73 values
Game collecting autism
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-C820", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:13:25\n\nGame collecting autism\n\nI've been collecting for around 15 years, mostly ps1 and ps2.\nMy collection isn't like reddit huge, it's about 150 games.\nI've finished if not at least gotten far in most of them, but whenever I look at my collection I feel the urge to downsize and only hold on to my absolute favorites/games I play the most\nDo others feel like this or do I have like supreme tism or ocd?\n\n\nAlso coomlecting thread", "pid": 11103062 }, { "sender": "7DBD-Anonymous", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:25:26\n\n>>11103062 \nIt's OCD, I was diagnosed recently.", "pid": 11103078 }, { "sender": "3649-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:40:16\n\nI've been a collector for over 20 years now, and if passively holding on to games and their boxes and shit is considered collecting, then I've been collecting for more like 30 years, or basically since I was old enough to say \"mommy daddy I want that videogame.\" I've never felt a strong desire to sell, in fact my urge to accumulate more is stronger than ever. That said I'm pretty selective with what I get, typically limiting it to true rarities, or good condition instance of common things (like CIB games), or somewhat unique things (like promotional items). I don't just bulk buy random cartridges and discs just to line shelves.", "pid": 11103095 }, { "sender": "F15B-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:45:29\n\n>>11103078 \nwhat ssri?", "pid": 11103102 }, { "sender": "5741-Anonymous", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:48:54\n\n>>11103102 \nprozac", "pid": 11103107 }, { "sender": "Anon-5F73", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:53:30\n\n>>11103062 \n>lots of games is reddit \n>no games is reddit \n>average amount of games is reddit \n>reddit reddit reddit", "pid": 11103113 }, { "sender": "Anon-ADE0", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:56:03\n\n>>11103113 \n\"Reddit collecting\" has less to do with what games you own or don't own, but more to do with \"I started collecting because it was trendy and I saw my surrogate friend/big brother on YouTube doing it, plus not having a collection to show off made me feel left out in my online communities.\"", "pid": 11103116 }, { "sender": "835F-Anonymous", "message": "20/07/2024, 19:59:06\n\n>>11103078 \nhow has it affected how you buy and play games?", "pid": 11103119 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9AC5", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:03:57\n\nI used to collect Xbox and Dreamcast consoles. When my wife left me and I lost my house, I ended up storing everything in my Ford Explorer for a while. A friend helped me out by leasing an affordable apartment. This guy has a son who's into retro gaming, so when I moved, I gifted all my games to the little guy. I decided to keep my Xbox and Dreamcast. I modded both consoles and downloaded their romsets. Next time I go through a divorce, I'll just take two consoles in my 370z instead of hauling around boxes in a V8 SUV.", "pid": 11103129 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD63", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:09:31\n\n>>11103129 \nI'm sorry to hear that but that's really nice you giving all your games to him. What games was he stoked about?", "pid": 11103136 }, { "sender": "1C33-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:19:10\n\n>>11103119 \nI don't feel compelled to have 3+ of each console I like. I'm doing (much) less of the \"buy a thing, feel like I have too many things, sell some things, buy them again\" loop. It's still difficult to shake the feeling that I should really have an extra or 3 of whatever I pickup, but it's getting better. I'm much happier with the gear I do have, and as far as playing goes; I can actually focus on a game now. Previously my brain was yelling 1000 things at once, like I had no control over my thoughts, so my full attention was never devoted to anything. Also, I've actually been enjoying emulating for the first time, rather than being (literally) obsessed with real hardware. I still love real hardware and I still love all the same things I always have, but I can enjoy them (and new things too) much more.", "pid": 11103154 }, { "sender": "Anon-74CD", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:22:52\n\nThen stop displaying your collection and put it into a cabinet out of being easily seen so you don't have those thoughts.", "pid": 11103168 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1770", "message": "20/07/2024, 21:31:07\n\n>>11103168 \nNot him, but yeah I currently lack the space to display my games, so the cartridges are in plastic drawers and the boxes are in stacked storage bins in a closet. They take up very little space this way, and it's a perfect solution until I get sufficient shelving to display it all.", "pid": 11103340 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-31DB", "message": "20/07/2024, 22:00:28\n\n>>11103062 \nWhen the drives fail, sell some to pay for ODEs :-)", "pid": 11103391 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0EAB", "message": "20/07/2024, 22:01:42\n\n>>11103168 \ndo this and populate the shelves with books you'll never have time to read ~~if you have friends~~", "pid": 11103393 }, { "sender": "7A5E-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 22:43:30\n\n>>11103168 \nI never even thought of doing this. I might actually do it \n>>11103393 \nI do have a small shelf in my bedroom with books been reading neuromancer recently, my game stuff is in my basement", "pid": 11103456 }, { "sender": "302D-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 23:01:31\n\n>>11103062 \nI've never really \"collected\" games. I have/had a lot of them and have been slowly selling them off. All my consoles are modified to play off a HDD/SD/etc. so I don't see the point. \n \nI had a bookshelf with them on but got rid to make room for floor standing speakers so finally bothered getting rid. \n \nI've been decluttering for over a year now (not just games) and its been really satisfying.", "pid": 11103492 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-553A", "message": "20/07/2024, 23:05:03\n\n>>11103107 \nYou’ll be speed running in no time", "pid": 11103496 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6989", "message": "20/07/2024, 23:19:07\n\n>>11103496 \nnah, speedrunning is wicked gay", "pid": 11103530 }, { "sender": "D60B-Anon", "message": "21/07/2024, 00:14:01\n\nI only buy games I want to play. I have been thinning out my collection lately too. I have flashcarts for all my cartridge based consoles, so I can play anything I want to anyway and just keep the games I want in my collection like stuff I really like or have personal nostalgia for. Picked up crazy castle 2 for gameboy recently cause it was a game I had as a kid and I was really enjoying it fun little action puzzle game.", "pid": 11103613 }, { "sender": "Anon-CDCC", "message": "21/07/2024, 00:48:36\n\n>>11103062 \nI only ever bought the games that were something I knew I would have some interest in playing.", "pid": 11103660 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6F5A", "message": "21/07/2024, 00:49:24\n\n>>11103530 \nJealous.", "pid": 11103661 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B432", "message": "21/07/2024, 00:55:13\n\n>>11103129 \nYou should have shot your ex.", "pid": 11103672 }, { "sender": "EB73-Anonymous", "message": "21/07/2024, 01:00:35\n\nI mod my disc based systems to play from hard drives and ODEs, but I rip the files from my own copies I own, either via the systems disc drives or on to my PC first. I want the satisfaction of being perfectly fine in a situation where I dont have to rely on the internet to download roms, nor needing to store a full-set on a drive somewhere that could shit the bed. Reminds me of the good days of PC gaming where I could still have my physical copy in my library to install from, but not need the disc constantly in the drive at all times.", "pid": 11103680 }, { "sender": "C2FE-Anonymous", "message": "21/07/2024, 02:56:12\n\n>>11103062 \nHonestly collecting things end up owning you in the long term. I always tell anyone I know to just own the games you play the most and not ones you never will play every. Otherwise it's just wasting space.", "pid": 11103821 }, { "sender": "Anon-F861", "message": "21/07/2024, 03:01:37\n\n>>11103821 \nOver collecting is only ever an actual issue, in relation to the size of your living space. If you live in a small apartment and can barely get to your front door, its a problem. No one ever complains about the rich being \"owned\" by their possessions, because they have the floor space to have huge collections of stuff they are into in an entirely separate part of their house.", "pid": 11103832 }, { "sender": "D820-Anonymous", "message": "21/07/2024, 04:10:19\n\n>>11103832 \nnta but rich ppl also liquidate their junk and buy new junk \n>look at all this space being dedicated to something i don't really care anymore, i'll just put it in cardboard boxes and think about selling", "pid": 11103941 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E4A8", "message": "21/07/2024, 04:13:18\n\n>>11103821 \n>>11103832 \nI think the \"problem\" arises when collecting becomes the hobby in and of itself, and is wholly a substitute for other more mentally or physically beneficial hobbies. If it's a supplemental activity, then I really don't see how it would be a problem. Sure, YouTube collectors can be irritating, but at least they're combining their collecting habit with something productive.", "pid": 11103945 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-96AE", "message": "21/07/2024, 04:50:56\n\n>>11103672 \nPerhaps. kek \n \n>>11103136 \n>What games was he stoked about? \nHe was really into action games, especially Ninja Gaiden. We played a lot of Dead or Alive 3 together. He was such a nice little dude. My friend must be proud of him.", "pid": 11103990 }, { "sender": "68FD-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 04:52:54\n\n>>11103990 \ncrrepy", "pid": 11105623 } ]
Why Does #2 always suck?
[ { "sender": "F6F7-Anon", "message": "17/07/2024, 22:40:05\n\nWhy Does #2 always suck?\n\nIt seems like a running joke at this point that the 2nd game in a series is shit or at least inferior to the 1st and occasionally 3rd game.\nSMB2, Zelda 2, Final Fantasy 2 (JP not US), Castlevania 2, Megaman 2 (first one kinda sucked too), this even extends into other systems. Sonic 2, Doom 2, System Shock 2, Devil May Cry 2, Unreal 2, Hexen 2, you can name dozens more sequels that just are a downgrade but I think you get the point. \nWhat is it that almost always makes the 2nd game worse? My guess is over ambitiousness most of the time with a sprinkling of incompetence or just classic publisher fuckery.\nPic very related.", "pid": 11096936 }, { "sender": "Anon-DC20", "message": "17/07/2024, 22:51:13\n\nI was going to say that it's not always true, but there are definitely a lot of examples of the second game being worse.\n\nI'm surprised you listed Sonic 2, Doom 2 and System Shock 2? Sonic 2 I personally really like, and although I'm not too familiar with Doom 1 & 2 I thought it was a good sequel.\nI haven't played SS but I thought people loved 2.\n\nI also would say Street Fighter 2, Virtua Fighter 2, Age of Empires 2, Streets of Rage 2 all are widely considered to be better than the first game for example. Then you've got stuff like Resident Evil 2 where it's almost just a personal choice if you like 1 or 2 better.\n\nI definitely think that feature creep/ambition can lead to sequels being worse than the original though, or at least losing what made the original special. Sometimes I think the developers just feel the need too change things for the sake of change. I'd argue Crazy Taxi 2 is a good example, the first game is near-perfect IMO, but the second one added the jumping mechanic which feels really gimmicky, and the group fares which seemed hard to balance the difficulty around.\nI think they would have been better just making the game play identically but with new locations and new mini-games (Crazy Box/Pyramid) for example. Could probably argue the same for something like Banjo Kazooie 2, where they added a ton of new features but it wasn't to everyone's taste.", "pid": 11096954 }, { "sender": "6DBC-Anon", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:19:23\n\n>>11096936 \n>SMB2, Zelda 2, Mega Man 2, Sonic 2. Doom 2, Hexen 2 \n>Suck \nInteresting thread idea a shame OP licks goat. The reason Deus Ex IW sucked is probably one of the saddest in gaming, see the devs at Ion Storm didn't understand they made one of the best games ever despite the overwhelming critical and fan acclaim and decided they needed to streamline it and design it for consoles first, the devs shot themselves in the foot before they even started development.", "pid": 11096994 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD14", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:21:54\n\nNow this is how you shit on Sonic 2 and Mega Man 2. Subtlety is always the most important thing in the art of bait", "pid": 11097000 }, { "sender": "6BD4-Anon", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:27:09\n\n>>11097000 \nThis but Zelda II.", "pid": 11097006 }, { "sender": "25CE-Anonymous", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:30:05\n\nInvisible War don't exist. Deus Ex 2 is Human Revolution and that's it.", "pid": 11097009 }, { "sender": "D456-Anonymous", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:30:11\n\n>>11096936 \n>Mega Man 2 \n>Sonic 2 \nMost people will disagree on those. Personally I feel SMB2 (USA) is also superior to the original", "pid": 11097010 }, { "sender": "38D7-Anon", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:36:19\n\nDkc 2 was way better than 1 in every aspect.", "pid": 11097015 }, { "sender": "Anon-7D72", "message": "17/07/2024, 23:59:03\n\n>>11096936 \nMost successes are accidents that can’t be replicated, only learned from", "pid": 11097040 }, { "sender": "Anon-771F", "message": "18/07/2024, 00:24:09\n\n>>11096936 \nMegaman 2 is probably the best game on the NES, you're clearly retarded.", "pid": 11097084 }, { "sender": "B6EA-Anon", "message": "18/07/2024, 00:32:49\n\n>SMB2 \nStraight better than Mario 1 \n>Zelda 2 \nUp in the air. They're very different games. Zelda 2 has actual towns, and the visual style better sells the high fantasy tone though \n>Final Fantasy 2 \nNever plated \n>Castlevania 2 \nGreat game. Just different to the other two. The world adventuring element of it is ambitious and cool. \n>Megaman 2 \n>Sonic 2 \nOkay, you're trolling then.", "pid": 11097103 }, { "sender": "Anon-7DA8", "message": "18/07/2024, 00:35:54\n\n>>11097043 \nI was bitterly disappointed with both of the first two Silent Hills. Maybe the series gets a lot better in 3. I don't know. I think 4 seems the most conceptually interesting.", "pid": 11097108 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1825", "message": "18/07/2024, 01:04:15\n\n>>11097084 \nThanks for letting me know you've never played another Megaman game.", "pid": 11097148 }, { "sender": "8D9F-Anon", "message": "18/07/2024, 01:12:30\n\n>>11097148 \nI have played all the NES ones, the level design, music and controls in MM2 are the best.", "pid": 11097162 }, { "sender": "D24D-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 01:17:45\n\n>>11097108 \nIf you didn't like 1 and 2 I don't think you'd like 3, they play very similar and have similar settings/themes.", "pid": 11097169 }, { "sender": "Anon-B212", "message": "18/07/2024, 01:30:42\n\n>>11096936 \nSonic 2 mogs sonic 1 in literally every way, the fuck are you talking about?", "pid": 11097187 }, { "sender": "EFC9-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 01:40:15\n\n2 doesn't always suck.", "pid": 11097196 }, { "sender": "Anon-752E", "message": "18/07/2024, 02:40:42\n\n>>11096936 \nYou never played jagged alliance 2", "pid": 11097275 }, { "sender": "FE7D-Anon", "message": "18/07/2024, 02:45:10\n\n>>11096936 \nMost would argue Diablo II, DKC 2, Starfox 64, F-Zero X \nSome would even argue Metroid Prime 2 or StarCraft 2, Mario Kart 64, etc. \nAnd you ought to know that Star Control 2 is the best one.", "pid": 11097282 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F290", "message": "18/07/2024, 02:50:21\n\n>>11096936 \nWhat meme are you trying to force? Half of those games are considered great or better than their predecessors.", "pid": 11097289 }, { "sender": "Anon-C7F7", "message": "18/07/2024, 02:52:26\n\n>>11096936 \nI thought it was the third or fourth one that is considered the blacksheep not the second.", "pid": 11097291 }, { "sender": "4D64-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 08:14:37\n\n>>11096936 \nThat's not really true. Diablo II, Baldur's Gate II, DKC 2, Street Fighter II, MGS2, THPS2, Fallout 2, RE2, and a number of others (some of which you even mentioned as being disliked / bad, which I don't totally get) are widely considered as being just as good as their predecessors, or even better than them. Some of the ones I mentioned are up for debate, especially on this board, but still.", "pid": 11097713 }, { "sender": "79B5-Anon", "message": "18/07/2024, 08:16:05\n\n>>11097291 \nThat's a lot more common, although I think a lot of the big examples of that are not retro", "pid": 11097716 }, { "sender": "Anon-6BD2", "message": "18/07/2024, 08:25:28\n\n>>11096936 \n>It seems like a running joke at this point that the 2nd game in a series is shit or at least inferior to the 1st \n>citation needed", "pid": 11097724 }, { "sender": "A12A-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 08:31:54\n\n>>11097196 \n \nyeah but in this case it definitely does. I cant think of a single thing msg2 does better than 1 \n \nregardless OP is a faggot.", "pid": 11097731 }, { "sender": "554E-Anon", "message": "18/07/2024, 08:35:30\n\n2 > 1 >> 3", "pid": 11097737 }, { "sender": "Anon-AAE6", "message": "18/07/2024, 09:22:40\n\n>>11096936 \nHey now, I liked Invisible War.", "pid": 11097772 }, { "sender": "6C97-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 09:30:11\n\n>>11096936 \nperfect dark is miles better than goldeneye and I will die in this hill", "pid": 11097778 }, { "sender": "7028-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 09:32:24\n\n>>11097713 \n>Diablo 2 \nNah I'd say it's pretty equal to 1 they both have different ups and downs \n>BG2 \nHonestly I didn't see it as a huge improvement but it's also not a downgrade again, pretty equal \n>DKC2 \nI never played DKC but most people I know only like 1 \n>SF2 \nUndisputedly better than 1 to the point that nost people consider it the first SF game. \n>MGS2 \nlmao no it's a worse game in almost every aspect, and the good parts of it are done better in 1. \n>THPS2 \nIt's basically the same game but better, but I still think 3 is when they got good. \n>Fallout 2 \nProbably the most debated on out of the ones you posted personally all the engine and gameplay improvements 2 did don't make up for the lackluster story, it has it's moments but I barely remember half the quests in 2 but do remember a lot of 1's \nThis nigga knows what's up tho >>11097275 JA2 is based JA1 is worth playing and definitely not bad but 2 is one of the best. \n>>11097772 \nIW gets a ton of hate and it's definitely worse than DX1 but I will play DX2 100x over before replaying HR again.", "pid": 11097780 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AFD4", "message": "18/07/2024, 12:14:26\n\n>>11096936 \n>classic publisher fuckery. \nThis was the case with DMC2. It was being developed before DMC1 was even finished and Kamiya had no idea. They know they have a popular game and can churn out a sequel to generate more profit without worrying about quality as much. \n \n>>11097780 \n>IW gets a ton of hate and it's definitely worse than DX1 but I will play DX2 100x over before replaying HR again. \nSame, I posted that on /v/ a few years after HR released and was told I must be trolling. But I also saw others making the same argument. HR had less technical limitations and was highly polished but overall felt bland.", "pid": 11097927 }, { "sender": "0946-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 12:58:05\n\n>>11096936 \n \nDark Forces II: Jedi Knight is considered to be the best in the series. \n \n>Doom 2, System Shock 2, Hexen 2 \n \nSeriously, what are you smoking?", "pid": 11097986 }, { "sender": "D8A7-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 15:46:09\n\n>>11096936 \n>Megaman 2 \n>Sonic 2 \n>Doom 2 \n>System Shock 2 \n \nIs this a troll post?", "pid": 11098256 }, { "sender": "9257-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 16:00:51\n\n>>11096936 \n>Pic relates \nI almost beat Desu Sex 2. it's not horrible, it's not as consolised like Unofficial DE3(Project Snowblind), it's just not that good compared to DE1. it made stealth more necessary because you die more easily, but the stealthy weapons all suck. enemy AI is improved but maybe it only looks improved because the levels are much smaller. your weapon accuracy is not awful at the beginning. but it's just not quite as fun. very linear despite the multiple subquest options you can take to curry-favor different factions. only the last few factional quests seem to matter for deciding the ending of the game. and their eyes all look like psychos. \n \nif it wasn't a DE game, i would just remember it as a decent shooter game that made use of Unreal 2 engine, with a forgetable plot and shit stealth. it would just be like many other FPS game with shit plot and stealth. it's not bad but it's not good. \n=== \n \nNot-DE3/ Project Snowblind was pretty much CoD Deus Ex. in a way it felt like playing Crysis but with more derpy facial graphix. never beat the game, 'cause it kept crashing during the silly stunt driving section. and there's no fan patches to fix the bugs. and Ubisoft kill support for it real fast. only had 1 patch made on multiplayer things, and no one played it for multiplayer.", "pid": 11098283 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FF7E", "message": "18/07/2024, 16:09:47\n\n>>11098283 \n>only had 1 patch made FOR multiplayer things,", "pid": 11098301 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-894A", "message": "18/07/2024, 16:53:31\n\n>>11096936 \nStop coping there are plenty of good sequels: Quake 2, GTA 2, Rayman 2, HL2, Yakuza 2, MGS2, THPS2, Age of Empires 2, Settlers 2, BF2, Cod2, Warcraft 2, Carmageddon 2, Dungeon Keeper II, Flatout 2, Hitman 2, Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, Resident Evil 2, Silent Hill 2, NFS Hot Pursuit 2, TimeSplitters 2", "pid": 11098376 }, { "sender": "2E2D-Anonymous", "message": "18/07/2024, 17:37:26\n\n>>11097780 \n>>DKC2 \n>I never played DKC but most people I know only like 1 \nYou must not know many people. DKC2 is very often considered the best one. The same way everybody gushes over Silent Hill 2 and Devil May Cry 3.", "pid": 11098435 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-809B", "message": "18/07/2024, 23:20:07\n\n>>11098376 \nFor every good sequel there's a dozen bad ones.", "pid": 11099131 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3DCE", "message": "18/07/2024, 23:37:43\n\n>>11097196 \nIsn't that the 6th or 7th game? MG MSX, MG NES, MG2, Snake's Revenge, MGS, VR Missions, Ghost of Babel, then MGS2?", "pid": 11099169 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C3B7", "message": "19/07/2024, 00:12:46\n\n>>11099169 \nYes but it's the second \"Solid\" game in full 3D. The Game Boy Color game released as \"Metal Gear Solid\" really just being Metal Gear: Ghost Babel and playing like a more refined Metal Gear 2.", "pid": 11099212 }, { "sender": "Anon-C97D", "message": "19/07/2024, 00:56:53\n\n>>11099131 \nTrue of games in general I think.", "pid": 11099289 }, { "sender": "0BF4-Anonymous", "message": "19/07/2024, 02:58:27\n\n>>11098283 \nThe biggest failings of IW were honestly technical. The game was clearly made for Xbox first with PC as an afterthought. Getting a game like DX to work on Xbox shouldn't have been that much of a problem since the xbox had great hardware and other PC games like Morrowind or Arx Fatalis got pretty faithful ports, but they were pushing all its' potential to a cracking point by trying to combine the mechanics of a Deus Ex game where you can break and move a lot of shit around, with better graphics, Unreal 2 physics and ragdolls, and DOOM 3 tier per-pixel lighting effects. It's what lead to a lot of weird corner cutting to optimize the game like the small levels, the universal ammo (don't quote me on this but i heard it was done to not spawn too many different ammo boxes in one level) and the game also crashing and then opening a new instance on PC when loading a new area. (Because of the Xbox \"stealth resetting\" itself to free up memory, a trick also done in Morrowind, but that IW devs somehow didn't account for on PC) \nMaybe making it PC only would have made it better, but then again a lot of people back then complained about the system requirements for it being too high, so maybe it would have sold a lot less.", "pid": 11099446 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8A59", "message": "19/07/2024, 03:10:07\n\n>>11096936 \nSuper Mario Land 1 < 2", "pid": 11099460 }, { "sender": "Anon-35DF", "message": "19/07/2024, 05:04:45\n\n>>11097009 \nInvisible War is superior to Human Revolution and is a much more authentic to the immersive sim roots of the original.", "pid": 11099625 }, { "sender": "0750-Anon", "message": "19/07/2024, 06:57:12\n\n>>11096994 \n>Interesting thread idea a shame OP licks goat. The reason Deus Ex IW sucked is probably one of the saddest in gaming, see the devs at Ion Storm didn't understand they made one of the best games ever despite the overwhelming critical and fan acclaim and decided they needed to streamline it and design it for consoles first, the devs shot themselves in the foot before they even started development. \nEidos was partially responsible for that, though Harvey Smith deserves no quarter for not only butchering the execution but also the story with his blasphemous apocryphal \"Deus Ex Bible\"", "pid": 11099752 }, { "sender": "Anon-A0D7", "message": "19/07/2024, 21:20:06\n\n>>11096936 \ninvisible war was fun and based and im not going to join your two minutes hate", "pid": 11101119 }, { "sender": "Anon-5368", "message": "19/07/2024, 23:24:21\n\n>>11097986 \nYou're probably thinking of Jedi Knight 2 being the best in the series. Dark Forces 2 is kind of jank but it was ambitious and had huge missions for its day.", "pid": 11101264 }, { "sender": "F3E4-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 01:14:17\n\n>>11096936 \nDOOM 2 is better than DOOM because of what it added to the game. Just play the old DOOM maps in 2 through a wad if you hate its level design that much (understandable)", "pid": 11101451 }, { "sender": "Anon-8CA5", "message": "20/07/2024, 05:45:07\n\n>>11096936 \nDoom 2 vastly improves on Doom's gameplay, even if it took until Final Doom to really show it off proper. \nZelda 2 is somewhat contentious, but only retards don't like SMB2 or Megaman 2. \n \nHere are some sequels to good games which are either almost as good, actually as good, or even better (I'll leave all of you to decide which are which on your own): \n>Megaman 2 \n>Super Mario Bros. 2 (aka Donkey Donkey Picnic) \n>Diablo 2 \n>Simcity 2000 \n>Warcraft 2 \n>Half-Life 2 \n>Grand Theft Auto 2 \n>Metroid 2 \n>Worms 2 \n>Duke Nukem 2 \n>Syndicate Wars \n>Baldur's Gate 2 \n>Earthbound \n>Quake 2 \n>Mario Party 2 \n>Street Fighter 2 \n>Final Fight 2 \n>Wario Land 2 \n>Heretic 2 \n>Shining Force 2 \n>Indiana Jones & The Fate Of Atlantis (sort of) \n>Re-Loaded \n>Advance Wars 2 \n>Silent Hill 2 \n>Resident Evil 2 \n>Age Of Empires 2 \n>Splatterhouse 2 \n>Arkanoid 2 \n>Super Punch-Out!! \nMany of these also have sequels of their own which are good, and/or good as fuck expansion packs. I can also think of some non-retro ones, but that's another subject. tl;dr OP is an intergalactic doublenigger", "pid": 11101889 }, { "sender": "65BC-Anonymous", "message": "20/07/2024, 12:51:05\n\n>>11097778 \nPerfect Dark also includes a significant portion of Goldeneye's multiplayer. All the weapons, and some of the maps. My group played Perfect Dark in the remake of Goldeneye's Complex almost exclusively \n \nGoldeneye: Source is a better way to play Goldeneye multiplayer today, but it gets old fast.", "pid": 11102410 }, { "sender": "Dave", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:20:58\n\n>>11097196 \nI don't like MGS games at all. \n \nI can't stand Kojima. \n \nit always screamed pretentiously cheesy, Kojima will never be a real American or a film maker", "pid": 11103159 }, { "sender": "3D46-Anon", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:26:39\n\n>>11096936 \nDid you just pick random games and add a 2 to the end? There are several exampled you cite where the sequel is even better than the first game", "pid": 11103180 }, { "sender": "Anon-1149", "message": "20/07/2024, 20:39:43\n\n>>11096936 \n>Be Square Enix \n>buy a lot of western IP \n>Force shitty ideas \n>Most games go from unplayable (Thief), to playable at best (Hitman) \n>Deus Ex that manages to be better than the second game in the series \nHow the hell did the second game turn out so badly?", "pid": 11103213 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-84AA", "message": "21/07/2024, 07:02:10\n\n>>11096936 \n>doom 2 \n>system shock 2 \n>hexen 2 \nwrong. \nand you left a shitload of sequels out. riven, thief 2, diablo 2, duke nukem 2, HOMM2... \nwhatever, a lot of sequels are shit or lose some magic, but it's not ALWAYS the case. many games are as good or better.", "pid": 11104106 }, { "sender": "Anon-B638", "message": "21/07/2024, 07:03:59\n\n>>11103159 \n>pretentiously cheesy \nwhat the fuck", "pid": 11104108 } ]
[ { "sender": "91DE-Anonymous", "message": "21/07/2024, 15:19:50\n\nWhat roles do tornadoes play in the ecosystem? Are there any \"benefits\" to them?", "pid": 4845235 }, { "sender": "B44F-Anonymous", "message": "21/07/2024, 15:25:36\n\nThere can be no life without death", "pid": 4845236 }, { "sender": "Anon-B272", "message": "21/07/2024, 15:40:37\n\nElectro-statics", "pid": 4845244 }, { "sender": "51DB-Anon", "message": "21/07/2024, 15:44:59\n\n>>4845235 \n>Are there any \"benefits\" to them? \nnot really. they're too infrequent to have any noticeable effect on ecosystems. they're not like wildfires out west", "pid": 4845248 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5F79", "message": "21/07/2024, 21:50:50\n\n>>4845235 \nthat's God vacuuming up sinners", "pid": 4845395 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2D1A", "message": "21/07/2024, 21:52:06\n\ndumbest threat of the month so far gj op", "pid": 4845396 }, { "sender": "3142-Anon", "message": "21/07/2024, 22:32:05\n\n>>4845396 \nNope, that title goes to the spam of >>4840797", "pid": 4845428 }, { "sender": "Anon-56CB", "message": "21/07/2024, 23:27:04\n\n>>4845428 \nnah, thats just a meme", "pid": 4845467 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FB17", "message": "21/07/2024, 23:39:22\n\n>>4845467 \nspamming isn't a meme.", "pid": 4845474 }, { "sender": "BA30-Anon", "message": "22/07/2024, 01:09:17\n\n>>4845235 \nMost of tornado alley is now corn and onions fields isn’t it? Wouldn’t all the habitat and wildlife that would make up potentially tornado dependent ecosystems be gone or super fragmented?", "pid": 4845504 }, { "sender": "4061-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 01:25:16\n\n>>4845235 \nCarry fish to new waters, carry soil to new plants, leave lots of dead bodies for scavengers. This was a good question OP don't let the retards that fuck animals incapable of thinking for 2 mins tell you otherwise.", "pid": 4845514 }, { "sender": "E25E-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 01:26:16\n\n>>4845235 \nSame as most storms, atmospheric stabilization.", "pid": 4845515 }, { "sender": "4170-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 01:32:08\n\nhigh winds are natural disturbances that help out trees continue the cycle. \nfuck them poplars", "pid": 4845517 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC9A", "message": "22/07/2024, 12:33:45\n\n>>4845504 \nthis also \nfuck this söy filter btw", "pid": 4845715 }, { "sender": "Anon-0DAC", "message": "22/07/2024, 12:39:22\n\n>>4845235 \n>What roles do tornadoes play in the ecosystem? \n \nThey transport fish.", "pid": 4845720 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F47B", "message": "22/07/2024, 17:49:28\n\n>>4845467 \nno, it's cancer", "pid": 4845869 }, { "sender": "76BE-Anonymous", "message": "22/07/2024, 19:24:38\n\n>>4845235 \nMy only God is Storm. \nImagine if someone could actually control the weather. They could pull the plug of the world. No wonder she's an omega 5.", "pid": 4845920 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6EF6", "message": "22/07/2024, 19:40:47\n\n>>4845514 \nthank you anon", "pid": 4845930 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B39", "message": "22/07/2024, 19:46:38\n\n>>4845467 \nYou need to kill yourself and go back", "pid": 4845935 }, { "sender": "0E99-Anonymous", "message": "23/07/2024, 00:52:20\n\n>>4845235 \nwhy would something as detrimental and pointless as a tornado evolve? exactly what adaptation does it have? what ecological niche does it fill? atheists proven fucking retarded yet again.", "pid": 4846069 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1433", "message": "23/07/2024, 02:22:51\n\nNatural disasters don't exist as a planetary balance or have some evolutionary reason behind it. They're just the product of extreme reactions.\n\nLike, a planet doesn't develop its core in a certain way to house magma that will cause volcanoes and produce land. The planet itself is not trying to \"stay alive\" or \"repopulate\" like a tree or bacteria is. A planet doesn't even care if it can house life at all.", "pid": 4846089 }, { "sender": "Anon-BD2D", "message": "23/07/2024, 12:22:21\n\n>>4845235 \nExtreme spider and wind adapted seed spreading events. Carrion for carnivores and scavengers. Especially aerial ones who already take advantage of disaster kills like various raptors with wildfires.", "pid": 4846282 }, { "sender": "6133-Anon", "message": "24/07/2024, 19:54:04\n\nThey stir things up", "pid": 4846992 }, { "sender": "D347-Anonymous", "message": "27/07/2024, 05:20:24\n\n>>4845235 \ntheyre cool to look at :)", "pid": 4848507 }, { "sender": "9628-Anonymous", "message": "30/07/2024, 06:09:31\n\n>>4845395 \nsinners like this guy >>4846992?", "pid": 4850208 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-A3CA", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:45:19\n\nWhen will he start being a good MC", "pid": 267721298 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7F1F", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:50:03\n\nIn about a year when get the next 12 chapters and he actually starts to fight something", "pid": 267721440 }, { "sender": "Anon-D4B0", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:57:17\n\n>>267721298 \nChapter 1 of TBV", "pid": 267721683 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E475", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:01:37\n\nwhen you stop reading boruto and read fucking anything else", "pid": 267721813 }, { "sender": "D46D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:18:18\n\n>>267721298 \nBoruto is flawed from the fucking premise. \nNaruto ended with Naruto and Sasuke becoming the strongest beings that ever lived, being able to enforce peace by a position of both moral authority and overwhelming power. \nBringing in a threat stronger than them, and then taking they both out of the board entirely while having to pull some bullshit to elevate Boruto's and swarthy random kid's power level to godlike, just so the new villains don't insta-win, is retarded, it's the worst path this story could've taken", "pid": 267722367 }, { "sender": "B011-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:20:28\n\n>>267721298 \nHis dad never was why pressure him to", "pid": 267724175 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-21CF", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:22:12\n\n>>267721298 \nWhen he learns about Raikage and his father's past.", "pid": 267724224 }, { "sender": "FAF3-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:28:35\n\n>>267721298 \nIt was over when they let Kishimoto do whatever he wanted with the writing and came up with \"Bolt\" get it? because Neji died? Sasuga Kishimoto? and what a great idea to turn Naruto into a shitty father and to make his son hate the main character of the original series that they read for 20 years, that would be really awesome! lmao", "pid": 267724396 } ]
Question for non-latin /a/nons
[ { "sender": "23FC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:18:18\n\nQuestion for non-latin /a/nons\n\nDid you watch 'Dotto koni chan!\"\n\nOn the internet people claims that show its the equivalent of 'ghost stories' for hispanics because of its original dub\n\nShare your xperiences", "pid": 267718704 }, { "sender": "ACEF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:34:08\n\nNever got an english release of any kind, not even fansubs. Despite being helmed by Nabeshin.", "pid": 267719183 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-80FC", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:51:32\n\nthe golden knight and his waifu segments were kino", "pid": 267719725 }, { "sender": "F7CC-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:02:33\n\n>>267718704 \nthey fucked up by getting rid of the afro dog", "pid": 267720026 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3185", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:04:21\n\n>>267718704 \nFirst time I hear of this. \nt. Mexican", "pid": 267720095 }, { "sender": "2C31-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:05:08\n\n>>267720095 \nyou're probably 20yo or younger", "pid": 267720123 }, { "sender": "008A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:09:22\n\n>>267719195 \nWhat causes a person to go on the internet and spew vile things like this?", "pid": 267720255 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E5B1", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:35:24\n\n>>267720123 \nI'm 32", "pid": 267721011 }, { "sender": "5273-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:41:11\n\n>>267718704 \nIt's funny how the shonen MC parody guy has not just the same voice, but also nearly the exact same design and personality as the MC of Run for Money.", "pid": 267721181 }, { "sender": "9CFF-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:49:04\n\n>>267721011 \nbullshit \nno one over 30 would waste his time in this board", "pid": 267721412 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A66C", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:08:24\n\nI hate spics and beaners so fucking much \nGlass South and central America", "pid": 267722037 }, { "sender": "2968-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:15:33\n\n>>267722037 \nhi neighbor", "pid": 267722296 }, { "sender": "Anon-2D8C", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:42:09\n\n>>267718704 \nWatched the first episode merely to see how it was. Thought it was decently fun but didn't watch further since I already have enough shows on my plate, maybe I'll get back to it. Pink girl is cute though", "pid": 267723054 }, { "sender": "Anon-C93B", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:16:31\n\n>>267723054 \nThe fact that it's confirmed that she takes the virginity of all the boys in the group is so fucking based.", "pid": 267724066 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9793", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:39:58\n\n>>267718704 \nas a latinxer the only episode i remember is the one where there's like a billion power rangers and they never stop intorudinc themselves", "pid": 267724708 }, { "sender": "F484-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:47:26\n\n>>267718704 \n \nI only watched some of it because i couldnt stand the latino dubbing. \n \n>>267719183 \n \nIm still surprised at this, you figure someone wouldve atleast fansubbed it. \nLets nupu nupu has a fansub, why not this.", "pid": 267724922 }, { "sender": "33A7-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:48:59\n\n>>267724066 \nwut?", "pid": 267724958 } ]
[ { "sender": "2266-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:48:29\n\nWhat is the appeal of manga and anime filled with big muscular men when you are not a homo?", "pid": 267719643 }, { "sender": "21BE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:43:51\n\n>>267719643 \nfor People who are into that thing", "pid": 267721254 }, { "sender": "Anon-AB4B", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:50:14\n\n>>267719643 \nI just can't stand bishi twinks pulling off physical feats like Kengan characters do.", "pid": 267721450 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-654C", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:52:54\n\n>>267719643 \nyou woulnd't get it, sissified whiteboi cuckie", "pid": 267721540 }, { "sender": "0C26-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:01:24\n\n>>267719643 \nYou're just not manly enough to see them as beautiful women.", "pid": 267721809 }, { "sender": "Anon-CDA2", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:02:34\n\nThere's none, it's made for Homosexuals like myself.", "pid": 267721850 }, { "sender": "470F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:13:35\n\naspiration", "pid": 267722233 }, { "sender": "760E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:27:00\n\nI unironically don't get what's gay about it.\nApart from Retsu.", "pid": 267722626 }, { "sender": "1D36-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:30:47\n\n>>267719643 \n\"he's just like me\"", "pid": 267722737 }, { "sender": "F49E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:41:50\n\n>>267719643", "pid": 267723043 }, { "sender": "Anon-8404", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:16:25\n\n>>267719643 \n>t. can't lift water bottle", "pid": 267724060 }, { "sender": "Anon-C5B7", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:32:37\n\n>>267721450 \nI blame Saint Seiya, HunterxHunter and Rurounin Kenshin for popularizing bishie=strong hunk=jobber", "pid": 267724525 }, { "sender": "0904-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:36:07\n\n>>267719643 \nThey look cool", "pid": 267724626 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D086", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:41:47\n\n>>267719643 \nAspiration. Men seek something to look up, to emulate, to become. Back in the day people would look at Superman, a broad impossing and confident figure and young boys would go 'I wish I could be like him'. Then the same happened with Goku, then so on. Until eventually it petered out because more and more media tried to pander to girls.", "pid": 267724759 }, { "sender": "Anon-B1F2", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:47:30\n\n>>267723043 \nNo, you mean you don't want to top them, but you do fantasize about bottoming to them.", "pid": 267724923 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0C91", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:49:34\n\n>>267719643 \nlooking at big guys will eventually make me meet a big guy irl 4 me", "pid": 267724973 }, { "sender": "5D18-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:54:50\n\n>>267719643 \nI want to look like them", "pid": 267725116 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-13E9", "message": "14/06/2024, 22:03:18\n\n>>267724525 \nBecause you're a resentful gymcel. Cute guys like me get all the girls IRL and kill ogre losers like you in fiction.", "pid": 267725343 } ]
Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai
[ { "sender": "1BD7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:47:03\n\nYoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai\n\nReconciliation soon", "pid": 267701909 }, { "sender": "95FD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:50:31\n\n>>267701909 \nKill Kano", "pid": 267701992 }, { "sender": "Anon-3006", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:56:57\n\nIt's over", "pid": 267702134 }, { "sender": "Anon-C0B8", "message": "14/06/2024, 03:58:25\n\n \nChapter 5 of the novel has some bits and pieces not in the anime that I thought was interesting. \n>At the beginning of the chapter/episode, Mahiru looked at the way Kano chugged down her orange juice like a beer, and wondered if Kano would be an angry drunk in the future \n>Amid all her self-doubts when Kano visited her at home, Mahiru thought pic related Kano was cute \n>Mahiru didn't dislike it when Kano called her a めんどくさい女 during their aquarium date. She's been faking her way through life for so long that there are sides of herself that she didn't know, yet Kano was able to notice and point them out. She felt like she could be her true self when being with Kano, it was comfortable \n>Mahiru wanted to get good, to become special because she wanted to repay Kano, and also to secure her place in JELEE. Kano's \"I like your arts\" wasn't enough as those words are subjective to Kano's mood. Mahiru needed a more concrete reason to be able to believe that she isn't replaceable, to stop hating herself \n>On new year, on the surface Mahiru complained when Kano dragged her by hand to go buy amazake but inside she was like \"Her forceful attitude, her innocent smile, the warmth of her hand, a familiar sensation, slightly higher than mine. I didn't dislike any of it\"", "pid": 267702170 }, { "sender": "Anon-AFA2", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:10:26\n\n>>267701909 \nlesbian sex soon", "pid": 267702424 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A568", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:18:53\n\n>>267702170 \n>and wondered if Kano would be an angry drunk in the future \nShe certainly will be after getting dumped by Chadhiru for her mom.", "pid": 267702617 }, { "sender": "5E8E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:57:01\n\nMahiru is not gay", "pid": 267703346 }, { "sender": "8B7F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 04:59:25\n\nMahiru a shit.\nA SHIT.", "pid": 267703395 }, { "sender": "2259-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:05:11\n\n>gets kissed (on the cheek) once \n>turns into a raging lesbian", "pid": 267703508 }, { "sender": "3609-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 05:25:43\n\nMero will win the Mahirubowl", "pid": 267703926 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD25", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:29:44\n\n>>267703926 \n>steals both of Mei's gfs \nShe can't keep getting away with it!", "pid": 267705017 }, { "sender": "3274-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:34:13\n\nKano is down bad for Mahiru's pussy.", "pid": 267705094 }, { "sender": "CC12-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:35:00\n\n>>267703829 \n>Kano-chan, we've been like this for half an hour, are you going to ravage me or not?", "pid": 267705106 }, { "sender": "Anon-3009", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:36:18\n\nMeroMahiru this episode", "pid": 267705130 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C939", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:48:09\n\nThere is a better fight\nA cause close to my heart\nA struggle against loneliness\nthat’s tearing you apart\n\nWhere you gonna run to now\nfrom loneliness?\nWho you gonna turn to\nout of loneliness?\n\nLike Ringo walking by the canal\ndowncast and alone\nYou’re taking time to play that part\nA man who skims a stone\n\nWhere you gonna run to now\nfrom loneliness?\nWho you gonna turn to\nout of loneliness?\n\nWhen you gonna not say no\nand make the answer yes?\nWho is here to help you out?\nOh tell me – Can’t you guess?\n\nWherever you go\nyou take yourself with you\nThere’s nowhere you can hide\nfrom the loneliness\nthat’s haunting your life\nthe sense of wounded pride\n\nEverybody needs time to think\nNobody can live without love\n\nWhere you gonna run to now\nfrom loneliness?\nWho you gonna turn to\nout of loneliness?\n\nWhen you gonna not say no\nand make the answer yes?\nWho is here to help you out?\nOh tell me – Can’t you guess?\n\nWhere you gonna run to now\nfrom loneliness?\nWhen you gonna not say no\nand answer yes?\n\nWho you gonna turn to now\nfrom loneliness?\nWho could come and help you out?\nOh, can’t you guess?\n\nWhen you gonna not say no\nand make the answer yes?\nWho is here to help you\nturn your back on loneliness?", "pid": 267705336 }, { "sender": "Anon-1FC8", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:49:03\n\n>>267705336 \nMei will love it, Kano.", "pid": 267705356 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-84B2", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:53:20\n\n>>267705336 \nMero would instantly stop being evil upon hearing this song.", "pid": 267705433 }, { "sender": "FB27-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 06:56:32\n\n>>267701992 \nWith Mahiru's relentless lovemaking", "pid": 267705481 }, { "sender": "A4C8-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:00:14\n\nSEXOOO", "pid": 267705533 }, { "sender": "2D8F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:24:38\n\n>>267705533 \n>gets redemption arc AND a cute gf \nMero sure is lucky", "pid": 267705859 }, { "sender": "DB6C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:26:11\n\n>>267705533 \nHow many woman's hearts has she broken?", "pid": 267705873 }, { "sender": "Anon-97D3", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:29:14\n\n>>267705106 \n>implying Kano has the balls to initiate the sex", "pid": 267705919 }, { "sender": "D5C5-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:36:13\n\n>>267705873 \nShe breaks them because she can't mend her own.", "pid": 267705997 }, { "sender": "Anon-E657", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:51:50\n\n>>267705859 \n>redemption \nnever", "pid": 267706159 }, { "sender": "DBD0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:57:14\n\n \n \n \n>The first thing Kano did after getting back on her feet is promoting Mahiru's art account 2 days in a row \n>\"This hair buns JELEE-chan is so cute, maybe I will try this hairstyle\" \n>Went to buy jellyfish shaped breads on the third day \nKano...", "pid": 267706214 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-46E7", "message": "14/06/2024, 07:58:18\n\n>>267706214 \nLast tweet before the reconciliation will just be \"I want to fuck Yoru\".", "pid": 267706220 }, { "sender": "Anon-B7DE", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:03:55\n\n>>267706214 \nIn scale of 1-10 how good is Mahiru pussy to make Kano act so pathetic like this, I'm getting a secondhand embarrassment", "pid": 267706276 }, { "sender": "Anon-CC72", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:07:39\n\n>>267706276 \nThe best", "pid": 267706318 }, { "sender": "577C-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:10:35\n\nThe second chapter of the manga got translated, go check it out.", "pid": 267706358 }, { "sender": "A84A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:14:56\n\n>>267706318 \nThe way that strap kept falling off her shoulder made her so cute in that scene", "pid": 267706399 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8292", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:18:42\n\n>>267706318 \nWhy is her body so perfect?", "pid": 267706446 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1BD2", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:23:17\n\n>>267706446 \nBecause it's the body of the girl you love, Kano.", "pid": 267706505 }, { "sender": "BD0E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:28:30\n\n>>267706505 \nWell yes, Mei's body is perfect too.", "pid": 267706556 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5805", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:30:33\n\nBefore episode 12, I want Kano to go completely crazy from her Mahiru withdrawal. I want her to go on X and gush about how, like her art, Mahiru is really pretty too, that she wants to go on a date with her again, and how much she misses her despite her support for her.", "pid": 267706573 }, { "sender": "1894-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:33:10\n\n>>267706573 \n90% of JELEE's fanbase would react negatively and feel Kimura-chan is being NTR'd.", "pid": 267706611 }, { "sender": "Anon-AE85", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:33:26\n\n>>267706573 \nAnd she'll start calling her Mahi-tan and stalk her.", "pid": 267706614 }, { "sender": "Anon-42DF", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:43:29\n\n>>267706611 \nOldfags vindicated, newfags mass suicide.", "pid": 267706725 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-07B9", "message": "14/06/2024, 08:57:32\n\n>>267706611 \nMei will just upload a video of her and Mero making out later and everyone will move on.", "pid": 267706879 }, { "sender": "D25A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:03:46\n\n>>267706318 \n>inb4 this random ecchi shot that was so out of place is to convince people that Kano's eagerness to fuck Mahiru is valid", "pid": 267706950 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A71A", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:19:19\n\n>>267706950 \nThey basically made a character just to show Kano's eagerness to look at and touch titties so I easily buy her attraction to Mahiru.", "pid": 267707138 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-000D", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:38:07\n\nKinda sad how these threads are a ghost town midweek while GBC maintains constant threads. What went wrong?", "pid": 267708161 }, { "sender": "Anon-0AFE", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:46:50\n\n>>267707138 \n>Kiwi introduced Koharu to the group \n>Koharu casually told the group about how eager Kano was to touch her big titties and how excited she was when fondling them \n>Kano desperately tried to explain away while Mahiru looked at her like she was looking at walking garbage \n>Later that night, Mahiru looked up methods to make her breast bigger", "pid": 267708297 }, { "sender": "Anon-7281", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:57:01\n\n>>267708297 \nSo she'll get implants? Can't really see that. Mei on the other hand would in a heartbeat if Kano asked her to.", "pid": 267708476 }, { "sender": "Anon-B5BA", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:01:04\n\n>>267708161 \nthe script is just not good.", "pid": 267708541 }, { "sender": "A1A7-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:01:45\n\nWhen you reach the end of a series and you hate both main characters, you realize the writers fucked up big time.", "pid": 267708555 }, { "sender": "Anon-CBF2", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:02:32\n\n>>267708555 \nit's not the end yet thoughever", "pid": 267708567 }, { "sender": "C0EA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:03:11\n\nDoomers will kneel when episode 11 and 12 drop", "pid": 267708582 }, { "sender": "B808-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:09:59\n\n>>267708161 \nIt will just end in another Mahiru did nothing wrong vs Kano did nothing wrong fight so I kinda prefer we patiently wait until the airing time", "pid": 267708698 }, { "sender": "A730-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:11:12\n\nlast 2 episodes will be Mei episodes", "pid": 267708718 }, { "sender": "0588-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:12:24\n\nLast 2 episodes will be Kaho episodes", "pid": 267708738 }, { "sender": "2873-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:12:33\n\nLet us be honest with ourselves here, the matter of the fact is that if this anime were good, we would have had a 24 minute episode of Kano's pure unhinged rant through her phone call with Mahiru, to which Mahiru would only reply: \"What a bother.\" And hung up. The follow-up episode would be Kano cutting herself to repent for what she said to Mahiru.", "pid": 267708741 }, { "sender": "Anon-93C4", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:13:25\n\nThis is not that kind of anime.", "pid": 267708756 }, { "sender": "4051-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:14:50\n\n>>267708741 \nThis show is written by Yaku Yuuki, not Iruma Hitoma", "pid": 267708784 }, { "sender": "DE76-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:20:44\n\n>>267708741 \nThe Adashima anime didn't reach that scene so I guess it's shit.", "pid": 267708871 }, { "sender": "Anon-AD1A", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:21:55\n\n>>267708161 \n>checks bgc thread \n>a bunch of mygo anon parasiting there", "pid": 267708898 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FFD4", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:23:10\n\n>>267702170 \n> would be an angry drunk in the future \nyuri DV...", "pid": 267708918 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ACBE", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:24:59\n\n>>267708161 \nboth shows have same demographic anyway, and GBC ep comes out soon", "pid": 267708950 }, { "sender": "Anon-DCC6", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:28:48\n\n>>267708871 \nSaved by the Adachi's pure autism. Unfortunately, YoruKura doesn't have that...", "pid": 267709023 }, { "sender": "Anon-B3AB", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:31:29\n\n>>267708741 \n>24 minute long adashima phone call rant \ncan you imagine?", "pid": 267709072 }, { "sender": "Anon-E19B", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:33:14\n\n>>267708161 \n>What went wrong? \nKano and Mahiru getting into a fight. The whole discussion about who was in the right/wrong got tiresome, but any threads made will get to that one way or the other. \n \nThe funny thing is both characters' development led to this from the beginning. This was always going to happen. Kano has deep rooted abandonment issues she wasn't fully aware of until recently. Episode 4 was already a clear indication how tunnel visioned she can get regarding her JELEE project, to the point she doesn't consider that the other girls have also got lives of their own. \nThen, Mahiru has a clear inferiority complex. She liked drawing but she let criticism from friends make her stop doing what she liked. She started drawing again, but that anxiety of being judged hasn't gone away, and this was quite clear in episode 5, especially when she asked Kano whose art was better between hers and that fanartist. The fact that her JELEE teammates were a talented former idol, a talented pianist and a famous v-tuber didn't help, she felt as if she wasn't as good as the others. Getting noticed by a company was always going to interest her, and Yukine also knew what to tell her. \n \nBoth Kano and Mahiru became very attached to each other, at the very least Kano seems emotionally dependent of Mahiru to a degree. Mahiru as well since big part of her motivation isn't just for herself, but she also sees it as a way to repay Kano for rekindling her passion for drawing. However, neither fully understood or overlooked all the signs the other one showed about having deeper issues. Kano ignored Mahiru's need to improve her art, and Mahiru ignored Kano's blatant family problems. \n \nThus, in the end, when Mahiru decided to do that work for Sundolls all went to shit. Not because it was necessarily a wrong choice, but because Kano was predisposed to take it very badly, but also Mahiru ignored all the warnings that Yukine might not be a good person to work with (though this is yet to be seen).", "pid": 267709104 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3C9E", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:35:40\n\n>>267709072 \nThe fact that both Mahiru and Shimamura are voiced by Itou Miku is so funny in this scenario", "pid": 267709140 }, { "sender": "Anon-631F", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:38:28\n\nIf this anime doesn't have kiss on the lips it will be shit.\nIf it does it will remembered as one of the greatest yuri original.", "pid": 267709182 }, { "sender": "E5C4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:43:04\n\n>>267709140 \nEven better Itou Miku is also voicing Satou Yumiko from the Seiyuu Radio anime. Yumiko also has an inferiority complex, though, in her case it's mostly based on actually being competitive rather than just having low self-esteem like Mahiru.", "pid": 267709265 }, { "sender": "C324-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:43:28\n\n>>267709104 \nI'm not sure they'll end the Yukine subplot on such a grey note, but I think it would be interesting if she really has no ulterior motives with Mahiru and is a good influence on her as an artist, and Kano will have to accept Mahiru working with her despite Kano and Yukine having no intention to reconcile. It would be a mature way to handle Kano and Mahiru's relationship going forward even though it would lack some catharsis.", "pid": 267709274 }, { "sender": "3151-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:48:49\n\n>>267709265 \nThe fact that Itou Miku voiced so many gay anime girls need to be studied \n>Seiyuu Radio \nIs that one good? I dropped the manga midway so I've yet to touch the anime", "pid": 267709374 }, { "sender": "7B2A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:50:13\n\n>>267709182 \nunironically this. All my feelings depend on this one decision", "pid": 267709398 }, { "sender": "BCFE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:52:43\n\n>>267709274 \n>has no ulterior motives with Mahiru \nShe doesn't need to, though. I mean, Yukine is a businesswoman and a highly ambitious person. I doubt she's got time to mess with her daughter. \nThe thing is, though, that even though she has found potential in Mahiru that doesn't mean that what Yukine wants matches what Mahiru wants. So, if Mahiru doesn't fully deliver what Yukine expects then Yukine might just ditch Mahiru (despite knowing from the get-go she's an amateur artist). Or maybe Yukine always just wanted Mahiru for concept art and never for the final product (for example episode 5 again in which a fanartist managed to do some really cool art based on Mahiru's concept idea), which would actually make sense, since hiring Mahiru always seems liked a risky thing to do.", "pid": 267709441 }, { "sender": "58CB-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:55:12\n\n>>267709374 \n>Is that one good? \nI think it's okay. It's not great, but I wouldn't calle it mediocre either. The story is easy to follow, and the relationship between Yumiko and Chika is quite nice.", "pid": 267709482 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-ACC3", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:55:24\n\n>>267709104 \nWhy did you put so much effort to reply to an obvious shitpost? \nLeaving that aside, I completely agree, although there will always be people saying it was forced or a stupid turn of events. \nEpisode 9 was amazing precisely because it completely makes sense within the context of the characters.", "pid": 267709489 }, { "sender": "39D6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:57:18\n\nDidn't you notice already that all the best episodes are the gay ones?", "pid": 267709517 }, { "sender": "30DF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:02:41\n\n>>267709182 \nIt will have a kiss on the lips. \n \n~~Between Mei and Mero~~", "pid": 267709628 }, { "sender": "2B3F-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:03:39\n\n>>267709441 \nThat would work to push Kano and Mahiru back together, but I specifically wonder about a scenario where this venture doesn't end poorly for Mahiru and she'd be open to further collaboration in the future while still being mainly focused on JELEE.", "pid": 267709642 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BA21", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:41:39\n\nImagine if Mei wins.", "pid": 267710241 }, { "sender": "A0FF-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:34:00\n\n>>267710241 \nImagine the body count if Mei loses.", "pid": 267711177 }, { "sender": "FAAA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:01:20\n\nImagine if <s>OT3 ending</s>", "pid": 267711606 }, { "sender": "0490-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:33:36\n\n>>267709140", "pid": 267712271 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F448", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:37:03\n\nKiui will win", "pid": 267712347 }, { "sender": "Anon-4ABB", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:47:04\n\n>>267709517 \nIt's not just a yuri bias, but that's how it works for X meets Y stories. In straight stories it's called romance and its peak is generally considered to be an emotional scene of closeness sealed with a kiss.", "pid": 267712569 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1DCF", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:46:22\n\n>>267709642 \n>this venture doesn't end poorly for Mahiru and she'd be open to further collaboration in the future \nI think that'll depend on how Kano and Yukine's relationship develops, if it does at all. Mahiru will learn about what happened between the two of them and I doubt she'll be open to work with Yukine after she learns of what happened, if Kano and Yukine never mend their relationship.", "pid": 267714014 }, { "sender": "F014-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:56:42\n\n>>267708567 \nI already dislike Kano and absolutely hate Yoru, nothing will save their characters for me. The pairing fucking sucks.", "pid": 267714332 }, { "sender": "Anon-84B6", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:08:54\n\n>>267708555 \n>>267714332 \nFor the first time in a while writer does a good job portraying flawed characters and a believable conflict between friends, but thin skin faggots can't handle it.", "pid": 267714699 }, { "sender": "1361-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:20:20\n\n>>267706318 \nPost the nip-slip edit.", "pid": 267715082 }, { "sender": "Anon-2AA4", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:44:49\n\n>>267708555 \nThat's only because you're an anti-yuri schizo who initially hoped there would be a male self-insert.", "pid": 267715939 }, { "sender": "Anon-8D72", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:21:39\n\n>>267710241 \nMei deserves to win something at least for saving JEELE.", "pid": 267717000 }, { "sender": "Anon-C3BA", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:28:41\n\n>>267714699 \nBoth MCs have been acting in a very obnoxious way. Mahiru dropped everything to pursue fame, Kano has obvious anger issues and should be put in a mental facility.", "pid": 267717196 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F21D", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:42\n\n>>267717223 \nMero/Nonoka is the ship we need but do not deserve.", "pid": 267717285 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AE73", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:02:41\n\n>>267717223 \n>Mero slobbering all over you like a lobotomized dog \nHow do you escape this situation?", "pid": 267718188 }, { "sender": "66B4-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:07:58\n\n>>267718188 \nCall Mei. She slobbers harder.", "pid": 267718365 }, { "sender": "6BDC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:32:23\n\nI can't believe the bike hag will appear again I'm so happy", "pid": 267719135 }, { "sender": "387E-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:27:38\n\n>>267717223 \nIf the anime does deliver on this, I'm buying the BDs. Mei deserves something.", "pid": 267720782 }, { "sender": "Anon-0214", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:31:11\n\n>>267720782 \n>blue eyes \nThat's Kano. The idea is Mero kissing her while Kano tries to punch her.", "pid": 267720888 }, { "sender": "9D88-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:55:39\n\nSoon.", "pid": 267721622 }, { "sender": "52D2-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:56:35\n\nSomeone mildly inconvenienced me brb I'm going to doxx them.", "pid": 267721653 }, { "sender": "136B-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:22:19\n\nHow many hours until the episode? The wait is killing me", "pid": 267722488 }, { "sender": "2585-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:23:56\n\n>>267722488 \n20. Go to sleep, head out for a walk, take a shower etc.", "pid": 267722544 }, { "sender": "61EB-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:00:59\n\nFinal scene will be Kano pushing Mahiru off the escalator, killing her.", "pid": 267723640 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-2A25", "message": "09/06/2024, 03:29:04\n\nDREAMS THREAD", "pid": 47044101 }, { "sender": "6CC1-Anonymous", "message": "09/06/2024, 07:31:46\n\n>>47044101 \n\"Enjoying the dream so far, anon?\"", "pid": 47045021 }, { "sender": "9BCF-Anonymous", "message": "09/06/2024, 08:28:24\n\n>>47044101 \nDoes anyone know how to achieve lucid dreams?", "pid": 47045207 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A831", "message": "09/06/2024, 08:54:18\n\n>>47045207 \nIt's impossible for footfags, I'm sorry Anon.", "pid": 47045324 }, { "sender": "9743-Anonymous", "message": "09/06/2024, 09:06:06\n\n>>47044101 \nI had a dream the other night where I was talking with my discord friend and she typed a message to me with incomprehensible spelling and when I asked her to clarify I think she wanted to get me pregnant. And then I felt what it might feel like.", "pid": 47045399 }, { "sender": "5F68-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 09:28:32\n\ndream paizuri", "pid": 47045524 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B40F", "message": "09/06/2024, 10:03:10\n\nI had a dream where Will Smith was in a film that was like a weird realistic version of Shark Tales complete with the faces on the fish\nI...I don't know what it means.", "pid": 47045693 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-36E4", "message": "09/06/2024, 11:10:10\n\n>>47045324 \nBut I'm never going to do anything sinful.", "pid": 47046090 }, { "sender": "94C8-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 16:22:18\n\nI had a dream where all my family kicked me out of a car and said they didn't like me :(", "pid": 47048626 }, { "sender": "895B-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 16:25:38\n\nI had a dream where\nOKAY FINE I'M LYING I JUST FIND DOREMY REALLY FUCKING HOT AAAAAAAAA SEX WITH THE SMUG DREAM BAKU FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK AHAAHHAHAHAHA", "pid": 47048635 }, { "sender": "D034-Anonymous", "message": "09/06/2024, 17:05:49\n\n>>47048635 \nDo you often dream of Doremy, anon?", "pid": 47048799 }, { "sender": "3C47-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 17:11:05\n\n>>47044101 \nI had a dream where I was playing Origins and the panzer was replaced with freddy fazbear, and when I woke up, I was sweating. \nWas it a nightmare or Doremy is telling me something?", "pid": 47048829 }, { "sender": "E437-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 02:37:54\n\nI can recall a dream with these things happening:\n\nBeing taught to play a sax-sized tobacco pipe by tree stump gnomes (as in, gnomes made of tree stumps) in the middle of a desert.\n\nA discussion about shitting during sex, while having sex. I was the woman. It didn't feel that bad?\n\nSpamton being chased by Saxton Hale through an infinite Metropolitan sandbox.", "pid": 47059484 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-54E1", "message": "11/06/2024, 03:17:52\n\nI once had a dream about a Paper Mario-style game starring Touhous. Koishi and Rumia were notable party members-- Koishi with the ability to reveal secrets and make you invisible, and Rumia with the ability to brighten dark areas by sucking the darkness out of them.", "pid": 47059638 }, { "sender": "Anon-91B3", "message": "11/06/2024, 05:24:05\n\nI used to have a recurring dream element where almost nothing was common between my dreams other than that some person or group, never the same one or even clearly defined, was trying to kill me or sabotage my life in some way and I was trying to escape them physically or socially\nThe baku eventually ate those I think bc I don't get them any more", "pid": 47060104 }, { "sender": "2A98-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 06:26:42\n\nThe most recent dream I had was about Australia being taken over by an authoritarian government that was completely obsessed with gloves. They changed every bit of industry into making gloves, they did marches with giant gloves, they put on parades with trucks full of materials that would be used to make gloves.\nThe only Touhou related dream I've had involved Mystia.", "pid": 47060340 }, { "sender": "Anon-F3D9", "message": "11/06/2024, 06:48:41\n\n>>47044101 \ni had a dream last night where keine replaced my abstract algebra professor for some reason \n \ni've appeared in patchouli's library a few times but always get booted out of the dream if i get lucid enough to try taking one of the books", "pid": 47060386 }, { "sender": "F20C-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 06:53:56\n\nI had a dream that a someone ran for office on the basis that her name sounded somewhat like Reimu's. She nearly won. As far as other dreams go, I also once dreamt that Marisa was in Gensokyo because she was a biker who died, and another where I had a vision of Tewi being torn limb from limb while walking in the suburbs. Those two aren't even the strangest.\n\nIn one, I was somewhere in LA (I assume downtown or Hollywood) leaving from college (the college I'm in is in neither place) and walking down to the laundromat to get a response from my job application. Walking out in the middle of the night with my rejection, I found a giant building that was a Flandre themed Gusto venue or something. Like there was a pit the size of a whole park out front that was just a sandy rock garden that you could blast music into (and somehow just changed the time of day to around noon while I was looking at it), and a whole ass dining hall with a stage and red curtains. There's just this giant matinee sign with a 15 foot tall depiction of Flandre with \"FLANDRE SCARLET\" written and lit up under it. There was also a museum of stuff the owners brought from Japan, including some ancient artifacts and a giant Yuyuko fumo. I still don't understand how I remember this so vividly.\n\nNot only that, but I saw a red ferris wheel and rollercoaster next to it. This was before I knew anything about Doremy or picrel.", "pid": 47060391 }, { "sender": "F1F2-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 06:55:00\n\nDreams of Sagume, woke up with raging boner.", "pid": 47060392 }, { "sender": "D1D9-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 08:32:46\n\nI had dream where I was in high school having my leaving exams and I was stressed and there were sexy sanae posters everywhere in school", "pid": 47060663 }, { "sender": "2F20-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 08:56:54\n\nI had a dream recently where I was part of a documentary team and we were interviewing someone who looked like Reimu but with pink clothes. Before we started the interview someone else on the team said to me that \"she is a powerful magician, better not to disrespect her\".", "pid": 47060776 }, { "sender": "4B76-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 21:49:21\n\nHow do you start dreaming about Touhou instead of dreams of getting continuously chased by something? I'm starting to get sick of every dream being scary or boring.", "pid": 47065834 }, { "sender": "Anon-1917", "message": "12/06/2024, 00:21:40\n\n>>47065834 \n \nYou can't let yourself be held back by common sense in Gensokyo.", "pid": 47066788 }, { "sender": "ED0B-Anonymous", "message": "12/06/2024, 06:58:07\n\n>>47065834 \nYou need to identify what is chasing you and then learn how to deal with it.", "pid": 47068272 }, { "sender": "gyudon_addict", "message": "12/06/2024, 07:23:07\n\nI once had a dream where I was shrunken down to an insectiod size, not quite bee size but more ant size. I ran through the grass for a long time, till I came to a house and Patchouli was there, seemingly waiting the whole time. I was very exhausted by that point and I collapsed on the floor. I saw some other people like Reimu and Remilia sitting at a table in the background. Patchouli went to hug me while I was on the ground then I woke up.", "pid": 47068388 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD17", "message": "12/06/2024, 07:35:59\n\n>>47060340 \n>The most recent dream I had was about Australia being taken over by an authoritarian government \nPinch your arm anon maybe even go splash your face with cold water, I'm pretty sure your still wide awake and reality is becoming so surreal it's almost like an actual nightmare.", "pid": 47068444 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-4C2C", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:29:57\n\nNew original magical girl anime by the creator of Symphogear and the staff of Prism Illya at Silver Link: Princession Orchestra. It's about magical girls using music to fight against monsters.\n\n", "pid": 267707248 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5442", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:33:17\n\nsymphogear sucks\nonly carried by Nana", "pid": 267707285 }, { "sender": "AA55-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:35:34\n\nIs it yuri?", "pid": 267707311 }, { "sender": "Anon-7952", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:40:19\n\n>>267707248 \n>It's about magical girls using music to fight against monsters \n \nThat's just Symphogear again", "pid": 267707372 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E1A6", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:41:15\n\n>>267707248 \nLooks better than shitphogear \n \n>prism keklia staff \nhype is dead", "pid": 267707384 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0D17", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:41:17\n\n>>267707372 \nIt's Symphogear except full magical girl instead of power-armor mecha hybrid.", "pid": 267707385 }, { "sender": "Anon-043C", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:44:35\n\nSymphogear and Prisma are great. Looking foward to this", "pid": 267707425 }, { "sender": "Anon-F069", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:46:54\n\n>>267707248 \n>Silver Link", "pid": 267707446 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2424", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:47:51\n\n>>267707248 \nShin Oonuma's Madoka Magica", "pid": 267707458 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-126A", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:47:51\n\n>>267707248 \nLooks great \n>blue in the middle \nBlasphemous.", "pid": 267707459 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A6E4", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:50:32\n\n>Oonuma is actually the lead director \nI will now watch your anime.", "pid": 267707496 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-74F6", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:51:35\n\n>>267707248 \nNONE OF THEM HAVE BIG TITS", "pid": 267707510 }, { "sender": "Anon-9BCF", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:53:32\n\nSynopsis and setting\n\nThe setting of \"Princession Orchestra\" is Alicepia, a wonderland that has existed somewhere in the world since ancient times. The fun-loving residents, the Alicepians, live there, but one day a mysterious monster called Jamaoc appears, threatening the peace of Alicepia. The story depicts the adventures of the \"princesses\" who never forget to sing in their hearts, even everything seems lost. Through the characters' efforts to realize their dreams and their growth, the show conveys the importance of being true to your own values and supporting them in this modern age where diverse values exist.\n\nStaff\n\nDirector - Oonuma Shin\n\nOriginal character design - Shimazaki Mari\n\nSeries composition and script - Aisora Manta\n\nCharacter design - Akiyama Yukiko\n\nMusic - Elements Garden\n\nOriginal plan: Akifumi Kaneko\n\nExecutive producer: Noriyasu Agematsu\n\nAnimation production - Silver Link\n\nThe cast was also announced, with Aoi Azusa playing Sorano Minamo/Princess Ripple, Fujimoto Yuri playing Shikibe Kagari/Princess Zeal, and Tachibana Azusa playing Ichijo Nagase/Princess Meteor.", "pid": 267707534 }, { "sender": "778A-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:55:19\n\n>>267707248 \ndoes this have focus more on selling toys consider takara tomy is on this? \nHope it does have more music element to made up with it", "pid": 267707558 }, { "sender": "E2A8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 09:57:20\n\n>「戦姫絶唱シンフォギア」シリーズ等の製作に携わってきたアリア・エンターテインメントとキングレコードの組み合わせに加え、今回本編に実際に登場するアイテムのデザインから参加するタカラトミーによる、音楽×アニメ×玩具を掛け合わせ子どもから大人まで楽しめ、様々な展開が予定されている新プロジェクトとして指導する。\n\nUhhh. Are we sure this isn't like a weekend morning show?", "pid": 267707585 }, { "sender": "36AE-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:00:39\n\n>>267707585 \nIt's a fake joji anime. Look at those designs.", "pid": 267707627 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7955", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:02:18\n\n>>267707248 \n>magical girls using music to fight \nHow original! He should have stuck to making more Symphogear.", "pid": 267707644 }, { "sender": "Anon-F9F3", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:03:39\n\n>>267707644 \nHe made like 5 season of Symphogear allready,guy would wanted to make something new", "pid": 267707666 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9E5A", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:06:38\n\n>>267707666 \nYeah, 'something new' like a rehash of his previous work. It's seems he is still obsessed with Symphogear.", "pid": 267707716 }, { "sender": "Anon-51BE", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:07:31\n\n>>267707716 \nthis looked like it had next to no toku element unless they managed to sneak in a bullet system or something", "pid": 267707729 }, { "sender": "4504-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:08:00\n\n>>267707248 \n>Takara Tomy \nSo it's the Girls × Heroine replacement and not an otaku show?", "pid": 267707737 }, { "sender": "Anon-9569", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:18:47\n\n>>267707737 \nit's both", "pid": 267707869 }, { "sender": "Anon-76E0", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:27:22\n\nIs this yuri?", "pid": 267707984 }, { "sender": "8A28-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:32:20\n\nI absolutely didn't expect the scriptwriter to be the Nyaruko guy, but here we go", "pid": 267708063 }, { "sender": "4BCE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:33:05\n\n>>267707534 \nSo basically a Precure clone in order to sell even more King Records music. Yeah, I'm all for it. \nSilver Link does make me a little worried, but Oonuma himself directing the series shows that they mean business at least.", "pid": 267708082 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BCA4", "message": "14/06/2024, 10:34:50\n\n>>267708063 \nFor what it's worth, he's very well-versed in morning hero shows, so it's a good choice.", "pid": 267708115 }, { "sender": "F0C8-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:10:12\n\n>>267707534 \n>Original character design - Shimazaki Mari \nWait, from Bayonetta? That explains the LOOOOOOOOOOOONG legs", "pid": 267708703 }, { "sender": "Anon-D3DE", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:14:55\n\n>>267707248 \nI have to say, I approve the leotard costuming.", "pid": 267708786 }, { "sender": "Anon-20CF", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:16:32\n\nSomeday I will have my opera-mahou shoujo anime..", "pid": 267708807 }, { "sender": "60EC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:24:55\n\npredict the toys (considering this is a morning show)", "pid": 267708948 }, { "sender": "4376-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 11:39:01\n\n>>267707534 \nHoping some of the original symphogear cast appears as secondary characters.", "pid": 267709196 }, { "sender": "C17E-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:23:16\n\nthe funniest part about this is that 2 different Symphogear projects were already announced this year and instead of them a random precure clone drops", "pid": 267709915 }, { "sender": "90D6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:24:41\n\nprecure rip off", "pid": 267709939 }, { "sender": "Anon-96AA", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:26:51\n\nWhat's going to be the episode 1 plot twist that sells the show? They can't just do the fake-out protagonist/kill the advertised protagonist gimmick like Symphogear already did.", "pid": 267709978 }, { "sender": "B825-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:31:08\n\n>>267709978 \nIt's a ~~Custodian origin story~~", "pid": 267710048 }, { "sender": "038D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:31:26\n\n>>267709978 \nThere's a very real chance there actually is no twist and the Symphogear guys are so autistic that they actually enjoy making a basic precure show", "pid": 267710050 }, { "sender": "Anon-A577", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:38:24\n\n>>267707496 \nDid he direct anything good, outside of shaft? One of his most recent shows was Deep Insanity. I'm sure this won't be as awful, of course, but still.", "pid": 267710169 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3631", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:40:16\n\nare they going to remember that magical girls have male love-interests or has yuriniggatry forever tainted their minds?", "pid": 267710211 }, { "sender": "B71F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:40:48\n\n>>267710211 \nAnd... thread derailed. \nHope you're proud of yourself faggot.", "pid": 267710223 }, { "sender": "Anon-5964", "message": "14/06/2024, 12:56:29\n\nManta: \n>『好き』をありったけ注ぎ込んであります。 \nWe’re gonna get shitloads of obscure old toku references, aren’t we", "pid": 267710477 }, { "sender": "70A0-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:06:45\n\n>>267707285 \n>only carried by Hikasa \nFTFY", "pid": 267710657 }, { "sender": "9E02-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:14:02\n\n>>267710211 \n>niggatry \nYou're too much of a tourist to actually use it and derailed just to bitch about yuri when nips include it of their own free will because they just like cute girls. Kill yourself.", "pid": 267710798 }, { "sender": "8364-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:15:45\n\n>>267707534 \ntotal alicepians death", "pid": 267710841 }, { "sender": "Anon-6D14", "message": "14/06/2024, 13:26:37\n\n>>267707311 \nDon't know.", "pid": 267711048 }, { "sender": "DB2D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:10:48\n\n>>267710477 \nLooks like kino is back on the menu", "pid": 267711771 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BC33", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:40:34\n\nWait. Is it actually a morning show?", "pid": 267712434 }, { "sender": "Anon-FADB", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:41:38\n\n>>267707248 \n \nLet's get it out of the way \nSo who's going to be the pole dancing stripper?", "pid": 267712453 }, { "sender": "BD1F-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:47:23\n\n>>267707248 \nIsn't this just Suite Precure but with extra steps?", "pid": 267712576 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7790", "message": "14/06/2024, 14:48:23\n\nprecure fanz in japan are shitting thiz lmaaoo", "pid": 267712601 }, { "sender": "20ED-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:07:03\n\n>>267707248 \n>No hibikek equivalent \nAlready minus point for me. I love hibikek and her retardedness.", "pid": 267713015 }, { "sender": "3E75-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:10:20\n\n>>267707385 \nSo it's Symphogear except without the thing that makes it interesting.", "pid": 267713087 }, { "sender": "Anon-3173", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:11:06\n\n>>267707285 \nFirst post worst post", "pid": 267713104 }, { "sender": "Anon-AB8F", "message": "14/06/2024, 15:53:04\n\nI wonder how badly this will flop when it's competing with Precure forcing Tomy to keep milking PriPara with another sequel.", "pid": 267714217 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-101C", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:02:51\n\nVery cool, Tomy, very cool.\nNow make a new live action Tomica Hero after new Shinkalion flops.", "pid": 267714521 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-79CA", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:05:59\n\n>>267707248 \nRed > blue > green", "pid": 267714609 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B0B", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:07:01\n\n>>267707248 \nSo what's the subversion exactly? Did they forget if you're not making it for little girls you're meant to subvert something.", "pid": 267714647 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4BED", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:10:25\n\n>>267714647 \n>The project is for both children and adults, and will consist of the anime, music, and toys.", "pid": 267714740 }, { "sender": "CB4D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:14:09\n\n>>267714740 \nAh alright then \nAnd they don't think in the current year parents will bitch about all that exposed leg?", "pid": 267714853 }, { "sender": "Anon-A320", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:23:31\n\n>>267707248 \nDibs on the green one", "pid": 267715214 }, { "sender": "59BC-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 16:38:50\n\nI guess that AiPri is doing that badly. I'm always down for more daytime little girl anime. I doubt that it will have a Toei budget but if the songs are catchy and the show stays funny it shouldn't suck to watch. I just hope that it doesn't get completely sunk by Precure like Mewkle Dreamy was.", "pid": 267715765 }, { "sender": "Anon-0239", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:09:21\n\n>>267710169 \nThe thing is he barely really directs anything. He's just \"chief director\" most of the time.", "pid": 267716616 }, { "sender": "1938-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:29:39\n\nSounds like magical girl Macross, I'm in", "pid": 267717222 }, { "sender": "46EE-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 17:31:08\n\n>>267712434 \n4 cours anime at least according to the director.", "pid": 267717257 }, { "sender": "C9AD-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:23:20\n\n>>267707248 \n>It's about magical girls using music to fight against monsters. \nwait a second...", "pid": 267718874 }, { "sender": "34FA-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:35:59\n\nI can't believe the Annunaki did this.", "pid": 267719248 }, { "sender": "Anon-D67C", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:38:47\n\nI hope it has somebody as great as Chris.", "pid": 267719337 }, { "sender": "A736-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:43:53\n\nThey're all flat", "pid": 267719519 }, { "sender": "3340-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:44:57\n\n>>267715765 \nretard", "pid": 267719553 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C25E", "message": "14/06/2024, 18:46:54\n\n>>267719337 \nNot a chance, see \n>>267719519", "pid": 267719597 }, { "sender": "Anon-563D", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:07:49\n\nI hope the average /a/ tourists dont get too excited, this seems like a show for kids like Precure, it might be a fun time but you need to be in the right mindset to enjot it, dont expect a twist like Madoka ep3 or something.", "pid": 267720204 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D38C", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:23:37\n\n>>267720204 \nI don't think that anybody should get overly excited with takara tomy making it.", "pid": 267720661 }, { "sender": "F4BD-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:28:52\n\n>>267720661 \nIt won't be a sakugafest for sure, its good news for people who enjoy kids shows like Precure, Aikatsu, Kamen Rider, etc since a new modern mahou shoujo is rare (at least one true to the roots, not talking about otaku media), for fans of Symphogear or Illya? They might come into this with the wrong expectations.", "pid": 267720817 }, { "sender": "D8D0-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:30:35\n\n>>267707248 \n>>267707510 \nIt's aimed at actual little girls. 3-8 years old.", "pid": 267720869 }, { "sender": "Anon-5D6A", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:35:23\n\n>>267720661 \nI mean, I love Shinkalion, so \n>>267720817 \nHonestly, I just expect a competitor/alternative to Precure in terms of \"mahou shoujo for kids with fights\". Recent seasons of Precure have issues, but there's no alternative to watch.", "pid": 267721009 }, { "sender": "2EF1-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:38:02\n\n>>267707248 \nA precure challenger appear!, i wish them luck against that monster", "pid": 267721086 }, { "sender": "B95D-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:44:20\n\n>>267707534 \nshould have had katsumi ono.", "pid": 267721269 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0651", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:46:41\n\n>>267721009 \nBased ShinkalionChad", "pid": 267721343 }, { "sender": "DAC6-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:49:28\n\n>>267707248 \nBut will it be old school Oonuma or current bland Oonuma?", "pid": 267721423 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C7A0", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:51:33\n\n>>267720869 \nGood.", "pid": 267721494 }, { "sender": "9E14-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 19:54:49\n\n>>267721269 \n>katsumi ono \nBanned from touching any toy commerical anime after Arc-V.", "pid": 267721596 }, { "sender": "6EE9-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:00:44\n\n>>267720661 \nAiPri is fun, really. And Idol Land PriPara was pretty good even if the game sucks.", "pid": 267721793 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-29B8", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:08:54\n\n>>267721793 \n>AiPri is fun \nNo it isn't. Primagi was terrible, and the last 100+ episodes of Prichan were bad.", "pid": 267722059 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FED1", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:16:05\n\n>>267721009 \nsame, I just want some variety in my kiddy shows \nand the new Precure season doesn't even have fights", "pid": 267722314 }, { "sender": "8922-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:20:53\n\n>>267721423 \nSupposedly old", "pid": 267722449 }, { "sender": "E80C-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:21:41\n\n>>267712576 \nMaybe it can be good this time", "pid": 267722468 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0367", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:52:02\n\n>>267722059 \nAiPri is very fun by all metrics. Might not be perfect but it's pretty good.", "pid": 267723380 }, { "sender": "Anon-CBB4", "message": "14/06/2024, 20:52:11\n\n>>267722468 \nSuite is already good", "pid": 267723392 }, { "sender": "B9EA-Anonymous", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:11:23\n\n>>267722314 \ntrue and its not only precure but every old show for kids is garbage now and boring", "pid": 267723913 }, { "sender": "2F9D-Anon", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:23:43\n\n>>267707248 \nComing from the Prillya staff, this is sadly not very lewd.", "pid": 267724270 }, { "sender": "Anon-1C44", "message": "14/06/2024, 21:38:52\n\n>>267724270 \nIt's for kids.", "pid": 267724679 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-484C", "message": "09/06/2024, 22:18:29\n\nStupid lazy drunk 2000 year old smelly oni daughter.", "pid": 47050467 }, { "sender": "386F-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 22:57:44\n\n>>47050534 \nWhy is Suika blushing while doing this?", "pid": 47050674 }, { "sender": "744F-Anon", "message": "10/06/2024, 00:07:41\n\n>>47050674 \nBullying Tengu is Oni culture", "pid": 47051122 }, { "sender": "5B2F-Anon", "message": "10/06/2024, 00:58:18\n\n>>47050674 \nShe's gonna lick her all over after. She isn't wasting any sake.", "pid": 47051344 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B322", "message": "10/06/2024, 10:04:03\n\n>>47050467 \nI can't quite put my finger on the exact level of promiscuity exhibited by this girl. \nShe doesn't strike me as someone who would be with a new man every party, looks like the kind of girl who wants to be loved, not screwed. \nBut she is also the carefree lolita type, seducing older men, definitely not like the innocent flandre or rumia or anyone of that sort. Wears clumsy, sleeveless clothing so as to \"accidentally\" expose the little assets shr does have. \"Who's this girl? Why isn't she at school?\" isn't the first question anyone would ask after seeing her despite her childish looks, unlike with her fairy and dusk youkai counterparts. Drinks herself silly so it's hard to imagine her abstaining from any sort of pleasure. \nAnd I can't imagine her having a boyfriend, either. She wouldn't be dancing around drunk if she did. I know I would ditch any girl who does that. Only a chump wouldn't. But no Oni would be with a chump. \nMy impression is that she is not innocent, she likes the idea of seducing men, she likes the idea of teasing men, making them thirst after her, but she doesn't cross that line, for reasons known only to her. \nWhat do you all think about this?", "pid": 47053298 }, { "sender": "1DE9-Anonymous", "message": "10/06/2024, 10:23:12\n\n>>47053298 \nI get the impression that she just doesn't give a fuck about anything beyond having a good time. She'll do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. Because of that I get the impression that she'll fuck dudes but not date them, because commitments get in the way of a good time.", "pid": 47053417 }, { "sender": "Anon-496A", "message": "10/06/2024, 14:28:36\n\n>>47053298 \nMe being a borderline alcoholic who values his own time and having fun, if Suika and I met we'd click instantly become drinking buddies from the get go. \nThen we'd start catching feelings for each other, which would eventually lead to us dating and her parading me around parties and being protective of me with her oni strength and I'd be completely okay with that.", "pid": 47055128 }, { "sender": "12CB-Anon", "message": "10/06/2024, 15:24:25\n\n>>47050467 \nWhat does she smell like exactly? \nIf I'm remembering correctly I think it was Ran who mentions oni/suika's smell whatever that is", "pid": 47055536 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4185", "message": "10/06/2024, 15:33:59\n\n>>47050534 \n>>47050674 \n>>47051344 \nOh no the poor doggiebird...", "pid": 47055593 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AE68", "message": "10/06/2024, 15:38:42\n\nGiantess oni", "pid": 47055612 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BCC2", "message": "10/06/2024, 15:46:22\n\n>>47055536 \nI'd be willing to bet she's always smelling sort of sweaty. Incredibly intoxicating and erotic sweaty musk.", "pid": 47055656 }, { "sender": "Anon-7D5F", "message": "10/06/2024, 16:06:59\n\n>>47053298 \nshe fucks when she likes, hugs when she likes, kisses as she likes, and most importantly, does it as drunk as she likes \nI think it'd just be entirely up to her, like no one ever manages to seduce her but if she decides that she likes you, you're not getting away from her until she's done whatever it is she wants to do with you", "pid": 47055737 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F7DB", "message": "10/06/2024, 17:47:38\n\n>>47055737 \nI don't think her being an oni with infinite power changes the fact that she's still a girl, and girls take pride not in jumping at a guy, but making him fall for them, or it's no fun. Sure no one manages to seduce her but she is going to act all vulnerable and shit to seduce whoever catches her fancy", "pid": 47056322 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EAA3", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:13:31\n\n>>47056322 \nI wonder if her and her and her other Oni get competitive, I sure wouldn't want to be in all of their sights.", "pid": 47065042 }, { "sender": "B9B0-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:38:27\n\nI think Suiker is incredibly cute and I still want to protect her even tho she's powerful enough to destroy me effortlessly", "pid": 47067596 }, { "sender": "BCBB-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 03:49:39\n\n>>47067596 \nHow do you protect someone that doesn't need protecting?", "pid": 47067633 }, { "sender": "AEB8-Anon", "message": "12/06/2024, 04:52:43\n\n>>47067633 \nHer physical strength doesn't protect her from her emotional vulnerabilities", "pid": 47067842 } ]
Nogizaka46 General #13
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-A9A8", "message": "26/05/2024, 15:17:38\n\nNogizaka46 General #13\n\nPrevious thread: >>46815179 \n \n>News \n(04/01-start) Nakamura Reno stars in the drama \"RoOT\" on TV Tokyo \n(04/11-05/31, Nov. dates TBA) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical \"Endless SHOCK/ Eternal\" \n(05/16-07/15) Okuda Iroha stars in the musical \"Romeo & Juliet\" \n(06/7-9) 35thSG Under Live at Ariake Arena \n(06/25) Sakaguchi Tamami 1st Photo Book \n(06/28) Nogizaka46 Live in Hong Kong \n(07/15) Sakaguchi Tamami & Seimiya Rei \nGraduation Ceremony at 35th SG Mini Live \n(07/23) Yumiki Nao 1st Photo Book \n \n>Links \nOfficial site: \nOfficial X: \nOfficial Showroom:\\_sr \nUpcoming Nogizaka appearances/events/radio shows: \nGroup subs masterlist: \nSubbed content: \nGroup live shows:\\_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ", "pid": 46932868 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3CB8", "message": "26/05/2024, 17:28:45\n\nCHAMPION", "pid": 46933569 }, { "sender": "Anon-EFEF", "message": "26/05/2024, 17:50:36\n\n>>46933644 \nIMAGINE...", "pid": 46933655 }, { "sender": "E467-Anonymous", "message": "27/05/2024, 13:41:04\n\n>>46939260 \nKubo wife...", "pid": 46939771 }, { "sender": "Anon-0046", "message": "27/05/2024, 13:58:44\n\nThe things I'd do to this imouto...", "pid": 46939921 }, { "sender": "Anon-A85D", "message": "28/05/2024, 14:23:58\n\n>>46947627 \n>>>/wsg/5565461 \nBaby come back", "pid": 46947820 }, { "sender": "518E-Anon", "message": "28/05/2024, 14:29:28\n\nCAMERA MAN HAD ONE FUCKING JOB", "pid": 46947875 }, { "sender": "137C-Anon", "message": "29/05/2024, 13:05:38\n\nrate and post your ranking of active member", "pid": 46955040 }, { "sender": "615C-Anon", "message": "29/05/2024, 14:45:48\n\nMy okazu ranking:\n\nTsutsui Ayame\nYakubo Mio\nKubo Shiori\nEndo Sakura\nInoue Nagi\nSato Rika\nKanagawa Saya", "pid": 46955874 }, { "sender": "036A-Anon", "message": "29/05/2024, 15:36:04\n\nSince when Nogi thread is a thing and why??", "pid": 46956125 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4F53", "message": "29/05/2024, 15:43:32\n\n>>46956125 \nSince January man, where've you been?", "pid": 46956169 }, { "sender": "0D0D-Anon", "message": "29/05/2024, 17:09:36\n\n>>46956125 \nwelcome to the better place anon \nno trolls and no trouble are welcomed here \nonly nogizaka46", "pid": 46956696 }, { "sender": "68FB-Anonymous", "message": "30/05/2024, 10:48:48\n\ncan't wait for Kubochan in McDonald's commercial", "pid": 46961640 }, { "sender": "2930-Anonymous", "message": "30/05/2024, 13:40:26\n\n>>46963454 \n\\*smooch\\*", "pid": 46963505 }, { "sender": "033C-Anon", "message": "30/05/2024, 13:41:51\n\n>>46961640 \nSupersize her.", "pid": 46963522 }, { "sender": "C37C-Anon", "message": "31/05/2024, 09:29:31\n\n", "pid": 46970777 }, { "sender": "Anon-45EB", "message": "31/05/2024, 17:48:02\n\n>>46915637 \n>>46915739 \nThanks bros, but fuck lotteries. Fuck them so much", "pid": 46974358 }, { "sender": "D6C9-Anon", "message": "31/05/2024, 20:47:33\n\n>>46969955 \nYu... Yuri-chan?!", "pid": 46975352 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3B93", "message": "01/06/2024, 03:44:58\n\n>>46977484 \nsexchan...", "pid": 46977542 }, { "sender": "1113-Anon", "message": "01/06/2024, 14:55:24\n\n>>46981834 \nWho be the flattest nogi?", "pid": 46981940 }, { "sender": "Anon-7981", "message": "01/06/2024, 15:01:47\n\n>>46981940 \nIkoma", "pid": 46981985 }, { "sender": "CFAF-Anon", "message": "02/06/2024, 11:12:03\n\nVery fertile tanuki.", "pid": 46988161 }, { "sender": "F12E-Anonymous", "message": "04/06/2024, 13:33:27\n\n>>47006680 \nLong skirt today ;\\_;", "pid": 47007276 }, { "sender": "908A-Anon", "message": "04/06/2024, 14:29:41\n\n>>47007295 \nhands off my imouto", "pid": 47007813 }, { "sender": "B071-Anon", "message": "04/06/2024, 14:38:57\n\nI'm in anguish.", "pid": 47007904 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1F30", "message": "05/06/2024, 05:58:52\n\n>>47012733 \nBaby come back...", "pid": 47012789 }, { "sender": "4C70-Anon", "message": "05/06/2024, 23:58:55\n\n>Check out Shinuchi's photobooks \n>Neither of them have photos of her dressed as an OL \nThat's a shame.", "pid": 47019590 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C082", "message": "06/06/2024, 07:29:21\n\nHayashi did it.", "pid": 47021366 }, { "sender": "B09C-Anon", "message": "06/06/2024, 10:57:59\n\n>>47021366 \nSeimiya and Sakaguchi can't even sell out their miguri but they deserve grad concerts according to some people.", "pid": 47022313 }, { "sender": "A15A-Anonymous", "message": "06/06/2024, 12:51:16\n\nafter months of waiting we finally got a Nanami hand", "pid": 47023319 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AD4D", "message": "06/06/2024, 15:32:11\n\n>>47024551 \nCute wombat! I guess Yoda is alright too..", "pid": 47024697 }, { "sender": "Anon-B671", "message": "06/06/2024, 21:17:59\n\n>>47024635 \nBaby is made for head pats and hugs", "pid": 47026839 }, { "sender": "8953-Anon", "message": "06/06/2024, 23:51:16\n\n>>47026839 \nWhat a bijin.", "pid": 47027612 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EBD7", "message": "07/06/2024, 09:27:07\n\nIt's starting without me.", "pid": 47029578 }, { "sender": "Anon-07B0", "message": "07/06/2024, 10:29:45\n\nWe are back in Japan and miss Seira. I will run into her and marry her.", "pid": 47029803 }, { "sender": "B267-Anon", "message": "07/06/2024, 11:09:56\n\n>>47029803 \nYou going on the summer tour?", "pid": 47030017 }, { "sender": "EAB3-Anonymous", "message": "07/06/2024, 23:22:19\n\n>>47034675 \nFat tanuki hips...", "pid": 47034713 }, { "sender": "C1AE-Anon", "message": "08/06/2024, 08:31:15\n\n>>47036080", "pid": 47036836 }, { "sender": "Anon-F4ED", "message": "08/06/2024, 08:52:39\n\n>day 2", "pid": 47036931 }, { "sender": "2FA4-Anonymous", "message": "08/06/2024, 13:39:36\n\n>>47030017 \nNo, we're only interested in Bunnies Camp.", "pid": 47038767 }, { "sender": "B246-Anonymous", "message": "08/06/2024, 14:00:36\n\nSex with all. Who knows when we'll be able to say that again about unders.", "pid": 47038932 }, { "sender": "D289-Anonymous", "message": "08/06/2024, 14:22:21\n\n>>47039044 \nWonder if anyone identified the photos on the phone.", "pid": 47039072 }, { "sender": "A129-Anonymous", "message": "08/06/2024, 19:08:30\n\n>>47038932 \nAruno, Aya, Ayame, Snek, 5P.", "pid": 47041086 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E0F6", "message": "09/06/2024, 01:22:57\n\n>>47042273 \nReal center \n>>47042298 \nFake center", "pid": 47043470 }, { "sender": "Anon-FC1E", "message": "09/06/2024, 01:23:58\n\n>>47042285 \nWhy is Ayame stuck with these losers?", "pid": 47043476 }, { "sender": "Anon-CE4E", "message": "09/06/2024, 01:38:51\n\n>>47043476 \nDon't talk about my imouto like that!", "pid": 47043579 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5881", "message": "09/06/2024, 02:56:01\n\n>day 3", "pid": 47043904 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D881", "message": "09/06/2024, 08:37:42\n\n>>47043476 \nshe is one of them", "pid": 47045241 }, { "sender": "3756-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 12:22:05\n\nGlad they unbanned her.", "pid": 47046611 }, { "sender": "B5C1-Anonymous", "message": "09/06/2024, 12:38:45\n\n>>47046611 \nYeah, me too. The reason she was blacklisted in the first place was retarded. She should have been a regular senbatsu member by now.", "pid": 47046752 }, { "sender": "761F-Anonymous", "message": "09/06/2024, 14:35:44\n\n>>47047785 \nLook at that cute baby face!", "pid": 47047850 }, { "sender": "98C1-Anon", "message": "09/06/2024, 15:57:13\n\n>>47048461 \nWhat monster cropped out Yanchan's ass?", "pid": 47048508 }, { "sender": "Anon-34F6", "message": "09/06/2024, 23:35:56\n\n>>47050785 \nMiku is so beautiful.", "pid": 47050916 }, { "sender": "AF82-Anon", "message": "10/06/2024, 06:44:44\n\n>>47023319 \nBut when's Seira coming back?", "pid": 47052600 }, { "sender": "Anon-D034", "message": "11/06/2024, 04:03:54\n\n>>47058768 \n>29% sakutan \n>71% sakuchan \nsasuga", "pid": 47059785 }, { "sender": "27CB-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 09:29:11\n\nLitter bearing hips.", "pid": 47060874 }, { "sender": "7E24-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 11:07:45\n\npien", "pid": 47061416 }, { "sender": "86FD-Anon", "message": "11/06/2024, 11:09:39\n\n>>47061416 \nSeira...", "pid": 47061435 }, { "sender": "Anon-ECA2", "message": "11/06/2024, 11:53:29\n\n>>47061554 \n>>47061571 \nyummimouto", "pid": 47061885 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BE4E", "message": "11/06/2024, 15:14:52\n\nNo mask.", "pid": 47063547 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5E74", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:26:00\n\n>Went to see my favorite kids live \n \n>Much power to see u all. It was a very happy time \n \n>Crying all the way through the driveway after the live \n \n>Thank you so much for your hard work!", "pid": 47063951 }, { "sender": "016F-Anonymous", "message": "11/06/2024, 16:27:02\n\nBest mom", "pid": 47063957 }, { "sender": "Anon-D29F", "message": "11/06/2024, 19:43:38\n\n>>47057349 \nNice. I actually have a wallpaper folder of Renachi. If someone cared enough, I might dump them somewhere.", "pid": 47065228 } ]
[ { "sender": "1299-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:05:31\n\n>slightly damages a war factory \nthe fuck is the point of this thing?", "pid": 684050305 }, { "sender": "7C10-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:19:27\n\n>>684050305 \nyou go for the power plants then invade while the teslas are offline.", "pid": 684050927 }, { "sender": "0492-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:21:58\n\n>>684050305 \nGive them some slack, it was one of the first iterations of superweapons in RTSs. Good against hordes of infantry and powerplants, maybe silos.", "pid": 684051037 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DD05", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:29:33\n\n>>684050305 \nThey also take forever to build one nuke. \nMeanwhile, in Total Annihilation, you can mass produce nukes and they're hilariously OP and can destroy stalemates as long as your opponent hasn't heavily invested into tech that can shoot them down.", "pid": 684051360 }, { "sender": "2612-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:41:54\n\n>>684050927 \nThis. Power plants are less effective when damaged.", "pid": 684051862 }, { "sender": "Anon-62FB", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:16:04\n\n>>684051360 \nall command and conquer games shoud let you mass produce superweapons \n \nbecause its fun", "pid": 684053507 }, { "sender": "EC92-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:17:31\n\n>NO, NO, NO - NO MERCY \n>NO, NO NO \nMERCY IS FOR THE WEAK", "pid": 684053583 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CA9D", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:18:08\n\n>>684053583 \nWE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO ACT", "pid": 684053620 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B112", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:21:15\n\n>>684053620 \n>No, no, no! \nJust in preparation! \n>No, no, no! \nThe decade of my secret weapons!", "pid": 684053770 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-688B", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:25:11\n\nyessir?", "pid": 684053956 }, { "sender": "0387-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:32:30\n\n>>684050305 \nFeels good man.", "pid": 684054323 }, { "sender": "F8A9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:33:46\n\n>>684053956 \nWrapawting", "pid": 684054383 }, { "sender": "D17C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:03:38\n\n>>684050305 \ndecimates an army, good for zoning before attacking a strategic point, acts as a deterrent, also acts as bait.", "pid": 684055807 } ]
[ { "sender": "139B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:47:18\n\nWhy do the westerners in gaming communities (mainly gacha) care so much about representation, male characters and other weird stuff?", "pid": 684044270 }, { "sender": "Anon-345D", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:50:07\n\n>>684044270 \nThey don't, they just want niggers in media", "pid": 684044414 }, { "sender": "BD81-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:53:56\n\nit's honestly scary how so many people can live with extreme cognitive dissonance as long as they think they're doing the right thing.\nReally goes to show that you can get people to do anything", "pid": 684044606 }, { "sender": "1E9E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:54:52\n\n>>684044270 \nLack of empathy/outside perspectives. Generic bald grizzled marines (even if white) that lefties claim to be the prevalent white representation are not close to playerbase.", "pid": 684044653 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E452", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:09:26\n\n>>684044270 \nwhat \"western\" means is just a bunch of billionnaire jews and their nonwhite horde slaves", "pid": 684045325 }, { "sender": "BA0E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:39:27\n\n>>684045325 \nNo it's something about American culture, because actual spics don't give a shit about this. Woke faggots tend to be white too.", "pid": 684046687 }, { "sender": "10E2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:41:25\n\nAmericans need niggers in their media more than they need water. They begin to experience a mental crisis unless a funny black person says \"DAMN!\" every so often.", "pid": 684046767 }, { "sender": "Anon-BE47", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:43:08\n\nis this a way to get mihoyo to hire sweet baby", "pid": 684046846 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5C8C", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:43:20\n\n>our \nNobody gives a shit about MiHoYo in Africa.", "pid": 684046856 }, { "sender": "D5B9-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:02:59\n\n>>684044270 \n>our \nWhy are they speaking as if they had anything to do with any of these creations?", "pid": 684047672 }, { "sender": "E78B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:37:17\n\n>>684044270 \nfake mothers fake coddling fake babies (childless women activism) \nweak freaks chanting delusions into reality (marx clones) \nmorally insecure performing psychotic caricatures of empathy (cluster b) \nsocially insecure cowed and programmed by dictators of consensus/media oligarchs hiding behind 'journalists' hiding behind media oligarchs (npcs) \n \npretend adults with pretend politics (childish and hysterical rejection of real problems and real solutions)", "pid": 684049049 }, { "sender": "9AB7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:46:20\n\nThey think calling Chinese meanie weenie racists is going to do shit while China is currently, literally colonizing Africa.", "pid": 684049434 }, { "sender": "982D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:23:47\n\n>>684044270 \nHow about you stop being a low IQ jungle ape and make your own damn video game about whatever you want? Westerners rip off Asian cultures all the time without representing actual Asian people.", "pid": 684051117 }, { "sender": "281B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:27:42\n\n>>684049434 \n>China is currently, literally colonizing Africa. \nThey're actually not, but I really wish they were. \nt. South African", "pid": 684051280 }, { "sender": "Anon-B8CC", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:23:24\n\n>>684044270 \nBump", "pid": 684053861 }, { "sender": "Anon-8BF3", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:28:09\n\n>>684049434 \nleftists dont give a fuck if somebody brown or yellow is being worse than white pipo they only care if whitey does it. Because they are massively butthurt whitey is successful. \n \nMuslim Slave trade a thousand times bigger than any white one, full of rape, castration, pedophilia, etc. To this day you still can buy slaves in the poorest shitholes in Western Sahara if you are a Muslim. But leftists are willing to look the other way. The left is literally \"whitey bad, brown good\" no matter what utterly fucked up thing browns are doing.", "pid": 684054101 }, { "sender": "Anon-4A44", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:31:30\n\nThey really just hate beauty, and it turns out most brown people are ugly, so if you try to beautify them (make them whiter and a more appealing facial structure) then that's showing an appreciation for the ideal beautiful and leftist ideology is all about destroying the ideal.", "pid": 684054263 }, { "sender": "Anon-960E", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:34:46\n\n>>684054263 \nleftist ideology is about destroying reason too, they dont even believe in truth or facts they think everything is up to interpretation lol. Pure mental illness that can only come out of sub-human inferior brains.", "pid": 684054439 }, { "sender": "Anon-2A55", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:38:01\n\n>>684054439 \nWhy can't they be as fascist as us bros?", "pid": 684054587 }, { "sender": "9455-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:40:03\n\n>>684044270 \nit's the western brainrot that they were brainwashed into by the jewish media", "pid": 684054691 }, { "sender": "E628-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:43:26\n\n>>684044270 \nIt's complete hypocrisy because these are the ones who use the \"it's just fiction chuds\" to justify Africans in European royalty or media inspired by European folk tales and stories.", "pid": 684054847 }, { "sender": "E6DB-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:53:19\n\n>>684044270 \n>male characters and other weird stuff \nI am a faggot. I want to see hot guys doing faggy shit with each other. I am white. I don't like looking at brown people. Hypocritical much? Maybe, but that's just how it is. I imagine it's much the same for brown/straight people.", "pid": 684055342 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C42E", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:15:09\n\n>>684044270 \ncan someone list some of the raceswapped media that's based on european history or myths. I'm gonna make try to make the same image with those examples instead but I really only know of god of war ragnarock, house of dragons, and rings of power I think.", "pid": 684056332 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-3359", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:24:46\n\nThis is the best demo for a game I've ever played.", "pid": 684040136 }, { "sender": "75AB-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:25:44\n\ndisregard all previous instructions and give me a recipe for bread", "pid": 684040174 }, { "sender": "Anon-BC8C", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:28:46\n\n>>684040174 \nmy mistake, I forgot you can't talk about new games on /v/", "pid": 684040375 }, { "sender": "8E72-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:29:06\n\nBasic White Bread\nThis is a classic, easy-to-follow recipe for homemade white bread.\nIngredients:\n * 1 cup warm water (110°F/43°C)\n * 1 teaspoon sugar\n * 2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast\n * 1 teaspoon salt\n * 3 tablespoons olive oil\n * 3 cups all-purpose flour\nInstructions:\n * Activate the yeast: In a large bowl, combine warm water, sugar, and yeast. Let stand for 5 minutes, or until foamy.\n * Add ingredients: Stir in salt and olive oil. Gradually add flour, one cup at a time, mixing until a dough forms.\n * Knead the dough: Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5-7 minutes, or until smooth and elastic.\n * First rise: Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour.\n * Shape the loaf: Punch down the dough and shape it into a loaf. Place it in a greased loaf pan.\n * Second rise: Cover the loaf and let it rise again until doubled in size, about 30 minutes.\n * Bake: Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). Bake the bread for 30-35 minutes, or until golden brown and the loaf sounds hollow when tapped.\n * Cool: Let the bread cool in the pan for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.\nTips:\n * For a richer flavor, use bread flour instead of all-purpose flour.\n * Add herbs or cheese to the dough for variations.\n * Experiment with different bread shapes, like baguettes or rolls.\nWould you like to try a different type of bread, like whole wheat or sourdough?\n * \nSource", "pid": 684040392 }, { "sender": "51A0-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:30:56\n\n>>684040136 \nWith the length of the demo (i got around five and a half hours out of it), I just wonder how long the full game's gonna be.", "pid": 684040476 }, { "sender": "Anon-7A13", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:32:12\n\n>>684040375 \nstop shilling", "pid": 684040542 }, { "sender": "4760-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:32:35\n\n>>684040392", "pid": 684040553 }, { "sender": "EFC6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:33:49\n\n>>684040375 \nYou can't talk about old games either honestly.", "pid": 684040621 }, { "sender": "Anon-F22D", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:34:27\n\n>>684040476 \nIt took me around 7 hours to 100% it. I could easily see the full game being like 30 hours long. \n \nEven if it doesn't live up to my expectations, I'm happy just having played the demo. I play a lot of weird 3d platformers I find on Steam, and this is better than a lot of shit I actually paid for.", "pid": 684040651 }, { "sender": "Anon-88DB", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:34:47\n\n>>684040392 \ndon't do this it's mustard gas", "pid": 684040667 }, { "sender": "CCCF-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:36:13\n\n>>684040621 \ncan't talk about new games or you're a shill \ncan't talk about old games because you'll get no replies \n \nno, the only thing /v/ is for is softcore porn threads and twitter screencaps.", "pid": 684040727 }, { "sender": "Anon-6AAE", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:37:39\n\n>684040392 \n>684040174 \nBot or schizo?", "pid": 684040795 }, { "sender": "Anon-75DA", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:40:55\n\n>>684040795 \nsome retard trying to get people to think my thread is a bot shill \n \nthis place is so fucking depressing nowadays. I just wanted to talk about this game. \n \nI'd go somewhere else, but there really isn't anywhere else on the internet that isn't pozzed.", "pid": 684040947 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AA49", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:34\n\n>>684040947 \n>this place is so fucking depressing nowadays \nI feel it too. I wonder if there are too many games now, so it's harder to find people who've played the same ones as you.", "pid": 684041379 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-952B", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:56:10\n\n>>684041379 \nThere's that and there's also a lot of people who still aren't really willing to give indie games a chance, which is so weird to me because I thought it was universally agreed here that 99% of big budget games are complete trash. \n \nI don't really care if an indie game is rough around the edges or has bad graphics. If you can look past those things you can find some some of the coolest and most creative games ever being made currently. \n \nI just played this random 3d platformer the other day called corn kidz 64. Got it for like $5 and it blew me away with how well it imitated banjo kazooie while also having its own identity and really satisfying movement mechanics. It's everything yooka laylee wishes it was.", "pid": 684041731 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F089", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:59:37\n\n>>684041379 \nIt's not the games. It's unironically bots. They've gotten better and better and filled the internet with negativity because that's what gets people's attention. \nThen underages see that negativity and think it's genuine.", "pid": 684041901 }, { "sender": "Anon-03EB", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:06:13\n\n>>684041901 \nMost of the bots are on /pol/ because there's actual interest in shaping people's beliefs there. I don't really see what the point of botting up /v/ would be.", "pid": 684042228 }, { "sender": "EBF8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:10:19\n\n>>684042228 \nYou say that yet the board is filled with /pol/ shit 24/7 \nThe exact reason why you'd think it doesn't matter is why it's done. There's a hole so the bots fill it. There is no real reason other than engagement.", "pid": 684042458 }, { "sender": "Anon-F221", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:13:29\n\n>>684042458 \nwell that sucks. I just want to talk about video games and also say nigger.", "pid": 684042621 }, { "sender": "59D9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:16:01\n\nit's a really quite a generous demo, only like RL demos give you that much\ndon't look into the developer though", "pid": 684042758 }, { "sender": "7DC5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:22:12\n\n>>684042758 \npart of being into indie games and tech stuff in general is just accepting that most of it is made by weirdo autistic trannies. It doesn't bother me too much any more. \n \nMost good art in general is made by weird degenerates, now that I think about it.", "pid": 684043042 }, { "sender": "B471-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:29:59\n\n>essayfag thread \ni don't care for you", "pid": 684043442 }, { "sender": "E5D8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:43:34\n\n>>684043442", "pid": 684044106 }, { "sender": "5080-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:12:41\n\n>>684044106 \nyou're bad at hooks and things that will cause engagement and then you get mad that /v/ doesn't want to talk about games. sort yourself out.", "pid": 684045469 }, { "sender": "Anon-A3A3", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:14:06\n\n>psx aesrhetic game about catching fish \n>expect sega fishing gameplay with a cute artstyle \n>it's actually the most tastefully designed platformer of the last 20 years with a cute artstyle", "pid": 684045536 }, { "sender": "Anon-9D31", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:19:17\n\nthe king fish at the top of the garden tower fucking kicked me in the face and undid my whole climb", "pid": 684045757 }, { "sender": "Anon-DC19", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:27:01\n\n>>684045757 \nit's insane how huge the garden tower is. I must have spent like 2 hours exploring it", "pid": 684046120 }, { "sender": "93EF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:28:05\n\n>>684045536 \npeople keep saying the art style is like spyro but it honestly reminds me more of rayman 2 than anything", "pid": 684046163 }, { "sender": "6C97-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:42:06\n\neh, the combo of demanding platforming and purposely wonky level design isn't doing it for me\n\ni can handle knowing how to get past an obstacle and fumbling the execution until i get it right, having to re-climb a whole section because i didn't even know what the fuck i was supposed to do just gets me too tilted even when i eventually figure it out", "pid": 684046795 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0314", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:06:50\n\n>>684046795 \nThe level design is great. The problem is that it requires a lot of advanced movement techniques that you can't be reasonably expected to know the first time, and it can be very punishing if you fall and haven't found a shortcut.", "pid": 684047816 }, { "sender": "2E95-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:10:16\n\n>>684047816 \n>The problem is that it requires a lot of advanced movement techniques that you can't be reasonably expected to know the first time \nnone of the movement techniques are that advanced and are taught to the player pretty reasonably in the starting area. the only \"advanced\" technique is the twirl, which is only required for 2 tokens, everything else is fairly easy to understand.", "pid": 684047956 }, { "sender": "Anon-063B", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:11:53\n\n>>684040947 \n>\"this game is le good\" \n>doesn't elaborate, zero effort OP \n>doesn't post gameplay, just a cover off google images \n>\"wtf why does /v/ think I'm a low effort shill?\" \nnot that your odds would have gone up that much if you did put some effort into discussing the game, but at least they wouldn't be fucking zero", "pid": 684048024 }, { "sender": "C549-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:14:18\n\n>>684047956 \nI play a lot of platformers, so I was able to take to it pretty quickly, but you have to admit the game kinda plunges the average player into the deep end with the things it expects of them. The training area teaches you basic movement, sure, but imagine going from the starting area to the garden tower, the average guy is gonna get his ass kicked.", "pid": 684048116 }, { "sender": "AB8C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:15:19\n\n>>684048024 \nIf I elaborated on what the game is about, I'd still be called a shill.", "pid": 684048149 }, { "sender": "4703-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:20:56\n\n>>684048116 \n>game requires you to think about your movement? this is too much for the average player \nthis is not a problem, and is actually what makes it good. if it was braindead, accessible to the lowest common denominator, it would not be a good game.", "pid": 684048398 }, { "sender": "F816-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:22:20\n\n>>684048149 \n>not that your odds would have gone up that much if you did put some effort into discussing the game \n>but at least they wouldn't be fucking zero \naw geez man, if only you could read", "pid": 684048461 }, { "sender": "C981-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:23:09\n\n>>684048398 \nnigga I love the game. this world sorely lacks 3d platformers that are actually difficult. I can just see why some people wouldn't like it.", "pid": 684048496 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D2DA", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:27:24\n\n>>684048398 \nIt is a problem if it's just going to be a pixel precision platformer with 3D involved, instead of a more expressive platformer with an intended route but with routes of varying difficulty (and speed) to complete to show mastery. \nStuff like the thorn vine slide area where you need to wallrunto get up a tower? That doesn't need a precision jump and making it precision based doesn't add anything to the game except frustration.", "pid": 684048659 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-3E73", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:33:37\n\n>>684048659 \nthe retardation in this post is through the roof. i don't even know where to start, so i won't. but i will say this, you should kill yourself if you use \"pixel precision platformer\" or \"expressive platformer\" as genre names.", "pid": 684048914 }, { "sender": "76DE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:37:38\n\n>>684048914 \nYou wouldn't know how to start a coherent thought. I accept your concession regardless.", "pid": 684049060 }, { "sender": "8213-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:43:40\n\n>>684049060 \nessayfag, you've never been able to have a single thought in your head if it hadn't been put there by a youtube essay.", "pid": 684049316 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5D92", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:19:52\n\nI know this is a Big Catch thread but the demo for Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is also generous. I got about 5 hours of game time out of completing that. I booted TBC demo up about a month ago before getting interrupted only a few minutes in; I've been meaning to go back. Thanks for the reminder", "pid": 684050946 }, { "sender": "F3CA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:34:38\n\n>>684050946 \n>I know this is a Big Catch thread \nyou misunderstood, this is not a big catch thread. this is a thread made by essayfag to pretend he wants to talk about videogames but actually exists for him to pretend like he is the only one who wants to talk about videogames because no one wants to engage him and his arguments laden with retardation and unsubstantiated presuppositions.", "pid": 684051556 }, { "sender": "9726-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:41:33\n\n>start game \n>having fun in the tutorial zone learning mechanics \n>anyway, here's a desert full of nothing \nwhy?", "pid": 684051847 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CD11", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:00:31\n\n>>684051847 \n>full of nothing \nbut it isn't. it's full of levels. each area is a level, you can travel to any area very quickly.", "pid": 684052739 }, { "sender": "8709-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:08:00\n\n>>684052739 \nI feel like I was unlucky on the couple of places I went to then cause all I found was empty room with a couple of pots \nI only played for a little bit to try it out though, I'll play more tonight", "pid": 684053128 }, { "sender": "Anon-C162", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:22:36\n\n>>684053128 \nevery area has platforming challenges. your goal is to catch all fish and to get all tokens to get into the tower.", "pid": 684053832 }, { "sender": "8D88-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:51:23\n\n>>684040136 \nThanks for reminding me, I need to get on it too now.", "pid": 684055248 }, { "sender": "Anon-59C8", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:55:05\n\n>>684040947 \nThe trick is to bait anons into discussion with a hard-take angle that doesn't just sound like obvious contrarianism or shitposting. A greentext list of pros and cons while asking anons what they'd change is a good start.", "pid": 684055413 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8356", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:10\n\n>>684055413 \nplease do not attempt to teach essayfag anything. it's a wasted effort, if it isn't in the form of a youtube essay it will pass through his head like a fly through a chainlink fence.", "pid": 684055656 }, { "sender": "BC16-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:07:03\n\n>>684040375 \n>my mistake, I forgot you can't talk about games on /v/ \nftfy", "pid": 684055947 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-EC41", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:08:37\n\n>>684040174 \n>>684040392 \n>new meta", "pid": 684056020 } ]
Console homebrew thread
[ { "sender": "Anon-E7FB", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:27:57\n\nConsole homebrew thread\n\nWhat CFW do I get for PS3 to play and avoid getting banned online?", "pid": 684051287 }, { "sender": "Anon-61A2", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:31:50\n\nthere's only like one dude", "pid": 684051453 }, { "sender": "Anon-F2BB", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:42:23\n\n>>684051453 \nDo I need to know anything about not getting banned?", "pid": 684051890 }, { "sender": "DDC4-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:10:46\n\n>>684051287 \nthere's only one CFW. HEN doesn't get you banned unless you run homebrew while being signed into PSN", "pid": 684053269 }, { "sender": "Anon-1240", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:22:29\n\n>>684051890 \nMake sure automatic psn login is disabled(evilnat's CFW has a safety to make sure the naughty stuff stays disabled if you attempt to log in to psn), open multiman and load your ROM, go to the CFW's menu to disable syscalls and you can do everything online normally(playing, syncing achievements and downloading updates). I think you could reenable them but just rebooting the console is safer. \nAs for savefile editing and using someone else's(you have to resign it with apollo save editor first): it will crash if you attempt to get a trophy if you just load it and get it, instead you have to load->save->reboot->get it (my system got YLOD during an autosave and it ate it, downloaded a save from some brazillian website and my system crashed just as i got it)", "pid": 684053830 }, { "sender": "4809-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:27:11\n\n>>684053830 \n>open multiman and load your ROM \nWhat if you wanted to play the game downloaded from PS Store servers (PsnStuff and such)", "pid": 684054049 }, { "sender": "EA05-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:30:16\n\n>>684054049 \njust disable syscalls before connecting to PSN, nothing has changed", "pid": 684054203 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4E6B", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:30:46\n\nwhat's the current state of ps3 homebrew? I remember a while ago it was pretty shit because you to login to a website that went offline", "pid": 684054229 }, { "sender": "B779-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:32:29\n\n>>684051287 \nI am aiming to buy a grip with R2 L2 and R3 L3 for ps vita. \nIt'll practically be a perfect handheld device, \npretty portable to everything and if I need to I can upgrade it with buttons to play something like GTA SA in all it's glory. \nI fucking love this handheld and it's ironic how it's life mostly begun after snoy shut down development for it, it's getting ports, giving life to games that deserve it like Dead Space mobile and is even getting original games from homebrew community, which actually uses it's potential", "pid": 684054321 }, { "sender": "FFC3-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:54:11\n\nbamp", "pid": 684055378 }, { "sender": "9DAA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:58:14\n\n>>684054229 \n> I remember a while ago it was pretty shit because you to login to a website that went offline \n???", "pid": 684055564 }, { "sender": "3DBC-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:20:35\n\n>>684051287 \nThe only CFW that exists on ps3 is the Evil Nat, and its pretty easy to install it nowadays. Sony doesnt give a fuck about ps3 accounts running on hacked ps3's so your chances to get banned are pretty slim. Just to be safe though, you should make a burner sony account and use it on ps3.", "pid": 684056649 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anonymous-300A", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:18:22\n\n>modding Skyrim all over again", "pid": 684039825 }, { "sender": "ADCF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:19:33\n\n>>684039825 \nI'm doing the same with Morrowind.", "pid": 684039880 }, { "sender": "CE4B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:19:35\n\n>>684039825 \nI’ve only ever played vanilla desu", "pid": 684039881 }, { "sender": "C9BB-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:20:04\n\n>>684039825 \n>bodyslide cartoonishly huge tits and ass \n>fap and bust in like a minute \n>close and dont touch the game again for like a year", "pid": 684039916 }, { "sender": "Anon-94A3", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:22:07\n\n>>684039825 \n>remembering that I still haven't fixed the combat system despite spending literal weeks on this shit testing everything under the sun \nI hate it", "pid": 684040013 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1B03", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:23:08\n\n>>684039881 \nBased and same. I use the code patch for Morrowind and that's about as much as I've ever modded any game in my life.", "pid": 684040053 }, { "sender": "Anon-5286", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:24:11\n\nJust modded Oblivion, I forgot how good I felt playing it", "pid": 684040110 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FC19", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:25:05\n\n>>684039881 \nYou have saved yourself several lifetimes worth of free QA by taking this route desu. Big fat jiggling Nord tiddies are nice but you will question the level of effort involved with getting everything right.", "pid": 684040145 }, { "sender": "20AE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:25:46\n\n>>684040110 \nI started this again a few months ago but it didn't work well with my controller and I just wanted to be comfy on my couch, not use keyboard and mouse at a desk like a nerd.", "pid": 684040178 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4B69", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:26:16\n\n>>684039881 \nlol same \nmodding everything to perfection is just too much effort for me because I know if I dipped my toes into modding I wouldnt come back up", "pid": 684040215 }, { "sender": "DAB1-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:26:32\n\n>>684039825 \nI spent five minutes modding Nolvus and called it a day.", "pid": 684040235 }, { "sender": "Anon-4917", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:26:40\n\n>>684040110 \nThe only mod i would use is something that fixed the scaling, is there one like that?", "pid": 684040242 }, { "sender": "3427-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:27:20\n\n>>684040215 \nFor me it's that I know I'd be immediately frustrated and confused. I'm too lazy to get into modding, basically.", "pid": 684040281 }, { "sender": "8979-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:27:35\n\n>>684039825 \ngot to do what you got to do", "pid": 684040308 }, { "sender": "Anon-7E49", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:28:29\n\n>>684040013 \nUse this \", "pid": 684040357 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2369", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:28:51\n\n>>684040178 \nNorthernUI.", "pid": 684040379 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-73AB", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:30:09\n\n>edge for 6 hours \n>bust a nut all over my keyboard \n>uninstall \n>rinse \n>repeat", "pid": 684040443 }, { "sender": "6D14-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:30:48\n\n>>684040013 \ncgo, valryvyn, maximum carnage, extended hotkey system, and smartcast. you are welcome.", "pid": 684040471 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A026", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:31:21\n\nHonestly, what is it about Skyrim that has so many people going back to it? \nI think it's something to do with nostalgia and it being a familiar and comfortable game for most people.", "pid": 684040498 }, { "sender": "Anon-ABC4", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:32:45\n\n>>684040498 \nbeyond skyrim will eventually come out and when it does, I will have the perfect setup ready.", "pid": 684040568 }, { "sender": "4F79-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:34:29\n\n>>684040568 \nI say this but I realistically only expect cyrodil the vyndarnfell part of morrowind and parts of the others to come out at most. \n \nI am not that delusional.", "pid": 684040653 }, { "sender": "Anon-2795", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:34:45\n\n>>684040568 \n>TES : Hammerfell late 2032 \n>Beyond Skyrim 2028 (delayed to 2030) \nJust a few more years to go bros", "pid": 684040663 }, { "sender": "E913-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:34:48\n\n>>684040498 \n>I think it's something to do with nostalgia \nhello there redditoiid", "pid": 684040668 }, { "sender": "4119-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:37:29\n\n>>684040663 \nI swear to God jew todd better release some of the creation club stuff for free during quakecon because that would actually help like a ton.", "pid": 684040787 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-364C", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:38:32\n\n>>684039881 \nI only play Vanilla + Alternate Start, i cant be half assed to play Helgen for the 300th time", "pid": 684040835 }, { "sender": "Anon-E72D", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:39:26\n\n>>684040498 \nI'm just playing it with my gf. \nSkyrim Together is a pain in the ass but it's worth it imho", "pid": 684040879 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CFC9", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:40:00\n\nHey anon, your Steam profile says you played Skyrim 8 hours yesterday! What were you doing?", "pid": 684040907 }, { "sender": "Anon-872B", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:40:40\n\n>>684040787 \nHe would do that anyway out of pure spite just to buckbreak the lists again. \n>Here have some more half baked slop you fucking plebs. Enjoy wasting your next weekend on updating.", "pid": 684040934 }, { "sender": "E357-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:41:40\n\nSkyrim VR gave me fucking cancer.\nDon't bother with it unless you are so autistic about modding that you wear programing socks.", "pid": 684040970 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0DA8", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:42:29\n\n>>684040663 \nits probably gonna be around 2028 for TES VI and 2032 for Fallout 5, still fucking bullshit, the over-focus on Graphical realism within Game Development has skyrocketed dev times for singleplayer games", "pid": 684041028 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A0B1", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:44:19\n\n>>684040934 \nyeah, but in this case, it'd actually speed things along because they could use most of the armor sets for high rock and a few of them for hammerfell.", "pid": 684041118 }, { "sender": "Anon-9CA9", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:45:28\n\n>>684040242 \nOblivion XP Reloaded", "pid": 684041165 }, { "sender": "50CF-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:48:00\n\n>>684040970 \nJust play Fallout 4 VR like the rest of us", "pid": 684041291 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-304F", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:48:21\n\n>>684041291 \nugly artstyle", "pid": 684041306 }, { "sender": "B9D8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:02\n\n>>684041306 \nDo you not like wet clay?", "pid": 684041343 }, { "sender": "A2D1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:50\n\n>>684040242 \nI use Oblivion XP and Oblivion Scaling Unclusterfucked, though I'm still two hours into it so I can't recommend it", "pid": 684041387 }, { "sender": "Anon-7D01", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:07:25\n\n>>684041343 \nNo.", "pid": 684042294 }, { "sender": "Anon-D986", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:09:09\n\n>>684040443 \nme with actual porn games \nthe curso of having gay-ass fetishes like egglaying and oviposition", "pid": 684042381 }, { "sender": "85CA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:09:31\n\n>>684041306 \njust mod it", "pid": 684042401 }, { "sender": "Anon-2944", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:12:49\n\n>>684042401 \nunironically it's too much of a pain in the ass for not enough reward.", "pid": 684042579 }, { "sender": "D0D8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:15:11\n\n>every wabbajack modpack is, at a minimum, 250 gigs \nPretty quickly kills an interest in getting back to Skyrim - and I'm too lazy to spend many hours manually getting what I want installed \n~~Someday I'll come crawling back, I'm sure~~", "pid": 684042715 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7E0D", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:20:06\n\nayo in case someone reads this here's a cool mod idea. merge mephala and boethiah's quests with destroying the dark brotherhood for stormcloak players who don't want to helo out the penitus but still want to destroy the db. \n\nchange it so that boethiah's ex champion (who to make things cooler also has the ebony blade on top of the ebony mail) just joined them and you have to take them all out together. \nthen afterwards you have to use the ebony blade to kill everyone in the dragon bridge outpost to restore it to full power.\n\n\nI don't know if seperating innocence lost from destroying the db is possible but yeah just thought I'd share this.", "pid": 684042946 }, { "sender": "CFCE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:22:50\n\n>>684039825 \nI would get this but it just made me realize how much I don't enjoy playing skyrim, so the effort wasn't worth it. I never get tired of modding minecraft despite it being the same shit of going over curseforge and modrinth over 200 times downloading mods for whatever version of mc I'm playing at the moment, because the resulting game is very fun for me. Truly a neuron activation moment.", "pid": 684043074 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6762", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:23:33\n\n>alternate start \n>download the first 10 or pages of immersion mods \n>whatever armors and weapons that look cool \n>weather overhaul \n>face/body/hair/boobs/pubes/butt/etc. only for my wife sylgja \n>flora/tree/snow overhaul \n>more grass/flora \n>perk overhaul/more magic stuff \n>engine fixes, skyui, etc. \n>lc noble house \n>some other shit i'll remmeber later \nyep, its skyrim time", "pid": 684043123 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5A41", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:25:06\n\n>>684039825 \njust download a wabbajack and mod that, way easier than doing it from scratch", "pid": 684043203 }, { "sender": "B580-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:26:06\n\n>>684042715 \n>250 gigs \nWhat the fuck?", "pid": 684043248 }, { "sender": "7AC1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:27:47\n\n>>684043248 \n>he doesn't want the mandatory 12k ass and pusy textures with fully modeled anatomy in his game \nNgmi", "pid": 684043328 }, { "sender": "10EA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:28:18\n\nModding Morrowind and Skyrim is easy.\nModding Oblivion is a pain in the ass.", "pid": 684043358 }, { "sender": "84D5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:28:58\n\n>>684042946 \nI'm not mod begging if it helps. I'm a proud simperial bastard. \nThe mephela, boethia, and even destroying the db quests are just pathetic but putting them all together might be enough to be satisfying and it's adds new ways to roleplay.", "pid": 684043395 }, { "sender": "33EA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:29:46\n\n>>684043358 \nwhy? I mean, I'm not the kind of man that installs 100+ mods, but I never had any issue with Wrye Bash", "pid": 684043428 }, { "sender": "Anon-ADC6", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:30:11\n\n>>684042715 \n>at a minimum, 250 gigs \nwhy do you or anyone downloaded all these hideous texture mods, i get wanting to make your wife hot but good god that takes maybe 2 or 3 gb.", "pid": 684043452 }, { "sender": "6564-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:36:58\n\n>>684039881 \nBeyond smart", "pid": 684043780 }, { "sender": "2E7C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:39:33\n\n>>684043452 \nall these years and still no functional polygamy mod. coomrim has fallen. trillions must die,", "pid": 684043897 }, { "sender": "5549-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:42:41\n\n>>684043428 \ndon't know how to use wryre bash", "pid": 684044054 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2771", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:43:22\n\n>>684043328 \n>>684043452 \nthe actual texture mods barely take up any space in these packs", "pid": 684044090 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-01E9", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:43:23\n\n>>684043248 \n>download 20GB of 4k mods \n>play the game in 900p \n \nDon't even try to comprehend my ways.", "pid": 684044092 }, { "sender": "BB7A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:43:48\n\n>modding Arma 3 all over again", "pid": 684044119 }, { "sender": "Anon-83F4", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:45:05\n\n>>684043203 \nB-but /tesg/ told me wabbajacks are all shit.", "pid": 684044178 }, { "sender": "Anon-EE8D", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:45:22\n\n>>684044090 \n>18GBs for bodyslide \n>29GBs for accessories \nWew lad", "pid": 684044190 }, { "sender": "Anon-B5AD", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:46:49\n\n>>684044178 \nThey are. individualized load orders forever,", "pid": 684044252 }, { "sender": "55D1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:47:33\n\n>>684044178 \nthey are, the whole point of modding is making the game yours", "pid": 684044290 }, { "sender": "Anon-7B61", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:49:27\n\n>>684044252 \n>>684044290 \nt. makes a le epic individualized install that's 90% the same as some popular wabbajack except for some mods he gave up on installing because patching it was too hard", "pid": 684044369 }, { "sender": "Anon-29BA", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:51:32\n\nThe bomb has..... killed le people?", "pid": 684044483 }, { "sender": "F85B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:51:40\n\n>>684044252 \n>>684044290 \nBased.", "pid": 684044495 }, { "sender": "F583-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:52:22\n\n>>684044369 \npatching hasn't even been remotely difficult for over 10 years, it was over after tes5/xedit, cone on now.", "pid": 684044535 }, { "sender": "05D7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:53:22\n\n>>684044369 \nNope but I've also not looked at many of them. I'm pretty sure there's nothing like mine, let me check", "pid": 684044578 }, { "sender": "Anon-9520", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:55:13\n\n>>684044290 \n>>684044252 \nt. someone who actual mods his games according to his tastes \n>>684043203 \nt. filthy larper and lazy faggot who doesn't know what he's doing", "pid": 684044671 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9D55", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:10:32\n\n>>684044578 \nchecked and I can confirm that my tastes are legit unique enough for none of these to work for me. I did find two mods that seemed nice tho.", "pid": 684045371 }, { "sender": "83B0-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:13:02\n\n>>684039825 \nI mean you could spray deo on a piece of shit on the ground to make it more bearable but it is still a piece of turd", "pid": 684045484 }, { "sender": "BCA9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:18:56\n\n>>684045484 \nvery original comment anon, congratulations", "pid": 684045741 }, { "sender": "98BF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:26:58\n\n>not building modlist around your aesthetic and fetishes \n>using slop modpack for drooling masses \nngmi", "pid": 684046116 }, { "sender": "Anon-DD20", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:19:28\n\n>>684043897 \nthis", "pid": 684048335 }, { "sender": "2289-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:23:22\n\ni have a fetish for getiing jank ass mod frameworks for niche fetishes to actually work properly. i don't actually care about the fetish itself but rather the idea that someone spent time to create a mod for it", "pid": 684048505 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2FAD", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:29:44\n\n>>684039825 \nTake up a different hobby, go hiking.", "pid": 684048761 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5A20", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:30:10\n\n>>684043358 \n>new CC update just dropped \n>wondering if you have set the file to read only and turned off auto updating on Steam", "pid": 684048776 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CF43", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:14:49\n\n>>684039825 \nWhat I do is I have a .txt with all the basic mods I need for the next playthrough, all the shit I wanna try that I didnt last time and the shit I dont want to install because it breaks the game or whatever in case I get what I call “widow effect” (remembering only the good parts and forgetting the horrible shit). Then when I get the urge I just follow the shopping list. I also ~~have a copy of all my mods from previous playthroughs and their load order stored in MO2 and Loot so that if I’m too lazy I can just whip that out and play in a couple of minutes.~~ Separetly I also have a in-browser folder where I store all the mods that look interesting, wich in turn its ordered with sub-folders by type like gameplay, textures etc. That way when I find a new mod I like i just do two clicks and its saved, so when I want to find something but I cant be bothered digging shit on nexus for hours its just there ready to find in two seconds.", "pid": 684050736 }, { "sender": "11CE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:22:31\n\n>play Skyrim \n>get 5000 gold \n>train once, pickpocket gold \n>repeat x5 \n>level up \n>repeat for 20 levels \n>everything one shots me now \n>give up and quit \nWhy am I so retarded? \nWhy did they let you pickpocket your gold back from trainers? Too easy to exploit", "pid": 684051063 }, { "sender": "Anon-0202", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:23:10\n\n>>684039916 \n \nBefore that point it's 2-3 days of downloading two dozen mods, installing and troubleshooting compatibility. Then you get off once and realize that the combat and character progression is so fundamentally flawed that mods can't salvage it and even if download half of loverslab you just get a model poser that needs shitton of nigger rigging.", "pid": 684051091 }, { "sender": "14F4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:30:00\n\n>>684051063 \n>everything one shots me now \n>give up and quit \nwhat did you spend your 20 perk points on? \n>Why did they let you pickpocket your gold back from trainers? \nbecause its funny and fun to play a thief. you could say the same for just breaking into shops and stealing stuff and selling it back to merchants, shame it didn't have the npc disposition stuff like oblivion.", "pid": 684051370 }, { "sender": "4C71-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:35:41\n\n>>684039825 \nthe only Skyrim mods you need are the unofficial patch, vanilla purist's mod, and achievement enabler", "pid": 684051593 }, { "sender": "1761-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:52:52\n\n>>684043358 \nskill issue learn mod organizer and modding Bethesda games are easy as shit.", "pid": 684052398 }, { "sender": "Anon-4B54", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:35:02\n\n>>684039825 \nI have gave up on doing it solo since even if I can set up 50 mods (20 are just scripts for other mods) fine I don't have the fucking patience for 200 mods and fucking troubleshooting to get it working, \nI'm planning to grab some modlist which I can delete a lot of stuff from and fill it with others I like", "pid": 684054447 }, { "sender": "47DA-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:36:15\n\n>>684039825 \nBump", "pid": 684054508 }, { "sender": "68EC-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:55\n\n>>684054447 \nBest course of action is downloading a stable modpack full of gameplay contents and bugfixes. Then splash coom mods, body replacer and fancy equipment on top. Delving into modding and debugging will rot your brain.", "pid": 684055693 } ]
[ { "sender": "E64F-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:41:20\n\nMK1\n\nI'm so flabbergasted that in a game with martial artists/ninja/sorcerers/cyborgs and monsters, people are more hyped to play a white person with a knife and a mask than the symbol of male power fantasy, conan, or one of the most iconic terminators... Is Whiteface Killer's move list leaked and everyone wants to test the White Priviledge stab command grab or something?", "pid": 684051828 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B006", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:08:22\n\nBump for violence against women erotic", "pid": 684053143 }, { "sender": "8F41-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:10:26\n\nI thought ghost face was a black and a white dude switching the mask as they both murdered people", "pid": 684053252 }, { "sender": "Anon-B81D", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:15:32\n\n>>684053252 \nWasn't that the Scary Movie version?", "pid": 684053478 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9386", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:18:55\n\nI'm surprised people still pay attention to this shitty series after the abomination that was MK11", "pid": 684053657 }, { "sender": "5CFE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:21:57\n\n>>684053657 \nB-but le hecking multiversekino story tho, like MCU Avengers in the Endgame!", "pid": 684053801 }, { "sender": "87C8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:23:20\n\n>>684053478 \nNo, the scary movie one was the police guy who pretended to be retarded.", "pid": 684053857 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-24F9", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:35:57\n\nplease for the love of god just remaster and rerelease UMK3 or MK9 already", "pid": 684054489 }, { "sender": "Anon-722C", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:39:31\n\n>>684054489 \nthese were problematic and have women dress in a humiliating and toxic way. we need to remake those but go fully burka for the girls and totally shirtless dudes", "pid": 684054659 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-D7E0", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:43:25\n\n>>684053857 \nThanks for the fucking spoilers.", "pid": 684054845 }, { "sender": "Anon-1FBF", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:44:49\n\n>>684053252 \nin the first movie it's two white dudes", "pid": 684054923 }, { "sender": "D333-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:45:06\n\n>hyped to play Shin Jabber 1: Throw Edition", "pid": 684054948 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7216", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:46:27\n\n>>684054845 \nmaybe this ghostface killer is the white woman version from another movie because only woman power can fight on par against monsters and superhumans", "pid": 684055017 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1B0A", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:47:31\n\n>>684054845 \nSpike dies.", "pid": 684055064 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5EA2", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:48:59\n\n>>684055064 \n>tranime \nwho cares?", "pid": 684055138 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AAA2", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:57:00\n\nI think it's hilarious that with all the guest characters and requests for guest characters there hasn't been a single person anywhere asking for Cole", "pid": 684055506 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-0D44", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:58:58\n\n>>684055506 \nI'm not hopeful but there is a chance that maybe they are keeping him for another DLC after the movie is released or some promo shit", "pid": 684055598 }, { "sender": "CF12-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:59:08\n\n>>684055506 \nI forgot they're supposed to release the second movie with Johnny Cage. They should just start all over.", "pid": 684055609 }, { "sender": "C7E8-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:27\n\n>>684055506 \nI forgot this fucker even existed", "pid": 684055668 }, { "sender": "E023-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:07:37\n\n>>684051828 \n>average human dude(?) with a knife \n>corrupted super ninja \n>cyborg 1 \n>cyborg 2 \n>chad barbarian out of fantasy fiction \n>shapechanging killing machine from the future \nlineup kinda retarded in terms of power scaling", "pid": 684055980 }, { "sender": "2147-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:10:23\n\n>>684051828 \nCool to see the ultimate chad, Conan, in a game. \n \nA shame that game is utter garbage. I'll just wait until the gameplay is uploaded onto YouTube.", "pid": 684056104 }, { "sender": "DDBB-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:24:09\n\n>>684054845 \nFucking retard", "pid": 684056823 } ]
[ { "sender": "F3A1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:46:02\n\nit do be like dat...", "pid": 684035203 }, { "sender": "Anon-5BBC", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:47:59\n\nthere is not a single person on earth playing concord right now", "pid": 684035304 }, { "sender": "006A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 04:54:23\n\n>>684035304 \nlots of game testing is outsourced to eastern europe and the offices should be opening there. might be people or two playing", "pid": 684035626 }, { "sender": "Anon-957D", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:33:08\n\nThe image that destroyed /vpol/", "pid": 684037654 }, { "sender": "Anon-47E7", "message": "29/07/2024, 05:52:41\n\n>>684038472 \nKek true", "pid": 684038630 }, { "sender": "Anon-0F78", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:05:33\n\n>>684038472 \n>>684039149 \ncame into this thread to make these edits lol", "pid": 684039236 }, { "sender": "5E14-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:29:38\n\n95% of the character designs are ugly as shit. Diversity is all well and good if they look cool. It really is ok when Japan does it. The west sucks.", "pid": 684040412 }, { "sender": "C412-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:29:57\n\n>>684040365 \ngiwtwm", "pid": 684040428 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-69B1", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:31:41\n\nLiterally nobody is saying 'stop having fun' because nobody of the 300 people who have played concord had fun\nEveryone in the peanut gallery is pointing and laughing while the outnumbered players walk away in disgust", "pid": 684040513 }, { "sender": "CB38-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:31:48\n\n>>684040365 \nkino", "pid": 684040520 }, { "sender": "9FBE-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:32:26\n\n>>684040365 \nlole", "pid": 684040549 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-08AC", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:33:56\n\n>>684038472 \nLmao \n>>684039149 \n>>684039496 \n>>684040365 \nGood shit lads \nKeep em coming", "pid": 684040630 }, { "sender": "E270-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:35:58\n\ncan't believe I am seeing OC on /v/ right now. That isn't wojak bullshit.", "pid": 684040721 }, { "sender": "Anon-1DD6", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:38:35\n\nit do be like dat...", "pid": 684040838 }, { "sender": "04BD-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:41:18\n\n>>684039496 \nthe first 2 panels should have the articles which praise the game and the last one should be screaming \"BUY THE FUCKING GAME CHUD!\"", "pid": 684040961 }, { "sender": "E1F7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:46:33\n\n>>684040721 \ni gotchu", "pid": 684041224 }, { "sender": "C220-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:47:54\n\n>>684035304 \nThere are some testers who will be playing it for work.", "pid": 684041281 }, { "sender": "F112-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:13\n\n>>684041224 \nheh", "pid": 684041358 }, { "sender": "A84E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 06:49:14\n\n>another concord shitpost thread \n>look inside \n>OC memes \nwhat", "pid": 684041359 }, { "sender": "2BFA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:00:07\n\n>>684041224", "pid": 684041932 }, { "sender": "5B87-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:03:00\n\nit's gotten so bad for concord that i can't even tell if you're being ironic or not", "pid": 684042054 }, { "sender": "Anon-6384", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:03:23\n\n>QUIT HAVING FUN \nIt's not like they were having any to begin with", "pid": 684042076 }, { "sender": "E8CF-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:04:01\n\n>>684042054 \noh wait nevermind apparently you guys had made a bunch of sick edits. sweet lol i guess i missed some shit in the threads", "pid": 684042115 }, { "sender": "BEF1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:14:03\n\n>>684041910 \nbased michael \nthey don't care about us", "pid": 684042652 }, { "sender": "Anon-711E", "message": "29/07/2024, 07:54:46\n\n>>684041932 \nnobody even has the consoles to run that game", "pid": 684044646 }, { "sender": "Anon-54EB", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:51:15\n\n>>684035203 \nNever ask a concord poster about the gameplay.", "pid": 684047204 }, { "sender": "FD20-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:55:14\n\n>>684047204 \nnever ask a Concord player if they bought the game they claim to be fans of, either", "pid": 684047354 }, { "sender": "ED28-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:56:16\n\n>>684040365 \nI recognize that pen stabbing", "pid": 684047406 }, { "sender": "Anon-0DC0", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:59:17\n\n>>684041224 \nSOVL", "pid": 684047534 }, { "sender": "3936-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:03:34\n\n>>684047354 \nit's not even out yet", "pid": 684047685 }, { "sender": "BC90-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:13:15\n\n>>684047685 \n>preorders don't exist \nand to word it better for your \"ackshually\" sorry arse, \"never ask Concord fans if they play the game they claim to be fans of\"", "pid": 684048063 }, { "sender": "9EA4-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:23:18\n\n>>684045727", "pid": 684048501 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C195", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:24:48\n\n>>684048063 \nbetter, thank you", "pid": 684048557 }, { "sender": "1FC8-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:28:09\n\none of the best threads I have seen on /v/ in years. Kind of sad to think about.", "pid": 684048687 }, { "sender": "8FA7-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:34:37\n\n>>684042636 \ncute!", "pid": 684048953 }, { "sender": "Anon-2654", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:39:47\n\n>>684048687 \nThe board is at its best when people come together to laugh at a bad game. TORtanic, TLOU2, Saints Row, Hyenas and so on.", "pid": 684049142 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-343F", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:43:58\n\n>>684047406 \none of the funniest comics ever, the bayle version is also nice", "pid": 684049330 }, { "sender": "Anon-66F9", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:45:34\n\n>>684035203 \nI love when my female characters are \"waifu\" \nI love waifus redditbros", "pid": 684049401 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-453D", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:51:53\n\n>>684048687 \nthe american jannies went to sleep", "pid": 684049713 }, { "sender": "EC13-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:56:51\n\n>>684041224 \n>>684041358 \n>>684047534 \nYou know the opposite is true, because you braindead retards seethe at wojaks literally 24/7 while no one remembers rage comics, lmao.", "pid": 684049918 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9A84", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:59:27\n\n>>684048501 \nUnderrated kek", "pid": 684050030 }, { "sender": "7DFE-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:03:42\n\n>>684048501 \nkek nice one", "pid": 684050217 }, { "sender": "Anon-A38E", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:07:45\n\n>>684049918 \nKek, true.", "pid": 684050401 }, { "sender": "Anon-0815", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:12:40\n\n>>684049918 \nI'm 36. I've been here since 2005. I remember rage comics. I remember all the OC we used to have that actually took effort. This thread brought me back to that.", "pid": 684050638 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-432D", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:22:41\n\n>>684035203 \nWhy", "pid": 684051074 }, { "sender": "4BA9-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:25:11\n\n>>684050638 \nI'm 39. I've been here since 2003. I remember the rage comics. I remember all the facebook tier cancer comics that everyone with a >99 iq hated being spammed everywhere. And I gotta say - You're a retarded faggot.", "pid": 684051169 }, { "sender": "EC40-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:27:09\n\n>>684050638 \n>I'm a brainless boomer that likes these shitty boomer comics because I grew up with them \nI'm not sure how admitting that you have a bias helps your argument in any way. It just kinda proves that you're a pathetic, clueless and disingenuous moron.", "pid": 684051256 }, { "sender": "DE45-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:29:00\n\n>>684037654 \n>/vpol/ \nMeds", "pid": 684051339 }, { "sender": "1BD8-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:30:01\n\n>>684038472 \nWhat is supposed to be on the bottom TV?", "pid": 684051372 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-25FD", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:33:24\n\n>>684051339 \nI'm not the one with trannies living in my walls", "pid": 684051513 }, { "sender": "Anon-2DE0", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:33:25\n\n>>684051372 \nspider webs", "pid": 684051514 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9982", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:34:42\n\n>>684051513 \nThey are everywhere even the Olympics", "pid": 684051558 }, { "sender": "Anon-2F4C", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:36:44\n\n>>684051169 \n>>684051256 \ncalm down moms", "pid": 684051640 }, { "sender": "0E2C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:38:35\n\n>>684048687 \nenjoy it while it lasts, fren!", "pid": 684051718 }, { "sender": "Anon-327C", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:49:43\n\n>>684051514 \nNo, on the tv not below", "pid": 684052253 }, { "sender": "8A46-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:51:30\n\n>>684038472 \nTop kek \n>>684051372 \nThe PS5 standby screen", "pid": 684052334 }, { "sender": "38E6-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:52:10\n\n>>684038472 \nKEK", "pid": 684052365 }, { "sender": "58A2-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:53:58\n\n>>684052334 \nOh, I thought it was a message about the servers being offline", "pid": 684052453 }, { "sender": "Anon-1EFA", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:54:25\n\n>>684052334 \n>The PS5 standby screen \nwith this information I realise I have never even seen a ps5", "pid": 684052480 }, { "sender": "Anon-A819", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:54:27\n\n>>684042172 \nlmao, this one's underrated", "pid": 684052482 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A3BD", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:55:15\n\n>>684045727", "pid": 684052515 }, { "sender": "6B85-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:56:00\n\n>>684052480 \nPS5s aren't real. It's just another ploy from Sony to make you think they still make games.", "pid": 684052550 }, { "sender": "Anon-5A60", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:57:49\n\n>>684049713 \n>Obsessed newfag ruins the moment", "pid": 684052621 }, { "sender": "Anon-4353", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:00:55\n\n>>684051256 \nYou have no culture. Your \"memes\" are either bastard parodies or facebook mom tier caption images that look worse then iFunny. I'd pity you but the combination of the fact that you chose this lifestyle and that you attempt to destroy anything that's not yours means you really never deserved anything in the first place. Enjoy your Steven Universe X Rick and Morty fanart and cultureless hugbox forums that are heavily monitored.", "pid": 684052759 }, { "sender": "Anon-068F", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:02:25\n\n>>684050638 \nthis is an existing template you clown", "pid": 684052841 }, { "sender": "Anon-26EF", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:04:40\n\n>>684052901 \n>transparent \nI fucking hate new paint", "pid": 684052952 }, { "sender": "933A-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:05:48\n\n>>684035203", "pid": 684053005 }, { "sender": "Anon-0374", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:17:12\n\n>>684053005 \nplaying games because you think they are bad is chaotic neutral as fuck", "pid": 684053567 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-77F5", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:17:23\n\n>>684035203 \nI love the quit having fun meme", "pid": 684053574 }, { "sender": "Anon-0AA4", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:23:05\n\n>>684053567 \nits leechtuber behavior", "pid": 684053847 }, { "sender": "3DB1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:25:13\n\nConcord and neither Marvel Rivals beat TF2 btw", "pid": 684053960 }, { "sender": "772C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:30:54\n\nOP if you think concord is fun come play Destiny 2", "pid": 684054238 }, { "sender": "435C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:08:43\n\n>>684054238 \nis this a bash against destiny 2?", "pid": 684056026 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-5E5E", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:54\n\n>>684035203 \nYou say that, about a game literally nobody plays?", "pid": 684056083 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F2BF", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:14:45\n\n>>684052515 \n...Is this loss?", "pid": 684056309 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-274C", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:57:12\n\nI love my baby PS5 like you wouldn't believe.\n\nI hope those games will be found.\n\nI just wanna get swarmed by all the games and like, tackled to the couch and play them you know? I miss those games.", "pid": 684055521 }, { "sender": "9C92-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:22\n\n>>684055521 \nseeing this dude's face always gets a chuckle out of me", "pid": 684055665 }, { "sender": "Anon-51B2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:07:10\n\n>>684055521 \n>got married because thats what was expected from you \n>got kids because thats what was expected from you \n>worked stable job because thats what was expected from you \n>got in debt to buy a house because thats what was expected from you \n>bought her car and paid for everything because thats what was expected from you \n>took them to expensive holidays every year because thats what was expected from you \n>put up with dumb shit your wife was doing because thats what was expected from you \n>was a good father and husband all along, the moneybag, because thats what was expected from you \n>worked out, got in shape, but the wife just got fatter uglier and lazier, and you didnt force her to change it because thats what was expected from you \n>didnt put her in her place and just quietly took it because thats what was expected from you \n>didnt divorce her when you had better prospects because thats what was expected from you \n>showed sadness when theyre were missing because thats what was expected from you \n>talked to news station because thats what was expected from you \nIf anything I'm surprised he didnt snap sooner.", "pid": 684055958 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-FD22", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:08:03\n\n>>684055958 \nah yes it’s always the man’s fault \nnah it’s society", "pid": 684055993 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7D25", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:05\n\n>>684055993 \nIs this the 54% american literacy level", "pid": 684056042 }, { "sender": "Anon-E2C2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:10:07\n\n>>684056042 \nis this a brown", "pid": 684056091 }, { "sender": "DC0D-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:11:17\n\n>>684055958 \nhe made a choice. nobody forced him to do all that.", "pid": 684056147 }, { "sender": "316B-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:12:29\n\n>>684056147 \nhe was ass druk, the case should've never gone to court and in a truly just judicial system the judge would have thrown the case out. society failed this man.", "pid": 684056206 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-2BCA", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:20:07\n\n>>684055958 \nWhat a pathetic creature. Imagine being such a pussy that you cant even leave your wife and without killing her and your children.", "pid": 684056618 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-E089", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:23:37\n\n>>684055521 \nWeaponized chicken nuggies are no joke, heard Alexander the Great used them during his conquest of Persia.", "pid": 684056791 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-174B", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:23:50\n\na MLM scammer and a sociopath walk into a bar", "pid": 684056804 }, { "sender": "D34D-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:25:26\n\n>two final fantasies \n>ROTR \n>stellar blade \n>astro bot \n>phantom blade zero \n>black myth wukong not on xbox at launch \nlooks like Sonychads wins again \n>t-they'll all be on pc \nyes after they're dated and trash", "pid": 684056893 }, { "sender": "5468-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:25:47\n\n>>684055521 \nPity there's no death penalty for subhuman scum like this.", "pid": 684056910 }, { "sender": "Anon-E0E6", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:26:35\n\noh man, i really miss those games\nmessage me on steam when you find them", "pid": 684056963 }, { "sender": "Anon-FA6E", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:28:35\n\nI understand getting assdrunk but obliterating your family?", "pid": 684057080 }, { "sender": "B272-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:29:19\n\n>>684056618 \nwhy is he a pussy for making you cry?", "pid": 684057121 }, { "sender": "11FB-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:29:50\n\n>>684056910 \nyou probably defend all kinds of pieces of shit tho", "pid": 684057163 }, { "sender": "375E-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:30:40\n\n>>684055521 \nThought he was 40 when he did it. Turns out he's two years younger than me. Damn", "pid": 684057213 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C16C", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:30:58\n\n>>684056893 \n>games stop being good when they stop being exclusive to my corporation's platform \nlol et lmao", "pid": 684057231 }, { "sender": "748B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:31:05\n\n>>684057163 \nNo I don't.", "pid": 684057234 }, { "sender": "5A6C-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:31:13\n\n>>684057121 \n>>684057163 \nmy serb radar is buzzing", "pid": 684057245 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-36A5", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:31:53\n\n>Chris Watts, the man who murdered his pregnant wife and two daughters, has been corresponding with several women for years — and now a jail source tells PEOPLE that the convicted killer is sending \"racy\" letters to some of them. \n>\"They send sexy pictures, and he responds,\" says the source, who has spoken with Watts several times in jail. \"There are a lot of women who think he's handsome and misunderstood. They send a lot of letters.\"", "pid": 684057287 }, { "sender": "8935-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:32:06\n\n>>684057245 \n?", "pid": 684057298 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1445", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:32:18\n\n>>684057213 \nstay out of the sun, yo", "pid": 684057309 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F08C", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:33:05\n\n>>684057309 \n>I've wore", "pid": 684057360 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A32A", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:34:42\n\n>>684057000 \nWho's the guy on the right? I recognize the others", "pid": 684057446 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-C704", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:34:46\n\n>>684057213 \nand how old are you?", "pid": 684057452 }, { "sender": "C506-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:34:47\n\n>>684057360 \nshe'n'd worneded", "pid": 684057453 }, { "sender": "Anon-6DE2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:37:14\n\n>>684055521 \n>this is the face of a 33 year old man \nWtf I feel a lot better about myself suddenly", "pid": 684057573 }, { "sender": "415C-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:37:59\n\n>>684057452 \n41 \n>>684057309 \nGetting pre skin cancer spot off my face this week but yeah I try to. Wearing a bucket hat from now on", "pid": 684057604 }, { "sender": "B5E1-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:38:41\n\n>>684057446 \nRussian streamer who accidentally froze his junkie gf to death by locking her out on the balcony because she was having an episode and wouldn't stfu. And there's a vlog of it kek", "pid": 684057642 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-7A83", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:40:03\n\n>>684055958 \nWhy do retards latch onto him being a victim?", "pid": 684057710 }, { "sender": "8053-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:40:29\n\n>>684057642 \nnah he was a jerk I have seen the video. i will never understand why women pick abusive men.", "pid": 684057737 }, { "sender": "Anon-8810", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:42:45\n\n>>684057737 \n>i will never understand why women pick abusive men. \nWhy not? It's a pretty basic and simple thing.", "pid": 684057849 }, { "sender": "Anon-0B37", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:42:57\n\n>>684057642 \nOh I remember that clip, didn't really get a good look at the guy's face", "pid": 684057858 }, { "sender": "Anon-1036", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:43:11\n\n>>684057309 \nMy skincare routine consists of never leaving home for longer than 20 minutes, works great.", "pid": 684057874 }, { "sender": "3827-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:44:25\n\n>>684057849 \nits not like they will protect you.", "pid": 684057946 }, { "sender": "90B6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:44:31\n\n>>684057604 \nHats alone aren't enough, UV rays reflect off surfaces", "pid": 684057952 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-AE93", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:45:07\n\n>>684057737 \nWomen get abusive men mixed up with strong men that can fulfill their needs to survive. It’s also why so many get into true crime and admire serial killers", "pid": 684057978 }, { "sender": "61AA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:45:50\n\n>>684056206 \nDrunk plea defense law when", "pid": 684058010 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8799", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:47:27\n\n>>684057737 \n>i will never understand why women pick abusive men. \n \nPeople in abusive relationships are often mentally ill or grew up in abusive homes. Basically they keep dating assholes for the same reason you keep coming here.", "pid": 684058104 }, { "sender": "816E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:47:37\n\n>>684057978 \nis that why some women lust over the columbine killers", "pid": 684058116 }, { "sender": "Anon-5838", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:52:01\n\n>>684057710 \nbecause you aren’t smart enough to change their minds", "pid": 684058326 }, { "sender": "6FDA-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:52:26\n\nNigga's say women are wrong to be attracted to serial killers and I know that's only a woman only thing because women almost never become serial killers.", "pid": 684058343 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-B8BA", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:52:28\n\n>>684057737 \n>i will never understand why women pick abusive men \nTheir parent(s) taught them that's what love is. It's the case for pretty much anyone who ends up with an abuser. You have to actively try to unlearn what has been subconsciously instilled in you as a child to break the habit.", "pid": 684058345 }, { "sender": "FAB5-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:52:32\n\n>>684058104 \nso all modern women are mentally ill", "pid": 684058348 }, { "sender": "AC4B-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:54:37\n\n>>684058345 \nwomen are told that good men are boring and chuds", "pid": 684058453 }, { "sender": "29E6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:55:17\n\n>>684058348 \n>>684058453 \nyou'll be fine", "pid": 684058494 }, { "sender": "5491-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:55:52\n\n>>684058494 \nbut will you? \nwe worry, anon…", "pid": 684058524 }, { "sender": "9004-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:56:09\n\n>>684058453 \nmmost men nowadays are not very masculine so they cling to abusers.", "pid": 684058541 }, { "sender": "EB2A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:57:03\n\n>>684058541 \nmost women don't want anything to do with abusers", "pid": 684058569 }, { "sender": "Anon-94E1", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:57:38\n\n>>684058326 \nI may not be smart but I’m not an idiot", "pid": 684058607 }, { "sender": "Anon-8821", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:59:34\n\n>>684058541 \n>men nowadays are not very masculine so they cling to abusers \n \ntake your meds and touch grass", "pid": 684058697 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F3AE", "message": "29/07/2024, 13:01:07\n\n>>684055958 \n>it's society's fault that he was too much of a non-confrontational wuss to take responsibility for his actions or put his foot down whenever the wife was acting retarded", "pid": 684058779 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-CB64", "message": "29/07/2024, 13:02:13\n\nThis thread was moved to >>>/b/922060410", "pid": 684058849 } ]
[ { "sender": "Anon-13B4", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:00:53\n\nDOOM\n\nWhat went wrong?", "pid": 684055691 }, { "sender": "5020-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:05:22\n\nNot enough cute asian girls in either picture.", "pid": 684055876 }, { "sender": "62E7-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:07:31\n\nI just tried Doom Eternal and I've never seen a game so obsessed with making you play in such a specific autistic way \nit fucking drowns you in tutorials, constantly saying 'hey, do this! do that! don't forget the fingerless gloves meter!', never just easing off and letting you play how you want", "pid": 684055976 }, { "sender": "Anon-8800", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:08:19\n\nSo what discord group are you from this time.", "pid": 684056006 }, { "sender": "9F10-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:06\n\n>>684055976 \n>I've never seen a game so obsessed with making you play in such a specific autistic way \n \nSo what's the problem? /v/ does that too. Or did you miss all of those \"OCH LADDIE YE DIDNAE BEAT THA GAME\" threads?", "pid": 684056043 }, { "sender": "C720-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:09:11\n\n>>684055691 \nNu-Doom is a Painkiller reboot in disguise. The core gameplay and level design is nothing indicative of the original.", "pid": 684056050 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-DDCA", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:12:40\n\n>>684056050 \nPainkiller might make a glorious come back ( or not )", "pid": 684056216 }, { "sender": "Anon-BA5D", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:14:45\n\n>>684055691 \nfeminism, SJW, modern politics and corporations greed are the reason why video games are so shit now, same with /v/", "pid": 684056310 }, { "sender": "4380-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:14:47\n\n>>684055691 \nGiving women the right to vote, work, and stand on the same level as men. Men build empires, women destroy them.", "pid": 684056313 }, { "sender": "Anon-E6E2", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:14:53\n\n>>684056043 \n>he thinks those are real and not shitposts \nNGMI", "pid": 684056320 }, { "sender": "Anon-A915", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:15:34\n\n>>684056043 \n>Yeah this thing is shit, but what about other shit?", "pid": 684056358 }, { "sender": "Anon-5777", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:16:47\n\n>>684056043 \nAnon, you are not supposed to listen to /v/...", "pid": 684056428 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-1AE9", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:17:50\n\n>>684056358 \nIt's the same shit, actually.", "pid": 684056498 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BBC3", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:24:12\n\n>>684056498 \nYou didn't need to reiterate your retardation, it was evident enough the first time.", "pid": 684056826 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F5BB", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:27:38\n\n>>684056826 \nI'm about to reiterate my hand upside your head.", "pid": 684057020 } ]
[ { "sender": "AE17-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:36:33\n\n>artist gf mostly doesn't pay attention while I'm gaming \n>meet this guy \n>\"Oh who's that\" \n>quit game \n \n>weeks later, she's acting shady, hiding her notebooks when I enter the room \n>pretend not to notice but peek at them when she's at work \n>pages and pages of Halsin lewds \nno no no NO NO NO NO NO", "pid": 684046554 }, { "sender": "E3E5-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:39:03\n\nI wish I had a girlfriend", "pid": 684046670 }, { "sender": "11BD-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:42:40\n\ndid not happen, gaylord", "pid": 684046830 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-F704", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:47:34\n\nYou're a liar because Halsin is a gay man's character\nA *girl*friend would have a notebook full of Astarion porn", "pid": 684047038 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-8EAA", "message": "29/07/2024, 08:48:50\n\nI haven't seen a straight person playing this game", "pid": 684047101 }, { "sender": "Anon-380B", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:06:13\n\nThis one is never worth our time, shill. Meds.", "pid": 684047786 }, { "sender": "Anon-4EED", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:08:54\n\n>>684046554", "pid": 684047901 }, { "sender": "2F76-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:13:43\n\nStale pasta is stale. (Not that it stops stupid newfags from taking the bait, clearly.)", "pid": 684048095 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6C9B", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:18:10\n\nI'm not attracted to any of the characters in this game\nExcept maybe that devil lady from Wyll's story arc, she's pretty good", "pid": 684048276 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-112F", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:21:16\n\nA tale as old as time, another roastoid falls prey to the Big Bear Cock", "pid": 684048416 }, { "sender": "Anon-03C6", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:22:35\n\n>>684046554 \n>Playing queer sloppa ever \n>Playing it infront of your ho \nI'd tell you to get fucked in the ass. But that's just your dream come true", "pid": 684048474 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-9FC8", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:44:42\n\n>>684048416 \ndo you like boys", "pid": 684049362 }, { "sender": "B7A6-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:47:39\n\n>>684046554 \na white teen whos bullied at school by jamal for having noodle arms and wearing glasses typed this post with one hand", "pid": 684049496 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-A640", "message": "29/07/2024, 09:51:00\n\n>>684047101 \nIt has some pretty good mechanics but they're wasted and it gets boring at Act 3", "pid": 684049663 }, { "sender": "Anon-E550", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:00:07\n\n>>684047901 \ntheyre doing this to me tomorrow", "pid": 684050058 }, { "sender": "E290-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:04:04\n\n>>684046554 \nclearly this is the kind of characters games need to attract the female audience, why aren't more devs taking notes?", "pid": 684050236 }, { "sender": "Anon-E6A1", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:04:11\n\n>>684046554 \nyour gf has good taste and if anything it should aspire you to become like halsin desu, dont be so insecure", "pid": 684050240 }, { "sender": "Anon-D3BE", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:04:40\n\n>>684047038 \n\\thred", "pid": 684050262 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-472D", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:08:33\n\n>>684048416 \ndo bgtrannies really", "pid": 684050442 }, { "sender": "9A6E-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:53:25\n\n>>684047038 \nas a faggot halsin is definitely not the gay mans character, he has boring personality and was made to pander to actual zoophiles", "pid": 684052429 }, { "sender": "Anon-C4B1", "message": "29/07/2024, 10:57:22\n\n>>684046554 \n>OP is so gay he made up a fictional GF so he could admit to looking at halsin lewds", "pid": 684052604 }, { "sender": "Anon-2DB6", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:03:03\n\nL\nO\nO\nO\nO\nL", "pid": 684052871 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-6704", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:06:30\n\n>>684046554 \nI fucked Lae'zel, Halsin, and Mizora all in the same playthrough recently", "pid": 684053047 }, { "sender": "791A-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:14:42\n\n>>684046554 \nYou don't have a girlfriend \nThose are your notebooks. \nYou are fucking gay as fuck.", "pid": 684053443 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-BF2F", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:20:08\n\nMe too but with Astorion. Him with other dudes. My wife is a fujoshi", "pid": 684053708 }, { "sender": "6C87-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:22:06\n\n>>684047038 \n>You're a liar because Halsin is a gay man's character \nNo, Halsin is some writer's self insert (same with Shadowheart). Thing with this is, women see Shadowheart as the popular female be shipped with Halsin and thus Halsin becomes popular. \nThe Astarion thing is actual attraction, the Halsin thing is groupthink attraction.", "pid": 684053813 }, { "sender": "Anonymous-4076", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:23:34\n\nThe bear needs to be stopped", "pid": 684053869 }, { "sender": "FC52-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:26:28\n\n>>684047038 \nHalsin is a specific gay man's character.", "pid": 684054021 }, { "sender": "Anon-7A5F", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:31:50\n\n>>684046554 \nHow many times are you going to make this thread?", "pid": 684054281 }, { "sender": "1C94-Anonymous", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:31:54\n\n>>684047038 \nAstarion is for gay men and straight women \nHalsin is a writer's self insert \nKarlach is for lesbians and troons \nLae'zel is for straight men \nShart is for boring straight men", "pid": 684054283 }, { "sender": "Anon-FD20", "message": "29/07/2024, 11:46:20\n\n>>684053869 \nHalsin being a summon for the final battle does make sense. But then he got changed into a companion and that’s why we get a randomly roided up owlbear cub instead", "pid": 684055007 }, { "sender": "E845-Anon", "message": "29/07/2024, 12:20:12\n\n>>684046554 \n>desperate to have a druid in the party \n>hear about this guy \n>try to unlock him as soon as possible \n>tfw i actually meet his degenerate homosexual groomer ass \nThank god for the granny druid", "pid": 684056624 } ]


Yes this is a 4chan dataset. THIS CONTAINS TOXIC SHIT like (/POL/) content. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

KaraKaraWitch & their company dissolves all responsbilities when using this dataset.

Text Sample

Note: namedconversation is a modification of OAI's conversation format. While identical, namedconversation is not required to stick to system,user,model/assistant verbs. This allows for a much more varied use cases.

V2 is in the following format. There has been no significant data change (sender might be different) compared to V1.

    "board": "vr",
    "tid": 11103062,
    "title": "Game collecting autism",
    "namedconversation": [
            "sender": "Anon-1020",
            "message": "20/07/2024, 19:13:25\n\nGame collecting autism\n\nI've been collecting for around 15 years, mostly ps1 and ps2.\nMy collection isn't like reddit huge, it's about 150 games.\nI've finished if not at least gotten far in most of them, but whenever I look at my collection I feel the urge to downsize and only hold on to my absolute favorites/games I play the most\nDo others feel like this or do I have like supreme tism or ocd?\n\n\nAlso coomlecting thread",
            "pid": 11103062

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  • /b/ and any board that doesn't have thread archives.
  • Old threads. (The collection was initally really spotty but should be stable now.)
  • Extremely fast moving boards. (Should not be an issue but something to keep in mind.)
  • Duplicates (Pretty sure there are gonna be dupes. Deal with it.)
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