Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.67, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1400000 - Fixed Assets: $2800000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $750000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1600000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1850000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 140.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 106.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10200000 COGS: $5100000 Gross Profit: $5100000 Operating Expenses: $3000000 Net Income: $2000000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1050000 Investing Activities: -$500000 Financing Activities: $200000 Net Cash Flow: $750000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.68, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1401000 - Fixed Assets: $2802000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $750500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1601000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1851500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 140.10000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 106.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10210000 COGS: $5105000 Gross Profit: $5105000 Operating Expenses: $3003000 Net Income: $2002000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1051000 Investing Activities: -$500500 Financing Activities: $200200 Net Cash Flow: $750700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.69, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1402000 - Fixed Assets: $2804000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $751000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1602000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1853000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 140.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 106.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10220000 COGS: $5110000 Gross Profit: $5110000 Operating Expenses: $3006000 Net Income: $2004000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1052000 Investing Activities: -$501000 Financing Activities: $200400 Net Cash Flow: $751400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.70, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1403000 - Fixed Assets: $2806000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $751500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1603000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1854500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 140.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 106.97000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10230000 COGS: $5115000 Gross Profit: $5115000 Operating Expenses: $3009000 Net Income: $2006000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1053000 Investing Activities: -$501500 Financing Activities: $200600 Net Cash Flow: $752100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.71, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1404000 - Fixed Assets: $2808000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $752000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1604000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1856000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 140.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 107.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10240000 COGS: $5120000 Gross Profit: $5120000 Operating Expenses: $3012000 Net Income: $2008000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1054000 Investing Activities: -$502000 Financing Activities: $200800 Net Cash Flow: $752800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.72, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1405000 - Fixed Assets: $2810000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $752500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1605000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1857500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 140.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 107.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10250000 COGS: $5125000 Gross Profit: $5125000 Operating Expenses: $3015000 Net Income: $2010000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1055000 Investing Activities: -$502500 Financing Activities: $201000 Net Cash Flow: $753500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.73, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1406000 - Fixed Assets: $2812000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $753000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1606000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1859000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 140.60000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 107.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10260000 COGS: $5130000 Gross Profit: $5130000 Operating Expenses: $3018000 Net Income: $2012000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1056000 Investing Activities: -$503000 Financing Activities: $201200 Net Cash Flow: $754200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.74, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1407000 - Fixed Assets: $2814000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $753500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1607000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1860500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 140.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 107.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10270000 COGS: $5135000 Gross Profit: $5135000 Operating Expenses: $3021000 Net Income: $2014000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1057000 Investing Activities: -$503500 Financing Activities: $201400 Net Cash Flow: $754900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.75, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1408000 - Fixed Assets: $2816000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $754000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1608000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1862000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 140.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 107.47000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10280000 COGS: $5140000 Gross Profit: $5140000 Operating Expenses: $3024000 Net Income: $2016000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1058000 Investing Activities: -$504000 Financing Activities: $201600 Net Cash Flow: $755600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.76, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1409000 - Fixed Assets: $2818000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $754500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1609000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1863500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 140.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 107.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10290000 COGS: $5145000 Gross Profit: $5145000 Operating Expenses: $3027000 Net Income: $2018000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1059000 Investing Activities: -$504500 Financing Activities: $201800 Net Cash Flow: $756300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.77, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1410000 - Fixed Assets: $2820000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $755000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1610000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1865000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 141.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 107.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10300000 COGS: $5150000 Gross Profit: $5150000 Operating Expenses: $3030000 Net Income: $2020000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1060000 Investing Activities: -$505000 Financing Activities: $202000 Net Cash Flow: $757000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.78, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1411000 - Fixed Assets: $2822000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $755500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1611000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1866500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 141.10000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 107.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10310000 COGS: $5155000 Gross Profit: $5155000 Operating Expenses: $3033000 Net Income: $2022000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1061000 Investing Activities: -$505500 Financing Activities: $202200 Net Cash Flow: $757700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.79, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1412000 - Fixed Assets: $2824000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $756000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1612000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1868000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 141.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 107.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10320000 COGS: $5160000 Gross Profit: $5160000 Operating Expenses: $3036000 Net Income: $2024000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1062000 Investing Activities: -$506000 Financing Activities: $202400 Net Cash Flow: $758400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.80, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1413000 - Fixed Assets: $2826000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $756500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1613000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1869500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 141.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 107.97000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10330000 COGS: $5165000 Gross Profit: $5165000 Operating Expenses: $3039000 Net Income: $2026000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1063000 Investing Activities: -$506500 Financing Activities: $202600 Net Cash Flow: $759100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.81, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1414000 - Fixed Assets: $2828000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $757000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1614000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1871000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 141.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 108.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10340000 COGS: $5170000 Gross Profit: $5170000 Operating Expenses: $3042000 Net Income: $2028000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1064000 Investing Activities: -$507000 Financing Activities: $202800 Net Cash Flow: $759800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.82, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1415000 - Fixed Assets: $2830000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $757500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1615000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1872500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 141.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 108.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10350000 COGS: $5175000 Gross Profit: $5175000 Operating Expenses: $3045000 Net Income: $2030000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1065000 Investing Activities: -$507500 Financing Activities: $203000 Net Cash Flow: $760500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.83, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1416000 - Fixed Assets: $2832000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $758000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1616000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1874000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 141.60000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 108.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10360000 COGS: $5180000 Gross Profit: $5180000 Operating Expenses: $3048000 Net Income: $2032000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1066000 Investing Activities: -$508000 Financing Activities: $203200 Net Cash Flow: $761200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.84, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1417000 - Fixed Assets: $2834000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $758500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1617000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1875500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 141.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 108.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10370000 COGS: $5185000 Gross Profit: $5185000 Operating Expenses: $3051000 Net Income: $2034000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1067000 Investing Activities: -$508500 Financing Activities: $203400 Net Cash Flow: $761900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.85, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1418000 - Fixed Assets: $2836000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $759000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1618000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1877000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 141.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 108.47000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10380000 COGS: $5190000 Gross Profit: $5190000 Operating Expenses: $3054000 Net Income: $2036000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1068000 Investing Activities: -$509000 Financing Activities: $203600 Net Cash Flow: $762600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.86, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1419000 - Fixed Assets: $2838000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $759500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1619000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1878500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 141.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 108.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10390000 COGS: $5195000 Gross Profit: $5195000 Operating Expenses: $3057000 Net Income: $2038000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1069000 Investing Activities: -$509500 Financing Activities: $203800 Net Cash Flow: $763300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.87, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1420000 - Fixed Assets: $2840000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $760000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1620000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1880000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 142.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 108.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10400000 COGS: $5200000 Gross Profit: $5200000 Operating Expenses: $3060000 Net Income: $2040000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1070000 Investing Activities: -$510000 Financing Activities: $204000 Net Cash Flow: $764000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.88, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1421000 - Fixed Assets: $2842000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $760500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1621000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1881500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 142.10000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 108.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10410000 COGS: $5205000 Gross Profit: $5205000 Operating Expenses: $3063000 Net Income: $2042000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1071000 Investing Activities: -$510500 Financing Activities: $204200 Net Cash Flow: $764700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.89, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1422000 - Fixed Assets: $2844000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $761000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1622000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1883000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 142.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 108.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10420000 COGS: $5210000 Gross Profit: $5210000 Operating Expenses: $3066000 Net Income: $2044000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1072000 Investing Activities: -$511000 Financing Activities: $204400 Net Cash Flow: $765400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.90, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1423000 - Fixed Assets: $2846000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $761500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1623000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1884500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 142.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 108.97000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10430000 COGS: $5215000 Gross Profit: $5215000 Operating Expenses: $3069000 Net Income: $2046000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1073000 Investing Activities: -$511500 Financing Activities: $204600 Net Cash Flow: $766100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.91, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1424000 - Fixed Assets: $2848000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $762000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1624000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1886000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 142.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 109.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10440000 COGS: $5220000 Gross Profit: $5220000 Operating Expenses: $3072000 Net Income: $2048000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1074000 Investing Activities: -$512000 Financing Activities: $204800 Net Cash Flow: $766800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.92, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1425000 - Fixed Assets: $2850000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $762500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1625000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1887500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 142.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 109.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10450000 COGS: $5225000 Gross Profit: $5225000 Operating Expenses: $3075000 Net Income: $2050000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1075000 Investing Activities: -$512500 Financing Activities: $205000 Net Cash Flow: $767500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.93, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1426000 - Fixed Assets: $2852000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $763000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1626000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1889000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 142.60000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 109.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10460000 COGS: $5230000 Gross Profit: $5230000 Operating Expenses: $3078000 Net Income: $2052000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1076000 Investing Activities: -$513000 Financing Activities: $205200 Net Cash Flow: $768200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.94, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1427000 - Fixed Assets: $2854000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $763500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1627000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1890500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 142.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 109.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10470000 COGS: $5235000 Gross Profit: $5235000 Operating Expenses: $3081000 Net Income: $2054000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1077000 Investing Activities: -$513500 Financing Activities: $205400 Net Cash Flow: $768900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.95, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1428000 - Fixed Assets: $2856000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $764000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1628000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1892000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 142.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 109.47000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10480000 COGS: $5240000 Gross Profit: $5240000 Operating Expenses: $3084000 Net Income: $2056000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1078000 Investing Activities: -$514000 Financing Activities: $205600 Net Cash Flow: $769600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.96, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1429000 - Fixed Assets: $2858000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $764500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1629000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1893500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 142.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 109.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10490000 COGS: $5245000 Gross Profit: $5245000 Operating Expenses: $3087000 Net Income: $2058000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1079000 Investing Activities: -$514500 Financing Activities: $205800 Net Cash Flow: $770300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.97, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1430000 - Fixed Assets: $2860000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $765000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1630000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1895000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 143.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 109.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10500000 COGS: $5250000 Gross Profit: $5250000 Operating Expenses: $3090000 Net Income: $2060000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1080000 Investing Activities: -$515000 Financing Activities: $206000 Net Cash Flow: $771000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.98, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1431000 - Fixed Assets: $2862000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $765500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1631000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1896500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 143.10000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 109.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10510000 COGS: $5255000 Gross Profit: $5255000 Operating Expenses: $3093000 Net Income: $2062000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1081000 Investing Activities: -$515500 Financing Activities: $206200 Net Cash Flow: $771700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.99, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1432000 - Fixed Assets: $2864000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $766000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1632000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1898000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 143.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 109.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10520000 COGS: $5260000 Gross Profit: $5260000 Operating Expenses: $3096000 Net Income: $2064000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1082000 Investing Activities: -$516000 Financing Activities: $206400 Net Cash Flow: $772400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.00, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1433000 - Fixed Assets: $2866000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $766500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1633000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1899500