audioduration (s)
and yjeu went off i seen UM IN I IN it UM
they had animation and UM computer work
Where she UM
UM it was quite FU FUNNY
UM it was about this UM girl WHO was a PRI PRINCESS but then got
SSSSSSPLIT up with her FA FAMILY and AND she was trying to UM get BACK to
them UM UM
someone had UM
U UM she
didn't quite make it to UM the train And she UM FE FELL off the train
UM and she went to an ORPHANAGEEE UM
ERM for Christmas i got that bear AND AND also got
a small cat bear that's UM black and white ER i didn't get that many
UM Then we came back
that and we had a S MALL tea and on Boxing Day WE MY MUM cooked A A meal
So she didn't have to cook a meal twice UM
books this year but UM but i did get a few computer games and a
CONS OLE which was a PLAY PLAYSTATION two UM and that's quite good
to play on ERM i got a marbling kit so you can
your ouwn marbling things UM and i got other small bits and pieces for
my cats i bought them THISSSSSS THIS thing that L LOOKS like a slice of cheese with H HOA HOLES in
you put balls in it AND UM AND they're meant to put their paws in and UM play with that And they quite like that THEY
been playing with it quite a lot UM we went out for a meal on Christmas
to this pub place which was quite good AND AND food tasted nice UM
I've supported Aston VILLA VILLA for eight years i supported them in 1990 when my uncle died When i was
through his house i found a couple of badges with Aston Villa on and some memorabilia Since then I've supported them
Technology i learned everything that was really hard i didn't really understand all of it And
i have Maths and Science again SAME SAME day as i had on Friday had Maths and Science then
i found that really easy all multiple choices So hopefully I'll do well and just get good mock results
I've supported them through thick and thin last couple of seasons have been bad this season doing really well
We've bought in England stars WE'VE got ten players from England in our squad or first
mainly are foreigners Mark Bosnich who's going to go UM AT THE AT THE moment at
I'm doing my GCSEs i chose Business Studies Geography double science English Maths
ER French English Literature and language ERM I'm doing all high papers
in everything ER so far I've had my Geography that went really well found that really easy ER
my r.e. ER didn't do too well in that because couldn't really learn nothing My MATHSSSSSSS that was really hard
all the things i studied on didn't turn up didn't come up And then on my
Most of the programming i do is in visual basic UM which is in windows UM at my school they've got visual basic
i sometimes spend some time writing in there in our i t lessons information technology UM
twenty nine by twenty nine looks impossible but in fact it's based on one simple technique UM make it any size as long as the dimension is an odd
haven't tried it with an even number yet UM OH yes visual basic UM
M MOST of my friends at school who are in yearsSSSSSSS higher than me sometimes write programs in visual basic in their lunch breaks UM some of them are a bit
but I I I get used to that Try to push me off computers and everything UM YEAH
UM my account on the computers is a normal one you can get manager accounts above that A AND they
go into anyone else's below them
UM there were few samples UM supplied from visual basic and i picked up some the
from that with all the add ons and everything it's really a very U USER friendly language and easy to use UM
at home I've actually got a higher version of visual basic than at school UM but the computer sometimes crashes when it runs that i think it's because of memory
UM yeah And I've made some exe versions of some of my games UM
but I'm keeping those to myself F FOR the time I might sell them later when I'm older UM what sort of games have you written
Usually a strategy games UM I've written a program where you've got to fill in some magic squares and I've got
a program to actually make a magic square any size you want Once I made one twentynine by twentynine took ages fill it magic square that's the one where you move the
no UM that's when where all the horizontals and verticals and diagonals add up to the same UM
Right I'm going to talk about fencing for a bit UM i started fencing a couple of years ago There are three W W W W WEAPONS foil epee
sabre i started off on foil UM and that was ok UM but i didn't feel it WUZSSSSSSSSS UM
but once i got to the last sixteen of the public school fencing competitions which i thougth wasn't bad UM dee dum
dum ERM i don't think I'm realistically going to be able to keep fencing up at University BECAUSSSSS there's other things that
i probably want to do instead I'm not sure I'll have the time but I'll probably enter the public schools again this year
as interesting as some of the others so i started doing a bit of epee after a while And I IN epee you've got to hit your opponent with the end of the
absolutely anywhere basically UM and I ITS all done with UM C C COMPUTERS and
YYYYYOU all wired up to stuff WHICHCHCHCHCHCH UM C AN tell if you've hit the other person or not And UM
There's a metal foil often which means that light doesn't come up if you hit the floor And UM I've entered a few competitions i
quite well UM about a year ago when i came SSSSSSEVENTH in Surrey UM which wasn't bad UM I've not been doing it so
much recently though but i have done a bit of sabre UM most of our school fencing competitions are sabre rather than epee ERM which is a bit of
pain because it's mostly loads of inexperienced people WHO JUST WILL WHO JUST hit you and i would always wake up the next day with all these bruises
and bleeding a bit ERM I've entered a couple of sabre competitions as well UM I'm not generally very good at sabre because i don't really practise it
I've chosen to talk about my ERM electric guitar A An I've been playing it since LARSSSSSST November about that And UM
yeah well I've been playing it for JJJJJJ JUST over a year now An UM UH HU i did have a tutor ERM but in about H AROUND September UM he
AND a rhythm which i was doing and weve only been playing for about a month now and UM well there U U two other GUITARISTS who in the band
have the same tutor UM U UZ me and ERM
UM SSS STOPPED coming didn't turn up for some reason and WO W WU we found out A A couple of months ago his wife's got cancer so UM so
HE'S going to stop for a bit And UM well HI i HA A ASN'T been as fun UM playing since he hasn't been teaching me because when i learn songs by myself it takes a
longer and isn't quite as fun And UM well M MOST of the SO SONGS i play is like rock and hard rock and UM my
band are HU U probably QUEEN QUEEN and UM HI HIXEPT that i find most of their songs QUITE QUITE hard to play Huh my teacher
i should start off with SU ZOMETHING would be a bit more simple AND HA AND we had just started moving ON ON to Queen but he UM stopped And
ERM yeah and AH like playing U ALMOST any UM RRRROCK bands like Aerosmith and and people like that And
i play in a band as well except UM A A don't play the LEAD LEED guitar in my band i play the bass and we practice about WW WWWW
a week round UM one of our friend's house And UM yeah OUR OUR FFFFFRIEND plays the drums and we have a lead guitarist A
MY UM NIN block MIE NIN NIN NIN TENDO sixty four
DOWN at school in Dorset UM what we do is we have THIS UM THIS UM TH ING which we do
W EDNESDAY afternoons which is called THE UM THE UM S S EE SEE EF
UM which is LIKE THE LIKE V ERY low down UM F ATING of
the armed forces UM W OT we
and also I want some NEW NEW UM NEW UM B OOKS TO UM
UM H ELP me WU WITH MY UM WITH MY W ORK at school and i also
A NEW A NEW UM UM personal S
EEDEE player And also I want a few NEW UM NEW UM UM
B OOKS T TTTTT TO read at home block I'VE also hoping to get
And UM and i also got UM some R RRRRRR RA ROA R RRRRRRRRRROLLERBLADES W WIJ i exists but content is empty.
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