1 value
<story><title>Practical Guide to Bare Metal C++</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>dang</author><text>&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=12138374&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=12138374&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Practical Guide to Bare Metal C++</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>monocasa</author><text>I traditionally haven&amp;#x27;t been the biggest fan of this book. Most of what they list is stuff that just looks like using C++ just for the sake of it, with no real benefit over a C codebase.&lt;p&gt;For instance they don&amp;#x27;t appear to use RAII at all, even in places where it&amp;#x27;s an obvious win (InterruptLock).</text></comment>
<story><title>The Beauty of Unix Pipelines</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>enriquto</author><text>&amp;gt; because spaces are a reasonable thing to put in a filename unless you&amp;#x27;re on a Unix system.&lt;p&gt;Putting spaces on a filename is atrocious and should be disallowed by modern filesystems. It is like if you could put spaces inside variable names in Python. Ridiculous.</text></item><item><author>jcranmer</author><text>There&amp;#x27;s a certain irony in responding to criticism of that which you&amp;#x27;re extolling by saying not to use it.&lt;p&gt;And the only reason I might be pushed down that path is because the task I&amp;#x27;m working on happens to involve filenames with spaces in them (without those spaces, the code would work fine!), because spaces are a &lt;i&gt;reasonable&lt;/i&gt; thing to put in a filename unless you&amp;#x27;re on a Unix system.</text></item><item><author>gorgoiler</author><text>To criticize sh semantics without acknowledging that C was &lt;i&gt;always there when you needed something serious&lt;/i&gt; is a bit short sighted.&lt;p&gt;There are two uses of the Unix “api”:&lt;p&gt;[A] Long lived tools for other people to use.&lt;p&gt;[B] Short lived tools one throws together oneself.&lt;p&gt;The fact that most things work most of the time is why the shell works so well for B, and why it is indeed a poor choice for the sort of stable tools designed for others to use, in A.&lt;p&gt;The ubiquity of the C APIs of course solved [A] use cases in the past, when it was unconscionable to operate a system without cc(1). It’s part of why they get first class treatment in the Unix man pages, as old fashioned as that seems nowadays.</text></item><item><author>jcranmer</author><text>&amp;gt; (1) everything is text&lt;p&gt;And lists are space-separated. Unless you want them to be newline-separated, or NUL-separated, which is controlled by an option that may or may not be present for the command you&amp;#x27;re invoking, and is spelled completely differently for each program. Or maybe you just quote spaces somehow, and good luck figuring out who is responsible for inserting quotes and who is responsible for removing them.</text></item><item><author>gorgoiler</author><text>Pipes are wonderful! In my opinion you can’t extol them by themselves. One has to bask in a fuller set of features that are so much greater than the sum of their parts, to feel the warmth of Unix:&lt;p&gt;(1) everything is &lt;i&gt;text&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;(2) everything (ish) is a &lt;i&gt;file&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;(3) including &lt;i&gt;pipes&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;fds&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;(4) every piece of software is accessible as a file, invoked at the &lt;i&gt;command line&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;(5) ...with local &lt;i&gt;arguments&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;(6) ...and persistent globals in the &lt;i&gt;environment&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;A lot of understanding comes once you know what execve does, though such knowledge is of course not necessary. It just helps.&lt;p&gt;Unix is seriously uncool with young people at the moment. I intend to turn that around and articles like this offer good material.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>necrotic_comp</author><text>At Goldman, the internal language Slang has spaces in variable names. It&amp;#x27;s insane at first glance and I got into an argument with my manager about why in the world this was acceptable, and he could give me no other answer than &amp;quot;this is the way it is&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;But when you realize that space isn&amp;#x27;t a valid separator between token, seeing things like &amp;quot;Class to Pull Info From Database::Extractor Tool&amp;quot; actually becomes much easier to read and the language becomes highly expressive, helped somewhat by the insane integration into the firm&amp;#x27;s systems.&lt;p&gt;I was on your side until I tried it, but it can actually be quite useful, esp. if everything is consistent.</text></comment>
<story><title>The Beauty of Unix Pipelines</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>enriquto</author><text>&amp;gt; because spaces are a reasonable thing to put in a filename unless you&amp;#x27;re on a Unix system.&lt;p&gt;Putting spaces on a filename is atrocious and should be disallowed by modern filesystems. It is like if you could put spaces inside variable names in Python. Ridiculous.</text></item><item><author>jcranmer</author><text>There&amp;#x27;s a certain irony in responding to criticism of that which you&amp;#x27;re extolling by saying not to use it.&lt;p&gt;And the only reason I might be pushed down that path is because the task I&amp;#x27;m working on happens to involve filenames with spaces in them (without those spaces, the code would work fine!), because spaces are a &lt;i&gt;reasonable&lt;/i&gt; thing to put in a filename unless you&amp;#x27;re on a Unix system.</text></item><item><author>gorgoiler</author><text>To criticize sh semantics without acknowledging that C was &lt;i&gt;always there when you needed something serious&lt;/i&gt; is a bit short sighted.&lt;p&gt;There are two uses of the Unix “api”:&lt;p&gt;[A] Long lived tools for other people to use.&lt;p&gt;[B] Short lived tools one throws together oneself.&lt;p&gt;The fact that most things work most of the time is why the shell works so well for B, and why it is indeed a poor choice for the sort of stable tools designed for others to use, in A.&lt;p&gt;The ubiquity of the C APIs of course solved [A] use cases in the past, when it was unconscionable to operate a system without cc(1). It’s part of why they get first class treatment in the Unix man pages, as old fashioned as that seems nowadays.</text></item><item><author>jcranmer</author><text>&amp;gt; (1) everything is text&lt;p&gt;And lists are space-separated. Unless you want them to be newline-separated, or NUL-separated, which is controlled by an option that may or may not be present for the command you&amp;#x27;re invoking, and is spelled completely differently for each program. Or maybe you just quote spaces somehow, and good luck figuring out who is responsible for inserting quotes and who is responsible for removing them.</text></item><item><author>gorgoiler</author><text>Pipes are wonderful! In my opinion you can’t extol them by themselves. One has to bask in a fuller set of features that are so much greater than the sum of their parts, to feel the warmth of Unix:&lt;p&gt;(1) everything is &lt;i&gt;text&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;(2) everything (ish) is a &lt;i&gt;file&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;(3) including &lt;i&gt;pipes&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;fds&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;(4) every piece of software is accessible as a file, invoked at the &lt;i&gt;command line&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;(5) ...with local &lt;i&gt;arguments&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;(6) ...and persistent globals in the &lt;i&gt;environment&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;A lot of understanding comes once you know what execve does, though such knowledge is of course not necessary. It just helps.&lt;p&gt;Unix is seriously uncool with young people at the moment. I intend to turn that around and articles like this offer good material.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>outadoc</author><text>You should take a stroll in the real world sometime, where spaces and Unicode exists :)</text></comment>
<story><title>OS X app in plain C</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>justsaysmthng</author><text>Don&amp;#x27;t do this at home. It looks so ugly because it&amp;#x27;s dangerous and vice-versa.&lt;p&gt;If you really want to write (and read) code like this:&lt;p&gt;id titleString = ((id (&lt;i&gt;)(id, SEL, const char&lt;/i&gt;))objc_msgSend)((id)objc_getClass(&amp;quot;NSString&amp;quot;), sel_registerName(&amp;quot;stringWithUTF8String:&amp;quot;), &amp;quot;sup from C&amp;quot;);&lt;p&gt;((void (*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)(window, sel_registerName(&amp;quot;setTitle:&amp;quot;), titleString);&lt;p&gt;instead of this&lt;p&gt;[window setTitle:@&amp;quot;sup&amp;quot;];&lt;p&gt;then I guess it would be easier to write a Objective-C to C converter (if there isn&amp;#x27;t one already) and convert your Objective-C app into C for added coolness. I</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>dmytroi</author><text>One practical example would be tigr [1] - a cross platform window framework for making simple applications, could be compiled as one header drop-in only lib. You simply cannot make it one header without making calling ObjC runtime from C. Why it&amp;#x27;s necessary to make it work as one drop-in header? Well it&amp;#x27;s a new trend in C libraries, which allows using libraries with the least resistance possible, it&amp;#x27;s like a package manager but nicer - you only have one file! Great example of modern one header libs is probably the famous stb package [2].&lt;p&gt;- [1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;rmitton&amp;#x2F;tigr&amp;#x2F;src&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;rmitton&amp;#x2F;tigr&amp;#x2F;src&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;- [2] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;nothings&amp;#x2F;stb&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;nothings&amp;#x2F;stb&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>OS X app in plain C</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>justsaysmthng</author><text>Don&amp;#x27;t do this at home. It looks so ugly because it&amp;#x27;s dangerous and vice-versa.&lt;p&gt;If you really want to write (and read) code like this:&lt;p&gt;id titleString = ((id (&lt;i&gt;)(id, SEL, const char&lt;/i&gt;))objc_msgSend)((id)objc_getClass(&amp;quot;NSString&amp;quot;), sel_registerName(&amp;quot;stringWithUTF8String:&amp;quot;), &amp;quot;sup from C&amp;quot;);&lt;p&gt;((void (*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)(window, sel_registerName(&amp;quot;setTitle:&amp;quot;), titleString);&lt;p&gt;instead of this&lt;p&gt;[window setTitle:@&amp;quot;sup&amp;quot;];&lt;p&gt;then I guess it would be easier to write a Objective-C to C converter (if there isn&amp;#x27;t one already) and convert your Objective-C app into C for added coolness. I</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>deanCommie</author><text>Seriously, I don&amp;#x27;t know who&amp;#x27;s downvoting you. This needs a huge &amp;quot;for academic purposes only disclaimer&amp;quot;. Higher level abstractions exist for a reason.</text></comment>
<story><title>&apos;Miraculous&apos; mosquito hack cuts dengue by 77%</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>macintux</author><text>For anyone unfamiliar with dengue, among its more notorious aspects is that repeated infections over a victim’s lifetime can make its impact &lt;i&gt;worse&lt;/i&gt;.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Dengue_fever&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Dengue_fever&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Very happy to hear this news. Selfishly, with a warming climate the impact of the virus is likely to spread, and generally the more tropical diseases we can wipe out the better.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>the_af</author><text>&amp;gt; &lt;i&gt;For anyone unfamiliar with dengue, among its more notorious aspects is that repeated infections over a victim’s lifetime can make its impact worse.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;One really minor nitpick, but I think it&amp;#x27;s different strains of dengue that get you: get infected by one, and you get resistance for that strain, but also become more susceptible to develop complications or die from a separate strain.</text></comment>
<story><title>&apos;Miraculous&apos; mosquito hack cuts dengue by 77%</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>macintux</author><text>For anyone unfamiliar with dengue, among its more notorious aspects is that repeated infections over a victim’s lifetime can make its impact &lt;i&gt;worse&lt;/i&gt;.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Dengue_fever&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Dengue_fever&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Very happy to hear this news. Selfishly, with a warming climate the impact of the virus is likely to spread, and generally the more tropical diseases we can wipe out the better.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>krrrh</author><text>This fact makes the stat from the article all the more alarming.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; In 1970, only nine countries had faced severe dengue outbreaks, now there are up to 400 million infections a year.&lt;p&gt;It amazes me to think of how relatively small the team that worked on this was in relation to the outsized benefit to humanity.</text></comment>
<story><title>Instagram ads Facebook won&apos;t show you</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>an_opabinia</author><text>A pretty cool piece.&lt;p&gt;Too bad they have to use text to make their point. It would essentially reach zero people due to rules (&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;business&amp;#x2F;learn&amp;#x2F;lessons&amp;#x2F;how-to-adhere-to-facebook-ad-policy-text-in-images&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;business&amp;#x2F;learn&amp;#x2F;lessons&amp;#x2F;how-to-adher...&lt;/a&gt;). Then there&amp;#x27;s personal attributes (&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;policies&amp;#x2F;ads&amp;#x2F;prohibited_content&amp;#x2F;personal_attributes&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;policies&amp;#x2F;ads&amp;#x2F;prohibited_content&amp;#x2F;perso...&lt;/a&gt;). Then ads that do not sell products&amp;#x2F;services follow murky rules, and talking about Facebook itself is usually prohibited. (edited from: because the rule they&amp;#x27;re actually breaking is the &amp;quot;No Text&amp;quot; rule in Facebook ad creatives.)&lt;p&gt;Is there non-symbolic imagery that they could have used to say the same thing?&lt;p&gt;Perhaps they should have retained someone with this kind of creative experience.&lt;p&gt;Looking critically, the most narrow and serious obstacle to advocate for privacy is storytelling.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>tgsovlerkhgsel</author><text>&amp;gt; &amp;quot;No Text&amp;quot; rule in Facebook ad creatives.&lt;p&gt;Where can this rule be found? That seems like a really odd rule, and &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;business&amp;#x2F;help&amp;#x2F;388369961318508?id=1240182842783684&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;business&amp;#x2F;help&amp;#x2F;388369961318508?id=12...&lt;/a&gt; says the opposite:&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Avoid too much text on the image itself. We&amp;#x27;ve found that images with less than 20% text perform better, though there is no limit on the amount of text that can exist in your ad image.&amp;quot;</text></comment>
<story><title>Instagram ads Facebook won&apos;t show you</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>an_opabinia</author><text>A pretty cool piece.&lt;p&gt;Too bad they have to use text to make their point. It would essentially reach zero people due to rules (&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;business&amp;#x2F;learn&amp;#x2F;lessons&amp;#x2F;how-to-adhere-to-facebook-ad-policy-text-in-images&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;business&amp;#x2F;learn&amp;#x2F;lessons&amp;#x2F;how-to-adher...&lt;/a&gt;). Then there&amp;#x27;s personal attributes (&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;policies&amp;#x2F;ads&amp;#x2F;prohibited_content&amp;#x2F;personal_attributes&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;policies&amp;#x2F;ads&amp;#x2F;prohibited_content&amp;#x2F;perso...&lt;/a&gt;). Then ads that do not sell products&amp;#x2F;services follow murky rules, and talking about Facebook itself is usually prohibited. (edited from: because the rule they&amp;#x27;re actually breaking is the &amp;quot;No Text&amp;quot; rule in Facebook ad creatives.)&lt;p&gt;Is there non-symbolic imagery that they could have used to say the same thing?&lt;p&gt;Perhaps they should have retained someone with this kind of creative experience.&lt;p&gt;Looking critically, the most narrow and serious obstacle to advocate for privacy is storytelling.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>mkmk</author><text>This actually violates the “personal attributes” rule. In my experience, this rule is enforced quite strictly — although you can still see the same targeting criteria under the “why did I see this ad” feature.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;policies&amp;#x2F;ads&amp;#x2F;prohibited_content&amp;#x2F;personal_attributes&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;policies&amp;#x2F;ads&amp;#x2F;prohibited_content&amp;#x2F;perso...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Google Docs in a clean-room browser</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>evmar</author><text>&amp;gt; seems to compare the Firefox version number with 65 ... I’ve no idea what the purpose of this is&lt;p&gt;I previously worked on JS infra at Google. Google uses a lot of shared JS libraries that date back over a decade, and those libraries have accumulated lots of workarounds for browsers that nobody cares about anymore. (One especially crazy seeming one from today&amp;#x27;s perspective is that there&amp;#x27;s a separate implementation of event propagation, I believe because because it dates back to browsers that only implemented one half of event bubbling&amp;#x2F;capture!)&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s very difficult to remove an old workaround because&lt;p&gt;1. it&amp;#x27;s hard to be completely sure nobody actually depends on the workaround (especially given the wide variety of apps and environments Google supports -- Firefox aside, Google JS runs on a lot of abandonware TVs), and&lt;p&gt;2. it&amp;#x27;s hard to prioritize doing such work, because it&amp;#x27;s low value (a few less bytes of JS) and nonzero risk (see point 1) without meaningfully moving any metrics you care about.&lt;p&gt;In all, how to eliminate accumulated cruft like is a fascinating problem to me in that I can&amp;#x27;t see how it ever gets done. And it&amp;#x27;s not a Google thing. Even the newer cooler startup I now work at has similar &amp;quot;work around old Safari bug, not sure if it&amp;#x27;s safe to remove&amp;quot; codepaths that I can imagine will stick around forever, for similar reasons.</text></comment>
<story><title>Google Docs in a clean-room browser</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>devwastaken</author><text>*Closed source browser.&lt;p&gt;Flow is yet another project pulling on open source resources, and the browser market created from open browsers, and trying to privatize it. Imagine if google could just make whatever internal changes to chromium and nobody knew about it.</text></comment>
<story><title>Free Beginner and Intermediate JavaScript Courses</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>sjnair96</author><text>If anyone has ever tried Anthony Alicea&amp;#x27;s JS&amp;#x2F;NodeJS&amp;#x2F;Angular1 course[1],[2],[3], please let me know if rithmschool&amp;#x27;s or any other course holds a candle to it. I really really liked Tony&amp;#x27;s course as it gave quite a deep look into topics, which are usually only attainable from books, while at the same time keeping it very interesting and also contain lots of best practice material and being extremely dense but easy to digest. Do let me know if you guys know any other courses of the same style. If you haven&amp;#x27;t watched any of Tony&amp;#x27;s courses, do give them a shot -- they are the holy grails of online education for me. Rigorous -- but not boring or too long.&lt;p&gt;[1]&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=Bv_5Zv5c-Ts&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=Bv_5Zv5c-Ts&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[2]&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=ejBkOjEG6F0&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=ejBkOjEG6F0&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[3]&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;understand-nodejs&amp;#x2F;?couponCode=LEARNNODE20&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;understand-nodejs&amp;#x2F;?couponCode=LEARNNOD...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Disclaimer: Because it may sound like it, I&amp;#x27;d like to clarify I have absolutely &lt;i&gt;no&lt;/i&gt; affiliation with Tony or his courses. I just really really liked them.</text></comment>
<story><title>Free Beginner and Intermediate JavaScript Courses</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>antiffan</author><text>Congrats to the team on launching this!&lt;p&gt;I just made my way through the first few sections. This is really great content, and I think you&amp;#x27;ve done a nice job of making it accessible to beginners.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ll be pointing many of my bootcamp prep learners to it for practice.</text></comment>
<story><title>5G Just Got Weird</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>elil17</author><text>As I’ve learned more and more about 5G (which is a nebulous term, really, but what I mean specifically is the planned upcoming releases of LTE 16 and 17, as well as the features of LTE 14 and 15 that users have yet to take advantage of) I’ve become convinced that it’s going to transform how so much of the world is designed.&lt;p&gt;5G technologies allow for more devices to send more data using less power. This is achieved using a huge variety of new technologies. For instance, with beamforming, the tower sends a directional signal to your phone based on its location instead of broadcasting an omnidirectional signal. This uses less power and supports for more users.&lt;p&gt;What consumers see is much higher data rates for the same price, which doesn’t seem that important. But on the industrial side, there will be offerings that allow for low data rate, low power applications at cheaper and cheaper prices.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>gruez</author><text>&amp;gt; But on the industrial side, there will be offerings that allow for low data rate, low power applications at cheaper and cheaper prices.&lt;p&gt;oh great, now my appliances can phone home even without connecting to a wifi network.</text></comment>
<story><title>5G Just Got Weird</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>elil17</author><text>As I’ve learned more and more about 5G (which is a nebulous term, really, but what I mean specifically is the planned upcoming releases of LTE 16 and 17, as well as the features of LTE 14 and 15 that users have yet to take advantage of) I’ve become convinced that it’s going to transform how so much of the world is designed.&lt;p&gt;5G technologies allow for more devices to send more data using less power. This is achieved using a huge variety of new technologies. For instance, with beamforming, the tower sends a directional signal to your phone based on its location instead of broadcasting an omnidirectional signal. This uses less power and supports for more users.&lt;p&gt;What consumers see is much higher data rates for the same price, which doesn’t seem that important. But on the industrial side, there will be offerings that allow for low data rate, low power applications at cheaper and cheaper prices.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>nfriedly</author><text>&amp;gt; What consumers see is much higher data rates for the same price, which doesn’t seem that important.&lt;p&gt;I think this is in part due to data caps. Nobody takes advantage of the speed, because that could mean burning an entire month&amp;#x27;s worth of data in 10 minutes.</text></comment>
<story><title>Sub-10 ms Latency in Java: Concurrent GC with Green Threads</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>jakewins</author><text>For years of my life, all I thought about was stuff like this. If you&amp;#x27;ve ever ran latency sensitive systems on the JVM.. man is it ever a pain.&lt;p&gt;Who was it that turned GC off entirely, minimized allocation and just restarted their VMs when they ran out of RAM every couple of hours, was that Netflix?&lt;p&gt;Either way. It makes me excited for Rust and the languages it&amp;#x27;ll inspire, all this labor gone away.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>manuelabeledo</author><text>&amp;gt; Who was it that turned GC off entirely, minimized allocation and just restarted their VMs when they ran out of RAM every couple of hours, was that Netflix?&lt;p&gt;Every single financial firm out there, using Java for sub-microsecond tasks. Really, there is no other way to keep low latencies if you have your GC messing around every few milliseconds.&lt;p&gt;This may surprise some people, but Java is ubiquitous in low latency environments such as trading firms. It offers performance close enough to C++, but the developer pool is way larger. Also, when one needs to comply with extremely low latency requirements, the way to go is always dedicated hardware anyway.&lt;p&gt;If you are interested in the topic, there is this project called OpenHFT that aims to provide high frequency trading tools for Java. Particularly, their Chronicle Queue implementation tries to handle the GC latency issue by storing stuff off heap. Its co-founder, Peter Lawrey, has also delivered a handful of good talks about low latency Java.</text></comment>
<story><title>Sub-10 ms Latency in Java: Concurrent GC with Green Threads</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>jakewins</author><text>For years of my life, all I thought about was stuff like this. If you&amp;#x27;ve ever ran latency sensitive systems on the JVM.. man is it ever a pain.&lt;p&gt;Who was it that turned GC off entirely, minimized allocation and just restarted their VMs when they ran out of RAM every couple of hours, was that Netflix?&lt;p&gt;Either way. It makes me excited for Rust and the languages it&amp;#x27;ll inspire, all this labor gone away.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>pron</author><text>In case you missed this post and the previous ones, here&amp;#x27;s the news: this labour is gone on the JVM. The GCs in JDK 14-15 are good enough pretty much out of the box, and they&amp;#x27;re getting better very quickly now.&lt;p&gt;OTOH, if you think other languages let you do away with a GC without pretty significant extra work, especially in concurrent systems, well, then you haven&amp;#x27;t had experience with those languages.</text></comment>
<story><title>Microsoft is ending support for the Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>theusus</author><text>I feel like this was released just yesterday and now they are ending the support. Why?</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>stillold</author><text>They created a huge buzz around it, took over a year to release and when they did so, released it to the wrong Insider ring, so everyone who was on the fast ring specifically for and waiting for it had to re-install.&lt;p&gt;I believe, without any proof, that this is why they had to redo their rings and what they meant shortly after.&lt;p&gt;Then there is everything else people have mentioned, with them being completely reliant on Amazon&amp;#x27;s store but requiring &amp;quot;something&amp;quot; where most of the apps that are on Amazon&amp;#x27;s mobile store weren&amp;#x27;t available.</text></comment>
<story><title>Microsoft is ending support for the Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>theusus</author><text>I feel like this was released just yesterday and now they are ending the support. Why?</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>zoeysmithe</author><text>I imagine not only is this a technical challenge in general, but the &amp;quot;best&amp;quot; apps require google integration and google is giving devs and big companies incentives to require the google play libraries, which this can&amp;#x27;t use. This has been google&amp;#x27;s main dirty trick since the beginning, which is why you don&amp;#x27;t see much competition in the android space. Its a few big licensed players. Niche, homebrew, emulated, etc players aren&amp;#x27;t going to get google certified. Android has just become MS from the 90s. Google is a crony capitalist tough guy as much as MS or Oracle or Apple, it just has better PR as being &amp;quot;friendly&amp;quot; and &amp;quot;open.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;MS also is clearly bribing&amp;#x2F;paying for big apps to come to its Windows platform via the Windows store, so why bother with this Android middle-man that is all trouble? Eventually the big apps got to Windows Store and that&amp;#x27;s really all that matters to 90% of customers.&lt;p&gt;Everything about this project was doomed from the start. I think MS just has given up on apps and mobile and leaves that to Apple or Samsung, who are now just caretakers for ios and android at this point and mobile becoming a low&amp;#x2F;no profit commodity in the long run, outside of payment processing.</text></comment>
<story><title>John Conway – The world’s most charismatic mathematician</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>hkmurakami</author><text>I took Math 217 (Honors Linear Algebra) [1] with John Conway back in undergrad. Here are some anecdotes.&lt;p&gt;He announced that the midterm would be open notes. We study accordingly. We get to the midterm, and he is in California for a conference. A grad student is proctoring. We tell him that that the professor told us that it would be open notes. The grad student chuckles, says no way, the students outraged, and the exam proceeds closed notes. I guess he forgot to tell his grad student!&lt;p&gt;My friend comes to the exam late, didn&amp;#x27;t hear about the closed notes update, takes the exam open notes (how did his neighbor not notice?), turns himself into Conway later. The class average was something like 32 points out of 95.&lt;p&gt;After the midterm results, he was dismayed that he &amp;quot;had clearly done a poor job teaching us,&amp;quot; and proceeded to spend the next 3 lectures going over the first 6 weeks of the course at a furious pace.&lt;p&gt;A classmate had met Conway back at a summer math camp during High School. John Conway had a real bicycle around his neck. He proclaimed that in the future if she sees a John Conway without a bicycle around his neck, that he is not the real John Conway! (much to our dismay he never came to class with a bicycle around his neck. I think he did, however, come to class with a metal cloths hanger around his neck. I think he did a trick involving one or more of these that day)&lt;p&gt;If students seemed a bit sleepy during lecture, he would routinely start to suddenly lecture at the top of his lungs. I definitely remember jumping up in my seat many times because of this. In one occasion, he opted to take off his shoe and throw it as hard as he could at the window for similar effect.&lt;p&gt;He would lecture and write on the blackboard so fast that we would copy the blackboard furiously for 90 minutes. If I started 2 blackboards behind (there were 6 boards), I would usually not have caught up by the end of lecture.&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;undergraduate&amp;#x2F;course&amp;#x2F;mat217&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;undergraduate&amp;#x2F;course&amp;#x2F;mat217&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>John Conway – The world’s most charismatic mathematician</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>duncanawoods</author><text>Reposting after a prod from the mods because there is so much fascinating stuff e.g. this quote from James Propp, professor of mathematics at the University of Massachusetts Lowell:&lt;p&gt;“Conway is the rare sort of mathematician whose ability to connect his pet mathematical interests makes one wonder if he isn’t, at some level, shaping mathematical reality and not just exploring it. The example of this that I know best is a connection he discovered between sphere packing and games. These were two separate areas of study that Conway had arrived at by two different paths. So there’s no reason for them to be linked. But somehow, through the force of his personality, and the intensity of his passion, he bent the mathematical universe to his will.”</text></comment>
<story><title>The Software Revolution</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lkrubner</author><text>I disagree with this:&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;The previous one, the industrial revolution, created lots of jobs&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;That industrial revolution caused massive unemployment in India, in the Ottoman empire, in China... almost everywhere that had once been a famous textile center. The idea that the industrial revolution did not cause unemployment is an illusion that is caused by looking at only one nation state. But Britain was the winner of the early industrial revolution, and it was able to export its unemployment. And because of this, a breathtaking gap opened up between wages in the West and wages everywhere else. The so-called Third World was summoned into existence. You can get some sense of this by reading Fernand Braudel&amp;#x27;s work, &amp;quot;The Perspective of the World&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;amp;pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&amp;amp;pf_rd_t=201&amp;amp;pf_rd_i=0520081145&amp;amp;pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&amp;amp;pf_rd_r=1SNDA9Y3ZZY1RSP7SSE3&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;gp&amp;#x2F;product&amp;#x2F;0520081161&amp;#x2F;ref=pd_lpo_sbs_d...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;The software revolution will be similar with some nations winning and many others losing.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>api</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m fairly convinced that eventually there will be two and only two choices: universal income and a shortened work week, or such extreme wealth divisions that stability demands a totalitarian police state resembling the worst sort of comic book cyberpunk dystopia. Age of abundance or feudal hellhole. Your pick. There simply will not be enough economically viable work to sustain any system that demands labor to maintain cash flows. Automation will be too efficient, programmable, adaptable.&lt;p&gt;... I suppose there is a third option: an anti-technology crusade that bans automation to restore employment. But a make-work economy sucks, and is not likely to succeed in the long term.</text></comment>
<story><title>The Software Revolution</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lkrubner</author><text>I disagree with this:&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;The previous one, the industrial revolution, created lots of jobs&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;That industrial revolution caused massive unemployment in India, in the Ottoman empire, in China... almost everywhere that had once been a famous textile center. The idea that the industrial revolution did not cause unemployment is an illusion that is caused by looking at only one nation state. But Britain was the winner of the early industrial revolution, and it was able to export its unemployment. And because of this, a breathtaking gap opened up between wages in the West and wages everywhere else. The so-called Third World was summoned into existence. You can get some sense of this by reading Fernand Braudel&amp;#x27;s work, &amp;quot;The Perspective of the World&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;amp;pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&amp;amp;pf_rd_t=201&amp;amp;pf_rd_i=0520081145&amp;amp;pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&amp;amp;pf_rd_r=1SNDA9Y3ZZY1RSP7SSE3&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;gp&amp;#x2F;product&amp;#x2F;0520081161&amp;#x2F;ref=pd_lpo_sbs_d...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;The software revolution will be similar with some nations winning and many others losing.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>sparaker</author><text>Every revolution has its downsides. But i think this revolution might just give us a break through from boring tasks and create opportunities for creative exploration one that we currently have in very small quantity.</text></comment>
<story><title>It&apos;s hard to say who&apos;s winning the streaming wars, but customers are losing</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>citizenkeen</author><text>On the one hand, we got what we asked for: _a la carte_.&lt;p&gt;I think what makes people frustrated is that cable channels were _themed_. I was frustrated that I was paying for TLC and Bravo because I didn&amp;#x27;t watch reality tv. I was paying for Discovery even though I didn&amp;#x27;t watch nature shows. I was paying for Lifetime even though I didn&amp;#x27;t watch cheap shows for women. I was paying for ESPN even though I didn&amp;#x27;t watch sports.&lt;p&gt;I wanted to pay for the comedy, the scifi&amp;#x2F;syfy, the cartoons, and the kids programming. That was, like, five or six channels.&lt;p&gt;Which streaming service do I go to now for the science fiction? Which streaming service do I go to now for the horror or the feel-good sitcoms?&lt;p&gt;Streaming arose during the collapse of genre channels. There are now three genres of programming: prestige, drek, and children&amp;#x27;s.</text></item><item><author>II2II</author><text>People seem to forget how bad things used to be. We are extremely fortunate with the ability to watch what we want, when we want, without being interrupted by commercials, for an extremely low cost. There also appears to be a great deal of progress with respect to being able to view programs&amp;#x2F;movies produced for foreign markets. But the best thing is:&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; you can bounce between streaming services at will, and they&amp;#x27;re all still far easier to cancel than cable.&lt;p&gt;Add to that cheaper, since you don&amp;#x27;t have to deal with connection fees. If you know that you&amp;#x27;re not going to have the time to use the service for a couple of months because you&amp;#x27;re too busy with work, you don&amp;#x27;t have to pay for it. If you have decided that you are going to spend most of your summer pursuing outdoor recreational activities, you don&amp;#x27;t have to pay for it. If you&amp;#x27;re going on the road for a few weeks (vacation or business), you don&amp;#x27;t have to pay for it. If you decide that you want to watch programming on two different streaming services, you can simply rotate through the services on a monthly basis and only pay for one service at a time.&lt;p&gt;Why do I bring all of this up when it&amp;#x27;s not directly related to the article: it&amp;#x27;s because these articles reek of entitlement. Yes, there are times when licensing causes shows or movies to fall through the cracks. On the other hand, the situation is also far better than it used to be when using the same metrics. Not only that, but it can be a heck of a lot less expensive even when factoring in the cost of an Internet connection.</text></item><item><author>majormajor</author><text>If you look at twenty years ago, there&amp;#x27;s far more content available now, for far less money. Your minimum cable outlay back then would still cover the cost of a couple streaming services.&lt;p&gt;What there &lt;i&gt;isn&amp;#x27;t&lt;/i&gt; is a good way to get a single subscription to watch anything you want. The cable bundle was close to that for TV content, but very lacking for movies. So if you want to watch a really wide sampling of TV content, it can feel like we&amp;#x27;re going backward, since there&amp;#x27;s no more one-stop-shop.&lt;p&gt;Careful what you wish for? The big desire then was a la carte, and right now you can bounce between streaming services at will, and they&amp;#x27;re all still far easier to cancel than cable.&lt;p&gt;Some things have fallen through the cracks, particularly long-running (going back to the pre-streaming era) major-network content like the aforementioned Survivor (a random missing episode seems like a weird problem, would love to know what was going on). And getting US content stuff internationally is often sub-par, although... I don&amp;#x27;t recall stories of this being easy at all two decades ago.&lt;p&gt;So consumers are overall definitely winning, but it&amp;#x27;s not a perfect victory for everyone.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>II2II</author><text>Cable channels were themed, but cable packages were not. There was not a realistic chance of that changing. The technology was not good enough for that. If I recall correctly, analog cable depended upon bandpass filters that were rarely perfect so it was best to group channels in blocks. When digital cable entered the fray, the other motivation entered the forefront: it simply didn&amp;#x27;t make business sense to sell individual channels.&lt;p&gt;When it comes to that business sense, we probably have the closest thing to perfection today. Streaming services are forced to compete against each other, with the only real constraints being the cost&amp;#x2F;restrictions of licensing content and the cost of distribution (i.e. not controlling infrastructure to the home). It is very easy and relatively inexpensive to pick and choose, provided that you are willing to defer your viewing. You also have the choice between large streaming services that offer a broad range of genres and smaller ones that offer more specialized programming.&lt;p&gt;Yes, that closest thing to perfection is far from perfect. On the other hand, I very much doubt that we are going to get anything closer unless we are willing to pay the price.</text></comment>
<story><title>It&apos;s hard to say who&apos;s winning the streaming wars, but customers are losing</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>citizenkeen</author><text>On the one hand, we got what we asked for: _a la carte_.&lt;p&gt;I think what makes people frustrated is that cable channels were _themed_. I was frustrated that I was paying for TLC and Bravo because I didn&amp;#x27;t watch reality tv. I was paying for Discovery even though I didn&amp;#x27;t watch nature shows. I was paying for Lifetime even though I didn&amp;#x27;t watch cheap shows for women. I was paying for ESPN even though I didn&amp;#x27;t watch sports.&lt;p&gt;I wanted to pay for the comedy, the scifi&amp;#x2F;syfy, the cartoons, and the kids programming. That was, like, five or six channels.&lt;p&gt;Which streaming service do I go to now for the science fiction? Which streaming service do I go to now for the horror or the feel-good sitcoms?&lt;p&gt;Streaming arose during the collapse of genre channels. There are now three genres of programming: prestige, drek, and children&amp;#x27;s.</text></item><item><author>II2II</author><text>People seem to forget how bad things used to be. We are extremely fortunate with the ability to watch what we want, when we want, without being interrupted by commercials, for an extremely low cost. There also appears to be a great deal of progress with respect to being able to view programs&amp;#x2F;movies produced for foreign markets. But the best thing is:&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; you can bounce between streaming services at will, and they&amp;#x27;re all still far easier to cancel than cable.&lt;p&gt;Add to that cheaper, since you don&amp;#x27;t have to deal with connection fees. If you know that you&amp;#x27;re not going to have the time to use the service for a couple of months because you&amp;#x27;re too busy with work, you don&amp;#x27;t have to pay for it. If you have decided that you are going to spend most of your summer pursuing outdoor recreational activities, you don&amp;#x27;t have to pay for it. If you&amp;#x27;re going on the road for a few weeks (vacation or business), you don&amp;#x27;t have to pay for it. If you decide that you want to watch programming on two different streaming services, you can simply rotate through the services on a monthly basis and only pay for one service at a time.&lt;p&gt;Why do I bring all of this up when it&amp;#x27;s not directly related to the article: it&amp;#x27;s because these articles reek of entitlement. Yes, there are times when licensing causes shows or movies to fall through the cracks. On the other hand, the situation is also far better than it used to be when using the same metrics. Not only that, but it can be a heck of a lot less expensive even when factoring in the cost of an Internet connection.</text></item><item><author>majormajor</author><text>If you look at twenty years ago, there&amp;#x27;s far more content available now, for far less money. Your minimum cable outlay back then would still cover the cost of a couple streaming services.&lt;p&gt;What there &lt;i&gt;isn&amp;#x27;t&lt;/i&gt; is a good way to get a single subscription to watch anything you want. The cable bundle was close to that for TV content, but very lacking for movies. So if you want to watch a really wide sampling of TV content, it can feel like we&amp;#x27;re going backward, since there&amp;#x27;s no more one-stop-shop.&lt;p&gt;Careful what you wish for? The big desire then was a la carte, and right now you can bounce between streaming services at will, and they&amp;#x27;re all still far easier to cancel than cable.&lt;p&gt;Some things have fallen through the cracks, particularly long-running (going back to the pre-streaming era) major-network content like the aforementioned Survivor (a random missing episode seems like a weird problem, would love to know what was going on). And getting US content stuff internationally is often sub-par, although... I don&amp;#x27;t recall stories of this being easy at all two decades ago.&lt;p&gt;So consumers are overall definitely winning, but it&amp;#x27;s not a perfect victory for everyone.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>henrikschroder</author><text>One thing I actually miss from themed channels is that they selected content for you, which is actually nice sometimes.&lt;p&gt;Yes, sometimes you just want to watch a specific show and you want to watch it &lt;i&gt;now&lt;/i&gt;, and the streaming services are great for that.&lt;p&gt;But sometimes you just want to turn on the TV and watch something, anything, without really making a choice. I still have cable because it&amp;#x27;s included in the rent, and sometimes it&amp;#x27;s nice to just switch the channel to FXX or something and get maybe an old episode of the Simpsons, or a new episode, or maybe some Family guy, or maybe an old episode of some other comedy series, or maybe something completely new.&lt;p&gt;And that&amp;#x27;s nice and has value, but streaming services absolutely suck at that, because you always have to make a choice yourself with them.</text></comment>
<story><title> is experiencing a DDoS attack</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>elashri</author><text>&amp;gt; We will shortly be reaching out to the abuse desk of the affected ISP for assistance.&lt;p&gt;Does anyone here have experience working with an ISP in abuse cases like this one, specially a Chinese ISP?</text></comment>
<story><title> is experiencing a DDoS attack</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>paulpauper</author><text>&lt;i&gt;These requests originated from over 200 IP addresses – almost all owned by an ISP for a particular province in China. The confirmation emails for this volume of requests overwhelmed our email service. As a result, many arXiv users may not have received their daily emails. And other users may not have received their confirmation emails for registering accounts, or legitimate email change requests.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;this should be easy to block, no? just 200 out of millions</text></comment>
<story><title>Google Authenticator cloud sync: Google can see the secrets, even while stored</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>patmcc</author><text>It&amp;#x27;s a tradeoff. They could let (or require) a password be entered to encrypt&amp;#x2F;decrypt it on each device, but then people would be ticked off when they forget their password and can&amp;#x27;t recover their 2FA stuff.&lt;p&gt;They should have handled it the same way they do Sync in chrome, and I expect they will eventually. But, as always, unless a service advertises that it&amp;#x27;s full E2EE &lt;i&gt;and&lt;/i&gt; you can verify that, assume it&amp;#x27;s not.&lt;p&gt;One part of this that&amp;#x27;s funny to me:&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;Also, 2FA QR codes typically contain other information such as account name and the name of the service (e.g. Twitter, Amazon, etc). Since Google can see all this data, it knows which online services you use, and could potentially use this information for personalized ads.&lt;p&gt;I guarantee you, Google knows which online services you use in about 800 other ways, it doesn&amp;#x27;t need to scrape it from your 2FA accounts.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>trickstra</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t think Google will use those secrets to look into your other accounts, but they can be politely requested by some governments to divulge the secrets, and not tell you about it. Then those governments would have no problems looking into your other accounts. And I&amp;#x27;m not talking only about the US government, other governments can have dubious standards for requesting user data, such as failure to parrot the &amp;quot;facts&amp;quot; approved by their ministry of truth (China, Russia, and everyone in their sphere).&lt;p&gt;Not to mention Google can be hacked.</text></comment>
<story><title>Google Authenticator cloud sync: Google can see the secrets, even while stored</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>patmcc</author><text>It&amp;#x27;s a tradeoff. They could let (or require) a password be entered to encrypt&amp;#x2F;decrypt it on each device, but then people would be ticked off when they forget their password and can&amp;#x27;t recover their 2FA stuff.&lt;p&gt;They should have handled it the same way they do Sync in chrome, and I expect they will eventually. But, as always, unless a service advertises that it&amp;#x27;s full E2EE &lt;i&gt;and&lt;/i&gt; you can verify that, assume it&amp;#x27;s not.&lt;p&gt;One part of this that&amp;#x27;s funny to me:&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;Also, 2FA QR codes typically contain other information such as account name and the name of the service (e.g. Twitter, Amazon, etc). Since Google can see all this data, it knows which online services you use, and could potentially use this information for personalized ads.&lt;p&gt;I guarantee you, Google knows which online services you use in about 800 other ways, it doesn&amp;#x27;t need to scrape it from your 2FA accounts.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>jxy</author><text>The problem is now they know your TOTP secrets, they are only one password away from pretending to be you.&lt;p&gt;And actually, they serve you emails, so password is moot for most of the sites today.</text></comment>
<story><title>The incentives of academia naturally select for less reliable results (2016)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>ethanwillis</author><text>This is exactly why I am aiming to bootstrap my own lab outside of academia and traditional research positions available private industry.&lt;p&gt;There&amp;#x27;s a lot of &amp;quot;BS&amp;quot; in these power structures that keep people from being able to dedicate resources and a proper amount of time to generate quality research.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m fairly &amp;quot;green&amp;quot; in my research career, but I&amp;#x27;ve been in the game for a few years now in the Biology&amp;#x2F;Bioinformatics realm. I&amp;#x27;ve seen and heard stories from plenty of colleagues about how when they first got started and well into their first P.I. positions (and even until this day when they&amp;#x27;re 10-20 years into their work) where they get abused by their institutions. Aside from &amp;quot;publish or perish&amp;quot; there&amp;#x27;s also your institution skimming 50-60% of your hard won grant funding to let you &amp;quot;rent&amp;quot; their facilities where you&amp;#x27;re fighting over shelf space with other P.I.s Absolutely insane.&lt;p&gt;Seeing this I decided I can bootstrap my own lab for much less and have true autonomy. For example a rough breakdown of my costs for setting up a bio&amp;#x2F;bioinformatics lab for myself and a few friends:&lt;p&gt;Land Zoned for Light Industrial and Scientific Research? about $1000&amp;#x2F;acre or less in my area. (hint: buy tax liened property)&lt;p&gt;CO2 incubators? Don&amp;#x27;t pay $4k-8k new. I can buy refurbed or liquidated lab equipment from the unsustainable institution labs for literally pennies on the dollar. Try $100-200 for this equipment.&lt;p&gt;High RPM centrifuges? Once again instead of $2k-5k I can spend $300 for a 15k RPM centrifuge. and something like $20 for desktop centrifuges.&lt;p&gt;PCR machines? Try &amp;lt; $100 each. And I&amp;#x27;ve even gotten &amp;quot;extras&amp;quot; with them in that price range.&lt;p&gt;Compute power&amp;#x2F;I.T.? I can get 256 core, 1tb ram blade centers for about $1k. Modern Core i5&amp;#x2F;Core i7 desktops for $80 each.&lt;p&gt;By my estimates I can buy the land, build a building(admittedly a very utilitarian one), and equip a new lab for sub $30k. Now my only costs are re-agents(if I&amp;#x27;m doing research that requires it), power, and cheap land taxes.</text></item><item><author>madhadron</author><text>Your solution is historically inaccurate. Statistical tests of significance were created as a tool to improve the objectivity of &lt;i&gt;evaluating&lt;/i&gt; results. Garbage in, garbage out still applies. Nor is it relevant. Statistical techniques are a symptom, not an underlying cause.&lt;p&gt;Indeed, everything in the article or in discussions of this that I see is always treated symptoms far from the causes. Let&amp;#x27;s do a quick five whys:&lt;p&gt;Why are publications not reproducible? Because positive results are being published as fast as possible with little checking on them.&lt;p&gt;Why are they publishing so? Because the people involved need publications to get out of their current transient position and secure another transient position, with hopes of someday being able to settle down somewhere.&lt;p&gt;Why do they need to secure their next transient position? Because they have been inculcated that this is the career to be in by their milieu and that is the only way to stay in it.&lt;p&gt;Why is that the only way to stay in it? Because there are no permanent positions that aren&amp;#x27;t at the very end of this gauntlet.&lt;p&gt;Why are there no permanent positions except at the end of the gauntlet? Because this is a pyramid scheme built on an apprenticeship system.&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;#x27;t get distracted by all the other stuff. It&amp;#x27;s the fundamental structure of academic science that leads to the rest of this.</text></item><item><author>nonbel</author><text>The proposed &amp;quot;solutions&amp;quot; of pre-registration and increase sample size are not going to work because they are not fixing the underlying problem of NHST use (where a researcher tests a nil null hypothesis of zero effect and then concludes their favorite explanation is correct if they reject this null hypothesis).&lt;p&gt;The solution is to go back to the old way of science (pre-1940):&lt;p&gt;1) Collect data and figure out what is repeatable and consistent (eg come up with &amp;quot;natural laws&amp;quot;).&lt;p&gt;2) Come up with theories that explain the observations from #1 that also make &lt;i&gt;precise&lt;/i&gt; predictions about some different type of data.&lt;p&gt;Reward researchers who figure out methods that lead to reliable, repeatable observations and those that make precise predictions (if your theory predicts nothing more than a positive&amp;#x2F;negative correlation between two variables it is too vague).</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>analog31</author><text>You&amp;#x27;ll find that any large state university has dozens if not hundreds of little businesses that sprout up in exactly this way. You see them in the little business parks -- most of them lease rather than buy. You see them at the trade shows.&lt;p&gt;It goes without saying that the idea is just like any other business venture, with ways to succeed and to fail.&lt;p&gt;But a useful thing is to try and get a survey of what kinds of businesses are out there, what they are doing, and how well they are doing. Next time you&amp;#x27;re at a conference that has a trade show, go and look at the booths in the &amp;quot;low rent district,&amp;quot; because it will give you an idea of what people are doing.&lt;p&gt;Oddly enough I work for a F500, and we buy second hand gear. One reason is that if somebody is advertising a particular instrument, it means that they actually have it, and you can get it right away. With new gear, sometimes it can take weeks or even months. Also, if it&amp;#x27;s under a couple grand, I can buy it on my purchasing card without management approval.</text></comment>
<story><title>The incentives of academia naturally select for less reliable results (2016)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>ethanwillis</author><text>This is exactly why I am aiming to bootstrap my own lab outside of academia and traditional research positions available private industry.&lt;p&gt;There&amp;#x27;s a lot of &amp;quot;BS&amp;quot; in these power structures that keep people from being able to dedicate resources and a proper amount of time to generate quality research.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m fairly &amp;quot;green&amp;quot; in my research career, but I&amp;#x27;ve been in the game for a few years now in the Biology&amp;#x2F;Bioinformatics realm. I&amp;#x27;ve seen and heard stories from plenty of colleagues about how when they first got started and well into their first P.I. positions (and even until this day when they&amp;#x27;re 10-20 years into their work) where they get abused by their institutions. Aside from &amp;quot;publish or perish&amp;quot; there&amp;#x27;s also your institution skimming 50-60% of your hard won grant funding to let you &amp;quot;rent&amp;quot; their facilities where you&amp;#x27;re fighting over shelf space with other P.I.s Absolutely insane.&lt;p&gt;Seeing this I decided I can bootstrap my own lab for much less and have true autonomy. For example a rough breakdown of my costs for setting up a bio&amp;#x2F;bioinformatics lab for myself and a few friends:&lt;p&gt;Land Zoned for Light Industrial and Scientific Research? about $1000&amp;#x2F;acre or less in my area. (hint: buy tax liened property)&lt;p&gt;CO2 incubators? Don&amp;#x27;t pay $4k-8k new. I can buy refurbed or liquidated lab equipment from the unsustainable institution labs for literally pennies on the dollar. Try $100-200 for this equipment.&lt;p&gt;High RPM centrifuges? Once again instead of $2k-5k I can spend $300 for a 15k RPM centrifuge. and something like $20 for desktop centrifuges.&lt;p&gt;PCR machines? Try &amp;lt; $100 each. And I&amp;#x27;ve even gotten &amp;quot;extras&amp;quot; with them in that price range.&lt;p&gt;Compute power&amp;#x2F;I.T.? I can get 256 core, 1tb ram blade centers for about $1k. Modern Core i5&amp;#x2F;Core i7 desktops for $80 each.&lt;p&gt;By my estimates I can buy the land, build a building(admittedly a very utilitarian one), and equip a new lab for sub $30k. Now my only costs are re-agents(if I&amp;#x27;m doing research that requires it), power, and cheap land taxes.</text></item><item><author>madhadron</author><text>Your solution is historically inaccurate. Statistical tests of significance were created as a tool to improve the objectivity of &lt;i&gt;evaluating&lt;/i&gt; results. Garbage in, garbage out still applies. Nor is it relevant. Statistical techniques are a symptom, not an underlying cause.&lt;p&gt;Indeed, everything in the article or in discussions of this that I see is always treated symptoms far from the causes. Let&amp;#x27;s do a quick five whys:&lt;p&gt;Why are publications not reproducible? Because positive results are being published as fast as possible with little checking on them.&lt;p&gt;Why are they publishing so? Because the people involved need publications to get out of their current transient position and secure another transient position, with hopes of someday being able to settle down somewhere.&lt;p&gt;Why do they need to secure their next transient position? Because they have been inculcated that this is the career to be in by their milieu and that is the only way to stay in it.&lt;p&gt;Why is that the only way to stay in it? Because there are no permanent positions that aren&amp;#x27;t at the very end of this gauntlet.&lt;p&gt;Why are there no permanent positions except at the end of the gauntlet? Because this is a pyramid scheme built on an apprenticeship system.&lt;p&gt;Don&amp;#x27;t get distracted by all the other stuff. It&amp;#x27;s the fundamental structure of academic science that leads to the rest of this.</text></item><item><author>nonbel</author><text>The proposed &amp;quot;solutions&amp;quot; of pre-registration and increase sample size are not going to work because they are not fixing the underlying problem of NHST use (where a researcher tests a nil null hypothesis of zero effect and then concludes their favorite explanation is correct if they reject this null hypothesis).&lt;p&gt;The solution is to go back to the old way of science (pre-1940):&lt;p&gt;1) Collect data and figure out what is repeatable and consistent (eg come up with &amp;quot;natural laws&amp;quot;).&lt;p&gt;2) Come up with theories that explain the observations from #1 that also make &lt;i&gt;precise&lt;/i&gt; predictions about some different type of data.&lt;p&gt;Reward researchers who figure out methods that lead to reliable, repeatable observations and those that make precise predictions (if your theory predicts nothing more than a positive&amp;#x2F;negative correlation between two variables it is too vague).</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>mattb314</author><text>Could you link&amp;#x2F;explain how you get those hardware prices, specifically the servers and desktops? Are the available for the average consumer (ie not making a bulk purchase)? I have very little experience buying hardware, but those prices sound 4-8x lower than what I&amp;#x27;d expect (and I&amp;#x27;d be super happy to find that I&amp;#x27;m wrong).</text></comment>
<story><title>An Effort To Bury A Throwaway Culture One Repair At A Time</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>ctdonath</author><text>I just bought a used sewing machine. It cost less than a new one. It&apos;s 98 years old, and with a minimum of care will last another 98. It was built to last.&lt;p&gt;This notion of &quot;bury the throwaway culture one repair at a time&quot; treats symptoms, not roots: there is nothing persuading manufacturers to make stuff which will last. Should the movement take hold, manufacturers may very well respond by making stuff even &lt;i&gt;cheaper&lt;/i&gt;, as the effort to make things so inexpensive it utterly undermines the movement is easier than making things robust and durable. I appreciate the movement&apos;s intentions, but think they should seek means of persuading production of durable goods, not eeking another 20% of life out of something having a very short lifespan to start with.&lt;p&gt;Occurs to me that the only durable products made today are firearms. Ironic.</text></comment>
<story><title>An Effort To Bury A Throwaway Culture One Repair At A Time</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>gouranga</author><text>Good for them.&lt;p&gt;I&apos;m a firm believer that &lt;i&gt;everything&lt;/i&gt; can be repaired cost effectively. You just have to know what you are doing, know when to give up, know how to spot a lemon and start from the right end of the problem. That is the art.&lt;p&gt;The main trick is to start with the broken item, not an item that you paid full price for and broke...&lt;p&gt;i.e. I don&apos;t mean buying a $1000 item new and when it breaks spend $200 on fixing it.&lt;p&gt;I mean buying a $100 broken item to start with and spending $200 fixing it, resulting in not spending that extra $700 on the new item in the first place.&lt;p&gt;Despite the cost of repair in cash and time, the gain usually runs in favour of your own time, satisfaction and knowledge. It also makes you less of a slave to the credit facilities which when you consider interest, results in a lot of time spend earning to pay back.&lt;p&gt;I will repair anything and everything rather than buy new.&lt;p&gt;My latest win: Sony Bravia 26EX smart OLED TV. Paid 25GBP as it was completely dead and just out of warranty. 30 mins diagnostics with a Fluke multimeter (which cost me 10GBP that I repaired) pointed to duff PSU. 30 mins on the Tektronix scope (which cost me 30GBP that I repaired) pointed to a problem with a VRM. Replaced VRM in PSU from Farnell order (12GBP incl delivery) - was a bit fiddly as it was an SMD component. Works fine now and the kids have a nice TV.&lt;p&gt;Also don&apos;t buy any old consumer junk. If you can&apos;t remove the battery it&apos;s not likely to want to be repaired (yes you Apple).</text></comment>
<story><title>Alexa is in millions of households and Amazon is losing billions</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>bluSCALE4</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t think any of that is true. If Costco produced such features in their imaginary product, people may use it. Why? Because Costco has proven itself trustworthy of a blind repeat purchase. You could trust the price you&amp;#x27;re paying is typical and fair. Amazon on the other hand...</text></item><item><author>paxys</author><text>The core issue is that Amazon envisioned Alexa as a product that would help it increase sales. Smart home features were always an afterthought. How convenient would it be if people could shout &amp;quot;Alexa order me Tide Pods&amp;quot; from wherever they were in their home and the order got magically processed? That demo definitely got applause from a boardroom full of execs.&lt;p&gt;The problem is that consumers don&amp;#x27;t behave like that. This is also why Amazon&amp;#x27;s Dash buttons failed. I always want to see a page with the product details and price before I click &amp;quot;buy&amp;quot;. Reducing the number of clicks is not going to make me change my decision and suddenly order more things.&lt;p&gt;If they want to salvage Alexa, they need to forget shopping and start doubling down on the smart home and assistant experience. The tech is still pretty much where it was in 2014. Alexa can set timers and tell me the weather, and...that&amp;#x27;s basically it. Make it a value add in my life and I wouldn&amp;#x27;t mind paying a subscription fee for it.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>noveltyaccount</author><text>To build on the Costco analogy: for any given product category they typically only have three specific options: good, better, best. I could tell Costco bot that I need AA batteries and it would ask me if I prefer Duracell, Kirkland brand, or cheapest. I trust that either of them will be plenty good, so I would say cheapest.&lt;p&gt;Amazon has a vastly different experience with thousands of indistinguishable Chinese knockoffs. I can only ask Alexa for a very specific product, otherwise I don&amp;#x27;t trust what I&amp;#x27;ll get. I use Alexa to add products to my cart, which serves as a reminder that I need to do a little more shopping from my phone or PC.</text></comment>
<story><title>Alexa is in millions of households and Amazon is losing billions</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>bluSCALE4</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t think any of that is true. If Costco produced such features in their imaginary product, people may use it. Why? Because Costco has proven itself trustworthy of a blind repeat purchase. You could trust the price you&amp;#x27;re paying is typical and fair. Amazon on the other hand...</text></item><item><author>paxys</author><text>The core issue is that Amazon envisioned Alexa as a product that would help it increase sales. Smart home features were always an afterthought. How convenient would it be if people could shout &amp;quot;Alexa order me Tide Pods&amp;quot; from wherever they were in their home and the order got magically processed? That demo definitely got applause from a boardroom full of execs.&lt;p&gt;The problem is that consumers don&amp;#x27;t behave like that. This is also why Amazon&amp;#x27;s Dash buttons failed. I always want to see a page with the product details and price before I click &amp;quot;buy&amp;quot;. Reducing the number of clicks is not going to make me change my decision and suddenly order more things.&lt;p&gt;If they want to salvage Alexa, they need to forget shopping and start doubling down on the smart home and assistant experience. The tech is still pretty much where it was in 2014. Alexa can set timers and tell me the weather, and...that&amp;#x27;s basically it. Make it a value add in my life and I wouldn&amp;#x27;t mind paying a subscription fee for it.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>AlexandrB</author><text>Yes, Costco is like the opposite of the Amazon experience. Costco will only carry a few brands of any given item, but they&amp;#x27;re all generally pretty good with nothing drop-shipped from a random AliExpress vendor. Their house brand - Kirkland - is pretty good as well. It&amp;#x27;s a curated set of products with a relatively small number of SKUs vs. Amazon&amp;#x27;s flea-market-like experience.</text></comment>
<story><title>Qt Could Go Proprietary, KDE Relationship and Qt-Based Free Software in Jeopardy</title><url>,_KDE_Relationship_And_Qt-Based_Free_Software_In_Jeopardy</url></story><parent_chain><item><author>kick</author><text>Oracle solely sells proprietary software that users can&amp;#x27;t own; AWS is proprietary software users can&amp;#x27;t own; Microsoft&amp;#x27;s suite is proprietary software users can&amp;#x27;t own: proprietary software is still causing the most harm, people who defend proprietary software are still acting incredibly stupid about it.&lt;p&gt;Like seriously, &amp;quot;seems how a lot of software engineers* are ultimately paid these data&amp;quot; (by proprietary companies). Google is a proprietary software company, so is Facebook, so is twitter. All companies that relentlessly abuse users.&lt;p&gt;Free software advocates meanwhile have a social network with a few hundred thousand active users, they&amp;#x27;ve got privacy-respecting search engines, and have operating systems that don&amp;#x27;t spy on you.&lt;p&gt;Proprietary software caused the problems you&amp;#x27;re ranting about, and your comment reeks of &amp;quot;I work at a company that sells proprietary software and am trying desperately to pin my own sins on people releasing software making the world more free.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m nowhere near a free software extremist. Many of the people I find admirable release proprietary software. But your comment is ridiculous. Proprietary software is undeniably immoral.&lt;p&gt;* &amp;quot;Engineers&amp;quot; is the wrong term because software engineers don&amp;#x27;t exist.</text></item><item><author>RcouF1uZ4gsC</author><text>&amp;gt; while commercial developers of immoral proprietary software have been required to license the toolkit under a commercial license.&lt;p&gt;I wish free software advocates would stop calling proprietary software immoral. If anything, free software underlies and has enables the locked in, sever based, surveillance monetizing world we live in.&lt;p&gt;Back when software ran on your machine, you defacto owned your data because it was on your machine. Now, because the data is not on your machine, you don’t own the data.&lt;p&gt;Selling proprietary software for money is a lot less immoral than using free software to sell user data for money, or using scale to run roughshod over regulations which seems how a lot of software engineers are ultimately paid these days.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>cormacrelf</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m not saying they&amp;#x27;re right, but I think the point was that:&lt;p&gt;- GPL code can be used in a program you do not distribute&lt;p&gt;- Not distributing can be done by running it on a server instead of local machines&lt;p&gt;- Run on server almost always means users don&amp;#x27;t own data&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s missing a step, which is that the GPL code in the world was so important that people NEEDED to use it so much that they were willing to change the way they distribute (or don&amp;#x27;t) their software... that&amp;#x27;s a pretty tough claim to make out. What&amp;#x27;s the evidence for that?</text></comment>
<story><title>Qt Could Go Proprietary, KDE Relationship and Qt-Based Free Software in Jeopardy</title><url>,_KDE_Relationship_And_Qt-Based_Free_Software_In_Jeopardy</url></story><parent_chain><item><author>kick</author><text>Oracle solely sells proprietary software that users can&amp;#x27;t own; AWS is proprietary software users can&amp;#x27;t own; Microsoft&amp;#x27;s suite is proprietary software users can&amp;#x27;t own: proprietary software is still causing the most harm, people who defend proprietary software are still acting incredibly stupid about it.&lt;p&gt;Like seriously, &amp;quot;seems how a lot of software engineers* are ultimately paid these data&amp;quot; (by proprietary companies). Google is a proprietary software company, so is Facebook, so is twitter. All companies that relentlessly abuse users.&lt;p&gt;Free software advocates meanwhile have a social network with a few hundred thousand active users, they&amp;#x27;ve got privacy-respecting search engines, and have operating systems that don&amp;#x27;t spy on you.&lt;p&gt;Proprietary software caused the problems you&amp;#x27;re ranting about, and your comment reeks of &amp;quot;I work at a company that sells proprietary software and am trying desperately to pin my own sins on people releasing software making the world more free.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m nowhere near a free software extremist. Many of the people I find admirable release proprietary software. But your comment is ridiculous. Proprietary software is undeniably immoral.&lt;p&gt;* &amp;quot;Engineers&amp;quot; is the wrong term because software engineers don&amp;#x27;t exist.</text></item><item><author>RcouF1uZ4gsC</author><text>&amp;gt; while commercial developers of immoral proprietary software have been required to license the toolkit under a commercial license.&lt;p&gt;I wish free software advocates would stop calling proprietary software immoral. If anything, free software underlies and has enables the locked in, sever based, surveillance monetizing world we live in.&lt;p&gt;Back when software ran on your machine, you defacto owned your data because it was on your machine. Now, because the data is not on your machine, you don’t own the data.&lt;p&gt;Selling proprietary software for money is a lot less immoral than using free software to sell user data for money, or using scale to run roughshod over regulations which seems how a lot of software engineers are ultimately paid these days.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>easytiger</author><text>&amp;gt; Proprietary software is undeniably immoral.&lt;p&gt;One of the most ridiculous things I&amp;#x27;ve ever heard. Also a complete failure to understand the philosophy behind the success of FLOSS.&lt;p&gt;Generic problems that are widely shared with limited variations in functional need are successful FLOSS solutions or platforms.&lt;p&gt;Specific problems that are more nuanced and meet niche requirements are what works best in commercial software.&lt;p&gt;It philosophically makes no sense to call something immoral because a subset of entities are happy to pay for it to achieve their goals. Symbiotically most FLOSS is supported by these solutions which are often based on them.</text></comment>
<story><title>The Fireplace Delusion</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>hzay</author><text>Firstly, none of my wood-burning-loving-friends would refuse to accept the truthiness of the wood-burning-is-bad theory after they look into the sources. They&apos;d do the same of any other argument that interests them. I guess I&apos;m luckier than the author is with respect to the openness of our friends.&lt;p&gt;Secondly, when he says that the resistance you feel to new ideas is itself bad, I detect a suggestion that you ought to be less questioning than usual when someone claims something as &quot;science&quot;, especially if it goes against your taste/interests. This is a dangerous suggestion because being an unquestioning science-fanboy is no better than being unquestioningly religious or being an unquestioning brand-fanboy or brand-hateboy.&lt;p&gt;Among a lot of my facebook-friends, it is sacrilegious to suggest that global warming is perhaps not happening. I&apos;m not drawing your attention to the truthiness of that idea but the fact that it is considered unacceptable to be ignorant or misinformed about that topic - you are instantly understood to be &quot;unscientific&quot; if you question it. OTOH, it is completely okay to be ignorant or misinformed about say, the runtime complexity of dijkstra&apos;s - you just &quot;didn&apos;t know&quot; and it can be explained to you.&lt;p&gt;Thirdly, I didn&apos;t get the wood-burning thing at all because we don&apos;t have fireplaces in south india. At least I&apos;ve never seen one here. Obviously I don&apos;t mean that you shouldn&apos;t talk about fireplaces but I wish more people and magazines realized that their readership is no longer purely american. I distinctly remember a statement by NASA a few years ago that said that nobody needs to worry about this upcoming meteor because there won&apos;t be any harm caused to anyone, everything is fine, there&apos;s an insignificantly tiny chance that it would hit north america. I know NASA is funded by the US govt. and all that but by now a lot of people in a lot of countries look to them as the forerunner in space research and I wish they&apos;d realize that.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>gnufied</author><text>State governments in North India &lt;i&gt;distribute&lt;/i&gt; wood during winter. See &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;#62;I guess I&apos;m luckier than the author is with respect to the openness of our friends.&lt;p&gt;I am sure many running state governments up North(India) are aware of wood smoke being a bad thing. But I think the argument author is going for is - people are willing to set aside their scientific training/knowledge when confronted with something they have been traditionally considered okay. My Dad for example has Bachelors in physics and almsot finished masters - But I can see his argument going on the lines of, &quot;Our body can tolerate some amount of these chemicals, it has been doing that since 10 thousand years and so it is okay&quot;.&lt;p&gt;Let me give you another example. Ayurveda . There are government run colleges in India, training people to practice Ayurveda as alternative medicine. Winter may not be same in India everywhere, but Ayurveda is. Now it has been scientifically proven that, many Ayurvedic medicines contain arsenic, lead in dangerous proportions. Beyond Yoga, their usefulness as medicine is also questionable. Try having argument with someone who believes in this (I used to be one). So, I think I understand authors POV of traditional beliefs sometimes overriding our scientific training.</text></comment>
<story><title>The Fireplace Delusion</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>hzay</author><text>Firstly, none of my wood-burning-loving-friends would refuse to accept the truthiness of the wood-burning-is-bad theory after they look into the sources. They&apos;d do the same of any other argument that interests them. I guess I&apos;m luckier than the author is with respect to the openness of our friends.&lt;p&gt;Secondly, when he says that the resistance you feel to new ideas is itself bad, I detect a suggestion that you ought to be less questioning than usual when someone claims something as &quot;science&quot;, especially if it goes against your taste/interests. This is a dangerous suggestion because being an unquestioning science-fanboy is no better than being unquestioningly religious or being an unquestioning brand-fanboy or brand-hateboy.&lt;p&gt;Among a lot of my facebook-friends, it is sacrilegious to suggest that global warming is perhaps not happening. I&apos;m not drawing your attention to the truthiness of that idea but the fact that it is considered unacceptable to be ignorant or misinformed about that topic - you are instantly understood to be &quot;unscientific&quot; if you question it. OTOH, it is completely okay to be ignorant or misinformed about say, the runtime complexity of dijkstra&apos;s - you just &quot;didn&apos;t know&quot; and it can be explained to you.&lt;p&gt;Thirdly, I didn&apos;t get the wood-burning thing at all because we don&apos;t have fireplaces in south india. At least I&apos;ve never seen one here. Obviously I don&apos;t mean that you shouldn&apos;t talk about fireplaces but I wish more people and magazines realized that their readership is no longer purely american. I distinctly remember a statement by NASA a few years ago that said that nobody needs to worry about this upcoming meteor because there won&apos;t be any harm caused to anyone, everything is fine, there&apos;s an insignificantly tiny chance that it would hit north america. I know NASA is funded by the US govt. and all that but by now a lot of people in a lot of countries look to them as the forerunner in space research and I wish they&apos;d realize that.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>sharan</author><text>I agree with you on the first two points.&lt;p&gt;With regards to the third, I&apos;ve seen this gripe before, but I feel its misplaced.&lt;p&gt;This author has personally noticed a parallel between the reaction of his friends to wood-burning and religion. Something he though was interesting and decided to write about. Expecting him to fit that realization in to an analogy that would cater to the entire world, will water down the effectiveness of his point.&lt;p&gt;Additionally, he may not have any inkling about what will cater to the world audience. When I write something, I write from my own experiences, I have no idea if a reader in the U.K. will relate to my problem or my thoughts.&lt;p&gt;I am from South India too.</text></comment>
<story><title>In our cashless society, we need to take digital jail seriously</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>stickfigure</author><text>&amp;gt; Incorrect, the battle is partly won...&lt;p&gt;Not in the slightest. You can mandate that people accept cash, but you can&amp;#x27;t force people to pay with it. The writing is on the wall; barring some sort of major social upheaval, cashless will be &lt;i&gt;more&lt;/i&gt; dominant in the future. It&amp;#x27;s just too convenient.&lt;p&gt;So let&amp;#x27;s figure out what kind of benign future we actually can build. &amp;quot;Everyone decides to use cash again&amp;quot; just isn&amp;#x27;t going to happen.</text></item><item><author>walterbell</author><text>&lt;i&gt;&amp;gt; No, that battle is lost. Cashless is easier and more convenient.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Incorrect, the battle is partly won in several U.S. cities (including NYC &amp;amp; SF) which passed laws to mandate acceptance of cash.&lt;p&gt;However, cash-acceptance laws were mostly motivated by the unbanked, who are now being used to justify the introduction of nation-state CBDCs. China&amp;#x27;s CBDC is two-tier and preserves retail bank competition. People close to the current admin have proposed a 1-tier CBDC that would eliminate retail banks from payment processing, perhaps relegating them to fintech data processors.&lt;p&gt;The long-term answer is both: encourage bearer currency (cash, precious metals, zero-knowledge crypto) to anchor one edge of the Overton window with an existence proof of freedom from surveillance and kill switches, AND impose regulation on digital systems to enforce constitutional rights. 99% cashless doesn&amp;#x27;t work for tyranny, because there are escape valves. We can and must defend those exceptions, while &amp;quot;digital due process&amp;quot; is slowly constructed.&lt;p&gt;Remember when e-commerce was not subject to sales tax? For more than a decade, the playing field was not level. Today, large websites are almost unusable for buying popular items at risk of counterfeiting, and there is little online price advantage over Main Street. If you have access to a local branch of Japanese bookstore Kinokuniya (&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt;), it&amp;#x27;s a joyful 3D curated experience vs. the chore of navigating an online bookshop with questionable reviews. The online-offline playing field is now less tilted.&lt;p&gt;Today, cashless proponents are free-riding on digital data streams whose originators lack the infrastructure for licensing or negotiation. Competition for those data streams (which feed into AI for economic advantage) is coming from {nation,city,multi}-state regulators, corporate payment networks {Apple,Amazon,Google}Pay and DRM infrastructure for data originators.&lt;p&gt;The free data ride in cashless systems, like sales tax holidays, is coming to an end.&lt;p&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt; &amp;lt;there&amp;#x27;s always a bigger shark.jpg&amp;gt;&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;</text></item><item><author>jakobdabo</author><text>&amp;gt; The simple answer is to reject the cashless society.&lt;p&gt;No, that battle is lost. Cashless is easier and more convenient, it&amp;#x27;s hard to beat that. We need more constitutional human rights. It&amp;#x27;s not okay to take or freeze somebody&amp;#x27;s money&amp;#x2F;property without any court decision.&lt;p&gt;Edit: some of the answers assume that I&amp;#x27;m against cash or that by saying &amp;quot;battle is lost&amp;quot; I mean cash is gone; My point of &amp;quot;cashless winning&amp;quot; is that most people in their daily lives prefer using cashless forms of paying, both online and offline, and they don&amp;#x27;t hoard bills under their beds; even when using ATM to get some cash, you are still using the cashless system to do that (your card and your bank account); so how are you going to do that if it&amp;#x27;s frozen?</text></item><item><author>throwaway22032</author><text>The simple answer is to reject the cashless society.&lt;p&gt;In the medium to long term it&amp;#x27;s simply incompatible with any reasonable definition of freedom. Surveillance is bad enough, but a system that allows governments to arbitrarily &amp;quot;turn off&amp;quot; thousands or millions of people at the push of a button is too powerful to not be abused.&lt;p&gt;Even the mere existence of such a system has a chilling effect. Which I suspect is precisely what these people want and is exactly why we can&amp;#x27;t give it to them.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ll take inconvenience over slavery any day of the week.&lt;p&gt;This isn&amp;#x27;t some sort of anarcho-libertarian paradise opinion, I have no issue with there being a well functioning justice system.&lt;p&gt;But yeah, if you want to seize assets, get a court order and go and lock someone in a box and take their things, don&amp;#x27;t take the cowardly way out and pretend that you&amp;#x27;ve just flipped a database key and it&amp;#x27;s not really a big deal.&lt;p&gt;By the same token, if you tell me there&amp;#x27;s been a murder on my street I&amp;#x27;ll give you the CCTV footage of my door cam. If you ask me for a backdoor, I&amp;#x27;ll tell you where to shove it. That&amp;#x27;s what being a member of a free society is, that seemingly minor distinction is one of the most important things we have and better minds than mine have sought to elaborate on why.&lt;p&gt;Even a child is able to understand that force is still force regardless of whether it involves the direct visible physical kind.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>mortenjorck</author><text>&lt;i&gt;&amp;gt; The writing is on the wall; barring some sort of major social upheaval, cashless will be more dominant in the future. It&amp;#x27;s just too convenient.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;In classic HN fashion, everyone disagreeing with this is focused on their own solipsistic perception of the relative merits, technical and otherwise, of cash versus electronic payments. But convenience always wins.&lt;p&gt;The not-yet-evenly-distributed future is represented by Apple Pay on the Apple Watch. You literally wave your wrist over a point-of-sale terminal and confirm on the screen. Once this experience is cloned and brought downmarket by a combination of Android, Fitbit, and no-name Chinese manufacturers on Amazon, very few will go back even to pulling out credit cards, much less enduring the complications of cash.&lt;p&gt;We need better legal protections for electronic payments and banking. Cash, for better or worse, is on the way out.</text></comment>
<story><title>In our cashless society, we need to take digital jail seriously</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>stickfigure</author><text>&amp;gt; Incorrect, the battle is partly won...&lt;p&gt;Not in the slightest. You can mandate that people accept cash, but you can&amp;#x27;t force people to pay with it. The writing is on the wall; barring some sort of major social upheaval, cashless will be &lt;i&gt;more&lt;/i&gt; dominant in the future. It&amp;#x27;s just too convenient.&lt;p&gt;So let&amp;#x27;s figure out what kind of benign future we actually can build. &amp;quot;Everyone decides to use cash again&amp;quot; just isn&amp;#x27;t going to happen.</text></item><item><author>walterbell</author><text>&lt;i&gt;&amp;gt; No, that battle is lost. Cashless is easier and more convenient.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Incorrect, the battle is partly won in several U.S. cities (including NYC &amp;amp; SF) which passed laws to mandate acceptance of cash.&lt;p&gt;However, cash-acceptance laws were mostly motivated by the unbanked, who are now being used to justify the introduction of nation-state CBDCs. China&amp;#x27;s CBDC is two-tier and preserves retail bank competition. People close to the current admin have proposed a 1-tier CBDC that would eliminate retail banks from payment processing, perhaps relegating them to fintech data processors.&lt;p&gt;The long-term answer is both: encourage bearer currency (cash, precious metals, zero-knowledge crypto) to anchor one edge of the Overton window with an existence proof of freedom from surveillance and kill switches, AND impose regulation on digital systems to enforce constitutional rights. 99% cashless doesn&amp;#x27;t work for tyranny, because there are escape valves. We can and must defend those exceptions, while &amp;quot;digital due process&amp;quot; is slowly constructed.&lt;p&gt;Remember when e-commerce was not subject to sales tax? For more than a decade, the playing field was not level. Today, large websites are almost unusable for buying popular items at risk of counterfeiting, and there is little online price advantage over Main Street. If you have access to a local branch of Japanese bookstore Kinokuniya (&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt;), it&amp;#x27;s a joyful 3D curated experience vs. the chore of navigating an online bookshop with questionable reviews. The online-offline playing field is now less tilted.&lt;p&gt;Today, cashless proponents are free-riding on digital data streams whose originators lack the infrastructure for licensing or negotiation. Competition for those data streams (which feed into AI for economic advantage) is coming from {nation,city,multi}-state regulators, corporate payment networks {Apple,Amazon,Google}Pay and DRM infrastructure for data originators.&lt;p&gt;The free data ride in cashless systems, like sales tax holidays, is coming to an end.&lt;p&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt; &amp;lt;there&amp;#x27;s always a bigger shark.jpg&amp;gt;&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;</text></item><item><author>jakobdabo</author><text>&amp;gt; The simple answer is to reject the cashless society.&lt;p&gt;No, that battle is lost. Cashless is easier and more convenient, it&amp;#x27;s hard to beat that. We need more constitutional human rights. It&amp;#x27;s not okay to take or freeze somebody&amp;#x27;s money&amp;#x2F;property without any court decision.&lt;p&gt;Edit: some of the answers assume that I&amp;#x27;m against cash or that by saying &amp;quot;battle is lost&amp;quot; I mean cash is gone; My point of &amp;quot;cashless winning&amp;quot; is that most people in their daily lives prefer using cashless forms of paying, both online and offline, and they don&amp;#x27;t hoard bills under their beds; even when using ATM to get some cash, you are still using the cashless system to do that (your card and your bank account); so how are you going to do that if it&amp;#x27;s frozen?</text></item><item><author>throwaway22032</author><text>The simple answer is to reject the cashless society.&lt;p&gt;In the medium to long term it&amp;#x27;s simply incompatible with any reasonable definition of freedom. Surveillance is bad enough, but a system that allows governments to arbitrarily &amp;quot;turn off&amp;quot; thousands or millions of people at the push of a button is too powerful to not be abused.&lt;p&gt;Even the mere existence of such a system has a chilling effect. Which I suspect is precisely what these people want and is exactly why we can&amp;#x27;t give it to them.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ll take inconvenience over slavery any day of the week.&lt;p&gt;This isn&amp;#x27;t some sort of anarcho-libertarian paradise opinion, I have no issue with there being a well functioning justice system.&lt;p&gt;But yeah, if you want to seize assets, get a court order and go and lock someone in a box and take their things, don&amp;#x27;t take the cowardly way out and pretend that you&amp;#x27;ve just flipped a database key and it&amp;#x27;s not really a big deal.&lt;p&gt;By the same token, if you tell me there&amp;#x27;s been a murder on my street I&amp;#x27;ll give you the CCTV footage of my door cam. If you ask me for a backdoor, I&amp;#x27;ll tell you where to shove it. That&amp;#x27;s what being a member of a free society is, that seemingly minor distinction is one of the most important things we have and better minds than mine have sought to elaborate on why.&lt;p&gt;Even a child is able to understand that force is still force regardless of whether it involves the direct visible physical kind.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>walterbell</author><text>We don&amp;#x27;t need &amp;quot;everyone&amp;quot; to use cash for &amp;quot;everything&amp;quot;, just some people to use cash for some transactions.&lt;p&gt;It is legal in most jurisdictions to give discounts when paying with cash. That is enough motivation to use cash for larger purchases, since it saves costs for both the merchant and the customer. The only loser is the now-redundant payment processor.</text></comment>
<story><title>If you move your mouse continually the query may not fail. Do not stop moving</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>overgard</author><text>As much as I make fun of java developers for over complicated solutions, I&amp;#x27;ve never quite seen anything as over-engineered and byzantine as COM. I remember at my last job we had legacy COM objects that inherited from about 5-7 different templated objects, and that was... normal. COM is the worst.&lt;p&gt;I actually like windows as a user, but I&amp;#x27;m amazed that it won as much developer mindshare as it did considering how much the win32 api sucks. It&amp;#x27;s brutal.</text></item><item><author>pea</author><text>COM hates MTA threading, most of the Office object model actually insists on STA single-threads sitting in the main UI thread to even work (i.e. you cannot use BackgroundWorker() )! Some guy @ MS even released this byzantine code to deal with the situation (&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;b&amp;#x2F;andreww&amp;#x2F;archive&amp;#x2F;2008&amp;#x2F;11&amp;#x2F;19&amp;#x2F;implement...&lt;/a&gt;) which unfortunately doesn&amp;#x27;t work. It&amp;#x27;s completely nuts how bad the object model is.</text></item><item><author>asveikau</author><text>The rule of thumb as I always heard it is that a window is &amp;quot;owned&amp;quot; by the thread that created it. You can send and post messages from a different thread, but do much else and you&amp;#x27;re asking for trouble. (And Send instead of Post is often problematic since it will block until the target thread processes it.)&lt;p&gt;Draining the message queue from a thread that doesn&amp;#x27;t own it makes absolutely no sense to me ... Does that actually work? Wouldn&amp;#x27;t you see the messages on the original thread&amp;#x27;s pump too? I thought the way it worked is each thread with ui objects has a queue, and SendMessage et al. will insert into the owning thread&amp;#x27;s queue. It took me a while to parse what you are saying, did you pass the hwnd into GetMessage from the other thread and that somehow convinced it to peek at another thread&amp;#x27;s queue?</text></item><item><author>zbowling</author><text>I had this bug once about 10ish years ago when I was still a windows dev. Creating a 2nd window on a thread with a window already but then pumping it&amp;#x27;s main loop on a background thread can cause this. If you do that the loops get hooked to each other regardless of the thread pumping it. The child window has to wait until the parent window forwards the event for the second thread to pop it off. A mouse move will send a WM event and keep the child windows loop on the other thread spinning. My WM_TIMER on the child window was stuck as well.&lt;p&gt;It happened to me because I had a hidden window on the background thread to get WM events for USB disconnect and reconnect messages from the system. The bug report was funny. &amp;quot;Connecting USB data collection probe doesn&amp;#x27;t work unless the user moves the mouse after connecting.&amp;quot; and the follow up bug &amp;quot;Data collection only works when moving the mouse.&amp;quot;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>fractaled</author><text>I think the core of COM is sound (pure interfaces, QI, refcounting, IDL).&lt;p&gt;I think the ugliness is due to threading issues and being welded on to Win32 message pumps. If you have a dedicated COM thread&amp;#x2F;pool you&amp;#x27;ll mostly be fine (security stuff can still get complicated). But on the other hand if you start doing COM things on a thread you own where you share control of the message pumping, you open yourself to a world of mental anguish.</text></comment>
<story><title>If you move your mouse continually the query may not fail. Do not stop moving</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>overgard</author><text>As much as I make fun of java developers for over complicated solutions, I&amp;#x27;ve never quite seen anything as over-engineered and byzantine as COM. I remember at my last job we had legacy COM objects that inherited from about 5-7 different templated objects, and that was... normal. COM is the worst.&lt;p&gt;I actually like windows as a user, but I&amp;#x27;m amazed that it won as much developer mindshare as it did considering how much the win32 api sucks. It&amp;#x27;s brutal.</text></item><item><author>pea</author><text>COM hates MTA threading, most of the Office object model actually insists on STA single-threads sitting in the main UI thread to even work (i.e. you cannot use BackgroundWorker() )! Some guy @ MS even released this byzantine code to deal with the situation (&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;b&amp;#x2F;andreww&amp;#x2F;archive&amp;#x2F;2008&amp;#x2F;11&amp;#x2F;19&amp;#x2F;implement...&lt;/a&gt;) which unfortunately doesn&amp;#x27;t work. It&amp;#x27;s completely nuts how bad the object model is.</text></item><item><author>asveikau</author><text>The rule of thumb as I always heard it is that a window is &amp;quot;owned&amp;quot; by the thread that created it. You can send and post messages from a different thread, but do much else and you&amp;#x27;re asking for trouble. (And Send instead of Post is often problematic since it will block until the target thread processes it.)&lt;p&gt;Draining the message queue from a thread that doesn&amp;#x27;t own it makes absolutely no sense to me ... Does that actually work? Wouldn&amp;#x27;t you see the messages on the original thread&amp;#x27;s pump too? I thought the way it worked is each thread with ui objects has a queue, and SendMessage et al. will insert into the owning thread&amp;#x27;s queue. It took me a while to parse what you are saying, did you pass the hwnd into GetMessage from the other thread and that somehow convinced it to peek at another thread&amp;#x27;s queue?</text></item><item><author>zbowling</author><text>I had this bug once about 10ish years ago when I was still a windows dev. Creating a 2nd window on a thread with a window already but then pumping it&amp;#x27;s main loop on a background thread can cause this. If you do that the loops get hooked to each other regardless of the thread pumping it. The child window has to wait until the parent window forwards the event for the second thread to pop it off. A mouse move will send a WM event and keep the child windows loop on the other thread spinning. My WM_TIMER on the child window was stuck as well.&lt;p&gt;It happened to me because I had a hidden window on the background thread to get WM events for USB disconnect and reconnect messages from the system. The bug report was funny. &amp;quot;Connecting USB data collection probe doesn&amp;#x27;t work unless the user moves the mouse after connecting.&amp;quot; and the follow up bug &amp;quot;Data collection only works when moving the mouse.&amp;quot;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>asveikau</author><text>I actually like COM. Sure there are historical accidents like STA. But if you are free of that legacy and keep it simple there are some nice features: reference counting, QueryInterface, consistent error codes across components, abstraction away from linking, not having to worry about which allocator an object uses. (Though last one is only important on Windows since different DLLs can end up using different heaps.)</text></comment>
<story><title>Linux 5.6 is the most exciting kernel in years</title><url>;item=linux-56-features&amp;num=1</url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lucb1e</author><text>For more info on the second point: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Linux_kernel#Preemption&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Linux_kernel#Preemption&lt;/a&gt; seems to have something to do with real-time operating systems, but I didn&amp;#x27;t dive into it.&lt;p&gt;Edit: Thanks for the downvotes without commenting what I should do differently next time?</text></item><item><author>nrclark</author><text>It&amp;#x27;s great to see all these new features entering the kernel. Here are a couple of other things I&amp;#x27;ve seen in recent changelogs:&lt;p&gt;- The 5.4 kernel can use CIFS as a root filesystem, meaning CIFS can replace NFS for diskless boot.&lt;p&gt;- The 5.3 and 5.4 kernels both include prep for merging PREEMPT_RT into mainline. This will be a fantastic addition that benefits embedded Linux nerds like me.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>devit</author><text>Currently the Linux kernel disables preemption inside spinlocks and interrupt handlers, and these code sections are not necessarily carefully written to be short and constant-time, so you can in theory get in a situation where all cores are running spinlock or interrupt handler code from low priority threads for arbitrarily long times, preventing higher priority realtime threads to run (which in practice means that whatever hardware you are controlling will be uncontrolled, and thus your self-driving car, rocket, plane or industrial machine might be destroyed).&lt;p&gt;The PREEMPT_RT patch solves this by reimplementing all kernel spinlocks as mutexes with priority inheritance that are fully preemptible and all interrupt handlers as preemptable threads.&lt;p&gt;The result is that if you have a bunch of real-time process&amp;#x2F;thread that do not make system calls, it&amp;#x27;s guaranteed that in a bounded amount time the highest priority set will be running.&lt;p&gt;If you do however make system calls (or even if you cause page faults because you didn&amp;#x27;t call mlockall() and accessed non-mlocked memory), with the exception of some system calls that provide better guarantees, then you can still have kernel spinlock contention with other threads that may hold the same spinlock for an unbounded amount of time, so the system is more limited than dedicated real-time OSes that are careful about this.</text></comment>
<story><title>Linux 5.6 is the most exciting kernel in years</title><url>;item=linux-56-features&amp;num=1</url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lucb1e</author><text>For more info on the second point: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Linux_kernel#Preemption&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Linux_kernel#Preemption&lt;/a&gt; seems to have something to do with real-time operating systems, but I didn&amp;#x27;t dive into it.&lt;p&gt;Edit: Thanks for the downvotes without commenting what I should do differently next time?</text></item><item><author>nrclark</author><text>It&amp;#x27;s great to see all these new features entering the kernel. Here are a couple of other things I&amp;#x27;ve seen in recent changelogs:&lt;p&gt;- The 5.4 kernel can use CIFS as a root filesystem, meaning CIFS can replace NFS for diskless boot.&lt;p&gt;- The 5.3 and 5.4 kernels both include prep for merging PREEMPT_RT into mainline. This will be a fantastic addition that benefits embedded Linux nerds like me.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>hactually</author><text>It aims to turn Linux into a real-time OS. The preempty patchset aims to give faster response times but the main focus is to remove all unbounded latencies - for example, situations where the delay can vary depending on other factors.</text></comment>
<story><title>Amazon Go</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>0xfeba</author><text>&amp;gt; I&amp;#x27;m sorry but if you cost the store $25 by leaving a damned ROAST in the cereal aisle, I would be perfectly happy to never let you in the store again.&lt;p&gt;Wouldn&amp;#x27;t a better solution be to charge the customer for the roast and if they complain, you explain: &amp;quot;sorry, you didn&amp;#x27;t put it on the proper shelf, the technology considers that as a purchase&amp;quot;, and possibly eat the cost in the form of some incentive to come back to try to keep them. The ones that don&amp;#x27;t complain either didn&amp;#x27;t notice, or they don&amp;#x27;t care enough to stop shopping, or they won&amp;#x27;t come back like you suggest.&lt;p&gt;The ones that complain get it taken care of, the ones that don&amp;#x27;t don&amp;#x27;t cost you anything. Win-win-break even?</text></item><item><author>makecheck</author><text>One interesting benefit of the “detect removal from shelf” concept is that there might finally be a &lt;i&gt;time stamp&lt;/i&gt; associated with the removal of the item.&lt;p&gt;Right now, if you see a random perishable item sitting on a shelf, you HAVE to throw it away because it could have been there for a long time. On the other hand, if you can see that some Frozen Peas were only taken off the shelf 2 minutes ago, you can just put them back and they’ll be fine.&lt;p&gt;Although, what I’d really want is not only the time stamp but the customer. I’m sorry but if you cost the store $25 by leaving a damned ROAST in the cereal aisle, I would be perfectly happy to never let you in the store again.</text></item><item><author>elicash</author><text>I worked at a grocery store for several years, and one thing I recall is customers CONSTANTLY putting items back in a random aisle, rather than where they found it.&lt;p&gt;I wonder how this tech deals with that? Maybe they figured that out, too. But I was amused in the video when I saw the customer putting it back where it belonged, because that&amp;#x27;s not how I remember that going...&lt;p&gt;All that said, this is fantastic and exciting.&lt;p&gt;Edit: I also hope they&amp;#x27;re already thinking about EBT cards and WIC.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>makecheck</author><text>Aside from putting up the odd sign to discourage certain behavior, no, I do not think that stores have any good reason to bend over backwards to keep &lt;i&gt;individual&lt;/i&gt; customers.&lt;p&gt;Retail is far too accommodating already. Some people figure that being a “valued customer” means they can be an unending source of sunken costs in time, effort and stress, among other things. And those costs can be multiplied across the other customers waiting in line, too.&lt;p&gt;If a “customer” is destroying your inventory, annoying other customers, or commanding far more of your time than warranted, there is no reason to put up with them. Protect the larger investment, which is: all your other customers, your store, and your employees.</text></comment>
<story><title>Amazon Go</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>0xfeba</author><text>&amp;gt; I&amp;#x27;m sorry but if you cost the store $25 by leaving a damned ROAST in the cereal aisle, I would be perfectly happy to never let you in the store again.&lt;p&gt;Wouldn&amp;#x27;t a better solution be to charge the customer for the roast and if they complain, you explain: &amp;quot;sorry, you didn&amp;#x27;t put it on the proper shelf, the technology considers that as a purchase&amp;quot;, and possibly eat the cost in the form of some incentive to come back to try to keep them. The ones that don&amp;#x27;t complain either didn&amp;#x27;t notice, or they don&amp;#x27;t care enough to stop shopping, or they won&amp;#x27;t come back like you suggest.&lt;p&gt;The ones that complain get it taken care of, the ones that don&amp;#x27;t don&amp;#x27;t cost you anything. Win-win-break even?</text></item><item><author>makecheck</author><text>One interesting benefit of the “detect removal from shelf” concept is that there might finally be a &lt;i&gt;time stamp&lt;/i&gt; associated with the removal of the item.&lt;p&gt;Right now, if you see a random perishable item sitting on a shelf, you HAVE to throw it away because it could have been there for a long time. On the other hand, if you can see that some Frozen Peas were only taken off the shelf 2 minutes ago, you can just put them back and they’ll be fine.&lt;p&gt;Although, what I’d really want is not only the time stamp but the customer. I’m sorry but if you cost the store $25 by leaving a damned ROAST in the cereal aisle, I would be perfectly happy to never let you in the store again.</text></item><item><author>elicash</author><text>I worked at a grocery store for several years, and one thing I recall is customers CONSTANTLY putting items back in a random aisle, rather than where they found it.&lt;p&gt;I wonder how this tech deals with that? Maybe they figured that out, too. But I was amused in the video when I saw the customer putting it back where it belonged, because that&amp;#x27;s not how I remember that going...&lt;p&gt;All that said, this is fantastic and exciting.&lt;p&gt;Edit: I also hope they&amp;#x27;re already thinking about EBT cards and WIC.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>mortenjorck</author><text>According to the cupcake example in the video, this is all in real-time, right? A much better experience would be warning the user as they go - the ham remains in their &amp;quot;cart&amp;quot; and is clearly flagged as abandoned (maybe with a push notification if they don&amp;#x27;t have the phone out, though I imagine most customers will be double-checking).</text></comment>
<story><title>Why does APT not use HTTPS?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>hannob</author><text>I guess I can copy over a comment I made when this previously made rounds:&lt;p&gt;I have a few problems with this. The short summary of these claims is “APT checks signatures, therefore downloads for APT don’t need to be HTTPS”.&lt;p&gt;The whole argument relies on the idea that APT is the only client that will ever download content from these hosts. This is however not true. Packages can be manually downloaded from and they reference the same insecure mirrors. At the very least Debian should make sure that there are a few HTTPS mirrors that they use for the direct download links.&lt;p&gt;Furthermore Debian also provides ISO downloads over the same HTTP mirrors, which are also not automatically checked. While they can theoretically be checked with PGP signatures it is wishful thinking to assume everyone will do that.&lt;p&gt;Finally the chapter about CAs and TLS is - sorry - baseless fearmongering. Yeah, there are problems with CAs, but deducing from that that “HTTPS provides little-to-no protection against a targeted attack on your distribution’s mirror network” is, to put it mildly, nonsense. Compromising a CA is not trivial and due to CT it’s almost certain that such an attempt will be uncovered later. The CA ecosystem has improved a lot in recent years, please update your views accordingly.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>omarforgotpwd</author><text>The other big problem is that people can see what you&amp;#x27;re downloading. Might not be a big deal but consider:&lt;p&gt;1. You&amp;#x27;re in China and you download some VPN software over APT. A seemingly innocuous call to package server is now a clear violation of Chinese law.&lt;p&gt;2. Even in the US, can leak all kinds of information about your work habits, what you&amp;#x27;re working on, etc.&lt;p&gt;3. If it&amp;#x27;s running on a server, it could leak what vulnerable software you have installed or what versions of various packages you&amp;#x27;re running to make exploiting known vulnerabilities easier</text></comment>
<story><title>Why does APT not use HTTPS?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>hannob</author><text>I guess I can copy over a comment I made when this previously made rounds:&lt;p&gt;I have a few problems with this. The short summary of these claims is “APT checks signatures, therefore downloads for APT don’t need to be HTTPS”.&lt;p&gt;The whole argument relies on the idea that APT is the only client that will ever download content from these hosts. This is however not true. Packages can be manually downloaded from and they reference the same insecure mirrors. At the very least Debian should make sure that there are a few HTTPS mirrors that they use for the direct download links.&lt;p&gt;Furthermore Debian also provides ISO downloads over the same HTTP mirrors, which are also not automatically checked. While they can theoretically be checked with PGP signatures it is wishful thinking to assume everyone will do that.&lt;p&gt;Finally the chapter about CAs and TLS is - sorry - baseless fearmongering. Yeah, there are problems with CAs, but deducing from that that “HTTPS provides little-to-no protection against a targeted attack on your distribution’s mirror network” is, to put it mildly, nonsense. Compromising a CA is not trivial and due to CT it’s almost certain that such an attempt will be uncovered later. The CA ecosystem has improved a lot in recent years, please update your views accordingly.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>hacknat</author><text>Also, their claim that HTTPS doesn’t hide the hosts that you are visiting is about to not be true. Encrypted SNI is now part of the TLS 1.3 RFC, so HTTPS will actually hide one’s internet browsing habits quite well. The only holes in privacy left on the web’s stack are in DNS.</text></comment>
<story><title>Why inflation is not a threat</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>throwaway316943</author><text>Does it actually address the source of the problem though? Illiquidity is caused by people hoarding wealth and not circulating it in the economy. Printing money gets more cash in the system but does not free up the hoarded wealth which is still locked up in assets that can remain unproductive. This seems like a temporary patch. If you take your example where there is not enough cash to pay a plumber, the cash is amassed in the accounts of a small number of people that are unable to generate enough work to keep all of the plumbers employed. You print more money to fix the supply problem but this immediately generates another; who gets the new cash first? We give it to institutions that will lend it so that we can reuse the existing system to vet people worthy of loans. So the credit worthy get access to new money and maybe they use it to do new construction or renovations that require plumbers. The plumbers, and others, now have income again. Problem solved? Well no, what about the original wealth that was hoarded? If it was kept as dollars it’s now depreciating but it’s likely that as soon as that started happening it would have been converted into another form that would retain its value. There are a limited set of assets that retain their value in face of inflation so we would see circulation in that part of the economy up until all of the original wealth had been converted into a stable form. It would still be driven by a small number of people though so the impact would be limited. What happens if you don’t continue to print money? I would think it would eventually find its way into one of these asset traps where it would then remain and we’d wind up right back at the start. So keep pumping new money in? But now it no longer affects the original wealth since that has been converted into other forms so the original problem will remain unsolved and you’ll need to keep the tap on forever so you don’t run out of money.&lt;p&gt;A better solution in my mind would have been to directly force the original wealth back into the system.</text></item><item><author>Robotbeat</author><text>Yeah, liquidity is really important. When liquidity runs out, you have people who are CAPABLE and WILLING to work being unable to find productive work. The way around it is to do odd jobs, DIY stuff they’re not good at because they have no choice, and barter (you see this increase during depressions), but this is way less efficient. So “printing money” (providing liquidity) actually increases productivity in the same way division of labor increases productivity. You can pay a plumber instead of taking 10 times longer and doing a poorer job, for instance.</text></item><item><author>throw0101a</author><text>&amp;gt; &lt;i&gt;A normal household has to pay rent or make mortgage payments. To arbitrarily exclude the biggest expense to consumers from CPI is pretty misleading.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;How the CPI measures price change of &lt;i&gt;Owners’ equivalent rent of primary residence (OER)&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;Rent of primary residence (Rent)&lt;/i&gt;&amp;quot;:&lt;p&gt;* &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;cpi&amp;#x2F;factsheets&amp;#x2F;owners-equivalent-rent-and-rent.pdf&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;cpi&amp;#x2F;factsheets&amp;#x2F;owners-equivalent-rent-an...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; &lt;i&gt;The whole argument for printing money being OK is dumb. If it&amp;#x27;s OK to print money to pay for some things why are you not doing it more? Why not make everyone a millionaire?&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Because while it may be &amp;quot;OK to print money to pay for some things&amp;quot; it may &lt;i&gt;not be OK for others&lt;/i&gt;. Making &amp;quot;everyone a millionaire&amp;quot; may be one of those times when it is not-OK.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; &lt;i&gt;Ultimately, printing money doesn&amp;#x27;t make anyone more productive or produce anything.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Money printing helps with liquidity, which helps the economy to keep running, which can (but is not guaranteed to) help with more &amp;quot;productive&amp;quot; aspects of the economy:&lt;p&gt;* &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Money_creation&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Money_creation&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;You&amp;#x27;ve managed to fit quite a few straw men in one post.</text></item><item><author>daniel-s</author><text>A normal household has to pay rent or make mortgage payments. To arbitrarily exclude the biggest expense to consumers from CPI is pretty misleading.&lt;p&gt;When you create new money prices don&amp;#x27;t rise evenly. At the moment we have new money being created by central banks and given to privileged institutions who get access to free money. They use that to buy investments: real estate, stocks, etc. These are precisely the things getting really expensive. The last things to get more expensive during big cycles of inflation are employee wages.&lt;p&gt;The world used gold&amp;#x2F;silver for its currency for most of human history until 1970 when we entered this period of worldwide fiat currencies. Our current situation is pretty remarkable.&lt;p&gt;The whole argument for printing money being OK is dumb. If it&amp;#x27;s OK to print money to pay for some things why are you not doing it more? Why not make everyone a millionaire?&lt;p&gt;I think that another deception is that we should ordinarily be experiencing price deflation. Every day our society is getting more efficient at making things. If prices for goods are staying the same then it may not be that their value has not changed, they may be less valuable goods, but they cost the same because you&amp;#x27;re also buying them with less valuable currency.&lt;p&gt;If you have gone through years of moving everything to China to make it cheaper to manufacture, improved technology to make processes more efficient, etc. and I&amp;#x27;m still paying the same amount for all of the stuff in my life, then again, maybe all these things are cheaper, but I&amp;#x27;m also buying them with currency that&amp;#x27;s less valuable.&lt;p&gt;Ultimately, printing money doesn&amp;#x27;t make anyone more productive or produce anything. All it does is redistribute wealth from those that were first to get the new free money away from those that were last to contact it.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>lumost</author><text>Ironically the only market mechanism to force money back into the rest of the system is for interest rates to rise. If real interest rates sat at ~7% those with money would attempt to lend it and liquidate unproductive assets, those borrowing to purchase unproductive assets would be forced to sell. Productive, but high cost assets would come down in price (housing) due to lack of demand. For interest rates to rise, there will need to be a lack of liquidity at the current interest rate, many businesses are now dependent on artificially low interest rates and guaranteed liquidity.&lt;p&gt;Unfortunately we&amp;#x27;ve built an economy which requires progressively lower interest rates to sustain. Rebalancing will be expensive ( see the interest rate increase in the run-up to &amp;#x27;08 )</text></comment>
<story><title>Why inflation is not a threat</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>throwaway316943</author><text>Does it actually address the source of the problem though? Illiquidity is caused by people hoarding wealth and not circulating it in the economy. Printing money gets more cash in the system but does not free up the hoarded wealth which is still locked up in assets that can remain unproductive. This seems like a temporary patch. If you take your example where there is not enough cash to pay a plumber, the cash is amassed in the accounts of a small number of people that are unable to generate enough work to keep all of the plumbers employed. You print more money to fix the supply problem but this immediately generates another; who gets the new cash first? We give it to institutions that will lend it so that we can reuse the existing system to vet people worthy of loans. So the credit worthy get access to new money and maybe they use it to do new construction or renovations that require plumbers. The plumbers, and others, now have income again. Problem solved? Well no, what about the original wealth that was hoarded? If it was kept as dollars it’s now depreciating but it’s likely that as soon as that started happening it would have been converted into another form that would retain its value. There are a limited set of assets that retain their value in face of inflation so we would see circulation in that part of the economy up until all of the original wealth had been converted into a stable form. It would still be driven by a small number of people though so the impact would be limited. What happens if you don’t continue to print money? I would think it would eventually find its way into one of these asset traps where it would then remain and we’d wind up right back at the start. So keep pumping new money in? But now it no longer affects the original wealth since that has been converted into other forms so the original problem will remain unsolved and you’ll need to keep the tap on forever so you don’t run out of money.&lt;p&gt;A better solution in my mind would have been to directly force the original wealth back into the system.</text></item><item><author>Robotbeat</author><text>Yeah, liquidity is really important. When liquidity runs out, you have people who are CAPABLE and WILLING to work being unable to find productive work. The way around it is to do odd jobs, DIY stuff they’re not good at because they have no choice, and barter (you see this increase during depressions), but this is way less efficient. So “printing money” (providing liquidity) actually increases productivity in the same way division of labor increases productivity. You can pay a plumber instead of taking 10 times longer and doing a poorer job, for instance.</text></item><item><author>throw0101a</author><text>&amp;gt; &lt;i&gt;A normal household has to pay rent or make mortgage payments. To arbitrarily exclude the biggest expense to consumers from CPI is pretty misleading.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;How the CPI measures price change of &lt;i&gt;Owners’ equivalent rent of primary residence (OER)&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;Rent of primary residence (Rent)&lt;/i&gt;&amp;quot;:&lt;p&gt;* &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;cpi&amp;#x2F;factsheets&amp;#x2F;owners-equivalent-rent-and-rent.pdf&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;cpi&amp;#x2F;factsheets&amp;#x2F;owners-equivalent-rent-an...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; &lt;i&gt;The whole argument for printing money being OK is dumb. If it&amp;#x27;s OK to print money to pay for some things why are you not doing it more? Why not make everyone a millionaire?&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Because while it may be &amp;quot;OK to print money to pay for some things&amp;quot; it may &lt;i&gt;not be OK for others&lt;/i&gt;. Making &amp;quot;everyone a millionaire&amp;quot; may be one of those times when it is not-OK.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; &lt;i&gt;Ultimately, printing money doesn&amp;#x27;t make anyone more productive or produce anything.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Money printing helps with liquidity, which helps the economy to keep running, which can (but is not guaranteed to) help with more &amp;quot;productive&amp;quot; aspects of the economy:&lt;p&gt;* &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Money_creation&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Money_creation&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;You&amp;#x27;ve managed to fit quite a few straw men in one post.</text></item><item><author>daniel-s</author><text>A normal household has to pay rent or make mortgage payments. To arbitrarily exclude the biggest expense to consumers from CPI is pretty misleading.&lt;p&gt;When you create new money prices don&amp;#x27;t rise evenly. At the moment we have new money being created by central banks and given to privileged institutions who get access to free money. They use that to buy investments: real estate, stocks, etc. These are precisely the things getting really expensive. The last things to get more expensive during big cycles of inflation are employee wages.&lt;p&gt;The world used gold&amp;#x2F;silver for its currency for most of human history until 1970 when we entered this period of worldwide fiat currencies. Our current situation is pretty remarkable.&lt;p&gt;The whole argument for printing money being OK is dumb. If it&amp;#x27;s OK to print money to pay for some things why are you not doing it more? Why not make everyone a millionaire?&lt;p&gt;I think that another deception is that we should ordinarily be experiencing price deflation. Every day our society is getting more efficient at making things. If prices for goods are staying the same then it may not be that their value has not changed, they may be less valuable goods, but they cost the same because you&amp;#x27;re also buying them with less valuable currency.&lt;p&gt;If you have gone through years of moving everything to China to make it cheaper to manufacture, improved technology to make processes more efficient, etc. and I&amp;#x27;m still paying the same amount for all of the stuff in my life, then again, maybe all these things are cheaper, but I&amp;#x27;m also buying them with currency that&amp;#x27;s less valuable.&lt;p&gt;Ultimately, printing money doesn&amp;#x27;t make anyone more productive or produce anything. All it does is redistribute wealth from those that were first to get the new free money away from those that were last to contact it.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ericd</author><text>Pretty sure illiquidity is not caused by wealth hoarding. It’s caused by taking out more debt than one can service, and people becoming scared to lend to others, because they’re worried they won’t be paid back. When everyone gets scared at once, things grind to a halt. And there’s a natural tendency while times are good to take out more and more debt, because you can use it to enhance your productivity.&lt;p&gt;EDIT: (so things naturally trend toward the overlevered state and a crunch)</text></comment>
<story><title>Why we chose Vue.js</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>marpstar</author><text>Is there a name for this &amp;quot;feeling&amp;quot;? I feel this way about a lot of things that get &amp;quot;popular&amp;quot;. I feel this way about React, in fact. React is &amp;quot;good&amp;quot; but I don&amp;#x27;t see it as our end-all be-all front-end savior. Vue.js is a lot more interesting to me because it&amp;#x27;s not popular...because it&amp;#x27;s the underdog.&lt;p&gt;This Cracked article gave me a bit of consolation: &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;blog&amp;#x2F;6-reasons-it-sucks-to-hate-popular-things&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;blog&amp;#x2F;6-reasons-it-sucks-to-hate-popul...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item><item><author>49531</author><text>I actually interviewed with Jacob Schatz when he was trying to figure out which frontend framework to use for GitLab. I had been working in React for the last year or so which was apparent on my resume.&lt;p&gt;He prefaced our interview with something to the effect of &amp;quot;I know you do a lot of React but we are not going to ever use React at GitLab&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;It was weird. I tried to ascertain his reasoning and pretty much all I got was &amp;quot;just because it&amp;#x27;s popular doesn&amp;#x27;t mean it&amp;#x27;s good&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;Regardless I think GitLab is an awesome company, I just got the feeling Jacob wanted to use Vue.js because it wasn&amp;#x27;t the most popular choice. ¯\_(ツ)_&amp;#x2F;¯</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>kls</author><text>&lt;i&gt;Is there a name for this &amp;quot;feeling&amp;quot;?&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Hipster - Google definition:&lt;p&gt;&lt;i&gt;a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;So I guess a framework hipster?</text></comment>
<story><title>Why we chose Vue.js</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>marpstar</author><text>Is there a name for this &amp;quot;feeling&amp;quot;? I feel this way about a lot of things that get &amp;quot;popular&amp;quot;. I feel this way about React, in fact. React is &amp;quot;good&amp;quot; but I don&amp;#x27;t see it as our end-all be-all front-end savior. Vue.js is a lot more interesting to me because it&amp;#x27;s not popular...because it&amp;#x27;s the underdog.&lt;p&gt;This Cracked article gave me a bit of consolation: &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;blog&amp;#x2F;6-reasons-it-sucks-to-hate-popular-things&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;blog&amp;#x2F;6-reasons-it-sucks-to-hate-popul...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item><item><author>49531</author><text>I actually interviewed with Jacob Schatz when he was trying to figure out which frontend framework to use for GitLab. I had been working in React for the last year or so which was apparent on my resume.&lt;p&gt;He prefaced our interview with something to the effect of &amp;quot;I know you do a lot of React but we are not going to ever use React at GitLab&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;It was weird. I tried to ascertain his reasoning and pretty much all I got was &amp;quot;just because it&amp;#x27;s popular doesn&amp;#x27;t mean it&amp;#x27;s good&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;Regardless I think GitLab is an awesome company, I just got the feeling Jacob wanted to use Vue.js because it wasn&amp;#x27;t the most popular choice. ¯\_(ツ)_&amp;#x2F;¯</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>linkmotif</author><text>Sure popularity ruins many things. Music, movies, books, software libraries.&lt;p&gt;However, you don&amp;#x27;t have to use React. React is a set of concepts. I personally really enjoy programming with those concepts (I just wish it wasn&amp;#x27;t JS). If you don&amp;#x27;t want to use Facebook&amp;#x27;s implementation, there are many other implementations.</text></comment>
<story><title>Love it or hate it, truckers say they can’t stop listening to public radio</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>kazinator</author><text>It occurs to me that a FM radio should be capable of automatically doing this hand-off, thanks to this:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Radio_Data_System&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Radio_Data_System&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;If a station signal goes weak, the radio could scan the FM stations for another station which is known to broadcast the same signal (according to, say, an internal cross-matching database, or some other means).</text></item><item><author>ourmandave</author><text>&lt;i&gt;“And I said, ‘Well, so why don’t you stop listening?’” Murphy continued. “And he says, ‘I can’t, because it’s the only station that will go on mile after mile and I can pick it up again.’”&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Just drove from IA to MI and it&amp;#x27;s true. Between 90.3 and 92.7 FM there&amp;#x27;s always an NPR station waiting.&lt;p&gt;Or I could just download their app and listen anywhere &amp;#x2F; anytime.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;about&amp;#x2F;products&amp;#x2F;npr-one&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;about&amp;#x2F;products&amp;#x2F;npr-one&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>pawelk</author><text>I live in Poland. Every car radio I have ever owned did this, and every station that is available on more than a single frequency (that I&amp;#x27;m aware of) can be followed using RDS. I can also listen to a CD or other media [1] and let it scan for traffic news in the background, it switches to any station that currently airs traffic news. It held true on road trips to other European countries.&lt;p&gt;[1] I rarely do this, for me listening to radio is an integral part of driving. Especially when I have commuted to&amp;#x2F;from work, I was able to tell if I&amp;#x27;m running late based on what segment has been airing when driving past particular intersection or landmark.</text></comment>
<story><title>Love it or hate it, truckers say they can’t stop listening to public radio</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>kazinator</author><text>It occurs to me that a FM radio should be capable of automatically doing this hand-off, thanks to this:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Radio_Data_System&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Radio_Data_System&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;If a station signal goes weak, the radio could scan the FM stations for another station which is known to broadcast the same signal (according to, say, an internal cross-matching database, or some other means).</text></item><item><author>ourmandave</author><text>&lt;i&gt;“And I said, ‘Well, so why don’t you stop listening?’” Murphy continued. “And he says, ‘I can’t, because it’s the only station that will go on mile after mile and I can pick it up again.’”&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Just drove from IA to MI and it&amp;#x27;s true. Between 90.3 and 92.7 FM there&amp;#x27;s always an NPR station waiting.&lt;p&gt;Or I could just download their app and listen anywhere &amp;#x2F; anytime.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;about&amp;#x2F;products&amp;#x2F;npr-one&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;about&amp;#x2F;products&amp;#x2F;npr-one&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>kalleboo</author><text>That&amp;#x27;s how it works in Europe where RDS is widely deployed. Even for the regionalized channels where the programming may vary a little your radio will keep you in the network.</text></comment>
<story><title>System76 Galago Pro [video]</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>2bluesc</author><text>As a previous gen System 76 Galago and now a proud Dell Precision 5510 owner, I wish them luck!&lt;p&gt;I traded my previous gen System76 Galago Pro after 2-3 years of being disappointed with build quality, battery life also piss poor BIOS support for a company priding themselves on supporting the hardware (i.e. UEFI had to be hacked in from the identical Clevo, next to no options, no TPM, etc). We need more competitors in this area for the Linux fanbois (admittedly myself most of the time) who try to provide solutions to Macbook &amp;quot;refugees&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;The Dell XPS 15 &amp;#x2F; Precision 15 are amazing machines and for the first time in years I have a laptop I can recommend without reservation since the Thinkpads fall from grace (the Carbon was close but doesn&amp;#x27;t have a real processor processor last few times I checked, just the U series). I hope this new System76 Galago approaches the Dell level of quality and I welcome the competition. From what I&amp;#x27;ve seen, they are aimed in the right direction.&lt;p&gt;For those interested in more details on the laptop, here&amp;#x27;s an interview with a System76 person at SCaLE 15x by the Linux Action Show discussing the new Galago and hinting at more details:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=dMbQoNz2GP8&amp;amp;t=21m18s&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=dMbQoNz2GP8&amp;amp;t=21m18s&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>windexh8er</author><text>I will say here that the 5510 is a far cry from a perfect machine. Dell replaced mine 4 times over 6+ months where I went weeks to a month at a time with an unusable machine. First machine would shut off whenever the laptop was moved while running. They &amp;quot;fixed&amp;quot; that machine over 1 week, got it back and it did the exact same thing. First replacement machine was different specs than the unit I sent them and it also had a blemish on the display panel even though it was brand new. After arguing with Dell for over a month regarding this machine they replaced it with another that would crash randomly, but reliably over the course of the day. Machine was sent back, &amp;quot;fixed&amp;quot; and returned over multiple months 3 times. Finally replaced again after letting the machine sit and collect dust for months after buying a replacement.&lt;p&gt;Dell has horrible support and while the product is &amp;quot;pretty&amp;quot; and feels well built - it is, IMO no better than anything else on the market today. I would NOT recommend a 5510. In fact there are many horror stories in their forums around it. Which is probably why they dropped it so fast for the 5520.&lt;p&gt;It is a great machine when it works right, but YMMV on quality.</text></comment>
<story><title>System76 Galago Pro [video]</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>2bluesc</author><text>As a previous gen System 76 Galago and now a proud Dell Precision 5510 owner, I wish them luck!&lt;p&gt;I traded my previous gen System76 Galago Pro after 2-3 years of being disappointed with build quality, battery life also piss poor BIOS support for a company priding themselves on supporting the hardware (i.e. UEFI had to be hacked in from the identical Clevo, next to no options, no TPM, etc). We need more competitors in this area for the Linux fanbois (admittedly myself most of the time) who try to provide solutions to Macbook &amp;quot;refugees&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;The Dell XPS 15 &amp;#x2F; Precision 15 are amazing machines and for the first time in years I have a laptop I can recommend without reservation since the Thinkpads fall from grace (the Carbon was close but doesn&amp;#x27;t have a real processor processor last few times I checked, just the U series). I hope this new System76 Galago approaches the Dell level of quality and I welcome the competition. From what I&amp;#x27;ve seen, they are aimed in the right direction.&lt;p&gt;For those interested in more details on the laptop, here&amp;#x27;s an interview with a System76 person at SCaLE 15x by the Linux Action Show discussing the new Galago and hinting at more details:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=dMbQoNz2GP8&amp;amp;t=21m18s&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=dMbQoNz2GP8&amp;amp;t=21m18s&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>schmichael</author><text>I had a similarly bad experience with System76 build quality. Back to Thinkpads for me.&lt;p&gt;That ethernet port they show broke after relatively light usage. I can&amp;#x27;t believe they haven&amp;#x27;t fixed that design flaw yet. I guess wired connections are rare enough maybe no one notices.&lt;p&gt;The screen rubbing on the keyboard when closed and causing bright spots was definitely the worst part for me. I don&amp;#x27;t want to have to be dainty with a laptop.</text></comment>
<story><title>Internet Filtering in Canada: Rogers&apos; NHL Blocking Order</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>Niksko</author><text>The irony for me is that the NHL is an excellent example of why piracy happens. Last hockey season, I could pay the NHL directly to get access to all hockey games from Australia. They have a Google TV app that was flawed, but worked well enough, and I was happy.&lt;p&gt;This year, because the NHL have done a deal with ESPN, I have to do a convoluted deal with a third party to get access to ESPN, and my experience is terrible. ESPN&amp;#x27;s Android app is terrible, the Google TV app flat out doesn&amp;#x27;t work, and casting from my phone to my TV craps out during period breaks and long ad breaks.&lt;p&gt;Piracy would be easier, better and cheaper than paying for things. It&amp;#x27;s the same reason Netflix reduced piracy, and now it&amp;#x27;s tanking. They created something that was easier, cheaper and better than piracy. Now with their increasing prices, declining quality, and fragmentation of their library, piracy is going to increase again.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>revolvingocelot</author><text>“We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem. If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate’s service is more valuable.” --Gabe Newell, [0]&lt;p&gt;[0] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;Valves-Gabe-Newell-Says-Piracy-Is-a-Service-Problem&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;Valves-Gabe-Newell-Says-Pir...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Internet Filtering in Canada: Rogers&apos; NHL Blocking Order</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>Niksko</author><text>The irony for me is that the NHL is an excellent example of why piracy happens. Last hockey season, I could pay the NHL directly to get access to all hockey games from Australia. They have a Google TV app that was flawed, but worked well enough, and I was happy.&lt;p&gt;This year, because the NHL have done a deal with ESPN, I have to do a convoluted deal with a third party to get access to ESPN, and my experience is terrible. ESPN&amp;#x27;s Android app is terrible, the Google TV app flat out doesn&amp;#x27;t work, and casting from my phone to my TV craps out during period breaks and long ad breaks.&lt;p&gt;Piracy would be easier, better and cheaper than paying for things. It&amp;#x27;s the same reason Netflix reduced piracy, and now it&amp;#x27;s tanking. They created something that was easier, cheaper and better than piracy. Now with their increasing prices, declining quality, and fragmentation of their library, piracy is going to increase again.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>luma</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m sitting in my chair wearing a Red Wings jersey as I type this, and I haven&amp;#x27;t watched a single game this season after several years as an subscriber. I always had to do some shenanigans to be able to watch my team, but as they ramped up their protections to prevent people from ever being able to watch their home team, I eventually gave up and cancelled my subscription.&lt;p&gt;Haven&amp;#x27;t seen a game since and now I spend my weekends watching F1 cars drive around in circles. They seem happy to have me as a fan so that&amp;#x27;s where my money goes these days.</text></comment>
<story><title>Linux maintains bugs: The real reason ifconfig on Linux is deprecated (2018)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>tw04</author><text>That&amp;#x27;s a great theory, but Linus picks and chooses when to decide it&amp;#x27;s outrageous to make changes that break userland tools based on his personal preferences. They intentionally broke ZFS - then Linus follows up with a wildly inaccurate statement about why he thinks nobody should use ZFS.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s difficult to take him seriously when he picks and chooses when to enforce his supposed &amp;quot;never break userland&amp;quot; ethos.</text></item><item><author>fargle</author><text>This is &lt;i&gt;highly&lt;/i&gt; biased opinion piece. I like BSD. I liked pre-Oracle Solaris. And I like Linux at lot too.&lt;p&gt;And it is factually inaccurate. Deprecation of ifconfig is a distro issue. &amp;quot;Linux&amp;quot; did not deprecate it. And the reason is that it was unmaintained, not that it couldn&amp;#x27;t handle multiple IP addresses. In fact it can, I still use it 50% of the time. Works fine for setting and displaying multiple addresses.&lt;p&gt;The Debian maintainers wanted to drop it, and the other distros all followed suit a couple years later. Good information and links here:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;questions&amp;#x2F;633087&amp;#x2F;where-is-the-statement-of-deprecation-of-ifconfig-on-linux&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;questions&amp;#x2F;633087&amp;#x2F;where-is-the-statem...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Linux maintains known bugs – and actively refuses to fix them. In fact, if you attempt to fix them, Linus will curse at you, as manifest by this email.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;That is a bold statement but is not at all supported by the linked email. You&amp;#x27;ll see Linus cursing at a bad patch that would break something in userland, not for &amp;quot;maintaining a bug&amp;quot;. He&amp;#x27;s preventing at least two bugs (unnecessary change to behavior and ENOENT is indeed the wrong return value). I think I liked the old Linus better...&lt;p&gt;So it&amp;#x27;s a shame. I&amp;#x27;d love to read a series about BSD, but this is really just inaccurate propaganda.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>gnulinux</author><text>Did you read his mail though? He literally answers this criticism. ZFS is not userland so kernel developers are free to break it, just like they can break ext4 and do, and then they fix them. The problem with ZFS is that they &lt;i&gt;can&amp;#x27;t&lt;/i&gt; fix it because it&amp;#x27;s not part of linux. It&amp;#x27;s a 3rd party kernel module. So your entire comment reads like a misunderstanding of the situation.</text></comment>
<story><title>Linux maintains bugs: The real reason ifconfig on Linux is deprecated (2018)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>tw04</author><text>That&amp;#x27;s a great theory, but Linus picks and chooses when to decide it&amp;#x27;s outrageous to make changes that break userland tools based on his personal preferences. They intentionally broke ZFS - then Linus follows up with a wildly inaccurate statement about why he thinks nobody should use ZFS.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s difficult to take him seriously when he picks and chooses when to enforce his supposed &amp;quot;never break userland&amp;quot; ethos.</text></item><item><author>fargle</author><text>This is &lt;i&gt;highly&lt;/i&gt; biased opinion piece. I like BSD. I liked pre-Oracle Solaris. And I like Linux at lot too.&lt;p&gt;And it is factually inaccurate. Deprecation of ifconfig is a distro issue. &amp;quot;Linux&amp;quot; did not deprecate it. And the reason is that it was unmaintained, not that it couldn&amp;#x27;t handle multiple IP addresses. In fact it can, I still use it 50% of the time. Works fine for setting and displaying multiple addresses.&lt;p&gt;The Debian maintainers wanted to drop it, and the other distros all followed suit a couple years later. Good information and links here:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;questions&amp;#x2F;633087&amp;#x2F;where-is-the-statement-of-deprecation-of-ifconfig-on-linux&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;questions&amp;#x2F;633087&amp;#x2F;where-is-the-statem...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Linux maintains known bugs – and actively refuses to fix them. In fact, if you attempt to fix them, Linus will curse at you, as manifest by this email.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;That is a bold statement but is not at all supported by the linked email. You&amp;#x27;ll see Linus cursing at a bad patch that would break something in userland, not for &amp;quot;maintaining a bug&amp;quot;. He&amp;#x27;s preventing at least two bugs (unnecessary change to behavior and ENOENT is indeed the wrong return value). I think I liked the old Linus better...&lt;p&gt;So it&amp;#x27;s a shame. I&amp;#x27;d love to read a series about BSD, but this is really just inaccurate propaganda.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>loeg</author><text>For a scary few days he was considering completely breaking the ABI of getrandom(2). If he decides to break interfaces, I don&amp;#x27;t know that anyone can stop him. It is a downside to the BDFL model.&lt;p&gt;Edit: Breaking ZFS is not a great example — as sibling comment points out, that is a kernel module using kernel-internal APIs, not userspace syscall ABI. The Linux kernel notoriously considers all kernel interfaces unstable. GregKH has in the past characterized this as a feature, not a bug.</text></comment>
<story><title>FBI: Companies should help us ‘prevent encryption above all else’</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>joshstrange</author><text>&amp;gt; &amp;quot;Privacy, above all other things, including safety and freedom from terrorism, is not where we want to go,&amp;quot; Steinbach said.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s where I want to go. Also you have YET to show ANY evidence that we are more safe or more free from terrorism by surrounding our rights to privacy.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt;He also disputed the &amp;quot;back door&amp;quot; term used by experts to describe such built-in access points. &amp;quot;We&amp;#x27;re not looking at going through a back door or being nefarious,&amp;quot; he argued, saying that the agency wants to be able to access content after going through a judicial process.&lt;p&gt;You mean &amp;quot;Rubber Stamp Judicial Process&amp;quot;? Even if you didn&amp;#x27;t the mere fact that these backdoors (you can rename it all your want it&amp;#x27;s a BACKDOOR) exist make the whole system LESS secure. What a clown and this is the AD of the FBI&amp;#x27;s Counterterrorism Division??? Fuck....</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>staunch</author><text>There&amp;#x27;s nothing in the world that can provide &amp;quot;freedom from terrorism&amp;quot; which makes it even an even uglier lie. Even if it could, I&amp;#x27;d still be against it though, because there are many ways to fight terrorism that don&amp;#x27;t involve sacrificing the freedom our ancestors bought with blood. The FBI needs leadership that understand how to operate within American principles.</text></comment>
<story><title>FBI: Companies should help us ‘prevent encryption above all else’</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>joshstrange</author><text>&amp;gt; &amp;quot;Privacy, above all other things, including safety and freedom from terrorism, is not where we want to go,&amp;quot; Steinbach said.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s where I want to go. Also you have YET to show ANY evidence that we are more safe or more free from terrorism by surrounding our rights to privacy.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt;He also disputed the &amp;quot;back door&amp;quot; term used by experts to describe such built-in access points. &amp;quot;We&amp;#x27;re not looking at going through a back door or being nefarious,&amp;quot; he argued, saying that the agency wants to be able to access content after going through a judicial process.&lt;p&gt;You mean &amp;quot;Rubber Stamp Judicial Process&amp;quot;? Even if you didn&amp;#x27;t the mere fact that these backdoors (you can rename it all your want it&amp;#x27;s a BACKDOOR) exist make the whole system LESS secure. What a clown and this is the AD of the FBI&amp;#x27;s Counterterrorism Division??? Fuck....</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>higherpurpose</author><text>Privacy, in the context of the government, also means &lt;i&gt;freedom to be left alone&lt;/i&gt;. I think that&amp;#x27;s quite an important freedom to have.&lt;p&gt;We really need to make stronger arguments for privacy. Too many people conflate real privacy (which I believe virtually &lt;i&gt;nobody&lt;/i&gt; actually wants to give away, if they truly understand what giving it away means) with &amp;quot;sharing stuff on Facebook and Instagram&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;One is an obvious &lt;i&gt;choice&lt;/i&gt;, and the other (the government, or even companies through non-transparent trackers, knowing everything about you) is not, but is forced upon you.</text></comment>
<story><title>Ask HN: Which MOOCs in Math/CS are worth still worth taking in 2022?</title><text>MOOCs doesn&amp;#x27;t necessarily mean courses on platforms like edX or Coursera. They can include university courses with public materials like videos, notes, assignments, etc.</text></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>The_Amp_Walrus</author><text>Nand 2 Tetris: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;In which you, more or less, build a computer from scratch. The course takes you through 12 projects, about 1 week each, where you incrementally build:&lt;p&gt;a CPU&lt;p&gt;a RAM chip&lt;p&gt;a full von Neumann computer&lt;p&gt;an assembly language&lt;p&gt;a virtual machine&lt;p&gt;a high-level language&lt;p&gt;an operating system&lt;p&gt;... using NAND gates. All of this is done on your computer using tools provided by the course. Once you&amp;#x27;ve done these projects you will understand the building blocks of a computer from the RAM and CPU, to assembly up to the compiler that executes your programming language of choice. It&amp;#x27;s a powerful course that will unlock a whole new perspective on computer programming for you. I believe that bang-for-buck it&amp;#x27;s probably the best online course for someone who is a self-taught programmer. It&amp;#x27;s practical, fun and mostly oriented around building things.&lt;p&gt;(from my blog @ &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;nand-to-tetris.html&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;nand-to-tetris.html&lt;/a&gt;)</text></comment>
<story><title>Ask HN: Which MOOCs in Math/CS are worth still worth taking in 2022?</title><text>MOOCs doesn&amp;#x27;t necessarily mean courses on platforms like edX or Coursera. They can include university courses with public materials like videos, notes, assignments, etc.</text></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>minhmeoke</author><text>I liked the EdX Statistical Learning course by Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani, it&amp;#x27;s a great introduction to statistical modeling and data science (assuming you already have a solid math and statistics background): &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;course&amp;#x2F;statistical-learning&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;course&amp;#x2F;statistical-learning&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;It is not too math heavy, and the focus is on basic, interpretable approaches and concepts like:&lt;p&gt;- linear and polynomial regression&lt;p&gt;- logistic regression and linear discriminant analysis&lt;p&gt;- cross-validation and the bootstrap&lt;p&gt;- model selection and regularization methods (ridge and lasso)&lt;p&gt;- tree-based methods, random forests and boosting&lt;p&gt;- support-vector machines&lt;p&gt;- neural networks and deep learning&lt;p&gt;- survival models; multiple testing&lt;p&gt;- some unsupervised learning methods like principal components and clustering (k-means and hierarchical).&lt;p&gt;The instructors are really articulate and passionate about teaching well. As a bonus, there are guest speakers about every second week including Jerome Friedman and Geoff Hinton.</text></comment>
<story><title>MoonScript - A programmer friendly language that compiles to Lua.</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>skrebbel</author><text>In all honesty, what&apos;s the point of this? I understand the point of compiling to JavaScript simply because that&apos;s the only language that runs on the most ubiquitous platform in the world. Why compile to any other high-level language?&lt;p&gt;Are there so many similar places where users are forced to use Lua, to warrant an extra layer? (with all the complexities such as debugging, a compile step, tracing errors back to MoonScript code, etc)&lt;p&gt;Note, I&apos;m not commenting about the language&apos;s choices. Maybe coding in MoonScript rocks big time. I just don&apos;t get why it compiles to Lua.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>leafo</author><text>I can understand your doubt. After writing a decent amount of Lua I really started to notice it lacking succinct ways to express things that I&apos;ve become used to in other languages.&lt;p&gt;So I wrote the language for myself to use, but I&apos;ve opened it up for other people because I think there is some potential for it. The use case for MoonScript is the same as the use case for Lua.&lt;p&gt;Also I have done a lot of mitigate the pains of compiling and debugging. It&apos;s actually pretty seamless, I&apos;ve done stuff like automatic code compilation on require, and error line number rewriting. I urge you to check out the documentation: &amp;#60;&lt;a href=&quot;;#62&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;#62&lt;/a&gt;;</text></comment>
<story><title>MoonScript - A programmer friendly language that compiles to Lua.</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>skrebbel</author><text>In all honesty, what&apos;s the point of this? I understand the point of compiling to JavaScript simply because that&apos;s the only language that runs on the most ubiquitous platform in the world. Why compile to any other high-level language?&lt;p&gt;Are there so many similar places where users are forced to use Lua, to warrant an extra layer? (with all the complexities such as debugging, a compile step, tracing errors back to MoonScript code, etc)&lt;p&gt;Note, I&apos;m not commenting about the language&apos;s choices. Maybe coding in MoonScript rocks big time. I just don&apos;t get why it compiles to Lua.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>silentbicycle</author><text>It&apos;d make more sense to me if it were compiling a very different &lt;i&gt;kind&lt;/i&gt; of language, such as a Constraint/Logic programming language. I really like Lua for scripting, as-is.&lt;p&gt;Lua&apos;s portability &amp;#38; smooth C integration make it an interesting code generation target (not to mention LuaJIT&apos;s performance). And however you feel about working in Lua, its code is straightforward to generate - the syntax is refreshingly free of odd corner cases.</text></comment>
<story><title>Go Turns 10</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>srparish</author><text>+ By declaring a field&amp;#x2F;variable []Thing vs []*Thing you get different for loop semantics. Way to easy to think your mutating the array item, but only mutating a local copy or vice versa. If you change the field&amp;#x2F;variable you need to audit all your code to make sure you haven&amp;#x27;t broken things.&lt;p&gt;+ gofmt feels way out of date. These days clang-format (c++), prettier (typescript), black (python), scalafmt (scala) take care of wrapping&amp;#x2F;unwrapping lines such as function definitions or function calls. They basically cover all formatting needs so you never have to manually format anything.&lt;p&gt;+ Scope of element in for-range loop isn&amp;#x27;t right, so capturing that scope in a lambda does the wrong thing with no warning.&lt;p&gt;+ Encourages use of indexes; which is error prone, most modern languages allow writing most code without needing indexes using map&amp;#x2F;filter&amp;#x2F;reduce or comprehensions.&lt;p&gt;+ No help from type-system for use of pointer without nil check.&lt;p&gt;+ Very easy to get nils in places one would hope to be able to prohibit them in. EG Using pointer as a poor man&amp;#x27;s unique_ptr&amp;lt;&amp;gt; means that I also get optional&amp;lt;&amp;gt; symantics (without the type checking) when I don&amp;#x27;t want or expect such. Also allows for aliasing when I don&amp;#x27;t want or expect such.&lt;p&gt;+ Difference between &amp;#x27;=&amp;#x27; and &amp;#x27;:=&amp;#x27; is silly, especially since &amp;#x27;:=&amp;#x27; can be used to reassign values. Even more frustrating that &amp;#x27;:=&amp;#x27; creates shadowing in nested scopes, so doesn&amp;#x27;t always do what one would expect it would do, such as accidentally creating a shadowed &amp;#x27;err&amp;#x27; that doesn&amp;#x27;t get checked.&lt;p&gt;+ if&amp;#x2F;switch should be allowed to be expressions, allowing much safer single-expression initialization of variables, rather then requiring default initialization and mutation, which is much easier to get wrong.</text></item><item><author>badrequest</author><text>Any specific complaints, or did you just feel like calling us all cavedwellers?</text></item><item><author>timothycrosley</author><text>And yet it still feels like a language out of the 60s or 70s. To me, Go feels like the programming language equivalent of insisting that everyone communicate just by grunting because it&amp;#x27;s less complex to teach people just grunting than it is to teach them more effective forms of communication. And in theory, they still can communicate all the same things with more grunting! Some people refer to this as simplicity, and in a way it is, but it&amp;#x27;s simplicity in the language constructs at the expense of more complexity in the usage of the language to form more complex thoughts. There must be a golden balance here, but I don&amp;#x27;t feel like Go is it for all the fanfare it has been getting lately.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>Strom</author><text>&amp;gt; &lt;i&gt;By declaring a field&amp;#x2F;variable []Thing vs []&lt;/i&gt;* &lt;i&gt;Thing you get different for loop semantics. Way to easy to think your mutating the array item, but only mutating a local copy or vice versa.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;The loop semantics are always the same, the element variable is a copy of the value at the current index. Yes that means that if the value is a pointer, the copy of that pointer can be used to modify the pointed data. This is something a good Go programmer should understand well because this behavior goes way beyond for loops. For example functions - &lt;i&gt;func (t Thing)&lt;/i&gt; vs &lt;i&gt;func (t&lt;/i&gt; * &lt;i&gt;Thing)&lt;/i&gt; - with the pointer version the body of the function can modify the pointed data. Side-effects! Just like the for loop.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; &lt;i&gt;gofmt feels way out of date.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;I like to think of it as stable. The biggest strength of gofmt is how universal it is. Everyone uses it and all code out there looks the same. There&amp;#x27;s a growing collection of Go code out there. If gofmt would keep changing its style, then all the already published code would no longer match the standard. Thus, I think there needs to be a real strong reason to modify anything about it.</text></comment>
<story><title>Go Turns 10</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>srparish</author><text>+ By declaring a field&amp;#x2F;variable []Thing vs []*Thing you get different for loop semantics. Way to easy to think your mutating the array item, but only mutating a local copy or vice versa. If you change the field&amp;#x2F;variable you need to audit all your code to make sure you haven&amp;#x27;t broken things.&lt;p&gt;+ gofmt feels way out of date. These days clang-format (c++), prettier (typescript), black (python), scalafmt (scala) take care of wrapping&amp;#x2F;unwrapping lines such as function definitions or function calls. They basically cover all formatting needs so you never have to manually format anything.&lt;p&gt;+ Scope of element in for-range loop isn&amp;#x27;t right, so capturing that scope in a lambda does the wrong thing with no warning.&lt;p&gt;+ Encourages use of indexes; which is error prone, most modern languages allow writing most code without needing indexes using map&amp;#x2F;filter&amp;#x2F;reduce or comprehensions.&lt;p&gt;+ No help from type-system for use of pointer without nil check.&lt;p&gt;+ Very easy to get nils in places one would hope to be able to prohibit them in. EG Using pointer as a poor man&amp;#x27;s unique_ptr&amp;lt;&amp;gt; means that I also get optional&amp;lt;&amp;gt; symantics (without the type checking) when I don&amp;#x27;t want or expect such. Also allows for aliasing when I don&amp;#x27;t want or expect such.&lt;p&gt;+ Difference between &amp;#x27;=&amp;#x27; and &amp;#x27;:=&amp;#x27; is silly, especially since &amp;#x27;:=&amp;#x27; can be used to reassign values. Even more frustrating that &amp;#x27;:=&amp;#x27; creates shadowing in nested scopes, so doesn&amp;#x27;t always do what one would expect it would do, such as accidentally creating a shadowed &amp;#x27;err&amp;#x27; that doesn&amp;#x27;t get checked.&lt;p&gt;+ if&amp;#x2F;switch should be allowed to be expressions, allowing much safer single-expression initialization of variables, rather then requiring default initialization and mutation, which is much easier to get wrong.</text></item><item><author>badrequest</author><text>Any specific complaints, or did you just feel like calling us all cavedwellers?</text></item><item><author>timothycrosley</author><text>And yet it still feels like a language out of the 60s or 70s. To me, Go feels like the programming language equivalent of insisting that everyone communicate just by grunting because it&amp;#x27;s less complex to teach people just grunting than it is to teach them more effective forms of communication. And in theory, they still can communicate all the same things with more grunting! Some people refer to this as simplicity, and in a way it is, but it&amp;#x27;s simplicity in the language constructs at the expense of more complexity in the usage of the language to form more complex thoughts. There must be a golden balance here, but I don&amp;#x27;t feel like Go is it for all the fanfare it has been getting lately.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>gameswithgo</author><text>I actually like Go&amp;#x27;s simplicity a lot, it was very easy for me to learn and very easy to programming with it because of that. But I agree strongly with some of your points. = vs := specifically feels like a plain mistake, and even against Go philosophy of having just 1 way to do things.&lt;p&gt;I think any new language should be designed around options instead of nils. F#, Rust, Zig show different ways to do this, and often any performance penalty can be compiled away.&lt;p&gt;if&amp;#x2F;switch being expressions is a simple and helpful idea, languages should allow this.&lt;p&gt;using map&amp;#x2F;filter&amp;#x2F;reduce as the idiomatic way to do things I am less sure about. This can come in handy but also would add a lot of complexity to Go, and in most languages these have a performance penalty.&lt;p&gt;its important to remember that not all programmers are interested in languages, they just want to get their project done. So being able to hop into a code base and have low cognitive overhead, because there are no mysterious features they have to learn, having quick compile times, and explicit semantics can be really helpful there. That can save you more time than typing less because of generics and meta programming sometimes.</text></comment>
<story><title>Your own company? You can do it (2011)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>patryn20</author><text>In my case hindsight is 20&amp;#x2F;20. If you don&amp;#x27;t mind me asking what country did you expatriate to? I&amp;#x27;ve found that several countries I would want to relocate to do not allow permanent residency for people with existing medical conditions in order to avoid undue strain on their subsidized medical systems.</text></item><item><author>geomark</author><text>I would expatriate to a country that has good healthcare at much lower prices so you can pay out of pocket without being ruined. I did precisely that - for other reasons, not for the healthcare advantages. But now this is one of the big reasons I would never go back to the U.S., because of how easily I could be ruined by an unfortunate health event.</text></item><item><author>patryn20</author><text>I&amp;#x27;ve done my own thing since high school with the exception of two years in offices (one as W2 and one as part time 1099). I&amp;#x27;m now 35 and experiencing health issues and discovering that unless you earn &amp;quot;f$&amp;amp;! you money&amp;quot; group health insurance in the US is worth at least $75k a year in income. At least.&lt;p&gt;If you aren&amp;#x27;t in a country with proper healthcare and are not earning AT LEAST $300k USD a year (consistently), understand that all your years of work can be destroyed by one diagnosis. And plan accordingly.&lt;p&gt;I love my life. I&amp;#x27;ve had a charmed existence moving to wonderful locales and doing what I wanted when I wanted; but the genetic lottery cannot be outwitted. You can be healthy one day and in debt the next.&lt;p&gt;Plan accordingly. Don&amp;#x27;t let youth and good health lull you into complacency.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s completely possible and attainable for software developers to be independent anywhere on the globe, but understand the potential financial implications and limitations of the social safety nets of your country of citizenship&amp;#x2F;residence. Plan accordingly.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>technics256</author><text>At least in Europe, I have never seen anyone ask for pre existing medical conditions unless getting specialized private insurance. I have never heard of any residency permit being based on medical history in Europe. I would imagine it to be illegal?&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m currently in Italy myself, and my father was visiting me and got a nasty case of pneumonia on the way over. Here in italy care is (mostly) free,as is his hospital stay here in genova. While it may be not to the full American standard, his care has been great, and the staff wonderful.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m glad to be in a system here where Healthcare is good, and affordable, and that with this episode my father is not bankrupted or in considerable debt because of it, especially as an elderly patient. La dolce vita.</text></comment>
<story><title>Your own company? You can do it (2011)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>patryn20</author><text>In my case hindsight is 20&amp;#x2F;20. If you don&amp;#x27;t mind me asking what country did you expatriate to? I&amp;#x27;ve found that several countries I would want to relocate to do not allow permanent residency for people with existing medical conditions in order to avoid undue strain on their subsidized medical systems.</text></item><item><author>geomark</author><text>I would expatriate to a country that has good healthcare at much lower prices so you can pay out of pocket without being ruined. I did precisely that - for other reasons, not for the healthcare advantages. But now this is one of the big reasons I would never go back to the U.S., because of how easily I could be ruined by an unfortunate health event.</text></item><item><author>patryn20</author><text>I&amp;#x27;ve done my own thing since high school with the exception of two years in offices (one as W2 and one as part time 1099). I&amp;#x27;m now 35 and experiencing health issues and discovering that unless you earn &amp;quot;f$&amp;amp;! you money&amp;quot; group health insurance in the US is worth at least $75k a year in income. At least.&lt;p&gt;If you aren&amp;#x27;t in a country with proper healthcare and are not earning AT LEAST $300k USD a year (consistently), understand that all your years of work can be destroyed by one diagnosis. And plan accordingly.&lt;p&gt;I love my life. I&amp;#x27;ve had a charmed existence moving to wonderful locales and doing what I wanted when I wanted; but the genetic lottery cannot be outwitted. You can be healthy one day and in debt the next.&lt;p&gt;Plan accordingly. Don&amp;#x27;t let youth and good health lull you into complacency.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s completely possible and attainable for software developers to be independent anywhere on the globe, but understand the potential financial implications and limitations of the social safety nets of your country of citizenship&amp;#x2F;residence. Plan accordingly.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>geomark</author><text>Thailand. They don&amp;#x27;t give permanent residency here anyway. The laws on the books make it sound as if they do but in reality they don&amp;#x27;t. So you have to find another way to stay long term. For young people they make it difficult unless you can land a job (few jobs for foreigners here) or start a business (expensive and designed to fleece foreigners, beware). Other ways are retirement visa, spouse support visa, education visa, long stay medical care visa. Staying long term on a tourist visa and doing visa runs every month is dumb and doesn&amp;#x27;t work anymore anyway since they cracked down on it.&lt;p&gt;If you can manage the visa issue then you can get excellent care at a tiny fraction of what you pay in the US. Over the years I have had surgery, been hospitalized for an illness, had a fair amount of dental work, and had thorough medical exams annually. It&amp;#x27;s not just the low cost. The service and hospitality is unlike what I ever experienced in the US.</text></comment>
<story><title>Supreme Court Says People Can’t Be Banned From The Internet</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>ransom1538</author><text>After a prisoner has served their said time [for felons]:&lt;p&gt;1) remove their right to vote [in florida 1&amp;#x2F;4 african americans can&amp;#x27;t vote] [i]&lt;p&gt;2) force them to divulge they are felons to all new employers&lt;p&gt;3) force them to tell their neighbors they are criminals [sex crime cases which often only involve one witness testimony]&lt;p&gt;4) garnish their wages&lt;p&gt;5) seize their property [drug cases]&lt;p&gt;6) place them on parole to increase mental fear [at any moment they can return to prison without trial]&lt;p&gt;7) force them to provide random urine tests and body searches [creates anxiety for people with addiction]&lt;p&gt;8) force them into community service mixed with other felons&lt;p&gt;This is a system designed to create crime.&lt;p&gt;[i] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;2016&amp;#x2F;12&amp;#x2F;22&amp;#x2F;a-quarter-of-floridas-black-citizens-cant-vote-a-new-referendum-could-change-that&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;2016&amp;#x2F;12&amp;#x2F;22&amp;#x2F;a-quarter-of-floridas-bl...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>Ccecil</author><text>10) Ineligibility for many govt. subsidized programs (SBA loans being one)&lt;p&gt;11) No longer able to become a doctor, nurse, banker, most govt. jobs, etc. (Many colleges won&amp;#x27;t accept you for the program based on the low possibility of employment after graduation)&lt;p&gt;Sex offenders have quite a few extra rules. i.e. no playgrounds or places where kids are present typically. I am not against a rule saying &amp;quot;You cannot knowingly communicate with minors online&amp;quot; but excluding people from the internet is a bit extreme.&lt;p&gt;edit: 12) Unable to rent housing. A large majority of property management companies will not rent to felons...period.&lt;p&gt;Another comment further down reminded me of that.</text></comment>
<story><title>Supreme Court Says People Can’t Be Banned From The Internet</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>ransom1538</author><text>After a prisoner has served their said time [for felons]:&lt;p&gt;1) remove their right to vote [in florida 1&amp;#x2F;4 african americans can&amp;#x27;t vote] [i]&lt;p&gt;2) force them to divulge they are felons to all new employers&lt;p&gt;3) force them to tell their neighbors they are criminals [sex crime cases which often only involve one witness testimony]&lt;p&gt;4) garnish their wages&lt;p&gt;5) seize their property [drug cases]&lt;p&gt;6) place them on parole to increase mental fear [at any moment they can return to prison without trial]&lt;p&gt;7) force them to provide random urine tests and body searches [creates anxiety for people with addiction]&lt;p&gt;8) force them into community service mixed with other felons&lt;p&gt;This is a system designed to create crime.&lt;p&gt;[i] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;2016&amp;#x2F;12&amp;#x2F;22&amp;#x2F;a-quarter-of-floridas-black-citizens-cant-vote-a-new-referendum-could-change-that&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;2016&amp;#x2F;12&amp;#x2F;22&amp;#x2F;a-quarter-of-floridas-bl...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>sdca</author><text>9) remove their right to own firearms</text></comment>
<story><title>How do managers get stuck? (2017)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>aerophilic</author><text>This analysis resonates with my experience. It also (somewhat) correlates with the Peter principal [0], people get promoted to their level of incompetence.&lt;p&gt;That said, I still remember “the rules” my High School math teacher told me about “Corporate Life”: 1. Be able to do your Boss’s job 2. Make sure you have someone that can do &lt;i&gt;your&lt;/i&gt; job 3. Dress&amp;#x2F;act the part of your boss&lt;p&gt;1. Is important because the best way to prove you can do the role is to actually do it. If you can “step in” while your boss is elsewhere, it proves your ability.&lt;p&gt;2. Conversely, if you don’t have anyone that can take over your role, you are “stuck” especially if your role is critical&lt;p&gt;3. As mentioned in the article, your boss&amp;#x2F;their management needs to feel like you will be able to represent them appropriately. If they have any doubts, there is no way you will get the opportunity to prove you can.&lt;p&gt;[0] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;terms&amp;#x2F;p&amp;#x2F;peter-principle.asp&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;terms&amp;#x2F;p&amp;#x2F;peter-principle.asp&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>How do managers get stuck? (2017)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>PorterDuff</author><text>Just to play grumpy old guy for a sec., I can&amp;#x27;t say that I&amp;#x27;ve ever seen this in action. In my experience.&lt;p&gt;. Line managers rarely make the leap, if anything they jump laterally or go into &amp;#x27;new opportunities&amp;#x27;.&lt;p&gt;. Actually escaping the gig and advancing, and I&amp;#x27;d say that being a manager manager is a far more desirable line of work, seems to be more tied to selling yourself and to being associated with high visibility&amp;#x2F;profitable&amp;#x2F;successful projects which often has little to do with your own personal skills.&lt;p&gt;The article sounds quite plausible though.</text></comment>
<story><title>How Does This End?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>redisman</author><text>To me the likeliest scenario is still:&lt;p&gt;- Z and P after further destruction of Ukraine agree to ceding Crimea and some Eastern Ukraine and promise not to host nukes just to stop further carnage. Russia throws in some funds to rebuild</text></item><item><author>paulryanrogers</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m not convinced this appeal to authority proves there are only two ways out. Beyond escalation or occupation plenty of scenarios look just as plausible. And there&amp;#x27;s a risk that fixating on only these two suggested outcomes may reinforce them, like a self fulfilling prophecy.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>paulryanrogers</author><text>Didn&amp;#x27;t Ukraine already give up nukes for security assurances in 1994? And here they are being invaded by one of the signatories?!&lt;p&gt;Seems like nukes, NATO, or EU membership are the only way to be sure Russia won&amp;#x27;t invade, if you&amp;#x27;re a neighbor.</text></comment>
<story><title>How Does This End?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>redisman</author><text>To me the likeliest scenario is still:&lt;p&gt;- Z and P after further destruction of Ukraine agree to ceding Crimea and some Eastern Ukraine and promise not to host nukes just to stop further carnage. Russia throws in some funds to rebuild</text></item><item><author>paulryanrogers</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m not convinced this appeal to authority proves there are only two ways out. Beyond escalation or occupation plenty of scenarios look just as plausible. And there&amp;#x27;s a risk that fixating on only these two suggested outcomes may reinforce them, like a self fulfilling prophecy.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>xdennis</author><text>It would be insane to agree to any Russians promises given that they don&amp;#x27;t respect their current agreements. The only solution is for Russians to retreat from the occupied territories or have endless guerrilla war.</text></comment>
<story><title>Shorting and Indian capital markets</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>ignoramous</author><text>&amp;gt; &lt;i&gt;While everyone is celebrating retail traders winning over a large hedge fund in this case, it rarely ever plays out this way. Most commonly, retail ends up losing money when there is excessive speculation.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;This is the only passage anyone with too much at stake (than they can afford) in this short needs to read.&lt;p&gt;Other than that, I believe industry insiders &amp;#x2F; traders are missing the mark in that the current dynamic is also fueled in part by a million-strong (if not more?) rejecting the &lt;i&gt;fundamentals&lt;/i&gt; and pumping cash in to businesses that Wall Street&amp;#x27;s hive mind has decided has no job being in existence.&lt;p&gt;AMC made a billion dollars during the rally [0] (and it is not lost on me that this capital would be dumped into parachute payments and bonuses to c-suite and nothing&amp;#x27;s going to trickle-down). In the off-chance AMC makes the capital work, then, that&amp;#x27;d have vindicated retail, but it kind of seems too optimistic but that&amp;#x27;s the whole point.&lt;p&gt;[0] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;amc-theatres-raises-one-billion-dollars-avoids-bankruptcy&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;amc-theatres-raises-one-billion-dollars...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Shorting and Indian capital markets</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>mensetmanusman</author><text>I am glad they addressed the philosophical question of whether shorting the stocks should be illegal.&lt;p&gt;I have more confidence in our equities markets because of the existence of short sellers. I’m glad to know there are people researching companies that are not being honest about their financials.&lt;p&gt;If there were another way to incentivize finding these types of companies without short selling, I would be interested.</text></comment>
<story><title>Tesla Financial Results 2019 Q4</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>stellar678</author><text>I dunno. My bullish view has more to do with Tesla using the vehicle market as an entry point to the broader energy market.&lt;p&gt;If the Tesla cars start throwing off profit and make the company self-sustaining, their vertically-integrated energy thing opens the kind of insanely huge global energy market. They&amp;#x27;re not just going to eat Ford&amp;#x27;s lunch - but also Chevron, Saudi Aramco and your local energy company.</text></item><item><author>slg</author><text>I have been a longtime bull, but their stock value is now up over 140% in the last 3 months and I can&amp;#x27;t say I fully understand why.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>mdasen</author><text>I think you&amp;#x27;ve hit the nail on the head for the bullish Tesla case. I don&amp;#x27;t think there&amp;#x27;s enough profits in the automotive industry for Tesla to be worth $105-120B. Sure, Toyota is worth more, but basically no one else is and Tesla is a long time from being the next Toyota and I think the odds of them becoming the next Toyota have to be below 50% and are realistically probably more like 5-10%. That&amp;#x27;s not a dig at Tesla, just a recognition that there may never be another Toyota (just as no one has been dominant at anything like Microsoft was with Windows in the 90s) and even if there is another Toyota, it&amp;#x27;s a long shot that Tesla will be there.&lt;p&gt;I think Tesla might run into issues around energy regulation. They are working on energy storage and solar, but we&amp;#x27;ll have to wait and see how that turns out in the market. Energy companies are highly regulated and generally provide highly reliable service. This comes with costs like running higher than you can actually charge for so you don&amp;#x27;t get outages, employing a lot of people for emergency response and storms, etc. What happens when solar roofs get covered with snow and don&amp;#x27;t work as well? If the utility company is tasked with making sure they have enough generation power to cover that, then we&amp;#x27;ll still need to pay them for the investment even if we&amp;#x27;re using our solar roofs 90% of the time. We&amp;#x27;re already seeing net metering going out of fashion as the unpredictability of it doesn&amp;#x27;t help utility companies lower their costs enough.&lt;p&gt;Would Tesla be willing to also go into the generation and transmission side of things? It&amp;#x27;s definitely possible, but that&amp;#x27;s also difficult. Generation is easier since they could just set up solar arrays and batteries and sell into the grid. However, that still means customers paying the transmission company. It&amp;#x27;s possible that you&amp;#x27;re talking about the generation side and Tesla could tackle that a lot easier. In terms of the transmission side, they&amp;#x27;d probably have to start buying utility companies which don&amp;#x27;t come cheap.&lt;p&gt;I think it&amp;#x27;s more likely that Tesla will sell tech to transmission companies and solar roofs and small batteries to individuals. I think there&amp;#x27;s still a lot of money and environmental benefit there, but I think transmission companies are going to stick around. It&amp;#x27;s a good business if you&amp;#x27;re just looking for standard return-on-investment, but it also requires dealing with a lot of regulation and communities that end up hating on you.&lt;p&gt;--&lt;p&gt;In terms of Tesla being up so much, it&amp;#x27;s a bit surprising. Automotive revenue is basically flat year-over-year. Total revenue is up only 2%. So, Tesla isn&amp;#x27;t really growing. By contrast, Apple&amp;#x27;s revenue was up 9% year-over-year and Apple is solidly profitable today. Assuming that Tesla continues having profitable quarters, their PE ratio would be around 250 which would be fine if they were growing revenue rapidly.&lt;p&gt;On the plus side, Model 3 production and sales are up over 40% YoY which is excellent, but it&amp;#x27;s clear why revenue is flat: Model S&amp;#x2F;X sales are down significantly and they carry a high price tag. For every three Model 3 sales, they lost a Model S&amp;#x2F;X sale. That&amp;#x27;s certainly to be expected. The Model 3 is really nice. However, it does mean that revenue is flat.&lt;p&gt;As a car offering, I like the Model 3. However, I don&amp;#x27;t know if demand will continue to increase. How many people want to spend $40k on a car - and specifically a Tesla Model 3? Will there be some hockey-stick like growth in revenue? Probably not. Profits? Maybe. Tesla&amp;#x27;s vertical integration might pay long-term dividends. Maybe they can spend less developing things they&amp;#x27;ve already paid for or maybe they can keep spending on R&amp;amp;D and really outpace the industry.&lt;p&gt;Still, it seems unlikely that they will grow more than 10x their current size in the automotive industry. That&amp;#x27;s not a dig at Tesla. If they&amp;#x27;re pushing out around 600k cars this year, becoming 10x the size would put them in the same place as Ford and GM. A 17x increase would make them larger than Toyota. But that&amp;#x27;s going to take time. It looks like Tesla is looking to increase production capacity by 15.6% in 2020 (from their slides). At that rate, it would take 20 years to match Toyota&amp;#x27;s capacity (starting from 640k production capacity and compound expanding at 15.6% per year for 20 years).&lt;p&gt;Maybe Tesla can expand faster than that, but that would also likely require moving into lower cost&amp;#x2F;margin vehicles, many more types of vehicles, etc. Toyota has 17 US vehicles not including variants like hybrid vs non-hybrid not to mention many more for other markets and not including things like Lexus - Lexus adds another 12 models, not counting variations like hybrid vs non-hybrid.&lt;p&gt;And I&amp;#x27;m not saying that Tesla isn&amp;#x27;t going to do that. However, I think it&amp;#x27;s going to take a long time and a 20-year horizon (and the risk involved in money that might materialize in 20 years) deserves a discount compared to money that&amp;#x27;s actually being earned today.&lt;p&gt;You might totally be right that Tesla will not only eat Ford and GM&amp;#x27;s lunch, but also energy companies. However, that future is likely 20 years away with a lot of risk between now and then. Musk has been very upfront that electric vehicles are easier to make than ICE cars. Other auto makers are creating good electric vehicles except they won&amp;#x27;t offer enough range because batteries are expensive. When batteries become cheaper, will competition limit Tesla&amp;#x27;s automotive expansion? I think they&amp;#x27;ll still be highly successful, but what happens when Toyota or Volkswagen puts their full weight behind battery-powered cars? Some people will surely buy them instead of Teslas. At some point, if battery-powered cars are our future, Tesla will clash head-on with Toyota. Toyota is so good at manufacturing. Even if Tesla is good, Toyota is likely to find ways to capture a lot of the market. Heck, if electric cars are more reliable as Musk touts, what happens when people double the lifespans of their cars? That&amp;#x27;s a much smaller customer base to be selling to.&lt;p&gt;Again, I want to emphasize that Tesla is doing well, but anything with a long time horizon has all sorts of things that can happen in the interim and Tesla is playing a long game and going up against a lot of established incumbents and that means risk. I don&amp;#x27;t think it means risk of bankruptcy or anything like that, but there&amp;#x27;s a big difference between Tesla&amp;#x27;s current market cap (around $115B in after-hours trading) and ending up as the next Mazda (a solid, profitable, and well-respected auto maker) that&amp;#x27;s only worth $6B. Even if they&amp;#x27;re the next VW (the second largest auto maker sitting just behind Toyota), VW is only a $95B company - and there&amp;#x27;s a lot of risk between now and Tesla selling 10M cars per year. Likewise, there&amp;#x27;s a lot of incumbents, competition, and risk between Tesla&amp;#x27;s current solar and storage deployments and eating energy companies&amp;#x27; lunch.</text></comment>
<story><title>Tesla Financial Results 2019 Q4</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>stellar678</author><text>I dunno. My bullish view has more to do with Tesla using the vehicle market as an entry point to the broader energy market.&lt;p&gt;If the Tesla cars start throwing off profit and make the company self-sustaining, their vertically-integrated energy thing opens the kind of insanely huge global energy market. They&amp;#x27;re not just going to eat Ford&amp;#x27;s lunch - but also Chevron, Saudi Aramco and your local energy company.</text></item><item><author>slg</author><text>I have been a longtime bull, but their stock value is now up over 140% in the last 3 months and I can&amp;#x27;t say I fully understand why.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>wcarron</author><text>I wouldn&amp;#x27;t hold your breath on that.</text></comment>
<story><title>The Walkman, Forty Years On</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>noizejoy</author><text>Reminds me of how much Sony (along with Braun) shaped Apple’s hardware design language. And that in turn keeps on shaping many others.&lt;p&gt;And the walkman is arguably one of the classic cases of “build it, and they will come”, where a product was well ahead of what consumers were already calling for. In my mind, that’s the kind of thing actually deserving the &lt;i&gt;visionary&lt;/i&gt; label.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>sizzle</author><text>I remember feeling like I was living in the future every time I listed to music on my Sony MiniDisc player while friends where still using their portable CD players with easily scratched disks before mp3 players became affordable and ubiquitous in high school.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;MiniDisc&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;MiniDisc&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>The Walkman, Forty Years On</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>noizejoy</author><text>Reminds me of how much Sony (along with Braun) shaped Apple’s hardware design language. And that in turn keeps on shaping many others.&lt;p&gt;And the walkman is arguably one of the classic cases of “build it, and they will come”, where a product was well ahead of what consumers were already calling for. In my mind, that’s the kind of thing actually deserving the &lt;i&gt;visionary&lt;/i&gt; label.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>throwaway781237</author><text>It&amp;#x27;s quite interesting that all both the Thinkpad and the Mac are inspired in different ways from what could broadly be called the &amp;#x27;Japanese aesthetic&amp;#x27;.</text></comment>
<story><title>Mercedes-Benz previews its operating system MB.OS</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>SoftTalker</author><text>&amp;gt; Cruise will also disengage in heavy rain or snow&lt;p&gt;That’s what it should do, honestly. It’s not safe to drive with cruise control in low traction conditions.</text></item><item><author>lh7777</author><text>&amp;gt; if the system fails to detect any other vehicles for a period of more than about 90 minutes, it assumes that there is a sensor fault, and refuses to operate&lt;p&gt;I have a current model Sprinter and this behavior is frustrating (thanks for the explanation, by the way, I thought it was a random bug). Cruise will also disengage in heavy rain or snow, with the system saying the sensor is dirty. It wouldn’t be so bad if traditional cruise control would keep working without the active braking assist, etc. but unfortunately it’s all or nothing. I do like the system when it works, which is most of the time, and it’s never done something that felt unsafe.&lt;p&gt;I haven’t had any problems with the info system. This is my first vehicle with a touchscreen, and I was worried that it’d be a pain to use. But Mercedes provides real buttons for common actions, little trackpads on the steering wheel that can control the system without ever having to touch the screen, Car Play works great, and the built-in nav system is useful for those times I need directions and don’t have a cell signal.&lt;p&gt;My biggest worry is how these delicate parts will hold up over the years. My 10 year old car has a monochrome dot matrix display that loses a good number of pixels when it gets hot out. Will I really be able to get replacement parts for the Sprinter when the screen or computer start to die in 10-15 years?</text></item><item><author>qrohlf</author><text>I was recently an owner of a Merced-Benz commercial van, and the software was by far the worst part of that whole experience.&lt;p&gt;It had obvious race-condition type bugs when it came to the user interface layer, but most frustrating was its tendency to succumb to some kind of memory leak on long drives where the entire head unit would just lock up and crash to a black screen after 6-7 hours of being turned on. Because the vehicle kept the computer system &amp;quot;warm&amp;quot; for up to 30 minutes or so to avoid doing a full (and slow) bootup process every time you stopped for fuel, this was a real problem on long trips and couldn&amp;#x27;t always be solved by power cycling the vehicle.&lt;p&gt;Had a dealer try to update it twice, which didn&amp;#x27;t seem to meaningfully impact the system stability at all.&lt;p&gt;Then there were multiple other, non-head-unit related glitches like the lane assist and cruise control features being incompatible with the state of Nevada (if the system fails to detect any other vehicles for a period of more than about 90 minutes, it assumes that there is a sensor fault, and refuses to operate [1]. Unfortunately it is &lt;i&gt;quite easy&lt;/i&gt; to spend hours on the road alone in many southwestern US states, triggering this failsafe mode)&lt;p&gt;Suffice it to say that I am very skeptical of any software coming from Mercedes these days.&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;forums&amp;#x2F;f265&amp;#x2F;2019-sprinter-cruise-control-design-flaw-362188.html&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;forums&amp;#x2F;f265&amp;#x2F;2019-sprinter-cruis...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>xattt</author><text>This is one unconscious bias from California-based self-driving companies: weather conditions worse than overcast skies exist in other parts of the world.&lt;p&gt;Recently, I drove in a whiteout blizzard with huge flakes without much accumulation on the road. Road was drivable, but I couldn’t see road markings. The experience would have been less scary with some sort of augmented display to show the road borders.</text></comment>
<story><title>Mercedes-Benz previews its operating system MB.OS</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>SoftTalker</author><text>&amp;gt; Cruise will also disengage in heavy rain or snow&lt;p&gt;That’s what it should do, honestly. It’s not safe to drive with cruise control in low traction conditions.</text></item><item><author>lh7777</author><text>&amp;gt; if the system fails to detect any other vehicles for a period of more than about 90 minutes, it assumes that there is a sensor fault, and refuses to operate&lt;p&gt;I have a current model Sprinter and this behavior is frustrating (thanks for the explanation, by the way, I thought it was a random bug). Cruise will also disengage in heavy rain or snow, with the system saying the sensor is dirty. It wouldn’t be so bad if traditional cruise control would keep working without the active braking assist, etc. but unfortunately it’s all or nothing. I do like the system when it works, which is most of the time, and it’s never done something that felt unsafe.&lt;p&gt;I haven’t had any problems with the info system. This is my first vehicle with a touchscreen, and I was worried that it’d be a pain to use. But Mercedes provides real buttons for common actions, little trackpads on the steering wheel that can control the system without ever having to touch the screen, Car Play works great, and the built-in nav system is useful for those times I need directions and don’t have a cell signal.&lt;p&gt;My biggest worry is how these delicate parts will hold up over the years. My 10 year old car has a monochrome dot matrix display that loses a good number of pixels when it gets hot out. Will I really be able to get replacement parts for the Sprinter when the screen or computer start to die in 10-15 years?</text></item><item><author>qrohlf</author><text>I was recently an owner of a Merced-Benz commercial van, and the software was by far the worst part of that whole experience.&lt;p&gt;It had obvious race-condition type bugs when it came to the user interface layer, but most frustrating was its tendency to succumb to some kind of memory leak on long drives where the entire head unit would just lock up and crash to a black screen after 6-7 hours of being turned on. Because the vehicle kept the computer system &amp;quot;warm&amp;quot; for up to 30 minutes or so to avoid doing a full (and slow) bootup process every time you stopped for fuel, this was a real problem on long trips and couldn&amp;#x27;t always be solved by power cycling the vehicle.&lt;p&gt;Had a dealer try to update it twice, which didn&amp;#x27;t seem to meaningfully impact the system stability at all.&lt;p&gt;Then there were multiple other, non-head-unit related glitches like the lane assist and cruise control features being incompatible with the state of Nevada (if the system fails to detect any other vehicles for a period of more than about 90 minutes, it assumes that there is a sensor fault, and refuses to operate [1]. Unfortunately it is &lt;i&gt;quite easy&lt;/i&gt; to spend hours on the road alone in many southwestern US states, triggering this failsafe mode)&lt;p&gt;Suffice it to say that I am very skeptical of any software coming from Mercedes these days.&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;forums&amp;#x2F;f265&amp;#x2F;2019-sprinter-cruise-control-design-flaw-362188.html&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;forums&amp;#x2F;f265&amp;#x2F;2019-sprinter-cruis...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>nuccy</author><text>Well... there is another problem obviously apart of low traction, which car cannot sense directly. Accumulation of water or snow obstruct the radar. Actually a car with no camera would report exactly that just from radar readout alone, since it can detect worse signal-to-noise due to too much reflection in its readings.</text></comment>
<story><title>TV doctors say annual checkups save lives – real doctors call bullshit (2016)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lazystar</author><text>I had a similar mindset as you describe here - but I no longer agree after experiencing long covid. My experience with long covid was made easier because of historical lab data from bloodwork tests that were taken pre-covid when I was a healthy 30 y&amp;#x2F;o white male. After suffering for months from (what I now know was) long covid, I went in for a checkup for some help.&lt;p&gt;The blood test comparison of healthy me to sick me was invaluable, because the healthy tests established a baseline of my system at peak condition.</text></item><item><author>arcticbull</author><text>The issue isn&amp;#x27;t really that they&amp;#x27;re expensive - they are, they shouldn&amp;#x27;t be. Proactive access to care is good.&lt;p&gt;The article kind of hints at this, but it comes down to Bayes theorem [1]. The general population has a relatively low incidence of disease, so even tests that are fairly reliable in a population with a high incidence of disease become super inaccurate when applied to the general population.&lt;p&gt;Worse, false positives generally - especially in the US, due to high financial liability risk - end up involving expensive, invasive medical follow-up tests, and the probability of a false positive multiplied by the risk of the exploratory procedures outweighs a later diagnosis.&lt;p&gt;No wonder annual physicals don&amp;#x27;t do much good.&lt;p&gt;High-risk people should get periodic tests for the things they&amp;#x27;re at risk of, and people should be in a position to report issues they discover in the course of their lives. However testing otherwise-healthy people for things they probably don&amp;#x27;t have isn&amp;#x27;t likely to yield good results no matter how good the test. It&amp;#x27;s just math.&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Bayes%27_theorem&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Bayes%27_theorem&lt;/a&gt;</text></item><item><author>siliconc0w</author><text>Just had a recent physical - I got a low value for a test and it kicked off more tests, a visit to a specialist, more tests and no conclusion besides &amp;#x27;let&amp;#x27;s wait and see&amp;#x27; which I could have done without draining my HSA. If the price of care was reasonable, sure, let&amp;#x27;s be proactive but because PCPs don&amp;#x27;t really seem to do anything but refer you to a specialist and any visit to a specialist + tests will immediately trigger thousands of dollars in bills, even if you&amp;#x27;re insured you&amp;#x27;re going be paying your deductible plus like 10-30% after that.&lt;p&gt;I got a random lab bill for like $650 (discounted from $2500) and in the follow up visit everyone agreed that was high but no could explain why it was that expensive - medicare&amp;#x27;s fee schedule has the same code costing $90. Until we stop this madness of providers basically charging whatever opaque negotiated random amount they want to insurers who then pass that down to charge payers after collecting a % the prices are just going to continue to go up and the broken medical system will stay fucked - with the consequence that the economics aren&amp;#x27;t going to make sense to seek proactive care.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>specialist</author><text>Periodic baseline tests are The Correct Answer™. To establish individual patient normals.&lt;p&gt;Can&amp;#x27;t manage what we don&amp;#x27;t measure.&lt;p&gt;Attention should focus on &lt;i&gt;what&amp;#x27;s changed&lt;/i&gt;. Instead of playing 20 Questions for each new problem. [1]&lt;p&gt;High LDL? Well, it&amp;#x27;s always been high, and stable. We don&amp;#x27;t have to treat it.&lt;p&gt;Bone spurs (on spine)? Well, most everyone has them and they&amp;#x27;re not bothering you.&lt;p&gt;Oh, new sciatica symptoms? Hmmm, looks like you&amp;#x27;ve got a new bone spur which &lt;i&gt;may&lt;/i&gt; be impinging. Let&amp;#x27;s try some PT, get you a standup desk for work, and reassess in 6 months.&lt;p&gt;Etc.&lt;p&gt;--&lt;p&gt;Concern trolls claim more testing begets false negatives, begetting unnecessary treatment, which has its own risks.&lt;p&gt;Fine. Change healthcare from transactional to relational. Change from our current fee-for-service to continuity-of-care (or capitation, prevention, whatever we end up calling it).&lt;p&gt;Like u&amp;#x2F;JumpCrisscross says elsethread, only treat anomalous results per new symptoms.&lt;p&gt;I believe periodic baselines with regular checkups would &lt;i&gt;reduce&lt;/i&gt; testing and unnecessary treatments, overall.&lt;p&gt;--&lt;p&gt;[1] Monitoring, logging, anomaly detection, and RCA... Starting to sound suspiciously like engineering and operations. Of course, some orgs treat each incident as unforeseen one-offs, aka The Condi Rice Defense™. But high functioning teams plan ahead.</text></comment>
<story><title>TV doctors say annual checkups save lives – real doctors call bullshit (2016)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lazystar</author><text>I had a similar mindset as you describe here - but I no longer agree after experiencing long covid. My experience with long covid was made easier because of historical lab data from bloodwork tests that were taken pre-covid when I was a healthy 30 y&amp;#x2F;o white male. After suffering for months from (what I now know was) long covid, I went in for a checkup for some help.&lt;p&gt;The blood test comparison of healthy me to sick me was invaluable, because the healthy tests established a baseline of my system at peak condition.</text></item><item><author>arcticbull</author><text>The issue isn&amp;#x27;t really that they&amp;#x27;re expensive - they are, they shouldn&amp;#x27;t be. Proactive access to care is good.&lt;p&gt;The article kind of hints at this, but it comes down to Bayes theorem [1]. The general population has a relatively low incidence of disease, so even tests that are fairly reliable in a population with a high incidence of disease become super inaccurate when applied to the general population.&lt;p&gt;Worse, false positives generally - especially in the US, due to high financial liability risk - end up involving expensive, invasive medical follow-up tests, and the probability of a false positive multiplied by the risk of the exploratory procedures outweighs a later diagnosis.&lt;p&gt;No wonder annual physicals don&amp;#x27;t do much good.&lt;p&gt;High-risk people should get periodic tests for the things they&amp;#x27;re at risk of, and people should be in a position to report issues they discover in the course of their lives. However testing otherwise-healthy people for things they probably don&amp;#x27;t have isn&amp;#x27;t likely to yield good results no matter how good the test. It&amp;#x27;s just math.&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Bayes%27_theorem&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Bayes%27_theorem&lt;/a&gt;</text></item><item><author>siliconc0w</author><text>Just had a recent physical - I got a low value for a test and it kicked off more tests, a visit to a specialist, more tests and no conclusion besides &amp;#x27;let&amp;#x27;s wait and see&amp;#x27; which I could have done without draining my HSA. If the price of care was reasonable, sure, let&amp;#x27;s be proactive but because PCPs don&amp;#x27;t really seem to do anything but refer you to a specialist and any visit to a specialist + tests will immediately trigger thousands of dollars in bills, even if you&amp;#x27;re insured you&amp;#x27;re going be paying your deductible plus like 10-30% after that.&lt;p&gt;I got a random lab bill for like $650 (discounted from $2500) and in the follow up visit everyone agreed that was high but no could explain why it was that expensive - medicare&amp;#x27;s fee schedule has the same code costing $90. Until we stop this madness of providers basically charging whatever opaque negotiated random amount they want to insurers who then pass that down to charge payers after collecting a % the prices are just going to continue to go up and the broken medical system will stay fucked - with the consequence that the economics aren&amp;#x27;t going to make sense to seek proactive care.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ck425</author><text>Sounds like you&amp;#x27;re over it now, any idea what helped? I also developed long covid as a healthy 30 y&amp;#x2F;o white male, but haven&amp;#x27;t been able to kick it after 8 months.</text></comment>
<story><title>Ask HN: How do I stop comparing myself to others?</title><text>I always have this problem of feeling inadequate. I&amp;#x27;m a junior CS student at a decent but not great school. Some of my friends go to Stanford or UT Austin and have already interned with multiple top companies, while I haven&amp;#x27;t accomplished anything of significance. I also read this site daily and I can&amp;#x27;t even comprehend most of the posts. I didn&amp;#x27;t figure out what I wanted to do with my life until recently, so now I&amp;#x27;m 22 and stuck behind my younger peers.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m really impatient to achieve big things. It&amp;#x27;s like I need to in order to justify my existence. How do I transition to a healthier state of mind and stop feeling worthless?</text></story><parent_chain><item><author>cperciva</author><text>The multiplicity of casual friendships online has led to an interesting new phenomenon: Because people preferentially broadcast their successes, we tend to get the feeling that everybody else is more successful than ourselves. I don&amp;#x27;t think you can avoid comparing yourself to others; what you can do is try to keep in mind that life is a mix of good and bad, and even if all you manage to do is avoid the worst of the bad, you&amp;#x27;re doing pretty well.&lt;p&gt;Take me for example. I started university when I was 13, won the Putnam competition when I was 18, went on to a doctorate in computing from Oxford University, and single-handedly bootstrapped a successful startup. I think most people here could tell you that much about me; but I doubt many could tell you that I&amp;#x27;m 34, that I&amp;#x27;m socially awkward and stutter when I&amp;#x27;m nervous, that I&amp;#x27;m diabetic and wrestle with this life-threatening condition every day, that I&amp;#x27;m 20 lbs overweight and due to my sedentary lifestyle have the cardiopulmonary fitness of a typical 50 year old, or that I&amp;#x27;ve been dumped by every woman I&amp;#x27;ve ever dated.&lt;p&gt;When you inevitably compare yourself to others, remember that there&amp;#x27;s probably a lot you&amp;#x27;re not hearing about them.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>nvivo</author><text>Amazing post, thanks for the openness.&lt;p&gt;As I get older (I&amp;#x27;m still 33), I realize more and more that almost nobody got their stuff together. Most people even in their 40 or 50 are still trying to figure out what to do with their lifes. They change careers, move to a different state, start writing books, start some business different from what they have done their entire life.&lt;p&gt;When I was young, I always heard that &amp;#x27;life is hard&amp;#x27;. I live in a third world country, grew from a poor family and never had much money. But it wasn&amp;#x27;t until I was married working in a good company that I realized what that means.&lt;p&gt;I realized that life being hard is not about not having money or a family... these are struggles we all have. Life being hard is all about these choices you have to keep making that are not confortable at all, you can never rest, life is always changing your plans. Even when you think you have it all figured out, this will last only a few years and you will have to start again.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s all part of life. We all have struggles and the sooner we realize that it&amp;#x27;s all about the journey and not about the ends, the easier it gets to go on.</text></comment>
<story><title>Ask HN: How do I stop comparing myself to others?</title><text>I always have this problem of feeling inadequate. I&amp;#x27;m a junior CS student at a decent but not great school. Some of my friends go to Stanford or UT Austin and have already interned with multiple top companies, while I haven&amp;#x27;t accomplished anything of significance. I also read this site daily and I can&amp;#x27;t even comprehend most of the posts. I didn&amp;#x27;t figure out what I wanted to do with my life until recently, so now I&amp;#x27;m 22 and stuck behind my younger peers.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m really impatient to achieve big things. It&amp;#x27;s like I need to in order to justify my existence. How do I transition to a healthier state of mind and stop feeling worthless?</text></story><parent_chain><item><author>cperciva</author><text>The multiplicity of casual friendships online has led to an interesting new phenomenon: Because people preferentially broadcast their successes, we tend to get the feeling that everybody else is more successful than ourselves. I don&amp;#x27;t think you can avoid comparing yourself to others; what you can do is try to keep in mind that life is a mix of good and bad, and even if all you manage to do is avoid the worst of the bad, you&amp;#x27;re doing pretty well.&lt;p&gt;Take me for example. I started university when I was 13, won the Putnam competition when I was 18, went on to a doctorate in computing from Oxford University, and single-handedly bootstrapped a successful startup. I think most people here could tell you that much about me; but I doubt many could tell you that I&amp;#x27;m 34, that I&amp;#x27;m socially awkward and stutter when I&amp;#x27;m nervous, that I&amp;#x27;m diabetic and wrestle with this life-threatening condition every day, that I&amp;#x27;m 20 lbs overweight and due to my sedentary lifestyle have the cardiopulmonary fitness of a typical 50 year old, or that I&amp;#x27;ve been dumped by every woman I&amp;#x27;ve ever dated.&lt;p&gt;When you inevitably compare yourself to others, remember that there&amp;#x27;s probably a lot you&amp;#x27;re not hearing about them.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>louisswiss</author><text>&amp;gt; When you inevitably compare yourself to others, remember that there&amp;#x27;s probably a lot you&amp;#x27;re not hearing about them.&lt;p&gt;This is exactly why it&amp;#x27;s useless to compare yourself to others --&amp;gt; incomplete data (or even worse, pre-selected data).&lt;p&gt;There have been a lot of posts which seem to advise against comparisons.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;d argue that a comparison isn&amp;#x27;t bad for you per se, it&amp;#x27;s the data you are comparing your life&amp;#x2F;achievements to that can lead to problems because of a lack of transparency.&lt;p&gt;Why not keep comparing, but compare your current self to yourself at timepoint t-1, t-2...&lt;p&gt;Also, try to set schedules for when you compare and which facets of your life you are comparing (eg. health, education, &amp;#x27;job success&amp;#x27; etc on a bimonthly basis).&lt;p&gt;Last word of warning --&amp;gt; most people tend to make comparisons when they are feeling &amp;#x27;down&amp;#x27;. Don&amp;#x27;t let this kind of expectation bias screw with you - try to leave comparisons until you are in a moderate or positive mood.</text></comment>
<story><title>Calendar Versioning</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>indentit</author><text>I was interested to see a more formal definition of calendar versioning than I&amp;#x27;ve come across before, until I saw that it refers to `DD` for short day while `0D` is zero padded - which goes against all date formatting specifications ever... `DD` should be zero-padded and a single `D` unpadded...</text></comment>
<story><title>Calendar Versioning</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>amelius</author><text>Are they trying to make this as obscure as possible? After reading the top of the scrollable page, I still couldn&amp;#x27;t understand what a CalVer version string looks like.&lt;p&gt;Also, I think version strings should contain information about compatibility, not just about time.</text></comment>
<story><title>Populism and the Economics of Globalization [pdf]</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>candiodari</author><text>It is too easy to forget that when a person is employed at $100k-$200k per year in the Bay Area, you want things like stopping climate change, more parks, more air, fair treatment, and above all, peace and prosperity.&lt;p&gt;When making $30k with absolutely zero hope of real increases in Atlanta being a warehouse worker for an industry that&amp;#x27;s disappearing, the same person would burn all those things down, I would have said to get $10k more per year. Today I would say, getting an extra year at $30k is enough to justify the burnings.&lt;p&gt;We should think a bit more about Maslow&amp;#x27;s hierarchy. If you can&amp;#x27;t give people a decent living first, they will revolt if you try to &amp;quot;make them matter&amp;quot; or try to reach these lofty goals. You might think that wage improvements don&amp;#x27;t matter if we don&amp;#x27;t fix the climate, but the exact opposite is true.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m not making the point that the climate isn&amp;#x27;t worth saving, racism doesn&amp;#x27;t need solving if we can&amp;#x27;t fix poverty and &amp;quot;underemployment&amp;quot;. I&amp;#x27;m saying that we won&amp;#x27;t succeed unless we fix that ... first.&lt;p&gt;Globalism produces beautiful iPads. But global average wage is $2k ... not per month. Per year. If you&amp;#x27;re average, working in a non-booming industry, and of course most people are exactly that, that is a terrifying prospect. The sad part is ... yes killing globalization will make us all worse off, in terms of the country&amp;#x27;s GDP. But it will lessen the gap between the 1% and the 99% (note that 2% is $97k per year, and as such anyone working in the Bay Area in IT is likely at least in the top 2%). Of course, mostly by making the 0.1% - 50% a LOT worse off (that&amp;#x27;s anyone making less than about 2.6 million per year and more than $56k. Even in the Bay Area, that&amp;#x27;s probably C-level wages).</text></comment>
<story><title>Populism and the Economics of Globalization [pdf]</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>clavalle</author><text>The trouble with economic globalization is that we assumed that markets work and work well all over the world. That there would be an inevitable stable middle class built from the sheer power of market forces.&lt;p&gt;It turns out that those in power around the world have every incentive to keep the gains to themselves and keep their population desperate -- desperate people have to weigh their economic decisions against their physical well-being and continued existence and play the game not to gain power but not to lose everything. And our answer in the US seemed to be that the market is always right; if parity can&amp;#x27;t be achieved by lifting the poor around the world up to a near-US level of middle class, then it must be reached by pushing the middle class in the US down to desperation level and reducing our overhead to compete on a world stage where other leaders in power can more easily ignore the negative externalities that they push on their population.&lt;p&gt;It was, in a word, stupid.&lt;p&gt;It is too easy for the wealthy of the greater world to ignore the problems they create at home by being &amp;#x27;citizens of the world&amp;#x27;.&lt;p&gt;I don&amp;#x27;t agree with Trump on much but I do agree that relying upon the market to fix all ills hasn&amp;#x27;t worked. We need to flex the economic muscle we have and tie trade to political reforms or find a way to bypass the powers that be and pull up the people directly. Otherwise, we are stuck in a race to the bottom.</text></comment>
<story><title>Uvloop: Fast Python networking</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>haberman</author><text>&amp;gt; However, the performance bottleneck in aiohttp turned out to be its HTTP parser, which is so slow, that it matters very little how fast the underlying I&amp;#x2F;O library is.&lt;p&gt;This is exactly the same observation that motivated the Mongrel web server for Ruby, 10 years ago this year.&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Mongrel is a small library that provides a very fast HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby web applications. [...] What makes Mongrel so fast is the careful use of an Ragel [C] extension to provide fast, accurate HTTP 1.1 protocol parsing. This makes the server scream without too many portability issues.&amp;quot; -- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;mongrel&amp;#x2F;mongrel&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;mongrel&amp;#x2F;mongrel&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;And its successor Thin:&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Thin is a Ruby web server that glues together 3 of the best Ruby libraries in web history: (1) the Mongrel parser, the root of Mongrel speed and security&amp;quot; -- &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;thin&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;thin&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;In case anyone is still wondering, parsing in Ruby&amp;#x2F;Python&amp;#x2F;Lua is pretty slow compared to C&amp;#x2F;C++. That&amp;#x27;s why I personally have been really interested for a long time in writing parsers in C that can be used from higher level languages. That way you can get the best of both worlds.</text></comment>
<story><title>Uvloop: Fast Python networking</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>SEJeff</author><text>Also note that David Beazley (google him if you&amp;#x27;re not aware) has a competitor to asyncio, which arguably is also a direct competitor to this called curio:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;en&amp;#x2F;latest&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;en&amp;#x2F;latest&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;The caveat is that it uses the new async&amp;#x2F;await coroutine bits that just landed in Python 3.5, so it only works with Python 3.5+. He also gave a talk on concurrency in python recently at last year&amp;#x27;s PyCon:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=MCs5OvhV9S4&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=MCs5OvhV9S4&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Reveal.js: HTML presentation framework</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>hakim</author><text>Hey! I’m the creator of reveal.js. Thanks for sharing. Happy to answer questions if you have any.&lt;p&gt;reveal.js was first released in 2011. A few years later I also launched a visual editing environment for reveal.js called Slides ( It has some pretty unique features targeted at developers, like a built-in CSS editor, access to the HTML source, and stepped line-by-line code highlighting. &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news&amp;#x2F;developers&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news&amp;#x2F;developers&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;It’s been really great finding a sustainable way to continue working on open source (reveal.js) thanks to the revenue from the proprietary editor (Slides).</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ohthehugemanate</author><text>Thank you so much for your work! I work at microsoft, so everyone around me uses PowerPoint. I give all my presentations with revealjs, which I take directly from my Zettlr notes with minimal conversion. My colleagues were impressed this week that I could throw together a presentation with nice slides in less than an hour of work, with such a readable markdown &amp;quot;version&amp;quot; of the contents.&lt;p&gt;Thank you for the gift of productivity!</text></comment>
<story><title>Reveal.js: HTML presentation framework</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>hakim</author><text>Hey! I’m the creator of reveal.js. Thanks for sharing. Happy to answer questions if you have any.&lt;p&gt;reveal.js was first released in 2011. A few years later I also launched a visual editing environment for reveal.js called Slides ( It has some pretty unique features targeted at developers, like a built-in CSS editor, access to the HTML source, and stepped line-by-line code highlighting. &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news&amp;#x2F;developers&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news&amp;#x2F;developers&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;It’s been really great finding a sustainable way to continue working on open source (reveal.js) thanks to the revenue from the proprietary editor (Slides).</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>sshine</author><text>I use it for my personal website, and I use it as the front-end for a comic book viewer that I’m tinkering with. And naturally, I use for my teaching slides and for my tech presentations. ;-)&lt;p&gt;Truly a versatile, well-made script.&lt;p&gt;Thanks for making it!</text></comment>
<story><title>German parliament pens letter to Apple with concerns over CSAM detection system</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>watt</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t feel like carrying a little police man in my pocket. Unless CSAM is dead and buried, Apple is dead to me.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ByteWelder</author><text>Even if they end up canning the idea, they have been gaslighting their user base in the past week or so. Their CSAM implementation betrays their earlier statements on privacy, so they are dead to me already.&lt;p&gt;Since a few days, I have finished switching over from a Mac Mini (M1), iPhone and Watch to a desktop (with a proper graphics card, unlike the M1), a phone with LineageOS (and microG, so no&amp;#x2F;little Google) and an Amazfit GTR 2e watch. Apple is missing out on 3-4k in purchases from me in this year alone.</text></comment>
<story><title>German parliament pens letter to Apple with concerns over CSAM detection system</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>watt</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t feel like carrying a little police man in my pocket. Unless CSAM is dead and buried, Apple is dead to me.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>pjmlp</author><text>I usually argue for Apple, but in this case I fully agree with CSAM hate.&lt;p&gt;This isn&amp;#x27;t Minority Report.</text></comment>
<story><title>How Marissa Mayer Failed to Turn Yahoo Around</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>karmajunkie</author><text>Do you fault the oncologist that doesn&amp;#x27;t cure advanced metastatic cancer? Or the patient who ignored the signs for years before quitting smoking?</text></item><item><author>ProAm</author><text>&amp;gt; I don&amp;#x27;t think the failure is on Mayer; Yahoo was a walking zombie before she arrived.&lt;p&gt;But they brought her on and paid her amply to specifically fix this problem. As a result she shares part of the blame for Yahoo&amp;#x27;s failure to right the ship.</text></item><item><author>exelius</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t think the failure is on Mayer; Yahoo was a walking zombie before she arrived. They were the last remnant of the dot-com boom -- a media company without a significant role in content, advertising, shopping or computing. They had no technological advantage, or really any foundation for a competitive advantage to set them apart from the rest of the market.&lt;p&gt;Quite simply, Yahoo was culturally never a technology company. They defined themselves as a &amp;quot;media&amp;quot; company in the mid 90s to avoid drawing Microsoft&amp;#x27;s ire, but they said it for so long they believed it. They underinvested in technology throughout the late 90s and early 2000s, and by that time Google was the behemoth that Yahoo should have been. Yahoo is only around today because they recognized the emergence of China and made a lucky investment in Alibaba. Without that investment, Yahoo would have gone bust years ago.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>linuxkerneldev</author><text>&amp;gt; Do you fault the oncologist that doesn&amp;#x27;t cure advanced metastatic cancer?&lt;p&gt;Yeah, especially if the &amp;quot;oncologist&amp;quot; told the patient to change their t-shirt to purple to cure the cancer. Eg:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;2014&amp;#x2F;12&amp;#x2F;21&amp;#x2F;magazine&amp;#x2F;what-happened-when-marissa-mayer-tried-to-be-steve-jobs.html?_r=0&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;2014&amp;#x2F;12&amp;#x2F;21&amp;#x2F;magazine&amp;#x2F;what-happened-whe...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot; For months, the team had settled on blue and gray. If users were going to read emails on their phones all day long, the thinking went, it was best to choose the most subtly contrasting hues. But now, Mayer explained, she wanted to change the colors to various shades of purple, which she believed better suited Yahoo’s brand.&lt;p&gt;ccording to one senior executive, Sharma’s body language changed the moment Mayer issued her request. He looked deflated. Altering the color of such an intricate product would require that members of his team spend all night adjusting colors in thousands of places. He slumped off and prepared to tell his staff the bad news. &amp;quot;</text></comment>
<story><title>How Marissa Mayer Failed to Turn Yahoo Around</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>karmajunkie</author><text>Do you fault the oncologist that doesn&amp;#x27;t cure advanced metastatic cancer? Or the patient who ignored the signs for years before quitting smoking?</text></item><item><author>ProAm</author><text>&amp;gt; I don&amp;#x27;t think the failure is on Mayer; Yahoo was a walking zombie before she arrived.&lt;p&gt;But they brought her on and paid her amply to specifically fix this problem. As a result she shares part of the blame for Yahoo&amp;#x27;s failure to right the ship.</text></item><item><author>exelius</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t think the failure is on Mayer; Yahoo was a walking zombie before she arrived. They were the last remnant of the dot-com boom -- a media company without a significant role in content, advertising, shopping or computing. They had no technological advantage, or really any foundation for a competitive advantage to set them apart from the rest of the market.&lt;p&gt;Quite simply, Yahoo was culturally never a technology company. They defined themselves as a &amp;quot;media&amp;quot; company in the mid 90s to avoid drawing Microsoft&amp;#x27;s ire, but they said it for so long they believed it. They underinvested in technology throughout the late 90s and early 2000s, and by that time Google was the behemoth that Yahoo should have been. Yahoo is only around today because they recognized the emergence of China and made a lucky investment in Alibaba. Without that investment, Yahoo would have gone bust years ago.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>chasing</author><text>The metaphor doesn&amp;#x27;t hold: Yahoo! didn&amp;#x27;t have a fatal disease, it had failing businesses. This oncologist literally cannot cure certain terminal ailments.&lt;p&gt;A better metaphor might be: Yahoo! was like an old rusted out car. You hire someone who tells you how they can fix this car, you pay them a lot of money, and then they leave the car in worse shape than when you hired them. How much blame do they deserve?&lt;p&gt;Which is to say: A new CEO absolutely can turn a failing business around -- that&amp;#x27;s what she was being paid tons and tons of money to do. If Meyer did feel like Yahoo! was a completely lost cause or that she would be incapable of fixing its problems, then she should not have taken their money. As an extremely wealthy person to begin with, she had that luxury.&lt;p&gt;In short: She absolutely has culpability in the failure of Yahoo!.</text></comment>
<story><title>Julia and the Reincarnation of Lisp (2020)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>reikonomusha</author><text>Speaking impersonally, and not directly to OP, you can program in Common Lisp in industry, you just don’t want to &lt;i&gt;that badly&lt;/i&gt;, and then you justify why you can’t by making up reasons about not being able to hire, not being mainstream, not finding jobs, etc. etc.&lt;p&gt;Somehow, I’ve been able to keep stable employment as a programmer that writes Lisp for over a decade. I’ve written Lisp at startups. I’ve written Lisp at Facebook. No, I haven’t been a consultant on some weird legacy Lisp project either. The difference between me and someone who doesn’t have a career in Lisp is:&lt;p&gt;- I choose Lisp for projects that benefit from Lisp;&lt;p&gt;- I make the case to technical and non-technical people that I can solve their problem cheaply and efficiently, often with a concrete demo and without any of the vague promises of Lisp’s power;&lt;p&gt;- I put in extra effort to make sure we can hire for Lisp, train for Lisp, and integrate with Lisp.&lt;p&gt;If you want to write Lisp in industry, and if you’re a senior-or-greater engineer (whatever that means), then get some buy-in and write it. Learn the language backwards and forwards, and be responsible and accountable for your choice.&lt;p&gt;Unless you’re writing the world’s most boring software that needs 5,000 Java programmers all working on it at the same time, I can assure you, there is no issue with writing and maintaining Lisp, unless everybody you work with, including yourself, likes to pass the buck.</text></comment>
<story><title>Julia and the Reincarnation of Lisp (2020)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>linguae</author><text>From the article: “My heart was broken because Common Lisp is such a fine fine language and it is a joy to work in and hardly anyone uses it in industry. The industry has a lot of code in Java even when it takes much less time to write code in Lisp. What happened to the programmer’s time is more important than the machine’s?”&lt;p&gt;I think one issue that Common Lisp and many other programming languages face is that while a programmer’s time is more valuable than a machine’s, there are dynamics at play when maintaining commercial software projects that favor coding in more popular languages, such as the ability to easily hire developers knowledgeable in the language and&amp;#x2F;or paradigm. For example, imagine being a manager of a project written in Haskell that liberally uses functional programming concepts such as monads. It’s easier to hire developers knowledgeable in standard procedural or object-oriented programming languages than it is to find developers knowledgeable in functional programming, and getting a non-FP programmer up to speed on functional programming requires training, which takes time and money.&lt;p&gt;I love languages like Common Lisp, Scheme, and Smalltalk. However, if I’m working on a team project and my teammates don’t know these languages, then I choose a more common language like Python. Programming is more than just expressing computation; it’s also about communication, and one major purpose of language is to communicate with others.</text></comment>
<story><title>Windows 11 Officially Shuts Down Firefox’s Default Browser Workaround</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>josephcsible</author><text>Unfortunately, there&amp;#x27;s one very big reason you&amp;#x27;ll need Windows 11: that Windows 10 won&amp;#x27;t get security updates forever. After October 14th, 2025, you&amp;#x27;ll need to &amp;quot;upgrade&amp;quot; to it to stay secure.</text></item><item><author>cronix</author><text>So far in the last year or so, I&amp;#x27;ve heard 0 reasons why I&amp;#x27;d even need, want or benefit from Win11 over Win10. Tons of reasons in the negative column though. There isn&amp;#x27;t even anything to salivate over that might make you think it might be worth it to deal with the other tradeoffs. Hard pass.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>InitialLastName</author><text>That gives me four years for the tools that lock me to Windows to decide to port to literally any other OS.</text></comment>
<story><title>Windows 11 Officially Shuts Down Firefox’s Default Browser Workaround</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>josephcsible</author><text>Unfortunately, there&amp;#x27;s one very big reason you&amp;#x27;ll need Windows 11: that Windows 10 won&amp;#x27;t get security updates forever. After October 14th, 2025, you&amp;#x27;ll need to &amp;quot;upgrade&amp;quot; to it to stay secure.</text></item><item><author>cronix</author><text>So far in the last year or so, I&amp;#x27;ve heard 0 reasons why I&amp;#x27;d even need, want or benefit from Win11 over Win10. Tons of reasons in the negative column though. There isn&amp;#x27;t even anything to salivate over that might make you think it might be worth it to deal with the other tradeoffs. Hard pass.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>jimnotgym</author><text>I got XP, skipped Vista, got 7, skipped 8, got 10...I think I will skip 11</text></comment>
<story><title>Oracle Lays Off Java Mission Control Team After Open-Sourcing Product</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>kodablah</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t see a big issue with this. I don&amp;#x27;t like Oracle as much as the next guy, but when the community votes to de-corporate project I think it is reasonable to lay off the people performing corporate maintenance. Surely those who voted to &amp;quot;community-ize&amp;quot; it (which I agree with) will re-hire these people to continue their effort lest they think these things just magically maintain themselves. Granted Oracle was one of those who voted. I think these are just reasonable ebbs and flows of businesses and shuttering or devolving yourself of products.&lt;p&gt;I think most of people&amp;#x27;s hate will come from hating Oracle or emotionally hating the idea of layoffs. In this particular case it&amp;#x27;s a damned if you do damned if you don&amp;#x27;t. One side wants Oracle to open everything and stop exercising control over things (e.g. their own branded JDK which was only differentiated by support and these kinds of tools). Another side lambastes Oracle for not keeping the people around to do the work. We all want less Oracle control over the JVM yet we all secretly want them to keep working on it and paying the people to do so.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>pje</author><text>My thoughts exactly. As is common knowledge, Oracle &lt;i&gt;simply doesn&amp;#x27;t have any other positions for people with deep knowledge of Java&lt;/i&gt;. Once this project was over, there just weren&amp;#x27;t any other options than to fire the whole team.</text></comment>
<story><title>Oracle Lays Off Java Mission Control Team After Open-Sourcing Product</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>kodablah</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t see a big issue with this. I don&amp;#x27;t like Oracle as much as the next guy, but when the community votes to de-corporate project I think it is reasonable to lay off the people performing corporate maintenance. Surely those who voted to &amp;quot;community-ize&amp;quot; it (which I agree with) will re-hire these people to continue their effort lest they think these things just magically maintain themselves. Granted Oracle was one of those who voted. I think these are just reasonable ebbs and flows of businesses and shuttering or devolving yourself of products.&lt;p&gt;I think most of people&amp;#x27;s hate will come from hating Oracle or emotionally hating the idea of layoffs. In this particular case it&amp;#x27;s a damned if you do damned if you don&amp;#x27;t. One side wants Oracle to open everything and stop exercising control over things (e.g. their own branded JDK which was only differentiated by support and these kinds of tools). Another side lambastes Oracle for not keeping the people around to do the work. We all want less Oracle control over the JVM yet we all secretly want them to keep working on it and paying the people to do so.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>tzs</author><text>I think that what irks a lot of people is that Oracle has almost 300 open positions in the US for Java developers.&lt;p&gt;Why lay off experienced developers instead of moving them to currently unfilled positions?</text></comment>
<story><title>The pandemic has deepened an epidemic of loneliness</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>naravara</author><text>Doesn’t this depend on having friends who are off the internet too?&lt;p&gt;In the before times, I’d go to get drinks with friends and often found they were chronically distracted. If there’s a lull in conversation they pull out their phones. I go to the bathroom and come back and they’re swiping through Tinder.&lt;p&gt;I got married before the dating apps got popular so I never went down that particular rabbit hole, but I feel like they’ve severely damaged people’s ability to pay attention to where they are and who they’re with.</text></item><item><author>JKCalhoun</author><text>All I can think: turn off the internet.&lt;p&gt;Internet in the morning. Have your coffee, catch up on the news, your social.&lt;p&gt;Then put the internet down for the rest of the day. Go out, ride a bike with a friend, go hike with a friend, go to a coffee shop, library....</text></item><item><author>jbrun</author><text>It&amp;#x27;s a bit paradoxical. I have a tech company and most staff want to come to the office 1 day a week. Getting them to come is very tough. Many of my staff and friends don&amp;#x27;t want to have kids, make no effort to find a partner and find all sorts of excuses. Netflix, the internet and these things are part of the problem, but I have no clue what the solution is. There is only one way to not be lonely - be with people who care about you. That requires an investment of time and of your emotions - something many people seem unable or unwilling to do. You have to get out into the world and invest in others.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>JohnWhigham</author><text>&lt;i&gt;If there’s a lull in conversation they pull out their phones. &lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;I despise how this behavior has been completely normalized. Especially in the dating sphere. People putting their phones on the table to make sure they never miss notifications is just so fucking disrespectful to the people you&amp;#x27;re actually with.</text></comment>
<story><title>The pandemic has deepened an epidemic of loneliness</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>naravara</author><text>Doesn’t this depend on having friends who are off the internet too?&lt;p&gt;In the before times, I’d go to get drinks with friends and often found they were chronically distracted. If there’s a lull in conversation they pull out their phones. I go to the bathroom and come back and they’re swiping through Tinder.&lt;p&gt;I got married before the dating apps got popular so I never went down that particular rabbit hole, but I feel like they’ve severely damaged people’s ability to pay attention to where they are and who they’re with.</text></item><item><author>JKCalhoun</author><text>All I can think: turn off the internet.&lt;p&gt;Internet in the morning. Have your coffee, catch up on the news, your social.&lt;p&gt;Then put the internet down for the rest of the day. Go out, ride a bike with a friend, go hike with a friend, go to a coffee shop, library....</text></item><item><author>jbrun</author><text>It&amp;#x27;s a bit paradoxical. I have a tech company and most staff want to come to the office 1 day a week. Getting them to come is very tough. Many of my staff and friends don&amp;#x27;t want to have kids, make no effort to find a partner and find all sorts of excuses. Netflix, the internet and these things are part of the problem, but I have no clue what the solution is. There is only one way to not be lonely - be with people who care about you. That requires an investment of time and of your emotions - something many people seem unable or unwilling to do. You have to get out into the world and invest in others.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>OneTimePetes</author><text>Everyone is at work.&lt;p&gt;In germany if you take a walk during the daytime your looked upon as a &amp;quot;slacker&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;Friends require to be condemned to boredom together.&lt;p&gt;Relationship require something called perspectives in life. Why produce spawn for a dieing world?&lt;p&gt;This is what you wanted in the 70s when you demonstrated for a &amp;quot;humanity&amp;quot; capable to hold back from environmental destruction.&lt;p&gt;Its a species of monks, waiting in their cells to dwindle to zero.</text></comment>
<story><title>Moving Forward on Basic Income</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>DawkinsGawd</author><text>You completely side stepped the question. I find it absolutely amazing how naive BI supporters are. I grew up poor in a ghetto in New York. Studied, went to university, became an engineer and am no longer in that socioeconomic bracket. However it is very apparent that the people in my current bracket (the one&amp;#x27;s that support BI), have no idea about the issues of the poor. Poor people are mostly poor because of the decisions they make. At least that is my experience. Drug addiction, gambling, alcoholism, poor budgeting, mental illness, etc, etc, etc. Thinking back I do not know anyone in my neighborhood who was genuinely a hard working person with no vices. Hard working people with not vices don&amp;#x27;t live in the slums and generally can support their basic needs. Yes there are those occasions were an acute emergency happens and support is need but that is an atypical story. Giving $1200 check to someone without food and shelter most definitely isn&amp;#x27;t going to provide them food and shelter. It will more likely go to a stamp bag, scratch off, 40 ounce, etc.&lt;p&gt;Yes, we need to help these people. Mental health, substance abuse, etc do not make people &amp;quot;bad&amp;quot;. But giving someone a months worth of rent&amp;#x2F;food&amp;#x2F;utilities&amp;#x2F;clothing in cash is going to be disastrous</text></item><item><author>gshulegaard</author><text>This really isn&amp;#x27;t a good riddle.&lt;p&gt;First, Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) work better than most people expect (&lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news&amp;#x2F;international&amp;#x2F;21588385-giving-money-directly-poor-people-works-surprisingly-well-it-cannot-deal&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news&amp;#x2F;international&amp;#x2F;21588385-giving-...&lt;/a&gt;). As noted in the article, UCTs work surprisingly well in scenarios where lack of capital is the primary problem. A UBI (at least as usually is discussed in the US) is a de-scaling UCT.&lt;p&gt;Second, most proponents of a UBI see it as more efficient because of the savings on administrative overhead. So dollar for dollar the assumption is that your social safety net with UBI is larger than current welfare.&lt;p&gt;Which finally brings us to the observation that current welfare is not an all-inclusive safety net, so opposing UBI because it isn&amp;#x27;t either seems a bit of a distraction.&lt;p&gt;A more interesting question, raised by the Economist article linked above, is where do UCTs break down? This is a question whether or not UBI should be _entirely_ UCT or if there should also be some Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT). This would be like providing incentives for going to college.&lt;p&gt;CCTs are better at correcting deeper issues that contribute to the cycle of poverty.&lt;p&gt;Ultimately I feel like a UBI is a good first step, but ultimately a combination of UCTs and CCTs are needed to really combat poverty.</text></item><item><author>xienze</author><text>So, a question for the BI fans:&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ve seen it said repeatedly that BI will save us money (or at least, not be so outrageously expensive) in part because we can eliminate existing welfare programs. &amp;quot;Just cut a single check, no more overhead from several agencies&amp;quot;, they say.&lt;p&gt;But riddle me this: what do you do when someone on BI has a financial emergency or, as will happen with some regularity, just flat-out blows all their money and now can&amp;#x27;t afford rent and&amp;#x2F;or food? Do you tell them &amp;quot;tough shit, you&amp;#x27;ve exhausted all your social safety nets&amp;quot; or are there safety nets below BI, essentially recreating the welfare programs previously destroyed? If so, how do you prevent fraud without a department following up on Joe&amp;#x27;s twelfth &amp;quot;my car broke down&amp;quot; case of the year?</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>notthegov</author><text>In my experience, your characteristization of why people are poor is wrong and ignores the daily struggles the working poor faces. I agree that most people are flawed but that&amp;#x27;s because we are not taught in school how to deal with adversity or how to live life. People in general have poor critical and analytical thinking skills, and get trapped in a vicious cycle with no hope for a better life.&lt;p&gt;I grew up poor and my mother worked to get us into the middle class. As an adult, I have been poor and wealthy, and have good friends that are decent people but are trapped in a system of poverty, or a community of gangs and a cycle of jail. Life is incredibly hard and it&amp;#x27;s not as easy as saying that poor people have vices.&lt;p&gt;Last year, I&amp;#x27;d buy breakfast for homeless friends on Hollywood Blvd. then go eat the free breakfast on the 28th floor of the Ritz-Carlton Residences. I lived there and I can assure you, wealthy people are as crazy, addicted and ignorant as any poor person. The amount of criminality and corruption within the 1%, and how the police and even retired high-level government officials protect them, is astonishing.&lt;p&gt;I wrote a previous comment on why I think if rich people were smarter then there&amp;#x27;d be less poor people. We need a society with better systems where there&amp;#x27;s less friction and challenges for people to overcome. And for many reasons, I see Basic Income as one of those better systems.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=11469080&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=11469080&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Moving Forward on Basic Income</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>DawkinsGawd</author><text>You completely side stepped the question. I find it absolutely amazing how naive BI supporters are. I grew up poor in a ghetto in New York. Studied, went to university, became an engineer and am no longer in that socioeconomic bracket. However it is very apparent that the people in my current bracket (the one&amp;#x27;s that support BI), have no idea about the issues of the poor. Poor people are mostly poor because of the decisions they make. At least that is my experience. Drug addiction, gambling, alcoholism, poor budgeting, mental illness, etc, etc, etc. Thinking back I do not know anyone in my neighborhood who was genuinely a hard working person with no vices. Hard working people with not vices don&amp;#x27;t live in the slums and generally can support their basic needs. Yes there are those occasions were an acute emergency happens and support is need but that is an atypical story. Giving $1200 check to someone without food and shelter most definitely isn&amp;#x27;t going to provide them food and shelter. It will more likely go to a stamp bag, scratch off, 40 ounce, etc.&lt;p&gt;Yes, we need to help these people. Mental health, substance abuse, etc do not make people &amp;quot;bad&amp;quot;. But giving someone a months worth of rent&amp;#x2F;food&amp;#x2F;utilities&amp;#x2F;clothing in cash is going to be disastrous</text></item><item><author>gshulegaard</author><text>This really isn&amp;#x27;t a good riddle.&lt;p&gt;First, Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) work better than most people expect (&lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news&amp;#x2F;international&amp;#x2F;21588385-giving-money-directly-poor-people-works-surprisingly-well-it-cannot-deal&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news&amp;#x2F;international&amp;#x2F;21588385-giving-...&lt;/a&gt;). As noted in the article, UCTs work surprisingly well in scenarios where lack of capital is the primary problem. A UBI (at least as usually is discussed in the US) is a de-scaling UCT.&lt;p&gt;Second, most proponents of a UBI see it as more efficient because of the savings on administrative overhead. So dollar for dollar the assumption is that your social safety net with UBI is larger than current welfare.&lt;p&gt;Which finally brings us to the observation that current welfare is not an all-inclusive safety net, so opposing UBI because it isn&amp;#x27;t either seems a bit of a distraction.&lt;p&gt;A more interesting question, raised by the Economist article linked above, is where do UCTs break down? This is a question whether or not UBI should be _entirely_ UCT or if there should also be some Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT). This would be like providing incentives for going to college.&lt;p&gt;CCTs are better at correcting deeper issues that contribute to the cycle of poverty.&lt;p&gt;Ultimately I feel like a UBI is a good first step, but ultimately a combination of UCTs and CCTs are needed to really combat poverty.</text></item><item><author>xienze</author><text>So, a question for the BI fans:&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ve seen it said repeatedly that BI will save us money (or at least, not be so outrageously expensive) in part because we can eliminate existing welfare programs. &amp;quot;Just cut a single check, no more overhead from several agencies&amp;quot;, they say.&lt;p&gt;But riddle me this: what do you do when someone on BI has a financial emergency or, as will happen with some regularity, just flat-out blows all their money and now can&amp;#x27;t afford rent and&amp;#x2F;or food? Do you tell them &amp;quot;tough shit, you&amp;#x27;ve exhausted all your social safety nets&amp;quot; or are there safety nets below BI, essentially recreating the welfare programs previously destroyed? If so, how do you prevent fraud without a department following up on Joe&amp;#x27;s twelfth &amp;quot;my car broke down&amp;quot; case of the year?</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>dota_fanatic</author><text>Assholes aside, since turning an asshole into a non-asshole is an incredibly complex issue, people I&amp;#x27;ve known who are like the ones you&amp;#x27;re describing tend to not like their situation, dream about and periodically pursue having a better life, but are utterly incapable of making a chain of steps towards that better life when it&amp;#x27;s so much harder to climb than it is to stay down in the ditch. The level of competitiveness in our world also means there&amp;#x27;s many people above them who have it in their interest to keep them down and dependent (as their livelihoods depend on it).&lt;p&gt;One would hope with a lessened burden and greater freedom for the millions of Americans who &lt;i&gt;aren&amp;#x27;t&lt;/i&gt; like that, social support and community would increase. MOOCs and the like would get more support. More people would pursue experimentation. More people people would do it right instead of getting shit done. More people would be free to stop giving themselves to processes they know are unethical.&lt;p&gt;These people you&amp;#x27;re describing are only a problem to kill off &amp;#x2F; suck dry in the world we live in now. In a world of basic income, they&amp;#x27;d at least have a chance of getting help from the people around them that do care, have a well-developed sense of empathy. Having said all this, I totally agree that giving a lump sum of money to the people you&amp;#x27;re describing is indeed a terrible idea, will have bad outcomes.</text></comment>
<story><title>Ask HN: What is the best online resource to learn advanced SQL?</title><text>I too often find myself getting stuck when it comes to more advanced SQL queries. I have never actively learnt SQL and realise that I don&amp;#x27;t have a great mental model of how it works. I would like to improve this as it is killing my productivity from time to time.</text></story><parent_chain><item><author>AlisdairO</author><text>[self plug]&lt;p&gt;On &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt; I focus quite a bit on developing a mental model for SQL. I would suggest not skipping the easier exercises - even if you can do the SQL, you might find the explanations useful.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>mlinksva</author><text>I worked through many of these when discussed here 7 months ago &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=12022953&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=12022953&lt;/a&gt; ... really enjoyable, great refresher, and learned some things I never knew before.</text></comment>
<story><title>Ask HN: What is the best online resource to learn advanced SQL?</title><text>I too often find myself getting stuck when it comes to more advanced SQL queries. I have never actively learnt SQL and realise that I don&amp;#x27;t have a great mental model of how it works. I would like to improve this as it is killing my productivity from time to time.</text></story><parent_chain><item><author>AlisdairO</author><text>[self plug]&lt;p&gt;On &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt; I focus quite a bit on developing a mental model for SQL. I would suggest not skipping the easier exercises - even if you can do the SQL, you might find the explanations useful.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>MistahKoala</author><text>I&amp;#x27;ve been looking for stuff like this - thanks.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m trying to start a career as a BA and expect that it will be handy to know SQL, which is fine, but I haven&amp;#x27;t been able to find anything out there that simulate the kind of scenarios and tasks SQL would be used in. I suppose your site is a step closer to that.</text></comment>
<story><title>Why is remote work seen as a gift?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lunarhustler</author><text>Except the market ain&amp;#x27;t going to bear it, not for a long time anyway.&lt;p&gt;If I am a CEO of a remote-first company and it truly doesn&amp;#x27;t matter for me where the employees are located it makes no sense to overpay for labor in high cost of living area.&lt;p&gt;So if there&amp;#x27;s a company A that pays $X in high COL area, and $X&amp;#x2F;3 in a low COL area. And then there&amp;#x27;s a company B that pays $X&amp;#x2F;2 everywhere. Then people from the low COL area would go to the company B, and people from the high COL area would go to the company A. As a result, company B gets the same results 2 times cheaper.&lt;p&gt;Repeat this process enough times and the salaries will be equalized. Of course it&amp;#x27;s not immediate, there are companies rigidly set in their ways; there are people who won&amp;#x27;t move no matter what; there is limited supply of both companies and workers; etc, etc. But eventually the market forces will do their thing.</text></item><item><author>toyg</author><text>&lt;i&gt;&amp;gt; It should be about the value I bring to the company, not where I live.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;That&amp;#x27;s like saying the price of goods and services should be about the cost of producing them. No no no: the price is about what buyers will bear. In the same way, salaries are about what the worker will bear.&lt;p&gt;If there is an arbitrage lever to maximize profit, any business &lt;i&gt;will&lt;/i&gt; use it.</text></item><item><author>MrGilbert</author><text>I find it kind of amusing (and annoying) that employers like to play the salaray game as it fits their needs.&lt;p&gt;I got interviewed a few times, and some stated that they cannot pay the salary I was asking, because i don&amp;#x27;t live in a high-density, high-cost-for-living area, while others argued that they have to respect their local salaries, which are below what I would expect in my area. I&amp;#x27;m yet to meet the employer that can truthfully deduct the cost-for-living from the compensation they are offering. It should be about the value I bring to the company, not where I live.&lt;p&gt;Also, from my personal point of view, it&amp;#x27;s the time I&amp;#x27;m saving for myself, not the money. Electricity is quite expensive nowadays, and my standing desk and audio&amp;#x2F;video equipment also wasn&amp;#x27;t payed by my employer.&lt;p&gt;What annoys me the most is that there are still companies out there stating that remote is &amp;quot;complicated&amp;quot;. It&amp;#x27;s different, and you need to adjust your processes, but it&amp;#x27;s not &amp;quot;complicated&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;&lt;i&gt;&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;edit: fixed typos and added a&amp;#x2F;v equipment to my ramblings&lt;/i&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>cj</author><text>I run a remote-first company, and this is basically how we do it.&lt;p&gt;We don&amp;#x27;t give people different offers based on where they say they live.&lt;p&gt;Rather, we have a salary range for a job, and we look for people who are attracted by that salary range. This usually means people in SF, NYC, and other high COL cities disqualify themselves, so we end up hiring many people outside of tech hubs.&lt;p&gt;In other words, if you simply stop hiring in the top 20% COL cities, you can hire talent at significantly less salary ranges simply because we&amp;#x27;re not competing with Google, Amazon, etc in Silicon Valley or NYC.&lt;p&gt;Which allows us to hire a greater quantity of people. E.g. 2 engineers at $150k instead of 1 engineer at $300k.&lt;p&gt;But the key to this is not making a salary decision based on location. Instead, just set a salary range and you&amp;#x27;ll find what parts of the country people are willing to work at that range.</text></comment>
<story><title>Why is remote work seen as a gift?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lunarhustler</author><text>Except the market ain&amp;#x27;t going to bear it, not for a long time anyway.&lt;p&gt;If I am a CEO of a remote-first company and it truly doesn&amp;#x27;t matter for me where the employees are located it makes no sense to overpay for labor in high cost of living area.&lt;p&gt;So if there&amp;#x27;s a company A that pays $X in high COL area, and $X&amp;#x2F;3 in a low COL area. And then there&amp;#x27;s a company B that pays $X&amp;#x2F;2 everywhere. Then people from the low COL area would go to the company B, and people from the high COL area would go to the company A. As a result, company B gets the same results 2 times cheaper.&lt;p&gt;Repeat this process enough times and the salaries will be equalized. Of course it&amp;#x27;s not immediate, there are companies rigidly set in their ways; there are people who won&amp;#x27;t move no matter what; there is limited supply of both companies and workers; etc, etc. But eventually the market forces will do their thing.</text></item><item><author>toyg</author><text>&lt;i&gt;&amp;gt; It should be about the value I bring to the company, not where I live.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;That&amp;#x27;s like saying the price of goods and services should be about the cost of producing them. No no no: the price is about what buyers will bear. In the same way, salaries are about what the worker will bear.&lt;p&gt;If there is an arbitrage lever to maximize profit, any business &lt;i&gt;will&lt;/i&gt; use it.</text></item><item><author>MrGilbert</author><text>I find it kind of amusing (and annoying) that employers like to play the salaray game as it fits their needs.&lt;p&gt;I got interviewed a few times, and some stated that they cannot pay the salary I was asking, because i don&amp;#x27;t live in a high-density, high-cost-for-living area, while others argued that they have to respect their local salaries, which are below what I would expect in my area. I&amp;#x27;m yet to meet the employer that can truthfully deduct the cost-for-living from the compensation they are offering. It should be about the value I bring to the company, not where I live.&lt;p&gt;Also, from my personal point of view, it&amp;#x27;s the time I&amp;#x27;m saving for myself, not the money. Electricity is quite expensive nowadays, and my standing desk and audio&amp;#x2F;video equipment also wasn&amp;#x27;t payed by my employer.&lt;p&gt;What annoys me the most is that there are still companies out there stating that remote is &amp;quot;complicated&amp;quot;. It&amp;#x27;s different, and you need to adjust your processes, but it&amp;#x27;s not &amp;quot;complicated&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;&lt;i&gt;&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;edit: fixed typos and added a&amp;#x2F;v equipment to my ramblings&lt;/i&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>dorwi</author><text>&amp;quot;As a result, company B gets the same results 2 times cheaper&amp;quot; - that&amp;#x27;s just an assumption. If I turn it around, it sounds - &amp;quot;people on average in high COL area do the same work two times faster than in low COL area&amp;quot;.</text></comment>
<story><title>An R package which converts markdown files into mindmaps</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>perlgeek</author><text>For me, the real discovery (from the showcase) is bookdown: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;yihui&amp;#x2F;bookdown&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;yihui&amp;#x2F;bookdown&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s a tool that creates ebooks from a bunch of Markdown files. I&amp;#x27;ll certainly evaluate it for my next book or documentation project.</text></comment>
<story><title>An R package which converts markdown files into mindmaps</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>pjmorris</author><text>I sort of went the opposite direction. I used to use FreeMind [0], a great open-source mind mapping tool. I noticed that I&amp;#x27;d translate from the mind map to my to do list by using indents to represent ownership of tree sub-nodes instead of the drawn lines... and I eventually just went with outlines in my to do list. I&amp;#x27;ll still sketch on paper with nodes and lines, but the indenting hierarchy works so well for me that I never fire up FreeMind. Of course, Python made sense to me too.&lt;p&gt;[0] &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;index.php&amp;#x2F;Main_Page&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;index.php&amp;#x2F;Main_Page&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>How to start a Go project in 2023</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>jzelinskie</author><text>Things I can&amp;#x27;t live without in a new Go project in no particular order:&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;golangci&amp;#x2F;golangci-lint&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;golangci&amp;#x2F;golangci-lint&lt;/a&gt; - meta-linter&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt; - automate release workflows&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt; - build tool that can version your tools&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;;#x2F;ory&amp;#x2F;dockertest&amp;#x2F;v3&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;;#x2F;ory&amp;#x2F;dockertest&amp;#x2F;v3&lt;/a&gt; - run containers for e2e testing&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;ecordell&amp;#x2F;optgen&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;ecordell&amp;#x2F;optgen&lt;/a&gt; - generate functional options&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;x&amp;#x2F;tools&amp;#x2F;cmd&amp;#x2F;stringer&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;x&amp;#x2F;tools&amp;#x2F;cmd&amp;#x2F;stringer&lt;/a&gt; - generate String()&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;gofumpt&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;gofumpt&lt;/a&gt; - stricter gofmt&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;stretchr&amp;#x2F;testify&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;stretchr&amp;#x2F;testify&lt;/a&gt; - test assertion library&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;rs&amp;#x2F;zerolog&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;rs&amp;#x2F;zerolog&lt;/a&gt; - logging&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;spf13&amp;#x2F;cobra&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;spf13&amp;#x2F;cobra&lt;/a&gt; - CLI framework&lt;p&gt;FWIW, I just lifted all the tools we use for &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;authzed&amp;#x2F;spicedb&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;authzed&amp;#x2F;spicedb&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;We&amp;#x27;ve also written some custom linters that might be useful for other folks: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;authzed&amp;#x2F;spicedb&amp;#x2F;tree&amp;#x2F;main&amp;#x2F;tools&amp;#x2F;analyzers&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;authzed&amp;#x2F;spicedb&amp;#x2F;tree&amp;#x2F;main&amp;#x2F;tools&amp;#x2F;analyzers&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>donatj</author><text>Cobra is just so… intense and complicated. It has it&amp;#x27;s place but Google&amp;#x27;s Subcommands is enough for 99.9% of projects I&amp;#x27;ve worked on&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;google&amp;#x2F;subcommands&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;google&amp;#x2F;subcommands&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>How to start a Go project in 2023</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>jzelinskie</author><text>Things I can&amp;#x27;t live without in a new Go project in no particular order:&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;golangci&amp;#x2F;golangci-lint&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;golangci&amp;#x2F;golangci-lint&lt;/a&gt; - meta-linter&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt; - automate release workflows&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt; - build tool that can version your tools&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;;#x2F;ory&amp;#x2F;dockertest&amp;#x2F;v3&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;;#x2F;ory&amp;#x2F;dockertest&amp;#x2F;v3&lt;/a&gt; - run containers for e2e testing&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;ecordell&amp;#x2F;optgen&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;ecordell&amp;#x2F;optgen&lt;/a&gt; - generate functional options&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;x&amp;#x2F;tools&amp;#x2F;cmd&amp;#x2F;stringer&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;x&amp;#x2F;tools&amp;#x2F;cmd&amp;#x2F;stringer&lt;/a&gt; - generate String()&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;gofumpt&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;gofumpt&lt;/a&gt; - stricter gofmt&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;stretchr&amp;#x2F;testify&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;stretchr&amp;#x2F;testify&lt;/a&gt; - test assertion library&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;rs&amp;#x2F;zerolog&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;rs&amp;#x2F;zerolog&lt;/a&gt; - logging&lt;p&gt;- &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;spf13&amp;#x2F;cobra&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;spf13&amp;#x2F;cobra&lt;/a&gt; - CLI framework&lt;p&gt;FWIW, I just lifted all the tools we use for &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;authzed&amp;#x2F;spicedb&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;authzed&amp;#x2F;spicedb&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;We&amp;#x27;ve also written some custom linters that might be useful for other folks: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;authzed&amp;#x2F;spicedb&amp;#x2F;tree&amp;#x2F;main&amp;#x2F;tools&amp;#x2F;analyzers&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;authzed&amp;#x2F;spicedb&amp;#x2F;tree&amp;#x2F;main&amp;#x2F;tools&amp;#x2F;analyzers&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>etxm</author><text>You’ve gotta check out Charm’s tools for CLI&amp;#x2F;TUI dev. They are doing some great work.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Americans will soon be able to renew passports online</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>quag</author><text>From the USA it was faster (1 week), cheaper, and easier (all online, all digital, no mailing anything in) to renew my New Zealand passport, than it was to renew the US passport for the little one.&lt;p&gt;We were left with the impression that the USA just doesn’t care about improving these things. So it’s nice to see that the improvements are coming, they just took a while.</text></item><item><author>spacedcowboy</author><text>I renewed my UK passport from 6000 miles away in sunny CA. Took a week for it to arrive. Just been to the post office to renew the kids US passport which requires both parents to be there or notarized documents to say why not. Estimated delivery is 14 weeks.&lt;p&gt;My (US) wife continues to be in awe of the UK services compared to the US. I just wish the bus would come on time when I&amp;#x27;m over there...</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>pjc50</author><text>&amp;gt; We were left with the impression that the USA just doesn’t care about improving these things.&lt;p&gt;The anti-statism in the US turns readily into &amp;quot;if you interact with the state, it should be a miserable underfunded experience&amp;quot; rather than &amp;quot;since it has to happen, we&amp;#x27;re going to make it easy and convenient so as not to consume too much time, money and energy from our citizens&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;(unless a libertarian wants to argue that the US should simply not issue passports at all and .. leave it up to private enterprise somehow?)</text></comment>
<story><title>Americans will soon be able to renew passports online</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>quag</author><text>From the USA it was faster (1 week), cheaper, and easier (all online, all digital, no mailing anything in) to renew my New Zealand passport, than it was to renew the US passport for the little one.&lt;p&gt;We were left with the impression that the USA just doesn’t care about improving these things. So it’s nice to see that the improvements are coming, they just took a while.</text></item><item><author>spacedcowboy</author><text>I renewed my UK passport from 6000 miles away in sunny CA. Took a week for it to arrive. Just been to the post office to renew the kids US passport which requires both parents to be there or notarized documents to say why not. Estimated delivery is 14 weeks.&lt;p&gt;My (US) wife continues to be in awe of the UK services compared to the US. I just wish the bus would come on time when I&amp;#x27;m over there...</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>diogenescynic</author><text>&amp;gt;We were left with the impression that the USA just doesn’t care about improving these things.&lt;p&gt;I don&amp;#x27;t think our politicians actually care. They prefer to fight culture wars and pay lip service to real issues.</text></comment>
<story><title>We got banned from PayPal after 12 years of business</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>sincerely</author><text>You get banned from Uber if you do that, no?</text></item><item><author>viraptor</author><text>&amp;gt; Uber charged $1500 to my debut card a few months ago. There&amp;#x27;s literally nobody you can call about it.&lt;p&gt;Your bank. You dispute the charge. Uber can deal with your bank. It doesn&amp;#x27;t matter it was a debit card. It means you&amp;#x27;re missing the money immediately, but doesn&amp;#x27;t stop you from disputing.</text></item><item><author>exabrial</author><text>The lack of customer service in the Silicon Valley is a pervasive problem.&lt;p&gt;* Cody Don on YouTube teaches the masses about science and regularly gets banned. His videos are rated G to PG. Despite millions of viewers and dollars of Revenue, there is nobody he can call.&lt;p&gt;* Uber charged $1500 to my debut card a few months ago. There&amp;#x27;s literally nobody you can call about it.&lt;p&gt;* Lose your Instagram&amp;#x2F;Twitter&amp;#x2F;Gmail? Too bad, because it&amp;#x27;s free, you&amp;#x27;re treated as cattle.&lt;p&gt;* Oh then there&amp;#x27;s the paying customers too: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=17431609&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=17431609&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ghaff</author><text>That&amp;#x27;s the second comment in two days I&amp;#x27;ve seen along the lines of &amp;quot;You can&amp;#x27;t risk pissing off Uber because they might ban you.&amp;quot; What a sad codependent relationship to be [ADDED: or feel you are] so locked into some uncaring tech service that you feel you basically have to just put up with whatever mistreatment they dish out.</text></comment>
<story><title>We got banned from PayPal after 12 years of business</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>sincerely</author><text>You get banned from Uber if you do that, no?</text></item><item><author>viraptor</author><text>&amp;gt; Uber charged $1500 to my debut card a few months ago. There&amp;#x27;s literally nobody you can call about it.&lt;p&gt;Your bank. You dispute the charge. Uber can deal with your bank. It doesn&amp;#x27;t matter it was a debit card. It means you&amp;#x27;re missing the money immediately, but doesn&amp;#x27;t stop you from disputing.</text></item><item><author>exabrial</author><text>The lack of customer service in the Silicon Valley is a pervasive problem.&lt;p&gt;* Cody Don on YouTube teaches the masses about science and regularly gets banned. His videos are rated G to PG. Despite millions of viewers and dollars of Revenue, there is nobody he can call.&lt;p&gt;* Uber charged $1500 to my debut card a few months ago. There&amp;#x27;s literally nobody you can call about it.&lt;p&gt;* Lose your Instagram&amp;#x2F;Twitter&amp;#x2F;Gmail? Too bad, because it&amp;#x27;s free, you&amp;#x27;re treated as cattle.&lt;p&gt;* Oh then there&amp;#x27;s the paying customers too: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=17431609&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=17431609&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>dkersten</author><text>Why would you want to stay on Uber? So they can charge you $1500 again sometime in the future?</text></comment>
<story><title>Freenode IRC operators now engaging in routine abuses of power</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>rasengan</author><text>The policy page you listed said no spamming. Your blog complaint says you spammed.</text></item><item><author>hlandau</author><text>Freenode broke their own policies to do this: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;policies&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;policies&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt;Primary channels do not expire with inactivity, though they can be claimed at any time by a representative of an on-topic project with the appropriate name. Topical channels expire after 60 days in which no user on the access list for the channel has joined it.&lt;p&gt;##hntop is a topical channel, since it begins with ##.</text></item><item><author>plorntus</author><text>Eh I feel as though you relinquished the channel the second you essentially shut it down. Why would freenode or any IRC server want to just keep a channel that is unused except to advertise a different server? I would understand more if it was some sort of specific channel that the name was clearly exclusively yours but its rather generic and a bot that many people here could also maintain.&lt;p&gt;Strikes me as sort of &amp;#x27;domain squatting&amp;#x27;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>soneil</author><text>I really don&amp;#x27;t think that&amp;#x27;s going to fly.&lt;p&gt;People are concerned that you don&amp;#x27;t have the community&amp;#x27;s best interests at heart. Your actions say you don&amp;#x27;t have the community&amp;#x27;s best interests at heart.&lt;p&gt;All this lawyering corpspeak means nothing when your actions don&amp;#x27;t back it up.&lt;p&gt;If you want to prove us wrong, walk the walk.&lt;p&gt;edit:&lt;p&gt;Looking at the list of top10 channels[0], several of them have such notices in their topics. If this takeover was policy, can we assume you&amp;#x27;ll do the same to ##linux? Or is it a very selective policy only to be enforced when you have a personal interest or believe you can get away with it?&lt;p&gt;[0] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;channels&amp;#x2F;?net=Freenode&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;channels&amp;#x2F;?net=Freenode&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Freenode IRC operators now engaging in routine abuses of power</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>rasengan</author><text>The policy page you listed said no spamming. Your blog complaint says you spammed.</text></item><item><author>hlandau</author><text>Freenode broke their own policies to do this: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;policies&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;policies&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt;Primary channels do not expire with inactivity, though they can be claimed at any time by a representative of an on-topic project with the appropriate name. Topical channels expire after 60 days in which no user on the access list for the channel has joined it.&lt;p&gt;##hntop is a topical channel, since it begins with ##.</text></item><item><author>plorntus</author><text>Eh I feel as though you relinquished the channel the second you essentially shut it down. Why would freenode or any IRC server want to just keep a channel that is unused except to advertise a different server? I would understand more if it was some sort of specific channel that the name was clearly exclusively yours but its rather generic and a bot that many people here could also maintain.&lt;p&gt;Strikes me as sort of &amp;#x27;domain squatting&amp;#x27;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>spinax</author><text>&amp;quot;This channel has moved to Liberachat, effective immediately: ##hntop&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;You and I have very, very different definitions of spam. I see a guidepost giving me direction.</text></comment>
<story><title>Reverse Engineering an Eclipse Plugin</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>guildan</author><text>The plugin that is inspected in this article is now delisted in the Eclipse Marketplace. You can&amp;#x27;t download it from there anymore (Checked with STS 3.9.0.RELEASE). A new fork without the ad related code as been publish and you can inspect the code on &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;ecd-plugin&amp;#x2F;ecd&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;ecd-plugin&amp;#x2F;ecd&lt;/a&gt; .&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s nice to see the community stepping in to &amp;quot;fix&amp;quot; the situation.</text></comment>
<story><title>Reverse Engineering an Eclipse Plugin</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>philbarr</author><text>Original author doing a pretty bad job of explaining himself [0]. Mainly:&lt;p&gt;Anyone who does not like it, please uninstall this plugin.&lt;p&gt;I will not explain it anymore.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m not interested in stealing your privacy.&lt;p&gt;[0] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;cnfree&amp;#x2F;Eclipse-Class-Decompiler&amp;#x2F;issues&amp;#x2F;30&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;cnfree&amp;#x2F;Eclipse-Class-Decompiler&amp;#x2F;issues&amp;#x2F;30&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Repair cafés waging war on throwaway culture</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>wizardforhire</author><text>&amp;gt;Sam Vimes is also renowned for his &amp;quot;Boots Theory of socio-economic unfairness&amp;quot;, as posited in Men at Arms:&lt;p&gt;The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles.&lt;p&gt;But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that&amp;#x27;d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years&amp;#x27; time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.&lt;p&gt;This was the Captain Samuel Vimes &amp;#x27;Boots&amp;#x27; theory of socioeconomic unfairness. Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Sam_Vimes#Boots_theory_of_socio-economic_unfairness&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Sam_Vimes#Boots_theory_of_soci...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item><item><author>danans</author><text>&amp;gt; A small subset of people buy shitty products (1$ bicycle lamps, lights, cheap-as-shit appliances like clocks, hoovers&lt;p&gt;This is not so surprising if you consider that both the desire to repair and the tendency to buy less expensive things can be driven by the overall drive to spend less, perhaps due to personal financial circumstances.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s a well understood phenomenon that people bias the financial short term over the long term in quick decisions.&lt;p&gt;EDIT: In addition, many times, the higher quality option for a given type of product is many times more expensive than the &amp;quot;cheap&amp;quot; option, due to things like market segmentation. Given the lack of higher quality middle-priced option, it&amp;#x27;s pretty rational for people to choose the cheaper one.</text></item><item><author>Faaak</author><text>As a repair café volunteer, I&amp;#x27;ve found two drawbacks to being a volunteer&amp;#x2F;having repair cafés:&lt;p&gt;- A small subset of people buy shitty products (1$ bicycle lamps, lights, cheap-as-shit appliances like clocks, hoovers, …). I have no problem fixing stuff, and showing them how to fix stuff, but I always refuse to try to repair really cheap stuff. It&amp;#x27;s not even repairing at this point, but more sticking it back together. When this case happens, I explain in good term that they should buy a slightly better quality next time; it&amp;#x27;ll last them longer&lt;p&gt;- these cafés attract in general &amp;quot;alternative&amp;quot; people. I&amp;#x27;ve got no problem with that, but I&amp;#x27;m a bit fed up with conspirationists, anti-nuclear, really left-wing people.&lt;p&gt;But in general, it&amp;#x27;s a really rewarding experience !</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>meow1032</author><text>This quote gets posted over and over ad nauseum on reddit and HackerNews and always seems to just get accepted as truth, but realistically the entire theory depends on the relative numbers between the two things being compared. The theory makes no sense if good boots cost 5x as much as shitty boots but only last 2x as long.&lt;p&gt;If the cost of most things depended only on quality then I&amp;#x27;d find it more convincing, but especially when we&amp;#x27;re talking about consumer electronics, things like brand reputation, novelty, and user perception matter a lot.</text></comment>
<story><title>Repair cafés waging war on throwaway culture</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>wizardforhire</author><text>&amp;gt;Sam Vimes is also renowned for his &amp;quot;Boots Theory of socio-economic unfairness&amp;quot;, as posited in Men at Arms:&lt;p&gt;The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles.&lt;p&gt;But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that&amp;#x27;d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years&amp;#x27; time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.&lt;p&gt;This was the Captain Samuel Vimes &amp;#x27;Boots&amp;#x27; theory of socioeconomic unfairness. Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Sam_Vimes#Boots_theory_of_socio-economic_unfairness&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Sam_Vimes#Boots_theory_of_soci...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item><item><author>danans</author><text>&amp;gt; A small subset of people buy shitty products (1$ bicycle lamps, lights, cheap-as-shit appliances like clocks, hoovers&lt;p&gt;This is not so surprising if you consider that both the desire to repair and the tendency to buy less expensive things can be driven by the overall drive to spend less, perhaps due to personal financial circumstances.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s a well understood phenomenon that people bias the financial short term over the long term in quick decisions.&lt;p&gt;EDIT: In addition, many times, the higher quality option for a given type of product is many times more expensive than the &amp;quot;cheap&amp;quot; option, due to things like market segmentation. Given the lack of higher quality middle-priced option, it&amp;#x27;s pretty rational for people to choose the cheaper one.</text></item><item><author>Faaak</author><text>As a repair café volunteer, I&amp;#x27;ve found two drawbacks to being a volunteer&amp;#x2F;having repair cafés:&lt;p&gt;- A small subset of people buy shitty products (1$ bicycle lamps, lights, cheap-as-shit appliances like clocks, hoovers, …). I have no problem fixing stuff, and showing them how to fix stuff, but I always refuse to try to repair really cheap stuff. It&amp;#x27;s not even repairing at this point, but more sticking it back together. When this case happens, I explain in good term that they should buy a slightly better quality next time; it&amp;#x27;ll last them longer&lt;p&gt;- these cafés attract in general &amp;quot;alternative&amp;quot; people. I&amp;#x27;ve got no problem with that, but I&amp;#x27;m a bit fed up with conspirationists, anti-nuclear, really left-wing people.&lt;p&gt;But in general, it&amp;#x27;s a really rewarding experience !</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>taeric</author><text>I like this suspicion, but I don&amp;#x27;t buy into anymore. I think there is a floor to quality. However, even what we call cheap quality shoes nowdays are typically above the quality of what you used to be able to get many places, period.&lt;p&gt;More, if you want shoes to last a long time, I have found nothing beats having multiple sets and &lt;i&gt;not&lt;/i&gt; wearing the same shoes constantly. I have not empirically studies this, though. So, if anyone has, I&amp;#x27;d be delighted to see the results. I just know that if I buy an expensive set of shoes for me, they last about 6 months if I constantly wear them. I can, of course, resole them. But they are not magically doing better than the cheaper shoes I can also buy. Rotating shoes so that I wear a different set day to day makes a huge difference in how long they last.</text></comment>
<story><title>Neutral Swiss poised to freeze Russian assets – president</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>aemreunal</author><text>&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;baj7M&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;baj7M&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Neutral Swiss poised to freeze Russian assets – president</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>kaycebasques</author><text>Regardless of politics I think it&amp;#x27;s objective to say we&amp;#x27;re seeing a major increase in the weaponization of the global financial system. Perhaps the most important second order effect (assuming&amp;#x2F;praying that the war ends very soon) is a faster de-dollarization in China.&lt;p&gt;A question: does Switzerland have any prior precedent of actions like this? I thought they were neutral?</text></comment>
<story><title>Ask HN: Has anyone managed to find enjoyment in their work after burnout?</title><text>Sorry for the mini-rant, I’m just a bit lost at the moment. I don’t know whether it’s worth looking at changing careers, trying to stick with it or something else I haven’t thought of. I’ve been working in the industry for 14 years and feel like I’m old and jaded. I got a bit burnt out a couple of years ago working 70-hour weeks and haven’t been able to bounce back since. Now, whenever I’m coding, it just feels like an enormous effort to get anything done. I’ve tried to work on different projects and things that are more in line with my interests, but that hasn’t really seemed to help. I’ve worked in various management roles over the years and have been drawn more towards that side of things at the moment, mainly because it isn’t coding. I feel like I’m average at best as a manager, but I have ASD so there are a few aspects of it that I really struggle with. I feel like I could work on these aspects, but it will always be draining and it will never be easy the way coding used to be. The other problem with management is that most people want you in-house for that, whereas I enjoy the freedom of contracting.&lt;p&gt;Has anyone come back from being burnt out to love what they do again? If so, how did you manage to do it?</text></story><parent_chain><item><author>Waterluvian</author><text>Kind of this.&lt;p&gt;I don&amp;#x27;t think it&amp;#x27;s &amp;quot;care less&amp;quot; but I think it&amp;#x27;s &amp;quot;care appropriately for 40 hours a week.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;The concept of &amp;quot;quiet quitting&amp;quot; is a shameful, panicky fraud perpetuated by the power holders in the industry that see their power slipping. &amp;quot;Quiet quitting&amp;quot; has been known as &amp;quot;work to rule&amp;quot; or &amp;quot;fulfilling a contract.&amp;quot; My paystub says 40 hours. My original contract says nothing about overtime. I&amp;#x27;m not quiet quitting, I&amp;#x27;m doing my !@#$ing job.&lt;p&gt;By being STRICTLY limited to 40 hours, I can do my job at full strength, providing consistent results and quality. And then I&amp;#x27;m not so burned out that I go home and do whatever I please with my life. Sometimes that&amp;#x27;s more coding for me!&lt;p&gt;My job is a side quest, not a main quest.</text></item><item><author>highwaylights</author><text>This advice is going to be hated by a lot of people but.. care less.&lt;p&gt;You’re in an industry that values your skills and seems to always have demand. Whether or not that’s true in the future, it certainly is &lt;i&gt;today&lt;/i&gt;, so the best thing you can do is put yourself first and worry less about work as a whole. Especially if it’s not your own company.&lt;p&gt;Spend more time on you, on activities with friends and family, on hobbies. If you don’t have particularly healthy hobbies, maybe start some. Getting &lt;i&gt;away&lt;/i&gt; from your work more and more will make it all the more bearable.&lt;p&gt;These days work is close to the bottom of my list of concerns, which sounds really bad - BUT - I find I’m more productive than I’ve been in years &lt;i&gt;because&lt;/i&gt; I’m not worrying if something takes longer than expected or is bigger than I realised. I can just enjoy the problem solving and shipping without the stress.&lt;p&gt;If you’re burned out this badly I’d suggest it’s your soul’s way of telling yourself “hey this isn’t working for me”. As someone who has been to some pretty messed up depths with the anxiety monster, I’d heed that voice. Life isn’t long enough to stay stuck in a rut like this for any amount of time at all.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>tapanjk</author><text>&amp;gt; My job is a side quest, not a main quest.&lt;p&gt;Even if it were your main quest, I think the strategy you outline is worth following. Going all out is what causes burnout, and that applies to whether you are working for yourself or for someone else, and also whether you are working a job or working on your passion.&lt;p&gt;A career is like an ultra marathon -- maintain a sustainable pace, and run with people you like to spend time with.</text></comment>
<story><title>Ask HN: Has anyone managed to find enjoyment in their work after burnout?</title><text>Sorry for the mini-rant, I’m just a bit lost at the moment. I don’t know whether it’s worth looking at changing careers, trying to stick with it or something else I haven’t thought of. I’ve been working in the industry for 14 years and feel like I’m old and jaded. I got a bit burnt out a couple of years ago working 70-hour weeks and haven’t been able to bounce back since. Now, whenever I’m coding, it just feels like an enormous effort to get anything done. I’ve tried to work on different projects and things that are more in line with my interests, but that hasn’t really seemed to help. I’ve worked in various management roles over the years and have been drawn more towards that side of things at the moment, mainly because it isn’t coding. I feel like I’m average at best as a manager, but I have ASD so there are a few aspects of it that I really struggle with. I feel like I could work on these aspects, but it will always be draining and it will never be easy the way coding used to be. The other problem with management is that most people want you in-house for that, whereas I enjoy the freedom of contracting.&lt;p&gt;Has anyone come back from being burnt out to love what they do again? If so, how did you manage to do it?</text></story><parent_chain><item><author>Waterluvian</author><text>Kind of this.&lt;p&gt;I don&amp;#x27;t think it&amp;#x27;s &amp;quot;care less&amp;quot; but I think it&amp;#x27;s &amp;quot;care appropriately for 40 hours a week.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;The concept of &amp;quot;quiet quitting&amp;quot; is a shameful, panicky fraud perpetuated by the power holders in the industry that see their power slipping. &amp;quot;Quiet quitting&amp;quot; has been known as &amp;quot;work to rule&amp;quot; or &amp;quot;fulfilling a contract.&amp;quot; My paystub says 40 hours. My original contract says nothing about overtime. I&amp;#x27;m not quiet quitting, I&amp;#x27;m doing my !@#$ing job.&lt;p&gt;By being STRICTLY limited to 40 hours, I can do my job at full strength, providing consistent results and quality. And then I&amp;#x27;m not so burned out that I go home and do whatever I please with my life. Sometimes that&amp;#x27;s more coding for me!&lt;p&gt;My job is a side quest, not a main quest.</text></item><item><author>highwaylights</author><text>This advice is going to be hated by a lot of people but.. care less.&lt;p&gt;You’re in an industry that values your skills and seems to always have demand. Whether or not that’s true in the future, it certainly is &lt;i&gt;today&lt;/i&gt;, so the best thing you can do is put yourself first and worry less about work as a whole. Especially if it’s not your own company.&lt;p&gt;Spend more time on you, on activities with friends and family, on hobbies. If you don’t have particularly healthy hobbies, maybe start some. Getting &lt;i&gt;away&lt;/i&gt; from your work more and more will make it all the more bearable.&lt;p&gt;These days work is close to the bottom of my list of concerns, which sounds really bad - BUT - I find I’m more productive than I’ve been in years &lt;i&gt;because&lt;/i&gt; I’m not worrying if something takes longer than expected or is bigger than I realised. I can just enjoy the problem solving and shipping without the stress.&lt;p&gt;If you’re burned out this badly I’d suggest it’s your soul’s way of telling yourself “hey this isn’t working for me”. As someone who has been to some pretty messed up depths with the anxiety monster, I’d heed that voice. Life isn’t long enough to stay stuck in a rut like this for any amount of time at all.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>coldpie</author><text>And definitely do not put any kind of work contact on your phone. If people are texting your private number, ignore it until you are back on the clock, or even consider blocking them. If you&amp;#x27;re not on the clock, you&amp;#x27;re not reachable. If they want you reachable, that&amp;#x27;s called &amp;quot;being on call&amp;quot; and is a separate negotiation involving higher wages and agreed-upon hours.</text></comment>
<story><title>The blind man who taught himself to see</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>tc</author><text>&quot;Running into a pole is a drag, but never being allowed to run into a pole is a disaster,&quot; he writes. &quot;Pain is part of the price of freedom.&quot;&lt;p&gt;&lt;i&gt;Pain is part of the price of freedom.&lt;/i&gt; That&apos;s a truth that could use to be applied more widely.</text></comment>
<story><title>The blind man who taught himself to see</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>aplusbi</author><text>Here&apos;s a teenager who could do the same thing: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;The video is from when he was 14, he died from cancer at 16.</text></comment>
<story><title>Marilyn vos Savant and the Monty Hall Problem (2015)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>NoboruWataya</author><text>Wow, I knew about the problem and was vaguely aware that it had generated some controversy amongst statisticians but I had no idea about the insanely arrogant and obnoxious (not to mention wrong) abuse Marilyn had received from the &amp;quot;intellectual elite&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;I have little sympathy for the &amp;quot;ambiguous question&amp;quot; defence. Not only is Marilyn&amp;#x27;s interpretation grammatically valid, it just wouldn&amp;#x27;t make sense in the context of the game show for the presenter (who knows where the goats are) to ever open a door to reveal the car and give you the option to switch. The game would be reduced to &amp;quot;does Monty feel like gifting you a car or a goat today&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;Furthermore, Marilyn&amp;#x27;s own explanation of her answer makes it very clear that &lt;i&gt;she&lt;/i&gt; interpreted the question as meaning that the presenter will only ever open goat doors. And all the attacks seem to focus on her grasp of the math rather than her interpretation of the problem question.&lt;p&gt;To be clear, I think it&amp;#x27;s perfectly reasonable for a person to interpret the problem the other way without thinking too much about it, and casually throw out an incorrect answer. But I would expect an academic to devote at least another 30 seconds of thought to the problem before publicly excoriating a woman known for her high intelligence.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>HarHarVeryFunny</author><text>I think the problem statement is clear, and is independent of how the TV show actually operated.&lt;p&gt;The problem posed is that you have three closed doors, behind one of which is a car, and behind the other two are goats. You get to pick one of the closed doors, and will win whatever is behind it (you want the car).&lt;p&gt;One of the doors you did not pick is now opened, revealing a goat. You therefore now know the car is either behind the door you picked or behind the other closed door.&lt;p&gt;In this setup, the question is: if offered the chance to switch your selection from the door you initially picked to the other closed door, should you switch? Does it make a difference?&lt;p&gt;Mariyln Vos Savant said switch. The peanut gallery (some statisticians who should have known better) said it makes no difference - with two doors left you&amp;#x27;ve got a 50&amp;#x2F;50 chance of winning the car whether you switch or not.&lt;p&gt;First off, you can run multiple simulations of the game (with random positions of the goats and car), and prove for yourself that always switching is a better strategy, so it&amp;#x27;s sad that anyone would insist that it&amp;#x27;s not, even if that &lt;i&gt;seems&lt;/i&gt; logical.&lt;p&gt;The simplest way to explain why switching is the correct strategy is this:&lt;p&gt;When you make your initial selection, you have:&lt;p&gt;a) A 1&amp;#x2F;3 chance of selecting the car, and&lt;p&gt;b) A 2&amp;#x2F;3 chance of selecting one of the two goats&lt;p&gt;So, 1&amp;#x2F;3 of the time you selected the car and will therefore lose if you switch, and 2&amp;#x2F;3 of the time you selected a goat and will therefore win if you switch. Switching will therefore be a winning strategy 2&amp;#x2F;3 of the time.</text></comment>
<story><title>Marilyn vos Savant and the Monty Hall Problem (2015)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>NoboruWataya</author><text>Wow, I knew about the problem and was vaguely aware that it had generated some controversy amongst statisticians but I had no idea about the insanely arrogant and obnoxious (not to mention wrong) abuse Marilyn had received from the &amp;quot;intellectual elite&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;I have little sympathy for the &amp;quot;ambiguous question&amp;quot; defence. Not only is Marilyn&amp;#x27;s interpretation grammatically valid, it just wouldn&amp;#x27;t make sense in the context of the game show for the presenter (who knows where the goats are) to ever open a door to reveal the car and give you the option to switch. The game would be reduced to &amp;quot;does Monty feel like gifting you a car or a goat today&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;Furthermore, Marilyn&amp;#x27;s own explanation of her answer makes it very clear that &lt;i&gt;she&lt;/i&gt; interpreted the question as meaning that the presenter will only ever open goat doors. And all the attacks seem to focus on her grasp of the math rather than her interpretation of the problem question.&lt;p&gt;To be clear, I think it&amp;#x27;s perfectly reasonable for a person to interpret the problem the other way without thinking too much about it, and casually throw out an incorrect answer. But I would expect an academic to devote at least another 30 seconds of thought to the problem before publicly excoriating a woman known for her high intelligence.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>lucas_membrane</author><text>&amp;gt;&amp;gt; The game would be reduced to &amp;quot;does Monty feel like gifting you a car or a goat today&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;But, in fact, that is the way the real show worked. He was more likely to give you a car when he hadn&amp;#x27;t given away any cars for a while. And Marilyn&amp;#x27;s description of the problem included no information about whether or not Monty offered to swap doors rarely, frequently, or always, or about the previously observed outcomes depending on whether or not the contestant took the bait. And she surely did not say that Monty was a robot and had no interest in what happened on his show.&lt;p&gt;The way the game actually worked is like how poker and life work until proven otherwise. Every high-stakes game has a sucker, and if you do not know who is the sucker, it is you. Read the story in which a NY Times reporter interviewed Monty about the controversy and you will learn how it really worked.</text></comment>
<story><title>Domain Repetition</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>ianthehenry</author><text>If you aren&amp;#x27;t familiar with SDFs, some rough intuition for what&amp;#x27;s going on here: you have some primitive functions that define shapes, you have combinators that distort shapes, and you then have combinators that distort &lt;i&gt;space&lt;/i&gt;. And then when you trace rays through distorted space, you render an image that &lt;i&gt;looks&lt;/i&gt; like your combinators distorted the shapes themselves, but really you&amp;#x27;re distorting the path that your rays travel along.&lt;p&gt;The operation here is that you distort space with the &lt;i&gt;modulo&lt;/i&gt; operator. So now you have space that repeats -- and when you trace rays through this repeated space, you&amp;#x27;re basically teleporting the rays back to the origin (using mod in the classic &amp;quot;wrapping around&amp;quot; fashion) every time they pass out of a section of space.&lt;p&gt;And then ultimately the ray will collide with the shape -- the one shape -- that exists in this distorted space, after wrapping around some number of times.&lt;p&gt;If the idea of &amp;quot;taking the mod of space&amp;quot; is intriguing, I would encourage you to try playing with SDFs! It&amp;#x27;s a really incredible technique for real-time rendering of &amp;quot;3D vector graphics.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;Also shameless plug for my SDF playground &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow noreferrer&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt;, and an example program that uses instanced repetition to render an &amp;quot;infinite&amp;quot; number of varying shapes:&lt;p&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt; (tile [400 0 300] (fn [i] (torus :z 60 30 | twist :y (sin (t + (hash i * 10)) * 0.05) | rotate :pi :y (t * hash i) :z 0.05 | move :x 50 | mirror :r 10 :x | fresnel | slow 0.5))) &lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt; Obviously a lot less compelling than the author&amp;#x27;s examples...</text></comment>
<story><title>Domain Repetition</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>Liquix</author><text>&amp;quot;The Timeless&amp;quot; [0] is an example of what can be achieved with domain repetition over signed distance functions - the video is of a self-contained 64kb executable running in realtime! One of the authors Johann &amp;quot;Cupe&amp;quot; Korndörfer also gave a great talk [1] regarding the creative&amp;#x2F;development process.&lt;p&gt;[0] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=ie4u2i_5OdE&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow noreferrer&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=ie4u2i_5OdE&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=s8nFqwOho-s&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow noreferrer&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=s8nFqwOho-s&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Amazon to Acquire Whole Foods for $13.7B</title><url>;utm_content=business&amp;utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&amp;utm_source=twitter&amp;utm_medium=social</url></story><parent_chain><item><author>AndrewDucker</author><text>&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;dkberman&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;875701677504024576&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;dkberman&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;875701677504024576&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Amazon did not just buy Whole Foods grocery stores. It bought 431 upper-income, prime-location distribution nodes for everything it does.&amp;quot;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>steego</author><text>Meh.&lt;p&gt;This deal is about expansion, not about tapping into 431 measly location. Amazon knows they can set up satellite warehouses a lot faster and cheaper than they can create a store.&lt;p&gt;Let&amp;#x27;s be clear. Whole Foods is not a commodity food supplier. They enjoy high margins because they have cultivated quality and consciousness into their products. They did to food what Apple did to computers. They added the right mix of intangibles with a sense of mission and purpose that people can many buy into. Add on top of that, and Whole Foods adds an expertise procuring a catalog of high-end suppliers for both packages and fresh foods and the safe handling of those foods.&lt;p&gt;This deal should significantly improve Amazon&amp;#x27;s food delivery offerings. As a food snob and target demographic, I can say this will significantly improve my chances of using Amazon&amp;#x27;s food delivery service. I&amp;#x27;ve used it in the past, but wasn&amp;#x27;t satisfied because I was disappointed with the quality and selection. It wasn&amp;#x27;t bad, it just wasn&amp;#x27;t great.&lt;p&gt;I suspect most people will not be willing to buy the high-end products, but that&amp;#x27;s not the point. The point is the high-end&amp;#x2F;high-margin products will be available so shoppers won&amp;#x27;t have to go out and do supplementary shopping to get the &amp;quot;good stuff&amp;quot;. If online grocery shopping is going to become viable, they need to make sure they reduce the need for supplementary shopping as much as possible. Having a leg and data from a real grocery store will help them figure out what they need to do to improve.</text></comment>
<story><title>Amazon to Acquire Whole Foods for $13.7B</title><url>;utm_content=business&amp;utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&amp;utm_source=twitter&amp;utm_medium=social</url></story><parent_chain><item><author>AndrewDucker</author><text>&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;dkberman&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;875701677504024576&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;dkberman&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;875701677504024576&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Amazon did not just buy Whole Foods grocery stores. It bought 431 upper-income, prime-location distribution nodes for everything it does.&amp;quot;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>maxerickson</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t think that is right, Whole Foods stores are already full They don&amp;#x27;t have room for hundreds of additional products, never mind tens of thousands.</text></comment>
<story><title>Massachusetts to tax ride-hailing apps, give the money to taxis</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>dsacco</author><text>I like your comment as a contribution to discussion, but I&amp;#x27;d like to see a dialectic about why income inequality increasing is bad, in of itself.&lt;p&gt;I see this implied quite a bit on Hacker News. Usually something along the lines of, &amp;quot;But doing this will increase income inequality&amp;quot; stated as a counterpoint.&lt;p&gt;If overall quality of life increases, I am personally unconcerned with income inequality. I haven&amp;#x27;t seen definitive evidence that income inequality is itself a bad thing if it is a byproduct of capitalist processes that are improving life for basically every measurable metric.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m not saying we should dismiss it, but I&amp;#x27;d like to engage in more consideration rather than make it a boogeyman.</text></item><item><author>acidburnNSA</author><text>I mostly agree with you, and I would have wholeheartedly agreed with you 2 weeks ago, but I just read a book (&amp;quot;Listen, Liberal&amp;quot; by Thomas Frank) that makes some interesting points about how liberals have shifted from representing working people to representing professionals, and to worshiping innovation. While free trade and disruptive technology is good for the professional class, it inherently increases inequality.&lt;p&gt;Frank argues that after the liberal shift, &amp;quot;everyone&amp;quot; now agrees to these pro-business, pro-Wall Street policies, but we don&amp;#x27;t have to allow rapid disruption freely. We could do what Massachusetts is doing. We could have tariffs and bring manufacturing back. Policy can prevent the inevitable.&lt;p&gt;I learned about the book while vigorously researching Trump&amp;#x27;s rise to popularity during the primaries. I personally can&amp;#x27;t wait for self-driving cars, etc., but I think someone needs to be thinking of the swaths of working people who are afraid of losing their jobs.&lt;p&gt;I know lots of working people. Many of them don&amp;#x27;t want to go back to school or get technical training. Many of them don&amp;#x27;t want to start the next big company. They just want to work their job and go hang out with their family. What do we tell the taxi and truck drivers when Uber shows up with self-drivers, etc.?&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m new to this line of thinking myself and I know there are lots of counterarguments. I just find it worth a ponder.</text></item><item><author>rev_bird</author><text>This is a pretty surreal move:&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt;The law says the money will help taxi businesses to adopt &amp;quot;new technologies and advanced service, safety and operational capabilities&amp;quot; and to support workforce development... [Larry Meister, manager of the Boston area&amp;#x27;s Independent Taxi Operator&amp;#x27;s Association] said the money could go toward improving a smartphone app his association has started using, or to other big needs.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m not an anti-regulation guy most of the time, but this doesn&amp;#x27;t even seem like regulation -- they&amp;#x27;re &lt;i&gt;literally giving money&lt;/i&gt; to a fading industry because they are incapable of keeping up. I don&amp;#x27;t want to see cab drivers turn into homeless drifters, but this just seems wrong.&lt;p&gt;Making a more efficient competitor pay to help taxi companies make their service better? The whole reason these companies exist is because taxi companies have been utter garbage for years and got the government to elbow out competitors. Am I missing something? Surely the burden for &amp;quot;do things better and buy nicer equipment&amp;quot; falls on the taxi companies, not the other organizations that are embarrassing them.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>HillRat</author><text>&amp;gt;I&amp;#x27;d like to see a dialectic about why income inequality increasing is bad, in of itself.&lt;p&gt;One main issue is that income inequality decreases socioeconomic mobility by inflating the cost of scarce goods that improve earnings capabilities. So 4K TVs are cheaper but college tuition becomes unaffordable, because good universities and grad programs are valuable, scarce goods that the wealthy can outbid everyone else on.&lt;p&gt;Policies that aggressively expand capacity and defray costs, such as post-WW2 expansions of universities and the GI bill, can ameliorate this by shifting monies down the socioeconomic ladder via taxation, but high levels of inequality also lead to a powerful political interest group that generally seeks to reduce tax rates that affect them.&lt;p&gt;There&amp;#x27;s also the more general economic argument that high levels of inequality are economically inefficient since they result in a lower average marginal propensity to consume, but that&amp;#x27;s not so much &amp;quot;bad&amp;quot; as &amp;quot;could be better and provide greater macro stability.&amp;quot;</text></comment>
<story><title>Massachusetts to tax ride-hailing apps, give the money to taxis</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>dsacco</author><text>I like your comment as a contribution to discussion, but I&amp;#x27;d like to see a dialectic about why income inequality increasing is bad, in of itself.&lt;p&gt;I see this implied quite a bit on Hacker News. Usually something along the lines of, &amp;quot;But doing this will increase income inequality&amp;quot; stated as a counterpoint.&lt;p&gt;If overall quality of life increases, I am personally unconcerned with income inequality. I haven&amp;#x27;t seen definitive evidence that income inequality is itself a bad thing if it is a byproduct of capitalist processes that are improving life for basically every measurable metric.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m not saying we should dismiss it, but I&amp;#x27;d like to engage in more consideration rather than make it a boogeyman.</text></item><item><author>acidburnNSA</author><text>I mostly agree with you, and I would have wholeheartedly agreed with you 2 weeks ago, but I just read a book (&amp;quot;Listen, Liberal&amp;quot; by Thomas Frank) that makes some interesting points about how liberals have shifted from representing working people to representing professionals, and to worshiping innovation. While free trade and disruptive technology is good for the professional class, it inherently increases inequality.&lt;p&gt;Frank argues that after the liberal shift, &amp;quot;everyone&amp;quot; now agrees to these pro-business, pro-Wall Street policies, but we don&amp;#x27;t have to allow rapid disruption freely. We could do what Massachusetts is doing. We could have tariffs and bring manufacturing back. Policy can prevent the inevitable.&lt;p&gt;I learned about the book while vigorously researching Trump&amp;#x27;s rise to popularity during the primaries. I personally can&amp;#x27;t wait for self-driving cars, etc., but I think someone needs to be thinking of the swaths of working people who are afraid of losing their jobs.&lt;p&gt;I know lots of working people. Many of them don&amp;#x27;t want to go back to school or get technical training. Many of them don&amp;#x27;t want to start the next big company. They just want to work their job and go hang out with their family. What do we tell the taxi and truck drivers when Uber shows up with self-drivers, etc.?&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m new to this line of thinking myself and I know there are lots of counterarguments. I just find it worth a ponder.</text></item><item><author>rev_bird</author><text>This is a pretty surreal move:&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt;The law says the money will help taxi businesses to adopt &amp;quot;new technologies and advanced service, safety and operational capabilities&amp;quot; and to support workforce development... [Larry Meister, manager of the Boston area&amp;#x27;s Independent Taxi Operator&amp;#x27;s Association] said the money could go toward improving a smartphone app his association has started using, or to other big needs.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m not an anti-regulation guy most of the time, but this doesn&amp;#x27;t even seem like regulation -- they&amp;#x27;re &lt;i&gt;literally giving money&lt;/i&gt; to a fading industry because they are incapable of keeping up. I don&amp;#x27;t want to see cab drivers turn into homeless drifters, but this just seems wrong.&lt;p&gt;Making a more efficient competitor pay to help taxi companies make their service better? The whole reason these companies exist is because taxi companies have been utter garbage for years and got the government to elbow out competitors. Am I missing something? Surely the burden for &amp;quot;do things better and buy nicer equipment&amp;quot; falls on the taxi companies, not the other organizations that are embarrassing them.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>pcl</author><text>&lt;i&gt;&amp;quot;Overall quality of life&amp;quot;&lt;/i&gt; can mean a lot of different things, depending on how you measure. Do you mean the arithmetic mean, the median, the quality of life of all members of the population, or something else? And while we&amp;#x27;re at it, it&amp;#x27;s worth considering how &lt;i&gt;the population&lt;/i&gt; is defined -- all Americans? All westerners? All humans?&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ve found that the appropriate answers tend to differ considerably depending on these definitions, and there is nowhere near a consensus for which is the right one to strive for.</text></comment>
<story><title>System memory allocator free operation zeroes out deallocated blocks in iOS 16</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>cesarb</author><text>I wonder how long until programs start to accidentally depend on it, the same way some programs currently accidentally depend on freeing memory not immediately overwriting it.&lt;p&gt;For instance, I can imagine a program which accidentally follows a dangling pointer to an already freed structure, and reads another pointer from within that structure, not crashing because it ends up checking this later pointer against NULL... until the stars align and the memory used by the freed structure has been returned to the operating system, or overwritten by a later allocation.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>pjscott</author><text>I urge anybody using a C family language to become familiar with AddressSanitizer [1], a tool that (with support from the compiler) detects an impressive variety of memory bugs at runtime. The scenario you describe would result in the program immediately crashing with a read-after-free error, along with stack traces for the most recent calls to malloc and free that involved that address. It&amp;#x27;s remarkably useful and straightforward, and Apple&amp;#x27;s tooling has good support for it, along with Xcode integration [2].&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;docs&amp;#x2F;AddressSanitizer.html&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;docs&amp;#x2F;AddressSanitizer.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[2] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;documentation&amp;#x2F;xcode&amp;#x2F;diagnosing-memory-thread-and-crash-issues-early&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;documentation&amp;#x2F;xcode&amp;#x2F;diagnosing-m...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>System memory allocator free operation zeroes out deallocated blocks in iOS 16</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>cesarb</author><text>I wonder how long until programs start to accidentally depend on it, the same way some programs currently accidentally depend on freeing memory not immediately overwriting it.&lt;p&gt;For instance, I can imagine a program which accidentally follows a dangling pointer to an already freed structure, and reads another pointer from within that structure, not crashing because it ends up checking this later pointer against NULL... until the stars align and the memory used by the freed structure has been returned to the operating system, or overwritten by a later allocation.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>tlb</author><text>On Mac, malloc has several options to help find such bugs. If you set MallocScribble=1 in the environment, it fills blocks with 0xaa on alloc and 0x55 on free.&lt;p&gt;On Linux, running `env MALLOC_PERTURB_=43605 myprogram` will do the same.</text></comment>
<story><title>Is Bandcamp the Holy Grail of Online Record Stores?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>Daiz</author><text>I love Bandcamp for the simple reason that they&amp;#x27;re one of the few very few music stores that digital distribution right according to my standards - for music, this means lossless &amp;amp; DRM-free by default, ie. the same thing physical CDs offer (and Bandcamp makes things even more convenient by allowing you to download in several formats, both lossy and lossless, according to your preferences). While DRM isn&amp;#x27;t usually an issue with digital music purchases today, way too many stores still offer lossy by default, with lossless requiring either paying extra or - even worse - simply not being available at all.&lt;p&gt;It really is sad how often legal digital products are inferior in quality to their physical versions, even though with digital you could pretty much always offer more than what the physical formats allow.&lt;p&gt;Also, another common scourge of digital distribution that Bandcamp &lt;i&gt;doesn&amp;#x27;t&lt;/i&gt; suffer from: region locking. They don&amp;#x27;t support it and don&amp;#x27;t intend to do so either: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;help&amp;#x2F;selling#region&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;help&amp;#x2F;selling#region&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Is Bandcamp the Holy Grail of Online Record Stores?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>orng</author><text>Bandcamp is the only place I buy music online. They just seem so honest: Fair pay for musicians; free streaming prior to purchase; drm-free multiple formats, including FLAC. They don&amp;#x27;t even try to make it hard to rip mp3s from the streams, they have just focus on providing an amazing product which the consumers (hopefully) recognize as deserving of their money.&lt;p&gt;My only complaint is poor support for finding music by bands if they have released records with more than one publisher. For instance searching for my favorite band Shining returns a page[1] with 4 of their albums, but their best album: Halmstad is found is released by osmoseproductions and thus found on their page [2].&lt;p&gt;1: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt; 2: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;album&amp;#x2F;v-halmstad&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;album&amp;#x2F;v-halmstad&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Burger King TV Ad Asks, Hoping Google Home Devices Answer</title><url>;smtyp=cur&amp;_r=0</url></story><parent_chain><item><author>evan_</author><text>I guess this ruins my get-rich-quick scheme:&lt;p&gt;1. Publish an album with 1000 short, quiet tracks and a very unique name to all of the online streaming services&lt;p&gt;2. Buy ads on late-night television with a very clear voice that says &amp;quot;OK Google, play album &amp;lt;unique name&amp;gt;. Alexa, play album &amp;lt;unique name&amp;gt;. Hey Siri, play album &amp;lt;unique name&amp;gt;.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;3. Rack up the fraction-of-a-penny residuals as my songs play to people who&amp;#x27;ve fallen asleep with the television on!</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>bherms</author><text>A (very awesome) band called Vulfpeck actually ran an experiment where they released an album called &amp;quot;Sleepify&amp;quot; that contained then 30 second silent tracks and asked all of their supporters to stream the album on repeat nightly. Their idea was to do this long enough to be able to fund a free tour. If I remember correctly, they ended up netting like $35,000 or something from this before Spotify removed the album.</text></comment>
<story><title>Burger King TV Ad Asks, Hoping Google Home Devices Answer</title><url>;smtyp=cur&amp;_r=0</url></story><parent_chain><item><author>evan_</author><text>I guess this ruins my get-rich-quick scheme:&lt;p&gt;1. Publish an album with 1000 short, quiet tracks and a very unique name to all of the online streaming services&lt;p&gt;2. Buy ads on late-night television with a very clear voice that says &amp;quot;OK Google, play album &amp;lt;unique name&amp;gt;. Alexa, play album &amp;lt;unique name&amp;gt;. Hey Siri, play album &amp;lt;unique name&amp;gt;.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;3. Rack up the fraction-of-a-penny residuals as my songs play to people who&amp;#x27;ve fallen asleep with the television on!</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>strstr</author><text>This could also be used to estimate how many people (with one of those devices) are actually watching your ad.</text></comment>
<story><title>Google paid $8B to make its apps default on Samsung phones</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>crowcroft</author><text>Between this and the payments to Apple, I wonder where Google would be if they invested another $30b into competing more aggressively... I guess these payments make sense if you believe you can&amp;#x27;t effectively deliver something good with that money.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>freedomben</author><text>&amp;gt; &lt;i&gt;I guess these payments make sense if you believe you can&amp;#x27;t effectively deliver something good with that money.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Or, if you believe that your product is already as good as money can buy (i.e. the brightest and highest paid engineers, with an unlimited R&amp;amp;D budget, and the law of the Mythical Man-Month as an upper constraint on team size), then the money is better used elsewhere to help the product. I don&amp;#x27;t know if this is what they believe, but it seems quite plausible to me.</text></comment>
<story><title>Google paid $8B to make its apps default on Samsung phones</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>crowcroft</author><text>Between this and the payments to Apple, I wonder where Google would be if they invested another $30b into competing more aggressively... I guess these payments make sense if you believe you can&amp;#x27;t effectively deliver something good with that money.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>maven29</author><text>Search result quality has been declining on Google since 2019. The web is increasingly turning into closed platform unindexable silos.&lt;p&gt;These payments aren&amp;#x27;t towards being the default, it&amp;#x27;s to ensure that search itself does not get replaced by a different paradigm.&lt;p&gt;You could argue that it is not a coincidence that the likes of Siri stagnated for so long, while we saw the rise of LLMs effectively resurrecting it elsewhere.</text></comment>
<story><title>The Macroeconomics of Chinese kleptocracy</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>cs702</author><text>There are a lot of things I don&apos;t understand about China&apos;s economy, and every time I think I might have a handle on it, I come across juicy tidbits like these ones:&lt;p&gt;* The ghost city of Ordos. Built &lt;i&gt;on spec&lt;/i&gt; for one million residents, this city sits empty in the middle of nowhere. A lot of money went into building all its plazas, museums, parks, office buildings, and residences, but no one needs or uses any of it.[1]&lt;p&gt;* The New South China Mall, in Guangdong Province. With nearly 10 million square feet of retail space, it&apos;s &lt;i&gt;by far&lt;/i&gt; the world&apos;s largest mall. Opened in 2005, almost no one ever visits it, and only around 1% of the retail space has been leased -- it just sits empty. A lot of money went into building it, but no one needs or uses it.[2]&lt;p&gt;* A well-known hedge fund manager recently reported that China is building &quot;2.8 billion square metres of Class A office space over the following couple of years... That’s basically a five-foot by five-foot office cubicle for every man, woman and child in China.” A lot of money is going into building &lt;i&gt;a new cubicle for everyone&lt;/i&gt;, but what&apos;s the economic rationale?[3]&lt;p&gt;[1] Here&apos;s a recent BBC article on it: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt; and a great photo essay in Time: &lt;a href=&quot;,29307,1975397,00.html&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;,29307,1975397,00.htm...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[2] Here&apos;s a recent video of the mall on a Saturday: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt; and here&apos;s an article about it: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[3] For example, see &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>The Macroeconomics of Chinese kleptocracy</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>ridruejo</author><text>John Hempton (the author of the blog) is awesome, thought the crap he has to deal with is usually not. I find his accounts fascinating, kind of an Australian Michael Lewis mini-me. You can take a look at another post from him of a couple of years ago taking a look at Linux/Windows/Apple &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Brave raises $35M in 1 min with ICO</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>Cshelton</author><text>All these ICO&amp;#x27;s have been avoiding any SEC regulation regarding private security sales by claiming the tokens are just a method to use&amp;#x2F;exchange services on their platform, not as an investment.&lt;p&gt;However, when ICO&amp;#x27;s like this one keep happening where only 100 &amp;quot;accounts&amp;quot; own 99% of the ICO offering, you pretty much lose that argument of the tokens only being there for use of the platform. It&amp;#x27;s a private security sale, and I only see one way this will end. The SEC will make a case out of one of the ICO&amp;#x27;s 100%. They do not take advertising to unaccredited investors lightly.&lt;p&gt;My only suggestion, if you are involved in any way with an ICO (developer, investor on the team pre-ICO, etc.), either get out of the U.S. now and&amp;#x2F;or make sure all operations are happening outside the U.S. I was almost involved with a company doing essentially what these ICO&amp;#x27;s are doing (not blockchain&amp;#x2F;crypto currencies), and fortunately I figured it out before being involved, but it did not end pretty for them. Like the IRS, the SEC&amp;#x2F;others will come down hard, not a matter of if at this point, it&amp;#x27;s when and who gets the beating first. They love making cases out of someone to set precedent.&lt;p&gt;With the general public playing into an overbought token market fueled by Asian countries for the most part, the regulators&amp;#x2F;SEC will come down extremely hard on this.&lt;p&gt;I think investing in Ethereum&amp;#x2F;Bitcoin is fine, just know what you&amp;#x27;re doing, record your cost basis for when you bought it. And seeing first hand what the IRS does to people who avoid paying taxes, just make your life easy, when you exchange back to a currency that is considered a currency by the IRS, just pay your capital gains on it and move on with life. The IRS will catch up and many people will go to jail for tax evasion. Don&amp;#x27;t be one of them. Obviously, all this only pertains to the U.S..&lt;p&gt;Also for fun, if you really want to see the hysteria around the Ethereum price right now, check out r&amp;#x2F;ethtrader&amp;#x2F; or even the Ethereum FB group. People are throwing their entire savings into this while not knowing anything about it besides everyone in the group hyping it up amongst themselves. It&amp;#x27;s really sad. Ethereum is now actively pumped heavily on MLM sites&amp;#x2F;blogs. It&amp;#x27;s beyond gross. I believe Ethereum is an amazing project and am worried that this hype fueled hysteria, once it collapses on itself, will give Ethereum a bad reputation. It is a great protocol.</text></comment>
<story><title>Brave raises $35M in 1 min with ICO</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>ummjackson</author><text>Ha, the top 100 holders own ~99% of the total token supply. Really poorly executed distribution model: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;token&amp;#x2F;tokenholderchart&amp;#x2F;BAT&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;token&amp;#x2F;tokenholderchart&amp;#x2F;BAT&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Video shows GOP fake elector giving &apos;unauthorized access&apos; to voting equipment</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>standardUser</author><text>We&amp;#x27;re going to hit a breaking point soon on faith in elections. We have poll workers refusing to work due to threats to their safety. We have an increasing number of candidates and elected officials who believe the last election was stolen in positions to override actual election results. We have an increasing number of people who want to &amp;quot;police&amp;quot; the polls (this one troubles me the most). And of course there&amp;#x27;s been a huge increase in restrictive and oftentimes convoluted voting laws that are going to confuse the hell out of people and result in many votes not being cast or counted.&lt;p&gt;We already have the majority of one party believing the last election as stolen despite a comprehensive lack of evidence. It won&amp;#x27;t take too many more people until a clear majority simply stop believing any election results are valid.</text></comment>
<story><title>Video shows GOP fake elector giving &apos;unauthorized access&apos; to voting equipment</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>wyldfire</author><text>Signed bootloaders, machines that print ballots which can be independently reviewed. Maybe even unannounced audits by manufacturer or federal election officials would be useful (if there were some election mechanics standards that existed, I suppose). We should be able to make it so that even if the equipment is not monitored minute-by-minute we can still be confident&lt;p&gt;Former Travis county clerk Dana DeBeauvoir teamed up w UT profs [1] to make voting more secure. let&amp;#x27;s roll out some standards across the country.&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;story&amp;#x2F;dana-debeauvoir-texas-county-clerk-voting-tech-revolution&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;story&amp;#x2F;dana-debeauvoir-texas-county-cle...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Capturing the Flag with GPT-4</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>cjbprime</author><text>Neat! My mind-blown moment with GPT-4 was realizing that it will often be able to tell you the &lt;i&gt;output&lt;/i&gt; of the (unique, not available in training data) scripts it writes for you.</text></comment>
<story><title>Capturing the Flag with GPT-4</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>yao420</author><text>I used it on the htb cyber apocalypse ctf a few weeks ago. It did phenomenal and I was able to get a ton of flags on the crypto and ML challenges I otherwise would not have even tried.</text></comment>
<story><title>A cautionary tale from the decline of SourceForge</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>raxxorraxor</author><text>Don&amp;#x27;t know if it was really community management or its architecture. But the incentives to monetize the site ever more aggressively is probably the most important factor.&lt;p&gt;Ads and bundling malware (here: unwanted software) with downloads won&amp;#x27;t be received very well. The malware even had a negative influence on projects themselves. Example I know of was filezilla, which many never used or trusted again.&lt;p&gt;I don&amp;#x27;t know if you can compare sourceforge with github because the former was also used by many to get ready-to-use binaries where github is more exclusive to developers and peers.</text></comment>
<story><title>A cautionary tale from the decline of SourceForge</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>jmwilson</author><text>Link to the cited paper, instead of a blurb written about the paper: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;doi&amp;#x2F;10.1002&amp;#x2F;spe.2874&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;doi&amp;#x2F;10.1002&amp;#x2F;spe.2874&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;doi&amp;#x2F;pdfdirect&amp;#x2F;10.1002&amp;#x2F;spe.2874?download=true&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;doi&amp;#x2F;pdfdirect&amp;#x2F;10.1002&amp;#x2F;spe.28...&lt;/a&gt; (PDF)</text></comment>
<story><title>What the Hell Was Modernism?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>hestipod</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t know if it&amp;#x27;s the same for everyone, but I know with age and I hope &amp;quot;maturity&amp;quot; I appreciate many more forms of art. Things I didn&amp;#x27;t have the life experience or emotional depth to grasp when I was younger can deeply impact me now. An example would be Mark Rothko&amp;#x27;s paintings. I would have said &amp;quot;pfft anyone can do that...just some stripes or blocks&amp;quot; when I was a kid, and probably did, but have recently rediscovered his work and absolutely love it. Same with a lot of poetry as you mentioned. I really regret not having more openness and ability to grasp these things before. I really wish I had more health and life stability, and the resultant time and means to explore and experience creative things.</text></item><item><author>bonecrusher2102</author><text>What a great read. I think that we see the same thing in poetry as well -- the inaccessible modernist expiriments with form, while interesting to insiders, is at its conclusion an esoteric pursuit.&lt;p&gt;I think that the turn back toward classical forms, towards a broader audience, and largely the turn inward (the self as the primary concern of the work, rather than it&amp;#x27;s form) really is a wonderful new wave across many genres, and makes for an wonderful time to be a consumer of art.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>puranjay</author><text>I never really understood modern art until I a) saw it in person, and b) saw it in the context of its time.&lt;p&gt;I was at the Hermitage museum in St Petersburg. I&amp;#x27;d done museum tour after museum tour in both Moscow and Petersburg. Nearly all of this art was classical&amp;#x2F;neo-classical or romantic, rococo, etc.&lt;p&gt;By the end of your 1000th neo-classical painting, you get exhausted of the sameness of the realistic style. The themes, colors, sensibilities all appear similar.&lt;p&gt;Then I walked into the modern and post-modern hall and there was a massive Matisse painting on the wall. The bright blue was such a revelation. You see a painting like that after 400 years worth of realistic painting style and it takes your breath away. It was particularly impactful when contrasted against the neoclassical architecture of the museum itself.&lt;p&gt;The worst way to appreciate modern and post modern art is on a computer screen. These things have to be experienced in person. For one, their sheer size can&amp;#x27;t be captured on screen. A 12&amp;#x27; x 10&amp;#x27; canvas has a visual impact that&amp;#x27;s not possible to replicate anywhere. Second, their experimental quality has to be contrasted against the dominant art forms of their time. Anyone can technically paint like Matisse. But they didn&amp;#x27;t.</text></comment>
<story><title>What the Hell Was Modernism?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>hestipod</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t know if it&amp;#x27;s the same for everyone, but I know with age and I hope &amp;quot;maturity&amp;quot; I appreciate many more forms of art. Things I didn&amp;#x27;t have the life experience or emotional depth to grasp when I was younger can deeply impact me now. An example would be Mark Rothko&amp;#x27;s paintings. I would have said &amp;quot;pfft anyone can do that...just some stripes or blocks&amp;quot; when I was a kid, and probably did, but have recently rediscovered his work and absolutely love it. Same with a lot of poetry as you mentioned. I really regret not having more openness and ability to grasp these things before. I really wish I had more health and life stability, and the resultant time and means to explore and experience creative things.</text></item><item><author>bonecrusher2102</author><text>What a great read. I think that we see the same thing in poetry as well -- the inaccessible modernist expiriments with form, while interesting to insiders, is at its conclusion an esoteric pursuit.&lt;p&gt;I think that the turn back toward classical forms, towards a broader audience, and largely the turn inward (the self as the primary concern of the work, rather than it&amp;#x27;s form) really is a wonderful new wave across many genres, and makes for an wonderful time to be a consumer of art.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>deogeo</author><text>&amp;gt; I really regret not having more openness and ability to grasp these things before.&lt;p&gt;Ironic - modern art has such a lack of this same openness, that the classic techniques it despises were nearly lost. It was not enough for modern art to be accepted - classical art had to be driven &lt;i&gt;out&lt;/i&gt; from contemporary galleries:&lt;p&gt;&lt;i&gt;The Slade school in London used to be world-famous for turning out fine British draftsmen. A distinguished British painter who taught at the Slade asked me, &amp;#x27;How did you learn how to do animation?&amp;#x27; I answered that I was lucky enough to have done a lot of life drawing at art school, so without realizing it I got the feeling for weight which is so vital to animation.&lt;p&gt;Then I said, &amp;#x27;What am I telling you for? You&amp;#x27;re teaching at the Slade and it&amp;#x27;s famous for its life drawing and excellent draftsmen.&amp;#x27;&lt;p&gt;&amp;#x27;If the students want to do that,&amp;#x27; he said, &amp;#x27;then they&amp;#x27;ve got to club together and hire themselves a model and do it in their own home.&amp;#x27; At first I thought he was joking - but no! Life drawing as a subject went out years ago. It wasn&amp;#x27;t even on the curriculum!&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;-- Animator&amp;#x27;s Survival Kit, page 32. &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;file&amp;#x2F;d&amp;#x2F;0B-OTUJDZcAzLcDhFbVN3TjdwUnc&amp;#x2F;view&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;file&amp;#x2F;d&amp;#x2F;0B-OTUJDZcAzLcDhFbVN3TjdwUnc&amp;#x2F;...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>China cracks down on religion, crosses burned at Christian churches</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>colechristensen</author><text>&amp;gt;People are happy where they’re at right now.&lt;p&gt;Are they though?</text></item><item><author>torgian</author><text>Yeah this is pretty on point. They don’t hate the religions, they just want to minimize any gatherings that could potentially set off a movement to up-end the current rule.&lt;p&gt;Funny thing is, a lot of students that I teach here talk about how they feel like they will have more freedoms in twenty years than they do now.&lt;p&gt;I’m doubtful. People are happy where they’re at right now. As long as that continues, China will do what China does.&lt;p&gt;I’m actually more surprised nothing has happened back in the States yet</text></item><item><author>mc32</author><text>It&amp;#x27;s simple. They cannot allow any ideology to subvert the party (CCP) ideology. They don&amp;#x27;t hate religion for the sake of hating religion. They don&amp;#x27;t hate FG&amp;#x2F;FD, Christians or Muslims (or Buddhists for that matter) for being who they are. They do hate and will remove anything which may subvert the supremacy of the state. Simple as that.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>mc32</author><text>They have experienced unrelenting growth for over 30 years and counting. Greatly improving their lives along the way. They are in a better place than ever before. Of course they are happy. More than anything, Chinese are pragmatic. will that continue into the future as the population ages? Remains to be seen.</text></comment>
<story><title>China cracks down on religion, crosses burned at Christian churches</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>colechristensen</author><text>&amp;gt;People are happy where they’re at right now.&lt;p&gt;Are they though?</text></item><item><author>torgian</author><text>Yeah this is pretty on point. They don’t hate the religions, they just want to minimize any gatherings that could potentially set off a movement to up-end the current rule.&lt;p&gt;Funny thing is, a lot of students that I teach here talk about how they feel like they will have more freedoms in twenty years than they do now.&lt;p&gt;I’m doubtful. People are happy where they’re at right now. As long as that continues, China will do what China does.&lt;p&gt;I’m actually more surprised nothing has happened back in the States yet</text></item><item><author>mc32</author><text>It&amp;#x27;s simple. They cannot allow any ideology to subvert the party (CCP) ideology. They don&amp;#x27;t hate religion for the sake of hating religion. They don&amp;#x27;t hate FG&amp;#x2F;FD, Christians or Muslims (or Buddhists for that matter) for being who they are. They do hate and will remove anything which may subvert the supremacy of the state. Simple as that.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>jessriedel</author><text>My anecdotal experience talking with Chinese nationals is that they basically approve of the government and would not choose to switch to democracy.</text></comment>
<story><title>YubiKey 4C</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>IgorPartola</author><text>Until these things work well with phones, I can&amp;#x27;t buy into them. I have a U2F key that I use as a shortcut for accessing things like Google&amp;#x27;s services. But I am sticking to always using either Google Authenticator or SMS, if it&amp;#x27;s available, as a primary option. When I am looking at a website in bed on my phone, and my YubiKey is in my laptop downstairs, I can&amp;#x27;t say I am happy that I can&amp;#x27;t access my account.&lt;p&gt;I think the form factor for these things is just wrong. I don&amp;#x27;t always have my keys with me. I do have my phone much more frequently. Even more frequently I have things like my Pebble. Maybe some kind of NFC interface with a wrist watch would be a better alternative.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>herpderperator</author><text>I use the Yubikey Neo with my phone via NFC to unlock my master password database which I use KeePass for. I wear my Yubikey on my necklace, tucked under my shirt and never remove it (it&amp;#x27;s waterproof, I shower with it.) I type my master password and just tap my phone to my chest to unlock.</text></comment>
<story><title>YubiKey 4C</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>IgorPartola</author><text>Until these things work well with phones, I can&amp;#x27;t buy into them. I have a U2F key that I use as a shortcut for accessing things like Google&amp;#x27;s services. But I am sticking to always using either Google Authenticator or SMS, if it&amp;#x27;s available, as a primary option. When I am looking at a website in bed on my phone, and my YubiKey is in my laptop downstairs, I can&amp;#x27;t say I am happy that I can&amp;#x27;t access my account.&lt;p&gt;I think the form factor for these things is just wrong. I don&amp;#x27;t always have my keys with me. I do have my phone much more frequently. Even more frequently I have things like my Pebble. Maybe some kind of NFC interface with a wrist watch would be a better alternative.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>nickik</author><text>Whats the point of having two factors at all if you are getting an SMS or using a TOTP token that is stored on the phone itself.&lt;p&gt;The phone does not force re-entry of this stuff so often that it would bother me.&lt;p&gt;When I am on my laptop, I absolutely love the Usability. Its much better then SMS or TOTP.</text></comment>
<story><title>Nvidia to Acquire Mellanox for $6.9B</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>godelmachine</author><text>I had great respect for Mellanox when I came to know that they invented InfiniBand.&lt;p&gt;Again, I am suprisied it’s valued at only $6.9Bn.&lt;p&gt;Pardon my ignorance, but how come mobile apps and websites get valued for 10+ or 20+ Bn dollars , while someone who creates real technology is valued at only $6.9Bn</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>matude</author><text>&amp;gt; Pardon my ignorance, but how come mobile apps and websites get valued for 10+ or 20+ Bn dollars , while someone who creates real technology is valued at only $6.9Bn&lt;p&gt;Imagine a building, say a shopping center, airport, or a city main square, that gets the same amount of visitors per day as some of those apps, and it might start to make more sense. Take Clash of Clans for example, valued at $10 billion. It has around 100 million daily active players. One of the busiest airports, the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, has 104 million passengers annually. NY Times square receives about fifty million visitors per year.&lt;p&gt;If something, anything, gets 100 million visitors PER DAY, the value of such a real estate, even if digital, is immense.</text></comment>
<story><title>Nvidia to Acquire Mellanox for $6.9B</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>godelmachine</author><text>I had great respect for Mellanox when I came to know that they invented InfiniBand.&lt;p&gt;Again, I am suprisied it’s valued at only $6.9Bn.&lt;p&gt;Pardon my ignorance, but how come mobile apps and websites get valued for 10+ or 20+ Bn dollars , while someone who creates real technology is valued at only $6.9Bn</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>drewg123</author><text>A lot of IB technology is based on precursors like Myrinet, Quadrics, etc. Those companies were driven from the HPC market and the top500 by Mellanox in the last 15 years. It is arguable that IB won simply because it had better marketing, and a lot more venture capitol behind it.&lt;p&gt;At one point, 6 of the top 10 supercomputers in the top 500 were interconnected with Quadrics, and over 1&amp;#x2F;3 with Myrinet. However, both Quadrics and Myricom are both long gone. And neither of them sold for anything close to $6.9B</text></comment>
<story><title>AMP pages no longer get preferential treatment in Google search</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>EForEndeavour</author><text>I used to Google things on mobile and append `` to filter out SEO-laden blogspam and zero in on the familiar confirmation bias of other reddit addicts. Then I had to tolerate the following antipattern of the modern web:&lt;p&gt;1. tap a Google search result link&lt;p&gt;2. tap the tiny &amp;quot;i&amp;quot; icon on the left side of the stupid AMP page header to display the actual URL of the page I&amp;#x27;m trying to navigate to&lt;p&gt;3. tap the displayed URL itself in the AMP header&lt;p&gt;4. close reddit&amp;#x27;s &amp;quot;this looks better in the app!&amp;quot; bottom banner&lt;p&gt;5. scroll down and tap &amp;quot;VIEW ALL X COMMENTS&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;So fast. So &lt;i&gt;usable.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;On the bright side, this rigmarole has really done wonders for my productivity because I&amp;#x27;ve simply stopped bothering.</text></item><item><author>petee</author><text>Yes! I can&amp;#x27;t wait till its gone altogether. The whole AMP experience from an end user, really sucked. Pick a reason, but nearly every article always has something broken, missing, or misrepresented. Fifty percent of the time I would either need to click the original link, or give up on the content.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>GuB-42</author><text>Reddit mobile is deliberately terrible, amp or not. They want you to use their app.&lt;p&gt;Use &amp;quot;;quot; (old style, best on desktop but ok on mobile) or &amp;quot;;quot; (minimalist, for mobile) if you want something usable.</text></comment>
<story><title>AMP pages no longer get preferential treatment in Google search</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>EForEndeavour</author><text>I used to Google things on mobile and append `` to filter out SEO-laden blogspam and zero in on the familiar confirmation bias of other reddit addicts. Then I had to tolerate the following antipattern of the modern web:&lt;p&gt;1. tap a Google search result link&lt;p&gt;2. tap the tiny &amp;quot;i&amp;quot; icon on the left side of the stupid AMP page header to display the actual URL of the page I&amp;#x27;m trying to navigate to&lt;p&gt;3. tap the displayed URL itself in the AMP header&lt;p&gt;4. close reddit&amp;#x27;s &amp;quot;this looks better in the app!&amp;quot; bottom banner&lt;p&gt;5. scroll down and tap &amp;quot;VIEW ALL X COMMENTS&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;So fast. So &lt;i&gt;usable.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;On the bright side, this rigmarole has really done wonders for my productivity because I&amp;#x27;ve simply stopped bothering.</text></item><item><author>petee</author><text>Yes! I can&amp;#x27;t wait till its gone altogether. The whole AMP experience from an end user, really sucked. Pick a reason, but nearly every article always has something broken, missing, or misrepresented. Fifty percent of the time I would either need to click the original link, or give up on the content.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>OJFord</author><text>&amp;gt; close reddit&amp;#x27;s &amp;quot;this looks better in the app!&amp;quot; bottom banner&lt;p&gt;I hate that. It&amp;#x27;s self-fulfulling really isn&amp;#x27;t it, may as well simply read &amp;#x27;this banner not present in the app&amp;#x27;.&lt;p&gt;A bit like those joke signs warning you not to steal&amp;#x2F;deface the sign.</text></comment>
<story><title>Bank robbery suspect wants NSA phone records for his defense</title><url>,0,5434900.story</url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>paulsutter</author><text>His lawyer is a genius and a hero. A genius because when he doesn&amp;#x27;t get the records (and be wont), it will appear the prosecution has something to hide. He wins either way.&lt;p&gt;And a hero, because this makes clear the exact problem with these databases. Once they exist, there are endless uses for that each -seem- reasonable. This request illustrates that slippery slope in a way that makes even the NSA nervous.</text></comment>
<story><title>Bank robbery suspect wants NSA phone records for his defense</title><url>,0,5434900.story</url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>achille</author><text>21 Comments so far and none commenting the State&amp;#x27;s Secret Privilege that allows such requests to be thrown out immediately. None of these lawsuits will go anywhere.&lt;p&gt;See: &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;State_secrets_privilege&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;State_secrets_privilege&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;People erroneously tortured by the govt had their cases thrown out. Cases as low as bank robbery have zero chance.</text></comment>
<story><title>80% of orgs that paid the ransom were hit again</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>SV_BubbleTime</author><text>Most of these start as phishes to lower level employees. It makes sense to me that’ll happen again and I’m not sure I can say the solution is better backups.&lt;p&gt;Another issue with backups, is are you restoring to an already infected &amp;#x2F; immediately infectable state?&lt;p&gt;I think the better closer is “The certainly will begin to take security, training, and best practices seriously”.</text></item><item><author>diego_moita</author><text>What I suspect: the first ransom was paid by insurance, therefore it didn&amp;#x27;t hurt them, therefore they didn&amp;#x27;t bother protect themselves for the second.&lt;p&gt;Now just wait to see what will happen to your insurance rate after you pay the third ransom.&lt;p&gt;They certainly will begin to understand the need for backups.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>hellbannedguy</author><text>And let&amp;#x27;s not discount the moral of low paid, overworked employees, and companies that let low level managers run roughshod over lower level employees. My point is don&amp;#x27;t discount inside corporate espionage by disgruntled any level employees.&lt;p&gt;Thank goodness I didn&amp;#x27;t have access to a script that would lock up at least two of my past employers when coming up years ago? Then again, I personally haven&amp;#x27;t been that mad, but boy do I know employees who were.&lt;p&gt;I could say that we are all choir boys, but you piss on an employee, especially during a recession, well let&amp;#x27;s just say I have seen unpstanding guys rub magnets over hard drives over pure apathy. (The guy didn&amp;#x27;t know about strength of magnents, and it did not hurt anything.)&lt;p&gt;Plugging in a usb, or downloading a suspicious email is something I can see happening, especially to &amp;quot;those&amp;quot; companies.&lt;p&gt;I imagine Xfinity employees dream about it?</text></comment>
<story><title>80% of orgs that paid the ransom were hit again</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>SV_BubbleTime</author><text>Most of these start as phishes to lower level employees. It makes sense to me that’ll happen again and I’m not sure I can say the solution is better backups.&lt;p&gt;Another issue with backups, is are you restoring to an already infected &amp;#x2F; immediately infectable state?&lt;p&gt;I think the better closer is “The certainly will begin to take security, training, and best practices seriously”.</text></item><item><author>diego_moita</author><text>What I suspect: the first ransom was paid by insurance, therefore it didn&amp;#x27;t hurt them, therefore they didn&amp;#x27;t bother protect themselves for the second.&lt;p&gt;Now just wait to see what will happen to your insurance rate after you pay the third ransom.&lt;p&gt;They certainly will begin to understand the need for backups.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ajsnigrutin</author><text>&amp;gt; Most of these start as phishes to lower level employees. It makes sense to me that’ll happen again and I’m not sure I can say the solution is better backups.&lt;p&gt;Why? Secretary gets a call from a nigerian prince, starts that letter.exe she gets in her e-mail, her computer gets fscked, IT takes her drive, restores a clean image, and she gets back to work.&lt;p&gt;If the only copy of some important document is on his&amp;#x2F;her pc, or that pc can overwrite&amp;#x2F;delete the only copy, then they&amp;#x27;ve fscked up by design... and yes, now better backups would help.</text></comment>
<story><title>Elementary OS – Fast, open, privacy-respecting replacement for Windows and macOS</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>mepian</author><text>This kind of attitude towards less popular programming languages is very damaging to the field of software engineering. Domain-specific languages are our best tool to combat the excessive complexity of software. The difficulty of learning a new programming language is overblown.</text></item><item><author>kitsunesoba</author><text>The project is interesting and I have to give it props for being one of the few Linux distros that’s put the necessary level of thought into UI&amp;#x2F;UX and made consistency a priority.&lt;p&gt;That said, I question some of their technical choices, most namely the choice of Vala as the project’s official language. Not that Vala is bad, but it’s incredibly niche at best and I think it severely limits contributions. Not many are going to want to learn a new language that’s scarcely used elsewhere in order to be able to work on any kind of project.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>zapzupnz</author><text>When people say they resent having to learn another language, I wonder if it&amp;#x27;s really the language they don&amp;#x27;t want to learn or another set of libraries and frameworks. I mean, that&amp;#x27;s fair enough, the wheel only wants reinventing so many times.&lt;p&gt;Windows has Windows Forms, WPF, and UWP; macOS has Cocoa; and Linux has … well, a lot of things, each with their own quirks, and not all of them with bindings into every language a developer might want to use.</text></comment>
<story><title>Elementary OS – Fast, open, privacy-respecting replacement for Windows and macOS</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>mepian</author><text>This kind of attitude towards less popular programming languages is very damaging to the field of software engineering. Domain-specific languages are our best tool to combat the excessive complexity of software. The difficulty of learning a new programming language is overblown.</text></item><item><author>kitsunesoba</author><text>The project is interesting and I have to give it props for being one of the few Linux distros that’s put the necessary level of thought into UI&amp;#x2F;UX and made consistency a priority.&lt;p&gt;That said, I question some of their technical choices, most namely the choice of Vala as the project’s official language. Not that Vala is bad, but it’s incredibly niche at best and I think it severely limits contributions. Not many are going to want to learn a new language that’s scarcely used elsewhere in order to be able to work on any kind of project.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ionforce</author><text>&amp;gt; The difficulty of learning a new programming language is overblown.&lt;p&gt;This is a value judgement, ripe for disagreement.&lt;p&gt;Why do you think learning a new programming language is not difficult, as others perceive?</text></comment>
<story><title>EU tech sector fights for a Level Playing Field with Microsoft</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>hvgk</author><text>You don’t have to use their crap. I don’t.&lt;p&gt;It is chosen by businesses and individuals because it’s about the only complete solution out there (even if it is a monumental shit show) which is cost effective. Either that or they are ignorant or genuinely like it.&lt;p&gt;The EU tech sector needs to build something better. LibreOffice and Linux as it stands is not it. I tried over and over again to use it but it’s just not good.&lt;p&gt;I’m lurking in the leper colony of iCloud, Sheets and Numbers for reference and do most of my stuff on iOS. It’s different but not better.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>agust</author><text>The point is not that the people aware of the situation can avoid using these services, the point is that Microsoft (just like Apple and Google) is abusing its control over the OS to entice millions of people to use their own services. This is not an even market, competition is distorted. How could better competitors emerge in such situation? As if the unlimited fundings these companies have was not enough.</text></comment>
<story><title>EU tech sector fights for a Level Playing Field with Microsoft</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>hvgk</author><text>You don’t have to use their crap. I don’t.&lt;p&gt;It is chosen by businesses and individuals because it’s about the only complete solution out there (even if it is a monumental shit show) which is cost effective. Either that or they are ignorant or genuinely like it.&lt;p&gt;The EU tech sector needs to build something better. LibreOffice and Linux as it stands is not it. I tried over and over again to use it but it’s just not good.&lt;p&gt;I’m lurking in the leper colony of iCloud, Sheets and Numbers for reference and do most of my stuff on iOS. It’s different but not better.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>typon</author><text>I didn&amp;#x27;t think I (as an experienced software engineer) would struggle so much to save a file until I had to use Office 365. I wish Dropbox was more popular in your average small business office.</text></comment>
<story><title>A mentalist’s guide to being happy</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>mindcrime</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m sure it can be. But right now, I DGAF. I&amp;#x27;m tired of all the negativity and pessimism, and would welcome a big ole healthy dose of optimism from somewhere. Here lately it seems like everywhere you turn it&amp;#x27;s just somebody screaming about how bad things are and complaining about something.&lt;p&gt;And yeah, the world we live in &lt;i&gt;is&lt;/i&gt; pretty fucked up in plenty of regards. But not in every regard. And while I don&amp;#x27;t advocate going full-on nihilist, there&amp;#x27;s something to be said for striving for a little balance, and embracing a little bit of that &amp;quot;screw it, let&amp;#x27;s just dance, drink, listen to music, fuck, do drugs, and have some FUN while we&amp;#x27;re here&amp;quot; mindset.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m reminded of a line from the Motley Crue movie, where Vince Neil says &amp;quot;I&amp;#x27;m sick and tired of not having any fun!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;Life is for the living... let&amp;#x27;s have some optimism, and have some fun. We can save the manatees, fix the environment, etc., without being a bunch of miserable sodding wankers in the process.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>beauzero</author><text>We bought some property 3 years ago and there were no fireflies (Southern United States). We don&amp;#x27;t spray and have only mowed pastures, fence lines, etc. 3 years in and the fireflies are look out into the fields at night and see the yellow winking on and off. It is encouraging and comforting to see nature return. :)</text></comment>
<story><title>A mentalist’s guide to being happy</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>mindcrime</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m sure it can be. But right now, I DGAF. I&amp;#x27;m tired of all the negativity and pessimism, and would welcome a big ole healthy dose of optimism from somewhere. Here lately it seems like everywhere you turn it&amp;#x27;s just somebody screaming about how bad things are and complaining about something.&lt;p&gt;And yeah, the world we live in &lt;i&gt;is&lt;/i&gt; pretty fucked up in plenty of regards. But not in every regard. And while I don&amp;#x27;t advocate going full-on nihilist, there&amp;#x27;s something to be said for striving for a little balance, and embracing a little bit of that &amp;quot;screw it, let&amp;#x27;s just dance, drink, listen to music, fuck, do drugs, and have some FUN while we&amp;#x27;re here&amp;quot; mindset.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m reminded of a line from the Motley Crue movie, where Vince Neil says &amp;quot;I&amp;#x27;m sick and tired of not having any fun!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;Life is for the living... let&amp;#x27;s have some optimism, and have some fun. We can save the manatees, fix the environment, etc., without being a bunch of miserable sodding wankers in the process.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>autokad</author><text>I agree, I think our culture has a far bigger problem with relentless cynicism, pessimism, and negativity than it does relentless optimism.</text></comment>
<story><title>Man to pay £25,000 ($34,000) damages over negative TrustPilot review</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>dmitrybrant</author><text>Perhaps a bit off-topic, but TrustPilot is a form of near-perfect evil. If someone leaves a negative review of your business on TrustPilot, you can have it taken down... for a measly $400 per month. If you refuse to purchase their premium package, they can &lt;i&gt;prioritize&lt;/i&gt; the negative review to be shown above the positive ones until you do. If your competitor hires a review-bombing spammer to add negative reviews en masse, well, you&amp;#x27;ll just have to upgrade to the next-tier plan.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s a shocking lack of integrity, but not surprising, given the business model. Anyway, it&amp;#x27;s disappointing that TrustPilot gets any publicity for being anything credible.&lt;p&gt;Edit: A nice little touch is at the bottom of their website that says &amp;quot;See what our customers are saying about TrustPilot&amp;quot;, with a hand-picked selection of reviews... from TrustPilot! About TrustPilot! Chef&amp;#x27;s kiss.&lt;p&gt;Edit 2: This is not to say that Trustpilot&amp;#x27;s &lt;i&gt;intentions&lt;/i&gt; aren&amp;#x27;t necessarily good, and they may even be striving to provide neutrality. But the problem is that their business model is, by its very nature, antithetical to neutrality. And of course Trustpilot is not the only review site that has this issue, but it&amp;#x27;s definitely a site where this issue is glaringly apparent.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ratherbefuddled</author><text>A few years back I left a negative review for one retailer of oak furniture on TrustPilot. It was deleted for profanity within 60 seconds. There was no profanity in it. I repeated this four or five times before eventually it stuck. I noticed it was quickly buried by the deluge of five star reviews. Then I noticed they claimed to have over 100,000 Trustpilot reviews. The numbers were impossible. It&amp;#x27;s heavily astro turfed and it would surprise me little to see that there&amp;#x27;s a significant review score downside to not paying them for a subscription. For me, TrustPilot has the reverse effect - if your business uses it I trust you less.</text></comment>
<story><title>Man to pay £25,000 ($34,000) damages over negative TrustPilot review</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>dmitrybrant</author><text>Perhaps a bit off-topic, but TrustPilot is a form of near-perfect evil. If someone leaves a negative review of your business on TrustPilot, you can have it taken down... for a measly $400 per month. If you refuse to purchase their premium package, they can &lt;i&gt;prioritize&lt;/i&gt; the negative review to be shown above the positive ones until you do. If your competitor hires a review-bombing spammer to add negative reviews en masse, well, you&amp;#x27;ll just have to upgrade to the next-tier plan.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s a shocking lack of integrity, but not surprising, given the business model. Anyway, it&amp;#x27;s disappointing that TrustPilot gets any publicity for being anything credible.&lt;p&gt;Edit: A nice little touch is at the bottom of their website that says &amp;quot;See what our customers are saying about TrustPilot&amp;quot;, with a hand-picked selection of reviews... from TrustPilot! About TrustPilot! Chef&amp;#x27;s kiss.&lt;p&gt;Edit 2: This is not to say that Trustpilot&amp;#x27;s &lt;i&gt;intentions&lt;/i&gt; aren&amp;#x27;t necessarily good, and they may even be striving to provide neutrality. But the problem is that their business model is, by its very nature, antithetical to neutrality. And of course Trustpilot is not the only review site that has this issue, but it&amp;#x27;s definitely a site where this issue is glaringly apparent.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>bjarneh</author><text>&amp;gt; Perhaps a bit off-topic, but TrustPilot is a form of near-perfect evil.&lt;p&gt;That is certainly not off-topic in this context. The horrid behavior (or business model) of TrustPilot is relevant (and immoral), and should be known.&lt;p&gt;Every time I see one of those &amp;quot;4.2 &amp;#x2F; 5 stars on TrustPilot&amp;quot; banners, I&amp;#x27;ll start thinking about the extortion money to keep hiding those negative reviews; what a scam..</text></comment>
<story><title>California&apos;s ‘Surprise’ Billing Law Is Protecting Patients and Angering Doctors</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>DollarGuru</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m not familiar with US healthcare. As the customer in such a circumstance are you within your rights to refuse any such diagnosis tests when you reasonably believe they are unnecessary? e.g you have prior history of those symptoms.&lt;p&gt;I have heard stories of some doctors and consultants making biased recommendations that are ultimately to line their pockets not cure the patient.</text></item><item><author>munk-a</author><text>Oh, while I had mono and was pretty delusional my doctor sent me for an cat scan to make sure I didn&amp;#x27;t have appendicitis - 4000 dollars later... yup, just mono. And I was on vacation at the time and out of network so... fun.</text></item><item><author>coolspot</author><text>I once got a surprise bill from in-network ER because they invited a specialist for consultation, That specialist sent me a separate bill later.&lt;p&gt;No one told me upfront it will cost additional $450 to hear from the specialist that &amp;quot;sometimes kids are having stomach pain for no any reason&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;Edit: Additional information - Blue Shield CA HMO, Cedars-Sinai ER , circa 2012. $150 ER co-pay, later $10,000 bill fully paid by insurance + $450 specialist bill not covered by insurance.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>fragmede</author><text>Yes, you can refuse testing that you recognize as superfluous, but, well, I&amp;#x27;m not a doctor, they are. More often it goes the other way - eg most of the time I request a test that WebMD has convinced me will tell me that I don&amp;#x27;t have, well, cancer, and doctors are willing to oblige, but only at my behest. Serina Williams famously almost died because her doctor didn&amp;#x27;t think a test was warranted. Her advocate had to lobby the doctor to run a test which led to a diagnosis that saved her life. (A combination of racism and sexism certainly played a part there.)&lt;p&gt;The problem is that the profit motive is hard to deny, simply because healthcare is run as a profit seeking venture, which makes money on the difference between the cost of running a test and the price a patient&amp;#x27;s insurance will pay. Pharmaceutical companies bribing doctors to prescribe specific medication doesn&amp;#x27;t help.</text></comment>
<story><title>California&apos;s ‘Surprise’ Billing Law Is Protecting Patients and Angering Doctors</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>DollarGuru</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m not familiar with US healthcare. As the customer in such a circumstance are you within your rights to refuse any such diagnosis tests when you reasonably believe they are unnecessary? e.g you have prior history of those symptoms.&lt;p&gt;I have heard stories of some doctors and consultants making biased recommendations that are ultimately to line their pockets not cure the patient.</text></item><item><author>munk-a</author><text>Oh, while I had mono and was pretty delusional my doctor sent me for an cat scan to make sure I didn&amp;#x27;t have appendicitis - 4000 dollars later... yup, just mono. And I was on vacation at the time and out of network so... fun.</text></item><item><author>coolspot</author><text>I once got a surprise bill from in-network ER because they invited a specialist for consultation, That specialist sent me a separate bill later.&lt;p&gt;No one told me upfront it will cost additional $450 to hear from the specialist that &amp;quot;sometimes kids are having stomach pain for no any reason&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;Edit: Additional information - Blue Shield CA HMO, Cedars-Sinai ER , circa 2012. $150 ER co-pay, later $10,000 bill fully paid by insurance + $450 specialist bill not covered by insurance.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>snagglegaggle</author><text>These out-of-network bills have successfully been challenged and a law passed to address them in NY (&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;insurance&amp;#x2F;health&amp;#x2F;OON_guidance.htm;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;insurance&amp;#x2F;health&amp;#x2F;OON_guidance.htm;&lt;/a&gt; I think).&lt;p&gt;But, in the first place, these bills were never really valid: in no other market am I informed of the cost &lt;i&gt;after&lt;/i&gt; I have received services. This fact is why the law was passed, though it shouldn&amp;#x27;t need to have been passed. The &amp;quot;contract&amp;quot; is already unenforceable.</text></comment>
<story><title>Spate of polio outbreaks worldwide puts scientists on alert</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>ryandrake</author><text>You&amp;#x27;re very kind calling it &amp;quot;hesitancy&amp;quot;, too! I know that&amp;#x27;s the soft euphemism that the media has coalesced around, but &amp;quot;hesitancy&amp;quot; implies that one is on the fence, unsure, open to debate and open to being convinced. That&amp;#x27;s not what America is exporting.&lt;p&gt;America&amp;#x27;s Anti-Vax movement is religiously sure of itself. They aren&amp;#x27;t on the fence. They&amp;#x27;re not weighing the pros and cons. They&amp;#x27;re convinced that they know the secret capital-T Truth, and that spreading their gospel saves lives. COVID brought it mainstream, but if you look back at the &amp;quot;Anti-vax Moms groups&amp;quot; long before COVID, there was still no hesitancy. Their minds were also made up.</text></item><item><author>pm90</author><text>Im tired of saying this but it’s absolutely mind boggling how fucked up it is that one of the main exports from America today is vaccine hesitancy.&lt;p&gt;Science skepticism has always been a thing; its only in recent years though that internet has allowed the rapid spread of disinformation. Glossy content created for misinforming Americans inspires copycats in other countries. It’s really depressing.</text></item><item><author>_s</author><text>From my understanding - there are two main “strains” for polio; one that is “wild”; endemic to Afghanistan and Pakistan, and one derived from the oral vaccine, endemic in Africa and a lot of conflict zones, from Asia to Europe to Central &amp;#x2F; Southern Americas.&lt;p&gt;The oral vaccine in use in a lot of the world contains a weakened version of the virus, and allows your body to fight it off without any negative effects. This is usually a 3 or 4 course vaccine.&lt;p&gt;This specifically engineered weakened virus has been shown to mutate and infect other partially or non vaccinated individuals, including causing paralysis, and is the one now popping up in more developed &amp;#x2F; inoculated areas - but again, in unvaccinated individuals.&lt;p&gt;Note - from what I have read, you can still get and spread polio even if you are vaccinated (much like Covid), but it’s an incredibly low chance - and furthermore, your risk of serious disease &amp;#x2F; paralysis &amp;#x2F; death is even lower (so we know the vaccines work). The oral vaccine (weakened virus) efficacy is much higher than the injected (inactive virus) vaccine too, and boosters are offered for those who had the vaccines as children and are now adults.&lt;p&gt;There is also another oral vaccine, with a weakened virus, that has been engineered to prevent certain mutations that cause it to spread (if I read some articles correctly), but is not currently approved for use in the US &amp;#x2F; UK.&lt;p&gt;Polio was one of the first few horrible diseases almost eradicated by vaccines. Whatever your stance on getting vaccinated, do understand that Polio has a 1 in 200 chance of resulting in severe symptoms and paralysis, and there is no treatment for it - only prevention via inoculation. It is not like Covid where mostly the older, more immunocompromised suffer - it will ravage children and healthy adults too.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>JumpCrisscross</author><text>&amp;gt; &lt;i&gt;America&amp;#x27;s Anti-Vax movement is religiously sure of itself. They aren&amp;#x27;t on the fence. They&amp;#x27;re not weighing the pros and cons.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;This is the activist wing of the movement. Many more Americans are genuinely, in many cases reasonably, hesitant.</text></comment>
<story><title>Spate of polio outbreaks worldwide puts scientists on alert</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>ryandrake</author><text>You&amp;#x27;re very kind calling it &amp;quot;hesitancy&amp;quot;, too! I know that&amp;#x27;s the soft euphemism that the media has coalesced around, but &amp;quot;hesitancy&amp;quot; implies that one is on the fence, unsure, open to debate and open to being convinced. That&amp;#x27;s not what America is exporting.&lt;p&gt;America&amp;#x27;s Anti-Vax movement is religiously sure of itself. They aren&amp;#x27;t on the fence. They&amp;#x27;re not weighing the pros and cons. They&amp;#x27;re convinced that they know the secret capital-T Truth, and that spreading their gospel saves lives. COVID brought it mainstream, but if you look back at the &amp;quot;Anti-vax Moms groups&amp;quot; long before COVID, there was still no hesitancy. Their minds were also made up.</text></item><item><author>pm90</author><text>Im tired of saying this but it’s absolutely mind boggling how fucked up it is that one of the main exports from America today is vaccine hesitancy.&lt;p&gt;Science skepticism has always been a thing; its only in recent years though that internet has allowed the rapid spread of disinformation. Glossy content created for misinforming Americans inspires copycats in other countries. It’s really depressing.</text></item><item><author>_s</author><text>From my understanding - there are two main “strains” for polio; one that is “wild”; endemic to Afghanistan and Pakistan, and one derived from the oral vaccine, endemic in Africa and a lot of conflict zones, from Asia to Europe to Central &amp;#x2F; Southern Americas.&lt;p&gt;The oral vaccine in use in a lot of the world contains a weakened version of the virus, and allows your body to fight it off without any negative effects. This is usually a 3 or 4 course vaccine.&lt;p&gt;This specifically engineered weakened virus has been shown to mutate and infect other partially or non vaccinated individuals, including causing paralysis, and is the one now popping up in more developed &amp;#x2F; inoculated areas - but again, in unvaccinated individuals.&lt;p&gt;Note - from what I have read, you can still get and spread polio even if you are vaccinated (much like Covid), but it’s an incredibly low chance - and furthermore, your risk of serious disease &amp;#x2F; paralysis &amp;#x2F; death is even lower (so we know the vaccines work). The oral vaccine (weakened virus) efficacy is much higher than the injected (inactive virus) vaccine too, and boosters are offered for those who had the vaccines as children and are now adults.&lt;p&gt;There is also another oral vaccine, with a weakened virus, that has been engineered to prevent certain mutations that cause it to spread (if I read some articles correctly), but is not currently approved for use in the US &amp;#x2F; UK.&lt;p&gt;Polio was one of the first few horrible diseases almost eradicated by vaccines. Whatever your stance on getting vaccinated, do understand that Polio has a 1 in 200 chance of resulting in severe symptoms and paralysis, and there is no treatment for it - only prevention via inoculation. It is not like Covid where mostly the older, more immunocompromised suffer - it will ravage children and healthy adults too.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>anigbrowl</author><text>This seems to be a international effort, sadly. Article is also pre-covid.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;pmc&amp;#x2F;articles&amp;#x2F;PMC6137759&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;pmc&amp;#x2F;articles&amp;#x2F;PMC6137759&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>New research on anesthesia and microtubules gives new clues about consciousness</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>projektfu</author><text>&amp;quot;Since we don&amp;#x27;t know of another (i.e,. classical) way that anesthetic binding to microtubules would generally reduce brain activity and cause unconsciousness,&amp;quot; Wiest says, &amp;quot;this finding supports the quantum model of consciousness.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;This is an incredible leap of reasoning. Flumazenil binds to GABA receptors and blocks diazepam. So since we don&amp;#x27;t know of another (i.e. mechatronic) way that binding to GABA would cause sedation, it must be the frobbles.</text></comment>
<story><title>New research on anesthesia and microtubules gives new clues about consciousness</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>rbanffy</author><text>This only shows the mechanism that impairs the brain enough for it to become unconscious is related to the microtubules.&lt;p&gt;Absolutely everything in the real world is quantum-related because that’s the very structure of reality.</text></comment>
<story><title>Are we alone? Tiny spacecraft will head to Alpha Centauri to find out</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>robodale</author><text>It&amp;#x27;s &amp;quot;stories&amp;quot; like these I would read as a kid very early 80&amp;#x27;s, probably in Popular Mechanics magazines or similar.&lt;p&gt;Depicted in these magazine articles and artist renditions: in the future (certainly by the 2020s!), we will have bases on the Moon, maybe even Mars, and rotating space stations... all the while wearing stylish futuristic fashions (yet still looking very much 70&amp;#x27;s), the women sipping from glasses of champagne and laughing to each other while in the background the men play some yet-to-be-invented handball game.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>_0w8t</author><text>In 1990 when I was finishing school I bet with my classmate that there would be a permanent Moon base in 2010. As the result my much more practical buddy got 1500$ from his investment into sceptictical thinking.</text></comment>
<story><title>Are we alone? Tiny spacecraft will head to Alpha Centauri to find out</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>robodale</author><text>It&amp;#x27;s &amp;quot;stories&amp;quot; like these I would read as a kid very early 80&amp;#x27;s, probably in Popular Mechanics magazines or similar.&lt;p&gt;Depicted in these magazine articles and artist renditions: in the future (certainly by the 2020s!), we will have bases on the Moon, maybe even Mars, and rotating space stations... all the while wearing stylish futuristic fashions (yet still looking very much 70&amp;#x27;s), the women sipping from glasses of champagne and laughing to each other while in the background the men play some yet-to-be-invented handball game.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>dekhn</author><text>Hahah yes, for years I saw these pictures (&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;L5_Society&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;L5_Society&lt;/a&gt;) and developed unrealistic expectations of human space exploration.</text></comment>
<story><title>India Imposes Complete Ban on Solid Plastic Waste Imports</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>torgian</author><text>Nothing perturbs me more than the whole plastic problem we have.&lt;p&gt;China and India&amp;#x27;s plastic and garbage pollution is one thing, but Japan is the place that irks me the most when it comes to plastic use.&lt;p&gt;I bought bananas that were wrapped in plastic (go figure, right? ) And what did the cashier do? She wrapped it in more plastic! THEN she gave me a plastic bag to put it in!&lt;p&gt;That blew my mind. Like, why? Just _why_?&lt;p&gt;Go to any supermarket in Japan and you&amp;#x27;ll see fruit and vegetables wrapped in plastic for no good reason at all. It&amp;#x27;s one of the reasons I typically buy my produce from the local farmers instead of the market now.&lt;p&gt;I mean, why would you _individually_ _wrap_ oranges?</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>titzer</author><text>They are wrapped in plastic so they can source them from even farther away, where it&amp;#x27;s is even cheaper. So the entire supply chain gets longer and less efficient (pollution, energy, and sustainability-wise) because it is cheaper for producers. In short, more profit. This is capitalism.</text></comment>
<story><title>India Imposes Complete Ban on Solid Plastic Waste Imports</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>torgian</author><text>Nothing perturbs me more than the whole plastic problem we have.&lt;p&gt;China and India&amp;#x27;s plastic and garbage pollution is one thing, but Japan is the place that irks me the most when it comes to plastic use.&lt;p&gt;I bought bananas that were wrapped in plastic (go figure, right? ) And what did the cashier do? She wrapped it in more plastic! THEN she gave me a plastic bag to put it in!&lt;p&gt;That blew my mind. Like, why? Just _why_?&lt;p&gt;Go to any supermarket in Japan and you&amp;#x27;ll see fruit and vegetables wrapped in plastic for no good reason at all. It&amp;#x27;s one of the reasons I typically buy my produce from the local farmers instead of the market now.&lt;p&gt;I mean, why would you _individually_ _wrap_ oranges?</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>jor-el</author><text>Its very much same in Singapore as well. In supermarket, more often than not, cashier puts one item in one plastic bag, so if you are buying a weeks grocery, you easily get 10-12 plastic bags just like that. The vegetables are pre-packed covered with plastic. Some fruits are packed with another harder plastic - apart from the laminated plastic. And the thing that bothered me the most is during chinese new year, each mandarin is covered in plastic individually. Why do you want to cover each mandarin, for a fruit which already has a thick peel!!&lt;p&gt;With developed countries, with all educated residents, are finding hard to curb plastic use (or lack of effort), it looks humanity is still some distance away to make a serious dent to use of plastic overall.</text></comment>
<story><title>Blocking Kiwifarms</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>slothsarecool</author><text>Just adding some light to the escalations; there were bomb and shoot threats over the last few days. The userbase on the site upped the tone of their &amp;quot;jokes&amp;quot;&amp;#x2F;threats after the last blog post and thats what caused the final suspension.</text></item><item><author>ffwszgf</author><text>Cloudflare can do whatever it wants but I wish they were honest about it.&lt;p&gt;The claim that there has been some “dangerous escalation” in the past 2 weeks is nonsense. If anything the owner has been monitoring the thread more proactively and making sure people follow the law. This is included not allowing the creation of new accounts and reminding everyone that their data will be turned over to the authorities should it be requested.&lt;p&gt;The only thing that picked up steam in the last two weeks is the campaign to drop Cloudflare and the media attention on the situation. That’s why they caved in. It got big enough to reach Bloomberg&amp;#x2F;wsj&amp;#x2F;congress. Just be honest about it.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>stepupmakeup</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t know what happened prior to today, but earlier today there was a bomb threat which was apparently removed by the site&amp;#x27;s moderators within minutes, but it hit Twitter anyway. The fact that this isn&amp;#x27;t mentioned anywhere by the people currently leading the &amp;quot;campaign&amp;quot; already proves there&amp;#x27;s an agenda.</text></comment>
<story><title>Blocking Kiwifarms</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>slothsarecool</author><text>Just adding some light to the escalations; there were bomb and shoot threats over the last few days. The userbase on the site upped the tone of their &amp;quot;jokes&amp;quot;&amp;#x2F;threats after the last blog post and thats what caused the final suspension.</text></item><item><author>ffwszgf</author><text>Cloudflare can do whatever it wants but I wish they were honest about it.&lt;p&gt;The claim that there has been some “dangerous escalation” in the past 2 weeks is nonsense. If anything the owner has been monitoring the thread more proactively and making sure people follow the law. This is included not allowing the creation of new accounts and reminding everyone that their data will be turned over to the authorities should it be requested.&lt;p&gt;The only thing that picked up steam in the last two weeks is the campaign to drop Cloudflare and the media attention on the situation. That’s why they caved in. It got big enough to reach Bloomberg&amp;#x2F;wsj&amp;#x2F;congress. Just be honest about it.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>syrrim</author><text>People have always posted (usually fake) threats in kiwifarms threads. They have always been removed promptly. The same is true of basically every large website on the internet. When cloudflare made their post saying they wouldn&amp;#x27;t remove kiwifarms, the site already had that reputation.</text></comment>
<story><title>OpenBSD receives approximately $100,000 in donations </title><url>;m=139024400731106</url><text></text></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>nnq</author><text>Great. ...if only people wouldn&amp;#x27;t have made such a fuss about a meagre $100.000 (yeah, it&amp;#x27;s a lot of money for me too, but these amazing guys are &lt;i&gt;developing an OS&lt;/i&gt;, for god&amp;#x27;s sake, not crafting another &amp;quot;ubercool&amp;quot; webframework-of-the-month) and posted so many &amp;quot;i&amp;#x27;d like to see the exact way the money is spent&amp;quot; comments everywhere (transparency is a lot of times the opposite of freedom, you know - once people have proved you they can deliver something great, as they have done in the past, stop incumbering them with &lt;i&gt;extremely annoying&lt;/i&gt; requests for transparency!).</text></comment>
<story><title>OpenBSD receives approximately $100,000 in donations </title><url>;m=139024400731106</url><text></text></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>sharms</author><text>I love to see that Google is on their top donors page every year, it shows their commitment to supporting open source and the tools they have used to build their business on.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;contributors.html&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>How I automate my home</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lurquer</author><text>I just have my kids do stuff.&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Water the yard!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Turn off that light!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Change the channel!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Go get the mail!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;Simple. Fairly reliable. Best DIY project the wife and I have ever done.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>monkmartinez</author><text>My home automation is setup similar but more as a barter system.&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Would you like an hour of screen time? ... The dog excrement is rather unsightly and requires collection. Post collection, we run a mile together.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;I will give you 15 minutes of screen time for every 5 burpees completed to my satisfaction&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;The $10 dollar bonus this week will be based on the lack of dog excrement in the yard and you packing your own !!Heathy!! lunches!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;I will give you $10 dollars for every book read with accompanying book report (usually only two paragraph summaries).&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;If we find any clothes that are not in hampers, we deduct $1 dollar from allowance per item.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;So on and so forth... the rules are consistent, but do allow for bonuses and cutbacks based on performance. The conservation of electricity and water are biggies!!!</text></comment>
<story><title>How I automate my home</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lurquer</author><text>I just have my kids do stuff.&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Water the yard!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Turn off that light!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Change the channel!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Go get the mail!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;Simple. Fairly reliable. Best DIY project the wife and I have ever done.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>nsteel</author><text>Really, really expensive solution.</text></comment>