Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $816000 Investing Activities: -$383000 Financing Activities: $153200 Net Cash Flow: $586200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.34, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1167000 - Fixed Assets: $2334000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $633500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1367000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1500500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 116.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 83.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7870000 COGS: $3935000 Gross Profit: $3935000 Operating Expenses: $2301000 Net Income: $1534000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $817000 Investing Activities: -$383500 Financing Activities: $153400 Net Cash Flow: $586900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.35, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1168000 - Fixed Assets: $2336000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $634000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1368000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1502000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 116.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 83.47%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7880000 COGS: $3940000 Gross Profit: $3940000 Operating Expenses: $2304000 Net Income: $1536000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $818000 Investing Activities: -$384000 Financing Activities: $153600 Net Cash Flow: $587600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.36, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1169000 - Fixed Assets: $2338000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $634500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1369000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1503500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 116.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 83.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7890000 COGS: $3945000 Gross Profit: $3945000 Operating Expenses: $2307000 Net Income: $1538000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $819000 Investing Activities: -$384500 Financing Activities: $153800 Net Cash Flow: $588300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.37, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1170000 - Fixed Assets: $2340000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $635000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1370000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1505000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 117.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 83.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7900000 COGS: $3950000 Gross Profit: $3950000 Operating Expenses: $2310000 Net Income: $1540000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $820000 Investing Activities: -$385000 Financing Activities: $154000 Net Cash Flow: $589000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.38, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1171000 - Fixed Assets: $2342000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $635500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1371000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1506500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 117.10000000000001%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 83.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7910000 COGS: $3955000 Gross Profit: $3955000 Operating Expenses: $2313000 Net Income: $1542000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $821000 Investing Activities: -$385500 Financing Activities: $154200 Net Cash Flow: $589700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.39, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1172000 - Fixed Assets: $2344000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $636000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1372000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1508000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 117.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 83.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7920000 COGS: $3960000 Gross Profit: $3960000 Operating Expenses: $2316000 Net Income: $1544000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $822000 Investing Activities: -$386000 Financing Activities: $154400 Net Cash Flow: $590400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.40, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1173000 - Fixed Assets: $2346000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $636500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1373000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1509500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 117.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 83.97%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7930000 COGS: $3965000 Gross Profit: $3965000 Operating Expenses: $2319000 Net Income: $1546000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $823000 Investing Activities: -$386500 Financing Activities: $154600 Net Cash Flow: $591100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.41, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1174000 - Fixed Assets: $2348000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $637000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1374000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1511000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 117.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 84.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7940000 COGS: $3970000 Gross Profit: $3970000 Operating Expenses: $2322000 Net Income: $1548000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $824000 Investing Activities: -$387000 Financing Activities: $154800 Net Cash Flow: $591800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.42, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1175000 - Fixed Assets: $2350000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $637500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1375000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1512500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 117.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 84.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7950000 COGS: $3975000 Gross Profit: $3975000 Operating Expenses: $2325000 Net Income: $1550000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $825000 Investing Activities: -$387500 Financing Activities: $155000 Net Cash Flow: $592500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.43, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1176000 - Fixed Assets: $2352000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $638000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1376000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1514000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 117.60000000000001%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 84.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7960000 COGS: $3980000 Gross Profit: $3980000 Operating Expenses: $2328000 Net Income: $1552000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $826000 Investing Activities: -$388000 Financing Activities: $155200 Net Cash Flow: $593200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.44, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1177000 - Fixed Assets: $2354000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $638500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1377000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1515500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 117.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 84.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7970000 COGS: $3985000 Gross Profit: $3985000 Operating Expenses: $2331000 Net Income: $1554000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $827000 Investing Activities: -$388500 Financing Activities: $155400 Net Cash Flow: $593900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.45, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1178000 - Fixed Assets: $2356000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $639000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1378000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1517000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 117.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 84.47%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7980000 COGS: $3990000 Gross Profit: $3990000 Operating Expenses: $2334000 Net Income: $1556000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $828000 Investing Activities: -$389000 Financing Activities: $155600 Net Cash Flow: $594600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.46, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1179000 - Fixed Assets: $2358000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $639500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1379000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1518500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 117.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 84.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $7990000 COGS: $3995000 Gross Profit: $3995000 Operating Expenses: $2337000 Net Income: $1558000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $829000 Investing Activities: -$389500 Financing Activities: $155800 Net Cash Flow: $595300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.47, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1180000 - Fixed Assets: $2360000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $640000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1380000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1520000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 118.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 84.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8000000 COGS: $4000000 Gross Profit: $4000000 Operating Expenses: $2340000 Net Income: $1560000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $830000 Investing Activities: -$390000 Financing Activities: $156000 Net Cash Flow: $596000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.48, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1181000 - Fixed Assets: $2362000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $640500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1381000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1521500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 118.10000000000001%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 84.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8010000 COGS: $4005000 Gross Profit: $4005000 Operating Expenses: $2343000 Net Income: $1562000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $831000 Investing Activities: -$390500 Financing Activities: $156200 Net Cash Flow: $596700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.49, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1182000 - Fixed Assets: $2364000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $641000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1382000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1523000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 118.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 84.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8020000 COGS: $4010000 Gross Profit: $4010000 Operating Expenses: $2346000 Net Income: $1564000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $832000 Investing Activities: -$391000 Financing Activities: $156400 Net Cash Flow: $597400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.50, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1183000 - Fixed Assets: $2366000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $641500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1383000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1524500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 118.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 84.97%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8030000 COGS: $4015000 Gross Profit: $4015000 Operating Expenses: $2349000 Net Income: $1566000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $833000 Investing Activities: -$391500 Financing Activities: $156600 Net Cash Flow: $598100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.51, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1184000 - Fixed Assets: $2368000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $642000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1384000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1526000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 118.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 85.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8040000 COGS: $4020000 Gross Profit: $4020000 Operating Expenses: $2352000 Net Income: $1568000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $834000 Investing Activities: -$392000 Financing Activities: $156800 Net Cash Flow: $598800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.52, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1185000 - Fixed Assets: $2370000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $642500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1385000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1527500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 118.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 85.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8050000 COGS: $4025000 Gross Profit: $4025000 Operating Expenses: $2355000 Net Income: $1570000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $835000 Investing Activities: -$392500 Financing Activities: $157000 Net Cash Flow: $599500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.53, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1186000 - Fixed Assets: $2372000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $643000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1386000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1529000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 118.60000000000001%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 85.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8060000 COGS: $4030000 Gross Profit: $4030000 Operating Expenses: $2358000 Net Income: $1572000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $836000 Investing Activities: -$393000 Financing Activities: $157200 Net Cash Flow: $600200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.54, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1187000 - Fixed Assets: $2374000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $643500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1387000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1530500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 118.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 85.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8070000 COGS: $4035000 Gross Profit: $4035000 Operating Expenses: $2361000 Net Income: $1574000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $837000 Investing Activities: -$393500 Financing Activities: $157400 Net Cash Flow: $600900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.55, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1188000 - Fixed Assets: $2376000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $644000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1388000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1532000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 118.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 85.47%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8080000 COGS: $4040000 Gross Profit: $4040000 Operating Expenses: $2364000 Net Income: $1576000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $838000 Investing Activities: -$394000 Financing Activities: $157600 Net Cash Flow: $601600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.56, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1189000 - Fixed Assets: $2378000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $644500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1389000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1533500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 118.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 85.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8090000 COGS: $4045000 Gross Profit: $4045000 Operating Expenses: $2367000 Net Income: $1578000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $839000 Investing Activities: -$394500 Financing Activities: $157800 Net Cash Flow: $602300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.57, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1190000 - Fixed Assets: $2380000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $645000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1390000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1535000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 119.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 85.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8100000 COGS: $4050000 Gross Profit: $4050000 Operating Expenses: $2370000 Net Income: $1580000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $840000 Investing Activities: -$395000 Financing Activities: $158000 Net Cash Flow: $603000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.58, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1191000 - Fixed Assets: $2382000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $645500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1391000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1536500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 119.10000000000001%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 85.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8110000 COGS: $4055000 Gross Profit: $4055000 Operating Expenses: $2373000 Net Income: $1582000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $841000 Investing Activities: -$395500 Financing Activities: $158200 Net Cash Flow: $603700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.59, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1192000 - Fixed Assets: $2384000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $646000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1392000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1538000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 119.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 85.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8120000 COGS: $4060000 Gross Profit: $4060000 Operating Expenses: $2376000 Net Income: $1584000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $842000 Investing Activities: -$396000 Financing Activities: $158400 Net Cash Flow: $604400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.60, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1193000 - Fixed Assets: $2386000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $646500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1393000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1539500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 119.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 85.97%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8130000 COGS: $4065000 Gross Profit: $4065000 Operating Expenses: $2379000 Net Income: $1586000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $843000 Investing Activities: -$396500 Financing Activities: $158600 Net Cash Flow: $605100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.61, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1194000 - Fixed Assets: $2388000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $647000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1394000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1541000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 119.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 86.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8140000 COGS: $4070000 Gross Profit: $4070000 Operating Expenses: $2382000 Net Income: $1588000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $844000 Investing Activities: -$397000 Financing Activities: $158800 Net Cash Flow: $605800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.62, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1195000 - Fixed Assets: $2390000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $647500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1395000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1542500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 119.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 86.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8150000 COGS: $4075000 Gross Profit: $4075000 Operating Expenses: $2385000 Net Income: $1590000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $845000 Investing Activities: -$397500 Financing Activities: $159000 Net Cash Flow: $606500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.63, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1196000 - Fixed Assets: $2392000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $648000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1396000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1544000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 119.60000000000001%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 86.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8160000 COGS: $4080000 Gross Profit: $4080000 Operating Expenses: $2388000 Net Income: $1592000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $846000 Investing Activities: -$398000 Financing Activities: $159200 Net Cash Flow: $607200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.64, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1197000 - Fixed Assets: $2394000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $648500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1397000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1545500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 119.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 86.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8170000 COGS: $4085000 Gross Profit: $4085000 Operating Expenses: $2391000 Net Income: $1594000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $847000 Investing Activities: -$398500 Financing Activities: $159400 Net Cash Flow: $607900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.65, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1198000 - Fixed Assets: $2396000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $649000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1398000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1547000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 119.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 86.47%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8180000 COGS: $4090000 Gross Profit: $4090000 Operating Expenses: $2394000 Net Income: $1596000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $848000 Investing Activities: -$399000 Financing Activities: $159600 Net Cash Flow: $608600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 8.66, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1199000 - Fixed Assets: $2398000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $649500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1399000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1548500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 119.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 86.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $8190000 COGS: $4095000 Gross Profit: $4095000 Operating Expenses: $2397000 Net Income: $1598000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $849000 Investing Activities: -$399500 Financing Activities: $159800 Net Cash Flow: $609300