stringlengths 201
| source_other
stringlengths 180
import logging
import sys
from volttron.platform.agent import BaseAgent, PublishMixin, periodic
from volttron.platform.agent import utils, matching
from volttron.platform.messaging import headers as headers_mod, topics
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestRegistrationAgent(PublishMixin, BaseAgent):
def __init__(self, config_path, **kwargs):
super(TestRegistrationAgent, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.config = utils.load_config(config_path)
def setup(self):
self._agent_id = self.config['agentid']
super(TestRegistrationAgent, self).setup()
def run_tests(self):
_log.debug("Attempting to register devices")
_log.debug("Attempting to list registered devices")
_log.debug("Attempting to unregister devices")
_log.debug("Attempting to list registered devices")
_log.debug("Attempting to see if individual devices are registered")
def post_register_test(self):
headers = {'requesterID' : self._agent_id, "From" : "RegistrationAgentTester"}
msg = {"agents_to_register" : {"agent_1" : "agent_1 info", "agent_2" : "agent_2_info"} }
self.publish_json("registration/register", headers, msg)
def on_test_register_response(self, topic, headers, message, match):
print "Received registration response.\nMessage: {msg}".format(msg = message)
print "FAILURE due to exception: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]
def post_unregister_test(self):
headers = {'requesterID' : self._agent_id, "From" : "RegistrationAgentTester"}
msg = {"agents_to_unregister" : ["agent_1", "agent_3"]}
self.publish_json("registration/unregister", headers, msg)
def on_test_unregister_response(self, topic, headers, message, match):
print "Received unregistration response.\nMessage: {msg}".format(msg = message)
print "FAILURE due to exception: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]
def post_list_registered_test(self):
headers = {'requesterID' : self._agent_id, "From" : "RegistrationAgentTester"}
msg = {}
self.publish_json("registration/list", headers, msg)
def on_test_list_registered_response(self, topic, headers, message, match):
print "Received list_registered response.\nMessage: {msg}".format(msg = message)
print "FAILURE due to exception: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]
def post_is_registered_test(self):
headers = {'requesterID' : self._agent_id, "From" : "RegistrationAgentTester"}
msg = {"agents" : ["agent_1"]}
self.publish_json("registration/is_registered", headers, msg)
msg = {"agents" : ["agent_2"]}
self.publish_json("registration/is_registered", headers, msg)
msg = {"agents" : ["agent_3"]}
self.publish_json("registration/is_registered", headers, msg)
msg = {"agents" : ["agent_1", "agent_2", "agent_3"]}
self.publish_json("registration/is_registered", headers, msg)
def on_test_is_registered_response(self, topic, headers, message, match):
print "Received is_registered response.\nMessage: {msg}".format(msg = message)
print "FAILURE due to exception: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]
def main(argv=sys.argv):
'''Main method called by the eggsecutable.'''
description='Testing agent for Archiver Agent in VOLTTRON Lite',
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Entry point for script
except KeyboardInterrupt:
| {'dir': 'python', 'id': '624343', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'bopopescu/BEMOSSx', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'Agents/TestRegistrationAgent/testregistrationAgent/agent.py', 'n_tokens_mistral': 1293, 'n_tokens_neox': 1248, 'n_words': 270} |
using System;
using Eklee.Azure.Functions.GraphQl.Repository.DocumentDb;
using Eklee.Azure.Functions.GraphQl.Repository.Http;
using Eklee.Azure.Functions.GraphQl.Repository.InMemory;
namespace Eklee.Azure.Functions.GraphQl
public interface IModelConventionInputBuilder<TSource> where TSource : class
InMemoryConfiguration<TSource> ConfigureInMemory<TType>();
HttpConfiguration<TSource> ConfigureHttp<TType>();
DocumentDbConfiguration<TSource> ConfigureDocumentDb<TType>();
ModelConventionInputBuilder<TSource> Delete<TDeleteInput, TDeleteOutput>(
Func<TDeleteInput, TSource> mapDelete,
Func<TSource, TDeleteOutput> transform);
ModelConventionInputBuilder<TSource> DeleteAll<TDeleteOutput>(Func<TDeleteOutput> getOutput);
void Build();
} | {'dir': 'c-sharp', 'id': '7138376', 'max_stars_count': '67', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'seekdavidlee/Eklee-Azure-Functions-GraphQl', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'Eklee.Azure.Functions.GraphQl/IModelConventionInputBuilder.cs', 'n_tokens_mistral': 243, 'n_tokens_neox': 228, 'n_words': 36} |
import socket
if "__main__" == __name__:
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM);
print("create socket succ!");
sock.bind(('', 6010));
print("bind socket succ!");
print("listen succ!");
print("init socket err!");
while True:
print("listen for client...");
conn, addr = sock.accept();
print("get client");
szBuf = conn.recv(1024);
print("recv:" + szBuf);
if "0" == szBuf:
conn.send('welcome client!');
print("end of sevice");
| {'dir': 'python', 'id': '9241120', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'mabotech/mabo.io', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'py/AK/test/ak_server2.py', 'n_tokens_mistral': 242, 'n_tokens_neox': 227, 'n_words': 51} |
import ControlScheme from "src/components/player/ControlScheme";
const Player = "Player";
Crafty.c(Player, {
init() {
reset() {
if (this.has(ControlScheme)) {
export default Player;
| {'dir': 'javascript', 'id': '177390', 'max_stars_count': '19', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'speedlazer/game-play', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'src/components/player/Player.js', 'n_tokens_mistral': 91, 'n_tokens_neox': 88, 'n_words': 17} |
import unittest
import numpy as np
from graphz.dataset import GraphDataset
class TestCreation(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# This is NOT symmetric.
self.sample_A = np.matrix([
[1.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.3],
[0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9],
[0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 0.0]
def test_from_simple_edge_list(self):
edges = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (3, 4)]
g = GraphDataset.from_edges(n_nodes=5, edges=edges, name='GraphX')
self.assertEqual(g.name, 'GraphX')
self.assertEqual(g.n_nodes, 5)
self.assertEqual(g.n_edges, 5)
self.assertSetEqual(set(g.get_edge_iter()), set(map(lambda e : (e[0], e[1], 1), edges)))
def test_from_adj_mat_dense_undirected_unweighted(self):
node_attrs = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
node_labels = [1, 2, 4, 5]
edges_expected = [(0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 3, 1), (1, 3, 1), (2, 3, 1)]
g = GraphDataset.from_adj_mat(self.sample_A, directed=False, weighted=False,
name='Unweighted', node_attributes=node_attrs, node_labels=node_labels)
self.assertEqual(g.name, 'Unweighted')
self.assertSetEqual(set(g.get_edge_iter()), set(edges_expected))
self.assertListEqual(list(g.node_attributes), node_attrs)
self.assertListEqual(list(g.node_labels), node_labels)
def test_from_adj_mat_dense_undirected_weighted(self):
edges_expected = [(0, 0, 1.0), (0, 1, 0.1), (0, 3, 0.3), (1, 3, 0.4), (2, 3, 0.9)]
g = GraphDataset.from_adj_mat(self.sample_A, directed=False, weighted=True, name='Weighted')
self.assertEqual(g.name, 'Weighted')
self.assertSetEqual(set(g.get_edge_iter()), set(edges_expected))
def test_from_adj_mat_dense_directed_unweighted(self):
edges_expected = [(0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 3, 1), (1, 3, 1), (2, 3, 1),
(1, 0, 1), (3, 0, 1), (3, 1, 1), (3, 2, 1)]
g = GraphDataset.from_adj_mat(self.sample_A, directed=True, weighted=False, name='Unweighted')
self.assertEqual(g.name, 'Unweighted')
self.assertSetEqual(set(g.get_edge_iter()), set(edges_expected))
def test_from_adj_mat_dense_directed_weighted(self):
edges_expected = [(0, 0, 1.0), (0, 1, 0.1), (0, 3, 0.3), (1, 3, 0.4), (2, 3, 0.9),
(1, 0, 0.7), (3, 0, 0.5), (3, 1, 0.6), (3, 2, 0.8)]
g = GraphDataset.from_adj_mat(self.sample_A, directed=True, weighted=True, name='Weighted')
self.assertEqual(g.name, 'Weighted')
self.assertSetEqual(set(g.get_edge_iter()), set(edges_expected))
class TestViews(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
edges = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)]
self.g_undirected = GraphDataset.from_edges(n_nodes=5, edges=edges)
self.g_directed = GraphDataset.from_edges(n_nodes=5, edges=edges, directed=True)
def test_deg_list(self):
self.assertListEqual(list(self.g_undirected.deg_list), [2, 4, 2, 1, 0])
# Out degree
self.assertListEqual(list(self.g_directed.deg_list), [2, 3, 0, 0, 0])
def test_adj_list(self):
self.assertSetEqual(set(self.g_undirected.adj_list[1].keys()), {0, 1, 2, 3})
self.assertSetEqual(set(self.g_undirected.adj_list[2].keys()), {0, 1})
self.assertSetEqual(set(self.g_directed.adj_list[0].keys()), {1, 2})
self.assertEqual(len(self.g_directed.adj_list[2]), 0)
class TestAdjacencyMatrix(unittest.TestCase):
def test_undirected(self):
edges = [(0, 1, 0.1), (1, 2, 0.2), (2, 3, 0.3)]
g = GraphDataset.from_edges(n_nodes=4, edges=edges, weighted=True)
A = g.get_adj_matrix()
A_expected = np.array([
[0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.1, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.3],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0]
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(A, A_expected))
def test_directed(self):
edges = [(0, 1, 0.1), (1, 2, 0.2), (3, 3, 0.5)]
g = GraphDataset.from_edges(n_nodes=4, edges=edges, weighted=True, directed=True)
A = g.get_adj_matrix()
A_expected = np.array([
[0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5]
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(A, A_expected))
class TestLaplacianMatrix(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
edges = [(0, 1, 2.0), (0, 2, 1.5), (1, 2, 0.4), (1, 3, 0.2)]
self.g_weighted = GraphDataset.from_edges(n_nodes=4, edges=edges, weighted=True)
self.g_unweighted = GraphDataset.from_edges(n_nodes=4, edges=edges)
def test_unweighted(self):
L = self.g_unweighted.get_laplacian()
L_sparse = self.g_unweighted.get_laplacian(sparse=True).todense()
L_expected = np.array([
[ 2.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0],
[-1.0, 3.0, -1.0, -1.0],
[-1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 0.0],
[ 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(L, L_expected))
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(L, L_sparse))
def test_unweighted_normalized(self):
Ln = self.g_unweighted.get_laplacian(normalize=True)
Ln_sparse = self.g_unweighted.get_laplacian(normalize=True, sparse=True).todense()
Ln_expected = np.array([
[ 1. , -0.40824829, -0.5 , 0. ],
[-0.40824829, 1. , -0.40824829, -0.57735027],
[-0.5 , -0.40824829, 1. , 0. ],
[ 0. , -0.57735027, 0. , 1. ]
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(Ln, Ln_expected))
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(Ln, Ln_sparse))
def test_weighted(self):
L = self.g_weighted.get_laplacian()
L_sparse = self.g_weighted.get_laplacian(sparse=True).todense()
L_expected = np.array([
[ 3.5, -2.0, -1.5, 0.0],
[-2.0, 2.6, -0.4, -0.2],
[-1.5, -0.4, 1.9, 0.0],
[ 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.2]
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(L, L_expected))
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(L, L_sparse))
class TestSubgraph(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# A loop graph
edges = [(0, 1, 0.1, 'a'), (1, 2, 0.2, 'b'), (2, 3, 0.3, 'c'),
(3, 4, 0.4, 'd'), (4, 5, 0.5, 'e'), (5, 0, 0.6, 'f')]
node_labels = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66]
node_attributes = ['n1', 'n2', 'n3', 'n4', 'n5', 'n6']
self.g_loop = GraphDataset.from_edges(n_nodes=6, edges=edges,
weighted=True, directed=False, has_edge_data=True,
node_labels=node_labels, node_attributes=node_attributes)
def test_edge_removal(self):
edges_to_remove = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (4, 3), (1, 0)]
sg = self.g_loop.subgraph(edges_to_remove=edges_to_remove)
expected_edges = [(1, 2, 0.2, 'b'), (2, 3, 0.3, 'c'),
(4, 5, 0.5, 'e'), (0, 5, 0.6, 'f')]
self.assertSetEqual(set(sg.get_edge_iter(data=True)), set(expected_edges))
self.assertListEqual(list(sg.deg_list), [1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2])
def test_node_removal(self):
nodes_to_remove = [1, 4, 2, 3]
sg = self.g_loop.subgraph(nodes_to_remove=nodes_to_remove)
expected_edges = [(0, 1, 0.6, 'f')]
self.assertSetEqual(set(sg.get_edge_iter(data=True)), set(expected_edges))
expected_node_data = [(11, 'n1'), (66, 'n6')]
self.assertSetEqual(set(zip(sg.node_labels, sg.node_attributes)), set(expected_node_data))
self.assertListEqual(list(sg.deg_list), [1, 1])
def test_node_keeping(self):
nodes_to_keep = [2, 1]
sg = self.g_loop.subgraph(nodes_to_keep=nodes_to_keep)
expected_edges = [(0, 1, 0.2, 'b')]
self.assertSetEqual(set(sg.get_edge_iter(data=True)), set(expected_edges))
expected_node_data = [(22, 'n2'), (33, 'n3')]
self.assertSetEqual(set(zip(sg.node_labels, sg.node_attributes)), set(expected_node_data))
self.assertListEqual(list(sg.deg_list), [1, 1])
def test_node_plus_edge_removal(self):
nodes_to_remove = [0, 2]
edges_to_remove = [(1, 0), (2, 3), (4, 5), (5, 0), (3, 4), (0, 1)]
sg = self.g_loop.subgraph(nodes_to_remove=nodes_to_remove, edges_to_remove=edges_to_remove)
self.assertEqual(sg.n_edges, 0)
expected_node_data = [(22, 'n2'), (44, 'n4'), (55, 'n5'), (66, 'n6')]
self.assertSetEqual(set(zip(sg.node_labels, sg.node_attributes)), set(expected_node_data))
self.assertListEqual(list(sg.deg_list), [0, 0, 0, 0])
if __name__ == '__main__':
| {'dir': 'python', 'id': '2534506', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'morriswmz/graphz', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'graphz/tests/test_graph_dataset.py', 'n_tokens_mistral': 3772, 'n_tokens_neox': 3438, 'n_words': 647} |
layout: post
title: Do not leave any question
date: 2007-09-10 11:00:49.000000000 +09:30
type: post
published: true
status: publish
- Thinking
tags: [thinking]
posturl_add_url: 'yes'
_edit_last: '1'
views: '825'
<div>Remeber: do not leave any question which confuse you, or else you will be lost more when you met it again.</div>
| {'dir': 'html', 'id': '434528', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'dbaeyes/dbaeyes.github.io', 'max_stars_repo_path': '_posts/2007-09-10-do-not-leave-any-question.html', 'n_tokens_mistral': 165, 'n_tokens_neox': 139, 'n_words': 52} |
package lk.ijse.dep.pos.dao.custom.impl;
import lk.ijse.dep.pos.dao.custom.QueryDAO;
import lk.ijse.dep.pos.entity.CustomEntity;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class QueryDAOImpl implements QueryDAO {
private EntityManager entityManager;
public CustomEntity getOrderInfo(int orderId) throws Exception {
return null;
public List<CustomEntity> getOrdersInfo(String query) throws Exception {
List<Object[]> resultList = entityManager.createNativeQuery(
"SELECT o.id, c.cusId , c.name, o.date, od.qty * od.unit_price FROM Customer c " +
"JOIN `order` o ON c.cusId=o.customer_Id " +
"JOIN orderdetail od on o.id = od.order_id " +
"WHERE o.id LIKE ?1 OR " +
"c.cusId LIKE ?1 OR " +
"c.name LIKE ?1 OR " +
"o.date LIKE ?1 GROUP BY o.id"
).setParameter(1, query).getResultList();
ArrayList<CustomEntity> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object[] clo : resultList) {
list.add(new CustomEntity((int) clo[0], (String) clo[1], (String) clo[2], (Date) clo[3], (Double) clo[4]));
return list;
| {'dir': 'java', 'id': '13338155', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'rivinduchamath/POS-Spring-JPA', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'src/lk/ijse/dep/pos/dao/custom/impl/QueryDAOImpl.java', 'n_tokens_mistral': 462, 'n_tokens_neox': 441, 'n_words': 110} |
#ifndef CLM_H
#define CLM_H
#define MUS_VERSION 5
#define MUS_REVISION 14
#define MUS_DATE "19-Apr-13"
/* isn't mus_env_interp backwards? */
#include "sndlib.h"
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <complex.h>
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327
#define M_PI_2 (M_PI / 2.0)
typedef struct mus_any_class mus_any_class;
typedef struct {
struct mus_any_class *core;
} mus_any;
MUS_NUM_FFT_WINDOWS} mus_fft_window_t;
#define MUS_MAX_CLM_SINC_WIDTH 65536
#define MUS_MAX_CLM_SRC 65536.0
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
MUS_EXPORT void mus_initialize(void);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_make_generator_type(void);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any_class *mus_generator_class(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any_class *mus_make_generator(int type, char *name,
int (*release)(mus_any *ptr),
char *(*describe)(mus_any *ptr),
bool (*equalp)(mus_any *gen1, mus_any *gen2));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_release(mus_any_class *p, int (*release)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_describe(mus_any_class *p, char *(*describe)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_equalp(mus_any_class *p, bool (*equalp)(mus_any *gen1, mus_any *gen2));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_data(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t *(*data)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_data(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t *(*set_data)(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t *new_data));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_length(mus_any_class *p, mus_long_t (*length)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_length(mus_any_class *p, mus_long_t (*set_length)(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t new_length));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_frequency(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*frequency)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_frequency(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*set_frequency)(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t new_freq));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_phase(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*phase)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_phase(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*set_phase)(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t new_phase));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_scaler(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*scaler)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_scaler(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*set_scaler)(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t val));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_increment(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*increment)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_increment(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*set_increment)(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t val));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_run(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*run)(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t arg1, mus_float_t arg2));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_closure(mus_any_class *p, void *(*closure)(mus_any *gen));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_channels(mus_any_class *p, int (*channels)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_offset(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*offset)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_offset(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*set_offset)(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t val));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_width(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*width)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_width(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*set_width)(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t val));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_xcoeff(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*xcoeff)(mus_any *ptr, int index));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_xcoeff(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*set_xcoeff)(mus_any *ptr, int index, mus_float_t val));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_hop(mus_any_class *p, mus_long_t (*hop)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_hop(mus_any_class *p, mus_long_t (*set_hop)(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t new_length));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_ramp(mus_any_class *p, mus_long_t (*ramp)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_ramp(mus_any_class *p, mus_long_t (*set_ramp)(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t new_length));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_read_sample(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*read_sample)(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t samp, int chan));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_write_sample(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*write_sample)(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t samp, int chan, mus_float_t data));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_file_name(mus_any_class *p, char *(*file_name)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_end(mus_any_class *p, int (*end)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_location(mus_any_class *p, mus_long_t (*location)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_location(mus_any_class *p, mus_long_t (*set_location)(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t loc));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_channel(mus_any_class *p, int (*channel)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_ycoeff(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*ycoeff)(mus_any *ptr, int index));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_ycoeff(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t (*set_ycoeff)(mus_any *ptr, int index, mus_float_t val));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_xcoeffs(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t *(*xcoeffs)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_ycoeffs(mus_any_class *p, mus_float_t *(*ycoeffs)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_reset(mus_any_class *p, void (*reset)(mus_any *ptr));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_set_closure(mus_any_class *p, void *(*set_closure)(mus_any *gen, void *e));
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_extended_type(mus_any_class *p, mus_clm_extended_t extended_type);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_generator_set_feeder(mus_any *g, mus_float_t (*feed)(void *arg, int direction));
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_radians_to_hz(mus_float_t radians);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_hz_to_radians(mus_float_t hz);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_degrees_to_radians(mus_float_t degrees);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_radians_to_degrees(mus_float_t radians);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_db_to_linear(mus_float_t x);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_linear_to_db(mus_float_t x);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_srate(void);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_set_srate(mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_seconds_to_samples(mus_float_t secs);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_samples_to_seconds(mus_long_t samps);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_array_print_length(void);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_set_array_print_length(int val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_float_equal_fudge_factor(void);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_set_float_equal_fudge_factor(mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_ring_modulate(mus_float_t s1, mus_float_t s2);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_amplitude_modulate(mus_float_t s1, mus_float_t s2, mus_float_t s3);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_contrast_enhancement(mus_float_t sig, mus_float_t index);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_dot_product(mus_float_t *data1, mus_float_t *data2, mus_long_t size);
MUS_EXPORT complex double mus_edot_product(complex double freq, complex double *data, mus_long_t size);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_clear_array(mus_float_t *arr, mus_long_t size);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_arrays_are_equal(mus_float_t *arr1, mus_float_t *arr2, mus_float_t fudge, mus_long_t len);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_polynomial(mus_float_t *coeffs, mus_float_t x, int ncoeffs);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_multiply_arrays(mus_float_t *data, mus_float_t *window, mus_long_t len);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_rectangular_to_polar(mus_float_t *rl, mus_float_t *im, mus_long_t size);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_rectangular_to_magnitudes(mus_float_t *rl, mus_float_t *im, mus_long_t size);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_polar_to_rectangular(mus_float_t *rl, mus_float_t *im, mus_long_t size);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_array_interp(mus_float_t *wave, mus_float_t phase, mus_long_t size);
MUS_EXPORT double mus_bessi0(mus_float_t x);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_interpolate(mus_interp_t type, mus_float_t x, mus_float_t *table, mus_long_t table_size, mus_float_t y);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_interp_type_p(int val);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_fft_window_p(int val);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_data_format_zero(int format);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_run_exists(mus_any *gen);
/* -------- generic functions -------- */
MUS_EXPORT int mus_type(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_free(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT char *mus_describe(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_equalp(mus_any *g1, mus_any *g2);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_phase(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_set_phase(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_set_frequency(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_frequency(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_run(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t arg1, mus_float_t arg2);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_length(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_set_length(mus_any *gen, mus_long_t len);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_order(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_data(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_set_data(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t *data);
MUS_EXPORT const char *mus_name(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT const char *mus_set_name(mus_any *ptr, const char *new_name);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_scaler(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_set_scaler(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_offset(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_set_offset(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_width(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_set_width(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT char *mus_file_name(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_reset(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_xcoeffs(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_ycoeffs(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_xcoeff(mus_any *ptr, int index);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_set_xcoeff(mus_any *ptr, int index, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_ycoeff(mus_any *ptr, int index);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_set_ycoeff(mus_any *ptr, int index, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_increment(mus_any *rd);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_set_increment(mus_any *rd, mus_float_t dir);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_location(mus_any *rd);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_set_location(mus_any *rd, mus_long_t loc);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_channel(mus_any *rd);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_channels(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_position(mus_any *ptr); /* only C, envs (snd-env.c), shares slot with mus_channels */
MUS_EXPORT int mus_interp_type(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_ramp(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_set_ramp(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_hop(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_set_hop(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_feedforward(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_set_feedforward(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_feedback(mus_any *rd);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_set_feedback(mus_any *rd, mus_float_t dir);
/* -------- generators -------- */
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_oscil(mus_any *o, mus_float_t fm, mus_float_t pm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_oscil_unmodulated(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_oscil_fm(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_oscil_pm(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t pm);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_oscil_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_oscil(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t phase);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_oscil_bank_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_oscil_bank(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_oscil_bank(int size, mus_float_t *freqs, mus_float_t *phases, mus_float_t *amps);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_ncos(mus_float_t freq, int n);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_ncos(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_ncos_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_nsin(mus_float_t freq, int n);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_nsin(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_nsin_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_nrxysin(mus_float_t frequency, mus_float_t y_over_x, int n, mus_float_t r);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_nrxysin(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_nrxysin_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_nrxycos(mus_float_t frequency, mus_float_t y_over_x, int n, mus_float_t r);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_nrxycos(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_nrxycos_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_rxykcos(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t phase, mus_float_t r, mus_float_t ratio);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_rxykcos(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_rxykcos_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_rxyksin(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t phase, mus_float_t r, mus_float_t ratio);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_rxyksin(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_rxyksin_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_delay(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t input, mus_float_t pm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_delay_unmodulated(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_tap(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t loc);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_tap_unmodulated(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_delay(int size, mus_float_t *line, int line_size, mus_interp_t type);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_delay_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_tap_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_delay_line_p(mus_any *gen); /* added 2-Mar-03 for tap error checks */
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_delay_tick(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_delay_unmodulated_noz(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_comb(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t input, mus_float_t pm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_comb_unmodulated(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_comb(mus_float_t scaler, int size, mus_float_t *line, int line_size, mus_interp_t type);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_comb_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_comb_unmodulated_noz(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_comb_bank(mus_any *bank, mus_float_t inval);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_comb_bank(int size, mus_any **combs);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_comb_bank_p(mus_any *g);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_notch(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t input, mus_float_t pm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_notch_unmodulated(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_notch(mus_float_t scaler, int size, mus_float_t *line, int line_size, mus_interp_t type);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_notch_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_notch_unmodulated_noz(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_all_pass(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t input, mus_float_t pm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_all_pass_unmodulated(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_all_pass(mus_float_t backward, mus_float_t forward, int size, mus_float_t *line, int line_size, mus_interp_t type);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_all_pass_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_all_pass_unmodulated_noz(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_all_pass_bank(mus_any *bank, mus_float_t inval);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_all_pass_bank(int size, mus_any **combs);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_all_pass_bank_p(mus_any *g);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_moving_average(int size, mus_float_t *line);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_moving_average_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_moving_average(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_moving_max(int size, mus_float_t *line);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_moving_max_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_moving_max(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_table_lookup(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_table_lookup_unmodulated(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_table_lookup(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t phase, mus_float_t *wave, mus_long_t wave_size, mus_interp_t type);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_table_lookup_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_partials_to_wave(mus_float_t *partial_data, int partials, mus_float_t *table, mus_long_t table_size, bool normalize);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_phase_partials_to_wave(mus_float_t *partial_data, int partials, mus_float_t *table, mus_long_t table_size, bool normalize);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_sawtooth_wave(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_sawtooth_wave(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t amp, mus_float_t phase);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_sawtooth_wave_p(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_square_wave(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_square_wave(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t amp, mus_float_t phase);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_square_wave_p(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_triangle_wave(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_triangle_wave(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t amp, mus_float_t phase);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_triangle_wave_p(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_triangle_wave_unmodulated(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_pulse_train(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_pulse_train(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t amp, mus_float_t phase);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_pulse_train_p(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_pulse_train_unmodulated(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_set_rand_seed(unsigned long seed);
MUS_EXPORT unsigned long mus_rand_seed(void);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_random(mus_float_t amp);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_frandom(mus_float_t amp);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_irandom(int amp);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_rand(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_rand(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t base);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_rand_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_rand_with_distribution(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t base, mus_float_t *distribution, int distribution_size);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_rand_interp(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_rand_interp(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t base);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_rand_interp_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_rand_interp_with_distribution(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t base, mus_float_t *distribution, int distribution_size);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_rand_interp_unmodulated(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_rand_unmodulated(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_asymmetric_fm(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t index, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_asymmetric_fm_unmodulated(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t index);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_asymmetric_fm(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t phase, mus_float_t r, mus_float_t ratio);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_asymmetric_fm_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_one_zero(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_one_zero(mus_float_t a0, mus_float_t a1);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_one_zero_p(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_one_pole(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_one_pole(mus_float_t a0, mus_float_t b1);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_one_pole_p(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_two_zero(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_two_zero(mus_float_t a0, mus_float_t a1, mus_float_t a2);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_two_zero_p(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_two_zero_from_frequency_and_radius(mus_float_t frequency, mus_float_t radius);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_two_pole(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_two_pole(mus_float_t a0, mus_float_t b1, mus_float_t b2);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_two_pole_p(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_two_pole_from_frequency_and_radius(mus_float_t frequency, mus_float_t radius);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_one_pole_all_pass(mus_any *f, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_one_pole_all_pass(int size, mus_float_t coeff);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_one_pole_all_pass_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_formant(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_formant(mus_float_t frequency, mus_float_t radius);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_formant_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_set_formant_radius_and_frequency(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t radius, mus_float_t frequency);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_formant_with_frequency(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input, mus_float_t freq_in_radians);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_formant_bank(mus_any *bank, mus_float_t inval);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_formant_bank_with_inputs(mus_any *bank, mus_float_t *inval);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_formant_bank(int size, mus_any **formants, mus_float_t *amps);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_formant_bank_p(mus_any *g);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_firmant(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_firmant(mus_float_t frequency, mus_float_t radius);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_firmant_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_firmant_with_frequency(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input, mus_float_t freq_in_radians);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_filter(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_filter(int order, mus_float_t *xcoeffs, mus_float_t *ycoeffs, mus_float_t *state);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_filter_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_fir_filter(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_fir_filter(int order, mus_float_t *xcoeffs, mus_float_t *state);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_fir_filter_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_iir_filter(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_iir_filter(int order, mus_float_t *ycoeffs, mus_float_t *state);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_iir_filter_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_make_fir_coeffs(int order, mus_float_t *env, mus_float_t *aa);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_filter_set_xcoeffs(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t *new_data);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_filter_set_ycoeffs(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t *new_data);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_filter_set_order(mus_any *ptr, int order);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_filtered_comb(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input, mus_float_t pm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_filtered_comb_unmodulated(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t input);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_filtered_comb_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_filtered_comb(mus_float_t scaler, int size, mus_float_t *line, int line_size, mus_interp_t type, mus_any *filt);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_filtered_comb_bank(mus_any *bank, mus_float_t inval);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_filtered_comb_bank(int size, mus_any **combs);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_filtered_comb_bank_p(mus_any *g);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_wave_train(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_wave_train_unmodulated(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_wave_train(mus_float_t freq, mus_float_t phase, mus_float_t *wave, mus_long_t wsize, mus_interp_t type);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_wave_train_p(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_partials_to_polynomial(int npartials, mus_float_t *partials, mus_polynomial_t kind);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_normalize_partials(int num_partials, mus_float_t *partials);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_polyshape(mus_float_t frequency, mus_float_t phase, mus_float_t *coeffs, int size, int cheby_choice);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_polyshape(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t index, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_polyshape_unmodulated(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t index);
#define mus_polyshape_no_input(Obj) mus_polyshape(Obj, 1.0, 0.0)
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_polyshape_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_polywave(mus_float_t frequency, mus_float_t *coeffs, int n, int cheby_choice);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_polywave_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_polywave_unmodulated(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_polywave(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_chebyshev_t_sum(mus_float_t x, int n, mus_float_t *tn);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_chebyshev_u_sum(mus_float_t x, int n, mus_float_t *un);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_chebyshev_tu_sum(mus_float_t x, int n, mus_float_t *tn, mus_float_t *un);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_env(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_env(mus_float_t *brkpts, int npts, double scaler, double offset, double base, double duration, mus_long_t end, mus_float_t *odata);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_env_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT double mus_env_interp(double x, mus_any *env);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t *mus_env_passes(mus_any *gen); /* for Snd */
MUS_EXPORT double *mus_env_rates(mus_any *gen); /* for Snd */
MUS_EXPORT double mus_env_offset(mus_any *gen); /* for Snd */
MUS_EXPORT double mus_env_scaler(mus_any *gen); /* for Snd */
MUS_EXPORT double mus_env_initial_power(mus_any *gen); /* for Snd */
MUS_EXPORT int mus_env_breakpoints(mus_any *gen); /* for Snd */
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_env_any(mus_any *e, mus_float_t (*connect_points)(mus_float_t val));
#define mus_make_env_with_length(Brkpts, Pts, Scaler, Offset, Base, Length) mus_make_env(Brkpts, Pts, Scaler, Offset, Base, 0.0, (Length) - 1, NULL)
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_pulsed_env(mus_any *e, mus_any *p);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_pulsed_env_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_pulsed_env(mus_any *pl, mus_float_t inval);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_pulsed_env_unmodulated(mus_any *pl);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_frame_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_frame_or_mixer_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_empty_frame(int chans);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_frame(int chans, ...);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_frame_add(mus_any *f1, mus_any *f2, mus_any *res);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_frame_multiply(mus_any *f1, mus_any *f2, mus_any *res);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_frame_scale(mus_any *uf1, mus_float_t scl, mus_any *ures);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_frame_offset(mus_any *uf1, mus_float_t offset, mus_any *ures);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_frame_ref(mus_any *f, int chan);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_frame_set(mus_any *f, int chan, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_frame_copy(mus_any *uf);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_frame_fill(mus_any *uf, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_mixer_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_empty_mixer(int chans);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_identity_mixer(int chans);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_mixer(int chans, ...);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_mixer_ref(mus_any *f, int in, int out);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_mixer_set(mus_any *f, int in, int out, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_frame_to_frame(mus_any *f, mus_any *in, mus_any *out);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_sample_to_frame(mus_any *f, mus_float_t in, mus_any *out);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_frame_to_sample(mus_any *f, mus_any *in);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_mixer_multiply(mus_any *f1, mus_any *f2, mus_any *res);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_mixer_add(mus_any *f1, mus_any *f2, mus_any *res);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_mixer_scale(mus_any *uf1, mus_float_t scaler, mus_any *ures);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_mixer_offset(mus_any *uf1, mus_float_t offset, mus_any *ures);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_scalar_mixer(int chans, mus_float_t scalar);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_mixer_copy(mus_any *uf);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_mixer_fill(mus_any *uf, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_file_to_sample_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_file_to_sample(const char *filename);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_file_to_sample_with_buffer_size(const char *filename, mus_long_t buffer_size);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_file_to_sample(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t samp, int chan);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_in_any_from_file(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t samp, int chan);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_readin(mus_any *rd);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_readin_with_buffer_size(const char *filename, int chan, mus_long_t start, int direction, mus_long_t buffer_size);
#define mus_make_readin(Filename, Chan, Start, Direction) mus_make_readin_with_buffer_size(Filename, Chan, Start, Direction, mus_file_buffer_size())
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_readin_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_output_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_input_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_in_any(mus_long_t frame, int chan, mus_any *IO);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_in_any_is_safe(mus_any *IO);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_file_to_frame(const char *filename);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_file_to_frame_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_file_to_frame(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t samp, mus_any *f);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_file_to_frame_with_buffer_size(const char *filename, mus_long_t buffer_size);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_sample_to_file_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_sample_to_file_with_comment(const char *filename, int out_chans, int out_format, int out_type, const char *comment);
#define mus_make_sample_to_file(Filename, Chans, OutFormat, OutType) mus_make_sample_to_file_with_comment(Filename, Chans, OutFormat, OutType, NULL)
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_sample_to_file(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t samp, int chan, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_continue_sample_to_file(const char *filename);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_close_file(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_sample_to_file_add(mus_any *out1, mus_any *out2);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_out_any(mus_long_t frame, mus_float_t val, int chan, mus_any *IO);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_safe_out_any_to_file(mus_long_t samp, mus_float_t val, int chan, mus_any *IO);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_out_any_is_safe(mus_any *IO);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_out_any_to_file(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t samp, int chan, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_out_any_data_start(mus_any *IO);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_out_any_data_end(mus_any *IO);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_out_any_channels(mus_any *IO);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t **mus_out_any_buffers(mus_any *IO);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_out_any_set_end(mus_any *IO, mus_long_t end);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_frame_to_file_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_frame_to_file(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t samp, mus_any *data);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_frame_to_file_with_comment(const char *filename, int chans, int out_format, int out_type, const char *comment);
#define mus_make_frame_to_file(Filename, Chans, OutFormat, OutType) mus_make_frame_to_file_with_comment(Filename, Chans, OutFormat, OutType, NULL)
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_continue_frame_to_file(const char *filename);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_locsig(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t loc, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_locsig(mus_float_t degree, mus_float_t distance, mus_float_t reverb, int chans, mus_any *output, int rev_chans, mus_any *revput, mus_interp_t type);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_locsig_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_locsig_ref(mus_any *ptr, int chan);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_locsig_set(mus_any *ptr, int chan, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_locsig_reverb_ref(mus_any *ptr, int chan);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_locsig_reverb_set(mus_any *ptr, int chan, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_move_locsig(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t degree, mus_float_t distance);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_locsig_outf(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_locsig_revf(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT void *mus_locsig_closure(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_locsig_set_detour(mus_any *ptr, void (*detour)(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t val));
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_locsig_output_is_safe(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_locsig_channels(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_locsig_reverb_channels(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_locsig_out_writer(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_locsig_rev_writer(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_move_sound_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_move_sound(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t loc, mus_float_t val);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_move_sound(mus_long_t start, mus_long_t end, int out_channels, int rev_channels,
mus_any *doppler_delay, mus_any *doppler_env, mus_any *rev_env,
mus_any **out_delays, mus_any **out_envs, mus_any **rev_envs,
int *out_map, mus_any *output, mus_any *revput, bool free_arrays, bool free_gens);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_move_sound_outf(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_move_sound_revf(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT void *mus_move_sound_closure(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_move_sound_set_detour(mus_any *ptr, void (*detour)(mus_any *ptr, mus_long_t val));
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_src(mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction), mus_float_t srate, int width, void *closure);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_src_with_init(mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction), mus_float_t srate, int width, void *closure, void (*init)(void *p, mus_any *g));
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_src(mus_any *srptr, mus_float_t sr_change, mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction));
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_src_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_src_20(mus_any *srptr, mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction));
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_src_05(mus_any *srptr, mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction));
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_convolve_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_convolve(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction));
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_convolve(mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction), mus_float_t *filter, mus_long_t fftsize, mus_long_t filtersize, void *closure);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_spectrum(mus_float_t *rdat, mus_float_t *idat, mus_float_t *window, mus_long_t n, mus_spectrum_t type);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_fft(mus_float_t *rl, mus_float_t *im, mus_long_t n, int is);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_make_fft_window(mus_fft_window_t type, mus_long_t size, mus_float_t beta);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_make_fft_window_with_window(mus_fft_window_t type, mus_long_t size, mus_float_t beta, mus_float_t mu, mus_float_t *window);
MUS_EXPORT const char *mus_fft_window_name(mus_fft_window_t win);
MUS_EXPORT const char **mus_fft_window_names(void);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_autocorrelate(mus_float_t *data, mus_long_t n);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_correlate(mus_float_t *data1, mus_float_t *data2, mus_long_t n);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_convolution(mus_float_t *rl1, mus_float_t *rl2, mus_long_t n);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_convolve_files(const char *file1, const char *file2, mus_float_t maxamp, const char *output_file);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_cepstrum(mus_float_t *data, mus_long_t n);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_granulate_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_granulate(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction));
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_granulate_with_editor(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction), int (*edit)(void *closure));
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_granulate(mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction),
mus_float_t expansion, mus_float_t length, mus_float_t scaler,
mus_float_t hop, mus_float_t ramp, mus_float_t jitter, int max_size,
int (*edit)(void *closure),
void *closure);
MUS_EXPORT int mus_granulate_grain_max_length(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_granulate_set_edit_function(mus_any *ptr, int (*edit)(void *closure));
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_set_file_buffer_size(mus_long_t size);
MUS_EXPORT mus_long_t mus_file_buffer_size(void);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_mix(const char *outfile, const char *infile, mus_long_t out_start, mus_long_t out_samps, mus_long_t in_start, mus_any *mx, mus_any ***envs);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_mix_with_reader_and_writer(mus_any *outf, mus_any *inf, mus_long_t out_start, mus_long_t out_frames, mus_long_t in_start, mus_any *umx, mus_any ***envs);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_apply(mus_any *gen, mus_float_t f1, mus_float_t f2);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_phase_vocoder_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_phase_vocoder(mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction),
int fftsize, int overlap, int interp,
mus_float_t pitch,
bool (*analyze)(void *arg, mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg1, int direction)),
int (*edit)(void *arg), /* return value is ignored (int return type is intended to be consistent with granulate) */
mus_float_t (*synthesize)(void *arg),
void *closure);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_phase_vocoder(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction));
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_phase_vocoder_with_editors(mus_any *ptr,
mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg, int direction),
bool (*analyze)(void *arg, mus_float_t (*input)(void *arg1, int direction)),
int (*edit)(void *arg),
mus_float_t (*synthesize)(void *arg));
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_phase_vocoder_amp_increments(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_phase_vocoder_amps(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_phase_vocoder_freqs(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_phase_vocoder_phases(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t *mus_phase_vocoder_phase_increments(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_ssb_am(mus_float_t freq, int order);
MUS_EXPORT bool mus_ssb_am_p(mus_any *ptr);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_ssb_am_unmodulated(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t insig);
MUS_EXPORT mus_float_t mus_ssb_am(mus_any *ptr, mus_float_t insig, mus_float_t fm);
MUS_EXPORT void mus_clear_sinc_tables(void);
MUS_EXPORT void *mus_environ(mus_any *gen);
MUS_EXPORT void *mus_set_environ(mus_any *gen, void *e);
/* used only in run.lisp */
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_frame_with_data(int chans, mus_float_t *data);
MUS_EXPORT mus_any *mus_make_mixer_with_data(int chans, mus_float_t *data);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* Change log.
* 19-Apr: rxyk!cos and rxyk!sin from generators.scm.
* 11-Apr: mus_tap_p as a better name for mus_delay_line_p.
* 27-Mar: comb-bank, all-pass-bank, filtered-comb-bank, pulsed-env, oscil-bank.
* 21-Mar: one-pole-all-pass generator.
* 14-Mar: formant-bank generator.
* removed mus_delay_tick_noz.
* 4-Mar: moving_max generator.
* removed the unstable filter check in make_two_pole.
* 21-Jan-13: changed mus_formant_bank parameters.
* --------
* 22-Dec: removed all the safety settings.
* 15-Nov: removed mus_env_t, mus_env_type, and other recently deprecated stuff.
* 15-Jul: more changes for clm2xen.
* 4-July-12: moved various struct definitions to clm.c
* added accessors for mus_any_class etc.
* --------
* 1-Sep: mus_type.
* 20-Aug: changed type of mus_locsig to void, added mus_locsig_function_reset.
* removed function-as-output-location from locsig et al.
* 14-Jul-11: removed pthread stuff.
* --------
* 7-Mar-10: protect in-any and out-any from sample numbers less than 0.
* --------
* 14-Oct: sine-summation, sum-of-sines, sum-of-cosines removed.
* 28-Aug: changed some fft-related sizes from int to mus_long_t.
* 17-Aug: mus_frame|mixer_copy|fill.
* 27-Jul: mus_float_t for Float, and mus_long_t for off_t.
* 15-Jun: mus_rectangular_to_magnitudes (polar, but ignore phases).
* 11-Jun: mus_cepstrum.
* 11-May: MUS_ENV_LINEAR and friends, also mus_env_linear|exponential.
* mus_frame_to_frame_mono|stereo.
* 12-Mar: sinc, papoulis and dpss (slepian windows).
* 1-Jan-09: added MUS_EXPORT.
* --------
* 11-Dec: deprecated the sine-summation, sum-of-cosines, and sum-of-sines generators.
* 30-Oct: mus_sample_to_file_add.
* mus_describe once again allocates a fresh output string.
* finally removed sine-bank.
* 9-Oct: various thread-related internal changes.
* 14-Jul: mus_data_format_zero.
* 12-Jul: mus_interp_type_p and mus_fft_window_p for C++'s benefit.
* 1-July: mus-safety and various ints changed to mus_long_t.
* 20-Jun: support for pthreads.
* 16-Jun: changed init_mus_module to mus_initialize.
* 30-May: changed polyshape to use cos and added cheby_choice arg to mus_make_polyshape.
* 27-May: mus_waveshape retired -- generators.scm has a wrapper for it.
* clm_free, clm_realloc etc for rt work.
* mus_chebyshev_tu_sum.
* 25-May: mus_polywave algorithm changed.
* 17-May: mus_normalize_partials.
* 12-Apr: added choice arg to mus_make_polywave.
* 8-Apr: polywave uses sine-bank if highest harmonic out of Chebyshev range.
* 1-Mar: mus_set_name.
* 26-Feb: removed mus_cosines (use mus_length)
* 24-Feb: removed mus_make_env_with_start, added mus_make_env_with_length
* 20-Feb: clm 4:
* polywave for polyshape and waveshape.
* mus_formant_with_frequency.
* firmant generator.
* removed mus_formant_radius and mus_set_formant_radius.
* removed "gain" arg from mus_make_formant.
* reversed the order of the arguments to mus_make_formant.
* fixed long-standing bug in gain calculation in mus_formant.
* mus_env_any for arbitrary connecting functions.
* 15-Feb: nrxysin and nrxycos for sine-summation.
* 12-Feb: nsin for sum_of_sines, ncos for sum_of_cosines.
* 4-Feb: clm_default_frequency (clm2xen) and *clm-default-frequency* (ws.scm).
* 7-Jan-08: :dur replaced by :length in make-env.
* --------
* 19-Oct: all *_0 *_1 *_2 names now use _fm|_pm|_unmodulated|_no_input.
* 17-Oct: replace some method macros with functions (def-clm-struct local methods need true names).
* 15-Oct: mus_oscil_1 -> _fm, _2->_pm.
* mus_phase_vocoder_outctr accessors changed to use mus_location.
* 11-Oct: changed default srate to 44100.
* 5-Oct: mus_oscil_2.
* 6-Sep: changed asymmetric-fm to use cos(sin) and added amplitude normalization.
* 6-Aug: mus_autocorrelate, mus_correlate.
* 3-Aug: blackman5..10 and Rife-Vincent (RV2..4 fft), mlt-sine windows.
* 16-July: removed start arg from mus_make_env (see mus_make_env_with_start).
* 5-July: changed some mus_float_ts to doubles in env funcs.
* exp envs now use repeated multiplies rather than direct exp call.
* 19-June: mus-increment on gens with a notion of frequency (phase increment);
* to make room for this, asymmetric-fm ratio and sine-summation b moved to mus-offset.
* 22-Feb: mus_big_fft and mus_spectrum_t.
* 21-Feb: mus_fft_window_name.
* 14-Feb-07: three more fft window choices.
* --------
* 27-Nov: move-sound array access parallel to locsig.
* 22-Nov: had to add non-backwards-compatible reverb chans arg to mus_make_locsig.
* 21-Nov: mus_float_equal_fudge_factor, mus_arrays_are_equal.
* 30-July: renamed average to moving_average.
* 28-July: renamed make_ppolar and make_zpolar to make_two_pole|zero_from_radius_and_frequency.
* added mus_scaler and mus_frequency methods for two_pole and two_zero.
* 21-July: removed mus_wrapper field -- old way can't work since we need the original XEN object.
* 3-July: mus_move_sound (dlocsig) generator.
* changed return type of mus_locsig to float.
* 28-June: mus_filtered_comb generator.
* 8-May: mus_apply now takes 3 args: gen, two doubles (rather than bug-prone varargs).
* 1-Mar-06: granulate now has a local random number seed (settable via the mus-location method).
* --------
* 20-Dec: samaraki and ultraspherical windows.
* this required a non-backwards-compatible additional argument in mus_make_fft_window_with_window.
* 1-Nov: mus_filter_set_x|ycoeffs, mus_filter_set_order (needed by Snd).
* 1-May: mus-scaler|feedback ok with delay and average.
* 18-Apr: mus_set_environ.
* 11-Apr: mus_mixer|frame_offset, mus_frame_scale (for higher level generic functions).
* 23-Mar: frame_to_frame arg interpretation changed.
* 21-Mar: mus_make_readin|file_to_sample|file_to_frame_with_buffer_size.
* 16-Mar: polyshape generator (waveshaper as polynomial + oscil)
* mus_chebyshev_first|second_kind.
* mus_partials_to_waveshape no longer normalizes the partials.
* 18-Feb: mus_interpolate.
* 14-Feb: deprecated mus_restart_env and mus_clear_filter_state.
* 7-Feb-05: mus_reset method, replaces mus_restart_env and mus_clear_filter_state.
* --------
* 20-Dec: changed "jitter" handling if hop < .05 in granulate.
* 15-Dec: mus_generator? for type checks (clm2xen).
* 11-Sep: removed buffer generator.
* 6-Sep: removed mus_oscil_bank, mus_bank.
* 24-Aug: removed mus_inspect method -- overlaps mus_describe and is useless given gdb capabilities.
* 27-July: mus_granulate_with_editor and mus_phase_vocoder_with_editors.
* 21-July: edit-func as run-time arg to granulate (for CL/clm compatibility)
* 19-July: clm 3:
* deprecated mus_ina|b, mus-outa|b|c|d.
* mus_make_frame_to_file_with_comment, mus_mixer_scale, mus_make_frame|mixer_with_data.
* mus_make_scalar_mixer, mus_mixer_add, mus_continue_frame_to_file.
* changed pv_* to phase_vocoder_*
* 28-June: ssb_am + added fm arg (ssb_am_1 is the previous form).
* 21-June: wrapper method.
* 14-June: ssb_am generator.
* deprecated mus-a*|b*, replaced by mus-x|ycoeff.
* 9-June: mus_edot_product.
* 7-June: removed mus-x*|y* generic functions.
* 24-May: distribution arg to make-rand, make-rand-interp.
* 11-May: type arg to mus_make_table_lookup|wave_train, MUS_INTERP_NONE, MUS_INTERP_HERMITE.
* mus-interp-type.
* mus-linear renamed mus-interp-linear, mus-sinusoidal renamed mus-interp-sinusoidal.
* added type arg to mus_make_delay|all_pass|comb|notch.
* added mus_delay_tick, all-pass delay line interpolation.
* 3-May: envelope arg to make-rand and make-rand-interp to give any arbitrary random number distribution.
* added mus_make_rand_with_distribution and mus_make_rand_interp_with_distribution.
* rand/rand-interp mus-data returns distribution (weight) function, mus-length its length.
* locsig mus-data returns output scalers, mus-xcoeffs returns reverb scalers
* 26-Apr: mus_sum_of_sines changed to mus_sine_bank.
* new mus_sum_of_sines parallels mus_sum_of_cosines.
* deprecated mus_sin.
* 14-Apr: changed "2" to "_to_" in several function names.
* 12-Apr: mus_average, mus_average_p, mus_make_average.
* 17-Mar: edit function added to mus_granulate.
* 22-Jan: various "environ" variables renamed for Windows' benefit.
* 5-Jan-04: env_interp bugfix.
* --------
* 29-Sep: removed length arg from spectrum in clm2xen.
* 24-Aug: changed mus_length|ramp|hop type to mus_long_t.
* 21-Aug: export MUS_INPUT and friends (needed for specialized INA handlers).
* 11-Aug: int -> bool.
* 7-Aug: removed mus_type.
* 20-July: more run methods.
* 15-July: linear->dB check for 0.0 arg.
* 27-June: mus_samples_to_seconds and mus_seconds_to_samples.
* 9-June: mus_mix_with_reader_and_writer.
* 27-May: bugfix: interpolating all-pass ("zall-pass") had an extra delay.
* 25-Apr: mus_spectrum and mus_convolution now return mus_float_t*.
* 3-Mar: mus_delay_line_p for tap error checking.
* 27-Feb: mus_length for env -> original duration in samples.
* 21-Feb: mus_set_cosines added, mus_cosines moved to hop slot.
* mus_[set_]x1/x2/y1/y2.
* 10-Feb: mus_file_name moved into the mus_input|output structs.
* folded mus_input|output into mus_any.
* moved mus_frame|mixer declarations into clm.c.
* all mus_input|output|frame|mixer pointers->mus_any.
* all method void pointers->mus_any.
* 7-Feb: split strings out of clm2xen.c into clm-strings.h.
* 3-Feb: mus_offset for envs, mus_width for square_wave et al.
* new core class fields(10) for various methods.
* 7-Jan-03: mus_src with very large sr_change segfault bugfix.
* --------
* 17-Dec: mus_env_offset|initial_power for Snd exp env optimizations.
* 13-Sep: mus_frandom and mus_irandom(for Snd optimizer).
* 19-Aug: changed internal phase-vocoder array accessor names
* 13-Aug: set!(*-ref) for frame, locsig, mixer, locsig-reverb.
* 29-Jul: various *_1 cases for the optimizer.
* 15-Jul: mus_continue_sample2file.
* 10-Jul: mus_file_name.
* 7-Jun: fftw support added.
* 31-May: changed mus_any_class.
* 3-May: many int->mus_long_t changes for large files.
* 8-Apr: off-by-1 env bug(Lisp/C are now identical), env_interp of exp env beyond end bugfix.
* 1-Apr: sine-summation n=0 bugfix.
* 27-Mar: negative degree locsig bugfix.
* 18-Mar: mus_move_locsig.
* 15-Mar: n-chan locsig(and reverb scalers), 'type' arg to mus_make_locsig.
* 6-Mar: mus_scaler in asymmetric-fm now refers to the "r" parameter, "a" in sine-summation.
* 5-Mar: dumb typo in asymmetric-fm generator fixed.
* 19-Feb: buffer reallocation redundant free bugfix.
* 25-Jan-02: mus_increment of env returns base.
* --------
* 10-Dec: add outctr calls, phase-vocoder bugfixes, thanks to <NAME>.
* 21-Oct: fill in some set-data methods.
* 1-Sep: mus_polar2rectangular.
* 6-July: scm -> xen.
* 26-May: mus_rand_seed.
* 22-May: locsig reverb distance calc was upside down.
* 18-May: mus_describe and mus_inspect returned string should not be freed any more.
* 7-May: filled in some leftover equal_p methods.
* 1-Apr: mus_make_file2sample_with_comment and mus_length for file->sample/sample->file.
* mus_file_buffer_size.
* 26-Mar: extended_type field added to mus_any_class for more robust type checking.
* 16-Mar: mus_phase of env -> current_value.
* 28-Feb: added mus_position(currently only for envs).
* 8-Feb: clm2scm.h.
* 24-Jan: mus-bank in clm2scm.
* 5-Jan: clm2scm gens are applicable.
* 4-Jan: mus_bank.
* 2-Jan-01: mus_run method.
* --------
* 28-Dec: mus_clear_filter_state and other minor tweaks for Snd.
* 28-Nov: Dolph-Chebyshev window(under HAVE_GSL flag -- needs complex trig support).
* 8-Nov: mus_clear_sinc_tables.
* 12-Oct: mus_formant_bank takes one input(can't remember why I had an array here)
* 27-Sep: mus_array_interp bugfix(imitates mus.lisp now).
* 18-Sep: clm now assumes it's used as a part of sndlib.
* 11-Sep: generalized set! to generic functions in clm2scm.c.
* 31-Aug: changed formant field setters(thanks to <NAME>).
* 10-Aug: removed built-in setf support(clm2scm.c).
* 31-Jul: mus_granulate tries to protect against illegal length and ramp values.
* 24-Jul: mus_make_fir_coeffs.
* 20-Jul: sum_of_sines, atan2 to rectangular->polar, phase_vocoder gen.
* 22-June: made mus_bessi0 local again.
* 1-June: bugfixes for linuxppc 2000.
* 19-May: mus_apply.
* 8-May: added "const" and XEN_PROCEDURE_CAST(for c++), made mus_bessi0 global.
* 24-Apr: changed formant radius to match lisp version(it's now 1-old_radius)
* 20-Apr: mus_convolve_files
* 7-Apr: src width bug fixed
* 31-Mar: finally implemented set-location for envs.
* 14-Feb: buffer-full?.
* 1-Feb: removed mus_phasepartials2waveshape.
* 3-Jan-00: format and type args added to make_sample2file,
* mus_file_close.
* removed make_file_input and make_file_output.
* --------
* 29-Dec: various bugfixes especially in envelope handlers.
* 19-Nov: mus_oscil_bank and mus_formant_bank.
* 5-Nov: mus_sin exported.
* 4-Oct:(scm) make-env arg order changed to reflect mus.lisp.
* 29-Sep: implemented mus-increment and mus-frequency for granulate(as in mus.lisp).
* clm's fft renamed mus-fft to avoid collision with snd's version.
* added max_size arg to make_granulate(to reflect mus.lisp).
* 25-Sep-99: added width arg to make_src -- forgot this somehow in first pass.
* decided to make mus_inspect return char* like mus_describe.
| {'dir': 'c', 'id': '17726', 'max_stars_count': '1', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'SiddGururani/MUSI8903_Assignment_2', 'max_stars_repo_path': '3rdparty/sndlib/clm.h', 'n_tokens_mistral': 21856, 'n_tokens_neox': 20514, 'n_words': 4616} |
const generatePins = async (modules) => {
const { fs, request, csvDir, log, endpoint, stringify, order } = modules;
var columns = {};
var pins = [];
var lastPin = await request(endpoint);
function random () {
return Math.floor(1000000 + Math.random() * 9000000);
function incrementString (string) {
const toInt = +string + 1;
return ('0000000' + toInt).slice(-7);
function generate (lastPinArg, quantity) {
let counter = lastPinArg.slice(-9).slice(0, 7);
for (let i = 0; i < quantity; i++) {
counter = incrementString(counter);
let pin = `${random()}${counter}BH`;
if (!pins[i]) {
} else {
pins[i] = pins[i].concat([pin]);
lastPin = pins[pins.length - 1][0];
order.forEach((order, index) => {
generate(lastPin, order.quantity);
columns[`card${1 + index}`] = order.upc;
stringify(pins, {
header: true
}, (err, output) => {
if (err) {
let dateStamp = (new Date()).toISOString().slice(0,10).replace(/-/g,"");
fs.writeFileSync(`${csvDir}/${dateStamp}-pins.csv`, output);
let orderTotal = order.reduce((prev, curr) => curr.quantity + prev.quantity);
let message = `Successfully generated ${orderTotal} PINs.`;
fs.appendFileSync(log, `${new Date().toString()} ${message}\n`);
module.exports = { generatePins };
| {'dir': 'javascript', 'id': '9697906', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'nhuesmann/blackhawk-pin-generator', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'bhn_generate_pins.js', 'n_tokens_mistral': 532, 'n_tokens_neox': 485, 'n_words': 107} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <copyright file="ProductDto.cs" company="">
// Copyright (c) 2013 <NAME>, for OrderDynamics coding test. All Rights Reserved.
// </copyright>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace WingtipToys.Core.Dtos
/// <summary>
/// A data transfer object for Product.
/// </summary>
public class ProductDto
#region Public Properties
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the name of the category.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The name of the category.
/// </value>
public string CategoryName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the search keywords.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The search keywords.
/// </value>
public string SearchKeywords { get; set; }
} | {'dir': 'c-sharp', 'id': '1001324', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'prototypev/coding-tests', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'WingtipToys/WingtipToys.Core/Dtos/ProductDto.cs', 'n_tokens_mistral': 240, 'n_tokens_neox': 236, 'n_words': 73} |
const languageSelect = document.getElementById('languages')
const sentenceInput = document.getElementById('text')
const resultText = document.getElementById('stopwordsRemoved')
function updateSentence() {
const language = languageSelect.value
const oldString = sentenceInput.value.split(' ')
const newString = sw.removeStopwords(oldString, sw[language]).join(' ')
console.group('Stopwords applied')
console.log('oldString:', oldString.join(' '))
console.log('newString:', newString)
// Populate with only meaningful words
resultText.textContent = newString
// Listen to events and initiate a stopword removal
sentenceInput.addEventListener('keyup', updateSentence)
// Configure the language select
const allLanguages = Object.entries(sw)
.filter(([key, val]) => Array.isArray(val))
.map((val) => val[0])
languageSelect.addEventListener('change', function (event) {
languageSelect.value = event.target.value
languageSelect.innerHTML = allLanguages
.map((lang) => `<option value=${lang}>${lang}</option>`)
languageSelect.value = 'en'
| {'dir': 'javascript', 'id': '10090297', 'max_stars_count': '176', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'joshmorenx/CitySends', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'blog/static/blog/stopword/demo/stopword-app.js', 'n_tokens_mistral': 324, 'n_tokens_neox': 321, 'n_words': 72} |
<filename>src/Image Splitter.pyw<gh_stars>0
import sys
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ImageQt import ImageQt
font = QtGui.QFont("Arial", 12)
def splitImage(filename, split_x, split_y, foldername, return_list = False):
im = Image.open(filename)
short_filename = filename.split('/')[-1]
short_filename_no_ext = '.'.join(short_filename.split('.')[:-1])
file_ext = '.' + short_filename.split('.')[-1]
images = list()
for y in range(0, im.height, im.height // split_y):
for x in range(0, im.width, im.width // split_x):
cropped = im.crop((x, y, x + (im.width // split_x), y + (im.height // split_y)))
if return_list:
return images
for i, im in enumerate(images):
im.save(foldername + '/' + short_filename_no_ext + '_' + str(i) + file_ext)
def calcScale(image_size, targetSize: tuple):
w, h = image_size
x_ratio = targetSize[0] / w
y_ratio = targetSize[1] / h
scale = x_ratio if y_ratio > x_ratio else y_ratio
return scale
class Window(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.windowSize = (800, 600)
self.imageMaxSize = (self.windowSize[0] * 0.6, self.windowSize[1] * 0.6)
self.imageLoaded = False
self.folderSelected = False
self.setWindowTitle("Image Splitter")
self.setGeometry(0, 0, self.windowSize[0], self.windowSize[1])
self.timer = QtCore.QTimer(self)
# Things would happen when window resized
def checkResized(self):
if self.width() * 0.6 != self.imageMaxSize[0] or self.height() * 0.6 != self.imageMaxSize[1]:
self.windowSize = (self.width(), self.height())
self.imageMaxSize = (self.windowSize[0] * 0.6, self.windowSize[1] * 0.6)
self.imagePreview.setMaximumSize(int(self.imageMaxSize[0]), int(self.imageMaxSize[1]))
if self.imageLoaded:
scale = calcScale(self.original_image.size, self.imageMaxSize)
resized = (int(self.original_image.width * scale), int(self.original_image.height * scale))
self.pil_image = self.original_image.resize(resized, Image.ANTIALIAS)
self.pil_image = self.pil_image.convert("RGBA")
data = self.pil_image.tobytes('raw', 'RGBA')
qim = QtGui.QImage(data, self.pil_image.size[0], self.pil_image.size[1], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGBA8888)
# Open File Dialog
def loadFile(self):
self.filename = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open File', 'c:\\', "PNG files (*.png);;JPG files (*.jpg);;BMP files (*.bmp);;ICO files (*.ico)")
if self.filename[0]:
self.imageLoaded = True
self.filename = self.filename[0]
self.pil_image = Image.open(self.filename)
self.original_image = self.pil_image.copy()
scale = calcScale(self.pil_image.size, self.imageMaxSize)
resized = (int(self.pil_image.width * scale), int(self.pil_image.height * scale))
self.pil_image = self.pil_image.resize(resized, Image.ANTIALIAS)
self.pil_image = self.pil_image.convert("RGBA")
data = self.pil_image.tobytes('raw', 'RGBA')
qim = QtGui.QImage(data, self.pil_image.size[0], self.pil_image.size[1], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGBA8888)
def drawStripes(self):
if self.imageLoaded:
im = self.pil_image.copy()
pieceC = self.xSpinBox.value()
pieceC = int(pieceC)
per_pix = int(im.width / pieceC)
for y in range(im.height):
for x in range(per_pix, im.width, per_pix):
pix = im.getpixel((x, y))
pix = (255 - pix[0], 255 - pix[1], 255 - pix[2], 255)
im.putpixel((x, y), pix)
pieceC = self.ySpinBox.value()
pieceC = int(pieceC)
per_pix = int(im.height / pieceC)
for y in range(per_pix, im.height, per_pix):
for x in range(im.width):
if True:
pix = im.getpixel((x, y))
pix = (255 - pix[0], 255 - pix[1], 255 - pix[2], 255)
im.putpixel((x, y), pix)
im = im.convert("RGBA")
data = im.tobytes('raw', 'RGBA')
qim = QtGui.QImage(data, im.size[0], im.size[1], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGBA8888)
# Select Folder Dialog
def selectFolder(self):
file = str(QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Select Folder"))
if file:
self.folderSelected = True
self.foldername = file
def split(self):
if self.imageLoaded and self.folderSelected:
splitImage(self.filename, int(self.xSpinBox.value()), int(self.ySpinBox.value()), self.foldername)
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'Operation Successfull!', 'Your image splitted successfully and saved to ' + self.foldername)
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error!", "You must load an image and select a folder before splitting!")
def makeGif(self):
if self.imageLoaded and self.folderSelected:
images = splitImage(self.filename, int(self.xSpinBox.value()), int(self.ySpinBox.value()), self.foldername, return_list=True)
filename_no_ext = '.'.join(self.filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[:-1])
images[0].save(self.foldername + '/' + filename_no_ext + '.gif', save_all=True, append_images=images[1:], optimize=False, loop=0, duration=40)
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'Operation Successfull!', 'Your gif file created successfully and saved to ' + self.foldername)
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error!", "You must load an image and select a folder before making gif!")
def UI(self):
# Layouts
self.mainHLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
self.mainVLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
self.leftVLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
self.rightVLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
self.leftHLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
self.rightHLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
self.bottomHLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
self.bottomVLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
self.xAxisLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
self.yAxisLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
# Buttons
self.selectFileButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Select File...")
self.selectFileButton.setMinimumSize(50, 40)
self.selectFolderButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Select Folder...")
self.selectFolderButton.setMinimumSize(50, 40)
self.splitButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Split!")
self.splitButton.setMinimumSize(50, 40)
self.makeGifButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Make Gif!")
self.makeGifButton.setMinimumSize(50, 40)
# Labels
self.inputFileLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(" Input File")
self.outputFolderLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(" Output Folder")
self.splitLabel_x = QtWidgets.QLabel("Split")
self.splitLabel_y = QtWidgets.QLabel("Split")
self.xAxisLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel("parts on x axis")
self.yAxisLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel("parts on y axis")
self.imagePreview = QtWidgets.QLabel()
self.imagePreview.setMaximumSize(int(self.imageMaxSize[0]), int(self.imageMaxSize[1]))
# Spin boxes
self.xSpinBox = QtWidgets.QSpinBox()
self.xSpinBox.setRange(1, 16)
self.xSpinBox.setMaximumSize(50, 20)
self.ySpinBox = QtWidgets.QSpinBox()
self.ySpinBox.setRange(1, 16)
self.ySpinBox.setMaximumSize(50, 20)
# Design
def center(self):
qr = self.frameGeometry()
cp = QtWidgets.QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center()
def main():
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()
if __name__ == '__main__':
| {'dir': 'python', 'id': '5249356', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'YunusEmre0037/Image-Splitter', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'src/Image Splitter.pyw', 'n_tokens_mistral': 3785, 'n_tokens_neox': 3588, 'n_words': 574} |
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { columns as column } from './data/columns'
const Tables =(props:any)=>{
const seller_data = props.sellerData;
const buyer_data =props.buyerData;
let sellerAndBuyerData:any = {...seller_data,...buyer_data}
const [rows,setRows] = useState([
id:'Add id',
description:'Add description',
unit_price:'Unit price',
line:'Line total'
const handleChange =(index:any)=>{
let newRow = {
id:'Add id',
description:'Add description',
unit_price:'Unit price',
line:'Line total'
let newRows = [...rows];
const print =()=>{
const ipcRenderer = require("electron").ipcRenderer;
const sellerName = sellerAndBuyerData.seller_name;
const sellerTinNo = sellerAndBuyerData.tin_no
const sellerAddress = sellerAndBuyerData.address
const sellerSpecificAddress = sellerAndBuyerData.specific_addres
const sellerPhone = sellerAndBuyerData.phone
const fsno = sellerAndBuyerData.fsno;
const date = sellerAndBuyerData.date
const reference = sellerAndBuyerData.reference
const bill_to = sellerAndBuyerData.bill_to
const buyerTin = sellerAndBuyerData.buyer_tin_no
// const buyerAddres = sellerAndBuyerData.buyer_address
const content = [
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:`TIN: ${sellerTinNo}`,
style: `text-align:center;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
style: `text-align:center;`,
css: {"font-size": "12px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
style: `text-align:center;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
style: `text-align:center;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
style: `text-align:center;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:`FS NO.${fsno}`,
style: `text-align:start;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
style: `text-align:start;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
style: `text-align:end;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:'# Cash sales invoice ',
style: `text-align:start;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:`# Reference ${reference}`,
style: `text-align:start;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:"# Prepared by: Ni",
style: `text-align:start;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:`# To: ${bill_to}`,
style: `text-align:start;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:`Buyer's TIN: ${buyerTin}`,
style: `text-align:start;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px","margin-bottom":"20px"}
let totalPrice:number =0.0;
let taxPayment:number=0.0
let totalPayment:number=0.0
for(let i=0;i<rows.length-1;i++){
let descriptionValue = (document.getElementById(`description_${i}`) as HTMLInputElement).value;
let quantityValue = (document.getElementById(`quantity_${i}`) as HTMLInputElement).value;
let unitPriceValue = (document.getElementById(`unit_price_${i}`) as HTMLInputElement).value;
let lineValue = (document.getElementById(`line_${i}`) as HTMLInputElement).value;
let rowSummery = ` ${quantityValue} x ${unitPriceValue}`
totalPrice +=parseInt(lineValue);
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
style: 'margin-left:20px',
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:`${descriptionValue} -------------------------------------------- ${lineValue.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")}`,
style: `text-align:start;`,
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
taxPayment = Math.round((15/100)*totalPrice);
totalPayment = Math.round(totalPrice+taxPayment)
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:"- - - -",
style: 'text-align:center;margin-top:25px;',
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:`TXBL1 ---------------------------------------------${totalPrice.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")}`,
style: 'text-align:start;',
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:`TAX1 15% ---------------------------------${taxPayment.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")}`,
style: 'text-align:start;',
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:"- - - -",
style: 'text-align:center;',
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:`Total -------------------------------${totalPayment.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")}`,
style: 'text-align:start;',
css: {"font-size": "12px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:`# Cash -----------------------------------${totalPayment.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")}`,
style: 'text-align:start;',
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:"E R C A",
style: 'text-align:center;',
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
type: 'text', // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table
value:"Powered by MarakiPOS 4.0",
style: 'text-align:center;',
css: {"font-size": "8px"}
ipcRenderer.send("print", content);
const sumTotal =(index:number)=>{
let quantityValue = parseInt((document.getElementById(`quantity_${index}`) as HTMLInputElement).value);
let unitPriceValue = parseInt((document.getElementById(`unit_price_${index}`) as HTMLInputElement).value);
let lineTotalValue = quantityValue*unitPriceValue;
(document.getElementById(`line_${index}`) as HTMLInputElement).value = lineTotalValue.toString();
return <div>
<table style={{borderCollapse:'collapse',width:'100%',border:'1px solid grey'}}>
<tr style={{border:'1px solid grey'}}>
<th style={{border:'1px solid grey'}}>{column.label}</th>
<tr key={index} style={{border:'1px solid grey'}}>
<td style={{border:'1px solid grey'}}>
<input id={`id_${index}`} onFocus={()=>handleChange(index)} style={{width:'90%',padding:10}} placeholder={row.id}/>
<td style={{border:'1px solid grey'}}>
<input id={`description_${index}`} style={{width:'90%',padding:10}} placeholder={row.description}/>
<td style={{border:'1px solid grey'}}>
<input id={`unit_${index}`} style={{width:'90%',padding:10}} placeholder={row.unit}/>
<td style={{border:'1px solid grey'}}>
<input id={`quantity_${index}`} style={{width:'90%',padding:10}} placeholder={row.quantity}/>
<td style={{border:'1px solid grey'}}>
<input onChange={()=>sumTotal(index)} id={`unit_price_${index}`} style={{width:'90%',padding:10}} placeholder={row.unit_price}/>
<td style={{border:'1px solid grey'}}>
<input id={`line_${index}`} style={{width:'90%',padding:10}} placeholder={row.line}/>
<div style={{display:'flex',flexDirection:'row',justifyContent:'flex-end',padding:20}}>
<button onClick={()=>print()} style={{backgroundColor:'green',
export default Tables | {'dir': 'typescript', 'id': '2608088', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'messyKassaye/electron-printer', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'src/components/Tables/Tables.tsx', 'n_tokens_mistral': 3425, 'n_tokens_neox': 3278, 'n_words': 593} |
package com.jstappdev.e4client.ui;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment;
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner;
import androidx.lifecycle.Observer;
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider;
import com.jstappdev.e4client.MainActivity;
import com.jstappdev.e4client.R;
import com.jstappdev.e4client.SharedViewModel;
import com.jstappdev.e4client.data.E4SessionData;
import com.jstappdev.e4client.util.Utils;
import java.util.Locale;
public class ConnectionFragment extends Fragment {
private SharedViewModel sharedViewModel;
private TextView accel_xLabel;
private TextView accel_yLabel;
private TextView accel_zLabel;
private TextView bvpLabel;
private TextView edaLabel;
private TextView ibiLabel;
private TextView hrLabel;
private TextView temperatureLabel;
private TextView batteryLabel;
private TextView statusLabel;
private TextView deviceNameLabel;
private TextView wristStatusLabel;
private View dataArea;
private String microsiemens;
private String celsius;
public View onCreateView(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
sharedViewModel = new ViewModelProvider(requireActivity()).get(SharedViewModel.class);
final View root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_connection, container, false);
final TextView textView = root.findViewById(R.id.status);
sharedViewModel.getSessionStatus().observe(getViewLifecycleOwner(), new Observer<String>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable String s) {
return root;
public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
statusLabel = view.findViewById(R.id.status);
accel_xLabel = view.findViewById(R.id.accel_x);
accel_yLabel = view.findViewById(R.id.accel_y);
accel_zLabel = view.findViewById(R.id.accel_z);
bvpLabel = view.findViewById(R.id.bvp);
edaLabel = view.findViewById(R.id.eda);
ibiLabel = view.findViewById(R.id.ibi);
hrLabel = view.findViewById(R.id.hr);
temperatureLabel = view.findViewById(R.id.temperature);
batteryLabel = view.findViewById(R.id.battery);
deviceNameLabel = view.findViewById(R.id.deviceName);
wristStatusLabel = view.findViewById(R.id.wrist_status_label);
dataArea = view.findViewById(R.id.dataArea);
microsiemens = getString(R.string.microsiemens);
celsius = getString(R.string.celsius);
view.findViewById(R.id.disconnectButton).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
((MainActivity) requireContext()).disconnect();
((MainActivity) requireContext()).openFragment(R.id.nav_home);
//noinspection ConstantConditions
if (!sharedViewModel.getIsConnected().getValue()) {
((MainActivity) requireContext()).initEmpaticaDeviceManager();
public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final LifecycleOwner owner = getViewLifecycleOwner();
sharedViewModel.getIsConnected().observe(owner, new Observer<Boolean>() {
public void onChanged(Boolean isConnected) {
if (isConnected) {
} else {
sharedViewModel.getDeviceName().observe(owner, new Observer<String>() {
public void onChanged(String deviceName) {
sharedViewModel.getSessionStatus().observe(owner, new Observer<String>() {
public void onChanged(String status) {
sharedViewModel.getOnWrist().observe(owner, new Observer<Boolean>() {
public void onChanged(Boolean onWrist) {
wristStatusLabel.setText(onWrist ? "ON WRIST" : "NOT ON WRIST");
sharedViewModel.getBattery().observe(owner, new Observer<Float>() {
public void onChanged(Float battery) {
batteryLabel.setText(String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.0f %%", battery * 100));
sharedViewModel.getCurrentAccX().observe(owner, new Observer<Integer>() {
public void onChanged(Integer accX) {
sharedViewModel.getCurrentAccY().observe(owner, new Observer<Integer>() {
public void onChanged(Integer accY) {
sharedViewModel.getCurrentAccZ().observe(owner, new Observer<Integer>() {
public void onChanged(Integer accZ) {
sharedViewModel.getCurrentGsr().observe(owner, new Observer<Float>() {
public void onChanged(Float gsr) {
edaLabel.setText(String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f %s", gsr, microsiemens));
sharedViewModel.getCurrentIbi().observe(owner, new Observer<Float>() {
public void onChanged(Float ibi) {
ibiLabel.setText(String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f s", ibi));
sharedViewModel.getCurrentHr().observe(owner, new Observer<Float>() {
public void onChanged(Float averageHr) {
hrLabel.setText(String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.0f BPM", averageHr));
sharedViewModel.getCurrentTemp().observe(owner, new Observer<Float>() {
public void onChanged(Float temp) {
temperatureLabel.setText(String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.2f %s", temp, celsius));
sharedViewModel.getCurrentBvp().observe(owner, new Observer<Float>() {
int count = 0;
public void onChanged(Float bvp) {
if (count++ % 10 == 0)
bvpLabel.setText(String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.0f", bvp));
| {'dir': 'java', 'id': '3234122', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'j05t/e4client', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'app/src/main/java/com/jstappdev/e4client/ui/ConnectionFragment.java', 'n_tokens_mistral': 2061, 'n_tokens_neox': 1919, 'n_words': 346} |
import React, { ChangeEvent, Component, createRef } from 'react';
import FormCheckboxGroup from '../../components/form/FormCheckboxGroup';
import { RadioChangeEventHandler } from '../../components/form/FormRadio';
import FormRadioGroup from '../../components/form/FormRadioGroup';
import PageHeading from '../../components/PageHeading';
import Tabs from '../../components/Tabs';
import TabsSection from '../../components/TabsSection';
import PrototypePage from '../components/PrototypePage';
import PrototypeAbsenceGeneralChart from './charts/PrototypeAbsenceGeneralChart';
import PrototypeAbsenceRateChart from './charts/PrototypeAbsenceRateChart';
import PrototypeFixedPeriodExclusionsChart from './charts/PrototypeFixedPeriodExclusionsChart';
import PrototypePermanentExclusionsChart from './charts/PrototypePermanentExclusionsChart';
import PublicationMenu, {
} from './components/PublicationMenu';
import { allTableData as exclusionTableData } from './test-data/exclusionsDataV1';
import { allTableData as absenceTableData } from './test-data/pupilAbsenceDataV1';
type DataToggles = 'CHARTS_TABLES' | 'CHARTS' | 'TABLES' | null;
const allTableData: any = {
exclusions: exclusionTableData,
pupilAbsence: absenceTableData,
type PupilAbsenceGeneralFilters = 'enrolments' | 'schools';
type PupilAbsenceSessionsFilters =
| 'authorisedRate'
| 'overallRate'
| 'unauthorisedRate';
type ExclusionsExclusionsFilters =
| 'permanent'
| 'permanentRate'
| 'fixedPeriod'
| 'fixedPeriodRate';
interface State {
chartData: {
[key: string]: number;
dataToggle: DataToggles;
menuOption?: MenuOption | null;
filters: {
exclusions: {
exclusions: { [key in ExclusionsExclusionsFilters]: boolean };
pupilAbsence: {
general: { [key in PupilAbsenceGeneralFilters]: boolean };
sessions: { [key in PupilAbsenceSessionsFilters]: boolean };
tableData: string[][];
class PrototypeDataTableV2 extends Component<{}, State> {
public state: State = {
chartData: [],
dataToggle: null,
filters: {
exclusions: {
exclusions: {
fixedPeriod: false,
fixedPeriodRate: false,
permanent: false,
permanentRate: false,
pupilAbsence: {
general: {
enrolments: false,
schools: false,
sessions: {
authorisedRate: false,
overallRate: false,
unauthorisedRate: false,
menuOption: null,
tableData: [],
private dataTableRef = createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
private handleMenuChange: MenuChangeEventHandler = menuOption => {
filters: {
exclusions: {
exclusions: {
fixedPeriod: false,
fixedPeriodRate: false,
permanent: false,
permanentRate: false,
pupilAbsence: {
general: {
enrolments: false,
schools: false,
sessions: {
authorisedRate: false,
overallRate: false,
unauthorisedRate: false,
tableData: [],
() => {
if (this.dataTableRef.current) {
this.dataTableRef.current.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });
private createTableData(filters: {}) {
return Object.entries(filters).flatMap(([publicationKey, publication]) => {
return Object.entries(publication)
.flatMap(([groupKey, group]) => {
return Object.entries(group)
.filter(([_, isChecked]) => isChecked)
.map(([filterKey]) => {
return allTableData[publicationKey][groupKey][filterKey];
.filter(row => row.length > 0);
private handleAllFilterCheckboxChange = (
publicationKey: 'pupilAbsence' | 'exclusions',
filterGroupKey: 'exclusions' | 'general' | 'sessions',
event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>,
) => {
const filterGroup = this.state.filters[publicationKey] as any;
const subFilterGroup = filterGroup[filterGroupKey];
const filters = {
[publicationKey]: {
[filterGroupKey]: Object.keys(subFilterGroup).reduce((acc, key) => {
return {
[key]: event.target.checked,
}, {}),
tableData: this.createTableData(filters),
private handleFilterCheckboxChange = (
publicationKey: 'pupilAbsence' | 'exclusions',
filterGroupKey: 'exclusions' | 'general' | 'sessions',
event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>,
) => {
const filterGroup = this.state.filters[publicationKey] as any;
const subFilterGroup = filterGroup[filterGroupKey];
const filters = {
[publicationKey]: {
[filterGroupKey]: {
[event.target.value]: event.target.checked,
tableData: this.createTableData(filters),
private handleRadioChange: RadioChangeEventHandler<{
value: DataToggles;
}> = event => {
this.setState({ dataToggle: event.target.value });
private hasSessionsFilters() {
return (
Object.values(this.state.filters.pupilAbsence.sessions).indexOf(true) > -1
private hasGeneralFilters() {
return (
Object.values(this.state.filters.pupilAbsence.general).indexOf(true) > -1
private hasPermanentExclusionFilters() {
return (
this.state.filters.exclusions.exclusions.permanent ||
private hasFixedPeriodExclusionFilters() {
return (
this.state.filters.exclusions.exclusions.fixedPeriod ||
private hasAnyFilters() {
return Object.values(this.state.filters).map(filterGroup =>
Object.values(filterGroup).some(filter => filter.size > 0),
private getFilterValues(filters: { [key: string]: boolean }) {
return Object.entries(filters)
.filter(([_, isChecked]) => isChecked)
.map(([key]) => key);
public render() {
const { filters } = this.state;
return (
{ text: 'Education training and skills' },
{ text: 'National level' },
{ text: 'Explore statistics' },
<PageHeading caption="National level" heading="Explore statistics" />
You can explore all the DfE statistics available at national level
Once you've chosen your data you can view it by year, school type,
area or pupil characteristics.
You can also download it, visualise it or copy and paste it as you
<div className="govuk-grid-row">
<div className="govuk-grid-column-full">
<PublicationMenu onChange={this.handleMenuChange} />
{(this.state.menuOption === 'EXCLUSIONS' ||
this.state.menuOption === 'PUPIL_ABSENCE') && (
<div ref={this.dataTableRef}>
{this.state.menuOption === 'PUPIL_ABSENCE' && (
2. Explore statistics from 'Pupil absence'
<span className="govuk-hint">
Select any statistics you are interested in from the
checkboxes below
{this.state.menuOption === 'EXCLUSIONS' && (
2. Explore statistics from 'Exclusions'
<span className="govuk-hint">
Select any statistics you are interested in from the
checkboxes below
<div className="govuk-grid-row">
<div className="govuk-grid-column-one-quarter">
{this.state.menuOption === 'PUPIL_ABSENCE' && (
<div className="govuk-form-group">
id: 'general-enrolments',
label: 'Enrolments',
value: 'enrolments',
id: 'general-schools',
label: 'Schools',
value: 'schools',
<div className="govuk-form-group">
legend="Sessions absent"
id: 'sessions-authorised-rate',
label: 'Authorised rate',
value: 'authorisedRate',
id: 'sessions-overall-rate',
label: 'Overall rate',
value: 'overallRate',
id: 'sessions-unauthorised-rate',
label: 'Unauthorised rate',
value: 'unauthorisedRate',
{this.state.menuOption === 'EXCLUSIONS' && (
id: 'permanent-exclusions',
label: 'Permanent exclusions',
value: 'permanent',
id: 'permanent-exclusions-rate',
label: 'Permanent exclusion rate',
value: 'permanentRate',
id: 'fixed-period-exclusions',
label: 'Fixed period exclusions',
value: 'fixedPeriod',
id: 'fixed-period-exclusions-rate',
label: 'Fixed period exclusion rate',
value: 'fixedPeriodRate',
{this.hasAnyFilters() && (
<div className="govuk-grid-column-three-quarters">
legend="What do you want to see?"
onChange={this.handleRadioChange as any}
id: 'chartsAndTable',
label: 'Charts and table',
{ id: 'charts', label: 'Charts', value: 'CHARTS' },
{ id: 'table', label: 'Table', value: 'TABLES' },
{this.state.dataToggle && (
<p>View by:</p>
<TabsSection id="years" title="Academic years">
{(this.state.dataToggle === 'CHARTS_TABLES' ||
this.state.dataToggle === 'CHARTS') && (
<div className="govuk-grid-row">
{this.state.menuOption === 'PUPIL_ABSENCE' && (
{this.hasGeneralFilters() && (
<div className="govuk-grid-column-one-half">
{this.hasSessionsFilters() && (
<div className="govuk-grid-column-one-half">
<p>Sessions absent</p>
{this.state.menuOption === 'EXCLUSIONS' && (
{this.hasPermanentExclusionFilters() && (
<div className="govuk-grid-column-one-half">
<p>Permanent exclusions</p>
{this.hasFixedPeriodExclusionFilters() && (
<div className="govuk-grid-column-one-half">
<p>Fixed period exclusions</p>
{this.hasAnyFilters() && (
<hr />
{(this.state.dataToggle === 'CHARTS_TABLES' ||
this.state.dataToggle === 'TABLES') && (
<table className="govuk-table">
Comparing statistics between 2012 and 2017
<th />
<th scope="col">2012/13</th>
<th scope="col">2013/14</th>
<th scope="col">2014/15</th>
<th scope="col">2015/16</th>
<th scope="col">2016/17</th>
([firstCell, ...cells], rowIndex) => (
<tr key={rowIndex}>
<td scope="row">{firstCell}</td>
{cells.map((cell, cellIndex) => (
<td key={cellIndex}>{cell}</td>
<ul className="govuk-list">
<a href="#download">Download data (.csv)</a>
<a href="#api">Access developer API</a>
<a href="#methodology">Methodology</a>
<a href="#contact">Contact</a>
<TabsSection id="school-type" title="School type">
<TabsSection id="geography" title="Geography">
export default PrototypeDataTableV2;
| {'dir': 'typescript', 'id': '1471650', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'markhiveit/explore-education-statistics', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'src/explore-education-statistics-frontend/src/prototypes/data-table/PrototypeDataTableV2.tsx', 'n_tokens_mistral': 5007, 'n_tokens_neox': 4698, 'n_words': 812} |
* Provides a wrapper to interact with the security configuration
var jenkins = require('../util/jenkins');
* Calls a stapler post method to save the first user settings
exports.saveFirstUser = function($form, success, error) {
function(response) {
var crumbRequestField = response.data.crumbRequestField;
if (crumbRequestField) {
require('window-handle').getWindow().crumb.init(crumbRequestField, response.data.crumb);
}, {
error: error
exports.saveConfigureInstance = function($form, success, error){
function(response) {
var crumbRequestField = response.data.crumbRequestField;
if (crumbRequestField) {
require('window-handle').getWindow().crumb.init(crumbRequestField, response.data.crumb);
}, {
error: error
* Calls a stapler post method to save the first user settings
exports.saveProxy = function($form, success, error) {
success, {
dataType: 'html',
error: error
| {'dir': 'javascript', 'id': '2916345', 'max_stars_count': '637', 'max_stars_repo_name': '1st/jenkins', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'war/src/main/js/api/securityConfig.js', 'n_tokens_mistral': 438, 'n_tokens_neox': 385, 'n_words': 82} |
namespace App\Http\Controllers\api\v1\user;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\User;
use Validator;
class UserController extends Controller
* Display a listing of the resource.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index()
return User::all();
* Show the form for creating a new resource.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function create()
* Store a newly created resource in storage.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function store(Request $request)
* Display the specified resource.
* @param int $id
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function show($id)
* Show the form for editing the specified resource.
* @param int $id
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function edit($id)
* Update the specified resource in storage.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @param int $id
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function update(Request $request)
$user = Auth::user();
$rules = [
'IM_no' => 'nullable|regex:/^[A-Za-z0-9 ]+$/',
'name' => 'nullable|regex:/^[A-Za-z ]+$/',
'dob' => 'nullable|date',
'phone' => 'nullable|unique:users|min:10|max:10|regex:/^[0-9]+$/',
'email' => 'nullable|unique:users|email',
'password' => 'nullable|regex:/^[A-Za-z0-9 ]+$/',
'gender' => 'nullable|in:Male,Female,Others',
'photo' => 'nullable|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png',
'club_name' => 'nullable|regex:/^[A-Za-z0-9 ]+$/',
'designation' => 'nullable|regex:/^[A-Za-z0-9 ]+$/',
'occupation' => 'nullable|regex:/^[A-Za-z0-9 ]+$/',
'blood_group' => 'nullable|in:A+,A-,B+,B-,O+,O-,AB+,AB-',
'sponsorer' => 'nullable|regex:/^[A-Za-z0-9 ]+$/',
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules);
return response()->json($validator->errors(), 400);
if($request->hasFile('photo')) {
//delete old visiting card if exists
if($user->photo != null){
// $storage = "/home/thegrhmw/public_html/developers/flexy/storage/app/visiting_card/";
// $storage = "storage/app/profile_pic/";
// $path = $storage . $user->photo;
$storage = Storage::disk('local')->getAdapter()->getPathPrefix();
$path = $storage . "profile_pic/" . $user->photo;
// unlink($user->photo);
//add the new image
$file = $request->file('photo');
//Get file name with the extension
$fileNameWithExt = $file->getClientOriginalName();
//Get just Filename
$filename = pathinfo($fileNameWithExt, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
//Get just Extension
$extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
// Filename to store
$fileNameToStore = $filename.'_'.time().'.'.$extension;
Storage::disk('local')->putFileAs('profile_pic', $request->file('photo'), $fileNameToStore);
$user->IM_no = ( empty($request->get('IM_no')) ) ? $user->IM_no : $request->get('IM_no');
$user->name = ( empty($request->get('name')) ) ? $user->name : $request->get('name');
$user->dob = ( empty($request->get('dob')) ) ? $user->dob : $request->get('dob');
$user->phone = ( empty($request->get('phone')) ) ? $user->phone : $request->get('phone');
$user->email = ( empty($request->get('email')) ) ? $user->email : $request->get('email');
$user->gender = ( empty($request->get('gender')) ) ? $user->gender : $request->get('gender');
$user->photo = ( empty($fileNameToStore) ) ? $user->photo : $fileNameToStore;
$user->club_name = ( empty($request->get('club_name')) ) ? $user->club_name : $request->get('club_name');
$user->designation = ( empty($request->get('designation')) ) ? $user->designation : $request->get('designation');
$user->occupation = ( empty($request->get('occupation')) ) ? $user->occupation : $request->get('occupation');
$user->blood_group = ( empty($request->get('blood_group')) ) ? $user->blood_group : $request->get('blood_group');
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'messege' => 'Member details updated'], 200);
* Remove the specified resource from storage.
* @param int $id
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function destroy($id)
public function search(Request $request)
$term = $request->input('term');
$members = User::where('name', 'LIKE', '%'.$term.'%')
->orWhere('club_name', 'LIKE', '%'.$term.'%')
->orWhere('designation', 'LIKE', '%'.$term.'%')
->orWhere('occupation', 'LIKE', '%'.$term.'%')
->orWhere('IM_no', 'LIKE', '%'.$term.'%')->get();
if(!empty($members)) {
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'members' => $members], 200);
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'message' => 'No members found'], 200);
public function getleos(Request $request)
$leos = User::where('leo', 1)->get();
return response()->json(['status' => 'success', 'members' => $leos], 200);
| {'dir': 'php', 'id': '11521909', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'The-Graphe-A-Design-Studio/member-directory', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'app/Http/Controllers/api/v1/user/UserController.php', 'n_tokens_mistral': 1927, 'n_tokens_neox': 1879, 'n_words': 318} |
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<table style="width: 100%; font-family: arial; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left;">
<td colspan="12" style="font-weight: bold;font-size: 13px">PT. YAMAHA MUSICAL PRODUCTS INDONESIA</td>
<td colspan="12"><br></td>
<td colspan="3"> </td>
<td colspan="6" style="text-align: center;font-weight: bold;font-size: 16px">PURCHASE REQUISITION FORM</td>
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: right;font-size: 12px">No:</td>
<td colspan="1" style="text-align: right;font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold">{{ $pr[0]->no_pr }}</td>
<td colspan="12"><br></td>
<td colspan="2" style="font-size: 12px;width: 22%">Department</td>
<td colspan="10" style="font-size: 12px;">: {{ $pr[0]->department }}</td>
<td colspan="2" style="font-size: 12px;width: 22%">Section</td>
@if($pr[0]->section != null)
<td colspan="10" style="font-size: 12px;">: {{ $pr[0]->section }}</td>
<td colspan="10" style="font-size: 12px;">: {{ $pr[0]->department }}</td>
<td colspan="2" style="font-size: 12px;width: 22%">Date Of Submission</td>
<td colspan="10" style="font-size: 12px;">: <?= date('d-M-Y', strtotime($pr[0]->submission_date)) ?></td>
<td colspan="2" style="font-size: 12px;width: 22%">Budget</td>
<td colspan="10" style="font-size: 12px;">: {{ $pr[0]->no_budget }}</td>
<td colspan="12"><br></td>
@if($pr[0]->receive_date != null)
<img width="120" src="{{ public_path() . '/files/ttd_pr_po/received.jpg' }}" alt="" style="padding: 0;position: absolute;top: 55px;left: 840px">
<span style="position: absolute;width: 100px;font-size: 12px;font-weight: bold;font-family: arial-narrow;top:88px;left: 875px;color:#c34354"><?= date('d-M-y', strtotime($pr[0]->receive_date)) ?></span>
<table style="width: 100%; font-family: arial; border-collapse: collapse; " id="isi">
<tr style="font-size: 12px">
<td colspan="1" style="padding:10px;height: 15px; width:1%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">No</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:3%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Item Code</td>
<td colspan="3" style="width:8%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Description</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:4%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Request Date</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:2%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Qty</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:3%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Currency</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:3%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Unit Price</td>
<td colspan="2" style="width:3%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Amount</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:4%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Last Order</td>
<?php $no = 1;
$totalidr = 0;
foreach($pr as $purchase_r) {
if($purchase_r->item_currency == "IDR"){
$totalidr += $purchase_r->item_amount;
if ($no % 15 == 0) { ?>
<td colspan="1" style="height: 26px; border: 1px solid black;text-align: center;padding: 0">{{ $no }}</td>
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;">{{ $purchase_r->item_code }}</td>
<td colspan="3" style="border: 1px solid black;">
{{ $purchase_r->item_desc }}
<!-- <td clolspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;">{{ $purchase_r->item_stock }}</td> -->
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;text-align: right;padding-right: 5px"><?= date('d-M-y', strtotime($purchase_r->item_request_date)) ?></td>
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;">{{ $purchase_r->item_qty }} {{ $purchase_r->item_uom }}</td>
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;">{{ $purchase_r->item_currency }}</td>
@if($purchase_r->item_currency == "IDR")
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;text-align: right;padding-right: 5px"><?= number_format($purchase_r->item_price,0,"",".") ?></td>
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;text-align: right;padding-right: 5px"><?= $purchase_r->item_price ?></td>
@if($purchase_r->item_currency == "IDR")
<td colspan="2" style="border: 1px solid black;text-align: right;padding-right: 5px"><?= number_format($purchase_r->item_amount,0,"",".") ?></td>
<td colspan="2" style="border: 1px solid black;text-align: right;padding-right: 5px"><?= $purchase_r->item_amount ?></td>
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;">
@if($purchase_r->last_order != null)
<?= date('d-M-Y', strtotime($purchase_r->last_order)) ?>
<div class="footer">
<table style="width: 100%;font-family: arial;border-collapse: collapse;">
<th colspan="3" style="background-color: #4caf50; border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold">Summary Total PR</th>
<th colspan="1"></th>
<th colspan="3" style="background-color: yellow; border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold">Budget Detail</th>
<th colspan="1" style="background-color: #4caf50; border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">Currency</th>
<th colspan="1" style="background-color: #4caf50; border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">Amount (Original)</th>
<th colspan="1" style="background-color: #4caf50; border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">Amount (US$)</th>
<th colspan="1"></th>
<th colspan="1" style="background-color:yellow; font-size: 12px;text-align:center; padding:10px; height: 15px; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Beg Balance</th>
<th colspan="1" style="background-color:yellow; font-size: 12px;text-align:center; padding:10px; height: 15px; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Amount</th>
<th colspan="1" style="background-color:yellow; font-size: 12px;text-align:center; padding:10px; height: 15px; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">End Balance</th>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">IDR</td>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">Rp. <?= number_format($totalidr,0,"",".") ?></td>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">
$totalkonversiidr = $totalidr / $rate[0]->rate;
$ <?= number_format($totalkonversiidr,0,".","") ?>
<th colspan="1" rowspan="2"></th>
$totalamount = 0;
foreach ($pr as $pr_budget) {
$totalamount += $pr_budget->amount;
<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="text-align:center; font-size:14px; font-weight: bold; padding:5px; height: 15px; border: 1px solid black;">$ <?= number_format($pr[0]->beg_bal,0,".","") ?></td>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="text-align:center; font-size:14px; font-weight: bold; padding:5px; height: 15px; border: 1px solid black;">$ <?= number_format($totalamount,0,".","") ?></td>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="text-align:center; font-weight: bold;font-size:14px; padding:5px; height: 15px; border: 1px solid black;">$ <?= number_format($pr[0]->beg_bal - $totalamount,0,".","") ?></td>
<td colspan="7"> </td>
<table style="width: 100%; font-family: arial; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: center;" border="1">
<td colspan="1" style="width:15%;height: 26px; border: 1px solid black;text-align: center;padding: 0">Applied By</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:15%;">Acknowledge By</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:15%;">Approve By</td>
<td colspan="6" rowspan="3" style="text-align: left;padding: 5px;vertical-align: top;font-size: 11px">
Note :
@if($pr[0]->note == null)
<br><?= $pr[0]->note ?>
<td colspan="1" style="height: 40px">
@if($pr[0]->posisi != "staff")
<?= $pr[0]->emp_name ?>
<td colspan="1" style="height: 40px">
@if($pr[0]->approvalm == "Approved")
<?= $pr[0]->manager_name ?>
<td colspan="1" style="height: 40px">
@if($pr[0]->approvalgm == "Approved" && $pr[0]->gm == "PI1206001")
<img width="70" src="{{ public_path() . '/files/ttd_pr_po/stempel_pak_hayakawa.jpg' }}" alt="" style="padding: 0">
<span style="position: absolute;left: 227px;width: 75px;font-size: 8px;color: #f84c32;top: 165px;font-family: arial-narrow"><?= date('d F Y', strtotime($pr[0]->dateapprovalgm)) ?></span>
@elseif($pr[0]->approvalgm == "Approved" && $pr[0]->gm == "PI9709001")
<img width="70" src="{{ public_path() . '/files/ttd_pr_po/stempel_pak_arief.jpg' }}" alt="" style="padding: 0">
<span style="position: absolute;left: 227px;width: 75px;font-size: 8px;color: #f84c32;top: 165px;font-family: arial-narrow"><?= date('d F Y', strtotime($pr[0]->dateapprovalgm)) ?></span>
@elseif($pr[0]->approvalgm == "Approved" && $pr[0]->gm == "PI0109004")
<img width="70" src="{{ public_path() . '/files/ttd_pr_po/stempel_pak_budhi.jpg' }}" alt="" style="padding: 0">
<span style="position: absolute;left: 227px;width: 75px;font-size: 8px;color: #f84c32;top: 165px;font-family: arial-narrow"><?= date('d F Y', strtotime($pr[0]->dateapprovalgm)) ?></span>
<td colspan="1">User</td>
<td colspan="1">Manager</td>
<td colspan="1">Director</td>
Page <span class="pagenum"></span>
<div class="page-break"></div>
<table style="width: 100%; font-family: arial; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left;">
<td colspan="12" style="font-weight: bold;font-size: 13px">PT. YAMAHA MUSICAL PRODUCTS INDONESIA</td>
<td colspan="12"><br></td>
<td colspan="3"> </td>
<td colspan="6" style="text-align: center;font-weight: bold;font-size: 16px">PURCHASE REQUISITION FORM</td>
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: right;font-size: 12px">No:</td>
<td colspan="1" style="text-align: right;font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold">{{ $pr[0]->no_pr }}</td>
<td colspan="12"><br></td>
<td colspan="2" style="font-size: 12px;width: 22%">Department</td>
<td colspan="10" style="font-size: 12px;">: {{ $pr[0]->department }}</td>
<td colspan="2" style="font-size: 12px;width: 22%">Section</td>
@if($pr[0]->section != null)
<td colspan="10" style="font-size: 12px;">: {{ $pr[0]->section }}</td>
<td colspan="10" style="font-size: 12px;">: {{ $pr[0]->department }}</td>
<td colspan="2" style="font-size: 12px;width: 22%">Date Of Submission</td>
<td colspan="10" style="font-size: 12px;">: <?= date('d-M-Y', strtotime($pr[0]->submission_date)) ?></td>
<td colspan="2" style="font-size: 12px;width: 22%">Budget</td>
<td colspan="10" style="font-size: 12px;">: {{ $pr[0]->no_budget }}</td>
<td colspan="12"><br></td>
@if($pr[0]->receive_date != null)
<img width="120" src="{{ public_path() . '/files/ttd_pr_po/received.jpg' }}" alt="" style="padding: 0;position: absolute;top: 55px;left: 840px">
<span style="position: absolute;width: 100px;font-size: 12px;font-weight: bold;font-family: arial-narrow;top:88px;left: 875px;color:#c34354"><?= date('d-M-y', strtotime($pr[0]->receive_date)) ?></span>
<table style="width: 100%; font-family: arial; border-collapse: collapse; " id="isi">
<tr style="font-size: 12px">
<td colspan="1" style="padding:10px;height: 15px; width:1%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">No</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:3%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Item Code</td>
<td colspan="3" style="width:8%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Description</td>
<!-- <td colspan="1" style="width:2%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Stock WIP</td> -->
<td colspan="1" style="width:4%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Request Date</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:2%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Qty</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:3%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Currency</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:3%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Unit Price</td>
<td colspan="2" style="width:3%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Amount</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:4%; background-color: #03a9f4; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Last Order</td>
<?php } else { ?>
<td colspan="1" style="height: 26px; border: 1px solid black;text-align: center;padding: 0">{{ $no }}</td>
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;">{{ $purchase_r->item_code }}</td>
<td colspan="3" style="border: 1px solid black;">
{{ $purchase_r->item_desc }}
<!-- <td clolspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;">{{ $purchase_r->item_stock }}</td> -->
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;text-align: right;padding-right: 5px"><?= date('d-M-y', strtotime($purchase_r->item_request_date)) ?></td>
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;">{{ $purchase_r->item_qty }} {{ $purchase_r->item_uom }}</td>
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;">{{ $purchase_r->item_currency }}</td>
@if($purchase_r->item_currency == "IDR")
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;text-align: right;padding-right: 5px"><?= number_format($purchase_r->item_price,0,"",".") ?></td>
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;text-align: right;padding-right: 5px"><?= $purchase_r->item_price ?></td>
@if($purchase_r->item_currency == "IDR")
<td colspan="2" style="border: 1px solid black;text-align: right;padding-right: 5px"><?= number_format($purchase_r->item_amount,0,"",".") ?></td>
<td colspan="2" style="border: 1px solid black;text-align: right;padding-right: 5px"><?= $purchase_r->item_amount ?></td>
<td colspan="1" style="border: 1px solid black;">
@if($purchase_r->last_order != null)
<?= date('d-M-Y', strtotime($purchase_r->last_order)) ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php $no++; } ?>
<td colspan="12"> </td>
<div class="footer">
<table style="width: 100%;font-family: arial;border-collapse: collapse;">
<th colspan="3" style="background-color: #4caf50; border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold">Summary Total PR</th>
<th colspan="1"></th>
<th colspan="3" style="background-color: yellow; border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold">Budget Detail</th>
<th colspan="1" style="background-color: #4caf50; border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">Currency</th>
<th colspan="1" style="background-color: #4caf50; border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">Amount (Original)</th>
<th colspan="1" style="background-color: #4caf50; border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">Amount (US$)</th>
<th colspan="1"></th>
<th colspan="1" style="background-color:yellow; font-size: 12px;text-align:center; padding:10px; height: 15px; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Beg Balance</th>
<th colspan="1" style="background-color:yellow; font-size: 12px;text-align:center; padding:10px; height: 15px; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">Amount</th>
<th colspan="1" style="background-color:yellow; font-size: 12px;text-align:center; padding:10px; height: 15px; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid black;">End Balance</th>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">IDR</td>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">Rp. <?= number_format($totalidr,0,"",".") ?></td>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="border: 1px solid black;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">
$totalkonversiidr = $totalidr / $rate[0]->rate;
$ <?= number_format($totalkonversiidr,0,".","") ?>
<th colspan="1" rowspan="2"></th>
$totalamount = 0;
foreach ($pr as $pr_budget) {
$totalamount += $pr_budget->amount;
<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="text-align:center; font-size:14px; font-weight: bold; padding:5px; height: 15px; border: 1px solid black;">$ <?= number_format($pr[0]->beg_bal,0,".","") ?></td>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="text-align:center; font-size:14px; font-weight: bold; padding:5px; height: 15px; border: 1px solid black;">$ <?= number_format($totalamount,0,".","") ?></td>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="text-align:center; font-weight: bold;font-size:14px; padding:5px; height: 15px; border: 1px solid black;">$ <?= number_format($pr[0]->beg_bal - $totalamount,0,".","") ?></td>
<td colspan="7"> </td>
<table style="width: 100%; font-family: arial; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: center;" border="1">
<td colspan="1" style="width:15%;height: 26px; border: 1px solid black;text-align: center;padding: 0">Applied By</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:15%;">Acknowledge By</td>
<td colspan="1" style="width:15%;">Approve By</td>
<td colspan="6" rowspan="3" style="text-align: left;padding: 5px;vertical-align: top;font-size: 11px">
Note :
@if($pr[0]->note == null)
<br><?= $pr[0]->note ?>
<td colspan="1" style="height: 40px">
@if($pr[0]->posisi != "staff")
<?= $pr[0]->emp_name ?>
<td colspan="1" style="height: 40px">
@if($pr[0]->approvalm == "Approved")
<?= $pr[0]->manager_name ?>
<td colspan="1" style="height: 40px">
@if($pr[0]->approvalgm == "Approved" && $pr[0]->gm == "PI1206001")
<img width="70" src="{{ public_path() . '/files/ttd_pr_po/stempel_pak_hayakawa.jpg' }}" alt="" style="padding: 0">
<span style="position: absolute;left: 227px;width: 75px;font-size: 8px;color: #f84c32;top: 165px;font-family: arial-narrow"><?= date('d F Y', strtotime($pr[0]->dateapprovalgm)) ?></span>
@elseif($pr[0]->approvalgm == "Approved" && $pr[0]->gm == "PI9709001")
<img width="70" src="{{ public_path() . '/files/ttd_pr_po/stempel_pak_arief.jpg' }}" alt="" style="padding: 0">
<span style="position: absolute;left: 227px;width: 75px;font-size: 8px;color: #f84c32;top: 165px;font-family: arial-narrow"><?= date('d F Y', strtotime($pr[0]->dateapprovalgm)) ?></span>
@elseif($pr[0]->approvalgm == "Approved" && $pr[0]->gm == "PI0109004")
<img width="70" src="{{ public_path() . '/files/ttd_pr_po/stempel_pak_budhi.jpg' }}" alt="" style="padding: 0">
<span style="position: absolute;left: 227px;width: 75px;font-size: 8px;color: #f84c32;top: 165px;font-family: arial-narrow"><?= date('d F Y', strtotime($pr[0]->dateapprovalgm)) ?></span>
<td colspan="1">User</td>
<td colspan="1">Manager</td>
<td colspan="1">Director</td>
Page <span class="pagenum"></span>
</html> | {'dir': 'php', 'id': '6257201', 'max_stars_count': '1', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'adityaagassi/ympimisdev', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'resources/views/general_affairs/report/report_pr.blade.php', 'n_tokens_mistral': 11114, 'n_tokens_neox': 8133, 'n_words': 1692} |
namespace Cruxinator\ClassFinder\Tests;
use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader;
use Cruxinator\ClassFinder\ClassFinder;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionProperty;
* Class ClassFinderConcrete.
* @property bool classLoaderInit
* @property null|array optimisedClassMap
* @property array loadedNamespaces
* @property string vendorDir
* @package Tests\Cruxinator\ClassFinder
* @method array getProjectClasses(string $namespace)
* @method array getClassMap(string $namespace)
* @method bool strStartsWith($needle, $haystack)
* @method void checkState()
* @method void initClassMap()
* @method array getClasses(string $namespace = '',callable $conditional = null, bool $includeVendor = true)
* @method array getProjectSearchDirs(string $namespace)
* @method bool isClassInVendor(string $className)
* @method ClassLoader getComposerAutoloader()
* @method string getVendorDir()
* @method array findCompatibleNamespace(string $namespace, array $psr4)
class ClassFinderConcrete extends ClassFinder
public function __construct()
$this->loadedNamespaces = [];
$this->optimisedClassMap = null;
$this->vendorDir = '';
$this->classLoaderInit = false;
* @param $name
* @throws \ReflectionException
* @return \ReflectionMethod
protected static function getMethod($name)
$class = new ReflectionClass(self::class);
$method = $class->getMethod($name);
return $method;
* @param $name
* @throws \ReflectionException
* @return ReflectionProperty
protected static function getProperty($name)
$reflectionProperty = new ReflectionProperty(parent::class, $name);
return $reflectionProperty;
* @param $name
* @param $arguments
* @throws \ReflectionException
* @return mixed
public function __call($name, $arguments)
$method = self::getMethod($name);
return $method->invokeArgs(null, $arguments);
* @param $name
* @param $value
* @throws \ReflectionException
public function __set($name, $value)
$property = self::getProperty($name);
$property->setValue(null, $value);
* @param $name
* @throws \ReflectionException
public function __get($name)
$property = self::getProperty($name);
return $property->getValue();
| {'dir': 'php', 'id': '12353032', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'cruxinator/ClassFinder', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'tests/ClassFinderConcrete.php', 'n_tokens_mistral': 726, 'n_tokens_neox': 728, 'n_words': 165} |
import nock from 'nock';
import path from 'path';
import { fetchCsvBasedTimeline } from './fetch-timeline';
const TESTDATA_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'testdata');
describe('fetchCsvBasedTimeSeries', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, 'confirmed.csv'))
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, 'deceased.csv'))
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, 'recovered.csv'));
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, 'all.csv'));
it('works', async () => {
try {
const result = await fetchCsvBasedTimeline();
} catch (err) {
| {'dir': 'typescript', 'id': '4893254', 'max_stars_count': '8', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'svandriel/covid19-graphql', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'src/fetching/fetch-timeline.spec.ts', 'n_tokens_mistral': 424, 'n_tokens_neox': 398, 'n_words': 48} |
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<?php $location_widget_activated = osc_get_preference('show-locations', 'frclassifieds'); ?>
<?php $contry_code = get_user_country_code();
if($contry_code !=''){
$code = $contry_code;
$code = 0;
<?php if($location_widget_activated=!'' && $location_widget_activated == 'activated'){?>
<?php if(osc_count_list_regions($code) > 0 ) { ?>
<div class="box location">
<?php while(osc_has_list_regions() ) { ?>
<li><a class="btn btn-outlined btn-sm btn-transparent-theme <?php if(get_region_location() == osc_list_region_name() ){ echo 'active'; }?>" href="<?php echo osc_list_region_url(); ?>"><?php echo osc_list_region_name() ; ?> <em>(<?php echo osc_list_region_items() ; ?>)</em></a></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
</div> | {'dir': 'php', 'id': '12189493', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'EloneSampaio/classificado-da-fronteira', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'oc-content/themes/frclassifieds/inc/locations.php', 'n_tokens_mistral': 369, 'n_tokens_neox': 328, 'n_words': 57} |
# coding=utf-8
past: compatibility with Python 2 from Python 3
``past`` is a package to aid with Python 2/3 compatibility. Whereas ``future``
contains backports of Python 3 constructs to Python 2, ``past`` provides
implementations of some Python 2 constructs in Python 3 and tools to import and
run Python 2 code in Python 3. It is intended to be used sparingly, as a way of
running old Python 2 code from Python 3 until the code is ported properly.
Potential uses for libraries:
- as a step in porting a Python 2 codebase to Python 3 (e.g. with the ``futurize`` script)
- to provide Python 3 support for previously Python 2-only libraries with the
same APIs as on Python 2 -- particularly with regard to 8-bit strings (the
``past.builtins.str`` type).
- to aid in providing minimal-effort Python 3 support for applications using
libraries that do not yet wish to upgrade their code properly to Python 3, or
wish to upgrade it gradually to Python 3 style.
Here are some code examples that run identically on Python 3 and 2::
>>> from past.builtins import str as oldstr
>>> philosopher = oldstr(u'\u5b54\u5b50'.encode('utf-8'))
>>> # This now behaves like a Py2 byte-string on both Py2 and Py3.
>>> # For example, indexing returns a Python 2-like string object, not
>>> # an integer:
>>> philosopher[0]
>>> type(philosopher[0])
>>> # List-producing versions of range, reduce, map, filter
>>> from past.builtins import range, reduce
>>> range(10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> # Other functions removed in Python 3 are resurrected ...
>>> from past.builtins import execfile
>>> execfile('myfile.py')
>>> from past.builtins import raw_input
>>> name = raw_input('What is your name? ')
What is your name? [cursor]
>>> from past.builtins import reload
>>> reload(mymodule) # equivalent to imp.reload(mymodule) in Python 3
>>> from past.builtins import xrange
>>> for i in xrange(10):
... pass
It also provides import hooks so you can import and use Python 2 modules like
$ python3
>>> from past.translation import autotranslate
>>> authotranslate('mypy2module')
>>> import mypy2module
until the authors of the Python 2 modules have upgraded their code. Then, for
>>> mypy2module.func_taking_py2_string(oldstr(b'abcd'))
:Author: <NAME>
:Sponsor: Python Charmers Pty Ltd, Australia: http://pythoncharmers.com
Copyright 2013-2018 Python Charmers Pty Ltd, Australia.
The software is distributed under an MIT licence. See LICENSE.txt.
from future import __version__, __copyright__, __license__
__title__ = 'past'
__author__ = '<NAME>'
| {'dir': 'python', 'id': '4057288', 'max_stars_count': '1', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'duanshuaimin/trackme', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'trackme/lib/py2/past/__init__.py', 'n_tokens_mistral': 935, 'n_tokens_neox': 838, 'n_words': 369} |
package br.rickcm.transacaoapp;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.cloud.openfeign.EnableFeignClients;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.config.EnableJpaRepositories;
@EnableJpaRepositories(enableDefaultTransactions = false)
public class TransacaoAppApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(TransacaoAppApplication.class, args);
| {'dir': 'java', 'id': '5469851', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'rick-cm/desafio-transacao', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'src/main/java/br/rickcm/transacaoapp/TransacaoAppApplication.java', 'n_tokens_mistral': 183, 'n_tokens_neox': 180, 'n_words': 25} |
* Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package jetbrains.buildServer.clouds.vmware.connector;
import com.vmware.vim25.LocalizedMethodFault;
import com.vmware.vim25.TaskInfo;
import com.vmware.vim25.TaskInfoState;
import com.vmware.vim25.mo.Task;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import jetbrains.buildServer.clouds.base.connector.AsyncCloudTask;
import jetbrains.buildServer.clouds.base.connector.CloudTaskResult;
import jetbrains.buildServer.log.LogUtil;
import jetbrains.buildServer.util.impl.Lazy;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* @author Sergey.Pak
* Date: 7/29/2014
* Time: 6:22 PM
public class VmwareTaskWrapper implements AsyncCloudTask {
private final Callable<Task> myVmwareTask;
private final String myTaskName;
private volatile long myStartTime;
private final Lazy<CloudTaskResult> myResultLazy;
private final AtomicBoolean myIsDone = new AtomicBoolean(false);
public VmwareTaskWrapper(@NotNull final Callable<Task> vmwareTask, String taskName){
myVmwareTask = vmwareTask;
myTaskName = taskName;
myResultLazy = new Lazy<CloudTaskResult>() {
protected CloudTaskResult createValue() {
try {
myStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
return getResult(myVmwareTask.call());
} catch (Exception e) {
return createErrorTaskResult(e);
} finally {
public CloudTaskResult executeOrGetResult() {
return myResultLazy.getValue();
public String getName() {
return myTaskName;
public long getStartTime() {
return myStartTime;
public boolean isDone() {
return myIsDone.get();
private CloudTaskResult getResult(final Task task) {
try {
final String result = task.waitForTask();
final TaskInfo taskInfo = task.getTaskInfo();
if (taskInfo.getState() == TaskInfoState.error){
final LocalizedMethodFault error = taskInfo.getError();
return new CloudTaskResult(true, result, new Exception(error== null ? "Unknown error" : error.getLocalizedMessage()));
} else {
return new CloudTaskResult(result);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new CloudTaskResult(true, e.toString(), e);
private CloudTaskResult createErrorTaskResult(Exception e){
return new CloudTaskResult(true, e.toString(), e);
public String toString() {
return "VmwareTaskWrapper{" +
"TaskName='" + myTaskName + '\'' +
",StartTime=" + LogUtil.describe(new Date(myStartTime)) +
| {'dir': 'java', 'id': '3108380', 'max_stars_count': '17', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'JetBrains/teamcity-vmware-plugin', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'cloud-vmware-server/src/main/java/jetbrains/buildServer/clouds/vmware/connector/VmwareTaskWrapper.java', 'n_tokens_mistral': 1023, 'n_tokens_neox': 978, 'n_words': 260} |
package ru.job4j.list;
import org.hamcrest.core.Is;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
* DynamicArrayTest.
* @author <NAME>
* @since 04.05.2018
* @version 1.0
public class DynamicArrayTest {
/** Container. */
private DynamicArray<Integer> list;
* Customize tests.
public void beforeTest() {
list = new DynamicArray<>();
* Test for get method.
public void whenAddThreeElementsThenUseGetOneResultTwo() {
assertThat(list.get(1), is(2));
* Iterator Testing.
public void whenIteratorThanIteratorOfThisContainer() {
Iterator<Integer> iterator = list.iterator();
assertThat(iterator.hasNext(), Is.is(true));
assertThat(iterator.hasNext(), Is.is(true));
assertThat(iterator.next(), Is.is(1));
assertThat(iterator.hasNext(), Is.is(true));
assertThat(iterator.next(), Is.is(2));
assertThat(iterator.hasNext(), Is.is(true));
assertThat(iterator.next(), Is.is(3));
assertThat(iterator.hasNext(), Is.is(false));
* Testing of automatic container increase.
public void whenAddElementsMoreThanSizeOfContainerThanContainerIncreases() {
assertThat(list.get(10), is(11));
* Test with an incorrectly assigned index.
@Test(expected = IndexOutOfBoundsException.class)
public void shoulThrowIndexOfBoundsException() {
* Test behavior when the collection was modified during the action of the iterator.
@Test(expected = ConcurrentModificationException.class)
public void shoulThrowConcurrentModificationException() {
Iterator<Integer> iterator = list.iterator();
} | {'dir': 'java', 'id': '2443403', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'IvanBelyaev/ibelyaev', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'chapter_004/src/test/java/ru/job4j/list/DynamicArrayTest.java', 'n_tokens_mistral': 739, 'n_tokens_neox': 715, 'n_words': 134} |
package com.facebook_autoposter.robot.core.facebook;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute;
import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import com.facebook_autoposter.robot.exception.BusinessException;
import com.facebook_autoposter.robot.exception.Validation;
import com.facebook_autoposter.robot.persistence.FacebookEntity;
import com.facebook_autoposter.robot.persistence.FacebookQuery;
public class CreateFacebookEJB {
private FacebookQuery facebookQuery;
@TransactionAttribute( TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)
public Integer createFacebook(FacebookDTO facebookDTO) {
// Validate the input
Validation.required().setParam("facebookDTO", facebookDTO).validate();
.setParam("idFacebook", facebookDTO.getIdFacebook())
.setParam("facebookUsername", facebookDTO.getFacebookUsername())
.setParam("facebookPassword", facebookDTO.getFacebookPassword())
FacebookEntity duplicated = facebookQuery.getFacebookByUsername(facebookDTO.getFacebookUsername());
boolean isDuplicated = duplicated != null;
if(isDuplicated) {
throw new BusinessException("the facebook account is duplicated");
FacebookEntity facebookEntity = new FacebookEntity();
return facebookEntity.getIdFacebook();
@TransactionAttribute( TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)
public boolean verify(Integer idFacebook) {
boolean verify = false;
while(!verify) {
FacebookEntity facebookEntity = facebookQuery.getFacebookById(idFacebook);
verify = facebookEntity.getFacebookStatus().equals(FacebookStatus.VERIFIED);
return verify;
@TransactionAttribute( TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void deleteFacebook(Integer idFacebook) {
FacebookEntity facebookEntity = facebookQuery.getFacebookById(idFacebook);
| {'dir': 'java', 'id': '18108284', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'kernelcase/autoposter-web', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'autopost/src/main/java/com/facebook_autoposter/robot/core/facebook/CreateFacebookEJB.java', 'n_tokens_mistral': 707, 'n_tokens_neox': 609, 'n_words': 99} |
// TempDataGenerator.h
// MHelloNestedTemplate
// Created by Chen,Meisong on 2017/11/6.
// Copyright © 2017年 hellochenms. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "News.h"
@interface TempDataGenerator : NSObject
+ (NSArray<News *> *)newses;
| {'dir': 'c', 'id': '2158658', 'max_stars_count': '0', 'max_stars_repo_name': 'hellochenms/MHelloNestedTemplate', 'max_stars_repo_path': 'MHelloNestedTemplate/Src/Data/TempDataGenerator.h', 'n_tokens_mistral': 110, 'n_tokens_neox': 100, 'n_words': 24} |
End of preview. Expand
in Data Studio
A cleaned version of the stack.
Based on the language distribution in the original data, only the following high-resource programming languages are retained: java, javascript, php, python, c-sharp, typescript, c, cpp, go, html, ruby, kotlin, shell, rust. Non-conventional programming languages such as markdown and json are removed.
All non-English files are removed.
Low-quality files are heuristically removed.
This version has also been decontaminated with respect to the following benchmarks based on n-gram overlap:
- GLUE (dev set of SST-2, CoLA, QQP, WNLI, RTE, QNLI, MNLI; test set of MPRC)
- SIQA, PIQA, QASC, CSQA, HellaSWAG (all dev set)
- CONLL 2003
- BoolQ (dev set)
- WinoGrande (dev set)
- ANLI (test set)
- ARC easy and challenge (test set)
- RACE middle and high (test set)
- MMLU (dev, val, and test sets)
- MATH, GSM8K (test set)
- HumanEval (test set)
- MBPP (all 974 questions)
- GPQA (diamond)
Dataset Statistics
Number of samples: 94,940,432.
Size of downloaded parquet files: 142G.
- Downloads last month
- 291