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When I was 13 years old I was raped behind a church next to the middle school I attended. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a sunny day in the spring, right before school was out for the summer. I had a couple friends I hung out with and they persuaded me to skip class with them. As we were leaving the campus, security yelled at us to stop and everyone started running in different directions. I ended up behind the church, alone. As I was catching my breath a man came around the corner. He was much much bigger than I was at 13 years old. I was immediately scared and knew something bad was going to happen. He came up to me and said I was “the snack” he had been looking for. I tired to run, but he grabbed me and pinned me against the wall. I had no chance of escaping him. He was such a big guy.
I’ll spare you all the details. The assault happened for around 3 minutes. I was exhausted from trying to fight off this man and trying to scream while he was crushing my body with his. I don’t remember if I passed out, or if my brain has been trying to block out the trauma, but all I remember happening next is another man jumping on my attacker and just beating the shit out of him. I didn’t see him coming.
I was naked, crying, dirty, I didn’t know what to do. The man who saved me ended up knocking out my attacker. He gave me a blanket and comforted me as best he could until police arrived. The next couple years of my life were just a blur of depression. The man was arrested, my family moved us away from the area and we never told anyone besides my immediate family.
It has been 8 years since this happened. Today I went to McDonald’s near the neighborhood I grew up in and saw the man who saved me that day. I went through the drive-thru and he handed me my food. As soon as I looked into his eyes I recognized him but couldn’t tell where I knew him from. He smiled at me and said “you don’t remember me huh” I laughed awkwardly and said “remind me”. All he said was the name of that church and every single memory that I had been trying so hard to forget came flooding back. I looked at him again and started sobbing. It was such an insane situation. I was sobbing in the McDonald’s drive-thru. I was partly crying because of all the memories, but mostly because this man SAVED me and I didn’t even remember him..
He came out, we sat 6 feet apart, and we talked for almost an hour. Just about life. He told me that his fiancé is pregnant with their first baby and they’re expecting a baby girl. He’s doing well.
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’ve thought about him through the years and have always wondered where he was, how he was. Today I finally got my peace.
Edit: I am overwhelmed with all the positive messages and comments I am getting. I didn’t anticipate this response.
To people leaving supportive comments: thank you all so much, you all are angels.
To the people leaving nasty comments: please, please stop. | I love him I love him! Bless him. And bless you dear ❤️ you sound so strong. There is so much strength in you! |
I never wanted kids, but was never adamantly against having one. I get married. My wife knows how I feel about kids. When we were engaged - my answer was "maybe one, definitely not more."
As my friends started having kids, I started leaning heavily against having kids. Some parents had good kids. Some parents had bad kids. Even the easy kids looked like too much work.
Queue my wife's sister dying. All of a sudden "family" is SUPER important to my wife. I get that.
At this point my answer to kids was still no. My wife bothered me and bothered and bothered me. Eventually I was convinced. The deal was her parents would sell their ranch and come live on our street.
I was convinced. I was so dumb. I was told not to worry about all the realities of having a kid and losing my life - because grandma and grandpa are down the street and would be all the parents baby ever needed. Since my wife's sister died - she was the only hope for grandkids.
My wife and her parents worked me over so good. They convinced me. They made good points. My wife's parents were in their 50's and good health - they would be here "beyond the baby phase" and "would have enough energy to keep up with a kid".
I'm shown enough Disney movies and Kodak moment and am promised that I just have to be a good dad and provider. A 1950's dad if you will - one where the mom unfairly does all the hard stuff. All the good and no bad? Cool - fine by me.
Well here we are, 11 years later. My kid has "ODD" which is pretty much alphabet soup for your kid being an asshole and defiant. Nothing else is wrong with them - the diagnosis is literally that they are vindictive and cruel and seek conflict. Not because they can't communicate or are hypsersensitive to stimuli - but just because.
Guess what? Grandma and grandpa say the kid is "too much". They haven't helped for more than a day a month in almost 7 years.
And here I am - on reddit on my laptop, tethered to my phone in a parking lot at the park after dark. I came home from work to my son spitting on the neighbors to door knob - his reason "get the neighbors sick". Why does he want them sick? His amazon package got delivered to their house in the morning and they waited until evening to give it to him.
Well in returning to for telling him not to do that, my son went into the attic and peed all over the one bankers box of memorabilia I have from my parents - who both died before I was 20.
I left the house and am sitting in my car. I don't know if I'm coming back.
And I don't want advice. This isn't "lack of discipline" or "bad parenting". I've read every book. I've worked shifts 6 days a week for a decade to pay for tens of thousands (probably 100,000's) of therapy, behaviorists, counseling, classes. You name it.
At the end of the day, it is my fault. I am so spineless. I knew I didn't want kids. I was convinced, because, well, I'm a jellyfish. And here I am. 45 years old, crying in my car in the park.
My advice to other men and women out there: only have a kid if you 1000% want them. Don't listen to others when they say they'll "help". They'll help if you have a happy, bubbly easy-going kid. Not if you spawned the devil himself. | My sister has ODD, I remember growing up living in a literal hell. I empathize with you OP, it's hard, it's really fucking hard. |
I (Male 22) fell in love with my gym bro (Male 24). Problem being, I thought I was straight.
This all started a few months ago, I noticed this guy at my gym and I knew something was immediately off. I was like nervous to even look at him, but I decided to get rid of that nervousness and just talk to him. He was actually really nice and funny and we quickly became buddies. Then about two weeks later my girlfriend broke up with me. I told him that and we had a heart to heart where he casually came out as gay. But that initial offness that I felt when I first saw him didn’t go away, and I quickly started to piece together that it was the same feeling I get when I look at a really pretty girl.
And over the months it’s been increasingly hard to be near him because he’s just so…gorgeous I guess. Whenever I go to sleep, I just imagine him there snuggled up to me. I just wanna text him all the time…and I just wanna kiss him so bad. I guess this is me coming out as bi…I met a beautiful guy at the gym and we became best friends, I love his personality, he makes me laugh nonstop, and ngl he’s mad thick. I wanna ask him out so bad
**Update**: at the gym rn, we’re gonna do our sets and when we leave ima walk him to his car and tell him. Thanks for the courage everyone!
**update 2**: I’m fucking crying in my car rn holy shit. He said yes. So I walked him to his car and I told him. And bruh…the way I couldn’t speak lmao I was so nervous. But basically, he said he kinda thought I was into him cause “I can only catch you respectfully staring at my butt so many times before it’s a little sus”. But I told him that I’m bi…and we’re going on a date Friday. But like bruh…he looked so flustered and cute when I told him…he had the prettiest smile lmao. And for the people saying stuff about my vocab and texting…I’m a history major, not smart…my vocab consists of “I guess”, “like”, “idk”, “bruh”, and “fucking”. But anyways…I guess we’re a little more than just gym bros now…I seriously couldn’t have done this if this didn’t get so much random ass support lmao. Anyways…I’m fucking shaking…I actually did it…bruh I love him so much…so so so fucking much. Thank you for the support!
**Update 3**:
**Update 4**: Hey there, I know I’ve been gone for a long ass time lmao. But I had to take a social media break just because like…I was just really overwhelmed I guess with all the attention this post got. Some of you were asking about update 3, it was just me talking on Twitter about the insecure assholes calling me a woman for sharing emotions lmao. I deleted it cause I felt a bit embarrassed having my voice on the internet lmao…I’m too introverted for that shit. But I will be making occasional updates on my Twitter I guess. As for how me and my man are doing…it’s better than I could’ve asked for…I know we haven’t been together super long I guess…but…he just like…idk…I’ve just never felt more appreciated by someone…so yeah, he’s got me wrapped around his finger hella hard lmao. But I think I’m just gonna ultimately log out of this Reddit account but still keep the post up for you guys…just know my Twitter is where I’ll be making updates occasionally. | This is hands down the sweetest thing I’ve read in a while. Go for it! And good luck 🍀 |
Because of you, people are unable to buy the basic everyday necessities like hand soap and toilet paper. Because of you, a 2 pack of Clorox wipes is $50 and a big bottle of hand sanitizer is $50.
Stop stockpiling. You don’t need all of it, and you’re keeping it away from people who really do need it, coronavirus aside.
And if you’re someone who is buying out the stock to resell it for a profit: I hope that every time you’re barefoot or wear just socks that you step on something cold and wet. I hope that you constantly get papercuts in between your fingers. I hope that there is a pebble in your shoe that you just can’t get out. I hope that there in something pokey in your jeans, but when you go to get it, you can’t find it. I hope that you get food stuck in your teeth and you can never find floss to get it out because some freak bought out the entire stock.
Edit: I have to say, I appreciate that feedback, positive and negative. I appreciate hearing your side of things and getting to step into your lives as people in need. Thank you strangers for the awards! I had no clue this was going to blow up so much! Sending happy thoughts everyone’s way! | I went to the market this past weekend to buy steak. I saw plenty of water and toilet paper despite my nearby Costco being on the news for panic shoppers.
I fell for the panic and bought an extra piece of steak. |
Body text
An edit for people who have been questioning how I'm a conservative if I dont support trump or an anti masker...: Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) is an ideological variable studied in political, social and personality psychology. Right-wing authoritarians are people who have a high degree of willingness to submit to authorities they perceive as established and legitimate, who adhere to societal conventions and norms and who are hostile and punitive in their attitudes towards people who do not adhere to them. They value uniformity and are in favour of using group authority, including coercion, to achieve it.[1]
Directly from wikipedia folks. Peace out bitches. | I’m just ready for all this to be over 🙄 |
Worked all semester! I had a semester long HTML project and I slammed that till I got a 98 overall. Got praised for my work looking amazing and my ability to present! I got offered a chance to tutor kids taking first level accounting, because I nailed that class too!! The classes I thought I would struggle in are actually where I flourished most, which is surprising to say the least.
I could almost cry looking at that 4.0! It’s like seeing the sun! I’m still walking on air! All the hard work amounted to something! | we all redditors care. We all are proud of you. :) |
Well… I did it I told her. And yeah it was pretty heavy. My heart was even beating fast. i kept trying to think how to tell her. Many of the comments on my last post here mentioned writing her a letter just how she wrote a letter for me. Originally that was the plan but for me it felt like I needed to say it.
Oh, really quick I wanna say thanks to everyone for their love and support. Mostly to all the birth parents out there who shared their stories with me. That’s what really helped push me to have the courage to confront her. It meant so much so thanks.
Everything happened day before yesterday btw.
I did wait for her to be done with her shift and that was when they were closing the restaurant already. And waited in the parking lot. We said hi when she saw me first but then I told her there was something serious that she needed to know. First told her sorry for keeping it from her this long. She didn’t react until I actually pulled out her letter.
And she started bawling from there. Like screaming and crying at the same time, and didn’t even have to finish the whole “I’m your son” speech. She just saw it and knew. It was crazy. Next thing I know she’s hugging me instantly but then she pulled back and asked if it’s okay to hug me. Ofc it is and we’re just there hugging an crying in the parking lot. It hit her hard though. Her legs gave out for a second so I had to actually hold her up while she’s still hugging me for a min.
What really got me was her saying to me look how big you got. also hearing her cry made me cry too. She went back to open the restaurant up (she wouldn’t take no for an answer) we had coffee, ate a slice of their pie inside and talked. Soooo many stuff we talked about. She told me the second time I came to the restaurant she got a feeling but for her it was hard believe it was me. So that feeling she had was pushed way down.
Because she told me for years after I was adopted she saw kids that would be my age and used to think they were me. Then she would be crying in public. It fucked with her mind a lot and made her depressed so she didn’t want to do the same when she saw me, getting her hopes up like that.
She says I look so much like my biological dad when he was younger though. We talked about him too. They stayed in contact with eachother incase I ever reached out to one of them so it would be easier to contact the other. I didn’t have hope about finding my biological dad since he was never mentioned so I’m glad they both planned for this future scenario. She told me about how they wanted to keep me. Especially my biological dad, he didn’t want me to be adopted. But he knew they had to because they were just kids. It took him a long time to get passed it after I was born she told me. That’s why he didn’t leave anything because he didn’t wanna believe he might not see me again.
We talked for hours. Til almost 2 in the morning (they closed at 11). She just wanted to know everything about me but her main thing was “am I happy”. Were my parents good to me. Did I have a happy childhood. And I did. I told her thank you for helping to give me this life. We both cried again. She cried the most. Everything was very emotional for her. Sometimes she would look really happy but then get sad again.
After my 18th birthday she was hoping I would find her that’s why she stayed in the same city. But since I didn’t she always thought maybe I resented her, wasn’t told I’m adopted, or maybe had decided it was better not to have her around. It made me feel bad for not telling her sooner. She told me it’s not my fault and I did right going at my own pace. Honestly she’s so sweet. The way she kept looking at me with the biggest smile, it made me emotional sometimes. Makes you think how can someone who’s been a total stranger ur whole life look at you with so much love. It’s wild. We learned so much about eachother. She asked me if we could have dinner soon to keep talking. And if at some point in the future if I’m interested come over to her house so I can meet her husband. That all sounded really great.
We exchanged numbers. After I left she sent a text telling me thank you for giving her this gift that she didn’t know if it would ever come.
My girlfriend came over and she hugged me while I cried. I wasn’t sad btw these were happy tears. Everything went better than I expected. There was still emotionally heavy stuff but I’m still glad that we got to open up to eachother. | IM SO GLAD I SAVED THE FORMER POST TO COME BACK. Such wonderful news!!! I’m so happy for the both of you. |
I need a little advise on the matter as I don't know what to do anymore.
I was 21 when my fiance asked me to marry him.
He was the absolute light of my life. We had known each other since pre school, our family's are very close.
He would come and have dinner with us on a daily basis and vice versa. He doesn't have any siblings but I have 2 older sisters. Which is very important as he was also very close with them.
We grew up together. When we started dating, I don't think our parents stopped celebrating for weeks.
He helped me deal with a lot of my anxiety and even when I gained a little weight and my mother berated me saying he was going to leave me, he told her off and said he loved me for who I was, not for what I looked like, even though he claimed I was the most beautiful girl in the world to him.
We were only engaged for 6 months before the inncident.
My middle oldest sister, lets call her Nicky, was a very cold person, she never showed any affection, she only ever opened up to my fiance as she said she saw him as a brother and he also helped her through a lot of her dark times such as battling drug addictions and breaking the law.
She and I never saw eye to eye, I loved her dearly because she was my sister but didn't like her as a person.
Out of the blue she tells me she wants to take me clubbing as we had never been together before and she felt bad that she was so distant to me.
I agreed and that night we went out.
Clubbing wasn't really my style but once I had a few drinks, I loosened up a little and began having fun.
The night was going smoothly until Nicky spotted a guy across the room whom she claimed she wanted to "climb like a tree" She walked over to him and within a few minutes she was back and she had a sour expression on her face.
I asked her what was up but she never said anything.
I kept pressing because I didnt want our night to be ruined, she then told me the guy didn't want her number but he wanted mine instead.
I told her he was a loser and there were plenty of guys around who would kill to be with a girl like her, she didn't budge though.
She told me she needed to use the restroom and then we would leave.
I waited for other an hour, during this time I was sipping on a lot of different cocktails, I then started feeling really dizzy and lightheaded.
I figured I'd just cab it home as I was certain Nicky had left.
On the way out though, I bumped into a friend of Nicky's whom she had briefly dated.
He asked me If I needed a hand to my car and I explained I was getting a cab he said he was getting ready to leave and we could share one. I told him okay and we walked out of the club together and into the first cab we saw.
I tried to find my phone in my purse but I felt myself getting dizzier and dizzier.
I don't remember what happened next as I blacked out and the next morning I woke up on a hard sofa, my head pounding.
When I came to, I realised I was in Nicky's friends house and my phone was sitting on the glass table in front of me, but it was flat.
When he noticed I was awake he offered some tablets and water and explained that I had passed out in the cab and he didnt remember my parents address so he just picked me up and took me back here where he laid me on the sofa.
I told him I needed to go home as my fiance would be worried.
He called a cab and I left. When I arrived at my parents house, my mother, father, Nicky, my fiance and his parents were all standing in the living room.
I thought they were worried about me but the instant I opened my mouth my fiance asked how could I do this to him?
I tried to explain that my phone went flat but he then went on screaming about how could I cheat on him.
I was baffled. Why would he think that? I tried to explain the nights events but I kept getting cut off.
Nicky then chimed in and said I was a lying S and how could I be so heartless to a man who has been there for me through thick n thin.
She went on to say I kept flirting with random guys all night and then when she went to the bathroom, she saw me leave with her friend.
I told her what had happened and she showed me photos on her phone where as we were leaving, his hand was on my back ushering me outside, yes the photo did look horrible and I was so drunk I didn't even realise his hand was on my back at all.
My fiance was so angry, he kept shouting and his mum and mine were both crying.
I then asked Nicky to call her friend and he would confirm Nothing happened but when she called him, he told a completely different story.
He said I begged him to take me back to his and when he did, we slept together multiple times.
I saw red and started crying and yelling at Nicky because I knew she had organised this whole thing to make me look bad.
I begged my fiance to believe me, but he just shook his head and left. When everyone had cleared out, my mother slapped me across the face and told me to get out.
I left and went to a friends house where I stayed for a few nights. During those nights I called my fiance crying and pleading with him to believe me that nothing happened but it all fell on deaf ears as he never returned any of my calls or texts.
My mum texted me and told me she was kicking me out and that she couldnt believe I would do such a thing and a lot of hurtful other slurs I don't think I could repeat here.
She didn't even give me time to get my things as she threw everything out.
I was now homeless. None of my family would take me in, as they chose my fiance and mothers side.
I was homeless and single in less than a day and a half, my entire world had been taken away because of Nicky's lies.
Now for weeks I tried everything to get my fiance back and my family.
The limit for me though was when Christmas time had come and I went over to my mothers house to try and reconcile. I was sleeping from couch to couch during this time.
When I got to my parents house, I knocked on the door but no one answered. My friend then called me and told me she just saw on facebook that my family were in another state celebrating Christmas and they had posted pictures online.
Everyone was there, my sisters, parents, grandparents and even my fiance and his family.
When I myself saw the photos, I couldn't stop crying as they all looked so happy.
I cried for days and days before deciding to block them all. I even returned my engagement ring.
My friend knew someone a couple hours away who was looking for some help in his restaurant and he even had living arrangments above where he worked so I could get rent at a cheap price and work at the same time.
I wanted to start over with my life as it hurt me that noone took my side and they all left me to fend for myself.
I was able to move pretty quickly and was doing well, the apartment was tiny and I had to work 10+ hours almost every day, but I was able to save a lot of money.
Im not living in the apartment anymore, I was able to rent a much nicer condo but I am still working at the restaurant as assistant manager.
Now it has been roughly two years since I left and have not spoken to any of my family. I have no idea what is going with them until I got a knock on my door.
It was my ex fiance. I was shocked to say the least, all these feelings came rushing back and all I wanted to do was jump into his arms.
But then I remembered the pain I had felt and tried to slam the door in his face but he stopped it and asked that I let him explain.
He said that Nicky had gotten married and she had confessed that she lied about the situation because she had found someone she loved so much and realised what a horrible thing she had done.
I asked him how he found me and he said my friend told him.
My entire family had been trying to get in touch with me and want to see me.
I told him I needed time to see if I even wanted To have them in my life.
He left and I have been a mess since.
I don't know what to do, I know I will never ever forgive Nicky, she could rot for all I cared but Its hard because my other family and fiance didn't know she was lying, but I also felt like they abandoned me too quickly without letting me explain my side.
I don't know if I should forgive them.
Any advice would be much helpful.
Thank you for taking the time to read. | I’m petty AF and I would request a meeting with the family and sisters husband and in front of him I would tell him how she drugged you and gave to you a stranger to do what ever while you were drugged. How even after making you homeless, jobless, support less she still let that go on for years and enjoyed Xmas while not knowing if you were in a ditch somewhere. Blow up her life.
Also you don’t owe them anything. They are all horrible people. |
I am so ashamed of our president, his bullying and name calling, his supporters’ blind devotion, our country’s obsession with statues of Confederate traitors and dismissal of legitimate trauma suffered by the black community, and the selfishness of all those who refuse to wear a mask to protect grandma. I can’t be the only one, right? | Trust me, you aren’t the only one. |
7 years ago, when I was 24, my wife was killed in a horrible car accident, leaving me (in complete shock and grief) as a single father to our 2 kids (at the time they were 1 and 3 years old). I didn’t have any post high school education and was working as a construction worker. Before my wife passed away, we both worked full time and were able to rent a small but nice house. But as a single working parent, I could hardly make ends meet and had to move in to a tiny apartment. That Christmas, when I didn’t have enough money left over to get my kids the gifts they deserved, I really knew I had to do something. I started taking college classes at night while working 2 jobs, and after five long years, I graduated with a BS in mechanical engineering and got a job making 6 figures. I bought a nice house with a huge yard for my kids to play in, built them a treehouse, and have enough time off to spend plenty of time with them. Last week, I took them on a camping trip in the mountains. It’s not until now that I really let myself believe that I actually did it.
Edit: thank you so much to everybody! I’m very overwhelmed by all the replies. I will try to answer as many as possible. | You don't know how happy you made me with that post. I wish all the best, for you and your kids!! ❤️❤️ |
I'm normally a calm, reasonable person, but in the past month or so, I'm just coming closer and closer to snapping at people who, frankly put, disagree with my political and social viewpoints. I know that's pretty damn childish, and I know I'm probably going to sound pretty high and mighty and self-important in this post in saying that, but I just need to vent.
I'm so tired of the simple desire to help people being seen as this strange thing. I want all people in this country to have equal opportunities, access to shelter, access to food, access to good education, help for their mental health, help for their addictions, free healthcare, just overall an equal opportunity for success and happiness, as close to that as we can get. I want police and justice reform. I want environmental reform. I want a healthy happy country and planet for children to hrow up in.
But whenever I express this to people, I get scoffed at. I'm just a dumb, lazy millenial that wants free handouts. I should move to another country if the current system bothers me. Minimum wage is too high. Healthcare and college are perfectly affordable, you just don't work hard enough. The justice system is fine, and the cops are all saints; hell, give them more money! Mental health? Eh, you'll be fine.
This may sound like I'm talking about Trump supports, but this 100% applies to many other parts of the American political system. I'm just so fucking sick of the lack of empathy and the attitude of "Fuck you, I got mine!"
I swear, this country is going to turn me into an antagonistic bastard before long. | as someone from a third world country, the fixation on america by america and the rest of the world is in itself immensely frustrating when you consider how it actively partakes in fucking the rest of the world up |
So I am now a 28 year old woman with a two year old daughter that I love more than life itself.
My father died yesterday. He had testicular cancer that abscised to his brain. It went rather quickly.
When I was 10 my stepfather abused me, physically, sexually. Any way you can imagine. My mother turned her head and when I told her slapped me and told me I was lying. My stepfather disappeared one night.
This is small town Indiana. Roughly a 2000 population town. He went out to the bar and never came back. He was missing and he was never found until about 5 years later his remains were found in the local quarry.
My dad told me yesterday that he did it. I asked him what happened to my stepdad and he said “there was no other way”.
I’m at peace with this I think. Looking at my 2 year old now and thinking of what my mother did is unimaginable. I just need to let this out and move on. | I hope your dad passed away knowing he was a hero and that he saved you and probably other people as well. |
She had me when she was FOURTEEN. And I (24M) was given up for adoption. My parents told me about her growing up. I still have the letter she wrote me that she asked if they could give it to me if they wanted.
It’s crazy reading it sometimes and knowing it was a literal child who wrote it saying she’s sorry she couldn’t be my mommy but she hopes I’m happy. She was open to having contact but we moved for my dad’s job when I was 11 and then it seemed impossible to find her.
But luckily I did.
She’s working at this small restaurant and I keep going but she doesn’t know it’s me. We talk sometimes. And she seems like a nice lady. Sometime when she says something like “do you want a refill, honey” or uses another term like that I wanna tell her. Idk why it makes me nervous. We talk sometimes and she seems really genuine. If it’s not super busy she’s more open to talking about random stuff. I literally drive 2 hours to come eat at this place just to see her. And it’s like she knows me already because I’m there once or 2 times a week for the past 3 months so she always says hi with a big smile.
But man if only she knew | Tell her, please. I know it’s difficult, but you say you want to.
My mom gave up her first son through a closed adoption and searched for him for 30 years. It was heartbreaking when he finally found her and turned out to be not a great person. You’ve already met her and you know that the two of you get along. I don’t know either of you, but knowing what my mom went through, I doubt that a day goes by that she doesn’t wonder where you are. |
My hometown is burning. The target I shopped at for years was looted and honestly I'm shocked it wasn't turned in to a structure fire.
Trump shrieked like a baby when Kap took the knee. A peaceful protest was shut down, robbed a man of his career.
Martin Luther King Junior said rioting is the language of the unheard. We deserve these riots. Cops keep choking black men to death and we keep trying to excuse it. | I imagine that if police could show restraint and patience as they showed for a group of people literally spitting in their faces protesting a lock down they would have enough of a presence to allow protest and deter acts of chaos. (I understand the event I'm thinking may be a different state).
Committing the whole force to beat protestors means no one to address theft or any other issue.
I denounce theft, but I also denounce objective failure of that state and the mismanagement of resources which is leading to measurable losses of life and revenue. |
Wow guys, I don't even know where to begin. I am honestly so grateful for all the support, advice, beautiful messages and awards you guys have gifted.
I wish I could personally thank each and everyone of you, and I did try my best to reply to every message.
You guys are honestly so amazing and I cried reading all the comments, my heart has never been so touched with the ammount of love and support I got on this post and I am so sorry if it took too long to post an update.
I was honestly in so much shock I didn't know how to cope with it.
So uh I never got back to my ex, I didn't know what to do, but eventually he must have given my phone number to my parents as they texted asking to meet up. I never replied and was planning on organising a zoom meeting but didn't need to as they also showed up at my door. Well my father did.
When I answered the door and saw him standing there, I ended up throwing up which he insisted on cleaning.
When he was done, we sat down and I just bursted in tears.
My emotions were all over the place and my father has worn the same cologne for a really long time, so when I smelt it, it just bought back all these memories.
He tried to hug me but I pushed him away and asked what he was doing here.
He went on to explain he and my mother are getting a divorce. He said he begged my mother to get in touch with me the minute I left, but she refused and said I was acting like a baby and if I wanted to leave them after doing something so horrible, then I could do things on my own from then on.
I askes him how long did it take them to notice I was gone.
He said they arrived back home after News Years Eve and were planning on inviting me over so we could talk, that's when they got in touch with my friend and she told them I left and she didn't know where I was.
I asked him why didn't he listen to my side of the story and why did they throw me away so easily.
He just started crying. He said he never meant for things to get so out of hand and he wishes more than anything he could take it all back.
I said when they found out Nicky was taking drugs and had dropped out of HS, they didn't throw her away, instead we all went on a holiday so she could focus on things besides drugs and during that trip, she got hooked on alcohol and each time they defended her over and over.
He said he had no idea my mother was going to kick me out, he thought it was going to be for a few days but then they decided last minute to spend Christmas out of state.
My mother apparently promised him I would be allowed back home after they got back.
I said she threw away all my stuff but he said everything was still there and she lied about that.
I asked him what has happened to Nicky and he said she is dead to him, he wants nothing to do with her but my mother has been crying to him, asking to forgive Nicky as she is not well and they had already lost one daughter, they cannot lose two.
He blocked my mother and Nicky and has been on my ex's case about finding me. My ex caved in when my dad said he blocked my mother and Nicky and told him where I lived.
I asked that he never show up again unless I give him permission and he agreed.
He asked what would happen now and I said I really don't know and that he hurt me really bad.
I then just went into detail about how much he hurt me and what it felt like seeing them so happy without me and how hard it is has been.
We were both crying by the end of it but I was really glad I got it all out, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
My dad then said he knew a few places around the area and would help get me a better apartment and he said he would help get a better job but I told him I wouldn't be leaving this job as my boss helped me out so much and I wanted to repay him at all costs.
I said I didn't want him to do anything for me, but I said I do want to reconcile but it has to be on my own terms and It is going to take a very very long time to trust him again, and I may never trust him again.
He said he would do anything to make up for what he did.
I asked him why Nicky did this and if she said anything about it. Well she said she thought my ex deserved better than me and she wanted to see him happy because he was making too many sacrifices in the relationship, she loved him like a brother and wanted to break the engagement off, so that night she asked her friend to come and escort me out of the club so she could get photos and to take me home so her plan could work, she said nothing sexual happened, I went to sleep on the sofa and that was it, he was up playing video games all night until I woke up, which he has prove of apparently.
My dad was planning on getting my stuff from my mothers house and bringing it to me but I told him I didn't want those things anymore.
I then went to ask about Nicky's husband and he said my mother has been hush hush with the entire situation but he had his number and wrote it down for me.
After my dad left, I decided to call Nicky's husband.
I was sweating the entire time and felt so sick, what if I could hear her in the background?
Well anyhow when he picked up, I just spit everything out, which I deeply regret because I should have eased into it for him, he sounded really confused and I explained the entire situation again. I even went into detail about her drug and alcohol problems.
I was honestly expecting him to curse me out and defend Nicky, instead he let out a long sigh and well turns out, he had a feeling she wasn't exactly innocent, turns out her and his sister have been having problems and she has been spouting non stop lies about his sister and has caused a huge rift between them, his sister didn't even attend their wedding.
I told him I was sorry but he should make things right with his sister because Nicky was the problem not her.
We spoke a little more and he hung up. I'm not entirly sure what he is going to do with that information, I hope he cuts his loses and leaves her because he sounded like a really nice person and even he has lost his own sister because of Nicky.
So I have decided to reconcile with my dad, My mother has always run the show their entire marriage, so the fact he is putting his foot down and divorcing her and going nc with Nicky shows he is serious about wanting to make amends.
I don't think I will ever reconcile with my mother, as she thinks Nicky is a victim also in all this and at this point I don't care to listen to her excuses. If she reaches out and we talk, I will update the post again.
For my ex, I haven't had the time to meet with him and talk, though my dad mentioned he wanted to come with my dad but he told him I would be too overwhelmed if both were there and seeing them separated will help make clear decisions.
He also mentioned my ex was arrested for assaulting Nicky's friend who lied about the entire situation, he was being charged but the charges were dropped a few days later.
I will update the post again, when I have have time to speak to my ex.
Thank you guys for your being so patient and so caring and just amazing. | So this means your sister literally drugged you just to break your relationship up?
The way you were passing out at the club isn't normal. What about your other sister? |
The man is a complete piece of shit. An animal abuser, a sex offender, and total human trash who should not have had a single second of publicity. But everyone loves him because "wow, what a badass!" Fuck off with that bullshit.
Edit: Thanks for the gold! | I thought the tiger king obsession is over. I havent heard a word about it for weeks. |
I've been alone in my tiny studio apartment for weeks. Nobody has checked on me. I am so alone and I guess I'm just venting.
My mom is a narcissistic sociopath who I haven't seen or spoken to since I was 16. My dad is on and off the grid. I have nobody. I have supported myself since I walked out of my mom's house at 16. Nobody has checked on me since. I put myself through college. Not one person came to my graduation. I spend holidays alone. My family does not reach out even on my birthdays.
If something happened to me only my coworkers would know. I have one really good friend who checks on me here and there but she is married and has her own life.
I've struggled to support myself since I was a literal child because my parents are insane. Like so many others, I was born with nothing. I have built something for myself, but I'm so alone.
I want to belong somewhere.
I am considered successful in my industry, especially for my age, but I have nobody to grow and enjoy life with.
Maybe I'm depressed because of how things are right now, but it's making me realize just how fucking alone I am in this world. I have nobody. I don't know why some people even have children.. but I hope I find a wonderful partner. I hope I have a wonderful life. Right now things are extremely difficult. I just keep going hoping my future life will be worth it. Right now, I am so alone. I hope my life changes. I hope I don't struggle forever.
Thanks for reading. I dont know what the point of this is, but I hope you all are doing ok during these insane times. Sending all my love to everybody struggling with depression, loneliness, and self confidence. You are not alone. | Rando stranger from the internet here. Just confirming to you that people are indeed reading your message. In that way you aren't alone. |
I don't really have anyone to share the news with, so dear Redditors and online friends - I'm officially cancer free. I've beat the motherfucker, it's done. | congrats!!! i’m so happy for you!!! |
I just learned Mitt Romney endorsed confirming a Supreme Court judge before the election. I am fucking done with my country. The Christian Right has officially hyjacked the USA. Their motives by definition are against my constitution (separation of church and state). I am not a Christian I do not feel safe living in a country that uses the Bible to write policy. The front runner for the Supreme Court seat wants to live under Christian rule. If you support anything the GOP has done FUCK YOU. | 2016: we must wait until after the new President is sworn in
2020: rush that shit through! |
I usually shower with the bathroom door open. I sing in the shower a lot. My boyfriend recently moved in and he started singing back to me when I’m in the shower.
If you know anything about crazy big curly hair, you know it takes FOREVER to wash. So I have shower days that are “hair wash” days and it takes me so long! A couple weeks ago I was washing my hair and got bored of singing so I shouted to my boyfriend “I’m lonesome!”
He said he’d keep me company and smoke weed on the bathroom floor while I wash my hair.
Every once in a while I’ll wash my hair and yell out “I’m lonesome!” And he just comes in and does the same thing.
I guess we developed this routine because today I said “I’m gonna shower” and he goes “hair day?” And before I answer he just starts packing his bowl and follows me into the shower, sits down, and starts singing.
I love it. | Conditioned your hair AND your boyfriend! Well done! |
After losing my 12 year old today, who was involved in a drowning accident 3 weeks ago, I really can not stress this enough.
She was an amazing swimmer, in the pool. She had never swam in a river before. And that one decision to jump into the river off of a dock cost her her life.
So teach your kids the difference, and how to react if a current catches them so they don't panic. I don't ever want someone else to go through the nightmare that is currently going on in my life.
Edit: holy hell you guys. I didn't expect this post to get this kind of response.
I do know it seems like common sense right? The kids always had access to a pool and we never went to the river. It never even crossed my mind to cover that kind of thing because she wasnt exposed to swimming in open water. What happened was.. she was at a friend's. And they decide to go to the river. She jumped off the dock and never came back up. By time they found her it had been close to 15 minutes.
I made this post with the intent of reaching even just one person. I'd this made you think and reconsider how swimming is handled, then it did its job
And I want to say Thank You! To absolutely everyone that reached out.. that sent their blessings and condolences, and the ones who awarded this post. You are all highly appreciated... even the snarky ones who left some assholish comments. | I’m so sorry for your loss. I‘m a swimming instructor and this is something we cover in our water safety conversations, but only to a limited extent. This story definitely made me realize how important it is - thank you. |
My wife got the official results from her COVID-19 test today showing what we already knew: positive. My youngest son also has it based on deductive reasoning.
We’ve spent the last 6-7 months being careful. Wearing our masks, maintains distance even from close family members. We only spent time with a select few people who we know were also being extremely careful.
We stopped volunteering for our church live-stream because they insisted on bringing people back for Sunday worship.
We only leave our house out of necessity (work, groceries, etc.).
My grandfather just got sent to the emergency room, just months after we lost my grandmother. So, we can’t go see him even if he’s able to go home.
We saw my mom and my MIL less than 10 days before my wife started showing symptoms, so now they have to quarantine.
It’s possible that I won’t have enough PTO at my job to keep it if/when I inevitably contract it from my wife.
Not to mention the clients I have that are COVID deniers.
I’m so angry because we did everything right and we still ended up getting it.
I’m angry at the asshole deniers. I’m angry at our dumbass politicians doing fucking nothing. I’m angry at my church for being more worried about congregating than about safety. I’m angry at the people who claimed that it wasn’t a big deal. I’m angry at those who refused to wear masks.
And despite knowing that I did everything I was supposed to, I’m angry at myself for not doing more.
EDIT: Thank you all for the kind words, with the thread locked I can’t reply to you. Please be overly safe because you’re not just protecting yourself, you’re protecting everyone else around you. | Unless you work for a very small (<50) or large (>500) company, if you’re in the US your job is protected via FMLA, and your employer is obligated to pay you 2 weeks of time off for COVID sick pay that is equal to your average hours/pay over the last 6 months. This pay is deducted from their payroll taxes so it does not come out of their pocket. Look up “FFCRA.” This also covers leave at a lesser % of pay if you need time off to take care of your family. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a PM. |
My husband and I are 28. We have 3 kids. He’s the only boyfriend I’ve ever had. He’s been with me since high school.
He’s always had low self esteem. I do too, but not like he does.
One day, we got new phones, maybe 7 years ago, I found out I can read his texts. He can see mine too, but he didn’t know about it. This happened for like another 2 years. For his birthday and Christmas I’d snoop around his texts and see if theres something he was talking about that he wanted.
One day, around November I was being nosey to see what I can get him for Christmas. I was pregnant with our second child at the time.
I saw he was texting someone something suspicious, saying “where can we meet” and I thought this was with another girl. I read them more and I found out he was buying drugs.
My husband and I don’t even drink, so I freaked out. I wondered about how long this was going in for, if I even knew my own husband anymore. Turns out he was buying something that doesn’t get you high, but kills you.
I looked around everywhere. I tore our room apart and didn’t find anything. I went through the search history and all his emails on his phone when he was asleep that night, and found o it he was making arrangements for a specific date 3 months after I was due. He was looking at life insurance, which we have had since I’m a stay at home mom. He was even looking up how much t costs to be cremated. Once he got home, the first thing I did was sneak his phone and text that guy and say “I’m no longer interested, if someone else tells you otherwise it means someone else has my phone” and deleted that guys number.
I didn’t want him to know I was snooping but the thought of my husband not being around tore me. I remember being sick to my stomach and bawling in our room just thinking of the idea of not having him around. I love him more than life in itself. I would die for him and not even have to think about it. My husband is my entire world.
That day on I made sure he knew that, even if it meant embarrassing myself. I started bringing him flowers at work almost everyday. When he would come through the door I would screech with excitement and give him a hug and a smooch and tell him I missed him so much and I couldn’t stop thinking about him all day.
When I was out with him how beautiful and handsome he is. When he was around my friends I’d say “look at my husband. He’s so beautiful”
I’d call him at work and ask how much longer until he’s home.
I got him to start going to therapy too.
One night I woke him up because I was freaking out and couldn’t sleep. I told him I had a nightmare. I said I had a dream he passed away. He said “why is that a bad thing?” And I told him how he’s my entire world and other than our son, and our other on the way, he’s all I live for.
He said “but things would be better if I was out of your hair.” And I said “no they wouldn’t. If you left me it would literally ruin my life.”
He said “not if you’re financially well off. You’ll be much better off” and I said “I could have all the money in the world. It would mean nothing if I didn’t have you. I’d much rather be homeless but still have you as my husband than be filthy rich and you be gone.” And he said “are you serious” and I said “100%. I’d sleep under a bridge if it meant I still got to sleep next to you”
He said “I didn’t know you felt that way” and I said “I really do.” I asked if I could go with him to therapy. He said yes.
I told his therapist I think he has depression, and he admitted he might. He got a prescription, and it seemed to help him a whole lot.
Even though it’s been 5 years i still do all those nice things for him, like call him handsome and bring him flowers. I don’t ever want him to second guess for a second that he’s my sunshine. | Excuse me. I need to go call my husband. |
He's been there since about the middle of October.
When I first noticed him, the inclination was to squash, but the little guy could really run when he needed to so I decided to form a truce. It was pretty obvious that he wasn't too interested in humans, so as long as he stayed where he was, I'd leave him. It was getting cold outside and I felt bad about sending him out to die. So that was that. Hubby went after him a few more times but eventually gave up. He became a rent-paying household member, catching the gnats that flew down into his dark little corner.
I began talking to him, saying *hi,* things like that. He never ran when it was just us. He trusted me.
He would even wave back a time or two.
This morning I went to take a shower to get at the dead skin attacking my feet, and a bottle of body wash fell over the side of the tub into his web. I don't know what he was doing down there, he'd been spending a lot of time close to the ground lately. But I hate myself. I hate that I took a shower this morning, I hate that I didn't just stay in bed with my itchy feet. I hate that I got attached to a stupid spider and now I'm crying so hard I can't breathe.
Most people make a throwaway for embarrassing shit like this but I'm gonna own it. That little spider taught me a powerful lesson about fear and friendship and I'll never forget it. | I feel this. I had never seen my bathroom spider, only his handiwork, but I found him dead in the toilet a few weeks ago. Needless to say, I keep the lid closed now.
RIP spider friends :( |
So recently on a night out with some new friends I’ve made one of the girls I’ve got particularly close to was telling me about a guy that’s kind of a stalker to her that they all used to be friends with. She’d told me about the guy before, and a bunch of strange shit he’d done surrounding her and how he’d pester her, but this time she told me that the guy actually raped her at a house party a long time ago, and that having to still deal with his weird obsession to this day scares the shit out of her. I felt awful for her, the hesitant way she kind of went through it all made it obvious that reliving all this was really hard for her.
But the thing I’ve noticed is that every girl who I’m close enough with for them to trust me with a story like this, will have a story like this. Literally every girl who I’d consider a close friend has told me a similar story; my closest friend was spiked after meeting up with a guy she considers a friend, and he kept trying to make a move on her (he’d never tried this before and knew she was dating her ex at the time) and she highly suspects it was him who spiked her, even though she has no proof. Luckily one of her friends was there to get her home safe and get her away from him.
The one that stuck with me most came from a girl I got really close with last year. She always seemed kind of intimidating and unapproachable (she’s really one of the kindest and funniest people I’ve met deep down though), but she told me she kind of puts on a tough act to keep people at arms length cause she was raped when she was 14, that it sent her spiralling into waves of depression and anxiety because the dude involved told everyone at school that she fucked him and 3 other guys at the same time to ruin her reputation out of spite, that she had to get psychiatric help cause she was self harming, that she struggles to open up to anyone, and only in the last couple of years has she managed to work through it really. She told me all this with a nonchalant smile on her face, as if it was nothing to her, even though from her voice breaking up I could tell how much it still upset her, and that was sad as fuck to me. In fact, every girl who’s told me a similar story has had that same look, trying to act like it’s no big deal, saying there’s no need to apologise to them cause ‘it’s in the past now’, that they’re sorry for bringing it up cause there’s no use talking about it, etc.
And it’s all just horrifically sad to me, that every girl seems to have some kind of story like this. They all seem broken over it even though they’re braving it out, they all seem resigned to the fact nothing will ever get done about what happened to them, and they all feel like a burden for even mentioning it. And it fucking sucks. I don’t even know what the point of this post is beyond acknowledging how widespread a problem this is; part of me always knew it logically, but as a guy I have that level of privilege where for a long time I was ignorant to the depths of the issue to a level where I could be detached from it emotionally, because it simply wasn’t an issue I had to worry about growing up. I feel stupidly blind that for the longest time I didn’t know quite how many people around me had been directly affected. The more I grow older and the more I encounter these stories firsthand, it really breaks me up inside. But what I have come away with from each of these encounters is a deep sense of utter respect and awe for each of these women, for how strong and brave they’ve had to be, and how much they deal with on their own. I will probably never really understand how it must feel to have to go through that, but I don’t need to understand it to be amazed by every woman who’s dealt with this shit, even when they probably feel their weakest and most vulnerable in opening up about it, all I’ve been able to think about each time is how strong they are.
EDIT: I just want to say thank you to everyone who’s been brave enough to share their own experiences. I didn’t expect me just sharing my thoughts could promote such an open, supportive discussion between people who have actually experienced this, it’s really touching to see. My inbox is pretty packed right now and I need to get some sleep, but I plan on looking through all the replies to this over the next few days when I get the time and replying where I can, I feel like everyone that took the time and courage to share their stories in here deserves to have their voice heard and their experience listened to. Again, thank you for sharing, it’s been massively eye opening reading these. | It means a whole lot when men see this truth. Thanks for listening to us and being a safe person to tell. |
Boundaries are boundaries people | Just say, “that’s okay, I’m ready to have a baby” , they usually find a condom real quick |
Fuck it. I’m tired of having fewer rights than corpses. Than guns. Than old ass men that have no right to have their shriveled hands wrapped around my uterus. I feel like I’m being strangled by my own Fallopian tubes. I want all of them to feel pain and suffering. I wish nothing but misery on anyone celebrating the overturn of Roe v. Wade. I can’t wait to move. And fuck anyone who says, “bUt YoUr NaTiOnAl PrIdE! It’S wOrSe OtHeR pLaCeS.” Fuck you, too.
To those of you who offered support: thank you so much. I am reading through and you have given me hope!
To those who suggest I move or die: I’m trying. Believe me. Enjoy the brain drain that is inevitable. Have the life you’ve earned. I hope your mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, etc see the hatred you are spewing and realize you would rather have your dick wet than them safe!
[This]( is my suggestion: all women and people with uteruses should just… stop. Everything. No cleaning, no cooking, no child rearing, no job, etc. If someone says it “doesn’t affect” them, **MAKE IT**. Definitely sex/dating strike. | Beyond my anger and grief I’m just …. stunned by the stupidity of it all. Where would we be if they werent so focused on stupid shit like this?? What would our lives be like if they actually made rational decisions meant to help people? Who fucking CARES if people are gay?! Who CARES if a woman gets an abortion? WHO CARES! It doesn’t affect them beyond their “hurt feelings”, it’s frankly none of their business, but they spend all their waking hours fighting for this stupid shit when we could be moving forward as a country! It’s infuriating and demoralizing, the whole world is acting fucking stupid and it’s driving me insane. Religion is ruining lives, old white men are dragging us back in time and I feel totally powerless. We can vote, but I don’t even trust that anymore, they just do what they want and if they get caught breaking the law, NOTHING HAPPENS. fuck this place. |
That is all, fuck nazis. | No joke, George Takei is a genius! It’s the same way that they undid the KKK in the 50’s, an undercover journalist joined their ranks, learned all their code words, and then teamed up with a artist who made popular kids cartoons. The next thing you knew, all of these words were now being used by 8 year olds across the country and totally took the wind out of their sails. It’s the small things that sometimes work so much more effectively than brute force. |
That is all. | And Kayne also partners with anti gay Joel Osteen for his Sunday Sylebrity Sycophant Sirclejerk. |
We work at the same place, in different departments.
I was getting some water when I heard a man behind me say *shoot your shot!* and I turned around and there was my husband walking towards me, water bottle in hand.
I was like “Fancy meeting you here!”
And he was like “You’re really cute. Wanna go out with me?“
Of course I said yes.
His sweet face just *lit up*. Like, he smiled the same goofy smile he gave me when I said yes the first time, 8 years ago.
And I know it’s cheesy and it’s silly and it’s kinda corny, but it made my day.
We got home and talked about it, and I mentioned hearing the *shoot your shot* comment. He said he told the guy next to him he was about to ask out the hottie at the fountain.
And the guy next to him knows I’m his wife.
And he still cheered him on.
And it just made it that much cuter. | Aww I love this story |
There was a small moment where I thought 'that's okay, they're busy and I really appreciate that they came and had lunch'. That was when I noticed the package with my name on it sitting on my chair. Inside was a ransom note, a blacklight, and some random puzzle pieces. What followed was a four hour epic journey around the city, solving puzzles. This included a trip into a bar where the bartender said 'I've been expecting you', and handed me another set of locked boxes and puzzles as he poured me a whisky. Eventually it finished at some accommodation they had booked for the weekend, along with the final address of a bar where everyone was waiting for me. They designed everything themselves. I was so utterly overwhelmed and humbled by the extraordinary effort they went to for me. These people are funny, smart, kind, and generous and I always feel lucky that I know them at all, let alone get to call them my friends. The world is a much better place for having them in it.
Edit: I have been utterly remiss in telling you all how happy and stoked I am for how much you all liked the story of my delightful friends. I showed my said peeps who couldn't quite believe that anyone would think they were that interesting. Ergo, thank you! My friends are your friends so should you need us, just shout. | that took an unexpected yet positive turn |
Everyone has dreams but not all of us will achieve them. I might not be well off but you know what? My wife and I are happy with our life. We have a cozy little house, a very mischievous cat and we are still very much in love. There is nothing better than going back home to her everyday. To all you young ones who make fun of me when I bring your order to your place, I hope you find happiness one day. Signed a slightly annoyed Gramps who delivers pizza. | >We have a cozy little house, a very mischievous cat and we are still very much in love
This sounds like the ingredients to a very happy life. If I have a cozy house, a mischievous cat, and a partner who loves me - I'll be very happy indeed.
I'm sorry people make fun of you. They're just idiots. |
I (32M) am a widow. My wife passed away from pancreatic cancer five years ago. She was forced to leave behind our two kids, R (10M) and H (7M). My wife was the absolute light of my life. We were high school sweethearts, went to the same college, and got married after graduation. We were inseparable. Every day I fell more in love with her; it was like my heart was living outside my body. When she passed, the amount of pain I was in was indescribable. I prayed to go to sleep and not wake up just so I could see her one last time. I contemplated meeting her, but every time I was ready, my kids would look at me. They had her face, her personality, her DNA, I couldn’t leave them. They were all I had left of her. It took years before I was able to function normally again. I even quit my job and lived off of savings and her life insurance for about a year. I was half the dad I used to be and only a fraction of my former self. Two years after her passing, I decided enough was enough and I kicked myself into gear. I found a job in a different city (closer to my parents), I packed my kids up, and I moved. Life was hard, but I kept chugging along and eventually I found some joy. A year after moving, I took a business trip to NY where I met my current girlfriend, L. While I acknowledged there was chemistry, I told her I was already married and she understood. However, a few months later I had to go back to NY where we met up again. I let my guard down for the first time around her. Before I knew it, she was putting in a transfer for my home branch and moving to my city. I fell in love with her and asked her out a year ago next month. My kids adore her and though she reminded them she will never take their moms place, they lovingly call her “momma L.” Today was the anniversary of my wife’s passing, an extremely hard day for all of us. This morning I walked into the living room to find L and my kids waiting for me. The kids were dressed in their church clothes with goofy smiles on their faces and bouquets in hand. Apparently, L came up with the idea of a picnic at my wife’s grave, an idea that the boys loved as they enjoy going to see their mom. While I was sleeping they prepared food and flowers, then insisted on wearing their best clothes. I’ll admit that I cried at the sight of them. I don’t know how I got this lucky twice in a row. I wanted my wife to meet this amazing woman, so I asked L to come along and she did. The day that I dread every year turned out to be a humbling reminder of the reason why I stayed on this planet.
To my lovely wife, you can never be replaced, but she is good to me and she takes care of our kids like you would. Thank you for sending her to me. | "and though she reminded them she will never take their moms place..."
Marry her. She totally understands those boys have a Mom whom they love, she encourages that love, and is not trying to be her, she's HELPING them to love her and her memory.
Damn. You can't do any better in a partner for you and your boys.
"To my lovely wife, you can never be replaced, but she is good to me and she takes care of our kids like you would. Thank you for sending her to me"
I'm not crying, I'm cutting onions...honestly. |
This happened when I was 18 and in need of a heart transplant, waiting on a list. We were waiting for months. Then just like that we got the call and it changed my life. I was so so grateful to the donor, my mom and I even made our own letters to send to the family but they never wanted contact which I respected. He saved my life yeah but theirs was all heartbreak.
For years I was always grateful for that sacrifice but even more now that my girlfriend and I met years later, and now we’re expecting a baby boy in August. Also because we know the whole truth now. She never talked about her brother much so all I knew was that he died. His birthday was the other week. My girl wanted to visit his grave because they haven’t done it in a while. She opened up about his car accident, being on life support until they decided to take him off it and since he was registered as an organ donor… That isn’t what got me thinking though.
What did was the fact that the exact date of his death is when I got called in for the heart transplant. Me and my girlfriend decided to find out the truth because her family was grieving so much they never looked at the letter sent by me. We had a long talk with her mom about this because if she’d rather not know then we’ll drop it. Her mom gave us her blessing to find out. Luckily she never got rid of the letter only never got around to reading it because it was too painful, and that’s how we found out.
It was only my first name that I mentioned but I remembered every word I said on that letter. We cried for hours. All this time life brought us together in this crazy way and neither of us ever knew. It’s too wild. He gave me a chance to be alive to meet the love of my life and start a family with her. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world all thanks to him | Mate that's Mad, the most heart warming thought that came to mind was that if you say to her "I love you from the bottom of my heart" - it's the same place that the love her brother gave and now the father of her child gave her, aswell as the thought that your child will still get to know that a piece of his uncle is still beating and giving out the love that he would have if he had the chance to meet him |
My son is non-neurotypical. Lots of issues in school growing up and misunderstood by loads of people. Brilliant and kind yet different. His best friend is his cat and their relationship was beyond special. My son always said he wouldn't know what he would do if his cat died - he hoped it would be after he left home to go to college. He wants to be an aerospace engineer and would say he would be 'with his people' then so he would be able to better manage losing his cat.
Today, he witnessed his cat die from a difficult yet rapid death and held him as we raced to the vet who could not save him from a massive stroke.
I've been dreading this day - I can fight teachers, school districts, bullies and even his dad to protect him but I can't protect him from death. I too prayed he would be older to have more skills and supports to cope with grief and loss.
My son cried briefly and then turned to console me. He said he was at peace with his cat's death because he was going to use his cat's memory "to propel me to be a more kind, and compassionate man", "we can only move forward, mom".
Fuck - my kid is awesome and perfect just as he is.
Edit: missed words, tense & punctuation when I originally wrote this (I was crying) and now I am crying because your kindnesses. 💙 | This is so beautiful. One of the best posts I've seen today. Your son will grow up to be an amazing individual and it's because of the values you've instilled in him. |
I have an immuno compromised daughter and Trumps demands, against the advice of experts, could result in her death. Fuck him and fuck his base. | The ICE just announced that all International students in the US must leave the country if their University education is online! It's very absurd as they are given 10 days to leave, amidst a pandemic with travel restrictions. They are literally deporting students to put pressure on Universities to stay open. |
Lately I just started to realize there are a fuck ton of weird and predatory males out there. I'm 22 will be 23 in August and I never realized how easy it is to be a guy. I go running everday at 4am, and thinking about it now if I was a chick especially an attractive one (let's be real) I wouldn't have that luxury. I was taking to one of my home girls who runs a good amount and to be quit frank shes really attractive. She tells me when she jogs at night she carries pepper spray and a knife. And I'm just like "fuck dude I never have to worry about that nonsense".
My daughter just spilled her whole cup of jello on the carpet. And she just looked at me and said “mommy I spilled”. She was so calm and just asked for help. I walked over and helped her clean it up. And I JUST realized something.
Now this may sound silly but the fact that she was calm, not scared or trying to hide it. Not terrified or crying or anything. She didn’t think she’d be in trouble (which she of course is not).
But it made me so fucking proud of myself. I didn’t scream at her like my parents would have. I didn’t tell her she’s stupid or get angry at all. And the fact that she knows that. She knows it’s ok to make mistakes and I’ll just help her.
Breaking the cycle folks! So glad my kid doesn’t have to be afraid to make a mistake! | Damn, I need parents like u |
Aggressive Medulloblastoma, golf ball sized. After Almost 1 year of surgeries, radiation, chemo, therapy. MRI was cancer free for the first time. I had to tell someone, everyone, she’s amazing, and for a while we weren’t sure of anything. Two weeks before diagnosis we were in Disney with our three daughters, normal fun vacation. Hug your kids, you never know. | This is awesome! My sister was diagnosed with a medullablastoma when she was eight and she had a twelve percent survival. Now she is a healthy 28-year old! Congrats! |
She is my neighbors only daughter and she’s about 14 years old. My neighbors were really struggling with her and how violent she got with them. She attacked her mom with a knife once but she thankfully didn’t sustain any serious injuries. My amazing neighbors did all they could to raise her well and spent so much time out of work taking care of her and putting all they effort they could to raise an autistic child. It was starting to damage their marriage.
She liked to come over and see our cat when we let him out. She never did anything but look at him and we even let her pet him a couple of times. One day, we couldn’t find our cat after letting him roam around so we thought he just wanted some extra time out. Well, on my way to go to the store, I saw our neighbors daughter inside my cats stomach, pulling all its insides out on her driveway. She also dismembered a lot of my cats body including its head. I immediately called my neighbor and told him what I saw. He was very sorry and felt really bad. I told him not to worry about it and that it’s not his fault. The police came shortly after because another neighbor reported the situation to 911. The cops were disturbed but understood the situation and took my request not to press charges on them.
That was the final straw for them. The violent and gory situation was too much for them and they couldn’t take any more chances, although they still loved her very much. Within the next month she was out of the home and living in a sort of group home for children with severe mental disorders.
It was really disturbing to see and it’s been on my mind a lot. My wife was devastated and we miss our kitty. He was our first pet and only pet. I’m not mad at the girl who did it, just sad that the condition she has has made her this way.
Thanks for hearing me out. It feels good to tell people this story.
EDIT: We believes she might have some form of psychopathy and not just autism. I’m aware this is unusual for people that have autism alone.
Thank you all for the kind comments and reassurance. I really appreciate and think you all are awesome. | I’m really sorry about your cat. This sounds really traumatizing. You sound like a very understanding person |
When you can do such a simple things like: wearing a facemask, socially distance, wash your hands, and stay home if you're sick to benefit society by reducing the spread of covid19, and you don't, then i question the amount of empathy you have.
The betterment of the society you live in is a greater purpose than your individual freedom to be a dickhead.
If you don't care about the good of the society you live in, then don't fucking live in one. Quit your job, move out into the woods, take care of your own health and be a hermit. You don't get to have all the advantages of belonging to a society but refuse to help that society when times are tough. That makes you a selfish wanker, not someone "fighting for your freedom". | I went to the liquor store this morning. Nobody else wearing a mask, I was the only one, 5 other people and 1 laughed at me for wearing mine and said something under their breath.... it’s not even political now. It’s just people who lack any empathy. |
this happened a few weeks ago and im not over it yet. so i was at home, it was 12am. 2 bottles of two oceans white wine down, and i was waiting on a friend to come pick me up. out of nowhere some girl started screaming “call 911 my friend overdosed” and so i grabbed my phone, and stumbled to the hallway to see what was happening and then in another guys apartment, there was this boy. well call him nemo. i knew the guy too, he was purple, dead on the floor and there were 2 girls crying and they didnt know what to do. again, i was fucked up, wine its different then other liquor for me. i calmly gave my phone to a girl and told her to call 911 and i got on my knees and started compressions and mouth to mouth. for 2 minutes i kept going and i didnt cry i didnt freak out, its like even the alcohol wore off for the time being. after 2 minutes of giving compressions to his purple corpse he started to wheeze. so i got a pillow under his head and talked to the EMT. they ended up telling me if i hadnt been there he wouldve died. as soon as i got into my friends car i just broke down and started crying. i learned cpr in grade 10 and i never ever ever thought id have to do it. it still scares the shit out of me and honestly i dont know how i did what i did. | You should be really proud of yourself! There is only a very low percentage of people that would have done this - even when knowing CPR. Most people just run around, scream or walk by.
It doesn't matter that you are scared afterwards - I think thats just the stress relief.
You safed a life! You're a hero! And you are one of the few people that act when push comes to shove.
Good for you, good for your karma! |
She is so perfect, so fragile, so beautiful and innocent and incredible. Mum was an absolute hero, she was induced at 9.30am wed and after 27hours involving a very emotional three final hours and some forceps, my wonderful wife, and the incredible maternity team at the hospital delivered her healthy and adorable.
It kills me that I have had to come home and leave them both there while the epidural is slept off. I can’t sleep, I’m too excited for tomorrow where I can see them both again.
Is it morning yet?
What about now?
Me and the dog are lying on the bed, waiting for baby Isabella-Rose to come home to us. Whatever shit is happening in the world right now... I don’t care... my daughter makes everything ok.
[Edit] erm... I fell asleep and woke up to hundreds of notifications. Thank you so much for all your kind words and support. The silver, gold and platinum award things are very generous, thank you
[Edit 2] some people have messaged, and privately contacted me, quite angrily, feeling that we should have adopted, I understand some of the emotions that leave you feeling that way. My wife and I did start down the adoption path and are likely to adopt in the future. I also have an adopted sister who I love very much and two wonderful foster carer parents. I have never claimed to be virtuous or good, I think you wonderful people whose first thought is that they would prefer to adopt are brave, thoughtful and giving. I am grateful people like you who will adopt instead of having your own children exist in the world. | Take care of your wife first. she's been through a lot and your excitement should be equally invested in both of them. my love to you all💙 |
I started student teaching in a 4th-grade special ed class in September. My teacher told her students that if all 12 of them get 100% on their spelling tests, we can have a pizza party. So far, that has not happened yet. This past Monday, my teacher told them “This is Ms. K’s last week with us. Let’s all work really hard to finally get that pizza party.” The kids were really excited. During their free time, they would all study their words. I never saw them work so hard.
What makes this situation difficult is the bullying between Gabby and Sam. Sam has severe dyslexia and struggles with spelling. Gabby constantly picks on Sam for it. My teacher and school take this seriously and intervenes. However, Gabby still picks on Sam.
After my teacher said “Let’s all work really hard to finally get that pizza party,” Gabby shouted back “Can you make sure that Sam studies since she’s really bad at spelling?” We addressed this with Gabby. Even though she is only 9, she pisses me off with her passive-aggressive comments. Sam practiced really hard for the spelling test. I even stayed after school Thursday to help Sam study.
On Friday morning right before the test, she was crying because she didn’t want to be the only student to fail and ruin the pizza party. I told her that she worked so hard this past week and she is smart.
For the spelling test, our teacher will say the spelling word out loud and the students will write it. 11 of the students have the same words. Sam has a slightly different set of words which are a bit easier. My teacher whispers Sam’s words to her. When the teacher does this, Gabby will sometimes snicker. I can’t fucking stand this. We addressed this before, but Gabby still doesn’t change her behavior.
I finally lost it. This past Friday, Gabby snickered again. I went up to Gabby and angrily whispered “I will take your test and fail you right now if you don’t stop. And you will ruin the pizza party for everyone. Stop it.” She started crying in her seat. I didn’t care. Maybe it will finally get through to Gabby.
Once the kids are done, I walk around and collect all the tests. The kids go to lunch, and my teacher gives me the tests to grade. She leaves for lunch duty. I start grading each test and it's 100% after 100%. I am so proud of my students. I get to Gabby’s test and it's 100%. I finish grading and every single test is 100%. I feel so proud and excited for them. But then I realize, I only collected 11 tests. Sam’s test is on my teacher’s desk.
I go through her test and she is spelling all the words correctly. I never felt so proud. But then, it hits me. The very last word which is always a “challenge word" is spelled wrong. She wrote “because” as “becuase”. I am still proud of her because she got 9/10 correct. She never scored that high before. And sight words are very challenging. But all the students will figure out that Sam “ruined” the pizza party for them. Even if we don’t announce who failed, they will figure it out.
I could talk to my teacher about letting them have the pizza party anyway- but my teacher is a stickler for the rules. “Everyone needs to get a 100%.” I can’t let Sam feel like a failure or get bullied. So, I erased the “u” and the “a” and switched them. Sam probably won’t notice. And I won’t tell Sam or she will feel bad. She will eventually learn how to spell "because". I need her to have her moment.
The kids came back from recess and were told the good news. They were so excited. Sam was so proud of herself! I come back on Monday for the pizza party! | You were given a choice to either create a beautiful moment or a dreadful one. You made the right decision. Also, as a fellow student teacher, rock on. |
I grew up in a very toxic, unstable environment. My dream is to find that feeling of home and have a space that’s stable, safe and secure.
I somehow had this conversation of home the first night I ever met my now fiancé, when we were randomly talking about our childhood. I told him the concept of “home” is so important to me, and I’m very particular about the environment I live in. I can only hope that one day I can achieve that.
My fiancé owns a construction company, and we’ve been browsing houses to purchase over the last year, but none ever felt quite right. We viewed a piece of land out in the deep country last spring that is absolutely divine, and we talked about how we wished we could purchase it and build a dream home on it. I had never thought we could actually do it.
Little did I know, not long after my fiancé made the decision to purchase the land and start building.
Our anniversary was this past weekend, and he told me he had a surprise for me. He blindfolded me, put me in the passenger seat and giggled like a 5 year old the whole way there. When I removed that blindfold and took in what I was looking at, I couldn’t even believe it. After asking “are you serious.....?” About 10 times, I started bawling. It has everything I’ve always talked about. A quaint, classic farmhouse design, a wrap around porch, a mud room at the front with a double entry like I’ve always said I wanted (it makes me feel safe, I don’t know why) and while it’s not quite finished like it was supposed to be yet, because of everything going on in the world, it’s absolutely perfect. I truly can’t believe I have this much good luck with this perfect man after spending a lifetime not knowing where home was, or how that felt. Now I know. | That is amazing. So sweet to read two people clearly in love with each other. |
I'm literally bursting with happiness and I can't tell anyone because it's a taboo subject and I don't want to come off as a show-off. I won't want my family to know or they'd start asking for money so here I am only being able to share this great news to internet strangers.
I am actually so proud of myself I might cry.
Edit: Omg you guys are so sweet. Just thank you so much! | Start practicing saying **NO** 30% louder. |
About a month ago, I posted about putting my late daughter's phone through the wash. She passed away in 2018 after diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. She was only 8 years old.
I was absolutely devastated at the time, and you all were so kind, and really helped me calm down that night. After taking the advice from people here, I put it in rice and didn't touch it for over a month. I am so happy to report that I tried it for the first time today, and the phone works perfectly! All pictures and data are there. I am backing it all up today! I am so happy to have a little piece of her back.
I hope this brought someone a smile today, I know it makes me smile thinking about all the people out there finding a bit of joy in memory of my sweet angel daughter. | I remember when you posted this! I'm happy that the pictures came back and you can hold on to them now. Sending you warmth and love. :0) |
Please take care of yourselves and the people around you. Stay safe. Covid-19 is real. | My elderly aunt died of COVID this week. She has spent the last several months in isolation, just to die. |
To people all around the world,
We, Hongkongers just experienced a terrorist attack planned and executed by our Hong Kong Police Force. At about 10pm today, our police force rushed into our railway system in Prince Edward station, got in to the carriage and indifferently beat up all the people in it regardless they are protesters or simply passengers. They ignored the weapon guidelines and fired tear gas indoor in the carriage which is in fact lethal. Also, they beat up innocent people causing them seriously wounded. Some passengers kneeled before them asking them to stop but the response they got were beaten ever harder. Meanwhile, the police haven’t arrested the passengers after they got beaten up, showing that the only purpose of their brutality was to sort their anger to violence but not dispersing the crowd.
We, Hongkongers are experiencing a humanitarian crisis and we hope that people all over the world can help us in anyways you can think of. Thank you and we will stay strong.
*Edit: thank you guys for all the support! I can’t thank you enough for your support and concern. Your kind words gives us strength to keep going! Please just keep paying attention to how things go, and help us spread awareness!*
Edit (20/9/19) : Thank you, dear redditors! I never imagined I’d still be receiving messages about this post to this day! Please read this report on police brutality by the International Amnesty, and continue to support us!
Thank you for the awards!! Kind strangers!
Fight for freedom,
Stand with Hong Kong!! | I'm sharing this post via my social media. I hope it makes a difference. Even if it is small. I wish I could do more. Hong Kong. I'm sorry you are going through this, but the rest of the world will know and hopefully, it will start some action. |
18 Months ago I had, and recovered from testicular cancer. A week ago I got the news that it is back, and it's in my lymphnodes.
Today my wife, twenty weeks pregnant with our wonderful down syndrome daughter Emilia Hazel went in for her checkup and ultrasound, to find no heartbeat. This is the second baby girl we have lost mid pregnancy. Tomorrow we have to go in, and my poor wife has to deliver the remains of our child in a room with strangers, and I'm terrified I will have to sit in the parking lot outside because of Covid and the morons in this country who won't do what is needed to resolve this.
I just want to die. Everything in my life is ashes, and I am an empty broken man.
EDIT: I am by my wife's side. Some time tonight I will hold my daughter for the first and last time. | I wanted to read her Redwall, and Narnia, and David and the Phoenix. I wanted to teach her to ride a bike and watch her chase my dumb as a bag of hammers dog Remus through the backyard. All of that is gone forever. |
No one around me really seems to care, because if we are being honest, it’s not really that big a deal, especially because I am a grown man of 31yrs old.
But to me this has been such an invigorating achievement!
All my life I have struggled with my reading, comprehension and learning. It’s not that I cannot read, I can, it’s just that it always feels like a huge chore, I get mixed up at times and have to re-read, and wherever possible I always avoid reading out loud, as some how I get things muddled up in my head and never read things accurately. I made my way through my school days always messing up and being teased and laughed at because of the slow pace of my reading. Because of this I made a big effort to make sure that as best I could I would never allow my professional career to be effected, I wanted to insure that all my emails and work would be of the highest standard, I wouldn’t allow myself to look stupid as an adult. Which for the most part I have been able to do, but a quick glance at my posts and comments will show that I am still prone to mistakes, which of course on Reddit means you are totally spell and grammar checked instantly and belittled if you slip up. Reading even on here mostly feels like work, it takes my brain a large amount of extra effort to accurately read anything, I get “strain” headaches and quickly tire when reading, even if it’s short titles on posts.
So for me reading has never been my idea of fun or enjoyable, it’s always been a step towards learning or work and I’ve never gotten beyond that with my attempts at reading for pleasure. I am a big fan of military history and of medical study to do with emergency medicine or first aid, I even studied at becoming a paramedic for a short time before my study opportunity was abruptly ended. So in a way I find those subjects the easiest to begin to read in. One of the first books I’ve ever read that wasn’t because of study or school, was The Diary of Anne Frank, it took me 2yrs to finish cover to cover, but I was 17yrs old and it was my first ever book away from school and I still felt accomplished! I found a series of books, 4 in total that were first hand fictional stories based around the real conquest of Genghis Khan, imagined stories about his planning and conversations etc. I took me 7yrs to complete the books, but at 26yrs I decided that recreational reading wasn’t for me. At age 29 after watching the series Band Of Brothers for about the 50th time, I brought myself Major Richard “Dick” Winters book, recounting the events of WWII from his vantage point. It combined my love of military history with my love of the TV series, and over a 6 month period I read the book. But it still really really took so much effort.
Now with Covid-19 effecting everything, and a prolonged bout of severe illness on top of my disability, combined with a less than ideal living situation and battling my chronic depression after attempted suicide earlier in the year, I found myself with a tremendous amount of time, isolated in my tiny bedroom bored out of my mind which was further whittling at my mental health. I picked up a book entitled SAS: Ghost Patrol, which was a historic telling of the very beginnings of the SAS fighting with a special unit known as the Long Range Desert Group, who specialised in crazy daring deadly raids on the Nazis in Northern Africa during WWII, and focused on a hugely brave and bold attack on a Nazi port of Tobruk. I began reading, and soon I was realising that I was reading well into the early hours of the night, night after night! And just like that I had finished the book, in less than 3 weeks! I had actually thoroughly enjoyed it! Then I picked up the next, and then the next and soon within a short 8+/- weeks I had completed 3 books, three entire books read and most crucially ENJOYED! I am so excited and proud of myself! I just had to tell someone. I have just picked up my next booked entitled “March Battalion by Sven Hassel”! Thank you for listening.
Edit: Wow! This has blown up far beyond what I ever thought possible! Thank you so so much to everyone for sharing such kindness and support! It’s a bit overwhelming. I have tried and will try to get a reply to everyone who comments, but incase I don’t I hope no body is upset, because there is hundreds of comments and I am struggling to read them all in a timely fashion! Also a big big thank you to everyone for the awards, I received my first platinum award today, which is just WOW! Thank you!
Also I’ve found a link to a website with simulates what it can be like for those of us with dyslexia or other learning difficulties when trying to read. [Dyslexia Simulator]( | Awesome.. what you read?? |
My biggest source of stress is people who come in wanting to buy a pill/supplement that they can slip to their partner/spouse without them knowing. I get asked on an almost daily basis to help some person essentially drug someone that trusts them so they can get a nut. I’m horrified and every time it happens I sort of shut down because I’m afraid of saying the wrong thing and losing my job. I’ll usually say something like “well our pills can’t be crushed up or dissolved, so I suggest having a conversation with your partner about trying one and allowing them to have informed consent” and they look at me all horrified like “I’m not trying to rape them”.... but they kind of are. Giving someone something to make them horny when they wouldn’t take it if given the choice is such a violation of consent and trust. I would be destroyed if my partner did that to me. How can anyone ever think this is okay? | Your response is perfect. Thank you for being brave and kind. Hopefully it makes them rethink things. |
She signed "I am happy that you are in my life."
I'm falling in love with this girl.
There's something so deeply personal to this video. It's like she shared a piece of her world with me, and to me alone. I had to share this somewhere because I am bursting inside. I'm gonna learn ASL, so I can be a part of her world too.
I'm falling in love with this girl. | This is the sweetest thing ever |
Im so sorry to the people I automatically looked at and judged. I was raised in a racist household but Im realizing theres no reason to hate every group of people that is different than me. We bleed the same color of blood. I just don’t have a reason to hate people I don’t know. Most of the problems I have encountered in my life were by my own race. There’s literally no reason for me to hate somebody I don’t even know.
I want do things to help people now. Don’t know how though. | This post is amazing. And wholesome. I love u in every single way for changing how u treat people and looking at it from other people’s perspective. Thank you on behalf of all humanity’s |
I’m talking about those really thin cups that are basically just there to hid the nipple let’s be fucking real and honestly I’m a small chested woman and I don’t need the cups so more times than not I just take them out after trying to fish them around to the right way for like half an hour.
And before you say doesn’t matter about price. Cheap or expensive they all do it!
Usually it boils down to 2 options....nipples on show or uniboob workout. Or I could just like y’know fix it but fuck that when I’m in a rush!
EDIT: apparently the curse of the Uniboob is a plague upon us all!
Thanks for the comments and awards everyone...can’t reply to you all because my inbox is carnage atm.
And to answer the most common private message. why yes, i did is my chest and no I won’t take my bra off 😂 I don’t like to disappoint more than person in a 24 hour period as a personal goal.
And to the ladies apparently Puma is the brand we need to go with to avoid this issue. Peace! | I wish they were EITHER permanent or non existent. This “removable” nonsense is the worst of both worlds! They are never in the right place and take forever to fish out/get into place. |
I woke up around 9:30 this morning and she was snuggled up against me with her school Chromebook (camera off), doing her live lesson and even scribbling down notes.
Showered, teeth brushed, and a warm bowl of oatmeal on the table next to my bed. She also knocked out over half of her assignments while I was peacefully snoring away.
Honestly, I'm fucking speechless. I've always had issues sleeping properly (due to anxiety, if I had to guess). Instead of taking my being tired/irritable personally, she grabbed it and ran in the opposite direction.
The most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me came from an 8 year old.
Edit: I don't know what these awards do specifically, but they did make feel even more fuzzy which is what counts ❤ Thanks guys. Please give me more cute stories. Even if I'm slow to respond, I really enjoy reading them. | She's such a doll. You're so lucky to have a kid like her man |
We live in a rural area where all the water comes from each house’s individual water well. These wells cost upwards of $20K to drill. We bought our house about a year ago, and the pump at the bottom of our 200 foot well went out Monday night.
Called the water well guy, he came and gave us the bad news. Unfortunately his truck that brings up the pipe was getting fixed, so we had to call someone else to come fix it. They were busy but could come yesterday evening. It was going to cost anywhere from $3000-$5000.
My husband had the day off work (he was on standby for call outs) and he was bored, and decided to watch you tube videos on replacing pumps. He then decides he can fix it with mine and the kids’ help.
His work truck has a crane on it, so he backed it up to the well house, and we tripped 200 feet of pipe like we’re awesome oilfield drillers. Ok, maybe not that flawlessly- having to slide down the rope and back up to catch the pipe so we don’t lose it down hole- but by God- we pulled all that pipe out, got a new pump from our water guy, wired it up, then sent it all back down home. And it freaking worked!!!! We got our water back last night, and we didn’t screw it up! My husband saved us $5000 at a time we didn’t have it to spare. And the kids are now making jokes about starting our own water well service. My husband is a ballsy, confident man- but in a good way. I’m a lucky woman. | Hell yes! You found a treasure |
I was so excited when I finally figured it out that I thought it would be appropriate to share it with others. I have personally been struggling with bad breath since I was 10 years old for several reasons.
When I was 10, I had tonsil stones and didn't really know what they were. At that age, I thought that it was food coming back up, so I ignored it for 6 years, until I did my research in high school. I removed them myself thinking that it would help, but it actually made it worse. I was bullied by others who continuously commented "Your breath smells like sh\*t." At that point, I begged my mother to take me to an ENT and scheduled an appointment to get my tonsils removed. The doctors told me that they should have been removed years ago because they were "highly infected." After I got them removed, I thought I was home free to continue brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash with no bad breath. WRONG!
After I got my tonsils removed, I still had bad breath. I researched again and decided to buy a tongue scrapper, but it didn't work. I was at a standstill again for about another couple of years until I looked up that the ingredient in most toothpaste was sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which can dry your mouth out. I did have dry mouth, so I started focusing on buying toothpaste without that ingredient. I also started using alcohol free mouthwash, and it still didn't work. I was back on the path of spending lots of money buying different products that had no effect on me.
I later researched that post nasal drip could cause bad breath, which I had. I went to the doctor, and they told me to buy over the counter nasal spray. I used it thinking that it was all over. NOPE!
From there, I thought that everything was coming from my stomach because my oral health was not the problem at this point, so I started eating healthy foods in hopes that it would help, but it didn't.
Then, I started flossing after every meal, and it only helped temporarily, so I knew there was another problem.
I kept reading forums online about people who cured their bad breath, and I read across someone who said that they started using oral probiotics that contained BLIS M18. I bought several bottles hoping that this would finally be my eureka... It wasn't. That, too, was also a temporary solution.
After everything I tried, I thought there was no hope for me, but then I came across the post that talked about using diluted hydrogen peroxide (HP) as a mouthwash. My dentist makes me use diluted HP every time I came in, so I figured it was safe. I brushed and flossed like I normally did and then swished to solution in my mouth, even brushed it on my tongue, and IT WORKED! I finally had a long term effect. For the rest of the day, my breath was fine. I didn't think it was possible. Then, the next morning, I woke up with very little morning breath when it's usually very bad in the morning. I don't use the solution daily, only when I feel the need to. I'm hoping that my post will reach someone because I have struggled with this for most of my life, and it has really dampened my confidence, but not anymore. If I can figure it out, then you can too.
EDIT: OMG! Thank you guys for the support! I honestly didn't think this would get this much recognition lol
For those wondering, I used half and half for the HP solution. I literally bought the store brand kind, and it worked for me. I used to 3% in the brown bottle that you can buy in the store. You can dilute it more if you feel the need to. I also still use the oral probiotics occasionally. You can look up any online that have BLISH M18 in it. Most of them have good reviews.
When it comes to the process, I floss and brush first. I personally use Sensodyne since it doesn't have SLS in it (at least the one I used). From there, I take the half and half solution and swish and gargle it for 30 - 45 seconds. Then, I rinse it with water to make sure it's all out. I also put some on my toothbrush and scrub my tongue with it. Sometimes I use the chewable oral probiotics afterwards if I felt the need to.
Also, I don't smoke, I hardly drink coffee, I eat fairly healthy, I don't have diabetes or tonsils anymore, so some may have other issues than me. | This post hasnt got enough attention, this must have been absolutely life changing for you and could potentially change someone elses life |
I was raped in March of this year. The whole thing is fucked. He didn’t get punished. Nothing happened to him. I tried to report it and was basically laughed out of the police station.
“That’s not how things work sweetie, we can’t do anything about it”
Now it’s November. I’m in therapy, the kind that’s free because It’s through a rape crisis counseling center. I love my therapist, she’s helping me a lot. Really.
But I woke up yesterday seething. Nothing happened to him. Nothing. He still works as a worship leader at his church. He’s still dating the pastors daughter. He gets to exist exactly as he did before.
I want revenge. Stupid fucking idiot, I still have the screenshots of him basically admitting it to me. I have the screenshot of when he threatened to kill himself, the picture of him at a train track that he posted to a private Snapchat story where I was the only one added. He manipulated me. He made me think I had caused someone to kill themselves. It was just to make me feel bad for him. To make sure I didn’t say anything.
I’m going to post the screenshots on Instagram. And I’m going to tag everyone he fucking knows. His mom, his sisters, his girlfriend with the pastor father. I’m gonna do it on Thanksgiving too, because FUCK HIM.
The police won’t do anything, fine. At least the people in his life will know he’s a rapist. And if they don’t believe it, at least it will always be in the back of their minds. I’ll plant the seed, and wait for it to grow. Idgaf.
He ruined me. He ruined the way I interact with people, he ruined my relationship with my male friends, he ruined my relationship with my dad. Because I can’t trust anyone anymore.
I want revenge, and I plan on getting it. | Burn his life to the ground |
Today I tried to do a nice thing for one of my coworkers. She mentioned she had a craving and so when I was getting my lunch I picked up the food and drink she wanted too on a whim. I gave it to her and went to the breakroom to eat.
I guess I got the wrong type and flavor. When I came back from my lunch she told me to ignore the instant message she sent me. Naturally I read it since it was the first thing that popped up when i logged in. It was some not-so-nice things about me that she meant to send to our other coworker.
I tried to keep my composure but I had to go to the bathroom to cry. I've always been kind of an outcast, but this was a huge blow because I thought my coworkers genuinely liked me.
I feel like even at 28, no matter how hard I try to fit in and be nice, I somehow mess it up. | Your coworkers don’t deserve someone like you |
“Someone who drowns in 6 feet of water is just as dead as someone who drowns in 20 feet of water. Stop comparing traumas, stop yours or anyone else’s trauma because it wasn’t “as bad” as someone else’s. This isn’t a competition, we all deserve support and recovery.” It’s a quote I found online, but reddit won’t let me credit the person | I have an ex best friend who used to do that. No one could have a problem because hers were always So much worse. |
I photograph a lot of people. Almost everyone believes they are ugly. Your grandmother. Your child. Your best friend. Most models. Most actors. Maybe even you.
“Oh, don’t take my photo, I’ll break your camera!” laughs the 80-year-old grandfather. When he dies a few months later, his grandkids will treasure this reminder of his “ugly mug.”
“Please delete this,” says a dear old friend. She looks beautiful. She looks like herself. She’s been captured in a moment in which she is utterly comfortable in her skin. And she hates it.
“Oh God,” I said, because I had to get a professional headshot for work. “I have a face like a slapped ham,” I told the makeup artist I hired because I’m so hideous that I can’t bear to have photos of me around. The selfie I took of “the best it’s ever going to get” is my husband’s iPhone background.
You will never see yourself with the love that others have for you. That’s what makes a person beautiful, not angles or contours. You will never be objective about your appearance. But fortunately for you, your friends and family are never objective, either: They’re biased to see you through the way they smile when you walk into a room. They want every photo of you they can get their hands on, because each photo is tied to your memory.
You’re the worst judge of your appearance. Trust me. You look fine. The camera loves you. Now take a picture. | Reading this made me smile. Thanks for sharing this important message :) |
I’m a woman in my late twenties and most other young women I know do not share the same sentiment as me. I’m not anti-marriage, but I am anti-wedding!
Personally, I’ve been a bridesmaid in a handful of weddings, 75% of them have ended in divorce after less than 2 years of marriage. I’ve seen first hand all that goes into planning an elaborate wedding, and what the most important aspect of the wedding is: photos.
From the diamond rings that get shown off in every single selfie like a trophy, the professional engagement photos, expectations of showers, bachelorette parties costing hundreds of dollars, personalized hashtags, the cost of the dresses and accessories, the cost of the weddings themselves, how much time is spent before and during the ceremony taking professional photos and how much staging goes into it..... and that’s what it’s all about, getting gorgeous photos to share on social media, to rub it in everyone’s faces how much money you have and how pinterest perfect your life appears to be.
A lot of this comes down to the toxicity of social media in general, and old fashioned consumerism... I can’t help but to find it pathetic. | I know someone who books weddings. She tells me stories that blow my mind. I also know someone who is divorced but still paying off his wedding. Taking out a loan to have a wedding is insane. |
I really want to type this out so that I can read it back one day, so here goes.
Today is the 2 year anniversary of my dad’s death. I am staying with my grandparents (dad’s side) right now because long story short after my dad’s death my mom started seeing a guy who, imo, clearly prefers my brother, and mom’s new bf & I can’t live in the same house. I love my mom but I’m old enough now for her to respect my decision to live with my grandparents for the summer.
Today was an emotional day of course. My grandmom is very sentimental and recently she has been putting together photo albums, one of my dad, one of his brother, of me, and of my brother. Today my grandmom and I were looking through the one of my dad, the bulk of which is photos of him as a kid/teen when he lived with my grandparents but has a few more recent photos.
One of these recent photos caught my attention.
See I have JME (type of epilepsy) that gives me these occasional “jerks” or spasms in my arms and legs. Because of this I’ve never been able to go in water so I never learned to swim. Despite this we went to the beach a lot as a family (CA residents, lol).
The photo that stood out to me was one of my dad in his 20s, so a bit before I was born, treading water in the ocean, clearly very deep in. My grandmother told me that his brother took the photo when the two of them + their then-girlfriends went cliff diving. I said, but dad couldn’t swim? She was confused and said of course he could, did I really think he was the kind of person to not know how to swim?
For as long as I can remember, on our frequent family visits to the beach, my dad had told me he couldn’t swim as he was scared of the water so could I keep him company on the beach? This had been great for me of course, as I didn’t want to be alone while my mom and brother went swimming, and we would find other games and things to do while they were in the ocean. To be honest it had always seemed silly to me that he was scared of water, he was a marathon runner / generally very sporty person who grew up in California so I didn’t get why he never just learned. But now I realise that of course he could swim. He knew I didn’t want to be a liability because of my condition, that if I thought he wanted to go I would tell him to go without me and leave me behind, so he told me he couldn’t swim.
He didn’t think I’d ever find out what a nice thing he was doing for me and yet he still did it every time. Especially today, that sent me over the edge. Thank you dad.
edit: typo - my dad’s brother took the pic, not my brother. My brother is 15, lol | I don't cry at Reddit posts (this one got me can't lie), but man your father was an amazing man. |
My wife is pregnant by the way and just entered her second trimester. The last few weeks her sex drive has sky rocketed so we have been going at it constantly and trust me I’m not complaining 😅
Yesterday I had to go into my office for a few hours. I get back home and caught her touching herself with a pic of me on her phone. She was looking at it so intensely, like she didn’t even realize I was there so her brain was completely somewhere else. I gotta admit it would’ve been hot if she was watching porn (because we do watch together sometimes) but the fact that she preferred looking at a picture of me to get herself off…I mean I’ve been riding on that high all day.
She told me she did this sometimes if I was on a trip or something and she missed me.
That definitely gave me a boost, and not gonna lie made me feel pretty sexy haha | Bro watch out. She might have feelings for you. |
Exactly the way I left it this morning. My bed is still made just like I left it. My food is still in the fridge. I only have to cook for myself so I cook and eat whatever I want while playing my music/podcast as loud as I want it without worrying about bothering someone. I turn on all the lights in the house because I like a bright house and no one complains that it's a bad habit. I can eat in bed with no one telling me that I have to eat at the table. I binge watch my favorite show in bed, late into the night and laugh as loud as I want without fear that I'll wake up my partner. This is what happiness looks like. It feels so good to be myself again. | This is my favorite thing right now, wish I had my own place. |
Fuck them and fuck every single piece of shit human who still fights to make this normal. Yall are straight trash with your shitty miserable capitalist outlook on life. But good job brainwashing half the fuckin country to make us think that that's the only way that society can run and the only way that people deserve benefits and health insurance. Its honestly impressive how most people hate work and realize it's ridiculous to dedicate 5 days a week to your job, leaving yourself 2 days a week to care for yourself or do what you want. From the bottom of my heart and with passion, go fuck yourselves. | The 40 hour work week was hard won by labor activists because before that it was 7 days a week 12 hours a day!
I 100% agree it is due for a modern upgrade but dude it was so much worse before it was 5/40.
Edited to remove my inappropriate "lol". I am sorry OP. |
Waiting to downvoted since this is a male dominated website but whatever.
If you have ever openly declared yourself as preferring ass over tits (or vice versa) as well as openly stated that your prefer "big" or "small" whatever then you have no right to complain when women state their preferences. If you have ever made fun of a woman for being fat, having small breasts, having a small butt etc. then you have no right to complain when someone says the same kind of remarks about penis size, height, or strength. There is nothing wrong with having a preference there is something wrong with creating a hierarchy about uncontrollable factors such as body parts. If you have ever used cruel terms like roast beef lips, pancake tits, pepperoni nipples (isn't it amazing how many terms we have used to reduce women to a consumable product) then you have no right to complain when others are critical towards your physical appearance. I think it's unnecessary and immature when people both male and female accuse people of having a small penis, however usually the first thing that a woman is attacked about is her appearance as well so your experience isn't unique. Don't want to be reduced to your penis size? Don't reduce women. You may say that you have had women lose interest once they found out your height or penis size, and once again your experience is not unique. Many women are turned down due to their weight and level of perceived beauty. Never ever have I seen a man's accomplishments be belittled or undermined by how "fuckable" they are perceived as. Don't want people to be judgmental towards you? Then stop judging others.
Edit: Thanks for every comment, upvote, and award. I wanted to offer a different perspective and am happily surprised to see such a positive reaction overall to a such a societal conundrum. I think we all just want to feel appreciated and valuable, so we all should try harder to facilitate that for others. Being able to appreciate the diversity of beauty in return increases our own. | I’ve never thought of looking at it this way. I find it unique and interesting how everyone has their own preferences and for that, they should be respected and not belittled for. Thank you for sharing this, it genuinely gave me something to think about. |
No one put a gun to my head. I wasn't smuggled into doing this work and it all happened in a free country, in a legitimately run studio easily recognized for producing hardcore content.
No one tells you how awkward and intimidating it is, especially when you're an 18 year old girl, surrounded by a roomful of casting agents, executives and producers/directors all men of course just pushing their own degrading YET PROFITABLE agendas, but they polish it, they sell and pitch it well, especially if you're young, they talk to you in a way that it only makes sense to an 18 year old. Looking back in recollection, it's all very patronizing
They'll have you believing your own non existant hype in exchange for taking your identity, ruining your body and sacrificing your sanity and ultimately your soul. But you will “look so hot” and “be such a bad b” is what they tell you
No one tells you that they don't actually care that you are coked out your mind during filming and that the directors actually PREFER THAT YOU ARE HIGH so they can coerce (in their words “direct”) you to do things you'd never usually do like multiple penetrative gang anal, being urinated on, throated, bukkake, all of the degrading abusive genres
If you're not a big name performer and just starting in this industry the pressure to do extreme is PUSHED ASSERTIVELY because they know you are naïve or easily intimidated because you are new, but the truth is, it's because they can PAY YOU FAR LESS than they do for big name performers that can afford to demand premium pay to do extreme scenes.
So basically as a porn rookie your underpaid ripped, infected asshole, mouth and vagina are essentially only about profit and economics for these studios.
There is no drug testing, you just sign a form to verify that you are not high, but often times you are INSTRUCTED by directors and PA's themselves NOT to fill out that you're high.
They film a “consent” video to verify that you were ok with whatever transgressions happened to your body, but is it really consent if you're threatened that you won't get paid while the directors/production assistants guilt trip you about wasted filming/crew time or constantly yell at you to cooperate and consent?
Do you know how AWFUL it is watching yourself being gang banged/raped when you are clean, sober and having little recollection of it happening?
Do you know what it's like constantly fearing having ANY intimacy with ANYONE because they think they have the absolute right to abuse you because they saw it happen to you in a video.
Even worse is me knowing my abuse is freely available to view out there for any young people to watch and form toxic ideas about sex and non consent.
I Iive inside this nightmare EVERY SINGLE DAY!
The studios do not care that you are broken, theyve made THEIR own BIG PAYOUT off MY name, MY body, MY degredation. In exchange for what? $1000, $1500 per shoot so I can afford medical expenses for my grandmother, fix my car, pay my bills, feed a destructive drug habit, to live... in exchange for getting my anus ripped apart by strangers so many times that I need to inject it with Botox in order to heal and not defecate involuntarily in public?
Never mind what I will need to heal my mind, because I'm so far gone that may never heal.
If you think this industry helps performers with healthcare, that's a joke since THERE IS ZERO HEALTH CARE OR PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORTS FOR PORN ACTORS. ZERO!
All they care about is sti testing and even on that front there are so many flaws and loopholes and lies.
I cannot tell anybody how or why or why not to use porn, that is everyone's personal choice
but if this, THIS is what you find entertaining, please understand there is a very steep price people out here have paid with their bodies and soul, for your 5 minutes of empty pleasure.
Edit; I am overwhelmed by the kindness and positivity so many of you have messaged me with and much thanks to those who've awarded my post.
This post was purely meant as a cathartic release in the form of words and I'm thankful there are platforms like this one for venting in such an unfiltered way
Even though I no longer participate in the industry I am by no means anti porn, many people who choose to do porn do so for their own reasons that's not for me to judge. Yes, I've met a few very rare people in the business who are genuinely good. This was my own experiences within the trade, but I do believe the industry does have a responsibility to look out for the interest of their sex workers, ESPECIALLY THE YOUNG OR NEW PEOPLE, and not manipulate them | OP, this is horrifying. I saw the documentary by Rashida Jones and other women about the porn industry and how barely adult young women are taken advantage of in the porn industry called "Hot Girls Wanted." There's a sequel as well.
When I saw that I thought there actually has to be more and worse. IIRC it barely touches on what you went through.
I'm so sorry, OP. I hope you're doing better.
"Hot Girls Wanted" and it's sequel, "Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On" are both on Netflix if anyone is interested in watching it. |
Final edit: Hey everyone, thank you so much for the awards! I want you to know when I wrote this i DIDNT think this many people would see it or comment. I feel like such a part of a reddit family now haha keep on being your badass women AND men!
Edit: holy shit I’ve never had a post do this well thank you all for the support ❤️❤️❤️
Edit 2: omg 1.4k upvotes and awards! I feel so HEARD by you all thank you!!
Edit 3: hi everyone I just woke up to a post that blew the heck up! I’m reading through all your comments but if I don’t get to answer youre still awesome!
I don’t want kids. I’m 99.99% sure of this. But I’ll leave that .01% for the chance that I fall in love with the perfect man and magically change my mind. We as women don’t OWE anyone an explanation, but I’ve completed a list of every reason I do not want children, hopefully I don’t forget any.
-I do NOT have a maternal bone in my body. Screaming children make me homicidal. Kids having a tantrum make me want to drop kick them, not coddle them.
-I don’t want to be pregnant.
-I don’t want to experience morning sickness (not everyone gets it, but I have no desire to test that theory)
-I don’t want to give up alcohol for 9 months
-I don’t want to go through labor
-I don’t want to gain weight and get more stretch marks
-I don’t want to give birth, I don’t want to tear, I don’t want to poop on the table
-I don’t want to deal with the vaginal recovery of birth. You don’t just snap back to normal, you bleed and look fucked up for weeks
-I don’t want to have to not have sex while recovering and have to deal with a “husband who has needs”. I just pushed a fucking baby out of my vagina go get a fleshlight.
-many husbands cheat on their pregnant spouses. I don’t want to be cheated on in general, but the pain seems worse when you’re carrying someone’s child and have to still give birth to and raise that child
-I don’t want to deal with sleepless nights.
-I don’t want to fight with my spouse over who has to get up to take care of a middle of the night screaming baby
-I don’t want a relationship to suffer because I feel like I’m doing a majority of the caretaking when it is BOTH of our child
-I don’t want to clean explosive diarrhea diapers
-I don’t want to deal with every fucking stomach bug kids bring home from school each year
-I don’t want to spend my hard earned money on anything other than myself or those I choose to spend it on. NOT on someone I HAVE to spend it on
-I don’t want to deal with tantrums in public OR at home
-I don’t want to do any of it. I don’t want to sacrifice my life to raise a baby. I just dont. I’m sure there’s a lot more I forgot about. I see the value in having a family. I would date someone with a child from a previous relationship. But I have no desire to grow and birth a child or raise one.
People feel all of these things. And to question anyone on why they don’t want kids is just rude. Think about all these points. They’re valid. No woman should HAVE to deal with ANY of these things if she doesn’t want to. PERIOD. | SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS! I told my nurse I never wanted children and she looked at me like I had killed a puppy!
I’m with you!! |
I found out last week that my cancer is progressing faster than was previously thought. I thought I had some years, maybe a decade left. I have 2 years, maybe 5, now. I won't see my kids graduate high school or college, find real love or find themselves, and I'll never meet my grandkids. I've made peace with it - to some extent, but an accelerated timeline took me quite by surprise.
Love your families, fellow Redditors. Life is short and sometimes cruel.
Tldr: fuck cancer, but good. | I love your sentiments. Thank you. I hope everyone on Reddit sees your post because what you said is all that really matters.
Just know we are all rooting for you. Maybe new medicine becomes available. You don’t sound like someone to give up hope. Wishing you the best. |
Dear wife,
I first met you when I was 19. I’m 34 now, but I still remember the moment I laid eyes on you. You know how people say, “It was love at first sight?” Well, I used to think it was a stupid overused cliché, but it happened to me that night. You were a Renaissance painting come to life, with your emerald green eyes, smooth, opal-like skin, and wavy blue-black hair. Your voice was like bells pealing. Your smile, radiant and glowing.
I was your first kiss. I was your first boyfriend, your first love, your first everything. We dated for 2 years before you broke up with me for the first time, over some silly argument I don’t even remember. We were split for a year, and then you came back into my life.
We dated for nearly 3 years this time around before you broke up with me again when I was 25. You were scared by how fast our relationship was moving and wanted to be free. So I let you be free, but God, how it hurt me. We were practically engaged by that time. I was sketching out designs for a ring.
I dated other women, but none of them were like you. You also dated other people, some good men, some mediocre, and some really, really bad. You cried in my arms after one of your boyfriends had yelled at you and left bruises on your cheeks.
But one day, less than 2 years after we had last broken up, you told me you were engaged (to one of the good ones). I went to your wedding. You looked like a Queen, every bit as beautiful as the day I first met you. How your face lit up as you saw your soon to be husband! I always thought, that when I attended your wedding, I would be the groom.
Wedded bliss didn’t last long for you. After just a few months of marriage, your husband passed in a tragic accident. You miscarried your child. This sent you spiraling into a whirlwind of depression, anxiety, and opioid addiction. Yet I stood by you. I watched as you buried your husband and your unborn child, I watched as you collapsed onto the ground, watering the fresh earth with your tears.
Some years later, we reconnected. You were recovered now, and more like the girl you once were. Your laughs were fewer and far in between, but they were still there. Your once youthful and innocent eyes were harder now, more weary, tired. But despite all this, despite everything, I still loved you.
And deep down, you loved me too. For the second time before you turned 30, you were married. To me, this time. Sometimes, it hardly feels real. I wake up in the middle of the night and hear you breathing beside me, and a wave of pure joy washes over me when I realize that it’s you.
Still, I know that I don’t have your heart completely. I know your heart is fragmented, and a piece of it is buried in a small graveyard by the sea. Your name is written on that tombstone as well, with your year of birth and a foreboding blank space after the hyphen. Some nights you wake up crying, and you will not tell me why, but I know why. Sometimes I know that when I wrap my arms around you, you close your eyes and pretend that it’s him.
I know that, and it’s alright. I love you, and that’s all that matters, so long as you love me too. Love is an infinite resource, and your love for him cannot deplete your love for me. I know that. | You are a good man.
Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes. I can’t help but feel that makes OP feel even the tiniest bit better to know so many people co-sign his goodness. |
That is all. | Wearing a mask properly would be a great idiot test if it didn’t mean making others sick. 😐 |
My name is Amelie (26) and I have a 5-year-old son. My ex-husband (29) cheated on me with his co-worker, Bethany (28). I was 2 months pregnant with our second child when I found out. Bethany was going to have his child. I miscarried; my ex left the house to be with her. It's been 2 years since it was born. My Mother-in-law has been supportive of me and has had nothing to do with my Ex or his mistress and their child. Up until a few months ago.
I adore my In-laws and we're extremely close. My MIL and Parents are the best of friends. She loves me and her grandson more than anything. This infuriates my ex-husband's affair partner. My in-laws cut contact with them straight away. Bethany was jealous that her child would never know the love of grandparents. At least her son has a father. This brings us to the problem. Unfortunately, my MIL has been very ill for a while and so she's updated her will. My ex-husband was an only child, so he would get everything. But now, my son will inherit her house, villa and money. I will receive a large portion of her money and all of her belongings. Until my son turns 18, it will be in my trust. If I pass before that, my Parents will take care of it. They do not know this.
The thing is, once they caught wind of her being ill, my ex-husband begged for forgiveness. The mistress started being nice towards her (she's started fights and called her horrible names before) and forced her to be around his baby. My mother-in-law is bed bound, but she says she wants to leave with a bang so she'll endure this. I haven't encouraged her to do anything and this is her choice alone. They want her money, and her son thinks he is still included in the will. He also thinks his child will now be acknowledged by his grandmother and will also receive money. Now, my MIL hasn't actually said she's forgiven them. She despises her son and his mistress for tearing apart our family. She wants to reward those who deserve it, and get revenge in one go. The mistress keeps on hinting on how her child will grow up and attend a great college etc. (Money involved things) whenever she's around my MIL. Actually, MIL's niece (my cousin by marriage) has overheard her on the phone discussing what wallpaper she wants in the dining room when she 'moves in' and how my MIL has no taste whatsoever. She also mentioned how she'll finally be able to take down pictures of my son when my ex owns the house.
Too bad for her, it will belong to my son. No changes will be made until my son becomes 18. It's his grandmother's home and he should be allowed to cherish it in the way she's decorated it. I'm not really allowed to tell anyone, and though this revenge will be satisfying, I'll have to lose my Mother-in-law. It's kind of a win-lose situation and I dread the day when she'll take her last breath. She means a lot to me, I love her. She wants this for her grandson, and has said that she cannot rest until she knows her son and his mistress have been punished. She wants this because her childhood was also ruined because of her father and his affair partner. She wants my son to know he was loved and will always be loved. I hope my son will always value the great women in his life. I wish he had more time with his grandmother.
I might make an update if anyone wants it, though I pray to God it's a long time before that.
Edit: I thought this post would attract just a handful of people but wow! Thank you all for listening to me and giving me advice. As for those who are angry at me for not asking my MIL to include my ex's new child, I can't do anything about that. Yes, I'm happy, and that's selfish, but I'm going to put myself and my son first. That child contributed to my miscarriage and is one of the reasons why my son has not had a father for over 2 years. I can't change my MIL's mind about him. I do pity the baby, but it's not up to me to fend for it. It's not my responsibility. I've tried talking to my MIL but she's had her whole childhood ruined because her father made his affair children his top priority. This is why she wants nothing to do with it or her son. He knows that she went through so much because of cheaters. Yet he decided to do the same to her. He has seen his grandfather favor his aunt and uncle over his mother. If this happened to you, you wouldn't be so happy about sharing yet ANOTHER thing with the baby. Thank you again to those who have listened to me, and I've read out the nice comments to my MIL. We've had a great laugh together.
Edit 2: The mistress would send me photos of her ultrasounds after I miscarried. Either to me or to my family. In the first envelope, she sent a letter full of the nastiest things about me, my son and my miscarried baby. She'd even tagged me on social media on an account I didn't know about. It was an invitation to her Baby Shower. She has done plenty of disgusting and hurtful things to me regarding my miscarried baby. The people who are coming at me in the comments would not be as civil as me if anything like that happened to them. Ignoring her child is honestly the best option. I do not want my son to grow up with her son. And to those who are insulting and saying rude things about my dying Mother in Law, you are truly disgusting. | please have the will overlooked for the lawyer just in case he contests it and to prevent aany loopholes |
A few months ago we met at the gas station. She didn’t have any money on her and she was trying to get to a bus stop a few blocks away. I drove her on the way we were chatting about everything. We really got along and after finding out she didn’t have anywhere to go I asked her if she’d like me to get her something to eat.
But I just wanted an excuse to keep talking to her because we had so many things in common and I enjoyed our conversation. Her story and how badly things have gone for her personal life ever since the pandemic.
At one point I remember her asking if this is okay (she was about to kiss me). I told her it was more than fine and we kissed. One thing led to another and we had sex in my car.
We saw eachother a few more times at coffee shops to talk over the next weeks until she told me she found a job an hour away and it was also close to a shelter until she could afford her own place to live. That’s a little bit of our background story so you see how it got to this.
First time in months she contacts me that she’s over 4 months pregnant with our baby. It caught her by surprise and she says she was so stressed with work it didn’t really hit her until she remembered we had sex.
I’m a little overwhelmed ( I have proof the baby is mine). She said she understands if I don’t want to be involved with the way it all happened. I don’t feel that way at all. It’s scary but once I actually saw the ultrasound photo of our baby my heart fluttered.
I’m a dad. No idea how we’re going to work this out but I plan to be there for my kid. Just wanted to say it all somewhere before the time comes to tell everyone else in my life | Good luck with your journey. Crazy things happen in life and hoping you guys can work it out. Best advice I could offer is no matter what happens always be respectful to each other for your kids sake |
I got a 98% on my exam yesterday and I still can’t believe it. Nobody really cares enough for me to tell them so I’m telling you guys. The exam was ridiculously hard and the majority of my class failed it. I still have another exam coming up and test outs but my confidence in my abilities has sky rocketed.
Edit: okay, you guys are all seriously awesome. This has made my week. I did share my grade with my husband after posting and he was pretty excited for me. Sorry to not really respond, I’m still studying for my last exam. I love all of you for this though. I needed this after this ridiculously long semester.
Second edit: this post is super old on Reddit time but if anyone is still following I got my score back for my last exam. 96%!!!! | As a future sick person, I care. Thanks for your great effort. Congrats! |
My only friend gets mad when I put it on, like WTF?! I'm not making a damn political statement, my mother is at risk so I don't want her to fucking die. Even in stores a lot of people working aren't wearing masks??? Like what the hell is happening? WE ARE STILL IN A PANDEMIC NO? Also I'm a little scared for my safety if I'm being completely honest, I get so many judgemental stares and the truck people my friend hangs out with post the most propoganda shit about covid. I'm telling you, it's wild living in a small rural town and having an opinion other than people.
EDIT: Thank you all for being so supportive <3 | I live in Tennessee, this post hits too close to home. |
He was born happy & healthy. Most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen in my life. Happiest day of our life is sadly also the hardest one. We wanted him so bad. Right now where we are in our lives though, barely surviving paycheck to paycheck, food stamps, and living in a shitty ass neighborhood in one of the most expensive overpriced cities in the US, we know we can’t do it with a baby. I’m sad we can’t provide the life he deserves.
We know the family he’s going to is gonna love him so much. They have been waiting for years to have a child. They’re good people, we know they are. And we know he’s gonna have a good life with them. My girlfriend cried for an hour when it was time to say goodbye. She’s sleeping on me rn. My heart hurts. Hurts deeper than anything I’ve ever felt. I only got to hold him a few mins but it already feels like I can’t breathe without him.
This is for the best though. We both know it is.
Hope one day we can meet again baby boy | I’m a mom to a precious little girl who’s sleeping in my arms right now thanks to another couple who made the same decision that you and your gf did today. We have a strong relationship with my daughter’s first family and I hope you can have the same with your son.
The day we left the hospital I cried my heart out for my daughter and for her first mom and dad who loved her enough to let her go. I am wishing you and your girlfriend peace, healing, and brighter days to come. |
Audrey when we found you, you were 1/2 dead and 100% feral. I’m glad you grew out of attacking everyone. Only took 4 years. I’m glad you’ve learned to allow the occasional family friend to pet your head....only the head anywhere else and you bite and that took 8 years. I’ve accepted that you don’t really like humans and are happy just doing your own thing. But can I tell you a secret? I know you come into my room at night and snuggle me. You’re not exactly sly. First of all you weigh like 20lbs. You’re a fat cat. So I can feel when you walk all over me. Also girl you purr like a freight train when you’re happy. And you tend to drool on my face when you stare at me. You always come in once you think I’m asleep and bail when I start to wake up. You’re not as sly as you think you but that’s okay. I love you very much and it makes me so happy you show me love in your own special way.
Edit: You guys I had no idea this would blow up and I’m so happy I could touch so many of you. I just love my little kitty and needed to get it off my chest. I’ve been reading her your comments. She seems pleased.
I know some of you asked for a picture. I don’t have an imgur but I did post it under the cats sub so you can see it on my profile :)
And finally thank you to everyone who contributed to this post. The Silver, Gold, Platinum and comments are not lost on me and I really take those compliments to heart. | That’s very sweet 💕
Thanks for loving her, most people don’t care about animals who do that. She’s very lucky to have you 🥰 |
I got out of a really bad marriage where my then-husband snuck around on his phone constantly. After three years of that treatment I’m still working to trust others again. Yesterday my current boyfriend and I were at uHaul and he needed to grab something but wanted to keep his phone unlocked because it had the sign in pulled up. He just handed it to me without thinking anything of it but I’m over the moon that he trusts me and I can trust him to be open about everything on his phone. | I had a moment a few months ago very similarly with my boyfriend.
He doesn’t have a lock on his phone. Anyway, he went to the gym in our apartment complex and left his phone at home. I could have gone through it just for the hell of it. But the fact I wasn’t even tempted to snoop told me all i needed to know about our relationship.
So glad you’ve found someone who’s helping you rebuild trust! ❤️ |
I’ve been wracking my brain and I just can’t understand why private medical insurance is a good idea for anyone but the pigs getting rich from it. There exists an entire industry around medical insurance. All of those people, including CEOs that get paid millions of dollars a year, take a shitload more money then it would cost to just pay to send someone to a doctor. What kind of sense does this make? | Let’s not forget they are taking that money and paying off your politicians :) |
I was 8 and he was 28-30 (can’t remember) after it happened my mom beat him so bad he couldn’t work, but he never went to the police.
Last i knew he was homeless and/or dead so i started to open up about what happened. I told one person his name and what he used to look like because he asked.
That friend put it around (without my name) and it got to the community he was staying with, one of the men had a daughter who died young so he murdered him, in broad daylight and no one stopped him.
He’s dead and i’m happy about it, i don’t care that he had family. He wasn’t given a grave so i can’t visit him but i know if he’s watching he hates me.
I’m the reason he’s dead and I’ll hold that forever, not to feel guilty but as an accomplishment almost. | My rapist killed himself when he heard I was going to report him to the police. He killed himself. The trash took itself out.
I’m so happy for you, I know the relief you feel must be amazing |
edit: wow this blew up. thread is locked so I can't reply to all the good wishes but I am reading them. thank you. thank you for all the rewards as well. i didn't expect this and I don't know what to do with those rewards but I'll figure it out. Once again, thank you. | I don’t remember where I came across this, but it’s always stuck with me:
Found in a therapists office.
I don’t like the phrase “A cry for help.” I just don’t like how it sounds. When somebody says to me, “I’m thinking about suicide, I have a plan; I just need a reason not to do it,” the last thing I see is helplessness.
I think: Your depression has been beating you up for years. It’s called you ugly, and stupid, and pathetic, and a failure, for so long that you’ve forgotten that it’s wrong. You don’t see good in yourself, and you don’t have any hope.
But still, here you are; you’ve come over to me, banged on my door, and said, “HEY! Staying alive is REALLY HARD right now! Just give me something to fight with! I don’t care if it’s a stick! Give me a stick and I can stay alive!”
How is that helpless? I think that’s incredible. You’re like a marine: Trapped for years behind enemy lines, your gun has been taken away, you’re out of ammo, you’re malnourished, and you’ve probably caught some kind of jungle virus that’s making you hallucinate giant spiders.
And you’re still just going “Give me a stick! I’m not dying out here!”
“A cry for help” makes it sound like I’m supposed to take pity on you. But you don’t need my pity. This isn’t pathetic. This is the will to survive. This is how humans lived long enough to become the dominant species.
With NO hope, running on NOTHING, you’re ready to cut through a hundred miles of hostile jungle with nothing but a stick, if that’s what it takes to get to safety.
All I’m doing is handing out sticks.
You’re the one staying alive.
Stay safe, my friend. You’ve got this. |
I’m kind of insecure about my body. I’m not obese or horribly overweight but I know I could stand to lose a few pounds. I’ve been nervous about being naked in front of her, especially since she’s so stunning.
This is a pretty new relationship and we had sex for the first time today. It was amazing and we fell asleep in each other’s arms afterwards. When we woke up and it was time to get up and dressed she was just staring at me and my body. I asked her “what’s up?”
She got up and walked over to me, took my face in her hands, kissed me and said “you’re so beautiful.”
I started crying grown man tears right there and she just kept kissing me all over my face. She guided me back down to the bed and let me lay my head on her and cry. She rubbed my back, wiped my tears, kissed my forehead, and just held me.
As a black man I don’t often feel like I’m allowed to have emotions and be vulnerable but she makes me feel so safe.
My girlfriend made me cry today and I’ve never felt more loved. | Cherish her, there’s nothing like being loved for who you are. I’m so glad you have someone in your life to make you feel loved! |
This may sound dramatic, but this happened to me when I was 12. I had just gotten my braces off and the dentist was getting rid of the glue on my teeth. After he was done he said “I shaved down your canines while I had the grinder out to make them look more feminine” I asked what he meant and he lifted up a mirror, I had fairly sharp canines growing up that I really liked and he had shaved off a good amount and made them rounded instead of sharp. He said that boys would like me more and that he had made me more feminine and pretty. He didn’t ask me about it, he just did it. Forever altered my teeth without my consent because I was a female. I went home and cried, I didn’t know how to tell my parents so I didn’t until much later and it was way too long after to do anything about it, I was 12 so I don’t blame myself, but I do wish I had stood up for myself. I’m still pretty upset about this 10+ years later because it just shows how girls get treated sometimes and the lack of bodily autonomy I was given. I hope it doesn’t happen to anyone else.
Edit: Wow. I cannot believe this has happened to so many people. Imagine how many more that don’t use reddit or haven’t seen this post. I didn’t realize this was so common. I am truly sorry for anyone this happened to. You deserved a choice.
Edit 2: For those saying I only care about sexism if it affects females that is not true. I can only share my experience and what happened to me. I am against circumcision. I am against taking consent away from anyone. I will support any man who shares his story of sexism, however I cannot share a story of male sexism because it is not my story to tell, that’s why mine is from the female perspective, because it is the only one that I have experienced and can share. | Now you all are making me wonder if they did it to mine without me knowing.... |
I’ve been job hunting since August and finally found not just a job, but a GOOOOOD job, a SALARIED job, a job with AMAZING BENEFITS, a job that PAYS MORE THAN MY STUDENT LOANS, a job that USES MY DOCTORAL DEGREE, a job that PAYS MORE THAN I’VE EVER EARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It feels amazing to be valued for my skill set!!!!!!
Thanks for listening!!!!!!
Edit: you all are the best!!!! Thanks a million for the support!!!! Also, I am a woman just FYI lol. Also to those who asked I think I replied to everyone, but I am now a scientist at the best public university in the northwest! | Hell yeah! Congratulations! That’s awesome, especially with the way everything is right now. Enjoy it! |
I’d never felt such cold, raw fear push through my veins like it had a couple of hours ago. I wasn’t even able to get my door unlocked before he attacked me and I shit myself on purpose as he tried to unlock my door with my keys while they were still in my hand. I shit myself with the force of a thousand pistons and let it run down my legs. No sane man would attack another person but I think it takes an even crazier man to rape someone covered in shit. Lucky for me he wasn’t that sort of crazy. I never thought it’d be so rewarding to shit myself as an adult but here I am 4 hours later, showered and safe. | Accept my award for your self defeces. You have been promoted to brown belt.
Jokes aside, I'm so sorry this happened to you. Nobody should ever be in that position. |
I’ve never really written my whole story and before I go I wanted to have someone remember who I was, even if it’s a series of anonymous redditors. This is going to be a long read and I apologize in advance.
I was born into a wealthy family in managment of a household corporation from the part of the world I was originally from (East Asia). My father was a cruel man who often abused my mother and I ferociously. Despite all his shortcomings, he tried to groom me into becoming a good man who would one day lead the company he built from nothing. As the years dragged on his health declined.
When I was twelve, he passed away and it was said he worked himself to death. Flying between America and Korea mustn’t have been easy for him as he often seemed ill especially during the finals few months of his life.
In the years after my father’s passing, my mother took on the role of shaping me into a future corporate leader by having me educated at the best schools in America. Those years were hell for me as everyday I missed my home and all the friends I’ve left behind in my home. However, despite despising school, I made good marks and was moderately received by my teachers.
For my final year of high school as I was slotted to graduate early, I requested to be transferred to a sister school across the country. That’s when I met the only person I’ve ever loved. She was a student at the school, an underclassman and a scholarship student of my nationality. Despite what my culture would’ve perceived as shortcomings, such as her family status, I loved her. Till this day she is the kindest person I’ve ever met in my life and one of a few people who truly wants to be my friend for me.
Eventually I worked up the courage to ask her to date me and she agreed, much to my surprise. Much of the school didn’t approve of our relationship due to manifestations of elitist culture and how judgmental people can be when it comes to appearances. I thought I was going to live out my life happy with her much like in those Korean dramas I’ve always considered silly.
My dreams of an ideal romance was shattered when I was diagnosed with a terminal disease. At the time of diagnosis I had four months left, now most of that time has passed as I’ve attempted to continue a life of normalcy with increasing failing attempts at covering my poor health. My cough no longer passable as a cold, my limp no longer concealable as a sore leg, I can no longer maintain the pretense that everything is alright.
As I realized how much pain she would’ve been in had I passed away, I ended my relationship with her abruptly, without explanation. She was hurt, as to be expected, but I reasoned she’d be better off without the burden of my death on her. If nothing else, she deserves better than me as I cannot be there for her much longer.
Now at the end of my life, I’m coming to reflect on all the things I wish I could’ve done differently, as many others have done before me. Yet, I find little I would’ve changed because now that I’m in the ninth inning, as my username suggests, I’ve arrived at the realization life is simply a set of cards dealt by the universe in which there is no order. The universe is neither good nor bad, it’s apathetic and uncaring. Nearing the end, I’ll die alone as my mother is now preoccupied with raising my brother to replace me an ocean away. I don’t mind it, as my parents have never truly been together with me.
With death imminent, I’ve considered professing my belief in a higher power but that would be a lie. Never in my life have I believed in the existence of a supreme being who is responsible for life. I shall die as I’ve lived, by myself, save for a short amount of time that I’ve been lucky enough to spend with her.
If you’ve read to this point I would like to say thank you, and I’ll miss you, even if I’ve never met you before. Maybe I’ll be proven wrong and there is something greater than us out there. In that case I’ll look forward to seeing her again, someday.
Thank you and farewell
-Anonymous | Damn I’ve got no words other than I hope your last week is peaceful my friend. I hope you get to see her in the beyond.
Farewell my anonymous brother I’ll pour one out for you. |
A good start | CONGRATS! You’ve done it for three days, which means you can make it four! One day at a time. You got this, and I’m proud of you. |
I’m tired, and so is everyone I work with. I was a combat medic, then an LPN, and now I’m a medical technologist for a big clinic. I’ve always done whatever it was for my patients. I would’ve taken a bullet, ran through IED infested fields, died for my brothers, got COVID, worked back to back 10 hour shifts because everyone else quit, the fucking list goes on. My urgent care department and ICU are entirely full of unvaccinated fucking morons right now. They’re fucking up everything for patients who actually need our care and can’t get into the emergency department at our hospital due to them also being swarmed with fuckheads. I’ve never thought this, but after having over 150 patients a day with only three providers and our nurses crying in our lab, I’m over it. I’m tired of so many patients thinking it’s bullshit until they’re sitting on deaths door and beginning for treatment. I’m tired of working 60 hour weeks because we’re so understaffed.
I’ve always felt like this was my calling. I’ve loved patient care and interacting with patients, taking care of them, making sure they felt comfortable and safe, and this last week has truly changed me.
When the news broke out about the Omicron variant, I immediately hoped that it was the most lethal yet, and that it just wrecked havoc on the population, and that was such a horrible thing of me to think and I’ve never felt like this. I don’t even care at this point and I want people who are still doubting the severity of this virus to suffer.
Even writing this I feel bad, but part of me is just over it all. I am emotionally dead after struggling so much for the past two years. | I just got out of the hospital yesterday. Missed Thanksgiving. Small bowel obstruction, hernia. My nurses were the very best people I've met in years. I tried asking how "the whole situation with covid" was going. They just got blank faces. They wouldn't discuss it. They talked about how they didn't mind working on the holiday. They talked about their plans for when they got off shift. They did their jobs so wonderfully. But all that came after I sat in the ER for 14 hours. On a pad with blood spots on it, cause there was no where to put me. I cannot, simply cannot, imagine what you guys are going through. It's one thing to ask someone to do their job to the utmost of their abilities to the point of breaking, it's another to tell them to do it again the next day. But to do that for almost 2 years now. I cannot fathom it. Thank you for what you do, and for all your coworkers. |
There was a boy in my neighborhood that I had a crush on as a kid. Nothing came of it and we were never particularly close.
Years later he passed away in a car accident he was at fault for, and killed several people. No drugs or alcohol involved - it was snowy, slick, and he was a new driver. I felt horrible for everyone, but especially his poor mother.
His mom was a single parent who struggled financially. From what I understand, she practically bankrupted herself to pay for the funeral and for another car. On top of losing her only child.
So, I secretly leave him offerings periodically. Sometimes near his birthday, death day, or Christmas - I always leave it before the date, so his mom sees it. Apparently she posts about it on Facebook, all excited someone still remembers her son and wondering who it could be. | As someone who is watching their sons memory be lost over time, thank you so much. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you for remembering him and letting his mom have that moment of happiness. It will mean more to her than you ever know.
If, for some reason you have to stop due to moving it might be smart to leave a small note just so she knows. A lot of people forgot my sons passing day this past year and the lack of outreach from family and friends had me wrecked. But please know, you’re doing an amazing thing and this post gave me so much hope. |
Travis Scott is a piece of shit who killed my friend. Fuck him and his baby mama
EDIT: I didn’t expect this post to get big, I’m just hurting and my heart breaks for all the victims and I hope they find peace. Please spread awareness and hold your friends a little tighter for a little longer. Thank you all for the kind words and condolences. | I just learned about this.
I'm fucking appalled.
Woodstock was a 500,000 person festival that lasted three whole fucking days. LSD, prepped-up blotters for a dollar. How many people died at this massive fucking event?
One overdose, and one freak accident.
Travis Scott and his fans were present for a length of time 7% as long as Woodstock.
Travis Scott and his fans made for an attendance amount 10% of that of Woodstock.
I have no doubt in my mind that it should have been statistically much safer than Woodstock.
This was 400% deadlier than Woodstock.
This entire thing makes me fucking angry.
How the fuck can you stand onstage for a 5 hour concert in 2021 and rack up a death toll 4x larger than that of a drug-filled 3-day megafestival?
I know how.
You can fucking scream at your fans to fucking rush the stage. You can continue performing as people are literally fucking dragging beaten, bruised bodies into safety, only to watch as these same people are pummeled to death by your own fans.
You can be Travis Scott.
I'm fucking appalled.
If there was any fucking way I could help, bro, don't hesitate to reach out in DMs. I may be young but I have experience dealing with mental shit like this. I talked myself out of shit and I've helped people and I'm not gonna stop.
If you need anything, just ask. Ask any of us. Fuck, man, I'm willing to bet that there's someone more qualified than me reading this that would be happy to help.
I'm sorry. |
I'm European and seriously his ideas are nothing radical.
Now Americans can vote between two p**sy grabbers. | I think of America as a pyramid scheme. |
ya I have nobody to share this with but lol. it’s the little things. | That is not little. As another addict, that is a HUGE fucking accomplishment and you have no idea how happy reading your post made this random internet stranger.
You fucking got this!!!!!!! |
She’s only 37. Her birthday is in exactly two weeks.
Happened on Sunday. We made a nice Easter dinner. right in the middle of it she said she felt funny and stopped eating. Then she started to lose feeling on her left side. I called 911 and she was taken to a hospital.
I couldn’t see her because of viral precautions. So I sat in a waiting room for hours to speak to a doctor.
She had emergency surgery. Part of her skull was removed to relieve pressure and they took out a most of the blood from a “massive hemorage” that was pressing against her brain stem.
She’s stable but in a stupor state. She responds to pain only in her right arm, but then goes back to unresponsive.
I can’t visit her while she’s in the ICU, again because of viral precautions. So I’m at home getting periodic calls from nurses and doctors.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I’m just crying and wanting to scream
I don’t have much of a support network. My parents died when I was a teen. we don’t have many friends just one person we’re close to
On my wife’s side her mom was killed 9 years ago during a burglary. And she’s not on the best terms with her father. But I’ve still been keeping him updated
typing this all sounds fake. So much crap we’ve had to deal with and now this
We have two dogs and they were barking most of the day. I break down in tears again telling them she can’t hear them right now
And something small and silly, but makes me extra sad is we had just finished laundry so nothing smells like her.
Thanks if anyone reads this. I just want to rant, and not feel so completely alone. And want people to know how much I love her.
*edit 1 I’ll try and comment to people directly but I want everyone to know that this helped more then you might think. Reading strangers who don’t have to care be nice is really comforting and I was able to sleep most of the night.
I haven’t gotten any updates over night so I hope that means at least she’s the same.
*edit 2 just talked to the ICU nurse and she's about the same. her eyes are reacting now but she'll go back to unresponsive without direct stimulus. no responding to commands.
*edit 3. 2pm. Nothing to update Yet for those asking. I’m just very glad I bought a dozen handkerchiefs for allergy season. That’s cutting down on the tissue use a lot especially with how hard it is to find paper products right now
*edit the 4th. 11:30 PM. She’s still doing the same. It’s just a waiting game to see if she improves. Right now I’m keeping busy taking care of all the animals. I mentioned the two dogs, One corgi and one pomeranian, we also have two cats. They’re both persians that are ex show cats. We got them from a lady that rescue show cats after they can’t compete anymore. But she’s over 60 now and can’t handle the dozen or so she had. They’re a lot of work
*Edit 5 weds morning: She’s off blood pressure meds, she’s moving her right arm a lot. Her left arm is showing some reactions but it’s minimal. Left leg still shows no reactions. back to waiting and hoping
*Edit 6 weds night: She’s opening her eyes some but not really following movement. She’s been acting agitated so she’s been put on some pain medication. the rest is about the same. still “trending positive” is the phrase they used
*Edit 7 Thursday morning. Neurological she’s the same. She’s still on pain meds and intubated on a CPAP and a feeding tube in her nose.
I can tell they’re gently telling me that this might take a very long time, they’re talking about more long term solutions like a tracheotomy for breathing and a PEG tube for feeding. If she doesn’t show much progress 7-10 days after the event. So this coming Sunday to next Wednesday.
*Edit 8 Thursday night. Still the same again. The nurse tonight mentioned that her blood pressure seems to spike after being touched. So that’s a reaction of sort. Happened before this too, she was really only touchy with me. And even then in a bad mood she wanted to be left alone. I asked about FaceTime again and apparently they’re doing “Virtual Visits” so they’re going to try and set that up for tomorrow.
*Edit 9. Friday morning. Had my virtual visit. Just told her all the things the pets have been doing IE one of the cats went on a puke fest last night. The best part was just watching her breathe, it was the same as how she sleeps.
*Edit 10. No changes to her condition to update. I had to give our Persians a bath today. That was not fun to do without her.
*Edit 11 No changes to her state of consciousness. I had another virtual visit, I got her dad join. But the connection was so terrible we had to constantly reconnect to get google hangouts working again. Just let her know that I gave the unopened milk away to a family across the street. I also helped an older lady bring her groceries into her house. She said her Husband had passed away last summer, heart attack and then stroke. Small world
*Edit 12 Saturday night. She’s still the same they have her on an EEG machine overnight checking in case she’s having small seizures maybe it can say if anyone is still home.
*Edit 13 Sunday morning. No improvements. I’ll be a week come 7pm tonight. I got a small prognosis and it isn’t a good one. I don’t even want to type it out. I have rough week ahead. Still hoping for that miracle
*Edit 14 Sunday night. No changes to update. A week ago she was just getting out of emergency surgery at this time and I was sitting in the waiting room at the hospital. Everything feels so unreal now. I need a miracle hon, please
*Edit 15. Monday. No change in conditions. The current prognosis is she’ll be like this for possibly years. Maybe after a time being able to open her eyes and upgrading to a “Vegetative” state. She’ll never come back to who she was.
*Edit 16 Tuesday. No changes, she’s plateaued. I started talking to a social worker at the hospital. I’m still doing the virtual visits once a day.
*Edit 17 Wednesday. She had an MRI for a clearer picture of her brain. The EEG was showing she might be deteriorating. There’s a big chunk of her brain that isn’t getting any oxygen. Acute ischemia to a few Latin named parts: the corpus callosum, basal inula, etc. So a chunk of her brain is damaged and the brain doesn’t grow back. She’s on a limited DNR right now in case something else happens it’ll be between her and the universe.
*Edit 18. Thursday. She’s being moved into hospice. She has too much brain damage and will never wake up and always be on life support. I could keep her going for months, but that would be against her wishes given well before all this. I’ll get to visit her tomorrow though.
*Edit 19. She’s just passed on.
*Edit 20. I'm alive. thanks for people sending me messages and chats. my world has shattered completely. whenever she got really depressed and suicidal she'd say "But I want to say with you" I'm sorry honey you won't be able to do that.
*Edit 21. May the 4th. Been 3 weeks since her stroke and over one since she passed. I’m still surviving. I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing or what I’m supposed to be doing. Just thought I’d update since people are still following this and giving their condolences. Thanks | I... I’m speechless for you. I can’t even fathom how that felt in the moment. I hope you and her get through all of this. I feel like crying tbh because there’s nothing I could do to truly help but I hope my words at least soften the blow. Good luck out there man.... |
I’m at work and can’t scream or cry or make any of the unintelligible sounds I want to make so I’m getting it out here.
I never even knew an attorney growing up. Was the first in my family to go to college. I feel like I’ve been faking it as I go, pretending like I know wtf I’m doing.
I haven’t eaten or slept well in weeks worrying that I failed, but I did it—I FUCKING DID IT and on my first try!! Not bad for a gal who didn’t even know the difference between state and federal courts on my first day of law school.
And I did this shit in the middle of a PANDEMIC. Graduation was cancelled. Bar exam postponed. All the drama. I’ve never been more proud of myself 🥺 | You legend! Now go out there and make a difference! |
I work at a large sortable fulfillment center owned by Amazon. I'm not going to go off on Amazon's work rules in this post. They are demanding, but offer good pay for unskilled labor and have excellent benefits. The job is way below my education and experience level, but I took the job knowing full well that it would be demanding.
It's the inventory and volume of inventory that causes me to lose hope for humanity. Our facility is almost 1 million square feet, and it's stuffed to the gills with shit people don't need. The sheer number of gadgets, gizmos, trinkets, decorations and toys contained in this warehouse is mind-boggling. The number of sex toys alone is staggering.
Each and every day, an average of 70 semi trailers packed full of useless items back into our dock where product is offloaded. Since the inventory levels remain fairly constant, a similar volume of shipments are made to customers daily as well.
Amazon has approximately 175 fulfillment centers, so simple math says the inbound/outbound volume of this crap is somewhere around 4.5 million truckloads a year... and growing! That may be off to a degree, but is directionally correct.
Each of those inbound shipments comes to us in a corrugated box. Most of the time it's a box within a box. Frequently it's in a box that's in a box that's in a box. That's a crap-ton of corrugated cardboard boxes.
And then there's the outbound boxes...
Virtually all of the products are enclosed in some sort of plastic, be it a poly sleeve, a plastic clamshell or some other sort of manufactured packaging. I can't begin to estimate how much petroleum is needed to make all this plastic packaging. This doesn't even include the fuel used to transport product from raw materials to finished goods to China port to USA port to distribution centers to fulfillment centers and finally to Betty Sue and Bob.
My guess is 80%+ of this stuff is manufactured in China or a neighboring ASEAN market. There have to be hundreds of millions of people employed at finished goods factories in China producing these goods. Add to that all the people involved with inland / ocean freight and customer deliveries.
And then there's Walmart, Target, maybe 100 other big box retailers and a slew of smaller venues who sell these items. Amazon isn't the only game in town.
My guess is that of the 7.8 billion people on this planet, that at least 25% are involved somehow in this distribution machine.
Simple math again says that 2+ billion people make their livelihoods in some form, shape or fashion serving Amazon and its competitors.
And then there's the customers...
So this is what the meaning of life has come down to. A significant portion of the world's human resources have life occupations producing, selling and delivering products that nobody really needs. At the same time, the sheer volume of consumption of resources to feed this beast blow my mind.
And the consumers can't get enough of it.
It's simply depressing. That is all! | "here we are... Working jobs that we don't want, so we can buy shit we don't know need..."
-Some dude in a movie prolly |
I know I won't probably get anything meaningful from reddit, but at this stage of life I don't have a single soul to talk to.
I met my wife when I was 15 in high school, she was 17. That latter part of my teenage years was probably the hardest of my life, since in half a year I lost my mother. Never knew my dad so she was the only thing I could consider "family".
At that time, me and my wife were only friends, but she was there for me, and grieved with me. I think I started developing feelings for her during that time.
We started dating when I was 17, and we got married 7 years later.
For context, my wife was very frugal and unmaterialstic. She never cared about clothes, makeup, brands, cars, ect.. Always spending money on thrift shops or during sales on whatever she liked. I remember trying to impress her with my 370z just for her to react with "what car is this? A Corolla?" So yeah. I think you get the type. But that's what I liked about her the most. And also, she was the most caring person I ever knew.
In our family, she's the successful one, always working in big corporations. Regarding myself, I always worked as a community first responder for my local hospital. The salary wasn't high, but I loved my job, helping people as I could.
Fast forward, two years ago she received an offer from an important company for an executive position, offering four (yes, four) times her salary (and let me tell you, her salary wasn't bad by any means). But we should've to move to a different city. At first, I was doubtful, since that would've mean losing my job and not be sure if I could have contributed financially to our family for an indefinite time period, but she said that she could have sustained the family effortlessly with this new job, and for that time I could have looked after the house and groceries, till I could've found a new job. Since she was so enthusiastic, I accepted. I was happy to support my wife's carrier.
Well, the best way I can put it is that my wife underwent a crazy trasformation. Some Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide type thing, if you know what I mean. She started caring more and more about luxury brands, jewels, cars, etc. I don't think you can quite imagine my disbelief seeing her coming back home with a Versace bag after seeing her for years wearing 10$ coats from our local trift shop.
She also started hanging out with her new female coworkers a lot. My wife isn't very extroverted or very social, so that was quite the shock, but I was very very happy for her. I thought that she finally found her dimension after years of struggling.
But that happiness started fading after she started coming way later and home every day. And later. And later. Until it was a miracle to be able to talk to her for 10 minutes a day. I thought it was very busy with work (since well being an executive means lots of work), till she started posting lots of photos of her with her coworkers drinking, going shopping and stuff. The fun part is, she never finds time to reply to my text, but she always has a minute to post photos. And when she replies, she says that she's "working".
She also literally stopped saying things to me altogheter. Have you ever experienced your wife/husband going to work with an Audi A3 and then coming back home with a Porsche Macan GTS? Well, I did, and let me tell you. It's no fun. I confronted her on if it was a business issued car, which it isn't, then on why she spent so much money on a car when she didn't care not even a little about cars. Her passive aggressive response was that it's her money and that she entitled to do as she pleases.
Or have you experienced not seeing your wife/husband coming back home for a night and not replying to text just to receive a call the following afternoon saying that she forgot telling me that she left for a business trip? Well. I hope you haven't.
But the worse is when she invited me for lunch with her coworkers. I was very happy because that was the first time we were doing something together in months, and I thought that what I've experienced before what only a phase and that it was all ended.
My wife left first because she had work to do, so I dressed up nicely and left two hours after to the scheduled restaurant.
For context, I sold years before my 370z because I didn't need a sportscar no more, so my daily driver is a very frugal Renault Clio. I like it, and since I don't need that much, I don't have reasons to upgrade to a pricer model or brand. Well, I get to the restaurant, park my car in front of it, get inside just to see my wife staring at me like horror stricken. She gets up from the table and takes me outside of the restaurant, then proceed to literally insult me for parking my Clio in front of the restaurant and in front of her table, saying that I embarrassed her and that I should've parked it somewhere hidden. I was completely at a loss for words. I asked her why, and she said that it was a cheap, non luxury car, not representative of her lifestyle. She then gets back inside the restaurant, warning me not to embarass her like this again. I attended the rest of the lunch in shock. That day I realized that that girl I had at my side wasn't my wife. It wasn't the girl I married anymore.
My wife is now out of the house, celebrating a great year for the company, and I'm here at home writing this with the divorce papers in front of me. I don't think I can handle this situation anymore. I tried lots and lots of time to talk to her, to tell her how I feel, to tell her that she changed, that she's not the same woman I knew. But she just doesn't listen. She always says that she has no time and that she needs to work, or she tries to minimize the situation saying that it's not true and that she never changed.
She wanted kids, now she doesn't want them anymore, saying that they would rob her time from her carreer. She wanted to travel, now she doesn't want to do it, for the same reason. Is she really the same woman I married?
But still, I can't bring myself to talk about divorce with her. Most likely because I hope that somewhere hidden inside of her there's still the woman I loved and still love. Even if this doesn't seems like the case. | Just wanna say I’m sorry man. I can only imagine how painful it is to watch someone you love slowly change into someone completely different.
She’s made it perfectly clear you aren’t a priority, you aren’t even someone she respects. Money blinds some folks.
You’re making the right choice. You deserve to be with someone who loves and cares for you, and who wants to build a life with you. This woman does none of those things anymore. |
I'm so fucking tired of buying my frozen waffles in packages of 10. I'm 24 years old I eat 3 waffles at once. With a package of 10 that's 3 days of waffles with 1 leftover. IF I were to eat 2 waffles than that stretches it to 5 days, but who the hell eats only 2 waffles. I'm a grown ass adult. 3 waffles is the ideal meal to start the day. 2 is chump change. I'm so done with waffle companies oppressing us like this.
It's time for a fucking revolution.
Edit: I'm so happy to see that this post has created such lively and meaningful dialogue. I would like to address a couple of points that have been shared.
"Just eat real waffles"
Real waffles are reserved for the weekend. During the week if I decide to eat waffles I elect to have the frozen variety.
"Just eat 2 waffles"
"Just eat 2 waffles and add sausage or bacon or fruit"
As good as that sounds, that's better paired with real waffles. No.
"Fucking preach"
This guy gets it.
And for the dude/dudet that gave me Platinum, your donation will be put towards a righteous cause | Buy 3 packages. Then you’ll have enough to stretch over 10 meals and you’ll never have to settle for a 2 waffle meal.
Edit-fixed spelling* |
Hi, I really appreciate the support and advice i was given on my last post. Dylan came home last night around 10. I had a whole speech prepared to confront him with, but I could only end up saying "i know about you and Karo"
I'll spare the details of the conversation because it's still raw, but he left around midnight. He only took a few of his things. I haven't spoken to him since, aside from him telling me he was coming to get more of his things, and after our conversation I've decided to go through with divorce. I've collected all the necessary information, and I'll be getting in touch with a lawyer shortly.
Again, Thank you all for the advice and help to come to my senses. | Next step: dump those dreadful ‘friends’ |
Subsets and Splits