1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
['We did tip , I guess the model /waitress just wanted more and complained to the manager .']
[['waitress', 'service general', 'negative', 'complained']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['And even more so unpleasant because it was so costly for such an unpleasant experience .']
[['NULL', 'restaurant general', 'negative', 'unpleasant'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'negative', 'costly']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I choose to go with one of the special , the braised lamb shank in red wine , which was excellent .']
[['braised lamb shank in red wine', 'food quality', 'positive', 'excellent']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I was so stunned , and I left the dinner hungry and majorly disappointing .']
[['NULL', 'restaurant general', 'negative', 'disappointing']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['People are always friendly .']
[['People', 'service general', 'positive', 'friendly']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I recently tried Suan and I thought that it was great .']
[['Suan', 'restaurant general', 'positive', 'great']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Too bad I had paid an extra $ 2 for the stone bowl .']
[['stone bowl', 'food prices', 'negative', 'bad']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
["I like the ambience , it 's very dark and original ."]
[['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'like'], ['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'dark'], ['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'original']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Pizza was a little soggy .']
[['Pizza', 'food quality', 'negative', 'soggy']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['great food , great wine list , great service in a great neighborhood ...']
[['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['wine list', 'drinks style_options', 'positive', 'great'], ['service', 'service general', 'positive', 'great'], ['neighborhood', 'location general', 'positive', 'great']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['If you want something really different than try Jekyll and Hyde .']
[['Jekyll and Hyde', 'restaurant general', 'positive', 'different']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The food is good .']
[['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I was almost amused by the fact that she was turning away customers at 9pm on a Friday night because she `` had a BBQ to go to `` that night - WTF ? ?']
[['NULL', 'service general', 'negative', 'WTF']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['My wife had barely touched that mess of a dish .']
[['dish', 'food quality', 'negative', 'mess']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I recommend the jelly fish , drunken chicken and the soupy dumplings , certainly the stir fry blue crab .']
[['jelly fish', 'food quality', 'positive', 'recommend'], ['drunken chicken', 'food quality', 'positive', 'recommend'], ['soupy dumplings', 'food quality', 'positive', 'recommend'], ['stir fry blue crab', 'food quality', 'positive', 'recommend']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
["Thalia is a beautiful restaurant with beautiful people serving you , but the food does n't quite match up ."]
[['people', 'service general', 'positive', 'beautiful'], ['food', 'food quality', 'negative', "does n't quite match up"], ['Thalia', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'beautiful']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
["We wo n't go to this place again for a good meal ."]
[['meal', 'food quality', 'negative', 'good']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['i happen to have a policy that goes along with a little bit of self-respect , which includes not letting a waiter intimidate me , i.e . make me feel bad asking for trivialities like water , or the check .']
[['waiter', 'service general', 'negative', 'bad']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['My friends settled for rice dishes , but we came back the following day to try the dim sum , which was good ... not outstanding , but good .']
[['dim sum', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'good'], ['dim sum', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'not outstanding']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The signs , the specials menus , food , and even all the waitstaff are ALL TOTALLY Japanese .']
[['signs', 'restaurant miscellaneous', 'positive', 'Japanese'], ['specials menus', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'Japanese'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Japanese'], ['waitstaff', 'service general', 'positive', 'Japanese']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['When we inquired about ports - the waitress listed off several but did not know taste variations or cost .']
[['waitress', 'service general', 'negative', 'did not know']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['This establishment is the real deal .']
[['establishment', 'restaurant general', 'positive', 'real deal']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Go there to relax and feel like your somewhere else .']
[['NULL', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'relax']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['We also asked for Hooka six times and the waiter kept telling us one minute and never returning with the Hooka .']
[['waiter', 'service general', 'negative', 'asked for Hooka six times']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['This place is worth an one-hour drive .']
[['place', 'restaurant general', 'positive', 'worth']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['the waitstaffs are nice though .']
[['waitstaffs', 'service general', 'positive', 'nice']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The food was exceptional .']
[['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'exceptional']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I have never left a restaurant feeling as if i was abused , and wasted my hard earned money .']
[['restaurant', 'restaurant general', 'negative', 'abused'], ['restaurant', 'restaurant prices', 'negative', 'abused']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Kind , attentive wait staff .']
[['wait staff', 'service general', 'positive', 'Kind'], ['wait staff', 'service general', 'positive', 'attentive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Decor is charming .']
[['Decor', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'charming']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The waitress , seems to be more concerned of looking good than actually waitressing .']
[['waitress', 'service general', 'negative', 'more concerned of looking good']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
["I have been to Roth 's twice and both times were very disappointing ."]
[["Roth 's", 'restaurant general', 'negative', 'disappointing']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
["When you add it all together , it just does n't seem worth it to me ... especially considering the prices ."]
[['NULL', 'restaurant general', 'negative', "does n't seem worth it"]]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['We went here for lunch a couple of weeks ago on a Saturday , and I was thoroughly impressed with the food .']
[['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'impressed']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The sake ’ s complimented the courses very well and is successfully easing me into the sake world .']
[['sake ’ s', 'drinks quality', 'positive', 'very well'], ['sake ’ s', 'drinks quality', 'positive', 'successfully']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Go hungry and enjoy .']
[['NULL', 'restaurant general', 'positive', 'enjoy']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
["You can get a completely delish martini in a glass ( that 's about 2 1/2 drinks ) for $ 8.50 ( I recommend the Vanilla Shanty , mmmm ! ) in a great homey setting with great music ."]
[['martini', 'drinks quality', 'positive', 'delish'], ['martini', 'drinks style_options', 'positive', 'delish'], ['martini', 'drinks prices', 'positive', 'delish'], ['Vanilla Shanty', 'drinks quality', 'positive', 'recommend'], ['setting', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'homey'], ['music', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'great']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['More Williamsburg Garbage']
[['NULL', 'restaurant general', 'negative', 'Garbage']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['This is an amazing place to try some roti rolls .']
[['roti rolls', 'food quality', 'positive', 'try']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Judging from previous posts this used to be a good place , but not any longer .']
[['place', 'restaurant general', 'negative', 'used to be a good']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I wish they would change back to what it was before .']
[['NULL', 'restaurant general', 'negative', 'change back']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
["It is quite a spectacular scene i 'll give them that ."]
[['scene', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'spectacular']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['A Thai restaurant out of rice during dinner ?']
[['Thai restaurant', 'restaurant miscellaneous', 'negative', 'out of rice']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The bar is very well stocked with interesting beers and well priced wines .']
[['bar', 'drinks style_options', 'positive', 'well stocked'], ['beers', 'drinks style_options', 'positive', 'interesting'], ['wines', 'drinks prices', 'positive', 'well priced']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The staff there is very attentive and down to earth .']
[['staff', 'service general', 'positive', 'attentive'], ['staff', 'service general', 'positive', 'down to earth']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The kitchen however , is almost always slow .']
[['kitchen', 'service general', 'negative', 'slow']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Loved it !']
[['NULL', 'restaurant general', 'positive', 'Loved']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['It may be a bit packed on weekends , but the vibe is good and it is the best French food you will find in the area .']
[['NULL', 'ambience general', 'neutral', 'packed'], ['vibe', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'good'], ['French food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Our teenage kids love it , too .']
[['NULL', 'restaurant general', 'positive', 'love']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['i love their chicken pasta cant remember the name but is sooo good']
[['chicken pasta', 'food quality', 'positive', 'love']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Not only is it an adventure getting to this somewhat hidden spot , once you enter the unmarked wooden doors , the zen and intimate décor will make you feel like you ’ re no longer in the city .']
[['spot', 'location general', 'neutral', 'hidden'], ['unmarked wooden doors', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'feel like you ’ re no longer in the city'], ['décor', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'intimate']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['great toppings definitely a place you need to check out for late night munchies or a mid day boost !']
[['toppings', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['place', 'restaurant miscellaneous', 'positive', 'great']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['A real dissapointment .']
[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'dissapointment']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['This place is incredibly tiny .']
[['place', 'ambience general', 'negative', 'tiny']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The food and service were fine , however the maitre-D was incredibly unwelcoming and arrogant .']
[['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'fine'], ['service', 'service general', 'positive', 'fine'], ['maitre-D', 'service general', 'negative', 'unwelcoming'], ['maitre-D', 'service general', 'negative', 'arrogant']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The duck confit is always amazing and the foie gras terrine with figs was out of this world .']
[['foie gras terrine with figs', 'food quality', 'positive', 'out of this world'], ['duck confit', 'food quality', 'positive', 'amazing']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Most importantly , food is excellent .']
[['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'excellent']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I ordered the smoked salmon and roe appetizer and it was off flavor .']
[['smoked salmon and roe appetizer', 'food quality', 'negative', 'off flavor']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Maggot in the food !']
[['food', 'food quality', 'negative', 'Maggot']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Salads were fantastic .']
[['Salads', 'food quality', 'positive', 'fantastic']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['We had the lobster sandwich and it was FANTASTIC .']
[['lobster sandwich', 'food quality', 'positive', 'FANTASTIC']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I thought this place was totally overrated .']
[['place', 'restaurant general', 'negative', 'overrated']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
["I 've lived in NY for 5 years and this place has it all ."]
[['place', 'restaurant general', 'positive', 'has it all']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Nobody at this restaurant will give firm answers about anything and in the end , not one person takes responsibility for anything .']
[['NULL', 'service general', 'negative', 'not one person takes responsibility for anything']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Ask for Usha , the nicest bartender in manhattan .']
[['Usha', 'service general', 'positive', 'nicest']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
["They forgot a sandwich , did n't include plastic forks , and did n't include pita with the hummus platter ."]
[['NULL', 'service general', 'negative', 'forgot']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The service was the only thing good about this restaurant .']
[['service', 'service general', 'positive', 'good']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['We waited at the bar and had martinis that were just right .']
[['martinis', 'drinks quality', 'positive', 'right']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Thius is a must for anyone who loves Shabu-Shabu .']
[['Shabu-Shabu', 'food quality', 'positive', 'loves']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['It was totally overpriced - fish and chips was about $ 15 ...']
[['NULL', 'food prices', 'negative', 'overpriced'], ['fish and chips', 'food prices', 'negative', 'about $ 15']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['They have a huge selection of different cream cheeses and all of their salads are great .']
[['salads', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['cream cheeses', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'huge'], ['cream cheeses', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'different']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Very pleased']
[['NULL', 'restaurant general', 'positive', 'pleased']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I would not expect this for a $ 55 dinner .']
[['dinner', 'food quality', 'negative', 'would not expect'], ['dinner', 'food prices', 'negative', '$ 55']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I got hair in my food 2 times of then !']
[['food', 'food quality', 'negative', 'got hair in my food']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Noodle pudding is exactly the type of service and food I enjoy .']
[['service', 'service general', 'positive', 'enjoy'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'enjoy']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
["Volare virgins or weekly regulars , everyone gets treated the same and you ca n't ask for more than that when the service is this friendly ."]
[['service', 'service general', 'positive', 'friendly']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Ive asked a cart attendant for a lotus leaf wrapped rice and she replied back rice and just walked away .']
[['cart attendant', 'service general', 'negative', 'walked away']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['This place is always very crowded and popular .']
[['place', 'restaurant miscellaneous', 'positive', 'crowded'], ['place', 'restaurant miscellaneous', 'positive', 'popular']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The design and atmosphere is just as good .']
[['design', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'good'], ['atmosphere', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'good']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Interesting selection , good wines , service fine , fun decor .']
[['wines', 'drinks quality', 'positive', 'good'], ['service', 'service general', 'positive', 'fine'], ['decor', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['selection', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'Interesting']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['first it took us a long time to find the place .']
[['place', 'restaurant miscellaneous', 'negative', 'took us a long time']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The manager was rude and handled the situation extremely poorly .']
[['manager', 'service general', 'negative', 'rude']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['But the best pork souvlaki I ever had is the main thing .']
[['pork souvlaki', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I wish I could like this place more , and I wish someone would retrain the staff .']
[['staff', 'service general', 'negative', 'retrain']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Also , they do not take credit card so come with cash !']
[['NULL', 'restaurant miscellaneous', 'neutral', 'come with cash']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Every time I have a special occasion with my boyfriend I have a hard time going anywhere else .']
[['NULL', 'restaurant miscellaneous', 'positive', 'have a hard time going anywhere else']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Dumbfoundingly Poor']
[['NULL', 'restaurant general', 'negative', 'Dumbfoundingly Poor']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Great food , great prices , great service .']
[['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Great'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['service', 'service general', 'positive', 'great']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['My son and his girlfriend both wanted cheeseburgers and they were huge !']
[['cheeseburgers', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'huge']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Good for dates or with friends .']
[['NULL', 'restaurant miscellaneous', 'positive', 'Good']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
[['PLACE', 'restaurant general', 'positive', 'LOVE']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['This guy refused to seat her and she left , followed shortly by the four of us , but not before I told him that in my 40 years of world travel , including Paris , that I had never seen such a display of bad behavior by a frontman in a restaurant .']
[['frontman', 'service general', 'negative', 'bad']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
["Thank you everyone at Water 's Edge ."]
[["Water 's Edge", 'restaurant general', 'positive', 'Thank you']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Overall , decent food at a good price , with friendly people .']
[['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'decent'], ['food', 'food prices', 'positive', 'good'], ['people', 'service general', 'positive', 'friendly']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I showed it to the manager , and he smilingly apologized and brought us two free desserts ( but did not ask us what we wanted and so brought the last two desserts we would have asked for ) .']
[['manager', 'service general', 'positive', 'smilingly']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Service is average .']
[['Service', 'service general', 'neutral', 'average']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['I LOVE their Thai']
[['Thai', 'food quality', 'positive', 'LOVE']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['The waitress moved our table practically into the bathroom and when we asked to cancel our dinner orders because we did not want to eat sitting on the toilet , we were told no ...']
[['waitress', 'service general', 'negative', 'sitting on the toilet']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Probably would not go again ...']
[['NULL', 'restaurant general', 'negative', 'not go again']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'
['Tiny dessert was $ 8.00 ... just plain overpriced for what it is .']
[['dessert', 'food quality', 'negative', 'plain'], ['dessert', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'Tiny'], ['dessert', 'food prices', 'negative', 'overpriced']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms and their corresponding aspect categories, sentiment polarities, and opinion words. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 4-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term, its aspect category, sentiment polarity, and opinion words (if any). Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Sentence: "The ambience was so fun , and the prices were great , on top of the fact that the food was really tasty" Output: [['ambience', 'ambience general', 'positive', 'fun'], ['NULL', 'restaurant prices', 'positive', 'great'], ['food', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]'