The internationally renowned Cuban artist Kcho is providing the service.
The internationally known Cuban artist Kcho is providing the service.
SeaWorlds shares, which were worth $39 in 2013, were changing hands for just under $18 in August 2015.
SeaWorlds shares, which were worth $39 in 2013, fell to just under $18 in August 2015.
The northern white rhino is the rarest species of African rhino.
The northern white rhino is the rarest kind of African rhino.
The swimming pool is filled with a foot of brackish water and has flowers growing through its tiles.
The swimming pool is filled with dirty water and has flowers growing through its tiles.
To avoid the same fate, hes spending money to build a patio.
To avoid the same problems, hes spending money to build a patio.
Reiss Jenkinson, exhibits keeper at the National Aquarium, said he was absolutely certain Inky had not been taken.
Reiss Jenkinson, a keeper at the National Aquarium, said he was absolutely certain Inky was not stolen.
If we want to save jobs and industries, wherever we are, we might think about supporting them.
If we want to save jobs and industries, we should support them.
Unworried, Geoff Douville says that hes used to noise complaints by now so bring on the ban.
Geoff Douville says that hes used to noise complaints.
Every village is digging a pit just beyond the houses for garbage.
Every village is digging a pit for garbage.
As temperatures climb and oceans warm, tropical and subtropical regions will face sharp changes in annual rainfall, says the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released in Stockholm and published online in September.
As temperatures rise and oceans become warmer, there will be big changes in annual rainfall in tropical and subtropical regions, says the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released in Stockholm and published online in September 2013.
In 2014, 1,215 rhinos were slaughtered for their horns in South Africa.
In 2014, 1,215 rhinos were killed for their horns in South Africa.
Mitchell revealed only the name of the manuscript, From Me Flows What You Call Time, during a ceremony in the Norwegian woods next to where Patersons 1,000 trees are planted.
Mitchell revealed only the name of the manuscript, From Me Flows What You Call Time, during a ceremony in the Norwegian woods next to where the 1,000 trees are planted.
You could put it on top of shopping malls.
You could put the mirrors on top of shopping malls.
On cloud nine Most of us are happy to label clouds fluffy ones or nasty black ones, but meteorologists identify more than 50 cloud types based on shape and altitude.
On cloud nine Most of us are happy to call clouds fluffy ones or nasty black ones, but there are more than 50 cloud types.
Alexs vision, energy and ability have built teams both on and off the pitch that his successor can count on as among the best and most loyal in world sport.
Alexs vision, energy and ability have built teams that are some of the best and most loyal in world sport.
La Premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt tells the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books lead male character thinks it is Johansson herself.
La premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt is the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books main male character thinks she is Johansson.
Can false memories be artificially created?
Can we create false memories?
I said this just the other day to a big fat man.
I said this the other day to a big fat man.
Im a romantic at heart.
Im a romantic.
Speaking at the same meeting, Derrick Taff, a social scientist at Pennsylvania State University, described preliminary experiments which suggest that listening to recordings from national parks, of waterfalls, birdsong and wind, helped people recover from stressful events.
Speaking at the same meeting, Derrick Taff, a social scientist at Pennsylvania State University, said that listening to recordings from national parks, of waterfalls, birdsong and wind, helped people feel less stressed.
It still means fasting for some 18 hours a day, said Atif Jilani, who moved to Iqaluit from Toronto in 2015.
They still have to fast for around 18 hours a day, said Atif Jilani, who moved to Iqaluit from Toronto.
I want to work but theres no work to be done.
Vallone says, I want to work but theres no work.
However, we are disappointed with the decision to reject the proposal to regulate nicotine-containing products (NCPs), including e-cigarettes, as medicines.
But we are disappointed with the decision not to regulate nicotine-containing products (NCPs), including e-cigarettes, as medicines.
She said closing tax havens, which the Tax Justice Network says hold as much as $31 trillion, or as much as a third of all global wealth, could yield $189bn in additional tax revenues.
She said closing tax havens, which hold as much as $31 trillion, or as much as a third of all global wealth, could collect $189bn in additional taxes.
At least, it doesnt if youre breath-holding on land.
At least, it doesnt if youre doing it on land.
Smokers are the key group for e-cigarette rms because seven out of ten vapers are smokers.
Smokers are the key group for e-cigarette companies because seven out of ten vapers are smokers.
More difficult still could be navigating the legal permissions to copy and store software before it dies.
It could be even more difficult to get the legal permissions to copy and store software before it dies.
Some, such as Awan a father of two young children, including a 12-yearold who recently started fasting follow the timings of Mecca.
Some follow the timetable of Mecca, for example Awan, a father of two young children, including a 12-year-old who recently started fasting.
Early on Saturday morning, he reached the summit of Nuptse, the first and lowest of the three main summits in the Everest horseshoe that surrounds the glaciated valley called the Western Cwm.
Early on Saturday morning, he reached the summit of Nuptse, the first of the three main summits in the Everest horseshoe.
For example, it would make life difficult, if not impossible, in much of the tropics and would guarantee the eventual melting of the Greenland ice sheet and some of the Antarctic ice sheet, with sea levels rising by many metres as a result.
For example, it would make life difficult, if not impossible, in much of the tropics and it would guarantee the eventual melting of the Greenland ice sheet and some of the Antarctic ice sheet.
He was very friendly, very inquisitive and a popular attraction here.
He was very friendly and a popular attraction here.
The worst transport problems were in Natal, where bus drivers have been on strike since 12 June.
The worst transport problems were in Natal, where bus drivers were on strike.
I can average around 60 in tips per shift but, on a good night, this goes up to over 100 and, on a poor night, its around 40.
On a good night, this goes up to over 100 and, on a poor night, its around 40.
Deep in its eastwest valley, surrounded by high mountains, Rjukan and its 3,400 inhabitants are in shadow for half the year.
Deep in its eastwest valley, with high mountains all around, Rjukan and the 3,400 people who live there are in shadow for half the year.
We allow this to happen online so why not of ine?
We allow this to happen online so why not in shops?
A British woman, Lauren Pears, raised 100,000 to open a cat caf in London through the site.
A British woman made 100,000 to open a cat caf in London through the site.
She said closing tax havens, which the Tax Justice Network says hold as much as $31 trillion, or as much as a third of all global wealth, could yield $189bn in additional tax revenues.
She said closing tax havens, which hold as much as $31 trillion, or as much as a third of all global wealth, could collect $189bn in additional taxes.
The best technology in the world will be used here, Fernandez insisted.
They will use the best technology in the world here, Fernandez said.
Some danced, some posed for photos, some drank, but mostly they just walked and talked football, waiting for the next game to begin on the nearby FanFest big screen.
Some danced, some took photos, some drank, but mostly they just walked and talked about football, waiting for the next game to begin on the big screen nearby.
Solar energy will make up a third of Moroccos renewable energy supply by 2020, with wind and hydro taking the same share each.
Solar energy will make up a third of Moroccos renewable energy supply by 2020.
We are all in favour of anything that makes the referees job better and makes them more effective on the field of play, says Riley.
It makes the referees job better and makes them more effective on the field of play, says Riley.
La Premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt tells the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books lead male character thinks it is Johansson herself.
La premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt is the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books main male character thinks she is Johansson.
A few weeks earlier, Riley, Dunn and another former referee, Peter Jones, made their way to another level-5 match to monitor another referee tipped to progress John Brooks.
A few weeks earlier, Riley, Dunn and another former referee, Peter Jones, went to another level-5 match to check another young referee John Brooks.
Without their contribution, the history of this great club would not be as rich.
Without them, the history of this great club would not be as rich.
Weve only been tracking vaping for just over a year, so its a short time period, but we are not seeing growth in the number of long-term ex-smokers or never smokers using e-cigarettes.
Weve only been studying vaping for just over a year, so its a short time period, but we are not seeing growth in the number of long-term ex-smokers or never smokers using e-cigarettes.
A DNA test was done and it was found it was not his baby and not her baby.
They found that it was not his baby and not her baby.
The first three repetitions will feel easy but the last two will feel impossibly hard.
The first three repetitions will feel easy but the last two will feel impossible.
If you had to build a visitor attraction from scratch, what could be better than the universe?
If you had to build a visitor attraction from the beginning, what could be better than the universe?
At the Island Bay Marine Education Centre in Wellington, an octopus was found to be in the habit of visiting another tank overnight to steal crabs, then returning to its own.
At the Island Bay Marine Education Centre in Wellington, an octopus visited another tank every night to steal crabs, then return to its own tank.
If we have to pay a tax of 23%, Im sorry to say it but we will all die on the island, says Kakali.
If we have to pay a tax of 23%, we will all die on the island, says Kakali.
grins Ingrid Sparbo, disbelievingly, lifting her face to the light and closing her eyes.
says Ingrid Sparbo she lifts her face to the light and closes her eyes.
He once explained that his guitar technique was partly based on his lack of skill: I started to bend notes because I could never play in the bottleneck style, like Elmore James and Booker White.
He once explained that his guitar technique was partly the result of his lack of skill: I started to bend notes because I could never play in the bottleneck style.
It was a real adventure.
It was an adventure.
On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots activated by family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots used for family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
A British woman, Lauren Pears, raised 100,000 to open a cat caf in London through the site.
A British woman made 100,000 to open a cat caf in London through the site.
Industries where employers were most likely to report at least one person on a zero-hours contract were hotels, catering and leisure (48%), education (35%) and healthcare (27%).
Industries where employers were most likely to have at least one person on a zero-hours contract were hotels, catering and leisure (48%), education (35%) and healthcare (27%).
Its inventors, Bob Gable and his brother Kirkland, were later horrifi ed that the tag had become a form of control and punishment.
Its inventors, Bob Gable and his brother Kirkland, were later horrifi ed that the tag became a form of control and punishment.
On average, they did not enjoy the experience.
Most of them did not enjoy the experience.
The best technology in the world will be used here, Fernandez insisted.
They will use the best technology in the world here, Fernandez said.
And, then, there is the isolation being in the 1%, it turns out, can be lonely.
And, then, there is the isolation being in the 1% can be lonely.
Forcing people outside the bar to smoke is going to exacerbate the tension thats already there.
If they force people outside the bar to smoke, it is going to increase the tension thats already there.
The first inkling of an artwork Andersen called the Solspeil, or Sun mirror, came to him as the month of September began to fade: Every day, we would take our young child for a walk in the buggy, he says, and, every day, I realized we were having to go a little further down the valley to find the sun.
Andersen had the idea for an artwork he calls the Solspeil, or Sun mirror, at the end of September one year: Every day, we took our young child for a walk, he says, and, every day, I realized we had to go a little further down the valley to find the sun.
I felt that people were looking at me in the wrong way, I began to struggle with loud noises and I suffered from memory loss.
I felt that people were looking at me in the wrong way, I began to have problems with loud noises and I suffered from memory loss.
Quali cations: To dive offshore, you must have diving-inspection and medical-technician quali cations.
Quali cations: To dive offshore, you must have diving quali cations.
Singh, a 42-year-old salesman, and his friends are far from alone.
Singh, a 42-year-old salesman, and his friends are not alone.
An overwhelming majority of 91% post a photo of themselves, 71% post the city or town where they live, up from 61%, more than half give email addresses and a fth give their phone number.
Ninety-one per cent post a photo of themselves, 71% post the city or town where they live, more than half give email addresses and a fth give their phone number.
The results revealed that a childs month of birth could make signi cant differences to their levels of cardiovascular tness, muscle strength and ability to accelerate, all of which predict how good someone is at sport, in which such attributes are vital.
The results showed that a childs month of birth could make big differences to their levels of tness, muscle strength and ability to accelerate, all of which predict how good someone is at sport.
His 91st birthday was marked by the first annual Mandela Day in his honour.
Mandelas 91st birthday was celebrated by the first annual Mandela Day in his honour.
The NSA access was enabled by changes to US surveillance law, introduced under President Bush and renewed under Obama in December 2012.
Changes to US surveillance law, introduced under President Bush and renewed under Obama in December 2012, made it possible for the NSA to access the information.
But, in that fi rst journalism job, getting the numbers wrong didnt always add up to failure.
But, in that fi rst journalism job, getting the numbers wrong didnt always mean failure.
What is more, there were no dates in his calendar of events he personally had to attend.
Also, there were no dates in his calendar of events he had to attend.
So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we happen to have in our mind with bad or good high-variance ongoing events.
So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we have in our mind with bad or good events.
Around the rainbow Theres no better place to see a rainbow than from a plane.
Around the rainbow The best place to see a rainbow is from a plane.
The chance to click on international news websites, communicate with friends and family overseas and use sites like Facebook and Twitter has created a massive buzz.
The chance to visit international news websites, communicate with friends and family overseas and use sites like Facebook and Twitter has created a lot of excitement.
Even worse, victims were piled too high in my stories almost 83 dead in a fi re at 6pm turned out to be as few as 38 by 7pm; 12 people injured in a coach crash soon became two and so it went on.
Even worse, there were too many victims in my stories 83 dead in a fi re at 6pm become 38 dead by 7pm; 12 people injured in a coach crash soon became two and so it went on.
There may also be claims from Malaysia, where large numbers of people were detained during the 12-year war with communist insurgents and their supporters that began in 1948.
There may also be claims from Malaysia, where large numbers of people were put in prison during the 12-year war with communist fighters and their supporters that began in 1948.
But the president made clear he did not expect another bitter budget fight and shutdown in 2014.
But the president made clear that he did not expect another serious budget fight and shutdown in 2014.
In London, they are also creating a 37-screen pop-up cinema, one screen to showcase each of Shakespeares plays, along the South Bank.
In London, they are also creating a 37-screen pop-up cinema, one screen to show each of Shakespeares plays.
Whales are not usually located right next to ships and so would be subjected to noise of about 60 to 90 decibels around the level of a lawnmower or a vacuum cleaner.
Whales are not usually right next to ships and so would hear noise of about 60 to 90 decibels around the level of a vacuum cleaner.
Here, at the central African countrys rst ice- cream parlour, customers can buy scoops in sweet cream, passion fruit, strawberry and pineapple avours.
Here, at the central African countrys rst ice-cream shop, customers can buy ice cream in sweet cream, passion fruit, strawberry and pineapple avours.
I asked how she did it: very slow breathing for several minutes prior to each dive, then a big, deep breath before diving in.
I asked how she did it: very slow breathing for several minutes before each dive, then a big, deep breath before diving in.
Here, at the central African countrys rst ice- cream parlour, customers can buy scoops in sweet cream, passion fruit, strawberry and pineapple avours.
Here, at the central African countrys rst ice-cream shop, customers can buy ice cream in sweet cream, passion fruit, strawberry and pineapple avours.
Communication between riders and drivers, between different vehicles and between cars and infrastructure is bringing transportation into a new era, according to Allan Clelland, an expert on transportation technology.
Communication between riders and drivers, between different vehicles and between cars and infrastructure is bringing transportation into a new era.
Kelley says the working day should be more forgiving of our natural rhythms.
Kelley says the working day should be more linked to our natural rhythms.
The charity National Trust, which employs many of its seasonal workers on zero-hours contracts, said it offered the same pay and bene ts to those workers, pro rata, as full-time staff, but needed some workers to be on a more exible arrangement.
The charity National Trust, which employs many of its seasonal workers on zero-hours contracts, said it gives the same pay and bene ts to workers on zero-hours contracts as to full-time staff.
Youve lost them in Spain, in Bali; tell me where you havent lost them, said Abdullah.
Youve lost them in Spain, in Bali, said Abdullah.
It is not as if you can argue to the politicians that wolves are a big tourist attraction.
You cant say to the politicians that wolves are a big tourist attraction.
Tourist numbers are down 80% this year, said Mayor Maria Kakali, in an of ce in the village where she grew up, home to around 200 people.
Tourist numbers have reduced by 80% this year, said Mayor Maria Kakali, in an of ce in the village where she grew up.
As soon as the children at one primary school in Stirling hear the words daily mile, they down their pencils and head out of the classroom to start running laps around the school eld.
As soon as the children at a primary school in Stirling, Scotland, hear the words daily mile, they leave the classroom and start running around the school eld.
Electric bikes are different from motorcycles or mopeds, which rely on motorized power; they are bicycles that can be pedalled with or without assistance from an electric motor.
Electric bikes are different from motorcycles or mopeds, which use motors; you pedal an electric bike with or without help from an electric motor.
Elle, 22, Edinburgh: We never know whether its fair Average tips: 20 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... France I work three jobs, all on part-time zero-hours contracts, in catering and hospitality.
Elle, 22, Edinburgh: We never know whether its fair Average tips: 20 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... France I have three part-time jobs.
Getting older doesnt have to mean getting lonelier, says Ruth Sutherland, the chief executive of the relationship counselling service Relate, in a new report.
Getting older doesnt have to mean getting lonelier, says Ruth Sutherland, the chief executive of the relationship counselling service Relate.
The gap in physical prowess between children in the same class but born in different months was sometimes very wide.
The gap in physical ability between children in the same class but born in different months was sometimes very wide.
Lost Loves Douville, though, feels the ban to be a great business opportunity.
But Douville feels the ban could be a great business opportunity.
And with no friends accounts to follow online, he has to pick up the phone and call them, something hes come to de nitely enjoy.
And with no friends to follow online, he has to pick up the phone and call them, something he now enjoys.
Have you ever used pink slime in your burgers?
Someone asked Have you ever used pink slime in your burgers?
Kosuke Morita, who led the research at RIKEN, said his team now planned to look to the uncharted territory of element 119 and beyond.
Kosuke Morita, who led the research at RIKEN, said his team now planned to look to element 119 and beyond.
Ever since it introduced $2 items on its dollar menu, it has gained a reputation for being more expensive than its rivals, while many consumers complain that service is slower.
But, since it introduced $2 items on its dollar menu, people think it is more expensive than its rivals and many consumers complain that service is slower.
Can it actually make the streets more dangerous?
Can it make the streets more dangerous?
Patagonia is a relevant region for the countrys economy because it has oil, fishing, mining and agriculture resources.
Patagonia is an important region for the countrys economy because it has oil, fishing, mining and agriculture resources.