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Stephanie - Can you finalize the attached and have it signed. I need to initial it, but it needs to be signed by Brad Richter. Thanks.
Write a subject line for this email. | Ronald Chisholm LOI | aeslc_10templates | 0 | Stephanie - Kan du slutföra bifogade och få det signerat. Jag måste påbörja det, men det måste undertecknas av Brad Richter. Tack. Skriv en ämnesrad för det här e-postmeddelandet. | Stephanie - Can you complete attached and get it signed. I have to start it, but it has to be signed by Brad Richter. Thank you. Write a subject line for this email. | Ronald Chisholm LOI | Ronald Chisholm LOI |
Write an email with the subject line "Resumes". | Karen, I have forwarded all the resumes to Charlene Jackson about 10 days ago. I am resending 4 resumes (in the case of Paolo it's a copy of his E-mail message) I have in electronic format. The resume for Gappy will be faxed to you. Thanks for your help. | aeslc_10templates | 1 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med ämnesraden "Resumes". | Write an email with the subject line "Resumes". | Karen, jag har vidarebefordrat alla meritförteckningar till Charlene Jackson för tio dagar sen. Jag skickar 4 CV (i Paolos fall är det en kopia av hans e-postmeddelande) jag har i elektroniskt format. CV:t för Gappy kommer att faxas till dig. Tack för hjälpen. | Karen, I've forwarded all the resumes to Charlene Jackson ten days ago. I send 4 CVs (in Paolo's case it is a copy of his email) I have in electronic format. The CV for Gappy will be faxed to you. Thanks for your help. |
Dear Jared: Please review the attached drafts of your requested confidentiality agreements with Peoples Gas System, NUI Corporation and Jacksonville Electric Authority. Please advise me or Gerald Nemec about recommended changes. Note to Ned Crady: Since these CAs involve Enron Global Markets LLC as well as ENA, we would appreciate your review and approval of these documents as well. Thank you,
Propose a subject line for this email? | CAs with PGS, NUI and JEA | aeslc_10templates | 2 | Kära Jared: Vänligen granska bifogade utkast till era begärda sekretessavtal med Peoples Gas System, NUI Corporation och Jacksonville Electric Authority. Var snäll och ge mig eller Gerald Nemec råd om rekommenderade ändringar. Note to Ned Crady: Eftersom dessa CAs involverar Enron Global Markets LLC samt ENA, skulle vi uppskatta din granskning och godkännande av dessa dokument också. Tack, Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Dear Jared: Please review attached drafts of your requested privacy agreements with Peoples Gas System, NUI Corporation and Jacksonville Electric Authority. Please advise me or Gerald Nemec on recommended changes. Note to Ned Crady: Since these CAs involve Enron Global Markets LLC as well as ENA, we would appreciate your review and approval of these documents as well. Thank you, Suggest a topic line for this email? | CA med PGS, NUI och JEA | CA with PGS, NUI and JEA |
Write an email with the following subject:
Kaiser | Rod and Paul: I have checked the ISDA between Kaiser and ENA and it has our standard setoff language which permits setoff of amounts owed by or to the Non-Defaulting Party and its Affiliates against amounts owed by or to the Defaulting Party under the ISDA and other agreements. Please call me once you have located the Metals agreement as Greg indicated to me in a voice mail that he needs an answer this morning. Rod, If we get comfortable on the legal side with this arrangement, are there other credit issues that need to be considered? | aeslc_10templates | 3 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: Kaiser | Write an email with the following subject: Kaiser | Rod och Paul: Jag har kontrollerat ISDA mellan Kaiser och ENA och det har vårt standardavräkningsspråk som tillåter kvittning av belopp som den icke-förvaltande parten och dess samarbetspartner är skyldiga eller till den försumliga parten enligt ISDA och andra avtal. Ring mig när ni har hittat Metals-avtalet som Greg sa i ett röstmeddelande att han behöver ett svar i morse. Rod, om vi blir bekväma på den juridiska sidan med detta arrangemang, finns det andra kreditfrågor som måste övervägas? | Rod and Paul: I have checked ISDA between Kaiser and ENA and it has our standard settlement language that allows offset of amounts owed by the non-managing party and its partners or to the default party under ISDA and other agreements. Call me when you find the Metals deal that Greg said in a voicemail that he needs an answer this morning. Rod, if we get comfortable on the legal side of this arrangement, are there other credit issues that need to be considered? |
The following items was presented in this week's corporate change control.... Jan 10 From 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., the Messaging team will upgrade mailsweeper servers NAHOU-MSMSW03P and NAHOU-MSMSW06P to version 4.2_8. No impact is expected. Jan. 12 From 11:00 p.m. through 1/13 at 2:00 a.m., ENS backbone will replace the primary clock on the server segment. This switch is located in the old ECT 34th floor section of the raised floor. All servers connected to this switch will have an outage of approximately three hours. No impact to ETS users is expected. Jan. 14 From 12:00 p.m. through 1/15 at 12:00 p.m., the SAP team will move the XMS database from Seattle to Denver. During this maintenance, the web-based XMS (employee expense) system will be unavailable.
Propose a subject line for this email? | ETS and Corporate Change Control | aeslc_10templates | 4 | Följande poster presenterades i veckans företagsförändringskontroll.... 10 jan Från 10:00 - 13.00, kommer Messaging team uppgradera mailsweeper servrar NAHOU-MSMSW03P och NAHOU-MSMSW06P till version 4.2_8. Ingen effekt förväntas. 12 januari Från kl. 11.00 till 1/13 kl. 02.00 kommer ENS ryggrad att ersätta primärklockan på Denna strömbrytare är placerad i den gamla ECT 34:e våningen på den upphöjda våningen. Alla servrar som är anslutna till denna switch kommer att ha ett strömavbrott på cirka tre timmar. Ingen inverkan på ETS-användarna förväntas. 14 januari Från kl. 12 till 01.15 kl. 12:00 flyttar SAP-teamet XMS-databasen från Seattle till Denver. Under detta underhåll kommer det webbaserade XMS-systemet (medarbetarkostnader) att vara otillgängligt. Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | The following entries were presented in this week's corporate change check... 10 Jan From 10:00 - 13.00, Messaging team will upgrade mailsweeper servers NAHOU-MSMSW03P and NAHOU-MSW06P to version 4.2_8. No effect is expected. January 12 From 11.00 to 1:13 at 02.00, the ESA backbone will replace the primary clock on the server segment. This switch is located on the old ECT 34th floor of the elevated floor. All servers connected to this switch will have a power outage of about three hours. No impact on ETS users is expected. January 14 From noon to 1:15 p.m. at 12:00 p.m., the SAP team moves the XMS database from Seattle to Denver. During this maintenance, the web-based XMS system (employee costs) will be unavailable. Suggest a subject line for this email? | ETS och kontroll av företagsförändringar | ETS and control of business change |
Here is an email: FYI Lisa Finley just called me to let me know that Devon Operators need to take Beaver Creek down tomorrow for 8 hours. They apologize for the short notice, but said if they don't fix the cooler now it will bring the whole system down soon. We will be short by about 6,500 on the 005 contract for Gas Day 4 and I guess we'll have to work at paying it back. That's all I have to say .....about that. Theresa
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Devon - Gas Day 4 | aeslc_10templates | 5 | Här är ett mejl: FYI Lisa Finley ringde mig för att meddela att Devon Operators behöver ta ner Beaver Creek i morgon i 8 timmar. De ber om ursäkt för den korta varsel, men sa att om de inte fixar kylaren nu så kommer det att få ner hela systemet snart. Vi kommer att sakna cirka 6500 på 005 kontrakt för gas dag 4 och jag antar att vi måste arbeta på att betala tillbaka det. Det är allt jag har att säga om det. Theresa Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: FYI Lisa Finley called me to announce that Devon Operators need to take Beaver Creek down tomorrow for 8 hours. They apologize for the short notice, but they said if they don't fix the radiator now, it'll bring the whole system down soon. We're going to miss about 6500 on 005 contracts for gas day 4 and I guess we're going to have to work on paying it back. That's all I have to say about it. Theresa What is a potential subject line for this email? | Devon - gasdag 4 | Devon - Gas Day 4 |
Write an email with the following subject:
GISB | Hi Sylvia, Re the GISB for Wisconsin, no we would not agree to the terms of their GISB on the front page or their special provisions. Are you aware we currently have a GISB in place with Wisconsin Public Service Company and ENA as well as with Wisconsin Gas Company?????? Re Master Status: I have devoted my afternoon to this contract in order to complete the redline. Will keep you apprised. Do you still want a copy of our GISB. If so, I will send you a draft however, I need to fill in the name of the counterparty etc. before it goes out. | aeslc_10templates | 6 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: GISB | Write an email with the following subject: GISB | Hej Sylvia, Re GISB för Wisconsin, nej vi skulle inte gå med på villkoren för deras GISB på första sidan eller deras särskilda bestämmelser. Är du medveten om att vi för närvarande har en GISB på plats med Wisconsin Public Service Company och ENA samt med Wisconsin Gas Company???? Re Master Status: Jag har ägnat min eftermiddag åt detta kontrakt för att slutföra redline. Håller dig underrättad. Vill du fortfarande ha en kopia av vår GISB? Om så är fallet kommer jag dock att skicka ett utkast till er, jag måste fylla i namnet på motparten etc. Innan den slocknar. | Hi Sylvia, Re GISB for Wisconsin, no we would not agree to the terms of their GISB on the front page or their special provisions. Are you aware that we currently have a GISB in place with Wisconsin Public Service Company and ENA as well as with Wisconsin Gas Company???? Re Master Status: I have devoted my afternoon to this contract to complete the redline. Keeping you informed. You still want a copy of our GISB? However, if that is the case, I will send you a draft, I will have to fill in the name of the other party, etc. Before it goes out. |
Larry left me a voice mail. Would you mind calling him and telling him that I am tied up on a conference call that is likely to last until 500, so I can't call him until after then. I would really appreciate it!!!!!!!! XXXXXOOOOOO CKM
Propose a subject line for this email? | Larry | aeslc_10templates | 7 | Larry lämnade ett meddelande. Kan du ringa honom och säga att jag är bunden av ett konferenssamtal som kommer att pågå till 500, så jag kan inte ringa honom förrän efter det. Jag skulle verkligen uppskatta det!!!!!!! XXXXXOOOOO CKM Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Larry left a message. Can you call him and tell him I'm bound by a conference call that's going to last until 500, so I can't call him until after that. I would really appreciate it!!!!!! XXXXXOOOO CKM Suggest a topic line for this email? | Larry | Larry |
Gerald, I wanted to follow up on our on Monday regarding the GTC Point Specific confirmation for Torch Energy. Are you getting close to having something ready for us to send to them? We need to send them something to start reviewing today if at all possible. If you could let me know as soon as possible, I would appreciate it. Thanks,
Generate a subject line for this email. | Torch Energy GTC Point Specific | aeslc_10templates | 8 | Gerald, jag ville följa upp vår på måndag angående GTC Points specifika bekräftelse för Torch Energy. Kommer du nära att ha något redo för oss att skicka till dem? Vi måste skicka dem något att börja granska i dag om det alls är möjligt. Om du kunde meddela mig så snart som möjligt, skulle jag uppskatta det. Tack, Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Gerald, I wanted to follow up on ours on Monday regarding GTC Point's specific confirmation for Torch Energy. Are you close to having anything ready for us to send to them? We must send them something to start examining today if it is possible at all. If you could let me know as soon as possible, I'd appreciate it. Thank you, Create a topic line for this email. | Specifikt för Torch Energy GTC-punkt | Specific to Torch Energy GTC Point |
This is an email
Susan: Just a reminder that our meeting is at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 38C1. Please confirm that you will be able to attend and speak to us re: tax issues for derivatives. I am glad to assist in any way. Thanks.
What is the subject of this email? | Swap Group Meeting - Wednesday, April 4 | aeslc_10templates | 9 | Detta är ett mail Susan: Bara en påminnelse om att vårt möte är klockan 10:00 på onsdag, 38C1. Vänligen bekräfta att du kommer att kunna närvara och tala med oss re: skattefrågor för derivat. Jag är glad att kunna hjälpa till på något sätt. Tack. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email Susan: Just a reminder that our meeting is at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 38C1. Please confirm that you will be able to attend and talk to us re: tax issues for derivatives. I'm happy to be able to help somehow. Thank you. What is the subject of this email? | Byt gruppmöte - onsdagen den 4 april | Change group meeting - Wednesday 4 April |
Here is an email: Folks, Had an idea to get together this weekend at the casa and maybe watch a little football, shoot some pool, drink some wine (or beer), and 'whine' about Enron. Who knows when we'll all get together again, so anyone up for a Sat night down South of town? Let's hear some interest out there! Brad
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Enron Whine and wine party | aeslc_10templates | 10 | Här är ett mail: Folks, Hade en idé att träffas i helgen på casa och kanske titta på lite fotboll, skjuta lite pool, dricka lite vin (eller öl), och 'vinna' om Enron. Vem vet när vi ska träffas igen, så någon vill ha en lördagskväll i söder om stan? Låt oss höra lite intresse där ute! Brad Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here's an email: Folks, Had an idea to meet this weekend at the casa and maybe watch some football, shoot some pool, drink some wine (or beer), and 'win' about Enron. Who knows when we're gonna meet again, so someone wants a Saturday night in the south of town? Let's hear some interest out there! Brad What is a potential subject line for this email? | Enron Whine och vinfest | Enron Whine and wine party |
Write a subject line for this message:
Hi guys, I'm faxing you some changed pages as requested for the CA Development deal. For some reason my email wouldn't go through. I should have an answer to the invoice question tomorrow. If all else fails you can send the invoices to Ben and we can process them here. Kay | revisions to CA invoicing | aeslc_10templates | 11 | Skriv en ämnesrad för det här meddelandet: Hej killar, jag faxar några ändrade sidor som begärts för CA utveckling affären. Av nån anledning gick inte min e-post igenom. Jag borde ha ett svar på fakturafrågan i morgon. Om allt annat misslyckas kan du skicka fakturorna till Ben och vi kan behandla dem här. Kay Ordförande | Write a subject line for this message: Hey guys, I'm faxing some changed pages requested for the CA development deal. For some reason, my e-mail didn't go through. I should have an answer to the invoice question tomorrow. If anything else fails, you can send the invoices to Ben and we can process them here. Kay | Översyn av CA-fakturering | Review of CA invoicing |
CONGRATULATIONS ! I just found out that you were extended an offer by the Big E. I can't tell you how happy I am that I didn't have to question the intelligence of my company. Hope you had a good birthday and I'll see you at the A&M game.
Generate a subject line for this email. | Happy Belated Birthday and ....... | aeslc_10templates | 12 | GRATTISER ! Jag fick just veta att du fick ett erbjudande från Big E. Jag är så glad att jag inte behövde ifrågasätta mitt företags intelligens. Hoppas att du hade en bra födelsedag och vi ses på A&M-matchen. Skapa en ämnesrad för det här brevet. | Congratulations! I just found out you got an offer from Big E. I'm so glad I didn't have to question my company's intelligence. I hope you had a good birthday and I'll see you at the A&M game. Create a subject line for this message. | Grattis på födelsedagen och ....... | Happy birthday and.... |
Write a subject line for this message:
Lorraine, I've been studying the El Paso/Dynegy reservation reduction mechanism (RRM). Basically the deal was that Dynegy's minimum-pay obligation would be reduced by the amount of the fixed cost component of IT revenues generated by El Paso's transportation of IT volumes above a historical threshold. (The parties based the threshold on El Paso's monthly IT volumes for the 12 months ended 9/30/97.) The volumes in excess of the threshold were calculated and a ratio of the volumes in excess of the threshold to the total volumes was determined; the ratio would then be applied to the fixed cost component of all IT revenues and the resulting dollar value applied to Dynegy's monthly reservation charge, to the extent Dynegy had not met its minimum pay obligation for a particular month. This provision of course met with heavy opposition; however, FERC allowed it. FERC stated that while the RRM had anticompetitive effects because it created a disincentive for El Paso to discount IT, it was not unduly discriminatory. The "unduly discriminatory" conclusion was based on an analysis on the potential effect on the Cal. gas transportation market -- the | Duke | aeslc_10templates | 13 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Lorraine, Jag har studerat El Paso / Dynegy reservation reduktion mekanism (RRM). I princip var affären att Dynegys skyldighet att betala minimilön skulle minskas med beloppet för den fasta kostnadskomponenten i IT-intäkterna som genererades av El Pasos transport av IT-volymer över en historisk tröskel. (Parterna baserade tröskeln på El Pasos månatliga IT-volymer för de 12 månader som slutade 2012-03-09.) De volymer som överskrider tröskelvärdet beräknades och en andel av de volymer som överskrider tröskelvärdet fastställdes i förhållande till de totala volymerna. Kvoten skulle sedan tillämpas på den fasta kostnadskomponenten av alla IT-intäkter och det resulterande dollarvärdet som tillämpades på Dynegys månatliga reservationsavgift, i den mån Dynegy inte hade uppfyllt sin minimilöneskyldighet för en viss månad. Denna bestämmelse mötte naturligtvis hårt motstånd, men FERC tillät det. FERC hävdade att även om RRM hade konkurrensbegränsande effekter eftersom det avskräckte El Paso från att diskontera IT, var det inte otillbörligt diskriminerande. Den "ojämförligt diskriminerande" slutsatsen baserades på en analys av den potentiella effekten på Kal. gastransportmarknaden -- | Write a subject line for this message: Lorraine, I have studied El Paso / Dynegy reservation reduction mechanism (RRM). In principle, the deal was that Dynegy's obligation to pay minimum wage would be reduced by the amount of the fixed cost component of IT revenues generated by El Paso's transport of IT volumes above a historic threshold. (The parties based the threshold on El Paso's monthly IT volumes for the 12 months ending 2012-03-09.) The volumes exceeding the threshold were calculated and a proportion of the volumes exceeding the threshold was determined in relation to the total volumes; the quota would then apply to the fixed cost component of all IT revenues and the resulting dollar value applied to Dynegy's monthly reservation fee, insofar as Dynegy had not met its minimum wage obligation for a given month. This provision, of course, met with severe resistance, but the FERC allowed it. FERC argued that although RRM had anti-competitive effects because it discouraged El Paso from discounting IT, it was not unduly discriminatory. The "incomparably discriminatory" conclusion was based on an analysis of the potential effect on Kal. gas transport market -- | Duke | Duke |
Tammi DePaolis has requested a Master agreement for Carolina Power & Light Co. for a 7 month firm deal for summer. Currently, we have only a GISB in place with CPL. Please forward a credit worksheet. Many thanks!
Propose a subject line for this email? | Carolina Power & Light | aeslc_10templates | 14 | Tammi DePaolis har begärt ett Masteravtal för Carolina Power & Light Co. för en 7 månaders fast affär för sommaren. För närvarande har vi bara en GISB på plats med CPL. Skicka gärna ett kreditblad. Tack så mycket! Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Tammi DePaolis has requested a Master Agreement for Carolina Power & Light Co. for a 7 month fixed deal for the summer. Currently, we only have one GISB in place with CPL. Please send a credit sheet. Thank you very much! Suggest a subject line for this email? | Carolina Power & Light | Carolina Power & Light |
Brad, I really don't know where to begin other than just to say it. Enron is having some extremely difficult times now. I have been trying to focus on helping Enron stay together. This is not a good time for you or anyone else to try and seek employment here. I am sorry if I am letting you down. I was only wanting to help. I will always keep you in mind, and hopefully when things turn around here I will be able to address you coming here.
Write a subject line for this email. | Summer Enron Internship | aeslc_10templates | 15 | Brad, jag vet inte var jag ska börja annat än att säga det. Enron har några extremt svåra tider nu. Jag har försökt fokusera på att hjälpa Enron att hålla ihop. Det här är ingen bra tidpunkt för dig eller någon annan att söka arbete här. Jag är ledsen om jag sviker dig. Jag ville bara hjälpa till. Jag kommer alltid att hålla dig i åtanke, och förhoppningsvis när saker och ting vänder sig här kommer jag att kunna tilltala dig när du kommer hit. Skriv en ämnesrad för det här e-postmeddelandet. | Brad, I don't know where to start except to say it. Enron has some extremely difficult times now. I've been trying to focus on helping Enron stay together. This is not a good time for you or anyone else to look for work here. I'm sorry if I let you down. I just wanted to help. I'll always keep you in mind, and hopefully when things turn around here I'll be able to address you when you get here. Write a subject line for this email. | Summer Enron Prantship | Summer Enron Prantship |
Write a subject line for this message:
Attention Enron shoppers, here's the Blue Light Special for the year!!!! Enron Jersey Blowout Sale!!!!! $35.00 (cash or check) Sizes: M - 2X First-Come, First Served (a limited number of Smalls will be available as soon as all our riders have picked up their packets - the end of the week) See Stephanie Strong (EB2432) or Becky Pham (EB2336) in the Enron Building for purchases, or come to our last minute packet pickup today and tomorrow 11:30 to 12:30 in the 31st floor lobby of Three Allen Center. If you are outside Enron and cannot get here this week, send an email to reserve one in your size, and they will be in my car at the ride start and in LaGrange. | JERSEY SALE | aeslc_10templates | 16 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Uppmärksamhet Enron shoppare, här är Blå Ljuset Special för året!!!! Enron Jersey Blowout Sale!!!!! $35.00 (kontant eller check) Storlekar: M - 2X First-Come, First Served (ett begränsat antal Smalls kommer att finnas tillgängliga så snart alla våra ryttare har plockat upp sina paket - slutet av veckan) Se Stephanie Strong (EB2432) eller Becky Pham (EB2336) i Enron Building för inköp, eller kom till vår sista minuten pakethämtning idag och imorgon 11:30 till 12:30 i 31: a våningen lobbyn i Three Allen Center. Om du är utanför Enron och inte kan komma hit denna vecka, skicka ett mail för att reservera en i din storlek, och de kommer att vara i min bil vid åkstarten och i LaGrange. | Write a subject line for this message: Attention Enron shoppers, here is Blue Light Special for the year!!! Enron Jersey Blowout Sale!!!! $35.00 (cash or check) Sizes: M - 2X First-Come, First Served (a limited number of Smalls will be available as soon as all our riders have picked up their packages - end of week) See Stephanie Strong (EB2432) or Becky Pham (EB2336) in the Enron Building for purchase, or come to our last minute package pick-up today and tomorrow 11:30 to 12:30 in the 31st floor lobby of Three Allen Center. If you are outside Enron and cannot come here this week, send an email to reserve one your size, and they will be in my car at the start of the ride and in LaGrange. | JERSEY REA | JERSEY SALE |
Friday's Contents: 1.18.02 Daily News Update and Stock Performance Calpine Restructuring Lead to New Future As stated in our November 16 issue of The Prometheus File, Reed Wasden Research will be sending our daily publication and morning notes for a 45-day trial period. Included is our daily update and notes on companies that RWR follows. For those who do not wish to receive the daily updates, please reply with WEEKLY ONLY as the subject. Please allow at least one day for your request to be processed. Best regards,
Propose a subject line for this email? | Reed Wasden Research - Daily Update 1/18/02 | aeslc_10templates | 17 | Fredagens innehåll: 1.18.02 Daglig nyhetsuppdatering och aktieprestanda Calpine Omstrukturering Lead to New Future Som framgår av vårt nummer av Prometheus File den 16 november kommer Reed Wasden Research att skicka våra dagliga publikationer och morgonanteckningar för en 45-dagars testperiod. Inkluderat är vår dagliga uppdatering och anteckningar om företag som RWR följer. För dig som inte vill få de dagliga uppdateringarna, vänligen svara med VECKA ENDAST som ämne. Låt din begäran behandlas minst en dag. Bästa hälsningar, Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Friday's content: 1.18.02 Daily news update and stock performance Calpine Restructuring Lead to New Future As stated in our issue of Prometheus File on November 16, Reed Wasden Research will send our daily publications and morning notes for a 45-day trial period. Included are our daily updates and notes about companies that RWR follows. For those of you who do not want to receive the daily updates, please respond with WEEK ONLY as a topic. Let your request be processed at least one day. Best wishes, Suggest a subject line for this email? | Reed Wasden Research - Daglig uppdatering 1/18/02 | Reed Wasden Research - Daily Update 1/18/02 |
To our IBS Customers that are still hanging in there: We understand your continued frustration and express our sincerest apologies for our inability to give complete and accurate answers to your questions. The problems that we are seeing are one of three (3) possibilities: 1) You have entered your password incorrectly (or what you thought was the correct password) and been given the error message that you have exceeded your opportunities for today, and you receive the message "You have failed to correctly login three times today; please try again tomorrow, or contact the bank at 830-379-5236 to have your password reset." This is the easiest problem to correct and we can fix this one quickly with you online (on the phone). Should you receive this message, please call our Computer Department and ask for either myself (Howard Gordon) @ 830-401-1185, Christina Kirby @ 830-401-1189, or Lora Robles @ 830-401-1182. If you reach our voice mail (or another employee), please leave your Name, Account # and call back #. 2) You are not using the last six (6) digits of your ssn# (this is the ssn# or tin# of the primary account holder). Please try again using the last six (6) digits, or call us to determine who we have recorded as the primary account holder. 3) If you see this error message "Invalid login; please try again" (after three [3] or more tries), then you possibly fall into this last category. Your account is one of the few that did not convert correctly (we will not release any information about these accounts until we verify that all information is correct and accurate). We are finalizing these accounts today and should have them available for access this afternoon (late) or this evening. Once we release these accounts for IBS access, you will have to again use the last six (6) digits of your ssn# (this is the ssn# or tin# of the primary account holder), then you will be directed to a screen that asks for information such as: Name Address City, State Zip+4 Phone # E-Mail Address After entering this information and clicking submit, you will then be instructed to change your password to anything that you desire (you can at this point change your password back to what it was before). Always remember that your password is case sensitive. Should you get into IBS (before early evening [6:00pm]), the balance and transactional information displayed is as of 11/16/01 (Friday night). We will have this information updated by 6:00pm (hopefully), and then information will be as of Monday (11/19/01). Again we want to thank you for your patience through this (trying) ordeal, and we look forward to continuing to service your IBS needs in the future. Sincerely,
Generate a subject line for this email. | Internet Banking | aeslc_10templates | 18 | Till våra IBS-kunder som fortfarande håller ut: Vi förstår er fortsatta frustration och uttrycker vår uppriktiga ursäkt för vår oförmåga att ge fullständiga och korrekta svar på era frågor. Problemen som vi ser är en av tre (3) möjligheter: 1) Du har skrivit in ditt lösenord felaktigt (eller vad du trodde var rätt lösenord) och fått felmeddelandet att du har överskridit dina möjligheter för idag, och du får meddelandet "Du har misslyckats med att logga in korrekt tre gånger idag; försök igen i morgon, eller kontakta banken på 830-379-5236 för att få ditt lösenord återställt." Detta är det enklaste problemet att rätta till och vi kan fixa detta snabbt med dig online (på telefonen). Om du får detta meddelande, ring vår dataavdelning och fråga efter antingen mig själv (Howard Gordon) @ 830-401-1185, Christina Kirby @ 830-401-1189, eller Lora Robles @ 830-401-1182. Om du når vår röstbrevlåda (eller en annan anställd), lämna ditt namn, konto # och ring tillbaka #. 2) Du använder inte de sex sista (6) siffrorna i ditt ssn# (detta är primärkontoinnehavarens sn# eller tin#). Försök igen med de senaste sex (6) siffrorna, eller ring oss för att bestämma vem vi har registrerat som den primära kontoinnehavaren. 3) Om du ser det här felmeddelandet "Ogiltig inloggning; försök igen" (efter tre [3] eller fler försök), så faller du eventuellt in i denna sista kategori. Ditt konto är ett av de få som inte konverterade korrekt (vi kommer inte att släppa någon information om dessa konton förrän vi verifierar att all information är korrekt och korrekt). Vi håller på att avsluta dessa räkenskaper i dag och bör ha dem tillgängliga för tillträde i eftermiddag (sent) eller i kväll. När vi släpper dessa konton för IBS tillgång, måste du återigen använda de sista sex (6) siffrorna i din ssn# (detta är ssn# eller tenn # i den primära kontoinnehavaren), då du kommer att riktas till en skärm som frågar efter information som: Namn Adress Stad, State Zip+4 Telefon # E-postadress Efter att ha skrivit in denna information och klicka på skicka, du kommer sedan att instrueras att ändra ditt lösenord till vad du vill (du kan vid denna punkt ändra ditt lösenord tillbaka till vad det var innan). Kom alltid ihåg att ditt lösenord är skiftlägeskänsligt. Skulle du komma in på IBS (före tidig kväll [18:00]) är saldo och transaktionsinformation som visas från och med 11/16/01 (fredagskväll). Vi kommer att ha denna information uppdaterad före 18:00 (förhoppningsvis), och sedan information kommer att vara från och med måndag (11/19/01). Återigen vill vi tacka er för ert tålamod genom denna (försökande) prövning, och vi ser fram emot att fortsätta att tjäna era IBS-behov i framtiden. Generera en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | To our IBS customers who still endure: We understand your continued frustration and express our sincere apology for our inability to provide complete and accurate answers to your questions. The problems we see are one of three (3) possibilities: 1) You have entered your password incorrectly (or what you thought was the correct password) and received the error message that you have exceeded your possibilities for today, and you will receive the message "You have failed to log in correctly three times today; try again tomorrow, or contact the bank at 830-379-5236 to have your password reset." This is the easiest problem to fix and we can fix this quickly with you online (on the phone). If you get this message, call our data department and ask for either myself (Howard Gordon) @ 830-401-1185, Christina Kirby @ 830-401-1189, or Lora Robles @ 830-401-1182. If you reach our voicemail (or another employee), leave your name, account # and call back #. 2) You do not use the last six (6) digits of your ssn# (this is the sn# or tin# of the primary account holder). Try again with the last six (6) digits, or call us to determine who we have registered as the primary account holder. 3) If you see this error message "Invalid login; try again" (after three [3] or more attempts), you may fall into this last category. Your account is one of the few that did not convert correctly (we will not release any information about these accounts until we verify that all information is correct and correct). We are closing these accounts today and should have them available for admission this afternoon (late) or tonight. When we release these accounts for IBS access, you will have to again use the last six (6) digits of your ssn# (this is ssn# or tin # in the primary account holder), then you will be directed to a screen that asks for information such as: Name Address City, State Zip+4 Phone # Email Address After entering this information and clicking send, you will then be instructed to change your password to whatever you want (you can change your password back to what it was before at this point). Always remember that your password is case sensitive. Should you enter IBS (before early evening [18:00]) is the balance and transaction information displayed as of 11/16/01 (Friday evening). We will have this information updated before 18:00 (hopefully), and then information will be as of Monday (11/19/01). Again, we want to thank you for your patience through this (tried) trial, and we look forward to continuing to serve your IBS needs in the future. Generate a subject line for this email. | Internetbank | Internet bank |
The following are the names I have identified as participants for the Corporate Legal Year End 2001 PRC Meeting on Friday, December 7th. Jim Derrick Rob Walls Chuck Cheek Paula Rieker Rex Rogers Please let me know if there are any changes to this list. We are only required to review Manager level and above however, we have the flexibility to review all (or some) levels. Please let me know how far down you would like to go on the review table. My recommendation is that we may want to discuss at least down to the Sr Specialist level since there may be some nominations for promotion to Manager in this category. If you have questions, please call me at Ext 30649. Thanks. Sheila Walton
Write a subject line for this email. | Year End 2001 PRC Meeting | aeslc_10templates | 19 | Följande namn har jag identifierat som deltagare för det juridiska årets slut 2001 Kinamötet fredagen den 7 december. Jim Derrick Rob Walls Chuck Cheek Paula Rieker Rex Rogers Låt mig veta om det finns några ändringar på denna lista. Vi behöver bara granska chefsnivå och över har vi dock flexibilitet att granska alla (eller vissa) nivåer. Säg hur långt ner ni vill gå på granskningsbordet. Min rekommendation är att vi kanske vill diskutera åtminstone ner till Sr Specialist nivå eftersom det kan finnas några nomineringar för befordran till Manager i denna kategori. Om du har frågor, ring mig på Ext 30649. Tack. Sheila Walton Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | The following name I have identified as a participant for the end of the legal year 2001 China meeting on Friday 7 December. Jim Derrick Rob Walls Chuck Cheek Paula Rieker Rex Rogers Let me know if there are any changes on this list. We only need to review the level of managers and over we have the flexibility to review all (or some) levels. Tell me how far down you want to go to the review table. My recommendation is that we might want to discuss at least down to Sr Specialist level because there may be some nominations for promotion to Manager in this category. If you have any questions, call me at Ext 30649. Thank you. Sheila Walton Write a subject line for this email. | År vid utgången av mötet i Kina 2001 | Year at the end of the meeting in China in 2001 |
What is the subject line for this email?
To: Ms. Cheryl Dudley, Houston Pipe Line Company Dear Cheryl: I'm sending you this information to follow-up regarding our brief discussion today about the subject company. As I mentioned, the Texas Railroad Commission still shows this company as active. We have written to the TxRRC before saying that all the facilites and contracts for Enron Industrial Natural Gas Company were sold to HPL, but they can't "de-activate" the company yet because their records show it as "active" due to the acitvity shown by another company. Apparently the company that needs to file corrected P-4s showing that HPL or another company is involved in these leases is: | Enron Industrial Natural Gas Company | aeslc_10templates | 20 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Till: Ms Cheryl Dudley, Houston Pipe Line Company Kära Cheryl: Jag skickar denna information för att följa upp vår korta diskussion idag om ämnet företag. Som jag nämnde visar Texas Railroad Commission fortfarande att detta företag är aktivt. Vi har skrivit till TxRRC innan vi säger att alla faciliteter och kontrakt för Enron Industrial Natural Gas Company såldes till HPL, men de kan inte "avaktivera" företaget ännu eftersom deras skivor visar det som "aktivt" på grund av acitvity visas av ett annat företag. Det företag som måste lämna in korrigerade P-4:or som visar att HPL eller något annat företag är involverat i dessa leasingavtal är: | What is the subject of this email? To: Ms. Cheryl Dudley, Houston Pipe Line Company Dear Cheryl: I am sending this information to follow up our brief discussion today on the subject of business. As I mentioned, the Texas Railroad Commission is still showing that this company is active. We have written to TxRRC before we say that all facilities and contracts for Enron Industrial Natural Gas Company were sold to HPL, but they cannot "deactivate" the company yet because their records show it as "active" due to the acitvity shown by another company. The entity that has to submit corrected P-4s demonstrating that HPL or any other entity is involved in these leases is: | Enron Industrial Natural Gas Company | Enron Industrial Natural Gas Company |
Though many of you already know, today is my last day here at Enron. I am leaving to pursue my culinary interests full time and have accepted a baking/pastry apprenticeship with the Deer Valley Resort in Park City, Utah for the winter season. I am happy to have spent the past 3 years working with such a fun and intelligent group of people. I sincerely wish all of you the best in your future endeavors. Please don't hesitate to look me up if you are in the Park City area, vacation planning, or considering some radical career change like this...ha. It would be great to see old friends up there. Forwarding info is below:
Propose a subject line for this email? | Park City Bound | aeslc_10templates | 21 | Även om många av er redan vet, så är idag min sista dag här på Enron. Jag lämnar för att fullfölja mina kulinariska intressen på heltid och har accepterat en bakning / pastry lärlingsutbildning med Deer Valley Resort i Park City, Utah för vintersäsongen. Jag är glad över att ha tillbringat de senaste 3 åren med att arbeta med en så rolig och intelligent grupp människor. Jag önskar er alla all lycka i era framtida strävanden. Tveka inte att söka upp mig om du är i Park City området, semester planering, eller överväger någon radikal karriär förändring som denna ... ha. Det skulle vara kul att se gamla vänner där uppe. Vidarebefordringsinformation finns nedan: Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Although many of you already know, today is my last day here at Enron. I leave to pursue my culinary interests full-time and have accepted a baking/pastry apprenticeship with the Deer Valley Resort in Park City, Utah for the winter season. I am happy to have spent the last 3 years working with such a fun and intelligent group of people. I wish all of you every success in your future endeavours. Do not hesitate to seek me out if you are in the Park City area, holiday planning, or considering any radical career change like this...have. It'd be great to see old friends up there. Forwarding information can be found below: Suggest a subject line for this email? | Park City Bound | Park City Bound |
What is the subject line for this email?
Susan, please substitute the setoff language set forth in the attached to each of the referenced items in the swap form bank. If there are any other items in the swap form bank that you think also need the new language, please advise. There may be additional language for a Canadian alternative; Peter is reviewing this further with Canadian counsel. Susan, also please note that as I update the US Industrial I will include this new language, but for now, put it in the current US Industrial form. After you have substituted the language, please provide me with one copy of each form for a final check. Thank you. Mark Taylor: This language has not been implemented in EOL. | New Setoff Language in Isda Forms | aeslc_10templates | 22 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Susan, ersätt det kvittningsspråk som anges i bilagan till varje referenspost i swapformuläret bank. Om det finns några andra objekt i swap formuläret bank som du tror också behöver det nya språket, vänligen rådgöra. Det kan finnas ytterligare språk för ett kanadensiskt alternativ; Peter går igenom detta ytterligare med kanadensiska råd. Susan, observera också att när jag uppdaterar US Industrial kommer jag att inkludera detta nya språk, men för tillfället, sätta det i den nuvarande amerikanska industriella formen. När du har ersatt språket, var vänlig ge mig ett exemplar av varje formulär för en slutlig kontroll. Tack. Mark Taylor: Detta språk har inte implementerats i EOL. | What is the subject of this email? Susan, replace the set-off language set out in the Annex to each reference entry in the bank swap form. If there are any other items in the swap form bank that you think also need the new language, please consult. There may be additional languages for a Canadian alternative; Peter goes through this further with Canadian advice. Susan, also note that when I update US Industrial I will include this new language, but for the moment, put it in the current American industrial form. Once you have replaced the language, please give me a copy of each form for a final check. Thank you. Mark Taylor: This language has not been implemented in EOL. | Nytt kvittningsspråk i Isda-formulär | New set-off language in Isda form |
Get Connected with e-Statements. Sign up for Electronic Statements from Enron Federal Credit Union by November 15 to be entered into a contest to win a Palm Vx! Log on to to apply or for more information.
Write a subject line for this email. | EFCU Gets You Connected | aeslc_10templates | 23 | Anslut dig till e-uttalanden. Registrera dig för Electronic Statements från Enron Federal Credit Union senast den 15 november för att vara med i en tävling för att vinna en Palm Vx! Logga in på för att ansöka eller för mer information. Skriv en ämnesrad för det här e-postmeddelandet. | Join e-Statements. Register for Electronic Statements from Enron Federal Credit Union by November 15 to be in a contest to win a Palm Vx! Log in to to apply or for more information. Write a subject line for this email. | EFCU får dig ansluten | EFCU will get you connected |
Write an email with the following subject:
HS Resources, Inc. | We have received the executed Second Amendment to the ISDA Master Agreement dated as of July 31, 2000. This amendment changes the Counterparty's exposure Threshold and exempts certain Transactions when calculating "Exposure" under Paragraph 3 of the ISDA Credit Support Annex. Copies will be distributed. | aeslc_10templates | 24 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: HS Resources, Inc. | Write an email with the following subject: HS Resources, Inc. | Vi har fått det verkställda andra tillägget till ISDA-avtalet daterat den 31 juli 2000. Denna ändring ändrar motpartens exponeringsgräns och undantar vissa transaktioner vid beräkning av "Exposure" enligt punkt 3 i ISDA Credit Support Annex. Kopior kommer att distribueras. | We have had the second amendment to the ISDA agreement implemented on 31 July 2000. This change changes the counterparty’s exposure limit and excludes certain transactions for the calculation of “Exposure” according to paragraph 3 of the ISDA Credit Support Annex. Copies will be distributed. |
I called her twice but never heard back from her. If she is not calling you, I say let sleeping dogs lie. Have you heard anything?
Propose a subject line for this email? | Call Alisa Johnston at Dynegy 713-767-8686 re Debbie Chance | aeslc_10templates | 25 | Jag ringde henne två gånger men hörde aldrig av henne. Om hon inte ringer dig, så låt sovande hundar ligga. Har du hört nåt? Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | I called her twice, but I never heard from her. If she doesn't call you, leave sleeping dogs lying. Have you heard anything? Suggest a subject line for this email? | Ring Alisa Johnston på Dynegy 713-767-8686 re Debbie Chance | Call Alisa Johnston at Dynegy 713-767-8686 re Debbie Chance |
Write a subject line for this message:
FINAL DAY TO REGISTER - RICE MBA INFO SESSION PLEASE RSVP BY 12:00 NOON NOVEMBER 2, 2001 THANKS! Come learn about the Jones Graduate School of Management at Rice University! This is your opportunity to meet to meet with individuals from the Jones Office of Admissions, as well as with current students and alumni. | RICE MBA INFO SESSION - REMINDER: FINAL DAY- RSVP! | aeslc_10templates | 26 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: SLUTDAGEN TILL REGISTRET - RICE MBA INFO SESSION VÄLKOMNAR DIG TILL NOVEMBER 2, 2001 TACK! Lär dig mer om Jones Graduate School of Management vid Rice University! Det här är din möjlighet att träffa personer från Jones Office of Admissions, samt nuvarande studenter och alumner. | Write a subject line for this message: ENDDAY TO THE REGISTER - RICE MBA INFO SESSION WELCOMES YOU TO NOVEMBER 2, 2001 THANKS! Learn more about Jones Graduate School of Management at Rice University! This is your opportunity to meet people from the Jones Office of Admissions, as well as current students and alumni. | RIS MBA INFO SESSION - MINDRE: SLUTDAG - RSVP! | RIS MBA INFO SESSION - LESS: ENDDAY - RSVP! |
Psalms 9:10 "Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. " Thank you, Lord, that Mr. Lay is one that knows your name. Help him, Lord, that even though things look absolutely awful, we look to you for you are our help. You are an ever present help in time of trouble. All that call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. We will not tell you how our salvation should look, we will just trust in the One that can save us. We trust in your gentle, loving kindness. Your heart that has good thoughts towards us that we may have an expected end. Lord, the end looks like disaster right now. Oh Lord, hear our cry for your name's sake. Deliver us and we will proclaim your goodness to all. Don't leave us to the hands of our enemies. Thank you, Lord, that we see that we CANNOT trust in money or earthly riches and forgive us that we have momentarily sinned but Yes, Lord, we see that we can ONLY trust in you. Great is your faithfulness!
Propose a subject line for this email? | Psalms 9:10 | aeslc_10templates | 27 | Psalm 9:10 ”De som känner ditt namn kommer att lita på dig, för dig, LORD, har aldrig övergivit dem som söker dig.”, Tack, Herre, att Mr. Lay är en som vet ditt namn. Hjälp honom, Herre, att även om saker och ting ser helt hemska ut, så ser vi till dig för att du är vår hjälp. Du är en ständig hjälp i tider av problem. Alla som åkallar Herrens namn kommer att bli frälsta. Vi kommer inte att tala om för er hur vår frälsning bör se ut, vi kommer bara att lita på Den som kan rädda oss. Vi litar på din vänliga, kärleksfulla omtanke. Ditt hjärta som har goda tankar mot oss, så att vi kan få ett förväntat slut. Herregud, slutet ser ut som en katastrof just nu. Herre, hör vårt rop för ditt namns skull. Befria oss och vi kommer att förkunna din godhet för alla. Lämna oss inte i händerna på våra fiender. Tack, Herre, att vi ser att vi inte kan lita på pengar eller jordiska rikedomar och förlåta oss att vi tillfälligtvis har syndat men Ja, Herre, vi ser att vi bara kan lita på dig. Stor är din trohet! Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Psalm 9:10 “Those who know your name will trust you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.” Thank you, Lord, that Mr. Lay is one who knows your name. Help him, Lord, that even if things look absolutely terrible, we look to you because you are our help. You're a constant help in times of trouble. All who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. We will not tell you what our salvation should look like, we will only trust the One who can save us. We trust your kind, loving concern. Your heart that has good thoughts toward us so that we can have an expected end. Oh, my God, the end looks like a disaster right now. Lord, hear our cry for your name's sake. Free us and we will declare your goodness to all. Do not leave us in the hands of our enemies. Thank you, Lord, that we see that we cannot trust money or earthly riches and forgive us that we have temporarily sinned but Yes, Lord, we see that we can only trust you. Great is your allegiance! Suggest a subject line for this email? | Psalm 9:10 | Psalm 9:10 |
Write an email with the subject line "TRAINING OPPORTUNITY: Derivatives II (11.14.01-11.15.01)". | We will be offering the Derivatives II training course November 14th/15th in the 2WTC Oregon Room. Space is limited to 25 participants, so if you are interested in attending, please let me know no later than Monday, November 5th. Thanks, | aeslc_10templates | 28 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med ämnesraden "UTBILDNINGSMÖJLIGHET: Derivat II (11.14.01-11.15.01)". | Write an email with the subject line "TRAINING OPPORTUNITY: Derivatives II (11.14.01-11.15.01)". | Vi kommer att erbjuda Derivat II träningskurs 14 november/15 i 2WTC Oregon Room. Rymden är begränsad till 25 deltagare, så om du är intresserad av att delta, vänligen meddela mig senast måndagen den 5 november. Tack. | We will offer Derivat II training course November 14/15 in the 2WTC Oregon Room. Space is limited to 25 participants, so if you are interested in participating, please notify me by Monday, November 5. Thank you. |
Write an email with the subject line "Customers in COH". | Hello, I am looking for supply for two facilities in Ohio. The first is located behind COH 7-3 and the second facility is located behind COH 5-2. They are looking for firm supply to their respective gates. I have attached their load profile below. I am looking for a Nymex plus applicable basis quote. Please let me know if you are able to bid on one if not both facilities. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, | aeslc_10templates | 29 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Kunder i COH". | Write an email with the subject line "Customers in COH". | Hej, jag letar efter proviant för två anläggningar i Ohio. Den första ligger bakom COH 7-3 och den andra anläggningen ligger bakom COH 5-2. De letar efter fast förråd till sina respektive portar. Jag har fäst deras lastprofil nedan. Jag letar efter en Nymex plus tillämplig grund citat. Säg till om ni kan bjuda på en om inte båda faciliteterna. Jag ser fram emot att höra från dig snart. Uppriktigt sagt, | Hey, I'm looking for supplies for two facilities in Ohio. The first is behind COH 7-3 and the second is behind COH 5-2. They're looking for solid supplies to their respective gates. I've attached their loading profile below. I'm looking for a Nymex plus applicable base quote. Let me know if you can offer one if not both facilities. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Frankly, |
Sorry, but once again Tim has discovered a bug in the conversion of the Truequote data and has requested us to remain out of the files while they correct the program and rerun the job. This should be complete by 1, at which time I will spot check the data and give the ok as to whether we can use the files. In the meantime, if you could please try to update the progress reports with any data that you may have completed, it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Propose a subject line for this email? | Curve Validation Templates | aeslc_10templates | 30 | Ledsen, men återigen Tim har upptäckt en bugg i konverteringen av Truequote data och har begärt att vi ska hålla oss utanför filerna medan de korrigera programmet och köra om jobbet. Detta bör vara komplett med 1, då jag kommer att se kontrollera data och ge ok om vi kan använda filerna. Under tiden, om du kan vara snäll och försöka uppdatera lägesrapporterna med alla data som du kan ha fyllt i, kommer det att uppskattas mycket. Tack, Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Sorry, but once again Tim has discovered a bug in the conversion of Truequote data and has requested that we stay out of the files while they correct the program and rerun the job. This should be complete with 1, then I will see check the data and give ok if we can use the files. Meanwhile, if you could please try to update the progress reports with any data you may have filled in, it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Suggest a topic line for this email? | Kurvvalideringsmallar | Curve validation templates |
Write an email with the following subject:
e-Trans Contract Administration | Contract 04603 was suspended at 11/30/2001 08:35:46 PG&E National Energy Group and any other company referenced herein that uses the PG&E name or logo are not the same company as Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the regulated California utility. Neither PG&E National Energy Group nor these other referenced companies are regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. Customers of Pacific Gas and Electric Company do not have to buy products from these companies in order to continue to receive quality regulated services from the utility. | aeslc_10templates | 31 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: e-Trans Contract Administration | Write an email with the following subject: e-Trans Contract Administration | Kontrakt 04603 upphävdes kl. 11/30/2001 08:35:46 PG&E National Energy Group och något annat företag som refereras häri som använder PG&E-namnet eller logotypen är inte samma företag som Pacific Gas and Electric Company, det reglerade Kaliforniens bruksbolag. Varken PG&E National Energy Group eller dessa andra referensföretag regleras av California Public Utilities Commission. Kunderna i Pacific Gas and Electric Company behöver inte köpa produkter från dessa företag för att kunna fortsätta att få kvalitetsreglerade tjänster från bruksföretaget. | Contract 04603 was cancelled at 11/30/2001 08:35:46 PG&E National Energy Group and any other company referenced herein using the PG&E name or logo is not the same company as Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the regulated California utility company. Neither the PG&E National Energy Group nor these other reference companies are regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. The customers of Pacific Gas and Electric Company do not need to purchase products from these companies in order to continue to receive quality regulated services from the utility company. |
Here is an email: In order to bring better legal coordination and standardization to Enron's Risk Assessment and Control (RAC) group, we have formed a new legal group, which will initially include Lisa Mellencamp (Finance), Marcus Nettelton (Power Trading), Carol St. Clair (Broadband/Power Trading), Mary Cook (Financial Swaps), Peter Keohane (Canada), Ed Essandoh (Retail), Paul Darmitzel (Retail) and Elizabeth Sager (Power Trading) (Team Leader). This group will focus on, among other things, managing Enron's exposures with bankrupt counterparties, working out credit solutions with distressed counterparties and standardizing our overall credit practices. The initial members in this group have been drawn from Enron's numerous legal groups in order to gain a broader perspective. Each of these members will provide support to this new group in addition to their current responsibilities. Within RAC, Michael Tribolet will focus on distressed counterparties, in conjunction with Bill Bradford, who continues to manage the Credit Risk Management group. Please join us in supporting the efforts of this new group.
What is a potential subject line for this email? | New Legal Team to Assist RAC | aeslc_10templates | 32 | Här är ett e-postmeddelande: För att få bättre juridisk samordning och standardisering till Enrons Risk Assessment and Control (RAC) grupp, har vi bildat en ny juridisk grupp, som inledningsvis kommer att omfatta Lisa Mellencamp (Finance), Marcus Nettelton (Power Trading), Carol St Clair (Broadband/Power Trading), Mary Cook (Financial Swaps), Peter Keohane (Kanada), Ed Essandoh (Retail), Paul Darmitzel (Retail) och Elizabeth Sager (Power Trading) (Team Leader). Denna grupp kommer bland annat att fokusera på att hantera Enrons exponeringar mot konkursdrabbade motparter, arbeta fram kreditlösningar med nödlidande motparter och standardisera vår övergripande kreditpraxis. De inledande medlemmarna i denna grupp har hämtats från Enrons talrika juridiska grupper för att få ett bredare perspektiv. Var och en av dessa medlemmar kommer att ge stöd till denna nya grupp utöver sitt nuvarande ansvar. Inom RAC kommer Michael Tribolet att fokusera på nödställda motparter, i samarbete med Bill Bradford, som fortsätter att leda kreditriskhanteringsgruppen. Jag ber er att förena er med oss och stödja denna nya grupps ansträngningar. Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here is an email: To get better legal coordination and standardisation to Enron's Risk Assessment and Control (RAC) group, we have formed a new legal group, which will initially include Lisa Mellencamp (Finance), Marcus Nettelton (Power Trading), Carol St. Clair (Broadband/Power Trading), Mary Cook (Financial Swaps), Peter Keohane (Canada), Ed Essandoh (Retail), Paul Darmitzel (Retail) and Elizabeth Sager (Power Trading) (Team Leader). This group will focus, among other things, on managing Enron's exposures to bankrupt counterparties, developing credit solutions with non-performing counterparties and standardising our overall credit practices. The initial members of this group have been drawn from Enron's numerous legal groups to gain a broader perspective. Each of these members will provide support to this new group beyond its current responsibilities. Within the RAC, Michael Tribolet will focus on distressed counterparties, in collaboration with Bill Bradford, who continues to lead the credit risk management group. I ask you to join us and support the efforts of this new group. What is a potential subject line for this email? | Ny rättslig grupp för att bistå nämnden | New Legal Group to assist the Board |
Write a subject line for this message:
Good Morning Sara, I wanted to touch base with you regarding the CSFB 2001 Equity Swap Basket documentation. Since the last time we spoke here are some of the issues discussed along with some additional recommendations. 1) Finalizing the Master ISDA Agreement with Credit Suisse First Boston (Europe) Limited. I see that the status is under Credit Review. 2) Definitions: a) Interest Payment Date- should state "3 business days after the Valuation Date" b) Reference Price- amend the phrase "..last regular way trade..." to state "...Official Closing Price..." in (i) and (ii)(b)(iii). c) Securities- Omit the reference to "Bonds". The definition should only read: "are the securities specified as such in the Confirmation". d) Valuation Date (s)- October 15, 2001, November 15, 2001, ... October 15, 2002 3) Section 5.1 (i)- Omit the reference to Bonds. This section (i) should read: "If a Security pays a dividend or makes another distribution, the payment to be made by the Seller shall be equal to the gross amount of the cash dividend or distribution per share (excluding for the avoidance of doubt any tax credits), as the case may be, multiplied by the Dividend Percentage, multiplied by the Contract Quantity". We should include a definition for "Dividend Payment Date" to read, "The Equity Payment Date relating to the Valuation Date (s) on which the relevant Dividend Period ends". We should also include a definition for "Dividend Amount". The "Dividend Amount" definition should read, "100% of all ordinary cash dividends where; (i) the ex-dividend date occurs during the period from the day following the Trade Date to and including the final Valuation Date and (ii) the date on which the related ordinary cash dividend would have been received by persons who held the Shares comprising the Basket during such period is during the relevent Dividend Period". I believe we should address Section 5.2 "Potential Adjustment Event". We should recommend replacing the language similar to the Intra-Period Adjustment language we utilitized in the Enron Credit Confirmation. Their section allows CSFB to "determine" the provisions of the Intra-Period Adjustments. CSFB should not have control over determining any additonal payment or adjustment of the Opening Price or Contract Quantity. The Intra-Period adjustment language is comprehensive in covering all provisions therein. 4) Schedule to Basket Swaps: a) Applicable Interest Rate Cycle: should read "1 month" b) Termination Date: should read "1 year" c) Business Day Convention: should be the standard ISDA "Modified Following Business Day Convention" language. 5) We should also include the Annex structure to be able to monitor the positions held, along with any subsequent adjustments, in the Equity Swap Basket at any time throughout the deal. Please advise if you like to meet to discuss the documentation in further detail. Regards, | CSFB 2001 Equity Swap Basket Documentation | aeslc_10templates | 33 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Good Morning Sara, Jag ville beröra basen med dig angående CSFB 2001 Equity Swap Basket dokumentation. Sedan förra gången vi talade här är några av de frågor som diskuterats tillsammans med några ytterligare rekommendationer. 1) Slutföra Master ISDA-avtalet med Credit Suisse First Boston (Europe) Limited. Jag ser att statusen är under Credit Review. 2) Definitioner: a) Räntebetalningsdatum- bör ange "3 arbetsdagar efter värderingsdatum" b) Referenspris- ändra frasen "..sista ordinarie sättet handel..." för att ange "...Officiellt stängningspris..." i (i) och (ii) b) iii). c) Värdepapper- Stryk hänvisningen till "Bonds". Definitionen bör endast ha följande lydelse: "är de värdepapper som anges som sådana i bekräftelsen". d) Värderingsdatum – 15 oktober 2001, 15 november 2001, ... 15 oktober 2002 3) Avsnitt 5.1 i – Stryk hänvisningen till Obligationer. Detta avsnitt (i) bör lyda: "Om en Säkerhet betalar en utdelning eller gör en annan utdelning, skall den utbetalning som Säljaren skall göra vara lika med bruttobeloppet av kontantutdelningen eller utdelningen per aktie (exklusive för undvikande av tvivel eventuella skatteavdrag), allt efter omständigheterna, multiplicerat med utdelningsprocenten, multiplicerat med avtalskvantiteten". Vi bör inkludera en definition av "Dividend Payment Date" för att läsa, "The Equity Payment Date relaterar till värderingsdatumet/-datumet då den relevanta utdelningsperioden slutar". Vi bör också ta med en definition av "Dividend amount". Definitionen "Dividend Belopp" bör ha följande lydelse: "100 % av alla vanliga kontantutdelningar där; (i) dagen före utdelningen sker under perioden från dagen efter handelsdatumet till och med den slutliga värderingsdagen och (ii) den dag då den tillhörande ordinarie kontantutdelningen skulle ha mottagits av personer som innehade de aktier som ingår i Basket under denna period är under relevventutdelningsperioden". Jag anser att vi bör ta upp avsnitt 5.2 "Potentiell justering händelse". Vi bör rekommendera att ersätta det språk som liknar det intra-Period justering språk vi utilitized i Enron Credit Confirmation. Deras avsnitt gör det möjligt för CSFB att "bestämma" bestämmelserna i de intraperiodiska justeringarna. CSFB bör inte ha kontroll över att fastställa någon ytterligare betalning eller justering av öppningspriset eller kontraktskvantiteten. Justeringsspråket inom Perioden är omfattande när det gäller att täcka alla bestämmelser däri. 4) Schema till Basket Swaps: a) Tillämplig räntecykel: bör lyda "1 månad" b) Uppsägningsdatum: bör lyda "1 år" c) Affärsdagskonventionen: bör vara standard ISDA "Modified Following Business Day Convention" språk. 5) Vi bör också inkludera bilagastrukturen för att kunna övervaka de positioner som hålls, tillsammans med eventuella efterföljande justeringar, i aktieswapkorgen när som helst under hela affären. Vänligen meddela om du vill träffas för att diskutera dokumentationen i detalj. Hälsningar, | Write a line of topics for this message: Good Morning Sara, I wanted to touch the base with you regarding the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare 2001 Equity Swap Basketball documentation. Since the last time we spoke here, some of the issues discussed together with some further recommendations have been included. 1) Complete the Master ISDA Agreement with Credit Suisse First Boston (Europe) Limited. I see the status is under Credit Review. (2) Definitions: (a) Interest payment date- should indicate "3 working days after valuation date" (b) Reference price- change the phrase "..last regular manner of trading..." to indicate "...Official closing price..." (i) and (ii) (b) (iii). (c) Securities- Delete the reference to "Bonds". The definition should read only as follows: "are the securities listed as such in the confirmation". d) Valuation date – 15 October 2001, 15 November 2001, ... 15 October 2002 3) Section 5.1 (i) – Delete reference to Bonds. This section (i) should read: "If a Security pays a dividend or makes a different dividend, the payment to be made by the Seller shall be equal to the gross amount of the cash dividend or dividend per share (excluding for the avoidance of doubt any tax deduction), as the case may be, multiplied by the dividend percentage, multiplied by the contract quantity". We should include a definition of "Dividend Payment Date" to read, "The Equity Payment Date relates to the valuation date/date when the relevant dividend period ends". We should also include a definition of "Dividend amount". The definition "Dividend Amount" should read as follows: "100 % of all ordinary cash dividends there; (i) the day before the dividend takes place during the period from the day after the trading date until the final valuation date and (ii) the date on which the associated ordinary cash dividend would have been received by persons holding the shares included in Basketball during this period is during the relevant period of distribution". I think we should address section 5.2 "Potential adjustment event". We should recommend replacing the language similar to the intra-Period alignment language we utilitized in Enron Credit Confirmation. Their section allows the CPWC to "determine" the provisions of the intraperiodical adjustments. The NCBs should not be in control of establishing any additional payment or adjustment of the opening price or contract quantity. The language of adjustment within the Period is extensive in terms of covering all provisions therein. 4) Schedule to Basketball Swaps: a) Applicable interest cycle: should read "1 month" b) Termination date: should read "1 year" c) Business Day Convention: should be the standard ISDA "Modified Following Business Day Convention" language. 5) We should also include the attachment structure in order to monitor the positions held, along with any subsequent adjustments, in the stock swap basket at any time throughout the deal. Please let us know if you want to meet to discuss the documentation in detail. Greetings, | CSFB 2001 Equity Swap Basket Dokumentation | CVV 2001 Equity Swap Basketball Documentation |
What is the subject line for this email?
Dear Greg, As we discussed, I am attaching our proposed form of ISDA Schedule and Credit Support Annex for your review. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 713/853-3399. We look forward to hearing from you. cc: Tom May Ed Sacks, Credit Bob Bruce, Senior Counsel | Draft ISDA-Ontario Power Generation, Inc. | aeslc_10templates | 34 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Kära Greg, Som vi diskuterade, Jag bifogar vår föreslagna form av ISDA schema och kreditstöd bilaga för din granskning. Om du har några kommentarer eller frågor, tveka inte att ringa mig på 713/853-3399. Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig. cc: Tom May Ed Sacks, Kredit Bob Bruce, Senior Counsel | What is the subject of this email? Dear Greg, As we discussed, I enclose our proposed form of ISDA schedule and credit support Appendix for your review. If you have any comments or questions, do not hesitate to call me at 713/853-3399. We look forward to hearing from you. cc: Tom May Ed Sacks, Credit Bob Bruce, Senior Counsel | Utkast till ISDA-Ontario Power Generation, Inc. | Draft ISDA-Ontario Power Generation, Inc. |
What is the subject line for this email?
I will be hosting a cookout at my home for OU summer interns, recently hired OU grads and the OU recruiting team on Sunday, July 30th in the late afternoon. More details will follow soon, but I wanted to let you know the date so that you can hold this on your calendar. I will look forward to hopefully seeing all of you there. And my husband will be glad to be surrounded by many fellow Sooners! | Save the Date - Cookout for OU Summer Interns and OU Grads | aeslc_10templates | 35 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Jag kommer att vara värd för en cookout hemma hos mig för OU sommar praktikanter, nyligen anställde OU grads och OU rekrytera team söndagen den 30 juli på sen eftermiddag. Mer detaljer kommer att följa snart, men jag ville meddela dig datum så att du kan hålla detta på din kalender. Jag ser fram emot att förhoppningsvis få se er alla där. Och min man kommer att bli glad att vara omgiven av många andra förr! | What is the subject of this email? I will host a cookout at my home for OU summer interns, recently hired OU grads and OU recruiting team on Sunday 30 July in late afternoon. More details will follow soon, but I wanted to notify you of the date so you can keep this on your calendar. I look forward to seeing all of you there. And my husband will be happy to be surrounded by many others before! | Spara datum - Lagning för OU Sommarpraktikanter och OU Grads | Save date - Repair for OU Summer interns and OU Grads |
As Frank indicated below, below is a new bandwidth product being introduced online. Frequently, if we have a new product and it is close enough in character to another product, we just mirror the approvals we have already given to the mirrored product. Does this strategy work for you, or are there any issues we are unfamiliar with that would require us to review this product in a totally different manner?
Write a subject line for this email. | New Bandwidth Product Type | aeslc_10templates | 36 | Som Frank angav nedan, nedan är en ny bandbredd produkt som introduceras online. Ofta, om vi har en ny produkt och det är tillräckligt nära till sin karaktär till en annan produkt, vi bara speglar de godkännanden vi redan har gett till den spegelvända produkten. Fungerar denna strategi för dig, eller finns det några frågor vi är obekanta med som skulle kräva att vi granskar denna produkt på ett helt annat sätt? Skriv en ämnesrad för det här e-postmeddelandet. | As Frank indicated below, below is a new bandwidth product introduced online. Often, if we have a new product and it is close enough in character to another product, we only reflect the approvals we have already given to the mirrored product. Does this strategy work for you, or are there any questions we are unfamiliar with that would require us to review this product in a completely different way? Write a subject line for this email. | Produkttyp för ny bandbredd | Product type for new bandwidth |
Write a subject line for this message:
Have you heard anything from John Williams re this matter? We have yet to receive from them a new exeuction of the transactions under the new agreement. I have tried to get in touch with them. | Heartland | aeslc_10templates | 37 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Har du hört något från John Williams om denna fråga? Vi har ännu inte fått en ny befrielse från transaktionerna enligt det nya avtalet. Jag har försökt få kontakt med dem. | Write a subject line for this message: Have you heard anything from John Williams about this issue? We have not yet received a new exemption from the transactions under the new agreement. I've been trying to get in touch with them. | Hjärtland | Cardiac Country |
We have received a notice dated 7/10/00 from Merrill Lynch International Bank that it intends to transfer their FX business to Merrill Lynch International Bank Ltd., a United Kingdom incorporated bank regulated by the SFA, effective as of the fourth quarter of 2000. We do have an ISDA Master Agreement in place with Merrill Lynch International Bank. I am sending a copy of the notice to Gary Hickerson & Tanya Rohauer (I am also sending Tanya the financials of the new entity). We will await Credit's instructions as to how they would like to proceed after reviewing the documentation.
Generate a subject line for this email. | Transfer of Merrill Lynch International Bank FX Business | aeslc_10templates | 38 | Vi har fått ett meddelande daterat den 7/10/00 från Merrill Lynch International Bank om att de avser att överföra sin FX-verksamhet till Merrill Lynch International Bank Ltd., en brittisk inkorporerad bank som regleras av SFA, med verkan från och med fjärde kvartalet 2000. Vi har ett ISDA ramavtal med Merrill Lynch International Bank. Jag skickar en kopia av meddelandet till Gary Hickerson & Tanya Rohauer (jag skickar också Tanya ekonomierna i den nya enheten). Vi kommer att invänta Credits instruktioner om hur de vill gå vidare efter att ha granskat dokumentationen. Skapa en ämnesrad för det här brevet. | We have received a message dated 7/10/00 from Merrill Lynch International Bank that they intend to transfer their FX operations to Merrill Lynch International Bank Ltd., a UK incorporated bank regulated by the SFA, with effect from the fourth quarter of 2000. We have an ISDA framework agreement with Merrill Lynch International Bank. I will send a copy of the message to Gary Hickerson & Tanya Rohauer (I will also send Tanya the economies of the new unit). We will await Credit's instructions on how to proceed after reviewing the documentation. Create a subject line for this message. | Överföring av Merrill Lynch International Bank FX Business | Transfer of Merrill Lynch International Bank FX Business |
Today FERC has issued a Supplemental Notice for the Commission meeting agenda which may become common practice. The public meeting is scheduled for tomorrow and is expected to last most of the day. Discussion items are: Gas Pipeline Operational Flow Orders, GX01-1 Kinder-Morgan 637 Compliance Filing, RP00-343 Efficient and Effective Collection of Data, GX01-2 Report of Natural Gas Sales to the California Market, RP01-397 Electric: Generation Interconnection, EX01-5 Investigation of Terms and Conditions of Public Utility, EL01-118 ARCO v. Calnev Pipeline, OR01-8 Ameren Services, ER01-1136 Northeast Utilities, ER01-2584 Midwest ISO, ER98-1438 Carolina Power & Light, ER01-1807 PP&L Montana, P-2188 Pacific Gas & Electric, P-137 East Tennessee, CP01-80 (expansion project for Tenn./Ga line) Consent items that will be taken up without discussion of interest is the GISB and Order 637 rulemakings (RM96-1-008 and RM98-10/12) and OCS rulemaking, RM99-5.
Generate a subject line for this email. | Supplemental Consent Agenda Issued | aeslc_10templates | 39 | I dag har FERC utfärdat ett kompletterande meddelande till kommissionens dagordning för mötet, vilket kan bli vanligt. Det offentliga mötet är planerat till i morgon och förväntas pågå större delen av dagen. Diskussionspunkterna är: Gasrörledning Driftflödesorder, GX01-1 Kinder-Morgan 637 Compliance Filing, RP00-343 Effektiv och effektiv insamling av data, GX01-2 Rapport om naturgasförsäljning till Kalifornien Market, RP01-397 Elektriska: Generation Sammankoppling, EX01-5 Undersökning av regler och villkor för offentliga verktyg, EL01-118 ARCO v. Calnev Pipeline, OR01-8 Ameren Services, ER01-1136 Northeast Utilities, ER01-2584 Mellanväster ISO, ER98-1438 Carolina Power & Light, ER01-1807 PP&L Montana, P-2188 Pacific Gas & Electric, P-137 East Tennesseesee, CP01-80 (expansionsprojekt för Tenn./Ga linje) Samtycke poster som kommer att tas upp utan diskussion av intresse är GISB och Order 637 regeltillverkning (RM96-1-008 och RM98-10/12) och OCS regeltillverkning, RM99-5. Skapa en ämnesrad för det här brevet. | Today, the FERC has issued a supplementary communication to the Commission's agenda for the meeting, which may become commonplace. The public meeting is scheduled for tomorrow and is expected to last most of the day. The discussion points are: Gas pipeline Operation flow order, GX01-1 Kinder-Morgan 637 Compliance Filing, RP00-343 Efficient and efficient data collection, GX01-2 Report on natural gas sales to California Market, RP01-397 Electric: Generation Interconnection, EX01-5 Investigation of rules and conditions for public tools, EL01-118 ARCO v. Calnev Pipeline, OR01-8 Ameren Services, ER01-1136 Northeast Utilities, ER01-2584 Midwest ISO, ER98-1438 Carolina Power & Light, ER01-1807 PP&L Montana, P-2188 Pacific Gas & Electric, P-137 East Tennessee, CP01-80 (expansion project for Tenn./Ga line) Conjoint items that will be addressed without discussion of interest are GISB and Order 637 Rule Manufacturing (RM96-1-008 and RM98-10/12) and OCS Rule Manufacturing, RM99-5. Create a subject line for this message. | Agenda för kompletterande godkännande utfärdad | Supplementary Authorisation Agenda issued |
What is the subject line for this email?
Further to our conversation please find attached the curves on the JM Huber transaction that we have agreed to work off of. The 30,000/day of capacity will sit on the books until next week but the deal with HUBER is effectively completed. In the event that this deal does not close, then the West desk will resume with the same MTM risks that you presently have. Any curve shift positive from now until the transaction is actually unwound will be credited back to the orig desk and any negative curve shift from here on in will be credited to the trading desk... plus ENA Orig and trading will work on a sharing calculation payable for any future deals. In addition to the transportation income being generated, additional orig will be generated by entering into wellhead and market based transactions with the desks. I believe that all of the risks and discussions associated with the structures have been well communicated with each book ( by Mark Whitt ) and we will be meeting with each of you early next week to get the structures and booking set up properly. I trust that this note covers the general areas related to this deal and I am very pleased with the high level of cooperation shown by everyone.. Pls review file and if there are any questions give me a call. BT | JM Huber Transaction- Confidential | aeslc_10templates | 40 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Utöver vårt samtal hittar du bifogade kurvor på JM Huber transaktionen som vi har kommit överens om att arbeta av. Kapaciteten på 30 000/dag kommer att ligga på spel fram till nästa vecka, men avtalet med HUBER är effektivt avslutat. I händelse av att denna affär inte stänger, kommer West-disken att återupptas med samma MTM-risker som du för närvarande har. Eventuella kurvskift positiva från och med nu tills transaktionen är faktiskt unwound kommer att krediteras tillbaka till orig skrivbord och eventuella negativa kurvskift från och med nu kommer att krediteras till handelsdisken ... plus ENA Orig och handel kommer att arbeta med en delningsberäkning som ska betalas för eventuella framtida erbjudanden. Utöver de transportintäkter som genereras kommer ytterligare orig att genereras genom att man inleder vältaliga och marknadsbaserade transaktioner med skrivborden. Jag tror att alla de risker och diskussioner som är förknippade med strukturerna har kommunicerats väl med varje bok (av Mark Whitt ) och vi kommer att träffa var och en av er tidigt nästa vecka för att få strukturerna och bokningen uppsatta på rätt sätt. Jag hoppas att detta meddelande täcker de allmänna områden som hör samman med denna affär och jag är mycket nöjd med den höga graden av samarbete som visas av alla.. Pls granskning fil och om det finns några frågor ring mig. BT | What is the subject of this email? In addition to our conversation, you will find attached curves on the JM Huber transaction that we have agreed to work off. The capacity of 30 000/day will be at stake until next week, but the agreement with HUBER is effectively concluded. In the event that this deal does not close, the West disk will resume with the same MTM risks that you currently have. Any curve shifts positive from now on until the transaction is actually unwound will be credited back to the orig desktop and any negative curve shifts from now on will be credited to the trading desk ... plus ENA Orig and trading will work on a sharing calculation to be paid for any future offers. In addition to the transport revenues generated, further orig will be generated by initiating articulate and market-based transactions with desks. I think all the risks and discussions associated with the structures have been well communicated with each book (by Mark Whitt ) and we will meet each of you early next week to get the structures and booking set up properly. I hope that this communication covers the general areas related to this affair and I am very pleased with the high degree of cooperation shown by everyone.. Pl's review file and if there are any questions call me. BT | JM Huber Transaktionskonfidentiell | JM Huber Transaction Confidential |
Mike, Attached please find a draft confidentiality agreement which we would propose to use with the financial information required to be provided pursuant to the guaranty. If acceptable, please print and start execution, we will sign when we receive the other documents. Sorry for the delay, I had requested this from our credit department and forgot to follow thru. M
Propose a subject line for this email? | Ormet Confidentiality Agreement | aeslc_10templates | 41 | Mike, bifogad, hitta ett förslag till sekretessavtal som vi föreslår att använda med den ekonomiska information som ska tillhandahållas enligt garantin. Om det är godtagbart, skriv ut och påbörja utförandet, skriver vi på när vi får de andra dokumenten. Ursäkta förseningen, jag hade begärt detta från vår kreditavdelning och glömde att följa efter genom. M Föreslå en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Mike, attached, find a proposal for a confidentiality agreement that we propose to use with the financial information to be provided under the guarantee. If that's acceptable, print it out and start execution, we'll sign when we get the other documents. I'm sorry for the delay. I had requested this from our credit department and forgot to follow through. M Suggest a subject line for this email? | Sekretessavtal för Ormet | Privacy agreement for the Ormet |
What is the subject line for this email?
Due to problems with a Mirant downstream, I had to change a couple of paths late Monday. The new and improved paths are: LADWP-CISO(T)LDWP/SYL GF-LDWP(T)SYL/MALIN #LDWP00000178F-LA(T)SYL/MALIN LDWPCA0024-LADWP-MORGAN-BPA(T)MALIN/JD #10031F-BPA(T)JD/PGE #10031NF-MORGAN-AEP-EPMI-CAES-PGE. Deal numbers 630912 and 556517. IPCO-IPCO(T)IPCO/LGBP #79606F-IPCO-EPMI-MIRANT-SNOH-BPA(T)LGBP/JD #96092NF-SNOH-MIRANT-BPA(T)JD/MALIN #371697F-CISO(T)MALIN/NP15-MIRANT. Deal numbers 524174 and 626428. Both for 25mw on Light-load for 06/05. I have made a tag, #24026, for the LA to PGE path. It was made as a preschedule tag, but due to the lateness of it, BPA may deny it just because they can. If that happens, EPMI real-time will have to make a real-time tag. You can use my tag as a template. Late breaking news - my tag went undelivered due to communication failure at PGE, so I faxed the tag to all the counterparties. Mirant has made tag #5673 for the IPCO to NP15 path. All counterparties have been called as of 15:30 and are aware that these schedules are going real-time - that is, their real time groups will call the schedules in to BPA. EPMI real-time will have to make sure this gets done with a reminder phone call to our counterparties. I have spoken with PGE/Donna, AEP/Peggy, Mirant/Emily, and IPCO/Perry. CAES (Conagra) had already gone home for the day and has no real-time. Any questions? Please call. Thanks, Donald Robinson. | MIDC path going real-time | aeslc_10templates | 42 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? På grund av problem med en Mirant nedströms, var jag tvungen att byta ett par vägar sent måndag. De nya och förbättrade vägarna är: LADWP-CISO(T)LDWP/SYL GF-LDWP(T)SYL/MALIN #LDWP00000178F-LA(T)SYL/MALIN LDWP0024-LADWP-MORGAN-BPA(T)MALIN/JD #10031F-BPA(T)JD/PGE #10031NF-MORGAN-AEP-EPMI-CAES-PGE. Deal nummer 630912 och 556517. IPCO-IPCO(T)IPCO/LGBP #79606F-IPCO-EPMI-MIRANT-SNOH-BPA(T)LGBP/JD #96092NF-SNOH-MIRANT-BPA(T)JD/MALIN #371697F-CISO(T)MALIN/NP15-MIRANT. Deal nummer 524174 och 626428. Båda för 25mw på Light-load för 06/05. Jag har gjort en tagg, #24026, för LA till PGE vägen. Det gjordes som en schematisk tagg, men på grund av förseningen av det, BPA kan förneka det bara för att de kan. Om det händer måste EPMI i realtid göra en realtidstagg. Du kan använda min etikett som mall. Sena nyheter - min etikett gick olevererad på grund av kommunikationsfel på PGE, så jag faxade taggen till alla motparter. Mirant har gjort tagg #5673 för IPCO till NP15 sökväg. Alla motparter har kallats från och med 15:30 och är medvetna om att dessa scheman går i realtid - det vill säga deras realtidsgrupper kommer att ringa scheman in till BPA. EPMI i realtid måste se till att detta görs med en påminnelse telefonsamtal till våra motparter. Jag har talat med PGE/Donna, AEP/Peggy, Mirant/Emily och IPCO/Perry. CAES (Conagra) hade redan gått hem för dagen och har ingen realtid. Några frågor? Snälla, ring. Tack, Donald Robinson. | What is the subject of this email? Due to problems with a Mirant downstream, I had to change a couple of roads late Monday. The new and improved roads are: LADWP-CISO(T)LDWP/SYL GF-LDWP(T)SYL/MALIN #LDWP00000178F-LA(T)SYL/MALIN LDWP0024-LADWP-MORGAN-BPA(T)MALIN/JD #10031F-BPA(T)JD/PGE #10031NF-MORGAN-EEP-EPMI-CAES-PGE. Deal numbers 630912 and 556517. IPCO-IPCO(T)IPCO/LGBP #79606F-IPCO-EPMI-MIRANT-SNOW-BPA(T)LGBP/JD #96092NF-NOW-MIRANT-BPA(T)JD/MALIN #371697F-CISO(T)MALIN/NP15-MIRANT. Deal numbers 524174 and 626428. Both for 25mw at Light-load for 06/05. I've made a tag, #24026, bringing LA to the PGE road. It was done as a schematic tag, but due to the delay of it, the BPA can deny it just because they can. If this happens, EPMI must do a real-time tag in real time. You can use my label as a template. Late news - my label went undelivered due to communication errors on PGE, so I faxed the tag to all counterparties. Mirant has made tag #5673 for IPCO to NP15 path. All counterparties have been called as of 15:30 and are aware that these schedules run in real time - that is, their real-time groups will call schedules into BPA. The EPMI in real time must ensure that this is done with a reminder phone call to our counterparts. I have spoken to PGE/Donna, AEP/Peggy, Mirant/Emily and IPCO/Perry. CAEs (Conagra) had already gone home for the day and have no real time. Any questions? Please, call me. Thank you, Donald Robinson. | MIDC- sökväg i realtid | Real-time MIDC path |
Write a subject line for this message:
Ladies and Gentlemen: Attached is a letter from Bill Harper, NESA/HEA President, on behalf of the Board of Directors, asking you to vote on amending the name of the Association from NESA/HEA to NESA. Please read the letter and cast your e-ballot by November 8, 2001 by replying to this message either "FOR" or "AGAINST". Sincerely, | Your Vote is Required by November 8th! | aeslc_10templates | 43 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Mina damer och herrar: Bifogat är ett brev från Bill Harper, NESA / HEA President, på uppdrag av styrelsen, ber dig att rösta om att ändra namnet på föreningen från NESA / HEA till NESA. Vänligen läs brevet och kasta din e-ballot senast den 8 november 2001 genom att svara på detta meddelande antingen "FOR" eller "AGAINST". Uppriktigt sagt, | Write a subject line for this message: Ladies and gentlemen: Attached is a letter from Bill Harper, NESA / HEA President, on behalf of the board, asking you to vote to change the name of the association from NESA / HEA to NESA. Please read the letter and discard your e-ballot by November 8, 2001 by responding to this message either "FOR" or "AGAINST". Frankly, | Din röst krävs senast den 8 november! | Your vote is required by November 8th! |
The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. ? 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now in the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and they should print clearly from Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or higher. Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 may be downloaded for FREE from (See attached file: API.pdf)(See attached file: TotalGasolineStocks.pdf) (See attached file: Padd I Gasoline Stocks.pdf)(See attached file: Padd II Crude Stocks.pdf)(See attached file: TotalCrudeStocks.pdf)(See attached file: TotalDistillateStocks.pdf)(See attached file: Padd I Distillate Stocks.pdf) - API.pdf - TotalGasolineStocks.pdf - Padd I Gasoline Stocks.pdf - Padd II Crude Stocks.pdf - TotalCrudeStocks.pdf - TotalDistillateStocks.pdf - Padd I Distillate Stocks.pdf
Generate a subject line for this email. | API 2/5 | aeslc_10templates | 44 | Informationen häri är baserad på källor som vi anser vara tillförlitliga, men vi representerar inte att den är korrekt eller fullständig. Ingenting i detta bör betraktas som ett erbjudande att sälja eller en uppmaning att köpa finansiella instrument som diskuteras här. Alla åsikter som uttrycks häri är endast författarens. De kan i sig skilja sig i sak från dem som Carr Futures eller dess tjänstemän, direktörer, anställda eller dotterbolag ger ut eller ger ut. ? 2001 Carr Futures Diagrammen är nu i den senaste versionen av Adobe Acrobat 4.0 och de bör skrivas ut tydligt från Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 eller högre. Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 kan laddas ner GRATIS från (Se bifogad fil: API.pdf)(Se bifogad fil: TotalGasolineStocks.pdf) (Se bifogad fil: Padd I Gasoline Stocks.pdf)(Se bifogad fil: Padd II Råvarustockar.pdf)(Se bifogad fil: TotalGasolineStocks.pdf)(Se bifogad fil: TotalDestillate Stocks.pdf) - API.pdf - TotalGasolineStocks.pdf - Padd I Gasoline Stocks.pdf - Padd II Råvarustockar.pdf - TotalCrudeStocks.pdf - TotalDestillateStocks.pdf - Padd I Destillate Stocks.pdf Skapa en ämnesrad för denna e-post. | The information herein is based on sources that we consider reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing in this should be regarded as an offer to sell or a call to buy financial instruments discussed here. All opinions expressed herein are only those of the author. They may themselves differ in substance from those published or published by Carr Futures or its officials, directors, employees or subsidiaries. ? The 2001 Carr Futures Charts are now in the latest version of Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and they should be printed clearly from Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or higher. Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 can be downloaded for FREE from (See attached file: API.pdf) (See attached file: TotalGasolineStocks.pdf) (See attached file: Padd I Gasoline Stocks.pdf) (See attached file: Paddle II Raw material logs.pdf) (See attached file: TotalGasolineStocks.pdf) (See attached file: TotalDestillate Stocks.pdf) - API.pdf - TotalGasolineStocks.pdf - Padd I Gasoline Stocks.pdf - Padd II Raw material stocks.pdf - TotalCrudeStocks.pdf - TotalDestillateStocks.pdf - Padd I Distillate Stocks.pdf Create a subject line for this email. | API 2/5 | API 2/5 |
Write a subject line for this message:
I have engaged South African counsel. The response may take a few weeks but your transaction can proceed prior to that time. However, I will need some time to refine our ISDA Schedule and learn about the counterparty. Please keep me up-to-date. Thanks. Sara ps: I can talk | South African trading partner | aeslc_10templates | 45 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta budskap: Jag har anlitat sydafrikanska rådgivare. Svaret kan ta några veckor, men din transaktion kan gå vidare före den tiden. Men jag kommer att behöva lite tid för att förfina vårt ISDA schema och lära mig om motparten. Håll mig uppdaterad. Tack. Sara, jag kan prata. | Write a subject line for this message: I have hired South African advisers. The answer may take a few weeks, but your transaction may go ahead before that time. But I'm going to need some time to refine our ISDA schedule and learn about the other side. Keep me posted. Thank you. Sara, I can talk. | Sydafrikas handelspartner | South Africa's trading partners |
What is the subject line for this email?
Louise has asked me if you are available to meet with Duke Energy on Friday November 2nd at 3pm. Please let me know your availability. Thanks Sue TIM: can you make sure that Jeff gets this message. Thanks. | Meeting with Duke Energy | aeslc_10templates | 46 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Louise har frågat mig om du är tillgänglig för att träffa Duke Energy på fredag 2 november kl 15. Säg till om ni har tid. Tack Sue TIM: kan du se till att Jeff får det här meddelandet. Tack. | What is the subject of this email? Louise has asked me if you're available to see Duke Energy on Friday November 2 at 3 p.m. Let me know if you have time. Thanks Sue TIM: can you make sure Jeff gets this message. Thank you. | Möte med Duke Energy | Meeting with Duke Energy |
Write a subject line for this message:
The cancer journey is sometimes lonely and frustrating for both those suffering with the disease and those providing care. But it can also be a time of friendship, personal growth, humor, and fulfillment. Please join Marlene Lockey, Sr. Social Work Counselor at MD Anderson Cancer Center on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 at 11:30 a.m. in the Forum in 2AC (12th floor) for a Brown Bag session on "Caring for the Caregiver." Marlene has many stories to share, as well as many ways to cope with the challenges of living with cancer. The presentation will be followed by an audience discussion, so please bring your questions and experiences. Contact Laura Herrera [email protected] - if you would like to attend. | "Caring for the Caregiver" - MD Anderson Brown Bag" | aeslc_10templates | 47 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta budskap: Cancerresan är ibland ensam och frustrerande för både dem som lider av sjukdomen och dem som ger vård. Men det kan också vara en tid av vänskap, personlig tillväxt, humor och tillfredsställelse. Vänligen gå med Marlene Lockey, Sr. Social Work Counselor på MD Anderson Cancer Center onsdagen den 15 augusti 2001 klockan 11:30 i Forum i 2AC (12: e våningen) för en Brown Bag session på "Caring för vårdgivaren." Marlene har många historier att dela med sig av, samt många sätt att hantera utmaningarna med att leva med cancer. Presentationen kommer att följas av en publikdiskussion, så var vänlig och ta med era frågor och erfarenheter. Kontakta Laura Herrera [email protected] - om du vill vara med. | Write a subject line for this message: The cancer journey is sometimes lonely and frustrating for both those who suffer from the disease and those who provide care. But it can also be a time of friendship, personal growth, humor, and satisfaction. Please join Marlene Lockey, Sr. Social Work Counselor on MD Anderson Cancer Center on Wednesday, August 15, 2001 at 11:30 a.m. in the Forum in 2AC (12th Floor) for a Brown Bag session on "Caring for the Caregiver." Marlene has many stories to share, as well as many ways to deal with the challenges of living with cancer. The presentation will be followed by an audience discussion, so please include your questions and experiences. Contact Laura Herrera [email protected] - if you want to join. | "Caring for the Caregiver" - MD Anderson Brown Bag | "Caring for the Caregiver" — MD Anderson Brown Bag |
This is the content of an email: Attached is a draft of the Agreement for Recruiting or Contract Personnel Services. This draft combines the Master Services Agreement, the Agreement for Project Services, and the Staffing Services Agreement into a single, comprehensive document. Attached to this, as applicable, will be a Project Work Description ("PWD") and/or a Staffing Services Description ("SSD"). I understand that HR is working on a revised PWD. I will circulate the SSD in the near future. It will contain a more specific description of staffing services (e.g. retained/contingency) as well as pay rates. Please review this draft to determine if it fits your needs. Feel free to throw darts! Let me know by return email if you have comments or questions. I will resolve as many as possible based upon your comments as well as those of others in Legal, and circulate a revised draft based upon those comments. Thank you.
What was the subject line for this email? | Recruiting/Contract Personnel Services Agreement | aeslc_10templates | 48 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Bifogat är ett utkast till avtal för rekrytering eller kontraktsanställda. Detta utkast kombinerar huvudtjänstavtalet, avtalet om projekttjänster och avtalet om personaltjänster i ett enda, omfattande dokument. Bifogat till detta kommer, beroende på vad som är tillämpligt, att vara en projektbeskrivning ("PWD") och/eller en beskrivning av personaltjänster ("SSD"). Jag har förstått att HR arbetar på en reviderad PWD. Jag kommer att cirkulera SSD inom en snar framtid. Den kommer att innehålla en mer specifik beskrivning av bemanningstjänster (t.ex. bibehållen/kontingent) samt lönenivåer. Vänligen granska detta utkast för att avgöra om det passar dina behov. Kasta gärna pilar! Meddela mig via returmail om du har kommentarer eller frågor. Jag kommer att lösa så många som möjligt på grundval av era och andras kommentarer inom det rättsliga området, och sprida ett reviderat utkast baserat på dessa kommentarer. Tack. Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an e-mail: Attached is a draft contract for recruitment or contract staff. This draft combines the main service agreement, the project services agreement and the staff service agreement in a single, comprehensive document. Attached to this will, as appropriate, be a project description ("PWD") and/or a description of staff services ("SSD"). I understand HR is working on a revised PWD. I will circulate SSD in the near future. It will include a more specific description of staffing services (e.g. maintenance/contingent) and wage levels. Please review this draft to determine whether it suits your needs. Throw arrows, please! Notify me by return email if you have any comments or questions. I will resolve as many as possible on the basis of your comments and those of others in the legal field, and will disseminate a revised draft based on these comments. Thank you. What was the subject of this email? | Rekrytering/avtal om personaltjänster | Recruitment/Staff Agreement |
Write an email with the following subject:
NW escrow agreement | Hi there, I believe Chris should be back today, so I wanted to follow up on this. I don't have any recollection of where we left the escrow agreement with NW. Please get with MKahn or Jerry DeBerry to see if we can get consensus on the current form of escrow agreement. Once we have that, Enron (Chris) will make contact with Citibank. Thanks, | aeslc_10templates | 49 | Skriv ett e-postmeddelande med följande ämne: NW spärravtal | Write an e-mail with the following subject: NW blocking agreement | Hej där, jag tror Chris borde vara tillbaka idag, så jag ville följa upp det här. Jag minns inte var vi lämnade depositionsavtalet med NW. Var snäll och kontakta MKahn eller Jerry DeBerry för att se om vi kan nå samförstånd om den nuvarande formen av depositionsavtal. När vi har det, Enron (Chris) kommer att ta kontakt med Citibank. Tack. | Hey there, I think Chris should be back today, so I wanted to follow this up. I don't remember where we left the deposit agreement with NW. Please contact MKahn or Jerry DeBerry to see if we can reach a consensus on the current form of deposit agreement. Once we have it, Enron (Chris) will make contact with Citibank. Thank you. |
Write an email with the subject line "Penn Career Network". | Mr. Shankman: My name is Robert Brown and I am a fellow alumnus of the Wharton School. I noticed that you provided your name on the Penn Career Network as a mentor for other alumni. I have just returned from a sabbatical and am currently seeking to enter the energy industry in Houston now that I have returned stateside. As a person who has achieved a prominent position in the industry in which I am interested, I thought you might be able to help me in my endeavors with some advice. Would it be possible for me to contact you at a convenient time, so that I might be able to ask you a few questions? Please feel free to call me on my cell phone at 832.541.5805 or you can also reach me through e-mail by responding to this e-mail. Thank you for making yourself available to other alumni like myself. I look forward to speaking to you. Regards, | aeslc_10templates | 50 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Penn Career Network". | Write an email with the subject line "Penn Career Network". | Jag heter Robert Brown och är alumn från Whartonskolan. Jag märkte att du angav ditt namn på Penn Career Network som mentor för andra alumner. Jag har just återvänt från ett sabbatsår och jag försöker för närvarande att komma in i energiindustrin i Houston nu när jag har återvänt till staten. Som en person, som uppnått en framstående ställning i den bransch, i vilken jag är intresserad, tänkte jag att ni kanske kunde hjälpa mig i mina strävanden med några råd. Skulle det vara möjligt för mig att kontakta dig vid en lämplig tidpunkt, så att jag kanske kan ställa några frågor? Ring mig gärna på min mobiltelefon på 832.541.5805 eller så kan du också nå mig via e-post genom att svara på detta e-postmeddelande. Tack för att du ställer dig till förfogande för andra alumner som jag. Jag ser fram emot att få tala med er. Hälsningar, | My name is Robert Brown. I'm an alumnus from Wharton School. I noticed you gave your name on the Penn Career Network as a mentor for other alumni. I have just returned from a sabbatical year and I am currently trying to enter the energy industry in Houston now that I have returned to the state. As a person who has achieved an outstanding position in the industry in which I am interested, I thought you might be able to help me in my endeavours with some advice. Would it be possible for me to contact you at an appropriate time, so that I might be able to ask you some questions? Please call me on my mobile phone at 832.541.5805 or you can also reach me by email by answering this email. Thank you for making yourself available to other alumni like me. I look forward to speaking with you. Greetings, |
Write a subject line for this message:
Prior to the meeting with the Texas General Land Office I think it would be beneficial to have some one accumulate the following information: 1) What has the load profile for the Markets served by the Texas General Land Office look liked in the past? how does the load profile look now and how is the load profile expected to change in the future? 2) If there is swing on an hour to hour basis during the day how will this be managed if HPL no longer provides the Storage service? Before we make recommendations on how to solve their challenges I think we need to fully understand the services they provide to the various Texas institutions. | Texas General Land Office Mtg | aeslc_10templates | 51 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Innan mötet med Texas General Land Office Jag tror att det skulle vara fördelaktigt att ha någon samla följande information: 1) Vad har belastningsprofilen för marknaderna som betjänas av Texas General Land Office ser gillade i det förflutna? hur ser belastningsprofilen ut nu och hur förväntas belastningsprofilen förändras i framtiden? 2) Om det finns gunga på en timme till timme under dagen hur kommer detta att hanteras om HPL inte längre tillhandahåller lagringstjänsten? Innan vi ger rekommendationer om hur vi ska lösa deras utmaningar tror jag att vi måste förstå de tjänster som de tillhandahåller till de olika Texasinstitutionerna. | Write a subject line for this message: Before meeting with the Texas General Land Office I think it would be beneficial to have someone collect the following information: 1) What does the load profile of the markets served by the Texas General Land Office look like in the past? what is the load profile now and what is expected to change the load profile in the future? 2) If there is a swing of one hour to hour during the day how will this be handled if HPL no longer provides the storage service? Before we make recommendations on how to solve their challenges, I think we need to understand the services they provide to the various Texas institutions. | Texas General Land Office Mtg | Texas General Land Office Mtg |
This is the content of an email: You sound great! I am so glad that you are getting out and living your life!!! Of course, I know Dame Edna, she/he cracks me up!!! I'm sure that you will enjoy the show, I would love to see it. So what's mcclendon doing these days? Hope you get some good drugs and feel better...I#ve been fighting that for weeks, now ARmin has it too. Well gotta go proof a bill Armin just wrote for over 100,000 DM!!! woo hooo, keep the bucks rolling in..AND YOU GET THAT STOCK BACK UP THERE!! !
What was the subject line for this email? | AW: IT'S FREEZING HERE! | aeslc_10templates | 52 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Du låter bra! Jag är så glad att du kommer ut och leva ditt liv!!! Naturligtvis känner jag Dame Edna, hon / han knäcker mig!!!! Jag är säker på att du kommer att njuta av showen, jag skulle älska att se den. Vad gör Mcclendon nuförtiden? Hoppas du får några bra droger och mår bättre ... Jag # har kämpat det i veckor, nu har ARmin det också. Bra måste gå bevis en räkning Armin skrev precis för över 100 000 DM!!! Håll pengarna på plats, och du får upp den där stucken igen! ! Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: You sound great! I'm so glad you come out and live your life!!! Of course I know Dame Edna, she/he breaks me!!! I'm sure you'll enjoy the show, I'd love to see it. What's Mcclendon doing these days? Hope you get some good drugs and feel better... I # have been fighting it for weeks, now ARmin has it too. Good must go proof a bill Armin wrote just for over 100,000 DM!!! Keep the money in place, and you'll get that stung again! ! What was the subject of this email? | Det fryser här! | It's freezing here! |
Attached are my demand charges and CGAS activity for December. Jeff, I have all the prices in my worksheet. It would be easy to calculate one citygate price to put on our big citygate deal ticket. And we are still out of balance starting on the 22nd.
Write a subject line for this email. | Dec 2000 | aeslc_10templates | 53 | Till detta hör mina kravavgifter och CGAS-aktivitet för december. Jeff, jag har alla priser i mitt kalkylblad. Det skulle vara lätt att beräkna en stadgate pris att sätta på vår stora stadgate affär biljett. Och vi är fortfarande ur balans från och med den 22:a. Skriv en ämnesrad för det här e-postmeddelandet. | This includes my claim fees and CGAS activity for December. Jeff, I have all the prizes in my spreadsheet. It would be easy to calculate a set price to put on our big chartered shop ticket. And we're still out of balance from the 22nd. Write a subject line for this email. | Dec 2000 | Dec 2000 |
Write an email with the following subject:
Quick question - Xcelerator legal "point person" | Mark Although the Xcelerator has been moved to Corp, Jim Derrick asked that I continue to receive legal support from your group. I and people in my group have worked some with Teresa Bushman and Angela Davis in Lance Schuler's group. Would you like me to consider Lance or someone in his group as my legal "point person", or is there someone else you'd prefer? Thanks | aeslc_10templates | 54 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: Snabb fråga - Xcelerator juridisk "punkt person" | Write an email with the following subject: Quick question - Xcelerator legal "dot person" | Mark Även om Xceleratorn har flyttats till Corp, Jim Derrick bad att jag ska fortsätta att få juridiskt stöd från din grupp. Jag och folk i min grupp har arbetat en del med Teresa Bushman och Angela Davis i Lance Schulers grupp. Vill du att jag ska betrakta Lance eller någon i hans grupp som min juridiska "pekperson", eller är det någon annan du föredrar? Tack. | Mark Although the Xcelerator has been moved to Corp, Jim Derrick asked me to continue receiving legal support from your group. Me and people in my group have worked with Teresa Bushman and Angela Davis in the Lance Schuler group. Do you want me to consider Lance or someone in his group as my legal "toucher", or is it someone else you prefer? Thank you. |
This is the content of an email: Hi Nancy! I left a voice mail for you in Sao Paulo since Lynn told me you were there. We need to authorize someone in the US to execute swaps on behalf of ESA. Brent Hendry (after speaking with Jana Morse) thought Martha Stevens or Scott Mills would be good candidates (if not already authorized). Please give me or Brent a call. We're trying to get this done next week since TBS executed a swap in January, 2000 and we are still trying to confirm. Also, let's have lunch. Sara
What was the subject line for this email? | authorization for executing Enron South America LLC ("ESA") swaps | aeslc_10templates | 55 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Hej Nancy! Jag lämnade ett röstmeddelande till dig i Sao Paulo sen Lynn sa att du var där. Vi måste ge någon i USA tillstånd att utföra swappar för ESA:s räkning. Brent Hendry (efter att ha talat med Jana Morse) tyckte att Martha Stevens eller Scott Mills skulle vara bra kandidater (om inte redan auktoriserats). Snälla, ring mig eller Brent. Vi försöker få detta gjort nästa vecka sedan TBS genomförde en swap i januari, 2000 och vi försöker fortfarande bekräfta. Och så äter vi lunch. Sara Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: Hello Nancy! I left you a voicemail in Sao Paulo since Lynn told me you were there. We must give someone in the United States permission to perform swaps on behalf of ESA. Brent Hendry (after speaking to Jana Morse) thought Martha Stevens or Scott Mills would be good candidates (unless already authorized). Please call me or Brent. We are trying to get this done next week since TBS carried out a swap in January, 2000 and we are still trying to confirm. And then we'll have lunch. Sara What was the subject of this email? | Auktorisation för utförande av Enron South America LLC ("ESA") swappar | Authorisation for the execution of Enron South America LLC ("ESA") swaps |
Ken: It is my understanding that we must get approval from the Office of the Chairman to utilize the company aircraft for personal use. My family is holding a Holiday Reunion in Atlanta December 18-23. Debbie and I would like to fly to Atlanta and back on Friday, December 22, with our children. The twins, Jason and Jessica, are a little bit too young yet to try the commercial airlines, which is why I am requesting to use a company aircraft. Of course, we would only secure a plane if it is NOT needed for business purposes that particular day and would be subject to company policy on all charges. No problem if this doesn't work! Stan
Write a subject line for this email. | PERSONAL USE OF COMPANY AIRCRAFT | aeslc_10templates | 56 | Ken: Jag har förstått att vi måste få godkännande från ordförandens kontor för att kunna använda företagets flygplan för personligt bruk. Min familj håller en Holiday Reunion i Atlanta 18-23 december. Debbie och jag skulle vilja flyga till Atlanta och tillbaka på fredagen den 22 december tillsammans med våra barn. Tvillingarna, Jason och Jessica, är lite för unga för att pröva de kommersiella flygbolagen, och därför begär jag att få använda ett flygplan från företaget. Naturligtvis skulle vi bara säkra ett plan om det inte behövs för affärsändamål den dagen och skulle omfattas av företagets policy för alla avgifter. Inga problem om det inte fungerar! Stan Skriv en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | Ken: I understand that we need approval from the chairman's office in order to use the company's aircraft for personal use. My family is holding a Holiday Reunion in Atlanta December 18-23. Debbie and I would like to fly to Atlanta and back on Friday, December 22, with our children. The twins, Jason and Jessica, are a little too young to test the commercial airlines, and so I request to use an aircraft from the company. Of course, we would only secure a plane if it was not needed for business purposes that day and would be subject to the company's policy for all fees. No problem if it doesn't work! Stan Write a subject line for this email. | PERSONLIG ANVÄNDNING AV LUFTFARTYG FRÅN FÖRETAG | PERSONAL USE OF AVIATION BY ENTITIES |
This is an email
=09 =09 Dear Randy, I'm Washington Bureau Chief Peter Cook filling in = for Jay Rickerts. Just a reminder - On Friday, Houston Correspondent Kim = Benestante is live in Cairo, Egypt covering the OPEC meeting. Join us tomo= rrow as Kim brings us the latest on possible oil production cuts beginning = in January. We'll also have more reaction from here in Washington to t= he OPEC meeting. American Petroleum Institute Chief Economist John Felmy, = Ph.D., will share his thoughts on the cartel's moves and what they might me= an for the U.S. Also during the 12:00 p.m. ET newscast, The Petroleum Fina= nce Company Senior Market Analyst George Beranek will give us his assessmen= t of the market if OPEC follows through with a production cut. The Federa= l Energy Regulatory Commission has had a very busy year - from the Californ= ia crisis to the crisis at Enron, the Commission has had a full docket. On= Friday during the 10:00 a.m. ET newscast, we'll hear what former FERC Chai= rman James Hoecker thinks about the past year at the FERC and what issues m= ay surface during the New Year. As the year draws to a close, the Houston= bureau will take a look back at one of the biggest energy stories - the co= llapse of the energy giant, Enron. Houston Bureau Chief Myra Jolivet says = on Friday, the Houston bureau will review the timetable of Enron's demise, = the effects of its bankruptcy filing, layoffs and the company's downgraded = credit rating. As Texas deregulation nears, competition in the market is= heating up among retail energy providers. The Houston bureau says the Tex= as Public Utility Commission set the price to beat for areas in the state, = and competing retail energy providers are beating those prices. We'll have= all the details from the Houston bureau on Friday. West Coast Correspond= ent Kym McNicholas says on Friday, California Senator Debra Bowen talks abo= ut what to expect from the legislature in the first few weeks of 2002. Kym= says possible topics of discussion include the issuance of the state's $12= .5 billion in energy bonds, the California Power Authority and plans to get= Southern California Edison and PG?out of debt. Also on Friday from the W= est Coast bureau, California Energy Commissioner Michael Moore talks about = the gas supplies in California. Join us for these reports and more from Sa= cramento tomorrow. Closing Prices for Thursday, Dec. 27, 2001 Crude: = $20.90/bbl -$0.37 Unleaded: $0.5927/gallon -$0.0086 Heating Oil: $0.581= 5/gallon -$0.0131 Gas: $2.555/mmBtu -$0.356 Broadcasting Note: On New Y= ear's Eve, we're broadcasting through 1:00 p.m. ET. We're dark on New Year= 's Day. Keep in mind things are subject to change at a moment's notice. O= ccasionally guests have to reschedule or change time slots. We'll continue= to do our best to keep you updated on future interviews and events. Be= sure to watch our newscasts every business day - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, at t= he top of each hour. =09 =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09=09 =09 =09 =09Peter Cook, Washington Bureau Chief View today's= Energy Wrap Video Windows Media Player: 56K | 100K | 300K Real Player: = 56K | 100K | 300K (Requires Windows Media Player or Real Player ) Expe= rience all that Williams Energy News Live has to offer! If you are receiv= ing this letter for the first time and wish to continue, subscribe now T= o stop receiving this letter, unsubscribe now If you are having trouble = receiving this e-mail, please let us know or call (800) WILLIAMS (800-945=
What is the subject of this email? | Williams Energy News Live -- today's video newscast | aeslc_10templates | 57 | Det här är ett mejl =09 =09 Kära Randy, jag är Washingtons byråchef Peter Cook som fyller i = för Jay Rickerts. Bara en påminnelse - På fredag, Houston Correspondenten Kim = Benestante är live i Kairo, Egypten som täcker OPEC mötet. Följ med oss tomo= rrow då Kim ger oss det senaste om möjliga oljeproduktion nedskärningar börjar = i januari. Vi kommer också att få mer reaktion härifrån i Washington att han OPEC möte. American Petroleum Institute chefsekonom John Felmy, = Ph.D., kommer att dela med sig av sina tankar om kartellens drag och vad de kan tänkas mig= en för USA också under 12:00. ET newscast, The Petroleum Fina= nce Company Senior Market Analytikern George Beranek kommer att ge oss sina bedömare= t av marknaden om OPEC följer med en produktionsnedskärning. Federa= l Energy Regulatory Commission har haft ett mycket hektiskt år - från Californ= ia-krisen till krisen i Enron, kommissionen har haft en full docket. På= fredag under 10:00. ET nyhetssändning, vi kommer att höra vad tidigare FERC Chai= rman James Hoecker tycker om det senaste året på FERC och vad frågor m= ay yta under nyåret. När året närmar sig sitt slut, kommer Houston= byrån att ta en titt tillbaka på en av de största energihistorierna - co= llapse av energijätten, Enron. Houston Bureau Chief Myra Jolivet säger = på fredag, Houston Bureau kommer att se över tidsplanen för Enrons frånfälle, = effekterna av dess konkursansökan, uppsägningar och företagets nedgraderade = kreditbetyg. När Texas avreglering närmar sig, konkurrensen på marknaden är= uppvärmning upp bland detaljist energileverantörer. Houston Bureau säger att Tex= som Public Utility Commission satte priset för att slå för områden i staten, = och konkurrerande detaljist energileverantörer slår dessa priser. Vi har alla detaljer från Houstons byrå på fredag. West Coast Correspond= ent Kym McNicholas säger på fredag, Kalifornien Senator Debra Bowen talar abo= ut vad man kan förvänta sig från lagstiftande församling under de första veckorna 2002. Kym= säger möjliga diskussionsämnen inkluderar utgivningen av delstatens $12=0,5 miljarder i energiobligationer, California Power Authority och planerar att få= södra Kalifornien Edison och PG?av skuld. Även på fredag från W= est Coast Bureau, Kaliforniens energikommissionär Michael Moore talar om = gasförsörjningen i Kalifornien. Följ med oss på dessa rapporter och mer från Sa= cramento imorgon. Slutpriser för torsdag, 27 december 2001 Rå: = $20.90/bbl -$0.37 Obeledd: $0.5927/gallon -$0.0086 Värmeolja: $0.581= 5/gallon -$0.0131 Gas: $2.555/mmBtu -$0.356 Sändning Not: På New Y= öra's Eve, sänder vi genom 1:00 p.m. ET. Vi är mörka på nyårsdagen. Tänk på att saker och ting kan förändras med ett ögonblicks varsel. O= ibland gäster måste boka om eller ändra tider. Vi fortsätter= att göra vårt bästa för att hålla dig uppdaterad om framtida intervjuer och evenemang. Se till att se våra nyhetssändningar varje affärsdag - kl. 9.00 till 17.00. ET, vid t= han högst upp i varje timme. =09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09=09=09 =09 =09 =09 =09Peter Cook, Washington Bureau Chief View today's= Energy Wrap Video Windows Media Player: 56K الالا اللالارت اللالاريا اللوالا الالاري الوالالا الالالالو الالالالالاری الالوالوری الالواری الوارن الالاری الالالوان الالان الاناری الاری اران اران ان=09=09=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09 =09 =09 =09 Peter Cook, EnergyNews verkliga spelare: =09 =09 =09 Om du får detta brev för första gången och vill fortsätta, prenumerera nu T= o sluta ta emot det här brevet, avbeställ nu Om du har problem = att ta emot det här e-postmeddelandet, vänligen meddela oss eller ring (800) WILLIAMS (800-945= Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an e-mail =09 =09 Dear Randy, I'm Washington's bureau chief Peter Cook filling in = for Jay Rickerts. Just one reminder - On Friday, Houston Correspondent Kim = Benestante is live in Cairo, Egypt covering the OPEC meeting. Join us tomo= rrow as Kim gives us the latest if possible oil production cuts start = in January. We will also have more reaction from here in Washington that he OPEC meeting. The American Petroleum Institute chief economist John Felmy, = Ph.D., will share his thoughts on the features of the cartel and what they might think of me= one for the United States also during 12:00. ET newscast, The Petroleum Fina= nce Company Senior Market Analyst George Beranek will give us his assessors=t of the market if OPEC comes with a production cut. The Federa=l Energy Regulatory Commission has had a very busy year - from the Californ= ia crisis to the crisis in Enron, the Commission has had a full doll. On= Friday under 10:00. ET newscast, we will hear what former FERC Chai= rman James Hoecker thinks about the last year at FERC and what questions m= ay surface in New Year. As the year draws to a close, the Houston= agency will take a look back at one of the biggest energy stories - co= llapse of the energy giant, Enron. Houston Bureau Chief Myra Jolivet says = on Friday, the Houston Bureau will review the timetable for Enron's demise, = the effects of its bankruptcy filing, layoffs and the company's downgraded = ratings. As Texas liberalisation approaches, competition in the market is= warming up among retail energy suppliers. The Houston Bureau says that the Tex= as the Public Utility Commission set the price to hit for areas of the state, = and competing retail energy providers beat these prices. We have all the details from Houston's bureau on Friday. West Coast Correspond= ent Kym McNicholas says on Friday, California Senator Debra Bowen speaks abo= out what to expect from the legislature in the first weeks of 2002. Kym= says possible discussion topics include the release of the state's $12=0.5 billion in energy bonds, the California Power Authority and plans to receive= Southern California Edison and PG?of debt. Also on Friday from the W= est Coast Bureau, California Energy Commissioner Michael Moore talks about = the gas supply in California. Follow us on these reports and more from Sa= cramento tomorrow. Final prices for Thursday, December 27, 2001 Raw: = $20.90/bbl -$0.37 Unled: $0.5927/gallon -$0.0086 Heat oil: $0.581= 5/gallon -$0.0131 Gas: $2.555/mmBtu -$0.356 Broadcast Note: On New Y= ear's Eve, we air through 1:00 p.m. ET. We're dark on New Year's Day. Keep in mind that things can change at a moment’s notice. O= sometimes guests must reschedule or change times. We continue= to do our best to keep you updated about future interviews and events. Make sure to watch our newscasts every business day - 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. ET, at t= he at the top of every hour. =09 =09=09=09 =09 =09=09=09=09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =Peter Cook, Washington Bureau Chief View today's= Energy Wrap Video Windows Media Player: 56K <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> If you receive this letter for the first time and want to continue, subscribe now T= o stop receiving this message, cancel now If you have a problem = receiving this email, please notify us or call (800) WILLIAMS (800-945= What is the subject of this email? | Williams Energy News Live -- dagens video nyhetssändning | Williams Energy News Live -- today's video newscast |
This is an email
Let me know when you want to chat about NYPA. It should only take about 15 min. I would like Beverly present because someday I would like to be agent for NYPA on their contract.
What is the subject of this email? | NYPA | aeslc_10templates | 58 | Detta är ett mail Låt mig veta när du vill chatta om NYPA. Det bör bara ta ca 15 min. Jag vill ha Beverly här, för en dag vill jag bli agent för NYPA på deras kontrakt. Vad är ämnet för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is an email Let me know when you want to chat about NYPA. It should only take about 15 minutes. I want Beverly here, because one day I want to be an agent for NYPA on their contract. What is the subject of this email? | NYPA | NYPA |
Write an email with the following subject:
TXU Energy Canada | John, Where are we at on credit with these guys. They won't sell me gas because they say we need to increase Enron Canada's parental guarentee. This is costing me deals and I need to know what is going on soon. Thanx, | aeslc_10templates | 59 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: TXU Energy Canada | Write an email with the following subject: TXU Energy Canada | John, var är vi på kredit med de här killarna? De kommer inte att sälja gas till mig eftersom de säger att vi behöver öka Enron Kanadas föräldragaranti. Det här kostar mig affärer och jag måste få veta vad som händer snart. Thanx, | John, where are we on credit with these guys? They won't sell gas to me because they say we need to increase Enron Canada's parental guarantee. This is gonna cost me business, and I need to know what's going on soon. Thanx, |
What is the subject line for this email?
Please replace the prior version of the capacity release with the attached version. I found a typo. In the 5th line of the Section 2.1, the number was incorrect. | Capacity Release | aeslc_10templates | 60 | Vad är ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? Ersätt den tidigare versionen av kapacitetsutgivningen med den bifogade versionen. Jag hittade ett skrivfel. I den 5:e raden i avsnitt 2.1 var siffran felaktig. | What is the subject of this email? Replace the previous version of the capacity release with the attached version. I found a typo. In the 5th row of section 2.1, the figure was incorrect. | Kapacitetsutsläpp | Capacity emissions |
Here is an email: Listening in by phone is so much better than traveling to these meetings. It greatly reduces one's exposure to the toxins of this process. 1. A learned expert on Secured Transactions from Mike's firm gave an opening address on the principles of granting and receiving the grantation of security interests. Almost completely irrelevant. The guy up and suggested that for a given transaction, the parties might consider giving a security interest in an office building, ie.real estate, as collateral. 2. A cannabalized EEI Credit Support Annex was tabled by Deedee Russo of Reliant and muddled through. The format was typically: Mike: "Okay guys, why don't you explain to me what you want." Member: "We think we need this...blah blah blah, " Mike: "Okay, we'll put that into our next draft and have a conference call in December and a meeting in January and remember, none of this is binding, its all optional." 3. At the very end, a lawyer from PacifiCorp managed to raise the vital issue and Mike got his hackles up very quickly. The PacifiCorp guy was basically saying that the WSPP was becoming more and more like the EEI and that this made it more and more difficult for parties to decide which agreement to use. His implication was that the WSPP should try to remain different or throw in the towel and be just like the EEI. Small reacted from a position of religion, dogmatically and loudly asserting that the two agreements were fundamentally different. Here is where he left himself open to the shining light of rational analysis: if someone, had the time, and we thought it mattered enough, the approach to take would be this: Dispassionate Spokesperson: A question has been raised: is the WSPP agreement becoming more or less like the EEI? To fairly answer this question one needs to look at all the changes that have been made by the WSPP in the last three years, comparing each change to the EEI agreement. (prepare comparison document). If we look at the evidence do we see convergence or divergence? The answer will be overwhelmingly convergence. If this objective study could be placed before the "Membership" it would speak for itself. Nobody would have to utter a word. The comparison document would do the job. If we are going to bother playing with these guys, this is what we should do. It would take some time, but if we circulated it to the membership and then merely raised the question of future direction, we might deal this tedious process a mortal blow. Believe it or not, the solution to this process is to follow the same process that went on when the King James Bible was put together in 1611. Various scholars took various views on how various Hebrew passages should be translated, and it took a committee of draftsmen, appointed and sent to Geneva by King James to pound out the form that has stood the test of time for centuries. The Joint Drafting Committee's time on the historical stage is finally arriving. I am going to talk to this Pacificorp fellow and Brenda Anderson at BPA and see what happens. ----cgy
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Summary of WSPP meeting | aeslc_10templates | 61 | Här är ett mail: Att lyssna in via telefon är så mycket bättre än att resa till dessa möten. Det minskar avsevärt ens exponering för toxinerna i denna process. 1. En inlärd expert på Secured Transactions från Mikes firma gav en öppningstal om principerna för att bevilja och ta emot beviljande av säkerhetsintressen. Nästan helt irrelevant. Han föreslog att parterna för en viss transaktion skulle överväga att ge ett säkerhetsintresse i en kontorsbyggnad, dvs. fastigheter, som säkerhet. 2. En kannabaliserad EEI Credit Support Annex lades fram av Deedee Russo av Reliant och strulade igenom. Formatet var typiskt: Mike: "Okej killar, varför förklarar ni inte för mig vad ni vill." Medlem: "Vi tror att vi behöver detta...blah bla bla," Mike: "Okej, vi sätter in det i vårt nästa utkast och har en konferens samtal i december och ett möte i januari och kom ihåg, inget av detta är bindande, allt valfritt." 3. I slutet lyckades en advokat från PacifiCorp ta upp den vitala frågan och Mike fick upp sina hackles mycket snabbt. PacifiCorp-killen sa i princip att WSPP blev mer och mer likt EEI och att detta gjorde det allt svårare för parterna att bestämma vilket avtal som skulle användas. Hans implikation var att WSPP skulle försöka förbli annorlunda eller kasta in handduken och vara precis som EEI. Small reagerade från en position av religion, dogmatiskt och högt hävda att de två avtalen var fundamentalt olika. Det var här han lämnade sig öppen för den rationella analysens lysande ljus: om någon, hade tid, och vi tyckte att det betydde tillräckligt mycket, skulle det tillvägagångssätt som skulle intas vara följande: Opassande talesman: En fråga har tagits upp: håller WSPP-avtalet på att bli mer eller mindre likt EEI? För att besvara denna fråga på ett rättvist sätt måste man titta på alla de förändringar som har gjorts av WSPP under de senaste tre åren, och jämföra varje ändring av EEI-avtalet. (förberedt jämförelsedokument). Om vi tittar på bevisen ser vi konvergens eller divergens? Svaret kommer att bli överväldigande konvergens. Om denna objektiva studie kunde placeras före "Medlemmarskapet" skulle den tala för sig själv. Ingen skulle behöva säga ett ord. Jämförelsedokumentet skulle göra jobbet. Om vi ska kunna leka med dem, så är det här vad vi ska göra. Det skulle ta en viss tid, men om vi spred det till medlemsantalet och sedan bara tog upp frågan om framtida riktning, skulle vi kunna behandla denna tråkiga process som ett dödligt slag. Tro det eller ej, lösningen på denna process är att följa samma process som pågick när King James Bible sattes samman 1611. Olika forskare hade olika uppfattningar om hur olika hebreiska avsnitt skulle översättas, och det krävdes en kommitté av draftsmän, utsedda och skickade till Genève av kung Jakob för att slå ut den form som har stått sig genom tiderna i århundraden. Den gemensamma förslagskommitténs tid på den historiska scenen är äntligen inne. Jag ska prata med den här Pacificorp-killen och Brenda Anderson på BPA och se vad som händer. ----cgy Vad är en potentiell ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande? | Here is an email: Listening in by phone is so much better than travelling to these meetings. It significantly reduces even exposure to the toxins in this process. 1. A learned expert on Secured Transactions from Mike's firm gave an opening address on the principles of granting and receiving granting security interests. Almost completely irrelevant. He suggested that the parties to a particular transaction should consider providing a security interest in an office building, i.e. real estate, as collateral. 2. A kannabalized EEI Credit Support Annex was presented by Deedee Russo of Reliant and tampered through. The format was typical: Mike: "Okay guys, why don't you explain to me what you want." Member: "We think we need this...blah blah blah," Mike: "Okay, we put it in our next draft and have a conference call in December and a meeting in January and remember, none of this is binding, all optional." 3. In the end, a lawyer from PacifiCorp managed to raise the vital issue and Mike got his hackles up very quickly. The PacifiCorp guy basically said that WSPP became more and more like EEI and that this made it increasingly difficult for the parties to decide which agreement to use. His implication was that the WSPP would try to remain different or throw in the towel and be just like the EEI. Small reacted from a position of religion, dogmatically and highly asserting that the two agreements were fundamentally different. This is where he left himself open to the brilliant light of rational analysis: if anyone, had time, and we thought it meant enough, the approach to be taken would be as follows: Inappropriate spokesman: One question has been raised: is the WSPP agreement becoming more or less like the EEI? In order to answer this question fairly, one must look at all the changes that have been made to the WSPP over the last three years, and compare each amendment to the EEI agreement. (prepared comparison document). If we look at the evidence, do we see convergence or divergence? The answer will be overwhelming convergence. If this objective study could be placed before the "Membership", it would speak for itself. No one would have to say a word. The comparison document would do the job. If we're gonna play with them, this is what we're gonna do. It would take some time, but if we spread it to the membership and then just addressed the issue of future direction, we could treat this boring process as a fatal blow. Believe it or not, the solution to this process is to follow the same process that went on when the King James Bible was put together in 1611. Various scholars had different views on how Hebrew passages were to be translated, and a committee of drafters, appointed and sent to Geneva by King James, was required to take out the form that has stood through the ages. The time of the joint committee on the historic stage has finally come. I'm gonna talk to this Paciforp guy and Brenda Anderson at the BPA and see what happens. ---cgy What is a potential subject line for this email? | Sammanfattning av WSPP-mötet | Summary of the WSPP meeting |
I just changed both of these deals to CAISO energy, instead of Firm. I noticed that the one you asked about, #481620, was part of an EES sleeve, so I checked the other side of it, deal #481621, and sure enough it also had the incorrect energy type. It's holiday fever! Thanks,
Generate a subject line for this email. | 481620/481621 | aeslc_10templates | 62 | Jag ändrade just båda dessa avtal till CAISO energi, istället för Firm. Jag märkte att den du frågade om, #481620, var en del av en in- och utreseomslag, så jag kollade den andra sidan av det, affär #481621, och säkert nog hade det också den felaktiga energitypen. Det är julfeber! Tack, Skapa en ämnesrad för detta e-postmeddelande. | I just changed both of these agreements into CAISO energy, instead of Firm. I noticed that the one you asked about, #481620, was part of an entry and exit cover, so I checked the other side of it, deal #481621, and surely it also had the wrong type of energy. It's Christmas fever! Thank you, Create a topic line for this email. | 481620/481621 | 481620/481621 |
Write an email with the following subject:
Transfer and Assumption Agreement ("Agreement") | Kate: A few points about the last draft of the Agreement: (1) Par. 1(a): the transfer and assumption is effective as of March 16, 2001 and not as of the Collateral Return (2) Par. 1(d): the parties have already agreed to use one set of spreadsheets (3) Par. 3: the ML&Co. guaranties are not being released because there are existing deals in place. The guaranties will only be released as to the transferred Transactions (4) Par. 6: conform language to side letters | aeslc_10templates | 63 | Skriv ett mail med följande ämne: Överlåtelse- och antagandeavtal ("Avtal") | Write an email with the following subject: Transfer and Adoption Agreement ("Agreement") | Kate: Några punkter om det sista utkastet till avtal: (1) Par. 1 a): Överföringen och antagandet gäller från och med den 16 mars 2001 och inte från och med den säkerhetsrelaterade avkastningen (2) Par. 1 d): Parterna har redan gått med på att använda en uppsättning kalkylblad (3) Par. 3: ML&Co. Garantier kommer inte att släppas eftersom det finns befintliga erbjudanden på plats. Garantierna kommer endast att släppas när det gäller de överförda transaktionerna (4) Par. 6: anpassa språk till sidobokstäver | Kate: Some points about the last draft agreement: (1) Couple. 1a): the transfer and adoption are valid from 16 March 2001 and not from the safety-related return (2) Pairs. 1 d): The parties have already agreed to use a set of spreadsheets (3) Pair. 3: ML&Co. Guarantees will not be released because there are existing offers in place. The guarantees will only be released in respect of the transactions transferred (4) Pairs. 6: adapting languages to sidebars |
Write an email with the subject line "Bridgeline-Crawfish ROW agreement". | Gerald, Attached is a draft of the agreement for the ROWs requested by Bridgeline. Would you please look it over and make any necessary changes? Thanks, | aeslc_10templates | 64 | Skriv ett mail med ämnesraden "Bridgeline-Crawfish ROW agreement". | Write an email with the subject line "Bridgeline-Crawfish ROW agreement". | Gerald, Attached är ett utkast till avtalet för de ROWs som Bridgeline begärt. Kan du titta över det och göra några nödvändiga förändringar? Tack. | Gerald, Attached is a draft agreement for the ROWs requested by Bridgeline. Can you look over it and make any necessary changes? Thank you. |
This is the content of an email: Hello Scooter, Hope you had fun on your three dates this weekend!!! (you slut!) You know I am jealous. Peggy says not to spread yourself too thin!!!! You would not believe how cheap it is here. Today at the musuem I had a sandwich, snickers and a cafe latte for $1.50!!! A three course dinner last night cost $3.00. The bad news is that your gift cost $0.20!! (ha, ha) I really haven't bought it yet. Take Care, Miss you, Julie :-)
What was the subject line for this email? | Hello from Prague | aeslc_10templates | 65 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Hej Scooter, Hoppas att du hade kul på dina tre dejter i helgen!!! (Din slampa!) Du vet att jag är svartsjuk. Peggy säger att du inte får sprida dig för tunt!!!! Du skulle inte tro hur billigt det är här. Idag på musuem jag hade en smörgås, trosor och ett café latte för $ 1,50!!! En trerättersmiddag i går kväll kostade 3,00 dollar. Den dåliga nyheten är att din gåva kostade $0,20!! Jag har inte köpt den än. Take Care, Miss you, Julie :-) Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an email: Hey Scooter, Hope you had fun on your three dates this weekend!!! (You slut!) You know I'm jealous. Peggy says you can't spread too thin!!! You wouldn't believe how cheap it is here. Today on musuem I had a sandwich, panties and a cafe latte for $1.50!!! A three-course dinner last night cost $3.00. The bad news is your gift cost $0.20!! I haven't bought it yet. Take Care, Miss you, Julie :-) What was the subject of this email? | Hallå från Prag | Hello from Prague |
Write a subject line for this message:
Below are the teams. First member of each team is the captain. Please let me know if I left anyone off. Challenge is on between teams: Distance Total % of Trips Total Trips Start recruiting now!!!! I will let you know when the website is available to track your commutes. Team #1 Christian Yoder 100 Mike Etringer 80 Mike Purcell 75 Kourtney Nelson 95 Jessie Bryson 100 Jim Buerkle 100 Alan Comnes 100 Team #2 Dave Fuller 50 Paul Choi 50 Steve Swain 100 Holden Salisbury 100 Darren Cavanaugh 100 Jim Reyes 60 Team #3 James Bruce 35 Bala Kandaswamy 50 Chris Mumm 100 Tim Belden 100 Jim Meyer 100 Mike Driscoll 100 Mike Swerzbin 50 Team #4 Dale Rasmussen 100 Kysa Alport 100 Heather Dunton 100 Jeff Richter 100 Bob Badeer 50 Frederick Erisson 100 Team #5 Scotty Gilbert 70 Serena Bishop 100 Steve Hall 90 Jeff Shields 100 Dave Poston 80 Team #6 Bill Williams Leaf Harasin Eric Linder Mike Meirs Craig Dean Steve Meriss | Bike Teams | aeslc_10templates | 66 | Skriv en ämnesrad för detta meddelande: Nedan visas lagen. Första medlem i varje lag är kaptenen. Säg till om jag har lämnat någon utanför. Utmaningen är mellan lagen: Avstånd Totalt % av Resor Totalt Resor Börja rekrytera nu!!!! Jag kommer att låta dig veta när webbplatsen är tillgänglig för att spåra dina pendlar. Team #1 Christian Yoder 100 Mike Etringer 80 Mike Purcell 75 Kourtney Nelson 95 Jessie Bryson 100 Jim Buerkle 100 Alan Comnes 100 Team #2 Dave Fuller 50 Paul Choi 50 Steve Swain 100 Holden Salisbury 100 Darren Cavanaugh 100 Jim Reyes 60 Team #3 James Bruce 35 Bala Kandaswamy 50 Chris Mumm 100 Tim Belden 100 Jim Meyer 100 Mike Driscoll 100 Mike Swerzbin 50 Team #4 Dale Rasmussen 100 Kysa Alport 100 Heather Dunton 100 Jeff Richter 100 Bob Badeer 50 Frederick Erisson 100 Team #5 Scotty Gilbert 70 Serena Bishop 100 Steve Hall 90 Jeff Shields 100 Dave Poston 80 Team #6 Bill Williams Leaf Harasin Eric Linder Mike Meirs Craig Dean Steve Meris | Write a subject line for this message: Below is the law. First member of each team is the captain. Let me know if I left anyone out. The challenge is between teams: Distance Total % of Travel Total Travel Start recruiting now!!! I will let you know when the site is available to track your commutes. Team #1 Christian Yoder 100 Mike Etringer 80 Mike Purcell 75 Kourtney Nelson 95 Jessie Bryson 100 Jim Buerkle 100 Alan Comnes 100 Team #2 Dave Fuller 50 Paul Choi 50 Steve Swain 100 Holden Salisbury 100 Darren Cavanaugh 100 Jim Reyes 60 Team #3 James Bruce 35 Bala Kandaswamy 50 Chris Mumm 100 Tim Belden 100 Jim Meyer 100 Mike Driscoll 100 Mike Swerzbin 50 Team #4 Dale Rasmussen 100 Kysa Alport 100 Heather Dunton 100 Jeff Richter 100 Bob Badeer 50 Frederick Erisson 100 Team #5 Scotty Gilbert 70 Serena Bishop 100 Steve Hall 90 Jeff Shields 100 Dave Poston 80 Team #6 Bill Williams Leaf Harasin Eric Linder Mike Meirs Craig Dean Steve Meris | Cykellag | Cycle Act |
This is the content of an email: Mary & Teresa: Here's the latest draft awaiting comment from George Gilbert, Tim Proffitt, Tanya and Chris Sherman. Let me know if you have any comments. Thanks.
What was the subject line for this email? | KCS - VC0917 & VC09 | aeslc_10templates | 67 | Detta är innehållet i ett e-postmeddelande: Mary & Teresa: Här är det senaste utkastet som väntar på kommentar från George Gilbert, Tim Proffitt, Tanya och Chris Sherman. Säg till om ni har några kommentarer. Tack. Vad var ämnesraden för detta e-postmeddelande? | This is the content of an e-mail: Mary & Teresa: Here is the latest draft awaiting comment from George Gilbert, Tim Proffitt, Tanya and Chris Sherman. Let me know if you have any comments. Thank you. What was the subject of this email? | KCS - VC0917 och VC09 | KCS - VC0917 and VC09 |
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