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Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.67, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $500000 - Fixed Assets: $1000000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $300000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $700000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $500000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 50.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 16.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1200000 COGS: $600000 Gross Profit: $600000 Operating Expenses: $300000 Net Income: $200000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $150000 Investing Activities: -$50000 Financing Activities: $20000 Net Cash Flow: $120000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.68, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $501000 - Fixed Assets: $1002000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $300500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $701000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $501500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 50.1%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 16.770000000000003%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1210000 COGS: $605000 Gross Profit: $605000 Operating Expenses: $303000 Net Income: $202000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $151000 Investing Activities: -$50500 Financing Activities: $20200 Net Cash Flow: $120700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.69, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $502000 - Fixed Assets: $1004000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $301000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $702000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $503000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 50.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 16.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1220000 COGS: $610000 Gross Profit: $610000 Operating Expenses: $306000 Net Income: $204000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $152000 Investing Activities: -$51000 Financing Activities: $20400 Net Cash Flow: $121400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.70, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $503000 - Fixed Assets: $1006000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $301500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $703000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $504500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 50.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 16.970000000000002%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1230000 COGS: $615000 Gross Profit: $615000 Operating Expenses: $309000 Net Income: $206000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $153000 Investing Activities: -$51500 Financing Activities: $20600 Net Cash Flow: $122100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.71, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $504000 - Fixed Assets: $1008000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $302000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $704000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $506000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 50.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 17.07%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1240000 COGS: $620000 Gross Profit: $620000 Operating Expenses: $312000 Net Income: $208000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $154000 Investing Activities: -$52000 Financing Activities: $20800 Net Cash Flow: $122800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.72, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $505000 - Fixed Assets: $1010000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $302500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $705000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $507500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 50.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 17.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1250000 COGS: $625000 Gross Profit: $625000 Operating Expenses: $315000 Net Income: $210000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $155000 Investing Activities: -$52500 Financing Activities: $21000 Net Cash Flow: $123500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.73, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $506000 - Fixed Assets: $1012000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $303000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $706000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $509000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 50.6%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 17.270000000000003%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1260000 COGS: $630000 Gross Profit: $630000 Operating Expenses: $318000 Net Income: $212000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $156000 Investing Activities: -$53000 Financing Activities: $21200 Net Cash Flow: $124200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.74, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $507000 - Fixed Assets: $1014000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $303500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $707000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $510500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 50.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 17.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1270000 COGS: $635000 Gross Profit: $635000 Operating Expenses: $321000 Net Income: $214000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $157000 Investing Activities: -$53500 Financing Activities: $21400 Net Cash Flow: $124900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.75, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $508000 - Fixed Assets: $1016000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $304000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $708000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $512000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 50.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 17.470000000000002%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1280000 COGS: $640000 Gross Profit: $640000 Operating Expenses: $324000 Net Income: $216000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $158000 Investing Activities: -$54000 Financing Activities: $21600 Net Cash Flow: $125600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.76, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $509000 - Fixed Assets: $1018000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $304500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $709000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $513500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 50.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 17.57%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1290000 COGS: $645000 Gross Profit: $645000 Operating Expenses: $327000 Net Income: $218000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $159000 Investing Activities: -$54500 Financing Activities: $21800 Net Cash Flow: $126300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.77, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $510000 - Fixed Assets: $1020000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $305000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $710000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $515000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 51.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 17.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1300000 COGS: $650000 Gross Profit: $650000 Operating Expenses: $330000 Net Income: $220000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $160000 Investing Activities: -$55000 Financing Activities: $22000 Net Cash Flow: $127000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.78, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $511000 - Fixed Assets: $1022000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $305500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $711000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $516500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 51.1%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 17.770000000000003%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1310000 COGS: $655000 Gross Profit: $655000 Operating Expenses: $333000 Net Income: $222000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $161000 Investing Activities: -$55500 Financing Activities: $22200 Net Cash Flow: $127700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.79, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $512000 - Fixed Assets: $1024000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $306000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $712000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $518000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 51.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 17.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1320000 COGS: $660000 Gross Profit: $660000 Operating Expenses: $336000 Net Income: $224000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $162000 Investing Activities: -$56000 Financing Activities: $22400 Net Cash Flow: $128400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.80, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $513000 - Fixed Assets: $1026000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $306500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $713000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $519500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 51.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 17.970000000000002%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1330000 COGS: $665000 Gross Profit: $665000 Operating Expenses: $339000 Net Income: $226000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $163000 Investing Activities: -$56500 Financing Activities: $22600 Net Cash Flow: $129100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.81, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $514000 - Fixed Assets: $1028000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $307000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $714000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $521000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 51.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 18.07%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1340000 COGS: $670000 Gross Profit: $670000 Operating Expenses: $342000 Net Income: $228000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $164000 Investing Activities: -$57000 Financing Activities: $22800 Net Cash Flow: $129800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.82, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $515000 - Fixed Assets: $1030000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $307500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $715000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $522500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 51.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 18.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1350000 COGS: $675000 Gross Profit: $675000 Operating Expenses: $345000 Net Income: $230000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $165000 Investing Activities: -$57500 Financing Activities: $23000 Net Cash Flow: $130500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.83, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $516000 - Fixed Assets: $1032000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $308000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $716000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $524000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 51.6%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 18.270000000000003%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1360000 COGS: $680000 Gross Profit: $680000 Operating Expenses: $348000 Net Income: $232000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $166000 Investing Activities: -$58000 Financing Activities: $23200 Net Cash Flow: $131200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.84, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $517000 - Fixed Assets: $1034000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $308500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $717000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $525500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 51.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 18.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1370000 COGS: $685000 Gross Profit: $685000 Operating Expenses: $351000 Net Income: $234000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $167000 Investing Activities: -$58500 Financing Activities: $23400 Net Cash Flow: $131900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.85, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $518000 - Fixed Assets: $1036000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $309000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $718000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $527000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 51.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 18.470000000000002%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1380000 COGS: $690000 Gross Profit: $690000 Operating Expenses: $354000 Net Income: $236000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $168000 Investing Activities: -$59000 Financing Activities: $23600 Net Cash Flow: $132600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.86, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $519000 - Fixed Assets: $1038000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $309500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $719000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $528500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 51.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 18.57%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1390000 COGS: $695000 Gross Profit: $695000 Operating Expenses: $357000 Net Income: $238000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $169000 Investing Activities: -$59500 Financing Activities: $23800 Net Cash Flow: $133300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.87, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $520000 - Fixed Assets: $1040000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $310000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $720000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $530000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 52.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 18.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1400000 COGS: $700000 Gross Profit: $700000 Operating Expenses: $360000 Net Income: $240000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $170000 Investing Activities: -$60000 Financing Activities: $24000 Net Cash Flow: $134000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.88, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $521000 - Fixed Assets: $1042000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $310500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $721000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $531500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 52.1%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 18.770000000000003%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1410000 COGS: $705000 Gross Profit: $705000 Operating Expenses: $363000 Net Income: $242000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $171000 Investing Activities: -$60500 Financing Activities: $24200 Net Cash Flow: $134700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.89, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $522000 - Fixed Assets: $1044000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $311000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $722000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $533000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 52.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 18.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1420000 COGS: $710000 Gross Profit: $710000 Operating Expenses: $366000 Net Income: $244000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $172000 Investing Activities: -$61000 Financing Activities: $24400 Net Cash Flow: $135400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.90, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $523000 - Fixed Assets: $1046000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $311500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $723000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $534500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 52.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 18.970000000000002%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1430000 COGS: $715000 Gross Profit: $715000 Operating Expenses: $369000 Net Income: $246000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $173000 Investing Activities: -$61500 Financing Activities: $24600 Net Cash Flow: $136100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.91, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $524000 - Fixed Assets: $1048000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $312000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $724000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $536000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 52.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 19.07%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1440000 COGS: $720000 Gross Profit: $720000 Operating Expenses: $372000 Net Income: $248000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $174000 Investing Activities: -$62000 Financing Activities: $24800 Net Cash Flow: $136800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.92, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $525000 - Fixed Assets: $1050000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $312500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $725000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $537500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 52.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 19.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1450000 COGS: $725000 Gross Profit: $725000 Operating Expenses: $375000 Net Income: $250000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $175000 Investing Activities: -$62500 Financing Activities: $25000 Net Cash Flow: $137500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.93, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $526000 - Fixed Assets: $1052000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $313000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $726000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $539000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 52.6%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 19.270000000000003%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1460000 COGS: $730000 Gross Profit: $730000 Operating Expenses: $378000 Net Income: $252000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $176000 Investing Activities: -$63000 Financing Activities: $25200 Net Cash Flow: $138200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.94, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $527000 - Fixed Assets: $1054000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $313500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $727000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $540500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 52.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 19.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1470000 COGS: $735000 Gross Profit: $735000 Operating Expenses: $381000 Net Income: $254000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $177000 Investing Activities: -$63500 Financing Activities: $25400 Net Cash Flow: $138900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.95, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $528000 - Fixed Assets: $1056000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $314000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $728000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $542000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 52.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 19.470000000000002%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1480000 COGS: $740000 Gross Profit: $740000 Operating Expenses: $384000 Net Income: $256000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $178000 Investing Activities: -$64000 Financing Activities: $25600 Net Cash Flow: $139600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.96, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $529000 - Fixed Assets: $1058000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $314500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $729000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $543500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 52.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 19.57%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1490000 COGS: $745000 Gross Profit: $745000 Operating Expenses: $387000 Net Income: $258000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $179000 Investing Activities: -$64500 Financing Activities: $25800 Net Cash Flow: $140300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.97, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $530000 - Fixed Assets: $1060000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $315000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $730000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $545000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 53.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 19.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1500000 COGS: $750000 Gross Profit: $750000 Operating Expenses: $390000 Net Income: $260000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $180000 Investing Activities: -$65000 Financing Activities: $26000 Net Cash Flow: $141000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.98, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $531000 - Fixed Assets: $1062000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $315500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $731000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $546500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 53.1%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 19.770000000000003%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1510000 COGS: $755000 Gross Profit: $755000 Operating Expenses: $393000 Net Income: $262000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $181000 Investing Activities: -$65500 Financing Activities: $26200 Net Cash Flow: $141700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 1.99, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $532000 - Fixed Assets: $1064000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $316000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $732000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $548000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 53.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 19.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $1520000 COGS: $760000 Gross Profit: $760000 Operating Expenses: $396000 Net Income: $264000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $182000 Investing Activities: -$66000 Financing Activities: $26400 Net Cash Flow: $142400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 2.00, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $533000 - Fixed Assets: $1066000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $316500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $733000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $549500
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Financial Statements Dataset for FinGPT Fine-Tuning


This dataset contains 3000 records, specifically designed for fine-tuning a FinGPT model to generate insights from financial statements. The dataset includes:

  • 1000 Balance Sheets
  • 1000 Income Statements
  • 1000 Cash Flow Statements

Each record consists of:

  • Input: The text of a financial statement (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, or Cash Flow Statement)
  • Output: Corresponding insights, analysis, or advice based on the financial statement

Dataset Structure

Each entry in the dataset is structured as follows:

    "input": "Type of Financial Statement and its content",
    "output": "Generated insights, analysis, or advice"
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