stringlengths 5
| positive
stringlengths 53
| id_
int64 0
| task_name
stringlengths 87
| negative
sequencelengths 20
Return either the full or truncated version of a QIIME - formatted taxonomy string . | def split_phylogeny ( p , level = "s" ) : level = level + "__" result = p . split ( level ) return result [ 0 ] + level + result [ 1 ] . split ( ";" ) [ 0 ] | 0 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/util.py#L159-L177 | [
] |
Check to make sure the supplied directory path does not exist if so create it . The method catches OSError exceptions and returns a descriptive message instead of re - raising the error . | def ensure_dir ( d ) : if not os . path . exists ( d ) : try : os . makedirs ( d ) except OSError as oe : # should not happen with os.makedirs # ENOENT: No such file or directory if os . errno == errno . ENOENT : msg = twdd ( """One or more directories in the path ({}) do not exist. If
you are specifying a new directory for output, please ensure
all other directories in the path currently exist.""" ) return msg . format ( d ) else : msg = twdd ( """An error occurred trying to create the output directory
({}) with message: {}""" ) return msg . format ( d , oe . strerror ) | 1 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/util.py#L180-L206 | [
] |
Takes either a file path or an open file handle checks validity and returns an open file handle or raises an appropriate Exception . | def file_handle ( fnh , mode = "rU" ) : handle = None if isinstance ( fnh , file ) : if fnh . closed : raise ValueError ( "Input file is closed." ) handle = fnh elif isinstance ( fnh , str ) : handle = open ( fnh , mode ) return handle | 2 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/util.py#L209-L231 | [
"# type: ignore",
] |
Find the user specified categories in the map and create a dictionary to contain the relevant data for each type within the categories . Multiple categories will have their types combined such that each possible combination will have its own entry in the dictionary . | def gather_categories ( imap , header , categories = None ) : # If no categories provided, return all SampleIDs if categories is None : return { "default" : DataCategory ( set ( imap . keys ( ) ) , { } ) } cat_ids = [ header . index ( cat ) for cat in categories if cat in header and "=" not in cat ] table = OrderedDict ( ) conditions = defaultdict ( set ) for i , cat in enumerate ( categories ) : if "=" in cat and cat . split ( "=" ) [ 0 ] in header : cat_name = header [ header . index ( cat . split ( "=" ) [ 0 ] ) ] conditions [ cat_name ] . add ( cat . split ( "=" ) [ 1 ] ) # If invalid categories or conditions identified, return all SampleIDs if not cat_ids and not conditions : return { "default" : DataCategory ( set ( imap . keys ( ) ) , { } ) } #If only category column given, return column-wise SampleIDs if cat_ids and not conditions : for sid , row in imap . items ( ) : cat_name = "_" . join ( [ row [ cid ] for cid in cat_ids ] ) if cat_name not in table : table [ cat_name ] = DataCategory ( set ( ) , { } ) table [ cat_name ] . sids . add ( sid ) return table # Collect all condition names cond_ids = set ( ) for k in conditions : try : cond_ids . add ( header . index ( k ) ) except ValueError : continue idx_to_test = set ( cat_ids ) . union ( cond_ids ) # If column name and condition given, return overlapping SampleIDs of column and # condition combinations for sid , row in imap . items ( ) : if all ( [ row [ header . index ( c ) ] in conditions [ c ] for c in conditions ] ) : key = "_" . join ( [ row [ idx ] for idx in idx_to_test ] ) try : assert key in table . keys ( ) except AssertionError : table [ key ] = DataCategory ( set ( ) , { } ) table [ key ] . sids . add ( sid ) try : assert len ( table ) > 0 except AssertionError : return { "default" : DataCategory ( set ( imap . keys ( ) ) , { } ) } else : return table | 3 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/util.py#L238-L309 | [
] |
Parses the unifrac results file into a dictionary | def parse_unifrac ( unifracFN ) : with open ( unifracFN , "rU" ) as uF : first = uF . next ( ) . split ( "\t" ) lines = [ line . strip ( ) for line in uF ] unifrac = { "pcd" : OrderedDict ( ) , "eigvals" : [ ] , "varexp" : [ ] } if first [ 0 ] == "pc vector number" : return parse_unifrac_v1_8 ( unifrac , lines ) elif first [ 0 ] == "Eigvals" : return parse_unifrac_v1_9 ( unifrac , lines ) else : raise ValueError ( "File format not supported/recognized. Please check input " "unifrac file." ) | 4 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/util.py#L311-L334 | [
"# Check for correct capacity and if the item matches private only",
"\"Could not find valid price for port speed: '%s'\"",
] |
Function to parse data from older version of unifrac file obtained from Qiime version 1 . 8 and earlier . | def parse_unifrac_v1_8 ( unifrac , file_data ) : for line in file_data : if line == "" : break line = line . split ( "\t" ) unifrac [ "pcd" ] [ line [ 0 ] ] = [ float ( e ) for e in line [ 1 : ] ] unifrac [ "eigvals" ] = [ float ( entry ) for entry in file_data [ - 2 ] . split ( "\t" ) [ 1 : ] ] unifrac [ "varexp" ] = [ float ( entry ) for entry in file_data [ - 1 ] . split ( "\t" ) [ 1 : ] ] return unifrac | 5 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/util.py#L337-L356 | [
] |
Function to parse data from newer version of unifrac file obtained from Qiime version 1 . 9 and later . | def parse_unifrac_v1_9 ( unifrac , file_data ) : unifrac [ "eigvals" ] = [ float ( entry ) for entry in file_data [ 0 ] . split ( "\t" ) ] unifrac [ "varexp" ] = [ float ( entry ) * 100 for entry in file_data [ 3 ] . split ( "\t" ) ] for line in file_data [ 8 : ] : if line == "" : break line = line . split ( "\t" ) unifrac [ "pcd" ] [ line [ 0 ] ] = [ float ( e ) for e in line [ 1 : ] ] return unifrac | 6 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/util.py#L359-L378 | [
] |
Determine color - category mapping . If color_column was specified then map the category names to color values . Otherwise use the palettable colors to automatically generate a set of colors for the group values . | def color_mapping ( sample_map , header , group_column , color_column = None ) : group_colors = OrderedDict ( ) group_gather = gather_categories ( sample_map , header , [ group_column ] ) if color_column is not None : color_gather = gather_categories ( sample_map , header , [ color_column ] ) # match sample IDs between color_gather and group_gather for group in group_gather : for color in color_gather : # allow incomplete assignment of colors, if group sids overlap at # all with the color sids, consider it a match if group_gather [ group ] . sids . intersection ( color_gather [ color ] . sids ) : group_colors [ group ] = color else : bcolors = itertools . cycle ( Set3_12 . hex_colors ) for group in group_gather : group_colors [ group ] = bcolors . next ( ) return group_colors | 7 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/util.py#L380-L419 | [
"'Failed to update {}'",
"'{0}: {1}\\n'",
"'see networking.log for more information\\n'",
] |
return reverse completment of read | def rev_c ( read ) : rc = [ ] rc_nucs = { 'A' : 'T' , 'T' : 'A' , 'G' : 'C' , 'C' : 'G' , 'N' : 'N' } for base in read : rc . extend ( rc_nucs [ base . upper ( ) ] ) return rc [ : : - 1 ] | 8 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/shuffle_genome.py#L27-L35 | [
] |
randomly shuffle genome | def shuffle_genome ( genome , cat , fraction = float ( 100 ) , plot = True , alpha = 0.1 , beta = 100000 , min_length = 1000 , max_length = 200000 ) : header = '>randomized_%s' % ( genome . name ) sequence = list ( '' . join ( [ i [ 1 ] for i in parse_fasta ( genome ) ] ) ) length = len ( sequence ) shuffled = [ ] # break genome into pieces while sequence is not False : s = int ( random . gammavariate ( alpha , beta ) ) if s <= min_length or s >= max_length : continue if len ( sequence ) < s : seq = sequence [ 0 : ] else : seq = sequence [ 0 : s ] sequence = sequence [ s : ] # if bool(random.getrandbits(1)) is True: # seq = rev_c(seq) # print('fragment length: %s reverse complement: True' % ('{:,}'.format(s)), file=sys.stderr) # else: # print('fragment length: %s reverse complement: False' % ('{:,}'.format(s)), file=sys.stderr) shuffled . append ( '' . join ( seq ) ) if sequence == [ ] : break # shuffle pieces random . shuffle ( shuffled ) # subset fragments if fraction == float ( 100 ) : subset = shuffled else : max_pieces = int ( length * fraction / 100 ) subset , total = [ ] , 0 for fragment in shuffled : length = len ( fragment ) if total + length <= max_pieces : subset . append ( fragment ) total += length else : diff = max_pieces - total subset . append ( fragment [ 0 : diff ] ) break # combine sequences, if requested if cat is True : yield [ header , '' . join ( subset ) ] else : for i , seq in enumerate ( subset ) : yield [ '%s fragment:%s' % ( header , i ) , seq ] | 9 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/shuffle_genome.py#L37-L87 | [
"'Updated EBSVolumeAuditIssue {}'",
] |
If the fit contains statistically insignificant parameters remove them . Returns a pruned fit where all parameters have p - values of the t - statistic below p_max | def _prune ( self , fit , p_max ) : def remove_from_model_desc ( x , model_desc ) : """
Return a model_desc without x
""" rhs_termlist = [ ] for t in model_desc . rhs_termlist : if not t . factors : # intercept, add anyway rhs_termlist . append ( t ) elif not x == t . factors [ 0 ] . _varname : # this is not the term with x rhs_termlist . append ( t ) md = ModelDesc ( model_desc . lhs_termlist , rhs_termlist ) return md corrected_model_desc = ModelDesc ( fit . model . formula . lhs_termlist [ : ] , fit . model . formula . rhs_termlist [ : ] ) pars_to_prune = fit . pvalues . where ( fit . pvalues > p_max ) . dropna ( ) . index . tolist ( ) try : pars_to_prune . remove ( 'Intercept' ) except : pass while pars_to_prune : corrected_model_desc = remove_from_model_desc ( pars_to_prune [ 0 ] , corrected_model_desc ) fit = fm . ols ( corrected_model_desc , data = self . df ) . fit ( ) pars_to_prune = fit . pvalues . where ( fit . pvalues > p_max ) . dropna ( ) . index . tolist ( ) try : pars_to_prune . remove ( 'Intercept' ) except : pass return fit | 10 | https://github.com/opengridcc/opengrid/blob/69b8da3c8fcea9300226c45ef0628cd6d4307651/opengrid/library/regression.py#L222-L272 | [
"'NCOLS %d\\n'",
"'NROWS %d\\n'",
"'XLLCENTER %f\\n'",
"'YLLCENTER %f\\n'",
"'CELLSIZE %f\\n'",
] |
Return the best fit based on rsquared | def find_best_rsquared ( list_of_fits ) : res = sorted ( list_of_fits , key = lambda x : x . rsquared ) return res [ - 1 ] | 11 | https://github.com/opengridcc/opengrid/blob/69b8da3c8fcea9300226c45ef0628cd6d4307651/opengrid/library/regression.py#L275-L278 | [
"'assistant_id must be provided'",
"'session_id must be provided'",
] |
Return a df with predictions and confidence interval | def _predict ( self , fit , df ) : # Add model results to data as column 'predictions' df_res = df . copy ( ) if 'Intercept' in fit . model . exog_names : df_res [ 'Intercept' ] = 1.0 df_res [ 'predicted' ] = fit . predict ( df_res ) if not self . allow_negative_predictions : df_res . loc [ df_res [ 'predicted' ] < 0 , 'predicted' ] = 0 prstd , interval_l , interval_u = wls_prediction_std ( fit , df_res [ fit . model . exog_names ] , alpha = 1 - self . confint ) df_res [ 'interval_l' ] = interval_l df_res [ 'interval_u' ] = interval_u if 'Intercept' in df_res : df_res . drop ( labels = [ 'Intercept' ] , axis = 1 , inplace = True ) return df_res | 12 | https://github.com/opengridcc/opengrid/blob/69b8da3c8fcea9300226c45ef0628cd6d4307651/opengrid/library/regression.py#L292-L338 | [
] |
Calculate the relative abundance of each OTUID in a Sample . | def relative_abundance ( biomf , sampleIDs = None ) : if sampleIDs is None : sampleIDs = biomf . ids ( ) else : try : for sid in sampleIDs : assert sid in biomf . ids ( ) except AssertionError : raise ValueError ( "\nError while calculating relative abundances: The sampleIDs provided do" " not match the sampleIDs in biom file. Please double check the sampleIDs" " provided.\n" ) otuIDs = biomf . ids ( axis = "observation" ) norm_biomf = biomf . norm ( inplace = False ) return { sample : { otuID : norm_biomf . get_value_by_ids ( otuID , sample ) for otuID in otuIDs } for sample in sampleIDs } | 13 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/biom_calc.py#L11-L41 | [
"#Updated 7/24/08 to include commitOnEnd here",
"#-Chandler Prall",
] |
Calculate the mean OTU abundance percentage . | def mean_otu_pct_abundance ( ra , otuIDs ) : sids = ra . keys ( ) otumeans = defaultdict ( int ) for oid in otuIDs : otumeans [ oid ] = sum ( [ ra [ sid ] [ oid ] for sid in sids if oid in ra [ sid ] ] ) / len ( sids ) * 100 return otumeans | 14 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/biom_calc.py#L44-L67 | [
"'[Connection: {0}, Keyspace: {1}] {2}'",
"'[Connection: {0}] {1}'",
] |
Calculate the mean relative abundance percentage . | def MRA ( biomf , sampleIDs = None , transform = None ) : ra = relative_abundance ( biomf , sampleIDs ) if transform is not None : ra = { sample : { otuID : transform ( abd ) for otuID , abd in ra [ sample ] . items ( ) } for sample in ra . keys ( ) } otuIDs = biomf . ids ( axis = "observation" ) return mean_otu_pct_abundance ( ra , otuIDs ) | 15 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/biom_calc.py#L70-L92 | [
"\"rsp_pb error\"",
] |
Calculate the total number of sequences in each OTU or SampleID . | def raw_abundance ( biomf , sampleIDs = None , sample_abd = True ) : results = defaultdict ( int ) if sampleIDs is None : sampleIDs = biomf . ids ( ) else : try : for sid in sampleIDs : assert sid in biomf . ids ( ) except AssertionError : raise ValueError ( "\nError while calculating raw total abundances: The sampleIDs provided " "do not match the sampleIDs in biom file. Please double check the " "sampleIDs provided.\n" ) otuIDs = biomf . ids ( axis = "observation" ) for sampleID in sampleIDs : for otuID in otuIDs : abd = biomf . get_value_by_ids ( otuID , sampleID ) if sample_abd : results [ sampleID ] += abd else : results [ otuID ] += abd return results | 16 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/biom_calc.py#L95-L135 | [
"# minimum",
"# maximum",
"# No constraints",
"# only min",
"# only max",
"# both min and max",
] |
Function to transform the total abundance calculation for each sample ID to another format based on user given transformation function . | def transform_raw_abundance ( biomf , fn = math . log10 , sampleIDs = None , sample_abd = True ) : totals = raw_abundance ( biomf , sampleIDs , sample_abd ) return { sid : fn ( abd ) for sid , abd in totals . items ( ) } | 17 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/phylotoast/biom_calc.py#L138-L155 | [
"# Network interfaces & security groups",
] |
Compute the Mann - Whitney U test for unequal group sample sizes . | def print_MannWhitneyU ( div_calc ) : try : x = div_calc . values ( ) [ 0 ] . values ( ) y = div_calc . values ( ) [ 1 ] . values ( ) except : return "Error setting up input arrays for Mann-Whitney U Test. Skipping " "significance testing." T , p = stats . mannwhitneyu ( x , y ) print "\nMann-Whitney U test statistic:" , T print "Two-tailed p-value: {}" . format ( 2 * p ) | 18 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/bin/diversity.py#L54-L66 | [
] |
Compute the Kruskal - Wallis H - test for independent samples . A typical rule is that each group must have at least 5 measurements . | def print_KruskalWallisH ( div_calc ) : calc = defaultdict ( list ) try : for k1 , v1 in div_calc . iteritems ( ) : for k2 , v2 in v1 . iteritems ( ) : calc [ k1 ] . append ( v2 ) except : return "Error setting up input arrays for Kruskal-Wallis H-Test. Skipping " "significance testing." h , p = stats . kruskal ( * calc . values ( ) ) print "\nKruskal-Wallis H-test statistic for {} groups: {}" . format ( str ( len ( div_calc ) ) , h ) print "p-value: {}" . format ( p ) | 19 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/bin/diversity.py#L69-L84 | [
] |
Parses the given options passed in at the command line . | def handle_program_options ( ) : parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = "Calculate the alpha diversity\
of a set of samples using one or more \
metrics and output a kernal density \
estimator-smoothed histogram of the \
results." ) parser . add_argument ( "-m" , "--map_file" , help = "QIIME mapping file." ) parser . add_argument ( "-i" , "--biom_fp" , help = "Path to the BIOM table" ) parser . add_argument ( "-c" , "--category" , help = "Specific category from the mapping file." ) parser . add_argument ( "-d" , "--diversity" , default = [ "shannon" ] , nargs = "+" , help = "The alpha diversity metric. Default \
value is 'shannon', which will calculate the Shannon\
entropy. Multiple metrics can be specified (space separated).\
The full list of metrics is available at:\
Beta diversity metrics will be supported in the future." ) parser . add_argument ( "--x_label" , default = [ None ] , nargs = "+" , help = "The name of the diversity metric to be displayed on the\
plot as the X-axis label. If multiple metrics are specified,\
then multiple entries for the X-axis label should be given." ) parser . add_argument ( "--color_by" , help = "A column name in the mapping file containing\
hexadecimal (#FF0000) color values that will\
be used to color the groups. Each sample ID must\
have a color entry." ) parser . add_argument ( "--plot_title" , default = "" , help = "A descriptive title that will appear at the top \
of the output plot. Surround with quotes if there are\
spaces in the title." ) parser . add_argument ( "-o" , "--output_dir" , default = "." , help = "The directory plots will be saved to." ) parser . add_argument ( "--image_type" , default = "png" , help = "The type of image to save: png, svg, pdf, eps, etc..." ) parser . add_argument ( "--save_calculations" , help = "Path and name of text file to store the calculated " "diversity metrics." ) parser . add_argument ( "--suppress_stats" , action = "store_true" , help = "Do not display " "significance testing results which are shown by default." ) parser . add_argument ( "--show_available_metrics" , action = "store_true" , help = "Supply this parameter to see which alpha diversity metrics " " are available for usage. No calculations will be performed" " if this parameter is provided." ) return parser . parse_args ( ) | 20 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/bin/diversity.py#L122-L168 | [
] |
make blast db | def blastdb ( fasta , maxfile = 10000000 ) : db = fasta . rsplit ( '.' , 1 ) [ 0 ] type = check_type ( fasta ) if type == 'nucl' : type = [ 'nhr' , type ] else : type = [ 'phr' , type ] if os . path . exists ( '%s.%s' % ( db , type [ 0 ] ) ) is False and os . path . exists ( '%s.00.%s' % ( db , type [ 0 ] ) ) is False : print ( '# ... making blastdb for: %s' % ( fasta ) , file = sys . stderr ) os . system ( 'makeblastdb \
-in %s -out %s -dbtype %s -max_file_sz %s >> log.txt' % ( fasta , db , type [ 1 ] , maxfile ) ) else : print ( '# ... database found for: %s' % ( fasta ) , file = sys . stderr ) return db | 21 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/search.py#L28-L46 | [
"# authentication context must be set",
"\"Service available to authenticated users only, no auth context provider set in handler\"",
"# check for access by calling is_authorized_user",
"\"Service available to authorized users only\"",
] |
make usearch db | def usearchdb ( fasta , alignment = 'local' , usearch_loc = 'usearch' ) : if '.udb' in fasta : print ( '# ... database found: %s' % ( fasta ) , file = sys . stderr ) return fasta type = check_type ( fasta ) db = '%s.%s.udb' % ( fasta . rsplit ( '.' , 1 ) [ 0 ] , type ) if os . path . exists ( db ) is False : print ( '# ... making usearch db for: %s' % ( fasta ) , file = sys . stderr ) if alignment == 'local' : os . system ( '%s -makeudb_ublast %s -output %s >> log.txt' % ( usearch_loc , fasta , db ) ) elif alignment == 'global' : os . system ( '%s -makeudb_usearch %s -output %s >> log.txt' % ( usearch_loc , fasta , db ) ) else : print ( '# ... database found for: %s' % ( fasta ) , file = sys . stderr ) return db | 22 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/search.py#L68-L85 | [
"# make sure we've re- ordered faces randomly",
] |
Pretty print . | def _pp ( dict_data ) : for key , val in dict_data . items ( ) : # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens print ( '{0:<11}: {1}' . format ( key , val ) ) | 23 | https://github.com/mkouhei/bootstrap-py/blob/95d56ed98ef409fd9f019dc352fd1c3711533275/bootstrap_py/control.py#L11-L15 | [
"# Don't add duplicate dependencies",
] |
Print licenses . | def print_licences ( params , metadata ) : if hasattr ( params , 'licenses' ) : if params . licenses : _pp ( metadata . licenses_desc ( ) ) sys . exit ( 0 ) | 24 | https://github.com/mkouhei/bootstrap-py/blob/95d56ed98ef409fd9f019dc352fd1c3711533275/bootstrap_py/control.py#L27-L36 | [
"\"rabbitmq.Requester.on_response - discarded response : \"",
"\"natsd.Requester.on_response - discarded response : \"",
] |
Check repository existence . | def check_repository_existence ( params ) : repodir = os . path . join ( params . outdir , params . name ) if os . path . isdir ( repodir ) : raise Conflict ( 'Package repository "{0}" has already exists.' . format ( repodir ) ) | 25 | https://github.com/mkouhei/bootstrap-py/blob/95d56ed98ef409fd9f019dc352fd1c3711533275/bootstrap_py/control.py#L39-L47 | [
] |
Generate package repository . | def generate_package ( params ) : pkg_data = package . PackageData ( params ) pkg_tree = package . PackageTree ( pkg_data ) pkg_tree . generate ( ) pkg_tree . move ( ) VCS ( os . path . join ( pkg_tree . outdir , pkg_tree . name ) , pkg_tree . pkg_data ) | 26 | https://github.com/mkouhei/bootstrap-py/blob/95d56ed98ef409fd9f019dc352fd1c3711533275/bootstrap_py/control.py#L59-L68 | [
"\"\"\"\n Run the routine with 10 second delays\n \"\"\"",
"\"Waiting 5 seconds...\"",
] |
print single reads to stderr | def print_single ( line , rev ) : if rev is True : seq = rc ( [ '' , line [ 9 ] ] ) [ 1 ] qual = line [ 10 ] [ : : - 1 ] else : seq = line [ 9 ] qual = line [ 10 ] fq = [ '@%s' % line [ 0 ] , seq , '+%s' % line [ 0 ] , qual ] print ( '\n' . join ( fq ) , file = sys . stderr ) | 27 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/sam2fastq.py#L13-L24 | [
"\"not a directory\"",
] |
convert sam to fastq | def sam2fastq ( sam , singles = False , force = False ) : L , R = None , None for line in sam : if line . startswith ( '@' ) is True : continue line = line . strip ( ) . split ( ) bit = [ True if i == '1' else False for i in bin ( int ( line [ 1 ] ) ) . split ( 'b' ) [ 1 ] [ : : - 1 ] ] while len ( bit ) < 8 : bit . append ( False ) pair , proper , na , nap , rev , mrev , left , right = bit # make sure read is paired if pair is False : if singles is True : print_single ( line , rev ) continue # check if sequence is reverse-complemented if rev is True : seq = rc ( [ '' , line [ 9 ] ] ) [ 1 ] qual = line [ 10 ] [ : : - 1 ] else : seq = line [ 9 ] qual = line [ 10 ] # check if read is forward or reverse, return when both have been found if left is True : if L is not None and force is False : print ( 'sam file is not sorted' , file = sys . stderr ) print ( '\te.g.: %s' % ( line [ 0 ] ) , file = sys . stderr ) exit ( ) if L is not None : L = None continue L = [ '@%s' % line [ 0 ] , seq , '+%s' % line [ 0 ] , qual ] if R is not None : yield L yield R L , R = None , None if right is True : if R is not None and force is False : print ( 'sam file is not sorted' , file = sys . stderr ) print ( '\te.g.: %s' % ( line [ 0 ] ) , file = sys . stderr ) exit ( ) if R is not None : R = None continue R = [ '@%s' % line [ 0 ] , seq , '+%s' % line [ 0 ] , qual ] if L is not None : yield L yield R L , R = None , None | 28 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/sam2fastq.py#L26-L78 | [
"# double the timeout here so requests doesn't timeout before vera",
"\"get_changed_devices() requesting payload %s\"",
"# If the Vera disconnects before writing a full response (as lu_sdata",
"# will do when interrupted by a Luup reload), the requests module will",
"# happily return 200 with an empty string. So, test for empty response,",
"# so we don't rely on the JSON parser to throw an exception.",
"\"Empty response from Vera\"",
"# Catch a wide swath of what the JSON parser might throw, within",
"# reason. Unfortunately, some parsers don't specifically return",
"# json.decode.JSONDecodeError, but so far most seem to derive what",
"# they do throw from ValueError, so that's helpful.",
"\"JSON decode error: \"",
"\"Unexpected/garbled response from Vera\"",
"# At this point, all good. Update timestamp and return change data.",
] |
sort sam file | def sort_sam ( sam , sort ) : tempdir = '%s/' % ( os . path . abspath ( sam ) . rsplit ( '/' , 1 ) [ 0 ] ) if sort is True : mapping = '%s.sorted.sam' % ( sam . rsplit ( '.' , 1 ) [ 0 ] ) if sam != '-' : if os . path . exists ( mapping ) is False : os . system ( "\
sort -k1 --buffer-size=%sG -T %s -o %s %s\
" % ( sbuffer , tempdir , mapping , sam ) ) else : mapping = 'stdin-sam.sorted.sam' p = Popen ( "sort -k1 --buffer-size=%sG -T %s -o %s" % ( sbuffer , tempdir , mapping ) , stdin = sys . stdin , shell = True ) p . communicate ( ) mapping = open ( mapping ) else : if sam == '-' : mapping = sys . stdin else : mapping = open ( sam ) return mapping | 29 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/subset_sam.py#L14-L37 | [
"\"Usage: oreoled LEDNUM RED GREEN BLUE <RATE>\"",
] |
randomly subset sam file | def sub_sam ( sam , percent , sort = True , sbuffer = False ) : mapping = sort_sam ( sam , sort ) pool = [ 1 for i in range ( 0 , percent ) ] + [ 0 for i in range ( 0 , 100 - percent ) ] c = cycle ( [ 1 , 2 ] ) for line in mapping : line = line . strip ( ) . split ( ) if line [ 0 ] . startswith ( '@' ) : # get the sam header yield line continue if int ( line [ 1 ] ) <= 20 : # is this from a single read? if random . choice ( pool ) == 1 : yield line else : n = next ( c ) if n == 1 : prev = line if n == 2 and random . choice ( pool ) == 1 : yield prev yield line | 30 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/subset_sam.py#L39-L60 | [
] |
convert fq to fa | def fq2fa ( fq ) : c = cycle ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ] ) for line in fq : n = next ( c ) if n == 1 : seq = [ '>%s' % ( line . strip ( ) . split ( '@' , 1 ) [ 1 ] ) ] if n == 2 : seq . append ( line . strip ( ) ) yield seq | 31 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/fastq2fasta.py#L11-L22 | [
"\"Configuration not found in .ini files. \"",
"\"Running with default settings\"",
"\"Configuration does not match current runtime. \"",
"\"Running configuration from section \\\"%s\\\". OPTIONS: %r\"",
] |
Converts the returned value of wrapped function to the type of the first arg or to the type specified by a kwarg key return_type s value . | def change_return_type ( f ) : @ wraps ( f ) def wrapper ( * args , * * kwargs ) : if kwargs . has_key ( 'return_type' ) : return_type = kwargs [ 'return_type' ] kwargs . pop ( 'return_type' ) return return_type ( f ( * args , * * kwargs ) ) elif len ( args ) > 0 : return_type = type ( args [ 0 ] ) return return_type ( f ( * args , * * kwargs ) ) else : return f ( * args , * * kwargs ) return wrapper | 32 | https://github.com/elbow-jason/Uno-deprecated/blob/4ad07d7b84e5b6e3e2b2c89db69448906f24b4e4/uno/decorators.py#L11-L27 | [
] |
Converts all args to set type via self . setify function . | def convert_args_to_sets ( f ) : @ wraps ( f ) def wrapper ( * args , * * kwargs ) : args = ( setify ( x ) for x in args ) return f ( * args , * * kwargs ) return wrapper | 33 | https://github.com/elbow-jason/Uno-deprecated/blob/4ad07d7b84e5b6e3e2b2c89db69448906f24b4e4/uno/decorators.py#L30-L38 | [
] |
Membuat objek - objek entri dari laman yang diambil . | def _init_entri ( self , laman ) : sup = BeautifulSoup ( laman . text , 'html.parser' ) estr = '' for label in sup . find ( 'hr' ) . next_siblings : if label . name == 'hr' : self . entri . append ( Entri ( estr ) ) break if label . name == 'h2' : if estr : self . entri . append ( Entri ( estr ) ) estr = '' estr += str ( label ) . strip ( ) | 34 | https://github.com/laymonage/kbbi-python/blob/1a52ba8bcc6dc4c5c1215f9e00207aca264287d6/kbbi/kbbi.py#L46-L63 | [
] |
Memproses kata dasar yang ada dalam nama entri . | def _init_kata_dasar ( self , dasar ) : for tiap in dasar : kata = tiap . find ( 'a' ) dasar_no = kata . find ( 'sup' ) kata = ambil_teks_dalam_label ( kata ) self . kata_dasar . append ( kata + ' [{}]' . format ( dasar_no . text . strip ( ) ) if dasar_no else kata ) | 35 | https://github.com/laymonage/kbbi-python/blob/1a52ba8bcc6dc4c5c1215f9e00207aca264287d6/kbbi/kbbi.py#L126-L139 | [
"'Not a tarfile-compatible archive: {}'",
] |
Mengembalikan hasil serialisasi objek Entri ini . | def serialisasi ( self ) : return { "nama" : self . nama , "nomor" : self . nomor , "kata_dasar" : self . kata_dasar , "pelafalan" : self . pelafalan , "bentuk_tidak_baku" : self . bentuk_tidak_baku , "varian" : self . varian , "makna" : [ makna . serialisasi ( ) for makna in self . makna ] } | 36 | https://github.com/laymonage/kbbi-python/blob/1a52ba8bcc6dc4c5c1215f9e00207aca264287d6/kbbi/kbbi.py#L141-L156 | [
"' '",
] |
Mengembalikan representasi string untuk semua makna entri ini . | def _makna ( self ) : if len ( self . makna ) > 1 : return '\n' . join ( str ( i ) + ". " + str ( makna ) for i , makna in enumerate ( self . makna , 1 ) ) return str ( self . makna [ 0 ] ) | 37 | https://github.com/laymonage/kbbi-python/blob/1a52ba8bcc6dc4c5c1215f9e00207aca264287d6/kbbi/kbbi.py#L158-L170 | [
] |
Mengembalikan representasi string untuk nama entri ini . | def _nama ( self ) : hasil = self . nama if self . nomor : hasil += " [{}]" . format ( self . nomor ) if self . kata_dasar : hasil = " » ". j oin( s elf. k ata_dasar) » " + h sil return hasil | 38 | https://github.com/laymonage/kbbi-python/blob/1a52ba8bcc6dc4c5c1215f9e00207aca264287d6/kbbi/kbbi.py#L172-L184 | [
] |
Mengembalikan representasi string untuk varian entri ini . Dapat digunakan untuk Varian maupun Bentuk tidak baku . | def _varian ( self , varian ) : if varian == self . bentuk_tidak_baku : nama = "Bentuk tidak baku" elif varian == self . varian : nama = "Varian" else : return '' return nama + ': ' + ', ' . join ( varian ) | 39 | https://github.com/laymonage/kbbi-python/blob/1a52ba8bcc6dc4c5c1215f9e00207aca264287d6/kbbi/kbbi.py#L186-L202 | [
] |
Memproses kelas kata yang ada dalam makna . | def _init_kelas ( self , makna_label ) : kelas = makna_label . find ( color = 'red' ) lain = makna_label . find ( color = 'darkgreen' ) info = makna_label . find ( color = 'green' ) if kelas : kelas = kelas . find_all ( 'span' ) if lain : self . kelas = { lain . text . strip ( ) : lain [ 'title' ] . strip ( ) } self . submakna = lain . next_sibling . strip ( ) self . submakna += ' ' + makna_label . find ( color = 'grey' ) . text . strip ( ) else : self . kelas = { k . text . strip ( ) : k [ 'title' ] . strip ( ) for k in kelas } if kelas else { } self . info = info . text . strip ( ) if info else '' | 40 | https://github.com/laymonage/kbbi-python/blob/1a52ba8bcc6dc4c5c1215f9e00207aca264287d6/kbbi/kbbi.py#L239-L259 | [
"# will make sure everything has been transferred",
"# to datastore that needs to be before returning crc",
"# bitwise xor combines hashes better than a sum",
] |
Memproses contoh yang ada dalam makna . | def _init_contoh ( self , makna_label ) : indeks = makna_label . text . find ( ': ' ) if indeks != - 1 : contoh = makna_label . text [ indeks + 2 : ] . strip ( ) self . contoh = contoh . split ( '; ' ) else : self . contoh = [ ] | 41 | https://github.com/laymonage/kbbi-python/blob/1a52ba8bcc6dc4c5c1215f9e00207aca264287d6/kbbi/kbbi.py#L261-L273 | [
] |
Mengembalikan hasil serialisasi objek Makna ini . | def serialisasi ( self ) : return { "kelas" : self . kelas , "submakna" : self . submakna , "info" : self . info , "contoh" : self . contoh } | 42 | https://github.com/laymonage/kbbi-python/blob/1a52ba8bcc6dc4c5c1215f9e00207aca264287d6/kbbi/kbbi.py#L275-L287 | [
] |
Build sphinx documentation . | def build_sphinx ( pkg_data , projectdir ) : try : version , _minor_version = pkg_data . version . rsplit ( '.' , 1 ) except ValueError : version = pkg_data . version args = ' ' . join ( ( 'sphinx-quickstart' , '--sep' , '-q' , '-p "{name}"' , '-a "{author}"' , '-v "{version}"' , '-r "{release}"' , '-l en' , '--suffix=.rst' , '--master=index' , '--ext-autodoc' , '--ext-viewcode' , '--makefile' , '{projectdir}' ) ) . format ( name = pkg_data . name , author = pkg_data . author , version = version , release = pkg_data . version , projectdir = projectdir ) if subprocess . call ( shlex . split ( args ) ) == 0 : _touch_gitkeep ( projectdir ) | 43 | https://github.com/mkouhei/bootstrap-py/blob/95d56ed98ef409fd9f019dc352fd1c3711533275/bootstrap_py/docs.py#L8-L40 | [
] |
make bowtie db | def bowtiedb ( fa , keepDB ) : btdir = '%s/bt2' % ( os . getcwd ( ) ) # make directory for if not os . path . exists ( btdir ) : os . mkdir ( btdir ) btdb = '%s/%s' % ( btdir , fa . rsplit ( '/' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] ) if keepDB is True : if os . path . exists ( '%s.1.bt2' % ( btdb ) ) : return btdb p = subprocess . Popen ( 'bowtie2-build -q %s %s' % ( fa , btdb ) , shell = True ) p . communicate ( ) return btdb | 44 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/crossmap.py#L16-L31 | [
] |
generate bowtie2 command | def bowtie ( sam , btd , f , r , u , opt , no_shrink , threads ) : bt2 = 'bowtie2 -x %s -p %s ' % ( btd , threads ) if f is not False : bt2 += '-1 %s -2 %s ' % ( f , r ) if u is not False : bt2 += '-U %s ' % ( u ) bt2 += opt if no_shrink is False : if f is False : bt2 += ' | shrinksam -u -k %s-shrunk.sam ' % ( sam ) else : bt2 += ' | shrinksam -k %s-shrunk.sam ' % ( sam ) else : bt2 += ' > %s.sam' % ( sam ) return bt2 | 45 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/crossmap.py#L33-L50 | [
] |
map all read sets against all fasta files | def crossmap ( fas , reads , options , no_shrink , keepDB , threads , cluster , nodes ) : if cluster is True : threads = '48' btc = [ ] for fa in fas : btd = bowtiedb ( fa , keepDB ) F , R , U = reads if F is not False : if U is False : u = False for i , f in enumerate ( F ) : r = R [ i ] if U is not False : u = U [ i ] sam = '%s/%s-vs-%s' % ( os . getcwd ( ) , fa . rsplit ( '/' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] , f . rsplit ( '/' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] . rsplit ( '.' , 3 ) [ 0 ] ) btc . append ( bowtie ( sam , btd , f , r , u , options , no_shrink , threads ) ) else : f = False r = False for u in U : sam = '%s/%s-vs-%s' % ( os . getcwd ( ) , fa . rsplit ( '/' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] , u . rsplit ( '/' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] . rsplit ( '.' , 3 ) [ 0 ] ) btc . append ( bowtie ( sam , btd , f , r , u , options , no_shrink , threads ) ) if cluster is False : for i in btc : p = subprocess . Popen ( i , shell = True ) p . communicate ( ) else : ID = '' . join ( random . choice ( [ str ( i ) for i in range ( 0 , 9 ) ] ) for _ in range ( 5 ) ) for node , commands in enumerate ( chunks ( btc , nodes ) , 1 ) : bs = open ( '%s/crossmap-qsub.%s.%s.sh' % ( os . getcwd ( ) , ID , node ) , 'w' ) print ( '\n' . join ( commands ) , file = bs ) bs . close ( ) p = subprocess . Popen ( 'qsub -V -N crossmap %s' % ( bs . name ) , shell = True ) p . communicate ( ) | 46 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/crossmap.py#L55-L96 | [
"'Client not registered, cannot start socket.'",
"'Attempting Socket Connection.'",
"# Enable sever session updates:",
"'{\"MessageType\":\"SessionsStart\", \"Data\": \"0,1500\"}'",
"# Catch all for now",
"'Failure setting session updates: %s'",
"'Session updates error.'",
"'Socket Connected!'",
"# Process data",
"'Websocket was closed.'",
"'Websocket encountered an error: %s'",
"'Websocket error.'",
"'Websocket unintentionally closed.'",
"' Trying reconnect in %ss. Error: %s'",
] |
Returns a connection object from the router given args . | def get_conn ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) : connections = self . __connections_for ( 'get_conn' , args = args , kwargs = kwargs ) if len ( connections ) is 1 : return connections [ 0 ] else : return connections | 47 | https://github.com/disqus/nydus/blob/9b505840da47a34f758a830c3992fa5dcb7bb7ad/nydus/db/base.py#L100-L113 | [
] |
return the non - direct init if the direct algorithm has been selected . | def __get_nondirect_init ( self , init ) : crc = init for i in range ( self . Width ) : bit = crc & 0x01 if bit : crc ^= self . Poly crc >>= 1 if bit : crc |= self . MSB_Mask return crc & self . Mask | 48 | https://github.com/scottrice/pysteam/blob/1eb2254b5235a053a953e596fa7602d0b110245d/pysteam/_crc_algorithms.py#L98-L110 | [
"\"Malformed vocab line #%d '%s'\"",
] |
reflect a data word i . e . reverts the bit order . | def reflect ( self , data , width ) : x = data & 0x01 for i in range ( width - 1 ) : data >>= 1 x = ( x << 1 ) | ( data & 0x01 ) return x | 49 | https://github.com/scottrice/pysteam/blob/1eb2254b5235a053a953e596fa7602d0b110245d/pysteam/_crc_algorithms.py#L115-L123 | [
] |
Classic simple and slow CRC implementation . This function iterates bit by bit over the augmented input message and returns the calculated CRC value at the end . | def bit_by_bit ( self , in_data ) : # If the input data is a string, convert to bytes. if isinstance ( in_data , str ) : in_data = [ ord ( c ) for c in in_data ] register = self . NonDirectInit for octet in in_data : if self . ReflectIn : octet = self . reflect ( octet , 8 ) for i in range ( 8 ) : topbit = register & self . MSB_Mask register = ( ( register << 1 ) & self . Mask ) | ( ( octet >> ( 7 - i ) ) & 0x01 ) if topbit : register ^= self . Poly for i in range ( self . Width ) : topbit = register & self . MSB_Mask register = ( ( register << 1 ) & self . Mask ) if topbit : register ^= self . Poly if self . ReflectOut : register = self . reflect ( register , self . Width ) return register ^ self . XorOut | 50 | https://github.com/scottrice/pysteam/blob/1eb2254b5235a053a953e596fa7602d0b110245d/pysteam/_crc_algorithms.py#L128-L156 | [
"# Retrieve all datastores visible",
"'placement_hub = %s'",
"'Not enough permissions. Required privilege: '",
"'Storage policy with id \\'{0}\\' was '",
"'not found'",
] |
This function generates the CRC table used for the table_driven CRC algorithm . The Python version cannot handle tables of an index width other than 8 . See the generated C code for tables with different sizes instead . | def gen_table ( self ) : table_length = 1 << self . TableIdxWidth tbl = [ 0 ] * table_length for i in range ( table_length ) : register = i if self . ReflectIn : register = self . reflect ( register , self . TableIdxWidth ) register = register << ( self . Width - self . TableIdxWidth + self . CrcShift ) for j in range ( self . TableIdxWidth ) : if register & ( self . MSB_Mask << self . CrcShift ) != 0 : register = ( register << 1 ) ^ ( self . Poly << self . CrcShift ) else : register = ( register << 1 ) if self . ReflectIn : register = self . reflect ( register >> self . CrcShift , self . Width ) << self . CrcShift tbl [ i ] = register & ( self . Mask << self . CrcShift ) return tbl | 51 | https://github.com/scottrice/pysteam/blob/1eb2254b5235a053a953e596fa7602d0b110245d/pysteam/_crc_algorithms.py#L190-L212 | [
] |
The Standard table_driven CRC algorithm . | def table_driven ( self , in_data ) : # If the input data is a string, convert to bytes. if isinstance ( in_data , str ) : in_data = [ ord ( c ) for c in in_data ] tbl = self . gen_table ( ) register = self . DirectInit << self . CrcShift if not self . ReflectIn : for octet in in_data : tblidx = ( ( register >> ( self . Width - self . TableIdxWidth + self . CrcShift ) ) ^ octet ) & 0xff register = ( ( register << ( self . TableIdxWidth - self . CrcShift ) ) ^ tbl [ tblidx ] ) & ( self . Mask << self . CrcShift ) register = register >> self . CrcShift else : register = self . reflect ( register , self . Width + self . CrcShift ) << self . CrcShift for octet in in_data : tblidx = ( ( register >> self . CrcShift ) ^ octet ) & 0xff register = ( ( register >> self . TableIdxWidth ) ^ tbl [ tblidx ] ) & ( self . Mask << self . CrcShift ) register = self . reflect ( register , self . Width + self . CrcShift ) & self . Mask if self . ReflectOut : register = self . reflect ( register , self . Width ) return register ^ self . XorOut | 52 | https://github.com/scottrice/pysteam/blob/1eb2254b5235a053a953e596fa7602d0b110245d/pysteam/_crc_algorithms.py#L217-L242 | [
] |
parse masked sequence into non - masked and masked regions | def parse_masked ( seq , min_len ) : nm , masked = [ ] , [ [ ] ] prev = None for base in seq [ 1 ] : if base . isupper ( ) : nm . append ( base ) if masked != [ [ ] ] and len ( masked [ - 1 ] ) < min_len : nm . extend ( masked [ - 1 ] ) del masked [ - 1 ] prev = False elif base . islower ( ) : if prev is False : masked . append ( [ ] ) masked [ - 1 ] . append ( base ) prev = True return nm , masked | 53 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/strip_masked.py#L13-L31 | [
"# The server may provide us with the size of the file.",
"# Initialise variables",
"# Do the download",
"\"Local file size '{}' \"",
"\"does not match remote '{}'\"",
] |
remove masked regions from fasta file as long as they are longer than min_len | def strip_masked ( fasta , min_len , print_masked ) : for seq in parse_fasta ( fasta ) : nm , masked = parse_masked ( seq , min_len ) nm = [ '%s removed_masked >=%s' % ( seq [ 0 ] , min_len ) , '' . join ( nm ) ] yield [ 0 , nm ] if print_masked is True : for i , m in enumerate ( [ i for i in masked if i != [ ] ] , 1 ) : m = [ '%s insertion:%s' % ( seq [ 0 ] , i ) , '' . join ( m ) ] yield [ 1 , m ] | 54 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/strip_masked.py#L33-L45 | [
"\"Launching thread number \"",
] |
Return arcsine transformed relative abundance from a BIOM format file . | def get_relative_abundance ( biomfile ) : biomf = biom . load_table ( biomfile ) norm_biomf = biomf . norm ( inplace = False ) rel_abd = { } for sid in norm_biomf . ids ( ) : rel_abd [ sid ] = { } for otuid in norm_biomf . ids ( "observation" ) : otuname = oc . otu_name ( norm_biomf . metadata ( otuid , axis = "observation" ) [ "taxonomy" ] ) otuname = " " . join ( otuname . split ( "_" ) ) abd = norm_biomf . get_value_by_ids ( otuid , sid ) rel_abd [ sid ] [ otuname ] = abd ast_rel_abd = bc . arcsine_sqrt_transform ( rel_abd ) return ast_rel_abd | 55 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/bin/network_plots_gephi.py#L33-L57 | [
] |
Find an OTU ID in a Newick - format tree . Return the starting position of the ID or None if not found . | def find_otu ( otuid , tree ) : for m in re . finditer ( otuid , tree ) : before , after = tree [ m . start ( ) - 1 ] , tree [ m . start ( ) + len ( otuid ) ] if before in [ "(" , "," , ")" ] and after in [ ":" , ";" ] : return m . start ( ) return None | 56 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/bin/iTol.py#L17-L26 | [
"\"Waiting %s seconds before reconnecting.\"",
] |
Replace the OTU ids in the Newick phylogenetic tree format with truncated OTU names | def newick_replace_otuids ( tree , biomf ) : for val , id_ , md in biomf . iter ( axis = "observation" ) : otu_loc = find_otu ( id_ , tree ) if otu_loc is not None : tree = tree [ : otu_loc ] + oc . otu_name ( md [ "taxonomy" ] ) + tree [ otu_loc + len ( id_ ) : ] return tree | 57 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/bin/iTol.py#L29-L40 | [
] |
return genome info for choosing representative | def genome_info ( genome , info ) : try : scg = info [ '#SCGs' ] dups = info [ '#SCG duplicates' ] length = info [ 'genome size (bp)' ] return [ scg - dups , length , genome ] except : return [ False , False , info [ 'genome size (bp)' ] , genome ] | 58 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/cluster_ani.py#L97-L112 | [
"\"Did not receive response within configured timeout period.\"",
] |
choose represenative genome and print cluster information | def print_clusters ( fastas , info , ANI ) : header = [ '#cluster' , 'num. genomes' , 'rep.' , 'genome' , '#SCGs' , '#SCG duplicates' , 'genome size (bp)' , 'fragments' , 'list' ] yield header in_cluster = [ ] for cluster_num , cluster in enumerate ( connected_components ( ANI ) ) : cluster = sorted ( [ genome_info ( genome , info [ genome ] ) for genome in cluster ] , key = lambda x : x [ 0 : ] , reverse = True ) rep = cluster [ 0 ] [ - 1 ] cluster = [ i [ - 1 ] for i in cluster ] size = len ( cluster ) for genome in cluster : in_cluster . append ( genome ) try : stats = [ size , rep , genome , info [ genome ] [ '#SCGs' ] , info [ genome ] [ '#SCG duplicates' ] , info [ genome ] [ 'genome size (bp)' ] , info [ genome ] [ '# contigs' ] , cluster ] except : stats = [ size , rep , genome , 'n/a' , 'n/a' , info [ genome ] [ 'genome size (bp)' ] , info [ genome ] [ '# contigs' ] , cluster ] if rep == genome : stats = [ '*%s' % ( cluster_num ) ] + stats else : stats = [ cluster_num ] + stats yield stats # print singletons try : start = cluster_num + 1 except : start = 0 fastas = set ( [ i . rsplit ( '.' , 1 ) [ 0 ] . rsplit ( '/' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] . rsplit ( '.contigs' ) [ 0 ] for i in fastas ] ) for cluster_num , genome in enumerate ( fastas . difference ( set ( in_cluster ) ) , start ) : try : stats = [ '*%s' % ( cluster_num ) , 1 , genome , genome , info [ genome ] [ '#SCGs' ] , info [ genome ] [ '#SCG duplicates' ] , info [ genome ] [ 'genome size (bp)' ] , info [ genome ] [ '# contigs' ] , [ genome ] ] except : stats = [ '*%s' % ( cluster_num ) , 1 , genome , genome , 'n/a' , 'n/a' , info [ genome ] [ 'genome size (bp)' ] , info [ genome ] [ '# contigs' ] , [ genome ] ] yield stats | 59 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/cluster_ani.py#L114-L163 | [
"# items to edit",
"# remove items from Registry",
"# remove data source from layer",
"# remove data_source object",
] |
convert ggKbase genome info tables to dictionary | def parse_ggKbase_tables ( tables , id_type ) : g2info = { } for table in tables : for line in open ( table ) : line = line . strip ( ) . split ( '\t' ) if line [ 0 ] . startswith ( 'name' ) : header = line header [ 4 ] = 'genome size (bp)' header [ 12 ] = '#SCGs' header [ 13 ] = '#SCG duplicates' continue name , code , info = line [ 0 ] , line [ 1 ] , line info = [ to_int ( i ) for i in info ] if id_type is False : # try to use name and code ID if 'UNK' in code or 'unknown' in code : code = name if ( name != code ) and ( name and code in g2info ) : print ( '# duplicate name or code in table(s)' , file = sys . stderr ) print ( '# %s and/or %s' % ( name , code ) , file = sys . stderr ) exit ( ) if name not in g2info : g2info [ name ] = { item : stat for item , stat in zip ( header , info ) } if code not in g2info : g2info [ code ] = { item : stat for item , stat in zip ( header , info ) } else : if id_type == 'name' : ID = name elif id_type == 'code' : ID = code else : print ( '# specify name or code column using -id' , file = sys . stderr ) exit ( ) ID = ID . replace ( ' ' , '' ) g2info [ ID ] = { item : stat for item , stat in zip ( header , info ) } if g2info [ ID ] [ 'genome size (bp)' ] == '' : g2info [ ID ] [ 'genome size (bp)' ] = 0 return g2info | 60 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/cluster_ani.py#L174-L213 | [
] |
convert checkM genome info tables to dictionary | def parse_checkM_tables ( tables ) : g2info = { } for table in tables : for line in open ( table ) : line = line . strip ( ) . split ( '\t' ) if line [ 0 ] . startswith ( 'Bin Id' ) : header = line header [ 8 ] = 'genome size (bp)' header [ 5 ] = '#SCGs' header [ 6 ] = '#SCG duplicates' continue ID , info = line [ 0 ] , line info = [ to_int ( i ) for i in info ] ID = ID . replace ( ' ' , '' ) g2info [ ID ] = { item : stat for item , stat in zip ( header , info ) } if g2info [ ID ] [ 'genome size (bp)' ] == '' : g2info [ ID ] [ 'genome size (bp)' ] = 0 return g2info | 61 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/cluster_ani.py#L215-L235 | [
"'ixClearTimeStamp {}'",
"'ixStartPacketGroups {}'",
"'ixStartTransmit {}'",
] |
get genome lengths | def genome_lengths ( fastas , info ) : if info is False : info = { } for genome in fastas : name = genome . rsplit ( '.' , 1 ) [ 0 ] . rsplit ( '/' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] . rsplit ( '.contigs' ) [ 0 ] if name in info : continue length = 0 fragments = 0 for seq in parse_fasta ( genome ) : length += len ( seq [ 1 ] ) fragments += 1 info [ name ] = { 'genome size (bp)' : length , '# contigs' : fragments } return info | 62 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/cluster_ani.py#L237-L253 | [
] |
Returns a list of db keys to route the given call to . | def get_dbs ( self , attr , args , kwargs , * * fkwargs ) : if not self . _ready : if not self . setup_router ( args = args , kwargs = kwargs , * * fkwargs ) : raise self . UnableToSetupRouter ( ) retval = self . _pre_routing ( attr = attr , args = args , kwargs = kwargs , * * fkwargs ) if retval is not None : args , kwargs = retval if not ( args or kwargs ) : return self . cluster . hosts . keys ( ) try : db_nums = self . _route ( attr = attr , args = args , kwargs = kwargs , * * fkwargs ) except Exception as e : self . _handle_exception ( e ) db_nums = [ ] return self . _post_routing ( attr = attr , db_nums = db_nums , args = args , kwargs = kwargs , * * fkwargs ) | 63 | https://github.com/disqus/nydus/blob/9b505840da47a34f758a830c3992fa5dcb7bb7ad/nydus/db/routers/base.py#L50-L81 | [
"# type: ignore",
] |
Call method to perform any setup | def setup_router ( self , args , kwargs , * * fkwargs ) : self . _ready = self . _setup_router ( args = args , kwargs = kwargs , * * fkwargs ) return self . _ready | 64 | https://github.com/disqus/nydus/blob/9b505840da47a34f758a830c3992fa5dcb7bb7ad/nydus/db/routers/base.py#L87-L93 | [
"# the first line is the header",
"# make sure header is a string, not bytes",
"# save header to metadata",
"# read all text into one string",
"# convert bytes to string",
"# split by endsolid keyword",
"# create array of splits",
"# there are 21 'words' in each face",
"# length of blob should be multiple of face_len",
"'Incorrect length STL file!'",
"# this offset is to be added to a fixed set of tiled indices",
"# faces are groups of three sequential vertices",
] |
Perform routing and return db_nums | def _route ( self , attr , args , kwargs , * * fkwargs ) : return self . cluster . hosts . keys ( ) | 65 | https://github.com/disqus/nydus/blob/9b505840da47a34f758a830c3992fa5dcb7bb7ad/nydus/db/routers/base.py#L111-L115 | [
"# we somehow failed to generate thumbnail",
] |
Iterates through all connections which were previously listed as unavailable and marks any that have expired their retry_timeout as being up . | def check_down_connections ( self ) : now = time . time ( ) for db_num , marked_down_at in self . _down_connections . items ( ) : if marked_down_at + self . retry_timeout <= now : self . mark_connection_up ( db_num ) | 66 | https://github.com/disqus/nydus/blob/9b505840da47a34f758a830c3992fa5dcb7bb7ad/nydus/db/routers/base.py#L175-L184 | [
"\"performing SPARQL CONSTRUCT transformation\"",
"# actual query should be read from file",
"\"CONSTRUCT query: %s\"",
] |
Marks all connections which were previously listed as unavailable as being up . | def flush_down_connections ( self ) : self . _get_db_attempts = 0 for db_num in self . _down_connections . keys ( ) : self . mark_connection_up ( db_num ) | 67 | https://github.com/disqus/nydus/blob/9b505840da47a34f758a830c3992fa5dcb7bb7ad/nydus/db/routers/base.py#L186-L192 | [
] |
Compute standby power | def standby ( df , resolution = '24h' , time_window = None ) : if df . empty : raise EmptyDataFrame ( ) df = pd . DataFrame ( df ) # if df was a pd.Series, convert to DataFrame def parse_time ( t ) : if isinstance ( t , numbers . Number ) : return pd . Timestamp . utcfromtimestamp ( t ) . time ( ) else : return pd . Timestamp ( t ) . time ( ) # first filter based on the time-window if time_window is not None : t_start = parse_time ( time_window [ 0 ] ) t_end = parse_time ( time_window [ 1 ] ) if t_start > t_end : # start before midnight df = df [ ( df . index . time >= t_start ) | ( df . index . time < t_end ) ] else : df = df [ ( df . index . time >= t_start ) & ( df . index . time < t_end ) ] return df . resample ( resolution ) . min ( ) | 68 | https://github.com/opengridcc/opengrid/blob/69b8da3c8fcea9300226c45ef0628cd6d4307651/opengrid/library/analysis.py#L72-L115 | [
] |
Compute the share of the standby power in the total consumption . | def share_of_standby ( df , resolution = '24h' , time_window = None ) : p_sb = standby ( df , resolution , time_window ) df = df . resample ( resolution ) . mean ( ) p_tot = df . sum ( ) p_standby = p_sb . sum ( ) share_standby = p_standby / p_tot res = share_standby . iloc [ 0 ] return res | 69 | https://github.com/opengridcc/opengrid/blob/69b8da3c8fcea9300226c45ef0628cd6d4307651/opengrid/library/analysis.py#L118-L146 | [
"# Prepare rasters",
"# Make sure the raster field is valid",
"# Configure color ramp",
] |
Toggle counter for gas boilers | def count_peaks ( ts ) : on_toggles = ts . diff ( ) > 3000 shifted = np . logical_not ( on_toggles . shift ( 1 ) ) result = on_toggles & shifted count = result . sum ( ) return count | 70 | https://github.com/opengridcc/opengrid/blob/69b8da3c8fcea9300226c45ef0628cd6d4307651/opengrid/library/analysis.py#L149-L169 | [
] |
Calculate the ratio of input vs . norm over a given interval . | def load_factor ( ts , resolution = None , norm = None ) : if norm is None : norm = ts . max ( ) if resolution is not None : ts = ts . resample ( rule = resolution ) . mean ( ) lf = ts / norm return lf | 71 | https://github.com/opengridcc/opengrid/blob/69b8da3c8fcea9300226c45ef0628cd6d4307651/opengrid/library/analysis.py#L172-L199 | [
"'No API key found in request'",
"\"No API key\"",
] |
get top hits after sorting by column number | def top_hits ( hits , num , column , reverse ) : hits . sort ( key = itemgetter ( column ) , reverse = reverse ) for hit in hits [ 0 : num ] : yield hit | 72 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/besthits.py#L17-L23 | [
"\"Unable to read wav with memmory mapping. Trying without now.\"",
] |
parse b6 output with sorting | def numBlast_sort ( blast , numHits , evalueT , bitT ) : header = [ '#query' , 'target' , 'pident' , 'alen' , 'mismatch' , 'gapopen' , 'qstart' , 'qend' , 'tstart' , 'tend' , 'evalue' , 'bitscore' ] yield header hmm = { h : [ ] for h in header } for line in blast : if line . startswith ( '#' ) : continue line = line . strip ( ) . split ( '\t' ) # Evalue and Bitscore thresholds line [ 10 ] , line [ 11 ] = float ( line [ 10 ] ) , float ( line [ 11 ] ) evalue , bit = line [ 10 ] , line [ 11 ] if evalueT is not False and evalue > evalueT : continue if bitT is not False and bit < bitT : continue for i , h in zip ( line , header ) : hmm [ h ] . append ( i ) hmm = pd . DataFrame ( hmm ) for query , df in hmm . groupby ( by = [ '#query' ] ) : df = df . sort_values ( by = [ 'bitscore' ] , ascending = False ) for hit in df [ header ] . values [ 0 : numHits ] : yield hit | 73 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/besthits.py#L25-L50 | [
] |
parse b6 output | def numBlast ( blast , numHits , evalueT = False , bitT = False , sort = False ) : if sort is True : for hit in numBlast_sort ( blast , numHits , evalueT , bitT ) : yield hit return header = [ '#query' , 'target' , 'pident' , 'alen' , 'mismatch' , 'gapopen' , 'qstart' , 'qend' , 'tstart' , 'tend' , 'evalue' , 'bitscore' ] yield header prev , hits = None , [ ] for line in blast : line = line . strip ( ) . split ( '\t' ) ID = line [ 0 ] line [ 10 ] , line [ 11 ] = float ( line [ 10 ] ) , float ( line [ 11 ] ) evalue , bit = line [ 10 ] , line [ 11 ] if ID != prev : if len ( hits ) > 0 : # column is 1 + line index for hit in top_hits ( hits , numHits , 11 , True ) : yield hit hits = [ ] if evalueT == False and bitT == False : hits . append ( line ) elif evalue <= evalueT and bitT == False : hits . append ( line ) elif evalue <= evalueT and bit >= bitT : hits . append ( line ) elif evalueT == False and bit >= bitT : hits . append ( line ) prev = ID for hit in top_hits ( hits , numHits , 11 , True ) : yield hit | 74 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/besthits.py#L52-L85 | [
"\" \"",
"\"There was an error with the user \"",
"\"There was an error with the user \"",
] |
parse hmm domain table output this version is faster but does not work unless the table is sorted | def numDomtblout ( domtblout , numHits , evalueT , bitT , sort ) : if sort is True : for hit in numDomtblout_sort ( domtblout , numHits , evalueT , bitT ) : yield hit return header = [ '#target name' , 'target accession' , 'tlen' , 'query name' , 'query accession' , 'qlen' , 'full E-value' , 'full score' , 'full bias' , 'domain #' , '# domains' , 'domain c-Evalue' , 'domain i-Evalue' , 'domain score' , 'domain bias' , 'hmm from' , 'hmm to' , 'seq from' , 'seq to' , 'env from' , 'env to' , 'acc' , 'target description' ] yield header prev , hits = None , [ ] for line in domtblout : if line . startswith ( '#' ) : continue # parse line and get description line = line . strip ( ) . split ( ) desc = ' ' . join ( line [ 18 : ] ) line = line [ 0 : 18 ] line . append ( desc ) # create ID based on query name and domain number ID = line [ 0 ] + line [ 9 ] # domain c-Evalue and domain score thresholds line [ 11 ] , line [ 13 ] = float ( line [ 11 ] ) , float ( line [ 13 ] ) evalue , bitscore = line [ 11 ] , line [ 13 ] line [ 11 ] , line [ 13 ] = evalue , bitscore if ID != prev : if len ( hits ) > 0 : for hit in top_hits ( hits , numHits , 13 , True ) : yield hit hits = [ ] if evalueT == False and bitT == False : hits . append ( line ) elif evalue <= evalueT and bitT == False : hits . append ( line ) elif evalue <= evalueT and bit >= bitT : hits . append ( line ) elif evalueT == False and bit >= bitT : hits . append ( line ) prev = ID for hit in top_hits ( hits , numHits , 13 , True ) : yield hit | 75 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/besthits.py#L121-L168 | [
] |
convert stockholm to fasta | def stock2fa ( stock ) : seqs = { } for line in stock : if line . startswith ( '#' ) is False and line . startswith ( ' ' ) is False and len ( line ) > 3 : id , seq = line . strip ( ) . split ( ) id = id . rsplit ( '/' , 1 ) [ 0 ] id = re . split ( '[0-9]\|' , id , 1 ) [ - 1 ] if id not in seqs : seqs [ id ] = [ ] seqs [ id ] . append ( seq ) if line . startswith ( '//' ) : break return seqs | 76 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/stockholm2fa.py#L11-L26 | [
"'No tables found'",
"'Your AWS API keys lack access to listing tables. '",
"'That is an issue if you are trying to use regular '",
"'expressions in your table configuration.'",
"'Invalid security token. Are your AWS API keys correct?'",
"'Unhandled exception: {0}: {1}. '",
"'Please file a bug report at '",
"'Communication error: {0}'",
] |
Return boolean time series following given week schedule . | def week_schedule ( index , on_time = None , off_time = None , off_days = None ) : if on_time is None : on_time = '9:00' if off_time is None : off_time = '17:00' if off_days is None : off_days = [ 'Sunday' , 'Monday' ] if not isinstance ( on_time , datetime . time ) : on_time = pd . to_datetime ( on_time , format = '%H:%M' ) . time ( ) if not isinstance ( off_time , datetime . time ) : off_time = pd . to_datetime ( off_time , format = '%H:%M' ) . time ( ) times = ( index . time >= on_time ) & ( index . time < off_time ) & ( ~ index . weekday_name . isin ( off_days ) ) return pd . Series ( times , index = index ) | 77 | https://github.com/opengridcc/opengrid/blob/69b8da3c8fcea9300226c45ef0628cd6d4307651/opengrid/library/utils.py#L10-L47 | [
] |
Draw a carpet plot of a pandas timeseries . | def carpet ( timeseries , * * kwargs ) : # define optional input parameters cmap = kwargs . pop ( 'cmap' , cm . coolwarm ) norm = kwargs . pop ( 'norm' , LogNorm ( ) ) interpolation = kwargs . pop ( 'interpolation' , 'nearest' ) cblabel = kwargs . pop ( 'zlabel' , timeseries . name if timeseries . name else '' ) title = kwargs . pop ( 'title' , 'carpet plot: ' + timeseries . name if timeseries . name else '' ) # data preparation if timeseries . dropna ( ) . empty : print ( 'skipped {} - no data' . format ( title ) ) return ts = timeseries . resample ( '15min' ) . interpolate ( ) vmin = max ( 0.1 , kwargs . pop ( 'vmin' , ts [ ts > 0 ] . min ( ) ) ) vmax = max ( vmin , kwargs . pop ( 'vmax' , ts . quantile ( .999 ) ) ) # convert to dataframe with date as index and time as columns by # first replacing the index by a MultiIndex mpldatetimes = date2num ( ts . index . to_pydatetime ( ) ) ts . index = pd . MultiIndex . from_arrays ( [ np . floor ( mpldatetimes ) , 2 + mpldatetimes % 1 ] ) # '2 +': matplotlib bug workaround. # and then unstacking the second index level to columns df = ts . unstack ( ) # data plotting fig , ax = plt . subplots ( ) # define the extent of the axes (remark the +- 0.5 for the y axis in order to obtain aligned date ticks) extent = [ df . columns [ 0 ] , df . columns [ - 1 ] , df . index [ - 1 ] + 0.5 , df . index [ 0 ] - 0.5 ] im = plt . imshow ( df , vmin = vmin , vmax = vmax , extent = extent , cmap = cmap , aspect = 'auto' , norm = norm , interpolation = interpolation , * * kwargs ) # figure formatting # x axis ax . xaxis_date ( ) ax . xaxis . set_major_locator ( HourLocator ( interval = 2 ) ) ax . xaxis . set_major_formatter ( DateFormatter ( '%H:%M' ) ) ax . xaxis . grid ( True ) plt . xlabel ( 'UTC Time' ) # y axis ax . yaxis_date ( ) dmin , dmax = ax . yaxis . get_data_interval ( ) number_of_days = ( num2date ( dmax ) - num2date ( dmin ) ) . days # AutoDateLocator is not suited in case few data is available if abs ( number_of_days ) <= 35 : ax . yaxis . set_major_locator ( DayLocator ( ) ) else : ax . yaxis . set_major_locator ( AutoDateLocator ( ) ) ax . yaxis . set_major_formatter ( DateFormatter ( "%a, %d %b %Y" ) ) # plot colorbar cbticks = np . logspace ( np . log10 ( vmin ) , np . log10 ( vmax ) , 11 , endpoint = True ) cb = plt . colorbar ( format = '%.0f' , ticks = cbticks ) cb . set_label ( cblabel ) # plot title plt . title ( title ) return im | 78 | https://github.com/opengridcc/opengrid/blob/69b8da3c8fcea9300226c45ef0628cd6d4307651/opengrid/library/plotting.py#L34-L125 | [
"'WalletManager.remove >>> wallet %s'",
"'WalletManager.remove <<<'",
] |
calculate percent identity | def calc_pident_ignore_gaps ( a , b ) : m = 0 # matches mm = 0 # mismatches for A , B in zip ( list ( a ) , list ( b ) ) : if A == '-' or A == '.' or B == '-' or B == '.' : continue if A == B : m += 1 else : mm += 1 try : return float ( float ( m ) / float ( ( m + mm ) ) ) * 100 except : return 0 | 79 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/compare_aligned.py#L34-L50 | [
"\"\"\"Suppress any filename not matching the regular expression.\"\"\"",
"\"\"\"Suppress files that do not match the content.\"\"\"",
] |
skip column if either is a gap | def remove_gaps ( A , B ) : a_seq , b_seq = [ ] , [ ] for a , b in zip ( list ( A ) , list ( B ) ) : if a == '-' or a == '.' or b == '-' or b == '.' : continue a_seq . append ( a ) b_seq . append ( b ) return '' . join ( a_seq ) , '' . join ( b_seq ) | 80 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/compare_aligned.py#L52-L62 | [
] |
compare pairs of sequences | def compare_seqs ( seqs ) : A , B , ignore_gaps = seqs a , b = A [ 1 ] , B [ 1 ] # actual sequences if len ( a ) != len ( b ) : print ( '# reads are not the same length' , file = sys . stderr ) exit ( ) if ignore_gaps is True : pident = calc_pident_ignore_gaps ( a , b ) else : pident = calc_pident ( a , b ) return A [ 0 ] , B [ 0 ] , pident | 81 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/compare_aligned.py#L64-L77 | [
"# c = c.partition('0')",
] |
calculate Levenshtein ratio of sequences | def compare_seqs_leven ( seqs ) : A , B , ignore_gaps = seqs a , b = remove_gaps ( A [ 1 ] , B [ 1 ] ) # actual sequences if len ( a ) != len ( b ) : print ( '# reads are not the same length' , file = sys . stderr ) exit ( ) pident = lr ( a , b ) * 100 return A [ 0 ] , B [ 0 ] , pident | 82 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/compare_aligned.py#L79-L89 | [
] |
make pairwise sequence comparisons between aligned sequences | def pairwise_compare ( afa , leven , threads , print_list , ignore_gaps ) : # load sequences into dictionary seqs = { seq [ 0 ] : seq for seq in nr_fasta ( [ afa ] , append_index = True ) } num_seqs = len ( seqs ) # define all pairs pairs = ( ( i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , ignore_gaps ) for i in itertools . combinations ( list ( seqs . values ( ) ) , 2 ) ) pool = multithread ( threads ) # calc percent identity between all pairs - parallelize if leven is True : pident = pool . map ( compare_seqs_leven , pairs ) else : compare = pool . imap_unordered ( compare_seqs , pairs ) pident = [ i for i in tqdm ( compare , total = ( num_seqs * num_seqs ) / 2 ) ] pool . close ( ) pool . terminate ( ) pool . join ( ) return to_dictionary ( pident , print_list ) | 83 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/compare_aligned.py#L91-L110 | [
] |
print matrix of pidents to stdout | def print_pairwise ( pw , median = False ) : names = sorted ( set ( [ i for i in pw ] ) ) if len ( names ) != 0 : if '>' in names [ 0 ] : yield [ '#' ] + [ i . split ( '>' ) [ 1 ] for i in names if '>' in i ] else : yield [ '#' ] + names for a in names : if '>' in a : yield [ a . split ( '>' ) [ 1 ] ] + [ pw [ a ] [ b ] for b in names ] else : out = [ ] for b in names : if b in pw [ a ] : if median is False : out . append ( max ( pw [ a ] [ b ] ) ) else : out . append ( np . median ( pw [ a ] [ b ] ) ) else : out . append ( '-' ) yield [ a ] + out | 84 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/compare_aligned.py#L132-L155 | [
"# Do not spend time here when testing",
"# CDN_DOMAIN has no trailing slash",
"# request.host_url has a trailing slash",
] |
print stats for comparisons | def print_comps ( comps ) : if comps == [ ] : print ( 'n/a' ) else : print ( '# min: %s, max: %s, mean: %s' % ( min ( comps ) , max ( comps ) , np . mean ( comps ) ) ) | 85 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/compare_aligned.py#L157-L165 | [
"# shall we just read the UFO here?",
"# filename is a path relaive to the documentpath. resolve first.",
"# if the source element has no name attribute",
"# (some authoring tools do not need them)",
"# then we should make a temporary one. We still need it for reference.",
"\"Source not found at %s\"",
"# read the locations",
"\"No location defined for source %s\"",
"# read lib flag",
"# read the groups flag",
"# read the info flag",
"# read the features flag",
"# store",
] |
print min . pident within each clade and then matrix of between - clade max . | def compare_clades ( pw ) : names = sorted ( set ( [ i for i in pw ] ) ) for i in range ( 0 , 4 ) : wi , bt = { } , { } for a in names : for b in pw [ a ] : if ';' not in a or ';' not in b : continue pident = pw [ a ] [ b ] cA , cB = a . split ( ';' ) [ i ] , b . split ( ';' ) [ i ] if i == 0 and '_' in cA and '_' in cB : cA = cA . rsplit ( '_' , 1 ) [ 1 ] cB = cB . rsplit ( '_' , 1 ) [ 1 ] elif '>' in cA or '>' in cB : cA = cA . split ( '>' ) [ 1 ] cB = cB . split ( '>' ) [ 1 ] if cA == cB : if cA not in wi : wi [ cA ] = [ ] wi [ cA ] . append ( pident ) else : if cA not in bt : bt [ cA ] = { } if cB not in bt [ cA ] : bt [ cA ] [ cB ] = [ ] bt [ cA ] [ cB ] . append ( pident ) print ( '\n# min. within' ) for clade , pidents in list ( wi . items ( ) ) : print ( '\t' . join ( [ 'wi:%s' % str ( i ) , clade , str ( min ( pidents ) ) ] ) ) # print matrix of maximum between groups comps = [ ] print ( '\n# max. between' ) for comp in print_pairwise ( bt ) : if comp is not None : print ( '\t' . join ( [ 'bt:%s' % str ( i ) ] + [ str ( j ) for j in comp ] ) ) if comp [ 0 ] != '#' : comps . extend ( [ j for j in comp [ 1 : ] if j != '-' ] ) print_comps ( comps ) # print matrix of median between groups comps = [ ] print ( '\n# median between' ) for comp in print_pairwise ( bt , median = True ) : if comp is not None : print ( '\t' . join ( [ 'bt:%s' % str ( i ) ] + [ str ( j ) for j in comp ] ) ) if comp [ 0 ] != '#' : comps . extend ( [ j for j in comp [ 1 : ] if j != '-' ] ) print_comps ( comps ) | 86 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/compare_aligned.py#L167-L216 | [
] |
convert matrix to dictionary of comparisons | def matrix2dictionary ( matrix ) : pw = { } for line in matrix : line = line . strip ( ) . split ( '\t' ) if line [ 0 ] . startswith ( '#' ) : names = line [ 1 : ] continue a = line [ 0 ] for i , pident in enumerate ( line [ 1 : ] ) : b = names [ i ] if a not in pw : pw [ a ] = { } if b not in pw : pw [ b ] = { } if pident != '-' : pident = float ( pident ) pw [ a ] [ b ] = pident pw [ b ] [ a ] = pident return pw | 87 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/compare_aligned.py#L218-L239 | [
"\"Secure Cookie Session modified during websocket handling. \"",
"\"These modifications will be lost as a cookie cannot be set.\"",
] |
Set argument parser option . | def setoption ( parser , metadata = None ) : parser . add_argument ( '-v' , action = 'version' , version = __version__ ) subparsers = parser . add_subparsers ( help = 'sub commands help' ) create_cmd = subparsers . add_parser ( 'create' ) create_cmd . add_argument ( 'name' , help = 'Specify Python package name.' ) create_cmd . add_argument ( '-d' , dest = 'description' , action = 'store' , help = 'Short description about your package.' ) create_cmd . add_argument ( '-a' , dest = 'author' , action = 'store' , required = True , help = 'Python package author name.' ) create_cmd . add_argument ( '-e' , dest = 'email' , action = 'store' , required = True , help = 'Python package author email address.' ) create_cmd . add_argument ( '-l' , dest = 'license' , choices = metadata . licenses ( ) . keys ( ) , default = 'GPLv3+' , help = 'Specify license. (default: %(default)s)' ) create_cmd . add_argument ( '-s' , dest = 'status' , choices = metadata . status ( ) . keys ( ) , default = 'Alpha' , help = ( 'Specify development status. ' '(default: %(default)s)' ) ) create_cmd . add_argument ( '--no-check' , action = 'store_true' , help = 'No checking package name in PyPI.' ) create_cmd . add_argument ( '--with-samples' , action = 'store_true' , help = 'Generate package with sample code.' ) group = create_cmd . add_mutually_exclusive_group ( required = True ) group . add_argument ( '-U' , dest = 'username' , action = 'store' , help = 'Specify GitHub username.' ) group . add_argument ( '-u' , dest = 'url' , action = 'store' , type = valid_url , help = 'Python package homepage url.' ) create_cmd . add_argument ( '-o' , dest = 'outdir' , action = 'store' , default = os . path . abspath ( os . path . curdir ) , help = 'Specify output directory. (default: $PWD)' ) list_cmd = subparsers . add_parser ( 'list' ) list_cmd . add_argument ( '-l' , dest = 'licenses' , action = 'store_true' , help = 'show license choices.' ) | 88 | https://github.com/mkouhei/bootstrap-py/blob/95d56ed98ef409fd9f019dc352fd1c3711533275/bootstrap_py/commands.py#L12-L51 | [
"# Use IF NOT EXISTS here to allow multiple writes if desired.",
"\"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS splits_sids \"",
"\"ON splits(sid)\"",
"\"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS splits_effective_date \"",
"\"ON splits(effective_date)\"",
"\"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mergers_sids \"",
"\"ON mergers(sid)\"",
"\"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mergers_effective_date \"",
"\"ON mergers(effective_date)\"",
"\"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS dividends_sid \"",
"\"ON dividends(sid)\"",
"\"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS dividends_effective_date \"",
"\"ON dividends(effective_date)\"",
"\"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS dividend_payouts_sid \"",
"\"ON dividend_payouts(sid)\"",
"\"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS dividends_payouts_ex_date \"",
"\"ON dividend_payouts(ex_date)\"",
"\"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS stock_dividend_payouts_sid \"",
"\"ON stock_dividend_payouts(sid)\"",
"\"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS stock_dividends_payouts_ex_date \"",
"\"ON stock_dividend_payouts(ex_date)\"",
] |
Parse argument options . | def parse_options ( metadata ) : parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = '%(prog)s usage:' , prog = __prog__ ) setoption ( parser , metadata = metadata ) return parser | 89 | https://github.com/mkouhei/bootstrap-py/blob/95d56ed98ef409fd9f019dc352fd1c3711533275/bootstrap_py/commands.py#L72-L77 | [
"# This is clearly intended to build on the bisine wave defined above,",
"# so we can start by generating that.",
"# Then, by reversing axis 2, we swap the stereo channels. By mixing",
"# this with `waves_a`, we'll be able to create the desired effect.",
"# Let's have the balance oscillate from left to right four times.",
"# Now, we compute the balance for each sample: `ts` has values",
"# in [0, 1] that indicate how much we should use `waves_a`.",
"# Finally, we can mix the two together, and we're done.",
"# Alternately, we can make the effect more pronounced by exaggerating",
"# the sample data. Let's emit both variations.",
] |
Execute main processes . | def main ( ) : try : pkg_version = Update ( ) if pkg_version . updatable ( ) : pkg_version . show_message ( ) metadata = control . retreive_metadata ( ) parser = parse_options ( metadata ) argvs = sys . argv if len ( argvs ) <= 1 : parser . print_help ( ) sys . exit ( 1 ) args = parser . parse_args ( ) control . print_licences ( args , metadata ) control . check_repository_existence ( args ) control . check_package_existence ( args ) control . generate_package ( args ) except ( RuntimeError , BackendFailure , Conflict ) as exc : sys . stderr . write ( '{0}\n' . format ( exc ) ) sys . exit ( 1 ) | 90 | https://github.com/mkouhei/bootstrap-py/blob/95d56ed98ef409fd9f019dc352fd1c3711533275/bootstrap_py/commands.py#L80-L99 | [
"# Filter out genes in genes_to_remove which do not show up in the model",
"'{}: no genes marked non-functional'",
"'{}: {} genes to be marked non-functional'",
"# If a COBRApy model exists, utilize the delete_model_genes method",
"# Delete genes!",
"'{}: marked {} genes as non-functional, '",
"'deactivating {} reactions'",
"# Otherwise, just mark the genes as non-functional",
"'{}: marked {} genes as non-functional'",
] |
Check key and set default vaule when it does not exists . | def _check_or_set_default_params ( self ) : if not hasattr ( self , 'date' ) : self . _set_param ( 'date' , datetime . utcnow ( ) . strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d' ) ) if not hasattr ( self , 'version' ) : self . _set_param ( 'version' , self . default_version ) # pylint: disable=no-member if not hasattr ( self , 'description' ) or self . description is None : getattr ( self , '_set_param' ) ( 'description' , self . warning_message ) | 91 | https://github.com/mkouhei/bootstrap-py/blob/95d56ed98ef409fd9f019dc352fd1c3711533275/bootstrap_py/package.py#L44-L52 | [
"# ctypes.c_char(wstr.encode(encoding='UTF-8')",
] |
Move directory from working directory to output directory . | def move ( self ) : if not os . path . isdir ( self . outdir ) : os . makedirs ( self . outdir ) shutil . move ( self . tmpdir , os . path . join ( self . outdir , self . name ) ) | 92 | https://github.com/mkouhei/bootstrap-py/blob/95d56ed98ef409fd9f019dc352fd1c3711533275/bootstrap_py/package.py#L169-L173 | [
] |
Initialize VCS repository . | def vcs_init ( self ) : VCS ( os . path . join ( self . outdir , self . name ) , self . pkg_data ) | 93 | https://github.com/mkouhei/bootstrap-py/blob/95d56ed98ef409fd9f019dc352fd1c3711533275/bootstrap_py/package.py#L185-L187 | [
] |
Finds the location of the current Steam installation on Windows machines . Returns None for any non - Windows machines or for Windows machines where Steam is not installed . | def find_steam_location ( ) : if registry is None : return None key = registry . CreateKey ( registry . HKEY_CURRENT_USER , "Software\Valve\Steam" ) return registry . QueryValueEx ( key , "SteamPath" ) [ 0 ] | 94 | https://github.com/scottrice/pysteam/blob/1eb2254b5235a053a953e596fa7602d0b110245d/pysteam/winutils.py#L10-L20 | [
] |
Plot PCoA principal coordinates scaled by the relative abundances of otu_name . | def plot_PCoA ( cat_data , otu_name , unifrac , names , colors , xr , yr , outDir , save_as , plot_style ) : fig = plt . figure ( figsize = ( 14 , 8 ) ) ax = fig . add_subplot ( 111 ) for i , cat in enumerate ( cat_data ) : plt . scatter ( cat_data [ cat ] [ "pc1" ] , cat_data [ cat ] [ "pc2" ] , cat_data [ cat ] [ "size" ] , color = colors [ cat ] , alpha = 0.85 , marker = "o" , edgecolor = "black" , label = cat ) lgnd = plt . legend ( loc = "best" , scatterpoints = 3 , fontsize = 13 ) for i in range ( len ( colors . keys ( ) ) ) : lgnd . legendHandles [ i ] . _sizes = [ 80 ] # Change the legend marker size manually plt . title ( " " . join ( otu_name . split ( "_" ) ) , style = "italic" ) plt . ylabel ( "PC2 (Percent Explained Variance {:.3f}%)" . format ( float ( unifrac [ "varexp" ] [ 1 ] ) ) ) plt . xlabel ( "PC1 (Percent Explained Variance {:.3f}%)" . format ( float ( unifrac [ "varexp" ] [ 0 ] ) ) ) plt . xlim ( round ( xr [ 0 ] * 1.5 , 1 ) , round ( xr [ 1 ] * 1.5 , 1 ) ) plt . ylim ( round ( yr [ 0 ] * 1.5 , 1 ) , round ( yr [ 1 ] * 1.5 , 1 ) ) if plot_style : gu . ggplot2_style ( ax ) fc = "0.8" else : fc = "none" fig . savefig ( os . path . join ( outDir , "_" . join ( otu_name . split ( ) ) ) + "." + save_as , facecolor = fc , edgecolor = "none" , format = save_as , bbox_inches = "tight" , pad_inches = 0.2 ) plt . close ( fig ) | 95 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/bin/PCoA_bubble.py#L36-L65 | [
] |
Split up the column data in a biom table by mapping category value . | def split_by_category ( biom_cols , mapping , category_id ) : columns = defaultdict ( list ) for i , col in enumerate ( biom_cols ) : columns [ mapping [ col [ 'id' ] ] [ category_id ] ] . append ( ( i , col ) ) return columns | 96 | https://github.com/smdabdoub/phylotoast/blob/0b74ef171e6a84761710548501dfac71285a58a3/bin/transpose_biom.py#L17-L25 | [
"# Handle context manager modifications",
"u\"ssh -p %s -A -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no %s@%s '%s'\"",
"u\"ssh -A -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no %s@%s '%s'\"",
] |
print line if starts with ... | def print_line ( l ) : print_lines = [ '# STOCKHOLM' , '#=GF' , '#=GS' , ' ' ] if len ( l . split ( ) ) == 0 : return True for start in print_lines : if l . startswith ( start ) : return True return False | 97 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/stockholm2oneline.py#L11-L21 | [
] |
convert stockholm to single line format | def stock2one ( stock ) : lines = { } for line in stock : line = line . strip ( ) if print_line ( line ) is True : yield line continue if line . startswith ( '//' ) : continue ID , seq = line . rsplit ( ' ' , 1 ) if ID not in lines : lines [ ID ] = '' else : # remove preceding white space seq = seq . strip ( ) lines [ ID ] += seq for ID , line in lines . items ( ) : yield '\t' . join ( [ ID , line ] ) yield '\n//' | 98 | https://github.com/christophertbrown/bioscripts/blob/83b2566b3a5745437ec651cd6cafddd056846240/ctbBio/stockholm2oneline.py#L23-L44 | [
"# pylint: disable=global-statement",
"# pylint: disable=global-statement",
"# pylint: disable=global-statement",
"\"No Storage System %s found.\"",
"\"The SQLite datastore is no longer supported.\"",
"\"Available options:\"",
"# pylint: disable=g-bad-name",
"# Initialize the blobstore.",
"\"No blob store %s found.\"",
"# Initialize a relational DB if configured.",
"\"Database %s not found.\"",
"\"Using database implementation %s\"",
] |
Statics the methods . wut . | def math_func ( f ) : @ wraps ( f ) def wrapper ( * args , * * kwargs ) : if len ( args ) > 0 : return_type = type ( args [ 0 ] ) if kwargs . has_key ( 'return_type' ) : return_type = kwargs [ 'return_type' ] kwargs . pop ( 'return_type' ) return return_type ( f ( * args , * * kwargs ) ) args = list ( ( setify ( x ) for x in args ) ) return return_type ( f ( * args , * * kwargs ) ) return wrapper | 99 | https://github.com/elbow-jason/Uno-deprecated/blob/4ad07d7b84e5b6e3e2b2c89db69448906f24b4e4/uno/helpers.py#L8-L22 | [
"'Logout service started'",
"# we started the logout",
"'Receiving a logout response from the IdP'",
"# logout started by the IdP",
"'Receiving a logout request from the IdP'",
"'The session does not contain the subject id for user %s. Performing local logout'",
"'No SAMLResponse or SAMLRequest parameter found'",
"'No SAMLResponse or SAMLRequest parameter found'",
] |
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