A series of domain-specific LLMs for the Mining Industry
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Asset Integrity Management | This AMP highlights proposed expenditure resulting from necessary upgrades or improvements to the AGP (Amadeus Gas Pipeline) assets, with discussion on the merit of each. This document is a Technical Asset Management Plan and generally does not address commercial or administrative issues involved with the operation of the AGP. The AMP is written on the basis of the best known information at the time of writing. |
Asset Integrity Management | The AGP is reaching mid-life (approximately twenty seven years) where the updating and replacement of some components is necessary
Corrosion Under Sleeves
The pipeline has suffered corrosion under the joint coatings applied during construction. The damage is extensive and it is necessary to increase integrity measures with targeted inspection, excavation and repair.
Unpiggable Darwin City Gate to Channel Island Spurline
The Channel Island Spurline is currently unpiggable due to a step change in diameter of the pipeline at the Channel Island Bridge from 300 mm to 200 mm. it is imperative to ensure that this spurline is piggable to manage its ongoing integrity.
Coating Refurbishment of Below Ground Station Pipework
The original below ground station coating consists predominantly of coal tar enamel (CTE) and some tape wrap. The condition of the CTE coating is generally poor and a project has commenced to progressively replace the CTE with high build epoxy (HBE). |
Asset Integrity Management | AMP is a locally developed document and is reviewed annually to ensure that the content is current.
The AMP will form the basis for non-routine additions to the annual work program incorporating projects regarding longer term integrity management
This plan does not include routine operations detail or costs estimates associated with these tasks. |
Asset Integrity Management | Asset Management Process
The Pipeline Licences, AS 2885 and other mandatory or statutory standards and regulations form the basis of the compliance requirements. |
Asset Integrity Management | Relationship With Other Planning Documents
XXX has developed a Pipeline Management System (PMS) as required by AS 2885.3 -2012. The PMS provides guidance to the organisation regarding high pressure gas pipeline management and operation techniques.
The PMS also specifies subservient documents including the Pipeline Integrity Management Plan (PIMP). The PIMP is a local document which is specific to particular assets or groups of assets. The PIMP carries relevant details of the assets and a detailed summary of the integrity challenges and mitigation. The mitigation identified in the PIMP drives the majority of funding provisions detailed within the AMP. |
Asset Integrity Management | Operating Constraints
The AGP is cXXXble of operating at is full Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP) and has adequate cXXXcity to meet all delivery requirements.
Projects are delivered in two separate management frameworks dependant on their size and complexity. |
Asset Integrity Management | Major Projects are delivered using the project management framework, Project Portfolio Management (PPM) tool. The PPM tool is Microsoft Project Server 2010 and provides all project managers a uniform structure and platform for project scheduling, documentation, reporting and monitoring for every stage of the life of a project |
Asset Integrity Management | Generally most Minor projects for the AGP consist of SIB CAPEX and MEJ OPEX and are predominantly managed using NT XXX personnel. Generally most Major Projects for the AGP consists of growth CAPEX are managed by a dedicated project team within Infrastructure Development, with local NT input where required |
Asset Integrity Management | Coating
The pipeline is coated with yellow jacket polyethylene which has proven to be a suitable coating for the conditions. However, MLVs and scraper stations are suffering coating degradation and despite applied Cathodic Protection (CP) there is still a risk of corrosion. The original coating material was in many cases coal tar enamel (CTE) which has the potential to shield the CP current providing an unprotected environment where metal loss and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) may be active.
There are significant problems with corrosion under failed heat shrink sleeves used for field applied joint coatings during construction. This has led to extensive metal loss across the many field joint coatings. A program is in place to inspect and repair critical metal loss defects associated with heat shrink sleeves.
In Line Inspections
The Intelligent Pigging schedule for the AGP is recommended at ten year intervals to adequately monitor and manage the corrosion under the heat shrink sleeves, with the exception of the Mataranka to Helling section which has an interval of seven years due to the higher corrosion growth rates at heat shrink sleeves. The failure mode for these defects could be a rupture, albeit very much less likely than a leak due to the restricted critical defect length which is somewhat limited by axial length of the sleeves.
The Tennant Creek area is earthquake prone and gauge pigs are run in the event of a significant tremor. Significant damage could lead to the development of a rupture failure at a later date.
The 12 kilometre long DN300 DCG to CIMS section is currently not piggable due to
No scraper station facilities; a section of DN200 pipe across the road bridge; and tight radius bends on the bridge approach.
The preferred option is a HDD under the bridge. The other options include replacing the DN200 section under the bridge with DN300 pipe or having a midway scraper station that can receive DN300 pigs and launch DN200 pigs. |
Asset Integrity Management | Direct Current Voltage Gradient
Coating defects can be identified proactively by Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) which utilises the potential at the surface created by the coating defect. Alternatively, coating defects can be identified by intelligent pigging at corrosion sites.
For unpiggable pipelines the DCVG process is necessary to ensure that coating defects can be identified and repaired prior to corrosion of the underlying steel, creating a failure. |
Asset Integrity Management | Cathodic Protection
In 2004, a review of the CP system led to a two stage improvement process being implemented.
In 2014, a new impressed current site was installed near Lake Woods (KP823) and the ground bed at Fergusson was refurbished. Due to continual degradation of the yellow jacket coating, continual upgrades to the CP system will be required.
Stage 2 works included an AC mitigation study of the AGP. This study indicated that AC mitigation is required from Townend Road to CIMS and also the length of the Katherine Lateral. The modelling of the effects of these power lines on the AGP is currently underway and required mitigation works are planned for FY16 (pending approval from PWC).
For the recent intelligent pigging inspections of DN300 sections, the GE Length Adaptive Pressure Analysis (LXXX) method was used to perform integrity assessments based on the intelligent pigging data. |
Asset Integrity Management | The 12 kilometre spurline runs from DCG to the CIMS with approximately 600 metres of DN200 pipe installed on the bridge crossing towards the end of the section.
This spurline is subject to the following integrity threats:
External corrosion. The cathodic protection criteria is more stringent for this spurline at -950 mV to Cu/CuSO4 (compared to standard value of -850 mV) due to the possible presence of sulphur reducing bacteria (SRB) in the coastal soils. Intelligent pigging would allow the extent of corrosion, especially at disbonded heat shrink sleeves, to be quantified.
AC corrosion due the vicinity of nearby high voltage power lines (refer also to AC Mitigation works referenced in Section 7.1.2). Intelligent pigging would most likely detect AC corrosion if it is present.
Lightning damage. Significant lightning damage has been found on this spurline and lightning strikes on thinner walled sections have resulted in a loss of containment. Intelligent pigging successfully detects lightning strike defects on pipelines.
A DN350 tool needs around 200 kPa differential pressure to get the pig moving and then 100 kPa differential pressure to keep it moving |
Asset Integrity Management | Electrical and Instrumentation
The sites are generally in good order, however they are not fully compliant with the latest hazardous area legislation.
A hazardous area survey has been completed identifying opportunities for improvement. A risk based equipment upgrade approach will be adopted across all sites.
Lightning strikes on the assets particularly in the northern area are often the cause of equipment damage. RTU and communications equipment are held as spares/inventory. A lightning and earthing study will be performed to identify areas for improvement. Upgrades will be performed at stations in order to reduce the extent of equipment damage from lightning events
An allowance for site batteries and chargers has been made to enable replacement as they fail due to age. An allowance has been made for the replacement of RTUs due to technology upgrades and/or failure due to age. An allowance has been made to replace aged cathodic protection units (CPU). |
Asset Integrity Management | Mechanical
Mechanically the sites are sound; however the Limitorque actuators on the MLVs are obsolete. A phased replacement program is scheduled. The MLV actuator at Tennant Creek is obsolete and will be replaced.
Slops tanks are installed at Darwin City Gate, Pine Creek, Katherine and Tennant Creek to capture hydrocarbon liquids from the filter-separators. These slops tanks have some compliance issues that require rectification. An upgrade of the Darwin City Gate slops was performed in FY15. |
Asset Integrity Management | Scraper Stations
The original below ground station coating at scraper stations and MLVs consists predominantly of coal tar enamel (CTE) and some tape wrap. The condition of the CTE coating is generally poor and a project has commenced to progressively replace the CTE with high build epoxy (HBE). |
Asset Integrity Management | Metering and Quality
There are no current metering issues that are causing billing issues. A number of outlets use orifice meters utilising NX19 calculations which is not considered best practice. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Flowlines
Flowlines are used as part of a crude gathering system in production areas to move produced oil from individual wells to a central point in the field for treating and storage. Flowlines are generally small-diameter pipelines operating at relatively low pressure. Typical in the United States flowlines are between 2 and 4 inches in diameters.
Flowlines typically operate at pressures below 100 psi.
Flowlines are normally made of steel, although various types of plastic have been used in a limited number of applications. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Crude Trunk Lines
Crude is moved from central storage facilities over long-distance trunk lines to refineries or other storage facilities. Crude trunk lines operate at higher pressures than flowlines and could vary in size from 6 inches in diameter to as large as 4 feet, as in the TAPS in Alaska.10 |
Pipeline Construction Project | Product Pipelines
Pipelines carrying products that are liquid at ambient temperatures and pressures do not have to operate at excessive pressures in order to maintain the product in a liquid state. However, liquids that vaporize at ambient temperatures must be shipped at higher pressures. For instance, ethane pipelines can operate at pressures up to 1,440 psi. Product pipelines usually are 12 to 24 inches in diameter, but can be as large as 40 inches in the case of the Colonial Pipeline, which carries gasoline and distillate from the Gulf Coast to northeast markets. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Pumping Stations
The handling and injection of additives, such as for viscosity reduction, often occurs at pump stations. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Valve Manifolds
Valves are installed at strategic locations along the mainline pipe to control flows and pressures within the pipe and to isolate pipe segments in the event of upset or emergency conditions. Regardless of design, all valves require regular monitoring and maintenance. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Valves
Valves located in the mainline must be compatible with pigging equipment |
Pipeline Construction Project | Corrosion Control Systems
Corrosion control of pipeline systems primarily composed of steel and other metals is critical to system integrity. Buried metallic objects will corrode (chemically oxidize) through participation in electrochemical reactions if not adequately protected. Corrosion control is accomplished through a variety of means. In most instances, paints and protective coatings are applied followed by wrapping and taping sections of mainline pipe prior to burial to isolate the metallic pipe and prevent its participation in electrochemical reactions. In addition, cathodic protection is provided through the use of an impressed current or sacrificial anodes to counteract. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Catholic protection involves either the use of an
Impressed current
For impressed-current systems, anodes are buried in the soil proximate to the section of buried pipe being protected. A current is applied to the anodes equivalent to the current that would result from the electrochemical oxidation of the pipe. This current is allowed to flow through the soil to the pipe which then completes the circuit. This impressed current counterbalances the flow of electrons from the pipe to the soil that would otherwise have resulted from the pipes oxidation, thereby canceling that reaction. Impressed-current systems can be monitored from the ground as a demonstration of their continued proper performance. Unless malfunctions occur, impressed-current system components that are buried with the pipe will typically not need replacement for 20 to 25 years, and many last over the lifetime of the pipe.
SCADA systems can be configured to monitor the performance of impressed-current systems.
Alternatively, individuals using monitoring devices can check their performance (i.e., measure the voltage being applied to the pipe) at ground-level monitoring points installed along the length of the pipeline. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Catholic protection involves either the use of an Sacrificial (Galvanic) electrodes.
Composed of magnesium or zinc, both of which corrode more easily than the iron in the pipe, are electrically bonded to and buried alongside of the pipe. Current is allowed to naturally flow from the pipe to the ground; however, it is the zinc or magnesium in the electrodes that looses electrons in the process. Thus, the electrodes are sacrificed to protect the iron pipe. Galvanic electrodes must be replaced periodically. Site-specific conditions of soil moisture and electrical conductivity determine the proper anode replacement intervals. |
Pipeline Construction Project | General Pipeline Design Considerations
The major steps in pipeline system design involve establishment of critical pipeline performance objectives and critical engineering design parameters such as:
Required throughput (volume per unit time for most petroleum products; pounds per unit time for petrochemical feedstocks);
Origin and destination points;
Product properties such as viscosity and specific gravity;
Topography of pipeline route;
Maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP); and
Hydraulic calculations to determine: Pipeline diameter, wall thickness, and required yield strengths; Number of, and distance between, pump stations; and Pump station horsepower required.14 |
Pipeline Construction Project | Pipeline Coating
Protective wrappings, followed by the application of tape to the edges of the spirally applied overlapping wrapping, are often installed on the exterior of the pipe to further assist in corrosion control, but also to primarily protect the pipe from mechanical damage at installation. Wraps and tape often are impregnated with tar or other asphalt-based materials and heated in place once applied, to ensure uniform coverage.
Figure 2.1-1 illustrates installation of an exterior pipe tape wrap prior to the pipes installation in its trench. Other coatings, such as thin-film epoxy and extruded polymers are also used as alternative to wraps and asphaltic coatings. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Methods used to detect product leaks along a pipeline can be divided into two categories,
Externally based (direct)
Externally based methods detect leaking product outside the pipeline, and include traditional procedures such as ROW inspection by line patrols, as well as technologies like hydrocarbon sensing via fibre optic or dielectric cables.
Internally based (inferential).
Internally based methods, also known as computational pipeline monitoring, use instruments to monitor internal pipeline parameters (i.e., pressure, flow, temperature, etc.), which are inputs for inferring a product release by manual or electronic computation (API 1995a).
Pipeline Construction Project | Overpressure Protection
A pipeline operator typically conducts a surge analysis to ensure that the surge pressure does not exceed 110% of the maximum operating pressure (MOP). The pressure-relief system must be designed and operated at or below the MOP except under surge conditions. In a blocked line, thermal expansion is a concern, especially if the line is above ground. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Pumps and Pumping Stations
Desired material throughput values as well as circumstantial factors along the pipeline route are considered in designing and locating pump stations. Desired operating pressures and grade changes dictate individual pump sizes and acceptable pressure drops (i.e., the minimum line pressure that can be tolerated) along the mainline; grade changes also dictate the placements of the pump stations. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Valve Spacing and Rapid Shutdown
The spacings of valves and other devices capable of isolating any given segment of a pipeline are driven by two principal concerns:
Maintaining the design operating conditions of the pipeline with respect to throughput and flexibility and (2) facilitate maintenance or repairs without undue disruption to pipeline operation and rapid shutdown of pipeline operations during upset or abnormal conditions
Valves designed to prevent the backward flow of product in the event of a pump failure (check valves) will also be installed in critical locations. Valves may also be required on either side of an exceptionally sensitive environmental area traversed by the pipeline. Finally, valves will be installed to facilitate the introduction and recovery of pigs for pipeline cleaning and monitoring. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Electrical Interference
The question of the impact of the colocation of metallic pipelines and high-voltage transmission lines can be framed by three broad concepts:
(a) Influence
(b) Coupling
(c) Susceptibility
Other issues that add to the overall impact are identified and discussed below.
Influence can be thought of as the sum total of the magnetic induction and ground-return currents. Coupling can be thought of as the distance between the source of the magnetic induction (power line) and the objects being affected (pipelines). Susceptibility relates to the vulnerability of the induction element (i.e., the metallic pipeline) to induced and ground-return currents.
Colocation may mean that the pipelines are located on an electric utility ROW directly underneath the power lines, usually buried in earth. This is the worse case for the coupling of magnetic induction currents, since the separation between the power line and the pipeline is very small. Thus, the full effect of the magnetic induction from the power line into the pipeline takes place.
The actual installation of the pipeline includes these major steps:
1. Clearing the ROW as needed.
2. Ditching.
3. Stringing pipe joints along the ROW.
4. Welding the pipe joints together.
5. Applying a coating and wrapping the exterior of the pipe (except for the portions of the pipe at each end, which is sometimes coated before being delivered to the job site).
6. Lowering the pipeline into the ditch.
7. Backfilling the ditch.
8. Testing the line for leaks
9. Clean-up and drying the pipeline after testing to prepare it for operation.
10. Reclaiming impacted environmental areas. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Standard pipeline construction is composed of specific activities including survey and staking of the ROW; clearing and grading; trenching; pipe stringing, bending, welding, and lowering-in; backfilling; hydrostatic testing; and cleanup. In addition to standard pipeline construction methods, the pipeline construction contractor would use special construction. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Movement and Staging of Pipeline Components and Construction Equipment
Pipe segments are normally delivered from their point of manufacture by rail to a rail off-loading yard conveniently located to the construction ROW (see Figure 3.3-4). From there, pipe segments are loaded onto flatbed trucks and taken to a material laydown yard that is temporarily maintained in an area close to the construction site (see Figure 3.3-5). Numerous laydown yards may be constructed to support individual pipe construction spreads. A truck typically carries a maximum of 20 pipe segments at a time; however, this varies by pipeline diameter, wall thickness, weight, and pipe stacking method. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Clearing and Grading
The survey crew will carefully survey and stake the construction ROW to ensure that only the preapproved construction workspace is cleared. The clearing and grading crew leads the construction spread. This crew is responsible for removing trees, boulders, and debris from the construction ROW and preparing a level working surface for the heavy construction equipment that follows. Depending on existing soil conditions, this may require bringing in additional materials such as stone and sand to create a temporary work road adjacent to the pipeline.
The clearing and grading crew is also responsible for installation of silt fences along the edges of streams and wetlands as necessary to prevent erosion of disturbed soil. Trees inside the ROW are cut down, roots are excavated; and timber is stacked along the side of the ROW for later removal. Brush is commonly shredded or burned. The amount of clearing required varies widely. Sometimes only one pass down the ROW with a bulldozer is required.
In virtually all circumstances, topsoils and subsoils are separately stockpiled adjacent to the trench. In most instances, the subsoil can be used to backfill the trench once appropriate bedding materials have been placed at the bottom of the trench and the pipe has been installed. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Stringing Pipe Joints along the ROW
Normally, pipe segments are delivered to staging areas closest to the point along the mainline where they will be installed and then subsequently deployed along the ROW. This guarantees that each joint needs only to be moved over to the ditch when it is ready to be welded into the pipeline. Not only does this save cost and time, it also lessens the potential for damage to the pipe before installation. Figure 3.3-7 shows pipe segments being deployed along the ROW in preparation for welding and installation into the trench (not yet constructed in this photograph).
In some rugged locations, pipe segments must be staged on the ROW with helicopters |
Pipeline Construction Project | Pipe Bedding Material
Bedding material must be clean sand or soil and must not contain stones having a maximum dimension larger than 0.5 inch. Material must be placed to a minimum depth of 6 inches under the pipe and 6 inches over the top of the pipe. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Welding Inspection
The most common inspection method relies on radiographic, or X-ray, examination of completed welds. Construction plans specify what type of inspection will be required and what portion of welds must be examined by each method. For instance, it might be specified that where the pipeline traverses open areas, 10% of the welds must be X-rayed, however, where the pipeline passes under railroads, highways, or rivers, all welds must be examined using radiography |
Pipeline Construction Project | Pipe Bending
As welding proceeds along the pipeline, a slight change in direction or a significant change in elevation may require a bend in the pipeline. Many such bends are made by a bending machine on the job site that bends a joint of pipe to the required curvature (see Figure 3.3-11).
Even large-diameter pipe can be accommodated in todays modern bending machines, but it may also be necessary to make some bends in a shop on a special machine. Depending on the diameter and the wall thickness of the pipe, slight changes in elevation may be accommodated by flexing the pipe without the bending machine. Very small changes in direction may sometimes be made by letting the pipe lie to one side of the ditch. But changes in direction or elevation without bending must be small, especially when large-diameter, heavy-wall pipe is being used. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Pipe Coating
If not pre coated at the coating mill, the pipe exterior is coated and wrapped after welding is complete. Coating and wrapping are done using special machines that move along the pipeline ROW. Coal tar enamel is the most common pipeline coating; others include thin-film powdered epoxy and extruded polyethylene. Asphalt enamel and asphalt mastic are also used as pipe coating materials. Tape is then wrapped over this coating to provide additional protection to the pipe and to protect the corrosion coating, especially through rocky areas that might damage the pipe coating.
In some cases, coating and wrapping are yard-applied to the pipe before the pipe is delivered to the job site (see Figure 3.3-12). When this is done, a short distance at each end of the pipe joint is left bare to permit welding. Then those areas are coated and wrapped over the ditch after welding is complete. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Lowering the Pipeline into the Ditch
When the welding and coating are complete, the pipe is suspended over the ditch by sideboom tractors, which are crawler tractors with a special hoisting frame attached to one side.
Then the pipeline is gradually lowered to the bottom of the ditch (lowering in) (see Figure 3.3-13). In rocky soil or solid rock, it is sometimes necessary to put a bed of fine soil in the bottom of the ditch before lowering the pipeline. The fine fill material protects the pipe coating from damage. |
Pipeline Construction Project | Hydrostatic Testing
All newly installed pipelines, including pipe segments that have been replaced in existing pipelines, undergo hydrostatic testing before being put into service. Hydrostatic testing involves isolating that portion of the pipeline undergoing testing, filling it with water, and then pressurizing the line to a specified pressure to check for leaks
U.S. federal safety regulations for pipelines require that pipelines used to transport hazardous or highly volatile liquids be tested at a pressure equal to 125% of the maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) for at least four continuous hours and for an additional four continuous hours at a pressure equal to 110% or more of the MAOP, if the line cannot also be visually inspected for leakage during the test. A batching pig driven ahead of the water is used to remove any air and forms an efficient seal to isolate that portion undergoing testing. Without a pig in downhill portions of the line, the water will run down underneath the air, trapping pockets at the highest points within the pipe.
Temporary connections for filling and draining the pipeline are used, and a pump is used to pressure up the line. Once the specified pressure is attained, the pump is shut off and the static leak test commences. A leak is indicated if the pressure falls over the period of the test.
Once hydrostatic testing is completed, the water is removed and typically delivered to a wastewater treatment facility (e.g., a publicly owned sewage treatment works) for treatment.
While the majority of the water will be removed simply by draining the water at appropriate locations along the segment undergoing a test, some water will still remain and will contaminate the subsequent product unless it is removed. Typically a pig is used that is designed specifically to capture water and deliver it to a point where it can be removed. This dewatering pig serves a dual purpose, removing water and also removing construction debris that may still remain in the pipeline and could be very damaging to downstream pumps.
The water removal process described above is usually sufficient for crude oil and petroleum products. However, for some petrochemical feedstocks that would react adversely with water, additional steps are taken to remove the last vestiges of water before the product is introduced. Super-dry air, methanol, or inert gases such as nitrogen are typically used to flush the pipeline and capture any last remaining amounts of water. |
Industrial Automation | A VFD can be used to vary speed, direction and other parameters of a 3-phase motor. We use the 2-wire method for controlling the speed and direction of the motor. |
Industrial Automation | S7 200 PLC
Ethernet connection for HMI
RS485 using Modbus RTU for SINAMICS V20 (inverter)
100KHz high speed pulse outputs, it can be configured for PWM output or motion control output |
Industrial Automation | Ethernet communication
All the CPU modules are equipped with Ethernet interface, which supports Siemens S7 protocol, can support many terminal connections:
Can be used as the programs downloading port (via general network cable)
Communicate with Simatic Key/touch HMI with Profinet/Ethernet interface, maximally support 8 sets of equipment
Communicate with multiple Ethernet equipment through the switch to achieve fast data communication.
Supports up to 8 active GET/PUT connections and 8 passive GET/PUT connections. |
Industrial Automation | Serial communication
On board RS485 port as well as additional RS232/485 port using CM01 can communicate with the inverter and touch screen and so on third party equipments. Signal board offers configurable RS232/RS485 port, maximally supports for up to 4 devices.
Serial port supports the following protocols:
Modbus RTU
Free port communication (for interconnection with Bar code scanners, weighing scales, serial printers etc.) |
Industrial Automation | Standard type transistor output module CPU, ST30/ST40/ST60 provide three 100 kHz high speed pulse output (ST20 provides two 100 kHz), supports PWM (pulse width modulation) and PTO (pulse train output).
In PWM mode, the cycle of the output pulse is fixed, the pulse width and duty cycle are adjusted by the program, which can adjust the speed of the motor, the opening of valves etc.
In PTO mode (motion control), the output pulse can be configured as multiple modes of operation, including automatically finding the original point, for realising the control of the stepper motor or servo motor, achieving the purpose of speed adjustment and positioning; |
Industrial Automation | The S7-200 SMART CPUs support the use of a microSDHC card for:
User program transfer.
Reset CPU to factory default condition.
Firmware update of the CPU and attached expansion modules as supported |
Industrial Automation | You can use any standard, commercial microSDHC card with a capacity in the range 4GB to 16GB.For detailed information about the software, consult the S7-200 SMART System Manual. |
Industrial Automation | Visualization with User-defined Web
SIMATIC CPUs with PROFINET interface provide the opportunity to access variables of the CPU with the help of web pages provided by the system.
The CPU web server is accessed via a web browser: In addition to the standard mechanisms of the web page such as identification, diagnostic buffer, module status, messages, communication, topology, variable status and table, individual web pages can be designed and called for your particular application.
The web server with the web page is already integrated in the CPU.
To create your individual web page (user-defined web page), you can use any tools such as Microsoft FrontPage, Notepad, etc. For designing your web page, you can use all options provided by HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
In addition, there is a special command syntax (AW P command) for directed communication with the CPU. |
Industrial Automation | Process Data Acquisition and Monitoring SIMATIC S7-1200
Since firmware version V2.0, the development environment for SIMATIC S7-1200 includes the data logging function Data log. With these instructions, the process data can be stored in the flash memory (CPU or memory card) in CSV format. The files are then accessible via the integrated PLC web server and available for analysis, e.g. using Microsoft Excel.
The SIMATIC S7-1200 controller is suitable for routing operations and enables remote access via the Internet. To ensure secure communication we recommend the use of suitable hardware components and connection over a VPN tunnel (VirtualPrivateNetwork).
With the TM_MAIL instruction, e-mails can be sent via an account at an e-mail provider with SMTP server (SimpleMailTransferProtocol). This function is used to issue alarm messages.
The application is implemented with the STEP 7 V11 SP2 Update 5 software and the S7-1200 CPU firmware version V2. |
Industrial Automation | With SIMATIC WinCC, perfect process visualization stands for complete operating and monitoring functionality under Windows for all industry segments ranging from simple single-user systems through to distributed multi-user systems with redundant servers and the structure of a cross-site solution including Web clients. |
Industrial Automation | Application: Connecting and analogue input to a PLC
You want to connect three analog inputs to your station. One of them should have a 2-wire current transducer and the other two should share a 4-wire current transducer.
You have the analog input module SM331, AI8x12 Bit (order number 6ES7 331-7KF02-0AB0) available. The module is diagnostic and hardware interrupt capable and can process up to 8 analog inputs. The module is diagnostic and hardware interrupt capable and can process up to 8 analog inputs (e.g. 4- 20 mA; PT 100; thermocouple). |
Industrial Automation | Components of the SM331
A functional analogy module consists of the following components:
? Module SM331 (in our example 6ES7331-7KF02-0AB0)
? 20-pin front connector there are two different types of front connectors:
With spring contacts (order number 6ES7392-1BJ00-0AA0)
With screw contacts (order number 6ES7392-1AJ00-0AA0) |
Industrial Automation | The benefits of physical signal RS-485 signal to RS-232
Used single supply +5 V, which is used to power most electronic devices, and chips. This simplifies construction and facilitates the coordination of devices.
Signal Transmitter RS-485 to 10 times the signal transmitter, RS-232. This allows you to connect to a single RS-485 transmitter and 32 receivers, and thus to broadcast data.
Use of symmetric signals, which has galvanic isolation with zero potential supply. As a result of possible ingress noise in the zero power cord (as in RS-232). Given the opportunity to work on the transmitter low-resistance load, it becomes possible to use the suppression of common mode noise with the properties of "twisted pair". This significantly increases the communication range. In addition, it is possible to "hot-pluggable device to the communication line (although it does not provide a standard RS-485). Note that the RS-232 hot plug device usually leads to failure of the COM port. |
Industrial Automation | Can anyone point out the differences between Standard RS232 and Modbus RS232?
RS232 is a hardware spec.
Modbus is a communications protocol.
Modbus itself is a software protocol that may use a serial line or TCP. It allows to address up to 254 slave devices. If you use RS232 connections you can only connect 1 master to 1 slave. With RS485 you can connect 1 master with up to 254 slave devices.
In the context of your question, serial is used as both a communication scheme and a description of the physical bus. That is, the chips on either end of the cable/wire use a sequential sequence of bits to exchange data. Commonly "serial" is used to refer to a number of buses that were generally available on PC/AT and compatibles via the "COM" port, generally RS232 and RS485 are included.
Confusingly both the physical interface and the protocol could use a serial communication scheme, or they could be different (e.g. serial data over a parallel link that shifts a byte at a time instead of a bit) so its important to distinguish between the two. A general picture of this difference is given in the OSI model, where every layer can use whatever communication scheme they choose independent of each other
RS232 is a standard that defines a physical communication scheme using a serial connection. Similarly RS485 does the same. Both of these standards dictate the physical serial bus (with voltage levels and timing details) behind the communication scheme (that could be ModBus or a proprietary printer peripheral comm protocol)
Modbus is a standard that only defines a common high level (OSI 7) protocol but leaves the physical details undefined (implementation). Officially can be implemented over TCP/IP or over a serial bus, Modbus is high level protocol and TCP/IP (for example) can be implemented even over carrier pigeon |
Industrial Automation | What are the major differences between using Modbus and Ethernet TCP/IP?
Modbus is a serial protocol. It's good for 9600 baud or 19200 baud. Ethernet is thousands of times faster. Modbus over TCP/IP is actually a protocol called Modbus/TCP. Other than speed, it's more or less a Modbus message encapsulated in an ethernet packet. |
Industrial Automation | Difference between Ethernet and TCP/IP
The short explanation is that they are different levels or layers of a network. Ethernet covers the physical medium plus some low level things like message collision detection. TCP/IP worries about getting a message to where it is going.
TCP/IP is usually found on Ethernet, but it can be used on other networks as well. Also, you can have Ethernet without TCP/IP, and in fact a lot of proprietary industrial networks do exactly that. In addition, you can also run TCP/IP in parallel with other things like UDP on the same Ethernet connection.
Internet Protocol
The Internet protocol suite is the set of communications protocols used for the Internet and similar networks, and generally the most popular protocol stack for wide area networks. It is commonly known as TCP/IP, because of its most important protocols: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP)
It has four abstraction layers, each with its own protocols. From lowest to highest, the layers are:
The link layer (commonly Ethernet) contains communication technologies for a local network.
The internet layer (IP) connects local networks, thus establishing internetworking.
The transport layer (TCP) handles host-to-host communication.
The application layer (for example HTTP) contains all protocols for specific data communications services on a process-to-process level (for example how a web browser communicates with a web server). |
Industrial Automation | Serial Vs Ethernet
In nearly all cases, RS-232 ports their logic-level equivalents transmit individual bytes as they are received from software, and individual incoming bytes available to software as they are received. By contrast, most Ethernet devices will wait until software has supplied an entire packet (between 64 and 1536 bytes) before they begin transmission, and will wait until they have received and validated an entire packet before they make any of it available to software. Although bits and bytes might be sent over the wire serially, software neither knows nor cares. It just knows that some short time after one controller is fed a packet and told to send it, another controller will report that a packet is available, and allow software to read it. |
Industrial Automation | ProfiBus
PROFIBUS is a bi-directional digital communication network for field devices.
Multi-drop network, many devices on one cable
Communicates not only process values but also diagnostics, device parameters, calibration and performance data etc.
PROFIBUS networks make use of three separate layers of the OSI Network model. First, PROFIBUS describes the application layer. There are multiple versions of PROFIBUS that handle different types of messaging at the application layer. Some of the types of messaging PROFIBUS supports include cyclic and acyclic data exchange, diagnosis, alarm-handling, and isochronous messaging. |
Industrial Automation | Connection Technologies
PROFIBUS DP uses 2-core RS485 screened twisted pair wiring.
9-pin sub-D or M12 connectors extensively used
DP can also use plastic or glass fibre optic cabling.
BFOC (ST) connectors widely used
PROFIBUS PA uses Manchester Bus Powered (MBP) cabling over 2 cores.
Glanded screw or M12 connection normally used
PROFINET uses 4-core Ethernet sreened twisted pair cabling
RJ45 or M12 connectors universally used. |
Industrial Automation | Profinet
PROFINET is an open Industrial Ethernet standard developed by the PROFIBUS Organisation.
? is completely standard Ethernet (IEEE802.3).
? operates at 100Mbit/s over twisted-pair copper or fibreoptic cables,
? makes use of TCP/IP and other IT standards for non-realtime communications (i.e. configuration and parameters).
? provides a real-time channel for time-critical communications (i.e. process data)
? PROFINET is NOT PROFIBUS over Ethernet!
? However, PROFINET is well thought out to incorporate the requirements of modern systems based on the lessons learned from PROFIBUS. |
Industrial Automation | OSI reference model
The OSI model is essentially a data communications management structure, which breaks data communications down into a manageable hierarchy of seven layers.
By conforming to the OSI standards, a system is able to communicate with any other compliant system, anywhere in the world.
The OSI model framework specifically and clearly defines the functions or services that have to be provided at each of the seven layers (or levels). |
Industrial Automation | Physical layer
The mechanical and electrical properties of the transmission medium are defined at this level. These include the following:
The type of cable and connectors used. A cable may be coaxial, twisted-pair, or fiber optic. The types of connectors depend on the type of cable.
The pin assignments for the cable and connectors. Pin assignments depend on the type of cable and also on the network architecture being used.
The format for the electrical signals. The encoding scheme used to signal 0 and 1 values in a digital transmission or particular values in an analog transmission depend on the network architecture being used. Most networks use digital signalling, and most use some form of Manchester encoding for the signal. |
Industrial Automation | Protocols
It has been shown that there are protocols operating at layers 2 to 7 of the OSI model. Layer 1 is implemented by physical standards such as RS-232 and RS-485, which are mechanisms for putting the signal on the wire and are therefore not protocols. Protocols are the sets of rules by which communication takes place, and are implemented in software.
Protocols vary from the very simple (such as ASCII based protocols) to the very sophisticated (such as TCP and IP), which operate at high speeds transferring megabits of data per second. There is no right or wrong protocol, the choice depends on a particular application. |
Industrial Automation | RS-232 Interface standard (CCITT V.24 Interface standard)
The RS-232 interface standard was developed for the single purpose of interfacing data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit terminating equipment (DCE) employing serial binary data interchange. In particular, RS-232 was developed for interfacing data terminals to modems. |
Industrial Automation | The RS-232 standard consists of three major parts, which define:
Electrical signal characteristics
Mechanical characteristics of the interface
Functional description of the interchange circuits
Although not specified by RS-232C, the DB-25 connector (25 pin, D-type) is closely associated with RS-232 and is the de facto standard with revision D. |
Industrial Automation | RS-485
RS-485 permits a multidrop network connection on 2 wires and allows reliable serial data communication for:
Distances of up to 1200 m (4000 feet, same as RS-422)
Data rates of up to 10 Mbps (same as RS-422)
Up to 32 line drivers on the same line
Up to 32 line receivers on the same line
The maximum bit rate and maximum length can, however, not be achieved at the same time. For 24 AWG twisted pair cable the maximum data rate at 4000 ft (1200 m) is approximately 90 kbps. The maximum cable length at 10 Mbps is less than 20 ft (6m).
Better performance will require a higher-grade cable and possibly the use of active (solid state) terminators in the place of the 120-ohm resistors.
According to the RS-485 standard, there can be 32 standard transceivers on the network. If more transceivers are required, repeaters have to be used to extend the network. |
Industrial Automation | Modbus
Modbus ® is a transmission protocol (note: a protocol only), developed by Gould Modicon (now Schneider Electric) for process control systems. It is, however, regarded as a public protocol and has become the de facto standard in multivendor integration. In contrast to other buses and protocols, no physical (OSI layer 1) interface has been defined.
Small equipment makers are also aware that they must offer MODBUS with EIA232 and/or EIA485 to sell their equipment to system integrators.
The two transmission modes in which data is exchanged are:
ASCII readable; used, for example, for testing. (ASCII format)
RTU compact and faster; used for normal operation. (Hexadecimal format)
The RTU mode (sometimes also referred to as ModbusB for Modbus Binary) is the preferred Modbus mode. The ASCII transmission mode (sometimes referred to as Modbus-A) has a typical message that is about twice the length of the equivalent RTU message. |
Industrial Automation | DeviceNet
DeviceNet, developed by Allen-Bradley, is a low-level device oriented network based on the CAN (controller area network) developed by Bosch (GmbH) for the automobile industry. It is designed to interconnect lower level devices (sensors and actuators) with higher level devices (controllers).
The variable, multi-byte format of the CAN message frame is well suited to this task as more information can be communicated per message than with bit type systems.
As DeviceNet was designed to interface lower level devices with higher level controllers, a unique adaptation of the basic CAN protocol was developed. This is similar to the familiar poll/response or master/slave technique but still utilizes the speed benefits of the original CAN.
Note that DeviceNet only implements layers 1, 2 and 7 of the OSI model. Layers 1 and 2 provide the basic networking infrastructure, whilst layer 7 provides an interface for the application software. Due to the absence of layers 3 and 4, no routing and end-to-end control is possible |
Industrial Automation | There are two basic styles of DeviceNet connectors that are used for bus and drop line connections in normal, harsh, and hazardous conditions. These are:
An open style connector (pluggable or hard wired)
A closed style connector (mini or micro style)
Pluggable (unsealed) connector
This is a 5 pin, unsealed open connector utilizing direct soldering, crimping, screw terminals, barrier strips or screw type terminations. This type of connector entails removing system power for connection. |
Industrial Automation | Mini (sealed) connector
This 18mm round connector is recommended for harsh environments (field connections).
This connection must meet ANSI/B93.55M-1981. |
Industrial Automation | Signaling
DeviceNet is a two wire differential network. Communication is achieved by switching the CANH wire (white) and the CANL wire (blue) relative to the V wire (black). CANH swings between 2.5VDC (recessive state) and 4.0VDC (dominant state) while CANL swings between 2.5VDC (recessive state) and 1.5VDC (dominant state).
Frame format
The format of a DeviceNet frame is shown here. Note that the data field is rather small (8 bytes) and that any messages larger than this need to be fragmented. |
Industrial Automation | ProfiBus
ProfiBus (PROcess FIeld BUS) is a widely accepted international networking standard, commonly found in process control and in large assembly and material handling machines. It supports single-cable wiring of multi-input sensor blocks, pneumatic valves,complex intelligent devices, smaller sub-networks (such as AS-i), and operator interfaces.
ProfiBus uses 9-Pin D-type connectors (impedance terminated) or 12mm quickdisconnect connectors. The number of nodes is limited to 127. The distance supported is up to 24 Km (with repeaters and fiber optic transmission), with speeds varying from 9600 bps to 12 Mbps. The message size can be up to 244 bytes of data per node per message (12 bytes of overhead for a maximum message length of 256 bytes), while the medium access control mechanisms are polling and token passing. |
Industrial Automation | Foundation Fieldbus
The concept behind Foundation Fieldbus is to preserve the desirable features of the present 420 mA standard (such as a standardized interface to the communications link, bus power derived from the link and intrinsic safety options) while taking advantage of the new digital technologies. |
Industrial Automation | High Speed Ethernet (HSE)
High Speed Ethernet (HSE) is the Fieldbus Foundations backbone network running at 100 Mbits/second. HSE field devices are connected to the backbone via HSE linking devices. A HSE linking device is a device used to interconnect H1 Fieldbus segments to HSE to create a larger network. A HSE switch is an Ethernet device used to interconnect multiple HSE devices such as HSE linking devices and HSE field devices to form an even larger HSE network. |
Industrial Automation | Process Field Bus (PROFIBUS):
The PROFIBUS protocol is based on a token passing procedure used by master stations to grant the bus access to each other, and a master-slave procedure used by master stations to communicate with slave stations. The PROFIBUS token passing procedure uses a simplified version of the Timed-token protocol
Modbus Vs Profibus
Introduction to ModbusModbus is the granddaddy of industrial communication protocols. It was originally designed in the mid-1970s by Modicon as a way to link intelligent devices with PLCs using a simple master/slave concept.
The term Modbus typically refers to one of three related protocols: Modbus
ASCII, Modbus RTU, or Modbus TCP/IP:1
Modbus ASCII was the first Modbus and is a serial protocol, typically running on either the RS-232 or RS-485 physical layer. All slaves are polled on demand by the master, and there is only one master. The message frame can be up to 252 bytes in length, and up to 247 addresses are possible.
Modbus RTU is really just a small variation on the Modbus ASCII protocol. The only difference is in the encoding of the data. ASCII encodes the message in ASCII characters, while RTU uses bytes, thus increasing the protocols throughput.
Modbus TCP/IP was added much later. One simple way of thinking about Modbus TCP/IP is to picture it as simply encapsulating a Modbus RTU packet within a TCP/IP packet. |
Industrial Automation | How Modbus works
As already noted, Modbus is a simple master-slave protocol. The master has full control of communication on the bus, whereas a slave will only respond when spoken to. The master will record outputs and read in inputs from each of its slaves, during every cycle, as shown in Figure 2.
The slave devices do not join the network. They simply respond whenever a master talks to them. If the master never talks to them, then they are idle.
The physical layerModbus ASCII and RTU both typically use either the RS-232 or RS-485 physical layer, but can also use other physical layers such as phone lines or wireless. Recommended Standards (RS) 232 and 485 were established physical layers when Modbus was first developed. RS-232 is for point-to-point, while RS-485 is for multi-drop applications.
In both cases, Modbus did not add any new requirements to these physical layers. This worked, but it has caused a few problems in the case of RS-485. The problem is that the physical layer has a number of variations: 2-wire, 4-wire |
Industrial Automation | Introduction to Profibus
If Modbus is the granddaddy of protocols, then Profibus is the young athlete lean and fast. Profibus was designed in the 1990s to meet all industrial communication needs for both factory and process automation (Figure 6)
As with Modbus, there are a number of terms associated with this protocol: Profibus DP, Profibus PA, Profisafe, Profidrive, and Profinet. |
Industrial Automation | How does Profibus work?
Profibus is also a master-slave type protocol like Modbus (see Figure 2) but with an additional token ring protocol to allow for multiple masters. Also, unlike Modbus, all devices go through a startup sequence during which they join the network. Each slave maintains a failsafe timer. If the master does not talk to it within a certain time limit, the slave goes into a safe state; the master must then go through the startup sequence again before further data exchange can occur.
This, in combination with a watchdog timer in the master, ensures that all communication occurs every bus cycle with a certain time value.
Master A receives the token, which gives it control of the bus. It will then exchange data with each of its slaves, and when complete, pass on the token to the next master (if there is one). Profinet is built on the same principle as Profibus. But unlike Modbus which basically took the Modbus RTU packet and encapsulated it into a TCP/IP packet Profinet was designed to take advantage of Ethernet and permit easy addition of higher-end Profibus functions like Profisafe. |
Industrial Automation | Physical layer
The main physical layer for Profibus DP is based on RS-485, which Modbus uses. However, in the case of Profibus, the Profibus specification does not simply refer to the existing RS-485 specification. Instead, it extends the RS-485 specification. The physical layer was tightened up to require only two wires, with speeds as fast as 12 megabits per second. The Profibus specification also standardized the connectors to be used.
For instrumentation, Profibus PA also has another physical layer called IEC 61158-2, Manchester Encoded, bus-powered, intrinsically safe (MBP-IS).
Profibus noise immunityBoth of Profibus main physical layers (modified RS-485 and MBP-IS) are highly detailed and have excellent noise immunity, proven over and over again at countless sites. Once Profibus is designed and installed properly, it is next to bulletproof.
For example, the output from all Profibus PA transmitters is five bytes long. The first four bytes are the IEEE floating point value of the process variable. The fifth byte is the status byte that indicates whether or not the process variable can be trusted. |
Industrial Automation | Typical applications
Profibus was designed to automate an entire plant, regardless of its size or whether the plant is factory automation (composed of discrete input/output) or process automation (made up of analog input/output). It also does not matter if all the sections are local or remote: Profibus can handle it all well.
Industrial Automation | To review: Profibus vs. Modbus
Modbus is a very simple, easy to use, modem-friendly protocol. However, there is a fair amount of variation in the protocol itself and in its physical layer definition, which creates problems in multi-vendor applications. Profibus is a very robust protocol that was designed to automate entire plants. It works extremely well in multi-vendor applications, with modems, and has detailed diagnostics. |
Industrial Automation | Combined application
One application that is gaining in popularity offers the best of both worlds. This application uses Modbus as the data transport between a master controller/data concentrator and has a remote station that uses Profibus. One example of this application is shown in Figure 9: A small PLC (S7-1200) polls data from some radar units (Sitrans LR250) using Profibus, and passes the information up to the control system using Modbus. |
Industrial Automation | PROFIBUS DP Communication
CM572-DP as PROFIBUS DP Master Class1 (1)
?Profibus DP V0 / V1
?Cyclic user data transfer between DP master of class 1 and DP slaves
?Acyclic data transfer initiated from DP master of class 1 to DP slaves and from master class 2 to master class 1 ?Max nodes per network ?32 subscribers ?126 with repeaters
?Data rate and cable:
?Max RS485 network length (line topology), up to 1200 m at 9.6 kbit/s and up to 100 m at 12 Mbit/s ?2 wires, 9 pole D-Sub connector
?Version for usage in enhanced ambient conditions |
Industrial Automation | PROFIBUS Implementation Step by Step
1. Make PROFIBUS settings in the slaves (hardware) like addresses and if necessary communication parameters
2. In case of non AC500 or non PDP-22 connected slaves copy the GSD file(s) to the hard disk of your Engineering tool
3. Create a software PROFIBUS configuration according to the hardware: define master and select its right slot position in the terminal base. Define slave(s). Configure PROFIBUS addresses and communication parameters for all devices. For I/O slave modules: configure them, if necessary
4. Create an I/O mapping: define symbol names for the slaves data as to be visible in the project
5. Work within your project using variables generated by I/O mapping
6. For diagnosis and additional features use the FBs from the PROFIBUS library
7. Send the configuration (see item 2) to the CM572 acting as the PROFIBUS master
PROFIBUS: Hardware components, fieldbus topology
?Configuration of AC500 with PS501 Control Builder Plus version 2.x
?Configuration with Control Builder Plus
?Programming and download with CoDeSys |
Industrial Automation | SCADA
Advanced HMI - The Free HMI / SCADA Development Package
The AdvancedHMI software allows you to create HMI's that are not possible with other off the shelf packages. The software is based on the .NET framework and uses the popular Visual Studio as its designer (even the free Community Edition). When developing with AdvancedHMI, you are creating a true executable that is blazing fast even on the lowest end hardware. Don't let Visual Studio mislead you into thinking it requires code writing experience because most HMIs are created without writing a single line of code. |
Mining Mobile Equipment | Autonomous haul trucks and loaders: One person alone can already remotely operate a small fleet of these autonomous trucks. Improvements in software are likely to allow this to be performed even more efficiently by algorithm-driven computer programs. Driverless technology can lead to a 15 to 20 per cent increase in output, a 10 to 15 per cent decrease in fuel consumption and an 8 per cent decrease in maintenance costs. |
Mining Mobile Equipment | Autonomous long-distance haul trains: Technologies are being piloted that allow long-haul trains carrying bulk commodities to run fully automated from the mine site to the port. |
Mining Mobile Equipment | Tele-remote ship-loaders: Fitted with video cameras, thermal imagers, lasers and sensors, tele-remote shiploaders are operated from a control room with a line-of-sight view. This type of automotive technology is unlikely to have an adverse net impact on employment, given that the operator is just moved from the cabin of the ship-loader to the control room, but the skill set changes. |
Mining Mobile Equipment | Semi-autonomous crushers, rock breakers and shovel swings: These machines reduce the size of large rocks and scoop up the ore at the location of extraction. The mobile crusher performs two tasks simultaneously as it transfers the crushed rock directly for processing via conveyors, eliminating the need for haul trucks within a mine. |
Mining Mobile Equipment | Automated drilling and tunnel-boring systems: These are used in open-pit mining and exploration activities. One operator can monitor up to five machines from a remote monitoring station. The remote operator needs only an interface with the machine to tell in what order the drill pattern should be drilled. The tunnel-boring machines significantly reduce the time, cost and risks involved to build and expand an underground mine. They are likely to halve the number of contractors involved in drilling and blasting, and those required during the construction phase. |
Mining Mobile Equipment | Automated long-wall plough and shearers: This technology is being implemented in the coal mining sector. Before automation, workers manned the long-wall roof supports on hydraulic jacks, called shields. Similar to the automation of blast-hole drills, remote operation keeps workers out of harms way near the drills and potential falling debris. |
Mining Mobile Equipment | Geographic information systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems: GIS is now commonly used in almost all aspects of mining, from initial exploration to geological analysis, production, sustainability and regulatory compliance. Over time, however, as the use of GIS becomes more evenly dispersed on a global scale, old procedures for mine surveying will become redundant. Automated positioning systems can manage and improve the safe operation of heavy equipment such as dozers, drills, excavators, loaders, scrapers, graders, soil compactors, off road trucks and light vehicles. |
Mining Mobile Equipment | Autonomous equipment monitoring: Using many different technologies, from cameras and thermal imaging to self-aware machinery able to report its progress, equipment monitoring is extremely important, as preventive maintenance workers can make up a large proportion of the workforce on a mine site. |
Mining Mobile Equipment | Programmable logic controllers (PLCs): Flexible PLCs are digital computers that typically automate industrial electromechanical processes and replace relays, timers, counters and sequencers. They are an enabling tool for improved process control. Once installed, they can be reprogrammed to improve the control of processes across the full spectrum of industry activity. This technology is the most crucial in the automation revolution and arguably the most important in taking away semi-skilled onsite jobs. |
Mining Mobile Equipment | Control systems: Offsite control rooms are becoming bigger and more complex as mines become automated. Today, only mining companies with the most advanced technology have control systems that employ a substantial number of workers. |
Mining Mobile Equipment | If you are about to buy or rent a wheel loader, here are some excellent reasons why it should be the Hindustan 2021.
A strong legacy:
Ruling the Indian market for over 30 years now Over 8000 Machines in the field
Reliable, robust and durable design:
30-year old Machines going strong even in tough conditions
Highest Machine availability and utilization:
Over 6000 hours a year
Cost-effective and relevant technology:
Low operating cost
Simple to operate and maintain:
Less training and operator costs
Optimal matching of engine to hydraulic system:
Delivers best performance at lowest fuel burnConsumes 25-30% less fuel than competition
Twin-turbine proven transmission:
Easy to maintain and operateUse just two Forward gears through entire work process
Easy maneuverability:
Through 80 degree steer and 50 degree bucket swing
Great support across the country:
Trained engineers Easily available, low-cost and genuine spares
Good resale value:
And great Return on Investment!
Main specifications:
Operating weight 10940 to 11960 kg Engine Gross power 86 kW (115 hp) Rated Payload 2722 kg |
Mining Mobile Equipment | Tritton Mine
The Tritton Decline mine is a conventional mechanised underground operation utilising
Caterpillar R2900 LHD ( Load Haul Dump Loaders)
Tamrock DD420 60 Jumbos
Drilling jumbos are usually used in underground mining, if mining is done by drilling and blasting. They are also used in tunnelling, if rock hardeness prevents use of tunnelling machines
Atlas Copco M2D Jumbos
Cat 980H and 972 FEL (Front End Loaders)
Sandvik DL420 Production Drills
Designed for vertical & inclined plane rings & fan holes, 360 degrees rotation & full parallel coverage with tilt angle ranges forwards & backwards or long single holes. This machine is fitted with a 1520 drifter, single hole automation, and an air-conditioned cabin.
Drilling range: 89 -127mm holes. Capable of 54m hole length in all directions.
Voltage:1000 V
Normet Charge Up Unit 1610B
Cat IT28Gs (Integrated Tool carrier)
Cat AD55 Trucks (Articulated Dump Trucks) |
Mining Mobile Equipment | Al massane Mine
Category: Underground Drills
Type: Jumbo
Make: Sandvik
Model: DD321-40
Atlas Copco Boomer 104
Boomer 104 is a compact single boom tunneling and mining jumbo designed for drilling narrow tunnel cross sections. This machine has an open cabin, But 4B boom, 1838ME drifter, and a BMH 2000 series split feed. Can be supplied with jaws to facilitate production drilling if required.
Voltage:1000 V
Sandvik Solo 5-5V
Versatile single boom long-hole drill for small and medium scale production in underground mines. Capable of 360 degrees rotation & full parallel coverage with tilt angle ranges forwards & backwards. Fitted with HLX5 drifter and transtronic angle measurement system.
Drilling range: 51 -64mm holes. Capable of 18m hole length in all directions.
Voltage:1000 V
Atlas Copco H1257
Compact design suited for small to medium sized drives. Boom mounted drill rig with 360 degree drilling capability and 10 rod carousel.
Drilling range: 51 to 89mm holes (reaming to 127mm). Capable of 20m hole length in all directions.
Voltage:1000 V
LIEBHERR Wheel loader L544 |