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That was complete milquetoast. The GOP is very "insecure" these days. The same people that label liberals as snowflakes are completely afraid of folks who look different from them. Sad.
I'm not as good at geography as you but I didn't realize that Toronto is located in the Pacific Rim. Edmonton, Sudbury and Saskatoon is cheap compared to Vancouver, do you suggest that those are good places to buy as well? Comparing Toronto to Vancouver is pointless...they're different cities and have different economies.
Police also expressed concerns about ambushes and attacks after two pairs of officers were killed during incidents in 2014, first in Las Vegas and then New York. read this article>>ebuy32.comᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵ
Great manipulation of my words. Maybe we should have all the idiots come to you for guidance and counseling. That would make the world a better place.
Trump winning is a fantasy but let's enjoy watching Trump make (white) Americans look like idiots and the Republican party taking the full brunt of Trump's small hand on its portly bottom. It would be too funny to miss. And again, we can always hope Trump is unable to save face when he loses and does the reasonable thing and becomes a martyr to the great white cause.
All I can say Shame on you! for those people that stayed silence even though you know the truth behind this angelic look like innocent POS! I wish the judge asked how is she in her treatment facility. she is no angel.... she needs to be in jail!
Ok, whoever is feeding this clown the lead paint chips, knock it off, it's not funny anymore, you are causing severe brain damage.
They are crooks....nothing more.
I knew you would not admit your ignorance or lies. sad... Sealaska is NOT the native people. Sealaska is a group of lawyers and fast talkers sucking tax dollars and timber dollars and pocketing it, then insulting the native peoples by paying them $.70 (seventy cents) a share for the year. Maybe you are one of the sealaska bosses, that is why you lie. You do not know who I am but you are surely wondering how I know all this. Get a clue. You are ignorant. You may also be stupid too. I do not know or care, but you are stubborn even in the face of the truth. Sealaska corp is run by scumbag LAWYERS that fill their pockets and it is unlikely you are native or you would know this. Murkowski and Sealaska conspired to steal the election from Joe Miller by pulling a write-in. Sealaska paid for her election in return for her sneaking the lands bill through by hiding it in the armed forces appropriations bill. If you were actually informnd, you would know that. I am done teaching you. Youre fired!
just another fake story. meanwhile, the truth about hillbilly n bill gets buried. saaadddddd.
Very true. It's a common tactic among abusive people to project their abuse on others and deem themselves the true victim. In addition, the other thing I'm noticing more and more is being called "PC" and the decrying of "PC" when bigots and racists etc are called out for their bigotry and racism. It's funny to me...because it's very clear to those that know me in the real world that I am sooo far from "politically correct"....yet I get labeled as such in these forums for pointing out racist/misogynistic/bigoted speech. So I guess as an example...if I were to suggest that all Mexicans are indeed NOT rapists - I would be told that I'm just too PC and it's that kind of PC that's destroying this country...blah, blah, blah
Australia has one of the highest standards of living in the world due to the "Resource Boom". Similarly, Alberta has the highest per capita income of any province, despite the recession. Your logic is completely flawed. But it is all irrelevant anyway. The project is completely uneconomic, regardless of which party is in power. BC cant compete with the US gulf coast, with tide water ports, lower cost construction, existing infrastructure and industry expertise , and a skilled , efficient workforce in place.
Great letter, Donna Annone. The stupid was particularly strong in the commentary you reference.
You mean opposition research? Do you believe only democrats can do opposition research?
I get it. Hillary is a fascist lying pig. To don't like people calling her out for her being the most divisive person in politics. Guess what? I don't care. I'm Greens. That other party is so corrupt it's not worth voting for anyone of those candidates running, save Bernie. I don't care what you personally think. Satan really is a lot more sane than Clinton.
So how would running the oil companies out of Alaska would improve the jobless and revenue rate?
Wayne Jones , are you kidding me ? The liberal press worked 24 / 7 to undermine Trump . The Washington Post assigned 20 reporters to look into every aspect of Trumps life trying to ruin him . During the election our local Dispatch ran stories every day of the week attacking Trump. IF he lied all the time , they would have piled on even more. The fact is , Trump offered his opinions on how to solve America's problems and make us great again. Over 62 million of us agreed with him and made him our next president. Perhaps you have him confused with Hillary Clinton. She's the one that got caught destroying evidence . Without Putin and Russia she might have got away with it. With the truth exposed , American's decided with their votes she was who we thought she was---dishonest and untrustworthy . The liberal press let her off the hook , but the American voters did not. Your hope is gone--the election result won't be changed. It's time to accept the fact Trump is your next president .
One game suspension during the world series would have sent a better message. The message would be very public and gotten the point across.
"another emotional cripple who is profoundly ignorant." You call this civil? It's not, it's trash talk.
Respectfully, I very much doubt that the balance is well and truly balanced. I agree with ScottyKnows2 - unless an external audit done by a firm at arms-length from the Liberal Party of Ontario to verify the statement, I can't believe it. And even if it is the truth, with $300+ billions in debt hampering our province, what difference does it make in the long run? Unless we run surpluses for many years and eliminate the debt, we are still kidding ourselves. Let's see what the credit rating firms like S&P have to say before rejoicing too much.
the liberal propaganda machine is in full swing. These shameless liberals will be dominating the RG op-ed page till the election puking their shameless lies to try and get Vinis elected. These shameless lying liberals will do everything they can to deflect from the fact Vinis has absolutely no experience or qualifications to be mayor of the 2nd largest city in Oregon.
Bill Clinton's economic conservatism did not occur in a vacuum. You will recall Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America" and the fact that Republicans obtained a majority in Congress in 1994. Obama is also an economically conservative Democrat and also faced a Republican majority in the House. Progress will be made when the Republican party is fully repudiated and the Democrats take over the political center. The Republican party is showing its true colors in Donald Trump. With the Republicans, you've got a range from "weapons of mass destruction" Dick Chaney to "deport all the Mexicans and Muslims" Donald Trump and their followers range from misogynist Christians to knuckle dragging white supremacists. Mentally stable Americans really have only once choice--making sure the Democrats win so that the Republicans LOSE. To not repudiate Republicans would mean that Americans are a fundamentally defective people--like Republicans.
UA board of retards/ oh! i mean regents, want to continue the free for all shooting ranges for criminal against innocent students,OH! what a surprise, surprise, surprise
I'm not the one on here continually griping. That would be you. If you want to do something about that "domestic terrorism" that you love to gripe about, then get out there and do something about it. Confiscate. Knock on doors and tell people that you're there to take their guns. Sitting at your computer griping about it won't do any good, but that's all you're doing. Of course, your day wouldn't be complete unless you could somehow manage to link anyone or anything that doesn't suit you with Trump. Deal with it.
A Drumpf presidency would destroy the nation as we know it. He's not a statesman; he's a dirty businessman who's gone bankrupt 4 times. He can't even sell steaks, how can he run a country? He has no experience whatsoever with domestic or foreign policy. He's a bully and a bigot, a racist and a sexist, and has zero moral fiber. He has publicly said he would date his own daughter if he could. How can he even be an option?
Alaska - where even the dogs can't drive
Or else you get your genitals mutilated without ANY consent from you...and, depending on the country of your indoctrination, much worse happens to those born helplessly into a world of perpetual fear of an imaginary sky daddy. You want that kind of life, Mr. Minshall? How very oppressed you are.
A lot of CYA going on here between all these agencies. The guy practically begged for help, told them voices make him want to hurt people. They even had his gun! And gave it back to him! "It's the law" they say? Give me a break, don't tell me they couldn't have come up with a reason not to give this kook his gun back! Unbelievable amount of CYA going on here.
You are being racist here, plain and simple pal. Everyone has the right to own a vehicle, there will always be safe drivers and idiotic dangerous drivers, thank goodness there isn't a political lobby house throwing hundreds of millions of dollars into the idea that it's unconstitutional to have a speed limit because they 'are responsible themselves'.
Here is a better idea, reduce the tax, & regulatory burden so that the U.S. companies are not forced to look elsewhere in order to survive. Unfortunately, the Obama Democrats are economic idiots, who view those that create jobs as, at best, a cash cow to be milked to death, at worst, the enemy.
Leave me out of your "we". I have not voted for that clown for a lot of years.
‘$150-month gym’ I pay little over $400/year at Goodlife. Another thing, with the green revolution upon us, hopefully the need for diesel mechanics will be on the downward slope. Sorry.
Trump received the endorsement of North Korea as their favored presidential candidate. I guess it takes a tyrant to know a tyrant.
Ah the left loves the nanny state. Make us safe, protect us from ourselves. Blah blah blah. When you start giving up freedom for safety you lose both.
wow. seriously grasping at straws there Junior. Dogs are forbidden at most of these events because dogs have been known to bite other people and cause problems with other dogs. This is a HUMAN event. If you cannot complete the course in the allotted time, you are not kicked out, the event is over, son. Equating this with criminal crony capitalism is as moronic as it gets, Junior. You're grasping at straw. the fact remains if a corporation like Walmart were behaving like this people like you would be screaming bloody murder. Your hypocrisy is staggering
It's a pun, you oaf.
Reagan would definitely be shaking in his boots hearing and seeing all of these boorish comments coming from grown men...oops did I say grown men? More like silly boys in the school yard......
Stephen King wrote a book some time ago called "The Dead Zone " where his fictional character was seen by a psychic to cause a nuclear war and lead the world to destruction if elected. It's rather to disturbing to feel that we are living out a plotline that up to now was only found in fiction. It is also disturbing to realize that Trump has only been active for about 8 months and we have over three years to go before the next election. The craziness simply can't be sustained for that period of time.
Revenue bonds are tied to the viability of a given project, and do not require backing of the PF. Stop being silly.
Glad that the idiots who can't clean up after themselves ruined something cool for everyone else. Great job!
Don't do anything stupid, or write anything stupid or act like a moron you should be okay, I'm sorry that ship has already sailed, you paronoid moron Do you have your tin foil hat handy?
I was shocked to read what this teacher supposedly said and do wonder what the mitigating circumstances could be.... anyone know? As things stand, no excuse seems acceptable. Having said that, I vehemently distrust the Education Department Political Head who seems more concerned about pontificating on every subject and has a 'holier than all' aura when in fact he is at best a 3rd grade politician.... He should perhaps consider his position post 2019 elections... though the electorate will help him there, limiting his options. I also think of all those Government Ministers who were teachers, ostensibly.... Angie, Dlameni, Gigaba... it goes on and on.... and all corrupt !
Your last statement is exactly what I am doing. If you thought I meant that all the forest fires were naturally caused, I am sorry for the confusion. I agree that 200 yrs ago there was almost no human caused air pollution, that is why I pushed it back at least that far. Are you so sure that old growth was that much less likely to burn? Less fires do not mean that less acreage was burned back then.
RyanD wrote this: "Demand is high and supply is low, so I can bump my rents every year. That's the benefit of owning an asset, I control it..." That doesn't make him greedy, it makes him a smart business person with a personal investment of his own that he is growing. RyanD is not in the business of subsidizing other people. Nor should he be.
One is tempted to hope that your end will match that of both the sisters you admire, I especially like the part about 'scorn and derision' for the second sister. All that being 'stripped naked' and 'stoning' and 'swords' seems a bit much today, even for those two sluts.
separation of church and state. what part of that do you not get. religion should have no part of politics whatsoever. and if you blindly follow trump, well my mother taught me if I don't having anything nice to say then....
Something very unique happened here, as I can't recall a highrise catching fire like this in Canada, the U.S. or any other western country including Britain. It certainly brings home the issue, of how do you fight a fire in a twenty or thirty story building, or higher. I think the short answer is, you don't.
Murder is the ultimate crime. If he is guilty, he should hang.
I can't imagine her sitting cross legged on a yoga mat. My mind will not compute that.
You cannot reason with racist bigots void of intelligence and reason. I won't flag your racist post as I want the world to see just how profoundly stupid, and shameless, you are.
And apparently I can still see them.
You would be funny if you weren't so pathetic.
Let's compare state governments. Take Michigan, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kansas, Indiana, Florida, Texas, Mississippi. All ran by the Republicans and all in the hole. You do know that the KKK members today aren't Democrats, right? Lincoln was a Republican, do actually think he'd make it in today's Republican party? Your comment is so full of holes, I could use it as sieve.
It was dead half out of the yard because it was shot while it was moving. Not much the underground fence can do to stop a dead dog. Shoot anything that is running and its going to keep moving a bit longer. Go hunting and shoot a running moose and you will realize this.
Agreed. Buying SHs 10 years ago as a stop-gap might have been wise but not now.
OMG there seems to be no end to these sick sub-humans! Being a child, is certainly now, an at risk for survival each and every hour. The number of adults who report being sexually/emotionally/physically molested as "children" seems it really happening frequently much of the time? Apparently so. Somebody must know these adults are "sick" but allow them to be around children. There needs to be a better "path" to follow to keep these molestors away from minors. What is happening at present is not working. Just today read of an arrest, thank god, of a male trying to adopt infants from Mexico so he could sexually molest them. Infants! Makes one think challenging things like animal behavior...all Vet's encourage spay and keep pregnancy's down in the females and to keep the males from impregnating females, spraying, fighting and acting out. You got to wonder if it was more comfortable for men to talk to their Doctor about sexual urges...that would be a beginning
Two Wild & Crazy Guys!
Those two states are Jordan - the Palestinian Arab state and Israel - Palestinian Jewish state. That leaves no room for the second state of Palestinian Arabs, currently in the making.
I'm glad. I was disapointed that our builders were too lazy to adapt to this measure and thought it was instead prudent to spend millions of dollars to oppose it. Denver made the right decision here.
Of course low wages and precarious work is a problem. The numbers don't lie.
Notley should stay home. There is no way she will be given a "polite audience" (when did Albertans become such pretentious fops?). Not now, not in future. Take your pipe and stuff it Alberta.
I have been heartened by the Mayor and City Council's awareness of the critical need for additional parks funding, and the allocation of $2 million more funding per year in the current 2017-18 budget. However, I have been dismayed to see banked property tax identified as the solution. It is not only a new tax for residents but inadequate as a long-term solution for funding parks. As Council President Boyce suggests, it has already been identified as the solution to the coming “fiscal cliff.” Further, the City of Kent Parks and Recreation Commission believes that it is the City’s obligation to maintain parks’ current level of service within existing City revenues. It is, in my opinion, and the opinion of the Commission, unfair that residents would have to pay more taxes just to maintain current parks level of service. Current tax dollars should rightly fund our current obligations. Voters should decide whether to increase level of service and fund new programming citywide.
Ha ha ha ha... ...Sure I'm anonymous, but I know my facts and don't call people morons, I would suggest to you the same, in you righteous take charge agenda.
How many people has trump murdered? Or talked about murdering? Or anything else that Hitler did? Didn't think so. Now stop this nonsense, it's getting tiresome.
I agree, but I think Holland(s) control is due to lack of confidence in his stuff. At 100 MPH for 10 or 12 pitches, you can throw it down the middle and take your chances especially with the bases empty, make the first guy hit it.
Even if the U.S. has issued them a visa, including permanent residency status and has been living in the U.S.? It is one thing to refuse to issue any further visas, it is quite another to arbitrarily deny entry to visa holders, especially if they have already entered the U.S., have homes there, and are just re-entering.
"But black students who want the UO to drop Deady’s name say honoring Deady today keeps black students from attending and thriving at the UO." Complete tommyrot! I challemge anyone to produce any evidence to support this rediculous statement. Schill ought to suck it up and get back to running the university.... or get out of town.
One anecdotal story does not make a fact. FACT - Planned Parenthood was started by Margaret Sanger to keep "Negros" from increasing in population.
If there's no room at the hospital, these mentally disturbed individuals with criminal histories should remain in jail. The problem really worsened back in the '80's when the ACLU successfully fought involuntary institutionalization laws, releasing thousands of future homeless onto our streets. While I agree with the principle, the consequences have been horrific.
Hospitals can't refuse people emergency care so it will never be a free market product. You have a natural monopoly and we need to stop pretending everyone doesn't need healthcare and it isn't a human right in a first world country.
That is the project to rebuild the original stupidly designed front entryway, which was going to get somebody killed someday
Well done girls! That was a great game to watch, very intelligently played.
Hopefully (but I don't hold out much hope) unaffiliated voters will select the ballot which they feel, as a whole, needs to be realigned to their spot on the ideological spectrum. Then again, I don't think that the Denver Chamber of Commerce bought what they thought they bought.
The troubling part is that parents who can afford to feed their kids no longer have to. I'm not against feeding the needy kids at no charge but those who can pay, should pay.
How's that vote for real change working out for you folks? Still think it matters who you vote for?
HaHaHaHa. Thanks for the laugh. These are poser goofball grifters who came here to scam Alaska.
I don't know what childhood background you were raised in, Wood, and it really doesn't matter. Now that you're suppose to be a responsible adult, you've nobody to blame for what appears to be bigotry. Take you bigoted garbage elsewhere. Can't imagine that you have any friends.
You want to talk about a clown throwing money away,Walker takes the cake!
Don't you remember when Anchorage tried using photo radar? The populace went nuts. It infringed on their god given right to drive like an idiot and run red lights.
so this article is so frustrating to be able to understand it. So. Judge says they can mine. BOO Then voters attempt to vote on the issue. Said judge blocks it. Now he wants to make it permanent that voters can't vote on this. Land use So Judge should understand this: He represents the interest of the people. The judge needs to do w/the people (majority) say: NO MORE DESTRUCTION OF OUR LANDS!!!!!!!!!!!! Judge will not last long siding for business at this point. We've had it up to our necks w/this crap.
I got stupider by reading this article.
"... if you as a pedestrian are hit by a car or a truck then you are at least 50% and probably 90% at fault." So you are comfortable being so wrong publicly? Why not get the facts before you articulate such windshield-blinkered misconceptions?
Canada is coming apart at the seams, and politicians are worried about legalizing dope? They're kidding, right? You don't fix what's wrong with this country by legalizing drugs for a bunch of immature babies.
The 16% are the bottom of the barrel complete Liberal hacks.
What a bunch of childish dolts......just because they couldn't get their halfwit legislation passed. They should be tossed into the street.
Please source your material that says ID believes gays are inferior people . You can't.
Which Tax Reform is the president speaking about? If he is speaking about the one tax proposal that was put forward by his economic team earlier this year he is either misinformed or 'bigly' 'hugely' lying. That proposal gives over 45% of the tax cuts to the top 0.1% and over 60% to the top 1%. The middle class barely gets anything while the poor (especially the rural poor-who voted overwhelming for Trump) would suffer a tax increase. Talk about switch and bait. But, then again, Trump's faithful followers don't give a damn if he kicks them in the proverbial economic butt.
At what funding level is the federal government involved in American healthcare now?
Andi Taggart, I busted my butt to get someone to listen to me and do something while legislature, government agencies, governors, officials at the DOC and people like you ignored what I said about the DOC harming of health, killing people, causing trauma illness by the DOC since 2008. Now people are outraged finally, but I knew all this time and worked really hard to get something done about it while being ignored and having people like you make nasty comments to me. Way more than just nasty comments happened to me and it is not too hard to figure out why. At this point if you can't be a part of the solution maybe you could just be silent.
I agree with you about the perils of riding a bike on busy Eugene streets with so many cars and the distracted drivers...especially those trucks with large mirrors.
This is what small government looks like. To be clear, a lot of other Valley neighborhoods are used as drunken playgrounds for idiots. It's really just about attracting and pandering to discourteous people, people who litter and race their ATVs and dirt bikes on residential roads. Reminds me of the sleazy Anchorageites who successfully lobbied the Assembly to let them throw their drunken parties and take over a small residential lake every weekend, making the actual residents miserable. Those Anchorageites were insufferably self righteous about their entitlement to trash a Valley neighborhood on the weekends with their equally sleazy friends. The Assembly took the side of the weekenders over the actual residents. Yahoo MatSu, right?
The mayor is a good hoodini.. if he can get you to focus on his left hand blaming others and technical issues! But the real problem is his right hand ethical dishonesty, working for banks helping them make money, pay to play , tod profits to devolpers all foaming at the mouth. Look not at the front see whats going on in the back! Why you think he wants kim , ron , joey and ikaika all these guys was supported big by prp .. does that tell you something!!
Bishop is not Kazakstani, but Krygyz, born there of German-German parentage.
"Don't cry for me, Argentina! The truth is no more than opinion. All through your wild days, your sad existence, You were never brutal when you squelched resistance." (With apologies to Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice)
Pot too! A doobie is no different than a butt!
In September 2015, the G&M published an article entitled Chinese Developers Eyeing the West for Real Estate Opportunities, even though that process had been well underway since Hong Kong changed from British to Chinese oversight. One quote from that article is noteworthy: "The high speed growth of China's real estate growth has ended", said OuYang Jie, executive VP of Future Land Developments Holdings, one of China's top 20 developers, "in the future, we will have to fight for our meals in other people's bowls." That usually means someone else gets pushed away from the temporary global banquet table. What are politicans doing? Renting chairs for themselves in cash-for-access fundraisers because they don't even own a chair anymore. Tie this to China's domestic currency, the renminbi, which has offshore and onshore versions, so China issues QUOTAS to international investors through its Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors program so it controls ALL MONEY within its borders.
Child molesters have a better develop sense of right and wrong Wavemaker. Doesn't say a lot about those that where dumb enough to support him.
@SHIMON KOFFLER FOGEL a le culot de nous dire; “Faith communities should be leaders in this exercise. What better way to demonstrate our unique role in contributing to and shaping our country than to do something that will inspire all Canadians to make Canada even better, more inclusive and more caring?” No Way ! Keep Out of sight ! “Big-mouth” Grande-gueule Québécois will NEVER let another religion come replace Catholic Church and implant itself stealthily on its territory
Let me try a different tack. You are basing your conclusion that leaking classified information is illegal under the Espionage Act? An act which has a purpose of preventing use of information to "injure America or to the advantage of foreign nations?" It seems these leaks are to a contrary purpose, ie. protect America and deny an advantage to the foreign nation of Russia. Also, on a related note your link led to an interesting law review: A pretty long, dense read but it seems I might be at least partially wrong as no intelligence agent is likely to rely on the Act because even if it protects from retaliation there's still, likely Flynn, the issue of loss of trust and a corollary basis for loss of clearance, aka job. I don't expect many would be like Yates and openly act against Trump's orders at the cost of their job.
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