I had to wake up at 6AM for work yesterday, he made sure I went to bed on time. Then I felt sick on my way home so he met me at the train station and walked me home, and carried my bags. He made me tea as soon as I got in, and let me rest before making dinner for me. Then before bed I said that my body was sore and he gave me a shoulder massage and made sure I put my phone down and got a decent sleep. He does this shit every day, and doesn’t ask me for anything (I still do it all back). I can’t wait until he’s my husband. Edit: Thank you for all the lovely comments! I absolutely promise that I am eventually going to get this guy a ring, we’ve actually already picked out wedding and engagement rings but rings are expensive. Also someone is downvoting a lot of nice comments, I’m upvoting all of them but be kind to each other guys, if you don’t like a comment just ignore it
This is very sweet! The only time I get massages is when he’s trying to sneak it in 😤
My grandma called me yesterday to tell me she needed some stuff from the supermarket. I’ve told her a billion times (because she’s pretty stubborn) that whatever she needs I’ll go get it for her so she won’t have to go outside. So I was surprised when she called me to tell me that. Anyway, today I went to the supermarket, bought the stuff she needed and headed to her house to leave it outside her door. I called her to let her know they were outside and she opened the door to grab them. I kept my distance from her and waited until she collected everything. Then she came back at the door and we got to talk a little face to face. It was such a relief to see her in person. We’ve been talking on the phone almost everyday, but seeing her and talking to her while she was in front of me made a difference. I told her that I really wanted to give her a very tight hug and that I hate the fact I can’t do it and I barely kept it together. I didn’t want to make her feel bad and knowing my grandma she would’ve hugged me right on the spot. She said that she wanted to hug me back and her voice broke a little. We talked a bit more. She told me about her garden that’s started to bloom and then we said goodbye and I was on my way home. I don’t know why I’m writing all this. Please stay safe. And keep your favourite people safe as well. Let’s hope this thing will end soon and we’ll all be able to hug and kiss our beloved ones. I hope you’re all doing well. Take care.
I feel the same way. Today we dropped off some masks to donate to the nursing home my grandma stays at and after we dropped the bag in the mailbox we walked around to my grandma’s window and knocked and talked to her through the glass for a little while. She is my absolute favorite person in the world and it just kills me not to be able to see her. I worry about her and her care every day. Hang in there, we are truly all in this together 😭
I thought he humiliated me then rejected me. It’s been years now, and I realize that he did me a huge favor. I was 18 years old, and a virgin. Not because I was “saving myself,” it just hadn’t happened for me. I had a few sexual experiences with boyfriends and drunk at parties but never had sex. I hadn’t explored myself sexually. I had just started my first semester of college, and was working nights waitressing at a restaurant. He was seated in my section late one night, right before we closed. He was so good looking, 30 years my senior, a surgeon, and a smooth talker. I know he was having fun making me blush. He left me a $100 tip. Two weeks later he came back in, late again. He asked me back to his place. I (way too eagerly) agreed. We talked for a while, started kissing, and ended up in his bed. I was naked. He was rubbing my clit. I disclosed that I had never actually had sex before. He was very surprised, and had a lot of questions. He asked me in detail what I had done, and what I had liked. He asked me how I make myself cum. When he found out I had never had an orgasm before, he was visibly taken aback. He gave me a “lecture” (whispering in my ear, while continuing to rub me) that I need to learn what I want so I can show others. That a man is going to cum almost every time I have sex, and that to get mine I need to know how to ask for it. That if I show someone what gets me off and that person doesn’t take an interest in learning it my way, and offer it often, to stop letting them have me. Then he stopped touching me, and told me he wanted to see me do it. I felt really shy about it. I didn’t know how, and I was really uncomfortable. I asked him to please keep going, to just do it for me. He reiterated that he wanted me to do it. I attempted touching myself while we kissed and he told me different things to try. Then I got dressed and went home. I was so disappointed and felt embarrassed that he didn’t end up wanting to have sex with me. He texted me the next day and asked me to come over that night. I thought “yes! Tonight is the night!” I have another shot with the older, hot man that I was mesmerized by. When I got to his place, we talked, kissed, and he took me to bed. He pulled out two vibrators and unboxed them while he explained that he wanted me to use them, and he was going to help me. I felt so awkward and self conscious about trying to masturbate in front of him again, but I was so in awe of him I would have done anything he asked me to do. And he knew that. We were under the blankets and he was holding me. He turned on a vibrator and held it against me. He asked me how it felt, was it too fast, did I need it stronger or less. We found the right setting together. He made me grab it and hold it against myself. He put his hand over mine and whispered directions in my ear while kissing my head/face/lips. I still get goosebumps when I think about the way he encouraged me. “Grind on it baby, rub yourself on it until you find the right spot.” “Relax babygirl I want you to take your time.” I did finally find the “sweet spot” and he could tell. “You’re doing so well, I’m so proud of you.” “This is so sexy baby, keep going, keep that rhythm.” “Cum for me baby, cum for me, I know you’re so close.” I came. It was awesome. He kissed me and sent me home. I was so disappointed again. And embarrassed about doing that in front of him, especially how clueless I was with my own body. A couple nights later he asked me to come back over. I was hopeful that tonight was the night. It wasn’t. It was much like the previous night, holding me, talking to me, making me touch myself and use the toys. Except this time he made me put my finger up my butt. I said I wanted him to do it, but he wouldn’t. He put lube on my finger and told me how to put it in my ass, and then told me how to move it around. I had never done anything butt related and thought that was something only really kinky people did. He told me he wanted me to feel myself cum from the inside. I couldn’t believe I actually had a finger up my butt in front of him. I came. He sent me home without fucking me again, this time with the toys and lube to keep for myself. I never heard from him after that. I was heartbroken. I was humiliated. I felt rejected. I thought he was a sadistic jerk who got off on making me squirm and leading me on. I was ashamed that I fell for it and gave him that show. I didn’t tell any of my friends about it for months. I realize now that he did me a service. He made me learn myself. He bought me some really nice vibrators. He taught me a lesson in owning my pleasure and happiness, that I apply in other areas of my life as well. And, he didn’t take my first time away from me. Not that I think “virginity” is this prize that men get to take from women. But the first time I did it was a lot more meaningful to me than it would have been if it was with a guy almost 3 times my age that I had a fling with. So, thank you. You didn’t have to do that for me, but you did. I really appreciate it.
A real fucking homie. Hell yeah.
I was sexually assaulted years ago, and then further harassed by the same guy. I had done a lot to get away from the guy. Quit a job, moved, switched my career path, blocked him and everyone he might know on every account possible. Many years later, I got a message from a number I didn't recognize. Saying it was him. He said he wanted to apologize, he regretted how he treated me, to the point that he thinks he doesn't deserve to be alive. And that he was going through a divorce and having a hard time, being rejected by the woman he loved. He said he would do anything to make things right. And that he was in a 12 step program making amends. I was angry and insulted he reached out. First at the fact he thought it would be ok to reach out to a person who had literally moved and changed careers to get away? I thought the point of a 12 step program is that you don't force an apology on someone if it is not wanted! And I don't know how much more unwanted it could be. I don't even know how he got my number, I changed it multiple times to hide from him Then also by the content of his message, throwing a pity party for himself and acting like a divorce was any sort of excuse or justification. And talking about being suicidal like he was expecting some kinda comfort from me? I was irate. I could tell he was trying to manipulate and guilt trip me into saying he was forgiven or some shit. He was the same old self centered manipulative person he always was. I replied, asking "do you really mean all that" He said yes, every word of it. I replied asking "you would really do anything to make things right?" He said yes. I replied "okay, die." He replied, confused, asking if it was a typo?!? I said "No, that wasn't a typo. You told me you don't believe you deserve to be alive. I agree with you. You told me you would do anything to make amends. Twice. You know what you need to do, if you were honest about your apology. I want you to die, and leave me in peace." I didn't get a reply. I don't know anything more but I'd be shocked if that bastard was dead. I'm still honestly secretly hopeful though. And when I think about him, it puts me at ease to imagine him dead I blocked the number and am going to change my phone number soon because I'm honestly freaking out about the fact that he found me. TLDR - I asked my rapist to die
Low key I’m on your side on this one. I know it’s morbid, but I think you’re interpretation of his message seems correct. Some people are just fucking manipulative, and there’s nothing you can do but call them out on it.
I dont go to NA meetings and I just wanted to give myself credit for something I thought I'd never achieve. I could have never done this without my amazing girlfriend who didn't give up on me and stuck with my even after everything I put her through. I love you, Rebecca. EDIT: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT AND KIND WORDS. I am reading every comment and showing them to my GF as well. I am trying to respond to everyone, but just know that your kind words and support arent going unnoticed.
I have been morbidly nearly obese my entire life, I remember wearing a shirt in the pool at 8 years old. Around 10, my obesity had gotten so out of control that I developed large stretch marks across my entire body. I remember looking in the mirror at this age and being so horrified by my body and yet clueless as to how I arrived at this point, I made the decision then that I would never horrify anyone else by taking my shirt off. I turned down every pool party invite, every boating or beach outing, anything with water, I was out. And for nearly 15 years, the only water that had touched my skin was that of a shower, until today. I have lost over 250lbs. At 18 I decided to finally do something about my weight and the life I was missing out on living. I taught myself about proper nutrition, hit the gym, and got down to 150lbs from 400lbs+. I guess because of my youth I luckily dont have tons of loose skin, but I do still have the stretch marks which have mostly faded and I found a good concealer to cover the remainder. But overall I think I look pretty fucking good and am excited to look even better. Some friends randomly hit me up and sent me directions to a pool party today and I just said, fuck it. Showed up and popped my top off, quickly glanced for any horrified gawks, and there were none!! No one had noticed my body at all, and as I realized I was now swimming for the first time that I can remember, I nearly cried tears of joy. I swam in that pool for almost 6 hours today and I think ill be heading to the beach tomorrow.
That's amazing! Congrats on changing your life!
For nearly 1/4 of my life, I was vegetarian (15-18), then vegan (18-20). Not for my health (I loved my nuggets n fries), but because I was deeply moved by the smiths (i was 15 okay), which led to documentaries etc. I was never the activist type, but I did have online/irl frienship groups that were all vegans. That was until a particularly bad illness a few years ago. After I recovered, I began to experience severe digestive problems. No matter what I ate, I would be sweating from the abdominal pain. I lost a tonne of weight, like 50lbs in total (I was an obese vegan lol). I only really took it seriously after having to phone an ambulance because of the pain I was in. I thought I had some kind of blockage. Anyway, after colonoscopies, tests, experimenting with drugs (the prescribed kind!), my gastroenterologist explained that my diet wasn't helping my new digestive issues. Every protein source I relied on-- beans, legumes, soy, seitan-- I couldn't digest anymore. It was hard to come to terms with, but I cut these from my diet, along with some types of veggies and adjusted to vegetarian, then a regular omni diet. I just couldn't digest this shit anymore! From 20-22 my symptoms slowly disappeared. But my friends? The communities I was in? Shit hit the fan. So some of their interpretations of speciesism, is that all animal lives are of equal worth. The problem, as we've discussed, is that I cant digest 99% of plant-based proteins anymore. Former friends were now arguing that I'd be better off tube fed, or going without protein than eating eggs, or poultry. Some of the comments were really nasty, and I'd rather not delve deep into that negativity. The tl;dr is that I was essentially ousted from these spaces 2yr ago. I tried going back to veganism again in the past few months (bc of financial constraints mostly), and my symptoms are back. I just can't win. Since coming to terms with the fact that this diet/lifestyle isn't suitable for me anymore, I tried to start a dialogue within a new vegan community group that "welcomed discourse". Barely anyone engaged, and those that did, continued to suggest obscure ingredients and sources to try/downvoted and disappeared. I went along with it, but really, the price per portion is out of my range, and i'm in a remote scottish village. They're just not practical alternatives. I'm rambling because of the brain fog eating grains is doing to me, but really. I'm tired. When I was vegan, I knew that some people couldn't be vegan, but I never realised that view was the minority. I've one, now distant vegan friend left, and one life-long vegetarian friend who's stuck by me this whole time. Not only is this isolating, but it frightens me how intolerant these communities are to those with disabilities. It frightens me knowing that many of my former friends would rather see me malnourished, than consume an animal product. Most of all, it frightens me that I never noticed the radical strands of the community until I was an outsider, looking in. I'll stop now because it's nearly 4am. If you've got this far, thank you for listening to my nonsense, and I hope you're staying safe.
I am a vegetarian and I really hope you're feeling better. Please take care of yourself and your health. Stay safe!
I overheard him on the phone today talking to his mom about how I’m the one and that he’s been looking for the perfect ring. I love him so much. I am truly blessed to have met the most kind, sweet hearted man
That took a left turn in the best way
I went to college when I was 18 but they didn't offer a degree in.....hallucinogens. I am 28 years old. My background is going to prevent me from going into a lot of fields. If anyone has advice about a good field for a felon, please let me know. I'm worried that everyone will be able to tell that I've been to prison, or that i've been deeply involved in my past with drugs. I’ve been clean for over 3 years now. \*\*Edit: thanks for all the positive messages! Everyone has been great, I’m really surprised at the high response! \*\* Edit #2. Thanks again everyone. I’m driving all day but I will go through and read each reply this evening along with replying to many of you. Thank you for the encouragement. It’s really heart warming!! ***\*\*FINAL EDIT:*** I am more optimistic about the future having interacted and spoken with many of you. I have read each of your comments (More than 300), I have saved many of your replies and words of encouragement so I can refer to them later. I feel that I have experienced the very best of the internet today. Most people are so quick to brush past those with a background like mine. Several of you sent me Reddit "Gold", and nearly all of you have touched my heart in a way that I needed right here at the start of my journey. Some of you are in my position, many of you have family and friends that have been in my position. People from every field of study and practice gave me advice in addition to others who sought out information just so they could share it in the comments. Reading your replies have kept me smiling all day long and will keep me motivated long into the future. Never underestimate how even a short phrase of encouragement can impact even a total stranger. I've learned something from this post that I didn't intend. It doesn't matter what I do with my college education. The world has enough successful people. If I can muster an ounce of the compassion that was expressed towards me here for the benefit of others thats where the real "gold" is found. Thank you everyone. <3
First of all, congratulations. You’ve suffered through more than most people ever will, and you came back stronger for it. You’ve got this. Second of all, a big part of college is networking. If you make a lot of friends, some of them might be able to get you a job, bypassing the part where the recruiter sees the word “felony,” and refuses to read any further. Third (and this might sound surprising), I recommend studying Computer Science. Not only is it an incredibly in-demand field, it’s also surprisingly kind to beginners. If you come to class every day with a winner mindset, work hard and do as well as you possibly can, you’ll go far. On top of which, there are more subfields than I can count; Cybersecurity, Web Development, Bioinformatics, Software Engineering, etc. etc. Those are my 2 cents. I know some people who’ve been in similar situations, so if you have anything else you want to talk about, feel free to PM me.
You didn’t deserve to be a doctor, you sociopathic piece of shit. I wish you could know how much joy this brings me. Enjoy your pointless debt.
Thank god. Someone like that has no right working with vulnerable patients. Im sorry about what happened.
I won't have to move at the end of my lease because my rent is too expensive! I will be able to pay my bills! I will be able to start chipping away at my mountains of debt! The collections notices will stop pouring in! I will even be able to go out to eat on my birthday! After the anxiety and stress of applying and interviewing with so many places and getting so many rejections it finally paid off! HELL YES! Edit: Wow guys. I was expecting like maybe 20 upvotes on this. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the kind words. I am overwhelmed and in tears reading your comments. Thank you. To everyone out there looking for a job, it fucking sucks but I am thinking of you and rooting for you. Edit 2: GOLD?! You guys...
Congratulations!! 🎈🎉🍾🎊
EDIT3: i'm camera shy but will eventually update this w/ the images some of you are seeking. EDIT 2:for those who are asking in the comments, i DID get myself checked out and all is well : ) EDIT: didn't expect this to blow up like that, oh my gosh 🥺 thanks for gold .. thanks for everything!! i went out in 90 degree heat to take out the trash and saw a grey dog along our fence. i rose an eyebrow, and decided to follow her. don't know why. nagging feeling. she, with her stubby legs, took off in a sprint, unfitting for a dog her size. i didn't feel right. i kept walking in the sweltering heat and saw that she was so dead set on running into the road. i started sprinting too, my lungs starting to burn. my asthma was flaring up already. i kept running, let my vision start to blur until i saw a car coming in our direction. i took one breath, and jumped into the road, shelding that innocent dog with my body. the car sputtered to a stop and slammed my side. i'm all bruised up, but the dog was safe. i apologized to the driver (who was speeding prior and was even more apologetic to me.) i decided not to say much more than "its okay." i let her go. usually i'd be more cruel and standoffish, but today, i'd just be her reminder to slow down a bit. walked off with some bloody bruises. whatever. took the dog home. saw she was covered in flies. introduced her to my puppy, who of course, barked like an idiot (she doesn't know how to greet anyone properly. kinda my fault, kinda her genetics fault. whatever.) and then sped around, playing and giving the new doggy her toys. we'll call new doggy brisket. that's what we called her, jokingly, until her owners were found. brisket was sweet and kind. she grunted and snorted and panted a lot. i gave her some water and let her relax and do as she pleased - such a sweet, sweet girl. her and my pup got along so well. she ate snacks from my hand, and gobbled down food as though she'd never eaten anything ever - but somehow, with her own, flat-faced grace. she loved snacks. i was so happy. she was so dirty. i gave her a bath in a nice shampoo and conditioner, just for dogs, brushed and combed her out, spritzed her with deodorizer and even used a baby-powder scented disc to keep her smelling good. gave her a chew and let her feel the breeze on her now clean skin. i spent hours petting and cuddling her, and teaching my pup to be gentle and calmer. i found her family's info through the same system i used for my cat when he went missing. i remember finally working up the courage to call. i hate phone calls. despise them. but i know what it's like to be without answers. without closure. i got an answer right away. they told me that "brisket" had been missing for DAYS and had wandered 45 minutes + on foot from her home. we packed up the car , and brisket, and my pup, and made the quick drive. they cried and grabbed their dog like a very-loved and worn doll, kissing her, crying and wailing in the doorway. my pup wiggled and barked in excitement. she settled herself for the first time. good girl. i planned to see a friend overseas this year before my covid vaccine card "expires" in that specific country and to finally feel the salty ocean air. thought i didn't have enough money to go anyway , and put it on the backburner until the pandemic decided to fade. maybe things would be better then. ...the lady in the doorway handed me just enough money to fulfill the final part of my dream, and shooed me away, insisting that i take it all, despite my protests and refusals. i don't know if there's a God, or if fates a thing, or what ... .. but damn, i feel pretty confident that there might be.
Lol I thought this was gonna end with the driver that hit you gave you money to like, make sure you kept quiet or something?? Edit: a typo :)
I just want to be pure and innocent again. I just want to fall asleep one day and wake up in middle school, back when I actually had a yearning to live. Back when the worst thing I had to think about was getting a project done, back when life had some form of meaning. I hate being a jaded adult, I hate waking up in a stupor of depression, I hate the realization that this is basically all that life has to offer. I just want to go back to a time where I was actually happy.
Hey Pepper, it's Winter. Life gets more complicated the older we get, as we understand the way the world is, and how people are. We become jaded because we're disappointed and the curtain of reality gets pulled back, and we understand harsh truths about things. But that's no reason to give up what you have now. You have freedom, and choices. Every day, every minute, is a chance to change things. You can start with your outlook. Smile more. Talk to the people who make you feel better or best. Do the things that specifically make you feel better or more comfortable. Like hot showers. Lighting candles. Turning on all the lights in a room to boost your mood. Sitting in sunshine. Listening to music you love, through headphones if you can. Reading something good. Watching your favorite movie. Being warm in a comfortable blanket. If you find you can't boost yourself, then consider talking to someone who can give you help. There's tons of avenues out there that can give you reassurance, and hopefully reassure you that things can, and do, often get better. You were happy once before, you can be happy again. In the short-term, sure, things might be difficult and you feel jaded, but long-term, when you move past this, you will see it was just a storm. Your situation will change, and you will feel optimism again. I don't know enough about you or your situation to give you more concrete suggestions or advice, but I'm hopeful that this helped in some way. If you want to chat some more, one Mute to another, just reach out. I'll do whatever I can to help you out. Be well, friend.
My seven year old is dying from cancer. I have never felt so many feelings at once. I don't know how mothers find strength and comfort after such a devastating loss. I'm taking it moment by moment days seem to much at a time. When she was diagnosed 4 years ago I never imagined this would be the outcome. I cry every hour of the day, watching her health decline is something I wasn't ready for. I just want her to be ok. I'm praying for a miracle, because asking for more time in her current state is such selfish. She has changed my life for the better and I now know what it means to be a fighter. Just needed to get that out. My daughter died today at 5:00 am. I'm officially broken 💔
Hey there. My son died in 2013. I think about him literally every day. I’ll occasionally even call his name when I’m rounding up the other kids. That stings, but you’re doing the right thing by going moment to moment. The first year was a blur. It was a struggle *every. single. day.* Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. That’s all we can do. It’s shitty. It’s horrible. **No one** should have to outlive their children. Sugar coating it doesn’t usually help. I’m so sorry this is happening. You **are** strong. Take all the support that’s offered to you throughout this process. Someone offers “Give me a call, any time, anything I can do to help.” Take them up on that offer when you can’t get up to cook. Or when you need help with laundry or cleaning because it’s too much that day. **Take and seek out the help.** You deserve it. I wish I could say it gets easier, but it doesn’t. It just gets different 🖤
Everyone i’ve had a positive interaction with. Even if i only met them once, or if we haven’t spoken in ages. Anyone that came to mind, i messaged them and said thank you, and wished them happiness in the future and a great day today. I tried to add little stories that i remembered about hanging out with them if i had any. I’ve always heard that when you feel like you have nothing, you should always try to remember the things you do have. So i spent 2 hours sending people (what is hopefully) a nice message for them to wake up to later today. I also couldn’t stop thinking about people like me who paint a nice picture on social media but are actually pretty miserable in day-to-day life. I actually really do feel better now after putting positivity in the world instead of negativity. I didn’t self harm and i didn’t try to end my life. Yeah the feeling of despair hasn’t gone away, but now i can also remember that i’m not completely worthless, and i can still put beautiful things into the world too :)
that was really nice of you. things will get better sending you hugs op :)
He barely works. He just games all day. And when he games he plays from the evening until the next morning. If he’s not gaming he just sleeps. He has no hobbies or goals or aspirations besides gaming. He just wastes his life away playing one game over and over again. I’ll go to work and work from 8-5 and I’ll come home and he’s sleeping until it’s time for me to go to bed. It’s pretty sad and pathetic. I’m over dating a loser. I don’t care if he’s depressed because he’s an asshole and he’s angry and that’s no excuse to be a total fucking loser and mean person to your gf. I’m so over him. Can’t wait until he moves out.
Shouldn't that be your ex bf?
I AM SO HAPPY! I HAVE BEEN OUT OF WORK FOR THE LAST 3 YEARS LOOKING AFTER MY LITTLE ONE AND RECENTLY STARTED APPLYING FOR JOBS AGAIN, I HAD MY FIRST INTERVIEW SINCE GIVING BIRTH ABOUT A WEEK AND A HALF AGO AND JUST FOUND OUT TODAY THAT I GOT THE JOB!!!! Edit; Oh my goodness! Thank you all so much for your support and love! I am so overwhelmed right now! This has restored my fave in not only the internet but in humanity! Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
I swear being accepted for a job is one of the best wholesome feelings out there
Title. Took my wife and I 10 years but it's over. It's finally fucking over. What now?! Edit: Grammar.
Start sending payments to me to fill the void. Haha, but for real congrats! That’s a huge accomplishment.
I’m currently at my bf’s house and we were joking around and I playfully pushed his head and then he said “don’t do that again” but smiling so I thought we were still joking around then I said “what would you do if I did?” Then he said “you’ll see” so I jokingly did it again then he got super serious and said “last time someone did that to me I beat the shit out of them” and I was like “you would beat me up..?“ and he said “I will beat the shit out of you if you do that again” Now I can’t stop crying. He’s never touched me or has even said anything about doing it before. Now I feel like our whole relationship has been a lie and I feel like he doesn’t really care about me. He is a military veteran with ptsd and anger and I’ve seen those stories where ex military men will just randomly go crazy on their wives and gfs, I’m scared that’s what’s gonna happen now. Edit: I’m 19, he’s 34 Update: I’m okay, I’m just still trying to process it since he’s never threatened me before. He stopped taking his medicine a few months ago and I’ve seen him lash out on other people but never at me. He said he’s going to check himself into the psych ward today and get back on medicine. I know the age thing is bad but it feels like I really love him
That age difference though. Yikes on several bikes. Edit: Thanks for the award, anonymous Redditor!! 😊
I’m so angry. He was shot three times at close range. He was making a marijuana deal. I didn’t even know he was still selling, he told me that he quit when our daughter was born. He didn’t even need to, he made enough money at his current job that our bills were paid and we always could eat. We just had a baby girl 8 months ago, we also have a 2 year old son and one on the way. I haven’t told my toddler yet. I don’t know what to say or how to tell him. This was so stupid and senseless. I don’t know what i’m going to do. He was my protecter, provider, the love of my life and the one who took care of everything. He always called me his ‘babydoll’ because ‘I was just too darn pretty’. He always gloated about what an amazing cook I was. He used to tell me how much he appreciated me staying home with the kids and taking care of the house. He made me feel like the most amazing woman in the world. We had been together since my freshman year of highschool. We had a beautiful 8 years. He adored his children and his children adored him. My son wanted to be just like his daddy. Over a bag of pot. My babies will no longer have a daddy and I will no longer have the man I was supposed to grow old with. We were robbed of that today. I’m so angry. I have no idea what i’m going to do. PSA GET OUT OF THE STREETS YOUR FAMILY NEEDS YOU AT HOME. Thanks for listening. EDIT FOR INFO : My fiancé was in the hospital for 4 days before he died this morning.
My fiancé was also shot & killed while doing his job as a bouncer. He wouldn't let obvious gang members in so they retaliated by taking his life. He had one teenage daughter that he loved with all his heart. We were just starting our life together. I didn't think I would ever be able to get through it. It has been a little over a year & it is still a very heavy weight on my heart. Something that helped me was seeing how others coped with similar experiences. So if you need someone to talk to, I'll listen.
I've never felt better, my face is smooth, and soft and I feel confident Edit: thank you for all the kind words and encouragement, I hope you all can get through your own issues I wish you the best of luck. Edit Dos: I did it again, and I sneezed on my stridex pad lmfao
Amazing. See if you can do it for 3 days in the row and go from there. Incremental steps will be your salvation. Congratulations, OP. This is huge
I realize that some may take compliments in a creepy way, but I think it's safe to say that we have the intuition when it's a genuine compliment. Yesterday at the Panda Express drive-thru, I noticed the employee was looking at me a certain way before he took my card. I thought it was odd, but I didn't want to think too much about it. After he charged my card, he said, "You're really pretty." I was floored because recently, I thought I have been looking like shit. My initial reaction was to blurt out something negative, like, "No way!! I look like shit right now. I've been feeling like shit!" Instead, I smiled and accepted the compliment, and said thank you. This morning, I got my coffee at Starbucks and the employee said, "it's good to see you again!" It's the small things. My mood has been lifted! I, too, love trying to find ways to compliment people. It doesn't always have to be related to appearance. :) EDIT: Ahh thanks so much for the awards!! Remember to be kind to yourself, and that you deserve happiness. Thank you all for spreading kindness wherever you can, you really do make a difference in someone's life!
“I can live for two months on a good compliment”- Mark Twain
Long story short, my friend was raped last night and she told me the hospital made her sign a waiver saying she was responsible for all charges. Are you fucking kidding me? How the hell is that acceptable? All I want to do is find the coward that did it, beat his ass and drag him to hospital and have him pay. This is why rape is almost never reported. Not only is there almost no evidence in most cases, but the system feels like it's working against the victims. I've never been so fucking mad. I've never been to this sub but judging by the rules, my post might be removed because of my language. I just need to vent this frustration. Edit: You guys have been really helpful and kind. I'll sit down with her later and go through some of these suggestions. Thank you again. Edit 2: I gave her the link to this post since you guys were so incredibly helpful. I wanted to show the support you all brought. She was handed some sort of victim's compensation form to fill out and she said some random lady was at the hospital with a stuffed bear for her but disappeared. I don't know if this was RVA but if it wasn't, she will follow up with them as well. Thanks guys. We love you V!
While I was being treated when it happened to me one of my sorority sisters contacted a shelter she volunteered for and they covered most of my bills, minus PREP. I would say reach out to the local domestic violence shelters because many have funds to help pay for hospital bills in these cases. I’m so sorry this happened, please be strong for your friend, but also check in on yourself cause this is traumatic for you as well.
About 10 years ago my wife and I decided to spice things up the bedroom. We picked a safe word and decided to try some things out. There were several times I stopped just to make sure everything was ok, and she said only stop when she said the safe word. She never said the word. Things got weird between us for a few days so I wanted to talk to her about it. She said I had raped her even though the safe word was never said. That was my defense for a few days until I realized what I had done. If she, the woman I love and trust, said I did then I did. I have never been so sorry for anything in my life and I cried like a little baby. I apologized profusely and she said it was OK and she just wanted to move on. I almost completely stopped flirting with her for a while. I stopped instigating sex. I didnt know where the line was and I never wanted to cross it again. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror for months and even after that I was disgusted with what I saw. What kind of pos does that to someone they love? While our relationship did move forward that is a very tough thing to shoulder. The guilt and the shame was immense and while it wasn't the source of my depression during that time it definitely made things worse. Fast Forward 10 years. A few weeks ago it came up in conversation. I don't even remember why or how. She told me it was just a joke and she never meant it. I just sat there and cried. I couldn't do anything else. I'm happy I didn't rape her. I'm happy that I'm not a disgusting human being. I'm also mad as hell. I'm confused. I'm hurt and I don't know what to do. For a decade I preceived myself as a disgusting person and it was all just a joke? I feel like doing anything but lauguing.
Did you tell her it's been on your mind for 10 years?
I’ve been reading through AITA and found a post where a wedding guest left the reception to get food and drinks then returned, leaving his gf on her own for an hour. The majority of votes were for him being an asshole for leaving during the reception. It’s reminded me of my own wedding. My new husband had invited friends that I’d never met to our wedding, and was really pleased they’d turned up. However because they were only in the area for the weekend, he took the opportunity to take them out for drinks at a local pub..... during our wedding reception. He left me there on my own, in my big poofy dress, feeling absolutely worthless with my family (and his) asking me where he went for an hour and a half. Even thinking about it now, years and years later, I am shaking with rage. It’s so humiliating and I feel so sad for the person I used to be. I can only imagine what other people were thinking Anyway Years have passed and I am now happily divorced. Edit: Blown away by all the comments and awards, thank you very much. To answer some questions, we were married just over 8 years and unfortunately escalating violence from him towards me and our children made me leave. I don't think he ever wanted me. I dont think he is capable of love. He is barely in the children's lives now by his own choice, but they are amazing and loving and strong and so funny and I couldn't be prouder of them. I really appreciate everyone who took the time to comment and share their stories and although it breaks my heart that similar things happened to so many of us, there is a kind of relief in knowing I'm not alone in this. Lots of love to you all x
Yep....I remember sitting ALONE at the wedding table. Didn't know where he was...Probably the first of my many many regrets. He's an ex now, too
So, my mom bakes cakes and she got an order to make a dick cake, lol. The fucked up thing is that she's using a picture of a dick for reference. It's funny because I can tell she's putting a lot of heart into it. I overheard her saying that the veins are going to be a problem. I was passing by and she was like "come check out my dick". 😂 And yes, my dad is pissed. I'll share an update picture of it later. Alright guys, it's ready. Some people are complaining that they can't see the picture, so here's a second link
This is the first time in my life I’ve ever asked for a Dick pic…let’s see it.
My brother is 16 and has Down Syndrome. For a bit of context, his speech can be hard to understand. He's quite independent and likes to do his own thing. So order his own food, pay for his own shopping or mine, order his own drinks etc. My biggest fear when he was born was that people wouldn't talk to him, just us. I'd heard loads of stories from teachers at school about people ignoring the person with the disability. Thankfully, I don't think I've seen this happen to him. All of the retail and hospitality workers we've come across have been really good to him. When he was younger, a few would let him scan items. They ask him what he's having, they ask him how he's paying. If they struggled to understand, they'll go over it again and then ask me to clarify. If it's the bar at a party or holiday camp, they remember what he ordered so they recognise it next time he asks. So thank you. You guys make it so he's excited to go shopping and go out for food and drinks.
That's sweet ☺
With the news of Bill and Melinda Gates divorcing, it feels like the misogynists have all come out en masse. Apparently no woman is safe, even if you’re one of the richest whitest people on the planet. I feel this applies to the two most recent high profile divorces (Jeff Bezos/McKenzie Scott & Bill Gates/Melinda Gates).. The internet trolls seem convinced that marriage (for men) is nothing more than a scam designed to make lazy housewives extremely rich women in the end. Don’t believe me? Go check the comments under *any* YouTube video on the subject of Bill & Melinda’s divorce. The truth is no one gives up the most valuable and best years of their life just so they can get a few billion dollars THAT, IN ALL LIKELIHOOD, THEY ALREADY HAD FULL ACCESS TO. Marriage is NOT a scam; it’s a CONTRACT — whereby you agree to support and love the other person. Calling Melinda Gates a “street creature” and a “gold digger” ignores the 27 years of support she gave her husband. Everything each of them achieved, they achieved together. I usually hate to comment on high profile marriages because I think marriage and divorce are very private affairs and you should give the parties involved a little respect. But. The. Internet. Makes. Me. Angry.
Yes. Of note is the fact that Amazon was started with seed funding from Mackenzie’s father. Jeff wouldn’t be the same without Mackenzie, and the company wouldn’t exist without the marriage.
I love my girlfriend and I always have. We've been dating for around 4 years since our senior year of high school. We live together, and we work together as a team. But just a few years ago, she was diagnosed with both major depressive disorder and persistent depressive disorder. It's hard, and the stress it causes is ridiculous. I was hoping yesterday would have been a little different for us, being it's Valentine's day. I go to work, bust my ass for the shift, then get home to find her in bed cause she called in for work again. Whatever I guess. So I ask her if she wants to stay home instead of going out to eat. She tells me no, she wants to go out to eat. And that sounds great to me. So I get ready while she keeps lying in bed. When we get to the restaurant, she barely talks to me. I'm constantly trying to talk to her and coax out a conversation, but it's mostly one-sided. When she does talk, it's small. The one time she did string together a longer sentence was when she gave me a completely unprompted apology for causing pain and despair to everyone around her. I responded to this saying there was literally no reason for her to apologise and that she was a great person, and she just shrugged it off. We cut our dinner early because she couldn't handle being in public anymore. When we get home, she goes straight to bed. No sex, which isn't a surprise to me being we haven't had sex in over a year. I'm used to it at this point. It still hurts, but I'm used to it. So I just spoon her and snuggle her. It's more than we normally do. She seemed to be calmed by it, which made me happy, but she ended up passing out by 8pm. So when she did, I just dicked around on my phone until I fell asleep. I'm not looking for advice. I've gotten advice before and I know how to deal with it. She says that I'm the only thing that keeps her going, so I assume I'm doing the right things for her. I just wanted to get this off my chest to some faceless people I'll never have to talk with irl. Thank you for reading. Edit: I do want to clarify that she is seeking treatment and recently went through a big shakeup in her meds, so it's been a rough transition. It's not a hopeless situation and things work on some days better than others. I just wanted to get out my frustrations is all. Edit: To everyone, thank you for your kind words. I really do appreciate the care people have to say. Edit: Another clarification. She's actively trying to get better. We had a rough talk about it several months ago where she confronted me about the issue. I gave her the ultimatum that she needed to put as much time into getting better as she could or else. And she has been. I love her for that.
You sound like a great guy, but it seems unfair to you to just say good job and keep doing this. I was in a long term relationship (also out of high school) hat ended because of my very poor mental health. I don't blame my partner. She didn't break up with me because I was depressed, but because I hadn't learned how to deal with it myself. Since I've been single i'm not less depressed but I've learned how to let it impact others less and I think I could be in a healthy relationship in the future. Of course I have limited perspective, but it sounds like your girlfriend remind me of myself. It's important whether you're happy or not. You don't owe it to her to save her just because she's depressed. You have to believe she can take care of herself.
Today I (33 M) realised that I am nothing more than the laughing stock/butt of all jokes in my friendship circle. I found out by accident when I went to the toilet. I hosted a house party for some friends to celebrate my birthday, and whilst everyone was outside enjoying the sun I went in to use the toilet. Pre-empting the toilet visit I opened the window and was treated to hearing laughing from outside (the toilet window is on the side of the building, so not visible from the garden). After the laughter subsided I heard someone mention my name and a comment along the lines of "What an absolute mess" and even more laughter. My name was mentioned several times in the following minutes where my "friends" tore me to nothing, insulting everything about me and everything I try to do. Everything from the drinks I make people (all are just thrown away) to the night getting better when I leave. I sat in bathroom for about 10 minutes and just listened to the onslaught of insults. A secret I confided in one friend was broadcast to the whole group, again to much laughter. When I eventually returned back outside, everyone carried on as normal, however I became aware that I wasn't "part" of the conversations and wasnt included in anything bar shared smirks and people glancing in my direction. At one point I was making a drink in the kitchen and one very drunk "friend" walked in, said "We're all talking about how you're such a lightweight" burst out laughing and walked out. The more I sat there with everyone, the more clicked into place. Whenever I arrange an event, people turn up late and leave early. I'm not invited to other get togethers and seem to be left out of all "in jokes". People didn't laugh with me they just laughed at me, and I figured that's how it had always been but I'd been oblivious to it. No-one ever asks about how I am, what I have been up to etc. I started a new job several months ago, but no-one seems to have noticed. If I don't message anyone then no conversations are initiated. After half the people left early (again I realized it happens constantly if I organise anything), everyone else just sat on their phones looking bored until they left, but whenever I suggested doing anything it was met with "rather not" but no alternative suggestions. To make it worse, I saw a (since deleted) FB story that everyone went out afterwards, but I wasn't invited. I just want to cry but can't. I've never experienced this before and don't know what to do. I need new friends. Edit 11 hours later: Shit the bed this is a lot of responses, I can't possibly reply to all. Thankyou all of you for the kind messages! Also please don't report me to Reddit for being "vulnerable", I'm not going to be offing myself (although I appreciate the sentiment behind the reporting). To answer a few popular questions: - I'm not going to block anyone just yet but I have muted the group chat. I want to see if anyone will reach out I don't respond in the main group. Then at least I can see if anyone is a friend. - I do have hobbies that I enjoy, mostly cycling, photography and supporting my local rugby league team. None of them cycle, none do photography and a few like football. I can definitely look to make friends within my hobbies. - I still have my family who I am close with so I'm not completely alone and I do at least have support if I need it. - They were at my house because it was for my birthday celebration. I bought all the drinks/food and invited everyone round. I dunno if it's me being soft but if I invite people round I don't expect them to have to bring anything. - If someone else isn't there, they don't get bad mouthed. - It wasn't roasting/joking/hyjinks/etc. I would get a joke about being a lightweight, but it went beyond that from what was being said/how it was said. Especially with the comment "much better now they have left" and everyone agreeing.
Yeah cut contact with all of them. You're better off alone than with friends like that. If they ask why just ghost them. They dont need explanations. They're shit.
My friend tested positive of COVID last Thursday, died yesterday, cremated this morning. It's not sinking in yet. Unlike our circle of friends I have not cried yet. But fuck. That's one less person to go back to once the quarantine's lifted. He was very important to me; he was in my ex's MtG group, but that group welcomed me and when we broke up, that group stayed with me and became the people closest to me. This friend of mine reintroduced me to horror stories, which I found very therapeutic for my anxiety. He was a writer, and we talk a lot about how writing personally affected us (him positively, while I stay intimidated). We talk about our families a lot, we trash talk each other a lot, we share shitposts a lot. He introduced us to RuPaul's Drag Race, and then came out as gay, and all of these made me study and affirm my support to the LGBTQIA+ community, and by this I found out that I am asexual. He was smart, erudite, and weird. He was a great storyteller, a D&D player who can make very complex characters that would make a GM scratch his head (my fave: an unhinged drag queen bard(?) who is a human embodiment of the Fleetwood Mac album "Rumors"). I can't imagine my pre-covid weekends not hanging out with him, just sharing stuff and watching horror movies. I can't imagine my covid weeks not sharing shitposts and just doing some little check-ups with him in the group. I can't imagine playing Hades and not sharing the amazing Hades art we discover every week. I design for a living and he thought I could do everything, and lol while I can't, he believed in me so well. It's so fucked up that I can't spend my post covid years with him. Fuck, he was alive last Thursday. I couldn't even say goodbye at all because of the pandemic. I can't hug my friends. I can't cry this out until I see them. I miss him. EDIT: Wow, I woke up to all your messages, and I value each and everyone of them. Thank you very, very much. I'm not sure if I can reply to everyone. I still haven't cried. Thank you for the messages concerning me. Thanks for the encouragement and the reminder that I need to take this as it goes. Thank you so much for all the good words about my friend, and thank you for having my friend in mind and in prayer; he was also a reddit user/lurker and he would've loved to read this outrageous support from you guys (in fact, I can hear him saying "that's supposed to be all MY karma" lol). I never thought a lot of people would relate to this grief, so I would also like to hug all of you, especially to those who lost loved ones during this pandemic. I truly, truly hate that this virus is breaking families and friends apart, be they younger or older than us (we're in our late 30's). I don't know where your side is on politically, but for the love of everyone: the virus is still there, please stay safe, wear proper protective gears, and take care of yourselves. Tell your loved ones you love them. We only have each other to count on.
It took me a week to finally have a major breakdown after my friend committed suicide last month. Go easy on yourself, everyone has their own pace.
She drunk with some friends during a party last weekend and ended up getting raped by one of her friends. She told me that after everyone left him and her kept drinking, and one thing led to another and she started making out with him. She said she felt wrong about it after they started, and that she tried to stop him but he wouldn't stop. She showed up at my doorstep crying the next morning and told me everything. On one hand I want to support her and tell her that everything will he okay, but on the other I'm so fucking devastated that she even went that far to begin with. I want to call her names, and tell her how fucking stupid was for doing that. She clutches me like I'm her lifeline when we lay together but all i want to do is push her away. I feel like I'm being used but I don't know what to do. I love her but all my trust and faith in her have been ruined.
There are two very separate issues here. First off being drunk does not make cheating ok. If you got drunk at a party and got hot and heavy with some girl but stopped before any clothes came off she would consider that cheating. Because it is, and that is a deal breaker for most people. She was raped, which no one deserves, no one asks for, and is completely horrible and wrong. She needs counseling and help. She didn't get raped because they were drunk or she put herself in a bad situation. She was raped because he raped her. The second part does not negate the first. She cheated on you and shattered your trust. If the second part never happened would you feel the same? Would you stay with her? If the answer is no, leave. Don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm. Edit: Thank you for the awards, much appreciated
My daughter has been dating this guy (27M) for roughly a year before getting engaged to him. At first I liked the guy, and could see that she was happy with him. But the more time passed by, the more isolated she became. She had stopped talking to her childhood friends as well (2 guys we have seen grow up). She is away for college and her mother and I would often call her but we've noticed that she'd pick up the phone less and less. The times she would, she'd often look tired/sickly and sometimes she would look like she was on the verge of tears, if not crying. Last summer we were all invited by his family for dinner and he basically threw a fit because an old acquaintance of hers had talked to her and she didn't notify him because apparently she has to notify him each time a man talks to her. I decided to cut it short and drove us all home and advised her to break up with him, but she didn't want to. Her mother said to let them deal with things on their own. I let them be. But recently she flew home running away from him because he had verbally abused her and had thrown a remote control at her during a fight (thankfully didn't hit her) because she refused to give him her phone to deep search as he'd accuse her of deleting things despite checking her phone regularly and requiring that she puts it off silent so he can hear it whenever someone contacts her. I asked her why she was still with him and she said that she loved him and that she was hoping he'd change if she proved him that she is worthy of trust because he would always tell her that she needs to gain his trust. I decided to take the matter into my own hands and called his father to break their engagement off as I am not willing to wait until he physically hits her, or worse, kills her. I think he is a manipulative narcissist and I'm not willing to take any chances. If he treats her this way when I'm alive, what will he do to her when I die? I'm not sure what I can do to help her as we live in completely different continents. It's been a little over 3 weeks now and she's still heartbroken over it. I'm afraid she might build resentment towards me because of this. TL;DR I broke my daughter's engagement off because I'm worried for her safety and well-being. I'm not sure what I can do to help her move on and prevent her from getting back with this guy. My post has been removed from another subreddit and I was told this was a better place to let this out and hopefully get advice. Thank you in advance.
Ugh. I'm 30f and I was in an abusive relationship from 17 to 23... You, Sir, are the father every girl needs. GOOD FOR YOU! Just try your best to show her real love will be worth the wait and not abusive. I wish I could pass my wisdom on to her because 24 was such a weird age. Just call her to tell her you love her, often. ♡
I legit can't handle this much longer. The monotomy of this life is sending me in a downward spiral. How are people okay spending 8 hours a day doing the same thing, in the same musky office, saying "morning" to the same people, drinking the same trashy coffee and not achieving anything worthwhile just being the cog in a machine that has no further purpose than to make money? Having to act professional for no reason at all. People ask how you're doing but saying anything else but "great! you?" will get you fired or shunned. &#x200B; Every monday I start slipping further and further into a depressive coma and every weekend functions as a quick adrenaline-shot of relief so I can keep slaving away for the big corporate boss on monday. The shot is just enough to keep you alive and sane, but never anything more than that. &#x200B; I hate this, how can a life be worth living if you'd rather be dead 8 hours of the day than be alive and work?
We're not okay with it. We're just less okay with homelessness.
Last night, my girlfriend (F26) and I (M24) were watching Black Swan, featuring Natalie Portman. During the scene where Nina touches herself, I experienced a mild erection. My girlfriend was surprised and asked why would I get aroused by that. I had to pause the movie to explain that it wasn't intentional and that I wasn't even turned on by it. After a few exchanges, we continued watching the movie. Today, before we were about to get dressed for a party, she brought up the subject again and asked how I could get an erection from watching a scene. I told her it was a natural bodily response and not something I could control. She then asked if I would get an erection if I saw any of my female friends nude and masturbating to which I responded that maybe I would, but wouldn't be surprised if I did. She was at a loss for words and then called me disgusting piece of shit, creepy, and sick for getting a boner while watching a close friend shagging. I explained that just because I get an erection doesn't mean I want to have sex with them, and I would never act on it. She refused to believe that an erection was even possible and was horrified at the thought. She then suggested I go to a beach and masturbate to every semi-nude woman see, which I found to be crossing the line. I became angry and asked her to leave the room, but she continued to call me sick. Today she asked if I would get an erection if I am forced to watch my sister masturbate (if I had a sister), to which I said, well the erections are not in my control, so I might get one but it doesn't mean I would want to fuck her.. She is so disgusted that she is breaking up with me now and still thinks a boner can be controlled like the way I control myself not to drink alcohol..
She calls you a creep but she’s the one bringing up the topic of your female friends and fictional sister masturbating? Ugh.
This is MASSIVE for me. I have struggled with a drinking problem (that sounds way better than saying I’m an alcoholic right?), for years and desperately want to cut down. Everything I’ve read and heard says tapering never works long term and I need to give up completely. Which scares me. Tonight I had two glasses of wine, went back for a third and stopped. Made a cup of tea instead. Am so proud of myself. Just wanted to tell someone. EDIT- wow woke up to so many notifications! Just wanted to say thank you all SO SO much for the support . It really really means more than you know EDIT - 3 silvers ! Honestly I don’t know if you guys know how much your support and encouragement means! It really does mean the world. Thank you
Every time you make a choice not to drink more, you’re doing your health and well-being a huge favour. Well done!
My mum and I used to be real close, like friends really. We'd go hang out in coffee bars for a day and just shoot the breeze. She died just over two years ago. Cancer took her within just a couple of weeks. My step dad has been my dad since I was a toddler, and he's not the kind of person who copes well with being alone. He's fine for looking after himself but would just exist rather than live. After mum's death we were talking about him moving on, no urgency, just letting him know we were all ok with it if he wanted to. He said it would feel like cheating on my mum. I said that her and I had spoken about such things and she said she'd be happiest knowing he's happy. Hes clung onto those words, and has started a new chapter with a lovely new partner. Whilst I know it was best for him, and I'm sure she'd agree with me, my mum and I never had that conversation.
You did a wonderful thing in enabling your stepdad to move on and find happiness without guilt. I’m sure your mom would want that for him, I feel like almost anyone would want their spouse to find happiness after they’re gone. Hoping you, your stepdad and his new spouse all find happiness and years of joy together.
Just no lol. Guy here. Some of us like our women bigger. You don't speak for me or every other dude on this planet. Just because you prefer your ladies thinner doesn't mean we all do. Some of us like them bigger, or taller, or with colorful hair. Some of us like em short or with tattoos. We all got our preferences my dudes. Shaming women for how they look is a loser move, and shaming guys for what they like is also pretty lame. Women are fucking hot in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Hell, guys are too! Men also come in many flavors and deserve the same love I'm preaching about. (Fuck, my bisexuality is showing isn't it?) I'm high and sleep deprived and this post has gone off track. My point is people are hot. Men, women, and those in between. We're all hot as fuck and have our own preferences. There's too much negativity going around nowadays, we should aim to be more positive and compassionate towards others and most importantly to ourselves. Anyway I'm done rambling I'm going to eat my taco and go to sleep lol. Hopefully someone needed to hear this. Edit: I said I would go to sleep but I got distracted by the flood of comments. Thanks for the awards and all the kind comments. I didn't think this would gain traction but I love reading your responses! Just a reminder that if someone is being toxic in the comment section don't fight em back with more negativity, instead hit em with kindness because that is the vibe! Also, GET YOUR OWN TACOS YOU HUNGRY FIENDS! >:(
Love this. And my spouse is 3” shorter than me. Not all wonen need a taller guy either.
So how does this shit work again ? I had an account on here a long time ago but I can't remember my login info for the life of me, so I made a new account, but damn things have changed since 2015. Today I proposed to my girlfriend. We have been together for over 5 years and her parents have been pressuring us to get married (yeah, yeah, some parents are like that). I am not into marriage at all, but I love my girlfriend and if it is important for her, it is important for me too. I was nervous about the whole fucking thing to be honest, do I want to get married? Am I doing it for the right reasons? Don't get me wrong, I love my girlfriend more than anything, but marriage is a big ass step in someone's life. I bought her a ring, and I decided I would wait until her birthday to pop the question. I wanted that moment to be strictly her and I, it was our moment, our next step in our relationship. Man I was shaking so much when I put a knee on the floor and asked her. She laughed at me and said ''what are you even doing dude?''. She said no, but not because she doesn't love me, far from that. She said no because she knew all along marriage was not something I was comfortable in. She said she did not need a ring on her finger to know she loves me and want to spend the rest of her life with me. She said that the only thing that mattered was her and me, not what our families think. We've returned the ring and we used the money to spoil ourselves, like the perfect immature adults we are. Man is it even possible to love someone so much? EDIT : I prove my love to my girlfriend every single day, and she's a very tough cookie, if she was unhappy, she would be long gone. She is not the type to ''stay in a unhealthy relationship because she loves him''. No, fuck that (forgive my language) she'd dump my ass real fast and make fun of me with her girlfriends. Never cheated on her, never abused her, never disrespected her, always tell her how beautiful she is, how perfect she is, every single day. *The belief that men who think like me are not committed and are going to jump the fence at some point is very outdated. Women are not inherently into marriage and men are not inherently against it*. There are other ways to show your love and appreciation for a person than getting married. For the few rotten apples in the back, yes her birthday is today, yes she is working today, I proposed this morning, she works from 4pm to 10pm, more than enough time to return a ring and spoil ourselves/spend quality time together. This is something that never changed on Reddit I see, there's always some Negative Nancy who **just. can't. be. happy. for. other. people.**
Wow man, you should marry that girl
It was so real, everything about it. More than anything the noise was super realistic. The gagging noise. Like most dreams I woke up before the climax only to find I could still hear the noise. My cat was being sick at the foot of the bed, gagging repeatedly and I was rock hard. Shame fell on me but in all fairness I had no control of the situation.
That is truly hilarious.
In 2014 I got dispatched to a Car Accident with multiple ejections around 5am. It was 10+ miles from town, down a windy dirt road, in a maze of roads. A man was coming into work when we rounded the corner and found a mangled, overturned car with three teenage boys ejected and one still stuck in the car. No one knows what time they rolled, but they had all been drinking and it was clear they were traveling way too fast. I was the first ambulance on scene. The next ambulance in missed the turn and the next Engine, Heavy Rescue, and two additional ambulances all followed emergency lights and went 10 minutes out of the way before they realized they were off track. I triaged all four patients. One had no pulse, and the other three were in critical condition. Because there was only two of us for a 10+ minutes, the teenager with no pulse becomes the last priority, and all focus moves towards the three that have a better chance of survival. After additional units got on scene and the three boys were transported to the hospital, my focus shifted to the teen without a pulse. He had obviously signs of death, major head trauma, and was asystole in 3 leads, and a called into the ER doc and got a time of death. Fast forward several years, and a new coffee shop opens up between my house and the station I work at. I stopped before work one day to try it out. It’s just opened and there isn’t anyone there but me and the barista. She is very polite, the coffee was great, and I decide to stop by with my crew the next morning. We all loved it and it becomes a tradition. I even get coffee here when I’m not working. After a few weeks the barista opens up to me about losing her son in an accident. I realize she is talking to me about the accident I was on. I let her tell me about what happened, let her open up about her feelings. We slowly became great friends. She shows me picture of her son, and talks about him often. The whole time having no clue I knew all the details and was the one who pronounced him. I’ve gone in almost every morning for 2 years and 10 months. I applied to and got a job in a bigger city that will be more money and will be cheaper cost of living. I’m going to miss talking to this lady every day. She’ll never know the connection I have to her son. I’m thankful for the friend she has been to me, being awesome to my family and getting me a birthday present every year.
I completely understand not telling her. I was in the police a few years ago and worked on a case that involved a young man (17M) taking his own life. It stuck with me for awhile (like many cases do) and I ended up leaving my job for another government department. I worked alongside youth and was in a role that meant I could select young people for various leadership positions in the community. One day I had an application come through from a young woman (18F) who hadn’t been given many opportunities before but she wanted to put her hand up and give it a go. She said she had been through a challenging upbringing but wanted to make a difference and advocate for better mental health support for youth. I argued for her to be given the leadership position as a big boss at work thought she came from a rough family so wasn’t sure if it would be a good ‘look’. I said every person should be given a chance regardless of who their family are. I won that argument and began working alongside her and mentored her. Eventually she opened up to me and told me her partner had committed suicide around 18 months prior. As soon as she said his name, I clicked. I never said a word about how I worked on the case, how I was there and I knew all about him and his family. For some reason, I never met his girlfriend at the time but I knew she existed. The pain that was endured from his death was devastating. So I watched on as this young woman smashed down barriers and overcame so many challenges. She has now gone on to study at university and is looking at a career in politics. She has even spoken to the media about how the leadership experience gave her the confidence and skills to take on the world. Sometimes things are better left unsaid. And that young woman will never know just how proud I am of her.
So tried of people saying over and over again, "they suddenly turned their life around!" or "they were doing so well the last few months!" One of the signs of someone going to execute their suicide plan is that they suddenly feel like a crushing weight is gone. Worse, if they survive and don't get help or support. If you don't know what to do for your depressed friend, a quick 10 minute convo can save their life. Take it from someone who knows.
Lost my friend to suicide. We knew he was depressed, on medication and seeing a psychiatrist regularly. He went to a party his sister had, was laughing and talking to everyone and we all thought he had turned the corner. He committed suicide the next day. Looking back, we should have kept a closer eye in him, checked in with him. I miss my childhood friend.
As the title says, I came to Egypt on Holiday and was so damn excited. As a well traveled person I thought people were exaggerating how crap it is. So I've been here 3 days and have 5 more to go and I'm ready to go home. I hate it. The people are awful, I feel like an ATM machine to them. It's so draining doing anything because E V E R Y B O D Y is trying to extort you. I came with 2 friends on the same day and another flew in from another place so arrived at the hotel after us and got a whole different price for the same room. I'm so drained. Today a taxi driver locked the doors and wouldn't let me out after paying him the agreed hotel taxi price. He wanted "dollars for the grace of God to be with me." I'm so done. I have 5 more days to go. I will stay inside the hotel and not go anywhere. Also the hotel is filthy. I cleaned my room myself today. Buying toilet brushes is really not hard. I hate it here. I'm sorry Reddit, I didn't listen. Edit: the worst part was the incredible moment I saw the pyramids was ruined by extortionists everywhere!!!! They lied you can't walk in or drive you have to go on a horse cart.. I didn't want to because I don't like using animals in tourist places I feel most of them are abused. I reluctantly agreed only to get in a realise we have been duped. Also they told us it was $30 each to see the pyramids. Only to look at a sign and calculate on the way out that it was $8!!! Another edit for reoccurring questions: I am not from a developed country or anything and am not looking down on any culture. I am black, I am female and I am African. I am from a developing country!! I have long braids and am not sure if that is contributing. I assumed it's just because I am a foreigner. I am not African American. I am a literal African who wanted to visit another African country with a rich history that I fell in love with decades ago. I am currently in Sharm el Sheikh. I took a guided boat tour today which I had pre scheduled which was nice but still. You have to stop at these places before where they're trying to sell you all this stuff. I'm just DRAINED. I don't have Egyptian friends unfortunately. We are 3 black Africans. 1 female who is me and 2 males. We are all just friends and thought it would be awesome. Edit 3: I have a weak passport. This means that for most destinations in the world I require a visa. Even to come here I had to apply and pay for a visa which took a few weeks to process. I can't just fly to another country. Thank you for all the suggestions though. Very few countries allow me to get a visa on arrival. Hope everyone understands. Please appreciate your passports some of us have it hard.
It was my childhood dream to go to Egypt but I wouldn't dare since it was taken over. The amount of stories of kidnappings and rapes etc it's not worth the risk
My husband has had COPD and sleep apnea and I found him unresponsive this morning. He was turning 49 next week. Over the last few years I began to resent him for not taking better care of his health and I don't know if he knows how much I loved him. I just wanted him to get better. The last thing I did was yell at him to put his Cpap on. He didn't put it on and died in his sleep. He always put everyone ahead of himself. He did so much to help me take care of my handicapped father. I can't think of another way to put this out into the universe but I hope he knows I love him. I hope he's free from the pain he was in. I hope he's with his parents who he missed dearly.
I'm so sorry for your loss. 😢 I lost mine 3 years ago and all I can tell you is time will dull the pain you're in now. Internet hugs from a stranger.
I wish I had a dick so I could fuck my boyfriend, not even a joke like sometimes I look down and wish I had a dick so bad, I’m not sad with having a vagina or anything like it’s okay I guess, I’m fine being a woman, but having a dick would be awesome and I’d feel more like myself, I’m not trans I don’t want to transition or anything because I don’t want to be a guy I don’t want to be anything I just want to be a floating cock that fucks people, like sometimes I look at women and I want to fuck them with a dick but I’m fully straight and female I also like to imagine my boyfriend as a girl sometimes and I find it really hot she’d be so cute but in a straight way
this has me dying of laughter im so sorry 😭😭 “I just want to be a floating cock that fucks people”
A couple weeks ago I decided I wanted to surprise my wife with a kid-free night out. My parents live about an hour and a half away from us and I arranged for the kids to stay with them for the weekend.  Usually, when I go to my parents I am gone until later in the evening. We spend all day there and leave around dinner time. This time, I was dropping the kids off and immediately going home so I could surprise my wife and we could go out as soon as possible. I had made reservations at a nice restaurant and was hoping to go to a few places for some drinks first.   I left at 8:30 and was back in our housing plan before 12:30. As I pulled onto my street I saw a truck parked in front of my house. I did not recognize it. I assumed it was someone seeing the neighbors though because it's not that unusual for someone to park in front of our house.  I parked a few houses away thinking I would sneak into the house and surprise my wife instead of pulling in the driveway and going in the garage.  I went in through a basement door. I was as quiet as possible but as soon as I walked in I heard her making sounds from the floor above.  When I first heard it I thought she was just by herself, maybe having some personal time.  I didn’t want to interrupt her privacy and embarrass her so I was going to go back to my car and just go in the garage so she would know I was home.  Then I heard a man’s voice.  I immediately felt sick. My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest.  It is hard to describe how I felt in this moment.  I decided to go upstairs.  I had no desire to confront them, I just wanted to see what was going on.  I moved slowly and quietly and went up the stairs.  The door was halfway open. The kitchen was empty but I could tell they were in the living room.  It was obvious what was going on at this point by the sounds. There was no way for me to look in the living room without them seeing me. I pulled out my phone and opened my camera app. I put my phone just around the corner of a wall. This part is so hard to write.  I could see my wife with a man I didn’t recognize.  I won’t go into detail on what they were doing but I think you can figure it out.  I started recording it, I was thinking that I needed a record of it for whatever I decided to do in the future.  I just stood there in my kitchen, watching this all unfold on my phone screen.  I felt like I could just scream at any moment but for some reason I just froze completely.  This went on for several minutes.   She finally jumped off of him and made a comment about going to the bedroom and they went upstairs.  She even made a comment about how much time they had left. I walked into the living room and found the guy’s pants. I took his wallet out and took pictures of his driver's license. I know his name and his address now. I've never met him. I have no idea how my wife knows him.  I left the house the same way I entered. I went back to my car and cried like the pathetic man I am. I decided to watch the video to make sure it recorded. I watched it all.  I'll spare the details but I sat in my car for at least half an hour. I couldn't drive to my parents and get the kids as I would have to explain why. I decided that I would pull in the driveway, open the garage, and just pretend like I was there to surprise her. I took my time getting into the house. I made a lot of noise.  When I saw her she was very flustered asking me why I was home, etc.  She was in a robe and said she was just getting ready for a bath.  I told her about my plans and she seemed excited.  She poured us both a glass of wine and said we should pregame before getting ready.  I don’t think I talked much really.  She took me into the living room.  I’m not proud of what I let happen.  I could faintly see the guy sneaking downstairs and going to the basement stairs but I didn’t say or do anything, I just let my wife continue doing what she was doing to me.   Since that day, I have watched the video of her repeatedly.  I can’t bring myself to make any decisions on what I should do next.  She seems to know something is wrong with me because she’s asked a few times if I’m ok.   I feel worthless and every time I hit a low point I watch that video again.  I feel like I've watched it at least 10 times a day since I caught them. 
If you haven’t told her yet I suggest you talk to a lawyer first and prepare the divorce
I feel so dirty. I feel so grossed out and betrayed and I keep hoping that all of this is a fucking nightmare. I threw out any containers of food I had just because this shit got me so paranoid. I feel so fucking violated and I don't know who to tell. My girlfriend (now ex) was a very chill and laid back person, even in arguments. Well, we were talking about how the submarine goers don't really deserve sympathy (apart from the 19yr, rest in peace.) - her take was that a life is a life, my take was that there was more and more information coming out about the trip that any sane person would go "oh this is dangerous." Anyway, I thought it was lighthearted because of how she always spoke calmly and even laughed at during some points - until she just ended it with "yknow what? Don't talk to me." I tried to tell her it doesn't matter - she kept going "Yeah yeah yeah" and basically telling me to shut up. So, here I am feeling like crap. I wake up in the middle of the night and she's not in our bed. Whatever, I don't control her, right? and I heard the door of the bathroom open so I figured she just went to the toilet. I feel gross detailing this out but I could hear the pee hitting the bowl, but she didn't flush. She opened the door again and I heard her walking away. So, I was worried and went to check. And this is where my whole life becomes hell. I see her in the living room, with one of the food containers that had some leftovers. Next to her was a glass of. You guessed it. I could distinguish by the horrid yellow colour and smell. Of course, I saw her pour it in - and I immediately screamed at her demanding to know what the fuck she thinks she's doing. She had those "deer caught in headlight" looks and flinched, causing her pee to stain the table and her hand. I kept screaming at her, and she started crying saying she's sorry over and over. I told her I demand an explanation or she's free to call her mom and leave this instance. Apparently, the reason she's always so calm and happy the morning after arguments where she gets mad - is because she does this. She drinks a whole lot of water - and in the night when I sleep, she goes and pours it in food. Apparently this started with simply pouring it on my belongings. I was disgusted. I screamed at her some more and I don't even feel guilty that she cried. I told her to get out of my house or I'm calling the police. She tried to beg but eventually left. I sent her a message to get someone to get her stuff, that we're over and blocked her. I don't even know what to say. I feel violated, disgusted. The fact she knew what she was doing. Watched me eat it and never felt guilty and I just. Fuck. ——— Edit: Thank you all. The love and support I've received from your comments is something that truly helped calm me down. I cannot reply to all of them right now, but to answer some commonly asked questions: - Yes. I will still go to the police.. I don't know how much they'll believe me, but I'm filing a report against her. - I've told my best friend, Michael about the whole thing and my parents. They're on my side. I still haven't heard from my other mutuals regarding this. That worries me. - I will go to the Doctor and have a checkup to make sure that it didn't do any internal damage. ——— I'll keep update once the situation has calmed down.
This feels like a sick joke, but if this is real this is actually horrifying. Went so far out of her way to do something absolutely disgusting and potentially dangerous to someone she supposedly cares about. Imagine if this were to go on or even escalate. I’m glad you caught her but I can’t even imagine. I’m so sorry, op. What a giant ass.
⚠️Trigger Warning: SA I (19F) was gang raped by 4 guys and am feeling disassociated. At first I thought I was experiencing shock/numbness but it’s been 48 hours and I still can’t seem to cry/scream/feel anything now that’s it’s over. They were supposed to drive me home but instead parked in a lot and violently assaulted me both individually and as a group effort. During the rape I did cry and scream and beg for it to stop. I said no, I tried to push them off of me, I tried to keep them from forcing my legs open and release from them holding me down and nothing worked. I was hysterical towards the end and in a sick way it seemed to excite them more so eventually I just laid there until they had enough and let me have my clothes back. Eventually they dropped me off and I got into my bed crying. But now that it’s over I realized I feel like I just experienced my worst nightmare or at least one of the top things that a woman could/would fear of happening, yet it happened and now I’m just here unsure of how to process it. I’m in so much pain. I feel disgusting, worthless, used and emotionally empty. But beyond the physical pain and soreness and shame I just feel extremely “blank” or “meh” if that makes sense. They are all friends with my best friends older brother (which is why I accepted the ride home) so I don’t feel like I can share this with her and just needed to vent somewhere.
Please go to a hospital so they can do a rape kit on you. They’ll collect DNA and give you medications to prevent STI’s and pregnancy. Please. I know it’s very difficult, but if you don’t, they could do this again. You deserve justice, too, if nothing else. Edit: also, OP, I’m very sorry this happened. I should have said that initially. You didn’t deserve this.
I (32f) and Amy (32f) have been best friends since we sat beside each other on our first day of school. We spent our lives in each other’s houses, but as I have 2 sisters Kate (34f) and Jen (25f) and Amy only has 3 older brothers, she used to love coming to our ‘girly’ house and was like a part of the family. Amy has been with her bf Tom for 8 years and my family know him well. Last week I was hosting a mutual friends baby shower when Amy got a bad headache and decided to go home early. I tried calling her that night to see how she was but didn’t get an answer and just assumed she had gone to bed early. The next day I found out that Amy had found Tom and Jen in bed together. I tried calling Amy but she wouldn’t answer. I called our mutual friend back and she basically said Amy doesn’t believe I didn’t know. I was gutted she would think that but can understand her shock. Jen was also blocking me so I went to my parents house and found her crying and playing the victim. I lost it, I told her she was disgusting scum and that I wanted nothing to do with her. She was dead to me. My parents tried to meditate, saying she made a mistake but she was my sister but I told them I couldn’t understand how she could betray Amy like that when Amy’s been a part of her life since the day she was born. I don’t know what to do.
Your sister has no respect. Unfortunately she might have caused you to lose your friendship. That type of betrayal is difficult to overcome.
I'm a 33 year old guy. I have a 31 year old wife(married 7 years) and a 3 year old daughter. I started having major blood pressure and heart rate issues over the last 6 months. It was always a little high but went out of control recently. My unmedicated bp is 210/115. My heart rate is also always high. I'm constantly getting light headed. I went to my primary doctor first and we tried different combos of medications. It got it lower but never to a average bp. He eventually referred me to a cardiologist. The cardiologist did a bunch of test and then called me saying I needed to come in immediately so they could talk to me(never a good sign). I went alone. I just got out of that meeting. I have severe Aortic Stenosis. The cardiologist told me that I have to have surgery pretty much as soon as possible. He scheduled it for 6 days from now. He told me(from seeing the imaging) that if I didn't have heart surgery, he'd be surprised if my life expectancy was even 6 months. He went over how it would go.. in the hospital for at least a week. Out of commission for at least 8 weeks. Now I'm sitting in my car reading about everything and trying to figure how I can make everything work. I'm the only one in our house that works. We're dependent on my paychecks. I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to ever see my 3 year old daughter grow up. Worse of all, I have to tell my wife when I get home and I don't think I can without breaking down. I don't even think I can get the words out. I have zero clue how we're gonna navigate this.
Hey, Aortic Stenosis is VERY treatable especially if ou are young like you are. You have everything in your favour of a good outcome. Modern surgery is amazing.
I hope this post will be allowed because I don't know where else I could ever put this and I just need to get it off my chest.... To the Girl engaged to my husband, You're 20, he's 40. You were his student when you started your affair. Whether you realize it now or not you're a victim too. Even though you came into my home, the home we built together, the home we were raising our son in, and you smiled in my face and told me "he's like the dad I never had". I welcomed you with open arms. I defended you both when friends came asking if you two were having an affair behind my back. I was an ignorant, blind fool. I kept quiet when you both perpetuated lies about me so you could facilitate a reason for him to leave. I stayed quiet while you two paraded around our very small town kissing and holding hands while I was in our family home, caring for our son. I cried myself to sleep for months. I still do. I don't know when the day will come when I get to feel peace. Or when I get to find acceptance. Or when I will feel safe enough to trust again. I don't know when I won't feel angry anymore, but here I am. Keeping my mouth shut. Suffering in silence and making excuses every time my son catches me crying. There's not a lot of time to find a moment to cry alone when raising a kid. And crying can't be scheduled when you're sitting there and the weight of the wreckage of the last 11 years slams into you like a train. You're just a child. I know he's to blame, but weren't you old enough to know what you were doing was wrong... I hope one day I get to feel the warmth of the love of someone who will treat me gently. Because even though he's amazing to you now one day, I think, he'll take off the mask and scream at you too. He'll tell you about how wearing a mask all day is tiring and he should be allowed to be himself with you. I won't be a shoulder for you to lean on if the day ever comes. Because although I am strong enough to keep my mouth shut and keep my head down I don't think I'll ever be strong enough to let you cry on my shoulder when you both have caused me so much pain. I try to be a good person but I am not good enough for that. I know you're a victim too, but I don't forgive you yet. I don't know if I ever will. Edit to add: I just want to thank you all for the immense outpouring of love, kind words, and encouragement this post has received. You are all so amazing 🫶 Thank You! I may feel broken now, and there will be more letters shared in the future as I use this outlet for my healing, but one day I will be fully realized again. The sun will shine again. The world will be filled with color. I can not wait for that day to come.
Stay strong. your pain can be felt through your words. You are a warrior and you will find that one person
Went out partying with my friends I met through work. Fell asleep on the couch and woke up to one of my friends asking if I wanted to take the guest bedroom instead of sleeping on the couch like I was doing. I said I was fine on couch. Couple minutes later his girlfriend I just met comes out and puts a blanket over me in my sleep. It made me a little emotional I’m working in a new industry and I’m about 5 years younger than everyone I’m around. Plus it’s an industry that is only 3% women. I don’t have any girlfriends , only the guys really. They’re awesome and genuinely look out for me. My friends and all their friends are just the coolest people ever to me. I look at them with stars in my eyes and often worry that I’m not enough. So getting a blanket put on me by not just my friend but his girlfriend means so much to me. I feel loved by people I never thought could love me. deserve all the love in the world. Best wishes OP. You're sweet
My neighbor ran out of her house screaming on Wednesday night for help. I heard her say something about her "baby" so I ran over and the boy was in the doorway of the front door. He'd been shot directly in the mouth. I called 911 and provided as much care as I could but didn't know how to go about mouth to mouth. The 911 operator didn't know either. I didn't want to force blood into his lungs. While waiting for police and medics I think the gunman killed himself upstairs. I didn't think to get the other kids out of the house but thankfully they weren't harmed. The boy still had a pulse by the time I ran out to the main road to direct police and medics to the correct townhouse. It gets confusing where we live and didn't want them to waste any time. After running to the road twice, once for police and once for medics, I stumbled around for a few minutes pacing back and forth before walking back to my house. Thankfully my son was still asleep in his crib and my wife helped me get the blood off of my hands and arms. I cried in the shower for a minute until my wife came in to comfort me and I pulled myself together. I got dressed, gave a statement to police and walked to the gas station down the road. I quit smoking a few years ago but bought a black & mild and called my sister on the walk home. Just talked to the detectives and they said they don't know what lead up to the gunman shooting the child, but he was in fact shot in the mouth, the bullet hit his spinal cord and he's not expected to make it. Just sitting here still trying to process wtf happened and taking time off of work until my psychological evaluation and therapy session on Monday. I had a pretty horrific childhood, but nothing past about an 8/10 on the horror scale. This is definitely about a 9.5/10. The only worse thing I could imagine is war and seeing dead children on a large scale. I tried going back out and working the following day but it just wasn't possible to do what I do.
You did the right thing. Take as much time off as you need and spend time with your family
i started talking to this guy from school because he'd hit me up on instagram. id secretly liked him for a while and we got to talking. he asked me out on a date on vtines day and i said yes. we went to the movies and ended up having sex in his car. id sent him nudes prior to the hookup and i sent them again the night before. after we'd gotten together he called me later that night to tell me he wanted to just be casual. i felt dumb and used. i catch deep feelings really easily and id genuinely saw myself staying with him. to make things shittier he leaked my nudes to a bunch of guys he knew were into me and now, i kid you not, they're circulating around multiple schools and my parents found them. they even have my face in some of them. i kinda just need someone to talk to because i feel really empty after this.
Sweetheart.... >i don't want to ruin his life He is ACTIVELY ruining yours. Someone is actually hurting you and your response is 'what about him 'You are being victimized and instead of protecting yourself you are protecting your aggressor. This is a trauma response. It's not logical which implies a damaged person. You need help. You've come to reddit for help but you need so much more. Please find a therapist or a counselor who can help you. This is a bad situation and it's going to be a rough ride to the end.
He got home from work while I was in the other room finishing up some tasks, and when I finally came out, I found the entire plate of cookies I had baked earlier was gone. I didn’t even get a single one. Now, we’re completely out of cookie dough, and I’m feeling so emotional and hormonal right now. I had a whole plan to relax with those cookies and unwind, but my boyfriend’s snack attack completely ruined it!
Send his greedy ass to the shop to buy you snacks and get you more cookie dough