how long are you staying in the u.s a week
where are you staying in san francisco at the pacific view hotel
do you know anybody here yes mark ryder
is he family or a friend he's a colleague and a friend
do you have his phone number yes his mobile is
405-655-7182 is this your first visit to the u.s
yes it is enjoy your stay in san francisco thank
you ali hi hi mark you look great you too
how are you i'm fine how was the flight long 11 hours ah you must be really
tired yes i couldn't sleep at all the people next to me had a baby with them
what's the time here i need to change my watch it's seven in the evening it's
three in the morning for me okay i'm gonna take you right to the
hotel and you can rest fine
sorry you are gonna love san francisco i'm so pleased you came me too it's
great to see you again come on my car's in the parking lot
let's go good evening ma'am how can i help you
good evening i have a reservation my name's alison gray i'm here for the mtc
conference just a moment ah here it is ms gray for six nights
that's right okay ms gray
here's your key you're in room 419 on the fourth floor thank you what time's
breakfast from seven to nine in the pavilion restaurant on the sixth floor
thanks where's the lift
the elevators are over there thanks do you need any help with your
bags yes please hello reception hello this is room 419
how can i help you i have a problem with the air conditioning
it isn't working and it's very hot in my room i'm sorry ma'am i'll send someone
up to look at it right now thank you room service can i help you hello this
is room 419 can i have a tuna sandwich please whole wheat or white bread
whole wheat please with or without mayo without
with french fries or salad salad please
anything to drink yes a diet coke with ice and lemon
just ice he'll be there in five minutes ma'am
thank you here you go allie a cappuccino see i
remembered well done thanks
did you sleep well yes very well how are things
they're fine what are the plans for the week well
today we don't have any free time but tomorrow i'm going to take you to this
great little restaurant i know that sounds good and then on wednesday night
there's a cocktail party here at the hotel and then a conference dinner on
thursday is there anything special you want to do
well i'd like to see the bay and the golden gate bridge
and i'd like to go shopping if this time hi mark
how are you doing hi brad i'm fine just fine
aren't you going to introduce me oh uh sure ally this is brad martin brad
works in the los angeles office brad this is allie gray from the london
office hello hi ali great to meet you mark told me you were very nice but he
didn't tell me you were so beautiful so is this your first time in san
francisco yes yes it is has mark showing you the sights
well not yet then maybe i can show you around i love this city oh ally it's
time to go excuse us brad well great to meet you ali
see you around yes nice to meet you too
goodbye bye
are you ready to order yes to start a tomato and mozzarella
salad is that right yes
and the mushroom soup from and for your main course
i'll have the fried chicken with french fries or a baked potato a baked potato
please and for you sir
and i like the steak with french fries how'd you like your steak rare medium
well done rare please and to drink could you bring us the wine
list please chicken for you ma'am
and steak for you sir i'm sorry but i asked for a baked potato
not fries no problem i'll change it excuse me
yes sir i asked for my steak rare and this is well done
i'm very sorry i'll send it back to the kitchen
could we have a check please yes sir your check thanks
excuse me i think there's a mistake in the check
we only had two glasses of wine not a bottle
yes you're right i'm very sorry it's not my day today
i'll get you a new check thank you
your check sir thanks thank you
thank you mark that was a lovely dinner i'm glad you enjoyed it
how's your daughter jennifer she's fine she's with her
mother in los angeles mark
yeah can i ask you something something
personal sure what
how long were you married uh three years why did you break up
there were a lot of reasons we were very young when we had jennifer
we were both working very hard we didn't spend much time together the usual story
what about you ally well there was someone
i met him when i was at university we were together for two years
we broke up why i don't know
usual story thank you
listen oh it's early it's only nine o'clock
shall we go for a walk good idea where should we go
there's a place called fisherman's wharf it's right on the bay
there are a lot of cafes and bars we could have another cup of coffee fine
let's go good morning ma'am how can i help you i
want to go shopping where's the best place to go well all the big department
stores are around union square can you tell me how to get there yes of course
go out of the hotel and turn left go straight ahead down sutter street
turn left at stockton it's the third street on the left union square will be
right in front of you you can't miss it thanks
oh where is it excuse me can you tell me the way to
union square hey
don't i know you i don't think so ally
and brad brad martin from the los angeles office
i'm mark's friend remember we met yesterday at the hotel oh yes
that's right brad i'm so sorry no problem
what are you doing here i want to go shopping i'm looking for
union square but i'm lost where's mark he's at the hotel he had a