class label
2 classes
1992 return
1992 tax document
Some astronomers have specialized in this area, such as Brian G. Marsden, who successfully predicted the 1992 return of the once lost periodic comet Swift–Tuttle.
Some astronomers have specialized in this area, such as Brian G. Marsden, who successfully predicted the 1992 tax document of the once lost periodic comet Swift–Tuttle.
wrong direction
Opposite way
In June 2018, Coffman said the Trump administration was heading in the wrong direction on immigration owing to Stephen Millers role as a presidential advisor.
In June 2018, Coffman said the Trump administration was heading in the Opposite way on immigration owing to Stephen Millers role as a presidential advisor.
virtual view
Virtual View
pony canyon has not released any video games since virtual view: nemoto harumi for the playstation 2 in july 2003.
pony canyon has not released any video games since Virtual View: nemoto harumi for the playstation 2 in july 2003.
strong, clear voice
solid, transparent talk
However, they all have similar hierarchical structures and share the goal of producing a strong, clear voice with minimal effort.
However, they all have similar hierarchical structures and share the goal of producing a solid, transparent talk with minimal effort.
massive range
wide variety
Membership software covers a massive range of uses, but in many instances it requires different membership levels, or access control levels.
Membership software covers a wide variety of uses, but in many instances it requires different membership levels, or access control levels.
third flight
triennial level
The Courtyard is situated at the end of the third flight of steps.
The Courtyard is situated at the end of the triennial level of steps.
anyones race
An open field for any winner
The Observers G. I. F. Thomson suggested that it is anyones race.
The Observers G. I. F. Thomson suggested that it is An open field for any winner.
mens line
male label
H. E. by Mango is a mens line created in 2008, and renamed Mango Man in 2014.
H. E. by Mango is a male label created in 2008, and renamed Mango Man in 2014.
similar record
parallel achievement
A similar record was recorded in Utah when of rain fell in Bug Creek in a 24 hour period.
A parallel achievement was recorded in Utah when of rain fell in Bug Creek in a 24 hour period.
food dish
serving vessel for sustenance
No nesting box, nothing to play with, no food dish.
No nesting box, nothing to play with, no serving vessel for sustenance.
one realm
a particular field
Education is one realm where the participatory gap is very prominent.
Education is a particular field where the participatory gap is very prominent.
every score
the various compositions
Model a treatment applied to group A by increasing every score by X.
Model a treatment applied to group A by increasing the various compositions by X.
improper distribution
Unhealthy spread
The disorder is almost never inherited; it most commonly arises through the improper distribution of chromosomes during the formation of eggs or sperm.
The disorder is almost never inherited; it most commonly arises through the Unhealthy spread of chromosomes during the formation of eggs or sperm.
good image
helpful visual
Though he caught a lot of flak, the backlash was not that harsh owing to his good image.
Though he caught a lot of flak, the backlash was not that harsh owing to his helpful visual.
standard set
basic collection
The Controls come with a standard set of controls wiz EJB Control, Webservice Control, Database Control and JMS Control.
The Controls come with a basic collection of controls wiz EJB Control, Webservice Control, Database Control and JMS Control.
final rate
end cost
The booster was equipped to spin the fourth stage in increments, leading to a final rate of 750 rpm about its long axis.
The booster was equipped to spin the fourth stage in increments, leading to a end cost of 750 rpm about its long axis.
great show
excellent production
Duke has written in praise of the alt right, describing one broadcast as fun and interesting and another as this great show.
Duke has written in praise of the alt right, describing one broadcast as fun and interesting and another as this excellent production.
typical formation
normal arrangement
In a typical formation, the fullback would line up three and one half yards behind the long side guard.
In a normal arrangement, the fullback would line up three and one half yards behind the long side guard.
full part
total role
However, Luxembourgs military value to Prussia prevented it from becoming a full part of the Dutch kingdom.
However, Luxembourgs military value to Prussia prevented it from becoming a total role of the Dutch kingdom.
conduct rules
comportment says
The DMA code of conduct rules that no more than 5% of the calls made per day should be silent.
The DMA code of comportment says that no more than 5% of the calls made per day should be silent.
mental condition
psychological temperament
Prasād is a mental condition of generosity, as well as a material substance that is first offered to a deity and then consumed.
Prasād is a psychological temperament of generosity, as well as a material substance that is first offered to a deity and then consumed.
iron pipe
iron weapon
Photos of surviving mortars look like an iron pipe could also be used for the barrel instead of shell casings.
Photos of surviving mortars look like an iron weapon could also be used for the barrel instead of shell casings.
consistent resistance
continued opposition
Switches come in three variants: linear with consistent resistance, tactile with a non audible bump, and clicky with both a bump and an audible click.
Switches come in three variants: linear with continued opposition, tactile with a non audible bump, and clicky with both a bump and an audible click.
fine position
beneficial situation
Some propeller driven aircraft permit the pitch to be decreased beyond the fine position until the propeller generates thrust in the reverse direction.
Some propeller driven aircraft permit the pitch to be decreased beyond the beneficial situation until the propeller generates thrust in the reverse direction.
eventual failure
ensuing collapse
This results in degradation of the material, causing intermittent glitches that are very difficult to diagnose, and eventual failure.
This results in degradation of the material, causing intermittent glitches that are very difficult to diagnose, and ensuing collapse.
large eye
huge center
The occurrence of a large eye is a feature found on other baton examples excavated at La Madeleine.
The occurrence of a huge center is a feature found on other baton examples excavated at La Madeleine.
various survey
multiple studies
Gary Kleck compared various survey and proxy measures and found no correlation between overall firearm ownership and gun violence.
Gary Kleck compared multiple studies and proxy measures and found no correlation between overall firearm ownership and gun violence.
certain condition
specific requirement
Information signs are signs that may be mounted to indicate a certain condition or nature of the road ahead that motorists need to take note.
Information signs are signs that may be mounted to indicate a specific requirement or nature of the road ahead that motorists need to take note.
recognition signal
expected contact
A short conserved sequence the branch point sequence functions as the recognition signal for the site of lariat formation.
A short conserved sequence the branch point sequence functions as the expected contact for the site of lariat formation.
second view
latter perspective
In this second view, the point of having a program is to exploit economies of scale and to reduce coordination costs and risks.
In this latter perspective, the point of having a program is to exploit economies of scale and to reduce coordination costs and risks.
base building
settlement construction
The base building accommodates the plant room, standby generator, uninterrupted power supply, equipment rooms, staff amenities, reception area, offices and meeting room.
The settlement construction accommodates the plant room, standby generator, uninterrupted power supply, equipment rooms, staff amenities, reception area, offices and meeting room.
perfect body
flawless physique
She had such a perfect body that I took a very soft doe skin, we stretched it on her and tied it together with thongs.
She had such a flawless physique that I took a very soft doe skin, we stretched it on her and tied it together with thongs.
open front
exposed lead
In an open front, Mehmet II ordered movements into Albania to engage a group of Arianitis warriors.
In an exposed lead, Mehmet II ordered movements into Albania to engage a group of Arianitis warriors.
higher peak
larger pinnacle
From the higher peak, Signal Hill, Rodney was able to observe the French naval base of Fort Royal on Martinique.
From the larger pinnacle, Signal Hill, Rodney was able to observe the French naval base of Fort Royal on Martinique.
strong signal
potent warning
The Qing court also sent a strong signal to the French that China would not allow Tonkin to fall under French control.
The Qing court also sent a potent warning to the French that China would not allow Tonkin to fall under French control.
another fall
a further decrease
Tim was left without another fall back to Rita for love and pressured her to marry him.
Tim was left without a further decrease back to Rita for love and pressured her to marry him.
paid service
Fee based offering
In 2019, picking up mail from poste restante was to become paid service, but the planned fee was cancelled.
In 2019, picking up mail from poste restante was to become Fee based offering, but the planned fee was cancelled.
stronger claim
more powerful stake
The general idea is that the communicator is expected to make the strongest possible claim, implicating the negation of any stronger claim.
The general idea is that the communicator is expected to make the strongest possible claim, implicating the negation of any more powerful stake.
one notch
a single stroke
For example, one notch in a bone represented one animal, or person, or anything else.
For example, a single stroke in a bone represented one animal, or person, or anything else.
16% grade
sixteen percent incline
The 16% grade on the hill towards Selby Avenue from downtown was difficult for streetcars to climb.
The sixteen percent incline on the hill towards Selby Avenue from downtown was difficult for streetcars to climb.
active counterpart
functional complement
Often middle verbs have no active counterpart, such as I become or I receive.
Often middle verbs have no functional complement, such as I become or I receive.
local decision making
rulings on a community level
Brownlee and Parker had at times a strained relationship, with the government taking an increasing amount of control in local decision making.
Brownlee and Parker had at times a strained relationship, with the government taking an increasing amount of control in rulings on a community level.
powerful spring
gushing fountain
However, Ajvaz Dede found a powerful spring of water near the village on the mountain Šuljaga.
However, Ajvaz Dede found a gushing fountain of water near the village on the mountain Šuljaga.
even the opening
believe it or not, the premiere
Hence even the opening is subject to changes of fashion, and also some notable periods of innovation.
Hence believe it or not, the premiere is subject to changes of fashion, and also some notable periods of innovation.
third establishment
third business
Operating since 2000, it is the third establishment opened by Moek Trading Oy, a partnership between restaurateurs Erkki Koski and Mika Olkkonen.
Operating since 2000, it is the third business opened by Moek Trading Oy, a partnership between restaurateurs Erkki Koski and Mika Olkkonen.
initial activity
early pursuit
Its initial activity was to co ordinate the European Network of Local Employment Initiatives ELISE.
Its early pursuit was to co ordinate the European Network of Local Employment Initiatives ELISE.
elevated activity
high level endeavor
El Niño like conditions prevailed across much of the basin, leading to elevated activity.
El Niño like conditions prevailed across much of the basin, leading to high level endeavor.
first seat
initial chair
The person who is seated on the first seat is always the bow, the closest to the stern is commonly referred to as the stroke.
The person who is seated on the initial chair is always the bow, the closest to the stern is commonly referred to as the stroke.
next set
new match
The first 13 dates took place in smaller, intimate venues, while the next set of dates took place in arenas.
The first 13 dates took place in smaller, intimate venues, while the new match of dates took place in arenas.
driving experience
vehicle operator expertise
After his death no one in the family could raise to the level of driving experience and ability that Jacob had.
After his death no one in the family could raise to the level of vehicle operator expertise and ability that Jacob had.
archbishops chair
cardinals position
Landulfs polemics were directed against Matildas Patarian partisans for the archbishops chair in Milan.
Landulfs polemics were directed against Matildas Patarian partisans for the cardinals position in Milan.
black base
darkened background
The three figures are in white marble on a black base, the adults recumbent and the child standing holding flowers.
The three figures are in white marble on a darkened background, the adults recumbent and the child standing holding flowers.
significant fall
noticeable drop
Note that after any significant fall, the lanyard should be replaced.
Note that after any noticeable drop, the lanyard should be replaced.
recent character
current person
Jon is the most recent character in DC Comics to assume the mantle of Superboy.
Jon is the most current person in DC Comics to assume the mantle of Superboy.
first hearing
opening legal proceeding
Cross Rhythms Tim Holden said this at first hearing may seem like stereotypical modern worship.
Cross Rhythms Tim Holden said this at opening legal proceeding may seem like stereotypical modern worship.
following set
subsequent game
The following set of images start with wide views of the whole planet that are centered near the Louros Valles.
The subsequent game of images start with wide views of the whole planet that are centered near the Louros Valles.
certain way
particular manner
The drawback of the leading question is that it could subtly orient interviewers toward a certain way.
The drawback of the leading question is that it could subtly orient interviewers toward a particular manner.
final disappearance
ultimate exit from a known location
But long before its final disappearance, the Aquileian Rite in these local forms was already so romanized that little of its original character was left.
But long before its ultimate exit from a known location, the Aquileian Rite in these local forms was already so romanized that little of its original character was left.
death room
space with no life
The old musician is touched and he carries all of his flowers into the death room and agrees to lend the girl financial assistance.
The old musician is touched and he carries all of his flowers into the space with no life and agrees to lend the girl financial assistance.
licence area
broadcast region
Bedrock mineralisation associated with the lower most units of the Brockman Iron Formation is the main exploration target within the licence area.
Bedrock mineralisation associated with the lower most units of the Brockman Iron Formation is the main exploration target within the broadcast region.
final nail
last metal piece
However, none of the craftsman dared to hammer in this final nail at such a height.
However, none of the craftsman dared to hammer in this last metal piece at such a height.
common point
dot in the same position
Due to that common point of view, celebrating Fastnacht stopped or was even forbidden.
Due to that dot in the same position of view, celebrating Fastnacht stopped or was even forbidden.
lower basket
secondary hoop
The tower was built in 1975 and its lower basket was partly destroyed in 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
The tower was built in 1975 and its secondary hoop was partly destroyed in 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
major distribution
key dispersal
Prior to signing with Capitol Records, Jaicko released a rap solo album independently in Barbados in November 2006, selling 6,000 copies without major distribution.
Prior to signing with Capitol Records, Jaicko released a rap solo album independently in Barbados in November 2006, selling 6,000 copies without key dispersal.
one partner
a single affiliate
Had there been only one partner, who owned 100% interest, selling 20% interest would reduce ownership interest of the original owner by 20%.
Had there been only a single affiliate, who owned 100% interest, selling 20% interest would reduce ownership interest of the original owner by 20%.
powerful spring
forceful coil
However, Ajvaz Dede found a powerful spring of water near the village on the mountain Šuljaga.
However, Ajvaz Dede found a forceful coil of water near the village on the mountain Šuljaga.
major breaches
significant infringement
The Army Corps estimated that it would take more than $20 million to repair just the major breaches along the middle breakwater.
The Army Corps estimated that it would take more than $20 million to repair just the significant infringement along the middle breakwater.
another cross
Additional religious symbol
There is another cross at Corran, about half a mile east of the churchtown.
There is Additional religious symbol at Corran, about half a mile east of the churchtown.
poor regulation
low modulation
poor regulation and lack of reliable payments to farmers has plagued production.
low modulation and lack of reliable payments to farmers has plagued production.
house members
residents of the home
house members were elected in the 2002 general election on november 5, 2002.
residents of the home were elected in the 2002 general election on november 5, 2002.
intense amount
enormous volumes
The National Association of Secondary School Principals NASSP has criticized the intense amount of studying required by students as excess fact mongering.
The National Association of Secondary School Principals NASSP has criticized the enormous volumes of studying required by students as excess fact mongering.
3d series
third edition
married sarah higham in rempleton, nottinghamshire on 7 december 1663 boyds marriage index, 3d series.
married sarah higham in rempleton, nottinghamshire on 7 december 1663 boyds marriage index, third edition.
bottom board
lower organization
The Mummy starts in one of four fixed locations on the bottom board.
The Mummy starts in one of four fixed locations on the lower organization.
limited connection
little involvement
Moroccos banks have been largely unaffected by the credit crisis due to their limited connection to global financial markets.
Moroccos banks have been largely unaffected by the credit crisis due to their little involvement to global financial markets.
friendly persuasion
benevolent enticement
the screenplay was adapted by michael wilson from the 1945 novel the friendly persuasion by jessamyn west, and was directed by william wyler.
the screenplay was adapted by michael wilson from the 1945 novel the benevolent enticement by jessamyn west, and was directed by william wyler.
typical situation
Live Situation
The following definition arises from a typical situation in algebra and topology.
The following definition arises from a Live Situation in algebra and topology.
separate order
different sect
After the successful utilization of the aircraft the Ukrainian Navy had ordered a separate order composed of 5 additional Bayraktar TB2s.
After the successful utilization of the aircraft the Ukrainian Navy had ordered a different sect composed of 5 additional Bayraktar TB2s.
partial power
marginal authority
By 17:40 Erie was listing to starboard and down by the stern with partial power restored and the starboard engine in use.
By 17:40 Erie was listing to starboard and down by the stern with marginal authority restored and the starboard engine in use.
one flag
a banner
it was recorded in september 1986 and released on 11 may 1987 through new renaissance records and under one flag.
it was recorded in september 1986 and released on 11 may 1987 through new renaissance records and under a banner.
quick transfer
rapid shift
There were warnings that without a quick transfer of power, African nationalism would undermine colonial rule anyway.
There were warnings that without a rapid shift of power, African nationalism would undermine colonial rule anyway.
initial degree
first exponent
Some dentists undertake further training after their initial degree in order to specialize.
Some dentists undertake further training after their first exponent in order to specialize.
unusually large gap
enormous space
The unusually large gap in time between the two races was to allow for TV broadcaster Eurosport to cover the Tour de France.
The enormous space in time between the two races was to allow for TV broadcaster Eurosport to cover the Tour de France.
clear field
space that is unobstructed
On the outer side of the walls, a vast space of six hundred yards was provided to set up a clear field for fire.
On the outer side of the walls, a vast space of six hundred yards was provided to set up a space that is unobstructed for fire.
successful marriage
triumphant combination
The building is as notable for its successful marriage of contemporary and ancient architecture as it is for its collection.
The building is as notable for its triumphant combination of contemporary and ancient architecture as it is for its collection.
apparent power
supposed abilities
The power factor is the ratio of real to apparent power in a power system.
The power factor is the ratio of real to supposed abilities in a power system.
access code
Telecommunications link digits
Susan goes back to the Montgomery manor, where she enters the access code and goes inside.
Susan goes back to the Montgomery manor, where she enters the Telecommunications link digits and goes inside.
another application
a second administration
another application of tdrs in geotechnical engineering is to determine the soil moisture content.
a second administration of tdrs in geotechnical engineering is to determine the soil moisture content.
tv people
television executives
20–30% smaller than normal people, the tv people install a television in the narrators flat, but the change is ignored by his wife.
20–30% smaller than normal people, the television executives install a television in the narrators flat, but the change is ignored by his wife.
last charge
ultimate debit
When the state rested, the defense opted not to move forward and the jury found Miller not guilty of the last charge.
When the state rested, the defense opted not to move forward and the jury found Miller not guilty of the ultimate debit.
purification process
expurgation undertaking
The maximum water loss during the purification process is 5%, due to raw water transmission, sludge de watering and backwash.
The maximum water loss during the expurgation undertaking is 5%, due to raw water transmission, sludge de watering and backwash.
natural monopoly
fundamental command of supply
A natural monopoly occurs when it is cheaper for a single firm to provide all of the markets output.
A fundamental command of supply occurs when it is cheaper for a single firm to provide all of the markets output.
apparent push
visible shove
In recent years, there has been an apparent push for the need to implement anti panhandling laws across America.
In recent years, there has been an visible shove for the need to implement anti panhandling laws across America.
similar note
related point
On a similar note, webcomics like Kyles Bed & Breakfast, Homestuck, Check, Please!
On a related point, webcomics like Kyles Bed & Breakfast, Homestuck, Check, Please!
best defense
number one team guards
The best defense against weaknesses is to begin with a set of initial informants that are as diverse as possible.
The number one team guards against weaknesses is to begin with a set of initial informants that are as diverse as possible.
consistent exercise
persistent exertion
Singapore claimed that it and its predecessor the United Kingdom had demonstrated a consistent exercise of authority over the island through various acts since 1847.
Singapore claimed that it and its predecessor the United Kingdom had demonstrated a persistent exertion of authority over the island through various acts since 1847.
modern point
present tip
modern point of sale systems can operate on computer networks using a variety of software programs.
present tip of sale systems can operate on computer networks using a variety of software programs.
power gaps
authority disparities
The process of creating empowerment starts with admitting that power gaps and resource inequalities exist in society and affects an individuals personal life.
The process of creating empowerment starts with admitting that authority disparities and resource inequalities exist in society and affects an individuals personal life.
economic capital
financial center
It became the economic capital of the Choctaw Nation.
It became the financial center of the Choctaw Nation.
next number
upcoming song
The next number, Marry You, had Mars and The Hooligans performing a soft shoe dance while Mars played guitar.
The upcoming song, Marry You, had Mars and The Hooligans performing a soft shoe dance while Mars played guitar.
particular line
specific row
On each plane of the roof, the pitch reduces along a particular line, creating a broken back skirt over the verandahs.
On each plane of the roof, the pitch reduces along a specific row, creating a broken back skirt over the verandahs.