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TRAQ MANHUNTtip about the whereabouts of Uday andQusay. At the time, the source was notregarded as reliable. According to a seniorU.S. military official, the informant failed apolygraph test. But intelligence units soonpicked up an electronic signal that suggest-ed the possible presence of high-levelresisters in the same location in Mosul thatthe source had identified. Just after theybegan investigating the tip, U.S. forceswere approached by Nawaf al-ZaydanMohammed, a Mosul businessman whoRES 1AMONG THE REBELSBy SIMON ROBINSON3. A. NN. Caetold them the brothers were staying at hishouse. The Americans told him to go backto the house, act normally and wait for U.S.troops to arrive.In the meantime the U.S. needed an-other day to study aerial reconnaissancephotographs of the neighborhood, cordonit off and get Task Force 20 in place. Thesavagery of the fight
THE SCIENCE OF ROMANCEwhen that interest is returned. There arethe flowers you buy and the poetry youwrite and the impulsive trip you make tothe other side of the world just so you canspend 48 hours in the presence of a loverwhos far away. Thats an awful lot of busy-work just to get asperm to meet an eggifmerely getting a sperm to meet an egg isreally all that its about.Human beings make a terrible fussabout a lot of things but none more thanromance. Eating and drinking are just asimportant for keeping the species goingmore so actually, since a celibate personcan at least continue living but a starv-ing person cant. Yet while we may buildwhole institutions around the simpleritual of eating, it never turns us flat-outnuts. Romance does.People compose poetry,
nH 2 OAM oe THEPERFECTEGCBy JOEL STEINVE NEVER MADE POACHED EGGS. WHICH IS WEIRDbecause I love them, and Im obsessed withbreakfast items to the point that I once spentthree weeks trying to invent new ones. For mybold, if ultimately unsuccessful, breakfast brile,go to time.comrecipe.I think I haven't tried to poach eggs because Iwant to keep them special. As a kid, I'd wake up excit-ed whenever my grandmother was in town, knowingshe'd prepare two perfectly poached eggs for medark yolk oozing across shiny soft whites, soaking intolightly toasted breadsomething my mom never gotright. This was Jewish suburbia in the "70s; a decentrooms, chicken, crabcakes, asparagus, salad.And it always works,adding a richness andsilkiness to everything,poached egg was asclose as we ever got toa madeleine.So Ive been prettyhappy to discover, on-
Hiebirthrate for women ages 30 to 34 was 14higher than it had been in 1990; thebirthrate for women ages 35 to 39 was 28higher. Women have larger salaries in their30s than in their 20s, the age at which mostwomen had children in years past. Womentoday are also more likely to be in dual-income marriages, which provideeven more disposable income.Cheryl Kilton, 40, apharmaceutical salesrepresentative inOmaha, Neb.,a ny He aut2 Worse fof i: iy ieileen int fst Ue lal Ceaioloeshas a 2-year-old daughter and says manyof her friends have also had children lat-er in life. We have great jobs, own ahome and have no debt, says Kilton, whospent 200 on a Christmas dress trimmedin mink with matching fur shoe clips andheadband for her daughter, who wore theoutfit once before it
more about the local weirdness, the legacyof an experiment aimed at manipulatingspace-time. At the end of Season 4, the is-lands Einsteinian juju caused it to vanish,taking most of the castaways with it, whilesix escapees realize they have to returnalong with a villain now allied with them,plus a dead guyto prevent a catastrophe.In the two-episode premiere Jan. 21,g p.m. E.T., the survivors try to determinewhere and perhaps when the island hasgone. The debut adds a mind-bending twistto the shows time-jumping narrativethat I won't spoil, while keeping its headof steam from Season 4. Lost has a pulpstreakthe premiere doesnt just use butalso conspicuously repeats the line Godhelp us all!yet its leavened by humorand performances that ground the bizarreevents ina plausible humanity. EspeciallyJorge Garcia as sweet, afflicted Hurley, theworlds unluckiest lottery
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RF ny wt a i Os a nh BRR EE a ne ne aeries Ome Mt OF a, Oeayy PSO Tsunami?CCR ETUC meal RRO BDtriggered by a fault in the Pacific NorthwestBy J. MADELEINE NASHCIENTISTS HAVE KNOWN FOR SOME TIMEabout the 700-mile-long fault off the coastof Washington, Oregon and California,where a wayward slab of theearth's crust known as the Juan feeC terme Memulica Ons emileeCoe oN IBN eCBatil ou CMAN UETaeioydidnt appreciate until quite recentlyNe COR CECE LELECGL OUI KCMRNY Eco CoM Chem AUYOplates are locked together can snapviolently like a giant spring, unleash- THIS WAY OUT: the tremors may be associ-ing a tsunami as large and terrifying Signslikethese ated with rising stress alongdot the coastas the one that pummeled South Asia.U.S. Geological Survey researcher BrianAtwater led the
2013 THE SHORT LIST TED CRUZTHEY DONT TEACH THIS STUFFIN EIGHTH-GRADECIVICS CLASS: A FRESHMAN U.S. SENATOR FROMTHE MINORITY PARTY PROVOKES A SHUTDOWN OFTHE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN A HOPELESS QUESTto undo the Presidents signature legisla-tive achievement. The nation flirts witha potentially disastrous default while thepopulace looks on in disgust. And whenthe instigator tries to explain himself dur-ing one of the longest speeches in Senatehistory, somehow he ends up recitingDr. Seusss Green Eggs and Ham.The faux filibuster to defund Obama-care waged by Senator Ted Cruz of Texasmade him so unpopular with his fellow Re-publicans Democrats scarcely concealedtheir delight that they might have madehim walk the plankexcept that the GOPsapproval ratings were sinking so fast thateven the plank was underwater.Plus, anyone steeped in Washington pol-itics could see that Cruz was already
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Tuned In The CultureOn TVs biggestnight, its too much of a good thing SHOULD STIPULATE UP FRONT: IF YOUwant to read about a legitimate humanproblem, turn to another section of thismagazine. People are suffering from war,illness and poverty, and their plights de-serve our attention. That said, theres toomuch TV to watch on Sunday nights.Yes, theres TV every night and everyday. But since The Sopranos held the spot-light alone, Sunday has become the show-case for marquee series. This fall therescables most popular drama, The WalkingDead. Homeland, Boardwalk Empire andThe Good Wife. Masters of Sex and sundryother boutique cable shows. The Amaz-ing Race, 60 Minutes, Once Upon a Time,Revenge and Foxs entire animation slate.And thats not counting football, theodd Discovery and History megaspecial,Downton Abbey and Sherlock in Januaryor Game of
WORLDVIEW MIDDLE EASTATCHING THE PROTESTSand associated violencespreading across the Mus-lim world in recent days,I couldnt help think-ing, Where are you now, Wael Ghonim?Ghonim is, of course, the former market-ing executive for Google who was cata-pulted onto the global stage in 2011 asone of the organizers of the oppositionto Egypts dictatorship. He became thehopeful face of the Arab Springyoung,hip, modern and passionate in the causeof freedom.Where is he, and the thousands likehim, now that freedom is under assaultin Egypt again? Over the past few weeks,mobs have gathered to demand the deathof a filmmakernot really a filmmakerbut a bigot who made a crude Internetvideo satirizing the Prophet Muhammad.It provided a pretext that radical Islamistsin Egypt pounced on to advance theircause. But whatever the trumped-up ori-gins of the protests, the question
fe 1 Se Si 8sHE FORTRESS WAS ONCE BE-lieved to be impregnable. Butthe walls of Bab al-Aziziyahand almost all its buildingshave been pulverized into awasteland. It is as if Libya poured 42 yearsof rage into the 2.3-sq.-mi. space. All thatremain are mounds of ruin, twisted metaland smashed concrete. Some areas havebecome garbage dumps; others, pasture forsheep. And in place of its old mastertheequally pulverized and deceased Muam-mar Gaddafithere are new residents,squatters who have moved in to claim Babal-Aziziyah for themselves. Khadija Mo-hamed is one of them. She was born theyear Gaddafi came to power, and even inthe messy months after his fall and death,she is still incredulous at the revolutionsachievements. We can speak, she says.We can express our ideas. Before, wecouldnt even say we were suffering.The Libyan revolution
rw oe - a on et Eli ei - o ara eee es wee t . ieee - Oa . ie vo uw - Ss ee -he Pode Ga pe row eae : wre . erw ot---- Ore Wee. wre . . aa w owt oh ary . " . . a I TE Per Or Pur nr at . "There 7 Seet 4 ; ; a ere wie te ee 0 .0O eho br FU Oo Se tte Se ae Sy We a oenele y v Sets one - a - rw. . yee eee Oe Por eee ey rere Savew ert hn ev 8. teh. ere wow : wer ew oe F S C4 ten . ror . Ce By te- . : - : o
TIMEs Lists of the YearSPORTS MOMENTS DVDSThe 10 Best Sports Moments sean Gregory1Holy Trinity!Down 24-22 at the final snap ofthe game, Trinity University,a Division HI school in SanAntonio, threw a forward pass,then tossed 15 lateralsyes,15before scoring a touchdownto beat Millsaps College of Mis-sissippi. The final lateral tooka miraculous bounce into thehands of Riley Curry, who ran34 yds. for the score, Trinitytook a minute to zigzag 61 yds. es; TrinityQB QB Blake Barmorewh bees the play with a pass After ninelaterals and 33 sec., Trinity hadmoved theball only3 yds. laterals Neneline of funs 5 scrimmagedownfield. 2 Peyton's PlacePeyton Manning prayed nearthe end of the AFC championshipgame as his Indy Colts, down18 to the Patriots at one point,held on for a dramatic win. 5 Becks TouchdownEnglish star David Beckhamwas greeted
pole m ek iT Y MOVIESPMA e hy liant teenagers. And on Memorial Day weekend, Jen""RES OT ae oF. nifer Lopez provides a Star Wars alternative with theHE RECIPE IS SIMPLE: PUTA WOMAN INAROOM spousal revenge drama Enough. with a psycho, and let us watch. If the woman eRe hale menes ori omeitemy lero has an ailing daughter for the baddies toterror- Film Registry of great movies; as Enough directoize, good. If the man she loves has a dark past Michael Apted says, This ain't Chekhov. They,and maybe a homicidal kink, better. Ifshe must not always pass the plausibility test. But these fillconfront two mad-genius kids, best. Just put our hero- let audiences see Ce OF Ce are em ENT a exeITeaeine in dire peril before she emerges
it up and made it a show. Though not be-fore Nickelodeon passed on it, twice.You can see how it could be a tough sell:Adventure Time is a lot darker and morecomplex than you'd expect from a showwhere some of the characters are liter-ally made of candy. It has kind of a cutevibe, says Nick Jennings, the art director.When you look at it you say, Oh, thatsa little kids show. Little mountains andfunny rubber-armed characters and stuff.But the content isnt little-kid. Take theshows bad guy, Ice King. Hes definitelyevilhe kidnaps princessesbut theresa lot of pathos to him too. Hes a lonely,depressed old man who lives with pen-guins in an ice cave that hassomehowthis is the most poignant toucha drumset in one corner. Or take Ooo itself: itsfun and verdant,
imeRARRETT FOR TBRIDGETSAKUM APPAULFIORINA: YOSHIKO KUSANO--EPA. HURDBIZ BRIEFSAfter Spartan Motors posted recordfirst-quarter saleswhich included a65.7 jump in RV chassis sales overthe same period last yearCEO JohnSztykiel took a road trip from companyheadquarters in Charlotte, Mich., tomeet and greet investors from Bostonto Chicago. As his 41-footer swunggingerly through Manhattan, hespoke with TIMEs Julie Rawe.TIME Why aren't you behind thewheel?JOHN SZTYKIEL The last time! drove acoach like this in a big city, made aturn too tight and took out one of thelight towers and put a nice 12-in. rip inthe side wall.TIME Then why make this road trip?SZTYKIEL From an investor-relationsperspective, people step inside andsay, Wow, its not the motor home yousaw in the movie Spaceballs. It's a lotnicer than that.HittingTIME Your sales have been doing well, so why doesnt
sbeeeeenson,Garden after addressing the media following his 1999 Senate victory after impeachmenttactics against prospective witnesses. And it also seems clear that the press wasway too credulous about Starrs allegations and didnt pay nearly enough atten-tion to his methods.But Clinton takes the Starr assault well beyond the facts of the case and fitsit into a witting effort by radical conservatives to keep powerthe vast right-wing conspiracy, a formulation he clearly supports but is careful not to use. Foryears Clinton has professed that fighting against impeachment was one of thetriumphs of his Administration. He seems to have a dual purpose now: not justto discredit Starr but also to make the war against the ultraconservatives a sig-nificant part of his presidential legacy. He wants to be remembered for the Starr investigation.
FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Fora Different Game,Make Different Rules The FBI was a messthen the terror wavebegan. Can Muellerreform it on the fly?By RICHARD LACAYO OBERT S. MUELLER III, THE NEW FBIdirector, always knew the bureauhad problems he needed to get atquickly. If the place has had itsshare of triumphs in recent years, es-pecially the quick capture of TimothyMcVeigh, it has also had to explain thebungled investigation of Wen Ho Leeand the embarrassment of Robert Hans-sen, the agent who sold secrets to Moscowfor 21 years. In May, McVeighs execu-tion was delayed when it emerged thatcase documents had not been handed overto his attorneys during trial. On the dayof his swearing in, Mueller must havehoped for a few months to get up to speedand start making changes. Too bad
N T HE A REJoe KleinDoes Bush Really Get Us?CCORDING TO PLAN OF ATTACK, BOB WOODWARDS NEW BOOKabout the events leading to the war in Iraq, George W. Bushwas struck by the stone-faced response to his eloquentaddress to the U.N. General Assembly in September 2002.The more solemn they looked to me. he tells Woodward,speaking of the U.N. delegates, the more emotional I wasin making the case. Not openly emotional, the more firm I was inmaking the case. It was a speech I really enjoyed giving. A fewweeks later, he tells somemembers of Congress aboutthe moment: There wereno facial expressions. It waslike a Woody Allen movie.This is a delightful ob-servation, if a bit confus-ing. Is he disdaining Allen'sdeadpan intellectual angstor celebrating Woodys ear-ly comic flights into the exis-tential absurd?
Riding HerdOn a BailoutBankers fear her. Treasury officials hate her.Can Elizabeth Warren really keep track of how700 billion in taxpayer money is being spent?BY SHEELAH KOLHATKARONT LET MY POLITENESS FOOLyou, says Elizabeth Warren.The Harvard Law professorand head of the congressionalpanel monitoring the bankbailout had just finished a hearing in NewYork City and was nibbling ata dish of pastawith zucchini. I cant think of anyone Imafraid of, she adds. Certainly not some-one who may have had a hand in bringingthis country to the brink of disaster.Warren, 59, is exceedingly polite. Shehas strong opinions, but she often ex-presses them in a whisper-soft voice. Shetends to say Does that make sense? in herOklahoma drawl right after she finishesanswering a question. During the hearing,which was focused on the federal bailoutprograms effect on
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tech pioneersTIME GLOBAL BUSINESS GEORGE ADAMSAMORFIX LIFE SCIENCESTORONTOFind theBad Protein;Then, Fix ItTHE IMPLICATIONS WERE CHILLING, SINCEthe mid-1990s, the words mad-cow diseasehad turned beef eaters around the worldto tofu tasters as people began to die ofthe human variant of the disease. Thenin 2004 came anotherdisturbing report inthe medical journalthe Lancet: variantCreutzfeldt-Jakobdisease vCJD, as theillness is properly called,could be spread throughblood transfusions. Withno way to test for theincurable illness exceptin the brain samples ofthe dead, how to ensurethe safety of the worldsblood supply?Dr. Neil Cashmanthought he had theanswer. The Universityof Toronto scientist hadspent his career tryingto sift out the misshapenclumps of proteinsthought to causeneurodegenerativediseases such asamyotrophic lateralsclerosis ALS that hidin a sandbox of normalproteins. In 2002 hefinally succeeded, usinga chemical agent to alternormal proteins but notso-called aggregatedmisfolded ones, leavingthe clumps
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Ls ils R3cESs!LeN ' SS eee eeeSTUMPETHESLUMPThis recession was born in a new way, and itcontinues to surprise wonks and workers alikeBy DANIEL KADLECITH HALF HIS DEPARTMENT RE-cently laid off and his employer'sbudget for next year shrinking,Randy Holyfield, an executivefor a nonprofit group in HighlandsRanch, Colo., was desperately seeking asafety net. He found one in his home.Holyfield refinanced his mortgage atthe lowest rates in 30 years, cashing outa 40,000 cushion while holding his132 monthly payment steady. The newspa-pers say unemployment is still low, offersHolyfield, 43. Well, I have friends out ofwork, and others who had to leave thestate for a job. Its worse than the num-bers indicate.Millions of homeowners are doing what Holyfield did, using their home as abank to bridge tough times. Never beforein a recession have
SPECIAL ADVERTISING FEATURE SEVEN IN A SERIES OF EIGHTCelebrating 15 Years or" TIMEs Person of the YearFae"PERSG5 Every year, TIME magazine selects a Person of the Yeartheindividual or group that has most influenced our world during theyear, for better or worse. Today this annual editorial tradition is oneof the most recognized and anticipated media events in the world.THE 1990s7 In 1990, just one year after the fall of the Berlin Wall wascelebrated as a symbol of liberation around the world, IraqiPresident Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. U.S. PresidentGeorge Bush was quick to act, sending U.S. troops over to stopfurther aggression only five days after the invasion. Bush'sindecision over domestic affairs, however, led to TIME namingThe Two George Bushes Persons of the Year. The Two GeorgeBushes 1990 The incumbent President
CELEBREXcelecoxib capsulesBret temmary of prescrbng information.INDICATIONS AND USAGECELEBREX is ingecamet1 For raliat of the signa and synptorme of ostecertieit.2 Fee call of the sages and symgtoms of heumatold atetis in adot3 For She managemect of acute pain te adults inne CUIICAL STUDIES For the treatment of primary Cpimenoetea To reduce the uenber of adenomatous colorectel polyps in tamnilial adenomatous polyposis FAP. es et adjunct t usual care leg. endosccpic surveillance surperyi Rs ot mownwhether there is 2 Girical benefit bom a peduction in the sumer of colorectal potyee ie FAP patients is also not known whether the effects of CELESREX tregtmennt wil persist afterCELEBREX is Gecortinund The efficacy and safety of CELESPEX restment in patients with FAP teyood six months have not Deen studied inee CLINICAL STUDIES, WARNINGS
WoR LDLittle Lords of the JungleTwo kiddie guerrillas leave the battlefield for theirmoms arms. But who really called the shots?By ROBERT HORN RATCHABURIO THE KAREN, THEY WERE DEITIES. TOthe Thais, they were demons. Butwhen they staggered down from themountains of Burma now known asMyanmar at dusk last Tuesday, Johnny and Luther Htoo bore neither miracles norM-16s, just Bibles in their knapsacks. Thetiny teenage twins and leaders of the mys-terious rebel force known as Gods Armyapproached a company of Thaisoldiers and asked for sanctuary.Whisked to a police compound inthe nearby town of Suan Phung,they soon found themselves ex-changing bewildered stares withPrime Minister Chuan Leekpaiand a dozen of Thailands top gen-erals. As Chuan inspected hisprizes, he gently stroked the boyslice-ridden locks. He totally de-mystified them, says Sunai Pha-suk, of Forum
PAK WONG; MADAGASCAR: GARTH CRIPPSFEWINGS: MASON AND FIELD PHOTOGRAPHY: DOMINI COMMUNITY SERVICE PIONEERSD.LIGHT DESIGNSelling Solar on the Cheapits a playful name for a serious company: D.light Designsells 10-to-25 solar-powered lamps in more than adozen countries where people lack electricity and oftenspend a lot on kerosene, which gives off noxious fumes.D.lights latest model also recharges phone batteries.But one of CEO Sam Goldman's goals is to find waysto lower the cost even further. I'm not satisfied with10, he says. The real customers that we started thisbusiness for can't afford that. -BY GILBERT CRUZ mereceVillagers in MadagascarOR eee ae edCE he f A Bride Helps PlanEthical WeddingsWeddings dont comecheap. Why not spendthe money, KatieFewings figured, onresponsibly madeproducts? Her 2005nuptials in Englandfeatured fair-tradewine and a gownmade locally of organicpoplin. To help othersfind
Travel talk DEWITT I get- Mere RUSWw an importantSerene wy thing to do, butKALAMAZOO BRIGHTON nobodys bailing pea Cexo let osMICHIGANJune 16-19DESTINYTEACHNOR-HAUK,Wy at a neighborhood the floor of the state legislaTOLEDO athering in Lansing ture. I think this is going toan splash over onto Romney,Gentry said. I cant vote forhim. Hes running on thesame thing that Snyder didhes a businessman, but he hasa conservative social agenda.OHIO And we've seen what comesr first when they get in office,although Romney never evenmentioned social issues inDeWitt. And his opposing the auto bailout was reallystupid in Michigan. On the menuHEATHCOLUMBUS aDAYTONThe auto bailout is a big dealin this part of the country. Itis that rarest of stories in thesecomplicated times, a govern-ment program that actuallyworked. Ohios DemocraticSenator, Sherrod Brown, whois up for
SHIFTINGa aThe Bush Administration backs aU.N. diplomats plan for handingover control of Iraq. But stoppingthe violence is still Americas joba Re ae AKHDAR BRAHIMI IS A DIPLOMAT BY TRADE AND Apolitical conjurer by necessity. An 1l-year veteram of the U.N., Brahimi, 70, has the unenviable jobof trying to make normal governments suddenlyappear in places where in the past normal wasdefined at the barrel of a gun. In 2001U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan dispatchedBrahimi to cobble together a new government in Afghan-istan after the U.S. military had run the Taliban out. Todaythat government controls the capital city of Kabul and notmuch else, but make no mistake: success in the placeswhere he works is a relative term. Thats why when GeorgeW. Bush needed to prove, in the midst of mounting U.S.casualties
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10 Questions. 1la Gise. ar : a aarienRroactily will now ele your aliinsWhat was it about ballet thatintrigued you?Elise Cordo, DULUTH, MINN.Its always interesting to gointo worlds that people haven'tseen before, and ballet is sucha mystery. All that effortless-ness that happens when you'rewatching is actually filledwith blood and violence andcompetition and sweat. I dontthink people know how harditis to be a dancer, how muchpain and commitment anddiscipline it takes.What research did you do forthe film?Guilherme Santander, MILANIt was a very hard world to getinto. Normally, when you doa movie, all the doors openup. But the ballet world reallycouldnt care. It took a while,but slowly people started toback us. Natalie Portman issurrounded by real balletdancers throughout the film.The Wrestler and Black Swanfollow similar stories of perform-ers driven to the
a tlemaabeastsstett ts: ah fen aeoea es.ov 7 git Rigg ees ay, ydostel-PLA TES BABY BRIGHT EYESAt first blush, she seems rather ordinary. Butlook again. This doll 50; due this fall hasazure blue oversize eyes that blink,sweep the room and interact with yourchild. NanoMuscle technology silently. powers the robotic eyes to eerie4 effect. The spinoff possibilities are tantalizing: Chucky lives? ho . a ate ee eeSHARP AQUOS WIRELESS LCD TVYour phone is cordless. Your computer jumps on awireless network. So why not ditch the cords aroundyour TV? The 1,800 set, due next spring, leavesperipheral devices, such as a DVD player, cable box orsatellite hookup, connected to the SmartLinkCeca inlets mete me lhe cicle tye lel ows Roto la mR Cold eg R ig cioof unsightly wires and letting
m INTELLIGENCEIntelligence chairman Bob Graham, its ahigh priority to get a foreign national whowill become our spy and have the entre toget close enough to the head of al-Qaeda.To acquire such ground truth, theU.S. has to rely on the services of others.What the c1A does well, says an intelli-gence official, is give money to foreignersin exchange for information. So successmay depend largely on Pakistans Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, a tough outfit that has racked up a formida-ble reputation as a state within a state.With more than 40,000 officers and staff snatch bin Laden went nowhere when theIst dragged its feet. They didnt do squat,says an American close to the operation,who suspects Pakistan never intended toget bin Laden. Pentagon officials com-plain that 1st has led us down blind
when no evidence of a WMD programwas found. The war would have beenjustified by the discovery of the bodies ofthousands of Saddam's victims.PIERRE BASMAJIBerkeley, Calif.YOUR ARTICLE MISSED THE POINT. THEU.S. went to war to subdue a country thatendorsed, encouraged and supportedterrorism. As a target of terrorist acts, theU.S. has the moral and legal right to de-fend itself. After 911, the question ofIraqs WMD became secondary to themain problem of eliminating a terroristdictator who was a danger to all.DAN STRUMJerusalemIF PRESIDENT BUSH AND PRIME MINISTERTony Blair were so devious as to manip-ulate the intelligence about wWMpD, thencertainly they would go the last mile andfabricate the discovery of WMD in post-war Iraq. Had evil manipulation been atplay, the troops would be holding uplarge caches of WMD for Americans andthe rest
AMERICA ON GUARDterminal that opened in 1997 remainedclosed. A tanker carrying 33 milliongallons of liquefied natural gas was di-verted from highly populated BostonHarbor to Louisiana, just as a precaution. In Idaho and Maryland, there were pan-icky rumors of missing crop dusters. TheLos Angeles subway was shut down forthe first time in its history, as passengerscomplained of dizziness and itchy eyes. No chemical agents were found.All the while, law-enforcement offi-cers were continuing the greatest drag-net the world had ever seen. FBI sourcesdownplayed the possibility of a secondwave of attacks. But less than three weeksafter the catastrophe, Ashcroft said that atotal of 480 people had already been ar-rested or detained. Hundreds more hadbeen picked up around the globe, withauthorities paying particular attention to possible terrorist support networks inGermany and Britain.
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aaea iREAD RICH DADS PROPHECY ANDMalte eh leOSS wl mS ee Please look behind the Arts sectionfor bonus coverage of news andtrends in the world of commerce a Si fe Loe TE somunrrrina Under armaerta igarments show muscle, not moisture WY the Bi ba 'Bi High-Tech Underwear Stock Market Crash inSerious athletes from kids to pros History Is Still Cominglove the skintight, sweat-wickinggarments made by Under Armour, a and How You OTT ag iaand big competitors like Nike and Yourself and Profit from Tasmall Baltimore, Md., manufacturerReebok are getting into the gameLean and Green ys Ser TIMeEs Board of Technologists i R h vd f f kiexplores the latest trends and x . YS 0 NP F Fei Atechnologies for pollution control TRANS eel Pep ee, Poor Dadand
protagonist, Nick Offerman made gruff boss Ron Swanson intoa reliable foil, and Chris Pratt and Aubrey Plaza quirkily struck Its ironic that at a time of angst and distrust over politics, a show about government should be one THE Best FELEVThe Good Wife3 Parks and Recreation NBCThe show that began in 2009witha lot of potential but an un- is a politicaleven voice emerged in its second season as TVs funniest, sweet- thriller, aest and all-around best comedy. The employees of the Pawnee, fam i ly d ra maInd., parksdepartmentemergedand a darngood case--of-the-weekas fleshed-out characters: AmyPoehlers overeager civil servantcourtroomshow Leslie Knope became a likablesparks as neer-do-well Andy andsarcastic-girl-with-a-heart April.oftheleastcynicalthingsonTV.4 Louie FX 7 The Pacific HBOOn paper, it was the most familiar It would have been hard toof TV-show concepts:
E T TWhats NextANN LARSONReno, Nev. E R4All the futuristic advancementsconceivable will amount to nothing ifwe fail to address the problems thatare here and now.7? AFTER READING YOUR FORECASTS FORthe future and Lev Grossmans articleThe Quest for Cool WHaTs NEXT,Sept. 8, Ive concluded that I have nev-er been cool, I have no desire to ever becool, and those who think they are coolreally aren't.ROB NANCEWesterville, OhioTHE PROFESSIONAL TREND SPOTTERS YOUinterviewed tell us that burlesque will becool, we will do everything from our cars,and cell phones will be the means fortransactions of all types. If this is the coolfuture, then send me back to the squarepast! Of course, almost 40 years ago, PaulRevere and the Raiders sang that kicksjust keep getting harder to find. Theyouth of every generation has
EXHIBITa . : :aking It Real. A new show examina a y eae e's VL Z4.CA Ait d cx J ; cry 7 7 7 ;: ci :: JCAL ALABY RICHARD LACAYOPHILIP 111 OF SPAIN IS ONE OF HISTORYSalso-rans. Historians tend to treat his reign,from 1598 to 1621, as a kind of listless interval between that of his father Philip II,who consolidated Spains global empire,and that of his son Philip IV, a middlingmonarch but one whose court painter wasDiego Velazquez. That cinched his immortality. Philip III was known for his piety,his love of luxury and his willingness toallow his chief adviser, the Duke of Lerma,to run thingsnot always well.All the same, he presided over an erawhen Spanish painting was moving, sometimes spectacularly, into the golden age thatit fully
Ne Po ee eetaN ee eine ees ecAN Oe Fh Aa lee. . wnt speed based on utandsrd mode Print speed will vary dependeng wm Spstem con iguration soltware, Cocurvent complenity, print mode aad page coverage. Speciicatoons sutyect to change without notice YnS-are trademarks of Canon, ine. PrCanon Keow How and Bubbve7SA, inc. Canes2001 Conca Uee.Af, JUST REPLACE THE BLUE.The 600 printer with individual ink tanks. A major leap in ink jet printing technology.Elegantly engineered, our 600 printer creates stunning 2400 x 200 dpi colorresolution and delivers 8" x 10" images in about 90 seconds:" In short, you'll get amazingoutput, whether you're printing photos, reports or Web pages. But it's Canon's individualink tank system that really sets this printer apart, by allowing you to replace one color at
really want to move too far from their business contacts,observes Adorna Carroll, a partner in the Berlin, Conn., realestate firm of Realty 3 Carroll Agostini.The decision to remain has been made easier by theproliferation of retirement communities in four-seasonmarkets. For instance, the Del Webb Corp., based in Phoenix,Ariz., a developer of eight upscale retirement complexes, mostin warmer climates, opened a community in Huntley, IIl., in1998. Since then it has developed a facility in Romeoville, Iil.,and the first residents are expected to move in during spring2002, says Dave Schreiner, vice president of Del Webbsmarketing and strategic-planning group. Another developmentis being built in Fredericksburg, Va., outside Washington.It was an active seniors environment and proximity totheir daughter that enticed Mitchell and Norma Gattas torelocate from De Kalb, IIl., to Crest Hill,
A T LN C H WITHNORMAN MAILER and LAWRENCE SCHILLERBooks by the Buddy SystemBy RICHARD LACAYO PROVINCETOWNEVEN IF YOU KEEP INmind that Norman Mailerwill turn 80 in January,you still pause when heputs a hearing aidbehind each of thosenotable ears. The body is like an old boatin stormy seas, he shrugs. To stay afloat,you keep throwing ballast overboard. Allthe senses gohearing, eyesight, smell.Some things stay. The cartwheelingmind, the august mannerMailer still hasthose. The cerebral tough guy who wroteThe Armies of the Night and The Execu-tioners Song works daily on a long novel,though he won't say what its about. Heand his wife Norris Church share a big, brickhouse in Provincetown, Mass., on the tipof Cape Cod. Lumbering around the kitchento fix you a tuna sandwich, he explains whyProvincetown is a
WORLD SAUD! ARABIAHEN MAHA AL-QATANIsettles into the driver's seatof her familys baby bluehumvee these days, shegoes through a familiarroutine: a glance in the rearview mirrorto ensure that her headscarf and face veilare on right; a whispered prayer; and a reas-suring pat of her Coach handbag, stuffedwith all the essentials for a possible prisonstaytoothbrush, deodorant, comfortableclothes and prayer rug.She may need them. On June 17, al-Qatani made history by becoming the firstwoman in Saudi Arabia to receive a traf-fic ticket. She sees it as a badge of honor,proving that she defied a prohibition onwomen driving in the kingdom and, shehopes, paving the way for more women todo the same. Still, the possibility of prisonremains. If no one sacrifices, no one willget their rights, al-Qatani said on the dayof her
SS a a SS OR ee of the TV as a major Internet device woulddrive everyone else on the couch nuts, sayspresident and coo Kevin Rollins. Dell isplacing its bet on lighter, thinner PC moni-tors fitted with TV tuners or digital chips toreplace the old cathode-ray boob tube. De-spite Dells challenge to Sony, Ochiai says hewelcomes the competition. Its great thatcomputer companies are expanding thehorizon of consumer electronics, he says.They can be a threat but in a good way.In the way that a 50-ft. wave headingfor your beach house is a good opportunityto learn surfing. Maybe Sony has not feltthe sting of Dells aggressive pricing yet, or itwouldn't be so polite. Last November, whenDell priced its firstconsumer product,the Axim X5 hand-held, at 199, it set anindustry fond of400-to-600
- BriefingHealthScienceThese flavored cupslet you have your drinkand at it too . , wtfr ey reEat This? How edible packaging couldshake up the food industryBy Alice Parkcombines small particles of driedfruit, chocolate shavings or otheredibles and is held together byelectrostatic force. Samples ofWikiCells-wrapped ice cream areavailable at the Lab Store in Paris;it will be for sale there this fall.MonoSols film, which is beingtested with everything fromdrink powders left to oatmeal, ismade from the same kinds ofpolymers drug companies use tocover pills. Were not usinganything that hasn't been used forhuman consumption before, saysSumeet Kumar, senior manager oftechnical marketing at MonoSol.And New York CitybasedLoliwares edible, biodegradablecups above are molded fromnatural pectins and cane juice,then infused with flavors.Of course, for food-safetypurposes, many of theseproducts must still be packagedin nonedible containers forshipping
Wrist WarsThe promiseand pitfalls ofthe new smartwatchesFOR MONTHS, THERE HAVEbeen rumors that Apple is hardat work on some sort of smartwatch. If true, its not done yet.Although the companyintroduced two new phonesduring its Sept. 10 productlaunchthe souped-upiPhone 5s and the plasticiPhone 5cit didnt say a wordabout newfangled timepieces.Meanwhile, competitorslike Samsung and Sonyboth of which debuted smartwatches this summerareeager to establish dominancein what some say is the nextfrontier in digital gadgetry.Wearable electronics areexpected to be a 10 billionindustry by 2016, according toGartner, a research firm,But although thesewatches are evolving rapidlysee right, theyre not all thatsmart yet. Theyre satellitesfor smartphones as opposedto stand-alone devices, usingBluetooth connections to letyou place calls, get alerts andmore without removing thehandset from your pocket.And theyre bulky, with userinterfaces that still needrefinement. Your move, Apple.Sleek by
iWhen trainedgymnast ZoeSmith heardthat her localBritish teamwas short amember beforea competition,the 17-year-oldswitched sportsand took upliftingie THE HEAVIESTOLYMPIC LIFTInside the Medal MachineWOMENS WEIGHT LIFTING IS A RELATIVELY NEWOlympic sport, but its short history mirrorsChinas state-controlled, turbocharged rise up thegold-medal charts. In everything from diving andshooting to table tennis and badminton, China hasdeveloped athletes who are so far ahead of theirforeign opponents that the real competition oftenoccurs not at the Olympics but at the countrys hotlycontested national games.Chinas peerless diving team, for example, is lookingto sweep all eight gold medals up for grabs at the Lon-don Olympics. The team is led by Qiu Bo, a 19-year-oldprodigy whose balletic dives from the 1o-m platformare so flawless that he earned an unprecedented 25 per-fect 10s during one leg of the 2011 FINA
iAAe AainnsAnnalisee Brasil, 14Interests include opera, piano, photography,drawing. Ambitions: May pursue a doublemajor in vocal performance and biochemistrythey are so different from peersmore miniadults than kids. Reading Hollingworth, was reminded of Annalisee, who at 13 spokein clear, well-modulated paragraphs, asthough she were a TV commentator or col-lege professor. For an adult, the effect isquite pleasant, but I imagine other kids findAnnalisees precision a bit strange.In Hollingworths day, when we were alittle less sensitive to snobbery, it wasnt asdifficult for high-ability kids to skip grades.But since at least the mid-1980s, schoolshave often forced gifted students to stay inage-assigned gradeseven though a 160-IQkid trying to learn at the pace of average,100-IQ kids is akin to an average girl tryingto learn at the pace of a retarded girl with an1Q of
rayTRUE BLUE There are few thi,oe Ned- ry 4 ings more integral to Southern Californias identity than the 1swimming pool. In BackyardOasis, running until May 27, the Palm Springs Art Museum offers images of man-made watery worlds set down amid aridlandscapes. In this photo by Michael Childers, a swimmer paddles through a pool painted by the artist David Hockney.Td rather do a World of Warcraft adthan, like, a lipstick commercial.AUBREY PLAZA, Parks and Recreation star, to New York magazine, on the tendency ofactresses to shill for beauty products; instead she recently starred in aspot for themultiplayer online role-playing game War HorseBack in majestic epicform, Steven Spielbergsecured a Best Picturenomination for thisboy-loves-horse battlestory butis notafinalist for Director.His other new film, thezazzy, 3-D Adventures ofTintin, was also stiffed:it wasn't short-listedfor
MeEFF MINT misstepping, of her fans turning on her.That long-term relationship withher fansit is easy to envision them ag-ing with her as she goes through all oflifes passages with her typical rigoroushonestyis what makes Handlers con:tinued presence on late-night TV so poten-tially lucrative. Shes eager to move past hercurrent focus on pop culture into a broaderformat so she can take on politics and cur-rent events. She has ruled out moving todaytimeshes too risqu for the Viewcrowdand while she has been beatingConan OBrien in audience share, she isntsure she wants to adopt a more straight-forward late-night format. Shes the firstfemale who has made it in late night, saysBrunelle. So we have a lot of options.That night in Portland, early in her set,Handler relates an anecdote about how shelikes short,
A Financial War on TerroristsI WAS APPALLED BY THE CALLOUSNESS OFthe bankers and the members of Con-gress they have influenced seeking toprevent the enactment of tougher anti-money-laundering laws THE MONEYTRAIL, Oct. 22. Cutting off terrorist fi-nancing is as important as military ac-tion. While our soldiers are putting theirlives on the line, the politicians andbankers are shielding the accounts ofdrug dealers and terrorists and think-ing only of profits.BRUNO KAISERAptos, Calif.YOUR REPORT BANKING ON SECRECY RE-ferred to offshore financial centers like... Antigua, whose banks have the poten-tial to hide and often help launder bil-lions of dollars for drug cartels, globalcrime syndicatesand groups like Osa-ma bin Ladens al-Qaeda organization.But the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Developments FinancialAction Task Force has found that Antiguaand Barbuda is cooperating fully in thefight against money
vaousRN IN SEX AND THE CITY 2,z enough to make Dancing with the Stars O MOVIES 0 BOOKS O SHORT LISTMOVIES - .: Can We Talk? Sure, you Sex and the City girls can have a blastin Abu DhabiBY MARY POLSA MOVIE GAUDY seem dignified, Carrie Bradshaw SarahJessica Parker coins a memorable phrase.The four girlfriends are sitting around apool in Abu Dhabi, but Charlotte Kristin Davis is not relaxing. According to Carrie, she needs an inter-friend-tion to makeher forget about her husband and twodaughtersback in New York City withtheir hot Irish nanny, whom the girls dubErin Go Bra-lessso she can properly enjoyher vacation with Carrie, Samantha KimCattrall and Miranda Cynthia Nixon.Ladies, we go way backall the way to1998, when the TV series Sex and the Citypremiered on HBOso
fe believe renewed leadership and technological innova-tion can once again protect our air and water and createa strong economy for all our citizens.That same optimism and common sense is in shortsupply in our politics today. The Bush Administrationhas succeeded in changing the tone back to the daysof pessimism, when partisan politics pitted businessesagainst clean air and water. It has turned the environ-mental agenda over to big polluters, denouncing evenmodest reforms as technologically impossible andeconomically ruinous. These doomsday predictionsaren't new: if Richard Nixon had believed polluters grim fairy tales, he never would have put an end to thedays when lakes and rivers literally caught fire.Nowhere is presidential leadership more lackingthan in the debate over global warming. It took theBush Administration 16 months to acknowledge whatscientists have known for more
ADRIENNEcH always thought ofAdrienne Rich as aTitan, in the Greek-godsense. She was fero-cious, strong andsteadfast, and she wasan extraordinary poet.After winning majorprizes for her earlybooks, she declaredthat she needed towrite in a different wayin order to talk aboutthe things that mat-tered to her. She cameout as a lesbian, whichwas a political act asmuch as a personalone. Adrienne demon-RAVISHANKAR138strated that you dontseparate your life as apoet from your everydaylife. She was instrumen-tal in the acceptanceof poets being able towrite about what'shappening in the world,like war and oppres-sion, breaking downthat barrier betweenwhat was and wasn'tpermissible in art.In her poem A LongConversation, shewrites, I am my art. make it from my bodyand the bodies that pro-duced mine. That, in acertain way, describesAdrienne, her philoso-phy and her heart.Dove, a Pulitzer Prizewinner, was
wt bm faisae a .. oe AdBriefingThe World Is Watching Now Online activistsbring attention to a smalltown controversyBY DAVID VON DREHLEFOLKS IN NODAWAY COUNTY,Missouri, know a thing ortwo about small-town justice.The rural area near the Iowaand Nebraska borders is hometo the hamlet of Skidmore,whereone sunny morning in1981the town bully was shotdead by two gunmen. On thetowns main street. In front ofmore than 30 witnesses. To thisday, no one has said who did it.But small-town secrets arehard to keep when the vigi-lantes of the digital universesaddle up. News that oncewas swept under the rug nowspreads like a thunderclap,as Nodaway County learnedwhen the loose alliance ofInternet activists knownas Anonymous alerted theworld to a possible rape case inwhich a well-connected boyskated free of any charges.The story, detailed in anOct. 12 report
aa eehteMedicine , esVidenceBreed aeiees Breepc A 4.0 E gL19 kU1eo anet naetaughtwith varying degrees of successatevery medical school in North America. Ithas been extraordinarily successful in shoot-ing down some of the most cherished beliefsin health care, like the idea that long-termhormone-replacement therapy would helpprevent heart disease in women. And it hasclearly saved lives. Many doctors used to giveanti-arrhythmia drugs to everyone who ex-perienced irregular heartbeats after a heartattack because severely irregular beats couldrapidly prove fatal. But then came the re-sults of a randomized trial showing that pa-tients with only mildly irregular heartbeatswere more likely to die if given the anti-arrhythmia medication than their untreatedcounterparts were. Doctors now prescribemore judiciously, though treatment stillt saves lives in the case of severe arrhythmias.Advocates believe that evidence-basedmedicine can go much further,
NEW GRIEF Marlene Elsass, withdaughter Kimberly, right, doesn'tknow where her husbands ashes areNee ee eae ie Ree RLMarshes pond to search for bodiesand torso have been found in the Marshespond, where locals used to fish.Nobody is more at a loss to explain thehorrific trove than the people who live inNoble and have known the Marsh family alltheir lives. On Thursday, the tally of bodiesunearthed surpassed the total population ofthe rural, unincorporated town. It was im-possible to reconcile the news reports with the familys reputation. Like most peoplewho spoke to TIME, a bewildered JudyDavis said of the Marshes, They are goodpeople, churchgoing people.Brents father Ray had opened the cre-matory in 1982, expanding on his grave-digging business. The Marsh family wasamong the most prominent of the fewAfrican-American families in the
MAKING THEYOUR DAY... 4gWhether you tend towork late or wakeearly, learning to payattention to yourown mental clockcan help youmake better useof your time.Here's how toget started CRITICAL HOURSMorning PersonEarly risers creativity generallypeaks early in the wake cycle,before distractions can impede thebrain's imaginative focus. By lateafternoon concentration tends to flag. Individual preferences varywidely, but research shows thathigh achievers often follow 1:30 p.m.Schedule routine tasksrather than crucial workat this hour to avoiderrors when your bodystemperature dips andyour mind settles into itsafternoon lullOo p.m.Exercising at this time ofday risks fewer injuries thanfirst thing in the morning, whenhand-eye coordination isnt atits peak, and leaves sufficienttime for the body to cool downbedHourly ia GMa Re eli itn a aeeeperiods, characterized by mental lulls,the bodys biological clock shifts fromone stage of focused activity to
12 mile to your gate won't keep youfrom leaving on that jet plane.You dont have to planaround your arthritis pain.Is it the bags you carry? The gates you rush to?Or is it lifting your luggage into the overhead? Ifyou have osteoarthritis, it colors everything you do.But you shouldnt have to miss out on the importantthings. Ask your doctor about prescriptionCELEBREX. It was designed to target the sourceof your pain, stiffness, and inflammation.Just one CELEBREX provides 24-hour, all dayand all night relief.CELEBREX is one of the most studied arthritismedicines on the market. But you should know thatCELEBREX, like all medicines, has both risks andbenefits. Its important to talk to your doctorabout treatment options to find out which one isright for you. Your doctor may also recommendother kinds of treatments.ion:
Inavecome toolate. YOHNIX4Thisis, say, the time for allgood men notto goto the aid oftheir party, butto come tothelee AU MeO NIA a zsEUGENE MCCARTHYWar opponent and 1968 presidential candidateLi eei Pa 73 a ee resaom; e rn-a., " AN ANGELCAME ANDPICKED ME UPAND SAID, CHICO,COME AND DOTHIS RECORD,IBRAHIMFERRERCuban singer, on theBuena Vista SocialClubs hit 1997 albumFRIEND OF THE COURTElegant in proseand unpretentiousin manner, WilliamRehnquist led theSupreme Court fornearly 19 years witha rare combinationof efficiency andamiability that evenliberal colleagueswill miss. Hisharmonious tenuresurprised some; inthe 14 years heserved as AssociateJustice beforebecoming ChiefJustice, Rehnquistauthored a numberof provocativelyright-wing 8-to-dissents. He evenkept a Lone Rangerdoll on his mantel.Later, critics notedthat Rehnquistabandoned his anti-federal, pro-stateprinciples in Bushv. Gore, whichbarred Florida fromrecounting theballots and gave theRepublican Partythe presidency. ButRehnquist didn'tturn out to be aconservative votary.He
Hunting a Leaker, DOJScans Reporters CallsBY MASSIMO CALABRESIAFTER CONDUCTING OVER 550 INTERVIEWS ANDreviewing thousands of documents, Justice De-partment investigators looking for the person wholeaked details of a foiled al-Qaeda bomb plot to theAssociated Press in 2012 apparently still couldntmake the case. So rather than risk failure, the fedsdecided to push the limits of their investigativeguidelines. In a May ro letter, the departmentinformed the AP that it had secretly subpoenaedunnamed third parties for the phone records from20 telephone lines used at work and home by mul-tiple AP reporters and editors across the country.Justice overrode the rule that it must negotiatewith the media before seizing call records, claim-ing that doing so would have posed a substantialthreat to the probe. The kind of dragnet thatwas cast against the AP is both
1 OUT OFBY 2017,A vy,:Fad ie4 A f4raaSilene ,inte A ee om a BE,FS, i ae aa saga . - 7 ath : 4 rs en sa a is x 7 he Ge ASE NS Ps : a BS AN AY ae BS. ae. Co ee SaaS s S : ;; 5 ANE ; ae Se oe . 7 5 JS yA yA YS. he, yr st Ca FF ; ay P 9 a Pi Y fx aa Pf YiFAIA yy - ST fh st : y - 3 re P " : j 7 , y e fjSie 7 a : Y lee. gue Aaa Xe c zo ee ;SF . a o id 4 4 a .? A, 6 y e N SS I . 4
minor details. It can be done. It will bedone, he says. In five years time, I canturn this city around.There is only one caveat. He doesnt con-trol the city. No one doesat least not allof itand its a problem that is not Kara-chis alone. As big cities expand into mega-cities, city governments dont necessarilygo along for the ride. That makes governance a chore and development a night-mare. Karachi is made up of 18 towns andsix cantonmentslegacies of a militarysystem that awards high-ranking officialswith prime allotments of land. A localboard runs each cantonment. It chargesfees and sets plans. It builds roads, digssewers and erects traffic lights. It organizesmaintenance and garbage collection.Andnone of them are answerable to thecity government. Its kind of like a condominium board made up of former
TELEVISION LOSTThey made a bold It helped make him Theres half a pagechoice. Its great not likable. Because he that Ive never seen.being a writer here didsomebads . I think that the keywhen its finale time. JOSH HOLLOWAY, on to it all is in there.JORGE GARCIA, onthe Sawyers gift for coining MICHAEL EMERSON,high-pressure ending comical nicknames on the finales scriptWe have people on I cling to the idea set with camera that Locke was a phones. I always feel significant loser. its goingtogetout. TERRY OQUINN, EVANGELINE LILLY, on Lockes dying as on keeping plot twists secret the producers assumedat a time wheneasy-to-follow dramas like CSI ruled theairwavesthat the show was doomed. Re-calls executive producer Bryan Burk: Thetwo things you couldnt do on TV in 2004were serialized TV and
IORIGUEZAPPRECIATION -fiAiThe Saint of Democracy.With People Power, CorazonAquino inspired the worldBY HOWARD CHUA-EOAN POLITICAL SAINTHOOD IS Agift from heaven withaCinderella deadline: oncemidnight strikes, you're a pumpkin. But for CorazonAquino, the former Philip- pine President, who diedAug. 1 at 76, midnight alwaysthreatened but never struck. Ina world where virtue neverguarantees success, she was agood woman whose goodness alone proved just enough toasave her country.Corazon Cojuangco wasborn into one of the wealthi-est families in the islands.Fated to be married off in onedynastic match or other, shewas courted by and fell inlove with Benigno NinoyAquino Jr.,an ambitiousjournalist turned politicianwhose own family was asillustrious though not quiteas wealthy as her baronialclan. The marriage wouldTIME August 17, 2009help propel Benignos career:Cory became a cipher athis side, the highborn wifewhose social ministrationsat political sessions
MEDIATHE BATTLE FORHEARTS E AND MINDSEven before bin Laden tape, the U.S. waslosing the propaganda war in the Arab worldBy JAMES PONIEWOZIKE WERE TOLD THAT A COUN-terstrike might follow lastweeks air attacks on Afghan-istan. But we did not expectthat it would come so soonor that the weapon of choicewould be videotape. About an hour afterthe bombing campaign began, Americans were dumbstruck to see the placid face ofthe enemy, Osama bin Laden, in their liv-ing rooms. Outside a secret cave hideout,a Kalashnikov rifle beside him, he directlychallenged the official U.S. line by casting the fight, in flowery classical Arabic, asone between Islam and the West. Amer-ica, he said, will never taste security andsafety unless we feel security and safety inour land.More than most wars, this is a mediawar. The
N i ; i N CELEBRATION AND DISSENTBy NANCY GIBBSHE DAY OF PAGEANTS AND PROTEST AND PRAYER AND 10,000i NO PARKING Signs is as close as America comes to a coro-nation day. What is typically crowned is not so much aprince as a promise, for what the next four years mightbring. President Bush stretched that tradition far past thehorizons of his second term. His goal, he declared, wasnothing less than freeing every human being on Earth. Itis the urgent requirement of our nations security, he said,and the calling of our time.No longer running for anything other than history's judgment,George W. Bush delivered his second Inaugural Address under a cold skyto a sea of hatsfur and knit and 10 gallon. Laura looked like a bride inwhite. The only warmth
The PontiffAnd theJewsAs Benedict visits theHoly Land, a look at whyhis views on Judaism arestill causing tremorsBY DAVID VAN BIEMAN JANUARY, WHEN POPE BENEDICT XVIreversed the 1988 excommunication offour bishops of an ultra-traditionalistCatholic group called the Society ofSt. Pius X SSPX, he probably knew itwould ignite a firestorm. The church hassignificant unresolved problems with thesociety, among them its gross disobedience to the previous Pope. Benedict wasdetermined to try to end a schism with amovement that exhibits a fervent piety heshares and is trying to encourage in Europe, where SSPX is strongest. But almostsimultaneous with the Popes announce-ment, a Swedish-TV interview surfaced inwhich SSPX bishop Richard Williamsonmatter-of-factly denied the existence of theNazi gas chambers. The ensuing international outcry forced the Vatican to releasea generalized condemnation of Holocaustdenialthough it didnt
Shred Alert nside the business ofpersonal-data destruction BY LILY ROTHMANRIGHT NOW THERE ARE MORE THAN150,000 used smartphones, tabletsand laptops for sale on eBay. And inthe hands of a hacker, any numberof them could reveal crucial dataabout a former ownereven afterits been deleted. People thinkif they do a disk-drive reformat,theres nothing on it, says RobSchafer, a tech analyst at theresearch firm Gartner. That isatrivial thing to get around if youare a professional data thief. Oreven an amateur, like the McAfeeemployee who made news last yearas part of an awareness campaignby mining credit-card informationfrom wiped laptops that he hadbought on Craigslist.Enter the data destroyers. Inrecent years, they've fueled a fast-growing industry: membershipin the National Association forInformation Destruction NAID,the leading trade group, hasincreased by almost 1,100 since2002, to nearly 2,000. The
LifO FAMILY O GOING GREENmSFAMILY The soccer jersey was soft,the softest thing Id evertouched made from bottlesGOING GREEN, PAGE 7I Gay Days in the Magic Kingdom. How Orlandos theme parksbecame home to one of the biggest pride events in the worldBY JOHN CLOUDORLANDOLIKE PRETTY MUCH EVERY CHILD WHOwalks up Main Street U.S.A. at DisneyWorld for the first time, Alix, ro, andher brother Evan, 11, can barely containtheir anticipation. Evan wants to rideSpace Mountain. Alix is so excited, shecant even say what she wants to do. Sheis jumping up and down. Its a typicalDisney scene, except that Evan, Alix andPhotographs by Shaul Schwarz for TIMEtheir sister Jamie, a desultory 4-year-oldshielded from the sun in a stroller, havecome to the Magic Kingdom with theirtwo moms. It is the 20th anniversary
original sin. Andertonon the run for a murderhe hasn't thought of committing of a man hedoesnt knowis oppressed by guilt becausehis young son was kidnapped while they were ata public swimming pool. Indeed, water, as bothsymbol and character, is everywhere in thisfilm: in its Christian sense of baptism andabsolution, in its dramatic function as either ahiding place that terrific bathtub rendezvouswith the cyberspiders or a scene of tragedy anabduction and two murderous drownings.0.K., so every action film seems to requirethat a member of the hero's family die to set therevenge machinery in motion, but Cruise givessome emotional heft to this low trick. Everyaction film needs its weird characters, but norecent one has been so dense with fine, smallroles : Lois Smith as the godmother of Precrime,Tim Blake Nelson
lawyer for the Center for Food Safety anda lead counsel in the suit. They pose realthreats to the viability of pollinators.American farmers have been dous-ing their fields with pesticides for de-cades, meaning that honeybeeswhichcan fly as far as 5 miles 8 km in searchof foragehave been exposed to toxinssince well before the dawn of CCD. Butneonicotinoids, which were introducedin the mid-1990s and became widespreadin the years that followed, are different.The chemicals are known as systemat-ics, which means that seeds are soaked inthem before theyre planted. Traces of thechemicals are eventually passed on to ev-ery part of the mature plantincludingthe pollen and nectar a bee might comeinto contact withand can remain formuch longer than other pesticides do.Theres really no way to prevent bees frombeing exposed to some level of
Briefing The Deep Web An arrest in San Franciscoreveals an unpoliced corner of the InternetJAY NEWTON-SMALL TO HIS TWO ROOMMATES,Josh seemed like a regularguy, living much of his lifeonline like many other BayArea techies. But to federal au-thorities, Ross Ulbricht, 29,was far better known as DreadPirate Roberts, owner and cre-ator of Silk Road, thought to bethe Internets largest market-place for illicit drugs.Visitors to Ulbrichts highlyencrypted site could browsethe wares of thousands of deal-ers, buying LSD, cocaine andother narcotics using bitcoin,an untraceable Internet cur-rency. Silk Road would thendeliver the drugsor the fakeIDs, hacking software or auto-matic weapons also for sale12thereby mail. In return, Ul-bricht earned about 80 mil-lion in fees, the feds alleged ina 39-page indictment.Authorities had been chas-ing Ulbricht for years, but itwasnt until a U.S. customsagent on
WHATS NEXTeB ion he, eTGADGETS-THERES MUSIC IN MY GLASSESFrom MP3-ready shadesto wireless videophones,here's a peek at the hippestgadgets hitting the marketin the coming monthsBY WILSON ROTHMAN1 Od HOISIBAR SY IOHDINiW Wireless VideophoneWHO: Motorola and ATT WirelessWHY: The latest cell networks make videophonespossible. And who doesnt want to see exactlywhere a spouse is calling from?HOW IT WORKS: Motorola's A845 comes witha small video camera mounted above thedisplay and can send moving images over ahigh-speed wireless network that can deliverdata at Speeds almost as great as basic DSL.: APPLICATIONS: Provided that your friendsNintendo DS have identical phones or next-gen models notd yet unveiled, you can share a two-way live videoMeld CR ROR LARC feed. Raunchy uses will no doubt proliferate.CO ee eee Ru HOW MUCH: The A845 costs 300 in
If youre talking about whythe U.S. got into World War II,thats all analysis and opinion,says Foodista CEO BarnabyDorfman, who launched thesite nine months ago. Likewise,he says, if you asked 100 peo-ple whats in apple pie, you'regoing to get tight agreementabout the fact that it has apples,cinnamon, sugar, a crust andprobably some lemon. I reallyfeel like we're on the path tofocusing the agreement andhighlighting the disagreementand the creativity.But Christopher Kimball,who searches for perfect reci-pes for a living as the editorof Cooks Illustrated and hostof PBSs Americas Test Kitchen,says letting random peopletweak recipes will lead totears on the stove top. Vari-ables affect other variables,he says, and without oneperson testing each and everychange, theres no continuityof experience. So how do youget the answer?So far, as with the begin-ning of Wikipedia, theresvery
THE AMATEURKristin van OgtrocWhat Happened to Anticipation?The very good reasons won't be binge-watching anything this winterWHAT DO STANFORD UNI-versity, marshmallows,Scandal and your BMI havein common? So much more. than youcan imagine.One of my biggest regrets about 2014is that I did not try harder to prove to myfellow man that people who fail to binge- watch Scandal are actually interesting hu-man beings who do in fact participate inthe culture, albeit in their own stunted,old-school way.Am I feeling defensive? Maybe a bit.But its becoming more and more dif-ficult to explain that I dontbinge-watch television: notHomeland, not Girls, not Houseof Cards. 1 did enjoy one shortphase of binge-watching Ar-rested Development some yearsago, until my son told his fifth-grade teacher that it was hisfavorite show. She was aghast,and thus ended that little
erts offer advice to Main Street Jim and Eva DionMarried for 42 years, theDions live in a retirementcommunity in Bluffton,S.C. Jim, 63, used to be afirefighter, and Eva, 61, ahuman-resources executive. Last year the Dions bought a newhome with a 15-year mortgage. Thevalue of their investment portfolio hasdropped 14 so far this year, so theyhave postponed new-car purchasesand have pared back vacation plans. In addition to two children and fourgrandchildren, the Dions have threeaging parents, for whom they're con-sidering home-care services. Evasmother may soon need a hip replaced. The Dions have about 40 of theirinvestments in bonds and CDs, 55 instocks and 5 in commodities.Chatzky suggests reversing the Dions'aggressive investment blend in favorof a 40-to-60 stock-to-bond ratio. Theyshould also adhere to their carefullyplanned budget, withdrawing only 4 ayear
SOLOHd YNOLNODLiN ld GOGOLcarreraa aE a en eescbs FiSCARLETTJOHANSSONMatch PointSoh a hes blond, shes, curvaceously con-figured, and she has' those remarkably proportioned lips.Naturally, in tabloid land, theyfigure Scarlett Johansson forthe latest in the long line ofmovie bombshells dating backat least to Jean Harlow. That isan image that her appearanceas Nola Rice, tragic fulcrum ofthe plot Woody Allen hasdevised for his well-receivednew movie, Match Point, isbound to enhanceexceptwith Johansson herself: Inever think about that stuff. Ilike to think of myself as, I goto work and J act. Its myprofessional life.Match Point, as ithappened, was a perfect testof her professional skills. Hiredto replace Kate Winslet ona weeks notice, Johanssonarrived on a London locationae PersThe Squid and the Whale,Peete Re eects mirc!Bee eee ecparents marriage comes justpathos and comedy in poor
ROCK'SIDIOTSSAVANTSFrom left,emArmstrongFee Tasmight happen if we challenged ourselveThe answers to those questions arrivedbundled together last September in the formof American Idiot. There is almost no prece-dent for a bands putting out six decent al-bums and then on its seventh delivering amasterpiece, but American Idiot debuted atNo. lon the Billboard album chart, appearedon most critics year-end Top 10 lists, nettedseven Grammy Award nominations includ-ing one for Album of the Year, returned foranother run atop the charts this month andinspired talk that the rock operaoh, yes,American Idiot is a rock opera with charac-ters and a plot and sociopolitical themes, nolessmight be due for a revival. The emer-gence of Green Day as artistes has stunnedthe music industry; imagine Hollywood theday after the Farrelly brothers win Best Pic-ture, and you'll have some
VVhowill bethe2005TIMEPersonof theYear?Let your voice be heard atTIME.comPOYWhere you can: Vote in the Person of the Year Poll Post your POY nomination Check out the POY choices ofleading commentators Take the ultimate POY quizCHRYSLER CHRYSLER.COMInspired Presenter of thePerson of the Year Poll Some Past Honorees GiveTheir Picks for This YearTo help us make the selection, TIME asked prominent individuals,including previous Persons of the Year, whom they would choosewiSNMOAsuainan JAMES LOVELLOne of three Apollo 8astronauts, pioneers onthe epic quest for the moon suggest special counselPatrick Fitzgerald. Inthis age of cover-ups,political intrigue,GORBACHEVFormer President ofthe Soviet Union, 1987Man of the Year, 1989Man of the DecadeI note that Ted Turnerhas nominated Bono. would like to endorse that. 1987, '89 Wehave meton several 1968 corporate greed andoccasions, and I have been impressed by
By NANCY GIBBS FORT STEWARTARTAGNAN BEETS, 3, IS IN THEcorner, dueling with his dad.Hes thumping him with bigred inflatable sock-em bop-pers, squealing every time helands a good blow. CorporalTracey Beets is pretty skilledat protecting himselfquick eyes, goodmoves, bulging arms under a NO GUTS, NOGLoRry tattoobut this is one fight hes hap-py to lose, because defeat comes with ahug, and theres not time for many more.32MOVING OUThe walls around him tell the story ofhow he got here to this second-floor apart-ment in a wooded subdivision at theArmys Fort Stewart, near Hinesville, Ga.Theres the framed letter from New YorkGovernor George Pataki, thanking the for-mer Marine for his service as a NationalGuardsman on Sept. 11, which consistedmainly of preventing distraught fire fight-ers and cops from rushing in to try to findtheir
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Hoping for Audacity.How John E Kennedyand what it means for BY RICHARD NORTON SMITHWO YEARS INTO HIS TERM,chastened by events andbuffeted by criticism fromthe left wing of his party, theyoung President hinted at asteep learning curve. The responsibilitiesplaced upon the United States are greaterthan I imagined them to be, he acknowl-edged. And there are greater limitationson our ability to bring about a favorableresult than I had imagined... It is mucheasier to make the speeches than it is tofinally make the judgments.Fifty years after his election,John F. Kennedys frank appraisalof the limits of presidentialpower is not the only paral-lel between the first CatholicPresident and the first AfricanAmerican to occupy the OvalOffice. During the 2008 Demo-cratic slugfest, both Caroline andTed Kennedy portrayed BarackObama, then a relatively un-known Senator from Illinois,
Advertisement4 . ra , mn. 2 7 ;, :i Lighting echnologe A floor lamp that spreadssunshine all over a roomThe VERILUX HappyEyes Floor Lamp brings many of the benefitsof natural daylight indoors for glare-free lighting thats perfect fora variety of indoor activities. Ae ver since the first human went intot a dark cave and built a fire, peoplehave realized the importance of properindoor lighting. Unfortunately, since Edisoninvented the light bulb, lighting technologyhas remained relatively prehistoric. Modernlight fixtures do little to combat manysymptoms of improper lighting, such aseye strain, dryness or burning. As moreand more of us spend longer hours in frontof a computer monitor, the results are com-Use the pounded. And theVERILUX effects of indoorHappyEyes lighting are notFloor Lamp... necessarily limitedto physical wellbeing. Many peoplebelieve that the quan-tity
6 UkraineBriefingA COUNTRY LOOKS EAST Whoever leads Ukraine next, it won't be pro-Western PresidentViktor Yushchenko, who placed fifth in the nations Jan. 17 elections. Since coming to powerin 2005, Yushchenko has clashed with Russia and angered Ukrainians by failing to make good onhis promises of economic reform. Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and her predecessor ViktorYanukovychboth seen as more Moscow-friendlywere the top vote getters, prompting Russiato unfreeze ties with the former Soviet republic. The two will face each other in a Feb. 7 runoff.7 WashingtonSomeone IsListeningA forthcomingJustice Departmentreport is expectedto conclude thatthe FBI invokednonexistent terror-ism emergencies toillegally obtain morethan 2,000 U.S.telephone records,according to theWashington Post.FBI general counselValerie Capronicalled the bureau'smethods, whichincluded issuingapprovals after thefact and persuadingphone companiesto release records,good-heartedbut not wellthought out.2.58 BritainA Candy RevolutionU.S. food giant Kraft has
NATION IMMIGRATIONsons ASADAPALES os LENGUAmi TORTAS AL GUSTO oe WAANINGi al PMs teesi Americas Invisible WorkforceOften we dont see the faces of the 12 million illegal immigrants who helpharvest food from our farms and labor in janitorial and other service jobs.They hide to avoid detection, and many of us prefer not to notice them. Themen above take a lunch break from tomato fields near Immokalee, Fla.? MORE IMMIGRATION PHOTOGRAPHYSee more of Samantha Appletons pictures of the human side of immigration at time.comappleton MorningRushMigrant laborers buy their lunch atthis Immokalee grocery storebetween 4 a.m. and 7 a.m. beforeheading to the fields for eight hours.The bus trip to the picking sites cantake up to three hours. Workersoften begin their days in the darkand get home after nightfallA YoungWorkerThis 16-year-old girl
ENCASED Theee Pereystate since 1924Paul Quinn-Judge A New Home for aVery Old Comrade?After 81 years, Russians ponder whetherthe time has finally come to bury LeninROM THE OUTSIDE, THEmausoleum still looks im-peccable, its brown marbleand granite facade polishedtoa gleaming shine. But todayVladimir Lenin's tomb isa site ofonly passing interest, and thegleam from its walls reflects thelights of the shops across RedSquare: Louis Vuitton, Kenzo,Chanel. The only Muscoviteswho come here are showing avisitor around, says a policemanon duty near the tomb. Alwaysout-of-towners. You can tell fromtheir clotheslike ours fromabout 15 years ago. Theofficer hasnt been inside tosee Lenin's embalmed bodysince 1998. I had just fin-ished military service andcame here with a friend. Itwas the thing you did then,he says. These days... Imjust not interested.These days Leninleaves most Russians cold.Asa post-Soviet
Short ListTIMES PICKS FOR THE WEEKYW Wy,MOVIEUnder the Sea 3DYlDont tell your kids that this film, narrated by Jim Carrey,is a documentary. Just take them to the nearest Imax.Because once theyve put on the goofy glasses, the filmschambered nautilus, leafy sea dragon and amorous cuttle-fish will so immerse them, theyll be holding their breath. ALBUMHeroesA charity covers album for children of war, with a twist: the songsare by legends Dylan, U2, Bowie who nominated younger artiststo cover them. Top tracks: TV on the Radios dance-floor version of Heroes and Duffys refreshingly cheese-free Live and Let Die. DVDTwo by Cassavetes: Shadows and Faces He was indie before indie was cool. John Cassavetes improv dramas Shadows 1959 and Faces 1968 trashed the niceties of Hollywood nar- rative and let actors
1. MAKINGWAVESry : 6 rvprings Mayo2. MAIN STREETPromise3. OFF THE GRIDLoHua Odekirt' 1 mpetleostat ine KainbowOrganic Caf forresidents wary ofplans to introducecellular servicesome worry aboutthe possibiihealth etteothers advout tODSsolescing wayte We ' istfant want to navethat kind Of energySingle People Are All Thumbs. -In contemporarydating life, its no talk, all textIt's Sunday afternoonapproximately 44 hoursafter my friend's Friday-night date. She has waitedpatiently for her phone tobleep, but so far its seenless action than Switzer-land, That means its timefor her to play the agonizinggame of textual chicken.She cycles through thestring of questions: Wouldshe seem too eager if shetexts? Shouldn't the guybe initiating? Is he try-ing to look casual? Is helegitimately busy? s he ajerk? Whoa there, maysay as default referee.Let's throw on a rom-comand work through some ofthese emotions
Is Teflon Risky? Nonstick pots can emit nasty stuff if used incorrectlyBY MICHAEL D. LEMONICKThe amazingly slippery,known as Teflon was discovered purely by accidentby DuPont chemist Roy Plunkett in 1938. By 1950the company was making a million pounds an-nually as a low-friction coating for bearings andgears. In 1960 the U.S. Food and Drug Administra-tion approved it for use in cookware. Today some60 of all pots and pans in American kitchens byare nonstickto say nothing of muffinpans, cookie sheets, cake pans, deep fryersand waffle irons.Unfortunately, it turns out that whenTeflon is heated to over 600, the coatingcan break down and release a chemicalcalled perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA. Thefumes can be fatal to pet birds. In humans,DuPont acknowledges, they can cause a re-versible flulike condition called polymer-fume fever, first noted
After almost two decades. ourLiteO GOING GREEN 0 WORK IN PROGRESS 0 FIT NATION 0 POWER OF ONE GOING GREENunderstanding of businesscasualis far from uniformWORK IN PROGRESS, PAGE 49 Eating Bugs. Theyre packed with protein and environmentallyfriendlier than other meat. But can greenies kick the ick factor?BY BRYAN WALSHRICHMONDAT THE BROAD APPETIT FOOD FESTIVAL INdowntown Richmond, Va., visitors canstuff themselves with pizza, Thai noodles, fried chicken andthis being Virginiasmoky barbecue. But some of the biggestcrowds are gathered around David GeorgeGordon, a cheerful 58-year-old writer fromSeattle. Gordon isnt cooking anythingthat complexjust some pasta, preparedPhotographs for TIME by Mark PetersonReduxon a hot platebut scattered among hisorzo like tiny six-legged meatballs is ashow-stopping ingredient: crickets. Theauthor of The Eat-a-Bug Cookbook, Gordonconsiders Orthopteran Orzo his signa-ture dish. He scoops the pasta into
HOW DO YOU DEALWITH AN ENEMYTHAT HAS NOGOVERNMENT, NOMONEY TRAIL ANDNO QUALMS ABOUTKILLING WOMENAND CHILDREN?The enemy is Mother Nature. And on Its time we started fighting back. disaster and help Americans betterAugust 29, 2005, in the form of Hurricane prepare themselves for these events. It isKatrina, she killed 1,836 people, Today, Congress is working with state and truly a cause worthy of your and everydevastated a land area larger than Great local officials and the private sector to Americans support.Britain and caused over 100 billion create a financially responsible solutiondollars worth of destruction. Even when to prepare and protect Americans from GET YOURSELF TO THE FRONT LINES.her wrath isnt as grand, she is still future natural catastrophes like hurricanesaccountable every year for almost 500 and earthquakes. H.R. 4366
MAY 7, 2001 VOL. 157 NO. 18 GMAaunted byletnamFormer Senator Bob Kerreyconfesses under pressureto killing more than adozen innocents in 1969. Inhis sadness, shame anddecades-long silence,fellow vets see themselvesand the rest of Americaconfronts war's wrenchingambiguity Page 24 TREND ALERT 6 3 SCIENCE AND SOCIETYLETTER FROM HAITI: Aristide recast as capitalist visionary S ; PALEONTOLOGY: Fine Feathered Fossil 56NOTEBOOK me eee is VES A new find shows that birds and dinosaurs are kinJOEL STEIN infiltrates Yales Porn n Chicken society 21 : . Conservation: The Smithsonian cuts hack 57NATION 5 . ch TEACHING TABOOS: Abortions Return to: the Classroom 59AMERICA'S DRUG WAR: The Front Lines. 36A civilian plane shot down over theAmazon offers a glimpse into Latin TESTING: Is the Pressure Cooker Worth It? 61Americas daunting narcowarand the North
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