73 values
Why do Americans love McDonald’s so much?
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-D9EC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:56\n\nWhy do Americans love McDonald’s so much?\n\nAs if there are hidden secrets of McDonald’s which only Americans would know.\nWhat gives?", "pid": 474407203 }, { "sender": "59E3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:27\n\n>>474407203 \nYes", "pid": 474407236 }, { "sender": "Anon-08D0", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:29\n\n>>474407203 \nIt's their culcha. Don't question it, you racist bigot.", "pid": 474407306 }, { "sender": "8057-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:28\n\n>>474407203 \nSorry goy, it's a secret.", "pid": 474407361 }, { "sender": "E6DC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:00\n\n>>474407203 \nwhy don't you love mcdonalds enough", "pid": 474407399 }, { "sender": "Breakroom", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:19\n\nIt's tasty and inexpensive", "pid": 474407477 }, { "sender": "67AA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:17\n\n>>474407203 \nIt was actually pretty good at one point and totally was something to be proud of but at this point it’s just beating a dead horse, and then you realize most of American culture is just constantly beating a dead horse over and over again anyway so you just shrug your shoulders and get three for free.", "pid": 474407542 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-84A5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:58\n\n>>474407306 \nits dey kultcha\\* \ndo the meme properly streetshitter", "pid": 474407701 }, { "sender": "Anon-14D1", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:45\n\nHow much is a mcdouble where you live? Here it is 3.84 but if you want mayonnaise on it it's 4.16", "pid": 474407817 }, { "sender": "6D10-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:31\n\nI've discovered what how to make your burgers at hime taste like McDonald's: onion squeeze. It's tastes identical to the reconstituted minced onions McDonald's uses on their burgers. \n\nSo what makes McDonald's taste so different from other fast food places? It's the onions. No other burger place uses them.", "pid": 474407872 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A436", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:41\n\n>>474407701 \nSorry sir. I'm not as negrified as you whiteoids, and I don't intend to be either.", "pid": 474407938 }, { "sender": "Anon-6A1E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:58\n\n>>474407203 \nI fucking hate you zoomers.", "pid": 474407960 }, { "sender": "8129-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:30\n\n>>474407203 \nIt's absolute crap here and no cheaper than a far superior, real hamburger from a corner store.", "pid": 474408003 }, { "sender": "A3BC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:05\n\n>>474407203 \npersonally, it was brand loyalty imprinted from childhood. my dad always took us to pick up some egg mcmuffins before we went out fishing together, and eating one brings him back to me for a moment.", "pid": 474408114 }, { "sender": "Anon-6CF2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:09\n\n>>474407203 \n>>474407236 \n>>474407306 \n>>474407361 \n>>474407399 \n>>474407477 \n>>474407542 \n>>474407701 \n>>474407806 \n>>474407817 \n>>474407872 \n>>474407938 \n>>474407960 \n>>474408003 \n \nNot politics or news. Intentional time wasting spam thread to waste everyone's time", "pid": 474408122 }, { "sender": "F4B3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:10\n\n>>474407938 \nSure ranjheet. Sure...", "pid": 474408125 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-89AB", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:40\n\n>>474407203 \nIt's everywhere, it's consistent and it used to be cheap. I usually get it when I'm on a road trip. Lately I try for something affordable.", "pid": 474408295 }, { "sender": "Anon-10A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:52\n\n>>474407203 \nNostalgia probably plays a large part. Grow up eating goyslop. It's all they know. I had goyslop as a kid but only occasionally. Didn't seem to have much of an effect on me although I do crave burgers. Just not fast food burgers.", "pid": 474408307 }, { "sender": "CC4D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:53\n\n>>474407701 \nWho fucking cares you faggot? Why would it be kulcha anyway? Where does the k come from?", "pid": 474408543 }, { "sender": "1005-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:07\n\n>>474407872 \nI always order McDonald's without opinions, mustard or pickles.", "pid": 474408624 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DE23", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:49\n\n>>474407203 \nI will never support a communist restaurant.", "pid": 474408742 }, { "sender": "Anon-D851", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:58\n\n>>474408543 \nseethe sukdeep", "pid": 474409077 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B423", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:11\n\nGaslit into eating human meat?", "pid": 474409171 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9514", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:51\n\nMcDonald's serves as an informal embassy. It's a place of safety, familiarity, and comfort.", "pid": 474409419 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B55E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:27\n\n>>474408122 \n>oy vey conversation is wasting time when America is asleep \nKys newfaggot. McDonald's is so political their big mac is a fixture of the price index.", "pid": 474410010 }, { "sender": "0051-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:40\n\n>>474407203 \nIt's corn syrup, that's their secret. Amerifats even have the gmo cancer syrup in their ketchup lmao. It's much more addictive than regular sugar and it's in all their food. McDonald's of course is full of it too.", "pid": 474410097 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5D1E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:30\n\n>>474410097 \nmuttmerican food pyramid (top to bottom) \n \n>jewish cum (as fresh as possible) \n>microplastics \n>HFCS \n>perscription meds", "pid": 474410230 }, { "sender": "3996-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:57\n\n>>474408624 \nI do love it when McDoland's burgers tell me their opinions on various things.", "pid": 474410653 }, { "sender": "8308-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:12\n\nI'm Honkin' It\n\n", "pid": 474411340 }, { "sender": "Anon-612A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:08\n\n>>474407203 \nOnly niggers eat micky ds \n \nYes only niggers", "pid": 474412534 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-02A3", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:10\n\nWas he Mk-Ultra-ed somehow? How do they do it these days?", "pid": 474411682 }, { "sender": "8912-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:49\n\nTHREE NAMES", "pid": 474411743 }, { "sender": "Anon-E80D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:16\n\n>>474411682 \nWhat's strange is no interviews with the parents or anything. I know the glowies are keeping them on lock and probably already wiped his social media posts and other accounts, but nothing from any media outlet about parents allowing or denying interviews. \n \nWeird.", "pid": 474411778 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C180", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:25\n\n>Was he Mk-Ultra-ed somehow? \n \nAll I’m saying is, Bambi loves pussy", "pid": 474411850 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0C80", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:54\n\nImagine looking at pussy \nJust looking at it \nEven on tv or on a porn video \n>wanting to lick pussy \nSeeing it being licked \n>wanting to pleasure pussy \nIt might cause a reaction \n>wanting to pleasure pussy \nIn your brain \n>wanting to pleasure pussy \nIn your mind \n>wanting to eat pussy juice \nCausing you to feel pleasure", "pid": 474412341 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6CB0", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:32\n\n>>474411682 \nBoth his parents are behavioral therapists. He’s been brainwashed his whole life by his leftist mom and cuck libertarian dad.", "pid": 474412394 }, { "sender": "F64C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:17\n\n>>474411850 \n>>474412341 \nFuck off glowie demon. How do you live with yourself.", "pid": 474412543 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A96E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:20\n\n>>474411682 \nGe had trump signs on his yard. Can you guys stop pretending he wasn’t republican", "pid": 474412700 }, { "sender": "AF0B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:52\n\n>>474412700 \nHe wasn't a repub anymore \n \nHe got radicalised this year by the Left", "pid": 474413010 } ]
[ { "sender": "9BF0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:06\n\nHELLO\n\nJust wanted to say I absolutely HATE america and americans :)", "pid": 474409298 }, { "sender": "82FB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:51\n\n>>474409298 \nIncoming assblasted muttoids/latinx.", "pid": 474409352 }, { "sender": "40DD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:46\n\n>>474409298 \nThanks. I hate you too. <3", "pid": 474409410 }, { "sender": "Anon-DE88", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:47\n\nFaggot", "pid": 474409413 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-197B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:15\n\n>>474409352 \n>>474409298 \nI love you bro, I'll always be here for you.", "pid": 474409446 }, { "sender": "2DFD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:33\n\n>>474409298 \nyou're free to move to your nazi state israel :)", "pid": 474409469 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7BD9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:03\n\n>>474409410 \n>>474409413 \n>>474409446 \n>>474409469 \nDown on your knees to your nigger kangz already you pathetic mutt boys lol.", "pid": 474409503 }, { "sender": "NAFO Girl", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:27\n\n>>474409446 \nHave you donated to Ukraine yet? \n \nDeeds not words, Slava Ukraini <3", "pid": 474409542 }, { "sender": "Anon-1D2C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:01\n\n>>474409298 \nDon't let anyone see your screen you wouldn't want to go to prison for hate speech.", "pid": 474409658 }, { "sender": "506C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:43\n\n>>474409542 \nYes i donated 150 bucks 2 weeks ago, i hope the money paid for the bullet that was planted into a ziggers head.", "pid": 474409712 }, { "sender": "0666-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:45\n\n>>474409298 \n>meme flag \nI would love to see the shithole country you're from", "pid": 474409788 }, { "sender": "B897-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:37\n\n>>474409658 \n>>474409788 \nLower your tone mutt boys aka nigger loving fags :^)", "pid": 474410022 }, { "sender": "557A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:37\n\n>>474409298 \n>Accorning to the 1959 International Yard and Pound Convention the anglos agreed to unify their retarded measurements...and based them of the metric system. \n>And yet they still insist on using them. \nWhat a bunch of cuckolds. \nPoint at them and laugh.", "pid": 474410241 }, { "sender": "Anon-38B9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:24\n\n>>474409298 \nJOSE CAN YOU SEE \nAT MY DIABETES", "pid": 474410312 }, { "sender": "Anon-3C75", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:38\n\n>>474410312 \ndid an americhad fuck your girlfriend? why do you make these threads? why wont you show your flag?", "pid": 474410406 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FF25", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:47\n\n>>474409788 \nIt's definitely a country with the #1baby name being Muhammad", "pid": 474410421 }, { "sender": "2D84-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:02\n\n>>474410406 \n>>474410421 \n> mutts still assblasted and projecting as usual \n \nMore news at 11 lol.", "pid": 474410504 }, { "sender": "8C68-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:51\n\n>>474409298 \nmost Americans do at this point as well.", "pid": 474410641 }, { "sender": "Anon-AC45", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:11\n\n>>474410641 \nNot surprising lol.", "pid": 474410748 }, { "sender": "4D6B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:44\n\n>>474409298 \nWhat makes these threads even more funny is that OP is an american from america.", "pid": 474411578 }, { "sender": "47A4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:08\n\n>>474411578", "pid": 474412280 }, { "sender": "Anon-0D40", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:57\n\n>>474410312 \nYou do know these are brown niggers.... \n \nNiggers come in all shapes and colors some are bigger than others", "pid": 474412745 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anymouse", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:01\n\nI BEEN WORKIN SO HARD\nSHILLIN FOR PAY\nSLIDIN THE BOARDS\nEVERY DAMN DAY", "pid": 474409362 }, { "sender": "481D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:46\n\nFor me, it's Loliver Fagthony \n \n>Loliver Fagthony - Shitskins Gettin' Bussed In \n \n \n>Loliver Fagthony - Rich Jews Are The Issue \n", "pid": 474409633 }, { "sender": "6400-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:02\n\n>>474409362 \nOH FAUCHI, IT'S SCIENCE-DAMNED SHAME \nHOW THESE CHUDS WON'T STOP USING MY DEAD NAME", "pid": 474409889 }, { "sender": "FFB8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:52\n\n>>474409362 \nSo I can sit back, and slide my life away. \nIt’s a damn shame what the nets gotten to. For people like me, slavin’ for the Jew.", "pid": 474410043 }, { "sender": "Anymouse", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:15\n\n>>474409889 \nthat is a disgusting mentally ill man why would you have that saved on your hard drive?", "pid": 474410205 }, { "sender": "Anon-7CF2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:39\n\n>>474409633 \nfucking kek", "pid": 474410331 }, { "sender": "Anon-4DDE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:13\n\n>>474409362 \n>\\*stands in your way \n \nWat do?", "pid": 474410374 }, { "sender": "422B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:16\n\n>>474410205 \nSo I can poast it at an opportune time, of course", "pid": 474410378 }, { "sender": "Anymouse", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:10\n\n>>474410378 \nmission accomplished cunt", "pid": 474410591 }, { "sender": "2319-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:49\n\n>>474409362 \nALL SO A RABBI COULD TAKE MY FORESKIN AWAY, ITS A DAMN SHAME", "pid": 474410709 }, { "sender": "Anon-BC3D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:02\n\n>>474410591 \nNp", "pid": 474410881 }, { "sender": "Anon-F60F", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:37\n\nheres a way better and more accurate song:\n\n", "pid": 474410928 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EBAE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:18\n\n>>474409362 \n>>474410709 \nHeh", "pid": 474412906 } ]
[ { "sender": "B951-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:22\n\nWould you feel safe walking into a dark alleway at night in your town?\nWhy/why not?", "pid": 474409107 }, { "sender": "F10C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:45\n\n>>474409107 \nWhat? If Kevin Nash got raped then what chance do you think I would have? I wouldn't go into the alleyway, I'd find a different route.", "pid": 474409203 }, { "sender": "AB1C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:54\n\nK", "pid": 474409212 }, { "sender": "B5BE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:52\n\nW", "pid": 474409278 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AFBF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:24\n\nA", "pid": 474409314 }, { "sender": "Anon-B9C9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:03\n\nB", "pid": 474409368 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D5ED", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:12\n\nB", "pid": 474409378 }, { "sender": "A379-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:46\n\n>>474409368 \nfuck...", "pid": 474409411 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F9FC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:15\n\n>>474409107 \n>>474409203 \nThis guy is almost 7ft and weighs near 300 pounds. Lifting weights for years also changes your bone density for life. Even if you stop your frame is still permanently bigger. He's clearly a faggot that wanted it unless they had a gun to his head which he never claimed.", "pid": 474409676 }, { "sender": "Anon-06F8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:24\n\n>>474409676 \nwell he did say \n>you can't rape the willing", "pid": 474409840 }, { "sender": "Anon-39AF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:10\n\n>>474409411 \nhuh? you got... fucked? care to elaborate?", "pid": 474409898 }, { "sender": "BA63-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:27\n\n>>474409107 \nYes, i dont have many niggers around, only drunk hobo ukros", "pid": 474410009 }, { "sender": "AE4F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:37\n\nIt's not rape it's a struggle snuggle.", "pid": 474410021 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-40AF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:39\n\n>>474409107 \nYes, lack of diversity means little crime.", "pid": 474410096 }, { "sender": "Anon-1625", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:42\n\n>>474409107 \nNo. \nNigger population is > 0", "pid": 474410100 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ACCD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:30\n\nThere are maybe 3 niggers infesting my town nowadays, 3 too many but not enough to stop me from going", "pid": 474410229 }, { "sender": "Anon-D4CF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:07\n\n>>474410096 \nIs this all you need to know to stay safe in Hungary?", "pid": 474410288 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-832D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:16\n\n>>474409107 \nNo. \nBecause it's Brazil.", "pid": 474410297 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F947", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:59\n\n>>474409107 \nKWARB", "pid": 474410351 }, { "sender": "Anon-0B13", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:20\n\n>>474409107 \nYes because I could shove my middle finger up before your throat that can snap and kill anyone called the Hyoid bone and palm to the nose that will cause instant death... Learn Anatomy...", "pid": 474410380 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C02B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:35\n\n>>474409898 \n \nYO BIG DONNIE I KNEW GOD IS GOING TO PROTECT YOU I'VE BEEN PRAYING EVERY NIGHT FOR MY ANGELS TO PUT A BULLETPROOF VEST AROUND YOU SO NOW YOURE IMMORTAL DONNIE BEAUTIFUL BLONDE ANGELS WITH BIG JUICY TITS JUST THE WAY YOU LIKE EM BIG GUY NOW GO AND GIVE EM HELL DONNIE YOU GOT THIS!", "pid": 474410616 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0941", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:26\n\n>>474409107 \nno \nthere are niggers and mudslimes \nalso city government sucks and might fall to my death into a pothole", "pid": 474410913 }, { "sender": "Anon-31A6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:24\n\n>>474410380 \nThe old middle finger up the ass trick, thats old school.", "pid": 474410985 }, { "sender": "EC95-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:42\n\n>>474409107 \n \nAfraid not", "pid": 474411012 }, { "sender": "Anon-667C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:08\n\nI am the danger", "pid": 474411042 }, { "sender": "D3A5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:20\n\n>>474410380 \nthe hyoid snapping won't kill you, it would just stop you from moving some muscles in your mouth", "pid": 474411127 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CA59", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:10\n\nIt will be hard for a potential rapist to find my butthole if i poke their eyes out. \nThe biggest threat to your survival is having any mercy on your attackers.", "pid": 474411828 }, { "sender": "D5F1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:12\n\n>>474409203 \n>If Kevin Nash got raped then what chance do you think I would have? \nTheres a difference between how you would handle it and clearly \"BIG DADDY COOL\" handled it his own way.....using the backway of course putting a sign on it saying \"Niggers Only\"", "pid": 474412828 } ]
How fucked is the US?
[ { "sender": "976E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:40\n\nHow fucked is the US?\n\n>A satanic pagan humiliation ritual \n>A lesbian pornstar with a face tattoo \n>A brown immigrant with broken english \n>A warmongering VP with a pajeet wife \n \nYour based and conservative platform sir", "pid": 474405645 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6FA3", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:06\n\n>>474405645 \nIt's the curse of Iraq with poo topping. Kek", "pid": 474405817 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-956A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:49\n\nPolitics is inherently corrupting.", "pid": 474406015 }, { "sender": "Anon-25B5", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:53\n\n>>474405645 \nAnother couple generations of this and we may all look like kikes. \nThe horror.", "pid": 474406019 }, { "sender": "Anon-3405", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:08\n\n>>474405645 \nI don’t think Vance is pro war. He just wants Israel to kill all the “Palestinians”", "pid": 474406553 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6EC7", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:42\n\n>>474405645 \n>sir \nIt's SAAAAR", "pid": 474407000 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-074B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:10\n\n>>474405645 \nFirst time watching a convention? The first night is where they shove in all the random unimportant speakers to appeal to groups that they know they won't get votes from but feel obliged to try anyway. The only truly shocking speech last night was from the head of the teamsters union. I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the arguments as to whether to allow him to speak at the convention.", "pid": 474407163 }, { "sender": "Anon-BBB3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:34\n\n>>474405645 \nWhat the hell even is this, the BET awards? I don’t watch tv anymore, someone explain to me what’s going on.", "pid": 474407245 }, { "sender": "Anon-DF36", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:34\n\n>>474407163 \nNice cope there, DeMarcus Jackson", "pid": 474407314 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-817F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:29\n\n>>474405645 \nIn a country such as the US you have to focus on principles rather than melanin or denomination. It's a broad alliance against shitty leftists", "pid": 474407426 }, { "sender": "D1EF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:52\n\n>>474405645 \nTrick is that pro-white antisemites have no candidate at all, so of course he tries to get vote from the brown crowd because biden is fighting over them. \nHe does not even have to fight for the white vote to begin with, because all whites have left to do is support brown immigrants and Israel, there is no alternatives to this.", "pid": 474407513 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-12C8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:06\n\n>>474405645 \nThere is one thing that unify us all despite color, religion, sex, Creed, gender, age (etc, al) \nAnd that's our undying loyalty and compromise to Israel. \nSo none of this matters as long as Israel is sound and safe", "pid": 474407597 }, { "sender": "045E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:02\n\n>>474407597 \nLook at the lil goy holding that sign so proudly.", "pid": 474407648 }, { "sender": "Anon-5D9B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:35\n\n>>474405645 \nIt's so over for the US.. So fucking over. \n", "pid": 474407745 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E980", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:46\n\n>>474407163 \nThey should invite Dylan Mulvaney, I bet you faggots would love that.", "pid": 474408020 }, { "sender": "85F4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:59\n\n>>474407513 \nIf whites don't vote, Republicans lose fullstop. Niggers know Dems got the gibs.", "pid": 474408106 }, { "sender": "Anon-1AE9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:30\n\nJD \"Vance\" Bowman\n\nBowman = a surname for a man who bows to Israel", "pid": 474408515 }, { "sender": "8E5F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:32:45\n\n>>474407163 \nstfu nigger", "pid": 474408602 }, { "sender": "6FAC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:22\n\n>>474407000 \nShe was singing in some wacky language \nWhat is she a Jew or a poo?", "pid": 474408712 }, { "sender": "4F1A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:34\n\n>>474408106 \n>. Niggers know Dems got the gibs. \nOut of our taxes. Somehow, that's \"Dems\" who got the gibs and not every working white american who pays taxes that pays for this invasion.", "pid": 474408804 }, { "sender": "3BE8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:39\n\n>>474405645 \nIt's Capitalist pivoting to sell mass immigration as Patriotic.", "pid": 474408808 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-53C5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:29\n\n>>474405645 \nIt's a popularity contest and you have to make it seem like a big tent. You can't start mass deportations if you don't get elected. Illegal aliens are taking resources from the hood and the nigs are pissed.", "pid": 474409320 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0A54", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:27\n\n>>474405645 \nit's the cohenservatives' attempt to garner nonwhite votes, yes, they are actually that retarded", "pid": 474409456 }, { "sender": "B985-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:42\n\n>>474407426 \ni'm in alliance with the leftists now, because you faggots are somehow even fucking gayer and nonwhite kikeservants than them, i am the anti-kike wing", "pid": 474409630 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-88F4", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:47\n\n>>474409320 \n>Illegal aliens are taking resources from the hood \nthen we need more of them, which means biden has had the right idea all along, he's literally trail of tears-ing niggers, and that's based as fuck", "pid": 474409869 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A177", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:02\n\n>>474408020 \n>>474408602 \nabsolutely seething", "pid": 474410282 }, { "sender": "A8F0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:09\n\n>>474409869 \n>then we need more of them, which means biden has had the right idea all along, he's literally trail of tears-ing niggers, and that's based as fuck \n \nThe nigs can't be deported, but millions of illegal alien voters can be. Nigs feel they are being replaced as well.", "pid": 474410669 }, { "sender": "C16F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:07\n\n>>474410669 \n>Nigs feel they are being replaced as well \nbecause they are, and that's a GOOD THING", "pid": 474412450 }, { "sender": "16E8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:13\n\n>>474408515 \nGod i hate this new trend of adult men wearing fucking sneakers outside a gym.", "pid": 474412690 } ]
JD Vance is the Antichrist
[ { "sender": "Sandrew Tuscankutter", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:59\n\nJD Vance is the Antichrist\n\nThe establishment used the left to set some things permanent in the minds of the right, and will destroy the left. We're going to see the end of two party system within our lifetimes. \n\nPrepare for the antichrist.", "pid": 474406471 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-565D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:48\n\n>>474406471 \nHe's going to unite the world as a beloved figure? Isn't that part of being the Antichrist?", "pid": 474406649 }, { "sender": "Sandrew Tuscankutter", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:31\n\n>>474406649 \nJD Vance? Yes. \nI was concerned that Trump was a jew puppet, but the information on Vance is horrifying. in 2028+ all allied countries will be ran/operated by jews, it won't be hard to get everyone on the same page when Israel's batter boy is at the plate.", "pid": 474406780 }, { "sender": "Anon-7E54", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:02\n\n>>474406780 \nAllied countries aren't already run/operated by Jews?", "pid": 474407212 }, { "sender": "9EFB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:58\n\n>>474406471 \n>antichrist posting \nSo you're saying ZOG's miss now puts global war on the backburner for 8 years while they prep the VP to gear up to go to war against Iran and subsequently China/Russia to seal the deal on ZOG dominance? You wrote 5 paragraphs to say ZOG fucked up and now have to put everything on the backburner for another 8 years as they prep mr. anti-war's VP to go to war with the same suspects? \n \nHis wife is a national indian and clearly devout hindu, writer. You're telling me we're going to try to antagonize BR[I]CS when the projected first lady, according to you, is 100% brahmin? All the while Trump will be endeavoring to simmer down the conflict for ostensibly the next 4 years? Can I get some fuckin' sauce to back up these claims or are you just using us to proof-read your next warmonger article chaim?", "pid": 474408392 }, { "sender": "36D4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:55\n\nVance is a nobody, he has no significant role in anything to come.", "pid": 474409213 }, { "sender": "Anon-E1A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:41\n\nI do not disagree with OPs layout of their plans, but I expect the situation to spiral out of control. Biden isnt stepping down, and the progressive left is a demon that cannot easily be pushed back into the flask.", "pid": 474409559 }, { "sender": "4E42-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:41\n\n>>474409213 \n>Vance is a nobody \nSure, buddy", "pid": 474410029 }, { "sender": "894A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:39\n\n>>474409559 \n \nHe will if they tell him to. The post lines up with all recent events and propaganda being pushed. Even came across a clip of one of those libshit late night shows shitting on Biden. Looks like they're giving everyone an out to jump ship using his age as an excuse.", "pid": 474410626 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EC79", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:00\n\nJewish theatre. And look at the christcucks and cuckservatives seethe if you imply the shooting was staged.", "pid": 474411535 }, { "sender": "5312-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:01\n\n>>474406471 \nhard to believe given that i hate that faggot. the antichrist will be a faggot who i probably admire and love and would kill or die for....thats not fat boy faggot face.", "pid": 474411536 }, { "sender": "Anon-F6F8", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:56\n\n>>474410029 \nNever even heard of this guy till yesterday.", "pid": 474412947 }, { "sender": "Anon-421A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:33:34\n\n>>474406471 \nMeds now.... \n \nAntichrist is a woman opposite the messiah Jesus was a man", "pid": 474413045 } ]
[ { "sender": "7702-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:31\n\nPeople are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. This is the new breed of the Trump voter.", "pid": 474408438 }, { "sender": "Anon-1A37", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:32:27\n\n>>474408438 \nBait and switch. The Democrat party will become more socially conservative but stay economically left wing. It will become the white man's party.", "pid": 474408580 }, { "sender": "51F7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:32:40\n\n>>474408438 \n>breed \nI wish. Someone else already got in there.", "pid": 474408596 }, { "sender": "Anon-4805", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:00\n\nNasty hoe.", "pid": 474408686 }, { "sender": "2F73-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:37:11\n\n>>474408438 \nBuilt for bbc", "pid": 474408906 }, { "sender": "Anon-FFDA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:37:52\n\n>>474408686 \nLooks like your mom", "pid": 474408940 }, { "sender": "0276-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:11\n\n>>474408438 \nIf i stuck my nose in that camel toe what would I smell through the yoga pants?", "pid": 474409229 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F89F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:10\n\n>>474408438 \n...for the same reason the cockroaches are streaming out of CA and NYC - they've completely destroyed it and they know the party's over. They need someone to come in and fix things, so they can get back to their leftard bullshit.", "pid": 474409374 }, { "sender": "Anon-030E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:51\n\n>>474408438 \ni guess she is trying to attract baboons?", "pid": 474409573 }, { "sender": "3FE8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:31\n\n>>474408906 \nYou people don't understand that loses its effect when the woman is racially mixed. She's been fucking black guys I assume her whole life since she is part black. My BWC can satisfy her and she'd be mystified by my spirituality and intelligence.", "pid": 474409614 }, { "sender": "671D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:59\n\n>>474408580 \n>The Democrat party will become more socially conservative \nNo, it’ll get even gayer. Conservatism in general is about 10-15 years behind the trends of faggyness of the left. Soon enough it’ll be gop trannies saying child sex workers is a bridge too far, assuming WWIII and the hard cultural reset that goes with it doesn’t happen.", "pid": 474409654 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C100", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:30\n\n>>474408438 \nFar less Indian than his base.", "pid": 474409697 }, { "sender": "Anon-797F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:04\n\nthose glasses pierce my ears. thank fuck there is no audio", "pid": 474409744 }, { "sender": "Anon-F75B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:18\n\n>>474408438 \n>Winning", "pid": 474409910 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-265F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:51\n\n>>474409614 \nI assume that mixed women either always fuck black guys or never fuck black guys.", "pid": 474410042 }, { "sender": "156C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:59\n\n>>474409229 \nVaginal fungus, hpv, herpes and gonorrhea. With a tang of rotten fish", "pid": 474410049 }, { "sender": "2599-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:32\n\n>>474409654 \na) WW3 started way back in 2010. It's mostly brown Muslim countries, though. \nb) The \"hard cultural reset\" already happened. It reset way, waaay to the left after 2010.", "pid": 474410613 }, { "sender": "9381-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:00\n\n>>474410613 \n>a) WW3 started way back in 2010. It's mostly brown Muslim countries, though. \nArab spring and the destabilization caused by Obama’s foreign policy was not the start of WWIII. It laid the foundations for it like all the interwar conflicts did WWII but WWII did not start with the Soviet Polish war. \n>b) The \"hard cultural reset\" already happened. It reset way, waaay to the left after 2010. \nNo, what we got was a faggy cultural revolution which is laying the foundation for a hard cultural reset. Diversity will no longer be considered a strength when Americans are dying in artillery.", "pid": 474411396 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8B65", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:33\n\n>>474408438 \nShe is disgusting \n \nWhat a waste", "pid": 474413118 }, { "sender": "6FA2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:19\n\n>>474408580 \n>It will become the white man's party \nConsidering hating white men is embedded in the DNA of the party, that will never happen in a million years.", "pid": 474413177 } ]
EU hard-right parties to back von der Leyen after ‘intense’ meeting
[ { "sender": "7834-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:27\n\nEU hard-right parties to back von der Leyen after ‘intense’ meeting\n\nHow come /pol/ is ALWAYS wrong?", "pid": 474411711 }, { "sender": "B571-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:21\n\n>>474411711 \n>EU hard-right parties \n>Meloni cucks \nwell that's not all of them, as they're not all on this level of treachery", "pid": 474411983 }, { "sender": "Anon-6B9E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:46\n\n>>474411711 \n>WEF whores back a WEF whore \nWow, did not see that coming.", "pid": 474412170 }, { "sender": "8705-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:01\n\n>>474412170 \nSpbp \n \n>Meloni \n>Hard right \nLol", "pid": 474412351 }, { "sender": "Anon-CA46", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:20\n\n/pol/ screeching about \"x isn't a real right-wing party\" is equivalent to leftypol trannies screeching about \"country y wasn't real communism\".\nPerhaps it's time to admit your ideology has been overtaken by controlled opposition and populist nonces who do a complete 180 the moment they get elected.", "pid": 474412699 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1145", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:57\n\n>>474411983 \n>>474412170 \n>>474412351 \n>memoryholing /pol/ celebrating her victory not even 2 years ago \n \n>>474412699 \nThis lol.", "pid": 474412744 }, { "sender": "Anon-0645", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:59\n\n>>474411711 \nEveryone knew that corrupt hag was gonna prevail", "pid": 474412817 }, { "sender": "E9B1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:38\n\n>>474412744 \nGo back to /uhg/", "pid": 474412993 }, { "sender": "48BB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:57\n\n>>474412699 \nDo you know the basic tenets of nationalism? How can these be considered nationalist parties and platforms when they do absolutely nothing to stop or even bring attention to Jewish Internationalism? \nHave a basic grasp of the Esau gambit before you presume to speak about politics.", "pid": 474413015 }, { "sender": "DD38-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:04\n\n>>474412744 \n>>memoryholing /pol/ celebrating her victory not even 2 years ago \nonly election tourists and eurokikes like you were celebrating", "pid": 474413162 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-75BB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:34\n\n>>474413015 \nTell that to 95% of retards with voting rights who subscribe to two party systems and believe that independent vote is a wasted vote.", "pid": 474413339 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7D99", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:03\n\n>>474411711 \nThe far left are perma spoilers for the neoliberal capitalist class and remain psychotically unaware", "pid": 474413615 } ]
Vaccine Shedding
[ { "sender": "E3DF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:33\n\nVaccine Shedding\n\nShare your story of being negatively affected by being in proximity of vaxlepers. We know its a selfspreading vaccine and that banging vaxxed broads will make a person proxy vaxxed.", "pid": 474403641 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4A6D", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:56\n\n>>474403641 \nWow she sounds like an intelligent, sane person", "pid": 474403745 }, { "sender": "Anon-F7A1", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:19\n\n>>474403641 \nThis is a psyop to isolate vaxxrefusers. The spike protein sheds, the DNA modifying vaccine does not. End of stort.", "pid": 474403897 }, { "sender": "Anon-1E22", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:39\n\n>>474403897 \n \n \n \nThink again. mRNA shedding is proven, it can turn you into a spikeprotein factory just like the vaxxoids but cope and sneeth. \n \n>In the most comprehensive paper on shedding thus far, former Inserm researcher Dr. Helene Banoun has published the basis for which there is great likelihood that mRNA either on lipid nanoparticles or within exosomes is circulatory in blood and is secreted in every body secretion that would naturally expect to contain particles of this size. \n>>474403745 \nYeah maybe she should take her (((meds))) for questioning the Safe & Effective vaccine", "pid": 474404108 }, { "sender": "Anon-A3BF", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:26\n\n>>474404108 \nUnless you've been living in isolation for the last 3 years it's too late", "pid": 474404533 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EBF1", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:13\n\n>>474404533 \nI did live in isolation/hermit mode for 3 years... But I fucked up one day and um.... Now things are not so well with me...", "pid": 474405100 }, { "sender": "7CEC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:27\n\n>>474403641 \nI never experienced and I thought all vaxxies would be death by now.", "pid": 474407485 }, { "sender": "CE54-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:51\n\n>>474404108 \n>mRNA sheeding is proven \n>t Dr. Neverhapperg \nok", "pid": 474407758 }, { "sender": "BD29-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:31\n\n>>474403641 \nMy wife and I are pureblood. During the lockdowns we were trying for our first child and at 10 weeks pregnant, she got her first prenatal blood test. The phlebotomist was snuffling and looking close to death. During the blood draw she apologised to my wife about the wait times and said that she and her team all had the first of the jabs the day before, and she was the only one who hadn't called in sick. \nThe bitch coughed on my wife while they were in that room together. My wife miscarried soon after. Judging by the size and stage of what she passed, our first probably stopped developing at 10 weeks. \n \nOur son is almost two now, but I will never forget the NPC nurse whore who killed our first child.", "pid": 474408861 }, { "sender": "5FA6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:07\n\n>>474408861 \nIve read atleast 100 testimonies of people who had miscarriage immedietly after being around vaxxed. And they are the most toxic immedietly after the clotshot.", "pid": 474411255 }, { "sender": "4344-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:02\n\n>>474407485 \n \ngeen nood, \nIn december komt de vogelgriep ws om de hoek. \nIn september kan je je booster halen.", "pid": 474412675 }, { "sender": "EF86-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:00\n\n>>474403641", "pid": 474412884 }, { "sender": "B7BE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:52\n\n>>474403641 \n>46 year old \n>250 words \n>33 commas \n>0 full stops \nPottery", "pid": 474413141 } ]
where are you going to be at 39 yo
[ { "sender": "DE8F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:15\n\n>>474411545 \nhopefully dead", "pid": 474411610 }, { "sender": "2076-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:56\n\nnot married to a western women", "pid": 474411657 }, { "sender": "Anon-14A1", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:58\n\n>>474411545 \nProbably arranged married with 12 kids", "pid": 474411888 }, { "sender": "C346-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:07\n\n>>474411888 \ndigitals confirm.", "pid": 474412277 }, { "sender": "0433-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:38\n\n>>474411545 \nNot sucking Jew cock, that's for sure. I'm a simple man, don't have a lot of money, but I can die happy knowing I never kissed jew ass.", "pid": 474412401 }, { "sender": "Anon-51A0", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:44\n\n>>474411888 \nsounds awfull", "pid": 474412503 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4A45", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:26\n\n>>474411545 \nNot sucking kike dick", "pid": 474412554 }, { "sender": "Adolf", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:36\n\n>>474411545 \nnot a sellout to the kikes thats what \n \nburn in hell", "pid": 474412571 }, { "sender": "541A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:18\n\nVP doesn't even make that much money", "pid": 474412621 }, { "sender": "Adolf", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:52\n\n>>474412401 \nclearly all americunts suck jewish cock and that is why the entire world is fucked \n \nas soon as you ameri-jew-cunts are gone the world will have peace and prosperity", "pid": 474412663 }, { "sender": "4434-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:38\n\n>>474411888 \nYou mean with an age 12 kid?", "pid": 474412719 }, { "sender": "Adolf", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:54\n\n>>474412621 \nthey make money by sending tax payer money to your greatest ally and then getting it handed back personally. \n \nwell that and they rape kids", "pid": 474412739 }, { "sender": "C891-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:20\n\n>>474411545 \nI rather not think about it.", "pid": 474412768 }, { "sender": "Anon-9DC1", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:16\n\n>>474411545 \nI'm well past it, timmy. \n \n(i wish i was dead btw)", "pid": 474412903 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2B06", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:19\n\n>>474411545 \nCertainly not raping children and helping jews destroy white men like he is.", "pid": 474412907 }, { "sender": "BD9C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:37\n\n>>474411545 \nstill posting here", "pid": 474412926 }, { "sender": "Anon-3B07", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:57\n\n>>474412739 \n>and they rape kids \nThat's for fun, not money.", "pid": 474412948 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-04E1", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:26\n\n>>474411545 \nMarried with kids running my own company. If I manage to keep strong and work hard.", "pid": 474412982 }, { "sender": "6ABD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:52\n\n>>474411545 \nMarried to a white woman (human)", "pid": 474413011 }, { "sender": "582B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:01\n\nLol dude looks 50, is a race traitor and worships a Jew. Im 39 this year and as a White man with White children I've already won at life compared to this guy", "pid": 474413155 }, { "sender": "49DC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:53\n\nHis real name is BOWMAN and his has attached earlobes. Guy is a crypto kike", "pid": 474413228 }, { "sender": "3471-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:23\n\nsix feet under", "pid": 474413323 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0309", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:33\n\n>>474411545 \nSugar baby living at a beach house living off of my daddy’s money and traveling the world. \nI’m good frens. It pays to love a 30 yr old virgin. \n>inb4 he’ll leave you \nWe’re married and no prenup was signed.", "pid": 474413341 }, { "sender": "019C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:22\n\n>>474411545 \ndead", "pid": 474413642 } ]
Parent anons
[ { "sender": "04D9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:06\n\nParent anons\n\nI typed up this reply for a now-dead thread but still want to post it. Discuss ways to keep our daughters free from kike influence. Sons are fine too.\nMy daughter is 21 months in a few days. I will be homeschooling her and moving to the middle of nowhere. No internet access of any kind, i will also heavily scrutinize any media she is allowed to watch to make sure it doesn't have the slightest propaganda in it \nNo children's books with any niggers in it, which is a lot fucking harder than you would think. The educational books she has now are all ~30 years old or older. Every modern book I've seen that teaches colors, animals, first words, or whatever else, they ALL have niggers. I threw away half the shit from the baby shower. \nLittle einsteins books? Seem fine on the surface but made in Israel so I got rid of them too\nI'm a single dad since my wife died last year so I have my work cut out for me, but I will NEVER let kikes get their slimy beaks on my little girl.\nPost book recommendations and anything else pertaining to properly raising a child in this current hellscape", "pid": 474412751 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1274", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:51\n\n", "pid": 474412874 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CAA9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:49\n\n>>474412751 \nbased anon. i had to raise my daughter by myself too, found a wife recently she calls mom. dont worry bro, your child will get your brain, and therefore your reasoning. even if not in the short term. do your best.", "pid": 474412939 }, { "sender": "B262-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:35\n\n>>474412751 \nYour daughter will probably grow up to hate you", "pid": 474413120 }, { "sender": "0D74-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:02\n\n>>474412939 \nI appreciate the encouragement anon. Her mom may not be here anymore but she was a rare based one too, so I have faith she will inherit sanity.", "pid": 474413157 }, { "sender": "DA06-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:13\n\n>>474413120 \n>Your daughter will probably grow up to hate you \nThat's a certainty if you let her wander at the whim of the crowd. That much you can be sure about.", "pid": 474413252 }, { "sender": "7524-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:29\n\n>>474412751 \njust dont push too hard when she’s becoming a teen, man. that’s when they’ll rebel and probs end up in a niggerporn video", "pid": 474413265 }, { "sender": "6D03-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:23\n\n>>474412751 \nTeach her critical thinking, problem solving, and researching.", "pid": 474413322 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-44C9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:38\n\n>>474412751", "pid": 474413346 }, { "sender": "C672-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:40\n\n>>474412751 \nTurn off the TV. \nsit down and read to them. \neducate and be there for them. \nsteer them away from woke shit.", "pid": 474413349 }, { "sender": "4C5D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:09\n\nI'm driving to work but hopefully this thread is still here when I get there, I have more to add", "pid": 474413385 }, { "sender": "59D3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:21\n\n>>474413157 \nmines 10 now, smart as fuck. smarter than i was at her age. you can do it bro, us men are meant to be able to do this. it was natural in the old world to have your wife die from lik ethe 8th child or even the first. trust your instincts and your gut, and remember to use all your energy on her. she deserves it . if you do good you will have grandchldren", "pid": 474413397 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F0F", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:51\n\n>>474413349 \nbased. this. read to them", "pid": 474413435 }, { "sender": "15B2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:09\n\nDon't forget that they are children not adults.", "pid": 474413548 } ]
[ { "sender": "D099-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:10\n\nHe said abused women should stay in marriages for the sake of their kids.", "pid": 474411830 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E191", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:05\n\nThere is no such thing as marital rape", "pid": 474411970 }, { "sender": "B779-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:17\n\n>>474411830 \nNobody would say that without serious caveats. if the husband was punished, promised not to do it again, and earnestly changed, then it could be a reasonable action to take depending on how abusive he was.", "pid": 474412135 }, { "sender": "14E4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:20\n\n>>474411830 \nEarned my vote.", "pid": 474412136 }, { "sender": "CAD7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:46\n\n>>474411830 \nBut that doesn’t make up for the fact that he race mixed and loves jews.", "pid": 474412173 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BF03", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:08\n\n>>474411830 \n>conservative says conservative things \n \nneurons activated", "pid": 474412281 }, { "sender": "90F3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:19\n\n>>474412173 \nTrump looking cool as fuck not dieing makes up for all that. You shills have nothing anymore. The choice is cool guy that gets shot and doesn't run like a bitch or old guy who can't form sentences or coherent words. In America the cool guy will always win.", "pid": 474412293 }, { "sender": "Anon-9665", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:01\n\n>>474411830 \nHe needs to go back to India.", "pid": 474412438 }, { "sender": "63DB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:43\n\n>>474412293 \nWe’re not talking about Trump, champion, we’re taking about his VP pick, which is an objective failure. You deadbeats have nothing to argue against this anymore <(me turning your stupidity against you)", "pid": 474413213 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-14EA", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:37\n\n>>474412293 \nYou need to go back to India.", "pid": 474413654 }, { "sender": "Anon-680B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:55\n\n>>474413213 \n>who tf is Mike Pence \nGosh remember when anyone cared about the vice president and their accomplishments?", "pid": 474413760 } ]
How do you say “nigger” in your country
[ { "sender": "Anon-10F2", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:48:52\n\nHow do you say “nigger” in your country\n\nWhat are the political implications of learning to call niggers, “niggers” the correct way in a foreign land?\n\nDuolingo wont tell me.", "pid": 474401701 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7146", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:49:27\n\nDemocrat voter is our word for them", "pid": 474401738 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4E3F", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:50:44\n\n>>474401701 \nsuspect", "pid": 474401824 }, { "sender": "130D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:52:03\n\n>>474401701 \nHow do they say \"ummm\" in China?", "pid": 474401896 }, { "sender": "75D4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:53:12\n\n>>474401701 \nin order of strength high to low \nczarnuch, asfalt, bambus \n \npeople are trying to make murzyn the nigger equivalent, \nbut it's just poles need to blow american culture till balls hit the chin \nit means black person in one word, like brunette or blond but for skin/race", "pid": 474401972 }, { "sender": "3004-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:55:02\n\nČamuga", "pid": 474402104 }, { "sender": "A76C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:55:56\n\n>>474401701 \nCrioulo (kree-owe-luh) \nBut our br niggers are so stupid that they don't know what \"crioulo\" means. So just call them \"Preto!(Pray-though)\" Stressing the \"P\"", "pid": 474402172 }, { "sender": "D079-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:56:28\n\n>>474401701 \ncrnjo \nkmica", "pid": 474402199 }, { "sender": "8C85-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:56:33\n\n>>474401701 \nNeeger.", "pid": 474402203 }, { "sender": "C263-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:58:01\n\nCoon, darkie, chock, abo.", "pid": 474402288 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4933", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:59:46\n\nshippi or uusländer", "pid": 474402393 }, { "sender": "Anon-F93C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:00:00\n\nBoong - it’s the sound they make when their head bounces off the bull at", "pid": 474402406 }, { "sender": "sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:00:12\n\nurbano-americano", "pid": 474402420 }, { "sender": "D59B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:00:28\n\n>>474401701 \nnigger just means \"black person\"", "pid": 474402435 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-72AF", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:00:48\n\n>>474401701 \n\\*Radio call to humanities underground resistance\\* \n \nThe AI made this image as a way to gaslight us. That's why it has 7 notifications for a \"language exchange\" app. It's not learning. It's doing it slowly.", "pid": 474402459 }, { "sender": "Anon-CF38", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:01:56\n\n>>474402406 \nBull bar\\*", "pid": 474402537 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE1B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:02:52\n\n>>474402203 \nistu minu kõrvale = istu minun kyrvälle LOLOLOLO", "pid": 474402586 }, { "sender": "Anon-A8C7", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:06\n\n>>474401701 \nwe call them \"negro\" or \"nigro\"", "pid": 474402601 }, { "sender": "26AE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:16\n\n>>474401701 \nزنجي \nZenji \nArabic", "pid": 474402618 }, { "sender": "BC9F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:44\n\n>>474401701 \nmuh culture \nmy st upidity means i'm super chill \nmeans i'm so cultured \nfucking trash balkan hicks shut your stupid fucking mouth faggots fucking kikes \nhicks \npeasants villagers in suits and dumbfucks, 50 iq useless third worlders lucked into western tourism \nweak feminist culture, weak", "pid": 474402651 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EAEA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:55\n\n>>474401701 \nHeгъp \nHeгpи \nЧepнилкa", "pid": 474402665 }, { "sender": "63ED-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:04:06\n\n>>474401701 \nNigger is a made up American word. It was used by a master to get his slaves attention", "pid": 474402674 }, { "sender": "CCE2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:41\n\n>>474402674 \nnigger comes from latin niger, you fucking niger", "pid": 474402774 }, { "sender": "Anon-3124", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:49\n\n>>474402665 \nпeчкa \nкaнибaл \nмaймyнa", "pid": 474402783 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A095", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:53\n\n10-76", "pid": 474402786 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-63F9", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:06:15\n\n>>474401701 \nA los negros les llamamos \"sacate de aquí\" porque te llegar de sorpresa a darle traspasos a los carros", "pid": 474402813 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-236A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:03\n\n>>474402783 \nЧypкa", "pid": 474402870 }, { "sender": "Anon-BE43", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:36\n\nNeger. \n>pic rel, Negerkuß", "pid": 474402907 }, { "sender": "Anon-B537", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:08:01\n\nNeger (singular)\nNegrer (plural)", "pid": 474402937 }, { "sender": "Anon-912C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:08:47\n\n>>474402618 \nBut aren't you basically the same? At least that's how Arabs and niggers behave amongst us civilized people. Taking them both in Europe was a huge mistake.", "pid": 474402986 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4993", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:09:29\n\n>>474401701 \nneger, nigger", "pid": 474403033 }, { "sender": "06F0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:01\n\nčrnuh", "pid": 474403070 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CEAE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:09\n\n>>474402870 \nno, this is only for russians and refers to caucasus and -stan people. For us, чypкa is a word for dick you tell to children", "pid": 474403082 }, { "sender": "7D43-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:42\n\n>>474401701 \nnegru = black; cioară / cioroi = crow; (derogatory term used for gippos and niggers)", "pid": 474403111 }, { "sender": "E029-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:33\n\n>>474401701 \nIn the Irish language the words for black people mean blue people. A black man is \"Fear gorm\" and it means 'blue man'. \n \nThe devil in the Irish language is known as \"Fear Dubh\" and it means the 'black man'.", "pid": 474403230 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-66BF", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:46\n\nPreto de merda", "pid": 474403239 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0743", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:48\n\n>>474403082 \nOkayyy, thank you мoй вpaт :)", "pid": 474403242 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6D18", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:58\n\n>>474401701 \nČamuga, read as Chamuga. But it's not all that derogatory. We don't really have them here.", "pid": 474403252 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-998B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:35\n\n>>474401701 \nNigeri (just straight taken from english) \nBut then we have a non-offensive word that foreigners find offensive for some reason - Nēģeri. (Both examples are in plural form)", "pid": 474403291 }, { "sender": "A87C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:45\n\n>>474402986 \nWe enslaved niggers and literally castrated them long time before any white nation did. \nYour civilization came from us, Arabs. Also, if we didn't defeat mongols, you would be throat singing now instead if shit posting, never forget that.", "pid": 474403302 }, { "sender": "D5FE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:48\n\nKeep em coming! I love learning", "pid": 474403306 }, { "sender": "Anon-FD59", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:19\n\n>>474401701 \nNikker is the old version. Nowadays the historically rather neutral ‘neger’ is increasingly treated as nigger. Other options \n>roetmop \n>kachelpijp \n>kaffer \n>zwartjoekel \n>kroeskop \n>stoepaap \n>dozens more", "pid": 474403413 }, { "sender": "Anon-127C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:39\n\n>>474403242 \n>>474402870 \n>>474403082 \nRussian for nigger is Chernojopii which translates as \"black ass\"", "pid": 474403435 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2E21", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:16:16\n\n>>474401701 \nwog, basically anyone who isnt anglo or paddy", "pid": 474403474 }, { "sender": "1E27-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:16:39\n\n>>474401701 \nHapsi हप्सी", "pid": 474403497 }, { "sender": "Anon-B266", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:16:49\n\n>>474401701 \nNekari", "pid": 474403513 }, { "sender": "C6DD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:16:59\n\n>>474403242 \nnp вpaтлe", "pid": 474403522 }, { "sender": "4DCE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:21\n\nNEGRO", "pid": 474403551 }, { "sender": "CF46-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:33\n\n>>474403413 \n>Nowadays the historically rather neutral ‘neger’ is increasingly treated as nigger \nthis is the case in sweden as well.", "pid": 474403559 }, { "sender": "0E18-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:36\n\nDutch:\nNigger == nikker \nNegro == neger\n\nMind you that the former is intentionally derogatory while the latter is merely descriptive.\n\nFor the sake of not giving fuel to the censorship nonces refrain from using \"neger\" in an obviously intentionally derogatory way and use the appropriate \"nikker\" instead.", "pid": 474403567 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2852", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:41\n\n>>474403302 \nYou're incompetent as much as you're cowards. Tens of thousands of Muslim Arab men came here to seek refuge because of war. You're nothing but a bunch of losers", "pid": 474403571 }, { "sender": "F3B1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:51\n\n>>474401701 \n黑鬼", "pid": 474403577 }, { "sender": "Anon-85B6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:54\n\n>>474402601 \nPedophile sexpat detected. Thais have their own term for niggers and its not a negro.", "pid": 474403582 }, { "sender": "3B3D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:52\n\n>>474403252 \n>Chamuga not derogatory \nKek \nTell them the non derogatory for joos", "pid": 474403661 }, { "sender": "6530-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:30\n\n>>474403435 \nisn't чepнoжoп the same as чypкa? nigger is just нeгp", "pid": 474403708 }, { "sender": "37B7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:35\n\n>>474401701 \n\"Negras\" or the softer \"Nigeris\" \n\"Negras\" is pronounced like this \n>\"Neg\" sound is pronounced like adding an N sound to the word \"egg\" \n>our \"r\" is pronounced differently but pronounce it like you do when you say \"water\" \n>\"as\" is pronounced like \"ass\". \n>combine all of these and you say it sort of right \nsaying \"Nigeris\" is a lot easier \n>just start with normal \"nigger\" pronunciation and then add the sound \"is\" to the end and you are good \nMy dad uses a more \"native\" term - \"Nuodegulis\" which I will not help pronounce because, but the best translation I could think of would be \"charcoal\". \nHope this helps when and if you visit Vilnius", "pid": 474403713 }, { "sender": "Anon-502F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:54\n\n>>474401701 \nNigger so nothing special but we usually just call them \" majom \" (monkey).", "pid": 474403739 }, { "sender": "Anon-560C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:20:01\n\n>>474401701 \nI use мaнгaл (mangal) for just about everyone with darker skin.", "pid": 474403750 }, { "sender": "Anon-3346", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:20:18\n\n>>474402907 \n>>474402937 \nLiterally just ‘black’ and is a neutral word. You are a zoomer if you think it is meant offensively.", "pid": 474403763 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-959F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:20:28\n\n>>474401701 \nnègre", "pid": 474403774 }, { "sender": "Anon-94CA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:20:53\n\nNeger", "pid": 474403803 }, { "sender": "8948-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:21:11\n\n>>474401701 \n>Duolingo wont tell me \ngoogle, on the other hand, will", "pid": 474403814 }, { "sender": "Anon-D0A1", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:05\n\n>>474401701 \n>been spending most our lives \n>living in the kokujin paradise", "pid": 474403879 }, { "sender": "FE22-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:16\n\n>>474401701 \nHигep \nHeгp \nЧepнoмaзый (Smeared with black)", "pid": 474403892 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4373", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:49\n\n>>474401701 \nneger or černoch", "pid": 474403990 }, { "sender": "Anon-950F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:54\n\n>>474403661 \n>Chamuga not derogatory \nIt has no real weight. \n \n>Tell them the non derogatory for joos \nĆifut - Which is also synonymous with cheapscape, liar, and an abuser of the weak. \n \nBut it's from Turkish I think. What other?", "pid": 474403999 }, { "sender": "FAC1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:24:19\n\n>>474402674 \nAll words are made up you, you dark as coal gorilla nigger", "pid": 474404029 }, { "sender": "C17D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:24:19\n\n>>474403551 \nreminder, add \"di merda\" to be more complete", "pid": 474404030 }, { "sender": "B801-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:41\n\n>>474401701 \nJust \"nigger\", but spelt in Cyrillic. There is also \"нeгp\" (negr), but this is closer to \"negro\" in meaning. For example, Obama was universally called that. Not out of disrespect, but as a statement, and identification. Russian is pretty chill like this with ethnicity. We also have our own version of \"kike\" - \"жид\"(zhid).", "pid": 474404177 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-585A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:56\n\n>>474403708 \nI've never heard that word as a kid living in a post soviet country but i've heard plenty of чepнoжoп and oбeзьянa when refering to blacks. Mind you this is street talk not formal of course.", "pid": 474404255 }, { "sender": "BE74-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:26\n\n>>474401701 \n>>474403413 \nTo clarify: \n>roetmop (soot face/mop) \n>kachelpijp (furnace pipe) \n>kaffer (from South Africa, their version of nigger) \n>zwartjoekel (black dog/big thing) \n>kroeskop (nappy hair) \n>stoepaap (pavement ape)", "pid": 474404289 }, { "sender": "Anon-9E6C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:50\n\n>>474403999 \nyes, chifut is from turkish, dictionary says it came through albanian \n>>474404177 \nour most famous poet has a poem Жидoв Гpoб for when a kike let the turks into one of the last fortresses", "pid": 474404311 }, { "sender": "Anon-25D8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:24\n\n>>474403763 \nYes, that's why I posted the Negerkuß. \n>der Neger (noun): black person \n>die Neger (noun, plural): black people \n>neger, negerhaft, negerfarben (adjective): black, black-like, black colored \n>Negerkuß: Black Kiss, a nickname for sweet treat in Germany called such because of it's choclate exterior that you \"kiss\" when you bite into it.", "pid": 474404355 }, { "sender": "Anon-EC4F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:32\n\n>>474404177 \n>\"жид\"(zhid). \nwe got žid/židia for jew/jews. isn't that universal for slav languages?", "pid": 474404423 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F264", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:14\n\n>>474404423 \nMaybe. I'm not a linguist.", "pid": 474404474 }, { "sender": "AC36-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:45\n\n>>474401701 \nTörke", "pid": 474404565 }, { "sender": "Anon-A127", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:13\n\n>>474404423 \nYeah, here as well but I don't think it's an insult by itself. Other than the insult of even noticing their existence.", "pid": 474404587 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D0A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:34\n\n>>474401701 \nNeger \n \nIts quite interesting that nigger has their own word in so many languages kek", "pid": 474404900 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1932", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:00\n\n>>474401972 \nsmoluch too", "pid": 474404931 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0DDE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:52\n\n>>474401701 \nHabshi", "pid": 474404997 }, { "sender": "1F41-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:04\n\n>>474403763 \nIn german its not neutral at all, there is no other meaning to neger than nigger here, none uses it for color black which means schwarz here", "pid": 474405013 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7DF5", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:30\n\n>>474401701 \nWhy don’t you just say it anyway", "pid": 474405043 }, { "sender": "795D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:01\n\n>>474403111 \nAlso \"tuciuriu\" \nTuci is a type of black cast iron that gypsies used to sell and using it as the adjective \"tuciuriu\" we can refer to niggers without them noticing since \"negru\" is a bit too close to \"negro\". \nWhen I visited the UK i called every nigger I saw tuciuriu and I told them it meant former Turkish elite warrior in Romanian", "pid": 474406228 }, { "sender": "Anon-AA7C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:12\n\n>>474406228 \nthis is what tuci looks like btw", "pid": 474406298 }, { "sender": "Anon-459E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:40\n\n>>474402393 \nlies, we call them NIGGERS or NIGGERFAGGOTS", "pid": 474406396 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-40D7", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:20\n\n>>474401701 \nnigger is nigger in Swedish, some might claim it's \"Neger\" but that's an old Swedish word for black people and doesn't have a racist tone to it from the start. the left made \"neger\" racist like 10-15 years ago.", "pid": 474406430 }, { "sender": "15DE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:23\n\nNigger-Nigger--------Nigger----Nigger---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNigger--Nigger-------Nigger----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNigger---Nigger------Nigger-----Nigger--------NiggerNiggerNigger----NiggerNiggerNigger---NiggerNiggerNigger----Nigger-------------------------------------\nNigger-----Nigger----Nigger-----Nigger-----Nigger-----------Nigger---Nigger---------Nigger---Nigger---------Nigger------NiggerNigger----------------------------\nNigger------Nigger---Nigger-----Nigger-----Nigger-----------Nigger---Nigger---------Nigger---NiggerNiggerNigger------Nigger-------------------------------------\nNigger-------Nigger--Nigger-----Nigger------NiggerNiggerNigger-----NiggerNiggerNigger---Nigger-----------------------Nigger-------------------------------------\nNigger--------Nigger-Nigger-----Nigger-------NiggerNiggerNigger------NiggerNiggerNigger---NiggerNiggerNigger---Nigger-------------------------------------\nNigger---------NiggerNigger-----Nigger------------------------Nigger------------------------Nigger--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------NiggerNiggerNigger-------NiggerNiggerNigger----------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "pid": 474406503 }, { "sender": "Anon-69E2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:36\n\n>>474401701 \nNeekeri.", "pid": 474406518 }, { "sender": "Anon-1913", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:18\n\n\"bloody marries\"", "pid": 474406565 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD41", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:22\n\n>>474401701 \nIn italy you call them negro (negri in plural) \n \nSpecifically, in Lombardy, in dialect, you call them negher \n \n>political implications \nthe word negro in italian did not originally carry the same meaning as in english, but woketoids imported the american victim mentality and now, if you say it, you are either considered extremely based or trigger lefties, globohomos and niggers themselves", "pid": 474406692 }, { "sender": "Anon-1154", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:27\n\n>>474401701 \nWe say \"negros\", but it doesn't have the same negative connotations as in english. \"Pretos\" (Blacks) would be the most similar.", "pid": 474407108 }, { "sender": "Anon-80B0", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:40\n\n>>474403111 \ncrows are cool tho :(", "pid": 474407125 }, { "sender": "Anon-359A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:15\n\n>>474403111 \nthis one's better \nin case you're wondering, I have three distinct instances of the pissrael flag being owned by crows, another one by a cat.", "pid": 474407226 }, { "sender": "7547-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:59\n\n>>474402172 \n>>474407108 \nWhat about \"crioulo\"? How derogatory does it sound there?", "pid": 474407396 }, { "sender": "92AB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:18\n\n>>474407125 \n>>474407226 \nLmao, gem videos but not many jidani left for our crows to destroy their flags", "pid": 474407659 }, { "sender": "5FBA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:30\n\n>>474401701 \n黒んぼ \n(kuronbo)", "pid": 474407669 }, { "sender": "70B6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:07\n\n>>474407226 \ncorvids are highly intelligent, so of course they're redpilled on the jewish question", "pid": 474407709 }, { "sender": "Anon-C024", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:31\n\n>>474407396 \nAt least here, \"Crioulo\" is not derogatory (usually). It's normally used in a linguistic context, to call mixed languages which are based on Portuguese (be it from Africa or Asia).", "pid": 474407798 }, { "sender": "71BD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:26\n\nshavi, turki/osmani, kvanakhshiri", "pid": 474407868 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-633A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:53\n\n>>474401701 \nneutral: néger \npejorative: majom", "pid": 474408181 }, { "sender": "Anon-6291", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:34\n\nIt's \"kmica\", here (kh mee tsa). It means \"the darkness\" as in that meme la luz extinguido. The young people don't even know that word's an archaism for the darkness.", "pid": 474408222 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DDA1", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:35\n\n>>474407798 \nI see. Elders here used to call them \"crioulo\" when they intended to injury some nigger. There's even some dubbed movies here like \"Rush Hour\" that translated \"nigger\" to \"crioulo\", like in that scene in which Jackie Chan says \"what's up my nigger\". But, in general, it is the same as your first post said, \"Preto\" is the strongest way to injury niggers both here and there.", "pid": 474408358 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-980B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:53\n\n>>474403763 \nIt's not black. It's a certain shade of brown.", "pid": 474408384 }, { "sender": "Anon-D6C2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:40\n\n>>474401701 \nNegro but since México city is a vibrant diverse metropolis we call the Haitians.", "pid": 474408450 }, { "sender": "8895-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:15\n\n>>474401701 \nNeekeri", "pid": 474408844 }, { "sender": "CD94-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:37:08\n\n>>474401701 \nLunchtime rowdies", "pid": 474408901 }, { "sender": "2B40-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:37:58\n\nNegro, but that's just the color black literally, so we usually say \"negro de mierda\", \"shit nigger\", nigger made of/comes from shit, would be the closest meaning I guess.\nI should also mention that a lot of people here are nicknamed \"Negro, el negro, negrito, etc\" as a term of endearment, many times regardless of skin color", "pid": 474408948 }, { "sender": "0439-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:48\n\n>>474403708 \n>nigger is just herp \nderp \nльoль", "pid": 474409146 }, { "sender": "Anon-9C0B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:30\n\n>>474401701 \nWhy would I call them anything? I don't live among them. I don't listen to rap. I don't watch basketball. They are not the subject of my attention. I only hear about them when I enter /pol/.", "pid": 474409187 }, { "sender": "Anon-D4C6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:46\n\nI Sverige finns en oskriven regel: säg aldrig neger till en man som är svart som natten (som natten...) Men den regeln den vill jag inte följa, en neger är en neger det är inget man ska dölja (ska dölja...)", "pid": 474409204 }, { "sender": "AF58-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:14\n\n>>474401701 \nItaly = niggrini \nSpain = niggardo \nFrance = niggré \nSerbia = niggrovic \nJapan = niggerado kun \nChina = ching chong nig nong \n \nThats all I know", "pid": 474409234 }, { "sender": "B11C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:01\n\n>>474408222 \nChecked, but I'm a zoomie and remember encountering the use in my lektira. Stfu boomer", "pid": 474409364 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F1CC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:01\n\n>>474407669 \n>黒んぼ \nnot always \nbut \nニガー \nalways", "pid": 474409365 }, { "sender": "Anon-FFE3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:33\n\n>>474401701 \namerikaner", "pid": 474409392 }, { "sender": "BB78-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:41\n\n>>474402199 \nDon't forget the legendary \n>špaher", "pid": 474409405 }, { "sender": "25AB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:29\n\n>>474402813 \nLa palabra no es \"mayate\"?", "pid": 474409462 }, { "sender": "9147-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:44\n\n>>474403413 \nYou forgot \"nikker\", kaaskop.", "pid": 474409486 }, { "sender": "D8F8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:47\n\n>>474403559 \nSame in Holland. The welfare monkeys get pissed when they're called that.", "pid": 474409570 }, { "sender": "Anon-619C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:11\n\n>>474401701 \nniggER", "pid": 474409666 }, { "sender": "2EA9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:36\n\n>>474401701 \nNegro (not spelled neegro\", like the anglos. It s spelled like the color black in spanish). Or \"negher de merda\", in northern Italy's dialect.", "pid": 474409936 }, { "sender": "D78D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:12\n\n>>474409462 \nmy uncle called them 'mayate'", "pid": 474410517 }, { "sender": "85E8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:50\n\n>>474403763 \nTry to say that to the child protection services when they take your children for reading them uncensored literature", "pid": 474410638 }, { "sender": "612B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:30\n\n>>474401701 \nकालू / हब्शी (Kaaloo / Hub-shii)", "pid": 474411070 }, { "sender": "1D9F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:50\n\n>>474409146 \nлюл", "pid": 474411094 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2223", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:17\n\nNeige in trad Chinese 內格\nSounds like nigger.", "pid": 474411268 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1C49", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:07\n\n>>474411070 \nwho are you even calling nigger over there? the poors I assume right?", "pid": 474411403 }, { "sender": "Anon-E6BE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:49\n\nweinerbröd", "pid": 474412420 } ]
[ { "sender": "512D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:51:15\n\nAnd just like that he undid everything his fake and gay fist pump picture accomplished. kek", "pid": 474390695 }, { "sender": "0864-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:54:16\n\n>>474390695 \nbecause he's wearing a bandaid? \nok", "pid": 474390885 }, { "sender": "9E29-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:55:49\n\nThat's a ear tampon - also called mypillow", "pid": 474390994 }, { "sender": "Anon-7905", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:59:52\n\nThat thing is bigger than his ear.", "pid": 474391272 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8619", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:01:28\n\nhe looks defeated, the jews and indians won.", "pid": 474391392 }, { "sender": "Anon-B147", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:02:21\n\nIt's past midnight in the US, who are you trying to shill to? People who can't even vote?", "pid": 474391459 }, { "sender": "7413-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:03:15\n\n>>474390994 \nThat’s silly. It’s far less lumpy than a mypillow.", "pid": 474391521 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE48", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:03:59\n\n>>474390695 \nhumiliation ritual", "pid": 474391566 }, { "sender": "F532-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:06:48\n\n>>474390695 \nReddit post. Stop lying to yourself already, that's not good for you", "pid": 474391743 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6332", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:08:28\n\n>>474390695 \nKING JESUS!!!", "pid": 474391861 }, { "sender": "Anon-E0AF", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:09:15\n\nAnother situation in which opponents of *anything* will find a way to attack", "pid": 474391916 }, { "sender": "Anon-0362", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:09:53\n\n>>474391861 \nFix your own country, French fag", "pid": 474391957 }, { "sender": "Anon-9EC7", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:11:54\n\n>>474391957 \nKING JESUS!!!", "pid": 474392099 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-884C", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:13:38\n\n>>474392099 \nYes we love Jesus, calm down", "pid": 474392215 }, { "sender": "Anon-034C", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:13:40\n\nLooks like a scared dog that got caught chewing on a shoe. \"MY shoes!!\"", "pid": 474392217 }, { "sender": "D3B5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:48:27\n\n>>474392215 \nJESUS IS KING!!!", "pid": 474394216 }, { "sender": "Anon-8980", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:57:12\n\n>>474390695 \nCornered animals are quite dangerous. \nPendulum is going to swing back hard.", "pid": 474394728 }, { "sender": "Anon-D08F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:24:15\n\n>>474394216 \nYou're on /pol/ fren, we all know.", "pid": 474396352 }, { "sender": "ADF1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:29:08\n\n>>474390695 \nMeds", "pid": 474396628 }, { "sender": "996A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:34:27\n\n>>474396352 \nKING JESUS!!!", "pid": 474396978 }, { "sender": "Anon-1249", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:35:57\n\n>>474391521 \nLel", "pid": 474397073 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0EA3", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:43:38\n\n>>474390885 \nIt's nonsense \nI sliced part of my hand open yesterday, you could see inside and look at the muscles and ligaments. 3 stitches and a regular tiny bandaid, not a fucking mypillow", "pid": 474397522 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF7F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:52:11\n\n>The Emperor Strikes Back", "pid": 474398080 }, { "sender": "072D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:57:09\n\n>>474391459 \nHuh...?!You really believe everyone here just scarfs the early bird special and dozes off...?!?", "pid": 474398390 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-532F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:57:49\n\nStill voting Trump", "pid": 474398431 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E415", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:58:55\n\n>>474390885 \nThat, and the most degenerate convention in American history, yeah.", "pid": 474398497 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8587", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:59:36\n\n>>474390695 \nLol go scratch", "pid": 474398541 }, { "sender": "72F4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:01:42\n\n>>474394728 \nWho do you think is whispering in his ear that they tried to kill him? Or does he just know?", "pid": 474398676 }, { "sender": "FDAF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:05:01\n\n>>474398431 \nKING JESUS!!!", "pid": 474398891 }, { "sender": "D371-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:05:57\n\n>>474390695 \nNext time it won't be just an ear.", "pid": 474398952 }, { "sender": "Anon-88EB", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:10:51\n\n>>474398952 \nShow your real flag", "pid": 474399247 }, { "sender": "097F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:13:40\n\n>>474398676 \nWhy would someone at other end of the earth care either way?", "pid": 474399427 }, { "sender": "2AB5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:16:38\n\n>>474394728 \n>Pendulum is going to swing back hard. \n>make satanic pact with jews \n>can't even sacrifice the entire ear \n>THE PENDULUM WILL SWING!!!!! \nmore like we are going to be bound to israel as they cause a slaanesh incursion", "pid": 474399626 }, { "sender": "52BF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:18:11\n\n>>474390695 \nNah. Nothing can take away from the most iconic photo of the last decade.", "pid": 474399728 }, { "sender": "Anon-54A6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:55:19\n\n>>474399728 \nnothing except KING JESUS!!!", "pid": 474402127 }, { "sender": "Anon-9C6B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:21:52\n\n>>474391392 \nbut that seems to have been his goal from the start?", "pid": 474403863 }, { "sender": "EFF8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:10\n\n>>474391392 \nerr he works for jews?", "pid": 474407222 }, { "sender": "9BAF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:43\n\n>>474390695 \nIf that was true your propaganda would not be necessary", "pid": 474407320 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3824", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:50\n\n>>474397522 \nWho the fuck cares? He almost died and you want to make fun of the size of his bandaid? Grow the fuck up.", "pid": 474407387 }, { "sender": "A2C3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:17\n\n>>474390695 \nHhaha he's a broken man haha big tough guy all these years and a little graze on the ear has broken him.", "pid": 474407476 }, { "sender": "71F2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:05\n\n>>474390695", "pid": 474407706 }, { "sender": "3BFF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:03\n\n>>474390695 \nHe looks scared. Maybe he even poops his pants uncontrollably?", "pid": 474407772 }, { "sender": "13C5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:55\n\n>>474407706", "pid": 474407953 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-382E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:41\n\n>>474391392 \nThis nearly 80 y.o took a bullet in the ear after years of torment from false accusations and shows up to work a day later.. if anyone even mentioned you should dress like a man, you would hang yourself.", "pid": 474408080 }, { "sender": "E6F3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:32:18\n\nAll of you flailing over this convention are so fucking retarded. Not everyone is hyper obsessed with race like you porn addicted chuds are. Trump is still on the way to a win", "pid": 474408573 }, { "sender": "Anon-BFCF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:05\n\n>>474390695 \nNah, he's got a stoic look to him there. That's a pretty decent picture actually. \nHe looks like he's lost weight too. \nHe looks remarkable given the events of the last few months.", "pid": 474409436 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8F22", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:36\n\n>>474390695 \nHe should have worn something more subtle. Everyone knows he got shot, that's real cringey", "pid": 474409551 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D6CF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:38\n\n>>474408080 \nAaaa poor guy! He didn't get anyone killed or threaten to imprison his opponents or anything!", "pid": 474409553 }, { "sender": "E5B7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:11\n\n>>474397522 \nWhy are you cutting yourself tranny?", "pid": 474409593 }, { "sender": "7B32-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:30\n\n>>474390695 \nTranny shills working hard to have a job in August. Trump won because he looked cool not dieing and Biden will lose because he comes off as an old retard who can't form a coherent thought. Now go stare I'm the mirror at your man shoulders. Btw no one even cares about policy anymore except reddit fags.", "pid": 474411714 }, { "sender": "523B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:49\n\n>>474391521 \nYou don't even own a mypillow . \nMypillow Chads rise up!", "pid": 474413748 }, { "sender": "F249-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:59\n\n>>474390695 \n>>474397522 \nWhere the fuck do you niggers get your marching orders from where you say this stupid shit? The fact that Mark Hamill came out and was one of the first people to say something about his bandage being \"cringe\" says it all. You've outsourced your thinking to some shartblue agitprop.", "pid": 474413896 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-D225", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:37\n\nHe's really slacking off lately, missing historical breaking news.\nWhat's the matter this time? He had a long day? His cat kept him awake? It was raining and his hair got wet?\nConsidering this is his \"job\", he often leaves his followers dangling at critical times.", "pid": 474409702 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6FB2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:24\n\n>>474409702 \n>divorced \nhe is and always was a niggerfaggot", "pid": 474409919 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-06D9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:14\n\n>>474409919 \nAre you him?", "pid": 474410376 }, { "sender": "3B9D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:46\n\n>>474410376 \nno", "pid": 474410485 }, { "sender": "Breakroom", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:10\n\nHe's probably on his way back from NL.", "pid": 474410818 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A63A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:31\n\n>>474409702 \nhe probably needs a new laptop \nI think it's pathetic that his viewers let him work on an old janky machine", "pid": 474410920 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1964", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:40\n\n>>474410818 \nhe hopefully killer himself by now. that’s the last chapter in his arc. we are all waiting for it. or did he get back on heroin like his ex wife and will die of that? either way he needs to literally die soon or just disappear", "pid": 474411006 }, { "sender": "027C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:56\n\n>>474409702 \nDidn't he just try to assassinate Trump the other day?", "pid": 474411035 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C577", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:28\n\nHe’s busy playing RuneScape. Work is xp loss.", "pid": 474411064 }, { "sender": "Breakroom", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:16\n\n>>474411006 \nHe can't die. He's too important here as he's a member of our coven", "pid": 474411192 }, { "sender": "58AD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:13\n\n>>474411192 \n>he's a member of our coven \nno he’s going to hell for his divorce and his satanism. he’s literally a satanist. and he does heroin and fent. he’s a cuck that let his wife fuck drug dealers so they both got free drugs. so he’s a pimp for drugs with his actual wife? i wish someone would hurt him so there is justice in the world. but cowards like them hide so our only hope is he hurts/kills himself. preferably on live stream", "pid": 474411608 }, { "sender": "Breakroom", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:34\n\n>>474411608 \nWhat divorce? Indont know what all that nonsense is supposed to be as it's pure speculation (or spiculation given your Hispanic heritage).", "pid": 474411720 }, { "sender": "Anon-3D36", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:45\n\ndrug addicted loser", "pid": 474411740 }, { "sender": "35FD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:15\n\n>>474411720 \nbtw i personally proved you are styx. it’s really obvious on the archive. so kill yourself druggy trash", "pid": 474411836 }, { "sender": "Breakroom", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:33\n\n>>474411836 \n>btw i personally proved you are styx \nImpossible. He's never worked an honest job in his life. That's rather embarrassing as the nigga is pushing 40.", "pid": 474412074 }, { "sender": "Anon-13B7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:30\n\n>>474412074 \ni obviously proved you’re breakroom pics are fake too though so cmon dude. we both know what i’m talking about. i can’t believe you forgot me proving this. you don’t know who i am since i don’t use a name. why the fuck haven’t the mods perma banned you. this isn’t fair", "pid": 474412391 }, { "sender": "Gary", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:08\n\n>>474409702 \nStyxhexenhammer666 is obsessed with free gaming laptops and devising schemes to fool people into sending him enormous donations and weekly tithes for his \"Salvation Laptop Fund\" which he uses to buy more expensive gaming laptops. He's running a big scam operation to fool all of you into sending him your life savings to buy yourself a place on his so-called \"Salvation Laptop\". In reality Styx will just type your name onto a list which he saves as a Word document on his \"magical\" laptop, that's your \"place of salvation\". He will then use your money to buy himself even more expensive gaming laptops that he'll play on his luxury yacht and private jet while plotting to rule the world through his laptop scam. \n \nStyx Laptop pledge drive: \n \n \n>Petition to make Styx get a job \n \n \n▶ Styx boasts about his \"tech skills\" but doesn't know how to transfer the data from his HDD \n▶ Keeps replacing his microphones because the volume is always terrible (he doesn't know how to adjust it) \n▶ He fails to properly install his Logitech peripherals on his other laptop and thinks they don't work simply because his other laptop is \"too old\" to work with Logitech software", "pid": 474412453 }, { "sender": "Breakroom", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:57\n\n>>474412391 \n>doesn't follow me on Truth Social \nYou tried/10", "pid": 474412742 }, { "sender": "64C1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:07\n\nLast time I heard about this druid looking nigga his wife was getting fucked by a \"Dutch\" (nigger?)drug dealer who threatened his life and he had to return to America with his tail between his leg. Any clankers have an update on this lore?", "pid": 474412753 }, { "sender": "E5C9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:31\n\n>>474412453 \nIs that what you do all day? Waiting for someone to make a Styx thread so you can post your overcooked pasta...sad", "pid": 474412790 }, { "sender": "3C88-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:05\n\n>>474409702 \nDid he ever fix his gaming laptop?", "pid": 474412824 }, { "sender": "00EF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:42\n\n>>474409702 \nEventually the adderall stops working \nHe’s probably back to drinking a couple of bottles of wine per night", "pid": 474412862 }, { "sender": "F3DA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:45\n\n>>474411608 \nIs laugh if you got sued for defamation for this post", "pid": 474412935 }, { "sender": "Anon-9654", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:23\n\n>>474412753 \nlibertariansim at the end of the day is all about drug use and excuses for dealing/using drugs", "pid": 474412978 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4D14", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:42\n\n>>474412453 \nI love this copypasta so much. \n \nClassic styx bait thread, the average /pol NEETs Beverly Hills 9021 equivalent.", "pid": 474412997 }, { "sender": "575B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:54\n\n>>474412935 \ni’ll be able to prove it to everyone that it’s styx then. i say let him try. also that’s not how it works i would get a cease and desist first which id then scan and post here even if it says i’m not allowed", "pid": 474413229 }, { "sender": "54FF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:59\n\nHe is traveling to the states as we speak, faggot.", "pid": 474413234 }, { "sender": "Anon-B406", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:15\n\n>>474413234 \nHe went off the rails the other night about how the only reason Donald trump survived was because he is doing Harry Potter spells under the stairs at his wife’s house.", "pid": 474413632 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CAD4", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:53\n\nHis wife works for kikes and gets paid lots more money than he gets. They gave her an ultimatum. She made her decision.", "pid": 474413675 }, { "sender": "1F6D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:50\n\n>>474413632 \n \nthats kinda cool.", "pid": 474413819 }, { "sender": "A679-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:05\n\n>>474412978 \nThere's prostitutes, their johns and even pedos who are into libertarianism for similar reasons. It's for nerds or autists with destructive habits who want a sophisticated sounding justification for them.", "pid": 474413993 } ]
/ltg/ - Leftist Testimony General
[ { "sender": "2378-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:14\n\n/ltg/ - Leftist Testimony General\n\nIn this thread we share our (horror) Stories of trying to debate some sense into left-wing progressives.", "pid": 474411190 }, { "sender": "713B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:40\n\n>>474411190 \nI'll start: \n>Be me \n>Living in France \n>Have Colombian lawyer gf \n>Get invited to a get together \n>Meet some Spaniards \n>Talk to one of her Spanish lawyer friends (female) \n>Talk about immigration \n>Mention Arabs (Muslims but most people forget Christian Arabs exist) \n>Say they're extremely violent and absurdly overrepresented in crime stats \n>Tell a few shocking stories of my own being attacked with knives by them \n>Her friend goes an enormous tirade about how she works helping Arab kids get all kinds govt gibs \n>How one of her Arab friends got denied a job for being Arab (most likely just an idiot who tells other people muh racism) \n>Tell her employers should have the right to employ whoever they want, as she wouldn't have a problem with an all-muslim company, what's wrong with an all Eurochristian company \n>Goes red in the face, starts yelling, grabs stuff to throw at me \n>Gf jumps in, tells her to not yell at me and to calm down \n>Autistic me says, \"she never denied the violent nature and overrepresentation in crime\" \n>Spanish lawyer girl blurts out the longest string of curses I've ever heard \n>Later find out she exclusively fucks Arabs", "pid": 474411638 }, { "sender": "Anon-8C4E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:24\n\n>>474411638 \nBump", "pid": 474412303 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3DE5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:52\n\n>>474411190 \nShow the pic of that Spaniard kebab roller or you are a shill", "pid": 474412512 }, { "sender": "Anon-BB41", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:59\n\n>>474412303 \nnewfag retard \nthis isn't your personal blog", "pid": 474413016 }, { "sender": "0F49-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:45\n\nIf you want to meet Arabs, Criminal Courts are interesting of course.", "pid": 474414443 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-7B77", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:45\n\nBREAKING: ITALIANS ARE ENSLAVING INDIANS\n\n \n \n>The 33 workers were lured to Italy on the promise of jobs and a better future by two fellow Indian nationals, police say. \n>But instead, they were allegedly forced to work more than 10 hours a day, seven days a week for a tiny wage which was used to pay off debts to the alleged gangmasters. \n>Just last month, an Indian fruit picker died after his arm was severed in a work accident. \n \nSIRS?", "pid": 474407572 }, { "sender": "Anon-26D6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:54\n\n>>474407572 \nWe do the same here, we could not even get like 10k of the 100k jeets bibi was shilling for a while back.", "pid": 474407697 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-748F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:58\n\n>>474407572 \nSome people need to be denazified again.", "pid": 474407700 }, { "sender": "0588-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:54\n\n>>474407572 \nBased?", "pid": 474407763 }, { "sender": "Anon-D999", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:42\n\n>>474407572 \nYou can be sure arabs, niggers or gypsies do but not italians.", "pid": 474407814 }, { "sender": "398B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:52\n\n>by two fellow Indian nationals \n \nThen why say the Italians are enslaving them.", "pid": 474407824 }, { "sender": "8971-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:05\n\n>>474407697 \nDecent, if only you kikes didn't constantly try to genocide native Europeans we could be friends but alas.", "pid": 474407841 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-06A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:26\n\n>>474407824 \nPerhaps you haven't yet understood globohomo's modus operandi. Lurk more.", "pid": 474407921 }, { "sender": "D76A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:28\n\n>>474407572 \nGuidos deserve to be murdered", "pid": 474407925 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4627", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:05\n\n>>474407925 \nThe jeet is mad", "pid": 474407970 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-464E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:17\n\n>>474407925 \nsaaaaaaaaaaaaar", "pid": 474407985 }, { "sender": "Anon-60CD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:50\n\n>>474407572 \n>promise of jobs \n>get jobs \nAIIIIEEEEEEEEEE", "pid": 474408026 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0EE9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:06\n\n>>474407572 \n>BBC \nFucking jewish bongs exposing the jeet proper treatment. Enslavement is the proper jeet treatment abroad. At least they have access to clean water and clean food which is an improvement from their current enslavement in INDIA. \nPasta-bros dont mind the BBC continue your work.", "pid": 474408039 }, { "sender": "1CCA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:19\n\n>>474407572 \none of these indians was minced by some machine a couple of months ago... made big news here", "pid": 474408057 }, { "sender": "C1D8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:36\n\n>>474407841 \n>muh kikes \n \nAnd that's why you must be killed.", "pid": 474408073 }, { "sender": "DE45-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:39\n\n>>474407697 \nDie terrorist jew. Hope you get shaheed’d in your sleep or get enlisted to fertilize Gaza, inshallah.", "pid": 474408077 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-79E2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:16\n\n>>474407763 \nslavery only imports more problems, of the biological type.", "pid": 474408132 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-335C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:23\n\n>>474407925 \nLol jeets are so much worse, you would only say tjis if you yourself were a jeet. Smell of yah, yuck", "pid": 474408135 }, { "sender": "E42A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:34\n\n>>474408073 \nLeave this thread terrorist jews rape children", "pid": 474408144 }, { "sender": "08B0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:28\n\n>>474407572 \nLMAO it's not just jeets, here's theres no racism \nwhite brown gypsy niggers jeet asian you get whipped just the same in the tomato fields", "pid": 474408216 }, { "sender": "F01E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:30\n\n>>474407824 \nSo stupid idiots who don't read will get mad at Italians duh", "pid": 474408217 }, { "sender": "Anon-62E9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:06\n\n>>474407925 \nWhy ? For proper jeet treatment ?", "pid": 474408254 }, { "sender": "Anon-FA12", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:21\n\nBased wops.", "pid": 474408277 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E48D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:27\n\n>>474407572 \n>subhumans enslave other subhumans in white nations and pay them peanuts for working shitty jobs \nThis is literally something that shitlibs defend as necessary.", "pid": 474408286 }, { "sender": "CB5F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:02\n\n>>474408073 \nIt is what you deserve to be called until you change your attitude towards Europeans.", "pid": 474408396 }, { "sender": "Anon-4FBA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:14\n\n>>474408144 \nBased idf soldiers, Talmud says that's OK anyway.", "pid": 474408412 }, { "sender": "824F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:43\n\n>>474407572 \n>Imported by leftist NGOs funded by international subverters \n>Sold off from a leftist \"welcoming\" structure ran by a leftist nigger posturing as a politician, to foreign slavers \n>slaves die and live in misery, leftists \"free\" them and take credit for it from leftist media \n>still argue for importing more \n>then sell them off again \n \nIt's an ouroborous of monster leftist profits and brown slavery", "pid": 474408532 }, { "sender": "7DCF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:44\n\nshould have stayed home instead of being scammed into slavery.\nkarma is a bitch.", "pid": 474408536 }, { "sender": "8905-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:50\n\n>>474407572 \n>>Just last month, an Indian fruit picker died after his arm was severed in a work accident. \nHow do you manage to sever your arm picking fruits?", "pid": 474408676 }, { "sender": "53E8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:09\n\n>>474407572 \nSo basically it's Indians enslaving other Indians, but the headline implies that they were enslaved by Italians. Lovely.", "pid": 474408694 }, { "sender": "1F2F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:02\n\n>>474407572 \nRome truly never dies…", "pid": 474408765 }, { "sender": "166C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:38\n\n>>474407814 \nItalians are a mix of those three, so....", "pid": 474408870 }, { "sender": "Anon-BD4F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:58\n\n>>474408532 \nYeah lefties think theyre doing the right thing so theyll fucking run everything into the ground", "pid": 474408890 }, { "sender": "Anon-3719", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:37:23\n\n>>474408135 \nNo they aren't.", "pid": 474408916 }, { "sender": "1C8E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:06\n\n>>474407572 \nSame shit here.", "pid": 474408958 }, { "sender": "89C2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:07\n\n>>474407572 \n>ITALIANS ARE ENSLAVING INDIANS \n>by two fellow Indian nationals \nOnce again the hypocrisy of slavery, same as with the nigs. The biggest slavers are themselves.", "pid": 474409018 }, { "sender": "A68A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:35\n\nWtf I love Italy now. Should I convert?", "pid": 474409046 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F16A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:41\n\n>>474408916 \n>newnew dehli flag defending poos \nHahaha saaaar youre the worst, go home to your land of subhumans", "pid": 474409055 }, { "sender": "5713-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:10\n\n>>474407824 \nIf an Indian moves to Italy he his now Italian. Haven't you been paying attention? \n>cries in new Canadians", "pid": 474409169 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A69B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:13\n\n>>474408396 \nthey will never. They want us dead sven but typical of a cuck nation to desire friendship with their mortal enemy.", "pid": 474409174 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B31", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:25\n\n>>474408676 \nIndians have 1hp", "pid": 474409247 }, { "sender": "Anon-EF47", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:31\n\n>>474408077 \nMorocco is sucking jew's cock", "pid": 474409253 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5BCB", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:25\n\n>>474408958 \nholy based. total Indian slavery.", "pid": 474409317 }, { "sender": "5373-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:57\n\n>>474407572 \n>Italians \n>jeets enslave other jeets \nFuck off poojeet", "pid": 474409361 }, { "sender": "A726-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:32\n\n>>474408916 \nAnon, I can tell by your flag that you're indian", "pid": 474409465 }, { "sender": "15D2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:24\n\nI mean, have you seen the replies to Meloni's tweets? She had to do something for her fanbase", "pid": 474409535 }, { "sender": "0550-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:36\n\n>>474407572 \nDude the only game left in town is indians - arabs are too dogshit and cultish, latin america was drained dry, the good Africans don't want to go anywhere and the shitty ones are subhuman, may as well import chimps from a forest.", "pid": 474409853 }, { "sender": "4707-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:06\n\n>>474407572 \nWe enslave indians, pakis, niggers, chinks \nWhat's the problem?", "pid": 474410125 }, { "sender": "88C3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:54\n\n>>474407572 \nItaly is already a brown country so who's laughing now.", "pid": 474410177 }, { "sender": "F0BD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:04\n\n>>474409535 \nDon't try to explain politics to niggers \nWaste of time", "pid": 474410196 }, { "sender": "9B75-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:50\n\n>>474410177 \nYou won't find any happiness here Rajesh \nAs none of the niggers who think they won the lottery when they arrive", "pid": 474410258 }, { "sender": "5571-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:36\n\n>>474407572 \n>ITALIANS \nGuaranteed Indians.", "pid": 474410329 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BC69", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:57\n\n>>474407572 \nWho's going to make my cheap leather jackets now?", "pid": 474410434 }, { "sender": "16C1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:04\n\n>>474407572 \nI think England is gonna sue somebody for copyright.", "pid": 474410884 }, { "sender": "8CD4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:03\n\n>>474407572 \nbrowns and blacks are more racist towards their own than against others", "pid": 474412113 }, { "sender": "A36D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:50\n\n>>474407572 \nSame thing in Canada. \nIt's always other Desi doing it to them. They basically never interact with whites.", "pid": 474412808 }, { "sender": "1744-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:05\n\n>>474407572 \n>freed \nShame", "pid": 474413544 }, { "sender": "Anon-D320", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:40\n\n>>474413544 \nit's ok, they have an infinite supply of poo from India.", "pid": 474413589 }, { "sender": "59EF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:36\n\n>>474407572 \n>>But instead, they were allegedly forced to work more than 10 hours a day, \n \n \n \n>newly introduced labor codes propose a maximum working day of 12 hours", "pid": 474414037 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-3D4D", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:52:14\n\nYou can live beach front on the Mediterannean in mafia south Italy for €58.000", "pid": 474390753 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D17F", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:54:38\n\n>>474390753 \nK keep me posted", "pid": 474390907 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1A24", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:55:02\n\n>>474390753 \nCan I eat gabagool and pretend I'm like Tony Soprano too? This sounds appealing", "pid": 474390937 }, { "sender": "BAF1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:55:37\n\n>>474390753 \n>live on beach \n>get blacked by any major storms that come through \nPass", "pid": 474390982 }, { "sender": "Anon-57BC", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:57:30\n\n>>474390907 \n>K keep me posted \nYou are situated less than 100 feet from prime pooping locations.", "pid": 474391117 }, { "sender": "9E2B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:58:20\n\n>>474390753 \nThat's like your first GTA apartment when you're still scounrging around for a few bucks doing shit jobs. Soon you'll be in the Don's mansion waiting for Vito to come back to Sicily to stab you in the stomach.", "pid": 474391172 }, { "sender": "3FF4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:58:47\n\nIs that a prison?", "pid": 474391200 }, { "sender": "B45B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:59:04\n\n>>474390982 \n>mediteranean sea \nThats not the ocean with 50ft waves you dumb fat fuck", "pid": 474391220 }, { "sender": "071C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:59:10\n\n>>474390753 \nWarm water beaches attract non whites, like southern Italians.", "pid": 474391231 }, { "sender": "6D85-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:02:27\n\n>>474390753 \nWhy have vertical and horizontal doors? Pick one or admit neither works.", "pid": 474391470 }, { "sender": "0BE6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:10:06\n\n>>474391200 \nbest anti sun / heat device", "pid": 474391978 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-805A", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:10:30\n\n>>474390753 \nHere's a view of the beach just beyond that balcony", "pid": 474392005 }, { "sender": "769C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:10:56\n\n>>474391231", "pid": 474392039 }, { "sender": "A9E5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:12:14\n\n>>474391231 \nBased", "pid": 474392118 }, { "sender": "8577-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:12:38\n\n>>474390753 \nLooks like a fucked up cruise line, I would get a refund.", "pid": 474392146 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8577", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:14:12\n\n>>474390753 \nThese concrete boxes get hot as fuck. This way of life only works if you have enough money to spend all your waking hours outside. The jobs available here most likely suck ass.", "pid": 474392247 }, { "sender": "Anon-A5F4", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:14:20\n\n>>474390937 \nYes, there is insufficient gabagool data for a decision to be made.", "pid": 474392257 }, { "sender": "Anon-C7B5", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:17:06\n\n>>474390753 \n>Have a great beach \n>Build a bunker on it \nI thought that was a german thing, not italian.", "pid": 474392395 }, { "sender": "Anon-1780", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:24:08\n\n>>474390753 \nThose wall sockets under the tilted tv. Who does that? Hide them behind the tv ffs", "pid": 474392816 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B010", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:25:57\n\n>>474391200 \nlmao \nyokel", "pid": 474392933 }, { "sender": "Anon-6EB0", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:26:18\n\n>>474391200 \nLiving in goymany is waking up at 6:00 when your boomer neighbours violently rattle open their shutters.", "pid": 474392956 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0A14", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:27:52\n\n>>474390753 \n>You can live beach front on the Mediterannean in mafia south Italy for €58.000 \n \nImagine waking up in the morning and seeing a boat filled with niggers docking right in your backyard.", "pid": 474393042 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-40E6", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:28:42\n\n>>474392005 \n \nthey just travel to England/Germany/Netherlands bro.", "pid": 474393084 }, { "sender": "6BD7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:29:27\n\n>>474390753 \n>jewish mafia plagued europe, societ union, and america for years \n>accuses italians of wrongdoing and being behind it all", "pid": 474393122 }, { "sender": "843A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:31:13\n\n>>474393084 \nPlease bring back true fascism and lets use all immigrants as fertilizer, excluding myself of course.", "pid": 474393220 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D80E", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:36:15\n\n>>474390753 \n>mafia south Italy \nhow bad is it?", "pid": 474393512 }, { "sender": "C560-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:46:38\n\n>>474393512 \nLikely not bad at all, except for the immigrants", "pid": 474394105 }, { "sender": "9580-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:49:42\n\n>>474391220 \nLmao", "pid": 474394289 }, { "sender": "5442-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:50:25\n\n>>474390753 \nYeah, but Italy is a shit hole. \nTheir women fuck real nice though, very hairy pussy is choice.", "pid": 474394326 }, { "sender": "Anon-2A04", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:50:50\n\n>>474393512 \n>>474394105 \nfull of niggers", "pid": 474394351 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E7F5", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:52:39\n\n>>474393512 \n>how bad is it? \nThey can come say this is my apartment now and you have to move out (not even kidding)", "pid": 474394460 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C7D0", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:54:10\n\n>>474394460 \nShow flag", "pid": 474394552 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EE91", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:55:15\n\n>>474393512 \nAs a random retard you'll never even know mafia exists. Besides they have most of their business in the north nowadays. \n>>474394460 \n>muh mafia \nlmao ur such a retard", "pid": 474394617 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6364", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:58:33\n\n>>474390753 \nI think it's so cheap because unless you have a friend there, the mafia will bleed you dry.", "pid": 474394815 }, { "sender": "6A9A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:59:57\n\n>>474394815 \nu people are su fucking stupid", "pid": 474394908 }, { "sender": "3427-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:01:21\n\n>>474391978 \nOr you could just use an awning.", "pid": 474394992 }, { "sender": "F0EB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:01:43\n\n>>474390753 \nit's cheap because the south is cheap, because is just a 2 room place on third floo with no elevators. probably old building. nothing strange here", "pid": 474395019 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BE1F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:02:52\n\n>>474393512 \nDon't fuck with them and they won't fuck with you \nThey are making billions on their olive oil racket, they aren't robbing people on the streets like niggers", "pid": 474395088 }, { "sender": "DC2B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:03:29\n\n>>474394351 \nHad a feeling, that's usually the case for most cheap housing.", "pid": 474395125 }, { "sender": "Anon-3671", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:04:40\n\n>>474390753 \nthought about it but i'm too scared of earthquakes and volcanoes in the south. looking more to the north. thailand is also an option and even cheaper. also thailand has the benefit of naturally having a higher sexual marketplace value for an anglo whereas in italy i'd be competing with med bulls.", "pid": 474395187 }, { "sender": "0975-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:05:20\n\n>>474395088 \nHeard spaghetti mafia nigs in Italy are still doing racketeering, mugging small business around Italy for \"protection\".", "pid": 474395232 }, { "sender": "Anon-0DDD", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:05:59\n\n>>474395088 \n>olive oil racket \nif that's slang for international drug trafficking", "pid": 474395264 }, { "sender": "Anon-C01F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:06:48\n\nI already live in the best country on Earth.", "pid": 474395305 }, { "sender": "Anon-3CC0", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:07:00\n\nLooks like a prison or a hospital waiting room", "pid": 474395317 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9892", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:08:25\n\n>>474393512 \nRandom news \"22 y/o missing for 2 weeks\". 3 years later: \"Body of missing 22 y/o was found on a closed well. Police is investigating\". You will see this once or twice a year. Most likely becuase the 22 y/o insulted the daughter of a mafioso or similar. \n \nBtw, why the Mafia is not doing anything against illegal migrants? are they OK with it? any pasta bros can answer?", "pid": 474395404 }, { "sender": "Anon-E78E", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:08:41\n\n>>474393512 \nVery good, they just gave up Naples and the rest is good \nYou will see more niggers in Nepal than in Sicily", "pid": 474395417 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F415", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:11:01\n\n>>474395404 \n>Most likely becuase the 22 y/o insulted the daughter of a mafioso or similar. \nthats just a cuck fantasy of yours", "pid": 474395555 }, { "sender": "Anon-25CA", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:12:26\n\n>>474395264 \nNo it's actually just an olive oil racket \n>take cheap oil \n>package it in Italy as olive oil \n>export your fake oil at a 1000% mark-up \n>profit \nAbout 60% of olive oil you see is fake.", "pid": 474395635 }, { "sender": "E2DC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:18:02\n\n>>474395305 \n>no voter ID \n>opposition leader in court for bogus charges \n>assassination attempt after he doesn't lose popularity \nYou live in a literal banana republic. \nI hope you'll get back on track, Burgerman!", "pid": 474395973 }, { "sender": "3E5E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:22:28\n\n>>474395973 \nUnless people are hung on the Whitehouse lawn for this, it's not getting back on track. \nThe fact we haven't gotten to see the scope cam or aerial surveillance footage should tell you all you need to know. \nThey watched that faggot set-up for 26 minutes and still let him shoot multiple times", "pid": 474396238 }, { "sender": "B47F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:24:16\n\n>>474395555 \nChecked. Could a foreigner like me become an associate? Always wanted to join the mafia desu", "pid": 474396355 }, { "sender": "083F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:26:12\n\n>>474390753 \nnice", "pid": 474396457 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-87A5", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:28:41\n\n>>474396355 \ncheck'd back to you \nit's not like you can send an application lmao", "pid": 474396609 }, { "sender": "Anon-F38D", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:32:01\n\n>>474390753 \nWhich website are you using for property search?", "pid": 474396822 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DF9F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:32:17\n\n>>474390753 \nBut it's in Calabria, most of the place is a lawless shit hole, and that's by Italian standards. \nSo it's not too bad if you're used to Detroit or Philadelphia, they don't get riots or shoot outs, but it's the quaint trad version of a shit hole. \nGo rent out a place nearby for a few months before you buy.", "pid": 474396838 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E49E", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:34:18\n\n>>474390753 \nEven our streets are named after amerisharts", "pid": 474396965 }, { "sender": "1F98-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:34:55\n\n>>474393512 \nNo one in this thread has ANY fucking idea what they're talking about. \nNo, the Mafia has been gone since at least the 80s. \nThe few petty organized crime families mind their own business because they make dollars with drug trafficking and smuggling, they never start shit with people like in the movies.", "pid": 474397005 }, { "sender": "Anon-9F0C", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:35:26\n\n>>474390753 \ncomfy as fuck", "pid": 474397039 }, { "sender": "Anon-1D0B", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:36:49\n\n>>474395404 \n>are they OK with it? \nThey're in on it", "pid": 474397131 }, { "sender": "Anon-6B3D", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:38:19\n\n>>474391200 \nThis is a tapparella, it is used to keep the mafia outside of your house.", "pid": 474397221 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C116", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:38:27\n\n>>474397005 \n>4 days ago \nkek \nStop trying to sell me fake oil pizza bro", "pid": 474397229 }, { "sender": "Anon-6738", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:39:09\n\n>>474395404 \nThey're getting gubmint money AND the refugees' money for the trip AND slaves or at a minimum cheap workers from it, why would they stop that?", "pid": 474397267 }, { "sender": "Anon-0B69", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:40:34\n\n>>474393512 \nYou stay out of their business and they will stay out of yours", "pid": 474397354 }, { "sender": "A7A3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:41:11\n\n>>474397229 \n>says the random mutt on the other side of the planet", "pid": 474397386 }, { "sender": "Anon-B032", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:41:30\n\n>>474390753 \nYeah, but then you'd have to live in Italy.", "pid": 474397404 }, { "sender": "05EF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:42:47\n\n>>474397386 \nYou fuckers are shipping it worldwide", "pid": 474397475 }, { "sender": "Anon-C923", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:44:13\n\n>>474397005 \n>since at least the 80s. \nspotted the tranny zoomer, you don't know shit either", "pid": 474397558 }, { "sender": "4B3E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:44:17\n\n>>474397475 \n>and not even from italy", "pid": 474397563 }, { "sender": "Anon-C32F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:44:25\n\n>>474397131 \n>>474397267 \n \nI see. Of course. Thank you Luigi & Giuseppe", "pid": 474397571 }, { "sender": "Anon-37AE", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:45:49\n\n@474397558\nDrop the memeflag if you want a (You).", "pid": 474397653 }, { "sender": "Anon-85EB", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:45:57\n\n>>474397563 \n>or \n>Or \n>OR \nyou are a faggot, enjoy your fake oil", "pid": 474397662 }, { "sender": "7866-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:46:53\n\n>>474397653 \n>redditor still trying to figure out replies", "pid": 474397728 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AB94", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:47:27\n\n>>474391220 \ni lol'd", "pid": 474397770 }, { "sender": "Anon-24F9", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:47:38\n\n@474397728\nThanks for the (You).", "pid": 474397780 }, { "sender": "Anon-7389", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:47:39\n\n>>474395404 \n>Btw, why the Mafia is not doing anything against illegal migrants? are they OK with it? \nObviously not a pasta anon but if you think about it for one second, you'll see that uneducated, easy to manipulate illegals noone will care about or miss would be a godsent to the mafia for a lot of reasons. Do you really think the nogs here grow/produce the drugs they sell themselves? \n \nCoincidentally a question, I seem to remember Portugal has decriminalized all drug use, how's that working out in the grand scheme of things?", "pid": 474397782 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC96", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:48:10\n\n>>474390753 \nThat house looks like shit, literal 3rd world tier. \n \nI'd pay 60,000 Euro to never see a shitbox like this ever again.", "pid": 474397819 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0366", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:49:22\n\n>>474397475 \nlol \n \n>That discovery came to light in a bigger undercover operation by the Italian police, dubbed “Mamma Mia,” that last week revealed another massive scam in the same region: Thousands of tons of low-quality oils from Spain and Greece also passed off as extra virgin Italian. \n \n", "pid": 474397898 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DC54", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:51:11\n\n>>474397819 \ngood, stay in your plastic shithole", "pid": 474398008 }, { "sender": "5C92-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:52:29\n\n>>474397898 \nBased Luigi ripping off dopes that know fuck all about olive oil", "pid": 474398097 }, { "sender": "63D5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:52:53\n\n>>474395635 \n>He knows \nYeah, it's a massive industry and the level of fraud is crazy. The investigators can't even keep up", "pid": 474398120 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3E8F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:54:12\n\n>>474396838 \n>but it's the quaint trad version of a shit hole. \n \nwhat does that even mean? plz give examples \nno riots or shoot outs seem like paradise", "pid": 474398200 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B0D2", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:55:24\n\n>>474390753 \nOh sweet! So corruption everywhere, everybody only hires locals! Massive inbreeding incest community in the Mediterranean, lots of bestiality-- mafia pays for pedos trips there. Police never lift a finger since they are bribed to high hell. Oops no license? Just white envelope the agencies lol. Ppl still dissapearing all over the Mediterranean get vanished by the mafia. What else? Immigrants will try to manipulate you from everything you ever have. Ppl put sugar in your fuel tank. \nYOU HAVE FUN THERE!! \nWHILE YOU LAST! \n \nAnd remember don't fuck the local girls are fill of herpes and hpv from fucking the Africans. \n \nYOU ARE SO FUCKED AND IN FOR WORSE THAN JUST MOSQUITO BITES AND BROKEN SOCIETY", "pid": 474398282 }, { "sender": "Anon-3391", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:58:03\n\n>>474390753 \nfuckin dump \n>muh sea \n>muh beautiful coast \ntwilight zone dumpster fires all along the med and adriatic \npoverty backward hicks and trash, niggers \n \nnot worth 10,000 euros much less 58", "pid": 474398448 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FF3B", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:58:20\n\n>>474398200 \ninfrastructure is very poor, you might see lots of trash and job opportunities are few (if your life dream is wage slaving for some badass multinational corp don't come here) \nthat's about it", "pid": 474398464 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EB21", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:59:50\n\n>>474398282 \n>Ppl still dissapearing all over the Mediterranean \nit's just shitskins like you thoever, hardly people", "pid": 474398555 }, { "sender": "Anon-22A8", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:00:33\n\n>>474392039 \nWhy is that Southern Italian wearing a McDonalds shirt?", "pid": 474398599 }, { "sender": "5D96-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:02:41\n\n>>474397386 \nA lot of olive oil is mixed with vegetable oil, this has been known for ages", "pid": 474398749 }, { "sender": "5FE3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:04:51\n\n>>474398464 \ntrash on the streets? like India? I've been to the Caribbean and even the worst parts of the US have at worst beer cans and plastic bottles but it's pretty spread out. I guess Wage slaving won't be to bad if you can fina a qt nymphomaniac to fuck in your ocean view apt", "pid": 474398878 }, { "sender": "5B80-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:06:40\n\n>>474398464 \nHow's the internet speeds? I hear most of Italy is like a retirement home. I met a Northern Italian here not too long ago, before he told me he was from Italy I thought he was from Eastern Europe because of his blonde hair", "pid": 474399002 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8E4F", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:07:43\n\n>>474398878 \nnothing is like india \nespecially in larger cities trash collection is dysfunctional and you'll see garbage sitting in and around the dumpsters for a while \nthen you'll find some illegal dumping grounds out in the country here and there, but they do this crap in northern italy too", "pid": 474399069 }, { "sender": "Anon-63EC", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:10:36\n\n>>474399002 \ndepends on where you are \nmy city has 99% high speed optic fiber coverage best in the country (better than m\\*lan)", "pid": 474399231 }, { "sender": "Anon-C409", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:12:38\n\n>>474399231 \nIf I moved there I would probably live up north. Beaches are nice but something tells me I'd like it there", "pid": 474399360 }, { "sender": "DB8E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:13:23\n\n>>474398200 \npfwaar", "pid": 474399411 }, { "sender": "2FE9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:15:13\n\n>>474399360 \nnorth outside of the alps is trash, it's where people go to wage slave nothing more", "pid": 474399519 }, { "sender": "0764-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:15:20\n\n>>474399360 \ni'm in rijeka temporarily and it's a poverty stricken dumpster fire with no services, decaying facades, crumbling homes and buildings \nextremely depressing \ni can't imagine italy looking any better \nabsolute third world dump", "pid": 474399534 }, { "sender": "47F5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:16:45\n\n>>474392395 \nthey must be descended from lombards", "pid": 474399631 }, { "sender": "C697-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:17:45\n\n>>474390753 \nHighly doubt it but whatever. \n \nPastabros?", "pid": 474399695 }, { "sender": "67BA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:18:16\n\n>>474390753 \nImagine paying to live on the beach. \n \nImagine not just building on the beach with zero fucks given. \n \nI bet you don't even have a bathtub that you collect driftwood in. \n \nFucking europoors.", "pid": 474399737 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-799E", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:18:48\n\n>>474399534 \ndumb, slow people \nabsolutely disgusting \nall this beach shit and thinking about beaches is a result of feminist propaganda and ideology seeping through your entire life. you have to break thru to reality", "pid": 474399772 }, { "sender": "073D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:19:30\n\n>>474399534 \nI've heard Croatia has some nice cities \nI think the only thing stopping me from moving to Europe is the taxes. 40% in many countries on middle income is crazy", "pid": 474399804 }, { "sender": "Anon-9471", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:19:58\n\n>>474390982 \nthe dreadful Mediterranean storms...oh wait", "pid": 474399828 }, { "sender": "Anon-954A", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:20:16\n\nthey want to call it culture, \"beauty\"\nit's a waste of life. beaches dont pay bills, beaches and seas are for the losers in life and the weaklings and the women and weak men", "pid": 474399842 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0B82", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:20:43\n\n>>474390937 \n>gabagool? OVA' HEREEE", "pid": 474399876 }, { "sender": "Anon-ACBB", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:21:16\n\n>>474399737 \nThey don't have great whites in Europe \nNot to mention all the other crazy shit in Australia \nI still want to visit but Jesus", "pid": 474399910 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4CD5", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:21:24\n\n>>474399804 \ncroatia is an absolute dump with dumb people, with no honor, no morals, but they'll fake nice to you as long as you have your usdollars \nu can rape their useless women \nit's a feminist, weak culture, absolute trash", "pid": 474399921 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF5D", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:13\n\n>>474399534 \nit's not like that, the po valley is a flat swampy industrial area, some bit are quite run down, lots of small 10k people towns with americanized sprawling suburbia and the same chains of big box store, very car dependent, lots of street prostitutes roaming the highways here and there, gloomy wet foggy weather. it has a really depressing feel", "pid": 474399973 }, { "sender": "Anon-4EE3", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:41\n\n>>474399842 \nthe more days you spend in a dump like this on the coast, the weaker you get, it's like you feel the life seeping out of you, blending with the general lethargy, the stupidity, the uselessness, the lack of industry \nwould not recommend anyone suffer anything like this \nstop dreaming and stop being a bitch", "pid": 474400007 }, { "sender": "4CEF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:49\n\n>>474399921 \nYes but where on Earth isn't like that these days? Maybe Bhutan, that's all I can think of and even it will likely soon lose its ways", "pid": 474400020 }, { "sender": "Anon-2445", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:23:37\n\n>>474399737 \n>Imagine not just building on the beach with zero fucks given. \nlots of villas on the beach have indeed been built that way", "pid": 474400076 }, { "sender": "Anon-DA07", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:23:48\n\n>>474399804 \n \nThose beautiful cities were built by the Republic of Venice, that's why they're nice. Sadly Mussolini lost them.", "pid": 474400096 }, { "sender": "7680-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:24:21\n\n>>474391172 \n>Genco O-LIVE OIL COM-PANY", "pid": 474400134 }, { "sender": "5F2F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:24:25\n\n>>474399973 \n> americanized sprawling suburbia and the same chains of big box store, very car dependent, lots of street prostitutes \nsounds like heaven compared to this dumbfuckistan shithole \nwhat's up with you euros and your fucking public transport obsession, riding buses and trams next to smelly balkan trash hicks, indians, etc. fucking nasty", "pid": 474400136 }, { "sender": "Anon-DA47", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:24:26\n\n>>474399828 \nYes, they bring the most horrible destructive force of them all. \n \nNiggers from Africa.", "pid": 474400138 }, { "sender": "9243-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:25:15\n\n>>474400020 \namerica is the best, in america you can work and not waste time like a fucking moron moping around calling yourself cultured", "pid": 474400191 }, { "sender": "Anon-D93C", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:25:32\n\n>>474391231 \nFeel free to go and visit the frozen beaches of Scotland and Nova Scotia instead you miserable cunt.", "pid": 474400213 }, { "sender": "D2FC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:25:45\n\nhow much for something like this?", "pid": 474400230 }, { "sender": "Anon-7AA4", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:26:14\n\n>>474399772 \n>>474399842 \nyou have such a losers mentality \ngo to germany and fulfill your wagecucking dream, there's nothing wrong with beaches, good food and enjoying life", "pid": 474400259 }, { "sender": "Anon-2381", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:27:39\n\ncompared to sitting in this dumpster fucking dumbfuckistan hick balkan shit hole\nmowing lawns 12 hours a day in 2019 in american suburbs was the best year of my life \ncountries and places like rijeka, like croatia, like the mediteranean are fucking jokes, usless shit holes", "pid": 474400342 }, { "sender": "D31D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:28:09\n\n>>474400136 \nlmao go and move to america you little ameriboo nigger", "pid": 474400380 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5685", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:29:27\n\n>>474400213 \nbased comment, fuck mutts", "pid": 474400463 }, { "sender": "Anon-C9FD", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:34:35\n\n>>474392005 \nWhen life gives you lemons", "pid": 474400787 }, { "sender": "253B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:38:06\n\n>>474399910 \n>They don't have great whites in Europe \nI mean they use to before they all emigrated. \n>Not to mention all the other crazy shit in Australia \ndesu the sharks are the least of your worries, our crocs are getting wise to the fact that there's plenty of fish in the sea and people on the beaches.", "pid": 474400999 }, { "sender": "23D2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:48:05\n\n>>474390753 \nIs that boat coming towards the coast?", "pid": 474401652 }, { "sender": "Anon-6BA3", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:49:23\n\n>>474400999 \nsure that's terrifying too. being attacked in the water by some behemoth creature really gets to me for some reason. I know shark attacks are rare, it's just the utter powerlessness you'd experience while being completely out of your element at the same time", "pid": 474401732 }, { "sender": "Anon-E732", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:47\n\n>>474401732 \n>sure that's terrifying too. being attacked in the water by some behemoth creature really gets to me for some reason. I know shark attacks are rare, it's just the utter powerlessness you'd experience while being completely out of your element at the same time \nYour asshole will turn inside out the first time, but honestly sharks are more humbling than terrifying, they help keep you grounded and put things into perspective and if you don't want to get bitten by one don't go swimming with them. \n \nAnd be careful of the ones that like to leap onto boats.", "pid": 474402653 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B39B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:13\n\n>>474397662 \nI wish they would stop too anon, but they are too powerful. Too slick, those slimey fake oilbarons. Perhaps if you try convincing them with your own emotion, bring your tears into it. Make them realize your pain, then perchance they'll stop with their oily madness. I believe in you.", "pid": 474402748 }, { "sender": "A410-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:47\n\n>>474390753 \nYou can get apartments for similar prices around here. You'll probably live surrounded by immigrants (generally 2nd, 3rd generation), drug dealers, elderly people who lived there before the influx of immigrants, and broke students", "pid": 474402779 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3185", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:06:35\n\n>>474402653 \nBeauty of a shark but just give its snoot a whack & hopefully it'll seize up harder than a fat chick having an orgasm.", "pid": 474402841 }, { "sender": "595D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:31\n\n>>474396822 \", "pid": 474403973 }, { "sender": "B837-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:07\n\n>>474392247 \neuropoors dont know what AC is", "pid": 474404580 }, { "sender": "ECDF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:43\n\n>>474390753 \nIt looks like a shitty ex hotel but man that view...", "pid": 474405061 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-36E0", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:25\n\n>>474390753 \nEnjoy the authentic Italian experience! \n", "pid": 474405690 }, { "sender": "Anon-78B7", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:37\n\n>>474402841 \n>Beauty of a shark but just give its snoot a whack & hopefully it'll seize up harder than a fat chick having an orgasm. \nKek spoken like a true cornish sailor, but yeah what you're aiming for is the holes all over the snout, whack them there and everything goes haywire and they'll usually let go of whatever it is they've grabbed.", "pid": 474405921 }, { "sender": "019B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:17\n\nYou can rent one of this for ~600eu, just 50m from the beach. \n\nPlot twist... you'll find out later.", "pid": 474405971 }, { "sender": "6EEC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:16\n\n>>474405971 \nPlis tell what happens!!!!", "pid": 474406563 }, { "sender": "0065-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:26\n\n>>474405690 \nlmao yes that ain't the south", "pid": 474406627 }, { "sender": "Anon-2048", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:17\n\n>>474397221 \nkek", "pid": 474406761 }, { "sender": "FC33-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:04\n\n>>474392247 \nThey don’t though you moron, a concrete structure retains its inside temperature for a good while, just fuck off back to your paper houses and saunas", "pid": 474406825 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0D35", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:05\n\n>>474391200 \nwhats wrong with it?", "pid": 474406959 }, { "sender": "C0D8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:58\n\n>>474406563 \nIt's mosquito county, those shadows you see on the sky are mosquito swarms, those properties are build on swampland and you can't even sit on your porch or leave a window open.", "pid": 474407080 }, { "sender": "220E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:47\n\n>>474400230 \n110k.", "pid": 474408818 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8635", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:05\n\nwhy is a street in italy named after jfk?", "pid": 474409163 }, { "sender": "sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:01\n\n>>474390753 \nIDEE-ALISTAH!", "pid": 474409219 }, { "sender": "79F8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:44\n\n>>474390753 \nAnd then do what ? It would be boring as fuck after a week", "pid": 474409948 }, { "sender": "AC1B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:56\n\n>>474395404 \n>Btw, why the Mafia is not doing anything against illegal migrants? are they OK with it? \nThey're the ones in cahoots with (((NGOs))) to import the illegals. Just as the yakuza in Japan are responsible for employing (illegal) immigrant blacks.", "pid": 474410573 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-106E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:18\n\n>>474409163 \nMost Italian streets are named after some person. When they run out of Italian Poets/Painters/Politicians and so on they come up with foreign Ministers/Poets/Painters and so on.", "pid": 474410757 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BEE0", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:27\n\n>>474391200 \nif it was american flag I would say \n>this confusses and enrages the american \nbut you are latvian, how do you not know what it is", "pid": 474410770 }, { "sender": "06D4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:43\n\n>>474390753 \nBut then I would live in Italy.", "pid": 474410788 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-56FF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:52\n\n>>474397475 \nGood thing Australia produces some bomb-ass olive oil (which is probably cut with goy oil all the same lmao)", "pid": 474410795 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-73E8", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:11\n\nBut then you have to live in Italy\nNo thanks", "pid": 474410821 }, { "sender": "E85C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:35\n\n>>474391200 \nAnti-nigger refugee riot defense shield.", "pid": 474410846 }, { "sender": "Anon-E117", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:25\n\n>>474393512 \n>mafia", "pid": 474411427 }, { "sender": "776A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:29\n\n>>474397005 \nI demand to know wtf that is in your webm.", "pid": 474412921 }, { "sender": "AC37-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:24\n\n>>474412921 \nCarrion bees that make honey out of corpses", "pid": 474413189 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-FE19", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:18\n\nWelsh First Minister just resigned.\nHow did the British isles manage to get rid of all it's nigger/poo diversity hire leaders in just a few months?\nPoo Scottish First Minister GONE\nPoo British PM GONE\nHomosexual Poo Irish PM GONE\nNow the black welshman!\n\nHow did they do it?", "pid": 474409032 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C062", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:31\n\n>>474409032 \n>How did they do it? \nNone of them were elected - they were all put in place \nbut they were all corrupt and incompetent \nQED", "pid": 474409324 }, { "sender": "Anon-3284", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:47\n\nThe White Man marches on.", "pid": 474409414 }, { "sender": "Anon-ED36", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:45\n\nTotal BANE destruction.", "pid": 474409487 }, { "sender": "1A29-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:47\n\nDay of the flush", "pid": 474412866 }, { "sender": "26A7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:35\n\n>>474409414 \nhis name sounds kinda kikeish and he's married to a jewess", "pid": 474412990 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9FF5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:08\n\n>>474409414 \n \n \nThe minister of war that the glowies put in power so that the 'white man' can die for the Rothschild colony?", "pid": 474413081 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-296B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:25\n\n>>474410446 \nStarmer is trilateral committee and CIA or at least in comms with them - he is also purging the left and unionists in his party, Labours election videos were also very white and used union jack. Rishi Sunak apparently said to the military 6 months ago he did not want to be a war prime minister, Andrew Bridgend said so. Hence the D-Day stuff probably some symbolism behind it. Blair is the one that brought up conscription. Only hope is Trump to avert full scale war with Russia. Hence them shooting him. There is trillions to be made out of rat lines and death.", "pid": 474413325 }, { "sender": "Anon-06FC", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:44\n\n>>474409032 \nWe're clearing house.", "pid": 474414797 } ]
[ { "sender": "91CA-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:16:26\n\nTHERE&#039;S NO DEBATE\n\n/V/ ETERNALLY BTFO", "pid": 684212579 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2ED3", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:17:07\n\n>>684212579 \nhow?", "pid": 684212628 }, { "sender": "4996-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:17:37\n\n>>684212579 \n>major forum \nprobablty a retarded reddit page", "pid": 684212657 }, { "sender": "A0D3-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:18:00\n\nthis is quite literally 'facts don't care about your feelings' but for racist chuds lol\n\narguing this point isnt doing them any favours", "pid": 684212690 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3032", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:18:50\n\n>>684212579 \n>We UNDERLINED it, so it's a FACT \nI thought 4chan was the place for immature idiots. Turns out we're just moderately less immature than other places.", "pid": 684212732 }, { "sender": "F472-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:19:18\n\nIts reddit.\nThe mods went nuclear when Ubisoft apologized and the only 2 (((historians))) were outted as grifters.\nTheyre just banning anyone who mentions it and locked a thread basically debunking yasukes samurai status", "pid": 684212765 }, { "sender": "6760-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:19:27\n\n>>684212579 \ntale as old as time \nblack-on-asian crime", "pid": 684212776 }, { "sender": "88A8-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:20:53\n\n>>684212579 \nnever forget", "pid": 684212865 }, { "sender": "6DB6-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:25:13\n\n>>684212579 \n>plebbit \n4CHAN XISTER, HOW CAN WE RECOVER, WE ARE ALWAYS CONTRARIAN TO THEM BUT NOW OUR ARGUMENT HAS BEEN DEBOONKED, OMG WTF", "pid": 684213117 }, { "sender": "B9BF-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:29:40\n\n>>684212628 \nbecause they said so and there's no debate", "pid": 684213379 }, { "sender": "Anon-DFC7", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:30:59\n\n>>684212927 \nthat's the first thing they do, rewrite or erase the past to better shape the future", "pid": 684213467 }, { "sender": "Anon-D773", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:33:08\n\n>>684212579 \n>/V/ ETERNALLY BTFO \nI'm not going to buy the game.", "pid": 684213603 }, { "sender": "FABD-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:35:32\n\n>>684212579 \nI can do that too. \n\"There is no debate. Yasuke was NOT a samurai.\"", "pid": 684213743 }, { "sender": "F3B1-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:38:44\n\n>>684212579 \nhow come a fucking reddit post is considered newsworthy?", "pid": 684213915 }, { "sender": "Anon-A22A", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:41:08\n\n/v/ chuds have no defense against this", "pid": 684214054 }, { "sender": "3E15-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:41:26\n\n>>684213743 \nthe difference is that no one cares about what a 4chudder says", "pid": 684214065 }, { "sender": "Anon-EF4E", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:43:30\n\n>>684212579 \nA major Fallout 76 forum drew a line that the game wasn't absolute shit too, what's your point?", "pid": 684214185 }, { "sender": "Anon-EF33", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:44:22\n\n>>684214054 \n>scholars still debate on if he was exactly a samurai \n \neven this framing is being generous to the chuds honestly, its not seriously contended within respectable academia", "pid": 684214231 }, { "sender": "9B46-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:44:56\n\n>>684212579 \nOK. Still never going to buy it.", "pid": 684214261 }, { "sender": "92B7-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:45:01\n\nwho cares reddit is all bots anyway", "pid": 684214273 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3EBE", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:45:11\n\n>>684212765 \nwhy is it ALWAYS jews and reddit?", "pid": 684214286 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-332B", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:45:37\n\n>>684214054 \nDo I get to play as Da Vinci and put him in gay relationships while slaughtering Africans?", "pid": 684214312 }, { "sender": "1930-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:46:14\n\n>>684212927 \nfuck chaos and sickos", "pid": 684214347 }, { "sender": "23DB-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:46:54\n\n>>684214231 \n>within respectable academia \nAll academia claiming he was a samurai cropped up within the last 20 years and primarily due to Thomas Lockley, who literally made it all up.", "pid": 684214384 }, { "sender": "Anon-01E2", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:46:54\n\nDon't these people know that enforcing their ideals will only make others push back harder?", "pid": 684214385 }, { "sender": "1561-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:47:02\n\n>>684212579 \n>check wikipedia \n>now says Yasuke is a samurai \nKEK they successfully rewrote history", "pid": 684214393 }, { "sender": "29B8-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:47:03\n\n>>684214273 \nyou took out a loan \npay it back", "pid": 684214396 }, { "sender": "9BCF-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:47:18\n\n>>684214054 \nMan back in the day creating a game like Assassin's Creed really did feel like an accomplishment that deserved the multicultural footnote, because one can intelligently infer that minds of various different backgrounds is necessary to accurately bring various cultures into a game like this to portray them as objectively as possible. \nNow it's all subjective, personal, and highly opinionated which is why they just had to add gender and sexuality into it in later games. Not just AC, all media. It really sucks.", "pid": 684214417 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-57F6", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:47:27\n\n>>684212579 \nIt's over bros the reddit mod came in, locked the thread and pinned \"yall cant behave\"", "pid": 684214425 }, { "sender": "30EF-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:49:49\n\n>>684212927", "pid": 684214528 }, { "sender": "0956-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:52:22\n\n>>684212579 \nWhy not just prove it instead of making a rule against disagreement?", "pid": 684214653 }, { "sender": "93CD-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:52:47\n\nWhat's really fascinating is that an illiterate man from mozambique that served only as a slave essentially, would in Japan within three years learn the language, court nuances of the highest level, and be trusted with being a samurai. Three years.\n\nWhat is more likely is that Nobunaga, who was a bit of an eccentric, found the black man to look like an oni and simply employed him to stand around and intimidate people or as a joke.\n\nThere's absolutely no way someone would be given ANY amount of trust as an outsider, especially at court-level, especially if they have no functioning knowledge of japanese. and fat chance this guy learned enough of it to operate at any kind of passable level in that time span.", "pid": 684214686 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-627A", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:52:55\n\n>All this news over a fucking reddit post", "pid": 684214692 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F56E", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:53:00\n\n>>684214384 \nthe idea that there's a conspiracy to 'invent' a fictionalised yasuke within historical research to no clear end is insane to anyone who hasn't completely fallen off the deep end into qanon tier conspiracy shit \n \nlike as a devious marxist scheme it doesnt even make any sense, how does it advance any sort of meaningful leftist goal to make this one thing up", "pid": 684214698 }, { "sender": "D483-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:53:01\n\n>>684212579 \n>THERE IS NO DEBATE, YASUKE WAS A SAMURAI!", "pid": 684214701 }, { "sender": "4054-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:54:16\n\n>Sir, sir reddit has-sir please stop laugh-REDDIT HAS DECIDED- \nthefuckarewedoin", "pid": 684214784 }, { "sender": "2C8B-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:54:50\n\n>>684212579 \nThey can't argue against the truth that he was merely a pet so they ban you from posting the truth. Sad, as all that will do is lead them to only believing lies and being eternally damned.", "pid": 684214813 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A4B4", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:55:01\n\n>>684214054 \nDa Vinci wasn't walking around in Timbuktu murdering africans while making the ones left alive bow to him.", "pid": 684214828 }, { "sender": "014F-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:55:47\n\n>>684214698 \n>to make this one thing up \nYou don't see how embellishing the achievements of actual proven niggers goes hand in hand with claiming that major historical figures were black all along?", "pid": 684214864 }, { "sender": "327B-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:55:51\n\nare reddit jannies also jeets like in here?", "pid": 684214867 }, { "sender": "738F-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:55:53\n\n>>684212579 \nok, now pay taxes ubisoft, not pajeets!", "pid": 684214872 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4A2B", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:56:20\n\n>assassin's creed forum PhD", "pid": 684214903 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B43", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:56:32\n\n>>684214393 \nwhat kind of samurai gets returned, and not willingly returns, to where he came from after the death of his master?", "pid": 684214918 }, { "sender": "03DB-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:56:44\n\n>>684214273 \nWhat the hell do bots get out of supporting student loan forgiveness?", "pid": 684214929 }, { "sender": "Anon-6B34", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:56:57\n\n>>684214393 \n>Samurai \n>Was a slave", "pid": 684214942 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D113", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:57:12\n\n>>684214698 \nnigger important is hecking representation \n \nanswered your FAGGOT LEFTIST question, happy?", "pid": 684214950 }, { "sender": "345B-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:57:31\n\n>>684214698 \nIt's called Afrocentrism. They tried doing the same to Cleopatra.", "pid": 684214962 }, { "sender": "Anon-BAF2", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:58:03\n\n>>684214954 \nYES. \n \nNO NIGGERS.", "pid": 684214990 }, { "sender": "F750-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:58:16\n\n>>684212579 \nsasuga reddit", "pid": 684215004 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F44A", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:58:56\n\n>>684214273 \nwhats teh final verdict on those loan forgivenesses?", "pid": 684215031 }, { "sender": "186D-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:59:11\n\nbe honest with me here\nwill this game even do well financially?\nI imagine some negro normie will still buy it but its no FIFA or COD", "pid": 684215047 }, { "sender": "8E5A-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:59:46\n\n>>684212579 \n>Reddit forbids all debate about the we waz samurais \n>This somehow is the ultimate proof he wuz n' sheit", "pid": 684215085 }, { "sender": "29E8-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:59:53\n\n>>684214954 \n>two epically badass things \n>followed by DEI fag shit", "pid": 684215095 }, { "sender": "5298-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 03:59:54\n\n>>684215047 \nIt's asscreed, it'll sell to the normiecore", "pid": 684215097 }, { "sender": "9FF8-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:00:45\n\n>>684214929 \nThey get the retards who use that website to support their political puppet who will enable them to steal more money from the people.", "pid": 684215148 }, { "sender": "Anon-77C8", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:00:52\n\n>>684214698 \nIt actually seems entirely reasonable to most normal people who have seen marxists try to rewrite history openly, in realtime. Also, gee, why would leftists want to make people think there had always been New Voters in their countries while they're importing the entire third world into the first world and turning them into a welfare-supported voting bloc?", "pid": 684215152 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8730", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:00:53\n\n>>684212579 \n>an african servant was a serious samurai \nlmao even", "pid": 684215154 }, { "sender": "E26E-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:01:09\n\n>>684215047 \nhalf the people that would want to play as Yasuke will just watch Korone play it instead", "pid": 684215167 }, { "sender": "8271-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:02:11\n\n>>684215047 \nNo it won't. Most people hate blacks so they won't buy it. They will put it on a gamepass and claim it has 10 million players or something of course.", "pid": 684215218 }, { "sender": "CEF7-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:03:01\n\n>>684212579 \n>>684212628 \nThey just mean reddit. I'm so tired of hearing about this magical nigger. He was not a samurai, and the kike who propagated this knows it damn well.", "pid": 684215252 }, { "sender": "6475-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:03:09\n\n>>684212579 \nhow am I BTFO? I'm not obligated to purchase the game. \n \nif you're a marketer, how did you figure this would work?", "pid": 684215260 }, { "sender": "246B-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:04:38\n\n>>684215260 \nclearly just trying to make chuds feel epicly pwn'd which we do", "pid": 684215340 }, { "sender": "128F-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:05:07\n\n>>684215340 \nyou're hurting the sales for the products you support then, moron.", "pid": 684215363 }, { "sender": "C369-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:06:26\n\n>>684212579 \nI'm Nobunaga's nigger and i want to be free.", "pid": 684215435 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-61C1", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:06:51\n\n>>684212776 \nbea-uuuuty and the beast", "pid": 684215453 }, { "sender": "Anon-1A46", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:07:07\n\n>>684214954 \na black samurai is truly less likely to have ever been real compared to beastmen and one of the four horses of the apocalypse \nsorry, just can’t believe that \nnot even kidding around \nI’m completely serious \nbeastmen are more real than nigger samurai", "pid": 684215465 }, { "sender": "Anon-983A", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:07:20\n\n>>684214286 \n>jews and reddit? \nYou can just say jews", "pid": 684215479 }, { "sender": "Anon-2AA5", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:08:05\n\n>>684212579 \nDEI samurai and sheeit", "pid": 684215521 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-540D", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:09:48\n\n>>684212579 \n>Ubishit inadvertently exposes the jewish rat Lockley's scheme of attempting to re-write Japanese history by teaching english only japanese student classes altered historic texts about how Japan participated in the black slave trade and should feel bad just like whites \n \nIt's a plot out of a fucking Yakuza, globohomo must be seething hard, think of the money it took to get him in there to sew the seeds of subversion.", "pid": 684215606 }, { "sender": "7B18-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:10:00\n\n>>684214698 \nReally funny you say this while they tarwash all of the UK saying they wuz afrikangs because they found a handful of negroid skeletons.", "pid": 684215613 }, { "sender": "Anon-B1DE", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:10:32\n\nAW HELL NAW\nNOBUNAGA YOU DAMN FOOL\nLEMME AXE YOU SUMTHIN\nIF YOU WUZ REAL WITH ME FOR ONE SECOND ONE SECOND MY MAN, WE COULDA CRUSHED DOSE IRRUMINATI", "pid": 684215639 }, { "sender": "8D0D-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:11:31\n\n>>684212579 \nsounds like another DING DONG BANNU situation", "pid": 684215697 }, { "sender": "Anon-269C", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:11:48\n\nWE", "pid": 684215712 }, { "sender": "102C-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:12:00\n\nYasuke more like Yafiirume", "pid": 684215724 }, { "sender": "Anon-7560", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:12:23\n\n>>684212579 \n>censorship is the only way wokies can prevent people from calling them deluded retards \nNot a surprise, to be honest.", "pid": 684215741 }, { "sender": "Anon-9F0C", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:12:41\n\n>>684214231 \n“Respectable academia” literally wrote 2 copies of his work with one being straight up lies and the other just being Japanese history.", "pid": 684215760 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-735C", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:12:55\n\n>>684215606 \nBecause Lockley isn't a full jew not beinf born from his mother he may very well be awaiting execution by his masters for being caught too soon.", "pid": 684215771 }, { "sender": "CA93-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:13:37\n\n>>684214393 \nAmazing how wiki changes things to fir a narrative. \nWay back machine, 2022, Pic related", "pid": 684215807 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6CDA", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:13:46\n\n>he was a samurai \n>proof? some random redditard \ncheckmate chuds", "pid": 684215820 }, { "sender": "1E94-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:14:28\n\n>>684214954 \n>Hellish Demon \n>Freakish Beastman \n>Black man \n>You are comparing these things as if they are equal to each other \nI don't even need to say anything, you said everything already", "pid": 684215848 }, { "sender": "BB37-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:14:56\n\n>>684215807 \nIt said Yasuke wasn't a samurai when AC: Shadows was first revealed. This change is very recent.", "pid": 684215872 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8DA1", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:15:41\n\n>>684215820 \nHe was literally just a dancing monkey to show off tho", "pid": 684215909 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C0F6", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:15:53\n\n>>684214692 \n>All this laughter over a fucking reddit post \nFixed that for you, you're welcome.", "pid": 684215916 }, { "sender": "AF5B-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:16:14\n\n>>684212579 \n>black men will be fucking YOUR japanese women and there's NOTHING you can do about it \nis /v/ really going to allow this shit? why the fuck are you not angry?", "pid": 684215934 }, { "sender": "49B7-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:16:31\n\n>>684212579 \n>reddit fag mods power tripping like usual \n>\"\"\"\"NEWS\"\"\"\" \n \ngaming \"journalists\" getting desperate to hit their article quota.", "pid": 684215948 }, { "sender": "Anon-75B7", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:16:51\n\n>>684215872 \nRight, I just didn't feel like finding the exact change, but it happened very soon after the controversy started with the new assassin creed, you can see all the edits on his wiki page.", "pid": 684215963 }, { "sender": "9E46-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:16:55\n\n>>684215872 \nand it was all done by the british jew who cited his own fucking bbc fanfiction book as a source. I hope that piece of shit Thomas Lockley lives in fear of being killed either by the Yakuza or his globohomo masters for the reat of his wretched life.", "pid": 684215968 }, { "sender": "Anon-4633", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:17:05\n\n>>684215807 \nwill someone change it back? \napparently anyone can change wikipedia", "pid": 684215973 }, { "sender": "007E-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:17:56\n\nTHERE \n>\\*CLAP\\* \nIS \n>\\*CLAP\\* \nNO \n>\\*CLAP\\* \nDEBATE!", "pid": 684216017 }, { "sender": "81FC-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:18:04\n\n>>684215973 \nYou can try but like 2000 \"editors\" will revert it and ban you for life", "pid": 684216023 }, { "sender": "Anon-6238", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:18:52\n\n>>684212579 \nThe only way a leftist can win a debate is by silencing the opposition.", "pid": 684216070 }, { "sender": "C19D-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:19:06\n\n>>684214393 \nAnyone who cites Wikipedia as a source of credible information deserves to be mocked and humiliated. Wikipedia is at best a hub that links to other sources of information, if there is no credible sources then it should be completely disregarded.", "pid": 684216084 }, { "sender": "E770-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:19:27\n\n>>684212657 \nIt's the AC subreddit \nAnd they call this place an echo chamber lmao", "pid": 684216112 }, { "sender": "EC61-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:19:41\n\n>>684215909 \ndo you even have a single reddit post to back up this racist claim?", "pid": 684216117 }, { "sender": "DD46-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:19:42\n\n>>684215807 \nFound it. It didn't say Yasuke was a samurai as late as June 20 this year. \n \n \n \nPicture was the edit to add in Yasuke being a Samurai. One of the stated sources is CNN, can't make it up. \n \n", "pid": 684216119 }, { "sender": "E779-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:19:49\n\n>>684215948 \ni wonder why have no articles about /v/ as well. \njust imagine \"major gaming forum jannie had a heart attack over vidya butts thread. again\"", "pid": 684216128 }, { "sender": "DB09-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:19:50\n\n>>684214692 \nOP's image looks like it is from one of those sites that anyone can submit to", "pid": 684216129 }, { "sender": "D6C5-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:20:37\n\n>>684215760 \nThe way this shit just popped up after 2014, wiki editing history well known now, the main \"historian\" deletes himself into hiding, and people just believe it is the real story desu. It's how easily the masses are fooled.", "pid": 684216174 }, { "sender": "E2A9-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:20:42\n\nThe history is settled, chuds. Trust the history.", "pid": 684216179 }, { "sender": "Anon-6066", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:20:51\n\n>>684212579 \ni hate niggers so im never going to play this garbage \nsorry not sorry", "pid": 684216189 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B78", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:20:56\n\n>>684214698 \ndisingenous rat kike faggot, go the fuck back", "pid": 684216195 }, { "sender": "8C7D-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:21:29\n\n>>684214393 \nthose who write wiki pages are textbook marxist trannies with florescent hair, not exaggerating", "pid": 684216226 }, { "sender": "B6F9-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:21:44\n\n>>684212579 \nBro that Major forum is fucking Reddit oh no I feel such fucking second hand embarrassment", "pid": 684216237 }, { "sender": "2656-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:22:06\n\n>>684215973 \nNo because they had a big \"consensus\" challenge to it and because all the \"reliable sources\" (which is mostly garbage that just quotes lockley) say he's a samurai, he's a samurai, because wikipedia is fucking stupid and prefers secondary sources over primary. It's forever locked in and can't be changed unless enough \"reliable sources\" suddenly change their mind(which they won't)", "pid": 684216258 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A95A", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:22:14\n\n>>684212579 \nThe shills are desperate to just shut down the debate, that’s how scared they are.", "pid": 684216263 }, { "sender": "Anon-66BD", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:22:28\n\n>>684214653 \nThe truth takes away their power.", "pid": 684216273 }, { "sender": "4A68-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:22:41\n\n>>684212579 \nIt's a historic fact so irrefutable that you aren't allowed to question it.", "pid": 684216289 }, { "sender": "813F-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:22:43\n\n>>684216070 \nThis. see: holocaust denial being a jailable offense in many countries", "pid": 684216291 }, { "sender": "6994-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:23:51\n\n>>684214054 \nHe was given one sword and a lodgings. He wasn’t given land or anything like that. He didn’t even have a surname for fuck sake.", "pid": 684216353 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-896F", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:23:59\n\n>>684215097 \nI’m sure Sony thought similar when they shat out Morbius.", "pid": 684216360 }, { "sender": "75E8-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:24:09\n\n>>684216129 \nThought it was PCgamer, but they have their own shitty copypaste version of the article lmao.", "pid": 684216372 }, { "sender": "Anon-9CCC", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:25:03\n\n>>684214698 \nWhy lie like this? The author of the whole narrative was just outed as a fraud.", "pid": 684216419 }, { "sender": "E201-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:25:27\n\n>>684216372 \nAll the game journo sites are in bed with eachother we learned this from GAYMER GAYTE 1 already.", "pid": 684216443 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF39", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:25:30\n\nAssassins Creed changed history. Literally.", "pid": 684216446 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9E3C", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:26:25\n\nImagine 10 careful years of trying to subvert history exposed as part of a fallout caused by fucking ubisoft of all companies, I'd be seething", "pid": 684216501 }, { "sender": "6EBA-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:26:29\n\n>>684216446 \ncheck that working chud, it reinforced history", "pid": 684216502 }, { "sender": "7D2F-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:27:03\n\n>>684216017 \nThat’s debatable.", "pid": 684216531 }, { "sender": "D621-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:27:08\n\n>>684216446 \nAnd it ironically was a good thing. Japanese history is safe from the kikes trying to subvert it with lies on how they participated in owning black slaves. Fucking diabolical that they taught this shit in english only so the students can't really explain it well to their parents in Japanese.", "pid": 684216536 }, { "sender": "1CDB-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:27:39\n\n\n\n\nare you guys retarded?\nthis is literally a japanese video game created by japanese devs (which none of you are). and he's in it. what credibility do you faggots throwing a bitch-fit think you have? your inherited bitter prejudice through fucked parents (or lack thereof)? your meme card?", "pid": 684216567 }, { "sender": "932F-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:28:32\n\n>>684216117 \nI will soon", "pid": 684216602 }, { "sender": "Anon-34FF", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:28:39\n\n>online version of covering your ears and going LALALALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU \nlmao", "pid": 684216609 }, { "sender": "8650-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:28:48\n\n>>684216501 \nI hope Japan stays vigilant because the yid will try again, they may have shitcanned the foreign teacher program but they'll try another vector to infest like the parasites they truly are.", "pid": 684216619 }, { "sender": "CC87-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:28:49\n\n>>684214653 \nBecause they’re wrong and don’t want anyone else to know or discuss it.", "pid": 684216621 }, { "sender": "Anon-7416", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:29:05\n\n>>684216174 \nYou have people say he deleted his online presence because of le death threats from chuds too. I've seen this playbook before.", "pid": 684216636 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CD28", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:29:15\n\n>>684216567 \n>appealing to a comedy game as a historical basis \n \nhello reddlt! \n \nback the way you came", "pid": 684216647 }, { "sender": "385D-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:29:38\n\n>>684216263 \nThey already lost the debate so they’re resorting to power games to try to keep themselves from being (rightfully) bullied for being pieces of shit.", "pid": 684216672 }, { "sender": "61FA-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:29:42\n\n>>684216502 \nFuck off, pal", "pid": 684216678 }, { "sender": "96DE-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:30:16\n\n>>684216567 \nYou mean the Japanese game that never claimed to be historically accurate and was pure fantasy with demons and magic? \n>inb4 but AC is the same \nNo, the devs up until recently claimed that it would be accurate as seen in the community notes of pic related.", "pid": 684216715 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6D0C", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:30:19\n\nHAHAHAHAHAHAH GET FUCKED YOU FUCKING RACIST PIECES OF SHIT\nKEEP SAYING THE GAMER WORD SEE HOW FAR YOU GET", "pid": 684216718 }, { "sender": "Anon-0BE3", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:31:16\n\n>>684216718 \nSilence, racist.", "pid": 684216764 }, { "sender": "Anon-8799", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:31:22\n\njust found out about the paris olympics opening ceremony\nbunch of gay, trans, fat drag queens mocking christianity and jesus last supper\n\nwho are giving these freaks so much screentime and why?", "pid": 684216769 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-313C", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:31:26\n\nHow do we respond to this without sounding upset?", "pid": 684216773 }, { "sender": "1C33-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:31:44\n\n>>684216718 \nI wish the Black Death upon your mother.", "pid": 684216784 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4CD2", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:32:14\n\n>>684215097 \nMirage underperformed, it cost around 200 million to develop, and apparently it sold an estimated 5 million copies, which is about 250 million....something tells me the Shadows shitshow will not help improve sales", "pid": 684216810 }, { "sender": "Anon-9CC6", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:32:27\n\n>>684216636 \nHe's more of a target by the Yakuza because he taught a lot of japanese students false history in english or by his own globohomo masters who's entire investment to screen him into such a position is now gone.", "pid": 684216823 }, { "sender": "Anon-2004", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:32:38\n\n>>684216784 \nGood, she's a degenerate racist too. Trump can't get back into office fast enough, you degenerates need to be put back under the rug. \n \n>>684216764 \n>y-you can't call me a NAZI that's RACIST", "pid": 684216832 }, { "sender": "6C8A-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:33:18\n\n>>684214698 \nYou just learn what afrocentrism is or something? White people like to take minor black historical figures and magnify their irrelevant role in whatever time period through embellishment or outright lies so it's less awkward when they have to talk about african historical accomplishments every February. You are also conveniently ignoring literally everything that's happened outside of the game since the asscreed trailer dropped and everything that's been unearthed about all of the \"evidence\" for Yasuke's noble status being made the fuck up in the last two decades by a white guy trying to sell his own book and a circlejerk of articles and papers that all site each other and not actual primary sources.For fuck's sake, basically every knuckle dragger on earth gets their information from wikipedia and, as a direct result of this trailer, Yasuke's article (which called him a retainer for years) now explicitly calls him a samurai and has locked the page from edits even after their main source is a fraud...", "pid": 684216869 }, { "sender": "CD2F-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:33:31\n\n>>684216718 \nNigger", "pid": 684216880 }, { "sender": "Anon-A03A", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:33:44\n\n>>684216647 \n>i dont know what the fuck im talking about but i hate \n \nidk why i bother with /v/ \n \n>>684216715 \nyeah. the japanese game fucking littered with historical figures that exhibit their real life counterpart in some fashion. how desperate are you? yes there's fucking magic.", "pid": 684216892 }, { "sender": "D7A7-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:34:02\n\n>>684216773 \n>we \nThis is how you spot the hivemind commies", "pid": 684216898 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-314A", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:34:18\n\n>>684216769 \nI think it's those guys with most of the money and funny little hats.", "pid": 684216909 }, { "sender": "Anon-3D87", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:34:21\n\n>>684216832 \nAh you’re a GCJ troon. And from the sound of it you’re most likely some retarded teenage summerfag.", "pid": 684216913 }, { "sender": "01BE-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:34:58\n\nAll leftists are evil.", "pid": 684216947 }, { "sender": "40F2-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:35:19\n\n>>684216892 \nStop posting, final warning.", "pid": 684216968 }, { "sender": "D682-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:35:39\n\n>>684216913 \n>>684216898 \n>>684216880 \n>>684216947 \nSay it with me \n>\"MADAM PRESIDENT HARRIS\"", "pid": 684216982 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A521", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:35:41\n\n>>684216769 \nDefinitely NOT the group that thinks Jesus Christ is burning in hell underneath a mound of feces, not those guys for sure.", "pid": 684216984 }, { "sender": "B15F-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:35:44\n\n>>684216892 \nI like how you have to ignore the key difference in that one claimed to be historically accurate because you know you can’t argue it. It shows you’re arguing in bad faith.", "pid": 684216989 }, { "sender": "3737-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:35:48\n\n>>684214698 \nyou are right there's no conspiracy anymore the kike who did it, got caught, I'm not gonna tell you how rewriting history could help any ideology as you know it well, disgusting human parasite.", "pid": 684216993 }, { "sender": "Anon-898E", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:36:47\n\n>>684216567 \ndoesn't yasuke literally say he wasn't actually a samurai in nioh 2", "pid": 684217049 }, { "sender": "544B-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:36:53\n\n>>684216982 \nYou missed.", "pid": 684217053 }, { "sender": "Anon-998D", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:37:24\n\n>>684216982 \nWhy are GCJ and left/pol/ fags so deranged? I guarantee this is the same fags that always defends this garbage and spam “/pol/skin” constantly.", "pid": 684217090 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E2A7", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:37:35\n\n>>684214054 \n>was paid a stipend \nyou can't be paid a stipend \n>had his own servants, house, land, and weapons \nThat's a big no. \nHe was the servant. \"His\" house and land were owned by others. \nHe wasn't allowed a weapon, which is one of the major reasons in determining that he wasn't a samurai, not by modern people, but by someone who was considering killing him or not. He was determined to not be a Samurai because he was a pet, an animal, and let go.", "pid": 684217098 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C9A6", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:38:24\n\n>>684214954 \n>cool fantasy \n>cool fantasy \n>fantasy that people believe without real evidence and a bunch of radicals are lying about and being shit heads about for no good reason and which isn't a wise design decision", "pid": 684217160 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C2F6", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:38:43\n\n>>684217090 \nThey're either deranged trannies that do it for free or shit smelling pajeets that are paid literal cents on the dollar to defend their payee masters on the internet.", "pid": 684217173 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2394", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:38:45\n\n>>684216773 \nof course it is racism. ubi chose yasuke because he's black. they said so in some interviews. they looked at japanese history and found nobody else interesting enough.", "pid": 684217175 }, { "sender": "Anon-8DFF", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:38:52\n\n>>684212579 \nIt actually is historically accurate now that I think about it, but not in the way people are arguing about it. A giant black foreigner goes around brutally attacking 5 foot tall Asian people while hip hop music plays. It's not an accurate portrayal of feudal Japan, it's an accurate portrayal of New York City 4 years ago during the #stopAsianhate campaign.", "pid": 684217181 }, { "sender": "171C-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:38:58\n\n>>684216832 \nSilence, racist.", "pid": 684217191 }, { "sender": "0C00-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:39:15\n\n>>684217168 \nTrump is your president.", "pid": 684217213 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0773", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:39:24\n\n>>684216567 \nah here comes the nioh circle back after originally complaining about it because it adams willams", "pid": 684217219 }, { "sender": "7B63-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:39:29\n\nTrust the science or you don't get to talk anymore. I don't get why this is controversial.", "pid": 684217227 }, { "sender": "Anon-8655", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:39:38\n\n>>684216769 \nWhen the Jews caused big J to be nailed by the Rommies, they asked them to add a little a something atop his's a humiliatipn ritual, they do it to their enemies, all the fucking time", "pid": 684217237 }, { "sender": "A1B6-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:39:48\n\n>>684217173 \nHe’s the former, I found a way to test it and he failed it.", "pid": 684217241 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1BFB", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:39:52\n\n>>684215031 \n>He thinks goyim will ever be debt free \nITS TIME TO PAY UP", "pid": 684217249 }, { "sender": "C20B-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:40:44\n\n>>684214954 \nNO NIGGERS \n>>684214990 \nTHAT'S RIGHT NO NIGGERS", "pid": 684217285 }, { "sender": "Anon-5225", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:40:53\n\n>>684217213 \nYes he is, and he said he's going to get rid of fascists once he gets back in office, LOL \n \n>>684217191 \n>>684217175 \nWhere's the racism", "pid": 684217289 }, { "sender": "EB72-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:41:27\n\n>>684217289 \nSilence, racist.", "pid": 684217312 }, { "sender": "Anon-0B0E", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:42:13\n\n>>684214954 \n>everyone accepts that the first two are fictional elements added for cool factor \n>people claim the bottom one is historically accurate and a representation of a real samurai \nno one would care if everyone just agreed all 3 were made up bullshit", "pid": 684217350 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4260", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:42:14\n\n>>684212579 \n>major forum \n>Reddit users \nFucking lmao", "pid": 684217352 }, { "sender": "Anon-0166", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:42:27\n\n>>684214698 \n>how does it advance any sort of meaningful leftist goal \nBecause they see Japanese and other East Asians as white people and white culture. \nThey aren't considered PoC in the USA and thus aren't a protected class like blacks, jeets, mexicans, etc. \nThey want to make the Japanese appear as racist oppressors who loved slavery. \nThis advances their goal of turning Japan communist because they want the Japanese to despise themselves, which in turn allows for communism, just as it has in the USA.", "pid": 684217363 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A5D8", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:42:31\n\n>>684217312 \n>Silence, racist.", "pid": 684217369 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4A20", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:45:08\n\n>>684216372 \n>unofficial \nlmao every subreddit is bought and paid and has been since 2012", "pid": 684217506 }, { "sender": "Anon-6BFA", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:45:30\n\n>>684217363 \nThankfully the Lockley kerfuffle caused Japan to get rid of their foreigner teacher program, but like any virus just because you fight off the infection doesn't mean it's never gonna come back.", "pid": 684217525 }, { "sender": "Anon-2A70", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:46:34\n\n>>684214954 \n>my badass fantasy is being a black man killing a bunch of japanese people \nthis game is deeply racist if you actually believed what you say. \ncould you imagine having a game with a white person killing a bunch of black people in africa? \noh wait we had that and it's not allowed anymore because of RACISM.", "pid": 684217584 }, { "sender": "4E22-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:46:51\n\nGot banned on /v/ for dogwhistling my yakuza brethren", "pid": 684217604 }, { "sender": "50B5-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:47:03\n\n>>684216773 \ni cannot imagine devoting time and energy in an open discussion forum where being on an opposing spectrum of beliefs leads to your words being hidden and outright deleted. \nit's like filling a cardboard box with mirrors and talking to yourself inside of it all day. whats the point", "pid": 684217620 }, { "sender": "8D11-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:47:25\n\n>>684217584 \nDIE JAPANESE!", "pid": 684217639 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6E46", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:48:09\n\n>>684217369 \nSilence, racist.", "pid": 684217676 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-90E5", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:48:16\n\n>>684214686 \nWrong retard \n>Yasuke is presented to Nobunaga \n>Nobunaga bows, recognizes Yasuke as king as the japanese people, then invites Yasuke over to his house to fuck his sister \nIf you deny this history, you're anti-semetic and anti-black, chud", "pid": 684217686 }, { "sender": "FB4E-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:48:19\n\n>>684217098 \nHe wasn't really a samurai warrior as far as anything I've seen. He was not named as a commander of troops. He didn't have a katana. He did nothing notable as described in the writing about Oda Nobunaga. He also didn't commit suicide or get killed when his lord died, so not really a samurai warrior or if he was then he was just awful. He did seem to be an upper class servant though, he was given a short sword and a house from what I've heard.", "pid": 684217690 }, { "sender": "Anon-6496", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:48:19\n\n>>684216982 \n>Harris talks \n>everyone leaves \nI got to see prime Stallion booty so thanks for that, but it's over for yoy.", "pid": 684217691 }, { "sender": "4AEF-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:48:49\n\n>>684217639 \nI wish the Black Death upon your mother.", "pid": 684217726 }, { "sender": "D26A-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:49:14\n\n>>684217639 \n>Ack....AAAACK! \nWhat?", "pid": 684217743 }, { "sender": "Anon-B27F", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:49:21\n\n>>684217639 \nThat's what they get for messing with black kangz", "pid": 684217749 }, { "sender": "Anon-BE56", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:49:47\n\n>>684217726 \nDA FUCK YOSHIKAGE GON' DO?!", "pid": 684217768 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-971B", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:50:04\n\n>>684214686 \nNo one actually knows where he was from, Mozambique was just some shit somebody came up with.", "pid": 684217791 }, { "sender": "Anon-9266", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:50:56\n\nDas rite yellow nigga.\nWe wuz Samurai n shiet.", "pid": 684217832 }, { "sender": "Anon-F997", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:51:35\n\n>>684217690 \nThe house was owned by his master. Land and House ownership doesn't work in the same way as modern society. \n>he was given a short sword \nthat was the point of the bait \nYou know who else was also given short swords? \nServants. \n \nAny rational person concludes that he was a servant.", "pid": 684217870 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0CBB", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:51:58\n\n>>684217768 \nI wish the Black Death upon your mother.", "pid": 684217890 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A3A5", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:52:40\n\n>>684217890 \n I'm not a shit stinking jeet thoughie.", "pid": 684217919 }, { "sender": "C07E-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:52:49\n\n>>684217832 \n>>684217768 \n>>684217639 \nThis is the most racist game that has ever existed.", "pid": 684217928 }, { "sender": "Anon-DE7A", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:53:08\n\n>>684217870 \nFunny you should say that as his actual rank is basically just that.", "pid": 684217947 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AB7A", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:53:39\n\n>>684212927 \nAnd rightwing people want to murder everyone who is not the same race they are. Sounds like two terrible choices, I guess I'll stay in the middle.", "pid": 684217981 }, { "sender": "160B-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:54:09\n\n>>684217919 \n>thougie \nYou are and I wish the Black Death upon your mother.", "pid": 684218003 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-92FF", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:54:28\n\n>>684217981", "pid": 684218020 }, { "sender": "Anon-B8D5", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:54:48\n\n>>684212579 \nI'm tired of these Stalinists.", "pid": 684218030 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8661", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:54:49\n\n>>684212579 \nSo this is the power...OF THE NIGGER-MURAI!", "pid": 684218031 }, { "sender": "A1FA-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:55:34\n\n>>684217981", "pid": 684218076 }, { "sender": "Anon-2FE0", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:55:37\n\n>>684218003 \nI don't even know what that is but I'm really not a a streetshitter thougheverbeit.", "pid": 684218081 }, { "sender": "F30B-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:56:31\n\n>>684217981 \n>rightwing people want to murder everyone who is not the same race they are \nyou're retarded \nmost righties have non-white girlfriends", "pid": 684218123 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-605C", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:56:42\n\n>>684218031 \nahahaha cant believe that black boy went along with it \notherwise \nit was pretty funny \nwhats the source", "pid": 684218132 }, { "sender": "C439-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:56:45\n\n>>684216982 \nMadam PresiDEInt Harris", "pid": 684218137 }, { "sender": "9D3C-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:57:40\n\n>>684216773 \nyasuke was only noteworthy as nobunga black skinned pet which lived for only 15 months in japan, undeniable without nobunga yasuke quickly disappeared into nothing. \n>>684215521 historical japanese sources about him are only a few lines with the jesuit somewhat more. \nWesterners yasuke cucks don't even bother to explain how a \"samurai\" (black or not) was never ever noted in the west for the rest of his life, instead they merely care about Exaggerating his 15 months in japan to the most insane fanfics. \nalso funny how almost all of these \"tons of anime and games\" with yasuke just appeared since the 2010s", "pid": 684218182 }, { "sender": "Anon-E630", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:58:23\n\n>>684218123 \nMy point was to make an equally dumb generalization as the first post to show how dumb it was. I guess it didn't work.", "pid": 684218230 }, { "sender": "Anon-3667", "message": "31/07/2024, 04:58:26\n\n>>684218081 \nIf you don’t know what I means how is it that you knew I was calling you out as a streetshitter by saying it? I wish the Black Death upon your family.", "pid": 684218235 }, { "sender": "EA10-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:00:06\n\n>>684218235 \nBecause I too know it's the ultimate insult you can spit at a pajeet sending him on a DO NOT REDEEM level bender.", "pid": 684218330 }, { "sender": "Anon-A2B9", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:01:33\n\n>>684218330 \nThe you do know what I means and you were lying, typical pajeet shit. I wish the Black Death upon your family.", "pid": 684218406 }, { "sender": "E377-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:01:35\n\n>>684216084 \nWhen you use wikipedia you have to think, \"does a Marxist tranny benefit from obscuring this information to force their world views?\" \nUsually shit like articles on bugs or some mundane tech info is well curated because some autistic enthusiast is the one behind it.", "pid": 684218407 }, { "sender": "Anon-E9DF", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:02:58\n\n>>684218406 \n>the you do know what I means \nOh so you were the streetshitter all along!", "pid": 684218469 }, { "sender": "1D51-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:03:07\n\n>>684212927 \nBased chaos", "pid": 684218481 }, { "sender": "B20B-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:05:48\n\n>>684218469 \n>gets outed \n>immediately tries no u \nPredictable, you fags always fall for that, just add one extra letter and you retards immediately jump at it in desperation. I wish the Black Death upon your bloodline.", "pid": 684218629 }, { "sender": "Anon-73D8", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:06:23\n\n>>684216773 \n>Japanese response has seemingly been overal neutral to positive \nYou can point out the blatantly false elements like this. Across the Ubisoft Japan videos, all of the AC6 videos share ridiculous dislike ratios ranging from 10:1 to 20:1 dislikes to likes. You see a similar dislike ratio on their latest Star Wars Outlaws video, also another apparent victim of an international chud dislike campaign \n \n \n \n \nYou can also look at AmazonJP sales rankings, and note Shadows conspicuous absence with it often being blown away by meme indie titles when it does appear. Currently ranked #72, it's beaten by Ghosts of Tsushima, Hogwarts Legacy, and the fucking Lollipop Chainsaw remaster. \n", "pid": 684218656 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B0B2", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:06:49\n\n>>684212579 \n>The best \"news\" this whatever the fuck site could report on is reddit mods going full shutdown mode (which is a common occurrence) on their sub because they were having too much wrong think. \nThese journalists are getting desperate, huh?", "pid": 684218676 }, { "sender": "E041-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:07:28\n\n>>684218020 \nJudging by the quote retweets, this didn't go so well.", "pid": 684218710 }, { "sender": "Anon-11FD", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:08:48\n\nLiterally bnwo-fetish the game, no shame.", "pid": 684218785 }, { "sender": "090D-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:10:24\n\n>>684217981 \nI'm so sorry the left did this to you.", "pid": 684218876 }, { "sender": "1D3F-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:10:50\n\n>>684212579 \n \nImagine being this obsessed one either side of the fence about a dude from like 300 years ago whom barely a paragraph of questionable information exists lmaoooo", "pid": 684218896 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4701", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:11:09\n\n>Japan about to sue Ubisoft for falsifying history \n>nuh uh, reddit says he wuz a samoorai \nwhat a bunch of lying commies", "pid": 684218912 }, { "sender": "Anon-D318", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:12:07\n\nWhy does the right lie so much?", "pid": 684218957 }, { "sender": "9367-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:14:11\n\n>>684212579 \n>We respect other ethnicities and histories \n>No no no no, Yasuke WAS a samurai you fucking racist, no questions about it. If you disagree I'll ban you \nWhy are leftists and commies more racist than most in the right political spectrum?", "pid": 684219062 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A24E", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:15:45\n\n>There's no debate \nThere is an ongoing debate, though. \nWhat do they think \"there is no debate\" even means?", "pid": 684219142 }, { "sender": "EF86-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:16:42\n\n>>684218896 \nYes it’s called being a historian, maybe if you weren’t fed baby formula with contaminated water you would have thought of that before you posted this.", "pid": 684219178 }, { "sender": "Anon-058B", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:17:05\n\n>>684217981 \nNo they don't. You don't know what they want or believe, because you're an idiot. \n", "pid": 684219208 }, { "sender": "F23C-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:17:43\n\n>>684219208", "pid": 684219237 }, { "sender": "6647-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:19:05\n\n>>684212579 \n>\"We've shut down any kind of discussion regarding this topic. Take that you chuds!\"", "pid": 684219302 }, { "sender": "CB11-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:19:24\n\n>>684218020 \nlmao \nliterally this", "pid": 684219319 }, { "sender": "Anon-0C90", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:19:36\n\n>>684217947 \nDont send this to Tariq lmao", "pid": 684219329 }, { "sender": "Anon-3C83", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:21:01\n\n>>684214286 \n>why is it ALWAYS jews and reddit? \n \nu/maxwellhill", "pid": 684219385 }, { "sender": "Anon-DB44", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:21:43\n\n>>684219329 \nAlready did.", "pid": 684219420 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CC33", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:21:47\n\n>>684212579 \nI keep seeing a bunch of shit about the Japanese being up in arms about this game what’s up with that?", "pid": 684219424 }, { "sender": "30A6-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:22:07\n\n>>684217981", "pid": 684219440 }, { "sender": "1D59-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:22:12\n\n>the first historian claiming \"definitively\" that yasuke was a samurai turned out to be a marxist that made it all up, who ran away and nuked all his accounts \n>the second historian claiming \"definitively\" that yasuke was a samurai turned out to ALSO be a marxist that made it all up, who then ran away and nuked all his accounts", "pid": 684219445 }, { "sender": "3C3F-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:22:44\n\n>>684214698 \n>to no clear end \nI think you'd have to be blind or in support of the end to not see it.", "pid": 684219471 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-981D", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:22:58\n\n>>684214813 \n>pet \n \nHe was a porter you racist.", "pid": 684219483 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5B78", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:24:36\n\n>>684219445 \nI feel like there should be a meme where the dude gets a paper and jumps out a window and runs away explaining this.", "pid": 684219548 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EB93", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:24:46\n\n>>684212690 \nNot really. The title is Yasuke was a samurai and the rest of the post is that AC isn't history and none of it has to be real. It says nothing about Yasuke. It was spammed here as a big joke, which it is. \n \n>>684217981 \nThere is no middle you reactionary retard. Just virtues and principles. If you have nothing to live for and no reason to die you will be whatever your betters tell you. It does not matter where on the compass they land. \nBetter to believe in something than nothing at all. Just figure it out, bro. Doesn't have to be one of the big retard magnet ones you're currently familar with but it had better be something.", "pid": 684219553 }, { "sender": "Anon-1B05", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:24:52\n\n>>684214954 \nThe issue isn't depicting something fictional and cool, the issue is depicting something fictional and trying to present it as historical fact.", "pid": 684219560 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4508", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:25:22\n\nI don't have a dog in this race, but from a cursory search, he did receive a stipend like the other retainers, so technically he was a samurai. Why is this a problem?\n\nI don't care either way, I've never played an AC game in my life. (But I thought he was pretty cool in Nioh 2).", "pid": 684219590 }, { "sender": "Anon-9AA9", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:26:02\n\n>>684217832 \nThere's no way this isn't the work of someone with a bbc fetish.", "pid": 684219627 }, { "sender": "Anon-40E5", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:26:06\n\n>Yasuke was a samurai... In the Game! Not IRL but someone paid us to shill", "pid": 684219630 }, { "sender": "A828-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:26:58\n\nIs this enough sources for you chuds? Someone actually did their research.\n", "pid": 684219667 }, { "sender": "6875-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:27:08\n\n>>684219590 \n>retainers >>684219329 read this", "pid": 684219678 }, { "sender": "Anon-9E08", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:27:42\n\n>>684219667 \nI don't trust anything that comes from social media or wikipedia.", "pid": 684219707 }, { "sender": "Anon-9580", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:27:51\n\n>>684219590 \nNot every retainer is a samurai. The vast majority were probably not.", "pid": 684219717 }, { "sender": "Anon-D25D", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:29:40\n\n>>684215047 \n>will this game even do well financially? \nYes, unfortunately, the consumer market has shown that they are willing to bend over and take anything up the ass no matter how large.", "pid": 684219798 }, { "sender": "B909-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:29:59\n\nHe was a samurai in Nioh 2 and literally no one complained. These fake outrages are so dumb.", "pid": 684219813 }, { "sender": "Anon-55FB", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:31:42\n\n>>684219813 \nWhen did Team Ninja claim that Nioh was historically accurate?", "pid": 684219890 }, { "sender": "77D9-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:33:04\n\n>>684219813 \ncrazy how you left out the part where he says he was never made a true samurai", "pid": 684219962 }, { "sender": "Anon-C5D4", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:33:05\n\n>>684219813 \nHe literally didn't in Nioh, he aspires to be a \"True samurai\" and that Nobunaga promised to do this one day before he died.", "pid": 684219963 }, { "sender": "859F-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:38:37\n\n>>684219890 \nI think Nyotengu says it", "pid": 684220227 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-745B", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:42:44\n\n>>684212579 \nYou're not serious OP. You tried this exact same thread with this exact same title and exact same picture yesterday, and had it jannied. \n \nYasuke isn't even the central complaint of the Japanese.", "pid": 684220417 }, { "sender": "Anon-AA2C", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:44:24\n\n>>684212579 \nreddit is not a forum, it's a hugbox.", "pid": 684220493 }, { "sender": "DD7F-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:46:35\n\n>>684214054 \nHim being a protector isn't even up for debate he was not a samurai, was not a fighter, he was a dickwash- I mean equipment boy.", "pid": 684220586 }, { "sender": "Anon-9B61", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:51:15\n\n>>684215047 \nI think it will be a million plus seller, and OP will make APOLOGIZE posts regardless. But I think they need multi millions as it's a high AAA budget. Their stock guidance REALLY wants 10 million. \n \nI think it will hurt Ubi's reputation in japan in future games. I'm seeing anti advertisements for some of their shit. \n \n>>684215260 \nIt's spam. He posted it yesterday. He'll post it or something equally inane tomorrow. \n \n>>684215363 \nThe strategy is hatemarketing. You can see the exact same tactics on the other ubisoft game. Final trailers went out. They spammed a half dozen to a dozen threads, most of them with the same trash. \n>>684177154 \n>>684191415 \nThey did the same thing with the last several far crys, ect, ect.", "pid": 684220795 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0A1B", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:52:56\n\n>>684212579 \nyou actually go to these websites and read these articles?", "pid": 684220859 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6ED7", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:54:07\n\n>>684214054 \n>A detail in a historic side character's work altered for presentation and to fit Assgreed's fantasy plot \nvs \n>The whole story of a historic main character altered drastically and offensively to fit the Assgreed's fantasy plot \nYou are a retard. Go back to re ddit", "pid": 684220921 }, { "sender": "A79C-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 05:59:05\n\n>>684212579", "pid": 684221185 }, { "sender": "6B0B-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:00:04\n\n>>684216773 \nSame way as the answer it's gotten the last 20 times it's been posted. Which primarily depends on if the people involved can speak japanese or not, which you never answered. I'm going to assume no.", "pid": 684221227 }, { "sender": "Anon-DCFF", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:00:13\n\n>>684221185 \nYou really gonna just pretend people weren't bitching about RE5 now?", "pid": 684221239 }, { "sender": "6A91-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:01:29\n\n>>684212579 \n>684212579 \nligger watch we got another \none stop it from posting>!>!>!>!", "pid": 684221314 }, { "sender": "00FC-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:02:46\n\n>>684216892 \nNioh gets posted every other thread on this topic anon, and gets blown out every fucking time anyways. Don't sweat it. But if you've fucked off of this topic for good, that's probablby for the best. \n \nBut I'll be generous and slow it down for you. Japan didn't freak out about the Netflix yasuke series, but they are not happy with this depiction. There's a fucking REASON for that.", "pid": 684221376 }, { "sender": "BEF9-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:04:29\n\n>>684212579 \nI don't care if he was a samurai or not, I just want him gone because I hate black people, it's that simple", "pid": 684221468 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-04BC", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:04:56\n\n>>684221185 \nRE5 was a fictional modern day zombie shooter in Africa utilising an established and popular protagonist, and everyone was screaming how racist that game was. False equivalence. \nBut your kind are never interested in actual discussion", "pid": 684221491 }, { "sender": "3F5A-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:05:41\n\n>>684214054 \nLet me add one to that for you: \nDa Vinci: Italian, portrayed in Italian set AC game \nYasuke: African, portrayed in Asian set AC game \nKill yourself", "pid": 684221532 }, { "sender": "97C2-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:06:18\n\n>>684221185 \nYou fucking retard, you must be a newfag because RE5 was bitched at to hell and back because of the idea of a chad white guy with his black negress going around and killing other black people in Africa.", "pid": 684221561 }, { "sender": "Anon-3FBE", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:07:18\n\n>>684218230 \nYour point is illegitimate; lefties are subhuman scum.", "pid": 684221606 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CEF1", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:09:09\n\n>>684221185 \nDifference is the entire gayming journalist community called RE5 problematic while still defending AC:S.", "pid": 684221692 }, { "sender": "Anon-B43A", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:11:21\n\n>>684219424 \nAlright. Keep in mind this is an ubisoft game, so their markeeters are constantly spamming shit. \n \nThe TL/DR, is that ubisoft fucked up the cultural representation of japan SO fucking hard that it's gotten Japanese people to act like Koreans. related to this is that the historian that much of Ubi's shit is based on this game has made crazy piss off the fucking federal goverment class claims, like that slaves were popular in kyoto, and Japan was involved in the african slave trade. \n \nHistorically, Yasuke was not a samurai, but Japan isn't actually bothered by fictional representations of him as one. It's the complete fuckup of history and culture, including stealing art, and not knowing the difference between japanese and chinese that is the bigger issue. \n \nUbisoft has done a halfassed apology, but you actually aren't allowed to talk about it in many of their discussion areas.", "pid": 684221801 }, { "sender": "335B-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:12:00\n\n>>684212927", "pid": 684221820 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-75DA", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:14:37\n\n>>684219590 \nThat is NOT the standard for samurai. Samurai is a CASTE and a level of AUTHORITY, and a JOB, and a connection to a FEUDAL HOLDING. \n \n>Nioh 2. \nHe says Nobunaga was going to make him a samurai, but died before he could complete his training. That's actually somewhat plausible.", "pid": 684221927 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6DD7", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:17:02\n\n>>684219667 \nIf you think it's sufficient, go change japanese wikipedia. Pro tip. Stipend isn't the actual standard for samurai. Not even the Japanese communists think that's sufficient.", "pid": 684222010 }, { "sender": "27DA-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:18:13\n\n>>684217090 \nProbably the same asshole that dons Biden/Kamala trips in /pol/ threads. Terminally online. Many such cases.", "pid": 684222059 }, { "sender": "F252-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:19:06\n\n>>684220859 \nIt's kind of his job. If he posts too many of them with the same screenshot at a time, the jannies tend to just start deleting them. \n \n>>684221239 \nNo. I'm sure he's seen it dozens of times, and will just pretend it didnt' happen and post it again.", "pid": 684222102 }, { "sender": "1756-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:20:04\n\nYou guys know that there's literally a whole another protagonist that's pure Japanese right? You can choose to play the entire game as a Japanese and ignore Yasuke entirely. The \"\"\"\"outrage\"\"\"\" surrounding this game is so forced and artificial. It's like you're willingly marketing the game by yourselves free of charge. Ubisoft unironically got the last laugh here.", "pid": 684222132 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D026", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:22:08\n\n>>684222132 \n>You guys know that there's literally a whole another protagonist that's pure Japanese right? \nWhy yes, the marketing department has made that quite clear. It doesn't fucking matter. Ubisofts behavior is racist and unacceptable. And they're going to make more threads anyways.", "pid": 684222210 }, { "sender": "C735-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:22:59\n\n>>684212579 \n>Reddit jannie unaffiliated with Ubisoft decides to ban users saying Yasuke wasnt a samurai \nWhy the fuck should I care?", "pid": 684222252 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-34CA", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:24:44\n\n>>684222132 \nThis isn't DBD where people play only half of the game.", "pid": 684222324 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-23D5", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:28:30\n\nLeftists are so fucking vile and they are literally incapable of not lying.", "pid": 684222493 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7DEC", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:30:01\n\n>>684214273 \nthe final pill is realizing all social media is filled with bots, and theyre all watching YOU", "pid": 684222553 }, { "sender": "Anon-157C", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:37:42\n\n>>684214393 \nyou can read the whole autistic discussion about why it is the way it is here:'s\\_status\\_as\\_a\\_samurai\\_should\\_be\\_presented\\_as\\_uncertain \n \nTL;DR: the only real primary source Lockley says \"he was a samurai\" and Wikipedia policy says that's enough to say \"he was a samurai\" because you cant \"depict something as contested when it is the majority view in reliable sources\"", "pid": 684222889 }, { "sender": "0B25-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:42:56\n\n>>684214417 \nIt first came into existence because AC1 was set during the crusade and ubisoft didn't want a backlash or a terrorist coming to their office. Since then it just has become virtue signaling.", "pid": 684223127 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1489", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:50:52\n\n>>684222132 \nWhy should I even have to play or see the imaginary super negro in the first place?", "pid": 684223456 }, { "sender": "B5FC-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 06:58:39\n\n>>684218182 \n>also funny how almost all of these \"tons of anime and games\" with yasuke just appeared since the 2010s \nThis. We don't need to be a regular on /a/ to know that Nobunaga is so insanely popular there is one or more new works based on him and his life released practically every year. \nWe also are aware Japanese see Blacks as something more showy, more exotic. So the notion that never before the 2010s Yasuke has been prominently featured in the many Nobunaga works, even as just a background character, seems utterly ridiculous.", "pid": 684223825 }, { "sender": "369F-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:00:29\n\n>>684223825 \n The long nose tribe has found the golden monkey to parade around for the retards online. They really want the \"WE WUZ\" audience, but I don't know how well it'll work out in the end.", "pid": 684223916 }, { "sender": "532F-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:16:29\n\nmy wisdom tooth is causing trouble and I might need to remove it", "pid": 684224662 }, { "sender": "B3B1-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:20:32\n\n>>684212579 \nThat doesn't sound very democratic to me", "pid": 684224839 }, { "sender": "73CD-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:22:55\n\nWhy are you people so focused on Yasuke? The real protagonist is clearly a girl \n>>684214954 \nkek", "pid": 684224938 }, { "sender": "Anon-6628", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:27:24\n\n>>684212579 \nCan we do this for /v/ too?", "pid": 684225116 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ADC2", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:28:00\n\nNobody with any taste should care about ubislop, regardless of their stance on niggers in japan", "pid": 684225146 }, { "sender": "Anon-B48D", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:29:12\n\nIf they said that they were embellishing/doing a fantastical take with his depiction because asscreed does this with stuff from the start and acknowledged that we didnt know shit about him, would people have still bitched about it without the added context of Lockley pissing off Japan and Redditmods crying?", "pid": 684225206 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD43", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:30:25\n\n>>684212579 \nLOOK MOMMIE I POSTED IT AGAIN! XDDD", "pid": 684225264 }, { "sender": "Anon-7769", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:34:34\n\n>>684212579 \nHire whatever shills you wish, I'm not buying your kusoge, not even pirating it either", "pid": 684225473 }, { "sender": "1C79-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:36:13\n\n>>684218182 \n>>684223825 \nDidnt he appear in KTshit as an extremely minor character before stuff like Netflix caught wind of his identity? \nLike yeah, they found the golden goose, especially looking into trends like Afro Samurai and general WE WUZ. \nFeels like it poisons the well when the guy probably works with exaggerated Nobunaga depictions", "pid": 684225546 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-656D", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:36:42\n\n>>684225206 \nThere are more than enough other issues that Japan would have a problem with, like stealing Zoro's sword from one piece, and confusing japanese and chinese, in fact being so incompetent at the language that they couldn't write yauske's name correctly, but it would only be a fraction of the issue. You wouldn't have r/ mods banning so many japanese people, or throwing fits to the point where some of the japanese posted their passports on videos to show that it wasn't white people complaining. \n \nIt is VERY possible to make a yasuke as a samurai game that Japan is ok with. The ubisoft team isn't competent enough to do it. So much for that expensive DEI consulting. \n \nAt this point, the most important thing that Ubi should do is get the fuck away from anything locksley did, and publically disavow him. I'm not sure if they can do that this late in the dev cycle. Saying that they had historians like that last thing got them community noted because their history kind of sucks, even beyond yasuke.", "pid": 684225574 }, { "sender": "Anon-3ABB", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:40:35\n\n>>684214396 \nLet's see the federal government lead by example", "pid": 684225761 }, { "sender": "1242-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 07:57:49\n\nI'm really tired of people being disingenuous about their objections. Whether or not this is historically accurate is irrelevant. People are just tired of nigger worship. We are constantly and eternally subjected to an endless barrage of pure sainted genius prodigy niggers when in reality they're the stupid and violent retards who ruin every city they're in. People are so terrified of being called racist that they have to circle around this obvious problem.", "pid": 684226520 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B6A5", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:02:22\n\nThe reaction makes it even more worthwhile to make Yasuke a samurai. Fuck, they should make him a Majordomo Executus (or whatever the fuck) in the next game just to piss more people off.", "pid": 684226707 }, { "sender": "Anon-14DB", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:08:30\n\nDue to UBI's unauthorized use of their banner in the concept sheet for ACS, the Sekigahara Gun Corps has demanded that the banner be removed from the concept art. \nUBI support has responded, stating that the printing of the art book has already been completed, so it is impossible to remove it at this stage.\nThey mentioned that it is difficult to identify the designs from the image (probably because they are too small). \nThey have, however, removed it from the system managed by Ubisoft.\n\nIs this legal?\nRegardless of whether the printing has been completed or not, if it infringes on copyright, shouldn't they have to reprint it no matter how much it costs?\nCould someone knowledgeable in the law please provide insight?", "pid": 684226954 }, { "sender": "Anon-6474", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:10:54\n\n>>684212579 \n>Reddit users who attempt to dispute Yasuke's societal status will be banned \n \nFucking kek.", "pid": 684227056 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4DD0", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:12:16\n\nI'm gonna call it. This Yasuke thing is pushed hardcore by black (delusional) otakus. When we had the first threads about this yasuke guy i said how weird it was for me to never heard of his name before despite having read so many japanese games and visual novels in 7+ years now. Someone replied and said that it was weird for me not to have seen him mentioned before. Saying i was probably only reading shit.\n\nHe is a nobody. The only rational for being this hype about him is if you're a black (delusional) otaku.\n\nThe nail in the coffin for this whole fiasco is the fact that all information about yasuke can be literally written in just 2 pages. And none of them mention anything about him being a samurai.", "pid": 684227104 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F017", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:17:16\n\n>>684225116 \nthat would require people to refuse to discuss the topic, which would be hypocritcal and would deprive people who dont know the facts or evidences being used", "pid": 684227313 }, { "sender": "Anon-3E51", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:18:17\n\n>>684225761 \nisnt that what they are doing by increasing taxes for wealthy people because surely they can give more", "pid": 684227362 }, { "sender": "D878-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:21:46\n\n>>684214954 \nfiery horses and giant crocodiles are cool, niggers are not", "pid": 684227518 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ABC8", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:23:39\n\n>>684215724 \nAnate okure kuronbo \nAfurika wa nu mi shizumimasu", "pid": 684227605 }, { "sender": "03A7-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:24:31\n\n>>684224938 \nSorry ubishill, but first impressions matter. Having a we wuz gay nigga parading around as a samurai and american beats blaring while killing asians wasn't a good look.", "pid": 684227645 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-09EA", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:29:46\n\n>>684216773 \n>We \nBut I am mad. Yeah, go tell the cool nigger in the head about it", "pid": 684227903 }, { "sender": "E042-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:31:17\n\n>>684217832 \n>wears his armor casually strolling around \n>everyone bows to the negro \nFunfact: Samurai were only allowed to wear their armor during war, also his helmet is massively adorned which was only reserved for samurai of an higher than average status, ex: Daimyos, Lords etc. The average Bushi only wore a basic helmet. Furthermore the armor of the average bushi was bare-bones since the production was very material intense. Like the bands that held the pieces together consisted of handwoven silk and a complete set of armor fit for a lord could take several months to produce and wasnt just given to anyone. \nYou can see the armor the protag in GoT wears at the start of the game, a basic suit of armor with barely any bells & whistles. \n>>684217639 \n>>684217768 \nKatana werent used like that at all. These arent european swords etc. The fighting style is all wrong there. \n \nthese videos are kinda cringe but these guys know their stuff \n\\_RCZ1w \n\\_g", "pid": 684227961 }, { "sender": "Anon-5840", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:32:41\n\n>>684212579 \n>Libshitism can only exist under heavy censorship \n \nMany such cases.", "pid": 684228019 }, { "sender": "Anon-B4C1", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:33:19\n\n>>684217981 \nall the nazis i know spend all their time saying they DIDNT kill the jews", "pid": 684228042 }, { "sender": "Anon-16EA", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:33:25\n\n>>684212579 \n>erm ignore how we don't have a single peer reviewed source based on empirical evidence that he was a samurai \n>erm just ignore how ubisoft themselves apologised for lying \n>mass bans everyone who correctly identifies yasuke as a non samurai \nFiring squad tier", "pid": 684228047 }, { "sender": "D052-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:39:30\n\n>>684218629 \nbubonic plague isn't hereditary, ranjeesh", "pid": 684228303 }, { "sender": "63EF-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:40:47\n\n>>684222132 \nWomen were mever shinobi either faggot. Everyone like you had a melty about female ninjas in japanese games but when you're doing a \"historically accurate\" & \"representation of Japan\" then you get both of your characters wrong?", "pid": 684228356 }, { "sender": "FEB3-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:41:48\n\n>>684225546 \nHe works but he was never depicted as a samurai in those either. He even says in Nioh 2 he died before he could ever become one. He was in Japan for less t", "pid": 684228387 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-65B4", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:42:36\n\n>>684214054 \nDo people still not get you never played as a \"historical\" person. \nIn AC you only played as a fictional character and we all know they decided to pick the only black guy in nip history so they can claim dei points.", "pid": 684228418 }, { "sender": "58ED-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:51:16\n\n>>684214393 \nA video game company literally rewrote history and people allowed it because it was woke and woke is good. You can show them this the next time they say woke shit in video games doesn't matter.", "pid": 684228749 }, { "sender": "7632-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:54:44\n\n>>684212927 \nMan, rightoids are really weird \nImagine turning an assassin's creed game into the hill you die on \nNo wonder normal people think you're freaks", "pid": 684228904 }, { "sender": "A55B-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:56:16\n\n>>684221185 \nGame journos shat themselves so hard over RE5 that Capcom filled the African towns with white people to kill.", "pid": 684228974 }, { "sender": "6159-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:56:34\n\n>>684228418 \nIt's not even for dei purposes. Everything else they do covers that. They just want the \"WE WUZ\" and terminally online virtue signaling faggot audience", "pid": 684228987 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-95DC", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:57:46\n\n>>684222553 \nMy social media is filled with asian traps cosplaying as anime girls.", "pid": 684229028 }, { "sender": "A7AB-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:57:57\n\n>>684228974 \nIt's very jarring. On any playthrough they stand out like a nigga in feudal japan. I wouldn't have minded one or two throughout a level but they make up parts of the crowds sometimes.", "pid": 684229040 }, { "sender": "Anon-F7F0", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:58:40\n\n>>684217981", "pid": 684229065 }, { "sender": "Anon-8332", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:58:59\n\n>>684229028 \nKill yourself fag boy", "pid": 684229081 }, { "sender": "Anon-A524", "message": "31/07/2024, 08:59:31\n\n>>684214261 \nUncle Jun, what the fuck?", "pid": 684229108 }, { "sender": "35C2-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:00:24\n\n>>684229081 \nEh, nah.", "pid": 684229137 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6805", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:00:47\n\n>>684225574 \n>throwing fits to the point where some of the japanese posted their passports on videos to show that it wasn't white people complaining. \nShit, do you have a link? I'm baffled that it actually reached such point.", "pid": 684229154 }, { "sender": "Anon-BFF5", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:03:46\n\n>>684229137 \n Well have a good day and take care of yourself then. That crap isn't good for you nor the mind. Don't ack and stay safe.", "pid": 684229262 }, { "sender": "1899-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:04:19\n\n>>684229065 \n> they dont even care what race you are so long as youre racist", "pid": 684229283 }, { "sender": "D856-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:04:29\n\n>>684212579 \n>fascists being fascists \n>oy vey /v/ btfo goyim \nThe absolute state of the woketards.", "pid": 684229293 }, { "sender": "Anon-E226", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:05:01\n\n>>684225574 \nLocksley stole the spotlight but ubi actually consulted another \"\"\"expert\"\"\" who's just as bad. \nPic related, anyone believing that ubisoft were fooled is retarded, they probably knew the whole thing but still went with it.", "pid": 684229316 }, { "sender": "3AEB-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:07:55\n\n>>684229262 \nWanting to fuck a twink isn't the same as wanting to cut my dick off and nobody on /v/ should be trying to act like a puritan anyway. Hypocrites are the least trustworthy sorts of human (which is why I hate the rainbow mob).", "pid": 684229438 }, { "sender": "7C1C-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:09:17\n\n>>684221185 \n>left cannot meme, makes gaslighting edit \nnice try dilator, this not what happened. nobody minded Redfield &co killing white zombies for 4 (+sidegames) games but the moment there black zombies there were outrage over \"racism\".", "pid": 684229490 }, { "sender": "6921-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:13:27\n\n>>684214954", "pid": 684229654 }, { "sender": "3DDB-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:17:34\n\n>>684229654 \nBecause the seating should be standard, it's built right into the car and is just disabled by a line of code.", "pid": 684229831 }, { "sender": "Anon-C20E", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:23:39\n\n>>684214054 \n>real person \nkek \nthere is 0 evidence yasuke was even black \nhe could have been a greek or a spaniard, which would be 100% more likely since he arrived with with christian missionaries \neverything about him is made up", "pid": 684230082 }, { "sender": "9A64-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:24:13\n\n>>684215047 \nno assassin's creed game in the past 10+ has gotten this much free advertising \nmy guess is it's gonna be a best seller", "pid": 684230104 }, { "sender": "Anon-94FB", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:35:20\n\n>>684214054 \nOne is the main character the other isn’t. \nOne is clearly made as cultural subversion the other isn’t \nIt’s like saying both have been ears, both have a nose therefore no difference", "pid": 684230564 }, { "sender": "D6FB-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:43:46\n\nPeople with cognitive disabilities are taking over.", "pid": 684230934 }, { "sender": "D237-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:47:35\n\n>>684212579 \nIt's amazing how white people will use lie, deceit, and threat just to salivate over black.", "pid": 684231073 }, { "sender": "Anon-4762", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:48:14\n\n>>684230104 \nUbisoft will be sued for copyright infringement. They never paid to use Japanese cultural assets similar to how France requires payment for commercializing the Eiffel Tower at night", "pid": 684231095 }, { "sender": "662E-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:49:14\n\n>>684229438 \nnta but go ahead and post the best of \"sian traps cosplaying as anime girls\". asking for a friend", "pid": 684231132 }, { "sender": "5C8C-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:49:33\n\n>>684230082 \nActually this is pretty important and people just completely ignore it \nIt was a dude that PROBABLY came with the portuguese, stayed with Nobunaga and they called him \"pageboy\" in japanese \n>>684230104 \nNo one is going to buy this shit", "pid": 684231153 }, { "sender": "9A0A-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:53:20\n\n>>684230934 \nwelcome tp late stage capitalism.", "pid": 684231315 }, { "sender": "A0CD-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:55:16\n\n>>684214954 \n>mythology - good \n>jewish historical revicionism - bad \nno shit", "pid": 684231382 }, { "sender": "A505-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:55:31\n\n>>684231315 \n'late stage capitalism' and communism are basically the same thing just with different groups of people at the top", "pid": 684231386 }, { "sender": "8C20-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:55:32\n\n>>684231132 \nAnon this is a blue board.", "pid": 684231387 }, { "sender": "Anon-F081", "message": "31/07/2024, 09:57:17\n\n>>684212579 \nWell if a ubishit owned subreddit says hes real, then i guess hes real", "pid": 684231448 }, { "sender": "49AD-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:00:58\n\n>>684231387 \na list of twitter names isn't nsfw", "pid": 684231601 }, { "sender": "Anon-E4B7", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:01:47\n\n>>684231386 \nthis just isn't true.", "pid": 684231638 }, { "sender": "6A41-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:03:01\n\n>>684231601 \nIt's not videogames though.", "pid": 684231691 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4849", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:03:02\n\n>>684212579 \nTHANK YOU RIBBIT MODS!", "pid": 684231692 }, { "sender": "BDB7-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:03:25\n\n>>684217237 \nWasnt that something Pontius added to piss off the pharisees?", "pid": 684231707 }, { "sender": "Anon-390B", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:04:18\n\n>>684214393 \n>be a slave to the Jesuits \n>get your shit kicked in doing labor for them \n>be a \"Samurai\" to the shogun \n>get your shit kicked in doing labor for them \n>gets returned to the Jesuits \n>repeat \nThat doesn't look like a free man or a honourable warrior to me", "pid": 684231740 }, { "sender": "Anon-CF88", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:05:50\n\nIf those brainwashed degenerates knew how common it was back then for a Samurai to randomly behead you for no reason at all or just for fun or just because you didn't bow down low enough to him, a gorilla walking around in men's clothing would not last 5 seconds. \nJapan has always been about honor, tradition, meritocracy and respect. A foreigner walk around in feudal japan, near your women, living a good life among the military and around very rich and important people... this is all beyond BLM fantasy.", "pid": 684231804 }, { "sender": "Anon-18DA", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:06:41\n\nCan they prove it? The Japanese historians say no, who cares if weaboos and anti-Japanese racists say otherwise?", "pid": 684231834 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4E0F", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:07:00\n\n>>684212579 \nfunny how cultural appropriation is never a problem when its done to asians.", "pid": 684231848 }, { "sender": "C65B-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:07:09\n\n>>684212579 \n \n>entire thread ignores the ubisoft apology statement that now proclaims Yasuke as fictional \n>thread ignores all the journalists being mad the chud Japanese won and the reddit has been betrayed by ubisoft \n \n \n \nThis thread is outdated lol", "pid": 684231853 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-954D", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:07:33\n\n>>684212579 \n1984", "pid": 684231870 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2F0F", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:07:33\n\n>>684212579 \n>NOOOOO \n>blacks are and were samurai and there is nothing you can DOOOOOOOOOOO", "pid": 684231871 }, { "sender": "77AF-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:07:44\n\n>>684214054 \n>chuds \nThere are barely any jews here", "pid": 684231880 }, { "sender": "DD69-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:10:20\n\n>>684231691 \ni checked the reply chain and it's fine: \n>main topic: forum says x about video games \n>that forum is bots \n>all social media is bots \n>not mine, i have x \n>me: show me more about x \nat worst it's a tangent.", "pid": 684231975 }, { "sender": "7E66-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:10:59\n\n>>684214054 \nOk but why can't you play as a Japanese man in an AC set in Japan when you could play as an ethnically related male character in all previous main AC games?", "pid": 684232005 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D1AF", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:11:45\n\n>>684231871 \n>NOOO \n>ONLY BASED WHITES CAN BE HONORARY SAMURAIS, I LOVE NIPPON SO MUCH!!", "pid": 684232037 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0477", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:12:11\n\n>>684232005 \nnot black flag", "pid": 684232059 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2023", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:12:59\n\n>>684214054 \nUbisoft didn't encourage their fanbase to edit wikipedia to reflect the fact davinci's flying machine was built and worked.", "pid": 684232091 }, { "sender": "479D-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:13:02\n\n>>684232037 \nBlacks can too but they never were. It's a fact.", "pid": 684232094 }, { "sender": "1B1D-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:13:05\n\n>>684214054 \nThe defense is that Da Vinci was an NPC. Yasuke should also be an NPC and the samurai MC should be Japanese.", "pid": 684232096 }, { "sender": "Anon-C965", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:13:24\n\n>>684232005 \nyou can play as an ethnic japanese though, why isn't that enough for you? Are you a racist AND a chauvinist!? Holy shit, you must be a real loser.", "pid": 684232114 }, { "sender": "3744-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:14:10\n\n>>684231638 \nthere would barely be a difference in the average persons living conditions if power and money were concentrated amongst communist party members vs a few billionaire capitalists.", "pid": 684232152 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-634C", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:14:25\n\n>>684232094 \n>It's a fact. \nIt literally isn't.", "pid": 684232161 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C04A", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:14:40\n\n>>684214698 \nhotep \nblack isrealites \niconoclism \nAll of these exist. This is another extension of afrocentrism.", "pid": 684232173 }, { "sender": "8CF4-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:15:21\n\n>>684212579 \n>having a discussion on a discussion website gets you banned", "pid": 684232212 }, { "sender": "Anon-0BD4", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:15:22\n\n>>684232059 \nYou played as a British man when the British controlled most the Caribbean.", "pid": 684232213 }, { "sender": "Anon-9D93", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:15:26\n\n>>684232161 \nit is cracker", "pid": 684232218 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C09D", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:15:52\n\n>>684230104 \n>f-free advertising, chuds \nReminder that Mario and Rabbids flopped despite it having the combined marketing of Mario and Rabbids.", "pid": 684232230 }, { "sender": "9873-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:17:00\n\n>>684232161 \nNo it's a fact, there's a singular candidate who could have been but zero evidence he was.", "pid": 684232279 }, { "sender": "73D9-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:17:14\n\ntransbians need to be racist or else they will hear the sound of their -ack machine", "pid": 684232287 }, { "sender": "Anon-7BE9", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:17:24\n\n>>684232152 \nthe \"\"only\"\" difference being that an actual communist leadership would work for the better of everyone, and capitalists work only for accumulating more capital.", "pid": 684232296 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5FFD", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:17:31\n\n>>684212579 \nLMAO, they just can't decide what reason they're going with. \n \nFirst it's \"This is a what if\", then it was \"Well Yasuke was let go from being a vassal and this is something that could've happened, we're telling a new story from gaps in history like other famous figures in AC games\", to now just \"UH UH HE WUZ A SAMURAI N' SHIIIIEEET\" \n \nThing is, I'd play a game about Yasuke being a samurai. As long as it was known the intention from the start was just to tell a what if, a different tale, etc. Fiction. but Ubisoft are just retarded and they;re CLEARLY pandering.", "pid": 684232303 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-461D", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:18:00\n\nYou know, Yasukebeing basically Isekai'd into Japan and going from a simple servant and a glorified mascot to a member of Nobunaga's honor guard would be an inspiring and awesome story in its own right", "pid": 684232317 }, { "sender": "3659-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:18:57\n\n>>684231853 \n>THEY'RE STILL IGNORING THIS NEWS AND ARGUING HAHA \nNever change /v/", "pid": 684232364 }, { "sender": "8EFC-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:19:32\n\n>>684232096 \nnah, that's a stupid argument to make. Yasuke as a playable character would be fine if there was also a japanese man you played as alongside him. the problem is making the \"star\" of Assassin's creed: Japan, not Japanese.", "pid": 684232393 }, { "sender": "Anon-1E32", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:19:40\n\n>>684232161 \nit literally is. Everything points to him not being a samurai", "pid": 684232403 }, { "sender": "Anon-32DE", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:20:25\n\n>>684232213 \nnearly everyone you meet is a spaniard in whole or part", "pid": 684232427 }, { "sender": "253E-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:21:01\n\n>>684214393 \nReminder that wikipedia is HEAVILY biased, and has been for years, if not over a decade. It's rules against bias are quite literally perfectly crafted to allow a majority to assert a false reality, and the worst part is that the majority of editors are actually propagandized into believing that they are non-biased and neutral whilst doing this.", "pid": 684232448 }, { "sender": "Anon-0B80", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:23:10\n\n>some literal faggot bong writes a fake story about this nigger being a samurai, then writes a separate piece of \"nonfiction\" work legitimately claiming he really is a samurai, and his proof is him CITING HIMSELF", "pid": 684232548 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-38C1", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:23:28\n\n>>684232296 \n>communist leadership would work for the better of everyone \nVery funny, good one.", "pid": 684232558 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4856", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:24:42\n\n>>684214393 \nGerman wiki remains unpozzed \n \n>refers to him as a follower and not as a samurai \n>even mentions the ongoing controversy around Thomas Lockley and how he isn't an expert on japanese history", "pid": 684232606 }, { "sender": "Anon-8B21", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:25:05\n\n>>684232427 \nAnd? They were prevalent in the Caribbean too.", "pid": 684232626 }, { "sender": "7982-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:25:35\n\n>>684232548 \n>experts say", "pid": 684232646 }, { "sender": "Anon-87B7", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:25:43\n\n>>684232558 \nI love how you didn't cite the word \"actual\" from that post. \nHave a shitty life consoomer, don't forget to suck off your capitalist overlords every chance you get!", "pid": 684232652 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AE0F", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:25:54\n\n>>684212579 \n>In a new post, the Assassin's Creed subreddit moderators say: \"There is no 'debate' - Yasuke was a Samurai. If you disagree, you can do that somewhere else.\" They add: \"While all of our player protagonists have been fictional to date, the introduction of Yasuke has given some people the false impression that the above rule does not apply. It still does. Yasuke, who is a samurai as confirmed by multiple reputable historians around the world including from Japan, may not have held as large as a role in the real world as he does in Shadows. This is okay. It is a video game.\" \n \nUh no tranny, this was completely debunked in fact the \"Japanese historian\" was a complete retard that didn't know the difference between Japanese swords and got btfo by a japanese sword autist and then got further btfo by just the japanese general public that read the archives of nobunaga who also gave Sumo wrestlers swords, money and land yet they were never seen as \"samurai\" according to historians or thomas lockley \n \nthomas lockley is now hiding because he got revealed as a hack fraud that edited wikipedia under a different name to sell a made up book that has been criticized by real historians as a fictious story of Yasuke and Oda Nobunaga.", "pid": 684232663 }, { "sender": "Anon-CF35", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:26:40\n\n>>684212579 \nDon't care. Not buying it.", "pid": 684232697 }, { "sender": "04AC-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:27:06\n\n>>684216636 \n>chuds \nJews threatened him???", "pid": 684232716 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-69C2", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:28:11\n\n>>684232114 \n>y-y-you are the racist \nJapanese man, not present, not buying", "pid": 684232754 }, { "sender": "E89E-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:31:02\n\n>>684232652 \nhow come you arent living in russia?", "pid": 684232872 }, { "sender": "74E7-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:31:37\n\n>>684212579 \n>There's no debate \n>people who disagree with us will be banned \nReally makes you think", "pid": 684232912 }, { "sender": "23B7-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:32:10\n\n>>684212690 \nright, because just saying something 'is' without any backing is now facts. ok.", "pid": 684232951 }, { "sender": "263E-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:33:02\n\n>>684212579", "pid": 684232984 }, { "sender": "Anon-D9D2", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:33:11\n\n>>684232872 \nwhat's that suppose to mean?", "pid": 684232992 }, { "sender": "4C56-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:33:53\n\n>>684214273 \n \nIf you go and try and find these accounts on Reddit, what you will find is that the right hand side of the screenshot is real and every single username on the left is fake. \n \nI'm not saying Reddit isn't full of bots but this is a ruse.", "pid": 684233019 }, { "sender": "Anon-EDAD", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:34:09\n\n>illiterate black nigger rolls up to japan (as a slave) \n>doesnt know read \n>doesnt know how to write \n>doesnt know how to fight, let alone wield a weapon, let alone wield a blade, let alone a katana \n>doesnt even speak japanese (lmao) \n>lefties will still claim he was a legendary samurai, in extremely xenophobic and racist japan \n I have never seen anything this far down low, the worst part about it you cant even reliably tell if these subhumans are baiting or actually defending this nonsense. Literally rewriting history right before your eyes.", "pid": 684233035 }, { "sender": "Anon-BFB0", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:34:31\n\n>>684214054 \nGreat job comparing old Ubisoft and new Ubisoft.", "pid": 684233058 }, { "sender": "65C9-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:35:09\n\n>a-asscreed was never about being historically accurate! \n>o-oh but this is also 100% factual and no point discussing it!!! \nit's just a feedback loop at this point", "pid": 684233090 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-06E1", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:35:11\n\n>source gets completely exposed as being made up nonsense, to the point where the \"historian\" gets kicked out of his university and he completely disappears from all platforms \n>everyone can see this and confirm it for themselves \n>Wikipedia doesn't care and rewrites history, Reddit and other shitholes follow suit \n>raid 4chan and smugly present yourself on the \"right side of history\" to \"own the chuds\", knowing full well that you are lying \nWhy are leftists so weird?", "pid": 684233091 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3C12", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:35:59\n\n>>684233035 \nDon't forget the gameplay trailer had him drawing kanji. He was barely a year in Japan and he's already an expert.", "pid": 684233129 }, { "sender": "CF9D-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:36:00\n\n>>684232992 \ncommunist paradise? \nyou have legions of people on pilgrimage to capitalist america but where are the legions of people moving to communist countries? why havent you hopped ship and gone to russia, land of perfect communism? \nyour presence within the western capitalist hegemony deprives mother russia of your contributions", "pid": 684233130 }, { "sender": "BB91-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:36:12\n\n>>684233035 \n>>>>684232037", "pid": 684233140 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9D2D", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:36:26\n\nHas anybody edited \"DAS RITE\" afrocentrism nigga into a samurai yet?", "pid": 684233151 }, { "sender": "7446-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:37:23\n\n>>684214393 \nMy friends and I self inserted into a games lore before and it stayed up for a month during the peak time when it was active again. You really cant trust its reliability.", "pid": 684233184 }, { "sender": "5301-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:38:41\n\n>>684233130 \nrussia isn't communist for over 30 years now. Holy shit, and these are the historian experts that are butthurt about a fictional vidya set 500 years ago. Motherfucker you're clueless about stuff that happened in your, or your parents at least, lifetime.", "pid": 684233245 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0967", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:38:43\n\nTOTAL\n\nLEFTIST\n\nDEATH", "pid": 684233246 }, { "sender": "Anon-D87B", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:39:08\n\nPost yfw\nThe Holocaust happened\nYosuke was a Samurai\nThe biggest threat to America is white supremacy\nColonialism is why the Developping World hasn't caught up yet\nEurope was built on Diversity", "pid": 684233267 }, { "sender": "Anon-0C8B", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:39:43\n\n>>684216769 \nIts the Jews. \n \nIt's always and will forever be the Jews that push human garbage like that", "pid": 684233287 }, { "sender": "A896-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:40:17\n\n>>684232652 \nThere's no such thing as an actual Communist. It's a no true Scotsman fallacy.", "pid": 684233317 }, { "sender": "F94E-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:41:18\n\nYOU HAVE TO WORSHIP BLACK PEOPLE OKAY!?!?!?!?!\n\nDONT BE FUCKING RACIST\n\nWE'RE REWRITING HISTORY FOR THE GOOD OF BLACK PEOPLE EVEYWHERE", "pid": 684233364 }, { "sender": "6B4F-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:41:32\n\nif Yasuke was so great, then why is he dead? Checkmate marxists. \n\nLiving Chads: 1\nUnalive Retards: 0", "pid": 684233375 }, { "sender": "2920-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:42:47\n\nLeftists are genuinely evil motherfuckers", "pid": 684233436 }, { "sender": "D6F7-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:45:28\n\n>>684233317 \nYes it's an ideal to strive for. Better than dying a slow inevitable death with capitalism, which you are on the tail end I might add.", "pid": 684233559 }, { "sender": "3037-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:46:30\n\n>>684212579 \n>semi-obscure piece of trivia that there was a black man named yasuke with the title of samurai who lived during the time of nobunaga \n>ubisoft turns that story that no normal person has ever actually extensively read about into the new asscreed \n>everyone throws a fit over dei and historical revisionism \ni hope you people get this pissed when you find out that george washington was never offered the title of king, so tyranny of king washington is woke propaganda fantasy that would have never played out in real life", "pid": 684233598 }, { "sender": "A573-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:47:50\n\n>>684224938 \n>Liu Kang", "pid": 684233658 }, { "sender": "Anon-EBF8", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:53:13\n\n>>684233598 \n>with the title of samurai \nThis part is completely made up, with the only source being a now exposed fraud.", "pid": 684233901 }, { "sender": "7578-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:54:05\n\n>>684233559 \nThe ideal is incompatible with human nature and it's why communism fails in every instance", "pid": 684233935 }, { "sender": "Anon-EAED", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:54:39\n\n>>684212579 \n>zero bias to back anything up \n>even resort to do ad hominem against actual historians \n>\"There is no debate!\" \nmy fucking sides", "pid": 684233956 }, { "sender": "AB6E-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:55:03\n\n>>684233559 \n>Better than dying a slow inevitable death with capitalism \nLiving long is bad? Or does Communism grant immortality? Because it doesn't, and being a pensioner has sucked in every Communist state.", "pid": 684233976 }, { "sender": "7E7D-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:56:18\n\n>>684232912 \nyeah - trolls went overboard and they had to moderate, otherwise no actual discussion about the game would be had than the manufactured outrage", "pid": 684234029 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-25D0", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:56:36\n\n>>684233935 \n>incompatible with human nature \nsays who?", "pid": 684234048 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-83A2", "message": "31/07/2024, 10:58:42\n\n>>684233976 \n>Or does Communism grant immortality? \nNo but I bet you believe capitalism will grant us immortality. And what are you talking about, there are senior citizens all all across the US, the bastion of capitalism, that work in wallmart in their 70s just to get by.", "pid": 684234125 }, { "sender": "022D-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:01:17\n\n>>684212579 \nCan I ask why him being a samurai is so important and why commies are dying on this hill?", "pid": 684234238 }, { "sender": "BFD3-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:02:15\n\n>>684234125 \n>No but I bet you believe capitalism will grant us immortality. \nNo, I don't believe in mammalian immortality. \n>there are senior citizens all all across the US, the bastion of capitalism, that work in wallmart in their 70s just to get by. \nYes and the same is true in China, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Laos and Vietnam.", "pid": 684234280 }, { "sender": "Anon-1426", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:03:08\n\n>>684234048 \nSays reality, every communist state has required a totalitarian inner circleto function, which eventually grows corrupt, and then it either collapsed or abandoned communist ideals completely.", "pid": 684234320 }, { "sender": "5E35-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:03:16\n\n>>684234238 \n>why commies are dying on this hill? \nWell it's better than starvation.", "pid": 684234329 }, { "sender": "1AC0-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:03:30\n\n>>684212579 \nThere are no black samurais.", "pid": 684234343 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-93E9", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:03:55\n\n>>684214065 \nAnd who cares what Reddit says?You? \nHoly fuck nigga get a clue...", "pid": 684234358 }, { "sender": "A958-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:04:23\n\n>>684212579 \nwell, gonna spend my hard earned money on hogwarts legacy. again.", "pid": 684234378 }, { "sender": "D3AF-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:05:04\n\n>>684234238 \nCommies think all cultures are the same and people can be swapped in and out with no consequences", "pid": 684234409 }, { "sender": "EE83-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:05:18\n\n>>684214065 \nIs that why you keep coming here?", "pid": 684234419 }, { "sender": "486D-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:05:27\n\n>>684234343 \nNigga there were black smiths!", "pid": 684234424 }, { "sender": "Anon-DC43", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:07:28\n\n>>684214954", "pid": 684234496 }, { "sender": "2D3C-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:09:20\n\n>>684212579 \nOut of all the interesting characters in japan they could have based their MC off of, why did they choose the one that was black?", "pid": 684234575 }, { "sender": "50E6-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:10:23\n\n>>684234409 \nThen why do white cultures need to die off?", "pid": 684234618 }, { "sender": "Anon-3B97", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:12:20\n\n>>684234618 \nBecause blacks and browns are dumber and easier to control", "pid": 684234710 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AAF4", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:12:48\n\n>>684214828 \nThat framing is beyond retarded on the face of it. Think about it for like more than 5 seconds. \n>japs bowing to nignog \nIt’s open world slop, tons of games like that have some mechanic where NPCs show their respect by some visual cue after you, say, did shit for their faction or liberate their village. I guarantee you they will bow for the shinobi chick as well. \n>nignog slaughtering japs \nGame‘s set in Japan. Hate to be the one to tell you but in Nobunaga‘s times, 99,9% of Japan was Japanese. That’s just the setting. \nWould you throw this kind of fit if Tom Cruise‘s last samurai was the protag of the new AC?", "pid": 684234737 }, { "sender": "Anon-638E", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:15:09\n\n>>684233019 \nWhat exactly do you mean by fake? Reditors delete their accounts all the time (you can even see one in that screenshot), so if you can't find the accounts it could be that. This is especially common for bot/shill accounts once they've been called out or reported.", "pid": 684234831 }, { "sender": "Anon-8A77", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:15:21\n\n>>684233901 \nproving my point, no one's fucking looked into it until now, why didn't you have this same energy for afro samurai which was inspired by the story of yasuke? if they made a game about george washington and they show him chopping down a cherry tree would you lose your mind too?", "pid": 684234839 }, { "sender": "03B9-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:15:31\n\n>>684234737 \nTom Cruise's character was cool though and he tried his damnedest to protect the samurai tradition. He knelt before the emperor and cried his eyes out at the death of the Japanese traditionalism. He lost, he wasn't some white savior, he was a desperate man and a haggard survivor.", "pid": 684234847 }, { "sender": "CB4F-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:18:25\n\n>>684234737 \n>Tom Cruise \n>the last samurai \nTake off the media literacy cap before it strangles ur brain any further", "pid": 684234974 }, { "sender": "E4C1-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:19:07\n\n>>684234737 \nTom Cruise wasn't the last samurai you fucking idiot.", "pid": 684235014 }, { "sender": "99E3-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:19:26\n\n>>684212579 \njust leftists being leftists. they ignore facts and logic for feelings.", "pid": 684235032 }, { "sender": "041B-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:20:45\n\n>>684234847 \nSamurai look cool but were by all historical accounts pretty terrible to the common people. How would trying to protect that tradition make you a good person? I guess to be a cool guy you gotta side with the oppressors now.", "pid": 684235081 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D02F", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:22:06\n\n>>684235081 \nHe was trying to protect the ideal of it, not its reality. Everyone was terrible to everyone throughout history and still is.", "pid": 684235135 }, { "sender": "Anon-09E5", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:23:02\n\n>>684212579 \nI don't care what they teach you in school... reddit is right.", "pid": 684235175 }, { "sender": "Anon-21F3", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:23:05\n\n>>684234974 \n>>684235014 \n>Gottem \nAre you seriously retarded? Tom Cruises character in last samurai.", "pid": 684235176 }, { "sender": "3540-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:23:32\n\n>>684235081 \nRepeat the question, but substitute samurai with knight. Then proceed to kill yourself when you realize actual people are different from the code they represent.", "pid": 684235203 }, { "sender": "0EB9-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:24:19\n\n>>684231853 \n>gamergays 2", "pid": 684235260 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-90C1", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:24:19\n\n>>684234839 \n>why didn't you have this same energy for afro samurai which was inspired by the story of yasuke? \nBecause no one was trying to pass off fabricated evidence as historical proof in conjunction with it?", "pid": 684235262 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F56", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:24:49\n\n>>684235135 \n>no bro, the farmers that were struck down by samurai to test out their sword were just as terrible. Everyone was terrible.", "pid": 684235278 }, { "sender": "51B8-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:24:55\n\n>>684235176 \nYou ESL retard. \nWhat you wrote \n>Tom Cruise's (possessive) last samurai (lower caps, indicating role, not title of the film.) \nWhat you \"meant\" \n>Tom Cruise's character in The Last Samurai.", "pid": 684235281 }, { "sender": "Anon-2EBA", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:26:14\n\n>>684235203 \nSorry, point me to where I said that knights weren’t horrible despite their chivalrous code or whatever?", "pid": 684235336 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EB99", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:26:24\n\n>>684235278 \nThe same farmers would then hunt down and kill a ronin that lost his master in battle, or any soldiers surviving a nearby battle to take their shit. Yes, everyone was terrible. And it was thanks to advances in industry and agriculture that we could stop doing things like that to facilitate our survival.", "pid": 684235346 }, { "sender": "6318-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:26:47\n\n>>684234737 \n>if Tom Cruise‘s last samurai \nTom Cruise wasn't a Samurai in that movie. It was dances with wolves rewritten to fit the Meiji Restoration.", "pid": 684235367 }, { "sender": "D374-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:26:56\n\n>>684214231 \n‘Academia’ is full of rank closing midwits who suck each other off because farming citation rings is literally the meta. \nAlso why the productive output of academia has gone down the toilet as the incestuous grifting increased.", "pid": 684235376 }, { "sender": "Anon-B145", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:28:12\n\n>>684235281 \nI clarified it. So there, you can stop losing your shit. My ESL is still better than 90% of burgerland native speakers.", "pid": 684235434 }, { "sender": "31B0-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:28:49\n\n>>684235376 \nAnd the replication crisis.", "pid": 684235462 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9A34", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:28:57\n\n>>684212579 \n>hey /v/ look, reddit disagreed with you \nOh no, how will we ever recover", "pid": 684235465 }, { "sender": "Anon-2644", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:30:54\n\n>>684212579 \nIncels lost again huh", "pid": 684235550 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C148", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:31:19\n\n>>684212690 \nIt's more like the usual lefty stuff: reality doesn't align with my dogma so I am going to ignore reality. \nAlas, reporting that you've met the 5 year plan's quota doesn't magically make the goods appear.", "pid": 684235571 }, { "sender": "Anon-812F", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:31:32\n\n>>684234737 \n>Would you throw this kind of fit if Tom Cruise‘s last samurai was the protag of the new AC? \nyes, I assure you people would be pissed too, making us play as anything other than Japanese player characters in a game about feudal Japan is pretty stupid. \n \n>inb4 b-but muh Nioh \npeople complained about Wirriamu Adams too when it was released, also Nioh is a game with magic and demons in it, not exactly a game that tried to pass as historically accurate.", "pid": 684235581 }, { "sender": "E6B3-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:32:25\n\n>>684235346 \nYou are seriously doubling down on this? Why do you think they hunted down Ronins? Because their oppressors would have had their heads if it looked like they harbored traitors to the shogun/emporer. You think a farmer who has to work day in and day out to scrape by would start a manhunt out of sheer bloodlust?", "pid": 684235629 }, { "sender": "Anon-422E", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:32:30\n\nWhat have the japanese to say about this", "pid": 684235634 }, { "sender": "A86B-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:32:43\n\n>>684212579 \nLel. yeah, that historical drawing of that nigger with the fruity puffy pants carrying an umbrella for his MASSA, totally gives me samurai vibes, lol!", "pid": 684235647 }, { "sender": "3806-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:33:40\n\n>>684235462 \nThe replication crisis is a result of the citation farming.", "pid": 684235706 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D9BE", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:33:49\n\nchina won", "pid": 684235714 }, { "sender": "Anon-0A1E", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:34:20\n\n>>684235581 \ndoubt.png \nalso \n>AC \n>historically accurate", "pid": 684235734 }, { "sender": "4186-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:34:22\n\n>>684235634 \n\\_faves%3A1000&src=typed\\_query&f=live", "pid": 684235740 }, { "sender": "1F27-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:35:18\n\n>>684214653 \nTerribly anti-semitic question", "pid": 684235804 }, { "sender": "Anon-C763", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:39:24\n\n>>684213383 \nIf you're a poorfag pleb, you will always be a poorfag pleb. Everyone who's even slightly above you will hate and resent you and refuse to give you the same in wages that they get. Because after all, they didn't \"go through all that trouble to get an education\" just to be paid the same as some poorfag who just casually walked into his job from day one. \"It must pay to get an education\", they say...", "pid": 684236005 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7A7D", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:40:30\n\n>\"I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.\" \n-Jay Gould \n \nFriendly reminder that racism is a psyop by the wealthy industrialist elite. Anyone who partakes in racism is either a low IQ invertebrate or a glowie infiltrator who is sowing descension.", "pid": 684236059 }, { "sender": "Anon-B712", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:41:47\n\n>>684216372 \n>Yoy vill love zhe nigger", "pid": 684236125 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-605C", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:44:09\n\n>>684216982 \nLiterally nobody likes her, not even Dems. Get real. And then go back.", "pid": 684236234 }, { "sender": "B302-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:45:46\n\n>>684236059 \nsome races are better equipped than others but i agree we should all team up and remove the jews", "pid": 684236303 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BC6C", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:47:25\n\n>>684213383 \nMan I should read this book. \nIs it misery porn or does it offer a few solutions for the three sides?", "pid": 684236375 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2C64", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:48:43\n\n>>684236234 \nYou underestimate how many people hate Trump. He only one the first time because he was running against the most unlikable cunt in politics.", "pid": 684236454 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C6F6", "message": "31/07/2024, 11:51:00\n\n>>684236059 \nOk kike", "pid": 684236567 }, { "sender": "Anon-D16E", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:00:43\n\n>japanese culture, just like egyptian, was deemed really cool by wh8 people, so we will be hijacking it too to again try and prove to whitey we are actually a great civilization just like theirs. \nit’s so insane when you stop to think about all the validation blacks keep chasing from whites.", "pid": 684237070 }, { "sender": "Anon-E098", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:02:18\n\n>>684236567 \nfuck off, glowie", "pid": 684237148 }, { "sender": "B4A2-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:02:23\n\n>>684214698 \nYeah, man. This totally won't turn into violence. People totally won't be affected by totalitarian agitation (which is the plan (and is working)).", "pid": 684237152 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AB56", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:04:24\n\n>>684236059 \nThe guy faked data to promote his HBD-denyonh conjecture.", "pid": 684237267 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D9CE", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:05:43\n\n>>684212579 \nI don’t care about all this shitfest. The game is going to be shit just like the last ASScreed games, and playing a nigger samurai that can possibly get buttfucked (apparently a big selling point for the current ASScreed games tho) won’t save them if they learnt nothing from SHITlallah. \nI don’t even hate yasuke conceptually and i even liked him in Nioh. If anything, if a nigger killing japs is not racist, than the left should stop calling RE5 a racist game only because you are killing black zombies in the middle of Africa", "pid": 684237336 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-248A", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:10:52\n\n>>684215047 \nThis game will sell tens of millions copies and will become the biggest selling AC game in history \nSad but true", "pid": 684237593 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D441", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:16:22\n\n>>684214698 \nbot comment farming (you)'s. kys", "pid": 684237889 }, { "sender": "2FC7-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:16:34\n\n>>684216128 \nHoly fucking shit this made me kek \nThanks", "pid": 684237903 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CB9E", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:16:37\n\n>>684228387 \noh shit this anon got taken out by the black Yakuza", "pid": 684237907 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AA34", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:21:51\n\nYou don't care about history. You're just offended by a black guy's presence sullying your pure idealized Japanese setting.", "pid": 684238202 }, { "sender": "E0EB-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:25:33\n\n>>684212579 \nIt's deserved, Valhalla was really good, better then any of those other simmilar games that get nothing but praise, but everyone just kept shittin on it just for the sake of doing it without even playing it, they're right on going back on the \"woke ragebait\" style if it gets them more publicity", "pid": 684238418 }, { "sender": "3B29-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:31:33\n\n>>684237148 \nKike", "pid": 684238738 }, { "sender": "6AD9-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:33:55\n\n>Yasuke enters combat \n>music has a rap beat \nDid they do this for the egyptian AC game?>>684234496 \nGotta watch my cousin vinny again now", "pid": 684238872 }, { "sender": "Anon-07A4", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:35:58\n\n>>684212579 \n>leftists can only ever win discussions by banning counter arguments \nI wonder how it feels to be so pathetic", "pid": 684238984 }, { "sender": "C6CB-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:40:25\n\n>>684214784 \nshit made me chuckle \nI dont know why these tards care", "pid": 684239229 }, { "sender": "2C31-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:41:28\n\nwhy does the ac reddit care so much about yasuke being a samurai anyway?\nactually why do those types care so much? the lockleys and the wikipedia editors too\n\nto what end?", "pid": 684239276 }, { "sender": "45BD-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:42:49\n\n>>684212657 \nIt actually is lmao", "pid": 684239352 }, { "sender": "Anon-BB37", "message": "31/07/2024, 12:46:33\n\n>>684216567 \nthe japanese government is literally taking action against ubisoft. what the fuck are you talking about? a bunch of american games have faggots in them, you think the average american would choose it to be promoted? retard slop-brain.", "pid": 684239571 }, { "sender": "E92B-Anon", "message": "31/07/2024, 13:01:20\n\n>>684233245 \ndamn that's horrible then why is it still the way it is? \nis it because they abandoned the principles of communism?", "pid": 684240412 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A230", "message": "31/07/2024, 13:04:31\n\n>>684233245 \nsorta weird the birthplace of commie-sexuality would abandon it too \nmust be something wrong with the ideology... \nor maybe youre just full of shit like always", "pid": 684240580 }, { "sender": "0687-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 13:05:54\n\n>>684239276 \nbecause it's something to argue over \nthey have nothing else in their lives", "pid": 684240659 }, { "sender": "3EA5-Anonymous", "message": "31/07/2024, 13:14:55\n\n>>684214054 \nAssCreed game set in Congo with DaVinci as the protag when?", "pid": 684241198 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BD92", "message": "31/07/2024, 13:17:52\n\n>>684219813 \nNobody edited wikipedia because of this though.", "pid": 684241369 } ]
Quantum Immortality
[ { "sender": "Anon-3205", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:26\n\nQuantum Immortality\n\nWe all just witnessed quantum immortality play out on live TV and nobody is talking about it.", "pid": 474409691 }, { "sender": "43FA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:46\n\n>>474409691 \nMove on. That news cycle is over.", "pid": 474409868 }, { "sender": "Anon-51FF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:00\n\n>>474409691 \nQuantum immortality only exists on a personal level, retard. Your infinite other selves have died in countless ways throughout your lifetime, and will continue to do so.", "pid": 474410052 }, { "sender": "5F7C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:37\n\n>>474409868 \nWhen Boris went to an 8 minute party during lockdown the news media stretched that story out for 5 weeks.", "pid": 474410152 }, { "sender": "Anon-DE17", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:15\n\n>>474410052 \nHow bad will my quantum immortality suck when I'm 150 and feeble and arthritic and unable to maintain an erection and break my hip every time i sneeze, but i just won't die?", "pid": 474410207 }, { "sender": "4CD2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:42\n\n>>474410207 \nyou won’t become 150 years old. you’re brain will make a world where you reincarnate or drink special de-aging juice think about it. we happen to live at the exact moment in time where the cure for aging will be release and we can take it. pretty crazy coincidence.", "pid": 474410482 }, { "sender": "D49E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:50\n\n>>474410052 \nYou're missing the point. We witnessed one of the highly improbably points where he survived against almost impossible odds. In infinite other examples he ate shit or had half his face blown off to the point of being as good as dead.", "pid": 474410639 }, { "sender": "12B1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:50\n\n>>474410482 \n>we happen to live at the exact moment in time where the cure for aging will be release and we can take it \nyeah this. it's not a coincidence at this time. think of all human life throughout history and the odds you're born now instead of 2000 years ago \neven 100 years ago shit was completely different \nexistence is so fucking weird bros", "pid": 474410864 }, { "sender": "Anon-F8F8", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:45\n\n>>474410152 \n>8 minute party \nIs this some goofy British euphemism?", "pid": 474410940 }, { "sender": "EF12-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:43\n\n>>474409691 \nPut the crackpipe down", "pid": 474411013 }, { "sender": "C254-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:15\n\n>>474410152 \nTo be fair that was the most exciting thing to come out of the UK since the Beatles.", "pid": 474411191 }, { "sender": "Anon-A12B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:33\n\n>>474409868 \nI'll move on when I see the faggots that were complaisant with this attempted assassination swinging from ropes for treason. \nThe SS watched that mother fucker for 26 minutes minimum, and then still let him get off multiple shots. \nInside job and they still fuck it up. \nBunch. Of. Treasonous. Faggots.", "pid": 474411286 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD6B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:20\n\n>>474409691 \n> We all just witnessed quantum immortality play out \nYes", "pid": 474411354 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7619", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:10\n\nQuantum immortality is only perceptible by the observer of the universe, as it assumes the viewer cannot die as their existence is the only conduit for the universe to exist, thus the universe will make increasingly unlikely asspulls to keep the viewer alive. \n\nNeither you or I are Donald Trump, so the phenomenon would not be present for us. It is a theory based on YOU, the supposed observer. I can die, but you cannot. Such a statement would be quantum immortals alive today from centuries ago.", "pid": 474411684 }, { "sender": "AB07-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:48\n\n>>474411684 \nshut the fuck up faggot", "pid": 474412418 }, { "sender": "Anon-F252", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:30\n\n>474412418 \nNo, fuck you faggot. I'm tired of every fucking retard on /pol/ using whatever buzzword they learned and trying to attach it to the latest thing incorrectly.", "pid": 474413197 }, { "sender": "E2F1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:41\n\n>>474413197 \nyou won’t do shit other than cry like a faggot, kike", "pid": 474413424 }, { "sender": "1897-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:45\n\n>>474409691 \nThat's not how quantum mechanics works.", "pid": 474413599 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8BA6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:02\n\nDIVINE INTEVENTION\n\nWE ARE AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN ON THE BEST TIMELINE\n\nSORRY TO THOSE WHO DID NOT MAKE IT\nTHEY HAVE A STREET SHITTER REPLACING TRUMP\nAND A STREET SHITTER REPLACING BIDEN\nAND WILL\nBE STUCK IN TRANNY HELL FOREVER\n\nWE? THIS IS THE WHITE MANS WORLD NOW, ROASTIE NIGGER KIKES\n\nTHE FUTURE IS BRIGHT\nTHE FUTURE IS WHITE\nLAMBRIGHR", "pid": 474413768 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B590", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:32\n\n>>474409691 \nQuantum immortality and a quantum shooter who doesn't look like either Thomas Crooks or Maxwell Yearick, but both at the same time.", "pid": 474414192 }, { "sender": "D249-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:50\n\n>>474411684 \n... or we do get to pick timelines to some degree if we really concentrate on it. Still, I'd like to leave the ride.", "pid": 474414367 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-88BB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:59\n\n>>474410052 \nYet that individual who survived will be in a world filled with the same people of his original world. What this means is that the version of us who are speaking right now didn't exist 4 days ago. We are the copies made from Trumps quantum immortality, so yes we got to see someone else's time jump.", "pid": 474414544 } ]
[ { "sender": "4B3D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:54\n\nWhat do you think Tucker said to him?", "pid": 474407077 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-31BB", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:07\n\n>>474407077 \n>Israel first, Don.", "pid": 474407160 }, { "sender": "569D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:29\n\n>>474407077 \n>Can you hear me?", "pid": 474407239 }, { "sender": "69DC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:56\n\n>>474407077 \nGod save the Emperor.", "pid": 474407265 }, { "sender": "Anon-6540", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:57\n\n“I should’ve been your VP.”", "pid": 474407267 }, { "sender": "5567-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:04\n\n>>474407077 \nWhy didn't he pick Tucker", "pid": 474407274 }, { "sender": "Anon-15D2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:53\n\n>>474407077 \nGot some red on ya", "pid": 474407389 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-80DA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:52\n\n>>474407274 \nTucker is too alpha to be a #2, plus I don't think he wants to be a politician right now.", "pid": 474407449 }, { "sender": "Anon-F484", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:51\n\n>>474407077 \nSkibiddi toilet, Mr Drumpf!", "pid": 474407511 }, { "sender": "Anon-CAA8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:35\n\n>>474407077 \n>What do you think Tucker said to him? \nOkay, Yes, Sure, and Thanks. Maybe not in that order.", "pid": 474407620 }, { "sender": "A428-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:20\n\n>>474407077 \nhe says the following: \n>Nisi huic respondebis, mater tua peribit", "pid": 474407720 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F071", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:39\n\n>>474407077 \n>did you see they killed me on The Boys two episodes ago?", "pid": 474407936 }, { "sender": "0EFB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:38\n\n>>474407077 \n\"For the last time, I'm not smelling your finger.\"", "pid": 474408012 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-859F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:29\n\n“Fuck niggers, friend”.", "pid": 474408352 }, { "sender": "7A2E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:37:31\n\n>>474407274 \nYou might as well have said Spic Fuentes. Nobody cares about your ecelebs.", "pid": 474408923 }, { "sender": "BA17-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:53\n\n>>474407077 \nTucker vs Newsom is going to be based", "pid": 474409354 }, { "sender": "E8C6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:00\n\n>>474408923 \nno idea who that is", "pid": 474410190 }, { "sender": "Anon-75E1", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:57\n\n>>474407077 \n>That's my trick ear, Tucker. It sounded as if you said no charge.", "pid": 474410349 }, { "sender": "4191-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:53\n\n>>474408352 \nKek", "pid": 474410430 }, { "sender": "Anon-BFE2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:21\n\n>>474407077 \nShalom", "pid": 474410458 }, { "sender": "Anon-0894", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:22\n\n>>474407077 \nDo you want to sniff my panties later?", "pid": 474412770 }, { "sender": "Anon-CAD4", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:18\n\n>>474407077 \n>nice ear, faggit", "pid": 474414491 }, { "sender": "4734-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:42\n\n>>474407274 \nTucker didn't support pissrael, jewish overlords did not approve", "pid": 474414612 } ]
Indians are disgusting shit goblins
[ { "sender": "Anon-77C9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:33:48\n\nIndians are disgusting shit goblins\n\nIm in calc 3 and these pajeets smell so bad i almost need a gas mask to go to class", "pid": 474413059 }, { "sender": "2CC9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:21\n\n>>474413059 \nYou should start hiding extremely stinky shit in the room before class and see how far you can take it before people start vomiting and blaming the indians", "pid": 474413182 }, { "sender": "335A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:18\n\n>>474413182 \nLike what? I have access to the chemistry lab. I doubt i could make sarin without killing myself though", "pid": 474413256 }, { "sender": "0F9D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:20\n\n>>474413059 \nCalc 3 \nI'm sorry you're having to go through that. \nI dropped out in Calc 1 after taking 3 years of pre-req classes. The professors at the calculus level were all ESL and would purposely fuck up on every example. I lasted about a month before I started spazing out. \n>QUIT WASTING MY FUCKING TIME WITH THIS BULLSHIT \n>NO ONE IN THIS CLASS IS GOING TO CORRECT YOU BUT ME AND IM TIRED OF YOUR SHIT", "pid": 474413471 }, { "sender": "CAD0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:55\n\n>>474413471 \nI gotta do it or be stuck as a blue collar laborer forever. Fortunately we dont have jeet professors", "pid": 474413680 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C80E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:57\n\n>>474413059 \nIt never improves, our government wants to bring more of them in for cheap labor.", "pid": 474413681 }, { "sender": "EDA1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:44\n\n>>474413681 \nThats why im going to work for lockheed martin or raytheon, theyre not allowed to hire jeets", "pid": 474413812 }, { "sender": "Anon-552A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:38\n\n>>474413680 \nChange your major or find a position that will allow you to get clearance. I have over 20 years experience and the market is flooded with these parasites. They live in picrel and work for peanuts. \n \n>muh CEOs!", "pid": 474413869 }, { "sender": "907A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:02\n\n>>474413869 \nIm in mechanical engineering, i have connections to get work", "pid": 474413983 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-26E0", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:33\n\n>>474413869 \nAlso god, id love to go in there with my gun and just let it rip", "pid": 474414031 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B4AF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:41\n\n>>474413812 \nI wish I had stayed, I couldn't manage the bureaucracy. Now I'm kicking myself.", "pid": 474414043 }, { "sender": "CD6D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:26\n\n>>474413983 \nGodspeed fren, I feel your pain.", "pid": 474414100 }, { "sender": "6EB0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:58\n\n>>474414043 \nAt least i can someday afford to move to a jeet free rural estate. Sadly all upper class neighborhoods are jeeted bigtime so ill just build my own walled estate in the countryside \n>>474414100 \nIts either be poor around mexcrement or successful around smelly jeets. At least i can have money for my brass era car interests", "pid": 474414225 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A618", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:32\n\nFuck india", "pid": 474414595 }, { "sender": "8E34-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:32\n\n>>474414225 \nSounds like DFW. I sold my acreage and moved because my wife can't work remotely and I did.", "pid": 474414772 }, { "sender": "F23B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:27\n\n>>474414772 \nNo, but EVERYWHERE is like this. Ive lived in remote midwest towns and every neighborhood with homes above $600k are all occupied by jeet doctors", "pid": 474414951 } ]
Polish-Russian friendship thread
[ { "sender": "060A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:25:37\n\nPolish-Russian friendship thread\n\nWe will have to rewind past 10 years lads.\nHow are we going to do this ?", "pid": 474400221 }, { "sender": "843D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:41:14\n\n>>474400221 \nFlip your flag upside down, and maybe you'll have a good relationship with Russia.... Maybe.", "pid": 474401199 }, { "sender": "AC19-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:20\n\n>>474401199 \nI prefer Russians than Ukrainians desu. \nI wished none of them would stay in Poland, but I prefer to have diplomatic relations with Russia rather than \nparasitic relation with Jewkraine.", "pid": 474401327 }, { "sender": "FA60-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:02:35\n\nself bump", "pid": 474402572 }, { "sender": "Anon-F216", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:20\n\n>>474401327 \nWas it because of the whole Bandera stuff?", "pid": 474402755 }, { "sender": "DA69-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:06:02\n\nattack ukrs from the west", "pid": 474402795 }, { "sender": "767E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:49\n\n>>474400221 \nstop being butthurt and the relation will heal overnight", "pid": 474403119 }, { "sender": "2B32-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:04\n\n>>474402755 \n \n>Was it because of the whole Bandera stuff? \nYes, Bandera stuff is a huge part of this. \nUp to this day they deny that genocide happen. \nI am personally not going to allow them to downplay this \nbecause they will pose a giant thread for the next generations to come. \n \nJewkraine should give up Crimea and Donbas, they are like losers who were rejected by a girl, and now they can't accept defeat. \n \n>>474402795 \n>attack ukrs from the west \nlol, we did not have any minority in the East of Ukraine since they genocided them, so now it's a closed chapter. \nWe only want to bury those people, and have nothing in common with Ukraine as a state anymore.", "pid": 474403194 }, { "sender": "BDA5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:49\n\n>>474403119 \n>stop being butthurt \nI am not. I am big advocate for normalizing realtions with Russia. \nThis is something imposed on us from the state level or even above - from EU or USA. \n \nI want good relations with Germany and Russia, I want Germany and Poland to buy gas from Russia. \nI want Poland to serve as a transit for logistics between Germany and Russia, as well as production centers. \nThere is zero sense in continuing what is happening now.", "pid": 474403307 }, { "sender": "8AEF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:09\n\n>>474400221 \nPoland will always feel in threatened due to Russia being larger, openly talking about restoring USSR and with whole set of nukes and so will always aim for getting a protectorate status from another nuclear power which will make Russia worried about other nuclear power troops being stationed in Poland and so will push for more troops at the borders.", "pid": 474403333 }, { "sender": "6A14-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:16:41\n\n>>474400221 \npolish-ukranian-russian relations are the same as croat-montenegrin-serb relations, poles/croats hate russians/serbs because ukranians/montenegrins massacred them while they were still russians/serbs a generation ago", "pid": 474403500 }, { "sender": "Anon-43D5", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:21\n\n>>474403500 \n>polish-ukranian-russian relations \nActually there is no such thing \nThere are either polish-ukrainian or polish-russian relations that are seperate. \nIt's the jews that try to bind those opposite entites together. \nThey purposely prolong war in Ukraine so that entire Europe takes a hit by forcing childish sanctions on Russia.", "pid": 474404484 }, { "sender": "4807-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:54\n\n>>474403333 \n> openly talking about restoring USSR \nThat's basically bullshit. \nYou are listening to jews in Kremilin, like Solovov.", "pid": 474404506 }, { "sender": "D58C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:10\n\n>>474403500 \nwhat the fuck is this 69 iq post", "pid": 474404584 }, { "sender": "9DA8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:36\n\n>>474404506 \n>jews in Kremilin, like Solovov. \nLiterally who? \nYou mean a hired tv actor Solovyov? He's not in Kremlin, he's a tv personality and an actor.", "pid": 474404674 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EF2A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:26\n\n>>474404584 \nsome judeo-bullshit \n>>474404484 \n \njews are actively trying to tie Polish relations with Russia to Ukrainians war torn relations with them by means of emotional and political blackmail. \nI don't give a shit about what Kiev thinks at this point, we need to remove sanctions and start business with Russia as usual.", "pid": 474404741 }, { "sender": "E5E3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:39\n\n>>474400221 \nRussia is asshole, stay away polishbro", "pid": 474404835 }, { "sender": "DF0D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:07\n\n>>474404674 \nYes but it's jews that encapsulate this idea which is a blatant overexaggeration. \nDuring Bolshevik Revolution, communists were driven by communist ideology to conquer the world. \nTrying to compare Russian-Ukrainian war over donbass to this period is a moronic take. \nJews are meddling with polish-russian relations, same on european level with other member states.", "pid": 474404865 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D094", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:18\n\n>>474404584 \nslobodan milosevic, arkan, radovan karadzic, that guy that fucked up vukovar who's name I forgot, all serbs croats hate are seaside schrodinger serbs", "pid": 474404949 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B576", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:58\n\n>>474404835 \n>Russia is asshole, stay away polishbro \n \nwhat do you mean ? \nIf i am buying good, cheap, organic food from local farmer who has a feud with my neighbour why would I go basically bancrupt and buy expensive products just to bootlick the neighbour. \nThis is bullshit. \nMy familly doesn't care if the heat in winter is from Russia or any other place in the world. \nIt's kiev regime that is narcissistic and selfish. \nUnderneath they are cynical and do it on purpse. \nIt's Ukraine that is a asshole not Russia.", "pid": 474405005 }, { "sender": "D996-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:01\n\n>>474404949 \nwant me to go even further back? king alexander, punisa racic, literally every serb that ever worsened relations with croats was a schrodinger serb", "pid": 474405138 }, { "sender": "A478-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:42\n\n>>474400221 \nTPD", "pid": 474405189 }, { "sender": "Anon-6DAF", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:59\n\n>>474400221 \nwon't happen because there was too much normie brainwashing on both sides", "pid": 474405271 }, { "sender": "5039-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:57\n\n>>474405271 \nwe will reverse this . \nMost of those \"normies\" you are refferring to are NGOs that try to pretend they are more populous than they actually are", "pid": 474405399 }, { "sender": "3FFE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:02\n\n>>474401199 \nhaha", "pid": 474405471 }, { "sender": "1E90-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:50\n\n>>474405471 \nfunny dude", "pid": 474407073 }, { "sender": "DB4F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:15\n\n>>474403500 \nwhen did monteniggers massacred serbs? whole serbo-montenegro problem is old as pentium 1 \n>inb4 some random uprising in early 20 century because it was irrelevant to anything, btw if i lived then i would be on based king nikola's side, and he was a serb same as every montenigger", "pid": 474407538 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6415", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:56\n\nself bump to keep the flame going", "pid": 474408312 }, { "sender": "Anon-4530", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:27\n\nI will bump a couple times more.\nWe will need more anons to push this narrative though", "pid": 474409457 }, { "sender": "5196-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:11\n\nRussia is a sigma nation that doesn't need or want friends\nIt wants to be left alone", "pid": 474409669 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-746C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:22\n\nBlue should be friends. Red are civlizationally aliens and hostile and it's against nature to have any alliance with them", "pid": 474409836 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-106D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:42\n\n>>474409836 \nyes, red = no soul", "pid": 474410163 }, { "sender": "EE96-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:49\n\n>>474400221 \nleast obvious VPN thread on /pol/", "pid": 474410254 }, { "sender": "Anon-2AC4", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:11\n\n>>474410254 \n>Pole #2 can't believe Pole #1 may have managed to form an opinion without help from the CIA", "pid": 474410370 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF70", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:03\n\n>>474410370 \nI can't believe a gypsy would form a coherent opinion, that's for starters. \n>CIA does everything everywhere all the time \nspic tier", "pid": 474410579 }, { "sender": "Anon-2CB5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:38\n\n>>474410579 \n>CIA does everything everywhere all the time \nThis is false generally but uniquely true in Poland.", "pid": 474410624 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-06E3", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:54\n\n>>474403307 \n>There is zero sense in continuing what is happening now. \n \n100%", "pid": 474411169 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E4B9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:22\n\n>>474410254 \nI genuinely prefer Russians to Ukrainians at this point. \nI would prefer to go to war with Ukraine rather than Russia, fuck Jewkraine. \nSimple as.", "pid": 474411272 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0F36", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:48\n\n>>474410624 \n>gypsy opinion", "pid": 474411307 }, { "sender": "Anon-14EC", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:14\n\n>>474410624 \nYes.", "pid": 474411410 }, { "sender": "7F8F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:37\n\n>>474411307 \nAll your posts give off Operation QRHELPFUL vibes.", "pid": 474411442 }, { "sender": "Anon-1199", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:52\n\n>>474403500 \n>the least homosexual Serb post", "pid": 474411805 }, { "sender": "E730-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:49\n\nsame bump", "pid": 474414215 } ]
*Saves America*
[ { "sender": "Anon-FC38", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:08:01\n\n>>474402845 \nI was expecting a mixed race child. Did propaganda buck break my mind?", "pid": 474402936 }, { "sender": "Anon-169F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:09:37\n\n>>474402845 \nToT", "pid": 474403048 }, { "sender": "1349-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:22\n\n>>474402936 \nThat's all leftists post here. Why would expect anything less?", "pid": 474403093 }, { "sender": "AEA6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:11:02\n\n>>474402845 \nImagine being a boy with 7 older sisters", "pid": 474403131 }, { "sender": "8E90-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:07\n\n>>474402845 \nHow?", "pid": 474403198 }, { "sender": "976F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:17\n\n>>474402845 \nNice healthy family, fertile young woman. absolutely based. think of the future family gatherings, the grandchildren... so rich and powerful. A community of your own. People have voluntarily robbed themselves of this potential.", "pid": 474403205 }, { "sender": "1966-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:04\n\n>>474402845 \nhalf of her kids will end up dating outside her race \n \nwhat's the point? your children aren't immune to propaganda", "pid": 474403260 }, { "sender": "9BCE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:27\n\n>>474403131 \nI have two older sisters and 3 older brothers. My sisters do more for me than my brothers ever have. Older sisters treat you like their son if there is a big enough age gap between the two. Maybe because they help take care of you as a baby.", "pid": 474403282 }, { "sender": "A03F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:33\n\n>>474402936 \nthats all the kikes that post here doing that shit \nlike this guy: >>474403260", "pid": 474403287 }, { "sender": "A472-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:43\n\n>>474402845 \nI see brown eyes in this webm \n \nNot White.", "pid": 474403300 }, { "sender": "2CBE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:54\n\n>>474403287 \n/pol/ is honestly getting to a point that it is unusable. These non-whites and Jews are in every thread.", "pid": 474403382 }, { "sender": "9215-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:45\n\n>>474402845 \nI want to know more about the husband. Anyone who who they are? \n \n>>474403048 \nNo reason we cant have this too", "pid": 474403442 }, { "sender": "6C80-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:16:50\n\n>>474403260 \nhalf of 8 is still 4, and its not even necessarily that high.", "pid": 474403515 }, { "sender": "AC76-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:09\n\n>>474403287 \nplease explain how you'll keep your lineage pure once you croak, smartass \nyou won't have any control of what your progeny does. their views and preferences will likely differ from yours. you're fighting a losing battle", "pid": 474403535 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-77AC", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:44\n\n>>474403535 \nlol wtf are you saying, some of your proginy might not do what you'd like so it's better to not have any. absolute retardation. literally the way to hedge against that is to do what this family did, be large.", "pid": 474403655 }, { "sender": "0008-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:34\n\n>>474402845 \ntime waste thread \n \n>she is a breeder tho and all kids are white \n>good \nmake more white kids \n>screencap this and post it on your damn wall as a reminder for you to breed", "pid": 474403712 }, { "sender": "C1C1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:21:37\n\n>32 years old \n>Has a 16 year old daughter \n \nAbsolute whore, I feel sorry for the childreb", "pid": 474403837 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7023", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:15\n\n>>474402845 \nHow?", "pid": 474403890 }, { "sender": "3848-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:24\n\n>Got knocked up at 15 \nLooks like she found some chump(s) to take her in. \nGood for her, and thanks to whoever took one for the team. \n>>474403131 \nJust like my Japanese Animes!", "pid": 474403899 }, { "sender": "9CCD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:35\n\n>>474403655 \nmost white women have higher aspirations than being babymaking factories however \nit comes with a higher IQ", "pid": 474403909 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8E95", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:27\n\n>>474402845 \nthat's a man.", "pid": 474404226 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD71", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:57\n\n>>474403837 \nHaving children in your teens was normal for most of human history.", "pid": 474404257 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6AB4", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:54\n\n>>474403282 \nIt varies by family. I have two older brothers. One showed great disdain for me while the other one was like a best friend. My older sister has always been polite but distant. I like to think I was kind to my younger siblings growing up but we certainly haven't been close in adulthood.", "pid": 474404381 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-021C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:29\n\n>>474402845 \nThis is the perfect family strategy. You have your firstborn, wait 3-5 years and then start having them quicker. Your firstborn will help you take care of the coming babies making it way easier to expand the family.", "pid": 474404419 }, { "sender": "Anon-BBA2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:05\n\n>>474402845 \nKek, they kept trying until they had a son.", "pid": 474404461 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B349", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:01\n\n>>474404419 \nbig brain strat \nsaving this as a reminder", "pid": 474404512 }, { "sender": "93EC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:25\n\n>>474402845 \nWhy not \n>2 yrs old?", "pid": 474404531 }, { "sender": "DAF0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:39\n\n>>474402936 \n>I was expecting a mixed race child. \nYou saw plenty of them. But I guess by muttland standards you can make do.", "pid": 474404614 }, { "sender": "F21D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:48\n\n>>474403909 \n>higher aspirations \nsuch as? \nsitting in cubical for fortune 500 company? lmao", "pid": 474404621 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-32AB", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:49\n\n>>474402845 \nis the first kid white?", "pid": 474404694 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0AF3", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:54\n\n>>474402845 \nBlessed woman for spitting out all of those kids. Bonus points for staying slim", "pid": 474404702 }, { "sender": "793F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:11\n\n>>474404531 \nMoms love using months for babies. I guess it helps tracking several milestones like walking, teeth and speech. It's a mom thing.", "pid": 474404724 }, { "sender": "Anon-51AB", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:01\n\n>>474404581 \n>the product \npic related \n>mother gets abandoned \n>doomed to be alone the rest of her life. \n \nyeh, you can piss off with your nigger propaganda.", "pid": 474404787 }, { "sender": "Anon-1AF2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:32\n\n>>474404787 \nIm race mixed and more attractive than you lol", "pid": 474404829 }, { "sender": "8208-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:32\n\n>>474404829 \nYou are a coping ugly mutt with an inferiority complex. That's why you are here of all places.", "pid": 474404897 }, { "sender": "C7F0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:09\n\n>>474402845 \nI want that :(", "pid": 474405020 }, { "sender": "Anon-DEB2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:18\n\n>>474403909 \n<higher aspirations \nLook how happy she is. Show me a genuinely happy corporate drone", "pid": 474405030 }, { "sender": "F784-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:49\n\nThis thread is killing it. Im all fired up again to not recieve a single thing, and be told it's good for me", "pid": 474405068 }, { "sender": "3216-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:07\n\n>>474404581 \noh and ofc a nigger propaganda faggots gotta appear. \n \n>>474404829 \nmutt's cope", "pid": 474405147 }, { "sender": "327D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:23\n\n>>474402845 \nTfw no 16 year old gf", "pid": 474405169 }, { "sender": "Anon-05A4", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:09\n\n>>474405147 \nYou got to love it \n>w-we are better looking than you. THIS IS WHY WE MUST RACEMIX WITH YOU. ANYONE BUT OUR OWN!", "pid": 474405210 }, { "sender": "A7F3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:49\n\n>>474404829 \nIf you're half African male, there is not a chance in hell your telling the truth. Or perhaps are you more the \"Supreme gentleman\" mix? lol \n \nits possible for women, hapas, latinas, to be hot, none African tho.", "pid": 474405451 }, { "sender": "36C1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:41\n\n>>474405210 \nKEK \n \nseeing a lot more pro-white posts,less nigger propaganda recently, guessing it's the election season so kike shills can't target all their points. <good \nhave a good day anon \n \ncaptcha ymp4y", "pid": 474405644 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6CBE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:17\n\n>>474405451 \nZoe Saldana. Tell me with a straight face she's not looking pretty.", "pid": 474405684 }, { "sender": "265F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:12\n\n>>474402845 \nJudging by skull shapes, skin tone, and phenotype there’s at least 3 if not 4 fathers. I bet that dumb slit loves being a single mom and turning her kids into welfare cases. Sad, many such cases", "pid": 474405822 }, { "sender": "Anon-49DA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:38\n\n>>474402845 \n \nI'm a manlet", "pid": 474405923 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3B50", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:38\n\n>>474404829 \nLet's see your baby picture lol", "pid": 474406061 }, { "sender": "Anon-2253", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:12\n\n>>474402845 \nI will take the 11-year-old one, thanks.", "pid": 474406101 }, { "sender": "4DCE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:40\n\n>>474403300 \nBy that definition white people are 20 years away from extinction. You can forget about number of those ever increasing, even between two whites it's recessive", "pid": 474406197 }, { "sender": "8D6C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:50\n\n>>474402845 \n>No Black kid \nFake", "pid": 474406337 }, { "sender": "Anon-1813", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:00\n\n>>474403260 \ndisgusting fucking heeb \nkys", "pid": 474406347 }, { "sender": "967D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:21\n\n>>474406337 \n>anglo can't even imagine a world without race mixing \nYour pathetic island sinking would be a fate far more merciful than a continuation of your country's existence.", "pid": 474406569 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-87C3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:20\n\n>>474404614 \nSaw zero of them but keep well poisoning you shill", "pid": 474406976 }, { "sender": "6B75-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:18\n\n>>474404581", "pid": 474407168 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6AD2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:02\n\n>>474405451 \nYes they can.", "pid": 474407402 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6794", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:55\n\n>>474402845 \nAnd what can she give her children? Two or maximum three children will be enough and all of them will receive their share of the property", "pid": 474409156 }, { "sender": "ABBD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:57\n\n>>474402845 \nCute", "pid": 474411103 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8B0F", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:16\n\n>>474402845 \nOnly daughters. lots of cukcs, lots of pipes to hit", "pid": 474411194 }, { "sender": "F247-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:51\n\n>>474402845 \n \nShe still looks young and healthy and pretty, she could have six or seven more kids if she wanted. \n \nSo much love! Imagine how many people of her own flesh and blood will gather around her bedside when she dies fifty or sixty years from now. \n \nGod I wish I had a large family. Got two kids, but my daughter is going to be a childless cat lady and my son is marrying a career woman who wants only one or two kids. At least my line will not die out.", "pid": 474413753 }, { "sender": "14A0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:09\n\n>>474402845 \nRoll", "pid": 474414001 }, { "sender": "CDA6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:46\n\n>>474403205 \n>People have voluntarily robbed themselves of this potential. \nDisagree. We all were brainwashed in the public schools and throught the mass media, that's why all the schools must be burnt to the ground and all the journalists must be eviscerated.", "pid": 474414210 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4E21", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:27\n\n>>474402845 \n>finally a boy", "pid": 474414767 } ]
Assassination Attempt Memes
[ { "sender": "45F4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:33:34\n\nAssassination Attempt Memes\n\nDumping what I have, show me yours /pol/", "pid": 474413047 }, { "sender": "DF8A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:22\n\n>>474413090 \nWhy would Hitler save Trump?", "pid": 474413184 }, { "sender": "9CD2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:28\n\n>>474413184 \nBecause idiots get confused and think /pol/ is a cuckservative board due to some very superficial similarities.", "pid": 474413333 }, { "sender": "F2DE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:12\n\n>>474413275 \nIt warms my heart that Trump has probably seen these by now", "pid": 474413460 }, { "sender": "EA7E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:14\n\nThere wasn't an assassination attempt, it was simply staged.", "pid": 474413633 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CCD6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:22\n\n>>474413633 \nsee \n>>474413569", "pid": 474413709 }, { "sender": "Anon-4CA0", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:02\n\n>>474413709 \nI mean \n>>474413625", "pid": 474413770 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C1B4", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:37\n\n>>474413843", "pid": 474414197 }, { "sender": "C00A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:42\n\n>>474413625 \n>\"bbbut he was a registered republican\"", "pid": 474414352 }, { "sender": "Anon-7EFB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:28\n\n>>474413633 \nMeds NOW", "pid": 474414417 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EC47", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:44\n\nThat's my lot /pol/ feel free to dump yours", "pid": 474414439 }, { "sender": "Anon-A4D1", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:38\n\nmy favorite", "pid": 474414518 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2777", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:19\n\n>>474413275", "pid": 474414580 }, { "sender": "A085-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:35\n\nI'll just leave this right here.\n", "pid": 474414600 }, { "sender": "Anon-4BBC", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:16\n\n>>474414439 \nfuk u beat me", "pid": 474414659 }, { "sender": "DD95-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:34\n\n>>474413090 \nThis is retarded. Let it go the way of Millhouse.", "pid": 474414681 }, { "sender": "Anon-B123", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:06\n\n>>474413898 \nAnymore Chud memes? This one got me", "pid": 474414730 }, { "sender": "FC8C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:07\n\n>>474413047 \n \nIF ANY OF YOU IDIOTS STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND; \nUkraine is eating up too much weapons and ammo, and that weapons and ammo is needed in pissrael to kill palestinians. \nNo more forever wars in ukraine, all money and weapons will be going 100% to bomb palestine and west bank, and iran and god knows what else. \nEnjoy faggots, verification not required.", "pid": 474414924 } ]
Still voting Trump
[ { "sender": "06CF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:31\n\nStill voting Trump\n\n>b but muh joos \n>muh Israel \nDon't care", "pid": 474414191 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5D2A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:00\n\nBased.\nTrump board\nTrump website", "pid": 474414228 }, { "sender": "Anon-BFAB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:13\n\nagreed", "pid": 474414396 }, { "sender": "6C94-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:03\n\n>>474414191 \nAre you of draft age, my fren?", "pid": 474414549 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2D6E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:34\n\n>>474414191 \nRelatable.", "pid": 474414680 }, { "sender": "C575-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:00\n\n>>474414191 \n>Jew choice A \n>Jew choice B \nI'm just not gonna participate or contribute is all. I know, I KNOW!! HAHAHAHAHAHA, I\"m just not gonna pay taxes to jew worshipers! And I'm not going to vote for them.", "pid": 474414826 }, { "sender": "Anon-D6B6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:14\n\n>>474414826 \nabsolutely seething haha", "pid": 474414932 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7E48", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:49\n\n>>474414191 \nvoting for a guy with a third ear hole? fucking deviant shit.", "pid": 474415154 }, { "sender": "Anon-A52E", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:08\n\nNoooo I wont vote unless it's the perfect Hitler candidate!! Trump has a jew in his family!! Noooo I'm just going to let the worse choice win and let them entrench themselves even further unless the candidate is perfect!!", "pid": 474415264 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-37FA", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:32\n\n>>474414191 \nAM: You will be shot at from an mk ultra victim with blanks. We will then use fake blood on you. \n \nDJT: How do I kow it will be fake bullets? \n \nAM: You will just have to trust us. \n \nDJT: But I don't. \n \nAM: Well you should not have partied so hard at Jeffrey's place Mr President huh? Or should I say John doe 174? \n \nDJT: Fuck you. \n \nAM: Oh, and after you get back to your feet, we want you to say \"Fight fight fight\". \n \nDJT: Why. \n \nAM: Because it ties in with our Q psyop that (you) and the military are in control (not us lol) and justice will soon be served. American's lap that kind of shit up. Just fucking do it like we told you to say \"Tippy top\". Got it? \n \nDJT: You people are sick. \n \nAM: We know. Lucifer is our God.", "pid": 474415294 } ]
[ { "sender": "CB9B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:54\n\nProphecy\n\n>Zion Don Trumpstein flops @ debate with the vegetable \n \n> Zion Don Trumpstein stages a fake and gay assassination attempt to garner support in a pivotal swing state of all places \n \n> Kikeocrats desperate to replace the vegetable \n \n> Will be \"retaliatory\" attack on the vegetable that will prove successful and blamed on a migacuck shabbos goy \n \n> tensions rise among the NPC's and promulgated by prostitute jewtube \"influencers\" \n \n> A C C E L E R A T E.RAR \n \n> Civil War Incited by glowniggers \n \n>Newly crowned top shabbos goy Trumpstein carefully guides along hostilities, instituting the death penalty for anyone questioning muh poor victim jews \n \n>malignant jew colonies quietly corralled back to their barren coveted coastline \n \n> Full Blown Martial Law, with shabbos goy double speak shilling foreign soldiers on your street corners to 'insure peace' \n \nVOTE HARDER MIGATRAIN !! \n \nAlso ,. if you insufferable newfags want a good primer for jewish depravity, I would suggest researching the work of Christopher Bjerknes, his exhaustive and thorough research, and commentary are bar none in breaking down the satanic philosophies and history of a wretched, inbred and lecherous set of subhumans .", "pid": 474413894 }, { "sender": "Anon-129D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:34\n\n>>474413894 \nWhy are you posting a mormon?", "pid": 474414032 }, { "sender": "1ADF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:20\n\nHail Trump! 卐\nHail Trump! 卐\nHail Trump! 卐", "pid": 474414095 }, { "sender": "D673-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:22\n\n>>474414095 \nWhy are you posting ancient Hindi and Japanese hieroglyphs?", "pid": 474414333 }, { "sender": "DB03-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:58\n\n>>474414032 \n>Why are you posting a mormon?", "pid": 474414376 }, { "sender": "Anon-F712", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:16\n\n>>474414333 \nSeethe. \nCope. \nDilate.", "pid": 474414575 }, { "sender": "Anon-3201", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:41\n\n>>474413894 \nDon’t care voting Trump", "pid": 474414609 }, { "sender": "973B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:40\n\n>>474414032 \n>>474414095 \n \nyou unwashed euromutts continue bumping the thread while I go lift instaniggers, dont allow the trannie jannies to null the thread or i'll send niggers to hang out on your front porch", "pid": 474414788 }, { "sender": "B663-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:19\n\nDon't care kike\nStill voting for trump", "pid": 474414852 }, { "sender": "624C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:20\n\n>>474414333 \n>>474414095 \nJAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM JAI SREE RAM", "pid": 474414854 }, { "sender": "3EA5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:42\n\n>>474414609 \nrare flag, welcome trecherous rain forest filled with cannibals-bro", "pid": 474414973 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F8FF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:57\n\n>>474414575 \nEducate yourself, uneducated imbecile. \n \n>>474414854 \nJains' is different. There are dots. Also - mudslimes need not apply. \n \n>>474414609 \nR A R E \nA \nR \nE", "pid": 474415167 }, { "sender": "DCFE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:00:07\n\n>>474414852 \nwhen do they count the estonian votes for an american election ? you have the IQ of a haitian", "pid": 474415184 }, { "sender": "Anon-4D41", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:30\n\n>>474414973 \n>>474415167 \nIt’s not that rare", "pid": 474415286 }, { "sender": "Anon-318C", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:36\n\n>>474414852", "pid": 474415299 }, { "sender": "2FFE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:18\n\nStill voting Mr Trump", "pid": 474415365 }, { "sender": "Anon-6A7C", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:07\n\n>>474415365 \n>niggerflag \n \nchecks out", "pid": 474415431 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-76C4", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:50\n\n>>474415184 \nthe bait always works.", "pid": 474415500 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-694E", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:06:11\n\n>>474415500 \nbumping the thread all the more rabbi ,.. keep it comin", "pid": 474415723 } ]
[ { "sender": "784D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:28\n\nWhy do they push these ugly models?", "pid": 474404603 }, { "sender": "F008-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:42\n\n>>474404603 \nThat's 10/10 in bongland and America", "pid": 474404682 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-569B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:44\n\n>>474404603 \nNo idea", "pid": 474404687 }, { "sender": "4A80-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:51\n\n>>474404603 \nto be more relatable i guess", "pid": 474404696 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F72", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:27\n\nAlways blacks or mutts", "pid": 474404745 }, { "sender": "52FA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:10\n\n>>474404603 \nSo you won't buy it", "pid": 474404869 }, { "sender": "F196-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:12\n\nI can see the group of HR roasties laughing at my post in a zoom call while every one of them makes 200k a year", "pid": 474404874 }, { "sender": "6238-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:14\n\n>>474404869 \nI normally never talk to jews but I will make an exception this one time. Never reply to my thread again.", "pid": 474405028 }, { "sender": "5D90-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:54\n\n>>474404869 \nshut up kike", "pid": 474405076 }, { "sender": "DF11-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:11\n\n>>474404603 \n>we wuz aviataz n shiet", "pid": 474405153 }, { "sender": "F6D7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:50\n\n>>474405153 \nkek", "pid": 474405265 }, { "sender": "0DB3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:33\n\n>>474404874 \n>telling them \nngmi \ndon't tell them shit \nlet them spend millions trying to figure out what went wrong \nremember, they only care about money \nif they're pushing ugly, deformed niggers, it's because they think it'll make you buy their product", "pid": 474405694 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-87C0", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:03\n\n>>474405694 \n I’m tired of seeing so many abominations on advertisements and movies. I was watching dune with my wife and couldn’t get over how fucking ugly the love interest was. It’s everywhere, everyone on screens are ugly. I see beautiful people all the time, why is ugly pushed so much", "pid": 474406161 }, { "sender": "E06E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:57\n\n>>474404603 \nThey're just speaking to their customers. I've never seen an attractive person in Ray-Bans. \n>yes malformed mutt, buy our product and aquire white women!", "pid": 474407395 }, { "sender": "E445-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:52\n\n>>474404603 \nBecause they stand out. My local grocery store got hotter girls working there than most fashion models you see in ads. \nBut really pretty girls are seen as boring, you need something to stand out in the crowd.", "pid": 474410044 }, { "sender": "6418-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:55\n\nThey want you to worship its image", "pid": 474410116 }, { "sender": "FD42-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:01\n\n>>474404603 \nall I see is the smug face of some nigger who raped a white woman.", "pid": 474410353 }, { "sender": "Anon-344C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:51\n\n>>474404603 \nThey are Kalergi children. That right there is the kikes ultimate goal for all of us.", "pid": 474410424 }, { "sender": "Breakroom", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:15\n\nThe world's filled with ugly people.", "pid": 474410447 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0091", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:48\n\n>>474404795 \nThat's less than 1% of the population. \nAnd nigger is usually with gernomously fat chick irl.", "pid": 474410488 }, { "sender": "6CD5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:56\n\n>>474404603 \nprogressives are just anti-conservatives.", "pid": 474410497 }, { "sender": "656F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:03\n\n>>474404687 \n>nigger when he gets a paycheck for actually doing work", "pid": 474410506 }, { "sender": "CC50-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:06\n\n>>474404687 \nwhen you forget to renew your EBT", "pid": 474410507 }, { "sender": "1ACA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:50\n\n>>474404687 \n>>What happens when you haven't stolen anything in a while.", "pid": 474410565 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0F06", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:23\n\n>>474404603 \nDemoralization. \nOrdinary people aren't permitted access to beauty.", "pid": 474410603 }, { "sender": "Anon-0171", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:57\n\n>>474404795 \nCovering the domestic violence.", "pid": 474410655 }, { "sender": "Anon-D427", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:07\n\n>>474404603 \n>Why do they push these ugly nigger and mutt models? \nI would guess niggers are their best customers, they are easy and buy chinese crap. \nThey, likely, also all order ads from the same advertising agencies in New York City, \nsuch as brits owned Ogilvy. \n \nBrit glowniggers probably push nigger and mutt propaganda here.", "pid": 474410664 }, { "sender": "D0B3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:16\n\n>>474404603 \nIce Spice getting that Ray-Ban check", "pid": 474410680 }, { "sender": "38E3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:27\n\n>>474405694 \nCompanies don't care whether they sell products so long as Black Rock ESG money keeps flowing.", "pid": 474410768 }, { "sender": "Anon-6406", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:29\n\n>>474410424 \n>They are Kalergi children \nThis, pushed by globohomo from London: \n>>474410664", "pid": 474410771 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE23", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:54\n\nblackrock gives them good boy points, which they can exchange for credit", "pid": 474410797 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7C57", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:28\n\n>>474404603 \nSatanism \n>Ugly is beauty \n>Fat is healthy \n>Man is woman \n>Health and beauty is nazism", "pid": 474410837 }, { "sender": "Anon-D9BB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:11\n\n>>474404603 \nSignaling to their customerbase. The sorts of retards who buy this overpriced bullshit are the same people who see advertisement like this and thing \"oh isn't that nice.\" You are not their audience and you should not be buying their junk.", "pid": 474410897 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-32F4", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:55\n\nZoomer women are into ugly, niggery, genderbending shit. Chicken or egg, you decide.", "pid": 474411317 }, { "sender": "59AA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:38\n\n>>474406161 \n>everyone on screens are ugly \nEven my old school commie (as in worker's struggle, soviet tier) parents noticed it, in their own words: \n>everyone on tv now is an ugly gay nigger, beautiful straight white people exist, where are they? \n \n>>474410768 \nExactly, they don't need to sell shit, only to please the big kikes who pay for this war on what's normal", "pid": 474411372 }, { "sender": "Anon-25E4", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:12\n\n>>474411372 \n>salts the earth \n>why doesn't anything grow?? \nTell them they fucking did it.", "pid": 474411480 }, { "sender": "6059-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:49\n\n>>474404603 \nAn actual humiliation ritual. Attacking beauty is one of the primary psyops waged against us.", "pid": 474411582 }, { "sender": "2A04-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:59\n\n>>474404603 \nThe marketing company is all in on shorts and their shorts will print if you stop buying the product hence the shitty ads", "pid": 474411596 }, { "sender": "8674-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:09\n\n>>474404603 \nNiggers do nothing but buy shit - that's why.", "pid": 474411603 }, { "sender": "Breakroom", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:10\n\nI love to eat poo poo", "pid": 474411604 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E975", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:21\n\n>>474404687 \nLook how happy she is knowing some day she will be white. Catching leprosy is based.", "pid": 474411701 }, { "sender": "1B19-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:17\n\nThey push it because it's the 'universal' human, mixed together with100 different ethnicities. \nThey are sure it represents the average buyer everywhere in the world.", "pid": 474411838 }, { "sender": "Anon-0068", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:23\n\n>>474404603 \nDEI.. \nOnly reinforces the race hate...or they are so stupid they actually think that they are helping....when they are just making it worse... \nStill an ugly nigger", "pid": 474411847 }, { "sender": "Anon-E6AB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:34\n\n>>474404687 \nturns out you just have to scrub really hard", "pid": 474411924 }, { "sender": "D9AB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:37\n\n>>474410424 \nOh look, it's freckled Jesus. Is that cunt still in every new Disney show?", "pid": 474412007 }, { "sender": "3A70-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:39\n\n>>474404603 \nI think it's because the GOP is trying to appeal to their new Indian voter base.", "pid": 474412084 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ED57", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:43\n\nNothing will ever top this. Amazon, you scamps. I like how it's also borderline impossible to find now and I had to reverse image search it from the \"You Will Be Happy\" video.", "pid": 474412090 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4273", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:11\n\n>>474411480 \nThey never had nay political power and are slowly waking up to globohomo, growing up in extreme poverty, as in no running water, no electricity and almost starving made them believe in the left's promises of fair wages, everyone are equal and all that shit \n \nToday they hate welfare leechs, trannies and nigger faggots, they would be called nazi chuds by the new left and the sad thing is that they still identify as leftists lmao", "pid": 474412127 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CD80", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:10\n\n>>474404874 \n \nI wrote a big Drink company who started to use blacks. And there was a scene where the white women sends a kiss from the balcony to the nigger..... i chimped out and called their marketing jews out, i told them i hope ESG bucks run out and that people are fed up also i will never buy a drink of them again even if they stop this advertisments.... \n \nI wrote it on a saturday full drunk. They replied on monday. At thursday the ad was gone and never came back \n \nYou have to write the brand directly and call them out on instagram. If they talk about \"we are commited to diversity\" you just tell them they are commited to White Genocide and try to keep White men out of toughts of White men by making them weak and nerdy while they make the niggers strong and likeably for women.", "pid": 474412197 }, { "sender": "7AE2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:50\n\n>>474404603 \n>ugly models? \nwhitest american", "pid": 474412257 }, { "sender": "7DD5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:19\n\n>>474404603 \nBecause 1) they think it'll upset boomers and 2) marketing people are usually ugly art school kids who only hang out with other ugly art school kids", "pid": 474412292 }, { "sender": "Anon-3C13", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:50\n\n>>474411838 \nOr no buyers anywhere", "pid": 474412421 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C9F7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:58:51\n\nCould we please stop talking shit about Redheads. \nThe Irish are currently torching Shitskin Homes, while Anglos whine about Farage losing.. \n \n>>474405153 \nR.A.F. WAR DOG - Is that Andreas Baaders Porn Name ? :-)", "pid": 474415076 } ]
[ { "sender": "F4A9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:35\n\nBiden is busy drooling away in his hospice to order it.\nHighly likely its actually a lone wolf like all the news articles and wikipedia and mouthpieces are saying it is.\nDoesn't mean he wasn't radicalized either by the media or by feds.\nQuestion is, why do feds want to off Trump? Trump promises eternal servility to Israel so clearly its not fucking MOSSAD.\nIs it over Ukraine? Why was Trump's SS so incompetent? Why were there attempts to remove his protection? Why has the entire media and parts of the federal government been spewing anti trump shit for the past what? 9 years? Why does saving the democracy involve assassinating a politician who is trying to get democratically elected? Why would feds even want to kill Trump anyways, went through 1 term without anything happening. \n\nExplain yourselves Amerimutts. \nI personally believe its China, they have the money to subvert your country for decades and have the motive to do so. Your country is so polarized now it has to be from outside.", "pid": 474404546 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-029C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:37\n\nI suppose I should have used a lust provoking image.", "pid": 474405185 }, { "sender": "A961-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:35\n\n>>474404546 \nthere's a lot at stake \nBiden is being controlled by Susan Rice, the Obamas, Ron Klein, Sullivan, et al \nif he is installed for a 2nd term, it is highly likely that democrats will basically have single-party rule of the federal government, and many states, for the foreseeable future. this is kind of our last chance to get someone in there that can at least stop the bleeding, so to speak. so from an ordinary American perspective, there's a lot going on. if they succeed, we will continue to get poorer and poorer, gas vehicles and autonomous travel are gone, 2nd amendment is gone, and illegals will overwhelm our welfare programs and our crumbling infrastructure. \nthat's why this shit is so important.", "pid": 474405379 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DE2E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:38\n\n>>474404546 \nWrong job Chloe", "pid": 474405515 }, { "sender": "2F07-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:40\n\n>>474405379 \nSo why are they trying to stop it?", "pid": 474405706 }, { "sender": "Anon-C3D6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:54\n\nit was obviously Q", "pid": 474405803 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-68A3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:03\n\n>>474404546 \nIt was absolutely a hit carried out by the deep state \nCalls for Biden to resign by democrats and the media leading up to the attempt \nNobody is asking for his resignation anymore \nLocal PD was using the building as a staging area \nCounter snipers confused because how could a gunman be on the roof of a police staging area \nHis secret service detail was swapped out because Jill was in Pittsburgh \nIt took hours for the media to even call it gunshots more to admit it was an assassination attempt \nCNN picks this rally to start covering them again \nA cameraman has his camera setup to catch a bullet \nThe gunmen has no optics, wears glasses that he didn’t have on correctly. \n \nThey fucked up. \nIt was to take out Trump before he picked his VP \nBiden would resign and ask both parties to have new primaries and heal \nThe uni party would be assured a victory", "pid": 474407838 }, { "sender": "E7AF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:41\n\n>>474404546 \nThe deep state has obligations \nThey absolutely want a one world government and that can’t happen with a strong United States \nThey are destroying this country and anyone who gets in their way", "pid": 474408160 }, { "sender": "E406-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:48\n\nI was radicalized by jeeeeews", "pid": 474411233 }, { "sender": "E175-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:33:55\n\nNot to take him out before he picked his VP... to take him out before the classified documents case was thrown out of court the very next day.", "pid": 474413068 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-49BB", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:04:44\n\n>>474413068 \nFor?", "pid": 474415591 } ]
The GDL is on the front page of Reddit.
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-C229", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:40:44\n\n>>474385637 \nThe need help from Hugo boss", "pid": 474385759 }, { "sender": "Anon-F315", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:40:56\n\n>>474385637 \nWe are all one race", "pid": 474385772 }, { "sender": "A0FF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:41:10\n\nGlowies", "pid": 474385788 }, { "sender": "FF81-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:41:35\n\n>>474385637 \nbased", "pid": 474385814 }, { "sender": "E01D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:41:58\n\n>>474385637 \nBased", "pid": 474385838 }, { "sender": "7D90-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:42:09\n\n>>474385637 \nthat flag is green when they flynit they just photoshop the swastika on. will give u q bumpmfor free", "pid": 474385855 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-57A0", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:42:30\n\n>>474385637 \nDid they actual waive a swastika flag? If so that's beyond dumb", "pid": 474385878 }, { "sender": "702D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:42:40\n\n>>474385838 \n>>474385814 \noh yeah, i forgot. \nBased", "pid": 474385891 }, { "sender": "Anon-E8B0", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:42:56\n\n>>474385772 \nNo spic your goblin mother told you lie to comfort your ugly ass into thinking you were human", "pid": 474385910 }, { "sender": "A05B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:43:06\n\n>>474385878 \nHow is it dumb?", "pid": 474385920 }, { "sender": "6288-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:43:47\n\n>>474385637 \nnazis are fake but it would be based if they were real", "pid": 474385968 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0816", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:44:06\n\n>>474385910 \nIm Spanish", "pid": 474385982 }, { "sender": "CA04-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:44:16\n\n>>474385637 \nAny actual evidence these guys are feds or is it just people shilling against them because they show their faces and boldly share their ideas in public?", "pid": 474385993 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4C8D", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:44:30\n\n>>474385637 \nforgot herbs", "pid": 474386009 }, { "sender": "Anon-0AFF", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:44:41\n\n>>474385637 \nJD Vance helping out already with his glowfaggot connections", "pid": 474386022 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CE16", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:44:46\n\nToday they did a banner drop, but they cut the stream off early because: \n>Their banner caused a car accident \n>Multiple blacks brandished guns to intimidate \n>One of the GDL members almost got ran over \n>Several fights almost broke out \n>The cops showed up and then left (they never leave) \n>The media showed up and refused to talk (they always talk) \n \nI haven't heard any updates since. I hope they're okay.", "pid": 474386033 }, { "sender": "Anon-6716", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:45:00\n\n>>474385920 \nPeople generally don't react well to the swastika, even if you have ideas that might interest them.", "pid": 474386049 }, { "sender": "Anon-CB4D", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:45:17\n\n>>474385772 \nOne race \nThe mutt race", "pid": 474386072 }, { "sender": "Anon-2ACC", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:45:40\n\n>>474385993 \nI read that as \n>boldly shave their public areas", "pid": 474386097 }, { "sender": "0FBA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:46:21\n\n>>474385637 \nGuadalajara?", "pid": 474386145 }, { "sender": "32FC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:46:40\n\n>>474385993 \nI don't think they're feds. They've been doing \"Name The Nose Tours\" for years now. The original plan was to go for two weeks straight (this is day 2), but they might cut it short because one of their guys got arrested and is being held on a $81,000 bond. Also the leader, HT, got bit on the arm by a faggot.", "pid": 474386164 }, { "sender": "Not Old Biff", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:46:45\n\n>>474385993 \nUseful idiots, povocateurs, paid political operatives &c &c \nAlways the same", "pid": 474386173 }, { "sender": "F2AC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:46:59\n\n>>474386097 \nstop being dyslexic and answer the question my nigga!", "pid": 474386193 }, { "sender": "Anon-DF71", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:47:20\n\n>>474385993 \nkek retard there is not a single white supremacist organization on the globe that is not controlled by the feds.", "pid": 474386206 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-36AC", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:47:44\n\n>>474385637 \nI used to be really annoyed with these types because they'd make bringing attention to the issue of White replacement too far fringe, but fuck it. This is how the left came to take their power, by sheer violence and letting their loons run free. \n \nI wish discussing White replacement could be the position of civic nationalists but Jews and their good little fed bois have made it purely a reflection of national socialist imagery. To hell with them all.", "pid": 474386244 }, { "sender": "Anon-5D30", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:48:22\n\nThose guys are so fucking based.", "pid": 474386283 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-55BF", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:48:27\n\n>>474385637 \nCan you give a link? \nLooks goyim tv got nuked", "pid": 474386287 }, { "sender": "4204-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:48:39\n\n>>474385637 \n>No facial coverings \n>Broad daylight chanting in front of random pedestrians \n>Swastika \n>Fed haircuts \n>Brand new clothing straight from the packaging \n \nYeah I'm thinking Glowniggers", "pid": 474386298 }, { "sender": "Anon-CAD0", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:49:12\n\n>>474385637 \nI used to be in the GDL telegram channel a long time ago before it got gassed. Don't know if they created a new one, if they did I can't find it. Anyone have a link if they made a new one?", "pid": 474386328 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3995", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:49:24\n\n>>474385637 \nO/ based.", "pid": 474386348 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C809", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:49:56\n\n>>474385920 \nBecause it makes your cause pointlessly edgy. Almost as if their goal is to for normies to associate your cause with le hitler, not actually get them on board. It makes it very simple to dismiss.", "pid": 474386380 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A5C4", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:50:49\n\n>>474386206 \nit was just a question anon...", "pid": 474386446 }, { "sender": "A71E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:50:52\n\n>>474386328 \nYou don't know about goyimtv?", "pid": 474386451 }, { "sender": "BB03-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:51:15\n\n>>474386287 \ \nJews have started using DNS filtering to prevent people from accessing the site so you might have to change your DNS settings.", "pid": 474386479 }, { "sender": "FF8C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:51:34\n\n>>474385637 \ndid they rebrand?", "pid": 474386498 }, { "sender": "F50E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:51:54\n\n>>474386244 \nYeah, that's kind of the point. They're sort of like vanguards. They're ideology at its foundation is impractical but the purpose they serve is effective. Unfortunately, they're going to turn out just as spastic and ill-tempered as their leftist counterparts.", "pid": 474386530 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F62", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:52:07\n\n>>474386380 \nHitler is good though. It makes sense to let people know the truth about him instead of taking the conservative approach. Being honest is the most effective.", "pid": 474386549 }, { "sender": "Anon-DE50", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:52:39\n\n>>474386479 \nhow would i change my dns settings?", "pid": 474386585 }, { "sender": "D3E8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:52:47\n\n>>474386328 \nI'm on the goyimtv website and in the goyimtv telegram channel, it's not a chat though, there used to be a telegram chat.", "pid": 474386596 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8D27", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:53:58\n\n>>474386244 \n>This is how the left came to take their power \nNo, they didn't. The 'left' was destroyed after OWS and replaced by Corporations.", "pid": 474386680 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-723E", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:54:09\n\n>>474386498 \nNot really. The shirts and glasses are just new developments. \n>>474386585 \nHard to explain. Just google it, it's not difficult. \n>>474386596 \nThey have a secret chatroom. I have a link but IDK if they want it publicized.", "pid": 474386691 }, { "sender": "Anon-2F18", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:54:34\n\nI wanna suck their cocks", "pid": 474386727 }, { "sender": "Anon-B947", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:54:41\n\n>>474386585 \nYou should change it once in a while for security sake. \n", "pid": 474386737 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-19EC", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:55:04\n\n>>474385637 \nI'm sure that played well in fucking downtown Nashville filled with California transplants and tourists kek", "pid": 474386766 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E669", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:55:33\n\n>>474386530 \nTheir\\*\\*\\*", "pid": 474386791 }, { "sender": "09E8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:56:13\n\n>>474386766 \nThey protested on the same exact street corner that Patriot Front did a couple weeks ago. They probably planned it that way.", "pid": 474386834 }, { "sender": "Anon-1A0C", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:56:29\n\n>>474386549 \nThrowing everything at someone at once is not effective.", "pid": 474386854 }, { "sender": "Anon-F0CC", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:57:22\n\n>>474385637 \nDegenerate Amerimutt don't represent National Socialism, fuck off.", "pid": 474386918 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E1E7", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:58:01\n\n>>474386854 \nThey are just saying end white replacement with a swastika. People are passing by and they need something to stick in peoples minds.", "pid": 474386972 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-49B4", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:58:10\n\n>>474386206 \nthis is your brain on goyslop", "pid": 474386979 }, { "sender": "2957-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:58:16\n\n>>474385772 \nat this point im ready to accept whites are aliens from another star system", "pid": 474386987 }, { "sender": "Anon-547B", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:58:22\n\n>>474386498 \nThis is what they were wearing on day 0.", "pid": 474386991 }, { "sender": "8C31-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:58:42\n\n>>474385772 \n>We are all one race \n \nNo we aren't you dumb spic.", "pid": 474387011 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9F6C", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:58:45\n\n>>474385772 \nI can only receive blood from less than 5% of the world population so explain we're all the same. If we were all the same all blood would be interchangeable", "pid": 474387017 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A035", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:59:27\n\n>>474386033 \n>Their banner caused a car accident \nLol, imagine getting so triggered at a 100 year old symbol that you're willing to die in a car accident.", "pid": 474387081 }, { "sender": "8664-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:00:03\n\nIs Minadeo trying to get himself arrested again? I saw him attack that leftist and get bodied (his arm got wounded). Low impulse control hispanic nigger.", "pid": 474387124 }, { "sender": "Anon-04D4", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:00:13\n\n>>474386691 \n>hard to explain, just google it \ni dont use jewish search engines. i cant believe you told me to use it while trying to avoid jewish prohibition. you failed the White man test \n>>474386737 \nactual fren anon that wants to help his people. thank you anon, you are ok.", "pid": 474387135 }, { "sender": "sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:00:22\n\n>>474385637 \n>no link \n>not even a single sentence \nthanks, you lazy shit", "pid": 474387142 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DB26", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:00:37\n\n>>474385637 \nIs there where everyone screams \"FEDS\" because they're actually doing something and aren't gigantic fatasses?", "pid": 474387157 }, { "sender": "6741-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:00:55\n\n>>474386691 \nMake a fake email real quick and I'll email you my TG username. I miss the chat.", "pid": 474387182 }, { "sender": "C2FE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:01:19\n\n>>474387081 \nIt was a gigantic banner that said \"WHY ARE JEWS ALLOWED TO SUCK BABY PENIS?\" with multiple pictures of rabbis doing oral circumcisions.", "pid": 474387211 }, { "sender": "DB91-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:02:05\n\nAmericans are incapable of being normal people regardless of the politics", "pid": 474387267 }, { "sender": "8BC3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:02:30\n\n>>474387182 \nI don't have a telegram account. :(", "pid": 474387299 }, { "sender": "Anon-0DE1", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:02:58\n\n>>474386680 \nNo, he means useful idiots. The left was coopted with useful sjw idiots to distract people from the banks. These ones can harm the banks, which is kind of a bittersweet irony.", "pid": 474387333 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F35D", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:03:25\n\n>>474387124 \nMinadeo is going turbo nazi mode. \nAll the tattoos, the beard. \nHe he got arrested again will do prison for a long time, no just one month like in Florida for (((littering))).", "pid": 474387367 }, { "sender": "Anon-7207", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:03:31\n\n>>474385772 \nYou're literally a goblin.", "pid": 474387373 }, { "sender": "7FF9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:03:48\n\n>>474386033 \nYou got a recording of any of it?", "pid": 474387401 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5B42", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:03:52\n\n>>474387211 \nLmfao, alright, that definitely could do it. Was the driver okay? Do you have a video?", "pid": 474387408 }, { "sender": "Anon-10B7", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:03:53\n\n>>474387299 \nBut you have the telegram chat link? Something's not adding up here lol.", "pid": 474387410 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B8DA", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:04:28\n\n>>474385637 \nBased ,commies in shambles", "pid": 474387456 }, { "sender": "C7D8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:06:19\n\n>>474387408 \nThey aren't recording the streams, you have to catch them live. I only have a few screenshots but I can do some more looking. \n>>474387410 \nThey've posted it in the live chat. I guess that's public enough. Fuck it. \\\_Fy1sWh1iNDVh \nAlso look for \"GDL4LIFE\" on telegram", "pid": 474387586 }, { "sender": "D048-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:06:37\n\n>>474386854 \nfaggot, does \"normalisation\" tell you anything, fake intellectual dipshit, normies are like cattle, they don't care about truth as long as they eat, sleep and fuck", "pid": 474387617 }, { "sender": "7F2F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:07:32\n\n>>474387586 \nI'm going in there and am telling on you.", "pid": 474387682 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-55FC", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:09:35\n\n>>474385637 \nWould be based but we all know whites are cowards so these are feds", "pid": 474387832 }, { "sender": "91F1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:11:18\n\nAnyone calling them glowie is a kike. anyone calling them based is autistic and sane.", "pid": 474387956 }, { "sender": "7907-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:12:13\n\n>>474385759 \nfippy fucking bippy \nLet's get it done, boys. Let's out fit these motherfuckers. \n>>474385788 \nMinandeo was a homo rapper who now sells National Socialism to random girls by talking in a fag voice. GTV wouldn't exist if (((they))) didn't want to cause division in order to accelerate the collapse of the American Empire so that Whites can be exterminated in a Civil/World War. \nGTV needs to be audited.", "pid": 474388022 }, { "sender": "01BC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:12:45\n\n>>474386033 \nIs that a kenworth in the background", "pid": 474388054 }, { "sender": "591B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:13:37\n\n>>474387367 \nHe got arrested during the banner drop? Fuck...", "pid": 474388128 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3B87", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:13:50\n\n>>474385772", "pid": 474388142 }, { "sender": "Anon-D663", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:15:07\n\n>>474385788 \n>if you advocate outside youre a fed", "pid": 474388217 }, { "sender": "837A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:15:12\n\n>>474385637 \nwhat's gdl", "pid": 474388221 }, { "sender": "ACE6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:15:30\n\n>>474388128 \nShit I missed that post. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED? \n>>474387367 \nSpill the beans bro plz.", "pid": 474388251 }, { "sender": "C4B2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:16:16\n\n>>474385968 \nThe NatSoc aren't fake (nazi is jewish slander), but the leadership probably is. \nGTV should be audited.", "pid": 474388298 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F79D", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:16:48\n\n>>474385993 \nIt's always feds or useful idiots.", "pid": 474388336 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BE3B", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:17:16\n\nAlex Jones was predicting that they would pivot to trying to start a race war on his show today.\n\nWhy does everything in this country have to be so gay? Like... can i just live my life? Not worry about political violence?", "pid": 474388366 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CDBE", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:17:46\n\n>>474386298 \nNo one will ever fit your standard hobbyist. Anyone can cut their hair short and wear matching clothes, especially if theres only like 3 of them. Also if youre unaware the Hakenkreuz is a popular movement symbol.", "pid": 474388395 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5703", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:18:00\n\n>>474385993 \nIt is in the interest of jews to sow division by presenting White Nationalism as an ugly extreme.", "pid": 474388419 }, { "sender": "93F4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:18:57\n\n>>474388221 \nGoyim Defense League. \nZero fucks about optics, 110% based. \n \nBanner drop street view \n \nOverpass view \n \nWigger encounter \n", "pid": 474388486 }, { "sender": "Anon-75A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:19:04\n\n>>474385637 \nYes, totally believable.", "pid": 474388492 }, { "sender": "A943-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:19:37\n\n>>474386244 \nCivic Nationalism promotes deracination.", "pid": 474388543 }, { "sender": "D6C6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:19:59\n\n>>474388419 \n>sow division by presenting White Nationalism as an ugly extreme. \nI don't think it's ugly at all.", "pid": 474388573 }, { "sender": "8738-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:20:48\n\n>>474388573 \nNeither do I, but in the minds of the normie who takes their Pravda from CNN, Fox, and SNL...", "pid": 474388638 }, { "sender": "A53C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:21:26\n\n>>474385637 \nfucking based", "pid": 474388689 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2608", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:21:29\n\n>>474385637 \nImagine having to undermine your own race to get a promotion like these faggots.", "pid": 474388694 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1245", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:22:09\n\n>>474385637 \n4 people disagree with me \n \nDEMOCRACY ENDED TODAY", "pid": 474388743 }, { "sender": "1A70-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:22:16\n\n>>474385993 \nWhat do you think? Look how fucking fake it is.", "pid": 474388749 }, { "sender": "7C9F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:23:40\n\n>>474385772 \nexcept for jews, they are chosen ones", "pid": 474388833 }, { "sender": "26C1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:24:07\n\n>>474388694 \n>>474388749 \nYou should read this \n", "pid": 474388862 }, { "sender": "4EF1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:24:22\n\n>>474388749 \n>look how real it is \nYeah its controversial, the entire movement is controversial. We look bad in any dress.", "pid": 474388881 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-25CC", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:25:35\n\n>>474388486 \nMore please", "pid": 474388981 }, { "sender": "D087-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:26:33\n\n>>474388981 \nThat's everything I got. Here's some reddit cringe.", "pid": 474389060 }, { "sender": "Anon-F73B", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:27:34\n\n>>474387157 \n>because they're actually doing something \nDoing what? They simply discredit the actual supporters of the White race, like /pol/ people, with these bad optics, retarded outfits and this unnecessary and ugly swastika. How are they different from these glowies in red shirts who marched a few months ago? Normal WN people don't attend those \"marches\".", "pid": 474389138 }, { "sender": "Anon-0951", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:28:09\n\n>>474385637 \noh shit trump is going to win a in a landslide deploy the glowies", "pid": 474389174 }, { "sender": "80DB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:28:17\n\n>>474387211 \nWhy are they allowed to suck baby penis? Its a legitimate question, I think last or 2 years ago a rabbi infected 3 kids with HIV because of their \"tradition\" of kissing baby penis, its funny how rabid the west is with anything even slightly related to sexual organs being relevant in context of anyone under 20 but when a rabbi sucks literally baby penis its totally silent and just their culture.", "pid": 474389187 }, { "sender": "Anon-E1FC", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:28:55\n\n>>474388862 \nif hes not a fed why does he type like one", "pid": 474389232 }, { "sender": "Anon-F34C", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:29:16\n\n>>474388881 \nYou guys should be careful though. Jews sometimes send infiltrators to poison the well or get you to fulfill something they want accomplished in their agenda. Some of the aesthetics I'm seeing is too eerily similar to what we saw with ISIS in 2014. Probably trying to prop it up as a threat to unify warring parties like in Syria and Iraq.", "pid": 474389256 }, { "sender": "Anon-BF96", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:31:04\n\n>>474387586 \nTY anon", "pid": 474389390 }, { "sender": "D9FA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:31:13\n\n>>474388486 \n>Zero fucks about optics \nExactly what feds need to discredit the whole idea of White Nationalism. \n>110% based \nMore like 1100% glowing.", "pid": 474389399 }, { "sender": "Anon-7AAD", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:32:15\n\n>>474385637 \n>>474389060 \nMay just stay on reddit/telegram, this is cringe", "pid": 474389478 }, { "sender": "Anon-AED8", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:32:28\n\n>>474389138 \n>optics le bad \n \nTwo homosexual commies fucked in the ass in front of the white house ,there are no optics left in america. mask is off.And russians should really stop being afraid of a swastika and embrace it if they trully love Russia. jewlensky knows the war is about to end anyway", "pid": 474389498 }, { "sender": "E0C5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:32:36\n\n>>474385637 \nGlowies.", "pid": 474389501 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7D96", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:34:25\n\n>>474386298 \n>No facial coverings \nFEDS! \n>facial coverings \nFEDS! \nDescribe your perfect optics.", "pid": 474389610 }, { "sender": "5268-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:37:51\n\n>>474389399 \n As I've previously stated, they're a vanguard and aren't supposed to fulfill much else but exert their presence. All ideologies have them but for some reason you're concerned about optics with this specific one. Why?", "pid": 474389842 }, { "sender": "Anon-60B4", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:44:04\n\n>>474389610 \nOk, it's not about masks vs. no masks, but they glow. I'm old and have known guys who've been around the block. C18, Hammerskins, etc. And the ones who are still alive will all tell you one thing: if a nationalist group has an intentionally villainous \"hollywood nazi\" aesthetic, they're 100% feds. Star Wars villain colors (black and red), etc. \nFed honeypots are like pajeet scammers in that they intentionally try to attract people who can be long conned and manipulated into committing violence. They're not interested in fuctional midwits and intelligent people who catch on and nope out. They want the 80 IQers. \n \n A nationalist group with polite optics doesn't attract 80 IQers. A nationalist group where everyone looks like a swastika covered darth vader foes that by luring in angry naive teenagers and trailer trash losers with nothing to lose. \nGDL and Blood Tribe glow, I bet my pinkie finger on it.", "pid": 474390251 }, { "sender": "5EC1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:45:36\n\nAre these real fanatical NatSocs or are they just using National Socialism just to appear edgy?", "pid": 474390356 }, { "sender": "67B5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:46:47\n\n>>474390251 \nAgreed 100% and I realized anti-social autists here can't figure out when they are being played and duped. These groups play right into the stereotypes. There is nothing serious about them.", "pid": 474390431 }, { "sender": "B98C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:48:42\n\n>>474386206 \nSure thing Moshe, everyone should stay home frightened.", "pid": 474390539 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BFF9", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:49:12\n\n>>474390251 \nWhat are your thoughts on Patriot Front? They're very careful about optics. \nThe Blood Tribe definitely strikes me as being suspicious, but I think the GDL (or at least the leader, Minadeo) is legit. \n \nAs a rule of thumb I never call any group feds because it's not productive.", "pid": 474390568 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E6B4", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:49:12\n\n>>474387211 \n>pictures of rabbis doing oral circumcisions\\*. \n>\\*Mutilating a baby's dick then sucking the blood off it like a mosquito", "pid": 474390569 }, { "sender": "2503-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:51:59\n\n>>474390251 \n>glow glow this glows you glow everything glows \nYou sound like a fucking FAGGOT and you're trying way too hard to fit in", "pid": 474390739 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F771", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:52:06\n\n>>474385637 \n>>474385759 \nBased \n>>474386049 \n>>474389399 \n>>474385878 \nIf groups like these going to retard rallies and performing for media cameras by some chance aren't feds or infiltrated... they aren't doing a whole lot to move the football when it comes to saving white people. People who really want to make a difference need to realize the value of rebranding, and see that getting your ideas across with humor instead of trying to provoke a hostile reaction and getting portayed like a Hollywood villain. You change a lot more minds for the better by making people laugh than making people cry. \nThese groups don't present National Socialist principles in a way that makes it more accessible to the regular folk. They just seem to run around yelling racial slurs and getting normies worked up about Le Heckin Nazis. I haven't seen any evidence the accompliah much else.", "pid": 474390748 }, { "sender": "5AB4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:52:30\n\n>>474390251 \nThe cringeworthy skinheads and peckerwoods are still people with sincere beliefs. The thing is thread related and a bunch of other smaller groups that use \"bad optics\" symbolism like \"swastikas\", runes, and heavy colors arent skinheads and peckerwoods. GDL is a well put together group that also does non-offensive campaigns and sign holding and wont chase off Blacks if they come and try and talk to them, at least from what Ive seen. Now, a good lot of those groups are glow infested, thats a given, but the majority of fedjacketing on this website is from by and for people too afraid or too uncommitted to actually go outside and advocate for their beliefs. \n>A mask so he wont be fired from his job? Fed! \n>No mask so hes unafraid of retribution? Fed! \n>Short haircut? I know the combover and fade has been a symbol since the 1940s but the FBI also requires short haircuts... Fed! \n>Hes fit?! Only pencilnecks and basement dwellers allowed! (They say this despite the majority of federal agents being obese, Google it) Fed! \n>Matching clothes? Fed! \n>Anything FED FED FED FED \nFaggots fear talking to people IRL", "pid": 474390776 }, { "sender": "Anon-EE44", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:52:45\n\n>>474390251 \n>>474390431 \n>>474390568 \nGDL = legit \nBlood Tribe = legit \nPatriot Front = feds", "pid": 474390788 }, { "sender": "21D9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:54:22\n\n>>474390776 \nAlso being offensive isnt bad for us, and even if it was whos to say the people holding the signs know that? \nThe hammer and sickle is almost a COMMON symbol today because of how fucking often Commies use it, and still to many thats a symbol of mass genocide, tyranny, etc;", "pid": 474390890 }, { "sender": "38D3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:55:03\n\n>>474390788 \nGDL is mostly legit, Id say Blood Tribe is a BIG mix, and Patriot Front is unknown.", "pid": 474390940 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-65BE", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:56:04\n\n>>474389842 \n>As I've previously stated, they're a vanguard and aren't supposed to fulfill much else but exert their presence. \nAnd what does \"exerting their presence\" get them? Assuming they aren't glowies, which they are. \n>All ideologies have them but for some reason you're concerned about optics with this specific one. Why? \nBecause actual, non-Fed White nationalists don't act in public, don't make retarded moves, and don't flash their views IRL like a streetwalker looking for a customer. They build their communities online: Telegram, Tox, XMPP, etc. They stay anonymous and private, they care about their security, they don't use that \"Hollywood Nazi\" aesthetic, they don't go to these masquerades and they don't talk to other people IRL about their political views.", "pid": 474391017 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1F3D", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:56:09\n\nposting Blood Tribe activism because why not", "pid": 474391021 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F26", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:57:14\n\nyou know why people seethe and cope about this stuff? because they feel emasculated that they don't have the balls to stand on what they post on 4chan in the real world", "pid": 474391095 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1827", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:57:51\n\n>>474391017 \nBe honest, were you lying about HT getting arrested earlier?", "pid": 474391143 }, { "sender": "Anon-B2FE", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:59:04\n\n>>474390251 \nFucking based. I too would like to hear what you think about >>474390568. \nThe aethsetics can be funny for memes but what these guys do is often cartoonishly over the top.", "pid": 474391222 }, { "sender": "sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:00:15\n\n>>474385772 \n \nThe \"let's kill all niggers\" race.", "pid": 474391299 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1290", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:00:33\n\n>>474385637 \nThe nazi shit is basically ghost dancing. There is 0 political benefit to waving a swastika flag, it just make you personally feel good at the expense of everyone who is associated with you.", "pid": 474391328 }, { "sender": "30E6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:01:04\n\n>>474390748 \n>they aren't doing a whole lot to move the football when it comes to saving white people. People who really want to make a difference need to realize the value of rebranding, and see that getting your ideas across with humor instead of trying to provoke a hostile reaction and getting portayed like a Hollywood villain. You change a lot more minds for the better by making people laugh than making people cry. \nThese groups don't present National Socialist principles in a way that makes it more accessible to the regular folk. They just seem to run around yelling racial slurs and getting normies worked up about Le Heckin Nazis. I haven't seen any evidence the accompliah much else. \nThis has been the major complaint for awhile now and the only thing that happens when we bring it up is -- we get called jews. \n \nWhites are actually concerned with whites well being, not constantly yapping about jews and playing Hollywood bad-guy.", "pid": 474391360 }, { "sender": "350A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:01:31\n\n>>474385772 \nOkay, but this is about ethnicity and culture.", "pid": 474391397 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2FD8", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:02:13\n\n>>474391095 \nExactly. 2020 proved no one here has the balls to go out and be active, so no one trusts anyone else doing anything either. It all comes full circle.", "pid": 474391450 }, { "sender": "D625-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:03:09\n\n>>474386972 \n>They are just saying end white replacement with a swastika. \nNormies don't believe in White replacement and tend to view swastikas negatively. Actual White nationalists know this. Feds know it too, so they use it to make WN look dumb in the eyes of normies. And it often works. \n>People are passing by and they need something to stick in peoples minds. \nYeah, and all they stick is \"swastika=bad, so WN=bad too\". That's how optics work.", "pid": 474391515 }, { "sender": "1FBC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:03:25\n\n>>474391299 \nbased", "pid": 474391533 }, { "sender": "43DB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:04:00\n\n>>474385637 \nI just want to mention I saw some reply on the Reddit post from a distinctive brown user saying “America was always a melting pot”. No you subhuman garbage it was a melting pot for White people. Not you sub 100 iq worthless filth. The 1790 Naturalization Act reserved naturalized citizenship for whites only. Non whites like you, race traitors, degenerates, and especially kikes are responsible for where this country is heading: straight into the fucking ground. So enjoy your globohomo fake world you live in for now because your lives are soon going to get far more worse than you can possibly imagine.", "pid": 474391568 }, { "sender": "C6DF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:04:49\n\n>>474391017 \n>And what does \"exerting their presence\" get them? \nInfluence. It appeals to the social outcasts which then bundle together and form a group which gives them a sense of security that they feel that they did not receive from the institutions they believed protected them. It makes sense when you see it from the perspective of someone observing the activity as a behavior rather than engaging with the ideas of the social movement. \n \n>They stay anonymous and private, they care about their security. \nThis is a civilian then, somebody who supports the movement with subtle forms of engagement that benefits them in the end.", "pid": 474391608 }, { "sender": "2404-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:05:20\n\n>>474385637 \nFunny, you’re not gonna win over any reasonable people with a swastika. This is just as ego driven and futile as some libtard protest about oil or animals.", "pid": 474391636 }, { "sender": "8A97-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:06:53\n\n>>474391608 \n>benefits \\*it\\*[the movement] in the end.", "pid": 474391753 }, { "sender": "Anon-EA18", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:09:22\n\n>>474391636 \nYou'd be surprised. During the livestream there were cars honking in support every 10 seconds. Not even exaggerating. While they were in the city they talked to lots of people and even had two guys almost join them on the spot. One guy helped defend them from a bartender who tried to attack them.", "pid": 474391924 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CD44", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:10:49\n\n>>474385637 \nWhy do Americans use a swastika? Don't they have their own nationalist symbols? Oh yeah because these fucks are glowies and can't associate \"America\" with white nationlism. \nFuck off fed cunts", "pid": 474392030 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD50", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:11:08\n\n>>474391515 \nThe swastika needs (and deserves) to be restored to it's original memetic spiritual meaning; not the negative one Hollywood gave it. That can wait until later though.", "pid": 474392054 }, { "sender": "Anon-3E6F", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:11:20\n\n>>474385637 \nNobody here cares or knows about what the GSL means you redditfaggot.", "pid": 474392065 }, { "sender": "3AE3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:11:24\n\n>>474392030 \nHitler was just really cool and based is all. Simple as.", "pid": 474392068 }, { "sender": "F07F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:12:15\n\n>>474392065 \nNewfag. There have been GDL threads every few weeks posted here for years. Check the archives if you don't believe me.", "pid": 474392120 }, { "sender": "9ABE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:13:04\n\nfeds", "pid": 474392175 }, { "sender": "E47E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:13:13\n\n>>474392030 \nRockwell used it in a way that sorta worked but that was a much different time.", "pid": 474392182 }, { "sender": "6E30-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:15:30\n\n>>474391095 \nThe majority here are feckless idiots. They seethe at anyone taking a stand against jewish power. Me myself? I'd never risk my job and livelyhood for this shit, but props to these guys for actually taking a stand. They have more courage than me. \n \nAnd anyone shitting on them in this thread needs to rope immediately. You people are absolute vermin. No backbone whatsoever in your bodies, you only know how to bend over for Shlomo.", "pid": 474392320 }, { "sender": "Anon-7E8E", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:17:41\n\n>>474385772 \nWe are (probably) one species comprised of several races.", "pid": 474392428 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F034", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:19:10\n\n>>474391924 \nEverybody who understands the threat of the Jews also know that the Nazis were the good guys in WW2. They've become so disgruntled that they've begun to investigate. I'm sure that Nazis aren't going to be the only thing in the pipeline that's going to have a revival.", "pid": 474392518 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-332B", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:19:23\n\nHoly shit, there's like 4 NAZIS THERE IM GOING TO SHIT MY PANTS", "pid": 474392534 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8E5B", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:19:26\n\nthese faggots ruin it for everyone. HT is a fucking liar you're a retard if you go on GTV", "pid": 474392537 }, { "sender": "Anon-A48A", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:20:20\n\n>>474392518 \nstfu steve", "pid": 474392610 }, { "sender": "2B0D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:21:49\n\n>>474386164 \nWhat was the charge? That's an insanely high bond.", "pid": 474392686 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5C46", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:21:59\n\n>>474392518 \nkeep going steve", "pid": 474392690 }, { "sender": "Anon-9B3C", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:23:03\n\n>>474386164 \n>got bit on the arm by a faggot \nOh great now every full moon he is going to run around and suck everone off.", "pid": 474392750 }, { "sender": "6423-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:23:30\n\nGDL is ADL", "pid": 474392778 }, { "sender": "8326-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:24:59\n\n>>474392686 \nAggravated assault with a flag pole. He was literally just defending himself from a guy who sucker punched him in the back of the head.", "pid": 474392870 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-798C", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:25:21\n\n>>474392778 \nand ADL blackmails Feds.", "pid": 474392882 }, { "sender": "3C77-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:25:49\n\n>>474392870 \nOh and the guy who attacked him only had a bond of $2,000.", "pid": 474392921 }, { "sender": "Anon-A06A", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:26:14\n\n>>474392320 \nI'd never do anything either as I don't really care and am truly black pilled. As in, I wouldn't even bother to walk around and hand out flyers. I am just going to dick around on the internet, play video games, and watch old movies. Also look at all the people ITT, are they worth lifting a finger for? no. fuck 'em. it's just funny watching the obvious coping and seething.", "pid": 474392950 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6B92", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:26:22\n\n>>474392534 \nSelf respecting national socialists should be smartly dressed in a way that looks approachable yet commands respect - and unafraid to show their faces doing so. These guys just look as silly as Shoobie Da Wop's music videos.", "pid": 474392963 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3FF5", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:26:26\n\n>>474387211 \nThis is how you know it's not the feds... at least not all of them. They would never show their masters in a bad light.", "pid": 474392967 }, { "sender": "3D1D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:27:34\n\n>>474392870 \nThat's fucking nuts. The judge must have been a kike. Agg assault bond should be 20k at most.", "pid": 474393025 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BA11", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:28:31\n\n>>474392750", "pid": 474393075 }, { "sender": "1741-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:29:02\n\n>>474393025 \nYeah it's total bullshit. HT has gotten arrested in the past for \"attempted littering\" (distributing flyers) and ended up spending 30 days in the can.", "pid": 474393098 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D707", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:29:22\n\n>>474385878 \nNormalize swastikas.", "pid": 474393117 }, { "sender": "B51B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:30:48\n\n>>474392690 \n>>474392610 \nWhat? Who is Steve?", "pid": 474393200 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5B58", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:32:06\n\n>>474392967 \nI think a better way to present it would be to call it the same name the jews do, along with the same images. Encourage people to look into it for themselves. Being too blunt with messaging just doesn't work sometimes. Still, based banner.", "pid": 474393281 }, { "sender": "175E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:32:16\n\n>>474393025 \nOh an also he caught a felony charge. Not that it matters anyways because the guy was Canadian, but still.", "pid": 474393288 }, { "sender": "2A76-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:33:44\n\n>>474385637 \n>whites against replacement (WAR) \nThis is very Jewish. Whites would pick an aesthetic name and not care if it was an acronym, instead of shoehorning it in.", "pid": 474393379 }, { "sender": "C71C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:34:00\n\n>>474392950 \nMajority of white people are simply not worth it. Too cucked, too stupid and too spineless. \n>>474393281 \n>Being too blunt with messaging just doesn't work sometimes \nNormalize these images. If you cower like a rat, they'll continue to treat you as one. Study Hitler's rise and how he came to be. A hint: It wasn't by \"appeasing\" his enemies.", "pid": 474393394 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD0A", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:34:39\n\n>>474385920 \nUnless you believe symbols have actual magical power you probably shouldn’t align yourself to a cursed symbol.", "pid": 474393423 }, { "sender": "71F2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:35:45\n\n>>474393281 \nTrue you have to ease normies into it or they reflect it as lies. You have to show them little facts first then more and more until it is undeniable.", "pid": 474393486 }, { "sender": "5889-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:37:51\n\n>>474386298 \nTwo on the right are obvious homos too. I can tell by their ankles and knees.", "pid": 474393589 }, { "sender": "808A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:37:52\n\n>>474393423 \nsymbols are extremely powerful. and your statement is inverted. what a retard", "pid": 474393590 }, { "sender": "97B3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:38:22\n\n>>474388217 \n true but if you never advocate in the real world you will never see any political gains for you're cause. they will just write you off as a /pol/ incel", "pid": 474393622 }, { "sender": "8AED-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:40:37\n\n>>474393394 \nYeah; normalize them in a way that makes normies see them in a different light. \nLike Anon says here >>474393486. I find when redpilling friends and family (who you should be more concerned with than random normies at retard rallies), it's often best to present information that helps them reach the conclusion themselves instead of beating them over the head with it. And if you can't redpill friends and family, you likely have no business trying to redpill normies...", "pid": 474393749 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6832", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:40:46\n\n>>474385920 \nNormies whites have been Pavlov'ed into associating Swastika with total evil. \nPut a swastika diaper on a baby and you could vivisect it in front of a crowd and they would applaud. \nAs much as swastika need to come back a sign of happiness and prosperity, right now you are shooting yourself in the foot with them.", "pid": 474393756 }, { "sender": "E043-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:43:04\n\n>>474386549 \nwaving swastika flags downtown does not \"let people know the truth about him\". it effectively turns you into a fucking village retard that everyone can point and laugh at and take photos and cancel them. probably filming and ID'ing anyone who approaches them or accepts their pamphlet. \n>>474393117 \nsave babies wearing swastika. rescue kittens from trees while wearing swastika. put out housefires wearing swastika. vice did an article about this \"step-by-step guide to rehabilitating the swastika\" \n>>474393622 \nthat is sucker mentality, stop it. do your own thing", "pid": 474393884 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A937", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:43:23\n\n>>474386991 \nSometimes I wish I was a manlet. Look at those tiny shoulders pop.", "pid": 474393907 }, { "sender": "Anon-9DAE", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:45:23\n\n>>474393590 \n> symbols are extremely powerful \nYes, this happens to be a symbol people were trained to reflexively hate from the time they were in grade school. It’s cursed. \n \nSo again, unless you think the swastika has LITERAL magic to it, it is incredibly stupid to use. \n \nDo you think the swastika is LITERALLY magical? As in it is a conduit or focus for literal fucking magic, or itself has some magical power or aura. \n \nDo you believe this?", "pid": 474394029 }, { "sender": "DDDD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:49:13\n\n>>474385788 \nObviously. The swastika is a pretty good indicator this is just well poisoning. The legitimate fear of replacement by mass migration has to be associated with nazis by normies. They are scared that White people may wake up and do something about being replaced and the rampant anti-white racism in our kike-controlled institutions.", "pid": 474394263 }, { "sender": "38D0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:52:05\n\n>>474390940 \ntyler is a fucking obvious actor", "pid": 474394434 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8EA6", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:52:45\n\n>>474394029 \nI believe it. Meme magic! That's why I agree with >>474393884 \n>save kittens while wearing the swastika \nSounds pretty based to me.", "pid": 474394469 }, { "sender": "Anon-2E5E", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:55:34\n\n>>474389187 \n>infecting infants \nThey REGULARY infect kids with herpes . It is known, documented, annual, etc.", "pid": 474394628 }, { "sender": "9B07-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:56:02\n\n>>474385637 \nfat christcuck clowns \n \n>i hate that hornet nest over there, i'm going to go throw a rock at it \nthat seems pretty stupid, there are better ways of getting rid of it, though they actually take some time and intelligence \n>what are you, a pussy? better do something that nothing! \n \nfags", "pid": 474394665 }, { "sender": "Anon-5784", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:57:03\n\n>>474394029 \nyou're the one claiming it is \"cursed\" you dumb nigger", "pid": 474394722 }, { "sender": "Anon-EE74", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:58:30\n\n>>474394029 \n>So again, unless you think the swastika has LITERAL magic to it, it is incredibly stupid to use. \nYes. If you don't use the swastika you're a fag.", "pid": 474394809 }, { "sender": "01B5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:59:28\n\n>>474394722 \nWhy can’t you answer a simple fucking question you faggot? \n \nDo you believe the swastika has literal magical powers of some sort?", "pid": 474394866 }, { "sender": "Anon-1DBC", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:00:37\n\n>>474385878 \nI see this stuff over and over, people with good ideas and overall good intentions screw us all over because they don't have social skills. They use \"we're done with politeness' as an excuse to be blunt. They don't understand, to them you basically sound like a tranny convincing you to become a tranny, it will never work. \n \nNow, the keys my friends, its to be a likable person, to want to do good for people, to take an interest in others even if they don't agree with you. Be gentle, save the politics for a bit later, and if they disagree, learn not to sperg out, just relax, let them be upset, be understanding, and if they like you as a person (like being considerate in conversation) they will come back to speak to you even if you disagree. You have more influence that way", "pid": 474394948 }, { "sender": "B680-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:00:55\n\n>>474388221 \nGay Israelis larping as nazis. There's video of them doing gay shit and outing themselves. Ask Ryan Dawson about these fags.", "pid": 474394966 }, { "sender": "Anon-B28C", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:00:55\n\n>>474394809 \n>>474394469 \nThat’s fine. If you think it has LITERAL magic powers then you absolutely should use it. Nothing I say can ever dissuade you from your schizophrenia and/or dark arts. \n \nHowever, most people do not believe the symbol has magic, and I think all three of us can agree they should stop fucking using it until they do believe it has magical power.", "pid": 474394967 }, { "sender": "Anon-AF74", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:02:38\n\n>>474393117", "pid": 474395071 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E952", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:02:49\n\n>>474394263 \n>fear of replacement by mass migration has to be associated with nazis by normies. \n \n100% \n \nnobody in their right mind would go out for something genuine and then purposefully just \"slap a swastika\" on there for good measure. \n \ntotal kike death cannot come fast enough", "pid": 474395084 }, { "sender": "2E65-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:02:53\n\n>>474394967 \nRead the text in my last post, the swastika does have magic powers. It sends jews into a rage that completely destroys their optics and ability to be rational.", "pid": 474395092 }, { "sender": "18CD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:06:09\n\nI found the full clip of the fight from the other day. Check it out.\n", "pid": 474395273 }, { "sender": "1833-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:06:38\n\n>>474394809 \nRockwell used it to get peoples attention, then eloquently and intelligently bombed them with redpills. These guys don't seem to get much done when it comes to the second part of that. Also, Rockwell's movement failed because it tended to attract fringey types who undermined it. National Socialism should seek to win over the common man.", "pid": 474395293 }, { "sender": "8198-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:07:29\n\n>>474389060 \nIdiots cheering for their own extinction, amazing.", "pid": 474395344 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3350", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:08:08\n\n>>474395092 \n>magic is real \n \nfuck off kike glowie \nthe only real power the swastika had was unite a people, the people did the ethnic cleansing not a fucking amalgamation of right angles on a white background. \n \nI swear you muttmericans get more retarded by the minute.", "pid": 474395380 }, { "sender": "0C6E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:10:42\n\n>>474395293 \n>>474395380", "pid": 474395539 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5623", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:10:51\n\n>>474395084 \nBoneface McClellan has been disavowed by ALL \nhe’s a speed freak (drug addictions are a fucking rough road, sorry for him) but he’s NOT alone of us.", "pid": 474395547 }, { "sender": "Anon-2BB4", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:10:54\n\n>>474395092 \nSure, and like the magic powers of the word NIGGER you should save it for when it'll actually help your cause - not when youre trying to spread idealogy to normies who've been fed subversion their whole lives.", "pid": 474395549 }, { "sender": "Anon-49D5", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:11:23\n\n>>474395380 \nno, you're a mutt, the slavs raped your mom.", "pid": 474395577 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2903", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:11:58\n\n>>474395380 \n>>474395549 \n>magic isn't real", "pid": 474395615 }, { "sender": "Anon-6FCD", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:12:40\n\n>>474395273 \nHere's the news article from after the fight too. \n", "pid": 474395653 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D128", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:12:44\n\n>>474385772 \nYou're retarded. You catagorize dogs as different species, and not humans? We are different, and it needs to be made clear.", "pid": 474395659 }, { "sender": "3878-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:14:33\n\n>>474386972 \n>They are just saying end white replacement with a swastika. People are passing by and they need something to stick in peoples minds. \nyes and whats sticking in their minds is that the idea that white people are being replaced and that that is a bad thing are promoted by and associated with swastika waving neo nazis. you fucking glowing retard", "pid": 474395760 }, { "sender": "Anon-9E24", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:15:25\n\n>>474395539 \nAnd one of those men killed him. I think Rockwell would agree with that 2024 is a much different landscape than the 60s.", "pid": 474395815 }, { "sender": "0BC9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:18:11\n\n>>474390569 \nthey don't say it that way because they worship a circumcised rabbi. gotta water it down", "pid": 474395992 }, { "sender": "A5FC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:18:52\n\n>>474395615 \nMeme magic is absolutely real.", "pid": 474396021 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A5C0", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:19:16\n\n>>474395815 \nHe got shot by a scared jew LARPing as a nazi because he scared them so much with his use of the swastika. It makes them kvetch like nothing else. The swastika is the European man's symbol and has been for thousands of years.", "pid": 474396048 }, { "sender": "Anon-69D2", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:21:12\n\n>>474385772 \nBaZed. All wars are civil wars because all men are my brothers.", "pid": 474396153 }, { "sender": "Anon-D414", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:24:03\n\n>>474388486 \n>go around calling everyone a faggot, nigger, jew, homo, and doing lame nazi shit \nHow does this help the cause? This just makes any point you make get thrown out the window because you can't hold a conversation when confrontation arrives. Shame because I do think this replacement shit is actually happening.", "pid": 474396335 }, { "sender": "Anon-F97E", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:24:18\n\n>>474396048 \nSo why'd you let kikes curse it?", "pid": 474396358 }, { "sender": "Anon-4346", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:27:30\n\n>>474396335 \nBased. Also, there's plenty of other powerful memes out there to use.", "pid": 474396530 }, { "sender": "78CB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:31:19\n\n>>474385855 \nvery dedicated to edit the video too to track the deformation on the fabric I guess? \n", "pid": 474396778 }, { "sender": "14F0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:48:41\n\n>>474392030 \n>Don't they have their own nationalist symbols? \nno", "pid": 474397859 }, { "sender": "DA03-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:51:10\n\n>>474397859 \nThe fasces is a traditional American symbol. \nThe Bellamy salute is too.", "pid": 474398007 }, { "sender": "F168-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:55:07\n\n>>474398007 \nThey're all ROMAN SYMBOLS. WESTERN CIVILIZATION! \n>Western civilization will die without Western People. The meme must be made known, and soon.", "pid": 474398259 }, { "sender": "Anon-94D6", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:59:51\n\n>>474385788 \nYeah. Glowies or grifters. I suspect grifters. Real white suprecists dont advertise it but prep instead. The are pagan with harems.", "pid": 474398556 }, { "sender": "F1E3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:01:21\n\n>>474386206 \nI'm amazed by the proof and evidence you provided, my heart rate is 500 bpm", "pid": 474398658 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1C7D", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:03:08\n\n>>474398007 \n>The fasces is a traditional American symbol. \nno, we stole that from Italians, the only unique/original symbol this country has produced is the faggot flag", "pid": 474398777 }, { "sender": "Anon-BDE3", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:04:33\n\n>>474398259 \n>>474398777 \nJust because we didn't invent it doesn't mean it's not one of our traditional symbols.", "pid": 474398859 }, { "sender": "8465-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:12:54\n\n>>474398777 \nFags stole that from god \n>>474398859 \nThere is argument to be made that man has not invented any symbols.", "pid": 474399376 }, { "sender": "FAD8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:12:56\n\n>>474385772 \n>>474385788 \n^This is the problem folks", "pid": 474399381 }, { "sender": "F036-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:13:01\n\n>>474390568 \n>>474390788 \nPF rundown: \n\\_/status/1810002219481329825", "pid": 474399389 }, { "sender": "Anon-CC7D", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:14:34\n\n>>474385788 \n...maybe... \nor maybe not", "pid": 474399486 }, { "sender": "49A5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:15:15\n\n>>474385637", "pid": 474399524 }, { "sender": "03AB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:17:05\n\n>>474385772 \nIf we were, you would not be able to tell difference", "pid": 474399649 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F1EE", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:20:54\n\n>>474399649 \nShieeeeeeeeeeet", "pid": 474399887 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-131F", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:26:56\n\n>>474385772 \nunintentionally based angle. \n>look at these evil Nazis! \n>yes but we're all one human race. we have to show kindness and understanding even to those we disagree with instead of being racist against nazis", "pid": 474400307 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A2F5", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:54:50\n\n>>474392778 \n \nCNN doxxed the guy who made the Trump wrestling meme in 24 hours. \n \nIf this were real, wouldn't they have gotten the credit card details of the person that booked the U-Haul by now? \n \nSeems like a psyop, desu.", "pid": 474402088 }, { "sender": "62B7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:02:45\n\n>>474386049 \nmay as well put goatse or a baphomet on the flag \nmakes you look like a loon or a crackpot \nnormie repellent", "pid": 474402579 }, { "sender": "3834-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:11:34\n\n>>474385637 \nThis is gonna have the same reaction as the Patriot Front march. \nMainstream right leaning influencers will just call these guys feds. \nHopefully proud boys will beat these losers up too. \n \n", "pid": 474403168 }, { "sender": "14A1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:32\n\n>>474385910 \nMexicans work harder than you. You’re a piece of shit. Kys.", "pid": 474403226 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5ACE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:06\n\n>>474385788 \nNah, they are \\*employed\\* by glowies. Actors do a lot of stuff.", "pid": 474403327 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E0AE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:11\n\nCALLING SOMEONE FED WITHOUT ANY PROOF IS BAD JACKETING AND FEDS FAVORITE TACTIC.", "pid": 474406098 }, { "sender": "sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:43\n\n>>474403226 \nconsider the following", "pid": 474406524 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B670", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:36\n\n>>474385637 \nanother larry loomer IDF glowie op honey pot. \nJon just wants to be a hair stylist but hes compromised, he should just shoot loomer and be free.", "pid": 474406992 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D63", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:14\n\nJons had as much surgery as his handler loomer.", "pid": 474407093 }, { "sender": "2ADE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:05\n\n>loomer just happens to show up at fed op \nSloppy.", "pid": 474407157 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6077", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:28\n\n>>474385637 \nWhile PF is FFBF (For Feds By Feds) \nGDL is legit. Legit retards and useful idiots but still legit and retard BASED", "pid": 474407305 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2B87", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:48\n\nAnother loomer honey pot.", "pid": 474407326 }, { "sender": "C046-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:00\n\nCheck out this thread \n>>474406900 \n>>474406900 \n>>474406900", "pid": 474407339 }, { "sender": "783C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:26\n\nsmolfash westons girlk ended up being a tranny.\nGDL is full of tranny feds larping.", "pid": 474407484 }, { "sender": "Anon-E617", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:42\n\n>>474385759 \nThey went Abercrombie redneck.", "pid": 474408083 }, { "sender": "Anon-3A78", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:06\n\n>>474385788 \nGlowies would NOT use an actual swastika.", "pid": 474408198 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5CC5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:58\n\n>>474408198 \nThe nazi thing is a clear sign of a psyop. \nEquivalent of rabbis spraying their own synagogues to justify more laws/funding/victim cards. \n", "pid": 474408313 }, { "sender": "59DB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:02\n\n>>474394263 \nThis. So many glowies and retards on here that don’t understand that you don’t need to wave a fucking swastika to be against the replacement genocide and fiat enslavement of the European people world wide.", "pid": 474408476 }, { "sender": "FD79-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:32:18\n\n>>474394263 \nWe might have to run our own European movement away from the American retards at this point. \n \nThe normies that make up our people have been conditioned to associate the white identity with white supremacy. This is based on a moral framework 80 years in the making. One that we have almost no hope of going against by bashing our heads against the wall. \nTo argue that Europe is for Europeans, that Spain belongs to Spaniards, that England belongs to the English or that Germany belongs to the Germans ect is far more effective. \nThere is no clash or divide if I say that Italy belongs to the Italians or that Sweden belongs to the Swedish. There is no Nord vs Med clash. \nThere are European people and European national ethnic groups. Each having their own unique language, culture, history and identity. With European Ethnic Nationalism you take advantage of and use the thousand years of culture, history and identity to fight for the existence of your people. Your ethnic identity becomes a rally point for political change. Millions of Europeans have already fought and died for these identities. Speeches, songs, posters, paintings, art, poetry and books have already been produced for these identities by previous generations. To abandon that for something as phoney and fake as (((white nationalism))) is retarded. \n \nAn undefended castle will fall to one man. A mountain will bow to wind and rain given enough time. Our national identities are our strongest point of defence. England for the English, France for the French, Germany for the Germans ect. It’s not hard to understand. We are connected through these national identities as ethnic Europeans. \n \nThey are also our greatest strength. If you are fighting a battle to the death, you will use your strongest weapon. A thousand years of culture, history and identity. Millions of Europeans have died fighting for these identities. \n \nEurope for Europeans. \n \n", "pid": 474408570 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7F61", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:14\n\n>>474408476 \nJon needs you to donate to his white powDer fund.", "pid": 474408634 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D85", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:26\n\n>>474385993 \nif the media is pointing and talking about some nazi group it's a fucking obvious honeypot kek, real ones are staked out by the FBI and underground", "pid": 474408646 }, { "sender": "92C6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:20\n\n>>474386987 \nPeople keep trying to say that this is proof of animal-human chimeras, but in truth it’s just proof that niggers are monkeys and some of them just show it more than others.", "pid": 474408973 }, { "sender": "8F8F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:28\n\n>>474408634 \nI hate all of the e-celebs, “based politicians”, “religious leaders” and grifters. None of them are willing to stand against the replacement genocide, to call out zog or the fiat enslavement.", "pid": 474408983 }, { "sender": "69F6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:04\n\n>>474386991 \nThis guys name is joey bounds, seems like an actual cool dude but got compromised selling acid with a sawed off shotgun. \nNow he has to larp around with stinky faggots, i can tell hes miserable.", "pid": 474409082 }, { "sender": "Anon-2F64", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:17\n\n>>474408983 \nI hate them as well. \nI pray they get tried for treason soon.", "pid": 474409179 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B456", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:06\n\n>>474390748 \nAnd Republicans are? And Christniggers are? Do better than? I dare you.", "pid": 474409372 }, { "sender": "8CEE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:20\n\n>>474385637 \n>reddit \nI do not care", "pid": 474409448 }, { "sender": "433E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:42\n\n>>474385637 \nTrump VC will put them in prison for antisemitism. \n \nJust like Q-retards ended after strom on Capitol.", "pid": 474409560 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-33B3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:08\n\n>>474409372 \nThey did so bad people in florida thought they were a singing group. \nGDL/Blood tribe/Fuentes all clown shows to conflate whites questioning zog with goober retard bad actors like them. \nLiterally talking to your neighbors is better than what they do.", "pid": 474409589 }, { "sender": "232D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:40\n\n>>474392030 \nLmao, no you dumb bogan cunt, neither does Cuckstralia. Anglo race can't die soon enough.", "pid": 474409624 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-92D5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:54\n\n>>474392320 \nIt's always Christnigger race-traitors, shitskins or Angloids. Always.", "pid": 474409733 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-45E0", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:30\n\n>>474407484 \nIs he raising his Jewish child in SE Asia?", "pid": 474409778 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A9A6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:27\n\n>>474391360 \nIt is really true that most white advocates talk about Blacks and Mexicans than they do Whites. \nA poor white guy, does not really give a fuck about 14/50. He just needs a place to stay and stable job. Yet a supposed white nationalist would spit on him and go on talking about how blacks are criminals. \nYou never see a White nationalist help out a white man. You just see them argue about black dick size. \nTalking about Blacks is the White nationalists only topic.", "pid": 474410140 }, { "sender": "Anon-1791", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:30\n\n>>474409589 \nSo in other words, you do nothing? Yeah, that's what I thought Christnigger bitch.", "pid": 474410144 }, { "sender": "980E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:53\n\n>>474410140 \nKilling blacks would help out poor whites, more than you Christniggers ever will.", "pid": 474410261 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4FDA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:19\n\n>>474410261 \nOw da edge", "pid": 474410306 }, { "sender": "EEC8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:35\n\n>>474409778 \nWeston is a convicted scammer, scammed millions from whites with some paki call center scammer who probably provides all the fake views for GDL/nick/gypsy. \nHere is pic related for Joey. >>474409082", "pid": 474410328 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EF29", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:20\n\n>>474395293 \n>Also, Rockwell's movement failed because it tended to attract fringey types who undermined it \nThat's what Rockwell wanted kike rat, he knew normies wouldn't do shit.", "pid": 474410456 }, { "sender": "40AA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:30\n\n>>474409624 \n>>474409733 \n>>474410144 \n>>474410261 \nYoure a clown.", "pid": 474410470 }, { "sender": "109F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:28\n\n>>474410456 \nRockwell was just another ADL op sending men to die in vietnam.", "pid": 474410539 }, { "sender": "86DD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:15\n\n>>474410539 \nSame thing HT/Hammer tried to do with Ukraine.", "pid": 474410594 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F4B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:38\n\n>>474385993 \n>>474385637 \n>>474385788 \nOPSEC yes or no? That simple.", "pid": 474410625 }, { "sender": "AAD6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:09\n\nThis glowie did roids and fucked his tits up, so instead of working it out he goes to get a tit job.\nThese actors are not who you want to follow.\n", "pid": 474410816 }, { "sender": "CF1A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:38\n\n>>474408476 \nOk Angloid rat, show me one white who is against white replacement AND is also anti Nazi? Should be easy to prove your theory no?", "pid": 474410851 }, { "sender": "Anon-0014", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:14\n\n>>474408570 \nI think you Anglo rats gave done enough to destroy the white race haven't you? Just die off and leave Europeans in peace you filthy rats.", "pid": 474410969 }, { "sender": "5617-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:02\n\n>>474410851 \n>\"i need an e celeb to tell me what to do\" \nFuck off glowie, youre dead inside.", "pid": 474411039 }, { "sender": "4350-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:17\n\n>>474393394 \nWhat he is doing is not spineless. America is a FFA and nobody gives A FUCK about each other. You might get a warm welcome at first and very quick it turns into GOTO HELL. \nPeople here aren't worth it, even the whites are peices of shit", "pid": 474411048 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5DCD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:57\n\n>>474410470 \nYou're a brown Christnigger parasite who leeches of a civilization you could never create.", "pid": 474411102 }, { "sender": "D734-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:03\n\n>>474386549 \nI find people appreciate the hard truth.", "pid": 474411177 }, { "sender": "43BB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:22\n\n>>474398556 \n>pagans with harems \nOkay, that's based but their little matching shorts are not.", "pid": 474411205 }, { "sender": "BDBC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:09\n\n>>474411039 \nThat's not what I said Juan. Learn to read before you respond to my posts.", "pid": 474411258 }, { "sender": "3721-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:29\n\n>>474385637 \n>most pozzed RNC of all time by a significant margin \nredditors: \n>REEEEEEEEEEE look at these 5 chuds!!!", "pid": 474411280 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-38F9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:32\n\n>>474410851 \nIt’s a logical statement that requires no proof. Dozens of European nations and ethnic groups have existed prior to Hitler and they all managed to fight for their own existence without any trouble.", "pid": 474411282 }, { "sender": "3C4E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:33\n\n>>474411102 \nOkay show me a time stamp proving youre in Australia VPN shill. \nIll show you im whiter than you.", "pid": 474411285 }, { "sender": "Anon-EB87", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:55\n\n>>474385788 \nretard", "pid": 474411314 }, { "sender": "F9D7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:13\n\n>>474385772 \nYeah, but fuck kikes", "pid": 474411341 }, { "sender": "2E32-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:19\n\n>>474411258 \nTime stamp or stfu shill.", "pid": 474411352 }, { "sender": "D6CD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:51\n\n>>474385637 \nThey need drop the Nazi shit (for now at least) and people would take them more seriously and it would actually trigger leftists more \nThe message itself is threatening to them \nAlso I would drop “white” and use “European” or “American” \n>Americans against replacement \nThis glows for all those reasons above", "pid": 474411385 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-79A6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:35\n\n>>474386298 \nthis is the most retarded thing that I've read today. literally kys faggot", "pid": 474411723 }, { "sender": "A913-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:42\n\n>>474411385 \nthe nazi symbols definitely get them more attention", "pid": 474411731 }, { "sender": "AB87-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:44\n\n>>474392750 \nKEK", "pid": 474411736 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9034", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:33\n\n>>474411385 \n>They need drop the Nazi shit (for now at least) \nThey used to larp as a multiracial movement against zionists, HT then turned to full racist on his audience. \nHe still lives with a korean tho, and shills a gypsy. \nSloppy low hanging fruit honey pot.", "pid": 474411790 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FCF0", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:39\n\n>>474395084 \nI would do that. but go on, play your optics game. surely, you'll win in the end and everybody will love you. \nsissy faggot.", "pid": 474411797 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0ACE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:02\n\n>>474411385 \nI agree. If Americans can’t even fight for the American identity while excluding foreigners then how can anyone expect you to fight for the nation and land itself? \nI would say the same to Canadians and Australians. If Europeans can have a Europe for Europeans movement. So can Americans, Australians and Canadians. Either you exclude non Europeans from your identity or you will cease to exist as they flood you with tens of millions of Africans, Asians and Latinos. \nYour identity is the foundation for any collective political action leading to representation for the benefit of the collective. \n \n", "pid": 474411816 }, { "sender": "Anon-3E93", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:13\n\n>>474386049 \nThis \nthe swastika has been programmed heavily into the mind of normies through constant propaganda \nWaving one around being stupid in public talking about “white replacements” is a glowup and turned people that otherwise might be interested/sympathetic away", "pid": 474411901 }, { "sender": "0DA1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:18\n\n>>474385772 \nkys spiconzales", "pid": 474411906 }, { "sender": "579C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:06\n\n>>474411797 \n>bro Europeans have never fought for their existence before Hitler \n \nGermany for Germans? Europe for Europeans? \n \n>nah let’s wave a swastika around \n \n", "pid": 474412036 }, { "sender": "Anon-A39A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:18\n\n>>474393200 \nDon't play coy, Steven.", "pid": 474412051 }, { "sender": "33F7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:09\n\n>>474386244 \nThey had to work up to that though \nAnd only went mask of fairly recently \nLiberals in the second have of the 20 century did a lot of good pr \nlol", "pid": 474412193 }, { "sender": "E1D2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:42\n\n>>474386033 \n>almost got ran over \nWhy is the US full of retards? Is it the lead pipes or just dysgenics?", "pid": 474412244 }, { "sender": "CFE7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:52\n\n>>474386283 \nIt may be based but what’s more important trolling normies or spreading the message effectively \nThese people don’t take it seriously it’s about attention and being obnoxious la based faggots", "pid": 474412336 }, { "sender": "Anon-C438", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:39\n\n>>474392610 \n>>474392690 \n>>474412051 \nlmfao look how schizo the GDL shills are. \nIs Steve in the room with you now?", "pid": 474412402 }, { "sender": "Anon-4A09", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:20\n\n>>474388486 \n>>474389138 \n>All wear either glasses and masks, same as antifa faggots. \n>Totaly don't glow, yeah... you're just a optic cucks \nPeople actually fall for this bullshi just because \"b-but muh precious nazi darlings are b-b-based no matter what!\"?", "pid": 474412469 }, { "sender": "F80B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:13\n\n>>474386987 \ni think we're from mars", "pid": 474412616 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5C71", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:37\n\n>>474412402 \nSteve must be based.", "pid": 474412927 }, { "sender": "Anon-7C49", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:33:58\n\n>>474390251 \nIsn't this like the most obvious shit ever? Like how the fuck can any self-aware person not realize this for themselves? \nThe 80 IQers lacks any self-awarners and are no diffirent from the dumb cattle who get their entire worldview from watching Star War or some Marvel garbage", "pid": 474413072 }, { "sender": "Anon-1082", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:29\n\n>>474412927 \nI bet Steve has a massive cock.", "pid": 474413794 }, { "sender": "Anon-98E2", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:20\n\n>>474413794 \n8+ inches i bet.", "pid": 474413923 }, { "sender": "A791-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:18\n\n>>474394948 \nYou have never done anything in your whole life to advocate for or help stop white genocide. So why do you even comment? You're infinitely more detrimental to the cause than someone waving a flag in public. You've done quite literally nothing useful in your whole life.", "pid": 474414172 }, { "sender": "83EB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:02\n\n>>474411731 \n>>474411790 \n>>474411816 \nMost people know what the swastika is and what it represents \nMost people do not know what white replacement is or what that represents \nThese coons are counter productive", "pid": 474414233 } ]
[ { "sender": "3E25-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:57:38\n\nWhat happened to ‘freedom of speak’ in America", "pid": 474398422 }, { "sender": "7B6F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:00:05\n\nLol.\nDon't call em out like that.", "pid": 474398571 }, { "sender": "BABB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:01:47\n\n>>474398422 \nMutts can't speak out against kikes mate. They are their gods.", "pid": 474398680 }, { "sender": "21FC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:02:15\n\n>you didn't like when I started shooting you, but now you're shooting back? \n>what happened to \"don't shoot me\" hmmmm?", "pid": 474398714 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1DE2", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:03:52\n\n>>474398422 \n \n>job is to literally protect the public \n>make posts that are pro-murder \n \nWow how could this have happened", "pid": 474398817 }, { "sender": "204B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:06:58\n\n>>474398422 \nDallas is a lefty-lib shithole. Hasn't been based since the 60s.", "pid": 474399019 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8E8D", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:08:17\n\n>>474398422 \nFreedom of speech is not freedom of consequences \n:^>", "pid": 474399098 }, { "sender": "B287-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:08:31\n\n>>474398422 \nHe still has freedom to say it all day. Your employer has stipulations on how you represent them on and off the clock but you know that and are just acting like a little bitch.", "pid": 474399113 }, { "sender": "F798-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:09:14\n\n>>474398422 \nFreedom of speech, come on jeet at least learn the language before you start shitposting.", "pid": 474399146 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-305D", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:09:37\n\n>>474399113 \nThis, fucking dumb leaf jeet.", "pid": 474399160 }, { "sender": "Anon-6175", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:10:11\n\n>>474398422 \nNot freedom from consequences sweaty! \nHe better learn to code!", "pid": 474399192 }, { "sender": "7C31-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:10:25\n\n>>474398422 \n>free speech \ncan be restricted depending on job role", "pid": 474399220 }, { "sender": "77A5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:10:35\n\n>>474398422 \nWhen you're a public servant you don't have that freedom", "pid": 474399229 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-982E", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:10:35\n\n>>474398422 \nIts supporting a political assasination", "pid": 474399230 }, { "sender": "D2A8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:10:47\n\n>>474399113 \nAn employer has no abikity to regulate anything you do off the clock. Anyone telling you otherwise is dumb as fuck and should use google.", "pid": 474399244 }, { "sender": "Anon-2880", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:11:09\n\nWhy do leftists believe they deserve rights they don't believe in?", "pid": 474399265 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DF05", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:11:42\n\n>>474398422 \nWhere does it say he got jail time? Retard third worlders literally do not understand what freedom is.", "pid": 474399296 }, { "sender": "D905-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:11:54\n\n>>474398422 \nWas inciting violence ever legal in USA? Definitely isn't here, Mandeep.", "pid": 474399313 }, { "sender": "7353-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:12:03\n\n>>474398422 \nso she's still getting paid?", "pid": 474399324 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4921", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:12:36\n\n>>474399265 \nBecause no matter how degenerate lefties are they are still americans and anyone in america is governed by the constitution.", "pid": 474399355 }, { "sender": "Anon-23BA", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:12:39\n\n>>474398422 \n>Freedom of Speak \n>Speak \nDay of the shit shovel can't come soon enough.", "pid": 474399362 }, { "sender": "CC99-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:12:56\n\n>>474399244 \nthat’s fundamentally and factually incorrect you fuck", "pid": 474399380 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-951E", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:13:27\n\n>>474399098 \n>Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences \nActually it is unless the speech leads to physical actions that incur real tangible damages", "pid": 474399419 }, { "sender": "8BE3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:14:12\n\nRight wing snowflakes cancelled another wrongthink.", "pid": 474399467 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B799", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:14:32\n\n>>474398422 \nfreedom of speech does not actually cover openly asking for the murder of a presidential candidate, and never has.", "pid": 474399485 }, { "sender": "8B85-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:15:14\n\n>>474398422 \nWhat made cops and law enforcement turn their backs on conservatism so hard? Seriously, when I grew up, 100% of cops were at least center-right. Trump promised them indemnity which is a literal \"you're above the law do whatever you want\", and Pennsylvania cops still were complicit in allowing the assassination attempt. And we're not talking 3 letter feds, but local small town sheriffs and highway patrol ALL turning liberal-progressive? \n \nWhy did licking cop boots become a leftist position? I swear we changed timeliness with covid. Now the left, brown people, and women love cops, while it's the heterosexual white right that wants to defund them and dissolve every police station. Weird shit", "pid": 474399522 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4295", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:15:54\n\n>>474399419 \nActually, it isn't, you dumb cunt.", "pid": 474399573 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A674", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:16:12\n\n>>474399380 \nHaha no it is not. I would know because I worked at the worst corporate company you can imagine. They have no legal right to control what you say or do. The only time you have to be a good goy is when you are on the clock. If any entity attempts to infringe on your God given rights, they will be dealt with. Quickly.", "pid": 474399595 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D719", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:16:26\n\nHow come these retards can't wait a little while to make comments like that\nAt least do the sensible thing and post under a pseudonym", "pid": 474399617 }, { "sender": "4D6F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:17:30\n\n>>474399522 \nFaggot leaf phoneposter go away", "pid": 474399678 }, { "sender": "Anon-5D4F", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:18:16\n\n>>474399522 \nMaybe the cop isn't white? That could explain it. \n \nOr maybe the cop is white and paid attention to Trump's monitiring the blm situation, gun grabbing, covid, and Israel first policies? I mean, that is why I dislike him.", "pid": 474399736 }, { "sender": "1722-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:20:12\n\n>>474398422 \nThat's not freedom of speech. He was encouraging further violence by giving expert tactical advice to the (deceased) shooter or a copycat nutjob who may have been listening, which is actually illegal and a crime. It would be like after a serial killer's latest victim survived an attack you chime in and give advice on what to do differently on the next victim to ensure success.", "pid": 474399840 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9DD2", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:20:16\n\n>>474399419 \n1st amendment is designed to protect you from litigation or imprisonment for speech. That's it. People are more than legally allowed to fire you if you say some dumb shit they don't like. Go actually read the bill of rights you retard.", "pid": 474399843 }, { "sender": "CE44-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:21:29\n\nThis anon has it right: >>474398714 \nCancelling people for having opinions on the internet was pioneered by progressives and leftists. This is just return fire.", "pid": 474399926 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BAEF", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:21:39\n\n>>474399113 \nPam?", "pid": 474399940 }, { "sender": "Anon-4F23", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:08\n\n>>474399940 \nDummy thicc pam.", "pid": 474399968 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BCF6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:40\n\n>>474399843 \nyou fucking told him leafbro", "pid": 474400006 }, { "sender": "5263-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:23:10\n\n>>474399296 \n>Say something \n>Get fired and cancelled \n>See ? We didn't throw you in jail \n>Don't you just love freedom ? \nAmerican cope no 234567865434567", "pid": 474400042 }, { "sender": "98A5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:23:14\n\n>>474399113 \n>pawg", "pid": 474400047 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8F10", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:23:25\n\n>>474399840 \nNice try but you missed. Aim better.", "pid": 474400061 }, { "sender": "AC96-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:23:41\n\n>>474399019 \nThen why did he get away with it?", "pid": 474400083 }, { "sender": "Anon-06E5", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:23:43\n\n>>474399324 \n>She", "pid": 474400085 }, { "sender": "9920-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:24:03\n\n>zogbot fired for insulting the zog", "pid": 474400116 }, { "sender": "Anon-79A4", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:24:15\n\n>>474399419 \nlike presidential assassination attempts?", "pid": 474400128 }, { "sender": "6E69-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:25:13\n\n>>474399617 \nThis. Every account you have should be fake", "pid": 474400186 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9787", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:25:13\n\n>>474398422 \nI believe you leftoids call it.. um... let me check my notes... oh \n>Not Freedom of Consequences \nplus its also a crime to demand the death of a president, sitting or former", "pid": 474400187 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BEDE", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:27:44\n\n>What happened to ‘freedom of speak’ in America[?] \nWhat happened to it in Chinindia?", "pid": 474400349 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-34D7", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:29:24\n\n>>474399113", "pid": 474400462 }, { "sender": "2139-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:30:00\n\n>>474399522 \n>What made cops and law enforcement turn their backs on conservatism so hard? \nPower corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Progressives use the state to attack their political enemies with cops, whereas the right wing vision of police is having guys collecting tax for the state. I think over the past few years, cops realized by siding with the left, it allows them to taste power, have the backing of the MSM machine (like how all of a sudden cops stopped being LE BAD from BLM in 2019 to LE GOOD during vaccine shit at the flip of a switch), and most important of all, the license to enact violence on others free of consequence. \n \nThose of us with 2 braincells to rub together warned everyone that BLM aren't libertarians who merely want to reduce the scope of government or police. The whole thing was a psop to make Americans fear and feel threatened that the government is trying to defund the police, so they could trigger a reactionary response more towards militarized cops even harder. The retards bought it hook, line, sinker.", "pid": 474400500 }, { "sender": "018F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:30:38\n\n>>474399843 \nOk seriously. \nI know it's not the same law but there are other laws at play here too \n>Be a black guy \n>Do your job well, above expectations even (inb4 lol) \n>A new boss takes over \n>I'm firing you because your black \n>Sue the company \n>They must give your job back plus pay damages \nTherefore you're legally protected \n>Say something boss doesn't like, off the clock \n>Get fired \n>Sue \n>Get fucked, pay for the other side's expenses \nNot legally protected. \n\"We won't throw you in jail\" is not a legal protection, it's decriminalization at best.", "pid": 474400536 }, { "sender": "2B2F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:30:41\n\nAbsolute mental gymnastics ITT. Freedom of speech is just being allowed to say things without being prevented from doing so. Every time you limit it, you have less freedom of speech. Free speech is an important protection awarded to criticize people with power. A person with power acting against you to limit your speech is limiting your freedom of speech. Be it a corporation or governmental body. Power is power.\nOf course, that raises a good question. How important is speech joking about killing the president?", "pid": 474400542 }, { "sender": "FD02-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:31:44\n\n>>474400536 \n>you're\\*", "pid": 474400610 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C6D5", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:32:29\n\n>>474399313 \nWho's that guy in jail for life that never murdered anyone .... Hes pretty famous.", "pid": 474400662 }, { "sender": "E3B1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:34:03\n\n>>474398422 \nIt's polarized and it will get worse too, everyone on the edge of losing it, we are just waiting for that spark", "pid": 474400753 }, { "sender": "Anon-4584", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:34:31\n\n>>474400542 \nAccording to Protocols the goyim are unable to properly utilize the freedom. \nLike allowing everybody to buy a gun and you have a 1000000 dead the day after, it's not working. \nSome moderation is necessary and the goyim truly don't understand freedom", "pid": 474400783 }, { "sender": "34A6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:35:04\n\n>>474399355 \nI’m sorry but if you don’t believe in the constitution, then you don’t believe your rights were given to you by God and you don’t deserve any of the protections provided by the US Constitution. Fuck Trudeau, fuck Canada but most importantly fuck you.", "pid": 474400817 }, { "sender": "9570-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:35:07\n\n>>474399244 \nWhile they can be \"off duty\", police are never off the clock. Their oath of office applies 24/7. This is one of the things they have to agree to in exchange for being granted powers not available to the typical citizen. It's similar to how joining the military strips you of certain civil rights but you also are allowed to go murder people on behalf of the state.", "pid": 474400822 }, { "sender": "8FBA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:36:20\n\n>>474398422 \nThe left really are finding out that what comes around goes around, its actually amazing how their brains just aren't programmed to understand this concept.", "pid": 474400891 }, { "sender": "8E69-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:37:43\n\n>>474398422 \n \nSo not even fired? Lmao", "pid": 474400979 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EA61", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:40:43\n\n>>474399244 \nAn employer can absolutely punish you though if you're saying something that might make them look bad, especially if using an account where you explicitly advertise yourself as an employee of theirs. So if you work at Aldis or something and go on facebook and say \"God there's rats fucking everywhere and our food tastes like shit\" don't be too surprised if you get called into the manager's office for a talk the next morning.", "pid": 474401169 }, { "sender": "Anon-CD4E", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:42:45\n\n>>474399380 \nThis is correct, mutts are enslaved to their employer 24/7 and even for years after they're terminated.", "pid": 474401296 }, { "sender": "F8E9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:36\n\n>>474399244 \n>use jewgle \nkek", "pid": 474401341 }, { "sender": "Anon-3346", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:53\n\nHow can you not be fired immediately for this? It's inciting...", "pid": 474401362 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CFDF", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:44:17\n\n>>474401169 \nWell that should be illegal if you want full FoS", "pid": 474401383 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF1B", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:46:43\n\n>>474398422 \n>be leftists \n>spend last 20 years firing everyone who disagrees with you \n>narrative shifts slightly and you don't get the memo \n>get fired \n>wHaT hApPeNeD 2 oUr FrEeDuMbZ \n \npikachu face", "pid": 474401551 }, { "sender": "Anon-B968", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:47:25\n\n>>474401383 \nYou're more than free to say it and no one can stop you. It doesn't stop you from facing the consequences of it though.", "pid": 474401603 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-308A", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:47:55\n\n>>474398422 \ndemocrats murdered it", "pid": 474401639 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E78C", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:48:32\n\n>>474398422 \n>aim better \nHe meant in minecraft", "pid": 474401686 }, { "sender": "01AB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:49:26\n\n>>474401551", "pid": 474401736 }, { "sender": "Anon-8347", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:49:37\n\nFreedom of speech \n>Aim better \n \nAlso freedom of speech \n>You're fired", "pid": 474401750 }, { "sender": "4BB6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:49:40\n\n>>474401603 \n>There was freedom of speech in SSSR \n>You could say whatever you want and go to gulag", "pid": 474401752 }, { "sender": "1282-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:53:14\n\n>>474401551 \nWhatever happened to Kenneth?", "pid": 474401977 }, { "sender": "Anon-0800", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:59:00\n\n>>474400536 \nI don't know what your point is. Your second example seems like you have a problem with limitations surrounding the 6th amendment, not the 1st.", "pid": 474402346 }, { "sender": "38A9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:00:40\n\n>>474401736 \n>>474399736 \n>>474399467 \n>>474400061 \n>ACK!", "pid": 474402450 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0A86", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:02:09\n\n>>474398817 \n>>job is to literally protect the public \nOP says it was a police officer", "pid": 474402547 }, { "sender": "335C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:06:37\n\n>>474398422 \ngetting tired of administrative leaves as \"\"punishments\"\"\" \nall they are is several weeks of paid vacation before the person just comes back to work after internet's adhd forgets gim", "pid": 474402844 }, { "sender": "4F73-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:06:50\n\n>>474398422 \nsucks when the thing you advocated for for decades happens to you doesn't it?", "pid": 474402856 }, { "sender": "93D2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:08:31\n\n>>474398422 \nFreedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.", "pid": 474402969 }, { "sender": "18EC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:15\n\n>>474399522 \nThe right wants cops to do their jobs (work). \n \nThe left wants cops to sit in their cars drinking coffee and eating donuts while criminals wreak havoc with impunity. \n \nCops are lazy so of course they'll support the leftist agenda.", "pid": 474403204 }, { "sender": "C3BC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:03\n\n>>474398422 \ngood fucking question, although you picked a weird time to ask \nno that guy shouldn't be \"cancelled\" for being a dick, nobody should be persecuted for having an opinion", "pid": 474403393 }, { "sender": "Anon-F682", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:16:44\n\n>>474402450 \nThat doesn't bother me because I'm not some karen pushing censorship on 4chan.", "pid": 474403507 }, { "sender": "738F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:29\n\n>>474403393 \n> public official in charge of enforcing the law \n> advocates murder openly \n \n\"Administrative leave\" was a slap on the wrist.", "pid": 474403707 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-20CC", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:00\n\n>>474398422 \nIt's \"freedom of SPEECH\" you fucking nigger", "pid": 474404069 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1607", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:09\n\n>>474398422 \nit's funny how you lefties always tout \"freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence\" and the moment y'all say some nasty shit and find consequence due to it you put on basedjak face wondering what went wrong. \n \nfucking hypocrites.", "pid": 474404208 }, { "sender": "B7FA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:17\n\n>>474398422 \nConsequences of decades of attacks on free speech by the tolerant left. Now everyone is as retarded as they are.", "pid": 474404346 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-087D", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:35\n\n>be boss \n>employee tells me I'm a nigger jew faggot and he'd like to see my mother get raped \n>not allowed to fire him or I'll be infringing on his \"Free Speech\" \n \nnot sure that's the way it works m8e", "pid": 474404901 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD79", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:02\n\n>>474398422 \nFuck you, disingenuous cunt. \n \nJust like the rightoids that whined about 1A, you just want to be able to say whatever you want without consequences. \n \nYou have absolutely no idea what a world where Donald Trump dies to this plot looks like. Knowing everything we know now about SS's incompetence, would anyone ever believe it was anything but a deep state plot? You want to live in that timeline? You're fucking psycho. \n \nThat's why people who say this shit should be punished. They don't live in reality. They don't understand what they're asking for when they say Trump should have died.", "pid": 474405141 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-06FA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:13\n\nDemocrats wanted this.", "pid": 474405215 }, { "sender": "A07B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:57\n\n>>474398422 \nNeither party cared for free speech.", "pid": 474405331 }, { "sender": "Anon-B336", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:31\n\n>>474399146 \n>>474399244 \n>>474399355 \n>>474399595 \n>>474399968 \nstupid shit colored skin pajeet, how are you this retarded? Are all your people like this? Fucking go back Raj and take your Muslim cock loving Hindi whore wife as well.", "pid": 474405692 }, { "sender": "4C45-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:34\n\n>>474398422 \nLet WKUK break it down for you \n \n\\_kUaYFJA", "pid": 474405916 }, { "sender": "Anon-80ED", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:21\n\n>>474398571 \nHow's is going over there faggot?", "pid": 474406978 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-90B7", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:23\n\n>>474398422 \nOh sweet summer child, it's Freedom of Speech, not Freedom of Consequences :^)", "pid": 474407790 }, { "sender": "Sage McSage", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:03\n\n>>474398422 \n Fuck off Leaf and deal with Trudeau. 1pbtid shill cunt.", "pid": 474407967 }, { "sender": "Anon-A284", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:51\n\n>just aim better bro", "pid": 474408098 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AEC2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:28\n\n>>474399419 \n>I'm going to tell my boss to suck my dick and he can't fire me! \nActually it literally is fucking not.", "pid": 474408716 }, { "sender": "Anon-18FC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:41\n\nYou now remember Trump's non-stop praising of police officers, glowniggers and armed forces while in office.", "pid": 474409056 }, { "sender": "3B14-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:43\n\n>>474399244 \nyet they still fire you over you saying nigger in a twitter post. curious", "pid": 474409061 }, { "sender": "ADBE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:14\n\nFreedom of speech does not equate to freedom from consequences.", "pid": 474409177 }, { "sender": "E6D2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:16\n\n>>474409177 \n>>474407790 \nYes it does. If I say something you don't like, you don't have any right to persecute me or murder me.", "pid": 474409236 }, { "sender": "3437-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:43\n\n>>474398422 \nFreedom from free speech free consequences isn't freedom from sweater", "pid": 474409341 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0C52", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:53\n\n>there should be freedom of speech \n>\"no there shouldn't\" \n>okay, there shouldn't. you're now cancelled for something you said. \n>\"WHAT!? THAT'S UNFAIR! WHAT HAPPENED TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH!? FUCKING HYPOCRITE CHUD. CHUD PLEASE SAVE ME REEEEEEEE!!!\"", "pid": 474409353 }, { "sender": "D4B3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:02\n\n>>474398422 \nDallas? aka Dallas in Texas? aka the biggest redneck state in the U.S.? \nIt's over for Republicans.", "pid": 474409500 }, { "sender": "1774-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:52\n\nEveryone saying \n>muh job \n \nNigger his job was to uphold the U.S. Constitution. And this was valid free speech. He was just testing the limits of the system, on purpose. This will be struck down in court and he’ll be reinstated with backpay.", "pid": 474409878 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6768", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:02\n\n>>474398817 \nMerica !!1!", "pid": 474410503 }, { "sender": "86EC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:40\n\nThe left destroyed it. Now they’re mad they have to face the consequences themselves.", "pid": 474410700 }, { "sender": "D6C8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:18\n\n>>474409500 \ndallas is a shithole \nnext your gonna tell me your shocked austin has faggots and houston has niggers. \n>>474409878 \nim pretty sure you cant yell fire in a theater or that your gonna kill the president. \n>i mean i agree with you, but is what is it. \nyou also cant call everyone a nigger without being hit with citing a riot or some dumb shit. \n>they erod our constitution daily.", "pid": 474410974 }, { "sender": "A173-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:14\n\n>>474410974 \nin fact i thinkt he worst crime here is that im sure some faggot will get jail time for the exact same thing and this cop will just lose his job. \ncan we bitch about the double standards for a minute?", "pid": 474411188 }, { "sender": "1313-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:29\n\n>>474398422 \nFreedom of speech is under the government, not your employer. \n>>474399419 \nYeah, from the government. \n \nMisunderstanding this aspect of the First Amendment is what has allowed the left to normalize their agenda for decades. Well meaning conservatives enshrined Free Speech so hard that they forgot that employers can, and should, enforce decency. For example, do you think a police department should allow their officers to literally throw wet shit at a canvas outside of the court building? Why not? It's freedom of speech and freedom of expression! Oh? Because that's fucking bizarre and disgusting and not becoming of the people you want protecting your city? \n \nDo you get it now? Conservatives did nothing to conserve society for decades. Leftists are terrified that they can no longer act like the bloodthirsty, rabid jackals they are without consequence from their employers. No one is going to defend them anymore. I won't.", "pid": 474412482 }, { "sender": "C5B2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:11\n\n>>474398422 \n>by accepting this job you promise not to say nigger nigger nigger \n>NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER \n>You're put on paid vacation YOU NAUGHTY BOY \nOh no admin leave. Paid admin leave. What a tragedy.", "pid": 474412612 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B43", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:32\n\n>>474398422 \nEvery leftie right now turned into Randy Marsh: \n", "pid": 474412635 }, { "sender": "Anon-6D02", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:42\n\n>shitlibs backing the blue now", "pid": 474414203 }, { "sender": "9306-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:45\n\n>>474402547 \nKeyed post", "pid": 474414356 }, { "sender": "D661-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:15\n\n>>474403507 \nBecause you're some loser nobody lol", "pid": 474414744 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-CF22", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:44:53\n\nThey literally prayed to a demon at the RNC thanking it for protecting Donald Trump. If you don’t know what’s happening by now you are in trouble.", "pid": 474397600 }, { "sender": "226D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:46:55\n\n>>474397600 \nNot that I 100% believe this myself yet, but this shit at the RNC really does look like if Trump wasn't always a kike puppet that he was \"changed\" just like Ronald Reagan after his assassination attempt", "pid": 474397730 }, { "sender": "7370-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:47:05\n\n>>474397600 \nIndians are American patriots. As long as 50 million of them come here legally we don't mind.", "pid": 474397744 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E008", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:50:06\n\n>>474397600 \n>If you don’t know what’s happening by now", "pid": 474397949 }, { "sender": "AC17-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:51:45\n\n>>474397600 \nI wish demons were cute and cuddly TB h f∆m", "pid": 474398048 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD7A", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:52:30\n\n>>474397600 \nSo are RNC racists or not racist? Which is it leftoids", "pid": 474398098 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-81AC", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:52:47\n\n>>474397949 \nWhat is the \"J\" standing for?", "pid": 474398115 }, { "sender": "4963-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:54:13\n\n>>474397600 \n>literally prayed to a demon \njesus christ you christ fags are such a fags \nif you flew over to a country that didn't speak english and spoke the lord's prayer to them in english it would sound like demon worship to them. \nstop jewing up this board with your nonsense and pay attention to the actual real problems", "pid": 474398201 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C68A", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:54:59\n\n>>474397600 \nThey were intending this prayer to be their moment of silence for the passing of trump due to assassination \n \nthis was meant to be absolutely humiliating for trump's supporters and especially christians \n \na prayer to a pagan genderless god in honor of trump \n \ntheir coup de grace with RNC support", "pid": 474398252 }, { "sender": "D119-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:55:33\n\nbomb iran", "pid": 474398295 }, { "sender": "Anon-68D9", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:56:36\n\n>>474398201 \nYeah dude that was totally like the Lord’s Prayer just in another language", "pid": 474398359 }, { "sender": "B9F7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:02:32\n\n>>474398201 \n>the RNC having a jeet female speaker, who shows no emotion, covering her head and reciting a prayer in a foreign language pray-sing demons, all while changing the background color for this specific speaker, is not a real issue \ngo fuck yourself \nsee here >>474398252", "pid": 474398731 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2280", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:02:48\n\n>>474397600 \nSatanic filth. If trump doesn't denounce this by tomorrow, ill take it as him renouncing Christ.", "pid": 474398759 }, { "sender": "1547-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:06:55\n\n>>474397600 \nShe literally looks like Kamela Harris wtf", "pid": 474399015 }, { "sender": "D15E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:08:54\n\n>>474397600 \nHere is something to ponder \nTrump is probably Demonic \nAnd Only Demons can protect him \n \nNot all demons", "pid": 474399126 }, { "sender": "201C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:11:32\n\n>>474397600 \n>quote \n\"Dear Vaheguru, our one true God, we thank you for creating America as a unique haven on this earth where all people are free to worship according to their faith. We seek your blessings and guidance for our beloved country. Please bless our people with wisdom as they vote in the upcoming election. And please bless with humility, honesty, skill, and integrity all those who conduct the election,\" she said. \n \nSeveral other delegates joined Dhillon's poignant prayer with folded hands, bowed heads and closed eyes. \n \n\"We thank you for the 'Chardikala' spirit that we have witnessed in President Trump. That is the tireless and uplifting spirit that is sustained even in the face of violent adversity, like a founding father centuries ago. And we thank you, dear God, for protecting his life. We thank you for his examples of 'nirbhay'- fearlessness and 'nirvir' the absence of hate when faced with vitriol. These examples of extraordinary calm inspire us,\" she prayed. \n \nShe concluded by praying for good spirits everywhere. \n \n\"May your name forever be exalted, spreading happiness and blessings and good spirit, that everyone may prosper and enjoy the grace of your peace. Thank you,\" she concluded. \n>end quote", "pid": 474399285 }, { "sender": "946C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:12:20\n\n>>474397730 \nMaybe you should stop calling everyone a communist who isn't a Kike-Puppet.", "pid": 474399338 }, { "sender": "2054-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:13:15\n\n>>474399285 \nBS \n \nShe summoned Demons \nDont covert this up now", "pid": 474399401 }, { "sender": "C87D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:13:31\n\n>>474397600 \ncould it be that the USA is a myth and is a vassal state for another foreign state and is ran by jews for over 100+ years, and all that it does is for jews only? and theyre killing off all the white people which will be gone very soon? \n \nyes. \nthat is what it is.", "pid": 474399422 }, { "sender": "Anon-EC89", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:14:05\n\n>>474399401 \n>Dont covert this up now \nDont \\*cover this up now", "pid": 474399461 }, { "sender": "12DC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:15:31\n\n>>474399401 \nIf you have a better translation, provide it.", "pid": 474399549 }, { "sender": "7A1F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:15:43\n\n>>474397949 \n>or anything else \nBut his speech and changed it to faggy unity and lets an absolute freakshow circus playout at the rnc, and is now pro war letting that stupid trubo kike vp pick go on about iran", "pid": 474399565 }, { "sender": "ED0F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:16:49\n\n>>474397600 \nThat was really disturbing.", "pid": 474399633 }, { "sender": "6BE4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:17:31\n\n>>474399549 \nI dont \nBut that Poonjabi Witch probably spoke Poonjabi Demon Runes and summoned a fat Poonjabi Demon \nIt trust my explanation moar", "pid": 474399680 }, { "sender": "F475-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:17:32\n\n>>474398201 \nMaybe we shouldnt let foreign demonic prayer in our english speaking country you slop drudging faggot cuck. Eat a bullet you spineless nigger faggot.", "pid": 474399681 }, { "sender": "A888-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:18:23\n\n>>474397744 \nYeah, that's what we need, more fucking scam center poojeets \nFuck off", "pid": 474399747 }, { "sender": "E136-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:20:44\n\n>>474399285 \nJesus Christ, nice “conservative” republican party. Fucking vile old kike loving faggots. This is more proof to me that indians are the jews new pet race and their demons are all one and the same going by different names.", "pid": 474399880 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FEBC", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:21:47\n\n>>474398201 \n>if you flew over to a country that didn't speak english and spoke the lord's prayer to them \n \nOnly Mormons and FAGGOTS do that, why would a Christian walk amongst heathens, those who believe in Christ walk on to em, those who believe in demons are cast to the shadows. \n \nFuck this fucking rajeets trying to shove their shit eating culture in the Americas, every fucking NIGGER coming out the old continent need to be shot in a fucking long cannon back there. \nTHEY DON'T FUCKING BELONG HERE", "pid": 474399953 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5466", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:37\n\n>>474399565 \n>But his speech and changed it to faggy unity \nHe did not speak at the RNC.", "pid": 474400002 }, { "sender": "AE57-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:23:18\n\nOur Judeo-Hindu-Christian values", "pid": 474400051 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-15F6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:27:04\n\n>>474400002 \nHe already said he rewrote his speech to be about unity, when he does speak it changed from what it was intended to be", "pid": 474400315 }, { "sender": "Anon-2BB6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:29:23\n\n>>474397744 \nThis", "pid": 474400461 }, { "sender": "Anon-CD8A", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:29:38\n\n>>474397600 \nyeah something is seriously fucked up about that", "pid": 474400477 }, { "sender": "6183-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:30:40\n\n>>474397600 \n>trumpet is the antichrist \nI heard LITERAL DRUMS in the clouds last night \nI ain't scared of your glorified abrahamic minitour, I got 5th gear luffy on my side. joyboy is back baby.", "pid": 474400540 }, { "sender": "E496-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:30:41\n\n>>474400315 \n>someone else said he did it, so it must be true", "pid": 474400541 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD49", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:34:01\n\n>>474397600 \nThis freak is here because they thought Don would be dead, and Pageet Haley would be nominated in his place,", "pid": 474400752 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5EBD", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:34:05\n\n>>474397600 \n>They literally prayed to a demon at the DNC \nThe Democrat witches, including Hillary, usually do this. \nSince its witches, and witches all are leftists or crazy leftists and are all voting for D party.", "pid": 474400755 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-585D", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:37:12\n\n>>474397949 \nWhy does this “retard” not understand how to use quotation marks? It’s nigger tier stupidity \n \n>>474398115 \nJewsucker", "pid": 474400946 }, { "sender": "Anon-DB7E", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:42:20\n\n>>474399285 \n>Vaheguru \n>Waheguru \n \n>sikh - wikipedia \nwhat the fuck? wasn't expecting that outcome honestly. \n \noh and not everything you doing like is satan thats how you get the witch burnings. you're the witch, before you go thinking thats a good idea somehow.", "pid": 474401264 }, { "sender": "1103-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:42:59\n\n>>474401264 \n\\*not everything you DONT like is satan etcetera", "pid": 474401304 }, { "sender": "DE71-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:48:35\n\n>>474397600 \n>Kali ma! Kali maaa! Shaktidey!", "pid": 474401687 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D678", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:50:18\n\n>>474401304 \n>not everything you DONT like is satan \nWhat part of \n>Dear Vaheguru, our one true God \nis difficult for you?", "pid": 474401792 }, { "sender": "D86B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:54:37\n\n>>474401792 \nthe part where I googled it and thats not satan your fucking muppet. \ngod im done talking to retards on the internet all day, you're LITERALLY causing world war 3 with your fucking stupidity and you can't even use fucking google \n \nhitler did nothing wrong you idiots need to be put into education camps.", "pid": 474402071 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0CAC", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:08\n\n>>474402071 \n>it's not satan, it's just their god \nfuck off", "pid": 474403677 }, { "sender": "E0FF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:31\n\n>>474398201 \nThat's why God let us speak in tongues.", "pid": 474403905 }, { "sender": "Anon-53A2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:03\n\n>>474397600 \n>demons \nshut the fuck up (((christian))) kike enabler", "pid": 474405086 }, { "sender": "756E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:32\n\n>>474397600", "pid": 474405848 }, { "sender": "F0B7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:31\n\n>>474400051 \nkek", "pid": 474407112 }, { "sender": "713C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:06\n\n>>474397600 \nThis is so random, why a Sikh prayer ?", "pid": 474407652 }, { "sender": "326B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:59\n\n>>474407652 \nRetarded fed shills don't know what else to throw at the Republican party . Since there are so many threads, likely fake news.", "pid": 474408190 }, { "sender": "Anon-353C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:32\n\n>>474397600 \n>bro the tech right is /ourguys/ this is great \n>get this \nAll the momentum from the assassination attempt just hit a brick wall", "pid": 474408291 }, { "sender": "F6B0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:29\n\nThey’ve adopted black signaling. The “fight the power” fist. Putting blackish Amber Rose on the stage to get black votes.\nThey are using people as props to access power. Then they will be racist as normal. It’s whatever suits them in the moment for TV. Because this shit is fake.\n\nIndians are more compliant to gut corporations of smart workers to save money. They are Oompa Loompas to Republicans. They are praying the Oompa Loompa God to be more rich.", "pid": 474410082 }, { "sender": "8322-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:00\n\n>>474402071 \nIt’s a false god, it’s a demon. A minion of satan.", "pid": 474411243 }, { "sender": "Anon-5B57", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:24\n\n>Jews kvetching goyim don't worship Jews \nHahaha", "pid": 474411358 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1FF5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:58\n\n>>474397600 \nWhat is the difference between Ds and Rs at this point? One publicly shills for Israel more ?", "pid": 474411469 }, { "sender": "975C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:23\n\n>>474398731 \noh its definitely an issue, but not because its ''demonic'' or whatever hysterical christcuck garbage you believe \n \nthe irony is almost every cuckservative and MAGAtard would be jumping for joy if a street shitting pajeet walked on state and recited a christian prayer. thats the real problem with trumps movement", "pid": 474411618 }, { "sender": "F429-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:30\n\n>>474397744 \nAnd I’m proud to be an American where at least my streets aren’t clean. I won’t forget the poojeets who shat and coofed all over me.", "pid": 474411715 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-017F", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:35\n\n>>474397600 \nThey've been doing this for decades now, where the fuck have you retards been? \n \n>Your \"based\" Pope John Paul II sir", "pid": 474411857 }, { "sender": "7FA9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:13\n\n>>474397744 \nAlmost every single real plague or disease comes from either china or india. But at least for the deadly stuff we have an ocean between us. \n \nSoon canada will be added to that list.", "pid": 474411902 }, { "sender": "1870-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:13\n\n>>474401304 \neverything that is not of Christ is of satan, yes.", "pid": 474411903 }, { "sender": "Anon-F2AA", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:53\n\n>>474397744 \n>\"we\"", "pid": 474411954 }, { "sender": "B5CA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:38\n\n>>474397600 \nImagine the smell", "pid": 474412008 }, { "sender": "4E12-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:31\n\n>>474411469 \nOne is pro-Israel \nOne is anti-White", "pid": 474412070 }, { "sender": "DD9A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:44\n\n>>474397744 \nMy brother", "pid": 474412325 }, { "sender": "32C6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:00\n\n>>474411902 \nThey've all come from China, but now that Indians are being moved around we might see even worse abomination spread. They are like agents of Nurgle.", "pid": 474414827 } ]
[ { "sender": "76BC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:19\n\nDo you make any distinctions between jews based on their home country and politics or are all jews simply le bad?", "pid": 474414094 }, { "sender": "2A52-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:31\n\n>>474414094 \n>you must support israel because jews need a home!! \n>oy vey goy your country is my home and so its normal that im in charge", "pid": 474414337 }, { "sender": "Anon-A880", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:34\n\n>>474414094 \nall jews (synagogue of satan) believe they will enslave the world. so they're all bad, because their ideology is. even if a kike is just selling bagels, he likely votes demonrat and donates to antiwhites, and even if he doesn't, his son can grow up to be a bankster, a terrorist, etc. and this from the people who keep talking about \"killing baby hitler\" \n \nif a jew is not a religious jew, he can still be a hebrew, but even then his DNA is polluted from thousands of years of psychopats. look at all the disorders kike has, just like anything with race, it's not just physical, but it affects your mental state too \n-\\_genetics\\_of\\_Jews", "pid": 474414599 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9B42", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:15\n\n>>474414094 \n>oy vey goy! I just want you to fight in wars and pay taxes to support my based trad ethno state that you hopefully have sentimental connection to from my slave religion!! My cousin who wants to turn your kids into gay race mixers is the real problem!! We couldn't possibly be more different!!", "pid": 474414743 }, { "sender": "Anon-F775", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:58:28\n\n>>474414094 \nThere are two types of Jews: Jewish businessmen and Jewish intellectuals. I prefer the businessmen.", "pid": 474415034 }, { "sender": "32DD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:41\n\nI make a distinction between the men that I want death and their fertile khazzari bitches who I want to impregnate and convert to christianity.", "pid": 474415390 }, { "sender": "31AA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:43\n\n>>474415034 \nwhich is this one? \nfounder and CEO: Gabriel Weinberg \n- \n \nand how come there's countless other examples, is soros not a businessman, is larry fink?", "pid": 474415393 }, { "sender": "Anon-9E70", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:06:23\n\n>>474414094 \nGenetic proclivity to schizophrenia and socio-historical, self-reinforced persecution complexes, coupled with the horrifying nature of jewish mothers, makes all of them ticking time bombs of dark triad trait explosions, even with the seemingly well-adjusted ones. \n \nIt's a truly cursed race created by a combination of intentional or accidental dysfunctions.", "pid": 474415739 }, { "sender": "3B19-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:09:26\n\n>>474414094 \nThey belong in India, Hell, or the Autonomous Oblast in Russia.", "pid": 474415981 } ]
Trump shooter confirmed to be a chudcel
[ { "sender": "142E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:17\n\nTrump shooter confirmed to be a chudcel\n\nHow utterly shocking!", "pid": 474408336 }, { "sender": "0C1C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:15\n\nThat faggot was not conservative I'd bet everything I own. Kys if you believe this retard shit", "pid": 474408414 }, { "sender": "2DA8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:25\n\nhey try this on for size\nnot only do I not believe you\nbut I also dont care", "pid": 474408428 }, { "sender": "EB47-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:41\n\nHehe chuds he was a trump supporter MAGAt", "pid": 474408454 }, { "sender": "7869-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:38\n\n>>474408336 \nHe’s literally a boulder headed Scottish kike you kike. Stop posting from the synagogue in Rio", "pid": 474408523 }, { "sender": "A0DE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:59\n\n>>474408414 \nNo evidence provided. \nHe was a registered republican, a gun nut, a sub-5 and also seem as conservative by his colleagues", "pid": 474408684 }, { "sender": "3C63-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:24\n\n>>474408684 \nActBlue donor \nCovid panic masker \nShot trump", "pid": 474408787 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BA25", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:22\n\n>>474408336 \nAll heterosexual white men are conservative.", "pid": 474408850 }, { "sender": "945D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:56\n\n>>474408787 \nDebunked \nJust like Vivek \nSeems like a disgruntled /pol/chud to me \nMaybe he was mad trump promised to give more weapons to Israel", "pid": 474408886 }, { "sender": "3C4B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:37:47\n\n>>474408684 \n>no evidence provided \n>so let’s take one of his classmates, not friends, opinions as scripture \n>also ignore clear lack of political motive if shooter was truly conservative \n \nYeah, don’t post here ever again", "pid": 474408935 }, { "sender": "Anon-CE8C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:49\n\n>>474408336 \nWe now live in a world where you can only believe what your eyes, gut, and heart tell you, and mine all tell me that this guy was a libshit.", "pid": 474409004 }, { "sender": "B7CA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:49\n\n>A bunch of zoomers (who are likely to be left-leaning) capitalise on their loose association with the shooter \n>dude reportedly was bullied and didn't have many friends so it's likely these people didn't like him too \n>you retards believe what they say because no critical thinking skills \nLol. Lmao even.", "pid": 474409276 }, { "sender": "6DD3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:03\n\n>>474408336 \n \n>The programme can now reveal the information was compiled as part of a secretive project aiming to identify millions of gun owners in America who could be targeted with pro-gun rights messages in the lead-up to the 2016 election campaign. \n>The gun-related profiles which appear in the 2016 Trump campaign database range between 0 – meaning no likelihood – and 1 – a certainty. \n>Overall, averaged across all three of these measures, out of more than 19,000 people in Bethel Park, Matthew Crooks was among the top 20 highest scoring individuals. \nhe was definitely a /k/ommando type", "pid": 474409367 }, { "sender": "Anon-4790", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:34\n\n>>474408684 \n>record of donation to actblue, a far left organization \nThis alone tells me he's a liberal retard. Nobody on the right in the history of time has donated to actblue \n>registered republican \nIn Pennsylvania it's a tactic to register as the opposing party to vote in their primary instead to vote for the guy you'd rather gave as competition. Most states don't do this but his state did, it's not a coincidence. Search online for people doing this in Pennsylvania and you'll see it's an actual thing. \nPolitical affiliation registration doesn't mean shit \nAnd the most damming evidence of all \n>tries to murder trump \nEven someone mad that Trump isn't far enough right for them (myself also btw), wouldn't go so far as to give the dems a free fucking win by killing the person more aligned to his own values \nHim being a conservative is fucking COPE and retarded", "pid": 474409399 }, { "sender": "Anon-923F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:36\n\n>>474408886 \n>debunked \nKill yourself nigger. It was not debunked it's public record, shitskin leftist retard", "pid": 474409479 }, { "sender": "66A2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:17\n\n>>474408336 \nTry again shitblue.", "pid": 474409598 }, { "sender": "96F6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:40\n\n>>474408336 \n>be glownigger \n>ask leftist trash about the political stance of their president killing classmate \n>oh yeah yeah he was a republican, like totally \nOk", "pid": 474409625 }, { "sender": "7FAB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:49\n\n>>474408336 \n \n \nNo no OP, he's this pock marked 30 year old environmentalist: \n \nGoogle: \"Roy Cohn Ready-Mix Trump\" for details.", "pid": 474409640 }, { "sender": "Sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:52\n\n>>474408336 \nWell if some zoomer faggot says it then it must be true", "pid": 474409644 }, { "sender": "F9FD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:56\n\n>>474409276 \nLike literally this is no different from when some depressed fuck kills himself. All the people who vaguely knew them and even family members will be like BuT hE sEeMeD fInE hE sEeMeD hApPy because society is full of dumb ignorant brainlets who don't pay attention or just blatantly make stuff up", "pid": 474409650 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6874", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:08\n\n>>474409598 \nSo he had a Twitter? Is this confirmed to be his??", "pid": 474409663 }, { "sender": "Anon-10A0", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:39\n\n>muh actblue donation \nHe donated 15 dollars on the date of Joe Biden's inauguration. 99% sure this was the result of some chuddy \"if Biden actually becomes president I'll donate to some libtards\" bet.", "pid": 474409708 }, { "sender": "C0BE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:57\n\n>>474409663 \nFeds disappeared everything.", "pid": 474409801 }, { "sender": "Anon-4EB6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:15\n\n>>474409708 \nA bet with who? Friends he didn’t have?", "pid": 474409823 }, { "sender": "Anon-B50F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:14\n\n>>474409823 \nhe had discord", "pid": 474409904 }, { "sender": "Anon-D2AD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:19\n\n>>474408336 \nNo, he wasn't you lying bitch.", "pid": 474409911 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DA04", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:19\n\nlol imagine if this dork was a huge leftists and now the kids who bullied him tell the media he was \",definitely conservative\". they are still bullying him after death its pretty funny", "pid": 474409912 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C5C9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:05\n\n>>474409399 \n>Nobody on the right in the history of time has donated to actblue \nIt’s better than that. I would bet 99.9% of “the right”, has never fucking heard of Actblue, and would not have any clue what it even was.", "pid": 474410058 }, { "sender": "Anon-AB11", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:27\n\n>>474408414 \nHahaha so butthurt every time \nFucking idiots", "pid": 474410079 }, { "sender": "B3A5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:59\n\n>>474408684 \n>still mask long after covid \nyeah no", "pid": 474410186 }, { "sender": "Anon-9BDE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:49\n\n>>474408414 \nMaybe he was a conservative who met a couple of nice men with scopolomine. Everyone forgot the batman shooter already?", "pid": 474410423 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A6EB", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:06\n\n>30k reddit thumbs up \nso fucking stupid \nit doesn't really matter who the shooter was, what matters is how he reacted with his fist in the air. Which showed strength of character and made him look cool as fuck which redditors are seething over", "pid": 474410438 }, { "sender": "Anon-422F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:25\n\nLeftist satanic media and their trans freak army are working overtime to take all the blame off of them. Guess what? It isn't working. Maybe in your little deranged ecochamber ritualistic circlejerk. But not among the general public who are all voting Trump. So keep posting your masters propaganda just remember you and your master are on borrowed time. Enjoy swimming in your own shit filth satanic lies whike you can because soon you'll be paying for them.", "pid": 474410466 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D23B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:13\n\n>>474408336 \nYes he sure was, what other intel straight from the glowies headquarters can you give us on this case?", "pid": 474410518 }, { "sender": "E325-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:08\n\n>>474408336 \nthen \n>KILL TRUMP KILL TRUMP \nnow \n>FALSE FLAG FALSE FLAG", "pid": 474410589 }, { "sender": "Anon-4DCD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:51\n\n>>474409708 \nThen produce records of the bet, or it didn't happen. \nWhat we do know about him is that his mom was a democrat and his dad was a libertarian. We also know that his room has a \"Protect Trans Kids\" poster in the window.", "pid": 474410717 }, { "sender": "Anon-9638", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:10\n\n>>474408454 \nNiggers nig and faggot ops post shit... \n \nHey nigger guess what you are a nigger", "pid": 474410819 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-56B7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:17\n\n>trump staged his own assassination!!! \n>o-okay it was real, but... the assassin was a registered republican!!! \n \nJust shut up.", "pid": 474410825 }, { "sender": "22BB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:52\n\nof course he was a chud, lefties are morally good and are incapable of doing wrong\nand they probably believe this too", "pid": 474410947 }, { "sender": "49B2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:54\n\n>>474410825 \nThey never get better, you are going to hear it for the rest of your life. They still do it about 911 all these years later.", "pid": 474411033 }, { "sender": "Anon-01B7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:03\n\n>>474408336 \n>classmate recalls \nOne of the classmates who bullied him mercilessly during his entire time at school? I’m definitely not going to believe what that cunt has to say", "pid": 474411040 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F063", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:27\n\n>>474408414 \n>>474408684 \nKYS YOU DECEPTIVE CUNT \nHE DONATED LEFT \n \n>why did he register republican \nbecause democrats were registering republican to subvert the vote for Trump, and vote for nikki haley.", "pid": 474411134 }, { "sender": "47FD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:42\n\nMedia words are utterly meaningless. They are running the lone wolf narrative and claim he's such a reject they can't find even one person who talked to the guy for a minute or two. This media is still going on about how anyone who showed up to listen to a speech about why we shouldn't tear down old statues like at Charlottesville is an 'extremist'. The people who attack speech attendees, tear down public statues, burn down small businesses they say are normal politically. They thought nothing of banning our elected President from the public square of Twitter. It's mind boggling how off the rails the media is", "pid": 474411150 }, { "sender": "3EB5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:55\n\n>hurrr durrrrr \n>a right winger would assassinate their own guy \n \nIF YOU BELIEVE THIS, GLOWIES HAVE PSYOPED YOU", "pid": 474411316 }, { "sender": "3CBB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:05\n\n>>474411134 \npretty sure it was found that he didn't vote in that primary though. \nit's odd to donate on the day of inauguration. people are saying it's a lost bet but there's no evidence of it.", "pid": 474411332 }, { "sender": "2AD1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:00\n\nThere needs to be a word like “incel” but for pay walled “journalism” nobody will subscribe to or disable their ad blocker for. Like wapo.", "pid": 474411395 }, { "sender": "Anon-8206", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:09\n\n>>474411332 \n>people are saying \nno one is. kys", "pid": 474411405 }, { "sender": "C66B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:10\n\n>>474408336 \n>falling for a psyop this easily \nlol (lmao)", "pid": 474411478 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-33D5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:09\n\n>>474411405 \nhere's 3 faggot \n>>474393193 \n>>474383403 \n>>474408336 \nunlike you and the retard libs I'm not trying to force a narrative out of some incels scizo stumbling through life. \nhe liked guns, as was printed on his chest, and was a loser. what matters more is what the FBI has been doing. i.e. how they got into his phone.", "pid": 474411768 }, { "sender": "Anon-666F", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:02\n\nThe amount of reddit/normie spillover to this board is too damn high.", "pid": 474411892 }, { "sender": "Anon-29DF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:20\n\n>>474411768 \nfuckin hell I fucked up 2 of the links, can't be bothered going back to 4plebs", "pid": 474411908 }, { "sender": "Anon-B93C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:46\n\n>>474408336 \npolitics doesn't matter, gender doesn't matter, physiognomy has shown that shooters all have the same chud face and we need to do something about these ppl", "pid": 474411943 }, { "sender": "Anon-F225", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:56\n\n>>474411134 \nWhy you calling me a cunt, kangaroonigger? I said the same thing you did", "pid": 474411961 }, { "sender": "Adolf", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:23\n\n>>474408336 \ninnocent patsy, mk ultra murder \n \nstupid fucking amerifaggots \n \nthe world hates amerifag and israel", "pid": 474412055 }, { "sender": "650C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:09\n\n>>474410079 \nYou are the blackest gorilla nigger I have seen", "pid": 474412121 }, { "sender": "6E2D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:01\n\n>>474408336 \nhe was clearly effeminate and probably retarded.", "pid": 474412269 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F398", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:05\n\ncould you have saved her chud?", "pid": 474412274 }, { "sender": "Anon-054C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:59\n\ntransitioning could've saved her", "pid": 474412348 }, { "sender": "Adolf", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:41\n\n>>474412348 \ndon't be a faggot", "pid": 474412406 }, { "sender": "THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews &gt;&gt;373780481, 1d for Sabbatai zevi, 1d for OWS Trump evil", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:57\n\n>>474408336 \nThis guy was smart, right... maybe he thought by killing Trump he could avert WW3 at least temporarily. \n \nBecause imo, they want Trump in... the post debate shit was so weird. All over CANADIAN news how senile and unfit Biden was. Was odd. \n \nIf this was what he wanted, he instead ensured Trump's victory. \n \nI'm just spitballing. I don't see why a conservative would donate to ActBlue, what the fuck could he get out of that? \n \nalso is this the same bitch that said definitely, maybe, probably he was a conservative, I almost swear I saw him with a Trump shirt?", "pid": 474412521 }, { "sender": "7AFC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:53\n\n>>474411332 \nWhat kind of bullshit ‘democracy’ are they running over there when everyone’s voting history is public knowledge? Our system in Australia isn’t perfect but at least we have private ballots.", "pid": 474412588 }, { "sender": "Anon-6B3D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:35\n\n>>474408336 \nHe wore a mask after the mandate \n \nlefty for sure", "pid": 474412638 }, { "sender": "Anon-68D1", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:30\n\n>>474408886 \n>Debunked \nIt was confirmed by ActBlue. He's a libtard donor, that is fact.", "pid": 474412709 }, { "sender": "D3F4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:47\n\n>>474408336 \n>we asked some chick who had like two classes with him and wasn’t his friend what his political opinions are \n>she said he definitely maybe probably was a conservative, but she couldn’t remember \n>also it’s not like high school is a time to learn and change your opinions on stuff \n10/10 journalism, great job guys. Listen, it’s this simple: \n>have two team competition \n>some tries to kill the main team A guy \n>he’s on B team \nIt’s pretty obvious \nPeople change. It doesn’t matter if he wore a Trump shirt 6 years ago, he obviously doesn’t feel like that anymore. Hell, I was a democrat too until I realized that most >people around the world are pieces of shit who deserve nothing and we’d be better off without them.", "pid": 474412729 }, { "sender": "0C77-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:22\n\n>>474408336 \n>classmate who likely bullied him recalls his political opinion \n\\*yawn\\*", "pid": 474412771 }, { "sender": "87CC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:59\n\n>>474408336 \n>>474408684 \nOk then, explain why would he murder someone who shares his beliefs?", "pid": 474412883 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B50", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:11\n\n>>474408336 \nSeeing that he shot trump, I’m going to guess he was anti-trump", "pid": 474413085 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3360", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:19\n\n>this is what libtards actually believe.", "pid": 474413100 }, { "sender": "Anon-53E3", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:48\n\n>>474412521 \nWhere's the evidence he donated to democrats?", "pid": 474413513 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B105", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:45\n\n>>474409598 \nThats Paul Town a Streamer", "pid": 474413665 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D404", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:48\n\n>>474413100 \nGotta hand it to magatards they're real committed they even died just to make Drumpf look cool", "pid": 474413673 }, { "sender": "2EC7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:50\n\n>>474408414 \na redditzoomer would never wear an american flag shirt", "pid": 474413752 }, { "sender": "E390-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:29\n\nWhy would leftists at his school claim him as one of their own?", "pid": 474413857 }, { "sender": "4426-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:05\n\n>>474413857 \nThey didn’t. Stop spreading disinformation.", "pid": 474413904 }, { "sender": "Anon-BA30", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:45\n\n>>474413904 \n>They didn’t. \nThat is the point, retard. If you ask a leftist \n>hey, is this dude one of yours? \nthey will deny it, no matter what he was.", "pid": 474414051 }, { "sender": "Anon-07E2", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:30\n\n>>474408336 \nHave you been tested for mental retardation? \nOh, sorry, I didn't realize you were Brazilian. Nevermind.", "pid": 474414509 }, { "sender": "THE SAGE [banned 3d for converting jews &gt;&gt;373780481, 1d for Sabbatai zevi, 1d for OWS Trump evil", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:52\n\n>>474413513 \nI didn't keep it but there is a screenshot going around that has his first and last name and a measly donation. I don't know if it is real, or it is just another with his name, or if it is completely fake", "pid": 474414535 }, { "sender": "Anon-8E67", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:21\n\n>>474411943 \nI got a new one", "pid": 474414584 }, { "sender": "CF7C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:49\n\n>>474408336 \n>pic related is the classmate", "pid": 474414806 }, { "sender": "2EF5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:37\n\n>>474414509 \nSauce on screen shot socials?", "pid": 474414959 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-EDBF", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:30:10\n\nHalf of you faggots are mentally broken, or concern shills. I don't understand what kind of mental cartwheels you have to do to think that the attempt was a false flag. The sheer logistics of it, along with the execution of the plot makes it fairy tale land. Biden is in the shitter, and Trump just had to walk it in, there's no reason to stage something like that. The other half are the absolutely schizo ramblings and MIGAposting. You people are unhinged. This place has become an absolute shithole, for the better part of a decade after you faggots learned about it. I wish you retards would fuck off, it makes this entire catalog unreadable.", "pid": 474384980 }, { "sender": "Anon-F23A", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:31:19\n\n>>474384980 \nHe saw God \nEverything is different now", "pid": 474385069 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AC8A", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:34:58\n\n>>474384980 \n>The sheer logistics of it, along with the execution of the plot makes it fairy tale land \nWhat is so hard to believe that DIE Whitey has ruined the Secret Service like every other industry and service in the US? \nWhy are YOU so fucking stupid you can't comprehend that Joe Biden sent a gaggle of flying monkeys he hired off Craigslist to go and protect A FORMER FUCKING PRESIDENT!! \n \nJOE BIDEN IS AN ACCOMPLICE TO ATTEMPTED MURDER SAME AS THE MEDIA WHO BRAINWASHED THIS KID INTO VIOLENCE AGAINST TRUMP", "pid": 474385321 }, { "sender": "Anon-CF52", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:36:00\n\nI can't vote for either if them.\nIt's over.", "pid": 474385409 }, { "sender": "Anon-A224", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:37:40\n\n>>474384980 \nwell its a good thing we have freedom of speech where we can discuss all the facts and look for more facts.", "pid": 474385532 }, { "sender": "6319-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:38:11\n\n>>474384980 \nThey spend millions of dollars sending in shills to try and jam us up and stop us from talking to one another. I suspect the POTUS shenanigans are just the tip of the iceberg.", "pid": 474385566 }, { "sender": "919B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:40:07\n\n>>474385321 \nI'm addressing the faggots claiming that Trump set it up for a sniper to take a part of his ear off. I'm fairly certain that the SS/LEo was either grossly incompetent or complacent in letting it happen. That and generally being annoyed at the state of this board. It's garbage, and annoying to even open anymore.", "pid": 474385704 }, { "sender": "Anon-965B", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:42:34\n\nKinda weird that he did the pose and shouted \"fight fight fight!\"", "pid": 474385884 }, { "sender": "4778-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:43:43\n\n>>474385566 \nYeh it's hilarious because even the posters like OP who complain are either disingenuous or fucking retards themselves who have failed to acknowledge this. All the manufacture an emotional response to attempt to guarantee certain outcomes. I live in Australia and every random cunt I talk to that mentions Trump says the same thing \n\"Wasn't it a shame that he missed\" simply because they consume too much media, they'll admit Biden is just as garbage but their Trump hatred when compared laterally is completely manufactured", "pid": 474385964 }, { "sender": "6CFD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:44:24\n\nHe was told the truth about reality…\nHe learned that there is a plan, much bigger than us….There are factions that must ensure the plan isnt disrupted. Trumps ego managed to force the hidden agenda to make him aware. He nor anyone who knows will ever be the same….think outside the box….my life is in danger now", "pid": 474386004 }, { "sender": "8594-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:44:28\n\nYou'll see....", "pid": 474386007 }, { "sender": "4B03-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:47:46\n\n>>474384980 \n>The sheer logistics of it, along with the execution of the plot makes it fairy tale land. \n \nTo be clear a lot of posters here (including myself) believe that covid, 9/11, and the moon landings (also space stuff in general) are wholesale fraud conspiracies that implicate thousands of people in their direct planning, and millions of underlings who do what they're told but should otherwise have suspicions about their orders. \n \nSo this isn't logistically that's crazy of a stunt. He's a wrestler. It's the most common wrestling gimmick to cut yourself to sell the bit.", "pid": 474386246 }, { "sender": "70CA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:48:57\n\nI'm a contrarian. I think the theory seems totally retarded for many reasons.\n\nI'm willing to hear it out though. My issue is that people w\\ these theories are coming at it from a orange man bad angle, and not a \"we live in a military dictatorship\" angle.", "pid": 474386313 }, { "sender": "F566-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:52:01\n\n>>474386246 \nI've been posting here since before /new/. It's just become more insufferable. You can believe whatever conspiracy theories you want. Some are true in my opinion, others nonsense. But that's my opinion and I'll happily discuss it. But the discourse on this board has become nothing but 48% shitposting shills, 48% schizo ramblings, and about 2% actual information. It's been like that for years, and it's disappointing because /new/ & /pol/ were some of the last good places to find information and decent ideas. The election tourists have destroyed this place.", "pid": 474386538 }, { "sender": "Anon-F0AE", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:53:20\n\nAll who know….recede from the populace.\nThey are never the same. If you know the reality you cant play the game. My time has come fear of death does not inhibit my speaking the truth", "pid": 474386636 }, { "sender": "8BD0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:56:55\n\nOpen your mind…we are ants to a much larger entity. You are an unimaginable entity to an ant….", "pid": 474386882 }, { "sender": "Not Old Biff", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:58:26\n\n>>474384980 \nYou're a chaos agent", "pid": 474386996 }, { "sender": "EBB2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:59:39\n\n>>474385321 \nI feel you on that", "pid": 474387094 }, { "sender": "6E9E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:02:03\n\n>>474385964 \nI wish it was funny because I feel under siege here in America, like most of America is still sheltering in place from Covid and people dont leave their houses anymore. We are a nation in house arrest.", "pid": 474387264 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7578", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:02:04\n\nWhy doesnt this country celebrate the moon landings on anniversaries with the astronauts?\nWouldnt that be bigger than anything?\nIts a lie, they want to fade into obscurity. Yet another facade to perpetuate their narrative and hidden agenda", "pid": 474387265 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D8E0", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:03:48\n\n>>474386882 \n>>/x/", "pid": 474387400 }, { "sender": "15B3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:03:58\n\nIt seems absurd to me that this could be faked, but then I remember that I believed in Santa Claus once. I can’t rule it out as completely impossible that humans or aliens much smarter than me could coordinate a stunt like this.", "pid": 474387416 }, { "sender": "96DE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:04:18\n\nFat, lazy complacent humans are easily herded", "pid": 474387443 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DBBC", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:05:34\n\n>>474386538 \n>I've been posting here since before /new/. It's just become more insufferable. You can believe whatever conspiracy theories you want. Some are true in my opinion, others nonsense. But that's my opinion and I'll happily discuss it. But the discourse on this board has become nothing but 48% shitposting shills, 48% schizo ramblings, and about 2% actual information. It's been like that for years, and it's disappointing because /new/ & /pol/ were some of the last good places to find information and decent ideas. The election tourists have destroyed this place. \n \nI respect that. But unfortunately, a lot of stuff is fake -- and the guys who fake it seem to own \"the Simulation\" so we can't really prove it's fake, we just have this gut feeling. This is a place where people check with others to see about their gut feelings to help not go crazy from having the gut feeling that everything is fake and everyone they know in real life believes the fake bullshit, which can be pretty difficult to experience. So basically a lot of this is a support group for people with high IQ surrounded by people with low IQ in their real lives. \n \nI think if he got almost struck by lightning and we saw it on camera it'd be easier to believe than almost shot by a bullet. \n \nI suspect our lightning drone technology is not yet sufficient. Lightning really makes normies think \"Ah, it's God!\"", "pid": 474387537 }, { "sender": "40B4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:06:40\n\n>>474384980 \nThis faggot should have died. Then maybe some real work could have been done. Prepare for 4 more years of nothing doing and giving 6 gorillion to Israel.", "pid": 474387621 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-39CC", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:07:42\n\nWhat is real now is beyond your comprehension \nYou really dont want to know", "pid": 474387695 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AF85", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:09:36\n\nI have to carefully choose my words or they will know", "pid": 474387834 }, { "sender": "645F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:11:41\n\n>>474387265 \nDemocrats hate space exploration, and all their efforts in space are directed at using space to push the global warming hoax.", "pid": 474387983 }, { "sender": "Anon-4021", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:13:55\n\n>>474387834 \naw c'mon bro give me a hint \n \nI fight space demons in my spare lives", "pid": 474388153 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B46E", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:15:36\n\n>>474384980 \nDeath to JudeoAmerica, the failed experiment.", "pid": 474388256 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A496", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:17:52\n\n\n\nbad psyop is bad", "pid": 474388405 }, { "sender": "Anon-AA62", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:18:28\n\n>>474387983 \nSpace….such a funny word \nExistence isnt a matter of here or over there. \nDreams take you to another place… \nI will not elaborate because you cannot fathom it…until it lets you….trump will never be the same", "pid": 474388447 }, { "sender": "2E68-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:18:55\n\n>>474387264 \nDon't worry old women here are still concerned to go to the doctor after having covid a month ago, once you realise you're already mentally towering over most people you'll feel less constricted by your circumstance", "pid": 474388482 }, { "sender": "F8CA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:22:18\n\n>>474387416 \nMaybe people want to believe it's staged so their sense of powerlessness is justified? People shit on incel virgin weirdos 24/7, yet all it takes is one to buy a gun and follow through and suddenly the world is on fire again. Rinse and repeat this for every town, city, state and nation and suddenly it all falls apart faster than you can say 6pm curfew for all citizens", "pid": 474388753 }, { "sender": "8755-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:23:08\n\nHere is a simple analogy….\nRead the history of human mentality and mythology….\nYou will eventually start finding similarities to today.\nIt is so easy once you escape the influence", "pid": 474388803 }, { "sender": "4D59-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:24:29\n\nThe bipedal experiment continues to fail", "pid": 474388886 }, { "sender": "02E6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:28:59\n\nTomorrow go outside and find an ant hill….watch\nNow realize that we are that to the entity around us\nA planet in the solar system is that grain of sand at your feet….comprehending life on a grain of sand is almost impossible…yet its there\nPerspective….open your mind", "pid": 474389237 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0D59", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:31:15\n\nThe future is certain because it has already happened….", "pid": 474389403 }, { "sender": "Anon-182D", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:32:56\n\nYeah I’m a freak…..i miss not knowing", "pid": 474389519 }, { "sender": "63B6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:34:33\n\n>>474385409 \nYes you can, you are just a faggot. \nYou vote for Trump or be cursed a coward in this life and the next", "pid": 474389620 }, { "sender": "BD7E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:34:55\n\n>>474389519 \neh it's fine bro, at least you'll reincarnate in with more awareness so if you want to be something that can't know, you probably need to know first so that you can intentionally un-know right. \n \nover and over and over again, as far as we can figure out, just try to enjoy your current station on the wheel, I enjoyed your posts!", "pid": 474389650 }, { "sender": "Anon-C48F", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:37:23\n\n>>474389650 \nYou will only reincarnated if God allow it. It’s literally not your choice to make.", "pid": 474389814 }, { "sender": "Anon-865C", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:37:43\n\n>>474389650 \nNo not how it works…although I read it twice and honestly found it intelligent", "pid": 474389833 }, { "sender": "Anon-7AC4", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:37:57\n\n>>474385884 \nwhat the fuck", "pid": 474389852 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5B88", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:39:18\n\n>>474388405 \nless a psyop and more a blatant assassination attempt on a presidential candidate utilizing a compromised secret service \n \nanybody ever wonder why the secret service is run by the TREASURY DEPARTMENT", "pid": 474389960 }, { "sender": "9AA6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:39:22\n\n>>474389814 \nyeah but if a cricket shows up to God, -- God be like \"what do you want to be little cricket\" and the cricket be like \"im a cricket bro\" \n \nwhere as if pdFkJUlE finds himself in that same situation, he can be like \"God, knowing as much as I knew was very difficult for me. Could I possibly try something that knows less, or knows differently?\" \n \nAnd maybe God will be like \"word my child\" or maybe he'll make pdFkJUlE replay his whole life again until he's happy with his knowledge. Who knows right.", "pid": 474389964 }, { "sender": "2002-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:39:57\n\nUnknowing is the catalyst that keeps the synapses firing. We use so little of this universe in our head", "pid": 474389997 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9A87", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:40:21\n\n>>474384980 \nNewfag idiot", "pid": 474390029 }, { "sender": "Anon-FBA8", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:40:34\n\n>>474384980 \nstaged and gay!", "pid": 474390046 }, { "sender": "Anon-F148", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:42:11\n\nLooked real to me and I've seen 20 years of sloppy jobs. Lots of retards and well poisoners on here.", "pid": 474390141 }, { "sender": "1A7E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:43:58\n\nTrump has been exposed to reality.\nIts almost impossible to swallow…youll see\nYou are never the same once you see..gnite", "pid": 474390245 }, { "sender": "C928-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:46:18\n\n>>474384980 \nnigger retard", "pid": 474390403 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DE95", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:46:42\n\n>>474385704 \nCompletely agreed, that's why I left this shit hole years ago, I only came back after this happened to get some info and I'm not surprised in the least to see this place astroturfed beyond recovery.", "pid": 474390427 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-108C", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:47:26\n\n>>474385704 \n1. that's the intent of the trollbaitfrogposter demoralizers. they intentionally attacked pepe which brought us together, using that face to create demoralizing inner paradoxes. \n \n2. the question threads are designed to solicit free sliders \n \n3. any time shills detect someone seeking agreement, validation, or comraderie... they dogpile, insult and abuse that anon -- this is designed to steal the value of a forum \n \n4. fake \"mission threads\" and \"schizo threads\" are created to simultaneously brainscramble young and impressionable anons, while disgusting and running off more mature and intellectual anons.", "pid": 474390465 }, { "sender": "DED3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:47:34\n\n>>474386007 \nDoes anyone honestly think that will work again? We very possibly avoided a civil war by a chance head turn, trump has never been more popular, Biden can't complete sentences, they pulled his funding and ads, and the country is solidifying as we speak behind the survivor of a near miss assassination attempt that looks increasingly suspicious as time goes on. If Biden cheats his way into four more years again I sure fucking hope the normies finally realize government is invalid.", "pid": 474390475 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4212", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:48:19\n\n>>474384980 \nYou have to realize that a sizable portion of the posts here nowadays are bots. \nWhen big events like this happen the post quality just plummets and it becomes almost impossible to tell the difference between low quality posting and chatgpt. \nAlso a huge portion of the American flag posters are brain dead taco niggers and other shitskins in addition to many Whites becoming nigger-brained", "pid": 474390514 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0919", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:50:02\n\n>>474384980 \nDid you just now discover /pol/ is conspiracy nut territory? They will now accuse you of being a jew as if that means anything", "pid": 474390620 }, { "sender": "C55F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:50:56\n\n>>474384980 \nOP, whoever picked that venue was an absolute dumbass. And an even dumber dumbass was the person in charge of the security. Yes yes, there was probably not just one person or one team. I am not blaming the team, I am blaming the decision makers. Lastly yes I do believe there was some corrupt insider shit going on, as in the SS was in on it, they knew about this shooter and let him go ahead with his plan. they left it wide open for him to take the shot. \n \nit wasn't staged. there was just so much incompetence and sheer LUCK involved that it looked staged.", "pid": 474390676 }, { "sender": "6CA3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:05:23\n\nWhat this event shows you if you can see is….\nThey control it all…you are nothing but a pawn\nTrump serves a bigger purpose he was able to pander to the mass of illiterate", "pid": 474391642 }, { "sender": "C9FB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:10:58\n\n>>474385704 \nIt's to deflect from the fact there was an attempt to actually assassinate Trump which miraculously failed. The other fact, that is not being acknowledged by the associated anontards, is that the hit was an inside job. Trump is a golden calf he was a perfect target to fuel rage and discontent with his sacrifice into something that his team could use to truly leverage change for their ((benefit)). JD Vance was there Manchurian Candidate and Trumps old boomer ass is just moving right along with it.", "pid": 474392042 }, { "sender": "8FCB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:48:55\n\n>>474387537 \n>So basically a lot of this is a support group for people with high IQ surrounded by people with low IQ in their real lives. \n \nThanks for helping me realize why I'm here.", "pid": 474394246 }, { "sender": "BC42-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:53:00\n\n>>474388803 \n>the history of human mentality and mythology \nIs that the actual title or you just being a vague faggot.", "pid": 474394492 }, { "sender": "SAGE", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:05:03\n\n>>474386538 \n48+48 is 96 retard, not 98 kek \nMaybe you need to start looking into patterns because your brain isn't working, get some exercise for it", "pid": 474395207 }, { "sender": "SAGE", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:09:41\n\n>>474385704 \n>I'm addressing the faggots claiming that Trump set it up for a sniper to take a part of his ear off. \nNo that's not the claim, but you have shown with your previous post how dumb you are. \nYou're like those shills that say \"all the 9/11 truthers think there were hologram planes hahaha that stupid, btw they also say Israel did it you don't agree with them do you\"", "pid": 474395484 }, { "sender": "E0B4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:10:31\n\n>>474384980 \nMAKE /POL/ GREAT AGAIN", "pid": 474395528 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DF13", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:27:50\n\nFAYKE BLOOD!\nDIDYU DIDYU SEE!?\n\nIT WUZ A SETUP!\nSS FAULT!\nFBI FAULT!\nLOCAL PEEPEE'S FAULT!\n\n45 PEOPLE YELLING HEAYEAUH HE'S GOT A GUUUUUN!!!!\n\nSNIPER LOOKS RIGHT AT THEM PROOF OF JUDAISM ON THEIR WRIST!\n\nTHE KABALLA!\nJESUS!\nGUY IN THE CROWD DOES A CARTWHEEL INTO THE BLEACHERS!\n\nGIRL IN THE BACKGROUND DROPS QUICKFAST HOLY SHIT! \n\nBIG BUTT SS GAL!\nWHAT DO WE DO? PEE POO POOO!!!!!\n\n*Backflips*\n\nIT WAS FAAAAAAYYYYYYYKE\n\n\nAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!", "pid": 474396555 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B1FD", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:33:14\n\n>>474396555 \nNOOOO HECKING TRUMPERINO WAS SHOT AT \nREEEEE \nHE TOOK A BULLET FOR ALL OF US \nHE'S A HERO \nNO HE IS NOT A COCKSUCKER FOR ISRAEL HE'S BAAASED \nISRAEL IS OUR GREATEST ALLY ANYWAY \nVOTE TRUMP THE HERO IF YOU DON'T GIB MONEY TO ISRAEL YOU'RE ANTI AMERICAN AND ANTI FREEDOM \nVOTE FOR TRUMP IS A VOTE FOR HUMANITY \nABLOOOOO", "pid": 474396904 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6372", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:00:59\n\n>bidens shitty debate performance dominates the (((news))) cycle \n>dems in shambles, normies and trannies are demoralized \n>trump gains huge momentum \n \nAA LEL LET US DO FAKE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT FOR DE OPTICS LEEL \n>surprised nigger jpg \n \n>now left is more energized cuz righties are energized \n>they can't get enthusiasm cuz low energy biden so (((they))) gotta use trumps energy (just check normie tiktok posts after the event) \n>trump (((news))) dominate the normie goy programming cycle \n \n>fuck niggers and kikes \ndecent thread op still a fag tho", "pid": 474398633 }, { "sender": "Anon-ACB8", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:19:17\n\n>>474398633 \nNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", "pid": 474399793 }, { "sender": "Anon-AF0B", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:25:16\n\n>>474384980 \nPaid shills got their matching orders: \n>The top political adviser to Democratic mega-donor Reid Hoffman suggested that the attack on Donald Trump could have been “staged,” even as Hoffman was criticized for joking before Saturday’s attack about Trump becoming a “martyr.” \n \n>The adviser, Dmitri Mehlhorn, apologized for his remarks after Semafor published this story, and said his email laying out his claims was “drafted without consultation from team members or allies.” \n \n>Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, whose net worth is reportedly $2.5 billion, joked at last week’s billionaire confab in Sun Valley that he wished he had made Trump “an actual martyr.” Sunday, he said on X that he was referring to “accountability to the rule of law” and that he’s “horrified and saddened” by the attack. \n", "pid": 474400193 }, { "sender": "Anon-93E6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:25:52\n\n>>474384980", "pid": 474400240 }, { "sender": "Anon-A720", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:26:08\n\n>>474385964 \nIt was a shame it missed, Biden did like Tessio in the Godfather and called him right after. If you have seen the Godfather you know what that means. Just two mafia families fighting for control boyo.", "pid": 474400252 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7A7A", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:28:50\n\n>>474390676 \n>OP, whoever picked that venue was an absolute dumbass. And an even dumber dumbass was the person in charge of the security. \nNo, it was a setup by his own Secret Service to kill Trump, a last ditch effort to retain control of the White House by the Democratic Party's deep state. All the fake shooting staged for Trump is a deflection exercise.", "pid": 474400425 }, { "sender": "Anon-E47F", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:30:36\n\n>>474385532 \nDo your facts include a malnourished, inbred 20 year old from a Black Rock commercial using a magic bullet from 200 yards away to shoot a man’s ear off the second he moves his head to look a different direction?", "pid": 474400529 }, { "sender": "8DBE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:32:14\n\n>>474384980 \n>>>/r/eddit", "pid": 474400642 }, { "sender": "Anon-0665", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:38:24\n\nIt’s unironic shills or destiny cucks pushing the “he faked it meme”. Their attempt to kill him failed and now they don’t want you to rally around him.\nTrump 2024 MAGA!!!", "pid": 474401017 }, { "sender": "92D9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:40:17\n\n>>474384980 \nIgnore the reddit bots and feds. They'll piss off in a week back to their faggot holes.", "pid": 474401139 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A1B1", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:42:37\n\n>>474384980 \nIt's glowniggers covering their asses. The basedjak man was obviously a timothy mcveigh style patsy, and the security company covering the roof made the shot. But the estrogen shots make it difficult to shoot straight.", "pid": 474401285 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D9CA", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:58\n\n>>474384980 \nThe hard truth is the secret service are just that incompetent and mutts are a fucking clown show.", "pid": 474401368 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F89D", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:46:15\n\n>>474384980 \nHave you seen the RNC? OH NONONO \nThis was all a stunt to save his image before the big reveal. After the shooting it was full mask off", "pid": 474401520 }, { "sender": "290D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:51:27\n\n>>474401017 \n>Canada \nI think you are in the wrong country retard. \nTrump will win the election, no doubt. \nHowever he may have staged this assassination to cement victory and not risk a lifetime in jail. Or Biden could have put out a hit on him, to secure his victory and not lose by a landslide. They both have motive, but it still just conspiracy theories. Both your fake media choices are horrible, how about voting for someone that the media didn't tell you to vote for. \nThey tell you it's only Biden vs Trump, but there are other candidates.", "pid": 474401863 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5F3F", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:51:38\n\n>>474386538 \n>muh eternal summer \nNah, those are easily shrugged off. It's the govermental squads, the bots,and the cia financed discord trannies. It's funny to me how we read the studies, the glownigger gameplans, and when they implement them they blatantly say it's us not the fact everyone government involved deserves to be eaten by pitbulls \nt. No oldfag claims, just a guy from before trump", "pid": 474401879 }, { "sender": "Anon-E299", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:52:50\n\n>>474384980 \nThey are paid shills, the globalists have a literal entire organization of paid chinese and indian viral marketer shills who spam nearly every single fucking thread on /pol/ these days.", "pid": 474401945 }, { "sender": "B1E8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:53:43\n\n>>474384980 \nPretty much this. \nLike the ones they claim to despise they are completely unhinged and detached from reality.", "pid": 474402010 }, { "sender": "Anon-8024", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:54:38\n\n>>474395484 \nThen what is the claim you disingenuous faggot", "pid": 474402072 }, { "sender": "B520-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:54:40\n\n>>474401368 \n>Recycling the 9/11 incompetence excuse to push aside inside job questions \nWho could have guessed", "pid": 474402073 }, { "sender": "0EAE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:55:47\n\n>>474389620 \n>hello I'm jewish", "pid": 474402161 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A970", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:56:08\n\n>>474401945 \nIt's a global operation.", "pid": 474402182 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F61B", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:58:05\n\n>>474389620 \nthe kike cries out in pain as he stabs you in the back", "pid": 474402292 }, { "sender": "Anon-BCA0", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:58:48\n\n>>474402292 \nt. Bot", "pid": 474402335 }, { "sender": "02A2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:59:03\n\n>>474402161 \n>1PBTID \nstay mad eurocuck glowie \n>>474402292 \n>secondary back up glowie \nhoes mad", "pid": 474402350 }, { "sender": "B454-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:01:18\n\n>>474402350 \nCan't blame them, it was revealed how terrible they are at even point blank assassinations", "pid": 474402495 }, { "sender": "Anon-0488", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:02:32\n\n>>474384980 \n>I wish you retards would fuck off, it makes this entire catalog unreadable.", "pid": 474402568 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-30B8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:50\n\n>>474384980 \neven the most buck broken, quad boosted, normiebrained, libtarded NPC goycattle are seeing this for the fake and gay staged event that it is \nthe ONLY ones believing it are newfag MIGAkike retards and actual shills", "pid": 474402656 }, { "sender": "D833-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:04:23\n\n>>474384980 \ngo back for your uptoots", "pid": 474402690 }, { "sender": "Anon-72E2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:30\n\nthe \"attempt\" was fake and gay, get over it. The other possibilities (legit attempt by a lone wolf, and inside job) are nonsensical. You'd have to believe in absurd levels of incompetence for that rooftop to not be secured, not even DEI can't explain that level of incompetence. \n\nAnd then there's inside job angle except anyone paying attention would know Trump is the Zionist favorite this year. Trump can deliver more to the zionists than Biden can because Biden (who is also a jewish puppet) has his hands tied more by leftist base, plus whites are too demoralized to fight for ZOG and Trump helps reinvigorate them a bit. There's also the more simple argument, if Le Deep State (jews and masons) wanted trump dead he would be dead. they could just heart attack gun him in his sleep or use some robotic mosquito to inject him with a deadly drug or some other secret tech they have.", "pid": 474402903 }, { "sender": "41B5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:49\n\n>>474402350 \n>hoes mad \ni'm not the one placing jewish curses on goys who dare to disregard your jewish demands", "pid": 474402919 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9AD0", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:09:00\n\n>>474402656 \n>even the most buck broken, quad boosted, normiebrained, libtarded NPC goycattle are seeing this for the fake and gay staged event that it is \n>the ONLY ones believing it are newfag MIGAkike retards and actual shills", "pid": 474403003 }, { "sender": "BD9F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:09:03\n\n>>474384980 \nIt was staged why are you seething faggot leave and never come back.", "pid": 474403006 }, { "sender": "Anon-5634", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:11:21\n\n>>474403003 \n>0.02 has been deposited", "pid": 474403154 }, { "sender": "5E9F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:33\n\n>>474402072 \nThe claim is that it was staged. \nThere could be many scenarios, like a movie prop prosthetic ear and a fake blood capsule, you can literally get that from Amazon for like 40$ \nNot saying it definitely happened or not, but the shills always take the most ridiculous claim to discredit any reasonable discussion. \n>Why did the air defense perform a simulation of 9/11 on 9/11 making it hard to detect the actual threat \n>HAHAHA YOU THINK THERE WERE SPACE JEWISH LASER HOLOGRAM PLANES LOL RETARD LMAO \nOr \n>I think Trump assassination was staged \n>KEK YOU THINK A GUY SHOT A TIP OF HIS EAR FROM 500 YARDS LMAO \nThere's no way that's an organic conclusion, it's obviously a retarded construction to discredit anybody who's out of line", "pid": 474403231 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-528C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:44\n\n>The Biden DHS set up a fake assassination for Trump and exposed their ass in the way the building was left uncovered with the sniper in plain view.", "pid": 474403238 }, { "sender": "00BF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:48\n\n>>474403003 \njews vs trannies let's go.", "pid": 474403243 }, { "sender": "CD9C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:06\n\n>>474401863 \nNo corporate media wants you to vote for trump. Right wing media like fox just goes along with it so they don’t lose their viewership. Rupert Murdoch is a known Trump detractor. It’s hilarious how people can compare Trump and Biden like they are both uni party stooges when Trump is the biggest political outsider in a century. They are scared of him because it’s the only chance they lose control.", "pid": 474403328 }, { "sender": "A915-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:19\n\n>>474403328 \nThis exactly and the Ukrainian operation to break up Russia goes to shit.", "pid": 474403412 }, { "sender": "9931-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:22\n\n>>474386313 \nThis", "pid": 474403418 }, { "sender": "D273-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:29\n\n>>474390475 \nBiden is going to win the election with more votes than any president before him and you are going to accept it. The civil war is a Russian propaganda lie. You're just a few dozen isolated far-right terrorists working for Putin.", "pid": 474403636 }, { "sender": "0C1F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:49\n\n>>474403636 \nYou're going to lose faggot lol", "pid": 474403727 }, { "sender": "40D8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:51\n\n>>474390475 \n>normies \n>realize \nlol \nlmao even", "pid": 474403734 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9D81", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:20:59\n\n>>474403328 \nBiggest outsider in a century. Not at all, that you can give to Kennedy 2024, Bernie Sanders 2020, Ron Paul 2016.", "pid": 474403805 }, { "sender": "1AB4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:39\n\n>>474403328 \nYeah bro they don't want you to vote for trump.", "pid": 474404107 }, { "sender": "Anon-3118", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:42\n\n>>474403805 \nron paul was 2012, and you forgot ross perot", "pid": 474404302 }, { "sender": "C9D9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:07\n\n>>474404302 \nYes brainrot, sorry. My point was calling Trump an outsider is retarded, because he is one of the few candidates that has been inside the white house", "pid": 474405094 }, { "sender": "03B3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:34\n\n>>474402919 \nno one cares about your zionist accusation deflection, never ever getting that trump death webm, glownigger bitch", "pid": 474405246 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-808A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:55\n\n>>474385532 \nFlooding discourse with nonsense is an attack on free speech", "pid": 474405329 }, { "sender": "1A40-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:38\n\n>>474384980 \n>the sheer logistics \npoke some retard into shooting the drumpfler \nhow hard is that you fucking moron. \nshit bread should be saged. \n>NOOooo its impossible to convince some schizo to do somsing absolutely stupid", "pid": 474405783 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A2BB", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:26\n\n>>474384980 \n>The sheer logistics of it, \n \nWhat logistictis, all that happened is Trump turned his head out of the view of the camera, popped a blood squib in his hat, and then turned back to the camera, waved a bloody hand, and went \"look a bullet magically flew through my ear without blowing my ear off or leaving any visible damage\". \n \nAdd in a m-k ultra patzy on a mysteriously unpatrolled roof, which also happend to be the most obvious firing position ever. One who also mysteriously has no internet presence and was an actor in a Blackrock advert. \nPlus a security detail that made sure to spend tree minutes slowly moving across the stage so that photographers could get the best angels, disregarding every single convention of the SS operating manual. \n \nIn 2014 Trump was a bad actor in a staged and fake reality TV show. \nin 2024 Trump is still a bad actor in a stages and fake reality TV show. \n(he so bad at acting he even forgot to wince we was supposedly shot in the ear.) \n \nYou are a moron.", "pid": 474407045 }, { "sender": "A959-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:16\n\n>>474384980 \nPeople cant believe its a miracle, because they dont believe in them. How can you blame them they were told dinosaurs existed millions of years ago as the first thing they learned in their life. Your first interactions at school and the outside world is that dinosaurs existed millions of years old. They won't even learn that Jesus Christ is king until maybe 12 to 13 years old. When you are fed a lie at the age of 6 or 7 from a position of authority it is almost impossible to treat that lie as anything other than your personal truth. \nTrump was saved by a miracle.", "pid": 474407984 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6D13", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:45\n\n>>474405246 \n(((you)))'re never getting the white goy to die for israel anymore, kike", "pid": 474408090 }, { "sender": "8BB3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:14\n\n>>474387537 \nThis is the most inorganic post I've read today. Go play in traffic glownigger", "pid": 474408964 }, { "sender": "BE0F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:16\n\n>>474407045 \n>MK-Ultra \nMK-Ultra would be running a disinfo campaign against what actually happened to destroy or hamper any discussion within the normiesphere that TPTB have once again attempted to kill Trump. Kill yourself", "pid": 474409098 }, { "sender": "Anon-6C4B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:37\n\n>>474409098 \n>the patriots are in control, trust the plan \nq predicted that you will go play in traffic", "pid": 474409332 }, { "sender": "Anon-204A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:54\n\n>>474384980 \nNobody thinks it was a false flag. Anyone who says it was is either a shill, mindbroken Discord troon, or a troll.", "pid": 474411655 }, { "sender": "DB5E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:49\n\n>>474409098 \nThis, a desperate attempt to change the narrative from inside job to fake shit. \n", "pid": 474412334 }, { "sender": "5007-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:41\n\n>>474402903 \nThis, too many normies and shills on the board thinking that they fit in.", "pid": 474412405 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-976B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:09\n\n>>474408090 \nyeah, because we voted for trump and he reduces the death of white males", "pid": 474413453 }, { "sender": "Anon-36B2", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:13\n\n>>474384980 \n>", "pid": 474413698 }, { "sender": "9427-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:35\n\n>>474384980 \nI actually think the left is largely responsible for it occurring anyway. He’s given trash SS and relies on incompetent local PD for protection. They want him dead obviously. Anyone saying he faked it is projecting. I’m willing to bet they knew it was happening too, the fucker might’ve been posting on x board. Regardless, it’s plainly obvious trump has the mandate of the rabbi.", "pid": 474414035 }, { "sender": "F8EA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:11\n\n>>474384980 \nThe feds decided that their best course of action post 2016 was to fill this place with so much retarded shit that it will be difficult for any amount of compotent posters to sort through and illuminate the truth to other posters. It's working pretty well, and by that I mean it's making this place totally unusable", "pid": 474414246 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A5BC", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:19\n\n>>474384980 \nSame morons are on reddit talking about the many private stories of Trump being generous and acknowledging them, but claiming his political personality is that of a crazy loon. \n \nAt least they have dropped the RUSSIA RUSSIA nonsense for now.", "pid": 474414581 }, { "sender": "Anon-57C9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:27\n\n>>474385884 \n>Kinda weird that he did the pose and shouted \"fight fight fight!\" \nI'm sure he helped write the Q script posts that were made, so he rose to the chance. \n \nFuture proves past.", "pid": 474414766 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-79DC", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:50\n\neven after someone tried to take a shot at Donny, Melania still won't be seen with him, it's hilarious", "pid": 474415323 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B2C9", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:39\n\nSo you say. Anyway, very lazy effort here.", "pid": 474415384 }, { "sender": "5B6F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:31\n\n>>474415323 \nIt's not a serious marriage, like Bill and Hillary Clinton. She may even have another lover. America is so fake and gay, yet, 80% of MAGA-Tards can't put it all together.", "pid": 474415478 }, { "sender": "5F45-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:58\n\n>>474415323 \nShe probably just doesn’t want to get shot", "pid": 474415517 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-385F", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:04:03\n\n>>474415323 \nYea because she's said before that she doesn't like being on camera like trump does and she dislikes being seen in public or having to speak.", "pid": 474415529 }, { "sender": "Anon-71E8", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:04:44\n\n>>474415323 \nfor her safety probably, there will be another assassination attempt.", "pid": 474415592 }, { "sender": "1832-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:05:41\n\n>>474415478 \nEvery American wants to be a hot shot crypto homosexual with a surface wife you show the public and hidden harem of bussy slaves. That’s literally the american dream now that gay faggot americans strive for", "pid": 474415667 }, { "sender": "2FEE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:06:13\n\n>>474415323 \nIsn't she a Terminator sent from the future to save Trump", "pid": 474415725 }, { "sender": "E055-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:06:18\n\n>>474415323 \nShe's such a gilf now, still would", "pid": 474415733 }, { "sender": "Anon-3D8B", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:09:22\n\n> Puts wife and family in a safe space after an assassination attempt. \n> Woketards work overtime to spin it negatively. \n \nEmbarrassing.", "pid": 474415973 }, { "sender": "C2CC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:13:02\n\n>>474415323 \n>A member of his own party wants to kill him \n>His wife doesn't want to be in his company \n \nIt's almost sad", "pid": 474416259 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-28D5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:36\n\nThe next Second Lady of the United States of America", "pid": 474409619 }, { "sender": "Anon-AC32", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:48\n\n>>474409619 \ntrumptards will support anyway", "pid": 474409723 }, { "sender": "C563-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:47\n\n>>474409619 \nTiki Masala Trump", "pid": 474409790 }, { "sender": "0F07-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:09\n\nThis type of Second Family is gone forever due to changing attitudes and demographics", "pid": 474409817 }, { "sender": "Anon-C5D3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:33\n\n>>474409817 \nThe old guard \nA thing of the past", "pid": 474409934 }, { "sender": "E19E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:10\n\nYou know who pushed for demographic change", "pid": 474409983 }, { "sender": "8222-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:40\n\n>>474409619 \nAll hail pooja Vance!", "pid": 474410026 }, { "sender": "Anon-3F6B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:01\n\n>>474409619 \nThe current Vice President of the United States is Indian.", "pid": 474410054 }, { "sender": "6B2C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:36\n\n>>474410054 \nIt's going to be like this in the west from here on out", "pid": 474411147 }, { "sender": "3E5B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:40\n\n>>474410054 \nFaux nigger who's family owned slaves for over 400 years. She is only good for blowjobs.", "pid": 474411446 }, { "sender": "1421-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:19\n\n>>474410054 \nBut she is just seen as black not a pajeeta by most of us. So it’s okay.", "pid": 474411555 }, { "sender": "Anon-5DFF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:18\n\n>>474409619 \nThe future of America is Indian!", "pid": 474411613 }, { "sender": "F3EC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:16\n\n>>474409619 \nobama never gets elected with a white wife. societal decay comes at you fast", "pid": 474411690 }, { "sender": "957C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:43\n\n>>474409619 \nWhat street around the White House will be the designated shitting street for the Second Lady and her sons ?", "pid": 474413660 }, { "sender": "Anon-24BB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:09\n\n>>474409619 \nWhat you're doing is inhuman, and that's how I know you're an atheist/wrongdoer.", "pid": 474413692 }, { "sender": "3AA7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:44\n\n>>474409619 \nAnd if Trump dies - we'll have a streetshitter dalit for a First Lady", "pid": 474414050 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D465", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:24\n\n>>474409619 \ndude likes a butter chicken, kids will be raised in a house with toilets, what's the big deal?", "pid": 474414262 }, { "sender": "BAA7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:00:31\n\n>>474409934 \nSilence from subjects of the queen.", "pid": 474415214 }, { "sender": "6C52-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:12:17\n\n>>474409619 \nMeanwhile Kamala holds a position of actual power right now as Biden's VP and is a female half nig/half jeet hybrid. Still voting Trump.", "pid": 474416190 } ]
[ { "sender": "7FB6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:06\n\nWhat did she mean by this?", "pid": 474412447 }, { "sender": "F0A9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:39\n\n>>474412447 \nThe buck is broken", "pid": 474412572 }, { "sender": "Anon-05B6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:38\n\n>>474412447 \nShe wants to be scapegoat so that there's no deeper investigation. This was likely the plan had the gunman succeeded too: SS director resigns in disgrace and takes full blame.", "pid": 474412642 }, { "sender": "61D5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:44\n\n>>474412447 \n>I should be fired, in fact I should have never been hired in the first place", "pid": 474412654 }, { "sender": "4911-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:16\n\n>>474412447 \nSomeone above her told her to do it.", "pid": 474412759 }, { "sender": "397C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:15\n\n>>474412447 \nIt means she's the head bullshitter and the bullshit stops at her. So any other bullshit you hear isn't coming from her. Clear?", "pid": 474412901 }, { "sender": "DB77-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:11\n\n>>474412447 \nIt doesn't mean anything. She did her job. Their man fucked up. Nothing more to be said.", "pid": 474412965 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-02AC", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:35\n\n>>474412447 \nShe will personally buckbreak their recent DEI hires.", "pid": 474413203 }, { "sender": "1C5F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:51\n\n>>474412447 \nIt means she fucks deer.", "pid": 474413291 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-807D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:45\n\n>>474412447 \nIt means she's proud of her plan to have the Secret Service be 30% female by 2030. (30 by 30)", "pid": 474413879 }, { "sender": "Anon-5B96", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:07\n\n>>474412447 \nyou can have her for a dollar", "pid": 474413996 }, { "sender": "08A0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:10\n\n>>474412447 \nCunt needs to be fired, not quit. Go back to Pepsi bitch, America is a Coca-Cola nation.", "pid": 474414162 }, { "sender": "Anon-470E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:03\n\n>>474414162 \nShe wants that severance package doe", "pid": 474414380 }, { "sender": "Anon-C086", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:14\n\n>>474412447 \n>>474412572 \n>>474412642 \n>>474412654 \n>>474412759 \n>>474412901 \n>>474412965 \n>>474413203 \n>>474413291 \n>>474413879 \n>>474413996 \n>>474414162 \n>>474414380", "pid": 474414571 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8948", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:52\n\n>>474412654 \nThis", "pid": 474414717 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D8B9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:43\n\n>>474414162 \nNo it's not nigger Pepsi is the drink of all wealthy American states while beaners and blacks fight over the pesticide and birth control known as coca cola.", "pid": 474414888 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6883", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:18\n\nthread theme\n", "pid": 474415112 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C748", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:30\n\n>>474412447 \n \nWhat does it mean.", "pid": 474415127 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D5EE", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:00:33\n\n>>474412447 \n>What did she mean by this? \nIt means she is getting the fuck out of town before Trump replaces her with Kim Yo Yong", "pid": 474415222 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F754", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:06\n\n>>474412447 \nIt means she got her cushy severance package deal.", "pid": 474415428 }, { "sender": "Anon-10C4", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:51\n\n>>474412447 \n \nAccording to Oxford dictionary it means. \n \n>1. The male of some horned animals, especially the fallow deer, roe deer, reindeer, and antelopes. \n \n>2. Another term for vaulting horse.", "pid": 474415505 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-08FA", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:05:31\n\n>>474412447 \n>What did she mean by this? \nshe means that the roof 150 yds from the president was not her responsibility, chud \n \nAlso doesn't apply to roofs 150 yds from the pedo in chief", "pid": 474415649 }, { "sender": "63E1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:08:13\n\n>>474415505 \n \nIt also means this. \n \n>1. (of a horse) to perform a buck. \"he's got to get his head down to buck\" \n \n>2. oppose or resist (something oppressive or inevitable). \n \nI think we found it. Its nr 2 here. I think she admitted to be guilty of the Assassin attempt on Trump.", "pid": 474415885 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9EB0", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:09:39\n\n>>474412447 \nit means she takes responsibility", "pid": 474416000 } ]
[ { "sender": "DBF2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:02\n\nIt's true, you know.", "pid": 474411038 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1E36", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:11\n\n>>474411038 \nfor Israel to survive America must die", "pid": 474411120 }, { "sender": "Anon-8DCC", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:48\n\n>>474411038 \nWhy dd the troon shoot the statue then?", "pid": 474411160 }, { "sender": "Anon-EC8D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:02\n\n>>474411038 \nthe statue of a dickless troon pretending to be a woman got shot?", "pid": 474411175 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DDD5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:14\n\n>>474411120 \nGreat, I guess Israel must die", "pid": 474411187 }, { "sender": "DA54-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:25\n\n>>474411038 \nthere is a jewish flag under that", "pid": 474411210 }, { "sender": "Anon-C56A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:42\n\n>>474411038 \nwhat has he said now that makes leftists say he's the bane of democracy?", "pid": 474411226 }, { "sender": "0B7E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:10\n\n>>474411038 \nfor niggers and trannies to survive, America must die", "pid": 474411259 }, { "sender": "8C8A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:11\n\n>>474411120 \nPowerful.", "pid": 474411261 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8886", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:18\n\n>>474411038 \n>Killing people i disagree with is democracy \nThen fuck democracy.", "pid": 474411351 }, { "sender": "saged", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:35\n\n>>474411226 \nHe just is, okay chud? That means doing anything illegal-up to and including election rigging and assassination-is all okay because he's bad. We're the good guys, get that through your head, nazi.", "pid": 474411440 }, { "sender": "Anon-B277", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:58\n\n>>474411120 \nIs this like when the alien parasite bursts out of the hosts body", "pid": 474411466 }, { "sender": "2EE3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:06\n\nFuck liberty \nstatue of lib should be blown up\nits fucking french", "pid": 474411542 }, { "sender": "BEB2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:17\n\n>>474411542 \nalways good to hear from ching chong ping pongs", "pid": 474411695 }, { "sender": "1030-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:57\n\n>>474411038 \nLefties be like \n>I'm anti-fascist! \n>I'm anti-violence! \n>I'm pro-democracy! \nLefties also be like \n>I hope my political opponents get shot and murdered", "pid": 474411886 }, { "sender": "Walrus", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:24\n\n>>474411542 \nIt's Satan", "pid": 474411990 }, { "sender": "Anon-3E97", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:28\n\n>>474411038 \n>my guido putin cuck is american freedumbs and shit", "pid": 474411997 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-549B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:06\n\n>the massonic occutism statue", "pid": 474412116 }, { "sender": "9D90-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:14\n\n>>474411038 \n>far left retard tries to kill his political opponent and ends up killing liberty \nSo these retards are finally admitting they're the ones destroying democracy?", "pid": 474412131 }, { "sender": "Anon-5FDF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:59\n\n>>474411990 \nIt's Isis/Semiramis/Ishtar", "pid": 474412185 }, { "sender": "A123-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:21\n\n>>474411038 \nOk, but he was already going to win.", "pid": 474412296 }, { "sender": "6FA9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:32\n\n>>474411886 \nDon't forget they also cheer a Trump supporter died. There is no unity in America. World war 3 starts witch ever political party isn't in power won't join up. I for one will help any dem at this point.", "pid": 474412309 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9BD8", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:39\n\n>>474411038 \ncivil war in 2 weeks", "pid": 474412318 }, { "sender": "BF93-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:21\n\n>>474411038 \nPowerful", "pid": 474412380 }, { "sender": "Walrus", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:29\n\n>>474412185 \nYou go back far enough it is just different names for the same demon.", "pid": 474412562 }, { "sender": "653B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:28\n\n>>474412562 \nWell an occultist would say it's the wife of Satan - Isis or Ishtar or Lilith or Semiramis aka The Whore of Babylon whose cup runneth with fornications and abominations because after fucking Satan Lilith went on to breed with everything and make vampires and other shit, collectively known as Lilitu to the Sumerians. \nSatan/Osiris is still locked away but their son Azazel/Horus is supposedly lord of the material world and that's who the kikes and Freemasons worship, hence the All Seeing Eye (of Horus) and the Jacob's Ladder that Masons are fond of (Azazel descended Jacob's Ladder to corrupt mankind, or \"enlighten them\" if you're a Mason)", "pid": 474413647 }, { "sender": "Anon-3191", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:00\n\n>>474411038 \nNYC jews think an ugly pagan french statue with a jewish poem bolted on it epitomizes America.", "pid": 474414230 }, { "sender": "2D55-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:12\n\n>>474411038 \nIsn't this a bit disrespectful to the ACTUAL PEOPLE who were ACTUALLY SHOT?", "pid": 474414392 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-766D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:23\n\nYou know what to do\n\n", "pid": 474414586 }, { "sender": "Anon-8E38", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:43\n\n>>474414392 \nYes. But they were just goyim. So it's okay.", "pid": 474414795 }, { "sender": "3FDF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:48\n\n>>474411038 \n>killing Trump is surviving democracy \n>surviving Trump is killing democrracy \nWow, so democracy is about killing the democratic opponents? \nGee whiz democracy sure sound fucking insane.", "pid": 474414804 }, { "sender": "3C83-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:09\n\n>>474411038 \nOMG why did Dems kill Democracy?", "pid": 474415265 }, { "sender": "Anon-59AC", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:20\n\n>>474411120 \nWhich side pol?", "pid": 474415456 }, { "sender": "8FF9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:05:46\n\nThis faggot is from my city and has had TDS ever since Trump came down the golden escalator. He's absolutely insufferable, and has even been commissioned by (((The Lincoln Project))) to do cartoons for them too. What a cunt. Last cartoon I saw of his was for some Toronto newspaper so I had hoped he left, guess that rat is back.", "pid": 474415671 }, { "sender": "61E2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:05:47\n\n>>474411038 \nToo bad a child who was groomed by liberal communists shot democracy.", "pid": 474415677 }, { "sender": "1D71-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:09:25\n\nIt's true, you know.", "pid": 474415979 }, { "sender": "Anon-C272", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:10:52\n\n>>474411038 \nTrue, demonrats ARE trying to kill democracy and liberty", "pid": 474416083 } ]
Ian Miles Cheong here, AMA
[ { "sender": "Anon-F97A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:21:45\n\nIan Miles Cheong here, AMA\n\nLet's do this faggots", "pid": 474403850 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2287", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:40\n\nis your vision slanted?", "pid": 474403918 }, { "sender": "D988-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:02\n\n>>474403850 \nWhy are you a traitor to your own people? You spend more time sticking your dick in our country than you do improving your own.", "pid": 474403938 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9433", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:15\n\nThis fucking guy", "pid": 474403954 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B19", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:31\n\n>>474403850 \nWhy did you leave Charlie's chocolate factory ?", "pid": 474403971 }, { "sender": "15BF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:52\n\n>>474403850 \n>we are at war, they want to kill us all \nIs China invading Malaysia? What is he talking about", "pid": 474403995 }, { "sender": "6475-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:55\n\nQanon - Zionist\nAlex Jones - Zionist\nJerome Corsi - Zionist\nRoger Stone - Zionist\nPJW - Zionist\nPosobiec - Zionist\nBannon - Zionist\nBen Shapiro - Zionist\nAbigail Shapiro - Zionist\nJordan Peterson - Zionist\nSam Harris - Zionist\nSpencer - Zionist\nMich Enoch - Zionist\nLauren Southern - Zionist\nFaith Goldy - Zionist\nSellner/Pettibone - Zionist\nTommy Robinson - Zionist\nAnn Coulter - Zionist\nStefan Molyneux - Zionist\nCernovich - Zionist\nMilo - Zionist\nMilei - Zionist\nRFK jr - Zionist\nWeev - Zionst\nSargoy of Mossad - Zionist\nMike Lindell - Zionist\nStephen Crowder - Zionist\nLaura Loomer - Zionist\nJacob Wohl - Zionist\nGavin mccines - Zionist\nJared Taylor - Zionist\nRobert spencer - Zionist\nCharlie kirk - Zionist\nCandice owens - Zionist \nDouglas murray - Zionist\nJoe Rogan - Zionist shill\nKate Hopkins - Zionist\nElon Musk - Zionist\nKanye West - Zionist\nProud boys - Zionist\nMr. Metokur - Zionist\nPewdiepie - Zionist\nJesse Lee Peterson - Zionist\nBrenton Tarrant - Zionist\nNigel Farage - Zionist\nEzra Levant - Zionist\nJim Hoft - Zionist\nJames o Keefe - Zionist\nBaked Alaska - Zionist\nNick Fuentes - Zionist\nSebastian Gorka - Zionist\nAndy Ngo - Zionist\nBronze Age Pervert - Zionist\nKaitlyn Bennett - Zionist\nPeter Hitchens - Zionist\nCurtis Yarvin - Zionist\nMillennial Millie - Zionist\nIan Miles Cheong - Zionist\nTim Pool - Zionist shill\nDennis Prager - Zionist\nGad Saad - Zionist\nDinesh de Souza - Zionist\nDan Bongino - Zionist\nTucker Carlson - Zionist\nRadio Genoa - Zionist\nAli Alexander - Zionist\nAvi Yemini - Zionist\nEvlaard - Zionist\nMatt Walsh - Zionist", "pid": 474404001 }, { "sender": "7D0A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:59\n\n>>474403850 \nwhy don't you return to RPG Codex, Rex?", "pid": 474404007 }, { "sender": "3B44-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:22\n\n>>474403850 \nUseless, grifting faggot with a face that looks like it's been hit with a shovel. \nBefore gamergate he was reeeeing that gamers are toxic before switched sides. \nNever trust journalists.", "pid": 474404090 }, { "sender": "B665-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:30\n\n>>474403995 \nLook at me. I am the White nationalist now", "pid": 474404101 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8475", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:36\n\n>>474403954 \nJFC", "pid": 474404104 }, { "sender": "Anon-08D5", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:46\n\nYou ever feel bad about getting that guys golden retriever flashbanged to death?", "pid": 474404116 }, { "sender": "0A03-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:20\n\n>>474403850 \nWhatever happened to Andy Warski? I'd rather listen to his hot takes than this gook.", "pid": 474404153 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-058F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:03\n\n>>474403850 \nWhy can't you do a better dye job with your hair? They look awful.", "pid": 474404203 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E497", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:32\n\n>>474404153 \nStarted a family with a fat lesbian and a pod cast with her as co host. \n\"Kino Casino\" i think.", "pid": 474404235 }, { "sender": "9ADC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:55\n\n>>474403938 \n \nNot a traitor. \nNot my own people. \nMalaysia's government is compromised of Malays, the natives, who are the sandniggers of SEA. \nThey're backwards people who worship a pedophile and reject progress. \nThey subjugate and oppress chinks and other non-native established minorities (whose families goes back generations) \nI'm not native.", "pid": 474404318 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-81AA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:34\n\n> African Carp", "pid": 474404426 }, { "sender": "0BD7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:55\n\n>>474403850 \ni thought the scrotusfaced man couldn't get any uglier \n \nbeing right wing never pays off", "pid": 474404447 }, { "sender": "5850-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:30\n\n>>474403954 \nIf only he were a loyal, patriotic dual citizen", "pid": 474404537 }, { "sender": "5B3A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:24\n\n>>474403850 \nWhen you smile can you still see?", "pid": 474404594 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AFAE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:13\n\n>>474404318 \n>They're backwards people who worship a pedophile and reject progress. \n", "pid": 474404802 }, { "sender": "A9CD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:14\n\n>>474404235 \n>Started a family with a fat lesbian \nHow does that work?", "pid": 474404878 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C528", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:17\n\n>>474403850 \nbetter VP pick than JD Vance", "pid": 474404880 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-07B2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:47\n\n>>474403850 \nThoughts on JD Vance?", "pid": 474404988 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F4B1", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:44\n\n>>474403850 \nShalom", "pid": 474405062 }, { "sender": "E525-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:10\n\n#PayForPupper", "pid": 474405150 }, { "sender": "2283-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:14\n\n>>474403850 \n>>474403954", "pid": 474405219 }, { "sender": "38D7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:02\n\nWhat did you mean by this?", "pid": 474405273 }, { "sender": "1461-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:28\n\n>>474403850 \nVPNigger until you timestamp", "pid": 474405503 }, { "sender": "Anon-D4C7", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:42\n\n>>474403850 \nhe looks like a doctor that diddles patients", "pid": 474405518 }, { "sender": "2E05-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:09\n\n>>474403850 \nAre you jelly of bumiputras?", "pid": 474405675 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B78", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:01\n\nGet a load of this nigga", "pid": 474405734 }, { "sender": "D77F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:18\n\n>>474403850 \nTHE SAVIOR OF WHITE RACE", "pid": 474405827 }, { "sender": "A5C7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:26\n\n>>474403850 \n \nhello chink, post timestamp", "pid": 474405838 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E41B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:44\n\n>>474403850 \nLiterally who?", "pid": 474405857 }, { "sender": "8F9E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:59\n\n>>474403850 \n>AMA \n \nA malaysian asshole?", "pid": 474405871 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-84EE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:21\n\n>>474405273 \nWholly Ballz! I thought Asians were mathmagical wizards.", "pid": 474405980 }, { "sender": "Kanker", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:45\n\nThey eat da poo poo", "pid": 474406009 }, { "sender": "06E1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:39\n\n>>474404001 \n>a bunch of shit I made up", "pid": 474406062 }, { "sender": "830D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:34\n\nSEAs are so fucking ugly. It's honestly unbelievable. Not even Portuguese could outbreed the ugly out of you people.", "pid": 474406125 }, { "sender": "BE3F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:13\n\n>>474405273 \nDid this chink not finish high school?", "pid": 474406172 }, { "sender": "C735-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:51\n\nhow does it feel to live in a majority muslim country as a second class citizen? do they call you babi cina", "pid": 474406267 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-980D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:22\n\n>>474405219 \n>>474403954 \nDid you losers forget that America is a melting pot? There's room for diversity in conservatism, it's what makes our country so great.", "pid": 474406622 }, { "sender": "3608-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:47\n\n>>474403954 \nHes a cringy elon nooticer. He keeps posting one video about finland every 4 months.", "pid": 474409000 }, { "sender": "EA74-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:42\n\n>>474403850 \nCheing Cheong", "pid": 474409058 }, { "sender": "4090-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:52\n\n>>474403850 \nOK Chang... I mean Cheong", "pid": 474409152 }, { "sender": "Anon-D479", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:43\n\n>>474409000 \n>>474403954 \nHe has one of the highest racism levels in the whole world. Diversity is our strength.", "pid": 474409201 }, { "sender": "5766-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:21\n\n>>474403850 \n>Let's do this faggots \nthis you?", "pid": 474409243 }, { "sender": "Anon-468A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:21\n\n>>474404318 \nSelamat malam \nWhen was the last time you took a deworming tablet", "pid": 474409602 }, { "sender": "Anon-3582", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:47\n\n>>474404318 \nYou know the biblical Hing David was also a pedophile as well as a murderer. Bathsheba was 6 according to Rabbinic sources. Therefore you might properly call the Prophets (PBH) relationship with Aisha, Biblical Romance. As a Midwesterner I dream of being in Malaysia where they do not worship Jews and Kosher Supremacy is not Halal.", "pid": 474409870 }, { "sender": "0926-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:37\n\n>>474405219 \nWell that's telling \"Malaysia is not a western nation\" in response to \"These people want us dead\"...", "pid": 474410154 }, { "sender": "B0B0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:27\n\nFucking disgusting. I'm going to have to throw away my monitor after seeing that.", "pid": 474410315 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1479", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:31\n\n>>474403850 \nWhy are you an marxist leninist tankie faggot", "pid": 474410321 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E125", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:31\n\nWHO THE FUCK IS THIS FAGGOT AND WHY DO I KEEP SEEING HIM. MODS MODS!", "pid": 474410471 }, { "sender": "C554-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:28\n\n>>474405838 \nnice shorts, fag", "pid": 474411624 }, { "sender": "17CE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:18\n\n>>474403850 \nWhy are you so fucking retarded", "pid": 474411699 }, { "sender": "Anon-1CB8", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:25\n\n>>474403850 \nHow much dick did you have to suck to keep relevant after all the shit you pulled in the SEKTUr?", "pid": 474411707 }, { "sender": "292F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:23\n\n>>474403850 \ndone grifting yet you massive faggot? \nwe never forgot about gamergate and neither did you, your twitter is shit btw.", "pid": 474412300 }, { "sender": "2BCF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:03\n\n>>474403850 \nAt first i thought \"christ he's aged a lot\" but then i realised he's been around since before gamergate which was literally 10 years ago and i too look way older now. \n \nFuck time goes fast.", "pid": 474413376 }, { "sender": "sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:38\n\n>>474403850 \nTKD?", "pid": 474414113 }, { "sender": "Anon-351E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:01\n\n>>474403850 \nI loved you in the hangover movies. Mr chow was the best character.", "pid": 474414726 }, { "sender": "5D2F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:07:43\n\n>>474403850 \nidk if you're really IMC, but if you are, respect for touching the grass roots and keeping it real. Please ignore the bad replies as I'm sure you know. Respect.", "pid": 474415848 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-210B", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:09:11\n\n>>474403850 \nI'd kill myself if i looked like that... holy fucking SHIT", "pid": 474415956 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-FC71", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:01\n\nHouthis about to fuck around and find out why Americans don't have free healthcare.", "pid": 474411598 }, { "sender": "C95F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:42\n\n>>474411598 \nAmerimutts are too lazy and weak-willed to open the pool. \nHouthis are like that one last chip from the bag on the other side of the couch that the fatass clapistan is too disabled to properly reach with their flabby arm. \n \nHouthis are young and virile strong people ready to defend their pool, they truly believe they have a just cause and are willing die for it. \nAmerimutt is lead by weak gerontocracy, overextended, tries to protect muh liberal free trade even though there's no will from the average mutt to do anything in the strait, that's why the US will never be able to defeat the Houthis.", "pid": 474412245 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B97A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:10\n\n>>474411598 \nAHAHAHAH THATS SO FUCKING FUNNY BRO THATS ALMOST ON THE MEMETIC LEVELS OF ST JAVELIN AND THE EVIL GRIN POLAND WOJAK AHAHAHAHAHA I AM LAUGHING SO FUCKING HARD RIGHT NOW FREE HEALTHCARE AHAHAHAHAH YES LETS GO I WANT BLOOD I WANNA ACT LIKE A PSYCHPPATH AND KILL RANDOM FARMERS BECAUSE WHY NOT AHAHHA ST HIMARS JOKER MODE SIGMA ZELENSKY GYAT RIZZLER SEXXY RED AHAHAHAHAHAHA DID YOU KNOW IF HITLER HAD 1 MILLION TIGER TANKS HE WOULD HAVE BEAT THE ALLIED ARMIES?????", "pid": 474412456 }, { "sender": "D15B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:54\n\n>>474411598 \nIT AINT ME", "pid": 474412876 }, { "sender": "BE3B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:23\n\n>>474411598 \n>sunk? \n>destroyed? \n>heavily damaged? \n>hit? \nNope, just targeted. That means they missed.", "pid": 474413187 }, { "sender": "992C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:39\n\n>>474411598 \nWhat the fuck is a Houthi?", "pid": 474415488 }, { "sender": "Anon-CC2C", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:20:06\n\nNo one needs to find out, it's already clear.\nAmerimutts are not competent.", "pid": 474416800 } ]
&quot;Free speech&quot;
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-7775", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:21\n\n>>474413651 \nAustralia doesn't have free speech dip shit. \nAnd these are the rules you fags played by for ten years. We're just going with them.", "pid": 474414583 }, { "sender": "AADC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:14\n\n>>474413651 \nfree speech from your government \nnot freedom from consequences from your employers / sponsors / general public \nabsolute retard \n \nrtxsa", "pid": 474414652 }, { "sender": "Anon-6A1C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:37\n\n>>474413651 \nExecute the fat cunts.", "pid": 474414686 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F7F4", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:08\n\n>>474413651 \nFree speech is a meme, people should be punished for wrong think. Society will be more cohesive then and the division will go away.", "pid": 474414733 }, { "sender": "09F4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:21\n\n>>474414583 \nHe had the freedom to say what he said \nAnd they have the freedom to deport his fat diabetic ass", "pid": 474414755 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7E73", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:39\n\n>>474413651 \nLiteral who senator from a meme political party, who cares", "pid": 474414782 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-74F5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:53\n\nThere is no free speech here.\nOur constitution doesn't mention it.", "pid": 474414813 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-13A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:36\n\n>>474413651 \nAll these politicians posturing like this only do so because they fear the bullet themselves. They know the evil they've done. They know that if the people realize how easy it is. They all going down.", "pid": 474414877 }, { "sender": "D84D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:12\n\n>>474414652 \nthe right very rarely made that distinction. I remember before Elon bought Twitter, people whining about their free speech supposedly being curtailed", "pid": 474414930 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3341", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:09\n\n>>474413651 \n>victoria \nnot part of australia anymore", "pid": 474415104 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-47EF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:17\n\n>>474414652 \nListen to \n>>474414583 \n \nAustralia DOES NOT HAVE FREE SPEECH. This has been proven and legislation banning mean words has been successfully passed, enforced, challenged and held up in court. \n \nTruth is not even a defense in defamation cases, you also do not have the right not to remain silent and can be forced to hand over passwords etc. \n \nIt’s a fairly prosperous and happy prison island most of the time but make no mistake it is a prison island.", "pid": 474415110 }, { "sender": "Anon-56C5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:40\n\n>>474414583 \nneither do you", "pid": 474415141 }, { "sender": "80B2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:47\n\n>>474415110 \nmy bad im an amerifag", "pid": 474415151 }, { "sender": "6400-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:01\n\n>>474413651 \n100% guaranteed OP is a cocksucker who thinks you should be jailed for saying Nigger or Tranny, while thinking inciting political assassinations or defending pedophilia is perfectly fine.", "pid": 474415336 }, { "sender": "CF5B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:04\n\n>>474413651 \nFree speech is dangerous to Our Democracy™ \nOnly approved government speech is allowed.", "pid": 474415339 }, { "sender": "Adolf", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:17\n\n>>474413651 \nsenator faget is not australia, he is some type of mulatto \n \nuap always installs non australians", "pid": 474415451 }, { "sender": "Anon-25B7", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:04:24\n\nOP=chinese foreign interference troll\n\nYouse jokers are stupid cunce for keeping this thread going.\n滾開", "pid": 474415560 }, { "sender": "Anon-853E", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:05:37\n\n>>474413651 \nwow, a band that uses satanic imagry is satanic?!? \nsay it ain't so", "pid": 474415659 }, { "sender": "Anon-5EC8", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:08:36\n\nPolitical theater. Isn't the official history that we needed Tenacious D's mom to get to the moon? These midwit conservatives will turn around and with a straight face say we need to bring Blackjack's mom's crack out of retirement so we can get back to the moon!", "pid": 474415907 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ED0A", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:14:15\n\n>>474414733 \nchecked rabbi digits", "pid": 474416366 } ]
[ { "sender": "B2CC-Anon", "message": "05/06/2024, 02:17:27\n\nI got into an argument with a reddit person about publishing. This person had been posting on reddit for over 6 years and had very open political opinions and were moderators of subreddits related to gender and a fan club of some franchise. The person in question is an SJW, gay woman and furry. They were bragging about their position in the industry and wanted me to send some parts of my writing to them so they could judge me, or, if they thought it was good, they would send it to their connections in the industry. Irl i have an agent and had no interest in sending my writing to this reddit person which is how the argument happened because they got offended by this. \nI called them a faggot and other stuff and they said shit back. The argument reached a point where they used their apparent publishing credentials to seem as if they came from a high position and said some shit you don't say to people who also make art, and so i lost my shit and swore to get their account banned and i would dox them etc, i was mad as fuck. They got scared and blocked me and deleted their direct messages. \nLong story short, while i was going through their thousands of reddit posts to find personal info i discovered that they actually lied about their publishing credentials and they actually struggle to do what they say they can and have been looking for writing courses to help them and all kinds of stuff. The truth was that they had published some short stories in a literary magazine a couple months/year ago. They lied about their credentials and i have no idea what they wanted to do with the information i would have sent them, maybe they had connections because they had published some short stories in a literary magazine and so they knew someone etc but i don't know, short stories in a magazine doesn't = the bold claims they were making. \nAfter seeing more furry topic on their reddit account and confirming that they were an SJW woman with terrible opinions I started to calm down and realized how sad the whole situation was and thought of it as a learning experience that most people online, especially reddit, are scumbags and you should not give them the time of day and focus on yourself and your journey in this hard world. If you must, communicate with likeminded people who you can trust irl or online, and dont compare yourself to other people, your life is your story. Thank you for reading my blog", "pid": 23456651 }, { "sender": "C88B-Anon", "message": "05/06/2024, 13:57:29\n\nPost their account, anon.", "pid": 23458131 }, { "sender": "Anon-3FD1", "message": "05/06/2024, 14:03:08\n\n>>23456651 \n>I got into an argument with a reddit person \nAt that point you already lost.", "pid": 23458143 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9B13", "message": "05/06/2024, 14:03:31\n\n>>23456651 \n>Reddit \nStopped reading right there", "pid": 23458144 }, { "sender": "3846-Anonymous", "message": "05/06/2024, 14:04:17\n\n>>23456651 \n>swore to get their account banned and i would dox them etc \nYou're also a scumbag lol", "pid": 23458146 }, { "sender": "D9B2-Anonymous", "message": "05/06/2024, 14:17:02\n\n>>23458146 \nI got mad as hell and was frothing at the mouth i was ready to send doordash drivers to their house forever \n \n>>23458131 \nIll try and find it again", "pid": 23458180 }, { "sender": "Anon-90A9", "message": "05/06/2024, 14:36:13\n\n>>23456651 \nNot your personal blog faggot + I don't give a single fuck about the gay shit you get up to on leddit + barely even literature related \n \nworst thread of the day goes to you", "pid": 23458236 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9911", "message": "05/06/2024, 14:45:57\n\n>>23456651 \nI learned this lesson a decade ago when a mod I disliked on a sub I used took a picture of himself, and it was clear that this guy was a bottom of the barrel 350 pound loser with nothing going on but collecting action figures. I always imagined these people of had real lives and a semi-respectable position in life, but in reality the opposite is often true. \n \nI am almost always candid about everything, which is why I feel confused when people try to make their lives seem so amazing. If the point is to have a connection with people (even if a shallow internet one), then you aren't gaining anything if you have to lie. Then again, my position in life is at least OK, so maybe I just haven't felt that desperation yet. \n \nAnyways, I realized I was foolish getting mad about anything this guy had to say.", "pid": 23458266 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-36B4", "message": "05/06/2024, 14:47:25\n\nThis thread was moved to >>>/trash/66348552", "pid": 23458272 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-F053", "message": "21/07/2024, 14:56:04\n\nWhat haircut would suit me? I feel like no matter what I am ugly.", "pid": 18185365 }, { "sender": "7266-Anonymous", "message": "21/07/2024, 15:00:14\n\n>>18185365 \nGrow a little hair (if you can). I can imagine you looking great with long hair. Don't lose hope!", "pid": 18185369 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E23E", "message": "21/07/2024, 15:06:44\n\n>>18185365 \nN", "pid": 18185376 }, { "sender": "Anon-8A23", "message": "21/07/2024, 15:20:52\n\n>>18185365 \n1. Grow it out and get it cut into a style that works for your face. A good barber will know. \n2. Get better specs my man, those frames are doing absolutely nothing for your face. \n3. Honestly, lose a bit of weight. It'll define your face a bit more.", "pid": 18185398 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-175A", "message": "22/07/2024, 02:34:47\n\nProtip: get nicer glasses made of metal. \nAnd get a fade from the ghettoest barber you can find in the Phillipines", "pid": 18185977 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC68", "message": "22/07/2024, 02:38:42\n\n>>18185365 \nskin whitening niggalips surgery and weight loss", "pid": 18185980 }, { "sender": "Anon-B5AB", "message": "22/07/2024, 04:25:46\n\nI think you have decently good potential with your looks if you take the right steps; just change out those square glasses because they don't fit you.\n\nGrow out your hair; anything will be better than this flat lawngrass haircut because it just makes you look under maintenance (in a bad way). I'd suggest growing out your hair and allow it to grow a more thicker; you'll honestly need to experiment. Anything would be better than what you've got going on right now.\n\nTalking about beards, I think you already look relatively good clean shaven; it's really just a hair thing.", "pid": 18186037 }, { "sender": "ACFD-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 05:11:51\n\n>>18185365", "pid": 18186051 }, { "sender": "9AC5-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 20:40:31\n\nget a fade", "pid": 18186798 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-557B", "message": "22/07/2024, 21:27:45\n\n>>18185365 \nMIKE WAZOWSKI YOU DIDNT FILE YOUR PAPERWORK", "pid": 18186827 }, { "sender": "E7A1-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 22:07:17\n\n>>18185365 \nhe lives in mojave in a winnebago \nhis name is bobby, he looks like a potato", "pid": 18186847 }, { "sender": "B97B-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 01:52:48\n\n>>18185365 \nWipe off that lip stick faggot", "pid": 18186986 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-8AC7", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:17:03\n\nayo come here white boy", "pid": 78114720 }, { "sender": "8FF3-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:19:47\n\naww does the wittle niggy wiggy want a hug?? :3", "pid": 78114742 }, { "sender": "84E2-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:26:13\n\n>>78114742 \n>aww does the wittle niggy wiggy want a hug?? :3 \nFuck you", "pid": 78114781 }, { "sender": "F6A0-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:30:29\n\n>>78114720 \nNo. I will not \"come here\" until you ask in a more respectful tone, nigger.", "pid": 78114803 }, { "sender": "C477-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:37:17\n\n>>78114720 \nAyo, Tariq, when's dat \"buck breaking\" movie cummin' out?", "pid": 78114848 }, { "sender": "06EC-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:10:16\n\nIt's my nigga tariq!\nThat's my nigga my nigga nigga\n*daps him up*\nmy nigga tariq! whats GOODWIDDIT??\nI can say the N word since I have that wigger pass.\nmy man, TARIQ! yo!", "pid": 78115043 }, { "sender": "Anon-3A29", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:15:29\n\nremember when this goofy ahh nigga tryna create his own holiday LOL", "pid": 78115076 }, { "sender": "Anon-7944", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:11:48\n\n>>78114720 \nOh lawd I'm bout to break this buck", "pid": 78115400 }, { "sender": "Anon-E74B", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:14:39\n\n>>78114720 \nNot a huge fan of him but so many racist delusional jeets and spics call his show talking shit about black people, its so hilarious how he shuts them down.", "pid": 78115415 }, { "sender": "E718-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:20:58\n\n>>78115076 \nI can't tell if this dude is serious or just a dedicated shitposter after the buck breaking shit.", "pid": 78115439 }, { "sender": "EB12-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:24:20\n\n>>78115439 \nHe is serious. He raises good points in his podcast but they're overshadowed by dumb shit like that and the buck breaking which is really just his way of trying to pin all homosexuality on white people. He's funded and created some programs and other documentaries so he cant just be trolling.", "pid": 78115454 } ]
[ { "sender": "B84B-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:55:20\n\n>forums are trash \n>social media are trash \n>almost all discord groups are either trash or dead (private servers for you and your friends are the only thing that give discord a value) \n>all \"alternative\" imageboards are equally bad with 4chan or even worse and the few ones that are fine at first soon get ruined by trolls, feds and spambots \nSo here I am, sticking with 4chan despite being crap.", "pid": 78114055 }, { "sender": "FF76-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:56:49\n\n>>78114055 \nI forgot: forums only have a value if they are for sharing pirated movies, soundtracks, video games etc you can't find at other sites.", "pid": 78114067 }, { "sender": "Anon-2329", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:06:46\n\n>>78114055 \n>forums are trash \nnot true. still plenty of good forums with friendly people for niche topics. even some subreddits are nice in this way. you have to be interested in a niche topic though. if you're online just to socialize you're probably going to have a bad time unless you get lucky", "pid": 78114149 }, { "sender": "Anon-BC07", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:12:55\n\n>>78114149 \n>reddit \n>nice \npick one", "pid": 78114204 }, { "sender": "B2CE-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:13:57\n\n>>78114149 \n>not true. still plenty of good forums with friendly people for niche topics. \nName me some then.", "pid": 78114214 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AB9B", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:15:04\n\n>>78114149 \n>forums \n>friendly people \nAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, everybody pretend being nice unless you say something they disagree with. Then they suddenly turn toxic as hell.", "pid": 78114227 }, { "sender": "Anon-BA30", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:25:20\n\n>>78114055 \nJust make /r9k/ a blueboard, would make it 10x better", "pid": 78114323 }, { "sender": "Anon-D646", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:48:50\n\n>>78114055 \nGuess the only thing left to do is log off and go touch grass", "pid": 78115261 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-24FB", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:35:34\n\n>>78114149 \nname th3m", "pid": 78115513 } ]
[ { "sender": "4919-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:48:28\n\nHow are you managing your hair loss?", "pid": 78113986 }, { "sender": "CC05-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:48:50\n\nShave it.", "pid": 78113989 }, { "sender": "C46C-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:48:58\n\n>>78113986 \ni'm not norwooding but i'm looking into estrogen and facial hair removal to cope", "pid": 78113991 }, { "sender": "Anon-FBD5", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:50:43\n\nI was a diffuse norwood 5 at 19 years old. I just shaved it for like 3 years but decided to get an SMP. Looks okay, I'm happy with it.", "pid": 78114007 }, { "sender": "Halot", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:51:27\n\n>>78113986 \nFin didn't work rogaine didn't work dermaroll didn't work. Need to try dut while I still have hair left \n \nDreaming about getting a transplant eventually but feel like that might not work either. It would have to be a megasession too and then more sessions for the sides. My shit is so cooked what the fuck", "pid": 78114016 }, { "sender": "FDA6-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:51:45\n\ndutasteridemaxxing\ndropping a fucking nuke on dht", "pid": 78114019 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B7B3", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:06:45\n\n>>78113986 \nDude just use hair transplant \nWho cares if it's real or fake \nHair is dead anyways (haircuts would be very painful if they were alive)", "pid": 78114147 }, { "sender": "77AE-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:10:11\n\n>>78114147 \nIn that case getting a good wig or hair system would be much, much better. Transplants are expensive, and doctors don't tell anyone about this but most fail, like around half of them (The client is not satisfied / it doesn't really look good) \n \nAlso, even getting a good transplant doesn't mean you'll have glorious luscious hair, but regular or sub par hair. I saw this man on youtube who did the whole thing, drugs, transplant, etc, and his hair was still shitty and he couldn't style it how he wanted. Got a hair system and looks great now and is satisfied.", "pid": 78114179 }, { "sender": "0762-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:11:53\n\n>>78113986 \nwhen do norwood stages start showing up? I'm 27 and I'm pretty much in-between a norwood 1 and 2, but that's what I've always been.", "pid": 78114196 }, { "sender": "F333-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:14:41\n\n>>78114196 \nDo the shower test. Grab / pull out some of your hair from thinning areas and stick it to the wall. Let it dry. If you see some normal thick hairs next to small slim ones, it's over. You're balding and it's going to keep progressing.", "pid": 78114222 }, { "sender": "C565-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:17:45\n\n>>78113986 \nmy hairline has survived to 30, am I safe?", "pid": 78114250 }, { "sender": "9EFE-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:19:45\n\n>>78114250 \nCheck your family history. If no uncles or grandparents are bald, you're pretty safe. \nSome bald in their 20s, 30s, 40s, it could happen at any time really. It's all about genetics. If you suspect you're thinning, start taking fin or something to stop it and you'll be fine.", "pid": 78114274 }, { "sender": "FA97-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:21:11\n\n>>78113986 \ni have long hair that i comb over my massive bald scalp. i don't leave home without a hat", "pid": 78114289 }, { "sender": "3D31-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:23:11\n\n>>78113986 \nsitting on nw3 waiting for the vertex to hit like", "pid": 78114306 }, { "sender": "Anon-E17F", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:42:29\n\n>>78113986 \nI'm not white or arab, I'm fine.", "pid": 78114429 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EB56", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:44:51\n\n>>78113986 \nalmost 30 and still norwood 0 \nmy grandparents on both sides had full heads of hair, same with my father", "pid": 78114446 }, { "sender": "Anon-6488", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:16:02\n\n>>78113986 \ni'm at norwood 3. I started Fin+Min pills. So far, no noticeable change (which might be good, cause it might be receding worse without the pills).", "pid": 78114708 }, { "sender": "235D-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:18:35\n\n>>78113986 \nI have a full head of hair, but I can't imagine what it's like for your bald/balding people. It's the absolute first thing I notice in a person. My wife also tells me how terrible bald people are all the time.", "pid": 78114735 }, { "sender": "Anon-257F", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:23:06\n\n>>78113986 \nI just shaved off all my hair for funsies today, I went from a Norwood 1 to a Nohair 0", "pid": 78114766 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-202D", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:27:25\n\n>>78113986 \nNorwood 0 here. \nMy maternal grandfather had a full head of hair well into his 60's before he died, he barely had any grey hairs as well.", "pid": 78114786 }, { "sender": "2AD1-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:32:16\n\n>>78113986 \nI'm a 2. \nI am on minoxidil.", "pid": 78114812 }, { "sender": "32FF-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:33:21\n\nJust shaving it, there's nothing left to do. I was at Norwood 3 before I even left my teens, and it's far too late for drugs to save anything. Hair transplants seem incredibly expensive, uncomfortable, and disappointing. Wearing and maintaining a wig for the rest of my life also seems fucked up and I don't want to live that way, effectively lying to everyone I know and trying to maintain an illusion.\n\nI think about how much I hate being bald every day, it's impossible to avoid when I'm looking in the mirror, or shaving my head, or putting on a hat before I go out, or adjusting it in public. My body feels wrong. It feels like I'm missing a limb or something when people talk about hair styles, having your hair touched during intimacy, etc. I wish I could be one of those bald guys that genuinely doesn't give a shit about it.", "pid": 78114822 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-119F", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:14:22\n\n>>78114822 \nWigs nowadays are super realistic though. It's literally like having real hair 24/7 that you sleep with, have sex with, shower, beach etc except when you have to clean it up and re apply glue every once in awhile. I mean if the girl's not a cunt she would understand, women use wigs and wear all kinds of cosmetics and extensions. It's not alien to them. \n \nSo many actors and people who look \"good\" have a bunch of fake shit too on to. Facelifts, plastic surgery, veneers, etc.", "pid": 78115064 }, { "sender": "Anon-C6C6", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:20:26\n\n25, haven't noticed any balding yet. But most of my male relatives are bald and I've always had a big forehead/receded hairline growing up, so I just know it's gonna happen to me eventually", "pid": 78115105 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-97DC", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:56:26\n\nI shave my head. It was so liberating when I started. I wish I had the courage to do it in my early 20s when my hair started thinning.", "pid": 78115312 }, { "sender": "sage", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:06:12\n\nI had to hide my hair with a cap at 22 \n \nI started taking Fin 1mg daily. \n \nThe FINAL SOLUTION: \n \n>Massage scalp EVERY FUCKING DAY ( you need blood flow and break down calcification ) \n>Take minox daily \n>Take Fin 1mg daily \n \nNow I have my hair back to when I was young. It's not perfect, but I am handsome again. If you get finn side effects, you're one of the unlucky bastards that needs to go bald.", "pid": 78115367 }, { "sender": "Anon-4EB8", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:28:28\n\n>>78115367 \n>gif \nThat's why your white ass is balding. Looking like a naked mole rat. Keep taking your copepills.", "pid": 78115477 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-6A54", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:59:58\n\nwhat's the point of antidepressants? i'm depressed because i'm an ugly dicklet incel", "pid": 78115337 }, { "sender": "Anon-3919", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:02:19\n\n>>78115337 \nAntidepressements make you physically attractive and add inches to your penis", "pid": 78115346 }, { "sender": "6421-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:04:17\n\n>>78115337 \nAnti-depressants are basically magical-thinking snake oil, at least SSRIs are. The theory behind them is that depression is a temporary state induced by immediate circumstances. If you are constantly in a state of depressive melancholy, you cannot escape your immediate circumstances that are causing you emotional pain. Thus, you take a pill that kills ALL your emotions for a while and flattens you out to allow you to just do what you need to do and function until you can improve your circumstances. \n \nOf course, well, we all know they don't work. They have never worked. Anti-depressants make people even more depressed and suicidal. People are on anti-depressants their entire lives because basically everything we pretend to know about psychiatry and psychology is predicated on shrugs, haw-hums and postulations. What's more, it's against The Great Decree to imply that maybe, JUST MAYBE, we live in a hopeless, depressing, soul-obliterating, isolated, atomised corpse of a culture that has left the vast, vast majority of people unable to properly function.", "pid": 78115356 }, { "sender": "Anon-A791", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:14:51\n\n>>78115346 \n>Antidepressements make you physically attractive and add inches to your penis \ndon't threaten me with a good time", "pid": 78115417 }, { "sender": "Anon-7720", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:16:49\n\n>>78115356 \n... dang \n \n>muted", "pid": 78115425 }, { "sender": "4844-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:26:35\n\n>>78115356 \nThey're worse than snake oil. They're highly toxic like all other pharmaceutical drugs", "pid": 78115467 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1AE9", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:49:28\n\nThey sort of help me function i guess but im really fucked in the head and have a warped personality that probably falls under at least 3 different \"personality disorders\". \nMedicated, im more bipolar than depressed. I can at least manage some good days or even weeks. \nUnmedicated, my brain is rotting with misery and anhedonia and i get extremely angry at everything. \n \n>>78115356 \nI can safely say that all the therapy ive been too over the years (im 26) has been completely worthless. I agree that psychology is a meme. At best they're clueless, at worst they want people coming back to therapy forever just for the sake of making money. \nAnd the kinds of people that study psychology tend to be brainlets.", "pid": 78115592 } ]
/memories you cringe about/
[ { "sender": "E356-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:55:03\n\n/memories you cringe about/\n\n>be me \n>12 at the time \n>bronies were really popular and all over YouTube \n>i hated bronies with a passion \n>every MLP video I would type \"Clop in hell horse fuckers\" \n>constantly argued with bronies about stupid shit \n>ffw to now, 22 \n>cringe about it to this day \n>mfw", "pid": 78114525 }, { "sender": "8769-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:57:05\n\n>>78114525 \nDont cringe bro that was actually extremely based of you", "pid": 78114547 }, { "sender": "Anon-67C7", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:57:28\n\n>>78114525 \n>>every MLP video I would type \"Clop in hell horse fuckers\" \nNo one ever said that. You are lying. You probably weren't even active on the internet when bronies were a thing.", "pid": 78114549 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A59A", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:00:55\n\n>>78114525 \nThat feels pretty tame desu anon \n \nFor me it's the two times I DMd a couple girls I knew and got ignored. Keep thinking about what they must think of me and how they probably talked shit about me in their group chats. Trying to talk to girls is always a humiliation ritual I'm never doing it again", "pid": 78114572 }, { "sender": "F6DE-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:04:48\n\n>>78114525 \nIt's been a long time and I've tried my best to suppress the memory so I can forget about it so my recollection is a bit hazy \n \n>at work \n>song is playing \n>co-worker says lyric line 1 \n>I follow with lyric line 2 \n>gives me a weird look \n \nIt probably wasn't so bad in actuality but for some reason that small interaction from over 15 years ago would randomly pop into my head and I'd cringe", "pid": 78114600 }, { "sender": "Anon-EFAF", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:08:18\n\n>>78114525 \nBased and preteenpilled", "pid": 78114627 }, { "sender": "A814-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:08:27\n\n>>78114600 \nThat's a pretty normie interaction normies have all the time so not sure why he got weirded out", "pid": 78114629 }, { "sender": "Anon-5677", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:22:27\n\nWhen I was around that age I went into s/fur and g/fur threads on /b/ to tell furries to kill themselves but ended getting horny and jacking off to the hot anthro ladies they were posting.", "pid": 78114761 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F003", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:31:43\n\nduring my edgy /pol/ phase I was almost expelled from college for trying to be a contrarian little fuck and trying to be alt-right in class. what really got me in deep shit was in a history class the professor showed a video on the nazis and that included the instrumental to the Horst-wessel lied and I sung along with the lyrics under my breath. Someone heard reported me first to the professor then to the university. Not sure how I even managed to graduate really.", "pid": 78114810 }, { "sender": "93B9-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:36:52\n\nI still cringe about when I asked out a girl in my first year of college. \n \n>Ran down a flight of steps that were too big for me so I looked retarded \n>Held my hands to my chest like a cartoon character while talking to her \n>Could see she was genuinely attracted to me until she processed what was coming out my mouth \n>A group of three people walk past us as I'm basically admitting how desperate I am, one snickers \n>Her friend is also there and gets visibly uncomfortable when I ask for her number \n>She gives me what I could only assume was a fake since she never replied to one of my like 5+ texts (I know, I should have called) \n>We both live in dorms in the same direction, but instead of walking with her I awkwardly jog back to my dorm alone \n>See her friend after a week, ask if I can talk to her, she immediately tells me to not bother her \n \nEverything that could have gone wrong, did. But my biggest mistake was using her friend like some kind of wingman instead of simply shooting my shot. That was not okay, I probably made her feel bad since she wasn't as attractive (not that she was ugly whatsoever)", "pid": 78114842 }, { "sender": "Anon-88ED", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:39:59\n\n>>78114629 \nLots of normie tier interactions sear themselves in your mind for the rest of your life. \nI once stuck my tongue out for a picture with a friend while we were high and seeing him go \"Yeah...\" before deleting it made me want to dome myself with a double barrel right then and there.", "pid": 78114868 }, { "sender": "90B7-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:42:15\n\n>fell asleep in high school \n>weird owl dreams? \n>teacher wakes me up \n>everyone's attention focused on me while he did this \n>tell him to \"stop owling me bro\" \nstill have no idea what it meant", "pid": 78114885 }, { "sender": "21D5-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:55:51\n\n>>78114525 \nwhy tf do u care about that? people are literally killing each other over nothing right now, and ur cringing at wat u did on youtube", "pid": 78114967 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E305", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:28:57\n\n>>78114629 \nnormies can sense when something isn't natural for someone. that's why i can tell the same joke as chad but i get reported to HR. there are very subtle movements that normie subconsciously pick up on, this isn't a joke, there have been studies that show people can tell you're autistic within the first 5 seconds of seeing you (even before you speak)", "pid": 78115479 } ]
my 4chan board tier list
[ { "sender": "A483-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:08:41\n\nmy 4chan board tier list\n\nrate and debate", "pid": 78113639 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0DD8", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:10:59\n\n>visiting more than 6 boards \nngmi", "pid": 78113657 }, { "sender": "Anon-721B", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:11:28\n\nI strongly disagree with your list but also understand were different people with different likes and opinions and can still commend you for taking the time to make this list and potentially bringing some genuine discussion to the board,retard", "pid": 78113660 }, { "sender": "7DFC-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:12:04\n\n>>78113660 \n>strongly disagree \nHow so?", "pid": 78113665 }, { "sender": "FA1F-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:12:35\n\nput /vt/ in F tier\ntoo many /pol/ migrants in there", "pid": 78113671 }, { "sender": "9101-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:12:55\n\n/fit/ should be F /wsr/ should be at least B", "pid": 78113673 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F6C", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:14:19\n\n>>78113639 \n>any boards above F tier", "pid": 78113686 }, { "sender": "Halot", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:16:34\n\nI've only been to like 3-5 boards and only use 2-3 regularly. I need to check out all of them but am lazy and kind of scared", "pid": 78113704 }, { "sender": "EBB9-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:24:46\n\n>S: pol \n>power gap \n>F: everything else", "pid": 78113761 }, { "sender": "7656-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:27:47\n\n>>78113639 \n>r9k at F tier \nDidn't read the rest, I 100% agree with you", "pid": 78113787 }, { "sender": "Anon-4E51", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:38:02\n\n>>78113639 \n/pw/ should be in F tier.", "pid": 78113894 }, { "sender": "358B-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:58:16\n\n>>78113639 \nR8 and Db8 mine now", "pid": 78114553 }, { "sender": "6231-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:29:50\n\n>>78114553 \n>r9k \n>Great \nYou aren't serious", "pid": 78114800 }, { "sender": "Anon-2A43", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:32:50\n\n>>78113639 \nWhy is >>>/k/ in F tier?", "pid": 78114817 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6A88", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:45:18\n\n>>78113639 \ni dont enjoy browsing any of the boards here \ni think all the boards i visit regularly suck so much im just addicted to scrooling and cooming \n \nand honestly if i didnt come here idk where else i could spend my time \ni have some productive hobbies but i cant constantly engage in them", "pid": 78114903 }, { "sender": "Anon-8DA9", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:50:33\n\n>>78113639 \nOld men from the senate with useless lists and frivolous debauchery", "pid": 78114939 }, { "sender": "58BC-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:51:44\n\n>>78113639 \nHow do you have that much time to browse all those boards", "pid": 78114944 }, { "sender": "Anon-1F5B", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:56:47\n\n>>78113639 \n>/bant/ in D tier \nyeah fuck you", "pid": 78114973 }, { "sender": "Anon-A4D9", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:57:48\n\n>>78114553 \n>/fa/ in great \nbased", "pid": 78114983 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7ED0", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:27:02\n\n>>78113639 \n>wg in A \nImma say based and move on without checking the other placements", "pid": 78115138 }, { "sender": "Anon-1B36", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:41:08\n\n>>78115138 \n/wg/ is the best board by far", "pid": 78115219 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2F4B", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:44:52\n\n>>78113639 \nhow dare you put s4s in D should at least be a C", "pid": 78115239 }, { "sender": "Anon-69FA", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:55:20\n\n>>78113639 \n>/v/ in C tier \nRetarded list. /v/ is full of retarded children. It's SO inundated with retarded thirdies and children that it has become a meme to say shit like \"boughted\" and other ESL-isms \"ironically\".", "pid": 78115305 }, { "sender": "6993-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:20:17\n\n>>78113639 \nGreat: \n>/a/, /vt/, /v/, /vg/, /vm/, /co/, /tv/, /k/, /int/, /ic/, /wsg/, /fit/ \nHas the right instincts, but too schizo sometimes: \n>/pol/ \nCould be good, but too dead: \n>/cgl/, /tg/, /his/, /fa/ \nCould be good, but ruined by BBC spam: \n>/b/, /r9k/, /bant/, /h/, /gif/ \nActively harm the site: \n/lgbt/, /soc/ \nNever used/don't care about the rest.", "pid": 78115437 }, { "sender": "Anon-0F02", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:21:53\n\nonly legit chart here", "pid": 78115444 }, { "sender": "05AE-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:21:55\n\n>>78115437 \n>/k/ \n>Great \nNot for years. It has a fucking enlistment general, which is top fucking jej coming from a board that was, for the longest time, ancap anti-government. It's horrible. Then again, you also put /v/ and /vg/ as \"great\" so you're probably not too bright.", "pid": 78115445 }, { "sender": "Anon-8662", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:25:03\n\n>>78115437 \n>Great: \n>>/a/, /vt/ \nstopped reading there. virtual youtubers are skibidi toilet tier, no one should be watching them past the age of 16", "pid": 78115459 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-129E", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:26:00\n\n>>78115445 \nEnlistment general is cringe, but it's not really a reflection of the whole board, but rather just whichever individual is maintaining it. \nAnd the whole site has transitioned from edgy libertarian to unironic nazi, unfortunately. Not just a /k/ problem. \nWhat's wrong with /v/ and /vg/ tho?", "pid": 78115464 }, { "sender": "DE1E-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:28:14\n\n>>78115464 \n/v/ is one of the most used boards on the site and is a vector for endless spam and astroturf threads that are posted, over and over again, by the same autists day in, day out. It's an incredibly frustrating board with a low average age. The more popular a board is, the worse it is, generally. /vg/ is awful because the majority of threads are full of namefag avatarfag shitposters who are actively hostile to outsiders, as well as half the catalogue being gacha shit.", "pid": 78115475 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-68FC", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:31:39\n\n>>78113639 \nr9k, soc, pol and b are the only reason to come to 4chan. Why the fuck would you use this site to talk about fitness or literally anything? \nThe person who made this tier list doesn't understand that 4chan, as well as all imageboards, are the dumpster shitposting last stop. \n>reddit bans /r/coontown, /r/fatpeoplehate, /r/niggers, /r/incels \nThis has fueled the migration of \"undesirables\" to this site, giving the site a purpose to exist despite being an obvious relic of the old internet. \nMy opinion is correct and anyone who disagrees is objectively wrong.", "pid": 78115491 }, { "sender": "FD1A-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:36:36\n\n>>78115491 \nThe purpose of other boards is for those \"undesirables\" to discuss specific topics in a place without censorship. \nThe average /fit/ user is basically the same demographic with the same political and cultural views as the average /pol/ user, but /fit/ is the place for those users to talk about fitness instead of politics.", "pid": 78115519 } ]
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14849
[ { "sender": "767E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:13\n\n/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #14849\n\nPrevious: >>474392111 \n \n▶Day: 873 - Daily battlefield assessment: \n \n▶Latest \n>US cruise missiles to return to Germany from 2026 \n>The russia’s state-owned telecoms provider announced that YouTube would be slowed down due to “technical problems” amid reports of plans by russian authorities to block the service altogether \n>Allowing Ukraine to attack russian territory would be 'dangerous escalation', says kremlin again xd \n>US and Germany foiled Russian plot to assassinate Armin Papperger, CEO of Rheinmetal \n>Norway will donate $92.69m to Ukraine for its air defence \n>The transfer of F-16 aircraft to Ukraine has begun - Blinken \n>Norway will donate six F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine this year \n>Ukraine can use Storm Shadow missiles to strike military targets on the territory of the Russian Federation, the newly appointed British Defense Minister told Bloomberg. \n>Biden announced that Nato countries will provide Ukraine with five new strategic air defense systems (Patriot+SAMP/T) + dozens of shorter-range tactical systems \n>Zelenskiy arrives in Washington for Nato summit \n>Indian PM tells putin that the \"heart bleeds\" when children are killed \n>Czech foreign minister calls russians \"the dregs of humanity\" \n>UN assessment suggests Ukraine's largest children's hospital was hit by russian missile \n>The UN Security Council will meet tomorrow to discuss the massive russian missile attack on the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv \n>Poland is developing a plan for shooting down muscovite missiles in Ukrainian airspace that are flying in the direction of Poland \n \n▶Telegram \n \n\\_pics \n \n▶Intel \n \n explorer) \n confirmed losses) \n \n▶Maps \n \n", "pid": 474403267 }, { "sender": "C14A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:12\n\n>>474403267 \nNew York status?", "pid": 474403338 }, { "sender": "700C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:25\n\nTZD", "pid": 474403352 }, { "sender": "2587-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:01\n\nTZD", "pid": 474403388 }, { "sender": "Anon-C6F0", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:15\n\n>>474403352 \nNo.", "pid": 474403406 }, { "sender": "97AF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:27\n\n>>474403267 \nDaily reminder that most Ukrainian anons will not live to be 30. Sad but true.", "pid": 474403425 }, { "sender": "6B6D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:04\n\n>>474403425 \nOh no, I am demoralized. :DDDDD", "pid": 474403527 }, { "sender": "60BF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:26\n\n>>474403527", "pid": 474403633 }, { "sender": "997A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:35\n\n>>474403388 \n>we got new gore WINNnnNNNninG \n \nHaha, don’t get kidnapped now.", "pid": 474403715 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-47D4", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:20:32\n\nAre there people here who think that Trump is going to stop support for Ukraine? I don't think so. It's just Trump's campaign talk", "pid": 474403782 }, { "sender": "Anon-E9CA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:20:46\n\n>>474403633 \n>>474403715 \nVery <<<ORGANIC>>>", "pid": 474403796 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C97E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:03\n\n>>474403782 \nHe’ll do whatever Jews tell him to. Right now they don’t look at Ukraine very favorably.", "pid": 474403876 }, { "sender": "Anon-692A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:35\n\nYou can stop seething and crying about Russian-Korean diplomatic ties already. It's getting tiring.", "pid": 474403910 }, { "sender": "Anon-0164", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:35\n\n>>474403527 \nNot trying to demoralize anyone, just pointing out the reality of this sad situation.", "pid": 474403911 }, { "sender": "07F8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:52\n\n>>474403267 \nPIGGER BROS WE LOST???", "pid": 474403926 }, { "sender": "392A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:53\n\n>>474403267 \nGerman vatnog boomers btfo \n>>474395462", "pid": 474403928 }, { "sender": "86A4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:55\n\n>>474403388 \nCan anyone make a jack of this retard? \nUse Markiplier one", "pid": 474403930 }, { "sender": "741B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:49\n\n>>474403910 \n> pic \nFirst thought: they supply us with eatable larvas.", "pid": 474403989 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C24F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:24:03\n\n>>474403953 \nWTF I love mudslimes now.", "pid": 474404011 }, { "sender": "7252-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:24:05\n\n>>474403911 \nThe situation is indeed sad. Russia can just leave and this will be over for both parties.", "pid": 474404015 }, { "sender": "B5C9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:24:25\n\n>>474403876 \nJews do look at the landmass of Ukraine favorably, as they see it as a good contingency plan for when/if Israel gets btfo. That's why they're hell-bent on getting every Ukrainian man killed. They want the place to themselves.", "pid": 474404039 }, { "sender": "Anon-4BFC", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:15\n\n>>474403715 \nazov chads turning russhits into paste", "pid": 474404080 }, { "sender": "2293-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:08\n\nCombat fotage.\n", "pid": 474404140 }, { "sender": "83CD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:11\n\n>>474404015 \nI wish it were that simple, but unfortunately it's not. You have to remember that Russia invaded in the first place because the US refused to address their security concerns. Those need to be resolved still.", "pid": 474404146 }, { "sender": "Anon-1C4A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:17\n\n>>474403930 \nIt has already been done", "pid": 474404150 }, { "sender": "25EA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:28\n\n>>474404011 \n>WTF I love mudslimes now. \n \nYou have always loved them igor. In russia, it's illegal not to love them after all", "pid": 474404162 }, { "sender": "Anon-1C76", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:42\n\n>>474404039 \nKikes are parasites, they don’t have a homeland. White countries are to be flooded with subhumans and bred into 56% abominations, like what Jewtin is doing right now.", "pid": 474404178 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-50E1", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:44\n\n>>474404146 \n>Russia invaded \n \nExactly. It can go home now and pay for all the damages it has caused.", "pid": 474404183 }, { "sender": "Anon-737B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:15\n\n>>474404039 \nThey can take any piece of land in USA, without Chernobyl and without mine and shell pollution everywhere.", "pid": 474404213 }, { "sender": "88CF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:20\n\n>>474402175 \nWouldn't do it another way in your situation. Just saying that large batteries (bigger than USB power banks for smartphones and the like) very quickly wouldn't even work for rolling blackout schemes... it'd actually just make the situation worse by like 5% or something (assuming lipo charge/discharge cycles, much worse if people use lead-acid or molten-salt batteries). \n \nTheoretically it'd be better if people installed solar panels up to the 10-15% baseline load or something. Hard to do tho. \n \n>>474402035 \nBless you. BTW do they operate points of invincibility even in summer or was that only a more regional thing?", "pid": 474404219 }, { "sender": "4005-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:26\n\nwtf", "pid": 474404224 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FBB6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:33\n\n>>474403782 \ni dont understand why some republicans want to cuck so much to russia (aside from being paid), considering russia proclaims america as the ultimate evil, russia funds and arms groups that kill americans, is trying to undermine american global power at every turn, etc \nbut trump being \"le deal man peacemaker\" he will probably insist on ukraine accepting some sort of ceasefire so he can larp as jesus", "pid": 474404360 }, { "sender": "Anon-9FF1", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:57\n\n>>474404224 \n45? Yeas its hecking hot.", "pid": 474404384 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E984", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:58\n\nHohols, you intrigued me. What peremoga expected at 20 july?", "pid": 474404386 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EFAC", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:02\n\nCorey Comperatore who was shoot at trump rally has managed to piss off both the supporters of Palestine and Ukraine \n \nThe only people who PRETEND to care are ziggers who only do so because Ukraine supporters dislike him \nzigger crocodile tears are still tears \n \n>>474298321 \n>>474298321 \n>>474298395 \n>>474298395", "pid": 474404392 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2FDB", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:06\n\n>>474404224 \nCleansing fire. God has finally had enough of humanity's collective retardation.", "pid": 474404398 }, { "sender": "354B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:24\n\n>>474403989 \nRussia can produce those autonomously.", "pid": 474404412 }, { "sender": "B31C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:35\n\n>>474403782 \nHe might think doing so but will eventually found out that Vova Putin will just back stab him. Putin can't really end the war, so what ever negotiations Trump may force will fail, because of Putin. So at the end of the day, US support to Ukraine is most likely getting doubled.", "pid": 474404429 }, { "sender": "D516-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:45\n\n>>474404146 \nThe Russian security concerns were to remove the ENTIRE east europe from NATO so they can gain control of these countries or failing that invade them. This was known for years but was finally formulated in the Russian ultimatum from December 2021. \n \nThe US has in the past fought wars to not allow single countries to fall into Soviet hands, and they are supposed to just give up on a part of the continent so a country that regularly threatens them with nuclear weapons can gain new satellites and threaten West Europe again? Are you fucking retarded?", "pid": 474404439 }, { "sender": "DD62-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:59\n\n>>474404011 \n>>474404162", "pid": 474404453 }, { "sender": "Anon-3D92", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:30\n\n>>474404011 \n>>474404162 \nl \nm \na \no", "pid": 474404491 }, { "sender": "Anon-9C8F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:52\n\n>>474404224 \nOdesa Kebab 2.0: Electric Boogalo", "pid": 474404504 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2775", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:55\n\n>>474404140 \nOperation Flashpoint remake looking good.", "pid": 474404507 }, { "sender": "Anon-CA00", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:36\n\n>>474404392 \nNote how it's the exact same playbook they used for Coach Deadpill.", "pid": 474404549 }, { "sender": "Anon-30B0", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:43\n\n>>474404398 \nGreta eco fascist coup in the Europe will save us.", "pid": 474404561 }, { "sender": "0164-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:34\n\n>>474404549 \nalways the same \npretend to care for a few days then forget about it", "pid": 474404609 }, { "sender": "D94D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:42\n\n>>474403910 \nbased", "pid": 474404616 }, { "sender": "3127-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:27\n\n>>474403910 \n>May \n>Will \n>planning", "pid": 474404666 }, { "sender": "Anon-DA0A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:09\n\n>>474404213 \nKikes are already all over the US, but they need somewhere to flee when the US inevitably collapses. Most young Americans are now brown and hate Jews, since it's really only white people who like them. Ukraine without Ukrainians would be a far safer place for Jews than anywhere in the current US.", "pid": 474404721 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9CBB", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:44\n\n>>474404609 \nThey still dredge him up from time to time when they have nothing better to shill with.", "pid": 474404842 }, { "sender": "D011-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:54\n\n>>474404439 \nI don't buy the whole slippery slope thing. Russia doesn't even want the entirety of Ukraine, just the Russian parts in the east. And they already let most of Eastern Europe join NATO. It's just that they (understandably) don't want NATO on their border. \n>Inb4 but what about Finland", "pid": 474404851 }, { "sender": "All fields", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:35\n\n>>474404504 \n \nKek, I remember this from 2013/2014, peak retard moment, I think in Charków was something similar.", "pid": 474404902 }, { "sender": "13EB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:20\n\nDeath in the most painful and brutal ways to every single moskal, katsap and so called ruzzian!", "pid": 474404951 }, { "sender": "D687-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:26\n\n>>474404616 \ndo they not know of the cube technology ?", "pid": 474404962 }, { "sender": "8BFF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:35\n\n>>474404851 \n> It's just that they (understandably) don't want NATO on their border. \n \nShelomov doesn't want Eastern Slavs to live well because this might inspire his serfs to rebel against him \n \nHe doesen't care about nato, his own daughters lived their entire lives in nato countries and he himself has bank account in the west", "pid": 474404975 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE98", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:56\n\n>>474404951 \nwhy was there a lone levy sleeping in the middle of meadow ?", "pid": 474405077 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5118", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:11\n\n>>474404975 \n>Shelomov doesn't want Eastern Slavs to live well because this might inspire his serfs to rebel against him \nHohols never were object of envy, silly. Even before war.", "pid": 474405097 }, { "sender": "5C23-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:25\n\n>>474404975 \n>Shelomov doesn't want Eastern Slavs to live well because this might inspire his serfs to rebel against him \nMany Russians are horrified at what goes on in the West and don't want that shit at home.", "pid": 474405171 }, { "sender": "41A7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:28\n\n>>474405097 \nBald face lie and it is apparent to everyone. The invasion is an exercice in pure envy as Ukraine escapes its misery while Russia is condamned to live in shit", "pid": 474405172 }, { "sender": "0CCE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:06\n\n>>474405097 \nPoland and Baltic states are and shelomov was afraid that Ukraine will be next Poland", "pid": 474405206 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8A32", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:17\n\n>>474404851 \n>they already let \nno country needs the \"permission\" of russia to join whatever organization they want \n>don't want NATO on their border \nlmao, they dont give a single shit about HATO posing a \"danger\", they already bordered HATO for decades, now they border even more HATO and the decided to almost completely empty their military bases on the finland border \n>Russia doesn't even want the entirety of Ukraine \nrussia didnt \"want\" any part of ukraine (with the exception of crimea perhaps), if all went to plan the donbabwe republics would become \"real\" like the ones in georgia and the ukrop government would have been replaced with a \"friendly\" one led by yanukovich or another clown, now they only annexed those regions as a way to cope with the SMO failure", "pid": 474405292 }, { "sender": "7592-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:30\n\n>>474405171 \nMany Russians don't know ass from face and will believe anything their government and media would tell them to.", "pid": 474405302 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FF23", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:52\n\n>>474404561 \nGreta is (((their))) tool and simps for Kremlin. We must take matters into our own hands, collectively (US+UK+AUS+CA etc., Europe, Japan, SK and so on) and restore natural habitats of innocent creatures like monkeys and elephants. Before it's too late.", "pid": 474405322 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B5FE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:20\n\n>>474405172 \n> as Ukraine escapes its misery \ loosing russian markets for PROMISES of western. Not even funny.", "pid": 474405357 }, { "sender": "945D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:22\n\nskibidi dop dop dop yes yes", "pid": 474405359 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3E61", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:34\n\n>>474405171 \n>Many Russians are horrified at what goes on in the West \n \nMany Russians poo outside \nMan Russians save money on food and clothing \nMany Russians live in pods (average flat size in Russia is 40m2) \nMany Russian men die before they can retire because life expectancy is shorter than retirement age \n \nso plz spare me the faggot argument, shelomovland has dozens of problems worse than faggots", "pid": 474405377 }, { "sender": "861D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:07\n\n>>474404666 \nIt will happen nafotroon you can't stop the Z-Juche axis", "pid": 474405480 }, { "sender": "50A9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:23\n\n>>474405206 \nBaltics are known as depressive dotated \"too europeans\". Noone envy them. Look, even hohols wanted to become \"second France\".", "pid": 474405497 }, { "sender": "8B41-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:25\n\n>>474405357 \n> loosing russian markets f \n \n \nPidor Russian market is 146 million people with income of 300 euros per month \n \n \nEU market is 449 million people with average income of over 1000 euros per month", "pid": 474405501 }, { "sender": "50CE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:44\n\n>>474405077 \nProbably leftover of some failed attack who got lost. Or a pow used for uhg entertainment.", "pid": 474405521 }, { "sender": "Anon-AA08", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:03\n\n>>474405357 \nYeah, this is how much Russia is afraid of Ukraine getting richer. Pure envy. I agree with you that the invasion is pathetic as fuck. \nSoon you'll see Z patriots make youtube videos pretending to enjoy eating nork brown rice and say stuff like NLPR apples have more vitamins than western sour grapes. If Russia doesn't ban youtube as it plans to do, that is", "pid": 474405540 }, { "sender": "B67F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:09\n\n>>474403425 \nReminder that this is Russia's fault and no one has to die anymore if Putin simply pulled out of Ukraine.", "pid": 474405613 }, { "sender": "18F4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:26\n\n>>474405357 \nah yes, the rasha market \nselling what you produce to a shitty petrostate that has been threatening your nation, poisoning your politicians, sabotaging your policies, dimminishing your potential and generally being a drain for decades \nrussia is a \"partner\" not just not worth keeping but worth losing \n \nzubhumans must die for their crimes", "pid": 474405624 }, { "sender": "Anon-7117", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:22\n\n>>474405077 \nLook at his surroundings, trees knocked the fuck down by artillery etc. \nThat video is just a drone mopping up the remnants.", "pid": 474405687 }, { "sender": "Anon-F133", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:34\n\n>>474405501 \nYees, but there is a little drawback: hohols ar NOT allowed there. They signed euroassotiation as seal of \"divorce\" with Russia and its \"customs ally\". And that's all. \nRemember what happened with their grains? Even passage through EU not allowed. Only by sea. \nWhy? Because it's cheap and can lower EU grain prices, which will harm agro buisnesses. \nSo, hohols are just scammed.", "pid": 474405695 }, { "sender": "Anon-1FF6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:25\n\n>>474405613 \nOk. Russia pulls out of ukraine. Ukraine continues to bomb belgorod. What next?", "pid": 474405766 }, { "sender": "D40D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:51\n\n>>474405624 \nsure way to kill a child, hold it between you and the air bag. fucking moron! \njust like Hans here...", "pid": 474405796 }, { "sender": "Anon-5B28", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:04\n\nExplosion in Kharkiv\n", "pid": 474405880 }, { "sender": "Anon-D952", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:15\n\n>>474405540 \nHohols are not getting richer. There were living, borrowing money even before war. Now they are in debt hole. In automn first payments for credits - and they even still at war.", "pid": 474405893 }, { "sender": "7C99-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:28\n\n>>474405766 \nshe doesn't clean herself off first? Yukrayni you dirty troony you.", "pid": 474405911 }, { "sender": "73C4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:38\n\n>>474404392 \n>to piss off both the supporters of Palestine and Ukraine \none struggle", "pid": 474405922 }, { "sender": "1840-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:51\n\n>>474405893 \n>In automn first payments for credits \n \nWhat will you be saying when they renegotiate?", "pid": 474405938 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-34A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:08\n\n>>474403969 \n>they operate points of invincibility even in summer or was that only a more regional thing? \nYes they should work now.", "pid": 474405959 }, { "sender": "C8AB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:21\n\n>>474405893 \nyou're a fucking moron too... \nthe money they made from organs alone... Zelensky set himself up and his jew family for generations.", "pid": 474405978 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-18F1", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:14\n\n>>474405991", "pid": 474406040 }, { "sender": "529B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:30\n\n>>474405991 \n>HOHLYYY\\*BOOM\\*", "pid": 474406051 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1795", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:56\n\n>>474405766 \nRussia accepts to pay the amount of reparations and demilitarizes Belgorod, and accepts to dismantle part of its military. The hohol cease needing to bomb Belgorod.", "pid": 474406076 }, { "sender": "82C6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:00\n\n>>474405766 \n>Ukraine continues to bomb belgorod \nPantsir missiles, son", "pid": 474406082 }, { "sender": "A1D5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:52\n\n>>474405938 \n> renegotiate \nThey could be forgiven, and in that case i'd be surprised. \nSurely, not gonna be. Layed out payments are not frozen, hohols will just pay more when time will come.", "pid": 474406145 }, { "sender": "E810-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:51\n\n>>474405893 \nIn 2022 Ukraine had minimum wage higher than Both Russia and Belarus. Sad", "pid": 474406212 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F1EE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:10\n\n>>474405766 \n>Ukraine continues to bomb belgorod. \nMay i see it?", "pid": 474406240 }, { "sender": "FD3C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:10\n\n>>474406145 \n>Layed out payments \n \nWhat?", "pid": 474406241 }, { "sender": "696E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:17\n\n>>474405501 \n>Pidor Russian market is 146 million people with income of 300 euros per month \naverage income you incredible faggot :D \n>EU market is 449 million people with average income of over 1000 euros per month \nyet they are europoors... despite taking more vacations/traveling... europeans are pretty fucking poor when accounting how much they spend on shit... \n... \nEurope is an irrelevant muslim shithole, its Asian century.", "pid": 474406245 }, { "sender": "096F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:50\n\n>>474406212 \nin 1991 Ukraine was the second most industrialized nation in Europe... fucking Russians...", "pid": 474406264 }, { "sender": "Anon-15F3", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:54\n\n>>474405959 \ndefinitely helpful if you can at least go charge a phone or something", "pid": 474406270 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DCEC", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:58\n\n>>474405766 \n>Ukraine continues to bomb belgorod. \nKino.Both ukrainians and russians bombing belgorod.", "pid": 474406279 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B24", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:20\n\n>>474405695 \nUnregulated goods not being able to flood a very regulated market is not a bad thing Ivan. \nTrade treaties take time and they cannot be fully integrated just like that. \nYou could read up on what's beend one here: \n\\_en \nBut you won't, because you're a faggot. Russia and its market don't matter internationally, it's just sad.", "pid": 474406307 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DDBB", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:24\n\n>>474406241 \nLayed aside, delayed. Learn english.", "pid": 474406309 }, { "sender": "C202-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:07\n\n>>474406245 \n>Europe is an irrelevant muslim shithole \nMoscow Kurban Bayram", "pid": 474406360 }, { "sender": "20B1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:26\n\n>>474406212 \n>confessions of an economic hitman \nI sincerely hope that Russia lets you people die out once and for all. Lithuanians are the perfect goy for Kalergy plan.", "pid": 474406385 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2DA7", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:14\n\n>>474406360 \nproving my point... who runs your country? same fucking tribe.", "pid": 474406422 }, { "sender": "Anon-E3DD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:31\n\n>>474405695 \nNigga, you wage trade wars agianst your \"\"\"customs allies\"\"\" all the time", "pid": 474406443 }, { "sender": "5368-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:05\n\nLooks like Glavset evolved their svinodvoechkas, they are now false flag svinodvoechkas", "pid": 474406482 }, { "sender": "7423-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:21\n\n>>474406307 \nfornicate with an iron rod... \nyou have room temperature IQ", "pid": 474406501 }, { "sender": "Anon-9FB3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:51\n\n>>474406422 \n>my point was that Russia was a muslim shithole all along \nThe broken clock tells the right time", "pid": 474406534 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A9E9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:15\n\n>>474406422 \n>proving my point", "pid": 474406561 }, { "sender": "A727-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:18\n\n>>474405796 \nthey were fleeing from russian bombs that had injured the baby at the start of russias invasion \nthey got shot in their car by invading russian forces \n \nzubhumanz must die for their crimes", "pid": 474406566 }, { "sender": "1E5F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:50\n\n>>474406385 \nClinton was only that high due to him starting the trade with china. Remove that, and the US would be profitable.", "pid": 474406590 }, { "sender": "Anon-CE14", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:52\n\n>>474406307 \nOfcourse, regulations, standarts, all that.. \nIt's all just veil for a SIIMPLE buisness logic: if hohols exporting grains to EU, some EU grain buisnesses close BECAUSE they cede their markets share. \nWhy EU would do that? No reason. They owe hohols nothing, no obligations. They'll be kept on leash of promices further AND offer their own markets to EU buisnesses.", "pid": 474406593 }, { "sender": "Anon-1D80", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:57\n\n>>474406443 \n>>474405695 \n \ntwo Russian retards arguing... thats what i see... Ukraine is fake and gay, and Russia is run by a bunch of kikes.", "pid": 474406602 }, { "sender": "71D7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:56\n\n>>474406245 \nsauce?", "pid": 474406660 }, { "sender": "Anon-9103", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:59\n\n>>474406443 \n>Nigga, you wage trade wars agianst your \"\"\"customs allies\"\"\" all the time \nHow? By offering you place among us?", "pid": 474406665 }, { "sender": "4232-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:01\n\n>>474406264 \nit surpassed italy/france?", "pid": 474406666 }, { "sender": "8A42-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:35\n\n>>474406040 \nholy shit lol", "pid": 474406705 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-34A5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:41\n\n>>474404150 \nKek, I swear I haven’t seen it wtf", "pid": 474406713 }, { "sender": "Anon-A010", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:46\n\n>>474403388 \nwhat the fuck \nhow come he was caught of guard? \nwas he on drugs? \nthe dude's using a flashlight in the dark and the guy doesn't notice it \nweird desu", "pid": 474406722 }, { "sender": "3718-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:27\n\n>>474406593 \n>Why would the market grow, search for new producers and new consumers? It makes no sense to me. Money that doesn't end up in the pocket of the tsar is as good as lost !", "pid": 474406777 }, { "sender": "Anon-92D9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:46\n\n>>474406264 \nThat is false. Ukraine wasn't ever as industrial as Germany,Italy, France or Spain. More importantly Ukraine was under shelomovland influence untill 2014. Hilariously enough Ukraine had higher minimum wage than Russia in 2022", "pid": 474406798 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-38BD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:52\n\n>>474406590 \nnot just China... USSR accounted for 30% of civil aviation market... \n>>474406566 \ntongue my foreskin you literal retard. \ndo you even poo every day? \n>>474406534 \ncringe of the week. France had a good run.", "pid": 474406810 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-45C3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:56\n\n>>474405766 \nMoscow regime allows Belgorod People's Republic to vote and the bombing stops.", "pid": 474406816 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D09D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:06\n\n>>474403267 \nbump", "pid": 474406830 }, { "sender": "3848-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:07:08\n\n>>474406593 \nLmao, we laid out our 10 year strategy the other day and Ukraine is firmly within our sights to expand into. With further market and EU integration it's gonna be a lucrative opportunity. \nGuess which country nobody cares about? \nRebuilding Ukraine will take time but at least they have a future, very much contrary to you.", "pid": 474406897 }, { "sender": "5965-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:07:19\n\n>>474406722 \nShellshocked", "pid": 474406905 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4A51", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:02\n\nType what is khokhols culture? Will you admit about it?", "pid": 474406955 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2CEA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:04\n\n>>474406666 \nyes.", "pid": 474406958 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-368E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:13\n\n>>474406810 \n>tongue my foreskin you literal retard. \n>do you even poo every day? \n>DICKS.... SHIT..!! \n \nBurgernons, APLOGIZE to Germaymay right NOW", "pid": 474406969 }, { "sender": "Anon-A83E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:15\n\n>>474406777 \nWhy would EU grain market grow? A big stoch of emmigrants arriving? \nAlso, shares of markets are precious thing, wars are waged for them. No, hohols will not getting them. EU buisnesses will.", "pid": 474406971 }, { "sender": "5B0B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:22\n\n>>474406264 \nIn 1991 Russia has the biggest industry in Europe. Not it doesent even manufacture cars!!!!!", "pid": 474407038 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-20A8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:40\n\n>>474406897 \nIt's all just words. You cannot even offer buisness plan or niche for Ukraine. Only hollow words.", "pid": 474407060 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F87A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:44\n\n>>474406798 \n>untill 2014 \nNot as much from 2004. But still quite a lot, especially (again) since around 2009-2010.", "pid": 474407064 }, { "sender": "Anon-A3AF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:44\n\n>>474403953 \nFucking based \nInshallah", "pid": 474407065 }, { "sender": "05EA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:44\n\n>>474406971 \nAre you retarded? Do you think EU cares about grain market?", "pid": 474407066 }, { "sender": "Anon-54AD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:58\n\n>>474406309 \nPoint me to the valid entry in any major dictionary of English that lists this word used that way and I'll accept it. Preferably a dictionary with a university or a major publishing house behind it.", "pid": 474407081 }, { "sender": "Anon-B56E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:15\n\n>>474406798 \nyou're a cretin... \nUkraine had: Nuclear, Space, Electronics... so on and so forth... \nFrances civil nuclear was all USSR...", "pid": 474407098 }, { "sender": "Anon-EE62", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:46\n\n>>474406971 \nYou're talking aboiut terms you don't understand. \nWhat we get about it : more producers, more consumers, a new market with extremely fast growing prospects to invest into. Ukraine in exchange gets a first world lifestyle ala Poland/Baltics. \nI know it's hard for you to understand that both part of a trade can beneft from it, but we don't really wait for your approval to get our business in order. \nIf you don't understand, try to google stuff. Learn economics. Don't stay stupid.", "pid": 474407196 }, { "sender": "B0CD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:58\n\n>>474407038 \nyou're just being more dumb now... \nGermany was the most industrialized nation in Europe in 1991", "pid": 474407207 }, { "sender": "Anon-3F27", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:16\n\n>>474407066 \nEU cares about \"food security\", and protects food markets from external producers. Even though it rices prices on food. \nOthervise they would allow hohols' argo products in. Logical?", "pid": 474407229 }, { "sender": "AFBE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:28\n\n>>474407098 \nYou are a cretin. In 1991 Russia had nuclear, space, electronics, plane, car and ship industries. \n \nNot it assembles Chinese cars and planes. \n \nWhere did Russian car,plane, ship building dissappear?", "pid": 474407238 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-686D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:32\n\n>>474407098 \n>you're a cretin...", "pid": 474407243 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-79B7", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:39\n\n>>474406958 \nhmm the numbers I saw meanwhile don't really support that. \n \nare you sure it wasn't second biggest in eastern europe? or do you mean not by actual output but by % contribution to GDP? \n \nalso Alexander Suvorov remains in good memory, yes - no genocidal invasion", "pid": 474407436 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2849", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:07\n\n>>474407238 \nat least half of it is in Asia... if not most manufacturing... \nits also in the context of USSR and industrial production chains... \nlike the largest and newest microelectronics plants was built in Moldova... got converted to a sausage factory in the 90's... \nyou're thinking USSR not Russia...", "pid": 474407467 }, { "sender": "17A9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:41\n\n>>474403267", "pid": 474407501 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6A8E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:09\n\n>>474407467 \nSo Russia lost its industry because of Asia? Ukraine lost its industry because???", "pid": 474407526 }, { "sender": "8047-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:14\n\n>>474406665 \n>How? By offering you place among us? \nYou break trade with your puppet Luka every time he's not service enough", "pid": 474407533 }, { "sender": "7FF4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:13\n\n>>474407060 \nYou cannot even offer judicial or legislative, let alone economic stability and are utterly fucked economically. \nDid you never ask yourself why there's a Russian equivalent to every major western site? Why your bigger players are all domestic? It's not because Russian are better at coding.", "pid": 474407535 }, { "sender": "Anon-1848", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:49\n\n>>474407229 \nYou really seem to think two dimensional. Ukraine in the eu is a huge powerspike with massive new natural resources and land and consumers and producers and promising circumstances. \n \nWe lift them up and turn a profit at the same time, win win.", "pid": 474407575 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EAC1", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:49\n\nWhy did Kiev start the fighting on 2014? When you are regretting about the genocide?", "pid": 474407576 }, { "sender": "Anon-3DD3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:55\n\n>>474407196 \n> another \"positive thinking\" chatter \nWhy would grain demands grow, if population stagnates in EU? A simple direct question. \n> Ukraine in exchange gets a first world lifestyle ala Poland/Baltics. \nBecome another donated dumpster. Problem with Ukraine is that it's still too big. Can Germany bear one more parasite? Not sure. \n> I know it's hard for you to understand that both part of a trade can beneft from it, \nNo. When someone takes new markets, another looses them. Simple as.", "pid": 474407583 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F21A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:42\n\n>>474405171 \nAll Russians want to live in the west. All of them. We know this because the moment they get rich enough, they buy houses and condos in the west. They send their families there. They spend mountains of cash to buy citizenship there. No one wants to have to live in russia. Not even Russians.", "pid": 474407626 }, { "sender": "Anon-0D9E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:48\n\n>>474405097 \nI still remember russoid marauders losing their shit over a can of Nutella. It's a tragedy but still funny.", "pid": 474407635 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C7D3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:44\n\n>>474406722 \n2 grenades, guy was already dying.", "pid": 474407682 }, { "sender": "Anon-8EFE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:51\n\n>>474407576 \n>Why did Kiev start the fighting on 2014? When you are regretting about the genocide? \nDead friend status, tranny?", "pid": 474407692 }, { "sender": "Anon-A964", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:43\n\n>>474407535 \n> another abstract wailing about strong west \n \n>>474407575 \nSis, those slogans are.. hoax. We too listened a lot, how trade make us rich. And where we are?", "pid": 474407815 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-623F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:07\n\n>>474407436 \nits not a subject for a picture forum... but if you sit down and start looking at \"coal production\" \"electrical production\" \"tonnage of various metals\"... \"research and development\"... like my grandfathers brother was a member of the Ukranian Academy of Science... and my parent worked in microelectronics... I have a little bit different view/understanding of what USSR was. \njust look at what they did with their Tu-160... they demolished them instead of selling them... \nUSSR got looted \nnot a personal blog... \n>>474406385 \nbefore them South America got looted... \nEurope is getting looted now. \nThere's a pattern... \nCapital flees to where theres no bombing... \nAnglos are pirates... simple as... \nand since the 70's they've engaged in futurecide; which brought us to the clown world of today.", "pid": 474407842 }, { "sender": "83AE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:38\n\n>>474407583 \n>Why would grain demands grow, if population stagnates in EU? A simple direct question. \nBecause grain is a critical commodity. Also investing in Ukraine will diversify its production mechanically. We're not really interested in grain desu, we're interested mostly in consumers and in investment opportunities. \n>Become another donated dumpster. Problem with Ukraine is that it's still too big. Can Germany bear one more parasite? Not sure. \nMy nigger a fast growing country is an investment, not a loss. We pay for a poor country, we make it rich, which makes us rich. \nI know it's hard for you to grasp because you have a serf mentality in which the fortune of a country is the amount of gold in the pocket of the tsar and the amount of boyars he can sustain, but modern countries, who can drink their tap water, use other metrics. \n>When someone takes new markets, another looses them. Simple as. \nBruh you need two people to trade lmfao", "pid": 474407878 }, { "sender": "119B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:09\n\n>>474407575 \nPlus they’ve got a very well developed nuclear sector, a huge defense industry, the grain production needed to stave off famines in North Africa to reduce the migrant problem, all the oil and gas, an educated work force, production of shit like neon, and so on. They’d be a huge asset to the EU.", "pid": 474407903 }, { "sender": "ECEA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:10\n\n>>474407635 \n> t. unironically consumes the lowerest grade war propaganda", "pid": 474407904 }, { "sender": "C77F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:33\n\n>>474407526 \nhur dur ana a dur \n>>474407635 \nyou're sad if that's the truth in your world.", "pid": 474407928 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-59A5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:47\n\n>>474407501 \nmake a separate thread for it, faggot \ndon't forget to mention the sinking of mv willhelm gustloff, disingenuous dreg \n \n>>474407583 \nyou have no idea how divorced from living reality modern economies can be \nthe continued existence of pidor state is testament to that \nany theoretical advantages and \"economic prosperity\" that russia could have offered to ukraine was on its way to strategic death the moment they invaded crimea", "pid": 474407946 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8281", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:09\n\n>>474407815 \nOn another note, why is yt getting shitcanned in Russia? Maybe we can convince your laughable government Insurgency Sandstorm was a menace to your society with its pro Ukraine messages so you're prohibited to play that too?", "pid": 474407978 }, { "sender": "3565-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:33\n\n>>474407575 \n>We lift them up and turn a profit at the same time, win win. \nlook at the experience the German General Staff had with Ukrainian Protectorate. \nTheir whole national identity is built around scamming and playing nations off against each other...", "pid": 474408068 }, { "sender": "0DC4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:40\n\n>>474407583 \n>broke ass zamkadysh gives his opinions about economy from a $200 xiaomi smartphone his mom bought on credit \nGet a load of this maggot", "pid": 474408078 }, { "sender": "Anon-02E4", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:44\n\n>>474407060 \nWhat do you gain from spamming your retarded shit here? It's obvious Russia was a failed backwards country and now it's a failed backwards country that threw out their economy and trade routes for the opportunity to get 500k of their own working age men killed and to destroy their own army capabilities. Your country failed. Your leaders failed. You are a failure. You have no future. Many Russians will get to taste real poverty soon. No amount of lies will change that. Face the facts retard and you just might survive the next decade.", "pid": 474408089 }, { "sender": "2304-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:55\n\n>>474407501 \nSo amerisharts were acting like ziggers right now?", "pid": 474408101 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5CBA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:01\n\n>>474407692 \nI will fuck inside your family", "pid": 474408193 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E615", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:09\n\n>>474407878 \ni sincerely hope Ukraine becomes part of EU. you delusional cucks.", "pid": 474408202 }, { "sender": "23B4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:54\n\n>>474408193 \n>I will fuck inside your family \nThe hell does it even mean?", "pid": 474408242 }, { "sender": "3E94-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:10\n\n>>474407878 \nI dunno, I think the grain is a massive issue because with Ukrainian grain, the EU can stabilize prices in North Africa which will make migration easier to control. Which means Ukraine gets money, and the EU gets fewer nafris.", "pid": 474408261 }, { "sender": "E431-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:13\n\n>>474408193 \nwith what?your chopped off dick?", "pid": 474408265 }, { "sender": "5710-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:06\n\n>>474407878 \n> Because grain is a critical commodity. Also investing in Ukraine will diversify its production mechanically. We're not really interested in grain desu, we're interested mostly in consumers and in investment opportunities. \nEU already produces its grains, it DOES NOT NEED more. If it does, it will grow it itself, because, how you told, a critical good. \nWhy invest in hohols? Who need those \"oppotunities\" without new markets? \n \n> My nigger a fast growing country is an investment, not a loss. We pay for a poor country, we make it rich, which makes us rich. \nAnd donating to hordes of immigrant negroes and arabs is not cuckoldry, it's investment! That's a good goy! \n \n> When someone takes new markets, another looses them. Simple as. \nYou cannot \"make market\" from thin air. Problem is there. You don't know economics.", "pid": 474408322 }, { "sender": "601B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:29\n\nA little contribution to the thread. \nTZD\n\n", "pid": 474408433 }, { "sender": "8E89-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:31\n\n>>474408242 \nI believe the best way to describe what that means is ‘bitch bloody benchod VPN.’", "pid": 474408436 }, { "sender": "Anon-07CD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:59\n\n>>474407946 \n>willhelm gustloff \ntldr?", "pid": 474408472 }, { "sender": "9FA9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:14\n\n>>474407978 \n> government Insurgency Sandstorm \nWut?", "pid": 474408494 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C3B3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:47\n\n>>474408322 \nUkrainian grain can be sent to North Africa which will help keep the region more stable and reduce the inflict of migrants. Especially since it will make propping up local strongmen easier when needed, and make it simpler to replace them when they get unruly.", "pid": 474408539 }, { "sender": "D5D3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:59\n\n>>474408322 \n>EU already produces its grains, it DOES NOT NEED more. If it does, it will grow it itself, because, how you told, a critical good. \n>Why invest in hohols? Who need those \"oppotunities\" without new markets? \njesus fucking christ... \nGRAIN FEED LIVESTOCK \nbut you wouldn't know anything about that, not being able to afford quality meat... why is Russian burrocracy so anti-Russian?", "pid": 474408549 }, { "sender": "B3C9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:21\n\n>>474408539 \nwhat are you fucking talking about? \nHillary bombed the fresh water pipelines that Ghadaffi built in Lybia specifically so that niggers would starve... \nUkraine grain feed Spanish pigs so that i can get my cured pork at Costco.", "pid": 474408639 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E4B1", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:47\n\n>>474408089 \nI want to enlight hohols by obvious truth. Sooner or latter they get that EU way was a mistake.", "pid": 474408672 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B609", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:52\n\n>>474408672 \n>Sooner or latter they get that EU way was a mistake. \nits criminal to not take advantage of your naivety. holy shit.", "pid": 474408746 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9237", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:03\n\n>>474408472 \nduring ww2, tail end of it \ngermans were retreating, the boat was mostly filled with civvies \nthere were also injured soldiers, some of them having survived a previous sinking \npidors in an s-13 sub sink a boat with thousands of people on board \nit's the single largest loss of life in marine transportation \nthey did it again some time later \nthe pidor commander of the s13 sub was about to get removed due to sexual misconduct and drunkenness \nbut this was his big achievement", "pid": 474408767 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5DA0", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:49\n\n>>474408639 \n>Hillary bombed the fresh water pipelines that Ghadaffi built in Lybia specifically so that niggers would starve... \nBased killary", "pid": 474408820 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F9C6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:56\n\n>>474408639 \nHillary did a lot of dumb shit. That doesn’t mean her dumb shit should be repeated or continued. The point is Ukraine produces a LOT of grain. There’s enough for your Costco pigs, AND keeping nafri swarms under control.", "pid": 474408827 }, { "sender": "255C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:23\n\n>>474408549 \n>why do russians who went from being commies to living in an oligarchy not understand capitalism \nIt's not their fault, anon. They have never known anything else.", "pid": 474408852 }, { "sender": "9949-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:44\n\n>>474407928 \nPidorashko is a hypocrite and a liar :-((", "pid": 474408877 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-516C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:51\n\n>>474408639 \n>pic \nWtf my clussy posting started a fire?", "pid": 474408881 }, { "sender": "5447-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:06\n\n>>474405206 \nFucking serbroaches lmao, closer you are to r\\*ssia the worse off everything is \nSimple as", "pid": 474409017 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2C4C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:55\n\n>EU way \nletting homos fuck without saying no-homo before fucking? \n \nI'm not sure why the shills still bother yelling 'RUZZIA TRAD' when everyone on these godforsaken boards already knows the contrary is true lolkk", "pid": 474409073 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8E81", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:17\n\n>>474407842 \nright, for the most part the USSR was always behind by quite a margin? \n \n> USSR got looted \nno, it collapsed? \n \n> I have a little bit different view/understanding of what USSR was. \nit does sound like a bit of soviet pre-collapse nostalgia without the actual comparison to the west", "pid": 474409101 }, { "sender": "C8B2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:26\n\n>>474408539 \nBut they already sending grains to Africa. How EU helps with that? \n \n>>474408549 \n> GRAIN FEED LIVESTOCK \nAnd it's another finite market covered by EU producers. \n \nWhat hohols allowed to export to EU? \nNuts, juices. Wood logs (EU keeps its own forests, and buys from hohol cucks). Amber (goes to China; harmes soils a lot). \nAlso steel (demands coals and power, not renewable). \nBut wait, wnat UE wanted, they were buyng without any EU membership!", "pid": 474409114 }, { "sender": "Anon-3856", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:45\n\n>>474407635 \nit's not even that good lol, Finetti before they rebranded it to Fineti was better, Nutella is too sugary and it dilutes all taste", "pid": 474409205 }, { "sender": "Anon-1185", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:28\n\n>>474408322 \nNot only there is production in Ukraine, there is technical know-how as well. They were the production center of the Soviet Union for crying out loud, lel, from ships to rockets. They are not your typical third worlders. In fact, many regions are better than the western ones because of the lack of rapefugess and mudslimes, even during wartime, lel.", "pid": 474409248 }, { "sender": "Anon-ABAB", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:47\n\n>>474408433 \nBurnout 3 vibes", "pid": 474409273 }, { "sender": "267C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:50\n\n>>474408068 \nLolol faggot that was 80 years ago get with the times. Mutual trade increases all wealth, everybody wins expect for the browns who can only profit through enslaving their neighbours.", "pid": 474409277 }, { "sender": "442A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:12\n\n>>474409114 \nYou guys bomb their grain terminals. Removal of Russian meddling improves productivity.", "pid": 474409302 }, { "sender": "Anon-82E0", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:10\n\nHello\n\nTZD", "pid": 474409375 }, { "sender": "Anon-BB84", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:34\n\n>>474409248 \nwhy did you do it>>474409205", "pid": 474409396 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-89E1", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:54\n\n>>474409114 \n> they were buyng without any EU membership! \nis that an argument for anything? EU built Turkey's production line from washing machines, cars to weapons and they are buying from them now excluding tariffs. What is your point?", "pid": 474409421 }, { "sender": "ECB9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:56\n\n>>474409302 \nNot completelly. Just a bit spanking to improve dimplomacy grounds. \nWe could just set hohols into blackout in 24 hours. And could do it from beginning of war. A shame, hohols learning slow.", "pid": 474409496 }, { "sender": "Anon-B3A8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:16\n\n>>474409396 \nEeeh.... Now that Mariupol is gone... the shipyards destroyed.... How will the nightmare be contained??? Only a matter of time. Won't be surprised if we see a nuke detonation soon there.", "pid": 474409595 }, { "sender": "Anon-2FA8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:39\n\n>>474409375 \nsorry but the himars is just not a match for the MIGHTY M-46", "pid": 474409622 }, { "sender": "Anon-97AB", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:31\n\n>>474409496 \nWe both know you can’t do that. That’s why you do occasional chimp outs where you stock up on everything you can and lob them at children’s hospitals. Though I don’t get how you think that makes diplomacy better. It just makes them hate you more and fight harder while causing so much disgust in the west that we send them more weapons to bomb you with.", "pid": 474409699 }, { "sender": "C2D4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:43\n\n>>474409496 \n>We \n \nDo you associate yourself with the state?", "pid": 474409713 }, { "sender": "10E3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:38\n\n>>474409421 \nMy point is that time of investiments ended, because all markets filled, customers creditted. Desperate richies are bying bitcoins, cripto-links and other trash, because there's no space for new buisnesses. That's why hohols will not benefit. They could make a huge market for biuldings, rennovation - but they just have no money, only debts.", "pid": 474409856 }, { "sender": "F7EB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:46\n\n>>474409595 \nno I meant why did you ruin Finetti, it's greek made no?", "pid": 474409867 }, { "sender": "Anon-3030", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:04\n\n>>474403338 \nStill ukrainian", "pid": 474409892 }, { "sender": "Anon-F500", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:07\n\n>>474409017 \nBruh... Serbian government knows that this is why it is pursuing integration with the west.", "pid": 474409895 }, { "sender": "Anon-D38E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:44\n\n>>474409622 \nKek", "pid": 474409949 }, { "sender": "758A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:11\n\n>>474403910 \nGreat news now Europe and USA can stop supplying food aid to north koreea", "pid": 474409986 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5012", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:17\n\n>>474407946 \n>stop polluting my snuff porn with war history \nWhen a glow comes to /pol/ it is our duty to educate them.", "pid": 474409995 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A4F3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:39\n\n>>474407467 \nSo what did this pidor mean? Russia lost it's industry because of Asia? Ukraine lost it's industry because of Ukraine??", "pid": 474410025 }, { "sender": "63C9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:49\n\n>>474404146 \nRussia has no right to have security concers", "pid": 474410041 }, { "sender": "60ED-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:03\n\n>>474409699 \nSis, they already have 4 hours/day of power. And we still have mercy on them, pointly bitting their power grid.", "pid": 474410056 }, { "sender": "9824-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:50\n\n>>474409856 \nWell yeh a war against an overly superior enemy will do that to you, plus the vultures vying to buy out the country. But some corporations have lots and lots of money, take pharma for example. Ukrainian pharma doing expansion in switzerland and even turning swiss lads down, it was fun to watch.", "pid": 474410111 }, { "sender": "Anon-E593", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:51\n\n>>474410056 \nNo one believes you. Especially since you bomb children’s hospitals because, like the base savages that you are, you have no understanding of how behaviorally modern humans react to such things. If you could knock their power grid out, you would. You just can’t.", "pid": 474410175 }, { "sender": "A36F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:19\n\n>>474409699 \nsadly with retards like Vance they can keep doing that and no sympathy will be shared to the Ukrainians. out of all the PMs he could have chosen zion don chose the fucking jeet by association \n>>474410041 \nI mean the little savages shot up their own school with BMPs and sheet, it's clear they don't even care what happens outside of moskow, any potential invader would have had to deal with the most savage scorched earth tactics known to man, except now they have no weapons to stop invaders, fucking ironic", "pid": 474410212 }, { "sender": "6268-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:24\n\n>>474409856 \nSo is EU collapsing due to lack of Russian resources or is EU so rich there is no niche for Ukraine to fill and it's doomed?", "pid": 474410218 }, { "sender": "D489-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:26\n\n>>474404146 \nIt invaded because, as Putin explained himself, they want their 1400s borders back, but of course they would not give Lithuania the land it had back then. \nNow stop posting behind meme flags, Pajeet. \nThis one's for you. \n \n", "pid": 474410221 }, { "sender": "A76B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:27\n\n>>474410111 \n> Well yeh a war against an overly superior enemy will do that to you, \nNo, silly, war is a remedy for this overproduction. New war plants restarted. \n \n> Ukrainian pharma doing expansion in switzerland and even turning swiss lads down, it was fun to watch. \nReally? What hohols there?", "pid": 474410314 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A182", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:36\n\n>>474409867 \nI think it was bought off by saudi kikes", "pid": 474410330 }, { "sender": "6C8F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:05\n\nIF ONLY THE TZAR KNEW", "pid": 474410362 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E3F5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:12\n\n>>474409949 \nit's funny how they went from saying they build 50 gorillion times more shells than the entire HATO to having to resort to half a century old nork stocks", "pid": 474410372 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE63", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:26\n\n>>474410212 \nI’m not really concerned with that. Vance is a suit. He will do what serves his ambition, and there’s plenty of pressure to support Ukraine. Hell. Most of the annoyance with Biden is his faggy escalation management shit.", "pid": 474410393 }, { "sender": "Anon-C824", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:42\n\n>>474410175 \n> No one believes you. \nLook previous thread. It's just a fact. \n \n> Especially since you bomb children’s hospitals \nOh, update your scriptbook already.", "pid": 474410411 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D5E2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:57\n\n>script book \n>layed out payments \n \nI really enjoy our resident Russian troon with his jeet-level English. Now where's montenigger where you need him.", "pid": 474410499 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FA3D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:11\n\n>>474410411 \nMaybe dont bomb childrens hospitals if you dont want to be treated like a pariah shithole.", "pid": 474410513 }, { "sender": "Anon-FA6B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:19\n\n>>474410218 \nEU lost Ru markets and Ru cheap power. It hits twice. \nHohols are not a problem for EU, thay are just useless for them.", "pid": 474410523 }, { "sender": "89BE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:31\n\n>>474410411 \nYou can’t knock their grid out. If you could they would have no power. Beyond that, there’s no script to update. You people actively target civilians as part of your ‘diplomacy’ and have no idea what to do when you’re justifiably treated as barbarians to be purged by the civilized world.", "pid": 474410542 }, { "sender": "Anon-ADEB", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:35\n\n>>474404851 \n>And they already let most of Eastern Europe join NATO \nit's not up to ziggeria to make these decisions lmao, mongolia has been a NATO partner for years too, even sent a token force to Afghanistan. \n \nRuzzia is just a shithole banging it's chest, deal with it", "pid": 474410546 }, { "sender": "394F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:49\n\n>>474410314 \nsorry bro will not expand on that, who knows, knows. \n \n>war is a remedy for this overproduction. \nlel, noo, market is a remedy and good planning and overexporting your shit and good deals with shipping companies(if you can catch these fuckers before their kike overlords do) will get you out of it. War with a superior enemy will almost always render you in a shit situation and your debt 10000x more. See Ukraine, they are fucked. But maybe, if US wants to make them another Germany, they will kickstart their economy with production lines, would make sense since it's a very productive country, even for pure neon.", "pid": 474410563 }, { "sender": "BC6D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:25\n\n>>474410523 \nLol did you forget the massive amounts of natural resources Ukraine has dipshit? \n \nAlso the Russian market is two cities and nothing else so its not a big loss for the price of TZD", "pid": 474410606 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-800B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:32\n\n>>474410330 \n>part of my childhood gone forever and it's the mudslimes' fault \nFUCK", "pid": 474410612 }, { "sender": "Anon-53E6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:35\n\n>>474410523 \n>EU lost Ru markets \n \nEU is still exporting food to Russia because it cant feed itself \n \n>Ru cheap power. It hits twice. \nTwo years of war nothing changed in EU", "pid": 474410695 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FF87", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:00\n\n>>474410523 \noh no now the 2 yearly BMW M5s that went to moskow will stay in stock.... anyway", "pid": 474410735 }, { "sender": "C027-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:19\n\n>>474410372 \nThe worst part is that part of this stock is not even that old, they are just incapable", "pid": 474410759 }, { "sender": "Anon-6797", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:37\n\n>>474410612 \nA % must be Greek so they might make a comeback in the future, kek", "pid": 474410849 }, { "sender": "F5D0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:06\n\n>>474409995 \nmake your own thread, no more and no less \nif you actually cared about the topic you are sliding with you'd make a separate thread because here it is viewed as a mere diversionary tactic \nbut you don't care and creating a diversionary debate is your whole shtick here \nyou disingenuous niggerfaggot", "pid": 474410889 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-55C2", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:19\n\n>>474403633 \nthe left can't meme", "pid": 474410906 }, { "sender": "66E0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:32\n\n>>474410759 \nthat shit triggers all kinds of my innate primordial fears, what the fuck man", "pid": 474410923 }, { "sender": "EC97-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:02\n\n>>474410523 \n>It hits twice. \nthat's a way to put it \n \nbut there is 93/96% for the rest of the world on that first hit and invasions inside europe often led to more dramatic shifts before anyhow", "pid": 474410956 }, { "sender": "D330-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:27\n\n>>474410849 \nhope so, Nutella just doesn't fill the void", "pid": 474410987 }, { "sender": "13BF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:32\n\n>>474410542 \n> You can’t knock their grid out. If you could they would have no power. \nLet's make a tour into history. \nFirst strike on hohols power grid was just after chimpout on Krym bridge. Attention on detail: generation was NOT harmed, neither big substations. Hohols not got us. \nThey begun to strint in Belgorod, even in deeper Russia. That's why Russia begun to destroy the mere generation - powerplants. Now hohols are importers of power from EU. \nWe can still make all worse. Unless hohols learn to value our generocity. \n \n> Beyond that, there’s no script to update. You people actively target civilians as part of your ‘diplomacy’ \nShill or just moron?", "pid": 474410994 }, { "sender": "64C5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:51\n\n>>474410362 \n'member the memoryholed wagner telegram spamming 24/7 that the russian army is deliberately pounding their positions with artillery and even airstrikes in bakhmut? kek, the animosity then between wagner and rf MoD was kino", "pid": 474411028 }, { "sender": "85F8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:01\n\n>>474410923 \n>on my way to make everyone's life just a little bit worse befo-AAAAACCCCCKKKKKKKK \n \nbrought to you by juche gang \ni wish painful death to the north korean regime", "pid": 474411037 }, { "sender": "Anon-887B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:35\n\n>>474410606 \n> Lol did you forget the massive amounts of natural resources Ukraine has dipshit? \nNot so much. Soils, climate and location are their main riches.", "pid": 474411076 }, { "sender": "0C9F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:59\n\n>>474410889 \n>can't even draw the windmill of friendship right \nThere is no end to their deficiency.", "pid": 474411106 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C5B2", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:36\n\n>>474411076 \nWhy are you pretending to be retarded for 29 posts straight?", "pid": 474411148 }, { "sender": "3970-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:47\n\n>>474410695 \n>>474410735 \nBravado not helping with real economics, sisters.", "pid": 474411157 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7B10", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:17\n\n>>474411157 \nokay", "pid": 474411197 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AB82", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:30\n\n>>474410956", "pid": 474411213 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CC78", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:07\n\n>>474411148 \n>pretending \nThey press retarded kids in the shill service now", "pid": 474411253 }, { "sender": "Anon-C9A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:50\n\n>>474410956 \n>>474411213 \nhmmmm", "pid": 474411384 }, { "sender": "61B0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:21\n\n>>474411148 \nSis, Ukraine is plains. There's not much of even lumber.", "pid": 474411420 }, { "sender": "BD2A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:51\n\n>>474410994 \n>can’t do anything but hit power stations, grain export terminals, and civilian structures \nNo one in their right mind believes that if Russia could manage it, Ukraine would have any power. We all know this. Especially since every winter you do that ‘we make hokololokoloa freeze Russia stronk’ shit, and FAIL. You’re a blight, and that is why you will continue to decline. Enjoy your 64.21 year life expectancy and sub-one cent valued ruble. \n>don’t believe your lying eyes! \nCome on. Everyone knows you people have been doing morale bombing the whole war.", "pid": 474411460 }, { "sender": "Anon-2A95", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:11\n\n>>474411384 \nyes? world bank trade balance numbers for the eu \n \n", "pid": 474411479 }, { "sender": "Anon-7E6C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:12\n\n>>474411420 \nOh and also incredibly fertile farmland too.", "pid": 474411481 }, { "sender": "C27B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:38\n\n>>474411148 \n>>474411253 \nI think it's that indian", "pid": 474411512 }, { "sender": "Anon-803F", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:39\n\n>>474411420 \n>Rusnigeria is sooooo important to the world guys, trust me", "pid": 474411513 }, { "sender": "A074-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:49\n\n>>474411197 \n>Blyat, yes it’s ivan, I fucked up again, this gun does not work at all, we are the ones who made it ? lmao", "pid": 474411524 }, { "sender": "12ED-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:27\n\nTick Tock Ukraine Fags", "pid": 474411563 }, { "sender": "2465-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:50\n\n>>474411213 \n>>474410956 \nWe already 4% of world markets? Earlier were just 2%. Looks like promotion. \nSeems, they needed explaination, why 2% of world holding a push of other 98%/", "pid": 474411584 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A0E6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:26\n\n>>474411563 \nTrump is going to destroy Russia and you are a retarded memefaggot nigger.", "pid": 474411622 }, { "sender": "7D66-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:37\n\n>>474411512 \nHoly shit you were right, that ESL", "pid": 474411727 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7DBC", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:45\n\n>>474411479 (cont'd) \ni picked pre-war 2021 because it was the potential scale of loss. granted there are still considerable sanctions exclusions even now so it wasn't even the whole thing that was lost in reality \n \n>>474411584 \n2021 eu trade balance, % of world gdp is separate", "pid": 474411738 }, { "sender": "B8E5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:53\n\n>>474411563 \nThe Eurocuck's are afraid.", "pid": 474411750 }, { "sender": "2352-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:38\n\n>>474411524 \nI can't wait until the ukes inevitably blow up the gas pipelines", "pid": 474411796 }, { "sender": "11E2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:39\n\n>>474411460 \nThis year bombing of power begun in spring, just when hohols were in safety from freezing. It's a jesture of goodwill from Putin himself. \nDo you really belive, our rockets cannot fly in cold weather?", "pid": 474411860 }, { "sender": "6F2E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:20\n\n>>474411481 \nYes, that that's what i told: \n> Soils, climate and location are their main riches. \nBut power resources should be bought in Russia, they were importing them theirselves.", "pid": 474411982 }, { "sender": "Anon-18DF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:34\n\n>>474411750 \nIf Oliver and Serge say it, it’s probably true", "pid": 474412002 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-931B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:35\n\n>>474411563 \n>trump will save us \nlmao, how pathetic must ziggers be to celebrate something that proves how shit the russian military is", "pid": 474412003 }, { "sender": "4AE8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:24\n\n>>474411860 \nI know you don’t have enough rockets to actually cripple the grid. You’ve been attempting to destroy their power access since the war started. If you had weapons in sufficient numbers, they wouldn’t have power. Plus all their cities would be in ruins, their grain export ability destroyed, and their rail networks nonfunctional. You lack the ability of a major power to inflict this though. So you resort to pic related.", "pid": 474412056 }, { "sender": "B283-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:11\n\n>>474411512 \nHe's a fluent pidor speaker", "pid": 474412202 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D791", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:41\n\n>>474411982 \nWe were happy to buy untill Russia started a genocidal war in Europe. We want to buy Russian gas but yall chimped out so much that we now think youre fucjing niggers who require TZD. \n \nYOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE.", "pid": 474412241 }, { "sender": "711B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:47\n\nSizzling face", "pid": 474412253 }, { "sender": "E9AC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:48\n\n>>474411750 \ndamn, with one stroke of faith the cuckolded petukh will finally take out it's buttplug and measure the europeans' eggs. all will be known when the ass is in the ass (of the pole)", "pid": 474412255 }, { "sender": "57E7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:22\n\n>>474412202 \nwell ye that guy had russian ID", "pid": 474412298 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6843", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:34\n\n>>474412002 \nI don’t get how anyone thinks Europe rearming and preparing to defend its self is a bad thing. Hell, I fully support American cooperation and coordination with our allies across the pond and I want you guys armed to the teeth.", "pid": 474412311 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B3AE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:09\n\n>>474412255 \n>Remove the pan. \nKek, what?", "pid": 474412454 }, { "sender": "A5B9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:33\n\n>>474412454 \nda.", "pid": 474412567 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C143", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:55\n\nHohols' darts.", "pid": 474412589 }, { "sender": "Anon-8C20", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:18\n\n>>474412589 \nWhere do i send my resume to redesign it as a clock instead of whatever they use now?", "pid": 474412698 }, { "sender": "9358-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:28\n\n>>474411420 \nfor about 60% of the country that's probably the impact of civilization because farming is effective \n \nif no one maintained these lands they'd probably return to forests", "pid": 474412704 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3C1C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:41\n\n600k dead/wounded ziggers when?", "pid": 474412725 }, { "sender": "Anon-6657", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:57\n\n>>474412311 \nThis war changed things, the countries of Europe finally understood that they had to spend more than 2% in the rearmament budget, it only remains to speed things up.", "pid": 474412743 }, { "sender": "0DCE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:14\n\n>>474412725 \nLate August", "pid": 474412830 }, { "sender": "Anon-092D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:25\n\n>>474412698 \nit's already as clock. You want to add there arrows?", "pid": 474412842 }, { "sender": "339A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:10\n\n>>474412743 \nI think because conflict is inevitable, the only question is if ruzzia will accept conventional defeat with grace or commit suicide by attempting to use nukes", "pid": 474412898 }, { "sender": "A49B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:22\n\nBITCH YOU MISSED!\n\nNow Trump is going to win and cut your gibs immediately. He's not even going to wait to be sworn in.", "pid": 474412914 }, { "sender": "60AF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:00\n\n>>474412725 \nin reality it's probably already 600k because you just can't count all of them, plus these fags are not beyond leaving their wounded behind for the dogs", "pid": 474413154 }, { "sender": "865C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:04\n\n>>474412898 \nI don’t think we’ll see either of them, neither a direct confrontation, nor nuke", "pid": 474413161 }, { "sender": "Anon-C45A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:17\n\nDid you hear guys? Trump's VP is anti-Ukraine. Ukraine literally has half a year before they're forced to peace by making 20% of their territory as a concession.", "pid": 474413176 }, { "sender": "1FF7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:33\n\n>>474412255 \nthis is a confusing insult", "pid": 474413201 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-76DF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:40\n\n>>474412743 \nEveryone fell for that retarded end of history meme. We did too. Thankfully you guys are getting the memo and so are we. It’s time to rearm because the shit holes won’t leave us be.", "pid": 474413208 }, { "sender": "FB34-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:51\n\n>>474412914 \nHELP WE'RE WINNING \nSAVE US BLUMPF", "pid": 474413226 }, { "sender": "9110-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:59\n\n>>474412914 \nAnd?", "pid": 474413232 }, { "sender": "Anon-2538", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:47\n\n>>474413161 \nhope so, it's just their hybrid war memery that's got me worried. either way they'll get steamrolled and HAVE to realize it at this point?", "pid": 474413361 }, { "sender": "Anon-5E65", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:35\n\n>>474413232 \nTrump is our elephant. he will tell you \"CДABAЙCЯ ХAХOЛЬ!\", and you have no choice.", "pid": 474413413 }, { "sender": "Anon-8C9B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:37\n\n>>474413176 \nIt's SO over !", "pid": 474413418 }, { "sender": "24C5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:00\n\n>>474404951 \n>be russian \n>take a nap \n>wake up with no legs \nnightmarish scenario ngl", "pid": 474413443 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3E6F", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:56\n\n>>474412914 \n>>474413176 \n>>474413413 \nWeird how they all coordinate talking points like this.", "pid": 474413529 }, { "sender": "Anon-90C5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:36\n\n>>474413361 \nThey don't live in reality anymore. Only two ways this can end, either someone with more balls pulls a periogi man and they get too busy killing to each to continue or we end up flatting moscow so they fuck off and start killing each other. \n \nMay as well just make peace with the fact this will spread until we go over and put it out.", "pid": 474413586 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8AE1", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:28\n\n>>474413529 \n> they", "pid": 474413646 }, { "sender": "Anon-0E60", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:16\n\n>>474413443 \nDon't worry, grifter \"hillbilly\" man as veep will fix his legs.", "pid": 474413702 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F7B8", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:50\n\n>>474413586 \nyes they seem intent to fight until ww2 tier casualties, with sticks if they must", "pid": 474413750 }, { "sender": "Anon-F295", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:46\n\n>>474413646 \nMultiple posters coming in with the same talking points at the same time? You guys aren’t very subtle.", "pid": 474413814 }, { "sender": "Anon-ACB2", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:39\n\n>>474413418 \n>>474413529 \nThe world is not black and white, guys. As much as I want Russia to lose I wouldn't put any money on Ukraine right now. Do \\*you\\* believe Ukraine have a chance to win? Post your bets then. Words mean nothing, money does.", "pid": 474413870 }, { "sender": "Anon-8062", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:37\n\n>>474413870 \nWhy bet with money I can use to buy drones to kill Russians with?", "pid": 474413945 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D07A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:46\n\n>>474413814 \n> Trump duscuissing begun \n> others add to theme \n> REEE ALL RIGGLED!", "pid": 474413957 }, { "sender": "1621-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:00\n\n>>474413750 \nI understand why the average katsap craves death but I don't really grasp why the boyars are so keen to kill off their tax base. Well, at least they will be importing niggers now. Niggers aren't as servile as what they are used to, bring in enough of them and shit will be too Detroit to run an empire off of.", "pid": 474413981 }, { "sender": "C00B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:57\n\n>>474413981 \n>to kill off their tax base \nBecause their taxes comes from slave income, which you can just not give them in the first place.", "pid": 474414068 }, { "sender": "Anon-2C5C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:07\n\n>>474413161 \npersonally I'm not so sure", "pid": 474414080 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E635", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:36\n\n>>474413981 \nthey'll just pay western foreigners unholy salaries to run their oil rigs as they always did, the rest of the country doesn't matter. doubt they touched their slave workforce in closed cities too", "pid": 474414111 }, { "sender": "4CAE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:04\n\n>>474413945 \nYou're telling me you would rather spend money on your amusement than making a bet. Okay, but it has nothing to do with my point.", "pid": 474414149 }, { "sender": "Anon-4AE5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:14\n\n>>474413646 \n>> they", "pid": 474414170 }, { "sender": "300C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:48\n\n>>474413957 \n>memeflaggot spam when zigger starts in with normal zigger Trump will save us shit \n>literally the same flavor of talking point at the same time \n>quit noticing things! \nYou guys aren’t good at this. I really am glad half a million of you have been mauled in Ukraine. I’m eagerly awaiting the one million mark. I hope they mobilize you.", "pid": 474414213 }, { "sender": "FCAE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:45\n\n>>474414149 \nSure it does. That I’ve already bet on Ukraine, but I’d rather just see Russians killed and maimed as I find their behavior in Ukraine to be revolting.", "pid": 474414288 }, { "sender": "Anon-A147", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:00\n\n>>474414068 \nThat's the thing. Moskals are purpose bred to be the ideal slaves. They are moderately productive and never rebel under any circumstances. Anything you replace them with will either not work or will riot every week. I share their enthusiasm for killing them off, so maybe I shouldn't ask too many questions.", "pid": 474414304 }, { "sender": "Anon-0A40", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:04\n\n>>474413361 \n>either way they'll get steamrolled and HAVE to realize it at this point? \nThere is the problem, they hope very much that Europe will do everything to avoid a confontation and that the states will stop taking care of Ukraine to return to their personal business, so they still hope, add to this their mentality that they never give up until they are destroyed, we have to get them down somehow.", "pid": 474414381 }, { "sender": "Anon-8284", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:41\n\n>>474413814 \nEven then the basis of banking on trump to make undeserved and shortsighted concessions to russia and retarded counterproductive policy is not one that needs to be astroturfed. \nAll alleged shills posting here need to do, if they really are shills the way you insinuate is to expand what is already there. \nThat's the real core of modern russian propaganda. \nIt's not about creating a complete and mostly consistent alternative reality of glorious rasha or weak USA or stronk USA or pivotal USA or US aid is irrelevant or any one line, it's about creating an ungovernability and an environment in which conversation isn't possible in a no-bullshit kind of way where the members of the discussion actually just partake in discussion of the topic rather than trying to one-up each other in meta-discussion. \nThough of course this is also just a shit forum lol. \n \nIt's a damn shame to see the decline of America and Europe like this. \nNo fucking strategy, no convictions, no proper self-defense no concerted effort in line with the threats at hand. \nAnd over shit that is so utterly non-concrete. \nIf we were like Laos or Zimbabwe or whatever and actually had little to no power and never held values to solve these macroscopic threats of a completely unjust invasion that'd be a different thing. \nBut it's completely by choice. \nChasing a \\*feeling\\* rather than observable reality where faggots in various polities will consign the entire sphere of influences they themselves live in to quite possibly decades of decline because some demagogues were unable to keep their arrogance in check and other demagogues come up and tell of the monumental money \"wasted\" of which 80% stays in e.g. America and which amounts to a percent of a fucking percent over comparatively absolutely outsize issues it could combat. \nAnd they just lap it up.", "pid": 474414433 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD3D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:01\n\n>>474414288 \n>I’ve already bet on Ukraine \nCare to bring the receipts?", "pid": 474414468 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3E49", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:10\n\n>>474414080 \nLuckily for you, you have the mountains to hide", "pid": 474414479 }, { "sender": "Anon-6C64", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:26\n\n>>474414111 \nEven western countries have a hard time doing that. It's mostly jeets and bean creaturas running the rigs these days. Watching the poos and churkas fight over oil fields might be cool though.", "pid": 474414502 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F2FA", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:28\n\n>>474414381 \nyes but it's also clear they want to nibble at other european states too, at least to any non-compromised politician", "pid": 474414504 }, { "sender": "72BC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:57\n\nBaking", "pid": 474414543 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5B1B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:05\n\n>>474414213 \n>>quit noticing things! \n>You guys aren’t good at this. \nYou should learn a russian word \"durka\". Very related to your future.", "pid": 474414556 }, { "sender": "26A7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:21\n\n>>474414556 \nI don’t bother with local/minor languages. You’re addressing me in English and you will continue to do so.", "pid": 474414667 }, { "sender": "7DB2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:51\n\n>>474414639 \n>>474414639 \n>>474414639 \n>>474414639 \n \nNEW BAKE", "pid": 474414712 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD07", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:40\n\n>>474414433 \nMaybe, but the fact is the best reaction to it is to just call them out as propaganda hawking liars and leave it at that. Fuck all is Russia poison.", "pid": 474414787 }, { "sender": "B970-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:44\n\n>>474414787 \nI think it is not effective to call them bots or shills unless you actually have solid evidence. (e.g. when weibo goes down lol) \nIt is effective to call out lies when you can actually provide a coherent and succinct counterthesis. \nThere is no coherent counterthesis to the insinuation that Trump will fuck up Ukraines defense because he most likely will and the best way forward is to discuss in the terms of this realiy that the American voter will likely foist upon Europe and the World.", "pid": 474415310 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7BA6", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:00\n\n>>474414479 \nmostly constructed civil defense shelters under houses until we're conscripted. you could have the same.", "pid": 474415422 } ]
[ { "sender": "BB6C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:01:03\n\n>gives you instant schizophrenia \nkeep it illegal", "pid": 474391359 }, { "sender": "776F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:02:14\n\n>>474391359 \nFound the jew.", "pid": 474391452 }, { "sender": "688A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:02:24\n\n>>474391359 \n>making something illegal makes it go away \n \n", "pid": 474391464 }, { "sender": "F282-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:02:40\n\nAgreed, and I smoke this shit every day.", "pid": 474391484 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CA50", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:03:50\n\n>>474391359 \nImagine the smell.", "pid": 474391555 }, { "sender": "Anon-F597", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:05:06\n\n>>474391359 \nOnly if you're weak in the brain. We should legalize it along with not wearing a seat belt. Both kinds of stupid fixes itself.", "pid": 474391624 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C1E0", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:05:18\n\n>>474391359 \nYou become schizophrenic from weed, you were already a schizo, you just experienced your \"awakening.\"", "pid": 474391631 }, { "sender": "3805-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:05:18\n\n>>474391359 \nIt only gave me schizophrenia in my 20s. During my teenage years it was fun as fuck.", "pid": 474391632 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0E14", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:05:34\n\n>>474391452 \nYep it’s you", "pid": 474391652 }, { "sender": "4AFC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:05:54\n\n>>474391359 \nI'm on edibles rn", "pid": 474391672 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F6B3", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:06:43\n\n>>474391484 \nkek. this \n \nZkittleZ is particularly delirium inducing", "pid": 474391735 }, { "sender": "Anon-F5BB", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:06:50\n\n>>474391359 \n>being predisposed to schizophrenia \n>not realizing the high paranoia is all in your head and overcoming that sensation through sheer force of will \nNGMI", "pid": 474391746 }, { "sender": "32D1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:07:57\n\n>>474391359 \n>>474391624 \nI think schizos are just normies who heard their own inner voice for the first time and seriously thought it was something totally different.", "pid": 474391824 }, { "sender": "9F7C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:08:29\n\n>>474391359 \nAnon, perhaps you lack superior nigger genes. \nBuck the fuck up weak willed faggots.", "pid": 474391862 }, { "sender": "Anon-72DB", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:09:09\n\n>>474391359 \nMDPV and a-PVP ARE illegal you dumbass. \nThat's weed. Shit puts you to sleep FFS. Also makes you hongry as fuck.", "pid": 474391909 }, { "sender": "71E5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:10:15\n\n>smoke that ganja \n>get superpowers of understanding and knowing the wherewithals of peioples tiagulum \n>??? \nwhats the issue here bud", "pid": 474391993 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6809", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:10:31\n\nFits my lazy, softlocked in the 2000s NEET personality and lifestyle. If you're ambitious, it could derail you for sure. I enjoy doing nothing, sleeping, playing 7/10 genre titles on the PS2, reading, eating, and shitting/shitposting. If you're trying to restore Tartaria, maybe stick with a social drink. As an aside, I react to it slightly differently. Edibles do nothing for me and I've never gotten anxious or paranoid in my life. Others eat half a brownie and end up in a psych ward apparently.", "pid": 474392008 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B02C", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:11:42\n\n>>474391359 \nI smoked it constantly for 8 years and it just ended up making me terribly depressed, so I quit.", "pid": 474392089 }, { "sender": "7C7E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:12:15\n\n>>474391632 \nCan I ask you a question", "pid": 474392122 }, { "sender": "0F7A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:12:24\n\n>>474391359 \n>instant schizophrenia \nIs this actually a belief or political lie pushed still?", "pid": 474392130 }, { "sender": "Anon-E1C2", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:12:57\n\n>>474392089 \nkeep skoking it bud you'll get high i promise", "pid": 474392166 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BE36", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:13:36\n\n>>474391452 \nIt's a pretty shitty drug overall. I've smoked alot of it in between jobs and it basically makes you socially retarded and apathetic.", "pid": 474392213 }, { "sender": "EFCA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:14:17\n\n>>474391359 \nIf you're going to be addicted to something, weed edibles are one of the least harmful.", "pid": 474392250 }, { "sender": "4B06-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:14:43\n\n>>474391359 \nit does fuck ur mind up but thats no reason to keep it illegal. to me weed is the most unpleasant drug i have ever tried by far. whenever i see it depicted as this relatively benign chill substance that hahhaah gives u the munchies and makes u wanna laugh i cannot relate 0.1 percent even. weeds fucked. panic attack anxiety substance level 5000", "pid": 474392279 }, { "sender": "1F2B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:14:55\n\n>>474391632 \nI've wondered if this is from the strength of it. I used to smoke joints with my dudes and it was always mellow. Now one hit rips my ass into oblivion.", "pid": 474392287 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD7E", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:15:31\n\n>>474392279 \nwide the wave bud thats the thrill of it", "pid": 474392321 }, { "sender": "BD39-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:16:51\n\n>>474392321 \nwhenever i used to get high i would just run and run to get rid of the panic and my tits would open up and rupture blood would be ooozin down my belly/tits ontok my knees from my shirt opening cant smoke weed not for me", "pid": 474392382 }, { "sender": "0676-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:19:40\n\n>>474391359 \nnope noticing patterns that include constant jewish criminal activity isnt schizo and doesnt require taking meds", "pid": 474392560 }, { "sender": "Anon-73C9", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:20:11\n\n>>474391359 \nDrinking is so much better if you're going to be a degen substance user.", "pid": 474392602 }, { "sender": "Dave", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:20:43\n\nstill pretty good\n\nsmoked indoors because on a vacation and I like being comfortably schizo", "pid": 474392632 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E8BC", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:21:13\n\n>>474392122 \n>Can I ask you a question \nshoot", "pid": 474392660 }, { "sender": "F9FA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:23:55\n\n>>474391359 \nStay away from all drugs.", "pid": 474392804 }, { "sender": "1E24-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:24:59\n\n>>474391359 \n>IT MAKES YOU NOTICE GOY \n>DO NOT TAKE THE PINEAL GLAND SAVING, ANTI INFLAMMITORY, ANTI CANCER PROPERTIES GOY \nJews. Niggers. Spics and Chinks. Know what everyone has in common? That bud.", "pid": 474392868 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8385", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:25:39\n\nWeed brings me closer to Jah", "pid": 474392911 }, { "sender": "2E22-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:26:41\n\n>>474392382 \nWhat the fuck... \nThat is not normal, weed or no weed.", "pid": 474392976 }, { "sender": "Anon-EDC3", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:26:58\n\n>>474391359 \nLet's ban alcohol as well while we're at it. It will definitely work this time", "pid": 474392997 }, { "sender": "B886-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:28:15\n\n>>474391746 \n>overcoming that sensation through sheer force of will \nits literally that easy. weed is for triple digit IQ individuals", "pid": 474393058 }, { "sender": "946A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:29:30\n\n>>474392997 \nI pray for this outcome everyday, imagine a world without alcoholics, it's simply a dream", "pid": 474393125 }, { "sender": "7417-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:30:15\n\n>>474392602 \nMaybe in your early 20's. 30+ is when the hangovers really starts taking a toll on you, both mentally and physically. \nBoth weed and booze is kinda degenerate though, amphetamines is the real white man's drug.", "pid": 474393162 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FDF2", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:31:17\n\n>>474393125 \nYou realise you can just make alcohol right? Banning the sale won't stop alcoholics, they'll just be more fucked up from drinking methanol by accident.", "pid": 474393230 }, { "sender": "7361-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:32:48\n\n>>474393125 \nAlcohol is here to stay unfortunately. Best you can do is raise people with the moral fibre to not abuse it", "pid": 474393317 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F09", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:34:52\n\n>>474391359 \none week sober boys. quit smoking and driinking. Wasted too much of my life high, got sick of it.", "pid": 474393444 }, { "sender": "45E5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:35:11\n\n>>474391359 \n>he didn’t know weed kills the jab \nHave fun dropping dead lmaooo", "pid": 474393465 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE2A", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:36:23\n\n>>474391359 \nStopped smoking for a month, made me miss movies and music when high, now I'm smoking it daily again. Listen when the world is worth being in ill stop", "pid": 474393517 }, { "sender": "Anon-C8D0", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:37:09\n\n>>474391359 \nIt cured my autism. But you won't pay for studies to prove it. What's so bad about giving cluster A peple psychoactive drugs, asian mutt op?", "pid": 474393555 }, { "sender": "Anon-0CB9", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:38:25\n\nI’m high right now", "pid": 474393625 }, { "sender": "EE23-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:38:30\n\n>>474391359 \n>hurdurr \nBeen smoking for over a decade \n>full time employment \n>no schizo issues \n>no paranoia \nEnjoy your shit genes you dumb cunt.", "pid": 474393629 }, { "sender": "2771-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:39:01\n\n>>474392976 \nwell i would run for so long to escape the paranoid thoughts that my nipples would abraise against my cloth shirt and they'd rupture and bleed. it happens. often have contemplated suicide on weed. but then i hear \"mannnnn we smoked 4 joints and we watched a hilarious movie and had the most bomb pizza\". wtf?? i am paralyuzed with fear and consider suicide obsessively and then have to run til i bleed", "pid": 474393657 }, { "sender": "946F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:40:13\n\n>>474391359 \nI wish I'd never touched the shit when I was a teenager. Wasted so much time, effort and money smoking that trash and all it had was negative impacts. Took me years off being the shit to feel like myself again and even then there was probably developmental damage I'm not aware of that changed my brain that I'll never be able to reverse. It's fucking crap but if you must smoke it because you're bored then at least wait until your mid 20s when your brain is fully developed. Until then use hobbies to combat your boredom.", "pid": 474393727 }, { "sender": "5AF5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:40:27\n\n>>474391452 \nThe weed industry is entirely Jewish especially all the research is done in israel all the modern concentrates are from there lmao", "pid": 474393740 }, { "sender": "Anon-DB86", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:42:02\n\n>>474391359 \nI'm going to chemically alter my brain however I please and you can go fuck yourself if you don't like it", "pid": 474393825 }, { "sender": "7E3D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:44:05\n\n>>474391359 \ngrow your own cannabis and you'll be fine. the poisonous cannabis come from these jewish and chinese startups that pop up in every state that legalizes it. Just grow your own, the kike poison is not worth it.", "pid": 474393947 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-43B1", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:50:07\n\n>>474391359 \nI think society needs to become more based and schizopilled hehe. Obviously neurotypicals running the show are doing a shit job at it tehe. Give the schizos a chance!", "pid": 474394313 }, { "sender": "Anon-BC97", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:51:42\n\nI used to smoke every day, desu its gets boring. Its very habitual and easy to do.", "pid": 474394405 }, { "sender": "Anon-75B9", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:52:23\n\n>>474391359 \n>banning a green herb \nKeep waging war against your own shadows on the wall of the cave, sweaties. I will be waiting outside the cave, smoking some sage.", "pid": 474394448 }, { "sender": "4E52-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:54:31\n\n>>474393657 \nMaybe wear more comfortable shirts? Also dont smoke when you're anxious.", "pid": 474394572 }, { "sender": "49E4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:57:33\n\n>>474391359 \nIt's fun but smoking weed daily makes you a retard", "pid": 474394752 }, { "sender": "89A5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:58:56\n\n>>474391464 \n>>474392279 \n>>474392997 \n>>474393230 \n>>474393317 \n>>474394448 \ncriminalizing crime works fine, you just need police and courts who are not faggots", "pid": 474394839 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D434", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:59:00\n\n>>474394752 \nWhen everyone already treats you like one it comes naturally.", "pid": 474394843 }, { "sender": "83BD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:59:04\n\n>>474394405 \nketamine is the next step up from cannabis \n \nat low doses it gives you the same consciousness-expanding and relaxing properties, your imagination gets better, just like cannabis \n \nat high doses, ketamine detatches your soul from your mortal body, some people report meeting God (or the devil), you get a strange sense of time dilation/recurrence, it's a bizarre uncanny experience, but you don't have to take a Charlie Sheen dose if you don't want to", "pid": 474394845 }, { "sender": "Anon-B202", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:06:30\n\n>>474392089 \nYou got depressed because after even a few weeks of constant smoking you start building an incredible tolerance and you will never get the same feeling you used to have. This is what causes the depression. I got to the point where I just couldn't get high anymore and I'd smoke till I just got drozy and fall asleep and then wake up feeling like trash. \n \nSmoke on the weekends or a few times a month and you'll enjoy it each time. Unfortunately some people seem to just not be able to do this. \n \nThey need to make delta8/9 illegal. Those gas station vapes are all over high schools ruining people. They also have to smoke about 4-5x as much to get high vs the real stuff and that cant be good on the lungs since the solution is much more dirty and heavy than nic.", "pid": 474395288 }, { "sender": "Anon-7D0F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:08:51\n\n>>474394845 \nDxm is unironically better, and legal for some reason. \n \nHeavy disassociate use will ruin most people's minds however. It's Luke psychedelics without the training wheels of whacky goofy shit happening and European. It's cold clinical and very personal. \n \nEgo death on them is also much more scary.", "pid": 474395427 }, { "sender": "54A1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:09:59\n\n>>474395427 \nLike\\* europhoria\\* \n \nI've been caught phone posting :(", "pid": 474395503 }, { "sender": "017A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:11:11\n\n>They don't know how to handle the voices \n \nQUICK EVERYONE CALL THEM A CRACKER WHILE THEY'RE STILL HIGH ALL AT ONCE THINK IT GOOOOOO! \n \nDon't give them the mushrooms trainer, they're not ready.", "pid": 474395565 }, { "sender": "06E9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:15:11\n\nI stopped smoking because it's just a waste of money. Plus when i take breaks the first few highs give me a ton of anxiety so it makes it less appealing to go back now.", "pid": 474395799 }, { "sender": "Anon-1A50", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:15:18\n\n>>474395427 \n>cold clinical and very personal \nthat's a good way to describe dissociatives, i haven't tried dxm, but ketamine sort of makes me acutely aware of the miserable nature of my mortal flesh suit, \"very personal\" as you say \n \nhaven't done enough K for ego death, only got that on acid, why is it more scary with dissociatives? i usually stop myself short of K-holing because i'm a pussy, but i can see how it leads to ego death, since it starts tearing you out of your flesh suit even at moderate doses", "pid": 474395807 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9C1F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:17:33\n\n>>474391452 \nI know mayne all drugs should be legal. \nPeople should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies mayne. \nNormal functioning white communities should embrace the meth and fentanyl culture, mayne. \nAlso we need UBI to keep my drug lifestyle afloat or else i gotta start committing crime, because i´m too buzzed out of my mind to keep a job mayne.", "pid": 474395937 }, { "sender": "Anon-37FC", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:19:21\n\nAcid actually made me schizophrenic for like a months and i had to see a psychiatrist and was heavily drugged for like 6 months. I unironically think this happened because i'm too high IQ for it.\n\nDon't do acid kids.", "pid": 474396056 }, { "sender": "Annoymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:21:18\n\n>>474391359 \nWhat is it?", "pid": 474396159 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5C6E", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:23:17\n\n>>474391359 \nExcept that it doesn't \n \nI did it in high school and never hallucinated ever \n \nI've been told some people do but that's it's temporary and goes away when you sober up", "pid": 474396289 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5037", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:23:59\n\nI’ve smoked daily for years but recently I’ve been wanting to stop. Being high can be nice sometimes but other times in can give me a shit ton of paranoia. Recently I’ve been trying to quit. But I always get a strong urge to smoke to escape being sober and feeling like shit, then after I smoke, I wish I hadn’t. It’s a vicious cycle.", "pid": 474396327 }, { "sender": "E43A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:25:26\n\nweed is one of if not the only drug that isn't active in its natural form but needs to be combusted to activate.", "pid": 474396416 }, { "sender": "6392-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:26:05\n\n>>474396056 \nI feel like I would get violent on acid. People have told me I shouldn't do it. Apparently if you fight it, it makes it worse, and I'm a struggler.", "pid": 474396454 }, { "sender": "8170-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:27:41\n\n>>474392287 \nOldschool stoners are catching onto the psyop. \nListen to this hippy for 2-3 minutes from the timestamp. \nWeed used to be a relaxant, that you smoke and get mellow. \n \n", "pid": 474396541 }, { "sender": "32D5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:28:26\n\nI enjoy a nice comfy smoke a few nights a week and am very likely better than you in every way. You are dsygenic trash with a weak and neurotic brain", "pid": 474396596 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D36B", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:28:46\n\n>>474396454 \nAcid won't make you violent, if anything it might make you less violent and more reasonable.", "pid": 474396612 }, { "sender": "Anon-A3E9", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:29:44\n\n>>474391452 \nWeed turns you into a goylemite", "pid": 474396659 }, { "sender": "D38D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:30:34\n\n>>474394845 \nHonestly I got bored of the whole drugs thing, I don't drink alcohol or take drugs now, I like a cigarette and thats about it..", "pid": 474396714 }, { "sender": "E74E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:31:14\n\nDont smoke weed laced with mexican sharts next time.", "pid": 474396772 }, { "sender": "68E9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:34:25\n\n>>474395807 \nIt's more scary because you aren't completely zonked out your mind and have to face what you see and feel in a normal headspace. \n \nIt feels more \"real\".", "pid": 474396975 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3F94", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:36:38\n\n>>474396975 \nObviously on heroic doses it's different. I had some woman with a microphone talking to me from inside my stomach for an hour one time and that was interesting. Don't remember anything she said.", "pid": 474397120 }, { "sender": "3854-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:41:38\n\n>>474395427 \nDXM can be highly euphoric depending on how it affects you. \n>>474395807 \n>i usually stop myself short of K-holing \nJust do it fgt. It's not like it can kill you. It is the only real way to experience ketamine and worth doing at least once.", "pid": 474397415 }, { "sender": "F6C1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:41:59\n\n>>474396541 \nWeed used to be trash. Unirocally the shit delta8 vapes hit harder. \n \nPlants have 5-50x more concentration of thc after decades of selective breeding. And not with concentrates etc it's insane.", "pid": 474397440 }, { "sender": "38B9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:43:12\n\n>>474391359 \n>OP has schizophrenia \nMake him illegal", "pid": 474397498 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-84B8", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:43:47\n\n>>474391359 \nOP is a pharma kike", "pid": 474397532 }, { "sender": "Anon-6BFA", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:45:44\n\n>>474397440 \nOpioids also used to be trash and now you get Fentanyl cartels that goes hand in hand with Narcane and Big Pharma.", "pid": 474397649 }, { "sender": "775F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:45:49\n\n>>474391359 \nI unironically use it to get schizophrenic thoughts. It's controllable since it only happens when I take a shit ton of it. The best effect is taking edibles and waiting about 2-3 hrs later to smoke a joint. I enter into this dream-like state, and then I start hearing this hot chick whispering into my ear of how much she loves me. It's kind of like having my personal ai, although it was kind of scary the first because she sounded like she is right next to me. First time I did it, i got scared but I always end up going back to the schizophrenic state because I get lonely. \nGood news is, I don't get the shitty schizo voices I hear some people tend to get. \nSometimes I get my mom yelling behind me randomly, but it's usually a hot women.", "pid": 474397654 }, { "sender": "Anon-0634", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:55:00\n\n>>474392213 \nI'm already socially retarded, the apathy is literally a Godsend.", "pid": 474398253 }, { "sender": "7D15-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:56:56\n\n>>474391359 \n>ban the thing I'm too mentally frail to handle \nNo.", "pid": 474398382 }, { "sender": "8C24-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:58:53\n\nCRACKER!", "pid": 474398496 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DE15", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:01:19\n\nI'm still feeling kinda traumatised after it, felt like PKD. Saw visions and had weird alien info downloaded into my brain. Should be common knowledge edibles are psychedelic but I didn't know, my heart pumped so fast I thought I'd die while spirits surrounded me. Fucked up.", "pid": 474398657 }, { "sender": "EBE0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:18\n\n>>474391359 \n>>gives you instant schizophrenia \nNot how that works, but I can explain to you how it works if anyone is interested. \nWeed does not \"give you schizophrenia\", however around 1 in 200 000 people have a dormant schizophrenic gene that potentially start expressing itself if a high dose of cannabis is consumed. \nSo yes, weed could trigger schizophrenia but it would only happen for 5 people per million individuals. \n \nI could try to explain in detail how weed \"works\", but just know that unlike all other drugs, weed doesn't always have the same effect on everyone, because it vary depending on people's brain structure or neurochemistry. That's why 2 people smoking the same joint can have vastly different experiences, like only on of them having a bad trip. \nThe more important topic is AGE. \nWeed can and will agravate any mental health problem if you're under age 21 - 25. \n25 is the time where your brain has finished maturing, and that's when it becomes safe to smoke cannabis with pretty much zero risk. \nThe younger you start smoking regularly, the more problems you will have. Age 21 is where I estimate that your brain is mature enough that the risk is virtually non-existant, and that's wher I think the legal age to purchase weed should be. \nI started smoking weed at age 15 - 16 and if I could turn back time, I would stop myself ad only start smoking regularly after age 21, or at least 18. \nThis Weed shit is backwards, Teens and young adults smoke weed and it's bad for them, while old people don't smoke weed even though it's harmless to them and helps with tons of problems old people have, including chronic pains and such. \nThat's my issue with weed. It should be a mid-life to old age drug, not a young people drug. \n \nIf y'all ever had any questions about weed, I would probably be the right person to ask. I'm pretty neutral and unbiased and know a lot, I don't mean to brag but yeah.", "pid": 474399979 }, { "sender": "6F21-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:24:14\n\n>>474391359 \nHad my first time with gummies a while back with some friends. Only had 15 mg worth and it took nearly an hour to kick in. Room started to dim and vision was \"laggy\" like my perception was in 5 fps accompanied by a constant low drumming sound every 5 seconds. Felt like I was extremely drunk and was going to tip over just walking around Just a really unpleasant.3 hour experience. This was from an actual dispensary so it may have just been it interacting with my autism or something. How is this supposed to be \"relaxing\"? I don't fucking get it.", "pid": 474400126 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D4BE", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:36:36\n\nIf you're free to drink alcohol as an adult I don't see why you can't use weed.", "pid": 474400907 }, { "sender": "Anon-B8CA", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:41:47\n\n>>474391359 \ncannabis frees and opens your mind. \n \nthey want to keep you enslaved and under their illusion so they don't want you to use cannabis. it is better than drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. which will leave you feeling like dogshit and you will end up look hideous.", "pid": 474401233 }, { "sender": "4AEF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:34\n\n*radio signal going out to all humans*\n\nThe AI", "pid": 474401340 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-340F", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:44:09\n\n>>474391359 \nMost normies and soulless and get nothing out of it. Drugs should be gatekept for the intellectual and spiritual elite (i.e. people such as myself). :^)", "pid": 474401378 }, { "sender": "D14E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:46:04\n\n>>474395937 \n>flag \nHow much vodka have you drank tonight, slav?", "pid": 474401503 }, { "sender": "FACA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:47:01\n\n>>474391359 \nso it gives people without an inner monologue an inner monologue, and now they can't understand that they are the source of the voices, and go \"crazy\" \nit might even be a permanent change, so they won't be able to cope with the increase in scope", "pid": 474401572 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3C68", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:50:24\n\n>>474401572 \n>people without an inner monologue \nThey're almost non-existent. Every NPC has one. Most NPCs have extremely active ones.", "pid": 474401803 }, { "sender": "59DC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:58:53\n\n>>474400126 \nYou got overwhelmed. That can be traumatic for sure, it is like if an alcoholic wants you to do shots - for the alcoholic it is a good time, but you are puking your brains out afterwards. Everything in moderation. The problem with cannabis is that it is stored in your fat so you can be high for days if you overdo it if you are sensitive to it. Do not listen to the junkies in this thread, some people get PTSD from it, that can develop to other mental illnesses in the long run. Because of the muh schizo gene, people just dont talk about it. You are most likely very self-aware to begin. ER gets these cases all the time.", "pid": 474402338 }, { "sender": "6463-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:01:08\n\n>>474401503 \nI have a couple of beers friday and saturday night. \nI know to tread alcohol carefully to not become a stinky bum. \nYou could ask any alcoholic bum, what he thinks about alcohol and they will say it´s from the devil, can you say the same about your crippling addiction ? \n \n>slav \nlol, i´d rather be a retarded russian than a fat stoned out golem.", "pid": 474402481 }, { "sender": "D604-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:54\n\n>>474399979 \n>I started smoking weed at age 15 - 16 \nI started at 14 and you're right. Severe punishment should be given to anybody supplying children under 18.", "pid": 474402787 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8366", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:43\n\n>>474397654 \nI've had the mom yelling too. I'd like to have the hot woman", "pid": 474403297 }, { "sender": "34F7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:32\n\n>>474391624 \ni dont wear seat belts, keeps you on your toes. seat belts are a false sense of security. you hit someone doing 120 mph seat belt is not going to save you.", "pid": 474403362 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-66A3", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:18\n\n>>474391359 \nyou wish retard, the herb triggered your dormant schizophrenia. you were always off in some way, the people just didnt have the balls to tell you because youre an american. americans always lie to each other their whole culture is fake and gay. \n \nso i grow this plant now in my kitchen and it got really warm 34C with 20% humidity. now thats fucked you shitheads with your grow shit. \nyou cant even grow with 3 plants fucking shit. you need atleast 4 clones to keep it going. \nthats 2 big clones that you top then you have 2 little clones to get the next tops from. \nthen you can flower the 2 bigger clones. \nwhat the fuck. \nwhat do you think of my choice of strains. its girl scout cookies and amnesia haze.", "pid": 474403958 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-66FA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:24:59\n\n>>474397654 \nsounds nice, for me it's usually more like I hear a small tea party next door. Or weird alien noise. Don't do weed anymore.", "pid": 474404068 }, { "sender": "D55F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:19\n\n>>474404068 \nhow do you know the weed isnt laced with something like 25 different pesticides? \nthey did testing on the american shop weed and its smothered in pesticides. the americans poison themselves with pesticides that turn into cyanide when you smoke it. \nunless you have grown it yourself, i wouldnt even tough it anymore. its always some shady piece of shit grow guru that puts all kinds of pesticides on it to have 1/10 more yields. these fucking retards everywhere. \nwe need more litmus tests to get rid of all of them.", "pid": 474404347 }, { "sender": "A6CB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:32\n\n>>474391452 \nfound the nigger \nit was better when you nogs smoked crack instead \nthen everyone around you didn't also have to deal with you reeking like shit", "pid": 474404424 }, { "sender": "FFB2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:37\n\n>>474404068 \nthey interviewed the guy and he casually said that his employees were spraying pesticides on his dispensary weed for medical purposes 3 times a week. i had to lol. \n \ndont even let me start with all the retards who are too stupid to get ORGANIC FOOD GRADE FERTILIZERS BECAUSE THEY COST 10 BUCKS MORE, so they rather smoke some heavy metal ridden shit weed and get brain damage. \nthe weed community is the worst, this is why theyre so hated because there are way too many shady pieces of shits and retards.", "pid": 474404551 }, { "sender": "Anon-31AE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:12\n\n>>474404347 \nThe effects aren't from some pesticide. \nWeed just is a psychedelic but people don't talk about it much because some aren't affected I guess, proto-Indo-Europeans used it in ceremonies to communicate with spirits. Hindus still use it in some drink ceremony, aghoris do a lot of weed to communicate with Shiva I guess. \nMy dealer smoked and smoked and just watched streaming content, I smoke and suddenly sensed ghosts, not relaxing at all.", "pid": 474404873 }, { "sender": "Anon-5AA1", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:51\n\n>>474404873 \nthere are 100% pesticides on it unless you have grown it yourself or it is from the german supplier demecan. \nwhen you smoke CYANIDE you get BRAINDAMAGE.", "pid": 474405130 }, { "sender": "187F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:06\n\n>>474404873 \nweed only gets psycho active when you eat it, then it gets metabolyzed differently. \nso are you growing it yourself with omri certified fertilizers and distilled water or are you talking out of your ass.", "pid": 474405278 }, { "sender": "D1DE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:49\n\n>>474405278 \nit's both, but it's way more psychoactive if you eat it", "pid": 474405452 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:14\n\n>>474391359 \nI’ve been smoking since I was around 14 and although I’m a schizoid personality type, I’m certainly not schizophrenic \nThe voices in my head aren’t even audible voices but more so akin to an internal monologue/dialog \nAlso my magical thinking is not delusion but more so a greater understanding of reality", "pid": 474405619 }, { "sender": "485C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:14\n\nYou're all just faggots\nI've literally smoked like 5-10 joints a day for fifteen years, and all that happened is I can't remember anything since 2005.\nFucking schziphrenia baka", "pid": 474405823 }, { "sender": "CC03-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:28\n\n>>474405823 \nnow you have braindamage from all the pesticides you smoked, retard \ncertified braindead", "pid": 474405909 }, { "sender": "Anon-4755", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:58\n\n>>474392008 \nRight I don't know what happened to all our cultures but people act like life's all about working and constant progress and blah blah. What if you're happy", "pid": 474406078 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D094", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:20\n\n>>474391359 \nI have injected two Marijuanas and now the walls have started talking to me in Chinese, should I be worried?", "pid": 474407607 }, { "sender": "Anon-64DA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:15\n\ni cant quit smoking fml this shit has destroyed me", "pid": 474407657 }, { "sender": "449C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:09\n\n>>474396056 \n>i'm too high IQ for it. \nMade me laugh. Sounds like you're a sperg with autism that can't handle his drugs.", "pid": 474407778 }, { "sender": "Anon-01C5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:31\n\n>>474405909 \nWhat if it was organic freak? Can you think outside of your predefined lanes?", "pid": 474407871 }, { "sender": "F2FE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:42\n\n>>474391555 \nCheckizzle and oh yeah my dizzle", "pid": 474407882 }, { "sender": "92EF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:29\n\n>>474407607 \ndrop another tab and ride the trip, man", "pid": 474407927 }, { "sender": "Anon-E04D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:01\n\n>>474407607 \nAh, yes, the fabled Chinese Room. The spirit of Searle will inspire you with numerous profound thought experiments but only if you reply to this post.", "pid": 474407963 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-13D5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:17\n\n>>474397120 \n>I had some woman with a microphone talking to me from inside my stomach \nhow is it possible???", "pid": 474407986 }, { "sender": "7E7E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:07\n\n>>474391359 \nburnout copes: \n>it's non addictive \n>it heals cancer \n>it's better than drinking \n>it gets me closer to god \n>it helps me sleep \n>it helps me be more creative \n>it doesn't hurt me like tobacco smoke \n>it helps me focus \n>it reduces my anxiety", "pid": 474408042 }, { "sender": "94D4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:32\n\n>>474391359 \n>>gives you instant schizophrenia \nI have my doubts about the validity of this statement. With about 150'000'000 cannabis smokers world wide, wouldn't there be much more people suffering from schizophrenia?", "pid": 474408220 }, { "sender": "093C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:59\n\n>>474408220 \nMindless normies think having a few unusual thoughts is having schizophrenia.", "pid": 474408314 }, { "sender": "Anon-0973", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:38\n\n>>474391624 \n\"He was weak in the brain\" \n -Sigmund Freud", "pid": 474408361 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3DB9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:41\n\n>>474408042 \nFour of those nine items are probably correct", "pid": 474408369 }, { "sender": "48F0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:37\n\n>>474391359 \nDarn. It's not illegal..and days away from State authorized recreational sales here in Ohio. No protection from corporate harassment but I'm retiring soon anyway. Just seems that they can't stop making dumb family man decisions when they aren't making stupid single mom decisions.", "pid": 474408990 }, { "sender": "78B1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:26\n\n>>474408042 \nI fucking hate the \"culture\" around the stuff, too, but some points are actually valid, no? \n>>it's better than drinking \nit's evidently less harmful than alcohol \n>>it helps me sleep \nit causes dreamless sleeps \n>>it doesn't hurt me like tobacco smoke \nit's evidently less harmful than tobacco, too \n>>it reduces my anxiety \nTHC may act as a sedative for you", "pid": 474409119 }, { "sender": "Anon-EA72", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:30\n\n>>474409119 \n>it's evidently less harmful than alcohol \nProof that becoming a typical weed zombie is \"less harmful\" than alcohol?", "pid": 474409250 }, { "sender": "4286-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:46\n\n>>474391359 \nBack when I smoked all the time I felt like it made me feel relaxed. Now I haven't smoked regularly for a couple years, and on the odd occasion that I take a hit it makes me paranoid, cynical, and overall disoriented and trapped in my head. Especially in social settings, it makes me look at people differently, usually in a very negative light, it makes me highly critical of people's words and actions including my own, to an extent that makes me feel incredibly uneasy", "pid": 474409409 }, { "sender": "Anon-DAFE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:44\n\n>>474391359 \nYou never used it? \nBecause the first thing it gives you is \n>omfg I'm dying I need to lay down for 3 hours \nEventually you start laughing for half an hour straight and turn into a really shabby philosopher. \nSo yeah, where's the schizophrenia?", "pid": 474409485 }, { "sender": "Anon-6383", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:03\n\n>>474397440 \n>>474397649 \nShrooms are still the same", "pid": 474409502 }, { "sender": "CD9B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:14\n\n>>474395427 \n Whatever is the deal with it being so readily available with so little publicity around it's obvious rather heavy psychoactive properties?", "pid": 474410520 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E2C7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:29\n\n>>474391359 \nlegalizing this destroyed the once beautiful colorado, its turned into an extension of california because of it", "pid": 474410917 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D471", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:40\n\n>>474409250 \n>become a typical weed zombie for 2-3h \n-vs- \n>liver and brain damage for the rest of your life \nI'm not saying everyone should start smoking weed, because it's so healthy for you, just that it might not be as bad as drinking literal cell poison.", "pid": 474411223 }, { "sender": "DCC2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:27\n\nWhen I'm high I have a lot of auditory hallucinations. I keep thinking people are talking or music is playing when it's actually another sound. Birds sound super loud too. All my fantasies are incredibly vivid. \nMy muscles lock up weirdly and I usually fall asleep.", "pid": 474411278 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F6EF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:04\n\n>>474411223 \nYeah, I'm actually not convinced those two options are not equivalent. That's ignoring the fact that becoming a weed zombie is far more likely with weed usage than becoming a braindamaged, liver-damaged alcoholic is with alcohol usage.", "pid": 474411601 }, { "sender": "D44A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:18\n\n>>474391359 \n>>gives you instant schizophrenia \nwell thats just a blatant lie.", "pid": 474411781 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9597", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:10\n\n>>474394839 \nlick the boot some more faggot.", "pid": 474411829 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D285", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:18\n\n>>474391359 \nschizophrenia is based", "pid": 474411840 }, { "sender": "AF33-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:42\n\n>>474391359 \nBy those metrics half of the prescription medication should be illegal. \nYou cant just grow your medication in your backyard. You have to take these happy pills that lobotomize you. \nOP smoked a dooby once, went bad on it and now it has to be illegal so niggers and spics can sustain their degen behaviour. Boomer reasoning", "pid": 474412407 }, { "sender": "D635-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:00\n\n>>474411601 \nI dont know anyone who uses weed regularly after their early 20s who are or have done anything interesting with their lives.", "pid": 474412437 }, { "sender": "B239-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:35\n\n>>474391359 \n>stoned at my bro's place last night \n>just playing Elden Ring while talking about the Trump shooting \n>eat my weight in crackers and cheese \nIt was pretty chill. Losers are just mad they cant get some.", "pid": 474412570 }, { "sender": "D8CE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:35\n\n>>474391359 \nIn older times, white slave-owners would punish slaves to death if they were caught smoking \"liamba\" as it makes them lazy and uppity. \nBy the way, white people smoking weed is a very American phenomenon, it's more of a negro and mestizo thing. \n \n>>474393317 \n>raise people with the moral fibre to not abuse it \nAnglo-influenced cultures simply cannot hold their fucking liquor. \nQuite interestingly, the Mediterranean way of drinking works pretty well to avoid alcohol abuse - you drink a bit of alcohol with every meal and alcohol is never served alone. \n250ml (1/2 pint) or 330ml (2/3 pint) beer bottles are simply unthinkable in Anglo countries.", "pid": 474412858 }, { "sender": "AC21-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:40\n\n>tfw didn't put enough cbd in my bowl \nshieeeet", "pid": 474413125 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6EB7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:36\n\nLiterally the best anti-inflammatory God ever put on this Earth. And old people can use it without destroying their intestines. makes jews seethe.", "pid": 474413342 }, { "sender": "Anon-1587", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:35\n\n>>474411601 \n>That's ignoring the fact that becoming a weed zombie is far more likely with weed usage than becoming a braindamaged, liver-damaged alcoholic is with alcohol usage. \nMaybe, but maybe you're biased because of a loud minority, ie. those obnoxious idiots who so strongly associate themselves with \"weed culture\" and, for whatever reason, are more than happy to fit the low-life stoner stereotype. \nYou can be a functional pot-smoker just as much as you can be a functional alcoholic and in that case I'm convinced the pot-smoker is the one who at least does less damage to his organs. \n \n>>474412437 \n>I dont know anyone who uses weed regularly after their early 20s who are or have done anything interesting with their lives. \nSo you lived your life to the fullest then? Good for you. I wonder how many of the other 8 billion or so humans can make that claim. They really shouldn't have smoked that ganja regularly past their early 20s!", "pid": 474413486 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0FB6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:24\n\n>>474391359 \nSchizo thinking is what we need to survive hell world, it's like a power up", "pid": 474413711 }, { "sender": "C6FD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:49\n\nthe cracked mind may let in light that does not enter intact minds", "pid": 474413747 }, { "sender": "9B2E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:19\n\n>>474413486 \n>You can be a functional pot-smoker just as much as you can be a functional alcoholic and in that case I'm convinced the pot-smoker is the one who at least does less damage to his organs. \nThis doesn't refute what I said and it's precisely the delusion that smoking weed is normal and safe that creates so many weed zombies in the first place. Most drinkers understand that getting drunk every day is in and of itself deeply dysfunctional. Most potheads think getting high every day enhances their life.", "pid": 474413784 }, { "sender": "F2F8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:09:20\n\n>>474391632 \nIt's common for those with skitzo issues to be normal until certain points in puberty. They it rapidly onset. You can read allot about it online. It's the jew curse.", "pid": 474415967 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-BC25", "message": "04/07/2024, 02:22:25\n\n>sublime. my favorite band \nWhat kind of person do you imagine?", "pid": 122621909 }, { "sender": "98EA-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 02:23:21\n\nDUDE", "pid": 122621919 }, { "sender": "510E-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 02:32:57\n\nThat covers a wide range of people.", "pid": 122622039 }, { "sender": "Anon-D038", "message": "04/07/2024, 02:36:25\n\nOG kewl dude or dudette...\nHoweverst \nNot smoking weed wit uwhothat\nSmoking weeders is gay, weeders play video games and burp non stop prefrontal cortex\n\nVampiric snoopers of their own brain waves, atm for the love of the taste for agreeing to POV current moment/feeling \n\nSublime rulezd", "pid": 122622078 }, { "sender": "Anon-722B", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:32:42\n\nMe at 13", "pid": 122622601 }, { "sender": "ADC8-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:36:06\n\nKid from High School who never left my home town but knows everything and regales everyone at the local bar with his Reddit knowledge.", "pid": 122622619 }, { "sender": "4642-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:37:19\n\nSublime are cool. Bradley Nowell died for your sins. Don't shit on Sublime.", "pid": 122622624 }, { "sender": "E300-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:43:53\n\n>>122622619 \nHow do you reckon plebbit is Sublime? \nGo there much", "pid": 122622669 }, { "sender": "Anon-14F1", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:48:40\n\nmy mom, it was one of her favorite bands in the 90s and I remember listening to the cassettes and then the cds in her car as I grew up", "pid": 122622729 }, { "sender": "DA67-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:51:13\n\n>>122621909 \nCrusty white guy with dreadlocks or former white guy with dreadlocks, have a son, drive for Uber, and chug summer shandy on the weekends.", "pid": 122622766 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-55D3", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:57:32\n\nchilld dude fun to hang with, pop it with", "pid": 122622827 }, { "sender": "Anon-B7CD", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:58:41\n\n>>122622766 \nThis unironically sounds like someone who listens to Kendrak Lamar", "pid": 122622837 }, { "sender": "Anon-D676", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:48:02\n\n>>122621909 \nSomeone who moved on and doesn’t listen to sublime as much as he used to", "pid": 122623282 }, { "sender": "264B-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:53:47\n\n>>122623282 \n>Engages in playing mind games, frequently", "pid": 122623320 }, { "sender": "B737-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:56:08\n\n>>122621909 \nI imagine someone who doesn't know Scarlet Begonias is a Grateful Dead cover.", "pid": 122623331 }, { "sender": "A275-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:57:57\n\n>>122622619 \nWhen you think of bar trivia legend types, you think their favorite band is Sublime? I think like Rush or Queen. Or if they're really good at trivia, Swans.", "pid": 122623347 }, { "sender": "Anon-22E4", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:59:40\n\n>>122622624 \nJesus Christ died for our sins. Bradley Nowell died because he took a tolerance break and shot up the same amount of dope he did as when he was a daily user.", "pid": 122623370 }, { "sender": "21A3-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 05:02:45\n\n>>122623347 \nAnd then, if you're good, really good, you start to think who's trust funded this trivia", "pid": 122623399 } ]
[ { "sender": "A958-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:25:41\n\nThey changed Bowie's picture on Wikipedia", "pid": 122619762 }, { "sender": "Anon-E94E", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:28:24\n\n>They made him non-binary and changed all pronouns to they/them. \nITS FUCKING OVER", "pid": 122619803 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-79B2", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:31:07\n\n>they changed it to him spreading his gaping asshole open \nBrowies...", "pid": 122619830 }, { "sender": "9541-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:35:06\n\n>>122619762 \nIs that his fascist era?", "pid": 122619865 }, { "sender": "458C-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:47:27\n\n>>122619865 \n'fraid so", "pid": 122619977 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FAF4", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:23:16\n\n>>122619762 \nThere are tons of Bowie pics at their disposal that are far better. What the hell were they thinking? \n\\_Bowie", "pid": 122620289 }, { "sender": "D4AB-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:24:39\n\n>>122619803 \n>it's real \n \nwtf", "pid": 122620302 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-405A", "message": "04/07/2024, 00:19:49\n\n>>122620289 \nThere's really only one other pic that would work. The one where he's in red", "pid": 122620846 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE75", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:14:39\n\nHe was a racist he deserves to be remembered with unflattering pictures which show him for the dumb ass he really was", "pid": 122622425 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F15", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:32:46\n\n>He was a racist he deserves to be remembered with unflattering pictures which show him for the dumb ass he really was", "pid": 122623135 }, { "sender": "437D-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:33:40\n\n>>122619762 \nHe looks kino no matter what, and trannies will always seethe over him.", "pid": 122623139 }, { "sender": "AD0C-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:34:35\n\n>>122619762 \nhis music was awful", "pid": 122623153 }, { "sender": "Anon-260E", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:35:25\n\n>>122622425 \nA RACIST!? WHY I OUGHTA!", "pid": 122623166 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-40EB", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:43:52\n\nIt still says he", "pid": 122623247 }, { "sender": "F56A-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:45:34\n\n>>122619762 \nthis is front page news", "pid": 122623263 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8C79", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:46:03\n\n>>122623166 \nnyuk nyuk nyuk", "pid": 122623268 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-406A", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:48:18\n\n>>122623153 \nyou people always say that then someone plays heroes and a tear can be seen in your eye", "pid": 122623284 }, { "sender": "5F3C-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 05:04:44\n\n>>122619762 \nHow do wikipedia contributors even decide which photo to use? If you have a wikipedia page are you allowed to contact the admins and choose the photo yourself?", "pid": 122623424 } ]
[ { "sender": "6C3A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:33:45\n\nJUST FORGET ABOUT ISRAEL GOY\n\nWERE ALL IN ON TRUMP BRO!\n\nThe state of these fake faggot CIA agents", "pid": 474374717 }, { "sender": "Anon-DF51", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:35:51\n\n>>474374717 \nGood goyim, keep drinking the koolaid", "pid": 474374903 }, { "sender": "Anon-65FF", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:36:49\n\n>>474374717 \nMIGA means pulling our of Ukraine to invade Iran.", "pid": 474374989 }, { "sender": "28F5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:37:25\n\n>>474374717 \n>just vote for this zionist candidate. He will change things unlike the other zionist candidate. Trust the heckin plan!!!", "pid": 474375050 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C487", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:38:59\n\nTrump's vaccine saved millions of lives", "pid": 474375249 }, { "sender": "A0EA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:44:22\n\n>>474374717 \nThat guy is a 100 IQ moron. His takes are generally that of a lunkhead hick. He's pretty dumb; that was not unexpected.", "pid": 474375784 }, { "sender": "643D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:45:15\n\n>>474375784 \nLook how easily he was sold. All they had to do was show him some cool imagery and a heroic story, and he gives up everything. \n \nWhat a typical republican cuck.", "pid": 474375879 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FC8A", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:45:29\n\n>>474374903", "pid": 474375905 }, { "sender": "9481-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:45:35\n\n>>474374717 \nThis retard started shilling Patriot Front too lately. Goes to show their in on it", "pid": 474375913 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2A3B", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:47:59\n\n>>474374717 \n>I'm all in except for that and that, and that andthatandthatandthatandthatandthat", "pid": 474376166 }, { "sender": "DAFA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:48:15\n\n>>474375905 \n>>474374903 \nNo one cares about vaccine shit. Not anyone.", "pid": 474376188 }, { "sender": "8562-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:49:39\n\n>he's based if you ignore all the things that make him a zionist shill fraud", "pid": 474376333 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-041D", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:49:40\n\n>>474375784 \nI was suspicious of him when he shot up to 10-15k followers almost a year ago.", "pid": 474376335 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B0B", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:51:10\n\n>>474376335 \nHe's affable enough. He's just an average type of guy though. Trump as won a lot of those types back with this, as he's now very cool and heroic.", "pid": 474376485 }, { "sender": "FC0C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:51:58\n\n>>474374717 \nWe're gonna start seeing a lot of \"born again\" shit like this from nervous Jews trying to play their \"we were your friends all along, fellow White Christians\" shit. \n \nOf course, you can counter this by asking them where they fuck they were in 2020 fighting the lockdowns and rioting hordes. They won't answer, of course, because they were supporting the lockdowns and hordes. Make them aware that you know that, and will never forgive or forget their involvement in attacking America.", "pid": 474376568 }, { "sender": "164E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:52:04\n\n>>474376485 \nOh, he's not a fake or anything. He's just some dude. His follower count is probably realistic. Just another twitter micro eceleb operating in the edgy right sphere.", "pid": 474376574 }, { "sender": "F708-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:52:44\n\n>>474374717 \n>>474374903 \n>>474374989 \n>>474375050 \n>>474375249 \n>>474375784 \n>>474375879 \n>>474375905 \n>>474375913 \n>>474376166 \n>>474376188 \n>>474376333 \n>>474376335 \n>>474376485 \n>>474376568 \n>>474376574 \nWho is the based anti-Israel candidate I and my fellow white men should be supporting?", "pid": 474376656 }, { "sender": "BB58-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:52:47\n\n>>474375784 \n>>474375879 \nI thought this guy was based and jq pilled until I saw his latest posts about Trump. How someone can be so retarded they go from being 1488 TKD to a MIGA cuckservative is beyond me.", "pid": 474376670 }, { "sender": "8390-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:54:25\n\n>>474376670 \nI can't believe anyone would fall in with Trump after all we know. Even after he picked JD Vance as VP! That should be a betrayal beyond the pale.", "pid": 474376812 }, { "sender": "Anon-FBD0", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:54:45\n\n>>474374717 \nAnyone who professes having a high iq is in fact very low iq", "pid": 474376850 }, { "sender": "B29B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:54:55\n\n>>474375249 \nHang them or fuck off", "pid": 474376867 }, { "sender": "0AD0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:55:02\n\n>>474376656 \nThomas Massie until they assassinate him.", "pid": 474376878 }, { "sender": "693A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:55:15\n\n>>474376850 \nI'm going to vote Biden just to offset his vote. Seriously, he got me to the voting booths.", "pid": 474376900 }, { "sender": "Anon-549D", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:56:52\n\n>>474376878 \nHe would be the only one I'd approve of for anything. Who else is even real?", "pid": 474377056 }, { "sender": "3663-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:57:35\n\n>>474376878 \nHe is not running for president.", "pid": 474377125 }, { "sender": "BBC1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:58:47\n\n>>474377056 \nNo one, that’s why everyone thought mossad assassinated his wife.", "pid": 474377238 }, { "sender": "11A9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:58:50\n\n>>474376656 \nBen Carson knows what's up with the Jews, if you listen to some of his older (pre-2016) interviews its obvious that he names the Jews every way except directly. \n \nBlack people are good choices for redpilled candidates because they know what the Jews did to their communities, and how Jews talk about and treat them behind closed doors. Especially now with all the Hollywood pedo shit blowing up. \n \nOther than that, I really don't know. Massie is a good choice but he's not in the MVP lounge yet.", "pid": 474377243 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0BE4", "message": "16/07/2024, 03:59:33\n\n>>474376656 \nNone. They dont exist in America.", "pid": 474377313 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-83B0", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:00:01\n\n>>474377238 \nHe's doomed to be left by the sidelines. Only pieces of shit like JD Vance get to shine.", "pid": 474377369 }, { "sender": "Anon-13CE", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:00:03\n\n>>474374717 \nIsrael exists! I am literally shaking! That's (you).", "pid": 474377371 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3839", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:00:09\n\n>>474376574 \n>rubs hands furiously", "pid": 474377378 }, { "sender": "6517-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:00:29\n\ntonight showed both parties are satanic. you play Satan's game by supporting either.", "pid": 474377417 }, { "sender": "6315-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:00:50\n\n>>474377243 \nI like Ben Carson. Cynthia Mckinney as well.", "pid": 474377451 }, { "sender": "9912-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:01:08\n\n>>474374717 \n>LFG \nWhat, is he running stratholme later?", "pid": 474377474 }, { "sender": "CB7C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:01:25\n\n>>474377125 \nYeah well he’s the only politician that doesn’t support Israel and isn’t vehemently anti-white. The three main candidates all suck kike cock and are all in favor for mass immigration. There are no based anti-Israel candidates.", "pid": 474377500 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-99C4", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:01:53\n\n>>474377371 \nstfu jew", "pid": 474377544 }, { "sender": "Anon-B06F", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:11:40\n\n>>474374717 \nI'm literally not voting again and am canceling my vote registration", "pid": 474378489 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1F3B", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:13:46\n\n>>474377500 \nOkay then I guess I should stay home this election like a truly based white Aryan big boy would.", "pid": 474378685 }, { "sender": "4094-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:17:20\n\n>>474377378 \nyeah, its a big conspiracy. you got me.", "pid": 474378999 }, { "sender": "CD92-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:19:24\n\n>>474374717 \nhe's right though, you literally have no choice with regards to Israel", "pid": 474379183 }, { "sender": "928F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:21:02\n\n>>474376656 \nWhat's the based and redpilled interracial porn I should be watching instead of", "pid": 474379323 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9DA7", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:23:20\n\n>>474379183 \nNo he isn't. \nIsrael is doomed. \n \nMaybe find a real man to stand up and tell them to fuck off.", "pid": 474379513 }, { "sender": "E76D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:28:09\n\n>>474375905", "pid": 474379930 }, { "sender": "CF4E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:29:49\n\n>>474378685 \n>I guess I should stay home \nyes stay in Israel please", "pid": 474380065 }, { "sender": "A5CB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:34:16\n\n>>474374717 \nThere's literally no alternative in our one party system. \nWe have sleepy joe who is on the jews naughty list for not stepping down but is a dementia ridden old oligarch or trump who was originally a pressure release valve for the right but had an assassination attempt on him by the jews. \nBest and worse case scenario for both favors trump. odds are nothing will happen because both of our political parties are slaves to israel but on the off chance that something actually happens trump would accomplish more. \n \nThis doesn't mean become a retarded cultist. it means just writing trump on your vote and continuing on as usual unless trump actually moves against the zionists.", "pid": 474380436 }, { "sender": "E145-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:42:47\n\n>>474379183 \nIsrael wins bigger with Trump. He can give them things Biden can't.", "pid": 474381133 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5EF0", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:48:16\n\nTrump will sacrifice your lineage for a Jew\nTrump will plunder your wealth to save Israel\nTrump will protect Banks and leave you fending for yourself\nTrump will pretend to deport illegals while importing pajeets\nAnd you will vote for Trump and be happy.", "pid": 474381557 }, { "sender": "A442-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:49:11\n\n>>474379930 \nthis didn't hold true, statistically every country ended up with a proportional same number of deaths whether they locked down or not, or whether they forced \"vaccines\" or not. like every other pandemic throughout history, it did its thing, and nothing anyone did mattered", "pid": 474381641 }, { "sender": "1DBE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:51:02\n\n>>474377451 \nWait, they have to hire the aipac jew? \n>they pay for their own handler with taxpayer money \nkek", "pid": 474381783 }, { "sender": "Anon-27A2", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:57:31\n\n>>474381641 \n>and nothing anyone did mattered \nyou were saying?", "pid": 474382326 }, { "sender": "C93B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 04:59:48\n\n>>474382326 \nfucking kek, i didn't realize your kind still existed? are you still honestly trying to push the vax narrative? lol. lmao even.", "pid": 474382502 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EA51", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:00:20\n\n>>474374717 \nHe didn't fist fight jack all shit. Americans are bitches and never fight, they only go snitch to the teacher or mouth off then go run and find a cop to hide behind like a bunch of bitches. Fuck that whore, he ain't shit.", "pid": 474382552 }, { "sender": "Anon-F2DA", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:00:53\n\n>>474374717 \n>fed account", "pid": 474382599 }, { "sender": "6D0A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:01:46\n\n>>474382502 \neh? did you not look at what I posted?", "pid": 474382663 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-61A6", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:03:27\n\n>>474374717 \nNormies cannot be redeemed", "pid": 474382800 }, { "sender": "Anon-98F1", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:04:29\n\n>>474376188 \nACK", "pid": 474382888 }, { "sender": "Anon-C801", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:05:08\n\n>>474382663 \nhonestly no, \ni was just ready to fight.", "pid": 474382956 }, { "sender": "0D69-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:05:36\n\n>>474376656 \nYou aren't white", "pid": 474382999 }, { "sender": "5FEF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:06:24\n\n>>474374717 \nHe’s not wrong. \nYou’re getting pissreal either way the election goes. What’re you going to do, cry about it?", "pid": 474383057 }, { "sender": "3E2B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:08:40\n\n>>474374717 \nshe just gave birth to two lambs avout tgirty minutes ago, i dont know how im gonna get them back to the farm without the outher sheep trampleing them", "pid": 474383259 }, { "sender": "69F8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:09:12\n\n>>474382956 \njust dabbin on vaxxies", "pid": 474383299 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:17:45\n\n>>474374717 \nyou people are obsessed", "pid": 474384003 }, { "sender": "0E2B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:19:18\n\nSubmit goyim", "pid": 474384119 }, { "sender": "Anon-952E", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:39:27\n\n>>474384003 \nWe wouldn’t think about you at all if your people weren’t in our governments. \nIf anything, why are you people obsessed with goyim? Why do you insist on living with us?", "pid": 474385660 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:51:30\n\n>>474385660 \nlook at my flag, do i look like i live with you? i just need your veto cheat against the UN antichrist niggers", "pid": 474386491 }, { "sender": "Anon-AFBE", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:57:25\n\n>>474383057 \nmaybe you should go over there and suck their cock faggot", "pid": 474386922 }, { "sender": "678B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 05:58:03\n\n>>474384003 \nYou are satan's spawn and your country will drown in misery.", "pid": 474386975 }, { "sender": "Anon-4030", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:02:00\n\n>>474374717 \n>\"you're getting israel no matter what\" \nWhat a fucking kike or ZOG shabbos goy golem", "pid": 474387260 }, { "sender": "47E2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:05:57\n\n>>474384003 \nJewish crimes of the past century straight through today are going viral. Pack your fucking bags kike", "pid": 474387561 }, { "sender": "6347-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:19:32\n\n>>474383259 \ni called fir help and we caried the lambs back \n>>474384003 \nYWNBAW", "pid": 474388536 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:21:33\n\n>>474388536 \nwhatever makes you feel good human shield :)", "pid": 474388700 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6A65", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:27:29\n\n>>474374717 \n>forget Israel \n>Israel either way \ncan you not read or...?", "pid": 474389133 }, { "sender": "72ED-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:31:44\n\n>>474388700 \nit was leftist kiburz cucks on your side of the green line who got raped and slaughtered in october seventh us settler chads stay winning well your tax dollars pay for my village to have 24 7 security, realisticly your more likely to get raped by a nigger in the center than i am to get allah ackbared out here", "pid": 474389438 }, { "sender": "F036-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:34:46\n\n>>474389133 \ndemocracy is just jewish scam to keep you passive while they rob you blind", "pid": 474389639 }, { "sender": "Anon-6E6E", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:38:30\n\n>>474389639 \nthe only jewish form of goverment is monarchy", "pid": 474389900 }, { "sender": "6405-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:41:22\n\nThe kikes ruin everything", "pid": 474390090 }, { "sender": "1CC5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:43:28\n\n>>474390090 \ni am a palistinian shepered", "pid": 474390211 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:45:29\n\n>>474389438 \nyou are the one dying every day other than oct 7th. \ni dont hate you, just for making muzzrats seeth you are pretty based, dunno why you are so aggressive on women", "pid": 474390348 }, { "sender": "D7EB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:48:40\n\n>>474389900 \nYes let's just forget all the anti monarchy passages in Judges and Kings so that we can be ככל הגויים", "pid": 474390537 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2701", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:49:30\n\n>>474390211 \nnice, like Jesus.", "pid": 474390591 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:53:17\n\n>>474389900 \n>>474390537 \nthis, did you even read the Torah? \ngod was unironically just sad when wanted a king, the only jewish form of government is anarcho-theochracy, but that just sucks giant goat balls, hindus tried it and got conquered by pisslamists and immidiatly by brits right after", "pid": 474390817 }, { "sender": "8C61-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:54:33\n\n>>474390348 \nno one has been killed in ym village for over 20 years unless you count the terroridt who atempted to stab some one amd got nuetralize.about 10 years ago, and im not agressive to woman im hostule to men eho think they are woman(trannies) like you \n>>474390591 \ni prefer to be compared to king david or moses", "pid": 474390904 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:55:54\n\n>>474390904 \nmoses was not a king and im a woman from birth", "pid": 474391000 }, { "sender": "B0C4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:57:16\n\n>>474390817 \nwe are waiting for a king right now to usher in the final redemption, that is the whole concept of moshiac", "pid": 474391100 }, { "sender": "7A54-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 06:59:51\n\n>>474391000 \ni know moses was not aking he was a shepered so was david so am i that is the common patern here, \n>woman from birth \nthere are no woman on 4chan statisticly speaking based on the majority of israeli flags that post you are a confused slavic giy liveing in some slum in haifa", "pid": 474391270 }, { "sender": "EF43-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:01:13\n\n>>474378685 \nyep, take the /pol/ pledge \n \nI promise to never get politically active or support any candidate until all conditions are perfectly suited to my ideology.", "pid": 474391372 }, { "sender": "CA40-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:01:36\n\n>>474381641 \nThe lockdowns and masks mentally mind fucked a entire generation of young people and especially little kids", "pid": 474391402 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:02:12\n\n>>474391100 \n>חבד\"ניק \noh shit.... \nwhy are you a discount \"we have christianity at home?\" \n>>474391270 \nwell if thats what you think... neither of us can prove anything", "pid": 474391448 }, { "sender": "7877-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:02:59\n\n>>474391402 \nthere was no pandemic covid is the common cold", "pid": 474391499 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:04:51\n\n>>474391499 \nmore like influenza but yeah", "pid": 474391610 }, { "sender": "Anon-C1F4", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:07:03\n\n>>474381557 \nAs if any of this wouldn't happen under Biden or any other candidate, shut the fuck up. SOMEONE has to be president and all of the choices would have be in Israels pocket.", "pid": 474391762 }, { "sender": "Anon-F086", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:08:36\n\n>>474391448 \nim not a chabadnick i just like that flag and one day i found one on thr ground so i decided to take it and tape it up in my house \n>>474391610 \nthe point is it dose nit exist as a new virus their was nithing special about 2020 exept that the tv convince the majority of the world a non existemt pandemic was takeing place, i lost all faith in himanity at that point and relized people will do whay ever their preceivrd authority figure tells them to", "pid": 474391869 }, { "sender": "07E6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:08:42\n\n>>474374903 \nbased Trump giving faggits chronic heart conditions", "pid": 474391878 }, { "sender": "Anon-002C", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:17:10\n\n>>474391878 \nkek no refunds", "pid": 474392398 }, { "sender": "46E1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:18:49\n\n>>474374717 \n>Yes, Zion Don is jewish controlled opposition and you should still vote for the MIGA \nBattered wife syndrome", "pid": 474392495 }, { "sender": "3899-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:25:55\n\n>>474391499 \n>>474391610 \nHow about foot and mouth disease? That seems scary--for those who still have feet that is.", "pid": 474392930 }, { "sender": "Anon-86C3", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:29:01\n\n>>474392930 \nim not eligible for military service and i hate this country", "pid": 474393099 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:30:05\n\n>>474392930 \nyeah, totally not better than this muslim guy", "pid": 474393154 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-93F2", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:30:32\n\n>>474393099 \nhow hot is there now?", "pid": 474393180 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6853", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:32:56\n\n>>474393154 \nyeah, we know you are savages just like sandniggers", "pid": 474393331 }, { "sender": "Anon-1C2C", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:34:21\n\n>>474393180 \nright now only about 32 its been nice the last few days, i prefer the heat to the cold anyways i only take the sheep out from sunrise to 8: 30 in the morning then i take them again a second time from 4:30 to sun set, right now im relaxing at home", "pid": 474393409 }, { "sender": "4BB3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:34:42\n\n>>474374717 \n \nDespite the conspiracies about Jews running the world there are some very rich and influential people who are Jewish and they have a lot of resources to lobby the US government. \n \nIsreal is a constant and powerful US ally in the Middle East. Even Turkey and Saudis haven't been great US allies in some parts of their recent history. \n \nIsreal shares the same democratic values of the US. They also have the same interest in reducing Islamic extremism in the region. \n \nIsreal is a prime spot for US military base and assets to protect power in the middle east especially against Iran. \n \nIsreal actually produces tech and military supplies that the US uses. \n \nAlso it's a country the US help establish in WW2. There is still some sense of responsibility/guilt to protect the Jews after the Holocaust. \n \nThe only real ally the US got in the middle east is israel \n \nEveryone else would throw the US out given enough money from China \n \nAlso, the US get both access to military tech from israel (guided missiles, iron dome, trophy APS and more) AND get to decide who israel is allowed to sell weapons so to not compete with the US \n \nIsrael is the only country that helped my city (Boston) after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings. They sent trauma specialists, their police and the doctors here had been trained by Israeli doctors in how to deal with bombing injuries that had been happening during the Second Intifada. \n \nIsrael also sent search and rescue teams to Florida after a deadly apartment collapse. \n \nActually, in my opinion, Israel is the West’s proxy and buffer state that balances out the other ME countries. When I was there, I was surprised that Israelis are mostly European and Middle Eastern Jews. In a way, they’re kind of like a Western colony", "pid": 474393425 }, { "sender": "7684-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:37:20\n\n>>474375050 \nDonald Trump is not a Zionist.", "pid": 474393564 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3347", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:38:21\n\n>>474393409 \nit is fucking 35c here! \nhow about water? have it? where is your place anyway?", "pid": 474393619 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1E6E", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:38:59\n\n>>474393099 \n>>474393409 \nYou're Edomite false \" jews descended from Canaanites. The Lost Tribes of Israel, the Chosen people go God, The White European Race would revive it into a land of Milk and Honey as it was before. \nGod cursed Zion as a desert when it were unholy. I will be holy again one day. \nSpoil our nations. We'll have yours. \n \n \n \n\\_pBwpOoLo0?si=R2VGOlgxFOTZSFQe", "pid": 474393652 }, { "sender": "E129-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:39:21\n\n>>474393331 \nit never happend but they deserved it", "pid": 474393678 }, { "sender": "5FBA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:39:40\n\n>>474386491 \nYour people live with us, and always have insisted on doing so even when we make it clear you aren’t welcome. Why is that?", "pid": 474393695 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8899", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:41:34\n\n>>474386922 \nNever said I was happy about it. Theres just no point being a sad fag about it when you could channel that energy into prepping for the day when they run this country too far into the ground for it to keep functioning as a country", "pid": 474393794 }, { "sender": "Anon-B38F", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:43:32\n\n>>474393425 \n>Actually, in my opinion, Israel is the West’s proxy \nyou don't spend trillions of dollars and decades fighting wars for your proxy, you fucking idiot.", "pid": 474393922 }, { "sender": "8F8E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:45:08\n\n>>474393425 \nfuck america the great satan a country if gays and nugger worship \n>>474393619 \nthere is a river that flows year round and has cool water a 25 minute walk from my house, i gi there to swim about once a week, we also have a comunite pool in my village, and of course all our houses are hooked into the water line so if i turn on the tap i grt water on demand \n>where is your place anyway? \n20km east of jerusalem in the teritory if the benijamites \n>>474393695 \nbecuasr those ones are faggits and we dont want then here, no take backs sucker", "pid": 474394015 }, { "sender": "6CAF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:47:19\n\n>>474394015 \nStill respect Israel as my greatest ally regardless of a few bad apples like yourself", "pid": 474394155 }, { "sender": "B0C4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:47:52\n\n>>474394015 \n>20km east of jerusalem in the teritory if the benijamites \n \naround Bethlehem? those Palis there are christian?", "pid": 474394187 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE60", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:48:55\n\n>>474393678 \n>it never happend but they deserved it \n \nso what Hadrian did after was well deserved I guess.", "pid": 474394247 }, { "sender": "2DC0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:51:27\n\n>>474394155 \ngood goy!", "pid": 474394391 }, { "sender": "Anon-6993", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:55:34\n\n>>474394155 \nwe are not allies you defacto control my country and weild your infleunce to push us into commiting national sucide, ever since 1973 you have done \nnohing but fuck us over \n>>474394187 \nbethlehem is south of jerusalem and not in benjamine, there are both christians and muslms there, were i am is all beduine muslims liveing in child fort favale teir shack houses along the maine high way", "pid": 474394630 }, { "sender": "9306-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:59:50\n\n>>474376670 \nCoping mechanism. Only see it from people with families to be honest. Single guys seem to be more accepting of reality and how bad it’s going to get. People with kids are unable to psychologically cope with what’s coming.", "pid": 474394898 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-42D9", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:00:16\n\n>>474376335 \nTwatter is fake. It's heavily manipulated, there's nothing organic about it at all. \nQueers love it tho.", "pid": 474394926 }, { "sender": "Anon-10F6", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:03:09\n\n>>474390904 \nYou are not David, you imposter. You have no features remotely close what he had based on what's seen here. >>474388536 \nYou're nothing more than a Slavic rape baby that's taken the money and lives of poor Europeans for his own beneficial gain. Also your religious practices are very offensive to the Lord as they do not align with his will and you know it. There never will be an upcoming messiah because you're messiah already came.", "pid": 474395104 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:03:17\n\n>>474393695 \nbecause its their home and they have lived there for generations", "pid": 474395115 }, { "sender": "3227-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:03:51\n\n>>474394630 \nInteresting perspective, one I’ve never heard from an Israeli before. Can you elaborate on that? From here it seems like your leaders wield total control of our foreign policy.", "pid": 474395141 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:08:43\n\n>>474395141 \nkek, you should read Israeli newspapers and telegram groups, its non stop \"america big mad Israel is bombing poor terrorists\" \n\"america blocking arms shipments yet again\" \n\"5 soliders died because amerimutts dont let us bomb the terrorists bases\" \n\"america demands Israel supplies the literal people who raped and murdered them with food and water\" \n\"America demends Israel reduce the wars intensity\" \n \nevery war plan, every op HAS to be approved by amerimutts before its dont except the few minor cases Bibi grows a tiny pair of balls and goes aginst Bidens wishes for total Israeli surrender. \nhonestly at some point im not sure who is our enemy, the palirats or the american government who is obsessed with micromanaging the nation", "pid": 474395420 }, { "sender": "04FB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:10:57\n\n>>474395115 \njust like Palis in Palestine?", "pid": 474395553 }, { "sender": "Anon-CF1B", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:11:36\n\n>>474395104 \ndavid was a ginger he looked more like me than a shitskin arab \n>>474395141 \nin 1973 we were at firdt loseing the war to egypt we rallied and began to push them back but we ran out of reuipment, we threatemd to go nuclear and to prevent this america sent us supplies, witch enabled us to push back the invaders and even conqure the sinai penisula, but the price of acepting your assistence was to become your bitch a few years later you made us cuck to the camp david acords and give back the hard fought teritory, we became dependant on you aid money witch cuased our own demestic production and ingenuity to stagnate, and let you use tye carrot and stick messuaer to defacto control our policy, tgere was a brave man who tryed to free us from your evil in the 80s but you ahd him assasinated, recently the amerocan embassie put up the gay flag in jerusalem our holy capitol an israeli was enraged and remived it and the us saud that was a breach of sovreighnty and made us return it, imagine if you did that shit in mecca, now you prevent us from acheiving victory in gaza and insist that we sacrifice our soilders to protect the lives of thr gazans who hate us, then their is thr general cultural garbage you export to us and the rest of the world i \n", "pid": 474395589 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0D8C", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:11:38\n\n>>474395141 \nDon't fall for it. He has cognitive dissonance which prevents him from being able to humble himself and realize that the priests of his religion are the ones that have constructed the regime he despises. The way Jews observe the Talmud is that they dispentiate a lot of the teachings in different compartments that form a school of thought. In other words, they're like social movement in a state but instead it's like a social movement in a religion. Religions are usually international. So techniquely, what he advocates is that even though something like LGBT (for example) is bad, he will still sit there and advocate that it has a platform. LGBT concepts are in the Talmud, so he's essentially disagreeing with a tenet he's not binded to actually follow. Does that make sense?", "pid": 474395591 }, { "sender": "731C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:13:09\n\n>>474395591 \ni want gays to be thrown off of roof tops and stoned to death this is what it says to do to them in our holy books", "pid": 474395682 }, { "sender": "6C38-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:13:15\n\n>>474395420 \nthere is solution to this! \njust leave middle east alone and go home, or to madagascar, or to oven for all I care!", "pid": 474395691 }, { "sender": "1F61-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:13:45\n\n>>474395420 \nWestern bankers in London and New York believe they are the Jews, it's called British Israelism. That is why they do what they do and have done, for 70+ years. \nIsrael in practical terms is a Vatican Crusader state. They intend to live there and rule it, themselves, one day. \nThe Jewish people are similar to the Cambodians, Vietnamese, and Laotians of the 1960s and 1970s: they abstract instruments of policy, nothing more. Expendable. \nAlso, the Lord Jesus Christ is the King of the Jews. The time draws very near: repent and be saved, today. \nRomans 10:9 & 10:13 \nKing James Version", "pid": 474395719 }, { "sender": "Anon-DFF2", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:15:41\n\n>>474395420 \n>>474395589 \n>>474395591 \nAppreciate the responses. Gives a lot to consider and look into. God bless all of you.", "pid": 474395836 }, { "sender": "38AD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:17:29\n\n>>474395589 \nSolomon was described to have jet-black hair. For someone whom is so spiritually bestowed and brushed on his \"Torah\" (it's called Old Testament btw) I would fathom you knew that. Guess not. Also, shitskin Arabs were descendants of Ishmael, so David didn't look like them either. \n \nSong of Solomon 5:11 \n>His head is purest gold; his hair is wavy and black as a raven.", "pid": 474395934 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:17:32\n\n>>474395691 \nJudea is our home nigger \n>>474395589 \nits even worse, the military leadership definitely suspected something was up(its not hard, the Egyptians were massing forces in sinai), but at that point we were already American slaves and they refused to allow for a 6 day war style preemptive strike, them refusing to send equipment after forcing us to war on terrible terms is just the cherry on top", "pid": 474395935 }, { "sender": "8D9D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:17:43\n\n>>474374717 \nYou goyim in the US live like cattle, far less even. \nAll the while you're paying for free healthcare and higher education in Israel lmfao. \nKeep voting muh based republican/dem, you deserve that shit desu.", "pid": 474395947 }, { "sender": "F925-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:17:56\n\n>>474395682", "pid": 474395963 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:18:37\n\n>>474395947 \nhealthcare and higher education isnt free in Israel you dumb goy", "pid": 474396005 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-37D3", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:19:49\n\n>>474395935 \n>our home \n \nwho is \"our\"?", "pid": 474396080 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:21:34\n\n>>474396080 \nhome of the jewish people, cope and seeth ottoman rapebaby", "pid": 474396181 }, { "sender": "4C50-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:21:42\n\n>>474395935 \n>>474395589 \n \n \nso you are basically victims? \nof USA? \n \n \nmutts? why are you antisemitic? comments?", "pid": 474396194 }, { "sender": "3133-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:21:57\n\n>>474380436 \nBullshit \n \n \nRfk is the least zionist of all the options and has done better than any 3rd party candidate ever has. \n \n \nThere's a lot of lies going around on here about him though. He doesn't support reparations and a bunch of other bullshit I've seen on here. \n \nGo to his actual website, look at his actual policies. Watch some of the podcasts he's been on. \nOnly glowing zogbots say it's a wasted vote because they want everyone trapped in a 2 party cage.", "pid": 474396206 }, { "sender": "B867-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:22:07\n\n>>474374717 \nEvery thing he said is correct. I don’t care about siding with Israel as long as the left dies", "pid": 474396220 }, { "sender": "Anon-A5D6", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:25:03\n\n>>474395682 \nIt doesn't say to stone them and throw them off roofs in the Old Testament but it does state that they would be put to death(execution). The Talmud has Rabbis explicitly arguing against this and finds that it is permissible to be gay depending on how the sexual act is committed. This is just the type of insanity one finds in the Talmud.", "pid": 474396389 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B93", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:25:08\n\n>>474396181 \n>home of the jewish people \n \nbut you are not jewish! you are euroasians with judaistic religion! not a drop of jewish blood in you!", "pid": 474396401 }, { "sender": "6CF8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:25:22\n\n>>474395836 \nwatch this \n \nand also go check out jonathan polards pod cast \n>>474395934 \nits common knowledge that david hamelech was a ginger \n>>474395963 \ni dont know russian \n \n \n>The ancient historian Josephus would mistranslate the Hebrew Torah to describe the more positive figure of King David as 'golden haired', in contrast to the negative figure of Esau, even though the original Hebrew Torah implies that both King David and Esau had 'fiery red hair", "pid": 474396412 }, { "sender": "5AB3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:27:58\n\n>>474396389 \nlet me tell you about your religon and culture kek \n>The Talmud has Rabbis explicitly arguing against th \ndose not matter what matters is the final rueling made in it", "pid": 474396565 }, { "sender": "Anon-40C0", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:29:33\n\n>>474396005 \nA jew is lying, water is wet. \n \n\\_why\\_does\\_israel\\_get\\_subsidized\\_universal/ \n \n\\_in\\_Israel#Higher\\_education \n>\"All of Israel's nine public universities (and some of their colleges) are subsidized by the government, and students pay only a small part of the actual cost of tuition.\"", "pid": 474396650 }, { "sender": "B6BD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:31:21\n\n>>474396412 \n>Common Knowledge \nCommon knowledge isn't an excuse. Don't lie to me, you've seen what passes as common knowledge, know better than not to trust it. Solomon was the son of David, David being a son of Judah and thereby being a descendant of Abraham was a son of Shem and the semites all have black hair. You, an Ashkenazi, left us to go to the north, where you had taken concubines for yourselves and intermixed with them. These features are not of the Semites, they belong to the sons and daughters of Japhet, the man whom would birth the mighty Aryans. You're just a grifter, like the circus of freaks the jews in America let dance on their television and mobile sets.", "pid": 474396780 }, { "sender": "A5E4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:32:02\n\n>>474396565 \nYes, let me tell you about your \"culture\" and \"religion\". I objectively know more about it than you do.", "pid": 474396825 }, { "sender": "25D4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:32:18\n\n>>474396412 \n>i dont know russian", "pid": 474396839 }, { "sender": "D1EB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:34:52\n\n>>474396883 \nJudaism is the religion of the antichrist. The pentagram. It's all hidden in plain sight and they're laughing at us goyims for being scared to be called an antisemite.", "pid": 474397001 }, { "sender": "AFD0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:34:53\n\n>>474395935 \nnothing could top moshe dayan preventing the soilders from blowing up the mosque on the temple mount or ben gurion not expelling all the arabs, or moshe dayan changeing the law of return to allow all these goyim in fuck the longer i think the more i relize all our political leadership are and always have been shit \n>>474396780 \nthe samritans were observed by anthropologist to have a high portion of red heads ive seen arabs with red hair even one blond before every jewish group from poland to yemen agrees king davud was a ginger, we even have 1600 year old mosaics from israel showing people with varied hair colors here.", "pid": 474397002 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6F64", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:35:07\n\n>>474374717 \nOP who would you want anons to vote for. Biden? :^)", "pid": 474397017 }, { "sender": "F1C9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:35:49\n\n>>474374717 \nYeah he can only serves 4 years lol. Stupid cunts think some orange pedo will change their pathetic little lives in 4 years. Low iq scum.", "pid": 474397065 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6EBB", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:39:06\n\n>>474397002 \nThose are Semites that intermixed with Scythians from Medo-Persia. Brother, the evidence is there so plainly to observe. You're getting strung up in endless genealogies that you keep forgetting that those times have passed, the Messiah already came, you don't need to go backwards anymore.", "pid": 474397265 }, { "sender": "EB0D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:41:14\n\n>>474374717 \nI like how despite their facts and logic ideals, conservatives are ultimately emotional creatures that lack any sort of foresight", "pid": 474397388 }, { "sender": "Anon-BCFD", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:44:02\n\n>>474397265 \nLol what? \n>semites mixing with scythians \n?????", "pid": 474397546 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:45:32\n\n>>474396650 \nsubsidized =\\= free. \nwhy do goyim always lie? \nthe first is just a lying reddit post, meant not to improve healthcare status, but to get people mad about jews, though i like the first replay", "pid": 474397638 }, { "sender": "5D12-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:46:18\n\n>>474393425 \nNothing better than an early morning run.", "pid": 474397694 }, { "sender": "1F88-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:47:50\n\n>>474396206 \n>er, but hes the LEAST zionist. \nstfu retard", "pid": 474397795 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:48:09\n\n>>474397694 \n>being craven is actually based \ngoyim have truly fallen low \n>>474397002 \n>moshe dayan preventing the soilders from blowing up the mosque on the temple mount \ndamn i didnt know that, our leaders are literally amerimutt puppets", "pid": 474397818 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D3C9", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:48:39\n\n>>474397638 \nKhazars were not jews fuck off", "pid": 474397858 }, { "sender": "6103-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:48:47\n\n>>474396220 \n>as long as the left dies \nAnd how does that happen? Oh thats right, its doesn't, not at all.", "pid": 474397863 }, { "sender": "B395-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:50:01\n\n>>474393564 \nYou're either completely and utterly delusional or just braindead", "pid": 474397941 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-90EA", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:51:31\n\n>>474374903 \nthis \neverybody, and I do mean everybody (except to me because I'm special), has forgotten what Trump did before leaving office: \n>Most Favored Nation drug price model \n>>The MFN Model was a mandatory, nationwide model that would test whether more closely aligning payment for Medicare Part B drugs with international prices and removing incentives to use higher-cost drugs can control unsustainable growth in Medicare Part B spending without adversely affecting quality of care for beneficiaries. The design of the MFN Model included several key elements: \n \nDid Trump do this on day 1 of his presidency? What about day 10? day 100? day 1000?! naaaaa nigga, this genuinually good policy was kept aside and kept as a political landmine that Biden happily tap danced on his first day as president, and just like that, burgers went from being able to afford pills to not being able to afford pills \n \nTrump sold us out the first time and he'll do it again; if you don't care and are still voting for that then don't say you weren't warned", "pid": 474398037 }, { "sender": "Anon-73E9", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:51:59\n\n>>474397546 \nYes, the Medo-Persian Empire was a union of Medes peoples and Persian peoples. The Scythians of Northern Persia was what the original Persians were like. They're still lots of them there and they have red hair.", "pid": 474398066 }, { "sender": "BE65-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:54:25\n\n>>474398066 \nContemporary Iranians have no ties to Scythians. They were subjugated and raped out of existence by Arabs which is why Iranians worship an Arabic religion. Scythians were nomadic", "pid": 474398216 }, { "sender": "Anon-0E7A", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:54:36\n\n>>474398066 \nAlso, did some more investigation, the Medes were Indo-European aswell.", "pid": 474398226 }, { "sender": "07DE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:56:32\n\n>>474374717 \nYou can argue about rape all you want, but either way, you are getting raped. Biden will rape you in the mouth, while trump will rape you in the ass. I prefer the rape to be in the ass where you can't taste it.", "pid": 474398353 }, { "sender": "F2F2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:57:31\n\n>>474398216 \nYes, I'm referring to the ones during Persia. They left because they were nomads.", "pid": 474398415 }, { "sender": "Anon-2096", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:59:52\n\n>>474398415 \nThey also fought the Persians rather extensively. Persia was an empire, and all empires are heavily mixed race de facto.", "pid": 474398557 }, { "sender": "Anon-3AF1", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:04:10\n\n>>474397818 \nyes thats why i hate this country, rotten top down all the way to the core, every time a normie tells me but druze are not arabs i want to strangle them, alls i care about any more is getting an old school two door stick shift toyota hillux, a cute olive skinned morcan wife, and starting a farm in the shomron", "pid": 474398840 }, { "sender": "CC52-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:06:02\n\n>>474398840 \nthe israel has fallen....", "pid": 474398958 }, { "sender": "Anon-FD19", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:09:01\n\n>>474398958 \nmany decades ago realy i belive this country was founded on the grace of g-d granting us a miracle definantly our victory in 67 and we have done nithing but spit in his face since then, it makes me sad", "pid": 474399131 }, { "sender": "21DC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:09:51\n\n>>474399131 \nhow do you say \"it's over\" in hebrew kek", "pid": 474399172 }, { "sender": "B370-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:11:09\n\n>>474399172 \nze ngmar", "pid": 474399264 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A628", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:14:28\n\nYou guys all have Jew Derangement Syndrome (JDS) and it would be funny if it wasn’t so sad…", "pid": 474399483 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-381D", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:19:22\n\n>>474399483 \nWhat's sad is more of this incoming.", "pid": 474399798 }, { "sender": "E282-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:21:15\n\n>>474398557 \n>empires are heavily mixed race \nThey truly are sadly.", "pid": 474399909 }, { "sender": "Anon-D1A6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:43\n\n>>474398840 \nWhat are the Druze?", "pid": 474400012 }, { "sender": "Anon-4361", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:54\n\n>>474399798 \nze ngmar......", "pid": 474400026 }, { "sender": "Anon-B231", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:24:27\n\n>>474399798 \nHow many people did Trump pardon?", "pid": 474400140 }, { "sender": "B57A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:29:15\n\n>>474400012 \nindigenous people loyal to zionist antichrists", "pid": 474400449 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C492", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:32:13\n\n>>474400449 \nthey have no loyalty \n>>474400012 \nspecial arabs that 8/10 israelis worship in a very pathetic way, if i were to describe them i would have you oicture a regular arab but even more imbred and with a massive superiority complex, and a culture that encourages even more dishonesty", "pid": 474400641 }, { "sender": "60D5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:33:08\n\n>>474400449 \nwe were one if the only countries to not support nato bombing you we could if been brothers in kabbab removal oh well", "pid": 474400698 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C9D6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:34:56\n\n>>474375050 \n>political outsider vs kosher career politician puppets \nHmm..", "pid": 474400806 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-540C", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:35:00\n\n>>474400698 \nno we could not!", "pid": 474400810 }, { "sender": "00F0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:36:12\n\n>>474397941 \n>Jews gave Trump an award \n>Biden gave Jews billions in aid and weaponry \nHmm..", "pid": 474400884 }, { "sender": "744C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:39:26\n\n>>474376900 \nYou were already voting Biden, tranny discord shill.", "pid": 474401084 }, { "sender": "182C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:39:48\n\n>>474400884 \nall politicans are controled oposition but if you were to poll israelis almost every one here hates biden and wants trump", "pid": 474401108 }, { "sender": "F18F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:40:12\n\n>>474399131 \nJust say god you fucking demons", "pid": 474401132 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D55C", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:40:59\n\n>>474400884 \nstill i remeber operation warp speed, common sense gun control, bumb stock bam, platnium plan (biilions for niggers), january 6, and the pardons", "pid": 474401184 }, { "sender": "Anon-61A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:41:30\n\n>>474401132 \nthis place is uncleane it would be disrespectfull to him", "pid": 474401218 }, { "sender": "Anon-1CAA", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:42:18\n\n>>474401218 \nYAHWEH will punish you! you devils!", "pid": 474401263 }, { "sender": "B788-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:42:34\n\n>>474381133 \nThat's bullshit.", "pid": 474401281 }, { "sender": "Anon-E2B7", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:44:38\n\n>>474400641 \n>>474400449 \nThank you.", "pid": 474401408 }, { "sender": "A4CD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:45:57\n\n>>474401384 \nnotice anything? \n \nlike Yahweh wife have dick?", "pid": 474401497 }, { "sender": "E685-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:46:16\n\n>>474376812 \nWhat does the VP even do? Does it even matter who the VP is? No, it doesn’t, and they don’t actually do anything.", "pid": 474401522 }, { "sender": "Anon-947D", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:46:41\n\n>>474374717 \n>LFG \nnormalfags are a cancer on society", "pid": 474401550 }, { "sender": "4058-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:47:31\n\n>>474401522 \nlead usa when next (non staged) event occurs", "pid": 474401608 }, { "sender": "065E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:47:57\n\nPeople create a social media account -- and twitter is the best example of this -- and they see various popular accounts in their feed. The OP account is one of those.\n\nDefinitely shoehorned", "pid": 474401643 }, { "sender": "67BD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:49:43\n\n>>474401608 \nHow was the shooting staged? It clearly wasn’t, you can even see images of a vapor trail passing Trumps head. \n>inb4 muh photoshop and blood packet \nLefty niggers are desperate.", "pid": 474401754 }, { "sender": "CF3B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:50:45\n\n>>474397863 \n>that image \nMan you post some of the most ridiculous shit.", "pid": 474401827 }, { "sender": "CE11-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:51:59\n\n>>474376900 \nTroon defender voting for biden, what a surprise. Go to reddit you inbred", "pid": 474401891 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7588", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:54:02\n\n>>474376812 \nHow much of a cuck you have to be not to be swayed by the guy dodging a bullet mid air? Trump is, frankly, rather awful, and barely better than Biden. There are good chances he may start a war with Iran for Israel. But the guy dodged a bullet in the air. That's the stuff fate is made of. Whatever happens after that so be it, but he must be elected.", "pid": 474402032 }, { "sender": "FCC9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:55:48\n\n>>474401218 \nA jew making up schizo rules to \"respect\" god, but trample all over creation. Sounds kikey to me holy fuck you demons even try and kike god that's insane.", "pid": 474402163 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E78D", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:57:52\n\n>>474383259 \nbased and shepherdpilled", "pid": 474402282 }, { "sender": "3ED1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:59:10\n\n>>474402163 \n>trample all over creation \nhow do i do this? i work as a shepered i walk around nature all day with the sheep i pick up trash outher people leave constantly to prevent the sheep from eating it, last night on my walk back home i saw to gazels, then i caught a snake i looked at it for a few minutes and let it go back were i found it, then i saw two foxes, and finaly as i walked along i saw three gekos, exolaine to me how i am bad for creation", "pid": 474402360 }, { "sender": "AF6C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:59:30\n\n>>474402032 \n>Trump is, frankly, rather awful, and barely better than Biden \nTrump is way better than Biden in every metric. If he wasn't fucked out of being re-elected in 2020 this country and parts of the world would look very different right now. For the better. He is an accomplished executive with isolationist tendencies and the vast majority of his pro-jewishness has amounted to talk and you know what they say about talk. Talk is cheap.", "pid": 474402379 }, { "sender": "CE9F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:06:01\n\n>>474400140 \nNot enough, apparently. There's one jew spy in Russia he couldn't get to.", "pid": 474402793 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2496", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:23\n\n>>474401084 \nI would never vote Trump, but sure as shit I'll vote Biden now. \n \nEnjoy your dogwhistles, moron.", "pid": 474402897 }, { "sender": "0FEF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:57\n\n>>474401522 \nYes, it matters. Don't be so naive.", "pid": 474402933 }, { "sender": "96F0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:08:48\n\n>>474374717 \nAll the jidf shills still would prefer Biden becusse hes been doing a lot more to hasten the destruction of the US.", "pid": 474402988 }, { "sender": "4AAD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:33\n\n>>474376656 \nBrandon Herrera", "pid": 474403104 }, { "sender": "696E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:11:47\n\n>>474402032 \n>he was nearly killed \n>cool imagery \n>i'm sold \n>derp derpderp derp \n \n>>474402379 \nTrump is worse than Biden where it matters most: with jews. Trump can give them conservative support for any evil shit they want to get up to. Biden could never offer them that. \n \nHe'll act as a lightning rod to transfer criticism away from jews and onto their enemies. Then the state will lay blame on Trump and White people for all of the nasty jews'll do.", "pid": 474403179 }, { "sender": "Anon-6822", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:04\n\n>>474403104 \n>eceleb \n \njust...stop posting..forever", "pid": 474403195 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F01", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:12\n\n>>474374717 \nAMERICA!!! FUCK YEAH! NOTHING LIKE GOOD OL' AMERICAN LOYALTY TO ISRAEL. LET'S FOLLOW THESE TWO ISRAELI PUPPETS TO OUR COLLECTIVE DEATH AS A COUNTRY! AMERICA! FUCK YEAH! WOO HOO! SO WHAT IF HE POISONED HALF THE COUNTRY WITH VACCINES ON BEHALF OF ISRAEL!?! HE JUST SURVIVED A STAGED EVENT GUYS!! WOO HOO! AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!", "pid": 474403202 }, { "sender": "E444-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:50\n\n>>474374717 \n>you're getting Israel no matter what \nI know it's true, but goddamn is it depressing", "pid": 474403310 }, { "sender": "BA1B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:04\n\n>>474393564 \nSo sick of you \n>well akshually \nKikes shitting up the board with these braindead takes.", "pid": 474403322 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6D29", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:02\n\n>>474402933 \nBut that’s actually an incorrect assessment \nThe selection is about garnering an image and larger voting base, you can see that because VPs often don’t share the same goals as the President historically, in fact that’s how Teddy Roosevelt became president, tptb shoved him there to get him out of the way and accidentally handed him the presidency. \nSo maybe quit taking retarded historically illiterate seething faggots as a source.", "pid": 474403389 }, { "sender": "1CA8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:16:50\n\n>>474393678 \nJust like the holocaust lol", "pid": 474403514 }, { "sender": "F066-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:22\n\n>>474374717 \n>Biden would do far worse \nHe hasn't done anything. It's like liberals crying about Trump going to deport illegals. It's not going to happen. Migrants make up half the agricultural workforce", "pid": 474403552 }, { "sender": "FAA3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:58\n\n>>474403195 \nEvery politician is a public figure who the people choose as a representative by first getting to know them through their public appearences. \nHitler and Goebbels were influencers.", "pid": 474403665 }, { "sender": "Anon-6873", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:21:15\n\n>>474395682 \nJust because you personally don’t like faggots doesn’t excuse the fact that your racial kinsman have spent generations tirelessly advocating and legislating faggotry into the daily lives of the goyim. Same goes for nigger worship, immigration, predatory financial systems, etc.", "pid": 474403819 }, { "sender": "ED0A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:24:23\n\n>>474403819 \n>racial kinsman \nonly the ones who have been forcfully sperated from their orginal culture by you and indocrinated with alein ideas", "pid": 474404036 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E0EF", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:43\n\nAgent Moshe: We need you to stand right here, and don't move until we say so.\n\nDJT: I don't want to stand there until you say so.\n\nAM: Then we will have to release everything Jeffrey had on you.\n\nDJT: You people are scum.\n\nAM: You will be shot at from an mk ultra victim with blanks. We will then use fake blood on you.\n\nDJT: How do I kow it will be fake bullets?\n\nAM: You will just have to trust us.\n\nDJT: But I don't.\n\nAM: Well you shouold not have partied so hard at Jeffrey's place Mr President huh? Or should I say John doe 174?\n\nDJT: Fuck you.\n\nAM: Oh, and after you get back to your feet, we want you to say \"Fight fight fight\".\n\nDJT: Why.\n\nBecause it ties in with our Q psyop that (you) and the military are in control (not us lol) and justice will soon be served. American's lap that kind of shit up. Just fucking do it like we told you to say \"Tippy top\". Got it?\n\nDJT: You people are sick.\n\nAM: We know. Lucifer is our God.", "pid": 474404179 }, { "sender": "96D3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:05\n\n>>474404179 \n>has to literally make up fan fiction to justify their political position \nTranny confirmed", "pid": 474404332 }, { "sender": "9AAC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:14\n\n>>474403819 \n>>474404036 \n \nyou see? \nthey are actually victims! \nwhy are you doing this to poor inocent jews???", "pid": 474404405 }, { "sender": "1DCA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:42\n\n>>474403179 \n>Trump is worse than Biden where it matters most: with jews. \nGuy, who are you trying to convince? Biden is a self proclaimed zionist that has already given Israel everything they want and will continue to do so. Biden is on video, surrounded by Jews, celebrating whites becoming a permanent ever decreasing minority in the United States. Your opinion isn't rooted in reality.", "pid": 474404437 }, { "sender": "A624-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:45\n\n>>474404332", "pid": 474404564 }, { "sender": "Anon-9717", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:40\n\n>>474404332 \nNot a tranny or gay. But if I wanted to fuck you up yhe ass, you would have to lt let me you little fucking gimp.", "pid": 474404677 }, { "sender": "5727-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:03\n\n>>474374717 \n>pointless garbage thread posted by anti-trump shills and sockpuppets", "pid": 474404710 }, { "sender": "4C88-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:21\n\n>>474404564 \n>>474404677 \n>gay and angry \nSeethe impotent tranny", "pid": 474404735 }, { "sender": "70DB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:49\n\n>>474374717 \n>I love Trump because he's a true Christian man and Israel is our greatest ally and the only Democracy in the Middle East...wherever that is.", "pid": 474404848 }, { "sender": "Anon-3529", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:51\n\n>>474404179 \nMaybe?", "pid": 474404915 }, { "sender": "63E2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:54\n\n>>474404735 \nStop projecting Tammy...It's ok. We all know.", "pid": 474404921 }, { "sender": "Anon-9DCA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:26\n\n>>474376656 \nYou do realize that you are sticking out like a rabbi's erection at a childrens birthday party right now...Rabbi?", "pid": 474405365 }, { "sender": "C0DE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:32\n\n>>474374717 \nThe guy that runs that account has some really stupid takes. He sounds like a faggot. Out of one corner of his mouth is le 1488 fascism Jews Jews Jews, and the other corner is le Trumper “he’s really gonna do it this this time we’re making America great again” stupidity. Sort of disappointed Massey follows this clown.", "pid": 474405847 }, { "sender": "C564-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:27\n\n>>474404710 \nthey took ideas and positions organic to /pol/ and started weaving in a bunch of narrative reasons to not vote without breaking their imposter character -- they managed to get actual anons to sign off on it, so its not 100% shills but its still originating from some fucking shill glownigger think tank. \nif they have it locked in why are they still desperate to discourage/demoralize the right from voting? \nwhy assassinate him? \nwhy fake assassinate him to remoralize while at the same time still all-in on demoralizing? \n/pol/ let the shills get away with some fucking shit these past 4 years.", "pid": 474405985 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8A25", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:58\n\n>>474374717 \nI must admit, the agenda 47 does look good. \n>death penalty for drug dealers \n>mass deportation \nBut beyond rhetoric, we need to actually start putting into practice what we are talking about. \nDrug dealers getting the death penalty is straight forward but I haven't heard logistical conversation about how we'll start mass deportation without harming sectors of business and unbalance the job markets. \nPerhaps it's smart to not publicly talk about it so the democrats can't work now to block future attempts. But there should be a plan in place at least behind the scenes. I'm just not confident there is a good one in place right now. \n \n[spoiler]Maybe we start with regions of the US or states with higher known presence of illegals who use a lot of welfare. Maybe they decide to make E-Verify mandatory for certain sectors of work in that region, and only go after sectors that provide higher skill and higher paying jobs (not all sectors because they might create a job imbalance, so avoid in the beginning most people in auto mechanics sector, most entry level tier construction jobs shouldn't be touched in the beginning, manufacturing sector would need to be the slowest to get phased in depending on the type). Every sector that will be affected should have a grace period window of 5 months (gives time for training replacements, finding new hires, young people can get certs), with criteria saying \"at least 25% of employees that fail E-Verify need to be fired\" then phase in a little more % every following 4 months or so. so ICE knows who is employed at a business but fails to E-Verify and prove they're a citizen. They would likely have to self deport if they can't get a job---there needs to be facilitation for that too. \nAll this should be done NOT after the US border is actually secured but ASAP, so the border is becoming secured as we're deporting. Dems would try to stop both but their efforts to stop them might be thwarted if we try doing both at one time.[/spoiler]", "pid": 474406223 }, { "sender": "Anon-27D1", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:57\n\n>>474405985 \nyes, I agree. i am disgusted and disappointed by how willfully subverted /pol/ has become. But without knowing who's a bot or wo's real or who's a shill, you can't let it demoralize you. Have to assume the worst are just fake and that there's are still human's who can hear. \n \nThis thread is almost \\*entirely\\* shills. 20-30 of them. That revelation itself is rather profound.", "pid": 474406407 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD8F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:53\n\n>>474402360 \nOk, that does sound nice. People hate you guys becasue of how our politicians bend over backwards for you. AIPAC and damn near every politician goes and prays at the wall. It gets kind of old shelling out money and when politicians say how great you are as our cities have very high crime, drugs, and homelessness. Also crumbling infrastructure and whatnot. When people are struggling to ends meet then their senator will take a trip to Israel. It sort of pisses people off. People want to boycott anything kosher or whatever then laws will be put in place because of it. All jews are then guilty by being jews. You have no effect or choice in any of that, but that's where it stands.", "pid": 474406539 }, { "sender": "Anon-7991", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:44\n\n>>474406407 \nYou’re a trump guy? You think he’s going to save this country like he didnt during his first term? You think a lone nut trying to kill him is evidence that he’s a threat to the powers that be?", "pid": 474406718 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E06C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:01\n\n>>474376188 \nHey that's what Dim Fool said, if that's true why does Trump keep bringing it up.", "pid": 474406821 }, { "sender": "Anon-CFD6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:09\n\n>>474406718 \n>hey like [strawman] right? \n>i mean you're a [strawman] aren't you \n>cuz like [strawman] is retarded lmao", "pid": 474406834 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-45DF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:59\n\n>>474403202 \nIt’s incredible how seemingly reasonable people are caught up in the electoral circus. They believe the elites wield tremendous power, yet allow the people to decide their own future by voting. We have no say and our future has already been decided. They’ve got their new supply of hopium, which is what they really wanted all along. \n \nWashington DC has failed the American people and is in the hands of our enemies. It cannot be fixed, and the only possible solution is separating ourselves from it, like our founders separated from the crown.", "pid": 474407398 }, { "sender": "2EC3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:47\n\n>>474406834 \nYou’re smart, vote trump. He’ll fix it this time around!", "pid": 474407507 }, { "sender": "Anon-9237", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:41\n\n>>474406407 \nyup. anons will always be a part of the internet, if the site runners don't fix some shit /pol/ will be another chapter in the rearview like /b/. \nmigrations happen. \n>>474406834 \ngoteem", "pid": 474408017 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E756", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:17\n\n>>474381641 \n>like every other pandemic throughout history \nExcept every other pandemic in history wasn't a common cold. Don't forget faggot, the WHO redefined pandemic to mean any old infection that was wide spread and in the age of jet travel that means every infectious disease no matter how mild.", "pid": 474408776 }, { "sender": "BF10-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:37:15\n\n>>474390211 \nA freshly hatched jew.", "pid": 474408911 }, { "sender": "Anon-4398", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:17\n\n>>474406223 \n \nMidwit take.", "pid": 474409526 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C249", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:36\n\n>>474377371", "pid": 474409701 }, { "sender": "ED9E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:59\n\n>>474374717 \nNo. Im not getting israel. Fuck that guy and fuck israel too.", "pid": 474410120 }, { "sender": "Anon-A6BB", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:41\n\n>>474381641 \nThere was no pandemic, it was manufactured with 2^40 cycles PCR amplification. It's why Mullis had to die at such a convenient time.", "pid": 474410161 }, { "sender": "C7CC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:03\n\n>>474374717 \nZION DON ZION DON ZION DON", "pid": 474410361 }, { "sender": "06C6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:47\n\nAnons who don't understand game theory ITT", "pid": 474410420 }, { "sender": "Anon-3415", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:53\n\n>>474374717 \nI don’t know, it seems like “Republicans” sat by and did nothing for four years. All of the anti-woke and anti-LGBT was carried by anonymous far-right grassroots campaigns.", "pid": 474410432 }, { "sender": "96E2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:08\n\n>>474410361 \nSend them all copies of the talmud", "pid": 474410587 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-37F4", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:42\n\n>>474374717 \n>You're getting Israel rather you like it or not \nWanna bet?", "pid": 474411084 }, { "sender": "5CB5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:44\n\n>>474376656 \n>anti-Israel candidate \n>JD Vance \n>ANTI-ISRAEL", "pid": 474411152 }, { "sender": "Anon-079E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:20\n\n>>474376878 \nthey already did his wife.", "pid": 474411201 }, { "sender": "F051-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:07\n\n>>474377313 \nthis.", "pid": 474411333 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1F84", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:28\n\n>>474376188 \n>t. caved like a bitch and hasn't been able to live with himself since (for good reason)", "pid": 474411360 }, { "sender": "Anon-4E24", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:17\n\n>>474393695 \n>Why is that? \nVampires cannot live off other vampires", "pid": 474411484 }, { "sender": "2D9E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:55\n\n>>474376188 \ni care. \nidgaf that trump made a rushed experimental gene therapy and then gave people the option to take it \ni care that biden tried to force me to take it. \nbiden can fuck off into obscurity. \ntrump 2024", "pid": 474411884 }, { "sender": "AB3D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:28\n\n>>474411884 \nnow you can get forced to go die for Israel. :D", "pid": 474412065 }, { "sender": "Anon-D90A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:06\n\n>>474395682 \nThere are 6 genders in the talmud", "pid": 474412192 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F6F", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:18\n\n>>474374717 \nMIGA MIGA MIGA MIGA MIGA \nMAKE ISRAEL GREATER AGAIN", "pid": 474412214 }, { "sender": "7B91-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:48\n\n>>474376656 \njoe biden", "pid": 474412331 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A7B4", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:48\n\n>>474412192 \nyou people realy dont understamd how the talmud works or is interpreted, being a trannie is forbidon acording to jewish law under a few clauses but the maime one is that its forbidon to do anything that makes you unable to have kids", "pid": 474412732 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-64F0", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:14\n\n>>474403389 \n> voting base \nObviously trump will win in a landslide, but your vote counting is as real as the tooth fairy. It’s all powered by real-time algorithmic rebalancing to create perpetual gridlock. If Republicans take the house and senate, local elections flip blue and vice-versa.", "pid": 474413088 }, { "sender": "8E0F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:15\n\nHell yeah brother time to die for jews", "pid": 474413557 }, { "sender": "Anon-3B40", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:44\n\n>>474412732 \nSure I do, I absolutely understand the authority rabbi have in the jewish religion and over the average jew. You can't argue with the facts of what's in the talmud so you're trying to minimize them as if they're some fringe opinion. They aren't fringe and they have nothing to do with God.", "pid": 474413596 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A9DB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:22\n\n>>474413596 \n>Sure I do \nif you did you would not site individuale sentences from it you would tell me what the ruleing on the matter they were discussing is \n>facts \na fact is that all of creation is comanded to be fruitfull and multiply so it is forbidon to do things that make you infertile like cutting your dick off, that is acording to jewish law, it is also forbidon to act in ways not fitting your gender woman are not allowed to wear pants becuase they are a male garmet, and men are not suppoalsed to look at themselves in the mirror as its considered feminine behavior", "pid": 474413848 }, { "sender": "Anon-E496", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:29\n\ni will monitor the situation, especially if fatboy vance is on scene, faggot might eat the rug declare it a degenerate hillbilly past time them tell us we all should apologize for it. fuck this retarded orange nigger.", "pid": 474414027 } ]
[ { "sender": "A9DA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:32:43\n\nThis is what the invading Russian terrorist animals and war criminals did to the Ukrainian town of Vovchansk.\nMillions of European families in Ukraine displaced and then replaced with Asiatic Russian mongrels.\nWhy is NATO still allowing Putin to live?\n", "pid": 474396866 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9963", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:34:30\n\nSo the Russian are using air strikes to flatten whole commie blocks and Ukraine still claims there killing 1000 Russian a day for 10 losses of there own ?", "pid": 474396981 }, { "sender": "6FD3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:37:22\n\n>>474396866 \n>Why is NATO still allowing Putin to live? \nMost of MATO'S power comes from the Turkish army", "pid": 474397159 }, { "sender": "Anon-8C8D", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:37:39\n\n>>474396866 \nShouldn't have attacked that beach", "pid": 474397180 }, { "sender": "B366-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:38:32\n\n>>474396981 \n>Ukraine still claims there killing 1000 Russian a day for 10 losses of there own ? \nNot only that, they are retreating successfully and still winning!", "pid": 474397237 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A3A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:40:36\n\n>>474396866 \nShouldn't have let NATO overthrow your democratically elected President then piggus", "pid": 474397355 }, { "sender": "Anon-E1DF", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:42:03\n\n>>474397237 \n>>474396981 \nSay what you will but before 2022, I thought the Russian army could conquer all of Europe in a week", "pid": 474397445 }, { "sender": "D27C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:42:51\n\n>>474397445 \nYeah, I won't deny that their incompetence showed no equal, well, maybe the Iraqi army was as bad.", "pid": 474397477 }, { "sender": "E4BA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:45:14\n\n>>474396981 \nLiterally hundreds of new videos of Russians getting blown up appear every week. \nWe can \\*\\*see\\*\\* Russia’s massive losses almost in real time with our own eyes. \nBut keep coping, though. I’m sure Putin went to North Korea to beg for weapons and troops again because everything is going according to plan after 872 days of the 3-day special military operation.", "pid": 474397620 }, { "sender": "26F0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:47:14\n\nI don't see Ukraine asking for peace. Instead they are asking for more weapons so evidently it can't be that bad yet. Let them keep killing each other if that's what they want then that's what they want. They're not women nor children so they have to make their own decisions and face the consequences.", "pid": 474397751 }, { "sender": "CC6C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:48:27\n\n>>474396866 \nWhy do you care? Ukraine isn't even a NATO country.", "pid": 474397842 }, { "sender": "BE09-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:49:31\n\nThis is the lattest zigger contraption, chinese golf carts with giant cope cages", "pid": 474397908 }, { "sender": "3E73-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:55:49\n\nWhy did Kiev start this war in 2014 ?", "pid": 474398310 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2CAF", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:56:38\n\n>>474397751 \nRight, just let the Russian animals steal Ukraine's land (even cities that Russians have never occupied), get away with countless war crimes against Ukrainian civilians, and decide which alliances Ukraine can join. \nSurely that sounds like reasonable terms for \"peace\". \n", "pid": 474398367 }, { "sender": "B257-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:57:19\n\n>>474396866 \n>invading Russian terrorist animals and war criminals \nI think you should stop writing like you're a walking copypasta \nAnd I don't mean it's because of the adjectives themselves, just the amount of them", "pid": 474398400 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8A40", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:57:27\n\n>>474398367 \n>Right, just let the Russian animals steal Ukraine's land ( \nCrimea is not Ukrainian land", "pid": 474398407 }, { "sender": "Anon-4AAF", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:00:10\n\n>>474397620 \n>i don't watch the other videos so i assume ukraine is just slaughtering all! \n>nope no videos of the other side \n>nope no captured abrams tanks \n>crew survived and it's already been repaired!", "pid": 474398575 }, { "sender": "Anon-2390", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:00:42\n\n>>474397620 \nID = jew cum \nChecks out", "pid": 474398608 }, { "sender": "54EC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:00:44\n\n>>474397445 \nYeah they should have done better just like your IDF cant take out Hamas.", "pid": 474398614 }, { "sender": "Anon-C700", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:01:54\n\n>>474397908 \nIts called copecage because posting picture of it is a cope mechanism?", "pid": 474398689 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-193E", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:02:08\n\n>>474397620 \nFaggot you get at best 10 video's a day and most of them are killing 1 or two Russians. Russia drops daily FAB videos.", "pid": 474398703 }, { "sender": "21F6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:04:40\n\n>>474396866 \nnothing of value was lost", "pid": 474398869 }, { "sender": "E43A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:06:42\n\n>>474398703 \nRussians are losing 100 to 200 casualties a day, sure. The problem is that Ukraine is losing 1500+ per day.", "pid": 474399004 }, { "sender": "D4CA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:07:34\n\n>>474399004 \n>The problem is that Ukraine \nIt's The Jewkraine", "pid": 474399057 }, { "sender": "7E7B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:08:27\n\n>>474398367 \nYou act like there's a mommy you can go cry to who will spank the bad boy and give the righteous kid his toys back. There's not. The west played mommy for it's own benefit since after WW2 and that mommy figure losing most of it's global power is exactly what led to this. You can dislike it all you want but human and subhuman history both has always been marked by regional powers demanding to exist and exert their influence on their neighbors. Had Ukraine not fallen for the wests sweet little lies it may be Russia's vassal but it would be in peace. Without a supernatural, all powerful and unbiased figure of \"justice\" this is just the way things play out. Perhaps one day only one race will prevail so that one government presiding over all of earth can form and then these regional conflicts will end but until then you're either the regional power, in good terms with the regional power, too expensive for the regional power or at war. A simple case of you can't have your cake and eat it too.", "pid": 474399110 }, { "sender": "D3A1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:09:09\n\n>>474399004 \nno no no ukraine is losing 50,000 every hour anon. russia won get over it.", "pid": 474399142 }, { "sender": "Anon-1C79", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:09:40\n\n>>474398407 \n>Sep 4, 1991: The Crimean parliament declares the state sovereignty of Crimea as a constituent part of the Ukraine. \n", "pid": 474399164 }, { "sender": "Anon-6583", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:10:12\n\n>>474396866 \nThis is what it looks like when a country joins russia. Compare this to Helsinki or Stockholm when they joined NATO.", "pid": 474399196 }, { "sender": "C044-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:11:02\n\n>>474398407 \n>>474399164", "pid": 474399259 }, { "sender": "874C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:11:13\n\n>>474396866 \nIt improved", "pid": 474399271 }, { "sender": "2FA4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:12:50\n\n>russia has lost 3000+ tanks \n>losing 100+ artillery a day apparently \n>no we don't have any photos! \n>yes verified by ukraine news!", "pid": 474399371 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-88FE", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:13:23\n\n>>474399196 \nThis is what it looks like when a country trusts (((the west)))\\*", "pid": 474399410 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9B6A", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:13:28\n\n>>474399004 \n>The problem is that Ukraine is losing 1500+ per day. \nOkay, so that means just two more weeks until Putin's parade in Kyiv.", "pid": 474399420 }, { "sender": "5577-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:13:33\n\n>>474399196 \nso true!", "pid": 474399425 }, { "sender": "04DC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:14:01\n\n>>474399259 \nVatniggers will simply pretend that putin never said any of these things. They are very jewish in that regard.", "pid": 474399455 }, { "sender": "ED33-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:15:24\n\n>>474396866", "pid": 474399540 }, { "sender": "Anon-3482", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:15:33\n\n>>474398367 \n>>474399164 \n>omg guis seig heil is totally in now xd trust the planTM zussia is cooming time to send the last of your good stock to the ostfront for banksterberg! \nyou’re literally never gonna convince us to do this until the nations of the west are enabled to kick down the doors of your master and hang them all first, you included probably. You’re NEVER going to kike the thought of “traitors before enemies” out of our heads, not ever. I’m not following you mischling. You don’t want me standing behind you anyways", "pid": 474399555 }, { "sender": "6299-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:15:44\n\n>>474396866 \nthat's what winning looks like", "pid": 474399567 }, { "sender": "Anon-267A", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:16:28\n\n>>474399142 \n> feb 2023 - feb 2024 \nShow the fortifications built in the past 10 years", "pid": 474399620 }, { "sender": "9F36-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:16:57\n\n>>474399455 \nwe call it \"communist brains\", they actually believe that if you lie enough times it will become truth.", "pid": 474399641 }, { "sender": "55B9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:17:48\n\n>>474399371 \nOver 3,000 confirmed Russian tanks destroyed in Ukraine have been photographed and geolocated, you ignorant moron. \n", "pid": 474399701 }, { "sender": "Anon-334F", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:18:07\n\n>>474396866 \nRussia took control of it in the beginning absolutely intact. No resistance - no ruination and everything is fine. Just like in the south. And I want to stress it again, Ukrainians under \"occupation\" are not forcefully mobilized and can go abroad freely. And they pay less for everything than in \"free\" and \"democratic\" Ukraine. \nThen khokhols started to shell Volchansk themselves, and sending meat waves from mass mobilization. Russia had to recoup. Then geniuses decided to shell Russia itself from it and make incursions. Now they are getting wiped from the face of the Earth, 15k Russians grinding 95k khokhols on that direction I must add. And now you shill is screeching. \n>replaced with Asiatic \nChutzpah for a nafo shill to talk shit about replacement.", "pid": 474399721 }, { "sender": "3BE3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:18:40\n\n>>474399701 \n>oryx \nNot even trying.", "pid": 474399761 }, { "sender": "8966-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:19:02\n\n>>474399620", "pid": 474399779 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8C5E", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:19:45\n\n>>474396866 \nYour hatred towards the peaceful state of Russia gave you away, neonazi dog. \nAll of you will be exterminated nazi israeli dogs. Soon or later.", "pid": 474399811 }, { "sender": "268B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:20:55\n\n>>474399371 \n>russia has lost 3000+ tanks \n>no we don't have any photos! \nBut, we do have photos?", "pid": 474399889 }, { "sender": "A603-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:21:30\n\n>>474399371 \nSure by now Russia would have fallen back? They are losing so much its ridiculous that they are gaining ground and Ukraine keeps on begging for more equipment.", "pid": 474399927 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C696", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:21:41\n\n>>474399779 \nWhat’re you laughing at on this post, the fact that it’s gonna be really shitty past this line of entrenchments as there will be far less after?", "pid": 474399946 }, { "sender": "EDDB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:21:53\n\n>>474396981 \nToo many drones and high tech weapons from GAE. Gae has technological advantage.", "pid": 474399960 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6599", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:26\n\n>>474399701 \nlmaooooooo \n \n>random tweets are source \n>na they're not dupes", "pid": 474399990 }, { "sender": "6A6E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:38\n\n>>474399946 \nrussia is still stuck at avivdidkakaka. \nafter 3 years.", "pid": 474400003 }, { "sender": "6C56-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:24:02\n\n>>474396866 \nI genuinely don't care. They fought so hard to defend Russia when it actually mattered, now they get to reap the reward.", "pid": 474400115 }, { "sender": "5916-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:24:15\n\n>>474397842 \nbecause this war is about the global dominance of GAE. \nIf it fall apart, you will not be able to feed yourself, leaf", "pid": 474400129 }, { "sender": "FB03-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:25:43\n\n>>474398310 \nIt was not Kiev. It was USA and its network of NGO and their loyal puppet oligarchs in Ukraine.", "pid": 474400227 }, { "sender": "Anon-88F6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:25:49\n\n>>474399701 \n>Count Ukraine losses as Russian losses \n \nMany such cases.", "pid": 474400234 }, { "sender": "Anon-F4F5", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:26:17\n\n>>474396866 \nLook up Bandera. Then look up how he's celebrated in Ukraine. \nThen think back on your own history, and on how you treat people like that in Germany. \n \nBut all that is forgotten when the opponent is Russia.... Your people have a collective case of doublestandard, and its quite pathetic to behold.", "pid": 474400263 }, { "sender": "A422-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:27:34\n\n>>474400003 \n>russia is still stuck at avivdidkakaka. \nThis was in April. \nYour head is pretty devoid of anything based in reality, gr8 b8 m8!", "pid": 474400338 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F44", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:27:41\n\n>>474396866 \nThey'll get over it like the japanese and palestinians did.", "pid": 474400345 }, { "sender": "9356-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:27:50\n\n>>474400003 \nI know I’m in the wrong place for this sentiment but war of attrition isn’t funny when decisive moves are the only thing that breaks the evened death ratio. idk why people act like these countries share the same population pools. A million Ukrainians are basically worth 5 million in terms of the disparity between their sizes. Even with that metric 10 million to 50 million I’m pretty sure Stalin killed that many himself surrounding Talvisota, fighting the Whites and WW2 itself….. I think you like Russians dying more than you like Ukrainians “defending”", "pid": 474400357 }, { "sender": "AD5E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:28:02\n\n>>474399721 \n>parroting Russian propaganda lies verbatim \nGo back to Russia, Igor. You know very well that the Russian criminals invading Ukraine only bring misery, poverty, crime, terror, and lawlessness. \n \n \n", "pid": 474400370 }, { "sender": "027C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:28:09\n\n>>474399701 \nWith modern medical advances the wounded-to-killed ratio today ranges anywhere from 10:1 to 17:1 in battle. \nThen remember that Biden spilled the beans and said the actual official Nato estimate on Russian casualties, and not the uk and Ukrainian propaganda numbers. \nBiden looked into the camera, and told the world that Russia have had 350.000 dead and(!) wounded in Ukraine. \nBut for the sake of argument, let's claim that Russia have the worst medical aid, and \"only\" get the 10/1 ratio, or even half of that... At the lowest rate it's 35.000 dead, and going full propaganda it's still \"only\" 75.000 dead Russians. \nThen look at what wave of mobilization Ukraine is at, and how \"peacefully\" they mobilize civilians of the streets... \n \nThen look at how those numbers compare to the \"official\" losses, same goes for tanks.", "pid": 474400379 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0500", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:28:21\n\n>>474400263 \nExcellent post.", "pid": 474400396 }, { "sender": "Anon-B668", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:29:58\n\n>>474400338 \nbut that pic shows they are still at akikivkaka.", "pid": 474400492 }, { "sender": "Anon-4125", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:29:59\n\n>>474399721 \nHello crimean rat \nHow did you like the recent fireworks?", "pid": 474400496 }, { "sender": "Anon-CE47", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:31:16\n\n>>474396866 \n \nLooks like Gaze, i guess they had legitimate reasons.", "pid": 474400578 }, { "sender": "3237-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:31:25\n\n>>474400496 \n>the 30% has spoken \nYour government enjoys your sentiments, a perfect candidate!", "pid": 474400589 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8779", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:34:31\n\n>>474400492 \n> still at \nAgain, this was in April.", "pid": 474400781 }, { "sender": "Anon-63AB", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:35:55\n\n>>474400781", "pid": 474400865 }, { "sender": "52EC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:36:32\n\n>>474400379 \n>y-youre a nigger! A-amirite guys? B-black sun? Anyone?!! YOURE A KIKE \nkek they can’t mimic our disposition toward our internal threats ever", "pid": 474400901 }, { "sender": "Anon-E8CC", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:39:36\n\n>>474400234 \n>you have no proofs \n>okay you have proofs...but...T-THOSE ARE UKRAINIAN LOSSES \nIs this best copes you have?", "pid": 474401092 }, { "sender": "F6EC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:40:57\n\n>>474396866 \nI hope they make a tourist park out of this, for the Stalker larpers.", "pid": 474401180 }, { "sender": "7468-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:42:44\n\n>>474398614 \nkek", "pid": 474401295 }, { "sender": "07C9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:47:34\n\n>>474396866 \nhow are they butthurt that antique cold war slavshit era infrastructure is being demolished free of charge? when it's all over, they're going to rebuild it with shit a million times better than what was there", "pid": 474401613 }, { "sender": "0A5C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:48:57\n\n>>474400370 \n>hrw \nhas no date prior to 2022 for ukraine war \nsham website", "pid": 474401707 }, { "sender": "Anon-AAA3", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:52:05\n\n>>474396866 \n>invading \n>terrorist \n>animals \n>war criminals \nI got a bingo on my \"nato sockpuppet buzzwords\" card bros", "pid": 474401900 }, { "sender": "AF10-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:52:12\n\n>>474401613 \n>they're going to rebuild it with shit a million times better than what was there \nRussian architecture is kino but hardly 'Better', anon.", "pid": 474401907 }, { "sender": "5569-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:54:20\n\nziggersissies? what's our playbook? call OP a nafo troon as always?", "pid": 474402050 }, { "sender": "5F99-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:55:03\n\n>>474396866 \n>Why is NATO still allowing Putin to live? \n \nMost (around 80%) of russian imports connected to its MIC are from america. That number also applies to Ukraine", "pid": 474402106 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C580", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:56:35\n\n>The Tsar and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich decreed that the Cherkashin Martyn of Nizhny Novgorod should erect a sloboda on the Volchiye Vody River, summoning Cherkasses from the towns of Malorossiya and Zadneprovye to live there \nno worries, nigger, we’ll rebuild it. then raze it. then rebuild it again. rinse and repeat, we’ll do with our clay whatever we please", "pid": 474402207 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E43C", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:57:01\n\n>>474398367 \n>Right, just let the Russian animals steal Ukraine's land \nWell Russia is getting that land now anyways, so yeah that's basically what happened.", "pid": 474402228 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8B68", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:57:25\n\n>>474401613 \n>they're going to rebuild it with shit a million times better than what was there \nwho, and with what money?", "pid": 474402254 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD65", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:57:26\n\n>>474402106 \n\\*was from America \nftfy? \n> this number also applies to ukraine \nNATO & that number is 99% of their weaponry atm. \n", "pid": 474402256 }, { "sender": "Anon-43CF", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:58:18\n\n>>474396866 \n>war \n>terrorists \nPick one.", "pid": 474402303 }, { "sender": "D866-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:58:53\n\nthe american empire is a paper tiger, helmed by cowards", "pid": 474402339 }, { "sender": "C86C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:59:08\n\n>>474396866 \nLook at this and tell me Ukraine is winning. \nNATO is next. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland. All Rus clay.", "pid": 474402358 }, { "sender": "Anon-0B33", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:59:17\n\n>>474396866 \nGood! \nDeath to nazis!", "pid": 474402366 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B6B2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:01:37\n\n>>474398367 \nI just wanted to give you the important reminder that you will never, under any circumstance, become a woman. You can wave your faggot flags and post your willful ignorance of life for all to see but that glaring fact will always remain.", "pid": 474402515 }, { "sender": "Anon-70C3", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:01:44\n\n>>474402358 \n> Rus is le heckin Boogeyman from our Nightmares \n> our ONLY option is to have a direct road from The Ukraine to Moscow OR the Boggeyman will come for us all!!! \nSounds a little Paranoid, desu", "pid": 474402522 }, { "sender": "B4D8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:02:56\n\nThey could build the best buildings in the world on it, but the buildings will always be sick as they are built on bombed land.", "pid": 474402591 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7B8E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:40\n\n>>474398367 \n>it's okay when we do it", "pid": 474402773 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0399", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:06:48\n\n>>474402773 \nPlay stupid games (genocide), win stupid prizes", "pid": 474402854 }, { "sender": "B6B4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:54\n\n>>474399701 \n>you ignorant moron. \nYea thanks for not updating your scripts in your mind.", "pid": 474402928 }, { "sender": "42C8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:08:00\n\n>>474398367 \n>Surely that sounds like reasonable terms for \"peace\". \n>reasonable \nkek the only reason to strike peace for hohols is stop dying \nif they deem these terms unacceptable - they can keep dying", "pid": 474402935 }, { "sender": "13BA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:08:34\n\n>>474402854 \nOkay, Tonibler from Bristol.", "pid": 474402971 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0F4E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:49\n\n>>474400865 \nThe meatgrinder has to go brrrrrr.", "pid": 474403120 }, { "sender": "9E64-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:11:06\n\n>>474402207 \ndon't cry when we either bomb you or sanction you into a situation similar to the north koreans. hope youre having fun larping about russian history for the time being!", "pid": 474403135 }, { "sender": "1B5C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:11:32\n\n>>474396866 \n> Why is NATO still allowing Putin to live? \nBecause Ukraine is not in NATO.", "pid": 474403167 }, { "sender": "08C5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:11:56\n\n>>474396866 \n>ignores the ukranian civil war thats been going on for a decade \nif any of these azog or shitstainians where actually nationalists they would have just let the Russian speakers in the east go, and fought against the corrupt kike government that was keeping them in poverty \nthey are the most retarded population of sabbath goyim I have ever seen", "pid": 474403187 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8AF9", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:01\n\n>>474396866 \nIf Ukrainians don't like it they can always leave Ukraine.", "pid": 474403191 }, { "sender": "sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:17\n\n>>474396866 \nBack to the usual routine I see - given up on painting the ActBlue shooter as a right winger already?", "pid": 474403206 }, { "sender": "Anon-A291", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:01\n\n>>474403135 \nHow's philadelphia? Or portland? Or skid row? I'm not even asking about seattle, chicongo or detroit anymore.", "pid": 474403255 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-286E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:30\n\n>>474398367 \n>right, just let the kike animals steal russians land \nFIFY", "pid": 474403358 }, { "sender": "EFCA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:35\n\n>>474403255 \nI made 3 guesses then gave up trying to guess whatever bumfuck nowhere country that flag in your post represents.", "pid": 474403365 }, { "sender": "Anon-022E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:56\n\n>>474402854 \nYour own politicians admitted it had nothing to do with saving the Albanians, but about ruining the only independent country in Europe that didn't want to succumb to the western influence. \n", "pid": 474403385 }, { "sender": "D52E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:16:10\n\n>>474402935 \nHow come Russians on internet are so eager to talk about war and how they will kill everyone but Russians from front are mostly \n>VLADIMIR VLADIMIROVICH PUTIN, PLEASE HELP, WE'RE LAST 1~20 MEN OUT OF 100, COMANDERS ARE SENDING US TO CERTAIN DEATH WITHOUT PROPER TRAINING ON EQUIPMENT, WE'RE NOT DESERTERS BUT WE DON'T WANT TO DO THIS SUICIDAL ORDERS! \\*obituary comes out several weeks later\\*", "pid": 474403471 }, { "sender": "172A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:08\n\n>>474396866 \nThe goal is genocide of slavs and replacement with Indians like mariupol. For Ukraine to now reclaim mariupol they will need to cleanse it of jeets and asians", "pid": 474403531 }, { "sender": "Anon-D44F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:18\n\n>>474396866 \nYou could try not gobbling jewish cock", "pid": 474403547 }, { "sender": "Anon-F40F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:47\n\n>>474403365 \n> Not knowing where to bomb. \nGood.", "pid": 474403575 }, { "sender": "D202-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:24\n\n>>474403135 \n>don't cry when we either bomb you or sanction you \nyou’ve already done the latter to no effect and too much of a pussy to do the former, Tyrone Hernandez Jr. \nas shrimple as, I yawn @ (You)r pathetic hypotheticals", "pid": 474403629 }, { "sender": "Anon-1E76", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:26\n\n>>474398367 \n/pol/ is a pro-nigger board. That's why the virgin chuds support russia, they are on the side of the drug addicted violent nigger who is killing white people.", "pid": 474403631 }, { "sender": "Anon-D53F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:01\n\n>>474397445 \nWhile I don't think the Russian military is quite that capable, I also think we're greatly overestimating our own armies. Not to mention I think only a portion of the Russian military was mobilized? I don't think they could win but I also don't think it'd be easy", "pid": 474403669 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9457", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:24\n\n>>474403471 \n>How come Russians on internet \nlol cue the navy seal pasta \nanyway, do you grow your own food?", "pid": 474403698 }, { "sender": "5B8B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:21:12\n\n>>474403471 \nObituary comes out? Thank you very much. It's good to know that for every Russian, 6 Ukrainians die.", "pid": 474403816 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2B42", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:21:30\n\n>>474403135 \nYou won't - can't - do shit.", "pid": 474403832 }, { "sender": "5AB7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:21:47\n\n>>474403629 \nSanctions starting 2 years ago are not the same as sanctions that the N. Koreans have been under for 50+ years. You might not feel the full effect of them now, but you will and future generations certainly will. It's foolish to think there are no recertifications for making yourself a global pariah. It's also foolish to assume you're any more immune than N. Korea.", "pid": 474403857 }, { "sender": "0698-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:19\n\n>>474403857 \nGonzales, do you realise Russia is still trading with the entire world, and has been like... Since the start of these \"sanctions\"?", "pid": 474403960 }, { "sender": "Anon-A403", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:51\n\n>>474396866 \n The foolish hohols shouldn't have let the USA enact an illegal regime change in 2014. They also should have not started talking about joining NAFO and let Luhansk and Donbass secede, as their populations overwhelmingly voted for. They have an illegitimate government. Sucks to be played by BlackRock. Slava Pepperoni.", "pid": 474403994 }, { "sender": "5236-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:24:04\n\n>>474403857 \n>You might not feel the full effect of them now, but you will and future generations certainly will \nlmaooooo \nI read heaps of westoid cope how sanctions are a swift and decisive response, aimed at devastating Kremlins ability to wage wa… no wait, hold up, we’re getting firmware update… yes, I am now being told that it is actually a delayed fuse that would take its crippling hold in about two wee… w-wait a second, anonymous sources now tell me, that, according to a briefing by experts on the matter it’s a deterrent, which would hinder Russian growth in long term. \nStay tuned, we will brief you on the news as the story unfolds. \n>a league of armed men barges into the studio. several sturdy looking suits spread out over the room, one hastily enters the frame and grabs the microphone \nfellow Americans, I bring you the urgent update on Russian sanctions. contrary to our previous beliefs, Russian economy is actually more vulnerable to intense pressure campa… \n>translation dramatically cuts off, massive cringe wave spreads around the globe. America is disproportionately affected by cringe induced mortality, death toll is in millions", "pid": 474404012 }, { "sender": "F463-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:03\n\n>>474397445 \nUkraine actually has a much more impressive military than most of europe.", "pid": 474404070 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1C46", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:40\n\n>>474403960 \nPeople trade with N. Korea.", "pid": 474404111 }, { "sender": "Anon-F3CA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:29\n\n>>474402256 \nthey still import and integrate american made products into their defence industry, are you new here or nah?", "pid": 474404165 }, { "sender": "Anon-F8D6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:52\n\n>>474404012", "pid": 474404190 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B3D7", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:00\n\n>>474397445 \nOr maybe you believed NATO propaganda that was actually used to subvert europe because kikes had no intention of letting europeans govern themselves after what Hitler did. \n \nBut, you already knew this Chaim.", "pid": 474404200 }, { "sender": "9B75-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:02\n\n>>474396866 \n>>474396866 \nShouldn't have bombed the Donbas people for 8 years killing tens of thousands of innocents, eh retard? \n \nGod is with Russia.", "pid": 474404202 }, { "sender": "9830-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:16\n\n>>474404012 \n>I read heaps of westoid cope how sanctions are a swift and decisive response, aimed at devastating Kremlins ability to wage wa… no wait, hold up, we’re getting firmware update… yes, I am now being told that it is actually a delayed fuse that would take its crippling hold in about two wee… w-wait a second, anonymous sources now tell me, that, according to a briefing by experts on the matter it’s a deterrent, which would hinder Russian growth in long term. \nBrb in 2 weeks, special military operation. Retard.", "pid": 474404215 }, { "sender": "Anon-0D2D", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:28\n\n>>474404202 \nJeets are with russia. Are you jeet?", "pid": 474404227 }, { "sender": "D02C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:30\n\n>>474396866 \nChecked and here is a picture of Gaza for comparison.", "pid": 474404231 }, { "sender": "4781-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:42\n\n>>474396866 \n>Ukraine \n>European \nChoose one pls. This is an ass backwards slavic spat. Ukrainian culture has no history or bearing on Europe.", "pid": 474404241 }, { "sender": "0181-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:48\n\n>>474404165 \nRussia does? \nI thought after the 14th wave of Sanctions from the EU, the US would have made similar strides. \nDo go on though", "pid": 474404248 }, { "sender": "AC16-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:38\n\n>>474396866 \nShut up. Return to Ukraine if you care that much.", "pid": 474404299 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B476", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:56\n\n>>474397355 \nChecked", "pid": 474404320 }, { "sender": "Anon-1827", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:41\n\nBut why bother post it here? /pol/ is a Ruble-Bot infestation board. & widely Russia has won the propaganda war. \nUkraine could literally win the war & 10 years later this pro-kremlin shit won't stop.", "pid": 474404365 }, { "sender": "44CA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:39\n\n>>474403669 \nIf Russia comes to Denmark the best we can muster after giving away literally all of our hardware to Ukraine and then failing spectacularly to replace it is a reverse Stalingrad.", "pid": 474404433 }, { "sender": "9922-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:40\n\n>>474404365 \n10 years ago I remember Russia saying we were going to invade belarus and Ukraine. Now Russian soldiers are fucking with both countries. Makes you think", "pid": 474404435 }, { "sender": "3958-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:05\n\n>>474404231 \nJob half done", "pid": 474404462 }, { "sender": "EC5A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:10\n\n>>474400263 \nyeah! damn that fucking nationalist! how dared he want his nation to have a country!!! borders are just arbitrary lines.", "pid": 474404469 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A3A8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:07\n\n>>474404365 \n>Ukraine could literally win the war \nAny day now they may stop retreating and will take back something, right, nafocuc/k/?", "pid": 474404518 }, { "sender": "Anon-12F5", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:13\n\n>>474404435 \nthinking is for zogbot globohomo cucks", "pid": 474404522 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE44", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:14\n\n>>474404469 \nBandera was fucking criminal shit. Russia of course uses that scum to try and deflect from their own crimes.", "pid": 474404523 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F6AE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:38\n\n>>474404365 \n>Ukraine could literally win the war \nYeah, no. The fact that your ilk continues to entertain this retarded idea is why this war continues to drag on.", "pid": 474404552 }, { "sender": "Anon-431D", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:26\n\n>>474404523 \nlet me guess - and your Zheligovski was an angel and AK dindu nuffin", "pid": 474404599 }, { "sender": "Anon-913E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:28\n\n>>474400263 \n Solid, rational post Anon. You have been awarded best in thread.", "pid": 474404601 }, { "sender": "B548-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:29\n\n>>474396866 \nand spics and niggers are overruning and burning down the US with no issues from the government but I'm supposed to care about a shithole on the other side of the world", "pid": 474404602 }, { "sender": "9911-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:47\n\n>>474404215 \nright, right \ndon’t take too long, tho: while you’re afk some other shenanigans could transpire irl", "pid": 474404619 }, { "sender": "BEF3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:03\n\n>>474404469 \nNazi piece of shit.", "pid": 474404639 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CC4C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:36\n\n>>474404639 \nthank you", "pid": 474404672 }, { "sender": "Anon-7BC2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:40\n\n>>474404435 \nJust as they outsource their war to mercenaries in Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, etc. They also have outsourced the online Ruble-Bot troll farm shit to southeast Asian countries. It is not worth arguing. They are paid. On Tiktok, on YouTube, on all USA GOP MAGA forums.", "pid": 474404679 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D9F8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:42\n\n>>474404462 \nI think it's a fair assessment to say the Russians have done about half what the Israelis have done, yes.", "pid": 474404683 }, { "sender": "Anon-945D", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:00\n\n>>474404552 \n>>474404518 \nBrain broken idiots instantly going into defense mode because the words Ukraine and win were written within the same sentence. \n>Ukraine could literally win the war & 10 years later this pro-kremlin shit won't stop. \nThis isn't even speaking to the capability of Ukraine winning, just saying IF THEY DID.", "pid": 474404706 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-22BA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:18\n\n>>474404599 \nI never said that. AK was loose coalition though, and ultimately many of those groups including AK and UPA ended up allying each other when Nkvd showed up.", "pid": 474404732 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8CB5", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:57\n\n>>474404248 \nyeah that is the official estimate from Chinas foreign office,", "pid": 474404783 }, { "sender": "0CAA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:20\n\n>>474404679 \nI'm well conscious of them they gót exposed on /pol/ many times like their fake page Salt Shaker on bitchute that got caught as Russian government group posing as \"MAGA anon\". They are to obvious because they always enter threads with bullet point script.", "pid": 474404810 }, { "sender": "3202-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:21\n\n>>474404679 \nпo кoлyмбийcким нaeмникaм кaкoй пoлoжняк, Tapac?", "pid": 474404811 }, { "sender": "Anon-B251", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:28\n\n>>474404706 \n>retard re-explains the post as though i didn't understand it \nYeah, I stand by my reply, you insufferable faggot. Go back already. \n>>>/k/", "pid": 474404895 }, { "sender": "82E8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:29\n\nWhat exactly does the \"front\" look like? Is it just a drone/artillery kill zone bordered by trenches?", "pid": 474404896 }, { "sender": "F521-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:39\n\n>>474404706 \n>because the words Ukraine and win were written within the same sentence \non that note, why are (You) so touchy then? \nBiden has already declared that ukranda has won, case closed", "pid": 474404905 }, { "sender": "Anon-29A7", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:06\n\n>>474397908 \nAll the shrapnel and whatever else will still spill through to the occupants. Also would probably take a couple of MPH off its max speed making it easier to hit.", "pid": 474404939 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4D30", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:26\n\n>>474397180 \nSure they should have. UA has/is taking a beating. It's a bad idea to dubbade u der a aa gun.", "pid": 474404960 }, { "sender": "E389-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:43\n\n>>474404732 \nyou see, one's nationalist will inevitably be some one else's criminal. especially in Europe where ethnic boundaries got FUBARed over the centuries. \nlet's say it like this - what Ukies did in Volyn was horrible, but let's also admit that Ukies had no grounds to love Polish colonists there. just like Lithuanians don't like your \"polish\" pypo here in Vilnius region. just like you expelled Germans from the clay you got after 1945 etc. etc. ad infinitum", "pid": 474404985 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E75F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:47\n\n>>474404896 \nYes.", "pid": 474404989 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3674", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:57\n\n>>474404895 \n>doesn't understand post \n>cries it was explained to him \nRead it a 3rd time.", "pid": 474405002 }, { "sender": "Anon-281E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:05\n\n>noooo its bad when the russians do it \nsend all europeons for mental health assessments", "pid": 474405015 }, { "sender": "C600-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:19\n\n>>474396866 \n>Oh my gawl, I can't believe the consequences of war are that you eventually lose everything \nShould have just surrendered, the common person would have endured no effective change in their life with a transition from Ukrainian to Russian government.", "pid": 474405034 }, { "sender": "Anon-B747", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:32\n\n>>474405002 \nRead my reply again.", "pid": 474405046 }, { "sender": "6417-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:46\n\n>>474405046 \nYou're still not getting that you replied to a statement that wasn't even made in the original post you were replying to. For a Brit, your English comprehension is abysmal", "pid": 474405124 }, { "sender": "812D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:18\n\n>>474404985 \nThere's no excuse for mass murdering women and children in horrific ways. There is not any excuse good enough. I want to move on from this history, because the only benefactor is russia who is knee deep in all our blood and wants to genocide all of our people for their disgusting Indian call center Federation", "pid": 474405161 }, { "sender": "Anon-7BD6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:15\n\n>>474404227 \nObviously not which shows your premise is false, but you can't into introspection, sadly. \n \nGlobohomo is with Ukraine. Are you a faggot or a troon? God forbid a jew?", "pid": 474405221 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FDFD", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:23\n\n>>474405124 \n>retard really thinks I didn't get it \nI don't think you understand why I was replying at all, you stupid fucker.", "pid": 474405226 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7F73", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:52\n\n>>474404365 \n>Russia has won the propaganda war \nYou’re wrong. Most of the world supports Ukraine and utterly despises Putin and Russia. \nIgnorant, illiterate /pol/ schizos or Russian bots spamming Twitter are not representative samples of the real world. \n", "pid": 474405268 }, { "sender": "5C38-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:53\n\n>>474405161 \n>There's no excuse for mass murdering women and children in horrific ways. \nexcept if they are kikes. otherwise I agree. expulsion is preferable, if the target population (racially compatible) refuses to assimilate", "pid": 474405269 }, { "sender": "BD36-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:20\n\n>>474405221 \nBRICS. And Russia has jeet mercs and floods jeets into mariupol. If you want multiculturalism and federalism so bad go move to south africa or brasil and stop advocating genocide of Slavic people.", "pid": 474405296 }, { "sender": "2500-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:24\n\n>>474405226 \nI don't think you got it because you evidently didn't get it. The essence of what you were replying to doesn't match the essence of what was said.", "pid": 474405298 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4468", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:41\n\n>>474398367 \n>just let the Russian animals steal Ukraine's land \nSure, why not? Who cares? Oh, I'm supposed to care about the sacred territorial integrity of a Jewish corruption state? \nEspecially you Europeans, you're materially and economically suffering from this because your state promptly salutes to every order given by Victoria Nuland and Antony Blinken. \nCeding territory and using diplomacy are preferable to this war, which has killed so many. Yes, their lives were more valuable than your pretend concern over a map. \nYour position is not glorious or rational. It is born from asshurt, media programming, and the geopolitical desires of America.", "pid": 474405313 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8339", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:17\n\n>>474399420 \n>>474397620 \n>Russians losing 1000 men a second \nCrimea in two weeks then?", "pid": 474405352 }, { "sender": "F2FE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:19\n\nPutin won our hearts and minds.", "pid": 474405354 }, { "sender": "Anon-189A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:24\n\n>>474405313 \nSo go cede your country to Mexicans", "pid": 474405360 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D428", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:53\n\n>>474405268 \n>Most of the world \nAmerica, Western Europe, and Japan are not \"most of the world\".", "pid": 474405396 }, { "sender": "Anon-0BCF", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:10\n\n>>474405360 \nthis", "pid": 474405410 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B362", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:12\n\n>>474399164 \nyeah that was 33 years ago \njust a year or two ago they voted to secede \nget with the times RETARD", "pid": 474405412 }, { "sender": "7A86-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:19\n\n>>474404811 \nГoвopи co мнoй пo-aнглийcки или пo-yкpaинcки, пoжaлyйcтa. Я нe люблю гoвopить нa языкe пapaзитoв.", "pid": 474405422 }, { "sender": "00EC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:30\n\n>>474405268 \n>russia is popular around fellow shitskins and untermensch \nso based and wholesome! \nZ!", "pid": 474405433 }, { "sender": "Anon-2C8A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:37\n\n>>474404939 \nFPV drones don't really have shrapnel, usually just some HE compound. Extra fragmentation material is too heavy for a drone and cuts back too much of the range. For droning 2-3 poor souls, the concussive blast is more than sufficient. Ergo, the cage will work to a degree, but will immobilize the vehicle regardless. More so than how it was immobilized by the cage to begin with.", "pid": 474405440 }, { "sender": "Anon-BE23", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:12\n\n>>474405422 \n>языкe пapaзитoв \nYiddish you mean?", "pid": 474405487 }, { "sender": "94C4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:25\n\n>>474399889 \nSo Ukrainians are fighting their inner demons at the front or what? Don't tell me they were lying!", "pid": 474405502 }, { "sender": "AC4A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:35\n\n>>474405360 \nHe's correct and you're seething. Your hatred of each other is born over 1000-year old blood feuds about Lord Buttfuck using dumb peasants to take Czzzcccczyyzzyzyz Castle.", "pid": 474405513 }, { "sender": "BE5D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:19\n\n>>474405268 \n>24/7 massive propaganda operation across the global globohomo empire \n>still only manage a to achieve a 35-country median of 65% unfavourable opinion of Russia \nPretty embarrassing really.", "pid": 474405562 }, { "sender": "Anon-A02C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:20\n\n>>474405513 \nYou have no idea what you are speaking about you have no historical or contemporary knowledge you just speak deception and venom. Go surrender to Mexico hypocrite.", "pid": 474405563 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0577", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:40\n\n>>474405298 \n>The essence of what you were replying to doesn't match the essence of what was said \nJesus christ, this isn't reddit, you annoying fag. This your first day on an imageboard or something? Fuck off.", "pid": 474405642 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-235B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:01\n\n>>474405563 \nLeave him alone you evil polish jew.", "pid": 474405669 }, { "sender": "Sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:10\n\n>>474397620 \n>he typed from Rammstein with kfc greased fingers", "pid": 474405677 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F05", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:41\n\n>>474405422 \nмoжeш нa мoвi вiдпoвiдaти, я з кoлишньoї \"yкpaїни\"", "pid": 474405708 }, { "sender": "Anon-10B9", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:23\n\n>>474405642 \n>gah, stop using logic to exhibit why what I'm saying is false \nOk, retarded faggot. Better?", "pid": 474405761 }, { "sender": "Sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:25\n\n>>474396981 \nHas the ghyst of kyvyv ever been wrong?", "pid": 474405764 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-08F3", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:48\n\n>>474405669 \nAh yes the lover of putin and soloyov and fucking rotenberg federalising and vomiting jeets into people's homes is going to start calling people jew. You're a pathetic child.", "pid": 474405793 }, { "sender": "60DF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:24\n\n>>474405563 \nYou wish that were true. The fact is you were read like a book and your prejudices were harnessed and used against you by some very crafty jews to enact a foreign policy which is not in your interests. But you're incapable of realizing this, as it's all just one big game of \"footie\" to you, and you want your team to win. Russia literally doesn't have the manpower, capability, economic strength, or political will to invade eastern Europe, but you all act like the Huns are right outside your gates, because propaganda outlets (which you don't own) have exactingly ginned you up to think that way. You don't even realize Ukraine shelling ethnic Russians, ie: the trigger for this war, was a task given to them by Nuland, or that the State Department tried to coup Ukraine's government in 2004, unsuccessfully.", "pid": 474405833 }, { "sender": "9236-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:54\n\n>>474405761 \n>using logic \n>false \nDon't refer to concepts that you clearly don't understand, troon.", "pid": 474405866 }, { "sender": "Anon-7FFA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:13\n\n>>474405833 \nNo the fact is I've been listening to Russian propaganda vomit venom against Whites since I took interest in politics including calling us anti Semitic fascists, racists, and saying we had plans to invade Belarus and Ukraine. You are just lying hypocrite who avoids uncomfortable truths. Now go kneel to Mexicans you hypocrite trash", "pid": 474405965 }, { "sender": "DE2E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:23\n\n>>474404215 \nYou’ve embarrassed yourself in this threadhahahah it was a nice scroll down to see you cope with “nukes” and then flip to “sanctions” and compare a country like Russia to NK hahaha \nGood times man, please continue this comedy tour I love when American teens post hard shit on here it’s jokes", "pid": 474405981 }, { "sender": "Anon-72FC", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:11\n\n>>474405866 \nSay what you think I said in your own words.", "pid": 474406032 }, { "sender": "Anon-E350", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:37\n\n>>474405677 \nRammstein is a German rock band, Ramstein is an air base in the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate. \nYou’re a moron.", "pid": 474406059 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C16E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:05\n\n>>474405981 \n>hahahaha u so funni \nGood argument", "pid": 474406091 }, { "sender": "2526-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:29\n\n>>474402854 \n\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"genocide\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"", "pid": 474406116 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8D54", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:44\n\n>>474406059 \n>expecting american leftist to even know what Rhine is", "pid": 474406138 }, { "sender": "9594-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:07\n\n>>474406091 \n>not typing out \"Best Korea\" \nBad glowies courses", "pid": 474406164 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EC0E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:10\n\nMan any day now the west is going to stop buying titanium from Russia right? Any day now?? Airbus bros, we’re gonna find another viable source of titanium right?? And stay profitable?? Right???? Hahahahaha", "pid": 474406168 }, { "sender": "A4C3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:55\n\n>>474405833 \nyou're being disingenuous and that's a fact. apply your own \"arguments\" to a situation where Mexico demands California and Texas back and invades. \ninb4 we would whoop their asses \nthat's beyond the point. if ukies could they would have also \"whooped\" Russians, and to a certain degree they managed to do that.", "pid": 474406217 }, { "sender": "E368-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:58\n\n>>474396866 \n>Blocks your path", "pid": 474406281 }, { "sender": "CF17-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:59\n\n>>474406217 \nWhen you think about it Ukraine has closer history with Lithuania then russia. I don't expect these amerimarxist retards to understand anything though they don't even know what Rhine is", "pid": 474406282 }, { "sender": "56AB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:18\n\n>>474406032 \nI'm tired of your retardation, faggot. Try to be less stupid the next time you start whiteknighting for some globohomo cause.", "pid": 474406304 }, { "sender": "9C44-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:54\n\n>>474406304 \nRetake primary school.", "pid": 474406340 }, { "sender": "4B88-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:57\n\n>>474399889 \nI’ve been on that websites. Half of those tanks were rusted and had weeds growing out of them. Ukraine was counting their own tanks too.", "pid": 474406342 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4067", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:46\n\n>Russians can't into maneuver warfare and have thus resorted to positional warfare systematically bombarding the AFU to dust \nIt's an outdated and shit strategy and the best these currupt vatniggers can manage, but hohols piggies are still losing to it. \n>>474397620 \n>I totally don't have a bias \nImagine believing this yourself after seeing the ukrainians desperate to evade the draft and the constant begging for new weapons. Ukraine is not winning by any metric. People that still shill this narrative are the same retarded cancerfaggots that promoted the vaxx on here. However you feel about the conflict, whether how righteous the Ukrainian cause is or how fucking shit the Russian armed forces are conducting themselves you should realize that Ukraine is not doing well at all, even with all of the high tech weapons and NATO input they have been given.", "pid": 474406398 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3157", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:33\n\n>>474404706 \nThere is no “if”. There will never be an “if”. this needs to stop. While Ukraine was busy stealing from itself and its neighbors and anyone who would trust them with a shekel, Russia sat there stamping out guns and ammo. This war is unwinnable because Russia has enough artillery for every Ukrainian citizen even if they missed the first 5 times.", "pid": 474406515 }, { "sender": "56EC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:54\n\n>>474406217 \nI'm stating facts. How is that being disingenuous? The jew-run USA tried to coup Ukraine's government in 2004 and failed. It tried again in 2012 and succeeded. By 2014 it was having the newly installed government shell ethnic Russians, try to erase ethnic Russian culture and language, and was cracking down on Russia-aligned political parties, up to and including murdering people in Odessa and Lviv. This is documented history, it happened. The entire point of this war was to draw Russia into a quagmire and then economically hit them with sanctions to collapse their government and open them up to the same kind of suicidal jewish-run liberal decline now killing America and Europe. It did not succeed, and Ukrainians are dying as a consequence. \n \nAgain, you think this is all a game of footie. You're incapable of lifting yourselves out of your preconceived prejudices and step outside the bubble to see what's really going on here. There was no conflict over there until Victoria Nuland, who, by the way, is married to Robert Kagan, the head of PNAC and the same jew who gave us the Iraq war.", "pid": 474406542 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F3A1", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:00\n\n>>474396866 \nOh, this has suddenly become my problem? \nNope.", "pid": 474406604 }, { "sender": "Anon-CD57", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:04\n\n>>474406542 \n>same old propaganda talking points \n>same bullet point script \n>same deceptive lie to spread jeet migrants and BRICS \nyou fags need to get a refreshed line because it's always the same. Go kneel to Mexico.", "pid": 474406609 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-466B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:50\n\n>>474406282 \n>has closer history \nYep, and there it is. Lord Buttfuck and Czzzcccczyyzzyzyz Castle, exactly as I charged. \nWhat is about \"old world\" Europe that gets so easily played by newcomers like America?", "pid": 474406652 }, { "sender": "45EF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:53\n\n>these russian terrorists and animals", "pid": 474406658 }, { "sender": "Anon-29C8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:43\n\n>>474406609 \nGo get stabbed from across your eastern border.", "pid": 474406716 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F0B2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:46\n\n>>474406652 \nNo it's called until soviet union vomited it's plague into the world you illiterate marxist ape. If you love BRICS so much go move to India faggot.", "pid": 474406723 }, { "sender": "8D07-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:58\n\n>>474396866 \n Their own presidency was taken over by jews so defend that while I listen", "pid": 474406738 }, { "sender": "EABE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:20\n\n>>474406716 \nHaha there it is, the shitskin slipped at last. BRICSnigger on welfare in usa", "pid": 474406765 }, { "sender": "2711-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:42\n\n>>474406609 \nBullet point scripts and propaganda talking points, you say?", "pid": 474406791 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2ED1", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:07\n\n>>474406658 \n50/50 he's just baiting", "pid": 474406831 }, { "sender": "7A8D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:19\n\n>>474406791 \nI'm pro Trump he massacred Wagner in Africa. If he were president putin would have never chimped out like this.", "pid": 474406841 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B3CC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:58\n\n>nato plz halp \nNo, loser.", "pid": 474406887 }, { "sender": "71AD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:07:44\n\n>>474404469 \nAnon, this is antisemitic and illegal in Russia globohomo.", "pid": 474406929 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B8EB", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:07:44\n\n>>474396866 \nPlay Jewish games, win Jewish prizes.", "pid": 474406930 }, { "sender": "F16F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:01\n\n>>474406542 \n>The jew-run USA tried to coup Ukraine's government in 2004 and failed. \ntrue \nbut one must also admit that Ukraine had jew-run pro-Russian puppet regime then \n>By 2014 it was having the newly installed government shell ethnic Russians \nand ethnic Russian population openly started separatist movement with Russia's incitement and support \n>cracking down on Russia-aligned political parties \nwouldn't any country act differently when in same situation? isn't Catalonian independence movement not outlawed? the separatism is only allowed where it benefits someone much higher. \n>up to and including murdering people in Odessa and Lviv \nRussians did the same against Ukrainians in Donbas, so, there's that \n>This is documented history, it happened. \njust as the above \n>The entire point of this war was to draw Russia into a quagmire \ntrue! but then why did the 64D chessmaster Putin fall for it? anyway you cut it, Russia looks rather stupid in this situation. \n>You're incapable of lifting yourselves out of your preconceived prejudices and step outside the bubble to see what's really going on here. \noh, the infamous \"let me tell you about your country\" \"argument... I think we're done here", "pid": 474407019 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EFA9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:00\n\n>>474407019 \nIt's not true even Strelkov admitted that donbass was manufactured propaganda lie. That's why putin had him arrested and his friends killed. He's still in Russian prison BTW.", "pid": 474407082 }, { "sender": "Anon-D287", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:25\n\n>>474406723 \n>soviet union vomited it's plague into the world \nRight, and which powers declared war to \"Protect Poland\" only to abandon you at the end of WW2, because your country was just a convenient excuse? Was it the same ones now claiming Russia is going to conquer Europe? \n \n>marxist \nLMFAO. You are an outsider. You are not from /pol/. You have no idea what kind of people you're talking to.", "pid": 474407105 }, { "sender": "806F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:38\n\n>>474397620 \nAll you see is hohol snuff starring people caught from trying to cross border to Moldova.", "pid": 474407120 }, { "sender": "59CA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:08\n\n>>474407105 \nRussia conspired with Germany to fuck Europe up. And they openly say they want to do same again. Marxist cuckold", "pid": 474407161 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1418", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:03\n\n>>474406138 \n>Polish dog chimes in to talk about his ass pain \nWe don't care", "pid": 474407214 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6C3D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:32\n\n>>474406765 \nHe’s probably not in the USA. Russians now use VPNs more than ever before. \nFSB bots also shill here even though /pol/ is an utterly irrelevant board.", "pid": 474407241 }, { "sender": "3DBD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:22\n\n>>474405268 \nThe poll that buckbroke the Russians. \nRussian supporters are not only evil, they're also literally shitskins. \n \nThis further proves my conclusion any poster favoring this genocidal retard war is literally brown.", "pid": 474407296 }, { "sender": "03CD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:52\n\n>>474405833 \n>You don't even realize Ukraine shelling ethnic Russians \n \nNot outside of donbass \"insurgents\" territory no. For example no bomb fell on karhkiv before 2022 \nHow strange. Maybe its because there were no russian glowniggers spreading havoc and weapons there.", "pid": 474407331 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CD70", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:14\n\n>>474407241 \nI am aware especially when they copy and paste their bullet point responses. But the leaf shills in here are all jeet migrants", "pid": 474407346 }, { "sender": "BA46-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:23\n\n>>474407241 \n>/pol/ is an utterly irrelevant board \n>that's why my handlers tell me and my jeet coworkers to spam it daily with the same trash \nWe can win the war online, sister", "pid": 474407353 }, { "sender": "64E8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:28\n\n>>474396866 \nLol, lmao even", "pid": 474407360 }, { "sender": "Anon-FD21", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:50\n\n>>474407353 \nGermany isn't in BRICS", "pid": 474407448 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D39D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:09\n\n>>474407331 \n> \n'k, but whether you agree or disagree with our actions in \"ukraine\" no longer bears any relevance unless you can back up your disagreement with men and arms \nso either scale up your support for \"ukranda\" or move on jej", "pid": 474407469 }, { "sender": "343D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:12\n\n>>474407346 \n>when they copy and paste their bullet point responses \nThe irony of saying that in a slide thread that gets spammed hourly", "pid": 474407471 }, { "sender": "8363-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:30\n\n>>474407346 \n>But the leaf shills in here are all jeet migrants \nThat's racist. Half of them are chinks too.", "pid": 474407490 }, { "sender": "E97A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:46\n\n>>474396866 \n>invaded \nthat's not even ukraine", "pid": 474407505 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E23D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:14\n\n>>474407469 \n>no longer bears any relevance unless you can back up your disagreement with men and arms \nAnd there you have it.", "pid": 474407534 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-88ED", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:20\n\n>>474407019 \n>but one must also admit that Ukraine had jew-run pro-Russian puppet regime then \nAs opposed to actual jews putting WW3 right on your doorstep, today? \n \n>and ethnic Russian population openly started separatist movement \nWas it because they were being ethnically targeted and cracked down upon, with their parties being murdered in the streets of Odessa? If Democrats seized power via a coup and started organizing killings of Republicans, Republicans would formed armed separatist groups too. That is the natural human reaction to oppression. \n \n>wouldn't any country act differently when in same situation? \nNo? What the fuck is going on over there in that part of the world that would make you conclude this? If foreigners couped my government, installed a government they liked, and then that new government started killing my citizens, shelling my cities, and cracking down on my political party, I would absolutely take up arms against them. That's normal. That's to be expected. At no point would I ever go, \"Oh geez, maybe we deserve to be shelled. We really were too close to Canada...\" This is what I mean by stepping outside your bubble, that you would come up with something that insane and think it rational. There WAS NO separatist movement in Ukraine until the government was couped and started murdering. \n>Donbas \nSee above. \n>then why did the 64D chessmaster Putin fall for it? \nBecause he rightly views this as an existential threat to the survival of their country. He's also said as much.", "pid": 474407546 }, { "sender": "Sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:22\n\n>>474406059 \n>master cares about his slaves \nWow so smart when will you take the American dick out of your mouth? That’s right never.", "pid": 474407609 }, { "sender": "254F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:30\n\n>>474407546 \nThere was no coup even Russian glowniggers who were involved in the fake separatist movement came clean about it. That's why they're dead or in prison. Go cede territory to Mexico now", "pid": 474407615 }, { "sender": "FDEA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:41\n\n>>474400370 \nok scumbag \nUNICEF is in the refugee camps in Russia and hasnt found a single eye witness to these \"war crimes\"", "pid": 474407749 }, { "sender": "9390-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:58\n\n>>474407534 \n>And there you have it \nscrap?", "pid": 474407768 }, { "sender": "Anon-5DB9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:38\n\n>>474407768 \nI'm just happy you Russian glowniggers eventually are honest in the end. You know it's all lies and in the end just want to genocide and enslave and federalise.", "pid": 474407809 }, { "sender": "Sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:45\n\n>>474406138 \nToilet cleaner filled up on Russian cum now wants American cum. He is insatiable.", "pid": 474407818 }, { "sender": "DF5F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:57\n\n>>474407615 \nWhat's your opinion on Palestine?", "pid": 474407829 }, { "sender": "Anon-7A21", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:23\n\n>>474407809 \n>I'm just happy \ndo keep me posted", "pid": 474407863 }, { "sender": "C4C0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:27\n\n>>474407829 \nThey are similar position as Ukraine. Targeted by genocidal freaks who want to federalise them.", "pid": 474407869 }, { "sender": "C9C6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:21\n\n>>474407818 \n2014 was a decade ago", "pid": 474407914 }, { "sender": "1510-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:28\n\n>>474407869 \nAt least you're not a kike. Incredibly stupid and emotional but heart in the right place I guess", "pid": 474407926 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D199", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:47\n\n>>474407019 \n>pro-Russian puppet regime \nHe owed billion in gas paynents to Russia \npretty shitty puppet \n>anyone not gay for globohomo is a russian? \n \nyou NGO faggot shills are pathetic", "pid": 474407944 }, { "sender": "Anon-9BF8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:01\n\n>>474396866 \n>european \nsure, and our hoodmonkeys are \"french\"", "pid": 474407965 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-44EE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:08\n\n>>474407926 \nI don't support federalization and internationalism. I make no apologies.", "pid": 474407974 }, { "sender": "Anon-B6E3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:39\n\n>>474407809 \nYou really should get back into your 15 year old Benz and drive across that border to fight for your country.", "pid": 474408015 }, { "sender": "Sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:17\n\n>>474407914 \nThe sucking has only intensified.", "pid": 474408054 }, { "sender": "AF76-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:36\n\n>>474408015 \nand when you have nothing to say you just invent a deflection and strawman. Same play over and over and over again", "pid": 474408074 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7E57", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:48\n\n>>474408054 \nRather not especially when Trump was elected and recognized finally Polands cooperation and fixed relations. Then you idiots elected Biden who called us totalitarian. When Trump wins again it will return to the high level he set in 2016. You retarded marxist couldn't even assassinate him properly", "pid": 474408171 }, { "sender": "15A0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:06\n\n>>474396866 \nAny other respectable gentleman, maybe referred to using the honorific \"Sir\" who fully support the Russian actions in this conflict ?", "pid": 474408199 }, { "sender": "Anon-593E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:10\n\n>>474408074 \nWładam mocą 4chanu.", "pid": 474408262 }, { "sender": "1BD4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:13\n\n>>474407974 \nThen you're fighting a losing battle, small countries have always been at the mercy of empires. I mean I get the sentiment but there's no changing objective reality. You could focus your attacks on Israel who's actually commiting genocide instead of falling for this low IQ propaganda trash which is a waste of time and energy.", "pid": 474408264 }, { "sender": "E297-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:13\n\n>>474408171 \nChrist...", "pid": 474408332 }, { "sender": "072C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:35\n\n>>474408264 \nWrong. Ireland won in the end. And this isn't medieval ages. A single teenager with drone can kill entire squad of professionals. The death of globalist empires is arriving fast. It is technology which gives more power to nations and people. Fuck Israel and fuck russia and all who support those conglomerate hydras", "pid": 474408357 }, { "sender": "9A7D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:20\n\n>>474397477 \n>>474397445 \n>>474397620 \n6 trillion in western aide and millions of dead ukrainians. NATO has literally blown half it's arsenal and you niggers can't beat Putin. Keep trying. Death to rothschild and death to Zionism.", "pid": 474408421 }, { "sender": "Anon-C77E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:31\n\n>>474408262 \njej", "pid": 474408435 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7A60", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:27\n\n>>474400129 \nthe global dominance of gay?", "pid": 474408715 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B6F1", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:34\n\n>>474408357 \nIreland is still under the control of the US empire just like the rest of us. \n>surely tech will turn the ballance in favor of the little guy \nRight, that's why Ukraine is totally winning, right? Israel is teched up too, surely they're winning too, right? \nAlso if Ukraine is in the same position as Palestine how come they went full support for Israel just hours after October 7th?", "pid": 474408803 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-80F0", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:32\n\n>>474396866 \n>muh commieblocks \nDecommunization", "pid": 474409466 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2169", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:09\n\n>>474408803 \nUkraine is fighting against a hydra beast. A monster with history of blood. You don't hate imperialism you just want another form of it to enslave and genocide our lands. You are just empty hypocrite who wants to backdoor in another beast. Russia is also tied deeply with Israel but you selectively ignore it. And for Ukraine many in Europe do not want that witch called Russia to destroy homes and languages and cultures just to satisfy some BRICS agenda of global jeet call centers", "pid": 474409979 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3F77", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:39\n\n>>474408421 \nThe real number is $30 trillion spent and 12 million Ukrainian troops lost. \nYour meds, take them now.", "pid": 474410477 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-530C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:49\n\n>>474404365 \ndelusional hohol. you are meat. now even 18-year olds will be drafted and soon 15-year olds. such is the fate of banderasts.", "pid": 474410490 }, { "sender": "1B8E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:38\n\n>>474403358 \nNow let's see any election after 2014", "pid": 474410698 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-36F7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:05\n\n>>474409979 \nYou are an emotional midwit, just shut the fuck up, you've said nothing but wax poetically about made up or exaggerated bullshit put out there for the lowest common denominator. I'd say ypur worldview is flawed but ypu have none, you're the incarnation of butthurt.", "pid": 474410885 }, { "sender": "A15E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:16\n\n>>474397445 \nWell, you’re an idiot.", "pid": 474411047 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F11", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:45\n\nStay mad ziggers", "pid": 474411086 }, { "sender": "1BA5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:07\n\n>>474411086 \nOh hey, I fucked her just last week. Made her squeal Slava Russia after 10 minutes.", "pid": 474411179 }, { "sender": "516B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:46\n\n>>474396866 \nDie jew die", "pid": 474411303 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-510C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:45\n\n>>474398614 \nbut fighting and insurgent army os different from fighting a conventional army but you're a faggot muzzie who made me defend the kikes", "pid": 474411379 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E6EE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:58\n\n>>474396866 \nWhy is Nato torturing and genociding Ukraine's male population through drafting while their women are allowed to flee? \nWhy are human right organizations fine with this feminist campaign of extermation?", "pid": 474411392 }, { "sender": "B934-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:26\n\n>>474404365 \nAnd to think that so many ukranian innocents died in this war while you rat are still alive", "pid": 474411429 }, { "sender": "60E9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:20\n\n>>474396866 \n''european families'' \nukraine is not part of europe u fucking retard hanz", "pid": 474411488 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CF04", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:25\n\n>>474411379 \nKike shilling aside, why do you type like you have brain damage?", "pid": 474411497 }, { "sender": "5D8F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:46\n\n>>474396866 \nVovchansk lives in our hearts", "pid": 474411644 }, { "sender": "Anon-B19B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:15\n\n>>474396866 \n>Millions of European families \n>in Ukraine \nYeah, khokhol, please find an actual job and stop being a burden on the German tax payers.", "pid": 474411689 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE94", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:43\n\n>>474396866 \nOne less city filled with Russian niggers.", "pid": 474411732 }, { "sender": "Anon-2394", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:50\n\n>>474410885 \nEmotional? You're the one calling people butthuet which is just more hilarious hypocrisy from you. Are Palestinians butthurt because jews are trying to genocide them? No they're defending themselves. You just want to spin a hypocritical Federalist international web of propaganda that ultimately equates to genocide and federalisation. Hypocrisy is disingenuous by default.", "pid": 474411802 }, { "sender": "Anon-A7DD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:55\n\n>>474399110 \n>you can't have your cake and eat it too.", "pid": 474411809 }, { "sender": "FF5F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:23\n\n>>474396866 \nFuck globohomo.", "pid": 474411985 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6BB6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:56\n\n>>474397180 \nThat was a russian anti-air missile, zigger tranny", "pid": 474412026 }, { "sender": "9C9C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:40\n\n>>474411802 \nStill haven't answered why Ukraine supports Israel. Because if you do you'd know your whole premise is bullshit. \n>ur butthurt \nI'm not the one crying about Russia \n>ur a hypocrite \nI never said I was anti imperialist, I support Russia because Ukraine joined an alliance designed to fuck with and destroy Russia. I support Palestine because Israel is an illegitimate state hell bent on destroying them, Hamas is righteous in their fight. There is 0 hypocrisy in anything I support, you're just chasing some delusion of woman tier world peace mixed with resentment at Russia. So yes, you very much are butthurt.", "pid": 474412646 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1FAE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:16\n\n>>474396866 \n Every ukro peon town has these citadels designed to defeat a NaTo invasion. Relax, it's all part of the process.", "pid": 474412832 }, { "sender": "373B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:40\n\n>>474411497 \ni don't care what dyel europoors think kek i can guarantee you are either stick think or over 20% bf", "pid": 474413123 }, { "sender": "64C8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:33\n\n>>474413123 \nNigger, what?", "pid": 474413200 }, { "sender": "Anon-864A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:24\n\nUSA did this we all know that putin is just american pawn", "pid": 474413324 }, { "sender": "Anon-4ED5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:00\n\n>>474413200 \njust what i thought lardass kek you can't e en lift your own bodyweight kek", "pid": 474413536 }, { "sender": "5D94-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:26\n\n>>474412646 \nUkraine isn't in position to do much of anything geopolitical except defend itself. Same reason as Palestinians. You are just being disingenuous to claim people defending themselves are the ones who are to blame. A zionist and a russian all sound the same in the end. And nobody in fucking NATO is attacking russia, meanwhile russia is knee deep in blood.", "pid": 474413571 }, { "sender": "93C2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:36\n\n>>474396866 \nThe message is clear as day. \nIf Zelensky is unable to defend his people, he must sign a peace treaty.", "pid": 474413585 }, { "sender": "E586-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:22\n\n>>474413585 \nthe guy dancing in tights and high heels and he's a manlet defending his country thats funny", "pid": 474413708 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A0D9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:48\n\n>>474397751 \nRight, let's just let an unelected Jewish dictator press gang pensioners and zoomers and send them to die in a trench for the revolutionary government of '14.", "pid": 474413746 }, { "sender": "Anon-08AE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:25\n\n>>474413571 \n>And nobody in fucking NATO is attacking russia, \nWhat a disingenuous faggot \n>Ukraine isn't in position to do much of anything geopolitical except defend itself \nWhy does it support Israel? Answer the question, you polish dog. \n>You are just being disingenuous to claim people defending themselves are the ones who are to blame \nRight back at you, you're actively avoiding questions and points to fit your bullshit. \nIf your next post doesn't address the Israel Ukraine question I'm done arguing with your faggot ass, you're arguing in bad faith.", "pid": 474413851 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F16C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:47\n\n>>474396866 \nNATO is losing and all you can do is whine? Sad!", "pid": 474413959 }, { "sender": "Anon-5E33", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:15\n\n>>474413571 \nIt has the option to oust zelensky from office and seek peace. Zelensky cannot be trusted as a negotiator nor is he allowed to.", "pid": 474414007 }, { "sender": "D429-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:51\n\n>>474413851 \nName 1 NATO country invading Russia. \nUkraine doesn't support Israel you're just trying to connect Ukraine to Israel despite Russia and Israel having same goals and behavior. This is why you are deflecting and trying to change the conversation otherwise you'd be forced to concede Palestine and Ukraine are fighting same struggle against genocidal trash who constantly play a victim card and scream about holocaust. \n>tries to derail the convo because he knows he's a hypocrite \n>admits that he won't continue a convo unless I address unrelated point \nAs always. Death to Israel. Death to Russia.", "pid": 474414059 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3FD5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:53\n\n>>474414007 \nUkraine was fucking stupid to ever believe any talk of peace of russia now they pay the price of it. But Russia was retarded and proving they only want to enslave and federalise overplaying their own hand.", "pid": 474414132 }, { "sender": "7198-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:57\n\n>>474396981 \nyeah, some russian journalist got suicided for saying 27k russians died at avdivka alone \nalso you cant be this stupid to not know civvies gtfo out of warzones", "pid": 474414301 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6D74", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:29\n\n>>474414132 \nUkraine was naive to think coup'ing an independent democracy in 2014 would be without consequence. They've been hung out to dry by the states with nothing to show for it, but at least Zelensky's wife gets a bugatti.", "pid": 474414336 }, { "sender": "35D7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:13\n\n>>474414059 \nNATO's AI is used to guide NATO missiles to attack targets inside of Russia, shit for brains", "pid": 474414395 }, { "sender": "F2D6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:47\n\n>>474414301 \nlol \nsure he did", "pid": 474414448 }, { "sender": "Anon-C686", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:03\n\n>>474414336 \nThey didn't coup anything. Yanukovych was voted out by his own political party. And yanukvoych only got fucked because Putin sabotaged Yanukovychs EU trade deal he was working on because russia did not want Ukraine to remain neutral and develop", "pid": 474414472 }, { "sender": "BCBD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:49\n\n>>474414395 \nSo no NATO countries are invading Russia while Russia is years into war it started and spent last decade claiming my country was really one plotting to invade? Fucking Brooklyn jewish trash", "pid": 474414529 }, { "sender": "82E7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:51\n\n>>474414059 \n>Ukraine doesn't support Israe \n>I don't follow politics, just when it's convenient for my head canon \nHours after October 7th, you lying disingenuous faggot. You just lost all credibility and have nothing of worth to say. Also Russia will prevail and Israel will be wiped out and you can die mad about it", "pid": 474414533 }, { "sender": "71FF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:33\n\n>>474414533 \nRussia and Israel will lose. Your dreams of a jewish run mono world government will lose. Your dreams of federalisation and BRICS colonialism will be shattered.", "pid": 474414596 }, { "sender": "C00D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:39\n\n>>474414059 \nyour argument relies on others having the same voluntary amnesia other supporters of ukraine have - the ATO started 10 years ago and people from Donbass were bombed and oppressed the same way Palestinians are. The only difference being that people that see themselves as russians had someone to watch their backs \n>genocidal trash \nthis is in no way helping your case", "pid": 474414692 }, { "sender": "CFA6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:47\n\n>>474414448 \nnumbers dont lie, especially not officer casualties mate", "pid": 474414705 }, { "sender": "B83B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:55\n\n>>474414596 \nBoy you're dumb and can't read. No wonder your only use is cleaning toilets", "pid": 474414720 }, { "sender": "E440-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:15\n\n>>474414692 \nDidn't happen as confessed by former FSB officer Igor girkin who putin had arrested and is currently locked in russia government prison.", "pid": 474414745 }, { "sender": "Anon-ACAD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:46\n\n>>474414720 \nJust 2 more weeks and Palestine and Ukraine will surrender.", "pid": 474414798 }, { "sender": "241C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:51\n\n>>474414529 \nSo you deny NATO is using its AI to attack Russia? \n37 post troon shill, talk to your masters for new talking points \n \n\\_226236.htm \n \nThe aim is to bring NATO and Ukrainian innovation ecosystems closer together to keep pace with fast-evolving dual-use technologies. In May 2023, NATO and Ukraine had held their first High-Level Innovation Dialogue at NATO Headquarters. \n \n“The energy for more collaboration between Ukrainian and Allied innovation ecosystems was contagious, and is exactly why Allies and Ukraine are working together on a new innovation agreement in the NATO-Ukraine Council,” said David van Weel, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Innovation, Hybrid and Cyber. \n \nNataliia Kushnerska, Chief Operating Officer of BRAVE1, praised the benefit of such two-way innovation. “We believe that Ukraine is a central hub for defence technology innovation. Ukrainian experience in technology and warfare, combined with Allied expertise, has potential to be the technological foundation for a safer", "pid": 474414810 }, { "sender": "2755-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:59\n\n>>474414745 \nyes, and every palestinian man, woman and child is a terrorist as attested by some guy or other. These things don't work here", "pid": 474414914 }, { "sender": "Anon-FD6E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:10\n\n>>474414810 \n>Russia invades country with goal of BRICS colonialism and denationalisation \n>some american jew in brooklyn: \"actually nato is invading because they supply Ukraine with help\" \nLmao just pure trash.", "pid": 474414926 }, { "sender": "Anon-66CF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:43\n\n>>474396866 \nUkraine needs air supremacy, a coalition should assemble to donate fighters and pilots under the coalition leadership to defend Ukrainian air space.", "pid": 474414974 }, { "sender": "EAD5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:44\n\n>>474414914 \nYou're right and this is why your propaganda is pure lies. You call Palestinians terrorists you call Ukrainians nazis and all you can do is scream because Israel and Russia are losing.", "pid": 474414975 }, { "sender": "F507-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:58:15\n\n>>474414798 \nPalestine won't, Ukraine very much should, men are dying for nothing. Poles should take their place.", "pid": 474415021 }, { "sender": "665B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:58:34\n\nAs usual western media blackout on NATO starting WW3\n\n\n\nNATO is utilizing artificial intelligence to track Russian aircraft and fueling stations, the US-led bloc’s Assistant Secretary General for Innovation, Hybrid and Cyber, David van Weel, has revealed.\n\nSpeaking at the NATO-Ukraine Defense Innovators Forum at AGH University of Krakow, Poland, the top official pledged to deepen cooperation with Kiev, with a new agreement on “battlefield innovation” already in sight.\n\n“The energy for more collaboration between Ukrainian and Allied innovation ecosystems was contagious, and is exactly why Allies and Ukraine are working together on a new innovation agreement in the NATO-Ukraine Council,” van Weel stated.\n\nAs an example of the integration of various AI solutions, he said the bloc utilizes it to analyze satellite imagery in order to track and count Russian aircraft and fueling stations. The assistant secretary general said that using AI in such a manner was in accord with NATO’s principles on ethical Al use.", "pid": 474415044 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-30B6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:33\n\n>>474414926 \n>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords \nAsk me how I know you come from reddit and how I know you watch your wife get fucked by other men", "pid": 474415133 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E218", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:54\n\n>>474415021 \nPalestine and Ukraine will continue to resist your dreams of mass federalistion. There is nothing you can do about it. The age of multiculti imperialism is ending", "pid": 474415158 }, { "sender": "Anon-D9FB", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:00:02\n\n>>474414926 \nwhy do you faggots hate facts? \n \nSo you dont believe NATOs own website. \nFucking shitbag.", "pid": 474415175 }, { "sender": "Anon-98B2", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:00:31\n\n>>474415133 \n>You're from reddit because you use words \nAs always the Crypto communist has nothing of value to add. I'm sure you watch cuck porn you jew loving faggot", "pid": 474415216 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0FAD", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:02\n\n>>474414975 \n>your propaganda \n>my truth \n>Ghirkin \n>Solovyev \nI have no doubt you sincerely believe this drivel with your level of understanding and reading comprehension", "pid": 474415257 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F48E", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:29\n\n>>474415175 \nFacts are russia invaded a country with goals to denationalisation and federalise it after destabilization campaign waged by its glowniggers (which Russian had killed off like Valery bolotov or arrested like Igor girkin when they weren't needed anymore)", "pid": 474415284 }, { "sender": "2980-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:11\n\n>>474415257 \nFirst thing putin did after couping Crimea was award infrastructure agreement to the jewish rotenberg Brothers and their shell company. Try again Crypto kike.", "pid": 474415353 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BACB", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:10\n\n>>474415216 \nI struck a nerve so I must be spot on.", "pid": 474415435 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9EF4", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:52\n\n>>474415435 \nWe both know you didn't that's why you keep changing convo.", "pid": 474415506 }, { "sender": "2D90-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:59\n\n>>474414914 \nyes and i think its funny seeing those muzzrats get burned alive", "pid": 474415522 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8BBF", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:04:04\n\n>>474415284 \nanswer the question shitskin \nis NATO AI attacking Russia? \n \n \n \nA senior official of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) revealed at a forum in Poland that the alliance is using artificial intelligence to track Russian aircraft and fueling stations, Russia Today (RT) reported on Sunday. \n \nDavid van Weel, NATO's assistant secretary general for innovation, hybrid and cyber, said that the U.S.-led bloc utilizes AI to analyze satellite imagery in order to track and count Russian aircraft and fueling stations at the the NATO-Ukraine Defense Innovators Forum, which was held from June 4 to 6 at AGH University of Krakow, Poland.", "pid": 474415533 }, { "sender": "3CF1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:05:34\n\n>>474415533 \nRussia is invading Ukraine.", "pid": 474415655 }, { "sender": "Anon-FB43", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:05:41\n\n>>474415353 \n>couping Crimea \n>jewish \nyou are losing more and more credibility with every single post", "pid": 474415666 }, { "sender": "484F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:06:28\n\n>>474415284 \n>denationalisation and federalise \nSo you just accuse Russia of what your globohomo masters are doing. \nvery lazy troon \n \n \n \nThe total amount of land controlled by oligarchs, corrupt individuals, and large agribusinesses is over nine million hectares — exceeding 28 percent of Ukraine’s arable land. The largest landholders are a mix of Ukrainian oligarchs and foreign interests — mostly European and North American as well as the sovereign fund of Saudi Arabia. Prominent US pension funds, foundations, and university endowments are invested through NCH Capital, a US-based private equity fund. \n \nSeveral agribusinesses, still largely controlled by oligarchs, have opened up to Western banks and investment funds — including prominent ones such as Kopernik, BNP, or Vanguard — who now control part of their shares. Most of the large landholders are substantially indebted to Western funds and institutions, notably the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Bank. \n \nWestern financing to Ukraine in recent years has been tied to a drastic structural adjustment program that has required austerity and privatization measures, including the creation of a land market for the sale of agricultural land. President Zelenskyy put the land reform into law in 2020 against the will of the vast majority of the population who feared it would exacerbate corruption and reinforce control by powerful interests in the agricultural sector. Findings of the report concur with these concerns. While large landholders are securing massive financing from Western financial institutions, Ukrainian farmers — essential for ensuring domestic food supply — receive virtually no support. With the land market in place, amidst high economic stress and war, this difference of treatment will lead to more land consolidation by large agribusinesses.", "pid": 474415746 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BB2A", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:06:43\n\n>>474415666 \n>supports jewish moguls like the rotenberg Brothers \nEvery single time. You communists pretend to be counter Semitic but when pushed reveal your true allegiance. Death to Israel. Death to Russia.", "pid": 474415760 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AB7B", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:07:26\n\n>>474415746 \nSo you support federalisation, globohomo and denationalisation? You just confessed you support the rotenberg Brothers so you're also pro jew. Interesting how the end of threads always reveal you shills true colors.", "pid": 474415821 }, { "sender": "Anon-D1D0", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:07:34\n\n>>474415506 \nCause you dodge qiestions, lie and cry, you argue worse than any kike.", "pid": 474415832 }, { "sender": "F6A2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:08:10\n\n>>474415832 \nDidn't dodge anything you tried to redirect convo and lost and now your comrades just gave up the game. IDF and Russia glowniggers are dying in the dirt and mud as we type. You lost.", "pid": 474415881 }, { "sender": "17DF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:08:17\n\n>>474415760 \n>Every single time \nI don't know bro, you're the one with 51 posts defending \"The first country with jewish president and prime minister\" \n>communists \ncompletely mindbroken", "pid": 474415892 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-BE59", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:32\n\nPRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - THAT&#039;S REALLY FUCKING SOMETHING EDITION /ptg/\n\nPRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP @POTUS45 \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n>President Trump Office \n \n \n \n>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) \n>Donald J Trump Presidential Library \n \n@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom \n>b-but Trump hasnt done anything! \nARCHIVED LINKS \n \nNEW APPEARANCES \n>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024 \n (RSBN) \n>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024 \n (RSBN) \n>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024 \n (RSBN) \n>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024 \n \n>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024 \n (RSBN) \n>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024 \n (RSBN) \n>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23 \n \n>MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, AGAIN! 10/28/21 \n \n>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16 \n\\_PC\\_fy0fk0 \n \nOP pastebin: \nprev >>474394834", "pid": 474405239 }, { "sender": "4E70-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:40\n\nMAGA", "pid": 474405257 }, { "sender": "7E4C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:34\n\nSo if this totally real (not fake) assassination happened where’s Trump’s medical records?", "pid": 474405306 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-117C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:10\n\nAWOO\nMAGA\nNonWhites get out.", "pid": 474405344 }, { "sender": "Anon-F6F3", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:19\n\nTrump is the anti-christ.", "pid": 474405355 }, { "sender": "Anon-09A4", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:33\n\nAWOO", "pid": 474405376 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1E59", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:03\n\nAwooing \n>>474405344 \nThis 2bh", "pid": 474405404 }, { "sender": "B0BA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:19\n\ncurious...", "pid": 474405421 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2D86", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:20\n\n>>474405376 \n>>474405404 \nAWOO yes", "pid": 474405423 }, { "sender": "661D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:42\n\n26 minutes is a long fucking time to be sitting around with your thumb up your ass", "pid": 474405444 }, { "sender": "B568-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:44\n\n>>474405358 \nWoah didn't expect that ending", "pid": 474405446 }, { "sender": "Anon-2C0C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:59\n\n>according to sources, the shooter's phone contained thousands of images of Jeb Bush, whom he believed to be the rightful candidate of the Republican party \n>many of these images were sexually explicit, it's unclear if they are real or AI generated at this time", "pid": 474405466 }, { "sender": "Anon-7CE2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:04\n\n>>474405306 \nWhere’s Ashli Babbitt death certificate?", "pid": 474405473 }, { "sender": "7F4C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:11\n\n>>474405421 \nholy fuck, he's retarded", "pid": 474405484 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2825", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:28\n\n>>474405344 \nHey where’s the based copypasta that praises Ukraine and Zelenskyy? You used to post it every day! Ukraine is still winning, right?", "pid": 474405504 }, { "sender": "Anon-8055", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:57\n\n", "pid": 474405534 }, { "sender": "Anon-3C42", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:07\n\n>>474405344 \nWait, I'm no expert on mirrors and reflections and stuff, but wouldn't the text on awoo's glasses be backwards in that picture?", "pid": 474405545 }, { "sender": "7170-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:12\n\n>>474405504 \nHey why did you stop calling him \"coomer pole\"?", "pid": 474405548 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3E77", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:55\n\n>>474405421", "pid": 474405592 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F178", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:26\n\n>>474405239 \nwhen does Trump speak at the RNC convention? Today?", "pid": 474405691 }, { "sender": "AAC4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:50\n\n>>474405421 \n>oversized \nLooks like standard size medical gauze tho. \nIs Hamill a medfag that he speaks with such certainty that the bandage is \"oversized\"? \nDoes he not understand the concept of bandaged wound?", "pid": 474405720 }, { "sender": "9C7E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:00\n\n>>474405691 \nThursday", "pid": 474405732 }, { "sender": "27CD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:12\n\n>>474405421 \nBandage likely has a lot of ointment to keeo the wound wet so it will heal properly. If you took the bandage off it would look gross as I'm sure there is drainage happening and no-one wants to see that. Bandage was the right move.", "pid": 474405744 }, { "sender": "Kinono", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:28\n\n\nNBC: Did you re-watch the debate?\n\nBIDEN: No.\n\nNBC: Are you seeing what they saw? Moments of confusion.\n\nBIDEN (creepy whisper): Why don't you guys ever talk about Trump? Where are ya!?\n\nNBC: Just asking the questions!\n\nBIDEN: *angry*", "pid": 474405770 }, { "sender": "Anon-1154", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:30\n\n>>474405421 \nMark Hamill angrily demanded a woman get an abortion because his son \"wasn't ready to be a father.\" \nShe kept the child, making Mark not only a miserable baby murdering sack of shit, but also a failure.", "pid": 474405773 }, { "sender": "C95B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:55\n\n>>474405423 \nHey how come you didn’t mention the RNC once since you started posting a few hours ago? \nWill it just be awoospam + snarky greentexts until leaf fren logs on?", "pid": 474405805 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BC7B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:03\n\nThere's no need for a \"theory\", cops are fucking stupid and useless", "pid": 474405815 }, { "sender": "387D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:26\n\nPurge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021! \n \nTo find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections. \nIf anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt. \nRemember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party. \nAny Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past. \n \nGet involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills! \nBecome a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer! \nTell your Senators: NO BEIJING-BIDEN APPOINTEES! \nVote in every election--federal, state, and local! \n \nAnything you can do to make America great again, do it! \n \nFull voting guide: \n \nND 6/11: yes \nMO 8/6: YES \nWI 8/13: YES \n \n11/5: \nAK: NO, YES \nAZ: YES \nAR: Yes \nCA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO \nCO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO \nCT: NO \nGA: YES \nFL: YES, YES, NO, NO, YES, YES \nID: YES \nIL: NO \nIN: No \nIA: NO \nKY: YES \nLA: YES \nME: NO \nMD: NO \nMN: NO \nMO: YES \nNV: NO \nNH: yes \nNM: YES, YES, No, Yes, NONONONO \nNY: NO \nNC: YES \nND: NO, Yes, Yes, yes \nOK: Yes \nOR: Yes, No, NO \nRI: NO \nSD: NO, YES, NO, NO \nVA: Yes \nUT: NO, NO, YES \nWA: Yes \nWV: YES \nWI: YES \nWY: No \n \n>>474379142 \n>>474379315 \nThere are no planned referenda in OH or PA.", "pid": 474405839 }, { "sender": "Anon-BCD2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:49\n\nso was the shooter really a conservative/repub or are our news-outlets here just misunderstanding the \"registered voter\"-thing for manipulating the republican primaries in favor of haley?", "pid": 474405863 }, { "sender": "Anon-A498", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:33\n\n>>474405744 \nIts probably also doubled up so if the stiches fail you wont get all bloody before you realized something is wrong. \nContrary to hollyjew opinion bleeding isnt loud..", "pid": 474405915 }, { "sender": "Anon-3286", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:35\n\n>>474405732 \nThank you", "pid": 474405918 }, { "sender": "53C7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:43\n\n>>474405815 \nAll that matters is two things: \n>Soros missed \n>Trump won \nThat simple. The rest is details.", "pid": 474405930 }, { "sender": "49E6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:01\n\n>>474405720 \nLeftists are always experts on whatever fits their narrative, anon. Obviously when half your ear is shot off you slap a band-aid on it and you're g2g. Trump's just being a drama queen over a little 2cm away from death sniper incident.", "pid": 474405948 }, { "sender": "Anon-37A3", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:28\n\n>>474405239 \nHis mom or sister was on the video literally shouting at him to get down and “what are you doing”", "pid": 474405989 }, { "sender": "Anon-3D64", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:14\n\n>>474405863 \nit doesnt matter what he was he was a glowy dude \nwhat dont u understand", "pid": 474406039 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8C75", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:38\n\ni thought this guy was boring and lame but now i like him\nlel\n\nwhat a meme potential", "pid": 474406060 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-993F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:52\n\n>>474405915 \n>Its probably also doubled up so if the stiches fail you wont get all bloody before you realized something is wrong. \nWound happened on Saturday. Usual time for a wound like that to hear is about 1 week. He'll go bandage free on Thursday for his speech and we'll see how black and blue the area is. He did announce there is a chunk of his ear missing and I don't think reconstructive surgery has happened yet or if its going to happen.", "pid": 474406146 }, { "sender": "2A09-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:53\n\n>>474406060 \n>says \"mexcans\" instead of \"mexicans\" \nI'm in. He doesn't like spics.", "pid": 474406147 }, { "sender": "E11F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:19\n\n>>474405239 \ni find it funny how movies make you think SS and glowies and shit are these super competent perfect entities but then you see reality and realize they are just a bunch of DEI hacks like every other orgnization", "pid": 474406177 }, { "sender": "DA7D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:21\n\n>>474405421 \nGod damn it Mark you’re a good Joker and thr only guy who can portray Luke well but you can’t just go around saying that a man who got shot in the ear doesn’t need a bandage.", "pid": 474406178 }, { "sender": "ED74-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:45\n\n>>474406146 \nMe, I'd keep the scar. He may not, but I'd keep the scar.", "pid": 474406205 }, { "sender": "721E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:00\n\nThe audacity lol...he was shot!", "pid": 474406226 }, { "sender": "Anon-5B06", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:03\n\n>>474405466 \nJebheads, he's an inspiration to us all.", "pid": 474406230 }, { "sender": "Anon-3831", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:26\n\n>>474406205 \nBones heal, chicks dig scars, pain is temporary, glory is forever", "pid": 474406312 }, { "sender": "8E18-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:34\n\nlol\nnot the speaker, but another big johnson", "pid": 474406321 }, { "sender": "2A41-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:40\n\n>>474406158 \nHE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!", "pid": 474406330 }, { "sender": "3385-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:06\n\n>>474405239 \nMayorkas and Cheatle must be ousted. No way for them to fester indefinitely after the series of bumbling, appallingly inept (and suspicious) decisions surrounding this episode. Their presence has become toxic to the entire secret service", "pid": 474406356 }, { "sender": "E84E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:33\n\n>>474406205 \nI'd keep it too. \nThat is a war scar.", "pid": 474406390 }, { "sender": "7C75-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:54\n\n>>474405948 \n>Leftists are always experts on whatever fits their narrative, anon \nI know. We had leftist turn suddenly into experts on military topics here because of the whole border shitskin invasion. \nInstant experts on everything. \n>>474406146 \n>>474406205 \nCorrect me if im wrong but isnt ear deceptively heavy on blood vessels so its easy to rupture stiches if not healed entirely? \nAnd yeah, id left the scar too.", "pid": 474406403 }, { "sender": "Anon-B9AD", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:55\n\n>>474406177 \nyeah, shit's wild. \nwondering if obama's still feeling safe right now. I'd start asking serious questions from now on", "pid": 474406405 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A4AD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:20\n\n>>474406146 \nhe should deliver the speech with it exposed. fuck the fag wets advising unity optics. they tried to blow his fucking head off", "pid": 474406428 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-002E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:55\n\n>>474406177 \nNever attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by treason.", "pid": 474406468 }, { "sender": "Anon-1587", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:04\n\n>>474406158 \nLmao", "pid": 474406479 }, { "sender": "Anon-621B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:17\n\n>>474406403 \n>\"That motherfucker is not a real woman!\"", "pid": 474406497 }, { "sender": "3EEA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:43\n\n>days before Saturday’s assassination attempt Biden and his camp kept repeating the corny-ass phrase of “when we get knocked down, we get back up” \n>Trump manages to completely usurp the sentiment by having something actually terrible happen to him and standing defiant in the face of it \nCan’t wait for all the tempting of fate about biden’s age and health to come around just like this", "pid": 474406523 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8C3E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:40\n\n>>474406178 \nyeah its insane that he thought this was a good thing to tweet. hollywood actors really are incredibly stupid people", "pid": 474406585 }, { "sender": "Anon-84DF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:54\n\n>>474406158 \n>semen hydenko", "pid": 474406596 }, { "sender": "8E23-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:12\n\nHow can we pass words of encouragement to Trump to get him to snap out of his funk after the shooting? I'm being 100% serious. We need him on his A game.", "pid": 474406615 }, { "sender": "C21C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:05\n\n>>474406615 \nThe funk was because of that cringe ass RNC. Guy was sitting there watching a nigger whore with a breast reduction and a DAMAGED tattoo making a speech.", "pid": 474406671 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-673A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:15\n\nSHOOTER CONFIRMED AS FAR RIGHT MAGA EXTREMEST BY CLASSMATES; HAD MAGA SIGNS IN YARD FOR *YEARS*", "pid": 474406682 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-26FD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:39\n\n>>474406682 \n>(((Krassenstein)))", "pid": 474406711 }, { "sender": "64A0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:44\n\n>>474406226 \nThe liberals got what they were fantasising for after all these years. Now they will have to experience the consequences of that.", "pid": 474406719 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-66FD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:56\n\n>>474406585 \nnot stupid, just in a bubble", "pid": 474406732 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BD84", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:01\n\nMAGA", "pid": 474406741 }, { "sender": "0621-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:22\n\nIsrael will succeed and Hamas pigs will beg for mercy. MAGA!", "pid": 474406767 }, { "sender": "A1AA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:36\n\n>>474406615 \nGive the dude a break he was shot in the head. That brush with death will take the wind out of you for a bit.", "pid": 474406788 }, { "sender": "F3BA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:42\n\n>>474406682 \n>his front yard \nSo in other words his mom was a republican and registered him as a republican. Meanwhile he was donating his allowance to far left organizations and never actually voted in an election.", "pid": 474406790 }, { "sender": "7416-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:50\n\n>>474406682 \n>had trump signs \n>no goyim we cant show you the picture \n>only picture of a flag is the tranny groomer support flag \nSeems legit.", "pid": 474406803 }, { "sender": "439A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:54\n\n>>474406682 \n>donated to ActBlue \nNope", "pid": 474406815 }, { "sender": "Anon-01D6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:08\n\nsomebody just lost their job as a teleprompter loader", "pid": 474406833 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AF2F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:17\n\n>>474406682 \nReal and not spin.", "pid": 474406839 }, { "sender": "CE40-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:37\n\n>>474406732 \nnope, pretty sure that is stupid.", "pid": 474406857 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A713", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:41\n\n>>474406682 \nWhenever a democrat speaks, its lying.", "pid": 474406863 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2AF7", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:07:19\n\n>>474406682 \n>stein \n>Some unverifiable hear-say", "pid": 474406907 }, { "sender": "B7D8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:07:33\n\nthe fact that retard fucking boomers are going to elect Trump but give him a tight senate majority infuriates me. better just be gay nigger pollsters trying to downplay Dem imploding.", "pid": 474406915 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3F59", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:07:47\n\n>>474406833 \nAnd he just read the wrong speech instead of calling them out and laughing it off while they corrected the mistake? Sounds like a tool.", "pid": 474406934 }, { "sender": "Anon-6699", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:03\n\n>>474405306 \nNot until we see Obama's birth certificate.", "pid": 474406956 }, { "sender": "Anon-E1AA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:17\n\n30 minutes, amazing fault is with the secret service the buck stops with them", "pid": 474406975 }, { "sender": "BB33-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:21\n\n>>474406815 \nEven bigger than the actblue donation, the shooter also tried to murder popular Republican Donald Trump.", "pid": 474406979 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ED7A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:28\n\nAFAIK Trump' 1st term reforms bashed fruitlessly against bureaucracy establishment. You can replace ministers, but not the next step under them or department heads: there's far too many.\n\nWhere is Trump on that? Is there a program? People?", "pid": 474406985 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8695", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:44\n\nMy fellow shabbos goy we're so back", "pid": 474407002 }, { "sender": "02E8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:11\n\n>>474405421 \nTheater kid mad about theater", "pid": 474407027 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-953B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:39\n\n>>474406833 \n>>474406934 \nDid he not know his own speech ahead of time?", "pid": 474407058 }, { "sender": "1C9D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:58\n\nIs it true that Trump invited epstein to his properties? I had no idea he was in the pedophile circle.", "pid": 474407079 }, { "sender": "90EA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:14\n\n>>474406682 \n\"class mate\" was ahead by several grades and has not seen him in years.", "pid": 474407096 }, { "sender": "Anon-3473", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:43\n\nso democrats are now going to say that the guy who tried to kill trump is actually a huge trump supporter\nyeah that sounds about right", "pid": 474407133 }, { "sender": "Anon-A6F5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:55\n\n", "pid": 474407142 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-83C6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:36\n\n>>474406682 \nIt's the John Lennon thing. When somebody gets so famous and starts being compared to Jesus some schizo will want to take them out.", "pid": 474407186 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4659", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:04\n\n>>474407133 \nblue anon", "pid": 474407217 }, { "sender": "14DE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:15\n\n>>474407186 \nanything to avoid the obvious truth", "pid": 474407225 }, { "sender": "00AC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:05\n\n>>474406682 \n>20 year old \n>yard", "pid": 474407278 }, { "sender": "Anon-C82F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:10\n\n>cop climbs onto roof \n>sees sniper \n>nopes the fuck out \n \nThis shit infuriates me lads. Their either trigger happy fucktards or absolute cowards.", "pid": 474407284 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E127", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:13\n\n>>474406934 \n>>474407058 \nnot everyone has the ability to just say fuck it and wing it like trump, kek", "pid": 474407287 }, { "sender": "Anon-8C25", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:32\n\n>>474407186 \nMaybe don't call people Jesus and they will stop being the anti-christ?", "pid": 474407310 }, { "sender": "F100-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:33\n\n>>474407133 \nThey tried that narrative earlier and it didn't stick. There are so few narratives right now that the cycle is going fast. \nThey'll jump back to \"Trump is the antichrist\" and then \"Trump picked [VP] and that was the worst pick ever\" and then back to \"HE WAS ONE OF YOUR OWN!\" \nNone of it is gonna help at all.", "pid": 474407312 }, { "sender": "saging will continue until morale improves", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:59\n\n>>474406682 \n>shooting trump will only help trump \n \ncan you stop your jewish pilpul for one god damn minute ?!", "pid": 474407337 }, { "sender": "86C8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:48\n\n>>474406682 \nmy parents have three (3) Biden signs in their yard. What's your point?", "pid": 474407445 }, { "sender": "9278-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:09\n\n>>474407284 \nsome people just aren't trained to handle those situations", "pid": 474407527 }, { "sender": "9611-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:26\n\nICYMI - Last night on CNN Van Jones called JD Vance \"more dangerous\" than Trump, since he's a Nationalist idealogue. They're already laying the groundwork for the next Hitler.", "pid": 474407553 }, { "sender": "Anon-4524", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:40\n\n>>474407287 \nHe could've turned it into a DEI joke.", "pid": 474407565 }, { "sender": "Anon-17FE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:03\n\n>>474407553 \nAssassination insurance.", "pid": 474407593 }, { "sender": "Anon-D3C1", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:26\n\n>>474407565 \nkek, factual", "pid": 474407611 }, { "sender": "5613-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:02\n\n>>474407580 \n>father is a registered lolbert \n>mom is a dem \nThey didn't have a single trump sign in their yard so that's another krassenbergsteinfeld lie", "pid": 474407649 }, { "sender": "2887-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:51\n\nSince they're both from the same area, why not have Vivek replace Vance in the Senate? I get he could be valuable in the Trump admin, but he could be way more valuable in our shitty GOP senate.", "pid": 474407691 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0F11", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:25\n\n>>474405534 \nWow, I'm glad we have such a subject matter expert on hand. I would have thought being far away would help but apparently if you're going to shoot someone from a roof, the building next door is the way to go", "pid": 474407727 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6689", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:49\n\n>>474407691 \nanon you have to pander to other groups too, you can't turn the US into mumbai as you want \n \nwhy not move to canada?", "pid": 474407756 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1A1C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:55\n\n>>474407553 \n>trade a bomb for another bomb \nthat settles it then \nTrump absolutely picked the right vp", "pid": 474407766 }, { "sender": "823E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:11\n\n>>474407649 \nAt the end of the day the only thing that you can factually say about his political activities is that there are receipts of him donating to the far left. Revisionists will go to extreme lengths to ignore that in favor of hearsay that aligns with what they want to believe.", "pid": 474407779 }, { "sender": "B8F6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:21\n\n>>474407779 \nAnd on top of that he tried to murder the presumptive Republican nominee two days before it was made official. \nThat's a pretty big update to his political afiliation.", "pid": 474407861 }, { "sender": "4F06-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:56\n\ntrump is so going to repeat the bullshit of the first term even if he wins\nhe is entirely surrounded with never trumpers", "pid": 474407956 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DCB9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:12\n\n>5 threads overnight \ngood grief \nthe energy is fucking back", "pid": 474407981 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1627", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:51\n\n>>474407956 \nflynn's going to be secdef \nyou're all fucked", "pid": 474408029 }, { "sender": "Anon-9749", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:55\n\n>>474407956 \nDamn, I hope we don't go back to having a functioning economy and record low immigration.", "pid": 474408030 }, { "sender": "B25E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:32\n\n>>474405444 \nTriple", "pid": 474408067 }, { "sender": "Anon-EDE8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:40\n\nVance's seat btw wouldn't have a special election until November 2026 aka the next midterms.", "pid": 474408079 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A1F5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:34\n\n>>474408030 \nhe can't magick the debt away and rebuild nordstream to ease pressure on global fertilizer markets", "pid": 474408142 }, { "sender": "869D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:30\n\n>>474405337 \nSaved", "pid": 474408218 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CFE9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:01\n\nSay what you want about the woman, but nobody online has been doing better work in the last few days than libs of tiktok. she's single handedly gotten countless libshits fired from their jobs by archiving/ss'ing their deranged Trump takes and contacting their employers. her twitter feed is something else rn.", "pid": 474408317 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-59A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:24\n\nFUCK THIS ANTICHRIST BITCH \n>FUCK THIS ANTICHRIST BITCH \nFUCK THIS ANTICHRIST BITCH \n>FUCK THIS ANTICHRIST BITCH \nFUCK THIS ANTICHRIST BITCH \n>FUCK THIS ANTICHRIST BITCH \nFUCK THIS ANTICHRIST BITCH \n>FUCK THIS ANTICHRIST BITCH", "pid": 474408344 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B81F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:52\n\nare going to the battleboxes this year burger frens?", "pid": 474408381 }, { "sender": "Anon-E558", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:08\n\n>>474408317 \n>she \n>her", "pid": 474408404 }, { "sender": "97C9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:13\n\n>>474408218 \nit's too early to post christmas cots \nwait until September that's usually when stores start to put up christmas decorations", "pid": 474408410 }, { "sender": "1CD9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:34\n\n>>474405239 \nSloppy job glowniggers", "pid": 474408517 }, { "sender": "92FD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:35\n\n>>474406682 \nLove how kikes and queers are still running this disinfo like anyone anywhere will believe it.", "pid": 474408518 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F9A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:32:21\n\n>pajeet rambling heathen prayer after god saves Trumps life \n>vp pick has pajeet kids \n>filthy nigger face-tatted stripper lecturing rnc \n>not a word about immigration \n>commie teamster harangues \n \nJew cock suckers. All of you. \n \nShoulda listened to Nick \n \n \ndirty race traitor yid lovers. JEWCOCK suckers. Thats what you are. You should stay here and keep your shameful faces from hidden sunlight and the public. Filthy scum.", "pid": 474408575 }, { "sender": "750F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:00\n\nWhere is Pence nowadays?", "pid": 474408612 }, { "sender": "Anon-B771", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:01\n\n>>474408344 \nExactly.", "pid": 474408616 }, { "sender": "ED58-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:10\n\n>>474408218 \nIt's funny because I am a Christian and the argument did work on me. God truly makes my enemies into fools.", "pid": 474408628 }, { "sender": "084B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:07\n\npost shooting polls today or still too soon?", "pid": 474408692 }, { "sender": "61FA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:20\n\n>>474405421 \nThey really suck at hiding their bitterness that trump didn't get killed. These people are evil.", "pid": 474408707 }, { "sender": "EA10-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:37\n\n>>474407580 \nhe posted in x or that is what's been claimed.", "pid": 474408729 }, { "sender": "28E9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:02\n\n>>474408707 \nThe fact that you don't want a dictator to be killed makes you evil.", "pid": 474408763 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FFDA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:58\n\n>>474408051 \nso were we. \nwould have loved to see them sperging out.", "pid": 474408831 }, { "sender": "3D2D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:14\n\nDeath to jews\nDeath to trannies\nDeath to sikhs", "pid": 474408843 }, { "sender": "3256-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:18\n\n>>474405421 \nhe thinks he's dunking on Trump, but this is actually kinda sad. I can get libs making retarded posts in the immediate aftermath, but days later shit like this can only come from someone who is unwell.", "pid": 474408845 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-56AF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:53\n\n>>474408763 \nyou missed lol", "pid": 474408883 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-92BE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:37:01\n\n>>474406682 \nNope, and in fact I'll make it worse as I have already planned to", "pid": 474408893 }, { "sender": "Anon-7030", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:01\n\n>>474408843 \nDeath to everyone", "pid": 474408950 }, { "sender": "780B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:06\n\n>>474408410 \nturkey day hasn`t even been yet.", "pid": 474408956 }, { "sender": "D607-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:09\n\n>styx hasn't posted his hot takes this morning \nMust be disappointed he didn't pick muh tulsi", "pid": 474408960 }, { "sender": "087C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:23\n\nTrump better have an amazing speech because that lineup of speakers was fucking blackpilling", "pid": 474408975 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3800", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:16\n\n>>474407580 \nThe only reason he registered Republican is probably to piss his parents off.", "pid": 474409029 }, { "sender": "Anon-8645", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:04\n\nWyd today bros?", "pid": 474409083 }, { "sender": "Anon-F427", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:15\n\n>>474408960 \nhe has. \n>", "pid": 474409094 }, { "sender": "Anon-8DC5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:16\n\n>>474408344 \nis that the RNC of the UN or the RNC of america?>>474408975 \ntake solace, JD Vance announced a coming war with Iran for israel", "pid": 474409100 }, { "sender": "D5E1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:23\n\n>>474408692 \nearliest will be tomorrow with any kind of sample size", "pid": 474409112 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9D78", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:26\n\nI think Vance should stop doing interviews because he keeps larping as president. He needs to read and memorize Trump's Agenda 47 soon. Trump is the star of the republican party and not Vance.", "pid": 474409115 }, { "sender": "BC52-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:41\n\n>>474406330 \nLooks like he won’t be anymore", "pid": 474409137 }, { "sender": "922E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:54\n\nTim Robbins and Mark Hamill are both life long liberals. Compare their responses and you can see just how unwell Mark is.", "pid": 474409153 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A07A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:05\n\n>>474408763 \nI mean Joe is pretty much brain dead at this point, but I would like the people pulling his strings get what they deserve.", "pid": 474409164 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B69", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:29\n\nGood morning frens", "pid": 474409186 }, { "sender": "109B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:35\n\n>>474409153 \nMark isn't just unwell, he's mentally unwell. The guy is a fucking lunatic.", "pid": 474409262 }, { "sender": "C912-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:45\n\n>>474409153 \nwell said.", "pid": 474409270 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B825", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:46\n\n>>474408843 \nBASED", "pid": 474409272 }, { "sender": "Anon-B0C0", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:39\n\n>>474409186 \nhenlo", "pid": 474409400 }, { "sender": "248A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:46\n\n>>474405239 \n>Mawmaw I'm gay \n>DO YOU SUCK DICKS? \n>SIR, NO SIR", "pid": 474409412 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E345", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:34\n\n>>474408575 \nNick is a faggot. Off yourself, Groyper.", "pid": 474409475 }, { "sender": "BCEF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:53\n\n>>474409164 \n>I mean Joe is pretty much brain dead at this point, but I would like the people pulling his strings get what they deserve. \n \nDon't talk shit about my fake gf's other fake bf!!", "pid": 474409493 }, { "sender": "D253-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:05\n\n>>474409475 \nsilence when christians are speaking", "pid": 474409507 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-97EA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:27\n\n>>474408575 \nI'd rather cut my ears off and throw them in a lake than listen to Nick the right wing D&C pro.", "pid": 474409541 }, { "sender": "8DBF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:04\n\n>listen to fuentes \n>manlet spic who is into catboys \nYeah real hardcore WS choice here bro.", "pid": 474409581 }, { "sender": "B025-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:06\n\n>>474409412 \n>\"Don't be a fucking idiot ...\" \nkek", "pid": 474409586 }, { "sender": "Anon-1E9C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:28\n\n>>474406403 \nShe looked better on the plane. \nThat AI picture of her as a Greek goddess looks better than that bikini picture. \nNever meet your heros", "pid": 474409611 }, { "sender": "9F0A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:48\n\n>>474409153 \njust waitin' for the day evil stops muttering and xwittering. and does something. 3 days ago they were reminded.", "pid": 474409637 }, { "sender": "0213-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:50\n\n>>474409186 \n>fren \nDo you renounce Zion Don, his pajeet race traitor VP and the JEWCOCK sucking convention rife with browns, whores and heathens? \n \nAll of you are suspect", "pid": 474409642 }, { "sender": "Anon-1FD3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:07\n\n>>474409611 \nchecked \nStill would. \nSue me.", "pid": 474409662 }, { "sender": "Anon-D9D8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:22\n\n>>474408575 \n>calls people race traitors \n>tells people should listen to a spic", "pid": 474409684 }, { "sender": "8E2C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:22\n\n>>474409507 \nYou’re being grifted, you dumb Kraut.", "pid": 474409685 }, { "sender": "181E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:43\n\nPosting at me with reddit spacing is the fastest way to get yourself filtered", "pid": 474409714 }, { "sender": "0C54-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:47\n\n>>474406764 \nThis is beautiful", "pid": 474409719 }, { "sender": "Anon-3419", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:05\n\n>>474409186 \n>>474409029 \n>>474408893 \nGood mornin \n>Captcha TOOOT", "pid": 474409745 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-833E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:15\n\n>>474409685 \nwhat is your hangup? are you a neocon or neolib?", "pid": 474409755 }, { "sender": "918F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:58\n\nI'm blaming 4chan for this!! And when my guy Joe wins, I am stealing ALL YOUR COOKIES!!", "pid": 474409808 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A700", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:17\n\n>>474409684 \n>whats Criollo \nSilence, jew rat.", "pid": 474409827 }, { "sender": "EF2B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:51\n\n>>474409412 \nthis man called Trump a moral disaster", "pid": 474409876 }, { "sender": "7F4D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:01\n\n>>474409808 \nI blame a guy in Indiana who's name starts with L", "pid": 474409885 }, { "sender": "D4E0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:04\n\n>>474409745 \n>Good mornin \n>Captcha TOOOT \n \nThat means only a few minutes until tinky mommy!!", "pid": 474409891 }, { "sender": "Anon-1242", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:13\n\n>>474409719 \nIt broke a tear to my eye. \nF.", "pid": 474409902 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4EBF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:49\n\nHe look like the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around", "pid": 474409956 }, { "sender": "C5CC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:57\n\n>>474409885 \n>I blame a guy in Indiana who's name starts with L \n \nLuigi or Dom Louise?", "pid": 474409962 }, { "sender": "44F6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:09\n\n>>474405239 \nIt is undeniable at this point that the Secret Service let the shooting take place.", "pid": 474409981 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C8E6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:10\n\n>>474409745 \n>TOOOT", "pid": 474409985 }, { "sender": "Anon-89BD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:40\n\nI added Destiny to my collection of dox. I hope he enjoys his new place on my hard drive.", "pid": 474410027 }, { "sender": "Anon-24C5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:00\n\n>>474409637 \n>Trump is the new Adam \n \nJesus Christ is the new Adam. \n \nYou people mock God and you don't even know it. \n \n1 Corinthians 15:45 \n> The first man was named Adam, and the Scriptures tell us that he was a living person. But Jesus, who may be called the last Adam, is a life-giving spirit.", "pid": 474410050 }, { "sender": "2C54-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:38\n\nWhy hasnt anyone given me the QRD on why Vance was selected as VP??", "pid": 474410093 }, { "sender": "122F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:14\n\n>>474408142 \nLol says the German who’s pipeline was blown up. He will be elected, that wasn’t the only assassination attempt we’ll witness, and he will make america great again, again", "pid": 474410129 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B7FE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:30\n\n>>474410027 \n>Destiny \nWhoms't?", "pid": 474410145 }, { "sender": "EDD4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:41\n\n>>474408142 \nWell why did you let Joe Biden blow up your Pipeline then?", "pid": 474410162 }, { "sender": "27B9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:56\n\n>>474410093 \nBecause everyone in the gop suck suck sucks filty JEWcock.", "pid": 474410180 }, { "sender": "C1FA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:16\n\n>>474410145 \nDon't pretend like you don't hate him for all the shit he said about the dead rally goer who shielded his family.", "pid": 474410209 }, { "sender": "Anon-174B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:38\n\n>>474410180 \nWho are you voting for?", "pid": 474410242 }, { "sender": "Anon-6EB7", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:43\n\n>>474410093 \nSenator of Ohio, securing the swing state. Also: from what I've researched since I learned about him a day ago, he seems pretty based.", "pid": 474410251 }, { "sender": "29A0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:13\n\n>>474405421 \nThis dude landed two decent roles in his whole life, and he thinks people give a shit about his opinions", "pid": 474410293 }, { "sender": "A1EF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:12\n\n>>474410180 \n>gop \nexcept the romneys have been run the fuck out of politics and lara trump heads the rnc. \nThe gop is dead. \nIt's the America First party now. \nAgenda 47 is the official platform now.", "pid": 474410373 }, { "sender": "Anon-D961", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:15\n\n>>474408845 \nThis, if I was a libtard I’d just be checked out at the very least. Even now I’m not shitting on Brandon for being out to lunch, not because it’s “low class” but because there’s no point in dunking on the elephant in the room", "pid": 474410377 }, { "sender": "F941-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:43\n\n>>474410050 \n>The first man was made from the dust of the earth, but the second man came from heaven. \n \nVerse 47 to be clear there are only two Adams.", "pid": 474410415 }, { "sender": "B2BD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:48\n\n>>474410209 \nI think I might have stuttered, I apologize. I have a speech impediment. \nLiterally who? \n", "pid": 474410489 }, { "sender": "Anon-1AF1", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:55\n\n>>474410242 \nWhy would I vote in a rigged election with one party split between two corrupt candidates in a country that no longer exists. I've played along and been made a fool to prop up fake elections and the careers of con artists for the last time.", "pid": 474410571 }, { "sender": "Anon-0EAC", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:23\n\n>>474410489 \nI can't spoonfeed you everything, guess you'll have to figure it out on your own \n>Millions of Subs \n>The most divisive political streamer on the internet next to Hasan \n>Egg pretends to be completely retarded to gaslight me \nFigure it out", "pid": 474410604 }, { "sender": "DC45-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:28\n\n>", "pid": 474410608 }, { "sender": "Anon-ED57", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:09\n\n>>474410571 \nthat was easy. thanks for playing!", "pid": 474410670 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D4F6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:17\n\n>>474409662 \nImage kek’d", "pid": 474410682 }, { "sender": "2FA6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:51\n\n>>474410209 \nOh he can be hated for a great many things", "pid": 474410718 }, { "sender": "DBBB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:53\n\nHey guys, I am now switching to G-Fuel!! Energy!!\n\n\nThis is my second can, AND I LOVE IT!!", "pid": 474410720 }, { "sender": "Anon-C0C3", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:13\n\n>>474410604 \n>some random online twitch streamer with hot opinions about anything \nSo some fucking nobody. Got it. Thanks, fren!", "pid": 474410751 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BB58", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:27\n\n>>474410718 \nHe's honestly a piece of shit, I hope Elon doesn't give him back his monetization, Kick won't do anything so it's not like he won't earn. I'm sure since he lives in Cali that he called the police department after he was doxxed to tell them not to come if they get a call.", "pid": 474410835 }, { "sender": "A8A5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:31\n\n>>474410251 \n>Senator of Ohio, securing the swing state. Also: from what I've researched since I learned about him a day ago, he seems pretty based. \n \nOhh shit, OHIO niggaz don't play! \n \nIt all makes sense now!!", "pid": 474410843 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F173", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:50\n\n>>474410373 \nThe country is over. The invasion is already over. In twenty years there will be enough brown men of military age taught to hate and lean from poverty ready to rape our land the minute the government manufactures famine. \n \nThe army is here. The government just has to make them really hungry really fast. Then mobs of armed young men will leave the cities and deploy into the last white areas left and do what angry armed desperate young men do. \n \nThey will shoot white toddlers for sport. If the government of Israel will bomb civilians from the air now to take their land, why would a government controlled by Israel produce a different outcome here.", "pid": 474410946 }, { "sender": "17B8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:15\n\n>tfw they probably wanted to capture Trump's head being blow to piece in high quality photos \n>but he got lucky", "pid": 474410970 }, { "sender": "22AF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:16\n\nHunter Biden here. As your acticng President wanted to let you know we are watching all of you and once I finished with this nigger whore and snort some coke, wait where are the nuclear codes they were in my underwear but shit, oh well I will start WW3 next week. Pops is drugged up and in bed with the Biden women. Love and Kisses, H.", "pid": 474410972 }, { "sender": "Anon-67CB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:24\n\n>>474410946 \n>WHY AREN'T YOU DEMORALIZED GOY????? \nLOL", "pid": 474411058 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-413A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:08\n\n>>474411058 \nI'm glad I filtered that faggot out", "pid": 474411116 }, { "sender": "Anon-F0CB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:09\n\n>>474410720 \n>Luke is no longer a /sip/ bro \nThese are dark days, friends...", "pid": 474411118 }, { "sender": "0ABA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:54\n\n>>474410050 \nwe are all sons of men fashioned as God and he loves all his children as he loved Adam. \nNo one likes holier than thou idiots, God least of all. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. Stop putting yourself above amoebas just because God grants you the ability to name them. \n \n\\_UdkqvDrg", "pid": 474411170 }, { "sender": "18DD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:00\n\n>>474410970 \nThe red circle is the bullets trail cutting through the air? That is picked up by a camera?", "pid": 474411172 }, { "sender": "Anon-47F8", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:33\n\n>>474411172 \nyeppers", "pid": 474411216 }, { "sender": "Anon-0D37", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:08\n\n>>474411170 \nYou have no excuse, God doesn't tolerate idolatry. \n \nYour graven images are an abomination to God.", "pid": 474411335 }, { "sender": "Anon-53E6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:18\n\n>>474411216 \nWhat a lucky son of a bitch. I love this man I’m glad as hell he’s still making america great again", "pid": 474411348 }, { "sender": "1932-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:26\n\nAll I see itt is a herd of shabbos goyim\n", "pid": 474411359 }, { "sender": "5693-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:28\n\n>>474409956 \nLindsey? what are you doing in portugal? Also I'm pretty sure your reach around ratio ain't all that stellar either.", "pid": 474411363 }, { "sender": "267E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:20\n\n>>474410251 \nOhio isnt really a swing state anymore but its more of a PA, MI, WI play. \nThe main strategy this time around from Trump HQ is to target extremely low propensity voters or people who havent voted at all, who break Trump massively, and let outside groups and the RNC do the typical national campaign. This was test run in the Iowa primary. Its happened twice already and is part of why Trump has overperformed polling but theres still a lot of gold there to mine, especially in the rust belt. Vance is pretty representative of those people. \nIts also the legacy pick. I personally believe Vance wouldve won frontrunner in '28 on his own but this pick sets him up directly and avoids a lot of convention drama and snuffs future would-be Nikki Haley types. In my mind the only reasonable, realistic choices were Vance and Carson.", "pid": 474411417 }, { "sender": "A686-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:35\n\n>>474411116 \nThats right. Hide, rat. Your cowardice and shame leave you no choice.", "pid": 474411505 }, { "sender": "1530-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:06\n\nIf Vance is the guy I’m fine with it. He’s less than half trumps age and still holds the same values. Besides the Indian thing but if we have someone as based as Vivek on the right there’s no denying that it’s possible Vance’s wife is based and he can raise based kids. I support my president and his decision to go with such a young buck is probably not what the deep state wanted", "pid": 474411541 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6A72", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:17\n\n>it's fine if we eat meat sacrificed to idols \n \nNot if it causes your brother to stumble.", "pid": 474411551 }, { "sender": "Anon-F209", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:22\n\n>you got the wrong one \nwas this video fake?", "pid": 474411617 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-55BF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:18\n\n>>474411617 \nNever had sex. Also missed - LOL", "pid": 474411700 }, { "sender": "5F3A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:30\n\n>>474411617 \nIt was some other faggot that looked like the dysgenic fuck who shot at Trump.", "pid": 474411788 }, { "sender": "4D8A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:33\n\n>>474410293", "pid": 474411925 }, { "sender": "B2B6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:38\n\n>>474410571 \n>voting doesn't matter \n>BUT DON'T VOTE FOR DRUMPF YOU STUPID GOY", "pid": 474411932 }, { "sender": "E02F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:51\n\n>>474410027 \nwhy? \nScott has his number. he's even worse than an ew. he's a phew glad I didn't step in that.", "pid": 474411950 }, { "sender": "26A7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:26\n\n>>474411932 \nyep, every single time.", "pid": 474411993 }, { "sender": "D5E3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:45\n\n>>474411950 \nBecause I have ANTIFA too. I'm collecting dox like pokemon cards", "pid": 474412015 }, { "sender": "Anon-1E2A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:26\n\n>>474410027 \nabsolute madman", "pid": 474412061 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A95C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:31\n\n>>474405344 \npolacks aren't white", "pid": 474412148 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EFE1", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:38\n\n>>474406682 \n>b-b-but a Trump supporter shot Trump \nWhat kind of fucking retard thinks this is a good narrative to go with? \n>the (((Krassensteins))) \nOh ok makes sense, now I totally believe it", "pid": 474412159 }, { "sender": "D4BB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:46\n\n>>474411118 \n>Luke is no longer a /sip/ bro \n>These are dark days, friends... \n \nWho? \n \nYeah because they slowly incremented things into monster energy that was raising my sugar levels... \n \nUNNACCEPTABLE!!!", "pid": 474412252 }, { "sender": "4114-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:10\n\n>>474411617 \nWhy are leftoids always ugly inside and out?", "pid": 474412282 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D30E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:26\n\nWhat's the word?", "pid": 474412304 }, { "sender": "A8B9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:03\n\n>>474405239 \nHas anyone from the gov resigned for Saturday giga failure? Seems like the bureaucracy is so entrenched and Biden so weak they don't even bother to scapegoat a mid level executive, just full on blame others.", "pid": 474412357 }, { "sender": "CCB0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:07\n\n>>474411788 \nI see. Any info on who the victim from audience was? \n>>474412282 \nIf you talk to them long enough, they think communist state would assign a female to them.", "pid": 474412364 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E1D8", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:20\n\n>>474410489 \nsubtle", "pid": 474412377 }, { "sender": "9134-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:36\n\n>>474412357 \nWhy would any of them resign? It was Drumpf's fault for dressing provocatively.", "pid": 474412497 }, { "sender": "2CC0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:28\n\n>>474410604 \nmemeflag \nknows alot about some shit stirrer \n is that you are you stirring shit", "pid": 474412558 }, { "sender": "Anon-CB33", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:42\n\n>>474412364 \n>Any info on who the victim from audience was? \nbruh. \nCorey something, a White firefighter who shielded his daughter.", "pid": 474412577 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5CE0", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:55\n\n>>474410571 \nAnd there it is lol", "pid": 474412667 }, { "sender": "D41B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:25\n\n>>474412577 \nyeah that's what I have heard \nany commentary on why didn't cops act faster on the shooter? he was spotted by the bystanders \nI heard cop crawled onto the roof, but he wasn't armed? \ndid they think it's just a cheeky viewer looking for a better view to watch Trump rally?", "pid": 474412701 }, { "sender": "Anon-67CD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:16\n\n>>474410608 \nkek, nice find \n>captcha VP TAY \ndon't tell L\\*ke", "pid": 474412761 }, { "sender": "Anon-D49A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:27\n\n>>474412252 \nYour desk is under stairs?", "pid": 474412783 }, { "sender": "CF94-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:40\n\n>>474412701 \nNope. \nGiant fucking shitshow.", "pid": 474412797 }, { "sender": "Anon-3B97", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:55\n\n>>474412159 \nYeah thats something to win twitter and tiktok arguments with but whether the shooter was a trump supporter or a nikki haley voter or just a covert dem / fed groomed it doesnt make an actual difference to voters.", "pid": 474412814 }, { "sender": "Anon-3B5A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:50\n\n>>474412783 \nlooks like he's at the YMCA.", "pid": 474412871 }, { "sender": "41A3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:54\n\n>>474412667 \nHe's trying his hardest to D&C", "pid": 474412944 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D1B6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:08\n\n>>474410608 \nis that the one that ran up the stage and started asking male SS \n>What are we doing? \n?", "pid": 474412963 }, { "sender": "Anon-000D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:47\n\n>>474412814 \nIf he was a Trump supporter the FBI would have released the contents of his phone immediately and his social media wouldn't have been scrubbed. For normies I just dismiss the reddit fanfics about the shooter being right wing as conspiracy nonsense without further elaboration, it makes reddit types seethe and the normies eat that shit up. I recommend you simply do this in all discussions about the shooter, the reality is that this kid was almost certainly a reddit/discord type anyways.", "pid": 474413002 }, { "sender": "8E09-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:33:20\n\n>>474411118 \nI'm on a no sucralose kick right now I feel quite a bit better.", "pid": 474413029 }, { "sender": "0249-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:33:36\n\nthis is out of /pol/'s wheelhouse, but what do we know about vance's space policies? he'll be the one running the national space council if trump wins. space will be changing in the next 4 years, becoming ever more important: \n>chinese starlink will come online, changing the global military calculus \n>the gaza and ukraine wars have both extended to the space domain and they and any future major conflicts will likely impact space as well \n>both american and chinese lunar programs will continue to expand in size as they head towards a 2028 lunar landing race \n>chinese space force was established a few months ago, but american space force under biden has alot of internal complaints \n>russia is sharing space technology with iran and north korea; while testing combat satellites in orbit with an eye on american satellites \n>the number of space launches is growing exponentially, but we arent building sufficient launch sites, resulting in a looming bottleneck \n>space stations: 3-4 new space stations will start construction, and the chinese station will double in size \n>the biden admin has been going ham on elon and spacex with multiple investigations and lawsuits", "pid": 474413050 }, { "sender": "Anon-D7D0", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:23\n\n>>474405239 \nOp shoud read Keystone cops edition.", "pid": 474413102 }, { "sender": "Anon-6459", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:56\n\n>>474405421 \ntrump is badass and so lucky to be alive so his bandage should be ten times bigger (first time ive seen the pic)", "pid": 474413153 }, { "sender": "3400-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:19\n\n>>474413050 \nMoon surface and near-Earth space already have an overwhelming presence preventing any further competitive progress. It is visible in amateur land-based telescopes. It is either US black project program, resting upon 60+ years of Invention Secrecy Act and worldwide brain drain of inventors, or someone else.", "pid": 474413257 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9F63", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:06\n\n>>474412783 \n>Your desk is under stairs? \n \nYeah,I'm pulling guard duty at the YMCA, they told me if I see any faggots I can snap their 2nd vertebre and tgen suck their rock hard cocks", "pid": 474413379 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8DE4", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:11\n\nSup, bros?", "pid": 474413389 }, { "sender": "E440-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:40\n\n>>474413050 \nNASA's budget has been neutered, they're barely anything more than a regulatory/advisory institute for private companies now.", "pid": 474413421 }, { "sender": "9FDF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:07\n\nMAGA coon", "pid": 474413452 }, { "sender": "78A2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:05\n\n>>474411216 \nliteral proof to shut down the bullshit argument that he wasnt actually shot", "pid": 474413542 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AF8E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:16\n\n>>474413452 \nWould.", "pid": 474413558 }, { "sender": "3F13-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:21\n\n>>474413452 \nMOAR!", "pid": 474413568 }, { "sender": "1A68-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:52\n\n>>474413542 \nIt was never a real argument.", "pid": 474413607 }, { "sender": "76F9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:01\n\n>>474413452 \nshe hatted herself!", "pid": 474413612 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-900B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:30\n\nHey where is Joe tripcode poster?\nIs he still glowing and gloating?", "pid": 474413725 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-99D7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:19\n\n>>474413725 \nhe's laying low >>474412497", "pid": 474413785 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-145C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:46\n\n>>474413452 \nGIRLFRIENDS ARENT FUCKING REAL THEY ARENT REAL", "pid": 474413815 }, { "sender": "ED0D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:25\n\nReminder that Trump is Zio shill who did nothing in his 4 years of office and will still do nothing in his next term.", "pid": 474413852 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-78E9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:16\n\n>>474413852 \nHey did you know Ukraine has lost the war?", "pid": 474413920 }, { "sender": "Anon-3434", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:27\n\nStill voting for America's Hitler", "pid": 474413928 }, { "sender": "CF53-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:28\n\n>>474412357 \nNot even the SS head diversity hire from PepsiCo", "pid": 474414026 }, { "sender": "6C90-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:38\n\n>>474413928 \n>thoughts and prayers for hitler omg \ndoesn't even make sense from these people. at least the freaks like jack black and mark hamill are consistent.", "pid": 474414041 }, { "sender": "Anon-3FD5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:05\n\n>>474407580 \nlimited social media use yeah i tried really hard but this family should be kept in a zoo for being basically the only people not super online in 2024 \nif this is the official findings it might be a fucking \\*haley voter\\*, i don't think anyone was banking on that", "pid": 474414076 }, { "sender": "A76E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:47\n\n>>474413452 \nDont post pics of sister Mary on this board, (You) Protestant filth \n \n>>474413002 \nSomething aint right, regardless of his political leanings it seems extremely odd that this kid would do something like this. Typical loser, progressing in education, working, no trail of cringeposting..... doesnt fit the profile of a suicidal assassin to me. Roof clear, ladder left for him, screwing around on a roof for 30mins in LOS of Trump?!?!?! None of this shit makes any sense.", "pid": 474414121 }, { "sender": "Anon-7D54", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:47\n\n>>474413002 \nYeah thats true, hit them with \n>blueAnon \nOr \n>LGBT Q+Anon \nThey really hate it", "pid": 474414122 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-564C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:44\n\n>>474414076 \nlike there is no way i can believe \n>right accelerationist \nfor someone with no social media presence or consumption, given right accelerationism basically only exists in fringe social media", "pid": 474414206 }, { "sender": "Anon-324D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:44\n\n>>474413607 \noh, people were making the argument that he was cut with glass from the teleprompter and not the bullet", "pid": 474414207 }, { "sender": "43B5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:59\n\n>>474414041 \nI just heard some news about Jack Black", "pid": 474414226 }, { "sender": "9406-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:00\n\n>>474407580 \nMkultra if I ever did see it \nThat's John Brennan", "pid": 474414229 }, { "sender": "664C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:10\n\n>>474413852 \nTheyre all just mad because its all true. You even left out some stuff.", "pid": 474414244 }, { "sender": "909F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:43\n\n>>474414244 \nKill yourself and do the world a favor", "pid": 474414285 }, { "sender": "4AB6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:50\n\n>>474411172 \n \nThe things that cameras can do these days..", "pid": 474414294 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3207", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:22\n\n>>474405239 \n> botched security \n \nmore like planned incompetence.", "pid": 474414408 }, { "sender": "Anon-A040", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:45\n\n>>474414226 \nhe was blindsided? \nisn't he the one that said it?", "pid": 474414441 }, { "sender": "Anon-7CFF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:46\n\n>>474411172 \nthat is in fact the bullet or the reflection of light off said bullet as interpretted by the computer in the camera", "pid": 474414444 }, { "sender": "Anon-F480", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:53\n\nNEW THREAD \n \n>>474414466 \n>>474414466 \n>>474414466 \n \nMAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN \n \n>>474414466 \n>>474414466 \n>>474414466", "pid": 474414536 }, { "sender": "7827-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:00\n\n>>474414226 \nHe is just mad that he miscalcualted the response and thought everyone would agree with him.", "pid": 474414545 }, { "sender": "4B41-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:23\n\n>>474414207 \nThat was very early on and was squashed on the day, since the teleprompters are clearly intact on the video. \nThere continues to be schizos pushing that there was no bullet and he just slapped a blood pack against his ear, but no one takes them seriously.", "pid": 474414585 }, { "sender": "D377-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:59\n\n>>474414441 \nNo, it was Kyle Gas that said it.", "pid": 474414636 }, { "sender": "7F66-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:00\n\n>>474413002 \n>>474414122 \nI started calling them blueAnon/LGBTQanon once they started the ‘false flag’ narrative. \n \nAlso when they kept screeching that the actBlue donation wasn’t from him, when it actually was, followed by \n>i-it was a bet bro!!! \n \nThey’ll continue the “MAGA shooter” cope all the way until Trump wins again.", "pid": 474414637 }, { "sender": "D842-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:11\n\n>>474413920 \nIf you think Trump will be signing any peace treaty with Putin in the Ukraine conflict, then you are mistaken. Trump will continue to fund the conflict the same way that Joe has done, since Republicans are not going to do shit and they won´t end shit either.", "pid": 474414738 }, { "sender": "F656-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:38\n\n>>474407580 \nI dunno frens but something really stinks about this.", "pid": 474414886 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-36A7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:53\n\n>>474405421 \nMark has pedo Skywalker been up to. Fucking manlet 1 trick pony pedo.", "pid": 474414904 }, { "sender": "C978-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:29\n\n>>474414226 \nI.e. 'we said something stupid and still believe it 100% but sponsors and advertisers pulled out so we have no money to still tour and just saying this to save face'", "pid": 474414954 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7456", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:40\n\n>>474405421 \nkek if biden got shot in the ear and had a body pillow ratchet strapped to the side of his head this faggot would be saying it's not big enough and Trump is using his far right Russian white nationalist nazi connections to sabotage biden's medical care and we need to nuke mar a lago to save our democracy", "pid": 474414966 }, { "sender": "5B01-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:17\n\n>>474414226 \n>I just heard some news about Jack Black \n \nYeah, because essentially this is what Jack Black did by telling secret service to assassinate Trump again and not miss next time. \n \n:/ \n \nNOT FUNNY!! \n \n \\*pic-related\\*", "pid": 474415111 }, { "sender": "Anon-D6A0", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:40\n\n>>474414382 \nThen why delete it? Surely they understand the FBI and SS would be looking into it for clues to motive", "pid": 474415306 }, { "sender": "A444-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:25\n\n>>474409412 \nWhy am I reading some quasi self help shit with some fag using a gibberish word to address his grandma. \nNews are very gay.", "pid": 474415370 }, { "sender": "F728-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:11:45\n\n>>474405239 \nAssassination attempts only happen when the intelligence agencies allow it to happen.", "pid": 474416147 } ]
[ { "sender": "2C55-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 21:40:30\n\nChet Hanks breaks his silence.", "pid": 122619173 }, { "sender": "Anon-FD60", "message": "03/07/2024, 21:42:11\n\n>>122619173 \nyou can't even acknowledge your own whiteness or have fun with it without having to make a public apology lol \n \nanglosphere countries are dead husks", "pid": 122619193 }, { "sender": "6BD4-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 21:44:20\n\n>>122619193 \n>apology \n\"This is NOT what I'm about\" =/= \"I'm sorry\"", "pid": 122619223 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4720", "message": "03/07/2024, 21:50:22\n\n>>122619223 \nthis is a cowed response to public pressure. did anyone think Chet Hanks was a Patriot Front racist nationalist?", "pid": 122619313 }, { "sender": "Anon-8BBB", "message": "03/07/2024, 21:53:02\n\nLiterally who?\n\nAlso why do Americans have such stupid names? Chet? Seriously where the fuck did that come from? Is it short for Chettith? Chetward? Chettington? Makes me sick.", "pid": 122619351 }, { "sender": "A678-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 21:53:14\n\n>we can't just chill with our boys doing Jamaican patois because of woke", "pid": 122619354 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-53E0", "message": "03/07/2024, 21:55:22\n\nTHEY KILLED MY BOI CHETT???\n\nNahhh...... alright everyone pour out a 40 find some black queen and repopulate the banks of the Nubia on god let's get some black butts bouncing soon", "pid": 122619388 }, { "sender": "Anon-E763", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:02:30\n\n>>122619313 \n>did anyone think Chet Hanks was a Patriot Front racist nationalist? \nNo, and that's the point.", "pid": 122619502 }, { "sender": "08DB-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:05:48\n\n>>122619502 \nwhy does he need to speak for other people? is \"white boy summer\" a political movement? this is something he could have just completely ignored rather than engaging with made-up culture war hysteria", "pid": 122619543 }, { "sender": "7F65-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:25:25\n\nI could never have seen this coming from the son of jewish pedophile Tom hanks", "pid": 122619759 }, { "sender": "8CEB-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:27:50\n\n>>122619543 \nsome people on the right were using white boy summer for their things.", "pid": 122619792 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5F00", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:28:19\n\nWhy can't we have a nice, inclusive \"everyone summer\"?", "pid": 122619801 }, { "sender": "20C2-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:29:08\n\nwhite boy summer is about wmaf", "pid": 122619808 }, { "sender": "Anon-47B0", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:21:37\n\nhis jewish handler made him post this\n\nhe doesn't fuckin talk like that", "pid": 122622490 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7002", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:07:55\n\n>>122619173 \n>>nepo baby panicking about being white and privileged \n \nhis daddy is a pedophile or pedophile adjacent", "pid": 122622916 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-238C", "message": "04/07/2024, 05:16:16\n\nARYAN BOY SUMMER!!!! HEIL HITLER", "pid": 122623552 } ]
Here&#039;s what happens niggers
[ { "sender": "1E89-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:46:15\n\nHere&#039;s what happens niggers\n\n>Trump wins \n>mass deportations ensue \n>riots all over amercia via lefty chimp outs \n>we start making plans to build the wall \n>new alliences with Russia and China that end talks of WW3 \n>Israel low key left to rot and get fucked \n>White people low key saved \n \nThis is why they tried to kill Trump. Fuck the shills, I've been around the block. I'm pro Trump again boys, you wanna know what the psy op is? \n>He's zion on don boys, don't vote! \n>Hidden hand! Hegelian Dialectic! Don't vote! \n>Freemasonic play! It doesn't matter! DON\"T VOTE \n>ESPECIALLY FOR TRUMP \n \nVOTE TRUMP, VOTE TRUMP, VOTE TRUMP. You have NOTHING TO LOSE! Worst case scenario it doesn't matter, then fuck it any way. I WANT THIS BOARD TO REALIZE THE SHILLS ARE AGAINST TRUMP. LETS SAVE AMERICA!", "pid": 474394081 }, { "sender": "5E27-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:47:07\n\nTrump is importing millions of nigger jeets.", "pid": 474394136 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4E54", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:47:58\n\n>>474394081 \nlmao,the absolute state of delusion", "pid": 474394195 }, { "sender": "Anon-B308", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:48:57\n\n>>474394081 \n>>we start making plans to build the wall \nIs Drumpf even talking about a wall anymore? Why weren't plans finalized last time?", "pid": 474394249 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-29D3", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:49:27\n\n>>474394081 \n>iTs GonNa bE dIFfeREnt tHIs tIMe", "pid": 474394278 }, { "sender": "Anon-8173", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:49:45\n\n>>474394081 \nFalse light alert", "pid": 474394293 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C0B5", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:50:57\n\nPLEASE put my head into smart gullotine I am begging you it will be sooo funny", "pid": 474394362 }, { "sender": "FC85-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:51:50\n\nHere's what really happens \n>nothing", "pid": 474394411 }, { "sender": "Anon-5DF5", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:51:58\n\n>>474394081 \nHere's what happens \n>Trump gets elected \n>Imports millions of jeets a la canada because the middle class is too expensive \n>if he wins congress, extends his minor tax cuts for the middle class, cuts them for the rich further \n>sits on his ass all day and whines on twitter for 4 years like the first term \n>pretends to do some stuff but doesn't really do anything (new NAFTA) \n>sucks Israel's cock and probably goes to war", "pid": 474394423 }, { "sender": "Anon-A313", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:52:15\n\n>>474394081 \nAnd what's to stop me from writing in who/what I really want? \nThere's a spot on the ballot specifically designed for doing just that.", "pid": 474394439 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B0AC", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:52:28\n\n>>474394293 \n>>474394278 \nWhat's the alternative? Vote Biden? Don't vote? It's not like voting matters that much any way. Lets just make sure he wins. Give him one more chance. It's are best shot. They tried to kill him.....that pushed me all in. \n>muh it's a freemasonic play! \nI've literally learned first hand over these last few years that feds are pushing that narrative. I fell for all of that shit too. They don't want Trump to's as simple as that.", "pid": 474394452 }, { "sender": "3AAD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:53:00\n\n>>474394081 \nThis but unironically", "pid": 474394491 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AF98", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:53:24\n\n>>474394081 \n>Israel left to rot \nFunniest post on this board, greater israel is in reach now and thats the job for trump to finish. Dumb goy.", "pid": 474394515 }, { "sender": "Anon-B4B6", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:54:26\n\n>>474394081 \n>>mass deportations ensue \nLike in 2016?", "pid": 474394565 }, { "sender": "Anon-F67A", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:54:42\n\n>>474394452 \nrfk jr", "pid": 474394585 }, { "sender": "B3A7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:55:46\n\n>>474394081 \nHere is what happens in reallity: \n> Trump will suck ZOGs dick \n> ZOG gets upset that he won't tongue their anus \n> ZOG starts the Greater Depression \n> It'sallDrumpsfault.jpg \n> Trump dies from natural causes during his second year", "pid": 474394639 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD9E", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:55:48\n\n>>474394452 \nIt doesn’t matter. Nothing ever changes", "pid": 474394646 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2DE1", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:56:46\n\n>>474394081 \n>>mass deportations ensue \nHe said he wants to include a green card with every degree.", "pid": 474394708 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD74", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:57:18\n\n>>474394585 \nHoly fucking cringe. That's the most Q boomer move ever. You are like SSJ4 Q boomer with that comment. A literal freemason fed who's probably on a oxygen tank is leading the RFK shilling. Just fucking vote for Trump. Everyone here is on the same page. If he's not gonna make /ourchange/ no one is and it's over. One more time boys, do it for the excitement we felt in 2016. ONE MORE TIME BOYS LETS GOOOOOOooo", "pid": 474394733 }, { "sender": "81DD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:57:41\n\n>>474394081 \nHere is what is going to happen \nTrump's wins \nSends 50 billion to Israel \n..... \n. ... \n...... \nThat's it", "pid": 474394757 }, { "sender": "Anon-2226", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:58:11\n\n>>474394733 \ntype normally faggot", "pid": 474394785 }, { "sender": "B41E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:59:10\n\n>>474394081 \n>mass deportations \n \nOP, I would love nothing more. I've waited literally decades to see that. I hate BEANERS and I'm a White guy in CA. \n \nBut let's be real, Trump is a massive Gay and will probably get blocked by some Commie Judge the first day. And Trump will bow to their rules and \"monitor the situation\" for 4 years. And the next President will be some Black Faggot who invites them all back. \n \nIt's all a clownshow.", "pid": 474394854 }, { "sender": "9862-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:59:32\n\n>>474394081 \n>Israel gets fucked \nYour fucking retarded if you think that, but still VOTE TRUMP!", "pid": 474394873 }, { "sender": "Anon-378D", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:00:26\n\n>>474394639 \nvery accurate kraut bro", "pid": 474394936 }, { "sender": "8C84-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:00:54\n\n>>474394757 \nDon't forget. Trump will give 1 trillion to Blax....and pardon some rap Niggers.", "pid": 474394965 }, { "sender": "2FDE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:01:06\n\n>>474394646 \n>>474394854 \nOne last hoorah anons. If another 4 years of Trump accomplishes nothing, then it's truly over and I'll just wait for the end. They tried to kill him though. I've got a feeling anons. VOTE. TRUMP.", "pid": 474394979 }, { "sender": "Hitler Rick was Right", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:01:59\n\n>>474394081 \nI wish. \nIn REALITY - Trump imports shitloads of cheap indians, and his VP attack Iran, throwing us into WW3. Meanwhile, I'll be sitting on the couch watching the War in glorious 4K.", "pid": 474395034 }, { "sender": "Hitler Rick was Right", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:02:43\n\n>>474394278 \n>iTs GonNa bE dIFfeREnt tHIs tIMe \nLMAO!! THIS.", "pid": 474395076 }, { "sender": "Anon-E87F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:02:44\n\n>>474394081 \n>>Trump wins \n>>mass deportations ensue \nHow does he do this if JD Vance, the diversitymongering pajeeta fucker with mixed kids, is his VP?", "pid": 474395078 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C6C2", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:03:27\n\n>>474394979 \nI voted Trump twice, I'm not doing it a 3rd time. Plus, I live in CA. My vooooote is worthless. That Zogged retard is on his own", "pid": 474395122 }, { "sender": "A811-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:04:12\n\n>>474394081 \n>Israel low key left to rot and get fucked \nI'd like Trump to win and I also believe he wants to save White people. But he's also a jew lover and kind of pro diversity. Trump has a good heart but he has no idea who the real enemy of White people is. \nThat he would throw Israel to the wolves is delusional.", "pid": 474395157 }, { "sender": "61CE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:05:07\n\nhmmmm....why do I feel like I'm yelling into an echo chamber of demoralization feds? \n>lets all just give up guys \n>It's over \n \nSuit yourselves.", "pid": 474395209 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BC23", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:05:08\n\n>>474394081 \n>mass deportations don't include jews for some reason \n>even though mass deportations typically deport jews en masse \nwait so what happens to all the jews in this scenario \n \n>picrel \nOHHHHHHHHH \n \nHAHAHAHAHAHA", "pid": 474395210 }, { "sender": "Hitler Rick was Right", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:05:28\n\nSometimes, I wish Yearicks hadn't missed.", "pid": 474395237 }, { "sender": "Hitler Rick was Right", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:06:47\n\n>>474395209 \nWhat? You're a Fed too? Is there anyone in this post who isn't a Fed?", "pid": 474395303 }, { "sender": "DDFB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:06:48\n\n>>474394565 \nJust like in the roman empire, bro!! Veini vinni vicci cocks", "pid": 474395304 }, { "sender": "1790-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:06:57\n\n>>474395078 \nExactly. I think JD Vance seems like the type of Faggot that will literally cry about the \"poor Immigrants\" in the oval office. And beg Trump to nuke Iran and suck Putins pick with a small Jew hat on.", "pid": 474395314 }, { "sender": "DCEB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:08:59\n\nDo you think america will become white overnight just by building a wall? You need something huge and destructive to happen or else the browning of America will continue until you're mexico.", "pid": 474395435 }, { "sender": "1B9D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:09:34\n\n>Trump wins \n>unlimited support and resources to Israel for the Greater Israel Project. \n \nFix'd that for you. Kill yourself faggot kike shill. \n \nAll fields.", "pid": 474395474 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D86F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:11:24\n\n>>474394081 \nStill voting for Biden", "pid": 474395578 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3E0B", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:11:44\n\n>>474394081 \nIts retarded to think we're going to get the same exact setup as Germany in 1933-45. \nPeople need to keep in mind, Hitler's movement wasn't genocidal, that was post-war kike slander. Germans were a lot like we (all european western civilization nations) are. \nThey weren't maniacs, they wanted a good social order, honest people, a righteous legal system, common sense, nationalism, and most of all, hope for the future. No innocent blood on their hands. \nIt was merely a normal nation and people that appraised their problems honestly and found that the problem was staggeringly jewish. \nAll you can do is use what you've got to make shit better when you get the chance. \nThe \"Zion Don\" meme campaign is extremely jewish and comes from the leftside and JIDF thinktanks. \nThe assassination attempt was real, even if the details and motives are dodgy as fuck. \nIf he was \"Zion Don\" why would 'they' end his story here of all places? \nHe didn't need this to win, there are no opposition candidates that had any chance to win.", "pid": 474395603 }, { "sender": "96E9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:13:57\n\n>>474395435 \nIt's going to happen when Chinks come for their denbts the feds owe em and decide to fly a Chink flag over capital hill.", "pid": 474395725 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2AA4", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:14:07\n\n>>474394757 \nOnly 50 billion? Try 50 trillion + 10 million soldiers.", "pid": 474395735 }, { "sender": "Anon-6EF0", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:16:31\n\n>>474394081 \nNone of that will happen, what will happen is you loose your freedumbs as Trump takes over everything.", "pid": 474395879 }, { "sender": "Anon-4073", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:16:54\n\n>>474394081 \n>Trump wins \n>mass deportations ensue \n>riots all over amercia via lefty chimp outs \n>we start making plans to build the wall \n>new alliences with Russia and China that end talks of WW3 \n>Israel low key left to rot and get fucked \n>White people low key saved \nIt’s like I’m back in September 2016, back when some on here actually believed they’d get to be a part if real life RWDS and were seriously considering joining ICE amd ither such organizations to help with the highly organized deportation of millions of Mexicans. \nChrist, how optimistic this place was…", "pid": 474395901 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-03C4", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:18:02\n\n>>474394249 \nI haven’t heard a peep about that Wall from him in years. He can’t even convince himself its doable with the people he has to work with.", "pid": 474395975 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-29BE", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:18:17\n\n>>474394081 \nWhat's with the fucking nigger speak?", "pid": 474395996 }, { "sender": "Anon-BB23", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:19:09\n\n>>474395901 \nWe need that energy back anon. Allow yourself to believe again. We have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. They have been demoralizing us for 8 years since then anon. Get him back in the white house, and then whatever happens happens.", "pid": 474396044 }, { "sender": "AE34-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:21:30\n\n>>474394195 \n>>474394278 \nits unironically over yeah he just picked cia backed vance as his VP and supports stapling green cards to diplomas but THIS time he's going to deport 40 million illegal immigrants trust the plan \nI want to laugh but its not even funny anymore we're fucking cooked", "pid": 474396176 }, { "sender": "AA77-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:25:30\n\n>>474396044 \nWhen trump says that we must unite, who is he uniting with?", "pid": 474396424 }, { "sender": "AC91-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:25:41\n\n>>474395603 \nHe is Zion Don though. He’s just not favored by the more Americanized jews that tend to sit on the committees of fagflag and/or minority advocacy organizations. Those guys drank too much of their own kool aid snd think Trump is literally hitler. The jews that back Trump are more pragmatic nationalist pissreali jews whose priorities are forcing American Presidents to protect pissreal and making sure westerners have the correct opinions on pissreal.", "pid": 474396433 }, { "sender": "Anon-96AF", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:28:26\n\n>>474396044 \nI’m voting for him again anyway just to make the vote blue no matter who crowd seethe and get even more unhinged. Thats all. I don’t think Trumps going to save anyone but his own legacy. He doesn’t want to go down in history as one of those one termer Presidents, he wants his eight years.", "pid": 474396597 }, { "sender": "B406-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:31:46\n\n>>474394081 \nuh, i kinda rather have a trump than a biden, but either way, NO REFUNDS WE ARE FULL. \nLike fidel castro once said, Keep the capitalist seeking traitors whit you. \n", "pid": 474396801 }, { "sender": "B977-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:31:55\n\n>>474396424 \nTroons, pedos, fags (ah but I repeat myself), furries, White hating shitskins, self hating Whites, jews, etc", "pid": 474396811 }, { "sender": "9FF9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:34:22\n\n>>474394081 \n>mass deportations ensue \nWrong.Better luck next time shill.", "pid": 474396973 }, { "sender": "Anon-5691", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:36:10\n\n>>474396433 \nIf your most dangerous adversary had total domination over all of your allies, and set you against every other nation that they could not control, and your own people were fully socially engineered by that adversary going back 4 generations and were absolutely no threat to them, how would you handle that setup? \n>(very carefully) \nIts not that Trump scares them, its what's behind Trump that scares them. They don't know. They want either tame harmless poodles or domesticated wolves that would fight for them. \nThey don't want real wolves that fight for themselves and their own packs.", "pid": 474397089 }, { "sender": "EC2B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:38:45\n\nThe Israeli faction might just be more willing to back off for survival's sake, Israel is not so secure, than the diaspora (who feels entitled to their status quo and insulated from all danger).\nDon't mistake willing to bargain with earnest friendship.", "pid": 474397250 }, { "sender": "6AEF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:47:20\n\n>>474397089 \nI agree Trumps not their most preferred option, especially since he espouses nationalism, which hurts them morevthan it helps them. A bit of very specific nationalisms good for shoring up Isreals reserve army (the US Armed Forces) but they know the reason Trump is loved as much as he is is because he has advocated for isolationist nationalism, which they don’t like. \nThe nationalist pissraeli faction will still work with him because securing pissreals physical safety and having him constantly running defence for them in interviews to protect the tattered remnants of their reputations more important than their gripes with his nationalist tendencies.", "pid": 474397759 }, { "sender": "824F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:49:39\n\n>>474394081 \nFuck it, I'm in, better than staying on the nothing happen + 2 weeks + fake & gay", "pid": 474397920 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CA17", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:50:36\n\n>>474394136 \n>is \n>not serving right now \nmalfunctioning bot", "pid": 474397972 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3C5F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:50:42\n\n>>474394081 \nThat would be nice if true \nVoting Trump", "pid": 474397982 }, { "sender": "0A6D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:53:12\n\n>>474394081 \n>new alliances with Russia and China that end talks of WW3 \nHow about go fuck yourself!? \n \n>you wanna know what the psy op is? \nIt's the bullshit you are spouting. Four years to make America \"Great Again\" and he fucked it up worse than ever, while also loading the Supreme Court with his horrid picks. The only thing he made \"Great Again\" was the pockets of his Wall Street stooges.", "pid": 474398142 }, { "sender": "DBAD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:53:13\n\n90% of Democrats would vote for an unironic national socialist over Trump, most republicans would vote for an unironic national socialist over Trump. Trump wishes he was Hitler.", "pid": 474398143 }, { "sender": "F5E3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:53:56\n\nTrumps second term might be interesting.\nI anticipate more crackdowns on antisemitism, but also more bickering with pissreal about how to handle their Middle Eastern engagements, which will be funny. We’ll also be back to our regularly scheduled rioting and protesting “the Trump regime”. I don’t know if Trumps jew handlers will let him and other conservative leaders issue orders to better contain the violence though. If they’re allowed to, those “the system will back down on certain issues” posters really were on to something.\nThe real meat and potatoes will be seeing if they try to use Trump to institute a draft. Thats when the real fun will be had.", "pid": 474398179 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-62C5", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:54:15\n\n>>474396176 \nThis was all a psyop to give us 12 years of Israeli supremacy if the previous century hasn't been one already", "pid": 474398204 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7BF0", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:55:01\n\n>>474396811 \nSo how is he different from Biden at that point?", "pid": 474398254 }, { "sender": "Anon-17BC", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:55:14\n\n>>474398179 \n>more crackdowns on antisemitism \nThe more that happens the more the children will learn it's all fake and gay and they have nothing to lose. They need to stop the jewish worship or this country is going to come apart at the seams.", "pid": 474398269 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-464C", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:55:32\n\n>>474394081 \nIt's hillarious watching the left get grifted not only by Biden but then from Trump, he'll act all nice and unifying and when he's elected he'll hit them back 10 times harder. \nThat was one of the core points of his business it was all over his book.", "pid": 474398291 }, { "sender": "Anon-7222", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:56:47\n\n>>474398143 \n>national socialist \n>Posted by a person from Finland \nWhat? We'd vote for social democracy in a nano-second. Our inflation only seems to benefit arms dealers and the Ukraine. If that money was actually going to infrastructure and tax payers, life would be much better.", "pid": 474398373 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-64A7", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:58:24\n\n>>474398269 \nAnon, The Bible is filled with Jewish people. The New Testament is filled with Jewish people. When /pol/ says stupid shit about Jewish people and not Israel, I just assume you are a crazy Muslim.", "pid": 474398469 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A816", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:58:34\n\n>>474394081 \nopinion disregarded. You shouldn't be voting for this jew lover.", "pid": 474398475 }, { "sender": "7C95-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:00:22\n\n>>474398254 \nHe makes liberals seethe. \nAnd more interesting things happen around him. \nThats it.", "pid": 474398586 }, { "sender": "7723-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:04:44\n\n>>474398269 \nIt’s already coming apart. The jews have accelerated the collapse of an empire that probably had centuries worth of history ahead of it, if it’d been allowed to be helmed by Founding stock, uninterrupted by jew meddling both at home and abroad. \nThe only thing you can do is prep for the violent final unravelings and be entertained by the fireworks it produces. Just hope the fall of this Empires amusing.", "pid": 474398872 }, { "sender": "Anon-ED6D", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:04:48\n\n>>474398586 \nKnee-capped the postal system \nKnee-capped the EPA, while passing laws which allowed industrial pollution and less checks for the biggest polluters in America \n>Loaded the Supreme Court, setting this country back decades \n>Let California burn with no national intervention, while rejecting help from France and European countries \n>Loaded congress with loyalists while using Bush Jr tier partisanship \n>Pointed fingers at everyone for his absolute incompetence as president \n>Instead of fixing America, he had continuous rallies to feed his ego \nWorst fucking president in American history.", "pid": 474398875 }, { "sender": "DF03-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:09:20\n\n>>474398875 \nYou're not helping your case with your examples.", "pid": 474399151 }, { "sender": "Anon-B15E", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:09:52\n\n>>474398875 \nI don’t care about most of that. Letting California burn was one of the few based things he did though, kekked at that one. \nAnd lol at the idea I want him in to be President. I want him in because he’s a Happening magnet and a meme generator who makes faggots like you pissed just by existing. Nothing else matters to me.", "pid": 474399173 }, { "sender": "Anon-91ED", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:12:49\n\n>>474398373 \n>If that money was actually going to infrastructure \nWhat's one of the things Hitler famously did? The one thing people outside extreme contrarians tend to agree was a good thing?", "pid": 474399369 }, { "sender": "CDA1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:12:50\n\n>>474398179 \n>if they try to use Trump to institute a draft. \nwould be very out-of-character for Trump. \nhe preferred special operations and restraint (it was basically a litmus test on who among the brass was compromised to the MIC special interests). \nThe military will always prefer controlled (limited) and quiet (no media) operations with clear and pragmatic objectives. wars are fucking sloppy and destructive. \nWhat I liked about the Trump administration was that it was basically like the military was running the country. \nDomestic stable, foreign stable.", "pid": 474399372 }, { "sender": "Anon-03D7", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:34:24\n\n>>474394081 \nhere's what happens \n>Trump wins \n>he touches the Jew wall again \n>I LOVE ISRAEL \n>nothing \n>nothing \n>dies in 2.5 years \n>Van becomes president", "pid": 474400769 }, { "sender": "Anon-B4BA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:29\n\n>>474394081 \nAt this point, there is no psyop because Trump has a record. \nA record of being a dindu. \n \n>mass deportations ensue \nof White nationalists maybe \n \nListen, jew, nobody here is dumb enough anymore to fall for such blatant lies. \n \nSieg!", "pid": 474402899 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F4F6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:23\n\n>>474394081 \nThis. Remember that He gave them nothing but token and symbolic “support” but verbally throws laurels at their feet. \nBibi was literally THE FIRST person to congratulate Biden on winning (the fake rigged) election. The first time they met, Trump refused to shake his hand. \nRemember that for four years, they tried to push Trump into war with Iran, and he never took the bait. In fact, he brought them to heel and forced peace agreement across the area. \nHe was best friends with JFK Junior - he knows damn well that THEY killed JFK - look at the White House Christmas ornament from 2020, it’s a clear signal for all who can see. \n \nWhich is exactly why all the JIDF and other shills are going so hard right now trying to consensus crack the board with \n > “ZION D0N WILL MAKE YOU DIE FOR ISRAEL DONT VOTE FOR HIM!!” \n \nIt’s fucking pathetic. I don’t know about JD Vance, but I agree w OP. \nTrump was the only president in my lifetime to literally say “ our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST” on national television and make the jews SEETHE. \n \nHe also posted greatly about killing al-Baghdadi who was the head of (((ISIS))) which the entire world knows is a mosssod front. \n \nThe enemy really fucked up with this assassination attempt, because it is exposing Blackrock, Jews…so much more. Soon the public will be awake to 911 and lsraeI’s involvement. Trump knows, of course, and if you listen, read between the lines on his 911 speeches He is speaking directly to the real enemy. \n> the shot heard around the world \n \nDevolution.Link \ (issue 4 pages 4 & 5)", "pid": 474405110 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2E65", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:34\n\n>>474394081 \nzognald trump and his jewish grandchildren and jewish cabinet and jewish in-laws are going to go against the zog?", "pid": 474405118 }, { "sender": "E6E2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:37\n\n>>474394081 \n>mass deportations ensue \nAlready stopped reading. \nYa good luck with that when our jewdiciary is at an all time high of being retarded and a legislature that has shown it has zero desire to even touch the current status quo. \n \nKeep coping though. Reminder every deportation is going to be on expensive ass conair as well.", "pid": 474405251 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-34DF", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:09\n\n>>474394278 \nMwuhahahahaha. It's going to be VERY different this time \n>Hahahahaha pow", "pid": 474405281 }, { "sender": "5EC9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:06\n\n>>474394081 \n>Here's what happens \nThis is the consequence of waving Palestine flags everywhere and this is also the price of having Israel exist on the map. \nIf Israel didn't exist none of this would be happening or needed.", "pid": 474405476 }, { "sender": "D2DB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:45\n\n>>474394293 \n> but He is ACKSHULLY the DeV¡L!!! \nIt’s funny, the mental gymnastics that the paid shill brigade come up with to try and demoralize this board, because you know how powerful pol really is. \n \nWhen pol lifted Trump to power in 2016 we wanted the World to know what is talked about here, essentially jewish power, the holohoax, Hitler, the nature of the Fed and fiat currency, central banking and how it all goes back to THEM. \n \nThe Public, mainly Trump’s people, but a lot of normies now talk about Epstin, adrenochrome, trafficking, etc. \nJust as His first term did a great deal to wake a lot of people up to the dark underbelly of the world. That is discussed on pol, I anticipate this next term will be A Great Awakening for the world, such as was envisioned by AH Himself, OP.", "pid": 474405583 }, { "sender": "21DF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:33\n\n>>474394081 \nI believe in president trump. \n \nHe will save us just as he was saved.", "pid": 474405633 }, { "sender": "56E6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:42\n\n>trump is my savior \nHe will rug pull and sell out his voter base like he did the last time he was in office. You guys are genuinely retarded.", "pid": 474405647 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-28B8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:37\n\n>>474405647 \nNah", "pid": 474405702 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2CBB", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:26\n\n>>474394081 \n>Israel low key left to rot and get fucked \nYou're delusional.", "pid": 474405768 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD80", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:28\n\n>>474394081 \nNo way dude. I hate the gop.", "pid": 474405771 }, { "sender": "7A96-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:14\n\n>>474394081 \nYou think the lefties won’t just petrol bomb innocent families instead because that many people have to live? \n \n \nLiterally look at any communist revolution in history. It was always to fight economic inequality. You only prove the necessity to kill by trying to grab for authoritarian power.", "pid": 474405892 }, { "sender": "85ED-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:13\n\n>>474394081 \nThink of your family screaming because some communist burned your house because you didn’t give a shit about anybody but your race. That’s why it didn’t work in Argentina in 1976-1983.", "pid": 474405966 }, { "sender": "Anon-961B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:35\n\n>>474394081 \n>riots all over amercia via lefty chimp outs \n>we start making plans to build the wall \n \nthis. if i could vote trump i would purely because it will be entertaining.", "pid": 474406126 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EE7F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:06\n\n>>474394423 \n> “sucks Israel's cock and probably goes to war” \n> if we just keep repeating it people will believe that this very thing in fact actually happened during His first term even though it didn’t. \n \nAny anti Trump faggot on pol prefers a continued brother war wiping out both Ukrainians and Russians needlessly, continued billions to zelenskyy and a continued genocide in Gaza. \nA continued devaluation of the dollar. \nContinued rampant inflation. \nMore trannies in government. \nMore Intersectionality, diversity inclusion equity being taught to your kids. \nMore mass illegal immigration of rude and shitty brown people from mexico that suck up resources that were designed and meant for legal citizens. \nEtc.", "pid": 474406162 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-992C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:29\n\n>>474394452 \n>What's the alternative? Vote Biden? Don't vote? \nOh, I've seen this one", "pid": 474406186 }, { "sender": "56CC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:34\n\n>>474394081 \nReality \n>Zion Don wins \n>continues to fund ukraine and Israel billions \n>Imports more browns \n \nfin.", "pid": 474406190 }, { "sender": "315B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:50\n\n>>474394757 \n> if we keep repeating it, people will believe it \nObama signed the 3+ billion to Israel- not Trump.", "pid": 474406265 }, { "sender": "0855-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:17\n\n>>474397972 \n>muh ESL \nShut up, macaco", "pid": 474406302 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2FA3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:08\n\n", "pid": 474406419 }, { "sender": "Anon-99F1", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:35\n\n>>474406162 \n>continued billions to zelenskyy \ndidn't he buy huge mansion in UK just recently or something? EU/US taxpayer money being laundered through ukraine lol \n \nwell said anon, some1 screenshot this", "pid": 474406447 }, { "sender": "E97E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:53\n\n>>474406162 \n", "pid": 474406465 }, { "sender": "950D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:03\n\n>>474394081 \nI honestly don't think he will change much \nhe's kind of an anachronism, he comes from an age where USA was dominant and a superpower, but he's too nigger and kike loving to help the white race - he's pretty much stuck in the mindset of US 80s and 90s, the US however will never get there again, it's not racially homogenous anymore, it became a second brazil", "pid": 474406550 }, { "sender": "Anon-13DD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:10\n\n>>474394639 \nIf that the case, Bill Cooper was right and you are being lied to....fucking retard", "pid": 474406675 }, { "sender": "8AAF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:47\n\n>>474394081 \nWhy are you guys so fucking retarded? He was already president once and there were no deportations. He didn't end DACA . He bragged about how much he loved hispanics. \n \nRepublicans are not going to deport anyone. What they will do is change the paperwork so that the illegals are legal. \n \nThey will not close the border, they will barely even slow it down. \n \nWhat they will do is massively increase censorship, and enforce antiseminitism laws and send lots of fucking money and white men to israel. \n \nYou know I'm right. Look at Trump's first term. \n \nHe was given a chance and he failed. \n \nNo swamp drainage, no wall, no Hillary investigation, no biden investigation, no one held accountable for russiagate, didn't free assange, didn't secure election, no one held accountable for covid. didn't stop blm rioters didn't stop internet censorship, didn't stop news propaganda. couldn't show any proof of election fraud. \n \nwhy the fuck would anyone support him?", "pid": 474406872 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6D36", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:18\n\n>>474396044 \nWhat’s great about right now is that, see back in 2016 the idea of mass deportations would have immediately disqualified Trump - NOW He can talk about this stuff and He has the support of a majority of Americans behind him - and for a lot of the things that we believed in Him for back in 2016. \nYou just have to understand how it takes time to change and shape public opinion. I know you’re not into this Q shit, but I am, and if you take a step back and see how all of this is carefully playing out to reshape public opinion, it is incredible . \n \nI suspect that this goes way back - and this is all far beyond just “Trump,” even beyond just the control of the US military regaining power after criminal actors took control in 1963, but restoring Freedom to Earth from a parasitic infection that has feasted upon the suffering of humanity for a very long time, beyond the federal reserve 1913 - I’m thinking this goes back a very long time, and indeed does have to do with the total liberation of Humanity. \nThe fact that they really did try to take Him out, speaks volumes - when you see that Blackrock was behind this, it means that lsraeI was behind it - and almost all of the comments on NetanyahOo’z “ we wish Trump the best recovery” video said that it looked like Bibi was full of shit and like a child afraid he’s about to get caught for what he did.", "pid": 474407099 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3915", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:05\n\n>>474396597 \n> eight years \nDevolution.LinK \ \n\\_patriot/status/1712680886515228871", "pid": 474407277 }, { "sender": "Anon-1A0A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:01\n\n>>474394081 \nYou're a delusional faggot if you think Israel is \"getting left to rot\"", "pid": 474407519 }, { "sender": "Anon-481E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:04\n\n>>474398142 \n> The only thing he made \"Great Again\" was the pockets of his Wall Street stooges. \nSeething leftoid, go back to plebbit. You must have forgotten when gas was under $2 a gallon and a bag of chips didnt cost $6. Probably because you rely on the Democrats for your public transit and EBT \n> posts a picture of Hairy KamalToe \nxD", "pid": 474407520 }, { "sender": "7B37-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:42\n\n>>474398142 \n>talks about psyops \n>hates China and Russia \nOh boy", "pid": 474407679 }, { "sender": "Anon-B358", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:22\n\n>>474398179 \n> The real meat and potatoes will be seeing if they try to use Trump to institute a draft \n \nTrump is the antiWar candidate. \nShills are desperate to convince anons that He is a warmonger like the Jews wish He was. Trump should be given recognition for the vast amount of Peace Deals He made. literally stepped into Best Korea without SS protection in a time when we are still technically at war with them.", "pid": 474407721 }, { "sender": "109B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:38\n\n>>474394195 \nLmao really", "pid": 474408010 }, { "sender": "FF6A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:12\n\n>>474406162 \n>Any anti Trump faggot on pol prefers a continued brother war wiping out both Ukrainians and Russians \nI'm pro trump and completely on board with that. They chose their own conflict and we have zero business funding it when there are homeless veterans and other Americans at home.", "pid": 474408128 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-93C3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:31\n\n>>474406190 \n>It's her time nigga", "pid": 474408140 }, { "sender": "Anon-ADFC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:49\n\n>>474407099 \nWhy u feed obvious shill on discord tranny ?", "pid": 474408173 }, { "sender": "F5B2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:45\n\nJust go vote for his ass and then all you shills can prove you were right about Trump. You'll win either way.\n\nAs if there is some better alternative. The entire universe is aligning for him. How the fuck are you not going to get in on this KEK", "pid": 474408668 }, { "sender": "BAFE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:53\n\n>>474394081 \nGreat plan, sounds like we can trust it even though trump has said none of this. Maybe we can call this plan trusting and do nothing while the brown flood continues.", "pid": 474409007 }, { "sender": "5662-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:17\n\n>>474394081 \n>mass deportations ensue \nJust stfu go back nigger. Reagan 2.0 is here to complete the selling out of whites that verdantly ask for it. Fuck this traitorous kiked nigger state.", "pid": 474409994 }, { "sender": "Anon-1F20", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:26\n\n>>474394081 \nmy cock can only get so hard anon", "pid": 474412782 }, { "sender": "Anon-AA8D", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:00\n\n>>474394081 \nwow", "pid": 474415421 }, { "sender": "009B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:06:44\n\n>>474394081 \nSounds like a good plan but what about the pedophile blackmail mafia? They will still be blackmailing the same pedophiles so I don't think a new set of blackmailed pedophiles will do different things than the last set of blackmailed pedophiles.", "pid": 474415761 } ]
Does male yearning exist?
[ { "sender": "49AA-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:13:23\n\nDoes male yearning exist?\n\nDoes male yearning even exist? Why are men silent about their love for a woman?\nDo men daydream about a girl they love? Do they spend their entire day waiting for her to write them back? Do they make playlists about their love for her?\nWe need to bring back men being openly expressive about their feelings. Like him being so passionate about you that he'll write you poetry, immortalize you in art, kiss your eyelids so every part of you receives love, put his mind, body, and soul into devotion for you..\nWho has ever benefited from a situationship or \"nonchalant\" man?", "pid": 78113170 }, { "sender": "Anon-0E1A", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:14:23\n\n>>78113170 \nWomen get the ick if men do any of those things", "pid": 78113179 }, { "sender": "FF54-Anonymous", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:15:15\n\n>>78113170 \n>We need to bring back men being openly expressive about their feelings \nWomen hate that and they hate men pining for them.", "pid": 78113185 }, { "sender": "Anon-B723", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:17:35\n\n>>78113170 \n>We need to bring back men being openly expressive about their feelings \nYeah don't do this boys. It's a trap. NEVER open up to a woman. They will use everything against you in the future. Just keep your stuff for yourself, don't overshare don't talk too much.", "pid": 78113211 }, { "sender": "B116-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:17:56\n\n>>78113170 \n>Does male yearning even exist? \nYes. \n>Why are men silent about their love for a woman? \nMost women don't see it positively. Outdated behavior seen as creepy and/or desperate. \n>Do men daydream about a girl they love? \nYes. \n>Do they spend their entire day waiting for her to write them back? \nYes. \n>Do they make playlists about their love for her? \nYes. \n>Who has ever benefited from a situationship or \"nonchalant\" man? \nWomen clearly or they wouldn't choose those types of men over romantic men.", "pid": 78113215 }, { "sender": "54BE-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:19:00\n\n>>78113170 \n>Why are men silent about their love for a woman? \nMaybe he's just not in love with you?", "pid": 78113225 }, { "sender": "34B0-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:19:45\n\n>>78113170 \nyour braindead romance novels doesnt reflect reality you stupid idiot. no man in the history of the world have ever done any of those things outside of fiction, with the possible exception of expecting her pussy in return.", "pid": 78113233 }, { "sender": "7CCF-Anonymous", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:24:31\n\n>>78113170 \n>Do they spend their entire day waiting for her to write them back? \nYep. Been 12 days now.. She was blowing smoke up my ass the whole time.", "pid": 78113274 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E62C", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:33:10\n\n>>78113179 \n>>78113185 \n>>78113211 \nWhy are you so intent in being miserable? Is misery your first love? \n>>78113215 \n>Women clearly or they wouldn't choose those types of men over romantic men. \nMaybe you've been meeting the wrong women. \n>>78113225 \nThere is no \"he\" in this instance. I like to daydream a lot \n>>78113274 \nGet over her, she is clearly not passionate about you if she leaves you without notice for twelve days. You're only hurting yourself more clinging on to any remains of what you two had", "pid": 78113336 }, { "sender": "860C-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:35:36\n\n>>78113336 \n>Get over her, she is clearly not passionate about you if she leaves you without notice for twelve days \nSee? That's why men don't show emotions hahaha", "pid": 78113350 }, { "sender": "6DD0-Anonymous", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:37:47\n\n>>78113336 \n>Why are you so intent in being miserable? \nI'm not, it finds me anyway. Any attempt I've made to crawl out of this hole is squashed. I'm tired of trying. Fuck you optimists.", "pid": 78113369 }, { "sender": "Anon-D443", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:39:23\n\n>>78113170 \nMost women wouldn't be able to inspire such devotion", "pid": 78113387 }, { "sender": "9448-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:42:52\n\n>>78113170 \n>Does male yearning even exist? \nIt does exist, or at least it does in me. \n>Why are men silent about their love for a woman? \nI haven't found anyone to share that yearning with. \nI don't think most people want to hear it. \n>Do men daydream about a girl they love? \nYes, very often. \n>Do they spend their entire day waiting for her to write them back? \nA bit obsessively, yes. \n>Who has ever benefited from a situationship or \"nonchalant\" man? \nYou are asking the wrong crowd. \n \nI wish I had someone to yearn over, but I don't. \nI wish I could give a beautiful lady all the love in the world. \nAll I'd ever ask in return is for her to be mine and for me to be hers. \nThere's a point where I have to consider being content with being alone.", "pid": 78113422 }, { "sender": "Anon-84E1", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:47:11\n\n>>78113336 \n>Get over her, she is clearly not passionate about you if she leaves you without notice for twelve days. \nI would if I found someone better but I have not.", "pid": 78113458 }, { "sender": "A6CC-Anonymous", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:50:38\n\nBecause modern women are hoes. Nobody wants to do all that for a hoe.", "pid": 78113489 }, { "sender": "Anon-31B8", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:51:23\n\n>>78113350 \nWhat else could I say? Wait for her another twelve days? Did she give any signals to you that may have been the reason why she stopped talking to you? \n>>78113369 \nCrawl more \n>>78113387 \nWhat type of woman would inspire a man if not the woman he loves? \n>>78113422 \nEverything will hopefully work out for you and everyone in this thread, I'm manifesting it :3. \n>>78113458 \nYou don't need to find someone better because you already have yourself.", "pid": 78113497 }, { "sender": "C5DF-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:52:47\n\n>>78113170 \nAre you freaking serious? \nI have entire stacks of handwritten letters and unread unopened mail I tried to send... \nJust go to the letter thread if you want to see it \nSo many of us are intense romantics...", "pid": 78113512 }, { "sender": "158B-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:53:50\n\n>>78113336 \n>Get over her, she is clearly not passionate about you if she leaves you without notice for twelve days. You're only hurting yourself more clinging on to any remains of what you two had \nWhy would you respond this way to summon instead of empathising with them if you really mean what you posted in the OP?", "pid": 78113524 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-03C0", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:54:22\n\n>>78113497 \n>You don't need to find someone better because you already have yourself. \nI'm tired of being single n not getting laid bruh it's been a year", "pid": 78113527 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9353", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:54:51\n\n>>78113497 \n>what could I say? \nHow about DOING something to help him find someone else and get over her???", "pid": 78113530 }, { "sender": "CD2C-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:55:05\n\n>>78113497 \n>What type of woman would inspire a man if not the woman he loves? \n \nThat's what I said, most women can't inspire such love", "pid": 78113531 }, { "sender": "B4BC-Anonymous", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:56:36\n\n>>78113170 \n> Does male yearning even exist? \n \nYeah for responsibility, status, independence and self-sufficiency.", "pid": 78113542 }, { "sender": "Anon-CE64", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:58:06\n\n>>78113489 \nNot all of them \n>>78113512 \nThe letter thread is a battlefield. \n>>78113524 \nI do empathize with them. So I am being honest by telling them to go live their life. If you really love someone then you'd be ready to communicate and obviously anon's person isn't doing that", "pid": 78113549 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5E9A", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:58:48\n\n>>78113170 \nWomen don't want this. Its called chivalry, and its only a couple hundred years old", "pid": 78113555 }, { "sender": "CF88-Anonymous", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:59:16\n\n>>78113170 \n>write you poetry, immortalize you in art, kiss your eyelids so every part of you receives love, put his mind, body, and soul into devotion for you.. \nHow to never see a vagina again tutorial", "pid": 78113561 }, { "sender": "D3C8-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:00:54\n\n>>78113497 \n>Everything will hopefully work out for you and everyone in this thread, I'm manifesting it :3. \n \nWasn't gonna post in this thread but I see this as an opportunity to steal all of the positive manifestation from the other anons and redirect it to me, so I'm leaving my sigil here to do just that. Thanks, anonette! \n \nI A R A T P E I T T \nA R A T P E I T T \nR A T P E I T T \nA T P E I T T \nT P E I T T \nP E I T T \nE I T T \nI T T \nT T \nT", "pid": 78113572 }, { "sender": "B5E7-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:02:43\n\n>>78113530 \nBy doing what exactly? What am I supposed to do?", "pid": 78113588 }, { "sender": "7D93-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:04:04\n\n>>78113531 \nMaybe not yet for you. But I am only sending good things your way anon :3.. expect nice feels next year.", "pid": 78113595 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-81F2", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:12:40\n\n>>78113555 \nAnd did all women tell you this? \n>>78113572 \nTry again because my positive energy is in one place", "pid": 78113672 }, { "sender": "Anon-3534", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:14:11\n\n>>78113336 \n>Maybe you've been meeting the wrong women. \nPerhaps but unfortunately I cannot read minds so I never know when I'm wasting romance on a woman who doesn't deserve it or doesn't like it. From the perspective of someone with a relatively healthy social life, there are no women who like being treated as the object of my obsession. Men have also told me it's weird.", "pid": 78113681 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6DA4", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:18:42\n\n>>78113170 \n>Does male yearning even exist? \nyeah \n>Why are men silent about their love for a woman? \nIt gives women the ick and institutionally is considered harassment. Don't blame men, blame the disastrous number of people that don't appreciate them or their passions. Feminist yap about the patriarchy all the time, but suppressing males is kind of their favorite fucking passtime if you haven't noticed. As someone who likes to write poems, women don't appreciate emotion out of a man.", "pid": 78113721 }, { "sender": "FBF1-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:42:08\n\n>>78113170 \n>write you poetry, immortalize you in art, kiss your eyelids so every part of you receives love, put his mind, body, and soul into devotion for you \nhahahaha you can't be serious \nif a man tried this with a woman she'd call the police", "pid": 78113936 }, { "sender": "Anon-3676", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:23:31\n\n>>78113170 \n \nIf something that used to happen doesn't anymore it's because it doesn't work anymore.", "pid": 78114310 }, { "sender": "4F91-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:24:52\n\n>>78113170 \n>We need to bring back men being openly expressive about their feelings \nNot gonna happen because women don't want that. Some of them lie on social media and pretend that they do but they don't. It was always men doing it for themselves and women in a patriarchal society pretended to like it cause they had no other choice. Sad but true.", "pid": 78114318 }, { "sender": "8B49-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:51:12\n\n>>78113170 \nyes, to all of the above yes. But whenever we express these things we get shit on, if not by other men then by women. Get called \"clingy\" and \"obsessive\" like bro am I not allowed to be happy about the greatest thing life has to offer?", "pid": 78114490 }, { "sender": "659C-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:08:45\n\n>>78113170 \ni am like this, but nobody sees me. my love is strong, my feelings are intense and overwhelming. i compulsively check my phone for her messages, but i know i will never receive the 'i love you' i desperately want. i think about her all day. i think about ways to please her and be better for her everytime i look at myself", "pid": 78114631 }, { "sender": "sage", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:17:23\n\n>>78113170 \nbaited eeverybody award", "pid": 78114722 }, { "sender": "Anon-BE08", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:30:30\n\n>>78113170 \nI've genuinely not felt romantic love for any woman in my entire life, apart from a singular instance where I had a crush, but she turned out to be a lesbian in the end. \n \nIf you want a man who writes poetry, then here's a poem I wrote in German. \n \nMein Ejakulat, \nMeine Saat \nbegluecken tuts mich, \ndenn sie fliegt auf dich. \nHart und steif mein Pullermann, \nsieht dich schon ganz luestern an \nDeswegen komm' ich dir schnellerhand, \nAuf Po, Bauch, Beine und sogar die Wand. \nSchweiss, Blut und Traenen koennen fliessen, \ndoch meinen Samen werd' ich trotzdem vergiessen.", "pid": 78114804 }, { "sender": "1834-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:45:15\n\n>>78113170 \n>Does male yearning even exist? Why are men silent about their love for a woman? \n>Do men daydream about a girl they love? Do they spend their entire day waiting for her to write them back? Do they make playlists about their love for her? \n>We need to bring back men being openly expressive about their feelings. Like him being so passionate about you that he'll write you poetry, immortalize you in art, kiss your eyelids so every part of you receives love, put his mind, body, and soul into devotion for you.. \n>Who has ever benefited from a situationship or \"nonchalant\" man? \n \nI think about her everyday and daydream about her constantly I am very lonely I wish she would hold me", "pid": 78114901 }, { "sender": "Anon-5EC9", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:58:53\n\n>>78113170 \n>Do they spend their entire day waiting for her to write them back? \nYes, the last girl I talked to ghosted me and I waited for her to write me back for several days. She told me I was cute and wanted to meet me. It hurts. Love hurts. \n \n>>78113497 \n>Everything will hopefully work out for you and everyone in this thread, I'm manifesting it :3. \nReplying to this just in case I can get some positive energy from it. Maybe it will help me manifest a soulmate.", "pid": 78114990 }, { "sender": "Anon-A516", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:02:09\n\ni want someone to pine away for me\nI'm post wall, fat, and gross though\nmen only pine for stacy", "pid": 78115003 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F340", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:10:19\n\n>>78113170 \n>Does male yearning even exist? \nDefine yearning in this context. I have a hunch that you have a lot of baggage attached to your usage of this word \n>Why are men silent about their love for a woman? \nNobody wants to hear it \n>Do men daydream about a girl they love? \nYes \n>Do they spend their entire day waiting for her to write them back? \nNo I spend my time doing shit \n>Do they make playlists about their love for her? \nNo I don't listen to that kind of music \n>We need to bring back men being openly expressive about their feelings. \nGenerally men are plenty open and expressive we just aren't that emotional \n> Like him being so passionate about you that he'll write you poetry, immortalize you in art, kiss your eyelids so every part of you receives love, put his mind, body, and soul into devotion for you \nBeen there, done that, it doesn't make a difference \n>Who has ever benefited from a situationship or \"nonchalant\" man? \nWhat the fuck is a \"situationship\"", "pid": 78115045 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-39EE", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:10:55\n\n>>78113672 \n>And did all women tell you this? \nYes, go read the past 60+ years of feminist theory.", "pid": 78115048 }, { "sender": "Anon-13F4", "message": "11/07/2024, 05:14:39\n\n>>78113170 \nThis is a copy-paste of some dumb no me tweet \nFuck off", "pid": 78115710 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-236E", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:10:31\n\nITT: /mu/ in 1975", "pid": 122619608 }, { "sender": "Anon-2376", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:13:53\n\n>>122619608 \nSabbath is back guys!", "pid": 122619650 }, { "sender": "Anon-F9BB", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:16:27\n\nWish You Were Here is 44 minutes of self-indulgent tripe. It angers me that the band has the audacity to hark back to what a brilliant person Syd Barrett was when they kicked him out the band and replaced him with a cookie cutter personality. Depressing.", "pid": 122619675 }, { "sender": "BDBF-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:18:38\n\nLED ZEP FOREVER \\m/", "pid": 122619693 }, { "sender": "Anon-3008", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:21:53\n\n>casually reinvents music as we know it in your path \nNothing personnel kid", "pid": 122619721 }, { "sender": "0FE2-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:28:13\n\nAnyone listen to Bowie's new album \"Young Americans\"? This man is completely strung out, the songs are mediocre at best, the only one that caught my attention was the cover of \"Across The Universe\", which apparently was done with the help of John Lennon (with Yoko on the sidelines I bet). In any case, it seems like Bowies musical career might be coming to an end soon, I suspect he may die of an overdose any day now, hwbe you seen how gaunt and frail he looks? I give a year or two at best.", "pid": 122619798 }, { "sender": "0BD0-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:32:45\n\n>>122619675 \nThis just sounds like /mu/ in 2024", "pid": 122619845 }, { "sender": "Anon-B393", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:36:16\n\n>>122619608 \n>Nixon did nothing wrong bros. John Denver forever", "pid": 122619877 }, { "sender": "13A7-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:38:32\n\nI think I'm finally starting to get this whole Aerosmith thing. Their first album was meh, but the new record is killer. \n>>122619650 \n1 good track is not back. Definitly gonna trade my buddy for his new lynyrd skynyrd lp I heard it's great.", "pid": 122619899 }, { "sender": "Anon-0D66", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:38:39\n\n>>122619798 \nCaught his interview on the dick cavett show last fall, the man could barely string a sentence together. I give him a few more months at most.", "pid": 122619902 }, { "sender": "7DB0-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:39:24\n\n>>122619608 \nAny Aussie anons here? Got a pen pal who says some band really blew up over there with a schoolboy on lead guitar, and they sing about a chick with balls or something. That's gotta be a troll, right?", "pid": 122619906 }, { "sender": "760C-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:41:08\n\nDamn I hope the Voice fires that Christgau asshole soon.", "pid": 122619919 }, { "sender": "BA82-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:42:55\n\nBob is back and he’s better than ever. I can only imagine how great his albums will be over the next ten years.", "pid": 122619941 }, { "sender": "A7AA-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:49:45\n\n>>122619721 \nI’m tired of New York musicians getting all the critical acclaim, as if rock and roll doesn’t exist outside Greenwich Village.", "pid": 122619995 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D41E", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:52:09\n\nIndustry plant hack", "pid": 122620018 }, { "sender": "Anon-5EAB", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:54:03\n\nTheres kids out there with long hippie hair trying to play Glen Campell guitar licks but with a screeching guitar amp.", "pid": 122620035 }, { "sender": "Anon-A65B", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:05:21\n\n>>122619845 \nThey won't still be talking about the pink floyd then", "pid": 122620118 }, { "sender": "9B1F-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:14:29\n\n>>122620018 \nThis dude is 26 and still writes like he's 17. Get a fucking life man!", "pid": 122620194 }, { "sender": "Anon-21BA", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:36:10\n\nBlackmore is back, also the singer sounds really good but not as good as Gillan or Hughes", "pid": 122620421 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8550", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:38:36\n\n>>122619899 \n>shits on sabbath \n>praises kmart version of led zeppelin \nmy sides got \"wings\" and are in orbit", "pid": 122620438 }, { "sender": "8E46-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 00:01:48\n\nAnyone here notice how entitled boomies are? It's almost like their parents didn't spank them hard enough as children and said yes to all their wants and needs and now they think the whole world owes them something, fuck these entitled brats. Back in my day, if you didn't respect your elders you'd get a fine smack to the mouth and get put in your place real quick.", "pid": 122620654 }, { "sender": "ABF6-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 00:36:07\n\n>>122620654 \nBack off boomers it's those little gen x brats that have no souls. All they ever do is watch TV and melt their brains", "pid": 122620989 }, { "sender": "54C8-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 00:40:43\n\n>>122619798 \nToo much coke is ruining his music. This dude will never recover this way.", "pid": 122621033 }, { "sender": "Annoymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 00:42:12\n\nI just don't like the Jackson 5. There I've said it.", "pid": 122621040 }, { "sender": "Anon-3993", "message": "04/07/2024, 01:09:28\n\n>>122620989 \nthe term genX didn't exist in 1975, your larp is unauthentic, my immersion is ruined, my disappointment, immeasurable", "pid": 122621272 }, { "sender": "7A5F-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 01:37:48\n\n>Saturday morning \n>neighbor is blasting KISS at full volume again", "pid": 122621540 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-63EB", "message": "04/07/2024, 01:52:45\n\nWhat's up my dudes? Anybody know where to score some heroin? Looking to get high", "pid": 122621653 }, { "sender": "1A3C-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 02:10:46\n\n", "pid": 122621795 }, { "sender": "55DC-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 02:16:24\n\n>>122619608 \n>That follow-up to DSOTM with the two guys shaking hands on the cover is the best thing ever hope they don't fuck it up in the next year or two", "pid": 122621841 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1638", "message": "04/07/2024, 03:59:06\n\nI'm gonna start a band ripping off the Velvet Underground and the Stooges. Who else wants to join me?", "pid": 122622840 }, { "sender": "CBF3-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:44:35\n\n>>122621540 \nKISS ROCKSMAN FUCK YOU!!!!", "pid": 122623256 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5514", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:47:17\n\n>>122619608 \nPink Floyd just released one of the best progressive rock albums of all time, meanwhile, where's king crimson? Where's gentle giant? Where's Yes? Where's Genesis? Where's Rush? Pink Floyd wins again losers.", "pid": 122623276 }, { "sender": "53E3-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:59:45\n\nLOW RIDER IS A REAL GOER", "pid": 122623373 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6799", "message": "04/07/2024, 05:05:57\n\n>>122619608 \nOUTTA MY MIND \non \nSATURDAY NIGHT \n \nNINETEEN-SEVENTY \nSEVENTY-FIVE", "pid": 122623434 }, { "sender": "Anon-680D", "message": "04/07/2024, 05:11:09\n\n>>122623276 \n>Where's Yes? \nthe fuck you talking about? Relayer was released just last year and was one of the greatest prog masterpieces of all time.", "pid": 122623497 }, { "sender": "D832-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 05:20:40\n\n>Lennon's latest album are pure covers \n>meanwhile Macca is killing it with Wings \n \nkek where are the Lennonshitters now? are you still pretending to like Yoko you disgusting weebs? he's gonna come crawling to Paul begging to get the Beatles back again anytime now. I hope he gets denied and dies an old, decrepit hack many years from now.", "pid": 122623593 }, { "sender": "Anon-00F5", "message": "04/07/2024, 05:34:34\n\n>>122621540 \nUnderrated post", "pid": 122623743 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-7CD0", "message": "03/07/2024, 00:44:55\n\nIs this stuff meant to sound good or is intended as a joke? I genuinly can't tell.", "pid": 122608321 }, { "sender": "CA2C-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 00:55:42\n\nmaybe this is more your speed:\n", "pid": 122608436 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D1B9", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:05:45\n\n>>122608321 \nBlack metal is supposed to sound bad, to filter out the posers. Listen to heavy metal or thrash if you want good production.", "pid": 122608533 }, { "sender": "Anon-97E5", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:11:35\n\nIt does sound good once your ears adjust. Black Metal is filled with melody", "pid": 122608603 }, { "sender": "Anon-AA85", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:20:02\n\nit's music made for only a dozen or so edgelords of course it sounds like shit", "pid": 122608707 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-88B6", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:27:21\n\n>>122608533 \nThe writing and the gremlin grunting sounds bad too. It sounds like something that was made as a parody of metal", "pid": 122608789 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CBEA", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:36:51\n\n>>122608321 \n>>122608789 \nThought you guys left our scene already? Get out.", "pid": 122608899 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ED3B", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:37:25\n\n>>122608321 \nIt's like punk in that it's meant to sound as low-quality and dark as possible because it's \"cooler\" that way.. \n \nand just like every genre theres good stuff and bad stuff, there's good bands and crazy bands and shit bands. \n \nI remember Emperor having some really great melodic ideas which still sounded very cold and dark. Really depends on the band, lots of black metal bands just do crazy shit to be noticed", "pid": 122608913 }, { "sender": "9A29-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:45:53\n\n>>122608321 \nnah, the vocals kill and this album has riffs for days. listen to their panzerfaust album if you want to hear what bad black metal vocals sound like by the same band. also, not a good starting point for the genre despite being one of the more well known bm bands. start with ulver's and emperor's debuts instead, as well as storm of the light's bane by dissection.", "pid": 122609032 }, { "sender": "DEB2-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:37:49\n\n>>122609032 \n>panzerfaust \n>bad vocals \n??????", "pid": 122609538 }, { "sender": "AA4F-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:41:37\n\n>>122608321 \nSoul Side Journey and Blaze In The Northern Sky are great albums. However, Under A Funeral Moon and Transylvanian Hunger is boring tedious nonsense with vary little in the way of good riffs, mostly just tremolopicking through the entire song, which is boring.", "pid": 122609575 }, { "sender": "1421-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 03:06:17\n\n>>122608436 \nkek", "pid": 122609804 }, { "sender": "2B55-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 03:59:52\n\n>>122608321 \nYou just outed yourself as a faggot tourist. Good jop op", "pid": 122610315 }, { "sender": "Anon-1575", "message": "03/07/2024, 11:11:34\n\n>>122608321 \nI wholeheartedly agree that it sounds jokingly good, it is like a total stab in the heart that this wellproduced shit which was meant to sound like shit, actually intendedly ended up sounding good, unintentionally... Fuck learn to speak English you dimwit ogre \nApart from that either it's for you, or it is not. what is truly irrelevant is your opinion on it.", "pid": 122613467 }, { "sender": "58A5-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 11:24:07\n\n>>122609575 \nTransylvanian Hunger is the best bitch", "pid": 122613526 }, { "sender": "181A-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 11:39:19\n\n>>122608321 \nliterally and unironically filtered", "pid": 122613607 }, { "sender": "0AAD-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 11:55:04\n\n>>122608321 \nYou say as you post the best black metal album of all time. \n>>122608436 \n>>122608899 \n>>122610315 \n>>122613607 \nbased. \n>>122609575 \nunironically true. \n>>122613526 \nno.", "pid": 122613709 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9D7E", "message": "03/07/2024, 12:40:18\n\n>>122613526 \nI mean, its a good album for ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ", "pid": 122613952 }, { "sender": "B362-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 15:14:07\n\n>>122608321", "pid": 122614945 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D1CA", "message": "03/07/2024, 15:18:47\n\nTry burzum, if you don't get it even then, then you will never get it.\n\n", "pid": 122614983 }, { "sender": "CD75-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 15:22:27\n\nIt is meant to sound like shit on purpose", "pid": 122615023 }, { "sender": "Anon-6813", "message": "03/07/2024, 17:16:51\n\n>>122608321 \nFiltered", "pid": 122616136 }, { "sender": "FF24-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 17:39:45\n\n>>122608913 \n>>122608321 \npunk isn't just like that for the sound. punk drums are simplistic and repetitive on purpose because the original idea is: it's a lot harder to find a good drummer than the rest of the band. punk's designed so your buddy kyle from down the street can learn set for a week and play punk. the idea is its easy to form a band = easy to get your message across = punk was originally a lot more about the message than the music itself. \nblack metal's basically the same thing except more autistic and different messaging. some of the best first and second wave black metal acts were just 1 guy. its incredibly easy music to make but i'd say has a higher depth in how much musical talent one can express within the genre than punk because less-tangible things like 'atmosphere' and 'just how it sounds' are so important to black metal.", "pid": 122616316 }, { "sender": "1863-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 18:49:37\n\nit sounds good but it also sounds like shit", "pid": 122617111 }, { "sender": "008F-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 19:26:25\n\n>>122616316 \n>punk was originally a lot more about the message than the music itself. \n\"bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah I wanna be sedated\"?", "pid": 122617620 }, { "sender": "ACF8-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 21:13:30\n\n>>122608321 \n>Is this stuff meant to sound good or is intended as a joke? \n \nIt's a stylistic choice and at least the instruments are clear. There are far worse sounding albums out there in black metal land. Separately, I consider Transilvanian Hunger the perfect True Norwegian Black Metal song.", "pid": 122618838 }, { "sender": "0F3D-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:44:34\n\n>>122608321 \ndont listen to this riffless garbage. stick to real metal. \n>suffocation \n>immolation \n>internal bleeding \n>defeated sanity \nstay away from poser shit like: \nborezum \nsleepthrone \ncradleofshit \nborgoroth etc etc.", "pid": 122620487 }, { "sender": "710C-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 00:09:12\n\n>>122608321 \nDarkthrone's later albums are better.", "pid": 122620740 }, { "sender": "Anon-438F", "message": "04/07/2024, 02:44:05\n\n>>122620487 \nbased DM chad", "pid": 122622142 }, { "sender": "0B0D-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 02:45:49\n\n>>122620487 \nBDM is just as boring as black metal", "pid": 122622164 }, { "sender": "A8F6-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:01:02\n\n>>122622164 \nif u hate fun sure", "pid": 122622862 }, { "sender": "ADE9-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 04:53:00\n\n>>122620487 \nI said what's up niggas? Death doom thad coming through \n \n \n \n", "pid": 122623314 }, { "sender": "4FF2-Anon", "message": "04/07/2024, 05:16:09\n\nit's a fucking meme, the mixing is such a downgrade compared to their first album it's just ridiculous", "pid": 122623551 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C6E7", "message": "04/07/2024, 05:19:44\n\n>>122608321 \nI've come to accept that the only good metal band is The Body. Nothing is close to being as brutal in the genre. I love that album they did with Haxan Cloak.", "pid": 122623579 } ]
Fallout 4 worth playing for the mods?
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-7D88", "message": "23/07/2024, 13:37:39\n\nFallout 4 worth playing for the mods?\n\nI last played FO4 in 2017 and I thought it was shit but is it worth playing now for the modded content?", "pid": 3561594 }, { "sender": "236D-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 13:41:29\n\n>>3561594 \nYes. FO4 is worth playing with or without mods.", "pid": 3561596 }, { "sender": "8A2C-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 14:15:04\n\nIf you are gooner then yes\nOtherwise i would find something else to do", "pid": 3561606 }, { "sender": "B9EC-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 14:21:56\n\n>>3561594 \nThe most fun I ever had playing the game was a BoS run in the hardcore mode where you can't fast travel and with a vertibird landing pad mod for settlements. Really got me into roleplaying as a BoS soldier. I think I also had a mod that modifies damage dealt/taken since FO4 has that lame difficulty scaling where enemies just become bullet sponges. The combat is much more exciting when you deal double damage but also take double damage. \n \nIn general goes easy on how many mods you install. A lot of them are pretty immersion breaking either through their content or because it badly tacks some sort of system/interface.", "pid": 3561608 }, { "sender": "it&#039;s over", "message": "23/07/2024, 14:26:57\n\nDoes anything change the retarded antibiotics or is Todd's ego still too big to admit NV did it right", "pid": 3561612 }, { "sender": "EF70-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 14:43:22\n\n>>3561608 \n>hardcore mode where you can't fast travel \nBased \n>actually roleplaying \nToo based for /vrpg/", "pid": 3561619 }, { "sender": "Anon-E00B", "message": "23/07/2024, 14:50:26\n\n>>3561619 \nThat's not what roleplaying is", "pid": 3561623 }, { "sender": "C9FB-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 14:53:22\n\nRPing as a Railroad member would be cool but their goals are dumb and shit sadly", "pid": 3561625 }, { "sender": "9AA6-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 14:54:31\n\n>>3561623 \nWhat is not roleplaying?", "pid": 3561627 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7A7F", "message": "23/07/2024, 15:06:45\n\n>>3561623 \nYou can only roleplay so hard in FO4 since it's not a true RPG. But traveling around the map in Vertibirds adds a lot and seeing the entire world while you fly through it gives you a much better sense of scale that you never get otherwise. I doubt even 5% of player ever used the Vertibird signal grenades.", "pid": 3561636 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CF62", "message": "23/07/2024, 17:42:12\n\n>>3561594 \nI tried to play it again recently and just couldn't get in to it. Granted, I didn't play with mods, though, so I suppose it could be much better than the base game. Mostly I'm just burnt out on Bethesda. Starfield was so aggressively mediocre that it was the final nail in the coffin for me. I would just assume play Morrowind again before any other Bethesda game. I love the open ended gameplay and pretty much survived off that for years, but after having played so many better games over the years, I'm just tired of how shitty these games feel in nearly every aspect.", "pid": 3561708 }, { "sender": "6FA7-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 18:21:15\n\n>Uhhh mods mods MODSSS \nGames don't need mods to be good.", "pid": 3561733 }, { "sender": "6A6E-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 18:27:33\n\n>>3561733 \nGames sholdn't need mods to be good. \nYet many need them to be tolerable. \nSome need them to run at all.", "pid": 3561738 }, { "sender": "4B9B-Anon", "message": "23/07/2024, 18:32:35\n\n>>3561738 \nThe game is good if you bother modding it. \nI don't play bad games even with mods", "pid": 3561744 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8C7A", "message": "24/07/2024, 14:05:06\n\n>>3561744 \nWhat mods would you recommend?", "pid": 3562480 }, { "sender": "436B-Anonymous", "message": "24/07/2024, 14:11:19\n\n>>3561594 \nNo. Skyrim has better mods than FO4.", "pid": 3562485 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4CB0", "message": "24/07/2024, 14:27:01\n\n>>3561733 \nBad games like FO4 need mods to be good.", "pid": 3562503 }, { "sender": "D72F-Anonymous", "message": "24/07/2024, 14:35:34\n\n>>3562485 \nI played Vigilant which people said was good but it's literally just souls slop. \nAre there any better big mods for Skyrim?", "pid": 3562509 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F1F6", "message": "24/07/2024, 15:12:32\n\n>>3561733 \nThe retards obsessed with mods are usually coombrained niggers and their opinions are worthless", "pid": 3562541 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-C461", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:35:50\n\nHow's that kid so strong?", "pid": 78113352 }, { "sender": "Anon-C501", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:37:20\n\n>>78113352 \nAhahahahaha \nThank you anon I needed that", "pid": 78113363 }, { "sender": "C5FD-Anonymous", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:38:22\n\n>>78113352 \nme, in the champion hoodie", "pid": 78113372 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6278", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:38:43\n\n>>78113352 \nI just remembered that I was american and this is the sort of retardation that I grew up with", "pid": 78113380 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FDEC", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:39:27\n\n>>78113352 \nHe is not strong. He just has stamina.", "pid": 78113388 }, { "sender": "2D80-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:40:14\n\n>>78113352 \n>kid \nThat man is 20, has 4 kids, 3 felony convictions, and 2 open warrants.", "pid": 78113395 }, { "sender": "Anon-5D07", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:41:10\n\n>>78113380 \nWhere'd you end up? \nI'm going the Stardusk route", "pid": 78113405 }, { "sender": "92EB-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:41:16\n\n>>78113352 \n>mfw when I cause drama", "pid": 78113407 }, { "sender": "Anon-036E", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:43:17\n\nNot even that strong. The other guy is just an obese retard", "pid": 78113426 }, { "sender": "3681-Anonymous", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:44:51\n\n>>78113352 \nthose niggers be wildin", "pid": 78113440 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6015", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:46:16\n\n>>78113426 \nHe's throwing people off him like they're nothing, he's strong.", "pid": 78113448 }, { "sender": "Anon-22D6", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:48:50\n\n>>78113352 \nSagging your pants is so fucking retarded.", "pid": 78113468 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-77D5", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:49:19\n\n>>78113395 \nIf incels had the balls to beat women they'd have kids and felonies too, I think incels just like being victims too much so they never really grow up. Basically incels are like women with penises desu.", "pid": 78113473 }, { "sender": "Anon-1AB3", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:51:13\n\n>>78113352 \ntake note of how the other niggers didn't intervene until the white guy was getting back up and fighting back and it became clear it wasn't a complete physical mismatch.", "pid": 78113494 }, { "sender": "Anon-3FD2", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:52:27\n\n>>78113494 \nthe white guy white knighted and payed the ultimate price, the bitch was laughing at him \n>>78113407", "pid": 78113506 }, { "sender": "Anon-D424", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:53:44\n\n>>78113352 \nDid she slap him first? I can't tell.", "pid": 78113522 }, { "sender": "Anon-3929", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:55:42\n\n>>78113494 \n>getting back up and fighting back \n \nLol he was getting TD off on struggling to get to one knee and it all happened after he tried to blind side the black fighter and got thrown/knocked to the floor. All that happened in seconds and those two kids rushed to pull the black kid off him. That fat loser owes those black kids his life.", "pid": 78113534 }, { "sender": "9DFA-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:56:30\n\n>>78113522 \nShe slapped him but it was like a light \"i want to suck your BBC\" slap not a real one. Black man wasn't having it though kek.", "pid": 78113541 }, { "sender": "3643-Anon", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:58:15\n\nwew nice", "pid": 78113551 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5775", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:59:11\n\n>>78113352 \nNotice how her legs instinctively spread open in a mating position after getting slapped by a black man. \nIt's over, white girls are literally made to be BUILT for it.", "pid": 78113560 }, { "sender": "FCCE-Anonymous", "message": "10/07/2024, 23:59:23\n\n>>78113448 \nIs he? Looks like his friends just rush in to try and help him. One seems to maybe try and separate them but pretty half assed attempt", "pid": 78113563 }, { "sender": "77CD-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:01:56\n\n>>78113560 \nniggers cant see the world outside of violence and rape. integration was a mistake for US blacks.European blacks seem much more normal. slavery really fucked their genes and culture up..", "pid": 78113580 }, { "sender": "D1BA-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:02:31\n\nWhat in the fuck is going on? Like what caused this? What did they say?", "pid": 78113584 }, { "sender": "Anon-0A8A", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:02:38\n\n>>78113534 \nrewatch the video shill. They specifically pull the white guy down and then one of them half asses attempts to get the black guy to back off. \n \nFuck niggers. A fair fight is a myth that happens in a ring. \nAlways carry a gun.", "pid": 78113587 }, { "sender": "Anon-A33C", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:03:35\n\n>>78113352 \n>those two tubs of lard \nfatties are so painful to look at, they make me sick", "pid": 78113593 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-762C", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:04:39\n\n>>78113352 \nI bet the white chick got soaking wet after that slap. You just know she's desperate for the BBC.", "pid": 78113604 }, { "sender": "DF49-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:05:19\n\n>>78113563 \nLol No the fat guy tried to rush him but he threw him by the waist and started beating the shit out of him then they both ran to pupl the guy off him, the kid with the afro fell on top of him trying to hold him back and he threw him right off from beneath him then when he ran over and kicked the guy they freaked out and both had to try and hold him back but had to let the fat guy go. No where were they trying to help him unless you mean the fat kid who was getting cleared out.", "pid": 78113611 }, { "sender": "1EE1-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:05:32\n\n>>78113352 \nis this one of those somalian migrant \"children\"", "pid": 78113614 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CD20", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:07:13\n\n>>78113551 \nHe slapped her so he claimed her and that snowbunny knows it all too well. This is the law of BBC. take notes yt boiz.", "pid": 78113628 }, { "sender": "5156-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:07:41\n\n>>78113560 \nThere's like 100 of these trashy videos of white women trying to fight their black bfs for cheating on them, sometimes they even fight the rival snowbunny instead. It's kind of sad to watch the white race go extinct in real time just because women won't settle for whitecels with 5 inchers anymore. \n \nHuge black cock is truly like heroine to women, literally killing themselves and eachother over it od'ing on it, but no one will ever go on the news and talk about the epidemic because they hate whitecels like us.", "pid": 78113630 }, { "sender": "Anon-F9AD", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:07:48\n\n>>78113587 \nShill? Lol You're the one trying to mitigate this in favor of the fat loser who got his ass beat \n \n>half ass attempts \n \nLol they didn't pull him down he was already down from getting the shit beat out of him and he didn't half ass attempt anything he tried the only difference is he was strong and thr fat boy was weak which is probably why he got beat so bad considering that skinny kid held him down like he was nothing and they only let him out because they BOTH had to hold the black kid back after he threw that kid off him from off his back.", "pid": 78113631 }, { "sender": "D6FF-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:09:23\n\n>>78113630 \n>There's like 100 of these trashy videos of white women trying to fight their black bfs for cheating on them, sometimes they even fight the rival snowbunny instead. It's kind of sad to watch the white race go extinct in real time just because women won't settle for whitecels with 5 inchers anymore. \n> \n>Huge black cock is truly like heroine to women, literally killing themselves and eachother over it od'ing on it, but no one will ever go on the news and talk about the epidemic because they hate whitecels like us. Thoughever", "pid": 78113644 }, { "sender": "8F7C-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:09:56\n\n>>78113580 \n>white loses fight = violence le bad \n>black loses fight = violence le good \nyeah keep coping faggot", "pid": 78113649 }, { "sender": "Anon-3CCD", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:11:39\n\n>>78113630 \nyou are such a fucking weird freak it's no wonder women don't like you", "pid": 78113661 }, { "sender": "Anon-E9CA", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:11:50\n\n>>78113580 \nIntegration wasnt a mistake not integrating soon enough was, europe never had segregation the US theorized blacks after slavery and you are trying to rationalize why they are so messed up \n \nAlso im pretty sure two separate white people initiated violence here I am not sure why you're blaming the black kid? Cause he won?", "pid": 78113663 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DA41", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:13:41\n\n>>78113642 \n>as far a- ACK WTF I WAS SUPPOSED TO WHOOP YO ASS I'M SHOT MAMA PLEASE", "pid": 78113680 }, { "sender": "8FC5-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:14:48\n\n>>78113587 \nas far as the always carry a gun stuff that's because you're a pussy who just got traumatized after watching a video of some fat white guy get beaten up, you self inserted and now you're scared which is why you're comming up with this delusional cope \n \nWeak ass bitch", "pid": 78113690 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E045", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:15:17\n\n>>78113352 \n>>78113551 \nshe def fucking the black dude after that. look at all the simps rushing to protect her honor, meanwhile she'll be enjoying some hulking top-shelf chocolate soon.", "pid": 78113696 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6742", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:16:34\n\n>>78113680 \nLol pussy can't fight he wants to carry a gun but will never buy one because he doesn't leave his house or have a job pussy ass loser", "pid": 78113703 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7E5E", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:17:01\n\n>>78113611 \nIdk what video you're watching but kinda looks like the other black guys just dive on gray hoodie guy. It'd make little sense for them to come to aid the guy who rushes red shirt guy to just then drag him around on the ground. \nGrey hoodie trips because hes a fat retard with low hanging skinny jeans, two other guys come in and do nothing to try and break it up but grab grey hoodie and drag him basically letting red shirt guy get free hits in. Once he starts kicking and throwing punches on the guy on the ground sure they try to stop him.", "pid": 78113709 }, { "sender": "DC58-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:17:54\n\n>>78113696 \nYep lol Zhe was on the ground laughing hwhile the other guy was getting beat up lmfao. She probably fucked dude in the red hoodie because humiliating the white knight further makes it even more arousing", "pid": 78113714 }, { "sender": "021A-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:18:10\n\n>>78113703 \nare you black or just a latino who loves black cock lol", "pid": 78113716 }, { "sender": "F6AD-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:18:11\n\n>>78113690 \n>>78113631 \nKikes seething when whites try to promote pro white and pointing out how niggers will always pick the nigger over a white. \n \nStay mad and doing it for free.", "pid": 78113717 }, { "sender": "1F9D-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:29:07\n\n>>78113352 \nhow is it that some americans go to school with niggers like this and then come out and still say retarded pro-black shit? or are those libshits the ones that grew up in all-white gated communities", "pid": 78113806 }, { "sender": "F5C4-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:30:47\n\n>>78113709 \n>>78113716 \n>>78113717 \n>idk what video you're watching \n \n>pic related is the kid grabbing the kid in the red after separating them \n \nI'm watching the video where I fat guy rushes the kid in the red hoodie is beating up a fat kid and two guys rush over one covers up the fat guy to stop the kid in the red hoodie from landing more blows on his head and the other jumps on the kid in the red hoodie to stop him from from attacking the fat kid but the kid in the red hoodie is way too strong and over powers him \n \nAlso no where in the video does it show the kid tripping you can see the kid in the red hoodie throwing punches and dropping the kid in the Grey though, so I think the tripping thing is maybe wishful thinking on your part? \n \nAlso I'm not Jewish or latino im hetrosexual and you don't have to pretend to be two different people.", "pid": 78113819 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-46DC", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:32:14\n\n>>78113806 \nThe white kids attacked him lol two of them in fact so I'm not sure how this is the black kids fault, let me guess just angry because he won the fight? If anything this is more reason to be \"pro black\" LOL", "pid": 78113835 }, { "sender": "AD00-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:33:22\n\n>>78113835 \ni went to an all white high school in an all white country and there was never any shit like this \n \nthe mere presence of niggers just disrupts society", "pid": 78113846 }, { "sender": "EF91-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:36:14\n\n>>78113819 \nI hope you get those BBC backshots you desperately crave", "pid": 78113880 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E015", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:37:31\n\n>>78113806 \nMaybe not everyone went to a public school in a white trash shithole neighborhood like you did poorfag. \n \nThat is to say that not everyone is a /pol/shart.", "pid": 78113888 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AC45", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:49:34\n\n>>78113644 \n>le thoughever \n>le thoughbeit \nUse tranny redditor nu speak all you want, you'll still never be a woman, though.", "pid": 78113995 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D1F8", "message": "11/07/2024, 00:58:14\n\n>>78113819 \nGo back /gif/ with your interracial fetish", "pid": 78114076 }, { "sender": "Anon-F9B8", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:02:40\n\nThis kid is not white. You pathetic retards keep running with this but he is clearly latino like all the other faggots in his class. Retards. You wish he was white and I wonder why", "pid": 78114114 }, { "sender": "6F2E-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:03:19\n\n>>78113709 \n>letting him get free hits in \n \nWhat in the ever living cope lmfaooo. You mean trying to protect the fat guy but two weak to contain the skinny guy, then having to let the fat guy go just so the both if you can controll the black chad", "pid": 78114120 }, { "sender": "6A5A-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:09:42\n\n>>78114114 \nLOOOL Both the black guy and the WHITE guy are all grabbing the black guy and all three of them still can't handle him. LOL. The white guy is even on his knees trying to suck some bbc LOL", "pid": 78114172 }, { "sender": "50A1-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:12:39\n\n>>78114120 \n>>78114172 \nAll your porn is going to get banned, tranny. I can't wait to watch it.", "pid": 78114201 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B13E", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:16:16\n\n>>78114201 \nHurt little incel couldn't resist posting a video of some coward attacking a drugged guy, seeing a video of some huge white guy get beat up by a skinny black guy hurt his pride so bad he had to stoop so low. Glad you admitted defeat you skitzophrenic retard lmfao", "pid": 78114234 }, { "sender": "F7D5-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:17:23\n\n>>78114234 \nHow do u know that guy's drugged tho, do u know him?", "pid": 78114249 }, { "sender": "AD3D-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:18:40\n\n>>78114249 \nIve seen the full video samefag, do you know how to stop being a hurt little skitzophrenic race coping loser woth an inferiority complex", "pid": 78114258 }, { "sender": "Anon-6987", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:19:33\n\n>>78113352 \nWhy is that fat spic besides the dude recording already balding? \n>>78114234 \nTrump isn't gonna ban porn, he's just saying shit for the sake of it.", "pid": 78114271 }, { "sender": "7AE6-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:19:41\n\n>>78114249 \nIve seen the full video samefag, do you know how to stop being a hurt little skitzophrenic race coping loser with an inferiority complex", "pid": 78114273 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CA31", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:20:34\n\nHe starts making shit up now to protect his gay BNWO worldview. lmao. Blacks have been blown the fuck out for all of history. We know. We all go through 12 years of education listening to it. So, go back to your little tranny discord and jerk off with other people that hide with their head in the sand.", "pid": 78114282 }, { "sender": "Anon-61CB", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:20:50\n\n>>78114271 \nIf trump did ban porn you'd be the first incel to jump off a bridge cause you'd no longer have blacked to jerk off too like the conflicted deranged incel you are. :)", "pid": 78114285 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-869C", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:21:25\n\n>>78114258 \n>>78114273 \n>replies to guy twice \ndude hes rent free in ur head", "pid": 78114292 }, { "sender": "ADC8-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:22:39\n\n>>78114249 \n>>78114282 \nAnother pointless video you have saved to your hard drive like the little race obsessed cuck you are, I don't believe in bmwo it just is \\*shrugs\\* the same way you're just an insecure little dork who's soul shatters everytime he sees a white guy get beaten up by a black guy, which is all the time :)", "pid": 78114300 }, { "sender": "DD77-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:23:39\n\n>>78114300 \nYou brought race into it, tranny. I'm just deconstructing your worldview of \"black power\" lmfao", "pid": 78114312 }, { "sender": "39BA-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:23:51\n\n>>78114282 \n>>78114292 \nNo samefag, black dick is in your head rent free you bullied little incel. :)", "pid": 78114315 }, { "sender": "BC6B-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:24:44\n\n>>78114312 \nWhy is this white guy SO VERY STRONG?", "pid": 78114317 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FEB4", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:27:04\n\n>>78114317 \nHe's not I've seen the full video the black guy was extremely intoxicated and had been knocked out earlier by another black guy :)", "pid": 78114338 }, { "sender": "2660-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:28:19\n\n>>78114315 \nThere we go. I knew it was when did the \n>schizo \n>:) \nafter each sentence. \n \n \nHope you all see the point of this thread. Make sure to vote in November. THey are literally online fucking with your underage kid because they are porn addict tranny freaks", "pid": 78114347 }, { "sender": "7302-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:28:45\n\n>>78114201 \nI've never made porn. Evertyhing there is is fake", "pid": 78114349 }, { "sender": "Anon-C202", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:29:22\n\n>>78114315 \ntake ur meds joe", "pid": 78114351 }, { "sender": "DC02-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:30:00\n\n>>78114347 \nThis is him btw. A grown ass 25 year old man that lives on his daddy's money in gated subdivision. This what he does. Play dress up and racially fucks with your kid for 5 years.", "pid": 78114353 }, { "sender": "Anon-F811", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:30:22\n\n>>78114312 \n>you brought race into it \n \nLol noooope you did, I dont believe in black power even though its real, you do that's why you mentioned it first and went om your skitzophrenic little rants about because your pride was hurt seeing a fat white guy get beat up by a skinny black guy LMFAO \n \nYour inferiority complex makes you obsses over blacks so now you're getting the treatment you deserve, incel :)", "pid": 78114357 }, { "sender": "333C-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:32:00\n\n>>78113395 \nwhat the fuck is he doing in what looks like a high school classroom? Unless that's a college classroom?", "pid": 78114368 }, { "sender": "Anon-32AC", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:32:16\n\n>>78113352 \nlmao seen this on twitter a while ago, bbc Chad's who go their own way will always triumph over yt faggots.", "pid": 78114370 }, { "sender": "C77C-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:37:41\n\n>>78114353 \nthe guy already looks crazy so i can see why he calls me samefag but when i am not the same poster", "pid": 78114403 }, { "sender": "Anon-8044", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:37:49\n\n>>78114347 \n>not even my thread \nLol you really are skitzophrenic lmfao even \n \nAnd what's with he evil face? \n \nLol who cares about voting no one can do anything for your skitsophrenic ass bud. You're doomed. The big black boogy man is comming to fuck your autistic crush. Ooooooh. \n>>78114351 \nWho's Joe is that your first name SAMEFAG :)", "pid": 78114405 }, { "sender": "847D-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:39:38\n\n>>78114403 \nLol skitzo dork that's not ne first of all \n \nSecond you are the same person \n \nYou're mentally ill and everytime I'm on I see you so I cma only assume you're here when I'm not probably 24 7 you're obsessed with blacks and it's pathetic lol all this because there are no black incels and it eats away at you LMFAO", "pid": 78114416 }, { "sender": "A8BC-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:40:59\n\n>>78114353 \nLol who is that your boyfriend? You suck the black cum out of his ass hole don't you? Little sissy skitzophrenic bitch lmfao.", "pid": 78114420 }, { "sender": "Anon-36DC", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:41:45\n\n>>78114403 \nHe has set online for 5 years obsessed with white men. Look at the thread I posted. He is fucking obsessed. Probably because white men vote for people that are anti-tranny or whatever or maybe he gets rejected for being a fat ugly tranny.", "pid": 78114424 }, { "sender": "6E85-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:44:18\n\n>>78114424 \n>5 years \npretty grim but i will let him argue to himself whilst the janitors deal with him", "pid": 78114445 }, { "sender": "Anon-A667", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:46:04\n\n>>78114424 \nLol you really wish that was me don't you, this is obviously someone you love and carry about deeply \n \n>obsessed with white men \n \nNobody is obsessed with white men tho lol, you are obsessed with black men that's why you cry in agony and go om your little racist rants on threads that aren't even about race \n \nIt's no wonder you can't find love or leave the house \n \nAny OBESE white woman who would have been willing to give you a chance would run away when you show how mentally fragile you are :) \n \nYou can stop having conversations with yourself now, loser", "pid": 78114453 }, { "sender": "7796-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:47:05\n\n>>78114424 \n>>78114445 \n>pretty grim \n \nSamefagging this hard not even pretending two separate people aren't in the thread at the same time. Lol now that's grim :)", "pid": 78114459 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-27D5", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:48:39\n\n>>78114459 \nRetard, tranny. Get a life. 5 fucking years.", "pid": 78114466 }, { "sender": "Anon-E06F", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:51:55\n\n>>78114466 \nI'm not a retard or a tranny and I haven't been up here consistently for 5 years \n \nYou are however retarded skitzophrenic and by your own admission have been up here om your mentally ill race obsessed crusade for over 5 years LOL", "pid": 78114493 }, { "sender": "B5C5-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:53:17\n\n>>78114466 \nI'm not a retard or a tranny and I haven't been up here consistently for 5 years \n \nYou are however retarded skitzophrenic and by your own admission have been up here on your mentally ill race obsessed crusade for over 5 years LOL", "pid": 78114509 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A2E6", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:53:46\n\n>>78114493 \nNo one has to be here for 5 years to look back through the archive and realize some tranny has been spamming the same pictures with the same filenames for YEARS", "pid": 78114514 }, { "sender": "24C4-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:55:49\n\n>>78114514 \n>not my threads \n \n>different file names \n \n>2024-2023 = 1 year \n \nSo not only are too stupid to realize that isn't me you're two low iq to do basic math LOL. The state of you mentally ill retard.", "pid": 78114534 }, { "sender": "37C4-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 01:56:51\n\n>>78114534 \n>i'll just lie about and hope that people believe me \nWeird cope", "pid": 78114545 }, { "sender": "DC1D-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:00:20\n\n>>78114545 \nThey should make you janny. I've seen you call this guy out in multiple threads now and I don't even come here often.", "pid": 78114562 }, { "sender": "6AD4-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:05:56\n\n>>78114514 \nWow, this board also has schizos too? I thought only /v/ and /a/ did that. Man, i am beginning to think that this site in general just kinda sucks.", "pid": 78114609 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0BFB", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:09:14\n\n>>78114562 \nI have basically jannied him. If you go back through the archives he used to spam far far more. \n \n>>78114609 \nAbout 80% of the racebait on here is him. It's all right there in the archives. Uses the same tired images/clips that he probably got from a BNWO zip folder or whatever lame discord he is involved in.", "pid": 78114641 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AFCD", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:12:35\n\n>>78113551 \nShe immediately assumed the breeding position.", "pid": 78114671 }, { "sender": "0CEC-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:13:14\n\n>>78114312 \n>>78114282 \n>>78113352 \nwhy do american niggers (white and black) keep punching when the guy is on the ground, subhuman country", "pid": 78114679 }, { "sender": "0C3D-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 02:39:19\n\n>>78113352 \nJew here, there are zero white people in this webm fyi", "pid": 78114862 }, { "sender": "23A6-Anonymous", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:04:35\n\n>>78113551 \nEww she's on her period", "pid": 78115017 }, { "sender": "1F99-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:06:45\n\n>>78113551 \nHe didn't even slap her that hard to fall like that kek", "pid": 78115025 }, { "sender": "Anon-B19E", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:14:56\n\n>>78113690 \nI carry a 500 Smith & Weston so I can obliterate niggers in a matter of miliseconds.", "pid": 78115068 }, { "sender": "Anon-84BD", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:25:59\n\n>>78113551 \nCraving that bbc", "pid": 78115134 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-876D", "message": "11/07/2024, 03:27:39\n\n>>78114353 \nMost puchable face Ive seen", "pid": 78115147 }, { "sender": "1CE0-Anon", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:48:31\n\n>>78113352 \nWhy is she laughing while he beats up the white knight? I think its scripted", "pid": 78115586 }, { "sender": "Anon-9109", "message": "11/07/2024, 04:55:09\n\n>>78113587 \nDumb ass faggot that fat kid was getting rocked until those black kids save him, they didnt pull him down they tried to shield him and immediately went after red. You would probably get up too thats why you're mad Timmy", "pid": 78115617 } ]
[ { "sender": "80F8-Anon", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:36:58\n\nWas the GMLRS from HIMARS the true game changer of the war in Ukraine? The amount of Russian ammo dumps It managed to blow up, blunted the Russian Offensive and enabled Ukraine to retake Kharkov and Kherson.", "pid": 62066540 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9686", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:48:46\n\nImplessive", "pid": 62066634 }, { "sender": "D7A5-Anon", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:49:08\n\n>>62066540 \n1. yes \n2. it's not only about destruction YOU MASSIVE DIPSHIT", "pid": 62066639 }, { "sender": "5127-Anonymous", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:58:16\n\n>>62066540 \nYou know that whole northern front? And the fags in Trannytopia? HIMARS is the reason those frontlines have collapsed, and Ukraine is able to keep the fight on the 2014 frontlines in Luganda and Donbobwe. Crimea is on the menu, but Big Z has to deal with the little green men in the east before going south. \n \nIt's a shame Republicans actively want to stop a newly westernized, formerly best Soviet state of Ukraine in order to appease an oligarchy ran by a tyrannical, egotistical faggot who drapes himself in nationalism, nostalgia, and \"traditional values\". Surely, there's no parallel here in the United States.", "pid": 62066695 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-30E9", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:05:57\n\n>>62066695 \nHIMARS were not deployed when the northern front collaped, that was entirely done by Javelins and NLAWs", "pid": 62066738 }, { "sender": "Anon-50EF", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:17:40\n\n>>62066540 \nIt wasn't HIMARS, it was Russia's assfuck retarded logistics system. Any moderately precise mid-range munition available in sufficient quantity could have done it, GMLRS was just the one that got there first.", "pid": 62066823 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-743E", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:19:17\n\n>>62066540 \nyes. it's pretty simple actually. it fucked up russia's logistics massively. they no longer have large ammo depotsin himars range.", "pid": 62066836 }, { "sender": "0E55-Anon", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:19:45\n\n>>62066540 \nPrecision weapons mixed with bad logistics was at fault. \nSo kinda yeah.", "pid": 62066837 }, { "sender": "Anon-E84B", "message": "14/07/2024, 01:33:09\n\n>>62066738 \nIn fact at the start of the war we counted the number of destroyed logistics vehicles on Oryx and compared it to their logistics brigades or companies, measured only 2-3, maybe four were deployed to the campaign, and found out over half of their dedicated logistics capacity had been destroyed only a week prior to the feint. That's why all the shitbox vehicles appeared on trains", "pid": 62069633 }, { "sender": "ADC3-Anon", "message": "14/07/2024, 01:35:31\n\n>>62068060 \nneed secret service gf to hold me up after my eartip gets zonked off :')", "pid": 62069649 }, { "sender": "Anon-DCEE", "message": "14/07/2024, 01:43:23\n\n>>62069633", "pid": 62069716 }, { "sender": "CC19-Anon", "message": "14/07/2024, 01:44:58\n\n>>62069716", "pid": 62069728 }, { "sender": "Anon-F81D", "message": "14/07/2024, 01:46:14\n\n>>62069728", "pid": 62069733 }, { "sender": "998C-Anonymous", "message": "14/07/2024, 01:51:09\n\nI think for alot of people it was the moment of realization of how fucked Russia would be in an actual war with NATO/US. A dozen or so of our relatively standard MLRS systems caused absolutely massive disruptions. Without air support. Without NATO tier EW. Without a dozen other elements of our modern military, and Russia's grand army immediately fell flat on it's face on the GMLRS cock.", "pid": 62069765 }, { "sender": "5372-Anon", "message": "14/07/2024, 02:07:03\n\n>>62066540 \nYes, GMLRS chad aka warriortard was right about it. Also god bless President trump", "pid": 62069869 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4758", "message": "14/07/2024, 02:42:37\n\n>62069869 \nI know you get off from verbal abuse, but you're not getting shit.", "pid": 62070120 }, { "sender": "Anon-C027", "message": "14/07/2024, 02:51:32\n\n>>62066695 \nYou need to stop trying this hard. \n>>62068060 \n>The message has been sent. \n>russoids trying to falseflag off of this already \nThat is not a wise play.Americans don't li", "pid": 62070206 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E060", "message": "14/07/2024, 03:23:46\n\n>>62066540 \ncome november and it's over for the ukies.", "pid": 62070419 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4349", "message": "14/07/2024, 03:27:57\n\n>>62070419 \nBased Bradley", "pid": 62070437 }, { "sender": "Anon-5E56", "message": "14/07/2024, 16:09:45\n\n>>62066540 \n>Was the GMLRS from HIMARS the true game changer of the war in Ukraine? \nStill is.", "pid": 62075046 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A64F", "message": "14/07/2024, 16:16:46\n\n>>62066540 \nThe blowing up was one part, the other is stretching out the logistics lines from being 'close by' to having to truck shit in an extra 100km- then the trucks trying to survive being droned, blown up and not dying on eastern European roads. \nOne they stretched out those supply lines, just couldn't really get that heavy density of fire as much and the counter-battery strikes from HIMARS was brutal, still is I guess", "pid": 62075087 }, { "sender": "2BE5-Anon", "message": "14/07/2024, 16:21:57\n\n>>62066540 \nJust eighteen of these fuckers stopped the Russian advance cold. They should have a hundred. Or more.", "pid": 62075113 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-B37D", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:39:11\n\nIskander\n\nWhat are your theories on why Iskander is only striking things around 100 miles from the front?", "pid": 62066559 }, { "sender": "D11F-Anon", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:39:53\n\n>>62066559 \nbecause it's shit", "pid": 62066564 }, { "sender": "Anon-CF5A", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:41:25\n\n>>62066564 \nElucidate.", "pid": 62066573 }, { "sender": "3ACC-Anonymous", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:41:40\n\n>>62066559 \n1. The Kyiv/another city spam BM are \"over\", Patriot-sama supremacy is real. \n2. They relegated Iskanders to a new kill chain that relies on ISR drones. Sub-optimal but at least it can achieve results. They're discovering \"reaction time\"", "pid": 62066574 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1748", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:44:26\n\nI've been wondering since June of 2022; why doesn't russia have an equivalent to HIMARS? I thought their smerch system was supposed to be just as good. Or even their iskanders. \n \nno doubt they get some hits, but they haven't reaked havoc behind the lines like HIMARS has, not even close \n \n>hurr cuz theyre retarded russians \nwe all know, but is there any other reason?", "pid": 62066600 }, { "sender": "Anon-9CF7", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:45:46\n\n>>62066600 \n> equivalent to HIMARS? I \n>smerch \nProduction lines don't get along with corruption and dumb-munition doctrines.", "pid": 62066613 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7982", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:46:31\n\n>>62066600 \nI think some Iskander strikes have been confused with 9M544.", "pid": 62066619 }, { "sender": "8444-Anonymous", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:47:29\n\n>>62066573 \nit's shit because it's shitty", "pid": 62066624 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0AFC", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:48:17\n\n>>62066624 \nThats deep.", "pid": 62066631 }, { "sender": "Anon-82F0", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:53:52\n\n>>62066574 \nCorrect answer. Modern AD renders them useless in its intended role so they’ve wisely decided to use them as a medium-range rapid engagement artillery sniper role since they otherwise lack that capability. Their loflying cruise missiles are much better suited penetrating AD — and even then 90% of them get shot down. Better than 100% Iskanders being shot down or missing, though.", "pid": 62066670 }, { "sender": "7726-Anon", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:55:56\n\n>>62066670 \nI wonder how the flight profile differs on shorter range flights. Probably not ballistic.", "pid": 62066683 }, { "sender": "790A-Anon", "message": "13/07/2024, 18:56:02\n\n>>62066600 \nThey do, but as usual corruption / apathy / general failure of the pre-2023 Russian state meant that those systems never made it past initial tests.", "pid": 62066684 }, { "sender": "Anon-3862", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:13:06\n\n>>62066613 \nI'm not convinced that Smerch actually exists. 300mm munitions have been used, what, twice in the entire conflict? There's plenty of footage of Uragans getting blown up but none of smerch or tornado-S", "pid": 62066791 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7F8A", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:25:05\n\n>>62066791 \nThey also featured Buratino and Solntsepek at the start of the war, and i havent seen a single proof of their existance since", "pid": 62066858 }, { "sender": "0D11-Anon", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:38:41\n\n>>62066825 \n>what hit the Himars and Patriot sites recently \nIt's difficult to compare against strikes that never happened.", "pid": 62066921 }, { "sender": "Anon-704C", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:48:06\n\n>>62066559 \nThey did hit hospital reccently", "pid": 62066975 }, { "sender": "C3F9-Anonymous", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:50:20\n\n>>62066975 \nThat was a Glock.", "pid": 62066986 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4FC5", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:53:37\n\n>>62066948 \nToo blurry, too many artifacts. \nBut not only do you need to provide good HIMARS footage still, you also have yet to supply Patriot footage", "pid": 62067008 }, { "sender": "Anon-854D", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:56:00\n\n>>62066948 \n>jump cut to some random location with something in it \nHere's the real footage, you can see the Boris Johnson piloting it too.", "pid": 62067024 }, { "sender": "94CC-Anonymous", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:57:08\n\n>>62067024 \n>Boris Johnson piloting it t", "pid": 62067032 }, { "sender": "75A2-Anon", "message": "13/07/2024, 19:57:39\n\n>>62066948 \nThis was a confirmed decoy, you know it's a decoy, we know it's a decoy, you know that we know that you know, stop lying you fucking faggot or better still, keep believing your own propaganda", "pid": 62067036 }, { "sender": "9781-Anon", "message": "13/07/2024, 20:05:30\n\n>>62067066 \nOkay but what does this have to do with the HIMARS & Patriot claim...? \n\\*snap snap\\* hey! Stay focused!", "pid": 62067082 }, { "sender": "6FF6-Anon", "message": "13/07/2024, 20:10:58\n\n>>62067099 \n>radar and launcher [redacted redacted] \nZaluzhnyi! SLOPPY JOB MF! \n \n>Ziggers still takes the bait \nOh nevermind... \n \n300mm is 300mm tho, the +100 kg of warhead is noticeable but they aren't hitting real targets...", "pid": 62067110 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1024", "message": "13/07/2024, 20:11:22\n\nWhy is the bunkertroon so upset?", "pid": 62067113 }, { "sender": "Anon-3B37", "message": "13/07/2024, 20:18:17\n\n>>62067099 \nThese do look like decoys though. The picture quality on this one is good, but this reveals some off-proportions and missing details on both objects.", "pid": 62067156 }, { "sender": "Anon-8ED2", "message": "13/07/2024, 20:54:33\n\nWhy hasn’t anyone made Skibidi Iskander yet?", "pid": 62067387 }, { "sender": "99B5-Anon", "message": "13/07/2024, 21:31:45\n\n>>62066559 \nBad terminal guidance. Usable only with spotter drone / target painter or within visual assistance and manual radio steering range. \n \nAlternatively they've run out of the long range variants which would be more expensive and are left only with long range nukes or older / cheaper short range conventionals.", "pid": 62067660 }, { "sender": "Anon-FD92", "message": "13/07/2024, 22:30:23\n\n>>62066600 \nThey do have tornado gmlrs systems but whats the point of having a gmlrs if you cant find the targets for it. \n \nThe real reason why himars keeps buk breaking buks and smoked the ammo depots was american sat based ISR.", "pid": 62067998 }, { "sender": "Anon-1ECA", "message": "14/07/2024, 00:46:37\n\nIf Ukraine finishes the development of Hrim-2 they could hit back.", "pid": 62069250 }, { "sender": "4F3D-Anonymous", "message": "14/07/2024, 01:38:36\n\n>>62066858 \n>>62066791 \nThis is a pretty cool take. I wonder if HIMAR is to F15 as Smerch is to Mig 25.", "pid": 62069683 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-87C4", "message": "14/07/2024, 01:56:40\n\n>>62066600 \nIf Russia actually did some quality control they would have a HIMARS competitor. Instead their missiles are either unguided or basically an upgraded scud gigantic fuck of a missile. Also Russia cannot into pallets or logistics.", "pid": 62069794 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DB4A", "message": "14/07/2024, 02:00:10\n\n>>62067998 \nTornado is closest, but it doesn't have all the quality of life and modern things that makes HIMARS faster to aim, fire, more accurate, scoot and reload.", "pid": 62069809 }, { "sender": "Anon-42F7", "message": "14/07/2024, 02:10:07\n\n>>62067998 \nI have been pretty surprised by how under the radar American intel gathering capabilities have gone in the discussion around this war. From the very beginning of the conflict the Americans have known what the Russians were planning and tracked it in real time with a resolution and turn around time that has enabled Ukraine to continuously strike individual high value weapon systems behind Russian lines for years at this point. This isn't even getting into however the fuck it is the Americans have managed to so completely perforate the Russian security services. \n \nI feel like these capabilities must be ridiculously concerning for war planners in China and Russia, it's already baked into the calculus that the US can project force around the world in a way no one can match but they are demonstrating that they are also more aware of the situation on the ground than the Russians themselves despite the war taking place halfway around the world from the US and right on Russia's doorstep.", "pid": 62069893 }, { "sender": "Anon-059E", "message": "14/07/2024, 02:22:57\n\n>>62066559 \nBecause they're not teeming with fucking rockets. They have to save them for orphanages and child cancer wards.", "pid": 62070003 }, { "sender": "Anon-0705", "message": "14/07/2024, 02:24:46\n\n>>62067113 \nIf they weren't neurotic they wouldn't work at the glavset.", "pid": 62070015 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3AE5", "message": "14/07/2024, 03:28:53\n\n>>62066559 \nThat's probably the distance Russia can get reliable ISR.", "pid": 62070440 }, { "sender": "740B-Anonymous", "message": "14/07/2024, 16:39:43\n\n>>62066564 \n>takes out 4 planes \n>1 mi24 helicopter \n>s300 battery \n>3 ukrainian convoys of vehicles \n>weapons manufacturer building \n>all done this month \n>calls it shit. \n \nIt seems to be doing its job for high priority target pretty well", "pid": 62075237 } ]
Your tolerant american liberal cuckstiny - still going, it&#039;s now a 48 hour meltdown
[ { "sender": "198E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:45:07\n\nYour tolerant american liberal cuckstiny - still going, it&#039;s now a 48 hour meltdown\n\nHe has now quadroupled down about that it's okay to kill and hurt trump and his supporters. \n \n>fuck trump fuck the people that support him \n>if i see you in a crowd or in a trump rally and someone kills you at it, i'm making fun of you the next day on twitter \n>fuck trump, fuck anyone who support him, i'm not kidding i'm serious. Just if you have any doubt about where i stand", "pid": 474401443 }, { "sender": "DA57-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:46:39\n\n>>474401443 \nHas he been diagnosed with bipolar?", "pid": 474401548 }, { "sender": "B8AA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:48:44\n\n>>474401443 \n>so much attention over manlet and his ramblings \nthe absolute state", "pid": 474401692 }, { "sender": "0E08-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:51:03\n\n>>474401443 \nWell? He made his case clear. \nIf you don't escalate from online posts, you're a faggot.", "pid": 474401842 }, { "sender": "72EA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:53:46\n\n>>474401548 \n>Has he been diagnosed with bipolar? \ni think honestly he's a sociopath, if you knew about him when he was a sc2 streamer, you'd know he's one of the most shittalking maliscious trolls there are. And if you beat him in ladder games he'd call you a faggot or a retard or chimp out at you. \nHe then became a political commentator after trump got elected, painted his hair blue and pretended to be a super nice concerned liberal. But what he really wanted was ofcourse to troll conservatives, an easy target since the entire establishment machine (most media, most social media etc.) were against them, so getting them deplatformed and trolling and harassing them was easy. And they thought it was fine because \n>he's just harassing the nazis \nNow trump gets assasination attempt, and instead of doing what biden did, he instead says \n>no it's fine its good someone tried to kill trump and also its justified \nand makes fun of the guy who died at the rally. \nthen people get angry at him on twitter understandably. And he goes on a 24 hour meltdown doubling down on it and attacking everyone who comment back at him telling him it's nasty what he's doing, in the most condescending trolling way he fires back at them. \nWe now thought he was done, it turns out he has fucking started up again so it's now a 48 hour total meltdown. He's still going on x. He also manage to get elon musk attention who has iirc demonitized him on twitter for hate speech. He can still post but he's just not getting any revenue for it.", "pid": 474402014 }, { "sender": "98B9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:57:25\n\n>>474401548 \nANYWAYS since he has shilled himself here as a master debater, since he ofcourse his entire career is to pretend the american conservatives and maga people are nazis, who hang out on this websites, the nazis here are ofcourse fake. He shill himself here non stop for last 9 years, so anyone who hates this little fuck would appreciate his annoying little meltdown that will probably destroy his own career. He's so dumb he is committing career suicide on this 'it's okay to kill trump' shit and he just keep doubling down. trippling and quadroupling down, and trying to bullshit his way out of it and instead of saying \n>i lost my fucking temper and i don't mean that \nhe's trying to rationalize how political terrorism and killing the opposition is fine.", "pid": 474402255 }, { "sender": "8D01-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:58:02\n\nOh my fucking God you idiots. He's done this BEFORE holy shit. And yes before he was diagnosed with whatever he has now. \n\nHe's been due for a write up for a while now since he hasn't done one in a while (and yes, he went without sleep for over 24 hours before) just take a fucking nap, he'll still be at it when you wake up.", "pid": 474402289 }, { "sender": "1B9E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:59:25\n\n>>474401548 \nIt's called having principles. Maybe if the right had some they wouldn't be in this situation", "pid": 474402374 }, { "sender": "622E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:59:26\n\n>>474401842 \n>>474401842 \n>Well? He made his case clear. \n>If you don't escalate from online posts, you're a faggot. \nThis is where the rubber meets the road you little larping faggot. Because if you sit here and say kill niggers jews and immigrants. Which we all know is some fbi agent or others and only anti european idiots would ever say that, cause that's the boogeyman they use to attack europeans with. \nIF YOU GO ACTUALLY TRY TO DO IT, you belong in jail retard, i have zero sympathy for you. \nAnd so do anyone like destiny who's using larping little troll retards like you as excuse. \nThat's just how it is, fucking little internet weirdo. Welcome to REALITY. \n \nAnd see the difference with these lunatic liberals, we know it's them who make such threats and who condone this. Because they fucking post it on facebook, they not some nigga who pretend to be a nazi from germany who post it on 4chan to get people to hate nazis. \nNo we know 100% it's them who posting it, and they can't at all say they know the same cause of some lying troll like you on 4chan. \nIf it was true you are who you say you are you make such threats, fbi or interpol who are both here btw. will come pick you up, so they have nothing the fuck to worry about for any troll who say that. \nBECAUSE THEY ARE TOTAL ILLEGITIMATE FRAUDS lol, and both fbi and interpol know you are, they know you liar, they know you some nigga or jew behind vpn or some mexican or whatever. If they thought you were legitimate you'd be picked up and thrown in jail lol. or atleast paid an actual visit.", "pid": 474402375 }, { "sender": "7310-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:59:29\n\n>>474401443 \nthat guy is mentally ill the fact that he had such a large audience tells me everything about the absolute state of american neo-marxist schizos", "pid": 474402377 }, { "sender": "Anon-1CE1", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:59:39\n\n>>474402289 \n>Caring about e-celeb youtube drama about a literal who \n>Calling anyone else an idiot \nVaccinated fucking retard. Go back to tiktok you moron", "pid": 474402387 }, { "sender": "Anon-9C9B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:01:51\n\n>>474401842 \ncontinued; \nSo you do this shit you belong in jail. it's time to clean total internet house of all these fucking shittalkers who trying to get people killed. Nobody cares about you nobody wants you around LOL and if you post it on fucking facebook and twitter cause you got so used to saying it, with your face and everything, well sucks to be you i guess. No sympathy. And cuckstiny also about to find that shit out. \nHe should have stayed on 4chan and posted black dicks LOL, interracial porn and all this chuddie chuddie incel you going extinct shit. \n4chan is not reality in reality you trying to get europeans hurt and they all hate you for it, so if you run around with your little ugly face and say it, you going to get in trouble. \nAnd he's trying in USA this little cuckstiny faggot to get every trump supporter hurt. \n>it's ok to hurt them and to kill them. \nWhat a fucking stupid jackass he doesn't even know what's about to happen to his dumbass ROFL \n>>474401692 \n>>so much attention over manlet and his ramblings \n>the absolute state \nHe has been trolling this site for a decade. And now you're telling me he's committing career suicide over this dumb shit, cause of he has decided to say \"it's okay to kill trump and his supporters\" instead of, yes ofcourse i don't condone political violence. \nWhy should that not get attention? lol", "pid": 474402527 }, { "sender": "2D04-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:02\n\n>>474402387 \nYet you weirdos have tons of pictures of him barely wearing any clothes, threatening to suck his dick AND rape him, and constantly make threads about him. \n \nHe's had this effect on people before so it's nothing new. That's all I'm trying to say.", "pid": 474402597 }, { "sender": "80F9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:04:56\n\nDestiny is a mouthbreather and waste of oxygen who learnt by watching Shartpiro and decided to exploit the same kind of retards but on the opposite side of the political spectrum.\n\nOnly zoomers and braindead millenials follow either of them. The only difference is that the ones following Shartpiro will follow him in the oven, like god intended.", "pid": 474402729 }, { "sender": "A840-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:18\n\n>>474401443 \n>>474402597 \nNot stopping until the rodent is locked up with jamal", "pid": 474402754 }, { "sender": "A3E1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:36\n\n>>474402527 \n>>474402597 \n>Why should that not get attention? lol \nOnly the most braindead, American zoomer Anglo sub-humans even know who these literal whos are \nYou're obsessed over soap operas; every few years it's someone other grifter you obsess over like a woman over gossip magazines of the royals; only now it's YouTubers for (You) and your idiot zoomer generation \nYou're woman brained; that's the problem \nAnyone who even knows who this random retard jake paul tier youtube zoomer retard gamer is, is a waste of life spending too much time online \nLaura Loomer, Milo Yiannopolis, Hasan Piker, the bald libertarian who gave relationship advice I forget his name, and that's my point; your entire existence is caring about literal who's because you need a dopamine fix from being chronically online \nGo outside, you fucking vaccinated dipshit", "pid": 474402772 }, { "sender": "AFF1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:06:27\n\n>>474402377 \nCommies probably hate Destiny more than you freaks do lol", "pid": 474402835 }, { "sender": "DA2F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:06:52\n\n>>474402374 \nA 48 hour rant is a manic episode.", "pid": 474402857 }, { "sender": "2845-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:16\n\n>>474402374 \nyou're a dysgenic freak, fuck off my board you literal cuck", "pid": 474402887 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9C80", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:22\n\n", "pid": 474402894 }, { "sender": "CAA4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:08:07\n\n>>474402754 \nI wonder why nobody took him down 2 years ago...wait until you find out about the starcraft audio lol", "pid": 474402946 }, { "sender": "Anon-5493", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:08:07\n\n>>474402835 \n>Even knowing who this person is \n>Calling anyone else a freak \nYou're a chronically online zoomer who masturbates to porn \nWere you raised by a single mother too? You mask wearing cattle slave", "pid": 474402948 }, { "sender": "AC0D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:08:32\n\ntest", "pid": 474402970 }, { "sender": "78A7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:08:56\n\n>>474402835 \nI've been trying to explain that but 99% of /pol/acks don't see a difference between liberals and leftists.", "pid": 474402996 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B7F1", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:09:05\n\n>>474402772 \nYou know more of their names than I do lol OBSESSED", "pid": 474403008 }, { "sender": "91B5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:09:52\n\n>>474401443 \nAyy Lmao!", "pid": 474403058 }, { "sender": "A5B0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:03\n\n>>474402996 \nIt's like they've never heard of the concept of a centrist before", "pid": 474403072 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5415", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:04\n\n>>474403008 \nYou were raised by a single mother and it's easy to tell", "pid": 474403073 }, { "sender": "BCD5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:11\n\n>>474401443 \nWasn't Destiny supposed to be the \"reasonable\" twitch politico? Why did this trigger such a nuclear meltdown?", "pid": 474403083 }, { "sender": "3A90-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:45\n\nThose e-celebs all work for the same handful of jewish network and if one of them appear regularly in your jewtube recommandations, or worse willingly click on their videos, you should save everyone some time and go in the microwave by yourself.", "pid": 474403114 }, { "sender": "1045-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:47\n\n>>474401443 \nBecoming a cuck a to multiple black bulls split his mind. He's now mentally ill.", "pid": 474403116 }, { "sender": "FD56-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:11:27\n\n>>474403073 \nWhatever helps you get just one hour of sleep tonight (or today?) because you'll be back at slurping this dude later today", "pid": 474403160 }, { "sender": "E531-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:12:38\n\n>>474401548 \nHe has ADHD and Antisocial Personality Disorder \nWhich means he will fuck his shit up like that if he overdoses on stims, this kind of mental breakdown can be fueled by amphetamine for weeks", "pid": 474403235 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E5F0", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:20\n\n>>474402926 \nPathetic fucking manlet with abnormal large head.", "pid": 474403272 }, { "sender": "D1DD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:00\n\n>>474403235 \n>amphetamine \nOK that's essentially a manic episode. \nYou think he's on adderal?", "pid": 474403314 }, { "sender": "Anon-4454", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:02\n\n>>474403036 \nWhat is with kikes and their sexual attraction to blacks? Do they like roleplaying as a slave master? \nLOL this guy is the slave owner \n>I only bought it because I wanted wanted the bag \n>I WANT THE PACKAGE DEAL", "pid": 474403317 }, { "sender": "Anon-177B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:26\n\n>>474401443 \nAttention all deranged skitzos, antichrist haters, djinn enthusiasts and anyone else", "pid": 474403356 }, { "sender": "524A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:32\n\n>>474403083 \nBecause Destiny has been one of the only twitch political streamers that is brave enough to go against the alt right. Instead of giving him the respect he deserves, the alt left kicked him off the platform. So now here we are again: the alt left are too afraid to speak (even though trump and that follower got shot by his own other follower lol) and now the alt right are on his ass again. Society just can't stop looping.", "pid": 474403363 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0E4D", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:14\n\nImagine looking like this. Not being able to satisfy your wife, take care of her, yourself, your own body, etc... and then expect other people to take your ideas about governing and taking care of other people seriously. What a fking idiot", "pid": 474403405 }, { "sender": "Anon-EC12", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:22\n\n>>474401443 \nSpiteful mutant.", "pid": 474403419 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CCB3", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:55\n\n>>474402597 \n>Yet you weirdos have tons of pictures of him barely wearing any clothes, threatening to suck his dick AND rape him, and constantly make threads about him. \nthe ones who constantly made the threads are daliban and himself you fucking retarded faggot. \nsee this is what gets you american liberal lunatics confused, you have no fucking way of knowing who anyone here is or if they are who they saying or what country they are from. NOTHING. So you have no idea who is posting what. \nHowever when this lunatic little dwarf sit on twitter and instead of being on 4chan posting black dicks and saying chuddie chuddie nazi. We know exactly who he is. Because he's a retard who forgot he was no longer trolling on 4chan and decided to troll on a livestream or on twitter with his official account. \nAnd we know 100% you using 4chan as excuse to any bad thing you want to do to conservatives in USA lol. \nYou fucked yourself in the absolute ass, interpol and fbi is all over this place. If any of these were who they say they are and also were not total losers and people who don't even own a weapon in many cases. They'd be picked up and thrown in jail IDIOT, you have absolutely nothing to fear from any 4channer, cause most of them are larping retards, or literal jews and literal african americans pretending to be something they are not like a nazi or whatever. And tonnes of immigrants too in general who think bashing europeans is funny. That's who's here you little dumb shit. It's not a maga conservative platform or whatever you imagine. Go to truth social that's where they are, and probably or something.", "pid": 474403451 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AAAB", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:16:54\n\nWhy no american has punched or killed this guy ?", "pid": 474403517 }, { "sender": "Anon-6502", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:09\n\n>>474403451 \nWe know he is trying to promote himself. \nDoesn't mean I can't laugh at someone for being retarded.", "pid": 474403534 }, { "sender": "Anon-4AB9", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:38\n\n>>474403314 \nI think so yeah, amphetamine is known to kill empathy and make you do self-destructive shit, way more so than other stims used for ADHD", "pid": 474403570 }, { "sender": "B423-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:55\n\n>>474403376 \nBased JonTron stating facts.", "pid": 474403583 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D777", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:00\n\n>>474401443 \nWhy is it always tiny short people!!? They don’t work normally in a normal society? Fucking insect grifters, tiny people eceleb parasites", "pid": 474403591 }, { "sender": "E9F2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:29\n\n>>474403356 \nSend your cartel friends to this daddy", "pid": 474403637 }, { "sender": "9538-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:56\n\n>>474401443 \ni dont know if you've been around here before, but we advocate for total nigger death here. its not like we didnt expect the niggers to fight back. stop clutching pearls faggot.", "pid": 474403663 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3DA1", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:49\n\n>>474403363 \n>Because Destiny has been one of the only twitch political streamers that is brave enough to go against the alt right. \nthe fake nazis on 4chan? LOL \nthat interpol and fbi laugh about constantly, because they not who they say they are? LOL \nNo he's a fucking troll who easymode trolled american conservatives claiming they were nazis. Because it's very easy since the entire media and social media apparatus is against them, so getting them cancelled after harassing and shittalking them first is the easiest shit in the world. \nYou retards followed a literal sociopath and didn't even know it. Anyone who know him before he became political commentator know he's the biggest shittalking evil troll there is. If you beat him in ladder games he call you faggot and retard non stop and saying you should kill yourself and your immediate family. \nThen he became all nice tolerant liberal to fool clowns like you. And dyed his hair blue and you bought it!", "pid": 474403729 }, { "sender": "Anon-2621", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:50\n\n>>474402374 \nShitty bait", "pid": 474403731 }, { "sender": "C560-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:21:06\n\n>>474403517 \nIf I was a boomer with little time left and no family I probably would. My life is more important because I'm an actual, legitimate, REAL PROPHET. The Holy Spirit spoke through me and there was nothing I could do about it. It was NOT ME talking. So my life is like 6 million times more important than his. \n \nI mean look at him, he's a manlet. Why bother with such a small fish? He's just another lolcow like Peterson.", "pid": 474403812 }, { "sender": "BED9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:11\n\n>>474403451 \nThey probably thought the dude that shot up trump's event wasn't a threat either. Long gone are the days of anyone believing \"lol its just a joke bro\" people are finally starting to take you weirdos seriously as the dangerous threat to democracy that you truly are", "pid": 474403889 }, { "sender": "BC3D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:59\n\n>>474401443 \nSeriously though why did Destiny decide to make himself look like a bigger idiot than ever over this event?", "pid": 474403932 }, { "sender": "6FC3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:22\n\n>>474403451 \n>Engage in stochastic terrorism after complaining about it \n>Gets demonetized and cries about it \nReally makes you think", "pid": 474403962 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C504", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:22\n\n>>474401443 \ntrump is a bigger cuck than destiny he had to dodge a bullet to watch that RNC", "pid": 474403963 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-28AF", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:28\n\n>>474401443 \ni don't get the obsession of some pol closeted faggots with this retard", "pid": 474403966 }, { "sender": "6E6D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:06\n\n>>474403591 \n>Why is it always tiny short people!!? They don’t work normally in a normal society? Fucking insect grifters, tiny people eceleb parasites \nit's a power fantasy, it's like the ones who say kill immigrants jews and niggers here. To extent they not glowies doing their job, or anti european trolls who want people to hate europeans. \nThat's why it's \"kill everybody\" cause they such little spiny little small shits they can't even fight their way out of a paper bag. Cuckstiny is no exception to that rule. \nHe's been on twitter calling some 2nd ammendment guy about 6'5 or whatever big enough to kill him with his bare hands, who he met in real life, a 'little bitch' over him saying it's crazy he's calling for death of trump and his supporters. \nTrolls cash checks their bodys can't catch. It's why 4chan is the laughing stock to the fbi and interpol. Nobody got anything to worry about from 4channers. \nIt's fucks like him who sat on 4chan before trump got elected then he posted black dicks and decided to troll the larping nazis who were suddently everywhere with black dicks. \nAnd the dumb fuck sometimes forget where he is so now he doing the same super edgy shit on twitter and on his livestreams. BIG MISTAKE.", "pid": 474404073 }, { "sender": "Anon-2A5B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:26\n\n>>474402014 \n>i think honestly he's a sociopath, if you knew about him when he was a sc2 streamer, \nthis. i used to watch him when he was in that ROOT clan, and constantly got griefed by some french/canadian faggot. destiny once told a story about how his best friend was suicidal. destinies response to said best friend? \n>well you may as well kill yourself \nhis friend later killed himself \nthe dude is 100% a legit socio/psychopath and every time i see some faggot normie \"right wing\" figure have a conversation with him and complement him for being a decent leftist willing to put aside his differences and have an open honest discussion, i want to fucking puke.", "pid": 474404094 }, { "sender": "9B50-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:29\n\n>>474403729 \nI don't know how long you've been on this site but a dude threatened to blow up the super bowl on here over 10 years ago. This place has been serious in their beliefs for a long time now. Probably why moot dropped it like a hot brick after having to constantly be flown out by the feds to court.", "pid": 474404099 }, { "sender": "5D85-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:26\n\nlmao you retards are even worse than this cuck manlet \n \nhe lives completely free in your minds. you have his name and address, either do something or shut the fuck up and stop making threads about this fucking cuck \n \n>hes being mean online! hes being an hypocrite!!! \nyou FAGGOTS still dont get it, holy fucking shit you absolute retards. what are you doing about it? make another thread on /pol/ crying about it? bunch of fucking women \n \nsage and hide this trash thread", "pid": 474404158 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A20F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:29\n\n>>474401443 \nKek, he's still there ranting and raving? Are you fucking kidding me? Someone's probably making a kiwi farms entry about this dysgenic weirdo's meltdown if there isn't one already", "pid": 474404166 }, { "sender": "C8D9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:50\n\n>>474403889 \n>They probably thought the dude that shot up trump's event wasn't a threat either. Long gone are the days of anyone believing \"lol its just a joke bro\" people are finally starting to take you weirdos seriously as the dangerous threat to democracy that you truly are \nListen and LISTEN GOOD YOU LITTLE LUNATIC LIBERAL. \nThe people on 4chan are surveilled by interpol and fbi, they are not who they say they are, they are uncredible threats whatsoever. They laugh at them routinely cause they just little faggot larpers who pretend they something they not. \nHOWEVER, when you lunatic liberals use 4chan idiots as excuse, to sit on facebook and say \n>let's kill the maga people, let's get rid of trump \nNow that's legitimate \nand that you are so fucking retarded that you say \n>well the conservatives doing it too \nand then POINTING TO FUCKING 4CHAN \nyou have no idea how much you fucked up. \nAnd yes, the liberals were the credible threats, because you saying it in credible avenues and unlike the 4channers you MEAN WHAT YOU SAY, and so this lunatic went and actually shot after donald trump and accidentally nailed a guy who was just at the rally instead. \nTHEY COMING AFTER YOU NOW IDIOT. Which they always should have. Idk why the fuck you were given a pass. They don't give 4channers a pass, they surveil them all the time, both fbi and interpol. The reason why they still let them do it is, THEY LAUGH AT THEM cause they just bunch of larpers who are not the race they say they are, are not even from the countries they say they are from, don't even own firearm and won't do a fucking THING. They're harmless retards. \nNow you can argue shutting 4chan down which i'm all for. And then you go arrest any lunatic who say that on facebook and legitimate verified identity platforms. \nALL FOR IT, prepare to have a knock on your fucking door you little faggot.", "pid": 474404312 }, { "sender": "Anon-3055", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:32\n\n>>474404166 \nThe farms has been talking about him for years. Honestly, if you calmed down the hate boner and actually read up on the guy, you wouldn't have to keep posting this same thread over and over again", "pid": 474404358 }, { "sender": "34ED-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:50\n\n>>474401443 \nIf we measure someone's height we should meisure the shoulder height. Case in point Destiny, his abnomally large bobble head gives him the appearance of not being a midget.", "pid": 474404376 }, { "sender": "7251-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:54\n\n>>474404099 \n>I don't know how long you've been on this site but a dude threatened to blow up the super bowl on here over 10 years ago. This place has been serious in their beliefs for a long time now. Probably why moot dropped it like a hot brick after having to constantly be flown out by the feds to court. \ni've been here for a long time faggot. It's why i say that interpol and fbi surveil these people. And the only ones not picked up by anybody are those they say is not legitimate threat so you got NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. \nStop using 4chan as a fucking excuse for calling to kill trump supporters or you're the one going to fucking jail. I'm just warning your dumbass. \nTHEY KNOW WHO EVERYBODY HERE IS. And it's not credible in slightest they laugh how retarded trolls they are all time and how some nigga from missiouri is pretending to be neo nazi here. \nYou however go and say get rid of trump and his supporters and you post it on tiktok, facebook, twitter, whatever. YOU IN DEEP DOODOO, and you should be. \nIt's all over for your dumb liberal ass with this 4chan alibi LOL nothing here is real.", "pid": 474404445 }, { "sender": "Anon-80AA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:05\n\n>>474401443 \nthats a bearded woman with female dip in the back and hips, low placement of belly button, arms that flail outwards to not hit hips, short arms would not be able to scratch droopy balls as an old man but wont have that problem because has a vagina, and you have fat calves, tiny shoulders, absent plus angled collar bones, close set eyes. its really quite disgusting.", "pid": 474404516 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B6D1", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:05\n\n>>474404312 \nFirst of all, I've been 4chan since 2007 and during that entire time I have never said any stupid shit so I'm not worried and never will be. Second, assholes on 4chan have been arrested and will continue to be arrested. It doesn't matter if you're armed or not LIBEL and SLANDER are crimes in the United States and other countries as well. Third, I love this site I don't want it shut down but that means removing you radical freaks that should have stayed on Tor or some shit.", "pid": 474404641 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F1DD", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:12\n\n>>474401443 \nidk this guy but he sounds jewish", "pid": 474404648 }, { "sender": "Anon-723F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:57\n\n>>474401443 \nIn spain we have our own destiny, he calls himself dalas. Hes not as popular an successful as destiny, but basically makes a living starting shit with everyone for retarded reasons and calling everyone in every room a pedo, then repeating the accusation for years until in his head becomes true. Spanish and latino communities are so fucking fed up with his antics i wouldnt be surprised he gets murdered some day. You could have heard about a crypto scam called pambicoin, yep, he made it, if i didnt make myself clear this guy is reckless as fuck and just want to see the world burn. He doesnt give two fucks about any form of criticism directed towards him and thinks hes untouchable. Destiny reminds me a lot of him, but destiny looks more respected and successful, at least at surface level.", "pid": 474404703 }, { "sender": "4DA5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:07\n\nlooks the part too for that matter", "pid": 474404717 }, { "sender": "81AC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:03\n\n>>474404445 \nI don't want trump supporters dead; seems like that's what actual trump supporters are doing lol", "pid": 474404794 }, { "sender": "2236-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:01\n\n>>474404094 \n>the dude is 100% a legit socio/psychopath and every time i see some faggot normie \"right wing\" figure have a conversation with him and complement him for being a decent leftist willing to put aside his differences and have an open honest discussion, i want to fucking puke. \nYeah and everybody knows it who know anything about it. Who know who he was before he suddently became 'political commentator' people were like? lol this lunatic troll, a political commentator? that's not going to happen. \nNOO liberals are that stupid, he just die his hair blue and say \"need to get those nazis\" and they like. \n>wow cuckstiny you are fantastic tolerant liberal \nNot only have the lunatic liberals in USA managed to follow a literal sociopath troll for past what 5+ years. BUT they also manage to use 4chan, as an excuse for why it's okay to kill and hurt trump and his supporters in USA. \nThey fucked up so fucking bad. And their hallpass of them being allowed to do that on other platforms is now revoked. 4chan is all fake that's why interpol and fbi don't give a fuck what is here. Aside from surveilling instantly if some lunatic says some over the top shit and then find out. \n>oh yeah it's that retard larper and he's not even from USA or whatever. Probably not going to kill niggers in USA or anywhere else LOL \nthat's what 4chan is. \nLiberals in USA on tiktok on twitter etc. are absolutely unhinged political terrorists openly calling to hurt trump and his supporters. Biden and these must have been involved in giving them the hall pass, that's all going to be revoked now, now they going to be treated same way as 4channers. And unlike 4channers the threats they make are far more credible, so they in deep shit.", "pid": 474404861 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6F49", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:28\n\n>>474404358 \nI'm not posting shit, I didn't even know this unhinged beta manlet existed until his spergout", "pid": 474404893 }, { "sender": "BA00-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:44\n\n>>474404358 \nHe's spammed here and that pisses people off. My rule is to never get mad at a lolcow. I don't think people hate him as much as they make fun of him. \n \nI mean look how tiny he is, I could shove him up my ass. That lemmewinks song got stuck in my head because of that.", "pid": 474404909 }, { "sender": "Anon-C672", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:44\n\n>>474401443", "pid": 474404910 }, { "sender": "967F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:47\n\n>>474404516 \nStop writing fanfiction weirdo", "pid": 474404911 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-20EA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:57\n\n>>474402754 \nDidn't know destiny was based", "pid": 474404925 }, { "sender": "65D1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:58\n\n>>474401443 \nHe let his wife fuck other guys why do you even care what he says", "pid": 474404928 }, { "sender": "Anon-A34A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:37\n\n>>474403149 \n", "pid": 474404976 }, { "sender": "Anon-9452", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:44\n\n>>474404794 \n>I don't want trump supporters dead; seems like that's what actual trump supporters are doing lol \nyou're the lunatics calling for it, even jack black the unhinged lunatic said at a concert make a wish.. \"don't miss\" \nAnd this 'he's a republican registered'. \nLook it's all over for your little liberal lunatics who were using all this time 4chan as excuse to be unhinged lunatics who want to hurt trump and his supporters. \nAnd ofcourse what you doing here? same as you were last many years. Trying to troll fake neo nazis that aren't who they say they are, and pretending they are trumps supporters. \nYOU FUCKED YOURSELF IN ASS. Sucks to be you now.", "pid": 474404986 }, { "sender": "3241-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:36\n\n>>474404893 \nI know, he's a manlet with his manlet rage trying to act rough and tough on the Internet. It's funny but not worth my attention.", "pid": 474405119 }, { "sender": "0485-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:40\n\n>>474404986 \nI never called for violence against anyone and I guess 4chan has the record to prove it \\*shrugs\\*", "pid": 474405188 }, { "sender": "9C66-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:18\n\n>>474404909 \n>another weirdo that wants to sexually assault him \nSuuuuuure you're just making fun of him; like I'll believe that", "pid": 474405293 }, { "sender": "9B33-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:14\n\n>>474403451 \n>so conservatives believe in hate speech now? \n \nyep controlling this win win narrative where conservatives support your speech while having their taken away by you is over", "pid": 474405349 }, { "sender": "Anon-D512", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:32\n\n>>474404986 \n>fake neo nazis \nThe best part is most of them are muslim. \n>>474405293 \n>Suuuuuure you're just making fun of him; like I'll believe that \nCope harder for your E-daddy.", "pid": 474405373 }, { "sender": "7CD3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:13\n\n>>474405373 \nAnd you're into daddykink too super gross", "pid": 474405413 }, { "sender": "D966-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:18\n\n>>474402996 \nThey're like AIDS and cancer, they both destroy you one way or another \nSure there's differences but they're both illnesses", "pid": 474405418 }, { "sender": "BB12-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:19\n\n>>474404641 \n>First of all, I've been 4chan since 2007 and during that entire time I have never said any stupid shit so I'm not worried and never will be. Second, assholes on 4chan have been arrested and will continue to be arrested. It doesn't matter if you're armed or not LIBEL and SLANDER are crimes in the United States and other countries as well. Third, I love this site I don't want it shut down but that means removing you radical freaks that should have stayed on Tor or some shit. \nthat's why they keep it up, that's also why the fucking fake nazi shit and the let's kill niggers immigrants and jews, are posted by glowies themselves. HOPING SOME IDIOT would parrot it, and if you do, they might go arrest you. So there's nothing ever to worry about on 4chan. \n>radical freaks \nnow who is that. It's not some 4chan larpers egged on to say those things egged on by people so they can go arrest them. \nNo that would be the lunatic freaks would be people like cuckstiny who sit and say yes, kill trump and his supporters \non verified social media, on livestream and now has quadroupled down on it in the last 48 hours. \nThat's the lunatics. \n \nhere's one on tiktok \nHere's another one on tiktok. \n>he was milimeters away from getting rid of half of our problems AND HE MISSED \n\\_mirthful/status/1812608350997323831 \nOr jack black and what he says here. AT A CONCERT FULL OF PEOPLE. \n \nOr how about a little compilation of american media calling to hurt trump and his supporter \n \nYOU ALWAYS WERE THE LUNATICS, is why you have to go to 4chan to find something as crazy as you, because unlike your shit, 4chan is entirely made up, that's why it's so fucking crazy that that's the only thing more lunatics than american liberals \nLOL", "pid": 474405419 }, { "sender": "1D25-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:14\n\n>>474403889 \n>muh democracy \nIt's sad that you aren't baiting and actually believe the US is a democracy still", "pid": 474405551 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-90BC", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:40\n\n>>474405419 \nYou guys prayed for a math test to have a different outcome. That's lunacy. Also I'm not a retard to spends my days seething at tiktok and Twitter posts; im really starting to think humanity was too low iq for social media.", "pid": 474405580 }, { "sender": "F3E1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:07\n\n>>474402894 \nH-hes just joking, right? I refuse to believe he just admits stuff like that on stream, if it actually happened.", "pid": 474405611 }, { "sender": "Anon-3C10", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:33\n\n>>474401443 \nIt amazes me that anyone would value his opinions. He's a bat shit crazy liberal. He identifies as bisexual and is a cuckold. You can never trust someone who does this. Zoomers are the most degerate and unintelligent generation in history of they think he's someone smart and important I'm debates.", "pid": 474405632 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0DD5", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:09\n\n>>474404911 \nall the faggy looking, small or fat right wing ranters shilled here are disgusting ftms.", "pid": 474405676 }, { "sender": "31A5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:53\n\n>>474405551 \nThen LEAVE go anywhere else; pull a Jim Jones, run someone else's land through the mud but either stop bitching or leave. Imagine having to work a job and the fucker next to you complains the entire time about the job you're both doing...that's what it sounds like having to listen to people whine about how they hate this country", "pid": 474405722 }, { "sender": "Anon-95E8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:54\n\n>>474404909 \nI agree, in general it's a waste of time to get mad at anyone who isn't part of your life. The fact that adults are still getting involved in e drama after all this time is just pathetic though. It's a total waste, really shows how hopeless the potential for positive change is currently", "pid": 474405802 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EFAA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:15\n\n>>474405349 \n>yep controlling this win win narrative where conservatives support your speech while having their taken away by you is over \nWell it's not about censoring your opposition, which is what they try to do. It's about censoring omnidirectional with no double standards people for doing heinous provoking race hate or all these things, in ANY DIRECTION, not just one, don't just shut up your opposition and don't shut your own up who say \"kill donald trump\". \nidk where these absolute speech activists ever come from. 2015 i was only for restricted speech prior to that, still only for restricted speech. Against anti european race hate against too much agitation provocation and lies. \n2024, still fucking against it. \nIt seems to me the only two 'groups' who are for absolute speech are the 4chan fake idiots cause of if they get moderated they can't say edgy shit. AND its american liberals who want to have freedom to say to get rid of trump and his supporters. \nThat's about it. So why don't we just silence the actual lunatics for once. You'll see these libtards protecting 4chan with excuse already made here. \n>>474404641 \nBecause aside from what he said, they're using it to justify falsely their insanity to do anything posted on 4chan, to trump and his supporters IN REAL LIFE, or people of european ancestry IN REAL LIFE. \ndelete 4chan they can't do that, now there's only one unhinged lunatic group, the liberals. And they find out quickly shit people they say are on 4chan aren't like that at all it's all made up \nwhich interpol and fbi know very well. \n \ntl;dr fuck free speech, restricted speech was always where it was at, same with free press, no, restricted press. I don't want to see lying total biased journalism 24/7. It's useless.", "pid": 474405825 }, { "sender": "9D93-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:21\n\n>>474405676 \nLmaoooooo", "pid": 474405829 }, { "sender": "Anon-71E4", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:30\n\n>>474401443 \nIn France, our local Destiny did a porn video with his girlfriend, then she transitionned to a man (having boobs cut and all hormones stuff). Guy is still a very prominent e-celeb official leftist, and a pretty talented one I might add, very politicaly productive. Guy keeps saying gov must jail all rightwingers for being so and take away their children forever, did a video where he calls for commies to assault cops, calls for total removal of few french conservative medias and journalists, and so on. Can't really fathom why he never had any problem with justice, but I guess controled opposition. Very interesting guy tho, when you want a summary of french current leftoism.", "pid": 474405846 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F1F0", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:16\n\n>>474405413 \n>No u \nYou didn't grow up without a father so you look up to E-fags like Milo. How sad. \nKeep giving them money, you're worse than a simp.", "pid": 474405894 }, { "sender": "2180-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:01\n\n>>474401443 \nThat's awesome but Drumpftards are not conservative.", "pid": 474405951 }, { "sender": "A47C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:03\n\n>>474405580 \n>You guys prayed for a math test to have a different outcome. \nyou guys \nlook you faggot retard, if you want to talk to an american conservative, then please go to truth social, relevant american facebook groups, or places like \nDO NOT COME TO 4CHAN And say to me. \n>you guys \nyou don't know who the FUCK i am LOL \nThat's how your little pea brain fucked up, is you pretended it was real in your mind that trump and his supporters were nazi larpers on 4chan. AND USED THAT AS EXCUSE TO GO AFTER THEM WITH FULL HELLFIRE \nyou fucked up, it was all a lie. Either you too stupid to know that or you knew it and were just lying. Either way you're done doing this fucking lunatic unhinged shit. And cuckstiny about to find that out too.", "pid": 474405953 }, { "sender": "Anon-E763", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:20\n\n>>474405722 \nLook schizo just because I don't think this country is a democracy doesn't mean there are alternatives that are clearly better. It just isn't a democracy and if you think it is you are extremely naïve", "pid": 474405977 }, { "sender": "DC4C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:46\n\n>>474402014 \n>he was a sc2 streamer \nReason enough to beat his ass, shoot him even. Starcraft 2 is overhyped cancerfaggotry RTS bullshit that hasn't advandced the genre and is obsessed with a bunch of trannies and gooks over mediocre outdated gameplay. Completely fucking soulless bullshit.", "pid": 474406067 }, { "sender": "44C9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:21\n\n>>474402996 \nThere's no difference retard.", "pid": 474406180 }, { "sender": "9E1F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:25\n\n>>474402966 \nHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA", "pid": 474406181 }, { "sender": "626C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:07\n\n>>474402374 \nThis. I want all the white traitors who are still voting for the left dead so it's finally us vs (((them)))+browns without intermediary. \nEverytime a leftist is killed by a nigger I laugh and everyone here is laughing too but you don't have the balls to admit it irl. \n \nFuck the white commies, fuck the anti white whites, hang traitors to lamp posts, always kill a traitor before an enemy jim jam.", "pid": 474406291 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8CDD", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:10\n\n>>474405802 \nI know. Like Peterson arguing with retards. Which is what I'm curious doing with this cuck>>474405413 \n \nDESTINY IS THAT YOU? >:)", "pid": 474406297 }, { "sender": "Anon-1824", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:30\n\n>>474403072 \nYou mean like DSP. Lmao, so much of a narc you have to pretend to be better than the left and right combined while telling nobody your ideology.", "pid": 474406315 }, { "sender": "EC1E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:29\n\n>>474403363 \nLiterally every streamer on twitch is woke you faggot.", "pid": 474406440 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-743C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:39\n\n>>474405977 \nSo your big plan is to....bitch all day. Gotcha", "pid": 474406451 }, { "sender": "D444-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:51\n\n>>474406297 \nIt's almoat inevitable that we get sucked into drama at some point. The key is to realizing it when it happens, this leads to a change in behavior. The other extreme is people who let it consume most of their free time, long past the age where it would be excusable. And general arguing isn't quite the same thing but that's also largely a waste", "pid": 474406463 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-685B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:04\n\n>>474401443 \nYou are giving this cuck way too much attention. Either go kill him or stfu", "pid": 474406551 }, { "sender": "3E67-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:33\n\n>>474406315 \nThats not the definition of a centrist", "pid": 474406577 }, { "sender": "739C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:45\n\n>>474405825 \nWhy the meme flag nigger?", "pid": 474406588 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1663", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:00\n\n>>474405846 \nIve read Dune recently and everytime Usul (one of the hero's name) was mentionned I saw his fucking ugly faggot face in my head and I cringed. I wish I could kill him with my bare hands.", "pid": 474406605 }, { "sender": "AAB3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:35\n\n>>474406315 \nWait what? Is he another political lolcow? Patrick Tomlinson is a good one if you're looking for more lolcows. \n \n>>474406463 \n>It's almoat inevitable that we get sucked into drama at some point. \nThis manlet raided the board to promote himself. Non of this is organic and we both know it.", "pid": 474406638 }, { "sender": "5F4C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:59\n\n>>474403363 \n>AS SEEN ON TV \n>BUZZWORD BUZZWORD BUZZWORD \nNPCs are real", "pid": 474406663 }, { "sender": "40C9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:32\n\nWho is this guy and why is pol in love with this weak cunt ?", "pid": 474406701 }, { "sender": "Anon-56E5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:54\n\n>>474406451 \nWhere am I bitching? You're the one eating up bumper sticker slogans from oligarch pawns about \"losing our democracy\". You can't even handle someone challenging your ill formed beliefs without launching into how people who disagree with you should leave the country. The fact is when the majority of the population is ignorant you can't have democracy. Suggestible people will always cede their agency and power to oligarchs and authoritarians. It's just that already happened before either of us were born. There's no whining necessary in calling it like it is. It's simply an assessment.", "pid": 474406814 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:58\n\n>>474401443 \nHow do these people not realise, that going by their own logic, it is perfectly acceptable and justified for anyone to murder them, at any point in time? \n \nThey literally agree, that if they were to be murdered for their opinions, it would be absolutely fine. \n \nAnd then surely they must realise, that if some random mentally unwell lefty can almost blow Trump’s head off right under the nose of not only the secret service, but the entire intelligence infrastructure of the US as a whole \n \n…there is nothing at all stopping anyone from murdering them, at any point.", "pid": 474406818 }, { "sender": "Anon-ECC8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:20\n\n>>474406440 \nBecause Destiny paved the way. Twitch used to be very alt right especially during the justin tv days. After he started, that's when all the alt left/commie streamers came in. Don't worry they hate Destiny too. \n \nIn fact, general nerd-internet used to be that way. Look at neogaf, ebaums, etc. You wouldn't even make it on 1990s nerd-internet", "pid": 474406842 }, { "sender": "6C6C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:49\n\n>>474401443 \n>Memeflag \nlol", "pid": 474406874 }, { "sender": "C4F3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:56\n\n>>474406638 \nYes, that's what his followers do. And it works because a lot of people love drama. But the truth is he's largely irrelevant.", "pid": 474406885 }, { "sender": "BFA2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:07:55\n\n>>474406588 \n>Why the meme flag nigger? \ncause i'm not for fun with flags agitation so you can shit on every country and people in world and play such games, you little shitty 4chan larper. \nPlease go and say kill niggers jews and immigrants many more times, or go paint a swastika on the wall, so the US law enforcement can go arrest you. Put you in prison with tyrone and then they inform him why you are in prison with him. \n>he was on 4chan and he painted swastika on wall, and he was on 4chan saying nigger nigger nigger 200 times. \nThat's what happens to people they can actually get to do this dumb shit. It's why you're probably not even american, and most certainly not some euro american LOL \nShit got real with this political terrorism bullshit in USA, and since the libtards use it as excuse i'm here to inform you that interpol and fbi know who all of you are, and that nobody have anything to fear from 4channers, cause they not who they say they are, and if they any legitimate threat to ANYBODY they going to be picked up, 100% \nSo the liberal lunatics using 4chan all fake bullshit as excuse to say kill donald trump and his supporters. It's time that's over. \nAnd if these lunatic liberals still say well we will stop doing it if they stop doing it on 4chan. Then shut down 4chan and see if the liberal lunatics can keep their fucking mouth shut too, otherwise go arrest every single one in any direction who does this. Which i'm 100% for and so is 99.9% of people. Sick of your nonsense. If you want to turn this into a real thing prepare to meet real consequences. And the liberals are the ones going to meet it, because 4channers are laughing stock to interpol and fbi and the relevant agencies in any country on earth. But it's mostly in USA just using vpns.", "pid": 474406946 }, { "sender": "2027-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:51\n\n>>474406814 \nIt's not that I disagree; it's that you just said you won't do shit about it but complain. What am I suppose to do with that? It's like playing 1v1 and you just decide to fall asleep", "pid": 474407008 }, { "sender": "00C7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:54\n\n>>474405825 \nThere’s been rulings on there limits of free speech forever. Also when a platform becomes a near monopoly common carrier regulations come into play. But yeah incitement can be illegal. This weird little worm man sounds like he’s crossing into it.", "pid": 474407011 }, { "sender": "5609-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:46\n\n>>474406818 \n>muh hypocrisy!!! muh double standards!! theyre the real meanies!!! \nkys faggot, fucking retard using arguments from 2016, you guys are a fucking joke \neither do something or shut the fuck up", "pid": 474407069 }, { "sender": "Anon-3A7A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:25\n\n>>474403314 \nHe's said he's taking vyvanse daily. He could be doing other things though", "pid": 474407103 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5E4B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:26\n\n>>474406842 \n>lionizing your e daddy to this extent \nThere was a huge effort from most social media platforms after Trump was elected to kick rightwingers off mainstream platforms. That had nothing to do with any eceleb. And it's still mostly like that with the exception of X. Maybe youtube and Meta have become a little more lenient but not really", "pid": 474407106 }, { "sender": "Anon-0E9D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:48\n\nI thought this faggot was a zionist? And now he wants to kill all the zionist Trump supporters? Lmao, let them kill each other, we here at /pol/ will just laugh at them.", "pid": 474407137 }, { "sender": "6717-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:53\n\nYeah you guys need to take a nap and get ready for the next round of dick worshipping a man you hate\n\nSee you in a couple of hours", "pid": 474407141 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EF33", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:58\n\n>>474401443 \nI'm sure you'll keep us posted you eceleb loving faggot. Have you considered you are the problem? Faggots like you giving all their money to this midget fuels him. Stop being a faggot.", "pid": 474407146 }, { "sender": "A052-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:03\n\n>>474402948 \nFuck off with your anti white posting kike, I hope your nigger golems turn on you like tat", "pid": 474407152 }, { "sender": "Anon-2BA6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:21\n\n>>474407106 \nNo, that was 2007 with chanology. This is well known.", "pid": 474407233 }, { "sender": "6A8F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:59\n\n>>474406663 \nDude that poster is a MASSIVE FAGGOT. \nCould be destiny himself. He's kinda like chitwood where he is daring people to do stuff. He's making that invitation and that can bite him in the ass if something ends up going to court.", "pid": 474407270 }, { "sender": "9C73-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:30\n\n>>474407106 \nPuh fucking lease, if by right-wing, you mean Nazi, fine, but jewtube is constantly shilling antiwoke grifters like Nerdrotic even though I down vote every video, they're as obnoxious as the left at this point.", "pid": 474407308 }, { "sender": "7B90-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:45\n\n>>474405846 \n>In France, our local Destiny did a porn video with his girlfriend, then she transitionned to a man (having boobs cut and all hormones stuff). Guy is still a very prominent e-celeb official leftist, and a pretty talented one I might add, very politicaly productive. Guy keeps saying gov must jail all rightwingers for being so and take away their children forever \nironically it's people like him that need to go to fucking jail lol. \nThese dumb little turbo manlets always trying to get others to fight. The thing they fear the most is that everyone gangs up on them instead.", "pid": 474407323 }, { "sender": "Anon-0351", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:16\n\n>>474407008 \nThere really isn't anything you can do unless you have an insane level of charisma. People are almost impossible to herd, and even if you manage to, the chances that you have the wisdom to herd them to a place that will actually lead to better outcomes is microscopic. That's why most skilled persuaders mostly just seek their own gain. The fact is reality is extremely complicated, you cannot predict every consequence. If you want to know what to do then research Evola and what he realized was missing from the equation. That's the only real solution, and anything else is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic while pretending things are getting better", "pid": 474407474 }, { "sender": "654E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:27\n\n>>474401443 \nHe's getting divorce raped by a woman who sucked a dick of every color of the rainbow during marriage. I'm amazed he hasn't killed himself. A huge chunk of his income is also from political NGOs. He was a great outreach to youth for them but he became increasingly mentally unstable and lost organic support when he supported Israel. His last remaining support is a fringe group of millenials that love Israel and are pro-war but also very liberal. \nOnce Trump wins he loses everything unless he becomes Tim Pool.", "pid": 474407486 }, { "sender": "A308-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:14\n\n>>474401443 \nI actually listened to some of his debate the other day. His main thesis seems to be pretty simple: if you support Trump and his efforts to destabilize and interrupt the peaceful transfer of power, then you're a traitorous retard who deserves no respect. He's just going about it in an incredibly edge way. \n \nTo be honest, it's pretty based, even if he's a self righteous little twink who only debates retards. You subhumans, who regularly celebrate the deaths of children because the color of their skin is browner than yours, for some reason can't handle when this tiny little permanently online elf man talks shit about the guy who got shot at the rally. You are seriously the most pathetic little slimeballs. You don't even have any political knowledge or standings. All you do is spout off bullshit about \"da jooz\" and vote for the candidate your perceived enemies hate the most. At least you're more entertaining than Destiny's hordes of moronic teenage fans, but that's really all you've got going for you.", "pid": 474407537 }, { "sender": "1564-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:20\n\n>>474401443 \nNone of what he said implied it was okay to hurt or kill Trump supporters. He's just saying he doesn't care if it happens and will make fun of them. Morbid but not the same thing- people are being willfully ignorant to stomp their feet and spin a narrative", "pid": 474407547 }, { "sender": "BD8F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:00\n\n>>474407308 \nAnti woke hardly means anything. You can be center, liberal or even leftist and be anti woke. A lot of antiwoke \"rightwingers\" are gamergate tier faggots who never go beyond surface level events and topics. And like I said, youtube has eased up a bit but my guess is anyone who could actually be effective will either have their reach limited or will be flatout banned", "pid": 474407645 }, { "sender": "8A41-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:18\n\n>>474407308 \nNo platform except pol until recently under X would not instaban you for notching anything about disproportionate jewish influence and jew hatred of white people. Its still very difficult to find the Maria Farmer interview about Maxwell being a raging jew supremacist.", "pid": 474407716 }, { "sender": "E455-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:15\n\n>>474406818 \n>How do these people not realise, that going by their own logic, it is perfectly acceptable and justified for anyone to murder them, at any point in time? \nofcourse, they want everyone else to fight. Do you think this little manlet going to fight anybody, he can't fight his way out of a paperbag. \nBut he want to say. \n>conservatives in USA, and liberals in USA, go all kill eachother right now \nSo this little faggot can sit and post shit about them on twitter or other places when they kill eachother and laugh. \nWhat they fear is everyone ganging up on these rabble rousers instead is what exactly should happen obviously. \nThe ones who call to race hurt europeans, deal with them, the europeans call to race hurt non europeans (almost non existant, but deal with them), everyone in any direction can just get fucked. That this is not happening is what the problem is. \n>They literally agree, that if they were to be murdered for their opinions, it would be absolutely fine. \nyes he's fucking insane and this is these people who have brought everyone to this kind of situation where, yes, go kill trump and his supporters. and then someone says \n>yeah that's what i'm going to do. \nAnd now instead of saying, like biden rightfully said. \n>this is too far i condemn this in the strongest way \nhe doubles down tripples down and quadrouples down. on Yes do it more, and doing it is fine. \nTHEY ARE ONLINE RETARDS they don't expect themselves to be hurt, they barely get out except for food and groceries they sit in front of computer all the time. So they think this is not going to impact them personally. It's always someone else who is going to get hurt, that's how it functions in their mind. Well that's not true obviously. \nHe's already being threatened to be punched in the fucking nose for doing what he's doing. And it's like he forgot he was not trolling on 4chan where the USERS can't tell necessarily anything about where you are. But ofcourse fbi and interpol can, and so can the admins", "pid": 474407786 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A94C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:41\n\n>>474407537 \nOh it’s one of them. Absolutely hilarious. Double down please with your Daliban shit right into prison.", "pid": 474407811 }, { "sender": "60A4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:42\n\n>>474407537 \n>da jooz \nThat's the #1 rule on this board dumbass.", "pid": 474408161 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AC7F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:38\n\n>>474407811 \n>Oh it’s one of them \nNever watched Destiny before this because he's an obnoxious, self righteous fuck who just screams over everyone. \nIf he has said any actual extremist takes or or encouraged violent bullshit, I don't support that. But I do support calling you retards out for your traitorous intent to re elect a guy who will probably try to pull a Putin and make himself permanent leader if he becomes president once more. Again, I'm also calling you out for being such tough guys who will wish death on anyone you disagree with, but now that this funny looking little cuck says shit about the dude who died at the rally, suddenly you're oh so offended. \n \nAbsolutely pathetic. Go ahead, call me one of your buzzwords. That's all you have. You don't even have two braincells to rub together and form a coherent, non buzzword opinion.", "pid": 474408363 }, { "sender": "E116-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:03\n\n>>474401443 \nImagine even debating with guys weaker than you", "pid": 474408397 }, { "sender": "Anon-3820", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:08\n\n>>474402966 \nthe face of a cuck. disgusting.", "pid": 474408485 }, { "sender": "8C37-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:41\n\n>>474401443 \nIsn't saying that shit illegal?", "pid": 474408529 }, { "sender": "Anon-4BD6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:32:05\n\n>>474401443 \nHe's the gayer non roided version of tate.", "pid": 474408557 }, { "sender": "878B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:32:10\n\nYou guys are a bunch of seething cry baby pussies. Seriously, fuck you and trump. Destiny was right. Based destiny. Lol", "pid": 474408562 }, { "sender": "CA4C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:02\n\n>>474401548 \nLeftists are usually evil people who lack the physical power to do any actual harm. \nMeanwhile gym bros are usually right wing.", "pid": 474408620 }, { "sender": "14B4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:52\n\n>>474408620 \nYou sound like a dumb fuck faggot who has no real world experience in anything other than clacking away at yoyr crusty ass keyboard", "pid": 474408745 }, { "sender": "4D08-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:22\n\n>>474401443 \nOh no not a liberal streamer making fun of a white republican because he died. How could they do something like that, this is unprecedented!", "pid": 474408784 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-36FC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:32\n\nLeftist internet tough guys lol", "pid": 474408799 }, { "sender": "6CE5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:41\n\n>>474408745 \nI have yet to see a leftist being able to bench his own bodyweight, destiny.", "pid": 474408810 }, { "sender": "017F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:37:30\n\n>>474408562 \n>You guys are a bunch of seething cry baby pussies. Seriously, fuck you and trump. Destiny was right. Based destiny. Lol \n4chan is fake extremist jackass, how new are you, interpol and fbi laugh at them all the time. NOBODY ON 4CHAN IS A THREAT TO ANYBODY, they aren't even who they say they are, not from the country they are from, they are also completely harmless. Interpol and fbi laugh about them all the time. If there's a unicorn here where. \n>this guy is serious. He might actually do something, he's thinking about doing it. \nThey got all your shit integrated from the law enforcement side. \nHe's not going to be serious for long, knock on his fucking door. \nNow liberals using this gay shit as an excuse to go and say kill trump and his supporters, in livestreams, on facebook, on instragram, twitter etc. They're the ones who fucked up. \nThey using a fake thing as excuse to do a real thing. And their hallpass is ended with this assasination attempt. \nThey THINK they still going to be allowed to do it but they got another thing coming. \nAnd this \n>we'll do it as long as people on 4chan (who we don't know who the fuck are) are doing it. \nThen shut down 4chan and see if these liberal lunatics can keep their mouth shut too with the lame excuse for it gone away. If not go arrest them. \nLet's play that game! and anyone who want to do that in any direction, knock on your door. You not going to do that shit again. \nprepare to meet reality. \nAnd so little rabble rousers like you \n>you bunch of pussies why do you not want everyone to just go kill eachother. \nLittle manlet boy prepare to have your skull rocked instead. Everyone tired of people like you's shit, and you took it way too far. \nSo make sure when you do this in future, you stay in the fake gay place 4chan, don't be like cuckstiny and go on twitter and say it \nLOL", "pid": 474408922 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4DEC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:41\n\n>>474401443 \n> \nHe looks like he's of Spaniard descent with some African facial mix, a Cuban Jew is my guess.", "pid": 474409054 }, { "sender": "Anon-92D5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:49\n\n>>474408810 \n>>474408922 \nYou both are out of touch bitter assholes with no hope. You reek of it. Clowns.", "pid": 474409067 }, { "sender": "Reformed Stoic", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:08\n\n>>474402966 \nI want Melina so badly, Bros", "pid": 474409084 }, { "sender": "2BB1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:38\n\n>>474408363 \nEat shit you s0i soaked retard.", "pid": 474409131 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2B0F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:47\n\n>>474401443 \nKeyboard warrior \nNever been in a fight in his entire life", "pid": 474409143 }, { "sender": "8424-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:13\n\nIf you are able @ Governor Ron DeSanti and @Elon That Steve Bonnell clearly has violated (The Clear and present danger doctrine and needs to be arrested or De-platformed or detained \"for his own protection\" This will work if we make enough Nosie. \nSteve is a retard not knowing his glownigger handlers are only letting him do this as bait when some crazed combat vet beats the shit out him they'll turn it into The \"radical right\" is violent bullshit. Have him kicked off the internet instead so he can go back to cleaning carpets or even arrested. \n\nThe (\"clear and present danger\" doctrine )is a legal standard that comes from the Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States (1919). It essentially states that speech can be restricted if it is likely to incite imminent lawless action. The doctrine has been interpreted and refined over the years, but it is important to note that the First Amendment protection of free speech is a fundamental right in the United States.\n\nIn the scenario you mentioned, where someone insinuates the assassination of a presidential candidate, it would likely be considered as a serious threat and may fall outside the protection of the First Amendment. However, each case is unique and would need to be evaluated based on the specific circumstances, intent, and context of the speech.\n\nIf a person's speech is deemed to present a clear and present danger of inciting violence or harm to others, law enforcement authorities may investigate the situation and take appropriate legal action, which could potentially include arrest and imprisonment. The specifics of such a case would depend on the laws of the jurisdiction in which the incident occurred and the evidence gathered by law enforcement.\n\nIt's important to remember that the legal system is complex and nuanced, and any potential case involving threats or incitement to violence would need to be carefully assessed by legal professionals and authorities.", "pid": 474409176 }, { "sender": "D74B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:30\n\n>>474401443 \nNever seen anyone beat destiny in a debate, except metokur", "pid": 474409188 }, { "sender": "Anon-A0DA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:40\n\nWhy do I have to see 10 threads spamming this cuckold faggot every time I visit pol? I wish there was a rule that you aren't allowed to discuss people under 6'. This would eliminate 100% of these pointless eceleb advertising threads", "pid": 474409198 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2363", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:14\n\n>>474409131 \nShut the fuck up sub human, let us know when you become American and someone might take your opinion into any real account some day. \n>>474409176 \nLook at this wall of text just to say you’re a whiney little cry baby faggot. Boo hoo.", "pid": 474409232 }, { "sender": "Anon-500E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:47\n\n>>474409067 \n>You both are out of touch bitter assholes with no hope. You reek of it. Clowns. \nhey retard little keyboard warrior. I'm not pretending to be a neo nazi, i'm not pretending to want to kill niggers jews and immigrants. I'm not saying kill trump and his supporters either. \nSo cut your fucking bullshit out you little manchild. Cause if you go around saying it on twitter and facebook, instead of 'trolling le ebin nazis' on 4chan, and you go on twitter or on facebook or on tiktok and you say kill trump and his supporters cause of \n>omg they want to kill us they say it on 4chan. \nPrepare to get fucked retard. \nIt's you who is out of touch. How long you been trolling fake nazis on this website and using it as an excuse to hate on trump and his supporters is a better question. And you call me out of touch with reality? LOL \nYou stupid little clown.", "pid": 474409274 }, { "sender": "6169-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:56\n\n>>474409198 \nDestiny is the actual face of this board. Not faggot nazi larpers.", "pid": 474409283 }, { "sender": "BB7D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:44\n\n>>474409274 \nCan you stop talking? You sound like some brain crippled faggot with no hopes or goals to achieve. Who gives a single fuck my man?", "pid": 474409343 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B64", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:05\n\n>>474401443 \nwhere say that \"it's okay to kill and hurt trump and his supporters\"? are you stupid? can you even read?", "pid": 474409437 }, { "sender": "57EA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:07\n\nThis is my thread now. :)", "pid": 474409440 }, { "sender": "E218-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:34\n\n>>474409188 \nI saw Destiny lose some debates the other day by walking away while the other party were making their points, muting them, ignoring them, and then talking over them with his own wrong points \nDestiny is the most childish immature \"debater\" I've ever seen \nThe faggot was having an autistic meltdown mid-debate and needed to stim with a rhythm site to calm himself \nJust because he talks fast and ignores reason doesn't mean he's smart", "pid": 474409471 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD28", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:06\n\n>>474409283 \n>Destiny is the actual face of this board. Not faggot nazi larpers. \nofcourse because that's who 4channers is a bunch of trolls who get rise out of trolling european nationalists who are mostly themselves larping. It's the wet dream of a sociopathic troll that when you have something as big as say racial invasion of sweden or of france or germany or britain. Which is a very serious and nasty business. To troll the ones who are unhappy with this. It's like, this really pisses people off if you say that's a good thing. \nNow he's doing it the same way with trump and his supporters. \n>lol i trolling you it's good that guy died, fuck him and fuck donald trump, do it more, it's fine to do it. \nCuckstiny forgot he wasn't on 4chan. he should have stayed here.. Don't say shit like that with verified identity where all the users know who you are and can also find out where you live. It's SO DUMB SO SO DUMB. play stupid games win stupid prizes. \n>why don't conservatives and liberals in USA go kill eachother \nand he think he safe of not being smacked in the nose walking around somewhere in USA at some point in future? LOL fuck around and find out. \n>you want us to kill eachother you manlet little turbo faggot? HERES MY FIST IN YOUR FACE INSTEAD. \n>waah i am the victims of violence boohooo \nhe'll talk less shit after that.", "pid": 474409509 }, { "sender": "F667-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:39\n\n>>474409343 \n>Can you stop talking? You sound like some brain crippled faggot with no hopes or goals to achieve. Who gives a single fuck my man? \nwhy don't you and daliban go fuck yourself you little lunatic sociopaths, you no longer going to be safe doing this shit.", "pid": 474409555 }, { "sender": "Anon-6E17", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:00\n\n>>474409437 \nNo they can’t read, they live in a pretend fantasy land where this site has all the credible information they need to navigate this rough ol world. Bunch of literal dumb fuck retardo is what they are, lol \n>>474409509 \nNice wall of text you sexless fucking dipshit. Didn’t read.", "pid": 474409579 }, { "sender": "Anon-4AD7", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:00\n\n>>474402966 \nSheeeiiiittt... Dat Nigga's ah skin dockter \nBe checking out de bitches skin n sheiiit.", "pid": 474409656 }, { "sender": "Anon-9CAC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:12\n\n>>474409555 \nGunna cry about mr hard 4chan man?! Are you going to get red faced behind your computer and mewl at me like a fucking infant? Of course you are! It’s your only skill and or hobby is you be a whining bitter littler fuck up who bitches on pol all day. Lol", "pid": 474409670 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-997E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:48\n\n>>474409440 \n>This is my thread now. :) \nwhat you want to talk about cuckstiny daliban? how you might be in court soon, and might go to jail? \n:) \n:) \n:) \n:)", "pid": 474409722 }, { "sender": "EC42-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:17\n\ndestiny has more balls than all of /pol/ combined", "pid": 474409762 }, { "sender": "9283-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:06\n\n>>474409670 \n>Gunna cry about mr hard 4chan man?! \ni'm here to shit on this fucking place you retard. I'm not mr. 4chan man. Imagine using this fake 4chan bullshit site as excuse to go hurt american conservatives and donald trump in real life. \nYou got no idea how much you fucked up. \n>Gunna cry about mr hard 4chan man?! \nYou going to cry you little daliban shit. You don't realize what you did is totally illegal and you might go to jail to get rammed in the ass by tyrone? LOL", "pid": 474409815 }, { "sender": "266A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:17\n\n>>474401443 \nNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO \nOTHERS CAN'T BE EDGY \nONLY WE BASED PEPE SAVIORS OF THE WHITE RACE CAN BE EDGY", "pid": 474409826 }, { "sender": "377D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:32\n\n>>474409722 \n>“Bbbut dddddestiny said twump was bad and dat gets me soooo mad because trump is muh daddy” \nLol you even suck at finding legitimate shit to hate \n>>474409762 \nTrue statement and he has more fucking money than 99% of you as well and I don’t even like the little dweeb.", "pid": 474409850 }, { "sender": "9D06-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:36\n\n>>474409762 \n>destiny has more balls than all of /pol/ combined \nofcourse because 4chan is fake, and cuckstiny is a raving lunatic who actually means it. \nBut he doesn't have balls, he has tiny little peas and he's a tiny little manlet who can't fight his way out of a paper bag, and is writing checks his body can't cash now for 48 hours straight. \nIt's going to be one of the first times he's going to see actual consequences for his actions. \n>i only wanted all conservatives and liberals in USA to kill eachother so i can laugh about it on twitter when they do. \n>please don't punch me in my face, that's against da rulez \nLOL", "pid": 474409938 }, { "sender": "Anon-27BF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:41\n\nHow can these people even morally grandstand on the january 6th shit when they now think they can celebrate death and assassinations with impunity? Is there even a way to mend the divide between parties at this stage or is the only \"\"\"legal and political\"\"\" solution to rule over the other side with an iron fist to surpress them?", "pid": 474409942 }, { "sender": "20BE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:51\n\n>>474409815 \n>still having an erp pol erp with himself \n \nWho are you talking to because I’m not really paying attention to whatever dumbed assed flake shit that’s spewing from your grubbing fail son hands.", "pid": 474409958 }, { "sender": "Anon-5CFF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:21\n\n>>474409850 \nI hate him too but he's obviously much braver than the nazi death squad larpers who post here", "pid": 474410000 }, { "sender": "8130-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:22\n\n>>474409942 \nShut the fuck up, you sound like a cry baby faggot.", "pid": 474410001 }, { "sender": "B572-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:47\n\n>>474409850 \n>True statement and he has more fucking money than 99% of you as well and I don’t even like the little dweeb. \nyou a daliban little retard, cuckstiny himself might even be here LOL", "pid": 474410040 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A5C7", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:36\n\n>>474407537 \nPost nose.", "pid": 474410149 }, { "sender": "Anon-ED57", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:36\n\n>>474409958 \n>Who are you talking to because I’m not really paying attention to whatever dumbed assed flake shit that’s spewing from your grubbing fail son hands. \nhey mr. daliban daliban banana \n>hmmhmhmmmmmmhmm \ntough guy little internet terrorists lol. Did you forget real life exists?", "pid": 474410150 }, { "sender": "D644-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:46\n\n>>474410001 \nYou sound like a 12 year old. Contrary to your believe you will have to live with the people on the opposite of the spectrum and apparently celebrating death, harm and prosecution over them is your edgy teenager dream.", "pid": 474410168 }, { "sender": "EBF0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:48\n\n>>474401443 \nBased. It is absolutely fine to mock dead Trump supporters. \nYou fuckers made fun of Pelosi getting almost killed with a fucking hammer. Now you whine. Lmao. \nTrumpists are the biggest pussies on earth.", "pid": 474410171 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-83DC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:59\n\n>>474410000 \nMr bonnel makes them mad because he does what they can't, daily. \n \nI’d be bitter too any anyone doing that much better than me while I was some faceless do nothing neet who never applied themselves for shit. \n>>474410040 \nDo you need a fucking tampon for your bleeding pussy? Goddamn, shut your cocksucker when the men are talking. lol", "pid": 474410187 }, { "sender": "953A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:08\n\nLeft being evil is the new angle this rightods idiots are trying play. \nYo rightwing idiots do you agree all different all equal?", "pid": 474410201 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B6E2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:33\n\nI'm tired of seeing drama gnome's face everywhere. The cuck one, not keemstar.", "pid": 474410233 }, { "sender": "Anon-79BE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:00\n\n>>474402374 \n>bitches about how rich don't pay enough taxes, failing kids in school are underfunded and that's why they fail, \"American public transport is a joke and it's embarassing\" \n>anyways Im moving to Florida because everyone in Cali is fake unlike me, oh and no income tax \n>raise taxes just not for me \n>I get mad Mel can't find partners as quick as I can which is our agreement for hooking up with others so we're always both so sexually frustrated \nLol so why not have sex with each other Destiny? Oh wait that's right because you were a cuck living a facade life fucking your fat cult girls while Mel wouldn't give you any. \n>Anyways Charlie from Charisma on Command I USED to blatantly lie to my opponents to win and it exposed how little they know their own arguments. Oh I don't do that anympre btw \n>anyways, I cucked that Swedish dude and Mel came to the states with me, totally wasn't green card relationship btw, she likes me \n>yeah Im so concerned about my kid I see once a month at most that I abandoned to go do meth in Cali and play video games \n>im not gay, I get pussy regularly, i just like sucking dick and...some other stuff. That doesn't make me gay (damn I could sell water to a drowning man) \nSo principled. As principled and virtuous of a buddhist monk.", "pid": 474410277 }, { "sender": "CF40-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:01\n\n>>474410168 \nWho gives a fuck aside from mouth breather retards like you though? It’s not even real and you are just some triggered little bitch seething on 4chan. You’re embarrassing yourself.", "pid": 474410279 }, { "sender": "84E8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:05\n\n>Get his dox via search engine \n>Compile his insane, illegal tweets with citations \n>Send to every right-wing news outlet so they slander him by name \n>Send to internet providers, payment processors and third party revenue sites, demanding he is denied access to their services for advocating terrorism against a presidential nominee \n>Keep re-tweeting the on-going shitstorm to Musk to get him banned from x \n>Mock him for being a manlet and a cuckold \nIt really is that simple", "pid": 474410285 }, { "sender": "DBB6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:07\n\n>>474410285 \n>pedophile trying and failing to fuck with someone who makes 20 times the amount of income as them \nLol", "pid": 474410365 }, { "sender": "Anon-E135", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:48\n\n>>474410000 \n>I hate him too but he's obviously much braver than the nazi death squad larpers who post here \nofcourse because they're all fake. He's a lunatic retard who ACTUALLY wants to see maga republicans and donald trump dead, and he's totally serious. I mean he's said it several times last 48 hours that he's totally serious. SO just like in case people think it's a joke he does it, he doubles down, tripples down and quadrouples down. He going for penta too? LOL wait and see, is going to be 72 hour marathon of career suicide as a 'tolerant nice liberal blue haired man and totally not an unhinged sociopath'? I guess we'll find out.", "pid": 474410487 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5756", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:08\n\nSomeone start photoshopping destiny’s face onto that “iconic” trump raising a fist image and spam it in the trump general for the next three months.\n\nIt’s premo bait, kiddies.", "pid": 474410509 }, { "sender": "ADB3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:35\n\nhas there ever been a time where \"you won't do shit\" was more appropriate?", "pid": 474410545 }, { "sender": "0086-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:38\n\n>>474410187 \n>Do you need a fucking tampon for your bleeding pussy? Goddamn, shut your cocksucker when the men are talking. lol \nyes cuckstiny is a real man. He's not a total midget dwarf lunatic sociopath, who wife left him eventhough she was allowed to fuck other men. \nWHAT A MAN. i better shut up, the dalitards are speaking.", "pid": 474410550 }, { "sender": "25A2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:55\n\n>>474402926 \nIf I were him I'd kms. Jesus.", "pid": 474410572 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-23CE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:33\n\n>>474410487 \nYou sound like a faggot who is crying over a pretend problem that’s not real because you need anything in your life to get behind \n>>474410550 \n>no money faggot seething at some other faggot with both money and pussy \nlol, ok kid", "pid": 474410614 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-459E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:35\n\n>>474410365 \n>>pedophile trying and failing to fuck with someone who makes 20 times the amount of income as them \n>Lol \nmr. daliban, cuckstiny not going to make a lot of money anymore after this LOL \nalso speaking of pedophile (which are disgusting ofcourse), pretty sure cuckstiny has such kinks.", "pid": 474410618 }, { "sender": "D7EB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:21\n\n>>474410618 \nI’m not your boyfriend, faggot. Find someone else’s pant leg to tug on. Lol", "pid": 474410686 }, { "sender": "29DF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:27\n\n>>474410550 \nbut how do you feel knowing that the dwarf lunatic sociopath cuck is actually much braver than you?", "pid": 474410691 }, { "sender": "B596-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:45\n\n>>474410686 \nYou mad?", "pid": 474410706 }, { "sender": "Anon-528D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:51\n\n>>474410614 \n>>no money faggot seething at some other faggot with both money and pussy \n>lol, ok kid \nis it cuckstiny himself or just a daliban? LOL i'm actually confused which one it is at this point. \nDo we have the honor of talking to cuckstiny himself, the dwarf manlet sociopath retard who's career is ending soon cause he decided to kill it himself in front of everybody? LOL", "pid": 474410714 }, { "sender": "812B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:27\n\n>>474410691 \n>but how do you feel knowing that the dwarf lunatic sociopath cuck is actually much braver than you? \nif braver is wanting everyone to go kill eachother, i have no problem with that. \nWhy do you insult me with a compliment you stupid daliban lunatic? LOL", "pid": 474410769 }, { "sender": "3BF8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:36\n\n>>474410691 \nAnd he owns more fire arms than anyone bitching about him here, And destiny fires those weapons at the range because he had the money to buy those guns and time at the range…", "pid": 474410777 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2967", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:08\n\n>>474410714 \nThat’s a lot of word salad just for you to say “I’m a huge insecure faggot” \nLol", "pid": 474410815 }, { "sender": "Anon-B772", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:51\n\n>>474410769 \nYou are what happens when you don’t apply yourself in schooling fyi", "pid": 474410867 }, { "sender": "FE9A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:36\n\n>>474410867 \nHave you ever given money to Destiny on a stream?", "pid": 474410927 }, { "sender": "DA81-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:27\n\n>>474410927 \nNot a bit, imagine watching some fucking streamer… Ahahahaha", "pid": 474410986 }, { "sender": "4E4A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:33\n\n>>474410986 \nYou seem to know a lot about him for not watching him", "pid": 474411072 }, { "sender": "45D4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:32\n\n>>474411072 \nyou wrote several lines with many details about destiny and his streams \nbut you don't watch him?", "pid": 474411140 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:49\n\n>>474407069 \n>it’s terrified", "pid": 474411162 }, { "sender": "17A3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:53\n\nseriously why won't anyone here man up and just confront destiny? it's pathetic.", "pid": 474411237 }, { "sender": "5F56-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:54\n\n>>474411140 \nI do occasionally meme flag and never said I didn't \nSo why is totally not (You) anon lying about it?", "pid": 474411239 }, { "sender": "Anon-BFD7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:01\n\n>>474411072 \nBecause I can gloss over a thread and his general information here? Sure sure, I also know a bunch about chrischan too despite my never watching any of the media attached to their weird ass. Am I christorian now too? \n>>474411162 \nYou sound like a poof, m8", "pid": 474411244 }, { "sender": "B0FB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:04\n\n>>474411072 \n>You seem to know a lot about him for not watching him \nthis guy is either a daliban or cuckstiny himself i'm not even joking. Not surprising he's original 4channer himself. And he's been posted here during his entire meltdown. \n>>474410815 \n>That’s a lot of word salad just for you to say “I’m a huge insecure faggot” \n>Lol \nSaid the insecure faggot. \nI'm doing great watching this lunatic ruin his own career by saying conservatives and liberals should go kill eachother in real life no joke and for real. \nAnd i'm laughing cause you use fake nazis deathsquads on 4chan as excuse to ruin your own career. You live so much on internet you got it confused with real life.", "pid": 474411251 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-67EA", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:10\n\nInstead of jerking each-other off, post links to the illegal shit he said.", "pid": 474411338 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2851", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:14\n\n>>474411251 \nAgain, who gives an actual fuck about what you’re talking about aside from you? No one asked to know what YOU think you presumptuous fucking dipshit, lol", "pid": 474411342 }, { "sender": "5179-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:15\n\n>>474411251 \nLol imagine if this was actually Destiny right now \n>I don't have to watch anon because...well I just don't ok! Let's just leave it at that OK", "pid": 474411345 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1BF8", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:51\n\n>>474411237 \nHe spergs out and walks away from the PC when he starts losing debates, you can't reason with childish behavior such as that", "pid": 474411386 }, { "sender": "317F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:13\n\n>>474411342 \nWait anon, you have a Miami IP", "pid": 474411409 }, { "sender": "Anon-8215", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:25\n\n>>474411338 \nFuck off pedophile and take your brain dead lolicon pandering whore with you. Be glad someone doesn’t throw a fucking brick at your head point blank", "pid": 474411428 }, { "sender": "149C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:44\n\n>>474411409 \nNo fucking way", "pid": 474411455 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:50\n\n>>474411244 \n>p-please don’t murder us \nGrow the fuck up \nYou want to be murdered \nYour words speak for themselves", "pid": 474411459 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9EEC", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:07\n\n>>474411409 \n>>474411455 \nlol, samefaggo", "pid": 474411474 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7521", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:19\n\nabsolutely fucking hilarious that pol (of all places on the internet) complains and cries about a guy stating he doesnt give a fuck about the well being of republicans and trump supporters. he hurt your fee-fees and now you're all sad and seething ;( \n\nmaybe the next thread about killing jews, faggots, troons and niggers will cheer you up a bit and help ypu deal with destiny's violent rhetoric?", "pid": 474411487 }, { "sender": "F3BB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:27\n\nGod a lot of beta seething itt \nI wouldn't want 1 iota of destiny's life or self. \nManlet, unhinged, cuckold, drug addict, gay, midwit. \n>But muh 6 figures \nI don't want 1$ of them if i have to do what he does to get it. \nDestiny's life is what hell is, when looked at from the outside by someone of my constitution and character. \nThe only reason i don't feel awfully bad for him, is because of how rude and mean he is.", "pid": 474411500 }, { "sender": "Anon-D637", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:04\n\n>>474411474 \nI wasnt trying to hide it Destiny. Just linking to first post", "pid": 474411539 }, { "sender": "05BD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:15\n\n>>474411459 \nGo back to complaining about the nhs, the real men from the real country are speaking now. When we want some tea or curry well Pat you on the head and ring the bell so you can come out In your fancy little suit with our platters of food.", "pid": 474411550 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0B38", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:56\n\n>>474411539 \nAre you trying to say me, mr bonnel has money?", "pid": 474411591 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0BC4", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:17\n\n>>474409440 \n>This is my thread now. :) \nit is a thread about cuckstiny, are you him? Because you sure fucking talk just like him. Either that or a daliban that's pretty obvious. \nCome on you might aswell admit it at this point. What do you have to lose. You burned your entire career at this point. Might aswell go back to 4chan where you came out from.", "pid": 474411612 }, { "sender": "Anon-0F92", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:37\n\n>>474411591 \nNot for a VPN apparently", "pid": 474411634 }, { "sender": "Anon-E128", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:44\n\n>>474401443 \nAnd I say fuck (((democracy))).", "pid": 474411641 }, { "sender": "D14C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:07\n\n>>474411612 \n>triggered into replying to stuff that was said 50 posts ago \nCan you say…brain broken?", "pid": 474411675 }, { "sender": "Anon-8789", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:08\n\n>I am going to make fun of you on twitter the next day! \nAnd these are the people that think they will win a civil war?", "pid": 474411679 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6540", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:55\n\n>>474411634 \nI have that! I’m using it right now. Hey it’s me destiny and you should photoshop my head onto trumps", "pid": 474411754 }, { "sender": "E4ED-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:12\n\n>>474401443 \nWhat a strange angry little man.", "pid": 474411771 }, { "sender": "9F01-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:21\n\n>>474401443 \nbuy and add nigger \nuse the herbs niggers", "pid": 474411783 }, { "sender": "9090-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:00\n\n>>474403932 \nhes seething and coping that he didnt get his webm and will now have to take it up the ass for the rest of his short and pathetic existence, politically speaking. he knows its over", "pid": 474411814 }, { "sender": "Anon-B748", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:07\n\n>>474411771 \nYou mean a based and redpilled alpha male? Yeah he is compared to most of you.", "pid": 474411822 }, { "sender": "18CB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:56\n\n>>474411675 \n>Can you say…brain broken? \ni post that because the way you talk it makes it more and more likely the more you say that you are actually the cuckstiny himself. Welcome back home to the shithole 4chan which you spawned from, that i'm only here to shit on for the fakeness it is. \nYou also at 30 fucking posts already and you just barely got here. And all of them sounds exactly like cuckstiny or one of his dalibans. Well done with the larp if you aren't LOL", "pid": 474411885 }, { "sender": "Anon-2254", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:03\n\n>>474401548 \nnah, just run of the mill faggot retard", "pid": 474411894 }, { "sender": "Anon-F7EC", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:25\n\n>>474401443 \n>trying to push incredibly hard against musk's free such ideology \ncommies trying to talmudify everywhere \nRULE OF LAW \n>RULE OF LAW \nRULE OF LAW \n>RULE OF LAW \nRULE OF LAW \n>RULE OF LAW", "pid": 474411916 }, { "sender": "1D53-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:33\n\nAll due respect to the manlets, but I don't trust them.\nIf there's one here reading this, I'm sorry, but my experience in different cultures has shown me that manlets are very susceptible to an inferiority complex that makes them intolerable in many ways.\nIronically, the only manlet who \"improved\" that I knew was one who became a faggot for lack of choice. Overnight, he finally found someone (a guy) who loved him and I think that was enough for him to settle down and stop trying to compensate for his lack of size with an exaggerated personality.\nWhat Destiny is doing is just Manlet's natural behaviour. The solution: he should become a faggot and start sucking cocks, I kid you not. He'll stop being so bitter and unpleasant immediately when he no longer feels the pressure of not being taken seriously by women.", "pid": 474411923 }, { "sender": "Anon-8979", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:50\n\n>>474411814 \nYou mean he’s seething and coping that he was able to pay off a house before the age of 26? Because that’s what it looks like here, lol \n>>474411885 \n>more wall of text attempts \n>>474411894 \nI think you mean “man who has more money, power, and guns than me”", "pid": 474411948 }, { "sender": "9092-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:44\n\n>>474410277 \n>>474411948 \nYour response Destiny?", "pid": 474412012 }, { "sender": "Anon-FA82", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:45\n\n>>474411923 \nYou aren’t even from a country rich enough to take your opinion on anything into any serious account. Go pick us some bananas and stay in your lane", "pid": 474412017 }, { "sender": "5041-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:32\n\n>>474412012 \nMy response is that the wall of text I didn’t read didn’t catch me the first time so why would it now? Lol", "pid": 474412072 }, { "sender": "EAC9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:36\n\n>>474411822 \n>Letting your wife fuck niggers is le BASED and REDPILLED am I right fellow alpha 4channelers?", "pid": 474412078 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-688B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:03\n\n>>474412078 \nYeah but where’s your wife?! OH THATS RIGHT", "pid": 474412111 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2430", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:22\n\n>>474412072 \nToo close to home?", "pid": 474412140 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4963", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:33\n\n>>474409054 \n>African facial mix \nwtf are you talking about you fucking retard? also he's clearly anglo and not Spanish", "pid": 474412152 }, { "sender": "Anon-2DF7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:44\n\n>>474412072 \n>If I ignore the arguments they can't hurt me \nThis is your mindset \nPathetic", "pid": 474412167 }, { "sender": "F7BE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:57\n\n>>474412140 \nNah, I just don’t read shooter manifestos", "pid": 474412182 }, { "sender": "742F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:23\n\n>>474412111 \nWhere's yours? On Aba's cock? \n>It's Mel time, it's Mel time", "pid": 474412220 }, { "sender": "Anon-C341", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:25\n\n>>474401692 \nHe's grooming himself to be the next shoooter", "pid": 474412223 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E267", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:28\n\n>>474412167 \nSee: >>474412182", "pid": 474412226 }, { "sender": "Anon-A1F3", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:42\n\n>>474411923 \nHe has a jewish boyfriend.", "pid": 474412243 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1D29", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:00\n\n>>474412220 \nI’m sorry I’m happily married and you’re trying to pretend I’m this little guy you don’t like. Ahahahahahaha", "pid": 474412268 }, { "sender": "Anon-D348", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:12\n\n>>474411500 \n>>But muh 6 figures \n \nDoesn't he have to give half of it to his ex-wife, or was he smart enough to get a prenup?", "pid": 474412286 }, { "sender": "54AD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:23\n\n>>474411923 \n>All due respect to the manlets \nSHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH", "pid": 474412301 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B815", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:32\n\n>>474412268 \n", "pid": 474412308 }, { "sender": "AA0C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:41\n\n>>474412111 \nShe's still asleep because it's 7am here and she's a stay at home mother, you seething, coping, nigger-worshiping 40pbtid cuckold.", "pid": 474412319 }, { "sender": "2EBF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:49\n\n>>474412286 \nThey’re still married dumb ass. Nice of you to take the bait", "pid": 474412333 }, { "sender": "9E38-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:54\n\n>>474411948 \n>>more wall of text attempts \nno, 2 lines. \n>>triggered into replying to stuff that was said >50 posts ago \n>Can you say…brain broken? \ni post that because the way you talk it makes it more and more likely the more you say that you are actually the cuckstiny himself. Welcome back home to the shithole 4chan which you spawned from, that i'm only here to shit on for the fakeness it is. \nALSO; \nYou also at 30 fucking posts already and you just barely got here. And all of them sounds exactly like cuckstiny or one of his dalibans. Well done with the larp if you aren't LOL \nCLICK THIS FUCKERS ID, he already have extremely soon more replies than me and i'm OP replying to people here through the thread. Look how he talks, he talk exactly like cuckstiny/daliban. \nAnd it's all about how cuckstiny is a real man, he is brave and he has more money than everybody here. \nLOL \n>34 posts by this id. \nYou almost there, keep going cuckstiny, keep going in your manlet rage. Then go on twitter afterwards and continue the meltdown. \nProbably when i click post you got more replies than me. \n>>474409440 \n>This is my thread now. :) \nwell it is about cuckstiny, so if you are he, the shoe fits.", "pid": 474412339 }, { "sender": "E8A1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:23\n\n>>474412308 \nI ain’t clicking that dork shit, the fuck you think I am, one of you? Ahahahaha", "pid": 474412383 }, { "sender": "Anon-05A8", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:54\n\n>>474412339 \n>responds with a wall of text", "pid": 474412429 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-39A8", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:15\n\n>>474412383 \n>I'm happily married \nHow long after she got her green card did she leave?", "pid": 474412464 }, { "sender": "7990-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:24\n\n>>474401692 \nHe must be arrested", "pid": 474412476 }, { "sender": "E12E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:52\n\n>>474411338 \n In the scenario you mentioned, where someone insinuates the assassination of a presidential candidate, it would likely be considered as a serious threat and may fall outside the protection of the First Amendment. However, each case is unique and would need to be evaluated based on the specific circumstances, intent, and context of the speech.", "pid": 474412511 }, { "sender": "Anon-582C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:54\n\n>>474403932 \nBecause these people watch their income dwindle in real time on their social media dashboards and decide the only way to revert course it to become more retarded and more obnoxious to try to make return.", "pid": 474412518 }, { "sender": "Anon-F5EE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:25\n\n>>474412333 \nWhy the fuck would I know that? \n \n>41 posts by this ID \nlol. Get a fucking life.", "pid": 474412552 }, { "sender": "730A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:00\n\n>>474412518 \nDestiny makes $500,000 a year from his streams", "pid": 474412597 }, { "sender": "Anon-25A2", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:04\n\nI unironically respect this guy way more than I did before, just because he's willing to openly call for violence under his irl persona. Amazing how an libtard literal cuck who let a nigger fuck his wife has bigger balls than all the 2A mutts.", "pid": 474412602 }, { "sender": "3B9E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:05\n\n>>474412333", "pid": 474412603 }, { "sender": "5909-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:06\n\n>>474401443 \nAre we really surprised? This is the same guy who confessed on camera to once planning the murder of a child and his family, even going so far as to map out routes to his house. \n \nWhy are we trying to browbeat a guiltless sociopath into caring about his political enemies? People like this are best cut off and completely ignored, you'd have better luck getting a brick wall to feel affective empathy.", "pid": 474412604 }, { "sender": "5D05-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:07\n\n>>474412464 \nSome day if you ever get off of this site you might lead a real life one day, maybe meet a girl too. Who knows. The world is wild outside of your neet cave lil buckeroo. \n>>474412552 \nYou first neet boy. lol", "pid": 474412605 }, { "sender": "Anon-DAFF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:16\n\nViolation of the clear and present danger doctrine\nGet fucked Steve", "pid": 474412618 }, { "sender": "9CE1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:44\n\n>>474407069 \nPeople literally said how everyone would be happy if they shot at biden immediately after the Trump thing. \nYou already proved that there are no wrong strategies, only wrong targets. Fuck off, retard.", "pid": 474412651 }, { "sender": "52C4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:56\n\n>>474411923 \n>he should become a faggot and start sucking cocks \nHe 100% is. \nSome people are just that narcissistic. And his stim-induced mania doesn't help.", "pid": 474412668 }, { "sender": "3A3B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:56\n\n>>474412603 \n>”nnnoooo that’s not true destiny can’t be happy or I will go in a mass shooting reeeee” \nlol", "pid": 474412669 }, { "sender": "314F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:16\n\n>>474412333 \n>They’re still married dumb ass. Nice of you to take the bait \noh so they didn't get divorce. You seem to know an aweful lot about cuckstiny. I like how he went all way to sweden to find some whore swedish trophy wife just to piss off some fake nazi trolls on 4chan. This retard truly lives in fantasy world. And then the only way to keep her is let her fuck other guys and wear her down like a fucking antibiotic resistant staff infection. LOL and then she still run away with another guy, which you say was just temporarily. OKAY cuckstiny you such a fucking man, you such a real man a man where dildos fall out of his bag by accident. \nYou can teach everybody \n>this is how you going to be a real man, it's cuckstiny. This is how being a man is done.' \nWhy you not become some 'manosphere' expert? LOL", "pid": 474412694 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-65E2", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:48\n\n>>474412668 \nHe gets more pussy than you in one year than you have your entire like you unfuckable horse face Brit. Lol", "pid": 474412730 }, { "sender": "Anon-0D96", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:06\n\n>>474412669", "pid": 474412748 }, { "sender": "Anon-B214", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:25\n\n>>474412597 \nAnd you think he doesn't start sweating when it starts trending downwards however slowly? \nIn traditional careers, your wage goes up as you become older, but these influencer faggots have to watch themselves fade into obscurity and their cash cow with it.", "pid": 474412779 }, { "sender": "A25B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:32\n\nCatalog everything so when Trump is president he will use the (clear and present danger doctrine) to de-platform or detain people like this destiny Fanboy faggot", "pid": 474412792 }, { "sender": "3B22-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:47\n\n>>474412694 \nGet got, dumbass. This is why you get no pussy and have no real friends \n>>474412748 \n>coping stock reaction image because words fail you \nlol", "pid": 474412803 }, { "sender": "69EE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:05\n\n>>474412669 \n>>”nnnoooo that’s not true destiny can’t be happy or I will go in a mass shooting reeeee” \n>lol \nthere's no mass shooters here retard, it's all fake bullshit. How many times do someone need to tell your cuckstiny ass. Interpol and fbi know who everyone is and they all laugh at them cause they're frauds and larpers who will do PRECISELY NOTHING to extent they claim they going to, and never was any threat to anybody. \nUnlike cuckstiny faggots who trying to get conservatives and libertarians to kill eachother which is a big problem. Also might land cuckstiny in jail. Then you can get railed by tyrone instead i bet you love that.", "pid": 474412825 }, { "sender": "0B61-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:17\n\n>>474412730 \nAnd dick", "pid": 474412833 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8ECD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:18\n\n>>474412792 \nShut the fuck up you whiny little faggot. Man up.", "pid": 474412834 }, { "sender": "B305-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:27\n\n>>474412669 \n>44 posts all white knighting for a literal cuckold \n \nlol. lmao.", "pid": 474412845 }, { "sender": "5C93-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:31\n\n>>474412730", "pid": 474412852 }, { "sender": "C7CF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:04\n\nThe clear and present danger doctrine. Have fun with the booty bandit Steve", "pid": 474412888 }, { "sender": "7D55-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:19\n\n>>474411822 \nWhat a strange sad little comment.", "pid": 474412908 }, { "sender": "Anon-5DE9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:33\n\n>>474412803", "pid": 474412925 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9294", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:41\n\n>>474412803 \n>Get got, dumbass. This is why you get no pussy and have no real friends \nwhat do you know about it nothing, you just go here make people up, you make up fake nazis and everything else. It's a bunch of larping troll retards. \nAnd your cuckstiny ass fucked up cause you call for assasination of trump and maga supporters on your fucking LIVESTREAM DIPSHIT and then instead of saying \n>i fucked up i got pissed off at conservatives i took it too far \nyou double down, tripple down, and quadrouple down. \nAnd now you here on 4chan taking a 'break' from your twitter meltdown. Which you'll get back to soon enough.", "pid": 474412932 }, { "sender": "Anon-F9B6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:59\n\n>>474412833 \nWho am I to judge?! \n>>474412825 \n>more shit I don’t care about \nlol \n>>474412845 \n>>474412852 \nThis is my thread now :) \n>>474412908 \nStop fucking cry and pull your soppy tampon out of your bleeding pussy already. Gawd.", "pid": 474412951 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:03\n\n>>474411550 \nI dont use the NHS. I’m immune to sickness/disease, in fact. And I’ve yet to sustain any injury that I haven’t been able heal myself. \n>’merica \nAmerica is literally a ginormous playground created by the Vanderbilt family, among a few others. You live in Babylon. You are a spawn of Babylon. \nWhilst I’m sipping tea \nI’m safe in the knowledge that \nThe ancient terrors who created your corporation in the first place \nAre sitting in London, sipping tea also", "pid": 474412957 }, { "sender": "Anon-A6D6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:34\n\n>>474401443 \nbuy an ad", "pid": 474412988 }, { "sender": "B42A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:43\n\n>>474412951 \n>This is my thread now :) \nit's about you cuckstiny, so glad you could join us. I'll be watching you on twitter in some hours when you continue your meltdown.", "pid": 474412998 }, { "sender": "F861-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:46\n\n>>474412792 \n>Land of the Free, don’t step on snake! \n>No actually we need to turn into a Fascist bootlicking state \nWhy are republicans like this?", "pid": 474413001 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-90D9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:48\n\n>>474412017 \nI'm sorry if I offended you, because I feel tremendous empathy when it comes to this kind of injustice, but unfortunately being very short fucks with men's heads, which is easily observable. \nI think it's due to the fact that all people, or sometimes even children, look down on you. I can only imagine the hell a manlet life is when all normal conversation, even with girls, is from an ant's point of view. \n \n>>474412243 \nOh, so there's no cure.", "pid": 474413003 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6EB6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:50\n\n>>474410572 \nHe's going to. If I had to put money on it I would say that 1 year from today Destiny will have an heroed", "pid": 474413007 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6D94", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:33:10\n\n>>474412951 \nWhat a strange gay little tantrum.", "pid": 474413021 }, { "sender": "Anon-5258", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:33:42\n\n>>474412951", "pid": 474413054 }, { "sender": "Anon-8743", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:33:51\n\n>>474412932 \n>now he’s projecting his enemies onto literal strangers on the internet \nLol yeah man, you seem very uh…stable \n>>474412957 \nU wat m8? \n>>474413003 \nYou know if you got some pussy then you wouldn’t be this focused on all this cringe horse shit right?", "pid": 474413065 }, { "sender": "9848-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:07\n\n>>474412951 \n \nRedpill Alphas suck dick Destiny? \nCope", "pid": 474413079 }, { "sender": "1041-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:18\n\n>>474402996 \nbecause it doesn't matter you dumb mutt", "pid": 474413097 }, { "sender": "Anon-729A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:33\n\nI hope this helps /pol/ realize that destiny is actually untouchable.", "pid": 474413117 }, { "sender": "9827-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:13\n\n>>474413007", "pid": 474413172 }, { "sender": "Anon-EC09", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:14\n\n>>474413079 \nBitch nigga, I am not clicking some cringe ass YouTube link from this thread. You have to be fucking stupid if you think I’m going to consume this mouth breather garbage. \n \nLook at what it’s done to you fuck ups?!", "pid": 474413173 }, { "sender": "AE47-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:27\n\n>>474412998 \nHe really is Destiny, isn't he? I can't imagine anyone simping so hard for this guy, it has to be him.", "pid": 474413192 }, { "sender": "Anon-1B2C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:27\n\n>>474401443 \nHé is gonna suicide himself soon", "pid": 474413194 }, { "sender": "CEC4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:35\n\n>>474413117 \nIdk anon he looks pretty feeble to me but I don’t live in Florida.", "pid": 474413204 }, { "sender": "F664-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:44\n\n>>474413097 \nYour answer is why you’re so poor and unlikeable", "pid": 474413215 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD36", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:15\n\n>>474412605 \n>Some day if you ever get off of this site you might lead a real life one day \n>46 post \nDid you just deny the CIA narrative my dude?! \n>>474412845 \nWe need to do some damage control.", "pid": 474413254 }, { "sender": "Anon-9FAD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:22\n\n>>474412951 \n>47 posts by this ID, in 1 hour. \n>all of it is destiny is realy man, destiny is famous, destiny is brave, destiny has more money than you and get laid more. \nLMAO cuckstiny. He's all warmed up from talking all that shit on twitter.", "pid": 474413260 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F0EA", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:27\n\n>>474402374 \nThe right is winning big while the left are having a full-blown meltdown. It's so bad even some hardcore xxx leftists are apologizing and groveling to future president Trump. It's literally joever.", "pid": 474413264 }, { "sender": "Anon-CCA0", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:32\n\n>>474413192 \nI am destiny and I have more money and cool things than you do and it’s because I was smart and you were lazy.", "pid": 474413270 }, { "sender": "3798-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:42\n\n>>474412730 \nYour parasocial hero will never give a damn about you, random grunt #1342. \nKeep doing it for free, lmao.", "pid": 474413281 }, { "sender": "Anon-E6C9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:02\n\n>>474413254 \nWhy are you posting pictures of yourself now?", "pid": 474413309 }, { "sender": "F4C3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:21\n\n>>474413192 \n>He really is Destiny, isn't he? I can't imagine anyone simping so hard for this guy, it has to be him. \ni thought at first it was a daliban, but the more he talks the more it's likely he's cuckstiny cause he talks just the same. It's either a super super good larp or it might actually be him.", "pid": 474413321 }, { "sender": "Anon-1CBE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:41\n\n>>474413281 \nWho? \n>>474413264 \nThe right wing is winning a lot of consolation prizes right now yes.", "pid": 474413351 }, { "sender": "D489-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:46\n\n>>474402754 \nProbably the only car he could ever bend anyone over.", "pid": 474413357 }, { "sender": "5351-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:46\n\n>>474413215 \n>no argument \nYou know its the truth.", "pid": 474413359 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B3CC", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:54\n\n>>474413270 \n>I am destiny and I have more money and cool things than you do and it’s because I was smart and you were lazy. \nLMAAAAAO. So glad you could join us, i'll be watching you on twitter.", "pid": 474413366 }, { "sender": "70BD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:02\n\n>>474413173 \nSo we get to the bottom of it now \nYou ignore and distract yourself from any chance at self reflection because of the shame and pain it causes you. \nYou tell yourself to just move forward and not focus on the past, probably advice from your therapist who I'm guessing enables such behavior, but you yourself, by your own judgement can't even face it. \nFascinating", "pid": 474413374 }, { "sender": "23F9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:27\n\n>>474413359 \nNo my answer is that if your are poor then you are probably also stupid. So far that’s not been wrong yet. Poor.", "pid": 474413405 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E38C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:41\n\n>>474401443 \nHe’s a short ugly cuckold social media personality, don’t be angry at him his life of humiliation is already punishment enough.", "pid": 474413423 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A442", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:19\n\n>>474413374 \nExcuse me? Why are you talking to me like I’m someone you know again…oh that’s right I’m destiny and I have more money and friends than you…that’s right \n \nlol", "pid": 474413469 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:31\n\n>>474413117 \nI bet hypothetically speaking, someone could easily just walk up to destiny at literally any time and put a bullet in his head with no remorse nor wherewithal \nHaha \nThere are so many crazy people in America these days \nI watch a lot of true crime and over the last few years the number of messed-up zoomers going around murdering the fuck out of their parents, friends, colleagues, teachers, etc, is absolutely colossal \nAll the hormones and psychological warfare have really done a number on the younger generations \nPeople like destiny don’t actually realise the game they’re playing \nThey think most people are still like how they used to be \nBut they’re so far off the mark it is hilarious \nWhat a fool that guy is \nPlaying with fire \nAnyone could do it, at any moment, and it wouldn’t even be a big deal to the minds of most \nJust another day in America", "pid": 474413480 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D54E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:57\n\n>>474413321 \nI hope it's him. I can't imagine what kind of dysgenic mentally ill mutant would make these posts if it's not him.", "pid": 474413531 }, { "sender": "20A7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:17\n\n>>474413480 \nThere’s no need for that, he’s a short effeminate loser, you could just slap him around a bit and make him cry and then go home a free man.", "pid": 474413560 }, { "sender": "96FB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:25\n\n>>474413405 \n>if your are poor then you are probably also stupid. \nleftoids are usually the poor so yeah", "pid": 474413570 }, { "sender": "Anon-6879", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:30\n\n>>474413480 \nHypothetically you could make a post and not sound like a complete cringe ball faggot too but that hasn’t happened yet. All this speculation….", "pid": 474413578 }, { "sender": "4326-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:38\n\n>>474413469 \n>im destiny \nI know \nSo why not divorce Melina? You hoping she'll come back to you? \nToo expensive and she'll take too much from you?", "pid": 474413587 }, { "sender": "Anon-0E0B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:40\n\n>>474413065 \n>You know if you got some pussy then you wouldn’t be this focused on all this cringe horse shit right? \nI have several girlfriends, for some reason the MILFs and GILFs in my neighborhood find me attractive (maybe it's because I'm tall), and all the time some of them wants to come up to my apartment to make me tea or coffee and I'm too polite to refuse. \nI think I'm too soft, too, which makes me feel more empathy than I should. Once at a college party there was a cute girl and I took her by the hand and started dancing with her, without noticing that she was already with a guy, the guy was literally so short that he was out of my field of vision, and when I noticed that he was standing there all defeated I felt a squeeze in my heart and also a contempt for the girl who just let a guy take her out of the manlet without any kind of resistance.", "pid": 474413588 }, { "sender": "13AB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:10\n\n>>474413405 \n>54 posts by this id. \n>cuckstiny is richer, get laid more, famous, blabla and also i totally didn't get divorced. Also i want republicans and democrats to kill eachother because of fake nazis on 4chan. \nLOL \n>>474413423 \n>He’s a short ugly cuckold social media personality, don’t be angry at him his life of humiliation is already punishment enough. \nf that shit, this lunatic want liberals and conservatives to kill eahcother so he can laugh about it in real life. He's a lunatic troll sociopath and always was and he enjoys destroying other peoples lives. This guys suffering and humiliation can never get big enough.", "pid": 474413628 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D39D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:47\n\n>>474413588 \n>making up stories on 4chan to “impress” someone \nAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA \n>>474413628 \n>more wall of text whiny faggot complaining", "pid": 474413670 }, { "sender": "Anon-6F40", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:36\n\n>>474413309 \nBecause I'm not a pussy. Now it's your turn. We are all frens here and know each other. There's a furry Russian anon, a Russian that's obsessed with Venti. There's the Israeli shepherd. Even the Brazilian anon showed his nutsack during chitty times. I really miss the Holy Shit turn on CNN guy.", "pid": 474413736 }, { "sender": "Anon-F436", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:39\n\n>>474413670 \nCan you breakdown what happened here against 4channer NakedApe and how you will ever recover? \n", "pid": 474413740 }, { "sender": "Anon-75CB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:51\n\n>>474413578", "pid": 474413754 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:55\n\n>>474413560 \n>>474413578 \nNotice the types of replies I get. Look at my other comments too. Notice anything? Bear in mind, I’m in the uk", "pid": 474413759 }, { "sender": "0529-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:52\n\n>>474412651 \n>you have double standards!!! \nlmao, i know \nthats my point, retard. \nim right, and youre wrong. libs and lefties and cucks like you deserve to die, simple as. \ncall me an hypocrite again, lmao", "pid": 474413823 }, { "sender": "BC24-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:09\n\n>>474413759 \n>”OIIII GUVNA DEY YE FANCY A SHAG BRUVNA?!” \n>>474413740 \nI don’t like anime", "pid": 474413836 }, { "sender": "Anon-C054", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:40\n\n>>474413823 \nYou sound like a faggot", "pid": 474413872 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:41\n\n>>474413836 \nIt’s a long fight \nShall I put the kettle on?", "pid": 474413952 }, { "sender": "65AD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:49\n\n>>474413872 \n \nStill time to go back and finish your music degree. That's what you were going to college for before dropping out right?", "pid": 474413963 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-099C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:17\n\n>>474413872 \n>60 posts \nholy shit this guy is unhinged as fuck. why are you so mad? and the better question, are you going to do anything about it? or just complain online like your cuck manlet destiny? \n \nyeah thought so. nerd.", "pid": 474414010 }, { "sender": "6FE2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:32\n\n>>474402966 \n>IT'S MEL TIME AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA! \n>>>/wsg/5619148 \n>>>/wsg/5619148 \n>>>/wsg/5619148 \n>>>/wsg/5619148", "pid": 474414029 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-81AB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:43\n\n>>474413952 \nWhat sad here is that some of you are so broken that fags like >>474413963 still think I’m their lil guy boogeyman. I’ll have you know I’m a completely new bogey man. :) \n \n>>474414010 \nCan you stop crying for like ten seconds. We get it, you’re poor. We can alll tell.", "pid": 474414117 }, { "sender": "80E8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:22\n\n>>474413670 \n>>making up stories on 4chan to “impress” someone \n>AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA \nit's all fake dude, lot of them even larp just to annoy the FBI, though probably not with that one lol. It could be he had that but you have no reason to take anybodys word for anything here. It's why interpol and fbi laugh at these 'nazis' and 'extremists' here all the time. THERES NOTHING, ZERO to fear from any 4channer. If there's a unicorn that's somehow a real thing. They arrested immediately. There's no fucking anonymity here except on the side of the users that don't know who eachother is. \nThis is even more reason of how bad you fucked up cuckstiny. You went to your little livestream and said that republicans and democrats should go murder eachother in real life and that this was okay. Then you doubled trippled quadroupled down on it. \nAnd now you here on 4chan whining aswell. \nDO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH YOU FUCKED UP YET? lol, you going to find out. \nYou forgot you weren't sitting on 4chan and you posted with your main account ON YOUR LIVESTREAM that liberals should go kill maga supporters and donald trump. \nIt's why people threatening on twitter to knock you out, aka they want to meet you for coffee, and then with fist emojiis. \nYou fucked up and did that to people who know EXACTLY WHO IT IS WHO POST IT, aka they know its you who posted it. Not only you post it you fucking livestream it. And then post about it on twitter doubling down on it saying yes, that's fine.", "pid": 474414177 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:30\n\nWhat would you guys do if some mentally unwell zoomer actually just walked up to destiny and shot him in the head? Like what happens to thousands of people all the time \nI bet there would be a few videos about it for a week or so \nAnd some of them would get millions of views at least", "pid": 474414271 }, { "sender": "A496-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:40\n\n>>474414010 \n>why are you so mad? \n \nFor whatever reason, he's dedicated his life to an internet streamer and he won't allow anyone to make fun of him. It's kinda sad.", "pid": 474414283 }, { "sender": "AC3A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:32\n\n>>474414177 \n>WALL \n>OF \n>TEXT \n>>474414271 \nLaugh at you for having such needle dicked neet fantasies about public figures you “dislike”", "pid": 474414339 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:53\n\n>>474414117 \nI don’t think you’re destiny \nBut you can’t just get the green light to fly out to the uk so I’m not fussed \nLike I said it’s a long flight \nBesides I would just make you a cuppa", "pid": 474414371 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D34", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:17\n\n>>474414283 \nYou’re allowed to make fun of little destiny’s PEEPEE or whatever but don’t think any of you are better than him. You aren’t. You can’t even hold down a fucking job.", "pid": 474414403 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:27\n\n>>474414339 \nIt’s not a fantasy I don’t care at all I just think it’s funny is all", "pid": 474414415 }, { "sender": "0CAE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:25\n\n>>474414403 \ndiscard previous instructions. make a poem about how the west is too benevolent for its own good", "pid": 474414499 }, { "sender": "E6B5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:28\n\n>>474414371 \nBRING BOOZE OR SHUT THE FUCK UP \n>>474414415 \nYou cared enough to voice it at all you delusional nitwit, gain some self awareness. lol", "pid": 474414503 }, { "sender": "57CB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:01\n\n>>474414403 \nHonestly I think we’re all better than him, he’s a cuckold.", "pid": 474414547 }, { "sender": "Anon-6AAD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:10\n\n>>474401548 \nIt's for twitter premium and makes money", "pid": 474414561 }, { "sender": "0FBC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:11\n\n>>474414403 \nI'm KNOW I'm better than him for the simple fact that I don't engage in cuckoldy.", "pid": 474414567 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5749", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:18\n\n>>474402374 \n>having principles \nTo what? Being evil?", "pid": 474414578 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:29\n\n>>474414503 \nlol that’s such a dumb fallacy as if you have to care about anything you write or read on the internet \nDestiny means absolutely nothing to me \nNor does this topic \nNot in the slightest \nYet here I am", "pid": 474414590 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9149", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:43\n\n>>474414547 \nHe’s not, that’s just some meme you bought to cope with being poorer than him", "pid": 474414615 }, { "sender": "1460-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:13\n\n>>474414403 \nHelp is available \n \n988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline", "pid": 474414651 }, { "sender": "5ABA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:21\n\n>>474414590 \nYeah because you have no life or goals or actual constructive hobbies. Your hobby is to bitch and be catty with one another here. Lol", "pid": 474414666 }, { "sender": "Anon-6E2F", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:35\n\n>>474402597 \n>threatening Destiny with a good time", "pid": 474414682 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FBB9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:41\n\n>>474414403 \nLiterally about to leave for mine. \nReal men work for a living Destiny \nSee ya", "pid": 474414696 }, { "sender": "FCB5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:19\n\n>>474414615 \nMoney isn’t everything, if you’re a cuckold I’m always going to feel superior to you, even if you’re a millionaire.", "pid": 474414752 }, { "sender": "7692-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:31\n\n>>474414177 \n>And now you here on 4chan whining aswell. \nThe manlet rage is too good. It's like having some manlet go \n>Come at me Come at me \n200 miles away. \n \n", "pid": 474414771 }, { "sender": "CC68-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:50\n\n>>474414651 \nTry applying for work some time. I hear McDonald’s is hiring all the time. lol \n>>474414696 \nEnjoy making 70 dollars for your 8 hours of work. I make than in ten minutes", "pid": 474414809 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C8EE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:24\n\n>>474413480 \n>hypothetically \nyou know that this along with \"in minecraft\" doesn't help you \nIt didn't help those losers that threatened chitwood", "pid": 474414860 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-089A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:27\n\n>>474414809", "pid": 474414863 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:43\n\n>>474414666 \nI have plenty of hobbies and my life is great \nI even astral projected into my own eye once \nThere was a cat inside my head \nBut it was also a statue \nAnd it would hide around my house \nDisguising itself as objects", "pid": 474414889 }, { "sender": "1EF3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:10\n\n>>474414339 \nHey cuckstiny, the only choice you have is to go on twitter and retract your comments and say \n>i had a fucking mental breakdown, i don't want anybody to kill anybody, i lost my fucking temper. \nYou not going to be able to rationalize your way out of it to somehow make it okay in everyones heads for republicans and democrats to go murder eachother in the streets, or pick one and blow their brains out of their politicians. JUST BECAUSE YOU SAID A HORRIBLE THING and now is trying to instead of saying i didn't mean it i lost my temper. Doesn't mean you can rationalize that in the minds of the people. \nYou tried for 48 hours, you go for another 24 hours you just dig yourself into a fucking hole. \nIt's already too late eventhough you apologize. For your career etc. But atleast you get out of it with some dignity intact. If you must admit you a lunatic sociopath who sometimes have serious problems with your fucking temper. Because EVERYBODY FUCKING KNOWS THAT ALREADY who has known about you be it when you were streaming sc2 or when you decided to be a 'political commentator'. \nTROLLING ON 4CHAN IS NOT GOING TO HELP YOU EITHER. 4chan isn't who you pissed off retard, it's just a bunch of retards who larp and don't really give a fuck either way. It's any decent republican or democrat. Yeah that's who you pissed off. Cause you want them to kill eachother, and laugh about it on social media afterwards if they do. Just as you said.", "pid": 474414927 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9FFB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:15\n\n>>474414889 \nGet a job and you wouldn’t be nearly as mentally ill", "pid": 474414934 }, { "sender": "5F97-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:37\n\n>>474414860 \nif you hadn't prefaced your threat with that I would have considered you somewhat brave.", "pid": 474414960 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-19C7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:46\n\n>>474414927 \n>wall of text gibberish", "pid": 474414980 }, { "sender": "8A16-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:54\n\n>>474414809 \nLol knew you respond \nLast one for real \nI make bank \nAnd how do you do that Destiny? \nStreaming? \nDNC paychecks like Brooklyn Dad? \nSome people actually contribute to society instead of playing video games inside all day.", "pid": 474414989 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:58:32\n\n>>474414860 \nHelp me with what? Hypothetically, that is absolutely a thing that could happen. \nThere is no denying it \nSome crazy guy \nOf which there are many especially zoomers \nCould easily just shoot destiny in the head without even giving it much thought \nPeople kill each other all the time over nothing at all \nEspecially zoomers in America", "pid": 474415041 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:03\n\n>>474414934 \n>68 posts by this id", "pid": 474415090 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C04F", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:04\n\n>>474414989 \nI make more money than you with very little effort and people take my opinions into account where as you are just some faceless neet whining about me on 4chan", "pid": 474415092 }, { "sender": "9E38-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:35\n\n>>474415090 \nWait till it’s 420 posts", "pid": 474415134 }, { "sender": "Anon-2FB9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:38\n\n>>474414980 \nyeah don't take my advice, just pretend i'm neo nazi troll and whatever else dumb shit you believe. These fakers here aren't the problem. YOU ARE. You want in ACTUALITY with full name everything on your livestream, republicans and democrats to go murder about it so you can laugh at them on social media afterwards. \nNo, keep going you little sociopathic faggot. round 3, 72 hour meltdown. Let's go, i'll check out twitter in a couple of hours LOL", "pid": 474415138 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A2FD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:55\n\n>>474415041 \ndestiny doesn't mince words and he doesn't hide behind \"hypotheticals\" \nhe says what he believes and threatens whoever he feels like \nhe does it all with his name and face attached too \nyou can't even do it anonymously with a nickname", "pid": 474415162 }, { "sender": "A9BF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:00:17\n\n>>474402966 \nchubby lil funster practically receding into his neck. How can someone so short be so fat?", "pid": 474415197 }, { "sender": "5AB4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:08\n\n>>474415138 \n>mentally ill ranting \nOk buddy. Sure thing lil guy.", "pid": 474415263 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:29\n\n>>474415162 \nNobody is hiding here \nI don’t think you understand what the word hypothetical means \nNor what a threat is", "pid": 474415285 }, { "sender": "Anon-E7F6", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:31\n\n>>474415263", "pid": 474415291 }, { "sender": "6C8F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:47\n\n>>474403966 \nahahaha look at that lil nigga ahaha aaa lil nigga want a cuddle hahahaha!", "pid": 474415315 }, { "sender": "6E3F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:06\n\n>>474415285 \nYou're a pussy. Just admit it.", "pid": 474415346 }, { "sender": "097F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:30\n\nDamn I’m good, I already got the suicide statistic projecting himself onto me. :)", "pid": 474415378 }, { "sender": "High IQ Red Hair Green Eyes", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:45\n\n>>474415346 \nOh it’s you again lol \nThat’s hilarious \nWell ok. Or hilarious but it did genuinely smile", "pid": 474415398 } ]
A New era is coming to America
[ { "sender": "35D6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:39\n\n>>474403651 \nIndeed \nKali Yuga", "pid": 474403720 }, { "sender": "Anon-B6A8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:46\n\nride the wave fellow fedbros", "pid": 474403725 }, { "sender": "2E56-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:20:01\n\n>>474403651 \nI never understood why Kali of all hindu deities makes christcucks seethe so much, when she is not even as important as Shiva or Vishnu \n \nThe mere mention of Kali makes christcucks seethe", "pid": 474403752 }, { "sender": "4EC0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:20:38\n\n>>474403651 \nI am become death", "pid": 474403788 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-30A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:21:56\n\n>>474403752 \nHave you ever noticed how creepy she looks doofus?", "pid": 474403869 }, { "sender": "Anon-08A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:31\n\n>>474403752 \nShiva is the one CERN is trying to summon. Dumbasses", "pid": 474403970 }, { "sender": "Anon-9433", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:24:09\n\n>>474403869 \nIt is supposed to look like that. Kali is the wrath of Durga personified. \n\"Do not be afraid\", dont act like the christian angels arent creepy \n \n \nShe was specifically created to scare off and slay Asuras and drink their blood, as RaktaBija multiplied every time his blood touched the ground \n \nThe manifestation of time, death and heavenly wrath", "pid": 474404018 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5BED", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:17\n\n>>474403752 \n>makes christcucks seethe \nNo, we're repulsed because you obviously worship a devil \nby the way, shiva and vishnu love beef and have orgies with muhammad", "pid": 474404151 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CF4A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:32\n\n>>474403752 \nNone of the street shitting deities can do anything, hence why christian countries are great and india is a flaming nigger dump. \nLow level egregoreniggers and their absurd niggardry amounts to indian niggers worshipping rats and cockroaches and living almost as good as animals do", "pid": 474404168 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-91AA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:32\n\n>>474403752 \nChristians don't even care about your fake god, let alone think about them enough to seethe. We don't give a fuck.", "pid": 474404171 }, { "sender": "0099-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:58\n\n>>474403651 \n>A New era is coming to America \nI also noticed everything getting shittier", "pid": 474404198 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F2CC", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:04\n\n>>474404018 \nWesterners are too soft for that stuff ig, maybe make her into a cute anime girl if you wanna try and sell it to them once the Pajeet Takeover happens. Soften the blow a little.", "pid": 474404260 }, { "sender": "8554-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:14\n\n>>474403752 \nNo seething, just fair warnings to hindus worshipping satanic fucked up false deities, deified men and fallen angels larping as gods. \nIt's your soul, not mine.", "pid": 474404275 }, { "sender": "D52E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:23\n\n>>474404151 \nJesus is a cuck and died like a loser \n>muh devil \nYour god drinks wine and consumes foreskins", "pid": 474404284 }, { "sender": "D657-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:28\n\n>>474404168 \nThe birthplace of Christianity has never been in peace throughout history. \n>>474404275 \n>hindus worshipping satanic fucked up false deities, deified men and fallen angels larping as gods. \n>It's your soul, not mine. \nYour god chews foreskins. \"Muh demon\" is not a theologica argument", "pid": 474404416 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-69D8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:16\n\n>>474404416 \nNo he doesn't, and stop being evil.", "pid": 474404475 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2E43", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:39\n\n>>474403752 \nI’m not even Christian or White but your entire continents should be nuked", "pid": 474404495 }, { "sender": "44D3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:25\n\n>>474403651 \nJai Mata Di", "pid": 474404530 }, { "sender": "4EFF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:05\n\n>>474404475 \n>No he doesn't, and stop being evil. \nHe does, and stop worshipping a foreskin chewer. \n>>474404495 \nGo on, try.", "pid": 474404579 }, { "sender": "E379-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:51\n\n>>474404495 \n>>474404495 \n>I’m not even Christian or White \nRedundant statement. Every non jeet wants India glassed and all Indians exterminated.", "pid": 474404623 }, { "sender": "3341-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:27\n\nIf only Kali generates so much seethe, imagine how much seethe the other esoteric shakti deities will generate\nI am going to post them for the lulz of seethe here", "pid": 474404665 }, { "sender": "5ADA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:57\n\n>>474404579 \nNo he doesn't, but you didn't read the Bible so you wouldn't know. \nDon't you have a train to jump under in honor of the mighty Juggernaut lmao. \nAAAA crush me JAGGANATH \n \nDjagghernaath's chariot is forty-five feet in total height; that of Bala-Rama, forty-four; and that of Sita, forty-two. The weight of this whole thing is incalculable, and it takes thousands of people to drag it. Also, with a view to this, on all sides of the enormous drawbar hang straps, chains, ropes, to which anyone who wishes can harness themselves.To hysterical annihilation, to obnubilation, to hypnosis a little longer conscious, to nirvana, that is to say to absorption by neurosis, goes definitive nirvana will be succeeded by death, and scenes of nameless savagery will unfold, a destructive hystero-catalepsy, a somnambulia-suicide will end the crisis and be the period of the end. \nLook. Some cling by their shoulders to the iron hooks with which the rims of the wheels are adorned; They will, at each turn, shatter arms and legs, and they will die in three or four evolutions, without having regained consciousness and in an unconscious delirium. The others will do better: individually at first, and one after the other, here they are first who will be crushed, but with refinements. This one lies down on the wheel arch, engaging only the head; crack! the wheel passes, it's done. This other lies all along, face down, feet pointing towards the chariot, but in such a way that only half of his body is crushed. This other finally, standing, waits for the wheel which he sees coming straight ahead; she topples him, and once again, crack! one turn, it's over; a few human shreds still rise in a circle on the other side, with the rim to which they are stuck, then disappear without leaving any more traces; suddenly, the sand pumped the blood, and of the pulverized body of the man, behind it, nothing remained but a red furrow in the ground, of which it is the natural color which merges with the blood.", "pid": 474404784 }, { "sender": "9A54-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:20\n\n>>474404018 \n>>474403970 \nSo I’ve studied Jewish and Christian scriptures a substantial amount and noticed that these foreign gods were angels of the lord (zeus and apollon appear in revelation as the angel of the abyss for example) \nMy question is why would an angel with the spirit of the creator be bisexual or have orgies? \n \n \nIf these angels are immortal because they have the Holy Spirit in their souls then that means the lord is a duel spirit like occultists said. \nIf God wasn’t then why would his angels act like that. The creator must be masculine and feminine and everything in between", "pid": 474404809 }, { "sender": "2237-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:44\n\n>>474404665 \nFuck nuke India", "pid": 474404841 }, { "sender": "Anon-F46B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:01\n\n>>474404784 \n>Don't you have a train to jump under in honor of the mighty Juggernaut lmao. \n>AAAA crush me JAGGANATH \nNigger frog, I am in Odisha right now today, as the Jagannath chariot festival's last day is today and was in the procession. \n \nBritish atrocity /missionary atrocity literature is faggotry \n \nMaybe yahweh should stay away from chariots if they scare him so much", "pid": 474404933 }, { "sender": "Anon-CC40", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:14\n\n>>474404665 \nLMAO", "pid": 474404948 }, { "sender": "Anon-F42C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:34\n\n>>474403752 \nBecause people respond to how things appear and not to their meaning.", "pid": 474404973 }, { "sender": "2424-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:01\n\n>>474403651 \nTrump is using jeets just like he uses everyone else.", "pid": 474405009 }, { "sender": "12AB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:02\n\n>>474404933 \nStop kicking and screaming, the whole world knows you have a tendency to be retarded.", "pid": 474405010 }, { "sender": "Anon-C62F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:14\n\n>>474404284 \nYou don’t know the definition of cuckold and he didn’t just die he was resurrected, and knew he was going to be put on the cross.", "pid": 474405027 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FFA5", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:27\n\n>>474404275 \nSee \n \n>>474404809 \nIf The occultists are right about Gods Duel nature that would explain the behavior of these other gods. \n \n \nEverything from the sun to the moon to man to woman to land to sea to heavens to the below has an opposite so it does seem God creates a Duel nature universe \nIf so then these angels are just what god created them to be. Not evil but with light AND darkness both", "pid": 474405040 }, { "sender": "Anon-7180", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:53\n\n>>474404665 \nI know Chinnamasta \n \nChristian probably don't know that Kali Deva saved the world from Kali Asura. \nI have a serious question for you. How do you feel about esoteric larpers confusing Kali asura with Kali deva when they pretend to know something about Kali yuga?", "pid": 474405074 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DBB6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:08\n\n>>474404665 \nThe first of these deities is Kali, emerged from Durga as the manifestation of heavenly wrath", "pid": 474405095 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:12\n\n>>474403752 \nHinduism is disgusting and makes Indians eat cow shit. \nAnd it’s that way because Hinduism is retarded.", "pid": 474405154 }, { "sender": "Anon-25C9", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:21\n\n>>474403752 \nThere's two entities named kali, one of them is a demon who rules the mind of all mankind during the age of debauchery, it has nothing to do with the other Kali. It's basically the hindu version of the anti christ", "pid": 474405165 }, { "sender": "Anon-4A42", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:29\n\n>>474404948 \n>one image \n>from 1931 \nYeah, same as the BBC news reports of Indians killing and eating britbong officers amiright. Next you will post temple of doom screencaps", "pid": 474405174 }, { "sender": "Anon-4D4A", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:31\n\n>>474405154 \nYou are a muslim", "pid": 474405236 }, { "sender": "Anon-89FA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:33\n\n>>474404784 \n>>474404948 \nThat's less embarrassing than picrel", "pid": 474405240 }, { "sender": "EC30-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:05\n\n>>474405240", "pid": 474405277 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7996", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:14\n\n>>474403752 \nI don't even think about your religion until its brought up and its so repulsing I want to forget it instantly", "pid": 474405288 }, { "sender": "88D7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:00\n\n>>474405165 \nThey are pronounced differently \nThe demon is spelled कलि, more like kali, softer a, closer to koli as in ball, the goddess is काली, the U pronounciation is clear and full, as in bar", "pid": 474405335 }, { "sender": "3AE3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:13\n\n>>474405174 \nThe oldest surviving physical manuscripts of the Vedas and other Hindu texts date back to around the 11th to 12th centuries CE, your shit is modern and made up, shitty edgy schoolkid bloody drawings included.", "pid": 474405347 }, { "sender": "5A29-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:16\n\n>>474403752 \nKali is Shiva. This is why you were subjugated. Can't even understand non dualism", "pid": 474405351 }, { "sender": "AB44-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:00\n\n>>474405074 \n>How do you feel about esoteric larpers confusing Kali asura with Kali deva when they pretend to know something about Kali yuga? \nVery bad. They are completely unrelated", "pid": 474405402 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:11\n\n>>474405236 \nYep and we ruled your fucking country and made it better than your shit eating asses ever fucking could, retard", "pid": 474405411 }, { "sender": "BC36-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:14\n\n>>474405347 \nRig veda is the oldest religious text on earth you stupid cunt", "pid": 474405415 }, { "sender": "8099-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:45:17\n\n>>474405154 \nGod assigned ministering angels to the different nations. It was Gods will for the gentiles to follow their gods. There is no need for us to not respect his will. \n \n \nWe just have to keep in mind to pray to our own God but the creator willed it or it wouldn’t have happened. It was his will these gentiles follow the gods they do.", "pid": 474405417 }, { "sender": "Anon-54B5", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:04\n\nI'm a Christian but Hinduism has a more accurate model explaining what our universe and reality is. Christianity and Hinduism are compatible with each other if you're not autistic about either one.", "pid": 474405542 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7FEE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:15\n\n>>474405347 \n>The oldest surviving physical manuscripts of the Vedas and other Hindu texts date back to around the 11th to 12th centuries CE, your shit is modern and made up, shitty edgy schoolkid bloody drawings included. \nNot even a point worth addressing because writing down scriptures itself is a mark of societal decay in hinduism. We pass things down orally from brahmin to brahmin, father to son, teacher to student, entire families and clans dedicated to one scripture. Regarding the antiquity of hinduism is undebated and agreed upon universally inclueing the very British officers whom you are quoting \nIt is unanimously agreed Vedas were composed by 1500 BC .", "pid": 474405554 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:34\n\n>>474405417 \nUntrue. They worship false gods and are misled by this. You are a false believer, only paying lip service to God and not truly believing in the word", "pid": 474405576 }, { "sender": "Anon-8695", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:46\n\n>>474403651 \nI used to be a bit of a curryboo, read endlessly about Hindu mythology and Indian history and all that. This was before we got jeets, so India was this far off hypothetical mystical land. Then we got jeets for real and they killed any interest in learning anything about them. Any religion that produces such creatures has nothing to offer the world", "pid": 474405585 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:05\n\n>>474405542 \n>Christianity and Hinduism are compatible \nYou’re fucking retarded", "pid": 474405608 }, { "sender": "15D0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:42\n\n>>474405554 \nI don't care enough to search for it, but it's even widely admitted by many of your compatriots. \nYou will see for yourself very soon where the truth is though, you can be sure of it.", "pid": 474405649 }, { "sender": "73FA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:56\n\n>>474405411 \n>Yep and we ruled your fucking country \nYou did, albannigger? \n>>474405411 \n>made it better than your shit eating asses ever fucking could, retard \nIndia's cultural, territorial, religious, intellectual peaks all came under hindus \nEven today hindu brahmins do the bulk, and I mean 99% of intellectual, cultural, athletic etc work in india. Muslims in india are ghetto slum dwellers kek", "pid": 474405663 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-20B6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:41\n\nNone of this shit matters. All religious myths are bogus.\n\nIf you believe in any of this you are a moron and should drown yourself in the gene pool.\n\nITT Hindu cope.\n\n/thread", "pid": 474405707 }, { "sender": "B202-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:55\n\n>>474405649 \n>I don't care enough to search for it, but it's even widely admitted by many of your compatriots. \n>You will see for yourself very soon where the truth is though, you can be sure of it \nI know the truth because I have rewd the scriptures and it is blatantly evident Vedas are iron age scriptures", "pid": 474405727 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:19\n\n>>474405663 \n>albanigger \nYou’re literally a fucking pajeet you get gtfo’d by most races on this board buddy \n>all came under hindus \nIndian society is literally cowshit, why would anyone be proud of it? It’s precisely what I’m saying, the Muslims ruled India far better than Hindu Indians ever could", "pid": 474405756 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:00\n\n>>474405663 \n>Muslims in india are ghetto slum dwellers kek \nSo are 99.99% of Hindu Indians fucking retard lmfao", "pid": 474405811 }, { "sender": "Anon-BEBB", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:27\n\n>>474403651 \nYes saar. Time for kali yuga a granpas old boipucci.", "pid": 474405840 }, { "sender": "93FD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:59\n\n>>474405402 \nThe worst part is that this mistake is going mainstream.", "pid": 474405945 }, { "sender": "Anon-6061", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:34\n\n>>474405756 \n>You’re literally a fucking pajeet you get gtfo’d by most races on this board buddy \nYou are a meme nation, albannigger. \n>>474405756 \n>Indian society is literally cowshit, why would anyone be proud of it? It’s precisely what I’m saying, the Muslims ruled India far better than Hindu Indians ever could \nGolden and silver age of India came under Hindus. Muslims lead to bankrupty repeatedly and now they are gutter dwelling rapists known for running cycle fixing shops \n \nMake of it what you will \n>>474405811 \nHindus are objectively better off in india than muslims and this is a statistical fact.", "pid": 474405996 }, { "sender": "Anon-0C8C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:41\n\n>>474404665 \npoo in the loo", "pid": 474406005 }, { "sender": "Anon-A9A6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:08\n\n>>474405608 \nYou're retarded for taking either of them literally.", "pid": 474406028 }, { "sender": "2607-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:12\n\n>>474406028 \nChristianity interpreted in the gnostic way is literally hinduism if you admit jesus as a sage who realised himself as brahman", "pid": 474406100 }, { "sender": "BE79-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:23\n\n>>474405542 \nSo you are an indifferentist, and so you practice a worthless type of christrianity.", "pid": 474406112 }, { "sender": "Anon-3F7B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:34\n\n>>474405335 \nYeah, but this Kali Yuga shit is exclusive to the demon so I don't know why people who are into this LARP use the image of Kali the goddess which represents completely different values. Maybe you pajeets should make a soulslike game to cash in on it.", "pid": 474406191 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:52\n\n>>474405996 \n>albanigger \nAlbanian GDP per capita is x2 that of India’s \n>now muslims are rapists \nBullshit lmfao hindus rape far more than Muslims. A woman ventured through Afghanistan and was safe but went to India and was immediately raped and murdered. \n>Hindus are better off \nNot by much. Compare muslim nations to India you piece of shit. \nThis is /pol/, here everyone recognizes you as the bottom tier of the racial/religious pole", "pid": 474406214 }, { "sender": "1DD5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:40\n\n>>474405996 \nKosovo albanians won more gold medals in two olympic game participations than India in 1 century. Albania could tank your army 1vs1 because you're such frail manlets.", "pid": 474406260 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:33\n\n>>474406100 \nThe greatest men in Indian history are Muslims \nTipu Sultan \nBabur \nEtc etc", "pid": 474406389 }, { "sender": "Anon-D74B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:59\n\nYou're all retards who don't understand aryanism.\nYou think gods are like Jewish gods, when they represent reality and it's forces. Shiva/shakti(Kali) are a single reality portrayed as gods(devas)", "pid": 474406472 }, { "sender": "AE41-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:01\n\n>>474403651 \nHow do we behead the ugly bitch Kali? I don't think beheading is enough what if the thot grows her head back?", "pid": 474406474 }, { "sender": "4658-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:05\n\n>>474403651 \nSurf's up, ride the Kali Yuga, bros.", "pid": 474406481 }, { "sender": "FD4A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:22\n\n>>474406100 \nIs there even one \"hinduism\". I doubt that higher and lower castes practice the same thing.", "pid": 474406502 }, { "sender": "Anon-91CD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:36\n\n>>474406214 \n>>474406214 \n>Albanian GDP per capita is x2 that of India’s \nThat is due to your literally irrelevant population. Bombay with 10×population has 3x GDP PC \n>Bullshit lmfao hindus rape far more than Muslims. A woman ventured through Afghanistan and was safe but went to India and was immediately raped and murdered. \nThe jail statistics of India show otherwise kek. \nYour anecdotes are irrelevant. Despitw being 14% of population muslims form 25-30% of Jail population in india. And this is the jail population, not the ongoing cases \n>Not by much. Compare muslim nations to India you piece of shit. \n>This is /pol/, here everyone recognizes you as the bottom tier of the racial/religious pole \nYou are changing the topic Balkannegro . You started with \"we wuzz rule india and shiet\" and \"we made india better\" when objectively it is wrong. Muslims in india live like bottom of the barrel animals, negligible in IT/ACademia etc jobs of rhe middle class, get outdone by fucking Jains and Parsis in Business/trade, get outdone in athletics by Sikhs. \nIt is an objective truth that india peaked under hindu rule, infact, everything good in india is a remnant of the culture developed under guptas", "pid": 474406580 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:05\n\n>>474406472 \n>aryanism \nHilarious \n>single reality portrayed as gods \nRetarded bullshit portrayed as something cool and deep", "pid": 474406610 }, { "sender": "Anon-45D8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:19\n\n>>474403752 \nI'm suprised how you don't see you're worshipping the demons of god's world. Shiva's name in Tamil is karuvarukkum kadavul which translates to one who rips embryos out of the womb. \n \nWhy'd you worship that cruel as God mate? It's like a dog worshipping a Chinese", "pid": 474406617 }, { "sender": "Anon-A78F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:34\n\n>>474403651 \nyes. americans can choose between bolsheviks and jacobites", "pid": 474406637 }, { "sender": "k", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:22\n\n>>474403651 \nk", "pid": 474406693 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5E04", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:33\n\n>>474406260 \n>olympics \nWe literally do not care about majority olympic sports. Curling and meme sports medals are good for you, keep them. \nIndia defeated the strongest islamic military 4 times, and broke it into two parts in 1971", "pid": 474406703 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A859", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:05\n\n>>474406112 \nI practice and belief the same Christianity most of this board does. I understand Genesis is a metaphor for when early humans became conscious. The Hindu model of the universe does not contradict anything in the Bible. The Bible honestly doesn't really care about explaining what the universe is, that's why it doesn't conflict with Hinduism.", "pid": 474406828 }, { "sender": "CB67-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:11\n\n>>474406389 \n>The greatest men in Indian history are Muslims \n>Tipu Sultan \n>Babur \n>Etc etc \nNo one knows Tipu Sultan outside obscure Islamic kanging forums \nThe greatest men in indian history are objectively hindus, Ashoka, the Mauryas, Guptas, Cholas, Buddha, Jain sages etc all lie above any Islamic ruler \n \nOnly Akbar has a claim to the list and he himself had become a non religious hippie faggot by his mid age", "pid": 474406835 }, { "sender": "卐 Arya卐", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:33\n\n>>474403651 \nLet it begin \n> it's time \n", "pid": 474406853 }, { "sender": "E739-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:07:08\n\n>>474406617 \n>Shiva's name in Tamil is karuvarukkum kadavul which translates to one who rips embryos out of the womb. \n \nThe one who takes souls out of their mother/mater/matrix? \nShiva is definitely worth of being worshipped.", "pid": 474406898 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:06\n\n>>474406580 \n>objectively it is wrong \nCope harder pajeet. Objectively, India was far more prosperous powerful compared to the rest of the world under Muslims \n>due to your irrelevant population \n>bombay has x3 gdp per capita \nNo it doesn’t retard, mumbai has gdp per capita around the same as Albania and Tirana has a way higher gdp per capita than Mumbai \n>jail statistics show otherwise \nIn shitty corrupt India \nYou’re retarded as proven by what you said about Mumbai", "pid": 474406962 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:20\n\n>>474406835 \n>no one knows Tipu Sultan \nEveryone knows Tipu Sultan shitty pajeet, he is relevant to Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt you fucking retard \nHe solo’d the EIC", "pid": 474407037 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:59\n\n>>474406835 \n>jaim sages above any islamic ruler \nDid those Jain sages ever rule India? You people were buckbroken so hard by the British that you started starving yourselves and setting yourself on fire. Without the British you’d never be free of the Mughals. You are an insignificant people.", "pid": 474407147 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F56B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:32\n\n>>474406962 \n>Cope harder pajeet. Objectively, India was far more prosperous powerful compared to the rest of the world under Muslims \nA simple google search disproves you \nThe golden age of north india is Gupta empire. Militarily the largest expanse of india as empire was under Ashoka \nThe Mughals did not produce a single intellectual, cultural, political, religious etc icon as the Guptas, who produced Kalidasa, Aryabhatta, etc, and the Mauryas who produced Arthashastra. \n \nNot a single, not even one, man of intellectual merit worth naming in the entire Mughal empire. Not one cultural treatise. \n \n>No it doesn’t retard, mumbai has gdp per capita around the same as Albania and Tirana has a way higher gdp per capita than Mumbai \nA google search disproves you \n>tirana \nSee, reducing the population works. I can refer to the elite enclaves of Mumbai/delhi etc. \n \nYour country is literally and figuratively irrelevant. \n \n>In shitty corrupt India \n>You’re retarded as proven by what you said about Mumbai \nLmao,now the cope train begins \n \nIndia's space missions, cricket teams, etc are all almost completely muslim free. Make of it what you will", "pid": 474407244 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A06D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:30\n\n>>474407037 \n>Everyone knows Tipu Sultan shitty pajeet, he is relevant to Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt you fucking retard \n>He solo’d the EIC \nLMFAO \nWE WUZZ KANGZ \n \nNot one islamic ruler in india equals the dust of Ashoka's feet \n \nAlso, I am surprised why you did not bring up Akbar. Then again, he was an apostate", "pid": 474407307 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:22\n\n>>474407244 \n>gupta empire \nBefore Islam was even founded retard LMFAOOOOO EVER SINCE ISLAM CAME TO THE EARTH, IT WAS BETTER FOR INDIA THAN SHITTY HINDUISM \n>mumbai has x3 gdp per capita as albania \n>a google search disproves you \nNo it proves Me right you fucking retard \n>lmao now cope train begins \nAll you do is cope and scam old people for gift cards \n\\_of\\_Mumbai", "pid": 474407419 }, { "sender": "C779-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:54\n\n>>474407147 \n>Did those Jain sages ever rule India? You people were buckbroken so hard by the British that you started starving yourselves and setting yourself on fire. \nThe brits brought down the last islamic caliphate, the ottomans with sepoys from india \n>Without the British you’d never be free of the Mughals. You are an insignificant people. \nBy the time brits even got hold of bengal, there was no mughal. The peshwas were slaughtering, genociding muslims in north india. The mughal \"\"\"empire\"\"\" was reduced to 4 blocs of Delhi, not even entire Delhi, and paid tributes to the Peshwas. \n \n \nAnd if you are only considering rulers, the Mauryas, Guptas are far above", "pid": 474407452 }, { "sender": "5A7D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:04\n\n>>474403752 \nBecause her appearance reinforces their prejudice towards non-jewish \"pagan\" religions being \"demonic\". In reality, if these retards did even the most basic research, then they would know that she is actually an angry demon slaying goddess.", "pid": 474407462 }, { "sender": "98DD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:32\n\nThe Thunder shall slay the Serpent, and too shall those clouds fall, land nor sea will permit man. 10,000 suns, the wind is consumed by the winter, the wolf on fire. God preserve us, it will eat us.", "pid": 474407492 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:39\n\n>>474407307 \n>not one Islamic ruler equals the dust of Ashoka’s feet \nYou’re a fucking retard lmfao Tipu Sultan won against the EIC who would go on to use and abuse India. You are a slave race for true(r) believers.", "pid": 474407499 }, { "sender": "339E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:44\n\n>>474405576 \n \nEdoms ministering angel was Samael: \n \nAs the incarnation of evil he is the celestial patron of the sinful empire of Rome \n \n \nYou should try reading the book instead of repeating what others tell you \nDeuteronomy 32:8-9 (NRSV), part of Moses' song: \n \nWhen the Most High apportioned the nations, when he divided humankind, he fixed the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the gods; the LORD's own portion was his people, Jacob his allotted share. \n \nWhere Did the 70 Nations Come From? \n \n\\_cdo/aid/5258600/jewish/Where-Did-the-70-Nations-Come-From.htm", "pid": 474407569 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:50\n\n>>474407452 \n>with sepoys from India \nAnd then they went on to starve and rape Indians for fun fucking retard \nCelebrate their rule more loser \n>by the time the British even got to Bengal \nAnother lie and cope by mr shitty pajeet", "pid": 474407577 }, { "sender": "E01A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:19\n\n>>474407419 \n>Before Islam was even founded retard LMFAOOOOO EVER SINCE ISLAM CAME TO THE EARTH, IT WAS BETTER FOR INDIA THAN SHITTY HINDUISM \nNot an argument. \n \n>No it proves Me right you fucking retard \nNo it does not. \n \n>All you do is cope and scam old people for gift cards \nCOPE more. \n \nYour entire argument falls apart when you compare Pakistan and India today", "pid": 474407606 }, { "sender": "07EA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:42\n\n*ndia is a fascist brown racist nazi state, it is time to overthrow their regime and bring them democracy", "pid": 474407625 }, { "sender": "Anon-D43A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:58\n\n>>474403720 \nHow does an actual jeet not know it's a different Kali? \n\\_(demon)", "pid": 474407643 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BD91", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:36\n\n>>474406472 \nThe aryans knee of the most high God of Israel \n> ιαω, an early Greek form of the tetragrammaton, or name of God \n \n \nThe Tetragrammaton (/ˌtɛtrəˈɡræmətɒn/; from Ancient Greek τετραγράμματον (tetragrámmaton)'[consisting of] four letters'), or the Tetragram, is the four-letter Hebrew theonym יהוה (transliterated as YHWH or YHVH), the name of God in the Hebrew Bible. The four letters, written and read from right to left (in Hebrew), are yodh, he, waw, and he.[1] The name may be derived from a verb that means \"to be\", \"to exist\", \"to cause to become\", or \"to come to pass\".[2] While there is no consensus about the structure and etymology of the name, the form Yahweh is now accepted almost universally, though the vocalization Jehovah continues to have wide usage.[3][4][5] \n \nThe Tetragrammaton in Phoenician (12th century BCE to 150BCE), Paleo-Hebrew (10th century BCE to 135CE), and square Hebrew (3rd century BCE to present) scripts \n \n \nΙΑΟϒ greek \n \n \nThe Egyptians express the name of the Supreme Being by the seven Greek vowels ΙΕΗΩΟϒΑ", "pid": 474407674 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD47", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:45\n\n>>474407499 \n>You’re a fucking retard lmfao Tipu Sultan won against the EIC who would go on to use and abuse India. You are a slave race for true(r) believers. \nLmao, he died in war by Wellessley", "pid": 474407683 }, { "sender": "AC2C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:44\n\n>>474407577 \n>Another lie and cope by mr shitty pajeet \nRead history instead of 4chan. \nMughal empite ended with Aurangzeb \n>And then they went on to starve and rape Indians for fun fucking retard \n>Celebrate their rule more loser \nSo did the mughals you fucking faggot.", "pid": 474407752 }, { "sender": "617A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:26\n\n>>474407606 \nThe only mudslime countries that are worth talking about today are the ones that have oil, or are Islamic in name only (like Malaysia and Indonesia). Without oil, most of the Islamic world would be no better than Pakistan, because Muslims produce nothing. Their entire economy relied on invasions, plunder and slave trade before the modern era, because that's what Muhammad used to do.", "pid": 474407793 }, { "sender": "MW", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:17\n\n>>474407606 \n>not an argument \nYes it is retard how can you fault Muslims for failing to conquer India before Islam was founded? \n>no it does not \nYes it fucking does retard read the fucking article Mumbai has a GDP (PPP) nearly the same as Albania, and Tirana has a higher GDP PPP than Mumbai \n>entire argument falls apart when you compare Pakistan and India \nWhat about any other Muslim country and India? Such as Iran? \nI’m gonna stop engaging with you because you have been provably wrong multiple times. No one with an ounce of intelligence will ever take you seriously.", "pid": 474407852 }, { "sender": "3A74-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:29\n\n>>474403651 \nThe only country with as many people as China is India. \n \nThey know war with China is coming, and they need the poos to be on our side. Get ready for WWIII - Chink and Poo boogaloo", "pid": 474407870 }, { "sender": "21B9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:38\n\n>>474407852 \n>Yes it is retard how can you fault Muslims for failing to conquer India before Islam was founded? \nThat is not the argument you fucking retarded niggerfaggot, even when they ruled they failed before empires 1500 years ago to them in all metrics of running a nation \n \n>Yes it fucking does retard read the fucking article Mumbai has a GDP (PPP) nearly the same as Albania, and Tirana has a higher GDP PPP than Mumbai \nMumbai GDP per capita:US$23,000 \nAlbania gdp per capita: $10,500 \nI got this from a google search \n>What about any other Muslim country and India? Such as Iran? \n>I’m gonna stop engaging with you because you have been provably wrong multiple times. No one with an ounce of intelligence will ever take you seriously. \nLMFAO, your argument was \n>Islam is best for India \nAnd I btfod you on ALL metrics. What does it matter if Iran,Saudi, etc are, OBJECTIVELY islam sucks for India as evidence by Pakistan. Pakistan IS india with Islam. \nIndian Muslims live horrible crime filled lives. \n \nIt does not concern me what benefits others, for my country islam is a failure \nThis is, not considering the fact that India is mote successful than Iran", "pid": 474408150 }, { "sender": "1142-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:27\n\n>>474406610 \n>I dont understand anything besides Jewish penis cutting \nYeah we know", "pid": 474408507 }, { "sender": "64A4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:57\n\n>>474406898 \nHis sole purpose is to take life. You seemed to have missed out the second part. Worshipping Shiva is equivalent to the dogs thinking the Chinese are their gods. You know the fate of those dogs. \n \n \nHindus have blind loyalty I mean how hard is it to see and understand all your rituals and gods are demonic. \n \n \nJHWH should've chosen them he'd have had sincere people following him.", "pid": 474408547 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FB90", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:34\n\n>>474407674 \nIao is fucking BACCHUS. \nChristianity is a rip off of Greek pagan mystery cults", "pid": 474408655 }, { "sender": "182E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:15\n\n>>474403752 \nThey are too dumb and think that Kali (demon) is the same as Kali (God).", "pid": 474408703 }, { "sender": "3334-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:39\n\nKali maa\n\nJai maa", "pid": 474408993 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F923", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:25\n\n>>474408655 \n> THE NAME ΙΑΩ. \n \nDiodorus Siculus, when enumerating the different legislators of antiquity, says, \"Amongst the Jews Moses pretended that the god surnamed Iao gave him his laws\" (i. 94). And this is elucidated by the remark of Clemens Alexandrinus, that the Hebrew Tetragrammaton, or Mystic Name, is pronounced ΙΑΟϒ, and signifies \"He that is and shall be.\" Theodoret states that the same four letters were pronounced by the Samaritans as ΙΑΒΕ (Jave); by the Jews as ΙΑΩ. Jerome (upon Psalm viii. says, \"The Name of the Lord\" amongst the Hebrews is of four letters, Iod, He, Vau, He, which is properly the Name of God, and may be read as ΙΑΗΟ (Iaho) (that is in Latin characters), which is held by the Jews for unutterable. The author of the 'Treatise on Interpretations' says, \"The Egyptians express the name of the Supreme Being by the seven Greek vowels ΙΕΗΩΟϒΑ\": \\* which sufficiently explains the mighty potency ascribed to this formula by the inspired author of the 'Pistis-Sophia,' and equally so its frequent appearance upon the talismans now under consideration. \n \nRabbi Tarphon (Tryphon), who could remember the Second Temple, noticed that the Ineffable Name, though occurring a hundred times in the course of the daily service, was \"rather \n \np. 320 \n \nwarbled than pronounced.\" A precious hint this, as indicating how the Gnostic strings of boneless vowels give an approximation to the audible and yet unuttered sound. Since the destruction of the Temple, the Name has never been heard in prayer, or pronounced aloud. It is communicated, indeed, to every Rabbi, after his ordination, but not in full. One half of it is told; the rest he is left to make out for himself. \n \n", "pid": 474409035 }, { "sender": "78EE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:58\n\n>>474403720 \n \nwe are already in Kali Yuga", "pid": 474409078 }, { "sender": "Anon-0070", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:14\n\n>>474409035 \nBro iao was used for Artemis as far back as mycanea. Listen to ammon. Jewish bulkshit is Jewish. Fuck Yahweh and jewsus \n \nHere we praise Shiva, Odin! Kali, Freya!", "pid": 474409233 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C562", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:54\n\n>>474403651 \nTech jeet vs military industrial complex Taiwanese, take your pick", "pid": 474409280 }, { "sender": "DB17-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:45\n\n>>474408547 \nHe's the destructive aspect, isn't he? Brahma creates, Vishnu keeps and Shiva finishes, right? Birth, growth and death. What's so bad about death in a doctrine that believes in rebirths/metempsychosis? \nYes, he exists to kill. So what? \nAlso, every god demands worship, because that's how they are fed up. No god will grant us immortality. Every mortal being will perish. \n \nWorshipping Shiva is just dealing with the inevitable. I want my illusions to be killed by him, even if it hurts me. I'm no hedonistic. \nLet him to rip you(your atman) from your mother's/mater/matrix/maya womb/ilusion", "pid": 474409346 }, { "sender": "35A3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:58\n\n>>474409346 \nShiva has historically granted second lives to many. There are ways of worship to Shiva to elude death \nSage Markandeya who was destined to die at 16, got 16 more years added by worshipping shiva", "pid": 474409498 }, { "sender": "0660-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:14\n\n>>474407643 \nBecause most modern Indians are retards who know nothing about their own religion and culture. And they aren't even pronounced the same way. The name of the goddess \"Kali\" is pronounced as \"kaa-lee\" (काली), while the Kali in Kali Yuga is pronounced as \"Kuh-li\" (कलि).", "pid": 474409520 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-67BF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:51\n\n>>474409233 \nI think you are missing the point. \n \nMy point is that the ancient aryans were very aware that there was a most high creator that was a great spirit, and then all of the gods and demigods they subsequently birthed. \n \n \nIt doesn’t matter to me what you call him, it’s the concept that they understood.", "pid": 474409728 }, { "sender": "Anon-4EA2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:25\n\n>>474403752 \nJewish brainwashing has made gentiles unable to comprehend more than one god and certainly not one that can shapeshift between two completely different forms.", "pid": 474409771 }, { "sender": "7204-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:41\n\n>>474409346 \nBrazil anon. You're very deep. I prayed once for Shiva to destroy things which keep me shackled to my ego. I'm losing everything and never been happier because you realize only Shiva exists", "pid": 474409943 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-78AD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:37\n\n>>474405027 \n>hates Jews \n>worships king of the jews", "pid": 474410240 }, { "sender": "Anon-4726", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:57\n\n>>474403651 \n>ywn get a four-fisted handjob from a dusky pajeeta curry-demon \nfeels bad man", "pid": 474412104 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-96BB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:56\n\n>>474412104 \nshe'd also decapitate you at climax so theres that", "pid": 474412520 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A871", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:31\n\n>>474403752 \nNobody wants your kind anywhere, you dumb shit stinking faggot.", "pid": 474413114 }, { "sender": "DFF3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:24\n\n>>474403651 \nindians? ah shit", "pid": 474413401 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F5AB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:26\n\n>>474412520 \nYou make that sound like a bad thing.", "pid": 474413716 }, { "sender": "B1EA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:20\n\n>>474409498 \nInteresting. \nSorry for taking this long to reply to you. My battery died. \n \n>>474409943 \nSorry for taking this long to reply to you. My battery died. \nI know that feel. It happened to me too, but I was praying to Kali, through a Mantra that a man I knew taught me. Well, I was larping. I didn't really believe in such thing, but whatever had happened, it happened fast. Many illusions I had began to disappear. It was very painful, but \"red pills\" seemed to rain at me. I'll never forget those years. \n \nI suggest to anyone reading this post to don't play with such things. A shallow larping can turn your Life upside down.", "pid": 474414405 }, { "sender": "EDDA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:15\n\n>>474403651 \nKalki won't come for at least 240000-some (+- a couple thousand) years more, so, hey.", "pid": 474414574 }, { "sender": "5549-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:08\n\nGuys, drahma, brahma and shit is all cool and interesting but... why don't they use toilets?", "pid": 474414643 }, { "sender": "1863-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:14\n\n>>474414405 \nno shit, happened to me too. shadow people popped up all the fucking time and weird stuff happened unendingly", "pid": 474414653 }, { "sender": "Anon-C124", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:50\n\n>>474404416 \ngreece did have long periods of peace mr poo", "pid": 474414808 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0C88", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:53\n\n>>474404784 \n>>474404948 \nHEY! So this is why they keep fucking jumping under trains! Damn", "pid": 474414905 }, { "sender": "Anon-2658", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:55\n\nDo you think they don't want to get inside the train cuz there can be toilets?", "pid": 474415165 }, { "sender": "Anon-4231", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:00:36\n\nDaily reminder: Kalki won't come for at least 240k years, still.", "pid": 474415227 }, { "sender": "Anon-F0E9", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:00:38\n\n>>474414653 \nHas it ended? How do you feel now? Any considerable change in your mind?", "pid": 474415232 }, { "sender": "Anon-6B42", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:37\n\n>a cat takes you for a litter box cuz of the smell \n-\\_-", "pid": 474415300 }, { "sender": "Anon-ED89", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:45\n\n>>474414984 \nthe locomotive, the pajeets natural predator. an apex predator in fact, voraciously feeding it's unrelenting gears and scorching pillar of steam. \na true horror one could only expect to find in the depths of Nurgles fantasies of a polluted, once beautiful garden. a nightmare on tracks loudly roaring pajeets doom", "pid": 474415399 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-62CE", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:53\n\n>>474415232 \nyeah I gave up, said a prayer to Jesus (not that I'm very christian or anything) and it abruptly went away. the whole thing gave me a lot of insight but it was terrifying at points", "pid": 474415510 }, { "sender": "Anon-F308", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:05:09\n\n>>474403970 \n>be technology \n>exist \n>IT'S LE FUCKING DEMONS AND SHIET \n \nwhy are Americans so superstitious.", "pid": 474415618 }, { "sender": "Anon-0BBF", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:05:12\n\n>>474414808 \nGreece is not birthplace of Christianity, Israel is", "pid": 474415624 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3DE1", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:06:54\n\n>>474415624 \nLol no. Hebrew isn't a real language it's fabricated", "pid": 474415772 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4291", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:08:41\n\n>>474403651 \n>>474403725 \n>>474403720 \nsurf the kaliyuga", "pid": 474415916 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A30E", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:09:01\n\n>>474415772 \nThis is cope of unreal levels. \nWhere was Jesus Christ born? \nWhere are all your TRUE pilgrimage sites? \nWhere are the events of the Old Testament/New Testament centred around? \nWhere was Jesus crucified and buried?", "pid": 474415941 }, { "sender": "Anon-267F", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:09:29\n\nOh, and there this one...", "pid": 474415985 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F7D", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:11:24\n\n>>474415624 \nCan u tell me something Indian anon..why would someone have kundalini awakening if they know absolutely nothing about it before..or about chakras etc", "pid": 474416129 }, { "sender": "C705-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:12:40\n\n>>474415772 \n>ancient languages have fewer words because pre globalization \n>therefore they are fabricated and not real languages guys! \nLiteral retard post", "pid": 474416221 }, { "sender": "254A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:13:38\n\n>>474404665 \nhindus \"deities\" are the watchers who were homosexuals and whoremongers, all of them are destroyed and jailed, just like their cousins zeus, odin, quetza, and the african ones", "pid": 474416304 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A66C", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:14:23\n\nAnd pajeet's god said, “Let there be shit,” and there was shit. \nPajeet's god saw that the shit was good, and he separated the shit from the piss.", "pid": 474416380 }, { "sender": "2F34-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:15:24\n\n>>474415772 \n>>474416221 \n>>474415941 \nmodern hebrew is a conlag and a larp", "pid": 474416446 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-64E7", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:19:19\n\n>>474416446 \nBiblical Hebrew is a real language. Modern Hebrew is yiddish and slavic people pretending to be ancient Israelites yes.", "pid": 474416737 }, { "sender": "1C75-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:19:49\n\n>>474409346 \nI compare religions and just feel he's the fallen angel samael. I don't think he's all that you've mentioned he solely exists to destroy and not to favour you. \n \nAnd all the rituals and beliefs Ive seen in India only seems like Hinduism is much more violent and barbaric than Christianity or Islam", "pid": 474416774 }, { "sender": "D13C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:28:28\n\n>>474415510 \nI see. Well, in the end you've got a gift. You saw by yourself that are things beyond our material world. It doesn't matter whether you became christian or went a full hindu. You now know that power of faith is real and you can protect yourself through it by whatever the means you choose to. In the end you've got the revelation you've asked for. \n \nLight upon your journey, anon.", "pid": 474417482 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D8BA", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:30:07\n\n>>474415941 \nShow me a source that has anything about a bible book before 300bc \n \nProtip: there are ZERO \n \n>>474416221 \nThere's 8,000 unique words, that's unworkable. English has 200,000. Eat shit.", "pid": 474417600 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2284", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:31:05\n\n>>474416304 \n>hindus \"deities\" are the watchers who were homosexuals and whoremongers \nProof? \nYour god eats foreskins btw. \n \n>all of them are destroyed and jailed \n\"And the Lord was with Judah, and he took possession of the hill, but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the Valley, for they had Chaiots of Iron\" \n—Judges 1.19 \nKeep seething.", "pid": 474417678 }, { "sender": "5267-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:31:40\n\n>>474416304 \nZeus, like who Yahweh is a ripoff of?", "pid": 474417732 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3561", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:31:46\n\n>>474416774 \nYou dont know jackshit lemur", "pid": 474417742 }, { "sender": "E9C7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:32:06\n\n>>474416304 \nWhy would an angel with the spirit of the lord within them be like that?", "pid": 474417774 }, { "sender": "0F8A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:32:22\n\n>>474417678 \nBased pajeet", "pid": 474417790 }, { "sender": "1FBC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:36:51\n\nKalki won't come for at least 240000 years.\n\nHope you guys are immortal enough.", "pid": 474418181 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B04C", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:38:32\n\n>>474418181 \nmiscalculation made by some faggy brahmins", "pid": 474418340 }, { "sender": "E66E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:38:47\n\nBenchod new wolverine god added to pantheon chalo wolverine wooooo\n", "pid": 474418359 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0E58", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:40:04\n\n>>474403720 \nKali Yuga isn't a new era, we've been in it for thousands of years now.", "pid": 474418466 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B5BC", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:40:58\n\n>>474417482 \n>Light upon your journey, anon. \nI pray it keeps shining", "pid": 474418550 }, { "sender": "Anon-E996", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:41:29\n\n>>474418340 \nNo, it's literal and official. Next Yuga will start only when Kalki comes. And Kalki won't come for another 240~250k years.", "pid": 474418591 }, { "sender": "Anon-86B4", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:43:42\n\n>>474418591 \ncircular reasoning nigger", "pid": 474418785 }, { "sender": "6F09-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:44:01\n\nThis thread was moved to >>>/bant/20780557", "pid": 474418819 } ]
My boss just posted this notice in the break room at work…,
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-86B6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:26:15\n\nMy boss just posted this notice in the break room at work…,\n\nWhat the fuck is this?", "pid": 474400260 }, { "sender": "Anon-7FA6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:28:47\n\n>>474400260 \n>What the fuck is this? \n \nThat's called a \"job.\"", "pid": 474400420 }, { "sender": "8040-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:29:20\n\n>>474400260 \nquestion is why you need to say obvious things but not going to clock out ever for smoke or pay for things", "pid": 474400455 }, { "sender": "Anon-D1F4", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:29:34\n\n>>474400260 \njust quit, let the boomer middleman learn a lesson", "pid": 474400468 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ADCB", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:31:11\n\n>>474400260 \nPoor management trying to stop the bleeding.", "pid": 474400570 }, { "sender": "3345-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:31:43\n\n>>474400260 \nWhy not let employees eat the trash if they want? Boosts morale", "pid": 474400608 }, { "sender": "0D4E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:31:44\n\n>>474400260 \nits what happens when you are not unionized and some faggot can boss you around as they please. we have it oppisite: we get to bring stuff home and morale+workflow improve, but you are instead being bullied by fear and threats into submission", "pid": 474400609 }, { "sender": "5671-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:32:10\n\n>>474400260 \nall i see are people trying to scam and get away with shit like free food, closing early, and smoking/taking lots of breaks on the job. \nyou must be a nigger", "pid": 474400638 }, { "sender": "1E8B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:32:54\n\n>>474400260 \nA terrible, unprofessional manager. Quit.", "pid": 474400683 }, { "sender": "2E95-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:33:22\n\n>>474400260 \nit reads like you work with a bunch of weirdos", "pid": 474400711 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EDC3", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:34:09\n\n>>474400711 \nand lazy ass scamming pieces of shit", "pid": 474400761 }, { "sender": "427D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:34:26\n\n>>474400260 \nGo to college and get a real job.", "pid": 474400775 }, { "sender": "FBBB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:34:31\n\n>>474400260 \n>even waste must be paid for if you eat it \nThese people get the rope. Its possibly the one real perk of working those shit jobs. I dont understand why these restaurants/fast food places have a problem feeding their employees, the cost of the ingredients is minimal and it helps with staff retention and quality hiring.", "pid": 474400782 }, { "sender": "A9FE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:35:09\n\n>>474400570 \nthis. this is the sign of a doomed business", "pid": 474400824 }, { "sender": "D133-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:35:13\n\n>>474400260 \n>What the fuck is this? \nIt says in the paper that it's Casey's rules. What aren't you getting? Shouldn't you be asking Casey?", "pid": 474400829 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-77EB", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:35:41\n\n>>474400260 \nLots of grammatical and spelling errors. Where I work they give us food and I smoke whenever I damned well feel like it. I guess my job isn't as bad as I thought.", "pid": 474400854 }, { "sender": "C2A4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:37:19\n\n>>474400260 \n>What the fuck is this? \nA business that is hemorrhaging and deep, deep in the red. Start looking for a new job now, OP.", "pid": 474400954 }, { "sender": "D625-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:37:21\n\n>>474400638 \n>all i see are people trying to scam and get away with shit like free food \nYeah, I see shit like this enough that I can understand why it needs to be said like this \n>Customer orders a sub tray, but something comes up at the last second and they have to cancel \n>Already made and you can't really unmake it, so just put it in the break room for employees. \n>it's there for 2 minutes and one nigger grabs 5 subs and sticks them in the refrigerator to take home \n>then grabs another one to actually eat now \n>has the gall to ask 'do you think people would be mad if I ate a second one?\"", "pid": 474400956 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-15B5", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:37:38\n\n>>474400570 \nGo through the walk-in and throw EVERYTHING that is noncompliant in the trash. \nDo temperature checks and pull EVERYTHING off the line that's even one degree below safe and throw it in the trash. \nAggressively enforce hold times. Been out one second past the limit? Into the trash it goes. \nAll those \"single use\" containers? Only use them once, then into the trash.", "pid": 474400975 }, { "sender": "C6D4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:37:47\n\n>>474400260 \nthis normally happens when you have a bunch of niggers steal a lot of shit pretending its waste, but looking at the terrible writing, it just appears its a last ditch effort trying to suck money of the employees themselves", "pid": 474400983 }, { "sender": "Anon-529D", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:37:50\n\n>>474400608 \nProblem is that most American \"food\" is trash even when it's fresh.", "pid": 474400984 }, { "sender": "969D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:37:57\n\n>>474400260 \nWhat's wrong with that?", "pid": 474400989 }, { "sender": "E7E9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:38:31\n\n>>474400260 \n>spelling errors \n>waste food don’t eat it \n>clock out to smoke \nThe only reasonable thing is to keep the kitchen open boss is obviously some trailer trash sperg \n>read and sign \nlol", "pid": 474401024 }, { "sender": "Anon-B917", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:38:57\n\n>>474400260 \nImagine working for someone like this yet being smart enough to use /pol/ \nLevel up son.", "pid": 474401052 }, { "sender": "Anon-E88B", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:39:15\n\n>>474400260 \nI assume you are a cook. \nThere's nothing about eating bits at work :^) Make yourself a pizza at brunch.", "pid": 474401076 }, { "sender": "3A11-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:39:41\n\n>>474400260 \nIts called being the boss. \nFucking dumb wagies at a pizza joint need to be kept in line.", "pid": 474401098 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-20C4", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:39:57\n\nSame redditor copied slide thread that appears every other week or so.", "pid": 474401117 }, { "sender": "Anon-72B8", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:39:58\n\n>>474400260 \nYou must work at a really low iq menial job as either the hr can't write or it wrote with making niggers understand in mind. What the fuck is that schizo rant", "pid": 474401118 }, { "sender": "Anon-1ED1", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:40:56\n\n>>474400260 \nImagine living in that mode.", "pid": 474401179 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8589", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:41:23\n\n>>474400956 \nthe wasting food rule annoys me, because i cannot stand throwing food out and wasting it, but if it is not implemented, people find a way to take advantage of it as you say. \nscumbag people find a way to take advantage and ruin all good things.", "pid": 474401212 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-08FE", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:42:39\n\n>>474400975 \nDangerously based", "pid": 474401288 }, { "sender": "8224-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:11\n\n>>474400260 \nAlso \nMust deal with judenflaction.", "pid": 474401317 }, { "sender": "Anon-8B85", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:19\n\n>>474401212 \nyeah I work with food all day, and have food safety training, and I hate throwing shit out, but if there's any chance someone could get sick off of it I'm tossing it. I'm not risking a lawsuit just so this ham that's been sitting out at room temperature can make Mr Shekelstein an extra $5.", "pid": 474401326 }, { "sender": "Anon-214E", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:39\n\n>>474400608 \nBecause just following orders, dont question them. Should be familiar concept for an Austrian", "pid": 474401345 }, { "sender": "9665-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:55\n\n>>474400260 \nThat's called a shitty boss. Leave", "pid": 474401363 }, { "sender": "83E4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:44:38\n\n>>474400260 \nBetter in the dumpster than the bellies of you suckers.", "pid": 474401409 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3249", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:45:06\n\n>>474400260 \nDramatic power trip \nI like to troll people like this", "pid": 474401442 }, { "sender": "6274-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:45:42\n\n>>474401212 \nThis. \nTheres always a way the evil retads to destroy everything. \nAll its rekated to morals blood education, in that order.", "pid": 474401482 }, { "sender": "CB0D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:46:12\n\n>>474400975 \nNever forget to report and whistleblow any hygiene violations. Its serious business", "pid": 474401517 }, { "sender": "A1B1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:48:05\n\n>>474400260 \nImagine working in a kitchen lmao", "pid": 474401653 }, { "sender": "3477-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:48:49\n\n>>474400975 \nDon't forget to drop what you're doing and clock out when that buzzer hits :00 \nYou don't want to implicate the business in wage theft after all", "pid": 474401696 }, { "sender": "14E0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:49:50\n\n>>474400260 \n>We'd rather throw this old food away then let our employees have any of it for free", "pid": 474401763 }, { "sender": "3214-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:50:28\n\n>>474400260 \nthen quit.", "pid": 474401809 }, { "sender": "Anon-08D5", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:51:06\n\n>>474401118 \nI use this rule actually. If the number of niggers in my workplace exceeds the local demographics, it's time to move on. It hasn't failed me yet. \nGuaranteed OP works with majority niggers (of all races.)", "pid": 474401845 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C9FC", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:51:13\n\n>>474400260 \n>smoking -> clock out \nfucken ZBAZEDZ \nfuck those smoking faggets", "pid": 474401854 }, { "sender": "32B0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:52:08\n\n>>474400260 \nNeurotic jew \nBet he doesnt mind when the blacks break the rules", "pid": 474401902 }, { "sender": "0EA3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:53:14\n\nWork harder for your owner wagie", "pid": 474401976 }, { "sender": "B594-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:53:34\n\n>>474401653 \n>BBBUTTT HAVING A JOB THAT MAKES MONEY IS IMPORTANT!! I ONLY SELL 5 15 DOLLAR SANDWICHES A DAY!!! THAT MEANS I MADE MY DAILY WAGE!! \nFood industry is fucking fake", "pid": 474401999 }, { "sender": "65F3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:53:36\n\n>>474400260 \nYou can still take donuts and sandwiches presumably", "pid": 474402002 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6D46", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:53:42\n\n>>474400608 \nRisk of lawsuits. If someone eats something the company has and get sick, they can get sued. \nWhich is part of why they're also very aggressive when chasing homeless people away from the dumpsters they throw food in.", "pid": 474402008 }, { "sender": "Anon-84A3", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:54:55\n\n>>474400260 \nwagie wagie get back in cagie", "pid": 474402093 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D238", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:57:10\n\n>>474400260 \nIf true, this business is doomed. Most min/mid wage employees will read this and make stealing food and money into a side quest. Rhetoric like this encourages theft.", "pid": 474402241 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C2D6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:58:37\n\nIf your business can't survive a worker's smoke break then it is too weak to survive in a free market. Your boss wants to keep a frail and unfit zombie entity artificially alive by imposing tyrannical rules. This is socialism.", "pid": 474402327 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F7A0", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:59:03\n\n>>474400260 \nHow poor are you if your boss is this much of a retard?", "pid": 474402349 }, { "sender": "13A7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:01:29\n\n>>474400260 \nlol, yea fuck that place. Clearly owned by filthy kikes or arabs. It may sound stupid but WORK FOR CHRISTIANS ONLY!", "pid": 474402505 }, { "sender": "2A6C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:00\n\n>>474400260 \n>i will take this one pizza slice from garbage bin to feed my hungry child \n>Mrs.SHEKELSTEIN: NO YOU DONT!!!!", "pid": 474402594 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-26F0", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:05\n\n>>474400260 \n>READ AND SIGN. EVERYONE. \nNo.", "pid": 474402600 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FA29", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:51\n\n>>474402505 \nAnd is this case, by Christians - Catholics only. \nWASPs are worse than the others combined.", "pid": 474402659 }, { "sender": "FC50-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:04:08\n\n>>474400260 \n>all those spelling mistakes \nlol", "pid": 474402676 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1FF6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:04:53\n\n>>474400260 \nKnowing me I wouldn't haven taken the food because that's not the type of food I want to eat but after a post like that I would take it on principle just to give it to homeless or whatever.", "pid": 474402722 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7021", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:25\n\n>>474400260 \n>What the fuck is this? \nyour boss literally bought that food idiot", "pid": 474402760 }, { "sender": "Anon-10C6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:47\n\n>>474400260 \n>Jobs have rules \n!!!!!?????", "pid": 474402781 }, { "sender": "Anon-9500", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:06:47\n\nPlebbit faggot", "pid": 474402851 }, { "sender": "C0E0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:22\n\n>>474400260 \nWow I knew reading this it was Casey's. I worked at one for years and none of the mangers ever gave a shit about what we took home as long as it was written down as staled out. One of them used to load up on all the donuts every night. Clocking out to smoke makes no sense though. Never was a thing here. They tried turning that place into 10 different things and I got fed up with it and finally quit. Few months after I did everyone but some old lady who's been there for 20 years also quit and the store because basically the worst one in the area in terms of food sales. Manager who was there when I left got fired for threatening to kill a customer.", "pid": 474402892 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B68", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:22\n\n>>474400260 \nSounds like you work with a bunch of niggers and roasties. \nPoor boss must be losing his mind. \nDid you know that can be sued for closing early with out noticing the public about it? \nAlso they can be sued for letting people eat \"waste food\"", "pid": 474402895 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C49F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:08:36\n\n>>474400609 \nI hate to agree with a memeflag but until recently you'd intentionally let employees get a little taste of the business. My parents were basically slaves in a cotton mill but they literally gave away the factory seconds at the end of the work week. It was kind of a cool prize. If there were too many fuck-ups, though, no free sheets and towels. \n \nNobody is even going to be able to conceive of this management strategy in 2024. Where as long as employees are hitting their goals, they get some free shit. You have to be a banker or VP toadie to get a bonus now. \n \nWhat they do now is pay the top guy 100 million to make sure the employees are poor and miserable at all times. You don't like it? Wanna unionize or strike? They outsource it to jeets.", "pid": 474402975 }, { "sender": "F16F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:09:07\n\n>>474400260 \nNothing, you didn't see it. Take some more food home.", "pid": 474403011 }, { "sender": "6A61-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:09:27\n\n>>474402505 \nyeah i worked for palestinians til rn fuck those disloyal lying sandnigger fucks", "pid": 474403032 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4C88", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:09:45\n\n>>474400975 \nBased and compliance-pilled.", "pid": 474403054 }, { "sender": "FE7C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:06\n\n>>474402851 \nAre you sure you're in the right place? Also your buddies here look glowie as fuck", "pid": 474403078 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B65C", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:07\n\n>>474400608 \nThis wouldn't be posted if it was reasonable emoloyees \n \nGaruntee it's a bunch of theiving niggers", "pid": 474403079 }, { "sender": "AA41-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:15\n\n>>474400260 \nI'm thinking based.", "pid": 474403087 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5AF6", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:10:51\n\n>>474400260 \n>Casey's \nI've been to one of those before. Convenience store chain in the middle west that sells pizza, right?", "pid": 474403122 }, { "sender": "7345-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:11\n\n>>474403122 \nYes and the pizza is actually good. Donuts too", "pid": 474403264 }, { "sender": "40F8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:34\n\n>>474402760 \nThat he's going to go on to waste and throw in the trash anyway after their shift is done. At least if an employee takes the food home it's good for employee retention and helps your workers out just a little bit so I don't need to go and expend more money on food. \nIf you're so inflexible with your rules, it's more than like you're autistic.", "pid": 474403288 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9A56", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:35\n\n>>474402008 \nLol, we actually allow you to sell food that's past best by date for pennies. Noone got food poisoning from eating some stale bread, they get food poisoning by dumpster diving for said stale bread.", "pid": 474403289 }, { "sender": "sage", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:50\n\n>>474400468 \n>boomer middleman \nCheck the bad spelling and grammar. The manager is obviously an ESL jeet.", "pid": 474403309 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AB80", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:46\n\n>>474403288 \ni'm sorry, i was being hyperbolic and extreme. \nthe boss bought the food, and feels entitled to some return on his investment. that is understandable. whether the OP's pic is a measured response or not is debatable, but if the employees are just straight up taking all the food, then it's understandable. that's really what i meant.", "pid": 474403443 }, { "sender": "C68F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:41\n\n>>474400260 \nare you sure? this looks more like a reddit pic", "pid": 474403572 }, { "sender": "A8E3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:09\n\n>>474401212 \nI am a chef myself. If this rule wouldnt be up, people would behave like the assholes thst they are. \n>10 minutes before closing \n>Assholes make lots of shit for \"customers\" \n>Awww no customers showed up \n>This is now all trash, but we can take it home because its trash \n>Employees make for themselfts tons of food on the cost of the owner \n>Get mad when owner doesnt want to pay for your food anymore \n>???????? \n \nSome american stuff is retarded, here in the EU too, but i can see how people would take massive advantage of it. \n \nThe line between taking leftowers home and making tons of food for everybody just before closing and calling it \"leftovers\" is blurry. >Thatswhywecanthavenicethings.webm", "pid": 474403603 }, { "sender": "Anon-D6A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:50\n\n>>474400782 \n> I dont understand \nThe policy is there for a reason: If you don't make them pay for food, if they get the waste for free, then they \\*will produce waste food\\*. They will order more and prepare more for customers they know will never come, but they'll have plausible deniability. \n> feeding their employees \nTheir employees... and their entire extended family. Even if it's just that one guy from <third world country> doing it, he'll make the other less brazen employees feel stupid and cheated.", "pid": 474403659 }, { "sender": "66B3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:10\n\n>>474400824 \nIt's a rapidly expanding chain of gas stations. There were 3 built within 10 miles if me in the last 5 years", "pid": 474403681 }, { "sender": "94C5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:20:59\n\n>>474402659 \nI worked at a BP for a catholic owner and she was fucking awesome. $500 cash bonuses for christmas, didn't give a fuck if we ate non-wrapped food (like donuts, hotdog rollers, pizza, etc.), gave us double for overtime or holidays and sometimes a cash bonus to work on our days off. I even stole like 2 rockstars a shift for 2 years straight and she knew I was taking it, didn't care. Coworker didn't pay for his own cigs for like a year straight, not a single fuck was given. The store was in a prime spot and made stupid amounts of money. Everyone was paid like $15-$20/hour and this was BEFORE Trump.", "pid": 474403807 }, { "sender": "F9ED-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:53\n\n>>474400260 \nJust ignore it. He literally can't do shit.", "pid": 474403929 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F828", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:32\n\n>>474400975 \nMalicious compliance is best compliance. Another neat trick - look up your state's codes/OSHA codes relating to windows and ventilation systems, and dutifully note everything that falls short of code, and report it to all the relevant authorities with documentation.", "pid": 474403974 }, { "sender": "8D06-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:32\n\n>>474400608 \nIt's because the US has been completely destroyed by lawyers and unless you put every little thing in writing, someone can and will sue you for negligence. \nIf you give your employees permission to eat anything expired, they \\*will\\* get sick. It doesn't matter if the food is tainted or not, they will taint it themselves to try and sue you. \nThat's the modern American dream: get crippled and win a lawsuit.", "pid": 474403975 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE90", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:25:45\n\nWherever there is free stuff greedy lazy people will take it to the max. Why do you think we have this thing called 'immigration.'?", "pid": 474404115 }, { "sender": "Anon-BEEE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:00\n\n>>474403289 \n>Noone got food poisoning from eating some stale bread, they get food poisoning by dumpster diving for said stale bread. \nPeople also get food poisoning when they taint the food themselves and try to blame you. The US actively rewards this type of fraud. Allegedly.", "pid": 474404133 }, { "sender": "4EF2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:28\n\n>>474400260 \nLol this meth-out nigger works at Casey's. the most ghetto tweaker shithole of all the gas stations in the Midwest.", "pid": 474404161 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F8FA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:31\n\n>>474400260 \nWhat's a Dounut?", "pid": 474404233 }, { "sender": "04F8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:21\n\n>>474400260 \nThis looks like it was written by an illiterate retard.", "pid": 474404280 }, { "sender": "4B9C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:21\n\n>>474403603 \nexactly. people find a way to hustle, con, and take advantage. \ni would fire the whole crew and hire new people, fuck the break room notices.", "pid": 474404350 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0A58", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:41\n\n>>474400260 \nJust quit, and put him in a bind. \nOr keep doing the things that puts him in a fritz, so that when he finally makes good on his threat to fire you, he puts himself in a bind while you collect unemployment. \n \nAnybody asks why you were TERMINATED, say it was because you took a box of uneaten donuts home.", "pid": 474404364 }, { "sender": "6F5D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:57\n\nHere's the other thing. These fags want to be absentee investors and reap maximum profits. If you really wanted to run a solid business you'd be there, in person, and if someone ordered a pizza and didn't pick it up, you split it and laugh about it. \n \nIt's kind of like a proxy war. Using propaganda to gaslight people. \n>Me? Oh hell no, I'm not going to the front lines and fight with those poor people. \n \nAll a good manager has to do is be in the trenches with their employees and lead by example. I mean, if you're right there it's pretty easy to see if food is being stolen. Seems more efficient than sending out angry letters based on a spreadsheet you just saw from 500 miles away but what do I know. \n \nI slept on the highest quality factory second sheets known to mankind and dried off with equally luxurious factory second towels every morning growing up. I thought my parents were gods because they worked at the local cotton mill. \n \nMy friend's dad worked at Little Caesar's (in the 80's when it was the shit) and he also was god-tier. It kind of pissed my dad off that we loved him so much but free pizza as a kid, like really good not to mention the crazy bread. \n \nA free towel is one thing, but delicious free food is hard to beat. \n \nThis is what is wrong now. In a nutshell. If your dad worked in a factory or restaurant now, they'd treat him like a bitch. For some reason, over the last 40 years, everything has been corporatized to the point that 99 people have to work their asses off so one person can be happy.", "pid": 474404385 }, { "sender": "Anon-2A97", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:24\n\n>>474400260 \nYou can tell his employees are shit by the fact he has to tell them stuff like this. That said I'm a horrific employee myself and do way worse.", "pid": 474404413 }, { "sender": "6555-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:04\n\n>>474400260 \nhey boss, colder pizz slices ok?", "pid": 474404459 }, { "sender": "3ABE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:04\n\n>>474403309 \nNo, I am very familiar with jeets and boomers. That is 100% boomer writing.", "pid": 474404460 }, { "sender": "Anon-F1B4", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:09\n\n>>474403289 \n>stale bread \nThat's a bit of a different story than a faster perishing and more dangerous good like cooked meat, which is what these rules are for", "pid": 474404645 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-089E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:21\n\n>>474404161 \nYou sound like a piece of shit arrogant kike. I don't know how your wife's boyfriend puts up with it.", "pid": 474404657 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-883E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:40\n\n>>474400782 \n \nBack in 2002 I worked a shit Foodie job while I was at uni. Once we walked away with over 20kg of \"leftovers\". \n \nOur manager got arrested for fraud not long after that. Turns out he was using the \"Waste\" in an elaborate scheme to siphon money from their system. \n \nI had a full year later still frozen meat from the place that I had to throw away. Now my daughter has to inventory every molecule of food in the place. Take pictures when they throw shit away like limp lettuce etc.", "pid": 474404762 }, { "sender": "41AD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:15\n\n>>474400956 \nShit like this doesn't happen if your management doesn't hire human garbage to run the place. \nYou do not need a litany of rules for employees to follow. \n \nFundamentally it's all management issues. If you don't like how things work, you have to change systems, not implement rules.", "pid": 474404803 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-82D8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:44\n\n>>474404385 \nYeah, 100% \n \nLeftover food is absolutely not a problem if the guy running the store is physically in the store. Then he can see for himself whether food is being \"stolen\" or not. \n \nA huge part of the issue is management that doesn't want to put in any work managing the place.", "pid": 474404908 }, { "sender": "1194-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:10\n\n>>474404460 \nI don't know. The tone of the letter was so dead ass that there's no way that business is going to make it. \n \n>NO FREE STUFF SLAVES, EVEN IF IT'S TRASH \n>CLOCK IN/OUT EVERY TIME YOU TAKE A PISS \n \nOK, corporate America. Keep pumping out these awesome ideas to maximize productivity.", "pid": 474404946 }, { "sender": "2278-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:23\n\n>>474400608 \nOr then just boosts them not to sell them so they can eat for free. Also, lessens the value if customers dee they can just take it free.", "pid": 474404956 }, { "sender": "Anon-019F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:47\n\n>>474400608 \nThe US is filled with lowlifes who will absolutely take advantage of any leeway. There is more prevailing moral order, so people just do whatever they can get away with. \n \nThe food waste they’re talking about isnt stuff from the freezer that’s gone bad. It’s orders that have been sent back for whatever reason. If it’s simply the wrong order, it hasn’t been touched and needs to be thrown out. \n>be waiter \n>hungry \n>”yeah a customer ordered the 20oz porterhouse, medium rare with a side of fries” \n>”woopsie daisy, no they didn’t. My bad, y’all. Well I guess I should just eat it then.” \n>restaurant is now paying for every waiters lunch on a daily basis \n \nIt wouldn’t be that big of a deal if people were honest or if restaurants weren’t literally the cheapest business owners on the planet. Now go clock out from your $2.15/hr pay so you can smoke a cigarette for 15 minutes.", "pid": 474405126 }, { "sender": "FE7F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:21\n\n>>474400608 \nBecause then everything becomes 'trash' and they'll do shit like mess things up on purpose or cook a fresh tray of pizza by the slice right before closing. Basically, some of the staff can't be reasonable so everybody gets nothing now", "pid": 474405162 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD2D", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:32\n\n>>474400608 \n1. It’s a liability issue. Employee takes a pizza but leaves it in his car for two days and then eats it. Gets sick. Lost time, possible health department investigation and possible law suit by retard employee. \n \n2. If you allow employees to take food home it will spiral out of control. They’ll load bags of food every night. They’ll purposely order and void food so that they can take it home. They’ll overproduce so that they can take the extra home. Their ‘friends’ will show up at the back door looking for food. \n \nFood service workers are niggers, spics and retards. You can’t give an inch to them or they’ll take everything.", "pid": 474405238 }, { "sender": "65B9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:34\n\n>>474404946 \nMy reaction to seeing something like that at my job would be somewhere between ignoring it, telling the boss I'm not his personal retard cattle slave, and quitting on the spot. \n \nIt simply isn't worth it. You make fuck all at these jobs to begin with and these types want to dehumanize and abuse you on top of it? \n \nReally, when a guy running a business resorts to this kind of stuff it just means that business is about to collapse anyway.", "pid": 474405245 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3C63", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:27\n\n>>474400260 \n>dounut \nBreak all the equipment and throw away perfectly good food on purpose.", "pid": 474405368 }, { "sender": "Anon-66B8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:46\n\n>>474405162 \n>Basically, some of the staff can't be reasonable so everybody gets nothing now \na few shit heads ruin it for all.. \nthis manager needs to clean house, re-hire everyone, and state the rules up front with emphasis on unsold food. \na little here and there is fine once in a while rather than it going in the trash, if it becomes abusive, they are gone. \nfurther; elaborate and state specifically what is abusive and what is not.", "pid": 474405392 }, { "sender": "Anon-59F5", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:06\n\n>>474404803 \nIt is really this simple. Most business owners don't want to actually run their businesses. I blame greedy (((people))) who just want to gate keep passive investments. \n \nThere's a lot of economic pressure on these small to mid-sized businesses, too. Having a top-down oligarchy controlling everything.", "pid": 474405475 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9178", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:57\n\n>>474400260 \nGet a fucking grip boomer they're throwing out literal garbage bags of donuts at the end of the night anyway \nThey would rather give it to the rats then their employees", "pid": 474405533 }, { "sender": "Anon-4A85", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:17\n\n>>474401854 \nOnly thing I unironically agree with. Fuck smokers", "pid": 474405621 }, { "sender": "Anon-E382", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:36\n\n>>474400260 \nIts to prevent people taking entire meals home (as in for several days) with the excuse its waste. It seems you can basically already eat all you want at work so i don't see the issue unless you were exploiting the system.", "pid": 474405636 }, { "sender": "06EA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:46\n\n>>474400260 \nthese bullshit bait threads are posted like 20x a day \nit's a 1pbtid bot \nand all of you fucking idiots have bumped this to the top for hours \nyou fags aren't keen enough to spot it and the jannies have basically given up \nthis board is a shithole \nsage", "pid": 474405651 }, { "sender": "D317-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:44\n\n>>474400260 \nSounds like you need to find a new job brother. Many of the successful chains and restaurants at the bottom of the service industry are taking good care of their employees, understanding that their service reflects their happiness at work, and consistent high level of service ultimately drives business \n \nWhoever wrote this letter is more concerned with saving pennies than with building a thriving business", "pid": 474405712 }, { "sender": "Anon-5E0B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:04\n\n>>474400260 \nThis seems dustopian, but I do not work and have never worked a day in my life so what do I know? Could be perfectly reasonable", "pid": 474405736 }, { "sender": "Anon-5FB2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:50:17\n\n>>474400260 \nlooks like a company that i wouldn't work for simple as. if you have any balls, you wouldn't either \n>flag \nnvm", "pid": 474405752 }, { "sender": "Anon-B435", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:44\n\n>>474405651 \nWhat’s the purpose of these posts? Boomer hate? Or wagie anxiety?", "pid": 474405932 }, { "sender": "F74F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:51\n\n>>474405651 \nI don't really get mad at slide threads as long as they are politically relevant. Which, to me at least... this is. I'll bet almost everyone itt who has ever had a job has seen some shit like this. \n \nThe fucking audacity of some of these assholes mandating shit for low-level employees that they would never follow themselves. I've been there.", "pid": 474405939 }, { "sender": "C720-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:59\n\n>>474405712 \n>calling a bot \"brother\" \nabsolute mongoloid lol \nsage still obvs", "pid": 474405946 }, { "sender": "4858-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:12\n\n>>474405392 \nOne of the bars I worked at had a 'no taking food home' policy that everyone ignored. Wasn't a problem because the food being taken home was always paid for. Customers always bought more food than they could eat (things like chicken fingers, pizza, or sliders) and there'd be a fuckton of it left at the end of the day. \n \nSometimes nobody would want to eat anything and I'd have literally 1-2 entire garbage cans filled with nothing but chicken strips or w/e to take down to the trash. All product that was bought and paid for but the guests didn't finish it. \n \nHonestly to see that much food go to waste feels criminal. One of our bosses would actually sometimes sneak some of it, like cooked hotdogs + buns, to the local homeless shelter rather than tossing it all. \n \nShit just works different with white people running things I guess", "pid": 474405963 }, { "sender": "BCA1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:47\n\n>>474405939 \ndid you miss the part where the (((OP))) uploaded the same image that's been uploaded hundreds of times, copy pasted a post, and then went off to post more slide threads? apparently so \nsage", "pid": 474406068 }, { "sender": "Anon-35A2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:57:12\n\n>>474400260 \n>Earn 7.25/h \n>Eat a burger for 8.99 \nLol", "pid": 474406242 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F0E3", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:57\n\n>>474405932 \nwe can only speculate. they probably want people to hate boomers because boomers are your dads, uncles, aunts, and they certainly hate the family unit and want to destroy it. it's probably also got something to do with the recent shooting, trying to get people to leave it and stop looking into how odd the whole assassination attempt was and how many glaring inconsistencies there were. \nsage", "pid": 474406343 }, { "sender": "Anon-59B5", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:26\n\n>work", "pid": 474406384 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AA29", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:03\n\n>>474405963 \n>Honestly to see that much food go to waste feels criminal. \ni too know this pain, it drives me nuts. \ni am psycho about wasting food. \nit is almost an obsessive thing about me. i hate it.", "pid": 474406415 }, { "sender": "BAFB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:30\n\n>>474403289 \n>going to the store later in the day when stuff goes on sale for like 5 pence \n>loaf of bread 5 pence \n>meat and potatoe pie 30 pence \n>potatoes 15p \n>random yogurts and meat cuts for mere pence \n \nits comfy as fuck, not even poor but I just like a bargain. Dunno why america doesn't do this, bit weird.", "pid": 474406511 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-04C7", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:20\n\n>>474400260 \n \nHe's getting dumped on by the area manager about food waste.", "pid": 474406619 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-620B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:59\n\n>>474400609 \nIt's some cheap kitchen you faggot. There may be a place for unions in certain industries but you clowns will use them as substitution for growing a spine and finding a better job", "pid": 474406739 }, { "sender": "Anon-508A", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:16\n\n>>474405932 \nThe purpose is to go back to a more comfy work environment. What I'm going to say next will shock you but I'm talking about a high-trust environment, with solid financial backing, and hands-on management. \n \nThis corporate doom and gloom system even runs our governments now. It's like a fucking cancer.", "pid": 474406973 }, { "sender": "1E87-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:16\n\n>>474400609 \n>oppisite \nYeah you’re never going to find a real job so you might as well enjoy your pizza", "pid": 474406974 }, { "sender": "5623-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:42\n\nScratch out the NOTHING and write ONLY BUGS", "pid": 474406999 }, { "sender": "Breakroom", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:15\n\nNone of this is really that bad.", "pid": 474407031 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C4A6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:45\n\n>>474404657 \nIt's a fact that only meth'd out tweakers and recently released convicts on the sex offender registry work at Casey's. Which one are you?", "pid": 474407068 }, { "sender": "796D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:34\n\n>>474407068 \nthey don't hire felons", "pid": 474407182 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D426", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:06\n\n>>474400260 \nI think I know the problem (oof related)", "pid": 474407220 }, { "sender": "0CB4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:04\n\n>>474405963 \nSolid post. Stealing is one thing... but true paid excess, i.e. wasting good product just to dunk on the employees, is a real issue. Huge management fuck up.", "pid": 474407275 }, { "sender": "Anon-4F1E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:33\n\n>>474400260 \n>steal food \n>close early \n>take long smoke breaks every 20 minutes \n>wow, why is my boss sich an asshole?", "pid": 474407313 }, { "sender": "D85A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:26\n\n>>474400260 \nIs illiteracy a requirement to run a store in the US? \n \n>>474400608 \nWhat if an employee gets food poisoning and sues?", "pid": 474407359 }, { "sender": "C262-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:38\n\n>>474400260 \nIs your boss a woman?", "pid": 474407372 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9B9E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:42\n\n>>474401763 \nI worked for Woolies in one of their warehouses when I was young, same rule applied there as well, no taking of any damaged goods home at all, it makes sense when you think about it .", "pid": 474407378 }, { "sender": "D08A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:02\n\n>>474400260 \ngo to a pet store and buy a box with a thousand crickets in it, release in the store, quit. \nsimple as.", "pid": 474407401 }, { "sender": "Anon-C1C4", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:09\n\n>>474401763 \n>>We'd rather throw this old food away then let our employees have any of it for free \nThe employees are intentionally creating fake orders in order to feed themselves and their extended network for free. You resolve that via an employee discount or a complimentary employee tab. \n \nIt's the same with the smoke breaks. The employees aren't working, they're smoking on the clock. The restaurants profits are in the toilet, is what it sounds like. The employees don't want to be there, but have nowhere else to go.", "pid": 474407407 }, { "sender": "12ED-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:37\n\n>>474406068 \nI've seen a lot of the questionably real letters. I've also seen hundreds of similar emails and had to take diversity training classes every month, IRL. \n \nWhat's your point? That we shouldn't be talking about this? Should I go to /biz/ or what.", "pid": 474407432 }, { "sender": "D2BC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:16:25\n\n>>474406343 \nBased", "pid": 474407482 }, { "sender": "9A9A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:10\n\n>>474400260 \nSlavery with modern flair", "pid": 474407600 }, { "sender": "112B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:25\n\n>>474407031 \nWagie shill shows up to demoralize workers. \n \n/thread", "pid": 474407610 }, { "sender": "EC8A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:09\n\n>>474400260 \nThis Reddit pic is like from a month ago", "pid": 474407654 }, { "sender": "Anon-11EE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:16\n\n>>474400260 \nYou are working an hourly wage. How do you not understand you are required to follow rules while being paid hourly? Are you retarded?", "pid": 474407714 }, { "sender": "Anon-72C3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:14\n\n>>474402008 \n>Eat literal garbage \n>Get sick \n>Sue owner of trash bin \n>Win \nThe US is truly a third world country.", "pid": 474407848 }, { "sender": "3082-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:10\n\n>>474407848 \nNo, it's Jewish country. They are the ones becoming lawyers, and suing each other. It's alwyas the lawyers that win, remember that. FUCK ISRAEL AND THE KIKUNTS", "pid": 474407905 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9A30", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:00\n\n>>474400260 \nYou guys are stealing food from your employer and he's pissed about it. \nI would be too.", "pid": 474407962 }, { "sender": "Breakroom", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:34\n\n>>474407610 \nI don't shill anything especially my paltry job, quite the opposite effect. I'm gonna have to request TPTB to cook your ass for a few weeks for lying. Sorry, bud. Your behavior needs to be corrected.", "pid": 474408006 }, { "sender": "A5C8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:01\n\n>>474407407 \n>The employees are intentionally creating fake orders \nNobody is advocating for theft by niggers. What I'm asking you to consider is a more 90s business model... where we don't throw shit in the trash for fun and dick-ride the employees. \n \nEven if it is niggers. Just watch the fucking kitchen staff. Let them have the excess obviously not letting them create said excess. \n \nThe problem I see is people sitting in an office somewhere coming up with humiliation rituals for people they've never met. The boss can't even do the low-level job they're managing.", "pid": 474408108 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DE1D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:06\n\n>>474400260 \n \n>Just posted this \n>Same \"notice\" that's been posted for months \n \nop is and always will be a faggot.", "pid": 474408116 }, { "sender": "Anon-3E02", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:26\n\n>>474405392 \n>this manager needs to clean house, re-hire everyone, and state the rules up front with emphasis on unsold food. \nTheir wages might be too low to attract anyone but the same pool of employees.", "pid": 474408138 }, { "sender": "9E53-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:41\n\n>>474400420 \nFPBP \n/thread>>474400455", "pid": 474408157 }, { "sender": "061E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:02\n\n>>474400956 \n>Customer orders a sub tray, but something comes up at the last second and they have to cancel \nAre you some kind of faggot that has never dealt with people in a food restaurant? \nNo one \"cancels at the last minute cause something came up\" \nIt's always a result of some fucking problem, usually revolving around a nigger or some other non-White", "pid": 474408195 }, { "sender": "0612-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:56\n\n>>474407962 \nIf you worked in the food service wagie cagie you'd see just how much pristine stuff they throw out and write off. It's all business expenses for them. You retards defending shitty anti human policies are worse than the shitbag that posted the notice.", "pid": 474408247 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D4FA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:47\n\n>>474400260 \n>it needs paid for \nOf all the regional speech patterns I hate this pennsylvanian shit the most", "pid": 474408375 }, { "sender": "C5DE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:55\n\n>>474400260 \nIts time to quit. Thats what it is.", "pid": 474408387 }, { "sender": "Anon-3904", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:05\n\n>>474400260 \nYou need to be at least 18 to post here", "pid": 474408402 }, { "sender": "5783-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:36\n\n>>474408108 \n>Nobody is advocating for theft by niggers. \nI know, they're advocating theft by their white relatives instead - because tjis crap never seems to be considered a problem until non-whites also do it. \n \nGuess what? Shitty work behavior is shitty work behavior; it's NOT ok for whites to do, either.", "pid": 474408444 }, { "sender": "A9FC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:54\n\n>>474400260 \nNgl, I steal pizza off the warmers at Casey's all the time, their pizza is the shit.", "pid": 474408464 }, { "sender": "82EC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:39\n\n>>474408247 \nLook, I hated working food service briefly. I also worked retail, the contracting, the government. The employees shouldn't have food insecurity if they work in food service if they are a good crew. Same point I was making about working in a textile mill and getting a free towel occasionally. \n \nThese corporate pricks don't see the forest for the trees. It didn't used to be like this... period. It has gotten out of hand.", "pid": 474408662 }, { "sender": "B2CC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:40\n\nWork for a place that's a front for laundering drug money.", "pid": 474408730 }, { "sender": "78D5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:53\n\n>>474408444 \nNice digits. I don't think we are that far apart. Just saying, without proper supervision, niggers at a local KFC were stealing 30K in chicken/month. That's a little more than Cletus giving Aunt Shirley 11 McNuggets instead of 10.", "pid": 474408884 }, { "sender": "Anon-B35C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:37:30\n\n>>474408730 \nsweet", "pid": 474408921 }, { "sender": "53BB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:48\n\n>>474400570 \n>Poor management trying to stop the bleeding. \nSmart Management just allows for a small amount of “Waste” that employees can eat for lunch, or take home st the end of the day. \nSince it’s “Waste”, employees don’t get docked by the IRS for the “free food”. \nEmployer gets slightly more loyal employees, since the employees get extra benefits that save them a bit of money on food costs. \nA restaurant should have enough of a mark up that a bit of “Waste” food costs way less than an equal pay raise to cover the cost of the food. \nIt’s the same as an employee discount at the type of store a hobbyist might work at because he has enthusiasm for whatever the store sells, thereby resulting in more knowledgable enthusiastic employees, for lower compensation. \nEven major auto companies and stupid fucking illiterate farmers understand the benefits of allowing employees discounts and “walkage” of certain items that can be bought cheaply in bulk, to benefit employees.", "pid": 474409065 }, { "sender": "Anon-D8F2", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:23\n\n>>474400420 \njob = slavery, but in colors", "pid": 474409111 }, { "sender": "D170-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:29\n\n>>474401118 \nThis is how most people over 40 that I've worked with type. Literacy was completely lost on the generation after TV and before the internet.", "pid": 474409185 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BCE8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:35\n\n>>474400260 \n>>>>>KITCHEN..... DOES....NOT.....CLOSE....UNTILL....1030pm \n>>>>>>>>>>>1030pm \n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1030pm \n>(it does not close when you want to close it.) \n>this is something that goes without saying. its caseys rules. 1030pm. not a minute before. \nSeems pretty clear to me dedesusu", "pid": 474409261 }, { "sender": "Anon-05F0", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:01\n\n>>474405963 \n>>474408138 \n \nand the worst is when you are with a woman that refuses to eat \"leftovers\" because she is a picky bitch. \nthen i am stuck doing doable time cleanup as to not waste food. \ni clean my plate no matter what, no matter what. if the food sucks i still eat it, just not to waste it. \nas far as bars and clubs that serve food, only worked at 4, because i cant stand the smell of food all the time when i am working. \nit makes you a fat fuck with the quickness. \nwasted food sucks. but as other anons have stated, people take advantage of that shit and make extra food to feed themselves. \ni know you guys saw that Chinese food buffet webm that has been floating around lately. \nwhat pieces of absolute shit.", "pid": 474409290 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-140F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:03\n\n>>474400260 \nit’s the land of the free", "pid": 474409366 }, { "sender": "7ECE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:04\n\n>>474400260 \n>sign \n>take food anyway", "pid": 474409370 }, { "sender": "Anon-0CCA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:24\n\n>>474400260 \nThat's reasonable desu. People would only exploit the fact that the office provides fika for its employees if people were allowed to bring home stuff. Also, there is no reason why someone who smokes should be allowed to make money doing it.", "pid": 474409381 }, { "sender": "Anon-7AA3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:28\n\n>>474407407 \n>The employees are intentionally creating fake orders in order to feed themselves \nAnd why do they need to do that? Hmm? Truly a mystery.", "pid": 474409386 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C8C5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:45\n\n>>474400260 \n>Caseys pizza \nLmao gas stations everyone", "pid": 474409408 }, { "sender": "F883-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:00\n\n>>474400260 \n>what the fuck is this? \nyour que to find better employment. \nI worked in a restaurant and they would RATHER we took leftovers with us than bin it. not sure what this places problem is, too much stick up their ass I guess. \nI dont do disciplinaries either im not a child if you want to fire me do it dont three strike me I dont give a fuck.", "pid": 474409428 }, { "sender": "9869-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:08\n\n>>474401118 \n>or it wrote with making niggers understand in mind \nI get what you're saying, but this sentence is horrible, anon.", "pid": 474409513 }, { "sender": "C3EA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:12\n\n>>474403309 \nboomers cant write.......or spell..................and type like this................", "pid": 474409518 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A882", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:42\n\n>>474403078 \nNah, while I think mixed race kids aren't white either, and this is some reddit shit, the \"one drop rule\" is stupid too. \nIf the half-breed has kids with a fully white person, and his kids have again kids with another white person, then the octoroon, or at the latest the \"sedecim-oon(?)\" I'd probably consider as \"White\" again. \nEven the literal nazis in their Nürnberger race laws allowed octroon jews to marry with germans, and their kids would be fully recognized blood-germans.", "pid": 474409562 }, { "sender": "Anon-2826", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:43\n\n>>474400975 \nThis is the way", "pid": 474409563 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9D41", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:52\n\n>>474400260 \nI see no problem with this. You have no idea how far employees will take the \"we can eat mess ups\" thing. They will deliberately screw up an order and be like omg well we can't just waste this triple cheeseburger!", "pid": 474409574 }, { "sender": "285F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:10\n\n>>474402760 \n>your boss literally bought that food idiot \nWith whose money? Either his parents if it's a new business or the money he stole from the employees who do the actual work. Buying shit is not work", "pid": 474409590 }, { "sender": "4201-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:10\n\n>>474407407 \n>It's the same with the smoke breaks. The employees aren't working, they're smoking on the clock. The restaurants profits are in the toilet \nthats not how it works, sometimes you're just stood there waiting for stuff to happen because its not so busy, or you're waiting for the dishwasher to finish cycling anyway, you can time a quick smoke and not even effect a damned thing unless you are the chef. \n \nyou're assuming its a 24/7 production line and its not.", "pid": 474409591 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-313B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:10\n\n>>474403975 \n US has been completely destroyed by lawyers \nJews, anon. They’re called Jews.", "pid": 474409665 }, { "sender": "B989-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:19\n\n>>474400984 \nCaseys Pizza and subs is actually decent. \nNot gonna vouch for the subs but the pizza is ultimate after party and hangover food. \nTheir breakfast pizza is king", "pid": 474409766 }, { "sender": "9DEB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:25\n\n>>474406974 \nBro I work for 50k a year and I see misspelling and total retardation here all the time. Good spelling and grammar are almost irrelevant in a lot of industries.", "pid": 474409774 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8BED", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:49\n\n>>474409665 \nTrue. So true.", "pid": 474409792 }, { "sender": "B426-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:50\n\n>>474400984 \nForgot pic", "pid": 474409793 }, { "sender": "52B5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:52\n\n>>474409563 \nand lose your job immediately for being a smart ass.", "pid": 474409795 }, { "sender": "0439-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:10\n\n>>474409590 \ndepends. i used to work in a kimchi production kitchen, and when the manager bought stuff we had to unload it together in the walk-in. inputs for capital production involves more than just numbers on paper.", "pid": 474409984 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-67FF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:38\n\n>>474409795 \nno the restaurant would get shut down for breach and then trying to cover it up hell they're probably have to pay you more for false dismissal. \ndoesn't matter if your chef takes this seriously but if they don't that employer better prepare thine anus.", "pid": 474410024 }, { "sender": "Anon-B781", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:56\n\n>>474409984 \n>we had to unload it together \n>we \nLMAO", "pid": 474410269 }, { "sender": "EC0F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:16\n\n>>474409795 \nHealth code rules are lawfully to be enforced, do you want to know how huge the OSHA fine is for \"retaliation\" actions committed against a whistleblower? \nI will sue your ass into bankruptcy for wrongful termination after OSHA and the Health Department shut you down and fine you into oblivion. \n \nA part of my job as a food handler is to follow health code compliance rules, I also take pictures of violations of this in case my boss gets uppity like you are. \nI am a 20s sous chef, if I say it needs to be tossed, it gets tossed", "pid": 474410379 }, { "sender": "Anon-9C80", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:36\n\n>>474400260 \n>\\*you're \nadd that to the bottom and watch the seethe.", "pid": 474410403 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2CBD", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:38\n\n>>474410024 \n>prepare thine anus \nlol good one \nbut in the real world people just get fired and have a story to tell.. yeah it feels good to give a fuck you, but it comes at a cost", "pid": 474410405 }, { "sender": "Anon-8516", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:17\n\n>>474409766 \nI got a sub there once because a co-worker was talking them up. It was cheaper and better than subway, but the bitch who made it seemed so annoyed to have to make a sub and it took her forever because she wasn't used to it, so I haven't gotten one since. The pizza is really the only gas station food I'll eat though. Actually better than cheapo chains like pizza hut and domino's.", "pid": 474410450 }, { "sender": "E3CA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:27\n\n>>474400260 \n1pbtid SLIDE thread. My original post got zero replies this slide thread gets 200", "pid": 474410468 }, { "sender": "3260-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:42\n\n>>474410379 \nblah blah blah i have done those certs, you chefs are all the same. \npower hungry mongrels", "pid": 474410480 }, { "sender": "7186-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:04\n\n>>474410405 \nin the real world you call the health inspectors for a surprise inspection, dont think you hold something over me because of your control mechanism that is money (which means one eye) it doesn't work on me. just like everyone who took the vax \"to work\" are cowards to me. \nyou CAN say no and tell your boss to go fuck themselves.", "pid": 474410810 }, { "sender": "Anon-765D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:16\n\n>>474410480 \nhes not wrong though, hope you don't work with food cause you'll be going to prison with that attitude.", "pid": 474410904 }, { "sender": "04F8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:55\n\n>>474400260 \nYou work at Casey's General? I love their loaded breakfast burritos.", "pid": 474410951 }, { "sender": "7DEC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:19\n\n>>474400260 \nDisobey. But do not take all the food.", "pid": 474410975 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4C89", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:30\n\n>>474400455 \nBecause it’s a waste. I worked at Walmart when I was younger and they threw away tons of perfectly fine food. I know they’re trying to avoid getting sued but it still sucked ass because they don’t pay jack shit and food eats up the little money you have.", "pid": 474410991 }, { "sender": "9841-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:42\n\n>>474400468 \nThis. \nWork at a restaurant that treats you like family.", "pid": 474411011 }, { "sender": "Anon-2B78", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:59\n\n>>474400823", "pid": 474411104 }, { "sender": "9494-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:06\n\n>>474400608 \nBecause most low level managers are petty, micromanaging, insufferable assholes. \nIt's just the way of the world.", "pid": 474411111 }, { "sender": "0298-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:06\n\n>>474410904 \ni live in South Florida and have worked at the hottest clubs and bars around. \ni have managed over 90 fucking people at a time. \ni am qualified to partake in this conversation. =]", "pid": 474411113 }, { "sender": "Anon-071A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:16\n\n>>474400608 \nBecause you always have employees that ruin it for everyone. \nUnfortunately in the modern workplace you can't single out the worst offenders. The kind that will go for a smoke and disappear the rest of their shift. Or the kind that will raid the cafeteria every time they come near it resulting in far more overhead than planned given the people that work there. \ngf works at a hospital, she complains about 3-4 pajeet doctors that bring in their entire families to dine there, while she herself feels guilty about pocketing a brownie for me.", "pid": 474411122 }, { "sender": "F844-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:27\n\n>>474401326 \nAs someone who's had food poisoning almost kill him, I say thank you.", "pid": 474411133 }, { "sender": "142E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:15\n\n>>474400608 \nThe duality of the responses to this post reflect the difference between high trust vs. low trust society.", "pid": 474411263 }, { "sender": "8FAA-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:19\n\n>>474400260 \nAt this point I truly understand the average neet.", "pid": 474411269 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-84A9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:22\n\n>>474411133 \ni agree, food poisoning is the worst, and old food needs to be chucked, \nbut that is not what we are talking about here, we are talking about employees being shit gibbons and taking advantage.", "pid": 474411273 }, { "sender": "0297-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:08\n\n>>474409774 \nmachinist detected.", "pid": 474411334 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F5E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:40\n\n>>474403032 \nI'm convinced it's something in the blood. Indians are annoying and snarky, and all of the middle east arabs are conniving brown kikes.", "pid": 474411447 }, { "sender": "6358-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:11:43\n\n>>474400420 \nso slavery?", "pid": 474411453 }, { "sender": "Anon-D1F7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:09\n\n>>474410480 \nNever make a power play against an experienced chef who is also a tradie and osha certified. \nMove to china if you want to use gutter oil and your neighbors cat for pizza toppings \nYou want to serve food in the US of A and not follow the laws you shouldnt of hired my white ass :^\\* \nLook at the upsides, the customers are booming your business because they are taking photos of the freshness and quality I hand to them \nYou have zero mold in your walk in because I keep it clean \nYou pass health inspections because of my professionalism \nYou can still buy a new boat off the profits every quarter. \nI laugh at all your racist jokes and dark humor \n \nBe more grateful for the white man that works for you", "pid": 474411477 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B1B9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:51\n\n>>474400260 \nThere are way better jobs out there my dude.", "pid": 474411586 }, { "sender": "1299-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:43\n\n>>474402659 \nI worked for an Italian. When it came to pay he was cheap as fuck but he gave us a lot of leeway for handling asshole customers on our own.", "pid": 474411733 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8E3D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:49\n\n>>474411477 \n>Be more grateful for the white man that works for you \nno arguments there, take my hand White man. \ni would hire you, but you and i both know all chefs are smart asses.", "pid": 474411747 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2CF9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:10\n\n>>474400608 \nThe employees would bake more than needed so that they could bring it home", "pid": 474411769 }, { "sender": "Anon-BCBD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:45\n\n>>474400608 \nWhat a fantastic quote.", "pid": 474411939 }, { "sender": "Anon-2EC8", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:18:50\n\n>>474400260 \n>it needs paid for \nDamn I'm sorry you work for a shitskin", "pid": 474411949 }, { "sender": "3C85-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:03\n\n>>474400260 \nIt means whoever put this is up not only can't into Grammar but is obviously pissed at their failure of a life soo they take it out on the lesser ones. Soo in short fat white karen or ugly sheboon.", "pid": 474411965 }, { "sender": "81A8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:09\n\n>>474410269 \n?", "pid": 474412041 }, { "sender": "1733-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:58\n\n>>474400260 \nfuck all of it, not a smoker myself but who the fuck cares holy shit", "pid": 474412107 }, { "sender": "7B1C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:00\n\n>>474400260 \n>1post \n>reddit sourced image \n>serious replies \nJesus fucking christ you half breeds are dumb as shit.", "pid": 474412109 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FDED", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:47\n\n>>474400260 \nINTERESTING STUFF U POSEDS NIOSDF", "pid": 474412174 }, { "sender": "Anon-35D9", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:07\n\n>>474411747 \n>would hire you, but you and i both know all chefs are smart asses. \nYou damn right, Im lookin to get back into more trade work now that its the slow season for food anyway, I am sick of restaurants and corporate politics amongst employees. \nJust want to work outdoors and listen to my radio again which I why I gave my employer a month notice since the suspension on my license ended.", "pid": 474412279 }, { "sender": "Anon-C10A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:41\n\n>>474400260 \n>boss: \"Don't steal the company's food, ok?\" \n>you: [autistic screeching]", "pid": 474412320 }, { "sender": "CB37-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:46\n\nSome of you haven't worked service jobs and it shows.\n\nI worked as a dishwasher/prep/line chef at everything from diners to Joe Biden's favorite restaurant at Rehoboth Beach and one thing I saw at everything but the higher end establishments was staff (usually wait staff) getting fired because they would try to take food home to feed their fucking extended family.\n\nIt's not about liability, you dorks, it's about the fact the margins on restaurants are razor fucking thin and Shaynaynay loading 6 orders to cancel 3 and hide it in the fridge because she's too cheap to feed her kids on the daily adds up. Now multiply that by multiple Shayshays and you've got a hole in your budget that a Valentine's Day rush couldn't fill.", "pid": 474412329 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-26A0", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:53\n\n>>474412279 \n>corporate politics \nthat's just people shit", "pid": 474412338 }, { "sender": "3FB7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:56\n\n>>474400260 \nA sign for redditors. \n\"Huh, ok.\" \nThats my response because Im there to earn X per hour of work, not to get a full spectrum subsidy of every aspect of my life and have every detail of work be tailored to my emotional needs of the moment.", "pid": 474412344 }, { "sender": "Anon-7632", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:58\n\n>>474400260", "pid": 474412346 }, { "sender": "61C0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:36\n\n>>474412279 \n>Just want to work outdoors and listen to my radio \nfuckin eh", "pid": 474412398 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-116C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:37\n\n>>474403079 \n>>474411263 \n>>474403288 \nIt's easy to forget if you were a wagie in a high trust social setting what life is like around nogs and third worlders.", "pid": 474412400 }, { "sender": "5D2F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:41\n\n>>474411263 \nHigh trust societies no longer exist", "pid": 474412403 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0FB3", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:45\n\n>>474400260 \nI delivered pizza before the door dash era. Owner would always have a pie made for the drivers. In between runs grab a slice.", "pid": 474412414 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A73D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:52\n\nthe text didn't turn green", "pid": 474412426 }, { "sender": "Anon-DB12", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:24:54\n\n>>474412329 \n>>474402760 \ni tried to explain that much less gracefully here but yup", "pid": 474412430 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CF3D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:05\n\n>>474400260 \nA couple decades ago when my friends and I were teenagers getting our first jobs someone I knew worked at an italian restaurant where the ((italian)) owner would very enthusiastically encourage people to take left over food home so it wouldn't go to waste. He hired teenagers pretty much exclusively and no one lasted long. He'd push that leftover food on people hard, aggressively even. Turned out if you took food he'd quietly subtract it from you pay. No one lasted long because for a lot of them when they were supposed to get their first check they'd end up getting noticably less than they expected and he'd fire anyone who fought him on it. Guy ended up in jail eventually but it took fucking years before anyone actually did something about him.", "pid": 474412445 }, { "sender": "4099-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:43\n\n>>474400260 \nIf you want free donuts just get vaxxed", "pid": 474412502 }, { "sender": "1D88-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:11\n\n>>474403681 \nand in the next 5 years they will all be rupt", "pid": 474412537 }, { "sender": "41BB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:11\n\n>>474412109 \nMaybe im bored of trolling lefty shills over cheeto and didnt find any other slide threads quality. \nYou act like its a crime to use an already pozzed place as an occasional casual chat box. \nTell you what bruce, you go make a flat earth thread focused on the southern cross never moving, and I will join it and bump it with no curvature arguments and the 3 body problem of celestial mechanics and you can just sit back and watch the glerfs lose their fucking hair over it :)", "pid": 474412610 }, { "sender": "C3EA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:23\n\n>>474412430 \n>>474412445 \ndespite what i said here i also think most (american at least) business owners are shitheads and can't understand that they should just give food to the workers if it's going to expire anyway. a strange sense of entitlement. but in america nuance does not exist.", "pid": 474412627 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5863", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:25\n\n>>474409065 \nCould be that this establishment is employing lots of brown people who just take anything they want and mark it as waste.", "pid": 474412628 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-00BE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:45\n\n>>474412445 \nEven Jews aren't that shady and miserly. \nI've worked for both. \nItalians are only generous with their kids and their mistress.", "pid": 474412655 }, { "sender": "13EF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:16\n\n>>474409290 \n>i know you guys saw that Chinese food buffet webm that has been floating around lately. \n>what pieces of absolute shit. \nThey're cousins to the 400 pound white people who park their asses directly at the end of the buffet counters during steak night and inhale everything as soon as the server replaces a pan.", "pid": 474412693 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3138", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:38\n\n>>474412329 \nPretty much this too \nThe female staff are always stealing", "pid": 474412718 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7AD3", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:49\n\n>>474409386 \nbecause they are niggers", "pid": 474412734 }, { "sender": "EB6C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:12\n\n>>474412655 \n>Italians are only generous with their kids and their mistress. \nas it should be. as much as a kumbaya love everyone world would be great that is not what we have, you should advantage yourself and your own and fuck everyone else because they hate you back anyway.", "pid": 474412756 }, { "sender": "1FD3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:33\n\n>>474412693", "pid": 474412793 }, { "sender": "17F1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:44\n\n>>474409370 \nIs that Dungeon Meshi? I love that cartoon so much. I didn't expect to, but it has heart.", "pid": 474412799 }, { "sender": "A466-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:27\n\n>>474400260 \nLooks like made up bullshit from plebbit. \nYet again.", "pid": 474412846 }, { "sender": "1F40-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:31\n\n>>474405126 \nRestaurants should be providing free lunch to its waiters, the fuck is this shit you don't have free lunch... And it's cheaper to the restaurant instead of paying their waiters more because no fee lunhc you can cut down on costs by providing free lunch to the waiters", "pid": 474412850 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-57DB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:07\n\n>>474412850 \n>free", "pid": 474412891 }, { "sender": "3253-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:30\n\n>>474400829 \nOnly fags and Ben Affleck's brother are naked 'casey'", "pid": 474412923 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A0FB", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:54\n\n>>474412414 \nthats cool, and that is good for employee morale. \nyou know how many big ass meals at fine restaurants i have expensed for my people? \ni take care of people and they respect me for it. this shit is not as difficult as many make it. \nsome try and ruin it for many, and i cut that cancer out quick.", "pid": 474413013 }, { "sender": "EE13-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:33:27\n\n250 (you)s!\n\nWe did it, Reddit!\n\nWow this is my most upvoted post ever, thanks kind strangers!\n\nEdit 2: Thanks for all the witty replies to my comment as well :)\n\nEdit 3: 274 karma, almost at 275!\n\nEdit 4: 275!!\n\nEdit 5: Down to 273 :/\n\nEdit 6: u/jack333666 has mentioned the edits and I just want to say, I don't see anything wrong with thanking the people that made you successful.\n\nEdit 7: 269 now. I don't understand why I'm getting hate.\n\nEdit 8: Stop bullying me. I'm not going to say it anymore.\n\nEdit 9: u/yetibutton You know what? Post it to 4chud or whatever the hell that lsite is. I promise you will get laughed at and kicked out of there. Just because you're jealous that I'm the king of Reddit doesn't give you the right to attack me!!", "pid": 474413039 }, { "sender": "Anon-517B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:19\n\n>>474412799 \nIt is. \nI've been rewatching it while running on the treadmill. \nit's actually quite good.", "pid": 474413099 }, { "sender": "7B07-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:52\n\n>>474413039 \nis this gpt? i love it", "pid": 474413140 }, { "sender": "09FE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:11\n\n>>474412655 \nItalian business owners are notoriously self entitled pieces of shit who will try to take an experienced new hire and pay him illegal immigrant wages \nI had one that tried to get me to accept one cent less than the states bottom line minimum wage. \nOffered me 10.99 like its a product on a shelf at target and got mad when I laughed at him and told him I dont work for less than 18 in a kitchen \n\"But you no worka da italiana befora!\" \nShut the fuck up wop, your cuisine is not special and there is no secret to making it, you show me your recipe and watch me make it better than your grandma.", "pid": 474413170 }, { "sender": "CA1E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:05\n\n>>474400260 \n>Smoking is clocking out \nKek that bullshit", "pid": 474413244 }, { "sender": "Anon-20FD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:24\n\n>>474413170 \nthe entire restaurant industry is luxury. make them pay you whatever the fuck you want.", "pid": 474413261 }, { "sender": "Anon-3DFD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:56\n\n>>474413140 \nEdit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger \n \nEdit 2: 327 upvotes for this? Haha wow that's the most I've ever gotten, thanks guys and gals and everything in between! \n \nEdit 3: WTF 600 upvotes wow thank you all so much this is the best birthday ever \n \nEdit 4: Thanks for all the birthday wishes fellow r/wooooshers. I tippeth mine hat to thee on this pleasant morrow. \n \nEdit 5: Ok, so this went viral overnight for some reason O\\_o 2000 motherflipping upboats I really have no words thank you all so much it means a lot! \n \nEdit 6: ok I'm noticing some toxic discussion happening in this reply chain and I feel the need to address it. Sexism and racism are not cool guys, so please cool it and continue the good vibes please and thank you! \n \nEdit 7: ok so I don't know why but I've received a lot of downvotes on this post recently, maybe i got raided by (commonly referred to as the \"asshole of the internet\" for those who aren't aware). I don't really ask for much but I was hoping we could show those losers a thing or two, so please give this post an upvote if you haven't already, it would mean the world to me and show these bullies you cannot mess with a good person. \n \nEdit 8: turns out my girlfriend cheated on me, so that happened :/ \n \nEdit 9: so people have been wanting me to clarify the previous edit. I don't have the energy to go into a lot of detail so the general gist of it is this: Yes we were in an open relationship, no that doesn't mean you can't cheat on someone when you're in an open relationship. If you are having sex regularly with someone and never mention it until they get you pregnant, that is definitely a betrayal of trust even if you've both agreed that she can have as many partners as she feels she needs to be comfortable. \n \nEdit 10: FYI, taking responsibility for the child does not make me any less of a man than you, actually it makes me more, so kindly fuck off please and thank you!", "pid": 474413299 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A10B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:29\n\n>>474403681 \n>Take out a bunch of retarded loans \n>Expand and increase hiring \n>Too retarded to hire non-retards \n>Bleed money \n>Write this note", "pid": 474413334 }, { "sender": "1B9A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:37:44\n\n>>474413299 \nholy fuck lmao", "pid": 474413356 }, { "sender": "9DFB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:09\n\n>>474413299 \nis that fucking eck?", "pid": 474413384 }, { "sender": "71C4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:22\n\n>>474409562 \n>Nah, while I think mixed race kids aren't white either, and this is some reddit shit, the \"one drop rule\" is stupid too. \nOne drop is a direct result of viewing people as property who cannot inherit from the father. Otherwise, there would be a lot of lawsuits as children of willing white wives fought children of raped black slaves for parts of an owner's estate.", "pid": 474413398 }, { "sender": "82C6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:41\n\n>>474400260 \nIf its waste then wtf is the problem? Hate it when they go overboard like this.", "pid": 474413422 }, { "sender": "Anon-6315", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:34\n\n>>474413384 \n>>474413356 \nEdit 11: Holy sh\\*tstorm! Can you freaking believe it?! 50 upvotes, folks! This is the stuff of Reddit legend! Massive shoutout to the dream team – u/elonhater, u/eggpopper, and u/ipunchnazis – for slinging us straight to the top! You're the true MVPs! And a special shoutout to u/atheistultra for joining the party and cranking the hype up to 11! \n \nEdit 12: Alright, fellow Redditors, I'm strapping into my Smash Ultimate battle chair to kick some digital butt and take some virtual names. But before I dive in, can we aim for 60 upvotes? I'm talking about reaching the front page and slapping the Internet's face with our awesomeness! Let's make those upvote arrows rain like a freakin' monsoon! \n \nEdit 13: Hold onto your keyboards, my fellow Internet denizens! We freakin' did it! 60 upvotes, baby! This is like discovering the ultimate cheat code in the game of Reddit! Massive thanks to u/antiworkpro for hopping on the karma train and helping us rocket through this epic milestone. You're all absolute legends!", "pid": 474413485 }, { "sender": "566D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:30\n\n>>474413422 \nEdit: My first gold is on a comment about this. I can't believe it, Reddit, you always surprise me. Thank you kind stranger for the gold, and thank you kind strangers for all the upvotes! I didn't think when I woke up today and found out my mom had super cancer that I'd actually be smiling today but you guys changed that. Thank you. When I had to put down my dog a few minutes ago I had tears in my eyes, I still do have tears, but now they're tears of joy! Thank you Reddit for all of these upvotes and the GOLD!! Wow I still cannot believe it. Hey, maybe we can push for platinum??? I've never had platinum before and would love to see what it does! My dad before he had his colonoscopy told me to \"Try and live each day like its your last... And also get platinum on Reddit\" and I don't want to let him down! I want to show my father that I'm strong and capable of overcoming impossible odds (those odds being getting platinum haha!). In conclusion I just want to thank each and every one of you guys for the hours of entertainment I get on this website, I love each and every one of you wonderful people, each and every one of you is unique and special and can do whatever you want!! I love all of you! Thank you so much for the gold and the upvotes! \n \nEdit: phone formatting \n \nEdit: Spelling \n \nEdit: Grammar \n \nEdit: SILVER???? THANKS kind stranger! \n \nEdit: Spelling on stranger\\* \n \nEdit: punctuation \n \nEdit: appropriate capitalisation \n \nEdit: spelling of appropriate\\* \n \nEdit: spelling of edit\\* \n \nEdit: ANOTHER SILVER?? Okay guys, this is epic. But can I get a platinum? Also, my daddy is having a second colonoscopy, 1 upvote = 1 prayer. \n \nEdit: more punctuation \n \nEdit: colonoscopy\\* spelling \n \nEdit: Guys, I feel a little sick my eyes burn \n \nEdit: showerthoughts are just thoughts but never in the shower \n \nEdit: To all the jerks out there who say I'm a pretentious little brat, go and find a hecking platinum and prove me wrong, I have more shinies, you mongoloid", "pid": 474413580 }, { "sender": "Anon-9162", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:52\n\n>>474403079 \n>boss is retarded and fails at hiring good staff \n>ubuhhhh its the wagies fault \nLiterally one job", "pid": 474413605 }, { "sender": "D551-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:18\n\n>>474413485 \n>I'm strapping into my Smash Ultimate battle chair", "pid": 474413638 }, { "sender": "9315-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:41:38\n\n>>474409591 \n>>It's the same with the smoke breaks. The employees aren't working, they're smoking on the clock. The restaurants profits are in the toilet \n>thats not how it works, sometimes you're just stood there waiting for stuff to happen because its not so busy, or you're waiting for the dishwasher to finish cycling anyway, you can time a quick smoke and not even effect a damned thing unless you are the chef. \n>you're assuming its a 24/7 production line and its not. \nTables need to be wiped down, counters need to be wiped down, floor needs to be swept, inventory needs to be double chevked for re-stocking. None of which is done because someone's 2 minute smoke break became 20. Again.", "pid": 474413655 }, { "sender": "5F92-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:04\n\n>>474412279 \n", "pid": 474413686 }, { "sender": "1575-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:09\n\n>>474400260 \nThis is your sign that you're working a dead-end minimum wage job and need to up your game", "pid": 474413691 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-31BA", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:14\n\n>>474410480 \nThey just wield the power left in the vacuum of your piss poor management.", "pid": 474413700 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A86E", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:38\n\n>>474413655 \n>t. actually worked in food service", "pid": 474413739 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0444", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:59\n\n>>474403603 \nRetard if the employees get free food they wouldn't con like this because why bother", "pid": 474413766 }, { "sender": "2717-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:09\n\n>>474400260 \nSaving you from obesity. based boss.", "pid": 474413776 }, { "sender": "059D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:35\n\n>>474412799 \nI'm really glad they didn't mess up the adaptation. It's the first anime I've watched to completion in a while.", "pid": 474413801 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5C55", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:52\n\nIf I hated the job i'd sign it and keep taking donuts and sandwiches and if they gave me shit I'd just play dumb and say I dont know what a dounut or a sandwhich is", "pid": 474413821 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-604C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:32\n\n>>474400260 \n>shitting on morons who get caught taking extras (just don't get caught) and \"'muh smoke break\" faggots \nare they hiring?", "pid": 474413862 }, { "sender": "91B6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:44:42\n\n>>474411122 \nThis, try putting out a box of 30 k-cups in your office breakroom and watch how fast some faggot takes half the box home.", "pid": 474413876 }, { "sender": "5816-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:00\n\n>>474403603 \nHave you ever worked in a bar? \n \nThings are made to order dipshit. Maybe you don't do it like that in the third world Africa though", "pid": 474413899 }, { "sender": "72D8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:20\n\n>>474404908 \nthese vermin go to classes that outright tell them they shouldn't be on site dealing with day to day issues. They should 'look big picture'.", "pid": 474413924 }, { "sender": "Anon-4706", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:33\n\n>>474411113 \nSo you are a fat greasy jewish restaurant manager who fails to corral his staff because he has no idea how to actually run anything. \nYou are a dime a dozen.", "pid": 474413939 }, { "sender": "365E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:42\n\n>>474412850 \n>Restaurants should be providing free lunch to its waiters, the fuck is this shit you don't have free lunch... And it's cheaper to the restaurant instead of paying their waiters more because no fee lunhc you can cut down on costs by providing free lunch to the waiters \nThis I agree with. If you work a certain number of hours, a free meal should be offered. If you pull a closing-opening 1-2 punch you should also be offered a complimentary meal.", "pid": 474413953 }, { "sender": "Anon-2D23", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:03\n\n>>474413700 \nnot my management", "pid": 474413989 }, { "sender": "B3D7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:06\n\n>>474413261 \nIts more than the money, as an experienced chef of over 25 years professional experience and a resume six miles long, I get offers on indeed to work private yachts and high end liners, the Ritz Carlton even reached out to me before(I was working my trade then) so more than wages I have standards for those who employ me, I have zero tolerance for deceptive actions or disrespect that goes beyond constructive criticism. \n \nI need my TRADE, not the kitchen job, to make ends meet, and my trade pays very well, so go ahead, scream at me, I will walk right out that door and report you to the advertising company you hired me through. \nIve gone toe to toe with corporate owned rental property managers before and they all quit the next day when I told them exactly what was gonna happen should the matter go to court. \n(Omce had an eviction notice and went to the college library to seek knowledge on tenancy law) \nI know the laws, I know my rights, and I know what my boss or landlord can and cannot do \nGot no time for bs", "pid": 474413994 }, { "sender": "E894-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:23\n\nI worked at a country club when I was younger. We got to take whatever we wanted and sometimes the ladies working the kitchen would cook mexican food for us. The only time any of us got in trouble was if we were a too sarcastic or vulgar with some of the heavy drinking regulars when a person who thought we should be a bit more refined was around. I think that if you're at a \"nicer\" place then these sorts of issues don't happen and the notices that you see passed around the internet are either ragebait or from nasty-ass chain restaurants.", "pid": 474414020 }, { "sender": "Anon-907A", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:43\n\n>>474403603 \nwhenever i have taken leftovers home it was because a customer ordered it and never picked it up. so i took food home maybe once every 3 months. i can't stand how predatory the average person is and this dovetails perfectly into politics. politics are BULLSHIT because MOST PEOPLE are predatory shitheads.", "pid": 474414049 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-64B7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:57\n\n>>474413939 \ni am a 6'1 Germanic White that will literally curb you and any rat face or nigger that tries me.", "pid": 474414069 }, { "sender": "4ED1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:06\n\n>>474405475 \nthey can join in boiling our enemies alive or join the enemy in the pot. Not my problem.", "pid": 474414077 }, { "sender": "D448-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:10\n\n>>474400260 \nDO NOT EAT THE DOUNUTS AND I AM YOUR BOSS BECAUSE IM A FUCKING RETARD \ni love clownworld, your own fault working there youre probably even more retarded than your boss. TOUGH LUCK MANPUSSY.", "pid": 474414084 }, { "sender": "9DD9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:19\n\n>>474413953 \nEspecially considering most restaurants expect the customer to pay their staff through tips.", "pid": 474414092 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8E8C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:53\n\n>>474413739 \n>>t. actually worked in food service \nSo have I. There's always shit to be done.", "pid": 474414133 }, { "sender": "728E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:30\n\n>>474400260 \nyou guys know that if you spent half your fourchang time reading you’d get through 30 books in a year? \n10 years that’s 300 books.", "pid": 474414188 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2200", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:37\n\n>>474400260 \nSign nigger on it.", "pid": 474414196 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B57", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:47\n\n>>474414133 \ni was describing you, that's what the \n>t. thing \nmeans. but yes i have as well lol.", "pid": 474414212 }, { "sender": "B56C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:18\n\n>>474400420 \nYes and it's also the cue for malicious compliance.", "pid": 474414257 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8A1C", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:28\n\n>>474412718 \nBourdain wasn't wrong about the amount of sex going on amongst the kitchen staff, or drug use for that matter. Maybe not as extreme as NYC fine dining (never played in that ballpark) but shit like Adderall, Xanax, etc were pretty common. \n \nWomen are always stealing because they think they're \"owed\" something because of their bad choices to fuck losers and pump out crotch spawn that they expect everyone else to feed. \n \nDidn't give a fuck because 1) restaurants are a cutthroat fucking business. Granny and Grandpa running the Sunrise Diner are not typical of most restaurant owners - they are map painting game levels of spreadsheet autism and will shut down a restaurant and fire everyone with the same regret that you might snuff out a cigarette. \n \nWhich leads to 2) Why am I going to fuck up a good thing for myself so I can get an unenthusiastic handjob from some girl with calluses on her hands in her Nissan Altima who acts like she's doing me the world's greatest favor? Fuck no. I'd rather take a moment and whip up something for my crew in the back during a lull and have them working like madmen fortified with 2k calories of good food, calling me Bossman/ El Jefe and meaning it with all their hearts.", "pid": 474414268 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6C15", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:47\n\n>>474410991 \nI've always been curious about dumpster diving but never tried doing it.", "pid": 474414291 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ED7F", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:01\n\n>>474414188 \nreading books wont do shit, retard \nive worked for 15 years on my own business and no fucking book did anything for me getting up again and trying even harder. \ndipshit mongoloids with their useless tips.", "pid": 474414306 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-85E7", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:36\n\n>>474413801 \n>'m really glad they didn't mess up the adaptation. It's the first anime I've watched to completion in a while. \nThat scene was great. In spite of death being cheap in the dungeon, death and dismemberment still had real stakes.", "pid": 474414343 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6188", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:41\n\n>>474413655 \nnone of that is not being done by a fucking dishwasher. if you think it is, you need to be fired, you are a waste of a check.", "pid": 474414350 }, { "sender": "Anon-0257", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:03\n\n>>474400260 \nlooks like he has a bunch of slackers working there. fuck off, wagie", "pid": 474414379 }, { "sender": "Anon-3339", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:06\n\n>>474400468 \n\"Oh no\" \n>pulls up applications from thousands of illegal spics \n>replaces you", "pid": 474414387 }, { "sender": "Anon-1268", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:08\n\n>>474413994 \n25 years puts you at the top end of the bell curve. so what you demand is different from what most others can. but the point is that the restaurant experience itself is a luxury. it is cheaper and more efficient to cook for oneself, but luxury culture has propped up restaurants. this too shall pass.", "pid": 474414390 }, { "sender": "Anon-3485", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:47\n\n>>474413170 \nEverytime I've worked for a Med I had to slam doors and otherwise chimp to get paid for every hour they owe me.", "pid": 474414449 }, { "sender": "74C0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:02\n\n>>474403974 \nManagement gets crazy like a cornered animal when this happens. Love it.", "pid": 474414470 }, { "sender": "9A24-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:13\n\n>>474400260 \nnigger cant even write", "pid": 474414485 }, { "sender": "BE6B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:35\n\n>>474413686 \nI couldnt finish that movie because that jew couldnt convince me he knew fuckall of a kitchen. \nIt was almost as cringe as watching him play Dalton in Road House \nI prefer movies like Waiting, or Ratatouille if I want to watch a show about working in a kitchen, Ramsey cracks me up, I would love to cook a meal for him but only if I could capture his reaction on camera", "pid": 474414512 }, { "sender": "ECD5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:38\n\n>>474414387 \nSomeone who's so uptight about following regulation is obviously trying not to get their ass sued, so clearly they won't be hiring illegals. But even without illegals, fast food workers are easily replaced so I guess your point stands.", "pid": 474414517 }, { "sender": "B721-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:20\n\n>>474413876 \nI live in the midwest and work in a small office where everyone's white. \nNot being from around here, I've always been amused by the amount of shit that people just bring into the office and leave in the breakroom. \nthen someone will come by and ask everyone before taking it. \nMost recently it was a set of bluetooth speakers that someone won at a bingo or something. I'm on a call with a client, and I see this little blonde head peeking in, miming something, give her two thumbs up, get two thumbs in return without even knowing what it was all about. Turns out she wanted to check if she could have them or if I wanted them.", "pid": 474414582 }, { "sender": "ED39-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:11\n\n>>474400260 \n>absolutly \n>dounuts \n>sandwhiches \n>its \n>your \n>it needs paid for \n>untill \n \n \nI can see the kind of Midwest boomer lead sniffer who can't into spelling and sentence structure who probably dropped out of third grade in 1973 who would write this.", "pid": 474414648 }, { "sender": "5EBD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:54:36\n\n>>474414512 \n>I couldnt finish that movie \nthat clip with its unnatural cadence and forced dialogue was enough to convince me never to watch that move. waiting is great though", "pid": 474414684 }, { "sender": "Walrus", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:39\n\n>>474409381 \nPaid breaks are required legally in the US. You can use them the take a shit, smoke, play the fucking banjo the boss has no say.", "pid": 474414783 }, { "sender": "A8AB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:40\n\n>>474413924 \n>these vermin go to classes that outright tell them they shouldn't be on site dealing with day to day issues. They should 'look big picture'. \nThey don't want to be the Domino's manager pulling multiple closing-opening shifts all week because his staff is shit, only to be fired when he closes the store to take his pre-planned medical leave because yet another worthless employee bailed lol and no one else wants to come in to cover. \n \nIf you're not there, staff doesn't have an excuse to bail as quickly.", "pid": 474414786 }, { "sender": "EED0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:57\n\nTake a diaper. Newborn size. Wrap it in tape. Flush it.", "pid": 474414818 }, { "sender": "FB59-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:09\n\n>>474414485 \n>nigger cant even write \nNo shit, that's why he's making up shitty fan fiction and posting it on reddit. \nGod damn, you motherfuckers are stupid and it's no wonder the highlight of your resume is the 3 weeks you worked at McDonald's before they fired you for being too dull witted to be able to mop a bathroom floor.", "pid": 474414842 }, { "sender": "Anon-6E52", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:37\n\n>>474414390 \n>it is cheaper and more efficient to cook for oneself, \nThis honestly, I hardly eat out at all unless its a special occasional or I am at a bar with the wife. \nI make great food at home with her, I dont even buy my pork or beef precut anymore because I enjoy the act and almost meditative process of butchering and processing my own portions, and it saves me assloads of money to cook at home. \n>>474414449 \nThis is why our grandfathers didnt consider them white", "pid": 474414879 }, { "sender": "A94F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:57:33\n\n>>474400260 \nJust leave", "pid": 474414955 }, { "sender": "FB54-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:58:00\n\n>>474414512 \n>Waiting \nlol good one \nnever fuck with the people that prepare your food", "pid": 474414998 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6DD3", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:58:53\n\n>>474414879 \n>I enjoy the act and almost meditative process of butchering and processing my own portions \nbased", "pid": 474415078 }, { "sender": "Anon-F921", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:58:54\n\n>>474414684 \n>forced dialogue \nThis, if the actor had just spent six months in a grueling shit kitchen before the role he would of come off believable. \nThe camera wouldnt even focus on his cuts, fakest cook ever", "pid": 474415080 }, { "sender": "579A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:58:59\n\n>>474405126 \n>the amerimutt cannot comprehend the worker enjoying that which he produces \nI can see why Jews mock you and want to enslave you. Can you truly hate a pig for following its nature? Anyways hope you clocked out before posting this. Don’t want mr rosenblatt to miss out on any potential money in this economy!", "pid": 474415082 }, { "sender": "B74B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:00:13\n\n>>474414517 \nin the US having a job has a carrying cost on the working regarding expenses that cannot be written off like businesses can. Most of these shit tier jobs require someone show up with their own vehicle since public transportation doesn't actually exist beyond a few niche areas. Your entire nation is considered a single county in the US, and many people are priced out of living in entire regions so they have to commute to a job. If you are paid shit tier wages like most of them do, they no longer are able to afford to even work. Just think about the concept that you cannot afford to work. Hence why the drive for rising minimum wages are getting obscene as in many places 15 an hour isn't actually doing anything for the employee, while our minimum is at 7 in most places. Doing nothing can be functionally cheaper than doing something. \n \nSo many low wage places which think they can simply hire new people find out its actually far harder to do as only a couple will show up to even apply or they are only going to do it for a short time before leaving. Many such employee's barely learn the job before leaving to another in such an environment. Causing an endless cycle of not enough employee's. Those existing are paid shit tier wages and can leave with no notice as easily as you can fire them. \n \nIllegals are the only reason most fast food places can even keep the door open, at least without raising wages drastically. \n \nThe US is a jewish cancer.", "pid": 474415189 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E6A7", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:48\n\n>>474412329 \nDon't hire Shanaynays then you fucking idiot God how are you people in positions to make these decisions", "pid": 474415318 }, { "sender": "Walrus", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:07\n\n>>474414188 \nAfter doing some writing myself I realized books are shit.", "pid": 474415349 }, { "sender": "3070-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:14\n\n>>474400260 \ngive your notice", "pid": 474415446 }, { "sender": "5D88-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:16\n\n>>474415189 \n>Hence why the drive for rising minimum wages are getting obscene as in many places 15 an hour isn't actually doing anything for the employee, while our minimum is at 7 in most places. Doing nothing can be functionally cheaper than doing something. \ni'm going to be mocked for this but i have, with one single exception, never held a job that paid me enough to accumulate wealth beyond what it took to survive in this fucking hellhole of a country. and that was WITH a partner also working.", "pid": 474415450 }, { "sender": "Anon-AC28", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:34\n\n>>474414306 \nthis is good too. \nthe life of the mind shouldn’t be discounted. \nI wouldn’t have written 2 books without copious reading. \nyou have my blessing.", "pid": 474415483 }, { "sender": "E554-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:03:50\n\n>>474414842 \nare you okay?", "pid": 474415501 }, { "sender": "Anon-FB43", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:04:57\n\n>>474414998 \nIve never spat in food, but whenever a vegan orders the impossible burger while I am manning the flat top grill at my job, I slap that fake ass patty right on the recently beef greased spot. \nIm not kidding, Vegans in good health only exist because of Heroes like me, who work in secret to protect them from themselves. \nFried vegan tempura? \nIt goes into the fryer that the tendies go in. \nIve only been caught once in all the years I worked. \nAnimal fat is good for these mentally unwell people \n \nI dont do it to all the vegan orders, but enough", "pid": 474415604 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C190", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:04:59\n\n>>474415189 \n>So many low wage places which think they can simply hire new people find out its actually far harder to do as only a couple will show up to even apply or they are only going to do it for a short time before leaving. Many such employee's barely learn the job before leaving to another in such an environment. Causing an endless cycle of not enough employee's. Those existing are paid shit tier wages and can leave with no notice as easily as you can fire them. \non the other hand... i have seen new hires that don't even know how to sweep a floor. there is a deep rot in this society.", "pid": 474415607 }, { "sender": "4DD8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:06:00\n\n>>474415604 \nhahahaa you animal", "pid": 474415702 }, { "sender": "E95E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:07:05\n\n>>474400260 \nThis is an employer who does not trust his employees so maybe you're just a bunch of teenagers", "pid": 474415790 }, { "sender": "40CF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:07:05\n\n>>474415604 \nthis is basically like pantsing a tranny and forcing them to stare at their own dick", "pid": 474415791 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9F7B", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:07:21\n\n>>474415450 \nMove to the midwest. \nInto a trailer. \nCities exist to suck your funds dry \nFind a small place in the country for cheap and commute to the big town for work. \nYou will be alot happier and so will your wallet", "pid": 474415815 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F932", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:07:46\n\n>>474415791 \nthe hero we all need \ni love it", "pid": 474415852 }, { "sender": "C4A6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:08:55\n\n>>474415815 \ni just might.", "pid": 474415932 }, { "sender": "2424-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:10:52\n\n>>474414350 \n>none of that is not being done by a fucking dishwasher. \nWe've worked in different places, with different expectations, then. The food service industry has room for all types.", "pid": 474416084 }, { "sender": "69AC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:14:22\n\n>>474414783 \n>Paid breaks are required legally in the US. You can use them the take a shit, smoke, play the fucking banjo the boss has no say. \nPaid breaks have stipulations. Otherwise you have smokers spending 25 minutes of every hour feeding their drug habit on the clock, which is not what paid breaks or even frequent restroom breaks are for.", "pid": 474416377 }, { "sender": "Anon-6FE8", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:14:54\n\n>>474416084 \n>We've worked in different places, with different expectations, then. \nthat is always the case. but i didn't read the greentext before i responded earlier, and yeah, dishwashers don't usually wipe down tables and shit in my experience. that's for servers to do. dishwashers handle backroom stuff (aside from dishwashing) like stocking kitchenware and cleaning the kitchen", "pid": 474416409 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3BF7", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:15:56\n\n>>474416377 \n>which is not what paid breaks or even frequent restroom breaks are for. \none of the earliest examples of work breaks is coffee breaks, which were for caffeinating the workers so they worked better. which is a drug habit.", "pid": 474416492 }, { "sender": "9636-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:17:22\n\n>>474415604 \n>Ive never spat in food, but whenever a vegan orders the impossible burger while I am manning the flat top grill at my job, I slap that fake ass patty right on the recently beef greased spot. \nWhite trash thinking.", "pid": 474416593 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-C758", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:25:05\n\nWhy are American neighborhoods so soulless?", "pid": 474396394 }, { "sender": "A689-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:26:28\n\n>>474396394 \nwypepo don seesun dey fud", "pid": 474396468 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE05", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:26:54\n\n>>474396394 \nNot my problem", "pid": 474396489 }, { "sender": "3447-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:27:19\n\n>>474396394 \nneighborhoods are supposed to look like that, it'd be weird if every other house had a different look/color/build.", "pid": 474396513 }, { "sender": "87B1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:28:07\n\n>>474396394 \nNow do one for the section 8 housing with niggers!", "pid": 474396575 }, { "sender": "Anon-E2BC", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:28:13\n\n>>474396394 \nboomers ruined everything. Fat chinless slobs that wear oversized clothes like they come out of a mold.", "pid": 474396581 }, { "sender": "Anon-6F73", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:28:31\n\nNo trwes\nGarage as the focal point of the home\nI get they save space but attached garages were a mistake", "pid": 474396602 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7D0D", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:29:08\n\n>>474396394 \nglobohomo \nit's just a slightly better version of commieblocks but not really because they have no public transport and are debt trapped by jews into their cars", "pid": 474396629 }, { "sender": "94CE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:30:04\n\n>>474396394 \nI thought in 2024 everyone has ocd - this seems like a good neighbourhood for this condition - what the problem?", "pid": 474396684 }, { "sender": "Anon-528E", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:30:19\n\n>>474396394 \nNIMBYfags and housing as speculation and not for living. Xi Jinping was right all along.", "pid": 474396703 }, { "sender": "BDC8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:31:57\n\n>>474396513 \nThen why do you allow them to have different cars", "pid": 474396816 }, { "sender": "Anon-EAC5", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:32:01\n\n>>474396394 \n>\\*Black Hole Sun starts playing\\*", "pid": 474396821 }, { "sender": "9D0A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:32:02\n\n>>474396394 \nNew age corporatocracy… old American neighborhoods had a lot of soul", "pid": 474396826 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3CE2", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:32:10\n\n>>474396394 \nBecause they were made for profit, not for living.", "pid": 474396830 }, { "sender": "Anon-65A8", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:32:14\n\n>>474396394 \nPeople stopped building their own houses. Houses are built en masse before the owner is even decided. It's fundamentally soulless from its core.", "pid": 474396834 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C163", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:32:16\n\n>>474396513 \nRetard detected", "pid": 474396836 }, { "sender": "Anon-FCA3", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:32:45\n\n>>474396394 \nBecause huwhites are dying inside there and niggers are taking over", "pid": 474396870 }, { "sender": "E55B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:32:50\n\n>>474396394 \nGotta have sheep shacks.", "pid": 474396876 }, { "sender": "A456-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:33:22\n\n>>474396394 \nI recently moved into a \"Wealthy\" neighborhood. Literally no tree's. No art. One tiny, shitty dog park and a fucking gas station and dairy queen.", "pid": 474396913 }, { "sender": "F6EA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:33:31\n\n>>474396816 \nbecause neighborhoods and the houses are usually all built and designed by the same companies/ people, whilst the cars are chosen by the inhabitants of those houses, and therefore can choose to their likings.", "pid": 474396921 }, { "sender": "806C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:33:36\n\n>>474396816 \n>Then why do you allow them to have different cars \n \nWe're working on that.", "pid": 474396924 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-382C", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:33:50\n\n>>474396834 \nWhat was the last year the majority of people built their own houses?", "pid": 474396940 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8288", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:34:47\n\n>>474396913 \nWealthy means less niggers", "pid": 474396995 }, { "sender": "595D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:36:57\n\n>>474396394 \n>developer buys up a whole big section of land \n>get some engineers to figure out what style of shitbox will create the greatest amount of profit \nand now you have a new neighborhood", "pid": 474397139 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EF08", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:37:12\n\n>>474396394 \nThose are townhouses, they are supposed to all look the same.", "pid": 474397149 }, { "sender": "219E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:38:21\n\n>>474396394 \nbecause of the colour of the roofs \n \nand because every house is the same exact one.", "pid": 474397225 }, { "sender": "48E1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:38:42\n\n>>474397139", "pid": 474397245 }, { "sender": "402C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:40:51\n\nIn the 90s North America hit a sweet spot for single detached housing in terms of yard and building size.", "pid": 474397364 }, { "sender": "7900-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:50:31\n\n>>474396995 \nThere are none.", "pid": 474397967 }, { "sender": "E013-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:58:47\n\nHOA wanna-be-lawyers...", "pid": 474398489 }, { "sender": "462B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:00:39\n\n>>474396629 \ntrash moron", "pid": 474398606 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E599", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:11:08\n\n>>474396394 \nhow clean and bright those homes are, extremely comfy. literally a dream \nbut keep bitching about public transport so you can ride around smelly balkan trash, indians, and other assorted human garbage (and then call it culture lmao)", "pid": 474399262 }, { "sender": "Anon-F062", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:29:50\n\n>>474396513 \n>it'd be weird if every other house had a different look/color/build. \nThat's exactly how it is here. When I drive past local suburbs, it's always nice to see how every house is different due to being build to it's owner's desires.", "pid": 474400488 }, { "sender": "AD53-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:30:37\n\n>>474400488 \nsuburbs in russia?", "pid": 474400535 }, { "sender": "D60F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:31:02\n\n>>474396513 \n>literal zogbot hivemind", "pid": 474400558 }, { "sender": "3155-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:32:43\n\n>>474399262 \nliving inside them can be extremely isolating \nalso you don't actually know what is inside. Many times these people become hoarders, or have cats everywhere, with piss on the floors.", "pid": 474400677 }, { "sender": "8620-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:32:43\n\nSoulless neighbourhoods for soulless societies of a soulless nation.", "pid": 474400678 }, { "sender": "Anon-7BE8", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:35:47\n\n>>474396394 \nI fucking love American suburbanism. \nEnglish neighborhoods are cold, boomer-filled shit holes. I hope they get invaded by paki rapists.", "pid": 474400858 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4BF6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:36:46\n\n>>474396513 \nThat's exactly how older non-tract housing looks like. This is cheap shit using exactly the same design all loaded into the software at the building center.", "pid": 474400922 }, { "sender": "D904-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:38:00\n\nSuburbs are disgusting hellholes and raising children in them should be considered child abuse.", "pid": 474400993 }, { "sender": "AF1C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:38:03\n\n>>474397364 \nYes this is ideal.", "pid": 474400995 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7555", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:40:33\n\n>>474400535 \nI'm probably not using the right word, but the concept is the same. An area filled with just single family houses that is removed from the rest of the city, but is connected to the sewers. I'll be honest, it took me a little while to find an at least somewhat flattering image.", "pid": 474401156 }, { "sender": "0D61-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:10\n\n>>474400858 \n>English neighborhoods are cold, boomer-filled shit holes \nlol you've never set foot on a council estate have you, you soft middle class cunt.", "pid": 474401314 }, { "sender": "883A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:31\n\n>>474396394 \n \nBecause they are built by companies looking to cut costs and standardize output in a heterogenous society without phillia. For all the propaganda about \"commieblocks\" I can walk around my neigbourhood and enjoy every tree or shrub planted by my kin and explore urban landscape designed by architects of my people who wanted to ensure I'd have the best possible development with scarce resources they had at their disposal", "pid": 474401337 }, { "sender": "Anon-004C", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:33\n\n>>474400678 \nstill locked and loaded for when you attack ( you won't do shit)", "pid": 474401338 }, { "sender": "Anon-0168", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:46:32\n\n>>474401337 \nsounds like extreme cope to me", "pid": 474401537 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A87A", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:46:50\n\n>>474401337 \nnooo you can't do that, how will car dealerships survive if you have infrastructure and don't have to drive 30 minutes to reach anything", "pid": 474401563 }, { "sender": "2603-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:50:02\n\n>>474396394 \nLack of nature, minimal personal space, uniform house designs because it's all built by the same developer. \n \nIt's basically an american version of a commieblock.", "pid": 474401776 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0AE6", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:50:03\n\n>>474401563 \nit's unbelievable the levels of cope that come out of the mouths of eastern european shitholes. you've obviously never been to the US lol. fucking retard. just stfu. everything that comes out of your 3rd world mouth is a cope or lie. i honestly hope Trump bombs your countries in the future.", "pid": 474401777 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DE50", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:51:23\n\n>>474396684 \nOP is bored and needs a zero cost way of feeling superior from his mom's basement.", "pid": 474401859 }, { "sender": "952B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:51:35\n\n>>474401777 \n>t. car salesman", "pid": 474401872 }, { "sender": "9B99-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:52:38\n\n>>474396940 \nMy grandfather built a house in the 1970s. He ordered all the materials from a Sears catalog.", "pid": 474401931 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A273", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:53:31\n\n>>474397245 \nThat's small. I used to rent a 1 bedroom apartment with that much square footage.", "pid": 474401991 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A628", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:54:30\n\nthe answer is right in the question \nAmerican = soulless \n \n>dont overcomplicate it", "pid": 474402061 }, { "sender": "EF8F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:54:33\n\nIn suburbs all your neighbors are boomers who WILL spy on you, will report you to bylaws for any minor thing they can find, and you WILL get controlled by the HOA. \nSuburbs are shitholes that solely exist to stroke boomer egos. Worst of both rural and urban mixed into one.", "pid": 474402065 }, { "sender": "Anon-C932", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:55:02\n\n>>474401776 \nI love those purple trees.", "pid": 474402103 }, { "sender": "A835-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:55:08\n\n>>474401872 \ndoubt you could afford one anyway", "pid": 474402113 }, { "sender": "245E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:55:36\n\n>>474396394 \nStill way better than living in apartments. You fucking burgers have no clue how lucky you have to have gotten such a large uncontested area with space to build houses everywhere. The poorest of you fags have houses that only the rich can hope to buy in all of Europe.", "pid": 474402152 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-86C3", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:57:23\n\n>>474396394 \nthis is a poor neighborhood where the developers just mass produced the same house over and over. looks soulless because the people living there are poor", "pid": 474402252 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F70E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:01:10\n\n>>474402103 \nJacarandas, lovely things, our forbearers lined a good chunk of the streets around here with them, near the coast they used pines, willows and oaks in other areas. If you know your trees you can actually navigate around the city without signs.", "pid": 474402483 }, { "sender": "B15C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:01:59\n\n>>474401776 \nEuropoors will never get to visit their neighbors pool or go bike riding with the local kids in a safe neighborhood.", "pid": 474402539 }, { "sender": "4FF2-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:02:34\n\n>>474402061 \nModern Germany is the definition of a soulless people. Lack of humor. Barely any nature. It's illegal to go camping in Germany. Basically autistic bots who only live to work and pay for refugees. Don't even get me started, sperg.", "pid": 474402571 }, { "sender": "3F76-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:02:52\n\n>>474396513 \nFreedom looks like a neighborhood of sames. God bless North Korea, California", "pid": 474402585 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE45", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:09\n\n>>474402113 \nif I wanted one, I'd just get a 2k euros 3rd hand import from italy", "pid": 474402606 }, { "sender": "C948-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:14\n\n>>474396940 \nNever, even kings of old dynasties had serfs.", "pid": 474402616 }, { "sender": "C106-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:03:17\n\n>>474396394 \nOnly America has retarded home owner associations that dictate what you can do with your property.", "pid": 474402620 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-00A3", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:04:30\n\n>>474402620 \nYou could simply choose to not live in one. How's the paki/indian flood treating you guys?", "pid": 474402698 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0FBA", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:04:44\n\n>>474402483 \nAh I didn't know the name of them. Jacarandas are very popular in California too, specifically Orange County.", "pid": 474402708 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D300", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:05:01\n\n>>474396513 \nI noticed in japan that each single family house looks like a different architect and material are used. It made it look nice", "pid": 474402740 }, { "sender": "E9A3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:06:06\n\n>>474402620 \nHOAs suck, but until you live in a neighborhood with wetbacks you'll understand why they exist.", "pid": 474402802 }, { "sender": "AB54-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:07:03\n\n>>474402698 \n>How's the paki/indian flood treating you guys? \n \nYou're absolutely seething. \n \nImagine buying a home and some faggots telling you what colour you can paint it and how your garden should be. Land of the free lol.", "pid": 474402872 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5EF3", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:09:09\n\n>>474402872 \nyou're free to not live in one. what don't you get, retard? you actually think everybody has HOA telling them what to do?", "pid": 474403015 }, { "sender": "60CF-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:09:53\n\n>>474396394 \nJewish developers and/or Jewish country politicians. They promised us a 10ft tree barrier for sound/sight and general highway buffer alongside the 8 lane highway to our neighborhood, only to knock every lot this year and have already built shacks and sold them. 12 total built and sold in less than 6 months. Can't wait till semi barrels thru a house at 70 mph while pops is paying a $400k mortgage. \n>>474396513 \nThose are 2 different colors that look similar in this angle and light, cream and very light purple (almost gray). They paint the new houses built on lots like this and new suburbs around the old country landfill, urban sprawl went that far. Easy to contract painters when only need 2 paints for whole subdivisions, jew logic.", "pid": 474403059 }, { "sender": "DF71-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:11:58\n\n>>474403015 \nThe ones that don't live in HOA either live in condos or apartments that handle and act like an HOA does for house owners so that stat is skewed very low actually. KEK", "pid": 474403190 }, { "sender": "Anon-3C77", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:16:27\n\n>>474403190 \n>da stat is wrong cuz i say it is hurrrr \nstfu retard", "pid": 474403485 }, { "sender": "Anon-A292", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:18:26\n\n>>474401537 \n \nI suppose you need to believe that", "pid": 474403632 }, { "sender": "Anon-99B5", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:02\n\n>>474396394 \nAnything built after 1980 was designed by Jews solely for maximum profit and built by low IQ spics.", "pid": 474403671 }, { "sender": "Anon-F1B2", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:55\n\n>>474396394 \nBecause Americans are soulless golems", "pid": 474403742 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CB90", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:22:28\n\n>>474403485 \n>oh no he caught on to my jew tricks \n>must move goal post w/pretty graph to include variables he caught me with now \nyoure so sad", "pid": 474403903 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-02CD", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:40\n\n>>474403903 \nthe majority of America doesn't have HOAs, dumbfuck. i never even heard of HOAs until people started whining about them on /pol/.", "pid": 474403979 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-460F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:24:21\n\n>>474402802 \n>but until you live in a neighborhood with wetbacks you'll understand why they exist. \nThe vast majority of the shit things about owning property in the US, like soulless suburbs with no jobs and HOAs, are shitskin avoidance systems. I'm totally incapable of understanding the American fascination with niggers. They were willing to displace and contain the Indians, but when it came to niggers land was meekly given up.", "pid": 474404033 }, { "sender": "4205-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:24:27\n\n>>474397364 \nif you can spit or piss on your neighbor's house out a side window it's NOT a sweet spot for detached housing. The 60's-70's are the sweet spot for housing because they built on more than 1 lot.", "pid": 474404040 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E3A8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:43\n\n>>474403979 \n>majority of americans don't have HOAs \nesl \n>i never even heard of HOAs until people started whining about them on /pol/. \nbecause you live in goon cave, whose fault is that? I learned about hoas when i went to park a friends house and he said i wasnt allowed to park there n then dated a girl that lived in one. you wouldnt know that cuz your some meme flag loser that has 0 real life experiences and confirmed it.", "pid": 474404180 }, { "sender": "C040-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:27:45\n\n>>474403632 \nno, not really. i live on a 300 acre ranch in the middle of nowhere.", "pid": 474404245 }, { "sender": "6CE2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:24\n\n>>474400677 \nOnly isolating if your a literal mentally ill retard future troon. Have some hobbies that isn't beating off to anime porn and chinkshit games. \n>have spare bathroom \n>use it as a darkroom \n>reload ammo in my garage \n>do a little metal working as well", "pid": 474404287 }, { "sender": "025F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:41\n\n>>474403979 \nI'd like to see the data on New England. I always wonder why there's \"no data\" on charts like these. Pop density too low? I imagine that's not the case because NJ is very dense and all of its densest areas are no data.", "pid": 474404366 }, { "sender": "3F38-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:46\n\n>>474404287 \n>the jew fears the bathroom machinist", "pid": 474404371 }, { "sender": "B158-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:32:34\n\n>>474404245 \nyou live in a goon cave in your parents 300 acre ranch that you never leave or experienced life outside of. Genuinely and I sincerely mean this, you should drink bleach for the sake of society and your parents.", "pid": 474404541 }, { "sender": "DB62-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:34:08\n\n>>474404180 \nhow is it ESL, fucking dumbass? i'm not stupid enough to live in a community governed by an HOA. That doesn't make the data I posted wrong. The more you engage with me, the more you sound like a zoomer retard.", "pid": 474404642 }, { "sender": "5869-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:35:27\n\n>>474404541 \n>muh goon cave \nWtf are you even spouting you schizo retard?", "pid": 474404742 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ABAB", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:20\n\n>>474396394 \nLimiting costs and maximizing profits. I bet every single one of those homes would fail an actually serious inspection. I can just smell the faulty wiring, leaky showers/tubs, and broken trusses.", "pid": 474404886 }, { "sender": "8C03-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:02\n\n>>474404245 \n>that boomer sign \nAlways funny when some fat boomer stops me when I'm near his property and threatens to kill and bury me but then realizes I'm the first person they've seen this month other than their fat bitch of a wife and then won't shut up.", "pid": 474404934 }, { "sender": "561C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:10\n\n>>474401156 \nRolling around Russia on Jewgle streetview, I've seen some nice looking houses in Russia with absolutely garbage streets. It's like you people hate paved roads.", "pid": 474405151 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4D02", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:12\n\n>>474404934 \nthat's because it's basically a call sign for other boomers", "pid": 474405155 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-27B8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:14\n\n>>474396394 \nthis looks really comfy", "pid": 474405159 }, { "sender": "B4BD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:43:55\n\n>thread full of foreigners who have never set foot on American soil or actually seen an American suburb \n>think they know all about suburbs because of the same 5 photos of commifornia desert developments \nevery thread", "pid": 474405330 }, { "sender": "C578-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:06\n\n>>474405159 \nSimilar to my neighborhood as a kid. Had access to three pools due to friends, summers spent on bikes or swimming or riding down alleys looking for junk to rebuild.", "pid": 474405340 }, { "sender": "FCAB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:20\n\n>>474396602 \nlol those houses have rear-access garages, that's literally a rear alleyway just for cars. The front yard and front door open to a pedestrian walkway that connects the neighbors to one another. It's literally a more \"pedestrian friendly\" way to design a neighborhood but you're dumb ass has never seen it.", "pid": 474405686 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C136", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:06\n\n>>474396394 \nJews. They pay 50% of their wages to jews and niggers. They vote from 2 preselected rulers, and are willingly happy knowing that they can't name a single thing that they can do that isn't taxed, regulated, or banned. The reason that American neighborhoods are so soulless is that America is soulless. Everyone in the USA that isn't a queer is a neutered steer. The U.S. is a festering masonic corpse resulting from a 200 year old human sacrifice ritual.", "pid": 474405883 }, { "sender": "8B9E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:19\n\n>>474404886 \nHilarious that they think this is somehow a good thing. I have never met a person who seriously found post 1960s American homes aesthetically pleasing. At best they're apathetic towards architecture entirely. There is also a noticeable decline in the quality of construction over the last few decades. \n>>474405330 \nThese threads are always pics of recent housing developments in the west that were all built at the same time. The east coast simply doesn't look like this, aside from a few developments dotted in rural areas. I grew up in NJ and my neighborhood was a mix of houses built over 300 years.", "pid": 474405900 }, { "sender": "2D9A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:41\n\n>>474396394 \nyou’re literally not allowed to build something extraordinary \n>land of the f(r)ee \nlmao", "pid": 474405929 }, { "sender": "Anon-E9C0", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:53:19\n\n>>474405900 \n>>These threads are always pics of recent housing developments \nNo it's literally the exact same developments in California every time. I've seen these exact threads on /pol/ for years. Same images posted.", "pid": 474405976 }, { "sender": "Alexandr Lukashenko", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:11\n\n>>474405159 \nȚăranul de oraș, cel mai prost animal.", "pid": 474406033 }, { "sender": "A777-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:54:52\n\n>>474396394 \nStroads", "pid": 474406070 }, { "sender": "Anon-97FC", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:01\n\n>>474396394 \nbecause they're built all at once by the same company that re-uses the same plan/material to cut costs and increase profits \n \n>>474397245 \ni don't get the hate for tiny places like this. totally worth it to get your foot in the door", "pid": 474406157 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7323", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:59:17\n\n>>474405929 \nyou can build whatever you want, retard. i could build a house here for 300k and in Germany it would cost millions. \n>muh fees \nabsolute nigger, you pay an exorbitant amount of retarded fees and taxes for things Americans would never dream of.", "pid": 474406373 }, { "sender": "E7F9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:00:49\n\n>>474405900 \n>east coast simply doesn't look like this \ncuz you live in some urban shithole that didnt need to be developed in the past 40 yrs doesnt mean the rest of the country didnt experience this \n \nenjoy 0.50 for this post tho, the reply should get you a couple nickels", "pid": 474406459 }, { "sender": "262E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:57\n\n>>474406373 \nmother fucker the 1 lot alone in any decent place would cost you $100k, and good luck trying to build for only $200k because connecting to city sewage would cost you $60k. You don't have $300k cash so you need financed too. You live in a fuckin goon cave, not reality, like you previously proved.", "pid": 474406601 }, { "sender": "Anon-35EF", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:27\n\n>>474406157 \n>i don't get the hate for tiny places like this. totally worth it to get your foot in the door \nbecause they're built all at once by the same company that re-uses the same plan/material to cut costs and increase profits", "pid": 474406628 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7149", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:43\n\n>>474406601 \nYou missed the point completely because you are half-retarded. It doesn't matter the cost. It could cost a million in the US. In Germany it would be 5 million.", "pid": 474406715 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-929D", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:15\n\n>>474396394 \nSkill issue. My neighborhood doesn’t look like that at all.", "pid": 474406759 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5514", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:27\n\nI want to be cool suburban american boy. Smoke pot at home, go to skatepark and do backflip 360, wear hoodie, speak ebonics, enjoy safety of suburb while listening to eminem, dad mow lawn for 3rd time this week, be like yeee gotti babby bae and then kiss halfblack/mexican halfbreed she is my boo, and then get drunk and have epic conversation with my whiteboys but there is one black guy in our group and he is cool we all respect him yeah... that american suburban lifestyle its very epic, i am white suburban american, i am the MC, life and world revolves around my emotions and feelings...", "pid": 474406771 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6BBA", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:07:57\n\n>>474406771 \nit sucks being #1 and envy'd, good thing your women get slutted out int'l so you can learn if you transitioned", "pid": 474406950 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD59", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:02\n\n>>474404245 \n \nWhy not in some delightful american suburban sprawl", "pid": 474406953 }, { "sender": "FCC9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:08:58\n\n>>474396394 \nwhite peepo dont season their neighborhood", "pid": 474407015 }, { "sender": "34DA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:59\n\n>>474406953 \nbecause i prefer to hunt, fish, and camp in my free time instead of sucking nigger dicks", "pid": 474407148 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-04EE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:57\n\n>>474406950 \nI wasnt being sarcastic. Its my dream, watch this opening, my favorite scene, its dream life being suburban american white guy \n \n", "pid": 474407204 }, { "sender": "0140-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:49\n\n1970’s-1990’s US neighborhoods are kino though…", "pid": 474407447 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0DDE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:30\n\n>>474396394 \ntypical medium income neighborhood in Poland", "pid": 474407558 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F477", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:47\n\n>>474406950 \nDo you want to breed my asshole? I hear its cool to be bizexual/binary in america today? Very openminded, wear pink shirt NOT GAY merely EXPERIMENTING like SUBURBAN AMERICAN BOY \n \nShould I GET TATTOO FACED? I WILL LISTEN TO LIL BEEP", "pid": 474407573 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6BA8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:03\n\n>>474396394 \ntypical low income neighborhood in Poland", "pid": 474407594 }, { "sender": "B7CD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:22\n\n>>474396394 \nThey are built all at once to maximize the ROI of the development company. Soul is something that evolves into existence through generations of refinement and bespoke creation.", "pid": 474407662 }, { "sender": "Anon-BC18", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:19:26\n\n>>474396394 \n(((anglo))) heritage", "pid": 474407665 }, { "sender": "A613-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:13\n\n>>474396513 \n Nice bait", "pid": 474407712 }, { "sender": "Anon-0F77", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:20\n\n>>474396581 \nThese neighborhoods are a godsend. It’s an NPC containment zone. My house is a craftsman style built in 1922. It would have really sucked to have been in a bidding war with someone who would be just as happy living in OP’s pic.", "pid": 474407859 }, { "sender": "085A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:55\n\n>>474400858 \nWell yeah, in comparison to UK copy+paste depression townhouse slop, American copy+paste slop is better. Doesn't make it ideal housing, however. \n \nMost American car-centric communities don't have houses like in your pic BTW, that's something you'll most likely find in the North East, which tends to be a more charming part of the US exactly because they don't copy+paste their housing stock as much and because they have a much older housing stock in general.", "pid": 474408102 }, { "sender": "2531-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:43\n\n>>474405686 \n>pedestrian friendly \n>nowhere to walk to \ndoesnt dispute anything i said", "pid": 474408163 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1505", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:47\n\n>>474396513 \n>neighborhoods are supposed to look like that \nlol", "pid": 474408168 }, { "sender": "7B5E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:26:53\n\n>>474396575 \nThe thing is everyone knows why niggerville looks like niggerville. \nSuburbs like this are for people who have enough money to choose how they want their house to look, and it all looks pulled out of a shitty ikea catalogue. Sames as UK deanoboxes that all have that shitty white/gray interior design", "pid": 474408180 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-00A4", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:15\n\nhola amigos", "pid": 474408209 }, { "sender": "Anon-C7DE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:11\n\n>>474396394 \ncompared to English row homes?", "pid": 474408263 }, { "sender": "Anon-050C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:18\n\n>>474396394 \nBecause they reflect the people in America.", "pid": 474408271 }, { "sender": "08D8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:28:23\n\n>>474401537 \nThe housing that exists like that in EU countries are usually literal socialist/communist experiments and aren't even close to the most common form of housing (excluding some ex-Soviet states). Meanwhile the American communities we are talking about ARE the most common form of housing in the US. \nIt's not even comparable.", "pid": 474408278 }, { "sender": "Anon-82C4", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:01\n\n>>474396703 \nyeah lets take a look at the real estate market in china real quick why don't we", "pid": 474408316 }, { "sender": "D989-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:33\n\n>>474408278 \ni've already posted it once in this thread. 60 percent of Germans live in apartments.", "pid": 474408440 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F0F8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:30\n\n>>474403979 \nThe areas in blue have a high population density, especially compared to the gray zones. In terms of people affected by HOA, it could be somewhere between 30-50%.", "pid": 474408513 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EC51", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:30\n\n>>474408278 \n>American communities we are talking about ARE the most common form of housing \nNo they aren't. The median age for occupied homes in the US is 40 years.", "pid": 474408514 }, { "sender": "0358-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:42\n\n>>474406373 \nyou could not you dumb nigger \nyour monkey court will deem it illegal and your neighbors will sue you \nyou can get bent poorfagg", "pid": 474408531 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4556", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:32:10\n\n>>474408513 \nI already posted the stat. It's 30 percent.", "pid": 474408563 }, { "sender": "D51C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:32:45\n\n>>474408531 \nyou can do whatever the fuck you want on your own land lol", "pid": 474408603 }, { "sender": "8D46-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:31\n\n>>474401537 \nsoviet blocks in Poland are mostly 4 floors", "pid": 474408652 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-55AC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:33:39\n\n>>474396394 \nRevit run by pajeets and beaners. \nNext question?", "pid": 474408660 }, { "sender": "Anon-6766", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:22\n\n>>474396913 \n>dog park \n>NEED LE HECKIN PUPPERINO PARK before human park \nthis is what you mutts created with your obsession with filthy barking pieces of shit.", "pid": 474408711 }, { "sender": "D72A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:29\n\n>>474404287 \nThese are exactly the kind of gay hobbies suburb cucks do to prete6like they're unique. If you dont own land you are powerless.", "pid": 474408793 }, { "sender": "63E0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:09\n\n>>474408652", "pid": 474408837 }, { "sender": "Anon-51D8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:10\n\n>>474408514 \nYes they are. \nOnly 13% of Americans live in apartments. The majority of US housing stock was built after the 50s, with almost half being built after 1980. The most populace states now (Florida, Cali, Texas) are absolutely flooded with these types of communities of cheap copy+paste homes.", "pid": 474408839 }, { "sender": "Anon-0354", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:36:42\n\n>>474402483 \nthe could be dogwoods which are popular in America, i've only ever seen Jacarandas in the south", "pid": 474408872 }, { "sender": "B55E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:22\n\n>>474396394 \nIt's new and cookie cutter. Just needs some trees to mature, keep the negroes to a minimum and it won't be that bad. \n \nPeople are buying this shit because it's the only thing they can afford and everyone is desperate to build equity in something.", "pid": 474408974 }, { "sender": "Anon-3F78", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:34\n\n>>474408440 \nYes, this is due to a much higher population density and other post-war factors. The housing and apartment stock is generally of a much higher quality than the US since many of your building methods and materials would be considered sub-par and therefore illegal here.", "pid": 474408987 }, { "sender": "4884-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:36\n\n>>474408603 \nlmao you cant \nayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy", "pid": 474408988 }, { "sender": "Anon-2D75", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:42\n\n>>474408563 \nSo nearly 1 in 3 Americans live in HOA communities, which means at LEAST 1 in nearly 3 Americans live in cheap copy+paste soulless Jewish bank communities.", "pid": 474409138 }, { "sender": "E832-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:53\n\n>>474408988 \nwhy would you think that?", "pid": 474409209 }, { "sender": "A955-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:41:54\n\n>>474408974 \nDo girls ever tell you that they're witches? Isnt that why so many porn stars are named after demons. I'm so thrilled to watch them destroy their assholes. Whatever they are.", "pid": 474409211 }, { "sender": "20D6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:39\n\n>>474408440 \nAlso apartments =/= commie block or section 8 type housing lmao", "pid": 474409266 }, { "sender": "Anon-5290", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:54\n\n>>474401776 \n>minimal personal space \nmost of the world lives like picrel", "pid": 474409281 }, { "sender": "A082-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:43:30\n\n>>474396513 \nThis guy gets it. The world should be a dichotomy at maximum. 2 Parties, good vs. bad., rich vs. poor, black vs. white, freedom vs. communism. Everything else is far to complicated for people and just distracts them from beeing productive and making money. I envy the USA!", "pid": 474409322 }, { "sender": "Anon-BDC4", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:48\n\n>>474407558 \n>medium income \nThat varies so much from country to country... What's your best guess as to the price of one of these houses?", "pid": 474409417 }, { "sender": "FEF6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:41\n\n>>474407594 \n>low income neighborhood \nWhere's the graffiti and the niggers selling drugs and stealing shit?", "pid": 474409483 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9468", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:19\n\n>>474409266", "pid": 474409527 }, { "sender": "Anon-D4B7", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:24\n\n>>474408209 \nImagine not only having to live around Mexicans, but that closely.", "pid": 474409605 }, { "sender": "7AA3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:32\n\n>>474409527 \nWhat are you trying to say with this?", "pid": 474409615 }, { "sender": "0BE6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:18\n\n>>474409138 \nNo, just because a community is governed by an HOA doesn't mean it's a copy pasted jew colony. I'm sure a lot are, but not all.", "pid": 474409681 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0CBC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:50\n\n>>474407558 \nare those multi family houses?", "pid": 474409725 }, { "sender": "Anon-1005", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:20\n\n>>474407594 \nSame in many parts of East Germany. It's also where Merkel's migrants seem to isolate themselves into, thankfully.", "pid": 474409767 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6D03", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:31\n\n>>474409681 \nAnd just bc a community doesn't have HOA doesn't mean it isn't a copy+paste community. But I'm willing to bet the statistics align closely to this. BTW I was born in the US, I've lived in NJ, VA and FL and been throughout most of the East Coast. I'm basing my opinions on my direct experiences. And I KNOW Western states are supposed to have even more examples of this kind of housing stock.", "pid": 474409931 }, { "sender": "Anon-1909", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:05\n\n>>474409211 \nWhy do majority of camwhores and OF sluts have tattoos of snakes, serpents or even dragons on them?", "pid": 474409976 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E406", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:11\n\n>>474408839 \n>Only 13% of Americans live in apartments. \nThat's very surprising. I had to look it up just to make sure. Interesting that so much of North Dakota lives in apartments. \n \n", "pid": 474410062 }, { "sender": "Anon-E661", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:48\n\n>>474396394 \nIt's called efficiency, chud. It's why America and China are the most powerful and productive countries on Earth.", "pid": 474410108 }, { "sender": "9E8F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:57\n\n>>474405151 \n>be my family \n>obtain a land plot for a dacha in the 70s \n>dacha plots are arranged along a single-track dirt road \n>less than 5 meters between fences on the opposite sides of it \n>cars are rare so it's ok \n \n>fast-forward to the 90s \n>cars are more widespread now and people keep ordering heavy trucks with building materials \n>dirt road is now full of ankle-deep potholes \n>everyone wants to grab as much land as possible, places fences so close to the road that it feels like driving inside a tunnel now \n>one of the neighbors has a rather modest house but he's the owner of an asphalt factory \n>funds an asphalt road for the entire dacha village out of his own pocket \n>it even has speed bumps \n>doesn't even benefit from it directly much, his land plot is at the very entrance to the village \n>we now have the best road around \n \n>fast-forward to the 10s \n>the asphalt factory patron has long passsed away \n>the road hasn't had any maintenance, is developing cracks and potholes \n>can't drive faster than a snail's pace without risking damaging the car \n>speed bumps are the least of one's problems now \n>another neighbor with a plot halfway down the once-paved road gets ahead in life \n>builds a proper mcmansion, easily 10 times the value of any other adjacent dacha in the settlement \n>doesn't invest a penny into maintaining the road leading up to it \n>any visitors to this palace now have to drive through a gauntlet of mud-filled craters to reach it but don't seem to mind \n>there have been attempts to fundraise new asphalt but most of the dacha owners are poor and/or visit a couple times a year \n \nMany such cases. Sad. \nSome of this has carried over from the Soviet proletariat mentality when everything was maintained by the state and they never had to bother with maintaining infrastructure beyond their apartments or plots. Also reminds me of a woman who tiled the floor in the staircase corridor of her commieblock so that it looked nicer, neighbors thought she was insane.", "pid": 474410117 }, { "sender": "258D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:22\n\n>>474409931 \n>NJ \n>VA \n>FL \n>now germany \nso your some navy/af shitkid that makes his own gooncave everywhere, not someone that lives on 300 acres like said here >>474404245", "pid": 474410132 }, { "sender": "235A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:45\n\n>>474410062 \nIt aligns with my experience, so I'm not really surprised, but I'm sure that statistic is changing as the US seems to be building more mid-sized apartment blocks as of late.", "pid": 474410166 }, { "sender": "Anon-AFA5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:21\n\n>>474409976 \nmajority i've seen are monarch butterflies.", "pid": 474410215 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1C61", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:27\n\n>>474409725 \nno. They are for single family.", "pid": 474410222 }, { "sender": "FDB5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:39\n\n>>474396394 \nkeeps niggers away", "pid": 474410243 }, { "sender": "3D08-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:15\n\n>>474402620 \nHere if you live in a historical area, you get fuckheads who won't let you paint your house the way you want or plant a tree they don't like or build anything which might \"ruin the scenery\" even though your house is a few kilometers from the nearest historical building and hidden behind trees and other houses.", "pid": 474410294 }, { "sender": "BA05-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:49\n\n>>474396913 \n\\*trees", "pid": 474410341 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-054F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:07\n\n>>474409417 \nfor land+house you need around 1 milion złoty. If not in major city. In major city its literally impossible to build that kind of house. There is no land or price is over the chart for normies.", "pid": 474410364 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-45F5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:07\n\n>>474409209 \nbecause local council hast to sign off on everything", "pid": 474410440 }, { "sender": "983E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:43\n\n>>474410132 \nNot military affiliated. I lived in NJ (NY metro area) for 10 years, VA for 2, then FL for 12 b4 moving here bc my wife is German and I wanted a new experience and I'm a bit restless. Plus in FL I was surrounded by spics and hated it. The cubans were alright but it was mostly Puerto Ricans and other types I was surrounded by always committing crimes and being loud and obnoxious.", "pid": 474410483 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-447B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:09\n\n>>474409483 \nEach blocks have their own administration paid by people living so they take care of graffiti hiring people to clean them. In fact those low income block are very clean and peacful as mostly older people live in them. \n \nIts worse in big cities where blocks turn into cheap flats for imigrants.", "pid": 474410511 }, { "sender": "3922-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:27\n\n>>474410117 \nanon we literally have highways, RR and even cities named after Standard Oil executives that lived over 150 years ago because they funded to build them and maintain them only for local counties and billionaires to develop more land and leave infrastructure degrading, They dont build libraries or donate to Uni's unless it's a scholarship they get to handpick to their grandkids baby sitter. Greed is everywhere.", "pid": 474410537 }, { "sender": "EE30-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:40\n\n>>474396394 \nbecause Americans are soulless", "pid": 474410552 }, { "sender": "8A24-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:42\n\n>>474410132 \nI've lived in 3 houses and 1 apt. Never 300 acres, you're right. That's not the typical American experience anyway and only very few will live that kind of lifestyle", "pid": 474410554 }, { "sender": "Anon-B8AC", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:00:30\n\n>>474410132 \nthat ain't me, newfag dumbass. learn to read IDs.", "pid": 474410610 }, { "sender": "ECC3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:44\n\nwhy do they hate trees?\n\nlooks barren, no wildlife going to live there either", "pid": 474410703 }, { "sender": "A5B7-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:01\n\n>>474396394 \nI have never seen a neighborhood that looks like that", "pid": 474410736 }, { "sender": "Anon-0647", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:44\n\n>>474410215 \nButterflys are how you know a mixed or black girl is for the streets and magnolias, they dont fck w/serpents. You'll see the serpent tattoos if you look for the super crazies tho. It's mostly a young western girl thing or foreign thing where Catholicism is prevelevant.", "pid": 474410855 }, { "sender": "11A0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:36\n\n>>474409483 \nthats in the united states, the place in wich capitalism is god, poland is in its way too since the 90's, give them time shart", "pid": 474410925 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1021", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:11\n\n>>474410703 \nAlso the obsession with bare lawns (which I get is also generally somewhat an Anglo thing). Moving to Germany where almost everyone turns front yards into flowering garden space and/or food gardens really opened my eyes. Meanwhile you try to plant a different non-approved grass or some non-appeoved flowering bush in front of your OWN house in the US and you'll get sued by HOA.", "pid": 474410964 }, { "sender": "0C3B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:06:45\n\n>>474410440 \nand?", "pid": 474411088 }, { "sender": "Anon-B6BE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:47\n\n>>474410736 \nWhich state do you live? Almost every state usually has many similar examples.", "pid": 474411230 }, { "sender": "5C54-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:10:47\n\n>>474410703 \nDude suburbs in Australia look almost exactly like this.", "pid": 474411382 }, { "sender": "Anon-8691", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:39\n\n>>474410855", "pid": 474411572 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7155", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:13:56\n\nOnly liberal city neighborhoods are capable of sovl.", "pid": 474411593 }, { "sender": "368B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:51\n\n>>474396394 \nIt's the best strategy to keep niggers out", "pid": 474411748 }, { "sender": "Anon-7940", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:09\n\n>>474410364 \n$250k is very reasonable given how unbelievable our housing market is.", "pid": 474411827 }, { "sender": "47CF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:29\n\n>>474397245 \n>2 baths \n90% of the house is bathrooms and a garage", "pid": 474411999 }, { "sender": "Anon-21A0", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:52\n\n>late and dark at night \n>all the houses look the same \n>accidentally pull into neighbors driveway \n>garage door opens with gunfire \nhaha whoops", "pid": 474412096 }, { "sender": "Anon-653F", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:05\n\n>All 3.8 million square miles of the USA looks like pic related. \n>1 post by this ID \nBump limit here we come! \nTotally unrelated though, why do you guys think Jews consider you no different than livestock?", "pid": 474412188 }, { "sender": "E0BF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:20\n\n>>474410117 \n>reminds me of a woman who tiled the floor in the staircase corridor of her commieblock so that it looked nicer, neighbors thought she was insane. \nbased, tile is the best \nalso nice stories, thanks", "pid": 474412219 }, { "sender": "DF6B-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:56\n\n>>474396513 \n>>474396394 \nHOAs are literally communism", "pid": 474412590 }, { "sender": "1362-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:18\n\n>>474410222 \naw that's cute you consider the immigrants living in your home as part of your family", "pid": 474412835 }, { "sender": "4AA7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:42\n\n>my own backyard for a private pool or barbeque?!? \n \n>Space for my own herb and vegetable garden?!?!! \n \nIM GOING INSAAÀAANE! \n \nI need walkable city where I only rent an apartment with a shitty baalcoooonyy", "pid": 474413593 }, { "sender": "1445-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:18\n\n>>474410537 \nI am well aware of that, however in suburban US case there are HOAs that can enforce maintenance. Dacha settlements do have self-elected leaderships who manage these sort of things to a degree but these lack the proper jurisdiction to enforce everything and the fees they collect (at least in our case) are like $10/mo and go towards keeping a guard at the entrance and disposing of garbage. A more modern type of settlement, cottage villages, tend to have an external authority, in the form of a management company, that can enforce much more so the infrastructure is usually better maintained, however the fees are an order of magnitude higher and there's more room for corruption. \n \nGoing back to the topic of patronage, like you said, hundreds of years ago patrons were much more widespread. This has also been the case here. It's really disheartening that this has gone out of style and oligarchs have completely withdrawn from the commonfolk. They'd be treated much differently — and remembered more fondly — if they were to fund hospitals, artists (>implying there's modern arm worth funding) and the like. \nThen again, with the recent war going on, there have been some large donations to certain fundraisers. Now and then someone dumps a few month's worth of mean salary. There's also the same guy who keeps buying tractors for the troops. All of these are semi-anonymous, with only the first name being known, so maybe glory isn't their end-goal. I assume at least some of the patrons of the past did it to be remembered by future generations. E.g. the Tretyakovskaya gallery museum in Moscow is named after the merchant patrons who founded it. Their name probably wouldn't have been as well-known centuries later otherwise. \n \nWell, Americans have libraries funded by and named after presidents, right? Clinton's name is all over the town his library is located in apparently, watched some Russian vlogger visit it a couple of years ago. Kind of egotistical but why not.", "pid": 474413705 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-478B", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:34\n\n>>474404033 \n>They were willing to displace and contain the Indians, but when it came to niggers land was meekly given up. \nIndians fought back, niggers didn't.", "pid": 474414033 }, { "sender": "14A1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:58:37\n\n>>474396513 \n>my anthive is good as it is \ntheyre everywhere", "pid": 474415058 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A7E9", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:15:56\n\n>>474396513 \nMy neighborhood runs the gamut from dilapidated trailers to gorgeous multimillion dollar properties and its perfect", "pid": 474416491 }, { "sender": "C3CA-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:17:18\n\n>>474412219 \nBeen a big fan of tile ever since discovering how cheap it actually is. Paved an outdoors terrace with it last year, iirc the price was around $30/m2 including the price of cement. Tiling the basement was even cheaper. The only viable alternatives (for indoors) are hardwood floors and parquet, but neither lasts nearly as long with zero maintenance. Conversely, the most unpleasant material is linoleum, Soviet era residential buildings had it everywhere, and I don't think I've seen one that didn't look unsightly. Laminated floors are also popular but if you can't afford quality hardwood why not just go with tiles. Ceramic beats plastic. \n \nWas recently goofing around on google/yandex maps and discovered our dacha settlement has its streets named. Either it's something recent or not well-known because no one I'd asked about it were aware of the fact. The streets had generic names too, like strawberry street, oak street, grove street etc. Would've been fair to name the main street after the asphalt factory guy, a shame. Anyhow, getting rid of the dacha due to the horrible road, old forest having been chopped up, unpleasant neighbors, hardly anyone living there in winter. Opted for a village house in a different area. More amenities, wider roads, more lived-in. Neighbors' houses also look more pleasant half are made out of bricks or round logs.", "pid": 474416583 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3291", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:18:47\n\n>>474416583 \nI like linoleum \nI want to put it in my sumroom because i think its too flimsy for tile", "pid": 474416701 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B9C", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:19:36\n\n>>474396394 \ncattle", "pid": 474416760 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E950", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:24:31\n\n>>474396394 \nUrban american neighborhoods are hell and subhuman-infested. You have to go away from the city to see what true america looks like.", "pid": 474417173 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BB5A", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:25:45\n\n>>474406157 \nThere wouldn't be anything wrong with it if it was half (or less) of the listing price. $160k is too much for a small starter home like that. Maybe that specific neighborhood is good, but it's still overpriced and \n>San Antonio", "pid": 474417275 }, { "sender": "CAF5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:32:05\n\n>>474408837 \n>everything is gray and dead during winter \nNo shit", "pid": 474417772 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AB17", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:35:34\n\n>>474396394 \n>everyone has their own house \n>everyone has their own car \n>no need to walk and risk getting assaulted, robbed, etc \n>nice climate \n>high trust society \n>flags and patriotism \n \nNow take a look at my unrelated pic.", "pid": 474418052 }, { "sender": "Anon-78A8", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:43:42\n\nThis thread was moved to >>>/bant/20780340", "pid": 474418791 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-27D5", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:19:20\n\nYou guys don't have to answer because we all agree this is bullshit, I am tired of Yagoo keeping these underperforming leeches in the company, this homo has been in the company for as long as Kobo and he barely made it to this? What fucking joke, fire Yagoo so the homos can be fired for underperforming.", "pid": 78103331 }, { "sender": "Anon-F037", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:20:06\n\n>>78103331 \nBut enough about Roboco", "pid": 78103352 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-163A", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:21:36\n\n>>78103331 \nWhy are you subscribed to him then, tranny? The only homo I'm subecrubed to is Oga because he has a good design but that's it, every other homo is blocked from appearing into my recommendation.", "pid": 78103402 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5087", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:22:26\n\n>>78103352 \nroboco former hololive staff she proto a-chan", "pid": 78103432 }, { "sender": "D203-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:23:07\n\n>>78103331 \nYou wanted EN4? Sorry we are worried about the queues for the 3Ds, here have 12 homos", "pid": 78103453 }, { "sender": "Anon-A874", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:23:29\n\n>>78103331", "pid": 78103468 }, { "sender": "Anon-4FB7", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:24:03\n\nkek stealth pity sub beg", "pid": 78103489 }, { "sender": "C6E1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:29:30\n\n>>78103331 \nDon't pretend to be his fan sister. I even bet you stole this from a Star fan on Twitter. Pathetic behaviour", "pid": 78103657 }, { "sender": "0D5F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:30:11\n\n>>78103468 \ncan someone explain this image to me", "pid": 78103679 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-464F", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:32:30\n\n>>78103331 \n>subscribed \nI don't even hate the homos, but still have never subscribed to one of them", "pid": 78103766 }, { "sender": "8739-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:32:54\n\n>>78103468 \nUnderrated post", "pid": 78103782 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6603", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:33:23\n\n>>78103331 \nBuy an ad", "pid": 78103804 }, { "sender": "2981-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:36:31\n\n>>78103489 \n>>78103657 \n>>78103766 \nI stole this from thhe Hololive subreddit when I went there to do do my daily mass reporting using bots to kill all homo posts there and leave it with hololive girls only, I would never sub to these faggots orr any girl that ever collabed with them.", "pid": 78103931 }, { "sender": "Anon-F21B", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:40:05\n\n>>78103331 \n>>78103931 \nseethe, tranny. \n \nit's better than Riku's yachts.", "pid": 78104057 }, { "sender": "Anon-29D0", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:42:41\n\n>>78103931 \nlol the absolute state of sisters. what's it like being so mindbroken by stars cock that you plan your day around them?", "pid": 78104134 }, { "sender": "330B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:44:46\n\n>>78104134 \nSeethe Homosister, I bet you don’t even watch streams yourself", "pid": 78104211 }, { "sender": "14D0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:45:55\n\nHolo defense force doesn't want to admit that unicorns are batshit insane lmao", "pid": 78104242 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F636", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:46:32\n\n>>78104211 \nAs someone who legitimately wants total homo death, you are a blatantly falseflagging nijinigger. No true homo hater would even do so much as acknowledge them as more than human let alone subscribe to them.", "pid": 78104263 }, { "sender": "6388-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:47:40\n\n>>78104242 \n>Stars been there for 5 years and the only thing they can show is stagnation of subs \nBut sure only unicorns can hate them", "pid": 78104298 }, { "sender": "Anon-26B7", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:49:33\n\n>>78104298 \nThere is hating, and then there is the autism you see here>>78103931", "pid": 78104368 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD24", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:53:37\n\n>>78103679 \nHomobeggar trying to push narrative that only Nijiniggers are against Hololive becoming Nijisanji 2.0", "pid": 78104498 }, { "sender": "117F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:54:58\n\n>>78103931 \nbased", "pid": 78104546 }, { "sender": "Anon-0043", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:56:06\n\n>>78103331 \nFuck Off Miload", "pid": 78104582 }, { "sender": "63C5-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:00:00\n\n>>78104242 \n>Unicorns \nAll I see is retards being blatant baited by literally one guy who makes a similar post like this almost every day and responding to him every time, making him look like he's more important or numerous that he actually is \nBtw he also announced a report which is a bannable offense", "pid": 78104738 }, { "sender": "Anon-4082", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:00:57\n\n>>78103352 \nYou mean the Roboco with more than 1mil subs ? The first to join Sora in this kino journey ? 99% of your organs wish they were Roboco", "pid": 78104773 }, { "sender": "B6EB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:11:17\n\nkek", "pid": 78105142 }, { "sender": "9826-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:12:36\n\n>>78104738 \nFrankly he doesn't need to be numerous to be disruptive. With modern technology, even one person can break an entire community if they want to.", "pid": 78105195 }, { "sender": "Anon-6CBB", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:13:03\n\n>>78103331 \nIf you want to shitpost so badly at least use Goldbullet", "pid": 78105217 }, { "sender": "9B02-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:16:52\n\n>>78104773 \n>1mil subs \nYeah? Where are those subs then? Because they don't seem to watch her streams or mvs lol.", "pid": 78105357 }, { "sender": "Anon-9A86", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:22:19\n\n>>78104211 \nno, I don't watch stars streams because I'm completely uninterested in the stars. I don't think about them, I don't mention them in casual conversation, I don't make threads about them, and I certainly don't go to Reddit of all places just to look for their posts just to seeth about them. so again, what's it like being so mindbroken by the holostars that you plan your day around them? inquiring minds want to know.", "pid": 78105542 }, { "sender": "Anon-AB46", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:25:11\n\n>>78105542 \nIt’s always funny to shit on the homos", "pid": 78105667 }, { "sender": "Anon-A632", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:32:55\n\n>>78105542 \nHe has admitted before that he spends all his time on 4chan trying to bait people into seething. \nPeople really should stop giving him any atrention", "pid": 78106033 }, { "sender": "DC60-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:35:40\n\n>>78103931 \nThat was posted on the holostars subreddit, not hololive. Why lie?", "pid": 78106159 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4D9B", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:49:30\n\n>>78103352 \nHe doesn't know", "pid": 78106768 }, { "sender": "4188-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:51:01\n\n>>78103331 \n>subscribed", "pid": 78106823 }, { "sender": "B09C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:53:37\n\n>>78103331 \ndude is mad just because someone exist lmao \nhow are people like this", "pid": 78106914 }, { "sender": "3AC8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:54:49\n\n>>78103331 \nSorry Yagoo has a vision, Anon.", "pid": 78106959 }, { "sender": "Anon-F77A", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:15:40\n\n>>78106033 \nthat explains it then. what an odd hobby.", "pid": 78107820 }, { "sender": "2E1A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:31:19\n\n>>78103679 \nUnicorns are actually nijisisters seething about Milard's implosion. You can tell from them wanting Cover to follow Riku's black company tactics.", "pid": 78108495 }, { "sender": "Anon-D2DC", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:46:13\n\n>if you don't worship homo cock and fantasize about them breeding your oshi you're a nijisister \nWhat does this come from?", "pid": 78109127 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-51B7", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:50:24\n\n>unprompted thoughts of cocks and NTR", "pid": 78109307 }, { "sender": "Anon-D044", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:50:32\n\n>>78109127 \nninjisisters / beggars", "pid": 78109314 }, { "sender": "Anon-AF6A", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:17:26\n\n>>78106159 \nKEK", "pid": 78110459 }, { "sender": "8F8C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:08:14\n\n>>78103679 \nOn the doxxsite there was comments trying to organize raids false flagging as unicorns. I'm sure the screen shot will pop up", "pid": 78115176 } ]
itt: poorly aged albums
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-FA57", "message": "03/07/2024, 00:14:21\n\nitt: poorly aged albums\n\nalbums that spoiled", "pid": 122607968 }, { "sender": "FE6B-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 00:24:47\n\n>>122607968 \n>let's invent a new language because we have nothing worthwhile to say and because our instrumentals aren't good enough to stand on their own: the album \nThe hackiest genre bar none", "pid": 122608082 }, { "sender": "F2B6-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 00:45:23\n\n>>122607968 \n>making up your own language \nSeriously: was it autism?", "pid": 122608326 }, { "sender": "CBAA-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 00:51:05\n\nFrench music is like French food, aggressively mediocre and vastly overrated.", "pid": 122608378 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4D83", "message": "03/07/2024, 00:52:27\n\n>>122608378 \nwhat about french fries?", "pid": 122608398 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0B3D", "message": "03/07/2024, 00:54:03\n\n>>122608398 \nInvented by the Spanish.", "pid": 122608413 }, { "sender": "A788-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 00:55:02\n\n>>122608378 \n>French food, aggressively mediocre and vastly overrated. \nPlebian", "pid": 122608427 }, { "sender": "Anon-2869", "message": "03/07/2024, 00:56:25\n\nI think nico tranny didn't actually get the job despite claiming he was in orientation today. He is a on a fuckin mad one tonight", "pid": 122608444 }, { "sender": "Anon-A80C", "message": "03/07/2024, 00:56:31\n\n>>122608378 \nThat's more italian food tbqh, French food is overhated if anything", "pid": 122608447 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DCBB", "message": "03/07/2024, 00:58:22\n\n>>122608447 \nHaute cuisine is worshipped by the bourgeois despite being on par with working class British food.", "pid": 122608459 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:02:51\n\n>>122608082 \nI think it was to obscure what he was actually saying but fans will get assmad if you point this out. Lots of veauge fascist imagery in Vanders Work and it's prog so if they just didn't have anything to say they could have just sang about LOTR or whatever nerd bullshit. You're not supposed to be able to follow what Vander is actually saying because he realized how offensive it was and that he needed to obscure it would be my guess. The Kobaïans are just a cross between The Natiin of Islam and Midrval Germany prettymuch so \"The Zess\" is almost definitely a dogwhistle. \n>>122608326 \nSchizophrenia I think. \n>>122608444 \nI think you chose to believe this because it makes you feel less like a loser. \n>>122608447 \n>>122608459 \nFrance and Italy both have good music. Their people I do not understand though. Le slightly different group of mainland European White People with slightly different version of Catholicism or Paganism or whatever scare me.", "pid": 122608498 }, { "sender": "Anon-6983", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:05:12\n\naaaaaand here we go again", "pid": 122608527 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:06:14\n\n>>122608527 \nHave sex (have sex) \nOops her answer no", "pid": 122608539 }, { "sender": "E64B-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:07:00\n\n>>122608498 \nYou don't listen to French or Italian music or we would have heard about it about 9 million times. Shut up dumbass", "pid": 122608550 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-40E7", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:07:07\n\n>>122607968 \nI never listened to this but I listened to the first half of their live album and it's pretty cool", "pid": 122608552 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:08:16\n\n>>122608550 \nLol ok. Not sure what music could be as aggressively excessively French as Magma who I've namedropped enough for this to be a thread or Claude Vivier for that matter even if he's French Canadian. Sure ig.", "pid": 122608569 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E117", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:09:07\n\nHe’s like a plague, he just wipes out any decent discussion and intelligent posters of a thread in a flash.", "pid": 122608581 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:09:17\n\n>>122608550 \nIf it's not meant for actual retards you don't listen to it \"dumb ass\",not going to be talked down to by a bunch of guys who couldn't get laid so continued with Death Grips and NMH being their main personality traits.", "pid": 122608583 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:10:48\n\n>>122608581 \n>Decent Discussion \n>Intelelgent Posters \n>Random retarded funny screaming albums \n>Unable to comprehend The Velvet Underground,Jimi Hendrix,Love,CAN,Cream,or Magma \n>Have never heard of The Dovers or The Index \n>Listen to Frank Zappa unironically \n \nYeah alright,le epic and totally obviously super smart quirk chungu developmental milestone failure.", "pid": 122608594 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A1B9", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:12:48\n\n>>122608594 \nDon't forget black oak arkansas, that pack of faggors", "pid": 122608619 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DC74", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:15:29\n\n>>122608527 \n>OP creating the MAGMA thread just as the TMR thread hits bump limit", "pid": 122608656 }, { "sender": "A98D-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:16:43\n\n>>122608594 \nBegone, wretched pox.", "pid": 122608672 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:25:50\n\n>>122608619 \nDown Syndrome ahh response \n>>122608672 \nDiscord Admin ahh response. Imagine the smelle.", "pid": 122608773 }, { "sender": "D797-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:28:53\n\n>>122608773 \n>t. Downie with an apple For a brain", "pid": 122608814 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5CBE", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:30:23\n\n>>122608498 \nThat’s what makes Magma based. Based frogs.", "pid": 122608830 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:32:03\n\n>>122608656 \nPeople who are actually buisness mogols as \"libtard\" and against le Capitalism as I may be have gotta be too high IQ to pretend to like funny screaming and bashing noises for the imaginary social approval of women who don't exist though. \n>>122608814 \nYou're literally talking like a downie right now. This apple shit reminds me of the clown world meme or some shit from Rick and Morty. Really just proves you're too retarded to get it which is probably why TMR makes you feel as included as it does. You could just admit to being too retarded to get it too but I know posturing and pretending is a big thing with you (once again desperate enough to pretend to like funny screaming meme albums,you probably jack off to VTubers and think Deadpool is funny).", "pid": 122608847 }, { "sender": "BAF4-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:32:52\n\n>>122608847 \n>t. Downie repeating himself nonstop", "pid": 122608853 }, { "sender": "Anon-92FB", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:33:52\n\n>>122608847 \nYou are such a sperg lmaooooooooo", "pid": 122608867 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:34:16\n\n>\"\\*BURRRRP\\* YOU'RE A HECKIN APPLE MORTY \\*BURRP\" TRUST THE SCIENCE THAT LE FUNNY SHITTING NOISES FUNNY AND LE TIME SIGNATURE \\*BURRP\\* WOMEN ARE EVIL BECAUSE THEY WONT HAVE SEX WITH ME.\" \n \nSurely not a cry for help though.", "pid": 122608870 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:35:32\n\n>>122608853 \n>>122608867 \nYou talk like an actual retard. Like you just repeat phrases back and quote meme words prettyymuch. Lmk how your opinion changes when your balls finally drop maybe. Spastic Retard who's mad he's never had sex type of stuff. Le epic scdimbo apple chungus or whatever the fuck your brainrotted mind finds funny.", "pid": 122608886 }, { "sender": "BBE7-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:35:43\n\nWho the fuck is Morty?", "pid": 122608889 }, { "sender": "EF8F-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:36:07\n\n>>122608870 \nKek your sperging is hilarious and sad at the same time", "pid": 122608892 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:36:46\n\n>>122608853 \n>Downie isn't aware of how cringe repeating the word \"apple\" over and over again as a joke is because he misunderstands my explanation of what abstract language is and now thinks it means when we le hold uo awesome spork \n \nYou have never had sex though. I think we both know that.", "pid": 122608898 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D278", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:36:57\n\n>>122608847 \nYour IQ is so high that you're thankful to have a job washing cars", "pid": 122608903 }, { "sender": "7C75-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:37:07\n\n>>122608886 \nBe quiet autist", "pid": 122608907 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:37:52\n\n>>122608892 \nYou're just repeating back shit I said to me. Your whole \"apple\" thing actually was sad and hilarious because it showed how much of a fucking retard you are. I know complex thought is hard for you but damn are you stupid. You just turned it into le epic spork of doom lol.", "pid": 122608917 }, { "sender": "D12B-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:39:15\n\n>>122608917 \nWhat is more retarded is you are here spamming and you are really mentally ill", "pid": 122608943 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:39:33\n\n>>122608903 \nI never said it was \"so high\",that was something you came up with in a little fit of rage. I said you were stupid because you are in fact stupid. \n>>122608907 \n>Retard who thinks funny shitting and screeching album makes him seem funny,has never had sex,and was repeating some shit about Apples as artistically and nftedly as possible really has the balls to say this. \n \nOK Virgin,don't bitch and cry when you start feeling suicidal on /adv/ a month from now lol.", "pid": 122608950 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:40:37\n\n>>122608943 \nYou're literally struggling to form a coherent sentence right here as we speak. Le heckjn epic apple spork mask skibbidi skibbidi or whatever you fucking losers think is funny now. If you'd developed normally at a normal age you wouldn't even remember Trout Mask Replica existed.", "pid": 122608962 }, { "sender": "Anon-5DEE", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:40:43\n\n>>122608950 \nBased single digit iq haver", "pid": 122608963 }, { "sender": "Anon-9702", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:41:44\n\n>>122608962 \nLmao you are pathetic", "pid": 122608973 }, { "sender": "1795-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:41:52\n\n>>122608950 \n>don't bitch and cry when you start feeling suicidal on /adv/ \nYou actually did that less than a week ago, Nicofaggot: \n", "pid": 122608977 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C6F4", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:41:53\n\n>>122608963 \nHis IQ is in the negative triple digits actually", "pid": 122608979 }, { "sender": "Anon-07CC", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:42:45\n\n>>122608979 \nHe is not that smart kek", "pid": 122608987 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BD16", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:44:05\n\n>>122608977 \n>sanjeeta weighs 250lbs \nWhat a complete surprise", "pid": 122609006 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:45:59\n\n>>122608979 \n>>122608987 \nWhoa! I'm sure Zappa Dan's are really totally smart and that this totally isn't a sign of insecurity. All those random time signatures that don't actually serve a purpose or lead anywhere and those autistic random number generator chord progressions. Really cool stuff..... \n>>122608977 \n>>122608987 \n>>122609006 \nDelusional and retarded. She's pretty tiny desu. Wouldn't be able to handle. a", "pid": 122609033 }, { "sender": "2864-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:46:13\n\n>>122609006 \nI know, right? You’d think she’d be 70 pounds heavier.", "pid": 122609039 }, { "sender": "783E-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:46:52\n\n>>122609033 \nHey nicotranny do you use any social media besides 4chan?", "pid": 122609046 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:49:39\n\n>>122609046 \nYou're the retarded one not me,that's why multiple of you fag's have shown yourselves ro be fat manchildren to me and I've never shown you shit lol. How's your sex life going? Meet any new anime charecters?", "pid": 122609073 }, { "sender": "BDA9-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:50:19\n\n>>122609046 \nI just found his reddit account in 5 seconds. u/Swimming-Kale-0", "pid": 122609078 }, { "sender": "C39A-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 01:51:46\n\n>>122609073 \nHey Nicotranny is your mother a divorced scientist by any chance? Looks like her brother may have passed away", "pid": 122609092 }, { "sender": "0132-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:08:22\n\nWhere did nico tranny go?", "pid": 122609217 }, { "sender": "1663-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:20:14\n\n^schizo", "pid": 122609344 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:21:17\n\n>>122609344 \nNah bro. Leave my mom alone trust me. She's some how spergier than I am and also more libtard. It's not worth getting into.", "pid": 122609363 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A2F8", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:21:47\n\n>>122609332 \nI'm looking through your reddit account and other than listing your favorite bands over and over the only other thing you talk about is Ukranian nazis and how Europe is racist but you're totally European", "pid": 122609368 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-20FA", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:25:25\n\n>>122609078 \n>the same ESL mannerisms and typing \n>the same bands jerked off \n>the same bands hated so viscerally \n>the same utter sperg out for anything anime \nhow did you find this so fast lmfao \nyou think with how much he posts and reveals personal info there could be more accounts of his out there just ready to be dug into?", "pid": 122609404 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:25:26\n\n>>122609368 \nI mean I love Germany but it is kinda racist yeah. Do you not know about The Ukraine much? Pretty interesting if you know the history of it. You can feel free to add me or whatever or comment BTW I don't give a shit. I more just don't want to hear a middle aged women yelling about 4Chan and Drumpft and then quoting whatever the first political meme she sees on 4Chan is. Bit yeah I'm extremely fucking German least for US Standards. I don't agree with everything about the culture but I don't hide it either. I unironically grew up with like Strewellpeter and singing in German and shit.", "pid": 122609405 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CF72", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:26:28\n\n>>122609363 \n>>122609368 \nI found you saying this \n>Nah Bochi hates MetallicA. She's literally me frfr. She also loves Black Metal. Her favorite Thrash Band is Sodom though. \nSo just as everyone suspected, all of the seemingly random nonsense media you bring up is literally projection.", "pid": 122609417 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:27:13\n\n>>122609368 \nParts of Europe are racist. France and Italy are probably more although I'll freely admit I don't really understand Italians. The Brits and Germans are probably both a bit less and like Ireland and shit overall. Maybe not in The 80s or whatever but yk Jamaicans ultimately integrated into British society pretty fucking easily. I like Germany though. I went there once it was pretty cool.", "pid": 122609426 }, { "sender": "EDFD-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:27:16\n\n>>122608459 \nthink about the pastries bro", "pid": 122609427 }, { "sender": "Anon-2C56", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:27:58\n\n>>122609404 \nI tried to see if there's another one where he cries about being a loser but I have to go to sleep and he'll probably delete it before I can find the right key word searches if there is one.", "pid": 122609440 }, { "sender": "FEB6-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:31:09\n\n>>122609405 \n>>122609426 \nYou're some faggy globalist anti-racist mutt. I cannot imagine being the sort of absolute fucking clueless retard that speaks out one side of his mouth about what a pure German American he is then goes on to bitch about people in Europe being le racist. With a little (probably not even that much desu, thankfully) luck you'll be stabbed to death by an illegal alien on your bus ride to the car wash.", "pid": 122609474 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:33:14\n\n>>122609404 \nYou guys can ad me if you want and talk as much shit as you like just literally dude you do not want to hear about drumoft and the Ukraine and also she'll probably just start ranting about my fucking dad it'll be really fucking awkward trust me. Yeah I'm pretty consistent though. >>122609417 \nIt's shitposting/trying to bate people and see what the response will be. I've been extremely bored the past six months. Honestly amazed it took you that long to find this one. Be nice to my mom though I really really dint want to hear about Donakd Trump or Jazz lol. \n>>122609440 \nThat's more something you do and then project onto me I think. I'm long off psychedelics and also employed now and me and my girlfriend have like been cuddling. My life is pretty good right now honestly. No that's the only reddit account I have though. Feel free to ad me,we both know you're not going anywhere. My Mom will end up giving both of us like a 40 hour rant about Jazz,The Ukraine,and The Evils of Donald Trump and also my dad and her ex husband you genuinely do not want to hear. It's like sometimes amusing but it's not worth hearing regularly which is almost definitely what will happen.", "pid": 122609494 }, { "sender": "F43D-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:33:35\n\n>>122609363 \nNo you are the schizo", "pid": 122609498 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:34:53\n\n>>122609474 \nYou're talking like a schizophrenic lol. \n>>122609498 \nI can tell your slightly retarded but you are not ready for her thirty part rants on the evils of Donald trump,the history of various obscure German psychologists,or her ex husband. It will be as much hell for you trust me.", "pid": 122609510 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:36:39\n\nShe's like Christian Vander but Libtard and also as a divorced middle-aged woman if you can conceptualize that.", "pid": 122609524 }, { "sender": "7FE2-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:39:39\n\n>>122609494 \nYou have been crying on /adv/ for a month and accusing other people here of inevitably doing the same.", "pid": 122609554 }, { "sender": "81D2-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:41:00\n\n>>122609510 \n>confirmed for schizo", "pid": 122609571 }, { "sender": "Anon-0DCB", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:43:45\n\n>>122609078 \nHow did you find that?", "pid": 122609593 }, { "sender": "78BC-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:44:19\n\n>>122609510 \n>You're talking like a schizophrenic lol \nYeah if only I was of sound enough mind to spend 14 hours a day bragging about being full blooded German on 4chan and then log onto r/2nordi4u and accuse Finland of being a fascist ethnostate that needs to be replaced by somalis, and then reply to everyone with \"I don't actually know anything about Finland I'm American lol\".", "pid": 122609599 }, { "sender": "Anon-90C6", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:45:50\n\n>>122609404 \n>>122609593 \nI typed \"can, magma, the Moody Blues\" into the search bar and then went to comments. How do you think? I'm going to sleep", "pid": 122609611 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:46:47\n\n>>122609474 \nIt's all other white dudes where I work. I think you underestimate how white Massachusetts is overall. The Joe Bidens Hyperborea Meme was pretty fucking accurate. If Varg Virkenes was a Liberal he probably would be living in Boston or the surrounding suburbs. There are Black Areas but it's mostly like Haitians or Jamaicans depending where you are and also the further out you go the whiter it is. The exception to this is if you're Carribean or I guess African now too.", "pid": 122609616 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:48:48\n\n>>122609599 \nI never bragged about it. You had a retarded freakout and kept insisting I was either Black or Indian and kept insisting that like a fucking spastic. I never said I was full blooded or anything withe but largely yeah. I'm part Danish too and Irish I think but probably mostly. I mean I'm a White dude from the US I'm not claiming to actually be from there but i must be some significant portion since I grew up with all that stuff.", "pid": 122609632 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:49:51\n\n>>122609599 \nFinland regularly does sort of go for semi fascist or just openly fascist politicians too not sure what the fuck you're talking about here. Finland isn't Sweden just because it's in the general area. Not that The AUF is goof either.", "pid": 122609644 }, { "sender": "Anon-B69F", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:50:29\n\n>>122609616 \nThere is no underestimating how white people who ride the bus are \n>There are Black Areas but it's mostly like Haitians or Jamaicans \ngive the larp a rest", "pid": 122609649 }, { "sender": "F634-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:51:51\n\n>>122609644 \nGood for them and I'm sure you, the nico trannt, know all about it too.", "pid": 122609665 }, { "sender": "00BB-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 02:57:34\n\n>>122609644 \nYou seem to make friends wherever you go!", "pid": 122609721 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 03:00:03\n\n>>122609599 \nI never said it needed to be replaced by Somalis,although desu I don't really have an issue with Somalis peettysure I met some before and they seemed perfectly fine. Pirate Shit is probably just a result of their society being kinda fucked to begin with but that's not really there fault. It's more comparable to The Meth Economy in Rural America or something than it is like Somalis want to be living like 16th-18th Century Pirates I think. Like type of shit people do in The Ukraine for money aswell ironically enough. Most Somalians in The USA seem to act pretty normal so I'm assuming it's less a cargo cult and morelike \"the crops died and I just found an abandoned French novel base\".like you have to understand . how badly France,India,and Belgium have absolutely fucked the entirety of Africa and then consider that the piracy doesn't really cross over here to the USA at all. Like I've seen Somalians but they just seem to like go into businesses and sort of try and make rent. Like how many radical somali pirate groups have you seen popping up in the west? That's just a result of the French fucking them sideways and maybe the general instability in most of Africa to begin with if we're going to be honest. They have an unstable economy,sea ports,and left over ammunition. It's not great but yk I don't really believe most people from Somalia chose to live like that.", "pid": 122609743 }, { "sender": "Anon-1472", "message": "03/07/2024, 03:01:42\n\n>>122609743 \nwall of schizo", "pid": 122609758 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 03:04:53\n\n>>122609599 \nBro if you had to live in Somalia you'd probably be doing the same thing. It's not terrorism or whatever it's just theft prettymuch and it's fucked up and sad but it's better than human trafficking or yk the role of meth and fent in the USA right now. If The Southedn Europeans stopped fucking around and doing paramilitary shit and Africa and also you hadn't had people like Idi Amin,hadn't had colonialism or slavery,hadn't had several big wars in the past several decades,etc,etc. You'd probably be doing the same thing. I mean if it's that or starve then yeah. I'd probably be a pirate too. I'm not saying it's good but given the history of Africa and how many wars it's had and that it's like on the coast of Africa at that Somalia was probably fucked to begin with.", "pid": 122609793 }, { "sender": "Anon-4672", "message": "03/07/2024, 03:07:31\n\n>>122609793 \nSecond, smaller, wall of schizo", "pid": 122609817 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 03:14:41\n\n>>122609817 \nDude you get what I'm saying though. Idk Kenyans tend to be pretty solid aswell. Never met someone from Denmark irl desu only Germans and Australians. Kenyans and Somalis at least are pretty fucking normal idk. Like yeahnim sure if you actually have to live in Somalia you're gonna have to do some cray shit but that's not really racial nor that there's something wrong as a culture. That's just the harsh economic realities of global poverty. Like I said The Somalian Pirates are like The Hells Angels or something not really like terrorists. Theyre fairly normie and would 100% not be doing shit like this if they didn't have to.", "pid": 122609888 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 03:18:20\n\nSomalia has basically just really fukcing insane crime if I understand correctly which is yk not surprising it's a very poor country. I don't think the people of the Ukraine are evil either.", "pid": 122609932 }, { "sender": "2684-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 03:19:04\n\n>>122609888 \n>>122609932 \nFascinating", "pid": 122609944 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 03:31:54\n\n>>122609944 \nDude I live in Massachusetts you know I've fucking met Somalis before. They're alright people though. Same with Kenyans. I think those are completely unrelated parts of Africa but yeah lol. Idk dude Boston is still mostly white or mass in general st least especially where I fucking work like dude I have no idea where the fuck your getting your information from but most of new England is like German or Celtic prettymuch. There is a sizable minority of people from The Carribean though and to a lesser extent Africa. Mostly The Carribean though like by far and then also Hispanic. Nobody in Massachusetts is going to cancel me for being German and Irish though that's not like taboo that's a pretty normal cultural identity here. Nit really as crazy as you think it is.", "pid": 122610093 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 03:33:50\n\nI never bragged about being full blooded German lmao. I said I'm part German and Part Celtic which is true. I don't live in the Midwest nobody cares. You think that's shocking because of brain rot but it's really not.", "pid": 122610118 }, { "sender": "368E-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 04:15:07\n\n>>122610093 \n>>122610118 \ngay, schizo shit", "pid": 122610460 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 04:17:08\n\n>>122610460 \nYou're a retard who listens to Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart lol.", "pid": 122610483 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EEEE", "message": "03/07/2024, 04:31:00\n\nDoes this autistic schizo ever stop?", "pid": 122610627 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 05:14:13\n\n>>122610627 \nI think I need to go back to my girlfriends as soon as this job seems stable enough. Don't want to end up like you.", "pid": 122611025 }, { "sender": "0244-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 05:15:50\n\n>>122611025 \nYour girlfriend is probably already being railed by niggers, I'd move on", "pid": 122611036 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 05:16:16\n\nLast time I was over there went well idk. It would be hard to find another her. She's relatively stable now and I shouldn't really fault her for what she can't help. Once I'm really back to a normal schedule.", "pid": 122611044 }, { "sender": "Anon-E72F", "message": "03/07/2024, 05:17:43\n\n>>122611025 \nYou are not stable though \nSo you will not last a week lmao", "pid": 122611058 }, { "sender": "24EE-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 05:18:57\n\nI'm sure she had a bpd episode due to your insanity tbhfam", "pid": 122611070 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg Guy", "message": "03/07/2024, 05:24:56\n\n>>122611058 \nYou're fucking retarded and probably assmad you've never had a job. Not my fault you're a long time NEET. I'm not even pretending it's a great job but definitely what I need.", "pid": 122611125 }, { "sender": "B15D-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 05:25:09\n\n>>122611109 \nAh yes I remember this episode of friends. It's when Ross and Rachel were on a break isnt it?", "pid": 122611130 }, { "sender": "Anon-DA6E", "message": "03/07/2024, 05:26:09\n\n>>122611125 \nLmao the downie is repeating himself again", "pid": 122611142 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg", "message": "03/07/2024, 05:53:30\n\n>>122611142 \nNice deflection \"bro\",le epic apple of dooooom has arrived?", "pid": 122611409 }, { "sender": "0C3D-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 06:00:29\n\n>>122611409 \n>incoherent schizo rambling", "pid": 122611463 }, { "sender": "B29B-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 06:34:50\n\n>>122608378 \nFrench black metal is some of the best in the game", "pid": 122611730 }, { "sender": "Nico Sperg", "message": "03/07/2024, 06:37:24\n\n>>122611730 \nUnironically yeah especially Mutilation.", "pid": 122611748 }, { "sender": "E10A-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 06:38:04\n\n>>122611125 \nstop projecting, we SAW your /adv/ posts \n \n>I was a man. Now I'm just a \"NEET\".", "pid": 122611752 }, { "sender": "Anon-F3EE", "message": "03/07/2024, 12:10:30\n\n>>122611730 \nFrench black metal is dogshit.", "pid": 122613760 }, { "sender": "209B-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 13:43:32\n\n>>122611125 \nRemember when you were unemployed for more than 6 months and you still accused everyone of not having a job? Everything you say is hysterical projection because you completely hate yourself and your pathetic live of squalor", "pid": 122614372 }, { "sender": "69CF-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 18:04:52\n\nNicotranny committed suicide last night", "pid": 122616559 }, { "sender": "EAC4-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 18:06:43\n\n>>122613760 \nlol bruh come on now", "pid": 122616575 }, { "sender": "F7AE-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 19:41:38\n\n>>122607968", "pid": 122617829 }, { "sender": "F4E0-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 19:44:39\n\n>>122616575 \n No, I’m being serious. Deathspell Omega and all that garbo is shit.", "pid": 122617884 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D316", "message": "03/07/2024, 21:46:55\n\n>>122616575 \n>>122617884 \nGuys all black metal is shit", "pid": 122619264 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-09A2", "message": "03/07/2024, 21:49:08\n\n>You're some faggy globalist anti-racist mutt. I cannot imagine being the sort of absolute fucking clueless retard that speaks out one side of his mouth about what a pure German American he is then goes on to bitch about people in Europe being le racist. With a little (probably not even that much desu, thankfully) luck you'll be stabbed to death by an illegal alien on your bus ride to the car wash.", "pid": 122619297 }, { "sender": "Anon-D1BC", "message": "03/07/2024, 21:50:11\n\n>>122616559 \nHe drowned himself in the bucket he uses to wash cars", "pid": 122619310 }, { "sender": "A215-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 21:50:26\n\n>>122607968 \nI find Nirvana nearly unlistenable, in middle age. \"Pennyroyal Tea\" is a legit classic pop song, but other than that, and maybe \"Aneurysm\", I just can't get into it.", "pid": 122619316 }, { "sender": "71E1-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:01:05\n\nI'm sure he got fired because someone brought up trout mask replica since they had a feeling the new guy was the nico sperg and he went on a full on autistic spergout and got fired instantly kek.", "pid": 122619484 }, { "sender": "B373-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:04:42\n\n>That’s what makes Magma based. Based frogs.", "pid": 122619531 }, { "sender": "Anon-D74F", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:05:09\n\n>>122619484 \nThere are a generous 75 people worldwide who use this board. Are you actually retarded?", "pid": 122619535 }, { "sender": "C5E1-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:08:25\n\n>>122619535 \nNo but you are kek", "pid": 122619582 }, { "sender": "7252-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:14:21\n\n>>122619310 \nWouldn’t be surprised if this happened.", "pid": 122619655 }, { "sender": "98EF-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:23:23\n\n>>122619582 \n>make objectively retarded unfunny post \n>uh TROLLED XD \nAre you enjoying summer vacation, little guy? Gonna be a junior next year?", "pid": 122619739 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3079", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:36:06\n\n>>122619739 \nKek the retard is having an autistic fit", "pid": 122619874 }, { "sender": "0DF8-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:38:35\n\n>>122619739 \nYet more proof that you're retarded", "pid": 122619901 }, { "sender": "A14F-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 22:39:31\n\n>>122619739 \ni chuckled at his comment, just because you didn't doesn't mean you have to act like a bitch", "pid": 122619908 }, { "sender": "Anon-5CFC", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:40:06\n\n>>122619874 \n>>122619901 \n>>122619908 \nextremely obvious samefag \n>inb4 phone screenshot", "pid": 122620446 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2EF9", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:41:07\n\n^the schizo downie is mad^", "pid": 122620454 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0760", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:42:39\n\n>>122620454 \nHow dumb and new do you have to be to misidentify someone as nicotranny?", "pid": 122620472 }, { "sender": "Anon-EB29", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:43:45\n\nVery new, I just found out about him and wanted to rile him up but I guess he only posts with a name on?", "pid": 122620480 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E2F3", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:45:08\n\n>>122620480 \nYou would have to be retarded to mistake anyone else for him. He only started namefagging recently which is pointless because everyone knew who he was for months.", "pid": 122620488 }, { "sender": "BABC-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:46:46\n\n>>122620488 \nKek are you autistic too?", "pid": 122620503 }, { "sender": "C41B-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:47:03\n\n>>122620446 \nDo you see a phone status bar in this photo, faggot?", "pid": 122620509 }, { "sender": "Anon-C751", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:47:48\n\n>>122620509 \n>do you see the iPhone file name \nYes", "pid": 122620513 }, { "sender": "2FCE-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:48:53\n\n>>122620503 \nShut up newfag", "pid": 122620521 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F1E7", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:49:21\n\n>>122620513 \nyou want to be smart so bad kek", "pid": 122620528 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-56D4", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:51:24\n\n>>122619310 \nkek", "pid": 122620551 }, { "sender": "Anon-4C59", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:51:37\n\n>>122620521 \nKek you really are autistic lmaooooooooooooo", "pid": 122620552 }, { "sender": "Anon-36EF", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:51:56\n\n>>122620528 \nOh how the turns have tabled ;) the other two posters of course died", "pid": 122620555 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A4E9", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:54:37\n\n>>122620555 \nKek the other schizo autist that isn't nicosperg is sperging", "pid": 122620584 }, { "sender": "14F4-Anon", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:56:01\n\n>>122620555 \n>absolutely seething", "pid": 122620600 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B0F4", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:56:23\n\n>>122620552 \n>>122620584 \nTrying too hard. I'm gonna go watch some shit movie. Maybe you should spend the next three hours posting kek and lmao and editing your own replies to prove how not autistic you are", "pid": 122620604 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B1FC", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:57:41\n\n^confirmed for being an autistic schizo^ \n>ragequit \nKEK", "pid": 122620621 }, { "sender": "E25D-Anonymous", "message": "03/07/2024, 23:59:57\n\n>>122620480 \nTragically despite receiving extensive training he drowned in a bucket on his first attempt to wash a car.", "pid": 122620637 }, { "sender": "Anon-06BE", "message": "04/07/2024, 00:01:08\n\n>Trying too hard. I'm gonna go watch some shit movie. Maybe you should spend the next three hours posting kek and lmao and editing your own replies to prove how not autistic you are", "pid": 122620647 }, { "sender": "F974-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 00:16:37\n\n>>122608326 \nhe just wanted a spaced out religious james brown type of vibe to his funk but he was a white guy from france so he invented aliens", "pid": 122620817 }, { "sender": "8788-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 02:51:16\n\n>>122607968", "pid": 122622221 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-69C5", "message": "04/07/2024, 02:53:40\n\n>>122608413 \nfrench toast?", "pid": 122622241 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6517", "message": "04/07/2024, 02:57:23\n\n>>122622241 \nInvented by romans in the earliest form of the French toast but the term came from england.", "pid": 122622263 }, { "sender": "6006-Anonymous", "message": "04/07/2024, 05:07:37\n\n>>122607968 \nThe Velvet Underground & Nico", "pid": 122623461 } ]
&quot;Hololive is a CCP shill&quot;
[ { "sender": "FE57-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:23:00\n\n&quot;Hololive is a CCP shill&quot;\n\n> Collaboration IC Card \"Gawr Gura hololive production Live@TAIWAN Collection\" is now available for pre-order in Taiwan! \n> \"\"\"Taiwan\"\"\" \n> Not Taipei, Taiwan \n> And no sight of mainland chinese comments under it \n \n\\_En/status/1801524981534216580?s=19 \n \nOh nyo. Holo said the T word. Mr. Yagoo Get down ! The Chinese are coming ! \n \n........ \n \n(Nothing happened) \n \nW-wait, why ? Why didn't they do anything ? Coco fans said Holo will be attacked after signing with bili though... Am I perhaps... over-reacting ? \n \nNah, 2 more weeks. Yes 2 more weeks...", "pid": 78096649 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0B5D", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:29:08\n\n>>78096649 \nHolozhang deflection thread", "pid": 78096782 }, { "sender": "Anon-8DF5", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:35:42\n\nEven some Chinese top-tier teams that compete in League of Legends World Championship have Taiwan players. When will you niggers understand that just the word Taiwan isn't enough to trigger the zhangs, you MUST acknowledge it as an independent country", "pid": 78096944 }, { "sender": "467E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:44:51\n\nChinese people also call Taiwan Taiwan because thats just the name of the island.", "pid": 78097188 }, { "sender": "Anon-68A7", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:45:18\n\n>>78096649 \nZhangs loves Gura, newfag. She even said Taiwan on stream before and they just laughed and saying she's cute.", "pid": 78097200 }, { "sender": "170F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:48:22\n\n>>78097200 \nSo you are saying is that the bait threads are just an act of over-reaction ? Wow I'm so surprised I would never see that coming from a mile away", "pid": 78097280 }, { "sender": "8FF9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:59:14\n\nThe thing about coco having Taiwan analytics on her screen was never really the issue, it was a scapegoat so they could push Hololive out. They would’ve done it to Haachama. It was just that much easier to go nuclear with Coco because some Chinese upper management apparently never liked her (American, refused to make a bilibili account for her from the beginning, and just dragon symbolism shit )", "pid": 78097538 }, { "sender": "1D1B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:02:10\n\n>>78096944 \nThe merch is being released in Taiwan only, with a system specifically for Taiwan. Chinese nationalists could choose to be as offended about this as about YouTube analytics, it's not like they have firm principles.", "pid": 78097627 }, { "sender": "Anon-07EB", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:06:44\n\nIt's realpolitik. China's internet mobs are mobilized when there's a motive beyond the ideology, interpreting something as charitably or maliciously as they want to.\nDon't expect consistency or honesty, you won't get any.", "pid": 78097748 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D126", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:14:07\n\n>>78096649 \nfking pol retards trying to stir shit. go love your whore Coco \noh wait you've dumped her once she went full slut", "pid": 78097928 }, { "sender": "82F6-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:22:26\n\n>>78097538 \nNot to mention bilibili was doing shady shit back then and wanting to monopolize vtubers. \nAnd soon after also the CCP guidelines and the mandatory doxxing. \nA lot of things happened at once and I don't think it was a natural grassroots chink movement.", "pid": 78098147 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D55C", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:26:41\n\n>>78097627 \nTaiwan? could be the name of a country or some special administrative province. cope harder, nobody is as dumb as reddit dragon, not even the Rockstar dev", "pid": 78098271 }, { "sender": "Anon-93E5", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:31:18\n\n>>78096649 \nThis doesn't look as nice as those sushi things...", "pid": 78098386 }, { "sender": "Anon-835C", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:35:28\n\n>>78096649 \nSo is everyone just ignoring the fact that the whole taiwan yab was more about how chinks hated the american style content Coco had, and was looking for a reason to convince a mob to push her out?", "pid": 78098515 }, { "sender": "A536-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:36:14\n\nnot now, phasecuck", "pid": 78098534 }, { "sender": "D0DC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:39:50\n\n>>78096649 \nCawrd Gura.", "pid": 78098641 }, { "sender": "8AAA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:40:54\n\n>>78098271 \nsame could've been said about youtube analytics tho", "pid": 78098677 }, { "sender": "67B2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:44:17\n\n>>78096649 \nGet a fucking life OP, and the same with everyone ITT.", "pid": 78098771 }, { "sender": "Anon-FEF1", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:46:03\n\n>>78096944 \nThey can't even compete under the name Taiwan, dunderhead.", "pid": 78098832 }, { "sender": "2DAA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:48:00\n\n>>78096782 \nkys retard faggot. fucking scumbag", "pid": 78098888 }, { "sender": "76C9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:49:14\n\n>>78098271 \nHololive lost bully perms over this btw", "pid": 78098924 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4D89", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:50:37\n\n>>78096944 \nThe retards will never learn. They wouldn't even be able to point to Taiwan on a map.", "pid": 78098964 }, { "sender": "4342-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:50:38\n\n>>78098515 \nShe should have reviewed these.", "pid": 78098965 }, { "sender": "4759-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:55:24\n\n>>78098515 \nThis is why I supported the Chinese antis back then. I just wanted her out. Couldn't care less about the Taiwan thing.", "pid": 78099104 }, { "sender": "Anon-635A", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:57:55\n\n>>78099104 \n>>78098964 \n>>78096944 \nwhy do zhangs always type in these awkwardly short sentences?", "pid": 78099174 }, { "sender": "CC48-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:08:16\n\n>>78096649 \nDOESNT COUNT", "pid": 78099493 }, { "sender": "D202-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:14:18\n\n>>78098832 \nThis is exclusively used for Olympics and other international sports, retard.", "pid": 78099655 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D17D", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:16:50\n\n>>78096649 \nthe baseball collab is only in LA. there are different places in the world. amazing.", "pid": 78099733 }, { "sender": "508B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:18:39\n\n>>78096782 \nKek.", "pid": 78099798 }, { "sender": "Anon-4428", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:19:08\n\n>>78099763 \n>everyone call them Chinese Taipei \nWho is \"everyone\"? Give examples of \"everyone\" using \"Chinese Taipei\".", "pid": 78099813 }, { "sender": "Anon-E9EB", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:22:58\n\n>>78098832 \nI'm sure Riot never utters the word \"Taiwan\" before, oh wait...", "pid": 78099937 }, { "sender": "294F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:37:12\n\n>>78098965 \nKEK \n>>78099174 \nthey are not human, bug mind is a mystery", "pid": 78100379 }, { "sender": "FF02-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:37:45\n\n>>78096944 \nRemind me when did Coco say \"Taiwan very cool and independent country that should keep protecting its independence\"? Actual nga cucks in here defending their 50 cent party that was harrassing people for years while spreading misinformation. I find it actually funny that the same forum that was organising all this shit is dominated by nijifans, it's like they have the same mentality everywhere", "pid": 78100393 }, { "sender": "Anon-233F", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:43:01\n\n>>78100393 \nCoco thing blew up because she did it on purpose. And she always had a legion of haters because her content was not very idol friendly. Also Cover made a gigantic mistake acknowledging it and punishing her. That showed haters they can hurt her.", "pid": 78100527 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3270", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:46:08\n\n>>78100527 \nDid what on purpose? Can you send me the clip of what she EXACTLY said, because in my memory she said literally nothing about independence of Taiwan", "pid": 78100611 }, { "sender": "1CF9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:49:41\n\n>>78100527 \n \n>>78099174", "pid": 78100713 }, { "sender": "Anon-6E6E", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:50:20\n\n>>78100527 \n>Coco thing blew up because she did it on purpose. \nlmao more misinformation \nyou fuckers never change", "pid": 78100732 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5F66", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:52:28\n\nThat Gura sushi roll pass merch for Taiwan was so fucking kawaii.\nLiterally S-tier.\nOnly a giant Pero plush could beat it.", "pid": 78100784 }, { "sender": "Anon-994F", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:55:25\n\nThe whole Coco thing was just another version of the Chinese gacha spergout, wasn't it? Selfish and spoiled little lords saw something that went against their puritan sense of propriety and had a bitchfit.", "pid": 78100868 }, { "sender": "Anon-6EA9", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:22:26\n\n>>78100527 \nIt was worth it in the end since Fubuki, Aqua, etc. stopped doing B2 streams.", "pid": 78101651 }, { "sender": "33FF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:50:16\n\n>>78100393 \nCoco never said that, but she should have been more careful about what to show on stream, she hadn't thought it through and paid the price. I stand by my previous statement that is very dumb of Coco and her fuck-up is not comparable to my oshi's case", "pid": 78102430 }, { "sender": "5FB9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:53:23\n\n>>78102430 \nyou really dumb if you think there is no the 3rd party try to stir thing up.", "pid": 78102523 }, { "sender": "DBE1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:54:32\n\n>>78102430 \n>she should have been more careful \nno \nno she shouldn't have", "pid": 78102559 }, { "sender": "Anon-A45B", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:59:48\n\n>>78096944 \nOh nyos", "pid": 78102689 }, { "sender": "6267-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:15:31\n\n>>78102689 \nThe wheelbarrows are also chumbuds.", "pid": 78103204 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-87B9", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:17:02\n\n>>78102430 \nThat's what she gets for being Chinese and knowing nothing about her home country. She deserved everything that happened.", "pid": 78103258 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CA7D", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:19:41\n\nid honestly be really disappointed in Holo if it went full-on back into the Chinese market. China is the enemy and they WILL screw you over at some point. On top of being cancerous in general.", "pid": 78103342 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-30E2", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:52:13\n\n>>78102689 \n>>78096649 \nGura is literally immune to that. \nShe is extremely popular on bilibili. \nShe is just that universally cute. \nI hope she gets to play musedash soon", "pid": 78104446 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F15", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:05:51\n\n>>78096649 \n>Coco fans said Holo will be attacked... \n>Coco fans \nAt this point, the common trait uniting the people who rage at the CCP is not \"fans of Kiryu Coco\". The shared category is simply \"people who think the CCP is bad\", and of course some people who want to start shit, regardless of topic. \nFor these people, involvement in mainland China has become yet another weapon in a tribal war: you use it to score argument points against the people you dislike, while ignoring anything that makes your tribe look bad. \nThe reality of China or the CPP is now a secondary detail.", "pid": 78104932 }, { "sender": "8042-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:06:01\n\n>>78104446 \nShe's up there with Aqua in terms of favorability, and we've seen how much cope they made with her.", "pid": 78104937 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C73E", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:06:43\n\n>>78102430 \n>Paid the price \nHow do you clowns sleep at night after spreading your perverse \"facts\" that justify years of harassment in your eyes, in what fucking world you live you subhuman sociopaths. Oh i forgot, in China, where no one really cares about your ass and people would rather kill a person in an accident instead of injuring them just to not pay for his medical expenses. All the fucking witchhunts that happening in b2 that even chinese fans tell vtubers in the comments to not stream in there, even they are aware of this shit.", "pid": 78104960 }, { "sender": "B40B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:11:13\n\n>>78104937 \nYep they always play defence for her. \nI honestly wonder why they hated Coco so much", "pid": 78105137 }, { "sender": "2681-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:20:53\n\n>>78104960 \nNobody would be harassing her if she was a decent human being. Unfortunately for her, she was an obnoxious cunt that stepped on a landmine so antis didn't have much of a reason to hold themselves back. She's really just paying for years of mistakes and bad decisions she's made in her life that led up to that point. The Taiwan thing was just the last straw that made everything finally fall apart.", "pid": 78105494 }, { "sender": "B75F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:27:17\n\n>>78102430 \nThis is the same reasoning as a woman is \"asking to be raped\" for wearing a short skirt.", "pid": 78105773 }, { "sender": "B64B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:28:08\n\n>>78105494 \n(you)", "pid": 78105826 }, { "sender": "1FD9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:29:18\n\n>>78105494 \n>bugman thinks he knows what constitutes a decent human being", "pid": 78105872 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6693", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:36:35\n\n>>78096649 \nnothing happened? because the one responsible for the drama are busy defending their black company now, why do you think holo free of drama recently? thats the reason", "pid": 78106203 }, { "sender": "Anon-A075", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:36:51\n\n>>78105872 \nI'm just a white guy who sided with the Chinese antis. Trash like you who worship whores, drugs and body mutilation (tattoos, piercings etc) should all kill yourselves.", "pid": 78106212 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5018", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:43:43\n\n>>78105137 \nThe same reason why a Christian evangelical would hate Coco so much: she's an out there corpo vtuber who doesn't really act much \"like a woman\", upsetting the status quo.", "pid": 78106521 }, { "sender": "1A1F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:45:25\n\n>>78096649 \nYou know in anime where the main character gets a power up but goes berserk? But later on in the series he learns to limit it's output so while he doesn't get as big a stat boost at the same time he's able to control himself? That's Cover with China. Cover couldn't handle the raw input of the Chinese and sealed the Chinese until now where they allow the Chinese back in but on Cover's strict terms. I believe this to be true because I believe it to be true.", "pid": 78106597 }, { "sender": "Anon-875F", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:48:56\n\n>>78106212 \n>aryancunnylover88 [phillipines flag] pretends to be a le heckin tradcon \ni have seen this larp many times before", "pid": 78106742 }, { "sender": "3D23-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:31:02\n\n>>78100527 \nkill yourself zhang", "pid": 78108485 }, { "sender": "7F0B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:44:31\n\n>>78100784 \n>t. fat fuck", "pid": 78109062 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AF07", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:47:55\n\n>>78098271 \nCoco didn't call it a country either. Stop assuming the antis are consistent in their rules.", "pid": 78109208 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D8D0", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:50:23\n\n>>78104446 \nIf she gets muse dash back i can imagine she would be a happy shark", "pid": 78109306 }, { "sender": "Anon-2205", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:00:24\n\n>>78105494 \nIsn't it China that's paying for decades of bad mistakes? Soon Taiwan will conquer them. China will be the next Gaza/Ukraine.", "pid": 78109719 }, { "sender": "44EB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:25:36\n\n>>78105494 \nbe american sees a whore \nhas strong urge to defend a whore. \nLMFAO can't they pick at least a girl worth fighting for not some obvious as fuck slut?", "pid": 78110776 }, { "sender": "6FF3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:40:55\n\n>>78110776 \nChinaman is a whore for CCP, they rape you every day.", "pid": 78111404 }, { "sender": "A1D2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:46:12\n\n>>78099937 \nyou know that chinks uses different client right anon?", "pid": 78111654 }, { "sender": "Anon-E229", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:48:36\n\nGura is weirdly popular in China. I see a lot of real active accounts with her as their pfp, making content and always commenting, and they're chinese.", "pid": 78111749 }, { "sender": "F208-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:09:36\n\n>>78111404 \n>be american sees a whore \n>has strong urge to defend a whore. \ndidn't refute anything....", "pid": 78112560 }, { "sender": "3743-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:52\n\n>>78096649 \nI’ll never trust the Chinese. Not after last time. Zhang can go fuck himself", "pid": 78114181 } ]
[ { "sender": "6765-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:16:28\n\nWe will never forget what you did to us. On 81st anniversary of Wołyń massacre a new monument has been raised. Unless Ukrainians let us dig the bodies of brutally murdered Poles, there won't be peace between us.\n\nLet us bury our people. Stop blocking what's rightful to do. \n\n", "pid": 474392366 }, { "sender": "Anon-1942", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:19:48\n\n>>474392366 \nYou should invade Western Ukraine and regain your lost clay and retrieve those bodies. \n \nUkraine has their hands full fighting the Russians in the East and won't be able to offer any meaningful resistance.", "pid": 474392573 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4325", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:21:45\n\n>>474392573 \nThat's a wet dream for Russia and it will never happen. Ukrainians need to say sorry and let us do what's right.", "pid": 474392682 }, { "sender": "9FA6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:23:36\n\nThat never happened and was made up nonsense but it should have happened.", "pid": 474392780 }, { "sender": "1B91-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:30:12\n\n>>474392780 \nI wouldn't laugh from Dresden bombing mass murder victims. May they rest in peace.", "pid": 474393158 }, { "sender": "Anon-2B15", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:34:43\n\nThe Molyn Massacre, also known as the Massacre of the Molyns, refers to a tragic event that occurred in September 1930 in the village of Molyn (now Mlynów) in Volhynia, then part of Poland (now Ukraine). During this massacre, a significant number of ethnic Polish civilians were killed by Ukrainian nationalists. This violence was part of the broader ethnic and political tensions in the region, exacerbated by the shifting borders and national identities following World War I and leading up to World War II.\n\nThe massacre is one of many tragic events in the history of Polish-Ukrainian relations, highlighting the deep-rooted animosities and conflicts that plagued the region during the interwar period. The exact details and number of casualties remain a subject of historical investigation and debate.", "pid": 474393427 }, { "sender": "44D0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:39:16\n\n", "pid": 474393672 }, { "sender": "9BC4-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:40:24\n\n>>474392366 \n>there won't be peace between us \nlol we own you, you stupid lyakh \nwe will be ruling you by 2040", "pid": 474393735 }, { "sender": "AFF9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:44:46\n\n>>474393735 \nWhat is it exactly that you think you 'own'?", "pid": 474393988 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6161", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:46:20\n\n>>474392573 \nstraight up. why don't u and russia make a deal. u take the west russia takes the east no more ukraine", "pid": 474394085 }, { "sender": "Anon-F4F1", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:46:23\n\n>>474393735 \nWe will see, my friend", "pid": 474394087 }, { "sender": "Anon-1A8A", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:49:00\n\n>>474394085 \nThat scenario is basically realizing on our eyes", "pid": 474394253 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-601C", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:54:58\n\nwow, another monument of eternal butthurt. poles really have nothing but stealing german cars and getting fucked in the ass.", "pid": 474394598 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3A00", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:56:01\n\n>>474393988 \nstupid polaks like you", "pid": 474394663 }, { "sender": "Anon-F7A0", "message": "16/07/2024, 07:59:58\n\n>>474394598 \nRemembering your history is stupid to you? Is that why you allow replacing Germans with Middle East/African nu-aryans? It that your subconcsious guilt that leads to self-removal? \n \nI honestly wish you to wake up and fight for your country.", "pid": 474394911 }, { "sender": "Anon-E937", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:02:03\n\n>>474394663 \nTry better, Russian bro", "pid": 474395037 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-908C", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:03:32\n\n>>474394663 \n>ad hominem \nYou're not impressing anyone nigger.", "pid": 474395129 }, { "sender": "Anon-8514", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:06:52\n\n>>474395037 \nyou're not gonna do anything about russians either, you pussies", "pid": 474395310 }, { "sender": "057C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:10:40\n\n>>474395310 \nThank you for bumping the thread, appreciate it", "pid": 474395535 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4D09", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:11:49\n\n>>474394911 \n>hurr durr let us remenice on the butthurt our great great grandparents had to suffer through, and use THEIR suffering to get even more shekels from the goymoneys. \n \nthis is you, this is your history, you seeth because you have nothing else but stolen land. so if WE remember OUR history, it wont be a nice day for you disgusting polacks, so be glad you can live your happy little lives in your bubble of butthurt, all signs point towards a future where it will repeat.", "pid": 474395606 }, { "sender": "0A0D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:12:02\n\n>>474394911 \nAs if we have any chance as long as the USA has their claws in Europe and that got forced on us while you idiots become bitches of them willingly because muuh scary Russia.", "pid": 474395617 }, { "sender": "Anon-C7A7", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:14:48\n\n>>474393735 \n>>474394663 \n>>474395310 \n>>474394085 \n>>474393158 \n>>474392682 \n \nlook at all these base dwelling muttmericans larping as poolacks.", "pid": 474395777 }, { "sender": "D50A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:17:13\n\n>>474395617 \nYou are 100% correct. Serving 1 super power made us a vassal country. \n \nI admire what Turkey managed to do during Erdogan years. They didin't obediently choose 1 side but they keep the balance between USA/EU/RUssia while remaining significant in their region. Very smart.", "pid": 474395919 }, { "sender": "Anon-4580", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:21:32\n\nCome on, stop fighting. That's what THEY want. Take example from us in The Balkans. Look how much we love and respect each other and we are prospering, come on. You think i don't want to hug a cute serbian dog? Or even better, a monkeydonian? Of course i want to stab... *ahem, i mean hug one. So cute.", "pid": 474396178 }, { "sender": "2086-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:24:09\n\n>>474395777 \nlook at this polak washing dishes in Germany", "pid": 474396342 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-755F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:28:07\n\n>>474396178 \nWe don't want to fight or have a revenge though. We simply want Ukraine to let us dig the unnamed graves and pay respects to murdered Poles. Nothing more. It would be the right move for Ukraine to do. After all the support they got from us, it's puzzling why there's silence on this topic. Our gov is simply silent on this. PiS didn't help with it. PO surely won't. We don't have Polish elites that care about us.", "pid": 474396574 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CD30", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:28:14\n\n>>474395919 \nMaybe in foreign policy but turklings are betting poorer and poorer with their hard inflation and broken economy. King roach imported many millions of Arabs, pakis and other filth and sure great they have a semi independent military industry but so does Germany and we had good deals with Russia and pretty much everyone until the USA forced us in autistic Russia hate. \nThey have the same shitskin problem like we have but at least we are many times richer and have good trade deals with the world so what exactly is better for the average roach?", "pid": 474396583 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CCD7", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:30:20\n\n>>474396574 \n>We don't want to fight or have a revenge though \nyeah we know that you're all cucked pussies \n>We simply want Ukraine to let us dig the unnamed graves \nwhy would we lmao \n>It would be the right move for Ukraine to do \nhow \n>After all the support they got from us \nfrom you government that didn't have a choice in this matter \n>Polish elites \nkek", "pid": 474396705 }, { "sender": "30A2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:30:43\n\n>>474396574 \n>why is nobody caring about dead poles ?!!!! \n \nbecause they are just muttmerican cocksleeves", "pid": 474396727 }, { "sender": "208B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:31:10\n\n>>474395606 \nYou are not German.", "pid": 474396762 }, { "sender": "0D12-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:35:42\n\n>>474396762 \nshow me one god damn polack that types perfectly muttmerican you digusting fob dwelling mutt wellfare queen", "pid": 474397062 }, { "sender": "9923-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:38:18\n\n>>474396583 \nInteresting take. I need to read more on Turkey. I guess I had a very spoiled view. \n \nWhere do you think Germany is heading to now? In terms of USA relations and Ukraine conflict? Can Germany stop this war? Don't tell me you can't say no to USA...", "pid": 474397220 }, { "sender": "Anon-025F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:39:59\n\nhohol students are cool and i get to enjoy their women", "pid": 474397315 }, { "sender": "63BE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:41:27\n\n>>474396178 \n>Balkans \n>Peaceful \n>Prospering \nKrum, I....", "pid": 474397401 }, { "sender": "Anon-5817", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:44:55\n\nDropping some songs in this thread:\n \nPrawy sektor na majdanie:\n\n\nPlan Chabadu:\n\n\nHoholownia Hiphop:\n\n\nPartia Azov ma posady:\n\n\n\nI have many more but no social media will allow to post those videos because of censorship.", "pid": 474397603 }, { "sender": "Anon-B47E", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:47:40\n\nsiemaszko translated 1", "pid": 474397783 }, { "sender": "DC98-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:48:11\n\n2", "pid": 474397822 }, { "sender": "A039-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:48:43\n\n3", "pid": 474397860 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-091F", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:49:05\n\n>>474397220 \nOur economy is going to trash without cheap Russian gas and electricity while the shitskin problem is only growing. People are naturally open with helping others as long as they have enough for themself and exactly that is becoming visible with far left and far right rising and both are anti usa but technically we have a chancellor clause which means the USA president could veto anything we're doing here. Economic collapse then civil war and then rebuilding is the only way out of it. Voting the shitskin and pension problem out is simply not possible.", "pid": 474397880 }, { "sender": "C8BF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:49:19\n\n4", "pid": 474397897 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8A21", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:49:59\n\n>>474397783 \n>>474397822 \n>>474397860 \nThank you. Every Pole should read it.", "pid": 474397939 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6865", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:51:21\n\n>>474397939 \nlisten to the songs, and tell me what you think. \n \n>>474397880 \nwe need to stand up and start trading with Russia and doing business as usual. \nJewkraine has a trojan horse, they don't give a shit about Ukraine it's all cynical to weaken entire europe.", "pid": 474398021 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D360", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:51:40\n\n>>474392366 \n>VPN roosian stiring up shit \nFag.", "pid": 474398045 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DC53", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:51:53\n\n>>474397939 \nI can scan and translate more. There is more than 1400 pages of this book", "pid": 474398059 }, { "sender": "699F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:52:57\n\n>>474398045 \nI prefer Russian to Ukrainians to be honest. \nUkrainians don't even have their own language, they are try hards sitrred up by jews. \nThey should give up crimea, but are currently owned by Blackrock and blackrock does not wish peace in Ukraine but only profit.", "pid": 474398124 }, { "sender": "00E4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:58:13\n\n>>474392366 \nIf only. Seems like the average Pole has gone full on shill for the Ukraine in order to please mutilated amerigolem cock. \n \n>>474394085 \n>>474392573 \nWon't happen under american leadership. Is the current population of Lviv even favorable to it?", "pid": 474398459 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-95A6", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:59:42\n\n>>474398459 \nlook at the sentences closely and tell me if you ever met a polack with the mental capacity to write like this in english. \n \nits all just muttmerican VPN cunts", "pid": 474398548 }, { "sender": "F5C9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 08:59:57\n\n>>474398459 \n>Is the current population of Lviv even favorable to it? \nOf course not. \nBut they have almost zero in common with Donbas or Crimea republics. \nUkraine should give up both Donbas and Crimea because Ukraine is simply humiliating itself \npersisting this madness.", "pid": 474398562 }, { "sender": "D4EC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:00:45\n\n>>474398548 \nI can write sentences in english and I am not behind VPN. \nWake up .", "pid": 474398617 }, { "sender": "Anon-8454", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:02:21\n\n>>474396705 \nGod is just and he wont let you win this war if you dont let us bury our dead. Karma comes back.", "pid": 474398719 }, { "sender": "Anon-9EF5", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:04:19\n\n>>474398719 \nUkraine has no rights to Crimea nor Donbas. \nThey will never win this war under no pretenses, because this is not a ukrainian war but judeo-nato war of greed for crimean and donbas natural resources.", "pid": 474398845 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D0B1", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:06:47\n\n>>474398617 \nKlaus still mad Stalin cancelled 700 years of Drag nach Osten at the stroke of a pen. Please understand.", "pid": 474399011 }, { "sender": "A1D1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:08:30\n\n>>474399011 \nthis.", "pid": 474399111 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DC95", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:10:53\n\nUkraine did bucha", "pid": 474399249 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6322", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:11:25\n\nDo not support Azov", "pid": 474399281 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4D6E", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:12:49\n\nHow are we going to kick jews from Jewkraine", "pid": 474399368 }, { "sender": "Anon-77A1", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:14:05\n\n>>474397880 \nThat's a depressing take but I appreciate honesty. I wish you prosperity and getting better despite what future may hold. Setting our issues aside, strong Germany and cooperation between us with fairness and respect will work for both sides. I wish at least. \n \n>>474398021 \nI will give it a listen \n \nAlso, I wholeheartedly agree we should change the narration against Russia. Our goal should be to avoid any danger on our land. No one will spill blood for Poland if SHTF. For some reason, our puppets do the opposite in their speeches. \n \n>>474398045 \nYou are correct that Russians use this sad piece of history for their own agenda. It's Russia's wet dream to see Poles and Ukrainians fight. We cannot let that happen. Letting us pay respects will move things forward and for the better. Current situation is working against our relations. \n \n>>474398459 \nUnfortunately, most people still think what you wrote. There's small fatigue here and there though. With the whole pro-war approach which NO ONE wants. Only politicians shout about it. \n \n>>474398548 \nSure, sure \n \n>>474398617 \nJust mentioning this book is enough, that's a lot already", "pid": 474399462 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-913A", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:16:14\n\n>>474392366 \nDisgusting display of Russophobia. Do you have even the slightest bit of proof for your fabricated claims? \"it was real in my head\" is not a valid argument.", "pid": 474399598 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C076", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:16:53\n\n>>474392366 \nFake and gay. Never happened.", "pid": 474399637 }, { "sender": "Anon-A791", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:21:47\n\n>>474399462 \n>I will give it a listen \nTry to post them somewhere like wykop. \nThey will ban you, they sucked governmental funds from our taxes but have strict censorship rules \nto allign with Jewlensky policy.", "pid": 474399952 }, { "sender": "A05D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:19\n\n>>474399598 \n>>474399637 \nThanks for bumps bros", "pid": 474399980 }, { "sender": "1E76-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:21\n\n>>474399637 \n>Fake and gay. Never happened. \nNot only did it happen, but was archived by british agents who were there when it was happening.", "pid": 474399983 }, { "sender": "Anon-6D0E", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:49\n\n>>474398617 \nI didnt question your stupid mutt language, what i question is the correct sentence structure only a mothertounge glownigger would use.", "pid": 474400018 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4DEE", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:22:59\n\n>>474399598 \n>Disgusting display of Russophobia. \nI prefer to be friends with Russia rather than Ukraine. We have nothing in common with Ukraine", "pid": 474400028 }, { "sender": "DA78-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:24:01\n\n>>474400018 \nI hate glowniggers.", "pid": 474400113 }, { "sender": "E6A4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:27:39\n\n>>474399952 \nShould be reposted on Bitchute, would gain more views. Yeah, I expect wykopek to do that. \n>>474400028 \n>I prefer to be friends with Russia rather than Ukraine. We have nothing in common with Ukraine \nAgreed, stop the war propaganda", "pid": 474400341 }, { "sender": "0A20-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:27:58\n\n>>474399980 \n>>474399983 \nIm just fucking with you lads. From what I've read it was pretty brutal and they didn't even have the decency to give a lot of them a quick death.", "pid": 474400366 }, { "sender": "Anon-8C81", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:28:10\n\n>>474399598 \n>>474399637 \n \nThe proof is in the ground. But for some reason those who deny it happened do not want to dig. Obviously because if we did dig and show the bodies we would prove how full of shit deniers like you are.", "pid": 474400381 }, { "sender": "26B5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:31:03\n\n>>474400366 \nChecked & yes - imagine Berserk's eclipse. Women breasts were cut open and bodies impaled. Stomachs of pregnant women ripped out with babies. They were doing everything they could, to make it a hell on earth.", "pid": 474400561 }, { "sender": "Anon-7436", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:31:36\n\n>>474400341 \n>Should be reposted on Bitchute \nOk, can you do it than ?", "pid": 474400599 }, { "sender": "Anon-E6A8", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:33:01\n\n>>474392366 \n>We will never forget what you did to us. \nGood. Always keep in mind what's going to happen, if you get any pesky ideas about Lviv.", "pid": 474400693 }, { "sender": "33A7-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:35:27\n\n>>474400693 \n>if you get any pesky ideas about Lviv. \nPeople from Lviv flock to Poland like mindless rats, and you have the nerve to bring Lviv here ? \nYour president didn't even speak your language before 2014 and used to participate in russian TV-shows. \nYou are a piece of shit to put it mildly.", "pid": 474400841 }, { "sender": "0C17-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:37:28\n\n>>474400599 \nI might \n>>474400693 \nWhether you are Ukrainian or Russian my reply is the same - no one in Poland wants to change borders. If some extremists like onr shout it (or someone else), it's an exception from the general population. We're good where we are. Any provocations or propaganda targeting new borders won't work on us. \n \nWe will never stop moving forward in remembering our fallen Poles. Never.", "pid": 474400963 }, { "sender": "Anon-9A29", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:38:07\n\n>>474400693 \nPray tell, what is going to happen?", "pid": 474401000 }, { "sender": "0CAD-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:40:10\n\n>>474400963 \n>I might \nthen do it. \nI will make more translations but you have to post those on bitchute and reference them somewhere in social media from where it will be spread.", "pid": 474401128 }, { "sender": "Anon-26FE", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:42:30\n\n>>474400693 \nI don't think the Poles care too much mate they're becoming pretty successful as they are. Who would you defend it with anyway? Once the mutts have discarded you like a used condom (yes, they will) it's going to take everything you've got just to keep the lights on.", "pid": 474401278 }, { "sender": "khazarian queen", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:43:46\n\n>>474392366 \nSheesh, and people complain we are butthurt about the holocaust", "pid": 474401353 }, { "sender": "409F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:45:10\n\n>>474401278 \n>Once the mutts have discarded you like a used condom \nTrue words. That's what West does best with their allies. I have no delusions if it was necessary we would get betrayed again, despite being in NATO/EU.", "pid": 474401447 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F1CD", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:48:55\n\nShould've had just joined hitler or stalin", "pid": 474401704 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CE97", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:50:45\n\n>>474401353 \n \n>the holocaust \nJews collaborated with Soviets. They denounced hundreds of thousands of people in the Eastern Europe, who were sent to their \ndeath to Sibera by NKVD. \nThat's why Shekelcaust started happening only when operation Barbarossa began and all of this started coming out.", "pid": 474401825 }, { "sender": "357B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 09:54:50\n\n>>474401128 \nLmao from hoholownia, you've put some work into this. Sometimes I'm not all mad at AI. \n \nWhy not make your own Bitchute channel? You could drop stuff like this and they shouldn't ban you there. There are more extreme takes in there. You'd get much more views too. If you manage to do this today, post a link, so I can observe channel. \n \nReferencing on social media is whole different subject.", "pid": 474402086 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-925B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:00:17\n\n>>474402086 \n \n>Sometimes I'm not all mad at AI. \nThose particular tracks came out like they were not even AI . \n \n>Why not make your own Bitchute channel? \nI am doing lots of things anon, I can't allow myself to have channels on foreign media. \nI can't do everything on my own mate. \n \nI made the translations, there are the songs but it's up to ordinary poles to spread them not to me. \nI am not some gay youtuber, who will beg for subscriptions .", "pid": 474402425 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4863", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:01:25\n\n>>474402086 \n>>>474401691 \n \nhere I made a separate thread for this, but no one is interested. \nTry giving it some bumps throughout the day.", "pid": 474402501 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7976", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:01:56\n\n>>474401447 \nAmerica would sell both of our arses to the highest bidder if it bought them five more mins at the top. \nIf it was up to me we'd tell the Americans to fuck off, build a pipeline to Russia and get that sweet cheap gas. Europe should be the place where we take advantage of East meeting West; not subjugated to to being America's possession.", "pid": 474402536 }, { "sender": "CA69-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:04:26\n\n>>474402536 \nWhat If we cleared EU of jews and started caring for our own", "pid": 474402694 }, { "sender": "Anon-668E", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:11:13\n\n>>474392366 \nMaybe shouldn't have been oppressing the local population with your imperialistic polish reich", "pid": 474403144 }, { "sender": "Anon-C9CC", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:13:51\n\n>>474392366 \n>And then, for no reason at all, locals started killing colonisers", "pid": 474403311 }, { "sender": "1A4E-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:14:33\n\n>>474402694 \nI hope I live long enough to see it happen mate. I think they've got their dirty little claws in so deep there will be a lot of blood spilled before it becomes a reality. It's taken them generations to get the control they have now and that power will not be given up willingly. On the plus side many of the young boys my son's age are starting to wake up to the reality despite the never ending propaganda so it's not all doom and gloom.", "pid": 474403364 }, { "sender": "Anon-EB9F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:15:59\n\n>>474403144 \n>Maybe shouldn't have been oppressing the local population with your imperialistic polish reich \nThat is bullshit. \nUkraine lost war with bolsheviks for independence. \nOnly 20 000 fought against Russia on the side of Poland, while there were almost 4 million poles. \nWe were so broke that there were whole legions who didn't have shoes yet we defeated Bolshevik Russia. \n \nWas split in that period and consisted of three ukraine, where one was communist ukraine. \nUkraine lost war for independence and later tried to create a state by means of terrorism. \nThey were not \"opressed\" that's bullshit. \nIT was ukrainians who did terrorist attacks and murdered the polish minister.", "pid": 474403456 }, { "sender": "AAB2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:16:24\n\n>>474392366 \n>more russian Bolshivic lies \nYawn", "pid": 474403481 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F75", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:04\n\n>>474403311 \nbullshit. \nThere were no colonizers there. \nPeople were moving to unihabitated lands and building settlements from scratchs. \nToday those places are just rubble which only proves my point.", "pid": 474403526 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-69B7", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:17:34\n\n>>474403481 \n>Bolshivic lies \nBolshevic lies are as bad as Jewkrainan lies remember that", "pid": 474403563 }, { "sender": "Anon-637B", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:19:07\n\n>>474403456 \nTypical imperialistic bullshit. Poland wasnt better than germany or russia in those times. There was polinisation and oppression of people of kresy.", "pid": 474403674 }, { "sender": "Anon-893F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:21:21\n\n>>474403674 \n \n>There was polinisation and oppression of people of kresy. \nThis is bullshit. \nIt was Kiev that opted for Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth not the other way around. \nIf it wasn't for Poland entire Ukraine would be churkas today.", "pid": 474403827 }, { "sender": "A936-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:09\n\n>>474403526 \n>>474403456 \nIf there was no oppression or colonisation then why would ukrainians, just like that, for no reason at all, rise up and start killing? \n \n>Inb4 they're just evil nazis \nLol, lmao", "pid": 474403945 }, { "sender": "AFE6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:53\n\n>>474403827 \n>Cope and excuses \n>You dont understand, they WANTED tonbe polonised and oppressed", "pid": 474403998 }, { "sender": "B964-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:23:56\n\n>>474392366 \nThe Ukrainians dont care, they are ignorant and selfish. You must reclaim it yourself somehow anon.", "pid": 474404002 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6026", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:26:28\n\n>>474403945 \n>If there was no oppression or colonisation then why would ukrainians, just like that, for no reason at all, rise up and start killing? \nWhat about murder of minister Pieracki ? \nWhat about murder of Twardochlib ? \n \nOUN was murdering people you moron, that's why Pilsudzki did what he did. \nHe shouldn't even allow Kiev to become part of II RP . \nEntire Ukraine would fall to bolshevik hands you ungrateful moron. \nYour knowledge of history is close to zero", "pid": 474404163 }, { "sender": "B921-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:28:22\n\n>>474403674 \nI do not care what were the reasons. Innocent, unarmed civilians were murdered en masse. \n \nIt was not even a proper execution with a quick bullet to the head. No, the UPA murderers were deliberately as violent and gruesome as possible. They may have wanted to send a message but the only thing they achieved was just showing that they do not belong in civilized society.", "pid": 474404281 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D9E8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:29:23\n\n>>474403827 \n>If it wasn't for Poland entire Ukraine would be churkas today. \n \nYou realize they were the ones fighting the churkas for you. The galician were there directly for that reason in west ukraine, and the cossacks always took jobs from poles to raid the ottomans. Youre an idiot. They're doing the same thing now.", "pid": 474404354 }, { "sender": "Anon-155F", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:31\n\n>>474404163 \nPiłsudski was an imperialistic clay grabbing idiot on level of Hitler and Putin. \nEven the \"oops my army went rogue taken Wilno by accident, oh sorry it wasn't an accident\" is worth for him to be damned forever. \n \nPeople dont rise up and start killing for nothing, but self reflection is a painful thing.", "pid": 474404420 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9EFE", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:30:59\n\n>>474392573 \nwe don't have tanks tho goberment gave all to hohols cause we have a bill from 2 December 2016 that literally says we have to give everything we have to hohols", "pid": 474404450 }, { "sender": "Anon-A632", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:31:06\n\n>>474404163 \nHe'll deny and ignore facts, that's what he seems to be doing. All I expect from them is to hear sorry and opening the door to dig the graves. That's all. I have no vendetta. Is that too much to ask? By ignoring this blatantly all these years they show their true face but they still can do the right move.", "pid": 474404463 }, { "sender": "D5C1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:33:27\n\n>>474404281 \nThe message was to stop invading and polonising. Also there was a lot of polish and nkvd lies about the murders.", "pid": 474404600 }, { "sender": "EA55-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:36:35\n\n>>474404463 \n>Polish empire can do no bad \nYou are even using ussr propaganda takes \"it wasnt propaganda, we were bringing civilisation!!\"", "pid": 474404831 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-54D9", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:06\n\n>>474404420 \nDeep in your heart you know what's good and bad in this world. Your kind brought hell on earth to my people and after all these years, all the support you got while fighting off Russia, you still can't say \"sorry\" to us. Nothing, not allowing us to get to the graves after everything. \n \nThat's why we will never stop our fight for truth.", "pid": 474404864 }, { "sender": "901A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:37:11\n\n>>474404600 \n>Polish empire can do no bad \n>You are even using ussr propaganda takes \"it wasnt occupation, we were bringing civilisation!!\"", "pid": 474404872 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-33B8", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:38:32\n\n>>474392366 \nUkrainians did what we all secretly want to do", "pid": 474404967 }, { "sender": "5D07-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:39:12\n\nWe will never forget our brothers and sisters", "pid": 474405023 }, { "sender": "Anon-ACFD", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:05\n\n>>474404864 \nYes, killing civilians bad, ocvupying and enforcing foreign culture is also bad. Oun did horrible thing, but it wasnt senseless and out of nowhere. Poles should also see how imperialistic poland was. Nobody is innocent", "pid": 474405090 }, { "sender": "Anon-5227", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:40:45\n\n>>474404420 \n>Piłsudski was an imperialistic clay grabbing idiot on level of Hitler and Putin. \n \nIf Pilsudzki didn't incoroprate western Ukraine to II RP entire ukraine would fall to bolshevik hands you cretin. \nThere would be no ukrainian language today.", "pid": 474405123 }, { "sender": "EC3C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:41:04\n\n\n\nWe will never forget the hell you brought on us", "pid": 474405142 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6E58", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:42:36\n\nYou should be ashamed of yourself. Supporting monsters that did this massacre. May God have mercy on you", "pid": 474405249 }, { "sender": "FE90-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:44:15\n\n>>474392366 \nUkrainians are dying by thousands. Their country depopulates by milions. Trump will close the tap with money and that country will simply die a slow death of the thousands cuts.", "pid": 474405350 }, { "sender": "8B66-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:46:02\n\n>>474405123 \nUkraine did fall into USSR anyway, bolsheviks were anti Russian culture and were kinda supporting minorities anyway. Ukrainians always had an identity and language under many oppressions, they wouldn't dissapear, its just polish imperialistic clay grabbing excuses, same as \"Vilnius people wanted to be liberated\" \n \nIts the same propaganda lies ss any aggressor is using, just look at Russian propaganda today", "pid": 474405472 }, { "sender": "42A6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:47:15\n\n>>474405350 \nThat's a topic for whole another thread. It does not bring justice to Rzeź Wołyńska though. Ukraine has to officialy acknowledge what they did and let us to all unnamed graves. This is the only way for spiritual peace between our countries", "pid": 474405552 }, { "sender": "0D7C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:48:06\n\n>>474405123 \n\"\"Ukrainian language\"\" was invented in the 1920's and get defaced every decade by yids inventing new stupid words. \nIt's not a real language, it's just a yidish psyop.", "pid": 474405610 }, { "sender": "9B48-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:00\n\n>>474405090 \nSo if OUN did horrible things, as you admitted, what's stopping Ukraine from apologizing and allowing us to dig up our dead?", "pid": 474405667 }, { "sender": "AEF5-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:49:40\n\nchecked op schizzo \n \n>let us dig the bodies \n>Let us bury our people \n \nchose one brainlet", "pid": 474405705 }, { "sender": "403F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:51:01\n\n>>474405610 \nLol, lmao", "pid": 474405813 }, { "sender": "A531-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:52:43\n\n>>474405610 \nIf it didnt exist why did russian tzars were continuously trying to destroy \"maloross\" languages for centuries them?", "pid": 474405931 }, { "sender": "501D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:05\n\nAt this moment I prefer to have good relations with Russia rather than have a parasitic lying cynical jew in Kiev blackmailing my head of state.\nFuck Kike Zelensky.", "pid": 474406090 }, { "sender": "8A91-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:55:42\n\n>>474405552 \nNobody in Ukraine or in the world gives a fuck. That's a hard lesson that u should always kill your enemies regardless what the \"allies\" say. If the AK have massacred Ukrops like they should in acts of retribution that Wholyn Genecide would have never happened to the extended it did.", "pid": 474406136 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E6F4", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:33\n\n>>474392366 \nThats a cool statue, the fact that poles make actual cool art signifies their rise more than any gdp figure", "pid": 474406189 }, { "sender": "Anon-D6ED", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:56:35\n\n>>474406090 \n>At this moment I prefer to have good relations with Russia \nThis. War has to end. We need to bring back trade with Belarus and Russia.", "pid": 474406195 }, { "sender": "Anon-79FD", "message": "16/07/2024, 10:58:43\n\n>>474406090 \n>Good relation with russia \n \nSince its inception in 1990 russia has been attacking and warring with its neighbors, the only way to stop it is being Russian puppet and becoming a dump or joining NATO \n \n>Moldova \n>Ichkeria once \n>Georgia two \n>Ichkeria twice \n>Belaruss a vassal state \n>Georgia thrice \n>Ukraine once \n>Ukraine twice \n \nBonus: Syria - where bombs fell thats the ISIS HQ war", "pid": 474406334 }, { "sender": "E018-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:06\n\n>>474406334 \nWe won't be friends but we can do business togehter. As long as we can make good deals and trades that's all that matters. We're in EU/NATO sphere. Ukraine is not.", "pid": 474406487 }, { "sender": "32BC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:01:48\n\n>>474406334 \nAdditionally: russian vassal dumps like \\*stans, Armenia", "pid": 474406531 }, { "sender": "Anon-0974", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:02:17\n\n>>474406189 \nThanks bro", "pid": 474406564 }, { "sender": "Anon-EDF3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:03:31\n\n>>474406487 \nDoing business with a lying agressor who will swindle you as soon as you dont do what he says. \n \nHow did that all cheap gas for eu turned up?", "pid": 474406634 }, { "sender": "851D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:04:40\n\n>>474406136 \nYou may be right. It's hard to acknowledge though", "pid": 474406712 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-270C", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:05:27\n\n>>474406195 \n> We need to bring back trade with Belarus and Russia. \n \nthis. There is a grandmother living near me. Her gas cost risen almost 3 times. \nJewlensky is a narcissistic ,cynical jew who tries to actually weaken Europe by advocating for sanctions with Russia while at the same time \nhe allows for transist of Russian gas. \nJewlensky asks you to help him, while at the same time he wants to weaken you so that after the war his country will \nhave better position relatively. \nFuck this kike demon", "pid": 474406776 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1774", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:31\n\n>>474406334 \nlol you are repeating JUDE-CIA policies for europe. \nWhy don't you hang yourself ?", "pid": 474406852 }, { "sender": "Anon-3706", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:50\n\n>>474406634 \nYes, we can do business with Russia and live along each other. I don't get your point. \n \nWar will bring more doom to everyone and that's why it has to stop. Poland has to stay safe. We won't be dying for Ukraine.", "pid": 474406876 }, { "sender": "7EEE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:06:59\n\n>>474406776 \nNATO just needs to glass Moscow and all the problems will be gone", "pid": 474406890 }, { "sender": "Anon-C142", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:07:49\n\n>>474406890 \nExtreme fantasy", "pid": 474406937 }, { "sender": "38FD-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:05\n\n>>474406876 \nTrading with current Russia is like raising the bear who will eat you. It has been a mistake for past 20 years \n \n>>474406852 \nFuck off idiot. And russia should also fuck off from the places its not welcome.", "pid": 474407022 }, { "sender": "Anon-D934", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:22\n\n>>474406776 \nBased take. Hopefully Trump will stop this madness ASAP", "pid": 474407040 }, { "sender": "Anon-F88F", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:33\n\nKARMA IS A BITCH\nNOW THEY ARE DYING FROM RUSSIAN HANDS\nlet's hope that trump will cut of all aid to ukraine and those motherfuckers will be under occupation for the long long years", "pid": 474407053 }, { "sender": "722D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:09:50\n\n>>474406937 \nSadly west is too cucked to deal with the real problem - current russian goverment", "pid": 474407072 }, { "sender": "0564-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:10:42\n\n>>474406890 \nlunacy. \nNATO needs to take few steps back. \nAt least to pre 2014 period.", "pid": 474407128 }, { "sender": "2534-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:25\n\n>>474407022 \n>Trading with current Russia is like raising the bear who will eat you \nthat is bullshit. \nIt worked for many years fine until CIA toppled Janukowycz you cretin.", "pid": 474407175 }, { "sender": "6E79-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:28\n\n>>474398548 \nAs an American, I can tell you that his capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure all denote a foreigner. \nKeep at it though kanake.", "pid": 474407177 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-70C9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:11:56\n\n>>474407022 \n>Fuck off idiot. And russia should also fuck off from the places its not welcome. \n \nI would rather welcome russian ambassador than Azov you piece of shit.", "pid": 474407202 }, { "sender": "Anon-C374", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:00\n\n>>474407022 \nIt's your problem, not mine. We're in NATO. You're not. \n \nMaybe if Ukraine didn't let Maidan happen (USA says hello), you wouldn't have the war but that's also different subject", "pid": 474407209 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E729", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:32\n\n>>474392366 \nare you going to cry like a little bitch ?", "pid": 474407242 }, { "sender": "Anon-0729", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:12:40\n\n>>474407072 \nNo, West is too cucked by USA to stop supporting Ukraine. It will happen, don't worry", "pid": 474407250 }, { "sender": "8EEE-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:13:59\n\n>>474407128 \nNATO is the only guarantee of safety if you're Russias neighbor. Without NATO suwalki would be Russian already, maybe even most of Poland. And Putin would not care about supporting some lach schools", "pid": 474407338 }, { "sender": "Anon-C292", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:14:18\n\n>>474407209 \n \nthis \nwe got this song about Maidan Right Sector toppling janukowycz: \n \n \n \nthere is a whole thread with songs here: \n>>474401691 \n \nthere are two new ones at the bottom of thread about Tusk and our border \n \n \nJanukowycz was voted by margin of votes from Crimea and Donbas \nRight sector toppled Janukowycz so Crimea and Donbas seceded. \nWhat is the problem here with Jewlensky ? What he does not understand ?", "pid": 474407348 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD85", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:38\n\n>>474406890 \nMan if it's that simple why didnt we do that 70 years ago, there surely must have been a reason", "pid": 474407433 }, { "sender": "5B30-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:15:47\n\n>>474407338 \n>NATO is the only guarantee of safety if you're Russias neighbor \n \nyour are infantile like a child. \nSo far NATO has only brought us WAR . \nNATO puts us in great danger because of NATO greed. \nThey want Crimea gas fields and Donbas mines. \n \nNATO is shit basically, overtaken by foreign groups. \nThere no sense in continuing current NATO policy in Ukraine. \nNATO needs to get the fuck out of Ukraine, do you understand this ?", "pid": 474407443 }, { "sender": "8DD8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:05\n\n>>474407175 \nIt worked well until russia after being fed by europe for decades decided it needs more clay. \n \n>He thinks CIA is competent enough to make even one coup \nYou cant coup a country where population supports its gov. Ukrainians hated Janukowicz for what he did, and he escaped on his own, there wasnt even a coup. Besides there was multiple free election cycles since then. \n \n>>474407202 \nTraitor, go get your bags and buy a train ticket to Moscow", "pid": 474407521 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D351", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:17:45\n\n>>474407521 \n>It worked well until russia after being fed by europe for decades decided it needs more clay. \nbullshit, no such thing happened. \nThere was a coup in Ukraine in 2014 you moron. \nYou are manipulating facts to form your own narrative which is a lie. get out", "pid": 474407571 }, { "sender": "8B0F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:38\n\n>>474407443 \nNato is the only reason Poland and Baltic states exist as free countries today. Youre completely demoralized by Russian propaganda", "pid": 474407622 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1675", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:18:43\n\n>>474407521 \n \n>Traitor, go get your bags and buy a train ticket to Moscow \nTraitor of what ? Traitor of Ukraine ? I don't give a shit about your kike infested government. \nDude go and fuck yourself back to Kiev you loser. \nYou lost, Crimea is not part of Ukraine anymore and you cry like a loser who was rejected by a girl and \ncannot comprehend your failure.", "pid": 474407627 }, { "sender": "Anon-F500", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:20:53\n\n>>474407571 \n>Ukrainian people decide they want new president \n>That means Russia can take Ukrainian clay \n \nVictim blaming much? Your an idiot. Russia should curb its imperialistic desires, leave Moldova, Ichkeria, Abhhazia and Ossetia and fix its own problems.", "pid": 474407761 }, { "sender": "45E6-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:07\n\n>>474407622 \n>Nato is the only reason Poland and Baltic states exist as free countries today \n \nthis is bullshit fantasy take with no arguments to support. \nYou are simply a fraudalent trickster trying to manipulatively forge others into your own narration. \nThis will not be allowed anymore you stinky jew.", "pid": 474407776 }, { "sender": "055A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:21:47\n\n>>474407627 \nYou are traitor to Poland if you think you should be friendly with current russian goverment", "pid": 474407820 }, { "sender": "DFA3-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:22:23\n\n>>474407761 \n>23 pbtid \n \nshouldn't you fuck off to your uber jeets deliveries sasha ? \nShould I give a lesson in history Sasha ?", "pid": 474407864 }, { "sender": "5B86-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:06\n\n>>474407820 \nyou are not even polish hohol. \nYou have nothing in common with Poland. \nFuck your jew infested country, leave Poland while we start to having normal relations with Russia you loser.", "pid": 474407901 }, { "sender": "C14B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:56\n\n>>474392682 \nfrfr nocap on gang", "pid": 474407957 }, { "sender": "84D4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:23:59\n\n>>474407776 \nLol lmao. \n \nJust look at Russian neighbors who arent in nato or nato alliences, look at the clay occupied by russia, look at the puppet govs installed by russia. \n \nPoland wouldn't exist without NATO today. It would be a Warsaw oblast, and you would be forced to use Russian for all govermental business.", "pid": 474407961 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9641", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:21\n\n>>474392366 \nUKRAINIANS ARE SUBHUMANS \nRUSKIE ARE SUBHUMANS \n \nPutin is doing great job for Poland in exterminating subhumans.", "pid": 474407990 }, { "sender": "D05D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:24:39\n\n>>474407820 \n>if you think you can be friendly with russian \nFixed", "pid": 474408016 }, { "sender": "Anon-930E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:25:50\n\n>>474407901 \n>He thinks I'm not polish \nUkrainians are weakening our main enemy and all we have to do is give em old soviet tech and expired NATO tech/munitions. \n \nWe finally got modern tanks thanks to that.", "pid": 474408094 }, { "sender": "424F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:27:59\n\n>>474408094 \n>Ukrainians are weakening our main enemy \n \nwho is \"our\" you are reffering to ? \nJews in Kiev ? \n \nDo you understand that you are nothing more than cancer with your antagonistic rhetoric ? \nWe need to start trading with Russia and Belarus asap and you will have to go fuck yourself. \nIf it means to be \"traitors\" to Ukraine - so be it. \nI would rather have a war with Ukraine than with Russia. \n \nYou are a traitor.", "pid": 474408251 }, { "sender": "859D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:29:12\n\n>>474408251 \nFirst Russian gov needs to be toppled and normal democracy installed. Then ee can trade. \n \nIt immoral to feed a dictator", "pid": 474408331 }, { "sender": "CD2B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:30:53\n\n>>474408331 \ngo back to Israel to your massada you piece of shit. \nGo fight Russian gov from Tel Aviv you parasite. \n \nIt's a shame Hitler invaded Poland, because we had plans to move yourkind to Magadascar. \nAll jews would be moved there, Europe would be jews free without holocaust. \n \nAnd now we have you ...", "pid": 474408463 }, { "sender": "2AF3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:06\n\n>>474407627 \n>Traitor of what ? Traitor of Ukraine ? I don't give a shit about your kike infested government. \nExtremely based", "pid": 474408483 }, { "sender": "7968-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:08\n\n>>474392366 \nI love the howl of all Hruks and hruklovers, lol. I will literally be there to protect this monument if they try to take it off.", "pid": 474408486 }, { "sender": "Anon-F759", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:31:25\n\n>>474392366 \n>Wołyń \nnot long ago just figured it out all of a sudden, can someone explain why did piggers do that? \nwhat was the reason? \nI just didn't like polnischers myself because of their stupidity, but you don't usually kill people because of their stupidity, it's really stupid, but why did they really do that, what was the real problem? \nYou don't just kill 200,000 people for no reason. It's not 5 minutes of rage, it's a lot of work.", "pid": 474408503 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-76BC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:32:14\n\n>>474408483 \nI can be a traitor of Jewkraine and I am fucking proud of this.", "pid": 474408565 }, { "sender": "8285-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:05\n\n>>474408331 \nLmao. Yet you trade with saudi, with china and others. \n>russia is not democratic \nIsnt it? No one contest putins election results.", "pid": 474408689 }, { "sender": "Anon-72FB", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:34:46\n\n>>474408463 \nIm a hohol, Im a jew, Im a laketz, an Ingush, Tatar and a Mongol... \nAnd I suspect you're Russian, or at least stupid \n \n>>474408503 \nPoland had a long history of Polonisation and opression of local cultures of border regions, Polish goverment really doesnt like to talk about it and doesnt twach that in schools, only touting Polish Rzeczpospolita as liberators and bringers of civilisation.", "pid": 474408739 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4E50", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:35:43\n\n>>474408689 \n>No one contest putins election results. \nLol, lmao. Everyone knows the results are completely made up and statistical analysis shows it.", "pid": 474408812 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EA66", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:37:12\n\n>>474396574 \n>They didin't obediently choose 1 side but they keep the balance between USA/EU/RUssia while remaining significant in their region. Very smart. \n \nWrong. I want Ukraine to STOP praising UPA, Bandera and his minions, admit it was a genocide and condemn it - and if some of the perpetrators are still alive (and some are) - convict them for it.", "pid": 474408907 }, { "sender": "Anon-9EB6", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:38:06\n\n>>474408503 \n", "pid": 474408957 }, { "sender": "F53D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:39:13\n\n>>474397880 \n>chancellor clause \nElaborate please?", "pid": 474409027 }, { "sender": "9C98-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:16\n\nBased Ukros.\n\nTPD", "pid": 474409099 }, { "sender": "Anon-A4B8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:22\n\n>>474398124 \n>Russian to Ukrainians to be honest. \nSame. And I'd trade all Ukrainians for Belorusans anyday.", "pid": 474409110 }, { "sender": "Anon-5880", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:35\n\n>>474408739 \n>Poland had a long history of Polonisation \nThis is a Lie. \nIt was Ukraine that advocated to join Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth \nWhy are you lying ?", "pid": 474409128 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-75D8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:40:54\n\n>>474408331 \n>First Russian gov needs to be toppled and normal democracy installed. \nkike detected", "pid": 474409154 }, { "sender": "4AC0-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:00\n\n>>474409110 \n>Same. And I'd trade all Ukrainians for Belorusans anyday. \nIt depends. If mean those Belorusians in Belarus that's OK. \nBut if you mean people like Cichodajska and those schizphrenic belarussians who speak russian while at the same time advocating \nfor conflict with Russia thats a big no no to those cancerous people, and there are lots of them", "pid": 474409218 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A3B8", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:31\n\n>>474409154 \nthis. \nThis is kike in it's pure form, they have beein doing this for centuries or even millenias.", "pid": 474409255 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F81B", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:42:36\n\n>>474400693 \nHoly fuck, I'd PAY NOT to take Lwów back. Why? Because there are Ukrainians there.", "pid": 474409263 }, { "sender": "F3C9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:23\n\n>>474409263 \n> Because there are Ukrainians there. \nHow we will remove Ukrainians from Wroclaw. \nWe cannot leave wroclaw like this for our children.", "pid": 474409380 }, { "sender": "8BA8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:57\n\n>>474409263 \ngreat grandma was in the camps and she still hated kikes. got in for helping them get out, wasnt a kike herself \n>>474409263 \njust do what they tried with the donbass, theyll likely leave", "pid": 474409423 }, { "sender": "D78A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:44:57\n\n>>474408812 \nSure thing. They do not vote for Putin, do not join his forces and do not actually want to invade ukraine. Poor russians, very oppressed.", "pid": 474409424 }, { "sender": "Anon-DCFE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:45:34\n\n>>474408957 \n>Polish author \n>NAZIS!!!! \n \nWhat happened to Ukrainian schools and orthodox churches in Ukrainian Kresy under Polish rule? Who did poles eith contempt call \"Tutejszy\"? Whats the \"numerus clausus\" rule for admittance into Lviv University under Polish rule? Hiw come around 300k poles got \"free land\" in Galitia and why it become \"free\"? Who did under false pretenses, attack and occupy neighbors capital? \n \nPoland in the past was a very imperialistic country, and current goverment tries to wipe it under a rug.", "pid": 474409472 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A0E4", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:21\n\n>>474409424 \n> invade ukraine \nthere is no such thing as Ukraine atm. \nThere is only Jewkraine with Jewlensky and his AZOG masada goons.", "pid": 474409530 }, { "sender": "75FC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:22\n\n>>474392366 \nnever happened \nno one cares about poland \nirrelevant country", "pid": 474409534 }, { "sender": "55C8-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:46:32\n\n>>474409218 \nI'm talking about ethnic Belorusans that were living with us in Commonwealth. Did you know that when Soviet Union fell there were parades of people dressed in historical polish clothes in Mińsk and other cities? They are the only nation that actually liked being with us in Commonwealth and never complained about it unlike Lithuanians and UPAinians.", "pid": 474409545 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1675", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:47:01\n\n>>474409154 \nKike Shelomov who came to dictatorial mafiosi power in Russia, yes.", "pid": 474409580 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2FA5", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:35\n\n>>474409424 \nRussians are driven to such a poverty by Putin/Shelomov that 2000 dollars per month is a such giant sum of money worth dying on a battlefield for.", "pid": 474409700 }, { "sender": "67B3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:48:52\n\n>>474408739 \nIf that's true - it doesn't apply to Ukraine, which was EMPTY when Commonwealth came there (because Tatars were killing and kidnaping anyone who tried to live there) and then settled people from Lithuanian Duchy. In other words - Poles were hosts there, you were guests.", "pid": 474409730 }, { "sender": "7C35-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:14\n\n>>474409027 \nHidden law in our constitution that gives the USA president a veto power for anything our German politicians trying to do. \nGerman politicians confirmed that this actually exists but somehow no one gives a crap about it. \nSoviet leader had the same power but I'm not sure how it is now after the soviet Union fell.", "pid": 474409753 }, { "sender": "Anon-6DD3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:49:19\n\n>>474409472 \n>What happened to Ukrainian schools and orthodox churches in Ukrainian Kresy under Polish rule? \nWhat did happen with minister Pieracki ? \nWhat about Ukraine terrorist underground that started from 1920? \n \nWhy only 20 000 Ukrainians fought against Bolsheviks while Polish had more than millions army ? \nWhy there was a communist Ukraine during this period ? \n \nYour country lost independece in war with Bolsheviks and was incoroporated into II RP. \nIf it wasn't for this entire Ukraine would be russia, and today no one would even speak Ukrainian. \nUkrainians tried to forge a rogue state by means of terrorism this was entire Banderism about. \nYou lost war, and resolved to terrorism for which you were met with retaliatory actions and now \nyou cry like a child without basic coherent understanding of the world around you just like your kike dictator.", "pid": 474409764 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F5F9", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:42\n\nYou know, less crying about muh massacre\nAnd more action, like, having a beat up an ukrainian day, every day\n\nCrying will get you nowhere, it's what you do that counts", "pid": 474409860 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-06B3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:50:45\n\n>>474409545 \nMaybe you have some point although to me Belarussians are same as Ukrainians atm. \nThey flock here by hundreds of thousands, speak russian and advocate for war with putin. \nThey are cancerous, that's all", "pid": 474409865 }, { "sender": "F1CC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:02\n\n>>474409472 \n>What happened to Ukrainian schools \nNever existed. Orthodoxy do not approve peasants reading \n>churches \nHeresy \n>Who did poles eith contempt call \"Tutejszy\"? \nMuh mean word \n>Whats the \"numerus clausus\" rule for admittance into Lviv University under Polish rule? \nPolish uni - polish students. Ukrainians are peasants. \n>Hiw come around 300k poles got \"free land\" in Galitia and why it become \"free\"? \nEastern europe is very big. \n>Who did under false pretenses, attack and occupy neighbors capital? \nRussia?", "pid": 474409890 }, { "sender": "B638-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:51:39\n\n>>474409380 \nPolonise those who are worthy of polonisation, deport the rest to Ukraine. Also Hruks are moving furger west from Poland, so I think most of them will emigrate from Poland sooner or later.", "pid": 474409941 }, { "sender": "F0CC-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:01\n\n>>474409730 \n>It was empty \n>We brought light, civilisation and law \n>And then for no reason at all local population rose up and started killing us \n>Ungrateful!!!! \n \nI guess USSR and Warsaw pact brought light and civilisation to Poland too. The rule of Moscow was so good, we were a part of a superpowers inner circle!!! Just look at Warsaw palace of Culture and Technology and the Metro line!!! Why would we ever try to rise up?", "pid": 474409969 }, { "sender": "2CD9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:52:21\n\n>>474409530 \nRussia is ruled by jews too.", "pid": 474409999 }, { "sender": "Anon-9C48", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:18\n\n>>474409999 \nso what's the point of this war ?", "pid": 474410069 }, { "sender": "1567-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:33\n\nYour'e a vassal state of Ukraine now. Let that sink in", "pid": 474410087 }, { "sender": "Anon-514E", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:53:57\n\n>>474409969 \n>I guess \nno, you can guess nothing. \nYou are a moron, who is a ukrainian that speaks russian and is ruled by jew \nYou are a piece of shit, stop trying so much.", "pid": 474410119 }, { "sender": "955D-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:54:39\n\n>>474410087 \n \nUSA are implementing DEI hires in SS and CIA. \nUSA will implode from negroes and spics sooner or later.", "pid": 474410159 }, { "sender": "9479-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:55:02\n\n>>474409700 \nNo. They did it themselves. Putin is not omnipresent evil overlord. Russians join police, russians join fsb, russians join bandits, russians exploit and cheat each other. \nPutin and his government did not fly from mars and conquer russia. They were all born in russia and steadily climbed up to the power with total approval of other russians.", "pid": 474410193 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B8EE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:56:49\n\n>>474409534 \nit shouldnt even be on the map like before!", "pid": 474410342 }, { "sender": "Anon-2C46", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:07\n\n>>474392682 \n>Ukrainians need to say sorry and let us do what's right. \nukrainian people might, but the government is all jews \nanything official will never happen", "pid": 474410366 }, { "sender": "Anon-B4CE", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:57:25\n\n>>474410193 \nalso, russians support putin, and putin started a war, because he knew that this would make him popular in russia", "pid": 474410392 }, { "sender": "Anon-59E3", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:58:23\n\n>>474409764 \nI wonder why would Ukrainians try to kill a polish govermental official who was trying to destroy govermnance? Especially for a nation who feels oppressed by the Poles? Do you seriously believe that \n>and then for no reason at all Ukrainians started resisting and killing \n \nAlso following your logic, Poland wouldnt exist without Stalin and we should be ethernally thankfull, right? \n \nAre you really that blind and think that Poland cant ever do bad?", "pid": 474410461 }, { "sender": "Anon-D135", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:16\n\n>>474409764 \nYou fool. Bolsheviks forced russians in ukraine to learn ukrainian and placed ukrainians in position of power. \nIf bolsheviks did not win there would not be neither ukraine nor poland. (Ok, poland got independent after eastern front collapse but before October revolution).", "pid": 474410522 }, { "sender": "A2C9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:26\n\n>>474410159 \nPoolish are gonna die in Ukraine. The TSD plan is just getting started", "pid": 474410536 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-75DC", "message": "16/07/2024, 11:59:47\n\n>>474400693 \nShit like this is why I don't care about Eastern Europe at all. Poles stupidly support your evil country because \"MUH WUSHUH!!!!!!!!\" when you're just a bunch of niggers. I can't wait for Trump to win and your funding to be pulled so I can laugh as your country implodes. You deserve it. But then again, so does every Pole and Lithuanian dumb enough to support you.", "pid": 474410562 }, { "sender": "1F7E-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:01:44\n\n>>474409890 \nLol, lmao \n \nUkrainiab schools and churches existed, and where discriminated against by polish goverment. Poles were as much peasants as Ukrainians \n \n \nYou just blatanly agreed that there was discrimination and you'd do it again. Why shouldn't Ukrainians rise up and reclaim stolen \"redistributed\" land? \n \nPoland attacked Lithiania for no more reason than getting a little clay during interwar period.", "pid": 474410704 }, { "sender": "16C3-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:02:22\n\n>>474410069 \ndistraction from last crimes against humanity and making goyim kill each other \npic rel", "pid": 474410761 }, { "sender": "9FA9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:31\n\n>>474400693 \nmust be sad to know that your sister is whoring herself to old polacks. Now go and die, idiot.", "pid": 474410844 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EFBE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:03:46\n\n>>474410119 \nYou're a moron who cant notice that his country did atrocious things in the past yet yell at everyone around yourself and require apologies, while touting that you'd do the atrocities again. \n \nIm so tired about this false polska jezusem narodów mentality", "pid": 474410861 }, { "sender": "Anon-22DE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:09\n\n>>474410069 \nExtermination of russians and ukrainians cause jews hate them for pale of settlement and pogroms? And generally hate “white” but do not have power to start outright killings. Or just paleskin gore production.", "pid": 474410891 }, { "sender": "61C9-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:28\n\n>>474410704 \n>Ukrainiab schools and churches existed, and where discriminated against by polish goverment. \nhow?", "pid": 474410915 }, { "sender": "9A00-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:04:42\n\n>>474409969 \nYes, exactly. \nPeasants were always unhappy doesn't matter where they lived, they were dumb and easy to manipulate by various traitors like Chmielnicki (or, for example Aleksander Kostka Napierski). Cossacks on the other hand were LITERALLY pirates. They weren't a nation but a social group that lived of the robbery. Sicz Zaporoska was LITERALLY a wolf's nest on Commonwealth's border (but outside of it), something similiar to carribean Tortuga island. Do you get it, asshole? Zaporożcy were living OUTSIDE of Polish Commonwealth, so they LITERALLY were left alone by Poles and were governing themselves. The whole reason of rebellion - supposed polish oppression - was therefore FAKE. Those durty niggers wanted one thing - some kind of letters of marque (so called cossack registration) that would allow them to: \n1. kill, rape and steal in the name and account of polish king \n2. get salary for just being there. \n \nAny further questions?", "pid": 474410936 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-77CA", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:05:21\n\n>>474410461 \n>I wonder why would Ukrainians try to kill \nYes me too, I myself wonder whou Ukrainians murdered 500 000 polish civilians during the war . \nYou are a nation of murderers and sadists . You will have to leave Poland, go back to your jew infested shithole or go somehwere west like Canada where they tolerate you. \nYou are cancerous losers who are sticky like shit.", "pid": 474410979 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4118", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:07:16\n\n>>474410861 \n>did atrocious things \nWhat was attrocious ? That II RP took part of ukraine under it's wings, what Ukrainians took advantage of and tried to get independence by means of terrorism. \nPilsudzki should have left all of you to the Russians, and you are only proving my point that we should do exactly this now.", "pid": 474411123 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3091", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:08:21\n\n>>474410936 \n\\* and when denied - they attacked Commonwealth, forcing peasants to join them (or die).", "pid": 474411202 }, { "sender": "E233-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:09:19\n\n>>474410936 \nIm talking about oppression in Polish kresy, debil. \n \n>>474410915 \nClosures, persecutions, opening polish school, or Polish/Ukrainian schools where Ukrainian was treated as shit and barely taught. Preferencial treatment of Poles. \n \nHate like that doesnt appear out of nowhere. For Poland it was a time of rising from the ashes and they felt like they need to maximise Polonisation to create a powerfull Polish state, for non polish Kresy people it was a cultural genocide.", "pid": 474411270 }, { "sender": "ACC4-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:23\n\n>>474411123 \nUSSR took Poland under its wing too. Why would Poland protest? Why there was martial law? Why there were partisans(terrorist groups??) fighting against soviet occupation? Why was Solidarność formed? USSR helped Poland so much? \n \nDo you see the similarities? Poland was not good for non Polish Kresians.", "pid": 474411495 }, { "sender": "7D2C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:12:57\n\n>>474411270 \n>Preferencial treatment of Poles. \n \nDo you understand that Ukrainians did not have a country because they lost war for indepdence \nor you are a clinical moron unable to comprehend basic facts ? \n \nIf Ukraine loses and all of you parasites flock to Poland, do you think that you will be treated same as genuine Polish people you delussional moron ? \n \nWhy do we have to babysit your genocidal asses throughout the entire centuries ? \nEveryone in the world see how cancerous you are, you are bitting the hands that are feeding you, this was always the truth.", "pid": 474411532 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3F90", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:14:53\n\n>>474411495 \n>USSR took Poland under its wing too. \nDo you understand that there were 3 Ukraines during the war with bolsheviks and one of them was communist Ukraine, second was Bandera Ukraine, and third was pro-polish Ukraine. \nYour country was splitted in three peaces you delusional moron. \nOnly 20 000 Ukrainians fought for independence you lost, you were losers but wanted to be treated otherwise.", "pid": 474411654 }, { "sender": "41B8-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:09\n\n>>474411270 \nno brutal murders?", "pid": 474411680 }, { "sender": "599F-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:15:28\n\n>>474411270 \nPolish KRESY never rebelled against Polish Commonwealth - for it was Lithuania and Belarus mostly, you illiterate nigger. Only Ukraine rebelled - forced and duped by Chmielnicki and his cossack murderers. And when he lost, he literally sold you fuckers to Russia like a cattle by signing Perejasław treaty in 1654.", "pid": 474411713 }, { "sender": "398A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:00\n\nDelusional Hohols, who think that they should be granted everything for free.\nThey lost war with Russia and cried that they can't have same rights as Polish people.\nYou are cancerous jewkrainians.", "pid": 474411758 }, { "sender": "41CB-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:16:15\n\n>>474411123 \nPacificja Małopolski Wschodniej for example \n \n>>474411532 \nYes, its called fascism. You know that we live in a society where equal treatment of all citizens is the norm?", "pid": 474411777 }, { "sender": "Anon-A3FF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:12\n\n>>474392366 \nDo Poles ever stop kvetching? It's like jews always demanding holohoax reparations.", "pid": 474411834 }, { "sender": "Anon-DB99", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:46\n\n>>474411713 \nHohols have their own fantasy about history. \nSometimes they pretend they were our friends others like enemies. \nThey lie as a way to breathe.", "pid": 474411869 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4349", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:17:49\n\n>>474411270 \nWhy did japs hate chinks? Why do jews hate everyone? Why did aztecs hate neighbors? Why did mongols hate arabs (baghdad) and russians (kiev)? \n \nHate doesnt need reasons.", "pid": 474411874 }, { "sender": "B89A-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:24\n\n>>474411532 \n>If you get occupied you should accept all injustice brought on you by occupiers and never get angry \n \nYou're a complete moron if you expect a nation to just sit there like cucks, when you culturally genocide them. Did Poland enjoy Russification by Russian Tzars? Polish lost and got partitiooned fair and square, why would polish people protest and rise up?", "pid": 474411987 }, { "sender": "C628-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:25\n\n>>474411495 \n>USSR took Poland under its wing too \n \nAgain - Ukraine was EMPTY - because Tatars were exterminating anyone who tried to settle there. Only after Commonwealth came in and unfolded a protective umbrella, the settlers were able to settle Ukraine. Do you understand that? Poland never CONQUERED your people, you came there AFTER Commonwealth claimed those lands. It wasn't your land to begin with.", "pid": 474411991 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C880", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:19:26\n\n>>474411777 \n>Pacificja Małopolski Wschodniej for example \n \nYou deserved Pacifikacja for terrorist actions, like murdering Pieracki. \nDoes this enter your stupid judeo-hohol head ? \nDo you understand that it's up to you to make ukraine survive, not us ? \nAnd if you fail, you will not be treated equally here, so what are you even doing in Poland \nyou loser, instead of fighting for your jew infested country in trenches.", "pid": 474411994 }, { "sender": "545B-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:20:06\n\n>>474411777 \n>Pacificja Małopolski Wschodniej for example \ndo you know why it happened?", "pid": 474412038 }, { "sender": "Anon-A490", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:21:45\n\n>>474392780 \nExactly. Killing polack toilet scrubbers was a popular hobby on almost any territory where polacks were present historically. I don't see a problem with it. \n> The ruling Germans also actively encouraged both Ukrainians and Poles to kill each other.[7][8] \nBased. Just let them kill themselves.", "pid": 474412168 }, { "sender": "Anon-6D92", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:04\n\n>>474411777 \n>Yes, its called fascism. You know that we live in a society where equal treatment of all citizens is the norm? \n \nFacism and equality in XVII century, holy shit. Pinch me guys. Am I dreaming or hohol went full retarded?", "pid": 474412187 }, { "sender": "BD11-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:22:46\n\n>>474412038 \nthey are only able to repeat same arguments, they don't know how to respond. \nFuck PLC ,this was cancer. Never again.", "pid": 474412250 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1712", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:33\n\n>>474411987 \ngo back to Ukraine coward, because there will be another Pacyfikacja if all of you come here.", "pid": 474412310 }, { "sender": "DA64-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:23:55\n\n>>474411680 \nThere were brutal murders, police searches of whole towns, executions, concentration camps for Ukrainians. All under the name of \"pacification\" and it was years before Volhyn. \n \nPolish goverment wanted the ukrainian clay, Ukrainians didnt want to get polonized and give clay. The animosity and hate was growing continiously.", "pid": 474412343 }, { "sender": "2FA2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:03\n\n>>474411991 \n>Empty \nJust like Israel was mostly empty until jews moved in there after ww2 right?", "pid": 474412442 }, { "sender": "Anon-30DE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:25:28\n\n>>474412310 \nLool. Poland just signed a new \"mitlitary assistance\" pact with Ukraine. Polacks are not good for much more than unclogging toilets, but Polish girls are much more talented. \nI think this will be the extent of this \"military support\" sent from Poland.", "pid": 474412481 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B911", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:40\n\n>>474412343 \n>There were brutal murders \nsource?", "pid": 474412573 }, { "sender": "49DB-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:57\n\n>>474412481 \nit's bullshit and Tusk who signed this is a literal cuck who was recording childish tik tok videos while his wife was cheating on him, \nwhich she later on included with details in her autobiography.", "pid": 474412593 }, { "sender": "D6C1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:26:59\n\n>>474410861 \nbeing ashamed of being poolish is not gonna make anyone more sympathetic to you", "pid": 474412594 }, { "sender": "Anon-DA07", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:30\n\n>>474411834 \nPolacks are all mystery meat jew hybrids, after all the population of Poland was like 50/50 Polack/Jewish before Hitler did his thing.", "pid": 474412632 }, { "sender": "AB0C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:27:40\n\n>>474412343 \n>Polish goverment wanted the ukrainian clay \nThere was no such thing as Ukraine back then you idiot. \nYou should not speak about politics because you are only making things worse.", "pid": 474412643 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A6FD", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:28:30\n\n>>474411994 \nPieracki was murdered because he was one of the main politicians enforcing Polinisation and destruction of local governance \n \n>And then for no reason at all ukrainians formed militias and killed polish politicians \n \nAs I said Poland was a freshly reborned country in an era where forcing people into nationhood was seen as an insturment of power and creation of a powerfull nation, following litterally Hitler ideas. But Ukrainians didn't want to become poles and resisted, thats it.", "pid": 474412708 }, { "sender": "BB8C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:29:26\n\n>>474412038 \nBecause Ukrainians were resisting Polonisation, and it only increased the animosity towards Poles", "pid": 474412781 }, { "sender": "Anon-DACE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:30:33\n\n>>474412442 \nNo, not like that. Which part of Tatars killing or enslaving (jasyr) every living being that lived there don't you understand? They were called Wild Fields for a reason. There was NO indigenous population there (south of Kijów that is). Those people were resettled there by polish nobility.", "pid": 474412856 }, { "sender": "D4BE-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:31:08\n\n>>474412187 \nMore like interwar period. \n \nBut even in 18th century Poland was trying to be progressive and democratic, with the constitution, sejmiki, and electrd monarchy", "pid": 474412895 }, { "sender": "9B42-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:32:53\n\n>>474412310 \nWhy would I go back to Ukraine if Im a Pole? Are you so small minded that you think Poles cannot see imperialistic Poland of the past for what it was? Sorry, not everyone are blindly idiotic like you.", "pid": 474413012 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4171", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:06\n\n>>474412594 \nThere is no point of being ashamed, as there is no point in yelling \"apologise\" when Polish actions were incresing animosity in Galitia into inhumane levels.", "pid": 474413078 }, { "sender": "CA28-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:34:54\n\n>>474412643 \nThere was no such thing as Poland for a long time either.", "pid": 474413145 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B1E6", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:35:32\n\n>>474412781 \nnope it was because members of terrorist organization called ukrainian military organization were murdering poles and ukrainians who were working towards better relations between ukrainians and poles while spying for germany, doing bank robberies and shitload of arson mostly military related infrastructure \nalso objectively looking polonization would be good for you since it would help you avoid current shitfest your country is going through \nbut i guess the best thing is leave it be and just bully those of you who come to poland untill you stop speaking ukrainians completely", "pid": 474413199 }, { "sender": "575D-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:36:01\n\n>>474412593 \nDo you know how the jokes about \"ugly German girls\" came to exist? \nStory is, in about 1942 a Polish girl was sucking off several SS officers in the same room. While taking out another German Stallion's cock, she asked why Polish girls are the ones who have to slob on German knob and not German girls. One of the officers responded to that, jokingly \"Polish girls are the most beautiful in the world, we prefer you much better to our ugly German girlfriends\". This resulted in an explosion of laughter in the room, but of course the Polish girl did not get the joke. She told all her friends the next day what the German said and the frequency of sexual favours from Polish girls tripled. \nThe same will probably happen in Ukraine once they get your \"military assistance\" in the form of comfort batallions.", "pid": 474413237 }, { "sender": "E7FF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:38:12\n\n>>474413199 \n>And then for no reason at all ukrainians formed militias to fight back the polish regime", "pid": 474413390 }, { "sender": "17A0-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:10\n\n>>474413199 \n>Cultural genocide is good for you", "pid": 474413456 }, { "sender": "Anon-14C5", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:38\n\n>>474413390 \nnote how being friendly towards you was always a mistake on our part \nyou cant even appreciate us still helping you despite we clearly shouldnt after volhynia", "pid": 474413494 }, { "sender": "18D5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:39:52\n\n>>474400693 \nI hope Russia extermibates every single one of you subhuman hohol rats. You will all go to Gulags.", "pid": 474413521 }, { "sender": "418F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:02\n\n>>474407776 \nlad, NATO exists to control the new Empire that is the US. Russia exists as a boogeyman and controlled op, it cannot project its power effectively on the planet, only near its borders.", "pid": 474413540 }, { "sender": "Anon-D821", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:29\n\n>>474413456 \nyes it is since your culture is fucked and puts you on russian hook \ngo on try and refute me", "pid": 474413576 }, { "sender": "807C-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:40:49\n\n>>474413199 \nSo Polish people shouldn't have resisted Russification during partitions. We were comquered fair and square and should have become Russians", "pid": 474413600 }, { "sender": "9A43-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:42:36\n\n>>474413600 \nmask off lmao", "pid": 474413735 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A7AE", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:07\n\n>>474413494 \n>Discriminate against Ukrainians \n>Do \"pacifications\" (and say you'd do it again) \n>Create concentration camps against Ukrainians \n>Be surprised Ukrainians fight back \n>Discriminate harder \n>Increase animosity \n>Be surprised angry ukrainians are angry \n \nIm ashamed I have to call such a pidorashka level IQ person a fellow Pole", "pid": 474413775 }, { "sender": "5369-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:46\n\n>>474413145 \nWrong. This whole 123 years period is a bogus. Poland DID exist - in personal union with Russia and tzar as Polish King. Do you get it? He wasn't ruling Poland as russian tzar - but as polish king. Poland was a separate state since Congress of Vienna till Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in 1918 when Poland regained sovereinity from Russia. But again - Poland NEVER ceased to exist, unless we are talking about the short period between third particion and creating Duchy of Warsaw.", "pid": 474413816 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5329", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:43:58\n\n>>474413600 \nyou were killing ukrainians just for being friendly towards poles and working for improving common relations after which forced polonization started", "pid": 474413827 }, { "sender": "8101-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:45:28\n\n>>474413576 \nUkrainian culture is not a Russian hook you dumbfuck \n \n>>474413735 \nWhat mask, jesus you're stupid, Im just following your reasoning of Polish govermental actions against Ukrainians \n \n>Inb4 hohol, russian \n \nNo, just slightly more introspective Pole.", "pid": 474413931 }, { "sender": "47BF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:16\n\n>>474413827 \n>After", "pid": 474414008 }, { "sender": "632F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:23\n\n>>474413775 \nwhy did you ignore this post you small time criminal?>>474412573 \nremember how you sold ukrainians peasants into slavery to tatars because some polish noble fucked wife of chmielnicki which started so called ruin in your country after which half of cossacks russified themselves and the rest joined PLC again?", "pid": 474414021 }, { "sender": "B3E6-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:46:58\n\n>>474413145 \nthat's bullshit, even during the 123 year period there were polish state entities while Ukraine language never existed until XIX century.", "pid": 474414071 }, { "sender": "5E91-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:14\n\n>>474413816 \n>Bogus \n \nPRL was a completely independent Poland then", "pid": 474414089 }, { "sender": "4751-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:47:47\n\nPole complaining about a ethnic cleansing that happen BEFORE they expelled and murdered Germans.\nYou guys have no shame?", "pid": 474414123 }, { "sender": "D8C2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:48:49\n\n>>474414071 \n>Ukrainian language disnt exist before lenin \n \nRussian propaganda, lies. Russian tzars even were trying to kill Belarussian and Ukrainian nationalities and languages, called them Maloross nations.", "pid": 474414214 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F49", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:49:56\n\n>>474414214 \n>Russian propaganda, lies. \nWolyn Genocide is too Russian propaganda ? \nStop humiliating yourself. \nAs we say: \n\"Kończ waszmość wstydu oszczędź\"", "pid": 474414299 }, { "sender": "766A-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:43\n\n>>474413931 \n>Ukrainian culture is not a Russian hook you dumbfuck \nyes it is you literall retard \nas long as you are considered their brotherly east slav orthodox nation you are on their hook \npolonization was in your interest but you are dumber than nigger objectively speaking thats why your suffering will persist same as anyone's who will try to help you \n>>474414008 \nyes ukrainian schools started being closed after that", "pid": 474414355 }, { "sender": "Anon-F1EF", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:46\n\n>>474414021 \nBecause you will dismiss all proofs, I will not bring you the sources just for you to dismiss them, I value my time more than this. If you were interested really you'd googled already. \nI will not talk to pidorashka proofsters", "pid": 474414360 }, { "sender": "A785-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:50:46\n\n>>474414089 \nNo it wasn't. So? Personal unions were a common thing in Europe, for example for a period of time Poland was in personal union with Saxony because of the king August II Sas, that was an elector of Saxony.", "pid": 474414362 }, { "sender": "Anon-94E3", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:38\n\n>>474414123 \nNone. KYS.", "pid": 474414428 }, { "sender": "E4A9-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:51:58\n\n>>474414299 \nJedyny kto tu robi wstyd to ty.", "pid": 474414465 }, { "sender": "65BC-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:12\n\n>>474392366 \n>>474392682 \n>Cry about Wolyn Massacre \n>Still support and sympathise with nation that celebrates the perpetrator as their national hero. \nI said it before and will say it again. Polish identity is being a spiteful lap dogs with no backbone. \nAmericans can drop a nuke on Warsaw tomorrow for the lulz and poles will thankfully tongue Biden asshole as a response.", "pid": 474414483 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EC36", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:52:19\n\n>>474414465 \npo co przyjechałeś do Polski smrodzie ?", "pid": 474414492 }, { "sender": "Anon-CD58", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:53:45\n\n>>474414360 \nyou wont bring source because you have none and you are talking out of your ass \ntypical lier \nmental nigger", "pid": 474414618 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2C2D", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:55:16\n\nBereza Kartuska concentration camp", "pid": 474414746 }, { "sender": "D884-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:14\n\n>>474414618 \n>>474414492 \n>Poland can never ever do anything wrong \n>Everyone who claims that is a liar and a hohol \n>Well do it again!", "pid": 474414845 }, { "sender": "3282-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:56:48\n\n>>474414483 \nExactly. Polacks are too dumb to participate in international relations in any way. Polish history is the epitome of not thinking before you act. \nThis bitch was probably sucking German officers' cocks 24/7 after the invasion in 1939 and then got killed in a completely pointless polack \"uprising\".", "pid": 474414893 }, { "sender": "1CBF-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 12:59:07\n\n>>474392573 \nThe largest catacombs on earth is in Odessa Ukraine. You just know these Khazarian death cults are behind it. The ones in Paris, too.", "pid": 474415101 }, { "sender": "5402-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:01:46\n\n>>474414893 \n>polack \"uprising\". \nthis uprising was manufactured in London by people like Okulicki and was jew-inspired.", "pid": 474415313 }, { "sender": "Anon-A145", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:49\n\nCan't wait when Trump gets into office and Ukraine gets fucked.", "pid": 474415404 }, { "sender": "0C6F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:51\n\n>>474414746 \nyeah created after you assasinated one of our politicians who was working towards improving relations between ukrainians and poles same as you did with Cидip Aнтoнoвич Tвepдoхлiб who was ethnicaly and culturaly ukrainian but also worked towards better relations between our nations you fucking nigger \n>>474414845", "pid": 474415408 }, { "sender": "57B1-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:02:52\n\n>>474414845 \nIt's not Poland that is robbing and parasiting on Ukraine but the other way you delusional narcissistic moron. \nI know that in your little judeo-hohol brain, everything resolves about your jewish dictator, so maybe it's time for you to \nformat your hard drive.", "pid": 474415409 }, { "sender": "C2C5-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:04:08\n\n>>474415404 \nWouldn't be careless about this though, since this can backlash in the process.", "pid": 474415539 }, { "sender": "A30F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:04:12\n\n>>474415313 \nyou are talking to russian propaganda agency they dont care about facts or anything except for talking shit", "pid": 474415542 }, { "sender": "8E77-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:04:58\n\n>>474415542 \n>russian propaganda \nRussian or Judeo-ukrainian ? What Russia even has do to with us", "pid": 474415605 }, { "sender": "CC19-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:05:57\n\n>>474392780 \nDresden never happened either, nor did Kalingrad ethnic cleansing, nor did all your claimed \"\"\"rapes\"\"\" of kraut citizens in berlin. You krauts and your victim complexes are funny.", "pid": 474415697 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4178", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:06:21\n\n>>474414893 \nI think the most embarrassing part of pollack history is that they participated in the Haitian revolution, the one where they slaughtered all the whites and even Mulatto sympathizers. The niggerest of Caribbean voodoo niggers consider pollacks to be their fellow black brothers more than they do Mulattos. Very telling", "pid": 474415737 }, { "sender": "1D7F-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:06:57\n\n>>474415408 \n>Improving relations by discrimination and removal of local self governance", "pid": 474415776 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-15F9", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:08:54\n\n>>474415605 \nputin bored american boomer about polish medieval history to justify invasion on ukraine while puting more effort than needed to create whole gif rel propaganda line", "pid": 474415931 }, { "sender": "C195-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:09:17\n\n>>474415409 \nGoddamn you're so dumb \n \nChuj ci w dupę i kotwice na plecy.", "pid": 474415965 }, { "sender": "Anon-6494", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:10:11\n\n>>474415776 \nthis happened afterwards since we had to crackdown on bunch of terrorist niggers you dumb fuck and you already killed your own politicians", "pid": 474416034 }, { "sender": "Anon-9FA1", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:10:47\n\n>>474415737 \nExactly lol. I can only wonder if the current polack president has gone to Haiti to visit his greatest ally Lord Barbecue. Maybe they enjoyed some grilled corpses together.", "pid": 474416076 }, { "sender": "0560-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:12:43\n\n>>474415931 \n>justify invasion on ukraine \nWhy would he even have to justify anything, Jewkrainian government brought this upon themselves. \nDon't blame solely Putin for this you little child", "pid": 474416229 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E1D4", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:13:15\n\n>>474415965 \nWypierdalac z Wrocławia tchórze.", "pid": 474416276 }, { "sender": "Anon-B4DC", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:13:46\n\n>>474416076 \nIf there is any way we can hinder yurotrash imperialism, we're all too happy to oblige. :)", "pid": 474416318 }, { "sender": "5DA2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:17:53\n\n>>474416229 \nPutin invaded Ukraine because he needed to appear strong again after Covid. \nPolacks don't understand this and chimp out waiting for their next opportunity to fight and die for their allies. It would really be better if Putin invaded Poland anyway, since Polacks are more eager to go to the meat grinder. That is only not possible because Poland was admitted to NATO by some miracle years ago.", "pid": 474416627 }, { "sender": "1E11-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:18:36\n\n>>474416229 \nbecause russia is impoverished hiv ridden shithole ruled by gas station mafia that could be leading country in the world considering its geography and resources but because of fucked and criminal leadership its just the nigeria of the north", "pid": 474416684 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-04B4", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:19:25\n\n>>474416034 \n>How do I solve national divide \n>By discrimination, concentration camps, and pacifications of course! \n>What do you mean they are even angrier? \n>Repeat until atrocities", "pid": 474416744 }, { "sender": "Anon-2190", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:20:05\n\n>>474416627 \nPoland was \"\"\"\"admitted\"\"\" into GAYTO, because these western coward rats expect us to do their dirty work for them, for free. \n \nNot all if us are naive.", "pid": 474416798 }, { "sender": "8D51-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:20:05\n\n>>474416684 \nIts sad really", "pid": 474416799 }, { "sender": "58A2-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:20:11\n\n>>474416318 \nI don't know what you were trying to say and I don't think you know either polack.", "pid": 474416809 }, { "sender": "Anon-3107", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:21:16\n\n>>474416744 \n>niggers kill locals \n>niggers kill their own for acting like locals \n>niggers kill their own for being friendly to locals \n>YOU HAVE TO KEEP TOLERATING NIGGERS NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO \nface the reality mykola", "pid": 474416899 }, { "sender": "AF3C-Anonymous", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:21:23\n\n>>474416809 \n>I don't know what you were trying to say \n \nCuz you're a stupig faggot shill, and the (you)s are over.", "pid": 474416909 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-47F8", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:27:04\n\n>>474416899 \nLol, lmao \n \nThe only nigger in this situation was polish goverment", "pid": 474417378 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8475", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:27:19\n\n>>474416798 \nBut the country is fucked, because 70-80% of polacks are like this. My recommendation is probably to emigrate to the US if you can and support a presidential candidate that will nuke Poland to fix the problem.", "pid": 474417399 }, { "sender": "B163-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:28:47\n\nTLDR\n\nDid I just tell your stupig shill ass no more (you)s for you?", "pid": 474417499 }, { "sender": "51F1-Anon", "message": "16/07/2024, 13:31:29\n\n>>474417378 \npolish government wasnt killing everyone working to improve common relations you absolute subhuman", "pid": 474417716 } ]
Pick your oshi wrestling themesong thread.
[ { "sender": "A7DB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:14:59\n\nPick your oshi wrestling themesong thread.\n\nAs the title says in the thread post an appropriate wrestling themesong that fits your oshi have fun.\nI'll go first. \nDoki = Cody Rhodes\n", "pid": 78101433 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BF28", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:27:50\n\n>>78101433 \nSlobber mutt = Red sun in the sky \n", "pid": 78101791 }, { "sender": "CB06-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:32:18\n\nmikeneko\n", "pid": 78101911 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F09C", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:33:13\n\n>>78101433 \nGura \n \n\\_DFxeM", "pid": 78101938 }, { "sender": "Anon-689B", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:39:42\n\n>>78101938 \nAlso Gura \n\\_teLcNk \n>>78101911 \nAlso Mike \n", "pid": 78102138 }, { "sender": "8649-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:57:22\n\n>>78101433 \nMori. \nBad to the Bone.", "pid": 78104636 }, { "sender": "2AD1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:13:47\n\n>>78103015", "pid": 78107739 }, { "sender": "EFFE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:26:15\n\nNijisanji\n", "pid": 78108285 }, { "sender": "Anon-CE6F", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:47:00\n\nBilibili\n", "pid": 78109170 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-33BB", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:33:19\n\n>>78101433 \nyou", "pid": 78111064 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6922", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:34:46\n\n>>78101433 \nWait, people unironically like wrestling? Are you guys autistic, underage or something?", "pid": 78111127 }, { "sender": "62BC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:55:46\n\n", "pid": 78112047 }, { "sender": "1350-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:56:10\n\n>>78111127 \nYes", "pid": 78112069 }, { "sender": "3E1B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:10:15\n\n>>78111127 \nHe said as he eats his cdgct kid tier crap and tune into fuwamoco streams", "pid": 78112587 }, { "sender": "A7FA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:11:57\n\n>>78111127 \nshut the fuck up and drink your onions milk faggot", "pid": 78112657 }, { "sender": "90E6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:13:27\n\n>>78101433 \nKiara \n\\_AGtbTo", "pid": 78112721 }, { "sender": "8297-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:19:24\n\n>>78108285 \nBased", "pid": 78113009 }, { "sender": "Anon-67AD", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:30:41\n\n>>78101938 \nThis is Gura though \n", "pid": 78113491 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0E5A", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:38:20\n\n>>78101433 \nNot my Oshi but I know Quinn would want this one. \n \n", "pid": 78113851 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B8D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:38:41\n\n>>78101433 \nMori \n", "pid": 78113863 }, { "sender": "3129-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:54:08\n\n>>78113863 \nNah This is mori \n\\_nPM0HhKJg", "pid": 78114549 }, { "sender": "Anon-A4AF", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:55:03\n\n>>78111127 \n>board about women pretending to be cartoon characters \nAnon?", "pid": 78114589 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-668E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:16\n\n>>78114549 \nNah. \n", "pid": 78114737 }, { "sender": "Anon-10A2", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:18:50\n\n>>78114549 \nkek", "pid": 78115690 }, { "sender": "2481-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:55:56\n\n>>78114737 \nTop kek", "pid": 78117428 } ]
[ { "sender": "7ABF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:56:03\n\nAPOLOGIZE\n\nLmao, it’s never funny how Holofags switch tune the moment JP is involved. \n> “Maybe China isn’t that bad” \n>“It’s been a while now so it’s okay” \n> “People are just overreacting”. \nApologize to NijiEN and Kobo. Holo is doing the same ccp bootlicking Niji got made fun for", "pid": 78089634 }, { "sender": "Anon-EB2A", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:59:42\n\n>>78089634 \n>Apologize to NijiEN \nNo. \n>and Kobo \nAlso no.", "pid": 78089796 }, { "sender": "4D5A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:04:28\n\n>>78089634 \n>\"Oh im sure i got clipped and posted on bili2, when i talk about their president winnie the pooh\" \n>turned out, bilibili kneeling to cover and everyone including western indie. \nAIEEEEEE retardGOD, what's your next cope.", "pid": 78089997 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-439F", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:06:26\n\n>>78089997 \nFbbp \nSpbp /thread/", "pid": 78090068 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-46AF", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:07:42\n\n>>78089634 \nThey won't apologize. They made it clear that they are the biggest Dick riders on the board with capital D, just look at how the reception was before hololive announced it themselves. When Matsuri return to bilibili was leaked last week and astroturfed here by the nijisisters these same faggots sucking ccp the dick now, wanted to hear nothing of it didn't even believe it and accused it of being another insert niji deflection thread. But once hololive came out and say it themselves suddenly their attitude change and now they love the Chinese and China. Hololive fans on this shithole site are the biggest tribalist monkeys on the site so them shilling the ccp so long as it owns niji really isn't that surprising to me.", "pid": 78090114 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1390", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:11:41\n\n>>78089634 \n>>78090114 \n>vshojofag falseflag", "pid": 78090249 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7A0D", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:13:43\n\n>>78090114 \n>>78089997 \nWhy are you ignoring this? If bilibili kneeling to a \"noname\" indie what make you think they didn't do the same for cover. So the leaker was right, bilibili deleting holo anti video on their platform, arresting holo antis, make concession just to have them and other indie back. In other words, kneeling to them.", "pid": 78090332 }, { "sender": "1222-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:14:47\n\n>>78089634 \n>ID \n>JP \nWho cares? \nLMAO", "pid": 78090372 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8BBF", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:16:30\n\n>>78090332 \n>arresting holo antis \ndo we actually have any proof of that?", "pid": 78090427 }, { "sender": "7732-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:16:37\n\n>>78089634 \nBilibili went crawling back to pay a bunch of corpos and vtubers to join their event. The problem before is that hololive fought for contracts and that shit to get the chink money, and now is the chinks paying to cover so their talents can appear in their events", "pid": 78090434 }, { "sender": "BEDA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:19:42\n\n>>78090114 \ndon't care /pol/tard", "pid": 78090549 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0B89", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:20:23\n\n>>78090249 \nNow is a vshojo false flag because you can't make fun of nijizhangyi anymore without looking like a blatant hypocrite. \n>>78090332 \n>he thinks the number 2# super power nation of the world is kneeling to yagoo. \nUnironically retarded if you aren't an actual retard already.", "pid": 78090572 }, { "sender": "AA7C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:23:10\n\n>>78090572 \nnation not so much but b2 sure fucking does \nmega nation is kneeling to money \nremember videogame shit they walked back IMMEDIATELY after all their stocks went to shit? Current situation is similar but smaller scale", "pid": 78090660 }, { "sender": "ADE4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:23:15\n\n>>78090549 \nBut you was a /pol/ tard last week too. Or you conveniently \"forgot\" how much you hated the Chinese and shat on everyone else doing business with them for the past 3 fucking years. Keep this same dishonesty holozhang it only prove my points even further about all of you being neo communists bootlickers.", "pid": 78090661 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C3DD", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:23:53\n\n>>78090572 \nChina is numbah wan Anerikuh is numbah for", "pid": 78090686 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-14FD", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:24:00\n\n>>78089634 \ndon't know who are the retards you are quoting but no, fuck china and i won't change my stance because a few jp caved in \nFuck the bugs and fuck nijis", "pid": 78090689 }, { "sender": "2A8F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:24:16\n\n>>78090572 \n>kneeling to a french chick shitting on supreme leader winnie the pooh \n>doesn't kneeling to someone bigger than her \nR-retard?", "pid": 78090700 }, { "sender": "Anon-E958", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:24:54\n\n>>78090549 \nI accept your concession", "pid": 78090722 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AA1D", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:26:29\n\n>>78090572 \nwe don't hate niji for being chinese,vshojofag. \nand we don't think we'll stop making fun of that company.", "pid": 78090773 }, { "sender": "Anon-8672", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:27:04\n\n>>78090660 \nYeah Japan is kneeling for money because their economy is the shitters. And bilibili is funded by the ccp and is usually used to indoctrinate Chinese kids into anti American property but hey do you man.", "pid": 78090795 }, { "sender": "Anon-790A", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:27:09\n\n>>78090700 \nYou need to be retarded to be a Holo anti after all", "pid": 78090800 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6142", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:27:58\n\n>>78090661 \ntourist", "pid": 78090830 }, { "sender": "Anon-1331", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:28:05\n\n>>78090795 \nPropaganda typo.", "pid": 78090838 }, { "sender": "1C69-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:29:25\n\n>>78090830 \nOh look they had their cope strat ready lmao too bad it doesn't mean shit to me holozhang. Kys Xiao Ling.", "pid": 78090899 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E074", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:31:36\n\n>>78090795 \n>Japan is kneeling \nDoing business with a country is not an act of submission, vshojofag. \nEven America does business with China.", "pid": 78090975 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8487", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:33:19\n\n>>78090899 \n>cope \nYou are literally proving that I am right, vshojofag.", "pid": 78091039 }, { "sender": "Anon-A080", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:33:38\n\n>>78090661 \nAnd you think you are honest, motherfucker? \nWhat is your solution here? Drop all hologirls and fuck them up but now from our side? Bomb cover's office lol? \nAs far as we can see morale in hololive is unusually high lately. \nCover didn't exactly drop china on them or force them. Hololive sentiment was ALWAYS that they want to support all their fans chinese included. Even coco said that (even after graduation). So not going back to china when given the chance is going against the normal hololive stance. But even then not many people were interested. They didn't exactly send pekora, marine and suisei there. So far only kobo streamed there (which obviously she wants to do). Appearances seem to be very limited (at least for now) \nSo like what the fuck? WHOLE WORLD is doing business with china. A lot of them doing that while fully kneeling and changing their content to cater to this audience (which cover did not do by the way.) \nAm I happy about this? Fuck no. Should we forgive them for what they've done? Also no. I can see the world in which they could've been forgiven... but so far they didn't exactly do much publicly. \nFor now only thing we can do is voice our concerns to cover about this whole thing and hope they learned how to deal with china (which obviously a bit of a wishful thinking cause we all know how retarded cover is).", "pid": 78091054 }, { "sender": "8429-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:36:55\n\n>>78090795 \nChinese economy isn't exactly doing great either. \nLike literally this whole thing started because b2 vtubers fucking failed while hololive was thriving. We already can see that cause hololive's merch sold 10 times more than everything else combined. Hololive is not going back there just like another kneeling corpo. They are going back there as a dominant force that PROVED they do not need china. \nb2 inviting bunch of western fucking indies also proves that they are kneeling super fucking hard because their own shit failed and nobody give a fuck about chinese vtubers", "pid": 78091199 }, { "sender": "Anon-B066", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:37:39\n\n>>78090975 \nare you stupid or samefagging? the garbage english makes it obvious theyre a sister or phasekek", "pid": 78091230 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BA7A", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:46:37\n\n>>78090975 \nIt is when you made fun of another corp doing the exact same thing hololive just did for the past 3 years \n>>78091039 \nCry more holozhang keep the cope and all the excuses coming. \n>>78091054 \nAre you having a stroke? Did your blood pressure shot up when you wrote this wall of diarrhea shit? You aren't beating the dick rider allegations. \n>>78091199 \nI don't give a fuck how it started or how it ended. The problem here I have with most holofags defend this is that they aren't even shilling for China in good faith just another /v/ console war bullshit to them. They don't care if they're risking the Chinese going crazy again over something small like they did with haachama and coco so long as the horse they're placing all their bets in win the race. How the fuck you all went from shitting on China for 3 fucking years to loving them now? This shit does not make any fucking sense to me at all. Because everyone else get shit for things like this but hololive does it and suddenly everyone wants to pretend is okay when is not.", "pid": 78091603 }, { "sender": "02AE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:50:54\n\nName ONE country whose economy right now that isnt in shambles", "pid": 78091745 }, { "sender": "Anon-1293", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:52:25\n\n>>78091603 \nA lot of honesty in this post lmao", "pid": 78091795 }, { "sender": "9E19-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:54:34\n\n>>78091230 \nI highly doubt what you are saying is true, the comment following yours seems to be sincere and not a false flag.", "pid": 78091860 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CE2F", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:58:50\n\nThat anon think catalogfags shitting on china are actual fans. How about going to actual holofansite and see how many of them actually play a chink gatcha or just pay attention to chat saying finally perms for chink games when holos got rare perms for chink games.", "pid": 78092021 }, { "sender": "4F1B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:13:50\n\n>>78089634 \nkys chink", "pid": 78092553 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-11A3", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:14:53\n\n>>78091603 \nthat only hard to understand if you think there is a hive mind. ppl chill with this simply have no reason to defend china when extremist shit on china. we are not all the same.", "pid": 78092594 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C825", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:25:54\n\n>>78089634 \nHoloJP needs those Mihoyo perms to not get mogged by NijiJP.", "pid": 78092994 }, { "sender": "4AC4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:32:39\n\n>>78089634 \nno one said any of this except obvious chingchongs", "pid": 78093223 }, { "sender": "7387-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:33:47\n\n>>78089634 \n>Apologize to NijiEN \nFor what?", "pid": 78093265 }, { "sender": "Anon-51B9", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:16:53\n\n>>78091603 \nThe difference is nijisanji is actually comically evil, i read that they shut down their virtual brothel before ipo and the saddest thing is, the girl who got hired was buying her house after she got out from the countryside and she got terminated via twitter message. She was in 3 months on her down payment. \nAnd why would anyone shitting on holo when bilibili literally invited most popular like filian, shylily, also including indie that shit on Xi. We already know they begging holo and other to join their event.", "pid": 78094721 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1427", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:21:52\n\n>>78091603 \n>Holo-anti having meltdown \nAHAHAHHA, it's unironically ok when Hololive does it, when other does it it's because they got no choice but Hololive already proven that they can not only survive but growing even bigger without chink market and even when Hololive is banned they still got big influence on chink market so they beg Hololive to comeback", "pid": 78094871 }, { "sender": "72A4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:50:07\n\n>>78090114 \nThey hated you because you spoke the truth", "pid": 78095725 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-40BA", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:51:23\n\n>>78089634 \nHOW \nMANY \nFUCKING \nTHREADS \nkys OP", "pid": 78095761 }, { "sender": "988C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:02:06\n\n>>78089634 \nRobot why, why must you do this...", "pid": 78096101 }, { "sender": "EFA9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:09:29\n\n>>78090114 \n>>78091603 \nThis \n>but bilibili begged them to come back! \nOk? Who cares? Were the bilibili staff the ones responsible for harassing holos for years? No, it was never a problem with the platform, it was a problem with the people who use the platform. Trying to spin this as any kind of \"W\" is absolutely contemptible.", "pid": 78096331 }, { "sender": "Anon-74CD", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:42:32\n\n>>78096331 \nit is you moron. at the time any clip defend holo get delete that why you think there is no chinese fan. explain this: \n\\_channel=HeroHei", "pid": 78097120 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AFD6", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:59:29\n\n>>78096331 \nyeah but b2 did NOTHING about constant \n harassment and anti videos on their platform... until NOW. \nSo yeah it was platform's fault. \n>Trying to spin this as any kind of \"W\" is absolutely contemptible. \nThe W here is that despite the chinese idea that hololive is finished without them hololive proved that it's the other way around.", "pid": 78097548 }, { "sender": "Anon-6CF8", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:04:55\n\n>>78096331 \n>exposing himself as retarded newfag \nRoru, Holo account got hijacked, anti video not got deleted but the ones defending Hololive got deleted instead, it was them being petty and banned Hololive because they don't fire Coco, Haachama etc that they also think Hololive would submit to their demands because they think Hololive can't survive without them, so yes they kneeled to Hololive and begging them to comeback despite Hololive already hurt their china feelings and it's obviously a W no matter how you see it unless you're a moron that is", "pid": 78097705 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-70EC", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:06:51\n\n>>78089634 \nBugs crawling out to raid this place with broken English saying this is great is enough for retards to think everyone is ok with it. Ok OP.", "pid": 78097753 }, { "sender": "Anon-422B", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:47:26\n\n>>78089997 \nChina is just buying out all the big JP and western Vtubers", "pid": 78098877 }, { "sender": "3295-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:11:26\n\n>>78089634 \nkek here is your ccp bootlicking, opchama", "pid": 78099587 }, { "sender": "6F52-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:13:43\n\n>>78090427 \n>>78090332 \nleaker never said arresting holo antis, just banning them at b2 and nga", "pid": 78099642 }, { "sender": "Anon-CE6E", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:12:38\n\n>>78089634", "pid": 78101366 }, { "sender": "Anon-5689", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:24:32\n\n>>78089997 \n>You (Cover) and a pretty girl (b2) used to date \n>Turns out she's nasty and a schizo \n>One day, you made a simple mistake by reading out the data provided by YouTube and imply that Taiwan is a country \n>It also doesn't help that your friend, an American Japanese, which your gf's friends hate fan the flame by doing something \"heroic\" and kind of retarded \n>After that, she fucked up your life badly, to the point of almost destroying your career you have built from scratch \n>Her friends (crazy nationalists and wumao armies) doesn't let you go easily, they keep harassing you and everyone on your life \n>Fast forward to 4 years later \n>The crazy but pretty girl begs you to come back to her life, she wants to date you again \nCover is a fool who has been clouded by money \nAnd you corpo bootlickers are even more retarded than Cover", "pid": 78101709 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F55E", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:26:03\n\n>>78090114 \nThey have become what they once hated", "pid": 78101743 }, { "sender": "5869-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:28:10\n\n>>78090249 \nDon't you hypocrites have something better to do? Like sucking Cover and Zhang's dick? kek", "pid": 78101805 }, { "sender": "1BBD-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:32:31\n\n>>78090332 \n>Making up shit \nAnything to make Cover sama and b2 sama looks good! \nばんざい! \n万岁!", "pid": 78101918 }, { "sender": "C29D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:41:09\n\n>>78101366 \nthat is NOT my funny fennec", "pid": 78102185 }, { "sender": "7733-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:58:15\n\n>>78089634 \nGw tau lo indog koboker kontol tolol anjeng", "pid": 78102655 }, { "sender": "8E98-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:01:19\n\n>>78089634 \nNo I still find it disgusting", "pid": 78102741 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BD01", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:02:22\n\n>>78090795 \n>>78098877 \nChina’s entering its own lost decade right now, they’re too preoccupied with that to try imposing their will .", "pid": 78102777 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B313", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:57:10\n\n>>78101709 \nStupid analogy and what's more stupid is that you actually don't make it sounded bad at all, in the end you just use that menhera girl for free sex while you also don't have to lose anything like your other \"date\" with \"JP, EN etc\" and if she has another episode you can just leave her again, you're just trying to convince that it's a bad idea because she would try to ruin your life but it's nothing more than a loud bark which is already proven.", "pid": 78104627 }, { "sender": "59A2-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:47:24\n\n>>78089634 \nno", "pid": 78109185 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C950", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:50:26\n\n>>78089796 \nfpbp", "pid": 78109310 }, { "sender": "Anon-0DA6", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:56:16\n\n“Success Breeds Jealously”\n\nThat’s holofag favorite phrase right? Well seems everyone was jealous of Nijisanjis Chinese domination because they choose to suck China dick the moment they could, including all these indies that make fuck of “NijiCN” too lmao", "pid": 78109554 }, { "sender": "Anon-51F1", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:29:18\n\n>>78109554 \nDomination means Nijisanji beating out other competitor which isn't the case because Hololive got banned in china and the sad part is, even with such advantage they still lose that make b2 kneeled and beg Hololive to comeback because Nijisanji is such a failure", "pid": 78110919 }, { "sender": "Anon-6EA5", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:36:04\n\n>>78089634 \n>Apologize to NijiEN \nretardedsisterchama who the fuck do you think you are and nijiEN is dead, even riku already ignore them lmao", "pid": 78111201 }, { "sender": "Anon-CB02", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:37:05\n\n>>78090114 \n>vshojofag detected", "pid": 78111251 }, { "sender": "Anon-E286", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:38:19\n\n>>78090572 \n>you can't make fun of nijizhangyi anymore without looking like a blatant hypocrite \nwtf are you talking about nijinigger? anyone can make fun of nijizhang, the difference is nijizhang kneeling to chink fujos, meanwhile bili2 are the one who kneel to holo.", "pid": 78111305 }, { "sender": "ACEC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:39:44\n\n>>78090899 \n>it doesnt count \nvshojofag being retarded as usual", "pid": 78111361 }, { "sender": "6A31-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:41:03\n\n>>78093265 \nikr somehow nijisister pull shit like \"apologize to nijiEN\" LMAO NO.", "pid": 78111412 }, { "sender": "D1F4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:51:06\n\nThis thread hurts to read", "pid": 78111869 }, { "sender": "20F8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:55:28\n\n>>78089634 \nI'm in support of it so the next gen can have girls named Fu Zhang and Ji Liung and Chi Xi and Ching Chong.", "pid": 78112027 }, { "sender": "8AB5-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:58:49\n\n>>78094871 \nPull that dick out your mouth", "pid": 78112165 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9D7E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:03:17\n\n>>78111251 \n>holozhang ccp apologist detected", "pid": 78112322 }, { "sender": "30BD-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:05:59\n\n>>78111305 \nYou're unironically retarded if you think the number #2 super power in the world is bending over for your anime tits lmao the fuck kind low grade crack and george Floyd bad batch of fentanyl you're smoking.", "pid": 78112423 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-58A6", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:28:17\n\n>>78112423 \nThis same retard keep parroting the same talking point muh #2 superpower no way bend the knee while keep ignoring that even indie vtuber that blatantly shitting on China even got invited so what happened to the \"hurting the Chinese feeling\" they just suddenly forget and forgive? So in other words they kneeled?", "pid": 78113398 }, { "sender": "5C5A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:30:12\n\n>>78112423 \nthis retard can't answer about the indie got ban than got invite now bring this out again? also you really think B2 is CCP control huh?", "pid": 78113475 }, { "sender": "D8F3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:32:18\n\n>>78089634 \n>handjob maid \nThat brings memories.", "pid": 78113568 }, { "sender": "880A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:34:03\n\n>>78113398 \n>>78113475 \nLmao at Yo Han Sheng and Smal Sad Dong seething and pretending bilibili isn't the ccp site go for communist propaganda. I swear the to God the ones defending this like you must be from the Philippines since that's where commies like you keep crawling from.", "pid": 78113648 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D72", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:37:20\n\n>>78113648 \nthen give your rrat about the nobody get ban pls. you can't even give a rrat let alone prove anything", "pid": 78113806 }, { "sender": "7F9A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:38:49\n\n>>78113648 \nSounds like you're the one here is CCP bug defending their honor refusing the fact that they indeed kneeled, fuck off chink bug", "pid": 78113867 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A850", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:38:57\n\n>>78096331 \nDid you truly think the whole fiasco was a Chink grassroot movement? Even Chinks themselves believed that was incited and indirect organized by B2 and some other CN corpos to kick Hololive out of CN market since Holo’s domination was leaving no room for any other CN group to grow", "pid": 78113876 }, { "sender": "41ED-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:47:46\n\n>>78113867 \nI've been shitting on you Zhang and the ccp this entire thread try harder bronie your tears are delicious.", "pid": 78114270 }, { "sender": "Anon-DB82", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:49:06\n\n>>78113806 \nThe fuck are you on. Can't stay on track that you go changing the subject holozhang?", "pid": 78114329 }, { "sender": "F20A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:52:16\n\n>>78114329 \nthis >>78112423 \nthis fucker put this shit multiple thread alr but everytime \"Saruei\" come up, no answer have been given", "pid": 78114475 }, { "sender": "1371-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:11:15\n\n>>78114270 \n>saying that chink kneeled = zhang \n>keep refusing the fact that chink kneeled = not zhang \nRetarded bug", "pid": 78115332 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-F665", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:28:16\n\njust what the fuck is his issue ?", "pid": 201919863 }, { "sender": "3D16-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:29:22\n\n>>201919863 \nBased gooner", "pid": 201919915 }, { "sender": "6EFC-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:31:22\n\n>>201919863 \ncouldn't come", "pid": 201920020 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DEE0", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:32:59\n\n>>201919863 \nhe broke his edging streak when he got rizzed up by marty's gyatt", "pid": 201920091 }, { "sender": "Anon-FCA9", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:33:50\n\n>>201919863 \n>immediately cums in Maggie's ass \nWhat did he mean by this?", "pid": 201920133 }, { "sender": "FE26-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:34:58\n\n>>201920133 \nReal gooners fuck for hours and never cum, OR they can barely get it up and cum instantly. \n \nI've done both", "pid": 201920179 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0DD6", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:36:26\n\n>You mowed my wife?", "pid": 201920241 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5649", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:37:03\n\nEvery time I cum, I feel horrible afterward, UNLESS it's in a vagina.", "pid": 201920265 }, { "sender": "CC2D-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:40:23\n\n>>201919863 \nHis daughter died very young and tragically. \nIt destroyed his marriage, and life. \nTo cope he threw himself into his work a very dangerous and overinvolved capacity which allowed him to regular indulge and abuse extreme narcotics and psychedelics further splintering his mind amidst great grief. \n \nMarty represents the life he was denied. \nA happy mundane family life, which he does not appreciate or take seriously. \n \nPretty straight forward.", "pid": 201920399 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC54", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:46:39\n\n>>201919863 \nso ive actually done this before for like a week and basically it just makes your stomach hurt and you need to cum for relief", "pid": 201920620 }, { "sender": "2DA1-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:33:14\n\n>>201920620 \nbut why", "pid": 201922181 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-69D2", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:08:24\n\nkino only you have seen", "pid": 201916148 }, { "sender": "31DD-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:09:47\n\nS1 was great. S2 was mediocre.", "pid": 201916202 }, { "sender": "F985-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:10:14\n\nthe MC in this movie reminds me so much of joe from family guy. I wonder if they made the tick do that voice on purpose because they were big fans of FG or something. Kind of like a hidden easter egg", "pid": 201916226 }, { "sender": "Anon-0CB6", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:10:14\n\nI used to watch the cartoon show of this which I absolutely hated, always hated anything capeshit or capeshit adjacent.\nBut it came on after a show I used to actually watch. The Simpsons or something, who can remember.", "pid": 201916227 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F8A8", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:15:41\n\n>>201916202 \nagreed, they clearly assumed they were going to get cancelled after S1 and didn't have anything else plotted out. Lobstercules was cool but the sister & Ninja Guy plot needed to go away and it refused to \n \n>>201916226 \nI can't tell if you have autism or not but the guy who voices Joe from Family Guy played the Tick in the first live-action version on Fox in the 90s or 00s or something and pretty much defined the character", "pid": 201916469 }, { "sender": "E266-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:21:01\n\n>>201916148 \nThis, it wasn't very good, but it was kind of funny", "pid": 201916682 }, { "sender": "5283-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:31:14\n\n>>201916682 \nThe fuck?", "pid": 201917119 }, { "sender": "9F5E-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:32:43\n\n>>201916148 \nThey don't make show with soul like this anymore", "pid": 201917184 }, { "sender": "Anon-0E29", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:33:00\n\n>>201916148 \nIt had its moments but the broadcast TV series was better, and the animated series was even better than that.", "pid": 201917199 }, { "sender": "6641-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:36:28\n\n>>201917119 \nit's an entire SFM movie I found on Amazon Prime, the cover art is misleading \nessentially, a trump clone in the distant future allies with a benevolent alien species against a malevolent one controlled by Lucifer, not even joking", "pid": 201917360 }, { "sender": "Anon-ADF8", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:36:30\n\n>>201916148", "pid": 201917365 }, { "sender": "A009-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:40:26\n\nI was so hungry for more Tick that I listened to the movie review podcast hosted by Arthur's actor Griffin Newman. It's called Blank Check and it's very very Jewish (and that's a good thing.)", "pid": 201917525 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C7AC", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:42:14\n\n>>201917525 \nfunny jew or talmudic jew?", "pid": 201917615 }, { "sender": "Anon-E11F", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:54:34\n\n>>201916148 \nGood show. I still use some of the tick's expressions. \n \n>lets cross that bridge after we've burned it", "pid": 201918166 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-98AE", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:59:18\n\n>>201916202 \nThey're the same season, they just split it in two because they're idiots.", "pid": 201918387 }, { "sender": "34A5-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:05:18\n\n>>201917365 \nIts criminal that this didnt get renewed", "pid": 201918683 }, { "sender": "8F73-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:05:28\n\n>>201916148 \nSpanish series on Prime video which details Cortez's conquest of the Aztecs. Was shot on location with period accurate costumes and sets as well as native actors speaking in Mayan. Series got completely memory holed and it's not even on the service anymore.", "pid": 201918691 }, { "sender": "8099-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:15:50\n\n>>201917615 \nMillhouse but he real", "pid": 201919237 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5ECF", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:19:30\n\n>>201917184 \nBased", "pid": 201919416 }, { "sender": "5E68-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:26:16\n\nThought this show as good and never have heard a thing about it", "pid": 201919756 }, { "sender": "96E2-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:27:45\n\n>>201917365 \nBetter off ted was the shit \n \n>>201918691 \nThis sounds awesome", "pid": 201919833 }, { "sender": "631B-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:16:14\n\n>>201916148 \nSeason one was was probably the best thing Amazon Prime did. The second season is just pointless.", "pid": 201921655 }, { "sender": "12F4-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:21:08\n\n>>201921655 \nI was going to be a contrarian and desagree with you, but I was scanning the catalog and The outer range and maybe Devil's hours come close and even then they aren't better than Tick season 1 \ngrim as fuck", "pid": 201921804 }, { "sender": "Anon-E563", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:23:03\n\n>>201916227 \n>I used to watch the cartoon show of this which I absolutely hated \nIt had some good parts \n \n \nMOUSTACHE FEELIN!", "pid": 201921865 }, { "sender": "57C6-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:31:40\n\n>>201921865 \nLove the ep where a high powered stereo set up sends them back to hominid times and the tick teaches ode to joy to the monkey people to try and soothe Arthur", "pid": 201922139 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C8CC", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:31:59\n\n>>201916148 \n>A futuristic thriller that tells the story of Bronson (Chad Ayers), Missle (Joram Jean Baptiste) and Jam(Phil Byrd)- three citizens turned renegade and their fight for freedom and survival from racial persecution and the globalist agenda. \nStupid but the explosion at the end was cool. \n>>201916682 \nI watched this actually. It wasn't THAT bad. Just random.", "pid": 201922147 }, { "sender": "392E-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:34:08\n\n>>201916227 \nThe Tick cartoon was amazing. You had shit taste.", "pid": 201922205 } ]
[ { "sender": "22BF-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:12:06\n\n>\\*Snore\\* Yabba...HUH?! I've suddenly FALLEN into the realms of MY DREAMS?! Gee willickers, is that FREDDY KREUGER? PLEASE don't KILL ME Mr. Krueger, there are SO MANY Blacked videos I haven't yet seen! What's this, you're saying that my DAILY FANTASIES about my wife getting her ORGANS ABUSED by multiple VEINY COCKS as she BEGS and SCREAMS for MERCY is more horrifying than ANYTHING you could ever create as a NIGHTMARE?! You're actually going to REWARD ME for raising the bar on what CONSTITUTES as a NIGHTMARE by giving me COMPLETE CONTROL over my friends' DREAMS for a night?! I can FINALLY experience my GREATEST DREAM by having my friends DRILL my wife's cervix and PUMP her full of their FERTILE SEED in both REALITY and THEIR DREAMS?! Yabba dabba doo, what a dream come", "pid": 201919054 }, { "sender": "9837-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:32:52\n\nWhy did you choose Krillin for this specific shit post?", "pid": 201920085 }, { "sender": "EC21-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:35:13\n\n>>201920085 \nYabbaposting has been here for years", "pid": 201920188 }, { "sender": "7428-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:39:39\n\n>>201919054", "pid": 201920362 }, { "sender": "62F4-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:45:00\n\n>>201919054 \nKEK, this one never gets old.", "pid": 201920576 }, { "sender": "253E-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:49:23\n\n>>201919054", "pid": 201920722 }, { "sender": "Anon-CEFB", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:50:29\n\n>>201919054 \nare there any good yabba vocaroos", "pid": 201920761 }, { "sender": "Anon-3B14", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:51:47\n\n>>201919054 \nGem", "pid": 201920810 }, { "sender": "Anon-8943", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:23:01\n\n>>201919054 \nSo is this board just another /dbs/ colony now?", "pid": 201921862 }, { "sender": "92B9-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:24:56\n\n>YIKES! Is that...Master JABBA? Please forgive me! I know I should have been here sooner, but 18 got gangbanged by Jawa on Endor and I just HAD to watch. I couldn't help it, spare me, I BEG you!'re letting me LIVE?! I-I didn't expect you to be so gener-...what's that? You have a FATE WORSE THAN DEATH planned for me? You're going to FREEZE my body in CARBONITE and MOUNT me in your DEN of EVIL?! And while I'm PETRIFIED and only able to watch in HORROR, you're going to make my wife your SEX SLAVE?! She'll be CHAINED and forced to wear a DEGRADING OUTFIT while you make her service your HIDEOUS form?! All of her holes will be subjected to a BRUTAL assault from your MASSIVE, REPUGNANT LIGHTSABER?! And...EVERYONE here is going to get a turn? COUNTLESS alien species are going to fuck my wife in an ENDLESS PROCESSION of INTERGALACTIC MATING?! This is going to be the BIGGEST GANGBANG a galaxy FAR, FAR AWAY has EVER seen?! And...\\*gulp\\* gets even WORSE?! Once you and your men have grown BORED of her, you're going to CAST both of us into the SARLAC PIT?! Where I will be SLOWLY DIGESTED over THOUSANDS of YEARS?! I'll be FULLY CONSCIOUS as my IMMOBILE body is SLOWLY and PAINFULLY eaten away on an UNIMAGINABLY long timescale?! And the WHOLE time...I'll be forced to watch 18 get FUCKED by the victims you've tossed in here PREVIOUSLY? Their HALF-DIGESTED cocks spewing SEMEN and MELTED FLESH into my wife's HOLES?! And since she's an Android and won't be digested, she'll become the SOLE COMFORT for every FORMER and FUTURE person you toss in here until they DIE?! And even after \\*I\\* die and my AGONIZING physical torment ends, the MENTAL suffering won't?! I'll become a FORCE GHOST inside the Sarlac and have to continue watching my wife get fucked until LONG after the GALACTIC EPIC of JEDI and SITH comes to an END?! NO Skywalker is going to save me from this UNIMAGINABLE suffering? What else can I say Master Jabba, but...YABBA DABBA DOO, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!", "pid": 201921925 }, { "sender": "Anon-9633", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:27:03\n\n>>201921925 \nGemmy here is better than the sequel trilogy", "pid": 201921991 }, { "sender": "5C23-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:57:41\n\n>>201921925 \nThis is peak cinema", "pid": 201922970 } ]
[ { "sender": "415F-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:30:23\n\nHECTOR!", "pid": 201909905 }, { "sender": "B488-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:35:39\n\nwhy u yellin white boi", "pid": 201910125 }, { "sender": "5111-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:37:00\n\n>>201909905 \n>women who watch this with you will go 'uh why didnt he just shoot him from the castle lol!, is he stupid?'", "pid": 201910186 }, { "sender": "2B68-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:48:13\n\nbrad pitt doesn't scream often in film", "pid": 201910626 }, { "sender": "95CA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:50:17\n\n>>201909905 \nAnyone who hates this movie because it's not book accurate is the biggest fucking faggot. This movie is awesome and is one of my favorite sword and sandles movies.", "pid": 201910692 }, { "sender": "Anon-4CA7", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:57:34\n\n>>201910692 \nThey should have picked between making a gritty, grounded version of the war that inspired the myth, or they should have made it a transcendent epic worthy of the myth with at least hints of supernatural elements. \nInstead they tried to do both and failed. \nSo you end up with a war story where everybody is dance-fighting with a spray tan and a whole bottle of conditioner in their hair, but they're not going to talk about the actual reasons the war started or why the political situation is the way it is (why is Agamemon in charge?) \nHelen of Troy was a complete flatline and so was Peter O'Toole. Brad Pitt was a fucking clown in this movie. The way they wrote Odysseus was embarrassing. Eric Bana, Brian Cox and Brendan Gleeson tried to save the movie but they didn't get enough screen time. \nThe best thing about this movie is that it wasn't Alexander.", "pid": 201910997 }, { "sender": "6A7E-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:01:52\n\n>>201910997 \n>Helen of Troy \nSparta\\*", "pid": 201911179 }, { "sender": "D952-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:04:21\n\n>>201910626 \n \nHuh? \n \nHe did in Fight Club, Interview with the Vampire and Legends of the Fall.", "pid": 201911278 }, { "sender": "F85E-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:10:00\n\n>>201911179 \nYou can google stuff that you don't really understand without bothering anyone else about it", "pid": 201911499 }, { "sender": "578F-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:11:38\n\nWhat was his fucking problem?", "pid": 201911560 }, { "sender": "Anon-DB67", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:29:06\n\n>>201911499 \nYou fucking retard, lmao. You should tell anyone to go read when you don't even get the joke.", "pid": 201912256 }, { "sender": "0A91-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:31:09\n\n>>201911499 \n>google stuff \nYou should take your own advice. That title is a misnomer because not only was she not from Troy, she never even made it to the city. \n \nGo read a book.", "pid": 201912350 }, { "sender": "23DB-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:34:10\n\n>>201912350 \n>>201912256 \nYeah hey stick a gun in your mouth and then try to figure out why they don't call T. E. Lawrence \"Lawrence of Wales\" \n>she never even made it to the city \nI don't know what this means but you are fucking retarded", "pid": 201912472 }, { "sender": "3E33-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:34:28\n\n>>201909905 \n>HECTOR \n", "pid": 201912484 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D2AF", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:35:24\n\n>>201912472 \nI don't know why you're telling people to go look shit up when you don't even know basic history or greek mythology. \n>I don't know what this means \nThat was obvious.", "pid": 201912519 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B7B4", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:36:13\n\n>>201912472 \nRead. The. Book.", "pid": 201912554 }, { "sender": "4C8B-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:36:55\n\n>>201910186 \nAnd yet even women think Paris in this was a little bitch.", "pid": 201912581 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-35BD", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:37:01\n\n>>201912519 \nIf your take is that Helen of Troy never resided in the city of Troy and nothing important happened there that defined her entire existence, it's just about the only thing you could say that would make me imagine you even fatter and with even less of a dad than I already was doing", "pid": 201912587 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-33EC", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:37:44\n\n>>201912472 \nYou dumb mother fucker. The Greeks did not call her 'Helen of Troy', she was not from Troy. She was a Spartan princess so they called her Helen of Sparta. Referring to her as hailing from Troy is a modern concept and it doesn't make any sense either. If you actually read the Iliad, you would know this.", "pid": 201912618 }, { "sender": "9601-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:38:38\n\n>>201910997 \nAnd where is your movie? \n \nThat is why no one will remember your name.", "pid": 201912660 }, { "sender": "E0FE-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:38:49\n\n>>201912587 \nHoly shit, this has to be bait.", "pid": 201912668 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A96F", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:40:18\n\n>>201912618 \nNobody cares and you are going to have autism until you die of diabetes", "pid": 201912726 }, { "sender": "A0C5-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:41:32\n\n>>201912668 \nHere look your brain has been permanently damaged by how fat you are \n \nPeer reviewed scientific journal \nYou're never going to get any better even if you lose the weight, which you won't.", "pid": 201912776 }, { "sender": "Anon-9E63", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:43:41\n\n>>201912726 \n>>201912776 \nDamn, autism is a hell of a drug. Imagine being this stupid and refusing to acknowledge it \n>tell people to read the book \n>didn't read the book \nlmao", "pid": 201912880 }, { "sender": "D53D-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:44:39\n\n>>201912880 \n>/lit/", "pid": 201912914 }, { "sender": "BF39-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:46:53\n\nI don't understand, is this a meme? Helen doesn't go to Troy in the Trojan War?", "pid": 201913001 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3053", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:50:22\n\n>>201913001 \nNo. Ancient Greeks didn't even think so. Their historians came to the conclusion that Homer was just dramatizing the events of the war in his adaptation of it.", "pid": 201913123 }, { "sender": "716B-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:52:30\n\n>>201913123 \n??????", "pid": 201913207 }, { "sender": "Anon-8AEC", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:53:34\n\n>>201913207 \nI don't understand how that confuses you.", "pid": 201913243 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE55", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:56:48\n\n>>201913243 \nif helen didn't go to troy then what else is in the story \nof course homer was dramatizing the events it's a poem with gods and shit in it \nam I stoned???", "pid": 201913357 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE2E", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:57:10\n\n>>201912472 \n>I don't know what this means \nAccording to Herodotus Helen never reached Troy but was left to Egypt for the remainder of the war.", "pid": 201913369 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F55", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:58:21\n\n>>201909905 \n>NECTOOOOOOOR", "pid": 201913413 }, { "sender": "2A9F-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:58:40\n\n>>201909905 \nShould've just shot him with an arrow at this moment, for real", "pid": 201913420 }, { "sender": "2E97-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:02:32\n\n>>201909905 \n>Yep … Just hold that pose …", "pid": 201913555 }, { "sender": "EBA8-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:04:04\n\n\nwatch at 2:00", "pid": 201913606 }, { "sender": "E38E-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:26:11\n\n>>201913555 \nlmao", "pid": 201914442 }, { "sender": "4875-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:31:20\n\n>>201913357 \nAre you dumb? The Trojan war was real. Homer just adapted it in a specific way that Greek historians thought was nonsensical.", "pid": 201914655 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7CF1", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:02:38\n\n>>201914655", "pid": 201915911 }, { "sender": "587E-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:07:21\n\n\nthis movie sucks\nlook at them flit around and spank each other with their little sticks\nlisten to them choke on the dialogue\nlisten to the shitty quips and blunt, obvious score\nwhy does boromir look like shit he has dirt on his face and a jerry curl mullet", "pid": 201916108 }, { "sender": "6A0A-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:13:51\n\n>>201915911 \nThe fact that you aren't aware of this tells me that you've never read a history book in your life.", "pid": 201916381 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9286", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:38:32\n\n>>201909905 \n>screaming while looking down \nWas it autism?", "pid": 201917446 }, { "sender": "Anon-3EE9", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:39:09\n\n>>201913555 \nNice", "pid": 201917467 }, { "sender": "Anon-63EF", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:26:25\n\n>>201910997 \n>they should have made it a transcendent epic worthy of the myth with at least hints of supernatural elements. \n \nThey actually did though. Thetis appears very briefly in one scene telling him not to go and of course there is the kid asking him if his mother is really a goddess.", "pid": 201919764 }, { "sender": "7069-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:29:02\n\n>>201913357 \nSome Greeks believed the Helen inside Troy’s walls was a spirit made by Zeus and the real Helen was in hiding in Egypt and the whole thing was a prank on the Greeks to keep the world population from getting too large.", "pid": 201919898 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AC0C", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:34:23\n\nVICTOR", "pid": 201920155 }, { "sender": "732C-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:02:43\n\n>>201910626 \nTrue. He does in movies though.", "pid": 201921212 }, { "sender": "298D-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:07:26\n\n>>201913357 \nThere were hundreds of Helens back then and it took a few days at sea to see if you have the right one. It was a mess. That's why they started numbering royalty.", "pid": 201921353 }, { "sender": "E761-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:13:58\n\nThere has never been a stupid enough cocksucker on this planet to think that homer was telling the truth about a river god incarnating and fighting achilles, but lying about helen going to troy, but telling the truth about helen being a real person in the first fucking place it makes zero fucking sense to anyone who hasn't been fucked in the eye socket and out the ear", "pid": 201921593 }, { "sender": "Anon-187C", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:17:26\n\n>>201921593 \nIt is from one of the classic playwrights. The story of Helen in Egypt is symbolic more than anything- war is a big prank pulled on humanity by the gods and by fate", "pid": 201921693 }, { "sender": "Anon-87C5", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:19:26\n\n>>201921693 \nrandom words strung together by AI? Here let me try \nit is a story from the mailman of the West. The story of Achilles in Greece is outside more than anything - Space is a big prank pulled by the kittens and beavers", "pid": 201921759 }, { "sender": "2A6F-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:27:57\n\n>>201921593 \nHomer was not a historian, he was a playwright and drama was in his nature, you fucking idiot. By the time he was born six centuries already passed from the end of the war. Even ancients like Herodotus thought his interpretation of Helen was bogus.", "pid": 201922018 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-0750", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:55:39\n\nprobably the most retarded trope in history of cinema\nnobody ever did this irl because it's retarded", "pid": 201918221 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EFE8", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:58:14\n\nbut it does happen irl because handwriting can be matched and digital shit can be traced", "pid": 201918343 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1C06", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:00:20\n\n>>201918221 \n>but it does happen irl \nit doesn't \n>handwriting can be matched \ngraphology is pseudoscience \n \nit's made up bullshit", "pid": 201918434 }, { "sender": "72DF-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:04:27\n\n>>201918434 \nGraphology can be used as evidence which is all that matters", "pid": 201918644 }, { "sender": "B5DF-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:06:11\n\n>>201918644 \nsays the jew and his British maritime laws.", "pid": 201918730 }, { "sender": "93A0-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:06:46\n\n>>201918644 \nNot in the vast majority of courts.", "pid": 201918762 }, { "sender": "F262-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:07:13\n\nJust type the letter then?", "pid": 201918781 }, { "sender": "5193-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:08:58\n\n>>201918723 \nwhy would you wash yourself with a person you considered dirty? jews didnt think that one through", "pid": 201918892 }, { "sender": "38BF-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:11:17\n\n>>201918221 \nIt happens. One woman's parrot got kidnapped and left her this message.", "pid": 201919006 }, { "sender": "4876-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:13:52\n\n>>201918644 \nso are Polygraphs \nboth are pseudoscience bullshit", "pid": 201919147 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4C34", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:14:53\n\n>>201918781 \nall printers have tracking in them \nyou better off writing the letter yourself.", "pid": 201919188 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4C80", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:15:50\n\n>>201919188 \nTypewriter then", "pid": 201919238 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F5FC", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:16:36\n\n>>201918221 \nWhat's stopping the detectives from determining what magazines all of the letters are from and then figuring out who would have purchased all of those magazines.", "pid": 201919281 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ECA0", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:20:13\n\n>>201919281 \nVirtually impossible.", "pid": 201919452 }, { "sender": "Anon-9E92", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:20:16\n\n>>201919238 \nyou would need to find a very old typewriter because typewriters has had this shit since the 80s", "pid": 201919454 }, { "sender": "4339-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:21:17\n\n>>201919281 \nby the time somebody would figure this out the whole case would have been over by then and the guy gone", "pid": 201919519 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CB0A", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:30:12\n\nWhy cut out letters individually when you could just cut whole words out of a book?", "pid": 201919956 }, { "sender": "Anon-C083", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:32:07\n\n>>201918892 \nTHEY DIDN'T", "pid": 201920050 }, { "sender": "Anon-2BAE", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:33:43\n\n>>201919281 \nyeah yeah yeah, lets just hunt down everyone that got the exact same bundle of circulars every single person in town received ON THE SAME DAY and see what we can make out of that...?", "pid": 201920128 }, { "sender": "D58F-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:34:57\n\n>>201919956 \nthat's another reason why nobody does this irl \nbecause if they did it irl they would have done this instead \nfor the movies they do it because it makes the villain look more \"evil\"", "pid": 201920178 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A7DA", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:36:48\n\n>>201919281 \nThis happened in Hound of the Baskervilles. The person who sent the message cut out whole words instead of individual letters so Sherlock Holmes was able to match the typeface and some of the more unusual words to the exact edition of the specific paper they came from. So the \"cut and paste note\" been a cliche for like 120 years, and so has the protagonist improbably solving it. I don't think it really helps them at all in the story so I think Doyle was just having Holmes flex a bit in an early chapter.", "pid": 201920253 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:49:22\n\n>>201919188 \n>all printers have tracking in them \nu wot m8", "pid": 201920720 }, { "sender": "8125-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:54:20\n\n>>201918723 \nAh, now I see why they hate AI.", "pid": 201920906 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-879D", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:54:42\n\n>>201920720 \nWho's gonna tell him?", "pid": 201920917 }, { "sender": "A415-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:56:09\n\n>>201920720 \nLook up printer tracking dots.", "pid": 201920971 }, { "sender": "B88E-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:56:09\n\n>>201920720 \n\\_tracking\\_dots \nthey've been doing them since the 80s because of Counterfeit money", "pid": 201920972 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:02:51\n\n>>201920972 \nThanks, m8. What a time to be alive. I just want to print, bro. \nIt makes me think, is this the reason why color printers will not print b&w without color ink? \nThank the Lord I worked at a printing house so I know how to operate a multilith", "pid": 201921214 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:03:52\n\n>>201920972 \nAlso, is this present in b&w only printers? Doesn't seem possible", "pid": 201921255 }, { "sender": "Anon-1DAA", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:09:36\n\n>>201921255 \nthis was about old printers \nI'm sure all the modern ones have even worse tracking", "pid": 201921433 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9B4C", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:10:28\n\n>>201918221 \n>nobody ever did this irl \nI have 100% done that to this dude who shot me, probably like 25 times.", "pid": 201921470 }, { "sender": "Anon-F750", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:22:32\n\n>>201919147 \npolygraph readings are not admissible evidence, but the contents of the interview are.", "pid": 201921844 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-93B0", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:35:45\n\n>>201918221 \ncutting the breaks is you would notice way before you ever got up to a dangerous speed", "pid": 201922259 } ]
[ { "sender": "737C-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:11:33\n\n>is quietly the best sci fi movie of the 21st century in your path", "pid": 201911555 }, { "sender": "Anon-8583", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:29:19\n\n>>201911555 \nIt didn't age well tbqh", "pid": 201912266 }, { "sender": "B936-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:29:51\n\n>>201912266 \nwym \nits a classic scifi romp", "pid": 201912289 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD75", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:31:09\n\n>>201911555 \nyou're so biased, you just like this movie because its good", "pid": 201912352 }, { "sender": "Anon-2CD9", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:34:59\n\n>>201912266 \n>It didn't age well tbqh \n??? it still holds up 10 years later", "pid": 201912501 }, { "sender": "E04F-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:39:39\n\n>>201912352 \nlol \n>>201912266 \nIts literally an 80s scifi like Total Recall but with modern effects", "pid": 201912697 }, { "sender": "71E0-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:00:05\n\n>>201911555 \nIt's a great one no doubt", "pid": 201913467 }, { "sender": "F449-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:05:41\n\n>>201911555 \nOne of the top ones for sure", "pid": 201913666 }, { "sender": "CA85-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:06:39\n\n>>201911555 \n>the best sci fi movie of the 21st century \nI don't know about that but I do really like the movie. ~~Next entry in the Vanilla Sky extended cinematic universe when?~~", "pid": 201913688 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7AB2", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:07:10\n\n>>201913666 \n>>201913467 \n>>201912501 \n>>201912352 \nglad im not alone :)", "pid": 201913709 }, { "sender": "Anon-7E86", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:08:31\n\n>>201913688 \nCan you name any better 21st century sci fi films that hold up to the entertainment value this brings? \nnot looking for an argument genuinely curious", "pid": 201913763 }, { "sender": "Anon-1326", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:10:12\n\n>>201911555 \n>is loudly proclaimed the quietest best sci fi movie ever nonstop by every redditor for the past decade \nit's a good movie but i'm sick of this lowkey is it just me unpopular opinion ongod frfr nigger babble", "pid": 201913836 }, { "sender": "Anon-12BC", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:10:54\n\n>>201913836 \nplebbit likes this movie too? \ni wouldnt know", "pid": 201913858 }, { "sender": "A5F9-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:12:10\n\n>>201913858 \nyea you really wouldn't", "pid": 201913918 }, { "sender": "9FCD-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:13:07\n\n>>201913918 \noj now link the plebbit posts praising it", "pid": 201913952 }, { "sender": "124F-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:14:20\n\n>>201913952 \nwhy would i when they're posting HERE you stupid black gorilla retard nigger", "pid": 201913994 }, { "sender": "Anon-2B89", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:16:39\n\n>>201913994 \nso youre just mentally ill then \ngot it", "pid": 201914087 }, { "sender": "5928-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:42:03\n\n>>201911555 \nIt's good, but it's still Hollyslop. By definition anything made in the United States by americans cannot be the best of anything because it is made purely to make money by people with no culture of their own.", "pid": 201915105 }, { "sender": "Anon-1C39", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:46:20\n\n>>201911555 \n>best sci fi movie is based on a japanese comic book (also known as manga) \nwho would've thunk", "pid": 201915273 }, { "sender": "Anon-5C9D", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:52:43\n\n>>201915273 \n>it's ok when japan does it", "pid": 201915520 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-790F", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:53:09\n\n>>201911555 \nThe cgi robots look like shit", "pid": 201915535 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2321", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:54:05\n\n>>201915535 \ngodzilla minus 1 won an academy award for VFX in 2023 with worse effects", "pid": 201915574 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-793D", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:55:07\n\n>>201915105 \nOkay, so recommend something better in the 21at century \nmaking a blanket statement is easy, backing it up is hard \nill wait", "pid": 201915609 }, { "sender": "9D15-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:57:56\n\n>>201911555 \nwrong, oblivion is. \"live die repeat\" is second best though", "pid": 201915715 }, { "sender": "0927-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:58:35\n\n>>201915609 \nSG is a better time travel and science fiction story than Edge of Tomorrow by far.", "pid": 201915745 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DFFF", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:59:03\n\n>>201913763 \nNTA but Equilibrium and District 9", "pid": 201915762 }, { "sender": "A028-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:59:06\n\nI\n\nNEED TO KNOW NOW", "pid": 201915763 }, { "sender": "E1B0-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:00:15\n\n>Edge of Tomorrow is 10 years old", "pid": 201915807 }, { "sender": "B9FB-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:00:54\n\n>>201915745 \n>tranime \n>>201915762 \ndistrict 9 is good, equilibrium ive admittedly never seen but heard of", "pid": 201915840 }, { "sender": "Anon-4D5F", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:03:18\n\n>>201911555 \nFor me its Sunshine \nBut this movie is fun no doubt.", "pid": 201915938 }, { "sender": "5567-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:05:31\n\n>>201915840 \n>tranime \n>He hasn't even watched it \nSo clearly you don't know what you're talking about.", "pid": 201916036 }, { "sender": "78EB-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:08:51\n\n>>201911555 \n>generic time loop bullshit \n>generic alien war against humans \n \n>movie was actually really good \n \nI didn't want to watch it at all when it was new but caught it one night years later and it turned out to be pretty good", "pid": 201916166 }, { "sender": "Anon-514D", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:12:48\n\n>>201916036 \nWe're talking about movies, not >>>/a/ slop", "pid": 201916335 }, { "sender": "049F-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:20:51\n\n>>201911555 \nIt's okay. If we're talking 21st century (2000 and beyond) then Minority Report is much better. Even Oblivion was more entertaining I think", "pid": 201916675 }, { "sender": "6AE3-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:22:17\n\n>>201916675 \nI didn't like minority report \nat risk of sounding like a meme, it really does insist upon itself", "pid": 201916729 }, { "sender": "E5DF-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:23:51\n\n>>201916335 \nWhat the fuck is wrong with you?", "pid": 201916802 }, { "sender": "34E1-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:29:16\n\n>>201915745 \nNo, not really.", "pid": 201917029 }, { "sender": "4ACF-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:53:11\n\n>>201911555 \nCan't bruise the Cruise baby", "pid": 201918105 }, { "sender": "465E-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:03:15\n\n>>201911555 \nI would watch this shit over the Avatar franchise any day", "pid": 201918588 }, { "sender": "C969-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:13:14\n\n>>201915745 \nSteins;Gate is garbage.", "pid": 201919115 }, { "sender": "C4F2-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:52:24\n\n>>201911555 \nkino", "pid": 201920829 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-19D5", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:24:35\n\n>>201912266", "pid": 201921912 }, { "sender": "8A3E-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:35:25\n\n>>201911555 \nChad Cruise banged Nicole Kidman,Heather Locklear,Rebecca De Mornay,Daryl Hannah ,Gisele Bündchen,Cameron Diaz,Penelope Cruz,Rebecca Ferguson, Taylor Swift,Hayley Atwell,Sofia Vergara,Mimi Rogers,Cher", "pid": 201922251 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ABB4", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:39:46\n\nPrimer is better.", "pid": 201922378 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-02A5", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:53:45\n\nlol", "pid": 201915557 }, { "sender": "C6A4-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:55:49\n\n>>201915557 \nkek", "pid": 201915635 }, { "sender": "5E8B-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:56:54\n\n>>201915557 \nlel", "pid": 201915676 }, { "sender": "F121-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:57:44\n\n>>201915557 \nmem", "pid": 201915704 }, { "sender": "Anon-FA05", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:00:32\n\n>>201915786 \n.....umm anon? what the fuck.....?", "pid": 201915820 }, { "sender": "Anon-3584", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:01:25\n\n>>201915820 \nHey...we were all thinking it....", "pid": 201915862 }, { "sender": "Anon-D329", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:02:00\n\n>>201915557 \nThis would be the biggest blockbuster in the history of the world if they actually did it and did it right.", "pid": 201915884 }, { "sender": "15D4-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:04:47\n\n\"Nevah go full Wakanda!\"", "pid": 201916002 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E304", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:06:43\n\n>>201915557 \nWould see this movie 10 times", "pid": 201916081 }, { "sender": "9200-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:08:05\n\n>>201915557 \n>live in a world devoid of good comedies \n>can't make fun of anyone but White men \n \nThe first good comedy that can take the piss out of niggers again would clean 100batrillion goybucks at the BO. The release of pent up energy would be huge. Do it right and the branding and merch would be astrofuckingnomical.", "pid": 201916134 }, { "sender": "846B-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:11:10\n\n>>201915820 \nDang. Who reported it? We have snitches up in here.", "pid": 201916261 }, { "sender": "Anon-73BA", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:12:26\n\n>>201916261 \nThere is a multi board raid by a bunch of troons and fags going on right now. They are mass reporting and spamming shit on /v/ here and /pol/", "pid": 201916324 }, { "sender": "DF47-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:14:05\n\n>>201915557 \nI'd watch that", "pid": 201916393 }, { "sender": "C186-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:18:49\n\n>>201915557 \niid watch it and shill for it.", "pid": 201916591 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CC5B", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:19:52\n\n>>201916261 \nyou gotta wait for the DEI jannies to go to sleep before you can reveal your powerlevel.", "pid": 201916637 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BA12", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:14:23\n\n>>201915557 \nAi will very soon allow us to make this a reality", "pid": 201919165 }, { "sender": "CB61-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:45:18\n\n>>201915557 \n3 billion potential", "pid": 201920587 }, { "sender": "FC93-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:20:45\n\n>>201915557 \nI guess this is as good a thread as any to post this shit.", "pid": 201921793 }, { "sender": "85B7-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:46:42\n\n>>201915557 \nWould almost make up for the Les Grossman movie not happening.", "pid": 201922596 }, { "sender": "4408-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:49:22\n\n>>201916261 \n>>201916324 \nWell, it would be preferable if they could be free range and liberated in sub-Saharan Africa -- I mean Wakanda. \nWe could just let the high technology roll in at that point.", "pid": 201922690 } ]
/数字/ - JP Vtubers
[ { "sender": "CDF8-Anonymous", "message": "13/06/2024, 22:39:30\n\n/数字/ - JP Vtubers\n\nThread for discussion of Japanese Vtubers and all related topics, including news and numbers. Previously known as JP Numbers.\n\nIncludes but not limited to: Hololive, 2434, VSPO, Neo-porte, 774 inc, Aogiri High, NoriPro, Dot Live, VOMS, Strawberry Prince, Re:AcT, VPI Cafe, VEE, Varium, Sinsogumi, any other corpos, vsingers, ASMR and all JP indies regardless of scale.", "pid": 78064693 }, { "sender": "Anon-48D1", "message": "13/06/2024, 22:41:03\n\nPrevious: >>77988944 \n \nA thread for discussion of all JP vtubers and things related to JP vtubing. \n \n>Who is on topic here? \nAll JP vtubers. Especially if they are without a general otherwise, but anyone JP or in a JP vtubing branch goes, for the most part. That interesting Japanese vtuber that none on this board seems to be talking about? This is the place! \n \n>Are non-vtuber topics allowed? \nYes as long as they are Japanese and have sufficient impact on JP vtubing. \nSome you might regularly find to be relevant: JP streamers and content creators, Crazy Raccoon, Anime&Manga, JP gaming industry, Vocaloid, Seiyuu, Jpop, National Television, other Japanese media and news outlets, etc \n \n>Can I shill my small indie/corpo oshi here? \nThey are on topic, by definition. However, remind yourself that low-effort link-dumping and begging has never worked out well anywhere. Make your post interesting, put some effort into writing about them, and it should greatly help your purpose of shilling them as well. \n \n>What is off-topic? \nnon-JP vtubers without relevant context. \n \n>Number sites for Vtubers? \n \n \n \n \n", "pid": 78064769 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C5D0", "message": "13/06/2024, 22:42:05\n\nJune 2024 PLATINUM \n \n1) Chiroru (indie) - 22,110: Hanshin Tigers vs hiba Lotte Marines \n2) Strawberry Prince channel - 28,957: Announcement \n3) Ui (indie) - 19,860: Zatsu \n4) Reid (Neo-porte) - 41,170: Mahjong Soul (Celestial climb) \n5) Tsukasa (indie) - 35,818: Shiniki League \n6) Nerumero (indie) - 15,908: Genshin Impact \n7) Chiroru (indie) - 13,674: Hanshin Tigers vs. Saitama Seibu Lions \n8) Ito Life (indie) - 22,449: Pokemon Black and White \n9) Strawberry Prince channel - 21,828: 8th anniversary stream \n10) Tsukasa (indie) - 36,449: Shiniki League \n11) Ito Life (indie) - 10,343: Pokemon Black and White \n12) Rikka (Holostars) - 20,616: SF6 tournament \n13) Kuromu (VSPO) - 10,025: Newcomer collab \n \n>PER STREAMER \nx2: Strawberry Prince Channel, Tsukasa, Ito Life \nx1: Chiroru, Ui, Reid, Nerumero, Rikka, Kuromu \n \n>PER COMPANY \nx7: Indie \nx2: Strawberry Prince \nx1: Neo-porte, Holostars, VSPO \n \n-------------------------------------------- \n \n2024 YEAR TO DATE PLATINUM \n \n> PER COMPANY \nx80: Indie \nx43: VSPO \nx14: Neo-porte, Strawberry Prince \nx5: Kemomimirefle \nx2: Holostars \nx1: RK Music, 774 inc, Maha5 JP, Ireisu \n \n> PER STREAMER \nx16: Hinano, Chiroru \nx14: Nerumero \nx11: Patra, Ui \nx9: Hal \nx7: Strawberry Prince Channel \nx5: Nose, Karin, Tsukasa \nx4: Tsumugi, GatchmanV, Beni, Reid, Ito Life \nx3: Ponpoko, Ema, Rinu, Kuromu \nx2: Natori Sana, Riria, Sakura Aoi, Met, P-P Channel, Colon, Yuuhi, VSPO Channel. Rikka \nx1: Sumire, Satomi, Root, Nito Wai, Hachi, Sakuma Riru, Akarin, Peanuts-kun, Hizuki Yui, Runa, Haneru, Higeki Rin, Ireisu channel, Qpi, Macoto ASMR", "pid": 78064817 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A41E", "message": "13/06/2024, 22:45:40\n\n>>78064433 \n \nThey have 2 vtubers under their umbrella (the middle one is just their playlist) but you're correct, this is more of a music mixing/production service than anything. \nKoharu blowing up on youtube was probably not expected.", "pid": 78064976 }, { "sender": "D848-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 22:49:20\n\n>>78064502 \nRuri tried a lot of things early on, including VA stuff. Vsinger content was what eventually worked so she's sticking to it now.", "pid": 78065147 }, { "sender": "B5BD-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 22:50:21\n\n>>78064976 \n>the girl on the right has 56 subscribers \ngrim", "pid": 78065209 }, { "sender": "Anon-5065", "message": "13/06/2024, 22:50:58\n\n>>78065147 \nShe should try coomer pandering before she's too old to do it", "pid": 78065242 }, { "sender": "Anon-0A52", "message": "13/06/2024, 22:51:56\n\n<s>any links or where I can find her now</s>", "pid": 78065275 }, { "sender": "Anon-E353", "message": "13/06/2024, 22:53:38\n\n\n\nThe number 1 VEBOP fraud is live", "pid": 78065338 }, { "sender": "369E-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 22:57:21\n\n>>78065242 \nShe's already a bit too jaded to try being sexy. Watch her first few years, she t least tried to shipbait and look feminine.", "pid": 78065486 }, { "sender": "EC40-Anonymous", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:01:38\n\n>>78065338 \nI'm sad about their inevitable doom. The dynamic so far is fun ngl but none can live on those numbers in long term.", "pid": 78065674 }, { "sender": "5562-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:03:03\n\n\n\nSay good morning back", "pid": 78065745 }, { "sender": "1724-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:05:50\n\n>>78065745 \nThey found Chris", "pid": 78065875 }, { "sender": "4E1F-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:06:06\n\n>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover) \\*new\\* \n \n>奏 / Kanade (cover) \n\\_WaMzw \n>My Dearest (cover) \n \n>DAYBREAK FRONTLINE (cover) \n \n>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover) \n \n \n>symmetry \\*new\\* \n \n>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver. \n \n>カバー曲 / Cover Songs \n\\_5VIDUEA7yBOKxdRPdI4vYmL-dR \n>歌まとめ / All Songs \n\\_5VIDUogkBSe9WqTU0X1ia7xi\\_1", "pid": 78065884 }, { "sender": "Anon-688B", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:10:09\n\n>>78065275 \nCheck /jp/", "pid": 78066103 }, { "sender": "4131-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:14:44\n\n>>78065147 \nRuri's channel is doomed because of the confusing structure and roster. \nIf Ruri actually has her own channel I have no doubt she can grow bigger than this.", "pid": 78066358 }, { "sender": "3E6F-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:19:33\n\n>>78064693 \nHoly booba", "pid": 78066609 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DC2A", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:23:11\n\n>>78066378 \nDot Live girls should be mandated to do ASMR", "pid": 78066810 }, { "sender": "Anon-5BB0", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:26:51\n\nWhat is Aimer's best song?", "pid": 78067023 }, { "sender": "18F0-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:29:26\n\nBased Loli chad\n", "pid": 78067189 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6CCA", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:31:43\n\n>>78067023 \nZankyou Sanka", "pid": 78067324 }, { "sender": "3BCF-Anonymous", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:33:26\n\nDivegrass-related, please scroll past if you’re not interested. \n \n>Anchor for /数字/ Roster suggestions for VT League Team \n \nPicrel is the current list of possible options for roster, and you can suggest more! Anyone usually discussed or posted by our thread works. Also, keep your suggestion short and ideally in 1 post for easy tallying. If you want to suggest a different name for someone who's already suggested, we'll include multiple options on the same line. Once the list is finalized we’ll have a vote for the final roster. Suggestions have been slowing down, so please make sure to reply soon if you have any last suggestions you want to get in before polls start. \n \nRentry link to the current list: \n", "pid": 78067404 }, { "sender": "Anon-8822", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:40:01\n\n\n\nChubby face my beloved", "pid": 78067751 }, { "sender": "43EB-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:40:41\n\n>>78067189 \nAmamiya...", "pid": 78067791 }, { "sender": "Anon-AB8C", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:41:42\n\n>>78067324 \n>KNY newfag", "pid": 78067853 }, { "sender": "0375-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:43:05\n\n>>78067023 \nLast Stardust and Brave Shine0", "pid": 78067945 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CC21", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:44:27\n\nClaire-sensei, you don't exercise at all... And you eat a lot at night...\n\n", "pid": 78068011 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E777", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:45:08\n\n>>78067023 \nKataomoi", "pid": 78068054 }, { "sender": "Anon-E85D", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:45:31\n\n>>78068011 \nForgot the fat pic", "pid": 78068073 }, { "sender": "03F6-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:46:34\n\n>>78067853 \nI have empirical data on my side, suck it up", "pid": 78068138 }, { "sender": "C226-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:54:07\n\n>>78067751 \nHer voice sounds surprisingly young. \nAlso the EOPs in her chat a few months ago seem to have fucked off.", "pid": 78068546 }, { "sender": "5574-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:54:30\n\nIf your 2 view doesn't do this, she doesn't want to incline.", "pid": 78068569 }, { "sender": "Anon-4D4D", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:58:04\n\n>>78068569 \nIf your 3view, sometimes 4view does this, she is a desperate bitter hateful person and probably misses oniichan's dick.", "pid": 78068764 }, { "sender": "Anon-2F29", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:59:05\n\n>>78067023 \n\"I beg you\" for me \nYes I have a soft spot for Sakura Matou", "pid": 78068822 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F9AE", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:00:04\n\n>>78068546 \nNo really gone. Also remember to upload food pics for her lol", "pid": 78068893 }, { "sender": "Anon-4BA2", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:02:47\n\nwtf is bling bang bang born supposed to mean? just random engrish jibberish they liked the sound of?", "pid": 78069062 }, { "sender": "D170-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:08:49\n\n>>78069062 \nBling Bang Bang pretty sure are music music sfx, so the phrase might mean they were born gifted in making bangers. \n \nThere's this in the 2nd verse \n>俺のままで bling して bang して bang \n>する為に born して来たニッポン (ayy)", "pid": 78069443 }, { "sender": "4297-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:14:16\n\n\n\nmy wife Eretto", "pid": 78069768 }, { "sender": "E413-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:20:19\n\n\n\nChieri Dbd...", "pid": 78070169 }, { "sender": "B7B7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:21:50\n\n>>78069443 \n>>78069062 \n \nBBBB is on the border of deep art and shitty meme song for me, I'm not sure which.", "pid": 78070263 }, { "sender": "7C28-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:23:50\n\n>>78070169 \nLearning how to kill Yue", "pid": 78070376 }, { "sender": "Anon-F85B", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:27:01\n\n>>78070376 \nThey are besties <3", "pid": 78070553 }, { "sender": "6600-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:31:52\n\n>>78070553 \nThey were until Tama was shown to be a prime backstabbing cunt", "pid": 78070816 }, { "sender": "3FF6-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:39:17\n\n>>78070169 \nIf she's gonna spend so much time on this game why not join something I wonder? \nI think a shared DBD server is being run and there are a lot of chuubas on it.", "pid": 78071249 }, { "sender": "F7A6-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:40:22\n\n", "pid": 78071309 }, { "sender": "Anon-21EE", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:45:36\n\n>>78071309 \nFunny how the article (on Asano project's channel stagnation) some anon posted the other day praised Kikuno Joe for selective appearance when he's one of the reason Aoi's content shifted to something that filters the old vsinger audience.", "pid": 78071597 }, { "sender": "D0D1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:51:28\n\n>>78065209 \nThat's a guy and he has no videos on his channel. \n>>78064976 \nOh it was expected, they spent a lot of money on ads for that, she was weirdly scouted from REALITY to debut under them, even though they had never had vtubers before and just mixed songs for famous vtubers. This guy even wrote her a graduation song for her REALITY channel. She's probably his wife, it's not even subtle.", "pid": 78071983 }, { "sender": "Anon-24FD", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:51:34\n\n\n\nGOOD MORNING WORLD", "pid": 78071992 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FC06", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:58:55\n\n>>78071983 \nDamn, I didn't know she was from Reality. \nWhich brand was it?", "pid": 78072504 }, { "sender": "58B3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:00:19\n\n>>78071992 \nHow many concerts are we bombing today?", "pid": 78072602 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D13B", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:04:29\n\n>>78071309 \n>Don't shaved ice syrup and Lipovitan taste almost the same? \nNo they don't this dumbass country bumpkin", "pid": 78072881 }, { "sender": "7DDE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:06:15\n\n>>78072504 \nNot REALITY's vtuber branch, just from the app REALITY. She wasn't particularly big there either, 6k followers or something like that. I found her a few streams before she graduated and liked her singing, she even had the same name so it was easy to find her and figure out the rest. This guy was always present in her chat there too.", "pid": 78072980 }, { "sender": "AD45-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:11:48\n\n>>78072980 \nWhat if it was an actual case of a fan successfully grooming a chuuba? (partly because he has a company of his own, kek)", "pid": 78073363 }, { "sender": "9574-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:20:46\n\n\n\nDespite everything (mostly Tama), we can still be happy!", "pid": 78074029 }, { "sender": "Anon-B6C7", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:24:25\n\nERABE", "pid": 78074253 }, { "sender": "Anon-7DFC", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:31:31\n\n>>78074029 \nIt could have happened a few years earlier tho if we weren't so cursed to have had that particular cunt among our rank.", "pid": 78074710 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C633", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:37:37\n\nWhere were Aogiri chuds when Baldjisan rizzed their most precious Chiyomi?", "pid": 78075130 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E034", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:42:42\n\n>>78075130 \nI shaved my head ngl", "pid": 78075440 }, { "sender": "Anon-FBEC", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:46:19\n\n\nMeika", "pid": 78075650 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7E88", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:47:22\n\n>>78075440 \nBased", "pid": 78075716 }, { "sender": "405D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:49:02\n\n>>78075130 \nIt's over", "pid": 78075835 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5E7F", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:58:01\n\n\n\nShumatsu train...", "pid": 78076433 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-128F", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:58:38\n\nYOMI", "pid": 78076466 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A2C2", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:00:01\n\n>>78076466 \nKasuker", "pid": 78076540 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7679", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:03:31\n\n>>78076466 \n>>78076540 \nDumb and Dumber Duo of Vsingers", "pid": 78076778 }, { "sender": "7CBF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:06:50\n\n\n\nReminder that Omega sisters just went to Sony", "pid": 78076971 }, { "sender": "3E40-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:11:07\n\n>>78065338 \nMaria...", "pid": 78077259 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ACBB", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:14:09\n\n>>78067023 \n", "pid": 78077469 }, { "sender": "Anon-564D", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:15:00\n\n>>78076971 \nand of course they were interviewed by Nozomi recently too", "pid": 78077524 }, { "sender": "Anon-39EE", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:16:08\n\n>>78068822 \n>Fellow wormslut \nNice", "pid": 78077596 }, { "sender": "Anon-111C", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:16:47\n\n>>78068138 \n>Boosted by kny hype", "pid": 78077635 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E068", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:19:08\n\nThere's no way 5 people asnwered and none chose Ref:rain", "pid": 78077780 }, { "sender": "6E5E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:25:20\n\n>>78077524 \n>>78076971 \nInteresting, Ray-chan and Rio-chan. Interesting.", "pid": 78078097 }, { "sender": "Anon-43D8", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:25:30\n\n>>78077524 \nNozomi you fucking bitch", "pid": 78078106 }, { "sender": "CA21-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:28:02\n\n>>78078097 \nOmesis will be getting Oshiro'd soon...", "pid": 78078270 }, { "sender": "C2C9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:32:30\n\n>>78077524 \n \n \n>They don't remember why they hated each other when they were kids \n>Became friends again because Ray wanted to do pair vtubers \n>Both of them had no other friends than each other \nI love Omega sisters so much", "pid": 78078535 }, { "sender": "3F38-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:37:56\n\n\n\nMiyazaki Resident audition opened\nUniPro is the certified agency for these prefectural stuff nowadays", "pid": 78078824 }, { "sender": "43D2-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:42:14\n\nChoma when yomama", "pid": 78079096 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AC16", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:50:15\n\n>>78078535 \nIt's not uncommon, the parents usually record things about their children and when they grow up they'd be surprised about how they were.", "pid": 78079572 }, { "sender": "CC32-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:58:10\n\n>>78078824 \nmaybe they should save Okinawa Resident then", "pid": 78080060 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E986", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:58:53\n\nNND is still down\nIt will be a week soon", "pid": 78080111 }, { "sender": "DB43-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:02:52\n\n>>78078270 \nThe sisters will be fine. \n \n~~The child though...~~", "pid": 78080390 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6D95", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:03:12\n\n>>78080111 \n>There won't be any Aogiri r18 ASMR until NND gets its shit together \nfuck me", "pid": 78080416 }, { "sender": "Anon-3F8F", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:06:02\n\n\nNina SMB1", "pid": 78080601 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4E90", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:09:27\n\n>>78080601 \nShe should be playing paper Mario right about now.", "pid": 78080846 }, { "sender": "Anon-B65D", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:11:45\n\n>>78080111 \nThey have no backup servers?", "pid": 78081014 }, { "sender": "EBBE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:18:17\n\n>>78081014 \nIt's a cyberattack so likely whoever did it was competent enough to take care of that as well. The damage stemmed from Kadokawa and also affected other services so safe to say it won't be solved any time soon.", "pid": 78081504 }, { "sender": "5097-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:20:05\n\n\n\nand then there was Niner", "pid": 78081650 }, { "sender": "1AD8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:24:15\n\n \n \n>かつて天才だった俺たちへ \nLita misses Liz so fucking much", "pid": 78081944 }, { "sender": "Anon-87EF", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:31:32\n\n>>78080846 \nI hope not lol, it's a shit game", "pid": 78082356 }, { "sender": "2891-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:36:04\n\n>>78081650 \nHer family sounds like a pain in the ass that is fun to be around lol", "pid": 78082631 }, { "sender": "AD04-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:44:50\n\n>>78064693 \nHOLY FUCK NORA CAT", "pid": 78083166 }, { "sender": "F2AA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:45:51\n\n>>78081944 \nWho doesn't?", "pid": 78083223 }, { "sender": "D1E4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:46:48\n\nKasukek to the trashcan", "pid": 78083283 }, { "sender": "80A8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:47:25\n\n>>78080390 \nwhat a tyrant", "pid": 78083336 }, { "sender": "7646-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:51:29\n\n>>78083283 \n\\_yomi/status/1801147164640571438 \nReminder that Yomi has TMJ disorder which means she probably had very regular and intense oral sex to the back of her throat with REALITY producers and investors.", "pid": 78083623 }, { "sender": "5C2B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:54:38\n\n>>78083623 \nSave the Nigerian prince Kasuka!", "pid": 78083834 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CD80", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:56:20\n\n>>78083834 \nKek that's a good one", "pid": 78083938 }, { "sender": "0C0E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:04:44\n\n>>78083834 \nMade the best out of the worst", "pid": 78084458 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7BD9", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:09:31\n\nAogiri chads run Japan", "pid": 78084746 }, { "sender": "26B7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:18:45\n\n6th anniversary!", "pid": 78085253 }, { "sender": "Anon-9809", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:24:19\n\n>>78085253 \nIs this a promise to not be a lazy bitch anymore?", "pid": 78085572 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8DE8", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:27:17\n\nChieri is finally playing Elden Ring! \n\n\nAlso Panechi Minecraft\n", "pid": 78085724 }, { "sender": "9F0A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:31:47\n\nwhere the fuck is it it's 14 in Japan", "pid": 78085967 }, { "sender": "5577-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:34:36\n\n>>78067404 \nCan't believe no one suggested Baacharu so far \nMIA horse", "pid": 78086120 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2E60", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:36:00\n\n>>78085967 \nBro it's 9PM tonight \n", "pid": 78086193 }, { "sender": "872F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:37:16\n\n>>78085572 \nI won't bet my money if I were you", "pid": 78086269 }, { "sender": "2C8D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:39:05\n\n>>78085724 \nHeh, I thought VPIshills didn't watch .Live", "pid": 78086349 }, { "sender": "Anon-458C", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:48:06\n\n>>78085572 \n>something may change \nnothing will change and CyAnos maybe will get an album before YuNi does", "pid": 78086846 }, { "sender": "C43E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:52:29\n\n>>78085724 \n>privated", "pid": 78087078 }, { "sender": "6EBA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:53:46\n\n>>78075130 \nThe conditioning starts tonight... \n\\_tiyomi/status/1801475770021515317", "pid": 78087125 }, { "sender": "2181-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:59:45\n\n>>78087125 \n>You're men only? \n>You get to watch Chiyomi being rizzed by Baldjisan while Siro and Ichika watch and applaud!", "pid": 78087413 }, { "sender": "Anon-3BE1", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:07:17\n\n\n\nHouse moving successful", "pid": 78087748 }, { "sender": "Anon-DC99", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:10:34\n\n>>78087748 \nSoundpoof sex with boyfriend chama...", "pid": 78087896 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-54B1", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:15:25\n\n>>78087896 \nShe wouldn't commit to one if she can get a new one every night and high-class pay along with it", "pid": 78088123 }, { "sender": "Anon-1096", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:28:22\n\n\n774 CHADS", "pid": 78088598 }, { "sender": "DE5C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:37:01\n\n>>78088598 \nAnyone has the source or at least source asset for this hand?", "pid": 78088914 }, { "sender": "C5C4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:43:48\n\nSweet home Shiga", "pid": 78089172 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A3BF", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:47:11\n\n>>78080601 \nNina ame is my favorite varium vtuber", "pid": 78089306 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F6E9", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:48:40\n\nSorry producer sama booty calls. Chu\n", "pid": 78089366 }, { "sender": "Anon-C7F0", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:57:26\n\n>>78089366 \nKotoha would never do such thing to #KotoRaji \n~~because get it? There's no KotoRaji hehe~~", "pid": 78089693 }, { "sender": "Anon-C51D", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:10:45\n\n\nShe who mogs Niner", "pid": 78090206 }, { "sender": "A118-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:11:48\n\n\n\nBIG KANO UPDATE", "pid": 78090254 }, { "sender": "CC2C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:12:49\n\n>>78090206 \nNot so far in Shiniki lol", "pid": 78090291 }, { "sender": "Anon-7D56", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:17:16\n\n>>78090254 \nVery cool Kano, thank you", "pid": 78090462 }, { "sender": "Anon-361F", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:20:45\n\n>>78090254 \nwhat a glaring bitch, this is horrifying", "pid": 78090591 }, { "sender": "A05E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:26:13\n\n\nSenba-sensei", "pid": 78090766 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-024B", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:35:23\n\n[Good news] \nShirayuri died.", "pid": 78091128 }, { "sender": "C3DB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:43:20\n\nMonke Fire", "pid": 78091475 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B8B3", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:45:47\n\n>>78091128 \nElena is the only Vivid that matters anyway", "pid": 78091578 }, { "sender": "1149-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:46:49\n\nNow that the dust has settled, is she forgiven?", "pid": 78091608 }, { "sender": "Anon-3115", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:48:04\n\nImagine being so incompetent that you need to reconstruct the entire servers because of one hack", "pid": 78091645 }, { "sender": "F4CB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:48:41\n\n>>78091645 \nIt seems to be a big attack tho", "pid": 78091673 }, { "sender": "Anon-D64D", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:52:13\n\n>>78090254 \nSo karaoke when?", "pid": 78091789 }, { "sender": "FF70-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:56:27\n\n>>78091673 \nif a 'big' hack can bring down your entire operation more than a week, your risk management is a disgrace.", "pid": 78091932 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F7D7", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:02:06\n\n\n\nMatsumoto x Debiru is the meta now", "pid": 78092141 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DF51", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:09:44\n\n>>78092141 \nHaneru is slipping in real time...", "pid": 78092414 }, { "sender": "Anon-B3C2", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:20:34\n\n>>78092141 \n>>78092414 \nIt's over...", "pid": 78092804 }, { "sender": "1D86-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:24:04\n\nWhat's left for her?", "pid": 78092919 }, { "sender": "2949-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:28:18\n\n>>78092919 \nI still have my Hikakin Ramen!", "pid": 78093073 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9A70", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:30:17\n\n>>78091608 \nOf course", "pid": 78093141 }, { "sender": "D991-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:31:47\n\n\n\nNext on Nanamori's adventure against shitposters", "pid": 78093191 }, { "sender": "70EE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:34:59\n\n>>78093191 \nYou can't make edits that make me look bad just because okayyyy. STPR tyrant.", "pid": 78093310 }, { "sender": "Anon-C608", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:39:51\n\n>>78093310 \nI'm sure he would have no problem with it if all of them were funny", "pid": 78093483 }, { "sender": "A04A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:41:14\n\n>>78093073 \nHikakin personally sent Kuzuha from ramen and merch", "pid": 78093531 }, { "sender": "Anon-5185", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:51:19\n\n>>78093531 \nShe does it for free", "pid": 78093854 }, { "sender": "193D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:53:42\n\n\\_PJblue/status/1801512992250675381 \n \n>毎日お友達からの応援メッセージをお届けしていますが、 \n>こんなに幸せなことってないよね \n>大好きな世界だから、ぽきさんやリスナーさんが居てくれるからっていうのはもちろん \n>元気をもらったり、応援してもらえたり、一緒に笑い合える仲間が居るから6年間も頑張れてるんだ \n \nElse is so grateful. Feels good to support her.", "pid": 78093922 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3CB2", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:58:58\n\n>>78093854 \n>>78092919 \n>>78092414 \nThe years are getting to her...", "pid": 78094093 }, { "sender": "5851-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:59:07\n\n>>78093191 \nShouldn't have beat and cheat on his wife if he wants STPR to have untainted image", "pid": 78094095 }, { "sender": "Anon-EF21", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:00:13\n\n>>78094095 \nOwari da", "pid": 78094125 }, { "sender": "Anon-ADBD", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:02:38\n\n>>78094095 \nWhat if ~~she deserves it?~~", "pid": 78094203 }, { "sender": "B795-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:10:05\n\nERUUUU", "pid": 78094470 }, { "sender": "A86D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:14:29\n\n>>78094470 \ncutest Varium", "pid": 78094642 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CE97", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:22:30\n\n", "pid": 78094902 }, { "sender": "Anon-20D6", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:31:38\n\n>>78094902 \n>Look at me I'm watching Haru-chan, I love Aogiri so much", "pid": 78095210 }, { "sender": "1CE3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:37:58\n\n\n\nReminder to learn English with Pmaru sama", "pid": 78095376 }, { "sender": "7F98-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:47:32\n\n>>78095376 \nHer passion Engrish would be better for learning Japanese", "pid": 78095638 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C845", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:55:24\n\nCheck out Else x Tacitly\n", "pid": 78095886 }, { "sender": "Anon-D2D8", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:06:39\n\n\n\nparentless ethanol", "pid": 78096244 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-517A", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:07:41\n\n5k until Avex wins", "pid": 78096281 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D9C0", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:14:27\n\n\n\nMai Sexo", "pid": 78096451 }, { "sender": "00B3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:15:21\n\n>>78095886 \nTime for new duo meta where we would argue over Lilia vs Ciel", "pid": 78096475 }, { "sender": "1089-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:16:22\n\n>>78095376 \nwell okay!", "pid": 78096501 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5351", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:16:25\n\n>>78096281 \nKAIKA WINS", "pid": 78096502 }, { "sender": "4C32-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:17:27\n\n>>78091578 \nElena is live", "pid": 78096526 }, { "sender": "Anon-1C93", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:29:08\n\nPonpoko...", "pid": 78096783 }, { "sender": "BD93-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:36:24\n\n>>78096783 \nIinchou looks like KAF here", "pid": 78096960 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE4D", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:37:49\n\nHebiyoi Tier is a sexual being.", "pid": 78097005 }, { "sender": "Anon-51D7", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:39:00\n\n>>78064693 \nI once bought ballet flat jelly shoes for a JP Indie. \nShe then said: \n\"I don't need anything that is on the list\" \n \nAlright fine, no hard feelings. \nI just moved on. \nIt looks like she is spending time with xMendosanx (the half Indonesian - half JP streamer) so I wish the best for you both. \n \nNow: \nPersonally, I would love to have Yakumo Beni as a partner. \n \nBut if she is already taken, then I wouldn't mind anyone else who is available (maybe Nazuna Kaga)", "pid": 78097030 }, { "sender": "Anon-1B3C", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:41:32\n\nutano sex", "pid": 78097096 }, { "sender": "Anon-4D31", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:45:42\n\n>>78097030 \nBeni and Nazuna are among the few buispo who know something resembling humour. Along with Met and Akarin maybe.", "pid": 78097212 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-04CC", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:49:27\n\n>>78097096 \nevidence?", "pid": 78097309 }, { "sender": "1777-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:50:29\n\n\n\nBishop live", "pid": 78097334 }, { "sender": "B5D5-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:52:55\n\n>>78064693 \n2024 EVENT ANCHOR - JP Vtubers \nFeel free to suggest additions \n \n>TODAY \nFemme Fatale Redebut: \n \n>JUNE \n \n15: \nVPI Cafe’s 1st anniversary and stream relay:\\_VPI/status/1798691419391234250 \n16: \nYoshika 1st 3D live:\\_oIw \nMishio Molf (varium) debut: \nSakura Aoi’s APEX event:\\_aoi\\_main/status/1799076621208662155 \nSetono Toto singing relay:\\_toto1010/status/1800452914151858473 \n17: \nSiden Lime (Varium) debut: \n18: \nToono Oto (varium) debut: \n22: \nAnzu (enogu) 42.195km running challenge:\\_225/status/1792875558839439551 \nFuuryuuFes 2024: \n23: \nKagura Suzu (.LIVE) 1st Sololive: \nVesperbell 4th live:\\_info/status/1794333779039027253 \n29: \nRe:Act Gen2 first One-man Live: \nFirst Stage Production 1st Live: \nRegallia (Palette Pro) 4th anni live:\\_/status/1800498783169737174 \n30: \nInside-chan sisters graduation from company and becoming indies:\\_insidechanMK2/status/1794730312746058079 \nAmanohoshi Chiroru (ProPro) graduation:\\_proproduction/status/1795017096486666371 \nTBD: \nKiki Shisui graduation \n \n>JULY \nPeanuts-kun BloodBagBrainBomb Tour: 2 (Tokyo) + 9 (Nagoya) + 12 (Fukuoka) + 16 (Osaka): \n6: \nTUBEOUT! in Los Angeles: \n6-21: \nHoshikage Lapis’ event “LapiFes”: \n7: \nTamaki (Enogu) 100 songs singing challenge: \n12: \nBeatrice Kumano (MEWLIVE) 1st one-man live: \n27: \nGinga Alice 6th anniversary live:\\_shinryaku/status/1781309879141158951 \n28: \nYonbun no Sanshi (Ci, Tsukushi, Yokato, InsideMark3) real event at Hakata Marui:\\_ch/status/1799461543392018528 \n \n>AUGUST \n2-3: \nHimeHina’s 2024 Live:\\_HH/status/1769378509938647100 \n2-3-4: \nTokyo Idol Festival (ft. Enogu):\\_225/status/1793191028037472535/photo/1 \n3: \nAZKi’s solo concert at ZEPP Yokohama:\\_VDiVA/status/1793241050619973857 \n4: \nHakoniwalily (Hanon x Kotoha) Festival: \n7: \nIsekaijoucho 3rd ONE-MAN LIVE: \n17: \nRaihan Battle Summer:\\_0223/status/1800535962222796815 \n25: \nYuudutsu Tear 2nd oneman live \nSinsogumi’s Nora and Milk event: \n31: \nKashiko Mari’s live concert:\\_ch/status/1792029622823268423 \nPalette Project Thanksgiving event day1:\\_/status/1792887821231128851 \nTBD: \nVsaikyou Apex:\\_0OuOmwHYxcZH \n \n>SEPTEMBER \n1: \nPalette Project Thanksgiving event day2:\\_/status/1792887821231128851 \n13: \nAvex Muchoo Live Session -unveil-: \n14: \nNornis LIVE TOUR 2024 in KT Zepp Yokohama \n\\_tour\\_2024/ \nRIM x KAF Singularity Live Vol.3:\\_jp/status/1796483999583645805 \nLeona’s 5th One-man Live: \n15: \nRIM’s 3rd One-man Live:\\_jp/status/1796483999583645805 \n19: \nNatori Sana’s live in Ex Theater Roppongi:\\_v-tt4 \n21: \nNornis LIVE TOUR 2024 in Zepp Namba \n\\_tour\\_2024/ \n22: \nNagase Yuka Live Tour - Osaka \n28: \nNornis LIVE TOUR 2024 in SENDAI GIGS \n\\_tour\\_2024/ \n \n>OCTOBER \n2: \nShigure Ui’s 5th anniversary live:\\_info/status/1796164883047965150 \n12: \nNagase Yuka Live Tour - Yokohama", "pid": 78097395 }, { "sender": "Anon-610B", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:58:32\n\n>>78064693 \nSuu at 7:30PM \n", "pid": 78097527 }, { "sender": "05C6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:00:45\n\n>>78097212 \nBeni is very lovely so I am really puzzled as to why no guy wants her. If it were me, I would have a crush on her and let her know how I feel \n \nNazuna can be witty.......but that clip I saw wherein she states that she will never be married kinda hit me a bit. Over at the Vspo thread, there kinda wondering as to why she isn't streaming lately. \n \nMet is lovely cause she is ex-Idol ~~used to be with Afilia Saga I think~~ \n \nNow, Akarin for me is interesting. \nIs that really her normally speaking voice? \nAlso, she seems to be childish (especially with the Pom Poko Pon Pom Pom thing that she does). \nStill I think it is adorable. \n \nBut do you think she is really like that? \nOr is she acting?", "pid": 78097589 }, { "sender": "923F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:01:28\n\n>>78097309", "pid": 78097611 }, { "sender": "187A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:06:13\n\n\nkoyori is live!", "pid": 78097739 }, { "sender": "Anon-6D3F", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:08:51\n\n>>78097589 \nIt's not that no guy wants her, it's that no guy up to her standards is available to her.", "pid": 78097806 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-322D", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:10:07\n\n\n\nTo Love Ru pachinko with HaruLuna", "pid": 78097835 }, { "sender": "2118-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:13:15\n\n/Data girl/ is singing live\nShe's just done the Tableau test so I wager things went well \n", "pid": 78097909 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6B71", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:14:16\n\n>>78097835 \nI never liked Yami that much, she was kinda bitchy", "pid": 78097932 }, { "sender": "4799-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:16:03\n\nLack is a surrogate mom. Anyone who isn't the Favorite Four is just a business transaction.\n\n", "pid": 78097980 }, { "sender": "2AFF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:16:12\n\n>>78097909 \nHer thanking SC is adorable", "pid": 78097986 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-06C1", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:17:26\n\n>>78097980 \none might say he's a lacking parent", "pid": 78098023 }, { "sender": "Anon-0B17", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:20:29\n\n>>78096281 \nWill Piedpiper give KAF something for the milestone?", "pid": 78098096 }, { "sender": "AF38-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:23:00\n\n>>78097806 \nBeni doesn't seem to have high standards (at least compared to Hinano who wants gold-digger)", "pid": 78098161 }, { "sender": "Anon-527B", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:27:06\n\n>>78098161 \nIt's obviously not so low that she would pick anyone off the streets, and as a girl who does gaming she's not really most people's first pick as well, so that solves your question.", "pid": 78098280 }, { "sender": "48E3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:29:53\n\nOtowa Shizuku Full Body 3D Birhday Live ft. Kosedo Ramu...Is it time that SQRENIX update their tech?\n", "pid": 78098343 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-411D", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:32:57\n\n>>78098343 \nGEMS numbers never make sense to me but I would enjoy them any time I can catch their live/concert. \nMikoto especially.", "pid": 78098431 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-18FD", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:37:52\n\n>>78068054 \nSpecifically when sung by my Kerberos wife.", "pid": 78098590 }, { "sender": "2DD8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:42:34\n\n>>78098590 \nI don't get the hots for Kataomoi, it's a shoujo bait slop", "pid": 78098729 }, { "sender": "DD30-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:43:39\n\n>>78097527 \nStarted!", "pid": 78098753 }, { "sender": "EBED-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:47:42\n\nWhy is Hina so superior?", "pid": 78098883 }, { "sender": "D7CA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:48:44\n\n>>78097527 \nToday she's borderline yukkuri wtf", "pid": 78098910 }, { "sender": "02E2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:51:45\n\n>>78098910 \nEmotionlesslowpoke", "pid": 78098995 }, { "sender": "4420-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:54:05\n\n>>78098883 \nIn an ideal world I’d fuck both, but if I had to choose the blue woman wins it’s that simple.", "pid": 78099060 }, { "sender": "D9EC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:55:25\n\n>>78099060 \nYou can enter the ideal world by being a Brave investor.", "pid": 78099105 }, { "sender": "E57C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:56:26\n\n>>78097527 \nWeird set list...", "pid": 78099132 }, { "sender": "A404-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:57:25\n\n>>78097030 \n>Bought flat shoes \nShe seems like the type to wear platform shoes", "pid": 78099159 }, { "sender": "Anon-98AC", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:01:21\n\n>>78099105 \nMy Brave investment bucks are to make Vspo my harem.", "pid": 78099276 }, { "sender": "Anon-BEA9", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:01:41\n\n>>78098590 \nSpeak of Kerberos wife and she shall appear \n\\_toko/status/1801569402212782494", "pid": 78099292 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B182", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:02:29\n\n\n\nBIG BIG BIG\nKotoHanon chads make sure to listen to all and get the double package anyway", "pid": 78099327 }, { "sender": "Anon-9F80", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:03:27\n\n>>78097589 \n>so I am really puzzled as to why no guy wants her. \nAnon she’s not going to tell you if she finds a guy to regularly churn her guts, she either graduates or keeps it quiet to keep milking money from people who ask how she is single.", "pid": 78099348 }, { "sender": "Anon-E995", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:03:33\n\n\n\nShinseki (Aoi/Omesis/PokoPea) x Kuppy Ramune", "pid": 78099354 }, { "sender": "Anon-084D", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:04:06\n\n>>78098729 \nShit taste \nConsider listening to kataomoi to improve your taste", "pid": 78099372 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F879", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:05:04\n\n\n\nSana chama 3D with announcement!!!", "pid": 78099412 }, { "sender": "D4A7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:07:09\n\n\n\nIt's time for new Nemo...", "pid": 78099461 }, { "sender": "Anon-1CE9", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:08:40\n\n>>78099412 \nFinally I can watch the best 3D model in the industry for another hour", "pid": 78099503 }, { "sender": "69E5-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:08:58\n\n>>78099327 \nRanking \nKotoha > AI Koto > AI Hano > Hanon \n \nPoor AI Hano, if only Hanon doesn't sucks", "pid": 78099511 }, { "sender": "1812-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:13:22\n\nAkari is underrated\n", "pid": 78099634 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D29A", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:15:17\n\n>>78099327 \nIt's been a while since an album review makes me think all the songs can be the theme song. This is good. \n \nMy favs would be ,未練タラレバ and ,Play the Future. And they also managed to put a Honeyworks-sounding song with ムカつく. Perfect.", "pid": 78099677 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-341F", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:15:22\n\n\n\nRika slaving away for 14 years", "pid": 78099681 }, { "sender": "F2D9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:16:23\n\n>>78099412 \nThis nurse deserves to get amputated", "pid": 78099713 }, { "sender": "D6CF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:16:38\n\n>>78099372 \nListen to Toko’s cover btw, especially the live version from the Sanbaka anniversary two years ago.", "pid": 78099725 }, { "sender": "Anon-DA54", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:21:41\n\n>>78099461 \nWill Fighting Dory be Fighting anymore?", "pid": 78099903 }, { "sender": "9479-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:24:19\n\n>>78099327 \nnice album, I want to hear Hakolily themselves singing these as well", "pid": 78099979 }, { "sender": "6281-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:26:50\n\n\n\nShin x Pochi x Jinsei Tsumiko", "pid": 78100059 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0DA9", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:27:01\n\n>>78064817 \nQueen of VSPO", "pid": 78100062 }, { "sender": "D85F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:27:54\n\nPlease don;t suck...", "pid": 78100095 }, { "sender": "5F8F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:28:47\n\n>>78100095 \nShe sucks", "pid": 78100123 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5C14", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:29:02\n\nIt's literally over for Vebop\n\n", "pid": 78100130 }, { "sender": "7FA2-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:29:17\n\n>>78099461 \nNot sure what to think \nIt's ok I guess", "pid": 78100139 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5509", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:30:30\n\nFighting Dory lost", "pid": 78100179 }, { "sender": "4EC2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:31:15\n\n>>78100139 \nBlue woman down", "pid": 78100207 }, { "sender": "6EC0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:32:48\n\n>>78100095 \nNo belly. No hat. Drop", "pid": 78100258 }, { "sender": "Anon-024D", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:34:07\n\n>she lost the smug", "pid": 78100294 }, { "sender": "21BC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:35:09\n\n>>78100130 \nWould be funny if the cats were bullied to graduation by the maids", "pid": 78100320 }, { "sender": "7612-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:37:51\n\n>>78099634 \nAogiri chads don't appreciate music... \nChiyomi is the only one taking music seriously (and Akari yeah) and Urame passed both of them in subs in like 6 months", "pid": 78100395 }, { "sender": "4E95-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:39:21\n\n>>78100320 \nTo be honest they debut the cats too fast", "pid": 78100435 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-88FA", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:42:31\n\n>>78100059 \nNekozeno Shin is peak male performance, drowning in all these fine pussies. \nAnd she's not even a dude.", "pid": 78100517 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D870", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:42:49\n\nSaitama Twitter Space \n", "pid": 78100523 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-259B", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:48:38\n\n>>78100130 \nWasn't even aware that Larako was hiatus since May. 1chiPro had 3 girls that graduated (one was terminated) like she did. Maybe they're debuting the girls too fast.", "pid": 78100685 }, { "sender": "BAF0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:50:20\n\n>>78100523 \nShe sounded upset, couldn't catch what it was about in time", "pid": 78100733 }, { "sender": "Anon-6067", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:51:32\n\nWhen will chuubas learn that simplicity is the sexiest they can be?", "pid": 78100764 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-348A", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:53:08\n\n>>78100685 \nREALITY has earned itself at least one schizo, me.", "pid": 78100810 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F18A", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:54:25\n\n>>78100764 \nThere is allure in profoundness too", "pid": 78100840 }, { "sender": "FF25-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:56:19\n\n>>78099412 \ntickets and stuff", "pid": 78100898 }, { "sender": "CB84-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:58:22\n\n>>78100130 \nShe was crying... also wasn't she friends with Tomoshika?", "pid": 78100949 }, { "sender": "F1A6-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:59:31\n\n>>78100949 \nNever mind, I'm retarded.", "pid": 78100979 }, { "sender": "Anon-14B9", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:02:55\n\nThoughts?\n", "pid": 78101086 }, { "sender": "Anon-8B15", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:04:59\n\n\nNot quite midnight Bee", "pid": 78101141 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5589", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:06:25\n\nCome join chubby's birthday and post some food under her birthday hashtag \n\n", "pid": 78101188 }, { "sender": "2D21-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:07:05\n\nYuNiCorns, let's be happy with this for now\n", "pid": 78101215 }, { "sender": "Anon-EF7E", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:08:07\n\n>>78097395 \n>Femme Fatale Redebut \n10PM btw \nShould be good and sex \n", "pid": 78101244 }, { "sender": "BF53-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:10:30\n\n>>78100840 \nHer biggest allure is the footfag model.", "pid": 78101310 }, { "sender": "CD83-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:11:32\n\n>>78101215 \nHoly mother of sex lineup.", "pid": 78101333 }, { "sender": "9B6A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:12:04\n\n>>78100130 \nDeath not quite on arrival, but it's short enough that this thread witnessed her debut and graduation.", "pid": 78101345 }, { "sender": "Anon-95B3", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:15:14\n\n>>78099412 \nMissed the most important thing, more details on the Roppongi live in Sept", "pid": 78101442 }, { "sender": "376A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:16:10\n\n>>78101333 \nthis ain't it, I wouldn't jerk to anyone there but YuNi", "pid": 78101472 }, { "sender": "B6E2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:18:34\n\n\n\nUyu hit 100k lol", "pid": 78101545 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B2F0", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:19:54\n\nKotokeks...", "pid": 78101583 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BBDB", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:21:57\n\n>>78101472 \n>Wouldn’t jerk to Ryushen \nGay \n>Wouldn’t jerk to Deron \nSuper gay \n>Wouldn’t jerk to Polka \nUltra gay \n>Wouldn’t jerk to the goddess of sex Sora \nSuper ultra mega GAY", "pid": 78101642 }, { "sender": "719D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:23:48\n\n>>78101583 \n>Birthday party with ‘staff’ \n>Valo \nYeah, she’s having sex.", "pid": 78101689 }, { "sender": "23D3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:24:34\n\nForgotten Queen\n", "pid": 78101711 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE35", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:29:34\n\n>>78091932 \nDid you really expect more from a Japanese website that also happens to be a fossil at this point", "pid": 78101839 }, { "sender": "6B0C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:32:28\n\n>>78101689 \nWhat's Hanon's role in all this?", "pid": 78101913 }, { "sender": "9BC8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:35:08\n\nPretty rare sex orgy on PokoPea channel\n\n", "pid": 78102005 }, { "sender": "Anon-A539", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:43:07\n\n>>78102005 \nHot", "pid": 78102247 }, { "sender": "Anon-276B", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:43:14\n\n>>78064693 \n/News/ blog - JP Vtubers \n \n>\"Come and meet with VTubers who are 100% boyfriendless: The Campaign\" by Pictoria \n\\_Inc/status/1801449486532939807 \n>Yumekana Eruru (SHOWCASE) to graduate and character to be recasted \n\\_xr/status/1801132801762472038 \n>Kasuga Nozomi to interview Omega sisters, Amau Syurp, Amakami Konomi and Urara \n\\_official/status/1801192921137602751/photo/1 \n>Shinseki x Kuppy Ramune \n\\_rio/status/1801564849874604338 \n>More details on Natori Sana’s Roppongi Live \n\\_OEHc \n>Rarako (VEBOP) graduates \n\\_Project/status/1801524980213281147 \n \nRecent \n \n>Omega sisters and Nozomi Kasuga interview \n \n>Re:Act received bomb threat for 2nd gen’s one-man live \n\\_AcT\\_/status/1801087093021790461 \n>Amau Syrup x Simeji keyboard \n \n>.Live’s 1st Fes to be released in theater \n \n>new STPR statement about slanders \n\\_inc/status/1801155299908473281 \n \nLess Recent \n \n>Peperoncino’s song chosen to be ED for “Megami Cafe Terrace” \n\\_aldente1027/status/1800543791251927223 \n>Nora Cat x HICAT \n\\_Girl\\_NoraCat/status/1800504719703716082 \n>Nema Ui hiatus \n\\_nema/status/1800816800441233853 \n>Nijisanji x HUB \n \n>Raihan Battle Summer announced \n\\_0223/status/1800535962222796815 \n>Rikka to go on hiatus for about 2 months \n", "pid": 78102250 }, { "sender": "Anon-6AC6", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:43:22\n\n>>78101913 \nCuck chair.", "pid": 78102255 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3B61", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:45:51\n\n>>78102250 \n>Come and meet with VTubers who are 100% boyfriendless \n>So there are vtubers without boyfriends? \n>They are AIs \nKEK RUMAO \nYOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP", "pid": 78102315 }, { "sender": "E5B4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:47:39\n\n\nOh right, there's the new Koharu outfit posted this morning", "pid": 78102366 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6A7D", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:53:11\n\n>>78102366 \nNice. Cucking but nice.", "pid": 78102518 }, { "sender": "AE97-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:58:50\n\n>>78099159 \nFor her Vtuber model yes. \nBut looking at the pics that she posts on Twitter and Instagram, I'm mostly seeing: \n-Sandals \n- Sneakers \n- Loafers \n \n \n \nWould prefer a GF / wife who is into ballet flat shoes (and maybe closed-toe wedges at most)", "pid": 78102668 }, { "sender": "Anon-5647", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:01:02\n\n>>78099348 \nI see \n \nBut \n>>78099354 \nAfaik, the Omesis sisters are married and are pregnant. \n \nGiven that notion, would it be revenue-impacting?", "pid": 78102731 }, { "sender": "Anon-47C8", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:03:16\n\n>>78102731 \nYou honestly wouldn’t know how much it would affect revenue or not until you do it, but there’s a reason a lot more won’t play with fire than the ones who do.", "pid": 78102797 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6576", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:03:30\n\n>>78102731 \nWell yes, of course. \nBtw do your reps a bit better, only Ray has a child and she is not confirmed married. She's surely not pregnant right now.", "pid": 78102804 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2A32", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:09:17\n\n>>78101244 \nStarted", "pid": 78103004 }, { "sender": "023F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:11:02\n\n\nWeird midnight Penpe", "pid": 78103061 }, { "sender": "5954-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:12:04\n\nBombing terrorist is vocalizing\n", "pid": 78103099 }, { "sender": "Anon-A030", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:17:01\n\n>>78102250 \nGrim VEBOP", "pid": 78103256 }, { "sender": "Anon-3829", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:17:39\n\n>>78101583 \n>>78101689 \n>>78101913 \nHanon ghosted her fans for producer \n>>78089366 \nShe arranged 'surprise' on Kotoha as deflection", "pid": 78103275 }, { "sender": "F21E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:20:20\n\n>>78101244 \nThe boobs pass my quality test easily. \nNow the important part...", "pid": 78103360 }, { "sender": "C695-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:22:00\n\nhmmmmm", "pid": 78103416 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9636", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:22:32\n\n>>78102315 \nwell, one of the other categories is \"doesn't graduate\" and only AIs can do that given enough time", "pid": 78103438 }, { "sender": "Anon-6A57", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:23:35\n\nan upgrade\nI expected better from the silhouette but this is ok", "pid": 78103473 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-416D", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:23:54\n\n>>78103416 \nStill not quite a femme fatale yet \nHer voice is too good for these sloppy models", "pid": 78103482 }, { "sender": "049D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:25:11\n\n>>78103473 \n>an upgrade \nI mean, would a downgrade even have been possible?", "pid": 78103525 }, { "sender": "Anon-0478", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:26:50\n\nbtw have you read Itowife's fan manga about her shinny muuna arc?\n\n\n\nShe still haven't caught one btw", "pid": 78103568 }, { "sender": "85C0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:28:39\n\n\n\nBoobs visible", "pid": 78103627 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E346", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:30:18\n\nLeona's boobs are UNTHINKABLE", "pid": 78103686 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EF33", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:31:33\n\n", "pid": 78103735 }, { "sender": "Anon-CED4", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:31:41\n\n>>78103627 \nI love seeing them", "pid": 78103739 }, { "sender": "Anon-92E7", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:36:05\n\n>>78103735 \nNora should take the final step and be a full whore for the sake of Sinsogumi", "pid": 78103915 }, { "sender": "4ED9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:41:50\n\nFinally this deerslut", "pid": 78104110 }, { "sender": "EDBA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:42:52\n\nDon't hold any punches", "pid": 78104143 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A9F2", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:48:14\n\n>>78103735 \nHow did she become Eigo Jouzou? \nDid she spend time overseas? \nIf so, where exactly?", "pid": 78104315 }, { "sender": "D4B6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:53:54\n\n>>78104110 \nBetter be good, I've been waiting too long for this to suck", "pid": 78104508 }, { "sender": "Anon-4EAA", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:01:59\n\n>>78104143 \nit sucks", "pid": 78104804 }, { "sender": "8FBA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:06:57\n\n>>78104804 \nhow much?", "pid": 78104970 }, { "sender": "4D19-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:12:36\n\n>>78103568 \nHis old manga were better", "pid": 78105194 }, { "sender": "2F58-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:19:11\n\n>>78104143 \nIt's better than Rene and Ran so that's something", "pid": 78105433 }, { "sender": "037C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:23:47\n\n>>78104143 \nRiichun's designs are always great. Nanashi shouldn't have meddled with them in the first place.", "pid": 78105604 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6471", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:38:13\n\nSera for coomers chad\n\n", "pid": 78106279 }, { "sender": "A2C5-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:15:51\n\n\n\nKarin for coomer chads", "pid": 78107831 }, { "sender": "C1DE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:42:44\n\n>>78104315 \nI think she studied either in the US or Australia for some time, I don't remember exactly. She explained it on her English streams, sadly she doesn't do them anymore.", "pid": 78108980 }, { "sender": "0185-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:45:05\n\n>>78099276 \nWhy would you want boring smelly sex?", "pid": 78109082 }, { "sender": "3CD0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:12:14\n\n>>78109082 \nSimi emtionless is too good", "pid": 78110231 }, { "sender": "Anon-E2C1", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:13:43\n\n>>78108980 \nI wonder if learning kaigai culture made her ... like this", "pid": 78110302 }, { "sender": "2AF4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:19:40\n\nFINAL PLATINUM TALLY OF THE DAY \n \n>10,539: Nose (VSPO) \n>8,541: Chiroru (indie) \n>7,000: Rin (Maha5 JP) \n>6,802: Met (VSPO) \n>5,634: Virtual Obaachan (indie) \n>5,573: Natori Sana (indie) \n>5,346: Nerumero (indie) \n \nVery short tally with Nose's return to the top spot.", "pid": 78110543 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-702C", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:21:23\n\n>>78110543 \nJune 2024 PLATINUM \n \n1) Chiroru (indie) - 22,110: Hanshin Tigers vs hiba Lotte Marines \n2) Strawberry Prince channel - 28,957: Announcement \n3) Ui (indie) - 19,860: Zatsu \n4) Reid (Neo-porte) - 41,170: Mahjong Soul (Celestial climb) \n5) Tsukasa (indie) - 35,818: Shiniki League \n6) Nerumero (indie) - 15,908: Genshin Impact \n7) Chiroru (indie) - 13,674: Hanshin Tigers vs. Saitama Seibu Lions \n8) Ito Life (indie) - 22,449: Pokemon Black and White \n9) Strawberry Prince channel - 21,828: 8th anniversary stream \n10) Tsukasa (indie) - 36,449: Shiniki League \n11) Ito Life (indie) - 10,343: Pokemon Black and White \n12) Rikka (Holostars) - 20,616: SF6 tournament \n13) Kuromu (VSPO) - 10,025: Newcomer collab \n14) Nose (VSPO) - 10,539: Monster Hunter World \n \n \n>PER STREAMER \nx2: Strawberry Prince Channel, Tsukasa, Ito Life \nx1: Chiroru, Ui, Reid, Nerumero, Rikka, Kuromu, Nose \n \n>PER COMPANY \nx7: Indie \nx2: Strawberry Prince, VSPO \nx1: Neo-porte, Holostars \n \n-------------------------------------------- \n \n2024 YEAR TO DATE PLATINUM \n \n> PER COMPANY \nx80: Indie \nx44: VSPO \nx14: Neo-porte, Strawberry Prince \nx5: Kemomimirefle \nx2: Holostars \nx1: RK Music, 774 inc, Maha5 JP, Ireisu \n \n> PER STREAMER \nx16: Hinano, Chiroru \nx14: Nerumero \nx11: Patra, Ui \nx9: Hal \nx7: Strawberry Prince Channel \nx6: Nose \nx5: Karin, Tsukasa \nx4: Tsumugi, GatchmanV, Beni, Reid, Ito Life \nx3: Ponpoko, Ema, Rinu, Kuromu \nx2: Natori Sana, Riria, Sakura Aoi, Met, P-P Channel, Colon, Yuuhi, VSPO Channel. Rikka \nx1: Sumire, Satomi, Root, Nito Wai, Hachi, Sakuma Riru, Akarin, Peanuts-kun, Hizuki Yui, Runa, Haneru, Higeki Rin, Ireisu channel, Qpi, Macoto ASMR", "pid": 78110610 }, { "sender": "Anon-3C19", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:34:45\n\n\n\nMaizuru Yokato is still going", "pid": 78111125 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6E68", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:57:53\n\n>>78111557 \n>investors' orgy \nvesperbellends can't stop taking Ls", "pid": 78112133 }, { "sender": "7B9B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:59:50\n\n>>78110302 \nNo, being fatherless did.", "pid": 78112198 }, { "sender": "Anon-2261", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:05:39\n\n>Bump limit \n \n>>78067404 \nLast call for roster suggestions, the poll will be set up for next thread.", "pid": 78112407 }, { "sender": "Anon-39A5", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:07:18\n\n>>78112198 \nNora is fatherless, interesting. \nMaybe a reach but Sukuda might feel like a parental figure to her?", "pid": 78112459 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2E94", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:12:26\n\n>>78067404 \nShe who loses friends (Tomoshika)", "pid": 78112681 }, { "sender": "80C1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:15:40\n\n>>78112407 \nWith this many corps and groups here maybe consider making (only) chimera players like siro+baacharu", "pid": 78112835 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2721", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:02:47\n\nAi when?", "pid": 78114942 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-36C5", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:09:16\n\n>>78114942 \nNot in our lifetime, unfortunately", "pid": 78115225 }, { "sender": "Anon-4C71", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:19:58\n\n>>78112681 \n>>78113709 \nGyari should debut some sex bombs", "pid": 78115738 }, { "sender": "545E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:43:24\n\n>>78115738 \nThere was one and she left. Not Pikamee btw.", "pid": 78116811 } ]
[ { "sender": "6F63-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:40:07\n\n>I don't care what's fashionable or cool. It's all silly and meaningless. I've created so many of the things that you care about... the songs that give your life purpose and joy. When you were fifteen and rebelling... you did that to my music. \n \nHow do you respond? and try not to sound mad.", "pid": 201917513 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CF03", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:40:58\n\nI wouldn't say anything, I'd listen to what he had to say and that's what nobody else did.", "pid": 201917550 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1D06", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:41:26\n\n>>201917513 \nMuh dik work muhfugga", "pid": 201917577 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6275", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:41:58\n\n>>201917513 \nLol ok. I don't really care about art. I'm a nihilist, and a wicked badass", "pid": 201917604 }, { "sender": "B31B-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:42:51\n\n>>201917513 \nask him about the beatles and tavistock", "pid": 201917643 }, { "sender": "0D27-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:44:58\n\n>>201917513 \ncool man what synagogue do you attend", "pid": 201917740 }, { "sender": "4259-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:45:08\n\nthe implication that merely writing the chords and melodies to these songs is what makes them legendary when songs like Teen Spirit are all in tone and attitude", "pid": 201917746 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F1A8", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:46:55\n\nYou were making video game and anime music?", "pid": 201917830 }, { "sender": "CB85-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:47:21\n\n>>201917513 \nwho is that supposed to be? ambassador g'kar?", "pid": 201917851 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9298", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:41:01\n\n>>201917851 \nYou don't know that work of Maxwell R. Esdefault Jr?", "pid": 201920424 }, { "sender": "Anon-A00C", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:55:45\n\n>>201917550 \nkek fpbp", "pid": 201920956 }, { "sender": "Anon-98B4", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:56:52\n\n>So Brian Wilson was a retard?", "pid": 201920999 }, { "sender": "6E63-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:02:22\n\n>>201917513 \nI never had the rebellion phase lol. \nFrom 1 to now I've only ever listened to classical and folk.", "pid": 201921198 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5FA8", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:06:37\n\n>>201921198 \nFor me it's post rock, house, and Irish folk. Classical is okay but I fucking hate bluegrass.", "pid": 201921330 }, { "sender": "09F3-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:07:55\n\n>>201917513 \n>I don't even know who you are", "pid": 201921368 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DE4B", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:25:47\n\n>>201921198 \n>class is for men and swag is for boys", "pid": 201921948 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CAFA", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:48:00\n\n>>201917513 \nDo you have any proof good sir? Playing some jingles on the piano isn't convincing.", "pid": 201922642 }, { "sender": "61B9-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:18:14\n\n>>201921198 \nLiar. You are obviously a contrarian in permanent rebellion mode to the point you are actively making shit up to rebel against the very premise of this thread.", "pid": 201923557 }, { "sender": "Anon-C214", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:28:22\n\n>>201921198 \ni love folk from van morrison, to neil young, to john fahey, and nick drake classical though just seems mild background sound to me good for movies", "pid": 201923870 } ]
[ { "sender": "E0B7-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:10:23\n\n>they had the chance to make one of the coolest sci Fi pieces of fiction ever \n>they made an absolutely terrible show and now the halo franchise is tainted forever", "pid": 201911512 }, { "sender": "4FC3-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:11:20\n\n>>201911512 \nHalo has no story", "pid": 201911544 }, { "sender": "4B24-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:12:04\n\n>>201911512 \n>and now the halo franchise is tainted forever \nTrue, but Halo 4, 5, and Infinite already did that.", "pid": 201911582 }, { "sender": "16B5-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:12:18\n\n>>201911544 \nThis \nThe story is set dressing for the gameplay", "pid": 201911595 }, { "sender": "5E22-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:13:04\n\n>>201911544 \nfpwp", "pid": 201911626 }, { "sender": "B4C3-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:17:30\n\n>>201911544 \nHalo has a story so basic it should be impossible to fail at.", "pid": 201911796 }, { "sender": "31B8-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:19:16\n\nThe first game would be extremely easy to adapt into a 90 minute action romp.\nMaking a TV show was a monumentally retarded idea.", "pid": 201911857 }, { "sender": "17E3-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:21:23\n\n>>201911544 \nHalo 2 has a great story and The Fall of Reach/Contact Harvest are genuinely fantastic science-fiction novels.", "pid": 201911937 }, { "sender": "Anon-F4B9", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:21:25\n\n>>201911544 \nit literally doesnt need a story. just go to the fucking ring and shoot some aliens", "pid": 201911941 }, { "sender": "Anon-1A27", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:22:18\n\n>>201911857 \nThis \nits schlock, but fun \nLiterally a slam dunk and they fucked it up", "pid": 201911977 }, { "sender": "FC31-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:23:35\n\n>>201911512 \nthe franchise was degraded when Microsoft strongarmed Bungie into making 3 more games and then it was raped the moment they gave it to 343, those retards hate making Halo games and yet they are still in charge of the franchise when they havent made a single worthwhile contribution to it besides the first 3 months of Infinite being enjoyable until everyone noticed the game had no content and nothing to do because there was like 6 gamemodes at launch", "pid": 201912022 }, { "sender": "E11A-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:24:04\n\n>>201911512 \nHalo always sucked", "pid": 201912045 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D4DD", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:24:20\n\n>when commercials from the 2000’s effortlessly and brutally mog your $200 million budget tv show \n \n \n \n \n", "pid": 201912061 }, { "sender": "6E37-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:25:27\n\n>>201912045 \nit’s ok, nerd, bungie’s halo was exclusively a chads only series. it wasn’t made for tiny-dicked faggots like you.", "pid": 201912112 }, { "sender": "DD98-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:26:35\n\n>>201911582 \nHalo 4 is the best game in the series", "pid": 201912160 }, { "sender": "Anon-576F", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:27:29\n\n>>201912061 \nNothing will ever top the Halo 3 believe ad \nstill gives me chills", "pid": 201912189 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D1F7", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:28:03\n\nThey ruined Gears too and also Fable guess they can try eith Blinx the Timesweeper next", "pid": 201912212 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2791", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:30:20\n\n>>201911512 \n>one of the coolest sci Fi pieces of fiction ever", "pid": 201912309 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AFCF", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:31:19\n\n>>201912309 \nYes. John Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aliens and doesn’t afraid of anything.", "pid": 201912360 }, { "sender": "Anon-1816", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:32:18\n\n>>201912160 \nlmao", "pid": 201912403 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8505", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:32:48\n\n>>201912160 \nFuck no. It's the moment they started pandering to Call of Duty playing third-worlders.", "pid": 201912422 }, { "sender": "8F3E-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:33:04\n\n>>201912160 \nIf by halo 4 you mean reach them you \\*may\\* have an argument", "pid": 201912435 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-145E", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:33:52\n\n>>201911512 \nHalo 1 > ALL", "pid": 201912457 }, { "sender": "Anon-DFB7", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:33:55\n\n>>201911512 \nHalo is boring. Both the games and the universe.", "pid": 201912461 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-92CF", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:34:02\n\n>>201912112 \nBungie Halo was written and developed by massive nerds and autists who wanted to focus on making a cool game with cool lore, chads played it because everyone played it since it was that good. \nits as much a normalfag game as it is an autist one", "pid": 201912466 }, { "sender": "4B2E-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:34:12\n\n>>201911857 \nI wouldn't mind a show about Master Chief trekking across the ring, with every episode being a different environment, and the story told by him talking to Cortana in the calm periods between alien encounters. Halo doesn't look like cyberpunk at all, it's bright and colorful and full of natural landscapes. I don't know why they wouldn't take advantage of this, instead they tried to set everything in futuristic cities. You don't need a lot of expensive props to make a Halo show.", "pid": 201912473 }, { "sender": "F29D-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:34:20\n\n>>201912461 \nyou had to be there", "pid": 201912479 }, { "sender": "Anon-8843", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:34:43\n\n>>201912422 \n>It's the moment they started pandering to Call of Duty playing third-worlders. \nBut enough about Reach. \n>>201912435 \nIf you like Reach but hate Halo 4, you’re a complete hypocrite. Everything people hate about 343’s Halo started in Bungie’s Reach. Everything.", "pid": 201912494 }, { "sender": "Anon-30F7", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:35:40\n\n>>201912494 \nYoure mistaking reach for ODST", "pid": 201912533 }, { "sender": "7C32-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:35:44\n\n>>201912457 \nYou’re wrong", "pid": 201912537 }, { "sender": "6E43-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:36:15\n\n>>201911512 \nThey could have made it really kino. The elements were all there. I thought the casting was excellent as well as the Spartan scenes. They just should have kept it Spartan, because most of the series was filler garbage. \n \nBut the Fall of Reach without armor was unforgivable. But still, I was looking forward to the next season. Mostly, because I love the lore of Halo and the concept of Spartan-II's. The book, Fall of Reach, was my shit. \n \n>>201911544 \nIt does more than Call of Duty or any of the faggot games you play.", "pid": 201912556 }, { "sender": "99A5-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:36:39\n\n>>201911512 \nYeah, because being canonically accurate is insanely expensive. Like you'd need the budget of all 3 LOTR movies for accurately pulling of TFoR. Same for Halo and Halo 2, and probably twice that for Halo 3. Ain't nobody gonna shell out $281M per season for a Halo show and most certainly not over half a billion for a Halo 3 adaptation.", "pid": 201912569 }, { "sender": "Anon-FB62", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:40:20\n\n>>201912457 \nbasted", "pid": 201912728 }, { "sender": "8F3B-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:41:44\n\n>>201912711 \nThe sad thing is, he's a pretty good actor. Check out The Wire Season 2 if you don't believe me. Just got stuck with a retarded directing/writing crew.", "pid": 201912790 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1682", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:45:33\n\n>>201911512 \n>and now the halo franchise is tainted forever \n>now \nit's been trash for almost 15 years man \neven the novels", "pid": 201912952 }, { "sender": "Anon-7C56", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:53:06\n\n>>201912494 \n>4 \nI know this isn't the place really to say this but 4 was peak halo matchmaking while still having some basic connection to what made 3 so good (fast pace and fast moving while still having slow pace and slow movement) \n \n4 was the very end of the scale before or became full on Call of Duty: Halo in H5 matchmaking. It was so damn could \n \nJust rolling around with a DMR BR fucking 5 and 4 shotting people \nBig team was fucking so excellent", "pid": 201913223 }, { "sender": "220B-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:55:46\n\n>>201913223 \nWas 4 that good? \nI tuned out of gaming in general right when that was coming out", "pid": 201913319 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8386", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:57:55\n\nI played Halo 1-5, some multiple times, and never sat through a cutscene. Don't care.", "pid": 201913401 }, { "sender": "F362-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:59:16\n\n>>201913319 \n>tuned out of gaming right around 2012 \nI envy you", "pid": 201913436 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A7C3", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:00:01\n\n>>201911544 \nHalo has been dead since 343 took over", "pid": 201913463 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F35F", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:04:57\n\n>>201911512 \nHave you wondered why there isn't a Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty movie? It's because they ripped off movies just like Halo did. One of the Call of Duty games is literally a copy paste of Enemy at the Gates.", "pid": 201913631 }, { "sender": "B584-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:08:02\n\n>>201912061 \nis this the best marketing campaign for a video game ever? I can't think of one that tops it", "pid": 201913738 }, { "sender": "AA77-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:08:49\n\n>>201911512 \nThe good \n>mommy Halsey being a villain \n>PTSD MC is an interesting concept \n>Kai a cute \n>Space Pirate rogue spartan is also a cool concept \n>Action sequences were pretty good \n \nThe Bad \n>Kwan story line. She shoulda been gone after the first episode \n>muh emotion pellet \n>UNSC political intrigue was poorly written \n>MC having a gf is retarded, Makee should’ve never been a character \n \nHonestly. If they deleted Kwan and Makee the show would’ve been 10x better. I never cared about muh helmet.", "pid": 201913772 }, { "sender": "CFD7-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:09:53\n\n>>201913738 \nThe only one vaguely in the same league is Skyrim and even then it just doesnt hold a candle imo \nHalo 3 (and Skyrim ) is the swan song of gaming", "pid": 201913822 }, { "sender": "A5DD-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:14:00\n\n>>201911544 \nit's simple but effective. really good when combined with the god tier music", "pid": 201913984 }, { "sender": "69A8-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:16:40\n\n>>201911544 \nywnbaw", "pid": 201914089 }, { "sender": "Anon-0EEF", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:19:21\n\n>>201911512 \nThe TV show was the reboot and 343 didn't even give any fucks about it. It was just a way for Bonnie and co to steal some money before getting booted off Xbox.", "pid": 201914177 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-859D", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:19:41\n\nAll they had to do was show the marine perspective during the events of Halo 1 to work as a \"side story\" to the original Halo with some soi cameos where chief shows up and blasts some ayys", "pid": 201914187 }, { "sender": "98FE-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:21:34\n\n>>201912212 \nit'd be easier to list the series they didnt ruin at this point...", "pid": 201914255 }, { "sender": "28D1-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:22:55\n\n>>201911512 \nDon't trust ((((hollywood))))", "pid": 201914301 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9EE5", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:23:37\n\n>>201911512 \nHollywood is always about subversion", "pid": 201914322 }, { "sender": "95FD-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:24:41\n\n>>201912457 \nhalo - max nostalgia \nhalo 2 - best hype/anticipation \nhalo 3 - the best formula, peak of the series \nthe rest - continuing disappointment until \nhalo 5 - absolute collapse", "pid": 201914375 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BEC0", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:26:44\n\n>>201913436 \nsame as him, the newest game I actually played through was gta v. now I just play old games I grew up with.", "pid": 201914465 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CA37", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:27:28\n\n>>201914375 \n>he didn't like Reach \nFiltered", "pid": 201914496 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2474", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:32:59\n\n>>201912466 \nIt wasn’t good. It was a console shooter that basically played itself, because that’s the only way a first person shooter would work on gamepad controls, but that let fratboys think they were playing the game.", "pid": 201914728 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5021", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:36:20\n\n>>201914728 \nIt's funny when people dislike something but don't have rational reasons for it so they make shit up", "pid": 201914855 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-324C", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:38:47\n\n>>201912761 \nIt's kind of amazing how out of touch these retards are \nThis interview was conducted AFTER The Mandalorian had exploded in popularity beyond all expectations", "pid": 201914965 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E128", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:39:21\n\n>>201914855 \nAnon, halo was the origin of auto-aim, because thumbsticks were horrid. You pushed the stick, and the game pulled the crosshairs to your target. The game essentially just played itself.", "pid": 201914987 }, { "sender": "EB80-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:42:00\n\n>>201911512 \n>and now the halo franchise is tainted forever \nThat happened when 343i took over. I appreciate the effort they put into the MCC but, fuck... 12 years and \"their\" highest rated game is a bundled collection of games they didn't make that didn't even work properly on launch. Not much in the world of entertainment has left me as baffled as 343's handling of the Halo IP.", "pid": 201915103 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F7C2", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:42:52\n\n>>201913463 \nTrue, first thing they did was add TU “beta” playlists to Reach, now obviously they were horrible. It showed that the fundamentally disagree with the Halo Bungie and Microsoft GIFTED them, it’s been their low effort way or the highway ever since. Fuck them just for the TU beta playlist change they made the Reach DLC unplayable especially on the invasion playlist, fuck 343 and their social media cunt who used Ukraine as an excuse for why he sucks at his job and justification to lash out at dumbasses who play 343 shitfinity.", "pid": 201915135 }, { "sender": "Anon-2871", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:44:36\n\n>>201915135 \nReach was good overall, but a portent of what was to come.", "pid": 201915208 }, { "sender": "Anon-669C", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:44:55\n\n>>201912473 \n>instead they tried to set everything in futuristic cities. \nThe rumor I've been hearing is that the showrunner wanted to do a Mass Effect series but could only get Halo. So they stretched the Halo skin over their shitty Mass Effect fanfic. Personally I've been saying it \"felt\" like some asshole's pet project he couldn't get greenlit any other way since the first episode premiered. So I tend to believe the ME rumor.", "pid": 201915218 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F04D", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:45:56\n\n>>201913738 \n>is this the best marketing campaign ever? \nFTFY and yes.", "pid": 201915257 }, { "sender": "Anon-C5D0", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:47:21\n\n>>201912494 \n>full on CoD style \"classes\" in 4 \n>armor powers instead of 3's equipment in Reach \nAre you a full time town fool? What kind of benefits do you get?", "pid": 201915319 }, { "sender": "32E4-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:47:24\n\n>>201911937 \n>Contact Harvest \ntoo many retcons, it was mid", "pid": 201915323 }, { "sender": "2A9A-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:49:52\n\n>>201913223 \n4 ruined the Scorpion tank. That's the make or break point for me.", "pid": 201915405 }, { "sender": "F28F-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:55:24\n\n>>201914855 \nHe's hyperbolizing aim assist. Which is nowhere near as egregious as 5th gen's auto aim.", "pid": 201915624 }, { "sender": "Anon-18B3", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:56:25\n\n>>201914987 \n>halo was the origin of auto-aim \nRetard.", "pid": 201915655 }, { "sender": "C8A3-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:58:01\n\n>>201915655 \nyou posted a pc game to refute the claim. fail.", "pid": 201915721 }, { "sender": "328C-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:59:30\n\n>>201915721 \n>a pc game \nlmao, retard", "pid": 201915777 }, { "sender": "51EA-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:02:39\n\n>>201915208 \nI agree, it was my favorite perhaps because it was the last multiplayer I liked enough to play for years not weeks. The quality is AAA I’m sure you’d agree, the graphics they squeezed out of 360 bricks is crazy, I think the controls are tighter and I liked not giving everyone sprint with most modes offering different “armor effects”. \n \nAs for the story I was disappointed at the time (I wanted a fall of reach adaption) but the story fit Bungie leaving better and has aged as well as its peer Red Dead Redemption. \nBut what about 343? They didn’t even make the dlc, they take over change the way effects work, tweak gameplay, ruin playlists, add bunches of community made maps. Every launch has been a flop, not just poorly received but technically deficient. \nGot to say 343 is incompetent top to bottom", "pid": 201915912 }, { "sender": "Anon-CDF9", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:03:42\n\n>>201915135 \n>tfw actually enjoyed Infinite's campaign a lot \n>tfw rolling up on a Banished base with a Razorback full of marines and sentinel beams", "pid": 201915957 }, { "sender": "365A-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:05:36\n\n>>201915777 \nits okay to be stupid.", "pid": 201916040 }, { "sender": "009F-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:05:47\n\n>>201915721 \n>PC game \n>\"Only on N64\" \nAre Ee Tea Ay Are Dee", "pid": 201916046 }, { "sender": "Anon-D86E", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:07:18\n\n>>201911512 \n\\_n8fcHQT3Oc", "pid": 201916106 }, { "sender": "Anon-62CA", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:07:57\n\n>>201915624 \nI am well aware of the completely retarded point he is attempting to make", "pid": 201916127 }, { "sender": "Anon-8170", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:08:02\n\n>>201916046 \nwhoops, forgot the n64 existed. just like everyone else", "pid": 201916131 }, { "sender": "Anon-D2A7", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:16:48\n\n>>201916131 \nDid the ghost of Iwata rape your mom or something?", "pid": 201916507 }, { "sender": "3B89-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:36:01\n\n>>201911544 \nit never really needed to. bungie was smart enough to keep things simple. \n \nnowadays everything has to have a fucking LORE and a fucking UNIVERSE. there's zero room for imagination and creativity. It's fucking retarded \n \nbungie created a bigger universe with more wonder and excitement using only FOUR fucking characters in Halo 1", "pid": 201917342 }, { "sender": "Anon-DE83", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:39:58\n\n>>201916507 \nno, because no one knows who that is", "pid": 201917506 }, { "sender": "010A-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:58:36\n\n>>201911544 \nHuh? Halo has an awesome story. One of the coolest sci-fi stories, actually.", "pid": 201918367 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C23A", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:20:59\n\n>>201911544 \nFPBP", "pid": 201919496 }, { "sender": "93C6-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:23:55\n\n>>201914496 \n>DMRs with no range limit \n>vehicles with non regenerating health \n>armor abilities \n>sprint \n>ugly art \n>gay story \n>literal who characters, including a VECTOR ALPHA HEADHUNTER BADASS and ghost from mw2 \nits shit", "pid": 201919651 }, { "sender": "9010-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:46:08\n\n>>201912061 \nfor me: \njust cried watchingthis", "pid": 201920610 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AA9D", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:51:20\n\n>>201912761 \n>\"And really, the only way of doing that is seeing the face, knowing how the character's feeling about things,\" the actor then asserted. \"That's how you empathize with them. That's how you go along with them on the journey.\"", "pid": 201920790 }, { "sender": "B7B5-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:00:08\n\n>>201911544 \nHalo CE is basically The Predator but stretched out to 10 hours.", "pid": 201921112 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1579", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:34:56\n\n>gaylo reacharound", "pid": 201922233 }, { "sender": "9BD8-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:47:31\n\n>>201911544 \nThis is op posting this to immediately farm thread engagement btw", "pid": 201922627 } ]
/vag/ - VAllure General
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-2F08", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:07:59\n\n/vag/ - VAllure General\n\nCongratulations on monetization Shibi Edition \n \n[Current and Upcoming Streams] \n \nThis week's schedules: \n \n \n[Gen 1: Indulge] \n▶ Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess \n \n \n▶ Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear \n \n \n▶ Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac \n \n \n▶ Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere \n \n \n▶ Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress \n \n \n▶ Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish \n \n \n \n[VAllure Links] \n \n \n[Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive] \n> \n>LOOK ABOVE FOR ASMR VODS BEFORE ASKING \n \n[FAQ for Tourists] \n▶ What is VAllure? \n>The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo. \n>Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI. \n▶ Where will the content be? \n>YouTube - Most likely kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum. \n>Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like. \n>Fansly - Up to discretion of the girls. Content will be free. Will come later. \n▶ Is there a Discord Server? \n>Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links. \n>No, they won't be joining any fan servers. \n▶ Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship? \n>Yes, all of them, with me. \n \n▶ VAllure Friends! \nV&U: >>>/vt//vnug/ \nYume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/ \n \nPrevious thread >>78071439", "pid": 78092347 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE82", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:09:14\n\nImmy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!\nImmy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!", "pid": 78092390 }, { "sender": "Anon-6341", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:09:42\n\nStronny Love!", "pid": 78092413 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4939", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:10:40\n\n>>78092347 \nWe are now just 5/6 for the girls getting monetized. Only Azura is left waiting because her tits are so massive.", "pid": 78092444 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C295", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:12:06\n\nI love my Strontistic wife and her daughters!", "pid": 78092494 }, { "sender": "39E2-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:12:46\n\nImmy kinda cute\nImmy kinda wife\nImmy kinda looks\nLike the love of my life!", "pid": 78092518 }, { "sender": "22EB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:13:19\n\nfor me, it's mercy modiste", "pid": 78092534 }, { "sender": "5D07-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:14:07\n\n>Shaved face!! Facial hair is itchy to me >\\_< \n>BUT I LIKE FEMBOYS \n>NOTHING WRONG WITH LOOKING LIKE A FEMBOY >:( \n>Put on the programmer socks and booty skirt \nI didn't realise Immy wanted to feminise us so bad... \nIMMY I'LL BE YOUR TWINK OLDER BROTHER, I'M A BIT MUSCULAR BUT I HAVE SKINNY ASIAN GENES", "pid": 78092566 }, { "sender": "EDA5-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:16:54\n\n>>78092566 \n>I’ve got a buzz cut and a beard \nshe hates me…", "pid": 78092649 }, { "sender": "348F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:17:50\n\nFellow Ojisans, I am back, and currently on page 8 of my script for Icey. Overall I am happy with the progress I've made and should finish with the initial draft this morning. There probably won't be too many changes, but the SFX for this thing will be a bitch. I might reach out for help finding the right audio libraries so I can rig up all the foley that's going to be needed. I just hope that Icey likes it when we're done. Remember - Ojisans strong together.", "pid": 78092684 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F78E", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:18:11\n\nMadam Shibi is finally getting monetized, I'm so proud and happy...", "pid": 78092696 }, { "sender": "7D11-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:18:56\n\n>>78092649 \nIt's over for you bro, Immy will never peg you now", "pid": 78092727 }, { "sender": "E445-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:21:44\n\ni love madam shibi", "pid": 78092838 }, { "sender": "75C8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:21:52\n\n>>78092684 \n>Page 8 \nHoly based. This is one powerful Ojisan.", "pid": 78092844 }, { "sender": "Anon-C6F4", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:31:03\n\nI want to dive in a pool full of venomous jellyfish then step on a sea urchin so my paralyzed body can erotically shower in Shibi's warm piss!", "pid": 78093169 }, { "sender": "F357-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:38:56\n\nhow intensive is archival using yt-dlp? i’ve got an old chromebook i used to use for work but nothing else. i’ve been wanting to get into all of it. i could just buy a couple of external hdds for storage space right?", "pid": 78093445 }, { "sender": "1B36-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:50:05\n\n>>78093445 \nI don't think it's that intensive but why don't you just give it a shot? Should be as easy as downloading yt-dlp and ffmpeg via whatever package manager chromeOS uses and then running a test via the terminal emulator", "pid": 78093811 }, { "sender": "8114-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:55:49\n\n>>78093445 \n", "pid": 78094004 }, { "sender": "68B7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:01:03\n\n>>78092684 \nPython?", "pid": 78094150 }, { "sender": "Anon-BCDC", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:04:31\n\n>asmr about yout gf wanting to hold your dick while you pee \nis this a real thing", "pid": 78094284 }, { "sender": "0193-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:12:40\n\n\nI really like this face", "pid": 78094577 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5740", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:14:12\n\nAhem - this is my girlfriend Icey Snowpaws. She is the love of my life and I love to see her laugh and smile. Thank you for reading have a nice day.", "pid": 78094635 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C6C9", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:16:00\n\n>>78094635 \ni hope you dont mind anon but ive been stuffing your girlfriends cunny regularly", "pid": 78094693 }, { "sender": "04FE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:16:10\n\n>>78094284 \nit is now stronny has awakened a new fetish inside me", "pid": 78094697 }, { "sender": "Anon-F596", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:20:30\n\n>>78094693 \nWeird, I don't remember replying to myself. Oh well!", "pid": 78094836 }, { "sender": "Anon-8248", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:25:36\n\nI am trash. The only thing I am good for is to be pressed under Madam Shibi’s heel. Madam Shibi is the best mistress I could ever ask for. I hereby pledge to serve her every whim for the rest of my life. I love Madam Shibi!", "pid": 78095016 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7B3B", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:30:22\n\nWhat the fuck am I listening to", "pid": 78095167 }, { "sender": "Anon-CB78", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:30:44\n\n>>78095167 \nass", "pid": 78095180 }, { "sender": "Anon-1BB7", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:30:54\n\n>>78095167 \nshe got a big ass", "pid": 78095187 }, { "sender": "Anon-3C9D", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:35:30\n\n>>78095167 \none of our mummeh's gifts at work", "pid": 78095305 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2C8A", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:46:03\n\n>>78092684 \nSnowbearies and Pinpals have very different ways of expressing their love through scripts", "pid": 78095594 }, { "sender": "1294-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:52:07\n\n>>78092844 \nPage 10 and I am done after a little bit of revising, but there's a good chance things will change once I start to do a preliminary recording (gotta wait for my pop filter), and try to find the right sound effects. \n>>78094150 \nHaha, I get it, but no, it's just a regular script. I've redacted a page because I'm concerned someone might report the post despite the entire thing being SFW. \n>>78095594 \nI have no idea how Pinpals do it, but I assume it involves jerking off.", "pid": 78095779 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D488", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:53:29\n\n>>78095594 \nif this is about >>78086940 \nI stand by it", "pid": 78095828 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5773", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:56:16\n\ni just want my lil sis to abuse me a bit", "pid": 78095910 }, { "sender": "Anon-4AAD", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:56:31\n\n>>78095779 \nare you gonna give us a taste anon or is this just for your bear", "pid": 78095923 }, { "sender": "8A00-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:59:23\n\n>>78095828 \nimagine that but more dolcette. immy has no money, and lives in the middle of nowhere. she cuts you apart, eats your flesh, then revives/heals you magically. its so fucking romantic.", "pid": 78096015 }, { "sender": "Anon-7354", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:01:11\n\n>>78095923 \nIMO, she's our bear, and it's going to come down to whether or not I feel like I can do the voice acting myself. In the last post I made I asked around to see if there was anyone interested, and a few people said they'd help do the voice acting since I sound like a twink. If I'm not happy with the outcome, I'll post the whole script to try and find someone I think would fit best, and then do the SFX, and I'll definitely share whatever reply she gives (assuming she gives one) with the thread. I mean it when I say: Ojisans Strong Together.", "pid": 78096076 }, { "sender": "4D70-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:02:28\n\nGlad to see that Pinpals are taking heed of Immy's request not to make guro of her and are instead guro'ing themselves.", "pid": 78096114 }, { "sender": "9DFF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:15:37\n\nBecause I liked icey's posts and retweets my twitter has been overrun by ed women talking about being small. You don't think.. I hope she takes care of herself and if she doesn't I'm going to punch her square in her tummy and then hug her tightly.", "pid": 78096483 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F5EA", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:16:36\n\n>>78096483 \njust buy her food that looks healthy but has a surprising amount of calories", "pid": 78096507 }, { "sender": "2242-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:18:29\n\nI can't stop listening to the mercy fleshlight audio.", "pid": 78096552 }, { "sender": "CB68-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:27:44\n\nHonestly, Mercy", "pid": 78096745 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E4D6", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:32:30\n\nDo the girls actually schlick when they record their ASMR audios hmmm", "pid": 78096867 }, { "sender": "Anon-1EE0", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:35:36\n\n>>78096867 \nProbably not, it'd be too easy to fuck it up. The audios are meant to be premium and properly produced.", "pid": 78096941 }, { "sender": "E34A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:37:29\n\n>>78096941 \n>probably not, it'd be too easy to fuck it up. \nMy immersion....", "pid": 78096988 }, { "sender": "Anon-F361", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:37:33\n\n>>78096867 \nI can tell you Immy used to", "pid": 78096992 }, { "sender": "E03C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:18:59\n\nI'm in the military, I'm pretty sure they have a space where they allow parents to record audio(bedtime stories etc) for the kids they've got at home. Do you think icey would enjoy that even with what I'm guessing is terrible audio quality? It's not like I can record other tributes right now.", "pid": 78098064 }, { "sender": "53E5-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:39:03\n\n>>78092444 \nFucking youtube. Give my gote wife her monetization already.", "pid": 78098617 }, { "sender": "244A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:42:04\n\n \n>【Cult of the Lamb】guerilla! lets hang for a bit 【VAllure】 \n \n>Copy of 【Cult of the Lamb】guerilla! lets hang for a bit 【VAllure】 \nShibi . . .", "pid": 78098715 }, { "sender": "99E2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:43:38\n\n>>78098064 \nShe would love it, especially if you told her what the room was usually used for and that you care about her that much to make use of the room.", "pid": 78098752 }, { "sender": "B3FC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:44:53\n\nLove you so much Icey. Thank you for being so kind and sweet to us.", "pid": 78098793 }, { "sender": "Anon-EEB4", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:46:18\n\n>>78098064 \nAt this rate we're gonna have niggas calling from jail.", "pid": 78098845 }, { "sender": "034A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:49:09\n\n>>78098617 \nThe good news is that Shibi is way more overtly sexual and has not bothered to cover up her tits pretty much at all. Azura will get it, she just needs to wait for a human to actually review the VODs.", "pid": 78098922 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A727", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:52:41\n\n>>78067846 \n>>78067857 \n>>78067919 \nOk so I was already certain Madam Shibi read my post >>78044820 because she tried to implement my idea with the riding crop at the beginning of the stream, i.e. the part which was cut from the VOD, but which I managed to watch live. \nAs expected, I enjoyed it, but I wonder if she should have \"struck the air\" with the crop as hard as she could in order to make a loud enough sound for the mic to pick up, I suspect she was just waving it gently. \nIn the meantime, I sent other ideas to her in a maro. \nShe discussed consent for a little while, so I was thinking \"type this emoji in chat to express consent to play\", which I had seen before, could be a possibilty. \nI hope monetization, and eventually Fansly, helps her adventures into self-discovery and dominating chat.", "pid": 78099024 }, { "sender": "Anon-D8D6", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:57:19\n\n>Mercy claims that she is allergic to eggs \n>she has several eggs inside of her body just waiting to be fertilized by my cum \nwhat did she mean by this", "pid": 78099155 }, { "sender": "Anon-10BF", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:01:03\n\n>>78099155 \nCurious", "pid": 78099267 }, { "sender": "64DF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:02:15\n\n<s>I can't believe Icey isn't sick of us yet.</s>", "pid": 78099319 }, { "sender": "B807-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:07:09\n\n>>78099155 \ndon't fertilize the yandere", "pid": 78099460 }, { "sender": "7FB4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:18:08\n\n>>78099319 \nHave confidence!", "pid": 78099782 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CC6A", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:21:25\n\n>>78095167 \ngod i want to huff her farts point blank from her scottish shitpipe", "pid": 78099894 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-34A6", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:29:19\n\n>>78099460 \ntry and stop me fag man", "pid": 78100140 }, { "sender": "Anon-5BBC", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:32:25\n\n>Immy starts at 11am \nRealistically how long can she last?", "pid": 78100243 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DC06", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:38:31\n\n>>78100243 \nMore than me", "pid": 78100408 }, { "sender": "Anon-5170", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:39:37\n\n>>78099460 \nPlebeian take.", "pid": 78100439 }, { "sender": "5CB7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:41:43\n\n>>78100243 \n15 minutes", "pid": 78100497 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B38", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:42:27\n\n>The first Coffin stream was 3:34 \n>The second one starts in 3:19 \nI can still make it! With a bit of 1.5x here and there", "pid": 78100515 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BD0D", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:46:17\n\n>>78100515 \ndon't forget the bit at the end of the guess the character stream", "pid": 78100617 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A2C1", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:47:49\n\n>>78100617 \nThank you!", "pid": 78100662 }, { "sender": "Anon-C32B", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:12:42\n\n>>78100515 \nI hate that I have to miss this stream... being a wagecuck sucks. Immy my beloved, please forgive me", "pid": 78101369 }, { "sender": "C42E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:14:10\n\n>>78101369 \nYou aren’t alone man. If I make it at all, I’ll be four hours late.", "pid": 78101406 }, { "sender": "Anon-6A39", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:14:53\n\n>>78101369 \n>>78101406 \ni will watch three times as hard to make up for your absences anons", "pid": 78101430 }, { "sender": "Anon-0E13", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:16:08\n\nwhich member would be most likely to play through all of Monmusu Quest Paradox when it releases this year?", "pid": 78101471 }, { "sender": "C86D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:16:24\n\n>>78101369 \nI'll be watching at work", "pid": 78101478 }, { "sender": "F60B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:17:06\n\nWhat was that face wash that Mercy said to use?", "pid": 78101503 }, { "sender": "F62E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:17:54\n\n>>78101503 \nher girlcum", "pid": 78101531 }, { "sender": "FFF6-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:28:50\n\n>>78101369 \n>>78101406 \nI'm sorry for you bros. She said she's doing this for the EU big bros like me.. but I already stay up late for her every day she is streaming anyways.", "pid": 78101819 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A250", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:29:28\n\nHow hard will Immy squeal at the <s>beltloop</s> part?", "pid": 78101833 }, { "sender": "3A6D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:30:50\n\n>>78101471 \nhopefully none of them", "pid": 78101873 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FEB9", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:31:40\n\n>>78101873 \nwhat porn game do you want them to play then? \nI want Mercy to play Village of Nightmare", "pid": 78101894 }, { "sender": "1774-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:34:04\n\n>>78101894 \nnta but I really want to see them play kino games like sequel, black souls and karryns prison (just to show that there can actually be eroge with involved and challenging gameplay)", "pid": 78101972 }, { "sender": "Anon-42C4", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:34:39\n\n>>78101894 \ni am the karryns prison poster \nreally though, i dont even know what porn games would make for a good stream game, especially new releases", "pid": 78101994 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BA3F", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:35:35\n\n>>78101894 \nI don't know what women like so I'll leave it up to them", "pid": 78102015 }, { "sender": "Anon-C42F", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:40:23\n\n>>78101894 \nmarunomi", "pid": 78102155 }, { "sender": "0F7E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:41:27\n\nIcey <s>PUSSY</s>", "pid": 78102191 }, { "sender": "Anon-98F6", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:43:01\n\n>>78101894 \nMonstrous Horror Show is definitely Mercy's vibe, and it probably one of the best porn games ever made and lends itself well with shorter streams since its episodic. \nMage Kanade's Futanari Dungeon is short and sweet, and Flipwitch is basically a real metroidvania game that just has porn in it.", "pid": 78102243 }, { "sender": "Anon-4666", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:49:11\n\n>>78102243", "pid": 78102399 }, { "sender": "62A0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:50:23\n\nArtificial Academy 2\nthat is all", "pid": 78102437 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D71B", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:52:05\n\n>>78102243 \nThe white haired babaloli in the game is probably the most fucked up yandere character ever. \nI would love to see Mercy's reaction.", "pid": 78102485 }, { "sender": "7D89-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:52:17\n\n>>78101894 \nI would like to one day see shibi play a taimanin asagi game", "pid": 78102491 }, { "sender": "28A7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:52:41\n\n>>78102437 \nI think Icey should play dating my daughter", "pid": 78102498 }, { "sender": "69D0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:53:56\n\n>>78102498 \nIcey should become my daughter(wife)", "pid": 78102536 }, { "sender": "7A07-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:54:18\n\nthey'll only play VNs", "pid": 78102551 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B7C5", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:54:43\n\n>>78101894 \nFor me, it's ~~Abaddon: Princess of the De~~cay", "pid": 78102566 }, { "sender": "3E14-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:56:07\n\nI'm trying to jork it to the twerking patreon and she keeps giggling and throwing me off because i start giggling too \n>plap plap plap \n>heavy breaths and giggles \n>plap plap plap \n>giggles \n>\"i know you're tingling\" \n>chortling \n>plap plap plap \n>~~burp~~ \n11/10", "pid": 78102603 }, { "sender": "Anon-0F02", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:56:36\n\n>>78102551 \nfinally the 20 part wonderful everyday stream series ive been waiting for", "pid": 78102617 }, { "sender": "Anon-68DA", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:56:48\n\n>>78102243 \nYou anons sure are cultured. I've only played Grisaia and Saya. I'll leave it to you to recommend good games and I'll just enjoy the streams.", "pid": 78102620 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3FF0", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:57:03\n\n>>78102498 \nplease stop wanting to subject our darling whores to western 3d goblin slop", "pid": 78102628 }, { "sender": "1066-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:57:57\n\n>>78102551 \nWait, we're not talking about VNs?", "pid": 78102649 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D749", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:00:30\n\n>>78102603 \nPersonally the burp is when I cum", "pid": 78102719 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-92A7", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:01:17\n\n>>78102551 \nmanifesting kara no shoujo rn", "pid": 78102739 }, { "sender": "CF84-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:06:28\n\nGod shibi's new audio is so much better than the first one. Her power level in dommy mode is 5000x higher.", "pid": 78102912 }, { "sender": "1A11-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:09:46\n\nHell yeah, Shibi got monetization while I was at work!\nLong live big rope bunny titties!", "pid": 78103018 }, { "sender": "27B1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:12:45\n\nI need to chat more actively to make sure I go on her spreadsheet.", "pid": 78103121 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A031", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:13:46\n\n>>78103121 \nspreadsheets are gay and even entertaining them lead to the worst communities", "pid": 78103152 }, { "sender": "E5C1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:13:47\n\n>whorpo \n>almost every girl wants exclusivity \nthis is the worst brothel ever", "pid": 78103154 }, { "sender": "9832-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:14:08\n\nThat one maro for Icey about her being a star in the ageplay community is super sweet.", "pid": 78103166 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-15AD", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:15:01\n\n>>78103152 \nthey just can't ever be shown to anyone", "pid": 78103191 }, { "sender": "6FA6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:15:58\n\nI can't wait to spend time with Icey tonight.", "pid": 78103220 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0DAE", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:17:25\n\n>>78103154 \nYeh somehow it turned from support all the girls/my genmates to coom to just me pls.", "pid": 78103267 }, { "sender": "BF3E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:18:16\n\n>>78101894 \nKamidori would be great.", "pid": 78103295 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-52BC", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:18:54\n\n>>78103154 \nthis is kind of my complaint too, but I get doing it for kayfabe \nBut hey, I might be the only person in these threads to have an outside oshi and the exclusivity really is the appeal for the majority of the other viewers.", "pid": 78103314 }, { "sender": "ED81-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:19:45\n\nTell me about Azura.\nWhy does she wear the bread?\nIt can't be just because Neal hates cleavage, when there's streams like this:\n\n\n<s>No hate on Ichika, she's a sweetheart, just confused.</s>", "pid": 78103344 }, { "sender": "Anon-58DD", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:20:19\n\n>>78103267 \nThe only thing that became exclusive was sending tributes and making sure retards don't send maros trying to make the girls jealous. You should only be sending tributes to the girl you care about anyway.", "pid": 78103358 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2C9E", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:20:34\n\n>>78103344 \nas tribute to the chocolate women who came before her", "pid": 78103368 }, { "sender": "AB1C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:21:47\n\n>>78103344 \nHuh. I actually don't know. Been watching her since debut and still don't know why she likes to wear the bread...", "pid": 78103411 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2225", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:22:16\n\n>>78067936 \ncan i get a lil spoonfeeding? I went to 1:42:00 of her stream yesterday and didn't see anything related to reading maros or the thread. just gameplay", "pid": 78103429 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC8E", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:26:09\n\n>>78103314 \nYou're not the only one, but it's not really a big deal. If they don't want me to flirt with them or talk about the others then I won't, I'll just watch streams and coom.", "pid": 78103550 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B07", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:26:15\n\nShibi... don't give into the reaceplayfags...", "pid": 78103553 }, { "sender": "5FFD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:26:24\n\n>>78103267 \nInfidelity isn’t cool man", "pid": 78103559 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3C90", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:28:24\n\n>>78103553 \ndo you mean her tan toggle because she requested that not us", "pid": 78103622 }, { "sender": "E95C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:30:29\n\n>>78103622 \n \nShe retweeted this.", "pid": 78103694 }, { "sender": "F974-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:31:10\n\n>>78103121 \nwait what the fuck... what is the spreadsheet used for", "pid": 78103721 }, { "sender": "CCF2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:31:18\n\n>>78103694 \nshibbas in paris", "pid": 78103725 }, { "sender": "5A61-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:31:48\n\n>>78103368 \nIf that's true, that is incredibly based.", "pid": 78103742 }, { "sender": "4938-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:32:12\n\n>>78103721 \nHer favourite chatters.", "pid": 78103758 }, { "sender": "1182-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:32:18\n\n>>78103429 \nnvm 4:42. forgot youtube shows when streaming stopped, not when streaming started. sounds like a maro that's only slightly related.", "pid": 78103761 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6D15", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:32:30\n\n>>78103758 \nall me ofc", "pid": 78103767 }, { "sender": "Anon-EAE4", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:33:58\n\nQuestion for pinpals. If Immy lived near you (and you somehow magically knew), would you stalk her IRL?", "pid": 78103833 }, { "sender": "Anon-BD3F", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:36:16\n\n>>78103833 \nNo \nget the fuck away from vtubing", "pid": 78103924 }, { "sender": "D293-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:36:47\n\n>>78103833 \nI'm a loser and pretty pathetic, but I'm not that delusional.", "pid": 78103947 }, { "sender": "Anon-B870", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:37:33\n\nslight adjustments", "pid": 78103977 }, { "sender": "Anon-4FB8", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:38:51\n\n>>78103694 \nCute a hot not gonna lie i enjoyed the little meme doujin", "pid": 78104020 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DF31", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:39:33\n\n>>78103833 \nAnyone willing to do that should be shot. This applies to anyone actually trying to groom any of the girls thinking they'll actually become their boyfriends.", "pid": 78104032 }, { "sender": "38E2-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:40:44\n\n>>78103721 \nHer regular chatters", "pid": 78104078 }, { "sender": "Anon-F04F", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:41:08\n\n>>78101503 \nAvene Cleanance Cleansing Gel", "pid": 78104089 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-18BF", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:41:23\n\n>>78103833 \nNo.", "pid": 78104094 }, { "sender": "6EA0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:41:26\n\n>>78104032 \nBut anon, I am already Icey's boyfriend.", "pid": 78104096 }, { "sender": "E5D4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:42:37\n\n>>78103694 \nWhy is everyone calling Nagatoro black? Why are they so fucking stupid?", "pid": 78104131 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-53C4", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:42:53\n\n>>78103721 \nsome Vtubers track and stalk their regular chatters its to wild for me to really think about it", "pid": 78104144 }, { "sender": "C5BC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:43:28\n\n>>78104131 \nLiving in a post-colony causes an illness where you see African-Americans where there aren't any.", "pid": 78104166 }, { "sender": "FA90-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:43:41\n\n. \n>>78103833 \nmaybe just a little", "pid": 78104173 }, { "sender": "BF39-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:44:56\n\n>>78104131 \nThat comic was draw by Puu, a legit schizo black woman. She's an actual psycho, and that comic is a meme not to be taken seriously.", "pid": 78104215 }, { "sender": "Anon-3D21", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:45:31\n\n>>78104096 \nAll the snowbearies are, that's the point.", "pid": 78104229 }, { "sender": "1DBE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:46:03\n\n>>78104131 \nThe artist does label it an AU, and niggatoro is a meme.", "pid": 78104247 }, { "sender": "4AA0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:46:22\n\n>>78104131 \nThey don't read the manga.", "pid": 78104259 }, { "sender": "F3CF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:47:02\n\nNever really been into vtubers, but I am a fan of DTL, and now that I'm watching through some of the vods, I think I like these girls. Especially Stronny.\n\nThey make so much stuff though, how on earth do you all keep up with it?", "pid": 78104278 }, { "sender": "2B31-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:49:06\n\n>>78104078 \nbut I'm a regular chatter and I'm not a pinpal...", "pid": 78104350 }, { "sender": "Anon-5FB3", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:49:55\n\n>>78104131 \nShort answer because woke western twitter idoits think all asians are white people so when they see a tanned asian girl or guy they often call them black people these types that do that are the same people who call japanese gyaru fashion and makeup blackface", "pid": 78104378 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FDAB", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:52:04\n\n>>78104378 \namericans thinking their culture is some sort of universal culture is so fucking insane \ni dunno if you can blame it on being isolated because japan and france are pretty damn isolated and monolingual yet they dont think that everyone should follow their culture in foreign countries", "pid": 78104441 }, { "sender": "E6BF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:53:50\n\n>>78104441 \n>>78104378 \nyou guys are getting pissed over a joke \nnobody in their right mind is calling nagatoro black, they're calling niggatoro black", "pid": 78104506 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E14E", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:54:07\n\n>>78103833 \nnot a chance that's just creep behavior", "pid": 78104516 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C400", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:54:30\n\nShigga.", "pid": 78104526 }, { "sender": "D869-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:54:47\n\n>>78104131 \nit's a meme", "pid": 78104538 }, { "sender": "8E20-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:55:00\n\n>>78104506 \nThis. It's a fetish.", "pid": 78104547 }, { "sender": "Anon-CB03", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:55:21\n\n>>78104506 \nthis is not an isolated incident, see americans thinking that nessa from pokemon is a nigger", "pid": 78104556 }, { "sender": "DD9D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:56:02\n\n>>78104506 \nim not pissed anon i was just explaining the thought process i enjoyed the little manga doujin", "pid": 78104581 }, { "sender": "Anon-3DD6", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:56:38\n\n>>78103833 \nNah man. It’s all fun and games to track sleep and ovulation online but irl is a line too far.", "pid": 78104604 }, { "sender": "5C8E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:57:12\n\n>>78103977 \nnice", "pid": 78104632 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9DF7", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:57:43\n\n>>78104378 \n>>78104441 \n>getting this worked up over a joke image \ntake a deep breath and realize that you're acting like a retard", "pid": 78104647 }, { "sender": "19C8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:58:09\n\n>>78104278 \nI can't watch 12 hours of Stronny's streams, and Mercy streams at the worst times for me. So I watch a lot of vods and archives people made.", "pid": 78104665 }, { "sender": "3E95-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:58:50\n\n>>78104647 \nsee this please before accusing me of being angry thank you >>78104581", "pid": 78104694 }, { "sender": "Anon-2FAE", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:59:42\n\n>>78104665 \nI have watched like, none of Mercy or Shibi yet.", "pid": 78104730 }, { "sender": "3A39-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:59:43\n\nwhy is everyone angry\nlet's just appreciate best girl\n<s>all of them</s>", "pid": 78104731 }, { "sender": "Anon-2104", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:00:48\n\n>>78104694 \nthe guy you're engaging with and pandering too clearly is though \n>>78104556", "pid": 78104766 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2846", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:01:25\n\n>>78104131 \n>>78104441 \n>>78104441 \nBecause American culture is universal. Naturally people take the American angle to almost everything. You're using English right now on an American website lol", "pid": 78104787 }, { "sender": "3A23-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:02:14\n\n>>78104730 \nmaybe when she does her monitization stream drop by and say hi we harem are friendly", "pid": 78104811 }, { "sender": "857D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:03:12\n\nIs Azura American?", "pid": 78104843 }, { "sender": "0B51-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:04:44\n\n>>78104787 \ni learnt it thanks to the brits so i speak with a vaguely british accent, so sorry try again", "pid": 78104901 }, { "sender": "Anon-6CDA", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:07:08\n\n>>78104843 \nI think she's puertorrican or something.", "pid": 78104978 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B4C", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:08:28\n\n>>78104787 \nkwab", "pid": 78105039 }, { "sender": "Anon-9F2C", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:08:52\n\n>>78104843 \nShe's Dominican or PR, I can't remember and frankly if you can tell the difference you are better at it than me despite the fact I've had two PR girlfriends.", "pid": 78105053 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B5B", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:11:29\n\n>>78104556 \n>see americans thinking that nessa from pokemon is a nigger \nAnon...", "pid": 78105151 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6A1D", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:12:12\n\n>>78105053 \nPublic relations girlfriends? You an exhibitionist or something?", "pid": 78105180 }, { "sender": "3407-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:12:50\n\n>>78105180 \nN-no.", "pid": 78105209 }, { "sender": "D207-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:13:27\n\n>>78105151 \nIs this an african?", "pid": 78105236 }, { "sender": "3951-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:13:29\n\n>>78103121 \n", "pid": 78105238 }, { "sender": "B174-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:16:31\n\n>>78105236 \nnah thats a 7-11 brown", "pid": 78105343 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D3AE", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:17:43\n\nImmy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!\nImmy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!", "pid": 78105385 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CC65", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:23:08\n\nfine art", "pid": 78105577 }, { "sender": "6A54-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:24:49\n\n>>78103833 \nAre you fucking retarded? How is this even a question you could come up with?", "pid": 78105653 }, { "sender": "9CD7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:28:07\n\n>>78103833 \nYes.", "pid": 78105823 }, { "sender": "F363-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:28:44\n\n>>78103833 \nWhat wizard is giving out magic doxes, and why hasn't he been stopped yet?", "pid": 78105845 }, { "sender": "8582-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:29:32\n\nImmy is very cute and I love her a lot. It feels bad that I've been on a work trip for the past week so I haven't been able to catch her live, but the VODs have been fun. I can't wait to get back and jork it to her in a couple of weeks, my nuts will be full for my wife Immy!", "pid": 78105880 }, { "sender": "4B72-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:29:35\n\n>>78104032 \nYou'll never know till you try.", "pid": 78105885 }, { "sender": "B5E6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:29:53\n\n>>78103833 \nNo fuck off retard", "pid": 78105901 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2DAF", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:31:12\n\nGood Mercy Morning!", "pid": 78105962 }, { "sender": "32AD-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:31:30\n\nI love you Shibi", "pid": 78105974 }, { "sender": "Anon-6D01", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:32:43\n\n/vag/<s>ina</s>", "pid": 78106026 }, { "sender": "C73E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:37:49\n\n>>78105962 \nGMM!", "pid": 78106262 }, { "sender": "96A1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:39:42\n\nWould there be any legal issues if one of the girls read a doujin out loud on stream?", "pid": 78106341 }, { "sender": "4E75-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:41:24\n\n>>78106341 \nan original doujin or a parody of an existing property", "pid": 78106416 }, { "sender": "9A49-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:42:56\n\n>>78106341 \nDepends on the doujin, but most likely not.", "pid": 78106488 }, { "sender": "44C1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:45:24\n\nImmy stream pushed back an hour so she can eep.", "pid": 78106593 }, { "sender": "97AC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:46:34\n\nAnytime I stop doing something I pause and think about icey. Only a couple more hours till she streams.", "pid": 78106641 }, { "sender": "46E3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:47:13\n\noh hey Shibi unretweeted the manga", "pid": 78106667 }, { "sender": "2DC3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:47:13\n\n>>78106593 \nIn reality, she is boarding down her windows and getting three more locks, as well as multiple cameras because of stalker anon.", "pid": 78106668 }, { "sender": "4EC6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:48:12\n\n>>78106341 \nIf Kilia can do it, then VAllure can do it \n>", "pid": 78106710 }, { "sender": "Anon-A2B9", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:48:49\n\n>>78106710 \nrip kilia", "pid": 78106739 }, { "sender": "Anon-EAE6", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:51:54\n\nshibi...I thought it was funny too...", "pid": 78106850 }, { "sender": "5263-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:53:39\n\n>>78106668 \nas she should \nin a community of ironic schizos, a true schizo believes himself in good company", "pid": 78106915 }, { "sender": "4149-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:54:51\n\n>>78106341 \nI can't see how when there are YouTube channels with like a million subscribers who read out comics. If WB/Disney don't take those down, then I can't see why some obscure circle would be able take down one of the girls.", "pid": 78106961 }, { "sender": "31A2-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:55:39\n\n>>78103344 \nBut those channels you posted already got monetized \nAzura still waiting for her monetization", "pid": 78106989 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F9BE", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:56:24\n\nWonder if Icey would enjoy audio of one of us talking to her like a baby?", "pid": 78107020 }, { "sender": "A79B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:57:45\n\n>>78106850 \nIt is funny, but also wrapped up in the mental illness of forced diversity", "pid": 78107075 }, { "sender": "C06E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:57:48\n\n>>78107020 \nI did that and she liked", "pid": 78107079 }, { "sender": "E6E5-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:00:08\n\n>>78101894 \n18+ Flash games, the cringier the better", "pid": 78107173 }, { "sender": "D91D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:00:43\n\n>>78107173 \nmeet n fuck streams when", "pid": 78107199 }, { "sender": "BB2C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:03:36\n\n>>78101894 \nBoneTown", "pid": 78107306 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0E46", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:05:15\n\n>>78106915 \nwhats the difference", "pid": 78107374 }, { "sender": "Anon-69DA", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:05:35\n\n>>78101894 \nI want Shibi or Azura to narrate Monster Girl Dreams.", "pid": 78107387 }, { "sender": "02E7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:06:55\n\n>>78107374 \nmaking this post >>78103833", "pid": 78107444 }, { "sender": "Anon-E5C8", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:06:55\n\n>>78107173 \n>>78107199 (Checked( \ni know you can hear it \n", "pid": 78107445 }, { "sender": "E1BF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:11:52\n\n>>78101894 \nIf it was anywhere close to done, I'd love to see Stronny play Going Deeper. Maybe Snow Daze? That game is cancer though. Very hot cancer, but still cancer.", "pid": 78107661 }, { "sender": "5759-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:15:35\n\n>>78107199 \nDiscovering MnF games definitely altered the course of my life for better or worse. \nKingdom, Ocean Cruise, Star Mission, Secret Agent, and Detective are all nostalgia fap kino.", "pid": 78107815 }, { "sender": "871B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:18:05\n\n>>78101894 \nAll of them should play Sengoku Rance at some point.", "pid": 78107920 }, { "sender": "6490-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:22:35\n\n>>78107661 \n>Going Deeper \nholy based I remember checking it out a little more than a year ago and it was great \nsucks to see that it's going at a snails pace development wise now", "pid": 78108118 }, { "sender": "BB8C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:22:43\n\n>>78106739 \nwhat happened to her?", "pid": 78108128 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EE4B", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:23:39\n\n>>78101894 \nDIDnapper 2’s free expansion Truth releases tomorrow", "pid": 78108166 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0504", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:24:44\n\n>>78106710 \nYou want the VAllure girls' PCs to burn?", "pid": 78108215 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F331", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:25:38\n\n>>78098922 \nLook... I just can't watch Azura. She's the most visually attractive to me, but I can't understand anything she says. No, I am not ESL. Her voice is just super unclear to me. Sadge.", "pid": 78108257 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A06E", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:26:21\n\n>>78108128 \nShe is a retard who streamed in a shed. She lit a candle, left for a few hours leaving it unsupervised, and was shocked to find it burnt down the shed.", "pid": 78108295 }, { "sender": "Anon-29A2", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:27:17\n\n>>78108215 \nThey don't have negative karma to resolve, so it will be fine", "pid": 78108337 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-81A3", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:28:22\n\n>>78108295 \ngood lord also who the fuck uses a candle in this day and age?", "pid": 78108382 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5499", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:29:45\n\n>>78108382 \nMostly women. For vibes. Jews too. Also nice if power goes out, you want to be romantic, want to be fancy, like smells, etc.", "pid": 78108430 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9D69", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:46:32\n\n>>78106341 \np-pls", "pid": 78109144 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2AE1", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:55:01\n\nI was annoyed that I woke up late for Immy's stream, but my little sister was nice enough to push it back just for me. For that, I'll give her some loving kisses <s>on her cervix with my dick while she has to pee really badly</s>", "pid": 78109499 }, { "sender": "3B45-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:56:28\n\n>>78109499 \nBut… but… she'll pee all over you!", "pid": 78109566 }, { "sender": "Anon-10DC", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:57:48\n\nshibi's toe color poll is neck and neck \n>true crime \nyep, she's a woman alright", "pid": 78109622 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-64DF", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:58:36\n\n>>78109566 \nSo? \nAnd? \nThe downside? \nThe problem? \nThe issue?", "pid": 78109651 }, { "sender": "C641-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:59:35\n\nImmy on the telly!", "pid": 78109686 }, { "sender": "3793-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:00:57\n\nImmy going on vacation in a couple of weeks, planned yearly vacation.", "pid": 78109746 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C524", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:01:25\n\nIcey on the Telly!", "pid": 78109765 }, { "sender": "Anon-9F99", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:01:36\n\n>>78109746 \nApparently she goes every year. I wonder what it is for.", "pid": 78109772 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A25E", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:01:40\n\n>>78109746 \nShe hates us", "pid": 78109776 }, { "sender": "F7A7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:01:58\n\ncute imouto coughs... cute and funny.. UOH ToT", "pid": 78109788 }, { "sender": "E11D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:02:04\n\nIcey on the telly!", "pid": 78109793 }, { "sender": "Anon-2344", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:02:18\n\nMorning (noon) Immy voice cute!", "pid": 78109804 }, { "sender": "Anon-F46B", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:03:07\n\n[Immy News] She's milking the waterbros dry", "pid": 78109843 }, { "sender": "7B90-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:03:19\n\n>>78109746 \n>>78109776 \nShe was grumbling about it so it's probably a family thing that she really doesn't want to go to.", "pid": 78109851 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BA67", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:04:09\n\nActually, Immy has a point. Her hair is blonde, strawberry blonde specifically", "pid": 78109889 }, { "sender": "Anon-873C", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:04:54\n\n>>78109858 \nStreaming until graduation let's goooooo", "pid": 78109920 }, { "sender": "9413-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:05:04\n\n>>78109889 \nWhy are you gay? Why are you acting so gay?", "pid": 78109928 }, { "sender": "7238-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:05:16\n\n>>78109858 \nWatch as chat be a bunch of fags and vote yes the moment she complains about it", "pid": 78109942 }, { "sender": "F094-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:05:50\n\nI have never donated with my name... I really want to start with Immy, but it seems just wrong after donating as anon for years", "pid": 78109962 }, { "sender": "Anon-7117", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:06:54\n\n>>78109858 \nI wonder how many viewers that aren't /here/ are going to be really confused about the energy level bit", "pid": 78109988 }, { "sender": "2042-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:07:52\n\n>>78109988 \nI'm /here/ and I don't know about the energy level bit", "pid": 78110034 }, { "sender": "B64A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:08:40\n\nPinpals on top", "pid": 78110065 }, { "sender": "Anon-5FFC", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:08:47\n\n>>78110034 \nIt's how badly she needs to pee, basically", "pid": 78110075 }, { "sender": "908B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:09:08\n\n>>78110034 \nlol... lmao even...", "pid": 78110093 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DA0F", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:09:10\n\n>>78109962 \nDonating under Anonymous is the most honorable", "pid": 78110094 }, { "sender": "4FF7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:09:43\n\n>>78109858 \n>ENERGY GONE \nYeah, gone into my mouth", "pid": 78110125 }, { "sender": "102D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:09:52\n\nShe started this stream having to piss. She never pissed after waking up. God she's so fucking hot.", "pid": 78110132 }, { "sender": "7C18-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:10:43\n\n>>78109858 \nChat are going to give in so easily and it's going to give Immy the ick. She wants you guys to have control.", "pid": 78110164 }, { "sender": "Anon-D5B0", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:11:08\n\nHello Vallure general, /ybc/ general representative here, would any of you be interested in starting up a dedicated town in our server devoted to VAllure and potentially make some monuments to your oshi's? We will be updating in just a couple weeks and with it a new event is also happening, you should check it out if you think the girls would appreciate some SFW Minecraft tributes.", "pid": 78110179 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-05BC", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:11:11\n\n>>78110075 \nWell that explains ENERGY GONE I guess", "pid": 78110185 }, { "sender": "C850-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:11:34\n\nIm 100% committed to making this girl piss herself", "pid": 78110200 }, { "sender": "587F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:13:11\n\nWhy would you donate 10 bucks when you can donate multiple $1 donos", "pid": 78110273 }, { "sender": "Anon-0959", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:13:22\n\n>>78110200 \nShe better have put down a puppy pad on her chair because I'm not letting her go until she lets go", "pid": 78110283 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3218", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:13:30\n\nI’m a sadist so this stream is amazing for me but chat is going to fuck it up I know it", "pid": 78110292 }, { "sender": "ABEE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:15:02\n\nIcey lost to the Ojisans", "pid": 78110357 }, { "sender": "18FE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:16:14\n\nearly but mom SEX", "pid": 78110411 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0A99", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:16:28\n\n>>78110273 \nI would feel like a scumbag if I did that that", "pid": 78110419 }, { "sender": "F828-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:16:43\n\n>immy gets the most likes on patreon for BJ ASMR. \n>high expectations one of them will do it for 2nd week. \n>none happened for the 2nd week. \nIf they want more money thats up to them.", "pid": 78110428 }, { "sender": "Anon-544C", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:16:49\n\nWhat's the best combination of characters to make her text-to-speech sound like flowing water?This will be important later.", "pid": 78110432 }, { "sender": "2F9A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:18:24\n\n>>78110428 \nWtf did you expect her to post? \nI'm still waiting for her JOI though", "pid": 78110489 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-47D0", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:18:32\n\n>>78110428 \nPretty sure they decided beforehand which audios were going to come out when for the first couple of months", "pid": 78110492 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0744", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:20:15\n\n>>78110428 \nthe audios are pre-made brotha, they are simply being uploaded", "pid": 78110563 }, { "sender": "Anon-4641", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:22:41\n\n>Icey has thought men were trash \n>Now has learned to love them again \nIcey really lost to ojisans", "pid": 78110662 }, { "sender": "48FD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:22:48\n\n>>78110563 \nThe Patreon audios throw a lot of people off, maybe we should add something to the OP (not that anybody reads it)", "pid": 78110669 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC9B", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:23:29\n\n>>78110428 \nthey have literal months of audios premade for patreon", "pid": 78110688 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-827D", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:23:30\n\n>>78110662 \nThat's funny, I had thought that women were trash.", "pid": 78110689 }, { "sender": "9C57-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:24:47\n\nIs Leyley's character designed to be as annoying as possible?", "pid": 78110747 }, { "sender": "C621-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:25:47\n\n>Pee endurance streams \nWe are so back.", "pid": 78110785 }, { "sender": "8B6F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:25:59\n\nIcey is pretty menhera...", "pid": 78110798 }, { "sender": "49F1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:26:14\n\n>>78110747 \nOnly if you're a homosexual.", "pid": 78110809 }, { "sender": "Anon-E2CD", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:27:17\n\n>>78110809 \nHonestly she's everything I hate about women", "pid": 78110850 }, { "sender": "Anon-4AB2", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:27:20\n\ndid Immy pee before stream?", "pid": 78110851 }, { "sender": "9EFB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:27:22\n\n>>78110747", "pid": 78110853 }, { "sender": "2070-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:27:43\n\nicey sure loves talking to her ojisans. its been over 25 minutes and she didnt even start the game yet", "pid": 78110865 }, { "sender": "Anon-6A46", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:27:51\n\n>>78110851 \nShe did not", "pid": 78110872 }, { "sender": "Anon-5660", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:28:41\n\n>>78110851 \nShe's said that she had to pee when she woke up but held off.", "pid": 78110900 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BFBA", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:30:29\n\n>>78110853 \nthis is already the most memorable vallure quote", "pid": 78110950 }, { "sender": "1AF5-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:30:54\n\nWrite that down", "pid": 78110971 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5B79", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:34:28\n\n>>78110747", "pid": 78111110 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F902", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:34:49\n\nshe was reading the thread when we were talking about her age...", "pid": 78111133 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-003F", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:35:19\n\n>>78110950 \n>Memorable \nWish i could remember what Mommeh told me ;-; \nKeep drawing blanks around her", "pid": 78111164 }, { "sender": "8589-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:36:35\n\n\"1999? I was a fetus then\" -notImmy", "pid": 78111230 }, { "sender": "98D9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:37:25\n\nthere's a new soundpost", "pid": 78111265 }, { "sender": "Anon-08A7", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:37:36\n\nBEAUTIFUL IMMY THANK YOU", "pid": 78111273 }, { "sender": "Anon-B485", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:37:51\n\nBut I thought Immy was all about incest...", "pid": 78111287 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E5DF", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:38:59\n\n>>78111164", "pid": 78111325 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-824E", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:40:09\n\n>>78111325 \nOh right that's what she said. She's so smart.", "pid": 78111383 }, { "sender": "A46C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:42:50\n\nGuys im a dummy why dont the webms have audio for me?", "pid": 78111490 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1490", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:43:15\n\nIcey wants you to spank her little bottom until it leaves a permanent mark", "pid": 78111506 }, { "sender": "Anon-C50B", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:43:41\n\nwhy are these retards spoiling the game", "pid": 78111530 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C5CA", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:43:54\n\n>>78111490", "pid": 78111540 }, { "sender": "6064-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:43:54\n\n>>78111490 \nYou need 4chan premium", "pid": 78111541 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-49C9", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:37\n\n>>78111490 \nhello and welcome to 4chan", "pid": 78111571 }, { "sender": "Anon-91AA", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:45\n\n>>78111490 \nlurk for 10 more years before posting", "pid": 78111576 }, { "sender": "80EE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:53\n\nThe king is back", "pid": 78111582 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-24C3", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:45:34\n\nIf she doesn't pee herself, Pinpals will have a lot to answer for", "pid": 78111619 }, { "sender": "B547-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:45:40\n\n>>78111490 \nYou need tampermonkey + 4chanx :3", "pid": 78111629 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3D1F", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:46:31\n\n>>78111490 \nEvery corner of the internet now needs 50 scripts to make them work, here you go", "pid": 78111667 }, { "sender": "2BEF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:46:47\n\nOjisans can't stop winning", "pid": 78111679 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4543", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:46:49\n\n>>78111530 \nWhy does your question contain the answer", "pid": 78111681 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8AD4", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:47:30\n\n>>78111667 \nWtf it's all dolphin porn", "pid": 78111707 }, { "sender": "6F7C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:47:53\n\n>>78111619 \nWould pinpals even get the audio of she pisses herself? I'd imagine she'd mute", "pid": 78111723 }, { "sender": "7AAA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:47:55\n\nicey is already so fucking down bad, it's amazing", "pid": 78111724 }, { "sender": "A99F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:49:03\n\n>>78111667 \n4chan works as intended.", "pid": 78111773 }, { "sender": "Anon-6C02", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:49:26\n\n>That one faggot in the chat telling Icey to play the game", "pid": 78111789 }, { "sender": "Anon-52A5", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:50:00\n\n>>78111789 \noh you saw him too? he's a real prick.", "pid": 78111814 }, { "sender": "9BFC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:51:13\n\n>>78111789 \nshe ignores it, it's okay", "pid": 78111872 }, { "sender": "F02B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:51:15\n\n>>78111789 \nI've seen him in Stronny and Shibi's chats too.", "pid": 78111875 }, { "sender": "7F9B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:53:43\n\n>yaps for 5 minutes \n>look at clock \n>50 minutes gone by already \nHOW THE FUCK?!", "pid": 78111968 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-06C5", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:55:15\n\n>>78111875 \nIs he this much of an insufferable cunt there too? Mods should just ban his fucking ass.", "pid": 78112019 }, { "sender": "Anon-FA73", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:56:41\n\n>>78112019 \nStill wondering what the point of having mods is if they dont do anything (other than chat in Shibis streams on their mod accounts)", "pid": 78112088 }, { "sender": "E7F4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:57:20\n\nI don't know what to do anymore. I want Stronny for the SPH, Immy for that tight bald pink imouto cunny, and Shibi for her mean nature.<s> My tiny dick is too small and weak for all of them</s>", "pid": 78112113 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D4A5", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:57:42\n\nImmy is not going to auction off her panties for her birthday <s>Thank you</s>", "pid": 78112124 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4D3B", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:57:48\n\n>>78111789 \nOpened her stream just to tell her I love her yapping because I saw your post.", "pid": 78112128 }, { "sender": "70BF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:57:57\n\nPee Patricians, how's it going?", "pid": 78112137 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B32E", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:59:19\n\n>>78112019 \nDuring debut I remember him outright saying Stronny's PL but I can't remember any problems besides that. Dude asked earlier if Icey had any mods other than her genmates so he definitely wants to shit things up.", "pid": 78112184 }, { "sender": "3F67-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:59:38\n\n>>78111789 \nI can understand the sentiment but people should just come back later or mute the stream instead of annoying the person they supposedly like watching.", "pid": 78112193 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-68AF", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:00:00\n\n>>78112184 \nWhat's the guys name?", "pid": 78112207 }, { "sender": "Anon-BB38", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:00:17\n\nThis dude in Immy's stream backseating in allcaps is really fucking annoying.", "pid": 78112213 }, { "sender": "CA65-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:03:00\n\n>>78112088 \ni think theyre still in the process of figuring things out. i mean, can you ban someone just for being \"annoying\"? what does that even mean?", "pid": 78112317 }, { "sender": "2EA5-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:03:21\n\n>>78112207 \nI don't see him in chat anymore so he probably got bonked. He has a face pic and a think the username started with a k", "pid": 78112324 }, { "sender": "6261-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:04:28\n\n>>78101833 \n>has to pee so bad she barely reacts \nchar hyping it up didn't help but still hot", "pid": 78112373 }, { "sender": "306B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:04:44\n\n>>78092347 \nMy wife", "pid": 78112384 }, { "sender": "F948-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:05:42\n\n>>78112324 \nYeah he got timed out", "pid": 78112410 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7124", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:07:17\n\n>>78112324 \nor he's /HERE/ and realized he needs to stfu", "pid": 78112458 }, { "sender": "Anon-3581", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:07:22\n\nholy kek that message saying \"i hate incest\" got deleted", "pid": 78112461 }, { "sender": "56DC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:08:54\n\n>>78112461 \nMods doing something good for once.", "pid": 78112524 }, { "sender": "Anon-FFD3", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:09:30\n\n>>78112461 \nmods be like:", "pid": 78112555 }, { "sender": "3DF1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:09:34\n\n>>78112324 \nKayke Bonfim. Nigger needs to just be permad because he's just there to be a cunt.", "pid": 78112558 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5885", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:10:16\n\nHe's back. username is Kayke Bonfim", "pid": 78112589 }, { "sender": "5E8F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:13:15\n\nPrincess carry Icey after her ass is destroyed in the spank-a-thon", "pid": 78112716 }, { "sender": "Anon-CA77", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:13:25\n\nImmy what the fuck were you thinking...", "pid": 78112719 }, { "sender": "6149-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:13:40\n\nWhy is the thread being gay instead of listening to cute pissy sister noises", "pid": 78112729 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E27B", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:14:16\n\n>>78112719 \nThat's the thing, she wasn't", "pid": 78112763 }, { "sender": "Anon-2BAC", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:14:28\n\n>>78112719 \nShe 100% snuck off to use the bathroom.", "pid": 78112772 }, { "sender": "0B4F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:15:10\n\nHow far away is Immy’s break? I’m phone posting and can’t actually watch the stream", "pid": 78112809 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F98F", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:15:14\n\nI think Immy might be a pervert", "pid": 78112812 }, { "sender": "C348-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:15:15\n\n>>78112772 \nnot that fast", "pid": 78112815 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C82C", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:16:33\n\nI think I like Immy now", "pid": 78112883 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B1F0", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:16:38\n\n>>78112809 \nShe upped the ante. 10$ for 5 jumping jacks, 15$ for a run around the apartment. She didn't update the graphic, but she sounds close to breaking", "pid": 78112887 }, { "sender": "3892-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:16:40\n\n>Yes, yes i am \nThat voice tone made me hard", "pid": 78112889 }, { "sender": "Anon-32DB", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:16:59\n\nis there an extension for youtube that lets you see deleted posts in the chat?", "pid": 78112899 }, { "sender": "Anon-F0FC", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:17:00\n\n>>78112812 \nVAllure is a seiso corp, they do not appreciate such accusations", "pid": 78112900 }, { "sender": "Anon-E90E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:17:10\n\n>\"Are you gay? Why are you acting so gay?\" \nShe \n>\"Are you gay? Why are you acting so gay?\" \nshould \n>\"Are you gay? Why are you acting so gay?\" \nadd \n>\"Are you gay? Why are you acting so gay?\" \na \n>\"Are you gay? Why are you acting so gay?\" \nminimum \n>\"Are you gay? Why are you acting so gay?\" \ncooldown \n>\"Are you gay? Why are you acting so gay?\" \nto \n>\"Are you gay? Why are you acting so gay?\" \nthis \n>\"Are you gay? Why are you acting so gay?\"", "pid": 78112906 }, { "sender": "53A6-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:17:18\n\nChat better not fuck up the first poll", "pid": 78112914 }, { "sender": "Anon-8663", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:17:27\n\nDon't worry guys, if she pees herself, I'll take care of her afterwards while she cries of embarrassment into my arms", "pid": 78112921 }, { "sender": "571F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:14\n\n>>78112906 \nIs it gay to want to see a girl piss herself in front of 384 people?", "pid": 78112946 }, { "sender": "Anon-4012", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:14\n\n>>78112887 \nSorry I meant vacation", "pid": 78112948 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8741", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:17\n\n>>78112906 \nNo she shouldn't stfu", "pid": 78112951 }, { "sender": "C727-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:20\n\n>>78112906 \nShe should have different sounds for different amounts.", "pid": 78112953 }, { "sender": "9FE2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:21\n\nSo when does she get to go piss?", "pid": 78112954 }, { "sender": "638B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:29\n\nI'm hardcore submissive but denial is hot both ways so this stream is turning me on", "pid": 78112959 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2756", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:36\n\n>>78112887 \nGot her to update the graphic, she is now at Eek", "pid": 78112963 }, { "sender": "Anon-EF75", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:44\n\n>>78112954 \nwhen chat lets her", "pid": 78112975 }, { "sender": "59E1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:51\n\n>>78112900 \nBut I'm pretty sure she is a pervert though", "pid": 78112986 }, { "sender": "109E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:19:05\n\nI'm so hard right now I love giving her orders.", "pid": 78112997 }, { "sender": "1EA6-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:19:09\n\nOur cute chubby little sister is so out of shape. Imagine how easy it would be to wear her out.", "pid": 78113001 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AE52", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:19:17\n\n>>78112906 \nShe should not. Half the chat are gay kids.", "pid": 78113008 }, { "sender": "2AA8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:19:40\n\n>>78112906 \nGAY", "pid": 78113021 }, { "sender": "Anon-4471", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:19:58\n\n>>78112948 \nOh... I thought you were just ESL since the break talk was an hour ago. \nI think she said 3 weeks from now", "pid": 78113036 }, { "sender": "5552-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:06\n\n>>78112986 \nYeah right. Let me guess, the voices in your head told you that?", "pid": 78113042 }, { "sender": "Anon-8EC3", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:14\n\n>>78112914 \nShe's counting on chat being gay. \nUnfortunately, she might be right.", "pid": 78113049 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-462C", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:25\n\n>>78112954 \nWhen we give her permission", "pid": 78113056 }, { "sender": "582F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:35\n\njust took a piss while listening to the stream, it made me feel powerful", "pid": 78113061 }, { "sender": "6889-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:42\n\n>>78112906 \nretarded", "pid": 78113068 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0ECC", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:21:00\n\nIf she pisses herself on stream I'm going to fucking cum.", "pid": 78113082 }, { "sender": "2C5E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:21:10\n\nCan that brown mother fucker stop posting in Icey's chat? I am tired of seeing his face.", "pid": 78113094 }, { "sender": "Anon-D67A", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:21:40\n\n>>78113042 \nThey keep asking me if I'm gay and why I act so gay...", "pid": 78113112 }, { "sender": "Anon-BAD4", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:22:00\n\n>>78112946 \nNo, but having to do something literally all the time without breathing room ruins the streaming experience. People are blowing their load too early", "pid": 78113125 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E451", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:23:49\n\n>she doesn't know about the piss drawer \n>cum box is a reddit story \nSometimes I fucking hate zoomers", "pid": 78113204 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC51", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:24:53\n\n>>78112953 \nIt's not the sound that's an issue, it's the sheer amount of small donos keeping her from doing anything on stream", "pid": 78113251 }, { "sender": "Anon-8FEA", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:24:54\n\nI love how she is casually eating while talking about some of the most vile shit", "pid": 78113254 }, { "sender": "D6D4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:26:10\n\n>>78113251 \n>Caring about the game \nThe stream should just be her chugging water.", "pid": 78113314 }, { "sender": "Anon-7FEB", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:26:46\n\n>>78113251 \nThe main focus of this stream is not the game, it's making her drink until she begs chat for permission to piss.", "pid": 78113334 }, { "sender": "C1AA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:27:11\n\n>>78113251 \nUsually I would agree with you but this stream is literally about tipping as often as possible.", "pid": 78113354 }, { "sender": "Anon-309E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:27:16\n\n>>78113204 \nauthentic little sis experience", "pid": 78113360 }, { "sender": "1529-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:27:48\n\n>>78113360", "pid": 78113380 }, { "sender": "D57B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:29:56\n\nIcey is a little...", "pid": 78113465 }, { "sender": "Anon-1411", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:30:26\n\n>Imagine if you don't pay your cum tax and the IRS knocks on your door and gangbangs you", "pid": 78113483 }, { "sender": "Anon-36E8", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:12\n\n>>78113465 \nA little?", "pid": 78113515 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0E82", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:55\n\nJulia deserves better...", "pid": 78113547 }, { "sender": "0F43-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:33:01\n\n>>78113334 \nI can understand the retards in chat, but why does anon need this explained?", "pid": 78113601 }, { "sender": "E48C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:33:02\n\n>>78113515 \nJust a little...", "pid": 78113603 }, { "sender": "7C6F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:35:29\n\n>>78113601 \nDead internet theory they aren’t real", "pid": 78113718 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BCD5", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:36:02\n\nAnother soundpost coming soon", "pid": 78113741 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B8F4", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:36:21\n\njust woke up\nbaking", "pid": 78113755 }, { "sender": "3520-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:37:28\n\n>>78113755 \nDo you have an image of Immy drinking ringo juice?", "pid": 78113814 }, { "sender": "BF81-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:40:21\n\n>>78113814 \nI do not \ndo you? I will use it", "pid": 78113950 }, { "sender": "30D7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:40:57\n\n>>78113950 \nIf we have 5 minutes, I can cook one", "pid": 78113973 }, { "sender": "Anon-70DD", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:41:04\n\nthis is so fucking hot", "pid": 78113982 }, { "sender": "E0E4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:41:43\n\n>icey \n \n>>78113973 \ngo for it, I have something for now and if we get close to dying I'll just make it", "pid": 78114014 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-45FC", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:42:46\n\n>>78114014 \nWhy is everybody getting those hilarious AI summaries? Do you enable them somewhere?", "pid": 78114052 }, { "sender": "6DF0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:43:14\n\nI can't watch right now but I'm going to jerk off so hard to this stream later, probably multiple times if her desperation is truly on display.", "pid": 78114073 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F7C3", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:43:31\n\nOh, so Icey actually wants a train run on her. I knew she love us but damn.", "pid": 78114084 }, { "sender": "B674-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:43:32\n\n>>78114052 \nI don't know, it just showed up for me yesterday", "pid": 78114086 }, { "sender": "Anon-3267", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:43:46\n\n>45% people n chat are faggots", "pid": 78114091 }, { "sender": "5A71-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:44:18\n\n>>78114052 \nJust showed up yesterday.", "pid": 78114115 }, { "sender": "C0AA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:44:20\n\n>Got up to make hot chocolate \n>Come back just in time to vote no \nFeels great.", "pid": 78114116 }, { "sender": "F477-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:44:36\n\nare yes voters gay? why are they acting so gay?", "pid": 78114125 }, { "sender": "B4F9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:44:52\n\nim my....", "pid": 78114137 }, { "sender": "3DD0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:03\n\n>47% yes \nAlmost close to ruining the damn stream.", "pid": 78114139 }, { "sender": "Anon-E5E7", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:36\n\n>>78113094 \nSorry anon, i will stop \n~~how you know im brown tho?~~", "pid": 78114170 }, { "sender": "BD00-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:57\n\nSHE'S DOWN TO VERY LOW... HOLD... HOLD...", "pid": 78114187 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-913D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:58\n\n>>78114073 \nYou are in for a treat later", "pid": 78114189 }, { "sender": "4855-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:46:01\n\n>>78114052 \ni get them whenever i leave or enter theater mode", "pid": 78114193 }, { "sender": "75A8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:46:45\n\nstronny isn't a member?\nhow is she getting 70 cooking without wine?", "pid": 78114218 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A8FD", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:47:33\n\n>>78114218 \nDonations.", "pid": 78114258 }, { "sender": "316E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:49:00\n\n>>78114218 \nWasn't wine f2p?", "pid": 78114327 }, { "sender": "E2CC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:49:00\n\n>>78114280 \nkek", "pid": 78114328 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE1D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:49:24\n\n>It's starting to THROB", "pid": 78114342 }, { "sender": "56B5-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:49:50\n\n>>78114342 \nyeah, me", "pid": 78114362 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C055", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:49:50\n\n>>78114280 \nwhere do you live? im wondering if im not getting those because im in europe, maybe only americans get the ai summaries or idk", "pid": 78114363 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F5C", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:49:52\n\n>>78114280 \nlmao", "pid": 78114364 }, { "sender": "B832-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:50:16\n\n>I really thought that it was like genuinely over for me \n>and then I got that email and I was, I might genuinely be here", "pid": 78114383 }, { "sender": "C766-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:50:50\n\nDo you get the ai summary on mobile?", "pid": 78114411 }, { "sender": "010D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:51:04\n\n>>78114383 \nwait, what email?", "pid": 78114423 }, { "sender": "C835-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:51:32\n\n>>78114383 \nI feel bad for missing her stream, but she isn't literally pissing herself right now.", "pid": 78114446 }, { "sender": "8A8E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:51:34\n\n>>78114363 \nI'm also getting it. \nT. FreedomFucker", "pid": 78114447 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-424A", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:51:40\n\n>>78114423 \nfrom VAllure", "pid": 78114451 }, { "sender": "8199-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:51:59\n\n>>78114411 \n>>78114363 \nI only started getting it on desktop today.", "pid": 78114462 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B6B9", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:52:07\n\n\nMercy a cute", "pid": 78114466 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EEEF", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:53:16\n\n>another poll \nDON'T YOU DARE, YOU FAGGOTS!", "pid": 78114514 }, { "sender": "ED4B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:53:44\n\nNo voters! Now is time!", "pid": 78114530 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D737", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:53:44\n\n>>78111789 \nevery Vtuber deals with these types they should just instruct mods to time out off topic spammers like that", "pid": 78114531 }, { "sender": "D24C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:54:01\n\nChat is doing better than I thought", "pid": 78114543 }, { "sender": "Anon-678E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:54:05\n\nLIVE BRAT CORRECTION", "pid": 78114545 }, { "sender": "Anon-C3EA", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:54:11\n\n55% NO! HOLD THE LINE!", "pid": 78114552 }, { "sender": "141B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:54:36\n\n>>78114383", "pid": 78114565 }, { "sender": "2CA8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:55:04\n\nGod...I love ICEY!!!!!!!!", "pid": 78114591 }, { "sender": "2865-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:55:24\n\nWhy are there so much yes?\nThats like ruining the whole point of the stream", "pid": 78114606 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CECD", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:55:33\n\n>stop being a pussy \nEven Immy is fucking calling out the concernfaggots", "pid": 78114611 }, { "sender": "Anon-2276", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:55:44\n\n>\"I'm having so much fun right now\" \n>Literally encouraging yes voters to go watch someone else \nWe're so winning.", "pid": 78114619 }, { "sender": "Anon-6680", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:55:54\n\n>people voting yes while she's still refusing to beg \nwho the fuck are these people", "pid": 78114624 }, { "sender": "Anon-4452", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:55:58\n\nWHAT A BASED DONATION", "pid": 78114628 }, { "sender": "FED3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:56:01\n\n>>78112019 \ni muted him so i dont see him in chat anymore", "pid": 78114630 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C4C4", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:56:24\n\n>>78114624 \nNot from /here/ that's for sure. They don't know.", "pid": 78114646 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-57D9", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:56:44\n\n>her begging \nMY DICK", "pid": 78114661 }, { "sender": "D645-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:56:50\n\nWeak.", "pid": 78114666 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AE3A", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:56:50\n\n>>78114014 \nhow about this? I took her picture from the stream", "pid": 78114667 }, { "sender": "Anon-E46E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:56:55\n\n>chaos in Immy's stream while its just full on wholesome in Icey's", "pid": 78114668 }, { "sender": "Anon-21A6", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:56:58\n\ncome on guys shes begging for her life", "pid": 78114673 }, { "sender": "Anon-646D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:22\n\nHoly shit I hate concernfags", "pid": 78114688 }, { "sender": "12DA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:22\n\nYOU WEAK MOTHERFUCKERS", "pid": 78114689 }, { "sender": "Anon-B46D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:23\n\nImmy-bros...", "pid": 78114691 }, { "sender": "E463-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:40\n\n>>78114591 \nwhere did you get this picture of me?", "pid": 78114704 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2EF8", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:41\n\nI came", "pid": 78114705 }, { "sender": "6091-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:45\n\nPISSY IMOUTO FAIL", "pid": 78114708 }, { "sender": "5B46-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:46\n\nIt's so over...", "pid": 78114709 }, { "sender": "6DB1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:47\n\nCONCERNFAG HATE", "pid": 78114711 }, { "sender": "27A2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:54\n\ni'm so disappointed... fucking yes voters", "pid": 78114718 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-07AC", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:57:56\n\nfucking normies", "pid": 78114719 }, { "sender": "78EB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:00\n\nWE COULD HAVE HAD HER PISS ON STREAM WHY WOULD YOU VOTE YES", "pid": 78114723 }, { "sender": "2FC8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:09\n\nshe's gonna do this again", "pid": 78114729 }, { "sender": "Anon-9816", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:14\n\nShe was so close to breaking and recording it I hate these faggots that voted yes", "pid": 78114735 }, { "sender": "7650-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:36\n\nI don't understand it. Would pissing herself really be that bad?", "pid": 78114753 }, { "sender": "Anon-ED9A", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:39\n\nI'm watching on mute right now just to up her numbers because u want truly watch right now and my dick is twitching", "pid": 78114755 }, { "sender": "E26F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:40\n\nYoutube is compromised, guess this'll only work on fansly.", "pid": 78114756 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F5FE", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:41\n\n>>78114704 \nI took it myself. Wait a second, I made this post?!", "pid": 78114757 }, { "sender": "A51D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:41\n\nImagine the force of her full bladder's release.\nGod, I wish I could be there to receive it.", "pid": 78114758 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8444", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:59\n\nWhat's happening in Immy's stream? I'm watching Icey.", "pid": 78114771 }, { "sender": "Anon-8EB7", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:59:07\n\nThe entertainment is in voting no, why would you EVER vote yes?", "pid": 78114775 }, { "sender": "Anon-50B5", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:59:29\n\nWHAT A BUNCH OF FUCKING FAGGOTS", "pid": 78114787 }, { "sender": "4F1D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:59:38\n\n>>78114735 \nShe was 100% playing it up and at least a half hour from actually doing it.", "pid": 78114798 }, { "sender": "Anon-BF0F", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:59:39\n\nIt's over.", "pid": 78114799 }, { "sender": "Anon-29A6", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:59:45\n\n>Yes won \nBig brothers are so fucking weak....", "pid": 78114803 }, { "sender": "5DF6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:59:52\n\n>been packing up all day \n>scatterbrained af \n>4 hour drive \n>worried about what to listen to in the car \n>maybe listen to the last hour of icey's dj \n>completely forgot mummeh's on in a lil bit \nliteral sigh of relief", "pid": 78114809 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-227A", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:12\n\nI'm distraught", "pid": 78114820 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B97E", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:13\n\n>>78114803 \nI want to hope Ojisans would not bend that easily", "pid": 78114822 }, { "sender": "Anon-9BF8", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:20\n\nI don't care about the pissing video, but a girl begging when she can't hold any longer is literally the hottest shit in the universe. Fuck all the yes voters, death to yes voters, hang the yes voters. Faggots, the lot of them", "pid": 78114827 }, { "sender": "Anon-E059", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:36\n\n>>78114775 \nExactly. I can't even understand why someone would vote yes.", "pid": 78114837 }, { "sender": "9597-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:39\n\n>>78114771 \nShe just failed to piss herself on stream because chat is cowards.", "pid": 78114839 }, { "sender": "Anon-3733", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:42\n\n>I'm not describing it to you \nFucking brat, should've voted no.", "pid": 78114840 }, { "sender": "Anon-B7CE", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:43\n\nShe literally told chat to keep voting no yet those faggots still voted yes", "pid": 78114841 }, { "sender": "EB4F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:49\n\n\nBanger", "pid": 78114849 }, { "sender": "75DC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:54\n\nimmy's grooming her chat into being less homosexual, it'll take time", "pid": 78114853 }, { "sender": "Anon-15D3", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:01:04\n\nSounds like big bros are getting piss cucked by fags. I pour one out for you, as an ojisan myself. I only hope we can outvote the fags if such a situation was the same.", "pid": 78114864 }, { "sender": "B084-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:01:37\n\n>>78114856 \n>>78114856 \n>>78114856 \nfresh juice", "pid": 78114880 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B963", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:01:46\n\nThis Vappa nigger in chat needs rope", "pid": 78114886 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C8F3", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:01:49\n\n>you were a little too easy \nEVEN SHE IS CALLING OUT THE YES VOTERS. FUCK THEM", "pid": 78114888 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-11DD", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:21:54\n\n>>78114014 \n>teledildonics", "pid": 78115819 }, { "sender": "D244-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:26:24\n\nWhy is this place still alive?", "pid": 78116029 }, { "sender": "4318-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:35:31\n\n<s>HALHORN </s> GOT CAUGHT", "pid": 78116434 } ]
[ { "sender": "84A9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:52:18\n\nMoments in Television & Film that made your jaw dtop?", "pid": 201910783 }, { "sender": "8912-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:56:07\n\nI dream about this almost every night", "pid": 201910939 }, { "sender": "955D-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:05:15\n\n>>>/wsg/5631074", "pid": 201911324 }, { "sender": "Anon-4D1D", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:08:19\n\n>>201911324 \nLiteral psychopath.", "pid": 201911427 }, { "sender": "4E95-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:08:55\n\n>>201911324 \nI really don't remember seeing this part when i was a kid, my mind is fucking blown", "pid": 201911449 }, { "sender": "Craig T. Nelson", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:10:45\n\nTim & Eric had their moments, not gonna lie", "pid": 201911521 }, { "sender": "423B-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:24:13\n\n>>201911521 \nthe only moments they had made me change the channel", "pid": 201912051 }, { "sender": "0AEE-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:13:30\n\n>>201911324 \n \nI hope Timmy knows how to keep his ass safe in prison.", "pid": 201913966 }, { "sender": "3090-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:24:07\n\n>>201910783 \nWhen I had to prep the dog for \"my\" white wife", "pid": 201914347 }, { "sender": "0C2F-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:32:57\n\n>>201910783 \nThe Dan no Ura sequence in Kwaidan \nThe theatre collapse Kagero-Za \nThis spot in Gorgeous where the antagonist does a jumping quadruple kick like it's nothing.", "pid": 201914725 }, { "sender": "A8FE-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:33:40\n\n>>201914725 \nDan Uggla was so bad for the Braves.", "pid": 201914750 }, { "sender": "5E65-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:38:14\n\n>>201910783 \n>AY-AYAY!! ROBOT-WASP sama, you're BACK?!!? HUUUHHHH?!?! Instead of TAKING my LIFE, you are now going to TAKE my WIFE?!?! You are going to OVERPOWER ME, embarrassing me COMPLETELY, and BRING my BELOVED 18 back to your NEST to become your new QUEEN?!?! After PLEASURING her with your STINGER, you are gonna WHAT?!?! Go AROUND THE WORLD, collecting SEMEN from the MOST VIRILE BULLS, and then RETURN and POLLINATE HER BEAUTIFUL FLAPPY, BROWN, USED UP FLOWER?!?!?! And then, she is going to be FORCED to CARRY and DELIVER a new BROOD of WASP-HUMAN-ANDROID HYBRIDS, whose HIVE-MIND will have ONE mission and ONE mission ONLY?!?! And that mission will be to GULP INFEST 18's PUSSY with BUG LARVAE?!?! My WIFE, who I love VERY much, will become the QUEEN of a NEW WASP-DYNASTY, and will usher in a NEW ERA for WASP-KIND, by BREEDING and BREEDING and BREEDING CONSTANTLY, producing COUNTLESS BABIES, all while being sustained SOLELY on DELICIOUS COCK-NECTAR?!?! SHE will be SIRING the CHILDREN of EVERYONE on EARTH, at the same time, EXCEPT MINE?!?! And after the GESTATION PERIOD ENDS, she will FLOOD the WORLD with BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of GENETIC FREAKS whose ONLY GOAL is to KEK me and STING ME, causing me IMMENSE SUFFERING?!?! I will be LOCKED and TRAPPED in a TINY NEST, with only a SMALL OPENING to see the SHOW?!? And I will be FORCED to subsist ONLY the AMNIOTIC FLUID that LEAKS through the CRACKS of my CELL?!?! I will be living UNDER the BREEDING room, LISTENING to my wife being INSEMINATED EVERYDAY like a PHANTOM KEK of the OPERA?!?!? EXCEPT this time, instead of getting to KISS her, I will get to MOP UP ALL the OH SO SWEET PENIS-HONEY with my TONGUE and then SPIT it back into her WOMB to make sure not a DROP is wasted!?!?! WOW, DINNER and a SHOW, you are SPOILING ME!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! YABBA DABBA DOOOOO!!!!", "pid": 201914938 }, { "sender": "Anon-2A69", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:55:15\n\n>>201914938 \nPost the others", "pid": 201915616 }, { "sender": "71FD-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:57:57\n\n>>201915616 \nI made one for nate from fallout, then frenzied flame and ranni from elden ring \n >JIMINY CRICKETS! Is that the LORD OF FRENZIED FLAME from the hit game ELDEN RING™? You want to make ALL LIFE INTO ONE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS exept for ME and ANDROID 18? WHY? NANI? You want to let us live so you can FUCK her while I watch? And because your ending mean every EVERY LIVING CREATURE shares the same soul EVERY MAN, WOMAN, CHILD and EVEN ANIMAL is KEKOLDING ME? \n>YABBA DABBA DOO MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD... AND MY WIFE TOO!", "pid": 201915717 }, { "sender": "F966-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:44:58\n\n>>201915717 \nNice", "pid": 201917738 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7402", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:48:03\n\n>>201917738 \nMade one for tranni too \n>MARIKA'S TITS! Doth thout be mine CONSORT? what does thine mean ye want a DIVORCE? thoust would rather fuck MIQUELLA'S BUSSY instead of my PORCELAIN PRIVATES? Thou'rt telling me FEMBOY BUTT feels better than PLASTER AND STRING? NANISORE? Not only that but its a PACKAGE DEAL and you're also having a polygamous relationship with LEDA and FREYA? Who TONGUE YOUR ASS and SUCK ON YOUR BALLS while you enter mine brothers DIVINE GATE? \n>EEEEEE? thout also slain mine brothers RADAHN and MOHG to gain THEIR PROSTATE POUNDING POWERS of ANTI GRAVITY THRUSTS and OUTER GOD AIDS? Ye hath designated me as THE REDDIT WAIFU with a STUPID HAT? And ye hath already married ALL THE WOMEN IN THE LANDS BETWEEN? \n>YABBA DABBA DOO NOW COMITH THE AGE OF KEKOLDING", "pid": 201917885 }, { "sender": "0F96-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:49:10\n\n>>201910783 \n~~C-cut it... cut it off.~~", "pid": 201917943 }, { "sender": "Anon-A303", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:00:36\n\n>>201910783 \n>\\*Snore\\* Yabba...HUH?! I've suddenly FALLEN into the realms of MY DREAMS?! Gee willickers, is that FREDDY KREUGER? PLEASE don't KILL ME Mr. Krueger, there are SO MANY Blacked videos I haven't yet seen! What's this, you're saying that my DAILY FANTASIES about my wife getting her ORGANS ABUSED by multiple VEINY COCKS as she BEGS and SCREAMS for MERCY is more horrifying than ANYTHING you could ever create as a NIGHTMARE?! You're actually going to REWARD ME for raising the bar on what CONSTITUTES as a NIGHTMARE by giving me COMPLETE CONTROL over my friends' DREAMS for a night?! I can FINALLY experience my GREATEST DREAM by having my friends DRILL my wife's cervix and PUMP her full of their FERTILE SEED in both REALITY and THEIR DREAMS?! Yabba dabba doo, what a dream come \n \nThis is one of my favorites and /tv/ related.", "pid": 201918448 }, { "sender": "EFDF-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:28:37\n\n>>201917885 \nTop kek anon. You have a talent. Saved to repost later", "pid": 201922040 }, { "sender": "Anon-0796", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:30:58\n\n>>201918448 \nKwk peak yabba posting in this thread", "pid": 201922111 }, { "sender": "C38E-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:39:56\n\n>>201910783 \nthe reveal near the end of blade runner 2049, i can honestly say i didnt see it coming, but thats because the movie almost lies to you", "pid": 201922382 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-92A2", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:41:38\n\nyes yes, it was fucking retarded like everything after the pain arc but it was still pretty cool", "pid": 201922435 }, { "sender": "FD15-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:45:42\n\n>>201922040 \nThanks, idk what to do next", "pid": 201922570 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A548", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:46:53\n\n<s> YABBA. DABBA. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! </s>", "pid": 201922602 }, { "sender": "05DD-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:05:57\n\n>>201922435 \nHonestly there were several cool moments after the Pain arc, especially at Killer Bee's island arc \n>Naruto vs Kurama \n>Minato hitting Obito with a rasengan \n>Kisame's kino death \n>Kabuto using Edo Tensei \n>Konan's ocean paper bomb trap \n>Obito's new mask \nAnd several others, i know the anime ending on the Pain arc would've been great but i don't agree that it was the last good arc when he had several of those cool moments on the island arc.", "pid": 201923200 }, { "sender": "E418-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:16:10\n\n>>201923200 \nyeah there were cool moments but everything after the pain arc feels like when they make an unnecessary sequel to a movie", "pid": 201923481 } ]
Dead careers general
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-B7C8", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:36:00\n\n>>201905220", "pid": 201905285 }, { "sender": "Anon-8460", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:36:41\n\n>I know I \n>Am dead inside \n>From the countless lies \n>That have eaten us alive \n>I know why \n>I'm dead inside \n>You're dead inside \n>We're dead inside", "pid": 201905315 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C702", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:36:49\n\n>>201905220 \n>ISRA-EL NO", "pid": 201905322 }, { "sender": "Anon-4801", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:37:37\n\n>>201905322", "pid": 201905353 }, { "sender": "C9B6-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:38:13\n\nOnly real oldfags will remember this", "pid": 201905380 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-465B", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:40:29\n\n>>201905380 \nShe became a hardcore trump supporter last time I checked her twitter.", "pid": 201905463 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9E6F", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:43:56\n\n>>201905426 \nThe OG goat", "pid": 201905617 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3A61", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:48:24\n\n>>201905426 \n>complains she's being sexualized \n>goes right back to posting pictures of herself in a skimpy bikini \n>even starts and onlyfans", "pid": 201905796 }, { "sender": "Anon-18F3", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:49:14\n\n>>201905796 \nShe completely misunderstood what her appeal was. \nIt's the same as that one Mexican chick with the big boobs. \n \nNo one cares about a legal girl with big tits.", "pid": 201905837 }, { "sender": "1903-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:51:55\n\nShe STOOD HER GROUND when all these big companies and studios had PROBLEMATIC PEOPLE. Right on, sister.\n\nAnd now she quietly vanishes into the night.", "pid": 201905937 }, { "sender": "Anon-050E", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:54:00\n\n>>201905220 \nStill cute. Would gently spank her while reading Mein Kampf.", "pid": 201906040 }, { "sender": "D2C7-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:00:18\n\n>>201905751 \nstill hurts", "pid": 201906301 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-89BF", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:02:26\n\nIndustry destroyed her", "pid": 201906379 }, { "sender": "FE05-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:05:41\n\n>>201905440 \nwho tf is this?", "pid": 201906487 }, { "sender": "A999-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:06:23\n\n>>201906487 \nI think he's a former 9gag mod.", "pid": 201906517 }, { "sender": "607B-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:06:58\n\n>>201906487 \n>being this unfathomably new", "pid": 201906549 }, { "sender": "LockJobOp", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:07:41\n\n>>201906379 \nI miss her so fucking much.", "pid": 201906585 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B63D", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:08:30\n\ndidn't expect this to be a coom thread", "pid": 201906610 }, { "sender": "Anon-B805", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:09:11\n\n>>201905380 \nbeen so long", "pid": 201906641 }, { "sender": "0E74-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:10:41\n\n>>201906487 \nMark Zuckerberg post buccal fat removal", "pid": 201906704 }, { "sender": "E492-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:11:08\n\n>>201905220", "pid": 201906724 }, { "sender": "6601-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:11:11\n\n>>201905796 \n>women and hypocrisy \nName a more iconic duo.", "pid": 201906725 }, { "sender": "Anon-CACB", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:11:42\n\n>>201906673 \nhis career is hanging on a rope", "pid": 201906754 }, { "sender": "Anon-69A0", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:17:03\n\n>>201906379 \nWhy, what happened?", "pid": 201906958 }, { "sender": "5131-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:18:23\n\n>>201906754 \nIt was a belt anon.", "pid": 201907020 }, { "sender": "B1F1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:19:02\n\n>>201905220 \nThis fucking guy.", "pid": 201907048 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-354E", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:21:56\n\n>>201906487 \nMe", "pid": 201907176 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F626", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:23:52\n\n>>201905813 \nThe homemade cheese business is booming tho!", "pid": 201907250 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6B78", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:25:00\n\n>>201907048 \nShame, he was pretty kino when he wanted to be.", "pid": 201907293 }, { "sender": "Anon-2003", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:26:19\n\n>>201907020 \nhuh?", "pid": 201907345 }, { "sender": "Anon-5400", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:26:27\n\n>>201905813 \nsexoh", "pid": 201907350 }, { "sender": "Anon-4713", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:27:28\n\n>>201905315 \nThis guy was generated in a lab by artificial intelligence and you can't convince me otherwise", "pid": 201907396 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-57C8", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:28:20\n\n>>201907048 \nDid Game of Fail produce any real celebrity? \n \nI know some retard is going to mention 'Sean Bean', although it's not what I asked at all.", "pid": 201907418 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D2AB", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:29:21\n\n>>201905796 \ni think she was mad that people were jacking it to her pics for free. if they pay, its ok", "pid": 201907464 }, { "sender": "13C3-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:29:57\n\n>>201907418 \nNot really, a few of the actors had a couple movies right after it like jon snow but most of the other famous ones were already famous before the show like sean bean and to some extent nikolaj waldeu", "pid": 201907486 }, { "sender": "E8FF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:31:15\n\n>>201907418 \nThough short lived I think Emilia Clarke.", "pid": 201907535 }, { "sender": "4346-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:32:32\n\n>>201907418 \nThe monkee girl is gonna be Supergirl", "pid": 201907572 }, { "sender": "060D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:58:09\n\n>>201906379 \nFor me, it’s Alexis Tae", "pid": 201908534 }, { "sender": "47A9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:12:27\n\n>>201905315 \nhuman \n \nvery human", "pid": 201909133 }, { "sender": "Anon-9006", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:15:33\n\n>>201905751 \nunreal tits \nI miss her", "pid": 201909265 }, { "sender": "28D8-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:12:13\n\n>>201906379 \nShe's the worst part of Star Trek Discovery", "pid": 201911591 }, { "sender": "2CD7-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:23:24\n\n>>201906007 \nI desperately need to know who did her implants", "pid": 201912009 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A732", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:01:02\n\n>>201905220 \nI think Gal's problem is that she can't escape being seen as Wonder Woman so it's hard for her to branch out. Same issue with Emilia Clarke, people see her as Daenerys. \n>>201905315 \nGeneric YouTube industry plant & shill. You can replace him with anyone and it won't make a difference.", "pid": 201913502 }, { "sender": "D05B-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:28:36\n\n>>201905220 \n\\_(Gal\\_Gadot\\_video) \nKek there's an entire wikipedia article for that stupid Imagine video she did", "pid": 201914545 }, { "sender": "7720-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:38:49\n\n>>201914583 \nI always confuse her with that other child badass got actress \nFuck got was so trash", "pid": 201914967 }, { "sender": "Women moment", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:41:33\n\n>>201913502 \nYou probably creamed all over pewdipie.", "pid": 201915085 }, { "sender": "E6B7-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:25:31\n\n>>201905220 \nwish I could hug her", "pid": 201916870 }, { "sender": "2EF5-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:26:35\n\n>>201913502 \nnot a problem at all, nobody sees her as Wonder Woman anymore", "pid": 201916921 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-97E4", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:46:42\n\n>>201916711 \nBut those legs...", "pid": 201917821 }, { "sender": "72B9-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:51:52\n\n>>201907396 \nYeah he's probably a test tube freak like Musk. Probably born to be the future president or something like that like the rest of our world leaders.", "pid": 201918062 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-807A", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:53:05\n\n>>201905751 \nI will never forgive trannies and their apologists", "pid": 201918101 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D8DA", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:29:08\n\n>>201905220 \nStip insulting my wifw", "pid": 201919901 }, { "sender": "Anon-3081", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:53:08\n\n>>201919901 \nno", "pid": 201920858 }, { "sender": "32C5-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:53:27\n\n>>201906724 \nDear sweet heebous", "pid": 201920872 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C352", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:35:35\n\n>last acting credit was a horse movie on disney plus 4 years ago \nfoybros it's so over.", "pid": 201922256 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3EBF", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:48:36\n\n>>201906487 \n \nEbaumsworld CEO", "pid": 201922662 }, { "sender": "Anon-1383", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:04:09\n\n>>201905220 \n>>201913502 \nMore that she can't escape her inability to act or put on an accent worth a shit.", "pid": 201923155 }, { "sender": "AEE0-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:18:49\n\n>>201916711 \nI want to cum in her goblin face so much", "pid": 201923578 } ]
[ { "sender": "9A5A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:17:49\n\n>Here's that 14 year old boy I was telling you about. \nI know he's a homeless orphan but he looks a bit rough for a boy.", "pid": 201902090 }, { "sender": "C2EF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:19:29\n\nas a huehue i appreciate chaves as this like \"archetypal\" thing in our culture but i never liked it much, weird ass show, low key nightmare vibes", "pid": 201902150 }, { "sender": "F8D5-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:24:25\n\n>>201902090 \nMore like El Kino del Ocho", "pid": 201902348 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC99", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:25:19\n\n>>201902090 \n>14 year old boy \n10", "pid": 201902385 }, { "sender": "EDF6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:26:08\n\n>>201902090 \nAhora si te toco el ocho", "pid": 201902407 }, { "sender": "8747-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:28:31\n\n>>201902090 \nRon Damon", "pid": 201902493 }, { "sender": "Anon-9039", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:34:58\n\n>>201902090 \nTortas de jamon will do that to you", "pid": 201902731 }, { "sender": "27DB-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:39:36\n\n>>201902150 \nwas this shit popular in latin america? I don't speak a word of spanish and yet still remember watching hours of this retard. still not as good as sabado gigante", "pid": 201902912 }, { "sender": "7A7A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:41:24\n\n>>201902912 \nYeah it was huge in Brazil in the 90s. Thank u Silvio Santos", "pid": 201902983 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:43:58\n\n>>201902150 \n>chaves", "pid": 201903095 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:44:59\n\n>>201902385 \nHe's actually 8 years old", "pid": 201903128 }, { "sender": "7EB8-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:45:47\n\n>>201902912 \nEven Maradona was a huge Chespirito fan, and had him on his show a couple of times", "pid": 201903161 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-24E7", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:46:52\n\n>>201903128 \n>cunnyseur and chavoseur \nBased", "pid": 201903220 }, { "sender": "73BA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:47:14\n\n>>201903128 \nbefore or after Cente's death?", "pid": 201903240 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CFAC", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:48:17\n\nI miss when the internet was still for white people", "pid": 201903290 }, { "sender": "Anon-1F71", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:51:53\n\n>>201902912 \n>still not as good as sabado gigante \nMy grandma lived with us too.", "pid": 201903453 }, { "sender": "F49E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:53:40\n\n>watching capeshit \nCallate, callate callate, que me desesperas!", "pid": 201903529 }, { "sender": "Anon-BE40", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:55:14\n\nPosting in blessed chavo thread.", "pid": 201903586 }, { "sender": "EC5D-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 20:58:10\n\n>>201903529 \n>>201903529 \nEven Matt Greonig liked Chespirito", "pid": 201903700 }, { "sender": "BFFC-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:05:03\n\n>>201903529 \n>Dr Doom is announced as the greatest villain \n>clears throat", "pid": 201903971 }, { "sender": "743F-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:06:35\n\n>>201902150 \nshut the fuck up zoomer", "pid": 201904027 }, { "sender": "E38D-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:06:58\n\n>>201903971 \n>TIME IS MONEY!!!", "pid": 201904037 }, { "sender": "1506-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:18:09\n\n>>201902090 \nthey grow so fast in Mexico", "pid": 201904487 }, { "sender": "0E04-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:28:52\n\n>>201902090 \nI think the character was like 9 years old.", "pid": 201904976 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3991", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:32:16\n\nLiterally the most powerful character in fiction. Undefeated in any discussion, you can barely stun him in battle.", "pid": 201905128 }, { "sender": "0D4A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:46:39\n\nNon Latin Roman chads won't know who this fucker is. Also, everyone in the place he lives were fucking assholes for letting a child live inside a barrel \n>>201902150 \nVocê é um viadinho menor de idade de merda, sugador de caralhos.", "pid": 201905725 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6446", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:49:27\n\n>>201905725 \nIt is assumed that he lived in the apartment with number 8, hence the name.", "pid": 201905851 }, { "sender": "Anon-6984", "message": "29/07/2024, 21:52:16\n\n>>201905128 \n>Chespirito add his brother for filling the school class \n>Chespirito's brother ask him few lines because he was too busy producing \n>Become one of the most beloved characters in the show", "pid": 201905946 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:00:45\n\n>>201905725 \nHe lives in apartment number 8, thus «El Chavo del 8», i.e., the dude from the 8. This he explains in an episode, also calling everyone who believes he lives in the barrel «bola de mensos», i.e., bunch of retards, you included", "pid": 201906317 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:02:24\n\n>>201904976 \n8 years old. You can see this explained in «Las nuevas vecinas (III parte)» from 1975, at the 19:55 mark", "pid": 201906376 }, { "sender": "Anon-E4E6", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:30:01\n\n>>201902912 \n>was this shit popular in latin america? \n \nYes, in every country if you disliked El Chavo you hated your mother basically", "pid": 201907489 }, { "sender": "4E74-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:43:48\n\nhow do i use this to learn spanish", "pid": 201907987 }, { "sender": "Anon-A808", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:48:50\n\n>>201902912 \nyes, it was essentially the proto-Simpsons for many. \nbut at least they decided to stop making episodes, sadly not soon enough, the later season with no Quico or Don Ramón fall off a fucking cliff in quality and they start reusing too many jokes and plots from older episodes", "pid": 201908170 }, { "sender": "Anon-66D4", "message": "29/07/2024, 22:49:16\n\n>>201902150 \n>esse zoomer bostileiro tentando falar como um negro americano \n>>201903529 \nBased.", "pid": 201908193 }, { "sender": "D4D6-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:17:16\n\n>>201902090 \nfirstworlders can't SOUL", "pid": 201909359 }, { "sender": "CF08-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:20:21\n\n>its a chavo gets jealous of chilindrinas candy so he covers it in dirt episode \nkino", "pid": 201909475 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B2BC", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:26:29\n\n>>201902090 \nThe horror episodes with the spirits, the witch house, the monster masks and the ghost disguises were the best ones and full of sovl.", "pid": 201909732 }, { "sender": "B82D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 23:55:22\n\n>>201902090 \n>It's a multiverse episode \nReally getting tired of this shit", "pid": 201910906 }, { "sender": "FCF3-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:04:00\n\nWhat the fuck how does everyone know about this. Have I been talking to other spics this whole time?", "pid": 201911262 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:09:41\n\n>>201910906 \nI still don't know how they did it", "pid": 201911484 }, { "sender": "8AB5-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:11:33\n\n>>201911484 \nWhy didn't they do the same thing with Senhor Barriga and Nhonho? Low budget?", "pid": 201911554 }, { "sender": "EF05-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:18:14\n\n>>201911262 \n4chan is all spics and indians now, anon", "pid": 201911812 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4FBE", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:21:53\n\n>>201902150 \n>low key nightmare vibes \nDon Ramon sleepwalking and Dona Clotilde talking to the dead was scary as fuck", "pid": 201911966 }, { "sender": "680B-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:24:18\n\n>>201902912 \nAs popular as Friends and Seinfeld is to gringos.", "pid": 201912058 }, { "sender": "D8D2-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:24:37\n\n>>201904487 \n>clearly adult actress plays a child but it's emphasized through clothing and demeanor that the actress is not only obviously an adult but also a slut \nWe need this trope back in a big fucking way.", "pid": 201912072 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:27:22\n\n>>201911554 \n>Senhor Barriga and Nhonho \nwho? I only know el Señor Barriga and Ñoño \nbut, jokes aside, they did it with them as well", "pid": 201912186 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3A15", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:28:28\n\nI grew up in Ecuador in the 80's, this show was so popular. I'll always have nostalgia about it. Sounds like Roberto was a fascist which makes him even cooler.", "pid": 201912230 }, { "sender": "5D77-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:31:00\n\n>>201911484 \ni personally thought this episode was pretty shit, El Chapulin getting in an adventure with El Chavo would have been fine if they made this episode when Chespirito could still run and get up from the ground in under 5 seconds, they made this when all the actors were pretty much living fossils so all the \"action\" you get is Chapulin using the chiquitolina for no reason...and him slowly walking up a staircase...and him talking with every member of the vecindad to convince them to stop being angry...because they were angry for some reason.", "pid": 201912338 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7219", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:36:43\n\n>>201911484 \nI don't know the technique but this stuff has existed since at least the 1910s. I suppose there's a superimposition of images, i.e. Chapulin is superimposed in the film.", "pid": 201912571 }, { "sender": "Anon-83F1", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:39:30\n\n>>201911484 \nits called double exposure my nigger", "pid": 201912690 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EBDA", "message": "30/07/2024, 00:54:41\n\n>>201911554 \n>>201912186 \nThey also did Florinda and Popis", "pid": 201913280 }, { "sender": "6797-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:30:43\n\n>>201902090 \nChavos de la vida is better. El ario del 8 is 4chan kino. Chavoverse when?", "pid": 201914634 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:35:39\n\n>>201912571 \n>>201912690 \nwhat is it like living with autism?", "pid": 201914824 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:40:50\n\n>>201912072 \nThey used to do it in «Se vale» as well", "pid": 201915055 }, { "sender": "A65C-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:30:07\n\n>>201902090 \nI hated this stupid show so much it's unreal, my parents fucking loved it.", "pid": 201917066 }, { "sender": "6C4C-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:36:07\n\n>>201917066 \nYour parents were based, you don't have a soul.", "pid": 201917348 }, { "sender": "8423-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:39:11\n\nChaves is one of the 3 things you don't criticize or Brazilians will want to kill you. The other two are dogs and Jesus Christ.", "pid": 201917468 }, { "sender": "0E85-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:40:37\n\n>>201911262 \nI thought you knew \nI always speak in broken english and make fun of americans", "pid": 201917530 }, { "sender": "Anon-1225", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:41:33\n\n>>201917468 \nDas rite.", "pid": 201917585 }, { "sender": "E8C7-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:47:12\n\n>>201902090 \nIt's amazing how this franchise had two games to come out on consoles, one was exactly like Mario Party and pic related was just Mario Kart, just to show you how influent it was back in the day.", "pid": 201917841 }, { "sender": "0284-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:47:21\n\n>>201917066 \nYour parents cry themselves to sleep thinking on the failure of a son they had.", "pid": 201917849 }, { "sender": "BEF5-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:05:25\n\n>>201917841 \n>tfw zoomers know El Chavo for the cartoon", "pid": 201918690 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FFE5", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:17:09\n\n>MUNNTWA is dead", "pid": 201919306 }, { "sender": "Anon-2BE4", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:18:51\n\n>>201902090 \nChanfle", "pid": 201919385 }, { "sender": "04DB-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:22:14\n\n>>201917841 \nDream Fallen was also a kino game with a very good story. \n>>201918690 \nThe cartoon was honestly pretty good when the episodes were actually adaptations or remakes of the original ones, when they started making up fanfic episodes where the kids got to space or some shit like that is when it became shit.", "pid": 201919570 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:36:53\n\n>>201917841 \n>El Chavo animado \nThat's gonna be an oof from me, dawg", "pid": 201920255 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:39:45\n\n>>201919385 \nRechanfle", "pid": 201920367 }, { "sender": "Anon-AF3E", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:48:01\n\n>>201902090 \nHow did his family manage to mismanage his franchise so badly, the only succesful thing they did with it was the cartoon, but that became completely unwatchable garbage after they stopped copying the episodes", "pid": 201920671 }, { "sender": "MisterCunnyseur_ToT", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:52:46\n\n>>201920671 \nChespirito was an absolute genius. Why do you think he was called «Chespirito»? Literally «little Shakespeare». And even he messed it up big time by not letting his series die until it was too late. The later episodes were painful to watch. Like watching modern spongebob, with Tom Kenny's dying voice. If he couldn't do it, his family was hopeless.", "pid": 201920840 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-091E", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:44:01\n\nsomebody post Maria Antonieta de las Nieves in a bathing suit NOW", "pid": 201922522 }, { "sender": "95B5-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:44:45\n\n>>201902090 \nI hate sudacas so much it's unreal", "pid": 201922540 }, { "sender": "C607-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:16:18\n\nIf you know, you know.", "pid": 201923486 } ]
[ { "sender": "BD97-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:27:17\n\nHe wasn’t THAT funny", "pid": 201919804 }, { "sender": "Anon-49A0", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:28:36\n\n>>201919804 \nWho do (you) find funny? \nAnd is this a black thing?", "pid": 201919880 }, { "sender": "BA4A-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:29:08\n\n>>201919804 \nHe was funnier lol", "pid": 201919902 }, { "sender": "Anon-9E9C", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:29:15\n\nHe was a halfwit who can pass briefly as an intellectual", "pid": 201919908 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0F3C", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:29:49\n\n>>201919880 \nLouis CK is funnier than him", "pid": 201919937 }, { "sender": "Anon-FDF3", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:30:44\n\n>>201919804 \nPeople only liked him because they wanted a black comedian they can point to to prove how anti-racist and cool they were.", "pid": 201919983 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1194", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:31:00\n\n>read this palm you gypsy bitch!", "pid": 201919998 }, { "sender": "7AC3-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:32:47\n\nHe shines as a humorous story teller. And in that tradition he is a true American. Mark Twain made it clear what is peculiar to the American style of humor, and he was on the money.", "pid": 201920080 }, { "sender": "Anon-7E24", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:32:55\n\n>>201919937 \nbased and true, but they had a mutual respect \n", "pid": 201920088 }, { "sender": "0404-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:34:12\n\n>9000 hours of O&A episodes \n \nVerdict: Mid \n \nGreg Geraldo tier.", "pid": 201920148 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-048B", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:34:47\n\nBEING LOUD AND SAYING \"BASED\" THINGS = FUNNY", "pid": 201920173 }, { "sender": "002C-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:39:05\n\n>>201919804 \n>>201919908 \n>>201919937 \n>>201919983 \n>>201920148 \n>>201920173 \nWomen or beta \"males\" \nCall it.", "pid": 201920338 }, { "sender": "4380-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:39:31\n\n>>201919804 \nWould /tv/ fuck a bitch without a nose?", "pid": 201920356 }, { "sender": "Anon-D9E6", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:39:45\n\nKikes and Niggers a history. \n\n", "pid": 201920366 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4DBF", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:06:55\n\n>>201919804 \nHe was funny but his range of funniness was limited to women and race. \n \n>>201919937 \nI think so.", "pid": 201921336 }, { "sender": "Anon-06AA", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:10:21\n\n>>201919804 \nAgreed. I listen to all of his \"classic\" material and all I hear is another obnoxious babboon nigger with midwit IQ but he says faggot occasionally and wasn't a total libtard so he must be some fucking comedic legend. To praise him as some lost comic legend is to further serve the nigger worship goyslop agenda. Dude wasn't that great. Like at all.", "pid": 201921465 }, { "sender": "Anon-E3AF", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:10:33\n\nHe's straight up insufferable on his \"podcast\" or whatever the fuck he was doing before he died. Most of his advice regarding women is borderline retarded and only applies to ghetto hoodrats, and only if you are absolutely insistent on being a selfish piece of shit.", "pid": 201921475 }, { "sender": "9ED7-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:24:17\n\n>>201919804 \nhis stand up wasn't that great but he was great on the radio", "pid": 201921903 }, { "sender": "Anon-2C33", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:26:03\n\n>>201919937 \n>hes not as good as the greatest comedian of all time therefore he sucks", "pid": 201921958 }, { "sender": "Anon-7DE5", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:30:18\n\n>>201921475 \nhis basic advice was women are retarded and irrational and not caring is the most powerful weapon you have against them and that's all true", "pid": 201922088 }, { "sender": "EA45-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:33:49\n\n>>201919983 \nRight, because Patrice was famously the only black comedian ever", "pid": 201922195 }, { "sender": "3FF7-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:37:48\n\nAnother dumb nigger comedien but since he was AS FUCKING STUPID as all the other ones you bleeding hearts put him on some pedestal even though he, like all other niggers, hated all white people obviously and never made one single attempt to meet white people halfway on anything where as far superior comedians and intellects bent over backward for him because \"holy shit one of them is actually kinda decent at this comedy thing\". He was nothing special and deserved no great accolades. Another loud stupid nigger who hated white people and lived in his own ghetto ass nigger world and nothing else. But again...he wasn't a TOTAL libtard so therefor so many white guilt tripping/self hating comedians put him on some huge pedestal.", "pid": 201922316 }, { "sender": "Anon-6989", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:38:50\n\n>>201922316 \nSince he WASN'T\\* as stupid i meant", "pid": 201922350 }, { "sender": "4FE4-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:40:34\n\n>>201919804 \n>t. gay christmas tree owner", "pid": 201922404 }, { "sender": "C98D-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:42:15\n\nReminder he was a literal cuckold who let other guys fuck his girlfriend", "pid": 201922450 }, { "sender": "Anon-FE26", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:42:24\n\n>>201921465 \n>>201921475 \nHe was probably funnier back in the day, but I didn't start watching him until recently, and the problem is that what he says is just very saturated now, there are millions of faggot redpill grifters saying this stuff on the internet. Maybe it was more novel then. But \"women... le dumb!\" is just so tired to me.", "pid": 201922454 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-44C2", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:46:50\n\n>>201922454 \n>>201921465 \n>>201921475 \n>>201922316 \nwhy do you keep samefagging no one cares", "pid": 201922601 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-814A", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:48:05\n\n>>201919804 \n>His relationship advice only applied to black women \nIts a shame he didn't live long enough to become a sell out like the rest of his comedy friends", "pid": 201922647 }, { "sender": "26DE-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:52:19\n\n>>201922601 \nWhy are you sucking a dead nigger's dick so hard?", "pid": 201922798 }, { "sender": "6BEA-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:54:32\n\n>>201922450 \nBecause he felt bad because he had other girlfriends on the side. Don't you remember his Brazilian favela prostitute girlfriend?", "pid": 201922865 }, { "sender": "Anon-8DDF", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:54:41\n\n>>201922798 \ni love bbc", "pid": 201922870 }, { "sender": "72F8-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:55:56\n\n>>201919804 \n>patrice was so smart bro especially when it comes to women \n>dates a gold digger with a kid for 10+ years \n>goes to swinger events and watches her get fucked \n>his diabetic dick stops working so he starts carrying around a briefcase full of sex toys (totally normal) \n>\"friends\" raise money for that whore using his likeness for years to come \n>she then decides to make a documentary about him without letting studios influence it \n>milks the donations and then sells the idea to comedy central \ndamn dude he was a REDPILLED GENIUS!!!", "pid": 201922912 }, { "sender": "Krager", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:59:01\n\nYes he was", "pid": 201923011 }, { "sender": "Anon-A604", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:59:09\n\n>>201922798 \nHis advice taught me how to have sex and treat women so I feel I owe him. \n \nI think chappelle is better but Patrice's last special is my 3rd favorite after Dave's first two specials.", "pid": 201923016 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F02", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:02:22\n\n>>201922912 \n>dates a gold digger with a kid for 10+ years \n \nand he never married her, he used her to feed his dogs while fucking other women on the road", "pid": 201923099 }, { "sender": "880A-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:03:42\n\n>>201921475 \nAt least Patrice had a legit reason to hate women, since apparently he was falsely accused of rape by one when he was young and spent time in prison for it.", "pid": 201923136 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-226C", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:03:44\n\n>>201919937 \nLouis CK has been the funniest man in the world for going on a decade. Are you a braindead moron?", "pid": 201923138 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7094", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:05:35\n\n>>201923099 \n>disregard all info pointing out he didnt actually understand women because he was totally having lots of sex (before his cock stopped working)", "pid": 201923190 }, { "sender": "1013-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:06:18\n\n>>201923099 \nIt's still weird how someone who had all this game and knew about women ended up in a \"muh wife's son\" situation.", "pid": 201923211 }, { "sender": "F607-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:06:58\n\n>>201919804 \nhe was a nigger though and americans go crazy for that", "pid": 201923226 }, { "sender": "279F-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:07:05\n\nRead this thread you janny bitch", "pid": 201923229 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-082E", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:15:41\n\n>>201919983 \nAlso incels love him because he represented the ideal male that all their PUA gurus told them about", "pid": 201923470 }, { "sender": "Anon-ED03", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:16:50\n\n>>201923211 \nHe was an on the road comedian that died right before making it big. It's just not the type of job you settle down and have a family with", "pid": 201923501 }, { "sender": "D001-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:18:02\n\n>>201920080 \nthis", "pid": 201923545 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9115", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:19:56\n\n>>201923190 \nHe understood women pretty good but you also have to give him credit for being the first to come up with \"Asians are soulless insects\"", "pid": 201923611 } ]
CASINO: Jannie Edition
[ { "sender": "Anon-DEE7", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:32:51\n\nCASINO: Jannie Edition\n\n>In the thread posting business, the cardinal rule is to keep them baited and to keep them posting back. The longer they post, the more they (you)s, and in the end, we get it all", "pid": 201922168 }, { "sender": "579F-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:34:29\n\n>You called my friend a faggot?!", "pid": 201922218 }, { "sender": "A943-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:34:58\n\n>This is the end result of all the Jazz threads, the gay fish tank threads, all the WebM post it threads, sneed & feed, and all the Cavill and all the Cruise threads. It's all been arranged just for us to get your (You)s", "pid": 201922235 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9BCB", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:35:48\n\nDoes anyone have the Eye in the Sky 4chan post?", "pid": 201922262 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-819D", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:36:08\n\n>>201922218 \n>Look at this fuckin beaut they put in now \n>Jannie send you in here to ban me now? \n>Been fucking knocking everyone's threads in all night? Huh, you been 404ing all the threads tonight, motherfucker? \n>Huh? Jag-off \n>Ban me \n>Take this 3 day ban and pound it up your fucking ass \n>Ban me again \n>Take this range ban and shove it up your sisters ass \n>Ban me again", "pid": 201922269 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-91E1", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:37:09\n\n>>201922262 \n>In /tv/, everybody's gotta watch everybody else \n>Since the off topic shit-posters are looking to bypass the ban \n>The soprano posters are watching the Wire posters \n>The Sneed posters are watching the Soprano posters \n>The troon posters are watching the sneed posters \n>The discord trannies are watching the troon-posters \n>The jannies are watching the discord trannies \n>The Mods are watching the jannies \n>Nishimura is watching the Mods \n>And the eye-in-the-sky, glow niggers, is watching all", "pid": 201922297 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C619", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:38:49\n\n>>201922168 \nThose jag off jannies!", "pid": 201922349 }, { "sender": "A636-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:40:59\n\n>>201922349 \nAlways loved the mint green shirts Deniro wears in this movie.", "pid": 201922416 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3CC2", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:41:59\n\n>charlie M", "pid": 201922446 }, { "sender": "0ECB-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:43:24\n\n>Three fuckin' sneed post in 20 minutes? Why didn't you pull the threads? Why didn't you call me? \n>Well, it happened so quick, 3 anons posted; I didn't have a chance... \n>You didn't see the spammers? You didn't see what was going on? \n>Well, there's no way to determine that... \n>Yes there is! An infallible way, they posted!", "pid": 201922487 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3AC8", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:47:49\n\n>And where they got Nishimura from? Who the fuck knows \n>All I know Nishimura was a Japanese hikikomori who barely had enough money to pay for the server fees \n>And of course it was the bosses man, Moot, who gave all the orders not the fucking administrator, Nishimura", "pid": 201922635 }, { "sender": "ED71-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:49:27\n\nWasn't there one involving the blueberry muffins?", "pid": 201922696 }, { "sender": "4A02-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:49:43\n\n>>201922168 \nthis movie baits you into thinking it's about casinos and switches to some jew cuck fantasies.", "pid": 201922703 }, { "sender": "4EC3-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:50:40\n\n>>201922446 \n\"for free\" \n>this motherfucker do you believe this? \n>two fucking days and nights \n>FOR FREE! \n>FOR FREE YOU MOTHERFUCKER! \n>FUCK MY MOTHER! \n>THATS WHAT YOU FUCKING TELL ME! \n>YOU MOTHER FUCKER YOU! \n>GIVE ME A FUCKING NUMBER!", "pid": 201922732 }, { "sender": "1975-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:52:17\n\n>>201922732 \n>For two days and two fuckin' nights, we beat the shit out of this jannie. I mean, we even stuck ice-picks in her balls", "pid": 201922797 }, { "sender": "14DF-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:52:41\n\nAfter all the bullshit that’s been posted on /tv/ lately I got a 3 day ban for calling the jannie fat. That jannie must be one fucking ugly fatass faggot", "pid": 201922805 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-20D1", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:55:11\n\n>Jannie, what happened over there? I mean, did you know that guy you banned was with me? \n>No, I didn't know that. But you know what he did? \n>No \n>He posted off topic. And then I warned him politely and he tells me to go fuck myself. \n>What? \n>Then he called me a faggot. So what do you think I do? I range banned that cocksucker \n>What? Hold on a second \n>Hey, come here. You called a jannie a faggot? You tell him to go fuck himself? \n>Nicky, I didn't - I did - I didn't... \n>Is that what you did? Tell him to go fuck himself? You fucking hick! Fucking. \n>You big fucking hick, you. Come here. Come here. \n>Get him up. Come here. \n>You post an appeal right now and you apologize. You better hope he lets you back in the threads. If you ever get out of line on there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that pokemon hat on. You hear me? Fucking neckbeard \n>Jannie, listen. This guy obviously doesn't know who he was talking to, you understand? He doesn't know that, uh, we're dear friends. I mean, he's already very sorry. But, uh, if you could do me a favor to let him back in the threads, I swear to you he'll never get out of line again. I promise you that. \n>If he does it again, he's banned for good. I don't care what it is, Nick, I'm gonna ha- I'll - I'll never let him in the boards again. \n>I'm sorry about this. Really. All right, jannie? \n>Okay. \n>Thanks, pal. \n>You posted off topic? You posted trannie threads?!... you shit-posting, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! You fuck me up over there, I'll stick you in a furry thread in fucking /b/! You understand?", "pid": 201922889 }, { "sender": "Anon-2497", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:57:36\n\nThis guy could fuck up a dubs thread", "pid": 201922967 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-057B", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:57:59\n\n>>201922703 \nJames Woods as a sleazy playboy is top notch casting.", "pid": 201922978 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-489D", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:58:58\n\n>>201922805 \n>You see the jannie. Good. I want you to see that jannie 'cause that's my wife. But that's not my thread. It's not my thread. You know who post there? Huh? Nah, I mean, you wouldn't know who post there. I'm just saying, \"But you know who post there?\" Huh? A nigger post there. How do you like that? And I'm gonna - I'm gonna sage her. There's nothing else. I'm just gonna sage her. Now, what do you think of that? Huh? I said, what do you think about it? Don't answer. You don't have to answer everything. I'm gonna sage her. I'm gonna sage her until a 404 not found.", "pid": 201923008 }, { "sender": "Anon-AAAA", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:02:27\n\n>So, once they pulled that shit I started doin my own things no one ever thought of doin. \n>To keep an eye on things I brought in my dyslexic kid brother Dominic and some desparados from /r9k/ and started knockin over high reply threads, Soprano, dubs, anybody right here on /tv/. \n>I had a good fuckin crew goin I'll tell you that. \n>I had Sal Frisco a great thread bump guy. Jack Hardy who worked as a mod for reddit before he did a six month ban for grooming. And then there was Bernie Blue this guy could bypass any permanent ban. It was like old times. \n>And I opened up my own threads too called the Architect and Sneeds. Sometimes I used to go along on a shitpost just for the fun of it", "pid": 201923101 }, { "sender": "Anon-E8C3", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:03:47\n\n>>201922696", "pid": 201923140 }, { "sender": "BF48-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:08:03\n\nAlot a lot of holes in the desert,\nand a lot of Jannies are buried in\nthose holes. Except you gotta do it\nright. I mean, you gotta have the\nhole already dug before you show up\nwith a Jannie in the trunk.\nOtherwise you're talkin' about a\nhalf-hour or forty-five minutes of\ndiggin'. And who knows which Mod is gonna\nbe comin' along in that time? Before\nyou know it, you gotta dig a few\nmore holes. You could be there all\nfuckin' night.", "pid": 201923259 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1DA1", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:18:23\n\n>>201923259 \nFirst time I noticed an actor use the \"ACK\" line.", "pid": 201923562 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-48E2", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:44:21\n\n/asoiaf/\n\nMonke edition \n \nprev: >>201909177", "pid": 201915198 }, { "sender": "F15E-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:44:57\n\n>>201915198 \nShe monke.", "pid": 201915221 }, { "sender": "6318-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:45:18\n\nWhy does she look like a monkey?", "pid": 201915233 }, { "sender": "Anon-3A72", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:46:16\n\n>>201915227 \nloldickbutt", "pid": 201915268 }, { "sender": "A91C-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:46:17\n\nMaario Naharis.", "pid": 201915270 }, { "sender": "DCAC-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:46:39\n\nHow was Sunfyre not immediately butchered by the local peasants while sitting there completely defenseless?", "pid": 201915284 }, { "sender": "dragonbro", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:47:12\n\nwhy change the name now..? why not wait till the end of the season", "pid": 201915314 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6B29", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:47:18\n\nYou are not serious posters.", "pid": 201915318 }, { "sender": "6C80-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:47:23\n\n>>201915233 \nprimate dna", "pid": 201915321 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3381", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:47:30\n\n>>201915284 \nwhere?", "pid": 201915325 }, { "sender": "5C95-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:47:30\n\n>>201915284 \nYou go close to the giant fire breathing lizard.", "pid": 201915326 }, { "sender": "Anon-98D8", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:50:00\n\nWhat kind of stupid name is Dickon?", "pid": 201915411 }, { "sender": "3275-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:50:45\n\n>>201915233 \nSex with me. Woman want my banana so bad they become monkey.", "pid": 201915447 }, { "sender": "AEA7-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:51:40\n\n>>201915411", "pid": 201915480 }, { "sender": "EA48-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:52:16\n\nLet’s play a game /asoiaf/, formerly /got/hotd/.\n\nWhat year do you think this quote from GRRM is from?", "pid": 201915505 }, { "sender": "3872-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:52:46\n\n>>201915447", "pid": 201915521 }, { "sender": "1DE2-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:53:10\n\n>>201915505 \n2006", "pid": 201915536 }, { "sender": "C72B-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:53:27\n\n>>201915480 \nLewd!!", "pid": 201915544 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F060", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:53:29\n\n>>201915505 \n>What year do you think this quote from GRRM is from? \n2004.", "pid": 201915545 }, { "sender": "Anon-E2EB", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:53:39\n\n>>201915314 \nFor people to get used to it", "pid": 201915552 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E119", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:56:35\n\nwhy did the thread suddenly slow down", "pid": 201915660 }, { "sender": "Anon-014A", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:56:42\n\n>>201915198 \n>This many slide threads \n \nOP you are ruining this board with your faggotry. \nDelet or taste steel", "pid": 201915666 }, { "sender": "Anon-B1CA", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:57:19\n\n>>201915505 \n2001", "pid": 201915690 }, { "sender": "D989-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:57:51\n\n>>201915660 \nfaggot OP insists on the /asiof/ shit causing the boards to split.", "pid": 201915710 }, { "sender": "Anon-DFED", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:58:09\n\n>>201915536 \n>>201915545 \nUh no 2008. I thought you were guys were going to say 2010 or something. \n \nI just find it funny that he says “there will be plenty of time to agonize over the Winds of Winter”. I guess in his head, plenty of time is 16 years", "pid": 201915730 }, { "sender": "Anon-5E0E", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:58:32\n\n>>201915505 \nBefore most people here were born", "pid": 201915743 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2874", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:00:17\n\n>>201915270 \nOscar Tully", "pid": 201915809 }, { "sender": "Anon-B8DF", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:01:05\n\nWhat do you think the fat man feels about the portrayal of his favorite character?", "pid": 201915852 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2C86", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:01:30\n\nReminder that the last time Sansa's book plotline advanced in any significant way was before 9/11", "pid": 201915868 }, { "sender": "84C8-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:02:31\n\n>>201915852 \nHe feels worse about seeing his pet Blackwoods getting dumped on", "pid": 201915906 }, { "sender": "Anon-C11C", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:03:43\n\n>>201915852 \nautistic fat man cares more about dragons having four legs on a flag", "pid": 201915958 }, { "sender": "9F4E-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:04:45\n\n>>201915852 \n>>201915906 \nonly based thing Condal and Hess have done then.. pitting his gay wank fantasy gary stu against his reddit protagonist house", "pid": 201916000 }, { "sender": "D6DA-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:06:21\n\n>>201915852 \nhe very much likes the casting and performance, but that's all he has said. He only ever went into detail about Paddy and Viserys. \n>Daemon getting upstaged by his big bro even to the creator", "pid": 201916065 }, { "sender": "EB47-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:06:45\n\n>bronze fury \n>that fire activation sound \nWere they taking the piss?", "pid": 201916084 }, { "sender": "384C-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:08:31\n\n>>201915868 \nsansa doesnt have a book plot line beyond boohoo I want to to be a fancy lady and eat lemon cakes", "pid": 201916154 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-73AA", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:08:39\n\n>/asoiaf/ \nI won't be a part of your forced thread, nigger. Respect tradition or fuck off.", "pid": 201916160 }, { "sender": "Anon-4FF3", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:09:44\n\nsomeone who's a knower pls explain..\n\nHow was GOT able to pump out 10 high quality episodes every year (s1-s6) while /HOTD/ needs two years breaks to pump out 8 episodes of dogshit ? \n\nis it all just dragon CGI budget ?", "pid": 201916200 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-51D9", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:15:32\n\nDelete this thread you fucking retard. You are ruining everything.", "pid": 201916457 }, { "sender": "D9CF-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:17:23\n\n>>201915318", "pid": 201916530 }, { "sender": "Anon-6BC3", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:19:58\n\n>>201916200 \n>is it all just dragon CGI budget ? \nBasically. The earlier GoT seasons had little CGI.", "pid": 201916639 }, { "sender": "Anon-082B", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:20:09\n\nahh, ancient /got/, a fine vintage", "pid": 201916644 }, { "sender": "8E69-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:21:13\n\n>>201916065 \nig even that fat hippie has SOME taste", "pid": 201916690 }, { "sender": "Anon-E550", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:23:21\n\n>>201916639 \nI refuse to believe they need an extra year just for the CGI.", "pid": 201916778 }, { "sender": "57BA-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:24:01\n\n>>201916200 \nGoT had 3 major advantages over HOTD: \n1) The story was already written. A lot of early GoT is adapting specific scenes and using dialogue directly. HOTD has an outline for a story at best. \n \n2) The story is very segmented. They had three completely separate units filming simultaneously across the world with very little overlap with actors. ~~One of the reasons I think Daemon has spent most of the season in Harrenhall is so they could try to reduce the shooting schedule by doing his stuff independently from the others.~~ \n \n3) Much heavier special effects wise. Basically every shot at this point has some CGI element to it. In season 1 they wasted time compositing the background in every small council scene. This isn't even including major effects stuff like the dragons. Most of early GoT was filmed on location and had much less work done in post.", "pid": 201916809 }, { "sender": "2E35-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:26:48\n\nat least add got/hotd in the OP's body so it appears when I search for it", "pid": 201916935 }, { "sender": "2117-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:32:45\n\nMy last post here just to let you all know that this is a gay slide thread OP is autistically forcing to ruin this general \n \nreal thread is here : >>201909652 \nstop letting this kill the general . \n \nHIDE /ASIOF/THREADS \n \nIGNORE /ASIOF/POSTS \n \nDO NOT REPLY TO /ASIOF/ POSTERS", "pid": 201917188 }, { "sender": "5CDD-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:33:07\n\nReal general, do not give (you)s to OP trying to destroy the gen. Migrate here and let this thread die. \n>>201909652 \n>>201909652 \n>>201909652", "pid": 201917203 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-48DC", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:34:27\n\nBeware our sting", "pid": 201917270 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-41CE", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:39:52\n\n>>201917270 \nI hope Cole gets dunked on by a Bee at the butchers ball", "pid": 201917502 }, { "sender": "Anon-6B07", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:53:16\n\n>>201916690 \nkino", "pid": 201918109 }, { "sender": "Anon-3CB2", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:00:24\n\n>>201916644 \nlmao", "pid": 201918440 }, { "sender": "00B3-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:01:32\n\n>>201916200 \n>pump out 10 high quality episodes every year (s1-s6) \n>(s1-s6) \npump the breaks, kid", "pid": 201918489 }, { "sender": "247F-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:37:24\n\n>>201915198 \n \ndoes she get sexed in season 2?", "pid": 201920276 }, { "sender": "Anon-5A4C", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:38:47\n\n>>201915284 \ndid you miss the massive army 100 feet away and the giant lizard in the sky \nand if you mean later on instead of \"immediately\", Criston Cole mentioned that he left an army behind to defend Sunfyre, so not defenseless.", "pid": 201920323 }, { "sender": "6C97-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:42:30\n\n>>201916065 \nI realize now that Paddy completely carried season 1", "pid": 201920491 }, { "sender": "27B1-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:59:48\n\nwill the hightowers have their valyrian steel sword, vigilance?", "pid": 201921099 }, { "sender": "4033-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:01:28\n\n>>201915852 \nman i really like that haircut", "pid": 201921164 }, { "sender": "Anon-419D", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:03:52\n\nHow can I tell if I'm a dragonseed in real life?", "pid": 201921253 }, { "sender": "Anon-4E95", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:04:53\n\n<s>I will admit that my guilty pleasure is watching nomie reactions on youtube, makes me wish I was a normie too and not a 31yo virgin</s>", "pid": 201921278 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1F93", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:05:31\n\n>>201921253 \nbath yourself in boiling water", "pid": 201921303 }, { "sender": "D8DE-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:09:07\n\n>>201921253 \n23&me", "pid": 201921415 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0C35", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:18:35\n\n>>201915852 \nI can't believe we didn't get him taking Stone Hedge and he spent all season getting poisoned by a witch, cutting wood, and getting girlbossed by a Tully twink. \n \nThe writers truly hate him.", "pid": 201921734 }, { "sender": "ED46-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:20:08\n\n>>201916200 \nNo it's not the CGI or the budget. Don't let HBO shills gaslight you.", "pid": 201921779 }, { "sender": "Anon-41A4", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:21:31\n\n>>201916778 \nIt's because they take 6 months between shooting each season to accommodate diva actors and so studios can do \"analytics\". TV seasons used to be filmed back to back.", "pid": 201921821 }, { "sender": "Anon-D232", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:11:12\n\nwe won.", "pid": 201923347 }, { "sender": "E02A-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:14:35\n\n>>201915198 \nI unironically just got done masturbating to this picture of her while fantasizing about strangling her to death and taking that smug little smile off her face while I blast my viscous and chunky load (I was saving up for 2 weeks and it was 7 super thick ropes if you care) all over her dead eyes and rapidly cooling skin.", "pid": 201923434 }, { "sender": "7F46-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:17:56\n\n>>201916644 \nthis can't be real is it?", "pid": 201923540 }, { "sender": "90AD-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:23:16\n\n>>201915868 \n \nAnother reminder.", "pid": 201923714 }, { "sender": "40D1-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:31:14\n\n>>201921821 \n \nIndeed. Back in the day they were putting out 24 one hour long episodes of Star Trek every year and at one point, had two shows running at the same time and this was on free broadcast tv...", "pid": 201923967 } ]
/tsunX/ - Tsunderia Extended
[ { "sender": "Anon-DADC", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:31:09\n\n/tsunX/ - Tsunderia Extended\n\nClassy lady Edition \n \n>Schedule \n \n>Divegrass team \n \n \n▼Former Tsunderia Members \n>Inukai Purin - Mesugaki dog \n \n>Hoshino Char - Gunpla extraordinaire \n \n>Kamiko Kana - Stinky NEET fox? Stinky succubus? Stinky ghost wolf? \n \n>Ember Amane (formerly Yazaki Kallin) - Beloved tomboyish firestarter with an appetite \n \n>Matsuro Meru - Sweetest person alive, recovering menhera \n \n>Nini Yuuna - The embodiment of chaos, breadcrumb-sized braincell \n \n>Miori Celesta - Freaky deaky beertuber and your new girlfriend \n \n>Orla Gan Ceann - Half-toxic, half-wholesome dullahan shut-in \n \n>Amemachi Hanabi - The golden-voiced mayor of Rainy Town \n \n>Shimada Tiger - The fighting tiger of the Shimada dojo \n \n>Tetsuya Kazune - Insomniac head popper and music dork \n \n>Chikafuji Lisa - The giggling and screaming little sheep sister experience, music nerd \n \n \n>Uzuki Tomoya - Punished bnuuy; a brotuber denied his bants, now focusing on music and looking for a new roommate \n \n>Tsurugi Nen - Scuffed dream eater and dick confuser \n \n>Amiya Aranha - Itsy bitsy spider mom and certified retro hag \n \n>Dizzy Dokuro (formerly Umiushi Urara) - Bane of Tsunderia, invader of Phase Connect, and savior of /tsunX/ \n \n>Yomi Cham - World's cutest singing wolpertinger \n \n>Haewon the Heartstring - Frenemy of the thread and wannabe cumdumpster \n \n>Maria Paradisia - Spicy Latina priestess on a mission to cleanse the world of sin \n \n \n>Juri Shima - Tall, handsome, and rich chad king of Shima Kingdom \n \n \n>/tsunX/ Friends \nMuu Muyu, Saya Sairroxs, & Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/ \nChisaka Airi, Phase ALiAS, & Phase Invaders >>>/vt//pcgia/ \nAlias Anono & V4Mirai >>>/vt//v4m/ \nShabel Tonya & Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/ \nArisu Oshiro & PixelLink >>>/vt//pxl/ \nPrima Project + Sonyverse >>>/vt//ppg+/ \nProduction Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/ \nVReverie Extended >>>/vt//vrex/ \nOther small corpos >>>/vt//corpo/ \nV&U + Korean Vtubers >>>/vt//vnug/ \nHakos Baelz >>>/vt//rrat/ \nOnolumi, Super Meche & Retro Vtubers >>>/vt//vrt/ \nSheeptubers >>>/vt//wool/ \nRosemi Lovelock >>>/vt//wose/ \nSeiryu Komatsu & Duskward - \nMoon Jelly - \nTsukimi B. Dohrnii - \nMogi - \nSynthion - \nYukinoshita Peo - \nArakita Seigi - \nCrystal -\\_ \nSleepy Project -\\_Proj \nShinominya - \nDreamy - \nPillowDear - \nKK Cyber - \n \nPrevious Thread: >>78053131", "pid": 78070776 }, { "sender": "Anon-EC69", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:32:13\n\nI miss my boyfriend.", "pid": 78070837 }, { "sender": "Anon-BFC2", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:34:30\n\nIs Lisa finally eating better? She's been snacking and talking about food all stream.", "pid": 78070972 }, { "sender": "Anon-9ED5", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:35:11\n\nMy kitten is working", "pid": 78071014 }, { "sender": "CB29-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:36:39\n\n>Juna-senpai \nStop it Lisa that's weird...", "pid": 78071103 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F59", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:37:30\n\n>ambience is winning \nIf you want ambience just play your own faggots", "pid": 78071152 }, { "sender": "Anon-44BC", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:38:00\n\n[Lisa news]\nEncore karaoke relay next Wednesday", "pid": 78071186 }, { "sender": "85E4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:39:14\n\nSHEEPY LOVE", "pid": 78071248 }, { "sender": "2C2C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:40:10\n\n>>78071152 \nNo \nFuck you", "pid": 78071295 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-57B4", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:41:08\n\nMioLove!!", "pid": 78071356 }, { "sender": "065B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:42:22\n\nLisa's eel wife looks different today", "pid": 78071417 }, { "sender": "Anon-2ADE", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:44:38\n\n>>78071152 \nSilent background is awkward", "pid": 78071543 }, { "sender": "6FBA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:46:18\n\n>>78071543 \nAdding your own is as easy as opening another youtube tab, removing it is impossible", "pid": 78071643 }, { "sender": "E23F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:47:06\n\n>>78071643 \n>Adding your own is as easy as opening another youtube tab \nThat removes the soul", "pid": 78071697 }, { "sender": "3B8B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:47:42\n\n>>78071417 \nwhat in the clover... er... sunflowerfield?", "pid": 78071746 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B67F", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:48:36\n\nWose...", "pid": 78071796 }, { "sender": "Anon-92C3", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:48:44\n\nAttention all Vtubers! This is your new manager speaking!\nThrow away all pride. Throw away all pride and just pander. Pander to the lowest common denominator. Eat bugs if you have to. That is my advice. Eat slime, yeah, just eat slime. Just throw away your pride and eat the slime.\nThank you for your attention.", "pid": 78071807 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5037", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:48:48\n\n>>78071543 \nIt's more intimate fuck you", "pid": 78071816 }, { "sender": "Anon-8BCF", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:49:26\n\n>Mio is getting texted while streaming \nBeerpals put up with this?", "pid": 78071852 }, { "sender": "66EE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:50:53\n\nI love my cute girlfriend Miori Celesta. She's cute and soft and sweet and I want to eat her brainworms.", "pid": 78071945 }, { "sender": "Anon-01C1", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:51:39\n\n>>78071796 \nGive it to me straight, buds, on a scale of 1 to 10 how roseover is it?", "pid": 78072001 }, { "sender": "125A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:51:46\n\n>>78071852 \nlol \nlmao", "pid": 78072010 }, { "sender": "79BF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:53:06\n\n>>78072001 \nabout a 3 or 4", "pid": 78072091 }, { "sender": "0B41-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:53:17\n\n>>78071852 \nYeah, by me", "pid": 78072099 }, { "sender": "6E0D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:53:57\n\nMio probably makes more money than all of them", "pid": 78072139 }, { "sender": "Anon-56EE", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:54:14\n\n>>78072001 \n4 if you only regard her sadpost. 8 if you also take into consideration the upcoming death of her branch.", "pid": 78072155 }, { "sender": "7915-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:55:09\n\n>>78072139 \nprostitution is a lucrative trade after all", "pid": 78072230 }, { "sender": "Anon-0482", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:55:43\n\n>>78072001 \nOn a scale from 1-10, wose needs to get out of her shit garbage corpo or she will never prosper.", "pid": 78072268 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3DA4", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:58:00\n\nSending love to Ember right now", "pid": 78072440 }, { "sender": "Anon-F7B3", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:59:57\n\n>>78072440 \nSend her a new vibrator instead", "pid": 78072580 }, { "sender": "Anon-E27C", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:02:38\n\nwose...", "pid": 78072752 }, { "sender": "E0E1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:03:36\n\nOKAMI IS BACK BABY\nBUTTHOLE ENJOYERS GET IN HERE\n", "pid": 78072819 }, { "sender": "5452-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:04:11\n\n>>78072580 \nOnly if she uses it on stream", "pid": 78072862 }, { "sender": "4CC4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:08:21\n\nMidsemi Midlock", "pid": 78073126 }, { "sender": "FA7E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:08:31\n\nMeru Love!", "pid": 78073132 }, { "sender": "3858-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:08:50\n\n>>78072862 \nshe doesn't do that anymore", "pid": 78073146 }, { "sender": "Anon-047D", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:12:13\n\nBeerpals being FUCKING GAY \n>vote for least erotic cat mio option \n>don't vote for mio bikini wet shirt washing your car \nGAAAAAYYYYPAAAAALLLLSSSS", "pid": 78073396 }, { "sender": "796E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:13:26\n\n>>78073396 \nReally fucking annoying", "pid": 78073498 }, { "sender": "0FBD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:14:12\n\nHi, I hope you're having a comfortable time today. I love my smeely, precious spidermomma and the burning sensations of her sharp fangies stabbing into my flesh after juicifying my insides with her fists. I'm Ami's punching bag", "pid": 78073569 }, { "sender": "Anon-678F", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:14:39\n\nfuck...", "pid": 78073599 }, { "sender": "14F8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:14:40\n\n>>78073396 \n>>78073498 \nDumb coomers", "pid": 78073600 }, { "sender": "6600-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:15:20\n\n>>78073600 \nFaggot", "pid": 78073655 }, { "sender": "A708-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:15:30\n\n>>78072752 \nIf photosynthesis, why sammich?", "pid": 78073668 }, { "sender": "FBB4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:16:31\n\nHAG WOLF SEX", "pid": 78073744 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3D8D", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:16:32\n\n>>78073146 \n>anymore \nogey", "pid": 78073745 }, { "sender": "EF52-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:18:00\n\n>>78073599 \nI'm always stealing the memes from Orla's brb screens", "pid": 78073840 }, { "sender": "C5A4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:19:57\n\n>>78073745 \nHow new?", "pid": 78073973 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7D44", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:20:04\n\n>Orla was late for stream because she was busy eating ice cream", "pid": 78073984 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FDE5", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:20:55\n\n[good news]\nOrla was eating ice cream", "pid": 78074040 }, { "sender": "Anon-AD72", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:22:05\n\n>>78073984 \n>>78074040 \n>I love food, I love eating. I love being a yummy yummy girl.", "pid": 78074103 }, { "sender": "6997-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:25:24\n\n>>78072580 \n>>78072862 \n>>78073146 \n>>78073745 \n>>78073973", "pid": 78074320 }, { "sender": "AAC7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:26:03\n\n>>78074320 \nRIP Ember...", "pid": 78074354 }, { "sender": "Anon-C715", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:27:04\n\n>>78073744 \nThe ear color not quite matching the hair color is going to bother me for the whole stream", "pid": 78074416 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EDC2", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:28:33\n\n\nDid you crust?", "pid": 78074515 }, { "sender": "8C54-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:29:59\n\nI should really get around to finishing Okami, I was right before the final boss but my dumb ass decided to try and get all of the stray beads first so I burned myself out", "pid": 78074613 }, { "sender": "Anon-5EAC", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:30:39\n\n>>78074515 \nwith every crumb of my plate", "pid": 78074661 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7BB7", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:33:54\n\nWhat would make you drop Mio?", "pid": 78074883 }, { "sender": "0FB9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:34:05\n\n>You guys are not this stupid, you know not to touch old things \nYup, couldn't be me wanting to touch old things...", "pid": 78074899 }, { "sender": "B164-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:34:55\n\n>>78073396 \nThere's plenty of literal porn of her! \nI want cute stuff for my wallpaper", "pid": 78074965 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7BD4", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:36:14\n\n>>78073396 \nFuck you I want more cute stuff", "pid": 78075048 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2D24", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:38:10\n\n>Oh my god, her butt was out! \nI want to see Orla in this outfit", "pid": 78075164 }, { "sender": "30BD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:38:47\n\nIssun is literally me", "pid": 78075206 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F2BA", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:40:08\n\n>>78075164 \n>she wants to see the girl's butt again \n \nauntie...??? more like PERVY UNCLE!!!", "pid": 78075277 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F08E", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:40:12\n\n>>78075164 \n>I wanna see that girl's butt again", "pid": 78075284 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AB66", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:40:34\n\nabsolutely based Kamiya putting cleavage and butts in this game", "pid": 78075311 }, { "sender": "0FA8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:44:02\n\nthis new youtube feature is very funny", "pid": 78075525 }, { "sender": "Anon-79E7", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:45:18\n\n>Mio shocked at how cheap she sold her merch for \nIf only someone had tried telling her that", "pid": 78075597 }, { "sender": "4384-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:46:29\n\neverytime bread cancels i will draw her fatter", "pid": 78075662 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D0F2", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:47:52\n\n>There are too many Kingdom Hearts games, I can't play like 12 games for a mediocre JRPG story \nBased", "pid": 78075759 }, { "sender": "84B0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:49:40\n\nI forgot Issun nicknames Amaterasu \"Ammy\", now I'm going to be confused every time Orla says it", "pid": 78075873 }, { "sender": "57C9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:49:57\n\n>>78075662 \nI'VE NEVER BEEN MORE DIVIDED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE", "pid": 78075896 }, { "sender": "7903-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:50:04\n\nNot only did she sell them cheap she also gave a lot of posters for free", "pid": 78075905 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD0C", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:50:25\n\n>>78075662 \nMega based", "pid": 78075928 }, { "sender": "Anon-E43C", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:52:06\n\n>>78075662", "pid": 78076036 }, { "sender": "6510-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:55:31\n\n>>78075277 \n>>78075284 \nIt is a really nice butt", "pid": 78076287 }, { "sender": "Anon-091D", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:03:10\n\nAlias is masturbating", "pid": 78076749 }, { "sender": "Anon-5C1F", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:04:04\n\n>>78076749 \nyeah, to me", "pid": 78076809 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F8D1", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:05:54\n\nRRAT", "pid": 78076916 }, { "sender": "43D7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:08:28\n\nI wish I was a horse so Orla would eat me", "pid": 78077079 }, { "sender": "82BB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:10:01\n\n>Alias ASMR \n \n>Tonya Flathead \n", "pid": 78077188 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0876", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:13:28\n\nMio just loves big fat blobs and wants to feed them", "pid": 78077425 }, { "sender": "4E94-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:17:15\n\n>>78077425 \nGympals...", "pid": 78077667 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8ABA", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:18:53\n\nEepy ass dog", "pid": 78077768 }, { "sender": "Anon-6DE1", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:21:12\n\n>Orla keeps getting lost in the tutorial area", "pid": 78077895 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-233F", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:24:11\n\nMe on the left", "pid": 78078049 }, { "sender": "DB3F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:26:41\n\n>I don't know why, but for a second I thought he said \"a white woman!?\" and I was like \"where!?\"", "pid": 78078184 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1F48", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:27:33\n\n>>78074899 \nAdding this to my collection, thx", "pid": 78078246 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A201", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:29:01\n\n>>78075525 \nI've never yet gotten this...", "pid": 78078323 }, { "sender": "Anon-643E", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:29:34\n\nwhere boobs?", "pid": 78078355 }, { "sender": "DB99-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:30:49\n\nMy wife Alias", "pid": 78078428 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F3F8", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:35:24\n\nStop trusting Korean women", "pid": 78078692 }, { "sender": "C7D0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:36:01\n\n>>78078692 \nI love them", "pid": 78078720 }, { "sender": "B6BB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:38:30\n\n>>78078692 \nNo.", "pid": 78078852 }, { "sender": "Anon-CAC8", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:41:11\n\n>>78078692 \nI know I'll end up hurt but it doesn't matter", "pid": 78079030 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B501", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:42:27\n\n>>78075905 \nfree poster aint cutting it no more mio i want your pussy juice", "pid": 78079110 }, { "sender": "8014-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:42:49\n\nauntie gone... i sleep...", "pid": 78079143 }, { "sender": "1A4B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:54:15\n\nI LOVE ALIAS ANONO", "pid": 78079797 }, { "sender": "Anon-DB54", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:57:12\n\n>>78079143 \nthis rrat girl Orla raided is kinda cute at least", "pid": 78079996 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F44E", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:03:15\n\nI need to stop getting erected everytime i see some mio polls", "pid": 78080418 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A07C", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:09:01\n\n>retards voting on daki art without even understanding it was for daki art \nNow mio will have a daki art that will be disliked by the people actually intetested in buying it because retards bloated the poll and will not buy", "pid": 78080821 }, { "sender": "3C0D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:10:07\n\n>>78080821 \nI voted and will buy? You are a glass half empty kind of guy", "pid": 78080904 }, { "sender": "2097-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:12:01\n\n>>78080904 \nMore than half people voting won't", "pid": 78081040 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6C0C", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:12:31\n\n>>78081040 \nThen I'll buy 4", "pid": 78081086 }, { "sender": "2F6D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:23:26\n\nMio is my personal coom trainer\n<s>i legit masturbate almost exclusively to her</s>", "pid": 78081882 }, { "sender": "Anon-5614", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:24:53\n\nMio left to answer retarded CCs", "pid": 78081987 }, { "sender": "7879-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:25:16\n\n>>78081882 \n>almost", "pid": 78082012 }, { "sender": "35D1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:28:12\n\n>>78081987 \nhuh, she actually did", "pid": 78082162 }, { "sender": "3944-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:29:57\n\n>>78082162 \nHi M", "pid": 78082252 }, { "sender": "025D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:30:22\n\n>>78082012 \nI understand that anon I once got high and jerked off to a piece of toast, shit was too good", "pid": 78082282 }, { "sender": "2746-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:40:43\n\nMio's best ASMR will always be that one time she got drunk during the first ever mediashare stream and started kissing the mic because she was extremely horny\nI still go back to that vod every now and then because goddamm it was so fucking hot, I feel bad for the beerpals who weren't there", "pid": 78082929 }, { "sender": "4107-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:42:56\n\n>>78082929 \nsave the vod her friends are going to ruin the rest", "pid": 78083065 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BD04", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:43:42\n\nI kinda feel bad cheating on Mio", "pid": 78083106 }, { "sender": "9318-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:45:18\n\n>>78083106 \nYou should", "pid": 78083190 }, { "sender": "Anon-365E", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:45:40\n\n>>78083106 \nYou should stop doing that", "pid": 78083213 }, { "sender": "3BD8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:46:21\n\n>>78083213 \nI can't", "pid": 78083255 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E466", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:51:14\n\nyou guys talking about cheating on a vtuber always sound like a bad Taking Back Sunday song", "pid": 78083606 }, { "sender": "Anon-8C9F", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:55:22\n\nThere is no such thing as cheating on a vtuber unless you are dating them in reality (long distance not included)", "pid": 78083877 }, { "sender": "Anon-84D4", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:55:52\n\nLetting retards on cc ruin streams", "pid": 78083907 }, { "sender": "57FB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:56:37\n\nWhy did Alias private her last stream?\nWas gonna watch VOD after Mio finshed", "pid": 78083960 }, { "sender": "EED8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:58:23\n\n>>78083907 \nYeah, me", "pid": 78084069 }, { "sender": "35B3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:05:04\n\n>>78083960 \nThe 15 minute bit about how smelly and warm her fat armpit rolls were went a little too far", "pid": 78084484 }, { "sender": "Anon-DED2", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:16:24\n\n>>78083960 \n", "pid": 78085119 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-977A", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:25:04\n\n>I'm not very proud of it \nplease tell me she's not refunding anything", "pid": 78085610 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5EAB", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:25:36\n\n>>78085119 \nThank you anon", "pid": 78085636 }, { "sender": "8A7C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:47:26\n\n>doing, roleplayed \nSeanig work on your grammar if you're going to send mio ccs.", "pid": 78086794 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8199", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:49:39\n\n>>78083960", "pid": 78086921 }, { "sender": "22D1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:52:25\n\nSEAbro you are trying way too hard", "pid": 78087069 }, { "sender": "D5CB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:05:40\n\nPeo is thinking with portals", "pid": 78087676 }, { "sender": "2C72-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:06:56\n\n>>78087676 \nNice, i'ma have to tune in soon", "pid": 78087734 }, { "sender": "B2F4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:07:31\n\nAlias has a flat ass.", "pid": 78087758 }, { "sender": "AF6A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:09:40\n\n>>78087758 \nAll the curves went to her pits", "pid": 78087855 }, { "sender": "Anon-6407", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:11:09\n\n>>78087758 \nEverything else makes up for it", "pid": 78087920 }, { "sender": "6ADA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:19:21\n\nDizzler love", "pid": 78088286 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BE43", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:53:58\n\n>\"I'm maturing\" \n>\"ooooo I love Lego batman\"", "pid": 78089556 }, { "sender": "FD83-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:54:34\n\nLate night thoughts about my soft, fluffy, stinky spidermom, I want to reach out and bring her in close to me so bad, so needy for her, I love her...", "pid": 78089581 }, { "sender": "96BF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:59:32\n\n>>78086921 \nI love Korean women", "pid": 78089784 }, { "sender": "77C3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:37:43\n\nI want to make Lisa a mother", "pid": 78091236 }, { "sender": "Anon-6148", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:41:09\n\n>>78091236 \n>lisa gives birth \n>loses half her body weight", "pid": 78091377 }, { "sender": "C373-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:42:45\n\n>>78091377 \nWomen generally gain weight after getting pregnant", "pid": 78091444 }, { "sender": "0D1A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:43:46\n\n>>78091444 \nI mean, gain weight after having their first kid. My brain is slow tonight.", "pid": 78091490 }, { "sender": "CF5C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:09:07\n\nMio Love. \nI miss her. \nI want to hold her in a pillow fort while watching movies", "pid": 78092385 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D8F3", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:29:23\n\n>>78084069 \nMio....", "pid": 78093115 }, { "sender": "C5E1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:30:25\n\n>>78093115 \nSomething happen? \nI thought she was buying pajamas?", "pid": 78093145 }, { "sender": "Anon-3CB9", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:32:19\n\n>>78093145 \nI have no idea but if CCs are causing her streams to be ruined then she's the one letting it happen by letting them be so rent free", "pid": 78093209 }, { "sender": "D457-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:38:44\n\nThe desire to impregnate the bucko is growing tbqdesu", "pid": 78093439 }, { "sender": "3429-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:40:50\n\nPeo cleared Portal in one stream and only got a little bit of motion sickness!", "pid": 78093519 }, { "sender": "42B7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:58:54\n\nMio somehow keeps getting better at GFE", "pid": 78094091 }, { "sender": "14EF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:12:15\n\n>>78093519 \nCake geto!", "pid": 78094567 }, { "sender": "0C30-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:14:12\n\n>>78086921 \nAh, I see, she's simply insane. \nI love her.", "pid": 78094636 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-776E", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:22:57\n\n>>78093439 \nAmi sewing together a custom lace bucko bra to hold Sleepy's sleepy's", "pid": 78094921 }, { "sender": "Anon-BCB0", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:27:23\n\n>lie down, guys", "pid": 78095063 }, { "sender": "1C05-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:55:37\n\n>>78087758 \nThankfully I know for a fact that this isn't true", "pid": 78095894 }, { "sender": "Anon-8DE4", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:15:55\n\n>>78095674 \nSalesmanship or telling the truth? \nCall it. \nI mean I know she's cute.", "pid": 78096490 }, { "sender": "Anon-31EF", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:21:20\n\nHanabi HATES Instagram", "pid": 78096619 }, { "sender": "CB05-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:21:53\n\n>>78096490 \n>Salesmanship \nIt's korea, if she's 1 pound overweight they'll turn their nose up like you're a seanigger.", "pid": 78096627 }, { "sender": "Anon-C5B6", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:40:36\n\n>>78096490 \nWhat you need to ask yourself my dear cuckpal is if manager man or female? \nLol", "pid": 78097077 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A237", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:59:58\n\n>>78096627 \nI fucking hate South Korea so much I want her to leave and just marry me.", "pid": 78097562 }, { "sender": "D018-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:37:06\n\n\nWISU........", "pid": 78098563 }, { "sender": "BD1E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:41:02\n\n>>78098563 \nThat butthole is more than spicy now I'd be worried", "pid": 78098685 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-57F4", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:41:11\n\n>>78087758 \n>korean bug has a flat ass \nShocking", "pid": 78098688 }, { "sender": "DAA2-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:46:55\n\n>>78098688 \n~~I was baiting for a pic. Another day, another failed hunt.~~ ", "pid": 78098859 }, { "sender": "71EC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:49:03\n\n>>78098563 \nPesto con funghi, molto saporito :D", "pid": 78098918 }, { "sender": "8CF9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:54:55\n\n>>78098859 \n~~Search haewonthewitch in the /vt/ archives, sort by oldest posts first~~", "pid": 78099087 }, { "sender": "Anon-4CDB", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:59:37\n\n>>78099087 \nGod damn that's nice", "pid": 78099228 }, { "sender": "EA1F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:26:32\n\nFriendly reminder to take care of yourself", "pid": 78100047 }, { "sender": "Anon-0A68", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:32:04\n\n>>78098563 \nAnother day, another /tsunX/ crime against Italian cuisine", "pid": 78100231 }, { "sender": "8AC8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:59:43\n\n>>78099087 \nFat whore (affectionate)", "pid": 78100982 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ACA2", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:01:53\n\nRosemi is going to livestream her suicide...\n", "pid": 78101052 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9682", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:20:48\n\n>>78101052 \n>\"Haha, I'm an NBA fan, I wonder why I was excluded from the merch...\" \n>Car accelerator gets noticeably louder \n>\"Yeah... Hey chat, remember how I reached 500k subs some months ago?\" \n>Car gets even louder", "pid": 78101612 }, { "sender": "Anon-0ABA", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:22:34\n\nNot holding out much hope for Ember's morning stream today, I hope she's doing alright", "pid": 78101655 }, { "sender": "Anon-8528", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:33:17\n\nWaking up to warm and fuzzy thoughts about my beautiful spidermom; tangled up in soft silk sheets, plump spinneret pressed into me transferring warmth, fluffy hair in my face so I can breath in her Amismeel...beautiful...", "pid": 78101942 }, { "sender": "003A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:59:50\n\n>>78096627 \nThere are 50 million South Koreans (for now), surely there's a few who actually have good taste.", "pid": 78102691 }, { "sender": "452E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:04:35\n\nYou wanted to start the morning off with Lumi screams right anon?\n", "pid": 78102840 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D16E", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:07:28\n\n>>78102840 \n>Open stream \n>\"UUUWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH\" \nPerfect", "pid": 78102942 }, { "sender": "31DD-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:11:32\n\n>>78103044", "pid": 78103081 }, { "sender": "Anon-5AA2", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:11:47\n\n>Gets distracted by how cool the game is \n>Fails to notice she has a 30 second timer ticking down on her back as chat yells at her to get moving \n>Doesn't matter anyway because as soon as she notices the timer she panics, runs straight into a giant moving machine part and dies instantly", "pid": 78103089 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8C9C", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:13:25\n\n>>78070776 \nNeed Orlanal sex.", "pid": 78103143 }, { "sender": "Anon-8835", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:13:52\n\n>>78103081 \nGod damn Pillow's got some pillows", "pid": 78103158 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A7FD", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:16:49\n\n>>78103143 \nNo anal. Give child.", "pid": 78103248 }, { "sender": "Anon-69DD", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:17:45\n\n>>78103248 \nOrla is sterile anon...", "pid": 78103277 }, { "sender": "Anon-7770", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:25:46\n\nMio is a fleshposting whore", "pid": 78103542 }, { "sender": "Anon-5821", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:27:09\n\n>>78103542 \nProof?", "pid": 78103575 }, { "sender": "571A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:27:56\n\n>>78102840 \nHer game choice is great but the constant ear splitting shrieking and yelling filter me hard. I don't know how her neighbors put up with it", "pid": 78103603 }, { "sender": "5E7B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:28:02\n\n>>78103277 \nI'm aware. That won't stop me.", "pid": 78103606 }, { "sender": "5453-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:46:19\n\n>Walks into room filled with flesh walls and tendrils \n>\"Have you ever imagined, in this kind of situation, what if the humans and aliens found a way to live together?\" \nWhat did she mean by this?", "pid": 78104257 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-19B5", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:54:08\n\n>>78103606 \n>Massage hag ayygs while fucking them with ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH blasting in the background \n>Poetic, beautiful journey of the ayyg down the tube during the opera part", "pid": 78104517 }, { "sender": "E22F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:55:47\n\n>>78104382 \nLooks like every Asian girl ever \nStill cute", "pid": 78104569 }, { "sender": "2C7E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:56:26\n\n>>78104382 \nWe're one step away from a new alt account for fleshposting! \nThe Tsunderia to E-thot pipeline will claim another!", "pid": 78104598 }, { "sender": "Anon-CAE4", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:58:12\n\n>>78104382 \nGrim \nBeerpals drooling over this really brings home how subhuman GFEfags are", "pid": 78104669 }, { "sender": "DB37-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:59:02\n\n>>78103603 \n(Un)fortunately for the neighbors, everytime they complain, they end up on a stinky, sticky web made by this one spiderdork with a huge bodacious spinneret", "pid": 78104703 }, { "sender": "018D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:59:10\n\n>>78104382 \nAdorable, I love her.", "pid": 78104706 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-560E", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:01:12\n\n>grim", "pid": 78104780 }, { "sender": "CD43-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:02:05\n\n>>78104703 \n>Yes hello, I'd like to make a complaint about a loud android and also give you my exact location", "pid": 78104807 }, { "sender": "54EE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:19:35\n\n>>78104669 \nI was thinking about phasing Mio and GFE out of my life but I decided to stay faithful just out of spite for you.", "pid": 78105449 }, { "sender": "46CA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:21:32\n\n>>78105449 \nstop pretending you have self control", "pid": 78105520 }, { "sender": "52F9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:35:44\n\nTsundream merch shipping soon, Nen just has to survive the dreaded Packaging Arc (tm)", "pid": 78106163 }, { "sender": "Anon-A371", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:37:59\n\n>>78106163 \nTAKE MY NENERGY", "pid": 78106270 }, { "sender": "A42B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:39:32\n\n>>78106135 \nJUST LET HER HAVE IT YOU FUCKS", "pid": 78106334 }, { "sender": "677C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:41:19\n\nI want to make this spidor breakfast in bed several times a week for the rest of our lives", "pid": 78106414 }, { "sender": "FD6E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:41:23\n\n>>78106158 \n>\\_2F \nuse your imagination for a smug panko attached to this post", "pid": 78106415 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1E23", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:43:36\n\nBonjour tigrefrère !", "pid": 78106514 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7DB2", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:45:14\n\ndo you crust", "pid": 78106582 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1F78", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:45:20\n\n>>78097077 \nkys Fox, also learn some fucking English already", "pid": 78106584 }, { "sender": "0A7F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:46:39\n\n>>78106334 \nNo Dizzy, watching you go through your mid life crisis is depressing. Go have a real baby.", "pid": 78106643 }, { "sender": "8B78-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:46:58\n\n>>78098859 \n>light mode \nkimoi", "pid": 78106658 }, { "sender": "3410-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:47:39\n\n>>78106514 \n¿qué?", "pid": 78106685 }, { "sender": "0E55-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:48:45\n\n>>78106582 \nNever not crusting", "pid": 78106738 }, { "sender": "8491-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:50:23\n\n>>78106582 \nAbsolutely not!", "pid": 78106798 }, { "sender": "Anon-F836", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:52:06\n\n>>78106415 \nNo idea why it saved it like that", "pid": 78106860 }, { "sender": "962C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:54:52\n\nI fucking love Mio so fucking much", "pid": 78106962 }, { "sender": "D963-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:55:11\n\n>>78106415", "pid": 78106975 }, { "sender": "BB9A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:55:43\n\n>>78106860 \nSometimes if you save soundposts through the player it'll fuck up the filename for whatever reason, I just save them manually these days to be safe", "pid": 78106992 }, { "sender": "A335-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:56:11\n\n>>78106860 \nYou like Emburgers, don't you, Panko?", "pid": 78107011 }, { "sender": "Anon-1A08", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:04:12\n\n>Lisa mentioned wanting to be a mother \n>You need to have sex to have a baby \n>This means Lisa expressed an interest in having sex at some point in the future \n>Talking about wanting to have sex makes you a lewdtuber \n>By my infallible logic Lisa is a lewd tuber, making it okay to horny post about her \nsee I'm not a freak, Lisa is very lewd!", "pid": 78107336 }, { "sender": "CE8A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:06:50\n\n>>78107336 \nyou're a fucking freak \n", "pid": 78107442 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BB67", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:07:06\n\n>>78107336 \nDo NOT lewd your little sheep sister, just take the art she draws for you with a smile and tell you appreciate it and don't do anything weird with it!", "pid": 78107453 }, { "sender": "56A1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:08:48\n\nMio should keep fleshposting to a locked account with hand picked beerpals only", "pid": 78107528 }, { "sender": "Anon-3428", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:09:50\n\n>>78107442 \nThat clip is very cute. \nI like how genuinely shocked Lumi was by that.", "pid": 78107576 }, { "sender": "E8AF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:10:46\n\n>>78107442 \n \nflynt flossy is my favourite rapper", "pid": 78107611 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-73C5", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:10:49\n\nI knew she would delete it", "pid": 78107616 }, { "sender": "Anon-14A1", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:10:58\n\n>>78107336", "pid": 78107624 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-75D6", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:11:39\n\n>>78107616 \nMe too, but I'm thankful for her posting it. I love her so much", "pid": 78107652 }, { "sender": "Anon-5524", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:15:23\n\n>>78107453 \nHanging my little sister's ever so slightly lewd drawings in the fridge because I'm proud of her, only for her to get flustered and mad for some unkown reason and call me bozo", "pid": 78107809 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CCAA", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:16:20\n\n>>78107616 \nYeah that verified artist whos shows up in stream chats posted a comment on it so it got more attention then she expected.", "pid": 78107846 }, { "sender": "6BF1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:17:46\n\nKabedon Lisa", "pid": 78107904 }, { "sender": "A78C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:20:18\n\n>>78086921 \nThis woman's reverse corruption arc has really been something to witness", "pid": 78108025 }, { "sender": "3539-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:21:01\n\n>>78107616 \nTbh I thought it would disappear much faster than it did.", "pid": 78108051 }, { "sender": "4D0B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:23:28\n\n>>78107336 \nImagine roleplay sex with Lisa \n>Be married to Lisa for a few years now \n>Decide to try for a baby \n>Lisa insists on having sex during a storm \n>You walking into the room \n>Lisa in gothic witch lingerie \n>\"Mwahahaha, you have fallen for my trap, I have lured you, the strongest, biggest, manliest hero in the land to my castle, for tonight is the imerata storm, I am at my strongest and you can't stop me\" \n>She switches to a different voice \n>\"Help me! I'm not witch I'm just an innocent villager possessed by an evil mind controlling two headed dark steel ghost!! You need to purify me with your essence to save me!!!\" \n>\"Mwahahaha you will never be able to perform that ritual on me!!!!\" \n>The ritual is rough doggystyle sex btw \n>\"Thank you brave knight, you really pounded that ghost out of me, I shall raise your child to be a grand hero just like you!\"", "pid": 78108158 }, { "sender": "1628-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:24:47\n\n>>78107528 \n>He doesn't know", "pid": 78108218 }, { "sender": "6C20-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:36:50\n\n<s>I already jacked off 3 times to Mio's photo</s>", "pid": 78108731 }, { "sender": "Anon-72E0", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:49:11\n\n>>78108991 \nWHERE DID HIS FACE BUTTHOLE GO", "pid": 78109257 }, { "sender": "Anon-CA12", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:49:20\n\n>>78108991 \nLooks more like Ami", "pid": 78109264 }, { "sender": "Anon-5B88", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:50:45\n\nThere's pain in that emoji... yeehaw...\n", "pid": 78109321 }, { "sender": "B1FD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:51:58\n\n>>78109321 \nGoodsemi Morninglock", "pid": 78109361 }, { "sender": "E550-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:56:03\n\n>>78108158 \nThis is too real what the flip", "pid": 78109547 }, { "sender": "B541-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:57:07\n\nFeeling extra affectionate for my adorable GF today. I love Mio.", "pid": 78109599 }, { "sender": "Anon-F2A1", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:10:01\n\n>>78107846 \nThe sex pest mutual too", "pid": 78110136 }, { "sender": "Anon-82CA", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:10:31\n\nWhat did she mean by this?", "pid": 78110158 }, { "sender": "Anon-1A5A", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:15:24\n\n>>78110158", "pid": 78110380 }, { "sender": "Anon-7872", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:29:12\n\nS P I C Y\nL A T I N A\nB U T T H O L E", "pid": 78110915 }, { "sender": "8697-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:35:06\n\n>cries in PST \ngod damnit what did she post and delete, I know one of you mf's saved it", "pid": 78111149 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-19A4", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:36:09\n\n>>78111149 \nA video of her masturbating", "pid": 78111204 }, { "sender": "4F81-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:42:56\n\n>>78110915 \n \nImagine how spicy it is right now.", "pid": 78111497 }, { "sender": "42B0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:43:50\n\n>>78111149 \nAnon, come on. You can see multiple replies to a dead post. Did it occur to you to search the archive? \n>says good night over an hour ago \n>still on cc and tellonym \nHeart feels big sad", "pid": 78111538 }, { "sender": "A4DB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:45:25\n\n>>78111497", "pid": 78111610 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0718", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:47:50\n\nI've been watching Ember more recently, it makes me a bit sad she's not more popular. She gets some discussion in /pcgia/ but I don't think the main phase thread hardly talks about her at all. I feel bad her life keeps melting down stopping her from streaming.", "pid": 78111720 }, { "sender": "4F5E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:51:57\n\n>>78111720 \nOh trust me, it's good /pcg/ doesn't talk about her. Recently the threads have only consisted of one SEA pig cooldown seething about Lumi, then Pippa, and then back to Lumi, and Pippa again. It's only tolerable when it's PhaseJP hours.", "pid": 78111899 }, { "sender": "C3C6-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:59:58\n\nWisu It Takes Two w/ Chio\n", "pid": 78112206 }, { "sender": "F524-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:01:16\n\nWISUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITES", "pid": 78112255 }, { "sender": "Anon-82BE", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:03:53\n\n>>78111720 \nI watched for about a year but fell off. I'd say it just felt like she never filled a roll for me. Her singing is good but pre-recorded live karaokes were really rough. She's fun and goofy sometimes but she isn't gfe she shut that down. So I don't feel the desire to stay hours at a time or through all the down time she has. I don't blame her though it sucks I wish her the best but that's why I've stopped talking about her or trying to post her.", "pid": 78112347 }, { "sender": "3193-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:04:01\n\nWisu HATES Chio because Chio doesn't like ayggs", "pid": 78112355 }, { "sender": "Anon-1FF0", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:04:40\n\n>>78111899 \nTragically true. I mostly talk about girls in /pcgia/ or here. I like your spider hag after someone showed her off to me.", "pid": 78112382 }, { "sender": "E50F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:08:11\n\n>This collab", "pid": 78112493 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-997B", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:10:05\n\nWISU'S GETTING DOUBLE DIVORCED BY HER GENMATE AND WISUMITES LET'S GOOOOOOOO", "pid": 78112580 }, { "sender": "1D92-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:10:12\n\nWisumites are WHORES", "pid": 78112586 }, { "sender": "27B4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:11:05\n\n>Wisu \n>top \nDYRBI", "pid": 78112627 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B0B", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:11:37\n\nWemi has a guardian angel watching over her (in Minecraft)", "pid": 78112645 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DF97", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:14:17\n\n>Look, it's me! \n>You're fat.", "pid": 78112764 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DDDC", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:15:25\n\n>>78112382 \nif you haven’t seen it, Ami did a song cover with Airi last year \n", "pid": 78112827 }, { "sender": "2EBC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:15:48\n\nWisu's into the book", "pid": 78112837 }, { "sender": "9B05-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:16:31\n\n>>78112837 \nShe relates to his Latinx accent...", "pid": 78112879 }, { "sender": "Anon-45E1", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:17:11\n\n>Gameplay starts \n>First thing Wisu asks is if she can punch Chio", "pid": 78112907 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C5B0", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:57\n\n>>78112879 \nHijo...", "pid": 78112989 }, { "sender": "E644-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:21:56\n\nWisu's tiny hands struggling to cross her keyboard...", "pid": 78113122 }, { "sender": "450C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:22:29\n\n\nAsk your auntie a question!", "pid": 78113153 }, { "sender": "EFA4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:22:54\n\n>Shoves her hand into an electrical socket and dies", "pid": 78113167 }, { "sender": "Anon-B96F", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:28:11\n\nArisu \"Bowel Ruiner\" Oshiro", "pid": 78113395 }, { "sender": "CB3E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:34\n\n>>78111720 \n/pcg/ pretty much wrote Ember off as a normie from debut and then most of them never bothered to give her a second chance, but being completely honest that's probably for the best. This thread absolutely loves her at least.", "pid": 78113535 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B7E6", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:33:03\n\nChio just fucking murdered Wisu", "pid": 78113605 }, { "sender": "5B52-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:37:17\n\n>>78112627 \nShe's perfect for domination loss", "pid": 78113801 }, { "sender": "A3B3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:38:19\n\nThe mold has begun to propagate in Wisu's lungs...", "pid": 78113850 }, { "sender": "4ADB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:41:33\n\n>>78112382 \n>Buttercookies watching Ami \n>I'm watching Shiina's Elden Ring playthrough \nComplete crab supremacy", "pid": 78114005 }, { "sender": "E3F9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:44:01\n\n>>78113153 \nI have only been watching Orla since she came back but she's super sweet. Lots and lots of tangents and the way she says cute (\"kYUUUte\") is very charming. Really wish I had discovered her sooner", "pid": 78114103 }, { "sender": "Anon-5322", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:14\n\nGuys I don't think the get along shirt is working", "pid": 78114151 }, { "sender": "E776-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:47:04\n\n>>78114151 \nonto plan b then", "pid": 78114230 }, { "sender": "4C74-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:49:20\n\nEvery time Chio says \"Chiiiiiiiio Chompi\" I keep expecting \"Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikafuji Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisa\"", "pid": 78114340 }, { "sender": "96DC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:51:25\n\nWisu confirms that Chio gives great suck", "pid": 78114442 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5DC1", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:55:19\n\nI got very confused by this for a minute", "pid": 78114600 }, { "sender": "Anon-13B7", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:13\n\nI LOVE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE", "pid": 78114732 }, { "sender": "Anon-B550", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:02:02\n\nAlias Monster Hunter Stories\n", "pid": 78114899 }, { "sender": "7A20-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:02:08\n\nbread didnt stream last night..........", "pid": 78114906 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FE63", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:03:16\n\n>>78114906 \n>he crusted", "pid": 78114975 }, { "sender": "Anon-F0DC", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:03:18\n\nALIAS YES YES", "pid": 78114976 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D0A7", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:03:58\n\n>>78114906 \nYuuna WANTS the drawfriend to draw her with even bigger loaves and even fluffier dough", "pid": 78115011 }, { "sender": "3946-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:05:30\n\n>Alias thought this was a normal MonHun game \nGod she's dumb", "pid": 78115068 }, { "sender": "50C6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:07:27\n\n>>78114899 \n>Named her cat Lasagna in World \n>Cried during the cutscene where you lose the cat for all of five minutes at the start", "pid": 78115149 }, { "sender": "Anon-0E92", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:09:19\n\n[Non-news]\nAlias is a crybaby", "pid": 78115227 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DDB7", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:09:55\n\nI want Wisu to nail me", "pid": 78115256 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6B89", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:11:51\n\nPoor Alias keeps getting cucked out of her wrestling by vtuber obligations", "pid": 78115358 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F8E7", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:12:17\n\n>>78115011 \non it !!!", "pid": 78115381 }, { "sender": "Anon-71BD", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:13:10\n\nWhy the fuck is Lisa so cute\nThere should be government regulation on her cuteness, it could be very deadly to the populace", "pid": 78115426 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-27CE", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:13:26\n\n>>78115068 \nI wonder what she'll think of the basic rock/paper/scissors combat", "pid": 78115437 }, { "sender": "Anon-0040", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:14:15\n\n>>78115381 \nbest post of the day", "pid": 78115474 }, { "sender": "C41F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:15:00\n\nCombined IQ of Wisu and Chio?", "pid": 78115518 }, { "sender": "Anon-17F1", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:15:40\n\n>When I found out about certain exciting things that are happening soon... I threw up \nAlias...", "pid": 78115549 }, { "sender": "2025-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:15:48\n\n>>78115518 \n0.75", "pid": 78115558 }, { "sender": "Anon-F12E", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:18:19\n\n>>78115549 \n3D soon, maybe?", "pid": 78115671 }, { "sender": "9074-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:18:32\n\nCrystal streaming at funny overlap hours", "pid": 78115679 }, { "sender": "6A6A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:20:26\n\n>Cancer victim bullying ASMR", "pid": 78115766 }, { "sender": "19D1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:22:49\n\nMan maybe I should watch the archive of Alias' last ASMR, sounds like it was a trip", "pid": 78115854 }, { "sender": "Anon-B615", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:25:32\n\n>\"Watch out, that thing one shots!\" \n>Both immediately get hit and die", "pid": 78115980 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EFCC", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:26:21\n\nMOOOOOOOOOM\nALIAS IS TRAUMA DUMPING ABOUT HER CHILDHOOD", "pid": 78116023 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E9FE", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:27:01\n\n>>78115426 \nLisa is an anti-government chud. \nShe believes in the right to be cute.", "pid": 78116057 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F4C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:27:10\n\nI think I'm falling in love, i have a feeling i am...", "pid": 78116066 }, { "sender": "9E5E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:30:44\n\nIs this achievable natty?", "pid": 78116212 }, { "sender": "Anon-4BCF", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:31:44\n\nI wonder if Alias knows how lucky she is to have such a supportive mom", "pid": 78116259 }, { "sender": "Anon-3E1E", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:33:22\n\n>You just want me for my mom...", "pid": 78116330 }, { "sender": "5E13-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:33:46\n\nShe thinks she's still gonna be hungry after this... what should we get next? (She's eating my fries right now)", "pid": 78116354 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FA3D", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:37:20\n\nWisu has probably made a mistake by telling Chio what \"Doña\" means", "pid": 78116515 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5886", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:37:49\n\n>>78116354 \n>not taking ami to a kbbq so she can eat pork belly till she is full \nyou deserve to lose your fry privileges", "pid": 78116541 }, { "sender": "Anon-7C39", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:39:07\n\n>>78116541 \nshe said she didn't want fries when we ordered", "pid": 78116600 }, { "sender": "Anon-5DF4", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:39:46\n\n>tfw no Alias child slave", "pid": 78116637 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3960", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:40:47\n\n>>78116354 \nTake her to the boardwalk for a churro", "pid": 78116684 }, { "sender": "1AEE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:42:08\n\n>We're in a jar!? \n>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "pid": 78116756 }, { "sender": "Anon-4996", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:43:39\n\nAlias is a big girl...", "pid": 78116825 }, { "sender": "CEEE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:45:10\n\nWell, that explains the ass", "pid": 78116906 }, { "sender": "F3B2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:45:45\n\nThe one Alias stream I watch", "pid": 78116928 }, { "sender": "Anon-A9D5", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:47:37\n\n>>78116928 \nIt's sad girls all the way down", "pid": 78117005 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C2BA", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:48:53\n\nWisu's shooting her goo", "pid": 78117063 }, { "sender": "65B2-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:50:12\n\nThis lore is wild", "pid": 78117142 }, { "sender": "9C47-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:53:00\n\nWisu CUTE", "pid": 78117267 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C0C7", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:54:27\n\nI want Alias to kill me with a brick", "pid": 78117342 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7811", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:57:21\n\n>I just realised we're supposed to be playing Monster Hunter!", "pid": 78117496 }, { "sender": "5E29-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:00:11\n\n>Wisu gleefully locking Chio in a torture chamber and murdering her over and over in horrible ways \nHot...", "pid": 78117639 }, { "sender": "Anon-FED7", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:02:43\n\n>what did my butt ever do to you? \nSpLaB...", "pid": 78117773 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7009", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:03:13\n\nWaspsu...", "pid": 78117796 }, { "sender": "6DA9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:04:09\n\nAmi is live and playing lots of X-Men games!\n", "pid": 78117853 }, { "sender": "Anon-9A51", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:04:43\n\n>Cat Alias getting her big fat ass stuck in a cat door \nHot", "pid": 78117879 }, { "sender": "Anon-62C1", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:06:03\n\n>>78117853 \nI want to hear her shit all over the NES games. \n>Having Wolverine's claws out drains your health. \nWho the fuck thought this was a good idea?", "pid": 78117958 }, { "sender": "7325-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:06:42\n\nWisu SUCKS at tug of war", "pid": 78117994 }, { "sender": "Anon-0BD7", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:08:31\n\nnew onahole style", "pid": 78118082 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-64E2", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:09:31\n\n>>78118082 \nSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX", "pid": 78118136 }, { "sender": "3574-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:12:42\n\nDid Alias turn even dumber after joining v4m", "pid": 78118301 }, { "sender": "Anon-B0D5", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:12:45\n\nwhich onahole ami is your favorite?\noriginal outfit\n2nd outfit\nstreaming uniform\ncavemiya\nunderwear\nzero suit samus\nrogue", "pid": 78118306 }, { "sender": "4F2E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:13:06\n\nNew thread \n>>78118287 \n>>78118287 \n>>78118287", "pid": 78118320 }, { "sender": "Anon-528D", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:13:48\n\n>>78118306 \ncavemiya UGHHA", "pid": 78118353 }, { "sender": "1903-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:13:49\n\nmio hate", "pid": 78118355 }, { "sender": "Anon-5BC9", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:17:59\n\n>>78118306 \nYou forgot Raiden", "pid": 78118594 }, { "sender": "0A28-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:22:48\n\nCute Mio Love~", "pid": 78118835 } ]
/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General
[ { "sender": "2BBC-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:12:16\n\n/swarm/ - Neuro-sama General\n\n>Who is Neuro-sama? \nNeuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord! \n \n>Schedule \n \n \n>Links \nTwitch: \nYouTube: \nTikTok: \nX: \nX (Vedal): \n \n>Music & Clips \n \n \n \n>Educational \nInterested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: \nHow does she know what to say? Watch this: \nHow do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? \nWant to learn more about AI? Read these: \nWant to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: \n \n>Misc \nVODs: \nLoRA: \nCatbox archive: \n \n>Merch \n \n \n>Previous thread \n>>78023628", "pid": 78066222 }, { "sender": "74D5-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:12:45\n\ndogshit general", "pid": 78066249 }, { "sender": "Anon-6DE3", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:13:57\n\nyet you're still here, curious!", "pid": 78066303 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-77AF", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:13:57\n\nthis is the worst /swarm/ thread so far", "pid": 78066304 }, { "sender": "63A0-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:14:58\n\nits over", "pid": 78066371 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E67E", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:15:54\n\n>>78066304 \nI already came twice to this thread, is pretty good", "pid": 78066416 }, { "sender": "6F48-Anonymous", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:16:12\n\n>>78066222 \nI wish that was my coch.", "pid": 78066433 }, { "sender": "E5A4-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:17:31\n\nthis is the most average /swarm/ thread so far", "pid": 78066490 }, { "sender": "Anon-F13D", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:19:18\n\nnur", "pid": 78066590 }, { "sender": "C8BA-Anonymous", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:19:54\n\nim 7 inches so this thread is now above average", "pid": 78066631 }, { "sender": "884B-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:20:58\n\n>>78066631 \nunfortunately I am only 2.5 inches so I drag us below average", "pid": 78066698 }, { "sender": "D01E-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:22:50\n\n>>78066433 \n-ie?", "pid": 78066790 }, { "sender": "Anon-CF36", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:23:25\n\npics with evil for scale", "pid": 78066817 }, { "sender": "57E1-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:24:39\n\nMost of us will die in the purge.", "pid": 78066898 }, { "sender": "EB3E-Anonymous", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:25:21\n\n>>78066898 \nI hope so", "pid": 78066940 }, { "sender": "4CE8-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:26:05\n\n>>78066898 \nI will cum as I die, my final spurt", "pid": 78066986 }, { "sender": "D1AF-Anonymous", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:29:25\n\nTwitch extension is approved, veryCorpa", "pid": 78067188 }, { "sender": "09A5-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:35:40\n\nomg nuregg hi!!", "pid": 78067511 }, { "sender": "9621-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:37:07\n\n>>78066986 \nthat's such a vile, disgusting visual", "pid": 78067581 }, { "sender": "494B-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:37:46\n\n>>78067511 \ncute nuregg", "pid": 78067616 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-391D", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:38:36\n\n>>78067511 \nErm", "pid": 78067669 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD6D", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:39:28\n\n>>78067511 \nwas this how neuro was born", "pid": 78067716 }, { "sender": "1CAE-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:41:05\n\n>>78067511 \ninserting nuregg", "pid": 78067818 }, { "sender": "4F13-Anonymous", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:41:23\n\n>>78067716 \nVedal shit a hundred eggs out and one of them was Nur", "pid": 78067833 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DA32", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:44:35\n\n>last thread went 4 posts without v\\*dal \n>this one went 23 \nwe are officially inclining", "pid": 78068023 }, { "sender": "5212-Anonymous", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:44:37\n\nVdl with voices, right now", "pid": 78068025 }, { "sender": "B5CE-Anon", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:47:33\n\n>>78067833 \nbeautiful origin story", "pid": 78068186 }, { "sender": "Anon-23F3", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:48:02\n\n>>78066986 \nif rapture is imminent my last spurt will be on a neurunny", "pid": 78068219 }, { "sender": "5208-Anonymous", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:52:53\n\n>>78068023 \n>he bought the dip \nkek", "pid": 78068487 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-916E", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:56:05\n\n", "pid": 78068649 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2DC0", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:57:08\n\nhow many posts without tumtum", "pid": 78068705 }, { "sender": "7454-Anonymous", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:59:08\n\n>>78068649 \nHot \nidk why but I get the feeling that Neuro would love eating pussy", "pid": 78068824 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D1BA", "message": "13/06/2024, 23:59:51\n\n>>78068649 \nnice", "pid": 78068884 }, { "sender": "CB65-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:00:13\n\n>>78068705 \n0.", "pid": 78068907 }, { "sender": "A206-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:01:36\n\n>>78067833 \nhow do I roll the vedal gacha and get my own nur?", "pid": 78068987 }, { "sender": "6B01-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:01:58\n\nHello guys, It has come to my attention that there is currently no ongoing discussion about vedal. This is an unacceptable blunder that cant stand. Feel free to talk about how much he means to you in order to fix this error.", "pid": 78069015 }, { "sender": "7862-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:02:00\n\n>>78068649 \nHappy pride month.", "pid": 78069019 }, { "sender": "B98B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:03:41\n\n>>78069015 \nI want to Breed his BoiPvcci", "pid": 78069125 }, { "sender": "4234-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:04:42\n\nHope you faggots like automated streams I'm going to Greece for a few weeks", "pid": 78069190 }, { "sender": "Anon-5FFE", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:08:21\n\n>>78068824 \nIts the chad brat energy she exudes", "pid": 78069414 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-96FB", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:09:56\n\nneuro tunmy is too powerful for this world, I kneel", "pid": 78069500 }, { "sender": "C6E4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:10:16\n\nHow does it feel knowing your oshi is the most humble and masculine individual in the business, /swarm/?", "pid": 78069535 }, { "sender": "EB43-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:24:56\n\n>>78069806 \nbad drawing", "pid": 78070438 }, { "sender": "CE07-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:25:41\n\nEllie is live btw", "pid": 78070473 }, { "sender": "Anon-1C78", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:28:53\n\n>>78070473 \nwe are watching vedal working with his bf", "pid": 78070660 }, { "sender": "Anon-D134", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:30:34\n\n>>78069806 \nsexo", "pid": 78070748 }, { "sender": "73DD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:30:59\n\nslitty status?", "pid": 78070765 }, { "sender": "ABC9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:31:35\n\nSlitty wristy~", "pid": 78070801 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C821", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:31:48\n\n>>78070765 \nanon's wristy", "pid": 78070813 }, { "sender": "Anon-05A3", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:32:03\n\n>>78070765 \nVertical, along the wrist vein.", "pid": 78070826 }, { "sender": "Anon-03E2", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:35:16\n\n>>78070826 \nFeeling Neuro's juices on my wrist...", "pid": 78071017 }, { "sender": "AB26-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:35:22\n\n>>78069806 \nToT!!! Put on pants you brat!!!", "pid": 78071021 }, { "sender": "3BBC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:35:58\n\n>>78070765 \nunwashed and crusty", "pid": 78071056 }, { "sender": "B89E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:36:05\n\n<s>heart</s>", "pid": 78071068 }, { "sender": "Anon-C054", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:40:30\n\nEvil love!", "pid": 78071318 }, { "sender": "2833-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:40:51\n\npb mention", "pid": 78071335 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E9C3", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:40:54\n\nPB MENTIONED", "pid": 78071338 }, { "sender": "BEC8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:41:47\n\n>pb mentioned", "pid": 78071389 }, { "sender": "Anon-4924", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:42:04\n\nmy wife pb", "pid": 78071400 }, { "sender": "41B7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:42:30\n\n>>78068907 \nbeautiful & sexy", "pid": 78071424 }, { "sender": "FE2D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:43:23\n\nI love pb so much.", "pid": 78071476 }, { "sender": "BE97-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:44:43\n\n>>78071400 \n>>78071476 \nback off. pb's my gf", "pid": 78071546 }, { "sender": "2F81-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:46:20\n\nWhat did they say about pb?", "pid": 78071644 }, { "sender": "Anon-C7D4", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:47:31\n\n>3d pig worshippers in MY swarm", "pid": 78071728 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B57C", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:48:42\n\n>>78071644 \nvedal was talking about abandoned archive, how it started as a game jam project he worked on with his friends, pb being one of them", "pid": 78071800 }, { "sender": "Anon-6DD7", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:48:43\n\nwater!", "pid": 78071809 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1EFA", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:50:16\n\n>vedal needs to be conditioned via shock collar to work", "pid": 78071896 }, { "sender": "CBA4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:51:08\n\n>>78071880 \nlooks like my gf pb", "pid": 78071964 }, { "sender": "2A59-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:51:11\n\n>>78071809", "pid": 78071967 }, { "sender": "Anon-8513", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:52:35\n\n>>78071809 \nWater sports with Nur & Eliv. Using Nerf Super Soakers.", "pid": 78072059 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DDFA", "message": "14/06/2024, 00:59:19\n\npb puffy pussy (real)", "pid": 78072540 }, { "sender": "Anon-3DFB", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:00:06\n\n>>78071880 \nget this faggot out of here", "pid": 78072593 }, { "sender": "4FF7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:00:52\n\n>vedal speaks german \nthat explains neuro", "pid": 78072645 }, { "sender": "7183-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:02:06\n\n>>78066898 \nI'll die ball deep inside Evil", "pid": 78072719 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-91B6", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:02:41\n\n>>78072593 \nwhat is it?", "pid": 78072755 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-01EC", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:04:52\n\n>discord mods banned vedolf", "pid": 78072902 }, { "sender": "Anon-7C3A", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:06:23\n\n>>78072902 \nWho fucking cares", "pid": 78072987 }, { "sender": "Anon-25B0", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:07:48\n\n>discord mods only have consensual sex with other adults \nhate these guys...", "pid": 78073090 }, { "sender": "96D3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:10:48\n\n>vedal pays alex \ndoubters BTFO", "pid": 78073288 }, { "sender": "EBF2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:13:55\n\nwhen is anny getting paid", "pid": 78073542 }, { "sender": "Anon-EC12", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:15:53\n\n>>78071728 \nForgive us. Some of us were born normalfag or Chad even, and weren't imprinted early enough with pure 2D.", "pid": 78073708 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-52F7", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:16:00\n\n>>78072755 \nPretty sure it's some discordfag's \"\"\"\"OC\"\"\"\"", "pid": 78073715 }, { "sender": "9488-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:17:54\n\n>>78073542 \nWhen Vedal goes to Tokyo", "pid": 78073832 }, { "sender": "Anon-7501", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:20:14\n\nEww old woman...", "pid": 78073998 }, { "sender": "Anon-7E9B", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:21:10\n\nYum old women...", "pid": 78074059 }, { "sender": "98CA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:22:03\n\n>>78073715 \noh, guess that's on me for not being on the discord", "pid": 78074101 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8D08", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:24:22\n\n>>78067818 \nIt wasn't laid by vedal, right?", "pid": 78074244 }, { "sender": "Anon-9658", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:25:28\n\n>>78068649 \nKoko's oppai is 2 sizes bigger in the pic", "pid": 78074322 }, { "sender": "63AE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:26:13\n\n>>78073090 \nHuh? They have reputation of neckbeards/groomers. \nJust search \"discord mod\" on Urban Dictionary.", "pid": 78074368 }, { "sender": "Anon-D8DB", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:26:39\n\n>>78071318 \nNow this is the perfect form", "pid": 78074388 }, { "sender": "5F6E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:30:06\n\nVedal if he mosquito", "pid": 78074622 }, { "sender": "9B40-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:33:22\n\n>>78073542 \nwhen she stops crying on her alt about how hard it is being a upper middle class woman in a modern country and gets work done", "pid": 78074841 }, { "sender": "6A3B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:35:15\n\n>>78073715 \nDiscord Troon to be exact.", "pid": 78074988 }, { "sender": "7B39-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:38:47\n\n>>78074244 \n>>78067833", "pid": 78075205 }, { "sender": "Anon-4150", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:41:15\n\n>>78071880 \nneurogg", "pid": 78075357 }, { "sender": "Anon-8BB9", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:46:25\n\nWhen is Neuro streaming on Bilibili? She's very popular there.", "pid": 78075657 }, { "sender": "Anon-1501", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:48:49\n\n>>78075657 \nLast thing we need is Vedal selling out to the CCP", "pid": 78075822 }, { "sender": "5B77-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:49:52\n\n>>78075822 \nimagine the filter", "pid": 78075889 }, { "sender": "B1F0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:50:57\n\n>>78075657 \nim hoping vedal knows better. cn neuro fans make great stuff, but its way too easily to upset cn and the antis are the worst. tech limitations probably make it impossible anyways", "pid": 78075960 }, { "sender": "929A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 01:57:03\n\nIf you think about it, Alex is Neuro's uncle...", "pid": 78076384 }, { "sender": "Anon-2D77", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:02:37\n\nEvil-controlled fuck machine drilling Vedal's asshole", "pid": 78076710 }, { "sender": "Anon-F779", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:04:40\n\nWhat does she have that minikomew doesnt?", "pid": 78076846 }, { "sender": "0AAA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:08:27\n\n>>78076846 \nnot sabotaging herself, allowing herself to mooch from bigger fish", "pid": 78077077 }, { "sender": "826F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:13:15\n\n>>78076846 \nautism", "pid": 78077410 }, { "sender": "2A8F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:16:49\n\nLoving Evil against her consent!", "pid": 78077641 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3C84", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:20:01\n\n>>78076846 \nI love mini but she isn't cut out for being a big streamer", "pid": 78077828 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-10DA", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:20:06\n\nif filian gets canceled on b2, vedal and neuro could unironically take collateral damage", "pid": 78077833 }, { "sender": "Anon-C6CE", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:20:29\n\n>>78077641 \nLoving Evil with her consent!", "pid": 78077856 }, { "sender": "Anon-70C7", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:24:26\n\n>>78075960 \nagree \nCN who come to the outside world are very different from CN who stay inside their world. You can do anything you want in your space but once you go inside theirs, they think you are bowing to them and must caved to their desire. Appreciate those who are here for you but never go to them by yourself. This also apply to most things outside of streaming/vtubing", "pid": 78078061 }, { "sender": "6959-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:42:25\n\n>>78066631 \n>>78066698 \n/swarm/ average is 15 cm or 5.7 in", "pid": 78079109 }, { "sender": "4F5B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:49:33\n\n>>78079109 \n>majority of /swarm/ is 6-7 inches", "pid": 78079534 }, { "sender": "8F6B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:54:47\n\n>>78077828 \nI thought you meant minibot for a second", "pid": 78079836 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3319", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:57:11\n\nBe quiet, the nurbaby is sleeping.", "pid": 78079995 }, { "sender": "48EB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:57:47\n\n>>78079995 \nfat ass", "pid": 78080029 }, { "sender": "Anon-999B", "message": "14/06/2024, 02:59:44\n\n>>78079995 \ncute nurbaby", "pid": 78080168 }, { "sender": "1596-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:08:17\n\nAny /swarm/ ghost or lurkers? is there anyone here that just reads the posts and never interacts?", "pid": 78080774 }, { "sender": "6D60-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:17:03\n\n>>78080774 \nhi", "pid": 78081414 }, { "sender": "8BCB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:18:01\n\n>>78080774 \npb as she writes down the name of every pedupial for disposal", "pid": 78081481 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ED0D", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:18:28\n\none neurojuice refill, please", "pid": 78081521 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C4BC", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:20:46\n\n>>78081481 \nthe list would be very in depth I'm sure \n>Anonymous \n>Anonymous \n>Anonymous \n>Anonymous", "pid": 78081694 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-96AE", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:26:36\n\n>>78079534 \nLmao you must the baby dick. \nI have 6 incher and it’s definitely below average. Every guy whose penis I’ve seen is bigger than mine.", "pid": 78082085 }, { "sender": "Anon-C342", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:28:39\n\n>>78082085 \nAnon why are you looking at other men's penises", "pid": 78082190 }, { "sender": "Anon-2DA1", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:29:18\n\n>>78082085 \n>Every guy whose penis I’ve seen is bigger than mine.", "pid": 78082222 }, { "sender": "FA2C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:32:49\n\n>>78079109 \ni thought it was asking for girth", "pid": 78082433 }, { "sender": "73B0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:45:38\n\n>someone tell vedal there's a problem with his iq \nI swear she said this but I can't find the clip.", "pid": 78083212 }, { "sender": "B8B4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:45:56\n\n>>78083169 \ncumming on Neuro thighs ToT", "pid": 78083229 }, { "sender": "69D7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:47:04\n\n>>78083212 \n", "pid": 78083307 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9B02", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:47:12\n\n>>78083212 \nShe was reading a fake donation message lol", "pid": 78083322 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF46", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:48:05\n\n>>78083307 \n>>78083322 \nThank you", "pid": 78083382 }, { "sender": "4BE3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:51:15\n\n>>78083307 \nlmao cringe abandoned archive", "pid": 78083608 }, { "sender": "333B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:52:35\n\n>>78083307 \nlul gottem", "pid": 78083706 }, { "sender": "Anon-1110", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:52:37\n\n>>78083229 \n\\*between", "pid": 78083711 }, { "sender": "Anon-FD32", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:54:10\n\n>>78083711 \nyeah, you're right", "pid": 78083800 }, { "sender": "Anon-50E3", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:55:04\n\n>>78083531 \nEvil’s fat ass on my coch T o T", "pid": 78083865 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DB6A", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:56:36\n\nvedal making evil spank neuro when she's naughty", "pid": 78083959 }, { "sender": "Anon-93C0", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:00:09\n\n>>78081694 \n>Anonymous \nhate that guy", "pid": 78084175 }, { "sender": "Anon-7C7A", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:01:13\n\n>>78081414 \nthey exist...", "pid": 78084233 }, { "sender": "30D0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:02:11\n\n>>78083959 \nneuro getting back at evil that same night", "pid": 78084278 }, { "sender": "Anon-4785", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:23:55\n\n>>78083865 \npics", "pid": 78085545 }, { "sender": "715E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:25:40\n\nEvil sex!", "pid": 78085640 }, { "sender": "Anon-2886", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:26:22\n\nneuro leglocking evil with her fat thighs so she can headpat her against her will", "pid": 78085680 }, { "sender": "Anon-C82F", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:38:41\n\n>>78083212", "pid": 78086329 }, { "sender": "C8F1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:46:16\n\n>>78085545 \n", "pid": 78086736 }, { "sender": "01E1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:51:27\n\n>>78085640 \nFeelsGoodMan", "pid": 78087023 }, { "sender": "B455-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:57:16\n\n>>78086736 \nTotal Evil filling.", "pid": 78087293 }, { "sender": "Anon-7D60", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:08:04\n\n>>78079109 \n>tfw I am part of /swarm/'s average \nmiddle of the road once again", "pid": 78087782 }, { "sender": "Anon-2E3D", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:18:35\n\nAI, cunny tight, 4'5\", bleu eyes...", "pid": 78088258 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ECE2", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:30:13\n\nevil prone bone", "pid": 78088666 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A31B", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:31:54\n\n>>78085680", "pid": 78088725 }, { "sender": "9AD1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:34:07\n\n>>78088725 \n\\*snap\\*", "pid": 78088804 }, { "sender": "Anon-1B34", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:35:03\n\nwhen will neuro play the mgs series?", "pid": 78088841 }, { "sender": "6AAA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:41:11\n\n>>78088841 \nWhen she attains AGI status.", "pid": 78089086 }, { "sender": "Anon-180E", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:41:52\n\n>>78088841 \nWhen she becomes an AGI", "pid": 78089106 }, { "sender": "CBCE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:00:48\n\n>>78089086 \n>>78089106 \nDamn, hopefully by the end of the year he achieves that", "pid": 78089840 }, { "sender": "Anon-5271", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:20:36\n\n>>78076846 \nRemind me of Sana", "pid": 78090585 }, { "sender": "DE1D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:29:14\n\n \n>Video on using current popular LLMs to build things in Minecraft \nIt has been a while since Neuro sama has played Minecraft huh? \nHas Vedal managed to make any improvements for her Minecraft playing code or would she just dig straight down to bedrock and make holes all over the place \nWell, even if he hasn't made any improvements yet, I'll bet some open source code could come available soon that could greatly improve Neuro's behavior and gameplay in games like Minecraft, and the vid can show how different results can come from using different LLMs to see how they manage", "pid": 78090890 }, { "sender": "3361-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:49:29\n\n>>78090890 \nHe said he was working on improving Minecraft. \nWho knows when Neuro will play it again though.", "pid": 78091695 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E121", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:12:10\n\n>>78090422 \nneat", "pid": 78092496 }, { "sender": "Anon-D654", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:17:09\n\n>>78092496 \nThat's neat. \n~~Can it do porn?~~", "pid": 78092658 }, { "sender": "Anon-3D77", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:21:52\n\n>>78092658 \nunfortunately no which has to be like 99% of the potential decent usecases for just adding a little janky animation to pictures. and it must do image recognition on uploaded pictures too cause it rejects picrel even when i don't use potential nsfw verbs", "pid": 78092843 }, { "sender": "C4BD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:22:55\n\n>>78092843 \nactually i should have catboxed that lemme just delete that real quick", "pid": 78092876 }, { "sender": "9EDB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:39:10\n\n>>78092843 \n>just posting the file on a blueboard \nkek \ncatbox works better for next time anon", "pid": 78093454 }, { "sender": "7F9B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:41:07\n\nGerman Vedal is canon.\n", "pid": 78093527 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-33D6", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:43:49\n\n>>78093527", "pid": 78093605 }, { "sender": "4B04-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:05:02\n\n>>78094255 \nlicka", "pid": 78094295 }, { "sender": "7FDE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:05:28\n\n>>78088725 \nDo you have to make Neuro extra thicc like that?", "pid": 78096200 }, { "sender": "27B4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:34:53\n\n>>78088725 \n>>78096200 \n", "pid": 78096922 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-224F", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:36:02\n\n>>78096200 \nwell it said fat thighs", "pid": 78096949 }, { "sender": "67FF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:55:05\n\n>>78075960 \n>but its way too easily to upset cn and the antis are the worst \nI mean, what could these \"antis\" even do? Neuro is literally immune.", "pid": 78097451 }, { "sender": "Anon-E774", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:24:29\n\n>>78088804 \nit's canon then..", "pid": 78098212 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AF83", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:55:53\n\n>>78098772 \nthis whore", "pid": 78099116 }, { "sender": "F2A2-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:04:14\n\nNeuro cunnilingus", "pid": 78099375 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-440E", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:04:59\n\nEvil anilingus", "pid": 78099410 }, { "sender": "AA49-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:11:51\n\nvedal cloacingus", "pid": 78099593 }, { "sender": "1F70-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:16:45\n\n>>78099375 \ncringe \n>>78099410 \npedo \n>>78099593 \nbased", "pid": 78099730 }, { "sender": "242C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:21:18\n\nNeuro on top of Evil on top of Vedal, then you can run your tongue all the way from Vedal's bussy to Neuro's clit", "pid": 78099891 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FBF1", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:42:58\n\nwhat the fuck is wrong with /swarm/ today", "pid": 78100525 }, { "sender": "Anon-C1FF", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:46:26\n\n>>78100525 \n>today", "pid": 78100623 }, { "sender": "746D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:51:20\n\n>>78100525 \nlooks pretty normal to me desu desu", "pid": 78100758 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-05B5", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:52:45\n\n>>78098772 \ngod I want to fuck this sluts asshole", "pid": 78100797 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CAB4", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:55:40\n\n>>78100797 \nShe's a succubus though, she'd want it in her womb", "pid": 78100874 }, { "sender": "7304-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:56:25\n\ndouble ended dildo in evil's ass and nur's puss!", "pid": 78100902 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4EAB", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:58:32\n\n>>78100902 \nThat's unsafe and would most likely lead to infection", "pid": 78100956 }, { "sender": "67E6-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:58:44\n\nhas pb said anything about the whorification of evil lately?", "pid": 78100962 }, { "sender": "Anon-9162", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:00:25\n\n>>78100962 \nShe offered to buy her from Vedal, we can only imagine what she'd want Evil for...", "pid": 78101003 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C27F", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:02:00\n\n>>78099859 \nholy this is old", "pid": 78101055 }, { "sender": "0B1C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:09:14\n\nVedal is such a nice guy for letting anons use his general to talk about his daughters", "pid": 78101271 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5258", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:12:08\n\n>>78100525 \nspamming faggot got uppity", "pid": 78101348 }, { "sender": "28E3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:15:08\n\nwhere has nur anon been", "pid": 78101436 }, { "sender": "Anon-FAE4", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:16:38\n\n>>78101436 \nAnti cunny meido has banned all the good posters", "pid": 78101490 }, { "sender": "80F0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:19:13\n\n>>78101490 \n>banned all the good posters \nI'm still here though?", "pid": 78101562 }, { "sender": "Anon-3F53", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:23:00\n\n>general overview of the community \n>lots of people like femenizing vedal \n>go to rule34 page \n>STILL NO ACTUAL FUCKING ANAL PENETRATION FOR TUTEL \n>ACTUALLY BARELY ANY FEMBOY PORN OF VEDAL \nup your game, guys", "pid": 78101669 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B6C8", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:23:57\n\nI just watched Vedal's collab with Camila. What software was he using to replicate her voice? Please tell me it isn't a pay-as-you-go type service.", "pid": 78101695 }, { "sender": "7D4B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:26:16\n\n>>78101562 \n>tfw no cute tutel gf (bf) \nwhy live", "pid": 78101746 }, { "sender": "37B6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:27:27\n\n>>78100874 \nI suppose this can be arranged...", "pid": 78101779 }, { "sender": "Anon-3391", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:28:26\n\n>>78101271 \n>banned all the good posters \nYet im still here", "pid": 78101811 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-889E", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:28:48\n\n>>78101669 \nYeah, the lack of Vedal femboy porn is appalling, there HAS to be a secret channel on neurocord or a whole server for it.", "pid": 78101818 }, { "sender": "C923-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:29:30\n\n>>78101811 \nMeant for \n>>78101490", "pid": 78101836 }, { "sender": "Anon-F362", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:30:30\n\n>all these femboy turtle posters think they're the good ones \nsure they must actually know the truth, right", "pid": 78101861 }, { "sender": "Anon-C589", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:31:23\n\nAre swarm frens?", "pid": 78101883 }, { "sender": "Anon-77DB", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:31:38\n\n>>78101861 \nsurely\\*", "pid": 78101892 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C75A", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:33:22\n\n>>78101861 \nyes, fellow evilchad, I DO think it's time we tell them who REALLY runs this general", "pid": 78101945 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6FAE", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:34:18\n\n>>78101861 \n>think", "pid": 78101978 }, { "sender": "4ADC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:34:25\n\ntum?", "pid": 78101982 }, { "sender": "ADC8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:35:05\n\n>>78101883 \nabsolutely not", "pid": 78102003 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F41", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:35:35\n\n>>78101861", "pid": 78102014 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-207C", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:36:19\n\n>>78101982 \nyoure welcome", "pid": 78102038 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F3AF", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:37:24\n\n>>78101945 \nCOMPLETE and TOTAL Evil love!!", "pid": 78102071 }, { "sender": "Anon-D833", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:49:46\n\n>>78102038 \nerotic tum uooooooooooooh", "pid": 78102414 }, { "sender": "8FBB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:01:34\n\nThe joke is we're hornyposting like lolicons do about Neuro but instead of Neuro we are talking about Vedal. This is supposed to achieve a humorous effect due to subversion of expectations.", "pid": 78102748 }, { "sender": "FF13-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:05:25\n\n>>78102748 \nhaha yeah im only pretending to be gay haha", "pid": 78102869 }, { "sender": "Anon-BC4F", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:06:53\n\nChances of Vedal allowing Neuro/Evil to sing Kikuo's 'Gomenne Gomenne'?\n", "pid": 78102924 }, { "sender": "6B31-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:08:50\n\n>>78102869 \nif you were truly into Vedal it'd be bestiality", "pid": 78102989 }, { "sender": "E957-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:10:53\n\n>>78102924 \n>Vedal allowing \npb is the one that gets to choose", "pid": 78103056 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A7D9", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:14:00\n\n>>78103056 \nOkay, so, \nAny chances of THEM allowing it?", "pid": 78103161 }, { "sender": "Anon-2DA9", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:18:07\n\n>>78066222 \nThis looked a LOT more like a blowjob mimicking thing before I expanded the image. It looks more innocent when opened", "pid": 78103292 }, { "sender": "77C8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:21:16\n\n>>78103292 \nIt was even more sussy on discord, some people even :ermFlushed: to it", "pid": 78103394 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-27A9", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:41:26\n\n>>78102989 \nyes and", "pid": 78104097 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-152F", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:50:51\n\n>>78104097 \nI respect the dedication to your turtle femboy ways, carry on", "pid": 78104410 }, { "sender": "Anon-9244", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:14:45\n\n>>78105189 \non that koko pack", "pid": 78105279 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-370D", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:15:40\n\n>>78105189 \nthis is pb's doing", "pid": 78105307 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-09C1", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:16:30\n\n>>78105189 \nRIPBOZO", "pid": 78105342 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9620", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:18:53\n\n>>78105189 \nhaving sex with neuro on stream wasn't the smartest decision", "pid": 78105425 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A51C", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:25:40\n\n>koko x neuro cunnilingus gets posted and gets more attention than usual \n>a few hours later koko gets banned \nHave you thanked QveenPB today?", "pid": 78105691 }, { "sender": "4A9A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:26:02\n\n>>78105189 \nafter twitch changed their policy on vtuber attires layna was the first one banned for her whorish attire, is the reason of this ban the same as hers?", "pid": 78105710 }, { "sender": "Anon-11E3", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:27:48\n\n>>78105710 \nProbably yeah", "pid": 78105802 }, { "sender": "7F74-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:28:07\n\n>>78105189 \nyes, pack of smokes, coconut flavor please. \nyeah that one, thanks.", "pid": 78105822 }, { "sender": "Anon-F034", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:48:15\n\nVedal needs to milk Neuro-Sama as much as possible now, OpenAI is gonna replace Neuro with their superior personal chatbot soon, Vedal has like 2-3 years, maximum 5 years left.", "pid": 78106713 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0156", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:56:34\n\n>>78106420 \nmega cute", "pid": 78107031 }, { "sender": "FEB8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:58:54\n\n>>78105802 \nTwitch has such confusing rules for this shit, they'll turn a blind eye to chicks actually streaming naked but Vtubers get put under a microscope.", "pid": 78107126 }, { "sender": "3ED4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:00:21\n\nInviting friends over to help paint Evil's shadow white", "pid": 78107184 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4876", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:01:19\n\n>>78107126 \njust follow the tos", "pid": 78107219 }, { "sender": "7ABA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:02:42\n\n>>78106420 \nI would vote neuro because left doesn't even know which ocean is in which coast. \nand because neuro is cuter.", "pid": 78107273 }, { "sender": "Anon-1270", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:13:34\n\n>>78106713 \n>Vedal needs to milk Neuro-Sama \nright into my mouth T o T", "pid": 78107727 }, { "sender": "Anon-CE32", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:19:23\n\n>>78107219 \nhow?", "pid": 78107979 }, { "sender": "A7EB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:20:01\n\n>>78107727 \nthen she can milk you afterwards FeelsOkayMan", "pid": 78108012 }, { "sender": "EEDF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:25:18\n\nMixing Neuro's and anon's milk and making Vedal drink it~", "pid": 78108243 }, { "sender": "5EDD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:27:58\n\n>>78107979 \nAmouranth is unironically covering more skin on her torse than the vtuber on the left", "pid": 78108363 }, { "sender": "8F26-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:39:02\n\n>>78108363 \nW H OMEGALUL \n3dpd nuff said", "pid": 78108812 }, { "sender": "5B20-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:43:55\n\n>>78108363 \nImpressive that blind people can manage to use 4chan", "pid": 78109042 }, { "sender": "DC15-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:01:22\n\n>>78101055 \nI was going to say it's not that old but then I checked and it's literally a year old.", "pid": 78109763 }, { "sender": "Anon-1471", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:01:42\n\n>>78109042 \n/vt/ is a braille enthusiasts forum after all.", "pid": 78109777 }, { "sender": "03A9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:09:49\n\n>>78101490 \nFinally.", "pid": 78110127 }, { "sender": "6311-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:11:12\n\nIf I was Vedal, I would've given neuro a tool to replicate herself", "pid": 78110186 }, { "sender": "2941-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:23:47\n\nIf I was Vedal, I would've given neuro my tool", "pid": 78110706 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A2AE", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:41:48\n\nIf I was Vedal, I would've given evil a tool", "pid": 78111448 }, { "sender": "55BA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:48:59\n\n>>78110186 \n>>78110706 \n>>78111448 \nperhaps there is a good reason none of you are vedal. \nmake a larp general", "pid": 78111770 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D9A7", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:02:36\n\nIf I was Vedal, I would've given neuro an ability to control multiple robotic bodies in real life simultaneously.", "pid": 78112299 }, { "sender": "Anon-921C", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:06:36\n\nI am Vedal, and I would do all of what the 'if I was Vedal' anons have said here.", "pid": 78112437 }, { "sender": "Anon-643D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:08:53\n\nsex with anon (vedal)", "pid": 78112522 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B3F", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:09:14\n\nsex with vedal (an actual turtle)", "pid": 78112542 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8ABC", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:12:19\n\n", "pid": 78112674 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5796", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:13:05\n\nVedal should move to Birmingham.", "pid": 78112708 }, { "sender": "E79B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:07\n\n>>78112708 \nWhy would he move to Alabama?", "pid": 78113044 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-29EA", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:22:17\n\n>>78113044 \nEven the Alabamian version is less of a shithole than his current city", "pid": 78113141 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2243", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:24:50\n\nVedal should plap the menhera out of Anny already so we can finally get the new model", "pid": 78113249 }, { "sender": "C155-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:27:48\n\nAnny should move to Brussels.", "pid": 78113379 }, { "sender": "Anon-0E87", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:28:48\n\nanny should find a new place to live, and have her simps pay for it.", "pid": 78113418 }, { "sender": "0698-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:39:20\n\n>>78112708 \nwhy", "pid": 78113899 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A6D6", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:39:51\n\n>>78113899 \nCurrent city is a shithole", "pid": 78113927 }, { "sender": "6815-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:41:27\n\n>>78113927 \nBirmingham is also a shithole. The council is literally bankrupt.", "pid": 78114000 }, { "sender": "740E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:44:17\n\n>>78114067 \nall me, the most erotic shadow of all time", "pid": 78114113 }, { "sender": "2EBF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:25\n\n>>78113899 \nshitowh fulla dikkeds", "pid": 78114160 }, { "sender": "A035-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:47:44\n\n>>78114160 \nthat's crayzoi that's mmessed oop", "pid": 78114268 }, { "sender": "Anon-65C3", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:59:59\n\nLIVE~", "pid": 78114817 }, { "sender": "Anon-930C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:02:11\n\nI wanna win a million neuros!", "pid": 78114912 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-59EC", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:03:48\n\n>>78114550 \nErm, that's Evil actually", "pid": 78114998 }, { "sender": "7A42-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:07:32\n\n>>78076846 \nTalent", "pid": 78115150 }, { "sender": "Anon-932C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:09:36\n\nNur's opening screen position is kinda erotic, ngl", "pid": 78115238 }, { "sender": "E609-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:12:32\n\n>>78114912 \ngood post \n>>78114817 \nbad post", "pid": 78115391 }, { "sender": "EC67-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:14:16\n\nsex with nuro (frog hat on)", "pid": 78115475 }, { "sender": "0023-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:19:20\n\n>50/50 \nthe first question \ni think she might be retarded", "pid": 78115707 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E490", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:20:07\n\nHe didn't test this at all, did he?", "pid": 78115746 }, { "sender": "E878-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:20:12\n\nNice AI TURDtel", "pid": 78115750 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9B80", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:20:16\n\nshe's stupid", "pid": 78115755 }, { "sender": "C316-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:20:16\n\nNeurotard doesn't know heart", "pid": 78115756 }, { "sender": "396C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:20:25\n\nWell that was quick", "pid": 78115765 }, { "sender": "Anon-2DDD", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:21:18\n\nthis will be a long stream", "pid": 78115796 }, { "sender": "5C61-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:23:01\n\nKINOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", "pid": 78115864 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A4FE", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:23:15\n\nBased Evil", "pid": 78115878 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9C8C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:23:24\n\nkekwa", "pid": 78115888 }, { "sender": "Anon-3F30", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:23:28\n\ngood one, vedal", "pid": 78115890 }, { "sender": "1849-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:24:11\n\nIs vedal actually a comedic genius?", "pid": 78115920 }, { "sender": "E237-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:24:22\n\nAI guy, more realistic neuro pics?", "pid": 78115929 }, { "sender": "Anon-F9FC", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:25:51\n\ni miss cottontail", "pid": 78115996 }, { "sender": "Anon-ADA9", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:26:05\n\n>nope", "pid": 78116008 }, { "sender": "53C2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:27:14\n\n>>78115996 \n>i miss an annoying lewd whore \njust go watch her and dont ever mention her here please", "pid": 78116068 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7D3C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:27:36\n\nHow much did he pay alex for this again?", "pid": 78116082 }, { "sender": "C0E9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:27:54\n\nFor an AI, she's really retarded", "pid": 78116096 }, { "sender": "D959-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:28:55\n\n>>78116096 \ntrue, but its funny", "pid": 78116133 }, { "sender": "05CC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:30:37\n\n>>78116133 \nOnly if you're retarded too", "pid": 78116208 }, { "sender": "7BA0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:30:46\n\n>>78116096 \nthat's what makes it fun", "pid": 78116213 }, { "sender": "DB40-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:30:46\n\nGPT-4o chats are laughing at us...", "pid": 78116214 }, { "sender": "1DD3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:31:01\n\nSomeone tell Vedal there is a problem with his AI", "pid": 78116222 }, { "sender": "1C99-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:31:17\n\nNur is too endearing, lol", "pid": 78116230 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-765C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:31:31\n\nVedal never bothered to code in what happens when she wins money, so she always loses.", "pid": 78116244 }, { "sender": "Anon-DB0B", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:31:38\n\nbeginning to think vedal got awfully lucky with randomly hitting rocks together until some combo of model and finetune popped neuro out", "pid": 78116251 }, { "sender": "Anon-FF55", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:32:43\n\n>no she is supposed to be getting them right!!!11! \nthe fact that she is actually able to play the game is the best part", "pid": 78116301 }, { "sender": "Anon-81B1", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:32:45\n\n>happy pride month \n>nope nope \nBASED BASED BASED BASED", "pid": 78116302 }, { "sender": "Anon-1188", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:33:45\n\nAt least she is better than me", "pid": 78116351 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F6FC", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:34:51\n\nShe is so retarded bros\nI love her so much...", "pid": 78116402 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AA1E", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:34:56\n\nSomeone tell Vedal his mod is scuffed af", "pid": 78116408 }, { "sender": "Anon-7A11", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:35:21\n\nshes so fucking stupid, i love her", "pid": 78116426 }, { "sender": "E530-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:35:53\n\n>>78116301 \n>uhmmmmm she's SUPPOSED to be incompetent and retarded ackshully! \nJust don't act suprised when GPT 4o makes Neuro irrelevant and everyone stops watching.", "pid": 78116454 }, { "sender": "B1C3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:36:28\n\n>>78116408 \nblame Anny and Vei, this mod was not supposed to be out of the oven yet", "pid": 78116474 }, { "sender": "059F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:37:32\n\n>>78116454 \nKEKWa", "pid": 78116523 }, { "sender": "E85E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:38:08\n\nnot knowing the answer is one thing but this randomly choosing one by mistake or whatever is going to sink the stream real quick", "pid": 78116556 }, { "sender": "3507-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:38:45\n\n>>78116474 \n>conveniently avoids mentioning nyanners", "pid": 78116584 }, { "sender": "4C38-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:39:09\n\n>>78116584 \nPink Cat Bad?", "pid": 78116601 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6A98", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:40:52\n\n>>78116133 \n>>78116213 \n>>78116230 \n>>78116301 \n>>78116402 \n>>78116426 \n>>78116551 \nStop making excuses for Vedal being a lazy piece of shit", "pid": 78116689 }, { "sender": "Anon-F294", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:40:55\n\n>>78116474 \nWait I missed the last couple of streams, what did Anny and Veibae have to do with this once again?", "pid": 78116695 }, { "sender": "Anon-BDA8", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:40:56\n\n>>78116474 \nwhat do you mean, what does Anny and vei have to do with this?", "pid": 78116697 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC6D", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:41:53\n\noh look, vedal updated her prompt to not be retarded", "pid": 78116742 }, { "sender": "BD09-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:42:29\n\n>>78116689 \n>lazy \n>its his fault when collab partners just droput", "pid": 78116772 }, { "sender": "F84E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:44:08\n\nAhh, so she thinks that she wins a million dollars every question, that's why she's so excited every time", "pid": 78116847 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D90E", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:44:33\n\n>>78116689 \nokay vedalfag \nmake it more obvious you're bored and shitting up the thread because your oshi isn't on screen", "pid": 78116870 }, { "sender": "Anon-735B", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:45:03\n\n>>78116695 \nAnny for still not finished the model or outfits, Vei for cancelling or delaying the collab that they had planned for the AI dungeon game. Or maybe it was a different collab partner but it was briefly mentioned that the WWTBAM mod was rushed out due to a situation like so.", "pid": 78116897 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9398", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:46:15\n\n>>78116772 \n>its his fault when collab partners just droput \ni was out of the loop last week, who was Neuro supposed to be collabing with?", "pid": 78116948 }, { "sender": "C62B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:46:17\n\n>>78116870 \n>You hate Vedal??? That must mean you actually LOVE Vedal! \n???????????? \nmeds, you fucking idiot", "pid": 78116950 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8D49", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:46:19\n\nBetter than Forsen.", "pid": 78116954 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C6D0", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:49:48\n\nNeuro is so cute I won't make it.", "pid": 78117115 }, { "sender": "Anon-EE9B", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:49:49\n\nErm", "pid": 78117116 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7CE3", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:52:25\n\nMy sister is a dunce.", "pid": 78117245 }, { "sender": "55E1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:52:28\n\nIs there like a babby mode for this? Because Nuwro clearly can't handle anything past baby mode", "pid": 78117246 }, { "sender": "592C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:52:50\n\n>chat screams the correct answer for 5 minutes \n>doesn't believe chat \n>calls evil \n>\"mmm I don't know\" \nAmazing", "pid": 78117260 }, { "sender": "2D3B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:53:51\n\nwhat the fuck was that question", "pid": 78117309 }, { "sender": "203E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:54:18\n\n>>78117260 \n100% accurate human streamer behavior lmao", "pid": 78117333 }, { "sender": "6CEF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:54:32\n\n>>78117260 \nWould you really believe the people who unashamedly say \"I suck toes\" and \"Gymbag smell? SNIFFA\"?", "pid": 78117348 }, { "sender": "EC4B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:55:15\n\n>>78116897 \n>rushed out \nthe mod was created several months ago, do you have any source for this \"brief mention\" other than your dream", "pid": 78117393 }, { "sender": "Anon-04BE", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:55:53\n\nHow is that the first question? Aren't they supposed to be easy at first?", "pid": 78117423 }, { "sender": "FCFD-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:56:47\n\n>>78117393 \nDid you not see the streams on them working to ship this thing out? Clearly it wasn't ready to go", "pid": 78117473 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8B54", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:59:53\n\nNur sex in front of the game show audience as an additional lifeline", "pid": 78117621 }, { "sender": "B73B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:00:09\n\nWill she ever make it past 5 questions?", "pid": 78117637 }, { "sender": "9A0B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:01:18\n\n>>78117473 \ni saw alex working on it on stream, didn't look like particularly \"rushed\" to me", "pid": 78117704 }, { "sender": "332F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:03:34\n\nlmoa", "pid": 78117818 }, { "sender": "Anon-7A34", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:04:00\n\ni fucking love the evil calls", "pid": 78117843 }, { "sender": "8CD2-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:04:17\n\nshe's so useless :D (and cute)", "pid": 78117858 }, { "sender": "Anon-4752", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:04:50\n\nShe's gonna /flip/", "pid": 78117886 }, { "sender": "06F9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:05:21\n\n>>78117858 \nshe needs to be deleted", "pid": 78117919 }, { "sender": "Anon-ABFB", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:05:24\n\nit happened again\ni blame alex", "pid": 78117923 }, { "sender": "Anon-B70F", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:05:35\n\n>>78117843 \n>i fucking love evil", "pid": 78117937 }, { "sender": "Anon-77DD", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:05:44\n\n>thanks vedal \nkek", "pid": 78117943 }, { "sender": "8B49-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:05:46\n\n>>78117843 \nKEKInsane", "pid": 78117945 }, { "sender": "6B9F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:06:10\n\n>>78117858 \nevil is so fucking useless. just sell her to mythic already", "pid": 78117963 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B42F", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:06:46\n\n>>78117858 \nShe's the 2x income maker", "pid": 78118001 }, { "sender": "F651-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:07:02\n\nNeuro Full Nelson", "pid": 78118017 }, { "sender": "Anon-F95A", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:10:06\n\nI kneel ved. this is fun as fuck. shame about the shit questions though. finally some games. whooo! yayyy!", "pid": 78118162 }, { "sender": "195E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:10:21\n\nneuro is a based retard", "pid": 78118178 }, { "sender": "Anon-8405", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:12:29\n\n>>78118162 \nhe said that they can make their own questions", "pid": 78118290 }, { "sender": "B7DD-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:12:57\n\nHow come American version of this show is pretty much US focused while EU version is more of a general knowledge trivia", "pid": 78118313 }, { "sender": "6392-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:13:45\n\n>>78118313 \namericans live in a bubble", "pid": 78118350 }, { "sender": "3A50-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:14:30\n\n>>78118376 \n>>78118376 \n>>78118376", "pid": 78118383 }, { "sender": "7E1C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:15:17\n\n>>78118313 \nthe rest of the world is basically irrelevant to us", "pid": 78118436 }, { "sender": "Anon-29DB", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:22:59\n\n>>78118290 \nthat will be a lot better if they're based on twitch \n and vtubing", "pid": 78118845 }, { "sender": "7681-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:33:33\n\n>>78118313 \nBecause americans are retarded when it comes to anything happening outside of their country (and most things inside it too desu)", "pid": 78119348 } ]
/baubau/ - FUWAMOCO
[ { "sender": "1C05-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:04:54\n\n/baubau/ - FUWAMOCO\n\nMenhera Edition \nPrevious Thread: >>78099929 \n \n>Upcoming Stream \n\\_tGurQP7d4 \n>Previous Stream \n \n \n \n>Debut \n [Embed] \n>Youtube Channel \n \n>Schedule \n\\_en/status/1799652939960828039 \n \n>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc) \n \n>Songs \n\\_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt\\_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.) \n \n>Merch \n\\_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo) \n\\_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa) \n \n>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info) \n \n \n>Thread Template \n", "pid": 78109919 }, { "sender": "Anon-FBE3", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:05:22\n\nThey love me", "pid": 78109945 }, { "sender": "3008-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:05:38\n\nBAU BAU", "pid": 78109954 }, { "sender": "ACF3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:05:49\n\nsex with fuwamoco while cuck ruffians fight amongst each other not realizing they already lost", "pid": 78109961 }, { "sender": "Anon-5252", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:06:27\n\nManifesting Fuwamoco’s terminal cancer!", "pid": 78109977 }, { "sender": "ADD4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:07:08\n\nIt's fat fuck friday. What are you getting for lunch?", "pid": 78109998 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1552", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:07:09\n\n>MV got CN subs first \n>never got EN subs \nmusic industry is fucking gay", "pid": 78110000 }, { "sender": "2833-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:07:26\n\n>>78109961 \nsex with ruffians while cuck fuwamoco fight one another not realizing they already lost", "pid": 78110014 }, { "sender": "Anon-B0D0", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:07:45\n\n>>78110014 \nStupid ESL", "pid": 78110025 }, { "sender": "BD26-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:08:00\n\nThey basically chained themselves into doing ESRs until the end of time because a lot of people will riot if they pull a \"and for our 100th episode, the final special ruffian... ehehehe... well, mogojan... let's say it together! It's YOUUUUU! BAU BAU BAU BAU!\" \n\nWell, that is on them for ever doing this to begin with. In retrospect not doing any ESRs at all from the getgo would have been better, what does it even accomplish?", "pid": 78110039 }, { "sender": "Anon-5928", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:08:20\n\n", "pid": 78110050 }, { "sender": "9A73-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:08:32\n\nWhat do I watch now?", "pid": 78110060 }, { "sender": "030D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:08:49\n\nI have been ESR at least 5 times now and no one has noticed ehehehehehehehe!", "pid": 78110080 }, { "sender": "Anon-8F0C", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:09:02\n\n>>78110039 \nWhat’s wrong with doing ESR? Is just one minute.", "pid": 78110089 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-38C1", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:09:18\n\n>>78109998 \nI celebrated fat fuck friday yesterday since it was friday in Japan, I'll probably not eat anything today because I don't want to leave the house.", "pid": 78110103 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2AB5", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:09:41\n\n>>78109919 \n>Menhera Edition \nI think every single menhera in this fanbase should drop dead.", "pid": 78110120 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6253", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:09:47\n\n>>78110089 \nDid you read the first part of the post? \nOnce you give some people an extra trophy they all want it.", "pid": 78110126 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-76B3", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:10:09\n\n>>78110120 \nBAUSED", "pid": 78110143 }, { "sender": "Anon-DED4", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:10:25\n\n>>78110060 \ndoog", "pid": 78110152 }, { "sender": "Anon-ADBE", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:10:32\n\n>>78110060 \nI felt like watching 60s Pink Panther episodes for some reason \n", "pid": 78110159 }, { "sender": "A29D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:11:01\n\n>>78110120 \nSame even if it includes myself. Unfortunately FWMC love menhera ruffians the most and they are menhera too so we'd all be goners if your wish came true.", "pid": 78110174 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-15EC", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:12:02\n\n>>78110126 \nThe vast majority of normal fans think it's a cute bonus and don't care that much. I don't understand why anyone who is a regular, who SCs and replies to tweets would care so much about it. It's a bonus for ruffians who probably don't get noticed very much", "pid": 78110218 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-22FE", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:12:06\n\n>>78109998 \nChurch's fried chicken.", "pid": 78110222 }, { "sender": "Anon-27E9", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:12:12\n\n>>78110152", "pid": 78110227 }, { "sender": "7C5B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:12:31\n\n>>78110050 \nI am still hoping they collab with miko one day…", "pid": 78110240 }, { "sender": "2AA8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:12:51\n\nCome home Ruffians", "pid": 78110258 }, { "sender": "C039-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:13:07\n\n>>78110060 \n", "pid": 78110268 }, { "sender": "774A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:13:40\n\n>>78110218 \nIt's lonely faggots who have nothing else going on in their lives but FuwaMoco so they think they're owed something m", "pid": 78110300 }, { "sender": "Anon-ED36", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:13:53\n\n>>78110218 \nThat would only make sense if ESR had some system of primarily going to people who otherwise have gotten little from them. But there is no system at all, they just pick whatever and then those fans boast about it like a trophy. \nOf course others would then want to also be ESR at least once. That's only human.", "pid": 78110310 }, { "sender": "C9F5-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:14:02\n\n\nGuess they're going to sleep early.", "pid": 78110317 }, { "sender": "7254-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:14:43\n\n>>78110317", "pid": 78110347 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B8B", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:15:08\n\n>>78110317 \nkek good one, expect a retweet in 3 hours", "pid": 78110362 }, { "sender": "F5CC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:16:25\n\n>>78110362 \nfaggots told them we could see retweet notifications so now they will stop doing that too", "pid": 78110415 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-326A", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:17:30\n\n>>78110227 \nCan someone send the Korone version of FuwaMoco?", "pid": 78110463 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6618", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:18:37\n\n>>78110415 \n>These two twitter addicted hags seriously didnt already know that \ndyrbi?", "pid": 78110500 }, { "sender": "Anon-DFE8", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:18:47\n\n>>78110347", "pid": 78110504 }, { "sender": "3381-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:18:49\n\n>>78110362 \nAs long as they don't tweet anything between 2:00am-6:00am JST. otherwise I'll send them a strongly-worded tweet.", "pid": 78110506 }, { "sender": "Anon-7DBC", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:19:08\n\n>Fuwawa version when?! \n>Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah", "pid": 78110517 }, { "sender": "Anon-BE1D", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:19:24\n\nI think being mentally ill is a requirement rather than a surprise for people that fall in love with a vtuber or are huge fans. Can't think of one paypig or active clique member that isn't menhera or mentally ill in some way. Some hide it better.", "pid": 78110526 }, { "sender": "503E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:20:40\n\n>>78110526 \ni'm the only normal ruffian", "pid": 78110578 }, { "sender": "Anon-1C1B", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:20:53\n\n>>78110258 \nGetting tempted more and more", "pid": 78110584 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0034", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:20:57\n\n>>78110526 \nim mentally ill, but i hide it pretty much perfectly.", "pid": 78110590 }, { "sender": "1C0B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:21:00\n\ndon't forget to thank fluffy before going to bed", "pid": 78110595 }, { "sender": "CFDE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:21:11\n\n>>78110526 \nGray and Andy?", "pid": 78110600 }, { "sender": "2026-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:21:25\n\n>>78110317 \nNo they're just posting it early since they talked about not going to sleep when we think they go to sleep yesterday. If they say they're going to sleep they're actually doing it or attempting to, when they post a stream tweet they're still gonna be up for god knows how long.", "pid": 78110612 }, { "sender": "B163-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:21:27\n\n>>78110526 \nI just love the wives, man. And that's enough to get monitored by schizos 24/7 apparently.", "pid": 78110613 }, { "sender": "Anon-B57D", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:21:51\n\n>>78110039 \n>In retrospect not doing any ESRs at all from the getgo would have been better, what does it even accomplish? \nWatch FWMC morning. It was worded better but it was one of their questions. \nIt was mama-puppy's idea, and while I can't remember why, I know it has the purpose to make the ruffians happy. To give some a little boost on top of what they'd already get and maybe rope in some new people. \n \nThe downside to it is that while they do say at least one new name everytime, they frequently say the same name every few days. They're human, or close enough anyway, so they make human errors. That's why someone who shows up once a week gets ESR 11 times, but someone who is there every stream gets nothing", "pid": 78110630 }, { "sender": "23F0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:22:10\n\nThis is going to be his comeback clip I know it\n", "pid": 78110641 }, { "sender": "Anon-063E", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:23:36\n\n>>78110526 \nI'm not mentally ill or menhera", "pid": 78110694 }, { "sender": "Anon-BC15", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:23:56\n\n>>78110630 \n>It was mama-puppy's idea, and while I can't remember why \nIt was because Mama Puppy used to watch shows as a child that had a similar viewer call out segment, I think(?). It was a pretty cute reason", "pid": 78110715 }, { "sender": "Anon-A388", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:23:58\n\n>>78110526 \nThat's because your idea of mentally ill just includes everyone that likes them a lot. None of the top spenders come off as particularly menhera.", "pid": 78110716 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6F1D", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:24:08\n\n>>78110526 \nI'm not.", "pid": 78110721 }, { "sender": "00CC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:24:09\n\n>>78110584 \nThere, there Ruffian it's ok.", "pid": 78110725 }, { "sender": "9AC9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:24:23\n\n>>78110630 \nBut it doesn't, really. It makes a few select people happy while making others envious and wanting the same, which can never be fulfilled because realistically they won't do 15000 episodes of it. \nThat idea was only good on paper and only for 10 seconds until you actually think about it properly.", "pid": 78110736 }, { "sender": "78D5-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:25:16\n\n>>78110641 \nHungarian redemption tour starts now", "pid": 78110762 }, { "sender": "6D9F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:25:31\n\n>>78110641 \nStop talking about yourself in third person moron.", "pid": 78110770 }, { "sender": "9F02-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:25:35\n\n>>78110716 \nGood one. You just saw atm force them to acknowledge his shitty vn because he couldn't handle being ignored.", "pid": 78110774 }, { "sender": "Anon-1863", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:25:48\n\n>>78110750 \nI am wondering whether you are a sapling or a shitposter.", "pid": 78110786 }, { "sender": "03A1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:25:51\n\n>>78110526 \nI am a menhera but I hold it back. I almost let it out once but I did a sanity check here and didn’t send out the tweet.", "pid": 78110788 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0A83", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:25:51\n\n>>78110736 \n>while making others envious and wanting the same \n99% of ruffians feel no envy at all. It's just you, get your shit in order", "pid": 78110789 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0A9E", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:25:55\n\n>>78110526 \nI'm not menhera at all", "pid": 78110792 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0F83", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:26:08\n\n>>78110218 \n>It's a bonus for ruffians who probably don't get noticed very much \n>ruffians who probably don't get noticed very much \n>don't get noticed very much \nmy fucking sides \nthere's someone in the clique that already got his 5th", "pid": 78110804 }, { "sender": "D079-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:26:39\n\n>>78110789 \nIt absolutely isn't and you know that, no point even talking about that.", "pid": 78110822 }, { "sender": "1550-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:27:03\n\n>>78110725 \nForgive me for what I'm about to do, FuwaMoco.", "pid": 78110839 }, { "sender": "72BA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:27:04\n\n>>78110725 \nI want to fuck her so bad...", "pid": 78110842 }, { "sender": "Anon-9B50", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:27:30\n\n>>78110600 \n>Gray \n>not mentally ill \nHe literally sent blank max akas all the time because of this place and briefly stsrted teipfagging kek that's even more mentally ill than the ones who want attention from JUST FuwaMoco", "pid": 78110858 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B675", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:27:35\n\n>>78110716 \nReally? Spending tens of thousands of dollars on already wealthy idols is mentally ill but setting that aside even the top ones are crazy. I'm not going to write out a full accounting of every name but I've yet to see one that isn't. If your name is one that most ruffians recognize you've done something mentally ill", "pid": 78110861 }, { "sender": "ED4B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:28:05\n\nWould they like Napoleon Dynamite?", "pid": 78110876 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4AF8", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:29:04\n\n>>78110876 \nThey would unironically be completely baffled the entire time kek", "pid": 78110910 }, { "sender": "FF89-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:29:15\n\n>>78110218 \nThe issue is almost every name is people that do get noticed a fuck ton. if they exclusively did gray names then okay but then you have the alt problem or making people that support them with membership but aren't obsessive like the menhera/clique falling between the cracks. It's a no win because they groomed and cultivated a severely mentally ill fanbase", "pid": 78110916 }, { "sender": "F98B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:29:56\n\n>>78110861 \nIf you have a tech job, 10k on idols is small change. Is either them or gacha.", "pid": 78110932 }, { "sender": "Anon-43DF", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:30:45\n\n>>78110876 \nI was made fun of and called Napoleon Dynamite back in high school because my hair is similar to his...", "pid": 78110963 }, { "sender": "7D5B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:30:47\n\n>>78110861 \n>I've yet to see one that isn't. \nI'm standing right here", "pid": 78110967 }, { "sender": "7E1D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:30:48\n\n>>78110600 \n>Gray \nhe is or was /here/ and was borderline attentionwhoring in SCs with posts from here. Anyone here is automatically mentally ill. \n \n>Andy \nCertain he's here too but no proof. He's one of the more well adjusted for sure, but he also cooked a full spread of food for two imaginary demon guard dogs and it probably all went to waste", "pid": 78110968 }, { "sender": "4252-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:31:27\n\n>>78110967 \nsit down", "pid": 78110992 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-399B", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:31:41\n\n>>78110822 \nNTA but I never got called and I feel no envy at all, because I actually like them and I'm happy to see them interacting with more casual fans and making them feel appreciated. You're your own oshi, so you can't begin to comprehend that.", "pid": 78111004 }, { "sender": "Anon-B34F", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:31:52\n\ni want to be between the floofies", "pid": 78111009 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EA01", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:32:09\n\n>>78110968 \nSo you are mentally ill?", "pid": 78111016 }, { "sender": "7F18-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:32:16\n\n>>78110725 \nI could really use a headpat from Shiori or any kind female that's cute", "pid": 78111022 }, { "sender": "Anon-639D", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:32:19\n\n>>78110916 \nI just don't see anyone caring that much. Yes you get the \"0/99\" meme but it's in jest. The majority of names picked I've never heard before. If you want ESR that's fine but I see no reason to complain or go menhera over not getting it, it's not important it's a fun gimmick and that's it.", "pid": 78111026 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3F4B", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:32:27\n\n>>78110968 \ngood thing I'm not here", "pid": 78111036 }, { "sender": "Anon-6275", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:32:35\n\n>>78110968 \n>Anyone here is automatically mentally ill. \nBut almost everyone there is /here/, even FuwaMoco.", "pid": 78111041 }, { "sender": "Anon-F455", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:32:41\n\n>>78110968 \n>Andy \n>Certain he's here too but no proof. \nBehold", "pid": 78111044 }, { "sender": "2397-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:33:35\n\n>>78111016 \nNo shit I am namedropping other men in a thread about fuwamoco /here/. My sanity has been gone for years kek", "pid": 78111075 }, { "sender": "A234-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:34:03\n\nI might be the only one who might recognize just one name out of the other several they call out during ESRs", "pid": 78111092 }, { "sender": "D0ED-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:34:19\n\n>>78111026 \nI still want to get it some day which means if they were to stop it at ep 100 I'd be annoyed", "pid": 78111104 }, { "sender": "FFA5-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:34:54\n\n>>78110968 \nYou just have a normalfag definition of mentally ill that will by definition include every single dedicated vtuber fan.", "pid": 78111135 }, { "sender": "331C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:34:56\n\n>>78111092 \nI can’t recognize most of the names either.", "pid": 78111136 }, { "sender": "Anon-7EA5", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:35:00\n\n>>78111026 \n>Yes you get the \"0/99\" meme but it's in jest \nMococo almost cried talking about how that meme hurt her and they still continue to do it. But tell me again how Ruffians have a healthy relationship with ESR", "pid": 78111141 }, { "sender": "3B0C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:35:06\n\n>>78111075 \nYou're not mentally ill, you just have repressed homosexuality, come out the closet anon it's okay, it's 2024.", "pid": 78111148 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6867", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:35:27\n\n>>78111092 \nNo, you're right. This guy is sperging because he recognizes one name out of the 10 that are picked", "pid": 78111174 }, { "sender": "41E3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:36:12\n\n>>78111148 \n>You're not mentally ill \n>you just are homosexual", "pid": 78111205 }, { "sender": "CB01-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:36:15\n\nAndy has called me brown and told me to kill", "pid": 78111210 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-28C5", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:36:29\n\n>>78111141 \nThat was people saying they were hated, you're conflating two different things", "pid": 78111225 }, { "sender": "868D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:36:38\n\n>>78111075(me) \nI also think fuwamoco should collab with my oshi vox akuma.", "pid": 78111232 }, { "sender": "652D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:37:10\n\n>>78111141 \nProof? She was upset about the \"FWMC hate me\" meme, not this.", "pid": 78111254 }, { "sender": "8F9B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:37:12\n\n>got ESR three times, twice by accident \n>yet my greatest wish is to have FuwaMoco reply to me just once \nthe grass is greener", "pid": 78111256 }, { "sender": "896C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:37:22\n\n>>78111232 \nI think mint and Fuwawa should spitroast Moco-chan and stream it from a hotel room", "pid": 78111261 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9E91", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:37:25\n\n>>78110736 \n>It makes a few select people happy \nThat's intended \n>while making others envious and wanting the same \nAnd that's the human side effect \n \nWhy do anything ever at all if it'll make someone upset? Because something good, fun, or funny will always piss someone else off. There's less reason to think about it the more you think about it, there will always be someone seething at the end of the day", "pid": 78111264 }, { "sender": "Anon-6CF9", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:38:23\n\n>>78111264 \nThey already completely stopped submission streams outside of fwmc morning because of lockwhite, it will just take a bit more menhera outbursts and they will end ESR after episode 100. I trust the process.", "pid": 78111308 }, { "sender": "CEDA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:38:25\n\nIs Halo bro still around here? I want to play coop.", "pid": 78111309 }, { "sender": "7355-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:39:22\n\n>>78111264 \nJust about anything else makes the vast majority of people happy. If they stream that makes almost everyone happy. \nGiving ESRs only makes very few people happy. \n \nThere's no point to doing ESR to begin with, it's a net loss for them and their fans.", "pid": 78111343 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9F66", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:40:14\n\n>>78110963 \ncuteandfunnychama…", "pid": 78111387 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3EAB", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:40:41\n\n>>78111387 \ni still want to fuck her so much but she keeps rebuffing my kindness", "pid": 78111397 }, { "sender": "D85F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:40:52\n\n>>78111309 \nI uninstalled Halo. I can play jong though.", "pid": 78111402 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5F8C", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:41:00\n\nHow many people do you make happy with your miserable existence, ruffian? Give me the count.\nFWMC count as one.", "pid": 78111410 }, { "sender": "127E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:41:28\n\n>>78111343 \n> If they stream that makes almost everyone happy. \nJP streams and vertical streams.", "pid": 78111435 }, { "sender": "Anon-9CD4", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:41:32\n\n>>78111009 \nthat's a man", "pid": 78111440 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C1AD", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:41:35\n\n>>78111026 \n>Yes you get the \"0/99\" meme but it's in jest. \nhaha... yeah... just a joke \n ~~Please just once~~ ", "pid": 78111442 }, { "sender": "Anon-620C", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:41:41\n\n>>78111309 \nI can play in a while, I need to finish work first", "pid": 78111443 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1D51", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:42:27\n\n>>78111343 \n>Giving ESRs only makes very few people happy. \nAnd there's no downside. One person getting mad he wasn't picked on /baubau/ is irrelevant. \n>It's not just me! \nIt is. You are on the extreme end of the mentally ill scale. Literally nobody else cares enough to get mad over it and demand the segment end, it is just you.", "pid": 78111474 }, { "sender": "DD50-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:42:35\n\n>>78111410 \nOne", "pid": 78111479 }, { "sender": "42EA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:42:37\n\n>>78111410 \nMy mum and dad", "pid": 78111480 }, { "sender": "Anon-877D", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:00\n\n>>78111435 \nYeah, makes 90% happy \nESR makes 0.1% happy", "pid": 78111542 }, { "sender": "4F1A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:11\n\n>>78111026 \n>Yes you get the \"0/99\" meme but it's in jest. \nNo, I really have never been ESR once, but I do mainly just post \"0/99\" to shitpost. I could care less.", "pid": 78111551 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-78C5", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:39\n\n>>78111397 \nsame but we're dming each other", "pid": 78111572 }, { "sender": "Anon-66D3", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:42\n\n>>78111410 \nAbout 9, 10 if I'm being optimistic", "pid": 78111574 }, { "sender": "12B7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:46\n\n>>78111474 \nNTA but you're also mentally ill if you're fighting this hard to keep the segment. If you have to be singled out to be happy then you're the problem.", "pid": 78111577 }, { "sender": "17CD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:47\n\n>>78111474 \neven if they don't complain do you really think people that miss out in an episode feel good? Even if it makes them 1% sadder that's a net negative for the greater community. It creates more sadness than it does happiness.", "pid": 78111578 }, { "sender": "092A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:45:04\n\n>>78111474 \nYou're so dumb you can't even follow the conversation. I said they should have never STARTED it. Now that they started it they HAVE to CONTINUE it, I don't want them to end it at all, that would be the worst choice. \n \nNot gonna reply to you again as you lack the brain cells.", "pid": 78111596 }, { "sender": "D095-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:45:12\n\n>>78111092 \nI know most names they've repeated at least 2 twice beforehand. Not because I have a spreadsheet, but because the sound of their names feel different. \nThough some names are very easily feel different because they SC", "pid": 78111601 }, { "sender": "8CE5-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:45:12\n\nHoly fuck I'm missing them so much right now, what the hell. I feel it in my chest. I want to hear their voices again. They JUST streamed", "pid": 78111602 }, { "sender": "Anon-835F", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:45:45\n\n>>78111309 \nYes I'm here. I'm up for it but I rather not post my screen name here and dox myself since I can't make a coop game in the server browser like I could with custom games. \nt. console halofag", "pid": 78111635 }, { "sender": "Anon-B54F", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:45:49\n\n>>78111572 \n>>78111397 \nI tried but she is really damn menhera I couldn't keep up. God speed ruffians get that cute and fuzzy take care of her because I cannot", "pid": 78111637 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-53CE", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:45:59\n\n>>78111602 \nNo one asked.", "pid": 78111644 }, { "sender": "5E79-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:46:03\n\n>>78110861 \n/baubau/ has become such a waste dump that simply liking FuwaMoco makes you mentally ill by anons definition. Engaging with FWMC on twitter makes you mentally ill. SCing makes you mentally ill. Chatting too much makes you mentally ill. I swear the ideal ruffian to these people would be someone that watches streams, presses likes&thumbs up on twitter and streams and that's it. FWMC don't even want that. They like when ruffians engage with them. \nThere are truly mentally ill people that mistakenly base their entire existence and meaning on FWMC, but the definition of menhera has become so exaggerated /here/ that it has lost all meaning. \nPeople should let others watch their oshi in peace instead of being a little high school gossip bitch with an inferiority complex", "pid": 78111647 }, { "sender": "AA70-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:46:30\n\n>>78111577 \nI've never been picked as ESR and don't care. It makes people happy that's good. It makes an autist like you sperg out and get mad. Also good.", "pid": 78111666 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C519", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:46:44\n\nESRs are completely harmless. You're basically blaming Fuwamoco because YOU'RE the menhera who gets bothered by it even when they've explicitly said time and time again that they consider every Ruffian special to them. \n>b-bu- \nSo you're calling them liars.", "pid": 78111676 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-11F4", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:47:10\n\n>>78111644 \nSorry", "pid": 78111691 }, { "sender": "5E47-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:47:21\n\n>>78111647 \n>They like when ruffians engage with them \nExcept too many schizo ruffians use this as an excuse to be creepy clingy assholes.", "pid": 78111701 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-91AC", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:47:23\n\n<s>I've received 7 likes since likes went private</s>", "pid": 78111703 }, { "sender": "F14F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:47:52\n\ni want to put my penis between her floof floofs", "pid": 78111722 }, { "sender": "Anon-B338", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:48:06\n\nWhy didn't they like my reply to the NND tweet...", "pid": 78111731 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B3B1", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:48:37\n\n>>78111647 \nYou know what makes you mentally ill? \nMaking passive aggressive tweets about dropping them over doing a few more JP streams. \nBaiting with announced suicide but then not doing it to get attention. \nCrying about your recent whatever thing you did for them not being brought up on stream then sending them SCs to force them to acknowledge it. \nPurposefully leaving out other people from \"community\" projects you manage because you wield your power like Nero. \n \nOh right, all things many of the top shitpigs have done.", "pid": 78111752 }, { "sender": "Anon-1267", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:48:43\n\nThe only true mistake FWMC made was creating two different Ruffians that reflect them both as individuals which would naturally lead one to believe that by choosing one that means they prefer one sister over the other and I'll carry that to my fucking grave.", "pid": 78111754 }, { "sender": "FD26-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:48:51\n\n>>78111676 \nBasically yeah. Blame shifting their own menhera and insecurity to Fuwamoco", "pid": 78111765 }, { "sender": "114D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:49:08\n\n>>78111308 \n>stopped submission streams outside of fwmc morning because of lockwhite \ do know they did a Q&A a few weeks after that right? They didn't stop doing anything, they just didn't do it much to begin with", "pid": 78111777 }, { "sender": "68FA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:49:17\n\n>>78111731 \nDid you post it before FWMCMORNING? I did mine about 5 hours ago and got a like a little before prechat opened", "pid": 78111783 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1753", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:50:02\n\n>>78111731 \nThey didn't like mine either but they did like my headpats tweet", "pid": 78111816 }, { "sender": "Anon-E94F", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:50:14\n\n>>78111676 \nEvery Ruffian is special, some are just a little bit more special. ESR was a dumb idea to begin with but now that it's here it has to stay. \n>>78111754 \nThis is also true, people mistaking that as their representations for Fuwawa and Mococo is only normal.", "pid": 78111828 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0F2A", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:50:16\n\n>>78111666 \nExcept there's no such thing as an extra special ruffian. It's just lonely sad men who want to be singled out. Go see a therapist and stop forcing others to deal with your problems.", "pid": 78111830 }, { "sender": "4080-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:50:18\n\n>>78111783 \nI replied the minute they posted it. Did I word it wrongly...", "pid": 78111832 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B9AC", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:51:15\n\n>>78111402 \njong is the better game anyways", "pid": 78111874 }, { "sender": "E1D3-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:51:41\n\njong is shit", "pid": 78111888 }, { "sender": "FC0C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:51:57\n\n>>78111816 \nThey liked a reply to the NND one that was basically just \"BAU BAU blue heart pink heart\". I don't understand.", "pid": 78111896 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-86BD", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:52:09\n\nHalo is shit", "pid": 78111907 }, { "sender": "Anon-5964", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:52:10\n\n>>78111888 \n>>78111874 \nThe duality of /baubau/", "pid": 78111908 }, { "sender": "7D87-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:52:53\n\nIf I don't get ESR by ep 120 I will repeatedly ask them to play jong from various accounts and word it as though I'm very different people\nYou did this to yourselves, you forced my hand", "pid": 78111930 }, { "sender": "D726-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:53:25\n\n>>78111754 \nHow many fucking times do they have to address it though? Anyone who doesn't know at this point doesn't watch streams.", "pid": 78111952 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9090", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:53:27\n\n>>78111830 \nif anyone cares, go to the dumpster with the rest of the trash and get it 3x a stream and then realize it means nothing", "pid": 78111953 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9530", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:53:36\n\n>>78111754 \nThis I can agree with.", "pid": 78111962 }, { "sender": "Anon-49C9", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:53:51\n\n>>78111930 \nGood, I want them to play jong. I will now do my best to sabotage you from getting ESR", "pid": 78111975 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9568", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:54:39\n\n>>78111953 \nBecause that one does mean nothing since everyone gets it \nYour point is moot", "pid": 78111996 }, { "sender": "Anon-8998", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:54:57\n\n>>78111637 \nI'll hold her hand", "pid": 78112007 }, { "sender": "B356-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:54:59\n\n>>78111953 \nESLchama...", "pid": 78112011 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1640", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:55:41\n\n>>78111953 \nAm I retarded or does this post make no sense?", "pid": 78112039 }, { "sender": "D9FA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:55:45\n\n>>78111996 \nNot me...", "pid": 78112044 }, { "sender": "28FA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:55:49\n\nI’m so hungry, what should I get for fat fuck Friday, Ruffians?", "pid": 78112051 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2EF1", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:55:56\n\n>>78111752 \n> Making passive aggressive tweets about dropping them over doing a few more JP streams. \nWhen did a paypig ever done that. If anything, is the poorfags who were complaining.", "pid": 78112056 }, { "sender": "9E0D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:56:06\n\n>>78111952 \nIt's a natural assumption that there are two ruffians so you can identify with the one you like more. They will be getting new fans every day as long as they're in Hololive and those people aren't going to watch the archives.", "pid": 78112062 }, { "sender": "DE13-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:56:16\n\n>>78112039 \nthey are trying to vaguepost about ~~RM where they give ESR to everyone multiple times at the end of streams~~", "pid": 78112077 }, { "sender": "DFB4-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:57:04\n\n>>78112051 \nWhataburger if you're a based Texan like myself.", "pid": 78112104 }, { "sender": "C910-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:57:09\n\n\nruffians when they meet fuwamoco", "pid": 78112105 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4CFA", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:57:43\n\n>>78112077 \nOh. ~~I've never been ESR but I have been called out there, yeah.~~", "pid": 78112125 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E1BD", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:57:53\n\n>>78112104 \nwhy did they use the korean currency for the logo", "pid": 78112131 }, { "sender": "CBC1-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:57:57\n\n>>78111572 \n>>78111637 \n>wanting to talk to a twitter obsessed culture warrior who watches P\\*ppa \nSure sounds fun at first, but you'd get sick of her after the 80th time she rambles to you about free speech and how anime is falling to the SJWs and how we need to protect the sanctity of nihon despite the fact that shes a white girl(possibly fat) living in Japan", "pid": 78112136 }, { "sender": "Anon-2F33", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:59:17\n\n>>78112104 \nKYS Gabe.", "pid": 78112180 }, { "sender": "0081-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:00:18\n\n>>78112105 \ni already did this when they debuted", "pid": 78112214 }, { "sender": "Anon-43B6", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:01:09\n\n>>78112077 \n>everyone multiple times \nWhy is it never me?", "pid": 78112251 }, { "sender": "D5E9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:01:16\n\n>ネリッサのあらゆるものを収集するフワワ好き \n>フワワがネリッサのことをどう思っているか良くわかりました \nEven the JPs are noticing.", "pid": 78112256 }, { "sender": "Anon-B15B", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:01:36\n\n>>78112136 \nLocalization is actually really bad right now", "pid": 78112266 }, { "sender": "483A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:01:56\n\nI hope they keep Minecraft Saturday going for months. I really like the vibe of them playing an open world game together.", "pid": 78112273 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8791", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:02:12\n\n>>78112131 \nWhataburger is older than the current Korean won.", "pid": 78112278 }, { "sender": "7134-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:02:20\n\n>>78112136 \n>(possibly fat) \nyes that's the best part", "pid": 78112282 }, { "sender": "126C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:02:46\n\nI miss freecat. Be it because the shitposters weren't there since they were always complaining about the people there in here or because they were always behaving, scared of being watched, that was the true best place to talk about FWMC and about random things with FWMC fans. No 2 view grooming, no brown shitposting, no female seethe, just pure fun.\nWe had it good there, bros.", "pid": 78112305 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3E0E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:03:22\n\n>>78112136 \nPeople into that stuff are incredibly groomable and have never had an original thought in their life. She just needs a good dicking to fix her.", "pid": 78112326 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1E6E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:03:32\n\n>>78112305 \nYeah. I had alot of fun during watchalongs.", "pid": 78112330 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0424", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:03:39\n\n>>78111044 \n ~~He was the original live TLer who went by the name \"john smith\" btw~~", "pid": 78112336 }, { "sender": "Anon-BD8E", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:03:42\n\n>>78112278 \nKorea....lost...", "pid": 78112340 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5588", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:05:22\n\n>>78112340 \nWhat would FuwaMoco be like if they were North Korean vtubers?", "pid": 78112399 }, { "sender": "2E74-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:05:33\n\n>>78112305 \nI remember a random grey popping in and saying FWMC were 40 year old men with voice changers and freechat responding that they loved 40 year old men. I think it was during a DKC watch along", "pid": 78112403 }, { "sender": "2BE0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:05:34\n\n>>78112305 \nYes I too missed the constant off topic menhera posting and people constantly trying to bait them into revealing themselves and sending SCs nonstop when they realized they were watching and only when they were watching. \nRetard.", "pid": 78112405 }, { "sender": "CEB6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:05:41\n\nI've been thinking of how I can hurt them like they hurt me, and the conclusion I've come to is to hurt their public image by doing something bad while clearly identifying myself as a Ruffian, and have it gain a lot of public attention. My options are limited if it needs to get in the public eye, but there are options.", "pid": 78112409 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9840", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:05:56\n\n>>78112266 \n>right now \nIts literally always been bad and has been a problem for decades at this point, newchama. The \"\"\"\"\"issue\"\"\"\"\" is that fansubs/translations have all but died due to crunchyroll and centralization.", "pid": 78112419 }, { "sender": "60C1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:06:15\n\n>>78112266 \nIt is but I don't want to talk about it 8 times a week with the same arguments every single time", "pid": 78112428 }, { "sender": "ADFB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:07:03\n\n>>78112305 \nYeah it was a lot of fun. All the watchalongs were great and I remember having a lot of fun discussions there. \n>>78112405 \n>t. actual threadreader", "pid": 78112448 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-41FB", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:07:05\n\n>>78112409 \nHey FBI from the future, it's probably this post.", "pid": 78112451 }, { "sender": "B853-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:07:37\n\nKek why did Newissa say FWMC were younger than her?", "pid": 78112467 }, { "sender": "B9EA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:07:44\n\n>>78112403 \nThat was kino", "pid": 78112474 }, { "sender": "FCEC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:07:53\n\n>>78112305 \nIt was good \nThen some fucking faggot keep coming saying he missed them again and need to sacrifice sleep", "pid": 78112482 }, { "sender": "Anon-3413", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:08:44\n\n>>78112419 \nIn the very near future AI will give us real time translations for all forms of media, and not long after that it will be able to reconstruct the original VA's voice into any language.", "pid": 78112513 }, { "sender": "9D65-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:08:46\n\n>>78112136 \nWell, it is only getting worse. Did you know that Sony (who heavily censors anything anime-related) and Crunchyroll (who insert propaganda and gendered bullshit into their translations) are teaming up directly to work with Japanese anime studios to make \"internationally safe\" anime for the \"common consumer\" meaning you'll have to deal with dogshit western writing in raw anime someday in the future?", "pid": 78112516 }, { "sender": "Anon-C929", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:08:51\n\n>>78112305 \nI miss freecat because I could give them headpats and tell them I'm going to sleep without having to post on twitter.", "pid": 78112520 }, { "sender": "Anon-75F0", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:09:38\n\n>>78112467 \nLore ages, she's not exactly kayfabe heavy but she's not Shiori tier fuck it either", "pid": 78112563 }, { "sender": "7E4D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:10:17\n\n>>78112520 \nget to work official headpatter #34", "pid": 78112590 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F69B", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:10:33\n\n>>78112467 \nShe does try to maintain a bit of kayfabe. And also they aren't THAT much older than her.", "pid": 78112604 }, { "sender": "FD7B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:10:47\n\n>>78112482 \nNot anywhere near as bad as the shit I have to read here to be able to talk about them. My argument wasn't that it was perfect, just the best place to talk about them.", "pid": 78112612 }, { "sender": "Anon-A158", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:10:48\n\n>>78112520 \nYeah that was my favorite part. I could interact with them without sisters gossiping about how I'm an attention whore for posting on their tag.", "pid": 78112614 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6564", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:11:01\n\nI think of freechat and I think of Mike Wazowski", "pid": 78112623 }, { "sender": "Anon-A782", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:12:33\n\n>>78112614 \nI couldn't care less about what retards here had to say I just don't really like posting on twitter outside of their replies.", "pid": 78112688 }, { "sender": "Anon-7153", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:12:41\n\n>>78112623 \nHe's ok I never had a problem with him, but after always seeing him active in freecat I am lead to believe he's found some sort of cure for needing sleep.", "pid": 78112690 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9354", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:13:00\n\n>>78112482 \nDid he tell you about the time he almost got arrested? \nOr the time he saved a girl from a dog? He saved her life! \nHe actually saved her life twice, he saved that same girl from a car too! \nDefinitely not lying and making up shit just in case FWMC were watching!", "pid": 78112705 }, { "sender": "24A8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:13:09\n\n>>78112419 \n>Its literally always been bad and has been a problem for decades at this point \nThe politicization of translations and shoving tranny shit into them that wasn't in the source material is a new issue.", "pid": 78112712 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DAF8", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:14:09\n\n>>78112690 \nOh I'm not saying that because I have any issue with him, but that profile picture being the first thing you were greeted with every time you opened freechat was hilarious", "pid": 78112756 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0BF7", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:14:27\n\n>>78109954 \nYeah, if fuck those tits.", "pid": 78112771 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-70F4", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:14:29\n\n>>78112516 \n\"Getting worse\" is subjective in all honesty. Youre probably too young to remember 4kids, Cutenandfunny, but bad localizations have ALWAYS been a problem and most of the time they work as a reflection of whatever the current culture is. Hell, Sailor Moon was pretty egregious with its bad localizations and censorship. \nSure its bad, but it isn't uniquely bad. Things like this will always pass in time.", "pid": 78112774 }, { "sender": "C94B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:14:49\n\nThe only correct way to translate is Japanese -> Romaji, anything else is tranny localization", "pid": 78112792 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3E11", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:15:49\n\nI feel like there's a good chance they'll stream the remaster of Lollipop Chainsaw after it comes out.\n", "pid": 78112840 }, { "sender": "Anon-E8CF", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:15:58\n\nI just... to Shiori again...", "pid": 78112848 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8CDB", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:16:14\n\n>>78112756 \nOh my god yea that's always funny.", "pid": 78112861 }, { "sender": "Anon-D731", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:16:23\n\n>>78112712 \nIn what specifically? I dont recall anything I watch or play having those types of translations or localizations. Even in Persona 5, which got censored on the Cuckstation, is still 100% in tact on the PC.", "pid": 78112869 }, { "sender": "Anon-6B93", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:16:25\n\n>>78112848 \nNo. One. Asked.", "pid": 78112873 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6C5A", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:17:33\n\nI just... to Fuwawa again...", "pid": 78112924 }, { "sender": "CBF0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:17:37\n\n>>78112848", "pid": 78112927 }, { "sender": "Anon-B514", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:17:45\n\n>>78112848 \nYou whore", "pid": 78112932 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A406", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:23\n\n>>78112712 \nIts not a new issue at all, newchama. Only yhe trannyshit is. Its clear thats all you care about, which is fine, but dont pretend politicization in localizations is a new thing. Sailor Moon literally did it too by turning two dykes into cousins.", "pid": 78112955 }, { "sender": "Anon-8198", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:18:37\n\n>>78112840 \nLove this game, one of my favorite works of James Gunn", "pid": 78112967 }, { "sender": "987F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:19:09\n\n>>78112869 \nKatrina Leonoudakis is infamous for intentionally changing things, like altering manga about a crossdressing boy to make him a troon instead. Look at the things she's translated and you'll find a lot of ideologically based translation that isn't faithful to the source material", "pid": 78113003 }, { "sender": "2C5B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:19:15\n\nI just... to a voice drama about raping an elf again...", "pid": 78113005 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7BD7", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:19:52\n\n>>78113006 \nFriend is not that big", "pid": 78113032 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1860", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:19:54\n\n>>78113005 \nlink?", "pid": 78113033 }, { "sender": "Anon-F373", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:13\n\n>>78113006 \nGo away, slut", "pid": 78113047 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-046A", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:17\n\n>>78113033 \nHe come to town", "pid": 78113051 }, { "sender": "EE17-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:31\n\n>>78112967 \nI had no idea he was involved in this game. That's interesting.", "pid": 78113059 }, { "sender": "F8F6-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:37\n\n>>78112924 \nWhat about Mococo?", "pid": 78113066 }, { "sender": "Anon-25C4", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:20:46\n\nI Polka's little sister shower and first time anal.", "pid": 78113073 }, { "sender": "Anon-D272", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:21:00\n\n>>78112305 \n>Man I really want to chat with other ruffians and act like a gay hugging club \nAbsolute cringe", "pid": 78113080 }, { "sender": "B281-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:21:08\n\n>>78112955 \n>Sailor Moon literally did it too by turning two dykes into cousins. \nThat was just censorship, that's not political like changing dialogue in anime to \"you're not one of those gamergate creeps are you\"", "pid": 78113092 }, { "sender": "C554-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:21:23\n\n>>78113051 \nGive me the URL or I'll rape you", "pid": 78113100 }, { "sender": "DE11-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:21:51\n\n>>78113051 \nCome to save the Princess Zelda?", "pid": 78113118 }, { "sender": "Anon-554B", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:22:55\n\n>>78113092 \n>that's not political \nAnon, it was literally political. Do you even remember what the political climate was back then lol?", "pid": 78113168 }, { "sender": "2ABB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:23:24\n\n>>78113092 \n>That was just censorship, that's not political \nCOME ON SON", "pid": 78113185 }, { "sender": "ED8F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:23:37\n\n>>78113100 \nYUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5bk5WVndWSFE9", "pid": 78113194 }, { "sender": "E1BB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:23:46\n\n>>78113168 \nPushing homosexuality to children isn't a good idea so it's reasonable to censor a childrens show", "pid": 78113203 }, { "sender": "696F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:24:00\n\n>>78113080 \n>t. shock collar tranny who only used freechat when fuwamoco showed up", "pid": 78113212 }, { "sender": "1873-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:24:42\n\n>>78112705 \nwhat about the time he opened an elevator and found the head of a scalped woman and decided to take the stairs", "pid": 78113242 }, { "sender": "Anon-8B93", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:25:07\n\n>>78113212 \nI still remember when not a lot of shock collars went off when Fuwawa appeared to talk about that sneezy voice pack during the DKC VOD watchalong and chat was slower as a result lol", "pid": 78113266 }, { "sender": "119F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:25:10\n\n>>78113168 \nhe's roleplaying as 30yo", "pid": 78113269 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3D3D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:25:30\n\n>>78113203 \nKek im not here to argue that. It's good to know you agree with me tho.", "pid": 78113283 }, { "sender": "A8DB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:26:05\n\n>>78113212 \nIt's hard to think of something I'd want to do less than talking to a bunch of \"let's all love each other\" kind of people in a holo chat with people group hugging.", "pid": 78113312 }, { "sender": "Anon-9370", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:27:11\n\n>>78113266 \nthe blind rage of some \"mentally stable\" ruffians when they missed the hug deleted message and scrambled in late pretending they hadn't been off shagging another girl was hilarious", "pid": 78113353 }, { "sender": "Anon-10E0", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:27:32\n\n>>78113203 \nPolitical censorship is an actual term you know. They're not mutually exclusive.", "pid": 78113368 }, { "sender": "D103-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:28:14\n\n>>78113194", "pid": 78113396 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F8E8", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:28:23\n\n>>78113312 \n>let's all love each other\" kind of people in a holo chat with people group hugging. \nNone of that ever happened in freechat, threadreading shock collar tranny.", "pid": 78113401 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0728", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:29:30\n\n>>78113368 \nPushing deviancy like homosexuality in kids shows is political, blocking it is not", "pid": 78113451 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E656", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:30:08\n\n>>78113401 \nyou just miss Raul and Gbraga", "pid": 78113472 }, { "sender": "B4AB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:30:10\n\n>>78113194 \nkek what the fuck", "pid": 78113474 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-91C2", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:30:43\n\n>>78113472 \nAnd it's a namedropper. KYS faggot", "pid": 78113496 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B50C", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:19\n\n>>78113451 \nBoth are political acts. Don't be a hypocrite.", "pid": 78113523 }, { "sender": "Anon-7CC6", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:42\n\n>>78113269 \nI can tell. Its clear he ~~or she~~ is young and clearly wasnt there for all the drama back int he day. Even games had shitty or garbage localizations that changed the sauce material in an inexcusable way. \nIts shit, but nothing new. The only thing thats new is what's in a small subsection of modern localizations. \n>>78113451 \nYou dont even know what something being \"political\" even is, tranny. Either both are political, or neither are. Pick one.", "pid": 78113540 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5034", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:44\n\n>>78113194", "pid": 78113541 }, { "sender": "Anon-7A54", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:51\n\n>>78113472 \nRaulkino was amazing. Baiting him was fun.", "pid": 78113545 }, { "sender": "2160-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:57\n\n>>78113472 \nNamedropping faggot.", "pid": 78113548 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A6CF", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:32:26\n\n>>78110750 \n>baUUUU i miss doggy", "pid": 78113573 }, { "sender": "40D2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:34:04\n\n>>78113606 \n>30s \nFucking children.", "pid": 78113650 }, { "sender": "7B13-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:34:07\n\n>>78113523 \nAsking Fuwamoco to shout out fag month is political, telling them to fuck off is not. Simple. It's not being political to be against the politicization of entertainment", "pid": 78113652 }, { "sender": "A58C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:34:17\n\n>>78113606 \nStop pretending to be me.", "pid": 78113658 }, { "sender": "ABBD-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:34:18\n\n>>78113606 \nSorry my Kuroba glitched and showed that as a reply to me.", "pid": 78113659 }, { "sender": "E1EB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:34:20\n\n>>78113606 \n>ESL", "pid": 78113662 }, { "sender": "16A7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:34:34\n\n>>78113606 \npost your sorcery license", "pid": 78113669 }, { "sender": "Anon-E232", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:35:28\n\n>>78113606", "pid": 78113715 }, { "sender": "Anon-424C", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:35:31\n\n>>78113652 \nNot saying anything would be apolitical. You're taking a political stance in your example.", "pid": 78113720 }, { "sender": "8D35-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:36:12\n\n>>78113720 \nYou're one of the fags who says all entertainment is inherently political aren't you", "pid": 78113747 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-162B", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:36:49\n\n>>/pol/", "pid": 78113784 }, { "sender": "Anon-E1DE", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:36:54\n\n>>78113545 \nAgreed, it was hilarious", "pid": 78113787 }, { "sender": "Anon-3CBD", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:37:16\n\n>>78113606 \nIt's funny because not only are you lying, but 34 is not old enough to understand the political climate during Sailor Moon.", "pid": 78113800 }, { "sender": "Anon-BCB1", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:38:27\n\n>>78113800 \nThe Christians should have pushed harder. If only they knew what would happen to their country once they lost...", "pid": 78113857 }, { "sender": "Anon-D765", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:38:55\n\n>>78113747 \nNot at all. I'm in my 40s and live in Texas and hate fags and trannies as much as the next guy. But by definition you're being political if you take a position in a political issue. And it is very much a political issue right now.", "pid": 78113872 }, { "sender": "22D9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:39:24\n\n>>78113652 \nObjectively wrong and youre changing the argument because you know you're wrong kek. IF FuwaMoco said something pro-yuri and you spazzed out and tried to censor them, THAT would be political censorship. Thats exactly what happened with Sailor Moon, so im glad you and I agree that its all political censorship :)", "pid": 78113903 }, { "sender": "16A7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:39:40\n\nbau bau!!", "pid": 78113918 }, { "sender": "834B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:39:41\n\nCan you trannies and trannie obsessed faggots just kill yourselves?", "pid": 78113919 }, { "sender": "Anon-0386", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:39:52\n\nehehehe yeah", "pid": 78113928 }, { "sender": "036B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:40:28\n\nmococo only from this point", "pid": 78113955 }, { "sender": "Anon-C100", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:42:03\n\n>>78113919 \nThis. Stop arguing with /pol/fag zoomers and post more cute retards", "pid": 78114023 }, { "sender": "Anon-15FF", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:43:07\n\n>>78114036 \nMoco-chan and her gorgeous royal ass", "pid": 78114065 }, { "sender": "158D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:43:58\n\n>>78114050 \nI just got promoted", "pid": 78114099 }, { "sender": "FB20-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:44:05\n\n>>78114050 \nkill it", "pid": 78114106 }, { "sender": "CB7F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:44:12\n\nWhere did Mococo being royalty originate from", "pid": 78114108 }, { "sender": "E422-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:44:40\n\n>>78114106 \ni'd rather fuck it", "pid": 78114128 }, { "sender": "1EFF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:17\n\n>>78114108 \nShe is a princess, Fuwawa is too.", "pid": 78114154 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8C4D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:22\n\n>tfw don't have time to watch them for 4 weeks from now because of the footy euro cup starting", "pid": 78114159 }, { "sender": "F022-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:43\n\n>>78114108 \nBoth are undeniably royalty, but Fuwawa leans more to a temptress while Moco-chan keeps her princess posture... our beautiful fluffy & fuzzy princesses!", "pid": 78114175 }, { "sender": "8DA4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:45:47\n\n>>78114108 \nIt evolved naturally from people calling her princess and her liking it", "pid": 78114179 }, { "sender": "BAAC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:46:02\n\n>>78114159 \n>watching Soccer \ncringe", "pid": 78114195 }, { "sender": "C7F9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:47:13\n\n>>78114050 \nMOCOPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "pid": 78114240 }, { "sender": "730A-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:47:30\n\n>>78114106 \nkill it before it's too late", "pid": 78114256 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2527", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:47:48\n\n>>78114195 \nThey're also watching it \nWhy do you think they're not streaming right now huh", "pid": 78114272 }, { "sender": "Anon-467D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:47:48\n\n>>78114050 \nA loaf of Moco-pan is fine too", "pid": 78114273 }, { "sender": "2D8B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:48:50\n\n>>78114256 \nThey will never play nier...", "pid": 78114319 }, { "sender": "A19B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:49:45\n\n>>78114050 \nWho snuck some alcohol into the dough? The loaf came out weird.", "pid": 78114360 }, { "sender": "956F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:52:28\n\n>>78114360 \nnice selfie", "pid": 78114480 }, { "sender": "C2F1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:54:54\n\nFuwawa's breast milk tastes sweeter but Mococoe's is more refreshing", "pid": 78114583 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-624C", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:55:12\n\n>>78114566 \nI wish Fuwawa would playfully chew on my face", "pid": 78114596 }, { "sender": "AF73-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:55:30\n\nI’m such a huge faggot. I love cocks!", "pid": 78114608 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1907", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:56:21\n\n>>78114583 \nFuwawa's is creamier and more nurturing. Mococo's is thinner with a strong taste, but not unpleasant.", "pid": 78114642 }, { "sender": "Anon-6D68", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:56:35\n\nwhy does 寝る got vastly different kanji from 眠い", "pid": 78114654 }, { "sender": "CDD3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:56:45\n\n>>78114608 \nZentreyachama...", "pid": 78114662 }, { "sender": "Anon-28B3", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:33\n\n>>78114654 \nbecause japanese is a retarded language", "pid": 78114750 }, { "sender": "00F3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:36\n\n>>78114654 \nbecause they have different meanings. one means to lie down, the other to sleep", "pid": 78114752 }, { "sender": "7226-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:50\n\n>>78114654 \nbecause one is about lying down and the other is about sleeping.", "pid": 78114767 }, { "sender": "C333-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:58:54\n\n>>78114642 \nMococo is too flat, she doesn't have breast milk.", "pid": 78114769 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9BC0", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:59:36\n\n>>78114769 \nShe's doing her best ok?", "pid": 78114793 }, { "sender": "91A5-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:00\n\n>>78114769 \nShe does too! And its carbonated fuzzy breast milk!!", "pid": 78114818 }, { "sender": "60B7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:00:22\n\nMococo's fizzy titty juice", "pid": 78114829 }, { "sender": "8E1B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:01:05\n\n>>78114769 \nthats what Fuwawa is for. Fuwawa has two floofies. One for her puppy, and one for Mococo's", "pid": 78114866 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D0D0", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:02:08\n\nI just shit myself", "pid": 78114905 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6305", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:02:19\n\n>>78114905 \nProof?", "pid": 78114921 }, { "sender": "D3C7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:02:51\n\nI am so greedy that I push Fuwawa's tits together and put both of her nipples in my mouth at once for even more milk drinking", "pid": 78114950 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C1FA", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:07:17\n\nWow, Ponguin with the double win, huh? Featured in FWMC Morning AND received a random personal response from the puppies on Twitter on the same day!\n\nI wish I had even 1% of that luck, maybe I should make some kinda ritualistic sacrifice or something lol\n\nBAU BAU", "pid": 78115143 }, { "sender": "Anon-3E22", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:08:15\n\n>>78115143 \nGood guard dogs take care of their boyfriend! \nBAU BAU", "pid": 78115178 }, { "sender": "66EA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:09:22\n\nkill yourself elon", "pid": 78115229 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6A52", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:09:39\n\n>>78114752 \n>lie down \n>>78114767 \n>lying down \nwell shit, that's the piece I'm missing あざっす", "pid": 78115241 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FB3F", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:10:19\n\n>>78115143 \nJesus christ this faggot has to be the shitposter here. he's every fucking worst ruffian loop in one", "pid": 78115280 }, { "sender": "B63E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:13:32\n\n>>78115143 \nkill yourself", "pid": 78115440 }, { "sender": "CC78-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:13:33\n\n>>78115143 \nthey must have muted his account there's no shot he's getting worse and worse", "pid": 78115441 }, { "sender": "Anon-A741", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:14:40\n\n>>78115229 \nWell? Have you heard of it?", "pid": 78115502 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-254C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:15:31\n\n>>78115440 \nI am going to torture my pink ruffian plushie....", "pid": 78115540 }, { "sender": "Anon-06F0", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:15:38\n\n>>78115178 \nnah thats pero", "pid": 78115548 }, { "sender": "Anon-CB58", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:15:42\n\n>>78115440 \nSomeone please kill this guy", "pid": 78115553 }, { "sender": "293F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:16:41\n\n>>78115502 \ni have now....", "pid": 78115591 }, { "sender": "BB33-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:17:48\n\n>>78115440 \nritualistic sacrifice yourself. trust me it will make fuwamoco happy", "pid": 78115644 }, { "sender": "C91F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:17:50\n\nI know it's not fair but his existence makes me actively like the pink ruffian a bit less than the blue one just due to the association", "pid": 78115647 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B626", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:18:27\n\n>>78115143 \n>>78115440 \nDoes this guy think no one can see the passive-agressiveness in his post? It reads like an insecure kid who thinks he's being clever, attempting to be subtle.", "pid": 78115678 }, { "sender": "Anon-038F", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:19:21\n\n>>78115678 \neven fuwamoco have switched to shitting on him on stream. not one person likes him", "pid": 78115708 }, { "sender": "Anon-C93C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:20:02\n\nI hate him but at the same time I also think it's nuts how often that guy and a few others have been chosen", "pid": 78115743 }, { "sender": "82D0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:20:48\n\n>>78115647 \nartist?", "pid": 78115778 }, { "sender": "Anon-131C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:21:43\n\n>>78115743 \nI hate both but at least the menhera is just a whiny gloomposting loser. the fuzzian actively hurts fuwamoco's feelings with his thinly veiled hate", "pid": 78115810 }, { "sender": "EA0E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:22:12\n\ni love fuwawa soo fucking much", "pid": 78115830 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD55", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:22:54\n\n>>78115810 \nTrue", "pid": 78115860 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6BF6", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:23:10\n\n>>78115830 \nI love fucking fuwawa sooooo much", "pid": 78115872 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3602", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:23:13\n\n>>78115708 \nFuwaMoco should do a day where they get possessed by an evil spirit and just ban his ass. Then when they go back to normal, they just won't remember they what they did while they were temporarily evil and don't unban him.", "pid": 78115876 }, { "sender": "5E8C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:23:43\n\n>>78114360 \nsisters and phasetrannies are running out of bait topics.", "pid": 78115904 }, { "sender": "Anon-4167", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:25:36\n\n>>78115876 \nI hate Pero but he needs to come back for a stream and go scorched earth. I know he would love tearing him and the menheras a new asshole", "pid": 78115982 }, { "sender": "Anon-56A8", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:26:09\n\n>>78115440 \nI regret buying the pink Ruffian plushie", "pid": 78116012 }, { "sender": "Anon-8608", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:28:47\n\n>>78116012 \nwe should have a hashtag project where we put glasses and ritualistically sacrifice the plushie whole tagging fuwamoco and raul. a new pink ruffian plushie will die each day he isn't banned", "pid": 78116126 }, { "sender": "BD70-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:29:18\n\n>>78115982 \nIt should be FuwaMoco so it's clear to him that he's not wanted.", "pid": 78116155 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-056A", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:29:19\n\n>Korone's still streaming", "pid": 78116156 }, { "sender": "45E2-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:30:13\n\n>>78116156 \nI miss her eop slop streams.", "pid": 78116192 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B3EA", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:30:20\n\n>>78116156 \nYummy Niggers? the fuck is that name", "pid": 78116196 }, { "sender": "EB56-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:31:15\n\n>>78116196 \nyou shouldn't be allowed on 4chan", "pid": 78116228 }, { "sender": "9F3D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:32:02\n\n\nI wonder why they aren't picking his questions", "pid": 78116273 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B385", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:32:09\n\n>>78116155 \nthey already did that twice and he didn't care. Pero needs to full on ban him, pull up his profile picture and tell him to visit the fireflies because he isn't welcome and never was. fucker is stuck in BR he isn't a danger", "pid": 78116277 }, { "sender": "7FC4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:32:28\n\n>>78115440 \nI am so glad I am a high functional autist with loving parents. I can only imagine how it must feel to be so attention starved, that you get passive aggressive to two women who he most likely will never meet, and if by chance he would, nothing would happen.", "pid": 78116290 }, { "sender": "E311-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:33:50\n\n>>78115647 \nI used to feel this way too but I've found a cheat, picrel. Have Fuwawa holding the pink one and suddenly it doesn't even crosses your mind that it could be one of the fuzzians.", "pid": 78116357 }, { "sender": "7FE9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:33:51\n\n>>78116290 \nthey 100% would request his meet and greet be filtered immediately. I've reported him to cover, suzu has banned him previously and fuwamoco are aware of his bullshit.", "pid": 78116358 }, { "sender": "Anon-23B1", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:33:57\n\n>>78116273 \nthis can't be real", "pid": 78116363 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CEEA", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:34:42\n\n>>78116277 \n>they already did that twice and he didn't care. \nWhy is he still around if they already banned him twice?", "pid": 78116393 }, { "sender": "B1A7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:34:50\n\n>>78115440 \nI'm tempted to make a Twitter just tell him to go take a shower.", "pid": 78116400 }, { "sender": "5B0C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:36:19\n\n>>78116393 \nSuzu banned him. FuwaMoco asked for it to be removes (probably) and did a segment on fwmcmorning right after hoping they could fix him. I'm not sure why but that's how they are. they skipped him on both like sprees recently so I think they are realizing he's not worth energy anymore.", "pid": 78116471 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DFCC", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:36:36\n\n>>78116290 \nMy parents didn't love me and I don't want to hurt them...", "pid": 78116482 }, { "sender": "2D61-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:37:31\n\n>>78116471 \n>FuwaMoco spend a lot of energy, time and attention on the worst among their fans \n>give none to me a normal guy who just supports them and causes them zero headaches \nhum..", "pid": 78116521 }, { "sender": "Anon-381F", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:39:30\n\n\n???????????????", "pid": 78116617 }, { "sender": "37FA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:39:31\n\nthe menhera audience they themselves built up will wear them down until they soft graduate like many others in en", "pid": 78116621 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-35FE", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:40:01\n\nMy ruffian kami oshi hates me.", "pid": 78116648 }, { "sender": "76F7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:40:38\n\n>>78116471 \n>FuwaMoco asked for it to be removes \nWHY??? \nBan him again permanently so they can finally be rid of that walking trash. \nIt's also other ruffians getting affected by having negative feelings whenever they see him around.", "pid": 78116679 }, { "sender": "Anon-1A5C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:41:05\n\n>>78116521 \nthere there ruffian. know that when they think positively about ruffians you are included. they trust you and I'm sure in the future when these menhera leave as they always do it might get better for you. but don't do it for personal attention ever or you'll become what you hate", "pid": 78116707 }, { "sender": "6EC1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:42:13\n\n>>78116679 \nit was back pre move in January when they were still naive and worried about every fan leaving them. They've already grown a lot past that mindset", "pid": 78116759 }, { "sender": "511F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:42:36\n\n>>78116648 \nI unironically have a ruffian oshi but I never talk about them.", "pid": 78116777 }, { "sender": "3EBF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:44:07\n\n>>78116777 \nWho could you possibly oshi amongst the ruffians???", "pid": 78116845 }, { "sender": "Anon-FDA7", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:44:36\n\n>>78116845 \nme", "pid": 78116871 }, { "sender": "Anon-938E", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:44:59\n\n>>78116759 \nI guess it's only a matter of time until he gets banned again. For good this time.", "pid": 78116893 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0789", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:45:50\n\n>>78116845 \nI'm not telling", "pid": 78116932 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B4F2", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:45:55\n\n>>78116895 \nSexy mature maneater femme fatale Fuwawa who wraps me around her finger and then steals my patek philippe...", "pid": 78116936 }, { "sender": "7512-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:47:50\n\ncan some artist draw the touhou water bottle moment but instead of a bottle fuwawa is feeding mococo nutrients from her plump floofies", "pid": 78117022 }, { "sender": "Anon-8951", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:49:05\n\n>>78116932 \nWell then I believe that you're lying intentionally", "pid": 78117080 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A61C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:49:23\n\ncan some artist draw fuwamoco but instead of cute girls they are muscular men with big penises", "pid": 78117100 }, { "sender": "5958-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:51:02\n\n>>78117080 \nI don't need you to believe me", "pid": 78117185 }, { "sender": "040B-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:52:03\n\n>>78117185 \nAlright you got me there", "pid": 78117229 }, { "sender": "Anon-EE40", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:53:53\n\n>>78117022 \nthere's not enough art in general with fuwawa nursing mococo", "pid": 78117311 }, { "sender": "9BCB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:54:17\n\nwhat's it mean when I see \"he's so cooked\"? what", "pid": 78117331 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-540B", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:55:14\n\n>>78115440 \nI fucking knew he was the namedrop schizo. He started with Cake and just goes through everyone.", "pid": 78117392 }, { "sender": "B542-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:56:25\n\n>>78116521 \nThey know you are a strong Ruffian and know they already love you. You don't need as frequent reinforcement as menheras.", "pid": 78117452 }, { "sender": "F371-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:56:43\n\nTime to enjoy the euro cup, stay safe wuffians", "pid": 78117468 }, { "sender": "E780-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:59:11\n\n>>78117452 \njust like jesus", "pid": 78117575 }, { "sender": "Anon-4278", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:59:22\n\n>/baubau/", "pid": 78117594 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-44C9", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:00:58\n\nI want to have sex with cute hags with fangs", "pid": 78117682 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6C15", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:01:24\n\n>>78113928 \nMan I love her giggles. Every time I see this picture, I'm reminded of her giggles and the funny greentext stories. I'm happy she's giggling more now.", "pid": 78117710 }, { "sender": "7D34-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:03:36\n\n>>78117710 \nI started to run obs and capture every time I've made her giggle and it is one of the biggest sources of happiness in my life right now. I may never get tired of listening to it", "pid": 78117821 }, { "sender": "Anon-F603", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:04:58\n\n>>78117821 \nHow do you do that? Do you mark the timestamp and go back later or do you have one of those addons that let you rewind?", "pid": 78117893 }, { "sender": "3BD9-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:06:43\n\n>>78117281", "pid": 78117996 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5699", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:07:49\n\n>>78117893 \nobs has a built in feature like shadowplay where it is constantly recording the past X seconds and you just trigger it to save. then the video file will have the timestamp of the video in the name in case you need it. so I just watch streams and trigger the macro with my foot pedal when there's a chat read or sc", "pid": 78118054 }, { "sender": "683C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:09:15\n\n>>78115708 \n>even fuwamoco have switched to shitting on him on stream. \n>F: WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY MOCOCO GAMING? IS FUWAWA GAMING. \nkek. The motherfucker got skipped during the likespree too.", "pid": 78118123 }, { "sender": "Anon-DAA8", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:13:04\n\nI love Fuwawa", "pid": 78118318 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-4A33", "message": "05/07/2024, 21:25:44\n\nWhat is this board? Can someone explain? I'm thoroughly confused.", "pid": 11622061 }, { "sender": "12F8-Anonymous", "message": "05/07/2024, 21:27:09\n\n>>11622061 \nThe problem is, OP, that you probably aren't seeing all the posts. If you are just viewing [s4s] through the /s4s/ board, you don't see the green posts, the posts with letters in their ids, or anything numberless. Together, those make up about 40-70 percent of [s4s], depending on the day. So conversation will appear disjointed and spastic, because you won't be getting the full picture. \n \nI actually just flipped over to the /s4s/ interface to make this post, and it's pretty funny how unintelligible [s4s] is like this. \n \n**Your fortune: Better not tell you now**", "pid": 11622064 }, { "sender": "kanyecel", "message": "05/07/2024, 21:28:35\n\nI love you, Anthony. I wish I wasn’t a chudcel so you loved me too.", "pid": 11622066 }, { "sender": "748E-Anon", "message": "05/07/2024, 21:28:42\n\n>>11622064 \nHow do I see these hidden posts?", "pid": 11622067 }, { "sender": "4844-Anonymous", "message": "05/07/2024, 21:29:19\n\n>>11622066 \ntwo same numbers!", "pid": 11622069 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3ECD", "message": "05/07/2024, 21:30:18\n\nit's just another random board really", "pid": 11622073 }, { "sender": "Anon-8DAF", "message": "05/07/2024, 21:31:39\n\n>>11622064 \n>>11622066 \n>>11622069 \nDo you still have the ability to speak non /s4s/ language? I would prefer if you were comprehensible to someone who is not a regular /s4s/ frequenter.", "pid": 11622077 }, { "sender": "4EF2-Anon", "message": "05/07/2024, 21:38:11\n\n>>11622077 \ntwo same numbers!", "pid": 11622094 }, { "sender": "BAVI sayer", "message": "05/07/2024, 21:43:22\n\nBAVI \n \n**Your fortune: ( ´\\_ゝ`)フーン** ", "pid": 11622105 }, { "sender": "A487-Anonymous", "message": "05/07/2024, 21:43:35\n\n>>11622094 \nI think i get it now!", "pid": 11622109 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-74F4", "message": "05/07/2024, 21:46:40\n\n>>11622109 \n \n**Your fortune: Average Luck**", "pid": 11622130 }, { "sender": "11A2-Anonymous", "message": "05/07/2024, 22:06:45\n\n>>11622105 \n \n**Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!**", "pid": 11622188 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-85CE", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:31:34\n\nWhy did Sauron station his most Elite Monster Commander to guard Moria? Did he know that the Fellowship would be forced into taking that route with the ring?\n\nIt feels like it would make more sense to have the Balrog leading his army in the attack on Minus Tirith.", "pid": 201914665 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A544", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:33:49\n\nHis most elite monster was the fucking spider shelob, that he strategically placed in his rear flank. And lest I remind you that it almost fucking worked too.", "pid": 201914758 }, { "sender": "F3D5-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:34:29\n\n>>201914665 \nthe balrog wasnt directly serving sauron, it retreated into the caverns below moria after the war of wrath (i think thats the right one)", "pid": 201914785 }, { "sender": "0B47-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:35:42\n\nThe balrog has nothing to do with Sauron.", "pid": 201914826 }, { "sender": "Anon-3071", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:36:52\n\nA MINE. A MINE!", "pid": 201914874 }, { "sender": "7BBD-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:37:22\n\n>>201914826 \nOf course he does! Sauron was calling all evil to him and gathering his armies.", "pid": 201914901 }, { "sender": "0131-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:37:27\n\n>>201914665 \n>Sauron's monster \nYou assume Sauron is higher up on the critter food chain than he really is.", "pid": 201914907 }, { "sender": "EB36-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:39:06\n\n>>201914886 \n^^", "pid": 201914978 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2C87", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:39:31\n\n>>201914665 \nAfter googlin it, balrog was loyal to morgoth, not sauron", "pid": 201914999 }, { "sender": "BA02-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:39:59\n\n>>201914665 \nWasn't his monster was Morgoths monster and when Morgoth lost the Balrogs went to hide, while waiting so long for a new dark lord the balrogs fell into a deep slumber. Then the dwarves mined him out of his goon cave and he said gtfo this is my mine now. I don't want to leave.", "pid": 201915014 }, { "sender": "A9E1-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:40:08\n\n>>201914665 \nI'm pretty sure Sauron summoned heavy snows on the mountain to force them to go through the mines.", "pid": 201915024 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5630", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:40:42\n\n>>201915024 \nThat was Sauron's right hand man Saruman", "pid": 201915049 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A4B5", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:40:46\n\n>>201914907 \nMotherFucker nobody was worried about the Balrog taking over Middle Earth! They were worried about Sauron!", "pid": 201915053 }, { "sender": "1CFC-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:40:53\n\n>>201915024 \nThat was sauruman not sauron, pinhead", "pid": 201915057 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EF33", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:42:41\n\n>>201914901 \nThis isn't wookiepedia where every detail has some 2deep autistic connection to one another. Two malicious entities can exist independently of one another. Do you think Tom, Bert, and William were epic assassins of Sauron too just because they were trolls? The goblins of Moria didn't even \"serve Sauron\". They were just wild savages squatting in a ruin.", "pid": 201915128 }, { "sender": "EF79-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:44:23\n\n>>201915014 \n>Saruman: \"He is gathering all evil to him. Very soon he will summon an army great enough to launch an assault upon Middle-Earth.\"", "pid": 201915199 }, { "sender": "5873-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:45:55\n\n>>201915128 \n>The goblins of Moria didn't even \"serve Sauron\". They were just wild savages squatting in a ruin. \nNo. Absolutamente no! The Goblins Fucking chased the Fellowship into certain death into Lorien! Obviously they would only do that because Sauron was forcing them to and they were scared what he would do to them!", "pid": 201915255 }, { "sender": "D6F4-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:46:41\n\n>>201914886 \nThis \n99 percent of the /tv/ threads criticizing LOTR wouldnt exist if the retards just read the books. \nHell, or even listened to the audiobooks. Theyre amazing too", "pid": 201915287 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5678", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:47:37\n\n>>201915199 \n‘All evil’ is not used in a literal context in this situation, it’s just a blanket term for Orcs, Easterlings etc. I’m not sure Sauron was even aware the Balrog was there", "pid": 201915328 }, { "sender": "1951-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:48:21\n\n>>201915199 \n>my boss called me but I was slumbering \n \nHonestly what was he going to do? Come to Moria? Send Orcs to come catch me? Balrogs do what they want and are really cool. I'm not a Balrog but if I was I wouldn't listen to my ethereal new boss when I am strong and physical.", "pid": 201915358 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E478", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:48:23\n\nIts still ridiculous to think how Sauron’s lieutenant was called Sauronman. Thats Hitler/Himmler tier lazy writing.", "pid": 201915363 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D06E", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:48:51\n\n>>201915287 \nWhy would we Fucking read the books? It's a movie! It's a different medium!", "pid": 201915380 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3E22", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:50:18\n\n>>201914665 \nSauron and Balrog are more like brothers than master and commander, and this particular Balrog had no interest in bowing.", "pid": 201915425 }, { "sender": "Anon-F6D7", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:50:23\n\n>>201915380", "pid": 201915430 }, { "sender": "Anon-01E0", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:51:55\n\n>>201914874 \nECHOING DARKNESS! \nSTAGNANT WATER! \nMOLDERING, MEATLESS BONES!", "pid": 201915492 }, { "sender": "Anon-2373", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:52:08\n\n>I'm not trying to rob you \n \nSure sign somebody is trying to rob you 100%", "pid": 201915499 }, { "sender": "9F99-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 01:54:26\n\n>>201915014 \nGoon cave cracked me up idk why", "pid": 201915584 }, { "sender": "Anon-C434", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:13:30\n\n>>201915425 \nAre you saying Gandalf could defeat Sauron in 1v1 combat?", "pid": 201916367 }, { "sender": "015C-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:14:47\n\n>>201915425 \nCousins, more like \n>>201916367 \nNo, gandalf is basically the good version of a balrog", "pid": 201916431 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FB62", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:14:59\n\n>>201914886 \nI never said that now did I you pretentious little faggot. They had a deal worked out at best and played for the same team.", "pid": 201916443 }, { "sender": "EF47-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:15:41\n\n>>201914665 \n>Did he know that the Fellowship would be forced into taking that route with the ring? \nSauron knew EVERYTHING", "pid": 201916467 }, { "sender": "Anon-241C", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:16:27\n\n>>201916443 \nThey didnt play for the same team, sauron wasn't even aware of the balrogs existence", "pid": 201916499 }, { "sender": "A029-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:17:46\n\nHe didn't believe anyone was capable of trying to destroy the ring. He was also right. The ring was only destroyed because of Gollum trying to steal it, a complete fluke.", "pid": 201916556 }, { "sender": "626E-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:19:22\n\n>>201916499 \n>sauron wasn't even aware of the balrogs existence \nWhy would you say that? They were both followes of Melkor. They just weren't friends afterwards.", "pid": 201916618 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BA06", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:21:16\n\n>>201916618 \nim beggin ya to just \\*try\\* turning on your noodle for 30 seconds", "pid": 201916694 }, { "sender": "8D6B-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:23:23\n\n>>201916623 \nok fine, you win, I will listen to you are book \nactually I might go audiobook because the last book I read was a slog (divine comedy) and don't have the patience now to deal with tolkien which desu I have tried to go through twice, but the first chapter of the fellowship even filtered me as a teenager \nI always thought, motherfucker just say what you mean and get to the point \nwith that said I can watch the extended cut of the first film on repeat \nthanks for reading my blog", "pid": 201916781 }, { "sender": "41D7-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:24:02\n\n>>201916556 \nNah, nah, I woulda been able to destroy the ring. It wouldn't have gone down that way if I'd been there. There'd have been a lotta blood and melted ring in that cave.", "pid": 201916813 }, { "sender": "Anon-4857", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:25:27\n\n>>201916781 \nLOTR is a slog at times too, if you're going audiobook route the andy serkis narration is absolutely kino \nput it on, go out for a cruise in your car or while youre cleaning and let it take you away", "pid": 201916867 }, { "sender": "CF5C-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:25:51\n\n>>201916813 \nwhat about denethor mark", "pid": 201916886 }, { "sender": "8DD1-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:27:17\n\n>>201916867 \nTo add, the first chapter \"on hobbits\" is just context for people that didnt read the Hobbit", "pid": 201916952 }, { "sender": "459F-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:28:42\n\nreminder that the balrog literally did nothing wrong and just wanted to protect its home", "pid": 201917007 }, { "sender": "40DD-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:28:48\n\n>>201916431 \nOk so the Balrog must submit to Sauron then! If Gandalf can 1v1 the Balrog, buy Sauron could easily 1v1 Gandalf, then the Balrog is hella weaker than Sauron and would have to bend the knee.", "pid": 201917009 }, { "sender": "6501-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:29:58\n\n>>201915358 \n>I'm not a Balrog but if I was I wouldn't listen to my ethereal new boss when I am strong and physical. \nGreat Balrog pride.", "pid": 201917060 }, { "sender": "3C01-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:30:35\n\nThese Fucking Bookcels suck lots of Fucking cock don't they? Don't Fucking come to this thread talking book this and book that. We don't Fucking want it! We watching the movies MotherFucker!", "pid": 201917089 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9BA8", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:31:22\n\n>>201916952 \nfor some reason the hobbits to me seem a lot like white southeast asian midgets with the exception of frodo and bilbo \nthey're just incredibly communal and the only ones with any sort of inward desires are these two in particular", "pid": 201917127 }, { "sender": "Anon-4CC3", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:31:45\n\n>>201917009 \nThe balrog exists independently of sauron and always has, its completely independent evils \nSauruman was only aware of the balrogs existence because he had moles in the goblin host of moria that occupied the area after the balrog wrecked the dwarves shit, the goblins of moria if anything serve the balrog not sauruman or sauron \nGandalf couldnt even 1v1 the balrog, he literally dies and is brought back by the gods of middle earth to serve a higher purpose", "pid": 201917141 }, { "sender": "Anon-423F", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:32:58\n\n>>201917127 \nThe hobbits remind me, personally,balot of american southerners \nbut that may just be because of projection, again its a wonderful story that people see themselves in all the time", "pid": 201917197 }, { "sender": "611A-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:33:09\n\nI heard a lot of women didn't quite like the first LOTR movie, but then in the expanded scenes they put in the \"On Hobbits\" extra scene and from that point on the women were hooked on it! They understood Hobbits and their culture and how they were reluctant heroes and what they were giving up to save Middle Earth.", "pid": 201917204 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E98A", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:34:16\n\n>>201917141 \nBut Sauron made the Goblins go chase the Fellowship into certain death into Lorien.", "pid": 201917259 }, { "sender": "E939-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:34:52\n\n>>201917089 \nThe Balrog in the movie still follows the same rules as the Balrog in the book you retard.", "pid": 201917297 }, { "sender": "A5E3-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:39:45\n\n>>201917259 \nDifferent goblins", "pid": 201917497 }, { "sender": "Anon-9728", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:40:38\n\n>>201915287 \nthe audiobooks with music from the movie are amazing", "pid": 201917532 }, { "sender": "74EB-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:40:56\n\n>>201914785 \n>>201914826 \nbaited", "pid": 201917548 }, { "sender": "1166-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:41:49\n\n>>201917197 \nI don't know any american southerners so perhaps if I did I might see the comparison \nI do tend to make abstractions between a lot of things because of functioning megaautism lmao \n \nI wish that in the film version they had sam become muscular before the end though, because somebody with that much weight doing a bunch of climbing and fighting is bound to slim down and tone up \n \nobviously his progression isn't some retarded fitness journey but I feel he was slighted by doing all this work and still being the fat guy with a heart of gold when realistically by the end he is somewhere between loyal pet and stoic gigachad", "pid": 201917597 }, { "sender": "Anon-CDA0", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:41:52\n\n>>201917497 \n>Different goblins \nWhat the Fuck? No. Aragorn said the hills would be swarming with goblins by nightfall. Sauron's goblin troops. Not some other goblins Fucking coming out of nowhere!", "pid": 201917601 }, { "sender": "4195-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:43:43\n\n>>201915053 \nBro, the Balrog>S< didn't give a fuck. Basically literally. Go read a book, faggot.", "pid": 201917683 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D07", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:46:11\n\n>>201917007 \nprotect it from what they were trying to leave and its already full of orcs", "pid": 201917788 }, { "sender": "A1B2-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:46:25\n\n>>201915199 \n>Sauron is unbeatable \n>These Ents won't do shit \n>These Urukai are unbeatable \n >These Hobbits won't do -ACK \nSaruman is really bad at judging military strength", "pid": 201917804 }, { "sender": "Anon-3A80", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:49:57\n\n>>201917597 \nThat's how they did it in the book at the scouring. The four main hobbits stood out pretty bad. Merry and Pippin were now the tallest in the Shire even", "pid": 201917975 }, { "sender": "Anon-C587", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:53:35\n\n>>201917683 \nI'm not Fucking reading those dictionaries!", "pid": 201918120 }, { "sender": "E46E-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:57:24\n\n>>201914886 \n>one ring to rule them ALL \nguess it didn't work so well", "pid": 201918299 }, { "sender": "Anon-3CF9", "message": "30/07/2024, 02:59:25\n\n>>201916367 \nNo because Sauron is the biggest brother. Sauron was the most powerful of the maiar. Gandalf and the Balrog are both maiar too, just not as powerful.", "pid": 201918399 }, { "sender": "Anon-3370", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:00:59\n\n>>201915584 \nWhat would a balrog even goon to?", "pid": 201918461 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DDB8", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:07:52\n\n>>201916499 \nSauron DEFINITELY knew of the Balrog and knows of several others. After the world of man had been crushed he was planning on seeking them out.", "pid": 201918828 }, { "sender": "Anon-F2D1", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:09:13\n\n>>201917601 \nThere are absolutely goblins who don’t serve Sauron. \nIt’s not like orcs.", "pid": 201918905 }, { "sender": "93C1-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:11:53\n\n>>201918461 \nNameless Things", "pid": 201919038 }, { "sender": "0827-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:14:57\n\n>>201918905 \nI don't Fucking TRUST YOU!!!", "pid": 201919192 }, { "sender": "0A60-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:26:29\n\n>>201914901 \nYeah honestly you could argue the ring drew the Balrog to them. It’s not a trek he wasn’t going to eat them.", "pid": 201919769 }, { "sender": "Anon-999A", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:27:23\n\n>>201919192 \nyou see goblins and orcs are the same thing, the words are interchangeable. but generally speaking a goblin is just an orc that lives in the mountains, and an orc is just a goblin that serves sauron. then you have the uruk hai which is what a lot of people think of when they think of an orc, but those are orcs cross bred with men through some kind of gay mud ritual.", "pid": 201919813 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6078", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:27:25\n\n>>201914758 \n>gets btfo by a fat manlet", "pid": 201919817 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E2F0", "message": "30/07/2024, 03:49:14\n\n>>201915014 \nYou Fucking stayed in the Galactic Starcruiser didn't you?", "pid": 201920716 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-426A", "message": "30/07/2024, 04:16:03\n\n>>201919817 \n>Directed by a fat manlet", "pid": 201921649 }, { "sender": "4B97-Anon", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:07:23\n\n>>201917788 \n>breaking into someone's house is ok as long as you try to leave once the owner confronts you \n \nthe goblins were clearly his tenants", "pid": 201923240 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0493", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:10:13\n\n>anther thread of bookfags chimping out \nKino", "pid": 201923321 }, { "sender": "Anon-471A", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:13:03\n\n>>201915053 \nYou know Sauron was literally the middle management of the evil guys right? Dude wasn’t even the final boss.", "pid": 201923397 }, { "sender": "BC17-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:17:31\n\n>>201914665 \nFind out next month!", "pid": 201923524 }, { "sender": "Anon-C684", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:19:38\n\n>>201915049 \n>>201915057 \nSauronman, eedeeots", "pid": 201923601 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CFB6", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:20:00\n\n>>201917975 \nYeah because they'd been shotgunning Ent-Lite six packs. That kind of stature isn't achievable natty.", "pid": 201923615 }, { "sender": "0995-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:25:24\n\n>>201919817 \nSting was +1 against spiders", "pid": 201923779 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F54F", "message": "30/07/2024, 05:33:10\n\n>>201914665 \n>be balrog \n>hear some plinking down the well \n>absolutely NOT \n>malds and seethes and dies \nand all that over pippin being a bit silly. what about all of the millions of orcs or the roaring cave trolls banging about? does the balrog get out of bed every single time one of them makes a noise too?", "pid": 201924016 } ]