I feel the most memorable thing I have done is buy a young woman a bus ticket, she wasn't asking for it, she was trying to negotiate with the greyhound guy how to get a ticket to get home, her's was stolen, I was blessed enough to have just enough money in my wallet to buy her some help getting home, she cried\nIt was just paying forward all the things god and my family and friends and even strangers have done for me
There is possibly a problem with doing this tho' there will be loss of resolution when the image is made into a poster this can be sorted to some extent by a clever publisher by using smoothing or some fancy effect to mask the inperfections (like tinting it red and putting a flame effect in the foreground)\n\nIf poor image quality or visible pixels in the poster are an issue then I would suggest creating another photo, if that is possible....
\nMurmur is a clinical finding heard by the doctors sthetoscope\nIt needs to be found out why he has a murmur, but not all murmurs are ominous for eg, some healthy but thin chap can have a murmur just because of the shape of his ribcage, but to say so other diseases of the heart have to be ruled out\nsee ur cardiologist and he may rpescribe a test called echocardiography
always critical about EVERY THING even things that don't matter or pertain to the job at hand,\n\ntalks to you like a wayward child almost to the point of scolding you\n\ntoo many assignmants or no assignments to frustrate you into leaving\n\nlook you are not the job the job is that thing that you do to buy food , the job is not who you are, its what you do.
what you should do is be really nice to her and make he rfeel special but do it in a subtle way, then if she dosent like you there would be no embarrassment because there was no proof that you were hitting on her, but if she responds continue the behavior until you're comfortable enouh within your self to bring up the courage and say, i like spending time with you and i was wondering if we could spend some time together next saturday, or sommething like that.
\n\nSo you start with 125q²-n³q²\nIf you take out both the q² 's you have q^4 \n(q x q x q x q)\nSo you are left with q^4(125-n³)\nThe cubed root of 125 is 5\n(5 x 5 x 5)\nand the cubed root of n³ is n\n(n x n x n)\nSo your answer is q^4(5-n)\n\nI think that's right.
see wat u wanna do is put ur back foot on tha tail and then put ur front foot really close to ur back me i like to put ma front foot right above tha back trucks then u wanna pop up like an ollie then move ur back foot like a 360 pop shoveit and ur front foot like u would a kickflip and also if u keep landing on tha nose try to throw tha board a lil bit more in front of you
so to get the percent of something think of it as 10 cents on every dollar\n10% of $100 is $10\n10% of $1000 is $100\n10% of $10000 is $1000\nsame as you looking at an item for $10 and it has 25% off\nyou know that's 25 cents of every dollar, so if you multiply that times 10, you get $2.50, then take that off the $10 and you have $7.50 final price\nGood Luck, Hope this helped you.
is it just me or can you see evil in his eyes seriosly there is so much hidden behind the war and its not a war we are winning even though he says we are just think of how many soldiers die every day now think of how many inocent people in iraq die including children they see bush as the enemy because he is not every one is out to kill us think about their life before 911 they were living their life with out hurting anyone then a group was formed the terrorist and it seems as if every one except the terrorist are dying
take x as first iteger\nx+2 will be second\nx+4 will be third\n\n2(x(x+2))=(x+2)(x+4)+7\n2x^2+4x=x^2+6x+15\nx^2-2x-15=0\nx=5 or -3\nso the odd integers will be -3,-1,1 or 5,7,9
Song: Alice In Wonderland Lyrics\n\nAlice in Wonderland\nHow do you get to Wonderland\nOver the hill or underland\nOr just behind a tree\n\nWhen clouds go rolling by\nThey roll away and leave the sky\nWhere is the land behind the eye\nPeople cannot see\n\nWhere can you see\nWhere do the stars go\nWhere is the crescent moon\nThey must be somewhere in the sunny afternoon\n\nAlice in Wonderland\nWhere is the path to Wonderland\nOver the hill or here or there\nI wonder where
so you need to get your friend to talk to you and ask her why is she doing this OK but just be there 4 her or your friend that is what she need and want OK just be there she need you and try no to be mad ta her or she will not talk to you (i know one of my Friend did the same.) hey if you want some more 411 Emil me at ([email protected]) OK go luck i know what is going on i was there to OK
Now we are talking, AMD 64 Overclocked, Heat exchanger cooling a Motherboard that will hold 4GB ram, SATA twin HDs one to hold your OS one to hold Virtual Drive for games GTX OC GE Force Nvidia 7800 Graphics Card PCI-E, 600w PSU, System blowers all round and a 24inch W/S TFT (that's extreme gaming)\nSorry got carried away there, cost about £2500-£3000 but what a beast to build, my Dream.
12 cm by 16 cm\nOld area is 96 cm^2, so new area is 192 cm^2\nlet x = am't of increase\n(8+x)(12+x) = 192\nx^2 +20x + 96 = 192\nx^2 + 20x - 96 = 0\n(x + 24)(x - 4) = 0, so x = 4\nNew Picture is 12 cm by 16 cm
Her last name is spelled Woolf\nA great author and feminist\nHer mother died when Virginia was in her teens\nHer half sister died two years after her mother\nHer father died a slow death from cancer\nAfter her brother died, she understandably had a mental breakdown\nShe married political theorist Leonard Woolf\nHer first book-The Voyage Out\nA Romm of One's Own is considered great feminist writing\nShe battled mental illness\nShe drowned herself, loading her pockets with stones and walking into a river
just buy a good drive, maxtor ( now seagate ) or western digital\nmake sure the interface is the same ( it's probaly PATA and not SATA is you got a 33gb hardrive ), most all are 7200 rpm\nyour biggest problem will be weather or not your bios can handle a drive over 137Gb if you get one that big, you also did not mention your OS, and what you be foramtting the drive to ( FAT32 or NTFS ).
I am the first to get it\n\n381 654 729\n\nthe proove\n\n38/2=17\n381/3=127\n3816/4=954\n38165/5=7633\n381654/6=63609\n3816547/7=545221\n38165472/8=4770684\n381654729/9=42406081\n\nand without any repetation
honda.com/investors/financialresult/\n\nHere is a taste of what you can find there:\n\n \nAnnual Sales ($ millions)\n2005---80,705.0\n2004---78,222.0 \n2003---67,479.0\n2002---55,253.0 \n\nAnnual Net Income ($ millions) \n2005---4,536.0 \n2004---4,450.0 \n2003---3,612.0 \n2002---2,722.0
Computers aren't for zeros (never post your number on the web - If you want to find the one, get out of the house on you days off - Go to a museum/gallery for something to talk about other than your PC, go to fasionable shops and ask for advise on what to where, aftershave ask what is the most popular before you buy & relax in a bar talking to people you've never met - works for me
\n\nI've been there with the soldiers \nWho've gone away to war\nyou can bet they remember just what they're fightin' for\n\nHave you forgotten\nAll the people killed\nYes some went down like heroes\nIn that Pennsylvania field\nHave you forgotten\nAbout our Pentagon\nAll the loved ones that we lost\nAnd those left to carry on\nDon't you tell me not to worry 'bout Bin Laden\n\nHave you forgotten?
ok well i have the same problem my throat closes too i get bloated and feel like i cant breath right but you dont need to see someone about it its normal heres wgat i do to make it alot easier i lay down on my back take deep breaths and think about something i want in the future or just what ever to take my mind off of it and eventually fall asleep for 30 minutes and feel much better when i wake up theres no cure for it but this works for me hope i helped answer your question
Cut the following data into a table and you can create your chart:\n\nUnadjusted Estimates of Monthly Retail and Food Services Sales - All Businesses (millions): \n\n4183705\n3901739\n3624794\n3473659\n3387964\n3288734\n3082970\n2844521\n2714035\n2593158\n2441080\n2321863\n2146108\n2007927\n1855937\n\n1992-2005 data was from one page, 1991 data was a different page - both links below
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us–that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion–that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain–that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom–and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
pacifist are not realists, they also tend to be liberals and believe in government takes care of all solutions, so they don't believe in personal responsibility, believe all criminals can be rehabilitated, don't like the idea of am armed republic poplace, and think they know what best for you and all man kind, i am all for pacificst going into war torn areas to try to negotiate with a given side , only to get kidnapped and shot trying, at that point i would be rooting for the bad guys
For quality of game, I agree, but for some people, 2 years ago when the redsox's broke "the curse of the bambino", for many people that would be the best ever not only because it was broken, but they came back from a 3-0 deficit against the Yankees, being one out away from losing, and coming back to win 8 games in a row to win the world series would primly be an amazing come back, not as extreme games though.
u need more info than just the length, but here is something which might help u are speaking of ovals( called ellipses in math)\n\n\nwell the formula for them is\n\n\n(x^2)/a^2 + (y^2)/b^2 =1\n\nwhere a and b are half of the major and minor axis , you only know 1 of these meassures, thats not enough sorry chap, wish i could help, but i think no one can, with only that info
bite me you rule for having the courage to ask this question, i was in this jam myself earlier on in my marriage, then i asked someone how to make this happen and the advice was do housework, like dishes and laundry and vacumning, and on days when i do this it makes my life easier\n\nthe last two mornings i have done dishes before i left for work,\ntremendous change of attitude when i get home\n\nthink about it
Tilera Corporation \n1900 W Park Dr Ste 290\nWestborough, MA 01581-3942\nPhone: 508-616-9300\n\nLine of Business: Manufacturing computers\n\nBranch Status: Has No Branch Locations \n\nKey Numbers\nAnnual Sales: $3.3 million\nTotal Employees: 20 \n\nChief Executive Officer: Devesh Garg \n\nMemberships: The Multicore Association, a new industry group for companies involved with multicore processor, software, and system implementations.
The one with the lil dog that went to camp:\n\nHello Mother, Hello Father\nFleas, Tick, Mosquitoes\nReally Bother\nThanks for the package \nThat's why Im writing\nCanine Advantage really stopped all the biting\nSwimming, Hiking, and tent pitching\nThey're not biting, I'm not itching \nCan't wait to show you \nall my new tricks\nthanks again for sending me canine advantage
Don't spoil them, but do things that cater to them, make a special meal that they like, or allow them to pick the movie you will watch with them, do love them even though they seem unlovable, do things they don't expect you to, like leave a silly note on their pillows, saying you are proud to be their stepmom, or whatever they call you, do things with them like cleaning their room or making a cake.
It is not easy to draw when Yahoo compresses out the spaces, so try:\n\n-------E-------\n---X-------N---\n-A---U---------\nM-F------------\n\nor\n\n(E (X (A (M) (F)) (U)) (N))\n\nor\n\nE\n-X\n--A\n---M (leaf)\n---F (leaf)\n--U (leaf)\n-N (leaf)\n\nE to X and N\nX to A and U\nA to M and F
\n\nCredible threat = a verbal or written threat, or a threat implied by a pattern of conduct or a combination of verbal, written, or electronically communicated statements and conduct, made with the intent to place the person that is the target of the threat in reasonable fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family, and made with the apparent ability to carry out the threat so as to cause the person who is the target of the threat to reasonably fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family.
One method of preserving it is to use it as sparingly as possible, avoiding occasions of expense by cultivating peace, but remembering also that timely disbursements to prepare for danger frequently prevent much greater disbursements to repel it, avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt, not only by shunning occasions of expense, but by vigorous exertion in time of peace to discharge the debts which unavoidable wars may have occasioned, not ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burden which we ourselves ought to bear.
the newton's three laws of motion are as follows: law of inertia ( an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted by an outside force, a moving will continue on ots motion unless acted by an outside force), law of acceleration ( thw acceleration of a body is directly propotional the force and inversely proportional to its mass: a=f/m) and the law of interaction ( in every action there is always an equal and opossite rreaction)
It is the religin of jews, its book is "Altawra" and its prophet is Mousa(pbuh), but other prophet had led jews as Soliman and David while the jews had a government for about only 70 years in Palestine(in the middle east) and which make the jews after thousands of year decided to choose Palestine to be collected in again and set their nation after they worked long years in forming Zionism movement.
-sneezing\n-blinking when someone points a bright light at you\n-putting away your hand when it's being hurt or burtn\n-suddenly jumping when you hear a loud noise\n-clenching your fists and toes when you have an orgasm\n-shaking when it's cold\n\nOh, and if you happen to have a baby, try touching his/her cheek softly with your finger, they grab it as if it were their mum's breast and that's also a reflex
7 men with 2 legs each = 14\n7 cats with 4 legs each = 28*7=196\n7 kittens with 4 legs each = 28*7*7=1372\nso, as long as each animal has all there legs\nthe answer is 1582\n\nI originally thought that only 1 sack had 7 cats with 7 kittens, not each sack with 7 cats with 7 kittens, sorry.
GOLF:\n\nGentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden\nGlobal Oscillations at Low Frequency\nGame Of Life First\nGo Out Laugh Frequently\n\nFORD:\n\nFirst On Race Day\nFix Or Repair Daily\nFound On Road Dead\nFast Only Rolling Downhill\n\nPONTIAC:\n\nPuts Out Noxious Toxins In All Cities\nPeople On Narcotics Think It's A Chevy\nPoor Old Nut Think It's A Cadillac\n\nADIDAS: \n\nAll Day I Dream About Sports
accountment, accountrement, accouplement, accouterment, accoutrement, accreditment, accroachment, accruement, acharnement, achievement, acknowledgment, acquiescement, acquirement, acquitment\n\naddiment, additament, additiment, addlement, adjournment, adjudgment, adjument, adjustment, admeasurement, admonishment, adornment, advancement, adventurement, advertisement, advertizement, advisement
2x²-2x-3=0\n2(x²-x-3/2)=0\nx²-x-3/2=0\n\napply the quadratic formula\n=>a=1 b=-1 c=-3/2\n\n=>[-(-1) + or - √(-1)²-4(1)(-3/2) ]over 2(1)\n\n=>[1 + or - √1+6] over 2\n=>[1 + or - √7] over 2 [answer]
Candice Michelle over Torrie in the Playboy pillow fight\nBoogeyman over Booker T and Sharmell\nMickie James over Trish\nKane and Big Show over Masters and Carlito\nBeniot over JBL\nMick Foley over Edge\nUndertaker over Mark Henry\nBobbey lashley in Money in the Bank\nShawn micheals over Mr. Mcmahon\nRandy Orton in the Tripple Threat\nand John Cena over HHH
you should speak to your doctor about this maybe he can change them I've never heard of that i have heard of doctors giving pills made up of sugar to people that are hooked on drugs and they fool them by saying its pain meds when its not my husband has the same thing you do his was caused from long years of drinking they give him lortab 10 had him on Oxycontin once and morphine ,Demerol but none of those where sweet i think i would have a long talk with old doc
We pretty much agree except for the decimal point, unless you are using a comma for the d.p.\nI get f = v/lambda = 299792458/5.7 = 5.259517E+07 Hz, \nw = 2*pi*f = 3.304652E+08 rad/s, and \nL = 1/(w^2*C) = 1/(1.092072E+17*1.9E-12) = 4.819422E-06 H or 4.819 uH.
you are shifting into a lower gear, it goes 1,2,3,then overdrive to save on gas but has less power, so when you go up a hill it will shift into 3 on its own for more power , when you do that you will use more gas, it makes your motor work a little harder but all in all it causes a little more wear but over a long time ,, just let the car do it on its own.
munchausen by proxy\n\n\nIn Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP, but also known as FII, or Fabricated or Induced Illness - the official name given the condition in March 2002 by the Royal College Of Paediatrics and Child Health) [1], a caregiver, usually the mother, feigns or induces an illness in another person, usually her or his child, to gain attention and sympathy as the "worried" parent.
Here is the information for both Puerto Rico and Alaska:\n\nSNC Puerto Rico\n---------------------\nRoad #155, Lot 1 Barros Ward\nOrocovis, Puerto Rico 00720-2203\nPhone: not listed (see headquarters phone below)\n\n\nSNC Alaska (Headquarters)\n-------------------------------\n6927 Old Seward HWY, Suite 203\nAnchorage, Alaska 99518-2284\nPhone: (907)349-7731
\n\nN1 = Number of turns on the primary\nN2 = Number of turns on the secondary\nn = Ratio of turns = N1 / N2\n\nV1 = Voltage of the Primary\nV2 = Voltage of the Secondary\n\nV1 = V2 x n or V2 = V1 / n \n\nThis only works exactly in an "ideal transformer" There are, of course, resistive losses, coupling losses, etc.
that is true in a sense beuase when someone hits your car on accident you get mad but in the end your forgive an forget but what if u had a are a parent and a drunk driver rams into the passinger side of the car and ur son or daughter is killed i beleiv that for small things you will forgive and forget but big things like a loss of life youwill never forgive and you will never forget but in t he end no one can tell you except you becuase it is all point of veiw
\n\n \nV\n\nPer fare un tavolo ci vuole il legno\nper fare il legno ci vuole l'albero\nper fare l'albero ci vuole il seme\nper fare il seme ci vuole il frutto\nper fare il frutto ci vuole il fiore\nci vuole il fiore,\nci vuole il fiore,\n\nper fare tutto ci vuole un fio-o-re.
do i believe him tghat is fuc@@@ing funny if his lips are moving he is lying about something he really missed his calling he should have been a used car salesman \nhe damn sure didnt make it in any other buisness\n\nthe only good thing he has ever done for me is charge me less in taxes in 2004 i made a little ove 80k in 05 i made 160k and actually had to pay less in taxes somehow i dont think the redneck math works to the advantage of the country
\n\nF2:\n\n------ X^W --------- X^w\n--------------------------\nX^W | X^W X^W --- X^W X^w\n----|\nY --| X^W Y ------ X^w Y\n\nGenotype: 1 X^W X^W : 1 X^W X^w : 1 X^W Y : 1 X^w Y\n\n1 of each.
Yes, I do beleive in love at first sight cuz it also applies to friendly love, all of my best friends that I've been close to for years, the first time I saw them, I knew I loved them, I knew we'd be close, and I was right, same thing with my husband, I was 15 and I literally saw him across a crowded room and I saw what my desire for a partner looked like in the flesh, he told me he was confused about the strong feelings he had for me the first time he saw me too.
x and y. So you say when \nx=-3, y=9,\nx=-2, y=4,\nx=-1, y=1\nx=0, y=0\nx=1, y=1\nx=2, y=4\nx=3, y=9\nso now if you have a square line paper, just plot it and you will see that it will give you a parabola.
you know your a liberal , when you think Clinton was the best president, and carter was a genius, when you think Bush is responsible for anything wrong in the world, when you think kerry was a war hero, when you think kennedy was innocent at Chappaquiddick , when you think jane fonda is just misunderstood, when you think everything in the media is the truth except fox news, when you have a membership to the piss and moan club,and last but not least the only mark you will ever make in life is in your underwear.....
I found 2 fan club addresses and phone numbers for you:\n\nTony Stewart Fan Club\n5644 W. 74th St.\nIndianapolis, IN 46278\nPh 1-800-867-6067\n \n \n \n \nTony Stewart Racing\n5644 W. 74th Street\nIndianapolis, Indiana 46278\nHours: Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm EST\nPhone: 317-299-6066
FG- Field Goals\nFG%- Field Goal Percentage\n3PT- Three Point Field Goals\n3PT%- Three Point Field Goal Percentage\nFT- Free Throws\nFT%- Free Throw Percentage\nM- Made\nA- Attempted\nOFF- Offensive Rebounds\nDEF- Defensive Rebounds\nREB- Total Rebounds\nAST- Assists\nTO- Turnovers\nSTL- Steals\nBLK- Blocks\nPF- Personal Fouls\nPPG- Points Per Game
sinx = a with a Є [-1;1]\n\n2sin^2 x - 5sinx + 2 = 0 \n<=> 2a^2 - 5a + 2 = 0\nWe have 2 roots: a = 2 (reject) & a= 1/2 because a Є [-1;1]\n => sinx = 1/2\n<=> x = ∏/3 + k2∏ and x = 2∏/3 + t2∏ with k,t Є Z
There were three people that got captured by Indians they said they would not eat them if they stuck 10 of the same kind of fruit up their butt the first person came back with apples he got 3 but he struggled in pain after that so they ate him then the second person came back with blueberries he got 8 then he laughed so the Indians ate him then the first person and the second person were talking in heaven and the first person asked why did you laugh you almost completed your task then the second person said i saw the third person coming back with pineapples.
1st generation to reach their teens since WorldWar2 were appalled at the racism/violence (killings of JFK/MLK/RFK) and the military industrial complex (undeclared war:Vietnam)\nThey rebelled against their parents'society by protesting war and racial injustice/wearing hair long/using "recreational" drugs/enjoying "free love"(thanks to "the Pill")/wearing colorful clothes (hippy fashion),etc.
it really works 4 me, when my guy is ignoring me or wants to treat me like I don't even exist, I show him he cannot do it to me and just pretend that I got to accept it just because I love him, so, I ignore him until he's forced to react and ask what happens, and when he asks me I just tell him: U just got to learn to treat me as the magnificent woman I'm not as a ****!!
House of Representatives\n\n * twenty five years of age\n * a citizen of the United States for at least 7 years\n * at the time of election, be a resident of the state\n\nU.S. Senate\n\n * 30 years of age\n * a citizen of the United States for 9 years\n * at the time of election, be a resident of the state\n\n\nI don't think there are any educational requirements, but in order to be elected, you have to be intelligent enough to get a majority of people to vote for you.
].0.0/8 \nNetName: DISANET7\nNetHandle: NET-7-0-0-0-1\nParent: \nNetType: Direct Allocation\nComment: Defense Information Systems Agency\nComment: DISA /D3\nComment: 11440 Isaac Newton Square\nComment: Reston, VA 22090-5087 US\nRegDate: 1997-11-24\nUpdated: 1998-09-26
Once you discontinue the use of birth control, and try to become pregnant:\n\n25% in the first month \n60% in six months \n75% in nine months \n80% in twelve months \n90% in eighteen months \n\n\nif not, than maybe its not ment to be, or you needa see a doc both of u and get a couple of test done, if you WANT to get preggies remeber do it during ovulation\n\nhttp://www[.
On This Page\n SYMPTOMS \n CAUSE \n WORKAROUND \n The hardware acceleration setting of the display device is too high \n The required codec is missing or damaged \n Conflicting third-party video software is installed \n Reduce Video Acceleration for Microsoft Windows Media Player 9.0 \n Reduce Video Acceleration for Microsoft Windows Media Player 10.0 \n MORE INFORMATION \n APPLIES TO \n\nSYMPTOMS
236.64=piX4.75 sqrt(4.75^2+h^2)-original equation with numbers given\n(divide by piX4.75)\n15.8579=sqrt(4.75^2+h^2)\n(square both sides)\n251.47183=4.75^2+h^2\n(subtract 4.75^2)\n228.90933=h^2\n(take the square root)\n15.13=H\n\nHope that helps, I tried to outline every step!
absolutely the seahawks got robbed along with all the other playoff teams i mean I'm a new England fan and i know they played bad in Denver but come on some of those calls where horrible and to whatch the super bowl and see that happen to the seahawks was so unbelievable for that to happen in the super bowl wow i think the NFL needs to find better refs or when the refs mess up they need to be fined or something like that!
it's said that people born on early/late periods of the sign tend to take traits from previous/next signs, however i don't believe that signs have (traits) and that people with that sign must fit these alledged traits, i believe there may be cosmic influence on people born in a particular time depending on positions of starts at that time, cosmic energies influences are ok with me but not a way to judge people have certain personal characteristics or not (environment and upbringing has to do a lot with those)
5x+y=8\n-4x-4y=-16\n\ny=8-5x\n\n-4x-4(8-5x)=-16\n -4x-32+20x=-16\n 16x-32=-16\n 16x=-16+32\n 16x=16\n x=1\n\ny=8-5(1)\ny=8+5\ny=3\n\nTherefore: x=1 , y=3
chicken pox\n\nGroup: Group I (dsDNA) \nFamily: Herpesviridae \nSubfamily: Alphaherpesvirinae \nGenus: Varicellovirus \nSpecies: Human herpesvirus 3 (HHV-3) \n\nlyme disease \n\nKingdom: Bacteria\n \nPhylum: Spirochaetes\n \nClass: Spirochaetes\n \nOrder: Spirochaetales\nBuchanan, 1917
\nThen \ndy = 2 dx\n1/2 dy = dx\n\nSubstitute\n\n2 4 4\n/f(2x)dx = /f(y) 1/2dy = 1/2/f(y)= (1/2)10 = 5\n0 0 0\n\nIf you think of this in terms of area under the curve, you are compressing the graph by a factor of 2 along the x-axis.
use p as 3.14\nAnswer\nHere we have :\nRadius = 10 cm\np = 3.14\n\nUsing the formula Area of circle = p radius2 = p x radius x radius \n\nreplacing radius with 10 cm and p with 3.14 in above formula we have\n\nArea of circle = p radius2 = p x radius x radius = 3.14 x 10cm x 10cm = 3.14 x 100 cm2 = 314 cm2
painful or swollen joints and muscle pain\nunexplained fever\nred rashes, most commonly on the face\nchest pain upon deep breathing\nunusal loss of hair\npale or purplr fingers or toes from cold or stress\nsensitivity to the sun\nswelling in the legs or around the eyes\nswollen glands\nextreme fatigue\nthe following systems can be affected kidneys, lungs, central nervous system, blood vessels, blood, heart\nYou can get a copy of the book and more information at
t mind\n\ncause you\nYou mean the world to me\nOh, I know\nI know I found in you\nMy endless love\n\nOh\nAnd love\nI'll be that fool for you\nI'm sure\nYou know I don't mind\nYou know I don't mind\nAnd yes\nYou'll be the only one\ncause no one can't deny\nThis love I have inside\nAnd I'll give it all to you\nMy love\nMy endless love...
granola bars2.79\noj1.36\neggs 0.79\nbread 1.89\ncheese2.06\n butter1.39\napples3.09\ncereal 3.27\noatmeal1.19\nlettuce0.89\nwater2.58\nfroxen meals2.34\noj1.36\nYou´ll notice the oj appears two times.
I'd say look up anything written by Ben Gibbard\n\nthe workadays were propping the bar quietly erasing the week and i was in a cornerbooth thinking (pretending to read) about the impossiblity of one to love unconditionally and the words that we drive into the ground: their repetition starts to thin their meaning\n\n\nwith your hand on my shoulders, a meaningless movement: a moviescript ending, \n\n\nAnd when I see you\nI really see you upside down\nBut my brain knows better\nIt picks you up and turns you around
Homerun USA\n(413) 785-5353 40 Rose St\nSpringfield, MA Map 5.3\n \nWestfield Babe Ruth\n(413) 562-4609 King St Ext\nWestfield, MA Map 9.4\n \nDiamond Skills Academy\n(413) 786-6606 279 Silver St\nAgawam, MA Map 9.8\n \nRoute 20 Batting Gages\n(413) 289-2007 1520 Park St\nPalmer, MA Map 16.9
Make sure that your facilites( toilets/food stalls etc) are evenly spaced and your paths all join up to rides and facilities\nYour visitors to your park like places to sit and relax too so have plenty of seating around food stalls \nMake sure areas for maintainence are defined too, people wont like it if there is rubbish everywhere you can put in bins but they fill up fast\nCheck the "feelings" of your visitors too they actually tell you what they want and what is wrong\nGood luck have fun it's a very addictive game
i talk to my son about the dangers of the Internet and predators we also have a content filter that i can use to block things that i dont want him to go into like chat rooms and porn i also have a log of all sights visited on my computer that i can check periodically the Internet can be a very useful tool for many things and is a integrated part of our culture but i want my son to know there are risks and encourage him to use the net for things other than chatting and he does.
Main Entry: pe·nal \nPronunciation: 'pE-n&l\nFunction: adjective\nEtymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin poenalis, from poena punishment -- more at PAIN\n1 : of, relating to, or involving punishment, penalties , or punitive institutions\n2 : liable to punishment <a penal offense>\n3 : used as a place of confinement and punishment <a penal colony>
Am add9\ne-0\nb-0\nG-2\nD-2\nA-0\nE-0\n\nDm add9\ne-0\nb-3\nG-2\nD-0\nA-X\nE-X\n\nthese are basically the same as a sus2 chord, you won't get that third in there that makes it sound minor, but all the notes mentioned will fit properly.
STATES WITH THE DEATH PENALTY\n \nAlabama\nArizona\nArkansas\nCalifornia\nColorado\nConnecticut\nDelaware\nFlorida\nGeorgia\nIdaho\nIndiana\nIllinois\nKansas *\nKentucky\n Louisiana\nMaryland\nMississippi\nMissouri\nMontana\nNebraska\nNevada\nNew Hampshire\nNew Jersey\nNew Mexico\nNew York *\nNorth Carolina\nOhio\nOklahoma\n Oregon\nPennsylvania\nSouth Carolina\nSouth Dakota\nTennessee\nTexas\nUtah\nVirginia\nWashington\nWyoming
oid=11650&UserCtxParam=0&GroupCtxParam=0&dctx1=25&CountryISOCtxParam=US&LanguageISOCtxParam=en&crc=2321137947\n\nAccording to that page:\n512MB (512MB installed in one of two memory slots) DDR2 400 SDRAM \n\nSo that means it is DDR2 400 -- The old laptop is DDR 266.
1.) x = 6\n2.) x = 3.5\n\nSolution:\n1.)\n(x-2) / (4x) = 1/6\n6x - 12 = 4x\n2x = 12\nx = 6\n\n2.) \n3 / (x+5) = 3 / (3x-2)\n3x - 2 = x + 5\n2x = 7\nx = 7/2\nx = 3.5
\nNow you have the form (1-1)/0 which is again 0/0 so use L'hopital's rule for the second time and you'll get\nthe limit of the sinx/6x when x goes to 0 (0/0) and for the third time by L'hopital's rule you have\nthe limit of cosx/6 when x approaches 0 and the answer is (cos0)/6 = 1/6.
the best way to get him to work is to talk about things that are a little beyond his and your reach like stereo's mp3 player basicly he will want to get a job to be able to get that item then you can tell him about bills once he has the job but do it slow and steady and let him have his toy once and while so he can feel like he is acomplishing somthing and over time you can move into couches and among other things just make sure to throw some kisses his way so you can get what you would like also
its glad for me to hear that u r feeling better c i told u that things will get better and take this day to do something good for yourself like go to the gas station and buy one of those 1.99 roses put my name on it and put it by the door knock on the door go to the kitchen and cme back and answer the door and get the rose and smile as if i really did send it to you like i said i know what u mean.
first square two sides\nyou will get 3x+1 =9+6√(x-4)+x-4\n= (x-2)=6√(x-4) square it \nyou will get x^2 -4x +4=9(x-4)\n=x^2 -13x + 40=0\nfactor (x-5)(x-8)\nso x=5 or x=8
No. You can tell it's wrong by plugging in -1 for x and -2 for y. You'd get -2 = 1/2 times (-1) plus 3/2\n\nbut 1/2 times -1 is -1/2\n\n-1/2 plus 3/2 = 1, not -2\n\n\nThe correct answer would be y = 1/2x - 3/2.
Well, since 3cos(x)+9=7 where 0 <= x <= 360 \nthen cos(x) + 3 = 7/3\nthen cos(x) = 7/3 - 3\nthen cos(x) = 7/3 - 9/3\nthen cos(x) = -2/3\nSo what angle in 0 <= x <= 360 has a cosine of -2/3?
for the hi-hat, put a mic at the top as close as you can without it being in danger of getting hit, aimed toward the edge of the cymbal (if you put it right at the edge you get that lovely whoosh every time they close)\n\nfor the other cymbals, if you want to mic them seperately, put it at the edge of the cymbal, try and point it away from the rest of the set, and hope you're drummer isn't too wild.
sinx = a with a Є [-1;1] or -1 </= a </= 1\n\na^2 - 2a - 3 = 0\nwe have 2 roots: a = -1 (accept) & a = 3 (reject) because a Є [-1;1]\n=> sinx = -1\n<=> x = -∏/2 + k2∏ with k Є Z
If we let that happen, money ( and really big companies ) would be our oppresors, really , see what's happening in the World Water Forum, the people and the companies are triyng to change the point of view aboute water, from being a right, to just a necesity, that really means a lot, cause if we accept this, then, watch out, perhaps the atlantic ocean, will be named NESTLE Ocean ...
if that's what she wanted to do then that's her although I've never experienced that before, I dont even want my boyfriend to see me having sex or do sexual things with someone else, and most definately dont want him to do it, but like i said she shouldnt feel bad because you gave her permission, but once you two get into an argument dont bring that up because you told her that it was cool, and if she ever want to do it again, you already gave her permission, how could you let another guy touch her anyways, or let her touch another guy?
1 st isomer of a compound = n-(name of compound)\n2 nd isomer = iso-(")\n3 rd isomer = neo-(")\nFor example \nBUTANE C5H12\nIsomers of BUTANE\nn-BUTANE\nCH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3\n\nISO-BUTANE\n CH3\n |\nCH3-CH-CH2-CH3\n\nNEO-BUTANE\n CH3\n |\nCH3-C-CH3\n |\n CH3
1) don't be so conscious about falling asleep (don't force yourself to sleep)\n2) drink hot milk before going to bed\n3) light a scented candle (chamomile or lavender scented)\n4) listen to soothing music (oldies or light instrumental)\n5) don't do your office works on bed, make your bed a place to sleep and not an alternative one to do your other chores\n6) light, non-strenous exercise one hour before going to bed\n\nHAPPY SLEEPING!
3350 + 100t = 4850 - 150t\nWhere t is time in hours\nrearranging\n4850 - 3350 = 100t + 150t\n1500 = 250t\nt = 1500/250 = 6\nthey meet in 6 hours\n3350 + 100*6 = 3950\n4850 - 150*6 = 3950 wahoo!
lots of eye contact, speak succinctly, make sure you know all the details of your resume' and/or application, dress as you need to for the job, smile and act like being interviewed is something enjoyable, as little hand or body movement as possible, especially when speaking, be courteous to everyone at the workplace, not just the interviewer, we know what the job can do for you, in your own words throughout the interview explain what you can do for them and the company, even if prior employment was very negative, put as much of a positive spin on your past job history as possible.