books.google.comhttps://books.google.com/books/about/The_lyfe_of_Robert_the_deuyll_a_romance.html?id=N7JjJ1dMQRUC&utm_source=gb-gplus-shareThe lyfe of Robert the deuyll, a romance. From the ed. by W. de Worde
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
! Copyright (C) 2006 Imperial College London and others. ! ! Please see the AUTHORS file in the main source directory for a full list ! of copyright holders. ! ! Prof. C Pain ! Applied Modelling and Computation Group ! Department of Earth Science and Engineering ! Imperial College London ! ! [email protected] ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation, ! version 2.1 of the License. ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied arranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ! USA #include "fdebug.h" module gls use global_parameters, only: OPTION_PATH_LEN, FIELD_NAME_LEN use fldebug use quadrature use elements use spud use sparse_tools use fetools use fields use state_module use boundary_conditions use field_derivatives use sparse_matrices_fields use fefields use state_fields_module use equation_of_state use coordinates use vertical_extrapolation_module implicit none private ! These variables are the parameters requried by GLS. ! They are all private to prevent tampering ! and save'd so that we don't need to call init every time some GLS-y ! happens. These are *all* private real, save :: gls_n, gls_m, gls_p real, save :: sigma_psi, sigma_k, kappa integer, save :: nNodes type(scalar_field), save :: tke_old, ll type(scalar_field), save :: local_tke ! our local copy of TKE. We amend this !to add the values of the Dirichlet BC onto the field for calculating the !diagnostic quantities and for output. See Warner et al 2005. type(scalar_field), save :: MM2, NN2, eps, Fwall, S_H, S_M type(scalar_field), save :: K_H, K_M, density, P, B real, save :: eps_min = 1e-10, psi_min, k_min real, save :: cm0, cde ! the a_i's for the ASM real, save :: a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 real, save :: at1,at2,at3,at4,at5 real, save :: cc1 real, save :: ct1,ctt real, save :: cc2,cc3,cc4,cc5,cc6 real, save :: ct2,ct3,ct4,ct5 real, save :: cPsi1,cPsi2,cPsi3,cPsi3_plus,cPsi3_minus real, save :: relaxation ! these are the fields and variables for the surface values type(scalar_field), save :: top_surface_values, bottom_surface_values ! these are used to populate the bcs type(scalar_field), save :: top_surface_tke_values, bottom_surface_tke_values ! for the Psi BC type(scalar_field), save :: top_surface_km_values, bottom_surface_km_values ! for the Psi BC integer, save :: NNodes_sur, NNodes_bot integer, dimension(:), pointer, save :: bottom_surface_nodes, top_surface_nodes integer, dimension(:), pointer, save :: top_surface_element_list, bottom_surface_element_list logical, save :: calculate_bcs, calc_fwall character(len=FIELD_NAME_LEN), save :: gls_wall_option, gls_stability_option, gls_option ! Switch for on sphere simulations to rotate the required tensors logical, save :: on_sphere ! The following are the public subroutines public :: gls_init, gls_cleanup, gls_tke, gls_diffusivity, gls_psi, gls_adapt_mesh, gls_check_options ! General plan is: ! - Init in main/Fluids.F90 ! - Populate_State and BoundaryConditionsFromOptions also contain some set up ! routines such as looking for the GLS fields and setting up the automatic ! boundary conditions ! - If solve is about to do TKE, call gls_tke (which calculates NN, MM and set source/absorption for solve) ! - If solve is about to do Psi, call gls_psi (which fixes TKE surfaces, set source/absorption for solve) ! - After Psi solve, call gls_diffusivity, which sets the diffusivity and viscosity, via the lengthscale ! - If we adapt, call gls_adapt, which deallocates and re-allocates the ! fields on the new mesh. This also sets up the diagnostic fields again, ! which aren't interpolated ! - When done, clean-up contains !---------- ! gls_init does the following: ! - check we have the right fields (if not abort) ! - initialise GLS parameters based on options ! - allocate space for optional fields, which are module level variables (to save passing them around) !---------- subroutine gls_init(state) type(state_type), intent(inout) :: state real :: N,rad,rcm,cmsf integer :: stat type(scalar_field), pointer :: psi, tke psi => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSGenericSecondQuantity") tke => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy") ! Allocate the temporary, module-level variables call gls_allocate_temps(state) ! Check if we're on the sphere on_sphere = have_option('/geometry/spherical_earth/') ! populate some useful variables from options calculate_bcs = have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/calculate_boundaries/") calc_fwall = .false. call get_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy/prognostic/minimum_value", k_min, stat) ! these lot are global call get_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/relax_diffusivity", relaxation, default=0.0) call get_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/stability_function", gls_stability_option) call get_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/option", gls_option) ! there are lots of alternative formulae for this wall function, so let the ! user choose! if (have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/wall_function")) then call get_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/wall_function",gls_wall_option) else gls_wall_option = "none" end if ! Check the model used - we have four choices - then set the parameters appropriately select case (gls_option) case ("k-kl") ! Mellor-Yamada 2.5 gls_p = 0.0 gls_m = 1.0 gls_n = 1.0 sigma_k = 2.44 ! turbinent Schmidt number sigma_psi = 2.44 ! turbulent Schmidt number cPsi1 = 0.9 cPsi2 = 0.5 cPsi3_plus = 1.0 ! c3 depends on which stability function has been choosen select case (trim(gls_stability_option)) case ("KanthaClayson-94") cPsi3_minus = 2.53 case ("Canuto-01-A") cPsi3_minus = 2.681 case ("Canuto-01-B") FLExit("GLS - Stability function combination not supported") case ("GibsonLaunder-78") FLExit("GLS - Stability function combination not supported") end select psi_min = 1.e-8 calc_fwall = .true. case ("k-epsilon") gls_p = 3.0 gls_m = 1.5 gls_n = -1.0 sigma_k = 1.3 ! turbulent Schmidt number sigma_psi = 1.0 ! turbulent Schmidt number cPsi1 = 1.44 cPsi2 = 1.92 cPsi3_plus = 1.0 select case (trim(gls_stability_option)) case ("KanthaClayson-94") cPsi3_minus = -0.41 case ("Canuto-01-A") cPsi3_minus = -0.63 case ("Canuto-01-B") cPsi3_minus = -0.57 case ("GibsonLaunder-78") cPsi3_minus = -0.3700 end select psi_min = 1.e-12 case ("k-omega") gls_p = -1.0 gls_m = 0.5 gls_n = -1.0 sigma_k = 2.0 ! turbulent Schmidt number sigma_psi = 2.0 ! turbulent Schmidt number cPsi1 = 0.555 cPsi2 = 0.833 cPsi3_plus = 1.0 select case (trim(gls_stability_option)) case ("KanthaClayson-94") cPsi3_minus = -0.58 case ("Canuto-01-A") cPsi3_minus = -0.64 case ("Canuto-01-B") cPsi3_minus = -0.61 case ("GibsonLaunder-78") cPsi3_minus = -0.4920 end select psi_min = 1.e-12 case ("gen") gls_p = 2.0 gls_m = 1.0 gls_n = -0.67 sigma_k = 0.8 ! turbulent Schmidt number sigma_psi = 1.07 ! turbulent Schmidt number cPsi1 = 1.0 cPsi2 = 1.22 cPsi3_plus = 1.0 select case (trim(gls_stability_option)) case ("KanthaClayson-94") cPsi3_minus = 0.1 case ("Canuto-01-A") cPsi3_minus = 0.05 case ("Canuto-01-B") cPsi3_minus = 0.08 case ("GibsonLaunder-78") cPsi3_minus = 0.1704 end select psi_min = 1.e-12 case default FLAbort("Unknown gls_option") end select select case (trim(gls_stability_option)) case ("KanthaClayson-94") ! parameters for Kantha and Clayson (2004) cc1 = 6.0000 cc2 = 0.3200 cc3 = 0.0000 cc4 = 0.0000 cc5 = 0.0000 cc6 = 0.0000 ct1 = 3.7280 ct2 = 0.7000 ct3 = 0.7000 ct4 = 0.0000 ct5 = 0.2000 ctt = 0.6102 case("Canuto-01-B") cc1 = 5.0000 cc2 = 0.6983 cc3 = 1.9664 cc4 = 1.0940 cc5 = 0.0000 cc6 = 0.4950 ct1 = 5.6000 ct2 = 0.6000 ct3 = 1.0000 ct4 = 0.0000 ct5 = 0.3333 ctt = 0.4770 case("Canuto-01-A") cc1 = 5.0000 cc2 = 0.8000 cc3 = 1.9680 cc4 = 1.1360 cc5 = 0.0000 cc6 = 0.4000 ct1 = 5.9500 ct2 = 0.6000 ct3 = 1.0000 ct4 = 0.0000 ct5 = 0.3333 ctt = 0.720 case("GibsonLaunder-78") cc1 = 3.6000 cc2 = 0.8000 cc3 = 1.2000 cc4 = 1.2000 cc5 = 0.0000 cc6 = 0.5000 ct1 = 3.0000 ct2 = 0.3333 ct3 = 0.3333 ct4 = 0.0000 ct5 = 0.3333 ctt = 0.8000 case default FLAbort("Unknown gls_stability_function") end select ! compute the a_i's for the Algebraic Stress Model a1 = 2./3. - cc2/2. a2 = 1. - cc3/2. a3 = 1. - cc4/2. a4 = cc5/2. a5 = 1./2. - cc6/2. at1 = 1. - ct2 at2 = 1. - ct3 at3 = 2. * ( 1. - ct4) at4 = 2. * ( 1. - ct5) at5 = 2.*ctt*( 1. - ct5) ! compute cm0 N = cc1/2. cm0 = ( (a2**2. - 3.*a3**2. + 3.*a1*N)/(3.* N**2.) )**0.25 cmsf = a1/N/cm0**3 rad=sigma_psi*(cPsi2-cPsi1)/(gls_n**2.) kappa = 0.41 if (gls_option .ne. "k-kl") then kappa=cm0*sqrt(rad) end if rcm = cm0/cmsf cde = cm0**3. ewrite(1,*) "GLS Parameters" ewrite(1,*) "--------------------------------------------" ewrite(1,*) "cm0: ",cm0 ewrite(1,*) "kappa: ",kappa ewrite(1,*) "p: ",gls_p ewrite(1,*) "m: ",gls_m ewrite(1,*) "n: ",gls_n ewrite(1,*) "sigma_k: ",sigma_k ewrite(1,*) "sigma_psi: ",sigma_psi ewrite(1,*) "Calculating BCs: ", calculate_bcs ewrite(1,*) "Using wall function: ", gls_wall_option ewrite(1,*) "Smoothing NN2: ", have_option('/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/smooth_buoyancy/') ewrite(1,*) "Smoothing MM2: ", have_option('/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/smooth_shear/') ewrite(1,*) "--------------------------------------------" ! intilise surface - only if we need to though if (calculate_bcs) then call gls_init_surfaces(state) end if call gls_init_diagnostics(state) call gls_calc_wall_function(state) ! we're all done! end subroutine gls_init !---------- ! Update TKE !---------- subroutine gls_tke(state) type(state_type), intent(inout) :: state type(scalar_field), pointer :: source, absorption, scalarField type(tensor_field), pointer :: tke_diff, background_diff type(scalar_field), pointer :: tke real :: prod, buoyan, diss integer :: i, stat, ele character(len=FIELD_NAME_LEN) :: bc_type type(scalar_field), pointer :: scalar_surface type(vector_field), pointer :: positions type(scalar_field), pointer :: lumped_mass type(scalar_field) :: inverse_lumped_mass ! Temporary tensor to hold rotated values if on the sphere (note: must be a 3x3 mat) real, dimension(3,3) :: K_M_sphere_node ewrite(1,*) "In gls_tke" ! Get N^2 and M^2 -> NN2 and MM2 call gls_buoyancy(state) do i=1,NNodes_sur call set(NN2,top_surface_nodes(i),0.0) end do ! calculate stability function call gls_stability_function(state) source => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSTurbulentKineticEnergySource") absorption => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSTurbulentKineticEnergyAbsorption") tke => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy") tke_diff => extract_tensor_field(state, "GLSTurbulentKineticEnergyDiffusivity") positions => extract_vector_field(state, "Coordinate") ! Create a local_tke in which we can mess about with the surface values ! for creating some of the diagnostic values later call set(tke,local_tke) ! Assembly loop call zero(P) call zero(B) call allocate(inverse_lumped_mass, P%mesh, "InverseLumpedMass") lumped_mass => get_lumped_mass(state, P%mesh) call invert(lumped_mass, inverse_lumped_mass) ! create production terms, P, B do ele=1, ele_count(P) call assemble_tke_prodcution_terms(ele, P, B, mesh_dim(P)) end do call scale(P,inverse_lumped_mass) call scale(B,inverse_lumped_mass) call deallocate(inverse_lumped_mass) call zero(source) call zero(absorption) do ele = 1, ele_count(tke) call assemble_kk_src_abs(ele,tke, mesh_dim(tke)) end do call allocate(inverse_lumped_mass, tke%mesh, "InverseLumpedMass") lumped_mass => get_lumped_mass(state, tke%mesh) call invert(lumped_mass, inverse_lumped_mass) ! source and absorption terms are set, apart from the / by lumped mass call scale(source,inverse_lumped_mass) call scale(absorption,inverse_lumped_mass) call deallocate(inverse_lumped_mass) ! set diffusivity for tke call zero(tke_diff) background_diff => extract_tensor_field(state, "GLSBackgroundDiffusivity") if (on_sphere) then do i=1,nNodes K_M_sphere_node=align_with_radial(node_val(positions,i),node_val(K_M,i)) K_M_sphere_node=K_M_sphere_node*1./sigma_k call set(tke_diff,i,K_M_sphere_node) end do else call set(tke_diff,tke_diff%dim(1),tke_diff%dim(2),K_M,scale=1./sigma_k) end if call addto(tke_diff,background_diff) ! boundary conditions if (calculate_bcs) then ewrite(1,*) "Calculating BCs" call get_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/calculate_boundaries/", bc_type) call gls_tke_bc(state,bc_type) ! above puts the BC boundary values in top_surface_values and bottom_surface_values module level variables ! map these onto the actual BCs in tke scalar_surface => extract_surface_field(tke, 'tke_bottom_boundary', "value") call remap_field(bottom_surface_values, scalar_surface) scalar_surface => extract_surface_field(tke, 'tke_top_boundary', "value") call remap_field(top_surface_values, scalar_surface) end if ! finally, we need a copy of the old TKE for Psi, so grab it before we solve call set(tke_old,tke) ! that's the TKE set up ready for the solve which is the next thing to happen (see Fluids.F90) ewrite_minmax(source) ewrite_minmax(absorption) ! set source and absorption terms in optional output fields scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSSource1", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,source) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSAbsorption1", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,absorption) end if contains subroutine assemble_tke_prodcution_terms(ele, P, B, dim) integer, intent(in) :: ele, dim type(scalar_field), intent(inout) :: P, B real, dimension(ele_loc(P,ele),ele_ngi(P,ele),dim) :: dshape_P real, dimension(ele_ngi(P,ele)) :: detwei real, dimension(ele_loc(P,ele)) :: rhs_addto_vel, rhs_addto_buoy type(element_type), pointer :: shape_p integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: nodes_p nodes_p => ele_nodes(p, ele) shape_p => ele_shape(p, ele) call transform_to_physical( positions, ele, shape_p, dshape=dshape_p, detwei=detwei ) ! Shear production term: rhs_addto_vel = shape_rhs(shape_p, detwei*ele_val_at_quad(K_M,ele)*ele_val_at_quad(MM2,ele)) ! Buoyancy production term: rhs_addto_buoy = shape_rhs(shape_p, -detwei*ele_val_at_quad(K_H,ele)*ele_val_at_quad(NN2,ele)) call addto(P, nodes_p, rhs_addto_vel) call addto(B, nodes_p, rhs_addto_buoy) end subroutine assemble_tke_prodcution_terms subroutine assemble_kk_src_abs(ele, kk, dim) integer, intent(in) :: ele, dim type(scalar_field), intent(in) :: kk real, dimension(ele_loc(kk,ele),ele_ngi(kk,ele),dim) :: dshape_kk real, dimension(ele_ngi(kk,ele)) :: detwei real, dimension(ele_loc(kk,ele)) :: rhs_addto_disip, rhs_addto_src type(element_type), pointer :: shape_kk integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: nodes_kk nodes_kk => ele_nodes(kk, ele) shape_kk => ele_shape(kk, ele) call transform_to_physical( positions, ele, shape_kk, dshape=dshape_kk, detwei=detwei ) ! ROMS and GOTM hide the absorption term in the source if the ! total is > 0. Kinda hard to do that over an element (*what* should ! be > 0?). So we don't pull this trick. Doesn't seem to make a ! difference to anything. rhs_addto_src = shape_rhs(shape_kk, detwei * (& (ele_val_at_quad(P,ele))) & ) rhs_addto_disip = shape_rhs(shape_kk, detwei * ( & (ele_val_at_quad(eps,ele) - & ele_val_at_quad(B,ele)) / & ele_val_at_quad(tke,ele)) & ) call addto(source, nodes_kk, rhs_addto_src) call addto(absorption, nodes_kk, rhs_addto_disip) end subroutine assemble_kk_src_abs end subroutine gls_tke !---------- ! Calculate the second quantity !---------- subroutine gls_psi(state) type(state_type), intent(inout) :: state type(scalar_field), pointer :: source, absorption, tke, psi, scalarField type(tensor_field), pointer :: psi_diff, background_diff real :: prod, buoyan,diss,PsiOverTke character(len=FIELD_NAME_LEN) :: bc_type integer :: i, stat, ele type(scalar_field), pointer :: scalar_surface type(vector_field), pointer :: positions type(scalar_field), pointer :: lumped_mass type(scalar_field) :: inverse_lumped_mass, vel_prod, buoy_prod ! variables for the ocean parameterisation type(csr_matrix) :: face_normal_gravity integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ordered_elements logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: node_list logical :: got_surface real :: lengthscale, percentage, tke_surface type(scalar_field), pointer :: distanceToTop, distanceToBottom type(vector_field), pointer :: vertical_normal ! Temporary tensor to hold rotated values (note: must be a 3x3 mat) real, dimension(3,3) :: psi_sphere_node real :: src, absn ewrite(1,*) "In gls_psi" source => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSGenericSecondQuantitySource") absorption => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSGenericSecondQuantityAbsorption") tke => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy") psi => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSGenericSecondQuantity") psi_diff => extract_tensor_field(state, "GLSGenericSecondQuantityDiffusivity") positions => extract_vector_field(state, "Coordinate") vertical_normal => extract_vector_field(state, "GravityDirection") call allocate(vel_prod, psi%mesh, "_vel_prod_psi") call allocate(buoy_prod, psi%mesh, "_buoy_prod_psi") ewrite(2,*) "In gls_psi: setting up" ! store the tke in an internal field and then ! add the dirichlet conditions to the upper and lower surfaces. This ! helps stabilise the diffusivity (e.g. rapid heating cooling of the surface ! can destabilise the run) call set(local_tke,tke) ! clip at k_min do i=1,nNodes call set(tke,i, max(node_val(tke,i),k_min)) call set(tke_old,i, max(node_val(tke_old,i),k_min)) call set(local_tke,i, max(node_val(local_tke,i),k_min)) end do ! This is the extra term meant to add in internal wave breaking and the ! like. Based on a similar term in NEMO if (have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/ocean_parameterisation")) then distanceToTop => extract_scalar_field(state, "DistanceToTop") distanceToBottom => extract_scalar_field(state, "DistanceToBottom") call get_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/ocean_parameterisation/lengthscale",lengthscale) call get_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/ocean_parameterisation/percentage",percentage) ewrite(2,*) "Computing extra ocean parameterisation" allocate(node_list(NNodes)) node_list = .false. ! create gravity face normal call compute_face_normal_gravity(face_normal_gravity, positions, vertical_normal) allocate(ordered_elements(size(face_normal_gravity,1))) ! create an element ordering from the mesh that moves vertically downwards call vertical_element_ordering(ordered_elements, face_normal_gravity) ! I assume the above fails gracefully if the mesh isn't suitable, hence ! no options checks are carried out got_surface = .false. do i=1, size(ordered_elements) if (.not. got_surface) then ! First time around grab, the surface TKE ! for this column tke_surface = maxval(ele_val(tke,i)) got_surface = .true. end if if (got_surface) then call ocean_tke(i,tke,distanceToTop,lengthscale,percentage,tke_surface, node_list) end if if (minval(ele_val(distanceToBottom,i)) < 1e-6) then got_surface = .false. end if end do deallocate(ordered_elements) call deallocate(face_normal_gravity) deallocate(node_list) end if call allocate(inverse_lumped_mass, psi%mesh, "InverseLumpedMass") lumped_mass => get_lumped_mass(state, psi%mesh) call invert(lumped_mass, inverse_lumped_mass) ! Set Psi from previous timestep do i=1,nNodes call set(psi,i, cm0**gls_p * node_val(tke_old,i)**gls_m * node_val(ll,i)**gls_n) call set(psi,i,max(node_val(psi,i),psi_min)) end do ewrite(2,*) "In gls_psi: computing RHS" call zero(vel_prod) call zero(buoy_prod) call zero(source) call zero(absorption) do ele = 1, ele_count(psi) call assemble_production_terms_psi(ele, vel_prod, buoy_prod, psi, mesh_dim(psi)) end do call scale(vel_prod,inverse_lumped_mass) call scale(buoy_prod,inverse_lumped_mass) do ele = 1, ele_count(psi) call assemble_psi_src_abs(ele, psi, tke_old, mesh_dim(psi)) end do call scale(source,inverse_lumped_mass) call scale(absorption,inverse_lumped_mass) call deallocate(inverse_lumped_mass) ewrite(2,*) "In gls_psi: setting diffusivity" ! Set diffusivity for Psi call zero(psi_diff) background_diff => extract_tensor_field(state, "GLSBackgroundDiffusivity") if (on_sphere) then do i=1,nNodes psi_sphere_node=align_with_radial(node_val(positions,i),node_val(K_M,i)) psi_sphere_node=psi_sphere_node*1./sigma_psi call set(psi_diff,i,psi_sphere_node) end do else call set(psi_diff,psi_diff%dim(1),psi_diff%dim(2),K_M,scale=1./sigma_psi) end if call addto(psi_diff,background_diff) ewrite(2,*) "In gls_psi: setting BCs" ! boundary conditions if (calculate_bcs) then call get_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/calculate_boundaries/", bc_type) call gls_psi_bc(state,bc_type) ! above puts the BC boundary values in top_surface_values and bottom_surface_values module level variables ! map these onto the actual BCs in Psi scalar_surface => extract_surface_field(psi, 'psi_bottom_boundary', "value") call remap_field(bottom_surface_values, scalar_surface) scalar_surface => extract_surface_field(psi, 'psi_top_boundary', "value") call remap_field(top_surface_values, scalar_surface) end if ewrite(2,*) "In gls_psi: tearing down" ! Psi is now ready for solving (see Fluids.F90) ewrite_minmax(source) ewrite_minmax(absorption) ! set source and absorption terms in optional output fields scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSSource2", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,source) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSAbsorption2", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,absorption) end if call deallocate(vel_prod) call deallocate(buoy_prod) contains subroutine ocean_tke(ele, tke, distanceToTop, lengthscale, percentage, tke_surface, nodes_done) type(scalar_field),pointer, intent(in) :: distanceToTop type(scalar_field),pointer, intent(out) :: tke real, intent(in) :: lengthscale, percentage, tke_surface integer, intent(in) :: ele logical, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: nodes_done integer, dimension(:), pointer :: element_nodes integer :: i, node real :: current_TKE, depth element_nodes => ele_nodes(tke, ele) ! smooth out TKE according to length scale do i = 1, size(element_nodes) node = element_nodes(i) depth = node_val(distanceToTop,node) current_TKE = node_val(tke,node) if (nodes_done(node)) then cycle end if current_TKE = current_TKE + & & percentage*TKE_surface * EXP( -depth / lengthscale ) call set(tke,node,current_TKE) nodes_done(node) = .true. end do end subroutine ocean_tke subroutine reconstruct_psi(ele, psi, dim) integer, intent(in) :: ele, dim type(scalar_field), intent(inout) :: psi real, dimension(ele_loc(psi,ele),ele_ngi(psi,ele),dim) :: dshape_psi real, dimension(ele_ngi(psi,ele)) :: detwei real, dimension(ele_loc(psi,ele)) :: rhs_addto type(element_type), pointer :: shape_psi integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: nodes_psi nodes_psi => ele_nodes(psi, ele) shape_psi => ele_shape(psi, ele) call transform_to_physical( positions, ele, shape_psi, dshape=dshape_psi, detwei=detwei ) rhs_addto = shape_rhs(shape_psi, detwei* & (cm0**gls_p) * & ele_val_at_quad(tke_old,ele)**gls_m * & ele_val_at_quad(ll,ele)**gls_n) call addto(psi, nodes_psi, rhs_addto) end subroutine reconstruct_psi subroutine assemble_production_terms_psi(ele, vel_prod, buoy_prod, psi, dim) integer, intent(in) :: ele, dim type(scalar_field), intent(inout) :: psi, vel_prod, buoy_prod real, dimension(ele_loc(psi,ele),ele_ngi(psi,ele),dim) :: dshape_psi real, dimension(ele_ngi(psi,ele)) :: detwei real, dimension(ele_loc(psi,ele)) :: rhs_addto_vel, rhs_addto_buoy real, dimension(ele_ngi(psi,ele)) :: cPsi3 type(element_type), pointer :: shape_psi integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: nodes_psi nodes_psi => ele_nodes(psi, ele) shape_psi => ele_shape(psi, ele) call transform_to_physical( positions, ele, shape_psi, dshape=dshape_psi, detwei=detwei ) ! Buoyancy production term: ! First we need to work out if cPsi3 is for stable or unstable ! stratification where(ele_val_at_quad(B,ele) .gt. 0.0) cPsi3 = cPsi3_plus ! unstable strat elsewhere cPsi3 = cPsi3_minus ! stable strat end where rhs_addto_buoy = shape_rhs(shape_psi, detwei*(cPsi3*ele_val_at_quad(B,ele)*& (ele_val_at_quad(psi, ele)/ele_val_at_quad(local_tke,ele)))) ! shear production term: rhs_addto_vel = shape_rhs(shape_psi, detwei*(cPsi1*ele_val_at_quad(P,ele)*& (ele_val_at_quad(psi, ele)/ele_val_at_quad(local_tke,ele)))) call addto(vel_prod, nodes_psi, rhs_addto_vel) call addto(buoy_prod, nodes_psi, rhs_addto_buoy) end subroutine assemble_production_terms_psi subroutine assemble_psi_src_abs(ele, psi, tke, dim) integer, intent(in) :: ele, dim type(scalar_field), intent(in) :: psi, tke real, dimension(ele_loc(psi,ele),ele_ngi(psi,ele),dim) :: dshape_psi real, dimension(ele_ngi(psi,ele)) :: detwei real, dimension(ele_loc(psi,ele)) :: rhs_addto_src, rhs_addto_disip type(element_type), pointer :: shape_psi integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: nodes_psi nodes_psi => ele_nodes(psi, ele) shape_psi => ele_shape(psi, ele) call transform_to_physical( positions, ele, shape_psi, dshape=dshape_psi, detwei=detwei ) where (ele_val_at_quad(vel_prod,ele) + ele_val_at_quad(buoy_prod,ele) .gt. 0) rhs_addto_src = shape_rhs(shape_psi, detwei* ( & (ele_val_at_quad(vel_prod,ele)) + & (ele_val_at_quad(buoy_prod,ele)) & ) & !detwei ) ! shape_rhs rhs_addto_disip = shape_rhs(shape_psi, detwei* (& (cPsi2*ele_val_at_quad(eps,ele) * & (ele_val_at_quad(Fwall,ele)*ele_val_at_quad(psi, ele)/ele_val_at_quad(tke,ele))) / & ele_val_at_quad(psi,ele) & ) & ! detwei ) !shape_rhs elsewhere rhs_addto_src = shape_rhs(shape_psi, detwei * ( & (ele_val_at_quad(vel_prod,ele)) & ) & !detwei ) !shape_rhs rhs_addto_disip = shape_rhs(shape_psi, detwei * (& ((cPsi2*ele_val_at_quad(eps,ele) * & (ele_val_at_quad(Fwall,ele)*ele_val_at_quad(psi, ele)/ele_val_at_quad(tke,ele))) - &! disipation term (ele_val_at_quad(buoy_prod,ele)))/ & ! buoyancy term ele_val_at_quad(psi,ele)& ) & !detwei ) !shape_rhs end where call addto(source, nodes_psi, rhs_addto_src) call addto(absorption, nodes_psi, rhs_addto_disip) end subroutine assemble_psi_src_abs end subroutine gls_psi !---------- ! gls_diffusivity fixes the top/bottom boundaries of Psi ! then calulates the lengthscale, and then uses those to calculate the ! diffusivity and viscosity ! These are placed in the GLS fields ready for other tracer fields to use ! Viscosity is placed in the velocity viscosity !---------- subroutine gls_diffusivity(state) type(state_type), intent(inout) :: state type(scalar_field), pointer :: tke_state, psi type(tensor_field), pointer :: eddy_diff_KH,eddy_visc_KM,viscosity,background_diff,background_visc real :: exp1, exp2, exp3, x integer :: i, stat real :: psi_limit, tke_cur, limit, epslim real, parameter :: galp = 0.748331 ! sqrt(0.56) type(vector_field), pointer :: positions, velocity type(scalar_field) :: remaped_K_M, tke type(tensor_field) :: remaped_background_visc ! Temporary tensors to hold rotated values (note: must be a 3x3 mat) real, dimension(3,3) :: eddy_diff_KH_sphere_node, eddy_visc_KM_sphere_node, viscosity_sphere_node ewrite(1,*) "In gls_diffusivity" tke_state => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy") psi => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSGenericSecondQuantity") eddy_visc_KM => extract_tensor_field(state, "GLSEddyViscosityKM",stat) eddy_diff_KH => extract_tensor_field(state, "GLSEddyDiffusivityKH",stat) viscosity => extract_tensor_field(state, "Viscosity",stat) positions => extract_vector_field(state, "Coordinate") velocity => extract_vector_field(state, "Velocity") call allocate(tke, tke_state%mesh, name="MyLocalTKE") !if (gls_n > 0) then ! set the TKE to use below to the unaltered TKE ! with no changes to the upper/lower surfaces ! Applies to k-kl model only ! call set (tke, local_tke) !else ! Use the altered TKE to get the surface diffusivity correct call set (tke, tke_state) !end if exp1 = 3.0 + gls_p/gls_n exp2 = 1.5 + gls_m/gls_n exp3 = - 1.0/gls_n if (gls_n > 0) then do i=1,nNodes tke_cur = node_val(tke,i) psi_limit = (sqrt(0.56) * tke_cur**(exp2) * (1./sqrt(max(node_val(NN2,i)+1e-10,0.))) & & * cm0**(gls_p / gls_n))**(-gls_n) call set(psi,i,max(psi_min,min(node_val(psi,i),psi_limit))) end do end if do i=1,nNodes tke_cur = node_val(tke,i) ! recover dissipation rate from k and psi call set(eps,i, cm0**exp1 * tke_cur**exp2 * node_val(psi,i)**exp3) ! limit dissipation rate under stable stratification, ! see Galperin et al. (1988) if (node_val(NN2,i) > 0) then epslim = (cde*tke_cur*sqrt(node_val(NN2,i)))/galp else epslim = eps_min end if call set(eps,i, max(node_val(eps,i),max(eps_min,epslim))) ! compute dissipative scale call set(ll,i,cde*sqrt(tke_cur**3.)/node_val(eps,i)) !if (gls_n > 0) then ! if (node_val(NN2,i) > 0) then ! limit = sqrt(0.56 * tke_cur / node_val(NN2,i)) ! call set(ll,i,min(limit,node_val(ll,i))) ! end if !end if end do ! calc fwall ewrite(2,*) "Calculating the wall function for GLS" call gls_calc_wall_function(state) ! calculate diffusivities for next step and for use in other fields do i=1,nNodes x = sqrt(node_val(tke,i))*node_val(ll,i) ! momentum call set(K_M,i, relaxation*node_val(K_M,i) + (1-relaxation)*node_val(S_M,i)*x) ! tracer call set(K_H,i, relaxation*node_val(K_H,i) + (1-relaxation)*node_val(S_H,i)*x) end do ! put KM onto surface fields for Psi_bc if (calculate_bcs) then call remap_field_to_surface(K_M, top_surface_km_values, top_surface_element_list) call remap_field_to_surface(K_M, bottom_surface_km_values, bottom_surface_element_list) end if !set the eddy_diffusivity and viscosity tensors for use by other fields call zero(eddy_diff_KH) ! zero it first as we're using an addto below call zero(eddy_visc_KM) if (on_sphere) then do i=1,nNodes eddy_diff_KH_sphere_node=align_with_radial(node_val(positions,i),node_val(K_H,i)) eddy_visc_KM_sphere_node=align_with_radial(node_val(positions,i),node_val(K_M,i)) call set(eddy_diff_KH,i,eddy_diff_KH_sphere_node) call set(eddy_visc_KM,i,eddy_visc_KM_sphere_node) end do else call set(eddy_diff_KH,eddy_diff_KH%dim(1),eddy_diff_KH%dim(2),K_H) call set(eddy_visc_KM,eddy_visc_KM%dim(1),eddy_visc_KM%dim(2),K_M) end if background_diff => extract_tensor_field(state, "GLSBackgroundDiffusivity") call addto(eddy_diff_KH,background_diff) background_visc => extract_tensor_field(state, "GLSBackgroundViscosity") call addto(eddy_visc_KM,background_visc) ewrite_minmax(K_H) ewrite_minmax(K_M) ewrite_minmax(S_H) ewrite_minmax(S_M) ewrite_minmax(ll) ewrite_minmax(eps) ewrite_minmax(tke) ewrite_minmax(psi) ! Set viscosity call allocate(remaped_K_M,velocity%mesh,name="remaped_Km") call allocate(remaped_background_visc,velocity%mesh,name="remaped_viscosity") if (K_M%mesh%continuity /= viscosity%mesh%continuity) then ! remap call remap_field(K_M,remaped_K_M) call remap_field(background_visc,remaped_background_visc) else ! copy call set(remaped_K_M,K_M) call set(remaped_background_visc,background_visc) end if call zero(viscosity) if (on_sphere) then do i=1,nNodes viscosity_sphere_node=align_with_radial(node_val(positions,i),node_val(remaped_K_M,i)) call set(viscosity,i,viscosity_sphere_node) end do else call set(viscosity,viscosity%dim(1),viscosity%dim(2),remaped_K_M) end if call addto(viscosity,remaped_background_visc) ! Set output on optional fields - if the field exists, stick something in it ! We only need to do this to those fields that we haven't pulled from state, but ! allocated ourselves call gls_output_fields(state) call deallocate(remaped_background_visc) call deallocate(remaped_K_M) call deallocate(tke) end subroutine gls_diffusivity !---------- ! gls_cleanup does...have a guess...go on. !---------- subroutine gls_cleanup() ewrite(1,*) "Cleaning up GLS variables" ! deallocate all our variables if (calculate_bcs) then ewrite(1,*) "Cleaning up GLS surface variables" call deallocate(bottom_surface_values) call deallocate(bottom_surface_tke_values) call deallocate(bottom_surface_km_values) call deallocate(top_surface_values) call deallocate(top_surface_tke_values) call deallocate(top_surface_km_values) end if call deallocate(NN2) call deallocate(MM2) call deallocate(B) call deallocate(P) call deallocate(S_H) call deallocate(S_M) call deallocate(K_H) call deallocate(K_M) call deallocate(eps) call deallocate(Fwall) call deallocate(density) call deallocate(tke_old) call deallocate(local_tke) call deallocate(ll) ewrite(1,*) "Finished gls_cleanup" end subroutine gls_cleanup !--------- ! Needs to be called after an adapt to reset the fields ! and arrays within the module ! Note that clean_up has already been called in the pre-adapt hook !---------- subroutine gls_adapt_mesh(state) type(state_type), intent(inout) :: state ewrite(1,*) "In gls_adapt_mesh" call gls_allocate_temps(state) ! reallocate everything if (calculate_bcs) then call gls_init_surfaces(state) ! re-do the boundaries end if call gls_init_diagnostics(state) end subroutine gls_adapt_mesh subroutine gls_check_options character(len=FIELD_NAME_LEN) :: buffer integer :: stat real :: min_tke, relax, nbcs integer :: dimension ! Don't do GLS if it's not included in the model! if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/")) return ! one dimensional problems not supported call get_option("/geometry/dimension/", dimension) if (dimension .eq. 1 .and. have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/")) then FLExit("GLS modelling is only supported for dimension > 1") end if call get_option("/problem_type", buffer) if (.not. (buffer .eq. "oceans" .or. buffer .eq. "large_scale_ocean_options")) then FLExit("GLS modelling is only supported for problem type oceans or large_scale_oceans.") end if if (.not.have_option("/physical_parameters/gravity")) then ewrite(-1, *) "GLS modelling requires gravity" FLExit("(otherwise buoyancy is a bit meaningless)") end if ! checking for required fields if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy")) then FLExit("You need GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy field for GLS") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSGenericSecondQuantity")) then FLExit("You need GLSGenericSecondQuantity field for GLS") end if ! check that the diffusivity is on for the two turbulent fields and is ! diagnostic if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy/prognostic/& &tensor_field::Diffusivity")) then FLExit("You need GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy Diffusivity field for GLS") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy/prognostic/& &tensor_field::Diffusivity/diagnostic/algorithm::Internal")) then FLExit("You need GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy Diffusivity field set to diagnostic/internal") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSGenericSecondQuantity/prognostic/& &tensor_field::Diffusivity")) then FLExit("You need GLSGenericSecondQuantity Diffusivity field for GLS") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSGenericSecondQuantity/prognostic/& &tensor_field::Diffusivity/diagnostic/algorithm::Internal")) then FLExit("You need GLSGenericSecondQuantity Diffusivity field set to diagnostic/internal") end if ! source and absorption terms... if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy/prognostic/& &scalar_field::Source")) then FLExit("You need GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy Source field for GLS") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy/prognostic/& &scalar_field::Source/diagnostic/algorithm::Internal")) then FLExit("You need GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy Source field set to diagnostic/internal") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSGenericSecondQuantity/prognostic/& &scalar_field::Source")) then FLExit("You need GLSGenericSecondQuantity Source field for GLS") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSGenericSecondQuantity/prognostic/& &scalar_field::Source/diagnostic/algorithm::Internal")) then FLExit("You need GLSGenericSecondQuantity Source field set to diagnostic/internal") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy/prognostic/& &scalar_field::Absorption")) then FLExit("You need GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy Absorption field for GLS") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy/prognostic/& &scalar_field::Absorption/diagnostic/algorithm::Internal")) then FLExit("You need GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy Source field set to diagnostic/internal") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSGenericSecondQuantity/prognostic/& &scalar_field::Absorption")) then FLExit("You need GLSGenericSecondQuantity Absorption field for GLS") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSGenericSecondQuantity/prognostic/& &scalar_field::Absorption/diagnostic/algorithm::Internal")) then FLExit("You need GLSGenericSecondQuantity Source field set to diagnostic/internal") end if ! background diffusivities are also needed if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &tensor_field::GLSBackgroundDiffusivity/prescribed")) then FLExit("You need GLSBackgroundDiffusivity tensor field for GLS") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &tensor_field::GLSBackgroundViscosity/prescribed")) then FLExit("You need GLSBackgroundViscosity tensor field for GLS") end if ! check for some purturbation density and velocity if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/scalar_field::PerturbationDensity")) then FLExit("You need PerturbationDensity field for GLS") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/vector_field::Velocity")) then FLExit("You need Velocity field for GLS") end if ! these two fields allow the new diffusivities/viscosities to be used in ! other calculations - we need them! if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &tensor_field::GLSEddyViscosityKM")) then FLExit("You need GLSEddyViscosityKM field for GLS") end if if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &tensor_field::GLSEddyViscosityKM")) then FLExit("You need GLSEddyViscosityKM field for GLS") end if ! check there's a viscosity somewhere if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/vector_field::Velocity/prognostic/& &tensor_field::Viscosity/")) then FLExit("Need viscosity switched on under the Velcotiy field for GLS.") end if ! check that the user has switch Velocity/viscosity to diagnostic if (.not.have_option("/material_phase[0]/vector_field::Velocity/prognostic/& &tensor_field::Viscosity/diagnostic/")) then FLExit("You need to switch the viscosity field under Velocity to diagnostic/internal") end if ! check a minimum value of TKE has been set call get_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy/prognostic/minimum_value", min_tke, stat) if (stat/=0) then FLExit("You need to set a minimum TKE value - recommend a value of around 1e-6") end if ! check if priorities have been set - if so warn the user this might screw ! things up if (have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy/prognostic/priority")) then ewrite(-1,*)("WARNING: Priorities for the GLS fields are set internally. Setting them in the FLML might mess things up") end if if (have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/& &scalar_field::GLSGenericSecondQuantity/prognostic/priority")) then ewrite(-1,*)("WARNING: Priorities for the GLS fields are set internally. Setting them in the FLML might mess things up") end if ! check the relax option is valid if (have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/relax_diffusivity")) then call get_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/relax_diffusivity", relax) if (relax < 0 .or. relax >= 1.0) then FLExit("The GLS diffusivity relaxation value should be greater than or equal to zero, but less than 1.0") end if if (.not. have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/scalar_field::GLSVerticalViscosity/")) then FLExit("You will need to switch on the GLSVerticalViscosity field when using relaxation") end if if (.not. have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/scalar_field::GLSVerticalDiffusivity/")) then FLExit("You will need to switch on the GLSVerticalDiffusivity field when using relaxation") end if end if ! Check that the we don't have auto boundaries and user-defined boundaries if (have_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/calculate_boundaries")) then nbcs=option_count(trim("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/scalar_field::GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy/prognostic/boundary_conditions")) if (nbcs > 0) then FLExit("You have automatic boundary conditions on, but some boundary conditions on the GLS TKE field. Not allowed") end if nbcs=option_count(trim("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/scalar_field::GLSGenericSecondQuantity/prognostic/boundary_conditions")) if (nbcs > 0) then FLExit("You have automatic boundary conditions on, but some boundary conditions on the GLS Psi field. Not allowed") end if end if ! If the user has selected k-kl we need the ocean surface and bottom fields ! on in ocean_boundaries call get_option("/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/option", buffer) if (trim(buffer) .eq. "k-kl") then if (.not. have_option("/geometry/ocean_boundaries")) then FLExit("If you use the k-kl option under GLS, you need to switch on ocean_boundaries under /geometry/ocean_boundaries") end if end if end subroutine gls_check_options !------------------------------------------------------------------! !------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! ! Private subroutines ! ! ! !------------------------------------------------------------------! !------------------------------------------------------------------! !--------- ! Initilise the surface meshes used for the BCS ! Called at startup and after an adapt !---------- subroutine gls_init_surfaces(state) type(state_type), intent(in) :: state type(scalar_field), pointer :: tke type(vector_field), pointer :: position type(mesh_type), pointer :: ocean_mesh type(mesh_type) :: meshy ewrite(1,*) "Initialising the GLS surfaces required for BCs" ! grab hold of some essential field tke => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy") position => extract_vector_field(state, "Coordinate") ! create a surface mesh to place values onto. This is for the top surface call get_boundary_condition(tke, 'tke_top_boundary', surface_mesh=ocean_mesh, & surface_element_list=top_surface_element_list) NNodes_sur = node_count(ocean_mesh) call allocate(top_surface_values, ocean_mesh, name="top_surface") call allocate(top_surface_tke_values,ocean_mesh, name="surface_tke") call allocate(top_surface_km_values,ocean_mesh, name="surface_km") ! Creating a surface mesh gives a mapping between to global node number call create_surface_mesh(meshy, top_surface_nodes, tke%mesh, & top_surface_element_list, 'OceanTop') call deallocate(meshy) ! bottom call get_boundary_condition(tke, 'tke_bottom_boundary', surface_mesh=ocean_mesh, & surface_element_list=bottom_surface_element_list) NNodes_bot = node_count(ocean_mesh) call allocate(bottom_surface_values, ocean_mesh, name="bottom_surface") call allocate(bottom_surface_tke_values,ocean_mesh, name="bottom_tke") call allocate(bottom_surface_km_values,ocean_mesh, name="bottom_km") call create_surface_mesh(meshy, bottom_surface_nodes, tke%mesh, & bottom_surface_element_list, 'OceanBottom') call deallocate(meshy) end subroutine gls_init_surfaces !---------------------- ! Initialise the diagnostic fields, such as diffusivity, length ! scale, etc. This is called during initialisation and after an ! adapt !---------------------- subroutine gls_init_diagnostics(state) type(state_type), intent(inout) :: state type(scalar_field), pointer :: tke tke => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy") ! put tke onto surface fields if we need to if (calculate_bcs) then call remap_field_to_surface(tke, top_surface_tke_values, top_surface_element_list) call remap_field_to_surface(tke, bottom_surface_tke_values, bottom_surface_element_list) end if call set(tke_old,tke) call set(FWall,1.0) ! bit complicated here - we need to repopulate the fields internal to this ! module, post adapt or at initialisation. We need the diffusivity for the first iteration to ! calculate the TKE src/abs terms, but for diffusivity, we need stability ! functions, for those we need epsilon, which is calculated in the ! diffusivity subroutine, but first we need the buoyancy freq. ! So, working backwards... call gls_buoyancy(state) ! buoyancy for epsilon calculation call gls_diffusivity(state) ! gets us epsilon, but K_H and K_M are wrong call gls_stability_function(state) ! requires espilon, but sets S_H and S_M call gls_diffusivity(state) ! sets K_H, K_M to correct values ! and this one sets up the diagnostic fields for output call gls_output_fields(state) end subroutine gls_init_diagnostics !---------- ! Calculate the buoyancy frequency and shear velocities !---------- subroutine gls_buoyancy(state) type(state_type), intent(inout) :: state type(scalar_field), pointer :: pert_rho type(vector_field), pointer :: positions, gravity type(vector_field), pointer :: velocity type(scalar_field) :: NU, NV, MM2_av, NN2_av, inverse_lumpedmass type(scalar_field), pointer :: lumpedmass real :: g logical :: on_sphere, smooth_buoyancy, smooth_shear integer :: ele, i, dim type(csr_matrix), pointer :: mass ! grab variables required from state - already checked in init, so no need to check here positions => extract_vector_field(state, "Coordinate") velocity => extract_vector_field(state, "Velocity") pert_rho => extract_scalar_field(state, "PerturbationDensity") gravity => extract_vector_field(state, "GravityDirection") ! now allocate our temp fields call allocate(NU, velocity%mesh, "NU") call allocate(NV, velocity%mesh, "NV") call set(NU, extract_scalar_field(velocity, 1)) call set(NV, extract_scalar_field(velocity, 2)) call get_option("/physical_parameters/gravity/magnitude", g) on_sphere = have_option('/geometry/spherical_earth/') smooth_buoyancy = have_option('/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/smooth_buoyancy/') smooth_shear = have_option('/material_phase[0]/subgridscale_parameterisations/GLS/smooth_shear/') dim = mesh_dim(NN2) call zero(NN2) call zero(MM2) element_loop: do ele=1, element_count(velocity) call assemble_elements(ele,MM2,NN2,velocity,pert_rho,NU,NV,on_sphere,dim) end do element_loop ! Solve lumpedmass => get_lumped_mass(state, NN2%mesh) NN2%val = NN2%val / lumpedmass%val lumpedmass => get_lumped_mass(state, MM2%mesh) MM2%val = MM2%val / lumpedmass%val if (smooth_shear) then call allocate(MM2_av, MM2%mesh, "MM2_averaged") call allocate(inverse_lumpedmass, MM2%mesh, "InverseLumpedMass") mass => get_mass_matrix(state, MM2%mesh) lumpedmass => get_lumped_mass(state, MM2%mesh) call invert(lumpedmass, inverse_lumpedmass) call mult( MM2_av, mass, MM2) call scale(MM2_av, inverse_lumpedmass) ! so the averaging operator is [inv(ML)*M*] call set(MM2, MM2_av) call deallocate(inverse_lumpedmass) call deallocate(MM2_av) end if if (smooth_buoyancy) then call allocate(NN2_av, NN2%mesh, "NN2_averaged") call allocate(inverse_lumpedmass, NN2%mesh, "InverseLumpedMass") mass => get_mass_matrix(state, NN2%mesh) lumpedmass => get_lumped_mass(state, NN2%mesh) call invert(lumpedmass, inverse_lumpedmass) call mult( NN2_av, mass, NN2) call scale(NN2_av, inverse_lumpedmass) ! so the averaging operator is [inv(ML)*M*] call set(NN2, NN2_av) call deallocate(NN2_av) call deallocate(inverse_lumpedmass) end if call deallocate(NU) call deallocate(NV) contains subroutine assemble_elements(ele,MM2,NN2,velocity,rho,NU,NV,on_sphere,dim) type(vector_field), intent(in), pointer :: velocity type(scalar_field), intent(in) :: rho type(scalar_field), intent(inout) :: NN2, MM2 type(scalar_field), intent(in) :: NU, NV logical, intent(in) :: on_sphere integer, intent(in) :: ele, dim type(element_type), pointer :: NN2_shape, MM2_shape real, dimension(ele_ngi(velocity,ele)) :: detwei, shear, drho_dz real, dimension(dim, ele_ngi(velocity,ele)) :: grad_theta_gi, du_dz real, dimension(dim,ele_ngi(velocity,ele)) :: grav_at_quads type(element_type), pointer :: theta_shape, velocity_shape integer, dimension(:), pointer :: element_nodes real, dimension(ele_loc(velocity,ele),ele_ngi(velocity,ele),dim) :: dn_t real, dimension(ele_loc(rho,ele),ele_ngi(rho,ele),dim) :: dtheta_t real, dimension(ele_loc(velocity, ele),ele_ngi(velocity, ele),dim):: du_t NN2_shape => ele_shape(NN2, ele) MM2_shape => ele_shape(MM2, ele) velocity_shape => ele_shape(velocity, ele) theta_shape => ele_shape(rho, ele) call transform_to_physical(positions, ele, NN2_shape, & & dshape = dn_t, detwei = detwei) if(NN2_shape == velocity_shape) then du_t = dn_t else call transform_to_physical(positions, ele, velocity_shape, dshape = du_t) end if if(theta_shape == velocity_shape) then dtheta_t = dn_t else call transform_to_physical(positions, ele, theta_shape, dshape = dtheta_t) end if if (on_sphere) then grav_at_quads=radial_inward_normal_at_quad_ele(positions, ele) else grav_at_quads=ele_val_at_quad(gravity, ele) end if grad_theta_gi=ele_grad_at_quad(rho, ele, dtheta_t) do i=1,ele_ngi(velocity,ele) drho_dz(i)=dot_product(grad_theta_gi(:,i),grav_at_quads(:,i)) ! Divide this by rho_0 for non-Boussinesq? end do grad_theta_gi=ele_grad_at_quad(NU, ele, dtheta_t) do i=1,ele_ngi(velocity,ele) du_dz(1,i)=dot_product(grad_theta_gi(:,i),grav_at_quads(:,i)) ! Divide this by rho_0 for non-Boussinesq? end do grad_theta_gi=ele_grad_at_quad(NV, ele, dtheta_t) do i=1,ele_ngi(velocity,ele) du_dz(2,i)=dot_product(grad_theta_gi(:,i),grav_at_quads(:,i)) ! Divide this by rho_0 for non-Boussinesq? end do shear = 0.0 do i = 1, dim - 1 shear = shear + du_dz(i,:) ** 2 end do element_nodes => ele_nodes(NN2, ele) call addto(NN2, element_nodes, & ! already in the right direction due to multipling by grav_at_quads & shape_rhs(NN2_shape, detwei * g * drho_dz) & & ) call addto(MM2, element_nodes, & & shape_rhs(MM2_shape,detwei * shear) & & ) end subroutine assemble_elements end subroutine gls_buoyancy !---------- ! Stability function based on Caunto et al 2001 !---------- subroutine gls_stability_function(state) type(state_type), intent(in) :: state integer :: i real :: N,Nt,an,anMin,anMinNum,anMinDen real, parameter :: anLimitFact = 0.5 real :: d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5 real :: n0,n1,n2,nt0,nt1,nt2 real :: dCm,nCm,nCmp,cm3_inv real :: tmp0,tmp1,tmp2,tau2,as type(scalar_field), pointer :: KK ewrite(1,*) "Calculating GLS stability functions" ! grab stuff from state KK => extract_scalar_field(state, 'GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy') ! This is written out verbatim as in GOTM v4.3.1 (also GNU GPL) N = 0.5*cc1 Nt = ct1 d0 = 36.* N**3. * Nt**2. d1 = 84.*a5*at3 * N**2. * Nt + 36.*at5 * N**3. * Nt d2 = 9.*(at2**2.-at1**2.) * N**3. - 12.*(a2**2.-3.*a3**2.) * N * Nt**2. d3 = 12.*a5*at3*(a2*at1-3.*a3*at2) * N + 12.*a5*at3*(a3**2.-a2**2.) * Nt & + 12.*at5*(3.*a3**2.-a2**2.) * N * Nt d4 = 48.*a5**2.*at3**2. * N + 36.*a5*at3*at5 * N**2. d5 = 3.*(a2**2.-3.*a3**2.)*(at1**2.-at2**2.) * N n0 = 36.*a1 * N**2. * Nt**2. n1 = - 12.*a5*at3*(at1+at2) * N**2. + 8.*a5*at3*(6.*a1-a2-3.*a3) * N * Nt & + 36.*a1*at5 * N**2. * Nt n2 = 9.*a1*(at2**2.-at1**2.) * N**2. nt0 = 12.*at3 * N**3. * Nt nt1 = 12.*a5*at3**2. * N**2. nt2 = 9.*a1*at3*(at1-at2) * N**2. + ( 6.*a1*(a2-3.*a3) & - 4.*(a2**2.-3.*a3**2.) )*at3 * N * Nt cm3_inv = 1./cm0**3 ! mininum value of "an" to insure that "as" > 0 in equilibrium anMinNum = -(d1 + nt0) + sqrt((d1+nt0)**2. - 4.*d0*(d4+nt1)) anMinDen = 2.*(d4+nt1) anMin = anMinNum / anMinDen if (abs(n2-d5) .lt. 1e-7) then ! (special treatment to avoid a singularity) do i=1,nNodes tau2 = node_val(KK,i)*node_val(KK,i) / ( node_val(eps,i)*node_val(eps,i) ) an = tau2 * node_val(NN2,i) ! clip an at minimum value an = max(an,anLimitFact*anMin) ! compute the equilibrium value of as tmp0 = -d0 - (d1 + nt0)*an - (d4 + nt1)*an*an tmp1 = -d2 + n0 + (n1-d3-nt2)*an as = -tmp0 / tmp1 ! compute stability function dCm = d0 + d1*an + d2*as + d3*an*as + d4*an*an + d5*as*as nCm = n0 + n1*an + n2*as nCmp = nt0 + nt1*an + nt2*as call set(S_M,i, cm3_inv*nCm /dCm) call set(S_H,i, cm3_inv*nCmp/dCm) end do else do i=1,nNodes tau2 = node_val(KK,i)*node_val(KK,i) / ( node_val(eps,i)*node_val(eps,i) ) an = tau2 * node_val(NN2,i) ! clip an at minimum value an = max(an,anLimitFact*anMin) ! compute the equilibrium value of as tmp0 = -d0 - (d1 + nt0)*an - (d4 + nt1)*an*an tmp1 = -d2 + n0 + (n1-d3-nt2)*an tmp2 = n2-d5 as = (-tmp1 + sqrt(tmp1*tmp1-4.*tmp0*tmp2) ) / (2.*tmp2) ! compute stability function dCm = d0 + d1*an + d2*as + d3*an*as + d4*an*an + d5*as*as nCm = n0 + n1*an + n2*as nCmp = nt0 + nt1*an + nt2*as call set(S_M,i, cm3_inv*nCm /dCm) call set(S_H,i, cm3_inv*nCmp/dCm) end do endif end subroutine gls_stability_function !---------- ! gls_tke_bc calculates the boundary conditions on the TKE (tke) field ! Boundary can be either Dirichlet or Neumann. !---------- subroutine gls_tke_bc(state, bc_type) type(state_type), intent(in) :: state character(len=*), intent(in) :: bc_type type(vector_field), pointer :: positions real :: gravity_magnitude integer :: i real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: z0s, z0b, u_taus_squared, u_taub_squared ! grab hold of some essential field call get_option("/physical_parameters/gravity/magnitude", gravity_magnitude) positions => extract_vector_field(state, "Coordinate") ! Top boundary condition select case(bc_type) case("neumann") ! Top TKE flux BC call set(top_surface_values,0.0) call set(bottom_surface_values,0.0) case("dirichlet") allocate(z0s(NNodes_sur)) allocate(z0b(NNodes_bot)) allocate(u_taus_squared(NNodes_sur)) allocate(u_taub_squared(NNodes_bot)) call gls_friction(state,z0s,z0b,gravity_magnitude,u_taus_squared,u_taub_squared) ! Top TKE value set do i=1,NNodes_sur call set(top_surface_values,i,max(u_taus_squared(i)/(cm0**2),k_min)) end do do i=1,NNodes_bot call set(bottom_surface_values,i,max(u_taub_squared(i)/(cm0**2),k_min)) end do deallocate(z0s) deallocate(z0b) deallocate(u_taus_squared) deallocate(u_taub_squared) case default FLAbort('Unknown BC for TKE') end select end subroutine gls_tke_bc !---------- ! gls_psi_bc calculates the boundary conditions on the Psi (psi) field ! Boundary can be either Dirichlet or Neumann. !---------- subroutine gls_psi_bc(state, bc_type) type(state_type), intent(in) :: state character(len=*), intent(in) :: bc_type type(vector_field), pointer :: positions real :: gravity_magnitude integer :: i real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: z0s, z0b, u_taus_squared, u_taub_squared type(scalar_field), pointer :: tke, psi real :: value ewrite(2,*) "In gls_psi_bc: setting up" ! grab hold of some essential fields call get_option("/physical_parameters/gravity/magnitude", gravity_magnitude) positions => extract_vector_field(state, "Coordinate") tke => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy") psi => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSGenericSecondQuantity") allocate(z0s(NNodes_sur)) allocate(z0b(NNodes_bot)) allocate(u_taus_squared(NNodes_sur)) allocate(u_taub_squared(NNodes_bot)) ewrite(2,*) "In gls_psi_bc: friction" ! get friction call gls_friction(state,z0s,z0b,gravity_magnitude,u_taus_squared,u_taub_squared) ! put tke onto surface fields call remap_field_to_surface(tke, top_surface_tke_values, top_surface_element_list) call remap_field_to_surface(tke, bottom_surface_tke_values, bottom_surface_element_list) ewrite(2,*) "In gls_psi_bc: setting values" select case(bc_type) case("neumann") do i=1,NNodes_sur ! GOTM Boundary value = -(gls_n*(cm0**(gls_p+1.))*(kappa**(gls_n+1.)))/sigma_psi & *node_val(top_surface_tke_values,i)**(gls_m+0.5)*(z0s(i))**gls_n ! Warner 2005 - left here for posterity and debugging !value = -gls_n*(cm0**(gls_p))*(node_val(top_surface_tke_values,i)**gls_m)* & ! (kappa**gls_n)*(z0s(i)**(gls_n-1))*((node_val(top_surface_km_values,i)/sigma_psi)) call set(top_surface_values,i,value) end do do i=1,NNodes_bot if (u_taub_squared(i) < 1e-16) then value = 0.0 else ! GOTM Boundary value = - gls_n*cm0**(gls_p+1.)*(kappa**(gls_n+1.)/sigma_psi) & *node_val(bottom_surface_tke_values,i)**(gls_m+0.5)*(z0b(i))**gls_n ! Warner 2005 - as above !value = gls_n*cm0**(gls_p)*node_val(bottom_surface_tke_values,i)**(gls_m)* & ! kappa**gls_n*(z0b(i)**(gls_n-1))*(node_val(bottom_surface_km_values,i)/sigma_psi) end if call set(bottom_surface_values,i,value) end do case("dirichlet") do i=1,NNodes_sur value = max(cm0**(gls_p-2.*gls_m)*kappa**gls_n*u_taus_squared(i)**gls_m * & (z0s(i))**gls_n,psi_min) call set(top_surface_values,i,value) end do do i=1,NNodes_bot value = max(cm0**(gls_p-2.*gls_m)*kappa**gls_n*u_taub_squared(i)**gls_m * & (z0b(i))**gls_n,psi_min) call set(bottom_surface_values,i,value) end do case default FLAbort('Unknown boundary type for Psi') end select deallocate(z0s) deallocate(z0b) deallocate(u_taus_squared) deallocate(u_taub_squared) end subroutine gls_psi_bc !---------- ! gls_frction works out the depth of the friction layer ! either due to bottom topography roughness or the shear stress ! on the surface !--------- subroutine gls_friction(state,z0s,z0b,gravity_magnitude,u_taus_squared,u_taub_squared) type(state_type), intent(in) :: state real, intent(in) :: gravity_magnitude real, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: z0s,z0b,u_taus_squared,u_taub_squared integer :: nobcs integer :: i,ii, MaxIter real :: rr real :: charnock_val=18500. character(len=OPTION_PATH_LEN) :: bctype type(vector_field), pointer :: wind_surface_field, positions, velocity type(scalar_field), pointer :: tke type(vector_field) :: bottom_velocity, surface_forcing, cont_vel, surface_pos type(mesh_type) :: ocean_mesh real :: u_taub, z0s_min real, dimension(1) :: temp_vector_1D ! Obviously, not really a vector, but lets keep the names consistant real, dimension(2) :: temp_vector_2D real, dimension(3) :: temp_vector_3D logical :: surface_allocated integer :: stat MaxIter = 10 z0s_min = 0.003 surface_allocated = .false. ! get meshes velocity => extract_vector_field(state, "Velocity") positions => extract_vector_field(state, "Coordinate") tke => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy") wind_surface_field => null() ! grab stresses from velocity field - Surface nobcs = get_boundary_condition_count(velocity) do i=1, nobcs call get_boundary_condition(velocity, i, type=bctype) if (bctype=='wind_forcing') then wind_surface_field => extract_surface_field(velocity, i, "WindSurfaceField") call create_surface_mesh(ocean_mesh, top_surface_nodes, tke%mesh, & top_surface_element_list, 'OceanTop') call allocate(surface_forcing, wind_surface_field%dim, ocean_mesh, name="surface_velocity") surface_pos = get_coordinates_remapped_to_surface(positions, ocean_mesh, top_surface_element_list) call deallocate(ocean_mesh) if (tke%mesh%continuity == velocity%mesh%continuity) then call set(surface_forcing,wind_surface_field) else ! remap onto same mesh as TKE call project_field(wind_surface_field, surface_forcing, surface_pos) end if surface_allocated = .true. call deallocate(surface_pos) exit end if end do ! sort out bottom surface velocity call create_surface_mesh(ocean_mesh, bottom_surface_nodes, tke%mesh, & bottom_surface_element_list, 'OceanBottom') call allocate(bottom_velocity, velocity%dim, ocean_mesh, name="bottom_velocity") call allocate(cont_vel, velocity%dim, tke%mesh, name="ContVel") call deallocate(ocean_mesh) ! Do we need to project or copy? if (velocity%mesh%continuity == tke%mesh%continuity) then call set(cont_vel,velocity) else ! remap onto same mesh as TKE call project_field(velocity, cont_vel, positions) end if call remap_field_to_surface(cont_vel, bottom_velocity, & bottom_surface_element_list) call deallocate(cont_vel) ! we now have a bottom velocity surface and a top surface ! with the wind stress on (note easier to to zero the output array ! below than set wind_forcing to zero and work through all the calcs ! work out the friction in either 3 or 2 dimensions. if (positions%dim .eq. 3) then if (surface_allocated) then do i=1,NNodes_sur temp_vector_2D = node_val(surface_forcing,i) ! big hack! Assumes that the wind stress forcing has ALREADY been divded by ocean density ! Note that u_taus = sqrt(wind_stress/rho0) ! we assume here that the wind stress in diamond is already ! wind_stress/rho0, hence here: ! u_taus = sqrt(wind_stress) u_taus_squared(i) = max(1e-12,sqrt(((temp_vector_2D(1))**2+(temp_vector_2D(2))**2))) ! use the Charnock formula to compute the surface roughness z0s(i)=charnock_val*u_taus_squared(i)/gravity_magnitude if (z0s(i).lt.z0s_min) z0s(i)=z0s_min end do else z0s = z0s_min u_taus_squared = 0.0 end if do i=1,NNodes_bot temp_vector_3D = node_val(bottom_velocity,i) u_taub = sqrt(temp_vector_3D(1)**2+temp_vector_3D(2)**2+temp_vector_3D(3)**2) if (u_taub <= 1e-12) then z0b(i) = z0s_min else ! iterate bottom roughness length MaxIter times do ii=1,MaxIter z0b(i)=(1e-7/max(1e-6,u_taub)+0.03*0.1) ! compute the factor r rr=kappa/log(z0b(i)) ! compute the friction velocity at the bottom u_taub = rr*sqrt(temp_vector_3D(1)**2+temp_vector_3D(2)**2+temp_vector_3D(3)**2) end do end if u_taub_squared(i) = u_taub**2 end do else if (positions%dim .eq. 2) then if (surface_allocated) then do i=1,NNodes_sur temp_vector_1D = node_val(surface_forcing,i) u_taus_squared(i) = max(1e-12,abs(temp_vector_1D(1))) ! use the Charnock formula to compute the surface roughness z0s(i)=charnock_val*u_taus_squared(i)/gravity_magnitude if (z0s(i).lt.z0s_min) z0s(i)=z0s_min end do else z0s = z0s_min u_taus_squared = 0.0 end if do i=1,NNodes_bot temp_vector_2D = node_val(bottom_velocity,i) u_taub = sqrt(temp_vector_2D(1)**2+temp_vector_2D(2)**2) ! iterate bottom roughness length MaxIter times do ii=1,MaxIter z0b(i)=(1e-7/(max(1e-6,u_taub)+0.03*0.1)) rr=kappa/log(z0b(i)) ! compute the friction velocity at the bottom u_taub = rr*sqrt((temp_vector_2D(1)**2+temp_vector_2D(2)**2)) end do u_taub_squared(i) = u_taub**2 end do else FLAbort("Unsupported dimension in GLS friction") end if call deallocate(bottom_velocity) if (surface_allocated) then call deallocate(surface_forcing) end if return end subroutine gls_friction !--------- ! Output the optional fields if they exist in state !--------- subroutine gls_output_fields(state) type(state_type), intent(in) :: state type(scalar_field), pointer :: scalarField type(tensor_field), pointer :: tensorField integer :: stat scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSLengthScale", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,ll) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state,"GLSTurbulentKineticEnergyOriginal", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,local_tke) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSBuoyancyFrequency", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,NN2) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSVelocityShear", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,MM2) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSShearProduction", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,P) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSBuoyancyProduction", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,B) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSDissipationEpsilon", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,eps) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSStabilityFunctionSH", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,S_H) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSStabilityFunctionSM", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,S_M) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSWallFunction", stat) if(stat == 0) then call set(scalarField,Fwall) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSVerticalViscosity", stat) if(stat == 0) then ! add vertical background tensorField => extract_tensor_field(state, "GLSBackgroundDiffusivity") call set(scalarField,K_M) call addto(scalarField, extract_scalar_field(tensorField, tensorField%dim(1), tensorField%dim(2))) end if scalarField => extract_scalar_field(state, "GLSVerticalDiffusivity", stat) if(stat == 0) then ! add vertical background tensorField => extract_tensor_field(state, "GLSBackgroundDiffusivity") call set(scalarField,K_H) call addto(scalarField, extract_scalar_field(tensorField,tensorField%dim(1), tensorField%dim(2))) end if end subroutine gls_output_fields !--------- ! Calculate the wall function as set by the user ! Each wall function has been designed with a ! particular problem in mind, so best to have a choice here !--------- subroutine gls_calc_wall_function(state) type(state_type), intent(in) :: state type(scalar_field), pointer :: distanceToBottom, distanceToTop, tke real :: LLL, distTop, distBot type(scalar_field) :: top, bottom real, parameter :: E2 = 1.33, E4 = 0.25 integer :: i, stat ! FWall is initialised in gls_init to 1, so no need to do anything if (gls_wall_option .eq. "none") return tke => extract_scalar_field(state,"GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy") distanceToTop => extract_scalar_field(state, "DistanceToTop") distanceToBottom => extract_scalar_field(state, "DistanceToBottom") call allocate(top,tke%mesh,"TopOnTKEMesh") call allocate(bottom,tke%mesh,"BottomOnTKEMesh") call remap_field(distanceToTop,top,stat) call remap_field(distanceToBottom,bottom,stat) select case (gls_wall_option) case ("MellorYamda") do i=1,nNodes distTop = max(1.0,node_val(top,i)) distBot = max(1.0,node_val(bottom,i)) LLL = (distBot + distTop) / (distTop * distBot) call set( Fwall, i, 1.0 + E2*( ((node_val(ll,i)/kappa)*( LLL ))**2 )) end do case ("Burchard98") do i=1,nNodes distTop = max(1.0,node_val(top,i)) distBot = max(1.0,node_val(bottom,i)) LLL = 1.0 / min(distTop,distBot) call set( Fwall, i, 1.0 + E2*( ((node_val(ll,i)/kappa)*( LLL ))**2 )) end do case ("Burchard01") do i=1,nNodes distTop = max(1.0,node_val(top,i)) distBot = max(1.0,node_val(bottom,i)) LLL = 1.0 / distTop call set( Fwall, i, 1.0 + E2*( ((node_val(ll,i)/kappa)*( LLL ))**2 )) end do case ("Blumberg") do i=1,nNodes distTop = max(0.1,node_val(top,i)) distBot = max(0.1,node_val(bottom,i)) LLL = E2 * (node_val(ll,i) / (kappa * distBot)) ** 2 LLL = LLL + E4 * (node_val(ll,i) / (kappa * distTop)) ** 2 call set( Fwall, i, 1.0 + LLL) end do case default FLAbort("Unknown wall function") end select call deallocate(top) call deallocate(bottom) end subroutine gls_calc_wall_function subroutine gls_allocate_temps(state) type(state_type), intent(inout) :: state type(scalar_field), pointer :: tkeField tkeField => extract_scalar_field(state,"GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy") ! allocate some space for the fields we need for calculations, but are optional in the model ! we're going to allocate these on the velocity mesh as we need one of these... call allocate(ll, tkeField%mesh, "LengthScale") call allocate(NN2, tkeField%mesh, "BuoyancyFrequency") call allocate(MM2, tkeField%mesh, "VelocityShear") call allocate(B, tkeField%mesh, "BuoyancyFrequency") call allocate(P, tkeField%mesh, "ShearProduction") call allocate(S_H, tkeField%mesh, "StabilityH") call allocate(S_M, tkeField%mesh, "StabilityM") call allocate(K_H, tkeField%mesh, "EddyDiff") call allocate(K_M, tkeField%mesh, "EddyVisc") call allocate(eps, tkeField%mesh, "GLS_TKE_Dissipation") call allocate(Fwall, tkeField%mesh, "GLS_WallFunction") call allocate(density, tkeField%mesh, "Density") call allocate(tke_old, tkeField%mesh, "Old_TKE") call allocate(local_tke, tkeField%mesh, "Local_TKE") call set(ll,0.) call set(NN2,0.) call set(MM2,0.) call set(B,0.) call set(P,0.) call set(S_H,0.) call set(S_M,0.) call set(K_H,0.) call set(K_M,0.) call set(eps,0.) call set(density,0.) call set(tke_old,0.) call set(local_tke,tkeField) nNodes = node_count(tkeField) end subroutine gls_allocate_temps !--------- ! Align the diff/visc tensors with gravity when on the sphere !--------- function align_with_radial(position, scalar) result(rotated_tensor) ! Function to align viscosities/diffusivities in the radial direction when on ! the sphere real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: position real, intent(in) :: scalar real, dimension(size(position),size(position)) :: rotated_tensor real :: rad, phi, theta assert(size(position)==3) rad=sqrt(sum(position(:)**2)) phi=atan2(position(2),position(1)) theta=acos(position(3)/rad) rotated_tensor(1,1)=scalar*sin(theta)**2*cos(phi)**2 rotated_tensor(1,2)=scalar*sin(theta)**2*sin(phi)*cos(phi) rotated_tensor(1,3)=scalar*sin(theta)*cos(theta)*cos(phi) rotated_tensor(2,1)=rotated_tensor(1,2) rotated_tensor(2,2)=scalar*sin(theta)**2*sin(phi)**2 rotated_tensor(2,3)=scalar*sin(theta)*cos(theta)*sin(phi) rotated_tensor(3,1)=rotated_tensor(1,3) rotated_tensor(3,2)=rotated_tensor(2,3) rotated_tensor(3,3)=scalar*cos(theta)**2 end function align_with_radial end module gls
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Github" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Search form Welcome to my website You elected me and sent me to the House of Commons to represent the people of Buckingham. My election as Speaker is the greatest honour of my professional life and I am very conscious of the responsibility which it has vested in me. I shall strive every day to justify Members’ confidence and to help to restore the reputation of Parliament. Please rest assured that I continue to represent all my constituents. Although as Speaker I do not speak in or stage debates, table questions, or sign Early Day Motions, I represent all my constituents by raising their concerns with the relevant agency or government department. As Speaker, I receive ministerial replies, often from the Secretary of State, and on an expedited basis in recognition of the fact that the Speaker does not table questions or speak on the floor of the House. I no longer address any issue in a party political manner in accordance with the convention that the Speaker remains impartial. I continue to attend events and undertake visits of a non-party political character throughout the constituency. Visiting schools, health services, local authorities, charities, voluntary groups and community gatherings has always represented the overwhelming proportion of my constituency work and I continue to do it every bit as conscientiously as I have always done. Do get in touch with me at the Commons if you would like me to visit your organisation. It is my duty and pleasure to serve all of my constituents in Buckingham. If you need my help on any matter, whether local or national, please get in touch with me. You can find my details on the contact page.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Your browser is currently setup to not render a technology called JavaScript on web pages that you visit. This will adversly affect this website and others, and we recommend that you enable it in your internet settings. ProCon Member Login Enter your email address and password to login to your ProCon Member Account. News Article Business Patrons Support ProCon Into 2014 ProCon Leicestershire’s six business patrons are continuing to support the property and construction network into 2014. All six patrons from 2013 are renewing their support for ProCon’s mission celebrating the property and construction sector’s contribution to business and the built environment in Leicestershire and Rutland. The businesses are backing the events and other activities of the ProCon Leicestershire network of architects, contractors, developers and those who advise them. For four of the patrons, this is the third year in the role. ProCon’s runs a calendar of events for its members and the highly successful ProCon Leicestershire Awards, now in their 12th year. ProCon Leicestershire director Craig Mitchell, partner at Gateley, said: “Bringing together the enablers of development is an important part of ProCon’s role in making Leicestershire a good place to invest in new buildings. “Our patrons are to be praised for their commitment to this goal and we thank them for their generosity and encouragement for all we do.” ProCon’s six patrons are: Berkeley Insurance Group: one of the UK’s largest privately owned insurance brokers Corporate Architecture: a practice providing quality architecture which suits client and community expectations The Fox Group: four companies with a core business of commercial development, project management and letting of office space Howes Percival: a leading commercial law firm actively supporting local developers, contractors and professionals MDA Consulting: offers professional services to the construction industry, including as a core member of design teams Willmott Dixon Construction: one of the UK’s largest privately-owned capital works, regeneration and support companies Nick Heath, operations director at Willmott Dixon, said: “Willmott Dixon is a proud supporter of ProCon Leicestershire and the invaluable work it does to promote and campaign on behalf of the region’s property and construction industry.” Nick James, partner at Howes Percival, said: “We are very happy to again be supporting ProCon’s important work. Quite simply, ProCon is at the fore of the property sector in Leicestershire.” Jon Fox, director at Fox Group said: “We are delighted to support ProCon as a patron for a third year. The events are always topical and informative and the awards is simply the best networking event in the East Midlands.” Malcolm Foulkes-Arnold, managing director of Corporate Architecture, said: “Having won a ProCon Award we know how important the organisation is to Leicestershire. It is important the industry continues to support ProCon.” Nigel Balme, director of Berkeley Insurance Group, said: “The Procon events and awards have been a vital information and networking environment for over 10 years and hopefully for many years to come.”
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to an air-fuel ratio control apparatus for an internal combustion engine. For example, the air-fuel ratio control apparatus is mounted in a vehicle. In particular, the present invention relates to a technique for maintaining purification ratio of NOx at a high level even if a three-way catalyst is deteriorated. 2. Description of the Related Art A conventional air-fuel ratio control apparatus includes: a three-way catalyst (hereinafter, simply referred to as “catalyst”) provided in an exhaust passage of an internal combustion engine for purifying HC, CO, and NOx in an exhaust gas at the same time; a first air-fuel ratio sensor for detecting a first air-fuel ratio at a position upstream of the catalyst; a second air-fuel ratio sensor for detecting a second air-fuel ratio at a position downstream of the catalyst; and a controller for controlling the air-fuel ratio. An oxygen storage amount of the catalyst is calculated based on the first air-fuel ratio and an intake air amount for controlling the air-fuel ratio for the internal combustion engine such that the oxygen storage amount matches a target oxygen storage amount (for example, see JP 2001-234789 A). Operation of the conventional apparatus will be described. As well known in the art, purification performance of the catalyst is high near the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio. If an operating point deviates from the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, its purification efficiency lowers. Therefore, in order to address a problem due to temporal deviation of the air-fuel ratio, the catalyst has an oxygen storage capacity. With the oxygen storage capacity, the catalyst takes in the oxygen in the exhaust gas when the operation is carried out on a lean side of the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, so the catalytic atmosphere can be maintained at the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio until the oxygen storage amount is saturated. The catalyst releases the oxygen when the operation is carried out on a rich side of the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, so the catalytic atmosphere can be maintained at the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio. The controller calculates the amount of oxygen absorbed into or released from the catalyst by integration based on an excess oxygen rate determined by conversion from the first air-fuel ratio and the intake air amount at this point. The controller controls the oxygen storage amount to a target oxygen storage amount for maintaining the catalytic atmosphere at the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio. Further, since the first air-fuel ratio sensor is exposed in high temperature exhaust air, fluctuation occurs in outputs of the detection signal. In order to correct the fluctuation, the controller corrects the deviation from the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio using the second air-fuel ratio sensor, and keeps the air-fuel ratio at a position downstream of the catalyst at the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio. Next, description will be made of purification characteristics for HC and NOx when the catalyst is in a new condition, and in a deteriorated condition. For example, when the catalyst is in the new condition, and when the air-fuel ratio detected by the second air-fuel ratio sensor is near the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, the HC purification rate is a maximum state. The HC purification ratio decreases as the air-fuel ratio further deviates from the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio toward the rich side or the lean side. However, the margin of the decreased purification ratio is small, and the HC purification rate has substantially flat characteristics. On the other hand, when the air-fuel ratio is near the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, the NOx purification rate is the maximum. The NOx purification rate reduces gradually on the rich side, and reduces sharply on the lean side. As the deterioration of the catalyst progresses, the HC purification rate lowers in comparison with the HC purification rate when the catalyst is in the new condition. However, the purification rate is high when the air-fuel ratio is near the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio. On the other hand, the NOx purification rate reduces significantly when the air-fuel ratio is not near a predetermined value (on the rich side of the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio). Even if the air-fuel ratio is near the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, the purification rate reduces significantly. In consideration of the NOx purification characteristics in correspondence with the deterioration level of the catalyst, as the deterioration level increases, the purification rate at the air-fuel ratio deviated from the predetermined value reduces much more. Even if the air-fuel ratio is near the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, the purification rate reduces significantly. As a result, when the air-fuel ratio is at the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, if the catalyst is in the new condition, the nearly maximum NOx purification ratio is maintained. However, as the deterioration of the catalyst progresses, the NOx purification rate reduces significantly. That is, when the catalyst is in the new condition, the purification rates of HC, CO, and NOx are designed to be high as long as the air-fuel ratio is near the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio. However, in the actual condition in use, the purification performance of the catalyst lowers owing to the deterioration of the catalyst due to various factors. For example, hot exhaust air is a thermal deterioration factor. Since the particle structure of noble metals such as platinum, palladium, and rhodium in the catalyst deforms gradually, the purification performance of the noble metals lowers. Further, components in the fuel such as lead, sulfur, and phosphor are poisonous deterioration factors. Those components are attracted to the noble metals, and the noble metals are poisoned. Therefore, the purification performance of the noble metals lowers. That is, in the conventional apparatus, since the air-fuel ratio at a position downstream of the catalyst is controlled at the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, the purification rate is kept at a high level when the catalyst is in the new condition. However, when the deterioration of the catalyst progresses, it is not possible to maintain the initial purification performance. In the conventional air-fuel ratio control apparatus for an internal combustion engine, since the air-flow ratio at a position downstream of the catalyst is controlled at the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, when the catalyst is in the new condition, the high purification ratio is maintained for each of HC and NOx. However, if the catalyst is in the deteriorated condition, the high purification rate is maintained for HC, but the NOx purification ratio reduces significantly.
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I actually bought this for PS3 first and I loved it. Then our nephews, who are typically hooked on FPS games, saw me playing it and are now playing FIFA Street every time they visit. So of course I picked it up for their Xbox so they could practice more. Being able to create custom matches where you're playing 2 - 2 w/or w/out goalies or 5 - 5 is great. Looking forward to unlocking all the playing venues!
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Senior executives and officials constantly strive to keep sensitive, confidential intellectual property and trade secrets protected. During personal conferences involving the discussion of sensitive matters, for example matters relating to strategic approaches, advertising, new products or the like, for example those typically held in offices and elsewhere, the confidentiality of communications, such as oral communications with others must be maintained. However, at the same time, staying in contact with one's coworkers is, more than ever, typically being done by cellular or mobile wireless devices. These individuals thus need to keep their devices connected to the network and be able to recognize and respond to certain calls and messages even when otherwise having sensitive and confidential discussions with others. However, such devices present a threat to security, whether through hacking not authorized by the owner of the device, or through surreptitious use of the device by its owner. More particularly, the technology exists today for the unauthorized conversion of another's smartphone or other handheld device into a “bug” enabling the hacker to listen in on a conversation being carried on in the proximity of the hacked device. Typically, such hacking involves enabling the microphone in a smartphone and establishing a connection between the smartphone and a recording device being operated by the hacker. In this manner, the hacker can make a recording of the conversation available to, for example, competitors, hostile government officials, or other industrial, political or military espionage services. Today more and more devices are capable of multiple functions and a growing number of devices are capable of being manipulated remotely by using the microphone in the device as a remote listening device. In addition to such conversion of the device's built-in microphone to allow room sounds to be picked up and transmitted to a remote location, the possibility also exists for the smartphone's built-in video camera to be converted to perform a military, political or industrial espionage function.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
The manner in which the public roads network is designed, built and managed can have a significant effect on the utility and safety of cycling. The cycling network may be able to provide the users with direct, convenient routes minimizing unnecessary delay and effort in reaching their destinations. Settlements with a dense roads network of interconnected streets tend to be viable utility cycling environments. Removing traffic can be achieved by straightforward diversion or alternatively reduction. Diversion involves routing through-traffic away from roads used by high numbers of cyclists and pedestrians. Examples of diversion include the construction of arterial bypasses and ring roads around urban centres. Traffic reduction can involve direct or indirect methods. A highly effective indirect method of reducing motor traffic, and facilitating cyclist and pedestrian use, is to adopt the shared space system. This system, by giving equal priority to all road users, and by removing conventional road markings, road signs and road conventions, capitalizes on the tendency for all road users to respect and trust each other when they are interacting on an equal basis. No explicit, or even implicit priority is given to traffic traveling along the road, so with no assumptions of priority being possible, all road users need to be aware of all other road users at all times. New Road in Brighton was remodeled using this philosophy, and the results were a 93% reduction in motor traffic and a 22% increase in cycling traffic.[1] Other indirect methods involve reducing the infrastructural capacity dedicated to moving or storing road vehicles. This can involve reducing the number of road lanes, closing bridges to certain vehicle types and creating vehicle restricted zones or environmental traffic cells. In the 1970s the Dutch city of Delft began restricting private car traffic from crossing the city centre.[2] Similarly, Groningen is divided into four zones that cannot be crossed by private motor-traffic, (private cars must use the ring road instead).[3] Cyclists and other traffic can pass between the zones and cycling accounts for 50%+ of trips in Groningen (which reputedly has the third highest proportion of cycle traffic of any city). The Swedish city of Gothenburg uses a similar system of traffic cells.[4] Starting in the 1970s, the city of Copenhagen, which is now noted for high cycling levels, adopted a policy of reducing available car parking capacity by several per cent per year. The city of Amsterdam, where around 40% of all trips are by bicycle,[5] adopted similar parking reduction policies in the 80s and 90s. Direct traffic reduction methods can involve straightforward bans or more subtle methods like road pricing schemes or road diets. The London congestion charge reportedly resulted in a significant increase in cycle use within the affected area.[6] Some campaigners view one-way street systems as a product of traffic management that focuses on trying to keep motorized vehicles moving regardless of the social and other impacts.[7] On the other hand, some UK traffic planners state that one-way streets are a useful tool for traffic calming, and for eliminating rat runs.[8]CFI states that one-way streets can seriously disadvantage cyclists on the grounds that they introduce additional trip-length, delay and hazards associated with weaving maneuvers at junctions.[9]CFI refers to other research indicating that in almost every case it is possible to exempt cyclists from one-way restrictions.[9] In northern Europe, cyclists are frequently granted exemptions from one-way street restrictions.[10] German research indicates that making one-way streets two-way for cyclists results in a reduction in the total number of collisions.[11] It is also argued[who?] that contraflow cyclists may be at reduced risk of certain types of accident - particularly so called "dooring" type incidents. In Belgium road authorities can in principle allow any one-way streets in 50 kilometres per hour (31 mph) zones to be two-way for cyclists if the available lane is at least 3 metres (9.8 ft) wide (area free from parking) and no specific local circumstances prevent it.[12]Denmark, a country with high cycling levels, does not use one-way systems to improve traffic flow.[13] Some commentators argue that the initial goal should be to dismantle large one-way street systems as a traffic calming/traffic reduction measure, followed by the provision of two-way cyclist access on any one-way streets that remain.[14] In general, junction designs that favour higher-speed turning, weaving and merging movements by motorists tend to be hostile for cyclists. CFI states that free-flowing arrangements are hazardous for cyclists and should be avoided.[9] Features such as large entry curvature, slip-roads and high flow roundabouts are associated with increased risk of car–cyclist collisions.[15][16] On large roundabouts of the design typically used in the UK and Ireland, cyclists have an injury accident rate that is 14-16 times that of motorists.[16] Research indicates that excessive sight lines at uncontrolled intersections compound these effects.[15][17] In the UK, a survey of over 8,000 highly experienced and mainly adult male Cyclists Touring Club members found that 28% avoided roundabouts on their regular journey if at all possible.[18] Cycling advocates argue for modifications and alternative junction types that resolve these issues such as reducing kerb radii on street corners, eliminating slip roads and replacing large roundabouts with signalized intersections.[14][19] Cyclists use a segregated cut through of a busy interchange in London at rush hour. How traffic signals are designed and implemented directly impacts cyclists.[20] For instance, poorly adjusted vehicle detector systems, used to trigger signal changes, may not correctly detect cyclists. This can leave cyclists in the position of having to "run" red lights if no motorized vehicle arrives to trigger a signal change.[21] Some cities use urban adaptive traffic control systems (UTCs), which use linked traffic signals to manage traffic in response to changes in demand.[20] There is an argument that using a UTC system merely to provide for increased capacity for motor traffic will simply drive growth in such traffic.[22] However, there are more direct negative impacts. For instance, where signals are arranged to provide motor traffic with so called green waves, this can create "red waves" for other road users such as cyclists and public transport services.[20] Traffic managers in Copenhagen have now turned this approach on its head and are linking cyclist-specific traffic signals on a major arterial bike lane to provide green waves for rush hour cycle-traffic.[23] However, this would still not resolve the problem of red-waves for slow (old and young) and fast (above average fitness) cyclists. Cycling-specific measures that can be applied at traffic signals include the use of advanced stop lines and/or bypasses. In some cases cyclists might be given a free-turn or a signal bypass if turning into a road on the nearside.[9] In many places worldwide special signposts for bicycles are used to indicate directions and distances to destinations for cyclists. Apart from signposting in and between urban areas,[24]mountain pass cycling milestones have become an important service for bicycle tourists. They provide cyclists with information about their current position with regard to the summit of the mountain pass.[25][26] One method for reducing potential friction between cyclists and motorized vehicles is to provide "wide kerb", or "nearside", lanes (UK terminology) or "wide outside through lane" (U.S. terminology). These extra-wide lanes increase the probability that motorists pass cyclists at a safe distance without having to change lanes.[27] This is held to be particularly important on routes with a high proportion of wide vehicles such as buses or heavy goods vehicles (HGVs). They also provide more room for cyclists to filter past queues of cars in congested conditions and to safely overtake each other. Due to the tendency of all vehicle users to stay in the center of their lane, it would be necessary to sub-divide the cycle lane with a broken white line to facilitate safe overtaking. Overtaking is indispensable for cyclists, as speeds are not dependent on the legal speed limit, but on the rider's capability. Shared space schemes extend this principle further by removing the reliance on lane markings altogether, and also removing road signs and signals, allowing all road users to use any part of the road, and giving all road users equal priority and equal responsibility for each other's safety. Experiences where these schemes are in use show that road users, particularly motorists, undirected by signs, kerbs, or road markings, reduce their speed and establish eye contact with other users. Results from the thousands of such implementations worldwide all show casualty reductions and most also show reduced journey times.[28] After the partial conversion of London's Kensington High Street to shared space, accidents decreased by 44% (the London average was 17%).[28] CFI argues for a marked lane width of 4.25 metres (13.9 ft).[9] On undivided roads, width provides cyclists with adequate clearance from passing HGVs while being narrow enough to deter drivers from "doubling up" to form two lanes. This "doubling up" effect may be related to junctions. At non-junction locations, greater width might be preferable if this effect can be avoided. The European Commission specifically endorses wide lanes in its policy document on cycling promotion, Cycling: the way ahead for towns and cities.[29] Shared bus and cycle lanes are also a widely endorsed method for providing for cyclists. Research carried out by the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) describes shared bus cycle lanes as "generally very popular" with cyclists.[30] Guidance produced for Cycling England endorses bus lanes because they provide cyclists with a "direct and barrier-free route into town centres" while avoiding complications related to shared-use footways.[31] A French survey found that 42% of cyclists were "enthusiasts" for shared bus-bike lanes, versus 33% who had mixed opinions, and 27% who opposed them.[32] Many cycling activists view these as being more attractive than cycle paths, while others object to being close to bus exhausts,[32] a problem easily avoided through replacing exhaust buses with electric ones. As of 2003, mixed bus-cycle lanes accounted for 118 kilometres (73 mi) of the 260 kilometres (160 mi) of cycling facilities in Paris.[33] The city of Bordeaux, France, has 40 kilometres (25 mi) of shared bus-bike lanes.[34] The UK city of Bristol, a showcase bus priority corridor, re-allocated 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) of road space, which resulted in more space for cyclists and increased cycling.[35] The opposite happened in London following the removal of a bus lane on the Kew Bridge, despite an overall increase in cycling throughout the city.[36] In addition, it is arguably easier, politically speaking, to argue for funding of joint facilities rather than separately asking for cycling facilities and bus-only lanes.[37][38] Bus lane proposals often run into opposition from cyclists because creating space for bus lanes generally results in narrowing the other lanes shared by cars and cyclists.[39] Incidentally, the TRL reports that cyclists and bus drivers tend to have low opinions of one another.[30] In some cities, arrangements work successfully with bus companies and cyclists' groups ensure communication and understanding between the two groups of road users.[38][40][41] Denmark has pioneered the concept of “bicycle superhighways” to increase the speed, safety, and comfort of bicycle commuting. The first route, C99, opened in 2012 between the Vesterbro rail station in Copenhagen and Albertslund, a western suburb. The route cost 13.4 million DKK and is 17.5 km long, built with few stops and new paths away from traffic. “Service stations” with air pumps are located at regular intervals, and where the route must cross streets, handholds and running boards are provided so cyclists can wait without having to put their feet on the ground.[42] Segregated cycle facilities such as cycle lanes and cycle tracks are often advocated as a means of promoting utility cycling. A pro-cycling paper, stated to have been accepted for publication in the Transport Reviews journal, states that "the provision of separate cycling facilities" appears to be one of the keys to the achieving of high levels of cycling in the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany.[43] Streets or paths that are open to cyclists but not motorists can benefit cyclists where they provide links that are more convenient than the main road network, or help resolve obstacles. Examples include routes through pedestrian precincts. However, to allow the same level of unhindered travel and safety of all, it is important to that cycle infrastructure is as pedestrian free as motor vehicle infrastructure. A bicycle boulevard is a low speed street which has been optimized for bicycle traffic. Bicycle boulevards discourage cut-through motor vehicle traffic but allow local motor vehicle traffic. They are designed to give priority to cyclists as through-going traffic. Aspects of infrastructure may be viewed as either cyclist-hostile or as cyclist-friendly. In general, roads infrastructure based on prioritizing certain routes in an attempt to create a state of constant "traffic flow" for vehicles on that route, will tend to be hostile to those not on that route. In 1996, the British Cyclists' Touring Club (CTC) and the Institute for Highways and Transportation jointly produced the document "Cycle-friendly infrastructure: Guidelines for planning and design" (CFI).[9] This defined a hierarchy of measures for cycling promotion in which the goal is to convert a more or less cyclist-hostile roads infrastructure into one which encourages and facilitates cycling: As secure and convenient bicycle parking is a key factor in influencing a person's decision to cycle, decent parking infrastructure must be provided to encourage the uptake of cycling.[47] Decent bicycle parking involves weather-proof infrastructure such as lockers, stands, manned or unmanned bicycle parks,[48] as well as bike parking facilities within workplaces to facilitate bicycle commuting. It also will help if certain legal arrangements are put into place to enable legitimate ad hoc parking, for example to allow people to lock their bicycles to railings, signs and other street furniture when individual proper bike stands are unavailable.[49] Some people need to wear special clothes such as business suits or uniforms in their daily work. In some cases the nature of the cycling infrastructure and the prevailing weather conditions may make it very hard to both cycle and maintain the work clothes in a presentable condition. It is argued that such workers can be encouraged to cycle by providing lockers, changing rooms and shower facilities where they can change before starting work.[50] The theft of bicycles is one of the major problems that slow the development of urban cycling. Bicycle theft discourages regular cyclists from buying new bicycles, as well as putting off people who might want to invest in a bicycle. Using Folding bicycles which can be safely stored (for example) in cloakrooms or under desks. Certain European countries apply such measures with success, such as the Netherlands or certain German cities using registration and recovery. Since mid-2004, France has instituted a system of registration, in some places allowing stolen bicycles to be put on file in partnership with the urban cyclists' associations. This approach has reputedly increased the stolen bicycle recovery rate to more than 40%. By comparison, before the commencement of registration, the recovery rate in France was about 2%. In some areas of the United Kingdom, bicycles fitted with location tracking devices are left poorly secured in theft hot-spots. When the bike is stolen, the police can locate it and arrest the thieves. This sometimes leads to the dismantling of organized bicycle theft rings, as bike theft generally enjoys a very low priority with the police. Some cyclists have difficulty climbing steep hills, and devices such as the Trampe bicycle lift, in Trondheim, have been developed to help alleviate this problem. Other cyclists use them to increase their physical fitness. Cycling can often be integrated successfully with other transport modes. For example, in the Netherlands and Denmark a large number of train journeys may start by bicycle. In 1991, 44% of Dutch train travelers went to their local station by bicycle and 14% used a bicycle at their destinations.[51] The key ingredients for this are claimed to be: an efficient, attractive and affordable train service secure bike parking at train stations a quick and easy bicycle rental system for commuters, the OV-bicycle scheme, at train stations a town planning policy that results in a sufficient proportion of the potential commuter population (e.g. 44%) living/working within a reasonable cycling distance of the train stations. It has been argued in relation to this aspect of Dutch or Danish policy that ongoing investment in rail services is vital to maintaining their levels of cycle use. An often forgotten major success story is the integration of cycling and public transport is Japan.[52] Starting in 1978, Japan expanded bicycle parking supply at railway stations from 598,000 spaces in 1977 to 2,382,000 spaces in 1987. As of 1987, Japanese provisions included 516 multi-story garages for bicycle parking.[53] In January 2007, the European parliament adopted a motion decreeing that all international trains must carry bicycles.[54] In some cities, bicycles may also be carried on local trains, trams and buses so that they may be used at either end of the trip. The Rheinbahn transit company in Düsseldorf permits bicycle carriage on all its bus, tram and train services at any time of the day,[55] while in Munich it is strictly forbidden, under threat of calling the police. In France, the prestigious TGV high-speed trains are even having some of their first class capacity converted to store bicycles.[56] There have also been schemes, such as in Victoria, British Columbia, Acadia, and Canberra, Australia to provide bicycle carriage on buses using externally mounted bike carriers.[57][58][59] However, there are strong cultural variations in how cycling is treated in such situations. For instance in the Irish university city of Galway, the same town that suggested cyclists dismount and walk across each intersection, the secure parking of bikes is forbidden within the grounds of the central train station. However, cut-price car parking is available for motorists holding a valid train ticket. ^Michael Baltes (2005), Integration of bicycles and transit, National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board, p. 39, The first staffed bicycle parking facility in the United States was opened in Long Beach, California.
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Q: Iteration counter for double loops I am trying to find the formula to count every iteration of this double for loop (in python for instance): for i in range(5): for j in range(5): count = MYSTERIOUS_FORMULA print count Here the final value of count should be 25. I tried count=(i+1)*j but it produce 0,1,2,3,4,0,2,4 etc. A: The mysterious formula is quite simple: {count} = {index of current loop} + {size of current loop}*{count of parent loop} As an example, consider a single loop: x = 5 for i in range(x): count = i To be explicit, count = i + x*0 but the second term is irrelevant because there is no parent loop. An example of two loops might be more illuminating: x = 5 y = 6 for i in range(x): for j in range(y): count = j + y*(i) Notice that I put i in parentheses to emphasize that it is the {count of parent loop}. This formula can be easily expanded to a third loop: x = 5 y = 6 z = 7 for i in range(x): for j in range(y): for k in range(z): count = k + z*(j + y*(i)) and so on... A: The Double-for-loop (a.k.a. Nested loops). # Set count to 0 before loop starts count = 0 for i in range(5): for j in range(5): # solved mysterious formula (short hand 'count = count + 1') count += 1 # displaying count after loop print(count) Expanding on the formula count = count + 1, this sets count to be equal itself + 1: count = count + 1 A: If you want to compute the number in each iteration: for i in range(5): for j in range(5): count = 5*i+j+1 print count
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
ANTICIPATION IN THE CONTEXT OF ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS Doina-Elena Manolea & Aliodor Manole Independent researchers Bucharest, ROMANIA [email protected], [email protected] Abstract Starting from the paradigm of the material continuum we discuss the possibility to transcend the space-time reality (Here-and-Now) in the aim of investigating the energetic and informational reality, support of the continuous present. The altered states of consciousness, obtained by means of "psyche"-type techniques, allow the transformation of a future temporal nexus in an element of the present time. Through this "psyche anticipation" process, a sliding of the time reference takes place, since the future becomes present and the present an element of the past. In this way the initial anticipatory potential is enhanced and allows one more energetic and informational step. By such a step-by-step progression segments of the future could be investigated, thus building an anticipatory model. The "psyche anticipation" techniques can be successfully used in the healing process of some diseases. 1. PARADIGMS OF THE UNIVERSE 1.1. MATERIAL CONTINUUM PARADIGM Kybernetikos, as point of view of the formal analogy, with numerous and diversified applications in all domains: technical, economy, medicine, complementary science, etc. clarifies the different aspects of the subtle energy of the human being, especially the neutral aspect. Through the particular organization of the organic substance, the human being induces a specific energetic emergence, strongly related to the universal energetic emergence. The human body's energy, as well as any other living creature's energy, is deep connected to the universal energy from which appertains and which cannot be isolated. Albert Einstein proved by the well known Relativity Theory that space and time are not separate entities and that these are not connected only one to each other, but that are components of an unitary called spatially and temporally continuum. The English physicist William Bohm reveals that all that exists in the Universe is part of an enormous continuum and the visible Uni-verse and invisible verses are combining in order to furnish the illusion of this reality, and therefore to probate the aphorism which says "I am the Universe an the Universe contains me". Even though, Universe mustn't be considered as an undifferentiated mass, but in the same time, each piece is a part of the entire whole, maintaining the unique qualities that characterizes it. The oneness feelings experienced during the conscience's expansion seem to possess the holographic qualities of the whole. The spatially and temporally continuum defines the whole objective reality, underlining it's unitary character. It's organization and hierarchization, in information and entropy terms, is a determination aspect of the material continuum pattern. According to this pattern there are: 1. An informational and energetic reality, dominated by informational elements, implanted upon an energetic fundamental found. 2. A physical reality, dominated by substance and bioplasma, transphysic energies and physic energies, respectively by space and time. The two objective realities belong to the material continuum, dominated on one side by informational-energetic elements, and, on the other side, by substrate and energy in the spatial and temporal frame. The farthest of the distinct realities are representing, finally, superior limit of certain integration processes, respectively of variation, which defines and characterizes the manifestation of the substance inside the material continuum. As bioplasma or substance represents the substrate, and the energies are manifested on transphysic or physic appearance, on it's turn the physical reality is divided, in: • bioplasmatic subdivision, dominated by bioplasma and transphysic energies; • physic subdivision, dominated by substance and physic energies. Starting from the physic reality, with individual transforming elements, separated in space and time, defined as structure and shape, the antientropic integration process leads, when space and time are not defined, to the informational-energetic reality. Individual elements are appearing in this connection, parts of more and more general ensembles. Continuing the integration process, these ensembles become more and more general, until the individual disappears entirely, assimilated to the general absolute ensemble, the Undifferentiated Whole. This phase represents an ideal superior limit of the material continuum, the final point of an integration process, respectively the initial point of a differential process, corresponding to maximum information and order, respectively to minimum entropy. The inverse process, the entropic differentiation, begins from the upper limit of the informational and energetic reality. In this domain marked by the differentiation process, takes place the apparent individualization of certain elements, distinguished inside the informational and energetic ensemble found. The informational and energetic ensemble found comprises an informational and an energetic aspect. The informational aspect is probably assigned for structuration, determinateing the apparent individualization of certain elements. The differentiation process inside the informational and energetic reality is limited, because of the profound connection between the elements and the whole energetic found. The substance manifestation in the physical reality attains characteristic aspects: substrate, structure, defined form, etc., due to peculiar lows, reclaimed by the temporal and spatial support. The elements' individualization in time and space is increased, but being never saturated, because a total individualization will presume the disconnection form the material continuum. The differentiation process, information and order decrease continuously in the entropy and disorder benefit. The temporal and spatial support, which defines the physic reality, implies a clear separation from the energetic and informational reality, governed by own laws according to some of the characteristic forms of substance manifestation. In this manner is not possible to define an interface between the two objective realities, considering the real meaning of the word. While the informational and energetic reality's defined aspect is represented by the connection of the interdependent elements, physic reality is characterized by the time and space elements' individualization. If the energetic and informational reality can be compared to the implicit form of an equation, then physical reality represents the explicit form. The relation between the two realities is the same compared to the function and it's differential equation. The differentiation process determinates events, phenomena, and processes that produce individual elements interacting and transforming each other. Even if it is nonspatially and nontemporary, the informational and energetic reality cannot be considered beyond the existence and nonexistence. The potentiality attribute (objective existence as it is) creates the possibility to limit the objective manifested existence, that means nonspatially and nontemporally, in the informational and energetic reality, and certain events and phenomena which are not described in causal terms and temporal succeeding (continuum present). If the informational and energetic reality can be considered a potentiality domain, and is described by permanent present expression, physical reality represents a manifestation domain, which can be characterized by Here-and-Now expression. Figure 1. Material continuum model. In order to answer to the existentialist question relied to the true nature of the substance, if there is a hope to discover the fundamental substance constitutives, there have been bestowed a lot of theories. In 1910 the English physicist Ernest Rutherford presents the theory, according which, the atom is built by a central nucleus and electrons gravitating around it; in 1913 Niels Bohr quantifies this idea and now there were discovered about hundred elementary particles. Most recently, this problem of the fundamental brick is brought out shaped as a theory that sustains that fundamental particles could be variations, not from a unique particle, but from a subjacent wave. This ondulatory formula was called superchord because it behaves as a violin chord. The Superchord theory reveals that billions of invisible chords populate the Universe and that their different frequencies create all forms of substance and energies that change in time and space. The chords are positioned beyond our four dimensions' Universe. The English mathematician Roger Peronese proposes an alternative method based upon mathematics targets called by him twisters. According to him, the Universe is eight dimensioned, with four dimensions accessible to the five senses, and four belonging to the imaginary dimension. In this tremendous octosional Universe are attaining the twisters, making understandable a big part of this verse. 1.2. HOLONOMIC PARADIGM Dr. Carl Pribram realized the connection between the researches of Carl Lashley, neuropsychiatrist, which detected that the rats used in experiments remembered what they learned even if certain parts of the brain had been excised, and hologram; it was possible that each part of the brain to embody the necessary information needed to recall a whole recollection. Following researches revealed that, in order to see, hear and feel, the brain accomplishes complex calculations regarding the frequency of the received data. In this manner, a landscape, a person, are probably levels of frequencies received by our brain and decoded. The mathematician Denis Gabor, by using the Fourier series, succeeded to transform the image of an object in a range of frequencies registered on a holographic film and to transform these frequencies in the image of the original object. So, immediately after an image is inscribed on the retina, is converted in the range of frequencies called Fourier transformations along the nervous wire. In order to answer the question: if the brain reaches the understanding gathering holograms, transforming mathematically the frequencies received, who interprets inside the brain these holograms? Where is to be found Me? If the holographic brain is the exact from, then, the objective reality does not exist, or exists in the sense we believe it does. Is possible that the world to be a frequentional arrangement transformed in what we know as reality, and known by us after was penetrating our physical senses. The English physicist David Bohm, Albert Einstein's ex assistant in Pricetown University, New Jersey, describes the holonomic universe as if follows: What it seams to be a tangible, stable, visible world, is an illusion. If it is dynamic, kaleidoscopic, is not really there. What we are looking at is the explicit and displayed things order, which is unfolded as a film and we are the spectators; in the same time a subjacent order exists, implicit, replied, which is the father and the mother of this reality. The implicit order being the domain of the invisible things, hides from the exterior, visible universe, the explicit order. Bohm describes a replied universe towards itself, and another, opened, unfolded. These considerations had made Dr. Pribram to disclose that the mathematical process to which the brain is submitted, is possible to act as a camera releasing gear, shaping the object with it's characteristics: shape, color, smell... If this lentil would not exist, a world organized without space and time would be perceived, in which happen only events. Holonomic theory postulates that the brain perceives a concrete realty by interpreting the frequencies coming from a space and time transcending dimension. So, the brain would be a hologram that interprets a holonomic universe. Professor William Tiller from Stanford University, California, points out that all the things which seem to be stable and eternal, from physics' laws to the galactic substance had to be considered as impermanent reality fields, any reality being considered an illusion, only the conscience being endless. The universe began as subtle energy field (nonphysical) and densified little by little. Maybe, the physical universe emerged from a divine thought, which provides the model of this draft, influencing and creating subtle levels, more and more dense, from the universal field through a lot of holograms, until this thought is combined in a physical Universe hologram. Then, the physic body could be holonomic by nature that means a miniature size universe. In addition, our thoughts can generate the apparition of holographic imagines not only in our energy fields, but also to the reality's subtle energetic levels. That would explain the fact that human spirit is capable to get ill first in mind, then physical, but to heal in a second too. The human being carries inside the roots, which mount to heaven, but also which descend to hell. 1.3. THE DIAGRAM WILLIAM TILLER. SPACE-TIME, POSITIVE-NEGATIVE PATTERN Pursuing the diagram from Fig.2, in the first quadrangle (I) is described the evolution of the positive substance substance of our classic universe in which are validated the known physical laws depending on speed. The energy of the particle increases near infinity when speed is almost the light speed. Physic existence of the particle is not possible over the limit imposed by the light speed, therefore do not exist but only for speeds lower than light speed. The force associated to positive spatial and temporal substance is represented by electromagnetic radiation. In the second quadrangle (II) is described the evolution of the negative substance, nonphysical; it's existence begins form speeds superior to light speed, and it's energy increases jointly to the speed. According to Professor W.Tiller, the tachyonic particles, which characterize the negative substance (that exists only when speed overtops light speed) is the substrate of the magnetoelectric radiation, as an associated force to it. Figure 2. Tiller's diagram. By joining the two spaces, according to the neutral theory (see section 2) we can consider our universe to be characterized by positive mass particles moving with a speed close to light speed, and which, after overcoming this speed, move, inevitable, in the negative space and time universe, the subtle universe. The leading thread is the unity of the two spaces, positive and negative, the continuity and simultaneously coexistence. The laws ruling the second quadrangle are only presumed, so that time, which in the first quadrangle flows linearly, uniform, in the second quadrangle, the physical flow (not perception) of time is not uniform. According to the hereabove presented theories, the human energetic being is redefined as an energetic field, in which the positive substance, of electric nature, which contains particles characterized by speed lower than light speed, is combined to the nonphysical substance, subtle, negative, of magnetic nature, formed by nonphysical particles characterized by speed higher than light speed. Doctor Richard Gerber reveals that the negative particle properties disclose the subtle energy phenomena, and, in this context, the subtle body of the human being has to be considered a material body built of negative, over light speed particles, a holographic field selforganizing according to the influence of his creating mind. More, this negative substance is magnetic by nature. The determinations accomplished seem to prove that these particular magnetic fields, evidenced by healers, correspond to the criteria presented by professor Tiller. Magnetism might be, in this case, a negative spatial and temporal substance, o according to the terminology, a magnetoelectric substance. Crossing from the first quadrangle to the second quadrangle (Tiller diagram), or crossing from spatial and temporal reality to informational and energetic reality (material continuum) is realized by feedback using the neutral field. The metamorphose experiment of a system from quantal level, of the over light speed (quadrangle II), to the classic level physics, under light speed, (quadrangle I) have been accomplished in the Kastler-Brassel Laboratories, at the Normal Superior School from Paris. The practical viability of the theory of passing from a universe to another, from an existentially reality to another, phenomena known as dechoerence, was scientifically proved. 2. THE NEUTRAL THEORY In 2000 we have introduced the Neutral Theory concerning the Neutral Field and the Neutral Technique, used mainly for healing purposes. Through Neutral Technique is accomplished the feedback phenomena, on the archetypal level of the energetic and informational field; which is also the support of the spatial and temporal reality, called by us Neutral Field. The Neutral FieldTM manifests specific aspects such as: • maintains the functional and structural unity of the system, it's connection to all the vibrating energetic systems from all the verses; • permits slow reactions between the energetic predominant part and the minor energetic part from which results and which produce energy. • is a reaction's ponderer, a reaction milieu; • accomplishes the dynamic stabilization function of the system; • represents the part of the system which does not allow the mixture of the components; • is the part which maintain the components integrity, even during the most dynamic reactions; • neutral field is the life support, represents the vital side of life; • is the main skeleton in which takes place the motion and the energy's transformation. Figure 3. Neutral Field's diagram The practical applicability of Neutral Theory by Neutral Technique, using The Neutral Field is evidenced by reflection of the essential knowledge principle, manifested through the feedback principle. Therefore, through a specific action on the spatial and temporal reality level, the answer obtained is consonant. An act resulting form the energetic and informational reality that permits to the system upon which was exercised the action, as well as to the system which acts, to manifest a transformation. This allows the system the action of learning in order to improve the activity; consequently, the next activity will obtain a better effect. 3. TN MIND CONTROL DEEP ALPHATM AS MODALITY OF ACCESSING THE REALITY OF THE CONTINUOUS PRESENT It refers to the perceiving, connecting, implementing the modification and pursuing the result materialized through the modification of partial D type nexus, for a spiritual individuality or for spatial-temporal individualities, both in the Informational and Energy Reality, and/or in the Spatial-Temporal Reality. By working in the intuitive space, either the temporary equilibrium of the target entity is modified or future events can be anticipated. In the Spatial-Temporal Reality the existential development of an entity evolves from nexus to nexus (from a temporary knot to another), the differentiation between them being marked by noting seclusion in time and space, following a certain existential trajectory. On this trajectory the free will is applied only at the nexus level. Once the free will applied, the entity looses its right to choose, the way to be followed being compulsory up to the next nexus. Figure 4. The existential time flow. Each nexus has another location in time and space, another emotional, mental, action context. PAST PRESENT FUTURE The law of free will has the significance of the free choice, according to the inner convictions characteristic to each person, to a way to be crossed, no matter the respective person is or is not acquainted with the consequences of his/her actions. As a matter of fact, the anticipatory operator accesses, in a manner specific to the technique of TN MIND CONTROL DEEP ALPHA, the Existential Fundamental Field, the Neutral Field, for himself/herself or another entity, modifying it in order to get the transformation, the consonant answer from the energetic and informational reality, which will produce the modification at the spatial-temporal level. In each one of us there is the possibility to work with both cerebral hemispheres. The right hemisphere is the imaginative one, the intuitive one, and the left hemisphere is the analytic one, it anchors us in this spatial-temporal reality. Everyday we hardly cope with the existing social conditions, and our inner actually pines after the spiritual part and the feeling of unfulfilment appears. In this moment practically the choosing of the way of each one of us is made. At the β (beta) level of the brain activity one works heavily with the left hemisphere. In order to work in the intuitive space, which is governed by the right cerebral hemisphere, it is necessary to descend from the left cerebral hemisphere up to the deep alpha level. The essence of working in the intuitive space is to maintain the state of lucid consciousness, what gives the possibility of performing the planned activity. The efficiency of this activity is proportional to the belief in the accomplishment of the stated aim. LCH – left cerebral hemisphere RCH – right cerebral hemisphere Figure 5. The progressive diagram of the brain's functioning The belief is made up of: a. The wish, as motivational power, directed to the aim. It belongs to the Spatial-Temporal Reality, it belongs to Here-and-Now. b. The conviction is the one that supports us between wish and expectation (in the sense of aimed objective, objective to be fulfilled), between the motive power and the proposed aim. c. The expectation belongs to the alpha level, to the intuitive, subjective dimension, it represents the aim. If the wish is the power that stretches the bow spring, the expectation is the target we aim at, and the performance is similar to that inner conviction. The secret of the anticipative action is that, after establishing the aim and the modality to fulfill this one, the expectation has to manifest itself concurrently with the action for the fulfillment of the aim, against the background of firm inner conviction that the manifested wish will be fulfilled. The state of conscious lucidity in deep alpha can be achieved in 5 steps (levels): 5. is the conscious outer level; 4. is the level where tiredness appears, heavy eyelids and / subsequently the closing of eyes; 3. the body relaxation and established ideomotor signal are present; 2. consists in relaxation of the mind (the attention is focused to a limited number of subjects); 1. is the deep alpha level, both mental and physical; at this level the access to the intuitive space is accomplished. The sine-qua-non condition of the anticipative accessing is being aware of the real situation from the spatial-temporal reality. This allows the expressing of aims and the formation of the motivation for achieving them, while the entropy decreases. When one acts in order to achieve the deep alpha state, one thinks clearer, more lucid, there is a state of inner innocence due to the order-performance dualism. It is this inner state of noticing the fact that the performance of what is ordered is achieved. In deep alpha the access to the past and future reality is possible, as well as to the persons we have access to in order to get information. The access to information is directly proportional to and proportional to the personal entropy. LEVEL CONSCIENCE LEVEL Steps MIND S U P R I O R L E V E L S DIVINE CONSCIENCE IV OVERCONSCIOUS _3 _2 _1 EXTRA-MIND SOLAR CONSCIENCE III UNCONSCIOUS _7 _6 _5 _4 _3 _2 _1 INTUITIVE MIND PLANETARY CONSCIENCE II SUBCONSCIOUS _7 _6 _5 _4 _3 _2 _1 ENLIGHTENED MIND COSMIC CONSCIENCE I | | IMMATERIAL | CONSCIOUS |------------------ | | VITAL | _7 _6 _5 _4 _3 _2 _1 SUPERIOR MIND PHISICAL CONSCIENCE 0 | | PHISICAL 1 ORDINARY MIND (thoughtful) Progresive Subsoil PHISICAL SUBCONSCIENCE MATERIAL UNCONSCIOUS 1 VITAL MIND 2 PHISICAL MIND 3 CELLULAR MIND Figure 6. Conscience mind relation. The modified state of the conscience obtained through TN MIND CONTROL DEEP ALPHA is a way, a real possibility of transpersonal access in the Energetic and Informational Reality, which is the manifestation support of the Continuous Present. The events of the Continuous Present are liberated from the spatial-temporal constraint of the Reality Here-and-Now. In the Spatial-Temporal Reality the existential development takes place only in one sense, from the past, through the present to the future. Figure 7. Anticipative potenciality ANTICIPATIVE POTENTIALITY PAST PRESENT FUTURE The anticipative potentiality Past ► Present can be brought to the energyinformational values necessary for anticipation by using techniques of the type "Psyche". Figure 8. First step of the "Psyche Anticipation" Through "Psyche Anticipation" the inclusion in the Ψ 1 Potential allows the transformation of the immediately future temporal nexus in present time element. Control of the State of Conscious Relaxation (deep alpha) The complete relaxation, physically and mentally, in deep alpha reduces the state of inner excitement, the stress, and it strengthens the immunitary system (it reduces the entropy). When relaxation at different levels of depth, both mentally and physically, is achieved, we can say that a conscious control of this state is achieved, a state in which different stages of modification of the conscience are achieved (different modified states of the conscience). Through training, the control of the state of relaxation is achieved more and more elevated. A practical method of entering in deep alpha (conscious relaxation) is presented in figure 9. Conditional phrase Aim .... Return 5 5 4 4 3 – repeat aim 3 – repeat aim 2 2 1  1  deep alpha Conditional phrase deep alpha Maintenance Deepening Apply Techniques Figure 9. Practical method of using deep alpha technique. Using the conditional phrase and concentrating in the origin center, the mental state deepens at a more profound level of the mind, and in this state the personal conscience is more elevated, there is a higher sense of conscience. CONCLUSIONS Using an altered state of consciousness achieved by TN MIND CONTROL DEEP ALPHA, is becomes possible to anticipate existential trajectories by transcending the plans of the material continuum from the Spatial-Temporal Reality level to the Energetic and Informational Reality level. Thus, a gap in the intermediate interval of uncertitude placed at the separation border of the to realities is made. The sequentialy ordered fenomena in the Continuous Present where the entire information of the Universe, from beginning to end, INCLUSION POTENTIAL Ψ 1 PAST PRESENT FUTURE coexists, and, consequently the entire evolution of an entity are anticipated, using an arbitrary spatio-temporal sliding. References 1. PRIBRAM, CARL Free will: The brain as an anticipatory system, Computing Anticipatory Systems: CASYS'99 Third International Conference, AIP 517, pp.53-72 2. GABOR, D. Theory of communication, Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers 93, pp.429-441, 1946. 3. 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Communication presented to Scientific Communications Session of the Medical Academy -Craiova, Romania, 21-22 June 1996. 13. MANOLEA, DOINA-ELENA si ALIODOR Modulated course: Subtle energetics of the human being evaluation, recovering, conservation and increasing of the human performances through neutral technique Manolea-Aldomar Extrasenzorial F.A., 1996. 1. Plagiarism Detector Originality Report Plagiarism Detector Project: [ http://plagiarism-detector.com ] Application core verrsion: 600 Originality report details: Generation Time and Date: 03.07.2012 12:34:20 Document Name: ANTICIPATION IN THE CONTEXT OF ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS 2003 public 2004.doc Document Location: C:\Users\Aliodor\Documents\ANTICIPATION IN THE CONTEXT OF ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS 2003 public 2004.doc Document Words Count: 4343 Referenced 0% / Linked 0% Original 100% / 0% Plagiarism
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Histone deacetylase inhibition modulates deoxyribonucleotide pools and enhances the antitumor effects of the ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor 3'-C-methyladenosine in leukaemia cells. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors are a new class of epigenetic agents that were reported to enhance the cytotoxic effects of classical anticancer drugs through multiple mechanisms. However, which of the possible drug combinations would be the most effective and clinically useful are to be determined. We treated the HL60 and NB4 promyelocytic leukaemia cells with a combination of the ribonucleotide reductase (RR) inhibitor 3'-C-methyladenosine (3'-Me-Ado) and several hydroxamic acid-derived HDAC inhibitors, including two recently synthesized molecules, MC1864 and MC1879, and the reference compound trichostatin A (TSA). The results showed significant growth inhibitory and apoptotic synergistic effects with the combinations. Hence, we evaluated the effects of the combinations on cell cycle distribution and on the level of several proteins involved in the apoptotic process (p21, caspase-3, Bcl-2, Bax, AIF). Since HDAC inhibitors increased the G1-S transition block induced by 3'-Me-Ado, an effect on RR activity was hypothesized. Indeed, the HPLC evaluation of intracellular deoxyribonucleotide (dNTP) pools showed that both TSA and MC1864 induced a decrease in dNTPs, even if with a somewhat different pattern, suggesting that RR inhibition contributes to the observed synergism. Furthermore, while TSA was shown to activate the intrinsic apoptotic pathway, MC1864 induced a dose-dependent increase in ROS and AIF levels. Moreover, the treatment with the radical scavenger N-acetylcysteine determined a significant inhibition of MC1864- but not TSA-mediated synergistic effects. Hence, our findings are consistent with a possible role of HDAC inhibitor mediated-ROS induction in RR inhibition and in the potentiation of RR inhibitor-mediated apoptosis.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Q: How to keep server listen running in Grunt task? I have a HTTP server I'm running as part of one Grunt task. The listen method is asynchronous (as is most Node.js code), so immediately after the Grunt task has called the method it finishes execution and thus closes the server. grunt.registerTask('serveProxy', 'Start the proxy to the various servers', function() { var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { // ... }); server.listen(80); }); How can I keep this running or perhaps make the method block so it doesn't return? A: The solution was to instruct Grunt to wait as per the documentation by telling Grunt this is an asynchronous method and using a callback to indicate when we are done. grunt.registerTask('serveProxy', 'Start the proxy to the various servers', function() { var done = this.async(); var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { // ... }); server.listen(80); });
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
What a week. Every day we see a new city, police station, college, government agency, or company being affected by a ransomware attack. To make matters worse, they are getting hit with targeted ransomware that asks for a hefty price to get a decryptor. This week we also saw the first real analysis of the MegaCortex Ransomware when a sample was found by MalwareHunterTeam. Along with this sample, though, came a wave of attacks that affected many organizations. All I can say is: Backup, backup, backup! If you have working backups, ransomware is ineffective and you can shrug it off. Make sure your backups work and that you have a good policy in place. Contributors and those who provided new ransomware information and stories this week include: @malwrhunterteam, @malwareforme, @fwosar, @hexwaxwing, @LawrenceAbrams, @BleepinComputer, @jorntvdw, @FourOctets, @DanielGallagher, @Seifreed, @struppigel, @PolarToffee, @demonslay335, @VK_Intel, @coveware, @FBI, @CrowdStrike, @PortSwigger, @emsisoft, @avast_antivirus, @petrovic082, @M_Shahpasandi, @serghei, @Ionut_Ilascu, @pushecx, and @GrujaRS. July 13th 2019 Emsisoft released a decryptor for imS00rry Ransomware. Petrovic‏ found a new ransomware called SkyStars. Amigo-A found a new Matrix Ransomware variant that appends the .[[email protected]] extension and drops a ransom note named #_#ReadMe#_#.rtf. July 14th 2019 Another public administration in the U.S. surrenders cybercriminal demands as La Porte County, Indiana, pays $130,000 to recover data on computer systems impacted by ransomware. Jakub Kroustek found a new Dharma Ransomware variant that appends the .1BTC extension to encrypted files. July 15th 2019 Malware researchers have discovered a new file-encrypting malware they dubbed DoppelPaymer that has been making victims since at least mid-June, asking hundreds of thousands of US dollars in ransom. July 16th 2019 The average payment demand following a ransomware attack has almost doubled in the second quarter of the year and victims have Ryuk and Sodinokibi to blame. In an FBI Flash Alert, the FBI has released the master decryption keys for the Gandcrab Ransomware versions 4, 5, 5.0.4, 5.1, and 5.2. Using these keys, any individual or organization can create and release their very own GandCrab decryptor. Michael Gillespie found a new variants of the STOP DJvu Ransomware that append the .budak or .herad extension to encrypted files. M. Shahpasandi found a new variant of the Cry36/Nemesis Ransomware that appends the .id_**********_.YOUR_LAST_CHANCE extension to encrypted file names. Libraries across Onondaga County continue to deal with service issues caused by a cyber attack discovered last Friday. July 17th 2019 Some ransomware authors get the cryptography right, but make web security mistakes that leave their command and control (C2) infrastructure vulnerable to attacks. Michael Gillespie found a new variant of the STOP DJvu Ransomware that appends the .berosuce extension to encrypted files. Michael Gillespie updated his STOP DJvu Ransomware decryptor to support the offline keys for the .godes, .budak, .heran, and .berosuce extensions. Karsten Hahn reported that a spam wave targeting Germany was distributing the Sodinokibi Ransomware. Tampa-based community radio station WMNF 88.5-FM is stepping up cybersecurity after its computer systems were hobbled by ransom-seeking hackers last month. GrujaRS found a new variant of the Phobos ransomware that appends the .id[XXXXXX-2224].[[email protected]].actor extension and drops a ransom note named info.txt. GrujaRS found a new variant of the Ouroboros Ransomware that appends the .[id=xxxxxxx][[email protected]].limbo extension and drops a ransom note named Read-Me-Now.txt. July 18th 2019 Avast Software has released their own decryptor for the GandCrab Ransomware. Michael Gillespie found new variants of the STOP DJvu Ransomware that appends the .gusau, .vusad, .madek, or .gehad extensions to encrypted files. Michael Gillespie updated his STOP DJvu Ransomware decryptor to support the offline keys for the .gehad extensions. City officials said the attack disrupted the town’s information technology systems. They first received reports of the disruption Thursday morning and have determined it is the Ryuk ransomware virus. July 19th 2019 A sample of the ransomware called MegaCortex that is known to target the enterprise in targeted attacks has been found and analyzed. In this article, we will provide a brief look at the MegaCortex Ransomware and how it encrypts a computer. A flurry of ransomware attacks has been reported this week affecting entities in US states of Georgia, New York, Tennessee, and Florida. Cloud computing provider iNSYNQ experienced a ransomware attack which forced the company to shut down some of its servers to contain the malware infection from spreading and affecting more customer data. Lawrenceville police confirmed the FBI and private security experts have been called in to help with the cyberattack that has hijacked the department’s body camera file footage and other department files. It is also the same ransomware that attacked Henry County police, sources say. GrujaRS found a new variant of the Maoloa Ransomware that appends .Persephone666 extension to encrypted files. That's it for this week! Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
691 F.2d 506 Crawfordv.Secretary of U. S. Dept. of Labor 81-7535 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS Ninth Circuit 10/1/82 Sec. of Labor AFFIRMED
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Killing Off American Cows to Keep Milk Prices High - walterbell http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-09-08/cow-killing-and-price-fixing-in-your-supermarket-dairy-aisle ====== PavlovsCat Ah, the the alienated joys of capitalism.. and the bloody stumps we call hands and minds.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Q: Check Multiple and module of two BigDecimal in java BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal(1.95); BigDecimal y = new BigDecimal(0.65); BigDecimal rem = x.remainder(y); if (rem.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0.) { System.out.println("Not In mutilple of"); } else { System.out.println("In mutilple of"); } System.out.println(rem); Not giving correct result for the above scenario. given the input condition but giving incorrect result if it is in multiple of the second value A: Explanation Useing new BigDecimal(double) might lose precision, see the doc: The results of this constructor can be somewhat unpredictable. One might assume that writing new BigDecimal(0.1) in Java creates a BigDecimal which is exactly equal to 0.1 (an unscaled value of 1, with a scale of 1), but it is actually equal to 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625. This is because 0.1 cannot be represented exactly as a double (or, for that matter, as a binary fraction of any finite length). Thus, the value that is being passed in to the constructor is not exactly equal to 0.1, appearances notwithstanding. and: BigDecimal x= new BigDecimal(1.95); BigDecimal y = new BigDecimal(0.65); System.out.println(x); // 1.9499999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875 System.out.println(y); // 0.65000000000000002220446049250313080847263336181640625 Solution Use BigDecimal(String val): The String constructor, on the other hand, is perfectly predictable: writing new BigDecimal("0.1") creates a BigDecimal which is exactly equal to 0.1, as one would expect. Therefore, it is generally recommended that the String constructor be used in preference to this one. and BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal("1.95"); BigDecimal y = new BigDecimal("0.65"); System.out.println(x); // 1.95 System.out.println(y); // 0.65 System.out.println(x.remainder(y)); // 0.00 A: Instantiate like BigDecimal x= new BigDecimal("1.95"); BigDecimal y= new BigDecimal("0.65"); as not all float point number can be represented exactly as doubles. The output in your code shows 0.65 ss 0.64999999999999995559107901499373838305473327636718750 see https://study.com/academy/lesson/java-floating-point-numbers.html
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is MPEG4IP. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc. * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001 - 2004. All Rights Reserved. * * 3GPP features implementation is based on 3GPP's TS26.234-v5.60, * and was contributed by Ximpo Group Ltd. * * Portions created by Ximpo Group Ltd. are * Copyright (C) Ximpo Group Ltd. 2003, 2004. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Dave Mackie [email protected] * Alix Marchandise-Franquet [email protected] * Ximpo Group Ltd. [email protected] */ #include "src/impl.h" namespace mp4v2 { namespace impl { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MP4StsdAtom::MP4StsdAtom(MP4File &file) : MP4Atom(file, "stsd") { AddVersionAndFlags(); MP4Integer32Property* pCount = new MP4Integer32Property(*this, "entryCount"); pCount->SetReadOnly(); AddProperty(pCount); ExpectChildAtom("mp4a", Optional, Many); ExpectChildAtom("enca", Optional, Many); ExpectChildAtom("mp4s", Optional, Many); ExpectChildAtom("mp4v", Optional, Many); ExpectChildAtom("encv", Optional, Many); ExpectChildAtom("rtp ", Optional, Many); ExpectChildAtom("samr", Optional, Many); // For AMR-NB ExpectChildAtom("sawb", Optional, Many); // For AMR-WB ExpectChildAtom("s263", Optional, Many); // For H.263 ExpectChildAtom("avc1", Optional, Many); ExpectChildAtom("alac", Optional, Many); ExpectChildAtom("text", Optional, Many); ExpectChildAtom("ac-3", Optional, Many); } void MP4StsdAtom::Read() { /* do the usual read */ MP4Atom::Read(); // check that number of children == entryCount MP4Integer32Property* pCount = (MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[2]; if (m_pChildAtoms.Size() != pCount->GetValue()) { log.warningf("%s: \"%s\": stsd inconsistency with number of entries", __FUNCTION__, GetFile().GetFilename().c_str() ); /* fix it */ pCount->SetReadOnly(false); pCount->SetValue(m_pChildAtoms.Size()); pCount->SetReadOnly(true); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } } // namespace mp4v2::impl
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Github" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Enquiry Form VBA Training Courses Local, instructor-led live VBA training courses demonstrate through interactive discussion and hands-on practice how to use VBA in applications such as Word, Excel and Access. VBA training is available as "onsite live training" or "remote live training". Onsite live VBA trainings in Denmark can be carried out locally on customer premises or in NobleProg corporate training centers. Remote live training is carried out by way of an interactive, remote desktop. VBA training courses are available for beginners and advanced users. NobleProg -- Your Local Training Provider Testimonials ★★★★★ ★★★★★ The trainer has demonstrated excellent training skills and communication with the group. I was very pleased with the training - no suggestions. Michał Szymankiewicz - NIIT Limited Course: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel - Advanced I liked the examples and the way he explained. Sandeep Parashar Course: VBA For Access & Excel The explanation way and including tips on the best practices in VBA/Access, encouraging via exercise to think more by ourselves on how to solve the problem rather than giving ready solutions. Daria Rudin Course: VBA For Access & Excel Tamil was exceptionally patient and very helpful in figuring out solutions to real needs. He was also very honest about if he didn't know something from the top of his head, which enabled us to quickly jump on in the training and we didn't lose time. It was really nice of the trainer that he took a lot of time to answer our questions and helped us improve or gave us hints on how to improve some macros we were already using without fully understanding the code. I was benefit from the examples from different area of VBA programming. UBS Business Solutions Poland Sp. z o.o. Course: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel - Advanced The whole topic is interesting - everything was OK. Bartosz Wierzewski - UBS B Course: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel - Advanced I mostly was benefit from the fitted training to people needs. Robert Solek - UBS Business Solutions Poland Sp. z o.o. Course: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel - Advanced practical application using my data and how I can use VBA to process and produce my reports Environment, Marine and Fisheries Course: Excel VBA Introduction Working on and using our own data/spreadsheets, where we could see how it would benefit us most. Julie Longridge - Environment, Marine and Fisheries Course: Excel VBA Introduction I generally enjoyed the knowledge and sense of humor. Łukasz Rózga - UBS Business Solutions Poland Sp. z o.o. Course: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel - Advanced I liked the trainer, nice guy with great attitude. Lukasz Kanior - UBS Business Solutions Poland Sp. z o.o. Course: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel - Advanced I was benefit from the trainer knowledge, explanation and tips. Kornel Tymcio - UBS Business Solutions Poland Sp. z o.o. Course: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel - Advanced I really enjoy the training. Huge and practical! knowledge of the trainer combined with his skill to conduct the training made the training time very efficient. The trainer recognized the level of participant's experience in VBA and provided exercises relevant to that experience which made the training very useful. Barbara Peek - UBS Business Solutions Poland Sp. z o.o. Course: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel - Advanced The instructor's method of writing the code and finding solutions provided a good example of how to approach things in VB. Recording a macro to access its code, intentionally leaving some items incorrect to show how that impacted the result, etc. Finding errors and solutions in code can be difficult but his training approach showed his VB problem solving methodology Manson Construction Co. Course: Excel VBA Introduction VBA Course Outlines The course topics cover maximum automation. The student will learn how to use VBA effectively, how to use cell names to be copied, which are useful properties of objects only available in Excel VBA code and how to create your own control library. Finally, participants will learn how to create a complete application and how to secure it. This course has been created for anyone who works with Excel and wants to automate most of their tasks. The course covers procedural programming in VBA. Students will learn which objects are available in Excel and how to use them. They will also learn how to write their own worksheet functions, debug programs and write complete applications using VBA forms. This course can also be run in more depth, and with more practical examples, as a three day course. It is an introduction to procedural programming in VBA. Training allows you to gain a strong foundation for further learning and VBA environment. After the course you can: - Record and edit the macro as required,- Write procedures using data from the sheet,- Create your own functions- Handle the event (opening worksheet cell update etc) by means of the handler,- Create form
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
A trigger is a specification that the database should automatically execute a particular function whenever a certain type of operation is performed. Triggers can be attached to tables, views, and foreign tables. On tables and foreign tables, triggers can be defined to execute either before or after any INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation, either once per modified row, or once per SQL statement. If an INSERT contains an ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE clause, it is possible that the effects of a BEFORE insert trigger and a BEFORE update trigger can both be applied together, if a reference to an EXCLUDED column appears. UPDATE triggers can moreover be set to fire only if certain columns are mentioned in the SET clause of the UPDATE statement. Triggers can also fire for TRUNCATE statements. If a trigger event occurs, the trigger's function is called at the appropriate time to handle the event. Foreign tables do not support the TRUNCATE statement at all. On views, triggers can be defined to execute instead of INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations. Such INSTEAD OF triggers are fired once for each row that needs to be modified in the view. It is the responsibility of the trigger's function to perform the necessary modifications to the view's underlying base table(s) and, where appropriate, return the modified row as it will appear in the view. Triggers on views can also be defined to execute once per SQL statement, before or after INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations. However, such triggers are fired only if there is also an INSTEAD OF trigger on the view. Otherwise, any statement targeting the view must be rewritten into a statement affecting its underlying base table(s), and then the triggers that will be fired are the ones attached to the base table(s). The trigger function must be defined before the trigger itself can be created. The trigger function must be declared as a function taking no arguments and returning type trigger. (The trigger function receives its input through a specially-passed TriggerData structure, not in the form of ordinary function arguments.) Once a suitable trigger function has been created, the trigger is established with CREATE TRIGGER. The same trigger function can be used for multiple triggers. PostgreSQL offers both per-row triggers and per-statement triggers. With a per-row trigger, the trigger function is invoked once for each row that is affected by the statement that fired the trigger. In contrast, a per-statement trigger is invoked only once when an appropriate statement is executed, regardless of the number of rows affected by that statement. In particular, a statement that affects zero rows will still result in the execution of any applicable per-statement triggers. These two types of triggers are sometimes called row-level triggers and statement-level triggers, respectively. Triggers on TRUNCATE may only be defined at statement level. On views, triggers that fire before or after may only be defined at statement level, while triggers that fire instead of an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE may only be defined at row level. Triggers are also classified according to whether they fire before, after, or instead of the operation. These are referred to as BEFORE triggers, AFTER triggers, and INSTEAD OF triggers respectively. Statement-level BEFORE triggers naturally fire before the statement starts to do anything, while statement-level AFTER triggers fire at the very end of the statement. These types of triggers may be defined on tables or views. Row-level BEFORE triggers fire immediately before a particular row is operated on, while row-level AFTER triggers fire at the end of the statement (but before any statement-level AFTER triggers). These types of triggers may only be defined on tables and foreign tables. Row-level INSTEAD OF triggers may only be defined on views, and fire immediately as each row in the view is identified as needing to be operated on. If an INSERT contains an ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE clause, it is possible that the effects of all row-level BEFOREINSERT triggers and all row-level BEFORE UPDATE triggers can both be applied in a way that is apparent from the final state of the updated row, if an EXCLUDED column is referenced. There need not be an EXCLUDED column reference for both sets of BEFORE row-level triggers to execute, though. The possibility of surprising outcomes should be considered when there are both BEFOREINSERT and BEFOREUPDATE row-level triggers that both affect a row being inserted/updated (this can still be problematic if the modifications are more or less equivalent if they're not also idempotent). Note that statement-level UPDATE triggers are executed when ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE is specified, regardless of whether or not any rows were affected by the UPDATE (and regardless of whether the alternative UPDATE path was ever taken). An INSERT with an ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE clause will execute statement-level BEFOREINSERT triggers first, then statement-level BEFOREUPDATE triggers, followed by statement-level AFTERUPDATE triggers and finally statement-level AFTERINSERT triggers. Trigger functions invoked by per-statement triggers should always return NULL. Trigger functions invoked by per-row triggers can return a table row (a value of type HeapTuple) to the calling executor, if they choose. A row-level trigger fired before an operation has the following choices: It can return NULL to skip the operation for the current row. This instructs the executor to not perform the row-level operation that invoked the trigger (the insertion, modification, or deletion of a particular table row). For row-level INSERT and UPDATE triggers only, the returned row becomes the row that will be inserted or will replace the row being updated. This allows the trigger function to modify the row being inserted or updated. A row-level BEFORE trigger that does not intend to cause either of these behaviors must be careful to return as its result the same row that was passed in (that is, the NEW row for INSERT and UPDATE triggers, the OLD row for DELETE triggers). A row-level INSTEAD OF trigger should either return NULL to indicate that it did not modify any data from the view's underlying base tables, or it should return the view row that was passed in (the NEW row for INSERT and UPDATE operations, or the OLD row for DELETE operations). A nonnull return value is used to signal that the trigger performed the necessary data modifications in the view. This will cause the count of the number of rows affected by the command to be incremented. For INSERT and UPDATE operations, the trigger may modify the NEW row before returning it. This will change the data returned by INSERT RETURNING or UPDATE RETURNING, and is useful when the view will not show exactly the same data that was provided. The return value is ignored for row-level triggers fired after an operation, and so they can return NULL. If more than one trigger is defined for the same event on the same relation, the triggers will be fired in alphabetical order by trigger name. In the case of BEFORE and INSTEAD OF triggers, the possibly-modified row returned by each trigger becomes the input to the next trigger. If any BEFORE or INSTEAD OF trigger returns NULL, the operation is abandoned for that row and subsequent triggers are not fired (for that row). A trigger definition can also specify a Boolean WHEN condition, which will be tested to see whether the trigger should be fired. In row-level triggers the WHEN condition can examine the old and/or new values of columns of the row. (Statement-level triggers can also have WHEN conditions, although the feature is not so useful for them.) In a BEFORE trigger, the WHEN condition is evaluated just before the function is or would be executed, so using WHEN is not materially different from testing the same condition at the beginning of the trigger function. However, in an AFTER trigger, the WHEN condition is evaluated just after the row update occurs, and it determines whether an event is queued to fire the trigger at the end of statement. So when an AFTER trigger's WHEN condition does not return true, it is not necessary to queue an event nor to re-fetch the row at end of statement. This can result in significant speedups in statements that modify many rows, if the trigger only needs to be fired for a few of the rows. INSTEAD OF triggers do not support WHEN conditions. Typically, row-level BEFORE triggers are used for checking or modifying the data that will be inserted or updated. For example, a BEFORE trigger might be used to insert the current time into a timestamp column, or to check that two elements of the row are consistent. Row-level AFTER triggers are most sensibly used to propagate the updates to other tables, or make consistency checks against other tables. The reason for this division of labor is that an AFTER trigger can be certain it is seeing the final value of the row, while a BEFORE trigger cannot; there might be other BEFORE triggers firing after it. If you have no specific reason to make a trigger BEFORE or AFTER, the BEFORE case is more efficient, since the information about the operation doesn't have to be saved until end of statement. If a trigger function executes SQL commands then these commands might fire triggers again. This is known as cascading triggers. There is no direct limitation on the number of cascade levels. It is possible for cascades to cause a recursive invocation of the same trigger; for example, an INSERT trigger might execute a command that inserts an additional row into the same table, causing the INSERT trigger to be fired again. It is the trigger programmer's responsibility to avoid infinite recursion in such scenarios. When a trigger is being defined, arguments can be specified for it. The purpose of including arguments in the trigger definition is to allow different triggers with similar requirements to call the same function. As an example, there could be a generalized trigger function that takes as its arguments two column names and puts the current user in one and the current time stamp in the other. Properly written, this trigger function would be independent of the specific table it is triggering on. So the same function could be used for INSERT events on any table with suitable columns, to automatically track creation of records in a transaction table for example. It could also be used to track last-update events if defined as an UPDATE trigger. Each programming language that supports triggers has its own method for making the trigger input data available to the trigger function. This input data includes the type of trigger event (e.g., INSERT or UPDATE) as well as any arguments that were listed in CREATE TRIGGER. For a row-level trigger, the input data also includes the NEW row for INSERT and UPDATE triggers, and/or the OLD row for UPDATE and DELETE triggers. Statement-level triggers do not currently have any way to examine the individual row(s) modified by the statement. Submit correction If you see anything in the documentation that is not correct, does not match your experience with the particular feature or requires further clarification, please use this form to report a documentation issue.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Hypothalamic dysfunction without hamartomas causing gelastic seizures in optic nerve hypoplasia. This report describes gelastic seizures in patients with optic nerve hypoplasia and hypothalamic dysfunction without hypothalamic hamartoma. All participants (n = 4) from the optic nerve hypoplasia registry study at Children's Hospital Los Angeles presenting with gelastic seizures were included. The clinical and pathology characteristics include hypothalamic dysgenesis and dysfunction, but no hamartomas. Optic nerve hypoplasia is the only reported condition with gelastic seizures without hypothalamic hamartomas, suggesting that hypothalamic disorganization alone can cause gelastic seizures.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
More Articles Columbus Police are searching for five suspects in a double shooting in North Linden this afternoon. Police were called to the 2500 block of Hiawatha St. shortly before noon where two victims were found in an abandoned house. Both were taken to Ohio State University's Wexner Medical Center, where one is in critical condition and the other is stable, a police detective who would not provide his name said. He said the gunman shot the victims, then jumped into a car with four other passengers.
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Potentially inappropriate medication prescribed to elderly outpatients at a general medicine unit. To establish the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medications prescribed for elderly patients, to identify the most commonly involved drugs, and to investigate whether age, sex and number of medications were related with the prescription of these drugs. Prescriptions for 1,800 elderly patients (≥ 60 years) were gathered from a database. These prescriptions were written by general physicians at a tertiary level university hospital in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from February to May 2008. Only one prescription per patient was considered. The prescriptions were classified according to sex and age (60-69, 70-79 and ≥ 80). The Beers criteria (2003 version) were used to evaluate potentially inappropriate medications. Most of the sample comprised women (66.6%) with a mean age of 71.3 years. The mean prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication prescriptions was 37.6%. The 60-69 age group presented the highest prevalence (49.9%). The most frequently prescribed potentially inappropriate medications to women were carisoprodol, amitriptyline, and fluoxetine; amitriptyline, carisoprodol, fluoxetine and clonidine were prescribed more often to men. The female sex (p<0.001; OR=2.0) and number of medications prescribed (p<0.001) were associated with prescription of potentially inappropriate medications. The chance of having a prescription of these drugs was lower among patients aged over 80 years (OR=0.7). The mean number of prescribed medications for both sexes and all age groups was 7.1. The mean number of medications per patient was higher among females (p<0.001); this result was not age-dependent (p=0.285). The prevalence of potentially inappropriate medications was similar to previously reported values in the literature and was correlated with the female sex. The chance of having a potentially inappropriate medication prescription was lower among patients aged over 80 years. The chance of having a potentially inappropriate medications prescription increased proportionally with the number of medications prescribed (≥ 5).
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN NO. 03-09-00200-CV In re Ronald Dwayne Whitfield ORIGINAL PROCEEDING FROM TRAVIS COUNTY MEMORANDUM OPINION The petition for writ of mandamus is denied. See Tex. R. App. P. 52.8(a). __________________________________________ Jan P. Patterson, Justice Before Justices Patterson, Pemberton and Waldrop Filed: April 28, 2009
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Norbert Lammert, the president of the German Bundestag, said on Wednesday that he could not picture the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP) being ratified by German parliamentarians without further information about how it was negotiated and put together. "I see no chance that the Bundestag would ratify a trade agreement between the EU and the USA without involvement in how it came together or any say regarding alternatives," Lammert said in an interview with the Germany's FUNKE Media Group. Lammert said he agreed with calls from European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker that all relevant documents pertaining to the negotiations should be made available to governments and parliaments of EU nations. "I insist on that," said Lammert. Under the current plans, the full text of TTIP will only be released once it is finished, leaving no chance for amendments by the EU or the US. TTIP is facing growing resistance in Europe, where opponents argue the trade pact will tear down the EU's health, labor and environmental standards while empowering corporations. Protests against TTIP drawing up to 250,000 people from across Germany were held this month in Berlin. Negotiations between the EU and US on TTIP have been going on since 2013. Earlier this month, the US hosted the 11th round of talks on the deal in Miami. mz/kms (Reuters, AFP, dpa)
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Receive the latest entertainment-news updates in your inbox Actress Debbie Reynolds died at the age of 84 on Dec. 28, 2016, one day after her daughter, actress Carrie Fisher, passed away at the age of 60. Reynolds was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Wednesday night for shortness of breath before she passed away, according to her son. (Published Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016) Debbie Reynolds embodied the sunshine of postwar America on the screen as she matched steps with Gene Kelly in "Singin' in the Rain." Carrie Fisher brought the sarcasm and cynicism of the Baby Boomers to her movies, books and stage shows, even when she was playing a princess in "Star Wars." The mother and daughter, separated by so many differences both personal and generational, are likely drawn closer in the public memory after their deaths on successive days. Reynolds died on Wednesday at age 84, just as she and the rest of the world were starting to mourn her daughter Fisher, who died on Tuesday at 60, days after falling ill on a flight. Even after a year of shocking and constant celebrity departures, the deaths of Fisher and Reynolds brought a staggering finale to 2016. Reynolds' son Todd Fisher said his sister's death was "just too much" for his mother. "She said, 'I want to be with Carrie,'" Fisher told The Associated Press by phone from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where Reynolds had just died after being rushed there earlier in the day. "And then she was gone." Both mother and daughter enjoyed the heights of show business success and endured the depths of personal troubles. Their relationship for years ranged from strained to non-existent, a theme frequently explored in Fisher's writing, but late in life they became allies and close confidantes in their struggles. Reynolds lost one husband to Elizabeth Taylor and two other husbands plundered her for millions. Carrie Fisher Dies at 60 Actress Carrie Fisher, 60, passed away on Tuesday. (Published Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2016) Fisher struggled from early in life with addiction and mental illness. "There have been a few times when I thought I was going to lose Carrie," Reynolds said when Oprah Winfrey interviewed both mother and daughter in 2011. "I've had to walk through a lot of my tears. But she's worth it." As Fisher tried to distance herself from Reynolds, she barely spoke to her mother for nearly a decade. "I can't imagine what Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds' family are going through this week. I send all of my love," Ellen DeGeneres tweeted. Born Mary Frances Reynolds, she spent the first eight years of her life in Depression-era poverty in El Paso, Texas. Her father, a carpenter for the Southern Pacific Railroad, was transferred to California and the family settled in Burbank, near Warner Bros. studio. The girl flourished, excelling as a girl scout and athlete, and playing French horn and bass viola in the Burbank Youth Symphony. Girlfriends persuaded her to enter the beauty contest for Miss Burbank, and she won over the judges. She found superstardom quickly. After a handful of minor roles, MGM studio boss Louis B. Mayer cast her in "Singin' in the Rain," despite Kelly's objections. But at 19 with little dance experience, she managed to match Kelly and Donald O'Connor, two of the screens most masterful dancers, step-for-step. "Gene Kelly was hard on me, but I think he had to be," Reynolds, who more than held her own in the movie, said in a 1999 Associated Press interview. "I had to learn everything in three to six months. Donald O'Connor had been dancing since he was three months old, Gene Kelly since he was 2 years old." Fans Gather at Makeshift Hollywood Star for Carrie Fisher With no official place in Hollywood to honor the late Carrie Fisher, fans took it upon themselves to craft a tribute to the actress, author and activist by decorating a blank star on the Walk of Fame. Beverly White reports for the NBC4 News at 11 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2016. (Published Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016) After her transition from starlet to star, Reynolds became popular with teenage girls and even more so when in 1955 she married Eddie Fisher, the pop singer whose fans were equally devoted. The couple made a movie together, "Bundle of Joy," which seemed to mirror the 1956 birth of Carrie. The Fishers' next child was Todd, named for Eddie's close friend and Taylor's husband, showman Mike Todd. During this period, Reynolds had a No. 1 hit on the pop charts in 1957 with "Tammy," the Oscar-nominated song from her film "Tammy and the Bachelor." But the Cinderella story ended after Mike Todd died in a 1958 airplane crash. Fisher consoled the widow and soon announced he was leaving his wife and two children to marry Taylor. The celebrity world seemed to lose its mind. Taylor was assailed as a husband stealer, Fisher as a deserter. Reynolds won sympathy as the innocent victim. A cover headline in Photoplay magazine in late 1958 blared: "Smiling through her tears, Debbie says: I'm still very much in love with Eddie." Fisher's singing career never recovered, but Reynolds' film career flourished. She also starred with Glenn Ford in "The Gazebo," Tony Curtis in "The Rat Race," Fred Astaire in "The Pleasure of His Company," Andy Griffith in "The Second Time Around," with the all-star cast in "How the West Was Won" and Ricardo Montalban in "The Singing Nun." And she provided the voice of Charlotte in the 1973 animated "Charlotte's Web," the same year she received a Tony nomination for her starring role in the Broadway revival of "Irene," in which her Fisher also appeared. In 1960 Reynolds married shoe magnate Harry Karl. The marriage ended in 1973 when she discovered that Karl, a compulsive gambler, had devastated her assets. Reynolds' third marriage, to Virginia businessman Richard Hamlett in 1984, proved equally disastrous. In 1992, against friends' advice, she paid $10 million to buy and convert a faded Las Vegas hotel into the Debbie Reynolds Hotel and Casino, where she performed nightly. Reynolds ended up filing for bankruptcy in 1997 and accusing Hamlett of making off with her money. In her later years, Reynolds continued performing her show, traveling 40 weeks a year. She also appeared regularly on television, appearing as John Goodman's mother on "Roseanne" and a mom on "Will & Grace." In 1996 she won critical acclaim in the title role of Albert Brooks' movie "Mother." Reynolds and her daughter were featured together in the HBO documentary "Bright Lights," scheduled for release in 2017. Eventually, she reconciled and teamed up with Taylor — long since divorced from Fisher — and two other veterans, Joan Collins and MacLaine, for the 2001 TV movie "These Old Broads." The script, co-written by Carrie Fisher, was about aging, feuding actresses who get together for a reunion show. Reynolds would look back wryly on the Taylor affair, acknowledging that no man could have resisted Taylor, who died in 2011. Reynolds received an honorary Oscar in 2015, the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, but was too ill to attend the ceremony. Her granddaughter, actress Billie Lourd, accepted the statuette in her honor. Reynolds took solace and strength in her last years from her renewed closeness with her daughter.
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“Art is meant to be about transformation and bronze transforms rubbish into art” - an interview with Keith Coventry If there is an artist that has managed to address drug addiction, junk food, prostitution and racism in the framework of the Modernist aesthetics and bring it to major galleries, it’s Keith Coventry. Committed to approaching London’s most rooted social issues since the early eighties, he is well known for being one of the founding members of City Racing. The space was run by John Burgess, Matt Hale, Paul Noble, Peter Owen and Coventry between 1988 and 1998 and is considered one of the most remarkable artist-led galleries from the 90s. ... We met Keith Coventry to talk about his recent work, his sources of inspiration and about a time in London when it was possible to run an artist-led space on an exhibition budget of just £100. If there is an artist that has managed to address drug addiction, junk food, prostitution and racism in the framework of the Modernist aesthetics and bring it to major galleries, it’s Keith Coventry. Committed to approaching London’s most rooted social issues since the early eighties, he is well known for being one of the founding members of City Racing. The space was run by John Burgess, Matt Hale, Paul Noble, Peter Owen and Coventry between 1988 and 1998 and is considered one of the most remarkable artist-led galleries from the 90s. Located in South London, outside the mainstream art circuit, City Racing acted as a route to exhibition in large commercial galleries for many emergent artists of the time. During its active years it featured the work of many YBA and future prominent artists, including Sarah Lucas, Fiona Banner, Ceal Floyer, Gillian Wearing and Martin Creed. Despite not being part of the YBA movement, Keith Coventry’s work was present in the famous and controversial show Sensation in 1997, which is today remembered as one of the most successful of the Royal Academy of Arts in London. Surprisingly, he is now starting to receive a comparable recognition to the one the other coetaneous artists had ten or twenty years ago. With a consistent career, he has been exhibited internationally and his works are in important collections such at the British Council, Tate Modern, Arts Council of England, Walker Art Center of Minneapolis and MoMa among others. From the 27th April to the 28th May he presents Black White Gold at PACE London, showing his new works that build up from distinguished previous series like the Junk Paintings or the sculpture Looted Shop Front. We met Keith Coventry to talk about his recent work, his sources of inspiration and about a time in London when it was possible to run an artist-led space on an exhibition budget of just £100. Artdependence: Along with other artists you ran City Racing space from 1988 to 1998. Tell me how this project started and how it became a pivotal space for some emergent artists at that time. Keith Coventry: The building was basically two flats and a bookmakers’ office and I kind of squatted the place. I used the bookmakers’ office (which became the first stage of the gallery) as my studio and then with a few friends we decided to put on exhibitions of our own work. At the time there were very few spaces for people to show their work. So, after we had shown our work once or twice we realised that we should continue doing this and that it was time to bring in other people too. Initially we ran little shows on a budget of £100 per exhibition, which included the wine, the postage and the production of the invitation card. There were other groups with exhibition spaces, but the thing that made us a bit different is the fact that we just carried on. A lot of them crumbled after a couple of years. It was this thing of relentlessly doing exhibitions for ten years that got us some attention. Quite a few well-known curators came. One year Francesco Bonami, who was doing the Venice Biennale, came down there and it was super encouraging to have him coming to see us in that tiny place. At the time the area of Vauxhall, where it was situated, was a place that had been overlooked. It was like a wilderness from the sixties and seventies, but yet it’s only about a mile from Tate Britain, in a completely different world across the river. AD: Keeping London as a reference, I would like to ask you about your famous series Estate Paintings. This series refers to social housing blocks in the form of Malevich’s suprematist artworks. When did you decide to create this series? KC: When I was living at City Racing I had a dog, a greyhound, and I used to go on long walks in the morning for a couple of hours and cut through all the various big estates, always trying to find something different everyday, a different route or a different path so it wouldn’t be too boring. I kept noticing these maps, the repeated viewing of something that may not impress itself upon you, but as you keep seeing it over and over again the idea forms. I thought about the early century modernist and Malevich and how their legacy was so optimistic about it and now I was walking through the dreary failed results of that. Those places were laid on to give me more ideas for my work, because I saw the buildings as containers for all the other social illness that was inflicting society at that time in the early 90s. It was like a flâneur or peregrinations. AD: The Estate Paintings are perhaps one of the best examples of how you comment on social issues through references to Modernism. Does your exhibition at PACE White Black Goldoffer the opportunity to explore these connections further? KC: The white pictures [the recent Pure Junk series] are not made with paint, they are just made with a kind of material that could be sculpture, it’s often used on picture frames and it could be shaped. It’s a bit like the Russian constructivists’ notion of faktura, where the paint becomes a malleable subject, like sculptural material. A connection to Modernism is that Jean Arp made his reliefs in Paris and then Ben Nicholson saw these reliefs and produced his White Reliefs. There was this connection, except that they produced abstract things and mine appear to be abstract, but actually engage with something from popular culture in a very universal way. That is my angle really. I make something that appears abstract, but it’s actually depicting something that exists. There is this figurative element. Just like the Estates [Paintings] appear abstract, but they are actually like a picture of the layout of the estate. AD: The exhibition contains a selection of your recent works, for example the new Pure Junk evolving from the previous Junk paintings, which uses the famous McDonald’s logo as a starting point. Why did you decide to use the imagery of the burger chain to create your works? KC: Near my studio in Camberwell years ago the amount of litter that accumulated outside of McDonald’s was mad. It was blowing and swiping around the entire pavement in this really busy street. There were coffee cups rolling around and people came along and stepped on them. The logo was on the cup so it would be flattened in a very unpredictable way and to me that was just like a ready-made. At the time I think they had a yellow square with the red wedge going into it with an arch coming out of it. They were the colours of Modernism, red, yellow and blue. They had this Malevich quality and they were rather abstracted by somebody editing the image unconsciously and just by chance. You’ve got the Man Ray thing about chance and Schwitters picking up rubbish and I was combining all of those things. At the time there was this idea of making a painting, but not really getting yourself too involved in the making of it. There was drippings, spraying, all these things, not only using a paintbrush. I was using a paintbrush but all the decisions had been made. The composition had been given to me; the colours had been given to me. So it was a way of being quite distant from the picture. AD: Also in the show, there is Destroyed Shop Window (2016). You have addressed this subject matter in various works, like the sculpture Looted Shop Front (1997) or the Broken Windows paintings. KC: One was after the Brixton riots in 1995, the first window I made in bronze. I went out the night of the riots and collected a piece of the debris from this window – In some riots if you remove anything from the side you could be put in prison. I also thought about bronze. Art is meant to be about transformation and bronze transforms rubbish into art. The other day I was reading Sartre’s essay about Alexander Calder and he talked about bronze and gold being stupid materials. Obviously, the window casted in bronze gives this sort of monumentality to something that would be torn away and scrapped up otherwise. I know there is a lot of sorrow attached to destruction, but it’s not about a specific place. The [Broken] Windows represent the destruction, the universal aspect of it. AD: Michael Bracewell has said about your work: “The shuttling between ‘high’ and ‘low’ cultural values in Coventry’s art appears endless – and wholly dismissive of taking one side or the other, either aesthetically or politically. What you get is nothing less than an Orwellian vision of the chilling dualism that comprises late capitalism – the mating of wealth, cultivated taste and status with social collapse, addiction, violence, cynicism and effluence”. In this sense, you have integrated elements of “low culture” including crack pipes, prostitution, racism, and poverty in your works and displayed it in major galleries. KC: In order to get people to look at those issues you have to make something look quite attractive, to draw them in, to make them invest the time to think about the issue. If it’s done in a very ugly way then people rarely look at it. It’s a bit like advertising. You can’t make it too shocking. If you want to make a charity appeal, you have to moderate it because if it’s too awful then people won’t look at it, and you won’t get them to donate anything. It’s about being able to draw them in. That was the subject of White Slaves as well. I found a newspaper headline that I saw in East London about this women being kept captive by other women for prostitution and they were all from Eastern Europe. I made these pictures and sculptures brightly coloured using the national colours of each country. They look like signs from Formula One or Racing trucks. AD: Thank you very much, Keith. Please read the full version of the inteview with Keith Coventry in the printed version of Artdependence Magazine #3 (2/2016). Keith Coventry’ White Black Gold runs from 27 April to 28 May 2016 at PACE London. Aina Pomar graduated in Sociology and Photography before completing a Master in New Media Art Curatorship. She has collaborated with Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró in Majorca and with CCCBLab and Fundació Foto Colectania in Barcelona. She moved to London to work at the Cultural Office of the Embassy of Spain, where she coordinated visual arts and exhibition projects with the aim of promoting Spanish culture and artists across the United Kingdom. She currently collaborates with various galleries and art projects in London. Telegram Channel ArtDependence is now also available on the messaging platform Telegram. Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed. Subscribing to the ArtDependence Channel allows you to easily stay up to date with the latest ArtDependence news.
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Racing games are a commodity in the era of high-definition gaming. Rivals can deliver free-to-play driving games with cool graphics. It’s hard to tell them apart from the latest console games. But Sony’s Evolution Studios is content to deliver a premium racing experience at $60 on the PlayStation 4. Evolution’s Driveclub debuts Oct. 8 with the promise of better car handling than any other racing title, exquisite graphics, and social gameplay. Paul Rustchynsky, the game director for Driveclub, said his team is trying to build a racing game that is social at its heart and will keep players coming back. Are you buying it? See if Rustchynsky can convince you in the text below. Evolution Studios certainly has a good track record as the creator of the World Rally Championship and MotorStorm racing game series. We interviewed Rustchynsky at a Sony preview event. Here’s an edited transcript of our talk. GamesBeat: You’ve been talking about working on this for a long time, I take it. Above: Paul Rustchynsky, the game director of Drive Club Image Credit: Dean Takahashi Paul Rustchynsky: It’s been a while. It’s not as long as you’d think, because we only announced in February of last year. Slightly over a year ago. It feels a lot longer because we said [it would come out in the PS4’s] launch window, and we haven’t hit that date. It’s one of those things where, past that initial hit, I think gamers will appreciate that they’re going to get a much better product. Sony and Evolution have a heritage of all the games that we’ve put together. We wanted to make sure there was no compromise. We want to deliver on an ambitious vision and create this connected, accessible racer. We don’t want to release until it’s ready. GamesBeat: Some of the other products out there have similar ideas, but they’re free-to-play games. Eutechnyx has its Auto Club Revolution in China and other places. If you’re shooting for a premium experience, what do you have to deliver to stay above that competition. Rustchynsky: For a premium experience, it’s all about the visual detail, pushing the PlayStation 4 to its absolute limits. I truly believe that there’s no other racing game out there with cars of this level of detail. Not just in the showroom but actually in the race. We want to make sure that when you’re racing, that’s where you see the detail. And not just on the cars but on the tracks as well. We’ve got tracks spanning 10 kilometers. I don’t know all the stats, but we have massive vistas, as far as the eye can see. Audio is such a big part of racing cars as well. We want to make sure that for each of the individual 50 cars, we truly captured the audio experience of what it’s like to be in that car. Same goes for the handling. We’ve been fortunate enough to go out and race a lot of these cars, on road and track. Above: Driveclub promises its cars sounds just as good as they look. Image Credit: Sony GamesBeat: You made a point of showing that the sound is different outside of the car versus inside the car. Rustchynsky: We have microphones rigged up inside and outside. It’s such a different experience. When you’re on the back, you want to hear that exhaust. But when you’re inside, it’s a very different experience. You have the air rushing over the cockpit. You have the muffled audio. It’s not just a filter we’re applying. It’s a different recording, specific to the interior. We want to make that distinction between the two, because we’ve done driving games in the past and used filtering techniques. It never really gives the same experience. We wanted the raw audio for whatever angle you were playing from. GamesBeat: What other places does Driveclub feature for races besides the United States? Rustchynsky: We actually went all around the world. We covered locations like Canada, Chile, and Scotland. We did a huge amount of reference where we sent our art teams on a discovery process, to find what would be the best locations visually. What are the most interesting locations to create tracks? Areas with huge changes in heights, or a variety of environments. If you go to Norway, it’s all about snow. In Chile, it’s all about the baking heat in this arid location. In Canada, it’s all about the huge mountains and trees. We wanted to make sure that every location had its distinct and unique feel, which not only offered just a different look, but a different kind of gameplay as well. We’ve been able to hand-craft every inch of our tracks and optimize the gameplay experience, whether it’s 10 kilometers point to point or a road circuit. It’s based along real locations, but we’re just using that as reference. It allows us to use our creativity to make something interesting and new. GamesBeat: It looked like in one of the scenes there, you could drive above or below the fog. Rustchynsky: That was a demonstration of our cloud system. It’s not faked. It’s not just an image in the background that looks like a skybox. These are dynamic, volumetric clouds. They’re all random as well. It’s not like the clouds will be in the same formation every time you play the same race. They’ll change. It might sound like a gimmick, but it changes the way the whole stage is lit. You’ll be racing in the same conditions – cloudy at noon – but because the cloud cover is different, it lights the stage completely differently, giving a whole different tone and feel to the stage. Above: You can drive in the fog — with no tricks — in Driveclub. Image Credit: Sony GamesBeat: Social is where the future is, then, in racing games? Rustchynsky: I think it’s one of the big areas where we’re going. The genre’s looking for, what can we do that’s new? The social integration is a great way to evolve the genre. We experimented with it on MotorStorm RC. We were trying to think about what were the best ways for people to challenge one another and create that gameplay loop where you’re battling back and forth. The next evolution for us was creating these kinds of viral challenges. What we’ve seen through our testing to date is that they just explode, with tens or hundreds of people getting involved and competing against one another. It’s a cool new addition to the driving genre. If you want to play offline, we cater to that as well. You can be completely disconnected, play through the tour, and have fun offline. But it’s more fun playing connected, having dynamic faceoffs dropped into the world. You’ll be competing against, friends, club members, or someone else. Or you can jump online and challenge people yourself. GamesBeat: Does it look like you’re going to hit your framerate target easily? Rustchynsky: Thirty frames? We’re nailing it right now. We’re locked at 30. There’s no drops. That’s very important. We want to make sure that — 30 frames was a choice by us, to make sure we can push the visual fidelity of the game. But we also didn’t want to compromise the gameplay in any way, shape, or form. We tried to make sure that latency between your inputs and what happens on screen is as rapid as humanly possible. You always feel completely in control of the car.
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package form import com.google.i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil import com.gu.identity.model.TelephoneNumber import scala.util._ import play.api.data.Forms._ import play.api.data.Mapping import scala.util.Success import scala.util.Failure import play.api.i18n.{Messages, MessagesProvider} trait TelephoneNumberMapping { def telephoneNumberMapping(implicit messagesProvider: MessagesProvider): Mapping[TelephoneNumberFormData] = mapping( "countryCode" -> optional(text), "localNumber" -> optional(text), )(TelephoneNumberFormData.apply)(TelephoneNumberFormData.unapply) verifying ( Messages("error.telephoneNumber"), data => data.isValid ) } case class TelephoneNumberFormData(countryCode: Option[String], localNumber: Option[String]) { lazy val telephoneNumber: Option[TelephoneNumber] = (countryCode, localNumber) match { case (Some(cc), Some(ln)) => Some(TelephoneNumber(Some(cc), Some(ln))) case _ => None } lazy val isValid: Boolean = { (countryCode, localNumber) match { case (Some(cc), Some(ln)) => val internationalNumber = s"+$cc$ln" val phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance() Try { val parsed = phoneUtil.parse(internationalNumber, "") phoneUtil.isValidNumber(parsed) } match { case Success(result) => result case Failure(t) => false } case (Some(cc), None) => false case (None, Some(ln)) => false case _ => true } } } object TelephoneNumberFormData { def apply(telephoneNumber: TelephoneNumber): TelephoneNumberFormData = TelephoneNumberFormData( telephoneNumber.countryCode, telephoneNumber.localNumber, ) }
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Cloning and characterization of an essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, TAF40, which encodes yTAFII40, an RNA polymerase II-specific TATA-binding protein-associated factor. In this report we describe the cloning and initial characterization of TAF40, a gene that encodes a yeast TATA-binding protein-associated factor (yTAF) of Mr = approximately 40,000. This gene has many similarities to other yTAFs described thus far in that it is present at a single copy per haploid genome, it is essential for viability, and the deduced protein sequence of yTAF40 exhibits similarity to previously described human and Drosophila TAFIIs. Immunological studies confirm that yTAF40 protein is a subunit of a large multiprotein TATA-binding protein-TAF complex that contains a subset of the total number of the yTAFs present in yeast cell extracts. Transcription reactions performed using yeast whole cell extracts reveal that of the three nuclear RNA polymerases only RNA polymerase II function is abrogated when yTAF40 and associated proteins are immunodepleted from solution, indicating that the functionality of the multiprotein complex containing yTAF40 is RNA polymerase II-specific. By these criteria yTAF40 appears to encode a bona fide RNA polymerase II-specific TAF, and thus the protein that it encodes has been termed yTAFII40.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Development If you plan to succeed online and grow your business through online channels, you’re going to need development help. Whether you need a complex custom ecommerce website built from scratch, a simple themed WordPress site setup, or individual fixes, plug-ins, site maintenance, or coding assistance, Thrive’s experienced technical staff has you covered! We will work directly with your in-house technical team, collaborate with your current development contractors, or take on all development needs ourselves. Every situation is different. Thrive will work to make yours a success! Web Development. Thrive at a Glance Put simply, Thrive is the best profit-building partner you’ll ever have! We are experts in marketing, sales, business leadership, and business efficiency. When you’re ready to do more than just succeed, you need to Thrive! Internationalizing Your Home Page When you're creating a website, who exactly is your audience? That's an important aspect of your online business when trying to expand to an online territory. Let's say that you've finally got your site up and running, and all the important SEO issues have been taken care of. You have great, responsive web design, awesome [...] Thrive at a Glance Put simply, Thrive is the best profit-building partner you’ll ever have! We are experts in marketing, sales, business leadership, and business efficiency. When you’re ready to do more than just succeed, you need to Thrive!
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
The accurate registration of the inkjets in multiple printheads within a printer enables the printer to produce high quality printed images. Registration refers to the positioning and orientation of the printheads with reference to the other printheads in the printer to ensure accurate alignment of the ink drops ejected by the inkjets in one printhead with the ink drops ejected by the inkjets in another printhead. This accurate alignment is required for precise resolution of an ink image as well as reliable and consistent color production arising from the close proximity of ink drops of different colors. During operation of a printer, the positioning and orientation of the printheads are tested from time to time to help ensure proper registration of the printheads. Once the printheads are properly positioned relative to one another, further adjustments can be made to maintain accurate placement of ink drops in the process direction. One of these adjustments includes timing the firing of different inkjets in the printheads to compensate for characteristics in some inkjets that affect the flight of ink drops from the inkjets. To adjust the timing for the firing of the inkjets, the printer operates the inkjets to form ink marks, also referred to as test patterns, on the surface of an image receiving member. In some printers, the image receiving member is print media, while in other printers, the image receiving member is a rotating endless belt or drum. An optical sensor is positioned opposite the image receiving member. This optical sensor typically includes a plurality of optical detectors that extend across the surface of the image receiving member in the cross-process direction. Each optical detector receives light reflected from a portion of the surface of the image receiving member that is opposite the detector and generates digital image data corresponding to the amount of reflected light received. These digital image data of the image receiving member surface are used to identify the locations of the marks on the image receiving member in both the process direction and the cross-process direction. A digital controller identifies a distance between the actual positions of ink marks and the expected positions of the ink marks and then adjusts the timing of the firing of the inkjets to enable the inkjets to eject the ink drops closer to the expected positions. While the optical sensor enables the printer to identify registration errors in the printed test patterns, the optical sensor may have defects that produce inaccurate image data. For example, the optical sensor can be skewed at an angle relative to the cross-process direction across the image receiving surface, the optical sensor may deform and bow, and individual optical detectors may be offset in the process direction relative to the other optical detectors in the sensor. An optical sensor that exhibits one or more of these defects generates image data with inaccurate process direction locations of markings in test patterns on the image receiving surface. Thus, the digital controller adjusts the operation of the printheads to correct for the errors identified from the inaccurate data, but these adjustments introduce new errors since the optical sensor generates inaccurate image data for the new ink drop positions. Thus, improvements to inkjet printers to reduce or eliminate errors in image data that are generated due to defects in the optical sensor would be beneficial.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
If you find that service at your favorite restaurant isn’t as speedy as it once was, don’t blame your waiter — instead, blame all the people who spend tons of time messing around on their smartphones when they go out to eat instead of looking at a menu and ordering their food. The San Francisco Globe spotted a Craigslist post from local restaurant owners this week who described how they were trying to figure out why they were getting so many more complaints about service speed on their Yelp pages. To get a better idea, they decided to watch footage from a typical day at their restaurant and compare it to archive footage they had of a typical day at their restaurant in 2004. What they found was that many customers spent lots of time playing around on their phones when they were first seated and thus weren’t even ready to order drinks or appetizers when waiters came around. What’s more, they were much more likely to waste time taking pictures of their food before eating it and thus spend more time in the restaurant than they normally would. While it may seem like all the time people play around with their phones is small on a case-by-case basis, it cumulatively adds up to a much less efficient restaurant. “Given in most cases the customers are constantly busy on their phones it took an average of 20 minutes more from when they were done eating until they requested a check,” the restaurant owners write. “Furthermore once the check was delivered it took 15 minutes longer than 10 years ago for them to pay and leave.” Go check out the full post at The San Francisco Globe by clicking the source link below.
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A novel statistical approach for the evaluation of comet assay data. The present study forms part of a weight-of-evidence framework including genotoxicological studies in the upper Danube River basin, which aim at elucidating the reasons for the decline in fish catch. The major focus of this paper is the assessment of genotoxicity of sediments from the Danube River basin by use of the comet assay with RTL-W1 cells and with embryos of zebrafish (Danio rerio). A frequently discussed question in this type of approach is how to aggregate and compare the data obtained from genotoxicity testing. There is a need to develop mathematical method combining the information from dose-response curves and level of effectiveness (maximum genotoxic effect). For comparison and ranking of the genotoxic potential of samples from different locations along the Danube River, several methods based on EC50, Lowest Observed Effect Concentration (LOEC), and maximum induction factor were compared with respect to their validity. An evaluation system termed the "3-step analysis" was developed to facilitate consideration of a maximum number of aspects of the raw data. The so-called "concentration-dependent induction factor" (CDI) introduces an index for a straightforward, precise and realistic assessment of the genotoxic potential of any kind of field sample or genotoxic agent.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Thomas Gordon (rugby union) Thomas Gordon (born 30 January 1997 in Rotorua, New Zealand) is a Scotland Club XV international rugby union player who plays for Glasgow Warriors at the Flanker position. Rugby Union career Amateur career Gordon plays for Currie Chieftains. He secured a Stage 2 place in the Scottish Rugby Academy in the 2015–16 season. Professional career The flanker secured a Scottish Rugby Academy Stage 3 place with Edinburgh for the 2016–17 Scottish Rugby Academy season. On 9 July 2018 it was announced that Gordon had signed a professional deal with Glasgow Warriors. This was a year long partnership contract which meant that Gordon could still play for Currie when not in use by the Warriors. He made his first appearance for the Warriors in their 50 -17 demolition of Harlequins at North Inch, Perth on 18 August 2018. Gordon made his competitive Glasgow Warriors debut in the Pro14 match against Ospreys at Scotstoun Stadium on 25 January 2019. The Warriors won the match 9-3. International career New Zealand-born Gordon, 21, qualifies for Scotland through his grandparents and has been capped at Scotland U20s. He has also been capped for Scotland Club XV. Gordon received his first call up to the senior Scotland squad on 15 January 2020 for the 2020 Six Nations Championship. References Category:1997 births Category:Living people Category:Scottish rugby union players Category:Glasgow Warriors players Category:Edinburgh Rugby players Category:Currie RFC players Category:Scotland Club XV international rugby union players
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
-99 and -1.01. 99.99 Calculate -1*0.068. -0.068 What is -0.1 times 0.13? -0.013 Multiply 2 and -4.9. -9.8 Calculate -1290*-0.2. 258 14 * -11 -154 Work out 0.08 * 15. 1.2 -0.07 times 2.139 -0.14973 Calculate 391*-0.05. -19.55 0.3*2843 852.9 Calculate 0.06*28. 1.68 Product of 5 and -69. -345 Product of -0.38 and 3. -1.14 -29*15 -435 Calculate -0.1*32. -3.2 -14.603 * -0.4 5.8412 Calculate -0.5*2.97. -1.485 11.4 times -1 -11.4 Product of -26 and 1. -26 Multiply 1 and -21.5. -21.5 -0.3*0.0519 -0.01557 What is 56 times -4? -224 What is the product of -2642 and 0? 0 -2 * -55 110 -212.7*-12 2552.4 Work out -281 * 0.4. -112.4 10*0.1071 1.071 Product of 0.4 and 64. 25.6 What is 63 times -0.5? -31.5 What is 35 times -4.9? -171.5 0.8 times -1331 -1064.8 Calculate 598*-0.2. -119.6 What is 0.2 times 88? 17.6 -2 times -158 316 -138*0.65 -89.7 What is 19 times -1? -19 Product of 46 and -54. -2484 Calculate 7*-0.8. -5.6 4 times -0.07213 -0.28852 What is the product of 22 and -427? -9394 Product of -8.88 and 5. -44.4 Product of -1710 and 0.3. -513 Calculate -20*18. -360 3.5 times -4 -14 Calculate 0.01733*-0.1. -0.001733 Multiply 25 and -0.02. -0.5 Product of -61 and 0.02. -1.22 -1*-4.1 4.1 Work out -0.149 * 0.1. -0.0149 0.01 * 927 9.27 What is the product of -0.05 and 0.75? -0.0375 5 times -183 -915 What is -0.24 times 32? -7.68 Calculate -0.2*1.714. -0.3428 0.5 * 4935 2467.5 4 times 14 56 Calculate -1*-1626. 1626 What is 0.2 times -18.3? -3.66 What is -2.6 times -139? 361.4 What is the product of 0 and 72? 0 Product of -25.1 and -1.1. 27.61 37.3 times -1.7 -63.41 -131*0 0 Work out 1.05 * -1. -1.05 Calculate 74*-151. -11174 Multiply 10 and -0.86. -8.6 Product of 0.341 and 3. 1.023 -184.9 * 0.3 -55.47 Work out 0.0324 * -0.5. -0.0162 What is the product of -60 and -0.5? 30 4 * 559 2236 Multiply -7 and 213. -1491 What is the product of 21.2 and -1? -21.2 2 * -0.27 -0.54 Product of 97 and -0.2. -19.4 -0.0446 times 5 -0.223 Product of 1 and 82.3. 82.3 Calculate 3.5*-1.4. -4.9 -39 * 4 -156 -0.1*4.5 -0.45 -17 * -0.024 0.408 Calculate -0.4*1.56. -0.624 Work out 2149 * 3. 6447 What is 4.9 times -6.8? -33.32 Calculate -0.489*0.1. -0.0489 88.3 times 0.4 35.32 Multiply -0.1 and -0.08. 0.008 67 * -1 -67 29 times -1.6 -46.4 Multiply 4349 and 5. 21745 Work out -2 * 22.1. -44.2 -0.05 * -8 0.4 What is -106 times 0.054? -5.724 2.1 * -116 -243.6 Calculate 1.6*-537. -859.2 What is 22021 times -0.5? -11010.5 -4*39 -156 Work out -41 * 625. -25625 What is the product of 45 and 0.4? 18 1*-60 -60 What is the product of 6592 and -1? -6592 0.763*0.3 0.2289 Work out 0.059 * 37. 2.183 Work out 2 * -30. -60 -21 times 3.4 -71.4 5 * 412 2060 Multiply 2.8 and 11.5. 32.2 -0.2*6.78 -1.356 Work out 5 * -70. -350 Multiply 0.9 and 9.37. 8.433 Multiply -13 and 0.2. -2.6 Product of 0.1 and -1.88. -0.188 -0.05 times 61 -3.05 -139 times 0.003 -0.417 Product of 0.015 and 6. 0.09 Calculate 0.5*-255. -127.5 Multiply 25 and 0.3. 7.5 -572*0.14 -80.08 Work out 2 * 91. 182 Work out -0.4 * 45.4. -18.16 Multiply 10.3 and 0.6. 6.18 Product of 331 and -84. -27804 What is -0.5 times -0.56? 0.28 -442 * 0.17 -75.14 Product of -19 and -7. 133 Calculate -867*-0.09. 78.03 Multiply -1583 and 0.3. -474.9 Work out -709 * -0.04. 28.36 -1630 * -2 3260 5 * 0.058 0.29 What is the product of 16 and 0.105? 1.68 Work out 12121 * 3. 36363 Multiply 0.3 and -731. -219.3 Work out 3 * -9.6. -28.8 5 times -48 -240 What is the product of 3 and -875? -2625 -0.09 times -0.3 0.027 Calculate 0.4*83. 33.2 Product of 10.051 and -0.3. -3.0153 What is the product of 158 and 0.1? 15.8 0.019 * -3 -0.057 What is the product of 16 and -14? -224 2.84 times 5 14.2 5 * 1394 6970 7*-0.46 -3.22 Multiply -3 and 1141. -3423 Calculate 165.6*3. 496.8 Multiply 7344 and 0.5. 3672 5 times 657 3285 What is 0 times 32? 0 Product of -1.12 and -5. 5.6 What is the product of -1.5 and 42? -63 Multiply -21 and -1. 21 Multiply -1.03 and 1. -1.03 What is -127 times 2? -254 Calculate -0.93*-0.5. 0.465 Work out -0.1 * 2613. -261.3 What is 1199 times -2? -2398 Product of -1.9 and -851. 1616.9 Calculate 0.01707*2. 0.03414 -0.0462 times 0.5 -0.0231 What is the product of 1.7 and -5? -8.5 What is the product of 0 and 130? 0 What is the product of -0.2 and -162? 32.4 What is the product of -71 and 2? -142 What is 2.42 times 0.4? 0.968 What is 4 times -35.62? -142.48 Product of 4 and 44. 176 What is 2 times 4.1? 8.2 What is the product of 6 and 3? 18 -0.06*138 -8.28 What is 2 times 2418? 4836 320 * 0.5 160 -53*3 -159 0.3 * 0.0201 0.00603 35772 * -5 -178860 0.06 times 12 0.72 What is 33.4 times 3? 100.2 What is 4853 times 2? 9706 Product of 12 and 7.66. 91.92 What is the product of 5383.3 and 0.2? 1076.66 -0.036*-0.5 0.018 Work out -15 * -239. 3585 What is -0.3 times -1110? 333 Calculate -1*11.55. -11.55 Work out -0.5 * 0.458. -0.229 0.4*152 60.8 What is 5 times -27.49? -137.45 Product of 0.4 and 1.4. 0.56 What is 5.09 times -0.3? -1.527 Work out -485 * -0.5. 242.5 4 times -0.04 -0.16 Work out -104 * 0.1. -10.4 Work out 2 * -0.017. -0.034 What is the product of -0.01 and -5? 0.05 Product of 0.3 and -4.6. -1.38 Product of -3 and 2. -6 Calculate -0.04*0.21. -0.0084 Product of 7058 and 4. 28232 0.1 * -144 -14.4 -0.08 times -0.9 0.072 Product of 5 and 0.103. 0.515 Work out -0.1 * 580. -58 2426 times -0.01 -24.26 What is -206 times 0.2? -41.2 Calculate -0.86*100. -86 What is 560 times 5? 2800 -9 * 0.94 -8.46 What is 2006 times -5? -10030 Product of -0.1 and -4.5. 0.45 What is 0.2 times -0.019? -0.0038 Multiply -0.155 and 0.2. -0.031 Multiply -13.2 and -3. 39.6 -3 times 19.66 -58.98 Work out -0.043 * 240. -10.32 -0.024*-0.4 0.0096 Multiply 0.4 and 0.84. 0.336 What is the product of 0 and 577.9? 0 Multiply 0.931 and 0.09. 0.08379 Multiply -6 and 1.4. -8.4 Calculate 57*0.101. 5.757 383.3 * -0.04 -15.332 Multiply 47.31 and 2. 94.62 What is the product of 0 and 40? 0 -194.1*0.2 -38.82 Work out -1347 * 0.2. -269.4 Work out -4 * 10.59. -42.36 What is the product of 1 and -107? -107 Calculate -1025*3. -3075 Calculate 0.009*-0.025. -0.000225 28.2*39 1099.8 What is -1.524 times 5? -7.62 -486*-0.3 145.8 0 times -0.1258 0 What is the product of -11 and -0.5? 5.5 Product of -0.239 and -2. 0.478 12 times -1.22 -14.64 -10262 times -1 10262 Work out 0.04 * -544. -21.76 What is the product of -3 and -26? 78 -2.97 * -0.5 1.485 Multiply 0.2 and -3966. -793.2 What is 234 times 0.2? 46.8 -0.01 * 132 -1.32 -163 times -0.1 16.3 Work out -0.2 * -6.13. 1.226 What is -0.5 times 1.17? -0.585 Multiply 0.3 and -0.126. -0.0378 Multiply 68 and -12. -816 -0.05568 * 0.05 -0.002784 Multiply -43.41 and -6. 260.46 What is the product of 0.1 and 131? 13.1 What is 1.44 times 0.1? 0.144 Product of 0.319 and -50. -15.95 -1 times -0.4153 0.4153 Multiply -3 and -0.06. 0.18 Multiply 0.1 and -0.56. -0.056 2181 * -0.1 -218.1 -0.0604 * 60 -3.624 0.2 * -363.3 -72.66 1.2*-3.3 -3.96 What is 0.065 times 0.026? 0.00169 Multiply -16 and 0.2. -3.2 Multiply -0.96 and -0.014. 0.01344 What is the product of -10.4 and 2? -20.8 87*-0.3 -26.1 Product of -4 and -0.829. 3.316 0.8 * -0.09 -0.072 Product of -0.4 and -76. 30.4 What is the product of 0.1 and 0.0352? 0.00352 What is -494 times -0.5? 247 What is the product of 2 and 89? 178 Product of -0.2 and -189. 37.8 What is the product of 0.3 and 861? 258.3 What is 969 times 3? 2907 What is -0.07 times -0.1278? 0.008946 What is -35 times 49? -1715 Product of -0.23456 and -4. 0.93824 Calculate -2.28*-1.7. 3.876 Calculate -1.9*-0.14. 0.266 0.2 times 39 7.8 What is the product of 4 and -0.395? -1.58 -0.2*148.4 -29.68 Multiply -5 and -54. 270 -8.29 times 4 -33.16 What is the product of 3 and 676? 2028 -5 * -0.2029 1.0145 Product of 26.7 and -6. -160.2 -3.1 times -0.11 0.341 0.02*-19 -0.38 Product of -4 and -0.97. 3.88 What is -3 times 1.05? -3.15 Calculate -35*-3. 105 182*5 910 Work out 84 * 5. 420 0.2 * 6 1.2 What is 401 times 0.4? 160.4 Product of 2 and 117. 234 0.1 times -1018 -101.8 Work out -5 * -3.07. 15.35 Product of 560 and 0. 0 -29.06*0.4 -11.624 0 * -2.9 0 Product of -5 and -3. 15 Multiply -7 and -0.1949. 1.3643 What is 9 times -4? -36 0.01 * 7 0.07 -0.02 * 2 -0.04 Multiply -0.4 and 676. -270.4 Work out 0.094 * -2. -0.188 14 * 33 462 What is -0.2 times -187? 37.4 Product of 3 and
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Skulls and Canes I drew this last year of a wizzard girl with a skull cane. As you can see i tried to color some of it, but the rest i never found time to do so. Oh well, but here she is! :D Done in black ink, and precise red ink
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
import {genDefaultValue} from '../src/utils'; describe('genDefaultValue', () => { it('should return value with given string', () => { const defaultValue = 'value'; expect(genDefaultValue(defaultValue)).toBe(defaultValue); }); it('should retrun value with given funciton', () => { const defaultValue = () => 'value'; expect(genDefaultValue(defaultValue)).toBe(defaultValue()); }) })
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Github" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
1. Field of Invention The present invention relates to a deer lure device that is clampable and reusable as means to attract deer while using a deer scent. 2. Description of Related Art Hunting is a recreational sport enjoyed by many individuals. Most recreational hunters practice hunting during the hunting season designated by their particular state. Hunting involves the tracking, stalking and killing of animals for sport and/or food. Hunters pursue various types of game such as a small game such as squirrels, rabbits or other small varmints. Some hunters pursue fowl and other hunters pursue larger game such as deer, moose or bears to name a few. In relation to deer hunting, one particular technique used to assist the deer hunter is the application of deer scent to attract bucks to a particular area. Most deer scent currently used comes in the form of a liquid and the hunter must spread the deer scent into a particular area in order to attract the deer. The deer scent comes in all varieties and may be in the form of urine, estrous, or tarsal gland. The scents are principally applied through the use of liquids and placed at particular points in the woods to attract the deer. The liquid is applied through the use of bottles, gels and in certain instances sprays. Also many deer hunters use dispensers that are actually dragged through the woods as a means to dispense the liquid in a particular area. One drawback to using the scenting products of the prior art is that the liquid products and gels may become wasteful and impractical due to the frequent reapplications that must be executed by the hunter when using them. It would therefore be advantageous to have a device that could contain the desired scent and be placed in a stationary position for retrieval by the hunter upon completion of the hunting expedition.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
If you hear the water calling to you, but don’t have the space to store or transport a kayak, an inflatable may be just the thing you’ve been looking for. Tough enough for the military, and packable enough for even the tiniest apartment or car, inflatable kayaks offer unparalleled ease-of-use. A great way to get you paddling, they’re generally more affordable than standard hard-shell kayaks, too! If you’re new to kayaking, you may be confused by the options, and it can be challenging to assess the strengths and weaknesses of inflatable kayaks. We’re sure you have plenty of questions, and we want to steer you in the direction of solid answers. To that end, we’d like to offer a guide and some careful reviews to help you get a sense of what you should consider–and where you might begin your search for the perfect ‘yak for you. Best Inflatable Kayaks Buying Guide: What Do You Need to Know When Considering an Inflatable Kayak? Durability We’d like to discuss the elephant in the room immediately, dispel your concerns, and lay the truth out quickly and clearly. Inflatable kayaks can be tough, durable, and extremely puncture resistant. How tough? Two examples should suffice to answer this question. Both Navy S.E.A.L.s and professional whitewater guides use inflatable boats in the most demanding conditions. That’s because the best inflatables are constructed from incredibly robust materials, feature multiple air chambers, and sport air-tight valves. Often, they’ll have a covering made from layers of really tough rubber or PVC, and though not puncture-proof, they can take more of a beating than you probably imagine. And because they’re filled with air, they can shrug off hard impacts that might crack a hard-shelled kayak. They can also survive abrasions and pokes from rocks, stumps, and branches. If they couldn’t, you wouldn’t see them on white water and in naval assaults. The myth that these are overgrown pool toys can be put to bed, but let’s be honest. People don’t buy inflatables because they’re tougher than hard shells, yet well-made inflatable ‘yaks can stand up to the worst you’ll dish out. As in most things, though, you get what you pay for. If you want ultra-tough, prepare to see the price gap between an inflatable and a hard shell shrink. Video of torture testing an inflatable kayak–impressive!!! Inflatable kayak vs rapids Transportability, Weight, and Storage This is where inflatable kayaks really shine. Because they’re inflated for use and pack down to a reasonable size, they’re ridiculously easy to transport compared to a hard shell. Want to bring a kayak along on a camping trip? Need to ride the bus to the local lake? Have a bad back and can’t handle lifting 90 pounds overhead to load a ‘yak onto your car? No problem! Inflatable kayaks are relatively light and far more transportable than their hard-shelled alternatives. And they take up no more space than a large sleeping bag, making them easy to store in an apartment or a small home. They’re also a snap to toss in the trunk of your car for a day on the water. Try that with a 14-foot hard shell! Stability and Safety This is another area where inflatable kayaks are fantastic. Because they tend to be a bit wider than hard shells, and because they’re positively buoyant at the edges, they’re very, very stable. In fact, these designs are often more resistant to tipping than most recreational kayaks. They’re also generally easy to right and re-enter from the water. This combination makes them some of the safest boats around. Video shows instructions for re-entering inflatable kayaks and demonstrates stability: Tracking, Speed, and Handling Inflatables are plenty durable and ultra-transportable; that’s where they’re at their best. But tracking, speed, and handling aren’t their strong suits. While the very best of the bunch can get close to the performance of a hard-shell, there are two basic physics problems that bedevil inflatable kayaks. High gunnels/lots of rocker – The basic design of inflatables demands that they have relatively high sides and lots of rocker. And with high bows, sterns, and gunnels, they catch the wind easily and tend to have poor tracking compared to hard shells. This also makes them handle poorly in high seas, though they are extremely buoyant. The basic design of inflatables demands that they have relatively high sides and lots of rocker. And with high bows, sterns, and gunnels, they catch the wind easily and tend to have poor tracking compared to hard shells. This also makes them handle poorly in high seas, though they are extremely buoyant. Low weight – Great for transportation, the inflatable’s low weight can be a liability on the water. It makes the boat more susceptible to being pushed by the wind and lifted by waves, adding to the problems it already faces. Practically, the difference you’ll notice in an inflatable is that it’ll be harder to paddle and more difficult to keep moving in a straight line than a similar hard shell. They’ll also tend to waggle more with each paddle stroke. Most offer a fixed or detachable skeg to improve handling and tracking. But generally, as with questions of durability, you get what you pay for here, too. Maintenance There’s a bit more upkeep required with inflatables in comparison to hard shells. Dry before you pack – To get the most from your kayak, you need to take care of it. When you’ve finished your paddle, give your kayak a quick rinse with clean water and let it air dry before packing it away. Folding it up wet will encourage mold and mildew and shorten the service life of your ‘yak. Plus, it can lead to some really foul-smelling boats! To get the most from your kayak, you need to take care of it. When you’ve finished your paddle, give your kayak a quick rinse with clean water and let it air dry before packing it away. Folding it up wet will encourage mold and mildew and shorten the service life of your ‘yak. Plus, it can lead to some really foul-smelling boats! Bring a patch kit with you – inflatables are tough, but so was the Titanic! Always bring a patch kit with you in case you puncture your kayak. Preparation A final thing to consider is that you’ll need a few minutes to inflate your ‘yak before you hit the water. This is not as big of a deal as you might think, and it takes little more time than unloading a hard shell from your car or truck. Video showing a woman inflating a kayak in 4 minutes: Inflatable Kayak Reviews Sea Eagle Inflatable 380X Explorer – Our Pick! Check out the latest price on: Amazon Design: Tandem – rated for three passengers Capacity: 750 lbs. Weight: 40 lbs. Length: 12’ 6” Width: 3’ 3” Sea Eagle’s 380X Explorer is the tandem kayak that all other inflatables should be compared against. It’s built for fun, and lets you enjoy the water with a friend or two, given that it’s rated for three people. It’s also been certified as capable for up to Class IV whitewater, and if that’s something you think you’d enjoy, the Explorer is a fantastic option. This kayak is at home in waves, surf, and whitewater–no question, and users report rock-solid stability. If you do manage to flip this kayak, its open design makes it very easy to re-enter from the water. It comes equipped with two comfortable seats, but there’s plenty of room for a third passenger, a cooler, or whatever gear you might want to bring with you. The Explorer relies on three chambers: port, starboard, and floor, with three recessed, one-way valves. There’s an inflation gauge on both sides, so there’s no guesswork when prepping this ‘yak for the water. This kayak’s toughness is legendary. Constructed from 1000 denier reinforced PVC, it’ll stand up to some pretty serious abuse. Don’t worry about landing on beaches, running a river, or slamming into a rock here and there. This boat can take it. But it is an inflatable, and knives and sharp metal are something to watch. Inflatables aren’t known for their tracking and handling, but the Explorer comes with a removable skeg to improve these characteristics. And while you can’t expect the performance of a sleek hard shell, this ‘yak is a solid performer compared to other inflatables. Users report that the entire package–kayak, pump, and paddles–gets heavy fast, so don’t let the relatively light weight of the kayak itself fool you! And the Explorer is a premium product sporting a premium price-tag, so if you’re on a tight budget, this may not be the kayak for you. PROS Stable Tough Lots of space for passengers and gear Inflation gauges Certified for serious whitewater CONS Total package is on the heavy side Expensive! Advanced Elements AE1007 Check out the latest price on: Amazon Design: Tandem – rated for two passengers Capacity: 550 lbs. Weight: 52 lbs. Length: 15’ Width: 32” Advanced Elements’ AE1007 is about as close as you’ll come to hard-shell performance in an inflatable. Supported by a foldable frame and sporting a rigid bow and stern, this ‘yak will cut the water much like a conventional design. Offered with a skeg, tracking and handling are excellent, and this kayak is probably the best of the boats we reviewed in these respects. The AE1007 is a tandem design, and it comes equipped with two removable and repositionable seats. Most kayakers will find it quite spacious, though there’s surprisingly little room for gear while rigged for tandem paddling. It’s easy to convert to a solo kayak, though, giving you plenty of space if that’s what you need. This ‘yak relies on a tough, three-ply fabric and six separate air chambers to provide buoyancy. Properly inflated, it’s a safe way to enjoy your time on the water. Expect excellent stability, and with an open design, you can be assured of easy re-entry should you end up in the water. Customers complain that setup can be complicated by the folding design. Drying can be an issue, too, as the exterior fabric stays wet for a while. Keep in mind that this kayak is on the heavy end for inflatables, as well. PROS Stable Excellent tracking and handling CONS Heavy Complicated setup Stays wet for a while Not much space for gear when rigged as a tandem Advanced Elements Lagoon 1 Check out the latest price on: Amazon Design: Single Capacity: 250 lbs. Weight: 23 lbs. Length: 8’ 4” Width: 34” Advanced Elements’ Lagoon, like their AE1007, uses an innovative design to improve handling and tracking. In this small kayak, rigid panels define the shape of the bow and stern. While they go to some length to close the performance gap between inflatables and hard shells, don’t expect miracles. Users report that this kayak leaves them feeling secure, so stability shouldn’t be an issue. But keep in mind that this boat is intended for calm waters, as its name suggests. And despite the narrow, rigid bow and stern, the Lagoon’s handling isn’t first-rate. Expect some ‘waggling’ from side-to-side with each stroke, and don’t anticipate awesome tracking in a stiff breeze. Designed for a single paddler, the seat is comfortable, but paddlers with longer legs may feel a tad confined. Storage space is minimal unless you lash gear to the bow bungees, but this yak is pretty small. If you’re looking for more space, you’ll probably want to consider some of the tandems. Setup is easy and inflation can be done in a snap, so you’ll be on the water in no time! PROS Stable Light Easy setup CONS Poor handling and tracking No space for gear Can be a tight squeeze for taller paddlers Driftsun Voyager 2 Check out the latest price on: Amazon Design: Tandem Capacity: 450 lbs. Weight: 27 lbs. Length: 10’ Width: 35” Driftsun’s voyager is a tandem inflatable offering plenty of reasons for a close look. Featuring comfortable, back-supporting seating for two paddlers, if you’re looking for a smaller kayak with a well-conceived design, this might be the boat for you. It’s made from tough 840 denier nylon with a PVC tarpaulin bottom. While not as durable as some of the other boats we reviewed, this kayak is robust enough for what you’re likely to throw at it on a lake or calm river. It’s not designed for whitewater, but for recreational paddling, that’s really not an issue. It’s also easy to inflate, so you can get into your adventures quickly. To improve handling, it features a removable skeg, but as usual, don’t expect miracles. ‘Waggling,’ however, is less pronounced than in other models we reviewed, putting this ‘yak closer to the head of the line. Stability is excellent, and in the worst of cases, this ‘yak should be easy to right and re-enter from the water. It features spray skirts both fore and aft, and even rigged for two, there’s plenty of room for gear in both bow and stern. If you need more space, this kayak can also be adjusted for a single paddler, giving you ample room for whatever you might want to bring along. PROS Stable Easy setup Space for gear Comfortable seats CONS Not as tough as some competitors Intex Challenger K1 Check out the latest price on: Amazon Design: Single Capacity: 220 lbs. Weight: 27 lbs. Length: 9’ Width: 2’ 6” If you’re looking for fun, but don’t have a lot to spend, the Intex Challenger K1 might be the kayak for you. Lightweight, inexpensive, and safe, this budget-friendly ‘yak can deliver good times if you keep your expectations reasonable. The K1 is designed for a single paddler, and larger adults may find the hull a tight squeeze. It features an inflatable seat and footrest, but don’t expect any room for gear. Users report that this little ‘yak is stable, but its handling and tracking aren’t great. In practice, that translates into a fair amount of ‘waggling’ as you paddle, despite the equipped skeg. But while the K1 isn’t the boat to choose for an expedition, it’s more than adequate for a day on the lake or a quiet river. Customers report no trouble with stability. It’s easy to set up, though a bit hard to dry out at the end of the day due to the enclosed bow. We recommend letting it sit in the sun if you have time, and be sure to search the nooks and crannies for water with a dry towel. Be realistic: this is a budget product, and it delivers budget performance. The skeg frequently falls off, for instance, and you can’t expect it to have the performance of inflatables that cost ten times as much. This is not the most durable inflatable, and it’s best kept away from impacts and sharp objects. But if you’re looking for low-priced fun, you could do a lot worse. PROS Stable Really inexpensive! Light Easy setup CONS Hard to dry Poor handling and tracking No space for gear Can be a tight squeeze for larger paddlers Durability Saturn Whitewater Kayak Check out the latest price on: Amazon Design: Tandem Capacity: 700 lbs. Weight: 50 lbs. Length: 13’ Width: 3’ Saturn built its reputation supplying inflatable dinghies, and it turned that experience and know-how to the world of kayaking with its whitewater model. Relying on very high pressure, this is as rigid an inflatable as you’ll find, and it’s every bit up to the tasks of whitewater kayaking. That’s a great feature in a boat that’s easily portable and just as easy to store at home. Made from durable PVC, this ‘yak is designed to take impacts and shrug off abrasions. Its deck is self-bailing, a nice feature on a boat that’s sure to have water rush over its gunnels. That floor is also a full 6 inches thick, shielding you from bumps. And multiple D-ring anchors allow you to rig one or two seats to your liking, allowing adjustability and easy conversion from tandem to single. Tracking is not really an issue in whitewater, and even hard-shelled kayaks designed for these adventures turn on a dime. On calm water, expect some problems keeping this kayak pointed where you intend to go, though you can rely on solid stability. Of course, this design is very easy to right again, and re-entry should be no issue. But be warned, this boat is by no means lightweight. PROS Stable Tough Self-bailing Super rigid CONS Poor tracking Heavy Sevylor Big Basin Check out the latest price on: Amazon Design: Triple – seating for three passengers Capacity: 490 lbs. Weight: 34.8 lbs. Length: 12’ 3” Width: 3” 1” Sevylor is a trusted name in inflatables, and in collaboration with Coleman, they’ve developed the Big Basin. The first thing you’ll notice about this kayak is seating for three adults–that’s right–three! And despite being only a bit over 12 feet long, there’s space fore and aft for gear, too. Before you load this kayak down and jump in with two friends, pay close attention to its maximum capacity! The Big Basin’s seats are comfortable, and its three-chamber construction, heavy duty PVC, and tarpaulin bottom are tough and buoyant. While equipped with spray skirts at the bow and stern, this isn’t a whitewater kayak, and it’s best kept to calm waters. Handling, aided by an attachable skeg, is about what you’d expect, and the Big Basin is firmly middle-of-the-pack in this regard. It’s stable, and users report no issues with tipping. That said, if you do end up overturned, its open design is easy to right and re-enter. Be careful about the removable skeg. In shallow water, it can strike bottom and fall off. And some users report bladder failure over time, a quality control issue you shouldn’t ignore. That fault notwithstanding, most users report hassle-free fun. PROS Stable Easy setup Seating for 3 adults Space for gear CONS Low maximum capacity Quality control issues Sevylor Quikpak K5 Check out the latest price on: Amazon Design: Solo Capacity: 250 lbs. Weight: 25.5 lbs. Length: 10’ Width: 2’ 10” The Quikpak shares many features with the other Quikpak series like its quick setup and durable construction. Since it only takes a few minutes to set up, you’ll be able to spend more time actually kayaking. The Quikpak K5 is built from 24 gauge PVC and is more than capable of handling frequent lake kayaking. Inflating and deflating is straightforward, and the valves use high-quality locking points. Like the other Quikpak kayaks, the K5 has anti-leak protection. Furthermore, each one comes with multiple air chambers so it doesn’t deflate. Overall, the construction is solid and allows the K5 to last a long time. PROS Inflates easily sturdy Durable lining CONS Instruction can be confusing Slow Check out the latest price on: Amazon Design: Tandem Capacity: 400 lbs. Weight: 25.5 lbs. Length: 10’ 3” Width: 3’ The Explorer K2 is designed for riding on mild rivers and lakes, with a low profile but visible graphics so it’s highly visible. The detachable skeg helps improve directional stability, and the inflatable seat is adjustable. Ideal for kayaking with a friend, it is easy to set up and should not take more than a few minutes. The Explorer K2 is made of tough vinyl, and its I-beam floor provides extra rigidity and thanks to the comfortable seats you’ll be at ease as you paddle. A repair patch kit is included and you also get a Coast Guard ID. The package also comes with an Intex high output pump and a couple of 86” aluminum bars. PROS Easy setup Quickly inflation/deflation Comfortable CONS Not designed for long trips Skeg can become loose Whether you’re on a tight budget or looking for a premium inflatable, one of the kayaks we’ve reviewed should fit the bill. Which boat is best for you depends on what you need, but any of these can get you on the water and having fun. Our choice is the Sea Eagle Explorer. Perhaps the toughest of the kayaks we reviewed, it’s Earth-stable, handles relatively well, and accommodates three people and plenty of gear for your day out. We really appreciate that the Explorer takes durability to the next level, because issues with buoyancy or punctures were the number one problem we encountered in our reviews. But don’t think this kayak is limited to whitewater. While sturdy and stable enough for Class IV rapids, it’s just as at home on a quiet lake where its handling and tracking are more than respectable. If the premium price-tag on the Explorer threatens to crush your budget, you might want to look at the Seyvlor Big Basin or the Driftsun Voyager 2. Both are worthy ‘yaks that won’t break the bank. Whichever you choose, prepare for loads of fun! Rubik’s Cubes make a perfect gift for any occasion. Learn more about this amazing puzzle here. More From KayakHelp:
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Best-selling author Michael Pollan became famous telling us that to eat healthy is to eat simply—just like our grandmothers did. Problem is, Grandma didn’t live in the Information Age, the age of the 25,000-product supermarket, Dietary Guidelines, and all those superfood health claims. It should be simple. But it really isn’t—not with this much daily nutrition noise to contend with. Consider nutrition science, flip-flopping over the humble egg: villainized as an artery-clogging cholesterol bomb in the 1980s, now a centerpiece of the healthy breakfast (or dinner) plate while activists focus on the well-being of the chickens. Pollan is right, mostly: The basic rules of healthy eating are simple. But diet is also in the details, as our nutrition mistakes illustrate. In the crazy modern food world, you want to keep your eye on the big picture, but pay attention to the small print, too.
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someone very dedicated to the stimulating world of maths. someone who searches up equations in their spare time on the internet. originally it has been claimed the word was first used (locally at least) by james prattent during one act of very outstanding number crunching, however since Christian Holmes has laid claim to it. He is simply out for glory and a place in the chronicles of history. wow i never knew numbers could be so arousing, he certainly is a maths magician. he rooted a negative number! What a maths magician i stopped hanging around with him once i realised he was a maths magician
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58 F.Supp. 417 (1944) SANDERS v. ALLEN. No. 3145. District Court, S. D. California, Central Division. December 29, 1944. *418 Allard & Whyte, of Pomona, Cal., for plaintiff. Paul Taylor, of Los Angeles, Cal., for defendant. J. F. T. O'CONNOR, District Judge. This action is founded in tort. The plaintiff prays judgment against the defendant for actual damages in the sum of $100,000 and punitive damages in the sum of $100,000, making a total of $200,000. Both plaintiff and defendant are citizens and residents of the State of California. There are two questions to be decided by the court. (1) The sufficiency of the affidavit of prejudice, and (2) the jurisdictional question. In order to pass upon the first question, a brief summary of the allegations in the complaint will be stated. The plaintiff alleges a violation of Regulation 53 of the Emergency Price Control Act and, among the enumerated alleged violations, are: "* * * the defendant refused to furnish steam heat, electric current for refrigeration, hot and cold running water in kitchen and some in bathroom, use sun room on roof, and use of telephone, reduced lighting in lobby making same `unsafe and impossible to read or enjoy', denied plaintiff use of porches and lobby by threatening plaintiff when plaintiff used same. The complaint alleges that when plaintiff required steam heat `defendant assaulted plaintiff threatening to do him great bodily harm, shouted at him in a loud and angry tone and shaking his fist in plaintiff's face.' "* * * attempted to force plaintiff out of apartment in violation of Regulation No. 53. Defendant advised plaintiff he could rent apartment at $7.50 per month above ceiling price." The plaintiff alleges a second assault, "* * * again assaulted plaintiff, advancing toward him with fists swinging and in a loud and boisterous voice and in an harassing and threatening manner, told plaintiff that he was going to throw him out of said tenancy on the 9th day of September, 1943, and that he intended to beat plaintiff until plaintiff was unconscious on the floor and then hurl him bodily out of the apartment", also calling the plaintiff bad names. The complaint then alleges that other tenants in the same apartment have had their rent raised by the defendant in excess of the ceiling rentals, and alleges that the plaintiff is not in default in the payment of his rent. The defendant answered and denies specifically and generally all of the allegations of the complaint, and as a separate defense contends the court has no jurisdiction of the cause of action; and further that the complaint does not state a claim upon which relief can be granted in this court. It will be noted that the plaintiff does not allege a battery, and counsel frankly admit that the defendant never committed a battery of any kind upon the plaintiff. The allegations in the complaint, if established, would show continued irritating conduct on the part of defendant toward the plaintiff, and alleges further: "permanently impaired the range of plaintiff's vision * * *." At the pretrial hearing the court called the plaintiff's attention to what the *419 court considered a prayer for excessive damages under the facts alleged in the complaint, and expressed surprise that any attorney would allege damages in the amount of $200,000 under the facts stated. The attorney for the plaintiff contends that it was an act of prejudice on the part of the court to make any such comment upon the pleadings. In other words, the plaintiff contends that such comment on the part of the court disqualifies the court from hearing the case. If the contention of the plaintiff is sound in law, then a court cannot make any comment upon any pleadings. No reference was made by the court to the plaintiff in the action, and the record shows that the court did not know either the plaintiff or the plaintiff's attorney. The plaintiff, in his affidavit, stated— referring to the court: "* * * has a personal bias and prejudice against me and against my attorney, Mr. James G. Whyte, and is therefore disqualified from proceeding further herein;" The court feels it is proper to quote from the affidavit of prejudice of the plaintiff, which affidavit is approved by the attorney for the plaintiff, alleging that the affidavit is "made in good faith by him". The affidavit, omitting the formal parts and omitting the reasons for delay in filing it, and including the entire comments made upon which the plaintiff bases his right to disqualify the court, states: "* * * that said prejudice was manifest by the court in certain comments made by the court at the hearing of a second pretrial conference held on October 23rd, 1944, particularly in a statement twice made by the court substantially as follows: `Counsel, I am astonished that any lawyer would come before any court and make such a statement.' That the court's attitude and bias is shown by the following quotation from the reporter's transcript of the hearing held on Monday, October 23rd, 1944: "`The Court: Counsel, do you seriously consider the damages you have prayed for should be pleaded by any lawyer, under the statements you have made to the court now, asking for $200,000 damages? How do you explain it? "`Mr. Whyte: It is our contention that this man has lost the use of one eye in the assault that has been performed on him. "`The Court: Supposing he has; supposing that is true, can you find a case anywhere in the United States which would award him $100,000? I don't think there has been an award of $100,000 in such a situation. "`Mr. Whyte: I think there has been award as high as $50,000 for the loss of an eye. "`The Court: You have asked for $200,000 damages. Do you think it is good practice, counsel, in any court of justice, to plead $100,000 exemplary damages, in a matter of this kind? "`Mr. Whyte: If the course of conduct of this man is what we think it is, and what we think can be shown, I think it is. This man owns, and we can show he owns some eight or nine—at least seven apartment hotel buildings, and if he has indulged in a course of practice, as he has in regard to this particular tenant, I don't think $100,000 exemplary damages would be out of line. "`The Court: Counsel, I am astonished that any lawyer would come before any court, and make such a statement. I will hear the other side.'" It will be noted that the remarks were made at pretrial conference on the 23rd of October, 1944, and that the affidavit of prejudice was filed November 17, 1944. The remarks were directed to the attorney for the plaintiff and not to either party to the action. The statute, Jud.Code § 21, 28 U.S.C.A. § 25, does not include attorneys. It provides that whenever a party to an action or proceeding "* * * shall make and file an affidavit that the judge * * * has a personal bias or prejudice either against him or in favor of any opposite party to the suit * * *." In each instance the statute refers to a party—not to an attorney. Whenever an affidavit of bias or prejudice is filed against a judge, it is the duty of the judge to pass on its sufficiency and, if found insufficient, to strike it from the files. His action is reviewable on appeal. Benedict v. Seiberling, D.C., 17 F.2d 831. The legal sufficiency of the affidavit is the only question before the court and the court cannot pass upon the truth or falsity of the facts alleged therein. Berger v. United States, 41 S.Ct. 230, 255 U.S. 22, 65 L.Ed. 481; Henry v. Speer, 5 Cir., 201 F. 869, 120 C.C.A. 207; Saunders v. Piggly-Wiggly Corp., D.C., 1 F.2d 582; Chafin v. United States, 4 Cir., 5 F.2d 592, certiorari denied, 269 U.S. 552, 46 S.Ct. 18, 70 L.Ed. 407; Lewis v. U. S., 8 Cir., 14 F.2d 369; Nations v. United States, 14 F.2d 507, certiorari *420 denied 273 U.S. 735, 47 S.Ct. 243, 71 L.Ed. 866. United States v. 16,000 Acres of Land, More or Less, 49 F.Supp. 645. The District Judge remarked to the attorney for the government that he was a "pettifogger" and had been "pettifogging" for two and a half hours, and did not establish personal bias against the United States or against counsel requesting disqualification of the judge. The judge further stated in the same action that it appeared that unfair advantage had been taken of the landowner, that counsel were trying to cover up evidence relating to value of land involved in the condemnation proceedings. The judge owes it to his oath of office and to the litigant who has invoked the jurisdiction of the court over which he regularly presides not to withdraw from the case, however much his personal feelings may incline him to do so. Benedict v. Seiberling, supra. If the affidavit is legally insufficient, the judge should refuse to disqualify himself, or because the litigant prefers some other judge, and should not abandon the position assigned to him by the sovereign unless required so to do by the law, particularly in criminal cases. United States v. Pendergast, D.C., 34 F. Supp. 269. It is the duty of the judge not to permit the use of an affidavit of prejudice as a means to accomplish delay and otherwise embarrass the administration of justice. United States v. Murphy, D.C., 19 F.Supp. 987. A judge, to be disqualified, must have a personal bias or prejudice against a party or in favor of an opposite party, and judicial rulings cannot ordinarily be made the basis of a charge of bias, since any error in such ruling may be corrected on appeal. Ryan v. United States, 8 Cir., 99 F.2d 864, certiorari denied, 1939, 306 U.S. 635, 59 S.Ct. 484, 83 L.Ed. 1037, rehearing denied, 1939, 306 U.S. 668, 59 S.Ct. 586, 83 L.Ed. 1063. The orderly administration of justice requires that affidavits of personal bias or prejudice of a trial judge filed under the statute be strictly construed so as to prevent abuse, and that they state facts showing personal bias or prejudice of the judge against the affiant. Beland v. United States, 117 F.2d 958, certiorari denied 313 U. S. 585, 61 S.Ct. 1110, 85 L.Ed. 1541, rehearing denied 314 U.S. 708, 62 S.Ct. 54, 86 L.Ed. 565. It is well settled that the affidavit of bias or prejudice filed against a judge must be strictly construed, and the terms of the statute strictly followed. Fieldcrest Dairies v. City of Chicago, D.C., 27 F.Supp. 258. The court finds the affidavit of prejudice filed by the plaintiff is not sufficient as a matter of law, and the motion to strike it from the files is granted. Jurisdiction. The plaintiff and the defendant are both citizens and residents of the State of California. In the absence of diversity of citizenship, jurisdiction of the federal court can only be invoked if Congress has conferred jurisdiction upon the court or if the right which the plaintiff claims and seeks to enforce arises under a law of Congress and the interpretation of the law in one manner would sustain his right, while the interpretation of the law in one manner would defeat it. Jurisdiction cannot be affected by waiver or conferred by agreement of the parties. Mitchell v. Maurer, 293 U.S. 237, 55 S.Ct. 162, 79 L.Ed. 338; West Publishing Co. v. McColgan, 9 Cir., 138 F.2d 320; Williams v. Miller, 48 F. Supp. 277, affirmed 317 U.S. 599, 63 S.Ct. 258, 87 L.Ed. 489. The instant action is one sounding in tort and the District Court is without jurisdiction where diversity of citizenship is lacking and no federal or constitutional question is involved. Thomason v. War Projects Administration, 47 F.Supp. 51, affirmed 138 F.2d 342. Where the state courts have long enjoyed jurisdiction over the subject matter of an action, jurisdiction is not withdrawn by federal statute unless such an intention is distinctly manifested. Elliott v. Steinfeldt, 254 App.Div. 739, 4 N.Y.S.2d 9; followed in Murphy v. Steinfeldt, 254 App. Div. 741, 4 N.Y.S.2d 10; 21 C.J.S., Courts, § 526, p. 800. In order to sustain the jurisdiction of the District Court it is necessary for the complaint to clearly establish that the action arises under the laws of the United States and substantially involves a dispute respecting the validity and construction or effect of the federal statute. Jud.Code § 24(1) (a), 28 U.S.C.A. § 41(1) (a), Malone v. Gardner, 4 Cir., 62 F.2d 15; Johnson v. Thomas, D.C., 16 F.Supp. 1013, 1014: "Suit does not have its origin in laws of United States, so as to confer jurisdiction on federal court, unless it involves a real and substantial controversy respecting validity, construction, or effect *421 of such laws on which determination of result depends, and such fact must appear by distinct allegations in legal and logical form and cannot rest on inference, argument, or anticipated defense." The federal courts do not acquire jurisdiction by virtue of a merely colorable claim under a federal statute, nor because a federal statute must be referred to to explain a contract or a local law. St. Paul, M. & M. Ry. Co. v. St. Paul & N. P. R. Co., 8 Cir., 68 F. 2, 15 C.C.A. 167, affirmed 18 S.Ct. 946, 42 L.Ed. 1212. To give jurisdiction to the federal courts, where diversity of citizenship does not exist, there must be a federal question, not in mere form, but in substance, and not in mere assertion, but in essence and effect. Cuyahoga River Power Co. v. Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co., 252 U.S. 388, 40 S. Ct. 404, 64 L.Ed. 626; Phillips v. Pucci, D. C., 43 F.Supp. 253; Jud.Code §§ 24(1) (a), 28, 28 U.S.C.A. § 41(1) (a), 71; Gully v. First Nat. Bank, 299 U.S. 109, 57 S.Ct. 96, 81 L.Ed. 70, reversing 5 Cir., 81 F.2d 502, certiorari granted 56 S.Ct. 939, 298 U.S. 650, 80 L.Ed. 1378; Marshall v. Desert Properties Co., 103 F.2d 551, certiorari denied 308 U.S. 563, 60 S.Ct. 74, 84 L.Ed. 473; 28 U.S.C.A. § 41(1) (a); Malone v. Gardner, 4 Cir., 62 F.2d 15; Manhattan Ry. Co. v. City of New York, 18 F. 195; Gustason v. California Trust Co., 73 F.2d 765, certiorari denied 296 U.S. 607, 56 S.Ct. 123, 80 L.Ed. 430; Gully v. First Nat. Bank, 5 Cir., 81 F.2d 502, certiorari granted, 298 U.S. 650, 56 S.Ct. 939, 80 L.Ed. 1378, and reversed 299 U.S. 109, 57 S.Ct. 96, 81 L.Ed. 70. The plaintiff cites Carter v. Bramlett, D.C., 51 F.Supp. 547; 148 A.L.R. 1409. In this action the plaintiff sued for damages alleged to have been suffered by her as the result of forcible removal of herself and her furnishings from her apartment. She alleged that "the defendants, without just cause or provocation and without compliance with the existing rules and regulations of the O. P. A. governing under the Emergency Price Control Act of 1943, 50 U.S.C.A.Appendix § 901 et seq., and the minimum rent regulations pertaining thereto governing the area of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, did institute eviction proceedings against the plaintiff." Also, that the writ of possession was issued contrary to the Emergency Price Control Act. The District Court assumed jurisdiction. It is clear from the opinion of the court that to determine the issue it was necessary to construe not only the federal statute, but also the regulations issued thereunder with reference to proper notice and other questions. One interpretation would defeat the plaintiff, while another interpretation of the Act would permit the plaintiff to prevail in the action. The opinion is clearly consistent with the decisions cited in this opinion. In the complaint before this court there was no eviction. The facts which, if established, would make out an action in tort, would be triable in the State courts without any reference to the federal statute referred to in the complaint. The plaintiff's attorney, in his brief, very frankly states the question as follows: "The terms of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 do not seem particularly helpful. The Act neither affirms nor denies the right to maintain this type of case. Section 205, subsections (a) to (f) inclusive [50 U.S.C.A.Appendix § 925(a to f)], deal with enforcement. Subsection (e) grants to individuals a particular form of remedy for violation. The other sub-sections cover enforcement rights granted the price administrator. Nowhere is it stated that these enforcement provisions are exclusive, nor that an individual's remedy is limited to that particular type of remedy specified in subsection (e)". The plaintiff filed his brief on the jurisdictional question on Nov. 8, 1944, and filed his affidavit of prejudice on Nov. 17, 1944. It is clear from the authorities cited that this court has no jurisdiction. The action is dismissed. Exception allowed to the plaintiff.
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Clinical clearance of cervical spinal injuries by emergency nurses. To determine the interrater reliability between emergency nurses and emergency physicians on defined criteria for clinically clearing the cervical spine in blunt trauma patients. Blunt trauma patients, 12 years or older, arriving with cervical spinal precautions were prospectively enrolled as a convenience sample. Each member of the emergency physician-nurse pair completed a questionnaire with regard to five criteria for clinically clearing the cervical spine for each patient. Interrater reliability was determined by calculating the kappa statistics for the individual and combined criteria. Physicians and nurses agreed on the presence or absence of the combined criteria in 175 of 211 patients (82.9%; kappa, 0.65). Agreements on individual criteria were as follows: 1) intoxication--203 patients (96.2%; kappa, 0.82); 2) altered consciousness--197 patients (93.4%; kappa, 0.60); 3) neck pain--185 patients (87.7%; kappa, 0.75); 4) distracting injury--160 patients (75.8%; kappa, 0.36); and 5) neurologic deficit--198 patients (93.8%; kappa, 0.45). If disagreements in which the physician would clinically clear the patient but the nurse would not were considered as agreements, then overall agreement would be 198 of 211 patients (93.8%; kappa, 0.88). On the assumption that nurses would assess patients prior to physicians, they would have cleared 35% of the patients before the physicians. However, they would have ordered 12% more radiographs and unsafely clinically cleared 5% of the patients. The interrater reliability for the combined cervical spinal injury criteria between emergency nurses and physicians was good to excellent. However, with the training given in this study, nurses would order more radiographs than physicians and would unsafely clinically clear cervical spines in some patients.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Adele kicks off world tour by helping a woman propose to her boyfriend March 01, 2016 Adele kicked off her world tour on Monday evening with a proposal — not hers! The “Hello” singer came to the aid of a female fan and helped her propose to her respective boyfriend during the tour’s opening night in Belfast, Ireland. To celebrate the Leap Day, Adele invited fans to propose on stage. The 27-year-old plucked concert goer Hayley Consuegra from the crowd so she could pop the question to her beau Neil Pringle. Photo: Getty Images "I asked him earlier today," Hayley told Adele. "He said maybe in a little while." The singer quickly turned to Neil in the crowd saying, "You have to say a proper yes, bruv!" The Grammy-winning artist excitedly began to jump up and down upon Neil’s acceptance of the proposal. “I've got cameras all around here. I'm making a DVD," she warned him. "I'm going to make you the front cover if you don't do it." Following the concert, Hayley tweeted her thanks to the British songbird writing, “@Adele thank you for tonight. you wrote the words to our story.i had the courage stood next to you.thank you for being part of our memories.” Photo: Getty Images Hayley's fairy godmother dazzled on stage donning a custom black silk Burberry gown that featured hand-embroidered sequins. The mom-of-one will exclusively wear the British label during tour, which runs through November. Burberry chief creative and chief executive officer Christopher Bailey said in a statement, “It is a huge privilege to work with Adele.” He continued, “She is an incredible artist who I admire enormously for her approach to life, her sense of fun, her innate style and her massively powerful and moving voice and performance."
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Barry McGurie - Eve of Destruction (Suveränt Album US 1965) (SHM-CD) Eve of Destruction is a protest song written by P. F. Sloan in 1965. Several artists have recorded it, but the best-known recording was by Barry McGuire. This recording was made between July 12 and July 15, 1965 and released by Dunhill Records. The accompanying musicians were top-tier LA session players: P. F. Sloan on guitar, Hal Blaine (of Phil Spector's "Wrecking Crew") on drums, and Larry Knechtel on bass. The vocal track was thrown on as a rough mix and was not intended to be the final version, but a copy of the recording "leaked" out to a DJ, who began playing it. The song was an instant hit and as a result the more polished vocal track that was at first envisioned was never recorded. The song had initially been presented to The Byrds as a Dylanesque potential single, but they rejected it. The Turtles, another LA group who often recorded The Byrds' discarded or rejected material, recorded a version instead. Their version was issued as a track on their debut album It Ain't Me Babe, shortly before McGuire's version was cut; it was eventually released as a single and hit number 100 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1970. The song was also recorded by Jan and Dean on their album Folk 'n Roll in 1965, using the same backing track as the McGuire version, and by The Grass Roots on their first album Where Were You When I Needed You in 1966.McGuire also mentioned that "Eve of Destruction" was recorded in one take on a Thursday morning (from words scrawled on a crumpled piece of paper), and he got a call from the record company at 7:00 the following Monday morning, telling him to turn on the radio—his song was playing.Barry McGuire became a born-again Christian, and as a result renounced the song for many years, refusing to perform it. Though he is now known primarily as a singer of contemporary Christian songs, McGuire has resumed singing "Eve of Destruction" in recent years, often updating the lyrics to refer to such events as the Columbine High School massacre. In the first week of its release, the single was at number 103 on the Billboard charts. By August 12, Dunhill released the LP, Nick Featuring Eve of Destruction. The LP reached its peak of number thirty-seven on the Billboard album chart during the week ending September 25. That same day the single went to number one on the chart, and repeated the feat on the Cashbox chart, where it had debuted at number thirty. McGuire would never again break into the top forty of the Billboard Hot 100. It went to number one in Norway for two weeks.The American media helped popularize the song by using it as an example of everything that was wrong with the youth of that time. The song also drew flak from conservatives. A group called The Spokesmen released an answer record entitled "The Dawn of Correction". A few months later, Green Beret medic Sgt. Barry Sadler released the patriotic "Ballad of the Green Berets". Johnny Sea's spoken word recording, "Day For Decision", was also a response to the song. The song was banned by some radio stations in the USA ("claiming it was an aid to the enemy in Vietnam") and by Radio Scotland. It was placed on a "restricted list" by the BBC, and could not be played on "general entertainment programmes".Barry McGuire Early Biography from http://barrymcguire.com/:After Barry left the Christys, work was hard to find. He spent the Winter and part of Spring, 1965 contacting producers, to no avail. But in April, Barry went to Ciro’s in L. A. to see his old friends Roger McGuinn and Gene Clark, whose band, the Byrds, was celebrating the release of their single, “Mr. Tambourine Man.” Bob Dylan was there, and so was producer Lou Adler. During the show, Barry saw a guy on the dance floor just bopping up and down while looking up at the ceiling. So he decided to try it out himself, and was bouncing around on the dance floor. Lou Adler spotted him and said, “Aren’t you McGuire?”“Yeah.”“Well, are you doing any singing?”“Well, not recently.”“Would you like to?”“Well, yeah.”Then Lou said, “Come over to my office next week. I’ve got some tunes I think you might like.”Lou Adler was a man who knew the music business inside and out. He had written songs for people like Sam Cooke, had been one of Jan and Dean’s managers, had worked in music publishing and for various record companies. By 1965, Adler, along with Jay Lasker and Bobby Roberts, had started a publishing company called Trousdale and a production company called Dunhill. P. F. (Phil) Sloan and Steve Barri, who had written some surf songs that became hits and had a band called the Fantastic Baggys, worked for Adler as songwriters and musicians. Lou introduced Barry to Phil Sloan, who was now writing songs that contained serious social messages born from an overwhelming sense of frustration, disgust, and outrage at the system and the way things were going in the world. Barry was ready to start singing songs that reflected these ideas and feelings. “When I left the Christys,” Barry says, “ I left looking for answers. I was in a kind of a spiritual, philosophical search at that time. We were going through the whole social question, turmoil of the day within ourselves. Why not do this? Why shouldn't we do that? How come we have to do this? Who says we gotta do that? And then we started to get down to, well, what is the basic ultimate truth, and what is life? What is the universe? Where did it come from? Where is it going? What's on the other side of death? What was on the backside of birth? ‘Eve Of Destruction’ was just a continuation down that road. At least I felt I could compile all the problems, and I thought that's what Phil did in the song. All the problems, but no answers." Unlike the cheery tunes of the Christys, "Eve of Destruction" was a grave, prophetic warning of imminent apocalypse. It was a song that expressed the frustrations and fears of young people in the age of the Cold War, Vietnam, and the arms race. Barry signed with Dunhill in May, 1965, and started recording with Phil Sloan (guitar, harmonica and co-production with Adler), Larry Knetchel (bass), Tommy Tedesco (guitar). Barry played guitar and percussion. Sometime between July 12th and the 15th, they recorded “Eve of Destruction.” Barry recalls that the song was recorded in one take. There were only thirty minutes left in the recording session. Barry remembers, “I got my lyrics that I’d had in my pocket for about a week. I smoothed all the wrinkles out of them, and we wrote the chords down on a piece of brown paper that somebody got some chicken in or something, and we folded little creases and hung them on the music stands and went through it twice. They were playing and I’m reading the words off this wrinkly paper. I’m singing, ‘Well, my blood’s so mad feels like coagulatin’, that part that goes, ‘Ahhhhhh, you can’t twist the truth,’ and the reason I’m singing ‘Ahhhhhh’ is because I lost my place on the page. People said, ‘Man, you really sounded frustrated when you were singing.’ Well, I was. I couldn't see the words. I wanted to re-record the vocal track, and Lou said, ‘We're out of time. We'll come back next week and do the vocal track.’ Well, by the next weekend, the tune was released. The following Monday, it was being played on the #1 rock music station in Los Angeles, and it was incredible what happened. It all just exploded.”It turns out that a photographer and record promoter by the name of Ernie Farrell visited Lou Adler’s office on July 16th to see if Lou had any records to promote, and he picked up a couple of 45s off of Adler’s desk without Lou’s knowledge. That afternoon, Farrell was scheduled to take photos at a birthday party at the home of the program director at KFWB. Farrell was taking pictures, went to get some flashbulbs out of the trunk of his car, and he saw the 45s there. He played the 45s for the kids at the party, and they really didn’t respond to any of them until Farrell played “Eve of Destruction.” They demanded that he play it repeatedly. The kids took it into their father and asked him to listen to it. He phoned KFWB and said, “I’ve got next week’s pick to hit.” The folks at Dunhill rushed the one take of “Eve” back into the studio to get it ready for immediate release, but Barry wasn’t around that weekend, so they mixed it, pressed it and shipped it out by that following Monday, July 19th (although the official release date is July 21st). So Barry never got a chance to re-record the vocals. In the first week of its release, “Eve” was at #30 in the Cash Box charts, and #103 in the Billboard charts. By August 12th, Dunhill released the LP, Barry McGuire Featuring Eve of Destruction. The LP reached it’s high of #37 on Billboard the week ending September 25th, the same day that the single “Eve of Destruction” soared to #1 in both the Cash Box and Billboard charts. One would think that any musician whose single had such quick and huge success would be propelled into ever-increasing stardom and opportunities in the music industry. But “Eve of Destruction” actually had the opposite effect, because its success came in sales before success in airplay. It was a song that captured the ear of the public before it caught the attention of most radio stations. A lot of radio station managers, DJs, and playlist controllers were upset that “Eve” made it big without going through them. Barry says, “I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I heard that the word was that no matter what I came out with next, nobody was gonna play it because I was a loose cannon in the music business. They didn’t have control of the last one, and they weren’t gonna let the next one get away from them.” Then there was the reaction of the media. Phil Sloan remembers, “The media frenzy over the song tore me up and seemed to tear the country apart. I was an enemy of the people to some and a hero to others, but I was still only 20 years old and nobody really was looking. I have felt it was a love song and written as a prayer because, to cure an ill you need to know what is sick. In my youthful zeal I hadn't realized that this would be taken as an attack on The System!The media headlined the song as everything that is wrong with the youth culture. First, show the song is just a hack song to make money and therefore no reason to deal with its questions. Prove the 19-year old writer is a communist dupe. The media claimed that the song would frighten little children. The United States felt under threat. So any positive press on me or Barry was considered un-patriotic. A great deal of madness, as I remember it! I told the press it was a love song. A love song to and for humanity, that's all. It ruined Barry's career as an artist and in a year I would be driven out of the music business too.”On top of all this, there was flack from both conservatives and liberals. On the right wing, a group called The Spokesmen released an “answer” record called “The Dawn of Correction,” and a few months later, Barry Sadler released “Ballad of the Green Berets.” On the left, musicians who had been writing and singing protest songs for years were not happy that a kid who wrote surf songs and a former member of the Christys had found success with a protest song of their own. Phil Ochs, for example, said that the quality of “Eve of Destruction” was terrible, and called its philosophy “juvenile.” He cautioned that protest songs by their very nature could never maintain a popular status, adding, “The Top Forty revenge is one of the fastest revenges in the country. When people get turned off, that’s it: instant death. I think the protest thing will die out pretty fast.”There were some exceptions to the ill treatment "Eve" received. For example, on September 20th, 1965, Barry sang "Eve of Destruction" on NBC's Hullabaloo. But Barry looks back now and thanks God that the reaction to “Eve of Destruction” kept him from further fame and fortune. He believes it would have killed him. “It’s just as well I didn’t get another hit tune,” he says. “I would have gone the way of Jim Morrison, Hendrix, or Joplin. I say ‘Thank God,’ and I do thank God for that, too, because I wouldn’t have survived. I think God did ‘Eve of Destruction.’ It was supernatural. I was just dumbing my way through the day, and it all happened. I came up with some great tunes after ‘Eve of Destruction,’ and none of them happened, and I couldn’t figure out what was going on. But I’m sure glad nothing did, because I would have been history by now.”Partial discography:♦ Barry Here and Now (1962)♦ The Barry McGuire Album (1963)♦ Eve of Destruction (1965)♦ This Precious Time (1965)♦ The World's Last Private Citizen (1967)♦ McGuire and the Doctor (1971)♦ Seeds (1972)♦ Lighten Up (1974)♦ Narnia (1974)01. Eve of Destruction 3:38 02. She Belongs to Me 2:47 03. You Never Had It So Good 3:06 04. Sloop John B. 3:04 05. Baby Blue 3:16 06. The Sins of a Family 3:01 07. Try to Remember 3:23 08. Mr. Man on the Street 6:05 09. You Were on My Mind 2:32 10. Ain't No Way I'm Gonna Change My Mind 2:30 11. What Exactly's the Matter With Me 2:32 12. Why Not Stop and Dig It While You Can 2:15 Klicka på bildomslaget för större bild Om Mini LP CDs Bra att veta om dessa CDs: Replica CDs are official audiophile releases manufactured in Japan with incredible attention to detail. CDs made in Japan are revered by collectors and specialists for their very clean sound, production quality, and they are superior in nearly every way to pressings from other countries.The Japanese packaging of classic albums in cardboard sleeve miniature is a wonder to behold. Mini-LP CD albums are like precious stones or perfectly cut diamonds.The superb mastering (often SHM-CD, 20 Bit, 24 Bit, K2, DSD, or HDCD) and resultant sound quality is superior to that of MFSL releases.Replicas are often the nearly exact duplications of the first pressings of the 12" LPs and everything that was present in the original LP may be included such as gatefolds, booklets, lyric sheets, posters, printed CD sleeves, stickers, embosses, special paper or inks, and die cuts.In nearly all replica releases a detail sheet is included, and although the text may be in Japanese, the insert will often include the lyrics in English, which is a big plus if the original LP did not include them. Japan promotional strips, also called OBI, are usually included with the package as a way of advertising the CD to the Japanese buying public.On occasion a replica CD will have bonus tracks included that were part of a later CD release. However, the notes about the bonus tracks are never added to the album artwork, only the promotional strip or the detail sheet. Thus the integrity of the original LP artwork is maintained.Replica CDs are not officially for sale outside Japan, but they are worth the trouble and cost to get them. Replica CDs are expensive in Japan. New releases of replica CDs cost anywhere from $30 to $60 a piece and Japanese law forbids putting "new" CDs on sale or selling at any price other than listed on the Obi (promotional strip).Most replica CDs are manufactured in a limited quantity and sell out quite quickly after release. Because of this replica CDs are splendid keepsakes that hold their value and will likely continue to be items sought by collectors. About Paper Sleeve CD's The world of paper Jacquet collected the best of technology that Japan is proud of. Work is not only the music, the stunning artwork of the LP era, which has been talked about with its jacket, original color and form, of course, it has been thoroughly reprinted up to the texture and texture of the paper. Especially from the late 60's and 70's, special specification jacket elaborate stiffness are also many announcement, a perfect reproduction of them with miniaturized is also reminiscent of a miniature garden and elaborate model Flipback Konvolut Folding the printed paper itself, pasted-made light jacket. This is called because many have been adopted in the United Kingdom (E). Especially works of 60's, laminated in order to give a gloss on the surface (PP stick) has been there are many. Other, form and the back of the upper and lower has been narrowed down, the margin of bonding there are variations, such as flipback cover. Utvik Konvolut Open When the jacket of luxury specifications on the inside, such as photos and lyrics are printed. Because it is similar to the photo of the album, there is a theory that began to call the album LP record for singles. Overseas called gatefold. Front and back, medium surface within bag work of Keefe and hypnosis that was designed (to be described later) in a consistent concept is popular. In addition, 2-Disc LP, etc., open state in the double-jacket that there is a pocket for accommodating the LP to the left or right, but what there is no pocket only one with a single thing called a semi-double jacket, double as their generic name - sometimes referred to as a jacket. Special Konvolut That of the jacket with a special design / production process in order to get a personality. It has been originally produced on the basis of a certain standard LP is there, spread and may become like the poster, or attach the 3D (three-dimensional), embossed ( embossing) or the processing, die cut (hollowed out) processing or the, that or use a paper that has been with the textured and pattern, the more attractive for the fans It increases. The box set that was bundled a booklet of materials and bonusand, what made a jacket with a special material. Special Konvolut Special Konvolut Relief Konvolut Exakta Mini Boxar "Obi" Fliken Many are wound on the left side of the jacket, that of paper that describes the artist name and title in Japanese. Put the jacket top there is also a variation such as "covering zone". Japan and it is a unique specification, for the listener is often discarded after the purchase, a band with a valuable record LP is popular with enthusiasts around the world as "with OBI". In recent years, the design has been growing number of cases, which is also reproduced in the paper jacket CD. EXTRA TILLBEHÖR SOM PÅ ORIGINAL LP'. BONUS KONVOLUTOriginal and different (different) things jacket using the design. Or if the Publisher of the label in the UK and the US different, especially many in the world release of the mid '60s. The SHM-CD / paper jacket of Universal International, for a Def Jacquet title, has been set as much as possible in the form of "bonus paper jacket". INNERPÅSEThat of the bag to protect the records that are in the inside jacket. Although often nothing of what print is also not pure white, is designed with a jacket and a similar concept, that such as photos and lyrics are printed is reproduced even paper jacket CD. Other, there is also what is referred to as Company Sleeve which has been used the same general-purpose design and other LP that was released around the same time. The foreign Release LP disc was housed directly in these paper bags, Japanese board LP often are housed in clear plastic bag called Shaw Rex. LÅTTEXTERGeneric name of the hand, adjunct that is not a bag-shaped. Many have described such as musicians, referred to as the ones that are especially me lyrics and lyrics card. Of course, it is the part that is reproduced in the paper jacket CD. CD ETIKETTPaper label on the center of the record. Rarely in such singles some of which were the direct printing on PVC material. Artist name, album name, music, music creator, the label name is described, the production process, since the time of jacket printing to others not determined the song order is an important part reveal the recording contents. But usually it is used record company common design, there is also a place that changed the design to the each time as Island Records, become material, even for understanding the issue time of record. In addition, there are also those that are designed with a jacket and a consistent concept. The SHM-CD / paper jacket of Universal International, has this label was two-sided printing (AB surface) "label card" as much as possible inclusion.
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[Review] Patriot Extreme Performance Xporter XT 16GB Rage The Patriot Extreme Performance Xporter XT Rage is a USB flash drive with both performance and functionality. Featuring an innovative Quad Channel configuration, data is intelligently managed and transferred simultaneously to 4 NAND chips resulting in vastly enhanced performance, particularly write speeds. The Rage flash drive offers up to 27MB/s read and 25MB/s write transfer speeds. Functionality and durability is designed into the Rage with rubber coating on the housing and a retractable USB connector. The Patriot Xporter Rage is available in 8GB, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB capacities and carries a lifetime warranty. Packaging: The Rage XT: Specifications: Features: Speed Tests: With speed tests, our goal is to make sure that the Xporter Rage hits the specified numbers that Patriot has listed for it. Patriot claims that the Rage can offer up to 27MB/s read and 25MB/s write transfer speeds. We will find out if this statement holds true in the tests to follow. If you looked at the same results we did, you would noticed one thing; the Xporter XT Rage meets Patriots claims of specified speeds and exceeds them! This is great news for everyone involved. We have had flash drives in the past that did not come close to meeting specified speeds. With a max read speed of 30.7 MB/s and max write speed 26.06 MB/s the Rage impressed us, to say the least. Conclusion: Surprisingly, the Rage performs even better than advertised, with higher read/write speeds than we expected during our tests! The retractable USB connection is a nice feature to have on a USB drive as it means that you will never have to worry about losing that tiny cap. Coming from people who have lost every USB cap they have ever had, we really appreciate this addition! With its “plug and play” functionality, it’s really easy for anyone to use. The Rage has models ranging from 8GB to 64GB, so we are quite sure you can find a size that will fit your needs. If you are in the market for a fast flash drive that exceeds specifications, then you definitely should check this one out.
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When I'm with her even my demons dress up for dinner and behave. Unfortunately nobody loves the darkness, how can you love someone if you can't embrace their dark side.Seeking the depths of you. the vastness of you. and embracing even the darkness. No surface level shit. Positive Quotes : find comfort in the chaos quote I was terrified of the dark; so the darkness I became. I was scared of my own demons, so I learned them all by name. I was fearful of the monsters, so I became a monster too. I was frightened by a ghost haunting me, until I found out it was you.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Numerous procedures requires the use of different types of medical devices and the preferred approach is to have systems that can accommodate the need to rapidly convert from one apparatus type to another during procedures. It is therefore desirable to provide a guidewire for such procedures, which works with a novel catheter system to allow for different functional aspects to be exercised through a common set-up.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Q: what is the difference between these two lines getting 2 different outputs while using the same currency 'egp' $currency = ($q->currency == 'egp')? '£' : (($q->currency == 'usd') ? '$' : '€'); this line outputs $ $currency = ($q->currency == 'egp')? '£' : ($q->currency == 'usd') ? '$' : '€'; this one outputs £ and I can't find why? note: the only difference is the () around the second ternary operator statement A: Consider this code: echo (true?"Left is first":(true?"Right is first":"")); Left is first Versus echo (true?"Left is first":true?"Right is first":""); Right is first The exaplanation can be found at http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php#language.operators.comparison.ternary. In short, in the second case PHP will evaluate true?"Left is first":true as the condition for the ternary expression. This will evaluate to Left is first which evaluates to true and therefore Right is first will be echoed
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Published: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 at 6:01 a.m. Last Modified: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 at 12:00 a.m. A year ago, the Major League Baseball draft gutted the Florida program. The Gators had seven juniors taken in the draft and only two of 10 incoming freshmen played for Florida in 2013. The results were predictable — UF snuck into a regional and finished under .500 for the season. A year later, it's a different story for Kevin O'Sullivan. “You gotta feel good about it,” the Florida coach said. “I feel really good about this class. It's a total 180 degrees from last year.” Florida had 11 players taken in the draft, but only three of them signed by the July 12 deadline. The rest of them are on campus working out with the returning players from last year's team. The eight drafted players are the most Florida has kept after the draft. By contrast, the 2009 and '10 teams that made up the nucleus of Florida's three straight runs to the College World Series kept five and six drafted players, respectively. Needless to say, O'Sullivan is excited about the prospects for the 2014 team after enduring a difficult 2013 that included the loss of three of his top pitchers to injuries. “Our pitching has a chance to be good. We've added power and we've added depth,” he said. “We'll have balance from the right and left side pitching.” Florida has had 33 players taken in the draft since 2010, the most of any SEC school and the third most in the nation. While that means the Gator coaching staff is signing some of the nation's best talent, it doesn't always make it to school. “You try to avoid that one year where you get slammed by the draft from both directions,” O'Sullivan said. “Last year, we lost so many great players who were juniors and then we lost a special group of guys that didn't show up. You try to avoid exactly what happened to us. “It's not that I recruited differently last year. Most of this class was committed a year ago. They just had made their minds up they wanted to go to school. It's really an inexact science.” Florida will be adding three junior college players and seven other freshman players, several who weren't drafted because they had made it clear they would not sign. Of the eight drafted freshmen who will be attending Florida, three are from out of state. Logan Shore is a 6-foot-3 right-handed pitcher from Coon Rapids, Minn., who should challenge for a spot in the rotation. A.J. Puk, a 6-7 freshman from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is a two-way player who can pitch and play first base and was considered one of the top 20 high school prospects in the nation. Buddy Reed is a 6-4 outfielder from Finksburg, Md. If you're noticing a theme there, this is a class with some verticality. “The thing that separates this class,” O'Sullivan said, “is that it has some size to it.” The Gators will face another tough schedule in 2014 that includes an opening series with Maryland, a trip to Miami and a three-team tournament that will include Illinois and Florida Gulf Coast in the first three weekends of the season. The Gators will face 31 teams who were in the NCAA tournament last season. This time around they feel better equipped to handle a tough schedule. “The young guys are going to have to figure things out quickly,” O'Sullivan said. “But we'll be a much more talented team.” <p>A year ago, the Major League Baseball draft gutted the Florida program. The Gators had seven juniors taken in the draft and only two of 10 incoming freshmen played for Florida in 2013.</p><p>The results were predictable — UF snuck into a regional and finished under .500 for the season.</p><p>A year later, it's a different story for Kevin O'Sullivan.</p><p>“You gotta feel good about it,” the Florida coach said. “I feel really good about this class. It's a total 180 degrees from last year.”</p><p>Florida had 11 players taken in the draft, but only three of them signed by the July 12 deadline. The rest of them are on campus working out with the returning players from last year's team.</p><p>The eight drafted players are the most Florida has kept after the draft. By contrast, the 2009 and '10 teams that made up the nucleus of Florida's three straight runs to the College World Series kept five and six drafted players, respectively.</p><p>Needless to say, O'Sullivan is excited about the prospects for the 2014 team after enduring a difficult 2013 that included the loss of three of his top pitchers to injuries.</p><p>“Our pitching has a chance to be good. We've added power and we've added depth,” he said. “We'll have balance from the right and left side pitching.”</p><p>Florida has had 33 players taken in the draft since 2010, the most of any SEC school and the third most in the nation. While that means the Gator coaching staff is signing some of the nation's best talent, it doesn't always make it to school.</p><p>“You try to avoid that one year where you get slammed by the draft from both directions,” O'Sullivan said. “Last year, we lost so many great players who were juniors and then we lost a special group of guys that didn't show up. You try to avoid exactly what happened to us.</p><p>“It's not that I recruited differently last year. Most of this class was committed a year ago. They just had made their minds up they wanted to go to school. It's really an inexact science.”</p><p>Florida will be adding three junior college players and seven other freshman players, several who weren't drafted because they had made it clear they would not sign. </p><p>Of the eight drafted freshmen who will be attending Florida, three are from out of state.</p><p>Logan Shore is a 6-foot-3 right-handed pitcher from Coon Rapids, Minn., who should challenge for a spot in the rotation. A.J. Puk, a 6-7 freshman from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is a two-way player who can pitch and play first base and was considered one of the top 20 high school prospects in the nation. Buddy Reed is a 6-4 outfielder from Finksburg, Md.</p><p>If you're noticing a theme there, this is a class with some verticality.</p><p>“The thing that separates this class,” O'Sullivan said, “is that it has some size to it.”</p><p>Among the in-state players are 6-3 infielder John Sternagel from Rockledge, 6-6 pitcher Scott Moss from Deland, 6-2 pitcher Brett Morales from Tampa and 6-4 pitcher Dane Dunning from Fleming Island.</p><p>The Gators will face another tough schedule in 2014 that includes an opening series with Maryland, a trip to Miami and a three-team tournament that will include Illinois and Florida Gulf Coast in the first three weekends of the season. The Gators will face 31 teams who were in the NCAA tournament last season.</p><p>This time around they feel better equipped to handle a tough schedule.</p><p>“The young guys are going to have to figure things out quickly,” O'Sullivan said. “But we'll be a much more talented team.”</p>
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Troy Anthony LaRaviere was, until this week, the principal of Chicago Magazine’s #1 neighborhood school, Blaine Elementary School. LaRaviere became the principal of Blaine back in 2010, saying he would bring the 6th ranked school to the top of the list and he would use empirical evidence to support the school practices he and his fellow educators applied to their student body. About two years into his tenure, after dealing quietly with the mountains of bullshit that Chicago Public Schools (CPS) get from up high, he began speaking out about his misgivings with what he felt was mismanagement. When Emanuel announced sweeping budget cuts to education a couple of years ago, Troy LaRaviere publicly criticized Emanuel and others. This led to LaRaviere being chastised publicly, and the beginnings of a campaign to oust LaRaviere began, you know, corporate gangster-style. Troy LaRaviere has been battling, on principle, to stay principal the past couple of months, but the announcement of his school’s success—in a publication that Emanuel and others laud—LaRaviere was given the opportunity to resign on his terms and in an open letter addressed to Mayor Rahm Emanuel. It’s one of the best pieces of writing on public education and the fundamental problems with education “reformers” in both the Republican and more importantly the Democratic Party. On his school’s accomplishments LaRaviere writes: Behind this significant accomplishment are a series of basic concepts based on empirical evidence regarding effective school practices and thoughtful consideration of how we might apply those practices at Blaine. One fundamental element of improving the school was ending selective access to advanced curriculum. When I arrived, less than 30% of students had access to it; today more than 90% have access. As is the case with most CPS schools, Blaine has a talented hard working staff. Another critical element of our success was to involve that staff in an effort to create systems, relationships, and patterns of collaborative activity that are proven to improve teacher performance, and therefore improve student achievement. In many ways, that was the easy part. The difficult part was mustering the will and stamina to remain steadfast in our commitment to use evidence-based practice in the face of tremendous pressure–from politicians like you–to adopt baseless “school reform” ideas like “tracking” (school based selective enrollment), “choice,” and the over-evaluation of teachers; ideas that are grounded in ideology and politics as opposed to proven effective educational methods. In a word, the biggest obstacle to Blaine becoming the #1 neighborhood school in Chicago was politics. And while many people contributed to this problem, nobody in our great city is more responsible for that political obstruction than you. LaRaviere hoped for a while that his, and the example of others, would help get Rahm and other “reformers” to see that there were tangible benefits to listening to actual educators about…education. Accordingly, in the summer of 2013 I began efforts to ensure that the residents of our city understood the negative consequences of your administration’s backward and reckless management of our school district. I did so for the following reasons: Decisions by you and the board you appointed and completely controlled had damaging consequences for our school system. Although your board was unelected, and therefore unaccountable to the residents of Chicago, you were indeed elected and could be held accountable. As a public servant it was my responsibility to ensure the public understood the negative consequences of your school-related decision-making so they could hold you and your board accountable. So for the next three years, I consistently and publicly advocated for credible evidence-based education policies. This, in turn, made me also be a consistent public critic of the ideological and politically driven policies coming out of your office and implemented by your hand-picked board. He is not alone. The United States is filled with teachers who are being forced to comply with idiotic test-based and private money-interest-driven educational “reforms.” The whole letter is linked above and below, but I will leave you with his conclusion: In closing, should you ever decide to prioritize student learning over the profits of your campaign donors, feel free to reach out to me and the principals I was elected to represent. We have an abundance of ideas for improving the system for the students we serve. In the meantime, we will continue in our efforts to vigorously advocate for the kind of effective evidence-based education policies and practices that your office does its best to ignore and suppress. Listen to Principal LaRaviere talking about budget cuts and his opposition to the crony education being pushed by both Democrats and Republicans, last year. Read the entire open letter here.
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Start Date: 4/12/01; HourAhead hour: 22; No ancillary schedules awarded. No variances detected. LOG MESSAGES: PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final Schedules\2001041222.txt
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Enron Emails" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Facebook to introduce ‘Explore Feed’ for desktop San Francisco, Oct 19 – Facebook, will introduce “Explore Feed” for users on the desktop to help them discover stories beyond the friends and pages they already follow, reports said. “The company’s tests of an alternative News Feed dubbed the ‘Explore’ Feed have progressed to a full rollout, the company now confirms. This is the beginning of the official rollout of the Explore Feed,” TechCrunch reported late on Wednesday. The new feature is found on the left-side bar, within the “Explore” section — where users also find links to features such as “Events”, “Groups”, “Pages”, “Moments”, “Saved items”, among others. Facebook’s new “Explore Feed” provides content that is similar to what the user has already liked, or what is popular among their network of friends. The social media giant has been testing “Explore Feed” for some time. Earlier this year, it was designated by a “rocket ship” icon, which may have confused users who didn’t understand its purpose, the TechCrunch report added.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Q: CSS override with second stylesheet I'm working on a pretty large website that has a big stylesheet already on the website. We're working with this large corporation with limited ability to make changes (no full access). We'll be applying some new styles for a specific section on the website and we've been given the green light to include a second override stylesheet (in addition to the global one) if needed. My question is this. Are there any browser incompatibility issues we need to be aware of if using this method? Due to the popularity of this website and how many views they receive daily, we'll need to be as compatible as possible and I'm just wanting to make sure that our CSS overrides for the sections we're working with go off without a hitch. I've heard of some rumors that IE may not handle the overrides correctly. Here's an example of the nature of the types of style overrides we'll be doing... if i have body { color:blue; } and body { font-weight:bold; } in the second CSS file, we'll get blue and bold right? A: What you are describing with your CSS is inheritance, and essentially it will 'stack' your css definitions, so as you made the example of body { color: blue } , body { font-weight: bold; } you will end up with both values for body via inheritance (not overriding!) To counter the inheritance, you would need to zero out, or elminate the primary css sheets defnition. so if you had the example: body { padding: 5px; color: red } and you wanted to have a 3px margin with font color blue in your 2ndary sheet you would do the following to counter the inheritance body {padding: 0px; margin: 3px; color: blue } That way you would zero out the padding (to 0, if you so wished, effectively canceling it out). Color would be overwritten, and margin would be the new value added. I would suggest (if you already don't) to use Firefox with firebug enabled (dual screens help here greatly, but not needed). Firebug will show you which lines are canceled out due to inheritance and in essence are overwritten. You could also utilize your own classes, and double (or more) up on the class definition like so: .red { color: red; } .center { text-align: center; } .w500px { width: 500px; } <div class="red center w500px">This text is red and centered</div> This way you just combine the values into one. Might give you another idea on how to go about something differently. Hope that helps.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Nino Raspudić Nino Raspudić (born 3 November 1975) is a Bosnian and Herzegovinian and Croatian conservative philosopher, writer and political analyst. He is a professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb and the Faculty of Humanities in Mostar. He is a columnist for the Večernji list and Nezavisne novine, and is one of the editors of the Reflex, a political show at the Televizija OBN. Biography Nino Raspudić was born into a Herzegovinian Croat family in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia. He finished elementary school in his birth town, and graduated from high school in Treviso, Italy. He graduated philosophy and Italian studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb in 1999. He became a Junior Researcher at the Department of Italian Literature of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb in 2000. In 2004 he gained master's degree with thesis Slaba misao - jaki pisci: postmoderna i talijanska književnost (Weak Thought - Strong Writers: a Postmodernist Poetics in the Modern Italian Prose). In 2008 he defended doctoral thesis Jadranski (polu)orijentalizam: prikazi Hrvata u talijanskoj književnosti (Trans-Adriatic Semi-Orientalism: Dominant Models in Constituting a Picture of Croats in Italian Literature from Enlightenment until Today). Raspudić was one of the founders of the civic organisation Urban Movement () in Mostar together with Veselin Gatalo. Gatalo and Raspudić erected a life-size statue of Bruce Lee in Zrinjevac Park in November 2005. The statue symbolised unity of Mostar in a city otherwise divided between Croats and Bosniaks. Raspudić translated a number of works of various Italian writers, including Umberto Eco, Niccolò Ammaniti, Gianni Vattimo and Luigi Pareyson. He also published number of literary critics and essays. Works References Notes Books Web sites External links Category:1975 births Category:Living people Category:Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina Category:People from Mostar Category:Croatian columnists Category:Croatian philosophers Category:Croatian writers Category:Croatian translators
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Fishing reels with various drag constructions are known in the art. However, earlier drag constructions have proven to be inefficient when a torque load is applied to the spool as a result of line being pulled from the reel. One prior art construction includes a plurality of brake pads and washers contained within the cylinder of the spool. Such a configuration does not provide effective and controlled drag for the spool. In other prior art constructions, unbalanced and uneven braking force is applied to the spool. These reels fail to perform efficiently when a torque load is applied to the spool. When line is pulled off of the spool and the line travels across the spool cylinder, torque force is applied to different areas of the spool.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Many Journals on this page talks about wanting more views and such things. So I decided to make a journal on cheap/sneaky/clever/etc. ways to gain more views on dA because I realized these things over time. I personally prefer you guys not to read this if you don't care about such things as favs, views, and such things. Beforehand, for people new on dA, art usually gets seen the most on the first few days. Less people will look at them over time, that's normal.___________________________________________________ 1. The most obvious, submit them into groups. The more groups mean the higher the chance someone may get a glimpse of it. But, submit only a few (3 or 4) at a time into a folder, and slowly put your art in, that way you can get a higher chance at views. 2. Draw fan art. Fan art usually gets seen more than OCs and things like that. People will search up things like "Death Note" or "Slenderman" or "Nigahiga" or "Cute Cats" instead of "My OC" and "Random Doodling". 3. "Cute" things tend to be favorited more than "Bishis"(pretty or beautiful). 4. Favorite peoples drawings I don't follow this one, but people who favorite a lot, sometimes get the people who they favorited to go on their page and say "Thanks for the favorite!" on their page. And if they are nice enough, they will also look at some of your art.____________________________________________________Now that thats over, I hope you guys avoid thinking about your own art getting a ton of views and favorites because they really don't matter in my opinion. Though its always nice to have views and favorites because they boost moral of people. EDIT: If you have any more suggestions, you can put them in the comments.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Gift Vouchers Gift Vouchers Gift Vouchers Experience Details Enjoy a luxurious one night stay for two people in either a Bath Spa Room or a Junior Suite, on a room-only basis. Includes access to our Spa Village Bath facilities and a Bespoke Couples Surrender spa treatment. Treatment details: Relax your senses. Breathe deep. Inhale the calming and balancing benefits of Wild Lavender in this completely uplifting and rejuvenating spa experience which includes a two-step invigorating full body scrub, a warm wrap, and a full body side by side massage including warm stones (120 mins) • Valid for overnight stays of Sunday to Thursday• Booking has to be made at least 7 days in advance • Accommodation category for the complimentary overnight stay is strictly subject to availability Qty Added in Cart... Terms & Conditions All gift vouchers are valid until the date stated online at the time of purchase and printed on the voucher. Gift vouchers must be presented upon arrival when redeeming the experience. Photocopies not accepted. Gift vouchers may only be redeemed once and cannot be refunded, extended, exchanged for cash or replaced if lost. All gift vouchers are subject to current availability. All gift vouchers are valid until the date stated online at the time of purchase and printed on the voucher. Gift vouchers must be presented upon arrival when redeeming the experience. Photocopies not accepted. Gift vouchers may only be redeemed once and cannot be refunded, extended, exchanged for cash or replaced if lost. All gift vouchers are subject to current availability.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Q: SQLAlchemy default DateTime This is my declarative model: import datetime from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, DateTime from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base Base = declarative_base() class Test(Base): __tablename__ = 'test' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) created_date = DateTime(default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) However, when I try to import this module, I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "orm/models2.py", line 37, in <module> class Test(Base): File "orm/models2.py", line 41, in Test created_date = sqlalchemy.DateTime(default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'default' If I use an Integer type, I can set a default value. What's going on? A: Calculate timestamps within your DB, not your client For sanity, you probably want to have all datetimes calculated by your DB server, rather than the application server. Calculating the timestamp in the application can lead to problems because network latency is variable, clients experience slightly different clock drift, and different programming languages occasionally calculate time slightly differently. SQLAlchemy allows you to do this by passing func.now() or func.current_timestamp() (they are aliases of each other) which tells the DB to calculate the timestamp itself. Use SQLALchemy's server_default Additionally, for a default where you're already telling the DB to calculate the value, it's generally better to use server_default instead of default. This tells SQLAlchemy to pass the default value as part of the CREATE TABLE statement. For example, if you write an ad hoc script against this table, using server_default means you won't need to worry about manually adding a timestamp call to your script--the database will set it automatically. Understanding SQLAlchemy's onupdate/server_onupdate SQLAlchemy also supports onupdate so that anytime the row is updated it inserts a new timestamp. Again, best to tell the DB to calculate the timestamp itself: from sqlalchemy.sql import func time_created = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), server_default=func.now()) time_updated = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), onupdate=func.now()) There is a server_onupdate parameter, but unlike server_default, it doesn't actually set anything serverside. It just tells SQLalchemy that your database will change the column when an update happens (perhaps you created a trigger on the column ), so SQLAlchemy will ask for the return value so it can update the corresponding object. One other potential gotcha: You might be surprised to notice that if you make a bunch of changes within a single transaction, they all have the same timestamp. That's because the SQL standard specifies that CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns values based on the start of the transaction. PostgreSQL provides the non-SQL-standard statement_timestamp() and clock_timestamp() which do change within a transaction. Docs here: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-datetime.html#FUNCTIONS-DATETIME-CURRENT UTC timestamp If you want to use UTC timestamps, a stub of implementation for func.utcnow() is provided in SQLAlchemy documentation. You need to provide appropriate driver-specific functions on your own though. A: DateTime doesn't have a default key as an input. The default key should be an input to the Column function. Try this: import datetime from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, DateTime from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base Base = declarative_base() class Test(Base): __tablename__ = 'test' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) created_date = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) A: You can also use sqlalchemy builtin function for default DateTime from sqlalchemy.sql import func DT = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=func.now())
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Nugush River Nugush River (, Nuguš; , Nögöş), also known as the Bolshoi Nugush River (, Boljšoj Nuguš), is a river in Bashkortostan in Russia, a right tributary of the Belaya River. The river is long, and its drainage basin covers . The Nugush freezes up in the first half of November and remains icebound until the second half of April. Nugush water reservoir storage External links On the river Nugush: distance to Nugush, extent, nature Category:Rivers of Bashkortostan
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Consumer health information and local health resources: MedlinePlus and My Health Minnesota --> Go Local Outreach Efforts. The University of Minnesota Health Sciences Libraries and an NLM Public Health Informationist Fellow are designing, implementing and evaluating outreach and training related to the My Health Minnesota --> Go Local project. The goal is to enhance the skills of public health and community based organizations in assisting community members with health information needs. Ultimately, this project seeks to improve health literacy among Minnesota citizens.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Q: What are these numbers after "MM, Bowing and Rhythm"? This Scales practice schedule from violin masterclass has numbers after MM, Bowing and Rhythm means. What do they mean? A: The picture shows the MM indication several times, first time MM=52 then a series of MM= without a number later on MM=40 and finalley MM= without a number MM indicates the metronome speed. So for the options without a number you probably decide the speed yourself. I can't think of any other meaning of MM in this context. As far as I know MM is an abreviation of Maelzel's Metronome, since Maelzel is the inventor. There have been other attempts in the past, trying to make a device that would indicate the time, like using a pendul. Reference: Metronome ELABORATION: @CarlWitthoft wrote this comment: The MM is straightforward. IT's the others that require checking the Introduction to the studies. Oh I see I have misunderstood the question. Well, after that misunderstanding I decided to go the violinmasterclass website to see what it is all about. After looking around on the site I will say this to @Mony who asked the question: If you go to the website and click on "Video Tutorials" and then click on "Scales, Arpeggios, and Double Stops" you end up at this place: Scales, Arpeggios, and Double Stops Here I suggest you watch the videos under the section "Scales". Maybe those videos will give an idea on what the numbers mean. If not you could click on "Contact Us" under "About Us" and simply ask.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Google Glass autism app is a real conversation-starter Although Google Glass never did reach the market, the technology could presumably be adapted to other smart glasses(Credit: vampy1/Depositphotos) Among other things, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have difficulty initiating and maintaining conversations. That's why a team of scientists, led by University of Toronto assistant professor Azadeh Kushki, created Holli. It's an app that presently runs on Google Glass, and it tells ASD kids what they should say next. "We developed software for a wearable system that helps coach children with autism spectrum disorder in everyday social interactions," says Kushki, who is also a scientist at Toronto's Bloorview Research Institute. "In this study, we show that children are able to use this new technology and they enjoy interacting with it." The system listens to what the user and another person are saying in a conversation, and recognizes commonly-used conversational prompts on the part of that other person. It then presents suitable responses for the user to choose from, in the glasses' display. If the other person were to greet the user by saying "Welcome," for instance, the user would be presented with responses such as "Hey," "Hello" or "Afternoon." Once Holli heard the user say one of those things, it would clear the display and wait to hear the next prompt. The app has been tested on 15 children with ASD, who were able to use it to carry on relatively smooth conversations. And although Google Glass never did reach the market, the technology could presumably be adapted to other smart glasses. "The interesting thing about our new technology is that we are not trying to replace human-to-human interactions; instead, we use this app to coach children who are communicating with people in real-world situations," says Kushki. "Children can practice their skills outside of their normal therapy sessions and it can provide them with increased independence in everyday interactions." Although Google Glass never did reach the market, the technology could presumably be adapted to other smart glasses(Credit: <a href="https://depositphotos.com/29285349/stock-photo-google-interactive-glass-glasses.html" rel="nofollow">vampy1/Depositphotos</a>)
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
‘Copenhagen’: An Exchange While taking up the invitation to make a few comments on the extensive articles by Thomas Powers and Michael Frayn published in the March 28, 2002, issue, I can’t suppress the thought that it might have been instructive to balance those pieces with others in the same issue by historians familiar with the matter they discuss. As to Mr. Powers’s piece, it is his attempt to show that the newly released Niels Bohr documents, despite their explicit contradictions to his thesis (see www.nba.nbi.dk), essentially “leave the rest pretty much where it was.” The implication throughout is that Mr. Powers’s widely read book, Heisenberg’s War (1993), and his many articles—in which the central theme was always that Heisenberg understood all along what had to be done to build a bomb, but kept it secret from everyone—also remain pretty much valid. Nowhere does Mr. Powers indicate where the new documents and other earlier critiques require any modification, even though, as Michael Frayn himself has remarked in one of his early postscripts, Mr. Powers has not found any historian to credit his basic idea. Mr. Powers’s defense is not unexpected. He is burdened with his published assessment that “something about Heisenberg’s visit to Copenhagen in 1941 deeply angered …Bohr,” whereas Heisenberg, “in comparison to Bohr…was a fount of candor and detail” [NYR, September 20, 2001]. But some of the details he offers now in the new article might mislead readers. One or two examples here must suffice. Thus he quotes Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker introducing a new idea, immediately after hearing that the Allies had succeeded in making an atomic bomb: “I believe the reason we didn’t do it was because all the physicists didn’t want to do it, on principle….” But Mr. Powers does not go on to cite the response, immediately following that remark, from Otto Hahn, one of the ten nuclear scientists present: “I don’t believe that”—which nobody there contradicted. Mr. Powers also does not refer to Max von Laue’s exposé that this new formulation was intended as a face-saving device. Nor does he cite Heisenberg’s remark on that same evening, during the discussion of how a bomb might be made, that in the spring 1942 meeting with the minister for research, “we convinced him that we had absolutely definite proof that it could be done.” (For context and explanatory details, see the authoritative book on the subject, Jeremy Bernstein’s Hitler’s Uranium Club: The Secret Recordings at Farm Hall, Copernicus Books, 2001, especially pages 115–140—whose author Mr. Frayn, in Postscript II to his published play Copenhagen, calls “the best informed and most fair-minded.”) We know from various documents, including the new ones from Bohr, that at least as late as 1941 Heisenberg was not the only German scientist who predicted Germany’s victory, and tried to persuade audiences in other countries to join in the pursuit of that victory. Mr. Powers, however, prefers to concentrate on Heisenberg’s disillusionment with Hitler’s war at its end. That misses an opportunity to help us understand the change. I feel sure that Werner Heisenberg, as shown through his many books and through several pleasant meetings I had with him after the war, was a highly cultured person imbued with German patriotism of the old sort. While, like many Germans, he was willing to give priority to the state regardless of its leadership, he quietly despised the Nazi authorities at least as much as they, in turn, were suspicious of him. Heisenberg seems to have kept his eye on an eventual resurrection of Germany after having somehow overcome Hitler, and regaining not least, with Heisenberg’s own help, its place in science. So Powers, using his space to reassert the credibility of his old, published thesis of Heisenberg as saboteur, might instead have helped us to explain the trajectory of Heisenberg’s change of mind and mood in those years, from the confident weaponeer and propagandist Bohr understood him to be in September 1941, to his disillusion as the final tragedy unfolded. Unlike Mr. Powers, Mr. Frayn began his essay with some gracious acknowledgments that some of the criticisms of his plays have substance and could be accepted. He is alert to the fact that when new materials come to light, historical assessments, in which he shows great interest, may have to be reconsidered. In the first postscript (1998) to his published playscript, he explained that what first aroused his interest in the Copenhagen encounter was Thomas Powers’s book, which he called “extraordinary and encyclopedic.” Later, in Postscript II in the edition of 2000, he tells that he came across the Farm Hall Papers in the book published by Bernstein, mentioned above. It opened his eyes to facts he had not known before, and he takes back half of his belief in Powers’s thesis. And now the ever-pregnant muse of history has brought forth yet more documents, and it resulted in his newly published, third postscript. But Mr. Frayn, while citing passages from Bohr’s documents, as did Mr. Powers, avoided using the extensive space made available to put the two crucial documents in the case side by side for comparison, namely at least the first and longest of Bohr’s drafts on one hand, and on the other hand Heisenberg’s letter to Robert Jungk (in Jungk’s book Brighter than a Thousand Suns, 1958, pp. 102–104), the letter (and book) that informed much of Powers’s ideas. These two documents, in which the two protagonists describe their respective recollections of their 1941 meeting, are fundamentally at odds, Bohr contradicting every major point in Heisenberg’s account. Instead of providing that service, Mr. Frayn takes umbrage (as he has done elsewhere) with my perception that his play, and especially his first postscript published with it, was closely patterned on the ideas of Mr. Powers. He allows I may have been “misled because in my postscript I speak warmly and gratefully about Powers’s book.” But in his heart of hearts, he avers he does not and never did believe Powers’s thesis about Heisenberg having sabotaged the bomb project. The vehemence of this attack has puzzled me. But the answer to the puzzle may be that, in pointing out the parallelism I mentioned, I have unwittingly bumped into an old, painful sore from another fight. At any rate, I have no trouble acknowledging that Mr. Frayn’s early, warm embrace of Mr. Powers may have misled me about his true feelings, as it might mislead anyone reading that first postscript. Still, what to do about such lines in his play as “Heisenberg’s” dramatic remarks: “I understood very clearly. I simply didn’t tell the others”? And later: “I wasn’t trying to build a bomb. Thank you.” Perhaps should the actor now deliver the lines with heavy irony? More problematic still is the second swipe at my previously published remarks that I was a bit startled (as were others in the audience during the play’s performance) to hear Frayn’s Heisenberg exult that his actions or inactions secured him a place in heaven, whereas Niels Bohr by implication seems to be assigned to the other place. A grotesque oversimplification and perversion of the actual moral balance, but all well and good—so long as we remember we are watching a gripping play, which is by definition a piece of fiction in which a good author induces the suspension of disbelief. But just here we come finally to the tragic flaw with Mr. Frayn’s own perception of his play. As the unusual succession of Mr. Frayn’s postscripts makes clear, he is not satisfied to have Copenhagen be and remain a work of fiction, along the lines of others in the genre such as Bertold Brecht’s Galileo or, for that matter, Shakespeare’s historical dramas—plays that retain their authenticity regardless of how far they diverge from the actual events on which they drew initially for inspiration. On the contrary, Mr. Frayn evidently has an agenda—to make a moral judgment about the actual persons, Heisenberg and Bohr. He speaks now of the audience drawing “its own moral conclusions.” And a recent interview with Mr. Frayn, published in The New York Times (February 9, 2002), goes further. He concludes with his relative moral assessment of the actual, not the fictional persons—one who had in fact been working with varying degrees of enthusiasm for Germany’s war machine, the other who had to flee for his life and came too late to Los Alamos to have a significant technical effect there. Frayn said: “Heisenberg didn’t, in fact, kill anyone…,” whereas Bohr “did actually contribute to the death of many people….” In short, unlike almost all dramatists, Mr. Frayn wants to have it both ways—a work of fiction and, interspersed with it, a factual documentary with a moral message. But that entails a fundamental conflict. The ever-living volcano of those historic times will continue to emit newly found documents that will keep historians busy, and will also require Mr. Frayn to issue yet more exculpatory postscripts. While I have no standing in Mr. Frayn’s profession, perhaps I may offer him a personal suggestion: the thing’s a play, a fine, award-winning piece of fiction for the theater, a work of great dramatic power. That should be enough. As John Keats wrote in 1817 so memorably, great authors should be “capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.” Gerald Holton Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and Professor of History of Science Emeritus Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts To the Editors: When, in Michael Frayn’s Copenhagen, Bohr avers that Heisenberg was “ahead of Fermi” in June 1942, the statement is designed to mislead. The implication is that even this late the Germans still had prospects for an atomic bomb. Absent this, Frayn’s Heisenberg could not in good faith have proposed a nuclear “truce” to Bohr. Nor could the necessary illusion be maintained that matters of great consequence teetered anxiously in the balance. In reality, Germany had fallen far behind the Allies by then, with no U-235 or plutonium isolated; a failed isotope separation technology; and a hopelessly discouraging critical mass estimate. Neither the military officials of the Heereswaffenamt nor any informed scientist still believed a bomb was a realistic possibility. One of Heisenberg’s exploratory experiments did yield a higher neutron multiplication factor than Fermi’s; but Fermi, long past such improvisation, was already methodically scaling up the graphite reactor design that, a few months later, produced the world’s first chain reaction. A more elaborate casuistry underlies the play’s pivotal trope, the fantasy that Heisenberg, checked by unconscious scruple, withheld himself from the critical mass calculation that would have put a bomb in Hitler’s hands. German wartime reports leave no doubt that Heisenberg did do such a calculation, first in a December 1939 technical report and again after realizing that fast neutrons were essential. Like Bohr, Peierls, Flügge, and others who had considered the problem, Heisenberg mistakenly concluded that tons of U-235 would be required. We know the details because the real Heisenberg recapitulated them three times in the Farm Hall reports, in passages Frayn carefully avoids in the thirty-five speeches he devotes to misdirecting us. Before this discouraging result, Heisenberg displayed no detectable reluctance to proceed toward a bomb. The “mysterious” lack of zeal endowed by Frayn and Powers with such significance is no mystery at all. As to Heisenberg’s hypothetical ascent to heaven, any irony might be easier to detect if so much in the play had not been turned to improving Heisenberg’s chances. Frayn’s Nazis are evil, but offstage, while the suffering of Germany and Heisenberg’s elevated moral agonies are vividly present. Heisenberg’s willing propaganda visits to Nazi-occupied Hungary, Poland, and Holland go unmentioned. The suppression of “Jewish physics” is cited; but only to display Heisenberg as an embattled victim. There is a Gestapo; but Werner Heisenberg is its principal victim. Auschwitz is also invoked; but as an occasion to sow doubt about Goudsmit’s critique of Heisenberg’s easy rationales. The plight of Denmark’s Jews is described; but only to insinuate a (wholly invented) connection for Heisenberg with the anti-Nazi resistance. Strategically supplied just before the elegy of Heisenberg’s perilous journey home through the smoking ruins, this treacly dose of disinformation seems intended to forestall the queasiness a historically informed audience might reasonably feel at this point. Just before Heisenberg places into heaven himself and the SS man (whom I take to have been inserted to provide “ironic” cover), he has willingly assented to Bohr’s observation that while he himself never contributed to the death of a solitary person, Bohr is complicit “in the deaths of a hundred thousand people.” Any doubt of Frayn’s own, un-ironic investment in this moral inversion was dispelled in a February 9 New York Times interview where Frayn offered up the observation as a reasonable judgment, this time in his own voice. Jonothan Logan New York City Thomas Powers replies: Before replying to Gerald Holton’s comments in detail I think it would be useful to remind him and interested readers why we are debating Heisenberg’s role in the German bomb program more than fifty years after the end of the war. At the core of the controversy is a problem—facts which do not sit easily together and require explanation. Put briefly, the problem in this case is comprised of the following facts: The German army was quick to understand that the discovery of fission in early 1939 meant it might be possible to build extremely powerful bombs of a new type. Heisenberg and other scientists were drafted in the first weeks of the war to investigate this possibility and by the turn of the year 1941–1942 had completed the most difficult theoretical work, concluding that the critical mass of fissionable material required for a bomb would be on the order of ten to one hundred kilograms. But despite the success of this early work the German army canceled its program of atomic research in February 1942. Diehard supporters of the program tried to revive it by appealing to Hitler’s newly appointed czar of the economy, Albert Speer, but at a meeting of several score leading military and scientific figures in Berlin in June 1942 Heisenberg argued persuasively, as he had earlier, that building a bomb would be too big, expensive, and uncertain a project for Germany in wartime. Research continued until war’s end on building a reactor, but Germany’s efforts to build an atomic bomb, never large, came to a complete halt in June 1942—the very month, ironically, that the American Manhattan Project got underway. The argument now is focused not so much on what Heisenberg did as it is on why he did it. It is my belief that Heisenberg and several other scientists stressed the difficulties of a bomb program because they did not want to build a bomb for Hitler. This is not a complicated idea but I can assure readers it has proved to be a controversial one. In his comments, Gerald Holton misrepresents what I think in two ways. I have never argued that Heisenberg “sabotaged” the German bomb project—a word which suggests skulking at midnight, hiding the blueprints, and putting sugar in gas tanks. Instead, I think he found a way of leading it into a closet where it languished for the remainder of the war as a low-level research effort with the useful side effect of keeping a number of promising young physicists out of the army. Heisenberg did this, in my opinion, by using his authority as a Nobel Prize winner to stress the magnitude of the project, an argument which both the German military and Albert Speer had to take seriously, not least because Heisenberg was its source. One significant aspect of Heisenberg’s meeting with Bohr in 1941 is what it reveals about his thinking nine months before the meeting with Speer. That Bohr was angry, and that Heisenberg told him about the German bomb program, we have long known. The new Bohr documents confirm and enrich our knowledge of both, but, brief as they are, they certainly cannot “contradict” Heisenberg’s account. If Bohr remembered that Heisenberg had arrived wearing a hat, would that “contradict” Heisenberg’s memory that he was also carrying an umbrella? It was news of the bomb that Bohr remembered, and why Heisenberg told him about it is what historians need to explain. Holton also suggests wrongly that my book’s “central theme was always that Heisenberg understood all along what had to be done to build a bomb, but kept it secret from everyone….” I do believe that Heisenberg understood how to calculate critical mass—the one relatively difficult theoretical question on the way to building fission bombs—but he certainly did not keep it secret from everyone. He gave a correct figure to both Otto Hahn and Manfred von Ardenne in late 1941, and a February 1942 paper by the German Ordnance Office, summing up research since the beginning of the war, gave a roughly correct figure for critical mass of ten to one hundred kilograms—Heisenberg certainly had not kept the all-important figure secret from the authors of that paper. Nevertheless, some scientists running the atomic research effort at the end of the war did believe the critical mass figure was two tons, and it appears that they got the figure from Heisenberg. For some reason Heisenberg was giving a different estimate for critical mass to different people—“a few kilograms” to Otto Hahn, two tons to Walter Gerlach, titular head of the German research effort in 1945. To me it seems natural to wonder why he did this. Jonothan Logan, however, is not in a wondering mood. The tenor of his letter—“designed to mislead,” “elaborate casuistry,” “insinuate,” “treacly dose of disinformation,” “queasiness”—hardly seems intended to invite conversation. It is evident he doesn’t like Michael Frayn’s play; but his only substantive point is the claim that Heisenberg came up with a figure of tons in a December 1939 technical report on reactor design. I do not think Logan is right about this, but even if he were it would not negate the evidence already cited above that Heisenberg had calculated an accurate figure in 1941. It would only show that Heisenberg was giving a different figure to different people at the beginning of the war, as well as at the end. Finally, Michael Frayn did indeed, as Holton says, remark in an earlier essay that I had not persuaded any historian to agree with my conclusions about Heisenberg—something I had told him. What I meant was simple enough: none of the eight or ten historians who have worked on this question abandoned previous positions to adopt mine. David Cassidy, Heisenberg’s biographer, warned me at an early stage that opinions about Heisenberg were set in concrete and nothing I wrote would be likely to change them. I blush to admit I hoped otherwise because I felt I had found so much new evidence. But Cassidy was right. As a result, when I debate Holton or others I try but do not expect to bring them around on a point or two, but at the same time I am trying just as hard, with more hope, simply to arouse the curiosity of those listening in. Curiosity is the essential ingredient. If I have a quarrel with Holton it is that he appears to lack curiosity. He tells us that he had “several pleasant meetings” with Heisenberg after the war but apparently never asked him about the already famous meeting with Bohr in Copenhagen in 1941. In fairness, Holton isn’t the only one; many scientists were too shy to ask either Heisenberg or Bohr about the exchange. But in his comments now Holton does not even appear to share the curiosity of Bohr, expressed in the last versions of his unsent letters, where he wonders “what authorization might have been given to you by the German government to touch upon such a dangerous question….” Holton is a historian of science, and I hope Bohr’s question will not only arouse Holton’s curiosity, but that he will even make an effort to find out the answer. Michael Frayn replies: I’m pleased that Jonothan Logan now accepts that Heisenberg in June 1942 was ahead of Fermi in terms of neutron multiplication, but I’m baffled by his suggestion that the play is in any way trying to obscure or detract from Fermi’s overall success. I’m even more baffled by his suggestion that I’m using this brief lead to support Heisenberg’s claim that he hoped to propose some kind of physicists’ understanding to Bohr. The meeting with Bohr had already occurred nine months earlier, and Bohr agrees that Heisenberg indicated to him the point at issue—the existence of a nuclear weapons program in Germany. Jonothan Logan and Professor Holton are of course entitled to their idiosyncratic perceptions of my play. I’ve already commented on the specific objections raised once again by Holton, and I’ve already offered in the postscript to the text a brief but I hope fair summary of the conflicting evidence for whether Heisenberg had ever made a serious attempt at calculating the critical mass, and if so with what result. Logan, though, seems to be suggesting that Heisenberg’s encounter with the SS man is my invention. Not so; it’s based on what Heisenberg told his wife. Holton and Logan both seem to have objections to my mentioning that Bohr was involved in the production of the bombs that succeeded in killing 100,000 people. I’m not clear, though, whether they are disputing the fact of his involvement (peripheral but not nugatory, as the play makes clear), or the (very conservative) estimate of the casualties, or simply my referring to the matter at all.
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Pages Thursday, 21 November 2013 The ghosts of Stationers' Hall In 1403 an enterprising group of booksellers (known as stationers) set up a fraternity of tradesmen. A few hundred years later in 1670, after the great fire of London, they built themselves a beautiful meeting place, called The Stationers' Hall, a stone's throw from St Paul's Cathedral. They could hardly have predicted that several centuries later, a swarm of opinionated women would storm their hall, ready to challenge the male establishment. Thanks to the London Press Club, we had all been invited to attend a forum on women in media led by a female panel from journalism's frontline. "I feel personally that I have got a responsibility in the way we portray women," Carla Buzasi, editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post UK, told us in her opening salvo. She believes women bloggers are "worried about putting themselves out there" and has deliberately put female role models on her front page to set an example. Kay Burley, the veteran Sky News presenter, said Sky was also working hard to improve its representation of women. After noting that only one in seven of its interviewees were women, the broadcaster has now brought this down to one in three. "Women are more hesitant and say that they are not sure they can be in front of the camera," said Kay. "I tell them, 'Of course you can - the only thing holding you back is yourself.'" On the same theme, Lisa Markwell, editor of The Independent on Sunday, revealed that she had recently nixed a risque photograph of actress/singer Miley Cyrus from her front page. As Carla pointed out, "We have female sensibilities that we bring to our roles." Sitting in the audience you began to realise that despite small victories in sexual equality, these women were still pioneers, blazing a trail in a land of casual chauvinism. To prove that women still attracted unwarranted criticism, Lisa recalled how a male MP had recently called Kay "a bit dim" on air during an interview. It was clear that all of the panelists had worked hard for their careers, making personal sacrifices along the way: the chair, Anne McElvoy of the London Evening Standard, joked she had practically given birth under her desk. Most of the others only took three months maternity leave before they were back at their posts. In light of this, it was comforting to hear about Carla's efforts to ensure that her staff had a life outside of the office. "The mothers in my team go home on time." She alone offered a glimpse of a utopian future where women might genuinely be able to balance a successful career with family life. I suspect we are still a long way off, but perhaps with more "female sensibilities" in charge, part-time jobs will no longer be the road to nowhere and office hours will tie in with school schedules. Now what would the ghosts of Stationers' Hall make of that? Listen to my interview on Radio Gorgeous today where I do my bit for the representation of women in the media by talking about the trailblazers of the 1970s.
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INTRODUCTION {#sec1-1} ============ Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can be maintained in culture in a self-renewing state and differentiate into all three embryonic germ layers. Although they hold great promise for regenerative medicine, hESC-based therapy faces several challenges. Concerns have been raised regarding their genetic stability. Although not fully understood, challenges also exist over epigenetic stability. Epigenetic changes make nuclear program altered without changing the primary DNA sequence. Because epigenetic changes can substantially modify cellular behavior and are mitotically and meiotically heritable, investigation of the epigenetic properties of human hESC is desirable prior to considering their use in vivo. Epigenetic state is one of the hESCs states that enables stem cells with the unique properties to self renew or differentiate into any cell type in the body. The hESC state may be influenced by the manner in which ESCs are derived and maintained. Recent studies have showed that the efficiency of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells formation is enhanced upon addition of valporic acid, an inhibitor of histone deacetylases, to the culture medium. Sodium butyrate, a naturally occurring short-chain fatty acid, supports the extensive self-renewal of mouse embryonic stem cell (hESCs) and[@CIT1] X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) phenomenon has been used to examine the epigenetic stability of hESC. Because XCI is one of the first measurable epigenetic changes in the early mammalian embryo and is coincident with differentiation, XCI marker serves as an excellent tool to investigate the epigenetic behavior of hESC. XCI is a mechanism to compensate gene load difference between XY males and XX females in mammals. During early embryogenesis, one of two X-chromosomes in every cell is inactivated, and stably inherited through cell division of somatic cells.[@CIT2] XIST makes a noncoding RNA required to initiate silencing during XCI. Before XCI in mESCs, *XIST* is expressed at low level. Upon cell differentiation and the onset of XCI, XIST RNA is transcriptionally induces and forms a cloud around the inactive X (Xi). However, it is known that the two X chromosomes are active in oocytes, indicating that the inactive X chromosome must be reactivated during germ cell development. The reactivation of inactive X chromosome occurs at least twice during mammalian development, once in the epiblast cell lineage at the peri implantation stage and once in the primordial germ cells (PGCs) at the midgestation.[@CIT2] The dynamics of X chromosome activity is tightly correlated with major genomic reprogramming events occurring during mammalian development. Recently, 11 distinct hESC lines have been studied in order to investigate their epigenetic properties by using XCI markers mainly studying *XIST* expression. Unlike mESCs, hESCs are pre-XCI and there is variability of *XIST* expression among different hESC lines.[@CIT3] These cell lines can be subgrouped into three classes. Class I line has the capacity to recapitulate XCI when induced to differentiate in culture. Class II cells have already undergone XCI. In class III cell lines, despite losing tirmethylation of histone H3-K27 (H3K27me3), there is a tendency to lose XIST RNA expression. Histone lysine methylation has been shown to index silenced chromatin regions at pericentric heterochromatin or of the inactive X chromosome.[@CIT4] H3K27me3 is a repressive chromatin mark. Recently, 3- deazaneplanocin A (DZNep) was discovered to selectively inhibit H3K27me3. DZNep affects multiple histone methyltransferases and can epigenetically reactivate a different cohort of genes.[@CIT5] In the current study, our goal was to reprogram class II cell lines to class I by using DZNep as H3K27me3 methyltransferase inhibitor, and sodium butyrate as histone deacetylase inhibitor which enhances self-renewal status of embryonic stem cells and also up-regulates germ-cell specific markers.[@CIT1] We used three Class II hESC lines: HSF6-8, HSF6-10, and HSF6-S9. METHODS {#sec1-2} ======= {#sec2-1} ### Cells and Drug Treatment {#sec3-1} Initial lines of hESC (HSF6-8, HSF6-10, and HSF6-S9) were cultured on a feeder layer of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF). Human ESC culture medium (hESM) was consisted of DMEM/f12 supplemented with 100ml KSR, 2.5 ml L-glutamine, 500 μl BME, and 5 ml nonessential amino acids. Then cells were treated with 0.1 μM DZNep and 0.2 mM sodium butyrate. ### Histone Protein Extraction {#sec3-2} Human Embryonic stem cells were harvested and washed twice with ice-cold PBS. Cells were re-suspended in Triton Extraction Buffer (TEB: PBS containing 0.5% Triton X 100 (v/v), 2mM phenylmethylsufonyl fluoride (PMSF), 0.02% (w/v) NaN2) with a cell density of 10^7^ cells per ml. Cells were lysed for 10 min using gentle stirring, and centrifuged at 6500× g for 10 minutes at 4 degree C to spin down the nuclei. Pellet was re-suspended in 0.2 N HCl at a density of 4x10^7^ nuclei per ml. The extract was stored overnight at 4 degree C. Samples were centrifuged at 6500xg for 10 minutes to pellet debris. Supernatant was stored and the histone concentration was detected by Commassie Blue. ### Western Blots {#sec3-3} Cells were harvested by treatment with Try-pLE express. Cells were lysed using 1.0 ml hypotonic lysis buffer (10mM Tris-HCl, 1.5mM MgCl~2~ 10mM KCl, 0.34M sucrose, 10% glycerol,40μl of PI stock solution, and 1.0 μl of DTT). Nuclear histones were separated on 16% SDS-polyacrylamide gels at 200v, 150mA for an hour and stained with commasie blue. Equal amounts of protein were separated in SDS-polyacrylamide gels and transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes. The blots were probed with antibodies against histone H3, H3K27me3, and H3K4me3. RESULTS {#sec1-3} ======= {#sec2-2} ### Differential Expression of XCI Marker in Cultures of Female hESC Lines {#sec3-4} Using immunostaining of H3K27me3, cultures of female HSF6-8, HSF6-10, and HSF6-S9 cells showed 0-50% of XCI marker. Cells were stained with DAPI (a dye binding to DNA), Oct4 (a stem cell marker), and H3K27me3. In a subset of stem cell population, H3K27me3 accompanied Xi, however, some H3K27me3 didn't accompany Xi ([Fig. 1](#F0001){ref-type="fig"}). The absence of H3K27me3 marker is not indicative of X chromosome loss. X chromosome DNA FISH in a subset of cells which didn't have H3K27me3 enrichment along with Xi, showed the presence of two X chromosomes ([Fig. 2](#F0002){ref-type="fig"}). ![hESC lines have heterogeneous H3K27me3 deposition associated with Xi. A: In the stem cell population presented in panel A half of the cells don't have H3K27me3 marker associated with XCI. DAPI is a fluorescent stain which binds to DNA. Oct4 is a stem cell marker.](IJPVM-2-73-g001){#F0001} ![Loss of XCI associated with H3K27me3 marker is not due to loss of X chromosome. Merge picture of Xchromosome DNA FISH and H3K27me3 marker suggests that Loss of H3K27me3 marker in a subset of cells is not due to the loss of X-Chromosome. DNA FISH shows two X-Chromosomes even in the absence of H3K27me3.](IJPVM-2-73-g002){#F0002} ### Optimization of DZNep Concentration and Colony Morphology {#sec3-5} In cancer treatment, DZNep is used with high concentration (10μM) in order to induce apoptosis in cancerous cells, and reactivate genes which have became silent by cancer development. Therefore, in the current study the DZNep concentration should have been optimized. NaBu was added at 0.2 mM during three passages and then different concentrations of DZNep were added. The optimal concentration for growing colonies of DZNep seemed to be 0.1 μM ([Fig. 3](#F0003){ref-type="fig"}). Healthy, undifferentiated HSF6-8, HSF6-10, and HSF6-S9 colonies treated with 0.2μM NaBu, and 0.1μM DZNep seemed to have well-defined uniform borders and the individual cells within the colony appeared to be similar. More cells per colony were observed compared to the untreated colonies ([Fig. 4](#F0004){ref-type="fig"}). ![Optimization of DZNep concentration and the colony morphology: NaBu was added at 0.2 mM during three passages and then DZNep was added at different concentrations. 0.1 μM of DZNep seemed to be the optimal concentration for growing colonies.](IJPVM-2-73-g003){#F0003} ![Colony Morphology. Treated cells with NaBu and DZNep appeared to have more cells per colony, and cells have typical stem cell appearance with less differentiation. p: passaging, B: NaBu.](IJPVM-2-73-g004){#F0004} ### hESCs Treated With DZNep Show Tendency to Lose XCI H3K27me3 Marker {#sec3-6} Immunostaining analyses showed that cells tend to lose H3K27me3 enrichment associated with Xi by several passages. This effect was prominent when NaBu was added to cells for 11 passages. Cells lost H3K27me3 marker by 70%. Treating cells with DZNep for five passages caused cells to lose H3K27me3 by 90% ([Fig. 5](#F0005){ref-type="fig"}). ![hESCs treated with DZNep show tendency to lose H3K27me3 marker. A: After several passaging hESCs tend to lose H3K27me3 marker naturally. B: hESCs treated with sodium butyrate lose H3K27me3 50% faster than the control cells. C: hESCs treated with both sodium butyrate and DZNep show dramatic effect on losing H3K27me3 marker.](IJPVM-2-73-g005){#F0005} ### X-Chromosomes are associated with Euchromatic Region in Reprogrammed Cells {#sec3-7} HSF1 male cell line immunostained with H3K4me3 (a euchromatic region marker) showed homogenous red color with no exclusion mark which is indicative of a heterochromatic region. X-chromosome DNA FISH showed one active X chromosome ([Fig. 6A](#F0006){ref-type="fig"}). In a subpopulation of HSF6-10 cell line, there was a homogenous staining for H3K4me3 with no exclusion mark, and DNA FISH showed the presence of two active X chromosomes ([Fig. 6B](#F0006){ref-type="fig"}). In another subset of HSF6 (10) cell line, there was an exclusion mark in H3K4me3 staining, and DNA FISH showed two X chromosomes ([Fig. 6C](#F0006){ref-type="fig"}). ![X-Chromosome is associated with Euchromatic region in reprogrammed cells. A : DNA FISH using an X chromosome specific probe was performed on HSF1 male cell line. All cells have one active X chromosome. H3K4me3 (a euchromatic region marker) is shown in red. B : H3K4me3 immunostaining and DNA FISH for X chromosome in HSF6 (10) treated cells show two active X chromosomes. C : Some portion of HSF6 (10) treated cells shows resistance to reprogramming and still has one inactive X-chromosome.](IJPVM-2-73-g006){#F0006} ### Western Blot Analyses Showed no Global Changes in Trimethylation of H3K27 and H3K4 {#sec3-8} Control cells had no drug added. NaBu and DZNep were added to treated cells with 0.2μM and 0.1μM concentrations respectively. Western analyses of HSF6-8, HSF6-10, and HSF6-S9 control cells, treated cells with NaBu, and treated cells with NaBu and DZNep showed no global changes in trimethylation of H3K27 and H3K4. Histone H3 was the loading control. The trimethylation of H3K27 demonstrated no obvious changes in control and treated cells ([Fig. 7](#F0007){ref-type="fig"}). ![Western blot analyses show no global changes in H3K27 trimethylation. The western analyses show no global changes in H3K27 trimethylation. There are the same level of H3K27me3 and H3K4me3 in control and treated cells. Histone H3 is the loading control. \* Samples with more cells per colony.](IJPVM-2-73-g007){#F0007} DISCUSSION {#sec1-4} ========== In order to mimic *in vivo* germ cell development pathway, hESCs should be in their native state, and keep their native state during passages. Three classes of hESC lines derived from ICM of developing blastocyst are similar in their pluripotency potential and forming teratomas when injected to mice. The different point among them is H3K27me3 enrichment deposited in Xi. Also, these three classes have different expression of XIST RNA. Class I cell lines with active X chromosomes are the ones which resembles the in vivo system. However, hESC lines are usually a kind of class II and class III, and even if they are class I, they would transform to class II or III through passaging. Treated cells with 0.2mM NaBu and 0.1mM DZNep formed colonies with typical stem cell colony appearance which indicates that these two drugs would not interfere with self-renewal state of the cells. Additionally, treated cells had more cells per colony which suggests that the drugs even promote the self-renewal state. Less differentiation in treated cells compared the controls suggests that the differentiation pathway would stop or slow down by NaBu and DZNep. The loss of H3K27me3 associated with Xi confirmed by immunostaining analyses suggests that NaBu and DZNep have ability to change H3K27 modification. H3K4me3 staining confirmed the existence of two active X chromosomes. In H3K4me3 staining there was no exclusion mark which suggests that both X chromosomes were active. Immunostaining results indicate that 30% of treated class II cells have been reprogrammed to Class I. H3K27me3 is a suppressing marker. Naturally, many genes should be kept silent, such as oncogenes. Paternally or maternally expressed genes should become silent in the other parent. Therefore, the integrity maintences of necessary silent genes are crucial. Western blot analyses showed that NaBu and DZNep didn't change the global trimethylation of H3K27 and H3K4, and they selectively change the trimethylation of H3K27 associated with Xi. Therefore, using these two drugs with mentioned concentrations is safe, and won't have any global effect. For future direction, we want to perform differentiation assays to confirm the proper reprogramming process. Also, gene expression assays seem to be informative for investigating gene expression profiles between control and treated cells. In order to rule out any chromosomal abnormality causing by DZNep and NaBu, cytogenetic analysis is necessary. Finally, investigating the effects of NaBu and DZNep in newly developed cell lines will further confirm the ability of the drugs to epigenetically reprogram class II cell lines to the class I. **Conflict of interest statement:** All authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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2008 Spring Newsletter - About Globe Spinners About Globe Spinners A Quarterly Newsletter on FOI Adoptions from China Spring 2008 Although this story is fictional, certain elements have been borrowed from historical fact. Below are some interesting details about this period in China’s long and fascinating history. The Tang Dynasty The Tang Dynasty: Tai Tsung The Tang Dynasty began on June 18 in the year 618 and ended Emperior Tai Tsung was Meet the Fuwa – the discover the Beijing alsoknown as Li Shih-min. Beijing Olympics mascots Olympic sports symbols Family Outreach International Issue No 43 Printed July 2008 1(613)789-8677 [email protected] www.familyoutreach.com June 4, 907. It followed the Sui Dynasty and came before the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period. The Tang Dynasty was He was born in the year Thirty-five interrupted briefly between October 16, 690 and March 3, 705 by 597 and died in 649. In Chinese culture, an affectionate figures that the Second Zhou Dynasty (under Wu Zetien’s rule). Tai Tsung was considered way of calling children is by evoke images of by many to be one of the doubling a syllable in their name. ancient Chinese Costumes from the Tang Dynasty greatest emperors of The Olympic mascots who are characters were China. He was said to be depicted as playful children have designed as very intelligent, brave been given names such as icons to identify and open-minded--- “Beibei” and“JingJing” If you say the Olympics sports such although he also had their names together: “Bei Jing as wrestling, soccer, many faults and was by Huan Ying Ni”, you are saying fencing and so on. many accounts a brutal “Beijing welcomes you”. politician. Tai Tsung’s most significant deeds as emperor included better trade routes into India and Persia, creating a strong central government and making communication 08 – 08 – 08 Li Yuan, whose family was part of the military elite during the Sui systems across the country more efficient. Dynasty, founded the Tang Empire after the former collapsed. Li Yuan ruled until the Empire was taken over by his son, Tai Tsung Kao Tsung in the year 626. Kao Tsung was born in 628 and died in 683. He During the Tang Dynasty the nation’s first census was taken became emperor upon his father’s death in 649 but which reported the population to be about 80 million people. This ruled only briefly. He became paralysed from a period was also marked by a modernized legal system and well- stroke in 655, enabling his wife, Wu Zetien, to take organized government. It was also considered a positive time for control of the empire. the working classes who benefited from lowered taxes and other Wu Zetien forms of support. The Tang emperors were influenced by Wu Zetien ruled ... and experience Olympic Buddhism, which became popular during this period. unofficially from celebrations expressed as art 655. She officially became the first Snow empress of China in 690 and rule until her death in 705. She is credited with reducing the power of the military and the aristocracy (the wealthy class) and introducing a requirement for government officers to pass exams prior to joining the public service. She greatly improved the status of women and the peasantry (the poorer class), increased public services and established Buddhist hospitals. She was regarded by many as a great leader Recreation at the statue of Buddha losana in Luoyang, central but, as with Tai Tsung, was a powerful force China of the Buddha-worship ritual performed by Wu Zetien that many dared not cross. Young AUTHORS Corner Globe Spinners Tai Tsung’s Court Chapter 9: Homeward Bound Adopting Ruby Having saved the royal throne from the clutches of the Emperor’s evil brother, the tired and homesick time-travellers use the magic globe to return home. My name is Chelsea. I am eight years old. I was adopted from China when I was 10 months old. I also have a sister who was adopted from China two years later. Her Grace took a deep breath and waited for the now After a short but heated debate over who should hold name is Averie, she is six years old and is lots of fun. A few years later, my mom said familiar dizzy feeling to fade. “Ok, so not the easiest on to the globe for safekeeping, Grace reluctantly she would be adopting another Chinese girl and that she would be a Special Needs agreed to leave the piece at her cousins’ house. She way to travel,” she said faintly. baby. When I heard this I felt excited that there would be another member in the knew Clarke and Martine were right. She would not be family. My mom decoded to call our new baby Ruby Joy. My mom explained that it Grace watched her two cousins as they too recovered able to resist the temptation to tamper with it at home would be a long time until she would be leaving. from the effects of the journey through space and time. and trying to sneak it past her aunt and uncle AND her Clarke held his head seemingly in an effort to keep it More months passed and my mom started getting pictures of our new little sister. I own parents could be risky. soon found that the handicap that my sister had was that she was born without ears! I from spinning, while Martine winced and hugged her stomach. After accepting a ride home with her aunt, Grace was amazed! She also had a cleft palate. This is a hole in the roof of the mo0unth. walked quickly through the front door of her home. She When I saw the first A few minutes passed before anyone spoke. passed her father in the living room reading a pictures of Ruby I Chelsea, Averie & Ruby “Did that all really happen?” said Martine, breaking the newspaper. “Hi dad,” she said calmly, trying to hide thought she looked a Cheel Chelsea Cheel silence. “Or did we just wake up from some kind of her excitement over recent events. little strange. I thought mega real dream?” St Catharines ON living with a girl “Hi Gracie,” her dad replied. “How was your visit with without ears would not “No. It happened,” answered Grace. “It really Clarke and Martine?” be comfortable. After happened.” “Good,” said Grace heading down the hall to her room. some more months Grace and Martine turned to look at Clarke who had “You know, same old stuff.” passed my mom just stood up. “Listen. We can’t tell anyone…and I started packing her “Good. Good,” called her father as she left the room, mean ANYONE about this,” Clarke instructed in the suitcases with clothes his eyes still directed at the paper in front of him. voice that usually meant ‘I’m the oldest and I’m in and toys for the long Once in her room, Grace turned on her computer. She charge’. trip to China. My mom eagerly went online and entered “Wu Zetien” as the asked my grandma “You’re right,” said Grace. “First, no one will believe us search string. Selecting the first link that appeared, and my granddad to and second, if anyone did, this little device could fall Grace was not terribly surprised with what she read. look after me and my into the wrong hands.” sister for two whole “But don’t you think we should at least tell our Wu Zetien, also known as Wu Hou or Wu Chao, was weeks. I was very sad parents?” suggested Martine. “This is pretty big. Too born into a wealthy and well-connected Chinese when I had to say goodbye to my mom. The taxi came and my mom got in to drive to the airport. My big for us to keep to ourselves.” family in the year 625. At the tender age of 14 she granddad looked after me for the first few days and then my grandma looked after “No. Absolutely not!” shrieked Grace. “They get upset joined the Emperor’s court. When Wu Zetien was 27, me. Living with my grandma was not easy but I got over it in no time. I had lots of fun when we cross the street on our own. They’d never let the Emperor, Tai Tsung, died and control of the with my grandma. Over the week my Grandma took us many places one of the us use the globe again.” Empire passed to his son, Kao Tsung. Several years places she took us to was to the library. There we got books and my grandma got us later, Wu Zetien married Kao Tsung, thus becoming a treat. She got us chocolate milk! We had lots of fun. “What?!” cried Clarke and Martine in unison. “Are you crazy?” said Martine, her face unable to hide empress. When her husband become ill, Wu Zetien Finally the day came to drive to the airport see my mom. We had to wait a long time. unofficially took power and continued to reign But finally my mom came . I was so happy to see them both. Ruby did not look at all the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. through her son after her husband’s death. The like what I had thought, but she sure was cute. We talked and talked in the taxi on the “You mean you want to try this again? We barely made empress was officially named Emperor in the year way home. Ruby was looking all around and we were all looking at her. When we got it back home this time. We may not be so lucky a 690, and became the first and only female to hold this home we had a Welcome Home Party. We stayed up very late. second time,” Clarke said firmly. position. Now Ruby has been in Canada for almost a year. It seems that we have had Ruby Grace knew when she couldn’t win an argument. It is said that Zetien credited her rise in power in part forever. Ruby has new hearing aids. Ruby’s mouth has been fixed, and she has a “Alright. No plans to time-travel again for now. But we to the assistance of three foreigners from a distant special Speech Therapist so she is learning to talk. Sometimes she is a pest but still can’t tell anyone, not even our parents. I don’t nation although neither the existence nor the identity most of the time she is lots of fun. We love her a lot! know how they would react.” of these foreigners has ever been confirmed….  Life with our Special Needs baby is the best thing in the world. Ok. Agreed,” said Clarke. “Grace and Clarke looked at Martine. Martine sighed. “Alright. Agreed,” she said finally. My Special Day The Annual Photo When I was a baby, I was in an orphanage. The woman who adopted me always dreamed of having a daughter, but could not. This woman’s Roundup (con’t) name was Barbara June Ross. Barbara is now my mom! When my new mom and I came back to Canada from China, there were Ellie (4) Steele The photos that didn’t so many people waiting for us at the airport! Everyone was holding Victoria BC presents for me! All these people were now my new friends and family. make it into the When I got to my new home, I finally saw my new room. After a nice Winter newsletter sleep, my mom took me to the park the next day. Then we went to a friend’s house where I met Birgitta, Frida and Linnea. Linnea and I met Isabella (16m) & Leah (5) Manuel by bumping into each other. Today I am 10 years old, I live with my Toronto ON wonderful mommy and Linnea is STILL my friendi Emma Ross (10) I am so thankful to have a mom and caring friends like Linnea. I am Mississauga, ON thankful because I was the one baby to get picked out of so many others! I love that I have a family and that I have so many friends. The best part about being adopted is being loved by everyone. Now I have a wonderful future to look forward to! The Sichuan Earthquake Back to China With Yulin Twelve day trips will be held in March and in April , 2009. With enough interest, there will be an early July trip as well. The trips are designed for school-age children. Families will visit cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou and Beijing. Opportunities will be available to visit orphanage cities and orphanages. Children will participate in a school half-day hosted by a class of similar age children. You can see trip stories and a typical itinerary on our website at www.familyoutreach.com Kai Lin (3½ ) Hogue If you are interested visit our website and let us know Kingston Ontario of your preferred travel time, and how many adults and The earthquake damaged a vast physical and children may be coming. economic infrastructure – estimates are in the area of The cost of the inChina portion of the trip will be about $7B to $8B . Scores of thousands of people were $2,900 for a couple and about $800 for a child sharing killed; hundreds of thousands injured, and half a a room with parents(costs depend on exchange rate) . million displaced. This does not include Canada-China airfare and a visit Reconstruction and relief efforts are ongoing and will to a child’s orphanage. continue for months and years. Emma (3½) Carne Many families have expressed their concern for the Lost & Found Burlington ON earthquake victims. The proceeds of the “Silent A child’s jeans jacket was left at FOI in Ottawa Auction” at the FOI Annual get-together this summer during the Annual Gathering week. Call to claim. was about $3,200 which will be given to a CCAA relief fund devoted to the welfare of children orphaned by For the Asking the earthquake. Katie (11) Mason Year of the Rat & Y ear of the Pig paper-cuts. Kelvinton SK Other families may wish to contribute. FOI will deliver One Bicycles of Beijing photo CD any contributions to CCAA during an adoption trip in late September. We will report more fully on the Recent editions of the newsletter contributions in the next issue of the newsletter. Globe Spinners in a booklet format. May 2008 June 2008 In May 2008, LiYan, An & TieJian Carson from Chilliwack BC Tracy Janzen of Saskatoon, SK travelled with 5 other travelled to China with their parents , Diane & Al Carson (and four families in June 2008 to meet her son, Samuel. This other families) to meet their new sister, Xiao Yang. LiYan and An was Tracy’s second trip , and she offered this provided these trip reports.. reflective report. LiYan’s Report An’s Report Tessa Evan Lillian Ottawa ON Cornwall PE Victoria, BC My name is LiYan Carson and I am My favorite part of going to China was playing with The first time I went to Beijing, my husband and I were adopting our first child, Faith. It was a seven years old. In May, I traveled to the babies Hannah and Angelica. Baby Hannah magical time; flying into China, Gotcha Day, the Great Wall and instant parenting in a hotel China with my family and we had lots lives just about 20 minutes away from my house. room, albeit a luxurious one, in a country thousands of miles away from home. Faith was to do. I got to do something that others They are so cute. I also like playing and hanging out nearly 22 months old and beautiful. We were a part of one of the biggest travel groups FOI had didn’t get to do. I got sick and went to with Rianne a girl that went to china that was my ever shepherded to China; 25 families in all. We hooked up at the Vancouver airport and Yulin a Chinese hospital in Guangzhou age. Actually Rianne and I were adopted on the and Bob played mama (and papa) duck to us little ducklings and we just followed one another. where they gave me a needle. After same trip in 1999 and we both got new sisters on It was such a whirlwind of new experiences that soaking in the subtleties of the Chinese that I had a big rest and I liked that. I this trip and became great friends. I also really liked culture was secondary. also liked buying my cloisonné ring at going to the acrobat show. The people were so the factory. It is blue. I also like talented and good at doing acrobats. I liked going Angelica Xin Yue Liane Nearly four years later I was off to China, this time to meet and fall in love with a four-old boy playing with baby Hannah. She lives to the great wall of China. It was so long and so hot Toronto ON Regina SK named Qian-Qian (soon to be Samuel). Marv and I decided that Faith and he would stay home close to us so we can visit sometimes. but I had lots of fun. I even did a presentation on it and look after the jetlagged pair (Mama and Qian-Qian). Fortunately, my friend Dawn came Yulin also took us to a restaurant that at school when I got home. I really liked going to with me to help co-parent and provide moral support and much needed luggage and Sam- had lots of fresh food. There was a see the pandas. They are so cute. I hope they carrying as I had sprained my ankle the week before. crocodile that so fresh that his body won’t become extinct for a while but at least I have This time we met up with 5 other families. Five families went to Nanning and the sixth to was still shaking after his head was a mini statue of a panda. I really liked going Guangzhou. We were all families from the Waiting Child program and the children ranged chopped off. shopping I didn’t get to buy lots of things but I had from nearly 3 years old to 5 years old. lots of fun shopping. Going to the silk and pearl I’m TieJian Carson and I am six . I market was really fun too. I even bought a purse. What a different trip this was from the first! It was still magical, there was still Gotcha Day, the have a few favourite things about my Another fun thing was going to the silk market Great Wall was as awe-inspiring as ever but the instant parenting took on a whole new trip. We saw a fashion show at the silk because we all saw a fashion show. I love going to meaning when it wasn't a baby or toddler but a full-blooded, bouncy, never stops moving four factory. We went to a pet market Xiao Yang China and hope I can go again some time. Caitlin year old. Babies and toddlers present their own unique challenge but shopping and where I saw cute, Chilliwack, BC Etobicoke ON sightseeing with preschoolers was challenging to say the least. Unlike the first time where I cute rabbits . When The Carson family at the Wall had a Santa-list of people to buy for, I had to apologize to just about everyone for not bringing we were there, my Dianne, An & Al any gifts home. Nothing (for me anyways) dampens the shopping fervour than a nervous mom saw a kitten she XiaoYang , LiYan & TieJian salesperson following you and your jumpy, touchy and charming preschooler everywhere. wanted to take home. The hotel we stayed in this time was in a less My sister Liyan saw a touristy area of Beijing. As Yulin put it, we saw more chipmunk that she of the day to day lives of the people of Beijing. wanted, too. At the Tracy & Sam shopping Forbidden City, Mary We could see a hutong (an alley neighbourhood Lou and Joe took unique to China and quickly disappearing) from out pictures with us and hotel window and the street life that last night we their new baby, Hannah Samuel were in Beijing will stay with me forever. O Tracy & Angelica. I also liked Abbotsford BC Saskatoon SK Marvin Janzen ur farewell dinner was at a renowned staying in the hotels, restaurant a couple blocks from our hotel. Walking but it was so sad in the humid, hot air hearing the talking, the because the TV laughter, the excitement, the sights and smells showed lots of stuff made the whole experience bittersweet. The about the poor people knowledge that Qian-Qian (Sam) would be leaving who were stuck in the this unique, vibrant and mysterious culture that was earthquake. A lot of so much a part of who he and his sister are. It made kids and grown ups Dianne, An Al me appreciate, far more than I did on our first trip, died. We also went to what both my children were losing and with Canada a zoo. Xiao Yang Li Yan Tie Jian looming before us, what Sam was gaining. Rachelle, Samuel Newmarket ON Calgary AB
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At about 8pm last Thursday, Nathaniel Chalobah, then still of Chelsea, posted on Instagram a picture of the former Queens Park Rangers and Crystal Palace defender Fitz Hall. The subject of several weeks of transfer rumour linking him with Swansea, Southampton and Watford, perhaps this, finally, was a clue to Chalobah’s next move. Either that, or he just likes Fitz Hall. No words accompanied the picture, though for some reason there were three alarm clocks superimposed upon it. Chelsea’s erratic youth policy and why they should give the kids a chance | Jacob Steinberg Read more Within half an hour a group of Watford fans on an internet forum had proved, using the grain of wood in a table, the shade of magnolia on the wall, a tiny section of visible armrest and an old and apparently unrelated club video, that Hall and thus Chalobah himself was at their team’s training ground, a process that was at least as entertaining to watch as the majority of the Hornets’ games last season and certainly involved more creativity. At 11pm, the cat now being some distance from the bag, the player’s transfer was officially confirmed. The following day Monaco’s Tiemoué Bakayoko posted, again on Instagram, a picture that also turned out to be of another club’s training ground. It required rather less detective work to work out the subtext of this one, given that it featured an actual pitch, Chelsea’s badge (and, indeed, their manager) was visible, and Bakayoko had decorated the image with four large arrows and several repetitions of the word “soon” in bold capitals. In case anyone required further help, the player had previously posted a picture of himself on the Eurostar with an English textbook. His move was announced on Saturday. Both players, as it happens, are central midfielders, the Frenchman arriving at Cobham hours after Chalobah’s departure to take his place in the Chelsea squad, or at least a much more lucrative and high-profile version of it. There was something telling about the two pictures, which had revealed not only the identity of the players’ next employers but deeper truths about English football itself, and in particular about the one club the two deals had in common. Both photographs were attempting to do the same job, in the same place. To find the stories they disclosed, one required a bit of effort; the other did all the work itself and then, to make sure everybody had noticed, attached some fireworks and set itself on fire. One was a whisper, the other a wailing klaxon – a klaxon clad in blinking neon and accompanied by a team of Red Arrows jets scribing key words in the sky using multicoloured vapour. England’s Under-21s now need Premier League games or it will count for nothing | Ed Aarons Read more Had two different clubs been involved, one could have been criticised for refusing to do the hard work, for only recognising talent after it has been hyped to the heavens. Yet Chelsea, with six FA Youth Cup wins in the last eight years, boast the best and busiest youth system in England. They had spotted Chalobah as a 10-year-old and nurtured his talent through 12 years, half as many loan spells and 97 England caps at a variety of age groups, culminating last year in him making one start and nine substitute appearances for them in the Premier League. And then they lost him, for an initial £5m, before moving for someone four months older, eight times as expensive and carrying a different passport. Chelsea did the hard work. Then they undid it. A club should consider a £40m signing not as a source of pride but as evidence of dismal failure. Effective scouting operations should be able to get by without an outsized chequebook. Though Corentin Tolisso and Alexandre Lacazette, whose moves are two of the biggest of this summer so far, had both spent their entire careers at Lyon, the rest of the window’s 10 biggest transfers to date had all changed clubs at least once already. The two biggest sales by English teams, Romelu Lukaku and Michael Keane, had previously been owned and disowned by Chelsea and Manchester United respectively. Logically the aim must be to catch the best young players on the first rungs of the ladder, before they make their names and inflate their values. But perhaps, sometimes at least, it isn’t. It could be that clubs find global audiences particularly appreciative of the teams most crammed with expensively assembled headline players, and therefore more keen to clothe themselves in their branded leisurewear and consume the products of their official noodle partners. In other words, for elite, globally-renowned football clubs, spending more money leads directly to earning even more money. So Chelsea might have been disappointed to lose a brilliant young midfielder for a pittance, but on the plus side it gives them the chance to buy him back in the future, when he is a bit more famous and a lot more expensive. Or maybe it’s just a British thing. Many years ago the nation’s finest goldsmiths could have decorated the crown jewels with Manx agate, Cornish amethyst and Blue John from Derbyshire and still their creations would have evoked awe and wonder. Instead, though, we plundered the most splendid gemstones from across the globe, brought them home and swiftly mounted them upon the nearest sceptre. Whether on a football field or a monarch’s head, we are a people that appreciates objects of great beauty and quality – especially if they are extraordinarily valuable and used to be somebody else’s.
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The rental averages are based on a basket of buildings within that market, according to grade and recent transactions and are a trend indicator only. The high figure is indicative of the average $/sqm for the high floors, and the low is indicative of the average $/sqm of the lower floors. Leasing deals negotiated in 'net' exclude outgoings, whereas 'gross' rents are inclusive of outgoings.
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Q: Homogenizing whole milk, butter, and vodka I have a recipe that calls for mixing half a stick of butter into 1.5 liters of milk and 4 shots of vodka. Unfortunately, these three things don't mix very well and as soon as I pour it out into a serving glass the solution separates. I have read that soy lecithin can be used to homogenize milk and butter, but will it work with the vodka as well? If so, how much soy lecithin needs to be used. If the vodka cannot be incorporated, how much lecithin would I need to homogenize just the butter and the milk? Thanks A: Homogenization has a fairly specific meaning in dairy. To keep the relatively large milk fat globules in cow's milk from coalescing, the milk is forced under some pressure through a very small aperture that atomizes the fat and keeps it in solution. Although it seems like this might work with butter I doubt very much that this is a worthwhile solution (pun intended). What you want, therefore, is to create an emulsion. Butter has some emulsifiers in it but I don't think it will be up to this task on its own. The idea with any emulsion is to blend emulsifiers into the liquid and then slowly add the fat. The emulsifier will grab the particles of fat and keep them from coalescing and so keep them in solution. Look at mayonnaise recipes for examples of this technique though, of course, you don't want as much air worked into your dish. I would mix a small amount of lecithin into the milk and whisk it quickly as you drizzle in the butter. As for the vodka- I don't use alcohol and can't predict how it will behave. If your milk is cold then you shouldn't have a problem with curdling and should be able to mix the vodka directly in with the milk. I fear that if it went directly into the butter that there would be enough liquid to make the emulsification difficult.
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Q: How to pass values across the pages in ASP.net without using Session I am trying to improve performance of my web portal. I'm using Session to store state information. But I heard that using session will decrease the speed of the application. Is there any other way to pass values across the page in asp.net. A: You can pass values from one page to another by followings.. Response.Redirect Cookies Application Variables HttpContext Response.Redirect SET : Response.Redirect("Defaultaspx?Name=Pandian"); GET : string Name = Request.QueryString["Name"]; Cookies SET : HttpCookie cookName = new HttpCookie("Name"); cookName.Value = "Pandian"; GET : string name = Request.Cookies["Name"].Value; Application Variables SET : Application["Name"] = "pandian"; GET : string Name = Application["Name"].ToString(); Refer the full content here : Pass values from one to another A: There are multiple ways to achieve this. I can explain you in brief about the 4 types which we use in our daily programming life cycle. Please go through the below points. 1 Query String. FirstForm.aspx.cs Response.Redirect("SecondForm.aspx?Parameter=" + TextBox1.Text); SecondForm.aspx.cs TextBox1.Text = Request.QueryString["Parameter"].ToString(); This is the most reliable way when you are passing integer kind of value or other short parameters. More advance in this method if you are using any special characters in the value while passing it through query string, you must encode the value before passing it to next page. So our code snippet of will be something like this: FirstForm.aspx.cs Response.Redirect("SecondForm.aspx?Parameter=" + Server.UrlEncode(TextBox1.Text)); SecondForm.aspx.cs TextBox1.Text = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["Parameter"].ToString()); URL Encoding Server.URLEncode HttpServerUtility.UrlDecode 2. Passing value through context object Passing value through context object is another widely used method. FirstForm.aspx.cs TextBox1.Text = this.Context.Items["Parameter"].ToString(); SecondForm.aspx.cs this.Context.Items["Parameter"] = TextBox1.Text; Server.Transfer("SecondForm.aspx", true); Note that we are navigating to another page using Server.Transfer instead of Response.Redirect.Some of us also use Session object to pass values. In that method, value is store in Session object and then later pulled out from Session object in Second page. 3. Posting form to another page instead of PostBack Third method of passing value by posting page to another form. Here is the example of that: FirstForm.aspx.cs private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { buttonSubmit.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return PostPage();"); } And we create a javascript function to post the form. SecondForm.aspx.cs function PostPage() { document.Form1.action = "SecondForm.aspx"; document.Form1.method = "POST"; document.Form1.submit(); } TextBox1.Text = Request.Form["TextBox1"].ToString(); Here we are posting the form to another page instead of itself. You might get viewstate invalid or error in second page using this method. To handle this error is to put EnableViewStateMac=false 4. Another method is by adding PostBackURL property of control for cross page post back In ASP.NET 2.0, Microsoft has solved this problem by adding PostBackURL property of control for cross page post back. Implementation is a matter of setting one property of control and you are done. FirstForm.aspx.cs <asp:Button id=buttonPassValue style=”Z-INDEX: 102″ runat=”server” Text=”Button” PostBackUrl=”~/SecondForm.aspx”></asp:Button> SecondForm.aspx.cs TextBox1.Text = Request.Form["TextBox1"].ToString(); In above example, we are assigning PostBackUrl property of the button we can determine the page to which it will post instead of itself. In next page, we can access all controls of the previous page using Request object. You can also use PreviousPage class to access controls of previous page instead of using classic Request object. SecondForm.aspx TextBox textBoxTemp = (TextBox) PreviousPage.FindControl(“TextBox1″); TextBox1.Text = textBoxTemp.Text; As you have noticed, this is also a simple and clean implementation of passing value between pages. Reference: MICROSOFT MSDN WEBSITE HAPPY CODING! A: If it's just for passing values between pages and you only require it for the one request. Use Context. Context The Context object holds data for a single user, for a single request, and it is only persisted for the duration of the request. The Context container can hold large amounts of data, but typically it is used to hold small pieces of data because it is often implemented for every request through a handler in the global.asax. The Context container (accessible from the Page object or using System.Web.HttpContext.Current) is provided to hold values that need to be passed between different HttpModules and HttpHandlers. It can also be used to hold information that is relevant for an entire request. For example, the IBuySpy portal stuffs some configuration information into this container during the Application_BeginRequest event handler in the global.asax. Note that this only applies during the current request; if you need something that will still be around for the next request, consider using ViewState. Setting and getting data from the Context collection uses syntax identical to what you have already seen with other collection objects, like the Application, Session, and Cache. Two simple examples are shown here: // Add item to Context Context.Items["myKey"] = myValue; // Read an item from the Context Response.Write(Context["myKey"]); http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc300437.aspx#S6 Using the above. If you then do a Server.Transfer the data you've saved in the context will now be available to the next page. You don't have to concern yourself with removing/tidying up this data as it is only scoped to the current request.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Social Links Summoner Info Biography Hello, I'm Strawberry. I was Platinum season 5 and 4. Sadly, I do not have access to that account anymore so moving on. This is a new account to match my league account which is currently unranked. I am shooting for diamond this season. My summoner name is Strawberry Cake. Errm, on my free time I watch lots of anime and play hearthstone, usually during long queue waits haha. Feel free to add me, and donations to my paypal is appreciated. PM e if you actually wanna donate. I don't care if it's a dollar. Oh , and I'm a midlane main!
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 oid sha256:d787c10a044a3f4bab06cf62160ffade48e9abba351445e8e10635939d76e2bb size 13628
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Github" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Fetal skeletal computed tomography: when? How? Why? To study the additional role of fetal skeletal computed tomography in suspected prenatal bone abnormalities. Two centers included in a retrospective study all fetuses who benefited from skeletal computed tomography for a suspected constitutional bone disease or focal dysostosis. A total of 198 patients were included. CT was performed in 112 patients (56%) for an isolated short femur below the third percentile (group A), in 15 patients (8%) for bowed or fractured femur (group B), in 23 patients (12%) for biometric discrepancy between a short femur and increased head circumference (group C) and in 48 patients (24%) for suspected focal dysostosis (group D). CT was interpreted as normal in 126 cases (64%), i.e. 87% in group A, 0% in group B, 65% in group C and 25% in group D. When including only cases with postnatal or postmortem clinical and/or radiological confirmation was available, CT provided additional and/or more accurate information than ultrasound in 20% of cases in group A, 66% in group B, 30% in group C and 72% in group D. Sixty-seven percent of patients in whom CT was interpreted as normal were lost to follow-up. In isolated short femur, fetal skeletal CT is normal in the great majority of cases although protocolized follow-up of these babies is absolutely compulsory, as a large proportion is lost to follow-up. Fetal skeletal CT can confirm or improve imaging for the suspected diagnosis in suspected focal dysostosis or constitutional bone disease.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
EUS training in a live pig model: does it improve echo endoscope hands-on and trainee competence? The learning curve for endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) is known to be difficult, especially in the field of pancreatic and biliary diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of a live pig model developed for EUS credentialing in France. A total of 17 trainees obtained hands-on EUS experience using a live pig model. Trainees were asked to visualize anatomical structures, to carry out fine-needle aspiration (FNA) on lymph nodes in the liver hilum, and to perform celiac neurolysis. Assessment of the FNA procedure or celiac neurolysis included measurement of time (seconds), evaluation of the precision of the puncture (mm), and existence of technical errors. A significant improvement between a pre-test and post-test was observed for diagnostic procedures in the following anatomical areas: splenic mesenteric vein, vena cava, splenic mesenteric artery, celiac tree, pancreatic gland, and bile duct. For lymph node FNA, a significant improvement was observed in the duration of the procedure (84 seconds vs. 60 seconds; P = 0.01), and precision (4.2 mm vs. 1.8 mm; P = 0.009), but not for the rate of technical error (29% vs. 6%; not significant [n. s.]). For celiac neurolysis, a significant improvement was observed in procedure time (150 seconds vs. 84 seconds; P = 0.003), but not in the rate of technical error (6% vs. 6%; n. s.) or precision (4.2 mm vs. 2.8 mm; n. s.). Teaching EUS with a live pig model significantly increased competence in diagnostic procedures with regard to visualizing anatomical structures, performance of FNA and, to a lesser extent, EUS-guided celiac neurolysis.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Diversification Estimates vary as to what under-diversification costs investors. Some studies conclude it reduces an investor’s lifetime wealth by 20%.1 Others put the costs between 30% and 50%.2 How incredibly wasteful. What Is Diversification? When you diversify, you spread your investments across different securities. That helps reduce the risk from any one security. The less “correlated”—in other words, the less similar—the securities, the better. If most of the securities in your portfolio move in the same direction because, for example, they are all in the same industry or impacted by the same risk, then you’re not benefitting from the full power of diversification. The idea is simple: If you concentrate, you increase your risk, but you don’t increase your expected returns—those are the returns you expect based on history and experience. If you diversify effectively, you reduce your risk without sacrificing expected returns. More importantly, for any given level of risk, if you diversify effectively, you can actually increase your expected returns (see below). That’s something you really want to do. Why Diversification Works Say you’re offered a single coin flip. If the coin lands heads, you win $150,000. But if it lands tails, you have to pay $100,000. Now let’s assume $100,000 is all you have—and if you lose, it means losing your retirement savings, or your kids’ college fund, or your house. Would you take the bet? Most of us would pass. Even with 50/50 odds that you’ll come out way ahead—you simply can’t take the risk that you’ll lose. So you won’t play. But what if you’re offered something similar—but different in one key aspect? This time you can flip the coin 100 times instead of just once—and win $1,500 for each head and lose $1,000 for each tail. Now, you’ll almost certainly play—and make money. Why? Because that many coin flips reduces your risk of losing money, as illustrated in the graph below.3 By the time you get to even 50 flips, your risk of losing money in this example is almost zero. By “diversifying” your coin tosses, you reduced your risk. Real-world investing is not flipping coins. It’s serious business and you want your investments to work hard for you. Diversifying helps do that. Investment performance data prove it.4 This chart shows how risk falls as you increase the number of securities in your portfolio.5 Even more: diversification increases expected return for the same level of risk. More interesting, no matter what level of risk you’re willing to accept, you can increase your expected returns by diversifying. Let’s change games. Say you’re given a standard six-sided die from your normal game of dice with these rules: roll anything other than a 6 and you’ll lose $1,000. But if you roll a 6, you’ll be paid $8,000. This die has twice the expected return of the coin you were just flipping—a 50% expected return as opposed to a 25% expected return (see here for the math).6 But, it’s much riskier. In fact, the odds of a winning roll of the die are just one out of six—compared to a winning coin flip of one out of two. So, you have a higher expected return, but with much greater risk. What can you do? Diversify! With a hundred rolls of the die you will have basically removed the risk, but retained the higher return.6,7 Diversification is more than just owning more securities. The risk level of any portfolio depends on what it holds, and diversification cannot eliminate all risk. If you own many securities in the same industry, or selected because they all fit one theme or idea, diversification allows you to reduce the risk that any one particular company will undergo trouble while the whole industry or the theme does well. But if the whole industry or the investing theme suffers a setback, that level of diversification won’t have helped. Look at four different portfolios, each holding 30 securities. They’re very different in terms of risk—and diversification.8 The more concentrated you are in a particular sector or industry—or any particular theme or idea—the more diversification benefit you’re sacrificing. You can concentrate to take a specific gamble—like betting on a specific number in roulette—but don’t confuse that with smart investing—that’s just believing in your own good luck. By adding more diversification, you lower your risk . Even the S&P 500 is not as diversified as you may think. It’s almost entirely U.S.-based, large-cap companies. In fact, nearly 20% of the S&P 500 Index value is driven by just 10 stocks.9 That makes a big difference in its ability to deliver diversification. Diversification That Works for You A well-diversified portfolio can include different types of investments. How you invest is based on your tolerance for risk, the length of time you have to reach your financial goals, your specific interests and needs, and other factors. Building a diversified portfolio that works for you doesn’t have to be difficult. A single flip gives you a 50% chance of landing tails. Flipping twice gives you four possible outcomes (2*2=4): heads/heads, heads/tails, tails/heads and tails/tails. Thus your chance of landing two tails is reduced to 25%. Flipping three times gives you eight possible outcomes (2*2*2=8), and so on. Following this process, the risk of landing all tails decreases at a predictable rate, and so do your chances of losing money—specifically in the case of our example, 15% or more of your money. These results use risk and return data for 2008–2013. We generated 500 randomly selected portfolios of 1–30 stocks or ETFs and then calculated their average risk (average historical annualized volatility) across the 500 portfolios for each number of holdings. The chart shows how portfolio risk changes as you increase the number of holdings in your portfolio. The S&P 500 stock portfolio is randomly selected from the 50 largest stocks in the S&P 500. The energy and pharmaceutical portfolios are randomly selected from lists of stocks in each sector. The magnitude of the diversification benefit may vary over different periods of time. The coin has a 50/50 chance of heads and of tails. So the expected return is .5*$1500+.5*(-$1000)=$250 or 25% return on the $1,000 at risk. The die has 5 chances in every roll of losing the $1,000 and 1 chance of winning $8,000, or 1/6*$8000+5/6*(-$1000)=$500 or 50% return on the $1,000 at risk. The following chart shows the chance of losing more than 15% of your investment for both the coin toss case as well as die rolling example described above for varying number of plays. The more coin tosses or the more rolls of the die the less the risk. The first portfolio contains 30 financial stocks; the second has 15 financial stocks and 15 IT stocks; the third has 10 financial stocks, 10 IT stocks, and 10 global utility & telecoms stocks. Those 3 portfolios were generated randomly using the top 50 components of their respective S&P 500 sectors. The final portfolio includes 6 bond ETFs and equal weights of randomly chosen stocks from the 3 other sectors.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Expanding the roles of hospitalist physicians to include public health. Several years after the inception of the hospitalist movement, hospitalist roles have evolved in breadth and sophistication. Although public health is not formally recognized or previously described as an arena for hospitalists, hospitalists are often engaged in public health practice. This article attempts to alert hospitalists to the potential to make contributions to the field of public health and defines the public health skills that can positively affect the lives of their patients and the communities they serve. In a public health role, hospitalists may improve the quality of inpatient care. This article reviews how public health and hospital-based practices have already intersected and proposes further development within this discipline. In our ever-changing health care system, hospitalists play key roles in the central public health domains of assessment, assurance, and policy development. Insightful hospitalists will recognize and embrace these responsibilities in caring for patients and society.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
In modern hair styling it is customary for people who want to look their best to reshape their hair by forming it around curlers or the like, usually after, or in conjunction with shampooing or other treatment by liquid and/or heat. However, all curlers available to date are believed to share one or more disadvantages. A big disadvantage is awkard curler shape which makes the user uncomfortable when resting, with a tendency to pull the hair and dig into the scalp, and which has an untidy appearance, pointing in various directions and showing different amounts of hair wrapped around in different ways, and held by obtrusive members. Another big disadvantage with conventional curler design is in the type curl produced, normally a curl with the axis tangent to the head of the user. Other disadvantages of conventional curler design include bulkiness, slowness and difficulty in applying to the hair and sometimes in removal from the hair, monotonous and undefined showings of tint and shape.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Adventitious shoot production from calloid cultures of banana. Isolated tips (approx. 2 mm long) from aseptic, multiplying shoot cultures of the triploid dessert banana clone 'Highgate' were tested for their morphogenetic responsiveness to hormone treatments on semisolid media. Medium containing Murashige and Skoog (1962) salts, p-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, and kinetin produced a compact calloid mass. Protuberances disclosed by SEM as rounded, button-shaped, and pointed outgrowths resembling fasciated shoots were formed in profusion. Sections showed many meristematic regions, some associated with distinct leaf primordia. Formation and growth of successive leaves yielded small, elongated, adventitious shoots with constricted bases. Transferral to a basal MS medium with 1 mg/l 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) led to the formation of rooted plantlets.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
We value your privacy. By clicking you agree to the terms and conditions of our privacy policy. You also consent that we can reach out to you using a phone system that can auto-dial numbers (we miss rotary telephones, too!). Your consent is not required to use our service. We value your privacy. By clicking you agree to the terms and conditions of our privacy policy. You also consent that we can reach out to you using a phone system that can auto-dial numbers (we miss rotary telephones, too!). Your consent is not required to use our service. You know your family, A Place For Mom knows Nursing Homes. Our dedicated local Boulder, CO advisors have helped 472 families make the right choice for their needs. Get full details, pricing and read 531 reviews of our hand-picked communities. Typically prices range from $1500.00 to $10500.00 per month. Find the right nursing home in Boulder in CO. People often refer to "nursing homes" as a general term for all senior living, the communities listed below offer skilled nursing and in most cases also offer assisted living, independent living and memory care services. These communities typically have staff on hand 24 hours a day and take care of housekeeping, cooking, bathing and dressing. They are able to maintain a neighborhood feel by not having fixed schedules and allowing the residents to make their own daily plans. Request info to get free assistance finding the right senior care from a local Senior Living Advisor in your area. We've found at least 47 Nursing Homes within 30 miles of Boulder, CO that meet your criteria () Sunrise of Boulder is nestled in a quiet neighborhood with gorgeous mountain views next to a city park and bike path. All our rooms are conveniently located on the first floor, and our decor is arts-and-crafts with a ski lodge/cottage appeal. Step into a Sunrise Assisted Living community and you... Juniper Village at Louisville is a wonderful caring community designed specifically for elders with Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia. We are a secure, memory care building that provides a safe environment for wandering at will. The residence includes four separate houses that open onto a... Beautifully nestled in Lafayette, Colorado, The Peaks at Old Laramie Trail Senior Living will be one of the finest assisted living and memory care communities in the state. We will offer a unique lifestyle that allows you to maintain your independence with the comfort of always knowing someone is... Sunrise at FlatIrons is a resort-style Sunrise Senior Living community located at 400 Summit Blvd in Broomfield, Colorado. Situated between the upscale Flatirons Crossing Mall and the Omni Interlocken Golf Course, Sunrise at FlatIrons offers a lifestyle free from the worries of home maintenance, an... AltaVita Assisted Living Memory Care Centre is a locally-owned and family-oriented memory care community in Longmont, Colorado. Our community is comprised of secure, comfortable apartment suites for individuals who need and deserve special care due to memory related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and... Nestled beneath the majestic Rocky Mountains and Longs Peak, Atria Longmont offers a luxurious, fulfilling lifestyle for discerning older adults. We are located near Golden Ponds Park, with easy access to the area’s finest hospitals, entertainment and shopping. We also offer more than 200 social and... GreenRidge Place is currently under construction with an opening date planned for mid February. The community is dedicated to the needs of families and individuals on a journey through Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. When residents join GreenRidge Place, they don't just have a new place to... Just east of Highway 36 and minutes from Boulder to the north and Metro Denver to the south, Sunrise of Westminster overlooks the majestic Rocky Mountains to the west, affording spectacular views of the sunset. Our one-story cottage-style community enables all our residents, especially those using... At Springwood Retirement Community, you will feel welcome and comfortable as soon as you enter our 15 acre Campus. With mature and lush landscaping surrounding our main three-story building, you’ll enjoy the park like setting, complete with an outside patio overlooking a pond and a large atrium... Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care Keystone Place offers state-of-the-art, brand new, independent living and assisted living rental apartments. We have also developed a distinct specialized care wing that offers memory care services for residents who have been diagnosed with... We value your privacy. By clicking you agree to the terms and conditions of our privacy policy. You also consent that we can reach out to you using a phone system that can auto-dial numbers (we miss rotary telephones, too!). Your consent is not required to use our service.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Q: Parsing ES6 Class Objects From localStorage Doesn't Include Class Functions I want to persist a class object in HTML5 localStorage. The class contains methods which I also need to persist, but parsing the localStorage object reveals that the object isn't the same. class ExcitingMath { constructor(firstNumber, secondNumber) { this._firstNumber = firstNumber; this._secondNumber = secondNumber; } add() { return this._firstNumber + this._secondNumber; } subtract() { return this._firstNumber - this._secondNumber; } } const eMath = new ExcitingMath(2, 4); Logging eMath in the console displays the class object with it's properties and methods: However, when I localStorage.setItem("math", JSON.stringify(eMath)); and JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("math")); the object to and from localStorage, it no longer includes the constructor or methods. How can I persist the original class instance with localStorage? A: That is not possible since JSON.toString just saves the STATE of the object, but not the object's functions as you have already found out. I faced the same "problem" and wrote a function "fromJSON" in my classes which takes the JSON from localstorage and transforms that into an object as follows: class ExcitingMath { constructor(firstNumber, secondNumber) { this._firstNumber = firstNumber; this._secondNumber = secondNumber; } add() { return this._firstNumber + this._secondNumber; } subtract() { return this._firstNumber - this._secondNumber; } static fromJSON(serializedJson) { return Object.assign(new ExcitingMath(), JSON.parse(serializedJson)) } } You then may use it as follows: const eMath = ExcitingMath.fromJSON(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("math")))
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
A new set of positive/negative selectable markers for mammalian cells. Five new positive and negative selectable markers were created for use in mammalian cells. Their negative selectabilities are based on the Thymidine kinase (Tk) gene of Herpes Simplex virus (HSV) or the Cytidine deaminase (codA) gene of E. coli. The markers can be selected positively by their ability to induce either Hygromycin (Hyg), neomycin (neo), puromycin (PAC) or Blasticidin S (BlaS) resistance. With these markers, two complete sets of markergenes are available that induce independent negative selectable phenotypes.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Metabolism in the rat of potassium DL-octan-2-sulphate, a secondary alkyl sulphate. 1. The metabolism of potassium [2-14C]octan-2-sulphate and potassium octan-2-[35S]sulphate was investigated in the rat. Following oral administration, the bulk of the radioactivity was eliminated in the urine within 24 h. 2. Whole-body radioautography showed the liver to be the principal site of tissue accumulation of radiolabel following administration of 14C- or 35S-labelled DL-octan-2-sulphate. 3. Octan-2-sulphate was extensively degraded in vivo. The major urinary components are five sulphate estes, present in urine in essentially the same proportions regardless of label. The relative proportions of radioactivity associated with the urinary components showed considerable differences between male and female rats. 4. Three of the components have been identified as butanoate-3-sulphate, hexanoate-5-sulphate and octanoate-7-sulphate. The remaining metabolite was tentatively identified as an aldehyde derivative of octan-2-sulphate, a possible intermediate in the formation of octanoate-7-sulphate.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
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{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to an antireflection film and an optical member including an antireflection film. 2. Description of the Related Art In a lens (transparent substrate) formed of a light-transmitting member such as a plastic, an antireflection film is provided on a light incident surface in order to reduce loss of transmitted light caused by surface reflection. For example, as an antireflection film to visible light or infrared light, for example, a dielectric multi-layer film or a fine unevenness layer having a surface on which a fine unevenness structure having a shorter pitch than a wavelength of target light is provided is known. An object of JP2014-21146A is to provide an optical film which can be applied to optical members having various surface shapes and has excellent performance such as wavelength range properties and incidence angle properties, and JP2014-21146A discloses an optical film in which a fine unevenness layer as a second layer is formed over a transparent substrate with a thin layer as a first layer interposed therebetween. In the optical film described in JP2014-21146A, the first layer includes a region in which the refractive index changes continuously or stepwise depending on a change in a composition ratio of a refractive index material in a thickness direction, and specific examples thereof include a film which is formed using a two-source deposition method of titania and silica and a film which is formed using a two-source deposition method of zirconia and silica. As in JP2014-21146A, JP2014-81522A discloses a configuration in which a fine unevenness layer is formed over a transparent substrate with a transparent thin film interposed therebetween, and discloses an antireflection film which can be manufactured with reduced kinds of materials and is configured to improve productivity. In JP2014-81522A, the transparent thin film includes multiple layers including the same kind of nitride layers and/or oxynitride layers, and examples of the nitride layers include SiN, AlN, and SiAlN, and examples of the oxynitride layers include SiON, AlON, and SiAlON.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Sydney was blanketed in a smoky haze on Tuesday morning, after weekend hazard reduction burns left parts of the city with air quality so poor it was more than twice the hazardous level, and more than five times as bad as the air quality in Beijing. Smoke from weekend hazard reductions, including a large state forest burn at Colo Heights on the weekend, was still covering Sydney on Tuesday, and NSW Rural Fire Service spokesman Ben Shepherd said it was not expected to clear until Wednesday. Air quality in parts of Sydney was more than two times the hazardous level. Credit:Janie Barrett "Over last 24 hours there haven't been any new ignitions, but some of those have continued to burn," he said. "What we've seen across Sydney is relatively light winds, so a lot of this smoke has basically hung around in the basin, and moved around.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
The former director of the Riverside United Methodist Church Children’s Center was indicted Tuesday in Bibb County Superior Court on charges that she stole money that parents paid for day care and forged fraudulent paychecks between 2005 and 2008. Paula Cowan is charged with 109 counts of forgery and 297 counts of theft by taking. The number of counts makes the case one of the largest indictments ever filed in Georgia, said Laurens County District Attorney Craig Fraser. “I’ve never seen a larger one,” he said. A forensic audit of church records uncovered theft of $150,000, but Cowan is alleged to have stolen as much as a half-million dollars, said Fraser, who was appointed to prosecute the case by the state Attorney General’s Office. Bibb County District Attorney Howard Simms said his office is not prosecuting the case because one of his prosecutors is affiliated with the church. Simms said he requested an outside prosecutor to prevent the appearance of a conflict of interest. Authorities say Cowan lives in Macon, but she is not listed in local phone directories. Fraser said Cowan is accused of forging checks issued to former employees of the day care center and taking $70,000. The indictment lists checks written to 10 different employees. The rest of the theft stems from Cowan taking parents’ payments for day care, Fraser said. The theft was discovered in 2008 when a former employee received a W-2 tax form from the church and came forward to say the form reflected more money than the employee earned, Fraser said. The church then discovered a signature had been forged on the back of a check, and an audit was launched. Cowan resigned from her position in March 2008, unaware of the investigation into the church’s financial records that began that same month, according to a statement from the church. She started work as director of the Children’s Center in October 2002, said Kelly Roberson, director of communications for the South Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church. Charles F. Huber, director of administration for the church, wrote in a statement released Tuesday that the church has reviewed and strengthened its financial policies in the wake of the theft. “We are committed to being good stewards of the funds paid by the parents for their child’s care and all other funds entrusted to Riverside United Methodist Church,” he wrote. “We will continue to make any necessary revisions to our policies and procedures to ensure the highest level of financial integrity.” If convicted on all counts, Cowan could face a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison for each forgery charge and 15 years in prison for each theft charge. In total, she could be sentenced to serve 5,500 years, Fraser said. Cowan also could be sentenced to pay restitution to the church, he said. “We’re going to do everything we can to recoup the church’s money,” Fraser said. Although the case is being prosecuted by the Laurens County District Attorney’s Office, the case will be tried in Macon, Fraser said. Subscribe Warning: The get_mostpopular() template tag has been deprecated since 2.0.3. Please use wpp_get_mostpopular() instead. in /home/content/08/3516008/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-popular-posts/wordpress-popular-posts.php on line 3274
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Transcendental Healing is a very gentle, non-contact and non-invasive healing modality based on resonant principle. By placing his or her hands into a very special position near the body, healing is fascilitated.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Acute tryptophan depletion in healthy young women with a family history of major affective disorder. Acute tryptophan depletion (ATD), a means of reducing brain serotonin synthesis, lowers mood in normal males with a multi-generational family history of major affective disorder (MAD) and in normal women devoid of any family history of psychiatric illness. As both a family history of MAD and female sex are factors predisposing to depression, the hypothesis that a mood lowering response to ATD may reflect a susceptibility to depression was further investigated in young women with an extensive, multi-generational family history of MAD. In addition, the temporal stability of mood change following repeated trials of ATD was also assessed in this study. To deplete tryptophan, a tryptophan deficient amino acid mixture was ingested on two separate occasions. The control treatment, administered on a third occasion, was a nutritionally balanced amino acid mixture containing tryptophan. A marked lowering of plasma tryptophan (85-90 %) was achieved by both depletions. In comparison to the balanced condition, family history positive (FH +) women showed no lowering of mood to either the first or second ATD (N = 13) and N = 12, respectively). Mood change between the two ATD trials (N = 13) exhibited poor temporal stability. These results may indicate that serotonin responsiveness is not an important characteristic of vulnerability to depression in these women. Alternately, these negative results may be due to the exclusion of a large number of FH + women who had already experienced an episode of depression, resulting in the selection of a biased FH + sample who are resistant to the mood lowering effects of ATD.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Ammonium transporters achieve charge transfer by fragmenting their substrate. Proteins of the Amt/MEP family facilitate ammonium transport across the membranes of plants, fungi, and bacteria and are essential for growth in nitrogen-poor environments. Some are known to facilitate the diffusion of the neutral NH(3), while others, notably in plants, transport the positively charged NH(4)(+). On the basis of the structural data for AmtB from Escherichia coli , we illustrate the mechanism by which proteins from the Amt family can sustain electrogenic transport. Free energy calculations show that NH(4)(+) is stable in the AmtB pore, reaching a binding site from which it can spontaneously transfer a proton to a pore-lining histidine residue (His168). The substrate diffuses down the pore in the form of NH(3), while the excess proton is cotransported through a highly conserved hydrogen-bonded His168-His318 pair. This constitutes a novel permeation mechanism that confers to the histidine dyad an essential mechanistic role that was so far unknown.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Lead paragraph A lead paragraph (sometimes shortened to lead; in the United States sometimes spelled lede) is the opening paragraph of an article, essay, book chapter, or other written work that summarizes its main ideas. Styles vary widely among the different types and genres of publications, from journalistic news-style leads to a more encyclopaedic variety. Types of leads Journalistic leads emphasize grabbing the attention of the reader. In journalism, the failure to mention the most important, interesting or attention-grabbing elements of a story in the first paragraph is sometimes called "burying the lead". Most standard news leads include brief answers to the questions of who, what, why, when, where, and how the key event in the story took place. In newspaper writing, the first paragraph that summarizes or introduces the story is also called the "blurb paragraph", "teaser text" or, in the United Kingdom, the "standfirst". Leads in essays summarize the outline of the argument and conclusion that follows in the main body of the essay. Encyclopedia leads tend to define the subject matter as well as emphasize the interesting points of the article. Features and general articles in magazines tend to be somewhere between journalistic and encyclopedian in style and often lack a distinct lead paragraph entirely. Leads vary enormously in length, intent and content. Other introductions In journalism, there is the concept of an introductory or summary line or brief paragraph, located immediately above or below the headline, and typographically distinct from the body of the article. This can be referred with a variety of terms, including: the standfirst (UK), rider, kicker (US), bank head(line), deck, dek, or subhead (US). A foreword is a piece of writing sometimes placed at the beginning of a book or other piece of literature, written by someone other than the author to honour or bring credibility to the work, unlike the preface, written by the author, which includes the purpose and scope of the work. Spelling The term is sometimes spelled "lede". The Oxford English Dictionary suggests this arose as an intentional misspelling of "lead", "in order to distinguish the word's use in instructions to printers from printable text," similarly to "hed" for "head(line)" and "dek" for "deck". Some sources suggest the altered spelling was intended to distinguish from the use in typesetting of "lead" for the metal strips of various thickness used to separate lines of type used in typesetting in the early 20th century. However, the spelling "lede" first appears in journalism manuals in the 1980s, well after lead typesetting's heyday. The earliest appearance of "lede" cited by the OED is 1951. According to Grammarist.com, the "lede" is "...mainly journalism jargon for the introductory portion of a news story... Strictly speaking, [it] is the first sentence or short portion of an article that gives the gist of the story and contains the most important points readers need to know". See also Abstract (summary) Editorial (also known as a "leader" in British English) Introduction (writing) Inverted pyramid (journalism) Nut graph Opening sentence References External links Category:Copy editing Category:Journalism terminology Category:Literature Category:Writing
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Bresilley Bresilley is a commune in the Haute-Saône department in the region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in eastern France. Geography Bresilley is situated beside the Ognon river, which rises in the Vosges mountains and joins the Saône at Pontailler-sur-Saône. See also Communes of the Haute-Saône department References INSEE Category:Communes of Haute-Saône
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
/* Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package reconciliation import ( "context" corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors" corev1client "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/core/v1" ) // tryEnsureNamespace gets or creates the given namespace while ignoring forbidden errors. // It is a best effort attempt as the user may not be able to get or create namespaces. // This allows us to handle flows where the user can only mutate roles and role bindings. func tryEnsureNamespace(client corev1client.NamespaceInterface, namespace string) error { _, getErr := client.Get(context.TODO(), namespace, metav1.GetOptions{}) if getErr == nil { return nil } if fatalGetErr := utilerrors.FilterOut(getErr, apierrors.IsNotFound, apierrors.IsForbidden); fatalGetErr != nil { return fatalGetErr } ns := &corev1.Namespace{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: namespace}} _, createErr := client.Create(context.TODO(), ns, metav1.CreateOptions{}) return utilerrors.FilterOut(createErr, apierrors.IsAlreadyExists, apierrors.IsForbidden) }
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Github" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to message and therapeutic bodywork tables, especially to bodywork tables for use in physical therapy, massage, or other related bodywork activities. 2. Description of Prior Art Many, if not most health practitioners in the field of massage and other therapeutic bodywork, prefer to use a massage and therapeutic bodywork table that provides a strong working surface, is lightweight, adjustable, and easy to set up and break down for storage. Heretofore a wide variety of tables have been proposed and implemented for massage and therapeutic bodywork. U.S. Pat. No. 4,333,638 to Gillotti discloses a table with a truss suspension system having legs hinge from the ends of the table and diagonal braces extending from the center of the table to attach onto the table legs. The truss system comprised of a cord member of wire rope or flexible material attached to the lower end of the legs and extending the full length of the table parallel to the table surface. Users regarded this type of table as unsatisfactory because the position of the cable interfered with the movements of the user and required the user to connect and disconnect the diagonal braces on one or both ends on setting up or collapsing the table. Another type of folding table is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,357,729 to Krueger, comprised a collapsible table with strap-like brace members having folding legs at each end. This type of table did not have a support cable system attached to the legs, not did it provide a strong working platform, and tended to be noisy when rocking forces were applied thereto. Also, this type of table required some skill or training on the part of its users to set up and collapse, and provided limited means to adjust height dimensions of the working surface. A still different approach to folding support structures is seen in U.S. Pat. No. 2,326,461 to Howe. This table considered of a plurality of braces hinged to support legs, and foldable into a carrying case. This support structure relates to tables where the act of folding together the hinged top portions causes collapsing or folding of the support legs. This table was not adjustable, stable, not suitable for bodywork application. Most users, therefore, would find it desirable to have a bodywork table that provides a strong working platform that is quiet even when rocking forces are applied, adjustable, lightweight, easy to set up, collapse, and store.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Latest Hitman Game Launch Pushed Back To March 2016 Hitman fans patiently waiting for the launch of the new game that is currently under development by Io Interactive, will be disappointed to learn that the decision has been taken to push back its release date from December of this year until March 2016. Io Interactive explains more about the reason why the game has been pushed back and what you can expect when it does finally launch, check out the infographic below for more visual details. It’s safe to say HITMAN is the biggest venture we’ve ever undertaken at Io-Interactive. Not just in terms of scope and ambition but also in terms of the size of the game world itself. The playable area and density of our locations goes beyond anything we’ve built before. We’re striving to create a series of living, breathing worlds in those locations and we get pretty obsessed about every detail that you’ll experience. On top of that, we’re going for a new release model where we put out a good chunk of the game when it begins and then release the remaining locations over time. We want to make absolutely sure you all get the best possible experience when you join, so we’ve made the difficult decision to move the initial release date to March 2016. These few extra months will mean we can add more to the launch content of the game, more than we had originally planned, and then follow with a tighter frequency of updates, which ultimately will create a better game for everyone. And in the end, that’s what we’re all looking for. To give you a sense of the scale when it comes to our various locations, we’ve compared our Paris Showstopper mission to the largest level in Hitman: Absolution. As you can see, lots of challenges, plenty of space to set up death traps, and a huge supply of targets for Contracts mode. Moving a launch date is never an easy decision, we know it’s frustrating to have to wait a bit longer for the game, but we truly believe it will mean we can deliver a better launch and overall experience. We’ll share more details next week about the full release schedule and scope of HITMAN in general so keep a look out for that.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Sull’insulto Oggi il turpiloquio è di uso comune. I giovani per scandalizzare gli adulti potrebbero recuperare epiteti come allocco, babbiasso, piciu o pisquano Di una conferenza che dovevo fare a Camogli “la Repubblica” ha pubblicato un estratto (dicendo che non si trattava del testo completo); ma il mondo è pieno di gente che legge le prime righe di un testo e ne fa un’analisi critica senza tener conto del resto. Quando doveva uscire il mio “Pendolo di Foucault”, “l’Espresso” ne aveva pubblicato l’inizio, dove un io narrante esprime il suo turbamento (ai limiti della follia) di fronte al pendolo che dà nome al romanzo. Subito un critico ha scritto sulle mie follie mistico-occultistiche, senza sapere che nel resto del romanzo si sarebbe fatta giustizia di quelle fantasticherie, che lo stesso io narrante poi ripudia. Nel caso della conferenza di Camogli il titolo era “Lei, tu, la memoria e l’insulto”. Nel brano di “Repubblica” non si arrivava all’insulto, ma (avendo visto la parola nel titolo) c’è chi si è subito irritato perché io avrei considerato il “tu” come un insulto. Sarebbe bastato cercare on line il testo completo, ma per un giornale si deve scrivere in fretta, come Jack Lemmon in “Prima Pagina”. Che cosa dicevo sull’insulto? Siccome sia l’uso del tu e altri fenomeni di linguaggio mi sembravano dipendere dal fatto che le giovani generazioni hanno una insufficiente memoria del passato, mi chiedevo come avrebbero potuto reagire alla tendenza degli adulti, di usare parolacce che una volta non avrebbero mai pronunciato. Qualche anno fa in parlamento, quando Furio Colombo stava denunciando alcuni episodi di razzismo, il deputato leghista Brigandì, come motivata contro-argomentazione, ha urlato “Faccia da culo!”, Bossi parlava di Berluskaz, Grillo ha detto dei suoi avversari «padri puttanieri che chiagnono e fottono», il senatore Nino Strano ha urlato contro il collega Salvatore Cusumano: «Sei una merda, sei un cesso corroso, sei un frocio mafioso, sei una checca squallida», Francesco Storace ha gridato a Mauro Paissan «Quella checca mi ha graffiato con le sue unghie laccate di rosso, io non l’ho toccato. Vi sfido a trovare le mie impronte sul suo culo…», Massimo De Rosa, parlamentare cinquestelle, ha urlato a un gruppo di deputate Pd «Siete qui solo perché brave a fare i pompini». Berlusconi avrebbe definito Angela Merkel «una culona inchiavabile». Una volta gli adulti evitavano le parolacce, se non all’osteria o in caserma, mentre i giovani le usavano per provocazione, e le scrivevano sulle pareti dei gabinetti della scuola. Oggi le nonne dicono “cazzo” invece di perdirindindina; i giovani potrebbero distinguersi dicendo perdirindindina, ma non sanno più che questa esclamazione esistesse. Che tipo di parolacce può usare oggi un giovane, per sentirsi appunto in polemica coi suoi genitori, quando i suoi genitori e i suoi nonni non gli lasciano più alcuno spazio per una inventiva scurrilità? Avevo quindi ripreso una vecchia “Bustina”, consigliando ai giovani parole desuete ma efficaci come pistola dell’ostrega, papaciugo, imbolsito, crapapelata, piffero, marocchino, morlacco, badalucco, pischimpirola, tarabuso, balengu, piciu, cacasotto, malmostoso, lavativo, magnasapone, tonto, allocco, magnavongole, zanzibar, bidone, ciocco, bartolomeo, mona, tapiro, belinone, tamarro, burino, lucco, lingera, bernardo, lasagnone, vincenzo, babbiasso, saletabacchi, fregnone, lenza, scricchianespuli, cagone, giocondo, asinone, impiastro, ciarlatano, cecè, salame, testadirapa, farfallone, tanghero, cazzone, magnafregna, pulcinella, zozzone, scassapalle, mangiapaneatradimento, gonzo, bestione, buzzicone, cacacammisa, sfrappolato, puzzone, coatto, gandùla, brighella, pituano, pisquano, carampana, farlocco, flanellone, flippato, fricchettone, gabolista, gaglioffo, bietolone, e tanti altri termini bellissimi che lo spazio mi obbliga a tagliare. Speriamo bene, per la riscoperta dell’idioma gentile.
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Labels vrijdag 16 mei 2014 International -ongoing- BlackShades customers raid -Summary Rumours within the cybercrime underground started to appear early May about people getting arrested and their equipment getting seized. Nothing uncommon so far, apart from that this time more and more people started to arise, with all the same stories, everywhere from Europe. At one point people even started posting 'proof'. Convincing proof. If all turns out to be true we are being witness of one of the biggest international raids -ever- related to cybercrime. Below is a summary of what the uproar is about. It contains user posts on different unrelated forums. 'Proof' users posted, some news articles that could be related, and probably most convincing, a domain seized by the FBI. The domain bshades.eu went offline on Wednesday. According to its whois information the domain is seized by the FBI: Most uproar is on hackforums.net where a dozen topics have been started some with even more than 70 pages of comments and more and more people showing up saying they have been a victim of the raid. The image below show a Dutch hackforums user saying he was victim of the raid. The officer that signed the document is indeed, according to his linkedin profile, a ICT investigator. This user from Finland posts another piece of 'proof'. According to Mikko Hypponen this translates to: "It's a warrant for search and seizure, related to 'importing Blackshades XXXX' into Finland." Below is a picture of someone claiming the Police is in front of his house because of a search warrant regarding BlackShades, as proof he posts this picture. Here's a German user posting evidence of his arrest: Another German person posting his comments: And last one, here's a Dutch user talking about his arrest on a sole Dutch forum. Then the newspapers. Most remarkable is that only French newspaper RTL seems to have inside information. They reported about a raid going on in France with in France alone 70 search warrants(!!) related to the use of BlackShades malware.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
Q: Firestore Reading Old Data I've deleted all documents from my collection "Cards". But my old data keeps showing up! I've recently updated my Firebase pods. Here is my reading data code: CARDS_REF.addSnapshotListener({ (snapshot, error) in if let error = error { debugPrint("ERROR WHILE FETCHING CARDS: \(error.localizedDescription)") return } var newCards = [Card]() guard let snaps = snapshot else { return } for snap in snaps.documents { let newCard = Card(key: snap.documentID, dictionary: snap.data() as [String: AnyObject]) let timeStamp = newCard.expirationDate let expirationDate: Date = timeStamp!.dateValue() let currentDate = Date() if currentDate < expirationDate { newCards.append(newCard) } } self.cards = newCards self.mainVC?.cardsLoaded() }) Here is CARDS_REF: let firestoreRef = Firestore.firestore() // <-- Declared outside of class fileprivate var _CARDS_REF = firestoreRef.collection("cards") // <-- Declared inside DataService class var CARDS_REF: CollectionReference { // <-- Declared inside DataService class return _CARDS_REF } Any ideas? Thanks! A: Yea Firebase is caching data for you. To disable this, do the following: let settings = FirestoreSettings() settings.isPersistenceEnabled = false db.settings = settings // db is your firebase database reference.
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
import app from '@system.app'; import fetch from '@system.fetch'; import device from '@system.device'; import storage from '@system.storage'; import dc_stat_conf from './dcloud_stat_conf.js'; let dcloud_stat = { stat_data: { p: "a" }, retryTime: 0, //重试次数 report: function (logType) { this.stat_data.lt = logType || 1; this.getAppInfo(); let _self = this; this.getDeviceId(function () { if (dc_stat_conf.app_key) { _self.stat_data.ak = dc_stat_conf.app_key; //console.log("stat_data:" + JSON.stringify(_self.stat_data)); fetch.fetch({ url: "https://stream.dcloud.net.cn/quickapp/stat", data: _self.stat_data, success: function (rsp) { //console.log("report rsp: " + rsp.data); }, fail: function (data, code) { if (++_self.retryTime > 2) { setTimeout((logType) => { report(logType); }, 500); } } }); } }); }, getAppInfo: function () { let appInfo = app.getInfo(); if (appInfo) { this.stat_data.vn = appInfo.versionName; this.stat_data.vc = appInfo.versionCode; } }, getDeviceId: function (callback) { let _self = this; device.getId({ type: ["device", "mac", "user"], success: function (data) { console.log("device.getId success: " + JSON.stringify(data)); _self.stat_data.imei = "|" + data.device + "|" + data.mac + "|" + data.user + "||"; _self.getDeviceInfo(callback); }, fail: function (data, code) { console.log("handling fail, code=" + code); let dt = new Date(); //读取之前缓存的数据 storage.get({ key: '__DC_STAT_DEVICE_R', success: function (data) { let rid = ''; if (data) { //之前已经有缓存数据了 rid = data; } else { //首次,没有数据 rid = "__DS_RID__" + dt.getFullYear() + (dt.getMonth() +1) + dt.getDate() + dt.getHours() + parseInt(Math.random() *100000); //存储rid storage.set({ key:'__DC_STAT_DEVICE_R', value:rid }); } _self.stat_data.imei = "||||" +rid + "|"; _self.getDeviceInfo(callback); }, fail: function (data, code) { console.log("storage handling fail, code=" + code); } }); } }); }, getDeviceInfo: function (callback) { let _self = this; device.getInfo({ success: function (data) { _self.stat_data.brand = data.brand; _self.stat_data.vd = data.manufacturer; _self.stat_data.md = data.model; _self.stat_data.os = data.osVersionCode; //TODO 缺少网络 _self.stat_data.pvn = data.platformVersionName; _self.stat_data.vb = data.platformVersionCode; _self.stat_data.lang = data.language; _self.stat_data.region = data.region; _self.stat_data.sw = data.screenWidth; _self.stat_data.sh = data.screenHeight; }, fail: function () { }, complete: function () { callback(); } }); } }; (global.__proto__ || global).dc_stat = dcloud_stat; export default dcloud_stat;
{ "meta": { "pile_set_name": "Github" }, "file_path": "/net/ioasic11-100G/scratch/harshg/datasets/dataset_first_40k.jsonl" }
David works on the Magic community team as a content specialist. He spends his days writing about Magic Online and trying to play too many colors at once in Limited. What Is the Magic Online Weekly Announcements Blog? Every Tuesday, we round up all of the biggest Magic Online news and post it right here in the Weekly Announcements Blog. Check in every Tuesday for all of the latest news! Magic Online Player of the Year Standings Available Once Again We're tracking Player of the Year standings once again on MTGO.com! Both Limited and Constructed Player of the Year standings are updated every Thursday. Upcoming R&D Challenge Event on Friday, September 12 Think you have the Magic chops to beat the folks in R&D at their own game? Good, I like the cut of your jib. You're in. The time? High noon (Pacific). The place? The Scheduled events room. The format? Vintage Constructed. The prize? Magic 2015 booster packs. Except for R&D. They don't get the booster packs. Check out the 2014 Community Cup: Companion Events article for all the details! R&D's Finest Allison Medwin Ian Duke Ben Hayes Bryan Hawley Shawn Main Ethan Fleischer Adam Prosak Sam Stoddard Jackie Lee Check in Wednesday for Part Two of the Community Team Player Profiles We're posting the second half of the Community Team profiles on Wednesday, September 3, so don't forget to check in to learn more about the teams competing in the 2014 Community Cup. Check out the directory for all of the profiles released so far! Magic Online Cube Refresh and Event Details In Monday’s article, R&D’s Adam Prosak walked players through the extensive process behind re-working the Magic Online Cube. With over fifty cards that have been updated, be sure to check out the full card list, as well as the full change list, included within Adam's article. Now that the Cube is refreshed, it’s time to break it in! We’ll be running two weeks of Cube Events, alongside flashback drafts, beginning on Wednesday, September 17, running until Wednesday, October 1. Refer to the tables below for the full event details! Magic Online Cube Swiss Draft START TIMES Wednesday, September 17, after downtime until Wednesday, October 1 downtime All times are Pacific (for UTC, add 7 hours) LOCATION Limited Queues ENTRY OPTIONS Option 1 Option 2 10 Event Tickets 16 Phantom Points PRODUCT Magic Online will provide 3 Phantom Cube booster packs SIZE 8 players PLAY STYLE Swiss FORMAT Draft DURATION 10 minutes deck-building time. Three rounds, each round up to 50 minutes. PRIZES Match Wins Prizes QPs 3 Wins 24 Phantom Points 1 2 Wins 16 Phantom Points 0 1 Win 6 Phantom Points 0 0 Wins 2 Phantom Points 0 Magic Online Cube Single Elimination Draft START TIMES Wednesday, September 17, after downtime until Wednesday, October 1 downtime All times are Pacific (for UTC, add 7 hours) LOCATION Limited Queues ENTRY OPTIONS Option 1 Option 2 10 Event Tickets 16 Phantom Points PRODUCT 3 Magic Online Cube booster packs SIZE 8 players PLAY STYLE Single Elimination FORMAT Draft DURATION 10 minutes deck-building time. Three rounds, each round up to 50 minutes. PRIZES Date Prizes 9/17-9/24 Place Prizes QPs 1st 1 Tempest booster pack, 1 Stronghold booster pack, 1 Exodus booster pack, and 18 Phantom Points 1 2nd 1 Tempest booster pack, 1 Stronghold booster pack, 1 Exodus booster pack, and 12 Phantom Points 0 3rd-4th 7 Phantom Points 0 5th-8th 3 Phantom Points 0 9/24-10/1 Place Prizes QPs 1st 3 Innistrad booster packs and 18 Phantom Points 1 2nd 3 Innistrad booster packs and 12 Phantom Points 0 3rd-4th 7 Phantom Points 0 5th-8th 3 Phantom Points 0 Single Elimination Flashback Draft START TIMES Wednesday, September 17, after downtime until Wednesday, October 1 downtime All times are Pacific (for UTC, add 7 hours) LOCATION Limited Queues ENTRY OPTIONS Option 1 Option 2 2 Event Tickets, plus Product 14 Event Tickets PRODUCT Date Product 9/17-9/24 1 Tempest, 1 Stronghold, and 1 Exodus booster pack 9/24-10/1 3 Innistrad booster packs SIZE 8 players PLAY STYLE Single Elimination FORMAT Draft DURATION 10 minutes deck-building time. Three rounds, each round up to 50 minutes. PRIZES Date Prizes 9/17-9/24 Place Prizes QPs 1st 3 Tempest booster packs, 2 Stronghold booster packs, and 3 Exodus booster pack 1 2nd 1 Tempest booster pack, 2 Stronghold booster packs, and 1 Exodus booster pack 0 9/24-10/1 Place Prizes QPs 1st 8 Innistrad booster packs 1 2nd 4 Innistrad booster packs 0 Swiss Flashback Draft START TIMES Wednesday, September 17, after downtime until Wednesday, October 1 downtime All times are Pacific (for UTC, add 7 hours) LOCATION Limited Queues ENTRY OPTIONS Option 1 Option 2 2 Event Tickets, plus Product 14 Event Tickets PRODUCT Date Product 9/17-9/24 1 Tempest, 1 Stronghold, and 1 Exodus booster pack 9/24-10/1 3 Innistrad booster packs SIZE 8 players PLAY STYLE Swiss FORMAT Draft DURATION 10 minutes deck-building time. Three rounds, each round up to 50 minutes. PRIZES Date Prizes 9/17-9/24 Match Wins Prizes QPs 3 Wins 1 Tempest, 1 Stronghold, and 1 Exodus booster pack 1 2 Wins 1 Tempest and 1 Exodus booster pack 0 1 Win 1 Stronghold booster pack 0 9/24-10/1 Match Wins Prizes QPs 3 Wins 3 Innistrad booster packs 1 2 Wins 2 Innistrad booster packs 0 1 Win 1 Innistrad booster pack 0
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