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Aortic valve replacement surgery may be done as an open-heart surgery or as a less invasive surgery (where the surgeon makes smaller incisions and does not open the chest). This slideshow shows the surgery as an open-heart surgery. To replace the damaged aortic valve, the surgeon first makes an incision in the chest and cuts through the breastbone (sternum). Then, the surgeon opens the chest with a retractor to expose the heart. The surgeon opens the lining that protects the heart (pericardium). Next, the surgeon removes the damaged aortic valve. Finally, the surgeon inserts the artificial valve into the aorta. The artificial valve (also called a prosthetic valve) may be either mechanical or made of human or animal (pig) tissue. The surgeon sews the valve to the annulus, which is a ring of tissue that connects to the leaflets of the aortic valve. |Primary Medical Reviewer||Rakesh K. Pai, MD, FACC - Cardiology, Electrophysiology| |Specialist Medical Reviewer||John A. McPherson, MD, FACC, FSCAI - Cardiology| |Last Revised||November 2, 2011|
The Vineyard Nursing Association, Vineyard Health Care Access Program and Island Health are collaborating on a pilot program for people who are living with or are at risk for chronic diseases such as diabetes, congestive heart failure and COPD. Called The Martha’s Vineyard Partnership for Health, the free program aims to help people connect with resources, education and health care needed to improve their health. The program has been funded by a community grant from the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, and is modeled on a nationally-recognized chronic care model developed in Seattle, Wash. The program will offer health coaching, diabetes education classes, a chronic disease management class, walking groups and other exercise and wellness programs. Classes and health coaching are offered in English and Portuguese. The program is initially open to anyone who is at risk, including people who have been diagnosed with or are experiencing acute symptoms of chronic disease. Referrals to the program can come from a primary care provider, a nurse, a friend or self-referral. For information, contact Lindsey Strug at 508-687-7118 or visit the website
http://mailto:[email protected]/news/2013/02/28/chronic-care-program
Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) The University of Michigan Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) offers outstanding undergraduates underrepresented in their field of study the opportunity to conduct intensive research across a variety of disciplines. The goal is to prepare students for advanced studies in a Ph.D. program at U-M. The Summer Research Opportunity Program was initiated in 1986 by the Graduate Deans of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) to encourage talented undergraduate students to pursue graduate study, and subsequently, academic careers. SROP allows undergraduates the opportunity to work on graduate level research projects with faculty. Students work with faculty mentors either on an individual basis or as part of a research team. Research teams may also include graduate students, research scientists, and other SROP students. In addition, all participants engage in a series of academic, professional, and personal development seminars. Participants present their research at a concluding U-M research symposium. A central goal of the program is to prepare participants for graduate study at U-M. Students in SROP build professional and personal networks that support their interest in joining the academic community. SROP participants are expected to participate full-time during the 8 week program. Participants may not enroll for classes, concurrent summer programs, or hold other employment during the period of the program. SROP is held on the U-M Ann Arbor campus. Detailed information about the application process for participation in U-M’s Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP). Information about stipend, travel, and room and board for participants. Undergraduates who will be entering their Junior or Senior years are eligible for participation in the program. Information about expectations of participants. Examples of past project titles and objectives. Examples of student presentation titles. Other SROP programs, prospective graduate study Summer Research Opportunity Program 1530 Rackham Building 915 E. Washington Street, Suite 1530 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1070 Phone: (734) 647-4013 Fax: (734) 936-2848
Recently, I got an e-mail from the Foundation Beyond Belief, which is working with USAID to raise awareness of the continuing drought and famine in the Horn of Africa. The toll in lives is already appalling, including over 29,000 deaths from starvation and outbreaks of measles and cholera, and hundreds more dying every day. The crisis has produced almost a million refugees, including over 400,000 at the Dadaab camp in Kenya. I have to admit that my first reaction to this news was a feeling of hopelessness. Sometimes it seems that occasional famine is a painful fact of life, especially in poor, overpopulated regions of arid, sub-Saharan nations, and that any effort to help, however well-intentioned, is only going to delay the inevitable. I won't deny that I've had some of these thoughts myself. But I was brought up short by a passage that Johann Hari wrote in a recent book review: As recently as the mid-1980s, it was thought that famine was usually an "act of God" - a "biblical" failure of rains or crops or seasons. But in the 1990s Amartya Sen, the Nobelwinning economist, showed this was wrong by proving one bold fact: "No famine has ever taken place in the history of the world in a functioning democracy." Famine, it turns out, is not caused by a failure to produce food. It is caused by a failure to distribute food correctly - because the ruler is not accountable to the starving. Although a natural disaster, like drought, is often the trigger, the ultimate cause of famine is almost always a corrupt, greedy, or unaccountable government that siphons off food from the needy. For example, during the infamous Irish potato famine of the 1840s, Ireland was producing more than enough food to feed itself, but the imperial British rulers of the time demanded that the majority of it be shipped abroad for export. The only space left for the Irish to grow their own food was on small and marginal plots, and when the potato blight wiped out their chief crop, disaster followed. And the same thing is happening now in Somalia. As Nicholas Kristof writes, the country is experiencing a historic drought - aggravated, no doubt, by climate change - but that alone wouldn't have caused such a severe crisis. Kenya and Ethiopia, which are also affected by the drought, are coping better thanks to technological advances, like drought-resistant crops and irrigation systems. But the closest thing to a government in Somalia is the violent, ignorant Islamist movement called the Shabab that's the only authority in most of the country. Kristof puts it chillingly: The area where large numbers of people are dying almost perfectly overlays the regions where the Shabab is in control. The Shabab has actively kept out aid workers and relief shipments, apparently viewing them as unwanted intrusions from corrupt and godless Western countries. They've blocked rivers and stolen water from villagers to divert it to farmers who pay them bribes. They've even tried to prevent starving people from fleeing. So, yes, famine is an "act of God" - but only in the sense that it's caused by God's self-appointed agents, the forces of religious darkness that don't value human life and are perfectly willing to allow suffering and death. Famine is not inevitable, even in a warming and overpopulated world. The question is whether we, the defenders of humanity and civilization, the people who care about this life, are willing to act to prevent it. Whenever I think of Somalia, I'm reminded that the brilliant, amazing Ayaan Hirsi Ali came from there. Could there be other minds like hers swept up in the famine, people with the same potential as her even now cradling their dying children or trudging to refugee camps? Will we stand by and permit the strangling darkness of theocracy to snuff out these bright sparks? If you want to help, see the FBB's Humanist Crisis Response Program, supporting the International Rescue Committee.
Biology makes good use of numbers both small and large. Try these questions involving big and small numbers. You might need to use standard biological data not given in the question. Of course, as these questions involve estimation there are no definitive 'correct' answers. Just try to make your answers to each part as accurate as seems appropriate in the context of the question. Extension: In mathematics, a bound for a measurement gives two numbers between which we know for certain that the real measurement must lie. For example, a (not very good) bound on the height of the members of a class would be 1m < heights < 2m. In the previous questions can you find bounds on the quantities? First suggest a really rough bound which you would know to be true and then see if you can sensibly improve on it.
California law allows “small estates” to be collected without probate. It is typically a very simple and inexpensive process, especially when compared to probating an estate. One downside has been that a small estate’s gross value, until now, had to be less than $100,000.00. However, as of January 1, 2012, this amount has increased to $150,000.00. See Probate Code §13100. In order to use the procedure, all of the following must be true: - No probate proceedings have been initiated; - 40 days must have elapsed since the decedent’s passing; and, - The total gross value of assets is no greater than $150,000.00 not including the following assets: - Joint tenancy property; - Beneficiary designations; - Motor vehicles registered with the DMV; - Manufactured homes, campers, etc. This applies to both real property (houses and land) and personal property (all other property). However, if real real property is involved, a court request is necessary but is far quicker and less expensive than a full probate. Personal property can be collected by a affidavit so long as it meets certain requirements. See Probate Code §13150. It should be noted that some websites (including a publisher of well known legal “do it yourself books”) say that real property cannot be collected without a full probate unless it has a value of less than $50,000. However this is incorrect. These sites are seemingly referring to a procedure at Probate Code §13200, not Probate Code §13100 – 13150.
The world chess champion, the Indian Vishwanathan Anand, has yesterday played simultaneously against forty mathematicians, a selection from the participants to International Congress of Mathematicians at Hyderabad, in India. The result has been Anand 39,5-Mathematicians 0,5 i.e. Anand has won 39 games and draw one. (Note: this doesn’t say that Anand is forty times more intelligent than a mathematic: it just says that he has studied more chess technique.) Many have played successfully both games: we remember the Cuban José Raoul Capablanca, world chess champion since 1921 to 1927; the American Emanuel Lasker, he too world chess champion, defeated by the same Capablanca. Lasker wrote the chronicles of the Anglo-American match Culbertson-Buller in 1933, the first Schwab Trophy. Last but no least, Lasker has been a “strong” mathematic: his researches have driven Emily Noether toward her discoveries (for mathematicians: see the Lasker-Noether theorem). Need to signal also Victor Korcnoj and Bobby Fisher: they hadn’t been strong bridgeplayers, but loved our game. The best Chess-Bridgeplayer of today is a woman: Irina Levitina. She has won three Venice cups and, when younger, has been runner up twice in world female chess championship.
June 29, 2006 Barros and Alito on Legal History Methodolgy Been reading my employer's (Ben Barros') Nothing 'Errant' About It: The Berman and Midkiff Conference Notes and How the Supreme Court got to Kelo with Its Eyes Wide Open, which is up on ssrn. I highly recommend it. Ben has some pretty interesting moves in the paper. He uses notes from the Justices' conferences in Berman and Midkiff to understand what the justices thought they were doing. Dedicated propertyprof readers have already seen some of Ben's thoughts on parts of this. As an approach to legal history, reading judges' papers has much to recommend it. Barros goes a little beyond, I think, purely legal history questions: he's interested not just in what the justices thought they were doing. He's interested in how that might affect our thinking in subsequent cases. And his paper suggests that Kelo's in line with Berman and Midkiff. So here's where I see Barros and Alito overlapping in methodology. Alito's Note in the Yale Law Journal took a similar approach. Alito read the justices' notes in the "released time" cases (separation clause challenges to schools' giving release time to students to attend religious instruction). Alito had, I thought, a very fine reconstruction of what the justices thought they were doing. And it was more limited than how subsequent cases interpreted what the justices thought they were doing. From that, I read Alito as suggesting that subsequent interpretations of those cases ought to be limited. Pretty interesting methodology for reading precedent, actually: we should go behind what the justices wrote to further limit their opinions. (Barros and Alito depart on outcome, because Barros says that Kelo's in line with previous cases.) I thought when I read Alito's Note last December that it might get some play in his confirmation hearing, because I think that is a window into his thinking (at least as a student). Pretty interesting to think that Alito was writing advocacy-oriented legal history (of a conservative kind, I think) at the same time that Robert Cover was writing advocacy-oriented legal history (of a more liberal, though not necessarily so) kind. Alito published his Note in the same year that Cover published Justice Accused: Anti-Slavery and the Judicial Process. Wow--lots of exciting ideas in circulation in New Haven in 1975. I wonder what Laura Kalman would have to say about this? Now, I'm a huge fan of student works; some of my most memorable and enjoyable moments are working with students on their notes. And I've been real fortunate to supervise some terrific ones on property in the last few years, including Amy Wilson's on the jazz influence in property law (got to read it--I'm not going to give away the punchline); Kitty Rogers' on integrating the city of the dead (catchy title, eh?); Leah Green's on the Erie Canal in American legal thought; and Fred Wright's on the effect of New Deal residential finance and foreclosure policies on property law. I'm skeptical of how much we can read into a student's jurisprudence, thought I think they may give us a sense of a person's thinking. Now two closing questions: so, Ben, should we start calling Alito, Barrolito? Or, perhaps, calling you Alitorros? Endnote: As I was looking on the Library of Congress website for a public domain image to illustrate this post, I was surprised to see how many photographs there are of "blight" from the 1930s. (The photograph I used here, for instance, was taken in 1935 and is of a apartment house that's been converted in a gas station. Looks pretty nice to me, but it's described as blighted.) No surprise that there are lots of photos from the 1930s, but what does surprise me is how many homes are defined as blighted. Comments are held for approval, so they will not appear immediately. TrackBack URL for this entry: Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Barros and Alito on Legal History Methodolgy: Thanks, Al. I kind of like Alitorros – sounds like a large spiny dinosaur. Since I disagree with all of the justices about half of the time, I figure I’ll do the same with Alito. We’ll have to see what he does on takings. The methodology question is an important one, and I’ve been giving it some thought recently. I think it is possible to over-read the conference notes, and it is important to keep in mind that the printed opinions are the only official statements of the Justices’ positions on particular issues. But the Justices themselves aren’t above making arguments about what particular Justices thought about various issues. E.g., Justice O’Connor’s assertion in Kelo that some language in Berman and Midkiff was included in error, or Justice Blackmun’s assertion in Lucas that Justice Holmes appeared to buy into the methodology of Miller v. Schoene. The conference notes show that both of those assertions are wrong. The Justices also use a lot of vague language, and the conference notes provide a sort of legislative history of the opinions (with many of the same pitfalls of legislative history in the statutory context). But to me, the most interesting thing about the conference notes is the insight they give us into the Justices’ struggles with very complex issues. In this context, I think of the Justices as scholars with differing viewpoints, and the conference as a symposium on the issues in a case. Even if you disagree with them, many of the Justices had robust and interesting ideas on takings issues – for me, Justices Holmes, Brennan, Scalia and Stevens are most the interesting. Posted by: Ben Barros | Jun 29, 2006 11:15:02 AM All very interesting stuff. The notes are immensely useful; I've benefitted a lot from Dickson's mamouth volume. More data points are better in this case, of course. But then there's the question: what do we make of the extra knowledge. For Alito's very well-crafted Note, I think the implication was we should be more circumspect in using precedent. He had (perhaps still has?) a preference for a modest interpretation of the precedent. I'm not sure that I want to be bound by justices' notes in interpreting precedent, though. That's a subject worth some (electronic) ink for another time. Posted by: Al Brophy | Jun 29, 2006 2:46:28 PM
Rumors speak of barbarians that hold secrets of transforming the body into the form of animals. The Circle of Magi denies such rumors, but this rare art survives in the forgotten corners of Thedas. Mastery of their bodies allows shapeshifters some protection, even in human form, making them durable opponents and staunch allies. Shapeshifters in Thedas Edit Rumors speak of barbarians that hold secrets of transforming the body into the form of animals. The Circle of Magi denies such stories. But this rare art survives in the forgotten corners of Thedas. While the Circle of Magi would prefer that it be so, theirs is not the only tradition of magic in Thedas. Prior to the Circle’s formation, magic was either practiced by the Magisters of the Tevinter Imperium or in remote areas, knowledge handed down from one generation of practitioners to the next. “Hedge mages,” as Enchanters of the Circle refer to them, or “witches” as legend would name them, do not always employ forbidden magic. Quite often their talents lie in the creation of charms, the use of curses and the ability to change their own forms. This skill is also known by Keepers of the Dalish clans, as revealed in a possible conversation between Morrigan and the Dalish Elf Origin Warden. Abominations also appear to have limited shapeshifting abilities such as: - Connor Guerrin - Lady of the forest (the host is a worf in this case) | Spider Shape|| Sustained | Requires: Level 7 |The shapeshifter can transform into a giant spider, gaining a large bonus to nature resistance as well as the spider's Web and Poison Spit abilities. The caster's spellpower determines how powerful the form is. With Master Shapeshifter, the mage becomes a corrupted spider, growing still stronger and gaining the Overwhelm ability.| | Bear Shape|| Sustained | Requires: Level 8 |The shapeshifter can transform into a bear, gaining large bonuses to nature resistance and armor as well as the bear's Slam and Rage abilities. The caster's spellpower further enhances this bear's statistics and abilities. With Master Shapeshifter, this form transforms the caster into a powerful bereskarn and gains the Overwhelm ability.| | Flying Swarm|| Sustained | Requires: Level 10 |The shapeshifter's body explodes into a swarm of stinging insects that inflict nature damage on nearby foes, with the damage increasing based on the caster's spellpower and proximity. While in this form, the caster gains Divide the Swarm, and any damage the shapeshifter suffers is drawn from mana instead of health, but the caster regenerates no mana. The swirling cloud of insects is immune to normal missiles and has a very good chance of evading physical attacks but is extremely vulnerable to fire. With Master Shapeshifter, the character gains health whenever the swarm inflicts damage.| | Master Shapeshifter|| Passive | Requires: Level 12 |Mastery of the shifter's ways alters the forms of Bear Shape and Spider Shape, allowing the caster to become a bereskarn and a corrupted spider, both considerably more powerful than their base forms. In those forms, the shapeshifter also gains Overwhelm. Additionally, the Flying Swarm shape drains health from foes whenever the main swarm inflicts damage.| - Morrigan will teach this specialization if her approval of you is neutral; she is not willing to do so once her approval rises above 25. - You can purchase a Shapeshifter Manual from Varathorn in the Dalish Camp at the Brecilian Outskirts for around 12. Shapeshifting Mechanics Edit When the caster assumes a new form, the Strength, Dexterity and Constitution attributes may be replaced by those of the chosen form, which are based on Spellpower. Any attribute which would be higher in unshifted form will remain unchanged. Bonuses given by equipment to any stats (including Armor, Armor Penetration, Defense, and Damage) are calculated after changing forms. Build and form strategies Edit There are generally two types of Shapeshifters: the "mage", who focuses on spell-casting and only uses the Shapeshifter talents for the specific use of an ability/form or after the depletion of mana; and the "specialist", who aims to make their shifted forms as strong as possible. The "mage" does not invest at all in the Strength and Dexterity attributes. They primarily shift forms to tank specific bosses (as the forms are immune to powerful boss abilities like Grab and Knockback). The "specialist" invests in the Strength, Dexterity and Magic attributes, as all three will usefully improve the Shapeshifter forms. Spider Shape is the most versatile of the forms, with two ranged attacks as well as the powerful Overwhelm (ability) gained with Master Shapeshifter. The Spider Shape's attributes scale the slowest with increasing Spellpower, however, making it the weakest form for "mage" Shapeshifters. Bear Shape is the toughest form and does the most Physical damage. Its attacks are much slower than the Spider Shape's, so equipping a staff (for auto-hit and Armor Penetration) before shifting is recommended, especially at lower levels. Bear Shape also scales faster with increasing Spellpower than the Spider Shape, remaining useful throughout the campaign. Flying Swarm Edit Flying Swarm's damage-over-time attack does not harm allies and is capable of doing greater damage (per target) than most damage-over-time spells at the same level of Spellpower. It is the fastest of the forms and the only one that does not alter any of the mage's main attributes. Instead, Flying Swarm improves the mage's base Missile Deflection stat, making it particularly useful for "specialist" Shapeshifters. Notable specialization combinations Edit "Mage" Shapeshifters may wish to consider the passive benefits of any given second specialization. Arcane Warrior Edit Arcane Warrior gives greater flexibility in equipment, making higher stat values possible when in shifted form. Spirit Healer Edit The Shapeshifter's versatility works well with the Spirit Healer's focus on defense, helping them avoid damage until their talents are needed, at which point they can shift instantly back to human form to cast them. Battlemage enables a mage to inflict high area-of-effect damage. Switching to the Spider form allows the mage to use its Web ability to hold enemies within the area, and to Overwhelm enemies that manage to flee it. - Sustained spells are automatically deactivated by shapeshifting. - Casters do not have access to potions and other items while in shifted form. - If the weapon equipped prior to shifting is a staff, then the shifted form will not deliver critical hits. - Most defensive bonuses (e.g. Physical, Mental and elemental Resistances) from equipped items are carried over when shifting. - Armor rating for Spider or Bear form is either a default, fixed value or from the mage's base armor from equipment (whichever is higher). If the mage's Armor is higher than Bear Form's base armor, Bear Form increases it by 10. - The mage cannot Level Up while shifted. Experience will appear to halt at the amount required for the next level. The next experience gain while in "natural" form will trigger the level advance. (No earned XP will be lost in either form - it will be added retroactively when the level is properly gained.) Known shapeshifters Edit See also Edit - Players are researching the effect of spellpower on shapeshifting abilities here.
The disparate prospects of each continent have little in common. To the extent that they can be linked by a single theme in 2013, however, it is the idea of the unraveling of the global economy and the political integration that supported it. After two decades of globalization, this year will see each of the big political theaters re-erecting barriers and focusing more on domestic repairs than on global expansion. The unraveling has its roots in longer-term trends, but it is set to step up in the next year. There has been a remarkable stabilization within the euro zone since European Central Bank President Mario Draghi’s intervention in the summer of 2012. But even as the euro zone integrates, the politics and economics of the wider European Union are likely to diverge. In practice, the measures toward an integrated banking union, increased parliamentary accountability and more incentives for reform could go hand in hand with the de facto economic and political disintegration of the EU. Economically, as Sebastian Dullien argues in a paper, “Why the euro crisis threatens the EU single market,” there is a significant risk of a gradual unraveling of the EU’s single-market system. A full euro zone breakup would shatter the euro, while a great leap toward political union could see shrinkage of the single market, as countries such as the United Kingdom withdraw from the heart of Europe. Even muddling through the crisis seems likely to diminish the depth of the single market. In recent months, banks in the euro zone have withdrawn from trans-border business. Even poorly-managed German companies are paying significantly less interest on capital than well-managed Spanish companies. These new barriers between euro zone members will lead to a renewed focus on domestic markets. For Europe, this means less competition, less growth and higher prices for consumers. Europe’s economic unraveling will be matched by a new political geography. The continent is already seeing a reshuffling of its elite, as the traditional political forces in many countries – from Greece to Italy to Finland to Austria – find themselves besieged by an emerging anti-political class of populists from left and right. There is also a renegotiation of the relationship between the “core” and the “periphery” – with many EU member states, including larger nations such as the UK, Poland and Spain, deeply concerned that integration is forcing them to the periphery of the European project. Most worrying is the fragmentation of the core itself, with possibly irreconcilable differences emerging between Paris and Berlin over the future shape of the EU polity.
WASHINGTON — The National Park Service has dispatched a top Colorado-based epidemic specialist and a Washington-based public health official to investigate the dangerous airborne disease that recently killed two Yosemite National Park visitors and potentially endangers others. Some 1,700 Yosemite visitors who stayed in the park’s privately run Curry Village “signature” tent cabins since mid-June are being warned of their potential exposure, park officials said Tuesday. The tent-dwellers are being advised to watch for signs of the often-lethal hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, caused by proximity to infected rodents. “We’re asking people that if they exhibit any signs of the disease to seek immediate medical attention,” Yosemite spokesman Scott Gediman said Tuesday. Though no definitive proof yet connects the Curry Village tents to the recent hantavirus cases, three individuals known to have contracted hantavirus this year had stayed at the popular Yosemite facilities in June. Two died. Officials say they have also identified a probable fourth Yosemite hantavirus patient. Already, this makes the Yosemite hantavirus episode one of the park service’s most severe public health challenges. “Most cases of hantavirus occur as isolated cases; the cluster of cases associated with Curry Village is unusual,” Dr. David Wong, a commander in the U.S. Public Health Service and chief of the epidemiology branch of the park service’s Office of Public Health, said Tuesday. In all of 2011, the park service recorded a total of 50 public health “incidents” nationwide. These ranged from E. coli infections at the Grand Canyon and measles at Bryce Canyon to valley fever, a fungus that enters the lungs. An archeology student digging in the dust at Pinnacles National Monument in California came down with it. Though a Yosemite visitor survived a hantavirus bout in 2010, no hantavirus exposures occurred in any National Park Service property last year, according to the Office of Public Health’s annual report. A Grand Canyon visitor died from hantavirus in 2009, as did the deputy superintendent of Glacier National Park in 2004, Wong said, though the victims’ routes of exposure were not clear. Nationwide, 24 hantavirus cases were reported in 2011 to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Half of the patients died, though the average mortality rate since the disease was first identified in 1993 has been about 38 percent. The disease is typically caused by inhaling small particles of mouse urine or droppings that have been stirred up into the air. The illness starts between one and six weeks after exposure, marked by fever, chills and muscle aches. Fluid eventually fills the lungs, with one survivor telling the CDC that the feeling was like “a tight band around my chest and a pillow over my face.” To oversee the new Yosemite investigation, veterinary epidemiologist Dr. Danielle Buttke arrived on Sunday from Fort Collins, Colo., and public health specialist Adam Kramer, a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Public Health Service, arrived from park service headquarters. Buttke had already been to Yosemite about a week and a half ago, following the initial hantavirus discoveries. California Department of Public Health staffers have also been on scene. In addition to being a veterinarian, Buttke holds a doctorate from Cornell University and a master’s in public health from The Johns Hopkins University. She has served as an “epidemic intelligence service officer” with the CDC. “Staff from various offices at Yosemite are putting a great deal of time on this issue as well,” U.S. Public Health Service Capt. Charles Higgins, director of the park service’s Office of Public Health, said Tuesday. Among other tasks, Buttke and her team have been trapping and testing the deer mice prevalent in Yosemite Valley. Between 15 percent and 20 percent of the deer mice population test positive for hantavirus, Gediman said, though he noted that the likelihood of human exposure also depends on factors like the rodent’s population density and the animal’s ability to get into tent cabins. Additional rodent-proofing and trapping measures have been instituted since the hantavirus patients were identified. The concession company Delaware North, which operates the Curry Village tents, sent e-mails to most of the Curry Village signature tent visitors by Monday night, and plans to send follow-up letters by Wednesday to those without e-mail contact information. Park rangers are also handing out brochures to visitors.
On today's show I introduced you to Thomson Mason, George Mason's brother. Thomson was heavily involved in the writing of Revolutionary War tracts asserting the rights of the Colonists living in their sovereign "states". Mason is the author of the letter I read on today's show which read in part. "It is objected that this measure strikes at the Navigation Acts, which we have long submitted to. The very objection evinces the folly of trusting the decision of this dispute to posterity, who, familiarized to oppression, will never resist it, and who, by long use, will be accustomed to look upon every badge of slavery with as little horror as we do upon the Navigaion Acts, which ought certainly to be considered as impositions of the strong upon the weak, and as such ought to be resisted as much as any of the other Acts we complain of ; nor will the dispute ever be ended till, by refusing submission to them, we remove so dangerous a precedent. "You must draw your swords in a just cause, and rely upon that God, who assists the righteous, to support your endeavors to preserve the liberty he gave, and the love of which he hath implanted i n your hearts as essential to your nature." And now, my friends, fellow-citizens, and countrymen, to convince you that I am in earnest in the advice I have given you, notwithstanding the personal danger I expose myself to in so doing ; notwithstanding the threats thrown out by the British aristocracy of punishing in England those who shall dare to oppose them in America ; yet because I do not wish to survive the liberty of my country one single moment ; because I am determined to risk my all in supporting that liberty, and because I think it in some measure dishonest to skulk under a borrowed name upon such an occasion as this, I am neither afraid or ashamed to avow that the letters signed ' A British American' were written by the hand and flowed from the heart of "
Bail Pola – often the epitome of irony for bullocks The annual Bail Pola holiday—a day when bullocks are supposed to be paid respect—is often the epitome of irony. Celebrated in rural communities, the festival is intended to be a time for owners to show their appreciation for the bullocks on whom their livelihood depends, but the bullocks would be surprised if they knew that. Traditions include decorating the bullocks with colored powder, painting their horns, and parading them through the village. But often the powders and paints are toxic and can cause serious harm, including horn cancer. The festivals also attract professional horn raspers—men who are paid to shave down bullocks’ horns with knives in order to make the animals appear younger and thus fetch a better price if sold. However, the process exposes nerve endings in the horn and can be very painful. Animal Rahat used this year’s Bail Pola celebration to discourage horn-rasping and promote safer adornments. Everyone who promised not to have their bullocks’ horns rasped was given free materials from Animal Rahat such as nontoxic powder that doesn’t irritate bullocks’ skin and brightly colored tape to be used instead of paint to decorate bullocks’ horns. (The tape is also reflective, which increases the bullocks’ visibility on the dark roads at night and helps prevent collisions with vehicles.) It worked! Not only did hundreds of owners take the pledge not to rasp their bullocks’ horns, the village of Taradgaon also banned horn-rasping entirely! In addition, several newspapers covered Animal Rahat’s activities during Bail Pola, which allowed tens of thousands of readers to learn about the harm that these practices cause.
Posted on May 09, 2012 | Comments 0 Planning for your next vacation? Consider booking a room at an eco-friendly hotel. There are numerous things to think about ranging from organic linens to environmental certification. The truth is that being organic means a lot more than recycling and eating organically. This certification is the gold standard for hotels, restaurants and other buildings. It stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. The certificate is meant to tell whether a facility fulfills rigorous sustainability standards regarding material and water usage and energy efficiency. There are some other seals as well that you could be thinking about. (photo by One of the simplest things that the hotels and motels can do is not to change the sheets on a daily basis. If you are looking at the offers of a given hotel, you should check whether it has a towel and sheet re-use program. In the majority of the cases they have a system where you can signal whether you would like to have your sheets and towels changed or not. Just consider that such a simple thing can save a lot of energy and water. It is important to know whether the hotel that you are planning to stay at has a recycling program. Usually the hotels recycle paper and plastic, but some of them also recycle gray water. This is the water used in the kitchen and laundry room. It can be recycled to water the grounds. Otherwise it would be discarded as waste. One of the things that a hotel could do to become an eco-friendly one is to opt for non-toxic cleaners. The customers shouldn’t be shy about asking about such things. If the hotel uses cleaners of this kind most probably they have some information about it on their website and they will be more than happy to tell you about it. This is the place you should check out if you want to learn more about the sustainability of the hotel. If they use local and organic produce or if they have a rooftop garden, if they recycle frying oil or if they have any other kind of eco-friendly projects they will surely advertise it. If this is the case most probably the hotel has the same practices. These are some of the guidelines that you should consider when choosing your next vacation destination. Filed Under: Green Living
Growing Fears in Japan As 2 Volcanoes Erupt Again - Two volcanoes on Japan's southern island of Kyushu erupted on Tuesday. A volcano at Sakurajima, the Minamidake crater, erupted early Tuesday followed by an eruption at Shinmoedake in the afternoon. Shinmoedake erupted for the first time in 52 years last month and has erupted more than ten times since. Amid growing fears that a massive eruption could still be on its way, the latest eruptions covered nearby villages with rocks and ash. The two volcanoes spewed plumes of smoke and ash up to 2-thousand meters into the air resulting in multiple injuries and destroyed homes. A resident said, "This is crazy! Strong winds suddenly came and blew everything away." A lava dome in the Shinmoedake crater is growing and could spill out creating a lava flow. Authorities therefore are maintaining a restricted zone of four kilometers around the volcano. A level 3 alert is being maintained for both regions with 5 being the highest level when evacuations are carried out. And volcanic experts are warning that the recent eruptions on Shinmoedake and other peaks in Japan resemble the highly destructive blasts that occurred 300 years ago which killed more than 30 people. Another Icelandic volcano 'set to erupt' - Scientists in Iceland are warning that another volcano looks set to erupt and threatening to spew-out a pall of dust that would dwarf last year's event. Geologists detected the high risk of a new eruption after evaluating an increased swarm of earthquakes around the island's second largest volcano. The area around Bárdarbunga is showing signs of increased activity, which provides "good reason to worry". A low number of seismometer measuring devices in the area is making it more difficult to determine the scale and likely outcome of the current shifts. But there was "every reason to worry" as the sustained earthquake tremors to the north east of the remote volcano range are THE STRONGEST RECORDED IN RECENT TIMES and there was "no doubt" the lava was rising. The lack of coverage from measuring devices means they cannot accurately detect the depth and exact location of the increased number of localised earth movements and much of the area is covered with glaciers. "This is the most active area of the country if we look at the whole country together. There is no doubt that lava there is slowly growing, and the seismicity of the last few days is a sign of it." The Icelandic Met Office had on Sunday warned of the increased risk of a eruption in north-west side of Vatnajökull glacier due to the high earthquake activity in the area, and added: "It is clear that only time is going to tell us if there is going to be a eruption in this area soon or not." The last recorded eruption of Bárdarbunga was in 1910, although volcanologists believe its last major eruption occurred in 1477 when it produced a large ash and pumice fallout. It also produced the largest known lava flow during the past 10,000 years on earth. It is the second largest volcano on Iceland and is directly above the mantle plume of molten rock. By comparison, Bárdarbunga dwarves the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which shut down most of Europe's airspace last year after its ash cloud drifted across the continent's skies. changes the world, but the most probable change is to a more violent world.** LARGEST QUAKES - This morning - 5.3 SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA 5.0 OFF COAST OF OREGON 5.1 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION 5.4 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION 5.0 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION 5.1 VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION 5.6 ATACAMA, CHILE 5.1 BANDA SEA TAIWAN - The National Science Council will set up a station to monitor volcanic activity in the Datun mountain group north of Taipei this year. Volcanic observation must be carried out continually to provide a basis for comparison. Taiwan has no such volcano observatory at present. The measurements necessary for monitoring volcanic activity are chemical analysis of the gases and water emitted from the underground magma, and observation of changes in seismic activity and topographical transformations. The Datun group lies on the edge of the Taipei Basin and is thought to be the only potentially extant volcano on Taiwan proper. Whether or not the Datun volcano group is capable of becoming active again was a scientific question worthy of further study. “The observatory's most important objective will be to connect with existing observation facilities through the Internet to establish a real-time monitoring system. Whenever there is seismic or volcanic activity in the Datun Mountains, we will be able to assess it immediately.” At present the Datun volcano has not reached the eruption stage, so there is no need for concern. TROPICAL STORMS - No current tropical cyclones. Cyclone Zaka weakens off the east coast of New Zealand. Tropical cyclone Zaka - the latest storm to develop over the Pacific Ocean after cyclone Yasi pummelled Queensland last week - was last night passing the East Coast as a small storm. After passing west of Raoul Island, the largest and northernmost of New Zealand's main Kermadec Islands, Zaka headed for New Zealand in a weakened state as it entered cooler waters. "Despite the centre being just 200km away from land, the system may not even bring cloud to the eastern tip of the North Island. The system is so small it may only bring a period of easterly winds for an hour or two this evening north of Gisborne." But the "low" could drive in some rough seas over the next 12 to 24 hours around East Cape, Gisborne and Mahia Peninsula. Swells near the centre of the low will be around 5m high with waves reaching 2m to 3m around East Cape and Gisborne. High chance of cyclone developing off Pilbara coast on Thursday - A low pressure system is expected to develop off the north west Kimberley coast in Australia today and is expected to move west south-west and develop into a tropical cyclone. "Well off the coast though by the looks of things and the expected track is further west or south west. So, it doesn't look like it will do much for us, most of the rain associated with it will be off the coast." Outback floods give way to muddy mess - Floodwaters which lapped at outback homesteads and communities across northern South Australia have started to ease. The waters still cover much of the northern grazing lands but buildings are now drying out. "We're in the process of cleaning everything up and just trying to again salvage what we can." Torrential rain and storms across a wide area of SA were a result of ex-Tropical Cyclone Yasi heading inland. The flood recovery will take time. "This is going to be a bit of a marathon for us....Once we can get access to the roads of course the problem is if we get another storm like we did the other day it's just going to turn into another river again and we're just going to have to go through the whole thing all over again." Queensland towns remain cut off after Cyclone Yasi - More than five days after a category five cyclone battered northern Australia, help has still not reached some remote communities in Queensland. While loss of life has been minimal, Cyclone Yasi caused widespread damage to homes, roads, bridges and crops. The army has been cutting its way through mountains of debris to reach smaller townships and farms. Essential services are slowly being restored but some smaller communities have yet to receive the help they need. The task - after the state's worst storm in a century - is immense. The coastal town of Cardwell, south of Cairns, was very badly damaged. "The lifeblood of this place is the highway out front of us and my fear is that if they don't get this highway going, up and going again that our future, we won't have one." The Australian government says that the impact of Cyclone Yasi and recent flooding in Queensland will affect economic growth during the first quarter of the year. SEVERE RAIN STORMS, FLOODING, LANDSLIDES - AUSTRALIA - More Queensland extreme rainfall events expected. Queensland's summer of 2010-2011 will be long remembered for its widespread flooding and the impact of Cyclone Yasi, but it may not be an isolated occurrence for the state. Research from the Australian Institute of Marine Science shows the frequency of extreme rainfall events has been increasing since the late 19th century. Some latest research supports predictions that tropical rainfall will become more variable in a warming world. Scientists at AIMS have investigated several long coral cores from the Great Barrier Reef and that has allowed them to reconstruct northeast Queensland summer rainfall back to the late 17th century, providing more than 300 years of records to examine past climate variability and change. The 1973-1974 summer wet season, when Brisbane experienced its previous major flood, was the wettest in at least the past three centuries. Extreme wet and dry events had always occurred in Queensland, but the cores provided evidence that they are happening more frequently now than they did in earlier centuries. "The fact that extreme wet and extreme dry weather will happen more often and can potentially impact on thousands of people and millions of dollars worth of property, is something that the community will have to consider." HEAVY SNOW / EXTREME COLD - US snow melts leaving mess, and bodies - The mountains of snow that have covered the northeastern US landscape for the past month and a half are finally melting, revealing oozing lumps of garbage, gaping potholes, bicycles, rat-infested sofas, discarded Christmas trees - and even bodies. More than 145 centimetres of snow has fallen on New York City this winter, ITS SNOWIEST JANUARY EVER, and the story is similar elsewhere around the northeast. Residents welcomed warmer weather this week before an expected plunge back into the freezer, but they weren't so thrilled about the side effects. "This is disgusting. I can't tell if it's snow or garbage or some sick other thing," said one resident, finding discarded bills, paper cups and sludge in the shrinking mound of snow and ice covering her car. "This stinks." Since a post-Christmas blizzard dumped more than 0.6 metres of snow on parts of the city, the snow piles have forced pedestrians to weave single-file through snow-packed footpaths. Two bodies were found in vehicles last week. In both cases, a passer-by spotted someone slumped over the wheel after snow melted away from the windows. One man was found dead on February 1 of an apparent gunshot wound; he had been reported missing a week earlier. And on Friday, a day after he was reported missing, a body was found in the driver's seat of a BMW. Authorities believe he may have died of carbon monoxide poisoning. At least one other body was discovered in the New York area in late January, in a parking lot. The man had been dead of hypothermia for several days before anyone noticed. After complaining for weeks about the city's failure to plough enough snow, many New Yorkers are now griping about the garbage piles and big pieces of furniture, some crawling with rats. During the many snowstorms to hit the city, the Sanitation Department suspended garbage collection for days at a time in order to use trucks for snow removal, which meant about 11,000 tons of rubbish per day didn't get collected. Some of it got buried by the succeeding storms. Garbage collection has since resumed, but it's not proceeding fast enough for some New Yorkers. "It's like we've replaced the snow walls with garbage walls. Even the parks are covered in mud and filthy snow." SPACE WEATHER - Newly-discovered asteroid 2011 CA7 is flying past Earth today only 63,000 miles away, or 1/4TH THE DISTANCE TO THE MOON. At closest approach around 1700 UT on Feb. 9th, the VW-Bug-sized space rock will zip through the constellation Orion glowing like a 17th magnitude star. [Several small asteroids passed close to earth in the last few days. The 1 meter-sized 2011 CQ1 came closest and on 2/4 passed only 0.03 lunar distances from earth. Asteroid 2011 CQ1 was discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey on February 4 and made a RECORD CLOSE EARTH APPROACH 14 hours later at 19:39 UT (14:39 EST). It passed to within 0.85 Earth radii (5480 km) of the Earth's surface over a region in the mid-Pacific. This object is the closest non-impacting object in our asteroid catalog to date. Prior to the Earth close approach, this object was in an orbit that was mostly outside the Earth's orbit. Following the close approach, the Earth's gravitational attraction modified the object's orbit to an orbit where the asteroid spends almost all of its time inside the Earth's orbit. The close Earth approach changed the asteroid's flight path by about 60 degrees. Because of their small size, objects of this size are difficult to discover but there are likely to be nearly a billion objects of this size and larger in near-Earth space and one would expect one to strike Earth's atmosphere every few weeks on average. Upon striking the atmosphere, small objects of this size create visually impressive fireball events but only rarely do even a few small fragments reach the ground. The 3 meter-sized 2011 CF22 on 2/6 passed only 0.1 LD (one tenth the distance to the moon). The 4 meter-sized (VW Bug sized above) 2011 CA7 on 2/9 will pass only 0.3 LD (1/4 the distance to the moon). The 23 meter-sized 2011 CZ3 on 2/10 will pass 2.5 LD (Two and a half times farther away than the moon.)] Formerly quiet sunspot 1153 is suddenly crackling with C- and M-class solar flares. Because sunspot 1153 is rounding the sun's western horizon, these eruptions are not Earth-directed. They are, however, Venus-directed. The second planet from the sun could receive glancing blows from solar plasma clouds in the days ahead.
Thai society needs to resurrect the question of coup-related legal consequences, particularly those undermining respect for people's rights, scholars and progressive red-shirt and Nitirat members told a university forum. They also challenged long-embedded conventions they said suppress the virtues of a citizen's rights when standing before the courts of justice. Worachet Pakeerut (Photo by Patipat Janthong) Worachet Pakeerut, Thammasat University associate law professor, said judges must learn to open their minds and accommodate the democratic rules of the rights of the people. Mr Worachet, a core member of the Nitirat (Enlightened Jurists) group, was speaking at a forum themed "Thai Court and the (In)justice in Thai Society - Lese Majeste Verdicts" organised by the Campaign Committee for Article 112 Amendment (CCAA) and its network at Thammasat University on Sunday. The courts, Mr Worachet said, need to realise that they have a connection with and receive legitimacy from the public, not other institutions. Among his suggestions was a change to the usual ending of a written motion submitted to the court by an attorney, which conventionally ends with the phrase "Upon your benevolence, please. Your Honour." Mr Worachet recommended that the final paragraph be changed to, "Kindly be informed so and adjudicate to serve the interests of law and justice." "With that, hopefully, the culture and the procedures the court has long been familiar with will be changed to bring them more in line with democratic principles," said the Thammasat University scholar. Nidhi Eosriwong, historian and independent scholar, said justice in Thai society was defined by the ruling power and neglects the freedoms and liberty of the people. Lawyers who uphold democratic principles had a tough job interpreting and applying the core principles, said Mr Nidhi. "Judges and lawyers should stay afloat and lend their ears to what society is caring about and advocating. The court and all parties involved need to show that they are part of and acting in line with the democratic forces that are striving in our society," the Chiang Mai-based intellectual said. He agreed with Mr Worachet's views on judges' independence. Their presence and authority should be rooted by the people's endorsement. The audience at the "Thai Court and the (In)justice in Thai Society - Lese Majeste Verdicts" forum listens closely to a speaker at Thammasat University on Sunday. (Photo by Wasin Pathomyok) Sawatree Suksri, a Thammasat University law lecturer, said the post-coup judgements and behaviour of the judges on politically motivated cases were questionable. The controversial lese majeste rulings, Ms Sawatree said, included Ampon Tangnoppakul's 20-year term of imprisonment and the 10-year sentence for Somyot Prueksakasemsuk. The Ampon verdict showed the judge had little regard for the principle of a defendant being innocent until proven guilty, while the ruling in the Somyot case put too much weight on prosecution testimony, said Ms Sawatree, a member of the Nitirat group. She said the constitutional right to temporary release had not been heeded or applied to lese majeste detainees like Ampon and Somyot. "Uncle SMS" Ampon had applied unsuccessfully for bail seven times, United States citizen Joe Gordon applied eight times, and Somyot 13 times, she said. The judiciary had stayed undemocratically aloof and above public scrutiny for a long time, she added. The CCAA issued a statement at the end of the seminar, challenging judicial judgements that cause public mistrust and saying that judges have upheld the coup-installed guidelines rather than universal human rights principles. The statement, read to an audience of hundreds in Sriburapa Hall, inside the Thaprachan Campus by former deputy supreme court judge Sathit Pairoh, said the Constitution Court, the Courts of Justice and the Administrative Court had made adjudications relating to the 2006 coup which did not convince the public that the law had been invoked and interpreted in conformity with the principles of democratic rule. The public, the statement said, feels distrust towards the judiciary because arbitrary orders issued by coup-makers have been stipulated and enforced in various court rulings, even though the coup-makers are no longer in power. "The judiciary is deemed complicit to an attempt to purge democratically elected civilian governments," said the statement. Various rulings made in relation to the Sept 19, 2006 coup not only compromise democratic principles, they also yielded concrete benefits to certain individuals and political groups. The courts also claim the rulings and decisions as legal precedents, while ignoring the fact that the rulings and decisions were based on the illegitimate and undemocratic usurpation of power. They also cited controversial court decisions that indicate how laws can be retrospectively applied in the disservice of a person, or even the over-interpretation of criminal provisions or the invocation of other irrelevant laws simply to hold a person liable. The invocation of such rulings and decisions had given rise to unabated conflict in Thailand. Such conflicts would not have come about had the judiciary faithfully invoked and interpreted the law according to democratic values and refused to enforce the coup-installed orders and rulings, the statement said.
Private foundations are a popular, longstanding form of philanthropy in the United States. Private foundations are generally founded by an individual, a family or a group of individuals, and are organized either as a nonprofit corporation or as a charitable trust. You can appoint yourself, as well as other family members or friends, to sit on the foundation’s governing board. One common form of a private foundation is a family foundation. Families sometimes use a family foundation as a forum in which family members can work toward common goals, or as a way to instill the value of charitable giving in future generations of the family. Another common option that families use to accomplish the goals of their family philanthropy is to establish a donor advised fund at a community foundation (see Give to or Through a Community Foundation). To learn more about the differences between donor advised fund and a private foundation, see the Giving Options Summary Chart. Since a private foundation is a charitable organization, it is exempt from federal income tax on its income, although it must pay a 1-to-2 percent excise tax on its net investment income. The gifts you make to establish a new foundation or grow an existing foundation can afford you certain tax advantages; income, gift and estate tax deductions are available under the law. Consult a professional advisor for details. For some examples of private foundations, see the list of MCF's Private Family Foundation and Private Independent Foundation members. There are three main types of private foundations: private endowed foundation, pass-through foundation and private operating foundation. Private Endowed Foundation This is the most common type of private foundation. The foundation’s financial assets create a principal — or endowment — that is invested, and income from the endowment is paid out annually to charity. Generally, the principal or endowment is not spent, only the investment income. Therefore the principal can increase with good investment, ensuring the foundation's continuation and growth to meet future community needs. Private foundations are required by law to pay out annual grants and other qualifying distributions totaling a minimum of 5 percent of the fair market value of their assets. A pass-through foundation is a private grantmaking organization that distributes all of the contributions it receives each year (not just 5 percent of its assets). The pass-through option may be made or revoked on a year-to-year basis. Private Operating Foundation A private operating foundation uses the bulk of its income to actively run its own charitable programs or services. Examples include the operation of a museum, library, research facility or historic property. Some private operating foundations also choose to make some grants to other charitable organizations. Association of Small Foundations: The Association of Small Foundations (ASF) is a membership organization for donors, trustees, employees and consultants of foundations that have few or no staff. Council on Foundations: The Council on Foundations, a national membership association of grantmaking foundations and corporations, offers this helpful "Starting a Foundation" section. National Center for Family Philanthropy: The Center focuses on matters of importance to families engaged in philanthropy and their effective giving. The Center has several useful publications and programs on starting and operating a private family foundation. The Minnesota Council on Foundations is available for one-on-one consultations. Contact the Council for more information.
Still, regional turmoil can still raise the price of oil, regardless of the source. Analysts say concerns about violence in North Africa and Middle East have put a "fear premium" that's added about $10 a barrel. Consumers and businesses would feel pinched by $100-a-barrel oil -- and not just motorists. Stock prices, which have lost more than 2 percent this week, could sink further. That would reduce household wealth and consumer confidence. As fuel costs price rise, so would prices for travel services and products containing plastics. Air travelers would pay more. This month, several airlines tacked on fuel surcharges -- extra fees that help cover fuel bills. Surcharges had nearly disappeared after fuel prices tanked in late 2008. Since then, rising oil prices have pushed jet fuel close to $3 a gallon. Fuel accounts for roughly one-third of the budget for U.S. airlines, up from less than one-fifth a decade ago. Fitch Ratings analyst William Warlick said if jet fuel reaches about $3.20 a gallon, "the whole industry will be challenged to stay profitable." Airlines may soon decide to eliminate some flights and ground older jets to cut fuel consumption, Warlick said. Delta Air Lines has already scaled back plans to add flights this year. Analysts estimate that over a year, $100 oil would reduce U.S. economic growth by 0.2 or 0.3 of a percentage point. So rather than grow an estimated 3.7 percent this year, the economy would expand 3.4 percent or 3.5 percent. That would likely mean less hiring and higher unemployment. The global economy wouldn't be affected as much. In part, that's because emerging economies consume less oil, per person, than industrialized countries do. Global growth would slip about 0.1 percentage point, economists said. In addition, many developing countries regulate or subsidize the cost of gas. But oil prices around $100 a barrel pose a risk for European economies, many of which are net importers of oil and gas, haven't fully recovered from the financial crisis and face heavy debt loads. Spain and Italy, for example, where gas at the pump already goes for about $8 a gallon, face years of a slow, grinding recovery. A spike in oil would deal their economies another setback. Pricier oil would also push up inflation in Europe, where it already exceeds official targets, and in countries with surging food prices, like China, Brazil and India. Those countries might then have to raise interest rates to cool inflation. Doing so, in turn, would slow growth in Latin America and Asia. A darker possibility -- one that few analysts expect -- is that oil prices will keep rising until they reach $150 or more and then stay there for months. Under that scenario, another recession is possible, economists say. Gasoline prices would near $5 a gallon. Consumers would spend much less. So would businesses, which would slash jobs. "It would nail the economy," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics. "All the benefits of the tax breaks we got in last year's tax-cut deal would be completely wiped out and then some." One reason the United States and other developed countries can still grow with oil at $100 a barrel is they've become more energy-efficient since the oil-price shocks of the 1970s. U.S. retailers and manufacturers that use oil-produced plastics, for example, have been shrinking packaging and packing more items onto their trucks. A new wave of redesigned products, like ultra-thin plastic bottles of water, has also emerged. Marc Rosenberg, a marketing official for WowWee Toys, says its products use 30 percent less plastic compared with five years ago. Natural gas and other alternatives have also emerged as alternative fuel sources. Brian Bethune of IHS Global Insight and other economists say rising oil prices could spur more use of solar, wind and geothermal energy sources. Less consumption of imported oil would reduce the United States' trade deficit. "Can we live with $100 a barrel oil?" said economist Ken Mayland of ClearView Economics. "I think so. Can that economy still grow if oil is at $110 a barrel? Yes. But past that, you start getting uncomfortably close to the point where people start curbing their spending."
Bojutsu (3.5e Feat) From D&D Wiki Bojutsu [General] You are trained in Bojutsu, the art of staff fighting, and can use a number of staves to trip the enemy and block attacks Prerequisite: Proficiency with the Bo/Quarterstaff, a Base Attack Bonus +1, a Medium Sized Character or larger Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all attack rolls made with a bo or quarterstaff from weapon familiarity. While equipped with a bo/quarterstaff, you can perform trip attacks and gain a +2 block bonus to your Armor Class. Also you can use the eku, jo, and other staff weapons as though you had proficiency with them, but take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls due to weapon difficulty. Normal: Without bojutsu, a character can wield an eku, but is considered an improvised weapon, and you take -4 penalty on all attack roles. Special: A Monk can choose this feat as its extra Monk feat at the first level. See Also: Wikipedia:Bojutsu
Build a solid foundation in science, formulation and product development—find out more! Most Popular in: European Chemicals Agency to Take the Reins Posted: May 6, 2008 Just as the pre-registration of chemicals in the EU will move to the registration phase on June 1, 2008, and the registration of phase-in substances begins, the European Chemicals Bureau (ECB) will hand off its responsibilities to the newly created European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). For the last 15 years, the ECB has been responsible for assessing and controlling the risks posed by chemical substances, reports The ECB's work has been essential to the scientific and technical preparation of the Commission's proposals to update the list of dangerous substances for which harmonized classification and labeling have been agreed to at the community level, as well as updating the classification criteria. Reportedly, the official inventory of classification and labeling for hazardous substances with toxicological and eco-toxicological potential currently lists about 3,400 entries, corresponding to around 7,900 substances. In full operation, the ECB coordinated many activities, such as chairing more than 400 meetings with member states' competent authorities and other stakeholders, helping them to reach a consensus. In the last five years, the bureau worked on implementing an online management system, as well as archiving all relevant material for new REACH chemicals regulation. The management system now has 8,400 registered users and has been downloaded approximately 6,900 times by worldwide users. The ECHA, located in Helsinki, Finland, will now take over from the ECB the primary responsibility for managing the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction processes for chemicals. Its work will thus ensure a benchmark of standards and consistency across the European Union. The ECHA is also responsible for maintaining REACH regulation standards.
- Story Ideas - Send Corrections OREM, Utah (AP) — The offer seemed too good to be true: A four-year scholarship at Utah Valley University just for the asking. Turns out, it was a mistake that disappointed hundreds of parents and students. Administrators apologized and blamed the confusion on a clerical error discovered after they had alerted 300 high school seniors they were eligible for a full tuition award worth $4,122 a year. University officials said the scholarship is actually based on grades and academic achievement testing, but only the test scores were considered while sending the scholarship notices. Utah Valley University has more than 28,000 students, making it Utah’s second-largest after the University of Utah. UVU boasts that its tuition is a bargain at little more than half the national average.
News Release 078 Volunteer work day planned April 16 at Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site Volume 39-078 (For Immediate Release) For more information: 573-751-1010 JEFFERSON CITY, MO., MARCH 28, 2011 – Celebrate Earth Day by enhancing Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site near Ash Grove at a volunteer work day Saturday, April 16. The work day will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the public is invited to attend and participate. During the volunteer work day, site staff will lead volunteers in projects to improve the appearance of the historic site. Volunteer projects will include whitewashing the Nathan Boone home and yard fence, trail maintenance, weeding and mulching young trees, and repairing boundary fences at the site. Participants will need to sign up as state park volunteers and should bring gloves and wear clothing appropriate for outdoor work. Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site preserves the last home and grave of Missouri frontiersman Nathan Boone. The historic site is located 1.5 miles north of Ash Grove on State Highway V. Call the historic site at 417-751-3266 for more information. For more information on participating, contact the historic site at 417- 751-3266 or the Department of Natural Resources toll free at 800-334-6946 (voice) or 800-379-2419 (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf). For more information about Missouri state parks and historic sites, visit
Standing by Obama: Washington DC residents reveal why they will vote for him Despite poverty, gun and drug crime, the predominantly African-American district of Ward 8 is sticking with President Barack Obama as the man who can turn the economy around. Obama does not have to travel far if wants to find out what life is like for millions of Americans. Take a 20-minute ride on the Metro from the White House to the south east of Washington DC and you find a very different side to the capital. Four years ago, Obama was elected promising hope. Ward 8 in the south east of DC is the place the hope forgot. According to Mirror, this is an area where child poverty rates are more than 30 percent, gun crime is a daily occurrence and drug dealing takes place in the classroom. But despite the problems, this predominantly African-American district is sticking with Obama as the man who can turn the economy around. Ward 8 resident Consuella Henry, a 55-year-old security guard, has fared well in the Obama years and will vote for a second term for the President. "Money is able to go that bit further," she said, adding: "And there are jobs. There are a lot more jobs, they say there isn't but there is." Student Lauren Moses, 19, from Maryland is also sticking with Obama. "We've made a whole bunch of progress in the last four years. Romney would take us back to where we were," Moses said. According to the report, campaigner Nancy Altman from the organisation Social Security Works based in DC said the poorest could suffer if Romney is re-elected.
Places of Interest An edited version of the ‘Historical Walks Through Bandon’ by Mr Paddy Connolly 1 Main Bridge – Built in 1773 and enlarged in 1838. The site of an earlier bridge lay to the West of the current bridge. 2 Milk and Vegetable Market – This was on the site of the Allin Gardens and was in use up to 1903. It was originally built in 1881. 3 Allin Institute – Was originally donated by James Allin, a native of Youghal, for use as a Protestant recreation centre. It had three stories at one point but this was burned by the old IRA on 23rd June 1921 in reprisal for some of its members being involved in the destruction of the Maid of Erin monument in the April of that year. 4 Ragged or Penny Bun School – Located in a building adjoining the Allin Institute closer to the river. 5 Old Post Office – This building was originally built as a branch of the Provincial Bank of Ireland in 1839. When the bank merged with the Munster & Leinster bank in 1974, it changed use to that of a private residence, but this was later bought by An Post in 1985 where it was reconstructed and opened as a new Post Office. Post Office services are now available at the Bandon Shopping Centre on South Main Street. 6 Sean Hales Monument – Erected by former comrades of Sean Hales. He was the O.C. Bandon Battalion of the old IRA 1918-21, a TD in South Cork1921-22 and Brig General in the New Free State Army 1922. Another memorial once stood at this site due to a dispute over a grave in Christchurch graveyard. This memorial was later re-erected on the original grave c1909. An outline of this memorial is carved into the top of the stone tablet on the eastern wall of the bridge. 7 Gap between Post Office and building west of it – The old town wall passed through this site and the gate known as Watergate was in the centre of the roadway. This gate did not have a castle or gatehouse similar to the other three town gates. 8 West Cork Heritage Centre – Also known as Christ Church. Built in 1610 on the site of Carews Old Fort. It is the oldest surviving post reformation church in Ireland. The present tower and steeple were erected in 1856. There were many splendid memorials in this Church. The oldest being that to Richard Croft, builder of a portion of the Town Wall and Burgess of the Corporation in 1613, who died in 1629. The church was deconsecrated in 1973 and some of its’ furnishings were moved to St Peters, as well as Crofts memorial. 9 Church Lane North – The original entrance to Christ Church and is the only spot to have remained constant since the town was founded. 10 The Shambles or Meat Market – Built by the Devonshires in 1818 to replace the North Market House (built in 1754 according to O’Donoghue’s Book). It had 22 stalls rented out to individual traders, a veterinary office and a market jury room. This fifteen sided building is a rare find in Ireland today. 11 Maid of Erin (Once on the main bridge) – The Bandon ’98 Centenary Memorial was erected on Bandon Bridge in 1901 on the foundation stone laid on 26th December 1989 which still remains on the bridge. The statue was pulled down in April 1921 and the shattered pieces were dumped in the river. A new figure of Italian marble on a column of Dublin granite was erected on the original plinth. The monument was dismantled and re-erected at its site in May 1986. 12 Hamilton High School – Houses built for the Duke of Devonshire as the nucleus of a square in 1810, occupied as private dwellings and a portion of it by Bandon Grammar School from 1837 to 1957 when the school was moved to a new premises at Richmount. The school portion was bought by Sean Hamilton in 1958 and the other houses during the subsequent 7 years to make up the present school campus. 13 Kingdom Hall – Built in 1835 as the Bandon Savings Bank and survived until 1890 when the building became the Masonic Hall of Lodge ’84 or Ancient Boyne. There was a clock on the apex of its roof. 14 The Courthouse – Built in 1806 for the Duke of Devonshire who then leased it to the County Grand Jury. It was reconstructed in 1840 and again in 1886. It was partly burned in 1922 and reconstructed in 1927. It was again refurbished in 1989. 15 The Town Hall – The Hall was built in 1862 and was officially opened by the Duke of Devonshire on 9th October 1863. 16 Coolfadda Mills / Brennans Mills – There was a mill on this site from the time the town was established. It was in turn a Grist Mill, Wool Mill, Cotton Mill, and Flour Mill.Messrs Allman & Dowden had a new mill built in the 1860’s . On the outbreak of WW1 a shortage of flour was anticipated by Joseph Brennan and he leased Coolfadda Mills. When America entered the war in 1917 there was a great demand for oatflakes to feed the troops and Brennan began to manufacture and continued to do so for 50 years up to the time the Mill was burned in 1968. 17 The Footbridge – The present bridge was constructed in 1908 by John Buckley. It replaced a timber bridge built in 1853. 18 Stores for Kelleher’s Agricultural Supplies – The slated section was once the Unitarian Presbyterian Church (1813 – 1908), then became a bakery owned by different groups until 1971. 19 Kelleher’s Agricultural Supplies – This beautiful stone built store was once the goods store of the Cork and Bandon and successive Railway Companies. 20 County Council offices – Built in 1894 as the passenger station of the Cork, Bandon and South Coast Railway replacing the station built in 1848. 21 Old Allmans Distillery – Established in 1825 by George Allman. The output varied from 200,000 gallons of whiskey by 1860 to 600,000 gallons in 1886. Power was provided by a giant 36ft in diameter waterwheel that was 8 ft wide. There was also a steam engine. The company did a lot of its foreign trade through Kilmacsimon Quay. The introduction of prohibition in the US had a terrible effect on the business. 22 War of Independence Memorial – A memorial dedicated to the memory of those who fought and died in Ireland’s War of Independence. 23 Bandon District Hospital – Built in 1928 on the site of Bandon Workhouse, itself built in 1841 to accommodate 900 persons and over the following 4 years had between 4,000 and 5,000 inmates. 24 Bandon Fire Station – Based on the site of the old West Cork Bottling Company. Prior to this, Preston’s Timber Yard was on this site. There also stood the Bandon Dispensary and fever Hospital was on an elevated site at the rear of the station. 25 Munster Arms Hotel – Gen Michael Collins had his last meal here on the evening he was killed at Beal na mBlath on 22nd August 1922. The western part of this was the Charitable Repository and Female School of Industry established in 1814 and continued up to 1881 when it became Ballymodan Girls National School. 26 Irishtown Bridge – Built in 1864 to replace a bridge built by a Mr John Lodden in 1636. Immediately west of this bridge was the East Gate of Bandonbridge. Adjoining this site was the site house in which George Bennett, Historian of Bandonbridge and Bandon Oregon was born. 27 Foundation Stone – The foundation stone of the 1898 memorial was laid on 26th December 1898. The Gaslamp standard on this site is one of the originals erected by the Gas Commission in 1835 28 Methodist Church (Wesleyan Church) – Built in 1821 to replace a Meeting House. The inside of this church has remained the same since its creation and is of great architectural significance. 29 Bridge – This bridge was built in 1858 to replace one built by John Lodden in 1636. 30 Public car park – The Earl of Cork once had an Alms house on this site. It was later turned into a sawmill and timber yard by the Pope family in 1840 and later the Harte family from 1928 to 1984. 31 Old Potato Market – On the site now occupied by a supermarket in the Bandon Shopping Centre. It was established in 1620 and continued up to 1950. A cinema was built nearby in 1926. 32 South Market House – The Library is now situated on this site. It was originally built in 1620 and contained Municipal offices, a Courthouse and Market Jury room. The area was once used for church services and in more recent times, used as a garage from 1923. 33 St Peter’s Church – Built on the site of a former church, this church was designed by John Welland of Dublin. The foundation stone was laid on 9th March 1847 and consecrated on 30th August 1849. The only surviving council book of the Old Bandon Corporation is preserved within the Church. The old town walls forms its western and southern boundaries and the remains of a flanker tower can be seen at the south western junction. A lot more interesting facts about St Peters is available on the website. 34 The Old Town Wall – At the rear of the Garda Station there stands some of the best preserved sections of the old Bandon Town Wall. North of the Garda Station is another section of the wall. It contains a tower by the river and a small section was crudely rebuilt in 1980. Across the river is what looks like a small island overgrown with trees and vegetation. This is the base of another tower. 35 McSwiney Quay – Built by the Duke of Devonshire in 1807. Along this roadway it was proposed to build a canal from Innishannon to Dunmanway. When the roadway was constructed, culverts were built to facilitate those who had established rights to water animals at the river. These openings can still be seen on the quay wall. 36 St Patrick’s Church – The foundation stone was laid on 17th March 1856 and was formerly opened on 9th June 1861. Some of the stained glass windows in the church were donated by families as memorials. The West Cork Railway Company had a right of way through a section of the church grounds. A new entrance and steps was created in 1883. The church bell was donated by James P Murphy, Brewer of Cork in 1895. A lot more interesting facts are available on the website. 37 Charlie Hurley GAA park – Formerly the lawn and gardens of Clancool House and bought by Bandon Hurling and Football Club in 1953. 38 Kingston Buildings – Built in 1802 and leased as a Militia Barracks up to 1873. These buildings have also been used as houses, a barracks again, a Free State Army Billet, a technical school and again as private houses. 39 Sealey’s Brewery -Was operating in the 1780’s.An original arch still standing marks the entrance to the yard. TheWest Gate of Bandon stood here. The laneway between the houses on the northern side of the road was where the Town Wall passed through. The line of it can be traced up through Ballymodan graveyard.
Psychiatric News has a thought-provoking article criticising the current definition of major depression, suggesting that it has lead to normal sadness being diagnosed as a serious mental illness. The authors give an abbreviated version of the argument they make in their book The Loss of Sadness: How Psychiatry Transformed Normal Misery Into Depressive Disorder. They argue that the diagnosis contains no qualifications about whether the reaction is appropriate in the context of the person’s life, meaning that people who have suffered unemployment, relationship break up or other forms of personal tragedy are considered equally as ‘mentally ill’ as people who have similar mood disturbances but without a specific trigger. Ample scientific evidence‚Äîranging from infant and primate studies to cross-cultural studies of emotion‚Äîsuggests that intense sadness in response to a variety of situations is a normal, biologically designed human response. Recent epidemiological analysis suggests that the consequences of stressors can be either normal or abnormal, similar to those for bereavement.1 In its quest for reliability via symptom-based definitions that minimized concern with the context in which the symptoms appeared, DSM unintentionally abandoned the well-recognized, scientifically supported, indeed commonsensical distinction between normal sadness and depressive disorder. The blurring of the distinction between normal intense sadness and depressive disorder has arguably had some salutary effects. For example, it has reduced the stigma of depression and created a cultural climate that is more accepting of seeking treatment for mental illness. Many people with normal sadness might benefit from medication that ameliorates their symptoms. However, the usefulness of medication for normal sadness, and especially the trade-off between symptom reduction and adverse effects, has not been carefully studied‚Äîpartly because the necessary distinctions do not exist within the current diagnostic system. One of the most worrying effects of this trend has been a boom in the prescription of antidepressant medication and quotes the worrying figures that “Roughly 10% of women and 4% of men in the United States take antidepressant medication at any time. By 2000, antidepressants were the best-selling prescription drugs of any type”. Link to PsychiatricTimes article ‘An epidemic of depression’.
Let’s try to imagine what it’s like to live without electricity. It’s going to be boring for sure – no internet, no television, no Youtube, no mobile phone. Can you imagine how disconnected and paralyzed you would be? Guarantee that you can actually do some reading, but at night you won’t have light. Perhaps the flicker of light from the kerosene lamps or candlewicks. And both the kerosene lamps and candlewicks are capable of exposing you to danger more than you can imagine. The smoke can turn the air inside your home far more toxic compared to that in industrial areas. You will be worrying about your roof getting burnt as they’re prone to fire hazards. The money spending on purchasing the oil could very well used on other necessities such as providing more food on the dinner table, buying textbooks and even be kept as savings as capital for a future small business. You’re poor, and the lack of light ensures you to stay that way. This is the life for 1.3 billion people across the globe that lacks access to the electric grid. Do you know that 1 out of 4 people in the world still do not have access to light? Energy poverty has continued to serve as a problem for developing countries in the world. Sad to say that energy poverty hasn’t gotten the attention like human trafficking or HIV have received. Compared to other global issues, energy poverty has never been the easiest to be conveyed to the public. When you talk about starving children or human-trafficking, there are millions of close-up shots of doe-eyed, half-naked, skinny African children in conveying the dire situations they are in. This is not to say that the other global issues do not deserve the concern they already have or should have, but it’s time for us to look at the less tackled issue – energy poverty. For the past 2 years, I’ve had the honour in working together with a group of enthusiastic youth in eradicating energy poverty in Indonesia. Never have I taken part in something so gratifying as many youth-led humanitarian projects tend to lack the long term sustainable aspect. The 3 years long Project Light has proven otherwise. The first gasp of that salty air, accompanied by the familiar smell, made me dizzy with euphoria. Here I was, back in Pulau Air Raja, back at the place with the people to whom I had waved goodbye months ago before. I was warmly welcomed by the villagers who had crowded around the pier, as though they were waiting for my return as eagerly as I had. Everything still remains the same; the shaky wooden plank dock, the way the cats greet us good morning by brushing their tails against our feet, the salivating fried calamari, the beautiful starry nights of Air Raja and not to forget, the villagers’ enthusiasm. What’s different now compared to 2 years ago is that all the kerosene lamps at this island are now replaced with a safer, cleaner and cheaper alternative source of lighting that is solar-powered lamps. I vividly remember that back in 2010, during the first phase of our project, 20 of us arrived in a boat on a sole mission to eradicate energy poverty which is lurking beneath all the beautiful landscapes and warm smiles. Then, all the houses were in complete darkness when night fell because they couldn’t afford electricity. Kerosene lamps and candle wicks are their only source of light, which has been shown to cause fire hazards and respiratory-related illnesses. The idea of a solar-powered lamp was as mystical as a unicorn. Our initial plan was to sell only 5 lamps. To date, we managed to reach out to over 400 households across more than 10 islands while creating jobs for 8 rural women. How did we manage to do that? It’s definitely no easy work to introduce the idea of solar-powered lamps to people who had never heard of it. Sleeves had been rolled-up and brains are cracked open. A lot of hard-work and effort were put into starting right from the planning stage till the execution part of the programme. We adopted a social entrepreneurship model in which the lamps are not given away for free but are paid for through a simple instalment scheme. A huge amount of time was spent on educating and interacting with the villagers. Our first phase was focused on introducing the solar powered lamps whereas during the second phase in 2011, we focused on training the local women to be solar lamp entrepreneurs. The training session wasn’t as easy as conducting English lessons. Our training classes for the local women relied heavily on pictorial representations to teach modules such as Product Knowledge and Marketing skills. Most of the volunteer-conducted classes aimed to just get the participants to parrot some modules and move on, leaving them with very little understanding. We didn’t want that, hence direct participation by the women are emphasized throughout classroom assessments in which they had to put into practice what they had learnt. The 1 to 1 sessions between the facilitators and the women was to ensure a close-knitted and more personalized training. Moving on to the third phase of the project this year, the team will definitely soldier on to bring more light to people. This measure of success might be perceived as small when compared on a global scale. However, it’s important that we wake up every morning, realizing the fact that everyone deserves light – one lamp at a time. As Charles Bukowski once said, “You begin saving the world by saving one person at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.” Images are courtesy of Nusantara Development Initiatives. For more information, check out: - Elaine Neo
By Thomas A. Westerkamp - February 2006 - Maintenance & Operations Computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) are designed, in part, to help maintenance and engineering departments effectively control the supply and flow of parts and equipment. But the software can only do so if managers, supervisors and front-line technicians fully understand the software's features and capabilities. By developing a comprehensive training program, managers can ensure that supervisors and technicians fully use the inventory management capabilities of a CMMS. Identifying key training topics, carefully considering the role of a CMMS developer in providing training, and setting up systems that measure the effectiveness of training are essential steps managers will need to take to maximize the organization’s investments in the CMMS and the accompanying training. The key topics addressed by inventory-management training relate directly to inventory objectives and policy goals that managers set. The main objective of inventory management should be to deliver high availability and low cost — that is, providing all needed parts and materials at a reasonable cost. The emphasis on availability does not mean high cost. Instead, it means that both high availability and low costs are achievable, not mutually exclusive. When one of these objectives becomes a priority to the exclusion of the other, however, inventory programs get into trouble. For example, if management says, “All work orders must be completed on the day they are requested,” then material costs will skyrocket as maintenance supervisors scramble to cover every unknown future need. Conversely, if management says, “The backbone of our maintenance system will be scheduled predictive and preventive maintenance, completed on time,” then supervisors will place a greater emphasis on anticipating maintenance needs, and the department will receive fewer emergency requests. The latter approach keeps facilities fully available and operational for occupants’ scheduled activities. Supervisors can plan for and order material and spares just prior to need, rather than storing them for long periods, “just in case.” The anticipation approach also increases availability, reduces inventory cost, and provides users with a highly reliable, safe and secure facility. The Developer’s Role Generally, a training process is divided into two phases: threshold learning — the first exposure to basic fundamentals — and reinforcement learning — the repeated exposure to various examples and practice, as well as advanced applications learned over time. The roles of CMMS developer and any independent training provider are to develop user understanding of the system, using both basic training and specialized training to cover unique needs of each user. Software developers in some cases have received complaints that their training too often follows a canned lesson plan and doesn’t adequately address specific user needs. Managers can avoid this potential training pitfall by examining the department’s training needs and insisting that developers provide comprehensive and seamless training based on those needs. Managers can best achieve this goal by requiring that developers provide both basic initial training, which can be canned for the most part, and subsequent ongoing, customized training after the users have become familiar with the basics. Another option is to have the developer provide the basic training, then bring in an independent trainer to provide the customized, ongoing training to address specific needs. One example of this approach uses a two-step solution. First, the CMMS developer explains the basic modules related to inventory management in a classroom setting for all users, each of whom uses a workstation to navigate through the program. Usually, the developer also provides special training for the system administrator, who can use the training to set up user accounts, passwords and permissions to access various modules. Second, the developer or independent training provider delivers ongoing training and coaching in setting up an inventory-item-numbering system and preparing inventory item masters. This complex step occurs over a longer period of time, but it is the key element in a good CMMS inventory module. Often, managers are tempted to shortcut this process by, for example, filling in only the item number, description and a few other fields on the master. As a result, many of the CMMS’s best functions and reports become unusable because when the software’s report-writing function searches the database, it finds nothing but empty fields. Another essential topic during initial training relates to ongoing help in implementing bar coding. Front-end help with these two parts of the structure — targeting shop management with no experience in these matters — will result in a much smoother, quicker and better implementation, and the payback to the department and organization will be immense. CMMS users also can take advantage of developers’ help desk for ongoing guidance and support. Users can access to subject-matter experts by calling or e-mailing the developer’s customer support group. The service usually is available 24/7/365, and if bugs in the software arise, the developer often can tweak the system quickly and online. The place to start preparing a training program for inventory management is to review the stores attendant’s job description, which listed in the article on page 29. Often, this initial review will indicate areas to update, including new duties, especially if a new CMMS inventory module has been introduced. At a minimum, this training should cover all of the attendant’s duties. This approach will ensure a seamless relation between the CMMS component of the duties and the shop-floor component. For example, using work-flow training aids, CMMS developers can create practical process-flow training exercises for creating a new item master, ordering and receiving parts, entering the quantity into inventory, applying bar codes, and dispersing parts for a work order. Measuring the effectiveness of the inventory-management function is greatly enhanced when the department properly uses the CMMS’s inventory functions. With a complete and up-to-date database of item masters and good control of receipts and withdrawals, managers can run control reports instantly by querying the database to sort the information needed. Armed with this information, managers will be able to identify problem areas and identify the needed steps — perhaps including more training — to address the problems. Two types of reports are crucial: stock-outs and total value of inventory on hand. Stock-out reports show how well parts and material availability is managed, and total value shows how well costs are managed. In most software, users can run standard reports already included and can create new reports. Other reports that extend the usefulness of the software include: a parts list by stores location; allocated items and quantities; a parts list based on the need to reorder; and a list of locations where parts are used. Training on inventory management also should include instruction on running reports and creating new queries. These two capabilities will enable managers and supervisors to ensure the system performs as required. In the end, managers can use two measurements to evaluate whether their departments’ inventory management is improving — and whether training has benefited the organization. They are the reduction in material-related downtime cost and the reduction in material-inventory value. Managers who start the training-development process with a sound objective and policies, develop good procedures, train the users well, and execute the game plan, will be more successful in ensuring that the CMMS’s inventory management module delivers excellent material availability and contribute to high operating efficiency by holding the line on costs. Job Description as Training Blueprint Developing a training program to improve inventory management starts with understanding the typical duties of the stores attendant. Here is a sample list of these duties: — Thomas Westerkamp
Internship Program: This Program is designed to provide students enrolled in a wide variety of educational institutions, from high school to graduate level, with opportunities to work in agencies and explore Federal careers while still in school and while getting paid for the work performed. Eligibility - Current students in an accredited high school, college (including 4-year colleges/universities, community colleges, and junior colleges); professional, technical, vocational, and trade school; advanced degree programs; or other qualifying educational institution pursuing a qualifying degree or certification. - The Internship Program has two types of Internship appointments: (1) appoint a student on a temporary basis, not to exceed 1 year, to complete temporary or short-term projects; or (2) appoint a student for an initial period expected to last more than 1 year and may lead to permanent employment. - Interns may work part- or full-time. - USGS and the Intern must sign a Participant Agreement that sets forth the expectations for the internship. For additional information about USGS’ Internship Program visit: Student Internship Program or visit US Office of Personnel Management Internship Program Fact Sheet. Recent Graduates Program: This Program affords developmental Federal experiences intended to promote possible careers in the civil service to individuals who have recently graduated from qualifying educational institutions or programs. Recent Graduates who successfully complete the program may be eligible for conversion to a permanent job in the civil service. Eligibility - The Recent Graduates Program is for individuals who have completed a qualifying associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, professional, doctorate, vocational or technical degree or certificate educational program within the preceding 2 years (with exceptions for certain veterans and individuals graduating from December 27, 2010 to July 10, 2012). - Orientation program for Recent Graduates hired for the program and mentorship throughout the program. - USGS and Intern must sign a Participant Agreement that sets forth the expectations for the internship. - Individual Development Plan (IDP) to create and track Recent Graduates' career planning, professional development, and training activities. - At least 40 hours of formal, interactive training each year of the program. - Positions offer opportunity for career advancement. For additional information about USGS’ Recent Graduates Program visit: Graduates Web page or visit US Office of Personnel Management Recent Graduates Program Fact Sheet. Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program: This employment program is designed to attract outstanding graduate students to the federal service upon graduation from their advanced degrees. The Program attracts and selects the best candidates possible, but is really designed with a more narrow focus - developing a cadre of potential government leaders. Eligibility - The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) coordinates this program on behalf of federal agencies. Finalists are pre-qualified at the GS-9 level, although agencies may initially appoint at the GS-9 through 12, or equivalent. OPM provides agencies access to a list of the finalists’ resumes, access to post agencies PMF opportunities, and OPM conducts an annual career fair so that agencies can interview PMF candidates for selection under the program. - PMF selectees receive an initial two-year excepted service appointment. - Fellows receive 80 hours of formal classroom training each year (for a total of 160 hours) and participate in a 4 to 6 consecutive month-long developmental assignment during their two-year fellowships. Agencies can also sponsor Fellows for rotational assignments. - After successful completion of the program, PMF's are eligible for conversion to permanent career-conditional appointments. - The agency provides a reimbursement fee to OPM per Fellow includes recruitment, assessment, selection, and placement of Fellows; PMF Program sponsored events (e.g., Job Fair, Orientation, Forums, and Graduation); and training and support for agencies and Fellows. For additional information about PMF visit:
I’ve been very erratic at participating in Saturday Centus, but I realized it was silly to put pressure on myself for something that is supposed to be fun. So I figure I’ll do it when I can and not worry about it when I can’t. This week’s prompt is: “This is the scariest story I’ve ever heard…” THE RULES: Saturday Centus asks you to write a story (up to 100 words) based on the prompt provided. The only real rule is that you cannot split up the prompt … it must be left intact. However, you don’t have to count the prompt words in your 100 words. Your story can be fact or fiction. After you post, you should link up over at Jenny Matlock’s wonderfully creative blog off on my tangent. And keep it clean. After several terrible attempts at writing horror, I realized I needed to think closer to home—something that I would find terrifying and would strike fear into my heart. So forget zombies or ax murderers. What would really scare me is if this was a news story I heard. Breaking News Story Good evening and welcome to Action News. My name is Monica Fairweather. Our top story tonight is a report released by the Federal Health Administration, which reveals that chocolate has been definitively linked to a host of fatal diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and paralysis. Scientists are telling the public to immediately stop eating chocolate in all forms. The only known antidote is three servings a day of Brussels sprouts, which must be eaten raw. If you are regular consumer of chocolate—now known as The Brown Death—scientists also recommend consuming regular servings of buckwheat groats and raw onions. This is the scariest story I’ve ever heard.
Failure Investigation and Analysis and Spicer Heavy-Duty Drive Axle Service Training Duration: Three Days This course is designed to give a basic understanding of how to determine the root cause of various component failures of Roadranger products. Technicians will learn to determine what failed, how it failed, and possible causes. The objective is to increase the technicians understanding of gear life and various failure modes of the Roadranger components while understanding which failure modes are covered under warranty. This class will also provide a basic understanding of the operation and overhaul of Spicer Heavy-Duty Drive Axles. This includes all DS series and S series heavy-duty tandem axles. This course will be delivered in two possible ways. In most cases, the failure analysis material will be covered at the end of a particular product training class (transmission, axle, clutch, driveline, or brake). The class can also be delivered as a standalone failure analysis program covering all Roadranger products such as: transmission, axle, clutch, driveline, and brake. During the classroom portion, technicians will be exposed to the theory of operation, power flow, wheel differential systems and an in-depth review of inter-axle differentials. Technicians will review a descriptive failure analysis section consisting of various axle components to increase their understanding of service life and various failure modes of the components. Upon completion of the classroom presentation, the overhaul portion will continue into a hands-on tear down and reassembly of the DS-404 and the S-170/190 models using the correct tools and techniques.
©January 2011 by Fabienne Lopez If you were born between January 21 and February 19, give or take a day, you were born under the sign of Aquarius. To celebrate Aquarius during their birthday month, I thought I would continue picking information from Lucy Ashe’s book “A Taste of Astrology”. Some of the keywords associated with Aquarius are: - Detached, eccentric, futuristic, humanitarian, original, - Inventive, unconventional independent, individualistic, - Progressive, unique, independent, altruistic, visionary, - Perceptive, intellectual, logical, ingenious, inventive, - Unpredictable, detached, friendly, scientific. How these characteristics would that translate in the Aquarius host? The Aquarius guest? Or the Aquarius cook? Uranus Foods of Choice According to Lucy Ash, Aquarius has an intense love for anchovies, coconuts, olives, bread, spinach, water chestnuts and watercress. Their herbs and spices of choice are dill, fennel leaves, parsley and winter savory. As for meat, she cites birds in general, and more specifically ducks and geese. From that list, I am only puzzled by the mention of coconuts. Upon reading the section on Aquarius, the author indicates that coconuts are associated with Juno, goddess of light and air who was particularly honored during the month of February. The other food being associated with this sign that had me puzzled was spinach. Too mundane for an Aquarian! But maybe it is a reflection of Saturn’s traditional rulership of that sign. Aquarius as Cooks It you are invited over for dinner, expect an unconventional meal! As a cook, Aquarius will take this opportunity to experiment and play mad scientist in the kitchen. With mixed results. The dish might come out as a brilliant fusion of exotic and unusual flavors or a total bust. Be forewarned and be prepared. Either way, it will be an adventure centered around brilliant conversations and unorthodox dishes. Aquarius as Guests As a guest, Aquarius is difficult to pin down. If he decides to accept your invitation, he will totally enjoy the evening, mingling with the other guests, spurting witticism and engaging in intelligent debates. He will be thoroughly charming and friendly. In other words, an ideal guest. The hard part will be to have him commit to come to the event. Aquarius is a sign that is very independent and loves to keep his options open. Hence the difficulty is knowing if this particular guest will show up. Suggested Dishes for Aquarius Lucy Ash suggestions for dishes includes: - Brussels Sprouts Mayonnaise - Watercress and almond Soup - Any type of soufflés - Chicken Liver Risotto - Coconut cheesecake Aquarius, what do you think? Does this ring true? Do you love to experiment in the kitchen? Do you have problems in RSVP an invitation? What are your favorite foods and dishes? If you liked this post, show me some love and consider subscribing to my blog! Thanks! Photos Credits: Flickr Creative Commons
Toys & Games Keeping children occupied is about more than just giving them something to do. You want toys and games that will keep their minds engaged. That’s why Sam’s Club offers childcare toys, childcare games, school toys, school games and puzzles that kids will not only have fun with, but find challenging and learn from as well. Educational Toys & Educational Games The childcare toys, childcare games, school toys, school games and puzzles from Sam’s Club are often designed to keep children occupied for hours, but there’s also a great deal of variety, so kids won’t soon run out of new, fun things to do. Just as important, these childcare toys, childcare games, school toys, school games and puzzles are affordable, so you should be able to buy as many as you need to keep groups of children involved and busy for a long time without straining your toys and games budget. The types of child care and school toys and games you’ll find through Sam’s Club run the gamut from products that test and improve balance and physical ability to ones that challenge a child’s mind. We’ve got tug o war ropes, potato sacks and balance buckets for fun ways to build body control and endurance, as well as puzzle mats, magnetic play and learn kits and even games like Connect Four to encourage new and more effective ways of thinking. And remember, you get them all at great Sam’s Club prices. Great school toys and games often pay great dividends. You can enjoy playing with these toys and games with children or let them experiment and learn on their own. There’s no time like the present to help your children have fun and learn, so make all your childcare toys and games and school toys and games selections from the Sam’s Club catalog today.
Masters: ARM atomic operations Posted Nov 23, 2012 1:19 UTC (Fri) by jzbiciak (✭ supporter ✭ In reply to: Masters: ARM atomic operations Parent article: Masters: ARM atomic operations Right, but an outside master that has to snoop in to the ARM's memory hierarchy could see writes commit in a different order than the CPU sent them, on the basis of the snoops landing in L2, L1D or the write merge buffer. A DMB effectively draws a line for snoops, too. FWIW, another source of fun, at least on processors like A15, is the fact that snoops have to deal with the run-ahead OoO pipeline. There may be loads and stores in flight that are on a mispredicted path, and need to be unwound. That can be yet another source of memory reordering wackiness in the memory system. What I've seen is that a processor like A15 will respond faster to a snoop that hits L2 and misses L1D than a snoop that hits L1D also, because it doesn't need to sync with the OoO pipeline. Depending on your access pattern, you could have later writes that got flushed out to L2 ahead of earlier rights. For example, A15 will stop write-allocating in L1D if you stream too many write misses. So, you could easily have some older writes in L1D, some middle-aged writes write-allocating in L2 and the youngest writes in the L1D write-merge buffer. (More info here. Look at bits 25 thru 28, which control the L1 and L2 write streaming no-allocate threshold.) A DMB after the write stream should ensure that snoops that come in see all these writes, if the snoops could also see a write that followed the DMB, regardless of which of these three places the write stream landed. to post comments)
What should be done to stop school shootings? As the one year anniversary of the shooting in Chardon High School approaches, and as many mourn the losses in Newtown Conn., we want to know your thoughts on what needs to be done to make a change. Some have suggested arming administrators, but others are strongly opposed to the idea of guns in school. Will higher police force stop a shooter? Can anything really be done to protect students from a gunman? Send your thoughts to Caitlin Fertal via [email protected] or 440.954.7198. Be sure to include your first and last name and town of residence to have your comments considered for an upcoming story. Submissions may be published. Location, ST | National News Videos - Movie review: 'Fast & Furious 6' hits the gas for more guilty-pleasure thrills (44) - Chardon Healing Fund advisers release list of allocations (29) - Madison Township residents satisfied with temporary dredging solution (25) - Lake County Sheriff's deputies stop in-progress burglary in Painesville Township (25) - Willoughby Hills Council discusses Internet cafés, events, roads (18) - Cavs looking at draft options; returning to lottery isn't in their plans (with video) (16) - Berkshire High School student taken to hospital after crash involving school bus, car in Chardon (13) - Families of students killed in Chardon school shooting suing United Way (with documents) (9) - Five Star Sensation helps fund University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center (8) - High school girls basketball notes: Cards don't miss a beat (8) - Mentor High School students honored for commitment to serve in the military (with video) (8) - Andrews Osborne Academy senior wins Willoughby Rotary Club scholarship (8) - Lake County churches to use McKinley Elementary for outreach program (8) - Oklahoma tornado victim finds dog while being interviewed by TV news crew (7) Recent Activity on Facebook News-Herald writers, editors and photographers share the inside stories of today's headlines and what goes on behind the scenes. As Northeast Ohio gears up for a local election, get the latest on what's happening behind the scenes. Staff Writer Jeff Schudel brings 25 years of experience covering the Browns to his regular offerings on team performance and player moves. Sportswriters from The News-Herald go behind the scenes of the area's high school and professional sports.
FREEPORT, Maine — He’s arguably Maine’s best-known native son, right up there with Civil War general Joshua Chamberlain, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and horror writer Stephen King. To his customers, he was simply known as “L.L.” But as outdoors outfitter L.L. Bean celebrates its 100th anniversary, it’s still not 100 per cent clear what the famous founder’s initials stood for. Was it Leon Leonwood Bean, as the company claimed for decades, or was it Leon Linwood Bean, as his grandson suggests? The answer appears to be both. Leon Gorman, L.L.’s grandson, said he was told that his grandfather was born Leon Linwood Bean and that it somehow morphed into Leon Leonwood Bean. “There was some incident that happened years ago. I can’t remember what it was. They misspelled Leon’s name from Linwood to Leonwood,” Gorman, the company’s chairman, said. “L.L. was so taken by the new version of his middle name that he adopted it.” His grave marker sheds no light on his middle-name preference; it says simply, “Leon L. Bean.” There’s no birth certificate, either. In his autobiography, L.L. Bean talked about having a birth certificate, but no one knows where it is. Kim Sparks, town manager in Greenwood, where Bean was born, said a birth certificate can’t be located. And the state archives don’t have a copy, either. “The town has lost it somewhere, along with quite a few other records,” said Blaine Mills, president of the historical society in Greenwood. “I’ve never seen it.” In 1872, when Bean was born, only about half of Maine’s births were recorded, and the records were often kept in homes of the town clerks, and transferred from home to home, said Art Dostie, of the Maine State Archives. It wasn’t until 20 years after Bean’s birth that the state began keeping birth records in Augusta, Dostie said. There is some documentation, however. There’s a birth announcement written by L.L.’s wife in 1900 for another son that lists the proud papa as Leon Linwood Bean, but he’s listed as Leon Leonwood on his draft registration in 1918. Leon Leonwood was apparently a name of his own invention. “He liked the ring of it. Everyone called him L.L., anyway,” Gorman said. This much is known: Bean was born in the western Maine town of Greenwood, where he lived for a time before the family moved to a farm in Bethel, Mills said. His parents died when he was young. Like many Mainers, Bean took an interest in hunting and fishing, and he parlayed his enthusiasm for the outdoors into a business with projected sales of $1.5 billion this year. Bean’s business is celebrating its 100th anniversary with a giant Fourth of July celebration this week with fireworks, music and a parade, for which Gorman is the grand marshal. The company got its start in 1912 when L.L. Bean obtained the state’s list of out-of-staters with hunting licenses, and sent mailings touting his rubber-soled hunting boot. Ninety of the first 100 pairs sold were returned by customers after the leather separated from the rubber. But Bean managed to win goodwill by returning customers’ money. Then he borrowed more money, made improvements and sold more. He opened his store five years later in Freeport. Over the years, Bean’s Yankee sense of values came through in his catalogues, in which he sold only items that he personally tested. His oddball choice of items reflected his tastes, like wooden duck decoys, Underwood Deviled Ham, horseshoes, and pipes and pipe tobacco. After his death in 1967 in Florida, Bean was buried in Freeport’s Webster Cemetery. As for Maine shoppers, they’re more likely to be interested in the inventory than the initials. “Lawrence Leon Bean?” guessed shopper Rick Biskup, a Freeport resident as he stood next to a giant L.L. Bean boot outside the store on Tuesday. His wife, Dru Sullivan, said she knew it was Leon something. “I don’t know the rest of it,” she said. “We refer to it going to Bean’s, not L.L.’s.” » By David Sharp » THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition July 7, 2012
Trailblazing EMT-P Headed for Cambodia In 1994, a speeding vehicle struck Paramedic James Garcia as he worked a highway crash scene in Lexington County, S.C., breaking his arm and leg. When the S.C. Highway Patrol let the driver off the hook but faulted„ the„paramedic„ for being on a dark road wearing a dark uniform, Garcia took action. He found that South Carolina gave first responders no rights to„be„ on a roadwayƒlet alone require drivers to move over to protect them.„ Garcia convinced state legislators to pass a "move-over" law in 1996 and then to strengthen it several years later. The U.S. Department of Transportation and other federal agencies adopted his stronger version as a model for such state legislation. We gave Garcia a Thumbs Up for this work in September 2002. Now, having made his mark on EMS safety in the U.S., James and his wife Cara, an RN, are off to make a difference in another country. When they visited Cambodiaƒone of the world_s poorest countriesƒon vacation in April, the Garcias saw babies dying in the streets. They also saved a dehydrated elderly woman_s life with Gatorade, multivitamins and Ensure.„ "All the things we take for grantedƒschools, health care, government services, immunizations, ambulances and fire departmentsƒsimply don_t exist [in Cambodia]," the Garcias note. They_re returning to Cambodia in January with their 9- and 11-year-old daughters for a two-year stay. They plan to set up a free clinic in the Phnom Penh area and train a Cambodian staff to make the clinic permanent. They_ll provide first aid, minor trauma care, routine immunizations, infection treatment and control, and disease-prevention education. James says he expects to see anything from cobra bites to typhoid to land-mine trauma.„ "There_s an emotional component to what we_re doing, but we have to do it intelligently," he says. The Garcias aren_t rich and have no corporate backingƒalthough they_ve been writing grant proposals day and night. They_re simply a middle-class, working couple who couldn_t ignore the misery and despair they saw.„ They welcome donations via their Web site,„ „And their home in Cambodia will have two extra rooms for volunteers willing to help for two days or two months. Teaching Teens Continuous Compressions What would it be like to have an entire generation of citizens comfortable doing chest compressions if they saw someone collapse? Arizona is working on it.„ In October, the Arizona Department of Health Services "Save Hearts in Arizona Registry and Education" (SHARE) program launched "Your HandsƒTheir Heart."„ All 1,800 of the state_s public and private middle and high schools got a kit to train some 100,000 students in continuous chest compressions, the type of CPR the American Heart Association now promotes for bystanders. The kit includes a nine-minute video, a plastic sheet with a torso outline, a PocketCPR training device (from Bio-Detek Inc., a division of ZOLL) and associated documents. (For a brief description of the Pocket CPR, read "Hot Products" in June 2007„JEMS.)„ After watching the video, students practice compressions using the plastic sheet, spread on a firm pillow, and the training device. SHARE Director Lani Clark says the program created all 1,800 kits for less than $100,000 from Arizona_s Health Crisis Fund. A Tucson business produced the video, and Bio-Deteck gave SHARE a price break on the PocketCPR devices. (Information about the program and the training video are at„ Arizona EMS Medical Director Ben Bobrow, MD, says, "Arizona is the only state that tracks bystander CPR rates," and has found that sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) survival rates triple when bystander CPR is administered. Arizona has some 5,000 SCA cases annually, so this could save a lot of people. A big Thumbs Up for "Your HandsƒTheir Heart," an innovative program with lifelong, life-saving potential. Investigation Afoot„for Florida Paramedic When firefighter-paramedic Cindy Economou took a patient_s severed leg to train her cadaver dog, the St. Lucie County (Fla.) Fire District was forced to clarify its policy regarding transportation of severed limbs and Economou was all but forced to resign. The former firefighter of the year and several colleagues are currently under investigation for the Sept. 19 incident, in which Economou put the foot in double biohazard bags and brought it back to the station, where coworkers photographed it on personal cell phones before she took it home and stored it in her freezer. It_s the fire district_s policy to take dismembered body parts to the hospital with the patient if there_s any chance of reattachment; however, it_s unclear why that protocol wasn_t followed. For the full story, visit„
Anyone seeking to purchase a gun — even those buying weapons at a show or through a private dealer — should be required to pass a background check through a national database, according to recommendations drafted by a panel of violence reduction experts convened by the Johns Hopkins University. "It is really indefensible that we have a system where someone is able to obtain a firearm with no background check or record-keeping," said Daniel Webster, director of the Center for Gun Policy and Research at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. The panel, which announced its recommendations Tuesday at the close of a two-day summit, also said that people convicted of violent misdemeanors, multiple drug or alcohol offenses or drug-trafficking, or those who commit violent crimes as juveniles, should be barred from buying guns for 10 or more years. Other recommendations include: •Banning the sale of assault weapons through a carefully worded law that would eliminate the loopholes in a similar ban that expired in 2004; •Prohibiting the sale and possession of gun magazines containing more than 10 bullets; •Requiring all gun sales to be facilitated by a federally licensed gun dealer; •Making 21 the minimum age to buy or possess a handgun; •Permanently banning convicted gang members and drug dealers from buying guns; •Restricting people who are seriously mentally ill and believed to be dangerous from buying guns; •Naming a permanent director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and increasing the bureau's power to crack down on dealers violating laws; •Requiring the surgeon general to produce regular reports on gun violence. Hopkins officials hastily organized the summit after a 20-year-old armed with an assault weapon burst into a Newtown, Conn., elementary school last month, fatally shooting 20 children and six teachers and administrators. "Given the drastically high rates of gun violence in the United States, starkly illustrated by numerous mass shootings in movie theaters, shopping malls, houses of worship, and now, an elementary school, but also experienced on a daily basis in neighborhoods across our country, we knew at Johns Hopkins that we could not let this moment pass," said Hopkins President Ronald J. Daniels. "We wanted to do all that we could to bring together national and global experts, advocates and leaders on gun violence and policy to present their research, analysis and perspectives," he said. Research presented at the summit will be published within two weeks and distributed to every member of Congress, Daniels said. Gov. Martin O'Malley was one of the first speakers at the summit Monday and used the platform to sketch out his ambitious plans to curb gun violence in the state, including requiring people to submit to fingerprinting before buying guns. New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, head of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and a Hopkins alumnus, also laid out his seven-point plan to curtail gun deaths. President Barack Obama is slated to propose his gun control measures, which he has made a top priority of his second term, on Wednesday morning.
Graeme Taylor made a couple of high speed videos shot from from a moving train of people on a railway platform, which when played at normal speed creates an interesting Matrix like bullet time effect. In all my slow-motion work so far, I’ve used a static camera to capture a high-speed event. But, I wondered, what would happen if the camera was the fast-moving object? For instance, if you use a 210fps camera at 35mph, on playback at 30fps it’ll seem to the observer that they’re moving at walking pace- but everything observed will be operating at 1/7th speed. [via Gawker TV]
All our conservatories are custom made to meet your requirements with strong bases, insulated floors and walls, double-glazed windows, steel-reinforced structures and are available in different styles and finishes. We can help with all your design and planning needs to ensure you get the best use of space and add an extra room to your home for use all year round, for a low cost affordable price right for you. Just imagine what you could do with the extra space... Conservatory Building Regulations Conservatories are normally exempt from building regulations when: - They are built at ground level and are less than 30 square metres in floor area. - At least half of the new wall and three quarters of the roof is either glazed or translucent material. - The conservatory is separated from the house by external quality door(s). - Glazing and any fixed electrical installations comply with the applicable building regulations requirements (see below). You are advised not to construct conservatories where they will restrict ladder access to windows serving rooms in roof or loft conversions, particularly if any of the windows are intended to help escape or rescue if there is a fire. Any new structural opening between the conservatory and the existing house will require building regulations approval, even if the conservatory itself is an exempt structure. Conservatory Planning Permission Under new regulations that came into effect from 1 October 2008 adding a conservatory to your home is considered to be permitted development, not needing an application for planning permission, subject to the following limits and conditions: - No more than half the area of land around the "original house" would be covered by additions or other buildings. - No extension forward of the principal elevation or side elevation fronting a highway. - No extension to be higher than the highest part of the roof. - Maximum depth of a single-storey rear extension of three metres far an attached house and four metres for a detached house. - Maximum height of a single-storey rear extension of four metres. - Maximum depth of a rear extension of more than one storey of three metres including ground floor. - Maximum eaves height of an extension within two metres of the boundary of three metres. - Maximum eaves and ridge height of extension no higher than existing house. - Side extensions to be single storey with maximum height of four metres and width no more than half that of the original house. - Roof pitch of extensions higher than one storey to match existing house. - No verandas, balconies or raised platforms. - On designated land no permitted development for rear extensions of more than one storey; no cladding of the exterior; no side extensions. - Where work is proposed to a listed building, listed building consent may be required. * The term "original house" means the house as it was first built or as it stood on 1 July 1948 (if it was built before that date). Although you may not have built an extension to the house, a previous owner may have done so. * Designated land includes national parks and the Broads, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, conservation areas and World Heritage Sites.
Towards the final stage of the journey in the desert, after Miriam’s wellspring dried up upon her death, Moshe is instructed to provide a new source of water for Jews: קַח אֶת-הַמַּטֶּה, וְהַקְהֵל אֶת-הָעֵדָה אַתָּה וְאַהֲרֹן אָחִיךָ, וְדִבַּרְתֶּם אֶל-הַסֶּלַע לְעֵינֵיהֶם, וְנָתַן מֵימָיו; וְהוֹצֵאתָ לָהֶם מַיִם מִן-הַסֶּלַע, וְהִשְׁקִיתָ אֶת-הָעֵדָה וְאֶת-בְּעִירָם – Take your staff, gather your brother Ahron, and the entire nation, and you should speak to the rock before their very eyes, and it will provide its water. Extract water from the rock for them, and make them drink, and their animals too. (20:8) But Moshe did not do this: וַיָּרֶם מֹשֶׁה אֶת-יָדוֹ, וַיַּךְ אֶת-הַסֶּלַע בְּמַטֵּהוּ–פַּעֲמָיִם; וַיֵּצְאוּ מַיִם רַבִּים, וַתֵּשְׁתְּ הָעֵדָה וּבְעִירָם – Moshe raised his hand, and struck the rock with his staff, twice. Water gushed out, and the people and their animals drank. (20:11) Immediately after this, Hashem berates Moshe, and informs him that he will not be permitted to enter the land of Israel. R’ Shimon Schwab notes that the Mishna in Avos assures that someone who causes the public to improve and better themselves is saved from sin. Why was Moshe – “Rabbeinu”, ultimate teacher extraordinaire – not saved from stumbling? R’ Schwab explains that it was no mistake. It was a calculated decision. There is something in Hashem’s command that doesn’t seem to fit – וְהִשְׁקִיתָ אֶת-הָעֵדָה – making them drink. If there was water, they would drink of their own accord; what was the role Moshe and Ahron played in “making them” drink? Perhaps Moshe made an alarming connection between what he was told, and what he’d experienced earlier in their travels. Moshe knew had heard this sort of instruction before: וְהִשְׁקָה, אֶת-הָאִשָּׁה, אֶת-מֵי הַמָּרִים, הַמְאָרְרִים – The woman is made to drink the bitter water… (5:24) וַיִּקַּח אֶת-הָעֵגֶל אֲשֶׁר עָשׂוּ, וַיִּשְׂרֹף בָּאֵשׁ, וַיִּטְחַן, עַד אֲשֶׁר-דָּק; וַיִּזֶר עַל-פְּנֵי הַמַּיִם, וַיַּשְׁקְ אֶת-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל – He took the Golden Calf they had made, burnt it, ground it finely. He scattered it in water, and made them drink (32:20) The sota – a woman suspected of adultery – is made to drink a concoction that would identify if she were guilty or not, resulting in her gruesome death if guilty. The Golden Calf water similarly clarified allegiance, causing a plague that resulted in tens of thousands of deaths too, as per the Gemara in Avoda Zara. Moshe made a decision here. He identified what would happen if וְהִשְׁקִיתָ אֶת-הָעֵדָה were to take place, and wanted no part in it. They were on the cusp of entering Israel, and he did not want to see another plague take place. Another generation ripped apart! So he took the initiative, and engineered a way around וְהִשְׁקִיתָ אֶת-הָעֵדָה – which was וַיַּךְ אֶת-הַסֶּלַע בְּמַטֵּהוּ–פַּעֲמָיִם; וַיֵּצְאוּ מַיִם רַבִּים, וַתֵּשְׁתְּ הָעֵדָה. There was no making them drink, because וַתֵּשְׁתְּ הָעֵדָה. He had saved them. In his farewell speech, he reminds them of the terrible price he paid for them: גַּם-בִּי הִתְאַנַּף יְהוָה, בִּגְלַלְכֶם לֵאמֹר: גַּם-אַתָּה, לֹא-תָבֹא שָׁם – Hashem was also furious with me, for you! He said, “Neither will you enter”. (1:37) Moshe did it בִּגְלַלְכֶם – for you! – he did what he felt to be right for the greater good, even though it violated what he was told, and bore a terrible price for it. It takes a lot of knowledge to be able to weigh up the data to make this kind of decision, and should not be made lightly. The decision would still be legally wrong, and the perpetrator would be hounded and vilified; a vigilante. And the critics would be correct – the decision should not really have been made. But a hero sacrifices himself to save everyone else. That’s what a hero is.
Swallowed or Inhaled Objects When you swallow food, liquid, or an object, what is swallowed passes from your mouth through your throat and Reference esophagus Opens New Window Reference Opens New Window into your stomach. A swallowed object will usually pass through the rest of your Reference digestive tract Opens New Window Reference Opens New Window without problems and show up in your stool in a few days. If food or a nonfood item gets stuck along the way, a problem may develop that will require a visit to a doctor. Sometimes when you try to swallow, the swallowed substance "goes down the wrong way" and gets inhaled into your windpipe or lungs (Reference aspirated). This occurs most often in children who are younger than 3 years and in adults who are older than age 50. When you do inhale a substance, coughing is a normal reaction of the body to clear the throat and windpipe. The cough is helpful and may clear up the problem. Inhaling a substance into your lungs can cause a lung inflammation and infection (Reference aspiration pneumonia Opens New Window). The situation may be more serious when: - Reference Signs of choking (complete airway obstruction) are present. When the windpipe is blocked, air cannot move in and out of the lungs and the person cannot talk, cry, breathe, or cough. A blocked windpipe is a life-threatening emergency. - Signs of a Reference partially blocked windpipe are present. When the windpipe is partially blocked, some air can still move in and out of the lungs. The person may gag, cough, or have trouble breathing. Coughing will often pop out the food or object and relieve the symptoms. The choking rescue procedure is not recommended when the windpipe is partially blocked. - An Reference object is stuck in the esophagus. - A Reference poisonous object has been swallowed, such as a wild mushroom, a plant, or a chemical. For more information, see the topic Reference Poisoning - A potentially poisonous object, such as a condom filled with illegal drugs, has been swallowed. - A Reference button disc battery, magnet, or object with lead has been swallowed. - A swallowed object doesn't show up in the stool within 7 days. About 80% to 90% of swallowed objects, like chewing gum, are harmless and pass through the gastrointestinal tract without problems. But some types of objects can cause more serious problems when they are swallowed. These include: - Sharp objects, such as open safety pins, bones, toothpicks, needles, razor blades, or broken thermometers. - Long objects. - Large objects that may get stuck in the digestive tract and require removal. Your doctor may recommend tests such as an Reference X-ray Opens New Window, Reference endoscopy Opens New Window, or Reference barium swallow Opens New Window to help find the object if it doesn't come out in the stool, or if an inhaled object is not coughed out. See an Reference X-ray of a swallowed object Opens New Window Reference Opens New Window. A special metal detector (not the same kind that people use in their yards) might be used to locate a metallic object, such as a coin, inside the body. Your doctor may then recommend a procedure to remove the object or may simply encourage you to continue to check the stool for the passage of the object. Reference Check your symptoms to decide if and when you should see a doctor. |By:||Reference Healthwise Staff||Last Revised: Reference August 8, 2012| |Medical Review:||Reference William H. Blahd, Jr., MD, FACEP - Emergency Medicine Reference David Messenger, MD
Dutch Profile: Droog In the beginning of the nineties, a group of young dutch designers was presented in Milaan under the name of DROOG. Their designs were immediately recognized as something new. Anti-glamour, sober yet funny, and all telling a story or commenting on society. For a while, DROOG design even became synonymous with dutch design. Founders of this collective are Gijs Bakker and Renny Ramakers. Many of the early DROOG designs found their way to galleries and museums all over the world. They became icons, sometimes crossing the line between art and design. One of the very first to acquire them was the museum of modern art in New York. Since the beginning, Droog has evolved. It has become more of a thinktank under the name of drooglab, which aims to detect global trends in design, and then reflect on those trends from a new perspective. Dutch Profiles is a series of short documentaries about architects and graphic, product and fashion designers in the Netherlands, commissioned by DutchDFA. The shorts are meant to spread freely over the web, but also to be shown as part of lectures, exhibitions and business presentations. “Dutch Profiles focuses on the conceptual, context-oriented and research-based practice of Dutch designers, telling the story behind some of those well-known images,” says commissioner Christine de Baan, programme director of Dutch Design Fashion Architecture. Dutch Profiles includes interviews with, among others: MVRDV, 2012 Architects, Jurgen Bey, Claudy Jongstra, Gerard Unger, Paul Mijksenaar, Marlies Dekkers, Alexander van Slobbe and G-Star. CREDITS: Director: Noud Holtman, Camera: Pierre Rezus, Sound: Bram Meindersma, Carla van der Meijs, Editing: Dominique Kools, Kleurcorrectie: Maurik de Ridder, Music Sound Design: Big Orange, Commissioning editor Submarine: Geert van de Wetering, Producer Submarine: Olivia Sophie van Leeuwen, Research assist: Liselot Francken, Produced by Submarine, Commissioned by DutchDFA
Press Release – Auckland Council A major 10-week engagement period on the rulebook that will shape the way Auckland grows has been given the green light today. Councillors today voted to put the draft Auckland Unitary Plan out to Aucklanders from 15 March, so that they can have their say on the planning document that will be the key tool in making Auckland the world’s most liveable city. Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse says: “The Unitary Plan sets out to ensure that growth is well managed. That includes making town centres stronger and more vibrant, whilst protecting their character and heritage, ensuring a greater range of housing choices, encouraging businesses to grow in attractive areas, making public transport more viable, ensuring our rural land remains productive and looking after the things we most value in our rural, coastal and urban areas. “It’s a critical document for our communities, tackling many, sometimes difficult, issues. The debate today reflected the wide range of views that our communities hold. That’s why today’s vote was so important. It shows members back Aucklanders’ right to influence the plan while it is still a work in progress. We want as many people as possible to have their say to ensure we get a plan for all Aucklanders. That’s why we’re putting the draft out for such an extended period.” The Deputy Mayor says the informal engagement period will give people the opportunity to try out the draft plan online, including the new user-friendly digital maps, to see what’s proposed for their own home and community. At the same time, she says, there is likely to be considerable debate on a range of topics that the draft Auckland Unitary Plan covers. This makes it essential to find the right balance for communities that will have the best outcome for Auckland as a whole. These issues include: 1. Increasing heights in, and around, many town centres, but restricting high-rise (nine+ storeys) to the city centre and major metropolitan centres. 2. Changing density and subdivision controls to enable many people to do more with their land. 3. Identifying new greenfield land with clear parameters of where and how Auckland will grow. 4. Increasing protection for Auckland’s heritage by managing demolition for pre-1944 homes in areas yet to be surveyed for their historic heritage and historic character value. 5. Discouraging sensitive activities directly below electricity transmission lines by requiring consent. 6. Protecting significant ecological areas, while balancing this with the interests of landowners. 7. Being more permissive to allow clearance of mangroves to 1996 levels, balancing the need to manage their impact while protecting their environmental value. Auckland Council will be providing a wide range of opportunities for people to have their say, from local roadshows and events throughout Auckland, to an online forum that will go live next week before the engagement starts. Feedback forms will also be available online and in libraries. There will be a public expo on Saturday 16 March at the Viaduct Events Centre for people to find out more, talk to experts and give their views. In the meantime, Aucklanders can find out more about the plan by viewing the council video, now online at
Many of the mother and the father likes the idea of home-school their children, but fear that they may not be able to display all subjects in turn. Technology is often one of those topics. Parents fear that either do not know enough science to prove the concept effectively, and fear that they will not be able to manage to buy specialized equipment with which to show the science. There are, however, many ways to overcome these obstacles and other science training at home. This article gives you some options to solve the “I do not know enough science to show my children!” situation, motivate and hopefully not to provide up to provide your children the education and learning that you want for them. Walking into a home school co-op team is a great way to meet the education at home and other family members to learn and discuss the sources and ideas. These categories generally meet once a week to team action or go to field trips. Often, the mother and father in the co-op will change workspace or training sessions in their own specialization to all the boys in co-op. If there is a special niche specialist (as science) in which none of the mother and father feel comfortable training, co-op will choose to seek out the services of an instructor to provide training for the team. In this way, the members of the family discuss the cost of training, thus providing a much cheaper alternative to the training staff. If there are opportunities in a home school co-op in your place (group size is often limited to be able to keep the romantic, family atmosphere that education at home, many members of the family and the desire to learn) , and you do not want to start one yourself, you could find someone who provides sessions, individually, in your place. You could also seek the services of a personal teacher, but this could be quite expensive. On the basis of where live, the rate of go anywhere for the formation varies from $ 30 per hour for more than $ 100 per hour. Group sessions are generally cheaper. If you do not want to have other people to teach your child (ren) science, or you can not find a group or class, there are many scientific books and scientific system of excellent sources available for all ages and stages. Many of these tutorials have to make assessments and actions at home. If you want the strategy of your system, determine which subjects you want your children to search first to check and head for your collection or local bookstore. select one or two references in books (for you and / or your children). Do not think you need to look through every publication that there is topic. You will get confused and waste a lot of your energy and energy this way. Starting books usually cover the same basic information. Once you know the basics, then, if you want to learn specific topic, you can search for books more details later. Originally, you just want to get a review. Get a book or two referrals for you (if you think you need to understand the concept of self in the first place), and two or three for your child. As for the child’s age, you can search for books that have detailed and vibrant images. Next look for books of shares and / or assessments. These will be designed for different ages and different stages, so be sure to look at both the problems of assessments and details (date) and if necessary materials are available for you to get. Finally, you want to get books and a computer, laptop ebook is not limited to spiral your child will use as a “lab book” in which to record the results and conclusions of their evaluations. Once you have made your choices, you are ready for the strategy of your system. It is much easier to select the actions or assessments that you want to do and then contact the appropriate areas of the reference books to understand and teach the concept required qualifications, rather than trying to discover a proper things to go with the concept that you’re training . Also, if you start with trying things, then you can use the books references to show your child how to discover the answers to his questions that have been stimulated by doing things to try. If the preparation of the system of science seems to be too complex, or simply do not have time to do all that preparation, there are many pre-packaged, commercially available curriculae that are very simple to use. The advantages of these applications are that are made all the content you need to see the referral system. Many compounds guide students, pupils’ workbooks, books, action, further postponements content such as maps and study / flashcards, evaluations of the students and instructor books that provide step-by-step instructions on how and when to show each session. They walk you through the system from start to finish and are very thorough. The drawbacks, however, is that these applications are typically very expensive, does not have as much flexibility to customize the system to the passions of your children, and also are generally country-specific (eg Canada, United States, Australia, English etc.). If you choose to purchase a commercial system science, will soon discover that there are many, many available. It ‘makes sense to get a reasonable system (these are often provided by home education and learning organizations and support groups) or contact the manufacturers of each system that you are considering, to make evaluations before spending money by one.
Explanation of Learn by Teaching Others by Ron Kurtus - Getting Good Grades: Strategies to Succeed in School. Key words: learning, recall, verbalizing, education, homework, teachers, self-improvement, excellence, training, high school, college, Ron Kurtus, School for Champions. Copyright © Restrictions Learn by Teaching Others by Ron Kurtus (revised 7 July 2012) A good way to help in learning a subject matter—and thus getting better grades—is to teach the material to others. This forces you to review the material and also reinforces it in your memory. One way to informally teach others is to simply explain the material to your friends or other students who are having trouble with the lessons. Statistics show that you learn more by teaching others. Questions you may have include: - How can teaching others help me to learn? - Who can I teach? - Will I be sure of getting better grades? This lesson will answer those questions. Note: Click the Play button to hear the text being read. Time = 4 min. 37 sec. Right-click to download MP3 (Choose Save target or Save link) How can teaching others help? It is well know that when you explain or try to teach a subject to someone else, you learn it better yourself. A big problem with only learning things in class is that shortly afterwards much of the material is forgotten. Studies say that soon after you learn something in class 80% is forgotten. You can recall better Although you seem to forget what you've learned in classsuch that your mind goes blank about some things when you take a testthe information is still really hidden in your brain. Emma helped Raul learn American History. She was able to explain about the U.S. Bill of Rights to him. When a test was given in class, both of them received good grades. You may not be able to dredge up the answers on a test, but it is surprising how you can recall these things when you try to explain them to another personeven years later. You learn by verbalizing When you explain or verbalize something, you are using a different part of your brain than when you heard the material, and this increases your ability to understand and remember the information. You organize your thoughts Another good thing about trying to explain a subject matter to another person is that any questions or misunderstandings you may have had come out when you have to explain the subject. Often you must work things out in your mind at that time to properly explain that material. It makes you feel better Another benefit of helping others learn is that it makes you feel better about yourself and the contribution you are making to making the world a better place. Who can I teach? Finding someone to teach or explain the subject to can be a challenge. Even finding someone to discuss the subject, so you can verbalize what you have learned, is often not easy. Friends and classmates One thing you can do is to try to explain study material to your friends. You can even take turns in teaching each other to reinforce your knowledge. Teaching each other on a regular basis can even be part of doing your homework together. Jennie was having trouble understanding Chemistry. John offered to help her learn the subject. They would meet after school to go over the lessons. But also, John was interested in Jennie and soon asked her out. They started going together. I guess this was an added benefit for John. Some schools have programs Some schools have programs where students go to last year's class to help teach the younger kids. Those kids will often listen to someone a year or two older better than to the teacher, so they learn better. And of course, the student doing the teaching refreshes his or her knowledge of the material. Although this will not directly improve your grades in classes you are presently taking, knowing last year's material better will give you a better background for this year's work. Guaranteed better grades? Will you be guaranteed of getting better grades if you teach others? Unfortunately there are no guarantees in life, and you just do the best you can. But, you probably will do better. Learn more from what you teach Common statistics in education are that you retain 10% of what you hear, 20% of what you read, 50% of what you do, 75% of what you discuss and 90% of what you teach. Probably will do better After teaching others, you probably will know the subject more thoroughly and thus do better in class and on tests, resulting in higher grades. Verbalizing your knowledge, explaining lessons to others and teaching what you have been studying are good ways to learn the material better yourself. Teaching last year's material gives you a better background for this year's work. Getting a better understanding about your subjects should help you get better grades in those classes. Besides that, it can be fun to help others learn what you know. Feel good about yourself Resources and references Homework Help - Homework tips. Can post questions and get answers. What do you think? If you have questions, comments, or opinions on this subject, send an email with your feedback. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Click on a button to send an email, Facebook message, Tweet, or other message to share the link for this page: Students and researchers The Web address of this page is: Please include it as a link on your website or as a reference in your report, document, or thesis. Where are you now? Learn by Teaching Others
Ask the Doctor: Pes Anserine Bursitis + Marathon = Hamstring Problem How long will it take to recover and rehab? Q: I was experiencing pain behind my knee (toward the inside) while training for a marathon and was told it was Pes Anserine Bursitis. I was given a cortisone shot, the pain disappeared, and I ran the marathon. I ran a pain free PR of 2:50 and took the next 5 days off completely from running. I went out for a short run on the 6th day and noticed some dull pain in my hamstring on the same leg that received the cortisone shot. I ignored it. The next day I went out for another short run but after only 3 minutes I felt a sudden twinge (more toward the middle of my hamstring), and then had sharp pain up and down my hamstring on this leg. I stopped running. I started seeing a PT who said I must have aggravated the hamstring during the marathon. After 4 weeks of physical therapy to stretch and strengthen my hamstring, I was walking around completely pain free and feeling ready to run. The PT told me to try a short run. I felt fantastic as I started out on this run, but suddenly after only the first minute, I felt a sudden twinge in my hamstring and severe pain. This was more toward the middle of my hamstring. I stopped running immediately. The pain lingered all day. The next day I woke up with some light pain in the leg. My question is - what they heck could be going on in my leg, I feel like there is something more severe than just "aggravated it while running the marathon". It has been a month and even though the pain subsided completely it immediately returned when I attempted to run again. If a month was too soon to return to running, could there be something more serious going on than I was told? -- Terri, MA A: The pes anserine is compromised of 3 muscle tendons, one of which is a hamstring. There was probably a strength deficit that caused the development of the bursitis and running the marathon was too much stress for the hamstrings. The hamstrings are a very large group of muscles that effect motion of the hip and knee. Rehabilitation requires strengthening the muscles at both joints, in addition to core muscles; many hamstring problems are due to weak back/ core muscles, placing greater stress on the hamstrings. Significant hamstring injuries may take months for full recovery. You may just need more therapy. It is important to make sure that another problem is not present. A stress fracture in the femur may cause muscle pain (more commonly the quadriceps). A nerve injury, such as a ruptured disc in the lower back, may cause leg pain, most commonly along the back of the thigh. See a sports medicine specialist to make sure that there is not another problem causing your symptoms. Be patient with recovering from a hamstring injury – it is a slow process. -- Dr. Cathy Fieseler
Strawberry plants are either June-bearers, ever-bearers or day-neutrals, depending on how the fruit grows on the plant. June-bearers fruit over several weeks in the spring, usually in June. Guardian and Honeoye are good June-bearing varieties. Ever-bearers have two major fruiting cycles with additional limited fruit production throughout the growing season. Quinalt and Fort Laramie are dependable varieties in this area. Ever-bearers are considered hardier than June-bearers. Day-neutral varieties, developed from genetic material found in the Rocky Mountains, fruit in six-week cycles with three or more cycles throughout the growing season. Tribute and Tristar are good day-neutral varieties. Plant strawberries away from wind where they will get full sunlight for at least eight hours a day. Avoid planting strawberries in soils which have had raspberries, cherries, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants or peppers growing in them within the past five years. These Crops may have been infected with diseases that can affect strawberries. Plant strawberries 12 to 24 inches apart in rows 42 inches apart. A solid mat of plants will form. It is important to place the crown of the plant, where the leaves attach to the root, just above the soil. If planted too low, the plant will rot; if too high, the plant will dry out. In the first year, remove the flowers to encourage the development of the plant. Drip irrigation will conserve water and keep the foliage dry. Overhead watering can lead to an increase in diseases such as leaf spot. Birds, which eat ripe fruit, can be controlled with one-quarter to one-half inch plastic mesh netting over the strawberry bed. Mulch, such as clear or black plastic sheeting, can discourage some insects, conserve moisture, moderate temperatures, decrease erosion and reduce weeds. Cover the soil with the plastic and plant the strawberries in holes cut in the plastic. In warmer climates, plastic mulch may need to be covered with an organic mulch to prevent burns on the foliage. In the winter, two inches of straw over the plants after the ground freezes will help protect against damage. For more information, see the following Colorado State Extension fact sheet(s). Do you have a question? Try Ask an Expert! Updated Friday, April 19, 2013
Diversified ETFs vs. Sector Funds February 13th 2012 at 6:00am by Tom Lydon When is comes to exchange traded fund investing, there are plenty of approaches to take. The diversified, broad-based fund has many benefits, however, a sector specific fund can take portfolio construction to a new level. A sector-focused fund contains shares within a specific area of the market such as pharmaceuticals, consumer discretionary or technology, for example. They can also hone in on specific countries or nowadays, a specific sector with a certain country, according to Investopedia. If the certain sector performs well, a portfolio can make substantial gains, however, if the sector tanks, so does the portfolio. [Worst to First: Financial, Materials ETFs Lead Markets] A sector ETF can pinpoint an area of the market and give an investor diversified exposure to a basket of related companies. This can be a good strategy over single stock picking, especially if the sector is volatile. For instance, the biotech sector is filled with up-and-coming companies, where about 50% do not make it in the long run. A biotechnology-focused ETF can give investors exposure to many companies in the sector, mitigating the risk of a bankrupt stock. Many investors are inclined to use a diversified ETF, one that is broad-based and covers many sectors in one shot. These so-called plain vanilla funds can be a core holding in a portfolio and can also stand alone. A fund that holds 30 U.S. large-cap stocks is diversified against company specific risk however, there is risk in being overexposed to too many large-cap stocks.The expense ratios for these types of funds tend to be lower than the sector-specific funds. [State Street lowers Expenses on Sector ETFs] There are also diversified country-specific ETFs that give investors various exposure to the target country. The choices are varied from Japan, to Great Britain and even Australia. The exposure to other economies can be essential to a properly diversified portfolio. [January Barometer Bodes Well for Stock ETFs] Tisha Guerrero contributed to this article. The opinions and forecasts expressed herein are solely those of Tom Lydon, and may not actually come to pass. Information on this site should not be used or construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any product.
You are currently browsing the tag archive for the ‘ecclesia dei’ tag. With the appointment, just before the Vatican comes to a virtual Summer standstill - of the new heard of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith – in times past know as the Universal Inquisition (which never fails to raise hackles in some media) – there is the question: who is Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller? On the website of his former Diocese of Regensburg we find an extensive biography in English which shows that Bishop Müller is very much the pope’s man. Like Benedict, he is a professor, at home in the world of academia. A former position as professor of Catholic dogmatics at Munich, and since a few years as the official coordinator of the publication of Pope Benedict’s collected works, cements this theological and academical closeness to the Holy Father. Another aspect of the new prefect’s career coincides with the pope’s priorities of advancing ecumenism with the Orthodox Churches of the East. Within the German Bishop’s Conference, Bishop Müller, who received the personal title of archbishop upon his appointment, was co-responsible for contacts with the Orthodox. There are more elements in his biography which gel well with his new duties as the Church’s ‘third man’. Succeeding Cardinal Levada, a red hat is a certainty for Bishop Müller, as are the presidencies which come with his new position: those of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”, and the International Theological Commission. Photo credit: Reuters/Tony Gentile And we’re up for another round of curial changes, as prelates retire from their offices and are replaced by new names. While many Vaticanistas are eagerly awaiting the appointment of a new prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (currently headed by 76-year-old Cardinal Levada) and even a new Secretary of State (Cardinal Bertone, the incumbent, is now 77), today we see a number of appointments which may not be as high-profile, but no less important. Arguably the third-most important Congregation, that of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, sees a switch in secretaries. American Archbishop Joseph Di Noia is leaving to become vice-president of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”, directly assisting Cardinal Levada. Succeeding him at Divine Worship is English Bishop Arthur Roche (pictured at left), formerly of Leeds, who will be made an archbishop. In the Congregation for Catholic Education, we note the departure of Archbishop Jean-Louis Bruguès. He had been that Congregation’s secretary since 2007, and will now take up duties as the archivist of the Vatican Secret Archives and librarian of the Vatican Apostolic Library. His predecessor, Cardinal Farina, had resigned for age reasons earlier this month. In the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, Archbishop Piergiuseppe Vacchelli resigns as adjunct secretary. Succeeding him as the congregation’s third man, is Archbishop Protase Rugambwa (pictured, right), until today the ordinary of the Tanzanian Diocese of Kigoma. Then, Cardinal Ennio Antonelli resigns as President of the Pontifical Council of the Family. He held the office since 2008. His successor is Bishop Vincenzo Paglia, until today bishop of the Italian Diocese of Terni-Narni-Amelia. With the office comes the personal title of archbishop. In the Apostolic Penitentiary, one of the three tribunals of the Church, there is a new regent to succeed Bishop Gianfranco Girotti, who held the office since 2002. The new regent is Msgr. Krzysztof Nykiel, a Polish curial official. In many ways, the Curia of the Catholic Church can be seen as a government, with ministries and secretaries. They are not only responsible for the daily affairs of the Church as institution, but also for essentially everything that has to do with the life of the Church and all her faithful. They give hand and feet to the Church’s eternal task of communicating and guarding the faith that has been given us. It is good for us Catholics to have a passing familiarity with the Curia. The question now is… what will the coming weeks bring? At Catholica, editor Tom Zwitser shares some discouraging news. After two Masses, the celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Latin rite of the Mass at the cathedral of St. Joseph is to be discontinued immediately. Sad news, and the reasons for this decision not only highlight the lack of communication (which I, in a different context, have also experienced) within the parish and the Diocese of Groningen-Leeuwarden, but also the contradictory position with the world Church taken by the diocese. Both the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum and the Instruction Universae Ecclesiae, issued by Pope Benedict XVI and Ecclesia Dei respectively, are quite clear in the duties that a diocesan bishop has towards a group of faithful who wish to attend the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. Aforementioned texts are quite clear in the regulations surrounding the celebration of the Extraordinary Form in any given diocese or jurisdiction. Below a summary from the texts: It is the task of the Diocesan Bishop to undertake all necessary measures to ensure respect for the forma extraordinaria of the Roman Rite, according to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. [UE 14] In parishes, where there is a stable group of faithful who adhere to the earlier liturgical tradition, the pastor should willingly accept their requests to celebrate the Mass according to the rite of the Roman Missal published in 1962, and ensure that the welfare of these faithful harmonises with the ordinary pastoral care of the parish, under the guidance of the bishop in accordance with canon 392, avoiding discord and favouring the unity of the whole Church. [SP 5.1] A coetus fidelium (“group of the faithful”) can be said to be stabiliter existens (“existing in a stable manner”), according to the sense of art. 5 § 1 of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, when it is constituted by some people of an individual parish who, even after the publication of the Motu Proprio, come together by reason of their veneration for the Liturgy in the Usus Antiquior, and who ask that it might be celebrated in the parish church or in an oratory or chapel; such a coetus (“group”) can also be composed of persons coming from different parishes or dioceses, who gather together in a specific parish church or in an oratory or chapel for this purpose [UE 15]. Three paragraphs only, which illustrate that priests and bishops are to generously grant the wish of a stable group of faithful (the size of that group does not factor into the occasion) to celebrate the Mass in the Extraordinary Form. These texts are not difficult or unclear. But what is now happening in Groningen? After two EF Masses in April and May (announced as to take place on every first Sunday of the month, celebrated out of necessity by priests from outside the diocese, initially until summer, but with the implied possibility that they may continue after that if an average of 30 faithful would be attending at that point), a decision was made to limit the number of Masses to four per year. This, as Mr. Zwitser quotes, “not to encourage a division of spirits within the parish”. It must be said, at this point, that finding qualified priests, acolytes and volunteers willing to organise and celebrate these Masses is difficult in this diocese, with such a small number of clergy and faithful to begin with. This difficulty, coupled with, in his words, the lack of cooperation he received, led Mr. Zwitser to decide not to continue as the lone mandated organiser. Maybe the diocese will continue offering EF Masses, but this first attempt can be considered a failure. It’s quite sad that there seems to be such opposition to the older form of the Mass, especially when Rome has been quite clear in this respect. Of course, lack of volunteers, clergy and personnel are hurdles to overcome, but Universae Ecclesiae foresaw in this: In Dioceses without qualified priests, Diocesan Bishops can request assistance from priests of the Institutes erected by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, either to the celebrate the forma extraordinaria or to teach others how to celebrate it . Again, this is not difficult, and it works: the two Masses in Groningen have been offered by qualified priests from the Diocese of Roermond and the FSSP. Travelling costs remain as the sole obstacle. Rumours have it that EF Masses may continue at the church of St. Martin in Sneek. A place and church not as easy to reach for people as the cathedral in Groningen is, and also lacking a qualified priest. This is then a rumoured solution that only relocates the problem. At this moment, the reintroduction of the Extraordinary Form in Groningen seems to be nipped in the bud. Promises seem to be broken, cooperation not given as much as it could, and the instructions from Rome and the personal wish of the Holy Father not given due consideration.I expressly say ‘seems’, because much of this is hearsay and second-hand information. As in the world Church, the local Church too has much to grow in communication. The big Church news today was of course the publication of Universae Ecclesiae, the long-awaited Instruction that clarifies the practical implementation of 2007′s Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, which deals with the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. The embargo on the text was officially lifted at noon today, and I am secretly quite proud to be able to present a Dutch translation on the same day. Tomorrow I plan to offer some thoughts on the Instruction (hence this post’s title), published by the Pontifical Council Ecclesia Dei. The official English text is available here. As announced before, Raymond Cardinal Burke will be offering Mass in the Extraordinary Form on 17 September at the church of St. Agnes in Amsterdam. That day marks the fifth anniversary of the FSSP apostolate in that church. But today Catholica announces that the cardinal will also speak at the annual Catholica conference, on the afternoon of that same day. His topic will be Summorum Pontificum and the Church after Vatican II. The high-ranking prelate is known to celebrate Mass in both forms, and is in many circles considered to be a man to be watched. The 62-year-old Burke was made a cardinal during the most recent consistory and serves as prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Roman Signatura, the highest judicial authority in the Church and overseer of the administration of justice in the Church. Before his appointment, Cardinal Burke was bishop of La Crosse (1994-2003) and archbishop of Saint Louis (2003-2008) in the United States. Catholica is, in the Dutch Catholic media landscape, a voice for orthodoxy, made clear in its advocacy for the Extraordinary Form of the Mass as well as a return to a Catholic practice that has mostly disappeared from the Netherlands. In recent months, it has been a platform for debate about the nature of the Second Vatican Council and how it should be understood and implemented. Other organisers of the conference are the Benelux region of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter and the Ecclesia Dei foundation in Delft.
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