1 value
<story><title>A molecule called ‘Sandman’ could help solve the ‘mystery of sleep’</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>jjallen</author><text>&lt;i&gt;to some of us (ahem, yours truly) the idea that there&amp;#x27;s a &amp;quot;mystery of sleep&amp;quot; might seem a bit, well, strange. Don&amp;#x27;t we sleep because we get tired?&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Quotes like this are typical of the American tendency to be pseudo-proud of being unintelligent, uneducated or apathetic. I&amp;#x27;m surprised they included it and disappointed they did. Perhaps to help the readership identify with the columnist? But then again the readers are actually reading something scientific, so I don&amp;#x27;t get it.</text></comment>
<story><title>A molecule called ‘Sandman’ could help solve the ‘mystery of sleep’</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>daughart</author><text>It would be great if this opened the door to sleep aids that activated the brain&amp;#x27;s natural sleep induction mechanisms, as opposed to today&amp;#x27;s sleep aids, which are basically just sedative&amp;#x2F;CNS depressant&amp;#x2F;muscle relaxers.</text></comment>
<story><title>Country Time Lemonade Will Pay Legal Fees for Unlicensed Lemonade Stands</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>sumoboy</author><text>You wouldn&amp;#x27;t know lemonade stands were shutdown if social media didn&amp;#x27;t expose it. But what it should be is a lesson for cities to adopt a young entrepreneur license for like $10&amp;#x2F;year. There will always be some angry a-hole who will call the cops or HOA idiot whining.&lt;p&gt;My suburbia neighborhood there were people who wanted to share books with people freely in a small mailbox near the curb, like a mini-library. Someone started whining and the city was like &amp;quot;it&amp;#x27;s illegal to have such a structure&amp;quot; so once it hit the news people went crazy over the stupidity of the cities response.&lt;p&gt;I always stop for the bad lemonade at these stands, even tell these kids how to market better with better signs that you can read. I remember knocking on doors selling vegetable seed packets, shoveling snow and whatever to make a few bucks to really appreciate the dollar. I think it&amp;#x27;s a great PR idea, definitely a creative video, and everytime they intervene it&amp;#x27;s another story.</text></comment>
<story><title>Country Time Lemonade Will Pay Legal Fees for Unlicensed Lemonade Stands</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>ourmandave</author><text>Is the system Working As It Should when a 6-year-old has to lawyer up?</text></comment>
<story><title>Chinese Number Websites</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>manifesto</author><text>One reason why Chinese have less difficulty remembering and using these numbers than the western fellows might be the difference in pronunciation. In Chinese, all single digit number has the same structure: a consonant plus a vowel. For example, 7, in Chinese is pronounced as [ch-i:], while in English is pronounced as [ˈsɛvən]. Also, every digit takes the same time to pronounce. For example, a string &amp;quot;123456&amp;quot; is [yi:, er, san, si:, wu, liu]. That, in my experience, makes a long string of number easier to read out. And easier to read out means easier to memorize.&lt;p&gt;A side node: In China every kids in their elementary school if not kindergarten can recite the &amp;quot;table of multiplication&amp;quot;. That is, they can remember the answer from 1 * 1 to 9 * 9. I doubt how many westerners can do so, due to the language difference.&lt;p&gt;Edit: The asterisk symbol is driving me nut.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>jingwen</author><text>This is accurate. I was educated in a bilingual environment since young and remember strings of numbers (credit card numbers, telephone numbers, identity cards) much easier in Mandarin than in English.&lt;p&gt;For example, this is a small part of the multiplication table:&lt;p&gt;English:&lt;p&gt;six times five equals thirty-five&lt;p&gt;six times six equals thirty-six&lt;p&gt;six times seven equals fourty-three&lt;p&gt;six times eight equals fourty-eight&lt;p&gt;vs&lt;p&gt;六五 三十五 (liu wu, san shi wu)&lt;p&gt;六六 三十六 (liu liu, san shi liu)&lt;p&gt;六七 四十二 (liu qi, si shi er)&lt;p&gt;六八 五十六 (liu ba, wu shi liu)&lt;p&gt;---&lt;p&gt;one times one equals one&lt;p&gt;two times two equals four&lt;p&gt;three times three equals nine&lt;p&gt;four times four equals sixteen&lt;p&gt;five times five equals twenty-five&lt;p&gt;vs&lt;p&gt;一一 得一 (yi yi, de yi) (de == &amp;quot;gets&amp;quot;)&lt;p&gt;二二 得四 (er er, de si)&lt;p&gt;三三 得九 (san san, de jiu)&lt;p&gt;四四 十六 (si si, shi liu)&lt;p&gt;五五 二十五 (wu wu, er shi wu)&lt;p&gt;I left out the tones for simplicity.&lt;p&gt;After a while, the mandarin multiplication table becomes like a poem to recite, while the English counterpart doesn&amp;#x27;t quite have the same ring to it</text></comment>
<story><title>Chinese Number Websites</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>manifesto</author><text>One reason why Chinese have less difficulty remembering and using these numbers than the western fellows might be the difference in pronunciation. In Chinese, all single digit number has the same structure: a consonant plus a vowel. For example, 7, in Chinese is pronounced as [ch-i:], while in English is pronounced as [ˈsɛvən]. Also, every digit takes the same time to pronounce. For example, a string &amp;quot;123456&amp;quot; is [yi:, er, san, si:, wu, liu]. That, in my experience, makes a long string of number easier to read out. And easier to read out means easier to memorize.&lt;p&gt;A side node: In China every kids in their elementary school if not kindergarten can recite the &amp;quot;table of multiplication&amp;quot;. That is, they can remember the answer from 1 * 1 to 9 * 9. I doubt how many westerners can do so, due to the language difference.&lt;p&gt;Edit: The asterisk symbol is driving me nut.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>nether</author><text>This is Malcolm Gladwell nonsense and not backed up by the fact that Chinese-Americans who learn English first (e.g. Nobel laureate Steven Chu) do just as well as their Chinese counterparts.</text></comment>
<story><title>A Pirate&apos;s Take on Strategy vs. Tactics</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lordnacho</author><text>This explanation doesn&amp;#x27;t separate the terms &amp;quot;tactic&amp;quot; and &amp;quot;strategy&amp;quot;. In fact it mixes them together, he even says a tactic is basically a substrategy.&lt;p&gt;If you&amp;#x27;re using recursion, that should be clear. Just call everything a strategy, or everything a tactic.&lt;p&gt;Fact is this distinction between these terms has never been real in any sense. People vaguely use strategy to mean &amp;quot;big picture&amp;quot; and tactic to mean &amp;quot;particular action&amp;quot;, but if you decompose it you&amp;#x27;ll see more little strategies inside.&lt;p&gt;This is true in many game-like situations.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>logfromblammo</author><text>Tactics is that portion of decision-making applied to repetitive patterns and recurring situations. Strategy is that portion of decision-making applied to situations that are unique or unlikely to reoccur. &lt;i&gt;Procedures&lt;/i&gt; are tactical. &lt;i&gt;Decisions&lt;/i&gt; are strategic.&lt;p&gt;In a chess match, the opening book is tactics, the mid-game following the combinatorial explosion of potential moves is strategy, and then the end-game is back to tactics, after the board has been reduced to fewer pieces.&lt;p&gt;In the real world, breaching and clearing a modern urban building is tactics. Part of the squad covers as the remainder moves. Corners are checked before moving around them. Doors are checked before opening. There is still a strategic element, in that any given building will have a unique floor plan, but with sufficiently developed tactics, the strategy portion becomes somewhat unimportant.&lt;p&gt;Capturing and occupying a specific city is strategic. The tactic of breaching and clearing buildings will be used many times in that strategy, and so too will the tactic of erecting concrete T-wall barriers and creating checkpoints, but the choices of where to start, and in what order to proceed, are all strategic.&lt;p&gt;It is difficult to separate the terms, because every real-life situation will have some portion that can be matched to a general pattern, and some portion that represents the variance from that pattern.</text></comment>
<story><title>A Pirate&apos;s Take on Strategy vs. Tactics</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lordnacho</author><text>This explanation doesn&amp;#x27;t separate the terms &amp;quot;tactic&amp;quot; and &amp;quot;strategy&amp;quot;. In fact it mixes them together, he even says a tactic is basically a substrategy.&lt;p&gt;If you&amp;#x27;re using recursion, that should be clear. Just call everything a strategy, or everything a tactic.&lt;p&gt;Fact is this distinction between these terms has never been real in any sense. People vaguely use strategy to mean &amp;quot;big picture&amp;quot; and tactic to mean &amp;quot;particular action&amp;quot;, but if you decompose it you&amp;#x27;ll see more little strategies inside.&lt;p&gt;This is true in many game-like situations.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>barrkel</author><text>Strategy is the singular of tactics.&lt;p&gt;Strategy is a route to a goal that occurs once in the domain.&lt;p&gt;A tactic may be repeated multiple times for sub-goals when the same or similar sub-goals reoccur.&lt;p&gt;A tactic might win a battle but a strategy wins a war. But if you&amp;#x27;re fighting multiple wars, then the strategies for each war are tactics, because there may be reoccurring elements in each war. It&amp;#x27;s the repetition and reuse that makes things tactical, practiced, routine.</text></comment>
<story><title>Can Demis Hassabis save Google?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>dbmikus</author><text>I think part of the problem for LLMs is that they don&amp;#x27;t operate in an easily scoreable &amp;quot;game&amp;quot;. We can make them work well for optimizing next token(s) log likelihood, but how do we judge quality of the output for the task it was made for?&lt;p&gt;Then after that, there are other challenges, such as do LLMs have a world model that lets them think how to attain a reward?&lt;p&gt;Wherever you can have an automated feedback mechanism, you can start to address the first problem and allow for the AI to explore more of the &amp;quot;tree&amp;quot;. These are situations like coding (you can run the code and evaluate the output), or situations where you can let the LLM crowd-source user feedback.&lt;p&gt;For models that have some actual world model, who can reason across modalities, and who can plan, LeCunn talks about this often. The videos&amp;#x2F;slides here[1] were good content.&lt;p&gt;[1]: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news-events&amp;#x2F;lytle-lecture-series&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news-events&amp;#x2F;lytle-lecture-series&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;</text></item><item><author>andy_xor_andrew</author><text>Given his experience with AlphaGo&amp;#x2F;Star&amp;#x2F;Zero&amp;#x2F;etc, I&amp;#x27;m sure if there&amp;#x27;s any way to apply tree search, or policy networks, to LLMs, Demis will find it.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ve always found it strange that a LLM is basically an action&amp;#x2F;value model that scores all next possible actions (tokens), and yet we DON&amp;#x27;T traverse it like a tree. Well, &amp;quot;beam search&amp;quot; exists, but that&amp;#x27;s kind of the most naive approach.&lt;p&gt;Then again, I&amp;#x27;m not smart, and lots of very smart people are thinking nonstop about LLMs, and no type of tree search has become widely used, so maybe there&amp;#x27;s really nothing there.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>roenxi</author><text>Qualitatively, the answer seems to be to train for novelty. Which happens to also be how humans accomplish much of the complex stuff.&lt;p&gt;Eg, One interpretation of art is we have 8 billion or so humans with a finely trained neural net for recognising stuff. The artist is looking for novel ways of triggering those nets, and if they find something inspired then it is art. A great artist generally isn&amp;#x27;t trying to reproduce something that is known, they&amp;#x27;re trying to explore novel areas of a medium.&lt;p&gt;So the real trick to building the world model is coming up with a good novelty metric. Still hard, but easier than developing a reward function. That gets the part of the training done that establishes a world model, &lt;i&gt;then&lt;/i&gt; I&amp;#x27;d assume it is possible to train that model to do a task by rewarding specific outcomes that it already knows how to achieve.</text></comment>
<story><title>Can Demis Hassabis save Google?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>dbmikus</author><text>I think part of the problem for LLMs is that they don&amp;#x27;t operate in an easily scoreable &amp;quot;game&amp;quot;. We can make them work well for optimizing next token(s) log likelihood, but how do we judge quality of the output for the task it was made for?&lt;p&gt;Then after that, there are other challenges, such as do LLMs have a world model that lets them think how to attain a reward?&lt;p&gt;Wherever you can have an automated feedback mechanism, you can start to address the first problem and allow for the AI to explore more of the &amp;quot;tree&amp;quot;. These are situations like coding (you can run the code and evaluate the output), or situations where you can let the LLM crowd-source user feedback.&lt;p&gt;For models that have some actual world model, who can reason across modalities, and who can plan, LeCunn talks about this often. The videos&amp;#x2F;slides here[1] were good content.&lt;p&gt;[1]: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news-events&amp;#x2F;lytle-lecture-series&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news-events&amp;#x2F;lytle-lecture-series&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;</text></item><item><author>andy_xor_andrew</author><text>Given his experience with AlphaGo&amp;#x2F;Star&amp;#x2F;Zero&amp;#x2F;etc, I&amp;#x27;m sure if there&amp;#x27;s any way to apply tree search, or policy networks, to LLMs, Demis will find it.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ve always found it strange that a LLM is basically an action&amp;#x2F;value model that scores all next possible actions (tokens), and yet we DON&amp;#x27;T traverse it like a tree. Well, &amp;quot;beam search&amp;quot; exists, but that&amp;#x27;s kind of the most naive approach.&lt;p&gt;Then again, I&amp;#x27;m not smart, and lots of very smart people are thinking nonstop about LLMs, and no type of tree search has become widely used, so maybe there&amp;#x27;s really nothing there.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>Zambyte</author><text>&amp;gt; I think part of the problem for LLMs is that they don&amp;#x27;t operate in an easily scoreable &amp;quot;game&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;Unfortunately &amp;quot;social media&amp;quot; is the gamified environment for language.</text></comment>
<story><title>I Hate the News (2006)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>austenallred</author><text>I, strangely enough, agree with Most of what Aaron says. And I&amp;#x27;m the founder of a news company.&lt;p&gt;I worry about this attitude on a macro scale, but it&amp;#x27;s hard to argue with on a micro one. I spend most of my day following what&amp;#x27;s going on in the world, and it hasn&amp;#x27;t added much value to my life. But I worry about everyone not caring. Not because that would kill my company (I started it because I hate news in its current form too), but because there are times when public outrage changes things. It&amp;#x27;s like voting - my vote doesn&amp;#x27;t matter, but on aggregate it&amp;#x27;s everything.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m convinced that the goal of a good news publication should be like Google - to get you in and out the &amp;quot;door&amp;quot; as quickly as possible understanding what you need to know. We&amp;#x27;re rebuilding everything around that. A publication one can consume in thirty seconds with the most important stuff, ruthlessly curated and fact-checked. No entertainment gossip or puff pieces or PR pitches. (To get it as an email sign up at &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt;)&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m looking forward to reading what others think on this subject.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>sparkzilla</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t think you agree with Swartz at all. You used an article that explains why someone does not read the news to promote your news site. According to the article, Swartz wasn&amp;#x27;t looking for an alternative way to consume news: he decries the news industry as a whole. I&amp;#x27;m all for self-promotion on HN when it&amp;#x27;s relevant, but Grasswire appears to be exactly the kind of thing Swartz would not be interested in.&lt;p&gt;If you were selling books or long-form journalism I could understand your post, but as it stands it&amp;#x27;s blatant self-promotion. And I say that as the founder of a news company.</text></comment>
<story><title>I Hate the News (2006)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>austenallred</author><text>I, strangely enough, agree with Most of what Aaron says. And I&amp;#x27;m the founder of a news company.&lt;p&gt;I worry about this attitude on a macro scale, but it&amp;#x27;s hard to argue with on a micro one. I spend most of my day following what&amp;#x27;s going on in the world, and it hasn&amp;#x27;t added much value to my life. But I worry about everyone not caring. Not because that would kill my company (I started it because I hate news in its current form too), but because there are times when public outrage changes things. It&amp;#x27;s like voting - my vote doesn&amp;#x27;t matter, but on aggregate it&amp;#x27;s everything.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m convinced that the goal of a good news publication should be like Google - to get you in and out the &amp;quot;door&amp;quot; as quickly as possible understanding what you need to know. We&amp;#x27;re rebuilding everything around that. A publication one can consume in thirty seconds with the most important stuff, ruthlessly curated and fact-checked. No entertainment gossip or puff pieces or PR pitches. (To get it as an email sign up at &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt;)&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m looking forward to reading what others think on this subject.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ta82828</author><text>Asking me to sign up before I&amp;#x27;ve even looked at the page is annoying (to me).&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>FBI Smartphone Surveillance Tool Details Revealed in Court</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>trotsky</author><text>It seems like it would be faster to make a list of things verizon won&apos;t accept an administrative subpoena for in lieu of a warrant as opposed to the other way around.&lt;p&gt;On an unrelated note, if you have verizon FIOS they can push a new firmware package to your router and reboot it easily, without you ever knowing. And they log in every day and confirm the hash of the firmware you&apos;re running - if it&apos;s not on the approved list (which is generally just the current one they have you set for) it automatically reflashes. A properly written firmware could monitor not just all traffic that was internet bound, but also everything on the local lan and wireless net.&lt;p&gt;At least in the router I have, there is a significant amount of dark radios on the board. There&apos;s a second (unused) 802.11n radio that in other editions is used as a second n stream but easily could be used to do full site surveys or packet capture or as an evil twin, a DECT (cordless phone) compatible phy that could impersonate a cordless basestation and if I read the spec sheet right a bluetooth and powerline phy.&lt;p&gt;The verizon STB for their converged QAM/IPTV also downloads a portion of their firmware from the management servers and verifies hashes and oprational state TCG style - if they aren&apos;t connected to the network they will never actually finish booting.&lt;p&gt;Details are limited about what the CISCO built STB contains on the inside, but it at least has a light sensor (ir remote) and a vibration / accelerometer (for sudden drop hd head park) that they have been touting as a feature that allows them to measure ad exposure based on floor vibrations that suggest you walked away during a commercial.&lt;p&gt;They&apos;ve also been recently touting a 99% effectiveness rate at uniquely identifying the viewer in multi person households based on statistical modeling of the order and speed buttons are pressed on the remote, though I&apos;m unsure if that&apos;s with the current cisco gear or the new motorola (google) gear that they are just rolling out.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>cliffy</author><text>You can replace their router with one of your own. On my ONT there are two ways of connecting to the Verizon service:&lt;p&gt;1) Ethernet. If you connect this way then running your own router is trivial, but by using Ethernet you lose some services related to TV.&lt;p&gt;2) Coax. This is a bit more complicated. You&apos;ll still have to power the Verizon router, but everything behind, and including, your router still will be under your control. You need a Coax to Ethernet adapter like this one:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;I don&apos;t remember all the specific steps I had to take to enable this offhand. I need to go back and write a howto. In any case, The final setup will look like this:&lt;p&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt; Verizon ONT --[Coax]--&amp;#62; Moca Adapter --[Ethernet]--&amp;#62; Your router. Moca Adapter --[Coax]--&amp;#62; Verizon router. &lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt; One important point is that you must release your DHCP IP on the Verizon router before your router can obtain one.&lt;p&gt;I think you can dispense with the Coax connection to the Verizon router if you don&apos;t care about TV capabilities, but if you don&apos;t you might as well switch the ONT to use Ethernet instead and avoid this mess.&lt;p&gt;My main motivation for doing this was that the wireless capabilities of the Verizon-supplied router were terrible, but it has the added bonus of keeping Verizon&apos;s prying eyes out of my home network.</text></comment>
<story><title>FBI Smartphone Surveillance Tool Details Revealed in Court</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>trotsky</author><text>It seems like it would be faster to make a list of things verizon won&apos;t accept an administrative subpoena for in lieu of a warrant as opposed to the other way around.&lt;p&gt;On an unrelated note, if you have verizon FIOS they can push a new firmware package to your router and reboot it easily, without you ever knowing. And they log in every day and confirm the hash of the firmware you&apos;re running - if it&apos;s not on the approved list (which is generally just the current one they have you set for) it automatically reflashes. A properly written firmware could monitor not just all traffic that was internet bound, but also everything on the local lan and wireless net.&lt;p&gt;At least in the router I have, there is a significant amount of dark radios on the board. There&apos;s a second (unused) 802.11n radio that in other editions is used as a second n stream but easily could be used to do full site surveys or packet capture or as an evil twin, a DECT (cordless phone) compatible phy that could impersonate a cordless basestation and if I read the spec sheet right a bluetooth and powerline phy.&lt;p&gt;The verizon STB for their converged QAM/IPTV also downloads a portion of their firmware from the management servers and verifies hashes and oprational state TCG style - if they aren&apos;t connected to the network they will never actually finish booting.&lt;p&gt;Details are limited about what the CISCO built STB contains on the inside, but it at least has a light sensor (ir remote) and a vibration / accelerometer (for sudden drop hd head park) that they have been touting as a feature that allows them to measure ad exposure based on floor vibrations that suggest you walked away during a commercial.&lt;p&gt;They&apos;ve also been recently touting a 99% effectiveness rate at uniquely identifying the viewer in multi person households based on statistical modeling of the order and speed buttons are pressed on the remote, though I&apos;m unsure if that&apos;s with the current cisco gear or the new motorola (google) gear that they are just rolling out.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>peterwwillis</author><text>&amp;#62; And they log in every day and confirm the hash of the firmware you&apos;re running&lt;p&gt;If you can modify the firmware you can change it to respond to their query with the &quot;correct&quot; firmware signature, so this doesn&apos;t seem useful to me. Source?&lt;p&gt;Also, is the 802.11n radio connected to an antenna? If not, can&apos;t really do any surveys with it. Sounds like a fun box to play with for evil maid attacks, though!</text></comment>
<story><title>VPNs on iOS are a scam</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>kogir</author><text>I think Apple is transparent about Always on VPN (blocking traffic except over the tunnel) requiring provisioning using MDM tools. Apple Configurator is free and allows anyone to set this up.&lt;p&gt;Any other VPN is just best effort.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;guide&amp;#x2F;deployment&amp;#x2F;vpn-overview-depae3d361d0&amp;#x2F;web&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;guide&amp;#x2F;deployment&amp;#x2F;vpn-overview-depa...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>Youden</author><text>The issue in the article isn&amp;#x27;t that the VPN is sometimes inactive, it&amp;#x27;s that when the VPN is active, some traffic escapes the VPN.&lt;p&gt;As far as I can see the linked page doesn&amp;#x27;t say that your VPN will leak unless you&amp;#x27;re using Always On.&lt;p&gt;Plus, that page documents the VPN features built in to iOS itself, not VPNs provided by apps.</text></comment>
<story><title>VPNs on iOS are a scam</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>kogir</author><text>I think Apple is transparent about Always on VPN (blocking traffic except over the tunnel) requiring provisioning using MDM tools. Apple Configurator is free and allows anyone to set this up.&lt;p&gt;Any other VPN is just best effort.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;guide&amp;#x2F;deployment&amp;#x2F;vpn-overview-depae3d361d0&amp;#x2F;web&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;guide&amp;#x2F;deployment&amp;#x2F;vpn-overview-depa...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>xoa</author><text>I hope Wireguard makes it into iOS&amp;#x2F;macOS at some point. Still early days relative to other protocols of course but it&amp;#x27;s so much simpler and more reliable (even beyond the security benefits). I use it extensively on both platforms for access to my own networks and services nowadays.</text></comment>
<story><title>Coronavirus Forces World’s Largest Work-from-Home Experiment</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>est</author><text>Some outcomes of this morning:&lt;p&gt;1. Alibaba&amp;#x27;s teamwork app, Dingtalk, crashed around 9AM due to too many concurrent video conference saturate the server and bandwitdh&lt;p&gt;2. Tencent&amp;#x27;s for enterprise messaging app, Wechat for Business, crashed. Connection is extremely unstable&lt;p&gt;3. Baidu&amp;#x27;s office VPN was busy and employees are asked to stay disconnected to leave bandwith for sysadmins&lt;p&gt;4. Huawei&amp;#x27;s WeLink was unavailable for a while&lt;p&gt;5. Bytedance (company behind TikTok)&amp;#x27;s Lark, an online office suite like GApps was the biggest winner, only had some minor issues.&lt;p&gt;6. Zoom offered a free version to mainland users and it&amp;#x27;s extremely popular. But it lacks non-video-conf features. e.g. simple daily poll to see if your colleagues were healthy or not.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>tmp5774889</author><text>I&amp;#x27;ve created a temp account for this to be on the safe side :)&lt;p&gt;I work for a big (300k+ ) company with some tens of thousand office workers in CN We are preparing since about 2 weeks to upgrade our remote access infra in China with partial success as something which would be a soft upgrade everywhere else needs to go through various levels of local subcontractors and partners of our provider&lt;p&gt;On top of that because of the Internet situation in CN it is not practically easy to use remote access via another location with higher capacity - the performance gets degraded very quickly - or use resources directly over the internet eg. RTC which is not hosted locally&lt;p&gt;I doubt that local authorities will change something in the future because of this example but one can only hope</text></comment>
<story><title>Coronavirus Forces World’s Largest Work-from-Home Experiment</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>est</author><text>Some outcomes of this morning:&lt;p&gt;1. Alibaba&amp;#x27;s teamwork app, Dingtalk, crashed around 9AM due to too many concurrent video conference saturate the server and bandwitdh&lt;p&gt;2. Tencent&amp;#x27;s for enterprise messaging app, Wechat for Business, crashed. Connection is extremely unstable&lt;p&gt;3. Baidu&amp;#x27;s office VPN was busy and employees are asked to stay disconnected to leave bandwith for sysadmins&lt;p&gt;4. Huawei&amp;#x27;s WeLink was unavailable for a while&lt;p&gt;5. Bytedance (company behind TikTok)&amp;#x27;s Lark, an online office suite like GApps was the biggest winner, only had some minor issues.&lt;p&gt;6. Zoom offered a free version to mainland users and it&amp;#x27;s extremely popular. But it lacks non-video-conf features. e.g. simple daily poll to see if your colleagues were healthy or not.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ekianjo</author><text>Seems like the experiment was a success: systems have very low margins to operate.</text></comment>
<story><title>Ask HN: What are your recommended reads that are available for free?</title><text>I recently stumbled across a link in another thread to &amp;quot;Economics in One Lesson&amp;quot; and thought it was incredibly interesting. https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;sites&amp;#x2F;default&amp;#x2F;files&amp;#x2F;Economics%20in%20One%20Lesson_2.pdf&lt;p&gt;What are some other interesting reads—whether PDF, website, doc, etc—that are freely available?&lt;p&gt;One of my favorites that I find thought-provoking is the &amp;quot;Procedural Content Generation in Games&amp;quot; book (http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;).</text></story><parent_chain><item><author>okal</author><text>I built &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt; just for this. It&amp;#x27;s a crowdsourced listing of legally free books on just about any topic.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>anthony_romeo</author><text>I love this. I&amp;#x27;ll be signing up.&lt;p&gt;Just one thing, browsing by topic doesn&amp;#x27;t seem to have any sort of rhyme or reason in its ordering aside from some vague first-letter ordering. For example, there are numerous &amp;quot;I&amp;quot; categories, with one &amp;quot;I&amp;quot; for &amp;quot;interactive&amp;quot; and another one for &amp;quot;Interactive&amp;quot;. One grouping of &amp;quot;I&amp;quot;&amp;#x27;s includes tags &amp;quot;ios&amp;quot;, &amp;quot;iOS&amp;quot;, and &amp;quot;ip&amp;quot;, but the next &amp;quot;I&amp;quot; grouping below just contains &amp;quot;IP&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;Edit: I see the ordering issue now. There&amp;#x27;s a list of topics. The list is printed out in alphabetical order. But for some reason when the first letter of a topic changes between capital letter and a lowercase letter, a new letter grouping is created. Probably it&amp;#x27;s creating a new category whenever the first character changes, but it did not take into account capital and lowercase characters being different.</text></comment>
<story><title>Ask HN: What are your recommended reads that are available for free?</title><text>I recently stumbled across a link in another thread to &amp;quot;Economics in One Lesson&amp;quot; and thought it was incredibly interesting. https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;sites&amp;#x2F;default&amp;#x2F;files&amp;#x2F;Economics%20in%20One%20Lesson_2.pdf&lt;p&gt;What are some other interesting reads—whether PDF, website, doc, etc—that are freely available?&lt;p&gt;One of my favorites that I find thought-provoking is the &amp;quot;Procedural Content Generation in Games&amp;quot; book (http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;).</text></story><parent_chain><item><author>okal</author><text>I built &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt; just for this. It&amp;#x27;s a crowdsourced listing of legally free books on just about any topic.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>crshults</author><text>Thanks for this. I was happy to see &amp;#x27;Patterns for Time-Triggered Embedded Systems&amp;#x27; on your list, though the link appears broken - new link: [1]. I remember working through that book and porting everything from C to Assembly (my boss at the time was too cheap to buy me the nice Keil compiler). Once I had that library in hand, I was knocking out his projects in days instead of weeks.&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;download&amp;#x2F;pont_pttes_2014.pdf&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;download&amp;#x2F;pont_pttes_2014.pdf&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Highcharts 3.0 Beta released</title><url></url><text></text></story><parent_chain><item><author>Frozenlock</author><text>There&apos;s also Flotr2: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt; and Envisionjs: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Which are FOSS.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>bernardom</author><text>Google Chart Tools is also quite nice: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Actually, this is a perfect time to ask: I&apos;ve been trying to find the best FOSS charting tool for a (for-profit) RoR app I&apos;m building. Google-visualr seems to be the easiest to use: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;I made a list of other possibilities here: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Any tips on a good gem/framework to use for an RoR newbie would be much appreciated...</text></comment>
<story><title>Highcharts 3.0 Beta released</title><url></url><text></text></story><parent_chain><item><author>Frozenlock</author><text>There&apos;s also Flotr2: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt; and Envisionjs: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Which are FOSS.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>Bjoern</author><text>More items for your list.&lt;p&gt;- D3js &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;- NVD3 &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Firefox 80</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>jxy</author><text>Can they just give me an actual PDF viewer for the sole purpose of PDF viewing? Is it really the way forward? Bundling everything into a web browser? It feels like a giant security hole.</text></item><item><author>ocdtrekkie</author><text>&amp;quot;Firefox can now be set as the default system PDF viewer.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;Neat. I loathe every time I have to install Adobe Reader for something. Unfortunately, all browsers PDF support for things like form filling and stuff tends to be pretty lacking.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>jwatt</author><text>From what I understand this wasn&amp;#x27;t so much about bundling everything into the web browser. It was more about the handling of links to PDF files that are served with `content-disposition:attachment` to get the browser to open the &amp;quot;choose an app to open this file&amp;quot; system dialog. Without Firefox being registered with the system as an app that could open PDF files, users wouldn&amp;#x27;t be given the option to open it with Firefox (often they&amp;#x27;d be prompted to open it using Edge). That was annoying people.&lt;p&gt;Regarding your security concern, Firefox&amp;#x27;s PDF viewer is PDF.js. Parsing PDF files in a JS sandbox and rendering it to an HTML &amp;lt;canvas&amp;gt; in a sandboxed process should be more secure than rendering it using an unsandboxed app that parses&amp;#x2F;renders using system APIs.</text></comment>
<story><title>Firefox 80</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>jxy</author><text>Can they just give me an actual PDF viewer for the sole purpose of PDF viewing? Is it really the way forward? Bundling everything into a web browser? It feels like a giant security hole.</text></item><item><author>ocdtrekkie</author><text>&amp;quot;Firefox can now be set as the default system PDF viewer.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;Neat. I loathe every time I have to install Adobe Reader for something. Unfortunately, all browsers PDF support for things like form filling and stuff tends to be pretty lacking.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>pheug</author><text>I&amp;#x27;d actually consider browser pdf viewers &lt;i&gt;safer&lt;/i&gt; than a standalone native app. Firefox uses pdfjs, a pure javascript pdf implementation running inside a battle-tested browser javascript sandbox. No unsafe native pdf code with countless holes.</text></comment>
<story><title>ASCII Art Weather</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>mediumdeviation</author><text>Try looking at the source of the page. There&amp;#x27;s no way in hell anyone would call that &amp;quot;just&amp;quot; the data necessary to convey the information.&lt;p&gt;The site is also unusable on mobile, because ASCII art unlike proper semantic HTML is not easily rescalable by the browser. And it&amp;#x27;s inaccessible by users relying on screen readers, ironically because of all the ASCII cruft.</text></item><item><author>dredmorbius</author><text>What&amp;#x27;s impressed me about this is how much faster it is than Web pages or Android apps.&lt;p&gt;Really: just transmit the data necessary to convey your information. Your app is in the way.&lt;p&gt; on Android using Termux is actually pretty awesome.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>torgoguys</author><text>&amp;gt;The site is also unusable on mobile, because ASCII art unlike proper semantic HTML is not easily rescalable by the browser. And it&amp;#x27;s inaccessible by users relying on screen readers, ironically because of all the ASCII cruft.&lt;p&gt;As web developers, we&amp;#x27;re used to &amp;quot;everyone&amp;quot; being the audience, but that&amp;#x27;s not the case here. As a stylized visual representation of the weather, it&amp;#x27;s fine. I dig it.&lt;p&gt;Making sure something is accessible to screen readers is generally an important thing (and &lt;i&gt;could&lt;/i&gt; be worked on here) but I give this project a pass because the visual design is the whole point of the exercise.&lt;p&gt;And while I viewed this on mobile (and was fine for me with zooming), that clearly isn&amp;#x27;t the audience. Again, it could be improved if the author felt like it, but even if &amp;quot;fixed&amp;quot; (perhaps having morning, noon, evening, night being stacked vertically on mobile) I don&amp;#x27;t think this would be hardly anybody&amp;#x27;s goto weather reference on mobile. It&amp;#x27;s meant for us desktop users who are lovers of the terminal aesthetic.</text></comment>
<story><title>ASCII Art Weather</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>mediumdeviation</author><text>Try looking at the source of the page. There&amp;#x27;s no way in hell anyone would call that &amp;quot;just&amp;quot; the data necessary to convey the information.&lt;p&gt;The site is also unusable on mobile, because ASCII art unlike proper semantic HTML is not easily rescalable by the browser. And it&amp;#x27;s inaccessible by users relying on screen readers, ironically because of all the ASCII cruft.</text></item><item><author>dredmorbius</author><text>What&amp;#x27;s impressed me about this is how much faster it is than Web pages or Android apps.&lt;p&gt;Really: just transmit the data necessary to convey your information. Your app is in the way.&lt;p&gt; on Android using Termux is actually pretty awesome.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>emcrazyone</author><text>FYI: It scaled perfectly fine on my Android&amp;#x2F;Galaxy S5 so while it&amp;#x27;s scalable, I can&amp;#x27;t comment on how &amp;quot;easily scalable&amp;quot; it is nor if screen readers would have a problem.&lt;p&gt;I would think screen readers would have no impact. Text is pretty much text (utf8, etc...) and the scaling is handled by your font choice not your text choice.&lt;p&gt;^^shrug^^</text></comment>
<story><title>Show HN: Use your iPhone&apos;s camera to see any photo on your wall</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>rodonn</author><text>This is very cool! A feature I&amp;#x27;d love to have (and would gladly pay for) is to be able to add multiple photos to one wall to test out different arrangements. We&amp;#x27;ve been thinking about how to arrange our framed art on the walls, but it&amp;#x27;s hard to visualize what arrangement would look best as a &amp;quot;gallery wall&amp;quot; of art &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;blog&amp;#x2F;how-to-make-a-gallery-wall&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;blog&amp;#x2F;how-to-make-a-gallery...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Show HN: Use your iPhone&apos;s camera to see any photo on your wall</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>hitmyapi</author><text>Hey all, wanted to share a new ARKit app I recently published. You can choose a photo from your gallery, specify its dimensions, and see how it&amp;#x27;d look directly on your wall!&lt;p&gt;Inspiration for this project came when I was looking to buy artwork over the summer, but wasn&amp;#x27;t sure what size would look best on my wall. I made this so ideally you could preview how a piece of art would look on your wall before you buy it. Would love any feedback on it</text></comment>
<story><title>Bitcoin Halving Just Occured</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>andrewla</author><text>If you&amp;#x27;re wondering why your friends who are into cryptocurrency are in a tizzy, it&amp;#x27;s related to a model called &amp;quot;Stock-To-Flow&amp;quot; that attempts to post-facto explain the price of Bitcoin (and other liquid assets, like gold) in terms of the rate of production.&lt;p&gt;Proposed by PlanB [1] it is a source of constant derision&amp;#x2F;hope&amp;#x2F;skepticism&amp;#x2F;dismissal by the Bitcoin community, and the halving of the reward gives it its first non-backtested novel prediction.&lt;p&gt;Roughly it predicts [2] that the price will settle into a band around 30,000 USD sometime next year.&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;100trillionUSD&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;100trillionUSD&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[2] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news&amp;#x2F;bitcoin-halving-will-be-make-or-break-for-stock-to-flow-model-planb&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news&amp;#x2F;bitcoin-halving-will-be-make-...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>nateberkopec</author><text>To believe this is true, you must also believe that efficient markets do not really exist.&lt;p&gt;Imagine if a publicly traded company announced that in 1 years time, they would buy back half of their outstanding shares (not a great analogy but its the best I can think of). What would happen to the stock price?&lt;p&gt;All securities prices in publicly traded markets are essentially priced as discounted cash flows over the next 20-30 years. The current price reflects all available public information about those cash flows.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m not saying efficient markets is 100% true all of the time, of course the world demonstrates that it isn&amp;#x27;t, but the level of disbelief you have to have in the hypothesis to believe that a well-known public event affecting Bitcoin will result in a 3x price increase is lunacy, IMO.</text></comment>
<story><title>Bitcoin Halving Just Occured</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>andrewla</author><text>If you&amp;#x27;re wondering why your friends who are into cryptocurrency are in a tizzy, it&amp;#x27;s related to a model called &amp;quot;Stock-To-Flow&amp;quot; that attempts to post-facto explain the price of Bitcoin (and other liquid assets, like gold) in terms of the rate of production.&lt;p&gt;Proposed by PlanB [1] it is a source of constant derision&amp;#x2F;hope&amp;#x2F;skepticism&amp;#x2F;dismissal by the Bitcoin community, and the halving of the reward gives it its first non-backtested novel prediction.&lt;p&gt;Roughly it predicts [2] that the price will settle into a band around 30,000 USD sometime next year.&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;100trillionUSD&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;100trillionUSD&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[2] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news&amp;#x2F;bitcoin-halving-will-be-make-or-break-for-stock-to-flow-model-planb&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;news&amp;#x2F;bitcoin-halving-will-be-make-...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>liquidify</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t agree that this is the reason that people are in a &amp;quot;tizzy&amp;quot;. To me this instance is an instance where a shock enters the system.&lt;p&gt;Think of it like a differential equation where a steady state is changed... like a spring that has been held in a certain position is released. There will be a shock as the system seeks to find a new equilibrium.&lt;p&gt;The fact that the system has been shocked means that there is some predictable craziness that will happen soon. It is basically guaranteed fun no matter how it turns out.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ve been following bitcoin a long time, and was excited for the halving. But I&amp;#x27;d never heard of the model you described and could care less about it.</text></comment>
<story><title>Show HN: I wrote the book Building Mobile Apps at Scale</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>gregdoesit</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m excited to share that Building Mobile Apps at Scale: 39 Engineering Challenges is out. It&amp;#x27;s my first-ever paperback book and one that is free as a PDF for the rest of the month[1].&lt;p&gt;I had worked for years at Uber, first as a mobile engineer, then an engineering manager. Despite being a mobile-first company, I could not shake the feeling that non-mobile engineers and managers consistently underestimated the complexity of large-scale mobile development. I&amp;#x27;ve been in so many meetings where an engineer, a PM, or a director would say, &amp;quot;oh, compared to the backend, the mobile part should be simple enough... it&amp;#x27;s just another frontend, right?&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;I found myself explaining again and again to PMs, engineers, and stakeholders all the hoops the mobile team needs to jump to ship things in production. How mistakes are very expensive - and thus, we need to ship almost all changes behind feature flags. How the build train means that the changes we make today will take at least 2 weeks to get to prod. How devices being offline is something we need to actively support, and anticipate... and so on. I noticed similar &amp;quot;aha moments&amp;quot; each time. Talking with other mobile engineers in similar environments, they were having similar conversations, and battling similar assumptions on mobile being relatively simple.&lt;p&gt;I had been collecting the numerous challenging areas that I planned to publish as a blog post. After I shared the draft on Twitter[2], I got an unexpected amount of interest in people offering to contribute. The contents became too long for a post, and so this book was born. Several people asked for a paperback version[3], and I decided to create the book in print as well, as I felt the contents warranted it.&lt;p&gt;I hope you find this book useful - both if you&amp;#x27;re a mobile engineer or if you work with mobile teams. And I&amp;#x27;d love to hear any feedback!&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;#pricing&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;#pricing&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[2] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;GergelyOrosz&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;1335305213394251780&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;GergelyOrosz&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;1335305213394251780&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[3] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;elevenetc&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;1335595203411972097&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;elevenetc&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;1335595203411972097&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>mgkimsal</author><text>&amp;quot;I&amp;#x27;ve been in so many meetings where an engineer, a PM, or a director would say, &amp;quot;oh, compared to the backend, the mobile part should be simple enough... it&amp;#x27;s just another frontend, right?&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ve heard that before too. Even before getting in to the various engineering issues between different platforms, if you&amp;#x27;re talking about &amp;#x27;native apps&amp;#x27; - things to go in to an app store - specifically apple... that &amp;quot;it&amp;#x27;s just another front end&amp;quot; line is beyond laughable.&lt;p&gt;The effort involved in simply packaging up a handful of mobile apps for distribution in app stores - between multiple icons, splash screens, basic device testing... is often a level beyond what people who&amp;#x27;ve not worked in mobile have ever had to deal with it - especially internal &amp;#x27;line of business&amp;#x27; app folks.&lt;p&gt;I say this as someone who&amp;#x27;s only done a small number of mobile apps (some angular&amp;#x2F;ionic years ago), and looking recently, it&amp;#x27;s only worse.</text></comment>
<story><title>Show HN: I wrote the book Building Mobile Apps at Scale</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>gregdoesit</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m excited to share that Building Mobile Apps at Scale: 39 Engineering Challenges is out. It&amp;#x27;s my first-ever paperback book and one that is free as a PDF for the rest of the month[1].&lt;p&gt;I had worked for years at Uber, first as a mobile engineer, then an engineering manager. Despite being a mobile-first company, I could not shake the feeling that non-mobile engineers and managers consistently underestimated the complexity of large-scale mobile development. I&amp;#x27;ve been in so many meetings where an engineer, a PM, or a director would say, &amp;quot;oh, compared to the backend, the mobile part should be simple enough... it&amp;#x27;s just another frontend, right?&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;I found myself explaining again and again to PMs, engineers, and stakeholders all the hoops the mobile team needs to jump to ship things in production. How mistakes are very expensive - and thus, we need to ship almost all changes behind feature flags. How the build train means that the changes we make today will take at least 2 weeks to get to prod. How devices being offline is something we need to actively support, and anticipate... and so on. I noticed similar &amp;quot;aha moments&amp;quot; each time. Talking with other mobile engineers in similar environments, they were having similar conversations, and battling similar assumptions on mobile being relatively simple.&lt;p&gt;I had been collecting the numerous challenging areas that I planned to publish as a blog post. After I shared the draft on Twitter[2], I got an unexpected amount of interest in people offering to contribute. The contents became too long for a post, and so this book was born. Several people asked for a paperback version[3], and I decided to create the book in print as well, as I felt the contents warranted it.&lt;p&gt;I hope you find this book useful - both if you&amp;#x27;re a mobile engineer or if you work with mobile teams. And I&amp;#x27;d love to hear any feedback!&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;#pricing&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;#pricing&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[2] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;GergelyOrosz&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;1335305213394251780&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;GergelyOrosz&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;1335305213394251780&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[3] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;elevenetc&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;1335595203411972097&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;elevenetc&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;1335595203411972097&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>predaking</author><text>&amp;quot;I&amp;#x27;ve been in so many meetings where an engineer, a PM, or a director would say, &amp;quot;oh, compared to the backend, the mobile part should be simple enough... it&amp;#x27;s just another frontend, right?&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;You sold me on the book with this sentence alone. =)</text></comment>
<story><title>Illustrated: Apple&apos;s Fear of Android</title><url></url><text></text></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>jordanroher</author><text>Except Apple doesn&apos;t seem to care about achieving huge market share for the iPhone. They care about money, and by delaying the iPhone 5 they&apos;ve managed to make even more money than usual. It must be habit that we go for the market share argument so often. A corporation&apos;s responsibility to its shareholders isn&apos;t to spread its logo across the land like a religion, but to return value (real dollars, not imaginary market share dollars) for their investment.  That was slightly more ironic than I intended.&lt;p&gt;Besides, there are plenty of other &quot;hidden&quot; reasons for Apple to sue these Android handset manufacturers. Steve Jobs feels betrayed by Eric Schmidt, Samsung makes eerily close copies of the iPhone, Apple doesn&apos;t attack HP and RIM because this isn&apos;t about actual patent infringement but taking out the smaller manufacturers who can&apos;t defend themselves against Apple Legal.</text></comment>
<story><title>Illustrated: Apple&apos;s Fear of Android</title><url></url><text></text></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>Derbasti</author><text>I don&apos;t see Apple being fearful to be honest. They are still growing like crazy and they are serving a somewhat different market than Android is. You simply don&apos;t buy an iPhone because you want &apos;some phone&apos;.&lt;p&gt;This is not to say that an iPhone is better than some Android phone, but this is certainly perceived to be something different than &apos;the rest&apos; by most of my friends and colleagues.</text></comment>
<story><title>Gizmodo and the Prototype iPhone</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>Hagelin</author><text>According to Gizmodo the phone was lost March 18. On March 29 Gruber publishes a short comment that casually includes some of the specs (A4-family CPU, 960x640 display, front-facing camera). Kinda makes me wonder if there was an authorized leak of the hardware specs in order to steal some thunder from any upcoming stories.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Gizmodo and the Prototype iPhone</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>ZeroGravitas</author><text>I&apos;m a bit confused by this. Gizmodo&apos;s behaviour seems skanky, but only different by degree from Gruber, in this very post, confirming that the recent photos were of a late stage prototype, or in recent posts confirming tech specs.&lt;p&gt;People are throwing terms like &quot;industrial espionage&quot; around. Why is publishing such details of unreleased products from internal sources, as Gruber seems to take great delight in doing, not the same thing.&lt;p&gt;If one of his moles gets fed tagged information and the release gets traced back to him, resulting in a firing are we supposed to all gang up on Gruber too?</text></comment>
<story><title>New macOS malware steals info, including a user&apos;s entire Keychain database</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>ghusto</author><text>&amp;gt; It lures users to download the software, run it, ignore the OS warning that the code isn’t signed, and then enter their password.&lt;p&gt;Warnings like this are useless when they bundle genuinely dodgy software along with software from legitimate companies I already trust and know. Those messages means nothing to me, and I ignore them, because they&amp;#x27;re warning me about something I already know &amp;quot;You&amp;#x27;re trying to run software you downloaded&amp;quot; — yeah, thanks.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; Make it impossible for user code to read the entire keychain&lt;p&gt;What I&amp;#x27;ve always found kind of bonkers, is that MacOS allows any command to read the entire contents of your keychain (yes, with all your passwords). No auth, no checks, just full access via the `security` command.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; Containerize macOS more, making it impossible for user programs to access files written by other programs, in the way things work on iOS?&lt;p&gt;Maybe? I don&amp;#x27;t know if that&amp;#x27;s the right direction (it definitely isn&amp;#x27;t for me, and I&amp;#x27;d jump ship), but perhaps that&amp;#x27;s the best thing for most people?</text></item><item><author>Someone</author><text>This malware gets onto systems 100% through social engineering. It lures users to download the software, run it, ignore the OS warning that the code isn’t signed, and then enter their password.&lt;p&gt;So, what should Apple do in response to such malware? Make it impossible for user code to read the entire keychain, even when running as admin? Containerize macOS more, making it impossible for user programs to access files written by other programs, in the way things work on iOS? Ignore it because, at some point, security becomes the user’s responsibility?&lt;p&gt;If tools like these get popular, I can see them getting blamed whatever they do or don’t do.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>codedokode</author><text>&amp;gt; is that MacOS allows any command to read the entire contents of your keychain (yes, with all your passwords).&lt;p&gt;In Windows and Linux any application also can read any user&amp;#x27;s file. And in Chrome and Firefox, any extension can read browser history, capture key presses and so on. If you install Python packages, they can do anything to your computer, if you download a plugin for Gimp the same issue exists. On desktop security is broken since forever. OS developers (especially Linux developers) cannot innovate and use outdated security model from 80s where users are isolated from each other but today most computers have a single user and it makes little sense. Today you need to isolate program from a program, and prevent them from fingerprinting user&amp;#x27;s device (for example, in Linux any app can read MAC addresses, hardware serial numbers, list of nearby WiFi points and nobody cares about that).</text></comment>
<story><title>New macOS malware steals info, including a user&apos;s entire Keychain database</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>ghusto</author><text>&amp;gt; It lures users to download the software, run it, ignore the OS warning that the code isn’t signed, and then enter their password.&lt;p&gt;Warnings like this are useless when they bundle genuinely dodgy software along with software from legitimate companies I already trust and know. Those messages means nothing to me, and I ignore them, because they&amp;#x27;re warning me about something I already know &amp;quot;You&amp;#x27;re trying to run software you downloaded&amp;quot; — yeah, thanks.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; Make it impossible for user code to read the entire keychain&lt;p&gt;What I&amp;#x27;ve always found kind of bonkers, is that MacOS allows any command to read the entire contents of your keychain (yes, with all your passwords). No auth, no checks, just full access via the `security` command.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; Containerize macOS more, making it impossible for user programs to access files written by other programs, in the way things work on iOS?&lt;p&gt;Maybe? I don&amp;#x27;t know if that&amp;#x27;s the right direction (it definitely isn&amp;#x27;t for me, and I&amp;#x27;d jump ship), but perhaps that&amp;#x27;s the best thing for most people?</text></item><item><author>Someone</author><text>This malware gets onto systems 100% through social engineering. It lures users to download the software, run it, ignore the OS warning that the code isn’t signed, and then enter their password.&lt;p&gt;So, what should Apple do in response to such malware? Make it impossible for user code to read the entire keychain, even when running as admin? Containerize macOS more, making it impossible for user programs to access files written by other programs, in the way things work on iOS? Ignore it because, at some point, security becomes the user’s responsibility?&lt;p&gt;If tools like these get popular, I can see them getting blamed whatever they do or don’t do.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>js2</author><text>&amp;gt; MacOS allows any command to read the entire contents of your keychain (yes, with all your passwords). No auth, no checks, just full access via the `security` command.&lt;p&gt;No, that&amp;#x27;s not true. macOS has multiple keychain APIs with different capabilities.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;documentation&amp;#x2F;technotes&amp;#x2F;tn3137-on-mac-keychains&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;documentation&amp;#x2F;technotes&amp;#x2F;tn3137-o...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Items within the traditional keychain can have ACLs applied to them. When you run `security dump -d`, it will only be able to dump items from a traditional keychain that are either set to allow access to all apps, or that have an ACL that grants access to `security`. Very few items should be set to &amp;quot;Allow All&amp;quot;. In my login keychain, almost none are.&lt;p&gt;For all other items you will get a security prompt with &amp;quot;Always Allow&amp;quot;, &amp;quot;Allow&amp;quot;, and &amp;quot;Deny&amp;quot; which requires you to enter your password. You can also set items to require confirmation but not require the keychain&amp;#x27;s password.&lt;p&gt;If you add `security` to an item&amp;#x27;s ACL--say because you need access to that item from a script--then any app can of course access that item by calling `security`. My advice would be not to add `security` to any item&amp;#x27;s ACL.&lt;p&gt;AFAIK, `security` has no access to the iCloud Keychain where Safari stores its passwords. If you don&amp;#x27;t have iCloud Keychain enabled, I believe Safari stores its passwords in a traditional file-based keychain but those items should have ACLs on them.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;guide&amp;#x2F;security&amp;#x2F;keychain-data-protection-secb0694df1a&amp;#x2F;web&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;guide&amp;#x2F;security&amp;#x2F;keychain-data-prote...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;guide&amp;#x2F;security&amp;#x2F;icloud-keychain-security-overview-sec1c89c6f3b&amp;#x2F;web&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;guide&amp;#x2F;security&amp;#x2F;icloud-keychain-sec...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Yield curve is blaring loudest recession warning since 2007</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>andy_ppp</author><text>Interesting, which stocks should I invest in for dividends?</text></item><item><author>nostromo</author><text>This is true if you’re buying stocks (hens) for eggs (dividends) — which is true for me because I’m one of those rare cash-flow investors.&lt;p&gt;But I fear that the vast majority of investors are price speculators, not dividend farmers.</text></item><item><author>_bxg1</author><text>My favorite investment advice, courtesy of Mr. Money Mustache:&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Suppose you’re just starting out as an egg farmer, and your goal is to build up a nice, profitable business. You want to build up a flock of hens so big that they are eventually producing thousands of eggs per month. Enough to live off for life and retire.&lt;p&gt;You buy your first 100 hens, and they get right to work. You allow those eggs to hatch so more hens can be born, and you also continue to buy hens from the farm supply store. Suddenly your phone rings and it’s Farmer Joe down the road. “The price of hens has just dropped by 50%! You’ve just lost five grand on those hundred hens you bought last summer!”&lt;p&gt;Is this a sensible way to think about it?&lt;p&gt;No, of course not. You’re happy that hens are cheaper, because now you can build your egg business even faster.&lt;p&gt;Stocks are just like hens. They lay eggs called “dividends”, which are real money that can either flow automatically into your checking account, or automatically reinvest itself to buy still more stocks...There’s only one time you care if one of your shares is down: on the day you sell it.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;2016&amp;#x2F;02&amp;#x2F;29&amp;#x2F;what-to-do-about-this-scary-stock-market&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;2016&amp;#x2F;02&amp;#x2F;29&amp;#x2F;what-to-do-about-...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>toomuchtodo</author><text>VYM or SCHD. VYM tries to mitigate risk through diversification while SCHD tries to mitigate risk through a screening and selection process. VYM comes with a slightly higher dividend (3.14% vs 2.93% for the 12 month yield). They are both highly rated on Morningstar.</text></comment>
<story><title>Yield curve is blaring loudest recession warning since 2007</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>andy_ppp</author><text>Interesting, which stocks should I invest in for dividends?</text></item><item><author>nostromo</author><text>This is true if you’re buying stocks (hens) for eggs (dividends) — which is true for me because I’m one of those rare cash-flow investors.&lt;p&gt;But I fear that the vast majority of investors are price speculators, not dividend farmers.</text></item><item><author>_bxg1</author><text>My favorite investment advice, courtesy of Mr. Money Mustache:&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Suppose you’re just starting out as an egg farmer, and your goal is to build up a nice, profitable business. You want to build up a flock of hens so big that they are eventually producing thousands of eggs per month. Enough to live off for life and retire.&lt;p&gt;You buy your first 100 hens, and they get right to work. You allow those eggs to hatch so more hens can be born, and you also continue to buy hens from the farm supply store. Suddenly your phone rings and it’s Farmer Joe down the road. “The price of hens has just dropped by 50%! You’ve just lost five grand on those hundred hens you bought last summer!”&lt;p&gt;Is this a sensible way to think about it?&lt;p&gt;No, of course not. You’re happy that hens are cheaper, because now you can build your egg business even faster.&lt;p&gt;Stocks are just like hens. They lay eggs called “dividends”, which are real money that can either flow automatically into your checking account, or automatically reinvest itself to buy still more stocks...There’s only one time you care if one of your shares is down: on the day you sell it.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;2016&amp;#x2F;02&amp;#x2F;29&amp;#x2F;what-to-do-about-this-scary-stock-market&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;2016&amp;#x2F;02&amp;#x2F;29&amp;#x2F;what-to-do-about-...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>nostromo</author><text>A few ideas for you to run with: Bond Funds, Preferreds (PFF,JPS), Business Development Companies (ex: GSBD), REITs, Munis, Utilities.&lt;p&gt;Some traditional companies also have lowish dividends, but they will of course compound over time, usually old-fashioned companies like banks or airlines. A good place to look is Warren Buffet&amp;#x27;s portfolio.</text></comment>
<story><title>Virtual DOM is pure overhead (2018)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>c-smile</author><text>Yes and no.&lt;p&gt;Having implemented virtual DOM natively in Sciter (1), here are my findings:&lt;p&gt;In conventional browsers the fastest DOM population method is element.innerHTML = ...&lt;p&gt;The reason is that element.innerHTML works transactionally:&lt;p&gt;Lock updates -&amp;gt; parse and populate DOM -&amp;gt; verify DOM integrity -&amp;gt; unlock updates and update rendering tree.&lt;p&gt;While any &amp;quot;manual&amp;quot; DOM population using Web DOM API methods like appendChild() must do such transaction for any such call, so steps above shall be repeated for each appendChild() - each such call shall left the DOM in correct state.&lt;p&gt;And virtual DOM reconciliation implementations in browsers can use only public APIs like appendChild().&lt;p&gt;So, indeed, vDOM is not that performant as it could be.&lt;p&gt;But that also applies to Svelte style of updates: it also uses public APIs for updating DOM.&lt;p&gt;Solution could be in native implementation of Element.patch(vDOM) method (as I did in Sciter) that can work on par with Element.innerHTML - transactionally but without &amp;quot;parse HTML&amp;quot; phase. Yes, there is still an overhead of diff operation but with proper use of key attributes it is O(N) operation in most cases.&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ttfkam</author><text>innerHTML doesn&amp;#x27;t preserve event handlers. So you&amp;#x27;re either reassigning event handlers over and over or relying on delegate handlers everywhere.&lt;p&gt;And while your statement makes intuitive sense regarding performance, actual measurements show clearly that idiomatic Svelte (and other modern frameworks) routinely beat VDOM-based efforts handily in their idiomatic cases and often even when folks jump through the performance optimization hoops needed for VDOM.&lt;p&gt;VDOM is pure overhead. Better than manually aligning writes before reads manually a la 2010, but noticeably worse than the current crop of compiled offerings.</text></comment>
<story><title>Virtual DOM is pure overhead (2018)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>c-smile</author><text>Yes and no.&lt;p&gt;Having implemented virtual DOM natively in Sciter (1), here are my findings:&lt;p&gt;In conventional browsers the fastest DOM population method is element.innerHTML = ...&lt;p&gt;The reason is that element.innerHTML works transactionally:&lt;p&gt;Lock updates -&amp;gt; parse and populate DOM -&amp;gt; verify DOM integrity -&amp;gt; unlock updates and update rendering tree.&lt;p&gt;While any &amp;quot;manual&amp;quot; DOM population using Web DOM API methods like appendChild() must do such transaction for any such call, so steps above shall be repeated for each appendChild() - each such call shall left the DOM in correct state.&lt;p&gt;And virtual DOM reconciliation implementations in browsers can use only public APIs like appendChild().&lt;p&gt;So, indeed, vDOM is not that performant as it could be.&lt;p&gt;But that also applies to Svelte style of updates: it also uses public APIs for updating DOM.&lt;p&gt;Solution could be in native implementation of Element.patch(vDOM) method (as I did in Sciter) that can work on par with Element.innerHTML - transactionally but without &amp;quot;parse HTML&amp;quot; phase. Yes, there is still an overhead of diff operation but with proper use of key attributes it is O(N) operation in most cases.&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>aatd86</author><text>If you use dom fragments, in recent browsers, it&amp;#x27;s up to par.</text></comment>
<story><title>Pixel Visual Core: Google’s first custom-designed co-processor</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>dharma1</author><text>In addition to still photos, would love to see exposure fusion (or HDR+ as Google calls it) in mobile video too. RED Epic and Scarlet cameras do this with 2 exposures per frame and call it HDRx, I&amp;#x27;ve found it adds about 4 stops of dynamic range in grading. RED doesn&amp;#x27;t do any fancy anti-ghosting stuff though like HDR+. Magic Lantern firmware for Canon dSLR&amp;#x27;s also does something similar with dual ISO frames.&lt;p&gt;This together with 10bit video profile for h265 (think phone hardware is capable now but haven&amp;#x27;t seen any phones with 10bit video yet) would make mobile video a whole lot better, right now it frankly sucks for anything with high contrast or dynamic range.</text></comment>
<story><title>Pixel Visual Core: Google’s first custom-designed co-processor</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>sandGorgon</author><text>This is pretty much Tensorflow on metal. Considering that tensorflow works pretty well on most mobile phone GPU, im betting this feature can be turned on for most phones if Google wants.&lt;p&gt;I would love to see the apples to apples comparison of the Pixel tensorflow computation running on a vanilla snapdragon GPU vs this custom core.&lt;p&gt;Also will be interesting to know why halide and not opencv.</text></comment>
<story><title>Why Telegram is insecure (2015)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>grugq</author><text>Not sure what the policy is on plagiarism, but this post plagiarized my write up.&lt;p&gt;The structure is the same and the section headings are the same. It is blatant plagiarism.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;cWfUtKQjgT&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;cWfUtKQjgT&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>dang</author><text>Ok, we changed the URL above from &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;edu4rdshl&amp;#x2F;blog&amp;#x2F;blob&amp;#x2F;master&amp;#x2F;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;edu4rdshl&amp;#x2F;blog&amp;#x2F;blob&amp;#x2F;master&amp;#x2F;why-telegram-i...&lt;/a&gt; to &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;@thegrugq&amp;#x2F;operational-telegram-cbbaadb9013a&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;@thegrugq&amp;#x2F;operational-telegram-cbbaadb901...&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;p&gt;At present the OP is nearly blank anyhow.</text></comment>
<story><title>Why Telegram is insecure (2015)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>grugq</author><text>Not sure what the policy is on plagiarism, but this post plagiarized my write up.&lt;p&gt;The structure is the same and the section headings are the same. It is blatant plagiarism.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;cWfUtKQjgT&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;cWfUtKQjgT&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>huehehue</author><text>They added references a couple of minutes ago, I think very large chunks of their post should still be in quote blocks though. Great writeup btw, grugq &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;edu4rdshl&amp;#x2F;blog&amp;#x2F;commit&amp;#x2F;2fc4d85714d2bde3aca669c86998154c9e840f10&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;edu4rdshl&amp;#x2F;blog&amp;#x2F;commit&amp;#x2F;2fc4d85714d2bde3aca...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Why Red Hat Acquired Ansible</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>mpdehaan2</author><text>Hi! Thanks for the nice words, folks!&lt;p&gt;Wasn&amp;#x27;t thinking of saying much but I&amp;#x27;ll chime in just once.&lt;p&gt;Was it what I expected when I started? nah, I remember when I thought having a IRC channel with 30 people was crazy-insanely huge, it took off at completely unexpected rates. Just to get some early looks at it from Seth Vidal and Jeremy Katz (and a commit or two!) was awesome enough for me at the time. It wasn&amp;#x27;t engineered with the idea that it would be a business at that point at all.&lt;p&gt;BTW, extremly huge thanks for this really should also go to all the contributors out there and people that helped spread ansible around, that was completely unpredictable and a lot of fun watching it take off, especially stuff like seeing so many AM tweets in Japanese and then trying to translate them, or seeing someone automate random vending machines or electronics projects. This got built trying to help people like you, so a huge thanks for all of the input and help!&lt;p&gt;Anyway, those words mean a lot, and I greatly appreciate them.</text></item><item><author>tomaac</author><text>I really would like to hear his opinion about this. Is this how he imagined Ansible when he started this project?</text></item><item><author>shadeless</author><text>I hope that mpdehaan2 is getting a good chunk from that sale, he really deserved it. He not only made it and built a community but he was very active in the discussions on HN, blog &amp;amp; Gist comments etc.&lt;p&gt;Even though I&amp;#x27;m looking forward to using NixOps&amp;#x2F;GuixOps, I&amp;#x27;m a very happy Ansible user both in personal projects and in the company I&amp;#x27;m working for.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>smprk</author><text>Congratulations, and thanks for making a simple automation tool that I have come to love!&lt;p&gt;You guys definitely were very active in the community. Enough for the likes of me to also become an active tweet-er. I was pretty excited when @tybstar (Tim Gerla), Ansible&amp;#x27;s co-founder, chimed in once. I hope you guys share some chunk of the sale with him too! ;)</text></comment>
<story><title>Why Red Hat Acquired Ansible</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>mpdehaan2</author><text>Hi! Thanks for the nice words, folks!&lt;p&gt;Wasn&amp;#x27;t thinking of saying much but I&amp;#x27;ll chime in just once.&lt;p&gt;Was it what I expected when I started? nah, I remember when I thought having a IRC channel with 30 people was crazy-insanely huge, it took off at completely unexpected rates. Just to get some early looks at it from Seth Vidal and Jeremy Katz (and a commit or two!) was awesome enough for me at the time. It wasn&amp;#x27;t engineered with the idea that it would be a business at that point at all.&lt;p&gt;BTW, extremly huge thanks for this really should also go to all the contributors out there and people that helped spread ansible around, that was completely unpredictable and a lot of fun watching it take off, especially stuff like seeing so many AM tweets in Japanese and then trying to translate them, or seeing someone automate random vending machines or electronics projects. This got built trying to help people like you, so a huge thanks for all of the input and help!&lt;p&gt;Anyway, those words mean a lot, and I greatly appreciate them.</text></item><item><author>tomaac</author><text>I really would like to hear his opinion about this. Is this how he imagined Ansible when he started this project?</text></item><item><author>shadeless</author><text>I hope that mpdehaan2 is getting a good chunk from that sale, he really deserved it. He not only made it and built a community but he was very active in the discussions on HN, blog &amp;amp; Gist comments etc.&lt;p&gt;Even though I&amp;#x27;m looking forward to using NixOps&amp;#x2F;GuixOps, I&amp;#x27;m a very happy Ansible user both in personal projects and in the company I&amp;#x27;m working for.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>tomaac</author><text>Thanks and congrats! I have been using Ansible since version 0.2 when there were like 5 modules. Since then I have introduced and promoted it to every company I have been working for. Well done!</text></comment>
<story><title>Hidden Sheep and Typography Archaeology</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>wanderingstan</author><text>The authors criticisms of the kerning in Chicago fail to realize one of its other amazing achievements.&lt;p&gt;The original Mac had no color or gray scale; only one bit per pixel. Disabled items in menus were indicated by a dithered gray, a simple on-off alternating pattern.&lt;p&gt;Thus, Chicago had to be designed to be legible &lt;i&gt;even when every other pixel was removed&lt;/i&gt;. It really was a 12pt masterpiece.</text></comment>
<story><title>Hidden Sheep and Typography Archaeology</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>Doctor_Fegg</author><text>Perhaps a coincidence (but a good one) that this article spends a lot of time on lower-case kerning in the light of Frederick Goudy&amp;#x27;s famous quote:&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Any­one who would let­ter­space low­er­case would steal sheep&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;(&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;letterspacing.html&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;letterspacing.html&lt;/a&gt;)</text></comment>
<story><title>Autism and gender imbalance in tech</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>sudosteph</author><text>Weird blog post. He never really attempts to answer his own question of if gender imbalance is a good thing. He just seems to be making the point that autism is imbalanced in sex distribution, and engineering is appealing to autistic people, so the imbalance in engineering is expected due to autism.&lt;p&gt;FWIW, as a woman on the autism spectrum myself, I actually kind of agree that some level of imbalance is due to this. But people on the autism spectrum make up such a small population of humans and software engineers (we are over-represented compared to other industries, but in my experience we are still very much a minority overall) that it cannot be nearly enough to account for the sex-imbalance numbers we see today.&lt;p&gt;Anecdotally, I&amp;#x27;ve convinced two NT (neurotypical) women to switch from bio&amp;#x2F;chem degrees to CS (they are both software engineers now) and the reason they hadn&amp;#x27;t considered before was b&amp;#x2F;c nobody ever talked to them about it. Neither grew up playing video games (though one said she asked for a console and the parents put it in her brother&amp;#x27;s room for them to &amp;quot;share&amp;quot;) and there weren&amp;#x27;t any mandatory programming classes, so they just were never exposed to it as an option, even though they are both highly logical people (thus the chem or bio degree paths before switching).&lt;p&gt;So I guess I&amp;#x27;m still firmly in the &amp;quot;Its a pipeline problem&amp;quot; camp. Until we account for cases like the ones above, tech is going to lose out on some talented women, and some of those women will miss out on tech. I think mandatory high school programming and networking classes are what will really help.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>AnthonyMouse</author><text>&amp;gt; But people on the autism spectrum make up such a small population of humans and software engineers (we are over-represented compared to other industries, but in my experience we are still very much a minority overall) that it cannot be nearly enough to account for the sex-imbalance numbers we see today.&lt;p&gt;Imagine a scale that goes from autism to whatever the opposite of autism is, with neurotypical as the middle. The hypothesis is that men are more likely to be on the autism side of dead center, even for people who are still in the neurotypical region. A higher percentage of men being diagnosed with autism is evidence of the hypothesis being true.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; So I guess I&amp;#x27;m still firmly in the &amp;quot;Its a pipeline problem&amp;quot; camp.&lt;p&gt;They&amp;#x27;re kind of orthogonal. It clearly &lt;i&gt;is&lt;/i&gt; the pipeline problem -- you can&amp;#x27;t hire people who don&amp;#x27;t get the relevant qualifications. But it&amp;#x27;s possible that biological differences contribute to the pipeline problem.&lt;p&gt;In reality anything is affected by everything. So it makes sense to work against the pipeline problem regardless, because some of it &lt;i&gt;is&lt;/i&gt; caused by non-biological factors that could be addressed. But some of it may also be caused by biology, which means that even if some progress is attainable, expecting the end result to be a 50&amp;#x2F;50 split may be unreasonable.</text></comment>
<story><title>Autism and gender imbalance in tech</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>sudosteph</author><text>Weird blog post. He never really attempts to answer his own question of if gender imbalance is a good thing. He just seems to be making the point that autism is imbalanced in sex distribution, and engineering is appealing to autistic people, so the imbalance in engineering is expected due to autism.&lt;p&gt;FWIW, as a woman on the autism spectrum myself, I actually kind of agree that some level of imbalance is due to this. But people on the autism spectrum make up such a small population of humans and software engineers (we are over-represented compared to other industries, but in my experience we are still very much a minority overall) that it cannot be nearly enough to account for the sex-imbalance numbers we see today.&lt;p&gt;Anecdotally, I&amp;#x27;ve convinced two NT (neurotypical) women to switch from bio&amp;#x2F;chem degrees to CS (they are both software engineers now) and the reason they hadn&amp;#x27;t considered before was b&amp;#x2F;c nobody ever talked to them about it. Neither grew up playing video games (though one said she asked for a console and the parents put it in her brother&amp;#x27;s room for them to &amp;quot;share&amp;quot;) and there weren&amp;#x27;t any mandatory programming classes, so they just were never exposed to it as an option, even though they are both highly logical people (thus the chem or bio degree paths before switching).&lt;p&gt;So I guess I&amp;#x27;m still firmly in the &amp;quot;Its a pipeline problem&amp;quot; camp. Until we account for cases like the ones above, tech is going to lose out on some talented women, and some of those women will miss out on tech. I think mandatory high school programming and networking classes are what will really help.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>heretoo</author><text>Potentially, the author is using this example as a vehicle to ask us to consider that a 50&amp;#x2F;50 gender split is unrealistic when you ever try to correct for a different inequality.&lt;p&gt;I think the author also intends to try and suggest that the 50&amp;#x2F;50 split doesn&amp;#x27;t need to be blamed on men.</text></comment>
<story><title>In Secretly Recorded Phone Calls, Officers Say Innocent People Were Framed</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>RcouF1uZ4gsC</author><text>&amp;gt; Caught on tape by a whistleblower cop, the officers said they witnessed or took part in alarming acts of police misconduct, from framing and beating residents to collaborating with drug dealers, all as part of a culture of impunity within the department’s narcotics unit.&lt;p&gt;Probably the single most effective thing to reduce police abuse in America would be to end the war on drugs and decriminalize drugs.&lt;p&gt;No-knock warrants were originally used to try to catch drug dealers before they could flush the drugs down the toilet.&lt;p&gt;Civil forfeiture was originally created to try to take money from drug dealers.&lt;p&gt;The war on drugs has taken a wrecking ball to the Fourth Amendment restrictions on search and seizure.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>utkarsh_apoorva</author><text>Police brutality videos on twitter have left most of us, even in the developing world, in utter shock.&lt;p&gt;I am in Bangalore, India&lt;p&gt;For most of us in developing world, US has been a model state - with problems yes. But a great example nevertheless.&lt;p&gt;For God&amp;#x27;s sake, WE were supposed to be a third world country, always looked at with sympathy in popular media (usually grossly incorrect depiction though)&lt;p&gt;In India, civil unrest is common, and has increased over the past decade. Cops know one thing very very clearly - they are outnumbered. If civilians start to become violent, it will be impossible to control them.&lt;p&gt;So they stand down.&lt;p&gt;I have read umpteen number of articles talking about how policing could be improved in the US, from removing powerful weapons to changing the training programs.&lt;p&gt;I feel that the solution is probably simple - sensitisation to the fact that they are outnumbered. If war mentality is what they get into the field with, better factor everything in.&lt;p&gt;No army in the world engages with a superior force unprovoked.&lt;p&gt;People, the citizens, ARE the most superior force - not just morally, but Truly . F&lt;i&gt;&lt;/i&gt;*ing . Practically.</text></comment>
<story><title>In Secretly Recorded Phone Calls, Officers Say Innocent People Were Framed</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>RcouF1uZ4gsC</author><text>&amp;gt; Caught on tape by a whistleblower cop, the officers said they witnessed or took part in alarming acts of police misconduct, from framing and beating residents to collaborating with drug dealers, all as part of a culture of impunity within the department’s narcotics unit.&lt;p&gt;Probably the single most effective thing to reduce police abuse in America would be to end the war on drugs and decriminalize drugs.&lt;p&gt;No-knock warrants were originally used to try to catch drug dealers before they could flush the drugs down the toilet.&lt;p&gt;Civil forfeiture was originally created to try to take money from drug dealers.&lt;p&gt;The war on drugs has taken a wrecking ball to the Fourth Amendment restrictions on search and seizure.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>kingbirdy</author><text>&amp;gt; Civil forfeiture was originally created to try to take money from drug dealers.&lt;p&gt;I agree with your premise, but this statement is incorrect. Civil forfeiture originated from the British Navigation Acts of the mid 1600s. It continued to be accepted practice in the US after the revolution, and was relied on during Prohibition as a tool against bootleggers much as it&amp;#x27;s used against drug dealers now. Usage has certainly escalated due to the war on drugs, but it&amp;#x27;s not where it originated from.</text></comment>
<story><title>After 50 years, Michael Heizer is finally ready to unveil City, his life&apos;s work</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>spaceman_2020</author><text>This image does a better job of representing the scale:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;3bnqb0cali771.jpg?width=640&amp;amp;crop=smart&amp;amp;auto=webp&amp;amp;s=8a2762bef35e7fd7767dda3d7764a4904c844d21&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;3bnqb0cali771.jpg?width=640&amp;amp;crop=sma...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>cousin_it</author><text>Reminds me of strip mines:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wp-content&amp;#x2F;uploads&amp;#x2F;2011&amp;#x2F;07&amp;#x2F;Hanson-Colstrip-17-1020x824.jpg&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wp-content&amp;#x2F;uploads&amp;#x2F;2011&amp;#x2F;07&amp;#x2F;Hanson-...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;They often have quite interesting shapes, too.</text></comment>
<story><title>After 50 years, Michael Heizer is finally ready to unveil City, his life&apos;s work</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>spaceman_2020</author><text>This image does a better job of representing the scale:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;3bnqb0cali771.jpg?width=640&amp;amp;crop=smart&amp;amp;auto=webp&amp;amp;s=8a2762bef35e7fd7767dda3d7764a4904c844d21&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;3bnqb0cali771.jpg?width=640&amp;amp;crop=sma...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>dathos</author><text>Looks more like a skatepark to me</text></comment>
<story><title>Engineers suck at finding the right jobs</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>ChuckMcM</author><text>It is an interesting screed. I was thinking when I wrote up the comment about how VP&apos;s might feel about leaving a position that there is an interesting dividing line which doesn&apos;t get talked about a lot, Matt touches on it but didn&apos;t really call it out, its this, &quot;What are you trying to get done?&quot;&lt;p&gt;Early in my career Steve Bourne gave me useful advice, he said the difference between junior engineers and senior engineers was that senior engineers had an agenda. More specifically they had an execution goal (like write a new file system, or create a product that solves problem &apos;X&apos;) and they worked toward it.&lt;p&gt;This is a both a hugely motivating and hugely scary thing, its motivating because you don&apos;t have to ask &quot;what do I do now?&quot; the direction just falls out of where you are vs where you are trying to go. It is scary because you can find you&apos;re goal isn&apos;t compatible with any of the company&apos;s goals. When you discover that what you want to do can&apos;t be done at the company you are working at, you either have to change goals or leave. But its not a &apos;feel bad about it&apos; leaving it is &apos;hmm, this isn&apos;t going to work out here so lets go somewhere that it could&apos;.&lt;p&gt;The alternative to having an agenda is &quot;Goofing off and waiting for someone to give you a task.&quot; There are a lot of engineers who operate in that mode, do their assigned tasks at an acceptable quality level and without too much schedule slip. They are great to have around because people with agendas and use them to move the agenda forward, but they don&apos;t make for very good &apos;senior&apos; people because they really don&apos;t care what they work on, its not their main focus.&lt;p&gt;It is important to note that you can&apos;t &quot;fail&quot; if you&apos;re just goofing off, as one of my kids put it, &quot;It isn&apos;t procrastination if you don&apos;t have anything you need to do.&quot; You can however rationalize your low work output by the fact that your management really hasn&apos;t given you all that much to do, so whose fault is that? Whereas if you have an agenda, a goal, a destination, you can fail to make it to that destination. &quot;You said you were going to build a game that could crush Farmville, you failed.&quot; Reading the blog post from Speck about Glitch shutting down, &quot;we failed to develop an audience.&quot; They had a goal, they didn&apos;t get there.&lt;p&gt;Matt&apos;s advice that if you don&apos;t know what you want, you can&apos;t choose reasonably is solid. Start by deciding what you want to do, and pick something that will take a while as early goal achievement has its own problems.</text></comment>
<story><title>Engineers suck at finding the right jobs</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>tinco</author><text>So, it is a noble thing Matt is doing here, but my skepticism always kicks in when a post like that does not include a self evaluation.&lt;p&gt;I am sure you could fish up some great job opportunities for anyone who writes you a nice e-mail. But is your own job the job you want from your career?&lt;p&gt;I mean, being tech lead on a big company is nice and all. But the company is just a coupon distributor, I&apos;m not saying that I work for the sexiest startup in the world, but I&apos;m just saying that &apos;up&apos; is not always the most satisfactory trajectory for a career.&lt;p&gt;I don&apos;t think I&apos;d be happy for long at a company like LivingSocial, unless you guys are hiding something behind there that makes it a very nice place to work at?</text></comment>
<story><title>FBI Says a Mysterious Hacking Group Has Had Access to US Govt Files for Years</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>actsasbuffoon</author><text>All the more reason why the US government shouldn&amp;#x27;t be running mass surveillance programs. You may trust the US government with your data, but what if they can&amp;#x27;t protect your data once they&amp;#x27;ve obtained it?&lt;p&gt;Do you trust the Chinese government with your personal information? How about organized crime groups with the resources to hire expert black-hats?&lt;p&gt;We&amp;#x27;re talking about people who haven&amp;#x27;t done anything wrong, and aren&amp;#x27;t suspected of any wrongdoing. Innocent people are having private data gathered without their consent (and arguably in violation of the constitution) by people who have had a series of embarrassing security blunders in recent years.&lt;p&gt;You might argue that the NSA has tighter security standards than the OPM and whichever departments were compromised in this attack. In response to that, I&amp;#x27;d point out that Edward Snowden was only a contracter, and shouldn&amp;#x27;t have had access to the information he leaked to the press. Clearly security wasn&amp;#x27;t that great at the NSA.</text></comment>
<story><title>FBI Says a Mysterious Hacking Group Has Had Access to US Govt Files for Years</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>hackuser</author><text>Is the government or anyone else trying to develop secure systems? I don&amp;#x27;t mean stock technology (Intel&amp;#x2F;Arm + Windows&amp;#x2F;*nix&amp;#x2F;etc.) retrofitted or &amp;#x27;locked down&amp;#x27;, I mean new tech built from the ground up for high security.&lt;p&gt;Given the exceptionally high value to foreign governents (and other actors) of breaking into US government computers, the latter approach seems like the only potential option. The stock tech just can&amp;#x27;t be secured effectively enough, IMHO.&lt;p&gt;----&lt;p&gt;EDIT: Answering my own question to a degree, here are presentations on High-Assurance Cyber Military Systems (HACMS), which apparently utilize seL4:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;sites&amp;#x2F;default&amp;#x2F;files&amp;#x2F;documents&amp;#x2F;symposium&amp;#x2F;fisher-HACMS-MD.pdf&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;sites&amp;#x2F;default&amp;#x2F;files&amp;#x2F;documents&amp;#x2F;sympo...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=YqRdbgRPYw8&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=YqRdbgRPYw8&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Should you self-host Google Fonts?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>tolmasky</author><text>We’re basically forced to switch to self hosting due to the bizarre way Google implements statistics for Google Fonts. 1 out of 1000 requests will include a “tracking font” which is actually invalid and breaks document.fonts.load. This was an incredibly frustrating bug to track down.&lt;p&gt;Bug for those interested: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;google&amp;#x2F;fonts&amp;#x2F;issues&amp;#x2F;2345&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;google&amp;#x2F;fonts&amp;#x2F;issues&amp;#x2F;2345&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>lightswitch05</author><text>Thanks for sharing! Also `` is a CNAME alias for `` which is commonly blocked by ad blockers. uBlock Origin recently added CNAME based blocking, and PiHole is rolling out support for it too. Just another reason to host it yourself.</text></comment>
<story><title>Should you self-host Google Fonts?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>tolmasky</author><text>We’re basically forced to switch to self hosting due to the bizarre way Google implements statistics for Google Fonts. 1 out of 1000 requests will include a “tracking font” which is actually invalid and breaks document.fonts.load. This was an incredibly frustrating bug to track down.&lt;p&gt;Bug for those interested: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;google&amp;#x2F;fonts&amp;#x2F;issues&amp;#x2F;2345&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;google&amp;#x2F;fonts&amp;#x2F;issues&amp;#x2F;2345&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>arthurcolle</author><text>The guy who is affiliated with Google Fonts who showed up on a thread a few days ago said that he didn&amp;#x27;t think there was any tracking related to new implementations of Google Fonts stuff.&lt;p&gt;I guess this says the opposite. Let me try to dig up the thread for completeness...&lt;p&gt;EDIT: Well that was faster than I thought I&amp;#x27;d be able to do. Here&amp;#x27;s the comment, and the thread: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=22369415&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=22369415&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Is it really “Complex”? Or did we make it “Complicated”? (2014) [video]</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>TheAceOfHearts</author><text>I haven&amp;#x27;t watched the video yet, so please forgive the possibly premature comment... But this is something that I&amp;#x27;ve found myself thinking about a lot lately. Are the things that we&amp;#x27;re currently building or maintaining truly that complicated or are we over-engineering things? I&amp;#x27;ve been humbled on more than one occasion where I initially thought an enterprise-y solution was over-engineered, until all the details of the problem were explained to me.&lt;p&gt;What I wish we had was a &amp;quot;man&amp;quot; equivalent to provide every-day examples of how to use the tool &amp;quot;correctly&amp;quot; (although I&amp;#x27;m aware there&amp;#x27;s stuff like &amp;quot;bro&amp;quot; pages), as well as another tool to explain why some tool &amp;#x2F; option even exists and how they&amp;#x27;re &amp;quot;expected&amp;quot; (by the creator &amp;#x2F; maintainers) to be used. As I&amp;#x27;ve gotten into the habit of reading man pages I&amp;#x27;ve become increasingly aware of how many options certain tools provide, but in many cases I really cannot fathom why those options are available or in what kind of situation they might be used.</text></comment>
<story><title>Is it really “Complex”? Or did we make it “Complicated”? (2014) [video]</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>perfmode</author><text>Is it theoretically impossible to fit an interpreter for a dynamic programming language in the L1 cache of a modern chip?&lt;p&gt;(I understand there are physical constraints that prohibit super low-latency memory lookups (of unconstrained size) in 0+epsilon time (where epsilon is small))</text></comment>
<story><title>Privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo grew by 46% in 2021</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>teitoklien</author><text>For day to day searching i use duckduckgo by default on every device. Not a lot because of privacy, something about that company ticks me off in terms of privacy.&lt;p&gt;I like duckduckgo’s interface and I feel they genuinely put a lot of effort to ensure people have a great experience using their search engine.&lt;p&gt;Whether its their !bang feature or integration with apple maps or their various themes. (Heck even their no js, search engine option is very cool too).&lt;p&gt;In terms of quality of links and interesting content, i havent come across a search engine better then marginalia[0] for that. But then i search for weird stuff, so who knows.&lt;p&gt;[0](&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;)</text></comment>
<story><title>Privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo grew by 46% in 2021</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>plorg</author><text>I switched my default to DDG about a year and a half ago after what I assume was am A&amp;#x2F;B test that filled the first 3 screen lengths with various Google Widgets, and 90% of the first page results were links to Google products which for the search query was not especially useful. And that&amp;#x27;s with ads blocked. I&amp;#x27;ve been bothered by Google&amp;#x27;s business practices for a long time, and have switched to Firefox as completely as possible, but I&amp;#x27;m still tied to Android. For some very specific searches Google is still better at surfacing good results. But even when Google results are really good I usually have to scroll past so much first party feature lard that the experience is taxing.</text></comment>
<story><title>Elon Musk Wants to Put Man on Mars in &apos;12 to 15 Years&apos;</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>Cushman</author><text>I hate to be that guy, again, but I still feel like I haven&apos;t seen a very clear explanation of why this is a good idea. It&apos;d be a great tourism experience, but what&apos;s the ultimate value to humanity?&lt;p&gt;Especially in light of Curiosity, why is it assumed that the logical next step after sending a robotic lab is to send a person, rather than sending a few dozen more robots? For a fraction of the cost of sustaining human life on another planet, we could construct a huge automated research complex capable of doing everything a human would want to do -- even golf -- and that would be valuable research toward developing the fully-autonomous robotic scientists which are definitely the only way we&apos;re going to have real long-term exploration of the outer solar system and beyond.&lt;p&gt;Basically, I can understand why someone might want to go to Mars, but I&apos;m not sure why someone else would want to send them.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>Dn_Ab</author><text>Ah what is the value to humanity? What is the value to humanity of a stadium, of the Olympics, of a monument, of a great piece of art or a beautiful performance? What is the value to humanity of entertaining blockbuster movies, fun video games, comics and science fiction?&lt;p&gt;What is the value to humanity of inspiration?&lt;p&gt;Right now science is held almost in contempt, all its wonders are subtle - appreciable only to the trained mind. Such an accomplishment would be large and obvious. The peripheral effect in inspiring young minds cannot be overestimated. One of those may one day go on to develop powerful DNA repair mechanisms because their imagination was captured at a young age by space travel and wanted to do something useful to that. Let alone the boon to cancers.&lt;p&gt;They want to travel to and live on another planet with low gravity and scant atmosphere. How could they possibly do that without spurring the invention of a lot of amazing things as a side-effect?&lt;p&gt;I&apos;ve mentioned my hypothesis that it would have positive effects on geopolitics by making it possible to view Earth as a locality. But.&lt;p&gt;Most of all it would at once be an incredible piece of science and the greatest piece of art ever created. For what is art but a celebration of humanity and human ability?</text></comment>
<story><title>Elon Musk Wants to Put Man on Mars in &apos;12 to 15 Years&apos;</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>Cushman</author><text>I hate to be that guy, again, but I still feel like I haven&apos;t seen a very clear explanation of why this is a good idea. It&apos;d be a great tourism experience, but what&apos;s the ultimate value to humanity?&lt;p&gt;Especially in light of Curiosity, why is it assumed that the logical next step after sending a robotic lab is to send a person, rather than sending a few dozen more robots? For a fraction of the cost of sustaining human life on another planet, we could construct a huge automated research complex capable of doing everything a human would want to do -- even golf -- and that would be valuable research toward developing the fully-autonomous robotic scientists which are definitely the only way we&apos;re going to have real long-term exploration of the outer solar system and beyond.&lt;p&gt;Basically, I can understand why someone might want to go to Mars, but I&apos;m not sure why someone else would want to send them.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>sktrdie</author><text>Consider the frailty of our planet. The speck of dust that it is compared to the depths of the universe. If we don&apos;t start colonizing other planets, and gain the &lt;i&gt;experience&lt;/i&gt; on how to do so, we&apos;ll essentially become extinct quite rapidly.&lt;p&gt;Forget the robots. We need the experience in sending actual humans there. This has to happen sooner or later if we want to ensure that our race lives on, after our planet becomes inhabitable.&lt;p&gt;With all this in mind, it&apos;s better to do this sooner rather than later. And why not start in 12-15 years? I hope you can see the value now.</text></comment>
<story><title>A Google Patent mentions my prior art</title><url></url><text></text></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>jcr</author><text>It&apos;s a bit funny to notice how the folks on HN generally haven&apos;t studied the site they are using. Sure, there is source code available for the forum through, but it does not include all of the secret sauce that PG is actually running on HN.&lt;p&gt;If you believe that you have unlimited voting on HN, you are mistaken. Some votes and flags don&apos;t count, or better said, count less. There are thresholds in place to prevent excessive voting, up or down, and excessive flagging. How you vote/flag is weighted in a number of ways. For example, if you flag submissions that are heavily up-voted by others, your flags might count less, but if you flag submissions that are heavily flagged by others (till [dead]), your flags might count more.&lt;p&gt;Can I &quot;prove&quot; the above with actual code running on HN? --NO. The most I can do is point out posts where PG has (vaguely) explained how things work, and of course, things may have changed since he posted his explanations. Also, there&apos;s probably tons of other secret sauce that he has very intentionally never mentioned.&lt;p&gt;The meaning of &quot;up&quot; and &quot;down&quot; votes has never been defined. Some might use votes to indicate agreement or disagreement. Others might use votes to indicate appreciation, contribution, or other personally defined metrics.&lt;p&gt;I&apos;ll flag spam submissions and posts, but I&apos;ll only down-vote when someone is clearly and intentionally being an ass. Though it might seem odd compared to other forums, I often up-vote people I disagree with (or who disagree with me -- same thing) because I appreciate the time they took to share their views and opinions with me and everyone else. None of us have a monopoly on knowledge, so finding other ways to look at something is always beneficial. Agreeing or disagreeing with another point of view is less important than appreciating and learning from other ways of looking at things.</text></comment>
<story><title>A Google Patent mentions my prior art</title><url></url><text></text></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>Anechoic</author><text>&lt;i&gt;I found that the most significant factor in diminished reliability was simply to let people have infinite moderation powers all the time.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Interesting observation since, IMO, unlimited &quot;moderation powers&quot; has been the biggest problem with Digg and (as of late) Reddit. I&apos;m hopeful that HN can avoid this fate (no downvotes until the karma threshold is reached seems to help somewhat).</text></comment>
<story><title>The cartel that controls the US meat industry</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>ceejayoz</author><text>&amp;gt; But ... why now?&lt;p&gt;Because &amp;quot;oh, it&amp;#x27;s the pandemic&amp;quot; gave them cover for the increases.</text></item><item><author>Michelangelo11</author><text>&amp;gt; In general, I don’t know if they answer properly if profits increased because of inflation or if inflation increased because of inflation. Since the cartel existed before the shift, I would like to know what they think made companies suddenly get greedier.&lt;p&gt;That&amp;#x27;s my big question too with all this &amp;quot;greed driving inflation&amp;quot; discourse. I don&amp;#x27;t doubt it at all, in fact, from everything I see it seems like the likeliest story. But ... why now?</text></item><item><author>prepend</author><text>I was really interested in the figure that shows prices going up while input costs decrease. But this doesn’t reflect all inputs just the price of meat procured. There are many other input costs, mostly labor.&lt;p&gt;So this diagram is really frustrating as it makes me want to reach a conclusion (wtf, what an unnatural difference) without giving me enough information to know anything.&lt;p&gt;It would be like showing that household grocery costs decreased while disposable income decreased and then writing an article about the relationship between those two while not revealing that rent increased at the same time.&lt;p&gt;In general, I don’t know if they answer properly if profits increased because of inflation or if inflation increased because of inflation. Since the cartel existed before the shift, I would like to know what they think made companies suddenly get greedier.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>gruez</author><text>&amp;gt;Because &amp;quot;oh, it&amp;#x27;s the pandemic&amp;quot; gave them cover for the increases.&lt;p&gt;It might work, but as far as I can tell it doesn&amp;#x27;t stick. Egg producers had the &amp;quot;it&amp;#x27;s bird flu excuse&amp;quot; about a decade ago[1]. Profits (as %) went up, but eventually fell back down a few years later[2].&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Avian_influenza#United_States_2014%E2%80%9315_outbreak&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow noreferrer&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Avian_influenza#United_States_...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[2] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;stocks&amp;#x2F;charts&amp;#x2F;CALM&amp;#x2F;cal-maine-foods&amp;#x2F;profit-margins&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow noreferrer&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;stocks&amp;#x2F;charts&amp;#x2F;CALM&amp;#x2F;cal-maine-foo...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>The cartel that controls the US meat industry</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>ceejayoz</author><text>&amp;gt; But ... why now?&lt;p&gt;Because &amp;quot;oh, it&amp;#x27;s the pandemic&amp;quot; gave them cover for the increases.</text></item><item><author>Michelangelo11</author><text>&amp;gt; In general, I don’t know if they answer properly if profits increased because of inflation or if inflation increased because of inflation. Since the cartel existed before the shift, I would like to know what they think made companies suddenly get greedier.&lt;p&gt;That&amp;#x27;s my big question too with all this &amp;quot;greed driving inflation&amp;quot; discourse. I don&amp;#x27;t doubt it at all, in fact, from everything I see it seems like the likeliest story. But ... why now?</text></item><item><author>prepend</author><text>I was really interested in the figure that shows prices going up while input costs decrease. But this doesn’t reflect all inputs just the price of meat procured. There are many other input costs, mostly labor.&lt;p&gt;So this diagram is really frustrating as it makes me want to reach a conclusion (wtf, what an unnatural difference) without giving me enough information to know anything.&lt;p&gt;It would be like showing that household grocery costs decreased while disposable income decreased and then writing an article about the relationship between those two while not revealing that rent increased at the same time.&lt;p&gt;In general, I don’t know if they answer properly if profits increased because of inflation or if inflation increased because of inflation. Since the cartel existed before the shift, I would like to know what they think made companies suddenly get greedier.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>Michelangelo11</author><text>Right, but I don&amp;#x27;t know, that feels kinda thin ... couldn&amp;#x27;t they have conjured any number of other excuses before?</text></comment>
<story><title>Using WebAssembly from .NET with Wasmtime</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>kirse</author><text>I really like the approach of Blazor wrt WASM, but really dislike having to dump whole code blocks into CSHTML files like I&amp;#x27;m writing old ASP.NET Forms again. Something just feels off.&lt;p&gt;Is there any way to isolate those code blocks and import them?&lt;p&gt;EDIT: To answer my own question, this appears to be the solution:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;blogs&amp;#x2F;using-a-code-behind-approach-to-blazor-components&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;blogs&amp;#x2F;using-a-code-behind-approach-t...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item><item><author>jcmontx</author><text>I know MSFT technologies get a lot of hate here, but ASP.NET Core is pretty awesome. Blazor (the wasm based framework) is innovative and a positive step forward frontend web development.&lt;p&gt;You should leave your prejudices aside and give it a try if you haven&amp;#x27;t yet.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>manigandham</author><text>The latest release (.Net 3.1) finished the partial classes implementation so now you can create a `Comp.razor` template file and a separate `Comp.razor.cs` code-behind file that only contains the code. These are automatically compiled together on build.</text></comment>
<story><title>Using WebAssembly from .NET with Wasmtime</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>kirse</author><text>I really like the approach of Blazor wrt WASM, but really dislike having to dump whole code blocks into CSHTML files like I&amp;#x27;m writing old ASP.NET Forms again. Something just feels off.&lt;p&gt;Is there any way to isolate those code blocks and import them?&lt;p&gt;EDIT: To answer my own question, this appears to be the solution:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;blogs&amp;#x2F;using-a-code-behind-approach-to-blazor-components&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;blogs&amp;#x2F;using-a-code-behind-approach-t...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item><item><author>jcmontx</author><text>I know MSFT technologies get a lot of hate here, but ASP.NET Core is pretty awesome. Blazor (the wasm based framework) is innovative and a positive step forward frontend web development.&lt;p&gt;You should leave your prejudices aside and give it a try if you haven&amp;#x27;t yet.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>SigmundA</author><text>Blazor supports components: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;en-us&amp;#x2F;aspnet&amp;#x2F;core&amp;#x2F;blazor&amp;#x2F;components?view=aspnetcore-3.1&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;en-us&amp;#x2F;aspnet&amp;#x2F;core&amp;#x2F;blazor&amp;#x2F;componen...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>muhneesh</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m e-learning Linear Algebra right now to have a good math foundation for Machine Learning.&lt;p&gt;I was a History and Sociology major in college - so I didn&amp;#x27;t take any math.&lt;p&gt;If you are like me, and working off an initial base of high school math, I would recommend the following (all free):&lt;p&gt;Linear Algebra Foundations to Frontiers (UT Austin) Course: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;course&amp;#x2F;linear-algebra-foundations-to-frontiers&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;course&amp;#x2F;linear-algebra-foundations-to-fro...&lt;/a&gt; Comments: This was a great starting place for me. Good interactive HW exercises, very clear instruction and time-efficient.&lt;p&gt;Linear Algebra (MIT OpenCourseware) Course: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;courses&amp;#x2F;mathematics&amp;#x2F;18-06-linear-algebra-spring-2010&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;courses&amp;#x2F;mathematics&amp;#x2F;18-06-linear-algebra...&lt;/a&gt; Comments: This course is apparently the holy grail course for Intro Linear Algebra. One of my colleagues, who did an MS in EE at MIT, said Gilbert Strang was the best teacher he had. I started off with this but had to rewind to the UT class because I didn&amp;#x27;t have some of the fundamentals (e.g. how to calc a dot product). I&amp;#x27;m personally 15% through this, but enjoying it.&lt;p&gt;Linear Algebra Review PDF (Stanford CS229) Link: &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;section&amp;#x2F;cs229-linalg.pdf&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;section&amp;#x2F;cs229-linalg.pdf&lt;/a&gt; Comments: This is the set of Linear Algebra review materials they go over at the beginning of Stanford&amp;#x27;s machine learning class (CS229). This is my workback to know I&amp;#x27;m tracking to the right set of knowledge, and thus far, the courses have done a great job of doing so.</text></comment>
<story><title>Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>StefanKarpinski</author><text>This is a beautiful book and a great intro to the basics of linear algebra. All the figures in the book are generated in Julia and there’s a companion book with Julia code for computational examples:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;vmls-julia-companion.pdf&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;vmls-julia-companion.pdf&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Philips LEDs from Dubai: The Royal Lights You Can’t Buy</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>xxs</author><text>The power factor is 0.5 which is appalling - can&amp;#x27;t really get lower than 0.5 with capacitive load. Industrial clients do pay for the VA (apparent) than W (actual) power. But even then most urban EU power network is dominated by capacitive loads as the inductive ones tend to use 3-phase 400v (which is balanced)&lt;p&gt;Most of the constant current driven LED would have similar characteristics when they are not overdriven. 25KHz+ PMW driven LED would have similar features as well. It&amp;#x27;s not hard to make LEDs that actually last and have high lumen&amp;#x2F;watt ratio with off the shelf components.&lt;p&gt;Overall the main culprit is the LED installation mechanism, e.g. E27 - there is just not enough room to make efficient light out of that. Near ceiling lights do look better (at least to me) and they can have both not overdriven LEDs (say 90mA per 5730), high (over 87%) power factor, decent passive elements... and they are repairable with some electronics background.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>mrtksn</author><text>My living room is lit through 30(3W 240V) LEDs. I installed them about 2 years ago and nearly half of them are gone. The lifetime of these is supposed to be 20K hours. Obviously the lights are not switched on all the time, more like 4 hours on average. That&amp;#x27;s less than 3K hours of usage with about %50 fatality rate.&lt;p&gt;Out of curiosity, I teared down a few failed ones and they were all gone because one of the LEDs on the LED array blew up. Here is a picture of a failed one: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;aOg7D7S&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;aOg7D7S&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m very doubtful about the longevity claims.</text></comment>
<story><title>Philips LEDs from Dubai: The Royal Lights You Can’t Buy</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>xxs</author><text>The power factor is 0.5 which is appalling - can&amp;#x27;t really get lower than 0.5 with capacitive load. Industrial clients do pay for the VA (apparent) than W (actual) power. But even then most urban EU power network is dominated by capacitive loads as the inductive ones tend to use 3-phase 400v (which is balanced)&lt;p&gt;Most of the constant current driven LED would have similar characteristics when they are not overdriven. 25KHz+ PMW driven LED would have similar features as well. It&amp;#x27;s not hard to make LEDs that actually last and have high lumen&amp;#x2F;watt ratio with off the shelf components.&lt;p&gt;Overall the main culprit is the LED installation mechanism, e.g. E27 - there is just not enough room to make efficient light out of that. Near ceiling lights do look better (at least to me) and they can have both not overdriven LEDs (say 90mA per 5730), high (over 87%) power factor, decent passive elements... and they are repairable with some electronics background.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>dvdkon</author><text>You can have plenty of LEDs and a reasonable switching PSU in an E27 lamp, it&amp;#x27;s just harder to cool them with the typical design. Most LED lamps use ridiculously few chips, you could fit multiple times more even on the one-PCB designs, not to mention &amp;quot;corn cob&amp;quot; arrangements or those with LED filaments. That&amp;#x27;s not to say E27 is an ideal form factor for LEDs, I&amp;#x27;m hoping we&amp;#x27;ll see more and more homes with LED-optimised lighting designs.</text></comment>
<story><title>On the paper “Exploring the MIT Mathematics and EECS Curriculum Using LLMs” [pdf]</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>knaik94</author><text>&amp;gt;We want to emphasize that all the student authors in this paper worked really hard on what could have been a very interesting and valuable paper had the data been collected with consent. The many problems with the published work were not the fault of the students.&lt;p&gt;I appreciate the clear stance that MIT has taken regarding where the responsibility lies in this situation. I think some people are missing the context that many of the authors were undergraduate&amp;#x2F;early career. Research is an iterative process and every paper has to start somewhere. I don&amp;#x27;t agree that the paper should be withdrawn because Arxiv is not technically a publication, but I also wouldn&amp;#x27;t consider the paper properly peer reviewed. Teachers own the copyright the exam material. I was taught copyrighted material can&amp;#x27;t and shouldn&amp;#x27;t be used as part of an eval dataset.&lt;p&gt;The followup by three other MIT (&amp;#x27;24) seniors is a great peer review.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;No-GPT4-can-t-ace-MIT-b27e6796ab5a48368127a98216c76864&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow noreferrer&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;No-GPT4-can-t-ace-MIT-...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;No, GPT4 Can’t Ace MIT - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=36370685&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=36370685&lt;/a&gt; - June 2023 (120 comments)</text></comment>
<story><title>On the paper “Exploring the MIT Mathematics and EECS Curriculum Using LLMs” [pdf]</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>dang</author><text>Recent and related:&lt;p&gt;&lt;i&gt;No, GPT4 Can’t Ace MIT&lt;/i&gt; - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=36370685&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=36370685&lt;/a&gt; - June 2023 (120 comments)</text></comment>
<story><title>Roomba Inventor Joe Jones on His New Weed-Killing Robot</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>fragsworth</author><text>As a Roomba owner, I have to say that I&amp;#x27;m not really impressed with their decision to make another product when their first one barely even works.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; &amp;quot;Some 15 million of them are cleaning floors all over the planet, and they’re doing so reliably and affordably and autonomously enough that people keep on buying them&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;It is absolutely not &amp;quot;reliable&amp;quot;. It&amp;#x27;s &lt;i&gt;barely&lt;/i&gt; better than cleaning the floor myself. Some days, cleaning the floor myself would actually be easier, or ends up being what I have to do anyway. The number of issues I&amp;#x27;ve run into with the damned thing is absurd and I feel like they should be fixing those before making a new product.&lt;p&gt;I think people are for the most part getting tricked into buying these. They&amp;#x27;re not that great.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>secure</author><text>I’ve had a Roomba 780 cleaning my apartment daily since 2013. Issues I’ve encountered so far:&lt;p&gt;1. It occasionally doesn’t properly return to the home base, because it’s hard to find a good place for the home base where it can’t be moved&amp;#x2F;knocked over accidentally. This happens maybe once every 2 or 3 weeks, and is just a mild annoyance: you just need to carry the Roomba to its home base yourself.&lt;p&gt;2. After 3 years of usage, the battery died in such a way that it emptied rapidly enough for the Roomba to not be able to return to the home base. This was easily fixed by installing a new battery.&lt;p&gt;I recently upgraded to the Roomba 980, and it seems to work better than the 780 — it cleans more quickly and returns to its home base more reliably. Also, less cleaning required due to a different brush design.&lt;p&gt;Overall, I feel that I’m definitely getting my money’s worth out of the product, and it’s doing a great job at vacuuming. YMMV, but for me, it’s great.</text></comment>
<story><title>Roomba Inventor Joe Jones on His New Weed-Killing Robot</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>fragsworth</author><text>As a Roomba owner, I have to say that I&amp;#x27;m not really impressed with their decision to make another product when their first one barely even works.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; &amp;quot;Some 15 million of them are cleaning floors all over the planet, and they’re doing so reliably and affordably and autonomously enough that people keep on buying them&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;It is absolutely not &amp;quot;reliable&amp;quot;. It&amp;#x27;s &lt;i&gt;barely&lt;/i&gt; better than cleaning the floor myself. Some days, cleaning the floor myself would actually be easier, or ends up being what I have to do anyway. The number of issues I&amp;#x27;ve run into with the damned thing is absurd and I feel like they should be fixing those before making a new product.&lt;p&gt;I think people are for the most part getting tricked into buying these. They&amp;#x27;re not that great.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>koonsolo</author><text>I like my Roomba, as the way I like my dishwasher.&lt;p&gt;Can I personally clean the foors better? Yes. Can I personally clean my dishes better? Yes. Dishwasher sometimes turns things upside down, doesn&amp;#x27;t clean properly etc.&lt;p&gt;But the main reason is that it saves me a lot of time, and it&amp;#x27;s good enough for me. Maybe not for you.</text></comment>
<story><title>Astronauts enter China&apos;s space station [video]</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>jcoffland</author><text>My statements above were neutral but yes I do think that the US and the western world in general are falling behind. What happens if US and Russian relations break down? Privatization of the US space industry is interesting but has yet to prove itself. No private institution has achieved manned orbit.</text></item><item><author>djaychela</author><text>True, but is it not the case that NASA is focused beyond the level that&amp;#x27;s being achieved by the Chinese? I appreciate that the sls has its detractors (I&amp;#x27;m from the UK so I don&amp;#x27;t think I have the same internal political perspective that a US commenter might), but aside from that the US government appears to have helped create a nascent private space industry that will yield real fruit in terms of both leo capacity and also beyond in the future?</text></item><item><author>jcoffland</author><text>China has now done 6 crewed missions to space in the last 3 years. In that time, Russia has had 13 manned missions many of which NASA astronauts have hitched a ride on. NASA is still on the ground since discontinuing the shuttle program in 2011.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>avar</author><text>&lt;p&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt; &amp;gt; What happens if US and Russian relations break down? &lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt; Isn&amp;#x27;t it literally the case that if the US wanted to send people into space on their own hardware they could do it with months of lead time with the Falcon 9, Delta IV etc.?&lt;p&gt;Those rockets aren&amp;#x27;t &amp;quot;human rated&amp;quot;, but are they (particularly the Delta IV) any less safe then the Soyuz or Chinese rockets?&lt;p&gt;I.e. this seems more of a &amp;quot;we have some rockets, but it&amp;#x27;s cheaper to launch with the Russians&amp;quot; rather than &amp;quot;we can&amp;#x27;t do it&amp;quot; problem to me.</text></comment>
<story><title>Astronauts enter China&apos;s space station [video]</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>jcoffland</author><text>My statements above were neutral but yes I do think that the US and the western world in general are falling behind. What happens if US and Russian relations break down? Privatization of the US space industry is interesting but has yet to prove itself. No private institution has achieved manned orbit.</text></item><item><author>djaychela</author><text>True, but is it not the case that NASA is focused beyond the level that&amp;#x27;s being achieved by the Chinese? I appreciate that the sls has its detractors (I&amp;#x27;m from the UK so I don&amp;#x27;t think I have the same internal political perspective that a US commenter might), but aside from that the US government appears to have helped create a nascent private space industry that will yield real fruit in terms of both leo capacity and also beyond in the future?</text></item><item><author>jcoffland</author><text>China has now done 6 crewed missions to space in the last 3 years. In that time, Russia has had 13 manned missions many of which NASA astronauts have hitched a ride on. NASA is still on the ground since discontinuing the shuttle program in 2011.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>stickfigure</author><text>&lt;i&gt;No private institution has achieved manned orbit.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;That&amp;#x27;s because manned orbit is motivated by prestige, not rational economic behavior.</text></comment>
<story><title>HN Alternative UIs</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>pugio</author><text>This seems like the right place to ask: I remember some months ago there being a discussion about a dark mode for HN - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=23197966&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=23197966&lt;/a&gt; .&lt;p&gt;It seemed at the time like dang was amenable to adding it, but nothing seemed to to come of it. Am I missing a setting somewhere? Dark mode is the only reason I use an external app for viewing HN.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ffpip</author><text>Add to uBlock origin. To the &amp;quot;My filters&amp;quot; section.&lt;p&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt; #3e3e42 !important) #2E2E31 !important) #ccc !important) #ccc !important) &amp;gt; a:style(color: #dedede !important) #dedede !important) #ccc !important) &amp;gt; a:link:style(color: #ccc !important) &amp;gt; a:style(color: #ccc !important) #ccc !important) &amp;gt; a:style(color: #dedede !important) #ccc !important) &lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt; Source - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=23200038&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=23200038&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>HN Alternative UIs</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>pugio</author><text>This seems like the right place to ask: I remember some months ago there being a discussion about a dark mode for HN - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=23197966&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=23197966&lt;/a&gt; .&lt;p&gt;It seemed at the time like dang was amenable to adding it, but nothing seemed to to come of it. Am I missing a setting somewhere? Dark mode is the only reason I use an external app for viewing HN.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>square_usual</author><text>You can use stylus (Firefox: [1], Chrome: [2]) to set a userstyle for HN. I have mine set to a lovely zenburn dark. [3]&lt;p&gt;1: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;en-US&amp;#x2F;firefox&amp;#x2F;addon&amp;#x2F;styl-us&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;en-US&amp;#x2F;firefox&amp;#x2F;addon&amp;#x2F;styl-us&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;2: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;webstore&amp;#x2F;detail&amp;#x2F;stylus&amp;#x2F;clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne?hl=en&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;webstore&amp;#x2F;detail&amp;#x2F;stylus&amp;#x2F;clngdbkpkpe...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;3: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;UserStyles&amp;#x2F;hacker-news-zenburn-dark&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;UserStyles&amp;#x2F;hacker-news-zenburn-dark&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Most promoted and blocked domains among Kagi Search users</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>karaterobot</author><text>Pinterest was certainly the first site I blocked.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ve never understood the hate for w3schools. No, it&amp;#x27;s not MDN, but it&amp;#x27;s not offensively bad either, and it&amp;#x27;s been a helpful reference from time to time. If w3schools comes up first in a search, I trust that it probably has the answer to whatever very simple question I must have asked, unlike something like Pinterest, which will just be spam no matter what.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>matsemann</author><text>See &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow noreferrer&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s more a historical thing. Over a decade ago they were always on top, with often wrong&amp;#x2F;misleading&amp;#x2F;bad practice&amp;#x2F;insecure&amp;#x2F;simplified stuff. And lots of people thought of them as some kinde official entity because of their name similarity with W3C &amp;#x2F;;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s much better now, though. But for lots of old school frontenders the reputation stuck.</text></comment>
<story><title>Most promoted and blocked domains among Kagi Search users</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>karaterobot</author><text>Pinterest was certainly the first site I blocked.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ve never understood the hate for w3schools. No, it&amp;#x27;s not MDN, but it&amp;#x27;s not offensively bad either, and it&amp;#x27;s been a helpful reference from time to time. If w3schools comes up first in a search, I trust that it probably has the answer to whatever very simple question I must have asked, unlike something like Pinterest, which will just be spam no matter what.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>navanchauhan</author><text>I never knew W3Schools had such a bad reputation. I learned HTML from that site almost a decade ago and found it pretty helpful.&lt;p&gt;I loved their Try it Online!</text></comment>
<story><title>Miyazaki has used the art of animation to study the major problem of adult life</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>dudus</author><text>Miyazaki&amp;#x27;s new movie &amp;quot;The boy and the heron&amp;quot; was released just last week in Japan. Not sure when it&amp;#x27;s coming to the west but it&amp;#x27;s the first movie by Miyazaki since 2013.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s also quite unique in the sense that there was no trailer or marketing for this movie. Even in Japan.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>UncleOxidant</author><text>&amp;gt; it&amp;#x27;s the first movie by Miyazaki since 2013.&lt;p&gt;I was going to say &amp;quot;what about The Wind also Rises?&amp;quot;... and then looked it up and it was released in 2013. Hard to believe it&amp;#x27;s been 10 years.</text></comment>
<story><title>Miyazaki has used the art of animation to study the major problem of adult life</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>dudus</author><text>Miyazaki&amp;#x27;s new movie &amp;quot;The boy and the heron&amp;quot; was released just last week in Japan. Not sure when it&amp;#x27;s coming to the west but it&amp;#x27;s the first movie by Miyazaki since 2013.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s also quite unique in the sense that there was no trailer or marketing for this movie. Even in Japan.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>glandium</author><text>&amp;quot;The boy and the heron&amp;quot; is quite removed from the original title, 君たちはどう生きるか, which would be &amp;quot;How do you live?&amp;quot; (plural you)</text></comment>
<story><title>Goroutines are not significantly lighter than threads</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>jchw</author><text>Not only does 3x seem quite significant, but thread context switches are also a large overhead and that goes untested here. If thread context switch overhead was as low as usermode context switching, there would be no use for coroutines since you could just use threads instead; I doubt it’s non-trivial.&lt;p&gt;(Of course, in Go, the scheduler also weaves in the GC IIRC, so an apples-apples comparison may be difficult. Micro benchmarks are just not that useful.)&lt;p&gt;P.S.: this article seems to work under the assumption that 10,000 Goroutines is a reasonable upper limit, or at least it feels as though it implies that. However, you can definitely run apps with 100,000 or even 1,000,000.</text></comment>
<story><title>Goroutines are not significantly lighter than threads</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>networkimprov</author><text>I think there&amp;#x27;s a bug, tho it might not make a difference to the results:&lt;p&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt; for i := 0; i &amp;lt; 10; i++ { go func() { f(i) &amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F; sees whatever value i has when f() is called, usually 10 }() }&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Sharding data models</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>contingencies</author><text>For financial transaction services I can recommend sharding first by customer, then by ledger. As a result, instead of enforcing double-entry book-keeping standards within a single database, do it at an application-specific middleware server layer to enforce only the guarantees you need.&lt;p&gt;As with all decisions, there are tradeoffs. For a little more up-front complexity and a tiny nominal performance hit, this allows maintenance, encryption, non-uniform storage paradigms to suit individual ledgers, rolling upgrades, storage location migration, and other cool stuff which is typically painful with traditional all-or-nothing RDBMS architectures.</text></comment>
<story><title>Sharding data models</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>njay</author><text>Citus is a pretty powerful tool. We recently used Citus to help scale one of our databases and wrote a blog post about it: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;posts&amp;#x2F;2017&amp;#x2F;Aug&amp;#x2F;16&amp;#x2F;a-fare-cache-in-a-sharded-data-cluster&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;posts&amp;#x2F;2017&amp;#x2F;Aug&amp;#x2F;16&amp;#x2F;a-fare-cache-in-...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Why is desalination so difficult?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lisper</author><text>You&amp;#x27;ve pretty much nailed it except for one minor nit:&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; It takes less energy but produces a concentrated liquid waste stream that must be disposed of.&lt;p&gt;This implies that creating a concentrated waste stream is a problem unique to reverse osmosis. It isn&amp;#x27;t. No matter what you do you&amp;#x27;re going to end up with a bunch of salt that you have to get rid of somehow.</text></item><item><author>akiselev</author><text>Is it just me, or did this article dance around the question?&lt;p&gt;I am not a physicist but let me give it a stab: except for a few specialized steps like UV or oxidizing heavy metals, most filtration is mechanical. A series of filters with smaller and smaller pores capture more and more of the mess in the water like bacteria and particulates while UV breaks down viruses, the oxidizer precipitates out metals, and so on.&lt;p&gt;None of those methods work with salt. Salts in general disassociate through ion-dipole interactions - the water dipoles essentially rip the ionic compound apart and surround each ion in what is called a hydration shell. They&amp;#x27;re bigger than bare water molecules but not much bigger - much too small to target with pore size. This shell also puts them in a thermodynamically stable state and it takes energy to &amp;quot;jostle&amp;quot; the water molecules away from the ions either through evaporation, distillation, or through another chemical reaction that precipitates out the ions.&lt;p&gt;As it turns out, doing that takes a &lt;i&gt;lot&lt;/i&gt; of energy, so we use reverse osmosis as a cheaper alternative: we exploit the hydration shell of the ions by putting them behind a semi-permeable membrane with &lt;i&gt;very&lt;/i&gt; small pores, &amp;quot;nanopores&amp;quot; if you will. The pores are too small for water to cross normally, but under high pressures bare water molecules can be forced through the pores while the ions trapped in their shells remain and concentrate into a brine. It takes less energy but produces a concentrated liquid waste stream that must be disposed of.&lt;p&gt;Someone please correct any mistakes I&amp;#x27;ve made</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>superq</author><text>The Israelis ran into this problem with their mineral extraction in the Dead Sea, so they&amp;#x27;re bulldozing the dry salt waste to build a physical wall for border security (more than 10 meters high) that&amp;#x27;s apparently hard to climb:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=tgTheUjeDlg&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=tgTheUjeDlg&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Why is desalination so difficult?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lisper</author><text>You&amp;#x27;ve pretty much nailed it except for one minor nit:&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; It takes less energy but produces a concentrated liquid waste stream that must be disposed of.&lt;p&gt;This implies that creating a concentrated waste stream is a problem unique to reverse osmosis. It isn&amp;#x27;t. No matter what you do you&amp;#x27;re going to end up with a bunch of salt that you have to get rid of somehow.</text></item><item><author>akiselev</author><text>Is it just me, or did this article dance around the question?&lt;p&gt;I am not a physicist but let me give it a stab: except for a few specialized steps like UV or oxidizing heavy metals, most filtration is mechanical. A series of filters with smaller and smaller pores capture more and more of the mess in the water like bacteria and particulates while UV breaks down viruses, the oxidizer precipitates out metals, and so on.&lt;p&gt;None of those methods work with salt. Salts in general disassociate through ion-dipole interactions - the water dipoles essentially rip the ionic compound apart and surround each ion in what is called a hydration shell. They&amp;#x27;re bigger than bare water molecules but not much bigger - much too small to target with pore size. This shell also puts them in a thermodynamically stable state and it takes energy to &amp;quot;jostle&amp;quot; the water molecules away from the ions either through evaporation, distillation, or through another chemical reaction that precipitates out the ions.&lt;p&gt;As it turns out, doing that takes a &lt;i&gt;lot&lt;/i&gt; of energy, so we use reverse osmosis as a cheaper alternative: we exploit the hydration shell of the ions by putting them behind a semi-permeable membrane with &lt;i&gt;very&lt;/i&gt; small pores, &amp;quot;nanopores&amp;quot; if you will. The pores are too small for water to cross normally, but under high pressures bare water molecules can be forced through the pores while the ions trapped in their shells remain and concentrate into a brine. It takes less energy but produces a concentrated liquid waste stream that must be disposed of.&lt;p&gt;Someone please correct any mistakes I&amp;#x27;ve made</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>RyEgswuCsn</author><text>It sort of does. RO produces relative large amount of waste water that are harder to deal with (e.g. storage, disposal). By spending more energy, you can turn the waste water into salt solids, which can be easier to dispose of.</text></comment>
<story><title>(Very) Basic Intro to Elliptic Curve Cryptography</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>er4hn</author><text>Something else worth noting from the article&lt;p&gt;===&lt;p&gt;If however, you know the number of hops you can use an exponentiation trick to find the ending point quite quickly. For example, and omitting the details of elliptic curve operations: 2P = P dot P and then 4P = 2P dot 2P. This allows you to get up to those crazy high calculations exponentially faster.&lt;p&gt;===&lt;p&gt;One big difficulty in ECC vs RSA is how to do the math required for the operations. With RSA choosing the keys is the part where dragons lie and you need to make sure the numbers chosen satisfy various criteria. The algorithms for working with keys in RSA are well defined. The opposite is true for ECC. It is easier to choose numbers but depending on the curve used as well as how it is implemented there can be information leaked about the key in timings and other behavior.&lt;p&gt;If you want to read more check out the Wikipedia article on the Montgomery Ladder ( &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Elliptic_curve_point_multiplication#Point_multiplication&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Elliptic_curve_point_multiplic...&lt;/a&gt;) as well as DJB&amp;#x27;s comparison chart of curves that don&amp;#x27;t support the Montgomery Lader: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;ladder.html&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;ladder.html&lt;/a&gt; . The real kicker here is that the NIST P-### curves are what ends up in official US government requirements.. and they are vulnerable to side channel attacks due to their design.</text></comment>
<story><title>(Very) Basic Intro to Elliptic Curve Cryptography</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>ragona</author><text>This post leaves out a key difference between something like RSA and EC, which is that EC doesn’t actually provide an encryption function. You end up using an integrated encryption scheme.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Integrated_Encryption_Scheme&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Integrated_Encryption_Scheme&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;This is intuitively similar to how TLS works, in which asymmetric concepts are used in conjunction with a KDF and hashing algorithm to agree upon a per-session symmetric key.</text></comment>
<story><title>Yehuda Katz and Steve Klabnik Are Joining the Rust Core Team</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>tomdale</author><text>Congratulations Yehuda and Steve!&lt;p&gt;We&amp;#x27;ve been using Rust in production for awhile now, specifically because of its combo of native speed and memory safety[1]. This bending of traditional tradeoffs has let us implement features that would have been otherwise impossible.&lt;p&gt;Interfacing with Ruby via its C APIs, we are able to do some pretty crazy stuff, like sample memory allocations in production with imperceptible overhead[2]. Most importantly, we can do it without fear of segfaulting our customers&amp;#x27; servers.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s really great to see people other than low-level bitbangers being added to the core team. In this case, having a production user and someone focused on new users demonstrates the Rust team&amp;#x27;s commitment to building a functionally diverse community.&lt;p&gt;Lastly, I think opening up the core team to a wide coalition of companies is the right way to build a robust, long-lived open source project. Yehuda talked a little bit about this in his Indie OSS talk[2]. There are several &amp;quot;pathogens&amp;quot; that can affect open source projects, and the more diverse the distribution of power, the more likely you are to be immune to these pathogens.&lt;p&gt;1: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;bending-the-curve-writing-safe-fast-...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;2: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;announcing-memory-traces&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;3: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=YqXU4o24Hkg&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Yehuda Katz and Steve Klabnik Are Joining the Rust Core Team</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>losvedir</author><text>Congrats! I actually didn&amp;#x27;t know they weren&amp;#x27;t already part of the core team. What exactly does this change entail, then?&lt;p&gt;The rust community is lucky to have these two. I recently went through the rust guide and it&amp;#x27;s terrific! And as a happy rubygems user, I&amp;#x27;m glad to see crates following a similar path.</text></comment>
<story><title>Programs to Read</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lucaslee</author><text>I saw the Linux kernel was recommended many times here, but how many people actually read it? Where do you even start? The Linux kernel has around 60,000 files and 25 million lines of code...&lt;p&gt;I think smaller projects are better for learning purposes. If you are interested in reading some smaller projects, check out my project here &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;CodeReaderMe&amp;#x2F;awesome-code-reading&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;CodeReaderMe&amp;#x2F;awesome-code-reading&lt;/a&gt;.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>stiff</author><text>Most of the kernel code is in the drivers, the general purpose subsystems (VFS, I&amp;#x2F;O scheduler, task schedulers, memory management etc.) are a small fraction of those 25 million LOC and largely independent of each other so it is not that hard to build some understanding of them.&lt;p&gt;Some ways you can start:&lt;p&gt;- Here is start_kernel(), the kernel entry point after booting up and handling the lowest level stuff in asm: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;torvalds&amp;#x2F;linux&amp;#x2F;blob&amp;#x2F;v4.19&amp;#x2F;init&amp;#x2F;main.c#L531&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;torvalds&amp;#x2F;linux&amp;#x2F;blob&amp;#x2F;v4.19&amp;#x2F;init&amp;#x2F;main.c#L53...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;- grep for SYSCALL_DEFINE to find definitions of syscalls, e.g. this is open(): &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;torvalds&amp;#x2F;linux&amp;#x2F;blob&amp;#x2F;v4.19&amp;#x2F;fs&amp;#x2F;open.c#L1076&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;torvalds&amp;#x2F;linux&amp;#x2F;blob&amp;#x2F;v4.19&amp;#x2F;fs&amp;#x2F;open.c#L1076&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;(understanding how the I&amp;#x2F;O and networking system calls work is quite helpful for application developers, even if you work in node.js, python or another high level language)&lt;p&gt;- this is the struct that represents each process in the system, you can pick some interesting field and search for where it is used and where updated: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;torvalds&amp;#x2F;linux&amp;#x2F;blob&amp;#x2F;v4.19&amp;#x2F;include&amp;#x2F;linux&amp;#x2F;sched.h#L593&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;torvalds&amp;#x2F;linux&amp;#x2F;blob&amp;#x2F;v4.19&amp;#x2F;include&amp;#x2F;linux&amp;#x2F;s...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Finally, the linux-insides book is pretty helpful: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;linux-insides&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;linux-insides&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Programs to Read</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>lucaslee</author><text>I saw the Linux kernel was recommended many times here, but how many people actually read it? Where do you even start? The Linux kernel has around 60,000 files and 25 million lines of code...&lt;p&gt;I think smaller projects are better for learning purposes. If you are interested in reading some smaller projects, check out my project here &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;CodeReaderMe&amp;#x2F;awesome-code-reading&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;CodeReaderMe&amp;#x2F;awesome-code-reading&lt;/a&gt;.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ken</author><text>Nobody ever wrote a 25MLOC program from start to finish, so I don&amp;#x27;t think it makes much sense to read it that way.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;d read it the way it was written: from the beginning. What&amp;#x27;s Linux 0.01 look like? What&amp;#x27;s the next changeset after that release look like? What was necessary to add the driver for your favorite device? What changes were made for your particular CPU?&lt;p&gt;Programs are not static works (except maybe TeX and Metafont). They exist in the form they do in order to be amenable to changes. So look at the changes that drove it.</text></comment>
<story><title>Ask HN: Simple, beginner friendly ETL / Data Engineering project ideas?</title><text>Hi HN,&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m a seasoned Python software developer. Recently I have found a new obsession with data processing, management, engineering etc ... I&amp;#x27;d like to (eventually) branch off into that field but I find the lack of beginner friendly resources is slowing me down. All I can find is spark, hadoop related articles (I know these are prominent in the field, but I want to learn to walk before I run). So If any of you have pointers, websites, project ideas I can start to get a good grasp of all the fundamental concepts, I&amp;#x27;d really appreciate it.&lt;p&gt;Thanks a lot in advance</text></story><parent_chain><item><author>3pt14159</author><text>Spark, etc, are great, but honestly if you&amp;#x27;re just getting started I would forget all about existing tooling that is geared towards people working at 300 person companies and I would read The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit by Kimball:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;gp&amp;#x2F;product&amp;#x2F;1118530802&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;gp&amp;#x2F;product&amp;#x2F;1118530802&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;I learned from the second edition, but I&amp;#x27;ve heard even better things about the third. As you&amp;#x27;re working through it, create a project with real data and from-scratch re-implement a data warehouse as you go. It doesn&amp;#x27;t really matter what you tackle, but I personally like ETLing either data gather from web crawling a single site[0] or push in a weekly gathered wikipedia dump. You&amp;#x27;ll learn many of the foundational reasons for all the tools the industry uses, which will make it very easy for you to get up to speed on them and to make the right choices about when to introduce them. I personally tend to favour tools that have an API or CLI so I can coordinate tasks without needing to click around, but many others like a giant GUI so they can see data flows graphically. Most good tools have at least some measure of both.&lt;p&gt;[0] Use something like Scrapy for python (or Mechanize for ruby) with CSS selectors and use the extension Inspector Gadget to quickly generate CSS selectors.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>endlessvoid94</author><text>Agreed. This book will give you a fantastic way to think about ETL strategy rather than simply pointing you to the latest library.&lt;p&gt;Some of the recent popular toolkits &amp;#x2F; services aren&amp;#x27;t &amp;quot;real&amp;quot; ETL -- they simply move data from one place to another. This is obviously a crucial part of ETL, but it&amp;#x27;s not the hard part. And without an understanding of data warehousing such as from this book, it will not be easy to discern the difference.&lt;p&gt;(This is based on many conversations with people on both sides of the table.)</text></comment>
<story><title>Ask HN: Simple, beginner friendly ETL / Data Engineering project ideas?</title><text>Hi HN,&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m a seasoned Python software developer. Recently I have found a new obsession with data processing, management, engineering etc ... I&amp;#x27;d like to (eventually) branch off into that field but I find the lack of beginner friendly resources is slowing me down. All I can find is spark, hadoop related articles (I know these are prominent in the field, but I want to learn to walk before I run). So If any of you have pointers, websites, project ideas I can start to get a good grasp of all the fundamental concepts, I&amp;#x27;d really appreciate it.&lt;p&gt;Thanks a lot in advance</text></story><parent_chain><item><author>3pt14159</author><text>Spark, etc, are great, but honestly if you&amp;#x27;re just getting started I would forget all about existing tooling that is geared towards people working at 300 person companies and I would read The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit by Kimball:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;gp&amp;#x2F;product&amp;#x2F;1118530802&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;gp&amp;#x2F;product&amp;#x2F;1118530802&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;I learned from the second edition, but I&amp;#x27;ve heard even better things about the third. As you&amp;#x27;re working through it, create a project with real data and from-scratch re-implement a data warehouse as you go. It doesn&amp;#x27;t really matter what you tackle, but I personally like ETLing either data gather from web crawling a single site[0] or push in a weekly gathered wikipedia dump. You&amp;#x27;ll learn many of the foundational reasons for all the tools the industry uses, which will make it very easy for you to get up to speed on them and to make the right choices about when to introduce them. I personally tend to favour tools that have an API or CLI so I can coordinate tasks without needing to click around, but many others like a giant GUI so they can see data flows graphically. Most good tools have at least some measure of both.&lt;p&gt;[0] Use something like Scrapy for python (or Mechanize for ruby) with CSS selectors and use the extension Inspector Gadget to quickly generate CSS selectors.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>dionidium</author><text>I interned for a data warehousing team when I was in college (a random assignment) and this is the book everybody there lived by and recommended.</text></comment>
<story><title>Why SQLite is so great for the edge</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>haolez</author><text>How&amp;#x27;s D1 meant to be used, since it has a very small maximum size (100mb I believe)? Should I create one database per user, for example? Genuine question.</text></item><item><author>jgrahamc</author><text>This no need to compile SQLite into your Cloudflare Worker. We provide it native on our platform as D1. And it gives you replication. &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;d1-turning-it-up-to-11&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;d1-turning-it-up-to-11&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Also, I think the idea of “edge” doesn’t make a ton of sense. What we really need is code and data that move around as needed for the best performance. See: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;announcing-workers-smart-placement&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;announcing-workers-smart-placeme...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;What people call “edge” is a single optimization bringing code near the user. I think we should go far beyond that. Sure, use something like Cloudflare Workers for your “edge” needs (ie bringing your React app close to the end user&amp;#x2F;doing server side rendering). But don’t stop there because where data resides, what APIs you call are all going to matter.&lt;p&gt;That&amp;#x27;s the vision of something I called the &amp;quot;Supercloud&amp;quot;: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;welcome-to-the-supercloud-and-developer-week-2022&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;welcome-to-the-supercloud-and-de...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>kentonv</author><text>The maximum size will increase to at least 1GB in the near future, enabled by our recent rewrite of the underlying storage layer. Perhaps we can push it further, even, we&amp;#x27;ll see.&lt;p&gt;But yes, I think the next step is then some sort of sharding. Sharding by user would be an obvious approach for many apps. I think we should build a framework to help manage this, so apps would only need to provide some callbacks e.g. to compute shard key for a particular query.&lt;p&gt;Alternatively, apps that want full control will be able to use Durable Objects directly. We&amp;#x27;ll soon (in a few months, probably?) enable the new storage engine for all Durable Objects which means every object will have a private SQLite database.&lt;p&gt;(I&amp;#x27;m the tech lead for Workers in general, and currently focused on this project in particular.)</text></comment>
<story><title>Why SQLite is so great for the edge</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>haolez</author><text>How&amp;#x27;s D1 meant to be used, since it has a very small maximum size (100mb I believe)? Should I create one database per user, for example? Genuine question.</text></item><item><author>jgrahamc</author><text>This no need to compile SQLite into your Cloudflare Worker. We provide it native on our platform as D1. And it gives you replication. &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;d1-turning-it-up-to-11&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;d1-turning-it-up-to-11&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Also, I think the idea of “edge” doesn’t make a ton of sense. What we really need is code and data that move around as needed for the best performance. See: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;announcing-workers-smart-placement&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;announcing-workers-smart-placeme...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;What people call “edge” is a single optimization bringing code near the user. I think we should go far beyond that. Sure, use something like Cloudflare Workers for your “edge” needs (ie bringing your React app close to the end user&amp;#x2F;doing server side rendering). But don’t stop there because where data resides, what APIs you call are all going to matter.&lt;p&gt;That&amp;#x27;s the vision of something I called the &amp;quot;Supercloud&amp;quot;: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;welcome-to-the-supercloud-and-developer-week-2022&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;welcome-to-the-supercloud-and-de...&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ignoramous</author><text>afaik, that&amp;#x27;s how it is envisioned to be used. Many databases rather one big monolith. The era of microdbs is here. Who&amp;#x27;s &lt;i&gt;not&lt;/i&gt; going to bite?&lt;p&gt;See also: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;e7u9x&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;e7u9x&lt;/a&gt; &amp;#x2F; &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;post&amp;#x2F;2020-04-06-physalia&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;post&amp;#x2F;2020-04-06-physalia&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Have I been pwned? Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>gmisra</author><text>I am surprised by how few people are aware of this: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Convenience provided via Chrome&amp;#x2F;Firefox extensions, portability provided by the website.</text></item><item><author>da_n</author><text>This should be a lesson not to manage your own passwords, use a password manager there are many to choose from. I was also caught up in the Adobe breach but my password was randomly generated by my password manager.</text></item><item><author>pvnick</author><text>Shit. Looks like I got caught up in the adobe breach. Let this be a lesson to all engineers in charge of such situations to implement strong security. You are partially responsible for these disasters.&lt;p&gt;I got a call from PayPal a week or two ago. It turns out somebody in Indonesia accessed my Paypal account, presumably with credentials scraped from adobe. I know, I know, shame on me for reusing passwords. Luckily no damage was done and I did a change to the strongest password I&amp;#x27;ve assigned anything yet.&lt;p&gt;Great job, op (if you&amp;#x27;re the one who wrote this service) for such an amazing tool. Everyone, if you haven&amp;#x27;t already, you really should check if you&amp;#x27;ve been compromised. I will be sending this to all my friends.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>Periodic</author><text>I second this. I&amp;#x27;ve been using it for a few years now. It gives me great peace of mind knowing that my password on a site like HN is something like &amp;quot;e5wLoMB1kZ&amp;quot;. I only have to remember a few passwords and yet each site has a unique password.&lt;p&gt;Even in the event a leak of plain-text passwords I&amp;#x27;m still secure in knowing that my other accounts won&amp;#x27;t be compromised unless there is a very determined attacker.&lt;p&gt;However, you do have to put some trust in the extension and the website. Fortunately, the website has some good credentials and the extensions have appeared clean... for now.</text></comment>
<story><title>Have I been pwned? Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>gmisra</author><text>I am surprised by how few people are aware of this: &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Convenience provided via Chrome&amp;#x2F;Firefox extensions, portability provided by the website.</text></item><item><author>da_n</author><text>This should be a lesson not to manage your own passwords, use a password manager there are many to choose from. I was also caught up in the Adobe breach but my password was randomly generated by my password manager.</text></item><item><author>pvnick</author><text>Shit. Looks like I got caught up in the adobe breach. Let this be a lesson to all engineers in charge of such situations to implement strong security. You are partially responsible for these disasters.&lt;p&gt;I got a call from PayPal a week or two ago. It turns out somebody in Indonesia accessed my Paypal account, presumably with credentials scraped from adobe. I know, I know, shame on me for reusing passwords. Luckily no damage was done and I did a change to the strongest password I&amp;#x27;ve assigned anything yet.&lt;p&gt;Great job, op (if you&amp;#x27;re the one who wrote this service) for such an amazing tool. Everyone, if you haven&amp;#x27;t already, you really should check if you&amp;#x27;ve been compromised. I will be sending this to all my friends.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>jdmichal</author><text>There is also &lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;/a&gt;, which uses a JavaScript bookmarklet to do the hashing.</text></comment>
<story><title>The Resistance Is Real – Why Side Projects Are So Hard</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>heipei</author><text>At this point in my life I&amp;#x27;ve started to believe that whenever you talk to someone who is &amp;quot;passionate about technology X and clean architectures&amp;quot; or &amp;quot;wants to work on challenging technical problems&amp;quot; is ultimately doomed to fail when setting out to create a (for-profit, bootstrapped) business. This is a strong opinion and there is certainly a spectrum for this mindset, but at the most extreme your mindset should be more along the lines of &amp;quot;all technology ultimately sucks, let&amp;#x27;s figure out the most straightforward way and the least amount of effort and headaches so we can create value for our customers so they, and we, can get off that damn computer screen and enjoy the fruits of our labor&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;If you&amp;#x27;re saying &amp;quot;I&amp;#x27;m passionate about delivering great products to users&amp;quot; or even &amp;quot;I&amp;#x27;m passionate about making money&amp;quot; (I respect that) then technology becomes the tool you unfortunately have to wield to arrive at that goal.&lt;p&gt;Note that this attitude only applies to people who want to take ownership and deliver a fully functional product. There&amp;#x27;s tons of great people who are in it for the sheer enjoyment of working with technology, they all will have a great time working on challenging problems at one of the many tech companies. And there&amp;#x27;s a few people who can both enjoy technical challenges but also switch to dumb and boring crunch mode when it&amp;#x27;s demanded by the task at hand.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>Delmania</author><text>&amp;gt; At this point in my life I&amp;#x27;ve started to believe that whenever you talk to someone who is &amp;quot;passionate about technology X and clean architectures&amp;quot; or &amp;quot;wants to work on challenging technical problems&amp;quot; is ultimately doomed to fail when setting out to create a (for-profit, bootstrapped) business&lt;p&gt;A flight to the Virgin Isles was delayed overnight, so a strapping young man named Richard Branson chartered a plane to the Isles with money he didn&amp;#x27;t have. His next move was to create a sign that read &amp;quot;Virgin Airline, $29 a ticket&amp;quot;, which he showed to his fellow passengers. They all paid up and all flew to the Virgin Isles that night. Was he motivated by a &amp;quot;passion to help people get to their destination&amp;quot;? Hell no, he had a girl waiting for him and more than likely he wanted to get laid.&lt;p&gt;That is the only attitude that works for an entrepreneur, the ability to identify problems, find solutions, and get people to pay for them. If you say you have a passion fr a technology or a clean architecture, or that you want to work on challenging problems, you belong in an established company, either as a lead, an architect, or in the R&amp;amp;D. Entrepreneurs understand that technology is but a means to an end, and focus more on solving problems than gold plating something or waxing philosophical about software. They use the tools at hand to solve a problem to the best of their ability. They&amp;#x27;re not motivated by some grand scheme, their passions are more personal.</text></comment>
<story><title>The Resistance Is Real – Why Side Projects Are So Hard</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>heipei</author><text>At this point in my life I&amp;#x27;ve started to believe that whenever you talk to someone who is &amp;quot;passionate about technology X and clean architectures&amp;quot; or &amp;quot;wants to work on challenging technical problems&amp;quot; is ultimately doomed to fail when setting out to create a (for-profit, bootstrapped) business. This is a strong opinion and there is certainly a spectrum for this mindset, but at the most extreme your mindset should be more along the lines of &amp;quot;all technology ultimately sucks, let&amp;#x27;s figure out the most straightforward way and the least amount of effort and headaches so we can create value for our customers so they, and we, can get off that damn computer screen and enjoy the fruits of our labor&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;If you&amp;#x27;re saying &amp;quot;I&amp;#x27;m passionate about delivering great products to users&amp;quot; or even &amp;quot;I&amp;#x27;m passionate about making money&amp;quot; (I respect that) then technology becomes the tool you unfortunately have to wield to arrive at that goal.&lt;p&gt;Note that this attitude only applies to people who want to take ownership and deliver a fully functional product. There&amp;#x27;s tons of great people who are in it for the sheer enjoyment of working with technology, they all will have a great time working on challenging problems at one of the many tech companies. And there&amp;#x27;s a few people who can both enjoy technical challenges but also switch to dumb and boring crunch mode when it&amp;#x27;s demanded by the task at hand.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>rdiddly</author><text>You&amp;#x27;re really just talking about the differences in skill sets and interests between people who, in a bigger organization, would be sorted into the engineering team and the executive team. The &amp;quot;passionate about technology&amp;quot; people will end up in engineering. To the executive team, finding and serving the customer is the focus, while technologies (and engineers for that matter) are very much a cost that has to be justified.&lt;p&gt;But yeah they&amp;#x27;re different skill sets. The only time it&amp;#x27;s a problem is when they both have to reside in the same person, for example the solo app developer. You&amp;#x27;re trying to serve as both the engineering staff and the executive&amp;#x2F;management team, plus wearing several other hats as well.</text></comment>
<story><title>Announcing The Dark Mail Alliance – Founded by Silent Circle and Lavabit</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>sandstrom</author><text>I totally agree, I &lt;i&gt;really&lt;/i&gt; think you should change the name.&lt;p&gt;Some suggestions:&lt;p&gt;- Locke Mail [from John Locke]&lt;p&gt;- Mill Mail [from John Stuart Mill]&lt;p&gt;- Hobbes Mail&lt;p&gt;- Liberty Mail</text></item><item><author>natural219</author><text>I appreciate the cheekiness of calling it the &amp;quot;Dark Mail Alliance&amp;quot;, but from a purely PR perspective, it would make sense to reconsider your name if you are taking the position that encrypted end-to-end email is not solely an interest of those pursuing shady or deviant activities.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>vidarh</author><text>Prtty much nobody would understand the connotations of Locke, Mill or Hobbes, and amongst those who do they&amp;#x27;d be contentious.&lt;p&gt;Consider that for example Mill thought despotism could be acceptable under utilitarian principles if the end result was a better society afterwards; I don&amp;#x27;t know what you think of Marx [Marx Mail? Maybe not], but even an authoritarian reading of Marx ideological works fits within utilitarian principles to those who agree with it, while those who read Marx from a libertarian viewpoint, e.g. left communists, would generally find Mills distastefully authoritarian.&lt;p&gt;Locke was a major investor in the slave trade, and a central participant in trying to institute a feudal aristocracy in Carolina - writing about freedoms while trying to deprive others of them. Locke Mail in that respect would be fitting brand for a NSA run mail service for its hypocrisy alone.&lt;p&gt;Hobbes, while talking about individual rights, was a supporter of a strong central government an a supporter of absolute monarchy. He too would be a suitable beacon for the NSA.&lt;p&gt;That is not to say that these people were not important for the development of philosophical ideas related to freedom, but only in relation to the politics of the time. Today all three of them are archaic and authoritarian compared to a lot of more recent philosophers.&lt;p&gt;As for Liberty Mail, outside of the US at least it would be likely to leave a bad taste with a lot of people. It reads like Far-Right-Wing-US-Nationalistic-Nutjob-Mail or Lets-Pretend-It-Is-Liberty-While-We-Screw-You-Over-Mail to me, and I know a lot of people likely to have similar reactions.</text></comment>
<story><title>Announcing The Dark Mail Alliance – Founded by Silent Circle and Lavabit</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>sandstrom</author><text>I totally agree, I &lt;i&gt;really&lt;/i&gt; think you should change the name.&lt;p&gt;Some suggestions:&lt;p&gt;- Locke Mail [from John Locke]&lt;p&gt;- Mill Mail [from John Stuart Mill]&lt;p&gt;- Hobbes Mail&lt;p&gt;- Liberty Mail</text></item><item><author>natural219</author><text>I appreciate the cheekiness of calling it the &amp;quot;Dark Mail Alliance&amp;quot;, but from a purely PR perspective, it would make sense to reconsider your name if you are taking the position that encrypted end-to-end email is not solely an interest of those pursuing shady or deviant activities.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>kenko</author><text>Hobbes Mail makes no sense; either you&amp;#x27;re in the condition of the war of all against all (no thanks) or you&amp;#x27;ve surrendered everything to a single sovereign (no thanks).</text></comment>
<story><title>OOP no longer mandatory in CMU Computer Science Curriculum</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>forkandwait</author><text>My rule of thumb with OOP (of which I am very proud): if a bunch of code needs to retain state, make it an object, but if not, make it a function. Also, in a class, you should either have glorified getter/setters (to set the state, possibly in complicated ways) or stateless functions (to execute algorithms). This approach makes it far easier to test, since you have less set up and tear down.&lt;p&gt;To teach object oriented programming as if it is theoretically foundational, or should precede simpler concepts is a nice bit of foolishness that lasted from excitement over Smalltalk to, say, last week.&lt;p&gt;I think the blossoming of GUI&apos;s -- which have A LOT of state -- is the historic reason for the excitement over OOP, not any theoretical advantage to OOP.</text></comment>
<story><title>OOP no longer mandatory in CMU Computer Science Curriculum</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>carterschonwald</author><text>several remarks worth mentioning, as the infoq page seems to be editorialized link bait begging to foment a flamewar.&lt;p&gt;Bob Harper and (his now graduated phd student) Dan Licata are (world class) experts in programming language semantics. What does this mean? They understand in a very very precise sense how difficult it is to correctly understand the exact semantics of various linguistic constructs.&lt;p&gt;Why is this important? Because some of these freshmen will not have had a solid grounding in understanding the most basic of the tools they use, the programming language. These students should come away from their intro class not burdened by confusion over syntax and boilerplate need to use the built in language constructs, but rather a precise enough mental model of the semantics for a basic programming language that they can accurately simulate the execution of their programs with pen and paper, or just in their heads!&lt;p&gt;Yes objects do provide some occasionally fantastic abstraction facilities in certain use cases in practice, but every semantic model for real OO languages is INCREDIBLY complex, let alone considering what is needed for having a &lt;i&gt;correct&lt;/i&gt; cost model for operations in an OO language once you consider how many OO abstraction are represented by nontrivial lookup operations / data-structures.&lt;p&gt;What I think is more interesting is the following 1) they&apos;ve come up with low overhead ways of teaching parallelism constructs directly to intro students&lt;p&gt;and 2) this course is part of a larger system of classes that include their intro imperative programming class being taught by Frank Pfenning (an expert in mechanized theorem proving such as might be used to verify program correctness)that teaches a lot of the basic algorithms / datastructures that are easiest to first see framed imperatively,&lt;p&gt;and 3)they&apos;re having the intro algorithms &amp;#38; datastructures course be taught by Guy E. Blelloch, who&apos;s done a great amount of good research in a huge number of algorithm topics.</text></comment>
<story><title>Stephen Hawking’s Final Paper: How to Escape from a Black Hole</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>jaimehrubiks</author><text>I wish I could understand the minds of these people. They lived with us and yet they are so much ahead in the comprehension of the universe. I&amp;#x27;ve always loved science, I chose to do computers in the end though. I don&amp;#x27;t understand a single world of the abstract.&lt;p&gt;I also wish I could just know what people in a thousand years learn about the universe. It seems like the knowledge we gain (science and technology) is exponential and just started a few years ago.&lt;p&gt;It also feels like this contribution is so cool, even more seeing that Hawking is sharing it with us things after dying somehow.</text></comment>
<story><title>Stephen Hawking’s Final Paper: How to Escape from a Black Hole</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>brian-armstrong</author><text>If you want to dive in, I believe this is the right arxiv link &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;abs&amp;#x2F;1810.01847&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;abs&amp;#x2F;1810.01847&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Sci-Hub: Scientists, Academics, Teachers and Students Protest Blocking Lawsuit</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>vixen99</author><text>&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;2017&amp;#x2F;07&amp;#x2F;27&amp;#x2F;another-journal-flips&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;2017&amp;#x2F;07&amp;#x2F;27&amp;#x2F;another-journal-flip...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Tim Gowers offers some background to the overwhelming case for open access publication. Sci-hub is an example of an almost inevitable reaction to the blatant profiteering by certain academic publishers. Let&amp;#x27;s remember that in the main, taxpayers across the world, through their governments, almost alone, pay for the very expensive business of carrying out university and institutional research and preparing manuscripts for publication.</text></comment>
<story><title>Sci-Hub: Scientists, Academics, Teachers and Students Protest Blocking Lawsuit</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>silexia</author><text>Patents and copyrights in many cases have become a tumor, destroying their original purposes to enable rent seeking from disgusting and harmful organizations.</text></comment>
<story><title>LLVM patch to fix half of Spectre attack</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>rayiner</author><text>Is glorious the right word for it? We’re going back to the stone ages where processors couldn’t predict the targets of indirect jumps. More generally, this seems to me like an attempt to patch out of what is really a class of attacks leveraging fundamental assumptions about high-performance CPU design. Before, OOO just had to preserve correctness and (some of) the order of exceptions and memory operations. Now, it has to preserve (some of) the timing of in-order execution too? Where does this path end?</text></item><item><author>tptacek</author><text>Page was down when I tried to read it, but it&amp;#x27;s archived here: &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;s831k&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;s831k&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;p&gt;Its hard to get your head around how big a deal this is. This vulnerability is so bad they killed x86 indirect jump instructions. It&amp;#x27;s so bad compilers --- all of them --- have to know about this bug, and use an incantation that hacks ret like an exploit developer would. It&amp;#x27;s so bad that to restore the original performance of a predictable indirect jump you might have to change the way you write high-level language code.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s glorious.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>simias</author><text>Legitimate question: on any non-shared non-virtualized system is there any reason to enable these workarounds &lt;i&gt;besides&lt;/i&gt; running sandboxed applications such as javascript in a web browser (or flash&amp;#x2F;java applets&amp;#x2F;Active X, but those are not really super popular nowadays)?&lt;p&gt;For any other non-sanboxed application you pretty much have to trust the code anyway. Privilege escalation is always a bad thing of course, but for single user desktop machines getting user shell access as an attacker means that you can do pretty much anything you want.&lt;p&gt;As far as I can see the only surface of attack for my current machine would be a website running untrusted JS. For all other applications running on my machine if one of them is actually hostile them I&amp;#x27;m already screwed.&lt;p&gt;Frankly I&amp;#x27;m more annoyed at the ridiculous over-engineering of the Web than at CPU vendors. Because in 2017 you need to enable a turing complete language interpreter in your browser in order to display text and pictures on many (most?) websites.&lt;p&gt;Gopher should&amp;#x27;ve won.</text></comment>
<story><title>LLVM patch to fix half of Spectre attack</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>rayiner</author><text>Is glorious the right word for it? We’re going back to the stone ages where processors couldn’t predict the targets of indirect jumps. More generally, this seems to me like an attempt to patch out of what is really a class of attacks leveraging fundamental assumptions about high-performance CPU design. Before, OOO just had to preserve correctness and (some of) the order of exceptions and memory operations. Now, it has to preserve (some of) the timing of in-order execution too? Where does this path end?</text></item><item><author>tptacek</author><text>Page was down when I tried to read it, but it&amp;#x27;s archived here: &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;s831k&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;s831k&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;p&gt;Its hard to get your head around how big a deal this is. This vulnerability is so bad they killed x86 indirect jump instructions. It&amp;#x27;s so bad compilers --- all of them --- have to know about this bug, and use an incantation that hacks ret like an exploit developer would. It&amp;#x27;s so bad that to restore the original performance of a predictable indirect jump you might have to change the way you write high-level language code.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s glorious.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>catnaroek</author><text>&amp;gt; Where does this path end?&lt;p&gt;It ends with the performance advantages of OOO execution being effectively negated by the workarounds to address the security issues it causes.&lt;p&gt;The following parable is edifying: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;users&amp;#x2F;EWD&amp;#x2F;transcriptions&amp;#x2F;EWD05xx&amp;#x2F;EWD594.html&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;users&amp;#x2F;EWD&amp;#x2F;transcriptions&amp;#x2F;EWD05xx&amp;#x2F;E...&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Experimental depression treatment is nearly 80% effective in controlled study</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>rubicon33</author><text>I&amp;#x27;ve had depression for 20+ years and the best way I would describe it is like this:&lt;p&gt;Think of that little &amp;quot;kick&amp;quot; you get when you think of something you want to do. Maybe you like eating ice cream, maybe you like playing tennis, whatever it is... that feeling, that subconscious little mental boost that gets you up off your ass, and moving... is completely absent in the depressed mind.&lt;p&gt;That spark that initiates and sustains action, is simply not there. Tasks, even small ones, are giant and the future is hopeless.</text></item><item><author>pcurve</author><text>“I don’t procrastinate anymore,” he added. “I’m sleeping better. I completely quit alcohol. I’m walking my dog and playing the guitar again, for nothing more than the sheer joy of it.” Most importantly, he said, “I’m remaining positive and being respectful of others. These are big changes in my life.”&lt;p&gt;Serious question: are these typical signs of depression? Now I&amp;#x27;m wondering if I have depression.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>xapata</author><text>It took me a while to realize that most people don&amp;#x27;t consider suicide as one of a few strategies to deal with everyday problems. Thought process: I don&amp;#x27;t want to do my homework. I could (A) get up and do it, or (B) kill myself. Happily, I&amp;#x27;ve learned to dissociate myself from the part of my consciousness that thinks that way.</text></comment>
<story><title>Experimental depression treatment is nearly 80% effective in controlled study</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>rubicon33</author><text>I&amp;#x27;ve had depression for 20+ years and the best way I would describe it is like this:&lt;p&gt;Think of that little &amp;quot;kick&amp;quot; you get when you think of something you want to do. Maybe you like eating ice cream, maybe you like playing tennis, whatever it is... that feeling, that subconscious little mental boost that gets you up off your ass, and moving... is completely absent in the depressed mind.&lt;p&gt;That spark that initiates and sustains action, is simply not there. Tasks, even small ones, are giant and the future is hopeless.</text></item><item><author>pcurve</author><text>“I don’t procrastinate anymore,” he added. “I’m sleeping better. I completely quit alcohol. I’m walking my dog and playing the guitar again, for nothing more than the sheer joy of it.” Most importantly, he said, “I’m remaining positive and being respectful of others. These are big changes in my life.”&lt;p&gt;Serious question: are these typical signs of depression? Now I&amp;#x27;m wondering if I have depression.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>d1lanka</author><text>&amp;quot;You asked me how depression felt, and this is all I could come up with. It feels like I’m walking upstream through a current strong enough to pull me under four times over.&lt;p&gt;There are others with me but they are walking along the banks telling me to “just get out of the water.”&lt;p&gt;But instead of extending a hand in help, they just move on and leave me behind.&lt;p&gt;Every once in a while I find a rock that is strong enough for me to lean on, And I can rest for a bit.&lt;p&gt;But the rocks always get tired of holding me up, and when they let go, I’m left drowning, thrown 50 feet back again.&lt;p&gt;And nothing is harder than standing up in that current when everything in you is telling you how much easier things would be if you just let yourself get dragged under.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;—Unknown</text></comment>
<story><title>Designers, how do we get you guys to contribute to open source projects?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>vog</author><text>On the other hand, maybe we should make designers &lt;i&gt;want&lt;/i&gt; to use Git.&lt;p&gt;This might be not as crazy as it sounds, as I recently learned:&lt;p&gt;A few weeks ago, there was a short presentation about Git, targeted at non-programmers such as graphics and web designers. After the presentation, one of the designers (who apparently already knew about Git) stood up and criticized the presenter for not going deeper into branches and auto-branching.&lt;p&gt;Of course, the presenter intentionally left that topic out, in order to not confuse all those Git newbies.&lt;p&gt;However, the designer argued that this is what would make Git interesting for designers. He said that all this diff/commit/push/pull stuff was boring for designers where a &quot;diff&quot; between graphics files is neither readable nor meaningful, and where automatic merges are impossible anyway. But branching has the power to reflect the natural work-flow of a designer who permanently goes back to previous versions in order to try different variants. Reflecting this via &quot;Save as ...&quot; (and naming files accordingly) is very cumbersome.&lt;p&gt;Although I personally think this guy overrated the power of branches, this might change once the Git user interfaces becomes simpler to use, more targeted to designers (rather than just software developers) and better integrated into graphical tools like Gimp, Inkscape or even Photoshop.</text></item><item><author>Sirupsen</author><text>Yes, version control definitely seems like one of the biggest gaps. The communication between developers and designers have to improve, and the developers will have to realize they can&apos;t ask every designer for commits, but they can probably ask them for .zip files.</text></item><item><author>pieter</author><text>My girlfriend tried to design an icon for an open-source app she uses, but the experience hasn&apos;t been really great. I think the way developers in open-source projects communicate doesn&apos;t really work with designers.&lt;p&gt;She sent the photoshop source file and a png to the mailing list, but was told to send in a patch instead, which meant she had to learn how to use git to check out the repository, add the icon to the repo, and then generate a git patch. Only after that, she was told that they couldn&apos;t use the photoshop source file because they didn&apos;t have photoshop. Finally, one of the developers imported the file into the GIMP, changed some stuff on the icon without discussion, botched the output and then added that to the project. That was enough for her to not try doing something like this again.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>jianshen</author><text>Source control is also not part of a designer&apos;s natural workflow because the options aren&apos;t that great (usually backups on a NAS is all there is and a few proprietary snapshot plugins from Adobe. Kaleidoscope looks the most interesting). Also, svn branch numbers or git hashes don&apos;t make nearly as much sense to designers as &quot;HiFi Mockup iPhone4 Right Aligned; when they want to backtrack or compare current &quot;in the running&quot; designs.&lt;p&gt;I&apos;d love to see the OSS community develop better source control software targeted towards designers. :)</text></comment>
<story><title>Designers, how do we get you guys to contribute to open source projects?</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>vog</author><text>On the other hand, maybe we should make designers &lt;i&gt;want&lt;/i&gt; to use Git.&lt;p&gt;This might be not as crazy as it sounds, as I recently learned:&lt;p&gt;A few weeks ago, there was a short presentation about Git, targeted at non-programmers such as graphics and web designers. After the presentation, one of the designers (who apparently already knew about Git) stood up and criticized the presenter for not going deeper into branches and auto-branching.&lt;p&gt;Of course, the presenter intentionally left that topic out, in order to not confuse all those Git newbies.&lt;p&gt;However, the designer argued that this is what would make Git interesting for designers. He said that all this diff/commit/push/pull stuff was boring for designers where a &quot;diff&quot; between graphics files is neither readable nor meaningful, and where automatic merges are impossible anyway. But branching has the power to reflect the natural work-flow of a designer who permanently goes back to previous versions in order to try different variants. Reflecting this via &quot;Save as ...&quot; (and naming files accordingly) is very cumbersome.&lt;p&gt;Although I personally think this guy overrated the power of branches, this might change once the Git user interfaces becomes simpler to use, more targeted to designers (rather than just software developers) and better integrated into graphical tools like Gimp, Inkscape or even Photoshop.</text></item><item><author>Sirupsen</author><text>Yes, version control definitely seems like one of the biggest gaps. The communication between developers and designers have to improve, and the developers will have to realize they can&apos;t ask every designer for commits, but they can probably ask them for .zip files.</text></item><item><author>pieter</author><text>My girlfriend tried to design an icon for an open-source app she uses, but the experience hasn&apos;t been really great. I think the way developers in open-source projects communicate doesn&apos;t really work with designers.&lt;p&gt;She sent the photoshop source file and a png to the mailing list, but was told to send in a patch instead, which meant she had to learn how to use git to check out the repository, add the icon to the repo, and then generate a git patch. Only after that, she was told that they couldn&apos;t use the photoshop source file because they didn&apos;t have photoshop. Finally, one of the developers imported the file into the GIMP, changed some stuff on the icon without discussion, botched the output and then added that to the project. That was enough for her to not try doing something like this again.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>random42</author><text>&amp;#62; On the other hand, maybe we should make designers want to use Git.&lt;p&gt;I use Git, and its a wonderful piece of software craft indeed, but it does not have Windows/Mac clients, that designers often use, as their base OS.&lt;p&gt;A decent usable frontend for Git, on platforms other than Linux too, needs to be developed, for it to be usable by designers.&lt;p&gt;Edit - I meant to say officially supported frontend and support for other oses by git.</text></comment>
<story><title>Turboencabulator</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>duxup</author><text>&amp;gt; It’s just the fact that so many people have had to sit through so many educational&amp;#x2F;industrial videos that look and sound just like this one and they&amp;#x27;re dead serious and deadly dull.&lt;p&gt;At my first “real” job they had a tradition of 6 months of training.&lt;p&gt;When I joined the company they were too busy to hold actual training classes so I watched very old VHS tapes of even older classes…. taught by the engineers who designed the product… for other engineers who also already knew the product.&lt;p&gt;It was all Turboencabulator word salad.&lt;p&gt;In an infamous moment I’ll never forget an engineer picked up a stack of papers and paged threw it and found his page and held that one page toward the camera (sitting at the back of the room) and “showed” us the code he wrote and asked the camera person to zoom in…..</text></comment>
<story><title>Turboencabulator</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>leetrout</author><text>If you enjoy turboencabulators and havent been active in the scene for a while please join us at &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;r&amp;#x2F;vxjunkies&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;r&amp;#x2F;vxjunkies&amp;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;The latest quantocabulator tech is being produced in Japan from a spinoff from VX.</text></comment>
<story><title>JavaScript for Data Science</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>beforeolives</author><text>I know that data science is a broad and somewhat vague term but this -&lt;p&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt; We will cover: Core features of modern JavaScript Programming with callbacks and promises Creating objects and classes Writing HTML and CSS Creating interactive pages with React Building data services Testing Data visualization Combining everything to create a three-tier web application &lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt; - this isn&amp;#x27;t data science.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>zwaps</author><text>I get your point, but as someone doing data science and having no idea about JavaScript, this is actually precisely what I need.&lt;p&gt;Like, all the stuff &amp;quot;for my data science&amp;quot;, such as making a visualization website etc.</text></comment>
<story><title>JavaScript for Data Science</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>beforeolives</author><text>I know that data science is a broad and somewhat vague term but this -&lt;p&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt; We will cover: Core features of modern JavaScript Programming with callbacks and promises Creating objects and classes Writing HTML and CSS Creating interactive pages with React Building data services Testing Data visualization Combining everything to create a three-tier web application &lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt; - this isn&amp;#x27;t data science.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>zitterbewegung</author><text>It&amp;#x27;s more like Presenting and Serving Models using Javascript for Data Science.</text></comment>
<story><title>Guitar Center files for bankruptcy</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>aczerepinski</author><text>For me anecdotally, it’s Sweetwater that’s been killing Guitar Center, not Amazon. Like many, I bought a ton of music gear during the pandemic. At first I split my purchases between GC and Sweetwater, but over time it became clear that SW shipped more reliably, had better inventory, was quicker to respond to questions, and sent candy in every order.</text></item><item><author>offtop5</author><text>Very bad news imo.&lt;p&gt;Having everything flow into a Amazon Monopoly of retail isn&amp;#x27;t great. Even just going in the stores to talk and get a literal feel for instruments is great.&lt;p&gt;The biggest issue with online retail is it erodes one of the last community functions. Particularly for older Americans retail shopping might be their only social interaction all day.&lt;p&gt;If 2050 is this dystopia where everything is ordered online, all food is dropped off by drones, it&amp;#x27;s going to be very bleak.&lt;p&gt;That said retail, particularly non essential retail ( my various instruments are all effectively toys, I&amp;#x27;d guess the working musician to hobbyist ratio to easily be 1:100) is getting hit hard. No one NEEDS a news 1500$ Gibson.&lt;p&gt;Edit : Worth while to add a with concerts being shut down the professional market is effectively dead as well. I wouldn&amp;#x27;t count on this returning until late 2021 at best</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>busterarm</author><text>Almost 20 years ago GC lost a $7000 order of mine, wouldn&amp;#x27;t lift a finger to get UPS involved and banned me from ordering after I had to use a chargeback to get my money.&lt;p&gt;Been a happy Sweetwater customer ever since. I&amp;#x27;ve had 3 different reps and I know them all quite well at this point.</text></comment>
<story><title>Guitar Center files for bankruptcy</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>aczerepinski</author><text>For me anecdotally, it’s Sweetwater that’s been killing Guitar Center, not Amazon. Like many, I bought a ton of music gear during the pandemic. At first I split my purchases between GC and Sweetwater, but over time it became clear that SW shipped more reliably, had better inventory, was quicker to respond to questions, and sent candy in every order.</text></item><item><author>offtop5</author><text>Very bad news imo.&lt;p&gt;Having everything flow into a Amazon Monopoly of retail isn&amp;#x27;t great. Even just going in the stores to talk and get a literal feel for instruments is great.&lt;p&gt;The biggest issue with online retail is it erodes one of the last community functions. Particularly for older Americans retail shopping might be their only social interaction all day.&lt;p&gt;If 2050 is this dystopia where everything is ordered online, all food is dropped off by drones, it&amp;#x27;s going to be very bleak.&lt;p&gt;That said retail, particularly non essential retail ( my various instruments are all effectively toys, I&amp;#x27;d guess the working musician to hobbyist ratio to easily be 1:100) is getting hit hard. No one NEEDS a news 1500$ Gibson.&lt;p&gt;Edit : Worth while to add a with concerts being shut down the professional market is effectively dead as well. I wouldn&amp;#x27;t count on this returning until late 2021 at best</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ssharp</author><text>If I&amp;#x27;m buying online, it&amp;#x27;s probably from Sweetwater or Reverb, definitely not Guitar Center. I mainly used GC if I needed strings, picks, sticks, or other small things, but I&amp;#x27;ve found Amazon to be perfectly fine at getting me that stuff quickly. When I first started playing guitar, probably around age 20 or so, Guitar Center was like Toys R Us to me when I was a kid. It was a magical place. However, GC came into most markets and pushed the local stores out of business and now they&amp;#x27;re getting put out of business by better ecommerce outlets and Amazon.&lt;p&gt;I am glad some local stores have survived, either battling GC valiantly or being far enough away from them. Having a hub for lessons, repairs, expertise, etc. is very nice to have around still.</text></comment>
<story><title>Ethiopia has launched its first satellite into space</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>chirau</author><text>Why do these countries need satellites anyway, what exactly are they using them for?</text></item><item><author>rburhum</author><text>I am very familiar with the purchasing process of satellites by LATAM countries. Basically the Chinese or the French (i.e. Airbus) come in and offer you a satellite that ranges between 180M-380M USD in price depending on what you want. The price includes a building with a ground station, the launch, and some basic training. If you negotiate correctly, the full telemetry is send only to you and you process it all locally. If you don’t, then they have a hook on you and hand hold you through the entire process - at an additional cost.&lt;p&gt;Additionally, after a country purchases one, they tend to have their own development path for the future ones.&lt;p&gt;For example, the Argentinians did their first four satellites with the help of the US (SAC-A, SAC-B, SAC-C, SAC-D), the next two were done by themselves (ARSAT-1, ARSAT-2), two more with the Italians (SAOCOM-A, SAOCOM-B) and one with the Brazilians (SABIA-MAR).&lt;p&gt;It is a process filled with a lot of politics, questionable monetary interests, and pseudo national pride.&lt;p&gt;It is the new shortcut process by which countries are entering the space era. Buy a satellite when you don&amp;#x27;t know what you are doing, then co-build it with somebody, then build it by yourself. It effectively saves you billions in trial and error tests that other countries had to go through... but it really begs the question of when is it &lt;i&gt;truly&lt;/i&gt; yours, because if you don’t follow the rules (e.g. taking high res imagery of an area you are not supposed to), “your” satellite can easily be temporarily or permanently disabled... and there goes your 300M</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>faizshah</author><text>I dunno how true this is but my african friends have told me that telecom in africa is extremely expensive and calling someone the next village over can have huge charges. So african countries under the African Union created the African Telecommunications Union to send out an african owned telecom sattelite instead of having to pay for western owned telecom sattelite usage.&lt;p&gt;Again this is second hand info and I don&amp;#x27;t know much about African politics but telecom is clearly one important reason.</text></comment>
<story><title>Ethiopia has launched its first satellite into space</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>chirau</author><text>Why do these countries need satellites anyway, what exactly are they using them for?</text></item><item><author>rburhum</author><text>I am very familiar with the purchasing process of satellites by LATAM countries. Basically the Chinese or the French (i.e. Airbus) come in and offer you a satellite that ranges between 180M-380M USD in price depending on what you want. The price includes a building with a ground station, the launch, and some basic training. If you negotiate correctly, the full telemetry is send only to you and you process it all locally. If you don’t, then they have a hook on you and hand hold you through the entire process - at an additional cost.&lt;p&gt;Additionally, after a country purchases one, they tend to have their own development path for the future ones.&lt;p&gt;For example, the Argentinians did their first four satellites with the help of the US (SAC-A, SAC-B, SAC-C, SAC-D), the next two were done by themselves (ARSAT-1, ARSAT-2), two more with the Italians (SAOCOM-A, SAOCOM-B) and one with the Brazilians (SABIA-MAR).&lt;p&gt;It is a process filled with a lot of politics, questionable monetary interests, and pseudo national pride.&lt;p&gt;It is the new shortcut process by which countries are entering the space era. Buy a satellite when you don&amp;#x27;t know what you are doing, then co-build it with somebody, then build it by yourself. It effectively saves you billions in trial and error tests that other countries had to go through... but it really begs the question of when is it &lt;i&gt;truly&lt;/i&gt; yours, because if you don’t follow the rules (e.g. taking high res imagery of an area you are not supposed to), “your” satellite can easily be temporarily or permanently disabled... and there goes your 300M</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>mirajshah</author><text>Not sure if you read the linked article:&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; The 70 kilogram remote sensing satellite is to be used for agricultural, climate, mining and environmental observations, allowing the Horn of Africa to collect data and improve its ability to plan for changing weather patterns for example.</text></comment>
<story><title>Google&apos;s “Director of Engineering” Hiring Test</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>DannyBee</author><text>First, it is definitely standard process to tell him (if they didn&amp;#x27;t, that&amp;#x27;s a definite failure). Again, remember you only have one side of the story here.&lt;p&gt;I like to try to gather facts before assuming things. IE Ready, aim, fire, not fire, ready, aim.&lt;p&gt;Admittedly more difficult in this case (and certainly, i have no access to it)&lt;p&gt;Second i&amp;#x27;m going to point out a few things:&lt;p&gt;Experience may translate into wisdom, it may not. Plenty of companies promote people just because they last long enough. So 20 years experience managing may translate into a high level manager, it may not!&lt;p&gt;I hold a bunch of patents too on compilers and other things, it&amp;#x27;s not indicative of much in terms of skill, because almost anything is patentable.&lt;p&gt;Lastly, SRE is not an ordinary site maintenance position by any means. I&amp;quot;m not even sure where to begin to correct that. I guess i&amp;#x27;d start here: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;sre&amp;#x2F;interview&amp;#x2F;ben-treynor.html&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;sre&amp;#x2F;interview&amp;#x2F;ben-treynor.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Does this mean this person is under&amp;#x2F;overqualified&amp;#x2F;exactly right? I literally have no idea. I just don&amp;#x27;t think it&amp;#x27;s as obvious one way or the other.&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Well, that sounds like a dumb recruitment process.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;Judging an entire recruitment process based on one side of a story from a person who&amp;#x27;s clearly upset about an interview, and even 3 sentences i wrote on hacker news, seems ... silly.&lt;p&gt;If you want to do it, okay.&lt;p&gt;But everyone in this entire thread seems to be making snap judgements without a lot of critical thinking. That makes me believe a lot of people here have a ton of pre-existing biases they are projecting onto this in one direction or the other (and you are, of course, welcome to claim i fall into this category too!)&lt;p&gt;I almost didn&amp;#x27;t jump into this discussion because it seems so polarized and rash compared to a lot of others&lt;p&gt;I think i&amp;#x27;m just going to leave it alone because it&amp;#x27;s not clear to me the discussion is going to get any more reasonable.</text></item><item><author>ozgung</author><text>So you&amp;#x27;re saying Google&amp;#x27;s recruiters don&amp;#x27;t tell what position they are interviewing for and that they found a 20+ years experienced engineering manager holding patents on computer networking &lt;i&gt;under-qualified&lt;/i&gt; for an ordinary site maintenance position. Well, that sounds like a dumb recruitment process.</text></item><item><author>DannyBee</author><text>FWIW: As a director of engineering for Google, who interviews other directors of engineering for Google, none of these are on or related to the &amp;quot;director of engineering&amp;quot; interview guidelines or sheets.&lt;p&gt;These are bog standard SWE-SRE questions (particularly, SRE) at some companies, so my guess is he was really being evaluated for a normal SWE-SRE position.&lt;p&gt;IE maybe he applied to a position labeled director of engineering, but they decided to interview him for a different level&amp;#x2F;job instead.&lt;p&gt;But it&amp;#x27;s super-strange even then (i&amp;#x27;ve literally reviewed thousands of hiring packets, phone screens, etc, and this is ... out there. I&amp;#x27;m not as familiar with SRE hiring practices, admittedly, though i&amp;#x27;ve reviewed enough SRE candidates to know what kind of questions they ask).&lt;p&gt;As for the answers themselves, i always take &amp;quot;transcripts&amp;quot; of interviews (or anything else) with a grain of salt, as there are always two sides to every story.&lt;p&gt;Particularly, when one side presents something that makes the other side look like a blithering idiot, the likelihood it&amp;#x27;s 100% accurate is, historically, &amp;quot;not great&amp;quot;.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>falcolas</author><text>&amp;gt; SRE is not an ordinary site maintenance position by any means&lt;p&gt;Then why ask about the nitty gritty details required by maintenance personnel as part of the screening process - things I would rather have my high level employees looking up rather than relying on a possibly faulty memory.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; Judging an entire recruitment process based on one side of a story from a person who&amp;#x27;s clearly upset about an interview, and 3 sentences i wrote on hacker news, seems ... silly.&lt;p&gt;This kind of opinion is not formed in a vacuum. It&amp;#x27;s formed of the dozens of posts that appear every year about how someone who seems qualified is turned down for spurious reasons like &amp;quot;being unable to reverse a binary tree on a whiteboard&amp;quot;. It&amp;#x27;s what makes this particular post so believable - it fits the stereotype. Even your own developers who post here say &amp;quot;yeah, that&amp;#x27;s more accurate than inaccurate.&amp;quot; Perhaps it wouldn&amp;#x27;t hurt to &amp;quot;undercover boss&amp;quot; your way through the interview process...&lt;p&gt;Speaking for myself, and only myself... I turn down all Google recruiters because I know I would not pass Google&amp;#x27;s interview process. Not because I don&amp;#x27;t have the skills, but because I don&amp;#x27;t have a college degree. Because I don&amp;#x27;t see the return on investment for studying for the next 6 weeks just to pass the interview process, especially when I won&amp;#x27;t even know if I&amp;#x27;m getting a job I&amp;#x27;ll enjoy.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; I think i&amp;#x27;m just going to leave it alone because it&amp;#x27;s not clear to me the discussion is going to get any more reasonable.&lt;p&gt;How about the responses from your own employees which are pointing out that they see the problem too. Are they being unreasonable?</text></comment>
<story><title>Google&apos;s “Director of Engineering” Hiring Test</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>DannyBee</author><text>First, it is definitely standard process to tell him (if they didn&amp;#x27;t, that&amp;#x27;s a definite failure). Again, remember you only have one side of the story here.&lt;p&gt;I like to try to gather facts before assuming things. IE Ready, aim, fire, not fire, ready, aim.&lt;p&gt;Admittedly more difficult in this case (and certainly, i have no access to it)&lt;p&gt;Second i&amp;#x27;m going to point out a few things:&lt;p&gt;Experience may translate into wisdom, it may not. Plenty of companies promote people just because they last long enough. So 20 years experience managing may translate into a high level manager, it may not!&lt;p&gt;I hold a bunch of patents too on compilers and other things, it&amp;#x27;s not indicative of much in terms of skill, because almost anything is patentable.&lt;p&gt;Lastly, SRE is not an ordinary site maintenance position by any means. I&amp;quot;m not even sure where to begin to correct that. I guess i&amp;#x27;d start here: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;sre&amp;#x2F;interview&amp;#x2F;ben-treynor.html&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;sre&amp;#x2F;interview&amp;#x2F;ben-treynor.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Does this mean this person is under&amp;#x2F;overqualified&amp;#x2F;exactly right? I literally have no idea. I just don&amp;#x27;t think it&amp;#x27;s as obvious one way or the other.&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Well, that sounds like a dumb recruitment process.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;Judging an entire recruitment process based on one side of a story from a person who&amp;#x27;s clearly upset about an interview, and even 3 sentences i wrote on hacker news, seems ... silly.&lt;p&gt;If you want to do it, okay.&lt;p&gt;But everyone in this entire thread seems to be making snap judgements without a lot of critical thinking. That makes me believe a lot of people here have a ton of pre-existing biases they are projecting onto this in one direction or the other (and you are, of course, welcome to claim i fall into this category too!)&lt;p&gt;I almost didn&amp;#x27;t jump into this discussion because it seems so polarized and rash compared to a lot of others&lt;p&gt;I think i&amp;#x27;m just going to leave it alone because it&amp;#x27;s not clear to me the discussion is going to get any more reasonable.</text></item><item><author>ozgung</author><text>So you&amp;#x27;re saying Google&amp;#x27;s recruiters don&amp;#x27;t tell what position they are interviewing for and that they found a 20+ years experienced engineering manager holding patents on computer networking &lt;i&gt;under-qualified&lt;/i&gt; for an ordinary site maintenance position. Well, that sounds like a dumb recruitment process.</text></item><item><author>DannyBee</author><text>FWIW: As a director of engineering for Google, who interviews other directors of engineering for Google, none of these are on or related to the &amp;quot;director of engineering&amp;quot; interview guidelines or sheets.&lt;p&gt;These are bog standard SWE-SRE questions (particularly, SRE) at some companies, so my guess is he was really being evaluated for a normal SWE-SRE position.&lt;p&gt;IE maybe he applied to a position labeled director of engineering, but they decided to interview him for a different level&amp;#x2F;job instead.&lt;p&gt;But it&amp;#x27;s super-strange even then (i&amp;#x27;ve literally reviewed thousands of hiring packets, phone screens, etc, and this is ... out there. I&amp;#x27;m not as familiar with SRE hiring practices, admittedly, though i&amp;#x27;ve reviewed enough SRE candidates to know what kind of questions they ask).&lt;p&gt;As for the answers themselves, i always take &amp;quot;transcripts&amp;quot; of interviews (or anything else) with a grain of salt, as there are always two sides to every story.&lt;p&gt;Particularly, when one side presents something that makes the other side look like a blithering idiot, the likelihood it&amp;#x27;s 100% accurate is, historically, &amp;quot;not great&amp;quot;.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>crdoconnor</author><text>&amp;gt;Judging an entire recruitment process based on one side of a story from a person who&amp;#x27;s clearly upset about an interview,&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s not just this guy. There have been others: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;mxcl&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;608682016205344768&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;mxcl&amp;#x2F;status&amp;#x2F;608682016205344768&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;There&amp;#x27;s another measure I use to measure the quality of their hiring process. The output. Namely the track record of products Google has developed in house in the last 10 years.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ve also heard a few stories about friends applying for a position and being shunted by the hiring process into the hiring funnel for other (plainly unsuitable) positions. When I hear a very specific criticism from two separate places it&amp;#x27;s hard to stay skeptical.</text></comment>
<story><title>EU votes to extend music copyright to 70 years</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>EGreg</author><text>Are musicians not incentivized enough in Europe? Or are we trying to incentivize music creation in 1950s and 60s? :P&lt;p&gt;I can see the court in Brussels going, &quot;Mm, yes. I know what will motivate them to create better music! We&apos;ll make sure they own it when they are 105 years old! There&apos;s just too little good music these days, and this will make all the difference.&quot;&lt;p&gt;Joking. Obviously it&apos;s special interests pushing to make money from their 1950s creations after having been incentivized enough to make them in the first place, at the expense of the public.</text></comment>
<story><title>EU votes to extend music copyright to 70 years</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>acg</author><text>An illustration of why some of the software industry wants to be more like the music industry and why the music industry doesn&apos;t want to be like the software industry.&lt;p&gt;Imagine if you were still making money off a program you wrote in 1960. Almost inconceivable in any mass market.</text></comment>
<story><title>Show HN: Should I Get a House? a better rent vs. buy calculator</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>mauvehaus</author><text>You get old enough, and you get tired of somebody else making decisions from afar that affect your day to day life with no real consequences to them.&lt;p&gt;Little things like the kitchen layout being moronic and having zero drawers get old when it isn&amp;#x27;t your choice to remodel or live with it.&lt;p&gt;And while it&amp;#x27;s nice to say &amp;quot;just move&amp;quot;, let&amp;#x27;s not forget that moving costs a couple months rent and a massive time investment to find a place to move to that&amp;#x27;s actually better.&lt;p&gt;And then your current landlord gets some shitheel realtor to rent the place who repeatedly tries to schedule showings on an hour&amp;#x27;s notice.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m pretty convinced most people buy because they&amp;#x27;re either tired of the bullshit that comes with renting or want to buy into a specific school district, not because they&amp;#x27;re worried about making a return on their investment.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>crazygringo</author><text>Funny, I&amp;#x27;m the opposite.&lt;p&gt;The more I get older the &lt;i&gt;less&lt;/i&gt; I want to deal with bullshit home maintenance, and the infinite time suck that is customization and endless improvements.&lt;p&gt;Really part of a general life shift from &amp;quot;if you want it done right, do it yourself&amp;quot; and &amp;quot;if it&amp;#x27;s worth doing, it&amp;#x27;s worth doing right&amp;quot; -- to &amp;quot;outsourcing is a valuable tool&amp;quot; and &amp;quot;perfection is the enemy of the good&amp;quot;.&lt;p&gt;I realize my time is valuable and I want to make sure I spend it where it counts -- on people, activities, experiences, travel.&lt;p&gt;When I rent a place, the kitchen layout and drawers are already good enough or else I wouldn&amp;#x27;t have rented it. And the things that aren&amp;#x27;t &amp;quot;perfect&amp;quot; I&amp;#x27;ve decided I can live with, because nothing is perfect and there are more important things in the world to pay attention to.&lt;p&gt;To be clear: your viewpoint is entirely valid too, for yourself. But you&amp;#x27;re not speaking for everyone who &amp;quot;gets old enough&amp;quot; -- other people grow in the exact opposite direction.</text></comment>
<story><title>Show HN: Should I Get a House? a better rent vs. buy calculator</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>mauvehaus</author><text>You get old enough, and you get tired of somebody else making decisions from afar that affect your day to day life with no real consequences to them.&lt;p&gt;Little things like the kitchen layout being moronic and having zero drawers get old when it isn&amp;#x27;t your choice to remodel or live with it.&lt;p&gt;And while it&amp;#x27;s nice to say &amp;quot;just move&amp;quot;, let&amp;#x27;s not forget that moving costs a couple months rent and a massive time investment to find a place to move to that&amp;#x27;s actually better.&lt;p&gt;And then your current landlord gets some shitheel realtor to rent the place who repeatedly tries to schedule showings on an hour&amp;#x27;s notice.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;m pretty convinced most people buy because they&amp;#x27;re either tired of the bullshit that comes with renting or want to buy into a specific school district, not because they&amp;#x27;re worried about making a return on their investment.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>codegeek</author><text>In other words, buying vs renting shouldn&amp;#x27;t only be based on numbers&amp;#x2F;math. I own a home for 8+ years and I have probably spent shit load of money in maintenance&amp;#x2F;prop.taxes&amp;#x2F;repairs that I probably wouldn&amp;#x27;t if I was just renting but there is no way in hell I am giving up my freedom of doing whatever I want to my home (yes yes there are limits with township&amp;#x2F;HOA etc). I don&amp;#x27;t need no landlord to tell me what I can and cannot do with my home for the most part. That itself is worth it for me. And yes there are added benefits like Building equity over years, hopefully having a place of your own to retire etc etc.&lt;p&gt;Owning your own home is an emotion. It is a feeling that you have a place of your own. You cannot just put numbers on it. Yes don&amp;#x27;t buy a home if you are 23 and move every 2 years in your car etc. But if you are looking to raise a family, want to settle down in a place, owning a home is almost always worth it as long as you are doing it within your means.</text></comment>
<story><title>Swedish Couple Builds Greenhouse Around Home</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>cwkoss</author><text>I can&amp;#x27;t recommend Kirsten Dirksen&amp;#x27;s channel enough to people interested in architecture, energy efficiency, tiny homes, &amp;#x27;green&amp;#x27; construction, etc. Literally hundreds of hours of high-quality content - I&amp;#x27;m really curious how she is able to find all of these interesting people who are doing such cool things.&lt;p&gt;Channel:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;channel&amp;#x2F;UCDsElQQt_gCZ9LgnW-7v-cQ&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;channel&amp;#x2F;UCDsElQQt_gCZ9LgnW-7v-cQ&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Some other favorites:&lt;p&gt;Baubotanik shapes living tree branches into building facades - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=IQdcfiLfgUY&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=IQdcfiLfgUY&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Boeing retiree finds meaning inventing micro homes &amp;amp; high speed trikes - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=IdyR2zzjGWw&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=IdyR2zzjGWw&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Extreme transformer home in Hong Kong: Gary Chang&amp;#x27;s 24 rooms in 1 - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=WB2-2j9e4co&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=WB2-2j9e4co&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Earth-cooled, shipping container underground CA home for 30K - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=Z0oFJ2jbkDI&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=Z0oFJ2jbkDI&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Yokohama narrow tiny house &amp;quot;breathes&amp;quot; &amp;amp; attracts local nature - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=6Mzj63TJYn4&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=6Mzj63TJYn4&lt;/a&gt;</text></item><item><author>oftenwrong</author><text>This house was the subject of a Kirsten Dirksen video in 2015:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=30ghnDOFbNQ&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=30ghnDOFbNQ&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>leppr</author><text>As well as having great content, the format of her videos is also top-notch. It&amp;#x27;s way too common to see architecture videos where the camera won&amp;#x27;t linger more than 5 seconds on anything else than some random zoomed-up composition.&lt;p&gt;In her videos, you can actually appreciate and immerse yourself in the spaces and the various details. The videos are usually between 10 and 20 minutes and she&amp;#x27;s not afraid to push it further if there&amp;#x27;s enough content.</text></comment>
<story><title>Swedish Couple Builds Greenhouse Around Home</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>cwkoss</author><text>I can&amp;#x27;t recommend Kirsten Dirksen&amp;#x27;s channel enough to people interested in architecture, energy efficiency, tiny homes, &amp;#x27;green&amp;#x27; construction, etc. Literally hundreds of hours of high-quality content - I&amp;#x27;m really curious how she is able to find all of these interesting people who are doing such cool things.&lt;p&gt;Channel:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;channel&amp;#x2F;UCDsElQQt_gCZ9LgnW-7v-cQ&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;channel&amp;#x2F;UCDsElQQt_gCZ9LgnW-7v-cQ&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Some other favorites:&lt;p&gt;Baubotanik shapes living tree branches into building facades - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=IQdcfiLfgUY&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=IQdcfiLfgUY&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Boeing retiree finds meaning inventing micro homes &amp;amp; high speed trikes - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=IdyR2zzjGWw&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=IdyR2zzjGWw&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Extreme transformer home in Hong Kong: Gary Chang&amp;#x27;s 24 rooms in 1 - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=WB2-2j9e4co&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=WB2-2j9e4co&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Earth-cooled, shipping container underground CA home for 30K - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=Z0oFJ2jbkDI&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=Z0oFJ2jbkDI&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Yokohama narrow tiny house &amp;quot;breathes&amp;quot; &amp;amp; attracts local nature - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=6Mzj63TJYn4&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=6Mzj63TJYn4&lt;/a&gt;</text></item><item><author>oftenwrong</author><text>This house was the subject of a Kirsten Dirksen video in 2015:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=30ghnDOFbNQ&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=30ghnDOFbNQ&lt;/a&gt;</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>johnohara</author><text>Completely agree.&lt;p&gt;One of my favorite Kirsten Dirksen videos is about Russ Finch using geothermal energy to grow citrus in a greenhouse located near Alliance, NE.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=ZD_3_gsgsnk&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;watch?v=ZD_3_gsgsnk&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Technical Debt</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>varjag</author><text>&amp;gt; 1. Most code will be rewritten every 2 to 3 years.&lt;p&gt;a.k.a. defaulting on the technical debt</text></item><item><author>rsweeney21</author><text>I cut my teeth as a developer on the Windows operating system. Because we were a platform, we had learned that when we shipped an API it became more or less permanent. So technical debt was a huge part of our planning and thought process.&lt;p&gt;When I joined Netflix I was assigned to add DASH support to the Silverlight web player. I spent weeks working on the new architecture, refactoring the streaming code, etc. One day my manager stopped by my desk and said that &amp;quot;I needed to wrap it up. It was taking too long.&amp;quot; I was still weeks away from being done. I explained to that I was cleaning up a ton of technical debt and that&amp;#x27;s why it was taking so long.&lt;p&gt;He explained to me that they had different values on his team.&lt;p&gt;1. Most code will be rewritten every 2 to 3 years. 2. For code that doesn&amp;#x27;t get rewritten often, preserving battle tested code trumps paying down technical debt&lt;p&gt;Just remember that technical debt doesn&amp;#x27;t apply to all software.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>thaumaturgy</author><text>No, this is still a payment against technical debt. From the top of Martin Fowler&amp;#x27;s article:&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;The extra effort that it takes to add new features is the interest paid on the debt.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;If adding a new feature starts with, &amp;quot;just throw out all the code and start from scratch&amp;quot;, that&amp;#x27;s a much larger cost over the long term than building code that&amp;#x27;s easier to maintain and refresh.</text></comment>
<story><title>Technical Debt</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>varjag</author><text>&amp;gt; 1. Most code will be rewritten every 2 to 3 years.&lt;p&gt;a.k.a. defaulting on the technical debt</text></item><item><author>rsweeney21</author><text>I cut my teeth as a developer on the Windows operating system. Because we were a platform, we had learned that when we shipped an API it became more or less permanent. So technical debt was a huge part of our planning and thought process.&lt;p&gt;When I joined Netflix I was assigned to add DASH support to the Silverlight web player. I spent weeks working on the new architecture, refactoring the streaming code, etc. One day my manager stopped by my desk and said that &amp;quot;I needed to wrap it up. It was taking too long.&amp;quot; I was still weeks away from being done. I explained to that I was cleaning up a ton of technical debt and that&amp;#x27;s why it was taking so long.&lt;p&gt;He explained to me that they had different values on his team.&lt;p&gt;1. Most code will be rewritten every 2 to 3 years. 2. For code that doesn&amp;#x27;t get rewritten often, preserving battle tested code trumps paying down technical debt&lt;p&gt;Just remember that technical debt doesn&amp;#x27;t apply to all software.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ramraj07</author><text>Not necessarily. More like an asset that has finished it&amp;#x27;s designed lifespan and the org has moved to a new asset.</text></comment>
<story><title>Flat Design vs. Traditional Design: Comparative Experimental Study (2015)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>amluto</author><text>As a personal anecdote, I&amp;#x27;ve spent quite a bit of time watching toddlers interact with the world. In my experience, if it looks like a button, a toddler can tell it&amp;#x27;s a button and will be interested in pushing it. (And might even say &amp;quot;button&amp;quot;!) If it looks like a switch, a toddler will be interested in switching it. If it looks like a button on a touch screen, a toddler might still think it&amp;#x27;s a button. If it&amp;#x27;s a flat blob that looks like every other flat blob designed by that designer (but looks nothing like a flat blob by other designers!), toddlers don&amp;#x27;t recognize it as a button. Shocker, I know.&lt;p&gt;Obviously, the majority of computer users aren&amp;#x27;t toddlers, but I think there&amp;#x27;s a lesson here. I really miss the old Windows 3.1 &amp;#x2F; 95 &amp;#x2F; 98 days when controls were more or less standardized and you could reliably tell which were buttons, which were radio buttons, which were okay buttons, etc.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>eitland</author><text>&amp;gt; Obviously, the majority of computer users aren&amp;#x27;t toddlers, but I think there&amp;#x27;s a lesson here. I really miss the old Windows 3.1 &amp;#x2F; 95 &amp;#x2F; 98 days when controls were more or less standardized and you could reliably tell which were buttons, which were radio buttons, which were okay buttons, etc.&lt;p&gt;Agree.&lt;p&gt;Also: tooltip help when you hover over an icon.&lt;p&gt;Also: menus (for discoverability)&lt;p&gt;Also: manuals&amp;#x2F;help files (yep, most software shoudn&amp;#x27;t need one, but now we are in a worst-of-all-state: new software is not self explanatory, doesn&amp;#x27;t use familiar designs and the manual is gone :-&amp;#x2F;)</text></comment>
<story><title>Flat Design vs. Traditional Design: Comparative Experimental Study (2015)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>amluto</author><text>As a personal anecdote, I&amp;#x27;ve spent quite a bit of time watching toddlers interact with the world. In my experience, if it looks like a button, a toddler can tell it&amp;#x27;s a button and will be interested in pushing it. (And might even say &amp;quot;button&amp;quot;!) If it looks like a switch, a toddler will be interested in switching it. If it looks like a button on a touch screen, a toddler might still think it&amp;#x27;s a button. If it&amp;#x27;s a flat blob that looks like every other flat blob designed by that designer (but looks nothing like a flat blob by other designers!), toddlers don&amp;#x27;t recognize it as a button. Shocker, I know.&lt;p&gt;Obviously, the majority of computer users aren&amp;#x27;t toddlers, but I think there&amp;#x27;s a lesson here. I really miss the old Windows 3.1 &amp;#x2F; 95 &amp;#x2F; 98 days when controls were more or less standardized and you could reliably tell which were buttons, which were radio buttons, which were okay buttons, etc.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>dehrmann</author><text>&amp;gt; I really miss the old Windows 3.1 &amp;#x2F; 95 &amp;#x2F; 98 days&lt;p&gt;You could say the same for early iOS apps that just used the default Apple widgets and style. I think ~every app I use know has its own style.&lt;p&gt;Funny enough, this is less true on computers. Except games.</text></comment>
<story><title>How To Go From Idea To Launching With Paying Customers In 8 Steps</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>jacquesm</author><text>I think this post is great but the period after launch is seriously underexposed in all these &apos;how to start-up&apos; articles.&lt;p&gt;Typically, if you&apos;re a hands-on person with the right attitude sooner or later you&apos;ll figure this part out. Posts like this can help you ease the pain a bit but then what?&lt;p&gt;You&apos;ve just launched, you have a few paying customers (but not enough to be profitable), your initial press powder has been shot. Traffic collapses to near non-existent levels and your first customers do not seem to be going out of their way to tell their friends about your product.&lt;p&gt;That&apos;s a &lt;i&gt;much&lt;/i&gt; harder problem to solve than just to get to the launch date.&lt;p&gt;Launching something is like a marriage, the first honeymoon period with a new fledgling company.&lt;p&gt;If it works out during the &apos;dating&apos; period you might end up marrying the wrong company, or it may be the right one but it will require skills and expertise that you do not have that go way beyond coding or talking to your existing circle of potential customers.&lt;p&gt;That&apos;s when the real work starts. Getting to launch is the easy bit.</text></comment>
<story><title>How To Go From Idea To Launching With Paying Customers In 8 Steps</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>Swizec</author><text>Great list, but I don&apos;t think you need the detailed spec. Same problem as usual in developoment: the spec will be outdated by the time you&apos;re even half done, when you&apos;re finished with the first version of the product your detailed spec will be so woefully out of date (or a huge time sink to keep updated) that you&apos;ll end up rewriting it.&lt;p&gt;What you do need is a defined documentation of your internal/public API&apos;s. If the developers don&apos;t know how modules talk to one another that&apos;s a recipe for fail. Then just to keep everything coherent, a rough skeleton to keep everyone on track. Basically a mix between your step 2 and step 5.</text></comment>
<story><title>Graydon Hoare: 21 compilers and 3 orders of magnitude in 60 minutes</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>lioeters</author><text>That&amp;#x27;s the third Hoare for me today.&lt;p&gt;1. Tony Hoare - &amp;quot;I couldn&amp;#x27;t resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement. This has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years.&amp;quot; Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake - &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;presentations&amp;#x2F;Null-References-The-Billion-Dollar-Mistake-Tony-Hoare&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;presentations&amp;#x2F;Null-References-The-Bill...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;2. C.A.R. Hoare - &amp;quot;The most important property of a program is whether it accomplishes the intention of its user.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;3. Graydon Hoare - &amp;quot;Rust started as a personal project (on my own laptop, on my own time) in 2006. It was a small but real 17kloc native compiler for linux, mac and windows by the time Mozilla began sponsoring it in 2009-10.&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;EDIT: C.A.R. = Charles Antony Richard = Tony. Not to be confused with his twin brother C.D.R.</text></comment>
<story><title>Graydon Hoare: 21 compilers and 3 orders of magnitude in 60 minutes</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>levodelellis</author><text>The slides seems like a history talk or a pep talk. I didn&amp;#x27;t really get anything from it and I wrote a non trivial compiler so I would understand the details. This seems like it&amp;#x27;d be a fun talk to listen to. A quick search doesn&amp;#x27;t show any audios&amp;#x2F;videos online</text></comment>
<story><title>Why Tokyo Works</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>raziel414</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m an American living in Tokyo, and it easily has the best quality of life out any city I&amp;#x27;ve lived in.&lt;p&gt;- The public transit is literally the best I&amp;#x27;ve ever seen, both in America or Europe. The main train line in Tokyo (the Yamanote line) stops at my local station ever &lt;i&gt;2-3 minutes&lt;/i&gt; during peak hours, and around every 5-7 minutes during the off hours.&lt;p&gt;- The streets are clean, safe, and well maintained. Unlike cities I&amp;#x27;ve seen in America and Europe, garbage doesn&amp;#x27;t pile up in the streets.&lt;p&gt;- Service workers, partially in the government, have been friendly and helpful. Even when I didn&amp;#x27;t speak the language well, I&amp;#x27;ve never had trouble at the government office getting something done.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>presentation</author><text>It’s interesting to me that my wife, who is Japanese, believes that in truth Japanese people are very unhelpful and unkind - she says that the politeness and helpfulness is a show that people do for foreigners as guests, but rarely show to one another. I think she’s exaggerating a bit, but there’s some truth to the different standards for different people.</text></comment>
<story><title>Why Tokyo Works</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>raziel414</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m an American living in Tokyo, and it easily has the best quality of life out any city I&amp;#x27;ve lived in.&lt;p&gt;- The public transit is literally the best I&amp;#x27;ve ever seen, both in America or Europe. The main train line in Tokyo (the Yamanote line) stops at my local station ever &lt;i&gt;2-3 minutes&lt;/i&gt; during peak hours, and around every 5-7 minutes during the off hours.&lt;p&gt;- The streets are clean, safe, and well maintained. Unlike cities I&amp;#x27;ve seen in America and Europe, garbage doesn&amp;#x27;t pile up in the streets.&lt;p&gt;- Service workers, partially in the government, have been friendly and helpful. Even when I didn&amp;#x27;t speak the language well, I&amp;#x27;ve never had trouble at the government office getting something done.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>rayiner</author><text>A lot of this boils down to Japanese people being efficient and conscientious. I was walking around Ginza one day and noticed that sometimes you had to go multiple blocks to find a cross walk. People did it, and nobody jay walked. In DC or NYC it would have been a circus. Flying back to NYC from Tokyo is always jarring, like traveling back in time.</text></comment>
<story><title>Do Not Log</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>marginalia_nu</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t get why people get so theological about logging.&lt;p&gt;If logs bring you some sort of value, then log away. If they don&amp;#x27;t, then don&amp;#x27;t. In some domains you absolutely crucially need logs, in others they&amp;#x27;re largely a waste of time.&lt;p&gt;Logging is probably the most foolproof way to extract debugging information from your application. The killer feature of logging is that standard out very rarely breaks, no matter how bad things get it works. It will work from the moment the application starts, it will work in an OOM situation, will work if your network switch is on fire, when the DNS records are wrong and your technicians can&amp;#x27;t even enter the building, it will work no matter how bad things are. If logging does somehow fail, then that is on you, in that scenario you have fucked up your architecture somehow.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>geocar</author><text>&amp;gt; I don&amp;#x27;t get why people get so theological about logging.&lt;p&gt;Because the reason to log is about people, not about technology.&lt;p&gt;There&amp;#x27;s no technical reason to make logs: Just don&amp;#x27;t make bugs, and you won&amp;#x27;t need the logs to find out what went wrong because nothing will have gone wrong. Go to the beach!&lt;p&gt;This is hard though, and bugs happen for all sorts of reason that have nothing to do with the programmer making a mistake-- the customer can be unsatisfied because they didn&amp;#x27;t know what they wanted. Programmers learn &lt;i&gt;very early in their career&lt;/i&gt; to distrust the requirements, because they know that saying &lt;i&gt;but that&amp;#x27;s what the ticket says&lt;/i&gt; gets them nowhere besides an argument: They have to do what the business&amp;#x2F;customer &lt;i&gt;meant&lt;/i&gt;.&lt;p&gt;Put another way, the &lt;i&gt;user&lt;/i&gt; doesn&amp;#x27;t want logs: The user wants to know if everything is okay or not, and &lt;i&gt;presumably&lt;/i&gt; they have some way to figure that out, but if it isn&amp;#x27;t working correctly (or they merely think it isn&amp;#x27;t), the programmer will probably want those logs to help them.&lt;p&gt;In many environments, the loop is larger than just those two people, there&amp;#x27;s QA support people, and internal experts&amp;#x2F;operators, and triage, and &lt;i&gt;all of those people&lt;/i&gt; are going to have different needs from those logfiles. People might also have a second use for those logs involving anticipation of failures and tracking capacity.&lt;p&gt;So there are a lot of non-technical, non-functional needs for logs, and once you understand this, it may be a little easier to understand why people would have almost &lt;i&gt;rabid opinions&lt;/i&gt; about what those logs should look like (or if they can get the cure they need another way, what they might prefer &lt;i&gt;instead&lt;/i&gt; of logs)&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; [standard out] will work in an OOM situation&lt;p&gt;If you use write() which doesn&amp;#x27;t allocate memory, that&amp;#x27;s almost true, but if you use printf() it might allocate memory, and it might not work in an OOM anyway depending on what &amp;quot;standard out&amp;quot; actually &lt;i&gt;is&lt;/i&gt;.&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; will work if your network switch is on fire, when the DNS records are wrong and your technicians can&amp;#x27;t even enter the building&lt;p&gt;And yes you can write logs that nobody will ever be able to read, &lt;i&gt;but what&amp;#x27;s the point of that?&lt;/i&gt; When your manufacturing plant is a smoldering rubble, someone is going to want to launch an expedition for those hard drives and try and figure out what caused millions (or potentially billions) of dollars in damages, so if you just wrote everything to standard output and washed your hands of the rest, you might have to find another job anyway.&lt;p&gt;I&amp;#x27;ve been programming for over three decades at this point, and I&amp;#x27;m convinced there is no &amp;quot;easy one-size-fits-all answer&amp;quot; to whether to log or not, or if to log, &lt;i&gt;how&lt;/i&gt; to log, so I find it useful to learn about this bit of theology so that I&amp;#x27;m better equipped to talk to others about this, and maybe convince them of my opinions.</text></comment>
<story><title>Do Not Log</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>marginalia_nu</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t get why people get so theological about logging.&lt;p&gt;If logs bring you some sort of value, then log away. If they don&amp;#x27;t, then don&amp;#x27;t. In some domains you absolutely crucially need logs, in others they&amp;#x27;re largely a waste of time.&lt;p&gt;Logging is probably the most foolproof way to extract debugging information from your application. The killer feature of logging is that standard out very rarely breaks, no matter how bad things get it works. It will work from the moment the application starts, it will work in an OOM situation, will work if your network switch is on fire, when the DNS records are wrong and your technicians can&amp;#x27;t even enter the building, it will work no matter how bad things are. If logging does somehow fail, then that is on you, in that scenario you have fucked up your architecture somehow.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>waffletower</author><text>Definite up vote here. Theological is the perfect word for this. It would be helpful if the author substituted the word &amp;quot;blog&amp;quot; for the word &amp;quot;log&amp;quot; in the article, and took the new meanings that result seriously.</text></comment>
<story><title>What is the small web? (2020)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>LAC-Tech</author><text>&lt;i&gt;The Big Web has “users” – a term Silicon Valley has borrowed from drug dealers to describe the people they addict to their services and exploit.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;This doesn&amp;#x27;t seem like it&amp;#x27;s true. I feel like it came from the unix culture. Unless they got it from drug dealers...</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>vicda</author><text>This is so painfully bullshit. Imagine the scientists and engineers at bell labs thinking that the operators of their machines are akin to drug addicts.</text></comment>
<story><title>What is the small web? (2020)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>LAC-Tech</author><text>&lt;i&gt;The Big Web has “users” – a term Silicon Valley has borrowed from drug dealers to describe the people they addict to their services and exploit.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;This doesn&amp;#x27;t seem like it&amp;#x27;s true. I feel like it came from the unix culture. Unless they got it from drug dealers...</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>themadturk</author><text>&amp;quot;Users&amp;quot; was a common term for people at PCs in my early networking days (Novell, early &amp;#x27;90s), so it&amp;#x27;s actually much older than the Web. We made jokes about it being the same term used for junkies, but we certainly never meant it in that context. The people who were &amp;quot;addicted&amp;quot; were the ones running the network; the users were happy to leave it all at the end of the day.</text></comment>
<story><title>The Ferocious Complexity of the Cell</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>entee</author><text>One of the major misunderstandings even many biologists have about how a cell works is a complete misconception of how jam-packed and dynamic a living cell actually is. See the following images for a pretty simulation of what a cell actually &amp;quot;looks&amp;quot; like on the inside:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;people&amp;#x2F;goodsell&amp;#x2F;books&amp;#x2F;MoL2figures&amp;#x2F;Figure8.2-reduced.jpg&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;people&amp;#x2F;goodsell&amp;#x2F;books&amp;#x2F;MoL2figures&amp;#x2F;Fig...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Webpage with more info:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;scurry&amp;#x2F;2010&amp;#x2F;08&amp;#x2F;30&amp;#x2F;the_crowded_cell&amp;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;scurry&amp;#x2F;2010&amp;#x2F;08&amp;#x2F;30&amp;#x2F;the_crowded_ce...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Physicists&amp;#x2F;chemists often make fun of biology as &amp;quot;blob-logy&amp;quot; because we tend to draw biological systems as Blob-1 interacting with Blob-2 which leads to a change in Blob-3. It&amp;#x27;s a very useful abstraction, but it&amp;#x27;s also limited. In reality all these blobs are jammed together and moving around, creating a lot of random noise in the system. This is because every component in a cell is working at nano-scale (proteins are to a 1st approximation about 5nm in diameter). The rules are different at that scale, we don&amp;#x27;t experience anything like them in our daily lives.&lt;p&gt;In other words, the components of the cell aren&amp;#x27;t doing chemistry at a bench, passing the results of one reaction to the next reaction, it&amp;#x27;s more like doing chemistry in a mosh pit.&lt;p&gt;Biology has developed coping mechanisms for this insanity, but analogies drawn with things like computer processors and macro-world items are going to be somewhat wrong because of the inherent differences in scale.</text></comment>
<story><title>The Ferocious Complexity of the Cell</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>adrianN</author><text>This article seems to equate &amp;quot;exhaustively understand&amp;quot; with &amp;quot;can be simulated down to an atomic level&amp;quot;. I think that&amp;#x27;s not a good way to go about it. A cube of silicon with 1cm side length has about 10^20 atoms. Storing one bit for each atom would use exabytes of memory. Luckily, we don&amp;#x27;t have to simulate the cube at that level of precision to get a pretty good idea about how it behaves.&lt;p&gt;The &amp;quot;we could just simulate the whole brain down to the quarks&amp;quot; argument is an argument for the existence of AI. Nobody seriously suggests that it&amp;#x27;s the practical path forward to achieving it.</text></comment>
<story><title>The red warning light on Richard Branson’s space flight</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>bigtones</author><text>Brilliant well written article. Not without bias, but you can see through the words on the page and into the immense pressure that team at Virgin Galactic must have been under to get their boss into space and to beat Bezos, all for the inflated ego of one man. Branson did put his life on the line to achieve that accolade though, which was a gutsy move.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>mc32</author><text>There are other flaws too. Like pretending to bike to the spaceport on the day of, but it was actually filmed the week before and when called out, they said, oops, you&amp;#x27;re right, sorry!&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s like when Guy Fiery in his hot rod. He pretends he rolls up to the place in his 70s hot rod, but actually it&amp;#x27;s just rolled out of the truck that lugs it around from location to location and he opens the door, sits, gets filmed getting out, shuts the door and it goes back up the ramp.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s all fakery.</text></comment>
<story><title>The red warning light on Richard Branson’s space flight</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>bigtones</author><text>Brilliant well written article. Not without bias, but you can see through the words on the page and into the immense pressure that team at Virgin Galactic must have been under to get their boss into space and to beat Bezos, all for the inflated ego of one man. Branson did put his life on the line to achieve that accolade though, which was a gutsy move.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>timmytokyo</author><text>Violating airspace regulations isn&amp;#x27;t gutsy. It&amp;#x27;s irresponsible and selfish. It puts others at risk.</text></comment>
<story><title>A $9T corporate debt bomb is &apos;bubbling&apos; in the US economy</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>apo</author><text>&lt;i&gt;Over the past decade, companies have taken advantage of low rates both to grow their businesses and reward shareholders.&lt;p&gt;Total corporate debt has swelled from nearly $4.9 trillion in 2007 as the Great Recession was just starting to break out to nearly $9.1 trillion halfway through 2018, quietly surging 86 percent, according to Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association data. Other than a few hiccups and some fairly substantial turbulence in the energy sector in late-2015 and 2016, the market has performed well.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Reward shareholders&amp;quot; is code for stock buybacks - the practice of a company using ultra-low interest financing to buy its own stock on margin. It&amp;#x27;s an unsustainable way to manipulate the price&amp;#x2F;earnings ratio, and thereby make a company look like a better buy than it is.&lt;p&gt;Buybacks in turn have been a major source of funding for the stock market&amp;#x27;s unprecedented run:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;article&amp;#x2F;4156578-buyback-bubble-will-end-badly&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;article&amp;#x2F;4156578-buyback-bubble-will...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;I suspect those looking for a soft landing here haven&amp;#x27;t considered the reversible nature of this debt-fueled stock market rally. Nor have they considered the amplifying effect of debt on the upside and downside.</text></comment>
<story><title>A $9T corporate debt bomb is &apos;bubbling&apos; in the US economy</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>mathattack</author><text>The market cap from US companies has grown from 19 to 32 trillion in the same period. [0]&lt;p&gt;It’s not accurate to look at single variables in isolation. Problems happen when the aggregate debt in an economy exceed the assets behind them, or the capacity to pay them down. [1] If we are there it’s because of govt and consumer (mortgage) debt. On the corporate side I think it’s just balance sheet efficiency. (Can write off debt payments)&lt;p&gt;[0] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;indicator&amp;#x2F;CM.MKT.LCAP.CD?start=2007&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;indicator&amp;#x2F;CM.MKT.LCAP.CD?start=20...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Minsky_moment&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Minsky_moment&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>OpenSSL, OpenSSH and NTP to receive support from Core Infrastructure Initiative</title><url></url><text>&amp;quot;Network Time Protocol, OpenSSH and OpenSSL first projects to receive support; Open Crypto Audit Project to conduct security audit of OpenSSL&amp;quot;</text></story><parent_chain><item><author>tptacek</author><text>OpenBSD is not auditing OpenSSL. They&amp;#x27;re substantially rewriting it. The net effect is hopefully similar, but it&amp;#x27;s a very different path to get there. Further, the refactor might introduce new bugs, and it can easily miss subtle bugs (we&amp;#x27;re talking about cryptography, which is not as easy to spot or to fix &amp;quot;accidentally&amp;quot; [which is part of OpenBSD&amp;#x27;s M.O.] as memory corruption).&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Theo&amp;#x27;s a dick&amp;quot; has nothing to do with why funds are being applied to audit and not to &amp;quot;just have OpenBSD rewrite everything&amp;quot;.</text></item><item><author>kyledrake</author><text>Just give the money to the OpenBSD team. We saw with OpenSSH that they have a proven track record taking crappy security software and fixing it. Why does everyone have this aversion to giving the OpenBSD team the funding they deserve?&lt;p&gt;And &amp;quot;Theo&amp;#x27;s a dick&amp;quot; doesn&amp;#x27;t qualify as a valid reason to not fund real security development. For the work those guys have done improving the security infrastructure of every operating system (they lead, others followed), the entire team deserves to be well-off dicks. It&amp;#x27;s to me the ultimate highlight of OSS&amp;#x27;s funding problem. People make millions&amp;#x2F;billions of dollars off of this software, and nobody ever contributes any of that back to the shoulders they stood on to make that happen.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>marcosdumay</author><text>A security audit may also miss subtle bugs, and the proposed corrections may introduce new bugs.&lt;p&gt;A rewrite has the benefit that it will lead to manageable code, instead of the current mess. Clean code has less places where subtle bug can hide, that does not change just because you are doing cryptography.&lt;p&gt;Anyway, they should send money to both. Both are important, and those companies make so much money using free software, they shouldn&amp;#x27;t be choosing the projects with that fine granularity. The problem is that they won&amp;#x27;t, and as much as kyledrake does not like the answer, it&amp;#x27;s because of Theo. Yes, it&amp;#x27;s a stupid decision, but it does not make it less real.</text></comment>
<story><title>OpenSSL, OpenSSH and NTP to receive support from Core Infrastructure Initiative</title><url></url><text>&amp;quot;Network Time Protocol, OpenSSH and OpenSSL first projects to receive support; Open Crypto Audit Project to conduct security audit of OpenSSL&amp;quot;</text></story><parent_chain><item><author>tptacek</author><text>OpenBSD is not auditing OpenSSL. They&amp;#x27;re substantially rewriting it. The net effect is hopefully similar, but it&amp;#x27;s a very different path to get there. Further, the refactor might introduce new bugs, and it can easily miss subtle bugs (we&amp;#x27;re talking about cryptography, which is not as easy to spot or to fix &amp;quot;accidentally&amp;quot; [which is part of OpenBSD&amp;#x27;s M.O.] as memory corruption).&lt;p&gt;&amp;quot;Theo&amp;#x27;s a dick&amp;quot; has nothing to do with why funds are being applied to audit and not to &amp;quot;just have OpenBSD rewrite everything&amp;quot;.</text></item><item><author>kyledrake</author><text>Just give the money to the OpenBSD team. We saw with OpenSSH that they have a proven track record taking crappy security software and fixing it. Why does everyone have this aversion to giving the OpenBSD team the funding they deserve?&lt;p&gt;And &amp;quot;Theo&amp;#x27;s a dick&amp;quot; doesn&amp;#x27;t qualify as a valid reason to not fund real security development. For the work those guys have done improving the security infrastructure of every operating system (they lead, others followed), the entire team deserves to be well-off dicks. It&amp;#x27;s to me the ultimate highlight of OSS&amp;#x27;s funding problem. People make millions&amp;#x2F;billions of dollars off of this software, and nobody ever contributes any of that back to the shoulders they stood on to make that happen.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>sigzero</author><text>I would trust Theo&amp;#x27;s team over the OpenSSL team any day of the week.</text></comment>
<story><title>Governor Newsom announces California will make its own insulin</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>gandalfgeek</author><text>I can’t relate at all to that sentiment. California has got to be one of the most bloated and wasteful state governments in the entire US. High taxes and nothing to show for it. The entrenched far left seems bent on destroying the middle class, driving out business, regulating everything to death and displacing merit as a selection factor.&lt;p&gt;Whatever glory Cali has— tech, entertainment, farming, weather, natural beauty— is in spite of govt rather than because of it.</text></item><item><author>enahs-sf</author><text>Sometimes I feel like this is the endgame where the US overall kind of declines but California starts managing itself better and operates almost like an independent country.&lt;p&gt;Probably wishful thinking but would be great.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>drekk</author><text>California&amp;#x27;s government is center-right. There is no far left party in US politics. That&amp;#x27;s why you don&amp;#x27;t have affordable higher education or healthcare, why your infrastructure is decaying, why you don&amp;#x27;t have nice public transit, etc.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s also why your taxes are so high with nothing to show for them. Turns out austerity is expensive for most people. Canada and Mexico have cheap insulin because their governments are only willing to put up with so much profiteering in medicine. One has to ask why the US government is. Is that because of the far left, too?</text></comment>
<story><title>Governor Newsom announces California will make its own insulin</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>gandalfgeek</author><text>I can’t relate at all to that sentiment. California has got to be one of the most bloated and wasteful state governments in the entire US. High taxes and nothing to show for it. The entrenched far left seems bent on destroying the middle class, driving out business, regulating everything to death and displacing merit as a selection factor.&lt;p&gt;Whatever glory Cali has— tech, entertainment, farming, weather, natural beauty— is in spite of govt rather than because of it.</text></item><item><author>enahs-sf</author><text>Sometimes I feel like this is the endgame where the US overall kind of declines but California starts managing itself better and operates almost like an independent country.&lt;p&gt;Probably wishful thinking but would be great.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>taeric</author><text>I can&amp;#x27;t claim you are wrong. But I do question when the evidence is so murky. A lot of what folks think they want in efficient systems are systems that would fail because of how efficient they were run.&lt;p&gt;That is, what evidence do you have that the success is in spite of government? Is there a comparable government or system that is doing better? Why? Or why not?</text></comment>
<story><title>Thousands of programmable DNA-cutters found in algae, snails and other organisms</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>pdar4123</author><text>“CRISPR-based genome editing tools developed by MIT professor and McGovern investigator Feng Zhang, Abudayyeh, Gootenberg, and others have changed the way scientists modify DNA, accelerating research and enabling the development of many experimental gene therapies.”&lt;p&gt;“Others” being Nobel laureates Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuel Charpatier - MIT and the Broad have long sought to minimize the work of these two women in the media for their own gain. Here again, a small but glaring example of their pettiness.</text></comment>
<story><title>Thousands of programmable DNA-cutters found in algae, snails and other organisms</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>smusamashah</author><text>Can someone explain in simple terms what is the usefulness of this finding?</text></comment>
<story><title>Discovering the brain’s nightly “rinse cycle”</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>TheFiend7</author><text>Am I the only one who feels like a 40 hour work week is excessive? I feel like 8 hours of work in a day is eeking out diminishing returns on a persons productivity.&lt;p&gt;Secondly, if you account for &amp;quot;productivity&amp;quot; hours instead of &amp;quot;waking&amp;quot; hours. You spend more of your &amp;quot;productive&amp;quot; capable hours in your life working, by a large margin.&lt;p&gt;Or maybe I was just born with a lazy brain &amp;#x2F;shrug.</text></item><item><author>sjtindell</author><text>Personally being a tech worker in Silicon Valley, I’ve found the big barrier to this now to be cultural and personal. All my companies (large and small) have had incredibly relaxed policies around when to arrive, leave, remote work, time off, bereavement. Even in what have been SRE or Software Eng roles with on-call. I get the sense that if I’m doing my work, I could do whatever I want. But I still feel some pressure, some voice in the back of my head that thinks other people will look down on me or I won’t be deserving my high salary. Like anytime I have downtime I feel guilty, and I see others behave the same way.</text></item><item><author>thisisnico</author><text>Our society is so focused on productivity that we forget that the foundation for improved productivity is sleep, exercise and diet. Mind &amp;amp; Body, one system.</text></item><item><author>tazedsoul</author><text>If I could pick one of the things to optimize all of society around, it would be sleep. I believe that many of society&amp;#x27;s ills can be traced back to people being sleep deprived on average. Modern society both ignorantly and through sheer foolishness undervalues sleep. I understand the emotional motivation for a statement like, &amp;quot;you can sleep when you&amp;#x27;re dead,&amp;quot; but I do despise this prevelant sentiment which has become a culutre.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>foobarbecue</author><text>I have noticed that a lot of people treat work as a social event. They spent a significant amount of their day shooting the shit. As an introvert who can&amp;#x27;t stand smalltalk, I don&amp;#x27;t. I think 40 hours or more makes sense for employees who spend half of their day chatting or surfing the internet. When I&amp;#x27;m at work, I am working. I still do more than 40 hours, but I&amp;#x27;m not sure if it&amp;#x27;s sustainable. I was recently asked to increase to a minimum 48 hour workweek and turned it down because I know it would upset my work life balance and not increase my output.</text></comment>
<story><title>Discovering the brain’s nightly “rinse cycle”</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>TheFiend7</author><text>Am I the only one who feels like a 40 hour work week is excessive? I feel like 8 hours of work in a day is eeking out diminishing returns on a persons productivity.&lt;p&gt;Secondly, if you account for &amp;quot;productivity&amp;quot; hours instead of &amp;quot;waking&amp;quot; hours. You spend more of your &amp;quot;productive&amp;quot; capable hours in your life working, by a large margin.&lt;p&gt;Or maybe I was just born with a lazy brain &amp;#x2F;shrug.</text></item><item><author>sjtindell</author><text>Personally being a tech worker in Silicon Valley, I’ve found the big barrier to this now to be cultural and personal. All my companies (large and small) have had incredibly relaxed policies around when to arrive, leave, remote work, time off, bereavement. Even in what have been SRE or Software Eng roles with on-call. I get the sense that if I’m doing my work, I could do whatever I want. But I still feel some pressure, some voice in the back of my head that thinks other people will look down on me or I won’t be deserving my high salary. Like anytime I have downtime I feel guilty, and I see others behave the same way.</text></item><item><author>thisisnico</author><text>Our society is so focused on productivity that we forget that the foundation for improved productivity is sleep, exercise and diet. Mind &amp;amp; Body, one system.</text></item><item><author>tazedsoul</author><text>If I could pick one of the things to optimize all of society around, it would be sleep. I believe that many of society&amp;#x27;s ills can be traced back to people being sleep deprived on average. Modern society both ignorantly and through sheer foolishness undervalues sleep. I understand the emotional motivation for a statement like, &amp;quot;you can sleep when you&amp;#x27;re dead,&amp;quot; but I do despise this prevelant sentiment which has become a culutre.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>hnick</author><text>Yeah most studies I&amp;#x27;ve seen shared online put us at about 4-5 hours of useful work a day. This seems to be what I settle into at home when left alone too.&lt;p&gt;It can of course go higher when you have a specific goal and you&amp;#x27;re running on adrenaline or are truly enraptured by what you are working on. But a typical 8 hour day is often packed with chitchat, meetings, administrative busywork and so on to help pad out those hours.&lt;p&gt;I did work one place that stressed to us to allocate no more than 5.5 hours of work-work a day when estimating jobs due to the above, and it seemed roughly accurate.</text></comment>
<story><title>Anu: A sound, distributed version control systema</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>dan-robertson</author><text>It seems this was posted very shortly after the webpage became live and that the website is probably not in a fully fleshed out state. Therefore it’s missing some details. Probably the website is mostly targeted at people who already know what pijul is.&lt;p&gt;Here are some attempts at short descriptions of what I think this aims to achieve:&lt;p&gt;- pijul 1.0. A stable repo format with performance problems resolved and a good foundation for further work&lt;p&gt;- darcs except the algorithm is more convincingly correct and merges don’t take exponential time&lt;p&gt;- A version control system where certain things behave in reasonable ways avoiding potential strange behaviour, eg it doesn’t matter what order you merge things in, you always get the same result.&lt;p&gt;- A version control system that provides a good user interface to humans, a simple mental model, and asymptotically good performance.</text></comment>
<story><title>Anu: A sound, distributed version control systema</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>ChrisMarshallNY</author><text>Good luck. I mean that.&lt;p&gt;Git isn&amp;#x27;t perfect, but I&amp;#x27;ve been using version control since Apple Projector (in the late 1980s), and Git has done the best for me. I&amp;#x27;ve been using it for many years.&lt;p&gt;I don&amp;#x27;t miss Projector one tiny bit.&lt;p&gt;VSS (Visual SourceSafe) was a dog. It was direct file-based, and server connections would get &lt;i&gt;very&lt;/i&gt; busy. It was the old-fashioned kind, with the need to check out files.&lt;p&gt;But it had one very cool feature: You could create &amp;quot;aliases&amp;quot; of repo components; essentially creating a virtual repo that pointed into several other repos, taking just a couple of files from each.&lt;p&gt;I could see how that would be a technical nightmare to implement, but I like it a lot more than &amp;quot;the whole kit &amp;amp; kaboodle&amp;quot; approach that Git takes.&lt;p&gt;I also used Perforce for many years. It was a robust and dependable system, but had that need to check out files to work on them, and that drove me nuts.&lt;p&gt;I like Git, because it is &amp;quot;team-friendly,&amp;quot; and has a really light touch. It encourages many small checkins, which is how I think I should usually work.&lt;p&gt;I wish it handled big files better, but that&amp;#x27;s not really a big deal to me. I think this might be why Perforce is still preferred for game development (their asset libraries get &lt;i&gt;big&lt;/i&gt;).&lt;p&gt;Oh, also Submodules &lt;i&gt;suck&lt;/i&gt; like a supermassive, galaxy-core black hole.</text></comment>
<story><title>PicoGUS: Emulate ISA Sound Cards (GUS, Adlib, MPU-401, Tandy, CMS) with a Pico</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>polpo</author><text>Thanks for posting this! I&amp;#x27;m the author of the project and I&amp;#x27;ve seen it pop up here on HN a few times when searching but I haven&amp;#x27;t seen it make it the front page until now.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s been really fun pushing the limits of the RP2040 microcontroller and learning how to use its PIO capabilities has been eye opening. I&amp;#x27;ve created PIO code to handle the ISA bus and interface with SPI-based PSRAM at higher speed than I could with the RP2040&amp;#x27;s built-in SPI peripheral.</text></comment>
<story><title>PicoGUS: Emulate ISA Sound Cards (GUS, Adlib, MPU-401, Tandy, CMS) with a Pico</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>mewse-hn</author><text>If this interests you, there&amp;#x27;s a new bit of software called SBEMU that is able to emulate old sound blasters on modern intel HDA sound hardware - I was able to run freedos on an old netbook and get audio in dos games.</text></comment>
<story><title>ZGC – What&apos;s new in JDK 16</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>modeless</author><text>1 ms pause times are pretty good. That&amp;#x27;s finally getting close to the point where it may no longer be the biggest factor preventing adoption in applications like core game engine code. Although at 144 Hz it&amp;#x27;s still 14% of your frame time, so it&amp;#x27;s hardly negligible.&lt;p&gt;Even if the GC is running on an otherwise idle core there are still other costs like power consumption and memory bandwidth. So you still want to minimize allocation to keep the GC workload down.&lt;p&gt;For too long GC people were touting 10 ms pause times as &amp;quot;low&amp;quot; and not bothering to go further, but truly low pause times &lt;i&gt;are&lt;/i&gt; possible. I&amp;#x27;d love to see a new systems language that &lt;i&gt;starts&lt;/i&gt; by designing for extremely low-pause GC, not manual allocation or a borrow checker. I think it would be possible to make something that you could use for real time work without having to compromise on memory safety and without having to pay the complexity tax Rust takes on for the borrow checker.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>moonchild</author><text>&amp;gt; at 144 Hz it&amp;#x27;s still 14% of your frame time, so it&amp;#x27;s hardly negligible&lt;p&gt;A single skipped frame is not a big deal and will probably not be noticed. It will probably happen anyway due to scheduling quirks, resource contention with other processes, existing variation in frametime...&lt;p&gt;True realtime work requires no dynamic allocations whatsoever (which, notably, is not covariant with gc!), so I think ‘low’ pause times are an acceptable compromise. Where performance is a concern, you need to manually manage a lot of factors, among them GC&amp;#x2F;dynamic memory use. There&amp;#x27;s no runtime that can obviate that.&lt;p&gt;Granted, 1ms pause times are probably still not low enough for realtime audio, and there may be room for some carelessness there (audio being soft realtime, not hard realtime). But I think just being careful to avoid dynamic allocation on the audio thread is probably a worthwhile tradeoff.</text></comment>
<story><title>ZGC – What&apos;s new in JDK 16</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>modeless</author><text>1 ms pause times are pretty good. That&amp;#x27;s finally getting close to the point where it may no longer be the biggest factor preventing adoption in applications like core game engine code. Although at 144 Hz it&amp;#x27;s still 14% of your frame time, so it&amp;#x27;s hardly negligible.&lt;p&gt;Even if the GC is running on an otherwise idle core there are still other costs like power consumption and memory bandwidth. So you still want to minimize allocation to keep the GC workload down.&lt;p&gt;For too long GC people were touting 10 ms pause times as &amp;quot;low&amp;quot; and not bothering to go further, but truly low pause times &lt;i&gt;are&lt;/i&gt; possible. I&amp;#x27;d love to see a new systems language that &lt;i&gt;starts&lt;/i&gt; by designing for extremely low-pause GC, not manual allocation or a borrow checker. I think it would be possible to make something that you could use for real time work without having to compromise on memory safety and without having to pay the complexity tax Rust takes on for the borrow checker.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>The_rationalist</author><text>&lt;i&gt;Although at 144 Hz it&amp;#x27;s still 14% of your frame time&lt;/i&gt; well if we believe their numbers, the &lt;i&gt;worst case&lt;/i&gt; is 0.5ms so 6% of frame time for 144hz. Assuming their stated average pause time of 0.05ms then average pauses (and the GC isn&amp;#x27;t constantly pausing) take 0.6% of frametime, which &lt;i&gt;is&lt;/i&gt; negligible. Though your concerns on throughput and resource usages stands. Well newer programming languages could leverage ZGC (and improve upon it) by targeting graalVM + it enable cross-language interop.</text></comment>
<story><title>Summary of the AWS Service Event in the Sydney Region</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>jaketay</author><text>Our instances with ap-southeast-2 were out for around 12 hours. We used multiple availability zones and it didn&amp;#x27;t prevent downtime at all. It&amp;#x27;s very interesting the difference between AWS and Google outage responses. AWS is down for 12+ hours for some customers, force each customer to chase service level credits and sign off the postmortem with a nameless &amp;amp; faceless &amp;quot;-The AWS Team&amp;quot;. Not one person at AWS was willing to take responsibility for this failure.&lt;p&gt;Whereas Google was recently down for less than 18 minutes. A VP at Google sent an email advising all affected customers, posted continuous updates to their status page, sent a further apology email at the conclusion, posted a service credit exceeding the SLA to all customers in the zone (without forcing customers to chase this themselves with billing) and lastly wrote one of the most well written post mortems I&amp;#x27;ve ever seen. AWS has much to learn from Google about how to handle outages properly.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>jread</author><text>I independently monitor availability of 150 public cloud services and only observed 1.73 hours downtime for this event. This is the first EC2 outage I&amp;#x27;ve observed in any region for over 6 months. According to my stats, in 2015 EC2 was highly available with 6 of 9 regions (including every US and EU region) having no outages, and total average service availability of 99.998% (78% of downtime in sa-east-1). I haven&amp;#x27;t observed a single outage in us-west-2 or eu-west-1 in nearly 3 years. This compared to 16-33 minutes of downtime in every region for GCE in 2015, and total average availability of 99.995%. Additionally, since 2013 I&amp;#x27;ve never observed a global EC2 outage like the 4&amp;#x2F;11&amp;#x2F;2016 GCE event.&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;status-for-aws&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;status-for-aws&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Summary of the AWS Service Event in the Sydney Region</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>jaketay</author><text>Our instances with ap-southeast-2 were out for around 12 hours. We used multiple availability zones and it didn&amp;#x27;t prevent downtime at all. It&amp;#x27;s very interesting the difference between AWS and Google outage responses. AWS is down for 12+ hours for some customers, force each customer to chase service level credits and sign off the postmortem with a nameless &amp;amp; faceless &amp;quot;-The AWS Team&amp;quot;. Not one person at AWS was willing to take responsibility for this failure.&lt;p&gt;Whereas Google was recently down for less than 18 minutes. A VP at Google sent an email advising all affected customers, posted continuous updates to their status page, sent a further apology email at the conclusion, posted a service credit exceeding the SLA to all customers in the zone (without forcing customers to chase this themselves with billing) and lastly wrote one of the most well written post mortems I&amp;#x27;ve ever seen. AWS has much to learn from Google about how to handle outages properly.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>Fenntrek</author><text>To be fair, that was a total outage of every region on the planet in google cloud platform&amp;#x27;s 18 minute outage case.&lt;p&gt;Compared to the sole region ap-southeast-2 (for you) in AWS&amp;#x27;s case. (though it was a longer outage).&lt;p&gt;That being said, I 1000% agree that Google cloud platform&amp;#x27;s response to fix issues, postmortems and actions to make things right are top notch.</text></comment>
<story><title>Programming in 1969</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>axus</author><text>&amp;quot;We created the programs, and once they were completed and tested we handed them off. Others were responsible for maintaining them, we just wrote new ones!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;She&amp;#x27;d be right at home in the modern job-hopping work environments.</text></comment>
<story><title>Programming in 1969</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>wduquette</author><text>Somewhere I&amp;#x27;ve got a flow chart stencil identical to the one shown in this post, with sleeve. An older programmer gave it to me; it was originally from IBM, I believe. I haven&amp;#x27;t used it since the early 90&amp;#x27;s.&lt;p&gt;I was especially charmed by the phrase &amp;quot;pajama paper&amp;quot; to describe the old printer paper with the alternating 3-line high bars of color; I&amp;#x27;ve never heard it called that before, but I plan to call it that from now on. On the, um, rare occasions the topic arises.</text></comment>
<story><title>Formal Verification: The Gap Between Perfect Code and Reality</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>Animats</author><text>Having been down this road [1], a big problem is that the people doing this tend to be too much into the theory and not enough into wanting programs not to crash. That&amp;#x27;s some of the Coq world.&lt;p&gt;It doesn&amp;#x27;t have to be this way. Microsoft&amp;#x27;s work in this area led to the Static Driver Verifier [2], which was a huge success. Windows crashes due to kernel drivers breaking the rest of the kernel have pretty much disappeared. They were once (Windows XP and earlier) responsible for over half of Windows crashes.&lt;p&gt;Most of the things you want to prove about programs to make sure they don&amp;#x27;t crash are mathematically trivial. Detecting buffer overflows and off-by-one errors seldom requires elaborate proofs. If they do, your program design probably has a problem. Simple proofs can be handled by a prover which uses a Nelson-Oppen decision procedure. This is a complete decision procedure for formulas which contain only addition, subtraction, multiplication by constants, Boolean operators, structures, and arrays. This covers most data access operations. It&amp;#x27;s fully automatic and complete - the algorithm always succeeds within its problem space. You need one of those for the easy parts.&lt;p&gt;For the hard parts, we used the Boyer-Moore prover. (Sources are available and I brought it back to life on Github.[3] It runs 3000x faster than it did in 1982.)&lt;p&gt;The interface with the language is crucial to usability. Most efforts get this wrong. They put the verification stuff in separate files, or in comments. It should be part of the normal code. We built the verification language into the compiler, so you used the same source and the same syntax for compiling and verification. There were additional statements - ASSERT, ENTER, EXIT, etc. The same compiler front end was used for both compiling and verification. The verifier itself ran off the byte code from the compiler front end. All type and size issues had been decided at that point, so the verifier was looking at unambiguous operations such as &amp;quot;pop two operands from stack, add in 16-bit twos complement arithmetic, push on stack&amp;quot;. This captured the semantics of the program the same way the compiler did.&lt;p&gt;The user never sees the easy stuff. Every subscript use generates a bounds check assertion which has to be proved. If the prover is able to prove the assertion true, the user doesn&amp;#x27;t see it. Only the errors are visible. Another trick is that you don&amp;#x27;t write &amp;quot;assert(a and b and and d)&amp;quot;, you write &amp;quot;assert(a); assert(b);&amp;quot;. Those generate separate proof goals, and if only one fails,the user gets error messages about only that one. Also, when you write &amp;quot;assert(a); assert(b);&amp;quot;, the second one is proved under the assumption the first one is true. This prevents cascading errors.&lt;p&gt;A key point here is that verification is meaningless unless you prove &lt;i&gt;all&lt;/i&gt; the theorems. If you write &amp;quot;assert(false)&amp;quot; other errors go away, and you&amp;#x27;re left with one simple error, which you cannot eliminate. You don&amp;#x27;t get to dismiss it. It&amp;#x27;s possible to write an assertion that&amp;#x27;s equivalent to &amp;quot;assert(false);&amp;quot;, such as &amp;quot;assert(0 &amp;gt; 1)&amp;quot;; This is why I&amp;#x27;m so negative on the arguments from some of the Rust crowd that a little undefined behavior is OK. It can blow at any seam.&lt;p&gt;When you needed to prove something hard, you wrote&lt;p&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt; assert(a); assert(b); &lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt; where a could be proved by the Nelson-Oppen prover from the code before it. B was chosen such that if you assumed b, the Nelson-Oppen prover could prove anything required past that point. Now you had one error message, that the system couldn&amp;#x27;t prove &amp;quot;a implies b&amp;quot;. So then someone had to try to prove that with the Boyer-Moore prover. The Boyer-Moore prover is mostly automatic, but often someone had to provide intermediate theorems to get to a hard one. Those were all machine-checked. If this succeeded, the Boyer-Moore prover generated a theorem that a implies b for use by the verifier. Rerunning the program verifier would then succeed. Such theorems could be reused with different variable bindings, so if the same problem came up again, it didn&amp;#x27;t require more work with the Boyer-Moore system.&lt;p&gt;If you&amp;#x27;re generating vast amounts of user-visible proof work, something is wrong.&lt;p&gt;The whole system I&amp;#x27;m describing is now on Github.[4] It&amp;#x27;s decades-old code, but I&amp;#x27;ve ported about 80% of it to modern compilers. The Franz LISP to Common LISP port of the prover isn&amp;#x27;t working well, and the author of that code died years ago. If anyone wants to work on that, go ahead.&lt;p&gt;[1] &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;papers&amp;#x2F;verifier&amp;#x2F;verifiermanual.pdf&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;papers&amp;#x2F;verifier&amp;#x2F;verifiermanual.pdf&lt;/a&gt; [2] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;en-us&amp;#x2F;windows-hardware&amp;#x2F;drivers&amp;#x2F;devtest&amp;#x2F;static-driver-verifier&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;en-us&amp;#x2F;windows-hardware&amp;#x2F;drivers&amp;#x2F;de...&lt;/a&gt; [3] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;John-Nagle&amp;#x2F;nqthm&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;John-Nagle&amp;#x2F;nqthm&lt;/a&gt; [4] &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;John-Nagle&amp;#x2F;pasv&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;John-Nagle&amp;#x2F;pasv&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Formal Verification: The Gap Between Perfect Code and Reality</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>gchadwick</author><text>All of my formal verification experience comes from using it in hardware, so the following comment may not apply so well to software where I have no experience of formal methods (beyond learning about it at university).&lt;p&gt;I think the mistake the author is making here is seeing formal verification as an all or nothing affair. Either you formally prove your program to be correct or it&amp;#x27;s useless. I would agree with them that doing this is a huge amount of effort and potentially just not feasible for real systems.&lt;p&gt;However there&amp;#x27;s a huge amount of value in formal verification as an extra tool to assist you in your verification efforts. By combining traditional verification techniques (normal testing in software terms) with formal methods you have a whole new way to find bugs, one which works rather differently and hence tends to find different bugs. You may not get anywhere near confidence you&amp;#x27;ve formally proved everything (for one I find the more interesting properties just never get proven, but leaving the tool to run for a while often throws up bugs that are tricky to find via other means) but it does accelerate your verification efforts.&lt;p&gt;It&amp;#x27;s also a useful tool for exploring certain scenarios you as the designer (or programmer) may be worried about. You can overconstrain it to just look at certain behaviour and you can ask it to show you some specific execution that hits a particular property. Maybe there&amp;#x27;s some code path that&amp;#x27;s very hard to stimulate for whatever reason and you want to check out it&amp;#x27;s functionality. You can get the formal tool to hit it and then see what it does.</text></comment>
<story><title>Funding Choices – Google’s new tool for GDPR compliance and content monetization</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>ThePhysicist</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m still surprised no one has yet figured out a way to store sensitive data about personal interests and preferences on the client-side and let the client itself pull appropriate ads for the user to see. The quality of such a system should be comparable or better to server-side technologies with the right amount of tuning, and much less privacy-invading than existing approaches.&lt;p&gt;Personally I&amp;#x27;d love to support more websites through ads if two conditions could be met:&lt;p&gt;- A way to ensure that ads don&amp;#x27;t try to harm me by e.g. leading me to websites serving malware or abusing my computer&amp;#x27;s resources (e.g. miners)&lt;p&gt;- A way to keep my privacy and control what data is collected about me (and who has access to that data)&lt;p&gt;Currently I simply can&amp;#x27;t turn off the ad-blocker even if I wanted as most sites become completely unusable and outright obnoxious by showing large, blinking or content-hiding ads, videos, popups or fake overlays. That&amp;#x27;s why most people use ad-blockers (IMHO). If ads are decent, relevant and non-obtrusive I personally would be happy to see them.&lt;p&gt;Also, go to any large website these days (without ad-blocker enabled) and check how many third-party trackers they load. There are many sites that send my data to more than 50 (!) different ad networks and partners, which is just insane.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>BrendanEich</author><text>Brave, with the Basic Attention Token (BAT), is building exactly the client-side anonymous contribution + ad-matching system you describe. We will take BAT to other apps after proving the model in Brave.&lt;p&gt;BAT in Brave is opt-in -- each user consents before anything local happens with data or zero-knowledge&amp;#x2F;blind-token attestations -- and users can get _gratis_ BAT grants right now using the stable desktop browser (this is coming to mobile in about a month). The anonymous contribution system is the basis for the also-opt-in Brave Ads system, which uses local data only, local machine learning agent, and no cookies or user tracking by any server (even ours). Ads match against a catalog fixed daily or less frequently for a large set of users in a region who speak the same language. Attribution and confirmation use Chaumian blind tokens.&lt;p&gt;Users get 70% of revenue for opt-in, user-private (in tab), high quality ads at user-configurable frequency. We are working with publishers to provide user-opt-in ads for sites too, 70% revenue to the publisher, 15% to the user. User ad trial is under way right now, ping me if you want to be included. System should be available in Brave 1.0 in a couple of months.</text></comment>
<story><title>Funding Choices – Google’s new tool for GDPR compliance and content monetization</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>ThePhysicist</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m still surprised no one has yet figured out a way to store sensitive data about personal interests and preferences on the client-side and let the client itself pull appropriate ads for the user to see. The quality of such a system should be comparable or better to server-side technologies with the right amount of tuning, and much less privacy-invading than existing approaches.&lt;p&gt;Personally I&amp;#x27;d love to support more websites through ads if two conditions could be met:&lt;p&gt;- A way to ensure that ads don&amp;#x27;t try to harm me by e.g. leading me to websites serving malware or abusing my computer&amp;#x27;s resources (e.g. miners)&lt;p&gt;- A way to keep my privacy and control what data is collected about me (and who has access to that data)&lt;p&gt;Currently I simply can&amp;#x27;t turn off the ad-blocker even if I wanted as most sites become completely unusable and outright obnoxious by showing large, blinking or content-hiding ads, videos, popups or fake overlays. That&amp;#x27;s why most people use ad-blockers (IMHO). If ads are decent, relevant and non-obtrusive I personally would be happy to see them.&lt;p&gt;Also, go to any large website these days (without ad-blocker enabled) and check how many third-party trackers they load. There are many sites that send my data to more than 50 (!) different ad networks and partners, which is just insane.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ketzu</author><text>&amp;gt; I&amp;#x27;m still surprised no one has yet figured out a way to store sensitive data about personal interests and preferences on the client-side and let the client itself pull appropriate ads for the user to see.&lt;p&gt;When I was at Middleware2017 I saw a poster&amp;#x2F;demo about this, MoCA+: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;en&amp;#x2F;publications&amp;#x2F;demo-moca-incorporating-user-modeling-into-mobile-contextual-adve&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;en&amp;#x2F;publications&amp;#x2F;demo-moc...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;I guess the problem is the same as with privacy techniques in general. If you ask companies to restrict their access to data, they just tell you no(1), as it might be worth a lot of money or open up new business oportunities they haven&amp;#x27;t thought about yet.&lt;p&gt;(1) This is anecdotal from projects of my colleagues in privacy research</text></comment>
<story><title>Digital Capitalism’s War on Leisure</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>FooHentai</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m currently going through a phase of setting up a games room, and acquiring a bunch of slightly older video game consoles and games to populate it. I&amp;#x27;ve settled on PS2 and PS3, and Xbox&amp;#x2F;360 as the sweet spot for this. Partly due to price (they&amp;#x27;re not old enough to be worth much, but not new enough to be hawked at retail prices).&lt;p&gt;But a factor just as big as price is how, from about mid-360 and PS3 onwards, gaming stopped being a case of &amp;#x27;buy a disc and play the game&amp;#x27; and became &amp;#x27;register online, tie to a service which will be withdrawn at some point, and pay extra for bits of the game that would previously have been free&amp;#x27;. All of that stuff transformed gaming media from about 2007 onwards from something that you could put on a shelf and return to at your leisure, into this ephemeral thing that you must buy into at the peak of the hype cycle, or it won&amp;#x27;t exist in proper form (if at all) when you do get around to it.&lt;p&gt;That said, this phenomenon is mostly limited to commercial games. There&amp;#x27;s an incredible grassroots movement of indie, modding, and retro gaming that everyone is free to immerse and engage in, where this issue just doesn&amp;#x27;t exist. My reaction to cutting-edge gaming for the past decade or so has been largely to turn away from commercial games and find entertainment via other gaming channels.</text></comment>
<story><title>Digital Capitalism’s War on Leisure</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>Andrex</author><text>This is a good read, but I question this line:&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt; Video games, at their best, offer everyone an equal chance to overcome the same challenges on an equal playing field. “Pac-Man,” after all, didn’t let you add extra quarters to purchase immunity from the ghosts.&lt;p&gt;I mean, in a way they did. If you had more quarters to spare in Pac-Man, you&amp;#x27;d be more likely to make it further than your cash-strapped compatriot.&lt;p&gt;But then again arcades peddled these types of &amp;quot;pay to win&amp;quot; mechanics long before the App Store, and so probably aren&amp;#x27;t the best example to use in an article like this. NES era games would be more appropriate I think.</text></comment>
<story><title>Western Digital&apos;s 16TB and 18TB drives: EAMR HDDs enter the retail channel</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>jacquesm</author><text>My personal recipe for buying drives: wait until Backblaze has run them for a year and then pick the winner. That gives a pretty safe strategy. I also buy them in small lots to avoid having the same firmware and number of hours on them, and order 3 (cold) spares so I don&amp;#x27;t have to wait for an order to come in in case a drive dies. Call me paranoid.</text></comment>
<story><title>Western Digital&apos;s 16TB and 18TB drives: EAMR HDDs enter the retail channel</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>sillysaurusx</author><text>In my experience, buying the “latest and greatest” hard drive is a recipe for disaster. They should put a sticker on the box that says “warning: will likely die within one year.”&lt;p&gt;Maybe I’ve just gotten unlucky over the years though. Can anyone else confirm&amp;#x2F;deny that the latest hard drives tend to be unreliable?&lt;p&gt;(Cue sampling bias...)&lt;p&gt;EDIT: The article is about an enterprise HD, but I meant to ask a general question about consumer-grade drives. Presumably enterprise drives are much more reliable, because reasons. (It would be fascinating to know those reasons though!)</text></comment>
<story><title>How much does a cable box really cost? The industry would prefer you don&apos;t ask</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>drblast</author><text>I have the same reaction every time I read about any cable company, and that&amp;#x27;s, &amp;quot;WTF are you all still giving them your money for?!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;They have a monopoly on a dying service you literally don&amp;#x27;t need at all, and most people hate having to deal with them. The pricing and contracts are antagonistic to customers. Is it just momentum at this point?</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>dragonwriter</author><text>&amp;gt; They have a monopoly on a dying service&lt;p&gt;Neither the access nor the bundled content portions are really dying. The assumption they must be bought from the same vendor is, but outside of very high speed plans, internet access tends to have data caps (sometimes capped &lt;i&gt;unless&lt;/i&gt; you buy a TV bundle from the ISP as well as internet service), and OTT services with comparable content are just as expensive as cable plans (and mostly from cable&amp;#x2F;satellite vendors, though Google and Sony have services too), so you end up spending the same money plus eating your data cap if you buy separately instead of getting the content outside of your cap (or maybe even getting the content and getting rid of your cap at the same time.)</text></comment>
<story><title>How much does a cable box really cost? The industry would prefer you don&apos;t ask</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>drblast</author><text>I have the same reaction every time I read about any cable company, and that&amp;#x27;s, &amp;quot;WTF are you all still giving them your money for?!&amp;quot;&lt;p&gt;They have a monopoly on a dying service you literally don&amp;#x27;t need at all, and most people hate having to deal with them. The pricing and contracts are antagonistic to customers. Is it just momentum at this point?</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>reaperducer</author><text>&lt;i&gt;you literally don&amp;#x27;t need at all&lt;/i&gt;&lt;p&gt;Unless you live in a place without broadcast television, or little broadcast television, and with little to no internet service.&lt;p&gt;So pretty much 20% of the United States. The nation is much larger than the east and west coasts.</text></comment>
<story><title>Small Memory Software: Patterns for systems with limited memory</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>userbinator</author><text>The one thing that I was strongly expecting but didn&amp;#x27;t seem to find any mention of when I was quickly paging through is the idea of using simpler, constant-space algorithms (e.g. streaming style, keeping only what&amp;#x27;s needed in memory) and in general &lt;i&gt;reducing the amount of code and data&lt;/i&gt;.&lt;p&gt;Likewise, the use of C++ and Java in a book about &amp;quot;limited memory&amp;quot; is a bit unusual.&lt;p&gt;Then again, I&amp;#x27;m &lt;i&gt;really&lt;/i&gt; not keen on the whole &amp;quot;patterns&amp;quot; thing, because from experience I&amp;#x27;ve found it tends to replace careful thought with dogmatic application of rules that might not be relevant at all to the situation at hand.</text></comment>
<story><title>Small Memory Software: Patterns for systems with limited memory</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>ChuckMcM</author><text>I realize that small memory discipline is not something that serves a modern programmer well. Spending time on optimizing memory usage is often completely useless as a new version or new feature will invalidate the effort and the overall effect on the system, compared to other work the programmer could be doing, would not be cost effective.&lt;p&gt;That said, understanding how to design in tight memory constraints is useful. While typically only seriously practiced by embedded systems developers, having habits that minimize memory use can have a large impact at scale. The paper gives some good reasons on what the benefits of those habits are, but I also think that, as a percentage of the total, programmers living in constrained memory spaces are a specialization not the mainstream any more.</text></comment>
<story><title>List of Lists of Lists</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>skrause</author><text>List of HN discussions of List of Lists of Lists:&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=3542366&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=3542366&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=24886292&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=24886292&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=23633972&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=23633972&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=21384134&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;item?id=21384134&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>List of Lists of Lists</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>deadalus</author><text>I found this : &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Category:Lists&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Category:Lists&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;Other interesting ones :&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;List_of_unsolved_problems&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;List_of_unsolved_problems&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Outline_of_academic_disciplines&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Outline_of_academic_discipline...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Outline_of_knowledge&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;wiki&amp;#x2F;Outline_of_knowledge&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Build your own drink mixing robot</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>chrissnell</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t mean this in a disrespectful way, but what kinds of drinks are you drinking and where are you drinking them? Yes, a robotic mixer might work in a crappy bar for standard bar drinks like a Rum and Coke, Long Island Iced Tea, etc., but anything beyond the standard pour-and-serve is probably best done by the human touch, especially if you&amp;#x27;re charging big city prices for them.&lt;p&gt;That said, there are some places that do use quick mixers to mix up the classics. Garduños, a huge Albuquerque, NM mexican restaurant (as seen in Breaking Bad, season 5!) uses pre-mixed margarita mix from a keg and dispenses it with a typical bartender&amp;#x27;s soda gun. They&amp;#x27;ve realized that most people who order &amp;quot;well&amp;quot; margaritas aren&amp;#x27;t that discerning and appreciate the consistency that a factory-mixed &amp;#x27;rita delivers. Garduños serves them by the gallon and the pre-mix saves them lots of bartender time when they&amp;#x27;re mixing their most popular cocktail.&lt;p&gt;This would never fly in a nice bar, though. These days, most big city bars are chasing the money and the money is in &amp;quot;craft cocktails&amp;quot;. It&amp;#x27;s all about the ingredients and the customized drinks that are tailored to the customer&amp;#x27;s preferences. Bartenders are making a big show out of things like twisting a slice of orange peel to release its oils. The presentation is hugely important here and a robotic mixer just doesn&amp;#x27;t have the right vibe, in my opinion.</text></item><item><author>kokey</author><text>I&amp;#x27;ve always thought some kind of automated drink mixing system would be good for busy inner city cocktail bars. You can still have a bar where people can sit and watch someone mix drinks, but the rest of the venue can be tables with table service. The orders from the tables are taken by a person and gets sent to the kitchen where the drinks are made by machine. This will retain the personal touch of people attending to tables personally, and allow them to serve drinks often, promptly and consistently.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>drzaiusapelord</author><text>I&amp;#x27;m not buying the &amp;quot;robots can&amp;#x27;t make drinks&amp;quot; argument.&lt;p&gt;Restaurant automation was big in the 1960s and 70s, but it eventually became a flop. The technology mostly worked, but in the end, customers came more for the &amp;quot;culture&amp;quot; of the restaurant or bar. That is, to chat up the waitress, have a short conversation with the bartender, and most importantly, to not feel lonely.&lt;p&gt;Part of the &amp;quot;big city prices&amp;quot; is the exclusivity that place delivers, not how fine the process for making the current hot drink is.&lt;p&gt;Restaurants and bars aren&amp;#x27;t like most businesses. They don&amp;#x27;t just deliver product. They deliver some sense of shared culture, some sense of exclusivity, and some sense of &amp;#x27;here is where my kind of people belong.&amp;#x27; That is also why we mock chain restaurants, some of which deliver perfectly fine food, but are seen as too &amp;#x27;cookie cutter&amp;#x27; for the social experience we demand.&lt;p&gt;I say bring on the robots. I go to a lot of live music shows and waiting on drinks takes far too long and heaven forbid I get the &amp;quot;too cool for you&amp;quot; bartender and his weird douchbaggery on top of the drink I want. Maybe the bartender role will go the way of the elevator operator or travel agent role. Or higher end places will keep it and the rest will have a bartender sysadmin position to make sure everything keeps running, fills up supply, orders everything, calls service, etc.</text></comment>
<story><title>Build your own drink mixing robot</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>chrissnell</author><text>I don&amp;#x27;t mean this in a disrespectful way, but what kinds of drinks are you drinking and where are you drinking them? Yes, a robotic mixer might work in a crappy bar for standard bar drinks like a Rum and Coke, Long Island Iced Tea, etc., but anything beyond the standard pour-and-serve is probably best done by the human touch, especially if you&amp;#x27;re charging big city prices for them.&lt;p&gt;That said, there are some places that do use quick mixers to mix up the classics. Garduños, a huge Albuquerque, NM mexican restaurant (as seen in Breaking Bad, season 5!) uses pre-mixed margarita mix from a keg and dispenses it with a typical bartender&amp;#x27;s soda gun. They&amp;#x27;ve realized that most people who order &amp;quot;well&amp;quot; margaritas aren&amp;#x27;t that discerning and appreciate the consistency that a factory-mixed &amp;#x27;rita delivers. Garduños serves them by the gallon and the pre-mix saves them lots of bartender time when they&amp;#x27;re mixing their most popular cocktail.&lt;p&gt;This would never fly in a nice bar, though. These days, most big city bars are chasing the money and the money is in &amp;quot;craft cocktails&amp;quot;. It&amp;#x27;s all about the ingredients and the customized drinks that are tailored to the customer&amp;#x27;s preferences. Bartenders are making a big show out of things like twisting a slice of orange peel to release its oils. The presentation is hugely important here and a robotic mixer just doesn&amp;#x27;t have the right vibe, in my opinion.</text></item><item><author>kokey</author><text>I&amp;#x27;ve always thought some kind of automated drink mixing system would be good for busy inner city cocktail bars. You can still have a bar where people can sit and watch someone mix drinks, but the rest of the venue can be tables with table service. The orders from the tables are taken by a person and gets sent to the kitchen where the drinks are made by machine. This will retain the personal touch of people attending to tables personally, and allow them to serve drinks often, promptly and consistently.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>ebiester</author><text>That&amp;#x27;s exactly when to use such a machine. While I appreciate a great cocktail, that&amp;#x27;s not what I&amp;#x27;m getting on the average Saturday night at the dance club. I would prefer a faster cocktail in many of those cases.</text></comment>
<story><title>DKIM Demystified</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>ttul</author><text>The interesting technology these days is not DKIM but rather DMARC. DKIM allows you to sign messages so that others know that the message originated from the owner of the domain. DMARC allows you to express what you want receivers to do when someone is spoofing your domain.&lt;p&gt;If you operate your own domain and you are worried about spoofing, implementing DMARC will put a stop to it with all the major email receivers (Gmail, Yahoo!, Microsoft, etc.), since they all respect DMARC.&lt;p&gt;But the really cool thing about DMARC is that it lets you receive feedback reports from email receivers with copies of these spoofed messages along with aggregate statistics showing you where spoofed email is originating.</text></comment>
<story><title>DKIM Demystified</title><url></url></story><parent_chain></parent_chain><comment><author>yrro</author><text>Whenever I send mail to a Debian mailing list, I receive notifications of DKIM policy violations. I&amp;#x27;ve never figured out whether the problem is on my side or theirs...&lt;p&gt;[edit] having done a bit more research, I think the problem lies with the BTS: &lt;a href=&quot;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;cgi-bin&amp;#x2F;bugreport.cgi?bug=754809&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;https:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;cgi-bin&amp;#x2F;bugreport.cgi?bug=754809&lt;/a&gt;</text></comment>
<story><title>Commitment vs. Forecast: A Subtle But Important Change to Scrum (2011)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>jryan49</author><text>I still think it ironic that when looking at the actual Agile manifesto at &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt; (which is short and uncomplicated), that the first line is &amp;quot;Individuals and interactions over processes and tools&amp;quot; and these days practicing agile, at least in a big-house corporate environment feels like anything but.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>jt2190</author><text>The Agile Manifesto suffers from &amp;quot;the curse of knowledge&amp;quot;: The signatories are all very experienced, and deeply understand all of the differences between projects and people and when to be flexible and when to be rigid, and they know that it&amp;#x27;s important to &lt;i&gt;not&lt;/i&gt; specify a method for &lt;i&gt;every&lt;/i&gt; situation. But there are many, many people entering the software industry who don&amp;#x27;t have their years of experience, and who need very clear, basic instructions as a starting point, and hence Scrum steps in to fill the gap. What&amp;#x27;s unfortunate is that scrum isn&amp;#x27;t a program for developing software managers from rigid, by-the-book managers into experienced, &lt;i&gt;agile&lt;/i&gt; managers: Instead it encourages newbie practices for everyone, forever.</text></comment>
<story><title>Commitment vs. Forecast: A Subtle But Important Change to Scrum (2011)</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>jryan49</author><text>I still think it ironic that when looking at the actual Agile manifesto at &lt;a href=&quot;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;http:&amp;#x2F;&amp;#x2F;;#x2F;&lt;/a&gt; (which is short and uncomplicated), that the first line is &amp;quot;Individuals and interactions over processes and tools&amp;quot; and these days practicing agile, at least in a big-house corporate environment feels like anything but.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>weego</author><text>I worked at a large consultancy in the UK where the platform team were &amp;#x27;agile&amp;#x27; in that they had 2 week sprints, but those 2 week sprint goals were fixed for months ahead. If you needed a small API addition or specific bug fix in one of your apps (elearning courses) to launch a product on the platform and you hadn&amp;#x27;t foreseen this 2 months+ in advance then you were out of luck (unless you had leverage on one of the platform team higher ups of course).&lt;p&gt;That was my first introduction to uppercase A for Agile.&lt;p&gt;Ultimately the wider business never changes in terms of it wants predictable delivery and deadline forecasts, but internally they have to then wedge some version of lowercase a for agile into that because the benefits day to day are there so you have this clunky enterprise friendly version that poorly tries to get best of both.</text></comment>
<story><title>Bank of England expects UK to fall into longest ever recession</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>rwmj</author><text>No one who does a days work in Britain thinks any of this is a good thing. It&amp;#x27;s largely generated by a far right party through a voting system that allows pensioners (a minority) to control who gets into power.</text></item><item><author>mahkeiro</author><text>Yeah when they were talking about all the red tape that will be gone and then introducing the ukca marking to replace the ce marking… (facepalm)&lt;p&gt;The annoying British exceptionalism is for once coming to bite hard.</text></item><item><author>hristov</author><text>The craziest thing is that this recession was mostly self inflicted.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>rjsw</author><text>Not sure that is completely true. People working in construction or hospitality are probably happy for now that there are fewer people competing with them for jobs.</text></comment>
<story><title>Bank of England expects UK to fall into longest ever recession</title><url></url></story><parent_chain><item><author>rwmj</author><text>No one who does a days work in Britain thinks any of this is a good thing. It&amp;#x27;s largely generated by a far right party through a voting system that allows pensioners (a minority) to control who gets into power.</text></item><item><author>mahkeiro</author><text>Yeah when they were talking about all the red tape that will be gone and then introducing the ukca marking to replace the ce marking… (facepalm)&lt;p&gt;The annoying British exceptionalism is for once coming to bite hard.</text></item><item><author>hristov</author><text>The craziest thing is that this recession was mostly self inflicted.</text></item></parent_chain><comment><author>throwaway894345</author><text>Wouldn&amp;#x27;t inflation (and thus tax cuts) hit pensioners the hardest? Presumably inflation hits pensioners harder than those who are still working? I&amp;#x27;m not sure how the UK pension system works, but I wouldn&amp;#x27;t want to sell off my retirement investments at low prices for currency with sharply reduced buying power. Is the idea that they voted in this government which then betrayed them (either through incompetence or malfeasance)?</text></comment>