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INVOICE GUARDSMAN 6 Carvalho DriveKgn 10 8769296847,9264825 [email protected] Invoice Number 0203689 GCT Reg. No. 000-953-008 SaleDate 24/11/2022 Customer No. GCL0017714 Due Date 24/11/2022 PO No. PRV.# MARK1003 BillTo Service Address Marksman Limited MARKSMAN-CCTV/ACCESS 14-16 Balmoral Avenue 14-16 BALMORAL AVENUE Kingston 10, Kingston 10, Description Qty Price Net GCT Total ioProxCard,XSF/26bitWiegand,st 1 J$837.58 J$837.58 J$125.64 J$963.22 Labour-Maintenance 1 J$4,000.00 J$4,000.00 J$600.00 J$4,600.00 Labour-Maintenance :Pleasequoteinvoicenumber(s)whenmaking payment TOTALS J$4,837.58 J$725.64 J$5,563.22 :PleasemakechequespayabletoGuardsmanCommunicationsLtd. Payments canbe madebyusing BillExpress,JNBSMoney Services,PaymasterOR :By visiting our Secured Payment Portal at TOSUPPLYANDPROGRAMACCESSCARD,23.11.2022 PROPOSAL#35819 ForServiceProvidedAsPerWorkOrderNumber191727 Delivery of one (1) access printer card to Ms.Veronica Hutchinson. MATERIALUSED 1-ACCSS-CARD-P20DYE. ThankyouforyourBusiness Na Page 1
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "0203689", "InvoiceDate": "24/11/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "24/11/2022" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Guardsman", "SellerAddress": "6 Carvalho Drive Kgn 10", "SellerTaxNumber": "000-953-008", "SellerContactNumber": "8769296847,9264825", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Marksman Limited", "ClientAddress": "14-16 Balmoral Avenue\nKingston 10", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ioProxCard,XSF/26bitWiegand,st", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "J$837.58", "Tax": "J$125.64", "Total_for_each_item": "J$963.22" }, { "Description": "Labour-Maintenance", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "J$4,000.00", "Tax": "J$600.00", "Total_for_each_item": "J$4,600.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "J$4,837.58", "TotalTaxesAmount": "J$725.64", "FinalTotal": "J$5,563.22" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 47 20-Jan-23 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, Delivery Note Mode/Terms ofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV ReferenceNo.&Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER DeliveryNoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 6PCS 260.00PCS 1,560.00 PyanoPrint BigYamaha 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 6 PCS 215.00PCS 1,290.00 Small SadaYamaha 3 DUST COVER 42021290 10 PCS 75.00PCS 750.00 Small DUSTCOVER 42021290 10 PCS 80.00PCS 800.00 Big 4,400.00 CGST 9% 9% 396.00 SGST9% 9% 396.00 Total 32PCS 5,192.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INRFiveThousandOneHundredNinetyTwoOnly HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 4,400.00 9% 396.00 9% 396.00 792.00 Total 4,400.00 396.00 396.00 792.00 Tax Amount (in words) : INR Seven Hundred Ninety Two Only Company's Bank Details A/cHolder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVI ENTERPRISE We declare that thisinvoiceshows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "47", "InvoiceDate": "20-Jan-23", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAM NAGAR, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG\nPyano Print Big Yamaha", "Qty": "6 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "260.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,560.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG\nSmall Sada Yamaha", "Qty": "6 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "215.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,290.00" }, { "Description": "DUST COVER\nSmall", "Qty": "10 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "75.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "750.00" }, { "Description": "DUST COVER\nBig", "Qty": "10 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "80.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "800.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "4,400.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "396.00", "FinalTotal": "5,182.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode : TaxIsPayable OnReverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000187 Date &Time Of Supply : 01/03/2022 InvoiceDate :01/03/2022 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver (Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address : 202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM,5B RASMI Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State : AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number : 24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount SPONTANE 240GB 8523 1.00|NUMBER 2415.25 2415.25 0.00 2415.25 9.00 217.37 9.00 217.37 0.00 SSD 2415.25 0.00 2415.25 217.37 217.37 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST TotalTaxableAmount 2415.25 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 434.74 2415.25 9.00 % 217.37 9.00 % 217.37 0.00 % 0.00 Total 217.37 217.37 0.00 Gross Amount 2849.99 Round Off 0.01 RUPEESTWOTHOUSANDEIGHTHUNDREDFIFTYONLY Net Amount 2850.00 Term&Condition ElectronicReference Number 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIESCOMPUTERPARTSONLY.NOSOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised SignatureName 6. WARRANTYAS PER SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVE PRIVATELIMITED RegisterAddress: B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007 Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000187", "InvoiceDate": "01/03/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITALINFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SPONTANE 240GB SSD", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "2415.25", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2415.25" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "2415.25", "TotalTaxesAmount": "434.74", "FinalTotal": "2850.00" } }
365 Admin Support (Naveen Sales and Services) ADMIN 83 231 / B/86, SriKrishna Nagar, Yosufguda SUPPORT Hyderabad,Telangana-500045 India TAXINVOICE GSTIN36AWOPT5755F1ZW +919849028683 E-mail [email protected] :INV-130 Place Of Supply : Telangana (36) InvoiceDate :09/10/2019 Terms :NET0 DueDate :09/10/2019 Bill To Ship To UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED #1012 to #1014,10th floor, Manjeera trinity corporate, Survey no.1050, Plot no:S2, JNTU -Hitec city road, KPHB Phase 3, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072. GSTIN-36AABCU9451H1Z3 +919849028683 HSN CGST SGST Item & Description /SAC Qty Rate % Amt % Amt Amount # ComputerAMC+Advance 995461 1.00 11,998.00 9% 1,079.82 9% 1,079.82 11,998.00 1 Support 40-50Systems/Laptops Non-Comprehensive For themonth of October 2019 NetworkAMC 1.00 1.00 9% 0.09 9% 2 0.09 1.00 WirelessRouter 1 Configurations,Internal Network Connectivity, 2ISPMonitoring reports and alertsfrom365Admin Support. 3 ADD-OnAMC 1.00 1.00 9% 0.09 9% 0.09 1.00 Bio-Metric ESSL X990, (Software and Hardware) CCTV Sub Total 12,000.00 TotalInWords CGST9 (9%) 1,080.00 Rupeesfourteen thousand onehundredsixty SGST9 (9%) 1,080.00 Total 14,160.00 Dear Sir, we thank you for enquiry for supply of Goods and Services.We Balance Due 14,160.00 trust you willfind ourquotation in line tomeet yourrequirement and lookforward toreceiveorders on usforpromptcompliance. BankDetails Naveen Sales And services A/cNo:000663300002469 IFC CODE:YESB0000006 Branch:SOMAJIGUDA Authorized Signature Terms&Conditions TERMS&CONDITIONS 01. Warranty: 02. Validity:10days 03. Payment :100%Advance and total balance should be cleared after the Delivery. 04. Delivery:Ex-stock 05. Taxes :GSTInclusive 06.TATTime :4-24Hours 07.Remote Support:10 per month
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV-130", "InvoiceDate": "09/10/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "09/10/2019" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "365 Admin Support (Naveen Sales and Services)", "SellerAddress": "83 231 / B/86, SriKrishna Nagar, Yosufguda, Hyderabad, Telangana-500045 India", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AWOPT5755F1ZW", "SellerContactNumber": "+919849028683", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera trinity corporate, Survey no.1050, Plot no:S2, JNTU - Hitec city road, KPHB Phase 3, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072.", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "+919849028683", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Computer AMC+Advance Support", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "11,998.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "11,998.00" }, { "Description": "Network AMC\nmWireless Router Configurations, Internal Network Connectivity, ISPMonitoring reports and alerts from 365Admin Support.", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1.00" }, { "Description": "ADD-On AMC Bio-Metric ESSL X990, (Software and Hardware) CCTV", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "000663300002469", "IFSC": "YESB0000006" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "12,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,080.00", "FinalTotal": "14,160.00" } }
***HISTORICAL** Invoice STR-INV-000560916 IGLLimited Date 08/26/2020 593-595SpanishTown Road Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALRIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KINGSTON6 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. 1969G-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 08/26/2020 1,761,486 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 9,095.00 9,095.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 801-01-0001 SEAL100#BLUETAMPERPROOF-45KGCYL 0.00 0.00 0.00 E014397 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$9,095.00 F 027093 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 53 Bunyon Crescent, Kinston 20 Trade Discount JA$0.00 876-3865312 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$9,095.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-INV-000560916", "InvoiceDate": "08/26/2020", "InvoiceDueDate" : "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road\nP.O. Box 224\nKingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPE ROAD\nKINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "9,095.00", "Tax": "0.00", "Total_for_each_item": "9,095.00" }, { "Description": "SEAL 100# BLUE TAMPER PROOF - 45KG CYL", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "0.00", "Tax": "0.00", "Total_for_each_item": "0.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$9,095.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$O.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$9,095.00" } }
***HISTORICAL* Invoice STR-INV-000516845 IGLLimited Date 05/20/2019 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALERIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246 KINGSTON6 KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. WOG42-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 05/20/2019 1,536,033 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 2.00 2.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,722.50 5,445.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$5,445.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 DEALER: BLUE POWER Trade Discount JA$0.00 SERIAL #: 14761,15319 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$5,445.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-INV-000516845", "InvoiceDate": "05/20/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGLLimited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O. Box 224, Kingston 11, 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "2.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,722.50", "Tax": "0.00", "Total_for_each_item": "5,445.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "5,445.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "0.00", "FinalTotal": "5,445.00" } }
HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Invoice : HFL-20/2019-20 #1012to #1014,10th floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate Date : 27/Aug/19 Survey No.1050, Phone 040-23264083 Kukatpally, E-mail [email protected] Hyderabad - 500 072. GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Name UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Address #1012to#1014,10thfloor,ManjeeraTrinityCorporate,SurveyNo.1050,Kukatpally City Hyderabad 500072 Contact Phone GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Placeof Telangana Supply S.No HSN/SAC Description TOTAL(RS.) 997221 CAM-SFT for the period from 1.09.2019 to 30.09.2019 54,825 SubTotal 54,825 Add: CGST @ 9% 4,934 SGST @ 9% 4,934 Total Tax 9,869 Total 64,694 RupeesSixtyFourThousandSixHundredNinetyFouronly PaymentDetails Bank Details PANNO: AABCH9108G Axis Bank,INDIA Beneficiary Name: HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICESINDIA PRIVATELIMITED Srinagar Colony,Hyderabad GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 A/cNo:425010200010788 IFS Code:UTIB0000425 ForHYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Authorised Signatory #1012#0410thFloor,Manjeerarinitorprate,urveyNo1050,Kukaally,Hydrabad500072.langana.
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HFL-20/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "27/Aug/19", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "HYPERFACTORY IT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCH9108G1Z0", "SellerContactNumber": "040-23264083", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CAM-SFT for the period from 1.09.2019 to 30.09.2019", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "54,825", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "54,825" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "425010200010788", "IFSC": "UTIB0000425" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "54,825", "TotalTaxesAmount": "9,869", "FinalTotal": "64,694" } }
INVOICETO, Payment Instructions Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd. Wire Information: SUREKHA TECHNOLOGIES 202,2nd Floor, HDFC BANK LTD,MUMBAI CaringFor client's success Parishram Complex, HDFC SWIFTID:HDFCINBB Mithakhali Six Roads, Name of Beneficiary:Surekha Navrangpura, Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad-380009 AccountNo.50200024298988with GSTNO:24AAQCA1169D1ZU Shyamal Branch GST NO :24AAYCS3053Q1ZI INVOICE: Reference Number 202105008 InvoiceDate 1-Jun-2021 INV/STPL/2021/06/010 Total Payable 2,47,206.46 INR Resource Description HSN Hourly Charged Amount Code Rate Hours (INR) Pritesh Risk Smart : Invoice amount from 1st May to 31st 998313 840.00 159.00 133,560.00 May 2021 for Liferay Development Desai Rajan SimplrOps:Invoiceamountfrom1stMayto31stMay 998313 625.00 121.50 75,937.00 Dhinoja 2021forFullStackApplicationDevelopment Untaxed Amount 2,09,497.00 CGST 18,854.73 SGST 18,854.73 Total Invoice Amount 2,47,206.46 HSN Code Details 998313 Information Technology (IT) Consulting And Support Services THANKYOUFORBUSINESSWITHUS! GAURAV SHAH CEO D/3,5thFloor,VijayTower,AnkurShopping Center, Tel: + 9179 40050848 (IN) [email protected] Naranpur, Ahmedabad, India -13
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV/STPL/2021/06/010", "InvoiceDate": "1-Jun-2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd.", "SellerAddress": "202, 2nd Floor, Parishram Complex, Mithakhali Six Roads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Surekha Technologies Pvt. Ltd.", "ClientAddress": "D/3, 5th Floor, Vijay Tower, Ankur Shopping Center, Naranpura, Ahmedabad, India - 13", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAYCS3053Q1ZI", "ClientContactNumber": "+9179 40050848 (IN)", "ClientEmail": "[email protected]" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Risk Smart : Invoice amount from 1st May to 31st May 2021 for Liferay Development", "Qty": "159.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "Hourly", "NetPrice": "840.00", "Tax": "18,854.73", "Total_for_each_item": "133,560.00" }, { "Description": "SimplrOps: Invoice amount from 1st May to 31st May 2021 for FullStack Application Development", "Qty": "121.50", "UnitOfMeasure": "Hourly", "NetPrice": "625.00", "Tax": "18,854.73", "Total_for_each_item": "75,937.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "50200024298988", "IFSC": "HDFCINBB" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "2,09,497.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "37,709.46", "FinalTotal": "2,47,206.46" } }
Medimpex Jamaica Limited 499NO. PAGE NO. 11/232022 21BALMORALAVENUE,KINGSTON5,JAMAICAW.1. medimpex TELEPHONE:(876)929-5780,929-6707,929-4759, 929-7444,926-5767,968-6212 GCT NOE 1173% PLEASERECEIVEANDSIGNTHEFOLLOWING: SOLD TO: DELVEREDMAICA ORKINJAMAICA 5AHAUGHTONAVENUE 5AHAUGHTONAVENUE KINGSTON 10KINGSTON&ST.ANDREW KINGSTON 10KINGSTON&ST.ANDREW JAMAICA JAMAICA *Disclaimer: Discounted items with short expiration dates are non refundable** ORDERNo. DEL.DATE CUSTOMERNo. SALESPERSON P.O.No. SHIPVIA 11/23/2022 C001466 -1 BAKON VAN3-CL4079RICKY QTY. QTY. ITEMNUMBERANDDESCRIPTION DIS.% SHIPPED UNITPRICE EXTENDEDPRICE ORDERED 100 100 Biodegradable Mosquito Killer 1x5 3,740.00 374,000.00 BAT#:20220316 Qty:100 Exp.3/31/2024 GCT 56,100.00 10 10 BiodegradableMosiguito Killer 1x5-Free 0.00 0 BAT#:20220316 Qty:10 Exp.3/31/2024 GCT 0.00 CHECKEDBY EOMMFNIR'sales Orders 39991. 56,100.00 TOTALG.C.T. RECEIVEDB 374,000.00 TOTALSALES DISCOUNT TERMS: C-Net30 AMOUNTDUE JMD430,100.00 DATE: 23112
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "44395", "InvoiceDate": "11/23/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Medimpex Jamaica Limited", "SellerAddress": "21 Balmoral Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica W.I.", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "(876) 929-5780, 929-6707, 929-4759, 929-7444, 926-5767, 968-6212", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ORKIN JAMAICA", "ClientAddress": "5 A Haughton Avenue, Kingston 10, Kingston & St. Andrew, Jamaica", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Biodegradable Mosquito Killer 1x5", "Qty": "100", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "3,740.00", "Tax": "56,100.00", "Total_for_each_item": "374,000.00" }, { "Description": "Biodegradable Mosquito Killer 1x5 - Free", "Qty": "10", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "0.00", "Tax": "0.00", "Total_for_each_item": "0.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "374,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "56,100.00", "FinalTotal": "430,100.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE Invoice No. Dated 90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 18 6-Aug-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAV ROAD, Delivery Note Mode/Terms of Payment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer's Order No. Dated Buyer (Billto) MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATESPRITAMNAGAR PALDI , AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. DUSTCOVER 42021290 51 PCS 75.00PCS 3,825.00 Big 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 30PCS 220.00PCS 6,600.00 Big 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 26 PCS 205.00PCS 5,330.00 Small 1 CARRY BAG 42021290 20 PCS 235.00PCS 4,700.00 Big Red 5 CARRYBAG 42021290 26 PCS 220.00PCS 5,720.00 SmallRed 26,175.00 CGST9% 9% 2,355.75 SGST 9% 9 % 2,355.75 continued ... ThisisaComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "18", "InvoiceDate": "6-Aug-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAM NAGAR, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "DUST COVER\nBig", "Qty": "51 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "75.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3,825.00" }, { "Description": "CARRYBAG\nBig", "Qty": "30 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "220.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "6,600.00" }, { "Description": "CARRYBAG\nSmall", "Qty": "26 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "205.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "5,330.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG\nBig Red", "Qty": "20 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "235.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "4,700.00" }, { "Description": "CARRYBAG\nSmall Red", "Qty": "26 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "220.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "5,720.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "26,175.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,355.75", "FinalTotal": "30,906.50" } }
HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Invoice : HFL-019/2019-20 #1012to #1014,10th floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate Date : 27/Aug/19 Survey No.1050, Phone 040-23264083 Kukatpally, E-mail [email protected] Hyderabad - 500 072. GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Name UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Address #1012to#1014,10thfloor,ManjeeraTrinityCorporate,SurveyNo.1050,Kukatpally City Hyderabad 500072 Contact Phone GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Placeof Telangana Supply S.No HSN/SAC Description TOTAL(RS.) 997221 RentalChargesfor theperiodfrom1.09.2019to30.09.2019 4,67,438 SubTotal 4,67,438 Add: CGST @ 9% 42,069 SGST @ 9% 42,069 Total Tax 84,139 Total 5,51,577 RupeesFive lakhFifty OneThousandFiveHundredSeventySevenonly Payment Details BankDetails PANNO: AABCH9108G Axis Bank,INDIA Beneficiary Name: HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATELIMITED Srinagar Colony,Hyderabad GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 A/cNo:425010200010788 IFS Code:UTIB0000425 Authorised Signatory #1012t#101410thloor,ManjraTrinityorporatSurveyo1050,ukatally,Hyerabad00072langana
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HFL-019/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "27/Aug/19", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "HYPER FACTORY IT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No. 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCH9108G1Z0", "SellerContactNumber": "040-23264083", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIAP RIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No. 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Rental Charges for the period from 1.09.2019 to 30.09.2019", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "4,67,438", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "4,67,438" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "425010200010788", "IFSC": "UTIB0000425" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "4,67,438", "TotalTaxesAmount": "84,139", "FinalTotal": "5,51,577" } }
TAXINVOICE-SALES (ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT) SRI SATYA TECHNOLOGIES Invoice No. Dated Flat355,C-Block,Chenoy Trade Center SST/19-20/1481 20-Aug-2019 Parklane,SECUNDERBAD-50003 Delivery Note Mode/Terms of Payment 040-66812999,66813999,66900555 Techi 66904665,9849055569,9849055596 GSTIN/UIN:36AFKPD6156R1ZT Supplier'sRef. Other Reference(s) State Name:Telangana,Code:36 E-Mail:[email protected] Buyer Buyer's Ordar No. Dated UxReactor INDIA P LTD #1012,to#1014,10thFloor,Manjeera Trinity Despatch Document No. Delivery Note Date SurveyNo:1050,Kukatpally,Hyderabad-500072 089156983 Despatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 State Name Telangana, Code:36 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC GST Quantity Rate per Amount No. Rate BROTHERTONERCartridge TN-261 BLACK 84439959 18.% 1.0NO 3,686.44 NO 3,686.44 SGST 331.78 CGST 331.78 Total 1.0NO 4,350.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INR Four Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Only HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate 84439959 Amount TaxAmount 3,685.44 9% 331.78 9% 331.78 Total 663.56 3,686.44 331.78 331.78 663.56 Tax Amount (in words):INR Six Hundred Sixty Three and Fifty Six paise Only Company's BankDetails Company's PAN :AFKPD6156R BankName :Dena Bank Declaration A/c No. 015913023758 1) we declare that in this invoice,the details given are true& Branch &IFS Code:M.G.Rcad Secunderabad &BKDN0610159 correct2)warraty from themanufacturing company only.3) goods once sold will not be taken back are exchanged 4)24 %intrest per anuam will be charged beyond the payment due date.5) loss or damge of goods in transport is at partys risk.6) customers are requested to declare correct GsT numbers at the time of sale.7) rs 450=00 willbe charged per transaction onchequebounce 8)pleasemail [email protected] doingpayment for SRI SATYATECHNOLOGIES Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO HYDERABAD JURISDICTION This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SST/19-20/1481", "InvoiceDate": "20-Aug-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "SRI SATYA TECHNOLOGIES", "SellerAddress": "Flat355, C-Block, Chenoy Trade Center, Parklane, SECUNDERBAD-50003", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AFKPD6156R1ZT", "SellerContactNumber": "040-66812999, 66813999, 66900555", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UxReactor INDIA P LTD", "ClientAddress": "#1012, to #1014, 10th Floor, Manjeera Trinity, Survey No: 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "089156983", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "BROTHER TONER Cartridge TN-261 BLACK", "Qty": "1.0", "UnitOfMeasure": "NO", "NetPrice": "3,686.44", "Tax": "18.%", "Total_for_each_item": "4,350.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "015913023758", "IFSC": "BKDN0610159" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "3,685.44", "TotalTaxesAmount": "663.56", "FinalTotal": "4,350.00" } }
HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED ORIGINALFOR RECIPIENT HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Invoice: HFL-009/2019-20 #1012 to #1014, 10th floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate Date 25-Jun-19 : Survey No.1050, Phone 040-23264083 : Kukatpally, E-mail : [email protected] Hyderabad - 500 072. GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Name UXREACTORINDIA PRIVATELIMITED Address #1012to01410thfoorManjeeraTrinItyCorporate,urveyo1050Kukatpally City Hyderabad 500072 Contact Phone GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Place of Telangana Supply HSN/SAC Description TOTAL(Rs.) S.No 54,825 997221 CAM-SFT for the period from 1.07.2019 to 31.07.2019 1 54,825 SubTotal Add: CGST @ 9% 4,934 SGST @ 9% 4,934 Total Tax 9,869 Total 64,694 Rupees Sixty Four Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Four only Payment Detalls Bank Details PANNO: AABCH9108G AxisBank,INDIA Beneficary Name: HYPERFACTORY IT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Srinagar Colony,Hyderabad GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Ac No:425010200010788 IFS Code:UTIB0000425 For HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED R Authorised Signatory 1012atu050l,007 Scanned by CamScanner
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HFL-009/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "25-Jun-19", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCH9108G1Z0", "SellerContactNumber": "040-23264083", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTORINDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1410, 10th floor, Manjeera TrinIty Corporate, Survey No. 1050 Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CAM-SFT for the period from 1.07.2019 to 31.07.2019", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "54,825", "Tax": "9,869", "Total_for_each_item": "64,694" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "425010200010788", "IFSC": "UTIB0000425" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "54,825", "TotalTaxesAmount": "9,869", "FinalTotal": "64,694" } }
TAXINVOICE DAIKIN CHAMUNDA LAir Panasonic Air Conditioner Sales, Service & Maintenance Shop-1, Vishvanandini Shopping Centre, O GENERAL Opp. Devpath Flat, Nava Vadaj, Ahmedabad380013. MITSUBISHI M.: 94260 62178, 9427805949 GST043/20-21 DATE:23/03/2021 INVOICENO. ASPIRESOFTSERVPVT.LTD. M/s./Shree AHMEDABAD GSTIN/UIN NO :24AAQCA1169D1ZU.GUJARAT.STATE CODE:24 QTY. RATE. AMOUNT No. DESCRIPTION perunit ONE 1,100 1,100 CAPASITOROFSPLITAIRCONDITION HSNCODE:85322500 TAXABLE ADD: GST 14% AMTOFA.C ADD:CST14% ADD : GSTIN 9% 99 OTHER 1,100 99 ADD:CSTIN9% PANNO:AAFHV8040L GSTIN STATE STATECODE 24AAFHV8040L1ZT GUJARAT 24 GRAND TOTAL : 1,298 Rupees in words One thousand ninty eight only 12% Interest will be charged on bills if not paid within 30 days. Subject to Ahmedabad Jurisdiction For, Chamunda Air
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST043/20-21", "InvoiceDate": "23/03/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Chamunda Air", "SellerAddress": "Shop-1, Vishvanandini Shopping Centre, Opp. Devpath Flat, Nava Vadaj, Ahmedabad 380 013.", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AAFHV8040L1ZT", "SellerContactNumber": "94260 62178, 9427805949", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERV PVT.LTD.", "ClientAddress": "AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CAPASITOR OF SPLIT AIR CONDITION", "Qty": "ONE", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1,100", "Tax": "198", "Total_for_each_item": "1,298" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "1,100", "TotalTaxesAmount": "198", "FinalTotal": "1,298" } }
***HISTORICAL* Invoice SGAS-IV-000001279 IGLLimited Date 06/02/2021 593-595 Spanish Town Road Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD 107 OLDHOPE ROAD KINGSTON6 KINGSTON6 Purchase Order No. CustomerID SalespersonID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. SOG012-000 AREA5-STANN-SABA/R - PICKUP 30DAYS 06/02/2021 1,910,300 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 3,410.00 3,410.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$3,410.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 DELIVERY SLIP#218980 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$3,410.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SGAS-IV-000001279", "InvoiceDate": "06/02/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O.Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLDHOPE ROAD, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "3,410.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3,410.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$3,410.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$3,410.00" } }
***HISTORICAL*** Invoice STR-DM-0000005765 IGLLimited Date 05/31/2019 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALERIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246 KINGSTON6 KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. WOG42-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 05/31/2019 1,543,610 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 9,635.00 9,635.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 801-01-0001 SEAL100#BLUETAMPERPROOF-45KGCYL 0.00 0.00 0.00 BEINGDEBITEDTOREPLACEINVOICEPOSTEDONINCORRECT IGLLimited Subtotal JA$9,635.00 ACCOUNT.0615J-000INSTEAD OFWOG42-000.REFINV#517865 DATED:31/05/2019 Misc JA$O.00 Tax JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Freight JA$O.00 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$9,635.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-DM-0000005765", "InvoiceDate": "05/31/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O.Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLDHOPE ROAD, KINGSTON 6, KIRK WILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "9,635.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "9,635.00" }, { "Description": "SEAL100#BLUETAMPERPROOF-45KGCYL", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "0.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "0.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$9,635.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$9,635.00" } }
HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED ORIGINAL FORRECIPIENT Invoice HFL-024/2019-20 HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED : #1012 to #1014,10th floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate Date : 25/Sep/19 Survey No. 1050, Phone 040-23264083 Kukatpally, E-mail [email protected] Hyderabad -500 072. GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Name UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Address #1012 to#1014,10thfloor,ManjeeraTrinityCorporate,SurveyNo.1050,Kukatpally City Hyderabad500072 Contact Phone GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Placeof Telangana Supply S.No HSN/SAC Description TOTAL(RS.) 997221 Rental Charges for the period from 1.10.2019 to 31.10.2019 4,67,438 SubTotal 4,67,438 Add: CGST @ 9% 42,069 SGST @ 9% 42,069 Total Tax 84,139 Total 5,51,577 RupeesFivelakhFifty OneThousand FiveHundredSeventySevenonly PaymentDetails Bank Details PANNO: AABCH9108G Axis Bank,INDIA BeneficiaryName: HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICESINDIA PRIVATELIMITED nagarColony,Hyderabad GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 A/c No:425010200010788 IFSCode:UTIB0000425 For HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICESINDIA PRIVATELIMITED #1012t#101410thloor,ManjraTrinityorporatSurveyo1050,ukatally,Hyerabad00072langana
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HFL-024/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "25/Sep/19", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No. 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCH9108G1Z0", "SellerContactNumber": "040-23264083", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No. 1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Rental Charges for the period from 1.10.2019 to 31.10.2019", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "4,67,438", "Tax": "84,139", "Total_for_each_item": "5,51,577" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "425010200010788", "IFSC": "UTIB0000425" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "4,67,438", "TotalTaxesAmount": "84,139", "FinalTotal": "5,51,577" } }
Addon INVOICE Solutions #INV-118/04/2020 The Addon' to your Vision. DRAFT Addon Solutions Pvt Ltd. Bill To 92 Sarovar Complex, B/H Samudra Annexure, C.G.Road, Aspire SoftServPvt.Ltd. Navarangpura 202,2nd Floor,Parishram Complex, Ahmedabad Gujarat MithakhaliSixRoads, India380009 Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009 GSTNo.24AAGCA7161H1ZS Ahmedabad Gujarat IN380009 VATNumber:24AAQCA1169D1ZU Invoice Date:2020-04-17 DueDate:2020-04-20 Item Qty Rate Tax Amount Software Consulting 1 22,000.00 S GST 9% 22,000.00 Drupal 20 hours Software Consulting 9.00% CGST9% 9.00% Sub Total 22,000.00 S GST 9% (9.00%) 1,980.00 C GST 9% (9.00%) 1,980.00 Total 25,960.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "#INV-118/04/2020", "InvoiceDate": "2020-04-17", "InvoiceDueDate": "2020-04-20" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Addon Solutions Pvt Ltd.", "SellerAddress": "92 Sarovar Complex, B/H Samudra Annexure, C.G.Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India 380009", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AAGCA7161H1ZS", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd.", "ClientAddress": "202, 2nd Floor, Parishram Complex, Mithakhali Six Roads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Software Consulting Drupal 20 hours Software Consulting", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "22,000.00", "Tax": "3,960.00", "Total_for_each_item": "25,960.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "22,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "3,960.00", "FinalTotal": "25,960.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode TaxIsPayable On Reverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000015 Date &Time Of Supply : 17/05/2021 InvoiceDate :17/05/2021 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver (Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State : AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number : 24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount ADATA 240GB SSD 8523 1.00|NUMBER 2669.49 2669.49 0.00 2669.49 9.00 240.25 9.00 240.25 0.00 DRIVE LAPTOP 8473 1.00|NUMBER 381.36 381.36 0.00 381.36 9.00 34.32 9.00 34.32 0.00 ACCESSORIES-8473 3050.85 0.00 3050.85 274.57 274.57 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST TotalTaxableAmount 3050.85 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 549.14 3050.85 9.00 % 274.57 9.00 % 274.57 0.00 % 0.00 Total 274.57 274.57 0.00 Gross Amount 3599.99 Round Off 0.01 RUPEES THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED ONLY Net Amount 3600.00 Term&Condition Electronic Reference Number 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE. 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIES COMPUTER PARTS ONLY.NO SOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. AuthorisedSignatureName 6.WARRANTYASPERSPECIFIEDBYMANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED RegisterAddress: B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007 Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000015", "InvoiceDate": "17/05/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITALINFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ADATA 240GB SSD DRIVE", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "2669.49", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2669.49" }, { "Description": "LAPTOP ACCESSORIES-8473", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "381.36", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "381.36" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "3050.85", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "3599.99" } }
HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED ORIGINALFOR RECIPIENT HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICESINDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Invoice HFL-016/2019-20 #1012 to #1014,10th floor,ManjeeraTrinity Corporate Date : 10-Aug-19 Survey No.1050, Phone : 040-23264083 Kukatpally, E-mail : [email protected] Hyderabad-500 072. GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1ZO Name UXREACTORINDIA PRIVATELIMITED Address #1012t#01trManjainitrauv050uklly City Hyderabad 500072 Contact Phone GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Place of Telangana Supply S.No HSN/SAC Description TOTAL (RS.) Water Charges for the period from 21.06.2019 to20.07.2019 997221 No.of.units Rate per unit 2.1 140.0000 294 SubTotal 294 Add:CGST@9% 26 SGST@9% 26 Total Tax 53 Total 347 Three Hundred Forty Seven only PaymentDetails Bank Details PANNO: AABCH9108G AxisBank,INDIA Beneficiary Name: HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICESINDIAPRIVATE LIMITED SrinaganyHab GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1ZO A/cNo:425010200010788 IFS Code:UTIB0000425 For HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIA IMITED fised Signatory Meter ReadingDetails Meter NoBill tem Pr.Reading Cur.Reading Units Total units 1014 Water Charges 22.5 24.6 2.1 2.1 Total 2.1 na,INDIA
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HFL-016/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "10-Aug-19", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "HYPERFACTORYIT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, ManjeeraTrinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500 072.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCH9108G1ZO", "SellerContactNumber": "040-23264083", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014, 10th floor, ManjeeraTrinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500 072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Water Charges for the period from 21.06.2019 to 20.07.2019", "Qty": "2.1", "UnitOfMeasure": "140.0000", "NetPrice": "294", "Tax": "53", "Total_for_each_item": "347" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "425010200010788", "IFSC": "UTIB0000425" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "294", "TotalTaxesAmount": "53", "FinalTotal": "347" } }
***HISTORICAL*** Invoice STR-JV-0000001783 IGLLimited Date 11/30/2020 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALRIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KINGSTON6 PurchaseOrderNo. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method Payment Terms ReqShipDate Master No. 1969G-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 11/30/2020 1,814,155 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 3,285.00 3,285.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 801-01-0002 SEAL20MM TAMPERPROOF FOR11KG&141 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFERRINGINVOICEPOSTTO2367B-000INSTEADOF IGLLimited Subtotal JA$3,285.00 1969G-000. REF.INV# 555017 DATED 19-06-20 Misc JA$O.00 Tax JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Freight JA$O.00 TradeDiscount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$3,285.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-JV-0000001783", "InvoiceDate": "11/30/2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O.Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPE ROAD, KENNETH BENJAMIN/VALRIE BROWN, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "3,285.00", "NetPrice": "3,285.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3,285.00" }, { "Description": "SEAL 20MM TAMPERPROOF FOR 11KG&141", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "0.00", "NetPrice": "0.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "0.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$3,285.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$O.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$3,285.00" } }
TaxInvoice DARSHANHOMEFURNITURE InvoiceNo. e-Way Bill No.Dated AMBALALESTATE,OPP.ROYAL 11 16-Nov-2019 LAKEVIEWFLAT,VANDEMATRAM DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment RAILWAYCROSSINGROAD,GOTA GSTIN/UIN:24AQHPS1524J1ZT Supplier's Ref. Other Reference(s) State Name:Gujarat,Code :24 11 Buyer Buyer's Order No. Dated RASIKD.CHITRODA Despatch Document No. DeliveryNoteDate GSTIN/UIN :24AAUFR8769H1ZB State Name :Gujarat, Code:24 Despatched through Destination Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. SOFASET 9401 6SET 8,333.00SET 49,998.00 SGST 9% 4,499.82 CGST 9 % 4,499.82 ROUNDOFF 0.36 Total 6SET 58,998.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E IndianRupeesFiftyEightThousandNineHundredNinetyEightOnly HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 9401 49,998.00 9% 4,499.82 9% 4,499.82 8,999.64 Total 49,998.00 4,499.82 4,499.82 8,999.64 Tax Amount (in words) : Indian Rupees Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine and Sixty Four paise Only Company'sBankDetails BankName :South Indian Bank A/c No. :0794073000000123 Branch&IFSCode:GOTA&SIBL0000794 Declaration forDARSHAN HOMEFURNITURE Wedeclarethat thisinvoiceshowstheactualpriceof the goodsdescribed and that allparticulars aretrueand correct. AuthorisedSignatory SUBJECTTOAHMEDABADJURISDICTION This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "11", "InvoiceDate": "16-Nov-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DARSHAN HOME FURNITURE", "SellerAddress": "AMBALAL ESTATE, OPP. ROYAL LAKEVIEW FLAT, VANDEMATRAM RAILWAY CROSSING ROAD, GOTA", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AQHPS1524J1ZT", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "RASIK D. CHITRODA", "ClientAddress": "", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAUFR8769H1ZB", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SOFA SET", "Qty": "6 SET", "UnitOfMeasure": "SET", "NetPrice": "8,333.00", "Tax": "8,999.64", "Total_for_each_item": "49,998.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "0794073000000123", "IFSC": "SIBL0000794" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "49,998.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "8,999.64", "FinalTotal": "58,998.00" } }
COOLTRIP CONSULTANT, 299/92,PAPER MILLS ROAD PERAMBUR,CHENNAI CHENNAI - 600 011,Tel : 04448586276, Email: [email protected], GSTIN:33AALFC5202H1ZU, INVOICE (AIR TICKETS) [Original for Recipient] ToM/S :UXREACTORINDIA PVT LTD Doc. No : IS19/161 Date : 22 Jun 2019 Reference: Narration : Mobile No. : Handled By : Emp Code : ProjectCode: GSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3 [PLACE OF SUPPLY:TELANGANA] Airline : AIR INDIA Page No : 1of1 Ticket No./ Passenger Name SAC/ Sector Flight Details Basic Fare Airline Tax Tot Amount AI9572559118MEGHANAPASUPULETIMS 998559 53350.00 62150.00 115500.00 HYD/DEL AI54123Jun2019 DEL/ORD Al 127 23Jun2019 ORD/DEL AI 17405Jul2019 DEL/HYD AI83906Jul2019 Sub Total : 53350.00 62150.00 115500.00 Add:PROCESSINGCHARGES(I)1:1000.00 Add : IGST CLIENT ON (1000.00 @ 18.00%) : 180.00 INR One Lakh Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty only TOTAL: 116680.00 Terms and Conditions E. & O.E ForCOOLTRIPCONSULTANT 1. Payment to be made to the cashier & printed Oofficial Receipt must be obtained. 2.All cheques/demand drafts in payment of billsmust be crossed'A/cPayee Only' and drawn in favour of COOLTRIP CONSULTANT 3.Interest @24%perannum will be chargedon all outstanding billsafter due date. 4. Kindly check all details carefully to avoid un-necessary complications. 5. Subject To CHENNAI Jurisdiction Receiver's Signature SHIVA
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "IS19/161", "InvoiceDate": "22 Jun 2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "COOLTRIP CONSULTANT", "SellerAddress": "299/92, PAPER MILLS ROAD, PERAMBUR, CHENNAI, CHENNAI - 600 011", "SellerTaxNumber": "33AALFC5202H1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "04448586276", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PVT LTD", "ClientAddress": "", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "AIRLINE TICKETS", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "116680.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "116680.00" } }
GUARDSMAN GROUP LTD. Number: RC000004020 107 Old Hope Road Page: Kingston 6 Date: 11/1/2022 Tel:978-5760 GCT Reg.No.-58696 Sold Guardsman Limited (Regular A/R) Ship 2-6 Emmaville Crescent To: 2-6EmmavilleCrescent To: Kingston CSO Kingston CSO Reference-P.O.No. CustomerNo. Salesperson ShipVia TermsCode GUARDSAR 30DAYS Description/Comments Amount Rental of Solar Equipment-Emmaville 466,000.00 DueDate Amount Due Disc.Date Disc. Amount 12/1/2022 535,900.00 0.00 Remit To: GCT 69,900.00 Subtotal beforetaxes 466,000.00 Guardsman Group Total taxes 69,900.00 107 Old Hope Road Total amount 535,900.00 Kingston6 Payment received 0.00 Discount taken 0.00 Amountdue 535,900.00 Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "RC000004020", "InvoiceDate": "11/1/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "12/1/2022" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LTD.", "SellerAddress": "107 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6", "SellerTaxNumber": "58696", "SellerContactNumber": "Tel:978-5760", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Kingston CSO", "ClientAddress": "2-6 Emmaville Crescent, Kingston CSO", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Rental of Solar Equipment-Emmaville", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "466,000.00", "Tax": "69,900.00", "Total_for_each_item": "535,900.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "466,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "69,900.00", "FinalTotal": "535,900.00" } }
***HISTORICAL* Invoice SGAS-INV-60506 IGLLimited Date 04/25/2020 593-595 Spanish Town Road Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107 OLDHOPEROAD 107 OLDHOPE ROAD KINGSTON6 KINGSTON6 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID SalespersonID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. SOG012-000 AREA5-STANN-SABA/R - PICKUP 30DAYS 04/25/2020 1,700,745 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext. Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,785.00 2,785.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$2,785.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$2,785.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SGAS-INV-60506", "InvoiceDate": "04/25/2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "04/25/2020" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O.Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLDHOPEROAD, KINGSTON6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,785.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,785.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "2,785.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$2,785.00" } }
HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED ORIGINALFORRECIPIENT HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED Invoice : HFL-005/2019-20 #1012 to #1014,10th floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate Date : 20-Jun-19 Survey No.1050, Phone 040-23264083 Kukatpally, E-mail [email protected] Hyderabad-500 072. GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1Z0 Name UXREACTORINDIA PRIVATELIMITED Address #1012t#01410tfoorManjrarinityrporatuveyo.1050ukall City Hyderabad 500072 Contact Phone GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Place of Telangana Supply S.No HSN/SAC Description TOTAL(RS.) 997221 Water Charges Ne.of.units Rate per unit 0.9 230.0000 207 SubTotal 207 Add:CGST@9% SGST @9% 19 Total Tax 37 Total 244 RupeesTwo hundred FortyFour only PaymentDetaitls Bank Details PANNO: AABCH9108G AxisBankIDIA BeneficiaryName: HYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPRIVATELIMITED SrinagarColony,Hyderabad GSTIN 36AABCH9108G1ZO A/cNo:425010200010788 IFS Code:UTIB0000425 ForHYPERFACTORYITSERVICESINDIAPR ITED Auth& d'Signatory Meter Reading Details Meter No Bill Item Pr.Reading Cur.Reading Units Totalunits 1014 Water Charges 19 19.9 0.9 0.9 Total 0.9 #1012 to #1014,10th Floor,Manj eraTrinityCor eyNo 1050,Ku bally,Hyderabad-500072.Tela gana,INDIA.
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HFL-005/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "20-Jun-19", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "HYPERFACTORY IT SERVICES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "#1012 to #1014,10th floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500 072.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCH9108G1Z0", "SellerContactNumber": "040-23264083", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTOR INDIA PRIVATEL IMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014,10th floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No.1050, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Water Charges", "Qty": "0.9", "UnitOfMeasure": "Rate per unit", "NetPrice": "230", "Tax": "37", "Total_for_each_item": "207" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "425010200010788", "IFSC": "UTIB0000425" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "207", "TotalTaxesAmount": "37", "FinalTotal": "244" } }
INVOICETO, Payment Instructions Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd. Wire Information: SUREKHA TECHNOLOGIES 202,2nd Floor, HDFC BANKLTD,MUMBAI CaringFor client's success Parishram Complex, HDFC SWIFTID:HDFCINBB Mithakhali Six Roads, Name of Beneficiary:Surekha Navrangpura, Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad-380009 AccountNo.50200024298988with GSTNO:24AAQCA1169D1ZU Shyamal Branch GSTNO:24AAYCS3053Q1ZI INVOICE: Reference Number 202107010 InvoiceDate 7-Jul-2021 INV/STPL/2021/07/011 Total Payable 3,10,694.00 INR Resource Description HSN Hourly Charged Amount Code Rate Hours (INR) Pritesh Risk Smart : Invoice amount from 1st May to 31st 998313 840.00 182.50 153,300.00 May 2021 for Liferay Development Desai Rajan SimplrOps:Invoiceamountfrom1stMayto31stMay 998313 625.00 176.00 1,10,000.00 Dhinoja 2021forFullStackApplicationDevelopment Untaxed Amount 2,63,300.00 CGST 23,697.00 SGST 23,697.00 Total Invoice Amount 3,10,694.00 HSN Code Details 998313 Information Technology (IT) Consulting And Support Services THANKYOUFORBUSINESSWITHUS! GAURAV SHAH CEO D/3,5thFloor,VijayTower,AnkurShopping Center, Tel: + 9179 40050848 (IN) [email protected] Naranpur, Ahmedabad, India -13
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV/STPL/2021/07/011", "InvoiceDate": "7-Jul-2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "SUREKHA TECHNOLOGIES Pvt. Ltd.", "SellerAddress": "D/3, 5th Floor, Vijay Tower, Ankur Shopping Center, Naranpur, Ahmedabad, India -13", "SellerTaxNumber": "24AAYCS3053Q1ZI", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Aspire SoftServ Pvt. Ltd.", "ClientAddress": "202, 2nd Floor, Parishram Complex, Mithakhali Six Roads, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Risk Smart: Invoice amount from 1st May to 31st May 2021 for Liferay Development", "Qty": "182.50", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "840.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "153,300.00" }, { "Description": "SimplrOps: Invoice amount from 1st May to 31st May 2021 for FullStackApplicationDevelopment", "Qty": "176.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "625.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "1,10,000.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "50200024298988", "IFSC": "HDFC SWIFTID:HDFCINBB" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "2,63,300.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "23,697.00", "FinalTotal": "3,10,694.00" } }
365 AdminSupport 83231/B/86 ADMIN Sri Krishna Nagar, Yosufguda SUPPORT Hyderabad,Telangana-500045 India TAXINVOICE GSTIN36AWOPT5755F1ZW +91 9849028683 E-mail [email protected] :INV-114 Place Of Supply : Telangana (36) InvoiceDate :09/07/2019 Terms :NET0 DueDate :09/07/2019 Bill To Ship To UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED #1012 to #1014,10th floor, Manjeera trinity corporate, Survey no.1050, Plot no:S2, JNTU -Hitec city road, KPHB Phase 3,Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072. GSTIN-36AABCU9451H1Z3 +919849028683 HSN CGST SGST # Item & Description /SAC Qty Rate % Amt % Amt Amount Computer AMC+Advance 995461 1.00 11,998.00 9% 1,079.82 9% 1,079.82 11,998.00 1 Support 40-50Systems/Laptops Non-Comprehensive For themonthof July2019 NetworkAMC 1.00 1.00 9% 0.09 9% 0.09 2 1.00 WirelessRouter 1 Configurations, Internal Network Connectivity, 2ISPMonitoringreportsand alerts from365Admin Support. ADD-On AMC 3 1.00 1.00 9% 0.09 9% 0.09 1.00 Bio-Metric ESSL X990, (Software and Hardware) CCTV Sub Total 12,000.00 TotalInWords CGST9 (9%) 1,080.00 Rupeesfourteen thousand onehundred sixty SGST9 (9%) 1,080.00 Total 14,160.00 Dear Sir,we thank youforenquiryforsupply of Goods andServices.We Balance Due 14,160.00 trustyouwillfindour quotation in linetomeet yourrequirement and lookforward toreceive ordersonusforpromptcompliance. BankDetails NaveenSales And services A/c No: 000663300002469 IFC CODE:YESB0000006 Branch:SOMAJIGUDA Authorized Signature Terms&Conditions TERMS&CONDITIONS 01. Warranty: 02. Validity:10 days 03. Payment:100%Advanceand total balance shouldbecleared after the Delivery. 04. Delivery:Ex-stock 05. Taxes :GSTInclusive 06.TAT Time :4-24 Hours 07.RemoteSupport:10 permonth
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "INV-114", "InvoiceDate": "09/07/2019", "InvoiceDueDate" : "09/07/2019" }, "SellerDetails":{ "SellerName": "365 AdminSupport", "SellerAddress": "Sri Krishna Nagar, Yosufguda, Hyderabad, Telangana-500045 India", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AWOPT5755F1ZW", "SellerContactNumber": "+91 9849028683", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails":{ "ClientName": "UXREACTORINDIAPRIVATELIMITED", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to #1014,10th floor, Manjeera trinity corporate, Survey no.1050, Plot no:S2, JNTU -Hitec city road, KPHB Phase 3,Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072.", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails":[ { "Description": "Computer AMC+Advance Support 40-50Systems/Laptops Non-Comprehensive For themonthof July2019", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "11,998.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "11,998.00" }, { "Description": "NetworkAMC WirelessRouter Configurations, Internal Network Connectivity, 2ISPMonitoringreportsand alerts from365Admin Support.", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1.00" }, { "Description": "ADD-On AMC Bio-Metric ESSL X990, (Software and Hardware) CCTV", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "000663300002469", "IFSC": "YESB0000006" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "12,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "14,160.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE Invoice No. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 29 6-Oct-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. OtherReferences State Name: Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER DeliveryNoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATESPRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 220.00PCS 2,640.00 Big 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 10PCS 205.00PCS 2,050.00 Small Yamaha 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 10 PCS 270.00PCS 2,700.00 GitarYamaha 4 DUST COVER 42021290 51PCS 75.00PCS 3,825.00 Big CARRY BAG 42021290 16 PCS 250.00PCS 4,000.00 PyanoPrint Big 6 CARRYBAG 42021290 10PCS 205.00PCS 2,050.00 SmallYamaha CARRY BAG 42021290 12 PCS 270.00PCS 3,240.00 GitarYamaha continued... This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "29", "InvoiceDate": "6-Oct-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIALDHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATESPRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Big", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "220.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,640.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small Yamaha", "Qty": "10 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "205.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,050.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Gitar Yamaha", "Qty": "10 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "270.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,700.00" }, { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "51 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "75.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3,825.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Pyano Print Big", "Qty": "16 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "250.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "4,000.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small Yamaha", "Qty": "10 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "205.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,050.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Gitar Yamaha", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "270.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3,240.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode TaxIsPayableOnReverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000181 Date &Time Of Supply :04/01/2021 InvoiceDate :04/01/2021 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver (Billed To) DetailsOf Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2NDFLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI Address : 202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM, 5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State : AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number : 24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount INTEX MEGA 8518 5.00|NUMBER 254.24 1271.20 0.00 1271.20 9.00 114.41 9.00 114.41 0.00 HEADPHONE 1271.20 0.00 1271.20 114.41 114.41 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST Total TaxableAmount 1271.20 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 228.82 1271.20 9.00 % 114.41 9.00 % 114.41 0.00 % 0.00 Total 114.41 114.41 0.00 GrossAmount 1500.02 Round Off -0.02 RUPEESONETHOUSANDFIVEHUNDREDONLY Net Amount 1500.00 Today OutStanding: 29850.00 Current Bill Amount: 1500.00 Total OutStanding: 31350.00 Term&Condition Electronic Reference Number 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIESCOMPUTERPARTSONLY.NOSOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised Signature Name 6. WARRANTYAS PER SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Register Address: B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000181", "InvoiceDate": "04/01/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITAL INFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4, NAVRATNA CENTER, ABOVE BANK OF BARODA, FATEHPURA, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM, 5B RASMI SOCIETY, NR. L.G. SHOWROOM, MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "INTEX MEGA HEADPHONE", "Qty": "5.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "254.24", "Tax": "9.00", "Total_for_each_item": "1271.20" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "00482560005602", "IFSC": "HDFC0000048" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "1271.20", "TotalTaxesAmount": "228.82", "FinalTotal": "1500.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode TaxIsPayableOnReverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000191 Date& Time Of Supply : 21/01/2021 InvoiceDate :21/01/2021 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver (Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATE LIMITED Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State : AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number : 24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount INTEX MEGA 8518 5.00|NUMBER 254.24 1271.20 0.00 1271.20 9.00 114.41 9.00 114.41 0.00 HEADPHONE INTEX CORONA 8471 3.00NUMBER 211.86 635.58 0.00 635.58 9.00 57.20 9.00 57.20 0.00 PLUS KEYBOARD 1906.78 0.00 1906.78 171.61 171.61 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST Total TaxableAmount 1906.78 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 343.22 1906.78 9.00 % 171.61 9.00 % 171.61 0.00 % 0.00 Total 171.61 171.61 0.00 GrossAmount 2250.00 Round Off 0.00 RUPEESTWOTHOUSANDTWOHUNDREDFIFTYONLY Net Amount 2250.00 Today OutStanding: 0.00 Current Bill Amount: 2250.00 Total OutStanding: 2250.00 Term&Condition ElectronicReferenceNumber 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIESCOMPUTERPARTSONLY.NOSOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised Signature Name 6. WARRANTYAS PER SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVE PRIVATELIMITED RegisterAddress: B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007 Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000191", "InvoiceDate": "21/01/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITAL INFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4, NAVRATNA CENTER, ABOVE BANK OF BARODA, FATEHPURA, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM, 5B RASMI SOCIETY, NR. L.G. SHOWROOM, MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "INTEX MEGA HEADPHONE", "Qty": "5.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "254.24", "Tax": "9.00", "Total_for_each_item": "1271.20" }, { "Description": "INTEX CORONA PLUS KEYBOARD", "Qty": "3.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "211.86", "Tax": "9.00", "Total_for_each_item": "635.58" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "00482560005602", "IFSC": "HDFC0000048" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "1906.78", "TotalTaxesAmount": "343.22", "FinalTotal": "2250.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRIRAKHIALDHANLAXMISOCIETY, 2 28-Apr-23 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name: Gujarat, Code:24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. DUSTCOVER 42021290 50 PCS 75.00PCS 3,750.00 Small 2 GitarBelt 85PCS 40.00PCS 3,400.00 7,150.00 CGST 9% 9% 643.50 SGST 9% 9% 643.50 Total 135 PCS 8,437.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INR Eight Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Seven Only HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 3,750.00 9% 337.50 9% 337.50 675.00 3,400.00 9% 306.00 9% 306.00 612.00 Total 7,150.00 643.50 643.50 1,287.00 Tax Amount (in words) : INR One Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Seven Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration forTANVI ENTERPRISE We declare that thisinvoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "2", "InvoiceDate": "28-Apr-23", "InvoiceDueDate" : "" }, "SellerDetails":{ "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRIRAKHIALDHANLAXMISOCIETY, OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY, ODHAVROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails":{ "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAMNAGAR, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails":[ { "Description": "DUST COVER Small", "Qty": "50 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "75.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,750.00" }, { "Description": "GUITAR BELT", "Qty": "85 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "40.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,400.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "7,150.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,287.00", "FinalTotal": "8,437.00" } }
ZCare Facility Management TAX INYOICE M/s.UXReactor India (p)Ltd 1012 to101410Floor,Manjera Trinity, SurveyNo.1050.Kukatpally,Hyderabad-72 Invoice No : J/ H 498 PANNo: InvoiceDate:31/07/2019 GSTNO:36AABCU9451H1Z3 House Keeping Bill BillPeriod-Invoice from July1 toJuly 31-2019 Description/Details Per Month Rate No of H/K Staff Amount 1.HouseKeeping Charges 22,000/- 1Person 22,000/- 2.H/K Material 2,000/- 2,000/- 3.Vaccum Charges 2,000/- 2,000/- 1.PAN:AAEFI1639K 2.GSTIN:36AAEFI1639K1Z9 3.SAC:998533 Sub Total 26,000/- CGST9% 2,340/- SGST9% 2,340/- Grand Total Rs.30,680/- Yours Faithfully For I CareFaeility Management Hyde H.No.1-95/2/5,Plot No.3, Kavuri Hills,Madhapur,Hyderabad Ph:040-48504075/8686882525,8686867799,Email:[email protected]
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "J/ H 498", "InvoiceDate": "31/07/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "I Care Facility Management", "SellerAddress": "H.No.1-95/2/5,Plot No.3, Kavuri Hills,Madhapur,Hyderabad", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "040-48504075/8686882525,8686867799", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor India (p) Ltd", "ClientAddress": "1012 to 1014 10th Floor,Manjera Trinity,Survey No .1050 .Kukatpally,Hyderabad-72", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "HouseKeeping Charges", "Qty": "1 Person", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "22,000/-", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "22,000/-" }, { "Description": "H/K Material", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,000/-", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,000/-" }, { "Description": "Vaccum Charges", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,000/-", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,000/-" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "26,000/-", "TotalTaxesAmount": "4,680/-", "FinalTotal": "30,680/-" } }
***HISTORICAL*** Invoice STR-INV-000600085 IGLLimited Date 24/9/2021 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O. Box 224 Kingston 11876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALERIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246 KINGSTON6 KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246 Purchase Order No. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method PaymentTerms Req Ship Date Master No. WOG42-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 24/9/2021 1,964,806 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 3.00 3.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,915.00 8,745.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 3,475.00 3,475.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 999-01-0031 TRANSPORT CHARGE (IND/LPG TR)-11KG 0.00 30.00 90.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0041 TRANSPORT CHARGE(IND/LPGTR)-14KG 0.00 32.00 32.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 801-01-0002 SEAL20MMTAMPERPROOFFOR11KG&14H 0.00 9.00 36.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$12,378.00 Misc JA$O.00 Tax JA$23.70 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Freight JA$0.00 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$12,401.70
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-INV-000600085", "InvoiceDate": "24/9/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road P.O. Box 224 Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPE ROAD KINGSTON 6 KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "3.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,915.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "8,745.00" }, { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "3,475.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3,475.00" }, { "Description": "TRANSPORT CHARGE (IND/LPG TR)-11KG", "Qty": "3.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "30.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "90.00" }, { "Description": "TRANSPORT CHARGE(IND/LPGTR)-14KG", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "32.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "32.00" }, { "Description": "SEAL20MMTAMPERPROOFFOR11KG&14H", "Qty": "4.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "9.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "36.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$12,378.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$23.70", "FinalTotal": "JA$12,401.70" } }
Tax Invoice (TRIPLICATEFORSUPPLIER) FAIZANBAGCENTRE Invoice No. Dated V-4,LATHI BAZAAR,NR.HIGHGRADE MARBLE F-145 2-Sep-21 KANCH NI MASJID JAMALPUR DeliveryNote Mode/Terms of Payment AHMEDABAD GSTIN/UIN: 24ANXPS7768M1ZN Dispatch Doc No. Delivery Note Date State Name:Gujarat, Code:24 Contact:9586480298,9898006192 Dispatched through Destination E-Mail:[email protected] Self Terms of Delivery Buyer (Bill to) TANVIENTERPRISE(Odhav) SHRI RAKHAIL DHANLAXMI CO SOC, 90,OPP C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAV ROAD, Ahmedabad GSTIN/UIN : 24EPJPP1511K1ZV StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount 1NarrowWovenFabric(5806)C 58063200 93.830KGS 200.00 KGS 18,766.35 SGST 469.16 CGST 469.16 ROUND OFF 0.33 Total 93.830KGS 19,705.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INRNineteenThousandSevenHundredFiveOnly HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 58063200 18,766.35 2.50% 469.162.50% 469.16 938.32 Total 18,766.35 469.16 469.16 938.32 Tax Amount(in words): INRNine Hundred Thirty Eight and Thirty Two paise Only Company's Bank Details BankName :HDFCBANK A/c No. :50200015832439 Company's PAN :ANXPS7768M Branch&IFS Code:JALARAM MANDIR(PALDI) & HDFC0004227 Declaration for FAIZAN BAG CENTRE We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "F-145", "InvoiceDate": "2-Sep-21", "InvoiceDueDate" : "" }, "SellerDetails":{ "SellerName": "FAIZAN BAG CENTRE", "SellerAddress": "V-4, LATHI BAZAAR, NR.HIGHGRADE MARBLE, F-145, KANCH NI MASJID JAMALPUR, AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ANXPS7768M1ZN", "SellerContactNumber": "9586480298, 9898006192", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails":{ "ClientName": "TANVIENTERPRISE(Odhav)", "ClientAddress": "SHRI RAKHAIL DHANLAXMI CO SOC, 90, OPP C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, Ahmedabad", "ClientTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails":[ { "Description": "Narrow Woven Fabric", "Qty": "93.830 KGS", "UnitOfMeasure": "KGS", "NetPrice": "200.00", "Tax": "2.50%", "Total_for_each_item": "18,766.35" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "50200015832439", "IFSC": "HDFC0004227" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "18,766.35", "TotalTaxesAmount": "938.32", "FinalTotal": "19,705.00" } }
TaxInvoice Hitec Office Needs Invoice No. Dated ILabs Center,Ground Floor,Plot No.18, HON/171/19-20 8-Aug-2019 Software Units Layout.Madhapur, Delivery Note Mode/Terms of Payment Hyderabad-500081 GSTIN/UIN:36AOKPC6448Q1ZA State Name:Telangana,Code:36 Supplier's Ref. Other Reference(s) E-Mail:[email protected] Buyer Buyer's Order No. Dated UXREACTORINDIAPVTLTD. #1012TO#1014,10THFLOORMANJEERA TRINITY Despatch Document No. DeliveryNote Date CORPORATESURVEYNO1050,PLOTNOS2,JNTU HITECHCITYROADKPHBPHASE3,KUKATPALLYHYDERABAD TELANGANA. Despatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :36AABCU9451H1Z3 PAN/ITNo :AABCU9451H Delivery Address State Name :Telangana,Code:36 Place of Supply :Telangana SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC GST DCNo Quantity Rate per Amount No. Rate A/4JKPAPER70GSM 1 4802 12% 1513 5PKT 190.00PKT 950.00 A/4JKPAPER70GSM 4802 12% 1613 5PKT 190.00PKT 2 950.00 PEN STAND 9608 12% 10NOS 65.00NOS 650.00 WHITE BOARD MARKER 9608 18% 20NOS 24.00NOS 480.00 5 GLUE STICK 3506 18% 9NOS 23.00 NOS 207.00 SKETCH PEN 6 9608 18 % 2PKT 20.00PKT 40.00 3,277.00 CGST@6% 6% 153.00 SGST@6% 6% 153.00 CGST@9% 9 % 65.43 SGST@9% 9 % 65.43 ROUNDOFF 0.14 Total 3,714.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INR Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fourteen Only HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax StateTax Total Value Rate Rate Amount Amount TaxAmount 4802 1,900.00 6% 114.00 6% 114.00 228.00 9608 650.00 6% 39.00 6% 39.00 78.00 9608 520.00 9% 46.80 9% 46.80 93.60 3506 207.00 9% 18.63 9% 18.63 37.26 3,277.00 Total 218.43 218.43 436.86 TaxAmount(in words):INR Four Hundred Thirty Six and Eighty Sixpaise Only Company's PAN :AOKPC6448Q Company's Bank Details Declaration Bank Name :ICICIBANK We declare that this invoice shows theactual priceof the A/c No. 112005000886 goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Branch&IFSCode:KAVURI HILLS&ICIC0001120 Customer'sSeal and Signature for Hitec-Office Needs CEN Prepared by Verified by Aulyused(signatdr SUBJECTTOHYDERABADJURISDICTION This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "HON/171/19-20", "InvoiceDate": "8-Aug-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Hitec Office Needs", "SellerAddress": "ILabs Center,Ground Floor,Plot No.18, Software Units Layout.Madhapur, Hyderabad-500081", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AOKPC6448Q1ZA", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXREACTORINDIAPVTLTD.", "ClientAddress": "#1012 TO #1014, 10TH FLOOR MANJEERA TRINITY CORPORATE SURVEY NO 1050, PLOTN O S2, JNTU HITECH CITY ROAD KPHB PHASE 3, KUKATPALLY HYDERABAD TELANGANA.", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "A/4 JK PAPER 70GSM", "Qty": "5 PKT", "UnitOfMeasure": "PKT", "NetPrice": "190.00", "Tax": "12%", "Total_for_each_item": "950.00" }, { "Description": "A/4 JK PAPER 70GSM", "Qty": "5 PKT", "UnitOfMeasure": "PKT", "NetPrice": "190.00", "Tax": "12%", "Total_for_each_item": "950.00" }, { "Description": "PEN STAND", "Qty": "10 NOS", "UnitOfMeasure": "NOS", "NetPrice": "65.00", "Tax": "12%", "Total_for_each_item": "650.00" }, { "Description": "WHITE BOARD MARKER", "Qty": "20 NOS", "UnitOfMeasure": "NOS", "NetPrice": "24.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "480.00" }, { "Description": "GLUE STICK", "Qty": "9 NOS", "UnitOfMeasure": "NOS", "NetPrice": "23.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "207.00" }, { "Description": "SKETCH PEN 2PKT", "Qty": "2 PKT", "UnitOfMeasure": "PKT", "NetPrice": "20.00", "Tax": "18%", "Total_for_each_item": "40.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "112005000886", "IFSC": "ICIC0001120" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "3,277.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "436.86", "FinalTotal": "3,714.00" } }
Heena Mansuri INVOICE FreelanceContentWriter #1 Date: Sep29,2020 Bill To: Due Date: Oct5,2020 AspireSoftservPrivateLimited Balance Due: 天0.00 Item Quantity Rate Amount BlogWriting:"HowLiferay is transforming thehealthcare 400.00 400.00 industry" Word Count:500 Total: 400.00 Amount To BePaid: 400.00 Notes: Bankname:lcicibank A/cname:HeenaMansuri Ifsc code:ICIC0000024 A/cno.:002401048729
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "#1", "InvoiceDate": "Sep 29,2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "Oct 5,2020" }, "SellerDetails":{ "SellerName": "Heena Mansuri", "SellerAddress": "FreelanceContentWriter", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails":{ "ClientName": "AspireSoftservPrivateLimited", "ClientAddress": "", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails":[ { "Description": "BlogWriting: "HowLiferay is transforming thehealthcare industry"", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "400.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "400.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "002401048729", "IFSC": "ICIC0000024" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "400.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode TaxIsPayableOnReverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000177 Date &Time Of Supply : 01/01/2021 InvoiceDate :01/01/2021 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver (Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI Address : 202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM, 5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State : AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number : 24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount ADATA 16 GB DDR4 8473 2.00|NUMBER 4618.64 9237.28 0.00 9237.28 9.00 831.36 9.00 831.36 0.00 RAM 9237.28 0.00 9237.28 831.36 831.36 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST Total TaxableAmount 9237.28 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 1662.72 9237.28 9.00 % 831.36 9.00 % 831.36 0.00 % 0.00 Total 831.36 831.36 0.00 GrossAmount 10900.00 Round Off 0.00 RUPEESTENTHOUSANDNINEHUNDREDONLY Net Amount 10900.00 Today OutStanding: 250.00 Current Bill Amount: 10900.00 Total OutStanding: 11150.00 Term&Condition Electronic Reference Number 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIESCOMPUTERPARTSONLY.NOSOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised Signature Name 6. WARRANTYAS PER SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Register Address: B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000177", "InvoiceDate": "01/01/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITALINFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4, NAVRATNA CENTER, ABOVE BANK OF BARODA, FATEHPURA, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRESOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM, 5B RASMI SOCIETY, NR. L.G. SHOWROOM, MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ADATA 16 GB DDR4 RAM", "Qty": "2.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "4618.64", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "9237.28" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "00482560005602", "IFSC": "HDFC0000048" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "9237.28", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1662.72", "FinalTotal": "10900.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode : TaxIsPayableOnReverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000114 Date &Time Of Supply : 01/10/2020 InvoiceDate :01/10/2020 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver(Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2NDFLOOR,PARISHRAM,5BRASMI Address : 202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State :AHMEDABAD-GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number : 24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount ADATA 240GB SSD 8523 1.00|NUMBER 2627.12 2627.12 0.00 2627.12 9.00 236.44 9.00 236.44 0.00 DRIVE 2627.12 0.00 2627.12 236.44 236.44 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST Total TaxableAmount 2627.12 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 472.88 2627.12 9.00 % 236.44 9.00 % 236.44 0.00 % 0.00 Total 236.44 236.44 0.00 GrossAmount 3100.00 Round Off 0.00 RUPEESTHREETHOUSAND ONEHUNDREDONLY Net Amount 3100.00 Today OutStanding: 0.00 Current Bill Amount: 3100.00 Total OutStanding: 3100.00 Term&Condition ElectronicReference Number 1.PAYMENTBYA/CPAYEESCHEQUE 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIESCOMPUTERPARTSONLY.NOSOFTWARESERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised SignatureName 6.WARRANTYAS PER SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Register Address: B-4,NAVRATNA CENTER,ABOVE BANK OF BARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000114", "InvoiceDate": "01/10/2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITALINFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD-GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ADATA 240GB SSD DRIVE", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "2627.12", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2627.12" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "2627.12", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "3100.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 48 24-Jan-23 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, Delivery Note Mode/Terms ofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI,AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 215.00PCS 2,580.00 Small SadaYamaha 2 DUST COVER 42021290 20PCS 80.00PCS 1,600.00 Big 3 GitarBelt 20 PCS 40.00PCS 800.00 4,980.00 CGST 9% 9% 448.20 SGST 9% 9% 448.20 Less : ROUNDING OFF (-)0.40 Total 52 PCS 5,876.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INR Five Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Six Only HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 4,180.00 9% 376.20 9% 376.20 752.40 800.00 9% 72.00 9% 72.00 144.00 Total 4,980.00 448.20 448.20 896.40 Tax Amount (in words) : INR Eight Hundred Ninety Six and Forty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/cHolder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName :UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVI ENTERPRISE Wedeclare that thisinvoiceshows the actual priceof the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "48", "InvoiceDate": "24-Jan-23", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY, ODHAVROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16, SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAM NAGAR, PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small Sada Yamaha", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "215.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,580.00" }, { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "20 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "80.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,600.00" }, { "Description": "Gitar Belt", "Qty": "20 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "40.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "800.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "4,980.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "896.40", "FinalTotal": "5,876.00" } }
COOLTRIPCONSULTANT, 29/13, VANCHINATHN STREET PERAMBUR CHENNAI - 600 011,Tel : 04448586276, Email: [email protected], GSTIN:33AALFC5202H1ZU, DOM. SALES [Original for Recipient] To M/S : UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD Doc. No : DS19/229 Date : 23 Jul 2019 Reference: Narration : Mobile No. : Handled By : Emp Code : ProjectCode: GSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3 [PLACE OFSUPPLY:TELANGANA] Airline : INDIGO Page No : 1of1 Ticket No./ Passenger Name SAC/ Sector Flight Details BasicFare Taxes& Tot Amount Chrgs 6EZF31WFBASAVARAJUVENKATAKRISHNA 998559 1865.00 1462.00 3327.00 KIRAN MR HYD/JAI 6E 6638 02Aug2019 6E ZF31WF1KRITIMATHUR MS 998559 1865.00 1462.00 3327.00 HYD/JAI 6E 6638 02Aug2019 6EZF31WF2PAULAANDREAESGUERRA 998559 1865.00 1462.00 3327.00 RESTREPOMS HYD/JAI 6E 663802Aug2019 Sub Total : 5595.00 4386.00 9981.00 Add: PROCESSING CHARGES(D)1:300.00 Add : IGST CLIENT ON (300.00 @ 18.00%) : 54.00 INR Ten Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Five only TOTAL: 10335.00 TermsandConditionsE.&O.E ForCOOLTRIPCONSULTANT, 1. Payment to be made to the cashier & printed Oofficial Receipt must be obtained. 2.All cheques/demand drafts in payment of billsmust be crossed'A/cPayee Only' and drawn in favour of COOLTRIP CONSULTANT 3.Interest @24%perannum will be chargedon all outstanding billsafter due date. 4. Kindly check all details carefully to avoid un-necessary complications. 5. Subject To CHENNAI Jurisdiction Receiver's Signature LAKSHMI
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "DS19/229", "InvoiceDate": "23 Jul 2019", "InvoiceDueDate" : "" }, "SellerDetails":{ "SellerName": "COOL TRIP CONSULTANT", "SellerAddress": "29/13, VANCHINATHN STREET, PERAMBUR, CHENNAI - 600 011", "SellerTaxNumber": "33AALFC5202H1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "04448586276", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails":{ "ClientName": "UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD", "ClientAddress": "", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails":[ { "Description": "6E ZF31WF BASAVARA JUVENKATA KRISHNA KIRAN MR", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1865.00", "Tax": "1462.00", "Total_for_each_item": "3327.00" }, { "Description": "6E ZF31WF 1KRITI MATHUR MS", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1865.00", "Tax": "1462.00", "Total_for_each_item": "3327.00" }, { "Description": "6E ZF31WF 2PAULA ANDREA ESGUERRA RESTREPO MS", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1865.00", "Tax": "1462.00", "Total_for_each_item": "3327.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "9981.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "4386.00", "FinalTotal": "10335.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRIRAKHIALDHANLAXMISOCIETY, 3 1-Jun-23 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. DUSTCOVER 42021290 51 PCS 80.00PCS 4,080.00 Big CARRY BAG 42021290 24PCS 290.00PCS 6,960.00 GitarYamaha 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 12 PCS 260.00PCS 3,120.00 SmallYamahaPyanoPrint 14,160.00 CGST 9% 9% 1,274.40 SGST9% 9% 1,274.40 ROUNDINGOFF 0.20 Total 87PCS 16,709.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INRSixteenThousandSevenHundredNineOnly HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 14,160.00 9% 1,274.40 9% 1,274.40 2,548.80 Total 14,160.00 1,274.40 1,274.40 2,548.80 Tax Amount (in words) : INR Two Thousand Five Hundred Forty Eight and Eighty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVI ENTERPRISE Wedeclare that thisinvoiceshows the actual priceof the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "3", "InvoiceDate": "1-Jun-23", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRIRAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAVROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAM NAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "51 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "80.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "4,080.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Gitar Yamaha", "Qty": "24 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "290.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "6,960.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small Yamaha Pyano Print", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "260.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,120.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "14,160.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,548.80", "FinalTotal": "16,709.00" } }
Corporate Administrators Limited 16REGALPLAZA,KINGSTON5 TELEPHONE:(876)920-7881/2 October 27,2022 INVOICENO 014622 Marksman Limited 107 Old Hope Road Kingston 6 Attention: Mr. Neil Robinson Professional service rendered in connection with: Preparing and filing with Companies Office of Jamaica Form 23 - Notice of Change of Director (Garth Grey) $20,000.00 EXPENSES: Transportation 1,500.00 Photocopies/Search 570.00 $ 22,070.00 Thank you for your business
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "014622", "InvoiceDate": "October 27,2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "Corporate Administrators Limited", "SellerAddress": "16REGALPLAZA,KINGSTON5", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "(876)920-7881/2", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Marksman Limited", "ClientAddress": "107 Old Hope Road Kingston 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Professional service rendered in connection with: Preparing and filing with Companies Office of Jamaica Form 23 - Notice of Change of Director (Garth Grey)", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$20,000.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$20,000.00" }, { "Description": "EXPENSES: Transportation", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$1,500.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$1,500.00" }, { "Description": "Photocopies/Search", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$570.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$570.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "$22,070.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRIRAKHIALDHANLAXMISOCIETY, 42 15-Dec-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI , AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 21 PCS 260.00PCS 5,460.00 Pyno Print mm Big 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 6 PCS 215.00PCS 1,290.00 Yamaha SadaSmall 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 6 PCS 215.00PCS 1,290.00 Casio Sada Small 8,040.00 CGST 9% 9% 723.60 SGST 9% 9% 723.60 Less : ROUNDINGOFF (-)0.20 Total 33PCS 9,487.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INRNineThousandFourHundredEightySevenOnly HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 8,040.00 9% 723.60 9% 723.60 1,447.20 Total 8,040.00 723.60 723.60 1,447.20 Tax Amount (in words) : INR One Thousand Four Hundred Forty Seven and Twenty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVIENTERPRISE Wedeclare that thisinvoiceshows the actual priceof the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "42", "InvoiceDate": "15-Dec-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1Z1", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATS, PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRYBAG Pyno Print mm Big", "Qty": "21 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "260.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "5,460.00" }, { "Description": "CARRYBAG Yamaha Sada Small", "Qty": "6 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "215.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,290.00" }, { "Description": "CARRYBAG Casio Sada Small", "Qty": "6 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "215.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,290.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "8,040.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,447.20", "FinalTotal": "9,487.00" } }
Debit Memo II A ZII Original A TOZTRADING&SALESAGENCIES CHAINSLIDER,PPTAPE&ROWMATERIALS AtoZ 532 KANSARA POLE, NR KALUPUR POLICE STATION,AHMEDABAD.380001 Contact No.:9979932872 TAX INVOICE GST N0. : 24APCPB8475R1ZD M/s. TANVI ENTERPRISE Fin. Year 2022-23 ODHAV ROAD AHMEDABAD, AHMEDABAD. Gujarat. Invoice No. AAA / 412 Date 22/08/2022 GSTIN 24EPJPP1511K1ZV Contact No.:0 StateCode 24 PAN EPJPP1511K Sr. HSN / Particulars Unit Taxable GST TotalAmount No. Qty. Rate SAC Amount (%) ZIP ROLL N 96071910 26 ROL 281.11 7308.91 12.00 8185.98 Total 26 7308.91 8185.99 Note: CheckedBy: Rs.EightThousand One Hundred Eighty Six Only TaxableAmount 7308.91 Transport:SELF Lr No. : +CGST 438.54 Total Dagina : 1 +SGST Agent:SELF 438.54 +IGST 0.00 BOI:201320110000187 IFSCode:BKID0002013 +/-otherCharges 0.00 Terms&Conditions: 05:12:58 PM RoundOff + 0.02 1.Subject toAhmedabad Jurisdiction Only. Grand Total 8,186.00 2.No Return & No Exchange of goods. 3. E. & O.E. For,ATOZTRADING&SALESAGENCIES 4. Payment within 15 Days... Thanks...Visit Again...! Authorised Signatory Page 1 of 1
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "AAA / 412", "InvoiceDate": "22/08/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "A TO Z TRADING & SALES AGENCIES", "SellerAddress": "532 KANSARA POLE, NR KALUPUR POLICE STATION, AHMEDABAD.380001", "SellerTaxNumber": "24APCPB8475R1ZD", "SellerContactNumber": "9979932872", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "M/s. TANVI ENTERPRISE", "ClientAddress": "ODHAV ROAD AHMEDABAD, AHMEDABAD. Gujarat.", "ClientTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "ClientContactNumber": "0", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ZIP ROLL N", "Qty": "26", "UnitOfMeasure": "ROL", "NetPrice": "281.11", "Tax": "12.00", "Total_for_each_item": "8185.98" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "201320110000187", "IFSC": "BKID0002013" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "7308.91", "TotalTaxesAmount": "438.54", "FinalTotal": "8,186.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRIRAKHIALDHANLAXMISOCIETY, 46 13-Jan-23 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 State Name : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12 PCS 260.00PCS 3,120.00 Pyano Print Big Yamaha CARRYBAG 42021290 12PCS 230.00PCS 2,760.00 Big SadaYamaha 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 4 PCS 215.00 PCS 860.00 SmallSada Casio 6,740.00 CGST 9% 9% 606.60 SGST9% 9% 606.60 Less: ROUNDINGOFF (-)0.20 Total 28PCS 7,953.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INR Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Three Only HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 6,740.00 9% 606.60 9% 606.60 1,213.20 Total 6,740.00 606.60 606.60 1,213.20 Tax Amount (in words) : INR One Thousand Two Hundred Thirteen and Twenty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVIENTERPRISE We declare that thisinvoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "46", "InvoiceDate": "13-Jan-23", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRIRAKHIALDHANLAXMISOCIETY, OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY, ODHAVROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Pyano Print Big Yamaha", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "260.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "3,120.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Big Sada Yamaha", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "230.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,760.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small Sada Casio", "Qty": "4 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "215.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "860.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "6,740.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,213.20", "FinalTotal": "7,953.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 47 20-Jan-23 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, Delivery Note Mode/Terms ofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV ReferenceNo.&Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail: [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER DeliveryNoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 6PCS 260.00PCS 1,560.00 PyanoPrint BigYamaha 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 6 PCS 215.00PCS 1,290.00 Small SadaYamaha 3 DUST COVER 42021290 10 PCS 75.00PCS 750.00 Small DUSTCOVER 42021290 10 PCS 80.00PCS 800.00 Big 4,400.00 CGST 9% 9% 396.00 SGST9% 9% 396.00 Total 32PCS 5,192.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INRFiveThousandOneHundredNinetyTwoOnly HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 4,400.00 9% 396.00 9% 396.00 792.00 Total 4,400.00 396.00 396.00 792.00 Tax Amount (in words) : INR Seven Hundred Ninety Two Only Company's Bank Details A/cHolder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration for TANVI ENTERPRISE We declare that thisinvoiceshows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "47", "InvoiceDate": "20-Jan-23", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAVROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES, PRITAMNAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Pyano Print Big Yamaha", "Qty": "6 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "260.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,560.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Small Sada Yamaha", "Qty": "6 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "215.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,290.00" }, { "Description": "DUST COVER Small", "Qty": "10 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "75.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "750.00" }, { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "10 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "80.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "800.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "4,400.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "792.00", "FinalTotal": "5,192.00" } }
Invoice Page 1 of 1 MBJ Airports Limited REMITTO: Invoice # SIA-162376 MBJ Airports Limited Invoice Date 10/31/2022 IslandMailboxesP.O.Box4000 Agreement # 000819 Montego Bay, Jamaica Contract # MARL3 GCT Tax Reg # 001-705-873, JM Company # 00000378 Total Amount $63,468.58 Mr.Francis Amair Marksman Limited *INTERESTWILLBECHARGEDONALL Lot 1219 Providence Way OVERDUEANDUNPAIDBALANCESON lronshore ACCOUNT. St. James, JM Sangster International Airport Line Description Amount 1 Fixed Utility Fees($JM)-Monthly Electricity Recovery $20,851.23 Marksman -Trailer 326.15 @ $63.93141 per kWh 2 Fixed Utility Fees ($JM) - Monthly Electricity Recovery $34,338.84 Marksman- Office 537.12 @ $63.93141 per kWh GCT -Electricity Recovery (JM) GCT Output Tax @ 15% 3 $8,278.51 55,190.06831 @ $0.15 $JM Total AmountDue $63,468.58 Invoice # SIA-162376 10/31/2022 Company #00000378 OCTOBER 2022
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "SIA-162376", "InvoiceDate": "10/31/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "MBJ Airports Limited", "SellerAddress": "IslandMailboxes P.O. Box 4000, Montego Bay, Jamaica", "SellerTaxNumber": " 001-705-873", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Mr. Francis Amair", "ClientAddress": "Marksman Limited, Lot 1219 Providence Way, Ironshore, St. James, JM", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Fixed Utility Fees($JM)-Monthly Electricity Recovery Marksman -Trailer 326.15 @ $63.93141 per kWh", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$20,851.23", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$20,851.23" }, { "Description": "Fixed Utility Fees ($JM) - Monthly Electricity Recovery Marksman- Office 537.12 @ $63.93141 per kWh", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$34,338.84", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$34,338.84" }, { "Description": "GCT -Electricity Recovery (JM) GCT Output Tax @ 15%", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "$8,278.51", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "$8,278.51" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "$63,468.58", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "$63,468.58" } }
SOFTWARETECHNOLOGYPARKSOFINDIA Ministry of Electronics&InformationTechnology,Govt.of INDIA Q3,6thlorwrsHiCityMahaur,D Telephone Nos :040-66415600, E-Mail : [email protected] PAN:AAATS2468J STATE:Telangana GSTIN:36AAATS2468J1Z7 TAXINVOICE DETAILS OF CUSTOMER (Original) DETAILS OFSERVICES/ACTIVATION M/s UXREACTOR INDIA PVT.LTD. Approval No.: #1014,10th Floor,Manjeera Trinity Corporate, STPH/ESG/2016-17/2020/7851 Survey No:1050,Plot No:S2, JNTU HiTech City Road,KPHB Phase3 Approval Date: 24-NoV-2016 Kukatpally,Hyderabad-500072 Legal Agreement: 31-Jan-2017 Telephone #: Fax#: Com.Production: E-Mail ID 31-Jan-2017 :[email protected] Expiry Date: GSTIN 30-Jan-2022 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Consumption State:Telangana State C6de:36 Invoice No::H-STP/244/19-20 SERVICE-STATUTORYSERVICES Is Reverse Charge Applicable:NO Dated 3-Jun-2019 Pay By Date: 3-Jul-2019 Billing Period:1-Apr-2019 to 31-Mar-2020 Export Turnover(in Lakhs): Financial Year:2019-20 Biling Cycle:Annual 313.98 Export Source and Fin Yr: MPR :2018-19 SNo. Particulars HSN/ Amount GST(%) CGST@ SGST @ SACode 1 sTP-Statutory Charges (Rs.) 9% (Rs.) 9% (Rs.) 999119 1,10,000.0018.00% 9,900.00 9,900.00 Total 1,10,000.00 Total Invoice Value Including GST: 9,900.00 1,29,800.00 9,900.00 Indian Rupees One Lakh TwentyNine Thousand Eight Hundred Only ariff of Service Charges(STP/NonSTP) in Rs. OtherTerms&Conditions 0.00 to 12.50 Lakhs (Non-STP) 4,000.00 1.) Pleasemake thePayments on or before duedate to avoid disconnectionof E&OE 12.50 to 25.00 Lakhs (Non-STP) 8,000.00 0.00 to 25.00 Lakhs (STP) service. 8,000.00 2.) Current Demand is due &Payable on orbefore the due date else penalty @ 25.00 to 50.00 Lakhs 16,000.00 2% p.m. or part thereof is payable if the payment is made after the Due Date. 50.00 Lakhs to 3.00 Crores 55,000.00 3.00 to 10.00 Crores 3.)TDS may be deducted (excl GST) as per CBDT Circular No.01/2014 Dated: 1,10,000.00 13-01-2014. 10.00 to 25.00 Crores 2,25,000.00 4.)Payments can be made through UPI (UnifiedPayments Interface) and BHIM( 25.00 to 50.00 Crores 50.00 to 100.00 Crores 2,50,000.00 Bharat InterfaceforMoney)Forfurtherdetails,visithttps:/ 3,50,000.00 100.00 to 500.00 Crores 5,75,000.00 500.00 to 1000.00 Crores =>PLEASE MAILALLDETAILS OFPAYMENT(S)MADE TO: 6,00,000.00 More than 1000.00 Crores [email protected] 6,50,000.00 [email protected] Narration : STPServiceCharges for theyear2019-20,ExportAnnual Turnover-Rs.313.98Lakhs ForSOFTWARETECHNOLOCYPARKSOFINDIA asperMPR(2018-19) Authorizec ++++++++++++++ ++++*+++CUTHERE++++++++++++++++ PAYMENT SLIP (Please attach this slip along with your payment thru Cheque/DD or Online.) ++++ Customer Name M/sUXREACTOR INDIA PVT.LTD. Bank Details for Online Payment through NEFT/RTGS Invoice No.&Date :H-STP/244/19-20 Dated:3-Jun-2019 9A/c Holder Name Software Technology Parks of India Invoice Value (Rs.) 1,29,800.00 Bank Account No. Add: Previous Dues(Rs.) : :863810110002196 Bank Name :Bank of India Less: Advance(Rs.) Bank Branch Name Net Payment (Rs.) :MADHAPUR 1,29,800.00 Account Type TDS (If Any) (Rs.) :Savings Bank Account IFSCode :BKID0008638 Nett Amount Paid (Rs.) MICR Code :500013024 Swift
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "H-STP/244/19-20", "InvoiceDate": "3-Jun-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "3-Jul-2019" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY PARKS OF INDIA", "SellerAddress": "Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Govt. of INDIA Q3, 6th floor HiCityMahaur, D Telangana-500081. India.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AAATS2468J1Z7", "SellerContactNumber": "040-66415600", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "M/s UXREACTOR INDIA PVT. LTD.", "ClientAddress": "#1014, 10th Floor, Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Survey No: 1050, Plot No: S2, JNTU HiTech City Road, KPHB Phase3, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "[email protected]" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "STP-Statutory Charges", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1,10,000.00", "Tax": "18.00%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,10,000.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "863810110002196", "IFSC": "BKID0008638" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "1,10,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "9,900.00", "FinalTotal": "1,29,800.00" } }
TANQAA PAYROLL PRIVATE LIMITED No10GrdFloor,2ndA MainRoad,10thCrossExtn Green Park Layout(OMBR),D Banaswadi Bangalore 560043 GSTIN/UIN:29AADCT0003C1Z1 E-Mail : [email protected] ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT TAX INVOICE To InvoiceNo:214/19-20Bglr UX Reactor Hyderabad500 Date GSTNo36AABCU9451H1Z3 :31-Aug-2019 HYDERABAD-500034 Place of Supply-Hyderabad SI.No Particulars Amount 1 TowardsPayroll Processing Fee for Aug 2019 5,000.00 (32Employee [email protected]/-Per Record/Minimum Commitment) 2 Output IGST 18% 900.00 Total 5,900.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INR Five Thousand Nine Hundred Only Category :Payroll Services Company's GSTIN No.:29AADCT0003C1Z1 Company's PAN :AADCT0003C Company's CIN No :U72900TN2008PTC068698 SAC Code :998223 PR forTANQAA PAYROLLPRIVATELIMITED Authorised Signat
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "214/19-20Bglr", "InvoiceDate": "31-Aug-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANQAA PAYROLL PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "No 10 Grd Floor,2nd A Main Road,10th Cross Extn Green Park Layout (OMBR), D Banaswadi Bangalore 560043", "SellerTaxNumber": "29AADCT0003C1Z1", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UX Reactor", "ClientAddress": "HYDERABAD-500034", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Towards Payroll Processing Fee for Aug 2019 (32Employee Records @ Rs.50/- Per Record/Minimum Commitment)", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "5,000.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "5,000.00" }, { "Description": "Output IGST 18%", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "", "Tax": "900.00", "Total_for_each_item": "900.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "5,900.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE Invoice No. Dated 90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, 21 16-Aug-22 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAV ROAD, Delivery Note Mode/Terms of Payment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. OtherReferences State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer's Order No. Dated Buyer (Billto) MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATESPRITAMNAGAR PALDI , AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 TermsofDelivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 18PCS 220.00PCS 3,960.00 Big 2 CARRYBAG 42021290 18PCS 220.00PCS 3,960.00 Casio Big 3 CARRYBAG 42021290 25 PCS 250.00PCS 6,250.00 MmYamahaBig 1 CARRYBAG 42021290 25 PCS 250.00PCS 6,250.00 MmBig 5 CARRYBAG 42021290 25 PCS 235.00PCS 5,875.00 MmSmall 26,295.00 CGST9% 9% 2,366.55 SGST 9% 9 % 2,366.55 continued ... ThisisaComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "21", "InvoiceDate": "16-Aug-22", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY, ODHAV ROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP. KOTHAWALA FLATES PRITAM NAGAR PALDI, AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Big", "Qty": "18 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "220.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "3960.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Casio Big", "Qty": "18 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "220.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "3960.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Mm Yamaha Big", "Qty": "25 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "250.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "6250.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Mm Big", "Qty": "25 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "250.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "6250.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Mm Small", "Qty": "25 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "235.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "5875.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "26295.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "" } }
nvoice #64NS1920IN/0451 Balance Due Rs.37,760.00 64 Network Security Pvt Ltd Fifth Floor,Kolluri House#8-3-318/11/3,PlotNo.3Jaya Prakash Nagar, Yellareddy Guda Hyderabad-500073,Telangana,India GSTIN 36AAACZ3151C1Z0 Bill To: UXReactor India Pvt.Ltd Opp.Hitex Entrance,Laxmi Cyber City,7,Hitech CityRd,Jubilee Enclave Hitec City Hyderabad 500081 Telangana India GSTIN 36AABCU9451H1Z3 Invoice Date: 02-08-2019 Ship To : Opp.Hitex Entrance,Laxmi Terms: Due on Receipt Cyber City,7,Hitech City Rd, Due Date: 02-08-2019 Jubilee Enclave Hitec City P.O.#: 64NS1920SO/0321 Hyderabad 500081 Telangana CustomerPO PO1 Number: India Place Of Supply:Telangana (36) Items&Description Qty Rate CGST SGST Amount Office 365Business-1Year 5.00 6,400.00 2,880.00 2,880.00 32,000.00 Description: 9% Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, OneNote One Drive for Business Access Per1Year Domain Name:Uxreactorindia.onmicrosoft. com Billing date:04/05/2019To03/05/2020 POWERED BY ZOHO 208119
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "#64NS1920IN/0451", "InvoiceDate": "02-08-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "02-08-2019" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "64 Network Security Pvt Ltd", "SellerAddress": "Fifth Floor, Kolluri House#8-3-318/11/3, Plot No.3 Jaya Prakash Nagar, Yellareddy Guda Hyderabad-500073, Telangana, India", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AAACZ3151C1Z0", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor India Pvt.Ltd", "ClientAddress": "Opp.Hitex Entrance, Laxmi Cyber City, 7, Hitech City Rd, Jubilee Enclave, Hitec City, Hyderabad 500081, Telangana, India", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Office 365 Business-1Year", "Qty": "5.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "Per 1 Year", "NetPrice": "6,400.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "32,000.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "37,760.00" } }
DAYAKARELECTRICAI Engineers & Contractors Licenced'A' Grade Electrical Govt.Approved PlatNo.1-42/PE/21/A,BachpanSchool Lane,Pragathi Enclave,Miyapur,Hyderabad. Ph:9848160130,83418899351E-mail:[email protected] DAYAKAR ELECTRICAL TAXINVOICE Original for Recipient InvoiceNo: 42 Date: 28.05.2019 InvoiceFrom: Invoice to: DAYAKARELECTRICAL, UXReactor, H.NO.1-42/PE/21/A,BachpanSchool Lane, Hyderabad. Pragathi Enclave,Miyapur, Hyderabad. GSTIN:36AQMPA8198F2ZH GSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3. PAN:AQMPA8198F State:TELANGANA State:Telangana StateCode:36 StateCode:36 S.No. Description SAC Code Qnty Rate Amount(INR) 995416 Bill forAMCworks 4,500 CGST@9% 405 SGST@9% 405 Total InvoiceValue 5,310 InWords: Five thousand threehundred and tenrupees only PLEASENOTEOURBANKDETAILSFORELECTRONICTRANSFERS Beneficiary'sName:DAYAKARELECTRICAL BankName :KARURVYSYA BANK Account Number :1484135000003784 IFSCCode :KVBL0001484 Branch&Address :MIYAPUR. DAYAKAR (Proprietor)
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "42", "InvoiceDate": "28.05.2019", "InvoiceDueDate" : "" }, "SellerDetails":{ "SellerName": "DAYAKAR ELECTRICAL", "SellerAddress": "H.NO.1-42/PE/21/A,Bachpan School Lane,Pragathi Enclave,Miyapur,Hyderabad.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AQMPA8198F2ZH", "SellerContactNumber": "9848160130, 83418899351", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails":{ "ClientName": "UXReactor", "ClientAddress": "Hyderabad.", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails":[ { "Description": "Bill for AMC works", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "4500", "Tax": "810", "Total_for_each_item": "4500" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "1484135000003784", "IFSC": "KVBL0001484" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "5310" } }
***HISTORICAL*** Invoice STR-DM-0000006012 IGLLimited Date 10/18/2019 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALERIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246 KINGSTON6 KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method Payment Terms ReqShipDate Master No. WOG42-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 10/18/2019 1,605,970 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 801-01-0002 SEAL20MMTAMPERPROOFFOR11KG&14H 0.00 0.00 0.00 BEINGDEBITEDTOBILLCUSTOMERASPRODUCTWAS IGLLimited Subtotal JA$2,750.00 INVOICED ON THE WRONG ACCOUNT. REF. INV# 343061 DATED 18-10-19 Misc JA$O.00 Tax JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Freight JA$O.00 TradeDiscount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$2,750.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-DM-0000006012", "InvoiceDate": "10/18/2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595Spanish TownRoad P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPE ROAD KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "927-8544876-928-2246", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,750.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,750.00" }, { "Description": "SEAL 20MM TAMPER PROOF FOR 11KG & 14H", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "0.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "0.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$2,750.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$O.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$2,750.00" } }
TANQAA PAYROLL PRIVATE LIMITED No 10 Grd Floor,2nd A Main Road,10th CrossExtn Green Park Layout (OMBR),D Banaswadi Bangalore 560043 GSTIN/UIN:29AADCT0003C1Z1 E-Mail : [email protected] TAX INVOICE ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT To UX Reactor Invoice No : 368/18-19 Bglr Hyderabad 500 GST No36AABCU9451H1Z3 Date :28-Dec-2018 HYDERABAD-500034 SI.No Particulars Amount TowardsPayroll Processing Fee for Dec 2018 1 5,000.00 (32 Employee Records @ Rs.50/-Per Record / Minimum Commitment) 2 Output Igst 18% 900.00 Total 5,900.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INR Five Thousand Nine Hundred Only Category :Payroll Services Company's GSTIN No.:29AADCT0003C1Z1 Company's PAN :AADCT0003C Company's CIN No :U72900TN2008PTC068698 SAC Code :998223 LPRIL for TANQAA PAYROLLPRAATE LIMIKED Autho sedSignatory
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "368/18-19 Bglr", "InvoiceDate": "28-Dec-2018", "InvoiceDueDate" : "" }, "SellerDetails":{ "SellerName": "TANQAA PAYROLL PRIVATE LIMITED", "SellerAddress": "No 10 Grd Floor,2nd A Main Road,10th CrossExtn Green Park Layout (OMBR),D Banaswadi Bangalore 560043", "SellerTaxNumber": "29AADCT0003C1Z1", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails":{ "ClientName": "UX Reactor", "ClientAddress": "Hyderabad 500", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails":[ { "Description": "Towards Payroll Processing Fee for Dec 2018 (32 Employee Records @ Rs.50/-Per Record / Minimum Commitment)", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "5000.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "5000.00" }, { "Description": "Output Igst 18%", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "900.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "900.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "5900.00" } }
Tax Invoice TANVIENTERPRISE InvoiceNo. Dated 90,SHRIRAKHIALDHANLAXMISOCIETY, 49 2-Feb-23 OPP.C.M.C.FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, DeliveryNote Mode/TermsofPayment AHMEDABAD-382415 GSTIN/UIN:24EPJPP1511K1ZV Reference No.& Date. Other References State Name : Gujarat, Code :24 E-Mail : [email protected] Buyer (Billto) Buyer's Order No. Dated MUSICMANCHESTER Dispatch Doc No. LL-16SAHAJANANDTRADE CENTER Delivery NoteDate OPP.KOTHAWALAFLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI , AHMEDABAD Dispatched through Destination GSTIN/UIN :24CNNPS1250E2Z2 StateName : Gujarat, Code : 24 Terms of Delivery SI Description of Goods HSN/SAC Quantity Rate per Amount No. CARRYBAG 42021290 12 PCS 230.00PCS 2,760.00 Yamaha Sada Big CARRYBAG 42021290 8PCS 260.00PCS 2,080.00 YamahaRed Sada DUST COVER 42021290 21 PCS 80.00PCS 1,680.00 Big 6,520.00 CGST 9% 9% 586.80 SGST9% 9% 586.80 ROUNDINGOFF 0.40 Total 41PCS 7,694.00 Amount Chargeable(in words) E.&O.E INRSevenThousandSixHundredNinetyFourOnly HSN/SAC Taxable CentralTax StateTax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 42021290 6,520.00 9% 586.80 9% 586.80 1,173.60 Total 6,520.00 586.80 586.80 1,173.60 Tax Amount (in words) : INR One Thousand One Hundred Seventy Three and Sixty paise Only Company's Bank Details A/c Holder'sName:TANVI ENTERPRISSE BankName : UNION BANK OF INDIA A/c No. :483301010036880 Branch&IFSCode:ODHAVBRANCH&UBIN0548332 Declaration forTANVI ENTERPRISE Wedeclarethat thisinvoiceshowstheactualpriceof the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. Authorised Signatory This is a ComputerGenerated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "49", "InvoiceDate": "2-Feb-23", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "TANVI ENTERPRISE", "SellerAddress": "90, SHRI RAKHIAL DHANLAXMI SOCIETY, OPP. C.M.C. FACTORY,ODHAVROAD, AHMEDABAD-382415", "SellerTaxNumber": "24EPJPP1511K1ZV", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "MUSIC MANCHESTER", "ClientAddress": "LL-16 SAHAJANAND TRADE CENTER, OPP.KOTHAWALA FLATES,PRITAMNAGAR PALDI , AHMEDABAD", "ClientTaxNumber": "24CNNPS1250E2Z2", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CARRY BAG Yamaha Sada Big", "Qty": "12 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "230.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,760.00" }, { "Description": "CARRY BAG Yamaha Red Sada", "Qty": "8 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "260.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "2,080.00" }, { "Description": "DUST COVER Big", "Qty": "21 PCS", "UnitOfMeasure": "PCS", "NetPrice": "80.00", "Tax": "9%", "Total_for_each_item": "1,680.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "483301010036880", "IFSC": "UBIN0548332" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "6,520.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,173.60", "FinalTotal": "7,694.00" } }
D DAYAIARELECTRICAI F Engineers& Contractors Licenced'A'Grade Electrical Govt.Approved Plat No.1-42/PE/21/A,BachpanSchoolLane,PragathiEnclave,Miyapur,Hyderabad Ph:9848160130,83418899351E-mail:[email protected] DAYAKARELECTRICAL TAXINVOICE Original for Recipient Invoice No: 76 Date: 25.07.2019 Invoice From: Invoice to: DAYAKARELECTRICAL, UXReactor, H.NO.1-42/PE/21/A,Bachpan School Lane, Hyderabad. Pragathi Enclave,Miyapu, Hyderabad. GSTIN:36AQMPA8198F2ZH GSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3. PAN:AQMPA8198F State:TELANGANA State:Telangana State Code:36 StateCode:36 S.No. Description SACCode Qnty Rate Amount (INR) 995416 Bill forAMCworks 4,500 CGST @9% 405 SGST@9% 405 TotalInvoiceValue 5,310 InWords: Five thousand threehundred and tenrupees only PLEASENOTEOURBANKDETAILSFORELECTRONICTRANSFERS Beneficiary'sName :DAYAKARELECTRICAL BankName :KARURVYSYA BANK AccountNumber :1484135000003784 IFSCCode :KVBL0001484 Branch&Address :MIYAPUR.
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "76", "InvoiceDate": "25.07.2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DAYAKARELECTRICAL", "SellerAddress": "H.NO.1-42/PE/21/A,Bachpan School Lane,Pragathi Enclave,Miyapur,Hyderabad.", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AQMPA8198F2ZH", "SellerContactNumber": "Ph:9848160130,83418899351", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor", "ClientAddress": "H.NO.1-42/PE/21/A,Bachpan School Lane,Pragathi Enclave,Miyapur,Hyderabad.", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Bill for AMC works", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "", "Tax": "810", "Total_for_each_item": "4,500" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "1484135000003784", "IFSC": "KVBL0001484" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "5,310" } }
Tax Invoice NBOSTechnologiesPvtLtd Invoice No. Dated Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, 094/2018-19 1-Feb-2019 OPP Hitech City Entrance Delivery Note Mode/Terms of Payment Madhapur, Hyderabad Telangana, 500081 Telangana -500081, India Despatch Document No. Delivery NoteDate GSTIN/UIN:36AABCV0878K1ZY State Name:Telangana,Code:36 Despatched through Destination Buyer UXReactor India Pvt Ltd Terms of Delivery Plot No. 7, Jubilee Enclave Hitech City,Hyderabad Telangana-,India GSTIN/UIN : 36AABCU9451H1Z3 State Name : Telangana, Code : 36 Particulars HSN/SAC GST Amount Rate Lift AMC 0 % 10,461.00 SGST Output Tax 941.49 CGST Output Tax 941.49 Round Off 0% 0.02 Total 12,344.00 Amount Chargeable (in words) E.&O.E INRTwelveThousandThreeHundred FortyFourOnly HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax State Tax Total Value Rate Amount Rate Amount TaxAmount 10,461.00 0% 0% Total 10,461.00 Tax Amount (in words) : NIL Remarks: Being invoice raised (4320*41.89) for Feb-19 for NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd Authorised Signatory SUBJECT TO HYDERABAD JURISDICTION This isa Computer Generated Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "094/2018-19", "InvoiceDate": "1-Feb-2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "NBOS Technologies Pvt Ltd", "SellerAddress": "Plot No7, Jubilee Enclave, OPP Hitech City Entrance, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500081, Telangana -500081, India", "SellerTaxNumber": "36AABCV0878K1ZY", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactor India Pvt Ltd", "ClientAddress": "Plot No. 7, Jubilee Enclave, Hitech City,Hyderabad, Telangana-,India", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Lift AMC", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "10,461.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "10,461.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "10,461.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "1,882.98", "FinalTotal": "12,344.00" } }
COOLTRIP CONSULTANT, 299/92,PAPER MILLS ROAD PERAMBUR,CHENNAI CHENNAI - 600 011,Tel : 04448586276, Email: [email protected], GSTIN:33AALFC5202H1ZU, INVOICE (AIR TICKETS) [Original for Recipient] ToM/S : UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD Doc. No : IS19/222 Date : 09 Jul 2019 Reference: Narration : Mobile No. : Handled By : Emp Code : ProjectCode: GSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3 Airline : CATHAY PACIFIC AIRWAYS Page No: [PLACEOFSUPPLY:TELANGANA] 1of1 LTD. Ticket No./ Passenger Name SAC/ Sector BasicFare Airline Tax Tot Amount Flight Details CX3434004286LUISAFERNANDACASTILLO 998559 69940.00 32034.00 101974.00 HENAO MR HYD/HKG CX 646 12Jul2019 HKG/SFO CX89212Jul2019 SFO/HKG CX 879 25Jul2019 HKG/HYD CX64926Jul2019 Add: GST / K3 Collected by AIRLINE : 4526.00 Sub Total : 69940.00 32034.00 106500.00 Add:PROCESSING CHARGES(I) 1 : 1000.00 Add:IGST CLIENT ON (1000.00 @ 18.00%) :180.00 INR One LakhSeven Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty only TOTAL: 107680.00 Terms and Conditions E. & O.E ForCOOLTRIPCONSULTANT 1. Payment to be made to the cashier & printed Oofficial Receipt must be obtained. 2.All cheques/demand drafts inpayment of billsmust becrossed'A/cPayeeOnlyand drawn in favour of COOLTRIP CONSULTANT 3.Interest @24%perannum will be chargedon all outstanding billsafter due date. 4. Kindly check all details carefully to avoid un-necessary complications. 5. Subject To CHENNAI Jurisdiction Receiver's Signature Administrator
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "IS19/222", "InvoiceDate": "09 Jul 2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "COOLTRIP CONSULTANT", "SellerAddress": "299/92, PAPER MILLS ROAD, PERAMBUR, CHENNAI, CHENNAI - 600 011", "SellerTaxNumber": "33AALFC5202H1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "04448586276", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD", "ClientAddress": "", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "CX 3434004286 LUISA FERNANDA CASTILLO HENAO MR", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "69940.00", "Tax": "32034.00", "Total_for_each_item": "106500.00" }, { "Description": "PROCESSING CHARGES(I) 1", "Qty": "1", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "1000.00", "Tax": "180.00", "Total_for_each_item": "" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "", "TotalTaxesAmount": "", "FinalTotal": "107680.00" } }
DIGITALINFORMATICS B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI,AHMEDABAD Pin Code:380007 Phone No.:, Website:[email protected] Invoice GSTIN Number :24ACXPS7063A1ZB Transportation Mode TaxIsPayable OnReverse Charge : NO Veh.No InvoiceSerial Number :GST/000122 Date & Time Of Supply : 07/10/2021 InvoiceDate :07/10/2021 Place Of Supply Details Of Receiver(Billed To) Details Of Consignee (Shipped To) Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED Name :ASPIRE SOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Address :202,2ND FLOOR,PARISHRAM,5B RASMI Address : 202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM,5B RASMI SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, SOCIETY,NR.L.G.SHOWROOM,MITHAKHALI, City-State : AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT State :GUJARAT State Code : 24 StateCode : 24 GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU GSTIN Number :24AAQCA1169D1ZU Sr. Description HSN Qty UOM Rate Total Discount Taxable CGST SGST IGST No ofGoods ISAC Value Code Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount FINGER H500 8518 2.00|NUMBER 296.61 593.22 0.00 593.22 9.00 53.39 9.00 53.39 0.00 HEADPHONES FINGER H527 8518 2.00|NUMBER 296.61 593.22 0.00 593.22 9.00 53.39 9.00 53.39 0.00 HEADPHONE ZEBRONICSUSB 8471 3.00|NUMBER 148.31 444.93 0.00 444.93 9.00 40.04 9.00 40.04 0.00 MOUSE 1631.37 0.00 1631.37 146.82 146.82 0.00 Taxable CGST SGST IGST TotalTaxableAmount 1631.37 Value Tax Amount Tax Amount Tax Amount Total GST 293.64 1631.37 9.00 % 146.82 9.00 % 146.82 0.00 % 0.00 Total 146.82 146.82 0.00 Gross Amount 1925.01 Round Off -0.01 RUPEESONETHOUSANDNINEHUNDREDTWENTYFIVEONLY Net Amount 1925.00 Term&Condition ElectronicReferenceNumber 1.PAYMENT BYA/CPAYEES CHEQUE. 2. PAYMENT MADE AFTER DUE DATE WILL BEAR 18% INTEREST PER ANNUM. DIGITALINFORMATICS 3. ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO AHMEDABAD JURISDICTION. 4. MATERIAL ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE TAKEN BACK. Signature: 5.SUPPLIES COMPUTER PARTS ONLY.NO SOFTWARE SERVICE CONTEMPTED. Authorised Signature Name 6.WARRANTYASPERSPECIFIEDBYMANUFACTURER/ DISTRIBUTORS. Designation 7.HDFCBANK-VEJALPURBRANCH-A/CNO:00482560005602IFSC:HDFC0000048 ASPIRESOFTSERVEPRIVATELIMITED Register Address: B-4,NAVRATNACENTER,ABOVEBANKOFBARODA,FATEHPURA,PALDI, Receiver Signatory AHMEDABAD-380007 Phone No.:9227172900,9825154848
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "GST/000122", "InvoiceDate": "07/10/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "DIGITAL INFORMATICS", "SellerAddress": "B-4, NAVRATNA CENTER, ABOVE BANK OF BARODA, FATEHPURA, PALDI, AHMEDABAD - 380007", "SellerTaxNumber": "24ACXPS7063A1ZB", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "ASPIRE SOFTSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "202, 2ND FLOOR, PARISHRAM, 5B RASMI SOCIETY, NR. L.G. SHOWROOM, MITHAKHALI, AHMEDABAD - GUJARAT", "ClientTaxNumber": "24AAQCA1169D1ZU", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "FINGER H500 HEADPHONE", "Qty": "2.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "296.61", "Tax": "9.00", "Total_for_each_item": "593.22" }, { "Description": "FINGER H527 HEADPHONE", "Qty": "2.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "296.61", "Tax": "9.00", "Total_for_each_item": "593.22" }, { "Description": "ZEBRONICSUSB MOUSE", "Qty": "3.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "NUMBER", "NetPrice": "148.31", "Tax": "9.00", "Total_for_each_item": "444.93" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "00482560005602", "IFSC": "HDFC0000048" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "1631.37", "TotalTaxesAmount": "293.64", "FinalTotal": "1925.00" } }
***HISTORICAL* Invoice ABAY-INV-00109372 IGLLimited Date 02/24/2020 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPRROAD 107 OLDHOPRROAD KINGSTON6 KINGSTON6 Purchase OrderNo. CustomerID SalespersonID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. AG0024-000 AREA5-STMAR A/R-PICKUP 7DAYS 02/24/2020 1,666,336 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,990.00 2,990.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$2,990.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 1x14kg cyl rf 018625 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$2,990.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "ABAY-INV-00109372", "InvoiceDate": "02/24/2020", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 Spanish Town Road, P.O. Box 224, Kingston 11 876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,990.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "2,990.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$2,990.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$0.00", "FinalTotal": "JA$2,990.00" } }
COOLTRIPCONSULTANT, 29/13, VANCHINATHN STREET PERAMBUR CHENNAI - 600 011,Tel : 04448586276, Email: [email protected], GSTIN:33AALFC5202H1ZU, DOM. SALES [Original for Recipient] To M/S : UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD Doc. No : DS19/230 Date : 23 Jul 2019 Reference: Narration : Mobile No. : Handled By : Emp Code : ProjectCode: GSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3 [PLACE OFSUPPLY:TELANGANA] Airline : SPICEJET Page No : 1of1 Ticket No./ Passenger Name SAC/ Sector Flight Details BasicFare Taxes& Tot Amount Chrgs SGWHI12EBASAVARAJUVENKATAKRISHNA998559 3313.00 884.00 4197.00 KIRANMR JAI/HYD SG 342 04Aug2019 SG WHI12E1 KRITI MATHUR MS 998559 3313.00 884.00 4197.00 JAI/HYD SG 342 04Aug2019 SGWHI12E2PAULAANDREAESGUERRA 998559 3313.00 884.00 4197.00 RESTREPOMS JAI/HYD SG 342 04Aug2019 Sub Total : 9939.00 2652.00 12591.00 Add: PROCESSING CHARGES(D)1:300.00 Add : IGST CLIENT ON (300.00 @ 18.00%) : 54.00 INR Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty Five only TOTAL: 12945.00 TermsandConditionsE.&O.E ForCOOLTRIPCONSULTANT 1. Payment to be made to the cashier & printed Oofficial Receipt must be obtained. 2.All cheques/demand drafts in payment of billsmust be crossed'A/cPayee Only' and drawn in favour of COOLTRIP CONSULTANT 3.Interest @24%perannum will be chargedon all outstanding billsafter due date. 4. Kindly check all details carefully to avoid un-necessary complications. 5. Subject To CHENNAI Jurisdiction Receiver's Signature 可浓 LAKSHMI
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "DS19/230", "InvoiceDate": "23 Jul 2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "COOLTRIP CONSULTANT", "SellerAddress": "29/13, VANCHINATHN STREET\nPERAMBUR\nCHENNAI - 600 011", "SellerTaxNumber": "33AALFC5202H1ZU", "SellerContactNumber": "04448586276", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UX REACTOR INDIA PVT LTD", "ClientAddress": "", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "SG WHI12E BASAVARAJU VENKATA KRISHNA", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "3313.00", "Tax": "884.00", "Total_for_each_item": "4197.00" }, { "Description": "SG WHI12E1 KRITI MATHUR MS", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "3313.00", "Tax": "884.00", "Total_for_each_item": "4197.00" }, { "Description": "SG WHI12E2 PAULA ANDREA ESGUERRA", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "3313.00", "Tax": "884.00", "Total_for_each_item": "4197.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "9939.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2652.00", "FinalTotal": "12945.00" } }
POSH at Work Firm Assisting in Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace TAX INVOICE Original for Recipient GSTIN 27AAUFP6381M1Z8 Invoice No 273/2019-20 PAN AAUFP6381M Invoice Date 15 October, 2019 State Name Maharashtra Reverse Charge (Y/N) N State Code 27 Place of Supply Telangana Client Name:UXReactorIndia Pvt Ltd Billing Address ClientGSTIN:36AABCU9451H1Z3 #1012 to1014,10th Floor,Manjeera Trinity Client PAN:AABCU9451H Corporate,SurveyNo.1050,PlotNoS2,JNTU -Hitech City Road, KPHB Phase 3, Kukkatpally,Hyderabad,Telangana500072 Sr.No. Description of Service Value of Service (INR) 1. RetainerFeefor acting as an External Member of the 2,000 Internal Committeefor6months(from 23rd July,2019 to X6 22d Jan, 2020)(@INR 2,000permonth) Total Taxable Value 12,000 IGST @18% 2,160 INVOICETOTAL 14,160 INVOICETOTAL (IN WORDS) Rupees Fourteen Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Only POSH at Work's Bank Details: Correspondence Address: BankName:KotakBank POSH atWork AccountNumber:4311950450 Awfis Space Solutions,Poddar Chambers Branch:Hubtown Solaris MathuradasMill Compound,SenapatiBaat IFSC Code:KKBK0001365 Marg,LowerParel,Mumbai400013 ForPOSH atWork Registd..ildinglaNhmlaakauaaauaMahaeMaah|[email protected]|9004521614
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "273/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "15 October, 2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "POSH at Work", "SellerAddress": "Awfis Space Solutions, Poddar Chambers, Mathuradas Mill Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013", "SellerTaxNumber": "27AAUFP6381M1Z8", "SellerContactNumber": "9004521614", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactorIndia Pvt Ltd", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to 1014, 10th Floor, Manjeera Trinity, Corporate, Survey No. 1050, Plot No S2, JNTU-Hitech City Road, KPHB Phase 3, Kukkatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Retainer Fee for acting as an External Member of the Internal Committee for 6 months (from 23rd July, 2019 to 22nd Jan, 2020) (@INR 2,000 per month)", "Qty": "X6", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,000", "Tax": "IGST @18%", "Total_for_each_item": "12,000" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "4311950450", "IFSC": "IFSC Code: KKBK0001365" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "12,000", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,160", "FinalTotal": "14,160" } }
***HISTORICAL* Invoice ABAY-INV-00107483 IGLLimited Date 11/04/2019 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O.Box 224 Kingston 11 876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPRROAD 107 OLDHOPRROAD KINGSTON6 KINGSTON6 Purchase Order No. CustomerID SalespersonID Shipping Method PaymentTerms ReqShipDate Master No. AG0024-000 AREA5-STMAR A/R-PICKUP 7DAYS 11/04/2019 1,608,387 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,805.00 2,805.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$2,805.00 Misc JA$O.00 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Tax JA$O.00 Freight JA$O.00 1x14 kg cyl rfl HIRICH 16054 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$2,805.00
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "273/2019-20", "InvoiceDate": "15 October, 2019", "InvoiceDueDate": "" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "POSH at Work", "SellerAddress": "Awfis Space Solutions, Poddar Chambers, Mathuradas Mill Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013", "SellerTaxNumber": "27AAUFP6381M1Z8", "SellerContactNumber": "9004521614", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "UXReactorIndia Pvt Ltd", "ClientAddress": "#1012 to 1014, 10th Floor, Manjeera Trinity, Corporate, Survey No. 1050, Plot No S2, JNTU-Hitech City Road, KPHB Phase 3, Kukkatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072", "ClientTaxNumber": "36AABCU9451H1Z3", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "Retainer Fee for acting as an External Member of the Internal Committee for 6 months (from 23rd July, 2019 to 22nd Jan, 2020) (@INR 2,000 per month)", "Qty": "X6", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,000", "Tax": "IGST @18%", "Total_for_each_item": "12,000" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "4311950450", "IFSC": "IFSC Code: KKBK0001365" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "12,000", "TotalTaxesAmount": "2,160", "FinalTotal": "14,160" } }
***HISTORICAL*** Invoice STR-INV-000600085 IGLLimited Date 24/9/2021 593-595SpanishTownRoad Page 1 P.O. Box 224 Kingston 11876 Bill To: Ship To: GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED GUARDSMANGROUPLIMITED 107OLDHOPEROAD KENNETHBENJAMIN/VALERIEBROWN KINGSTON6 107OLDHOPEROAD KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246 KINGSTON6 KIRKWILLIAMS-927-8544876-928-2246 Purchase Order No. CustomerID Salesperson ID Shipping Method PaymentTerms Req Ship Date Master No. WOG42-000 AREA1-KGN06 A/R-PICKUP 30DAYS 24/9/2021 1,964,806 Ordered Shipped B/O ItemNumber Description Discount UnitPrice Ext.Price 3.00 3.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 2,915.00 8,745.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0014 LPG SUPERGAS 0.00 3,475.00 3,475.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 999-01-0031 TRANSPORT CHARGE (IND/LPG TR)-11KG 0.00 30.00 90.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 999-01-0041 TRANSPORT CHARGE(IND/LPGTR)-14KG 0.00 32.00 32.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 801-01-0002 SEAL20MMTAMPERPROOFFOR11KG&14H 0.00 9.00 36.00 IGLLimited Subtotal JA$12,378.00 Misc JA$O.00 Tax JA$23.70 CERTIFIEDCOPYOFTHEORIGINAL Freight JA$0.00 Trade Discount JA$0.00 Tracy-AnnSpencer-Plummer Total JA$12,401.70
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "STR-INV-000600085", "InvoiceDate": "24/9/2021", "InvoiceDueDate": "24/9/2021" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "IGL Limited", "SellerAddress": "593-595 SpanishTownRoad, P.O. Box 224, Kingston 11876", "SellerTaxNumber": "", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "GUARDSMAN GROUP LIMITED", "ClientAddress": "107 OLD HOPE ROAD, KINGSTON 6", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "927-8544 876-928-2246", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "3.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "2,915.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "8,745.00" }, { "Description": "LPG SUPERGAS", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "3,475.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "3,475.00" }, { "Description": "TRANSPORT CHARGE (IND/LPG TR)-11KG", "Qty": "3.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "30.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "90.00" }, { "Description": "TRANSPORT CHARGE(IND/LPGTR)-14KG", "Qty": "1.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "32.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "32.00" }, { "Description": "SEAL 20MM TAMPERP ROOF FOR 11KG & 14H", "Qty": "4.00", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "9.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "36.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "JA$12,378.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "JA$23.70", "FinalTotal": "JA$12,401.70" } }
Alacrity Limited. Number: RC000001192 Alacrity 107 Old Hope Road Page: Limited Kingston6 Date: 11/1/2022 GCT Reg.No.-00-1563831 Sold Guardsman Group Training Centre Limited Ship Winchester Business Centre To: WinchesterBusinessCentre To: Unit 23 Unit 23 15 Hope Road 15 Hope Road Kingston 10, Jamaica Kingston 10, Jamaica St.Andrew St.Andrew Jamaica Jamaica Attn:GarethGreen&DamionBrown Attn:GarethGreen&DamionBrown Reference-P.O.No. CustomerNo. Salesperson ShipVia TermsCode TRAINING COD Description/Comments Amount Premises Rental-West Ivy Green Cres 50,000.00 Premises Maintenance-West Ivy Green 30,000.00 Due Date Amount Due Disc.Date Disc|Amount 11/1/2022 92,000.00 0.00 Remit To: Subtotal before taxes 80,000.00 GCT 12,000.00 Total taxes 12,000.00 Total amount 92,000.00 Payment received 0.00 Discount taken 0.00 Amount due 92,000.00 Invoice
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "RC000001192", "InvoiceDate": "11/1/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "11/1/2022" }, "SellerDetails":{ "SellerName": "Alacrity Limited", "SellerAddress": "107 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6", "SellerTaxNumber": "-00-1563831", "SellerContactNumber": "", "SellerEmail": "" }, "BuyerDetails":{ "ClientName": "Winchester Business Centre", "ClientAddress": "Unit 23, 15 Hope Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica, St.Andrew", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails":[ { "Description": "Premises Rental-West Ivy Green Cres", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "50,000.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "50,000.00" }, { "Description": "Premises Maintenance-West Ivy Green", "Qty": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "30,000.00", "Tax": "", "Total_for_each_item": "30,000.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "80,000.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "12,000.00", "FinalTotal": "92,000.00" } }
INVOICE GUARDSMAN 6 Carvalho DriveKgn 10 8769296847,9264825 [email protected] InvoiceNumber 0203212 GCT Reg. No. 000-953-008 SaleDate 31/10/2022 Customer No. GCL0017714 Due Date 31/10/2022 PO No. PRV.# MARK1003 Bill To Service Address Marksman Limited MarksmanLimited-IDACCOUNT 14-16BalmoralAvenue Kingston 10, Description Qty Price Net GCT Total ABSCards/WhiteFL.PPGQ 64 J$300.00 J$19,200.00 J$2,880.00 J$22,080.00 ABS Cards/White FL.PP GQ Bulldog Clip With Vinyl 64 J$150.00 J$9,600.00 J$1,440.00 J$11,040.00 Bulldog Clip With Vinyl Horizontal BadgeHolderW/Slot& Chain Holes 64 J$200.00 J$12,800.00 J$1,920.00 J$14,720.00 Horizontal Badge HolderW/Slot&Chain Holes Pleasequoteinvoicenumber(s)whenmakingpayment : TOTALS J$41,600.00 J$6,240.00 J$47,840.00 :Pleasemakechequespayable toGuardsman CommunicationsLtd. Payments can be made by using Bil Express,JNBS Money Services,Paymaster OR :By visiting ourSecured PaymentPortal at Page 1
{ "InvoiceDetails": { "InvoiceNumber": "0203212", "InvoiceDate": "31/10/2022", "InvoiceDueDate": "31/10/2022" }, "SellerDetails": { "SellerName": "GUARDSMAN", "SellerAddress": "6 Carvalho DriveKgn 10", "SellerTaxNumber": "000-953-008", "SellerContactNumber": "8769296847,9264825", "SellerEmail": "[email protected]" }, "BuyerDetails": { "ClientName": "Marksman Limited", "ClientAddress": "14-16 Balmoral Avenue Kingston 10", "ClientTaxNumber": "", "ClientContactNumber": "", "ClientEmail": "" }, "ItemDetails": [ { "Description": "ABS Cards/White FL.PP GQ", "Qty": "64", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "J$300.00", "Tax": "J$2,880.00", "Total_for_each_item": "J$22,080.00" }, { "Description": "Bulldog Clip With Vinyl", "Qty": "64", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "J$150.00", "Tax": "J$1,440.00", "Total_for_each_item": "J$11,040.00" }, { "Description": "Horizontal BadgeHolder W/Slot & Chain Holes", "Qty": "64", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "NetPrice": "J$200.00", "Tax": "J$1,920.00", "Total_for_each_item": "J$14,720.00" } ], "BankDetails": { "IBAN": "", "AccountNumber": "", "IFSC": "" }, "InvoiceSummary": { "TotalTaxableAmount": "J$41,600.00", "TotalTaxesAmount": "J$6,240.00", "FinalTotal": "J$47,840.00" } }

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