{ "translation": { "en": "SKIN: Skin is without rash or petechiae", "lg": "Olususu: Olususu teruliimu bikuta oba petechiae" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"There is no significant mitral regurgitation.,3\"", "lg": "\"Tewali kudda mabega kwa mitral okunene.,3\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\" Normal physical exam template. Normocephalic. Negative lesions, negative masses.\"", "lg": "Okukyalira ofiisi ya Nephrology okugoberera CKD." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Diabetic retinopathy.,3\"", "lg": "\"Obulwadde bwa sukaali obw’amaaso.,3\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"CLINICAL INDICATIONS: , MRSA bacteremia, rule out endocarditis\"", "lg": "\"EBIRAGIRO BY’OBULWADDE: , obuwuka bwa MRSA, okugaana obulwadde bw’omutima\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Good uptoeing", "lg": "Uptoeing ennungi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The skin was then anesthetized with a mixture of 1% lidocaine and 1:100,000 epinephrine solution\"", "lg": "\"Oluvannyuma olususu lwabuzibwabuzibwa nga batabuddwamu 1% lidocaine ne 1:100,000 epinephrine solution\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She moves both her upper extremities well", "lg": "Enkomerero ze zombi eza waggulu azitambuza bulungi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Left radical nephrectomy.,3\"", "lg": "\"Okusala ekibumba mu ngeri ya kkono.,3\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Denied h/o tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM:, BP 110/70, HR 50, RR 14, Afebrile.,MS: A&O to person and place, but not time\"", "lg": "\"Agaaniddwa h/o taaba/ETOH/okukozesa ebiragalalagala ebimenya amateeka.,EXAM:, BP 110/70, HR 50, RR 14, Afebrile.,MS: A&O eri omuntu n’ekifo, naye si budde\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Denies any fever and chills", "lg": "Yeegaana omusujja gwonna n’okuziyira" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Once adequate study has been performed, the LIMA catheter was retracted under fluoroscopic guidance\"", "lg": "\"Oluvannyuma lw’okunoonyereza okumala okukolebwa, ekituli kya LIMA kyaggyibwayo wansi w’obulagirizi bwa fluoroscopic\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The patient received Ancef preoperatively", "lg": "Omulwadde yafuna Ancef nga tannalongoosebwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The alveoli otherwise contain foamy, reddish-white fluid\"", "lg": "\"Ensigo mu ngeri endala zirimu amazzi agafuumuuka, agamyufu nga geeru\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The dissection was carried down to the crew, which was easily found\"", "lg": "\"Okusalasala kwatwalibwa wansi okutuuka ku bavuzi, era nga kyangu okuzuulibwa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Good sphincter tone", "lg": "Tone ya sphincter ennungi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"REASON FOR VISIT: , Ms\"", "lg": "\"ENSONGA EY'OKULAmbula: , Muky\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\" Cystopyelogram, clot evacuation, transurethral resection of the bladder tumor x2 on the dome and on the left wall of the bladder.\"", "lg": "\"Holmium layisi eddagala eriyitibwa cystolithalopaxy. Omusajja alina ssukaali mu kuziyiza omusulo ng’alabika ng’ekibumba kivaako obusimu n’okwekolako emisuwa egy’ekiseera ekigere, yinfekisoni z’omusulo gye buvuddeko. Okukebera obutoffaali (cystoscopy) kwalaga nti ekibumba kinene, nga kimpi naye nga kiziyiza enseke.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Calcium carbonate with vitamin D 500 mg b.i.d.,4\"", "lg": "\"Calcium carbonate ne vitamiini D 500 mg b.i.d.,4\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Thyroid mass diagnosed as papillary carcinoma. The patient is a 16-year-old young lady with a history of thyroid mass that is now biopsy proven as papillary. The pattern of miliary metastatic lesions in the chest is consistent with this diagnosis.", "lg": "\"Okuddaabiriza okuyungibwa kw’emisuwa gy’amawuggwe okutali kwa bulijjo, okusiba patent ductus arteriosus, okuddaabiriza secundum type atrial septal defect (autologous pericardial patch), subtotal thymectomy, n’okuyingiza peritoneal dialysis catheter.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Procainamide infusion negative for Brugada syndrome.,PROCEDURES:,1\"", "lg": "\"Procainamide infusion negative ku bulwadde bwa Brugada.,ENKOZESA:,1\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The coronary arteries appear to be normal in their origins", "lg": "Emisuwa gy’omutima girabika nga gya bulijjo mu nsibuko yaago" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He had progressed with the therapy to the point where that he was comfortable to go home and receive outpatient therapy and follow up with his primary care physician", "lg": "Yali akulaakulana n’obujjanjabi okutuuka ku ssa nti yali mwetegefu okudda eka n’afuna obujjanjabi obw’ebweru n’okugoberera omusawo we omukulu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"He denies any weakness, numbness, tingling, dysarthria or diplopia\"", "lg": "\"Yeegaana obunafu bwonna, okuzirika, okuwunya, dysarthria oba diplopia\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Tramadol 50 mg p.o", "lg": "Tramadol 50 mg buli ssaawa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Neck supple", "lg": "Obulago bugonvu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "No myoclonic jerks provoked by tapping on her upper extremity muscles", "lg": "Tewali myoclonic jerks evudde ku kukuba ku binywa bye eby’enkomerero eza waggulu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "O2 saturations are currently 97% on room air", "lg": "O2 saturations mu kiseera kino ziri 97% ku mpewo y’ekisenge" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Submental suction assisted lipectomy (CPT 15876).,ANESTHESIA: , General.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , This patient is a 65-year-old female who has progressive aging changes of the face and neck\"", "lg": "\"Submental suction assisted lipectomy (CPT 15876).,ANESTHESIA: , General.,ENNYONNYOLA Y'ENKOZESA: , Omulwadde ono mukyala wa myaka 65 nga alina enkyukakyuka mu kukaddiwa okugenda mu maaso mu maaso n'ensingo\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "His 9/6/96 neuro-ophthalmology evaluation revealed visual acuity of 20/25-3 (OD) and 20/80-2 (OS)", "lg": "Okwekenenya kwe okwa 9/6/96 neuro-ophthalmology kwalaga nti alaba bulungi bwa 20/25-3 (OD) ne 20/80-2 (OS) ." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The patient has not had mammogram yet, as she is not of the age where she would start screening mammogram\"", "lg": "\"Omulwadde ono tannaba kukeberebwa mabeere, kuba tali mu myaka gye yanditandikiddewo okwekebejja amabeere\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"This was done by Rhonda Ackerman, Ph.D., a psychologist\"", "lg": "\"Kino kyakoleddwa Rhonda Ackerman, Ph.D., omukugu mu by’empisa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I instructed the patient on dietary guidelines for gestational diabetes", "lg": "Nalagira omulwadde ku ndagiriro z’emmere ku ssukaali ow’olubuto" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"In addition, special FLAIR imaging showed increased signal in the right frontal region consistent with ischemia.,She underwent Cerebral Angiography on 2/22/96\"", "lg": "\"Okugatta ku ekyo, ebifaananyi eby’enjawulo ebya FLAIR byalaga okweyongera kw’obubonero mu kitundu ky’omu maaso ekya ddyo ekikwatagana ne ischemia.,Yakolebwako Cerebral Angiography nga 2/22/96\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"A 9 cc of 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 of epinephrine was infiltrated into the area of pre-demarcated above the suprasternal notch\"", "lg": "\"A 9 cc ya 1% lidocaine nga 1:100,000 ya epinephrine yayingizibwa mu kitundu ekya pre-demarcated waggulu suprasternal notch\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 36.5, blood pressure 132/89, pulse of 82, and weight of 104 pounds\"", "lg": "\"OBUBONERO OBUKULU: Ebbugumu 36.5, puleesa 132/89, okukuba kwa 82, n’obuzito bwa pawundi 104\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She had good pedal pulses", "lg": "Yalina ‘pedal pulses’ ennungi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Blood work, looking for other causes of neuropathy and myoclonus, to include CBC, CMP, TSH, LFT, B12, RPR, ESR, Lyme titer, and HbA1c, and ammonia level.,3\"", "lg": "\"Omusaayi gukola, nga gunoonya ebirala ebivaako obulwadde bw’obusimu ne myoclonus, okuli CBC, CMP, TSH, LFT, B12, RPR, ESR, Lyme titer, ne HbA1c, n’omutindo gwa ammonia.,3\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He follows no special diet", "lg": "Tagoberera mmere ya njawulo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The patient was placed at 10 degrees head-up position", "lg": "Omulwadde yateekebwa ku diguli 10 ng’omutwe guyimiridde waggulu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"After gross total removal of this tumor, the irrigation was used to wash the tumor bed and a meticulous hemostasis was then obtained using bipolar cautery\"", "lg": "\"Oluvannyuma lw’okuggyawo ekizimba kino mu bujjuvu, okufukirira kwakozesebwa okunaaba ekitanda ky’ekizimba era oluvannyuma ne bafuna okuziyiza omusaayi mu ngeri ey’obwegendereza nga bakozesa enkola ya bipolar cautery\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "A punctal dilator was used to dilate the puncta followed by a size 00 Bowman probe", "lg": "Ekintu ekigaziya punctal kyakozesebwa okugaziya puncta ne kigobererwa size 00 Bowman probe" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The joint was flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline", "lg": "Ekiwanga kyafuumuulwa n’omunnyo omungi ogutaliimu buwuka" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "A round capsulorrhexis was performed", "lg": "Obulwadde bwa round capsulorrhexis bwakolebwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"After negative aspiration, a mixture of 7 cc preservative free normal saline and 160 mg preservative free Depo-Medrol was injected\"", "lg": "\"Oluvannyuma lw’okufuuwa ekitali kirungi, omutabula gwa 7 cc preservative free normal saline ne 160 mg preservative free Depo-Medrol gwafukibwa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He has not had any fever but the congestion has continued to be very thick and purulent", "lg": "Tabadde na musujja gwonna naye omugotteko gweyongedde okubeera omunene ennyo ate nga gulimu ebikuta" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The tip of the Epimed Tun L catheter was noted to be at L45 level on the left side", "lg": "Ensonga ya Epimed Tun L catheter yategeerekese nti eri ku ddaala lya L45 ku ludda olwa kkono" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Degenerative disk and joint disease at C5-C6.,3\"", "lg": "\"Disiki evunda n’obulwadde bw’ennyondo ku C5-C6.,3\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "His lipid profile showed a slight increase in triglycerides with normal total cholesterol and HDL and an acceptable range of LDL", "lg": "Lipid profile ye yalaga okweyongera okutono mu triglycerides nga normal total cholesterol ne HDL ate nga ne LDL ekkirizibwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Once we had the bony edges explored, we took the performed plate and secured it in a place with titanium plates and screws\"", "lg": "\"Oluvannyuma lw’okunoonyereza ku mbiriizi z’amagumba, twakwata essuuka eyakolebwa ne tuginyweza mu kifo ekirimu ebipande bya titanium ne sikulaapu\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Skin was sharply incised", "lg": "Olususu lwasaliddwako nnyo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"We then made a posterior incision for our portal, 2 cm inferior and 2 cm medial to the posterolateral angle of the acromion\"", "lg": "\"Olwo twakola ekitundu eky’emabega eky’omulyango gwaffe, sentimita 2 wansi ne sentimita 2 wakati ku nkoona y’emabega ey’oludda olwa acromion\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "No carotid bruit", "lg": "Tewali kizimba kya carotid" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "A blue cannula was inserted into the shoulder without difficulty", "lg": "Mu kibegabega baateekebwamu kanyula ya bbululu awatali buzibu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Right hemicolectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 200 cc.,URINE OUTPUT: , 200 cc.,CRYSTALLOIDS GIVEN: , 2700 cc.,INDICATIONS FOR THIS PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 53-year-old African-American female who presented with near obstructing lesion at the hepatic flexure\"", "lg": "\"Right hemicolectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,EBIZIBU: , Tewali.,OKUFIRIRA OMUSAAYI OKUBALIRIRIRA: , Tegutakka wansi wa 200 cc.,OKUVA MU MUSULO: , 200 cc.,CRYSTALLOIDS EZIWADDWA: , 2700 cc.,EBIRAGIRO KU NKOZESA ENO: ,The omulwadde mukyala wa myaka 53 nga Mufirika-Amerika eyayanjula n’ekiwundu kumpi ekiziyiza ku kifo ekifuba ekibumba\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "A marker was placed over the pedicle of L3 and confirmed radiographically", "lg": "Akabonero kaateekebwa ku pedicle ya L3 era ne kakakasibwa mu ngeri ya radiographic" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The locking screws were then applied, also with excellent purchase.,Following a final copious irrigation, there was good hemostasis and no dural leaks\"", "lg": "\"The locking screws were then applied, also with excellent purchase.,Oluvannyuma lw’okufukirira okusembayo okungi, waaliwo okuziyiza omusaayi okulungi era nga tewali kukulukuta kwa dural\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"There was excellent reduction of the tear.,Attention was then turned to the CA ligament\"", "lg": "\"Waaliwo okukendeeza okulungi ennyo okw'amaziga.,Attention was then turned to the CA ligament\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Patellar width was checked with calipers", "lg": "Obugazi bwa Patellar bwakeberebwa ne kalifuuwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"When making dinner, she suddenly dropped and hit the back of her head on refrigerator\"", "lg": "\"Bwe yali akola ekyeggulo, yagwa mangu n’akuba emabega w’omutwe ku firiigi\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The scrotum was normal, and there was no erythema, there was no tenderness\"", "lg": "\"Ensigo yali ya bulijjo, era nga tewali erythema, tewaaliwo bugonvu\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The bronchoscope was subsequently withdrawn and advanced into the right mainstem", "lg": "Oluvannyuma ekyuma ekikebera empewo kyaggyibwayo ne kigenda mu maaso ne kiyingira mu kikolo ekikulu ekya ddyo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"No increased lymphadenopathy in the submandibular nodes and no axillary nodes.,Abdomen: No hepatosplenomegaly.,Respiratory: Clear\"", "lg": "\"Tewali bulwadde bwa lymphadenopathy obweyongedde mu bitundu by’omubiri ebiyitibwa submandibular nodes era tewali axillary nodes.,Olubuto: Tewali hepatosplenomegaly.,Eby’okussa: Clear\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The scope was then pulled out and the patient tolerated the procedure well", "lg": "Oluvannyuma sikopu yaggyibwamu era omulwadde n’agumiikiriza bulungi enkola eno" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "There is no axillary adenopathy", "lg": "Tewali bulwadde bwa axillary adenopathy" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Audible congestion and wheezing is noted", "lg": "Omugotteko oguwulikika n’okuwunya kwetegereza" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"ENDOVASCULAR BRACHYTHERAPY (EBT),The patient is to undergo a course of angioplasty for in-stent restenosis\"", "lg": "\"ENDOVASCULAR BRACHYTHERAPY (EBT),Omulwadde alina okukolebwako kkoosi y’okulongoosa emisuwa okusobola okuddamu okusannyalala mu stent\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Deep tendon reflexes are 2 and symmetric", "lg": "Ebiwujjo by’emisuwa emizito (deep tendon reflexes) biba 2 era nga bikwatagana" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"In addition, he will continue efforts to maintain his weight at current levels or below\"", "lg": "\"Ng’oggyeeko ekyo, agenda kwongera okukola kaweefube w’okukuuma obuzito bwe ku mutindo oguliwo kati oba wansi\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"On exam he had disconjugate gaze, dilated/fixed left pupil, spastic quadriplegia.\"", "lg": "\"Ku kigezo yalina amaaso agatali gamu, dilated/fixed left pupil, spastic quadriplegia.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Neosporin and band-aid were applied over the puncture site", "lg": "Neosporin ne band-aid byasiigibwa ku kifo we baafumita" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Labs and cultures were sent for the usual in addition to some extra tests that had been ordered.,The opening pressure was 292, the closing pressure was 190.\"", "lg": "\"Labs ne cultures zaasindikibwa olwa bulijjo nga kwotadde n'okugezesebwa okumu okw'enjawulo okwali kulagiddwa.,Puleesa y'okuggulawo yali 292, pressure y'okuggalawo yali 190.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He will have a long-term TPN after this acute episode", "lg": "Agenda kuba ne TPN ey’ekiseera ekiwanvu oluvannyuma lw’ekitundu kino eky’amaanyi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Peripheral pulses are good", "lg": "Peripheral pulses nnungi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"I gave him more information again about dialysis education and transplant, and instructed him he needs to go to these classes\"", "lg": "\"Naddamu okumuwa ebisingawo ku kusomesa ku kulongoosa omusaayi n’okumusimbuliza, era ne mmulagira nti yeetaaga okugenda mu bibiina bino\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I told her that this was probably continue to improve as months went by and I gave her a refill of her Percocet for the continued occasional pain", "lg": "Namugamba nti kino osanga kyali kigenda mu maaso n’okutereera ng’emyezi gigenda giyitawo era ne mmuwa okuddamu okujjuza eddagala lye erya Percocet olw’obulumi obwali bugenda mu maaso oluusi n’oluusi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Tongue protrudes in midline", "lg": "Olulimi lufulumye mu layini eya wakati" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Hydrochlorothiazide.,14\"", "lg": "\"Eddagala lya Hydrochlorothiazide.,14\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The patient is still able to pass urine without difficulty", "lg": "Omulwadde akyasobola okuyisa omusulo nga tafunye buzibu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The facial vein was divided between clamps and tied with 2-0 silk", "lg": "Omusuwa gwa ffeesi gwagabanyizibwamu wakati wa clamps ne gusibibwa ne silk 2-0" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\" Amputation distal phalanx and partial proximal phalanx, right hallux. Osteomyelitis, right hallux.\"", "lg": "\"Distal metaphyseal osteotomy ne bunionectomy nga banyweza sikulaapu munda, ekigere ekya ddyo. Ddamu okuteeka osteotomy n’okunyweza sikulaapu munda okutereeza angulation deformity ya proximal phalanx, ekigere ekya ddyo.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"A retrograde cardioplegia cannula was placed with a pursestring of 4-0 Prolene into the coronary sinus, and secured to a Rumel tourniquet\"", "lg": "\"Ekyuma ekiyitibwa retrograde cardioplegia cannula kyateekebwa nga kiriko pursestring ya 4-0 Prolene mu coronary sinus, ne kinywezebwa ku Rumel tourniquet\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Specifics of workup, need for followup, and similar discussed\"", "lg": "\"Ebikwata ku workup, obwetaavu bw’okugoberera, n’ebirala ebifaananako bwe bityo byogerwako\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Her weight has not changed in the past year.,MEDICATIONS: , Naprosyn, which she takes up to six a day.,ALLERGIES:, Sulfa.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She does not smoke or drink\"", "lg": "\"Obuzito bwe tebukyuse mu mwaka oguwedde.,EDDAGALA: , Naprosyn, gy’amira okutuuka ku mukaaga olunaku.,ALLERGIES:, Sulfa.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Tanywa ssigala wadde okunywa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Restraining, a lap belt was then placed around the patient's abdomen while laying on the table\"", "lg": "\"Nga baziyiza, oluvannyuma omusipi ogw’omu kifuba gwateekebwa okwetooloola olubuto lw’omulwadde ng’agalamidde ku mmeeza\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The capsular periostem was reflected off of the base of the proximal phalanx", "lg": "Ekitundu ky’omubiri ekiyitibwa capsular periostem kyali kyeyolekera okuva ku musingi gw’ekitundu ky’omubiri ekiyitibwa proximal phalanx" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "A subcarinal lymph node is enlarged also", "lg": "Ekitundu ekiyitibwa subcarinal lymph node nakyo kigaziwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"He denied intravenous drug use or unprotected sexual exposures.,FAMILY HISTORY:, There was a history of coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus in the family.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VITAL SIGNS - Temp 98.6掳 F, Respirations 16/minute Lying down - Blood pressure 109/70, pulse 70/minute Sitting - Blood pressure 78/65, pulse 79/minute Standing - Blood pressure 83/70, pulse 95/minute GENERAL: well developed, well nourished, no acute distress HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic\"", "lg": "\"Yeegaanyi okukozesa ebiragalalagala mu misuwa oba okwegatta awatali bukuumi.,EBYAFAAYO BY'amaka:, Waaliwo ebyafaayo by'obulwadde bw'emisuwa n'obulwadde bwa sukaali mu maka.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VITAL SIGNS - Temp 98.6掳 F, Respirations 16/minute Lying down - Puleesa 109/70, okukuba 70/eddakiika Okutuula - Puleesa 78/65, okukuba 79/eddakiika Okuyimirira - Puleesa 83/70, okukuba 95/eddakiika Okutwalira awamu: ekula bulungi, eriisa bulungi, tewali buzibu bwa maanyi HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "These symptoms are not triggered by exertion", "lg": "Obubonero buno tebuva ku kufuba" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"A surgical biopsy was recommended and she was scheduled electively.,PROCEDURE:, After proper informed consent was obtained, she was placed in the operative suite\"", "lg": "\"A surgical biopsy was recommended era she was scheduled electively.,ENKOZESA:, Oluvannyuma lw'okufuna okukkiriza okutuufu okutegeezeddwa, yateekebwa mu operative suite\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Lumbar discogram L3-4.,3\"", "lg": "\"Ekifaananyi ky’omugongo L3-4.,3\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "They were not elicited in BLE", "lg": "Teba elicited mu BLE" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The right upper second molar is capped", "lg": "Amawanga ag’okubiri aga waggulu aga ddyo galiko enkofiira" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"RIGHT LOWER EXTREMITY:, The arterial system was visualized showing triphasic waveform from the common femoral to popliteal and biphasic waveform at the posterior tibial artery with ankle brachial index of 0/8.,LEFT LOWER EXTREMITY:, The arterial system was visualized with triphasic waveform from the common femoral to the popliteal artery, with biphasic waveform at the posterior tibial artery\"", "lg": "\"RIGHT LOWER EXTREMITY:, Enkola y’emisuwa yalabibwa nga eraga amayengo aga triphasic okuva ku common femoral okutuuka ku popliteal ne biphasic waveform ku posterior tibial artery nga ankle brachial index ya 0/8.,LEFT LOWER EXTREMITY:, Enkola y’emisuwa yalabibwa n’amayengo aga triphasic okuva ku musuwa ogw’omu kifuba ogwa bulijjo okutuuka ku musuwa gwa popliteal, nga waliwo amayengo aga biphasic ku musuwa gw’omugongo ogw’emabega\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She occasionally has a drink every few weeks", "lg": "Oluusi n’oluusi anywa ekyokunywa buli luvannyuma lwa wiiki ntono" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "His EEGs have shown a pattern consistent with benign rolandic epilepsy (central temporal sharp waves both of the right and left hemisphere)", "lg": "EEGs ze ziraga enkola ekwatagana n’obulwadde bwa rolandic epilepsy obutali bwa bulabe (central temporal sharp waves both of the right and left hemisphere) ." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\",LUNGS: Clear\"", "lg": "\",AMAWUMU: Kitangaavu\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Laparotomy pads placed in the posterior cul-de-sac to remove any blood or clots", "lg": "Paadi za laparotomy eziteekebwa mu kkubo ery’emabega okuggyawo omusaayi gwonna oba ebizimba" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "RR: 26", "lg": "RR: 26. Omuwandiisi w’ebitabo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "pylori antigen", "lg": "pylori antigen (ekirungo ekiziyiza obuwuka obuleeta obulwadde)." } }