Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
stars: 25 new-stars: 5 name: RisingStack/support description: Your Node.js questions answered
{ "published": "2015/01/02", "stars": "25", "newStars": "5", "name": "RisingStack/support", "description": "Your Node.js questions answered" }
stars: 44 new-stars: 12 name: hayeah/30-days-of-design description: 2015 年设计长征
{ "published": "2015/01/03", "stars": "44", "newStars": "12", "name": "hayeah/30-days-of-design", "description": "2015 年设计长征" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 5 name: TheBerkin/Diffmark description: A simple language for string transformation
{ "published": "2015/01/03", "stars": "9", "newStars": "5", "name": "TheBerkin/Diffmark", "description": "A simple language for string transformation" }
stars: 50 new-stars: 5 name: pingguo-zangqilong/ZQLRotateMenu description:
{ "published": "2015/01/04", "stars": "50", "newStars": "5", "name": "pingguo-zangqilong/ZQLRotateMenu", "description": "" }
stars: 614 new-stars: 270 name: tejasmanohar/npm-algos description: Curated List of Node.js Modules Implementing Computer Science Concepts
{ "published": "2015/01/05", "stars": "614", "newStars": "270", "name": "tejasmanohar/npm-algos", "description": "Curated List of Node.js Modules Implementing Computer Science Concepts" }
stars: 2362 new-stars: 419 name: Russell91/pythonpy description: command line kung fu with python
{ "published": "2015/01/07", "stars": "2362", "newStars": "419", "name": "Russell91/pythonpy", "description": "command line kung fu with python" }
stars: 19 new-stars: 7 name: zackshapiro/swift-cheat-sheet description: These are things I look up frequently or spent some time figuring out. I hope they help you too
{ "published": "2015/01/07", "stars": "19", "newStars": "7", "name": "zackshapiro/swift-cheat-sheet", "description": "These are things I look up frequently or spent some time figuring out. I hope they help you too" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 6 name: QSCTech/sensen-good-good-study description: 森森快学习。森森再不学习就要报警了。
{ "published": "2015/01/07", "stars": "9", "newStars": "6", "name": "QSCTech/sensen-good-good-study", "description": "森森快学习。森森再不学习就要报警了。" }
stars: 43 new-stars: 30 name: a11y/awesome-archive description: A curated list of awesome archive
{ "published": "2015/01/08", "stars": "43", "newStars": "30", "name": "a11y/awesome-archive", "description": "A curated list of awesome archive" }
stars: 2363 new-stars: 107 name: Russell91/pythonpy description: command line kung fu with python
{ "published": "2015/01/08", "stars": "2363", "newStars": "107", "name": "Russell91/pythonpy", "description": "command line kung fu with python" }
stars: 361 new-stars: 129 name: aosp-exchange-group/share description: Android 开源交流 QQ 群分享汇总
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "361", "newStars": "129", "name": "aosp-exchange-group/share", "description": "Android 开源交流 QQ 群分享汇总" }
stars: 26 new-stars: 19 name: substack/whereami description: keep track of your roaming headless linux devices in the wild
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "26", "newStars": "19", "name": "substack/whereami", "description": "keep track of your roaming headless linux devices in the wild" }
stars: 48 new-stars: 13 name: lexrus/do-ikev1 description: 你再也不用担心你的女朋友不会自己在 DigitalOcean 上安装 Cisco IPSec 的微屁恩了。
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "48", "newStars": "13", "name": "lexrus/do-ikev1", "description": "你再也不用担心你的女朋友不会自己在 DigitalOcean 上安装 Cisco IPSec 的微屁恩了。" }
stars: 309 new-stars: 20 name: mmackh/IPDFCameraViewController description: UIView subclass with camera preview, live border detection, perspective correction and an easy to use API
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "309", "newStars": "20", "name": "mmackh/IPDFCameraViewController", "description": "UIView subclass with camera preview, live border detection, perspective correction and an easy to use API" }
stars: 61 new-stars: 18 name: pop-pop-ret/lizkebab description: Lizard Squad rekt
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "61", "newStars": "18", "name": "pop-pop-ret/lizkebab", "description": "Lizard Squad rekt" }
stars: 40 new-stars: 11 name: nickgartmann/ashes description: A code generation tool for the Phoenix web framework
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "40", "newStars": "11", "name": "nickgartmann/ashes", "description": "A code generation tool for the Phoenix web framework" }
stars: 121 new-stars: 27 name: substack/substack-flavored-webapp description: Here are some tiny backend node modules I like to glue together to build webapps.
{ "published": "2015/01/13", "stars": "121", "newStars": "27", "name": "substack/substack-flavored-webapp", "description": "Here are some tiny backend node modules I like to glue together to build webapps." }
stars: 223 new-stars: 52 name: PeerioTechnologies/peerio-client description: Messages and files, simple and secure.
{ "published": "2015/01/14", "stars": "223", "newStars": "52", "name": "PeerioTechnologies/peerio-client", "description": "Messages and files, simple and secure." }
stars: 33 new-stars: 12 name: dsh0416/KanColleJ description:
{ "published": "2015/01/14", "stars": "33", "newStars": "12", "name": "dsh0416/KanColleJ", "description": "" }
stars: 3 new-stars: 7 name: Upthechallenge/Freelance description: Great project
{ "published": "2015/01/15", "stars": "3", "newStars": "7", "name": "Upthechallenge/Freelance", "description": "Great project" }
stars: 17 new-stars: 9 name: substack/example-user-website description: an example website with user accounts and posts
{ "published": "2015/01/16", "stars": "17", "newStars": "9", "name": "substack/example-user-website", "description": "an example website with user accounts and posts" }
stars: 2 new-stars: 8 name: Fukoma/Deal-Of-Life description: Jeu
{ "published": "2015/01/16", "stars": "2", "newStars": "8", "name": "Fukoma/Deal-Of-Life", "description": "Jeu" }
stars: 76 new-stars: 48 name: substack/html-template description: build templates with ordinary html for node and browsers
{ "published": "2015/01/17", "stars": "76", "newStars": "48", "name": "substack/html-template", "description": "build templates with ordinary html for node and browsers" }
stars: 71 new-stars: 41 name: substack/autocomplete-element description: autocomplete for an `<input type="text">` element
{ "published": "2015/01/18", "stars": "71", "newStars": "41", "name": "substack/autocomplete-element", "description": "autocomplete for an `<input type=\"text\">` element" }
stars: 21 new-stars: 16 name: substack/songs description: baudio tunes
{ "published": "2015/01/18", "stars": "21", "newStars": "16", "name": "substack/songs", "description": "baudio tunes" }
stars: 40 new-stars: 32 name: substack/norcal description: a web-based calendar that you can sync, link, embed, and edit offline
{ "published": "2015/01/19", "stars": "40", "newStars": "32", "name": "substack/norcal", "description": "a web-based calendar that you can sync, link, embed, and edit offline" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 6 name: phranck/CCNLaunchAtLoginItem description: An Objective-C class that encapsulates the functionality for launching a Mac application automatic on login, presented in a very simple interface.
{ "published": "2015/01/19", "stars": "11", "newStars": "6", "name": "phranck/CCNLaunchAtLoginItem", "description": "An Objective-C class that encapsulates the functionality for launching a Mac application automatic on login, presented in a very simple interface." }
stars: 12 new-stars: 7 name: jesusgollonet/tumblr-backbone description: Using tumblr as the backend of a backbone.js single page app
{ "published": "2015/01/20", "stars": "12", "newStars": "7", "name": "jesusgollonet/tumblr-backbone", "description": "Using tumblr as the backend of a backbone.js single page app" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 6 name: agelber/whatsapp-chrome-app description: WhatsApp web client packaged in a chrome app
{ "published": "2015/01/22", "stars": "12", "newStars": "6", "name": "agelber/whatsapp-chrome-app", "description": "WhatsApp web client packaged in a chrome app" }
stars: 23 new-stars: 8 name: dalequi/meteor-meteoric-boilerplate description: A Boilerplate for Meteor using Meteor Ionic as base
{ "published": "2015/01/23", "stars": "23", "newStars": "8", "name": "dalequi/meteor-meteoric-boilerplate", "description": "A Boilerplate for Meteor using Meteor Ionic as base" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 7 name: substack/block-stream2 description: transform input into equally-sized chunks as output
{ "published": "2015/01/24", "stars": "10", "newStars": "7", "name": "substack/block-stream2", "description": "transform input into equally-sized chunks as output" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 7 name: substack/idb-blob-store description: abstract-blob-store compatible IndexedDB wrapper
{ "published": "2015/01/24", "stars": "9", "newStars": "7", "name": "substack/idb-blob-store", "description": "abstract-blob-store compatible IndexedDB wrapper" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 6 name: yamadehu9/letbeauty description: letbeauty
{ "published": "2015/01/24", "stars": "10", "newStars": "6", "name": "yamadehu9/letbeauty", "description": "letbeauty" }
stars: 25 new-stars: 15 name: tedsta/getting-started-with-piston description: A tutorial to help you get started developing kick-ass games using Rust and Piston
{ "published": "2015/01/25", "stars": "25", "newStars": "15", "name": "tedsta/getting-started-with-piston", "description": "A tutorial to help you get started developing kick-ass games using Rust and Piston" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 7 name: substack/idb-content-addressable-blob-store description: content-addressable IndexedDB blob store
{ "published": "2015/01/25", "stars": "12", "newStars": "7", "name": "substack/idb-content-addressable-blob-store", "description": "content-addressable IndexedDB blob store" }
stars: 21 new-stars: 7 name: dan/topicbot description: A topic suggestion app in Rails, for podcasters.
{ "published": "2015/01/25", "stars": "21", "newStars": "7", "name": "dan/topicbot", "description": "A topic suggestion app in Rails, for podcasters." }
stars: 13 new-stars: 6 name: Malwine/juniors-in-berlin description: List of companies in Berlin supporting junior developers. Guidelines for teaching.
{ "published": "2015/01/25", "stars": "13", "newStars": "6", "name": "Malwine/juniors-in-berlin", "description": "List of companies in Berlin supporting junior developers. Guidelines for teaching." }
stars: 28 new-stars: 6 name: uxyheaven/UXYInjectio description: UXYInjectio can use Protocol to share data that data has been autosaved.
{ "published": "2015/01/25", "stars": "28", "newStars": "6", "name": "uxyheaven/UXYInjectio", "description": "UXYInjectio can use Protocol to share data that data has been autosaved." }
stars: 6 new-stars: 5 name: iz4blue/study_jQuery_HeadFirst description: Head First jQuery 책을 공부하면서 생기는 여러 내용을 나눕니다.
{ "published": "2015/01/25", "stars": "6", "newStars": "5", "name": "iz4blue/study_jQuery_HeadFirst", "description": "Head First jQuery 책을 공부하면서 생기는 여러 내용을 나눕니다." }
stars: 10 new-stars: 7 name: jonathanong/ideal-database-client description: The Ideal Database Client (for JavaScript)
{ "published": "2015/01/28", "stars": "10", "newStars": "7", "name": "jonathanong/ideal-database-client", "description": "The Ideal Database Client (for JavaScript)" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 5 name: epistemex/transformation-matrix-js description: 2D transformation matrix implementation for JavaScript
{ "published": "2015/01/28", "stars": "8", "newStars": "5", "name": "epistemex/transformation-matrix-js", "description": "2D transformation matrix implementation for JavaScript" }
stars: 2 new-stars: 5 name: hope331/Symfony description: web
{ "published": "2015/01/28", "stars": "2", "newStars": "5", "name": "hope331/Symfony", "description": "web" }
stars: 504 new-stars: 130 name: chenupt/DragTopLayout description: Drag down to show a view on the top.
{ "published": "2015/01/29", "stars": "504", "newStars": "130", "name": "chenupt/DragTopLayout", "description": "Drag down to show a view on the top." }
stars: 36 new-stars: 8 name: gaearon/flux-hot-loader description: Like React Hot Loader, but for Flux stores. Work in progress
{ "published": "2015/01/29", "stars": "36", "newStars": "8", "name": "gaearon/flux-hot-loader", "description": "Like React Hot Loader, but for Flux stores. Work in progress" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 7 name: connor/Oyster-Chrome-Extension description: A Chrome Extension that tells you if the book you have open on is available on Oyster.
{ "published": "2015/01/29", "stars": "10", "newStars": "7", "name": "connor/Oyster-Chrome-Extension", "description": "A Chrome Extension that tells you if the book you have open on is available on Oyster." }
stars: 1 new-stars: 10 name: jp91/myNigga description:
{ "published": "2015/01/30", "stars": "1", "newStars": "10", "name": "jp91/myNigga", "description": "" }
stars: 66 new-stars: 48 name: rmitton/incbin description: Tiny cross-platform utility for including binaries into C source.
{ "published": "2015/01/31", "stars": "66", "newStars": "48", "name": "rmitton/incbin", "description": "Tiny cross-platform utility for including binaries into C source." }
stars: 23 new-stars: 7 name: HallofFamer/PHP-Collections-Framework description: PHP Collections Framework, manipulate collections of objects like C++, Java and C#
{ "published": "2015/02/01", "stars": "23", "newStars": "7", "name": "HallofFamer/PHP-Collections-Framework", "description": "PHP Collections Framework, manipulate collections of objects like C++, Java and C#" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 7 name: substack/index-feed description: setup a changes feed and indexer for leveldb
{ "published": "2015/02/01", "stars": "12", "newStars": "7", "name": "substack/index-feed", "description": "setup a changes feed and indexer for leveldb" }
stars: 2 new-stars: 14 name: temelbilisim/html-starter description: HTML Starter Structure
{ "published": "2015/02/04", "stars": "2", "newStars": "14", "name": "temelbilisim/html-starter", "description": "HTML Starter Structure" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 10 name: JWo1F/YGrabber description:
{ "published": "2015/02/04", "stars": "12", "newStars": "10", "name": "JWo1F/YGrabber", "description": "" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 10 name: ameliagreenhall/feminist-slack-icons description: Feminist Slack Custom Emoji
{ "published": "2015/02/04", "stars": "12", "newStars": "10", "name": "ameliagreenhall/feminist-slack-icons", "description": "Feminist Slack Custom Emoji" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 5 name: ethereum/vapor description: An app for humans to interact with dapps. Built with the browser-stack. Builds to webapp or nw.js app.
{ "published": "2015/02/05", "stars": "7", "newStars": "5", "name": "ethereum/vapor", "description": "An app for humans to interact with dapps. Built with the browser-stack. Builds to webapp or nw.js app." }
stars: 20 new-stars: 5 name: ericelliott/essential-javascript-links description: Essential JavaScript website.
{ "published": "2015/02/05", "stars": "20", "newStars": "5", "name": "ericelliott/essential-javascript-links", "description": "Essential JavaScript website." }
stars: 812 new-stars: 494 name: ryanss/vim-hackernews description: Browse Hacker News inside Vim
{ "published": "2015/02/08", "stars": "812", "newStars": "494", "name": "ryanss/vim-hackernews", "description": "Browse Hacker News inside Vim" }
stars: 14 new-stars: 12 name: HIT-BlueLine/freeregex description:
{ "published": "2015/02/08", "stars": "14", "newStars": "12", "name": "HIT-BlueLine/freeregex", "description": "" }
stars: 15 new-stars: 6 name: luisrudge/generator-simple-react-browserify description: Simple React + Browserify app generator for yeoman
{ "published": "2015/02/09", "stars": "15", "newStars": "6", "name": "luisrudge/generator-simple-react-browserify", "description": "Simple React + Browserify app generator for yeoman" }
stars: 812 new-stars: 135 name: ryanss/vim-hackernews description: Browse Hacker News inside Vim
{ "published": "2015/02/09", "stars": "812", "newStars": "135", "name": "ryanss/vim-hackernews", "description": "Browse Hacker News inside Vim" }
stars: 1370 new-stars: 191 name: grayghostvisuals/transformicons description: Transformicons: Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS. Inspired by the article from Sara Soueidan and the work of Bennett Feely.
{ "published": "2015/02/10", "stars": "1370", "newStars": "191", "name": "grayghostvisuals/transformicons", "description": "Transformicons: Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS. Inspired by the article from Sara Soueidan and the work of Bennett Feely." }
stars: 18 new-stars: 12 name: substack/ray-triangle-intersection description: intersect a ray and triangle in 3 dimensions
{ "published": "2015/02/10", "stars": "18", "newStars": "12", "name": "substack/ray-triangle-intersection", "description": "intersect a ray and triangle in 3 dimensions" }
stars: 990 new-stars: 323 name: thebinarysearchtree/regexpbuilderjs description: Create regular expressions using chained methods.
{ "published": "2015/02/11", "stars": "990", "newStars": "323", "name": "thebinarysearchtree/regexpbuilderjs", "description": "Create regular expressions using chained methods." }
stars: 1370 new-stars: 173 name: grayghostvisuals/transformicons description: Transformicons: Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS. Inspired by the article from Sara Soueidan and the work of Bennett Feely.
{ "published": "2015/02/11", "stars": "1370", "newStars": "173", "name": "grayghostvisuals/transformicons", "description": "Transformicons: Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS. Inspired by the article from Sara Soueidan and the work of Bennett Feely." }
stars: 64 new-stars: 45 name: substack/live-patch description: patch the source code of a running program
{ "published": "2015/02/12", "stars": "64", "newStars": "45", "name": "substack/live-patch", "description": "patch the source code of a running program" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 8 name: fatsoon/ChuoHongBaoHelper description: 支付宝戳红包助手
{ "published": "2015/02/12", "stars": "9", "newStars": "8", "name": "fatsoon/ChuoHongBaoHelper", "description": "支付宝戳红包助手" }
stars: 990 new-stars: 186 name: thebinarysearchtree/regexpbuilderjs description: Create regular expressions using chained methods.
{ "published": "2015/02/12", "stars": "990", "newStars": "186", "name": "thebinarysearchtree/regexpbuilderjs", "description": "Create regular expressions using chained methods." }
stars: 1370 new-stars: 181 name: grayghostvisuals/transformicons description: Transformicons: Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS. Inspired by the article from Sara Soueidan and the work of Bennett Feely.
{ "published": "2015/02/12", "stars": "1370", "newStars": "181", "name": "grayghostvisuals/transformicons", "description": "Transformicons: Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS. Inspired by the article from Sara Soueidan and the work of Bennett Feely." }
stars: 100 new-stars: 17 name: pressware/mayer description: For the writer, established blogger, and inspired author.
{ "published": "2015/02/13", "stars": "100", "newStars": "17", "name": "pressware/mayer", "description": "For the writer, established blogger, and inspired author." }
stars: 17 new-stars: 10 name: substack/virtual-hyperscript-svg description: create virtual-dom nodes for svg using hyperscript syntax
{ "published": "2015/02/13", "stars": "17", "newStars": "10", "name": "substack/virtual-hyperscript-svg", "description": "create virtual-dom nodes for svg using hyperscript syntax" }
stars: 19 new-stars: 5 name: somos/framework description: A new PHP Framework whose goal it is to be as invisible to your application as it can be! Mailinglist at:!forum/somos-framework
{ "published": "2015/02/13", "stars": "19", "newStars": "5", "name": "somos/framework", "description": "A new PHP Framework whose goal it is to be as invisible to your application as it can be! Mailinglist at:!forum/somos-framework" }
stars: 1370 new-stars: 201 name: grayghostvisuals/transformicons description: Transformicons: Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS. Inspired by the article from Sara Soueidan and the work of Bennett Feely.
{ "published": "2015/02/13", "stars": "1370", "newStars": "201", "name": "grayghostvisuals/transformicons", "description": "Transformicons: Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS. Inspired by the article from Sara Soueidan and the work of Bennett Feely." }
stars: 990 new-stars: 121 name: thebinarysearchtree/regexpbuilderjs description: Create regular expressions using chained methods.
{ "published": "2015/02/13", "stars": "990", "newStars": "121", "name": "thebinarysearchtree/regexpbuilderjs", "description": "Create regular expressions using chained methods." }
stars: 63 new-stars: 40 name: substack/gantt-chart description: generate an svg gantt chart in node and the browser
{ "published": "2015/02/14", "stars": "63", "newStars": "40", "name": "substack/gantt-chart", "description": "generate an svg gantt chart in node and the browser" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 7 name: frknbasaran/whatsapp-web-smiley-support description: smiley shortcuts support for whatsapp web client on chrome
{ "published": "2015/02/14", "stars": "6", "newStars": "7", "name": "frknbasaran/whatsapp-web-smiley-support", "description": "smiley shortcuts support for whatsapp web client on chrome" }
stars: 20 new-stars: 7 name: sammccord/flux-starter description:
{ "published": "2015/02/14", "stars": "20", "newStars": "7", "name": "sammccord/flux-starter", "description": "" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: FanaticalFighter/KSP-OSSP description: A repo for all the code, plans, and craft files for the Open Source Space Program.
{ "published": "2015/02/14", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "FanaticalFighter/KSP-OSSP", "description": "A repo for all the code, plans, and craft files for the Open Source Space Program." }
stars: 6 new-stars: 5 name: paf31/psc-pages description: A HTML documentation generator for PureScript sources
{ "published": "2015/02/14", "stars": "6", "newStars": "5", "name": "paf31/psc-pages", "description": "A HTML documentation generator for PureScript sources" }
stars: 1370 new-stars: 77 name: grayghostvisuals/transformicons description: Transformicons: Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS. Inspired by the article from Sara Soueidan and the work of Bennett Feely.
{ "published": "2015/02/14", "stars": "1370", "newStars": "77", "name": "grayghostvisuals/transformicons", "description": "Transformicons: Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS. Inspired by the article from Sara Soueidan and the work of Bennett Feely." }
stars: 92 new-stars: 39 name: jeorgun/Vivaldi description: Interpreted language inspired by Python, Ruby, Lisp, and so forth
{ "published": "2015/02/15", "stars": "92", "newStars": "39", "name": "jeorgun/Vivaldi", "description": "Interpreted language inspired by Python, Ruby, Lisp, and so forth" }
stars: 18 new-stars: 12 name: substack/mesh-collision description: return the contact set between two 3d meshes in motion
{ "published": "2015/02/16", "stars": "18", "newStars": "12", "name": "substack/mesh-collision", "description": "return the contact set between two 3d meshes in motion" }
stars: 635 new-stars: 44 name: felicegattuso/datedropper description: datedropper is a jQuery plugin that provides a quick and easy way to manage dates for input fields.
{ "published": "2015/02/16", "stars": "635", "newStars": "44", "name": "felicegattuso/datedropper", "description": "datedropper is a jQuery plugin that provides a quick and easy way to manage dates for input fields." }
stars: 27 new-stars: 7 name: arcticsn0w/killios description:
{ "published": "2015/02/16", "stars": "27", "newStars": "7", "name": "arcticsn0w/killios", "description": "" }
stars: 452 new-stars: 13 name: kessler/add-tags-to-github-stars description: Star this repository if you want to tell Github you want the ability to tag your stars!
{ "published": "2015/02/17", "stars": "452", "newStars": "13", "name": "kessler/add-tags-to-github-stars", "description": "Star this repository if you want to tell Github you want the ability to tag your stars!" }
stars: 452 new-stars: 127 name: kessler/add-tags-to-github-stars description: Star this repository if you want to tell Github you want the ability to tag your stars!
{ "published": "2015/02/18", "stars": "452", "newStars": "127", "name": "kessler/add-tags-to-github-stars", "description": "Star this repository if you want to tell Github you want the ability to tag your stars!" }
stars: 65 new-stars: 5 name: owainlewis/microservice-design description: A software engineering reading list for micro service architecture and design
{ "published": "2015/02/18", "stars": "65", "newStars": "5", "name": "owainlewis/microservice-design", "description": "A software engineering reading list for micro service architecture and design" }
stars: 18 new-stars: 9 name: theasder/access_books description: Books
{ "published": "2015/02/19", "stars": "18", "newStars": "9", "name": "theasder/access_books", "description": "Books" }
stars: 4 new-stars: 5 name: reiniergs/Object-Oriented-Presentation description:
{ "published": "2015/02/19", "stars": "4", "newStars": "5", "name": "reiniergs/Object-Oriented-Presentation", "description": "" }
stars: 452 new-stars: 149 name: kessler/add-tags-to-github-stars description: Star this repository if you want to tell Github you want the ability to tag your stars!
{ "published": "2015/02/19", "stars": "452", "newStars": "149", "name": "kessler/add-tags-to-github-stars", "description": "Star this repository if you want to tell Github you want the ability to tag your stars!" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 5 name: gaborcsardi/resume description: Résumé, in LaTeX moderncv, with some style tweaks
{ "published": "2015/02/20", "stars": "6", "newStars": "5", "name": "gaborcsardi/resume", "description": "Résumé, in LaTeX moderncv, with some style tweaks" }
stars: 13 new-stars: 11 name: nodenest/nodenest description: a TweetDeck-like webclient for Twitter
{ "published": "2015/02/21", "stars": "13", "newStars": "11", "name": "nodenest/nodenest", "description": "a TweetDeck-like webclient for Twitter" }
stars: 68 new-stars: 5 name: sleewoo/traveler description: Easily embrace Traveling Ruby awesomeness
{ "published": "2015/02/22", "stars": "68", "newStars": "5", "name": "sleewoo/traveler", "description": "Easily embrace Traveling Ruby awesomeness" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 6 name: lynko/lua-fmt description: An alternative string formatter for Lua, based on Rust's std::fmt.
{ "published": "2015/02/23", "stars": "6", "newStars": "6", "name": "lynko/lua-fmt", "description": "An alternative string formatter for Lua, based on Rust's std::fmt." }
stars: 31 new-stars: 5 name: ekchang/hangoutsprototype description: hangouts mock UI (google inbox style)
{ "published": "2015/02/23", "stars": "31", "newStars": "5", "name": "ekchang/hangoutsprototype", "description": "hangouts mock UI (google inbox style)" }
stars: 1395 new-stars: 260 name: layerhq/Atlas-iOS description: Atlas is a library of native iOS communications user interface components for Layer.
{ "published": "2015/02/25", "stars": "1395", "newStars": "260", "name": "layerhq/Atlas-iOS", "description": "Atlas is a library of native iOS communications user interface components for Layer." }
stars: 36 new-stars: 29 name: substack/cs294-101-streams-lecture description: lecture notes for
{ "published": "2015/02/25", "stars": "36", "newStars": "29", "name": "substack/cs294-101-streams-lecture", "description": "lecture notes for" }
stars: 340 new-stars: 232 name: auth0/sharelock description: Securely share data
{ "published": "2015/02/26", "stars": "340", "newStars": "232", "name": "auth0/sharelock", "description": "Securely share data" }
stars: 1395 new-stars: 713 name: layerhq/Atlas-iOS description: Atlas is a library of native iOS communications user interface components for Layer.
{ "published": "2015/02/26", "stars": "1395", "newStars": "713", "name": "layerhq/Atlas-iOS", "description": "Atlas is a library of native iOS communications user interface components for Layer." }
stars: 13 new-stars: 13 name: Kentverger/workshop description: Repo para el workshop
{ "published": "2015/02/27", "stars": "13", "newStars": "13", "name": "Kentverger/workshop", "description": "Repo para el workshop" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: aucl/YandexDiskKit description: *Unofficial* Yandex Disk SDK in swift
{ "published": "2015/02/27", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "aucl/YandexDiskKit", "description": "*Unofficial* Yandex Disk SDK in swift" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 6 name: iillexial/vk-chat-bot description: Simple vk chat bot
{ "published": "2015/02/27", "stars": "8", "newStars": "6", "name": "iillexial/vk-chat-bot", "description": "Simple vk chat bot" }
stars: 1395 new-stars: 272 name: layerhq/Atlas-iOS description: Atlas is a library of native iOS communications user interface components for Layer.
{ "published": "2015/02/27", "stars": "1395", "newStars": "272", "name": "layerhq/Atlas-iOS", "description": "Atlas is a library of native iOS communications user interface components for Layer." }
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Edgerunners/Changelog-Nightly-Repositories with only the 404'd repositories; on average spam repos get deleted within 24 hours, so it is easier to train a classifier on a subset of these, publishing it because the github API and github itself rate-limits sub 5k per hour, which takes a while to get done without proxies.

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