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The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code:   DatasetGenerationCastError
Exception:    DatasetGenerationCastError
Message:      An error occurred while generating the dataset

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 2 new columns ({'index', 'chinese_title'})

This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using

hf://datasets/Duguce/TurtleBench1.5k/english/stories.json (at revision 7452b2c8698f25c0c3ca1a20c0e2ce5065f971a7)

Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1869, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 580, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2292, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2240, in cast_table_to_schema
                  raise CastError(
              datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast
              index: int64
              title: string
              chinese_title: string
              surface: string
              bottom: string
              -- schema metadata --
              pandas: '{"index_columns": [], "column_indexes": [], "columns": [{"name":' + 689
              {'title': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'surface': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'bottom': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}
              because column names don't match
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1392, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1041, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 924, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 999, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1740, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1871, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error(
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
              All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 2 new columns ({'index', 'chinese_title'})
              This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using
              hf://datasets/Duguce/TurtleBench1.5k/english/stories.json (at revision 7452b2c8698f25c0c3ca1a20c0e2ce5065f971a7)
              Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.

2019 年 2 月,女儿不去上学了,我劝不动她。 2019 年 6 月,女儿每天盯着电视和电脑看,我怕她眼睛弄坏了。 2019 年 12 月,女儿好像开朗了一些,看到她经常和朋友语音聊天。 2020 年 3 月,女儿笑了,说她做了一件大好事,我也很高兴。 2020 年 5 月,女儿的状态恶化了,整夜不睡觉,她也不和我说话。 2020 年 6 月,总觉得最近家里开销特别大,嗯……?是我糊涂了吗。 2020 年 10 月,女儿出门了,最近疫情好些了之后她经常出门,好像朋友也变多了,太好了。 2021 年 2 月,我收到了一张律师函,上面写着女儿的名字,怎么会?! 2021 年 8 月,我把女儿禁足了
女儿因为一些原因拒绝去上学,6 月陈情令上线,女儿沉迷其中。同年 12 月,女儿混了肖战的饭圈。这期间,女儿一直在给肖战当网络水军。20 年 3 月,AO3 被举报。5 月,肖战遭到大批网友抵制,资本开始审视这个东西是不是值得投资。6 月光点上线,女儿偷家里的钱买数字专。疫情好转后,女儿照例出门参加饭圈活动,渐渐开始认清它的真面目。21 年 2 月,肖战状告"黑粉"。8 月肖战胜诉,粉丝被罚 3W,故事中的这位父/母把女儿彻底禁足了。
我是一名幼师,在给小朋友们上课时,我发现有个小朋友数数总是数不对,别人数数都是 1234567,可她却说是 1237,我教她正确的数数时,她却说我教她的和她妈妈教的不一样,她说她妈妈教她是 1237,我很疑惑,便提出去她家家访,可她却带我来到了一家医院,原来她妈妈患有心脏病,并且已经活不长久了,而现在是三月份,而她的女儿生日在七月份,为了能陪伴她的女儿过最后一个生日,才对她的女儿编制了这样一个善意的谎言。得知此事后的我非常感动,便像她妈妈一样对她说 3 后面确实是 7。
离午夜12点还有五分钟,一个男子上了列车。男子的神情很奇怪,他看了看车上的几个人,然后开始问起乘客的年龄。"女士,您今年 28 岁吗?""你怎么知道?"先生您今年 55 吗?"对呀。"然后男人一个个地猜对了乘客的年龄。"婆婆,您今年 69 岁吗?""是的,再过 5 分钟我就要 70 岁了。"男子听完,脸色惨白。
小明还小,按不到 18 楼的按钮,但他带伞的时候就能做到。
"你太令我失望了,我永远也不会回来了""你太令我失望了,我永远也不会回来了""你太令我失望了,我永远也不会回来了""你太令我失望了,我永远也不会回来了""你太令我失望了,我永远也不会回来了""你太令我失望了,我永远也不会回来了" 哎,我知道我遇到麻烦了。
The Turtle Soup Story
A man walks into a restaurant, orders a bowl of turtle soup, drinks it, and then shoots himself. Why?
During his honeymoon, he and his wife were shipwrecked on a deserted island. Due to lack of food, his wife starved to death. His companions cooked his wife's flesh into a soup and tricked him into eating it, claiming it was turtle soup. Later, he was rescued by a passing ship. Today, when he tasted real turtle soup, he realized what he had eaten back then was his wife's flesh. Overwhelmed with remorse, he took his own life with a gun.
Meeting the Parents
My boyfriend and I are alumni. He's three years my senior and about to graduate. We feel a strong connection and fell in love at first sight. We agreed to marry as soon as I reach the legal age. As National Day approaches, he suggests I meet his parents during the holiday. I happily agree. However, when his parents see my face, they are shocked and strongly oppose our relationship. Why?
This is set in the early days of China's reform and opening-up, during the one-child policy era. I was an 'extra' child. To keep their jobs, my parents sent me to be raised by distant relatives in the countryside and changed my surname. They've been providing financial support to the relatives. They were happy when I got into this university and, nearing retirement, were considering reconnecting with me. Unexpectedly, their children had fallen in love, resulting in a tragic situation of our unexpected incest.
The Ritual
Your parents have been arguing lately, and your mother seems strange. She's often distracted, secretly asking you how to transfer money to others... Sometimes she silently waves her hands at home as if performing some ritual. One evening after dinner, your father goes out for a walk, and your mother sneaks out too. Suspicious, you follow her... Ah, so that's what it is...
Your mother is doing square dancing. Your father thought she was having an affair. The money transfers were for buying team dance costumes, and the hand-waving was dance practice. To avoid disturbing neighbors, all the square-dancing aunties wear headphones and dance silently, making it look like some mysterious ritual.
The Diary
February 2019: My daughter stopped going to school. I can't persuade her. June 2019: My daughter stares at the TV and computer all day. I'm worried she'll damage her eyes. December 2019: My daughter seems a bit more cheerful. I see her often voice chatting with friends. March 2020: My daughter smiled, saying she did something great. I'm happy too. May 2020: My daughter's condition has worsened. She doesn't sleep at night and won't talk to me. June 2020: Our household expenses seem unusually high lately. Hmm... am I scatterbrained? October 2020: My daughter goes out now that the pandemic has eased. She seems to have more friends. That's great. February 2021: I received a lawyer's letter with my daughter's name on it. How can this be?! August 2021: I've grounded my daughter.
The daughter refused to go to school for some reason. In June, she became obsessed with a popular TV series. By December, she had joined the fan club of the show's star, Xiao Zhan. During this time, she was acting as an online 'water army' for Xiao Zhan. In March 2020, the AO3 website was reported and blocked. In May, Xiao Zhan faced widespread boycott from netizens, and investors began to reconsider their involvement. In June, a digital album was released, and the daughter stole money from home to buy it. As the pandemic eased, she continued to participate in fan activities but gradually began to see its true nature. In February 2021, Xiao Zhan sued his 'haters'. In August, he won the case, and fans were fined 30,000 yuan. The parent in the story then grounded their daughter completely.
The Woman in the Pink Dress
Your new neighbor is a young man living alone. One day, returning home after a late-night snack, you see a woman with long hair, wearing a pink dress and heavy makeup, enter your neighbor's apartment. Late at night, you hear arguing and things being thrown, which is particularly jarring in the quiet hallway. The next day, you see a shredded pink dress and a bunch of long hair in the garbage bag outside your neighbor's door. When you ask your neighbor about it, he stammers and refuses to explain... Should you call the police? What happened?
Your neighbor is a man with a cross-dressing fetish, which is why he lives alone. His family doesn't know about this and keeps pressuring him to get married, so he moved out of his parents' home. That day, he returned home after cross-dressing and you saw him. Unexpectedly, his mother was waiting for him at home. Seeing her son in women's clothing, they had a big argument, and his mother cut up his pink dress and wig. This is what actually happened.
The Elevator
I enter the elevator to go to school. As it rises, I realize I'll never be able to go to school again.
On Monday morning, urged by my mother, I absent-mindedly enter the elevator to go to school. After the doors close, being still sleepy, I forget to press the button for the first floor. As the elevator continues to rise, I realize my mistake and am about to press the first floor button when the elevator suddenly stops. The doors slowly open, and I see a dead girl lying in a pool of blood, with a man cleaning up the scene... The man hears the noise and suddenly turns to look at me, his eyes fixed on my hand. Startled, I frantically press the door close button. Just as the elevator is about to close, a blood-covered hand reaches in. I'll never be able to go to school again because I'm about to be killed by the murderer. (The elevator was going up because the girl had pressed the button for help before being killed.)
A kindergarten child always counts '1,2,3,7', skipping '4,5,6'. When I correct her, she says her mother taught her this way. Puzzled, I propose a home visit. After the visit, I also tell her it's '1,2,3,7'.
I'm a kindergarten teacher. While teaching, I noticed a child who always counted incorrectly. While others count 1234567, she says 1237. When I try to teach her the correct way, she says what I'm teaching is different from what her mother taught her. Puzzled, I propose a home visit, but she takes me to a hospital. It turns out her mother has a heart condition and doesn't have long to live. It's currently March, and her daughter's birthday is in July. To be able to celebrate her daughter's last birthday with her, the mother created this white lie. Moved by this, I also tell her that 7 indeed comes after 3, just like her mother said.
The Four-Year-Old Mother
A five-year-old kindergarten child claims her mother is only four years old. Puzzled, I propose a home visit. At her home, I see a horrifying scene...
At her home, I see several women chained up, with a fierce-looking, ugly brute standing nearby. The kindergarten child suddenly shows a sinister smile unfit for her age... It turns out she's not just five, but twenty-five years old, suffering from a condition that prevents her from growing. The brute is her brother. She lures kindergarten teachers like us to their home to be imprisoned, all to find women for her brother... And her 'four-year-old mother' is actually a woman who has been trapped there for four years...
The Midnight Train
Five minutes before midnight, a man boards a train. He looks strange and starts asking passengers their ages. 'Ma'am, are you 28?' 'How did you know?' 'Sir, are you 55?' 'Yes.' He correctly guesses everyone's age. 'Granny, are you 69?' 'Yes, I'll be 70 in 5 minutes.' Hearing this, the man turns pale.
The man has a superpower to foresee people's ages at death, but he can't see his own. After boarding the train, he notices that everyone seems to be about the same age as their death age. Finding this strange, he tests his theory by asking a few people, discovering they will all die this year. When the grandmother says she is 69 and she'll be 70 in 5 minutes, he realizes the train will have an accident within 5 minutes, killing everyone on board.
The Washing Machine
At night, a poor scavenger brings home a washing machine he found. In the middle of the night, he wakes up startled, thinking he heard the washing machine start.
A murderer had dismembered a body and put the parts in the washing machine. He transported the body parts to the outskirts. When the scavenger found the washing machine in his three-wheeled cart, the killer had just finished removing all the body parts and was digging a hole nearby. By the time the killer realized, the scavenger had already driven off with the washing machine. So the killer followed the scavenger home and snuck in to start the washing machine, trying to clean off the blood evidence inside.
The Little Red Dress
My sister chose a little red dress for me. I wore it to school, and when I came home that night, I found a dead body.
My mother was having an affair with my teacher. They would meet whenever my father was away. The little red dress was a signal to the teacher, indicating that my father wouldn't be home that night. That day, my mother was busy, so my sister chose the red dress for me. The teacher saw it and came to our house thinking my father was away, but he was caught by my father, who then killed him.
I'm counting, and he's counting too. I'm terrified.
I live in a high-rise building. Today, out of boredom, I was looking out the window when I accidentally witnessed a crime in the opposite building. A man seemed to have stabbed someone to death. I quickly took out my phone to call the police. The police asked which floor the incident occurred on, so I started counting the floors to the man's location. When I counted to his floor, I realized the man had noticed me and was counting the floors to my location, holding a bloody knife and showing a sinister smile!
The Girl on the Balcony
A girl greets me from the opposite balcony every day, but now I'm afraid to step onto my balcony.
I recently moved into an apartment. Every morning when I go to the balcony to hang clothes, I see a girl on the opposite balcony greeting me. I'm happy and make sure to greet her back before going to work. Two or three weeks pass, and one day I see a news article about my neighborhood: a female body was found hanging on a balcony, having committed suicide three weeks ago. Suddenly feeling something was off, I run to my balcony and indeed, the girl is gone, replaced by police tape. I feel sick and can't bring myself to step onto the balcony anymore. It turns out the swaying body of the hanged girl just looked like she was waving hello.
Half a Matchstick
A man's body is found in the desert, holding half a matchstick. His luggage is found nearby. It's known that he died from a fall. Please deduce what happened.
He was on a hot air balloon tour in the desert with a group. Halfway through, the balloon ran out of fuel. To keep flying, they threw out all their luggage, but it wasn't enough. They decided to draw lots using matchsticks - whoever drew the short one would be thrown off. He drew the short matchstick and was pushed out, falling to his death.
The Lost Phone
My phone disappeared. When I found it, I was shocked.
My friend and I went clubbing. After drinking and dancing for a while, I sat down to rest and realized my phone was missing. So I asked my friend to call my phone. A strange man's voice answered, but the club was too noisy and the call was cut off before we could ask anything. I returned home feeling dejected, only to find my phone on the bedside table. I suddenly remembered I hadn't taken my phone out at all that day. I've always lived alone, and I couldn't help but feel a chill run down my spine...
The Seaweed
A man goes for a walk by the river, chats with a fisherman, and then jumps into the river to commit suicide after the fisherman tells him something.
Years ago, a couple was playing by the river when the girl accidentally fell in. The boy jumped in to save her, but due to the strong current, he only managed to grab what he thought was seaweed. He couldn't save her. Years later, he returns to the river and talks to a fisherman. The fisherman tells him there has never been any seaweed in this fast-flowing river. The man realizes what he grabbed was actually the girl's hair, and overcome with grief, he jumps into the river.
The News
A man returns home from work, turns on the TV to watch the news, and faints.
The man works at a haunted house attraction and is responsible for cleaning up after it closes. There are many prop corpses in the haunted house. While cleaning, he saw a very realistic prop corpse. He didn't think much of it, just admiring the craftsmanship of it while cleaning. After finishing work and returning home, he turned on the TV to watch the news. The news reported a missing person case and showed a photo of the missing person - it was the 'prop' he had seen in the haunted house. He fainted from shock.
The High Heels
A lady buys a pair of red high heels from a shoe store. These heels foreshadow her death that night.
The lady is a performer in a circus troupe. That day, she bought a pair of red high heels. That night, she wore these heels for her performance. Her act involved balancing an apple on her head while another male performer threw a knife at the apple. However, because her new high heels were a few centimeters taller than what she usually wore, the male performer, who hadn't adjusted for this, accidentally threw a knife into her head.
The Death Row Inmate and the Demon
A death row inmate encounters a demon and makes a wish. The demon grants it. Days later, pedestrians on the street all hold their noses and look disgusted.
The death row inmate wished to become invisible. The demon turned him invisible, allowing him to successfully escape prison. However, he was hit by a car on the street and died. A few days later, his invisible corpse began to rot, causing an unbearable stench for passersby.
The Best Friend
Thomas visits his wife's best friend's house for the first time with his wife. After returning home, his wife wants a divorce. Why?
Thomas's wife saw that his phone automatically connected to her best friend's WiFi.
The Circus
A blind dwarf who works at a circus is found dead in his home, surrounded by wood shavings. What happened?
There were two dwarfs in the circus, but now the circus only wanted to keep one. Because the blind dwarf was shorter, he was chosen to stay. The other dwarf sawed off a portion of all the blind dwarf's furniture, making him think he had grown taller. Realizing he would lose his livelihood, the blind dwarf committed suicide.
The 18th Floor
Xiaoming lives on the 18th floor. Sometimes when he returns home, he takes the elevator directly to the 18th floor, but other times he goes to the 15th floor and walks up. Why?
Xiaoming is still a kid, unable to reach the 18th-floor-button. However, when he's carrying an umbrella, he can use it to press the button.
The Forgery
'You've disappointed me so much, I'll never come back' 'You've disappointed me so much, I'll never come back' 'You've disappointed me so much, I'll never come back' 'You've disappointed me so much, I'll never come back' 'You've disappointed me so much, I'll never come back' 'You've disappointed me so much, I'll never come back' Oh no, I think I'm in trouble.
I killed my wife and am trying to forge evidence to make it look like she just ran away from home. But after writing it several times, I still can't imitate my wife's handwriting convincingly.
The Condition
A boy has liked a girl for a long time. His grades are very poor. The girl says if they can both enter the same university, she'll agree to be his girlfriend. He manages to do it, but the girl goes insane. Please deduce what happened.
The girl applied to a medical university. In the end, the girl entered the medical school, but the boy didn't pass the entrance exam. The girl went insane because she didn't expect the boy to enter the same university as her in the capacity of a cadaver for her anatomy class.
The Slide
There's a park near programmer Xiao Wang's home. Every day when Xiao Wang passes the park after working overtime, he sees a terrified child in a plaid shirt standing by the slide. One day, Xiao Wang doesn't work overtime and decides to try the slide on a whim. After sliding down, Xiao Wang is shocked. What did Xiao Wang see?
It turns out Xiao Wang saw himself as he usually is when returning home from work. The slide is a time machine, and when Xiao Wang slid down, he turned into a child. The plaid shirt the child was wearing is actually programmer Xiao Wang's shirt.
The Discounted Snacks
He bought a batch of discounted snacks at a small shop, feeling he got a good deal and secretly pleased. The next day, watching the news, he was terrified.
He had bought snacks from this store once before and felt the price was quite high, thinking the shopkeeper's wife had overcharged him. The next time he went, a man was minding the store. He mentioned that the shopkeeper's wife might have miscalculated last time and overcharged him, so the man said he'd give him a discount this time to make up for it. He felt he had gotten a bargain and was happy. The next day, watching the news, he learned that the shop owners, a married couple, had been murdered. The criminal, according to the news, needed money and randomly robbed a small shop, then killed to eliminate witnesses. After the murders, the killer posed as the shopkeeper to continue selling.
Exchanging Photos
I exchange photos with an online friend I've known for a short time. After seeing his photo, I break out in a cold sweat.
I recently met a new online friend, and we got along well. One day, I suggested exchanging photos to see what each other looked like. After I sent my photo, he waited a while and then sent back the same photo of me. I found it strange, but when I looked closely, I noticed a foot sticking out from under the bed in the photo. This online friend was hiding in my room.
A Painting
It was a beautiful painting, the man in it had distinct features and looked lifelike. The next day when I saw the painting again, my scalp tingled, and I couldn't praise it anymore.
I stayed in a run-down small hotel at night. When I entered the room, the light was broken, and the room was very dim. There was a painting opposite the bed of a man with distinct features, looking so lifelike, just like the Mona Lisa. I felt like the person in the painting was always looking at me. Early the next morning, when it was bright, I realized that what I thought was a painting was actually a window. A man had been standing outside the window watching me all night, and because the light was too dim, I had mistaken him and the window frame for a painting.
I used to be a sailor, but now I feel sick and shake when I see fish. I'm always afraid to see fish.
I used to be a sailor. Once when we were at sea, for some reason, my sailor companions died one after another. Those of us who survived, in order to continue living, used the flesh of our dead companions as bait to catch fish. Days passed, and we were finally rescued. Because seeing fish always reminds me of using our dead companions' flesh as bait, since then, I feel sick and disgusted when I see fish. I'm afraid to see fish every time thenafter.
That day, disaster struck, and I, along with everyone on Earth, became blind. Two years later, I suddenly regained my sight. Just as I was about to share this news with everyone, I saw that sentence. I covered my mouth tightly.
This disaster changed everything. In this world of darkness, blind people became the so-called 'normal people'. They formed a new government and secret organizations, secretly viewing those who could see as heretics, using them for dissection and research. Over the two years, some people gradually regained their sight, but under the new government's rule, anyone who said they could see would be immediately arrested secretly. To save newly sighted individuals, those who had luckily escaped wrote 'Don't tell them you can see' in many places, hoping that those who regained sight later would see it and avoid capture.
The Mountaintop
A person lives in a cabin on a mountaintop. At midnight, he hears door-knocking, but when he opens the door, no one is there, so he goes back to sleep. The next day, a body is found at the foot of the mountain. What happened?
The cabin door on the mountaintop opens to a cliff. A man had managed to climb up with great difficulty and knocked on the door for help. When the door opened, he was pushed back down, falling from the mountaintop to his death.
The Tunnel
A man takes a train to a neighboring town for medical treatment. After the treatment, he's completely cured. On the way back, as the train passes through a tunnel, the man jumps off to commit suicide. Why?
His illness was an eye disease that had left him completely blind. After the treatment, his eyesight was restored. When the train entered the tunnel, the sudden darkness made him think he had gone blind again, causing him to panic and jump off the train in despair.


TurtleBench is a novel evaluation benchmark designed to assess the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) using yes/no puzzles (commonly known as "Turtle Soup puzzles"). This dataset is constructed based on user guesses collected from our online Turtle Soup Puzzle platform, providing a dynamic and interactive means of evaluation. Unlike traditional static evaluation benchmarks, TurtleBench focuses on testing models in interactive settings to better capture their logical reasoning performance. The dataset contains real user guesses and annotated responses, enabling a fair and challenging evaluation for modern LLMs.

Dataset Contents

The dataset is organized into two main folders: english and chinese, corresponding to the bilingual nature of the TurtleBench benchmark. Each language folder contains:

  • cases.list: A list of the Turtle Soup cases used in the dataset.
  • stories.json: JSON file containing the surface stories and their corresponding "bottom" stories, which provide the hidden context required to answer the puzzles.
  • titles.txt (in the chinese folder only): A list of titles for the stories.

Data Collection

The dataset contains 1,532 entries derived from over 26,000 user guesses made during the Turtle Soup Puzzle game. Users were tasked with making logical guesses based solely on the surface stories provided, while the correct answers were derived from the bottom stories. All user guesses were annotated as either "Correct" or "Incorrect" based on the reasoning context provided by the bottom story.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Evaluation: TurtleBench allows for real-world evaluation by continuously collecting user interactions, which makes it more difficult for models to cheat by memorizing static questions and answers.
  • Bilingual: The dataset includes data in both Chinese and English, ensuring a diverse assessment of LLM reasoning capabilities. The English dataset is derived from translations of the original Chinese dataset.
  • Interactive Reasoning: The dataset is specifically curated to require logical inference, avoiding heavy reliance on background knowledge, and focusing instead on the model's ability to understand and derive conclusions from the given context.


We have released the evaluation code for TurtleBench on GitHub. If you would like to use this dataset for evaluation, please refer to the code available at the following GitHub link:






      title={TurtleBench: Evaluating Top Language Models via Real-World Yes/No Puzzles}, 
      author={Qingchen Yu and Shichao Song and Ke Fang and Yunfeng Shi and Zifan Zheng and Hanyu Wang and Simin Niu and Zhiyu Li},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.05262},
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