stringlengths 1
| translation
translation |
3650 | {
"en": "Gooey molten chocolate cake smothered with delicious avocado icing, topped with our famous peanut butter avocado ice cream and dusted with Oreo crumb.",
"fr": "Gâteau au chocolat fondu et gluant recouvert d'un délicieux glaçage à l'avocat, surmonté de notre célèbre glace au beurre de cacahuète et à l’avocat et saupoudré de miettes d'Oreo."
} |
800 | {
"en": "Ewe's milk cheese from the Pyrenees",
"fr": "Fromage de brebis des Pyrénées"
} |
3314 | {
"en": "chimichurri bearnaise",
"fr": "béarnaise chimichurri"
} |
769 | {
"en": "Processed cheese with double cream, about 31% fat",
"fr": "Fromage fondu double crème, environ 31% MG"
} |
1333 | {
"en": "Mascarpone, with cow's milk",
"fr": "Mascarpone, au lait de vache"
} |
1857 | {
"en": "Pound cake",
"fr": "Quatre-quarts"
} |
1460 | {
"en": "spinach, appertized, drained",
"fr": "épinard, appertisé, égoutté"
} |
1767 | {
"en": "Light syrup for canned fruits in syrup",
"fr": "Sirop léger pour fruits appertisés au sirop"
} |
3474 | {
"en": "Ice cream: vanilla, chocolate, coffee, salted butter caramel, pistachio",
"fr": "Glaces : vanille, chocolat, café, caramel beurre salé, pistache"
} |
454 | {
"en": "Soft wheat flour T65",
"fr": "Farine de blé tendre ou froment T65"
} |
1897 | {
"en": "Strawberries tart",
"fr": "Tarte aux fraises"
} |
700 | {
"en": "Sweet soy sauce",
"fr": "Sauce soja sucrée"
} |
924 | {
"en": "Applesauce, low in sugar",
"fr": "Compote de pomme, allégée en sucres"
} |
849 | {
"en": "Lemon",
"fr": "Citron"
} |
980 | {
"en": "Lime juice, pure juice",
"fr": "Jus de lime, pur jus"
} |
555 | {
"en": "Stuffed mussels (fat, parsley), raw",
"fr": "Moules farcies (matière grasse, persillade) s, crues"
} |
2932 | {
"en": "Milk-shake, from fast food restaurant",
"fr": "Milk-shake, provenant de fast food"
} |
84 | {
"en": "Guava nectar",
"fr": "Nectar de goyave"
} |
3396 | {
"en": "Rye bread, lemon, Breton cider vinegar, shallot",
"fr": "Pain de seigle, citron, vinaigre de cidre breton, échalote"
} |
1112 | {
"en": "Fatty lard, raw",
"fr": "Lard gras, cru"
} |
1176 | {
"en": "Tea drink, flavored, sweetened, with sweeteners",
"fr": "Boisson au thé, aromatisée, sucrée, avec édulcorants"
} |
3258 | {
"en": "spaghetti, butter, pecorino romano cheese, cracked black pepper, extra virgin olive oil",
"fr": "spaghetti, beurre, fromage pecorino romano, poivre noir concassé, huile d'olive vierge extra"
} |
364 | {
"en": "Pork liver mousse or Liver cream",
"fr": "Mousse de foie de porc supérieure ou Crème de foie"
} |
854 | {
"en": "Strawberry",
"fr": "Fraise"
} |
3435 | {
"en": "Rye bread, lemon, Breton cider vinegar, shallot",
"fr": "Pain de seigle, citron, vinaigre de cidre breton, échalote"
} |
2967 | {
"en": "Baked Alaska",
"fr": "Omelette norvégienne"
} |
902 | {
"en": "Grape Chasselas",
"fr": "Raisin Chasselas"
} |
1046 | {
"en": "Nut, dried, kernel",
"fr": "Noix, séchée, cerneaux"
} |
37 | {
"en": "Multiruit nectar - apple base, muttivitamin",
"fr": "Nectar multifruit - base pomme, multivitaminé"
} |
3608 | {
"en": "Fish & Chips, «Coin de rue» fries, creamed peas, gribiche sauce.",
"fr": "Fish & Chips, pommes frites «Coin de rue», crème de pois cassés, sauce gribiche."
} |
1430 | {
"en": "Fennel",
"fr": "Fenouil"
} |
2397 | {
"en": "Common sole, boiled/cooked in water",
"fr": "Sole, bouillie/cuite à l'eau"
} |
2917 | {
"en": "Corn chips or tortilla chips",
"fr": "Chips de maïs ou tortilla chips"
} |
1877 | {
"en": "Puff pastry, pure butter, baked",
"fr": "Pâte feuilletée pur beurre, cuite"
} |
3393 | {
"en": "Starter + Main course + Dessert 60€",
"fr": "Entrée + Plat + Dessert 60€"
} |
2607 | {
"en": "Pork ham, intended to be cooked or pork ham, intended to be roast/bake",
"fr": "Jambon de porc à cuire ou Jambon à rôtir/cuire au four"
} |
998 | {
"en": "Watermelon",
"fr": "Pastèque"
} |
2274 | {
"en": "Seitan",
"fr": "Seitan"
} |
3373 | {
"en": "Pasta",
"fr": "Pâtes"
} |
2163 | {
"en": "Baguette sandwich, tuna, raw vegetables (tomato, salad), mayonnaise",
"fr": "Sandwich baguette, thon, crudités (tomate, salade), mayonnaise"
} |
3360 | {
"en": "Entrees",
"fr": "Entrées"
} |
1910 | {
"en": "Chocolate soft cake",
"fr": "Gâteau moelleux au chocolat"
} |
427 | {
"en": "Red Rice, Cooked, Unsalted",
"fr": "Riz rouge, cuit, non salé"
} |
1450 | {
"en": "Jerusalem artichoke",
"fr": "Topinambour"
} |
3032 | {
"en": "Kidney, beef, cooked",
"fr": "Rognon, boeuf, cuit"
} |
457 | {
"en": "T45 soft wheat or wheat flour (for pastries)",
"fr": "Farine de blé tendre ou froment T45 (pour pâtisserie)"
} |
2778 | {
"en": "Cereal bar with fruit, fortified with vitamins and minerals",
"fr": "Barre céréalière aux fruits, enrichie en vitamines et minéraux"
} |
3144 | {
"en": "Mineral sparkling water, St-Michel-de-Mourcairol, bottled, averagely mineralized",
"fr": "Eau minérale gazeuse, St-Michel-de-Mourcairol, embouteillée, moyennement minéralisée"
} |
3466 | {
"en": "Caramelized Flower Essence",
"fr": "Essence de fleur caramélisée"
} |
724 | {
"en": "Brie de Meaux",
"fr": "Brie de Meaux"
} |
219 | {
"en": "Veal, walnut, roasted",
"fr": "Veau, noix, rôtie"
} |
1223 | {
"en": "Cocoa or chocolate drink powder, sweetened",
"fr": "Poudre cacaotée ou au chocolat pour boisson, sucrée"
} |
2593 | {
"en": "Pork, shoulder lower half, (without rind, fat and bone), raw",
"fr": "Porc, hachage sans jarret, (découenné, dégraissé, désossé), cru"
} |
1096 | {
"en": "Oil for frying, not specified",
"fr": "Huile pour friture, sans précision"
} |
3586 | {
"en": "The chef's daily special",
"fr": "Le plat du jour du chef"
} |
2930 | {
"en": "Crêpe dentelle (for snacking) with cheese",
"fr": "Crêpe dentelle (pour apéritif) au fromage"
} |
2458 | {
"en": "Cod liver, canned, drained",
"fr": "Foie de morue, appertisé, égoutté"
} |
3240 | {
"en": "white wine, shallots, garlic, herb butter, garlic bread",
"fr": "vin blanc, échalotes, ail, beurre aux herbes, pain à l'ail"
} |
3313 | {
} |
586 | {
"en": "Oregano, Dried",
"fr": "Origan, séché"
} |
657 | {
"en": "White butter sauce",
"fr": "Sauce au beurre blanc"
} |
192 | {
"en": "Beef, scoter ball, roasted/oven baked",
"fr": "Boeuf, boule de macreuse, rôtie/cuite au four"
} |
2639 | {
"en": "Pork shoulder, cooked, standard, rind less and fatless",
"fr": "épaule de porc, cuite, standard, découennée, dégraissée"
} |
1315 | {
"en": "Fermented milk or yoghurt-type dairy speciality, plain, with bifidus",
"fr": "Lait fermenté ou spécialité laitière type yaourt, nature, au bifidus"
} |
343 | {
"en": "Duck confit, meat (leg), without skin, heated",
"fr": "Confit de canard, viande (cuisse), sans peau, réchauffé"
} |
2084 | {
"en": "Fish brandade with potatoes",
"fr": "Brandade de poisson aux pommes de terre"
} |
3461 | {
"en": "Tomme Bretonne, Darley, Breton Blue cheese, and seaweed pavé",
"fr": "Tomme Bretonne nature, Darley, Bleu breton, Pavé aux algues"
} |
2450 | {
"en": "Pollack or European pollock, raw",
"fr": "Lieu jaune ou colin, cru"
} |
2470 | {
"en": "Garfish, raw",
"fr": "Orphie commune, crue"
} |
1421 | {
"en": "Cauliflower",
"fr": "Chou-fleur"
} |
3198 | {
"en": "watercress, lemon yogurt, kalamata olives, pistachios, dill",
"fr": "cresson, yaourt au citron, olives kalamata, pistaches, aneth"
} |
2952 | {
"en": "Coffee custard dessert",
"fr": "Crème dessert au café"
} |
147 | {
"en": "Semi-dry cider",
"fr": "Cidre bouché demi-sec"
} |
2239 | {
"en": "Tomato tart",
"fr": "Tarte à la tomate"
} |
2316 | {
"en": "Leek and potato soup",
"fr": "Soupe aux poireaux et pommes de terre"
} |
1419 | {
"en": "Red cabbage",
"fr": "Chou rouge"
} |
1564 | {
"en": "Carrot, frozen, cooked",
"fr": "Carotte, surgelée, cuite"
} |
2270 | {
"en": "Wheat and soy patty or steak (not suitable for vegans or vegetarians)",
"fr": "Galette ou pavé au blé et soja (ne convient pas aux véganes ou végétaliens)"
} |
2267 | {
"en": "Lentil, soy and vegetable patty or steak",
"fr": "Galette ou pavé aux lentilles, soja et légumes"
} |
1029 | {
"en": "Pear in light syrup, appertised, undrained",
"fr": "Poire au sirop léger, appertisée, non égouttée"
} |
346 | {
"en": "Confit of pork liver",
"fr": "Confit de foie de porc"
} |
1579 | {
"en": "Sweet corn, frozen, raw",
"fr": "Maïs doux, surgelé, cru"
} |
2085 | {
"en": "Fish gratin and mashed potatoes",
"fr": "Gratin de poisson et purée"
} |
2741 | {
"en": "Liquid caramel or caramel topping",
"fr": "Caramel liquide ou nappage caramel"
} |
723 | {
"en": "Brie, without precision",
"fr": "Brie, sans précision"
} |
1524 | {
"en": "Spaghetti squash, pulp, raw",
"fr": "Courge spaghetti, pulpe, crue"
} |
1921 | {
"en": "Crepe filled with sugar",
"fr": "Crêpe fourrée au sucre"
} |
1226 | {
"en": "Instant, sweetened, vitamin-enriched, ready-to-drink cocoa or chocolate drink (reconstituted with standard semi-skimmed milk)",
"fr": "Boisson cacaotée ou au chocolat, instantanée, sucrée, enrichie en vitamines, prête à boire (reconstituée avec du lait demi-écrémé standard)"
} |
247 | {
"en": "Horse, rib eye, grilled/fried",
"fr": "Cheval, entrecôte, grillée/poêlée"
} |
1377 | {
"en": "Dairy speciality snack, rich in protein, on a bed of fruit, sweetened",
"fr": "Spécialité laitière type encas, riche en protéines, sur lit de fruits, sucrée"
} |
1942 | {
"en": "Soft cake filled with chocolate or chocolate chips or with milk",
"fr": "Gâteau moelleux fourré au chocolat ou aux pépites de chocolat ou au lait"
} |
1272 | {
"en": "Sweetened condensed milk, whole",
"fr": "Lait concentré sucré, entier"
} |
2622 | {
"en": "Viande des Grisons or Bündnerfleisch or dried beef meat",
"fr": "Viande des Grisons ou Bündnerfleisch ou viande de boeuf séchée"
} |
467 | {
"en": "Barley flour",
"fr": "Farine d'orge"
} |
3357 | {
"en": "BEETS & KALE",
} |
490 | {
"en": "Pasta, dry, egg, cooked, unsalted",
"fr": "Pâtes sèches, aux oeufs, cuites, non salées"
} |
619 | {
"en": "Fenugreek, Seed",
"fr": "Fenugrec, graine"
} |
1481 | {
"en": "Spinach, frozen, raw",
"fr": "épinard, surgelé, cru"
} |
1339 | {
"en": "Yogurt, fermented milk or dairy speciality, with fruit, sweetened, enriched with vitamin D",
"fr": "Yaourt, lait fermenté ou spécialité laitière, aux fruits, sucré, enrichi en vitamine D"
} |
1682 | {
"en": "Haricot bean, boiled/cooked in water",
"fr": "Haricot blanc, bouilli/cuit à l'eau"
} |
End of preview. Expand
in Data Studio
Dataset Card for "Dataset_food_translation_fr_en"
- info: This dataset is the combination of two datasets I previously made .
- There is : which is made from the ANSES-CIQUAL 2020 Table in English in XML format, found on . I made some minor changes on it in order to have it meets my needs (removed/added words to have exact translations, removed repetitions etc).
- And : which is made of the translations of different menus in different restaurants. I used the menus of these different restaurants : ,,,,, I also made some minor changes on these menus in order to have a dataset that meets my needs. I have absolutely no connection with these restaurants and their menus are certainly subject to change.
- Downloads last month
- 167