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The way clouds affect global warming has been the biggest mystery surrounding future climate change.
| The way clouds affect global warming has been the biggest mystery in the study of future climate change.
And I just thought: You shouldnt be ashamed of this.
| And I thought: You shouldnt be ashamed of this.
He claims that he hasnt seen any effect at this point.
| He says that he hasnt seen any effect at this point.
So many of the people I work with dont have the means to have a balanced protein diet and fish is such a clean source of protein it doesnt cause health problems like other sources, and it is something we can farm.
| So many of the people I work with dont have the money to have a balanced protein diet and fish is such a clean source of protein it doesnt cause health problems like other sources and it is something we can farm.
People have been digging metals and ores here since Roman times, after all.
| People have mined metals here since Roman times.
I wrote a real love story and a homage to feminine beauty, especially interior beauty.
| I wrote a real love story about womens beauty, especially interior beauty.
Another, outside Royal Mansion, declined to say if anyone was home, while a member of staff at another mansion simply warned the Guardian about the guard dogs.
| Another guard outside Royal Mansion would not say if anyone was home and a member of staff at another mansion warned the Guardian about the guard dogs.
On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots activated by family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
| On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots used for family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
In the Philippines, older people have benefited from the educational reforms introduced after independence in 1946, which made elementary and high school education compulsory.
| In the Philippines, the educational reforms introduced after independence in 1946 have helped older people elementary and high school education became compulsory.
The charity National Trust, which employs many of its seasonal workers on zero-hours contracts, said it offered the same pay and bene ts to those workers, pro rata, as full-time staff, but needed some workers to be on a more exible arrangement.
| The charity National Trust, which employs many of its seasonal workers on zero-hours contracts, said it gives the same pay and bene ts to workers on zero-hours contracts as to full-time staff.
His article comes after music industry leaders met British Prime Minister David Cameron in Downing Street, where the issue of web piracy was discussed.
| His article comes after music industry leaders met British Prime Minister David Cameron in Downing Street to discuss the issue of web piracy.
He cautioned that the false memories created in the mice in the experiments were far simpler than the complex false memories that have generated controversy within psychology and psychiatry for example, false memories of childhood sexual abuse, or even memories for bizarre ritualized satanic abuse, abduction by aliens, or past lives.
| He warned that the false memories created in the mice in the experiments were far simpler than the complex false memories people have, such as false memories of childhood sexual abuse, abduction by aliens, or past lives.
How does he feel watching football on TV when a referee gets vilified?
| How does he feel when he watches football on TV and a referee is attacked?
Back in 2005, when BlackBerry brought instant messaging to the mobile phone, the company was just entering its boom times.
| In 2005, BlackBerry brought instant messaging to the mobile phone and the company was just entering its period of success.
Bar customers are encouraged to come ll out a form or call 311 and to include date-and-time-stamped photographs documenting illegal smoking.
| Bar customers must ll out a form or call 311 and include photographs of illegal smoking.
That same day, he climbed up to the summit of Everest itself, reaching the top in complete darkness early on Sunday.
| Later that day, he climbed to the summit of Everest, and reached the top in complete darkness early on Sunday.
In a three-year period, the number of paying subscribers rose from 8 million to 28 million, according to the 2014 digital music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
| In three years, the number of paying subscribers rose from 8 million to 28 million, according to the 2014 digital music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
Apple is good at mainstreaming products but its not that good.
| Apple is good at making products go mainstream but its not that good.
It was very surprising, Erdmann, 62, said, recalling how she found out about the bottle.
| It was very surprising, Erdmann, 62, said, when she described how she found out about the bottle.
The MEPs voted to put health warnings on 65% of each cigarette pack, as opposed to a proposed 75%.
| The MEPs voted to put health warnings on 65% of each cigarette pack.
They have got tipping right in Italy, where people dont add a service charge but usually round up their bill so, if they get a meal for 19, they leave a 20 note and dont ask for change.
| They have got tipping right in Italy, where customers dont add a big tip but usually round up their bill so, if their meal is 19, they leave a 20 note and dont ask for change.
To succeed as a race engineer, you need ... to be able to deal with pressure.
| To succeed as a race engineer, you need ... to be able to work under pressure.
British people think the top 1% wealthiest households own 59% of their countrys wealth, when they actually only own 23%.
| British people think the richest 1% own 59% of their countrys wealth, when they actually only own 23%.
He didnt want to risk leaving the US it was him, not Elvis, said Goldsmith.
| He didnt want to risk leaving the US, said Goldsmith.
Footage showed frightened Japanese supporters rushing from the area holding their children, as the sound of shots perhaps rubber bullets or tear gas was heard.
| Frightened Japanese supporters ran from the area holding their children, when they heard shots perhaps rubber bullets or tear gas.
However, ACEA fully accepts that RDE will apply to new types of cars from September 2017.
| But ACEA fully accepts that the regulation will apply to new types of cars from September 2017.
Can false memories be artificially created?
| Can we create false memories?
Retailer Sports Direct recently became the focus of controversy on zero-hours when it emerged that the company employs around 20,000 of its 23,000 staff on the contracts.
| The retail company Sports Direct employs around 20,000 of its 23,000 staff on zero-hours contracts.
It has been the greatest experience of my working life being alongside Alex and a great honour to be able to call him a friend.
| Working with Alex has been the greatest experience of my working life and it is a great honour to be able to call him a friend.
It means that the arrest of the gang leaders has been nullified because it has not had a long-term effect.
| It means that the arrest of the gang leaders has no long-term effect.
Until now, the differences between commercial, governmental and other types of identity were easily distinguished in every internet address by .com, .gov and 20 other categories.
| Until now, the differences between commercial, governmental and other types of identity were easy to see in every internet address by the use of .com, .gov and 20 other categories.
According to the study, those born in the 1990s are making 4% fewer car trips and travelling 18% fewer miles per year, on average, than members of previous generations did at the same stage in their lives.
| According to the study, people born in the 1990s are making 4% fewer car trips and travelling 18% fewer miles per year, on average, than older generations did at the same time in their lives.
The Mesolithic man, who lived in Spain around 7,000 years ago, had an unusual mix of blue eyes, black or brown hair and dark skin, according to analyses of his genetic make-up.
| The Mesolithic man, who lived in Spain about 7,000 years ago, had an unusual mix of blue eyes, black or brown hair and dark skin.
His billing, The Beale Street Blues Boy, was shortened to Blues Boy King and thence to BB.
| He was known as The Beale Street Blues Boy but this was shortened to Blues Boy King and then to BB.
Schools should teach navigation and map reading as life skills, he wrote.
| Schools should teach navigation and map reading, he wrote.
Chinese inequality levels are now similar to those in South Africa, which is now the most unequal country on Earth and significantly more unequal than at the end of apartheid.
| Chinese inequality levels are now similar to those in South Africa, which is now the most unequal country on Earth.
A modest cultural centre in the capital city, Havana, has suddenly become a rare source of free wi-fi.
| A small cultural centre in the capital city, Havana, has suddenly become a rare source of free wi-fi.
Its four years later: you can understand she doesnt want to give up her baby.
| She wants the baby back, but its four years later: you can understand that the other mother doesnt want to give up her baby, Strydom said.
In other words, do not go trekking near the border that separates the Indian and Pakistani controlled parts of J&K.
| In other words, do not go trekking near the border that separates the Indian and Pakistani parts of Kashmir.
Smoker Neil Timms owns an English pub and met the smoking ban before, in England.
| Neil Timms owns an English pub and saw a smoking ban before, in England.
After doing work experience at Chelsea during her compatriot Jos Mourinhos first stint as manager of the club between 2004 and 2007, she was reportedly described as Mourinho in a skirt.
| After doing work experience at Chelsea during Jos Mourinhos first time as manager of the club between 2004 and 2007, people described her as Mourinho in a skirt.
We want everyone to be who he and she is whether they are gay and lesbian or stand up to violence and are then victims of harassment.
| We want everyone to be who he and she is whether they are gay and lesbian or try to stop violence and are then victims of harassment.
The head of Swedens prison and probation service, Nils Oberg, announced in November 2013 that four Swedish prisons are to be closed due to an out of the ordinary decline in prisoner numbers.
| The head of Swedens prison and probation service, Nils Oberg, said in November 2013 that four Swedish prisons will close because of an out of the ordinary drop in the number of prisoner.
But meat and fish expensive, luxury products in Liberian markets but essential sources of protein remained elusive.
| But he could not afford meat and fish expensive, luxury products in Liberian markets but essential sources of protein.
Meanwhile, the challenge continues to grow.
| But the challenge continues to grow.
We as a society want to defend them.
| We want to defend them.
It felt pretty hot, like youre dancing in a frying pan or something like that, she said.
| Victoria Azarenka said, It felt pretty hot, like youre dancing in a frying pan or something like that.
Finnish mobilephone company Nokia dropped 41 places to 98th at $4.1bn, just ahead of Nintendo in 100th place (down 33).
| Finnish mobile-phone company Nokia dropped 41 places to 98th at $4.1 billion, just ahead of Nintendo in 100th place (down 33).
Whereas, in Silicon Valley, everyone is from everywhere.
| But, in Silicon Valley, everyone is from everywhere.
You also need a strong sense of personal ethics and an understanding of the law.
| You also need to have strong personal ethics and to understand the law.
Concrete blast barriers often painted in the Syrian flags black, red and white now protect official premises, not just the military or defence installations that are obvious targets.
| Concrete barriers often painted in the Syrian flags black, red and white now protect official buildings, not just the military or defence installations that are obvious targets.
Redmond says the mouthpiece feels similar to using a snorkel.
| Redmond says the mouthpiece feels similar to a snorkel.
Away from their phones, 12- to 15-year-olds have a very different relationship with other media, too.
| When they are not using their phones, 12- to 15-year-olds have a very different relationship with other media, too.
The project is a key plank in Moroccos ambitions to use its untapped deserts to become a global solar superpower.
| The project is a key part of Moroccos plans to use its deserts to become a global solar superpower.
The researchers found much higher levels of cadmium, a toxic metal, in conventional crops.
| The researchers also found much higher levels of cadmium, a toxic metal, in regular crops.
What is societys attitude concerning the acceptability of certain forms of violence against women?
| In some societies, are certain forms of violence against women acceptable?
How quickly things change.
| But things change very quickly.
The main goal of the 6,000-nautical-mile (11,000km) trip was to deliver a special message to the World Parks Congress.
| The main aim of the 11,000km trip was to deliver a special message to the World Parks Congress.
The retailers use of the contracts was followed by details of a string of other companies using the deals, including cinema chain Cineworld and Buckingham Palace, which uses them for its 350 summer workers.
| Other companies using the contracts include cinema chain Cineworld and Buckingham Palace, which uses the contracts for its 350 summer workers.
The number of people who would enjoy coming out to our bar, with our food, but would never come because they didnt want to smell like smoke for the next seven days were now an option for all those people.
| There are lots of people who would enjoy coming to our bar but they never came because they didnt want to smell like smoke for the next seven days now, those people can come.
The site has come at an opportune time for the country of five million people.
| The site has come at the right time for the country of five million people.
Even though classmates post about parties and events on Facebook, they make sure to send him a text message, too, he said.
| His classmates post about parties and events on Facebook but they send him a text message, too, he said.
Theres less water for agriculture and less water for all the new lodges that are getting built.
| Theres less water for agriculture and less water for all the new lodges that they are building.
Whenever I hear someone saying, Oh, I cant lose weight, I say: Sellotape.
| When I hear someone say, Oh, I cant lose weight, I say: Sellotape.
Three cameras attached to Baumgartners suit recorded his free-fall of just over four minutes which failed to break the existing free-fall record for duration and then the parachute opening.
| Three cameras, which were attached to Baumgartners suit, recorded his free-fall of just over four minutes and then the parachute opening.
But many of the other injuries were after death, suggesting a gruesome ritual on the battlefield and as the kings body was brought back to Leicester, as he was stripped, mocked and mutilated.
| But many of the other injuries were after death, which suggests that the kings naked body was mutilated as it was brought back to Leicester.
Each year, 1.3bn tonnes of food, about a third of all that is produced, is wasted, including about 45% of all fruit and vegetables, 35% of sh and seafood, 30% of cereals, 20% of dairy products and 20% of meat.
| This includes about 45% of all fruit and vegetables, 35% of sh and seafood, 30% of cereals, 20% of dairy products and 20% of meat.
The thought of children across the country running every day because of something weve done is phenomenal.
| The thought of children across the country running every day because of something weve done is amazing.
5 Facebook makes news, breaks news and decides what is news Roughly 71% of 18- to 24-year-olds say the internet is their main news source and 63% of users overall, according to the Pew Research Center.
| 5 Facebook makes news, breaks news and decides what is news About 71% of 18- to 24-year-olds and 63% of all users say they get news from the internet.
But, like many fans, they said they loved the atmosphere, if not the logistics, of this tournament which has got off to a spectacular start on the pitch.
| But, like many fans, they said they loved the atmosphere of this tournament, which has had a spectacular start.
Bar customers are encouraged to come ll out a form or call 311 and to include date-and-time-stamped photographs documenting illegal smoking.
| Bar customers must ll out a form or call 311 and include photographs of illegal smoking.
The industry accepts individuals with a very wide range of academic quali cations and skills.
| The industry accepts people with a very wide range of quali cations and skills.
Most in Iqaluit adhere to the timetable followed by Muslims in Ottawa, some 1,300 miles south of the city following the advice of Muslim scholars who have said Muslims in the far north should observe Ramadan using the timetable of Mecca or the nearest Muslim city.
| This follows the advice of Muslim scholars who have said Muslims in the far north should observe Ramadan using the timetable of Mecca or the nearest Muslim city.
The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families were informed and were delighted with the news that Her Royal Highness and her child were both doing well.
| The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families were delighted with the news that Her Royal Highness and her child were both doing well.
One major problem is maintaining radio contact with a drone and planning for what happens if that contact breaks.
| One big problem is keeping radio contact with a drone and planning for what happens if that contact breaks.
The researchers found much higher levels of cadmium, a toxic metal, in conventional crops.
| The researchers also found much higher levels of cadmium, a toxic metal, in regular crops.
Its things like that the hospital where your first child was born, for example that are important to peoples sense of identity and all thats going to disappear.
| Its things like that the hospital where your first child was born, for example that are important to people and all thats going to disappear.
On a canoe, you are not just going from one destination to another using the stars, the moon, the sun and the birds.
| On a canoe, you are not just going from one place to another using the stars, the moon, the sun and the birds.
To be able to dispose of the bombs safely, youll also need an explosive ordnance disposal quali cation and years of experience.
| To be able to dispose of the bombs safely, youll also need a special quali cation and years of experience.
Now, I hope, men and women who want to start a family but havent met the right person yet will have another option, says Limal.
| Now, I hope, men and women who want to start a family but havent met the right person yet will have another choice, says Limal.
Most winners (59%) give up work straight away, but 19% carry on doing the day job and 31% do unpaid voluntary work.
| Most winners (59%) give up work straight away, but 19% carry on working and 31% do unpaid voluntary work.
I can average around 60 in tips per shift but, on a good night, this goes up to over 100 and, on a poor night, its around 40.
| On a good night, this goes up to over 100 and, on a poor night, its around 40.
Think of that next time you pour it into your tea.
| Think of that next time you put it into your tea.
They are more popular than nicotine patches and may or may not be more effective.
| They are more popular than nicotine patches but we do not know if they are more effective.
The typical swimmer can hold their breath for about 40 seconds while underwater, he says.
| The typical swimmer can hold their breath for about 40 seconds while underwater.
I can average around 60 in tips per shift but, on a good night, this goes up to over 100 and, on a poor night, its around 40.
| On a good night, this goes up to over 100 and, on a poor night, its around 40.
In Belo Horizonte, police clashed with protesters who tried to break through a cordon around a football stadium hosting a Confederations Cup match between Nigeria and Tahiti.
| In Belo Horizonte, police clashed with protesters who tried to get into a football stadium, where there was a Confederations Cup match between Nigeria and Tahiti.
Many of the 1.5 million who visit Northumberland each year are now aware of its Dark Sky status.
| Because of their hard work, many of the 1.5 million tourists who visit Northumberland each year are now aware of its Dark Sky status.
Axani had made headlines in 2014 after offering an air ticket to any Canadian named Elizabeth Gallagher.
| Axani became famous in 2014 when he offered an air ticket to any Canadian named Elizabeth Gallagher.
If we want to preserve them, we need to make sure that the digital objects we create today can still be rendered far into the future, he added.
| If we want to keep it, we need to make sure that people can still see the digital objects we create today in the future, he added.
Britons think it is 44%, when it is actually nearly half as much again 62% are either overweight or obese.
| Britons think it is 44%, when actually 62% are overweight.
In what Mason called the rst city-scale genetic pro le ever, his team found meningitis at Times Square, a trace of anthrax on the handhold of a train carriage and bacteria that cause bubonic plague on a rubbish bin and ticket machine at stations in uptown Manhattan.
| His team found meningitis at Times Square, a trace of anthrax on a train carriage and bacteria that cause plague on a rubbish bin and ticket machine at stations in uptown Manhattan.
Only Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in mainland Europe like Britain have no breeding populations of at least one large carnivore species.
| Only Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in mainland Europe have no breeding populations of at least one large carnivore species.
Whether that ambition is achieved remains to be seen but exporting solar energy could have stabilizing effects within and between countries, according to the Moroccan solar energy agency (Masen).
| Exporting solar energy could have stabilizing effects within and between countries, according to the Moroccan solar energy agency (Masen).
The problem is that, in the US and UK, most people who want to sign up for Facebook have already done it, said new media specialist Ian Maude at Enders Analysis.
| The problem is that, in the US and UK, most people who want to join Facebook have already done it, said new media specialist Ian Maude at Enders Analysis.
For the study, the researchers signed up 823 people who agreed to have metadata collected from their phones through an Android app.
| For the study, 823 people agreed for researchers to collect metadata from their phones using an app.
But Weiss believes the findings could point to a deeper understanding of the emotional crisis some men may experience.
| But Weiss believes the study could give us a deeper understanding of the emotional crisis some men may experience.
A century ago, Venice one of the most beautiful and low-lying cities in the world used to ood around ten times a year.
| One hundred years ago, Venice one of the most beautiful and low-lying cities in the world used to ood about ten times a year.
In a three-year period, the number of paying subscribers rose from 8 million to 28 million, according to the 2014 digital music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
| In three years, the number of paying subscribers rose from 8 million to 28 million, according to the 2014 digital music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
"There are riches here, riches that are badly needed by local inhabitants, said Vicente Fernandez Guerrero, secretary-general of Innovation, Industry and Energy for Andalucia.
| There are riches here, riches that the local inhabitants badly need, said energy spokesman Vicente Fernandez Guerrero.
Subsets and Splits