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Dataset Card for EusReading

EusReading consists of 352 reading comprehension exercises (irakurmena) sourced from the same set of past EGA exams from 1998 to 2008. Each test generally has 10 multiple-choice questions, with 4 choices and a single correct answer. These exercises are more challenging than Belebele due to the complexity and length of the input texts. As a result, EusReading is useful to measure long context understanding of models.


Basque Example:

Pasartea: Ernest Hemingway, berak jakin barik, azkenekoz etorri da Bilbora, eta oro har, Penintsulara. Eta hori tamala, hilak 24 dituelarik Bilbon zezenak Ordoñez bere kutunari adarkada ederra sartu dio. Ez da ezer izan, zorionez. Biharamuneko El Correo Español egunkarian emandako argazkian ikusten den legez, idazleak bisita egin dion unean, toreatzailea hortxe dago, ondo bizirik, ohean. [...]

Galdera: 1960ko abuztuaren 24an
A. El Correo Español-eko C. Barrenarekin batera agertzen den Ordoñez toreatzailea harrapatu zuen zezen batek.
B. Ernest Hemingwayk Bilboko plazan adarkada jaso zuen Ordoñez toreatzaileari bisita egin zion.
C. El Correo-ko argazkian, zezen batek Ordoñez toreatzailea harrapatzen du.
D. Ernest Hemingway lehenengo eta azkeneko aldiz iritsi zen Bilbora.

Erantzuna: B

English Translation:

Passage: Ernest Hemingway, without his knowledge, came for the last time to Bilbao, and in general to the Peninsula. And indeed, on the 24th, at Bilbao, the bull gave his favourite Ordóñez a good goring. It was nothing, luckily. As can be seen from the photograph published in El Correo Español the next day, the bullfighter is there, alive, in bed, the moment the writer visits him. [...]

Question: On August 24, 1960 
A. The bullfighter Ordóñez, who appears next to C. Barrena of El Correo Español, was caught by a bull. 
B. Ernest Hemingway visited the bullfighter Ordóñez, who had received a goring in the square of Bilbao. 
C. In the photo of El Correo, a bull catches the bullfighter Ordóñez. 
D. Ernest Hemingway arrived in Bilbao for the first and last time. 
Answer: B


      title={{L}atxa: An Open Language Model and Evaluation Suite for {B}asque}, 
      author={Julen Etxaniz and Oscar Sainz and Naiara Perez and Itziar Aldabe and German Rigau and Eneko Agirre and Aitor Ormazabal and Mikel Artetxe and Aitor Soroa},