21 values
Minning Projects
Mill Circuit SAG Mill -> 2 X Ball Mills -> Cyclone Separator- Rotating Screens -> Slurry The return line (Oversize) from Separate comes back to Ball Mills. Ball Mill Rubber liners Grates Bolt Map – Check the bolts before going inside ball mill Broken bolt Replace bolts Go inside Ball mills got 1 motor for inching
Minning Projects
Rotary Screens The slurry goes to flotation circuit (70 tanks) add chemicals, (chemical circuits) Blower plant is to air supply 3 X Blowers (Blower circuit) IA (Instrument Air) Circuit
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Reliability Issues with Flotation Cells Agitator bearing condition monitoring – Drive End bearing and non-drive end bearing The blowing Circuit in the plant is a critical equipment
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Reliability Report Current condition Vibration condition
Minning Projects
Thickener The overflow of the Thickner goes to process water dam Zn product tank X 3 Ld product tank X 2 Ld is goes to Lead Dam. Pump X 3 and Slurry pumped, to Filter Press X 4 Klinker is Diesel fired (80m – 90m) long
Minning Projects
Thickener Reliability Issues Rake – Unbalance -> Damaged floor Rake trip -> lift the rack and re-start Rake balance during the SD using theodalight Tailing Pump (Redundant System) Tailing dam – Clay Lining / Geofabrication lining Reliability Planning Lube schedule Lube sampling (Oil, Grease) Lube analysis Spare parts management Kidney looping of gear boxes -> external filter cartridge (24 Hr)
Minning Projects
Integrating the project schedules The rescue team had to create an integrated critical path schedule for completion of the project to integrate separate schedules for each of the three main contractors plus the detailed commissioning schedule and replace a separate summary schedule representing the project for use by the senior project management team.
Minning Projects
Concentrate tank upgrade The upgrade involved the design and construction of 2 large, and 2 smaller steel tanks. The large tanks are over 13m in height and have a storage capacity of over 120,000 litres of concentrate. This additional storage capacity will enable additional throughput of ore to China and increases the overall growth capacity of Newcrest.
Minning Projects
Weather challenges Challenges facing the project team at Oyu Tolgoi included operating at 3,800 feet, extreme weather, and limited access to essential utilities and services. The Gobi Desert presented a brutally harsh environment, with temperatures ranging from -40 C to +45 C. The country is landlocked, with limited access via roads or rail. The harsh environment demanded adaptation for typical project tasks. For example, in applying 145,000 cubic meters of concrete for the concentrator, the team used cold-weather techniques in order to pour concrete when it was -30 C. This included fabricating tented structures with diesel-fired heaters to keep the formwork and rebar at an acceptable temperature and to keep the freshly poured concrete from freezing. Other project infrastructure included upgrading a 104-kilometer road from the Chinese border to the site; building a 1,000-liters-per-second pipeline from a borefield; 80 kilometers from the site; setting up housing facilities for more than 10,000 workers; and establishing 80 square kilometers of site development that included an airstrip, roads, concrete batch plants, water distribution systems, associated electrical power distribution, and two mining shafts 1,800 meters each in depth.
Minning Projects
PROMINENT HILL CHF PLANT UPGRADE, PROMINENT HILL MINE, SA Under Contract to Outotec, this project was for the fabrication, surface treatment and delivery to site of various items required to complete the CHF Plant upgrade, including two tanks and a cyclone support structure.
Minning Projects
PASTE BACKFILL PLANT – XSTRATA ZINCE MINE MT ISA Under contract to Outotec, this project was for the fabrication, delivery and construction of a Paste Backfill Plant at the Lady Loretta Zinc Mine in Mt Isa. The project included: fabrication, delivery to site, structural, mechanical, and piping installation onsite for Xstrata Zinc which was completed in June 2013. This also included all the electrical installation being completed by Stripes Electrical. It included 5200m2 of steelwork for surface treatment. This was carried out using a 2 and 3 coat paint system. The steelwork included frames, conveyor sections, platforms, chutes, hoppers, tanks, stairs and handrails.
Minning Projects
SAG Mill commissioning The milling circuit is predominantly refurbished and ready for operation with the new 3,000-tonne-per-day Semi-Autogenous-Grinding (SAG) mill installed and aligned (Figure 1). The two Ball Mills have been refurbished and will be available for commissioning following upcoming replacement of upgraded trunnion seals. The Zinc and Lead flotation circuits and associated pumps have been refurbished or replaced and are ready for commissioning.
Minning Projects
SAG Mill Control Modern plant control systems (PCS) whether Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) or Distributed Control Systems (DCS), are extremely powerful process control and automation engines. In the mining industry these systems are used extensively for basic control functions, SAG mill control fundamentally means managing the load in the mill by adjusting the feed rate of ore to the mill and/or manipulating the rotational speed of the mill. The best way to measure load is to mount the mill on load cells. The load cells are calibrated to measure the total weight of water, grinding media (balls) and ore in the mill, but not the weight of the mill itself. While many mills today are mounted on load cells, others employ bearing oil pressure as a proxy measurement of mill load. A control strategy recently implemented on a large variable-speed SAG mill at MMG’s Century Zinc operation in Australia is shown in the chart (found on pg. 32). In this case, mill speed is the primary manipulated variable used to control mill load.
Minning Projects
Mill Drives and Brakes Muscle Up Recent years have seen a trend toward fewer comminution machines per process line, particularly as grinding mills have increased considerably in size. Today, autogenous grinding (AG) mills as large as 40-ft in diameter with motor power in excess of 20 MW are being ordered and installed as producers look for higher production and economy of scale in their process plants. Semiautogenous grinding (SAG) mills up to 44-ft diameter with 35-MW gearless mill drives (GMDs) are available. These large, powerful gearless drive mills require improved control systems, ranging from the sophisticated controllers that monitor and protect the mill’s ringmotor and frequencyconversion electronics from electrical damage, to the braking systems that provide safe, controlled stops. And, as these larger units replace multiple smaller mills and are often installed at sites in remote locations. Twiflex said its braking system is designed specifically for grinding mill installations and provides both static and dynamic braking functions. In static operation, the braking system holds the mill motionless during liner replacement and general mill maintenance. For dynamic operation, the system can operate in two modes, stopping the mill from full speed in an emergency or providing inching/creeping capability in the event of bearing lubrication problems or power failures. Effective SAG mill control will maximise throughput, minimise damage to mill internals (liners and lifters) and contribute significantly to achieving maximum recovery in flotation. Well designed and implemented SAG control will payback in weeks not years. SAG mill control is essentially the stabilisation of mill load (and/or power) and density which can be implemented successfully and very cost-effectively on most modern PLC or DCS platforms As an example, a few years ago the company assisted BHP Billiton at its Cannington silver, lead and zinc mine in Queensland to overcome problems that were being experienced with its autogenous mill. With mill overloading a major cause of plant downtime, the company used its Control Performance Optimizer to create a simulator that would give the mill staff a better understanding of their grinding circuit, as well as developing a mill charge-volume estimator to provide real-time feedback on the state of the mill. According to Outotec, grinding circuit efficiency is key to improving the overall performance of a concentrator, so good grinding-circuit control is of major importance. This in turn relies on inputs such as dependable real-time particle-size information. The company has a long history of supplying PSI particle-size analyzers to help optimize grinding circuits, and more recently has built on this experience to provide advanced grinding-control solutions. As an example, its PSI 300 is an on-line particle-size analyzer system for mineral slurries. Automatically taking samples from up to three process streams, it measures P40 to P90 particle size in the range of 25–1,000 µm (500–15 mesh) as well as the sample density and pH
Minning Projects
Expert Control and Supervision FLSmidth’s ECS/ProcessExpert control and supervision system provides advanced process control and optimization for minerals plants, including grinding circuits, by analyzing a wide range of signals and actuating automatic adjustments to manage the equipment and process performance. ECS/ProcessExpert measures the mill power consumption, load impacts, mill mass, sump levels, circuit flows, pump power, stream density, hydrocyclone pressure and product quality, using these data to control the feed rate, mill water addition, mill speed, cyclone feed density, pump speeds and circulating loads.
Minning Projects
Lihir gold mine’ Projects include upgrading the electrical and control systems and replacing the neutralisation cyanidation adsorption (NCA) circuit. “The expansion project of increasing the flotation capacity is proceeding on schedule to a July 2013 delivery.”
Minning Projects
Belt Drive Issues • Tension and alignment are shutdown jobs > at a minimum needs to be stopped and isolated. • Symptoms -> Noises coming from belt area, Drive rack or bridge vibration / wobble ,Motor noises, Heat
Minning Projects
Level Indicator • Typical Issues -> Shaft sticking, Ball sinking (or floating on froth), Not set-up properly, Reading incorrectly, Not calibrated, Not spanned correctly, Need to check regularly • Is level control OK? • Loops tuned, Valve positioners working?, Perhaps it’s the level indicator?
Minning Projects
Mt Isa Mine Copper Concentrator The aim of the flotation capacity upgrade project was to improve copper plant recovery by approximately 2% through major brown fields work completed in two stages. This work included the installation of additional flotation equipment, pumps and pump boxes, lifting facilities, electrical supply, instrumentation, DCS upgrade, reagent distribution and process piping.
Minning Projects
Carbon in leach Plant Double-impeller Leach Tank For Gold Cyinadation Process The Telfer concentrator, located in the Great Sandy Desert of Western Australia, consists of a dual train gold/copper operation processing ore from one underground and, currently, two open pit mines with differing mineralogy. The fl otation circuit of each train was designed to operate in several modes depending on the feed mineralogy. The majority of ore mined at Telfer is processed in a sequential mode where copper minerals are first floated into a saleable copper concentrate followed by the flotation of an auriferous pyrite concentrate which is treated in an on-site hydrometallurgical plant (carbon-in-leach (CIL)). Gold is recovered as a gravity product within the primary grinding circuit, to the copper concentrate, and to a lesser extent, the CIL circuit.
Minning Projects
Copper Upgrade Since Telfer was re-opened, with a new concentrator, in 2004, the processing plant has struggled with poor copper concentrate grades, partially due to the excessive entrainment of non-sulfide gangue minerals in the copper flotation circuit. The equipment was kept to one area for ease of maintenance and also to minimise cost and disturbance to the running operation during construction and commissioning. The regrind mills share a common platform with a 10 t gantry crane overhead for ease of maintenance. The major equipment was purchased directly from vendors by Newcrest Mining to reduce the time frame of the installation, and to allow a staged process of capital commitment during the project development phase. Process design and major equipment sizing was carried out by Newcrest Mining personnel (authors of this paper), and a third party engineering firm (GR Engineering Services Limited) was contracted under a lump sum EPC to complete the installation of the equipment. Xstrata Technology supplied a vendor package containing the pyrite regrind mill (the copper mill was purchased from a third party as a second-hand unused mill), the mill platform to support both mills, feed and discharge hoppers, media handling systems and all associated instrumentation and steel work. ISAMillTM technology was chosen for the regrind duty due to their proven energu effi ciency and the inert grinding environment which prevents passivation of the sulphide surfaces (Pease et al, 2006). Several of the improvements outlined by Rule and de Waal (2011) were incorporated into the ISAMill confi guration). Outotec supplied the fl otation cells (5 × OT30s) used in the pyrite regrind circuit which have been fi tted with Outotec’s fl oat force mechanism (Coleman and Rinne, 2011) as well as high shear stators (Bilney, MacKinnon and Kok, 2006) to optimise the hydrodynamic conditions for fi ne particle fl otation. The on-site construction period will total approximately 12 months
Minning Projects
pumps located on ground level for ease of maintenance. The additional cost of elevating the cells was offset by lower operating and maintenance costs than if tailings and concentrate pumps and hoppers had been required. The cells have eight downcomers each, and are each driven by a 75 kW Warman 10/8 pump with a recirculating slurry fl ow rate of approximately 700 m3 /h. The fresh feed rate to each Jameson cell is in the order of 175 - 350 m3 /h (or approximately 20 to 60 t/h solids). The washwater system was designed to achieve a fl ow rate of up to 100 m3 /h per cell.
Minning Projects
Improving gold extraction Burns et al (2012) showed that the optimal approach to improving CIL performance (in terms of both improving recovery and reducing operating cost) was to install a regrind mill on the current CIL feed stream, and then remove liberated gold and copper particles by fl otation (pyrite recleaning) prior to leaching the fl otation tailings stream.
Plant Integrity
Asset Integrity can be defined as the ability of an asset to perform its required function effectively and efficiently whilst protecting health, safety and the environment. Asset Integrity Management is the means of ensuring that the people, systems, processes and resources that deliver integrity are in place, in use and will perform when required over the whole lifecycle of the asset. Asset Integrity Management can further be described as the continuous assessment process applied throughout design, construction, installation and operations to assure that the facilities are and remain to be fit for purpose
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In this context integrity is defined as the prevention of the loss of containment of a fluid or energy from the facilities. The integrity management process covers the Equipment containing the fluid Structures that support the equipment Other systems that prevent, detect, control or mitigate, against a major accident hazard.
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A loss of integrity (containment) could have an adverse impact on the safety of personnel, on the safety of the asset / facilities, on the environment or on production and revenue.
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The aim of the asset integrity management process is to provide a framework for the following: ? Compliance with company standards, regulatory and legislative requirements ? Assurance of technical integrity by the application of risk based or risk informed engineering principles and techniques ? Delivery of the required safety, environmental and operational performance ? Retention of the License to Operate ? Optimization of the activities and the resources required to operate the facilities whilst maintaining system integrity ? Assurance of the facilities’ fitness for purpose
Plant Integrity
There are a number of processes and activities, which are carried out by various bodies with the aim of ensuring that the overall integrity of the asset is maintained
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Design The following is not an exhaustive list but the items in it should be considered during the design phase: ? Subsea Integrity Management Strategy (SIMS) ? Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS) ? Major Accident Prevention Document (MAPD) ? Emergency Response Procedures (ERP) ? Inspection, Maintenance and Repair Plans (IMR) ? Planned Maintenance Routines Plan (PMR) ? Hazop studies ? Dropped objects
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Operate The following should be considered as fundamental to safe and efficient operations ? Commissioning requirement and report ? Update all the Integrity Documents (Design Phase) ? Risk Based Inspection/Maintenance analysis (RBI) ? Operation procedures ? Life extension studies (If required) ? Remaining life analysis ? Fitness for Service Assessment
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Maintain When looking at developing optimum preventive and predictive maintenance programs there are a number of building blocks that need to be considered. These include: Knowledge of failure aspects Failure modes and their characteristics Failure consequences Failure mechanisms Failure causes Age-reliability characteristics Knowledge of predictive tools / techniques Vibration Thermography Eddy Current Fibre Optics Ultrasonics Radiography Knowledge of methods of analysis Trending Pattern recognition Data comparison Testing against limits and ranges Statistical analysis
Plant Integrity
Many industries are implementing ISO 55000 (formerly known as PAS 55) - Specification for the Optimized Management of Physical Assets - as a method to assess their Management Systems and compare them with other leaders in their industry. ISO 55000 defines an Asset Management System as incorporating the following requirements:
Plant Integrity
Asset Integrity Management System Review The following topics would be covered when auditing or reviewing a company’s Asset Integrity Management system. Not all subjects would be applicable in every case. The following list is not meant to be exhaustive but merely a guide to areas of interest.
Plant Integrity
COMPANY ASSET INTEGRITY POLICY The provision of an Asset Integrity Management System and its financing Definition of management responsibility & commitment throughout the company for Asset Integrity Ownership and understanding of the system’s arrangements with regard to employee communication, consultation and involvement in participation and implementation Training and competence at all levels and duties of employees and contractors Planning and setting of Asset Integrity objectives Resources both human and system to implement the policy Demonstration of continuous improvement
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PERSONNEL, COMPETENCY & TRAINING Definitive job profiles Recruitment & selection of appropriately qualified and suitable staff Development of criteria that defines the “Person Profile” Competence Assessment Training and plans for new & existing facilities Certification e.g. Survival Personal & Career Development HSE Awareness and training
Plant Integrity
OPERATIONS Operating Plant & equipment examinations, inspection & test management of the operating envelope. PFDs and P&IDS Original design flow rates (Oil, Water, Gas) Current flow rate (Oil, Water, Gas) A copy of Process simulation, Process monitoring & data capture e.g. production reporting Operating Procedures for, inter alia, starting & stopping Inlet design condition (pressure, temperature at the wellhead and topside) Number of processing trains and separation stages for each train on the topsides Design parameter for sizing the separators such as retention time and dimensions and operating conditions Original Fluid composition Current Fluid composition Fluid specific gravity original and current Chemical injection rates for Emulsion, wax/paraffin, scale inhibitor Anti-foam Use of chemicals Alarm management including overrides and trips Handovers, crew changes Isolations standards, valve control, custody arrangements Sampling Standing documentation Compilation of Operations Integrity Management System (OIMS) Produced water specification (is produced water re-injected or sent overboard?) Gas product specification Natural gas flared or sent to the pipeline for sale or compressed and re-injected Sand production Salt produced and if so is crude being desalted?
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ASSET INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT Communication between onshore support staff and offshore inspection and maintenance technicians Competence assurance of inspection technicians and their supervisors Documented management system, including Written Schemes of Examination (WSoE) Identification of Safety Critical Elements (SCE) Corrosion identification and rectification Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) Deadleg register Risk assessment / mitigation Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Process Recording of inspection work Deferrals and Backlogs Measuring the effectiveness of the inspection regime Inspection and System test of SCE Condition of plant Examples of Best Practice Measuring compliance with performance standards / verification schemes Measuring the quality of inspection work Verification Review of recommendations Reporting to senior management on integrity status Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for inspection effectiveness Offshore AIM processes Onshore AIM processes
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MAINTENANCE Competence assurance of maintenance technicians and their supervisors Interface with Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) including register of assets Maintenance plans and schedules for equipment and execution Maintenance of safety critical elements Measuring the quality of maintenance work KPIs for maintenance effectiveness Critical and non-critical spares management Supervision Recording of completed maintenance work Deferrals and Backlogs Corrective Maintenance Defined Life Repairs Measuring the effectiveness of the maintenance system Life Saving Appliances Pipework of all diameters – including small bore and pipelines Heat exchangers Pressure vessels and their relief devices Electrical Lifting & loading equipment Rotating equipment – pumps, compressors, fans Process control and Emergency Shutdown Devices (ESD) Instruments – including fire & gas Tanks Fire Protection – active and passive Structures Navigation aids & Communications equipment Fired boilers Temporary Equipment
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MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE (MOC) Engineering changes, including maintenance, inspection & testing Process changes – including changes in flow stream components Changes to procedures Changes to software (but not to standard office based IT systems) Organizational changes Formal documentation of these processes
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INTERFACE MANAGEMENT Contracts & Procurement – the process, authority levels and execution The provision of 3rd party services, their control, utilization and deliverables Facilities interfaces where they are an integral part of the Operation e.g. pipelines Appointment of Company Designated Site Representatives for every contract Shutdown Development, Management & Coordination Transfer of knowledge from one phase of a project to another Transfer of ownership of assets inter & intra company
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WELL ENGINEERING Compliance with relevant legislative environment Full Well Life Cycle involvement Clear, accountable leadership Clearly defined roles and responsibilities Documented Management system, including Written Schemes of Examination (WSoE) Interface with related Asset Integrity Management systems eg Pressure Systems Identification of Safety Critical Elements (SCEs) Performance Standards KPIs - technical and business Risk assessment / mitigation Maintenance plans and schedules for equipment and execution Appropriate SCE / barrier test and inspection frequencies Control systems equipment testing Defects identification, repair and reporting Corrosion identification and rectification Annulus pressure monitoring and reporting Annulus liquid level top up Knowing the difference between annulus Maximum Allowable Annulus Surface Pressure (MAASP) and Maximum Allowable Surface Pressure (MASP) Well control during well intervention operations Well Handover through life cycle phases Well Handover between well intervention and production operations Management of abnormal conditions e.g. High Pressure High Temperature / H2S Integrated web based management tool suite Real time integrated data collection that is globally available Trend recognition / analysis Record keeping and results appropriately documented Well equipment status files Well anomaly reporting, review and remedial actions Understanding of the Well Examination / Verification Interface Continued education and engagement of staff in Well Integrity delivery
Plant Integrity
Pipeline System means: Pipework (including associated risers), valves, pressure vessels e.g. pig traps, control & measurement systems, cathodic protection, support structures, inspection provision, connections and injection points included in the pressure containing envelope peculiar to a pipeline system as distinct from similar equipment found on offshore and onshore installations: a system for the conveyance of the designated pipeline contents. Pipeline safety Pipeline design and construction Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Pipeline operating codes and standards Emergency shutdown valves requirements Inspection, testing, maintenance and cleaning of pipelines Pressure systems safety Corrosion management of subsea pipelines Change management Anomaly management Verification procedures
Plant Integrity
Practice Before embarking on any course of action, the present status needs to be determined. That involves asking questions of the heads of inspection / maintenance departments, inspection contractors and Offshore Installation Managers (OIM)s. The most fundamental ones are: What are the biggest worries / fears you have with regard to the Asset Integrity of XYZ Oil and Gas’s offshore, and onshore facilities? What is your top 10 bad stuff list and what keeps you awake at night? Do you have enough resources and budget to do the work that you feel necessary? It is recommended that the Assets are visited to assess the condition of the facilities and the inspection / maintenance programs. There are a number of areas which need to be reviewed and analyzed when assessing an existing asset integrity system. Not all of the following 24 areas will be relevant in every situation but they make a good starting point. Next up would be a complete review of historical data and trend analysis and assessing whether that information is being acted on to rationalize the inspection and maintenance programs. Again prioritization of the threats to the Assets would be top of the list. A major consideration would be to perform a Risk Based Inspection assessment on the systems in operation. Is there already an RBI system in place? If so, the questions would be; “what happened regarding the outcomes and how did they affect the inspection frequencies / regimes for the Assets and is it now time to revisit that RBI because it was done (for example) 5 years ago Next to look at would be the Performance Standards and Verification Schemes that are in place. The problem with an Asset Integrity system is that it cannot be static. It has to be a “living, breathing” thing that changes over time. It is important that it changes to reflect the age and operational characteristics of the facilities. The inspection regime for a 3 year old platform is different to one that is 30 years old. Next would be budgeting and resources This last point is very important. Many a system falls over because of the people operating it. Have they the right qualifications and experience?
Plant Integrity
Asset Integrity Management (AIMS) Asset Integrity Management System (AIMS) is the systematic implementation of activities such as inspection, tests and maintenance task necessary to ensure that important equipment will be suitable for intended application throughout its service life
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AIMS Framework As a management process, AIMS process shall include policy development; organizing; planning and implementation; measuring performance; and audit and review Asset Integrity Toolkit is a guideline to develop AIMS for offshore production facilities. It was published in 2006, developed by a joint industry project between UK Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA)
Plant Integrity
Asset Integrity Toolkit defines 32 elements of AIMS into 6 six groups as follows: 1. Assurance and Verification; Facility Owner shall define safety critical element (SCE) within the facility. SCE is a term in Safety Case (UK Offshore Installation Safety Regulations SI 2005 No 3117) to refer to: - Parts of an installation and such of its plant or any part thereof, the failure of which could cause or contribute substantially to a major accident; or - A purpose of which is to prevent or limit the effect of a major accident. The assurance process is the duty holder’s responsibility to set out an assurance scheme that defines and manages the activities which ensure required performance standards of SCE are sustainable. While the verification process is the duty holders responsibility to develop verification scheme that provides the evidence to demonstrate the assurance scheme is operating effectively. Independent reports and comments shall be able to define clearly SCE list, assurance activities applied to SCE, and any failures and or anomalies are in communication with the duty holders
Plant Integrity
2. Assessment/Control and Monitoring The process of assessment/control and monitoring should include the following key elements: - Rigorous risk assessment of potential major hazards and threats from plant equipment and operations to the personnel, the environment, and the asset; - Identification necessary mitigation and controls in order to lower each of the risks to a level which is As Low as Reasonably Practical (ALARP); - Recognition of which of these controls takes the form of SCE and assurance that the associated performance standards are continually maintained. Main issue in this element is engineering integrity. The duty holders should develop strategy to maintain the integrity of plant equipment against mechanical failure, fatigue, corrosion, throughout asset lifecycle. Activities ruled under this AIMS element are: Asset register (asset information system); Risk Assessment (risk based inspection); Mitigation Plan (repair, replace,re-engineering); Inspection and monitoring (NDT, vibration analysis); and Integrity assessment (fitness for service, defect assessment).
Plant Integrity
3. Competence Personnel with the required levels of competence should be supported by commitment of senior management. Duty holders should develop competence system that should: be able to verifiable by audit of training, recruitment process, formal assessment, provides demonstrable capability within their pre-defined and agreed job description, be in accordance with national or equivalent standards, cover third party contractors.
Plant Integrity
4. Planning AIMS should be comprehensively planned for successful implementation. The planning and implementation of an Integrity Management System should includes: - Processes definition required to manage the integrity of asset; - Resources and Responsibility Allocation; - Identification performance against the plan; - Identification SCE should be included; - Identification business element should be included; and - Effective prioritization of activities 5. Maintenance Management System Maintenance Management System (MMS) provides the process for managed and control of maintenance program including set of maintenance task and their schedules. Target object of MMS include the following: - Maintaining the condition, functionality, operability of equipments; - Reducing failure incidence or mean time between failures, downtime after failures or mean time to repair; - Reducing critical incidents or near miss accidents;
Plant Integrity
6. Quality and Audit Quality management and audit should be integrated and aligned in every process embedded in every aspects of asset integrity management through out six lifecycle stages. Quality and audit system as to senior management framework to guide organization toward performance improvement can encompass the four C’s of control (defined roles and responsibilities), communication (clear reporting and record keeping), competence (training and supervision), and co-operation (interface management). Intercorrelation AIMS to Other Corporate Process
Plant Integrity
AIMS related to OE Correlation AIMS with Corporate Process called Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS) start from quote of Element 5, Reliability Expectations 5.1 – 5.7, which states: Organizations are expected to “Operate and maintain wells and facilities to ensure asset integrity and prevent incidents.”
Plant Integrity
AIMS related to SERIP In PT. CPI, AIMS is a sub process of another bigger Chevron’s Process called Surface Equipment Reliability and Integrity Process (SERIP). AIMS is covered in Stages 3, 4 and 5. Until now, most Business Units are in SERIP stage 1 or 2.
Plant Integrity
References - API RP 2A: Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms - API RP 75: Recommended Practice for Development of a Safety and Environmental Management Program (SEMP) for Offshore Operations and Facilities - API 510: Pressure Vessel Inspection Code-lnspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating - API 570: Piping Inspection Code-Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of Inservice Piping Systems - API RP 571: Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining lndustry - API 579: Fitness for Service - API RP 580: Risk Based Inspection - API RP 581: Risk Based Inspection Technology - API 653: Tank Inspection, Repair Alteration, and Reconstruction - ASME B31.3: Process Piping Code - ASME VII: Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code - Capabilities and Limitations of Nondestructive Evaluation Methods for Inspecting Components beneath Thermal Protection Systems – The Aerospace Corporation (free to download) - DNV-RP-G101: Risk Based Inspection of Offshore Topsides Static Mechanical Equipment (free to download) - DNV-RP-G103: Non-intrusive Inspection (free to download) - Energy Institute: Corrosion Threat Handbook - Guide to the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005 (free to download) - Guidebook for the Fabrication of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Test Specimens – International Atomic Energy Agency (2001) (free to download) - Handbook of Non-destructive Evaluation – Charles J. Hellier - International Association of Oil and Gas producers: Asset Integrity - The Key to Managing Major Incident Risks (free to download) - NORSOK Standard N001 – Integrity of Offshore Structures (free to download) - Norwegian Oil and Gas Recommended Guidelines: The Assessment and Documentation of Service Life Extension of Facilities (free to download) - Oil & Gas UK: Guidance on the Management of Ageing and Life Extension for UKCS Oil and Gas Installations (free to download) - ISO 55000 (formerly PAS 55:2008): Asset Management - Step Change to Safety: Asset Integrity Lifecycle Checklist (free to download) - Step Change to Safety: Asset Integrity Toolkit (free to download) - UK HSE: A guide to the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005 (free to download) - UK HSE: Guidance on Risk Assessment for Offshore Installations (free to download) - UK HSE: Key Programme 3 (KP3) Asset Integrity Programme (free to download) - UK HSE: Key Programme 4 (KP4) Ageing and Life Extension (free to download) - UK HSE: Offshore External Corrosion Guide (free to download)
Plant Integrity
SERIP Stage 3 - AIM Phase 1 (2011-2013) Baseline procedures are applicable to the entire Asset Integrity Management System (AIMS). Specific procedures applicable to fixed equipment and critical structures. Focus on equipment that prevents Health, Safety, Environment, or Asset consequences of 1 or 2 from being realized. - SERIP Stage 4 - AIM Phase 2 (2013-2015) Specific procedures applicable to machinery, electrical equipment and power systems, instrumentation and control systems, safety systems including fire fighting and fire suppression, subsea systems/equipment, and floating systems . Focus on equipment that prevents Health, Safety, Environment, or Asset consequences of 1 or 2 from being realized. - SERIP Stage 5 –AIM Phase 3 (2015+) Expanding the focus to all equipment, defining Technical Authorities, standardize methods, and establish mature Communities of Practice (COP). Escalation/Governance only applies equipment that
Plant Integrity
Located some 240 kilometers west of Abu Dhabi City, the Ruwais Industrial Complex was developed as a major contributor to the national economy and represents a series of multi-million dollar investments. The Ruwais story began in the 1970s, when plans were laid to transform a remote desert site into a self-contained industrial town, geared to fulfilling the down stream requirements of Abu Dhabi's booming oil and gas industry. Centered around Ruwais Refinery, the complex was officially inaugurated in 1982 by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan “May Almighty Allah rest his soul in eternal peace” , former President of the UAE and the visionary behind Abu Dhabi's remarkable development and prosperity. Soon after commissioning the original 120,000 barrels per day (bpd) Hydro skimming refinery in June 1981, plans were drawn up to add a 27,000 bpd Hydro cracker complex that was started in 1985. To consolidate operations, the General Utilities Plant, set up in 1982 to provide electricity and water for the area, was merged with the Refinery in 1986. In support of the company's HSE policy, a central Sulphur Handling and Granulation Plant was established in 1991 to handle all the liquid Sulphur recovered in the GASCO and ADGAS Natural Gas Liquefaction facilities. Its operations were also integrated with the Ruwais Refinery Division in 1992. After its expansion in early 2001, the granulation capacity, at 7,650 tons per day, has become one of the largest in the world. Two 140,000 bpd condensate processing trains were commissioned in year 2000 - 2002 to process condensate produced in the on-shore gas fields of Abu Dhabi. Currently these are two of the largest such condensate splitters in the world. Meanwhile, support facilities such as berths, power generation and water production facilities continued to be expanded to meet the growing needs of the industrial area. The original Hydro skimming complex was designed to process 120,000 bpd of crude oil, mainly for the export market. Growth in demand for Abu Dhabi's high quality refined products spurred the continuous expansions at Ruwais. Today the range of refined products includes Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Premium Unleaded Gasoline (98 Octane), Special Unleaded Gasoline (95 Octane), Naphtha grades, Jet-A1 and Kerosene grades, Gas Oil grades, Straight run Residue, Bunker grades 180 and 380 cst and Granulated Sulphur. For more details please go through the below links -Processing Units. - Refinery Utilities. -Tank farm & offsites. -Marine Terminal. - Sulphur Handling Terminal & Granulation plant. -General Utilities Plant.
Plant Integrity
These are produced by the following primary and secondary processing units: Crude oil Distillation (120,000 bpd): After desalting, crude oil is distilled to produce full-range naphtha, kerosene, light gas oil, heavy gas oil and straight run residue, which are further processed in downstream units.
Plant Integrity
Naphtha Hydrodesulphurization (34,350 bpd): The full-range naphtha from the crude oil unit and heavy naphtha from the Hydro cracker unit is hydro treated to remove the Sulphur compounds and then LPG is stripped from whole naphtha. After dehydration, the raw LPG is sent to the GASCO-NGL plant for further processing while the whole naphtha is split into light naphtha, used for gasoline blending, and heavy naphtha, used as feedstock for the Catalytic Reformer Unit.
Plant Integrity
Atalytic Reformer (19,150 bpd): The heavy naphtha is processed to improve its anti-knock properties by using a bimetallic platinum-based catalyst. The Reformate obtained is used as the main blend component for gasoline production. The hydrogen-rich gas is used in the reaction sections of the hydrotreaters and the remaining gas goes to Refinery Fuel Gas system.
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Kerosene Hydrotreater (20,780 bpd): The unit improves the burning quality of kerosene by desulphurization and saturation of aromatics required to meet international specifications for jet fuel.
Plant Integrity
Gas Oil Hydrodesulphurization (21,850 bpsd): The unit removes Sulphur compounds in the heavy gas oil from the crude oil unit using a cobalt/molybdenum oxide-based catalyst. The hydrotreated heavy gas oil is used as a blending component to produce different grades of gas oil.
Plant Integrity
Vacuum Unit (46,000 bpd): The Vacuum Unit processes atmospheric residue from the crude oil unit to produce heavy vacuum gas oil as feedstock for the Unibon unit. Ruwais residue is supplemented by residue from Abu Dhabi Refinery.
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Unibon Unit/Hydro cracker (27,000 bpd): The Unibon Unit converts the heavy vacuum gas oil feed into lighter products in the reactor section by passing the feed, plus hydrogen, over catalysts under high temperature and pressure. The products from this reaction are then separated in the fractionation section to yield high value finished products ranging from LPG to gas oil.
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Hydrogen Plant (60,000 Nm3/hr): The Hydrogen Unit converts natural gas and steam into hydrogen with the aid of catalysts. Propane can also be used as an alternative feed.
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Two Sulphur Recovery Plants (44/49 tons per day): These units recover sulphur from hydrogen sulphide-rich gas produced in the Hydrodesulphurization and Unibon units by converting it into elemental sulphur through a thermal and catalytic reaction. The liquid sulphur is then sent to the Sulphur Handling Terminal for granulation and export.
Plant Integrity
Two Condensate Splitters (2x140,000 bpd): Each splitter is designed to process condensate from the On-shore Gas Development and Asab Gas Development fields. The splitters fractionate the condensate into unstabilized light naphtha, medium naphtha, heavy naphtha, kerosene, light gas oil (LGO), heavy gas oil (HGO), and atmospheric residue, which are further processed in downstream units.
Plant Integrity
Two Naphtha Stabilizers (2x27,500 bpd): Each Stabilizer is designed to process 27,500 bpd of unstabilized light naphtha from the condensate splitters. LPG after treatment is sent to GASCO while stabilized light naphtha is routed to storage and blending.
Plant Integrity
Two Kerosene Sweetening Units (2x52,000 bpd): Kerosene produced in the Condensate Distillation Units contains mercaptans and naphthenic acids. The Merichem Sweetening units reduce the mercaptans by converting them into disulphide. The sweetened kerosene from each unit is routed to storage and blending.
Plant Integrity
Refinery Utilities The refinery generates all the utilities, which are required by the process units. Equipment and systems include steam boilers, seawater cooling systems, a closed-loop fresh water cooling system, instrument and plant air, fuel oil and fuel gas systems
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Tank Farm & Offsites The Refinery has 91 tanks with a total nominal storage capacity of over three million cubic meters. Of these 12 are feedstock tanks, 34 are for intermediate products and 45 for finished products. Off sites include ballast reception facilities, CPI separator system, four flares, blending and shipping facilities with LPG truck loading.
Plant Integrity
Marine Terminal The Refinery's Marine Terminal provides for the loading and unloading of tankers ranging from 2,000 to 330,000 dwt. It has four cabotage berths to accommodate tankers from 2,000 to 7,000 dwt, and three large tanker berths for vessels from 7,000 to 330,000 dwt.
Plant Integrity
Sulphur Handling & Granulation Plant The Sulphur Handling and Granulation Plant has nine granulators with a total capacity of 7,650 tons per day and covered storage for 145,000 tons of granulated product. Multiple bays for receiving liquid Sulphur trucks from the on-shore gas processing facilities and a jetty to handle liquid imports from ADGAS have been recently upgraded. The jetty is capable of handling vessels up to 45,000 dwt for granulated Sulphur exports.
Plant Integrity
General Utilities Plant Ruwais Refinery Division operates the GUP to provide reliable power and water not only for its needs but the industrial area and community at large. Power is generated by seven gas turbines and two steam turbines with an installed capacity of over 650 MW. Water production capacity is over 60,000 m3/day from five desalinators. Interconnection of GUP with ADWEA grid and synchronization enabled TAKREER to acquire the capability and flexibility to import and export power, along with the stability of supply of electrical power to consumers.
Plant Integrity
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries (GASCO) has awarded the contract for engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning (EPC) works for its Ruwais 3rd NGL Train Project -- Ruwais Plant to Snamprogetti, Italy at $ 1.427 bn.
Plant Integrity
Milan, Italy, and is scheduled for completion within 38 months. The Ruwais 3rd NGL Train project is a mega project and is the second of the EPC Packages within the overall scheme of OGD-III & AGD-II Project launched by ADNOC. The project is designed to process and fractionate 24,400 tpd of raw Natural Gas Liquids (NGL).
Plant Integrity
Ruwais’ third NGL train facility will be located adjacent to the existing NGL Trains at Ruwais. The entire project facility shall comprise of process train, product storage tanks, jetty with two berths and utilities. While the products-propane, butane and pentane plus would be exported, ethane shall be transported to the nearby petrochemical complex as feedstock. GASCO implements this project on behalf of ADNOC with support of Foster Wheeler as an independent project management consultant.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
The intent of this investment which is in the Define Stage is to increase the amount of heavy Canadian crude that the refinery can process by upgrading the metallurgy in the Crude, Vacuum and Coker units, improve unit reliability and availability, expanding the Coker capacity for processing more heavy crude and, improve environmental performance through addition of a Coker Gas Plant and additional Flare Gas Recovery systems for compliance with NSPS Subpart Ja. The project is aligned with another BP/Husky JV crude production development project in Alberta. The project includes major revamp modifications and upgrades.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Circa $700m relief system risk mitigation program implemented following the 2005 Texas City “Isom Incident”. The program involved the removal of 12 atmospheric blow down stacks in the relief system, routing of over 400 relief valves from the blow down stacks to revamped or new relief system headers and 3 new flares, risk evaluation and mitigation plans and projects associated with atmospheric relief valves and equipment over-fill and, verification of relief disposal system hydraulics and improved process safety documentation.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
•Circa $500m TCACP program to replace the Foxboro DCS system on units and upgrade / add Safety Instruction to address critical hazards to current industry / BP standards. • Circa $130m Asset Integrity Program (AIP) to ensure that process safety risks as they hazards associated with equipment and instrumentation, relief systems and pressure vessel design are understood, properly documented, accessible and adequately managed throughout the full lifecycle of all Texas City Refinery assets and work processes. •Circa $200m program to address risks associated with occupied buildings across the site including an new Centralized Control room and Operating Shelters. •The "SPA" is the one individual appointed within the Business Unit to take charge and lead the project through each of its stages to ensure the business objectives are met in a changing environment. As such, this person maintains single point accountability for maximizing project business objectives.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
INEOS Olefins and Polymers USA is one of the largest integrated producers of polyolefins in North America. From its manufacturing locations at Chocolate Bayou, Battle Ground and Texas City, Texas, and Carson, California, it is a merchant marketer of butadiene, ethylene, polypropylene, styrene monomer, and high-density polyethylene with annual revenue of over $4b. (Note: Innovene was spun-off by BP Chemicals in preparation for an IPO in late 2005. Ineos purchased the company out-right 12/05.) •Developed and lead new combined Maintenance, Reliability and Project Engineering Organization which had previously been separated by Business Units and Organizations across the site and across BP South Houston. •Managed the safe and efficient planning and execution of routine maintenance services totaling $50MM/ yr and turnaround (TAR) planning and execution in excess of $5MM average per year. •Achieved site OSHA Recordable Rate of 0.55 and was within 5% of routine Maintenance Budget during a very non-typical year: separation from BP with final sale to Ineos – 3 organizational changes in 1.5 years; extremely poor unit reliability 79%; successful completion of a $300MM capital project on Olefin Cracker 1 and unit TAR; a year of a transition to a new Maintenance and Construction Contractor for CB and BMC replacing the 26 year incumbent on the site: a major fire on Olefin 2 resulting in an extensive rebuild effort of the cold box section and the advancement of nearly a year of the Ole 2 TAR and capital projects in an unplanned manner and; a total plant s/d including power due to Hurricane Rita and a safe s/u within a week
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Texas City is BP’s largest refinery worldwide, the most complex refinery in the world based on conversion and the third largest refinery in the United States, with a capacity of about 460,000 barrels per day. The facility is capable of producing about 10 million gallons per day of premium and unleaded regular gasoline • Lead the safe and efficient operation of the Pipe Still Complex at the Texas City Refinery that included two Crude Towers and Vacuum Towers with total crude capacity of circa 500 mbd and the ability to run high sulfur/TAN crude’s. • Served as the Single Point of Accountability for two major TAR’s and capital projects involving both Pipe Stills totaling approximately $90MM. This extensive TAR work (including pre and post TAR activities) was completed safely and efficiently involving nearly 2 million man-hours with an OSHA recordable rate of < 0.8 with no environmental reportable. • Substantially reduced injuries from 14 in 2001 to 2 by the end of 2004 even with the extensive extra pre and post TAR man-hours. Reliability of both units improved by 4% following TAR activities and remained at best-in-class levels the year after. • Represented Refinery in BP South Houston Strategy work and supported the Refinery leadership team in development and implementation of a Refinery Availability Improvement strategy. Also lead an effort to develop a TAR Execution and Commercial Optimization Strategy for the refinery which linked to the Availability Strategy
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
The Grangemouth refinery and petrochemicals facility is BP’s 2nd largest production centre. It is a deeply integrated site exploiting synergies between the refinery and the petrochemicals plants. . Refinery Availability Task Force 2001 • As part of team charged with finding ways to close the $500MM gap in availability for BP Refineries, delivered strategy focused around moving BP Refining towards an HRO (High Reliability Organization). Recommendations accepted and many have been acted upon with HRO being accepted as the cornerstone of the new refining business strategy. System reliability improved by targeted 1% in 2002. Process Safety Task Force Audit Manager 2000 – 2001 • Following 3 major incidents across the Complex, served as a member of the Refinery Leadership Team accountable for the implementation and assurance of the 250 recommendations from the site wide process safety task force audit by end of 2001. •Asset Manager Refinery 2000 • Following a Grangemouth Complex reorganization which drove operation of the entire site (Refining / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Kinneil Crude Supply) as one as opposed to separate business units, became accountable for all the refining manufacturing assets. Served as a member of the Refinery Leadership Team accountable for all the refining manufacturing assets which delivered HSE, reliability and operating and maintenance cost performance from the manufacturing units Asset Manager Process 3 1998 – 2000 • Served as a member of Refinery Leadership Team accountable for Safety / Reliability / People / Value-Added in Process 3 (HCU/VDU/CDU's/HFU/SRU's) as well as the Availability and Maintenance processes across the refinery.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Within BP’s North American head quarters in Cleveland, three commercial regions were established to optimize the commercial performance of the assets and trading within those regions. The South East Region included the Alliance Refinery in Belle Chase LA, retail stations along the SE, trading activities, product and crude pipe-line activities and shipping logistics. •Defined and directed the purchase of over $2 billion/yr of crude supply for the SE Region and directed hedging programs to maximize the integrated region margin and to minimize price risk. • Directed control of 1.5 million barrels of crude above or below inventory target levels required to supply the region. As the key focal point between Crude Trading & Logistics, Product Trading & Logistics and Refining & Commercial Marketing, BP REFINING CAPITAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, Cleveland, Ohio 1992 - 1995 Within BP’s North American headquarters in Cleveland, a team was established to manage the capital planning, economic evaluation and technical development/evaluation of major capital investments across the US refineries.. Particular focus was on the effects of the Clean Air Act legislation as related to the Ohio System and Marcus Hook refineries as well as the potential for sour crude conversion opportunities in the Ohio System. •Evaluated preliminary project alternatives in order to recommend options for further design and cost estimate work. •Assessed the impact of major capital projects on refinery operations by modifying and running refinery linear programming models and to guide the projects from the budget status through the Finance Memorandum stages
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
The Ferndale Refinery is located North of Bellingham Washington and processes around 80,000 barrels per day of crude oil from Alaska topped-off by foreign condensate. The refinery lacked coking capacity and had old cracking technology thereby producing a high percentage of fuel oil for the West Coast Market (had circa 20% of the fuel oil market on the West Coast). In 1989, the Refinery was sold by Mobil to BP along with its Pacific North West retail and product pipeline assets. Process Area Supervisor (Team 2 Alky / Reformer) 1991 – 1992 TAR Project Manager (Crude/TCC) 1990 Engineering Specialist/Short Range Commercial Planning 1989 – 1991 • Provided the daily economic direction to the operations department based on current pricing and system constraints. Also developed the monthly operating plan and weekly operations re-projections of production volumes. Operations Planner/Scheduler 1988 – 1989 •Scheduled day to day refinery crude runs and unit off-takes based on current refinery economics. In addition, scheduled crude shipments, other refinery inputs, product shipments by pipeline and water, and gasoline batch blending. SME for HF ALKY CBT Training Program– Special Assignment 1982 - 1988 • Served as a subject matter expert assisting in the development of a comprehensive computer based training program for HF Alky unit operators at all Mobil U.S. refineries. Area Supervisor – Operations (HF Alky / Reformer)1987 – 1988 Process Engineer II 1986 – 1987 •Provided technical support to the HF Alkylation Unit, Product Treating, Offplot Facilities and the refinery flare system. Project Engineer II 1984 – 1986 • Managed a total of $2.0 MM of capital and expense related projects, in addition to AFE quality cost estimates and numerous studies.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
At the beginning of 2009 a contract between EagleBurgmann-Middle East and a major Middle Eastern oil refining company was signed in order to upgrade recycled gas compressor oil bushing seals to EagleBurgmann gas seals in the IsoMax unit. Due to serious concerns of repeated oil seal problems, the customer decided to upgrade the old sealing system along with the next major overhaul set for October 2009. EagleBurgmann committed to do final feasibility studies, provide materials within less than five months and prepare everything to implement the project in a submitted 3 weeks overhaul schedule. After an initial site visit and a study of the available documents, the rotor-dynamic analysis was carried out to determine the stability of the rotor with the new sealing system. Based on this analysis and related inspection reports, the following services were provided: •Rotor-dynamic analyses and selection/supply of new tilting pad bearings •Bearing housing modification drawing to fit the new bearings •Repair/Re-machining of old rotor The scope of delivery for EagleBurgmann was: •Supply of 4 PDGS (high pressure seals, hydrogen at 180 bar) •Supply of Seal Management System (including spare filters and counter flanges) •Supply of 1 set of installation tools and process side labyrinths •Prepare rotor and end-cover modification drawings •Support engineering piping •Supervising of all parts to be modified •"On-Site support" during the complete project As of November 2009, the projected three-week installation time-line had been met and the compressor had been successfully upgraded to DGS seals which are still currently in place and running successfully.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Minnesota Refinery. Ambitech provided concurrent front-end engineering and prepared detailed construction drawings for each of these grass roots units for a refinery in the upper Midwest. The hydrogen recovery unit consisted of various condensers, vessels and a cold box. The clarified oil fractionation unit was designed to recover light cycle oil, which was then used as a feedstock for the Distillate Hydrotreater Unit consisting of a vacuum fractionation tower, steam generator and various pumps and vessels. CCR (continuous catalytic cracking reforming)& Catalytic reforming units
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Utah Refinery. Performed fast-track detailed design and engineering to install platinum reformingtechnology and process unit. Revamp consisted of replacing 3 side-by-side reformer reactors with a three-reactor stack, 100 pph Sequential Catalyst Regeneration System, replacement of reformer direct fired heaters, and all tie-ins. A turnaround was conducted in conjunction with revamp because of process interface.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Ohio Refinery. Ambitech provided front end engineering and detailed design for a refinery that increased the yield of its FCC Unit by installing a new reactor, improved feed nozzles, a new raw oil feed pump, and accomplished several pipe modifications.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
India Refinery. Ambitech provided overall critical piping layout, piping and equipment stress/flexibility analysis and detailed mechanical design for the new Reactor and Regenerator vessels, Catalyst Chamber, all interconnecting catalyst standpipes, reactor riser and the direct fired heaters.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Texas Refinery. This project included the revamp of two existing distillate hydrotreating units to convert them to licensed GDU’s, and the revamp of the FCC Unit’s Gas Concentration Section, together with their related offsite facilities. In addition to the work in the existing units, three new grass root areas were included inAmbitech's engineering, procurement and construction coordination effort.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Illinois Refinery. (Major Midwest Refinery) The objective of this project was to meet new on-road diesel specifications. The project scope included the installation of two new heavy wall reactors in the existing CHD Unit, compressor rebuilds, including single stage to multi-stage conversion, and the addition of inter-coolers and KO drums. Exchangers were added and/or replaced, and the tower and offsite modification included a new shipping pump. As part of the project, new Main Column Bottoms Rundown pumps and (4) new rundown coolers were installed in the FCC Unit. Ambitech provided FEED assistance, detailed engineering, procurement services and construction support services.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Oklahoma Refinery. Revamp and upgrade of an existing hydrocracking unit to produce ultra-low sulfur diesel as well as hydrocracked naphtha. Work involved replacement of the existing reactor and replacement and/or upgrades to associated heaters, pumps, piping and utilities (steam, cooling water, electrical and flare system)
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Illinois Gas Processing Plant.Ambitech was awarded the engineering, procurement, fabrication and installation of a Butane Isomerization Unit, which addressed the following client needs:- To debottleneck the butane processing from 11,500 BPD to 14,000 BPD. - To license available technology in the market for Butamer Process to generate a higher valued product (isobutene) from a lower valued product (normal butane). - To produce low-sulfur normal butane on a consistent basis. Our scope included detailed design, process simulation, specification, procurement, construction and commissioning. The project included twenty heat exchangers, thirty pumps, fifteen pressure vessels (one of which was a distillation column almost 200 feet tall), revamping existing equipment, hot taps and tie-ins.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
California Gas Processing Plant. Ambitech was awarded the engineering, procurement, inspection and construction coordination of a Butamer Project. Our scope included detailed design, process simulations, specifications, procurement, construction coordination and startup assistance. The project included 32 heat exchangers, 20 pumps, 3 compressors, 34 pressure vessels (one of which was a distillation column almost 190 feet tall), 6 air coolers, revamping of existing equipment, and plant tie-ins).
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Illinois Refinery.Conversion from MEA to MDEA to increase unit capacity.Sized full stream amine filters, coalescers and carbon adsorber. Researched heat stable salt removal utilizing and ion exchange system.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Illinois Refinery. Ambitech completed the Project Design Basis development for the Needle Coker Initial Conversion project. This involved the revision of feed stock to the Needle Coker Complex from Decant Oil to Vacuum Tower Bottoms (VTB). The various flow streams through the Fractionator were evaluated for the flow rate changes and product property changes.This included VTB - in, Coker Gas Oil, Naphtha, and Overheads and Bottoms - out. Ambitech developed hydraulic models of the process streams and evaluated pump capabilities with associated modification determination. PFD's were finalized, P&ID’s were revised and a preliminary HAZOP completed for the proposed modifications.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Illinois Refinery. The purpose of the upgrade project was to improve the Crude and Coker Units operability and reliability, and increase unit throughput by maximizing unit stream days. The upgrade had to be accomplished within the restraints of the existing major equipment. The project included the installation of a new overhead air cooler, numerous new pumps, heat exchangers, exchanger re-tubes and piping and control additions. It also included a material upgrade to SS piping in the Amine Unit. Ambitech provided FEED assistance, detailed engineering, procurementservices and construction support services.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Utah Refinery, Design of six modular units to process tail gas from a Claus-type sulfur recovery unit. Major equipment included Heat-Up Blower, Preheater, Reactor Cooler, Quench Water Trim Cooler, Lean/Rich Amine Exchanger, Amine Trim Cooler, Reboiler, Quench Water Filter, Amine Full Flow Filter, Lean Amine Carbon Filter, Carbon Fines Filter, Quench Water Pumps, Rich Amine Pumps, Lean Amine Pumps, Reflux Pumps, Reflux Drum, Condensate Drum and Hydrogenation Reactor.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Illinois Refinery.Ambitech provided Process Design, Piping Design and HAZOP for an optimized absorber performance through piping modifications and a reconfiguration of the heat exchangers. Our engineers updated both the P&ID’s and PFD’s and issued revised piping plan drawings and mechanical specifications.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Fiber-optic coating • (Confidential Client and Location) Two-level production area with adequate ventilation to allow electrical classification of Class 1, Group D, Division 2. Included clean room, labs, employee facilities, and warehousing. Detailed design of 480V service entrance to various MCCs and panel boards. Detailed design, equipment selection, construction management.
Plant Reliability Improvement Projects
Illinois Chemical Plant. The purpose of this project was to add a new production building and auxiliary facilities for a Specialty Materials Plant. This was a building to house a proprietary process with numerous processing, packaging, truck unloading and loading bays for the production of HFE and related products. It required the significant integration of the new building into the infrastructure of the existing plant. Several new buildings we also added to house process tanks, process cooling water and electrical distribution.