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827849752_115-357 | Egocentrism is the inability to differentiate between self and other . More specifically , it is the inability to untangle subjective schemas from objective reality ; an inability to understand or assume any perspective other than their own . | Egocentrism |
827849752_358-743 | Although egocentrism and narcissism appear similar , they are not the same . A person who is egocentric believes they are the center of attention , like a narcissist , but does not receive gratification by one 's own admiration . Both egotists and narcissists are people whose egos are greatly influenced by the approval of others , while for egocentrists this may or may not be true . | Egocentrism |
827849752_744-1186 | Although egocentric behaviors are less prominent in adulthood , the existence of some forms of egocentrism in adulthood indicates that overcoming egocentrism may be a lifelong development that never achieves completion . Adults appear to be less egocentric than children because they are faster to correct from an initially egocentric perspective than children , not because they are less likely to initially adopt an egocentric perspective . | Egocentrism |
827849752_1187-1426 | Therefore , egocentrism is found across the life span : in infancy early childhood , adolescence , and adulthood . It contributes to the human cognitive development by helping children develop theory of mind and self - identity formation . | Egocentrism |
827849752_1604-3189 | The main concept infants and young children learn by beginning to show egocentrism is the fact that their thoughts , values , and behaviors are different from those of others , also known as the theory of mind . Initially when children begin to have social interactions with others , mainly the caregivers , they misinterpret that they are one entity , because they are together for a long duration of time and the caregivers often provide for the children 's needs . For example , a child may misattribute the act of their mother reaching to retrieve an object that they point to as a sign that they are the same entity , when in fact they are actually separate individuals . As early as 15 months old , children show a mix of egocentrism and theory of mind when an agent acts inconsistently with how the children expect him to behave . In this study the children observed the experimenter place a toy inside one of two boxes , but did not see when the experimenter removed the toy from the original box and placed it in the other box , due to obstruction by a screen . When the screen was removed the children watched the experimenter reach to take the toy out of one of the boxes , yet because the children did not see the switching part , they looked at the experimenter 's action much longer when she reached for the box opposite to the one she originally put the toy in . Not only does this show the existence of infants ' memory capacity , but it also demonstrates how they have expectations based on their knowledge , as they are surprised when those expectations are not met . | Egocentrism |
827849752_3216-3501 | According to George Butterworth and Margaret Harris , during childhood , one is usually unable to distinguish between what is subjective and objective . According to Piaget , `` an egocentric child assumes that other people see , hear , and feel exactly the same as the child does . '' | Egocentrism |
827849752_3502-4638 | Jean Piaget ( 1896 -- 1980 ) developed a theory about the development of human intelligence , describing the stages of cognitive development . He claimed that early childhood is the time of pre-operational thought , characterized by children 's inability to process logical thought . According to Piaget , one of the main obstacles to logic that children possess includes centration , `` the tendency to focus on one aspect of a situation to the exclusion of others . '' A particular type of centration is egocentrism -- literally , `` self - centeredness . '' Piaget claimed that young children are egocentric , capable of contemplating the world only from their personal perspective . For example , a three - year - old presented his mother a model truck as her birthday present ; `` he had carefully wrapped the present and gave it to his mother with an expression that clearly showed he expected her to love it . '' The three - year - old boy had not chosen the present out of selfishness or greediness , but he simply failed to realize that , from his mother 's perspective , she might not enjoy the model car as much as he would . | Egocentrism |
827849752_4639-5580 | Piaget was concerned with two aspects of egocentricity in children : language and morality . He believed that egocentric children use language primarily for communication with oneself . Piaget observed that children would talk to themselves during play , and this egocentric speech was merely the child 's thoughts . He believed that this speech had no special function ; it was used as a way of accompanying and reinforcing the child 's current activity . He theorized that as the child matures cognitively and socially the amount of egocentric speech used would be reduced . However , Vygotsky felt that egocentric speech has more meaning , as it allows the child 's growth in social speech and high mental development . In addition to Piaget 's theory , he believed that when communicating with others , the child believes that others know everything about the topic of discussion and become frustrated when asked to give further detail . | Egocentrism |
827849752_5581-6181 | Piaget also believed that egocentrism affects the child 's sense of morality . Due to egocentrism , the child is only concerned with the final outcome of an event rather than another 's intentions . For example , if someone breaks the child 's toy , the child would not forgive the other and the child would n't be able to understand that the person who broke the toy did not intend to break it . This phenomenon can also be backed by the evidence from the findings of the case study by Nelson , who studied the use of motives and outcomes by young children as aiding to form their moral judgements . | Egocentrism |
827849752_6182-7476 | Piaget did a test to investigate egocentrism called the mountains study . He put children in front of a simple plaster mountain range and then asked them to pick from four pictures the view that he , Piaget , would see . The younger children before age seven picked the picture of the view they themselves saw and were therefore found to lack the ability to appreciate a viewpoint different from their own . In other words , their way of reasoning was egocentric . Only when entering the concrete - operational stage of development at age seven to twelve , children became less egocentric and could appreciate viewpoints other than their own . In other words , they were capable of cognitive perspective - taking . However , the mountains test has been criticized for judging only the child 's visuo - spatial awareness , rather than egocentrism . A follow up study involving police dolls showed that even young children were able to correctly say what the interviewer would see . It is thought that Piaget overestimated the extent of egocentrism in children . Egocentrism is thus the child 's inability to see other people 's viewpoints , not to be confused with selfishness . The child at this stage of cognitive development assumes that their view of the world is the same as other peoples . | Egocentrism |
827849752_7477-8605 | In addition , a more well - known experiment by Wimmer and Perner ( 1983 ) called the false - belief task demonstrates how children show their acquisition of theory of mind ( ToM ) as early as 4 years old . In this task , children see a scenario where one character hides a marble in a basket , walks out of the scene , and another character that is present takes out the marble and put it in a box . Knowing that the first character did not see the switching task , children were asked to predict where the first character would look to find the marble . The results show that children younger than 4 answer that the character would look inside the box , because they have the superior knowledge of where the marble actually is . It shows egocentric thinking in early childhood because they thought that even if the character itself did not see the entire scenario , it has the same amount of knowledge as oneself and therefore should look inside the box to find the marble . As children start to acquire ToM , their ability to recognize and process others ' beliefs and values overrides the natural tendency to be egocentric . | Egocentrism |
827849752_8634-9609 | Although most of the research completed on the study of egocentrism is primarily focused on early childhood development , it has been found to also occur during adolescence . David Elkind was one of the first to discover the presence of egocentrism in adolescence and late adolescence . He argues , `` the young adolescent , because of the physiological metamorphosis he is undergoing , is primarily concerned with himself . Accordingly , since he fails to differentiate between what others are thinking about and his own mental preoccupations , he assumes that other people are obsessed with his behavior and appearance as he is himself . '' This shows that the adolescent is exhibiting egocentrism , by struggling to distinguish whether or not , in actuality , others are as fond of them as they might think because their own thoughts are so prevalent . Adolescents consider themselves as `` unique , special , and much more socially significant than they actually are . '' | Egocentrism |
827849752_9610-10621 | Elkind also created terms to help describe the egocentric behaviors exhibited by the adolescent population such as what he calls an imaginary audience , the personal fable , and the invincibility fable . Usually when an egocentric adolescent is experiencing an imaginary audience , it entails the belief that there is an audience captivated and constantly present to an extent of being overly interested about the egocentric individual . Personal fable refers to the idea that many teenagers believe their thoughts , feelings , and experiences are unique and more extreme than anyone else 's . In the invincibility fable , the adolescent believes in the idea that he or she is immune to misfortune and can not be harmed by things that might defeat a normal person . Egocentrism in adolescence is often viewed as a negative aspect of their thinking ability because adolescents become consumed with themselves and are unable to effectively function in society due to their skewed version of reality and cynicism . | Egocentrism |
827849752_10695-11194 | Adolescents are often faced with new social environments ( for example , starting secondary school ) which require the adolescent to protect the self which may lead to egocentrism . Development of the adolescent 's identity may lead to the individual experiencing high levels of uniqueness which subsequently becomes egocentric -- this manifests as the personal fable . Parental rejection may lead to the adolescents experiencing high levels of self - consciousness , which can lead to egocentrism . | Egocentrism |
827849752_11195-11706 | A study was completed on 163 undergraduate students to examine the adolescent egocentrism in college students . Students were asked to complete a self - report questionnaire to determine the level of egocentrism present . The questions simply asked for the reactions that students had to seemingly embarrassing situations . It was found that adolescent egocentrism was more prevalent in the female population than the male . This again exemplifies the idea that egocentrism is present in even late adolescence . | Egocentrism |
827849752_11707-12227 | Results from other studies have come to the conclusion that egocentrism does not present itself in some of the same patterns as it was found originally . More recent studies have found that egocentrism is prevalent in later years of development unlike Piaget 's original findings that suggested that egocentrism is only present in early childhood development . Egocentrism is especially dominant in early adolescence , particularly when adolescents encounter new environments , such as a new school or a new peer group . | Egocentrism |
827849752_12228-12549 | In addition , throughout adolescence egocentrism contribute to the development of self - identity ; in order to achieve self - identity , adolescents go through different pathways of `` crisis '' and `` commitment '' stages , and higher self - identity achievement was found to be correlated with heightened egocentrism . | Egocentrism |
827849752_12576-12851 | The prevalence of egocentrism in the individual has been found to decrease between the ages of 15 and 16 . However , adults are also susceptible to be egocentric or to have reactions or behaviours that can be categorized as egocentric ( Tesch , Whitbourne & Nehrke , 1978 ) . | Egocentrism |
827849752_12852-13128 | Frankenberger tested adolescents ( 14 -- 18 years old ) and adults ( 20 -- 89 ) on their levels of egocentrism and self - consciousness . It was found that egocentric tendencies had extended to early adulthood and these tendencies were also present in the middle adult years . | Egocentrism |
827849752_13129-13414 | Baron and Hanna looked at 152 participants and tested to see how the presence of depression affected egocentrism . They tested adults between the ages of 18 and 25 and found that the participants who suffered from depression showed higher levels of egocentrism than those who did not . | Egocentrism |
827849752_13415-14424 | Finally , Surtees and Apperly found that when adults were asked to judge the number of dots they see and the number of dots the avatar in the computer simulation sees , the presence of the avatar interfered with the participants ' judgment - making during the trials . Specifically , these were the trials where the number of dots seen by the participant was inconsistent from the number of dots the avatar saw . Such effect on the participants diminished when the avatar was replaced with a simple yellow or blue line , which concluded that somehow the avatar having a personal attribute implicitly caused the participants to include its `` vision '' into their own decision making . That said , they made more errors when they saw prompts such as `` the avatar sees N '' when N was the number of dots the participant saw and not the avatar , which shows that egocentric thought is still predominant in making quick judgments , even if the adults are well aware that their thoughts could differ from others . | Egocentrism |
811080430_70-451 | Retail design is a creative and commercial discipline that combines several different areas of expertise together in the design and construction of retail space . Retail design is primarily a specialized practice of architecture and interior design , however it also incorporates elements of interior decoration , industrial design , graphic design , ergonomics , and advertising . | Retail design |
811080430_452-1263 | Retail design is a very specialized discipline due to the heavy demands placed on retail space . Because the primary purpose of retail space is to stock and sell product to consumers , the spaces must be designed in a way that promotes an enjoyable and hassle - free shopping experience for the consumer . For example , research shows that male and female shoppers who were accidentally touched from behind by other shoppers left a store earlier than people who had not been touched and evaluated brands more negatively . The space must be specially - tailored to the kind of product being sold in that space ; for example , a bookstore requires many large shelving units to accommodate small products that can be arranged categorically while a clothing store requires more open space to fully display product . | Retail design |
811080430_1264-1640 | Retail spaces , especially when they form part of a retail chain , must also be designed to draw people into the space to shop . The storefront must act as a billboard for the store , often employing large display windows that allow shoppers to see into the space and the product inside . In the case of a retail chain , the individual spaces must be unified in their design . | Retail design |
811080430_1781-2100 | Retail design first began to grow in the middle of the 19th century , with stores such as Bon Marche and Printemps in Paris , `` followed by Marshall Fields in Chicago , Selfridges in London and Macy 's in New York . '' These early retail design stores were swiftly continued with an innovation called the chain store . | Retail design |
811080430_2101-2759 | The first known chain department stores were established in Belgium in 1875 , when Isidore , Benjamin and Modeste Dewachter incorporated Dewachter frères ( Dewachter Brothers ) selling ready - to - wear clothing for men and children and specialty clothing such as riding apparel and beachwear . The firm opened with four locations and , by 1904 , Maison Dewachter ( House of Dewachter ) had stores in 20 cities and towns in Belgium and France , with multiple stores in some cities . Isidore 's eldest son , Louis Dewachter , managed the chain at its peak and also became an internationally known landscape artist , painting under the pseudonym Louis Dewis . | Retail design |
811080430_2760-3511 | The first retail chain store in the United States was opened in the early 20th century by Frank Winfield Woolworth , which quickly became a franchise across the US . Other chain stores began growing in places like the UK a decade or so later , with stores like Boots . After World War II , a new type of retail design building known as the shopping centre came into being . This type of building took two different paths in comparison between the US and Europe . Shopping centres began being built out of town within the United States to benefit the suburban family , while Europe began putting shopping centres in the middle of town . The first shopping centre in the Netherlands was built in the 1950s , as retail design ideas began spreading east . | Retail design |
811080430_3512-4307 | The next evolution of retail design was the creation of the boutique in the 1960s , which emphasized retail design run by individuals . Some of the earliest examples of boutiques are the Biba boutique created by Barbara Hulanicki and the Habitat line of stores made by Terence Conran . The rise of the boutique was followed , in the next two decades , with an overall increase in consumer spending across the developed world . This rise made retail design shift to compensate for increased customers and alternative focuses . Many retail design stores redesigned themselves over the period to keep up with changing consumer tastes . These changes resulted on one side with the creation of multiple `` expensive , one - off designer shops '' catering to specific fashion designers and retailers . | Retail design |
811080430_4308-4666 | The rise of the internet and internet retailing in the latter part of the 20th century and into the 21st century saw another change in retail design to compensate . Many different sectors not related to the internet reached out to retail design and its practices to lure online shoppers back to physical shops , where retail design can be properly utilized . | Retail design |
811080430_4696-5304 | A retail designer must create a thematic experience for the consumer , by using spatial cues to entertain as well as entice the consumer to purchase goods and interact with the space . The success of their designs are not measured by design critics but rather the records of the store which compare amount of foot traffic against the overall productivity . Retail designers have an acute awareness that the store and their designs are the background to the merchandise and are only there to represent and create the best possible environment in which to reflect the merchandise to the target consumer group . | Retail design |
811080430_5330-6059 | Since the evolution of retail design and its impact on productivity have become clear , a series of standardisations in the techniques and design qualities has been determined . These standardisations range from alterations to the perspective of the structure of the space , entrances , circulation systems , atmospheric qualities ( light and sound ) and materiality . By exploring these standardisations in retail design the consumer will be given a thematic experience that entices them to purchase the merchandise . It is also important to acknowledge that a retail space must combine both permanent and non permanent features , that allow it to change as the needs of the consumer and merchandise change ( e.g. per season ) . | Retail design |
811080430_6060-6935 | The structure of retail space creates the constraints of the overall design ; often the spaces already exist , and have had many prior uses . It is at this stage that logistics must be determined , structural features like columns , stairways , ceiling height , windows and emergency exists all must be factored into the final design . In retail one hundred percent of the space must be utilised and have a purpose . The floor plan creates the circulation which then directly controls the direction of the traffic flow based on the studied psychology of consumer movement pattern within a retail space . Circulation is important because it ensures that the consumer moves through the store from front to back , guiding them to important displays and in the end to the cashier . There are six basic store layouts and circulation plans that all provide a different experience : | Retail design |
811080430_6936-8506 | Straight plan : this plan divides transitional areas from one part of the store to the other by using walls to display merchandise . It also leads the consumer to the back of the store . This design can be used for a variety of stores ranging from pharmacies to apparel . Pathway plan : is most suitable for large stores that are single level . In this plan there is a path that is unobstructed by shop fixtures , this smoothly guides the consumer through to the back of the store . This is well suited for apparel department stores , as the clothes will be easily accessible . Diagonal plan : uses perimeter design which cause angular traffic flow . The cashier is in a central location and easily accessible . This plan is most suited for self - service retail . Curved plan : aims to create an intimate environment that is inviting . In this plan there is an emphasis on the structure of the space including the walls , corners and ceiling this is achieved by making the structure curved and is enhance by circular floor fixtures . Although this is a more expensive layout it is more suited to smaller spaces like salons and boutiques . Varied plan : in this plan attention is drawn to special focus areas , as well as having storage areas that line the wall . This is best suited for footwear and jewellery retail stores . Geometric plan : uses the racks and the retail floor fixtures to create a geometric floor plan and circulation movement . By lowering parts of the ceiling certain areas can create defined retail spaces . This is well suited for appeal stores . | Retail design |
811080430_8507-8840 | Once the overall structure and circulation of the space has been determined , the atmosphere and thematics of the space must be created through lighting , sound , materials and visual branding . These design elements will cohesively have the greatest impact on the consumer and thus the level of productivity that could be achieved . | Retail design |
811080430_8841-10127 | Lighting can have a dramatic impact on the space . It needs to be functional but also complement the merchandise as well as emphasize key points throughout the store . The lighting should be layered and of a variety of intensities and fixtures . Firstly , examine the natural light and what impact it has in the space . Natural light adds interest and clarity to the space ; also consumers also prefer to examine the quality of merchandise in natural light . If no natural light exists , a sky light can be used to introduce it to the retail space . The lighting of the ceiling and roof is the next thing to consider . This lighting should wash the structural features while creating vectors that direct the consumer to key merchandise selling areas . The next layer should emphasize the selling areas . These lights should be direct but not too bright and harsh . Poor lighting can cause eye strain and an uncomfortable experience for the consumer . To minimize the possibility of eye strain , the ratio of luminance should decrease between merchandise selling areas . The next layer will complement and bring focus onto the merchandise ; this lighting should be flattering for the merchandise and consumer . The final layer is to install functional lighting such as clear exit signs . | Retail design |
811080430_10128-10537 | Ambiance can then be developed within the atmosphere through sound and audio , the music played within the store should reflect what your target market would be drawn to , this would also be developed through the merchandise that is being marketed . In a lingerie store the music should be soft , feminine and romanticized ; where in a technology department the music would be more upbeat and more masculine . | Retail design |
811080430_10538-11614 | Materiality is another key selling tool , the choices made must not only be aesthetically pleasing and persuasive but also functional with a minimal need for maintenance . Retail spaces are high traffic area and are thus exposed to a lot of wear this means that possible finishes of the materials should be durable . The warmth of a material will make the space more inviting , a floor that is firm and somewhat buoyant will be more comfortable for that consumer to walk on and thus this will allow them to take longer when exploring the store . By switching materials throughout the store zones / areas can be defined , for example by making the path one material and contrast it against another for the selling areas this help to guide the consumer through the store . Colour is also important to consider it must not over power or clash against the merchandise but rather create a complementary background for the merchandise . As merchandise will change seasonally the interior colours should not be trend based but rather have timeless appeal like neutral based colours . | Retail design |
811080430_11615-12323 | Visual branding of the store will ensure a memorable experience for the consumer to take with them once they leave the store ensuring that they will want to return . The key factor is consistency exterior branding and signage should continue into the interior , they should attract , stimulate and dramatise the store . To ensure consistency the font should be consistent with the font size altering . The interior branding should allow the consumer to easily self direct themselves through the store , proper placement of sales signs that will draw consumer in and show exactly where the cashier is located . The branding should reflect what the merchandise is and what the target market would be drawn to . | Retail design |
811080430_12345-12667 | The final element of a well - executed retail space is the staging of the consumer 's perspective . It is the role of retail design to have total control of the view that the consumer will have of the retail space . From the exterior of a retail store the consumer should have a clear unobstructed view into the interior . | Retail design |
802819300_110-367 | Oh , Kay ! 1955 Studio Cast Recording Music George Gershwin Lyrics Ira Gershwin Book Guy Bolton P.G. Wodehouse Basis play La Presidente Productions 1926 Broadway 1927 West End 1928 Broadway revival 1928 Film 1960 Off - Broadway revival 1990 Broadway revival | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_368-981 | Oh , Kay ! is a musical with music by George Gershwin , lyrics by Ira Gershwin , and a book by Guy Bolton and P.G. Wodehouse . It is based on the play La Presidente by Maurice Hanniquin and Pierre Veber . The plot revolves around the adventures of the Duke of Durham and his sister , Lady Kay , English bootleggers in Prohibition Era America . Kay finds herself falling in love with a man who seems unavailable . Oh Kay ! was named for Kay Swift , and the leading male character , Jimmy , is named after her husband , Jimmy Warburg . The show is remembered for its enduring song , `` Someone to Watch Over Me '' . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_982-1226 | The musical opened on Broadway in 1926 , starring Gertrude Lawrence and Victor Moore , and ran for 256 performances . The musical then opened in London 's West End in 1927 , starring Lawrence and John Kirby , where it ran for 213 performances . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_1420-2511 | Producers Alex A. Aarons and Vinton Freedly imagined Oh , Kay ! as a Princess Theatre - style show , with a contemporary setting , simple sets , and a farcical story . Gertrude Lawrence , who had been featured in the André Charlot revues of 1924 and 1925 , was chosen as the star before the songs or story had been written . In accordance with the typical creative process for early American musicals , George and Ira Gershwin wrote the score to Oh , Kay ! before the librettists , Bolton and Wodehouse , began work on the book . When the book was completed , eight songs from the Gershwins ' score were cut because they could not be easily inserted into the libretto . The show 's Philadelphia previews ran more than three hours , and so the producers cut the prologue ( where the leading lady was introduced ) , thus losing the first 4 songs , and also the Act II `` Finaletto '' , which became obsolete in the reshuffling . This highlighted the farcical elements of the plot at the expense of the romantic ones , since the title character does not appear until 40 minutes into the show . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_2512-2991 | The story aptly captured the spirit of the Roaring Twenties , featuring settings and characters familiar to theatre audiences : a decadent Long Island mansion and notorious ( but comic ) bootleggers . During rehearsals , George Gershwin purchased a rag doll in a Philadelphia toy store . The ballad , `` Someone to Watch Over Me '' , was staged with Lawrence alone on stage , clutching the doll and singing to it . It was the hit song of the show and became a Gershwin standard . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_3025-3877 | It is 1926 , the Jazz Age and the era of Prohibition . Jimmy Winter is very popular among the young ladies , and they are cleaning the living room of his Long Island , New York , estate , declaring that `` The Woman 's Touch '' is exactly what his home needs . Jimmy has been away but is coming home that evening . In his absence , some English bootleggers , the Duke of Durham , his sister , Lady Kay , and their thick - headed American assistants , `` Shorty '' McGee and Larry Potter , have stashed their illegal booze in Jimmy 's house . When they hear that Jimmy is returning , the Duke cancels that night 's rum run and plans to remove their hundreds of cases of liquor from the cellar . Dolly and Phyllis Ruxton , two of the young ladies , happen to be identical twins . They join Larry in an extemporaneous song and dance ( `` Do n't Ask '' ) . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_3878-4443 | Revenue Officer Jansen arrives , convinced that a crime is in progress , but departs when Jimmy returns home . Jimmy is accompanied by his serious and overbearing second wife , Constance , to whom he has just been married . His first marriage followed a drunken college prank , and the couple has now been separated for many years . He applied for an annulment so he could marry Constance . Shorty passes himself off as the new butler , having sent away the butler and maid that Jimmy had ordered . As butler , Shorty can make sure the rum in the basement is safe . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_4444-5518 | Jimmy receives a telegram from his lawyer saying that the annulment has not been completed , so Jimmy and Constance are illegally married . Constance furiously leaves for the nearest inn . Jimmy tells Shorty about a beautiful girl who saved him from drowning last summer . He is interrupted when the young ladies who cleaned his house return to welcome him home . He declares that each is a `` Dear Little Girl '' . They leave , and Jimmy prepares for bed as a storm rages outside . Lady Kay , clad in oilskin and clutching a revolver , enters pursued by revenue officers . She turns out to be the girl who rescued Jimmy the previous summer . Jimmy hides her in his bedroom when Officer Jansen arrives at the house to question Jimmy . Jansen leaves but then returns and sees Kay and Jimmy together . Kay says she is Jimmy 's wife , and since the just - married suitcases are still scattered around the living room , the revenue officer believes her and leaves . Kay can not go out in the terrible storm , so she will have to stay the night in Jimmy 's room ( `` Maybe '' ) . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_5519-6379 | The Duke and Larry arrive at Jimmy 's house the next morning searching frantically for Kay . The pretty girls also drop in , and Larry leads a minstrel - style song and dance ( `` Clap Yo ' Hands '' ) to cheer up the Duke . Kay hides in Jimmy 's bedroom until all the guests leave . The revenue officer returns , and Jimmy and Kay pretend to be newlyweds ( `` Do , Do , Do '' ) . The Duke , Constance and Constance 's father , Judge Appleton , all show up , and Kay hides in the bedroom again . Now that Jimmy 's annulment is final , the Judge plans to preside over an official marriage ceremony that afternoon . Constance hears noises from the bedroom and opens the door . Kay , now dressed as an English maid , introduces herself as Jane , wife of Shorty the butler . Kay realizes she is in love with Jimmy and resolves to prevent his marriage to Constance . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_6396-7198 | Wedding photographs of the `` Bride and Groom '' are being taken , and Kay , still disguised as a maid , tries to convince Jimmy that she would be a better wife than fussy Constance . She tells her rag doll that she needs `` Someone to Watch Over Me '' . Larry is supposed to be ferrying the booze out of the cellar , but he ends up demonstrating the dancing ability of his `` Fidgety Feet '' instead . The revenue officer shows up briefly and is confused when Kay is introduced as Shorty 's wife , not Jimmy 's wife . The Judge and Constance demand lunch , and Shorty and Kay must serve them . The meal becomes increasingly chaotic , and the Judge and Constance are severely offended and leave . Jimmy declares that spending time with the young ladies who frequent his house is `` Heaven on Earth '' . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_7199-7616 | The revenue officer returns and is shocked to hear that Jimmy is getting married that afternoon , since he saw him with his wife the previous night . Kay is trying on one of Constance 's gowns , and , since she does not look like a maid anymore , she and Shorty convince the revenue officer that she is Jimmy 's wife . She just looks like Jane the maid ; Dolly and Phyllis demonstrate that two people can look alike . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_7617-8369 | Kay and Shorty plot to stop the wedding . When Jimmy sees Kay in Constance 's dress , she is so beautiful that he kisses her . The wedding begins , and as the Judge reads the service , he is interrupted by Shorty , disguised as a revenue agent , who is executing Kay 's plan . He says that Jimmy is under arrest for hiding alcohol in his house . The real revenue officer arrives , arrests the Duke and Kay , and charges Jimmy with harboring a criminal . He reveals that he found Kay in Jimmy 's pajamas the night before masquerading as Jimmy 's wife . The bootleggers and Jimmy are placed under arrest and locked in the cellar as the booze is trucked away . They soon discover , however , that the basement has been left unlocked , and they can leave . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_8370-8954 | That night , Jimmy gives a party for his friends and the bootleggers . His friends all praise Kay , declaring `` Oh , Kay , You 're OK with Me '' . The revenue officer arrives and confesses that he is really the Blackbird , a famous pirate , and he has just stolen all their liquor ! But it turns out that the truck drivers were working for Shorty and Larry . Blackbird swears that he will have his revenge . Since he thinks Kay does not have a United States visa , he wants her deported . However , Jimmy arrives with their new marriage license , proving that Kay is a U.S. citizen . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_8991-9215 | Oh , Kay ! premiered on November 8 , 1926 , at the Imperial Theatre on Broadway and ran for 256 performances . In London , it played at His Majesty 's Theatre , opening on September 21 , 1927 , and ran for 213 performances . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_9216-9819 | It was revived at the Century Theatre in 1928 . It was revived Off - Broadway in 1960 , and a 1990 revival played at the Richard Rodgers Theatre and the Lunt - Fontanne Theatre with an all - black cast . In 1997 a Discovering Lost Musicals concert version played at the Barbican Centre in London , using the original script ( with Louise Gold in the title role ) . There have been other British productions , including a 1984 production at Chichester , directed by Ian Judge and starring Jane Carr as Kay and Michael Siberry as Jimmy . Jane How , Edward Hibbert and Gareth Valentine were also featured . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_9820-10197 | Oh , Kay ! was made into a silent film of the same name in 1928 but never into a sound motion picture . A recording of the musical made in 1995 , with Dawn Upshaw , restored the songs The Moon Is On the Sea , When Our Ship Comes Sailing In and Ai n't It Romantic , cut from the original production , and returned Someone to Watch Over Me to its original spot , early in Act I . | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_10240-10677 | Kay -- Gertrude Lawrence `` Shorty '' McGee -- Victor Moore Jimmy Winter -- Oscar Shaw Constance Appleton -- Sascha Beaumont Mae -- Constance Carpenter Molly Morse -- Betty Compton Larry Potter -- Harland Dixon Dolly Ruxton -- Madeleine Fairbanks Phil Ruxton -- Marion Fairbanks Judge Appleton -- Frank Gardiner Peggy -- Janette Gilmore Revenue Officer Jansen -- Harry T. Shannon The Duke -- Gerald Oliver Smith Daisy -- Paulette Winston | Oh, Kay! |
802819300_10693-11213 | Act I The Woman 's Touch -- Molly Morse , Mae and Ensemble Do n't Ask -- Larry Potter , Phyllis Ruxton and Dolly Ruxton Dear Little Girl -- Jimmy Winter and Girls Maybe -- Jimmy and Kay Clap Yo ' Hands -- Larry , Molly , Daisy , Mae , Peggy and Ensemble Do , Do , Do -- Jimmy and Kay Act II Bride and Groom -- Constance Appleton , Jimmy , Judge Appleton and Guests Someone To Watch Over Me -- Kay Fidgety Feet -- Larry , Phyllis and Ensemble Heaven on Earth -- Jimmy , Molly , Mae and Ensemble Oh , Kay ! -- Kay and Boys | Oh, Kay! |
837454258_70-411 | An individual 's diet is the sum of food and drink that he or she habitually consumes . Dieting is the practice of attempting to achieve or maintain a certain weight through diet . People 's dietary choices are often affected by a variety of factors , including ethical and religious beliefs , clinical need , or a desire to control weight . | List of diets |
837454258_412-923 | Not all diets are considered healthy . Some people follow unhealthy diets through habit , rather than through a conscious choice to eat unhealthily . Terms applied to such eating habits include `` junk food diet '' and `` Western diet '' . Many diets are considered by clinicians to pose significant health risks and minimal long - term benefit . This is particularly true of `` crash '' or `` fad '' diets -- short - term , weight - loss plans that involve drastic changes to a person 's normal eating habits . | List of diets |
837454258_1330-1497 | A vegetarian diet is one which excludes meat . Vegetarians also avoid food containing by - products of animal slaughter , such as animal - derived rennet and gelatin . | List of diets |
837454258_1498-2347 | Fruitarian diet : A diet which predominantly consists of raw fruit . Lacto vegetarianism : A vegetarian diet that includes certain types of dairy , but excludes eggs and foods which contain animal rennet . A common diet among followers of several religions , including Hinduism , Sikhism and Jainism , based on the principle of Ahimsa ( non-harming ) . Ovo vegetarianism : A vegetarian diet that includes eggs , but excludes dairy . Ovo - lacto vegetarianism : A vegetarian diet that includes eggs and dairy . Vegan diet : In addition to the abstentions of a vegetarian diet , vegans do not use any product produced by animals , such as eggs , dairy products , or honey . The vegan philosophy and lifestyle is broader than just the diet and also includes abstaining from using any products tested on animals and often campaigning for animal rights . | List of diets |
837454258_2370-3204 | Semi-vegetarianism : A predominantly vegetarian diet , in which meat is occasionally consumed . Kangatarian : A diet originating from Australia . In addition to foods permissible in a vegetarian diet , kangaroo meat is also consumed . Pescetarian diet : A diet which includes fish but not other meats . Plant - based diet : A broad term to describe diets in which animal products do not form a large proportion of the diet . Under some definitions a plant - based diet is fully vegetarian ; under others it is possible to follow a plant - based diet whilst occasionally consuming meat . Pollotarian : Someone who eats chicken or other poultry , but not meat from mammals , often for environmental , health or food justice reasons . Pollo - pescetarian : Someone who eats both poultry and fish / seafood , though no meat from mammals . | List of diets |
837454258_3249-3572 | A desire to lose weight is a common motivation to change dietary habits , as is a desire to maintain an existing weight . Many weight loss diets are considered by some to entail varying degrees of health risk , and some are not widely considered to be effective . This is especially true of `` crash '' or `` fad '' diets . | List of diets |
837454258_3573-3708 | Many of the diets listed below could fall into more than one subcategory . Where this is the case , it is noted in that diet 's entry . | List of diets |
837454258_3764-4674 | Intermittent fasting : Cycling between non-fasting and fasting as a method of calorie restriction . Body for Life : A calorie - control diet , promoted as part of the 12 - week Body for Life program . Cookie diet : A calorie control diet in which low - fat cookies are eaten to quell hunger , often in place of a meal . The Hacker 's Diet : A calorie - control diet from The Hacker 's Diet by John Walker . The book suggests that the key to reaching and maintaining the desired weight is understanding and carefully monitoring calories consumed and used . Nutrisystems Diet : The dietary element of the weight - loss plan from Nutrisystem , Inc . Nutrisystem distributes low - calorie meals , with specific ratios of fats , proteins and carbohydrates . Weight Watchers diet : Foods are assigned point values ; dieters can eat any food with a point value provided they stay within their daily point limit . Very | List of diets |
837454258_4693-4873 | A very low calorie diet is consuming fewer than 800 calories per day . Such diets are normally followed under the supervision of a doctor . Zero - calorie diets are also included . | List of diets |
837454258_4874-5109 | Inedia ( breatharian diet ) : A diet in which no food is consumed , based on the belief that food is not necessary for human subsistence . KE diet : A diet in which an individual feeds through a feeding tube and does not eat anything . | List of diets |
837454258_5174-6577 | Atkins diet : A low - carbohydrate diet , popularized by nutritionist Robert Atkins in the late - 20th and early - 21st centuries . Proponents argue that this approach is a more successful way of losing weight than low - calorie diets ; critics argue that a low - carb approach poses increased health risks . The Atkins diet consists of four phases ( Induction , Balancing , Fine - Tuning and Maintenance ) with a gradual increase in consumption of carbohydrates as the person goes through the phases . Dukan Diet : A multi-step diet based on high protein and limited carbohydrate consumption . It starts with two steps intended to facilitate short term weight loss , followed by two steps intended to consolidate these losses and return to a more balanced long - term diet . Ideal Protein diet : A four - phase carbohydrate - restricted weight - loss plan composed of pre-made meals , protein , vegetables , and water , with the fourth phase introducing carbohydrates balanced with protein and fats . South Beach Diet : Diet developed by the Miami - based cardiologist Arthur Agatston , M.D. , who says that the key to losing weight quickly and getting healthy is n't cutting all carbohydrates and fats from your diet , but choosing the right carbs and the right fats . Stillman diet : A carbohydrate - restricted diet that predates the Atkins diet , allowing consumption of specific food ingredients . | List of diets |
837454258_6624-6955 | McDougall 's starch diet is a high calorie , high fiber , low fat diet that is based on starches such as potatoes , rice , and beans which excludes all animal foods and added vegetable oils . John A. McDougall draws on historical observation of how many civilizations around the world throughout time have thrived on starch foods . | List of diets |
837454258_6968-7439 | Crash diet and fad diet are general terms . They describe diet plans which involve making extreme , rapid changes to food consumption , but are also used as disparaging terms for common eating habits which are considered unhealthy . Both types of diet are often considered to pose health risks . Many of the diets listed here are weight - loss diets which would also fit into other sections of this list . Where this is the case , it will be noted in that diet 's entry . | List of diets |
837454258_7440-8465 | Beverly Hills Diet : An extreme diet which has only fruits in the first days , gradually increasing the selection of foods up to the sixth week . Cabbage soup diet : A low - calorie diet based on heavy consumption of cabbage soup . Considered a fad diet . Grapefruit diet : A fad diet , intended to facilitate weight loss , in which grapefruit is consumed in large quantities at meal times . Monotrophic diet : A diet that involves eating only one food item , or one type of food , for a period of time to achieve a desired weight reduction . Subway diet : A crash diet in which a person consumes Subway sandwiches in place of higher calorie fast foods . Made famous by former obese student Jared Fogle , who lost 245 pounds after replacing his meals with Subway sandwiches as part of an effort to lose weight . Western dietary pattern : A diet consisting of food which is most commonly consumed in developed countries . Examples include meat , white bread , milk and puddings . The name is a reference to the Western world . | List of diets |
837454258_8478-8891 | Detox diets involve either not consuming or attempting to flush out substances that are considered unhelpful or harmful . Examples include restricting food consumption to foods without colorings or preservatives , taking supplements , or drinking large amounts of water . The latter practice in particular has drawn criticism , as drinking significantly more water than recommended levels can cause hyponatremia . | List of diets |
837454258_8892-9098 | Juice fasting : A form of detox diet , in which nutrition is obtained solely from fruit and vegetable juices . The health implications of such diets are disputed . Master Cleanse : A form of juice fasting . | List of diets |
837454258_9120-9223 | Some people 's dietary choices are influenced by their religious , spiritual or philosophical beliefs . | List of diets |
837454258_9224-11071 | Buddhist diet : While Buddhism does not have specific dietary rules , some buddhists practice vegetarianism based on a strict interpretation of the first of the Five Precepts . Hindu and Jain diets : Followers of Hinduism and Jainism may follow lacto vegetarian diets ( though most do not , as some Hindu festivals require meat to be eaten ) , based on the principle of ahimsa ( non-harming ) . Islamic dietary laws : Muslims follow a diet consisting solely of food that is halal -- permissible under Islamic law . The opposite of halal is haraam , food that is Islamically Impermissible . Haraam substances include alcohol , pork , and any meat from an animal which was not killed through the Islamic method of ritual slaughter ( Dhabiha ) . I - tal : A set of principles which influences the diet of many members of the Rastafari movement . One principle is that natural foods should be consumed . Some Rastafarians interpret I - tal to advocate vegetarianism or veganism . Kosher diet : Food permissible under Kashrut , the set of Jewish dietary laws , is said to be Kosher . Some foods and food combinations are non-Kosher , and failure to prepare food in accordance with Kashrut can make otherwise permissible foods non-Kosher . Seventh - day Adventist : Seventh - day Adventists combine the Kosher rules of Judaism with prohibitions against alcohol and caffeinated beverages and an emphasis on whole foods . About half of Adventists are lacto - ovo - vegetarians . Word of Wisdom : The name of a section of the Doctrine and Covenants , a book of scripture accepted by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints . Dietary advice includes ( 1 ) wholesome plants `` in the season thereof '' , ( 2 ) eating meat sparingly and only `` in times of winter , or of cold , or famine '' , and ( 3 ) grain as the `` staff of life '' . | List of diets |
837454258_11107-11361 | People 's dietary choices are sometimes affected by intolerance or allergy to certain types of food . There are also dietary patterns that might be recommended , prescribed or administered by medical professionals for people with specific medical needs . | List of diets |
837454258_11362-13797 | Diabetic diet : An umbrella term for diets recommended to people with diabetes . There is considerable disagreement in the scientific community as to what sort of diet is best for people with diabetes . DASH diet ( Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension ) : A recommendation that those with high blood pressure consume large quantities of fruits , vegetables , whole - grains and low fat dairy foods as part of their diet , and avoid sugar sweetened foods , red meat and fats . Promoted by the US Department of Health and Human Services , a United States government organisation . Elemental diet : A medical , liquid - only diet , in which liquid nutrients are consumed for ease of ingestion . Elimination diet : A method of identifying foods which cause a person adverse effects , by process of elimination . Gluten - free diet : A diet which avoids the protein gluten , which is found in barley , rye and wheat . It is a medical treatment for gluten - related disorders , which include coeliac disease , non-celiac gluten sensitivity , gluten ataxia , dermatitis herpetiformis and wheat allergy . Gluten - free , casein - free diet : A gluten - free diet which also avoids casein , a protein commonly found in milk and cheese . Healthy kidney diet : This diet is for those impacted with chronic kidney disease , those with only one kidney who have a kidney infection and those who may be suffering from some other kidney failure . This diet is not the dialysis diet , which is something completely different . The healthy kidney diet restricts large amounts of protein which are hard for the kidney to break down but especially limits : potassium and phosphorus - rich foods and beverages . Liquids are often restricted as well -- not forbidden , just less of . Ketogenic diet : A high - fat , low - carb diet , in which dietary and body fat is converted into energy . It is used as a medical treatment for refractory epilepsy . Liquid diet : A diet in which only liquids are consumed . May be administered by clinicians for medical reasons , such as after a gastric bypass or to prevent death through starvation from a hunger strike . Specific carbohydrate diet : A diet that aims to restrict the intake of complex carbohydrates such as found in grains and complex sugars . It is promoted as a way of reducing the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) , Crohn 's disease , ulcerative colitis , coeliac disease , and autism . | List of diets |
837454258_13810-15936 | Alkaline diet : The avoidance of relatively acidic foods -- foods with low pH levels -- such as grains , dairy , meat , sugar , alcohol , caffeine and fungi . Proponents believe such a diet may have health benefits ; critics consider the arguments to have no scientific basis . Blood type diet : A diet based on a belief that people 's diets should reflect their blood types . Clean eating Eat - clean diet : Focusses on eating foods without preservatives , and on mixing lean proteins with complex carbohydrates . Fit for Life diet : Recommendations include not combining protein and carbohydrates , not drinking water at meal time , and avoiding dairy foods . Food combining diet : A nutritional approach where certain food types are deliberately consumed together or separately . For instance , some weight control diets suggest that proteins and carbohydrates should not be consumed in the same meal . Gerson therapy : A form of alternative medicine , the diet is low salt , low fat and vegetarian , and also involves taking specific supplements . It was developed by Max Gerson , who claimed the therapy could cure cancer and chronic , degenerative diseases . These claims have not been scientifically proven , and the American Cancer Society claims that elements of the therapy have caused serious illness and death . The Graham Diet : A vegetarian diet which promotes whole - wheat flour and discourages the consumption of stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine . Developed by Sylvester Graham in the 19th century . Hay diet : A food - combining diet developed by William Howard Hay in the 1920s . Divides foods into separate groups , and suggests that proteins and carbohydrates should not be consumed in the same meal . High - protein diet : A diet in which high quantities of protein are consumed with the intention of building muscle . Not to be confused with low - carb diets , where the intention is to lose weight by restricting carbohydrates . High residue diet : A diet in which high quantities of dietary fiber are consumed . High - fiber foods include certain fruits , vegetables , nuts and grains . Sharing | List of diets |
837454258_15989-16916 | Inuit diet : Inuit people traditionally consume food that is fished , hunted or gathered locally ; predominantly meat and fish . Jenny Craig : A weight - loss program from Jenny Craig , Inc . It includes weight counselling among other elements . The dietary aspect involves the consumption of pre-packaged food produced by the company . Locavore diet : a neologism describing the eating of food that is locally produced , and not moved long distances to market . Low carbon diet : Consuming food which has been produced , prepared and transported with a minimum of associated greenhouse gas emissions . An example of this was explored in the book 100 - Mile Diet , in which the authors only consumed food grown within 100 miles of their residence for a year . People who follow this type of diet are sometimes known as locavores . Low - fat diet Low glycemic index diet Low - protein diet Low sodium diet Low - sulfur diet Some | List of diets |
837454258_16948-19341 | Macrobiotic diet : A diet in which processed food is avoided . Common components include grains , beans and vegetables . Mediterranean diet : A diet based on habits of some southern European countries . One of the more distinct features is that olive oil is used as the primary source of fat . MIND diet : combines the portions of the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet . The diet is intended to reduce neurological deterioration such as Alzheimer 's disease . Montignac diet : A weight - loss diet characterised by consuming carbohydrates with a low glycemic index . Negative calorie diet : A claim by many weight - loss diets that some foods take more calories to digest than they provide , such as celery . The basis for this claim is disputed . Okinawa diet : A low - calorie diet based on the traditional eating habits of people from the Ryukyu Islands . Omnivore : An omnivore consumes both plant and animal - based food . Organic food diet : A diet consisting only of food which is organic -- it has not been produced with modern inputs such as chemical fertilizers , genetic modification , irradiation or food additives . Paleolithic diet : Can refer either to the eating habits of humans during the Paleolithic era , or of modern dietary plans purporting to be based on these habits . Prison loaf : A meal replacement served in some United States prisons to inmates who are not trusted to use cutlery . Its composition varies between institutions and states , but as a replacement for standard food , it is intended to provide inmates with all their dietary needs . Pritikin Program for Diet and Exercise : A diet which focusses on the consumption of unprocessed food . Raw foodism : A diet which centres on the consumption of uncooked and unprocessed food . Often associated with a vegetarian diet , although some raw food dieters do consume raw meat . Scarsdale Medical Diet Shangri - La Diet Slimming World diet Slow - carb diet Smart For Life Sonoma diet : A diet based on portion control and centered around consuming `` power foods '' SparkPeople diet Sugar Busters ! : Focuses on restricting the consumption of refined carbohydrates , particularly sugars . Tongue Patch Diet : Stitching a Marlex patch to the tongue to make eating painful . Zone diet : A diet in which a person attempts to split calorie intake from carbohydrates , proteins and fats in a 40 : 30 : 30 ratio . | List of diets |
835727589_72-1207 | Bothrops asper Scientific classification Kingdom : Animalia Phylum : Chordata Class : Reptilia Order : Squamata Suborder : Serpentes Family : Viperidae Genus : Bothrops Species : B. asper Binomial name Bothrops asper ( Garman , 1884 ) Geographical range of Bothrops asper . Synonyms B ( othrops ) . atrox var . dirus Jan , 1863 Trigonocephalus xanthogrammus Cope , 1868 Trigonocephalus asper Garman , 1884 B ( othrops ) . atrox septentrionalis F. Müller , 1885 B ( othrops ) . quadriscutatus Posada Arango , 1889 Lachesis xanthogrammus -- Boulenger , 1896 Bothrops xanthogramma -- Amaral , 1930 Bothrops atrox asper -- H.M. Smith & Taylor , 1945 Bothrops asper -- Stuart , 1963 Bothrops xantogrammus -- Hoge , 1966 Trigonocephalus xantogrammus -- Hoge , 1966 Lachesis xantogrammus -- Hoge , 1966 Bothrops xantogramma -- Hoge , 1966 Bothrops asper -- J. Peters & Orejas - Miranda , 1970 Bothrops xanthogrammus -- J. Peters & Orejas - Miranda , 1970 Bothrops andianus asper -- Mertens , 1987 Bothrops lanceolatus asper -- Sandner - Montilla , 1990 Bothrops atrox xanthogrammus -- Schätti & Kramer , 1993 Bothrops asper -- Greene , 1997 | Bothrops asper |
835727589_1253-1842 | Bothrops asper is a highly venomous pit viper species ranging from southern Mexico to northern South America and is considered to be one of the most dangerous snakes in the central hemisphere . Sometimes referred to as the `` ultimate pit viper '' , these snakes are found in a wide range of lowland habitats , often near human habitations . Its proximity to human habitations and temperament are likely the reasons why it is considered more dangerous to humans than others . This species is the main cause of snakebite incidents within its range . No subspecies are currently recognized . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_2067-2437 | The generic name , Bothrops , comes from the Greek words bothros and ops , which mean `` pit '' and `` face '' ( or `` eye '' ) , respectively . This is a reference to these snakes ' highly sensitive heat - detecting pit organs . The specific epithet , asper , which is a Latin word meaning `` rough '' or `` harsh '' , may allude to the species ' keeled dorsal scales . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_2460-2852 | Some of the common names applied to this snake are terciopelo , fer - de-lance , Mapepire balsain ( Trinidad ) , barba amarilla ( Guatemala , Honduras ; `` yellow beard '' ) , equis ( Ecuador & Panama ; `` x '' ) , taya equis ( Colombia ) , cuaima ( Venezuela ) , nauyaca ( México ; from Nahuatl nahui , four , and yacatl , nose ; `` four noses '' ) , and yellow - jaw tommygoff ( Belize ) . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_2853-3178 | The name fer - de-lance is commonly used in North America to refer to this species , as well as to B. atrox , although B. atrox is more commonly referred to as the `` lancehead '' in North America . The name fer - de-lance is not used in the countries inhabited by this species . The name terciopelo means velvet in Spanish . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_3218-4448 | Bothrops species can be distinguished by their broad , flattened heads which are set apart from the rest of their bodies . The head of this snake is light to dark brown or even black . Although usually absent , it may have occipital blotches or streaks that range from indistinct to distinct . The underside is most often pale yellow . This species has different patterns and colors on its dorsal and ventral sides and it exhibits a postorbital stripe . The ventral side is yellow , cream , or a whitish gray , with dark blotches that are more frequent closer to the posterior end . Ventrolaterally , B. asper has interchanging gray scales which are more pale towards the medial line . Dark triangles with pale edges can be seen laterally , which range in number from 18 to 25 . Apices either alternate or are reflective of each other over the middorsal line . In the interspaces , there are dark , paravertebral blotches . Specimens may have a yellow zig - zag - shaped line on each side of the body . There is a great variety of colours on its dorsal side : olive , gray , light brown to dark brown , tan or sometimes nearly black . To prevent water loss where they occur in drier regions , this species has more scales . Colied | Bothrops asper |
835727589_4470-5095 | Specimens of this species may weigh up to 6 kilograms ( 13 lb ) and are often 1.2 to 1.8 meters ( 3.9 to 5.9 ft ) in length . Very big females can reach lengths up to 2.5 metres ( 8.2 ft ) , although this is uncommon . These are among the most sexually dimorphic of all snakes . The two sexes are born the same size , but by age 7 to 12 months , females begin to grow at a much faster rate than males . Females have thick , heavy bodies and grow significantly larger than males . They also have heads two or three times the size of males relative to their size and proportionally bigger fangs ( typically 2.5 cm ) , as well . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_5096-5381 | Across its geographic range , this species varies greatly phenotypically . As a result , great confusion between it and other related species , most notably Bothrops atrox , which is similar in color but usually has yellow or rust - like tones and rectangular or trapezoidal blotches . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_5404-5819 | It is found in the Atlantic lowlands of eastern Mexico and Central America , including Guatemala , Belize , Honduras , Nicaragua , Costa Rica and Panama . An isolated population occurs in southeastern Chiapas ( Mexico ) and southwestern Guatemala . In northern South America , it is found in Colombia , Ecuador , Guyana and Venezuela . The type locality given is `` Obispo , on the Isthmus of Darien '' ( Panama ) . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_5820-6186 | This is mostly a lowland species that , in Mexico and Central America , occurs from about sea level to 1,200 to 1,300 meters ( 3,900 to 4,300 ft ) altitude . In South America , it apparently ranges to considerably higher elevations : up to 2,500 metres ( 8,200 ft ) in Venezuela and at least 2,640 metres ( 8,660 ft ) in Colombia according to herpetologist Lancini . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_6187-6753 | According to Campbell and Lamar ( 2004 ) , its range in Ecuador extends as far south along the Pacific coast as El Oro Province and the Vilcabamba area of the Río Catamayo Valley . This species is reported to occur from seven ( Bolívar , Carchi , Chimborazo , Esmeraldas , Guayas , Los Ríos and Pichincha ) of the fourteen provinces along the Pacific slope of Ecuador . There are even a few records from northern coastal Peru , with these snakes being reported in the Tumbes Region . It is also known from the island of Gorgona off the Pacific coast of Colombia . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_6754-7150 | B. asper occurs throughout the inter-Andes valleys of Colombia across the Caribbean coastal plain through central Venezuela north of the Orinoco as far east as the Delta Amacuro region . This is the only Bothrops species that occurs on the island of Trinidad , although the situation there is complicated due to proximity of Trinidad to the Orinoco Delta where it may be sympatric with B. atrox . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_7215-7972 | This species likes moist environments , and occurs in most life zones located at low or middle elevations ( up to 600 metres ( 2,000 ft ) ) , excluding those with strong seasonal dry periods . They are , however , sometimes found at much higher elevations . This is true in the premontane forest in Costa Rica , the cloud forest of Guatemala and Mexico , or the lower montane wet forest in the Caribbean Region of Colombia and Ecuador . It chiefly inhabits tropical rainforest and evergreen forest , but it also occurs in drier areas of tropical deciduous forest , thorn forest and pine savannah near lakes , rivers and streams . The home range of B. asper averages between 3.71 ha and 5.95 ha , which is comparatively small in relation to other pitvipers . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_8009-8780 | This species is nocturnal and solitary . It is less active in colder and drier periods . B. asper is often found near rivers and streams , basking under the sun during the day and lying still while well camouflaged in leaf litter or under forest cover waiting to ambush prey ( including rats and mice ) that comes within range during the night . When cornered or threatened , this species can be very defensive and may exhibit an S - coiled defense display . Juveniles are often semiarboreal and even adults are sometimes encountered in bushes and low trees . Juveniles are also known to exhibit caudal luring , a use of their differently colored tail tips to lure prey . Although both males and females display this behavior , only males have bright coloured tail tips . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_8781-9291 | Compared to the common lancehead , B. atrox , these snakes have been described as excitable and unpredictable when disturbed . They can , and often will , move very quickly , usually opting to flee from danger , but are capable of suddenly reversing direction to vigorously defend themselves . Adult specimens , when cornered and fully alert , should be considered dangerous . In a review of bites from this species suffered by field biologists , Hardy ( 1994 ) referred to it as the `` ultimate pit viper '' . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_9401-10677 | The timing of the reproductive cycle and the litter size of this species vary according to location : in some parts of Costa Rica , for example , it is more prolific than in others . Reproduction is highly seasonal and in Costa Rica , reproductive cycles are tightly related to rainfall patterns . The timing of breeding differs between populations in the Caribbean and Pacific lowlands . On the Pacific side , mating took place between September and November , with females giving birth between April and June . The average number of offspring was 18.6 ( five to 40 ) in this population . Neonates ranged in total length from 28 to 34.6 centimeters ( 11.0 to 13.6 in ) and in weight from 6.7 to 13.1 grams ( 0.24 to 0.46 oz ) . On the Atlantic side , mating was observed in March , and births occurred between September and November . The average number of offspring was 41.1 ( 14 -- 86 ) , whereas the total length of neonates ranged from 27 to 36.5 centimeters ( 10.6 to 14.4 in ) , and weighed from 6.1 to 20.2 grams ( 0.22 to 0.71 oz ) . In both populations , gestation time ranged from six to eight months , and the size of a litter correlated significantly with the size of the female . This species is considered to be the most prolific of all snakes in the Americas . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_10678-11045 | Male - male combat in this species has not been observed . Females will mate with more than one male during mating season . Mating includes a series of movements of the male , which then slowly chases an accepting female . The female then stops movement and extends her posture to mate . It is not known whether this species exhibits annual or biannual reproduction . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_11331-11491 | This species is an important cause of snakebite within its range . Together with Crotalus durissus , it is the leading cause of snakebite in Yucatán , Mexico . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_11492-12045 | It is considered the most dangerous snake in Costa Rica , responsible for 46 % of all bites and 30 % of all hospitalized cases ; before 1947 , the fatality rate was 9 % , but this has since declined to almost 0 % ( Bolaños , 1984 ) , mostly due to the Clodomiro Picado Research Institute , responsible for the production of snake antiophidic sera ( which are also exported to other Latin American and African countries ) and scientific research on serpents and their venoms , as well as educational and extension programs in rural areas and hospitals . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_12046-12217 | In the Colombian states of Antioquia and Chocó , it causes 50 -- 70 % of all snakebites , with a sequelae rate of 9 % and a fatality rate of 6 % ( Otero et al. , 1992 ) . | Bothrops asper |
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