Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.67, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1300000 - Fixed Assets: $2600000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $700000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1500000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1700000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 130.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 96.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9200000 COGS: $4600000 Gross Profit: $4600000 Operating Expenses: $2700000 Net Income: $1800000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $950000 Investing Activities: -$450000 Financing Activities: $180000 Net Cash Flow: $680000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.68, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1301000 - Fixed Assets: $2602000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $700500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1501000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1701500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 130.10000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 96.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9210000 COGS: $4605000 Gross Profit: $4605000 Operating Expenses: $2703000 Net Income: $1802000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $951000 Investing Activities: -$450500 Financing Activities: $180200 Net Cash Flow: $680700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.69, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1302000 - Fixed Assets: $2604000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $701000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1502000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1703000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 130.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 96.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9220000 COGS: $4610000 Gross Profit: $4610000 Operating Expenses: $2706000 Net Income: $1804000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $952000 Investing Activities: -$451000 Financing Activities: $180400 Net Cash Flow: $681400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.70, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1303000 - Fixed Assets: $2606000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $701500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1503000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1704500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 130.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 96.97000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9230000 COGS: $4615000 Gross Profit: $4615000 Operating Expenses: $2709000 Net Income: $1806000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $953000 Investing Activities: -$451500 Financing Activities: $180600 Net Cash Flow: $682100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.71, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1304000 - Fixed Assets: $2608000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $702000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1504000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1706000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 130.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 97.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9240000 COGS: $4620000 Gross Profit: $4620000 Operating Expenses: $2712000 Net Income: $1808000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $954000 Investing Activities: -$452000 Financing Activities: $180800 Net Cash Flow: $682800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.72, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1305000 - Fixed Assets: $2610000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $702500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1505000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1707500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 130.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 97.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9250000 COGS: $4625000 Gross Profit: $4625000 Operating Expenses: $2715000 Net Income: $1810000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $955000 Investing Activities: -$452500 Financing Activities: $181000 Net Cash Flow: $683500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.73, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1306000 - Fixed Assets: $2612000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $703000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1506000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1709000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 130.60000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 97.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9260000 COGS: $4630000 Gross Profit: $4630000 Operating Expenses: $2718000 Net Income: $1812000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $956000 Investing Activities: -$453000 Financing Activities: $181200 Net Cash Flow: $684200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.74, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1307000 - Fixed Assets: $2614000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $703500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1507000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1710500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 130.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 97.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9270000 COGS: $4635000 Gross Profit: $4635000 Operating Expenses: $2721000 Net Income: $1814000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $957000 Investing Activities: -$453500 Financing Activities: $181400 Net Cash Flow: $684900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.75, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1308000 - Fixed Assets: $2616000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $704000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1508000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1712000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 130.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 97.47000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9280000 COGS: $4640000 Gross Profit: $4640000 Operating Expenses: $2724000 Net Income: $1816000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $958000 Investing Activities: -$454000 Financing Activities: $181600 Net Cash Flow: $685600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.76, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1309000 - Fixed Assets: $2618000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $704500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1509000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1713500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 130.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 97.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9290000 COGS: $4645000 Gross Profit: $4645000 Operating Expenses: $2727000 Net Income: $1818000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $959000 Investing Activities: -$454500 Financing Activities: $181800 Net Cash Flow: $686300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.77, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1310000 - Fixed Assets: $2620000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $705000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1510000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1715000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 131.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 97.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9300000 COGS: $4650000 Gross Profit: $4650000 Operating Expenses: $2730000 Net Income: $1820000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $960000 Investing Activities: -$455000 Financing Activities: $182000 Net Cash Flow: $687000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.78, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1311000 - Fixed Assets: $2622000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $705500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1511000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1716500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 131.10000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 97.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9310000 COGS: $4655000 Gross Profit: $4655000 Operating Expenses: $2733000 Net Income: $1822000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $961000 Investing Activities: -$455500 Financing Activities: $182200 Net Cash Flow: $687700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.79, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1312000 - Fixed Assets: $2624000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $706000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1512000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1718000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 131.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 97.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9320000 COGS: $4660000 Gross Profit: $4660000 Operating Expenses: $2736000 Net Income: $1824000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $962000 Investing Activities: -$456000 Financing Activities: $182400 Net Cash Flow: $688400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.80, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1313000 - Fixed Assets: $2626000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $706500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1513000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1719500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 131.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 97.97000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9330000 COGS: $4665000 Gross Profit: $4665000 Operating Expenses: $2739000 Net Income: $1826000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $963000 Investing Activities: -$456500 Financing Activities: $182600 Net Cash Flow: $689100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.81, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1314000 - Fixed Assets: $2628000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $707000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1514000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1721000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 131.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 98.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9340000 COGS: $4670000 Gross Profit: $4670000 Operating Expenses: $2742000 Net Income: $1828000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $964000 Investing Activities: -$457000 Financing Activities: $182800 Net Cash Flow: $689800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.82, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1315000 - Fixed Assets: $2630000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $707500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1515000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1722500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 131.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 98.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9350000 COGS: $4675000 Gross Profit: $4675000 Operating Expenses: $2745000 Net Income: $1830000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $965000 Investing Activities: -$457500 Financing Activities: $183000 Net Cash Flow: $690500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.83, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1316000 - Fixed Assets: $2632000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $708000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1516000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1724000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 131.60000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 98.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9360000 COGS: $4680000 Gross Profit: $4680000 Operating Expenses: $2748000 Net Income: $1832000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $966000 Investing Activities: -$458000 Financing Activities: $183200 Net Cash Flow: $691200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.84, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1317000 - Fixed Assets: $2634000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $708500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1517000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1725500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 131.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 98.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9370000 COGS: $4685000 Gross Profit: $4685000 Operating Expenses: $2751000 Net Income: $1834000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $967000 Investing Activities: -$458500 Financing Activities: $183400 Net Cash Flow: $691900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.85, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1318000 - Fixed Assets: $2636000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $709000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1518000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1727000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 131.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 98.47000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9380000 COGS: $4690000 Gross Profit: $4690000 Operating Expenses: $2754000 Net Income: $1836000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $968000 Investing Activities: -$459000 Financing Activities: $183600 Net Cash Flow: $692600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.86, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1319000 - Fixed Assets: $2638000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $709500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1519000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1728500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 131.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 98.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9390000 COGS: $4695000 Gross Profit: $4695000 Operating Expenses: $2757000 Net Income: $1838000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $969000 Investing Activities: -$459500 Financing Activities: $183800 Net Cash Flow: $693300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.87, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1320000 - Fixed Assets: $2640000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $710000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1520000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1730000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 132.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 98.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9400000 COGS: $4700000 Gross Profit: $4700000 Operating Expenses: $2760000 Net Income: $1840000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $970000 Investing Activities: -$460000 Financing Activities: $184000 Net Cash Flow: $694000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.88, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1321000 - Fixed Assets: $2642000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $710500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1521000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1731500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 132.10000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 98.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9410000 COGS: $4705000 Gross Profit: $4705000 Operating Expenses: $2763000 Net Income: $1842000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $971000 Investing Activities: -$460500 Financing Activities: $184200 Net Cash Flow: $694700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.89, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1322000 - Fixed Assets: $2644000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $711000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1522000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1733000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 132.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 98.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9420000 COGS: $4710000 Gross Profit: $4710000 Operating Expenses: $2766000 Net Income: $1844000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $972000 Investing Activities: -$461000 Financing Activities: $184400 Net Cash Flow: $695400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.90, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1323000 - Fixed Assets: $2646000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $711500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1523000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1734500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 132.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 98.97000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9430000 COGS: $4715000 Gross Profit: $4715000 Operating Expenses: $2769000 Net Income: $1846000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $973000 Investing Activities: -$461500 Financing Activities: $184600 Net Cash Flow: $696100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.91, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1324000 - Fixed Assets: $2648000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $712000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1524000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1736000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 132.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 99.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9440000 COGS: $4720000 Gross Profit: $4720000 Operating Expenses: $2772000 Net Income: $1848000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $974000 Investing Activities: -$462000 Financing Activities: $184800 Net Cash Flow: $696800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.92, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1325000 - Fixed Assets: $2650000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $712500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1525000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1737500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 132.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 99.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9450000 COGS: $4725000 Gross Profit: $4725000 Operating Expenses: $2775000 Net Income: $1850000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $975000 Investing Activities: -$462500 Financing Activities: $185000 Net Cash Flow: $697500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.93, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1326000 - Fixed Assets: $2652000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $713000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1526000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1739000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 132.60000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 99.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9460000 COGS: $4730000 Gross Profit: $4730000 Operating Expenses: $2778000 Net Income: $1852000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $976000 Investing Activities: -$463000 Financing Activities: $185200 Net Cash Flow: $698200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.94, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1327000 - Fixed Assets: $2654000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $713500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1527000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1740500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 132.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 99.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9470000 COGS: $4735000 Gross Profit: $4735000 Operating Expenses: $2781000 Net Income: $1854000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $977000 Investing Activities: -$463500 Financing Activities: $185400 Net Cash Flow: $698900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.95, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1328000 - Fixed Assets: $2656000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $714000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1528000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1742000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 132.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 99.47000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9480000 COGS: $4740000 Gross Profit: $4740000 Operating Expenses: $2784000 Net Income: $1856000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $978000 Investing Activities: -$464000 Financing Activities: $185600 Net Cash Flow: $699600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.96, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1329000 - Fixed Assets: $2658000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $714500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1529000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1743500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 132.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 99.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9490000 COGS: $4745000 Gross Profit: $4745000 Operating Expenses: $2787000 Net Income: $1858000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $979000 Investing Activities: -$464500 Financing Activities: $185800 Net Cash Flow: $700300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.97, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1330000 - Fixed Assets: $2660000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $715000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1530000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1745000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 133.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 99.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9500000 COGS: $4750000 Gross Profit: $4750000 Operating Expenses: $2790000 Net Income: $1860000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $980000 Investing Activities: -$465000 Financing Activities: $186000 Net Cash Flow: $701000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.98, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1331000 - Fixed Assets: $2662000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $715500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1531000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1746500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 133.10000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 99.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9510000 COGS: $4755000 Gross Profit: $4755000 Operating Expenses: $2793000 Net Income: $1862000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $981000 Investing Activities: -$465500 Financing Activities: $186200 Net Cash Flow: $701700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 9.99, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1332000 - Fixed Assets: $2664000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $716000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1532000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1748000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 133.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 99.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $9520000 COGS: $4760000 Gross Profit: $4760000 Operating Expenses: $2796000 Net Income: $1864000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $982000 Investing Activities: -$466000 Financing Activities: $186400 Net Cash Flow: $702400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 10.00, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1333000 - Fixed Assets: $2666000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $716500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1533000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1749500