import os |
} |
CSV = "file_name,country,region,gender,age,date,text" |
for root, folders, files in os.walk(os.path.dirname(__file__)): |
if files: |
r = root.split(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/")[-1] |
country = r.split("/")[0] |
wavs = [f for f in files if f.endswith(".wav")] |
txt = [f for f in files if f.endswith(".txt")] |
for idx, t in enumerate(txt): |
wav = f"{r}/" + t.replace(".txt", ".wav") |
METADAT[wav] = {"country": country} |
with open(f"{root}/{t}") as f: |
lines = f.read().split("\n") |
keys = [l for l in lines if ":" in l] |
txt[idx] = ". ".join([l.lstrip("-> ") for l in lines if l.startswith("-")]).replace('"',"'") |
for k in keys: |
k, v = k.split(":", 1) |
k = k.lower().strip() |
v = v.strip() |
if v: |
METADAT[wav][k] = v |
CSV += f"\n{wav},{country},{METADAT[wav].get('local', '').split('-',1)[-1].replace(',', ' -').strip()},{METADAT[wav].get('sexo', '')},{METADAT[wav].get('idade', '').split('anos')[0].strip()},{METADAT[wav].get('data', '')},\"{txt[idx]}\"" |
with open(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/metadata.csv", "w") as f: |
f.write(CSV) |