Dataset Viewer
null | trajectories/sorcerer.pkl
null | trajectories/temple.pkl
dict | trajectories/pentari.pkl
dict | trajectories/ztuu.pkl
dict | trajectories/omniquest.pkl
dict | trajectories/balances.pkl
dict | trajectories/library.pkl
null | trajectories/detective.pkl
null | trajectories/inhumane.pkl
null | trajectories/wishbringer.pkl
null | trajectories/moonlit.pkl
null | trajectories/spirit.pkl
null | trajectories/zork3.pkl
null | trajectories/905.pkl
null | trajectories/snacktime.pkl
null | trajectories/zenon.pkl
null | trajectories/awaken.pkl
null | trajectories/enchanter.pkl
null |
null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nFamiliar as your dream may be, the shapes and the colours that surround you feel as scary as ever. For more than two months the beginning of your nightly nightmares have stayed the same. The old woman drags you up from your bed. Your struggles are in vain against the iron-hard grip of the bony hands as she pushes you out of the window. But instead of falling headlong towards the backyard below you find yourself in an alien world, trying desperately to wake up.\n\nThe Temple\nAn Interactive Homage to H.P. Lovecraft\n(c) 2002 Johan Berntsson\n\nPlease type \"help\" for instructions and license information.\nRelease 2 / Serial number 021118 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/2\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nVoid\nYou plunge through limitless abysses of inexplicably coloured twilight and distorted sound, whose material and gravitational properties are beyond reason and understanding. The abysses are by no means vacant, being crowded with hazy objects, much like shadows, that are moving around in a haphazard manner. ",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Void",
"inv": null
"msg": "You try to feel your body, but get only the strangest feeling. Something is there, but no reaction, no nerve pulse, feels normal. As you look down on your body you see only a haze, like those of the shadows around you.\n\nA cascade of red colour explodes below you.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Void",
"inv": null
"msg": "They are sometimes stationary, sometimes moving around. Their movement is not linear and they seem to suddenly dissolve from one place, only to appear from nothing in a new place, apparently at random. Although they sometimes are close to you they always appear hazy.\n\nSuddenly there is a new element in your dream, one you have never experienced before. A sense of blinding fear threatens to overwhelm you as a shape appears close to you. There is nothing visually different about it, but you can't bear looking at it for very long.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Void",
"inv": null
"msg": "In your current state of fear your mind and body refuse to cooperate.\n\nThe shadow disappears somewhere. A slave under someone else's will, you find yourself moving towards a place you have never seen before.\n\nRoof\nThe city below you is ancient. Dark domes and steep roofs form a silent silhouette against the clear star-filled sky. You are standing on the roof of a tower, built of crumbling masonry, which seems to be centuries old. An iron railing of strange design circles the perimeter of the roof and a winding staircase leads down.",
"hints": [
"take railing",
"ploc": "Roof",
"inv": null
"msg": "The railing won't budge, but one of the statues breaks of in your hands.",
"hints": [
"put statue down"
"ploc": "Roof",
"inv": [
"hideous statue"
"msg": "In the stone the artist has carved a hideous monster. It is vaguely human-shaped, but the arms are too long, the skin is covered by scales, and the fangs are definitely out of place.",
"hints": [
"put statue down"
"ploc": "Roof",
"inv": [
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nThe winding staircase leads to a spacious chamber inside the tower.\n\nStudy\nDust and spider webs cover all surfaces in this room in a soft silver gleam, blurring the outlines of the furnishings into fantastic, dreamy forms. The walls are lined with bookshelves and a lone desk lies at one corner. Close to a staircase, which leads further up and down the tower, is a massive table made of black stone. A doorway leads to a smaller room to the south.\n\nOn the desk is a yellow paper.",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"examine writing",
"put statue down",
"examine table",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"hideous statue"
"msg": "On the paper is a coded message and it is impossible to say even in which language the text is written.",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"examine writing",
"put statue down",
"examine table",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine writing",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"examine table",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put all on desk",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The base of the stone table is covered with carvings, each showing different kinds of creatures, or maybe Gods, standing on stone tables. Humans, who seem to be reciting prayers or spells, are standing in front of the creatures.\n\nYou spot something behind the table. Pushing the cobwebs aside, you reveal some writing, crudely painted on the stone wall with black paint.",
"hints": [
"examine writing",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put all on desk",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "It seems to be a poem, or chant. The language is unfamiliar and complicated, and you repeat the syllables with a low voice: Y'ai'ng'ngah h'ee-l'geb f'ai throdog.\n\nEven as you speak you sense something approaching. The light in the room darkens, and a mysterious green glow is emitted from some dust on the stone table. Its brightness intensifies to an unbearable level and you involuntarily step away. A shape appears on the previously empty table. As the flash fades away you recognise the shape as that of a man, lying still on the table.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"touch body",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The unconscious man is young, tall, and white. You guess he could be of British descent. The most striking thing about him is his clothes, which looks at least eighty years out of fashion.",
"hints": [
"touch body",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "After several attempts, you manage to shake the man awake. He sits up on the table, still confused. In response to your many questions the man simply states that he can't remember and it seems that he is suffering from amnesia.",
"hints": [
"examine staircase",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You browse through the library but can't find any books written in a language you can read, so you leave them alone.\n\nThe man gets up from the table and looks around, perplexed. 'I think I've been here before', he mutters.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The dust is everywhere.\n\nThe man asks who you are. You tell him about your dream, and how you ended up here.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The desk is well used and the surface has many scratches and stains of ink.\n\nThe man falls silent for a while, and then he says: 'Some parts of my memory have come back now. I remember that my name is Charles Bristow and I studied archeology and history in New England. Something terrible happened but of that I can recall only small fragments.' He looks around the chamber and says with despair in his voice, 'My God, where am I? Will my nightmares never end?'",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nHall\nThis damp hall occupies the whole ground level of the tower. A staircase provides access to the higher levels, while a massive oak door, set in the southern wall, leads out.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"take into bristow",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The door is big and made of crude oak logs, which have darkened to almost black with time and wear. The lock and the iron handle look handcrafted and antique.\n\nCharles tries to open the door and says 'It's locked. Do you know where the key is?'",
"hints": [
"take into bristow",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nThe winding staircase leads to a spacious chamber inside the tower.\n\nStudy\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nStorage\nThis is a minor storage chamber, connected to the study through a doorway in the northern wall. There are some shelves, mostly vacant, here.\n\nOn one of the shelves are four small vials, each neatly labelled and containing some green powder.\n\nCharles follows you.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"take all off shelves",
"put paper on shelves",
"put statue on shelves",
"put all on shelves",
"ploc": "Storage",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Randomly you pick one of the vials from the shelf.\n\nCharles picks up a vial. 'I saw this before in a dream', he says and puts it back.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"take all off shelves",
"put paper on shelves",
"put statue on shelves",
"put vial on shelves",
"put all on shelves",
"ploc": "Storage",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Randomly you pick one of the vials from the shelf.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"put paper on shelves",
"put statue on shelves",
"put vial on shelves",
"put all on shelves",
"ploc": "Storage",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Randomly you pick one of the vials from the shelf.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"put paper on shelves",
"put statue on shelves",
"put vial on shelves",
"put all on shelves",
"ploc": "Storage",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nStudy\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put vial on desk",
"put vial on table",
"put vial on bookshelves",
"put vial on ink",
"put vial on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Just as you descend the last steps of the staircase you notice that something is wedged between the door and the door frame!\n\nHall\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"take into bristow",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You explain your idea for Charles and he lifts you up. After a few moments of nervous search your fingers touch cold metal. You jerk it out and Charles puts you down again. The fruit of your effort is an iron key.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by three points.]",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You unlock the oak door.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"open door",
"lock door with key"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You open the oak door.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nBefore A Dark Tower\nThis area in front of an old tower offers a nightmarish view over a monstrous tangle of dark stone buildings. Most buildings are elliptical, built of irregular-sized basalt blocks of irregular size. None of them seem to have any doors or windows. There is a square further down to the southwest. The sole passage to the tower is through the door to the north.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"take into southwest",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Before A Dark Tower",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Judging from the masonry the tower must be centuries old. It towers high above the nightmarish city below.\n\nCharles looks nervously around.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"take into southwest",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Before A Dark Tower",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nPublic Square\nThere is a large public square here, surrounded by the same strange elliptical buildings on all sides except to the east, where a high wall built of massive sandstone blocks stands. There is a road to the west leading deeper into the city. Against the sky you see a high tower to the northeast. The only trace of life comes from the south where a road leads to what appears to be a temple.\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The wall is running in north-south direction. It is constructed of huge sandstone blocks and must be more than twelve feet high.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The temple is an impressive and forbidding structure, adorned by mysterious mural paintings. Many people have gathered inside, and muffled sounds of praying can be heard even from the outside.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "'Look at the carvings, and the strange shape of that building! I know well what that temple is housing. It is a house of worship of the evil Gods. Don't go there if you value your life.'",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\nWandering through the deserted city you stumble upon something unexpected. A large crack yawns darkly into the side of one of the ponderous elliptical buildings to the north. You wonder what monumental forces could have effected this rupture. The road extends to the east and west.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The crack is just wide enough to squeeze through.\n\nCharles sighs deeply and says 'Will I ever see Miriam again?' to himself.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Squeezing through the crack, you manage to enter the building.\n\nA Dark Hallway\nThe building is of great size and decorated with extreme elaborateness, giving you a glimpse the nameless past. The walls are covered with mural carvings, whose interpretation escapes you. The smoothness of the sheer stone walls is interrupted by a crack that gapes into the southern wall. A doorway to the north leads deeper inside the building.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "A Dark Hallway",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The carvings shows picturesque patterns and figures, but you have a feeling that they are not meant for decoration. Instead, they make you think of illustrations in works of physics and mathematics.\n\nCharles studies the wall and says 'Nice carvings, but I don't understand what they mean.'",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "A Dark Hallway",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nLibrary\nThis is an enormous vaulted chamber whose lofty stone groining rise indefinitely into the murky shadows overhead. The exposed stonework features mural carvings in curvilinear designs. Vast shelves of dark wood line the walls, but they are all empty. Although deserted, the place has the air and the feel of a big library. The main exit is to the south.\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "A shout of surprise stops you in your tracks. Charles is standing in a remote corner, looking down at something. You move closer, and find a skeleton lying partly hidden in a niche.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down",
"take note off skeleton",
"give charles note"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The yellowed remains lie face down on the floor, still covered by torn clothing. Its bony hand is clutching a note.\n\nCharles points at the skeleton and says 'Poor fellow, I hope we don't end up like him'",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down",
"take note off skeleton",
"give charles note"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"give bristow note"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "A message is written in spidery script on the note:\n\nI must be brief, because there is not much time left. The fever is burning in my body and I think I won't survive the night.\n\nThe Caelestae Horriblis has answered many of my questions. I know of the evil Gods of the past. I now understand that the barbaric rites in the temple have raised them from their eternal sleep and that it is only a question of time before they reconquer Earth. When this happens, we are all doomed. Our only hope is to reimpose the ban once set upon the evil Gods by the Eternal Ones. A sacrifice, on which a mystic symbol is written with holy powder, is necessary to summon them . Hidden in the cryptic language of the Caelestae Horriblis were the ingredients for this powder, and I gathered them in my hideout. I have searched for the exact shape of the mystic symbol, but this knowledge has been denied me. My time is running out, but I know that people from Earth are sometimes thrown into this dimension, and my last wish is that someone can continue where I failed and prepare the sacrifice.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"give bristow note"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Charles looks at the note and suddenly grows pale. 'Mother of God...', he whispers and drops the note on the floor, 'it is my handwriting.'",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The yellowed remains lie face down on the floor, still covered by torn clothing.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The skeleton is dressed in the torn remains of a tweed jacket and cotton trousers.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "A forbidden book of ancient lore, unfortunately written in Latin, which you can't read. One thing of interest is that the title, Caelestae Horriblis, and the author's name, Abtin Mukhtar, have been written both in Arabic and Latin letters.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "When you compare the writing on the label with the name written in the Caelestae Horriblis, you discover a vial labelled Mukhtar!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Apart from it being labelled Mukhtar, it looks identical to the other vials and contains some green power.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nA Dark Hallway\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "A Dark Hallway",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCrossroads\nThe road to the public square, way back east, forks into a north-south road here. To the west looms yet another of the stone buildings.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Crossroads",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\nThe ceaseless blandness of the surrounding architecture has a dimly sinister suggestiveness and you can't but help but wonder who the primal entities which rear, or reared, here are. The road leads north, deeper into the city.\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCrossroads\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Crossroads",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nDead End\nThis part of the town is radically different from the parts closer to the tower. The roads are narrower and the paving is irregular, sometimes stone slabs and sometimes cobblestones. The buildings are tall but less well kept than before. There are still no windows or doors, but there are a few overhead bridges from house to house. The road ends here and the only way out is to the north.\n\nA cat is sitting on one of the overhead bridges.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"look in slab",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The cat is almost completely white. Only a spot on its tail is black. It is sitting on an overhead bridge and looks frightened.\n\nCharles says 'Oh God, I'm so tired of this. I only want to return home.'\n\nThe cat says 'Meow.'",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"look in slab",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The paving consists of stone slabs and cobblestones. It is in bad repair.\n\n'I used to have a cat, you know' Charles remarks.\n\nThe cat says 'Meow.'",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"look in slab",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "One of the stone slabs seems out of place. Kicking it emits a hollow sound, much like there was some cavity below it.\n\nThe cat looks down at you.",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"take slab",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You push the stone slab aside, revealing a entrance to a staircase, leading down into darkness.\n\nThe cat looks scared.",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nStairs\nYou are the top of an staircase, leading down into darkness. A few steps above is the opening, through which you can return to the city.\n\nCharles arrives, and looks around with a puzzled expression. He seems to hesitate briefly, and then says 'Look, I know that this must sound insane, but ever since I came here I keep getting the feeling that I have seen this place before, like in a dream or in a distant past that I have almost forgotten.'",
"hints": [
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Stairs",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Charles looks down the stairs and says gravely 'Don't ask me how, but I just know that if I go down there I won't return alive. Go ahead if you have to, but I will stay here and wait for you.'\n\nIn the almost complete darkness, the stairs seem endless but you finally arrive to a corridor far below the city.\n\nCorridor\nThe staircase to the south opens into a wide corridor, reaching further north. One both side massive walls rise, culminating in massive vaults, on which carvings are just visible. The floor is strewn with fallen blocks, sand, and detritus of every kind.\n\nBehind and above, a faint luminous blur tells of the distant world outside.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The stone is badly fragmented and the carvings almost gone.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "They are just shapeless fragments of stone.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor\nThis is a Cyclopean north-south corridor ten feet wide, paved with octagonal and square blocks, and solidly vaulted overhead. A side passage once led west, but it has collapsed.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nChamber\nYou are in a round vaulted chamber, about fifty feet across. The black masonry suggests that this might be a room under one of the mysterious buildings in the city. The chamber is bare and undecorated. Two corridors lead from this room, one to the south and one to the east. Looking up also reveals a square opening in the ceiling.\n\nIn the floor just below the opening in the ceiling is a trapdoor. It is closed and carefully sealed down with metal bands.\n\nSeeing the trapdoor suddenly gives you an unexpected feeling of fear, and suggestions of some special peril.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The trapdoor is carefully sealed with metal bands, which look strong. Its size corresponds to the opening in the ceiling above, and it is possible that it might lead to similar chamber below.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor\nThis is a badly heaped east-west corridor. It is almost completely dark, but you can make out a chamber further east. In the north wall is the entrance to a caved-in corridor.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You struggle through the debris.\n\nRock Chamber\nThis is a black chamber, directly cut in the rock. Crystals embedded in the walls reflect and magnify the available light. There is an antique gas stove mounted in one of the walls, and a rack just above it. The sole exit leads west into a dark corridor.\n\nThe chamber seems ancient, but the furniture feels more recent. Someone must have been using this chamber not so long ago.\n\nYou can also see a chair and a wooden chest (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "It is an old gas stove, which can be turned on by turning a switch. On the stove is a kettle.\n\nThe gas stove is currently switched off.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The kettle is empty.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The rack is mounted on the wall above the stove. On the rack are some red powder, some yellow powder and a glass bottle, inside which is a clear liquid.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "It is a big and heavy wooden chest. You can't see inside, since it is closed.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You struggle through the debris.\n\nChamber\n\nIn the floor just below the opening in the ceiling is a trapdoor. It is closed and carefully sealed down with metal bands.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor\n\nBehind and above, a faint luminous blur tells of the distant world outside.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nStairs\n\nYou can also see Charles Bristow here.",
"hints": [
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Stairs",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "'I just have this brief memory of seeing a crowbar in an underground chamber somewhere.'",
"hints": [
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Stairs",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nDead End\n\nA stone slab has been moved, revealing a dark entrance leading down.\n\nA cat is sitting on one of the overhead bridges.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCrossroads\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Crossroads",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\n\nCharles follows you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nPublic Square\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\nAn endless array of indistinguishably drab stone buildings lies at either side of the road. Though humbled by the sheer magnitude of the other buildings, a distinctive temple-like structure catches your eye at the south end of the road. Flickering light emanates from its high and narrow windows, casting uncertain shadows on the murals that adorn its wide doorway.\n\nCharles follows you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The murals decorating the main entrance to the temple are hard to interpret. Some humans are engaged in what appears to be a ritual. One is bringing a tray with something on it to a table and the others are standing a few paces behind, holding long knifes.\n\nCharles looks at the temple and says 'I think that the tower and the temple are more recent than the city itself. The style is quite different, don't you think?'",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "From inside the temple sounds of chants and prayers are heard, but the are too muffled to make out clearly.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nTemple\nThe temple is an immense building, whose vaulted ceiling towers high above. It is scantily lit, but a stage is set in its southern part. On the stage there is a huge statue, whose appearance is frightening even from this distance. In front of the statue is a roughly cube-shaped black stone table. There are lots of people in front of the stage, and the air is filled with sounds of chants and prayer. The main exit is to the north.\n\nCharles follows you.\n\nThere is some commotion as a man is led up to the stage by a few persons, who force him onto the stone table and ties him down.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put hideous statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Temple",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The huge statue on the stage is indeed grotesque and frightening. It is vaguely human-shaped, but the arms are too long, the skin is covered by scales, and the fangs are definitely out of place.\n\nA hooded, priestly figure carrying a dagger approaches the victim on the table. Without further ceremony he stabs the man in the chest. People around you start chanting terrible hymns in a foreign language.\n\nYou notice suspicious glances from people close to you. Charles whispers that it is better to leave before the crowd get too suspicious, and leaves the temple.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put hideous statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Temple",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You manage to slip out unnoticed.\n\nRoad\n\nYou can see Charles Bristow here.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put other down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nPublic Square\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nBefore A Dark Tower\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"take into southwest",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Before A Dark Tower",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nHall\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nThe winding staircase leads to a spacious chamber inside the tower.\n\nStudy\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"put key on ink",
"put key on desk",
"put key on dust",
"put key on table",
"put key on bookshelves",
"put mysterious vial on ink",
"put mysterious vial on desk",
"put mysterious vial on dust",
"put mysterious vial on table",
"put mysterious vial on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put mukhtar on ink",
"put mukhtar on desk",
"put mukhtar on dust",
"put mukhtar on table",
"put mukhtar on bookshelves",
"put horriblis on ink",
"put horriblis on desk",
"put horriblis on dust",
"put horriblis on table",
"put horriblis on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on desk",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You put the vial labelled Mukhtar on the black stone table.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"examine writing",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"put key on ink",
"put key on desk",
"put key on dust",
"put key on table",
"put key on bookshelves",
"put mysterious vial on ink",
"put mysterious vial on desk",
"put mysterious vial on dust",
"put mysterious vial on table",
"put mysterious vial on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put horriblis on ink",
"put horriblis on desk",
"put horriblis on dust",
"put horriblis on table",
"put horriblis on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on desk",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Once again you read the syllables of the chant aloud... Y'ai'ng'ngah h'ee-l'geb f'ai throdog.\n\nThe green sand emits a faint glow which quickly assumes an unbearable brightness. When the light finally dissipates, the vial is gone. Nothing seems to have changed, yet you detect something alien in your mode of thinking.\n\nThe sight of the writing evokes strangely uncommon thoughts.\n\nA stream of incomprehensible thoughts floods your brain, as if an alien presence was occupying your mind. You are unsure whether to attribute it to fatigue or to insanity.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"examine paper",
"put key on ink",
"put key on desk",
"put key on dust",
"put key on table",
"put key on bookshelves",
"put vial on ink",
"put vial on desk",
"put vial on dust",
"put vial on table",
"put vial on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put horriblis on ink",
"put horriblis on desk",
"put horriblis on dust",
"put horriblis on table",
"put horriblis on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on desk",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "A deep feeling of frustration in projected into your brain. This soon gives away to a concentrated study of the papers. One sentence is revealed, then another. Before long, Mukhtar has decoded the message, and you are swept away in a powerful vision.\n\nDark Chamber\nThis is a small chamber with rough walls, cut directly from rock. There is a fireplace set in the wall, and a doorway leading west.\n\nYou can see an old man here.\n\nThe man seems to be at work. He puts a handful of yellow powder in a bowl.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [],
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"actions": [
"x me",
"x shadow",
"x shape",
"pull railing",
"x statue",
"x paper",
"take paper",
"x table",
"x writing",
"x man",
"touch man",
"x books",
"x dust",
"x desk",
"x door",
"take vial",
"take vial",
"take vial",
"stand on charles",
"unlock door with key",
"open door",
"x tower",
"x sandstone",
"x temple",
"ask charles about temple",
"x crack",
"x carvings",
"x carvings",
"x skeleton",
"take note",
"x note",
"show note to charles",
"x skeleton",
"x torn clothes",
"take book",
"x book",
"x vial",
"x mukhtar",
"x cat",
"x slabs",
"search slabs",
"move slab",
"x carvings",
"x blocks",
"x trapdoor",
"x stove",
"x kettle",
"x rack",
"x chest",
"ask charles about chest",
"x mural",
"x huge statue",
"put mukhtar on table",
"read writing",
"x paper",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nA beautiful day in Bostwin! You are awakened by a ray of sunlight peeking through a window shade and rise refreshed after a restful night's sleep. You've given your Company a weekend pass to get some R&R after your last grueling mission. Wasting precious little time your entire company took off for the city proper to pack in as much drinking, carousing, brawling, wenching and other relaxing pursuits as possible in 48 hours. In the fields of battle your men are an elite unit of trained professionals. Off-duty they're pretty much like every other bunch of soldiers you've ever served with. \n\nA weekend off and what to do? After the challenges of the past year when you were first promoted and assumed command of Charlie Company you've nearly forgotton what free time is and what you're supposed to do with it.\n\nPentari\nAn Interactive Prequel To First Light \nCopyright 1998 (C) Howard A. Sherman. All Rights Reserved. \nType 'Info' For Information About This Game or 'Help' for Instructions.\nRelease 6 / Serial number 030206 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10 \n\nYour Quarters\nRank certainly does have its privileges. When you were a lowly lieutenant you had to share cramped quarters with a fellow lieutenant at your previous assignment. Commanding a company of your own affords you the luxury of private, spacious quarters just outside the barracks themselves. As a further abuse of your power your chest and bunk are not standard issue items from the Pentari millitary supply center.\n\nYou can see a postcard here.",
"hints": [
"take postcard",
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Your Quarters",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCharlie Company Compound\nYour company compound consists of three large buildings bordering a large, open area where company formations precede the orders of the day. To the west the Company's supply building can be seen while directly ahead of you lies your company's barracks which seem quieter than a crypt. Off to the east you hear the distant shouts of another Company drilling. Poor souls.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Charlie Company Compound",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCharlie Company Barracks\nIf the Army of Bostwin were to publish a new edition of the soldier's handbook, a picture of this barracks should be included as the example other companies should follow. The floors are polished to an almost blinding shine while each of the bunks lining both sides of this building are perfectly made. Every locker next to each bunk is closed and locked. Not a single scrap of paper, not one article of clothing, nay not even a dust particle looks out of place. The powerful smell of high quantities of pine cleaner nearly burns your nostrils. Damn, you run a good comapny.\n\nYou can see a Pentarian Transporter here.",
"hints": [
"get in other",
"put other down",
"ploc": "Charlie Company Barracks",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nThe Charlie Company Barracks (in the Pentarian Transporter)",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put sword down"
"ploc": "Pentarian Transporter",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nYour vision swims as your sight of the barracks blurs into a myriad of chaotic colors. You feel a moment of disorientation...\n\nAs you begin to materialize your eyes grow wide as you realize you're not in front of the Bank of Bostwin, where the transporter usually takes you in the city. You're not even outdoors, you're indoors! What the hell is going on here...?\n\nEntrance Hall\nYour footsteps echo loudly as you walk through this room taking in the vast expanse of its size. The walls rise majestically upward and outward to form a huge room which, curiously, is empty. You can't help but wonder why such a large room is needed for the straight-forward task of accepting guests and visitors. To the east a wide open arch leads to what must be a library while to the north you hardly help but notice a huge, semi-circular marble staircase leading up to parts unknown.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"put sword down"
"ploc": "Entrance Hall",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nLibrary\nThis is a vast chamber lined floor to ceiling with bookcases filled to capacity with books. You haven't seen such a collection of knowledge since your academy days. A cursory glance at some bookshelves reveal several titles on various topics of magic, history, philosophy, science and a hundred other topics. A few large tables with chairs are in the center of the room inviting anyone to make use of these impressive facilities.\n\nThe wizard Morden is here staring at you, the smallest of smiles on his face.\n\nYou can also see a copy of The Legends and Lore of Pentari here.",
"hints": [
"take other",
"put other down",
"push other to floor",
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nSpots in all the colors of the rainbow dance in front of your eyes as you feel yourself displaced...\n\n\nYou find yourself in the deep recesses of Vamvevmew's castle and instantly a wave of fear and depression hit you as hard as any enemy ever has. Your hand shoots right for your sword in its scabbard on reflex and you grip the hilt so hard your knuckles whiten.\n\nCastle\nYou are at the center of an intersection which runs east to west as well as north to south.\n\nThe Dark Elf walks in.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"hit elf",
"ploc": "Castle",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCastle Entrance\nThis large open area stands just inside the castle's gate and would be the place all visitors would first go before being allowed entrance to the castle proper. A guard station, long abandoned, is here. A corridor stretches into the castle itself to the north.\n\nYou can see a Magical Seal here.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"hit seal"
"ploc": "Castle Entrance",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "Your fist smashes the ward, shattering it into a cloud of shimmering dust.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"put sword down"
"ploc": "Castle Entrance",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCastle\n\nYou can see The Dark Elf here.\n\nThe Dark Elf walks around as if looking for something.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"hit elf",
"ploc": "Castle",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nMain Hall\nThis once majestic room was where visitors would come to relax and meet with the formal lord of the castle in a somewhat informal atmosphere. Several large comfortable couches are scattered about, dusty and altogether squalid. Many large tapestries still hang on the walls but are horribly faded from age. Large open archways lead east and west while a huge fireplace dominates the center of the room against the northern wall.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nMain Hall, by the Fireplace\nYou are at the northern end of the main hall taking in the panorama of what was once a majestic area where perhaps treaties were signed, strategies laid and plans foiled.\n\nYou can see a Large Fireplace here.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Main Hall, by the Fireplace",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nMain Hall",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nSpiral Stairway\nA large spiral staircase made entirely of marble polished smooth corkscrews up to a second floor and down to murky depths below. An archway north is cluttered with fallen rubble and crumbled stone but looks otherwise passable.",
"hints": [
"get in floor",
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Spiral Stairway",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCastle Dungeon\nDark, dank and musty are the highpoints of this dungeon. A guard post is here, positioned in such a way as to afford a view of the rows of cells and the prisoners they once contained. An open cell is just ahead to the north.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Castle Dungeon",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nSpiral Stairway",
"hints": [
"get in floor",
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Spiral Stairway",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nDining Room\nThe Duke wasn't one to stand on ceremony therefore he took all his meals in this room. This large room allowed many servers to shuttle back and forth from the kitchen to the north without getting in anyone's way. Dominating the center of the room is a long, grand table lined with comfortable looking high-backed chairs while exquisite paintings dot the walls.\n\nA folded linen towel is lying on the floor",
"hints": [
"take towel",
"put sword down",
"open towel",
"push towel to floor",
"ploc": "Dining Room",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "You open the towel.",
"hints": [
"take towel",
"close towel",
"put sword down",
"push towel to floor",
"put sword in towel",
"ploc": "Dining Room",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nKitchen\nPerhaps even larger than the dining room itself, this kitchen delivered many fine state dinners in its day. Large wood-burning stoves line one side of the room while on another are rows of preparation tables.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Kitchen",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nDining Room\n\nA folded linen towel is lying on the floor",
"hints": [
"take towel",
"close towel",
"put sword down",
"push towel to floor",
"put sword in towel",
"ploc": "Dining Room",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nSpiral Stairway",
"hints": [
"get in floor",
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Spiral Stairway",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nMain Hall",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nArmory\nMany death-dealing weapons of every type were stored here. Several tall racks probably held spears while shorter ones mounted against the wall stored various kinds of swords. Other wall mounts, also empty, give you no idea what sort of weapons may have been held by them. A large archway north is partially blocked by collapsed stones and rubble.\n\nYou can see a jewel encrusted dagger here.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"put other down",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take sword",
"take dagger",
"take all",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take sword",
"put dagger down",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": [
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "\nTreasury\nIn times past the vast wealth of the Duke would be stored here. Alas, with the castle taken and the Duke gone so with him went his riches. As you remember your history lessons, you recall the genealogy of the Dukes of Bostwin and their love of collecting treasures. You could only imagine what vast treasures were contained in this room long ago. \n\nA finely crafted oaken chest is here.",
"hints": [
"take chest",
"put dagger down",
"ploc": "Treasury",
"inv": [
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put dagger down",
"put chest down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Treasury",
"inv": [
"oaken chest",
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "\nArmory\n\nYou can see a fine Pentarian sword here.",
"hints": [
"take sword",
"put dagger down",
"put other down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": [
"oaken chest",
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "\nMain Hall\n\nThe Dark Elf walks in.",
"hints": [
"put dagger down",
"put chest down",
"put all down",
"hit elf",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"oaken chest",
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "oaken chest: Dropped.\njewel encrusted dagger: Dropped.\n\nThe Dark Elf walks around as if looking for something.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"take all",
"hit elf",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCastle",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Castle",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCastle Entrance",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Castle Entrance",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCastle",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Castle",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMain Hall\n\nYou can see a jewel encrusted dagger and an oaken chest (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"take all",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"put chest down",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"oaken chest"
"msg": "(the oaken chest down)\nDropped.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"take all",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMain Hall, by the Fireplace\n\nYou can see a Large Fireplace here.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Main Hall, by the Fireplace",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nThe Main Hall, by the Fireplace (in the Large Fireplace)\n\nYou can see a dirty scroll here.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take scroll"
"ploc": "Large Fireplace",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put scroll down"
"ploc": "Large Fireplace",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nMain Hall, by the Fireplace\n\nYou can see a Large Fireplace here.",
"hints": [
"put scroll down",
"ploc": "Main Hall, by the Fireplace",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nMain Hall\n\nYou can see an oaken chest (which is closed) and a jewel encrusted dagger here.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"put scroll down",
"take all",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "You hear a roar of flames as a fireball materializes out of nowhere and floods the entire room in a burst of flames! The intensity of the fireball blasts the chest open and miraculously, except for a slight discomfort of warmth, you are otherwise uneffected.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"take emerald",
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"close chest",
"take all",
"empty chest",
"push emerald to chest",
"push dagger to chest",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": null
"msg": "You feel a surge of power flow through you as you pick up the small emerald...Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"close chest",
"put emerald down",
"take all",
"put emerald in chest",
"push dagger to chest",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"small emerald"
"msg": "You need to be holding the jewel encrusted dagger before you can put it into something else.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"close chest",
"put emerald down",
"take all",
"put emerald in chest",
"push dagger to chest",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"small emerald"
"msg": "\nArmory\n\nYou can see a fine Pentarian sword here.\n\nThe Dark Elf walks in.",
"hints": [
"examine emerald",
"take sword",
"put emerald down",
"hit elf",
"push sword to floor",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": [
"small emerald"
"msg": "(the fine Pentarian sword)\nTaken.\n\nThe Dark Elf senses your aura of power and realizes you have the emerald he's been looking for! He bashes you on the back of your head with the hilt of his sword and steals the small emerald from you! \n\nYour vision swims and you can't quite your bearings...\n\nYou hear alot of shouting nearby between Vamvevmew and a familiar sounding voice followed by an explosion as the hair stands up on your head! You draw your sword and attempt to get your bearings but you feel displaced...\n\nYour vision struggles for clarity as you attempt to look through the smoke and the dust to behold two figures locked in sorceral combat! You can make out Morden mumbling something under his breath as he gestures towards The Dark Elf and a bolt of lightning hits Vamvevmew squarely in the chest!\n\nHowling in rage and pain, the Dark One returns the volley with a fire strike which lights up a previously invisible defensive shield around Morden! Essentially unhurt, Morden looks weakened from this engagement...\n\nYou look on in bewilderment but know that you must do something!\n\n\nCastle, Upper Level\nThis large room has taken on some new charasterics recently... now the walls are covered with blast marks of unknown origin from floor to ceiling. Smoke wafts throughout and it's about 10 degrees warmer in here.\n\nA box made of solid platinum is sitting on the floor here.\n\nYou can also see a small emerald, The Dark Elf and Morden here.",
"hints": [
"take emerald",
"put sword down",
"open box",
"hit elf",
"push emerald to floor",
"put sword on box"
"ploc": "Castle, Upper Level",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nWounded by the Wizard Morden and distracted by the mortal combat he is engaged in, you are able to come up behind Vamvevmew and run him through with your sword.\n\nA look of surprise crosses his face as he looks down and realizes he is mortally wounded. He gives you a black look and attempts to reach for your throat but doesn't quite make it, crumpling to the floor he breathes his last and dies.\n\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"take emerald",
"put sword down",
"open box",
"push emerald to floor",
"put sword on box"
"ploc": "Castle, Upper Level",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put emerald down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"open box",
"put emerald on box",
"put sword on box",
"put all on box"
"ploc": "Castle, Upper Level",
"inv": [
"small emerald",
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "small emerald: Done.\nfine Pentarian sword: Done.",
"hints": [
"take emerald",
"take sword",
"open box",
"push emerald to floor",
"push sword to floor"
"ploc": "Castle, Upper Level",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCastle, Upper Level\nThis large room has taken on some new charasterics recently... now the walls are covered with blast marks of unknown origin from floor to ceiling. Smoke wafts throughout and it's about 10 degrees warmer in here.\n\nA box made of solid platinum is sitting on the floor here.\nOn top are a fine Pentarian sword and a small emerald.\n\n \nThe platinum box and the small emerald crowning it glows a very bright green accompanied by what sounds like a chorus of singing angels! \n\nA man is materializing in the room, at first projected by a ray of green power emanating from the small emerald but in mere seconds the ray is gone and the man is here...\n\nHe is garbed in the tabbard of Bostwin and he sports a cape which is only reserved for high officers and nobility! Looking around the room he suddenly looks distressed and exclaims \"My castle. What the hell happened to my castle?!\" Galin immediately pauses as his eyes lock on the corpse of his ancient nemesis. \"Damn it, I wanted the privilege. He killed all my servants, all my men...\",he chokes with this and continues somberly,\"and he would've killed me if he didn't need me alive to ply me for my knowledge of the Empirical Emerald.\", with that he gives the platinum box an affectionate pat. \"I imagine I have alot of catching up to do. I get the impression quite a bit of time has passed since my departure to that astral limbo I was trapped in. Not a bad place, really. I learned a hell of alot, saw alot, experienced alot. It's somehow different than here, yet similar. I thought for sure I was escaping to Bostwin itself but I guess I miscalculated.\" With that Morden chuckles and nods his head knowingly.\n\n\"I wonder if I could have my old job back. I'm sure as hell to shake up the status quo with my peers of this age. But let me not forget you...\" pausing to look at the rank on your uniform, \"Captain. Should my peers of this age find it agreeable I will resume my noble office as befits my rank and appoint you the Captain of my personal guard! My many thanks to you for freeing me from the hell of that limbo I was stuck in. And you, wizard, you must've had a hand in this. I shall reward you as well!\n\n\"More pressing business, though, is to restore my castle...\", Galin glances around and sighs \"It seems I have my work cut out for me here. Care to lend a hand?\"\n\nGrinning, Lord Galin pats you on the back as Morden conjures a broom and tosses it to you...\n\nYou can also see here.\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 70 out of a possible 70, in 49 turns.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"smash seal",
"get in floor",
"open towel",
"put sword down",
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"put all down",
"take chest",
"put all down",
"take scroll",
"get up",
"take emerald",
"put dagger in chest",
"take sword",
"hit elf",
"take emerald",
"put all on box",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "It is with great hope and expectation I send you on this mission,\" the Grand Inquisitor intones, his voice booming like distant, rumbling thunderheads. \"We have discovered what appears to be a piece of the Great Underground Empire, never before explored. I would have sent Grubald the Bold, but he's busy. As is Matchlick the Mighty. So, 'tis you.\"\n\n\"What of Linklaw the Lucky?\" you ask shyly.\n\n\"Laid up. I'm afraid 'tis you and none other. A simple, solo quest, one of fun and mirth, mischief and merriment, a jaunt, an excursion, a simple outing. Merely explore, enjoy yourself, and bring back news of what lies there, long-ago buried for countless ages.\"\n\n\"And Fretsham the Fortunate?\" you ask hopefully.\n\n\"A fatality!\" the Inquisitor booms. \"Here,\" he says with evaporating patience, \"take these and be of good cheer.\" He thrusts into your hands two things: a brass lantern of dubious quality; and a plastic sword of no antiquity or use whatsoever.\n\n\"But what of Kolchack the --\"\n\n\"Enough! Kolchack is contracted. Remember, who is the boss of you!\" He pauses briefly as if awaiting a reply. Then without warning, he answers his own question. \"Me! I am the boss of you! Now begone!\"\n\nAnd with that, you embark on...\n\nZork: The Undiscovered Underground, a text adventure prequel to Zork Grand Inquisitor\nCopyright 1997 by Activision Inc.\nWritten by Marc Blank and Mike Berlyn, programmed by Gerry Kevin Wilson.\nRelease 16 / Serial number 970828 / Inform v6.13 Library 6/2\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nNew Excavation\nYou are standing at the entrance of a narrow, waist-high tunnel that winds out of sight to the northeast. This, you have been told, is the entrance to the newfound areas of the Great Underground Empire. In your left hand hangs a rather unconvincing replica of the traditional adventurer's brass lantern. In the other is an ersatz-Elvish sword of no antiquity whatsoever. Its plastic blade, dull as a bread knife, barely reflects the lantern's dim and uneven glow.",
"hints": [
"take into tunnel",
"turn lantern off",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "New Excavation",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "As you enter the tunnel, you feel a slight rumble beneath your crepe-soled boots. As you turn to look back up to the exit, giant, translucent boulders begin to fall from the walls and ceiling. You duck and cover your head -- when the dust clears, you feel your heart sink in your chest. You are trapped!\n\nTunnel\nYou are in a narrow tunnel whose entrance has been blocked by gigantic, translucent boulders. Your only option is to continue to the northeast, where the tunnel gradually widens.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Tunnel",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "The boulders are, in reality, milky white crystals and fairly regular in shape, like giant diamonds.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Tunnel",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex\nThis imposing ante-room, the center of what was apparently the cultural center of the GUE, is adorned in the ghastly style of the GUE's \"Grotesque Period.\" With leering gargoyles, cartoonish friezes depicting long-forgotten scenes of GUE history, and primitive statuary of pointy-headed personages unknown (perhaps very, very distant progenitors of the Flatheads), the place would have been best left undiscovered. North of here, a large hallway passes under the roughly hewn inscription \"Convention Center.\" To the east, under a fifty-story triumphal arch, a passageway the size of a large city boulevard opens into the Royal Theater. A relatively small and unobtrusive sign (perhaps ten feet high) stands nearby. South, a smaller and more dignified (i.e. post-Dimwit) path leads into what is billed as the \"Hall of Science.\"",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nConvention Center Lobby\nYou are standing at the entrance of the GUE Convention Center. On the floor, you can see occasional splotches of paint through the grime and dust. Although the whole cultural center appears to have been long-abandoned, loud, low-pitched sounds emanate from the door standing open to the north. And while these sounds most closely approximate those made by under-lubricated granola fabricators, they nonetheless fill you with dread. Next to the door is a sign, and to the sign's left (northwest to you) is a souvenir stand. The cultural center's lobby lies to the south.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take into northwest",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nSouvenir Stand\nYou find yourself standing in front of a souvenir stand that is clearly affiliated with the Convention Center. An odd-looking salesman sits behind the counter, his head resting on his hand and his eyes glued to a spot somewhere above and behind you (a quick, frightened glance over your shoulder reveals nothing eye-catching; indeed, nothing at all.) A notice on the counter points toward a small, curtained room to the north.\n\nOn the counter are four candy bars (a Baby Rune, a Multi-Implementeers, a ZM$100000 and a Forever Gores), some popcorn, some postcards and a chicken finger.\n\nYou can see a salesman here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit salesman",
"talk to salesman",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"throw lantern",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Although not much of a conversationalist, the salesman leans forward to listen.\n\nTwo things are immediately obvious: 1) He is not a regular user of toothpaste or mouthwash and 2) He is obviously wearing a mask.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take mask",
"talk to salesman",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"examine mask",
"throw lantern",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "With the salesman's hot, fetid breath threatening to exfoliate multiple layers of facial epidermis, you quickly pull the mask from his face. In hellish harmony, two terrifying screams fill the air: yours, as the first human to see a grue; and his, as prelude to a graphic demonstration of why it is that they aren't seen by light of day (to wit: spontaneous grueish combustion, leaving only a greasy slick on the ground by your feet.) Although you will spend the rest of your life trying to forget what you have just seen, the sight of that sickly glowing fur, fish-mouthed face and razor-like fingers remains forever etched in your mind. You throw the mask away in horror at what you've just seen.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by eight points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take baby",
"take postcards",
"take gores",
"take popcorn",
"take multi",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower baby",
"lower postcards",
"lower gores",
"lower popcorn",
"lower multi",
"throw lantern",
"throw baby",
"throw postcards",
"throw gores",
"throw popcorn",
"throw multi",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nChanging Room\nIt is obvious from the array of body suits, masks, and gloves heaped on the ground, that this is a changing room, and not a very comfortable one at that. No chairs, tables, hooks, hangers, or shelves here: just the costumes themselves, each piece more hideous than the last. A mirror hangs opposite the curtain through which you entered.\n\nYou can see eight pairs of gloves (a pair of hairy gloves, a pair of spiked gloves, a pair of bloody gloves, a pair of stumpy gloves, a pair of blistered gloves, a pair of scaly gloves, a pair of razor-like gloves and a pair of suction-cupped gloves), eight masks (a slimy mask, a pock-marked mask, a four-eyed mask, a decomposing mask, a fish-mouthed mask, a lizard-like mask, a fungus-like mask and a humanoid mask) and eight body suits (a gelatinous body suit, a feathered body suit, a glowing/fur-covered body suit, a rainbow-striped body suit, an armor-plated body suit, a sponge-like body suit, a blood-oozing body suit and a semi-transparent body suit) here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit mirror",
"take scaly",
"take slimy mask",
"take armor",
"take fish",
"take decomposing mask",
"take stumpy gloves",
"take lizard",
"take gelatinous body suit",
"take hairy gloves",
"take humanoid mask",
"take razor",
"take semi-transparent body suit",
"take spiked gloves",
"take bloody gloves",
"take suction",
"take pock",
"take blistered gloves",
"take fungus",
"take sponge",
"take feathered body suit",
"take blood",
"take rainbow",
"take four-eyed mask",
"take fur",
"take all",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on scaly",
"put on slimy mask",
"put on armor",
"put on fish",
"put on decomposing mask",
"put on stumpy gloves",
"put on lizard",
"put on gelatinous body suit",
"put on hairy gloves",
"put on humanoid mask",
"put on razor",
"put on semi-transparent body suit",
"put on spiked gloves",
"put on bloody gloves",
"put on suction",
"put on pock",
"put on blistered gloves",
"put on fungus",
"put on sponge",
"put on feathered body suit",
"put on blood",
"put on rainbow",
"put on four-eyed mask",
"put on fur",
"lower scaly",
"lower slimy mask",
"lower armor",
"lower fish",
"lower decomposing mask",
"lower stumpy gloves",
"lower lizard",
"lower gelatinous body suit",
"lower hairy gloves",
"lower humanoid mask",
"lower razor",
"lower semi-transparent body suit",
"lower spiked gloves",
"lower bloody gloves",
"lower suction",
"lower pock",
"lower blistered gloves",
"lower fungus",
"lower sponge",
"lower feathered body suit",
"lower blood",
"lower rainbow",
"lower four-eyed mask",
"lower fur",
"throw scaly",
"throw slimy mask",
"throw armor",
"throw lantern",
"throw fish",
"throw decomposing mask",
"throw stumpy gloves",
"throw lizard",
"throw gelatinous body suit",
"throw hairy gloves",
"throw humanoid mask",
"throw razor",
"throw semi-transparent body suit",
"throw spiked gloves",
"throw bloody gloves",
"throw suction",
"throw pock",
"throw blistered gloves",
"throw fungus",
"throw sponge",
"throw feathered body suit",
"throw blood",
"throw rainbow",
"throw four-eyed mask",
"throw fur"
"ploc": "Changing Room",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "(first taking the fish-mouthed mask)\nYou put on the fish-mouthed mask.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit mirror",
"take scaly",
"take armor",
"take stumpy gloves",
"take gelatinous body suit",
"take hairy gloves",
"take razor",
"take semi-transparent body suit",
"take spiked gloves",
"take bloody gloves",
"take suction",
"take blistered gloves",
"take sponge",
"take feathered body suit",
"take blood",
"take rainbow",
"take fur",
"take all",
"take off fish",
"put lantern down",
"put mask down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on scaly",
"put on armor",
"put on stumpy gloves",
"put on gelatinous body suit",
"put on hairy gloves",
"put on razor",
"put on semi-transparent body suit",
"put on spiked gloves",
"put on bloody gloves",
"put on suction",
"put on blistered gloves",
"put on sponge",
"put on feathered body suit",
"put on blood",
"put on rainbow",
"put on fur",
"lower scaly",
"lower armor",
"lower stumpy gloves",
"lower gelatinous body suit",
"lower hairy gloves",
"lower razor",
"lower semi-transparent body suit",
"lower spiked gloves",
"lower bloody gloves",
"lower suction",
"lower blistered gloves",
"lower sponge",
"lower feathered body suit",
"lower blood",
"lower rainbow",
"lower fur",
"throw scaly",
"throw armor",
"throw lantern",
"throw mask",
"throw stumpy gloves",
"throw gelatinous body suit",
"throw hairy gloves",
"throw razor",
"throw semi-transparent body suit",
"throw spiked gloves",
"throw bloody gloves",
"throw suction",
"throw blistered gloves",
"throw sponge",
"throw feathered body suit",
"throw blood",
"throw rainbow",
"throw fur"
"ploc": "Changing Room",
"inv": [
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "(first taking the glowing/fur-covered body suit)\nYou put on the glowing/fur-covered body suit.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit mirror",
"take scaly",
"take stumpy gloves",
"take hairy gloves",
"take razor",
"take spiked gloves",
"take bloody gloves",
"take suction",
"take blistered gloves",
"take off fur",
"take off fish",
"put lantern down",
"put suit down",
"put mask down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on scaly",
"put on stumpy gloves",
"put on hairy gloves",
"put on razor",
"put on spiked gloves",
"put on bloody gloves",
"put on suction",
"put on blistered gloves",
"lower scaly",
"lower stumpy gloves",
"lower hairy gloves",
"lower razor",
"lower spiked gloves",
"lower bloody gloves",
"lower suction",
"lower blistered gloves",
"throw scaly",
"throw lantern",
"throw suit",
"throw stumpy gloves",
"throw hairy gloves",
"throw razor",
"throw spiked gloves",
"throw bloody gloves",
"throw suction",
"throw blistered gloves"
"ploc": "Changing Room",
"inv": [
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "(first taking the razor-like gloves)\nYou put on the razor-like gloves.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit mirror",
"take off razor",
"take off fur",
"take off fish",
"put lantern down",
"put suit down",
"put mask down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern",
"throw suit"
"ploc": "Changing Room",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nSouvenir Stand\n\nOn the counter are four candy bars (a Baby Rune, a Multi-Implementeers, a ZM$100000 and a Forever Gores), some popcorn, some postcards and a chicken finger.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take baby",
"take gores",
"take popcorn",
"take multi",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower baby",
"lower gores",
"lower popcorn",
"lower multi",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw baby",
"throw gores",
"throw popcorn",
"throw multi",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take gores",
"take popcorn",
"take multi",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower gores",
"lower popcorn",
"lower multi",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw gores",
"throw popcorn",
"throw multi",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put rune on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take popcorn",
"take multi",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower popcorn",
"lower multi",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw popcorn",
"throw multi",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put gores on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put rune on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take bars",
"take popcorn",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower popcorn",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw popcorn",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put gores on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put rune on counter",
"put multi on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take popcorn",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower popcorn",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw popcorn",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put gores on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put rune on counter",
"put multi on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nConvention Center Lobby",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"lower lantern",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You glide casually in, gurgling in loud, guttural tones; better still, the fish-mouthed mask is somehow providing a small amount of vision in the darkness. Two nearby grues ask if you are suffering from allergies (apparently, human dandruff levels are above normal for this time of year); another group debates among themselves whether you are a Borphee grue or an Antharian grue (their accents are similar, especially when pronouncing words ending in \"gzk\" and \"kkgrk.\") Otherwise, your disguise appears to be working, though for how long is anybody's guess.\n\nConvention Hall\nYou are in attendance at the annual Grue Convention, this year a rather somber affair due to the \"adventurer famine\" that has gripped gruedom in this isolated corner of the empire. Standing at a lectern on stage, a prominent grue is presenting a paper entitled, \"Surviving the Lean Years: Is Lurking Enough?\" All around you, grues are standing; some in conversation, some drinking, some even paying attention to the speaker.\n\nThere is a trash chute in one of the walls, and a reader board hangs nearby.\n\nYou can see some grues, a hat, some clothes, some chewed-up shoes and a pair of glasses here.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"look in grue",
"take hat",
"take glasses",
"take shoes",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"examine glasses",
"throw suit",
"put multi in chute",
"put gores in chute",
"put sword in chute",
"put rune in chute",
"put suit in glasses",
"put all in chute",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Hall",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You take the pair of glasses and place them under your costume.\n\nYou had better hurry; the steady gurgling is becoming harder and harder for you to maintain.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"look in grue",
"take hat",
"take shoes",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"examine glasses",
"throw rune",
"put rune in chute",
"put multi in chute",
"put gores in chute",
"put glasses in chute",
"put sword in chute",
"put rune in glasses",
"put all in chute",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Hall",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nConvention Center Lobby\n\nYou can see a brass lantern (providing light) here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You take off the fish-mouthed mask.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on mask",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You take off the glowing/fur-covered body suit.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take off gloves",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on suit",
"put on mask",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take mask",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"take into northwest",
"put suit down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on mask",
"put on suit",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"lower mask",
"throw lantern",
"throw mask",
"throw suit",
"put suit in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\nThe lantern dims a little.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take suit",
"take lantern",
"take mask",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on suit",
"put on mask",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower suit",
"lower lantern",
"lower mask",
"throw suit",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw mask",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take suit",
"take mask",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on suit",
"put on mask",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower suit",
"lower mask",
"throw suit",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw mask",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nTheater\nThis cavernous auditorium is reputed to be the most elaborate in the GUE. Built to the precise specifications of Lord Dimwit Flathead, its excessive structure holds 69,105 seats, not including the royal box seats that are centrally situated on the 37th mezzanine. The seats themselves are built like thrones, with high, wooden backs that obscure visibility and make the seating area seem rather like a forest of stunted trees. A long aisle runs the entire length of the auditorium from the Cultural Center to the west to the oversized stage to the east. In all other directions, narrow aisles have been arranged in the \"maze of twisty passages\" style that was so popular in Dimwit's day; I would strongly recommend avoiding them.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Theater",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nStage\nThe rather large proscenium seems to have been designed mainly with live performances in mind (the dead were thought, not unreasonably, to be dreadfully dull.) As such, it sports a large, maroon curtain leading backstage and a row of brightly colored footlights. Rubble and debris block the ways to the wings, and a set of stairs leads back down into the theater's main aisle.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"take red lens",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put lens down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lens in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"blue lens",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nThe lantern flickers and goes out.",
"hints": [
"throw lantern",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put red lens down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put red lens in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"red lens",
"blue lens",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put red lens down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put red lens in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"red lens",
"blue lens",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You carefully sculpt the blue lens so as to fit neatly into the glasses.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put red lens down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put red lens in glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into footlights"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"red lens",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You carefully sculpt the red lens so as to fit neatly into the glasses.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into footlights"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nBackstage\nAh... ah... choo! Those curtains! If I weren't so busy helping you with this game, I'd suggest you go on without me and let me clean this place up enough so that when you returned, I could at least describe it decently. I'll do the best I can, though. A thick, maroon curtain separates the backstage area from the stage. This area was obviously the target of a small, underground tornado (a Vorx) as scrims, scenery and costumes litter the floor. \n\nEven an old steamer trunk, virtually decaying from age, rests in a corner.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"open trunk",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to scrims",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Backstage",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Phew! Now that's musty! The trunk, beside hiding an invisible dead elephant (what else could produce that smell?), holds a rare quint-Zorkmid coin.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take red lens",
"take coin",
"take off gloves",
"close trunk",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower coin",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw coin",
"put lantern in trunk",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put multi in trunk",
"push red lens to scrims",
"push red lens to trunk",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put gores in trunk",
"put glasses in trunk",
"put gloves in trunk",
"put sword in trunk",
"put rune in trunk",
"put all in trunk",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into trunk"
"ploc": "Backstage",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"close trunk",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in trunk",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put multi in trunk",
"push red lens to scrims",
"push red lens to trunk",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put gores in trunk",
"put coin in trunk",
"put glasses in trunk",
"put gloves in trunk",
"put sword in trunk",
"put rune in trunk",
"put all in trunk",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into trunk"
"ploc": "Backstage",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nStage",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into footlights"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nTheater",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Theater",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\nCompared to the grandeur of the other parts of the Cultural Center, the Hall of Science is rather austere, serving mainly as the entrance to three smallish rooms, at the openings to which stand small reader-boards. These say \"MUSEUM OF ILLUSIONS!\" (east), \"SEE THE MUD FORUM!\" (south), and \"MUSEUM OF ADVENTURE!\" (west). The larger area to the north is the Cultural Center.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take baby",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower baby",
"throw lantern",
"throw baby",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put gloves down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put other down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take bars",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put gloves down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put other down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw gores",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nThe Mud Forum\nThis large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, \"Exhibit Closed! Danger!\" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind. \n\nScattered willy-nilly around the floor are detailed replicas of a white house, an evergreen tree, a person with a flattened head, a raft, and a hot-air balloon.\n\nYou can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tinsel",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie coin to tinsel",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "The tree is a perfect miniature of the now-rare Subterraneous Vegitatus, a species thought to have existed only underground. Its leaves are individually painted, each one a miniature masterpiece. Sitting on the tree is a glass ball and a lone strand of tinsel.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tinsel",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie coin to tinsel",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "It appears to be left over from some ancient decorative holiday. Painted on the inner surface of the ball is a scene of a young man, lying by the curb right by a sewer grate in the street. He's apparently been fishing for coins; he holds in his hands a piece of string, on the end of which is a piece of gum. Stuck to the gum is a shiny coin.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tinsel",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie coin to tinsel",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put tinsel down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie tinsel to coin",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put tinsel in square",
"put tinsel in triangle",
"put tinsel in circle",
"put tinsel in pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "This is a coin, similar in shape and size to an old Chinese coin, complete with a square hole in its center. Stamped on its face is \"5 Zorkmids.\"",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put tinsel down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie tinsel to coin",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put tinsel in square",
"put tinsel in triangle",
"put tinsel in circle",
"put tinsel in pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You carefully thread the tinsel through the coin's square opening, tying it in a knot. The coin now dangles from the tinsel.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by eight points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put tinsel down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put tinsel in square",
"put tinsel in triangle",
"put tinsel in circle",
"put tinsel in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\n\nYou can see a Forever Gores here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take bars",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put tinsel down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw gores",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nMuseum of Illusion\nThe Museum of Illusion was dedicated to the memory of the Great Implementers - figures who were believed to have created the GUE as an act of pure will. Before you, a row of delicately crafted porcelain busts of these immortal greats once stood. Legend has it that so lifelike were these busts, that they would seem to talk among themselves, discussing history, the arts, music, and philosophy, much as those mythic figures did in the Golden Age of Text Adventures. But years of neglect and the ravages of time have toppled most from atop their finely-wrought pedestals. Now, alas, the only two that remain are those of Marc Blank and Mike Berlyn, bloodied, but unbent; battered, but unbroken; shaken, but not stirred.\n\nWorse than the physical desecration of this shrine, it is clear that an attempt was made to commercialize what remains, for now, above the busts, is a sign reading, \"Consult the Oracles - 10 Zorkmids.\" Beneath the sign is a coin-sized slot. \n\nMike's eyes, like those on a famous science-fiction adventure game box, seem to follow you as you approach. \"Marc! Wake up! We have company!\"",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put tinsel down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in slot",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to slot",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put tinsel in slot",
"put all in slot",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into slot"
"ploc": "Museum of Illusion",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "The coin drops into the slot, but (unbeknownst to Mike and Marc) remains tied to the tinsel. \n\nMarc looks with some satisfaction at Mike, then assumes a very serious (oracular, one might say) pose. A holographic image of an hourglass miraculously appears beside him, the number \"10\" glowing inside with a harsh, red light. The number \"10\" is replaced by \"9\" as his voice drops three or four octaves. \"Now hear the Oracle of the Implementers,\" he begins. (7) \"The Wisdom of the Ages,\" he continues, in no apparent hurry. (5) \"The Revealed Truth of All Truths,\" he drones, the word `truths' somehow adding an extra syllable or two. (2) And, finally, \"Listen.\" Then, snapping out of his trance-like state, he looks in your direction rather sheepishly. \"Sorry about that,\" he says. \"I get a little carried away. Just another five Zorkmids and I'll finish up with a really juicy piece of information.\" He looks at you expectantly.\n\nMarc's bust does a double-take. \"Hmm,\" he hmms. \"Not a bad-looking specimen, though back in the old days, they built `em tougher.\"",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take tinsel",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower tinsel",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw tinsel",
"put lantern in slot",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to slot",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into slot"
"ploc": "Museum of Illusion",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nMike's bust looks wistful. \"Sigh,\" he sighs. \"Oh for the olden, golden days of yore.\"",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put tinsel down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in slot",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to slot",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put tinsel in slot",
"put all in slot",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into slot"
"ploc": "Museum of Illusion",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Mike seems surprised (and not altogether pleased) that you've been able to put the same quint-Zorkmid coin in twice. With a blink of his eye, the tinsel goes up in a ball of sparks and flame (pyrotechnics being a specialty with him) and the coin drops fully into the slot. \n\nMarc assumes the oracular position and intones: \"Ahem. It may be uncommon knowledge, but, it should be clear to see that text is not a great three-D medium. You may be blue, but looking through rose colored glasses helps bring things into alignment.\"\n\nMike says, \"True, Marc. All too true. As you know, I'd try to pry the sixth rib I saw.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in slot",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to slot",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into slot"
"ploc": "Museum of Illusion",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\n\nYou can see a Forever Gores here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take bars",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put gloves down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw gores",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nMuseum of Adventure\nThis museum is a sick, twisted, and pitiful homage to that special creature as near and dear to my heart as a parser, the Adventurer. There, in the center of the room, sits a display that sends a shiver up your spine: A skeleton. On the small pedestal beside it sits a plaque. The walls have been clawed, the wallpaper and exhibit signs shredded by what was probably an over-excited tourist group of grues. In what looks like the remnants of their enthusiastic visit, piles of bones lie on the floor, cracked open, fang-marks clearly evident on their glistening white surfaces. One sign on the wall by a door to the southwest remains, though.\n\nThe lantern dims a little.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to first rib",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"pry first rib with sword"
"ploc": "Museum of Adventure",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Click. Whir. Zzzzip! (Well, as a parser, I could give you a huge hint that the door to the Janitor's Closet has just disappeared, but don't count on my help.)\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"take into southwest",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to first rib",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"pry first rib with sword"
"ploc": "Museum of Adventure",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nJanitor's Closet\nAs you step through the doorway, you realize you've entered a room so vast, you can see the distant curvature of the Earth. On the distant, foggy horizon, the ceiling appears to meet the floor, blending in the mist. The only thing in this enormous, cavernous area are shelves, shelves and more shelves, all of them empty, dwindling into nothingness. This of course disproves the ancient belief that there's never enough closet space.\n\nOn the shelves is an aerosol can.\n\nYou think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating.",
"hints": [
"take off",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take can",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower can",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw can",
"put lantern on shelves",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put multi on shelves",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to shelves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put glasses on shelves",
"put gloves on shelves",
"put sword on shelves",
"put all in glasses",
"put all on shelves"
"ploc": "Janitor's Closet",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nYou think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take off",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern on shelves",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put multi on shelves",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to shelves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put glasses on shelves",
"put gloves on shelves",
"put can on shelves",
"put sword on shelves",
"put all in glasses",
"put all on shelves"
"ploc": "Janitor's Closet",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nMuseum of Adventure",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"take into southwest",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray first rib",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to first rib",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"pry first rib with sword"
"ploc": "Museum of Adventure",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\n\nYou can see a Forever Gores here.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"take bars",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"spray lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw gores",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nThe Mud Forum\n\nYou can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.\n\nThe lantern flickers and goes out.\n\nIt is now pitch dark in here!",
"hints": [
"put can down",
"put all down",
"throw can"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.\n\nThe Mud Forum\nThis large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, \"Exhibit Closed! Danger!\" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind. \n\nYou can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in square",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in circle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You place the glasses on your face; while not a great fit, at least they don't fall off.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in square",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in circle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "aerosol can: Dropped.\nbrass lantern: Dropped.\nZM$100000: Dropped.\nMulti-Implementeers: Dropped.\ncheaply-made sword: True, the sword is not a formidable weapon, but it is the only one you've got. Oh well.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take can",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take sword",
"take multi",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower can",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw sword",
"lower multi",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw house",
"throw can",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw glasses",
"throw raft",
"throw multi",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "You lift the cover, revealing a dark, transparent film on which can barely be seen some sort of line drawing. Details are pretty much impossible to discern. ",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put cover down",
"hold button",
"examine glasses"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "As you push the button, a light shines out from inside the display unit, revealing a transparent film, lit from below. At first, a blurred image appears. Then, after a few moments, an almost magical, three-dimensional scene comes into view: a man with a flattened head stands in the foreground, while directly behind him is a tree. Behind the tree you can clearly see a house, while behind the house, hovering off the ground, is a hot-air balloon. Oddly, the raft appears off to the side, as if not in the scene at all. After getting a good look, you drop the cover and release the button.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take can",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take sword",
"take multi",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower can",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw sword",
"lower multi",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw house",
"throw can",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw glasses",
"throw raft",
"throw multi",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The symbols, painted on the floor in purple, represent a circle, a square, a triangle and a pentagon. They progress from the center of the room to the display like stepping stones. ",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take can",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take sword",
"take multi",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower can",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw sword",
"lower multi",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw house",
"throw can",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw glasses",
"throw raft",
"throw multi",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "cheaply-made sword: Taken.\nMulti-Implementeers: Taken.\nZM$100000: Taken.\nbrass lantern: Taken.\naerosol can: Taken.\npicture: That's hardly portable.\nsymbols: That's hardly portable.\ntree: Taken.\nhouse: Taken.\nhot-air balloon: Taken.\nflathead: Taken.\nraft: Taken.\nDisplay Unit: That's hardly portable.\nsealed door: That's hardly portable.\nsign: That's hardly portable.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take cardboard",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put balloon down",
"put tree down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put flathead down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put house down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"push ball to southeast",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put balloon in square",
"put balloon in triangle",
"put balloon in circle",
"put balloon in pentagon",
"put tree in square",
"put tree in triangle",
"put tree in circle",
"put tree in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put raft in square",
"put raft in triangle",
"put raft in circle",
"put raft in pentagon",
"put flathead in square",
"put flathead in triangle",
"put flathead in circle",
"put flathead in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"push ball to tree",
"push ball to square",
"push ball to triangle",
"push ball to glasses",
"push ball to circle",
"push ball to pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in square",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in circle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put house in square",
"put house in triangle",
"put house in circle",
"put house in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"hot-air balloon",
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The flathead is now resting in the center of the circle.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take cardboard",
"take flathead",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put balloon down",
"put tree down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put house down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"push ball to southeast",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower flathead",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw flathead",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put balloon in square",
"put balloon in triangle",
"put balloon in pentagon",
"put tree in square",
"put tree in triangle",
"put tree in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put raft in square",
"put raft in triangle",
"put raft in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"push ball to tree",
"push ball to square",
"push ball to triangle",
"push ball to glasses",
"push ball to pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in square",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put house in square",
"put house in triangle",
"put house in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"hot-air balloon",
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The tree is now resting in the center of the square.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take cardboard",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put balloon down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put house down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put balloon in triangle",
"put balloon in pentagon",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put raft in triangle",
"put raft in pentagon",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put house in triangle",
"put house in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"hot-air balloon",
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The house is now resting in the center of the triangle.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put balloon down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put balloon in pentagon",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put raft in pentagon",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"hot-air balloon",
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The hot-air balloon is now resting in the center of the pentagon.\n\nClick. (Uh oh!) You hear a low, menacing rumble as the room starts to shake. The noise comes from the southeast, where a massive door slowly opens beneath the `Exhibit Closed! Danger!' sign.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"take into southeast",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"take into southeast",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nCage\nYou step through twisted bars of steel -- bars which look like a being of superhuman strength bent them to allow passage, bars designed to keep people out. Or to keep something else in.This area was designed for some otherworldly visitors, and judging by the sounds emanating from the many passages heading off to the east, they're still around. Dangling on the bars is a small sign which reads, \"EXTRATERRESTRIAL MUSEUM.\"",
"hints": [
"examine gloves",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"take off glasses",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put raft down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray gloves",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cage",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\nUh oh. Looks like your presence attracted a group of nasty-looking mutant rat-ants. They stand there, bobbing and weaving to some unheard beat and rhythm.",
"hints": [
"examine gloves",
"turn lantern off",
"hit rat",
"take multi",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"take off glasses",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put raft down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower multi",
"spray gloves",
"spray rat",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cage",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nThe Mud Forum\n\nYou can see a ZM$100000 here.\n\nYou hear munching noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take cardboard",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"take into southeast",
"put lantern down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put raft down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower house",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw glasses",
"throw house",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\n\nYou can see a Forever Gores here.\n\nYou hear munching noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take gores",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw gores",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex\n\nYou can see a Baby Rune here.\n\nYou hear munching noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take baby",
"take red lens",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower baby",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw baby",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nTunnel\n\nYou hear munching noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Tunnel",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou appear to have a fan club. The amalgamation of mutant rat-ants seems to have followed, mandibles clicking, saliva dripping, eyestalks focused only on you.\n\nThe rat-ants appear to be extremely agitated as they spy the huge crystals. One rushes forward, knocking you over in its enthusiasm, and tastes the crystalline boulders originally blocking your exit. The lead ant starts doing what could be called a dance of joy. The others form orderly rows, like chorus lines, and start moving in time to some unheard beat, no doubt led by the leader-ant.\n\nWith antennae gesticulating wildly, the leader ant quickly and easily lifts one of the boulders as if it were no more than a tiny grain of sugar. The others break their formation and one by one, take a boulder handed off by their leader and head for their homes.\n\nBefore you know it, they've made a hole large enough for you to make your escape from the tunnel!",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Tunnel",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "You manage to make your way through the remaining boulders, winding your way outward and upward to the land you left behind. Visions of tickertape parades, keys to cities, your picture on the front page of the newspaper, all swim in your head. And best of all, your name included in the honor roll of Adventurers. You can almost see the Grand Inquisitor welcoming you back with open arms, his reward in the forefront of your mind, as you, at last, come out into the light of day you feared you would never again see.\n\nAs you stretch and take in a big, healthy breath of fresh air, you hear the clicking and whirring of giant mandibles exiting from the opening behind you. You wheel around and point the can at the leader ant and spray for all you're worth (which at this point isn't much.) Still, you take out the leader ant, and the others, seeing his (or her) fate, run back to the safety of the tunnel. As you turn away from the tunnel, you are quickly surrounded by the Grand Inquisitor's guards. They seal the tunnel and then escort you to the Grand Inquisitor himself. His huge eyebrows arch upward as he glances at you, his eyes traveling up and down your frame.\n\n\"You seem somehow... changed,\" he booms. \"Have you grown?\"\n\n\"No...\" you say, noticing for the first time your more upright, less-cowering stance.\n\n\"Speak not unless spoken to!\" he interrupts. \"Now, tell me of the treasures which lie below, of the vast riches, of the wealth. Which gem or bauble did you find in greatest number?\"\n\n\"Well, there were a lot of grues,\" you say.\n\n\"Grues, indeed.\" Shaking his enormous head, the Grand Inquisitor turns to his advisor, Wartle, and sighs. \"Yes, you were right, wise one. We should have sent Bilbonic the Plague.\" He turns back to you. \"Still, you managed to explore and return safely. As your reward, you may take the afternoon off.\"\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 100 out of a possible 100, in 84 turns, earning you the rank of The Ultimate Infocom Text Adventurer. Congratulations!\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"examine boulders",
"talk to man",
"take mask",
"wear fish",
"wear fur",
"wear razor",
"take rune",
"take gores",
"take implementeers",
"take zm$100000",
"drop lamp",
"take glasses",
"remove mask",
"remove suit",
"drop mask",
"drop suit",
"take lamp",
"take blue",
"take red",
"hit lamp",
"put blue in glasses",
"put red in glasses",
"open trunk",
"take coin",
"drop rune",
"drop gores",
"examine tree",
"examine ball",
"take tinsel",
"examine coin",
"tie tinsel to coin",
"put coin in slot",
"pull tinsel",
"put coin in slot",
"pry sixth rib with sword",
"take can",
"shake lamp",
"wear glasses",
"drop all",
"open lid",
"push button",
"examine symbols",
"take all",
"put flathead on circle",
"put tree on square",
"put house on triangle",
"put balloon on pentagon",
"drop zm$100000",
"drop multi",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | {"rewards":[0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,5,(...TRUNCATED) | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | {"rewards":[0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,(...TRUNCATED) | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {"rewards":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,2,0,5,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,2,5,0,0,0,0,0,2,(...TRUNCATED) | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {"rewards":[0,10,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,10,10,0,10,0,0,10,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,10,0,10,0,10,0,0,10,0,10,10,10,10,1(...TRUNCATED) | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {"rewards":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,(...TRUNCATED) | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {"rewards":[0,1,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,5,0,1,(...TRUNCATED) | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {"rewards":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,(...TRUNCATED) | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
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