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Or at least make it so pretty. | adu gaanata lassanata hadaa ganna. |
We are very proud to see African American history taking its place on the National Mall. | api hari aadambarayi ape jaatika kodiyata vadaa aemarikaanu jaatika kodiyak ape pite ellilaa tiyenavaa dakinna. |
I can't do it, since I'm not an admin. | haebaeyi mata ehema inna baehae, mama desapaalakayek nemeyi. |
A high percentage of children have also lost their parents to HIV/Aids. | uturu naengenahira daruvangen boho pirisakata mava ho piyaa ahimiyi. |
12We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again, but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us, so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart. | 12 api naevata apa gaenama numbalaata saaksi nodemuva, numut hiten nova peniimen paarattukaragannanta uttaradenta numbalaata puluvanvana pinisa apa gaena paarattukaranta api numbalaata kaaranaa demuva. |
These characters know that this is a temporary solution. | janakat daenagena hitihaa meka taavakaalika sambandhayak kiyalaa. |
It is about one inch smaller that the other. | eyin ek pokunak anikata vadaa kudaaya. |
He arranges his seat, | meyada ohuge siila aadiyehi vannaki, |
What's the deal with the holy ghost? | mokadda aadh yaatmikatvayat ekka seksvalata tiyena ganudenuva? |
The political ideals of that era was expressed by the concepts of democracy, protection of property and the rule of law. | mema yugaye desapaalanika puurvaadarsaya prajaatantravaadaya, depala suraksitataavaya saha niitiye paalanaya vaeni samkalpayangen niruupanaya veyi. |
The noise was described as ear-splitting. | eperahara handunvaa aette aesala perahara lesaya. |
Negativity, get thee away from me! | kaamacchnda aadii niivaranayo maa keren baehaera vevaa! |
The power station is located immediately downstream of the dam, on the left bank. Water from the reservoir is delivered to the power station via a single steel-lined tunnel with a length and diameter of 270 m (886 ft) and 6.2 m (20.3 ft) respectively. | mema viduli balaagaaraya vella pahala vam ivure pihitaa aeta jalaasayen jalaya pilivelin miitar 270 (adi 886) saha miitar 62 (adi 203) ka digak haa viskambhayak sahita tani vaane umaga harahaa vidulibalaagaarayata bedaahaere. |
Hope he's ready for it. | api hitanavaa ohu e sandahaa suudaanam vevi kiyaa. |
We are talking about billions, not millions, of pounds. | e kalpa laksa gananin, miliyana biliyanavalin nova, kiyaevennak. |
Freelancing - The Future Of Employment | nextmapping _ raekiyaave anaagataya |
Tell us your specific requirements and we can find the best solution for you. | karunaakara apata obage visesita avasyataa kiyanna api oba venuven aeti hondama visanduma soyaa yutu ya. |
He's can't shave it now that we've won. | et daen api dinuvaa kiyalaa uda paninna baehae. |
Subject - drawing up of one subject, or loading and compiling a list of topics that will vary during distribution. Read more here. | visaya - aendiima dakvaa ek visaya, ho paetaviima saha sakas maatrkaa laeyistuva bava venas vanu aeta tula bedaa haeriima tava duratat kiyavanna menna. |
"Jeff, I like you. | faatimaa mam oyaata kaematiyi. |
The truth is that real men DO cry. | anna aetta kattiya adanavaa. |
Which is why I decided to embrace the season with an outfit post. | eka nisaa me ela kament eka post ekak vidhiyatama daanna mama tiiranaya kalaa |
Otherwise we're going to see the industry disappear completely. | ese novuna hot mema karmaantaya sampuurnayen vinaasayata pat venavaa. |
I'm looking forward to it.Congratulations on the new job. | gihillama balannamkosubha paetum alut vaedeta |
Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14), and his ministers masquerade as servants of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:15). | saatan aalokaye duutayaa haetiyata tamaava handunvaa deyi (2 korinti 11:14), evagema ohuge duutayan v yaaja dharmistha sevakayan haetiyatat (2 korinti 11:15). |
Well, the thing about heroes is, whenever you... | aa, viirayo gaena kiyanavanam itim, onae velaavaka. |
The rich are trustees under God for the poor. | deviyan aedahumen, vahalun aetulu dhana sampattiya laebe. |
I told them I could not go on alone. | mama kivvaa taniyama mata enna bae kiyalaa. |
Try to put St Paul's advice into practice: "Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21). | saanta paavuluge avavaadaya apa saema kenekutama yomu kara aeta: napuren jaya noganna, yahapaten napura paraajaya karanna (roma 12:21). |
Tiring work, revolting. | vaeda varjana, udghosana bahula venavaa. |
the two women as "very profligate, | pahuutaputto bhavatii tathaavidho, |
Tempering any extreme reactions are both China and South Korea. | me atara ihata kii tiirubadu vaedi vasayenma balapaana ciinaya saha dakunu koriyaava ekii piyavara vivecanayata lak karati. |
The Right to Create Grandchildren After the Death of A Child | daru prasuutiyen pasu aaccilaa siiyalaage kaaryabhaaraya |
So we have to find the exact reason to cure it well. | eheyin apa nivaeradiva hetuva soyaa iita p ratikaara kala yutuya. |
So what's your body image story? | itin, obe sariiraye ruupaya saedenne kumak da? |
56 In this way, God turned back on Abimelech the evil that he had done against his father, by killing his 70 brothers. | 56 deviyan vahanse, abimelek tama sahodarayan saettaedenaa maeriimen tamaage piyaata kala dustakamata p rativipaaka dun seka. |
We couldn't get it because we were not born here. | apita nam mevaa terenne naeha, mokada api me lamkaave maerilaa ipadune naeha, |
A love story that ended to soon. | et e aadara kataavat ikmanatama ivara vunaa. |
Poetry and The World. | etera kaviyaa saha metera lokaya |
Why didn't you tell me when I came to you yesterday? | aeyi oyaa mata nokivve iiye mama oyaa gaavata aavama? |
There was nothing that looked like fear. | baya venna deyak nam tibune nae mata penunu vidiyata. |
Now you have a full belly i think you must be ready for the ring. | hari daem pandura vateta tadibaeva aeti, daem onna haavata nelannayi suudaanama. |
Angry at the table. | etakota me potaliyata tarahaa giyaa. |
While they were looking up, he slipped a block of cheese under his coat. | apa veta langaa vana vita, mage piyaa ohuge jaekattuva yatin maalu kihipayak sahita viiduru bhaajanayak eliyata gatteya. |
The Group currently has three companies in Singapore. | simgappuuruve baemku hayak ekaabaddha samaagam tunak bavata mema kaalaye dii patva tibe. |
"What year was I born?" | ipadune mona avuruddeda?' |
So you don't think there is any truth in the Chinese influence? | oba kiyaa sitinne ciina samaajaya tula aadarayata idak naehae kiyana ekada? |
We don't need to stress the importance of the humanities. | aetta vasayenma, penuma minisunta vaedagat vana bava avatakseru kiriimata apata avas ya naeta. |
“The suspects ran off. | saekakaruvo palaa giyaha. |
Amma is showing us this path. | me aacci tamayi apita gamata yana paara pennuve. |
Take your time, take things slow and let go of the past. | obe katayutu pahasu kara ganna, ikmanin bilpat nikut kara kaalaya ituru kara ganna. |
Noomi Rapace | and noomi rapace supurudu |
The second shot has it. | anitvanam vana sot terunaa. |
So, I thought it would be fun today to make | kiyala mata hituna eka hondayi ada kataa bahata ganna . |
"What's in the bag, Mama?" | monavada amme oya paekat phaka aetule tiyenne?" |
And by impressionable minds...I mean college students. | mage adahasa ketiyen kiivot, sisyayin paasala |
As far as I understood he was very different from the rest. | e kathaakaraddi terunaa meyaa vena ayata vadaa saehenna venas vittiya. |
And every home user doesn't need a public IP. | haema domen ekakatama ip ekak tiyenda ona nae. |
In February 1964 who did he defeat to win the World Heavyweight title for the first time? | 1964 dii alii visin palamu varata heviveyit loka suurataavayak dinaa gatte kaata erehiva da? |
The prisoners were fed better in some camps than in others. | bara vaeda gannaa lada mevaeni taenvala dii sirakaruvanta laebuna aahaara anekut kandavuruvalata vadaa honda viya. |
Galle Face entry road closed | gaalu muvadora paara vaese |
They seemed out of sync but it's just the first show. | eya lassanata haerii, namut palamu sifon tek pamani. |
We pray together, right? | api ekatu velaa illamu neda?" |
I have really liked this play because it was made on the basis of Abul Hasan's poem. | aettatama mam issellaama me naat yayata kaemati venne eka aananda abenaayaka mahatmayaage nirmaanayak nisaa. |
Andreas went to the tanning salon. | suniitaa ehemmama baat ruum ekata giye puka natava natava. |
That's why the music that was made in those times was so authentic and uncompromising. | mokada gaalle e kaale haedunu ape kataava epamanatama sundarayi ahimsakayi . |
During the analysis received by the State Commission, it was reported that 553 hostages were killed or died due to some reasons. | elesa paemini pudgalayin aturin 35 deneku adhika terapiima haa yam yam hetu nisaa maranayata patva aeti bava haj baladhaariin p rakaasa kara aeta. |
Indulge in the little pleasures. | itim podi atapasu viim valadi oba obata samaava denna. |
Around 7% of Sri Lanka's population are Muslims. | lamkaa janagahanayen 7%kma muslim janataavayi. |
Your career is far more important to you than anyone else. | oyaage jiiviitaya vaedagat venne an kaatavat vadaa obata. |
Russians discovered Alaska in 1732. | rusiyaanuvan aelaskaavata paeminiye 1732 dii yi. |
Love and Respect from India.... | ehidii indiiya rasikayan ge aadaraya saha gauravaya. |
I think it has the capacity to. | maa hitanne e sandahaa haekiyaavak tibena bavaya. |
The best advice is to focus on the short-term. | iilangata vaedima avadhaanayak denna one keti kaaliina saelasumata. |
Why is it celebrated on 22 December? | aeyi ap rel 22 meka samaranne? |
"Kelly, get the dynamite and toss it at the wall. | denima, tii sart eka gahalaa kuul eke innavaa. |
Each day at dawn I water the garden of Ramabai to pay a debt." | haemadaama udeta mam bambalapitiye sarasvatii loj ekata enavaa kaema kanna" |
This makes it difficult to find a vaccine. | eka nisaa itaa apahasu venavaa behetak hoyaa ganna. |
to give you an answer in your language. | obage komentuvata obage bhaasaavenma pilituru diimata situvemi. |
She's standing there, staring at me and I'm staring back at her and we can't take our eyes off each other. | ekvarama haerii ekinekaage muhunu desa baeluu aeyada maada naevata situvama desa balaa sitinnaka vuuye in daes ivatata gata nohaeki vuu seya. |
Satan has stolen too much from us. | suddaa hungak devalvalin apiva allagena tiyenne |
The 1985 Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer is aimed mobilising nations to take appropriate measures to protect human health and the environment against adverse effects of air pollution. | oson stharaya aaraksaa kiriima sandahaa vuu 1985 viyaanaa sammutiye aramuna vanne vaayu duusanayen siduvana ahitakara balapaem valin minis saukh yaya haa parisaraya aaraksaa kiriima sandahaa sudusu piyavara gaeniima sandahaa jaatiin balamulu gaenviimayi. |
intensification of class struggle was wrong? | guru satana asaadhaaranayi kiyalada |
“You remember what I did?” | matakane mama karalaa tiyena udavuva?” |
It will be different in Sri Lanka. | eka lamkaave venas vaedak veyi. |
Wherever you see, | ona taenaka, daekka gaman, |
Sit in every day. | haemadaama vaadigana |
Then I would begin my 20 minute walk to school. | mokada itim maat aduma gaane skole patan ganna vinaadi 20k vat tiyalaa yanna epaeyi. |
Instead of champions this year we have a fourway tie for first place. | amataka kala yutu naeta, me vasara nimaavata p rathama apata tavat ek test taragayak aeta. |
The blood pH is 7.36. | rudhiraye ph agaya 738 k pamana venavaa. |
I will stop the analysis here. | ema vislesanaya metaenin navatami. |
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are on the rise. | bedaahaeriima pratiksepa karana sevaa (ddos) prahaarayan ninditaya. |
They just swim everywhere. | un nidahase haema taenama piinanava. |
• Hereditary principalities, which are inherited by the ruler | ♦ hela urumaye naayakatvayen ivatvuu sobhita himiyange iilanga piyavara |
The country is facing a deep economic and political crisis. | aarthika, mul ya arbudayakata rata muhuna diilaa tiyenavaa. |
In the course of the third stage these fetters are completely destroyed. | mema yugaya vana vita bhik su pa ratipadaavan sampuurnayenma paahe vinaasa vii gos tibini. |
1. Rainbow of Colors | varna 1 renbo |
Some 7.8 million foreign nationals visited Iran in 2018. | 2018 dii iraanayata miliyana 8 kata aasanna videsiiya amuttan p ramaanayak paemina sitiyaha. |
worked!!! thaks | vaeda!!! thaks |
KC attempts to open the door. | e mohotema min kyu dora vivrta kiriimata utsaha karanavaa. |
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