stringlengths 3
| length
int64 1
But, you should be an elite athlete to really notice the difference. | 14 |
I understand what you are going through.. | 8 |
Historically I believe it would be Babe Didrikson Zaharias, who was a golfer and olympic track star. | 26 |
This is similar to what you mentioned with radio telescopes. | 12 |
I visited the SF Art Institute a few years ago with my brother, who was considering an art school for his undergrad work, and we were pretty impressed with the student work and facilities. | 37 |
Materials that form an inverse energy distribution? | 8 |
Methane can be created by non-biological processes, but we have not observed the right conditions for this on Mars. | 25 |
Because now it will open up another slot on your active roster and now you can play your other good player that's always in your bench. | 28 |
sometimes my body requires more, sometimes less, but it seems to balance out and i never feel as though i'm suffering from lack, or over abundance, of sleep. | 34 |
\n\nKnow that to contend to know G-d is to set yourself above him. | 17 |
\n\nSee my answer to the question, "Why am I only allowed to answer 10 questions a day here?" | 24 |
\n\nBritney's was 48 hours, while Mrs. Gabor's was just a day. | 21 |
ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/alerts/optoutalrt. | 16 |
\n\nTurkey's "Americanness" was established by Benjamin Franklin, who had advocated for the turkey, not the bald eagle, becoming the national bird. | 31 |
Userplane has an audio/video recorder that will do that - you can check it out at http://www. | 22 |
Use the CONCATENATE function, with one of the arguments being ", "\n\nThe formula you end up with should look something like this:\n=CONCATENATE(D3,", ",D5) | 42 |
The finale of "M*A*S*H":\n\n'"Dallas," by the way, delivered an amazing 53.3 rating and 76 share with its "Who Shot JR?" | 39 |
One big mistake I see guys make, and one that I made back in my dating days, is making the date seem more like an interview. | 29 |
sharkeyextreme.com) recommends 17" LCDs for the most savings (~ $250). | 21 |
Target has a great selection. | 6 |
Los Angeles does have a public transit system, including the Metro Red Line and other light rail. | 19 |
While those who feel they are less than well off think "Why not bet a buck or two on the chance to make a few million?" | 28 |
Here are my favorite mountain bike trails in the Bay Area:\n\n-Upper Stevens Creek which hooks up to the Montbello Preserve in the Cupertino/Saratoga Foothills\n-St. Joseph's Hill in Los Gatos\n-Fort Ord / Laguana Seca near Montery\n-Wilder Ranch in Santa Cruz\n-Nisene Marks in Santa Cruz\n-Fremont Older in Cupertino/Saratoga | 84 |
The best protection against this is to be explicit about your sources (opinion, etc.) and have a lawyer advise you. | 25 |
Why don't you ALL go to the shop and stop stealing from my survivors "end of the world" kit of food!!! | 25 |
This in turn would mean that your bottom bracket would also be lower to the ground. | 17 |
<br />\nthe red cross offers a checklist for an emergency kit, the link is below. | 19 |
Extreme evolution happens when an organism's environment changes and it cannot escape it. | 15 |
Polamalu is almost guaranteed at least 2 interceptions against Palmer. | 14 |
Charles Barkley with 144 points (18.0 avg). | 13 |
Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving on the 2nd Monday of October. | 13 |
The best article I've read on the subject is in the link below. | 15 |
IMHO, the A's will be traded Zito this off-season or in the middle of next season. | 22 |
Junior\nand Kay vs. | 6 |
Their motto is "Don't be evil", in response to Microsoft's reputation as "The Evil Empire." | 21 |
For the Intel 845 chipset, having a dedicated PCI video card can definitely improve your performance, especially for 3D games. | 26 |
Use the command "ps ax" to try to determine what processes are running that might have something to do with your ethernet interface. | 26 |
the streets of san francisco --amazing views, a lot of stamina, cool cafes to stop by... | 22 |
We can write out the three combinations of size two that can be taken from this set of size three:\n\n CA CT AT | 26 |
Of course, S-Ox compliance can be rather complex and counterintuitive, so there are plenty of consultants who earn a living by making companies S-Ox compliant, as it is a requirement for all public companies. | 44 |
The Pro V1 for me is the best ball out there in terms of providing durability, distance and control. | 22 |
Well, from wich perspective do you look at it? | 11 |
\n\nThe English version has less information regarding the names:\n\nhttp://en. | 18 |
dll? | 2 |
Like last year, vaccines for "regular" human flu are in short supply as well. | 18 |
Your best bet is to look at soccertv.com which has the schedule. | 16 |
\n2. | 3 |
Middle-Period: The Trouble with Harry (very funny), Suspicion, Rebecca\n3. | 19 |
First load the add-in:\nTools > Add-Ins > Analysis Tool Pack\nthen find it:\nTools > Data Analysis & Choose Regression\nIf you need any more help mail me. | 39 |
Over the long haul you might save money by buying, since you'll end up owning the property and could sell it and recover your investment. | 28 |
She'll appreciate you not wasting her time. | 9 |
Take a look on Barker Cypress Rd. | 8 |
I have, however, read the Yahoo Answers Team 360 Blog and it seems to be alright. | 20 |
You won't find a satisfying answer. | 8 |
Don't you know? | 5 |
Incidentally there may be an additional single wire above all the rest to arrest lightning strikes. | 18 |
If the plane is on a treadmill like the ones we run on at the gym, then it won't really be 'going' anywhere and will not take off because no air is passing by the wings to generate lift. | 44 |
Insertion fee\n2. | 6 |
\n\nI emphasize flossing, because often people don't realize just how important it is. | 20 |
However, you can only have one nickname at a time in Q&A using the same yahoo ID. | 20 |
One of the most used one is phpMVC. | 11 |
I don't know how secure the encryption is, but it definitely lets you recover files to any computer. | 21 |
\n\nThats the cheap method. | 8 |
As far as I know, your first jumps will always be tandem jumps, where you are strapped to an instructor who will pull the parachute. | 28 |
It usually involves filling out a form and submitting that to whatever company is managing your old 401(k). | 21 |
I expect volume levels to slow, prices to flatten across most of the US but do not see a big drop in prices unless rates get above 8%. | 31 |
the Sunnyvale Municipal Tennis Center (right next to the Cherry Orchard plaza) has great facilities. | 19 |
Chech NYU, Kellog or Columbia. | 10 |
Later on in the season would be a better time to ask. | 13 |
it depends if a wood chuck could chuck wood | 9 |
To avoid Indians, they traveled as silently as possible until they reached a settled area. | 17 |
Perhaps this is a cool thing that simply hasn't had a money-making idea created from it yet. | 20 |
Also, if you have broadband at home, you don't need a tuner, all sirius subscribers can stream Sirius channels via the internet for free. | 30 |
Easy, SnapStream, or I think it's now called BeyondTV, there was an article written on it in 2002 on tomsnetworking.com, great article: http://www. | 40 |
The 34 gives you short enough gearing to get up big hills but is not quite as short as the granny gear on the triple, and the 50 gives you the speed in a manageable dose. | 40 |
This site has the answer you are looking for: http://www. | 14 |
Statistically Michael Schumacher is the best, though it's not an apples to apples comparison as the car is a much larger factor in driver success than it has been in the past. | 38 |
The problem with most current LCD technology is that the chrominance isn't as good as with traditional CRT-based monitors. | 23 |
moguls are harder on a snowboard and more fun on skis. | 16 |
Yes, it is all taken care of by the gods in trivial knowledge panthenon of the discworld called Topaxi, God of certain mushrooms, and also of great ideas that you forgot to write down and will never remember again, and of people who tell other people the "dog" is "god" spelled backwards and think this is in some way revelatory (a little red god) | 80 |
\nThere ere are some interesting facts about golden ratio:\n1. | 14 |
Language predates the alphabet. | 6 |
well Black Woman (lovely):\nit`s because i get from Palenque the gallery`s web mail about Anatanael's, A.K.A El Tanò, information, i send to you there so you can do the rest, well "woman" get yourself to work. | 57 |
follow the instructions. | 4 |
' or 'that one time when we... | 9 |
\n\nPopulation\nEuropean epidemics introduced into the southeastern United States in 1540 by the Desoto expedition are estimated to have killed at least 75% of the original native population. | 38 |
Yes, Koreans in North Korea and South Korea both speak Korean. | 13 |
\nHope it helps\nBest of luck | 8 |
i think sports illustrated is the best because it has more details and less addvertisements | 17 |
The year even read upside down will reamin 1961. | 13 |
Answers, start asking questions! | 6 |
Just install Windows XP PRO , then load iis from the cd and click smtp server. | 18 |
To stop the Russians setting up a military base there. | 11 |
In High sped you should use your body balance together wih your legs. | 15 |
You can ask your professors, for example. | 9 |
Atomic beta, for waxed skis, i dont care about unwaxed skis, atomic has good engineering behind their products\n\nand they also make downhills | 34 |
You can find interest rates on CDs and money market funds at the link below (Bankrate.com). | 20 |
\n\nFigure if 10 people are sharing 10 million in cash, each person should get somewhere around a million, give or take a couple hundred thousand. | 32 |
He was known as Mr. X because he hit the ball so far. | 15 |
So if you feel like you have a major problem with them, then try to put yourself in their shoes. | 22 |
Subsets and Splits