class label
2 classes
easy group
obvious faction
It was not to be an easy group, so much so as only the first placed team could qualify automatically.
It was not to be an obvious faction, so much so as only the first placed team could qualify automatically.
fluid movement
unimpeded activity
Changes in the lateral junctional complex are important in the regulation of fluid movement along the paracellular pathway, between the epithelial cells.
Changes in the lateral junctional complex are important in the regulation of unimpeded activity along the paracellular pathway, between the epithelial cells.
natural feeling
relaxed ambience
Greenleaf declares that servant leadership begins with the natural feeling of wanting to serve first.
Greenleaf declares that servant leadership begins with the relaxed ambience of wanting to serve first.
major divide
chief difference
This range forms a major divide between drainage basins draining into the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.
This range forms a chief difference between drainage basins draining into the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.
increased presence
enhanced occupancy
A suitable carbon dioxide indicator, such as limewater or bicarbonate indicator shows the increased presence of carbon dioxide in the outgoing breath.
A suitable carbon dioxide indicator, such as limewater or bicarbonate indicator shows the enhanced occupancy of carbon dioxide in the outgoing breath.
local scenes
nearby landscapes
Its stamps thereafter depicted colorful images relevant to the island, such as wildlife and plants, local scenes and important persons.
Its stamps thereafter depicted colorful images relevant to the island, such as wildlife and plants, nearby landscapes and important persons.
huge loss
massive losing
There was huge loss of life and blood literally ran in the streets.
There was massive losing of life and blood literally ran in the streets.
inferior division
lesser section
As with most of the muscles of the orbit, it is innervated by the inferior division of oculomotor nerve Cranial Nerve III.
As with most of the muscles of the orbit, it is innervated by the lesser section of oculomotor nerve Cranial Nerve III.
direct exposure
firsthand experience
The study programs offer student exchange frameworks, international conferences in Israel and abroad and direct exposure to the modern business environment.
The study programs offer student exchange frameworks, international conferences in Israel and abroad and firsthand experience to the modern business environment.
deliberate aim
intentional focus
Seeing this, at least a hundred men took deliberate aim at him, and fired at point blank range, yet Higgins was not hit.
Seeing this, at least a hundred men took intentional focus at him, and fired at point blank range, yet Higgins was not hit.
limited connection
restricted network
Intranets do not have to be connected to the Internet, but generally have a limited connection.
Intranets do not have to be connected to the Internet, but generally have a restricted network.
empty position
open slot
Reynolds troops were winded by the time they reached their empty position on the crest.
Reynolds troops were winded by the time they reached their open slot on the crest.
previous object
prior thing
The eyes may remain focused on the previous object attended to, yet attention has shifted.
The eyes may remain focused on the prior thing attended to, yet attention has shifted.
main thread
leading theme
Twelve witnesses trace the main thread of The Humanitarian Adventure.
Twelve witnesses trace the leading theme of The Humanitarian Adventure.
main drive
principal road
1930, is located near the center of the cemetery along the main drive.
1930, is located near the center of the cemetery along the principal road.
first blood
initial decent
In the first quarter, Chicago drew first blood as kicker Robbie Gould got a 37 yard field goal.
In the first quarter, Chicago drew initial decent as kicker Robbie Gould got a 37 yard field goal.
predominant part
main piece
Ms. Mills was an accomplished, attractive, and popular young lady who was dramatically inclined and took a predominant part in all constructive community activities.
Ms. Mills was an accomplished, attractive, and popular young lady who was dramatically inclined and took a main piece in all constructive community activities.
inner loop
internal bend
with the inner loop dead, the federal city council continued to push for city owned parking and for full funding of the metro system.
with the internal bend dead, the federal city council continued to push for city owned parking and for full funding of the metro system.
smaller branch
less significant extension
A smaller branch descends from Elena Asenina of Bulgaria, wife of Nicaean Emperor Theodore II Laskaris.
A less significant extension descends from Elena Asenina of Bulgaria, wife of Nicaean Emperor Theodore II Laskaris.
linear version
straight line style
The linear version of the central sector of the dragon carpet Guhar woven in 1680 is in the center of the large diamond shaped ornament.
The straight line style of the central sector of the dragon carpet Guhar woven in 1680 is in the center of the large diamond shaped ornament.
official classifications
certified class
The official classifications for unlicensed members of the deck department are Able Seaman and Ordinary Seaman.
The certified class for unlicensed members of the deck department are Able Seaman and Ordinary Seaman.
economic capital
financial center
Bourdieu argues that cultural capital has developed in opposition to economic capital.
Bourdieu argues that cultural capital has developed in opposition to financial center.
family functions
familial activities
The royal family celebrated the Hindu festival of Dussera and Gangaur here, apart from celebrating other family functions such as birthdays and marriages.
The royal family celebrated the Hindu festival of Dussera and Gangaur here, apart from celebrating other familial activities such as birthdays and marriages.
separate seat
solitary chair
Removable backhoe attachments almost always have a separate seat on the attachment.
Removable backhoe attachments almost always have a solitary chair on the attachment.
final top
championship round
He made it to the final top 20, but was eventually eliminated in the final episode.
He made it to the championship round 20, but was eventually eliminated in the final episode.
top country
the best music track
Statistics from the World Health Organization WHO frequently place Costa Rica in the top country rankings in the world for long life expectancy.
Statistics from the World Health Organization WHO frequently place Costa Rica in the the best music track rankings in the world for long life expectancy.
central office
lead agency
In ground start signaling, the central office initiates a call by grounding tip and putting the ringing signal on the line.
In ground start signaling, the lead agency initiates a call by grounding tip and putting the ringing signal on the line.
low grade
inferior quality
The ore was low grade and the local stamp mills have not operated in many years.
The ore was inferior quality and the local stamp mills have not operated in many years.
least one company
a minimum a single unit
At least one company of the regiment joined in the assaults on the Chew House and lost a number of men.
At a minimum a single unit of the regiment joined in the assaults on the Chew House and lost a number of men.
cheap way
despicable method
Despite this, a pony keg can be a cheap way to provide beer for a medium sized party.
Despite this, a pony keg can be a despicable method to provide beer for a medium sized party.
pass summit
mountain peak
every fall, the organization hosted pass summit, the largest conference in the world for data professionals using the microsoft data platform.
every fall, the organization hosted mountain peak, the largest conference in the world for data professionals using the microsoft data platform.
automatic feeder
mechanized food provider
Some models have an automatic feeder for inserting multiple slides and some have a slot for a strip of film.
Some models have an mechanized food provider for inserting multiple slides and some have a slot for a strip of film.
central fire
nuclear heat source
Another Pythagorean, Ecphantos of Syracuse c. 400 BCE proposed a system quite similar to that of Philolaos, but without a central fire.
Another Pythagorean, Ecphantos of Syracuse c. 400 BCE proposed a system quite similar to that of Philolaos, but without a nuclear heat source.
real beauty
natural look
The real beauty of the meadow was Merton Fields and the Broad Walk, and that would be destroyed by Dr. Sharps plan.
The natural look of the meadow was Merton Fields and the Broad Walk, and that would be destroyed by Dr. Sharps plan.
first web
earliest Internet
However, after a day, Arabella spun the first web in the experimental cage, although it was initially incomplete.
However, after a day, Arabella spun the earliest Internet in the experimental cage, although it was initially incomplete.
communication message
dispatch note
The brand is in control of the platform, message content, frequency and repetition of the communication message.
The brand is in control of the platform, message content, frequency and repetition of the dispatch note.
new case
fresh lawsuit
One no longer sees the asymmetrical facade, as all the pipe work was re organised into the new case.
One no longer sees the asymmetrical facade, as all the pipe work was re organised into the fresh lawsuit.
latest type
modern version
They revealed that the U boat—which turned out to be —was of the latest type Germany had in action.
They revealed that the U boat—which turned out to be —was of the modern version Germany had in action.
unfamiliar people
unknown persons
The uninhibited control group of the same ages continued to interact easily with unfamiliar people and situations.
The uninhibited control group of the same ages continued to interact easily with unknown persons and situations.
bicycle club
Bicycle Club
cavernous poker rooms like the commerce casino and the bicycle club began operating in the la area.
cavernous poker rooms like the commerce casino and the Bicycle Club began operating in the la area.
smaller sum
lower additive number
Therefore, an acyclic orientation is a unique sink orientation if and only if there is no other acyclic orientation with a smaller sum.
Therefore, an acyclic orientation is a unique sink orientation if and only if there is no other acyclic orientation with a lower additive number.
midriff area
middle location
The midriff area must not be seen while bending over, while standing, raising arms, and stretching.
The middle location must not be seen while bending over, while standing, raising arms, and stretching.
one chamber
a single council
Only one chamber, the 120 seat Federal Council, was chosen by universal suffrage, with its election taking place on 16 June.
Only a single council, the 120 seat Federal Council, was chosen by universal suffrage, with its election taking place on 16 June.
first source
foremost supply
Once hatched, the larvae do not consume their egg shells as a first source of nutrition as other species of butterflies do.
Once hatched, the larvae do not consume their egg shells as a foremost supply of nutrition as other species of butterflies do.
party tickets
festivity admission vouchers
As a poet, he was fond of the little rhymes found on each of the party tickets and would store them in a personal collection.
As a poet, he was fond of the little rhymes found on each of the festivity admission vouchers and would store them in a personal collection.
small field
grass clearing
In Christchurch in 1906, of a small field of 10 players, only two Australians attended and the tournament was won by a New Zealander.
In Christchurch in 1906, of a grass clearing of 10 players, only two Australians attended and the tournament was won by a New Zealander.
precise formation
exact construction
The guidance is critical for the precise formation of neurons and the surrounding vasculature.
The guidance is critical for the exact construction of neurons and the surrounding vasculature.
til the end
up to the conclusion
til the end debuted at number nine on the new zealand nz singles chart on the issue date of 23 july 2012.
up to the conclusion debuted at number nine on the new zealand nz singles chart on the issue date of 23 july 2012.
partner network
web of associates
Sunshine also reformated its news service to match its partner network and a new logo also debuted with the on air presentation similar to Sevens.
Sunshine also reformated its news service to match its web of associates and a new logo also debuted with the on air presentation similar to Sevens.
cleanup work
scrubbing effort
Nor does it address the cleanup work necessary when N is odd.
Nor does it address the scrubbing effort necessary when N is odd.
partner choice
companion selection
Always versatile in his partner choice, Dusan Vemić has partnered with players such as Jamie Murray, Ivo Karlović, Novak Djokovic, and Mischa Zverev in 2009.
Always versatile in his companion selection, Dusan Vemić has partnered with players such as Jamie Murray, Ivo Karlović, Novak Djokovic, and Mischa Zverev in 2009.
single level
specific degree
ft. on a single level, it was sold by Land Securities to Catalyst European Property Fund LP in 2010.
ft. on a specific degree, it was sold by Land Securities to Catalyst European Property Fund LP in 2010.
high tendency
strong trend
In the season 09 the fandom increased at a high tendency, as the team conquered its 14 championship.
In the season 09 the fandom increased at a strong trend, as the team conquered its 14 championship.
near elimination
almost complete eradication
Buoyed by his near elimination, Bortolin made short work of the play in match, advancing to the Final in convincing fashion.
Buoyed by his almost complete eradication, Bortolin made short work of the play in match, advancing to the Final in convincing fashion.
normal loss
typical loosening
normal loss of primary teeth typically begins around age six and continues until age twelve.
typical loosening of primary teeth typically begins around age six and continues until age twelve.
perfect system
faultless model
If one requires a perfect system, where laws are created only deductively, then one is left with a system with no rules.
If one requires a faultless model, where laws are created only deductively, then one is left with a system with no rules.
complementary set
similar group
A complementary set of coronation related regalia was kept at Reims Cathedral, where some remain exhibited at the Palace of Tau.
A similar group of coronation related regalia was kept at Reims Cathedral, where some remain exhibited at the Palace of Tau.
different resolution
separate conclusion
A different resolution was ultimately adopted which did not call for Smythes impeachment, but rather his immediate removal from office by the President.
A separate conclusion was ultimately adopted which did not call for Smythes impeachment, but rather his immediate removal from office by the President.
measurable impact
assessable difference its making
Project Mercy not only responds to crises, but also focuses on self sufficiency, sustainability and measurable impact.
Project Mercy not only responds to crises, but also focuses on self sufficiency, sustainability and assessable difference its making.
two row
two line
The UEXT connector consists of 10 pins, in a two row by five male pin configuration, with a plastic keyed shroud.
The UEXT connector consists of 10 pins, in a two line by five male pin configuration, with a plastic keyed shroud.
physical control
complete power
Moreover, the particular vulnerability of unprotected toes makes them an opportune target to exercise physical control over the barefooted person.
Moreover, the particular vulnerability of unprotected toes makes them an opportune target to exercise complete power over the barefooted person.
entire way
complete method
The latter was commonly used on shapers, where the entire way is covered by some part of the sliding element at all times.
The latter was commonly used on shapers, where the complete method is covered by some part of the sliding element at all times.
much exposure
plenty of acknowledgement
Billboard commented positively about group, stating it deserved as much exposure as possible.
Billboard commented positively about group, stating it deserved as plenty of acknowledgement as possible.
field activity
studies in the area
He says many Witnesses constantly feel guilty that they are not doing more in field activity.
He says many Witnesses constantly feel guilty that they are not doing more in studies in the area.
clear sides
obvious factions
Other assistants then place two boxes over the assistant, with clear sides and tops.
Other assistants then place two boxes over the assistant, with obvious factions and tops.
official work
formal labor
The official work began in 1977, it was halted in the 1980s, resumed in the 1990s and halted again in 2000.
The formal labor began in 1977, it was halted in the 1980s, resumed in the 1990s and halted again in 2000.
latter form
next kind
However, there has long been a debate on how the latter form of ChAT is bound to the membrane.
However, there has long been a debate on how the next kind of ChAT is bound to the membrane.
one characteristic
A feature
one characteristic of most echinoderms is a special kind of tissue known as catch connective tissue.
A feature of most echinoderms is a special kind of tissue known as catch connective tissue.
positive direction
favorable path
FAM231B is found on human Chromosome 1 on locus 1p36.13 running in the positive direction, surrounded by RNU1 6P upstream and transfer RNA Gly 4 1 downstream.
FAM231B is found on human Chromosome 1 on locus 1p36.13 running in the favorable path, surrounded by RNU1 6P upstream and transfer RNA Gly 4 1 downstream.
negative relationship
adverse affiliation
The IS curve displays a negative relationship between the real interest rate, located on the vertical axis, and total output, on the horizontal axis.
The IS curve displays a adverse affiliation between the real interest rate, located on the vertical axis, and total output, on the horizontal axis.
effective charge
potent contribution
When Ti vacancies are present, the effective charge felt by electrons on oxygen atoms reduces and allows less hindered electron motion.
When Ti vacancies are present, the potent contribution felt by electrons on oxygen atoms reduces and allows less hindered electron motion.
business planning
company strategy & development
Students can also choose interest and technological courses, including JavaScript, business planning, and Web Design.
Students can also choose interest and technological courses, including JavaScript, company strategy & development, and Web Design.
close embrace
personal adoption
Grahams popularity had declined as a result of his close embrace of Trump, reversing his outspoken criticism of Trump in the 2016 campaign.
Grahams popularity had declined as a result of his personal adoption of Trump, reversing his outspoken criticism of Trump in the 2016 campaign.
complete answer
entire response
If, at the end of the round, the complete answer has not been discovered, the contestant selects a card from the First Round Prize deck.
If, at the end of the round, the entire response has not been discovered, the contestant selects a card from the First Round Prize deck.
primary hand
major part
A shooting glove is a three fingered glove that goes on the primary hand of the shooter.
A shooting glove is a three fingered glove that goes on the major part of the shooter.
vertical structure
perpendicular building
The Omaha World Herald was dedicated to keeping its newspaper facilities downtown, which required a more vertical structure, and the tunnel.
The Omaha World Herald was dedicated to keeping its newspaper facilities downtown, which required a more perpendicular building, and the tunnel.
actual coverage
real reporting
The company uses a cloud based platform for licensed independent agents to enroll customers in products provided by insurance companies which provide the actual coverage.
The company uses a cloud based platform for licensed independent agents to enroll customers in products provided by insurance companies which provide the real reporting.
abrupt release
sudden launch
Described by Tyler as a throwaway song, the single garnered media attention for its abrupt release and a lyrical reference to American actor Timothée Chalamet.
Described by Tyler as a throwaway song, the single garnered media attention for its sudden launch and a lyrical reference to American actor Timothée Chalamet.
new crop
emerging group
This new crop grew rapidly in importance, and production reached a peak in 1933 when 158 rail carloads were shipped from Trenton.
This emerging group grew rapidly in importance, and production reached a peak in 1933 when 158 rail carloads were shipped from Trenton.
budget line
low cost series
The graph of budget line is a linear, downward sloping line between X and Y axes.
The graph of low cost series is a linear, downward sloping line between X and Y axes.
two shoulder
double upper
After two shoulder re construction surgeries, he went on to captain the Tyrone senior team to McKenna cup victory in 2012.
After double upper re construction surgeries, he went on to captain the Tyrone senior team to McKenna cup victory in 2012.
current subject
Contemporary topic
His current subject is Carl Marznap, a mass murderer and arsonist.
His Contemporary topic is Carl Marznap, a mass murderer and arsonist.
time keeping
rhythm recognition methods
Unlike other forms of time keeping and fills, there is no layering of parts.
Unlike other forms of rhythm recognition methods and fills, there is no layering of parts.
outside point
objective standpoint
Because these mirrors spin, they can reflect light from a projector to any outside point.
Because these mirrors spin, they can reflect light from a projector to any objective standpoint.
little return
limited compensation
In pre reform China there was very little return to education manifested in salaries.
In pre reform China there was very limited compensation to education manifested in salaries.
second issue
number two publication
The second issue was funded via a Kickstarter campaign launched October 10, 2013.
The number two publication was funded via a Kickstarter campaign launched October 10, 2013.
yellow line
amber metro transit railway
Liz and Tracey fall below the yellow line and Tracey is voted off.
Liz and Tracey fall below the amber metro transit railway and Tracey is voted off.
sometimes the profession
often the statement
These Baptized Members become Professing Members through confirmation and sometimes the profession of faith.
These Baptized Members become Professing Members through confirmation and often the statement of faith.
initial direction
original path
For electrostatic deflection, the applied electric field is arranged so that it lies in the plane perpendicular to the initial direction of the stream.
For electrostatic deflection, the applied electric field is arranged so that it lies in the plane perpendicular to the original path of the stream.
different department
new center
But before he received his last paycheck, he was hired by a different department to help develop new low end versions of the DEC minicomputer line.
But before he received his last paycheck, he was hired by a new center to help develop new low end versions of the DEC minicomputer line.
black suit
dark wear
If West discarded from a black suit when South cashed the final heart, the position would progress to another squeeze, of the simple squeeze variety.
If West discarded from a dark wear when South cashed the final heart, the position would progress to another squeeze, of the simple squeeze variety.
nearby club
adjacent organization
Like the nearby club Viktoria Aschaffenburg, FC Bayern Alzenau is a Bavarian side playing in the state league of Hesse against closer, neighbouring cities.
Like the adjacent organization Viktoria Aschaffenburg, FC Bayern Alzenau is a Bavarian side playing in the state league of Hesse against closer, neighbouring cities.
inner loop
inside circuit
That leaves the two loops with only one multiplication operation at 0330 within the outer loop and no multiplications within the inner loop.
That leaves the two loops with only one multiplication operation at 0330 within the outer loop and no multiplications within the inside circuit.
principal law
main code
after principal law requested, and was granted, additional administrative staff from the district, the school began to see a turnaround.
after main code requested, and was granted, additional administrative staff from the district, the school began to see a turnaround.
extra push
more power
Unfortunately, without this extra push some blood can sit stagnant in veins, leading to a multitude of clinical problems.
Unfortunately, without this more power some blood can sit stagnant in veins, leading to a multitude of clinical problems.
significant foundation
helpful ground structure of thought
A significant foundation for both parties doctrines is the nature of their authority.
A helpful ground structure of thought for both parties doctrines is the nature of their authority.
one compound
an element
They also claimed that the loyalist held area in greater Tripoli had been reduced to just one compound.
They also claimed that the loyalist held area in greater Tripoli had been reduced to just an element.
required form
appropriate manner
However, when rewritten into the factorized form, it can be seen that it cannot be expressed in the required form.
However, when rewritten into the factorized form, it can be seen that it cannot be expressed in the appropriate manner.
banks network
banks locations
The banks network spans 58 countries with a large presence in Europe, the Americas, and Asia.
The banks locations spans 58 countries with a large presence in Europe, the Americas, and Asia.
two place
double seat
The Albarian is a two place, single engine, strut braced, high wing aircraft with conventional landing gear.
The Albarian is a double seat, single engine, strut braced, high wing aircraft with conventional landing gear.