event a claim occurs as the result of the tenant 's negligence ; the home owner will not be negatively impacted by their insurance . Many Landlords require the Tenant to list the Landlord as an ` Additional Insured ' on the Renters Insurance Policy this will insure the Landlord receives a copy of all correspondence including cancellation notices and renewal notices . Renters Insurance provides coverage for the tenant 's Personal Property as well as offering Personal Liability coverage which is the specific section in the interest of the Landlord . Without this important coverage , legal actions are more damaging and cumbersome for all parties concerned . There are a few States that have required all tenants in the State to purchase Renters Insurance and the requirement is a compulsory section of the Standard Lease Agreement which is signed by both the Landlords and Tenants . States have taken this action due to an overwhelming load of small claims cases burdening the Court System . Renters Insurance is an inexpensive form of security which all responsible tenants should wish to have ; in many localities , a policy can be purchased for as little as $ 8.00 per month . For a Renters Insurance quote , there is an available link to obtain your quote and purchase the policy online : WEBSITELINK In order to produce the lowest rate , you will need to select the minimum amount of Personal Property Coverage available to cover all your possessions , select the minimum required Personal Liability Limit , and select the maximum available Deductible . The deductible does n't apply to the Personal Liability section , so if this is the only reason that you are buying the policy , the maximum deductible should be purchased to obtain the lowest premium .
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Epilepsy?
Yes , you can get life insurance if you have epilepsy . The type of policy you can get and the premiums will depend on how well controlled your epilepsy is . If you have had no seizures in the past couple of years , you can work full time , and your medication has been effective and stable for some time , you can most likely get a medically underwritten policy of any amount that you wish . If you have had recent seizures , especially if Grand Mal seizures , and epilepsy auses you to be on Disability , there are No Exam policies that you can get in most states in the US . They may or may not be graded and there will be a cap on the amount of coverage . But it is still possible to find affordable life insurance while having any type of epilepsy , for most people .
Can I Get Car Insurance With An Out Of state License?
Yes , you probably can , but it would be a good idea to talk to your Insurance Professional about the laws in your new home state . Many states and insurance companies will allow you to obtain car insurance with an out of state license . It will more than likely be required by your new state 's DMV in order to register your cars . However , there will more than likly be a time limit during which time you should obtain a new license in the state you are nor residing .
How To Get Cheap Health Insurance?
If you want the least exposure at the lowest premium then I recommend looking at an HSA qualified plan . The deductible is higher but if you are healthy you will save more on premium than the one or two doctor visits per year . An HSA qualified health plan will provide the most protection if you do have to go to the hospital or your health turns bad , at the lowest premium . A good independent agent dealing with health insurance can help you find a plan that fits your budget .
Which Medigap Policy Is Best?
In order to determine what plan is best for you , I would need to know more about you such as your age , gender , any tobacco usage , married or single -LRB- determines availability of a household discount on rates -RRB- , medical history -LRB- if outside open enrollment period -RRB- , and other factors to provide accurate figures and suggest a proper course of action that best serves your needs . For the overall populace , the most comprehensive -LRB- and most popular -RRB- Medigap plan is plan F as it covers all Medigap benefits at 100 % . Plan G is the second most popular plan because it 's identical to plan F except it does n't cover the Medicare Part B deductible -LRB- $ 147 in 2014 -RRB- . So how do you decide between the two ? It comes down to price . Since Medigap policies are standardized -LRB- meaning a plan F from company A is the exact same plan F from company B -RRB- , the only difference between the coverages is the price you pay for them . With the only difference between plans F and G , if the annualized premiums total more than a difference of $ 147 , then plan G offers you the better deal - if the total is less than $ 147 , then plan F is the better deal . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me if you have any questions , including quote requests , plan comparisons . Thanks very much .
Does Medicare Pay For Portable Nebulizers?
Yes , Medicare will pay for portable nebulizers as long as they are ordered as medically necessary by your doctor for conditions such as COPD , HIV , CF , pneumocystosis , tracehostomy and some others . The expense is covered by Part B and you may have to choose whether to rent or purchase your nebulizer .
Does Life Insurance Payout For Drug Overdose?
If the drug overdose was due to suicidal intentions within the first two years of the life insurance policy , the policy would not pay out . After two years , it would most likely pay the death benefit even if the reason for the drug overdose was to commit suicide . An exception would be if the insured person had a drug problem that was not admitted where requested on the life insurance application , and if death occurred within two years of the policy going into effect . Again , after two years , the policy would most likely pay even if the drug use/abuse was not admitted on the application .
Does My Renters Insurance Cover My Roommate?
No . If you read your policy , you will see in the Definitions Section , the definition of Insured . It would look similar to this `` Insured '' means you and residents of your household who are : a. Your relatives ; or b . Other persons under the age of 21 and in the care of any person named above . If your roommate is not a relative , he is not insured and would receive no benefit from the policy in the event of fire or liability claim . If you were apply for the insurance in your name and your roommates name , and the company issued a policy , then your roommate and you would be covered . I hope I 've answered your question . If not , feel free to call , fax or email me . Kevin P. Foley , CPA , CPCU PFT&K Insurance Brokers T 877-414-2031 F 877-405-3025 E kpfoley -LSB- at -RSB- kpfoley -LSB- dot -RSB- com W www -LSB- dot -RSB- kpfoley -LSB- dot -RSB- com
Will Medicare Premiums Rise In 2014?
I 'm not sure if you 're referring to Part B , Medicare Supplements , Medicare Advantage Plans or Part D drug coverage . In any scenario , it 's a little early to tell , as the plans for 2014 have not been released yet . But this is exactly why we have open enrollment ... to see thecost & coveragefor the upcoming year and make coverage changes if desired . So your definitive answer will come starting October 15th .
Is Part A Medicare Free?
No , Medicare Part A was paid for through your FICA tax when you were employed , so when you retire you have no premium taken out of your Social Security for Part A . If you did not work the required amount of hours then you can buy into the Medicare system by paying a premium .
How Does Life Insurance Pay For Funeral Expenses?
Life insurance pays the face amount to the beneficiary who can then use the money to pay for the funeral expenses . You can also sign over the policy to the funeral home and the company would pay the funeral home directly . How you choose to set it up depends on the circumstances and size of he policy . If you or your loved one is in poor health and may be going into a nursing home a good agent familiar with Medicaid laws can help you make the right choice and provide options that will protect you from Medicaid spend down . A younger person with a large face amount would want to make his spouse or trust the beneficiary . Again , a good agent can help set this up for you .
Is Spouse Covered Under Medicare?
Your spouse is covered by Medicare at age 65 , either through his or her own eligibility , or -LRB- if he or she is not eligible due to their own work history -RRB- through the work history of their spouse -LRB- you -RRB- . If your spouse has not paid Medicare taxes through their own employment for at least 10 years , they can go on their spouse 's plan , but not until they turn age 65 .
Should I Choose Medigap Or Medicare Advantage?
It depends on your needs , budget , and preferences . I would recommend consulting with an independent Medigap broker who can work with you on a personal level and help you evaluate your options . If you want to create a predictable healthcare expense structure where you do n't have to worry about receiving massive medical bills , you may want to consider buying a Medigap plan -LRB- most likely a Medigap Plan F or Plan G -RRB- . The premiums for Medigap plans are typically a little higher than a Medicare Advantage plan , but they feature much broader coverage . Medigap plans are guaranteed renewable and are standardized -LRB- meaning a given Medigap plan features the same benefits regardless of the carrier you have it through - a plan F from company ABC is the same plan F from company XYZ -RRB- . They also have no networks , meaning you can go to any doctor you want that accepts Medicare -LRB- the vast majority do these days and you can check to see if a doctor in your area does using a physician finder tool on Medicare 's website , -RRB- . As far as services go , if your doctor accepts Medicare , then they have to accept your Medigap plan as well . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap coverage needs , including quotes and plan comparisons , and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
How Does Renters Insurance Work?
Renters insurance funtions in many ways much the same as homeowners insurance . This type of policy will provide the insured with liability coverage and personal property coverage . Contact a local agent to discuss your concerns about coverage and they should be able to describe the coverage in detail to help you understand the coverage .
Who Is Covered Under Disability Insurance?
First off , most Americans have Social Security disability benefits . Many American workers have employer group plans that offer at least short term disability coverage . Some business owners and their executive management teams have individual disability insurance . Each one of these examples has varying degrees of protection . Few Americans have individual disability insurance .
How Do I Calculate Retirement Savings?
If you are asking how do youcalculate how much do you need to save for retirement there is a process to follow . First you need to determine what retirement success looks like to you . Your retirement planner may be trained to help you if not a lifestyle planner could . The next step to figure out what that lifestyle wouldcostand make a retirementbudget . Now you can do somemeaningfulcalculations . Total up what income you expect from any government plans , pensionplans , etc. . Compare this amount to your retirement lifestyle budget . The difference is what needs to be funded byadditionalsavings . There are calculators on the websites of financialinstitutionsto give you an idea . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find Retirement Planners in your community .
Does Kaiser Accept Medicare Patients?
Yes , Kaiser does Accept Medicare Patients . I would recommend contacting a broker to talk about your options with Kaiser . Be sure to understand and review all the benefits you have . I continue to hear about people who get upset when it comes time to pay for services . There is a lot of confusion .
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Termite Damage?
As a rule the answer would be no . Termites are not considered a covered peril by most companies . Homeowners is not designed to cover general maintenance . Termites fall under that category . If a structure collapses then damage to the personal property may be covered and possibly the structure .
How To Set Up A Life Insurance Trust For A Child?
How to set up an insurance trust for a child ? I would advise that you see an attorney to set up a trust as insurance companies are not in the business of establishing trusts for policy holders . It is out of their legal bounds . They do however , honor a correctly established trust created for kids . I do n't know enough about how good trust software is on this subject to suggest it , but a person may want to look into it .
What Is Voluntary Deductible In Car Insurance?
It appears to be a policy provision found in auto and property insurance policies issued in India . The provision allows the insured to set the amount of a loss that they will bear themselves -LRB- deductible -RRB- at the time of claim . This then sets a percentage that affects the premium for the coverage . The higher the percentage bore by the insured , the lower the premium .
How Can Life Insurance Be An Investment?
If by `` investment '' , you mean something that may gain or lose value , then the only type of life insurance that I would consider an investment is Variable Universal Life -LRB- VUL -RRB- . The interest credited to a VUL policy is based on stocks & bonds and may be positive or negative for the year . There are other types of life insurance that can accumulate cash called whole life and universal life policies . I consider these savings vehicles rather than investment vehicles because they do not lose money due to a decrease in the stock market or index . Whole Life insurance accumulates cash by dividends that are declared by the life insurance company . Universal life , other than VUL , comes in a fixed and an indexed universal life option . The Fixed UL earns interest based on a rate declared by the insurance company . The Indexed option -LRB- IUL -RRB- earns interest based on the performance of an index such as the S & P. With an IUL , there is usually a floor of 0 - 2 % that protects the cash value if the index is negative . The nice thing about an IUL is that you participate in the upside of the market without the downside risk . These are complex products and it is important to speak with a knowledgeable advisor who can educate you on the fees and other particulars .
Can A Quadriplegic Buy Life Insurance?
This is certainly not my specialty but I am relatively confident that a quadriplegic would be able to find life insurance . There are agencies that specialize in unusual risks and you would be well served to locate one . Peggy Mace is one of the contributors and that is her specialty , I believe .
Can I Deduct Disability Insurance Premiums From My Taxes?
In most cases , you can not deduct Disability Insurance premiums from your taxes . However , if there is a need to use your Disability Insurance policy to pay an income to you during a period of disability , the benefit you receive will not be taxable as you paid taxes on the money going into the policy . Consult a tax attorney for specific situations .
Does Car Insurance Cover Locking Your Keys In Your Car?
There could be coverage for locking keys in your car if you carry roadside assistance or towing on your auto policy . Otherwise locking keys in the car is not a peril of an auto policy . Check with your local agent to see if you carry roadside coverage on your auto policy . Also if you do not have the coverage a good local agent may find you a reputable company who can come out and unlock your car at a reasonable rate .
Which Is True Regarding Variable Annuities?
A variable annuity is a contract issued by a life insurance company . It has the standard features of other annuities but the cash value is directed by you the policy owner . You select which funds will accumulate money . Depending upon the variable annuity and the options included you might be able to continue to direct the investments through the phase where the company is paying you a lifetime income . In that case your income during annuitization can rise and fall with the underlying values of the securities you selected .
What Is Short Term Life Insurance?
Term life insurance is available in a wide range of coverage periods . The more popular are 10 , 15 , 20 and 30 year term periods often featuring guaranteed level premiums during the full period and conversion provisions -LRB- to permanent coverage -RRB- . You can find a few competitive one year term policies where the premium escalates annually . The guarantees are limited and the cost averages out over 10 years to be similar to 10 year level term .
What Happens When Your Term Life Insurance Expires?
If you have a term life insurance policy and the guarantee period on it is expiring , you have a several options : 1 -RRB- you can continue to pay premiums as the policy will be annually renewable , however , the premiums will start to go up each year -LRB- based on age -RRB- by a substantial margin . 2 -RRB- If the conversion period is still available , you can convert all , or a portion , of the face amount to a permanent policy with new medical underwriting . 3 -RRB- you can stop paying premiums and let the policy lapse , thus ending your coverage . 4 -RRB- you can apply for a new policy -LRB- can be with the same carrier or a new carrier -RRB- to secure a new term or permanent insurance policy . Please feel free to contact me for help . Thanks very much .
Is High Cholesterol Considered Heart Trouble When Completing A Life Insurance Application?
On that family history question , when they ask if there was heart trouble prior to age 60 , they are asking about more serious issues such as coronary bypass , stent -LRB- s -RRB- , defibrillator , pacemaker , etc. . Having a parent or close relative who is taking blood pressure medication or cholesterol medication prior to age 60 should not affect you preferred eligibility .
How Long Will My Life Insurance Last?
If you are asking the question how long the proceeds will last to the survivors at your death , that answer is dependent on what you want the life insurance to pay for or fund at your death and the amount of money a surviving spouse or child will need each month after you have passed on . If you are asking the question regarding life insurance products , whole life is designed to last to age 99 . Term life insurance will expire at the end of the policy term if not renewed or converted . Keith Prim - Dallas , TX 214-435-0791
Which Company Has The Best Disability Insurance?
When reviewing your disability insurance options , you should be sure to understand the differences between company contracts . With disability insurance , the key to the contract is the definition of disability and definition and requirements of the policy benefits . All disability contracts are NOT created equal . When you 're buying a disability policy , the MOST important factor in the policy structure is theDEFINITION OF DISABILITY.Each policy will use 1 of the 3 definitions : 1 -RRB- True Own Occupation - this says you are considered totally disabled if , solely due to injury or sickness , you are not able to perform the material and substantial duties of your occupation , even if you are at work in another occupation . In short , this is the most favorable definition you can have . Guardian offers this definition and is our group 's top disability company to write business with . 2 -RRB- Modified Own Occupation - this says that you are considered totally disabled if , solely due to injury or sickness , you are not able to perform the material and substantial duties of your occupation . This one is commonly seen in many individual disability insurance policies . 3 -RRB- Gainful Occupation - this says if you are unable to perform the duties of your occupation or any occupation for which you are qualified for by education , training , or experience due to sickness or injury . In short , this is the least favorable definition . This one is commonly seen in group disability insurance policies through an employer and property and casualty insurers that offer disability coverage . Disability insurance depends on a number of factors . The cost -LRB- your premium -RRB- is based on a number of factors - the most important being your medical history , your job , and your income - and the policies are very customizable . There are many moving parts to disability insurance and is not something I would suggest trying to buy on your own - this is a type of coverage you should consult with an experienced independent disability insurance broker about . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help with your coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
When To Buy Home Insurance When Buying A House?
If you are buying a house , and if you are obtaining mortgage financing to do so , either your Mortgage Broker or your Attorney will provide you with a list of required items that the bank will need in order to schedule your closing . One of the primary items on that list will be a requirement to show proof of insurance on your home beginning at least the date of the closing . More than likely you will also be required to show proof that you have paid the first year 's premium for the insurance in full . The best advice is to contact your Insurance Professional about the property purchase as soon as you can after having your offer accepted by the seller . It is never a good idea to wait until the last minute .
How To Get Blue Cross Health Insurance?
Blue Cross operates under several names around the country so the exact carrier that you would be purchasing it through depends on where you live -LRB- e.g. Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield , CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield , etc. -RRB- . You can buy the health insurance during the annual open enrollment period -LRB- starts in November this year -RRB- - if you have a qualifying event , you can purchase health insurance under a special enrollment period . I always recommend buying your health insurance through a broker as there are many products to choose from making the process of buying coverage confusing and very time consuming - insurance brokers do not charge fees for their services so you can only help yourself . If you prefer to do it on your own , you can complete the process through the health insurance exchanges via . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Can I Unenroll From Medicare?
You can disenroll from Medicare but consider the downside before doing so . If you disenroll from Medicare Part B and later decide to re-enroll you may have to pay a late enrollment penalty . The LEP is 10 % per year for every year you are not enrolled in Part B . If you disenroll from Part A you may also forfeit your Social Security benefits .
What Is Medicare Plan J?
Medicare Plan J is a plan that is no longer offered . The people who have Plan J can keep that plan the rest of their life if they want to . The current Plan F would be today 's equivalent . For those people who have Plan J it is important to get a Medicare Supplement review to determine if they can get similar benefits for less money . The premiums on Plan J could increase over time because that plan is no longer taking on new customers . The only way for it to generate revenue is to increase the premium to cover increasing medical expenses on a aging block of business .
How Much Does The Average Person Spend On Home Insurance?
The average cost of a homeowners insurance policy is going to vari from one geographic area to another . In my area I estimate that the average cost for a homeowners policy is about 700-1000 / yr.Homeowners insurance will vary depending on home values , claims history for the area , and many other factors . Contact your local agent to find out what coverage is available in your area and the cost associated with it .
At What Age Does Medicare Start?
For most people , Medicare starts the 1st day of the month you turn age 65 . You can sign up for Medicare Part A & B which covers about 80 % of the costs of care . You can also sign up for a Medicare Supplement plan -LRB- Medigap -RRB- to cover the difference . Medicare along with a Medicare Supplement is great health insurance . In addition , you can get a Medicare Part D plan to cover your prescription needs .
Is it common for landlords to be interested parties on tenants' renter's insurance?
As astute landlord will require that a tenant provide liability insurance and name the landlord as an additional insured . The liability insurance is normally contained in a renters policy . This makes it easy to handle a claim . Without this clause the claimant could sue both the tenant and the landlord .
What Should Be Included In Your Retirement Plan?
Each person 's retirement plan is different . The makeup should be based on what defined pensions -LRB- if any -RRB- you have along with what other sources you are utilizing . Naturally , a matching 401K is a great foundation along with other diversified safe assets . A full-time financial planner or broker -LRB- not marketers , advertisers , media persons or unlicensed representatives -RRB- will offer some great ideas including what mutual funds -LRB- if any and why -RRB- should be used , annuities , bonds or other investment instruments .
Can You Use A PO Box For Car Insurance?
As a mailing address yes , but not as your physical address . In almost all cases your auto insurance rates are based in part on your physical address zip code . To ensure that you are receiving the proper rate for the risk that the carrier is accepting when providing you with coverage they need to know where you garage your vehicle amongst other information .
Who Should I Talk To About Life Insurance?
You should interview independent life insurance agents or life insurance licensed registered representatives . Career agents may have access to life insurance products through brokerage outlets , but they generally attempt to sell their proprietary products , which rarely are competitive in the brokerage market place . Vetting the right adviser is part of your financial plan , so plan wisely with the right planner .
How Much Does Life Insurance Cost For A Newborn?
Life insurance is extremely affordable for a newborn baby as Peggy pointed out . Another affordable avenue is to add a child life rider to your adult life insurance especially if you have or planning to have more children . A child life rider can be purchased for as low as $ 4 per month for $ 10,000 per child all for the same low price with no limit on the number of children covered .
Can Minor Be Beneficiary Of Life Insurance?
Yes , as Peggy mentioned you can name a minor as a beneficiary , however , you would be better served by at the very least leaving it in trust for a minor . Setting up a formal trust expressing your wishes would be preferred . In Canada , since you can direct that the proceeds be paid in the form of an annuity this should be explored . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
How Much Does It Cost To Get Car Insurance For The First Time?
There are many factors that contribute to car insurance rates . Experience is one of them but it is n't weighted as heavy as other factors such as credit , driving history , and claims history . Another factor that will weigh heavy on rating would depend on if you are getting insurance for the first time because you just purchased a car or getting it for the first time while owning a vehicle for an extended period of time . As long as you can show proof -LRB- i.e Bill of Sale -RRB- that you made the car purchase without a trade in , most companies will not apply a tremendous surcharge . I recommend that you shop around because every company is different in their standards . I would stick with face-to-face quotes so you can ask all the questions that you have on your first insurance purchase . insurance is one of the few things that a human will outsmart a computer at anytime .
Is Durable Medical Equipment Covered By Medicare?
Yes , durable medical equipment -LRB- DME -RRB- is covered by Medicare Part B . The durable medical equipment must be medically necessary , prescribed by your doctor , and used in your home in order to be covered by Medicare . It also must be durable , not useful to someone who is n't sick , and is used for a medical reason .
Who Owns New York Life Insurance?
New York Life Insurance is a highly rated mutual life insurance company that is owned by their policy holders . During a period of demutualization , New York life considered moving to a stock company and would have been obligated to their shareholders . Their blue chip balance sheet is a leading example of financial strength and claims paying ability among carriers as well as to their policy holders .
What Is Retirement Plan Distribution?
When you look at retirement planning think of it as 4 phases . 1 . contributions 2 . accumulation 3 . distribution 4 . transfer . Contribution means how much money will i save each year in my savings vehicle . For example if i have a 401k and i decide i 'm going to contribute $ 5,000 a year that 's my contribution . Accumulation means my $ 5,000 will grow over time in my 401 k savings vehicle.for example $ 5,000 grows in 20 years @ 7 % would add up to $ 219,325 . Distribution is i have saved $ 219,325 in my 401k account , I 'm retired now and i need an income . You decide you want to take out 10 % of 219,325 . Your withdrawal would be $ 21,932 . Now you can have early withdrawals but you have to be aware of which savings vehicle you have because there might be penalties and fees for early withdrawal depending on your age.Some savings vehicles have no penalties . You might want to look at different savings vehicles tha t suite your needs . Transfer is passing your money and assets to your kids , charity , or church when you pass away . Or maybe you have everything put into a trust .
What Is A Good Estimate For Homeowners Insurance?
Great question . A home insurance policy cost on average about $ 300 - $ 900 a year . It also depends on a multible factors such as your home location . The age of your home . And some companies check your insurance score to determine price . Good Luck you may also want to call your local independent agent for a quote .
What Happens When You Apply For Health Insurance?
To add to what Barry said , the typical timeline is anywhere between 2-6 weeks before everything falls into place . The time is influenced by the current volume of applicants and if everything is complete on the application , and if the payment goes through etc. . The typical steps are : 1 . Application submission . 2 . Review for eligibility . 3 . Notice of approval and request for payment . 4 . Payment clears . 5 . Enrollment in to coverage . 6 . Issuance of ID card and coverage contract .
Is Renters Insurance Per Person?
Renters insurance typically covers the insured and the insured 's immediate family living within the covered premise . If there are other tennats within the rented premise that are not immediate family members then they should secure their own renters insurance coverage . Remember that every policy is different , please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be .
Is Flood Damage Covered Under Homeowners Insurance?
One word - No . Damage caused by Flood is a specific and extremely common if not universal exclusion in Homeowners policies . Though it may be possible to endorse your policy to cover damage caused by a failure of a drainage system , there is no endorsement for flood . That protection is only available by purchasing a Flood Insurance policy
Does Health Insurance Cover The Lap Band Surgery?
Some health insurance plans will cover a percentage of the cost of bariatric surgeries -LRB- including lap bands -RRB- - you would be responsible for the difference . Please note , plans that provide coverage for it may have certain requirements be met for the plan to pay a benefit so you may want to verify with the carrier what/if they will pay for a portion of the surgery . If you 're unsure whether your health plan provides coverage for the procedure , you can check the language inside of your policy , or contact your agent/the carrier to find out . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your program and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
What Is A Non Registered Retirement Savings Plan?
In Canada , if a plan is a Registered Retirement Savings Plan . the the contributions are tax deductible and the plan grow tax deferred . The withdrawals are taxable and must start before the end of the year in which you turn 71 -LRB- based on current legislation -RRB- Other tax advantaged plans can be used to save for retirement and they would be non registered . If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find Retirement Planners in your community . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
How Long Does It Take To Get Money From A Life Insurance Policy?
Normally , it can take as little as a week or two to receive death proceeds of a life insurance policy from the time the insurer receives a claim form and the death certificate . In the event of death in the first two policy years , the insurer will need more time to investigate the claim as death occurred within the two year contestability period of the policy .
Can You Take Out Life Insurance On Other People?
You can take out life insurance on other people if you have an insurable interest in their lives . I.e. . Their death would affect you financially , in a negative way . The life insurance is to make up for that loss , not to make a profit on their death . They must give permission for you to take out life insurance on them .
Who May A Single Premium Immediate Annuity Be Appropriate For?
A single premium immediate annuity may be appropriate for someone who has an adequate amount of savings for retirement , but who wants to supplement their income . Anyone who has a lump sum of money which they do not need access to , and who would like to have it structured to provide additional income on a regular basis , couple possibly benefit from a single premium immediate annuity .
Who Should Enroll In Medicare Part B?
The only persons who may not want to enroll in Medicare Part B are those who have a group plan that has features better than Medicare Part B , and for which the group policy would be the primary payer . There is no penalty to wait until your group plan ends , to sign up for Part B Medicare . If you are an active duty service member and age 65 , you could also wait to sign up for Part B. For everyone else who qualifies , enrolling in Part B is reasonably priced and something you have paid into . Unless you have moral reasons against it , prefer private coverage , or are able to insure yourself , I know of no reasons to not enroll in it .
Does Life Insurance Have To Go Through Probate?
Life insurance that is left to a person as beneficiary does not have to go through probate . A check is sent to the beneficiary shortly after the death claim and certified death certificate are sent to the life insurance insurance company . On the other hand , if the estate is set up as the beneficiary , or if the beneficiaries stated on the policy are not alive at the time of the death of the insured person , the proceeds would go to the estate and then , through probate .
What Do I Do About Insurance When I Buy A New Car?
It is going to be important to be in touch with your Insurance Professional because , as my colleague said , in order to purchase the vehicle , the dealership is going to need proof of insurance on that vehicle in order for them to complete the registration of it for you . You or your dealership will need to provide the year , make , model and Vehicle Identification Number -LRB- VIN -RRB- . Further , if you are leasing or financing , the financial institution needs to be named on your policy and proof provided in order to complete your transaction . If you are financing the purchase , the finance company has an interest abd will need to have proof that you have both Comp and Collision coverage . Leasing is similar , however , in addition to the two physical damage coverages I mentiond , they also require that a certain amount of Liabilitry protection be provided by your policy . Here in CT it is common for the requirement to be $ 100,000 / $ 300,000 or more for Bodily Injury and $ 50,000 or more for Property Damage .
Can You Borrow Money From Your Retirement Plan?
Borrowing money from your retirement plan for emergencies can be helpful , but it shouldnt be used as a bank . Qualified retirement plans have their own regulatory rules of engagement for accessing plan participant money . Qualified plans charge interest , generally require repayment at employment termination or transfer of funds . If qualified pan money is deemed received it will trigger an ordinary income tax event and a 10 % penalty if youre under 59 . Non-qualified retirement plans that use a TAMRA compliant non modified endowment contract can borrow accumulated cash values at a low or no interest as the long as the policy is kept in force for the life of the insured .
Is Having A Pension Plan Worth It?
This is a very subjective questions and depends on circumstances . For the recipient of pension benefits , the question would be if working at the employer who provides the pension is worth having the benefit -LRB- i.e. are you paid enough in regular salary and have adequate benefits as well as are your working conditions worth keeping the job to receive eventual pension benefits -RRB- . For employers the question would be is the cost of providing the pension benefits justified by that benefit 's ability to attract and retain high quality and talented employees .
Is Van Insurance Cheaper Than Car Insurance?
Every vehicle has an assigned symbol . That symbol is based on the average cost of claims for that particular vehicle . Occasionally that symbol will change as there is increased claims experience . That symbol is part of the formula that determines the rate charged for your particular vehicle . An insurance agent can give you specific information .
Does Medicare Pay For IV Antibiotics At Home?
No unfortunately Medicare does not pay for IV Antibiotics or almost any infusion therapy done in one 's home . The only exception is IVIG -LRB- Intravenous Immune Globulin -RRB- for people with a diagnosis of primary immune deficiency disease , although then it only covers the globulin itself .
How Does An Annual Deductible Work For Health Insurance?
A deductible is the amount of money that you would pay before your health insurance kicks in . For example , if you have a $ 3,000 deductible and need to go to the hospital then you would pay the first $ 3,000 . Your insurance would kick in after that . For folks age 65 and over that are on Medicare along with a Medicare Supplement it will work a little differently . The deductible on most of the plans would be smaller and for doctors and tests not the hospital . I would be happy to answer any other questions you have .
Where Are Premiums From Fixed Annuities Invested?
Life and annuity companies generally purchase investment grade government bonds as their dominant portfolio position . Similar to a bank , an insurance company attempts to generate a return from their portfolio , keep a portion of that return for their profit margin and pass on the rest to it 's policy holder .
What Is The Biggest Life Insurance Company?
The largest life insurance company in the United States -LRB- by assets -RRB- is presently the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company -LRB- aka MetLife -RRB- . MetLife is not the world 's largest life Insurer . The largest life insurer in the world -LRB- again by assets -RRB- is the Japan Post Insurance Company .
Will I Get A Refund If I Cancel My Car Insurance?
While of the `` unearned '' premium should be returned when you cancel your car insurance , it would be important to know why you are cancelling your car insurance.If there are no other cars in your household and you are not considered an insured on another comparable auto insurance policy , you may wish to consider `` Non-owned Auto '' coverage . This type of policy covers you for liability and physical damage while you are operating a car you do not own -LRB- borrowed , rented , etc. -RRB- and may provide uninsured/underinsured coverage to you when you are a pedestrian or riding in someone else 's vehicle . Not owning a car does not mean you no longer have an auto related exposure .
Does Insurance Cover Wigs For Cancer Patients?
Critical Illness insurance pays a lump sum to the insured person upon diagnosis of a qualifying disease . Cancer is one of the commonly covered illnesses , and cancer that requires chemotherapy or radiation is usually covered . The lump sum that is paid to the insured person can be used however they wish , including to buy wigs .
Why Would An Insurance Company Deny Life Insurance?
The main reason -LRB- s -RRB- a life insurance would deny Life Insurance are : 1 -RRB- Medical Issues -LRB- pre-existing conditions -RRB- 2 -RRB- Your financials do not warrant the benefit amount you are seeking If they deny due to medical reasons , you could apply for a `` simplified issue '' product . This is not guaranteed , but there is no paramed -LRB- medical exam -RRB- so it may be easier to get issued . Of course , the premium is higher , but it may be an alternative .
How Much Is For Car Insurance?
How much is for car insurance ? Hmmm . What is this person attempting to ask ? How many people like auto insurance ? No , I think they mean something else . How much does it cost ? Yes , that 's probably it . Rates vary , depending on your age , location , driving record and vehicle . As experienced brokers , we 're always happy to shop for the best rates and show you the lowest prices . LIVE -LRB- 2014/2015 -RRB- Answer provided by : Ed Harris - Premier US car insurance broker for 33 years and owner of several top-rated websites where consumers find the lowest available rates .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Slip And Fall?
You renters policy has an entire section devoted to liability insurance . It states that the company will pay any sum that you are legally liable for . If someone other than a resident of the home is injured on your premises , your company will act on your behalf . These claims can be a minor inconvenience to a major headache and are actually the best reason to have a renters policy .
How To Get Public Health Insurance?
Public health insurance -LRB- through government sources -RRB- is available if you qualify . Typically , it is based on income and perhaps other qualifications . Contacting your local Medicaid office is a great start to see if you meet their guidelines . If you do n't , they can refer you to a program that could assist you .
Who Has The Best Annuities?
There are three basic crediting methods used by non-qualified tax deferred annuities . The first is fixed interest rate crediting methods of 5 , 7 and 10 year guaranteed rates . Sentinel has a leading 5 year fixed interest rate . The second is the use of indice crediting methods , both domestic and foreign . Genworth has an innovative earnings rollover product . The third is separate sub accounts which use equity and bond instruments in variable annuities . Because these accounts are market driven you can lose money . Currently the variable annuity feature of the income rider is attractive for investors with an established risk tolerance . There are many competitive variable annuity contracts available . Prudential is one of the leading manufacturers of variable annuities .
Why Not To Get Long Term Care Insurance?
The biggest reason to not get long term care insurance is if you can not afford it . If you are scraping by on Social Security income only , you probably can not afford long term care insurance . However , if you have a lot of assets that you want to pass to your heirs , they could pay the premiums for a long term care policy for you . If you have few assets and low income , that is a good reason to not get long term care insurance .