Dataset Viewer
stringlengths 3
| English
stringlengths 5
⌀ | French
stringlengths 6
⌀ | Danish
nullclasses 1
value |
félagsmótun | null | null | null |
tómstundavelferð | leisure well-being | loisirs bien-être | null |
lýðheilsusjóður | null | null | null |
sjálfboðaliðastarf | volunteer work | le travail bénévole | null |
deildarstjóri | null | null | null |
óformlegt nám | informal learning | apprentissage informel | null |
þátttökuleikhús | forum theatre | théâtre forum | null |
valdefling | empowerment | autonomisation | null |
hvatamaður | instigator | instigateur | null |
lykilfærniþættir frístundastarfs | null | null | null |
þroskasvæði | growth zone | zone de croissance | null |
alfa-námskeið | null | null | null |
hlutverkaleikur | role-playing game | jeu de rôle | null |
skátavígsla | investiture | cérémonie de promesse | null |
hverfamiðstöð | settlement | règlement | null |
nemendaverndarráð | null | null | null |
vantar | street youth work | travail des jeunes dans la rue | null |
hugleiðing | null | null | null |
sjálfræði | null | null | null |
tómstundastarf | leisure activities | activités de loisirs | null |
skyldusiðfræði | null | null | null |
teymisfundur | null | null | null |
tómstundaleiðbeinandi | null | null | null |
starfskenning | null | null | null |
dygðasiðfræði | virtue ethics | éthique de la vertu | null |
sumardvalarheimili | null | null | null |
örvæntingarsvæði | panic zone | zone de panique | null |
vantar | street based detached youth work | travail de jeunesse détaché dans la rue | null |
barnaráð | null | null | null |
lögmálskenningar | deontological theories | théories déontologiques | null |
ígrundun ÓP | reflection | réflexion | null |
hörð færni | hard skills | compétences difficiles | null |
andvörpunarsvæði | groan zone | zone de grogne | null |
barnamenning | null | null | null |
afleidd reynsla | secondary experience | expérience secondaire | null |
félagsstjórn | group executive committee | conseil de groupe | null |
tómstundir | leisure | loisirs | null |
náttúrulagakenning | theory of natural law | théorie du droit naturel | null |
félagi | member | membre | null |
leiklist | drama | théâtre | null |
kvöldvaka | null | null | null |
lög um félagsþjónustu sveitarfélaga | null | null | null |
reynslunám | experiential learning | apprentissage par l'expérience | null |
ísbrjótar | Vantar orð? | Vantar orð ? | null |
siðferði | morality | moralité | null |
landssamtök | national association | association nationale | null |
alþjóðleg félagasamtök | international non-governmental organization | organisation internationale non gouvernementale | null |
viðfangsefni | activity | activité | null |
ungmenni | null | null | null |
leiðari | null | null | null |
uppgjörsstig | adjourning | ajournement | null |
leiðtogi | null | null | null |
foreldrarölt | null | null | null |
hópþrýstingur | peer pressure | pression des pairs | null |
Landsmót Samfés | null | null | null |
fagvettvangur | null | null | null |
mót | null | null | null |
aðstoðarsveitarforingi | assistant troop leader | chef de troupe adjoint | null |
fyrirmælakeðja | chain of command | chaîne de commandement | null |
æskulýðssamtök | youth organization | organisation de la jeunesse | null |
tómstundafærni | leisure skills | compétences en matière de loisirs | null |
TTT | null | null | null |
ævintýranám (ÓP) | adventure education | éducation à l'aventure | null |
víðavangsleikir | Vantar orð? | Vantar orð ? | null |
umhverfiskennsla | null | null | null |
boðorðakenning | divine command theory | théorie du commandement divin | null |
grenndarnám | null | null | null |
útileikir | Vantar orð? | Vantar orð ? | null |
endurskoðun ÓP | reviewing | révision | null |
æskulýðsfulltrúi | null | null | null |
félagsforingi | group scout leader | chef de groupe | null |
óformlegur hópur ÓP | informal group | groupe informel | null |
atferlismótun | null | null | null |
hugsmíðahyggja | constructivism | constructivisme | null |
dægradvöl | null | null | null |
fánahylling | null | null | null |
aðstoðarflokksforingi | assistant patrol leader | second de patrouille | null |
jákvæðar tómstundir | null | null | null |
val | null | null | null |
skólasel | null | null | null |
útinám | outdoor learning | apprentissage en plein air | null |
staðarbragur | null | null | null |
félagsstarf | null | null | null |
heillakenningin | null | null | null |
ævintýraleikir | adventure games | jeux d'aventure | null |
sálgreiningarkenning | psychodynamic theory | théorie psychodynamique | null |
tómstundahindranir | leisure constraints | contraintes liées aux loisirs | null |
þátttaka | participation | participation | null |
tómstunda- og félagsmálafræðingur | youth worker | animateur de jeunesse | null |
reglunytjastefna | rule utilitarianism | règle de l'utilitarisme | null |
vináttuþjálfun | friendshiptraining | formation à l'amitié | null |
hópskiptingarleikir | Vantar orð? | Vantar orð ? | null |
helgistund | null | null | null |
þrautir | Vantar orð? | Vantar orð ? | null |
þjálfari | coach | entraîneur | null |
hálfformlegt nám | non-formal learning | apprentissage non formel | null |
ungmennabúðir | null | null | null |
endurvarp | debriefing | débriefing | null |
kvikspuni | Vantar orð? | null | null |
Dataset origin:
- Downloads last month
- 7