Text2Text Generation
stringlengths 4
| command
stringlengths 1
Create a new volume group called vg1 using the `/dev/sda1` device | /dev/sda1 |
Create a new volume group called vg1 using multiple devices | vgcreate {{vg1}} {{/dev/sda1}} {{/dev/sdb1}} {{/dev/sdc1}} |
Disable the screensaver | xset s off |
Disable the bell sound | xset b off |
Set the screensaver to start after 60 minutes of inactivity | xset s 3600 3600 |
Disable DPMS (Energy Star) features | xset -dpms |
Enable DPMS (Energy Star) features | xset +dpms |
Display attributes of a process | chrt --pid {{PID}} |
Display attributes of all threads of a process | chrt --all-tasks --pid {{PID}} |
Display the min/max priority values that can be used with `chrt` | chrt |
Set the scheduling policy for a process | chrt --pid {{PID}} --{{deadline|idle|batch|rr|fifo|other}} |
Update symlinks and rebuild the cache (usually run when a new library is installed) | sudo ldconfig |
Update the symlinks for a given directory | sudo ldconfig -n {{path/to/directory}} |
Print the libraries in the cache and check whether a given library is present | ldconfig -p | grep {{library_name}} |
Create a daily planner with specified language, lettercase (uppercase or lowercase) and year | yplan {{language}} {{lettercase}} {{year}} > {{path/to/file.tex}} |
View documentation for the original command | tldr qm disk move |
Display a simple message | whiptail --title "{{title}}" --msgbox "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}} |
Display a boolean choice, returning the result through the exit code | whiptail --title "{{title}}" --yesno "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}} |
Customise the text on the yes/no buttons | whiptail --title "{{title}}" --yes-button "{{text}}" --no-button "{{text}}" --yesno "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}} |
Display a text input box | {{result_variable_name}}="$(whiptail --title "{{title}}" --inputbox "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}} {{default_text}} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)" |
Display a password input box | {{result_variable_name}}="$(whiptail --title "{{title}}" --passwordbox "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)" |
Display a multiple-choice menu | {{result_variable_name}}=$(whiptail --title "{{title}}" --menu "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}} {{menu_display_height}} "{{value_1}}" "{{display_text_1}}" "{{value_n}}" "{{display_text_n}}" ..... 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) |
Monitor everything on localhost | tshark |
Only capture packets matching a specific capture filter | tshark -f '{{udp port 53}}' |
Only show packets matching a specific output filter | tshark -Y '{{http.request.method == "GET"}}' |
Decode a TCP port using a specific protocol (e.g. HTTP) | tshark -d tcp.port=={{8888}},{{http}} |
Specify the format of captured output | tshark -T {{json|text|ps|…}} |
Select specific fields to output | tshark -T {{fields|ek|json|pdml}} -e {{http.request.method}} -e {{ip.src}} |
Write captured packet to a file | tshark -w {{path/to/file}} |
Analyze packets from a file | tshark -r {{path/to/file.pcap}} |
Display a list of missing language packages based on installed software and enabled locales | check-language-support |
List packages for a specific locale | check-language-support --language {{en}} |
Display installed packages as well as missing ones | check-language-support --show-installed |
Add a `.gz` extension to the supplied Gzip files (Note: other files are ignored) | .gz |
Start i7z (needs to be run in superuser mode) | sudo i7z |
Return the current VMware software version (exit status determines whether the system is a VM or not) | vmware-checkvm |
Return the VMware hardware version | vmware-checkvm -h |
Create a block device | sudo mknod {{path/to/device_file}} b {{major_device_number}} {{minor_device_number}} |
Create a character device | sudo mknod {{path/to/device_file}} c {{major_device_number}} {{minor_device_number}} |
Create a FIFO (queue) device | sudo mknod {{path/to/device_file}} p |
Create a device file with default SELinux security context | sudo mknod -Z {{path/to/device_file}} {{type}} {{major_device_number}} {{minor_device_number}} |
Display a list of known paths and their current values | systemd-path |
Query the specified path and display its value | systemd-path "{{path_name}}" |
Suffix printed paths with `suffix_string` | suffix_string |
Print a short version string and then exit | systemd-path --version |
List all partitions | sudo blkid |
List all partitions in a table, including current mountpoints | sudo blkid -o list |
Continuously read barcodes and print them to `stdout` | stdout |
Disable output video window while scanning | zbarcam --nodisplay |
Print barcodes without type information | zbarcam --raw |
Define capture device | zbarcam /dev/{{video_device}} |
Write a specific key value | dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "{{value}}" |
Write a specific string key value | dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "'{{string}}'" |
Write a specific integer key value | dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "{{5}}" |
Write a specific boolean key value | dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "{{true|false}}" |
Write a specific array key value | dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "[{{'first', 'second', ...}}]" |
Write a specific empty array key value | dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "@as []" |
Synchronize the Portage tree | ego sync |
Update the bootloader configuration | ego boot update |
Read a Funtoo wiki page by name | ego doc {{wiki_page}} |
Print current profile | ego profile show |
Enable/Disable mix-ins | ego profile mix-in +{{gnome}} -{{kde-plasma-5}} |
Query Funtoo bugs, related to a specified package | ego query bug {{package}} |
View documentation for the original command | tldr update-alternatives |
Start a specific virtual machine | qm start {{100}} |
Specify the QEMU machine type (i.e. the CPU to emulate) | qm start {{100}} --machine {{q35}} |
Start a specific virtual machine with a timeout in 60 seconds | qm start {{100}} --timeout {{60}} |
Execute command with specified argument(s) and save its output to log file | logsave {{path/to/logfile}} {{command}} |
Take input from `stdin` and save it in a log file | stdin |
Append the output to a log file, instead of replacing its current contents | logsave -a {{logfile}} {{command}} |
Show verbose output | logsave -v {{logfile}} {{command}} |
Start a scrub | sudo btrfs scrub start {{path/to/btrfs_mount}} |
Show the status of an ongoing or last completed scrub | sudo btrfs scrub status {{path/to/btrfs_mount}} |
Cancel an ongoing scrub | sudo btrfs scrub cancel {{path/to/btrfs_mount}} |
Resume a previously cancelled scrub | sudo btrfs scrub resume {{path/to/btrfs_mount}} |
Start a scrub, but wait until the scrub finishes before exiting | sudo btrfs scrub start -B {{path/to/btrfs_mount}} |
Start a scrub in quiet mode (does not print errors or statistics) | sudo btrfs scrub start -q {{path/to/btrfs_mount}} |
Show the battery icon in the system tray | cbatticon |
Show the battery icon and set the update interval to 20 seconds | cbatticon --update-interval {{20}} |
List available icon types | cbatticon --list-icon-types |
Show the battery icon with a specific icon type | cbatticon --icon-type {{standard|notification|symbolic}} |
List available power supplies | cbatticon --list-power-supplies |
Show the battery icon for a specific battery | cbatticon {{BAT0}} |
Show the battery icon and which command to execute when the battery level reaches the set critical level | cbatticon --critical-level {{5}} --command-critical-level {{poweroff}} |
Launch `virt-viewer` with a prompt to select running virtual machines | virt-viewer |
Launch `virt-viewer` for a specific virtual machine by ID, UUID or name | virt-viewer |
Wait for a virtual machine to start and automatically reconnect if it shutdown and restarts | virt-viewer --reconnect --wait "{{domain}}" |
Connect to a specific remote virtual machine over TLS | virt-viewer --connect "xen//{{url}}" "{{domain}}" |
Connect to a specific remote virtual machine over SSH | virt-viewer --connect "qemu+ssh//{{username}}@{{url}}/system" "{{domain}}" |
Allow `goobook` to access Google contacts using OAuth2 | goobook |
Dump all contacts to XML (`stdout`) | stdout |
Load a new kernel | kexec -l {{path/to/kernel}} --initrd={{path/to/initrd}} --command-line={{arguments}} |
Load a new kernel with current boot parameters | kexec -l {{path/to/kernel}} --initrd={{path/to/initrd}} --reuse-cmdline |
Execute a currently loaded kernel | kexec -e |
Unload current kexec target kernel | kexec -u |
Merge HDF5 files produced on each allocated node for the specified job or step | sh5util --jobs={{job_id|job_id.step_id}} |
Extract one or more data series from a merged job file | sh5util --jobs={{job_id|job_id.step_id}} --extract -i {{path/to/file.h5}} --series={{Energy|Filesystem|Network|Task}} |
Extract one data item from all nodes in a merged job file | sh5util --jobs={{job_id|job_id.step_id}} --item-extract --series={{Energy|Filesystem|Network|Task}} --data={{data_item}} |
List login failures of all users | sudo faillock |
List login failures of the specified user | sudo faillock --user {{user}} |
The tldr pages are a community effort to simplify the beloved man pages with practical examples. tldr.sh
This dataset contain parsed data from the tldr/pages repository in the English/Linux section.
It provides Bash commands associated to their description.