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Hey. What, what are you doing here?
Well, I-I thought a lot about what you said, and um, I realilized duh, all right maybe I was a little judgmental.
Yeah, oh, but oh...
Look now, Phoebe remember, hey, their just fulfilling their Christmas....
All right.
Okay. Yikes! That one doesn’t look very fulfilled.
Oh, that’s, that’s ah, one of the old ones, he’s just taking it to the back.
You keep the old ones in the back, that is so ageist.
Well we have to make room for the fresh ones.
So, what happens to the old guys?
Well, they go into the chipper.
Why, do I have a feeling that’s not as happy as it sounds? No! Nooooo!!!
Hey! Hey!!
Light still out?
Oh. Maybe they're- napping.
Oh please, they're having sex.
Shut up!
So, whaddya think George is like?
I think he's shy.
Yeah. I think you have to draw him out. And then- when you do- he's a preppy animal.
Hi! Hi, I’m Ross, you don’t know me, but I’m a big, big fan of yours. I mean,
Aren’t you with that girl over there?
Well, yeah, kinda.
Um, but that’s okay, see we have an understanding, um, see we each have this list of five famous people, so I’m allowed to sleep with you.
No, no, no, it’s flattery.
Oh no, no, no, wait, wait, Isabella.
Don’t, don’t just dismiss this so fast.
I mean this is a once in a lifetime opportunity...
Yeah, for you. Is that the list?
Um, yeah.
May I see it?
Um, no.
Come on!
But, okay.
I’m not on the list!
Um, see, but that’s not the final draft.
It’s laminated!
Yeah, um, okay see, you were, you were on the list but my friend, Chandler brought up the very good point that you are international, so I bumped you for Wynona Rider, local.
Y'know it’s ironic...
...because I have a list of five goofy coffee house guys and yesterday I bumped you for that guy over there.
We’re just gonna be friends.
Get out of here you lurker! Go on! Get!
Hey Pheebs!
Ohh! You made up!
Yeah, I couldn't be mad at him for too long.
Yeah, she couldn't live without the Chan Love.
Ohh, get a room.
We have one.
I know. Use it.
Oh Mon, listen I have to ask!
Okay, Joey Tribbiani invited me back to his apartment, now does he do this with a lot of girls?
Yeah, a lot. A lot, a lot!
Ohh! And I’m one of them!! Wow! Oh, I just cannot believe this! I mean, Joey Tribbiani!
Well, y’know it’s none of my business, but aren’t you married?
Yeah. Oh I just wish we could not be married for a little bit! Y’know I just wish we could be like on a break!
Ross! I think she is trying to make something happen with you to get back at me!
So that’s the only reason she could be here huh?
It couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that-that maybe I’m a good listener and I uh I put on a
Ross, I am telling you that she is using you to get back at me!
I think I can take care of myself, I’ll talk to you later.
Uh, that was your sister actually.
She-she thinks that you’re just using me.
I’m sorry.
What are you doing here?!
I-I, came to fill your ice cube trays.
Umm, okay, okay, look.
I took this picture from your fridge.
Okay, because I know that this is my Father.
Yeah, this is Frank Buffay and you are standing right there next to him.
Now, look I deserve to know where I came from.
All right?
So if you can help me find my Father then you should!
Otherwise, you’re just mean!
So, just tell me the truth!
All right, the man in the picture is Chuck Magioni.
My Father is Chuck Magioni?
No, no, that’s just Chuck Magioni, I-I sold him a house last year!
And I’m very sorry, but I don’t know where your Father is, and that’s the truth.
But umm, you’re right.
I think that a person should know where they come from.
Wh-which is why I ah, ahh, okay.
I’m your mother.
Y'know I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I just, I kinda felt all floopy, and...
What’s happening to your accent?
Come again?
What’s-what’s this nonsense?
All right, I’m-I’m not English.
I’m from Long Island.
I was really nervous and the accent just uh, just came out.